id = {E03-1001}
author = {Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Multilingual Access To Large Spoken Archives (Invited Talk)}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1002}
author = {Henderson, James B.}
title = {Neural Network Probability Estimation For Broad Coverage Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1003}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Wolska, Magdalena}
title = {Toward Evaluation Of Writing Style: Overly Repetitious Word Use}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1004}
author = {Cmejrek, Martin; Curin, Jan; Havelka, Jiri}
title = {Czech-English Dependency Tree-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1005}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {An Efficient Implementation Of A New DOP Model}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1006}
author = {Smets, Martine; Gamon, Michael; Corston-Oliver, Simon H.; Ringger, Eric K.}
title = {French Amalgam: A Quick Adaptation Of A Sentence Realization System To French}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1007}
author = {Ueffing, Nicola; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Using POS Information For SMT Into Morphologically Rich Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1008}
author = {Steedman, Mark; Osborne, Miles; Sarkar, Anoop; Clark, Stephen; Hwa, Rebecca; Hockenmaier, Julia; Ruhlen, Paul; Baker, Steven; Crim, Jeremiah}
title = {Bootstrapping Statistical Parsers From Small Datasets}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1009}
author = {Clark, Alexander}
title = {Combining Distributional And Morphological Information For Part Of Speech Induction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1010}
author = {Yasuda, Keiji; Sugaya, Fumiaki; Takezawa, Toshiyuki; Yamamoto, Seiichi; Yanagida, Masuzo}
title = {Automatic Evaluation For A Palpable Measure Of A Speech Translation System's Capability}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1011}
author = {Dingli, Alexiei; Ciravegna, Fabio; Guthrie, David; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Mining Web Sites Using Unsupervised Adaptive Information Extraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1012}
author = {Alexin, Zoltan; Gyimothy, Tibor; Hatvani, Csaba; Tihanyi, László; Csirik, János; Bibok, Karoly; Prószéky, Gábor}
title = {Manually Annotated Hungarian Corpus}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1013}
author = {Hosaka, Junko; Koh, Judice; Konagaya, Akihiko}
title = {Effect Of Utilizing Terminology On Extraction Of Protein-Protein Interaction Information From Biomedical Literature}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1014}
author = {Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Smrž, Otakar}
title = {Arabic Syntactic Trees: From Constituency To Dependency}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1015}
author = {Poibeau, Thierry}
title = {The Multilingual Named Entity Recognition Framework}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1017}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {A Best-First Search Algorithm For Generating Referring Expressions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1018}
author = {Bentivogli, Luisa; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {Beyond Lexical Units: Enriching WordNets With Phrasets}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1019}
author = {Piwek, Paul}
title = {A Flexible Pragmatics-Driven Language Generator For Animated Agents}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1020}
author = {Dorow, Beate; Widdows, Dominic}
title = {Discovering Corpus-Specific Word Senses}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1021}
author = {Sripada, Somayajulu G.; Reiter, Ehud; Hunter, Jim; Yu, Jin}
title = {Summarizing Neonatal Time Series Data}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1022}
author = {Nerima, Luka; Seretan, Violeta; Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Creating A Multilingual Collocations Dictionary From Large Text Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1023}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Horiuchi, Takashi; Hamamoto, Takeshi; Hino, Kohei; Nakayama, Takeaki}
title = {Effect Of Cross-Language IR In Bilingual Lexicon Acquisition From Comparable Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1024}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Niehren, Joachim; Thater, Stefan}
title = {Underspecification Formalisms: Hole Semantics As Dominance Constraints}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1025}
author = {Preiss, Judita}
title = {Using Grammatical Relations To Compare Parsers}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1026}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Combining Clues For Word Alignment}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1027}
author = {Erk, Katrin; Niehren, Joachim}
title = {Well-Nested Parallelism Constraints For Ellipsis Resolution}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1028}
author = {Penn, Gerald}
title = {AVM Description Compilation Using Types As Modes}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1029}
author = {Imamura, Kenji; Sumita, Eiichiro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Machine Translation Knowledge Using Translation Literalness}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1030}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Kallmeyer, Laura}
title = {Semantic Construction In F-TAG}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1031}
author = {Yli-Jyra, Anssi}
title = {Describing Syntax With Star-Free Regular Expressions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1032}
author = {Zens, Richard; Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Efficient Search For Interactive Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1033}
author = {Costa Florencio, Christophe}
title = {Rigid Grammars In The Associative-Commutative Lambek Calculus Are Not Learnable}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1034}
author = {Brockmann, Carsten; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Evaluating And Combining Approaches To Selectional Preference Acquisition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1035}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Learning Translations Of Named-Entity Phrases From Parallel Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1036}
author = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Multi-Modal Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1037}
author = {Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Experiments On The Choice Of Features For Learning Verb Classes}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1038}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís; Padró, Lluís}
title = {Named Entity Recognition For Catalan Using Only Spanish Resources And Unlabelled Data}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1039}
author = {Penn, Gerald; Haji-Abdolhosseini, Mohammad}
title = {Topological Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1040}
author = {Joanis, Eric; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {A General Feature Space For Automatic Verb Classification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1041}
author = {Fouvry, Frederik}
title = {Lexicon Acquisition With A Large-Coverage Unification-Based Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1042}
author = {Bos, Johan; Klein, Ewan; Oka, Tetsushi}
title = {Meaningful Conversation With A Mobile Robot}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1043}
author = {Lönneker-Rodman, Birte; Jakopin, Primo}
title = {Contents And Evaluation Of The First Slovenian-German Online Dictionary}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1044}
author = {Kordoni, Valia}
title = {The Key Role Of Semantics In The Development Of Large-Scale Grammars Of Natural Language}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1045}
author = {Schaden, Stefan}
title = {Rule-Based Lexical Modelling Of Foreign-Accented Pronunciation Variants}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1046}
author = {McCracken, James; Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {Oxford Dictionary Of English - Current Developments}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1047}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Ninomiya, Takashi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Lexicalized Grammar Acquisition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1048}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro; Akiba, Yasuhiro; Doi, Takao; Finch, Andrew; Imamura, Kenji; Paul, Michael; Shimohata, Mitsuo; Watanabe, Taro}
title = {A Corpus-Centered Approach To Spoken Language Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1049}
author = {Higgins, Derrick}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach To The Identification Of WH Gaps}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1050}
author = {Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Using Noisy Biligual Data For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1051}
author = {Van Herwijnen, Olga; Terken, Jacques; van den Bosch, Antal; Marsi, Erwin}
title = {Learning PP Attachment For Filtering Prosodic Phrasing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1052}
author = {Daum, Michael; Foth, Kilian A.; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Constraint Based Integration Of Deep And Shallow Parsing Techniques}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1053}
author = {Peng, Fuchun; Schuurmans, Dale; Keselj, Vlado; Wang, Shaojun}
title = {Language Independent Authorship Attribution With Character Level N-Grams}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1054}
author = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Duchier, Denys}
title = {Information Structure In Topological Dependency Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1055}
author = {Bender, Oliver; Macherey, Klaus; Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Comparison Of Alignment Templates And Maximum Entropy Models For NLP}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1056}
author = {Kornai, András; Krellenstein, Marc; Mulligan, Michael; Twomey, David; Veress, Fruzsina; Wysoker, Alec}
title = {Classifying The Hungarian Web}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1057}
author = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Ericsson, Stina; Rodriguez, Kepa Joseba; Karagjosova, Elena}
title = {Producing Contextually Appropriate Intonation In An Information-State Based Dialogue System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1058}
author = {Kehagias, Athanasios; Fragkou, Pavlina; Petridis, Vassilios}
title = {Linear Text Segmentation Using A Dynamic Programming Algorithm}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1059}
author = {Schneider, Karl-Michael}
title = {A Comparison Of Event Models For Naive Bayes Anti-Spam E-Mail Filtering}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1060}
author = {Benamara, Farah; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {WEBCOOP: A Cooperative Question Answering System On The Web}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1061}
author = {Fujiki, Toshiaki; Nanba, Hidetsugu; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Script Knowledge From A Text Collection}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1062}
author = {Piwek, Paul}
title = {A Flexible Pragmatics-Driven Language Generator For Animated Agents}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1063}
author = {Yablonsky, Serge A.}
title = {The Corpora Management System Based On Java And Oracle Technologies}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1064}
author = {Orăsan, Constantin; Tatar, Doina; Serban, Gabriela; Avram, Dana; Onet, Adrian}
title = {How To Build A QA System In Your Back-Garden: Application For Romanian}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1065}
author = {Saggion, Horacio; Pastra, Katerina; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {NLP For Indexing And Retrieval Of Captioned Photographs}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1066}
author = {Orăsan, Constantin; Mitkov, Ruslan; Hasler, Laura}
title = {CAST: A Computer-Aided Summarisation Tool}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1067}
author = {Barnden, John A.; Glasbey, Sheila R.; Lee, Mark; Wallington, Alan M.}
title = {Domain-Transcending Mappings In A System For Metaphorical Reasoning}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1068}
author = {Dickinson, Markus; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Detecting Errors In Part-Of-Speech Annotation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1069}
author = {Cathcart, Nicola; Carletta, Jean; Klein, Ewan}
title = {A Model Of Back-Channel Acknowledgements In Spoken Dialogue}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1070}
author = {Yang, Hui; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {QUALIFIER: Question Answering By Lexical Fabric And External Resources}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1071}
author = {Curran, James R.; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Investigating GIS And Smoothing For Maximum Entropy Taggers}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1072}
author = {Core, Mark G.; Moore, Johanna D.; Zinn, Claus}
title = {The Role Of Initiative In Tutorial Dialogue}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1073}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Detecting Novel Compounds: The Role Of Distributional Evidence}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1074}
author = {Kepser, Stephan}
title = {Finite Structure Query: A Tool For Querying Syntactically Annotated Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1075}
author = {Hockey, Beth Ann; Lemon, Oliver; Campana, Ellen; Hiatt, Laura; Aist, Gregory; Hieronymus, James; Gruenstein, Alexander; Dowding, John}
title = {Targeted Help For Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1076}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Empirical Methods For Compound Splitting}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1077}
author = {Spasić, Irena; Nenadić, Goran; Manios, Kostas; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {An Integrated Term-Based Corpus Query System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1078}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Hockey, Beth Ann}
title = {Transparent Combination Of Rule-Based And Data-Driven Approaches In Speech Understanding}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1079}
author = {Merlo, Paola}
title = {Generalised PP-Attachment Disambiguation Using Corpus-Based Linguistic Diagnostics}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1080}
author = {Evert, Stefan; Kermes, Hannah}
title = {Experiments On Candidate Data For Collocation Extraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1081}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Categorial Fluidity In Chinese And Its Implications For Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1082}
author = {Poibeau, Thierry}
title = {The Multilingual Named Entity Recognition Framework}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1083}
author = {Seretan, Violeta}
title = {Creating A Multilingual Collocations Dictionary From Large Text Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1084}
author = {Pekar, Viktor; Staab, Steffen}
title = {Word Classification Based On Combined Measures Of Distributional And Semantic Similarity}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1085}
author = {Gendner, Veronique; Illouz, Gabriel; Jardino, Michele; Monceaux, Laura; Paroubek, Patrick; Robba, Isabelle; Vilnat, Anne}
title = {PEAS The First Instantiation Of A Comparative Framework For Evaluating Parsers Of French}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1086}
author = {Ahrenberg, Lars; Merkel, Magnus; Petterstedt, Michael}
title = {Interactive Word Alignment For Language Engineering}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1087}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {A Cascaded Finite-State Parser For German}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-1088}
author = {Nerbonne, John}
title = {Linguistic Variation And Computation (Invited Talk)}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2001}
author = {Aist, Gregory; Dowding, John; Hockey, Beth Ann; Rayner, Manny; Hieronymus, James; Bohus, Dan; Boven, B.; Blaylock, Nate; Campana, Ellen; Early, Susana; Gorrell, Genevieve; Phan, Steven}
title = {Talking Through Procedures: An Intelligent Space Station Procedure Assistant}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2002}
author = {Akerberg, Ola; Svensson, Hans; Schulz, Bastian; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {CarSim: An Automatic 3D Text-To-Scene Conversion System Applied To Road Accident Reports}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2003}
author = {Brun, Caroline; Dymetman, Marc; Fanchon, Eric; Lhomme, Stanislas}
title = {Controlled Authoring Of Biological Experiment Reports}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2004}
author = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Rodriguez, Kepa Joseba; Karagjosova, Elena}
title = {A Dialogue System With Contextually Appropriate Spoken Output Intonation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2005}
author = {Evans, Roger; Power, Richard}
title = {WYSIWYM - Building User Interfaces With Natural Language Feedback}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2006}
author = {Harbusch, Karin; Kuhn, Michael}
title = {Towards An Adaptive Communication Aid With Ambiguous Text Input}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2007}
author = {Kilgarriff, Adam; Evans, Roger; Koeling, Rob; Tugwell, David}
title = {WASPBENCH: A Lexicographer's Workbench Incorporating State-Of-The-Art Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2008}
author = {Kraus, Dirk}
title = {Suregen-2: A Shell System For The Generation Of Clinical Documents}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2009}
author = {Maynard, Diana; Cunningham, Hamish; Bontcheva, Kalina}
title = {Multilingual Adaptations Of A Reusable Information Extraction Tool}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2010}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Hockey, Beth Ann; Dowding, John}
title = {An Open-Source Environment For Compiling Typed Unification Grammars Into Speech Recognisers}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2011}
author = {Relaño Gil, José; Rodriguez-Gancedo, M. Carmen; Hernández Gomez, Luis A.}
title = {AGORA: Multilingual Multiplatform Architecture For The Development Of Natural Language Voice Services}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2012}
author = {Sacaleanu, Bogdan; Buitelaar, Paul; Volk, Martin}
title = {A Cross Language Document Retrieval System Based On Semantic Annotation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2013}
author = {Saggion, Horacio; Bontcheva, Kalina; Cunningham, Hamish}
title = {Robust Generic And Query-Based Summarization}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2014}
author = {Saggion, Horacio; Cunningham, Hamish; Kuper, Jan; Declerck, Thierry; Wittenburg, Peter}
title = {Event-Coreference Across Multiple Multi-Lingual Sources In The Mumis Project}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2015}
author = {Simov, Kiril; Simov, Alexander; Kouylekov, Milen; Ivanova, Krasimira; Grigorov, Ilko; Ganev, Hristo}
title = {Development Of Corpora Within The CLaRK System: The BulTreeBank Project Experience}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2016}
author = {Wilcock, Graham}
title = {Integrating Natural Language Generation With The Apache Cocoon XML Server}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-2017}
author = {Zheng, Zhiping}
title = {Question Answering Using Web News As Knowledge Base}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-3001}
author = {Lendvai, Piroska}
title = {Learning To Identify Fragmented Words In Spoken Discourse}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-3002}
author = {Alonso Alemany, Laura; Fuentes Fort, Maria}
title = {Cohesion And Coherence For Automatic Summarization}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-3003}
author = {Boleda, Gemma; Alonso Alemany, Laura}
title = {Clustering Adjectives For Class Discovery}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-3004}
author = {Yankova, Milena; Boytcheva, Svetla}
title = {Focusing On Scenario Recognition In Infomation Extraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-3005}
author = {Fernández, Raquel}
title = {A Dynamic Logic Formalisation Of The Dialogue Gameboard}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E03-3006}
author = {Max, Aurélien}
title = {Reversing Controlled Document Authoring To Normalize Documents}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2003}
id = {E06-1001}
author = {McConville, Mark}
title = {Inheritance And The CCG Lexicon}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1002}
author = {Bunescu, Razvan C.; Paşca, Marius}
title = {Using Encyclopedic Knowledge For Named Entity Disambiguation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1003}
author = {Tanev, Hristo; Magnini, Bernardo}
title = {Weakly Supervised Approaches For Ontology Population}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1004}
author = {Udupa, Raghavendra; Maji, Hemanta K.}
title = {Computational Complexity Of Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1005}
author = {Matusov, Evgeny; Ueffing, Nicola; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Computing Consensus Translation For Multiple Machine Translation Systems Using Enhanced Hypothesis Alignment}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1006}
author = {Yang, Mei; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Phrase-Based Backoff Models For Machine Translation Of Highly Inflected Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1007}
author = {Müller, Christof E.}
title = {Automatic Detection Of Nonreferential It In Spoken Multi-Party Dialog}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1008}
author = {Jonson, Rebecca}
title = {Generating Statistical Language Models From Interpretation Grammars In Dialogue Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1009}
author = {Demberg, Vera; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Information Presentation In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1010}
author = {Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Constraints On Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1011}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Online Learning Of Approximate Dependency Parsing Algorithms}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1012}
author = {Eryiğit, Gülşen; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Statistical Dependency Parsing For Turkish}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1013}
author = {Gorrell, Genevieve}
title = {Generalized Hebbian Algorithm For Incremental Singular Value Decomposition In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1014}
author = {Farahat, Ayman; Chen, Francine R.}
title = {Improving Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis With Principal Component Analysis}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1015}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Making Tree Kernels Practical For Natural Language Learning}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1016}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Determining Word Sense Dominance Using A Thesaurus}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1017}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Experiments On The Validation Of Sense Annotations Assisted By Lexical Chains}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1018}
author = {Bordag, Stefan}
title = {Word Sense Induction: Triplet-Based Clustering And Automatic Evaluation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1019}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Lin, Dekang}
title = {A Comparison Of Syntactically Motivated Word Alignment Spaces}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1020}
author = {Tufiš, Dan; Ion, Radu; Ceauşu, Alexandru; Ştefănescu, Dan}
title = {Improved Lexical Alignment By Combining Multiple Reified Alignments}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1021}
author = {Nelken, Rani; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Towards Robust Context-Sensitive Sentence Alignment For Monolingual Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1022}
author = {Jovanovic, Natasa; op den Akker, Rieks; Nijholt, Anton}
title = {Addressee Identification In Face-To-Face Meetings}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1023}
author = {Funakoshi, Kotaro; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Identifying Repair Targets In Action Control Dialogue}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1024}
author = {Fischer, Kerstin; Bateman, John A.}
title = {Keeping The Initiative: An Empirically-Motivated Approach To Predicting User-Initiated Dialogue Contribution In HCI}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1025}
author = {Esuli, Andrea; Sebastiani, Fabrizio}
title = {Determining Term Subjectivity And Term Orientation For Opinion Mining}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1026}
author = {Takamura, Hiroya; Inui, Takashi; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Latent Variable Models For Semantic Orientations Of Phrases}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1027}
author = {Andreevskaia, Alina; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {Mining WordNet For A Fuzzy Sentiment: Sentiment Tag Extraction From WordNet Glosses}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1028}
author = {Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Baroni, Marco}
title = {A Figure Of Merit For The Evaluation Of Web-Corpus Randomness}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1029}
author = {Robitaille, Xavier; Sasaki, Yasuhiro; Tonoike, Masatsugu; Sato, Satoshi; Utsuro, Takehito}
title = {Compiling French-Japanese Terminologies From The Web}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1030}
author = {Liu, Vinci; Curran, James R.}
title = {Web Text Corpus For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1031}
author = {Leusch, Gregor; Ueffing, Nicola; Ney, Hermann}
title = {CDER: Efficient MT Evaluation Using Block Movements}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1032}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Osborne, Miles; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Re-Evaluation The Role Of Bleu In Machine Translation Research}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1033}
author = {Karagol-Ayan, Burcu; Doermann, David; Weinberg, Amy}
title = {Adaptive Transformation-Based Learning For Improving Dictionary Tagging}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1034}
author = {Dickinson, Markus}
title = {From Detecting Errors To Automatically Correcting Them}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1035}
author = {Hsueh, Pei-Yun; Moore, Johanna D.; Renals, Steve}
title = {Automatic Segmentation Of Multiparty Dialogue}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1036}
author = {Guegan, Marie; Hernandez, Nicolas}
title = {Recognizing Textual Parallelisms With Edit Distance And Similarity Degree}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1037}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Using Reinforcement Learning To Build A Better Model Of Dialogue State}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1038}
author = {McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Discriminative Sentence Compression With Soft Syntactic Evidence}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1039}
author = {Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond T.; Pauls, Adam}
title = {Multi-Document Summarization Of Evaluative Text}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1040}
author = {Belz, Anja; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Comparing Automatic And Human Evaluation Of NLG Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1041}
author = {Gatt, Albert}
title = {Structuring Knowledge For Reference Generation: A Clustering Algorithm}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1042}
author = {Birke, Julia; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {A Clustering Approach For Nearly Unsupervised Recognition Of Nonliteral Language}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1043}
author = {Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Automatically Constructing A Lexicon Of Verb Phrase Idiomatic Combinations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1044}
author = {Pado, Ulrike; Crocker, Matthew W.; Keller, Frank}
title = {Modelling Semantic Role Pausibility In Human Sentence Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1045}
author = {Foster, Mary Ellen; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Data-Driven Generation Of Emphatic Facial Displays}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1046}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Johnston, Michael}
title = {Edit Machines For Robust Multimodal Language Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1047}
author = {Chiang, David; Diab, Mona; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen; Shareef, Safiullah}
title = {Parsing Arabic Dialects}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1048}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Unifying Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammars And Tree Transducers Via Bimorphisms}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1049}
author = {Berglund, Anders; Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach To Extract Temporal Information From Texts In Swedish And Generate Animated 3D Scenes}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1050}
author = {Pinchak, Christopher; Lin, Dekang}
title = {A Probabilistic Answer Type Model}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1051}
author = {Giuliano, Claudio; Lavelli, Alberto; Romano, Lorenza}
title = {Exploiting Shallow Linguistic Information For Relation Extraction From Biomedical Literature}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-1052}
author = {Romano, Lorenza; Kouylekov, Milen; Szpektor, Idan; Dagan, Ido; Lavelli, Alberto}
title = {Investigating A Generic Paraphrase-Based Approach For Relation Extraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2001}
author = {Baroni, Marco; Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {Large Linguistically-Processed Web Corpora For Multiple Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2002}
author = {Cattoni, Roldano; Bertoldi, Nicola; Cettolo, Mauro; Chen, Boxing; Federico, Marcello}
title = {A Web-Based Demonstrator Of A Multi-Lingual Phrase-Based Translation System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2003}
author = {Bilhaut, Frederik; Widlocher, Antoine}
title = {LinguaStream: An Integrated Environment For Computational Linguistics Experimentation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2004}
author = {Lemon, Oliver; Liu, Xingkun}
title = {DUDE: A Dialogue And Understanding Development Environment Mapping Business Process Models To Information State Update Dialogue Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2005}
author = {Parmentier, Yannick; Le Roux, Joseph; Crabbé, Benoît}
title = {XMG - An Expressive Formalism For Describing Tree-Based Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2006}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Online Word Sense Disambiguation With Structural Semantic Interconnections}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2007}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Kulkarni, Anagha}
title = {Selecting The Right Number Of Senses Based On Clustering Criterion Functions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2008}
author = {Harbusch, Karin; Kempen, Gerard}
title = {ELLEIPO: A Module That Computes Coordinative Ellipsis For Generators That Don't}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2009}
author = {Lemon, Oliver; Georgila, Kallirroi; Henderson, James B.; Stuttle, Matthew}
title = {An ISU Dialogue System Exhibiting Reinforcement Learning Of Dialogue Policies: Generic Slot-Filling In The Talk In-Car System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2010}
author = {Buitelaar, Paul; Eigner, Thomas; Gul-Rajani, Greg; Schutz, Alexander; Siegel, Melanie; Weber, Nicolas; Cimiano, Philipp; Ladwig, Gunter; Mantel, Matthias; Zhu, Honggang}
title = {Generating And Visualizing A Soccer Knowledge Base}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2011}
author = {Costa, Luis Fernando}
title = {Esfinge - A Question Answering System In The Web Using The Web}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2012}
author = {Chang, Conrad; Ferro, Lisa; Gibson, John; Hitzeman, Janet; Lubar, Suzi; Palmer, Justin; Munson, Sean; Vilain, Marc B.; Wellner, Benjamin}
title = {Maytag: A Multi-Staged Approach To Identifying Complex Events In Textual Data}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2013}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Automatic Annotation For All Semantic Layers In FrameNet}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2014}
author = {Sharoff, Serge; Babych, Bogdan; Rayson, Paul; Mudraya, Olga; Piao, Scott S. L.}
title = {ASSIST: Automated Semantic Assistance For Translators}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2015}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Strube, Michael}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling For Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2016}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano}
title = {The GOD Model}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2017}
author = {Matveeva, Irina; Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Computing Term Translation Probabilities With Generalized Latent Semantic Analysis}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2018}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {Exploring The Sense Distributions Of Homographs}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2019}
author = {Hou, Wen-Juan; Lee, Chih; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Classifying Biological Full-Text Articles For Multi-Database Curation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2020}
author = {Turner, Ross; Sripada, Somayajulu G.; Reiter, Ehud; Davy, Ian P.}
title = {Generating Spatio-Temporal Descriptions In Pollen Forecasts}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2021}
author = {Dannells, Dana}
title = {Automatic Acronym Recognition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2022}
author = {Bernhard, Delphine}
title = {Multilingual Term Extraction From Domain-Specific Corpora Using Morphological Structure}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2023}
author = {Arabsorkhi, Mohsen; Shamsfard, Mehrnoush}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery Of Persian Morphemes}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2024}
author = {Branco, António H.; Silva, João}
title = {A Suite Of Shallow Processing Tools For Portuguese: LX-Suite}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2025}
author = {Zuidema, Willem}
title = {Theoretical Evaluation Of Estimation Methods For Data-Oriented Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2026}
author = {Klenner, Manfred}
title = {Grammatical Role Labeling With Integer Linear Programming}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2027}
author = {Paggio, Patrizia}
title = {Information Structure And Pauses In A Corpus Of Spoken Danish}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2028}
author = {Weissenbacher, Davy}
title = {Bayesian Network A Model For NLP?}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2029}
author = {Quarteroni, Silvia; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Adaptivity In Question Answering With User Modelling And A Dialogue Interface}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2030}
author = {Zhang, Li; Barnden, John A.; Hendley, Robert J.; Wallington, Alan M.}
title = {Developments In Affect Detection In E-Drama}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-2031}
author = {Balog, Krisztian; Mishne, Gilad; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {Why Are They Excited? Identifying And Explaining Spikes In Blog Mood Levels}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-3001}
author = {Gergle, Darren}
title = {What's There To Talk About? A Multi-Modal Model Of Referring Behavior In The Presence Of Shared Visual Information}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-3002}
author = {Karande, Arjun}
title = {What Humour Tells Us About Discourse Theories}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-3003}
author = {Kazantseva, Anna}
title = {An Approach To Summarizing Short Stories}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-3004}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa}
title = {Bootstrapping Named Entity Recognition With Automatically Generated Gazetteer Lists}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-3005}
author = {Verberne, Suzan}
title = {Developing An Approach For Why-Question Answering}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-3006}
author = {Yin, Ling}
title = {A Two-Stage Approach To Retrieving Answers For How-To Questions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-3007}
author = {Sato, Yo}
title = {Lexicalising Word Order Constraints For Implemented Linearisation Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-3008}
author = {Øvrelid, Lilja}
title = {Towards Robust Animacy Classification Using Morphosyntactic Distributional Features}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E06-3009}
author = {Peirsman, Yves}
title = {Example-Based Metonymy Recognition For Proper Nouns}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2006}
id = {E09-1001}
author = {Copestake, Ann}
title = {Invited Talk: Slacker Semantics: Why Superficiality Dependency and Avoidance of Commitment can be the Right Way to Go}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1002}
author = {Jong, Franciska de}
title = {Invited Talk: NLP and the Humanities: The Revival of an Old Liaison}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1003}
author = {Abdul-Rauf, Sadaf; Schwenk, Holger}
title = {On the Use of Comparable Corpora to Improve SMT performance}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1004}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv; Biadsy, Fadi; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Contextual Phrase-Level Polarity Analysis Using Lexical Affect Scoring and Syntactic N-Grams}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1005}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {Personalizing PageRank for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1006}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; López de Lacalle, Oier}
title = {Supervised Domain Adaption for WSD}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1007}
author = {Ah-Pine, Julien; Jacquet, Guillaume}
title = {Clique-Based Clustering for Improving Named Entity Recognition Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1008}
author = {Albrecht, Joshua; Hwa, Rebecca; Marai, G. Elisabeta}
title = {Correcting Automatic Translations through Collaborations between MT and Monolingual Target-\-Lan\-gua\-ge Users}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1009}
author = {Angelov, Krasimir}
title = {Incremental Parsing with Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1010}
author = {Apidianaki, Marianna}
title = {Data-Driven Semantic Analysis for Multilingual WSD and Lexical Selection in Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1011}
author = {Badr, Ibrahim; Zbib, Rabih; Glass, James R.}
title = {Syntactic Phrase Reordering for English-to-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1012}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Incremental Parsing Models for Dialog Task Structure}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1013}
author = {Brody, Samuel; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Bayesian Word Sense Induction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1014}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; Forst, Martin}
title = {Human Evaluation of a German Surface Realisation Ranker}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1015}
author = {Carlos, Cohan Sujay; Choudhury, Monojit; Dandapat, Sandipan}
title = {Large-Coverage Root Lexicon Extraction for Hindi}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1016}
author = {Cartoni, Bruno}
title = {Lexical Morphology in Machine Translation: A Feasibility Study}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1017}
author = {Chae, Jieun; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Predicting the Fluency of Text with Shallow Structural Features: Case Studies of Machine Translation and Human-Written Text}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1018}
author = {Charniak, Eugene; Elsner, Micha}
title = {EM Works for Pronoun Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1019}
author = {Creutz, Mathias; Virpioja, Sami; Kovaleva, Anna}
title = {Web Augmentation of Language Models for Continuous Speech Recognition of SMS Text Messages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1020}
author = {Cromierès, Fabien; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {An Alignment Algorithm Using Belief Propagation and a Structure-Based Distortion Model}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1021}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Translation and Extension of Concepts Across Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1022}
author = {DeVault, David; Stone, Matthew}
title = {Learning to Interpret Utterances Using Dialogue History}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1023}
author = {Dickinson, Markus}
title = {Correcting Dependency Annotation Errors}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1024}
author = {Dinarelli, Marco; Moschitti, Alessandro; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Re-Ranking Models for Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1025}
author = {Dinu, Georgiana; Wang, Rui}
title = {Inference Rules and their Application to Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1026}
author = {Fürstenau, Hagen; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Semi-Supervised Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1027}
author = {Feng, Lijun; Elhadad, Noémie; Huenerfauth, Matt}
title = {Cognitively Motivated Features for Readability Assessment}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1028}
author = {Feng, Junlan; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Effects of Word Confusion Networks on Voice Search}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1029}
author = {Filippova, Katja; Surdeanu, Mihai; Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Zaragoza, Hugo}
title = {Company-Oriented Extractive Summarization of Financial News}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1030}
author = {Fitzgerald, Erin; Hall, Keith; Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {Reconstructing False Start Errors in Spontaneous Speech Text}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1031}
author = {Forst, Martin; Fang, Ji}
title = {TBL-Improved Non-Deterministic Segmentation and POS Tagging for a Chinese Parser}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1032}
author = {Frampton, Matthew; Fernández, Raquel; Ehlen, Patrick; Christoudias, C. Mario; Darrell, Trevor; Peters, Stanley}
title = {Who is “You”? Combining Linguistic and Gaze Features to Resolve Second-Person References in Dialogue}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1033}
author = {Fraser, Alexander; Wang, Renjing; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Rich Bitext Projection Features for Parse Reranking}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1034}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Weir, David; Carroll, John}
title = {Parsing Mildly Non-Projective Dependency Structures}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1035}
author = {Garera, Nikesh; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Structural Transitive and Latent Models for Biographic Fact Extraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1036}
author = {Gasser, Michael}
title = {Semitic Morphological Analysis and Generation Using Finite State Transducers with Feature Structures}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1037}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Cube Summing Approximate Inference with Non-Local Features and Dynamic Programming without Semirings}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1038}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Tsarfaty, Reut; Adler, Meni; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Enhancing Unlexicalized Parsing Performance Using a Wide Coverage Lexicon Fuzzy Tag-Set Mapping and EM-HMM-Based Lexical Probabilities}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1039}
author = {Goldstein-Stewart, Jade; Winder, Ransom; Sabin, Roberta}
title = {Person Identification from Text and Speech Genre Samples}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1040}
author = {Hamon, Olivier; Fügen, Christian; Mostefa, Djamel; Arranz, Victoria; Kolss, Muntsin; Waibel, Alex; Choukri, Khalid}
title = {End-to-End Evaluation in Simultaneous Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1041}
author = {Hasan, Kazi Saidul; Rahman, Altaf; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Learning-Based Named Entity Recognition for Morphologically-Rich Resource-Scarce Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1042}
author = {Hasan, Kazi Saidul; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Weakly Supervised Part-of-Speech Tagging for Morphologically-Rich Resource-Scarce Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1043}
author = {Hoang, Hieu; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Improving Mid-Range Re-Ordering Using Templates of Factors}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1044}
author = {Iglesias, Gonzalo; Gispert, Adrià de; Banga, Eduardo R.; Byrne, William}
title = {Rule Filtering by Pattern for Efficient Hierarchical Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1045}
author = {Izquierdo, Rubén; Suárez, Armando; Rigau, German}
title = {An Empirical Study on Class-Based Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1046}
author = {Jijkoun, Valentin; Hofmann, Katja}
title = {Generating a Non-English Subjectivity Lexicon: Relations That Matter}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1047}
author = {Kübler, Sandra; Hinrichs, Erhard W.; Maier, Wolfgang; Klett, Eva}
title = {Parsing Coordinations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1048}
author = {Kastner, Itamar; Monz, Christof}
title = {Automatic Single-Document Key Fact Extraction from Newswire Articles}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1049}
author = {Khalilov, Maxim; Fonollosa, José A. R.}
title = {N-Gram-Based Statistical Machine Translation versus Syntax Augmented Machine Translation: Comparison and System Combination}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1050}
author = {Kirschenbaum, Amit; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Lightly Supervised Transliteration for Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1051}
author = {Klenner, Manfred; Ailloud, Étienne}
title = {Optimization in Coreference Resolution is not Needed: A Nearly-Optimal Algorithm with Intensional Constraints}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1052}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {A Logic of Semantic Representations for Shallow Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1053}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Kuhlmann, Marco}
title = {Dependency Trees and the Strong Generative Capacity of CCG}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1054}
author = {Köprü, Selçuk; Yazıcı, Adnan}
title = {Lattice Parsing to Integrate Speech Recognition and Rule-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1055}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Treebank Grammar Techniques for Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1056}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Yvon, François; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Improvements in Analogical Learning: Application to Translating Multi-Terms of the Medical Domain}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1057}
author = {Lefever, Els; Macken, Lieve; Hoste, Véronique}
title = {Language-Independent Bilingual Terminology Extraction from a Multilingual Parallel Corpus}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1058}
author = {Lemon, Oliver; Konstas, Ioannis}
title = {User Simulations for Context-Sensitive Speech Recognition in Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1059}
author = {Lerman, Kevin; Blair-Goldensohn, Sasha; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Sentiment Summarization: Evaluating and Learning User Preferences}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1060}
author = {Loftsson, Hrafn}
title = {Correcting a POS-Tagged Corpus Using Three Complementary Methods}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1061}
author = {Lopez, Adam}
title = {Translation as Weighted Deduction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1062}
author = {Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Performance Confidence Estimation for Automatic Summarization}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1063}
author = {Ma, Yanjun; Way, Andy}
title = {Bilingually Motivated Domain-Adapted Word Segmentation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1064}
author = {Mirkin, Shachar; Dagan, Ido; Shnarch, Eyal}
title = {Evaluating the Inferential Utility of Lexical-Semantic Resources}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1065}
author = {Mohler, Michael; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Text-to-Text Semantic Similarity for Automatic Short Answer Grading}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1066}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Syntactic and Semantic Kernels for Short Text Pair Categorization}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1067}
author = {Mukherjee, Animesh; Choudhury, Monojit; Kannan, Ravi}
title = {Discovering Global Patterns in Linguistic Networks through Spectral Analysis: A Case Study of the Consonant Inventories}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1068}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Using Cycles and Quasi-Cycles to Disambiguate Dictionary Glosses}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1069}
author = {Ninomiya, Takashi; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Deterministic Shift-Reduce Parsing for Unification-Based Grammars by Using Default Unification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1070}
author = {Nothman, Joel; Murphy, Tara; Curran, James R.}
title = {Analysing Wikipedia and Gold-Standard Corpora for NER Training}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1071}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Using Lexical and Relational Similarity to Classify Semantic Relations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1072}
author = {Øvrelid, Lilja}
title = {Empirical Evaluations of Animacy Annotation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1073}
author = {Paşca, Marius}
title = {Outclassing Wikipedia in Open-Domain Information Extraction: Weakly-Supervised Acquisition of Attributes over Conceptual Hierarchies}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1074}
author = {Peirsman, Yves; Geeraerts, Dirk}
title = {Predicting Strong Associations on the Basis of Corpus Data}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1075}
author = {Pennacchiotti, Marco; Wirth, Michael}
title = {Measuring Frame Relatedness}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1076}
author = {Pinchak, Christopher; Lin, Dekang; Rafiei, Davood}
title = {Flexible Answer Typing with Discriminative Preference Ranking}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1077}
author = {Rao, Delip; Ravichandran, Deepak}
title = {Semi-Supervised Polarity Lexicon Induction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1078}
author = {Rieser, Verena; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Natural Language Generation as Planning Under Uncertainty for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1079}
author = {Sajjad, Hassan; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Tagging Urdu Text with Parts of Speech: A Tagger Comparison}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1080}
author = {Sangati, Federico; Zuidema, Willem}
title = {Unsupervised Methods for Head Assignments}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1081}
author = {Schlangen, David; Skantze, Gabriel}
title = {A General Abstract Model of Incremental Dialogue Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1082}
author = {Schroeder, Josh; Cohn, Trevor; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Word Lattices for Multi-Source Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1083}
author = {Schweitzer, Katrin; Walsh, Michael; Möbius, Bernd; Riester, Arndt; Schweitzer, Antje; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Frequency Matters: Pitch Accents and Information Status}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1084}
author = {Simpson, Matthew; Demner-Fushman, Dina; Sneiderman, Charles; Antani, Sameer K.; Thoma, George R.}
title = {Using Non-Lexical Features to Identify Effective Indexing Terms for Biomedical Illustrations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1085}
author = {Skantze, Gabriel; Schlangen, David}
title = {Incremental Dialogue Processing in a Micro-Domain}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1086}
author = {Sporleder, Caroline; Li, Linlin}
title = {Unsupervised Recognition of Literal and Non-Literal Use of Idiomatic Expressions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1087}
author = {Spoustová, Drahomíra Johanka; Hajič, Jan; Raab, Jan; Spousta, Miroslav}
title = {Semi-Supervised Training for the Averaged Perceptron POS Tagger}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1088}
author = {Sun, Xu; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Sequential Labeling with Latent Variables: An Exact Inference Algorithm and its Efficient Approximation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1089}
author = {Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Text Summarization Model Based on Maximum Coverage Problem and its Variant}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1090}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Fast Full Parsing by Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1091}
author = {Udupa, Raghavendra; K., Saravanan; Kumaran, A.; Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh}
title = {MINT: A Method for Effective and Scalable Mining of Named Entity Transliterations from Large Comparable Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1092}
author = {van Durme, Benjamin; Michalak, Phillip; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Deriving Generalized Knowledge from Corpora Using WordNet Abstraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1093}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Learning Efficient Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1094}
author = {Vandekerckhove, Bram; Sandra, Dominiek; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {A Robust and Extensible Exemplar-Based Model of Thematic Fit}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1095}
author = {Veale, Tony; Li, Guofu; Hao, Yanfen}
title = {Growing Finely-Discriminating Taxonomies from Seeds of Varying Quality and Size}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1096}
author = {Vu, Thuy; Aw, Aiti; Zhang, Min}
title = {Feature-Based Method for Document Alignment in Comparable News Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1097}
author = {Wan, Stephen; Dras, Mark; Dale, Robert; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Improving Grammaticality in Statistical Sentence Generation: Introducing a Dependency Spanning Tree Algorithm with an Argument Satisfaction Model}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1098}
author = {Washtell, Justin}
title = {Co-Dispersion: A Windowless Approach to Lexical Association}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1099}
author = {Xia, Fei; Lewis, William H.; Poon, Hoifung}
title = {Language ID in the Context of Harvesting Language Data off the Web}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-1100}
author = {Zhao, Hai}
title = {Character-Level Dependencies in Chinese: Usefulness and Learning}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2001}
author = {Benotti, Luciana}
title = {Frolog: an Accommodating Text-Adventure Game}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2002}
author = {Bossard, Aurélien; Généreux, Michel; Poibeau, Thierry}
title = {CBSEAS a Summarization System – Integration of Opinion Mining Techniques to Summarize Blogs}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2003}
author = {Bringert, Björn; Angelov, Krasimir; Ranta, Aarne}
title = {Grammatical Framework Web Service}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2004}
author = {Cheng, Xiwen; Adolphs, Peter; Xu, Feiyu; Uszkoreit, Hans; Li, Hong}
title = {Gossip Galore – A Self-Learning Agent for Exchanging Pop Trivia}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2005}
author = {Galanis, Dimitrios; Karakatsiotis, George; Lampouras, Gerasimos; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {An Open-Source Natural Language Generator for OWL Ontologies and its Use in Protege and Second Life}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2006}
author = {Gleim, Rüdiger; Waltinger, Ulli; Ernst, Alexandra; Mehler, Alexander; Feith, Tobias; Esch, Dietmar}
title = {eHumanities Desktop - An Online System for Corpus Management and Analysis in Support of Computing in the Humanities}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2007}
author = {Harbusch, Karin; Koit, Mare; Õim, Haldur}
title = {A Comparison of Clausal Coordinate Ellipsis in Estonian and German: Remarkably Similar Elision Rules Allow a Language-Independent Ellipsis-Generation Module}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2008}
author = {Hulden, Mans}
title = {Foma: a Finite-State Compiler and Library}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2009}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Byron, Donna K.; Cassell, Justine; Dale, Robert; Moore, Johanna D.; Oberlander, Jon; Striegnitz, Kristina}
title = {The Software Architecture for the First Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2010}
author = {Konstantopoulos, Stasinos; Tegos, Athanasios; Bilidas, Dimitris; Androutsopoulos, Ion; Lampouras, Gerasimos; Matheson, Colin; Deroo, Olivier; Malakasiotis, Prodromos}
title = {Adaptive Natural Language Interaction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2011}
author = {Lewis, William H.; Xia, Fei}
title = {Parsing Projecting & Prototypes: Repurposing Linguistic Data on the Web}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2012}
author = {Michou, Athina; Seretan, Violeta}
title = {A Tool for Multi-Word Expression Extraction in Modern Greek Using Syntactic Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2013}
author = {Miltsakaki, Eleni}
title = {Matching Readers' Preferences and Reading Skills with Appropriate Web Texts}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2014}
author = {Pastra, Katerina; Balta, Eirini}
title = {A Text-Based Search Interface for Multimedia Dialectics}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2015}
author = {Ranta, Aarne; Angelov, Krasimir; Bringert, Björn}
title = {Grammar Development in GF}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2016}
author = {Sasaki, Yutaka; Thompson, Paul; McNaught, John; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Three BioNLP Tools Powered by a Biological Lexicon}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-2017}
author = {Stahl, Olov; Gambäck, Björn; Turunen, Markku; Hakulinen, Jaakko}
title = {A Mobile Health and Fitness Companion Demonstrator}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2009}
id = {E12-1001}
author = {Cooke, Martin}
title = {Speech Communication in the Wild}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1002}
author = {Martzoukos, Spyros; Monz, Christof}
title = {Power-Law Distributions for Paraphrases Extracted from Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1003}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Klementiev, Alexandre}
title = {A Bayesian Approach to Unsupervised Semantic Role Induction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1004}
author = {Do, Ngoc-Quynh; Baroni, Marco; Shan, Chung-chieh; Bernardi, Raffaella}
title = {Entailment above the word level in distributional semantics}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1005}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Evaluating Distributional Models of Semantics for Syntactically Invariant Inference}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1006}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Nivre, Joakim; Andersson, Evelina}
title = {Cross-Framework Evaluation for Statistical Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1007}
author = {Farkas, Richárd; Vincze, Veronika; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Dependency Parsing of Hungarian: Baseline Results and Challenges}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1008}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Fernández-González, Daniel}
title = {Dependency Parsing with Undirected Graphs}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1009}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {The Best of BothWorlds – A Graph-based Completion Model for Transition-based Parsers}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1010}
author = {Kaisser, Michael}
title = {Answer Sentence Retrieval by Matching Dependency Paths acquired from Question/Answer Sentence Pairs}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1011}
author = {Figueroa, Alejandro}
title = {Can Click Patterns across User’s Query Logs Predict Answers to Definition Questions?}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1012}
author = {Kovachev, Bogomil; Lagos, Nikolaos; Monz, Christof; Nikoulina, Vassilina}
title = {Adaptation of Statistical Machine Translation Model for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval in a Service Context}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1013}
author = {Yvon, François; Sokolov, Artem; Wisniewski, Guillaume}
title = {Computing Lattice BLEU Oracle Scores for Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1014}
author = {Klementiev, Alexandre; Irvine, Ann; Callison-Burch, Chris; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Toward Statistical Machine Translation without Parallel Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1015}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Character-Based Pivot Translation for Under-Resourced Languages and Domains}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1016}
author = {Gascó, Guillem; Rocha, Martha-Alicia; Sanchis, Germán; Andrés-Ferrer, Jesús; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Does more data always yield better translations?}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1017}
author = {Bhowmick, Rishav; Mohit, Behrang; Oflazer, Kemal; Smith, Noah A.; Schneider, Nathan}
title = {Recall-Oriented Learning of Named Entities in Arabic Wikipedia}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1018}
author = {Dinarelli, Marco; Rosset, Sophie}
title = {Tree Representations in Probabilistic Models for Extended Named Entities Detection}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1019}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Hovy, Dirk; Welty, Chris; Patwardhan, Siddharth; Fan, James}
title = {When Did that Happen? — Linking Events and Relations to Timestamps}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1020}
author = {Min, Bonan; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Compensating for Annotation Errors in Training a Relation Extractor}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1021}
author = {Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh; Daumé III, Hal; Udupa, Raghavendra}
title = {Incorporating Lexical Priors into Topic Models}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1022}
author = {Delort, Jean-Yves; Alfonseca, Enrique}
title = {DualSum: a Topic-Model based approach for update summarization}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1023}
author = {Sipos, Ruben; Shivaswamy, Pannaga; Joachims, Thorsten}
title = {Large-Margin Learning of Submodular Summarization Models}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1024}
author = {Kwiatkowski, Tom; Goldwater, Sharon; Zettlemoyer, Luke; Steedman, Mark}
title = {A Probabilistic Model of Syntactic and Semantic Acquisition from Child-Directed Utterances and their Meanings}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1025}
author = {González-Rubio, Jesús; Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Active learning for interactive machine translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1026}
author = {Lembersky, Gennadi; Ordan, Noam; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Adapting Translation Models to Translationese Improves SMT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1027}
author = {Branco, António; Costa, Francisco}
title = {Aspectual Type and Temporal Relation Classification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1028}
author = {Schütze, Hinrich; Glaser, Andrea}
title = {Automatic generation of short informative sentiment summaries}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1029}
author = {Huang, Ruihong; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Bootstrapped Training of Event Extraction Classifiers}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1030}
author = {Liu, Ting; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Bootstrapping Events and Relations from Text}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1031}
author = {Volkova, Svitlana; Dolan, William B.; Wilson, Theresa}
title = {CLex: A Lexicon for Exploring Color, Concept and Emotion Associations in Language}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1032}
author = {Feng, Vanessa Wei; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Extending the Entity-based Coherence Model with Multiple Ranks}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1033}
author = {Wiegand, Michael; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Generalization Methods for In-Domain and Cross-Domain Opinion Holder Extraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1034}
author = {Vulić, Ivan; Jans, Bram; Bethard, Steven; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Skip N-grams and Ranking Functions for Predicting Script Events}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1035}
author = {Powers, David M. W.}
title = {The Problem with Kappa}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1036}
author = {Bronner, Amit; Monz, Christof}
title = {User Edits Classification Using Document Revision Histories}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1037}
author = {Qu, Zhonghua; Liu, Yang}
title = {User Participation Prediction in Online Forums}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1038}
author = {Jang, Hyeju; Mostow, Jack}
title = {Inferring Selectional Preferences from Part-Of-Speech N-grams}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1039}
author = {Vodolazova, Tatiana; Hinrichs, Erhard W.; Henrich, Verena}
title = {WebCAGe – A Web-Harvested Corpus Annotated with GermaNet Senses}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1040}
author = {Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Learning to Behave by Reading}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1041}
author = {Fernandez Monsalve, Irene; Vigliocco, Gabriella; Frank, Stefan}
title = {Lexical surprisal as a general predictor of reading time}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1042}
author = {Balle, Borja; Quattoni, Ariadna; Carreras, Xavier; Luque, Franco M.}
title = {Spectral Learning for Non-Deterministic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1043}
author = {Chowdhury, Md. Faisal Mahbub; Lavelli, Alberto}
title = {Combining Tree Structures, Flat Features and Patterns for Biomedical Relation Extraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1044}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Hanamoto, Atsushi; Matsuzaki, Takuya}
title = {Coordination Structure Analysis using Dual Decomposition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1045}
author = {Bisazza, Arianna; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Cutting the Long Tail: Hybrid Language Models for Translation Style Adaptation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1046}
author = {Vulić, Ivan; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Detecting Highly Confident Word Translations from Comparable Corpora without Any Prior Knowledge}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1047}
author = {Cranenburgh, Andreas}
title = {Efficient parsing with Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1048}
author = {Bell, Peter; Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Isard, Amy; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Evaluating language understanding accuracy with respect to objective outcomes in a dialogue system}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1049}
author = {Battersby, Stuart; Purver, Matthew}
title = {Experimenting with Distant Supervision for Emotion Classification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1050}
author = {Georgiev, Georgi; Zhikov, Valentin; Simov, Kiril; Osenova, Petya; Nakov, Preslav}
title = {Feature-Rich Part-of-speech Tagging for Morphologically Complex Languages: Application to Bulgarian}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1051}
author = {Pasca, Marius A.; Christensen, Janara}
title = {Instance-Driven Attachment of Semantic Annotations over Conceptual Hierarchies}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1052}
author = {Buß, Okko; Peldszus, Andreas; Baumann, Timo; Schlangen, David}
title = {Joint Satisfaction of Syntactic and Pragmatic Constraints Improves Incremental Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1053}
author = {Niculae, Vlad; Sulea, Octavia-Maria; Dinu, Liviu P.}
title = {Learning How to Conjugate the Romanian Verb. Rules for Regular and Partially Irregular Verbs}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1054}
author = {Zesch, Torsten}
title = {Measuring Contextual Fitness Using Error Contexts Extracted from the Wikipedia Revision History}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1055}
author = {Sennrich, Rico}
title = {Perplexity Minimization for Translation Model Domain Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1056}
author = {Eckle-Kohler, Judith; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Subcat-LMF: Fleshing out a standardized format for subcategorization frame interoperability}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1057}
author = {Strik, Helmer; Boves, Louis; Verberne, Suzan; Van Den Bosch, Antal}
title = {The effect of domain and text type on text prediction quality}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1058}
author = {Hoppe, Dennis; Gollub, Tim; Stein, Benno}
title = {The Impact of Spelling Errors on Patent Search}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1059}
author = {Eckle-Kohler, Judith; Meyer, Christian M.; Wirth, Christian; Matuschek, Michael; Gurevych, Iryna; Hartmann, Silvana}
title = {UBY - A Large-Scale Unified Lexical-Semantic Resource Based on LMF}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1060}
author = {Lau, Jey Han; Cook, Paul; McCarthy, Diana; Newman, David; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Word Sense Induction for Novel Sense Detection}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1061}
author = {Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Learning Language from Perceptual Context}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1062}
author = {Marchetti-Bowick, Micol; Chambers, Nathanael}
title = {Learning for Microblogs with Distant Supervision: Political Forecasting with Twitter}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1063}
author = {Chrupala, Grzegorz}
title = {Learning from evolving data streams: online triage of bug reports}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1064}
author = {Faruqui, Manaal; Pado, Sebastian}
title = {Towards a model of formal and informal address in English}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1065}
author = {Elsner, Micha}
title = {Character-based kernels for novelistic plot structure}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1066}
author = {Détrez, Grégoire; Ranta, Aarne}
title = {Smart Paradigms and the Predictability and Complexity of Inflectional Morphology}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1067}
author = {Can, Burcu; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Probabilistic Hierarchical Clustering of Morphological Paradigms}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1068}
author = {Cap, Fabienne; Fraser, Alexander; Weller, Marion; Cahill, Aoife}
title = {Modeling Inflection and Word-Formation in SMT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1069}
author = {Alkuhlani, Sarah; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Identifying Broken Plurals, Irregular Gender, and Rationality in Arabic Text}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1070}
author = {Matsubayashi, Yuichiroh; Miyao, Yusuke; Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {Framework of Semantic Role Assignment based on Extended Lexical Conceptual Structure: Comparison with VerbNet and FrameNet}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1071}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Unsupervised Detection of Downward-Entailing Operators By Maximizing Classification Certainty}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1072}
author = {Baeza-Yates, Ricardo; Mitkov, Ruslan; Rello, Luz}
title = {Elliphant: Improved Automatic Detection of Zero Subjects and Impersonal Constructions in Spanish}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1073}
author = {Max, Aurélien; Vilnat, Anne; Bouamor, Houda}
title = {Validation of sub-sentential paraphrases acquired from parallel monolingual corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1074}
author = {Gojun, Anita; Fraser, Alexander}
title = {Determining the placement of German verbs in English–to–German SMT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1075}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Blackwood, Graeme; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Syntax-Based Word Ordering Incorporating a Large-Scale Language Model}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1076}
author = {Dodge, Jesse; Mensch, Alyssa; Stratos, Karl; Yamaguchi, Kota; Han, Xufeng; Mitchell, Margaret; Goyal, Amit; Berg, Alexander C.; Berg, Tamara L.; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Midge: Generating Image Descriptions From Computer Vision Detections}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1077}
author = {Dreyer, Markus; Koller, Alexander}
title = {Generation of landmark-based navigation instructions from open-source data}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1078}
author = {Zarrieß, Sina; Cahill, Aoife; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {To what extent does sentence-internal realisation reflect discourse context? A study on word order}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1079}
author = {Chebotar, Yevgen; Ferschke, Oliver; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Behind the Article: Recognizing Dialog Acts in Wikipedia Talk Pages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1080}
author = {Jain, Mahaveer; McDonough, John; Penstein Rosé, Carolyn; Gweon, Gahgene; Raj, Bhiksha}
title = {An Unsupervised Dynamic Bayesian Network Approach to Measuring Speech Style Accommodation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1081}
author = {Rahman, Altaf; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Learning the Fine-Grained Information Status of Discourse Entities}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1082}
author = {Lagoutte, Aurelie; Quernheim, Daniel; Maletti, Andreas; Braune, Fabienne}
title = {Composing extended top-down tree transducers}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1083}
author = {Waeschle, Katharina; Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Structural and Topical Dimensions in Multi-Task Patent Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1084}
author = {Trijp, Remi}
title = {Not as Awful as it Seems: Explaining German Case through Computational Experiments in Fluid Construction Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-1085}
author = {KrÞ, Vincent; Cinkova, Silvie; Holub, Martin}
title = {Managing Uncertainty in Semantic Tagging}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2001}
author = {Bel, Núria; Poch, Marc; Toral, Antonio}
title = {Language Resources Factory: case study on the acquisition of Translation Memories}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2002}
author = {Belogay, Anelia; Karagyozov, Diman; Raxis, Plovios; Koeva, Svetla; Vertan, Cristina; Przepiórkowski, Adam; Cristea, Dan}
title = {Harnessing NLP Techniques in the Processes of Multilingual Content Management}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2003}
author = {Zipser, Florian; Blain, Frédéric; Lambert, Patrik; Lopez, Patrice; Senellart, Jean; Romary, Laurent; Schwenk, Holger}
title = {Collaborative Machine Translation Service for Scientific texts}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2004}
author = {Hsieh, Hung-ting; Kao, Ting-hui; Chang, Jason S.; Huang, Chung-chi; Yang, Ping-che; Chen, Mei-hua}
title = {TransAhead: A Writing Assistant for CAT and CALL}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2005}
author = {Kinnunen, Tomi; Leisma, Henri; Machunik, Monika; LeBrun, Jean-Luc; Kakkonen, Tuomo}
title = {SWAN - Scientific Writing AssistaNt. A Tool for Helping Scholars to Write Reader-Friendly Manuscripts}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2006}
author = {Wilcox, Alastair; Crawley, Brett; Bucci, Stefano; Van der Goot, Erik; Steinberger, Ralf; Turchi, Marco; Atkinson, Martin}
title = {ONTS: Optima News Translation System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2007}
author = {Lopez, Cédric; Prince, Violaine; Roche, Mathieu}
title = {Just Title It! (by an Online Application)}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2008}
author = {Gonçalo Oliveira, Hugo; Costa, Hernani; Santos, Diana}
title = {Folheador: browsing through Portuguese semantic relations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2009}
author = {Rodriguez, Luis; García-Varea, Ismael; Revuelta-MartÃnez, Alejandro}
title = {A Computer Assisted Speech Transcription System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2010}
author = {Crook, Paul A.; Wang, Zhuoran; Liu, Xingkun; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {A Statistical Spoken Dialogue System using Complex User Goals and Value Directed Compression}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2011}
author = {Heja, Eniko; Takács, Dávid}
title = {Automatically Generated Customizable Online Dictionaries}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2012}
author = {Ballesteros, Miguel; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {MaltOptimizer: An Optimization Tool for MaltParser}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2013}
author = {Trijp, Remi; Beuls, Katrien; Wellens, Pieter; Steels, Luc}
title = {Fluid Construction Grammar: The New Kid on the Block}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2014}
author = {Harwood, Aaron; Karunasekera, Shanika; Moshtaghi, Masud; Baldwin, Timothy; Cook, Paul; Han, Bo}
title = {A Support Platform for Event Detection using Social Intelligence}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2015}
author = {Rizzo, Giuseppe; Troncy, Raphael}
title = {NERD: A Framework for Unifying Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation Extraction Tools}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2016}
author = {Nikolova, Ivelina; Boytcheva, Svetla; Angelova, Galia}
title = {Automatic Analysis of Patient History Episodes in Bulgarian Hospital Discharge Letters}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2017}
author = {Sudhahar, Saatviga; Lansdall-Welfare, Thomas; Flaounas, Ilias; Cristianini, Nello}
title = {ElectionWatch: Detecting Patterns in News Coverage of US Elections}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2018}
author = {Segond, Frederique; Lagos, Nikolaos; Barsanti, Igor; Rhulmann, Mathieu; Vald, Ed; Trevisan, Marco; Barbu, Eduard; Dini, Luca}
title = {Query log analysis with LangLog}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2019}
author = {Venhuizen, Noortje; Basile, Valerio; Bos, Johan; Evang, Kilian}
title = {A platform for collaborative semantic annotation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2020}
author = {Tomeh, Nadi; Gesmundo, Andrea}
title = {HadoopPerceptron: a Toolkit for Distributed Perceptron Training and Prediction with MapReduce}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-2021}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Topić, Goran; Ohta, Tomoko; Stenetorp, Pontus; Ananiadou, Sophia; Pyysalo, Sampo}
title = {brat: a Web-based Tool for NLP-Assisted Text Annotation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-3001}
author = {Guillou, Liane}
title = {Improving Pronoun Translation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-3002}
author = {Petrenz, Philipp}
title = {Cross-Lingual Genre Classification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-3003}
author = {Papangelis, Alexandros}
title = {A Comparative Study of Reinforcement Learning Techniques on Dialogue Management}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-3004}
author = {Hlaing, Tin Htay}
title = {Manually constructed context-free grammar for Myanmar syllable structure}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-3005}
author = {Mihaila, Claudiu; Batista-Navarro, Riza Theresa}
title = {What’s in a Name? Entity Type Variation across Two Biomedical Subdomains}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-3006}
author = {Majliš, Martin}
title = {Yet Another Language Identifier}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-3007}
author = {Cocco, Christelle}
title = {Discourse Type Clustering using POS n-gram Profiles and High-Dimensional Embeddings}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-3008}
author = {Botha, Jan A.}
title = {Hierarchical Bayesian Language Modelling for the Linguistically Informed}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-3009}
author = {Wawer, Aleksander}
title = {Mining Co-Occurrence Matrices for SO-PMI Paradigm Word Candidates}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E12-3010}
author = {Russo, Lorenza; Loáiciga, Sharid; Gulati, Asheesh}
title = {Improving machine translation of null subjects in Italian and Spanish}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2012}
id = {E14-1001}
author = {Huang, Fei; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Improving Word Alignment Using Linguistic Code Switching Data}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1002}
author = {Gesmundo, Andrea; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Undirected Machine Translation with Discriminative Reinforcement Learning}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1003}
author = {Hu, Yuening; Auli, Michael; Gao, Qin; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {Minimum Translation Modeling with Recurrent Neural Networks}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1004}
author = {Martzoukos, Spyros; Monz, Christof; Costa Florencio, Christophe}
title = {Maximizing Component Quality in Bilingual Word-Aligned Segmentations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1005}
author = {Almeida, Mariana S. C.; Almeida, Miguel B.; Martins, André F. T.}
title = {A Joint Model for Quotation Attribution and Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1006}
author = {Frermann, Lea; Titov, Ivan; Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Induction of Script Knowledge}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1007}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Peterson, Daniel; Popescu, Octavian; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Inducing Example-based Semantic Frames from a Massive Amount of Verb Uses}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1008}
author = {Cholakov, Kostadin; Eckle-Kohler, Judith; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Automated Verb Sense Labelling Based on Linked Lexical Resources}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1009}
author = {Pavlopoulos, John; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {Multi-Granular Aspect Aggregation in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1010}
author = {San Vicente, Iñaki; Agerri, Rodrigo; Rigau, German}
title = {Simple, Robust and (almost) Unsupervised Generation of Polarity Lexicons for Multiple Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1011}
author = {Doyle, Gabriel}
title = {Mapping Dialectal Variation by Querying Social Media}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1012}
author = {Piergallini, Mario; Doğruöz, A. Seza; Gadde, Phani; Adamson, David; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Modeling the Use of Graffiti Style Features to Signal Social Relations within a Multi-Domain Learning Paradigm}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1013}
author = {Dubbin, Gregory; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Modelling the Lexicon in Unsupervised Part of Speech Induction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1014}
author = {Deoskar, Tejaswini; Christodoulopoulos, Christos; Birch, Alexandra; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Generalizing a Strongly Lexicalized Parser using Unlabeled Data}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1015}
author = {Szántó, Zsolt; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {Special Techniques for Constituent Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1016}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Leveraging Verb-Argument Structures to Infer Semantic Relations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1017}
author = {Louis, Annie; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Structured and Unstructured Cache Models for SMT Domain Adaptation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1018}
author = {Zhang, Kaixu; Su, Jinsong; Zhou, Changle}
title = {Regularized Structured Perceptron: A Case Study on Chinese Word Segmentation, POS Tagging and Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1019}
author = {Lafourcade, Mathieu; Zarrouk, Manel; Joubert, Alain}
title = {About Inferences in a Crowdsourced Lexical-Semantic Network}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1020}
author = {Perez-Beltrachini, Laura; Gardent, Claire; Franconi, Enrico}
title = {Incremental Query Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1021}
author = {Weese, Jonathan; Ganitkevitch, Juri; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {PARADIGM: Paraphrase Diagnostics through Grammar Matching}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1022}
author = {Bloodgood, Michael; Strauss, Benjamin}
title = {Translation memory retrieval methods}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1023}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv; Balasubramanian, Sriramkumar; Kotalwar, Anup; Zheng, Jiehan; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Frame Semantic Tree Kernels for Social Network Extraction from Text}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1024}
author = {Pichotta, Karl; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Statistical Script Learning with Multi-Argument Events}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1025}
author = {Polajnar, Tamara; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Improving Distributional Semantic Vectors through Context Selection and Normalisation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1026}
author = {Jehl, Laura; de Gispert, Adri; Hopkins, Mark; Byrne, Bill}
title = {Source-side Preordering for Translation using Logistic Regression and Depth-first Branch-and-Bound Search}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1027}
author = {Frermann, Lea; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Incremental Bayesian Learning of Semantic Categories}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1028}
author = {de Gispert, Adri; Tomalin, Marcus; Byrne, Bill}
title = {Word Ordering with Phrase-Based Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1029}
author = {Akkaya, Cem; Wiebe, Janyce; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Iterative Constrained Clustering for Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1030}
author = {Fornaciari, Tommaso; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Identifying fake Amazon reviews as learning from crowds}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1031}
author = {Vajjala, Sowmya; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Assessing the relative reading level of sentence pairs for text simplification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1032}
author = {Roberts, Will; Egg, Markus; Kordoni, Valia}
title = {Subcategorisation Acquisition from Raw Text for a Free Word-Order Language}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1033}
author = {Mirza, Paramita; Tonelli, Sara}
title = {Classifying Temporal Relations with Simple Features}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1034}
author = {Stoop, Wessel; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Using idiolects and sociolects to improve word prediction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1035}
author = {Hasler, Eva; Blunsom, Philip; Koehn, Philipp; Haddow, Barry}
title = {Dynamic Topic Adaptation for Phrase-based MT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1036}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; McCaffery, Martin}
title = {Deterministic Parsing using PCFGs}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1037}
author = {Glass, Jesse; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Empirically-motivated Generalizations of CCG Semantic Parsing Learning Algorithms}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1038}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Roth, Dan; Srikumar, Vivek}
title = {Correcting Grammatical Verb Errors}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1039}
author = {Angelov, Krasimir; Ljunglöf, Peter}
title = {Fast Statistical Parsing with Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1040}
author = {Deng, Lingjia; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Sentiment Propagation via Implicature Constraints}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1041}
author = {Paşca, Marius}
title = {Acquisition of Noncontiguous Class Attributes from Web Search Queries}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1042}
author = {Denkowski, Michael; Dyer, Chris; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Learning from Post-Editing: Online Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1043}
author = {Lampos, Vasileios; Aletras, Nikolaos; Preoţiuc-Pietro, Daniel; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Predicting and Characterising User Impact on Twitter}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1044}
author = {Franco-Salvador, Marc; Rosso, Paolo; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {A Knowledge-based Representation for Cross-Language Document Retrieval and Categorization}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1045}
author = {Ding, Chenchen; Arase, Yuki}
title = {Dependency Tree Abstraction for Long-Distance Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1046}
author = {Li, Jiming; Baroni, Marco; Dinu, Georgiana}
title = {Improving the Lexical Function Composition Model with Pathwise Optimized Elastic-Net Regression}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1047}
author = {Graham, Yvette; Baldwin, Timothy; Moffat, Alistair; Zobel, Justin}
title = {Is Machine Translation Getting Better over Time?}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1048}
author = {Neelakantan, Arvind; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Learning Dictionaries for Named Entity Recognition using Minimal Supervision}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1049}
author = {Faruqui, Manaal; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Improving Vector Space Word Representations Using Multilingual Correlation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1050}
author = {Salehi, Bahar; Cook, Paul; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Using Distributional Similarity of Multi-way Translations to Predict Multiword Expression Compositionality}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1051}
author = {Lebret, Rémi; Collobert, Ronan}
title = {Word Embeddings through Hellinger PCA}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1052}
author = {Fahrni, Angela; Strube, Michael}
title = {A Latent Variable Model for Discourse-aware Concept and Entity Disambiguation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1053}
author = {Jardine, James; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Topical PageRank: A Model of Scientific Expertise for Bibliographic Search}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1054}
author = {Rimell, Laura}
title = {Distributional Lexical Entailment by Topic Coherence}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1055}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Rohde, Hannah; Clarke, Alasdair}
title = {Information Structure Prediction for Visual-world Referring Expressions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1056}
author = {Lau, Jey Han; Newman, David; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Machine Reading Tea Leaves: Automatically Evaluating Topic Coherence and Topic Model Quality}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1057}
author = {Kremer, Gerhard; Erk, Katrin; Padó, Sebastian; Thater, Stefan}
title = {What Substitutes Tell Us - Analysis of an All-Words Lexical Substitution Corpus}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1058}
author = {Antoine, Jean-Yves; Villaneau, Jeanne; Lefeuvre, Anaïs}
title = {Weighted Krippendorff's alpha is a more reliable metrics for multi-coders ordinal annotations: experimental studies on emotion, opinion and coreference annotation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1059}
author = {Lofi, Christoph; Nieke, Christian; Collier, Nigel}
title = {Discriminating Rhetorical Analogies in Social Media}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1060}
author = {Hulden, Mans; Forsberg, Markus; Ahlberg, Malin}
title = {Semi-supervised learning of morphological paradigms and lexicons}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1061}
author = {Cap, Fabienne; Fraser, Alexander; Weller, Marion; Cahill, Aoife}
title = {How to Produce Unseen Teddy Bears: Improved Morphological Processing of Compounds in SMT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1062}
author = {Zhang, Meishan; Zhang, Yue; Che, Wanxiang; Liu, Ting}
title = {Type-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Joint Segmentation and POS-Tagging}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1063}
author = {Fancellu, Federico; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Applying the semantics of negation to SMT through n-best list re-ranking}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1064}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Zhu, Xiaodan}
title = {Bilingual Sentiment Consistency for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1065}
author = {Tsvetkov, Yulia; Metze, Florian; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Augmenting Translation Models with Simulated Acoustic Confusions for Improved Spoken Language Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1066}
author = {Eshky, Aciel; Allison, Ben; Ramamoorthy, Subramanian; Steedman, Mark}
title = {A Generative Model for User Simulation in a Spatial Navigation Domain}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1067}
author = {Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Verbose, Laconic or Just Right: A Simple Computational Model of Content Appropriateness under Length Constraints}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1068}
author = {Rutherford, Attapol; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Discovering Implicit Discourse Relations Through Brown Cluster Pair Representation and Coreference Patterns}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1069}
author = {Goldwasser, Dan; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {I Object! Modeling Latent Pragmatic Effects in Courtroom Dialogues}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1070}
author = {Tymoshenko, Kateryna; Moschitti, Alessandro; Severyn, Aliaksei}
title = {Encoding Semantic Resources in Syntactic Structures for Passage Reranking}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1071}
author = {Wiegand, Michael; Roth, Benjamin; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Automatic Food Categorization from Large Unlabeled Corpora and Its Impact on Relation Extraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1072}
author = {Xue, Huichao; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Redundancy Detection in ESL Writings}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1073}
author = {Liu, Xiao; Bordes, Antoine; Grandvalet, Yves}
title = {Fast Recursive Multi-class Classification of Pairs of Text Entities for Biomedical Event Extraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1074}
author = {Dethlefs, Nina; Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto; Hastie, Helen; Rieser, Verena; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Cluster-based Prediction of User Ratings for Stylistic Surface Realisation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1075}
author = {Hong, Kai; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Improving the Estimation of Word Importance for News Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1076}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith; Mandya, Angrosh}
title = {Hybrid text simplification using synchronous dependency grammars with hand-written and automatically harvested rules}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1077}
author = {Fang, Yimai; Teufel, Simone}
title = {A Summariser based on Human Memory Limitations and Lexical Competition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-1078}
author = {Plank, Barbara; Hovy, Dirk; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Learning part-of-speech taggers with inter-annotator agreement loss}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2001}
author = {Eryiğit, Gülşen}
title = {ITU Turkish NLP Web Service}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2002}
author = {Agerri, Rodrigo; Bermudez, Josu; Rigau, German}
title = {Multilingual, Efficient and Easy NLP Processing with IXA Pipeline}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2003}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Agić, Željko; Padró, Lluís; Zhang, Lei; Rettinger, Achim; Li, Zhixing; García-Cuesta, Esteban; Agić, Željko; Bekavac, Bozo; Fortuna, Blaz; Štajner, Tadej}
title = {XLike Project Language Analysis Services}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2004}
author = {Zhang, Lei; Rettinger, Achim}
title = {Semantic Annotation, Analysis and Comparison: A Multilingual and Cross-lingual Text Analytics Toolkit}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2005}
author = {Nguyen, Dat Quoc; Nguyen, Dai Quoc; Pham, Dang Duc; Pham, Son Bao}
title = {RDRPOSTagger: A Ripple Down Rules-based Part-Of-Speech Tagger}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2006}
author = {Smit, Peter; Virpioja, Sami; Grönroos, Stig-Arne; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Morfessor 2.0: Toolkit for statistical morphological segmentation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2007}
author = {Alabau, Vicent; Buck, Christian; Carl, Michael; Casacuberta, Francisco; García-Martínez, Mercedes; Germann, Ulrich; González-Rubio, Jesús; Hill, Robin; Koehn, Philipp; Leiva, Luis A.; Mesa-Lao, Bartolomé; Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel; Saint-Amand, Hervé; Sanchis Trilles, Germán; Tsoukala, Chara}
title = {CASMACAT: A Computer-assisted Translation Workbench}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2008}
author = {Freitag, Markus; Huck, Matthias; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Jane: Open Source Machine Translation System Combination}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2009}
author = {Centelles, Jordi; Costa-juss, Marta R.; Banchs, Rafael E.}
title = {CHISPA on the GO: A mobile Chinese-Spanish translation service for travellers in trouble}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2010}
author = {Larsson, Staffan; Kronlid, Fredrik; Wärnestål, Pontus}
title = {Safe In-vehicle Dialogue Using Learned Predictions of User Utterances}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2011}
author = {Angelov, Krasimir; Bringert, Björn; Ranta, Aarne}
title = {Speech-Enabled Hybrid Multilingual Translation for Mobile Devices}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2012}
author = {Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {The New Thot Toolkit for Fully-Automatic and Interactive Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2013}
author = {Bosca, Alessio; Nikoulina, Vassilina; Dymetman, Marc}
title = {A Lightweight Terminology Verification Service for External Machine Translation Engines}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2014}
author = {Jakubíček, Miloš; Kilgarriff, Adam; Kovář, Vojtěch; Rychlý, Pavel; Suchomel, Vít}
title = {Finding Terms in Corpora for Many Languages with the Sketch Engine}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2015}
author = {Thiele, Gregor; Seeker, Wolfgang; Gärtner, Markus; Gärtner, Markus; Björkelund, Anders; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {A Graphical Interface for Automatic Error Mining in Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2016}
author = {Derczynski, Leon; Field, Camilla Vilhelmsen; Bøgh, Kenneth S.}
title = {DKIE: Open Source Information Extraction for Danish}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2017}
author = {Zavarella, Vanni; Kucuk, Dilek; Tanev, Hristo; Hürriyetoğlu, Ali}
title = {Event Extraction for Balkan Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2018}
author = {Rizov, Borislav; Dekova, Rositsa}
title = {Anaphora – Clause Annotation and Alignment Tool.}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2019}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo; Prati, Anton Maria}
title = {SPARSAR: An Expressive Poetry Reader}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2020}
author = {Toledo, Assaf; Alexandropoulou, Stavroula; Chesney, Sophie; Grimm, Robert; Kokke, Pepijn; Kruit, Benno; Neophytou, Kyriaki; Nguyen, Antony; Winter, Yoad}
title = {Annotating by Proving using SemAnTE}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2021}
author = {Gonçalves, Patricia; Branco, António H.}
title = {Answering List Questions using Web as a corpus}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2022}
author = {Schlögl, Stephan; Schlögl, Stephan; Milhorat, Pierrick; Chollet, Gérard; Chollet, Gérard; Boudy, Jérôme; Boudy, Jérôme}
title = {Designing Language Technology Applications: A Wizard of Oz Driven Prototyping Framework}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2023}
author = {Roth, Benjamin; Barth, Tassilo; Chrupała, Grzegorz; Gropp, Martin; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {RelationFactory: A Fast, Modular and Effective System for Knowledge Base Population}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2024}
author = {Kopeć, Mateusz}
title = {MMAX2 for coreference annotation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2025}
author = {Bontcheva, Kalina; Roberts, Ian; Derczynski, Leon; Rout, Dominic}
title = {The GATE Crowdsourcing Plugin: Crowdsourcing Annotated Corpora Made Easy}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-2026}
author = {Braslavski, Pavel; Ustalov, Dmitry; Mukhin, Mikhail}
title = {A Spinning Wheel for YARN: User Interface for a Crowdsourced Thesaurus}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3001}
author = {Aamot, Elias}
title = {Literature-based discovery for Oceanographic climate science}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3002}
author = {Remus, Steffen}
title = {Unsupervised Relation Extraction of In-Domain Data from Focused Crawls}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3003}
author = {Skeppstedt, Maria}
title = {Enhancing Medical Named Entity Recognition with Features Derived from Unsupervised Methods}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3004}
author = {Stewart, Ian}
title = {Now We Stronger than Ever: African-American English Syntax in Twitter}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3005}
author = {Liew, Jasy Suet Yan}
title = {Expanding the Range of Automatic Emotion Detection in Microblogging Text}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3006}
author = {Roesiger, Ina; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Resolving Coreferent and Associative Noun Phrases in Scientific Text}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3007}
author = {Barbieri, Francesco; Saggion, Horacio}
title = {Modelling Irony in Twitter}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3008}
author = {Bjerva, Johannes}
title = {Multi-class Animacy Classification with Semantic Features}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3009}
author = {Lien, Elisabeth}
title = {Using Minimal Recursion Semantics for Entailment Recognition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3010}
author = {Horvat, Matic; Byrne, William}
title = {A Graph-Based Approach to String Regeneration}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3011}
author = {Lahiri, Shibamouli}
title = {Complexity of Word Collocation Networks: A Preliminary Structural Analysis}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3012}
author = {Althobaiti, Maha; Kruschwitz, Udo; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Automatic Creation of Arabic Named Entity Annotated Corpus Using Wikipedia}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-3013}
author = {Felice, Mariano; Yuan, Zheng}
title = {Generating artificial errors for grammatical error correction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4001}
author = {Moreno, Jose G.; Dias, Gaël}
title = {Easy Web Search Results Clustering: When Baselines Can Reach State-of-the-Art Algorithms}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4002}
author = {Hasanuzzaman, Mohammed; Dias, Gaël; Ferrari, Stéphane; Mathet, Yann}
title = {Propagation Strategies for Building Temporal Ontologies}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4003}
author = {Tseng, Yuen-Hsien; Lee, Lung-Hao; Lin, Shu-Yen; Liao, Bo-Shun; Liu, Mei-Jun; Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Etzioni, Oren; Fader, Anthony}
title = {Chinese Open Relation Extraction for Knowledge Acquisition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4004}
author = {Niculae, Vlad; Zampieri, Marcos; Dinu, Liviu P.; Ciobanu, Alina Maria}
title = {Temporal Text Ranking and Automatic Dating of Texts}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4005}
author = {Aletras, Nikolaos; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Measuring the Similarity between Automatically Generated Topics}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4006}
author = {Gesmundo, Andrea; Hall, Keith}
title = {Projecting the Knowledge Graph to Syntactic Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4007}
author = {Alexopoulos, Panos; Pavlopoulos, John}
title = {A Vague Sense Classifier for Detecting Vague Definitions in Ontologies}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4008}
author = {Santus, Enrico; Lenci, Alessandro; Lu, Qin; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Chasing Hypernyms in Vector Spaces with Entropy}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4009}
author = {Cho, Eunah; Niehues, Jan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Tight Integration of Speech Disfluency Removal into SMT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4010}
author = {Rasooli, Mohammad Sadegh; Tetreault, Joel R.}
title = {Non-Monotonic Parsing of Fluent Umm I mean Disfluent Sentences}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4011}
author = {Mehay, Dennis; Ananthakrishnan, Sankaranarayanan; Hewavitharana, Sanjika}
title = {Lightly-Supervised Word Sense Translation Error Detection for an Interactive Conversational Spoken Language Translation System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4012}
author = {Lee, Sunyou; Lee, Taesung; Hwang, Seung-won}
title = {Map Translation Using Geo-tagged Social Media}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4013}
author = {Ciobanu, Alina Maria; Dinu, Anca; Dinu, Liviu P.}
title = {Predicting Romanian Stress Assignment}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4014}
author = {Derczynski, Leon; Bontcheva, Kalina}
title = {Passive-Aggressive Sequence Labeling with Discriminative Post-Editing for Recognising Person Entities in Tweets}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4015}
author = {Ruokolainen, Teemu; Silfverberg, Miikka; Kurimo, Mikko; Linden, Krister}
title = {Accelerated Estimation of Conditional Random Fields using a Pseudo-Likelihood-inspired Perceptron Variant}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4016}
author = {Sassano, Manabu}
title = {Deterministic Word Segmentation Using Maximum Matching with Fully Lexicalized Rules}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4017}
author = {Ruokolainen, Teemu; Kohonen, Oskar; Virpioja, Sami; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Painless Semi-Supervised Morphological Segmentation using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4018}
author = {González-Rubio, Jesús; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Inference of Phrase-Based Translation Models via Minimum Description Length}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4019}
author = {Malmasi, Shervin; Dras, Mark}
title = {Chinese Native Language Identification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4020}
author = {Illig, Jens; Roth, Benjamin; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Unsupervised Parsing for Generating Surface-Based Relation Extraction Patterns}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4021}
author = {Makino, Takuya}
title = {Automatic Selection of Reference Pages in Wikipedia for Improving Targeted Entities Disambiguation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4022}
author = {Kontonatsios, Georgios; Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Using a Random Forest Classifier to Compile Bilingual Dictionaries of Technical Terms from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4023}
author = {Ruppenhofer, Josef; Wiegand, Michael; Brandes, Jasper}
title = {Comparing methods for deriving intensity scores for adjectives}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4024}
author = {Östling, Robert; Östling, Robert}
title = {Bayesian Word Alignment for Massively Parallel Texts}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4025}
author = {Vu, Hoa Trong; Neubig, Graham; Sakti, Sakriani; Toda, Tomoki; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Acquiring a Dictionary of Emotion-Provoking Events}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4026}
author = {Li, Hui; Strötgen, Jannik; Zell, Julian; Gertz, Michael}
title = {Chinese Temporal Tagging with HeidelTime}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4027}
author = {Asghari, Habibollah; Maleki, Jalal; Faili, Heshaam}
title = {A Probabilistic Approach to Persian Ezafe Recognition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4028}
author = {Lipenkova, Janna; Souček, Milan}
title = {Converting Russian Dependency Treebank to Stanford Typed Dependencies Representation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4029}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Sajjad, Hassan; Hoang, Hieu; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Integrating an Unsupervised Transliteration Model into Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4030}
author = {Ouchi, Hiroki; Duh, Kevin; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Improving Dependency Parsers with Supertags}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4031}
author = {Ambati, Bharat Ram; Deoskar, Tejaswini; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Improving Dependency Parsers using Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4032}
author = {Schlund, Maximilian; Luttenberger, Michael; Esparza, Javier}
title = {Fast and Accurate Unlexicalized Parsing via Structural Annotations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4033}
author = {Swanson, Ben; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Data Driven Language Transfer Hypotheses}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4034}
author = {Peitz, Stephan; Vilar, David; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Simple and Effective Approach for Consistent Training of Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation Models}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4035}
author = {Simion, Andrei; Collins, Michael John; Stein, Cliff}
title = {Some Experiments with a Convex IBM Model 2}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4036}
author = {Dara, Aswarth; van Genabith, Josef; Liu, Qun; Judge, John; Toral, Antonio}
title = {Active Learning for Post-Editing Based Incrementally Retrained MT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4037}
author = {Yung, Frances; Duh, Kevin; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Analysis and Prediction of Unalignable Words in Parallel Text}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4038}
author = {Tschuggnall, Michael; Specht, Günther}
title = {Enhancing Authorship Attribution By Utilizing Syntax Tree Profiles}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4039}
author = {Scheible, Christian; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Multi-Domain Sentiment Relevance Classification with Automatic Representation Learning}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4040}
author = {Dunietz, Jesse; Gillick, Dan}
title = {A New Entity Salience Task with Millions of Training Examples}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4041}
author = {Gkatzia, Dimitra; Hastie, Helen; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Finding middle ground? Multi-objective Natural Language Generation from time-series data}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4042}
author = {Gella, Spandana; Cook, Paul; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {One Sense per Tweeter ... and Other Lexical Semantic Tales of Twitter}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4043}
author = {Kopeć, Mateusz}
title = {Zero subject detection for Polish}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4044}
author = {Feizabadi, Parvin Sadat; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {Crowdsourcing Annotation of Non-Local Semantic Roles}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4045}
author = {Tuggener, Don}
title = {Coreference Resolution Evaluation for Higher Level Applications}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E14-4046}
author = {Olariu, Andrei}
title = {Efficient Online Summarization of Microblogging Streams}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2014}
id = {E83-1001}
author = {Cushing, Steven}
title = {Abstract Control Structures And The Semantics Of Quantifiers}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1002}
author = {Haduch, Leszek}
title = {L'idee De Grammaire Avec Le Contexte Naturel}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1003}
author = {Yamada, Sae}
title = {Iterative Operations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1004}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Sgall, Petr}
title = {Structure Of Sentence And Inferencing In Question Answering}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1005}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo}
title = {A Phonological Processor For Italian}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1006}
author = {Segre, Alberto Maria; Sherwood, Bruce Arne; Dickerson, Wayne B.}
title = {An Expert System For The Production Of Phoneme Strings From Unmarked English Text Using Machine-Induced Rules}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1007}
author = {Beroule, Dominique}
title = {Vocal Interface For A Man-Machine Dialog}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1008}
author = {Jappinen, Harri; Lehtola, Aarno; Nelimarkka, Esa; Ylilammi, Matti}
title = {Knowledge Engineering Approach To Morphological Analysis}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1009}
author = {Frey, Werner; Reyle, Uwe}
title = {A PROLOG Implementation Of Lexical Functional Grammar As A Base For A Natural Language Processing System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1010}
author = {Prodanof, Irina; Ferrari, Giacomo}
title = {Extended Access To The Left Context In An ATN Parser}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1011}
author = {Brodda, Benny}
title = {An Experiment With Heuristic Parsing Of Swedish}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1012}
author = {Koktova, Eva}
title = {Towards The Semantics Of Sentence Adverbials}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1013}
author = {Huang, Xiuming}
title = {Dealing With Conjunctions In A Machine Translation Environment}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1014}
author = {Sampson, Geoffrey}
title = {Fallible Rationalism And Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1015}
author = {McNaught, John}
title = {The Generation Of Term Definitions From An On-Line Terminological Thesaurus}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1016}
author = {Steinacker, Ingeborg; Buchberger, Ernst}
title = {Relating Syntax And Semantics: The Syntactico-Semantic Lexicon Of The System VIE-LANG}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1017}
author = {Carroll, John}
title = {An Island Parsing Interpreter For The Full Augmented Transition Network Formalism}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1018}
author = {Stock, Oliviero; Castelfranchi, Cristiano; Parisi, Domenico}
title = {WEDNESDAY: Parsing Flexible Word Order Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1019}
author = {Goerz, Guenther; Beckstein, C.}
title = {How To Parse Gaps In Spoken Utterances}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1020}
author = {Lesmo, Leonardo; Torasso, Pietro}
title = {A Flexible Natural Language Parser Based On A Two-Level Representation Of Syntax}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1021}
author = {Cappelli, Amedeo; Moretti, Lorenzo}
title = {An Approach To Natural Language In The SI-NETS Paradigm}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1022}
author = {Kononenko, I. S.; Pershina, E. L.}
title = {An Experiment On Synthesis Of Russian Parametric Constructions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1023}
author = {Cerri, Stefano A.}
title = {Learning Translation Skills With A Knowledge-Based Tutor: French-Italian Conjunctions In Context}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1024}
author = {Dunin-Keplicz, Barbara}
title = {Towards Better Understanding Of Anaphora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1025}
author = {Guenthner, Franz; Lehmann, Hubert}
title = {Rules For Pronominalization}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1026}
author = {Koit, Mare; Litvak, S.; Õim, Haldur; Roosmaa, Tiit; Saluveer, Madis}
title = {Local And Global Structures In Discourse Understanding}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1027}
author = {Matthiessen, Christian M. I. M.}
title = {Systemic Grammar In Computation: The Nigel Case}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1028}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {Inquiry Semantics: A Functional Semantics Of Natural Language Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1029}
author = {Adorni, Giovanni; Di Manzo, Mauro}
title = {Natural Language Input For Scene Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1030}
author = {Gehrke, Manfred}
title = {A Multilevel Approach To Handle Non-Standard Input}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1031}
author = {Marburger, Heinz; Wahlster, Wolfgang}
title = {Case Role Filling As A Side Effect Of Visual Search}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E83-1032}
author = {Bolc, Leonard; Kochut, K.; Lesniewski, A.; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Natural Language Information Retrieval System Dialog}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1983}
id = {E85-1001}
author = {Kornai, András}
title = {Natural Languages And The Chomsky Hierarchy}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1002}
author = {Hess, Michael}
title = {How Does Natural Language Quantify?}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1003}
author = {Stirling, Lesley}
title = {Distributives Quantifiers And A Multiplicity Of Events}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1004}
author = {Bainbridge, R. I.}
title = {Montagovian Definite Clause Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1005}
author = {Van Eynde, Frank; Des Tombe, Louis; Maes, Fons}
title = {The Specification Of Time Meaning For Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1006}
author = {Haugeneder, Hans}
title = {An ATN Treatment WH-Movement}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1007}
author = {Popowich, Fred}
title = {SAUMER: Sentence Analysis Using Metarules}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1008}
author = {Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Effective Parsing With Generalised Phrase Structure Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1009}
author = {Slocum, Jonathan; Bennett, Winfield S.}
title = {An Evaluation Of Metal: The LRC Machine Translation System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1010}
author = {Root, Rebecca}
title = {A Two-Way Approach To Structural Transfer In MT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1011}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Verastegui, Nelson; Bachut, Daniel}
title = {Various Representations Of Text Proposed For Eurotra}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1012}
author = {Fum, Danilo}
title = {Natural Language Processing And The Automatic Acquisition Of Knowledge: A Simulative Approach}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1013}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Right Attachment And Preference Semantics}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1014}
author = {Dunin-Keplicz, Barbara}
title = {How To Restrict Ambiguity Of Discourse}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1015}
author = {Lehtola, Aarno; Jappinen, Harri; Nelimarkka, Esa}
title = {Language-Based Environment For Natural Language Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1016}
author = {Bestougeff, Helene; Ligozat, Gerard}
title = {Parameterized Abstract Objects For Linguistic Information Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1017}
author = {Salton, Gerard}
title = {On The Representation Of Query Term Relations By Soft Boolean Operators}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1018}
author = {Altmann, Gerry}
title = {The Resolution Of Local Syntactic Ambiguity By The Human Sentence Processing Mechanism}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1019}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {A Parser That Doesn't}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1020}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo}
title = {Parsing Defficulties And Phonological Processing In Italian}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1021}
author = {Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Design And Implementation Of A Lexical Data Base}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1022}
author = {Kotsanis, Yannis; Maistros, Yanis}
title = {Lexifanis A Lexical Analyzer Of Modern Greek}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1023}
author = {Beale, Andrew David}
title = {A Probabilistic Approach To Grammatical Analysis Of Written English By Computer}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1024}
author = {Garside, Roger; Leech, Fanny}
title = {A Probabilistic Parser}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1025}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Boguraev, Branimir K.; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Towards A Dictionary Support Environment For Realtime Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1026}
author = {Koktova, Eva}
title = {Towards A New Type Of Morphenic Analysis}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1027}
author = {McDonald, David D.; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {A Computational Theory Of Prose Style For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1028}
author = {Tait, John Irving}
title = {An English Generator For A Case-Labelled Dependency Representation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1029}
author = {Muraki, Kazunori; Ichiyama, Shunji; Fukumochi, Yasutomo}
title = {Augmented Dependency Grammar: A Simple Interface Between The Grammar Rule And The Knowledge}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1030}
author = {Izumida, Yoshio; Ishikawa, Hiroshi; Yoshino, Toshiaki; Hoshiai, Tadashi; Makinouchi, Akifumi}
title = {A Natural Language Interface Using A World Model}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1031}
author = {Berry-Rogghe, Genevieve}
title = {Interpreting Singular Definite Descriptions In Database Queries}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1032}
author = {Bree, D. S.; Smit, R. A.}
title = {Non Standard Uses Of If}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1033}
author = {Fimbel, E.; Groscot, H.; Lancel, Jean-Marie; Simonin, Nathalie}
title = {Using A Text Model For Analysis And Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1034}
author = {Gillott, Timothy J.}
title = {The Simulation Of Stress Patterns In Synthetic Speech - A Two-Level Problem}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1035}
author = {Johnstone, Anne}
title = {Automated Speech Recognition: A Framework For Research}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1036}
author = {Fum, Danilo; Guida, Giovanni; Tasso, Carlo}
title = {A Rule-Based Approach To Evaluating Importance In Descriptive Texts}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1037}
author = {Patten, Terry}
title = {A Problem Solving Approach To Generating Text From Systemic Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1038}
author = {Parisi, Domenico; Giorgi, Alessandra}
title = {GEMS: A Model Of Sentence Production}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1039}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Sgall, Petr}
title = {Towards An Automatic Identification Of Topic And Focus}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1040}
author = {Morik, Katharina}
title = {User Modelling Dialog Structure And Dialog Strategy In HAM-ANS}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E85-1041}
author = {Narin'yani, A. S.; Simonova, O. P.}
title = {The Structure Of Communicative Context Of Dialogue Interaction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1985}
id = {E87-1001}
author = {Danlos, Laurence}
title = {The Linguistic Basis Of Text Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1002}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Nonconcatenative Finite-State Morphology}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1003}
author = {Black, Alan W.; Ritchie, Graeme D.; Pulman, Stephen G.; Russell, Graham J.}
title = {Formalisms For Morphographemic Description}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1004}
author = {Lau, Peter; Perschke, Sergei}
title = {Morphology In The Eurotra Base Level Concept}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1005}
author = {Ralli, Angela; Galiotou, Eleni}
title = {A Morphological Processor For Modern Greek}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1006}
author = {Russo, Marina}
title = {A Generative Grammar Approach For The Morphologic And Morphosyntactic Analysis Of Italian}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1007}
author = {Atwell, Eric Steven}
title = {How To Detect Grammatical Errors In A Text Without Parsing IT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1008}
author = {Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Automated Reasoning About Natural Language Correctness}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1009}
author = {Casajuana, R.; Rodriguez, C.; Sopena, L.; Villar, C.}
title = {Towards An Integrated Environment For Spanish Document Verification And Composition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1010}
author = {Atwell, Eric Steven; Frixou Drakos, Nicos}
title = {Pattern Recognition Applied To The Acquisition Of A Grammatical Classification System From Unrestricted English Text}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1011}
author = {Boguraev, Branimir K.; Carter, David M.; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {A Multi-Purpose Interface To An On-Line Dictionary}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1012}
author = {Daelemans, Walter}
title = {A Tool For The Automatic Creation Extension And Updating Of Lexical Knowledge Bases}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1013}
author = {Costantini, Cinzia; Fum, Danilo; Guida, Giovanni}
title = {Text Understanding With Multiple Knowledge Sources: An Experiment In Distributed Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1014}
author = {D'Orta, Paolo; Ferretti, Marco; Martelli, Alessandro; Scarci, Stefano}
title = {An Automatic Speech Recognition System For The Italian Language}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1015}
author = {Ehrlich, Ute}
title = {Multilevel Semantic Analysis In An Automatic Speech Understanding And Dialog System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1016}
author = {Martelli, Alessandro}
title = {Stochastic Modeling Of Language Via Sentence Space Partitioning}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1017}
author = {Wood, Mary McGee; Pollard, Elaine; Horsfall, Heather J.; Holden, Natsuko; Chandler, Brian J.; Carroll, Jeremy J.}
title = {Dictionary Organization For Machine Translation: The Experience And Implications Of The UMIST Japanese Project}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1018}
author = {Sgall, Petr; Panevova, Jarmila}
title = {Machine Translation Linguistics And Interlingua}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1019}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Kirschner, Zdenek}
title = {Fail-Soft (Emergency) Measures In A Production-Oriented MT System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1020}
author = {Kjaersgaard, Poul Soren}
title = {REFTEX - A Context-Based Translation Aid}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1021}
author = {Hajič, Jan}
title = {Ruslan - An MT System Between Closely Belated Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1022}
author = {Appelo, Lisette; Fellinger, Carel; Landsbergen, S. P. J.}
title = {Subgrammars Rule Classes And Control In The Rosetta Translation System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1023}
author = {Petitpierre, Dominique; Krauwer, Steven; Des Tombe, Louis; Arnold, Doug J.; Varile, Giovanni Battista}
title = {A Model For Preference}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1024}
author = {Ahrenberg, Lars}
title = {Parsing Into Discourse Object Descriptions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1025}
author = {Hess, Michael}
title = {Descriptional Anaphora In Discourse Representation Theory}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1026}
author = {Kilbury, James}
title = {A Proposal For Modifications In The Formalism Of GPSG}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1027}
author = {Yusoff, Zaharin}
title = {String-Tree Correspondence Grammar: A Declarative Grammar Formalism For Defining The Correspondence Between Strings Of Terms And Tree Structures}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1028}
author = {Rue, Henrik}
title = {Danish Field Grammar In Typed PROLOG}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1029}
author = {Baschung, Karine; Bes, Gabriel G.; Corluy, A.; Guillotin, T.}
title = {Auxiliaries And Clitics In French UCG Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1030}
author = {Schmauks, Dagmar}
title = {Natural And Simulated Pointing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1031}
author = {Decitre, Paul; Grossi, Thomas; Jullien, Cleo; Solvay, Jean-Philippe}
title = {Planning For Problem Formulation In Advice-Giving Dialogue}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1032}
author = {Bienkowski, Marie A.}
title = {Modeling Extemporaneous Elaboration}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1033}
author = {Marino, Massimo; Spiezio, Antonella; Ferrari, Giacomo; Prodanof, Irina}
title = {An Efficient Context-Free Parser For Augmented Phrase-Structure Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1034}
author = {Bunt, Harry C.; Thesingh, Jan; Van Der Sloot, Ko}
title = {Discontinuous Constituents In Trees Rules And Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1035}
author = {Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Deterministic Parsing And Unbounded Dependencies}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1036}
author = {Valkonen, K.; Jappinen, Harri; Lehtola, Aarno; Ylilammi, Matti}
title = {Declarative Nodel For Dependency Parsing - A View Into Blackboard Methodology}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1037}
author = {Wiren, Mats}
title = {A Comparison Of Rule-Invocation Strategies In Context-Free Chart Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1038}
author = {Stock, Oliviero}
title = {Coping With Dynamic Syntactic Strategies: An Experimental Environment For An Experimental Parser}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1039}
author = {Black, William J.}
title = {Acquisition Of Conceptual Data Models From Natural Language Descriptions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1040}
author = {Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Velardi, Paola}
title = {A Structured Representation Of Word-Senses For Semantic Analysis}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1041}
author = {Colban, Erik; Fenstad, Jens Erik}
title = {Situations And Prepositional Phrases}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1042}
author = {Nakhimovsky, Alexander}
title = {Temporal Reasoning In Natural Language Understanding: The Temporal Structure Of The Narrative}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1043}
author = {Van Eynde, Frank}
title = {Iteration Habituality And Verb Form Semantics}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1044}
author = {Danieli, Morena; Ferrara, Franco; Gemello, Roberto; Rullent, Claudio}
title = {Integrating Semantics And Flexible Syntax By Exploiting Isomorphism Between Grammatical And Semantical Relations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1045}
author = {Binot, Jean-Louis}
title = {Fragmentation And Part Of Speech Disambiguation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1046}
author = {Gibbon, Dafydd}
title = {Finite State Processing Of Tone Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1047}
author = {Kalman, Laszlo}
title = {Representation Of Feature Systems In A Non-Connectionist Molecular Machine}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1048}
author = {Kunze, Jurgen}
title = {Some Remarks On Case Relations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1049}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Passives}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E87-1050}
author = {Reimann, Dorothee}
title = {Dealing With The Notion Obligatory In Syntactic Analysis}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1987}
id = {E89-1000}
author = {Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Current Issues In Computational Lexical Semantics}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1001}
author = {Abeille, Anne; Schabes, Yves}
title = {Parsing Idioms In Lexicalized TAGs}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1002}
author = {Hepple, Mark; Morrill, Glyn}
title = {Parsing And Derivational Equivalence}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1003}
author = {Bouma, Gosse}
title = {Efficient Processing Of Flexible Categorial Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1004}
author = {Gerlach, Michael; Horacek, Helmut}
title = {Dialog Control In A Natural Language System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1005}
author = {Ramshaw, Lance A.}
title = {A Metaplan Model For Problem-Solving Discourse}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1006}
author = {Eberle, Kurt; Kasper, Walter}
title = {Tenses As Anaphora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1007}
author = {Ritchie, Graeme D.}
title = {On The Generative Power Of Two-Level Morphological Rules}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1008}
author = {Calder, Jonathan}
title = {Paradigmatic Morphology}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1009}
author = {Evans, Roger; Gazdar, Gerald}
title = {Inference In DATR}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1010}
author = {Kitano, Hiroaki; Tomabechi, Hideto; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {Ambiguity Resolution In The DMTRANS Plus}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1011}
author = {Odijk, Jan}
title = {The Organization Of The ROSETTA Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1012}
author = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Programming In Logic With Constraints For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1013}
author = {Tuda, Hirosi; Hasida, Koiti; Sirai, Hidetosi}
title = {JPSG Parser On Constraint Logic Programming}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1014}
author = {Reape, Mike}
title = {A Logical Treatment Of Semi-Free Word Order And Bounded Discontinuous Constituency}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1015}
author = {Baart, Joan L. G.}
title = {Focus And Accent In A Dutch Text-To-Speech System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1016}
author = {Whittaker, Steve; Stenton, Phil}
title = {User Studies And The Design Of Natural Language Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1017}
author = {Fum, Danilo; Giangrandi, Paolo; Tasso, Carlo}
title = {Tense Generation In An Intelligent Tutor For Foreign Language Teaching: Some Issues In The Design Of The Verb Expert}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1018}
author = {Heid, Ulrich; Raab, Sybille}
title = {Collocations In Multilingual Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1019}
author = {Carter, David M.}
title = {Lexical Acquisition In The Core Language Engine}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1020}
author = {Tufiš, Dan}
title = {It Would Be Much Easier If Went Were Goed}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1021}
author = {Jullien, Cleo; Marty, Jean-Charles}
title = {Plan Revision In Person-Machine Dialogue}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1022}
author = {Eschenbach, Carola; Habel, Christopher U.; Herweg, Michael; Rehkamper, Klaus}
title = {Remarks On Plural Anaphora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1023}
author = {Maybury, Mark T.}
title = {Enhancing Explanation Coherence With Rhetorical Strategies}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1024}
author = {Moens, Marc; Calder, Jonathan; Klein, Ewan; Reape, Mike; Zeevat, Henk}
title = {Expressing Generalizations In Unification-Based Grammar Formalisms}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1025}
author = {Johnson, Rod L.; Rosner, Mike A.}
title = {A Rich Environment For Experimentation With Unification Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1026}
author = {Van Der Linden, Erik-Jan}
title = {Lambek Theorem Proving And Feature Unification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1027}
author = {Kunze, Jurgen}
title = {A Formal Representation Of Propositions And Temporal Adverbials}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1028}
author = {Lonning, Jan Tore}
title = {Computational Semantics Of Mass Terms}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1029}
author = {Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Extended Graph Unification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1030}
author = {Pemberton, Lyn}
title = {A Modular Approach To Story Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1031}
author = {Namer, Fiammetta}
title = {Subject Erasing And Pronominalization In Italian Text Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1032}
author = {Calder, Jonathan; Reape, Mike; Zeevat, Henk}
title = {An Algorithm For Generation In Unification Categorial Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1033}
author = {Wiren, Mats}
title = {Interactive Incremental Chart Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1034}
author = {Bes, Gabriel G.; Gardent, Claire}
title = {French Order Without Order}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1035}
author = {Taylor, Lita; Grover, Claire; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {The Syntactic Regularity Of English Noun Phrases}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1036}
author = {Kume, Masako; Sato, Gayle K.; Yoshimoto, Kei}
title = {A Descriptive Framework For Translating Speaker's Meaning}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1037}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.; Netter, Klaus; Wedekind, Jurgen; Zaenen, Annie}
title = {Translation By Structural Correspondences}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1038}
author = {Bateman, John A.; Kasper, Robert T.; Schutz, Jorg F. L.; Steiner, Erich H.}
title = {A New View On The Process Of Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1039}
author = {Dahlback, Nils; Jönsson, Arne}
title = {Empirical Studies Of Discourse Representations For Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1040}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan; Dorrepaal, Joke; Arnold, Doug J.; Krauwer, Steven; Sadler, Louisa; Des Tombe, Louis}
title = {An Approach To Sentence-Level Anaphora In Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1041}
author = {Rupp, C. J.}
title = {Situation Semantics And Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E89-1042}
author = {Yusoff, Zaharin}
title = {On Formalisms And Analysis Generation And Synthesis In Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1989}
id = {E91-1001}
author = {Zampolli, Antonio}
title = {Towards Reusable Linquistic Resources}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1002}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Comparatives And Ellipsis}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1003}
author = {Wahlster, Wolfgang; Andre, Elisabeth; Graf, Winfried; Rist, Thomas}
title = {Designing Illustrated Texts: How Language Production Is Influenced By Graphics Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1004}
author = {Magerman, David M.; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Pearl: A Probabilistic Chart Parser}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1005}
author = {Becker, Tilman; Joshi, Aravind K.; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Long-Distance Scrambling And Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1006}
author = {Lavelli, Alberto; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Bidirectional Parsing Of Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1007}
author = {Hegner, Stephen J.}
title = {Horn Extended Feature Structures: Fast Unification With Negation And Limited Disjunction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1008}
author = {Pianesi, Fabio}
title = {Indexing And A Referential Dependencies Within Binding Theory: Computational Framework}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1009}
author = {Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {On The. Syntactic-Semantic Analysis Of Bound Anaphora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1010}
author = {Latecki, Longin}
title = {An Indexing Technique For Implementing Command Relations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1011}
author = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Processing Language With Logical Types And Active Constraints}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1012}
author = {Leermakers, Rene}
title = {Non-Deterministic Recursive Ascent Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1013}
author = {Nakazawa, Tsuneko}
title = {An Extended LR Parsing Algorithm For Grammars Using Feature-Based Syntactic Categories}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1014}
author = {Whitelock, Pete J.}
title = {What Sort Of Trees Do We Speak? A Computational Model Of The Syntax-Prosody Interface In Tokyo Japanese}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1015}
author = {Bilange, Eric}
title = {A Task Independent Oral Dialogue Model}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1016}
author = {Bird, Steven; Blackburn, Patrick}
title = {A Logical Approach To Arabic Phonology}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1017}
author = {Tufiš, Dan; Popescu, Octavian}
title = {A Unified Management And Processing Of Word-Forms Idioms And Analytical Compounds}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1018}
author = {Black, Alan W.; Van De Plassche, Joke; Williams, Briony}
title = {Analysis Of Unknown Words Through Morphological Decomposition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1019}
author = {Gilloux, Michel}
title = {Automatic Learning Of Word Transducers From Examples}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1020}
author = {Busemann, Stephan}
title = {Structure-Driven Generation From Separate Semantic Representations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1021}
author = {Cawsey, Alison}
title = {Using Plausible Inference Rules In Description Planning}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1022}
author = {Fedder, Lee}
title = {Generating Sentences From Different Perspectives}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1023}
author = {Reinhard, Sabine; Gibbon, Dafydd}
title = {Prosodic Inheritance And Morphological Generalisations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1024}
author = {Kilbury, James; Naerger, Petra; Renz, Ingrid}
title = {DATR As A Lexical Component For PATR}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1025}
author = {Kallgren, Gunnel}
title = {Parsing Without Lexicon: The MorP System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1026}
author = {Fum, Danilo; Pani, Bruno; Tasso, Carlo}
title = {Teaching The English Tense: Integrating Naive And Formal Grammars In An Intelligent Tutor For Foreign Language Teaching}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1027}
author = {Rimon, Mori}
title = {The Recognition Capacity Of Local Syntactic Constraints}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1028}
author = {Dale, Robert; Haddock, Nicholas J.}
title = {Generating Referring Expressions Involving Relations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1029}
author = {Cooper, Richard P.}
title = {Coordination In Unification-Based Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1030}
author = {Damas, Luis; Varile, Giovanni Battista}
title = {The Formal And Processing Models Of CLG}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1031}
author = {Bouma, Gosse}
title = {Prediction In Chart Parsing Algorithms For Categorial Unification Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1032}
author = {Crocker, Matthew W.}
title = {Multiple Interpreters In A Principle-Based Model Of Sentence Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1033}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {Exploiting Conversational Implicature For Generating Concise Explanations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1034}
author = {Paducheva, Elena V.}
title = {Semantic Features And Selection Restrictions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1035}
author = {Barry, Guy; Hepple, Mark; Leslie, Neil; Morrill, Glyn}
title = {Proof Figures And Structural Operators For Categorial Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1036}
author = {Wedekind, Jurgen}
title = {Classical Logics For Attribute-Value Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1037}
author = {Rous, Joep}
title = {Computational Aspects Of M-Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1038}
author = {Bergler, Sabine}
title = {The Semantics Of Collocational Patterns For Reporting Verbs}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1039}
author = {Brent, Michael R.}
title = {Automatic Semantic Classification Of Verbs From Their Syntactic Contexts: An Implemented Classifier For Stativity}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1040}
author = {Veronis, Jean; Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {An Assessment Of Semantic Information Automatically Extracted From Machine Readable Dictionaries}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1041}
author = {Jönsson, Arne}
title = {A Dialogue Manager Using Initiative-Response Units And Distributed Control}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1042}
author = {Klose, Gudrun; Pirlein, Thomas}
title = {Modelling Knowledge For A Natural Language Understanding System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1043}
author = {Neumann, Günter}
title = {A Bidirectional Model For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1044}
author = {Vestre, Espen J.}
title = {An Algorithm For Generating Non-Redundant Quantifier Scopings}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1045}
author = {De Roeck, Anne N.; Ball, Richard; Brown, Keith; Fox, Chris; Groefsema, Marjolein; Obeid, Nadim; Turner, Ray}
title = {Helpful Answers To Modal And Hypothetical Questions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1046}
author = {Haenelt, Karin; Konyves-Toth, Michael}
title = {The Textual Development Of Non-Stereotypic Concepts}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1047}
author = {Buschbeck-Wolf, Bianka; Henschel, Renate; Hoser, Iris; Klimonow, Gerda; Kustner, Andreas; Starke, Ingrid}
title = {Limits Of A Sentence Based Procedural Approach For Aspect Choice In German-Russian MT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1048}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Fujita, Kimikazu}
title = {Lexical Transfer Based On Bilingual Signs: Towards Interaction During Transfer}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1049}
author = {Dologlou, Yannis; Malnati, Giovanni; Paggio, Patrizia}
title = {A Preference Mechanism Based On Multiple Criteria Resolution}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1050}
author = {Russell, Graham J.; Ballim, Afzal; Estival, Dominique; Armstrong, Susan}
title = {A Language For The Statement Of Binary Relations Over Feature Structures}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1051}
author = {Sadler, Louisa; Thompson, Henry S.}
title = {Structural Non-Correspondence In Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1052}
author = {Correa, Nelson}
title = {An Extension Of Earley's Algorithm For S-Attributed Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1053}
author = {Lehmann, Hubert}
title = {Towards A Core Vocabulary For A Natural Language System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1054}
author = {Luckhardt, Heinz-Dirk}
title = {Sublanguages In Machine Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E91-1055}
author = {Ramsay, Allan}
title = {A Common Framework For Analysis And Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1991}
id = {E93-1002}
author = {Abb, Bernd; Herweg, Michael; Lebeth, Kai}
title = {The Incremental Generation Of Passive Sentences}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1003}
author = {Arnold, Doug J.; Badia, Toni; van Genabith, Josef; Markantonatou, Stella; Momma, Stefan; Sadler, Louisa; Schmidt, Paul}
title = {Experiments In Reusability Of Grammatical Resources}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1004}
author = {Blackburn, Patrick; Gardent, Claire; Meyer-Viol, Wilfried}
title = {Talking About Trees}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1005}
author = {Blackburn, Patrick; Spaan, Edith}
title = {Decidability And Undecidability In Stand-Alone Feature Logics}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1006}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {Using An Annotated Corpus As A Stochastic Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1007}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Data-Oriented Methods For Grapheme-To-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1008}
author = {Bottcher, Martin}
title = {Disjunctions And Inheritance In The Context Feature Structure System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1009}
author = {Bouche, Olivier; Van Eijck, Jan; Istace, Olivier}
title = {A Strategy For Dynamic Interpretation: A Fragment And An Implementation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1010}
author = {Bouma, Gosse; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Head-Driven Parsing For Lexicalist Grammars: Experimental Results}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1011}
author = {Bourigault, Didier}
title = {An Endogeneous Corpus-Based Method For Structural Noun Phrase Disambiguation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1012}
author = {Cahill, Lynne J.}
title = {Morphonology In The Lexicon}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1013}
author = {Dalrymple, Mary; Lamping, John; Saraswat, Vijay}
title = {LFG Semantics Via Constraints}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1014}
author = {Dorrepaal, Joke}
title = {On The Notion Of Uniqueness}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1015}
author = {Van Der Eijk, Pim}
title = {Automating The Acquisition Of Bilingual Terminology}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1016}
author = {Emms, Martin}
title = {Parsing With Polymorphism}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1017}
author = {Fernando, Tim}
title = {The Donkey Strikes Back: Extending The Dynamic Interpretation constructively}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1018}
author = {Gardent, Claire}
title = {A Unification-Based Approach To Multiple VP Ellipsis Resolution}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1019}
author = {Gates, Donna M.; Shell, Peter}
title = {Rule-Based Acquisition And Maintenance Of Lexical And Semantic Knowledge}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1020}
author = {Glasbey, Sheila R.}
title = {A Computational Treatment Of Sentence-Final 'then'}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1021}
author = {Godard, Daniele; Jayez, Jacques}
title = {Towards A Proper Treatment Of Coercion Phenomena}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1022}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Sgall, Petr; Skoumalova, Hana}
title = {Identifying Topic And Focus By An Automatic Procedure}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1023}
author = {Heemskerk, Josee S.}
title = {A Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar For Disambiguation In Morphological Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1024}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.; Wedekind, Jurgen}
title = {Restriction And Correspondence-Based Translation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1025}
author = {Kehler, Andrew}
title = {A Discourse Copying Algorithm For Ellipsis And Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1026}
author = {Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {Inheriting Verb Alternations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1027}
author = {Kiyono, Masaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Linguistic Knowledge Acquisition From Parsing Failures}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1028}
author = {Kozima, Hideki}
title = {Similarity Between Words Computed By Spreading Activation On An English Dictionary}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1029}
author = {Kracht II, Marcus}
title = {Mathematical Aspects Of Command Relations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1030}
author = {Lascarides, Alex}
title = {A Semantics And Pragmatics For The Pluperfect}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1031}
author = {Lascarides, Alex; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Temporal Connectives In A Discourse Context}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1032}
author = {Lecomte, Alain}
title = {Towards Efficient Parsing With Proof-Nets}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1033}
author = {McRoy, Susan W.; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Abductive Explanation Of Dialogue Misunderstandings}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1034}
author = {Morrill, Glyn; Soliast, Teresa}
title = {Tuples Discontinuity And Gapping In Categorial Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1035}
author = {Narayanan, Ajit; Hashem, Lama}
title = {On Abstract Finite-State Morphology}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1036}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {Generalized Left-Corner Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1037}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi; Nitta, Yoshihiko}
title = {Resolving Zero Anaphora In Japanese}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1038}
author = {Van Oostendorp, Marc}
title = {Formal Properties Of Metrical Structure}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1039}
author = {Prevost, Scott; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Generating Contextually Appropriate Intonation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1040}
author = {Schabes, Yves; Roth, Michael; Osborne, Randy}
title = {Parsing The Wall Street Journal With The Inside-Outside Algorithm}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1041}
author = {Simmons, Geoffrey}
title = {A Tradeoff Between Compositionality And Complexity In The Semantics Of Dimensional Adjectives}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1042}
author = {Staudacher, Peter}
title = {New Frontiers Beyond Context-Freeness: Di-Grammars And Di-Automata}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1043}
author = {Trost, Harald}
title = {Coping With Derivation In A Morphological Component}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1044}
author = {Versmissen, Koen}
title = {Categorial Grammar Modalities And Algebraic Semantics}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1045}
author = {Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {The Use Of Shared Forests In Tree Adjoining Grammar Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1046}
author = {Voutilainen, Atro; Tapanainen, Pasi}
title = {Ambiguity Resolution In A Reductionistic Parser}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1047}
author = {Wedekind, Jurgen; Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {Type-Driven Semantic Interpretation Of F-Structures}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1048}
author = {White, Michael}
title = {Delimitedness And Trajectory-Of-Motion Events}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1050}
author = {Bos, Johan}
title = {VP Ellipsis In A DRT-Implementation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1051}
author = {Demetriou, George C.}
title = {Lexical Disambiguation Using Constraint Handling In Prolog (CHIP)}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1052}
author = {Monachesi, Paola}
title = {Object Clitics And Clitic Climbing In Italian HPSG Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1053}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Localising Barriers Theory}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1054}
author = {Shemtov, Hadar}
title = {Text Alignment In A Tool For Translating Revised Documents}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1055}
author = {Stede, Manfred}
title = {Lexical Choice Criteria In Language Generation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1057}
author = {Aduriz, Itziar; Agirre, Eneko; Alegria, Iñaki; Arregi, Xabier; Arriola, Jose Maria; Artola, Xabier; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Ezeiza, Nerea; Maritxalar, Montse; Sarasola, Kepa; Urkia, Miriam}
title = {A Morphological Analysis Based Method For Spelling Correction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1058}
author = {Bianchi, Dario; Delmonte, Rodolfo; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {Undestanding Stories In Different Languages With GETA-RUN}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1059}
author = {Clemenceau, David; Roche, Emmanuel}
title = {Enhancing A Large Scale Dictionary With A Two-Level System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1060}
author = {Doi, Shinichi; Muraki, Kazunori; Kamei, Shin-ichiro; Yamabana, Kiyoshi}
title = {Long Sentence Analysis By Domain-Specific Pattern Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1061}
author = {Dybkjaer, Laila; Bernsen, Niels Ole; Dybkjaer, Hans}
title = {Knowledge Acquisition For A Constrained Speech System Using WoZ}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1062}
author = {Frederking, Robert E.; Cohen, Ariel; Grannes, Dean; Cousseau, Peter; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {The PAIVGLOSS MARK I MAT System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1063}
author = {Heylen, Dirk; Schenk, Andre; Verhagen, Marc}
title = {A Constraint-Based Representation Scheme Of Collocational Structures}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1064}
author = {Kallgren, Gunnel; Eriksson, Gunnar}
title = {The Linguistic Annotation System Of The Stockholm - Umea}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1065}
author = {Light, Marc; Reinhard, Sabine; Boyle-Hinrichs, Marie}
title = {INSYST: An Automatic Inserter System For Hierarchical Lexica}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1066}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Two-Level Description Of Turkish Morphology}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1067}
author = {Prószéky, Gábor; Tihanyi, László}
title = {Helyette: Inflectional Thesaurus For Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1068}
author = {De Roeck, Anne N.}
title = {Natural Language Front-Ends To Databases: Design And The Customisation Bottleneck}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1069}
author = {Tapanainen, Pasi; Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {Ambiguity Resolution In A Reductionistic Parser: Poster Version}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E93-1070}
author = {Wehrli, Eric; Ramluckun, Mira}
title = {its-2 : An Interactive Personal Translation System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1993}
id = {E95-1001}
author = {Reyle, Uwe}
title = {On Reasoning With Ambiguities}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1002}
author = {Frank, Anette; Reyle, Uwe}
title = {Principle Based Semantics For HPSG}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1003}
author = {Lauriston, Andy}
title = {Criteria For Measuring Term Recognition}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1004}
author = {Wolinski, Francis; Vichot, Frantz; Dillet, Bruno}
title = {Automatic Processing Of Proper Names In Texts}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1005}
author = {Kehler, Andrew; Dalrymple, Mary; Lamping, John; Saraswat, Vijay}
title = {The Semantics Of Resource Sharing In Lexical-Functional Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1006}
author = {Blackburn, Patrick; Gardent, Claire}
title = {A Specification Language For Lexical Functional Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1007}
author = {Wedekind, Jurgen}
title = {Some Remarks On The Decidability Of The Generation Problem In LFG- And PATR-Style Unification Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1008}
author = {Kim, Moonjoo; Han, Young S.; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Collocation Map For Overcoming Data Sparseness}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1009}
author = {Kessler, Brett}
title = {Computational Dialectology In Irish Gaelic}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1010}
author = {Davis, Mark W.; Dunning, Ted E.; Ogden, William C.}
title = {Text Alignment In The Real World: Improving Alignments Of Noisy Translations Using Common Lexical Features String Matching Strategies And N-Gram Comparisons}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1011}
author = {Keller, Bill; Weir, David}
title = {A Tractable Extension Of Linear Indexed Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1012}
author = {Brew, Chris}
title = {Stochastic HPSG}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1013}
author = {Groenink, Annius V.}
title = {Literal Movement Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1014}
author = {Teufel, Simone; Grefenstette, Gregory}
title = {Corpus-Based Method For Automatic Identification Of Support Verbs For Nominalizations}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1015}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {The Problem Of Computing The Most Probable Tree In Data-Oriented Parsing And Stochastic Tree Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1016}
author = {Ribas Framis, Francesc}
title = {On Learning More Appropriate Selectional Restrictions}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1017}
author = {Milward, David}
title = {Incremental Interpretation Of Categorial Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1018}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {Mixing Modes Of Linguistic Description In Categorial Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1019}
author = {Morrill, Glyn}
title = {Higher-Order Linear Logic Programming Of Categorial Deduction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1020}
author = {Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Distributional Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1021}
author = {Chanod, Jean-Pierre; Tapanainen, Pasi}
title = {Tagging French - Comparing A Statistical And A Constraint-Based Method}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1022}
author = {Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {A Syntax-Based Part-Of-Speech Analyser}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1023}
author = {Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Deterministic Consistency Checking Of LP Constraints}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1024}
author = {Minnen, Guido; Gerdemann, Dale; Gotz, Thilo}
title = {Off-Line Optimization For Earley-Style HPSG Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1025}
author = {Erbach, Gregor}
title = {ProFIT: Prolog With Features Inheritance And Templates}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1026}
author = {Alexandersson, Jan; Maier, Elisabeth; Reithinger, Norbert}
title = {A Robust And Efficient Three-Layered Dialogue Component For A Speech-To-Speech Translation System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1027}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei; Finch, Steven}
title = {Towards A Workbench For Acquisition Of Domain Knowledge From Natural Language}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1028}
author = {Carter, David M.}
title = {Rapid Development Of Morphological Descriptions For Full Language Processing Systems}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1029}
author = {Voutilainen, Atro; Jarvinen, Timo}
title = {Specifying A Shallow Grammatical Representation For Parsing Purposes}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1030}
author = {Lyon, Caroline; Dickerson, Wayne B.}
title = {A Fast Partial Parse Of Natural Language Sentences Using A Connectionist Method}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1031}
author = {Lee, Kong Joo; Kweon, Cheoljung; Seo, Jungyun; Kim, Gilchang}
title = {A Robust Parser Based On Syntactic Information}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1032}
author = {Crouch, Richard}
title = {Ellipsis And Quantification: A Substitutional Approach}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1033}
author = {Strube, Michael; Hahn, Udo}
title = {ParseTalk About Sentence- And Text-Level Anaphora}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1034}
author = {Hoffman, Beryl}
title = {Integrating Free Word Order Syntax And Information Structure}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1035}
author = {Hitzeman, Janet; Moens, Marc; Grover, Claire}
title = {Algorithms For Analysing The Temporal Structure Of Discourse}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1036}
author = {Nelken, Rani; Francez, Nissim}
title = {Splitting The Reference Time: Temporal Anaphora And Quantification In DRT}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1037}
author = {Chen, Kuang-Hua}
title = {Topic Identification In Discourse}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1038}
author = {Tugwell, David}
title = {A State-Transition Grammar For Data-Oriented Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1039}
author = {Huckle, Christopher C.}
title = {Grouping Words Using Statistical Context}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1040}
author = {Sablayrolles, Pierre}
title = {The Semantics Of Motion}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1041}
author = {Azzam, Saliha}
title = {An Algorithm To Co-Ordinate Anaphora Resolution And PPS Disambiguation Process}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1042}
author = {Dalianis, Hercules}
title = {Aggregation In The NL-Generator Of The Visual And Natural Language Specification Tool}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1043}
author = {Sturt, Patrick}
title = {Incorporating Unconscious Reanalyses Into An Incremental Monotonic Parser}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1044}
author = {Bowden, Tanya}
title = {Cooperative Error Handling And Shallow Processing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E95-1045}
author = {Keller, Frank}
title = {Towards An Account Of Extraposition In HPSG}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1995}
id = {E99-1001}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei; Moens, Marc; Grover, Claire}
title = {Named Entity Recognition Without Gazetteers}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1002}
author = {Power, Richard}
title = {Generating Referring Expressions With A Unification Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1003}
author = {Bourigault, Didier; Jacquemin, Christian}
title = {Term Extraction -I- Term Clustering: An Integrated Platform For Computer-Aided Terminology}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1004}
author = {O'Neill, Ian M.; McTear, Michael F.}
title = {An Object-Oriented Approach To The Design Of Dialogue Management Functionality}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1005}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; McDonald, Scott; Keller, Frank}
title = {Determinants Of Adjective-Noun Plausibility}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1006}
author = {Eckert, Miriam; Strube, Michael}
title = {Resolving Discourse Deictic Anaphora In Dialogues}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1007}
author = {Stevenson, Suzanne; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Automatic Verb Classification Using Distributions Of Grammatical Features}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1008}
author = {Boullier, Pierre}
title = {Chinese Numbers Mix Scrambling And Concatenation Grammars Range}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1009}
author = {Morrill, Glyn}
title = {Geometry Of Lexico-Syntactic Interaction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1010}
author = {Och, Franz Josef}
title = {An Efficient Method For Determining Bilingual Word Classes}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1011}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; House, David; Klein, Gary; Hirschman, Lynette; Firmin Hand, Therese; Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {The TIPSTER SUMMAC Text Summarization Evaluation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1012}
author = {Fernando, Tim}
title = {Ambiguous Propositions Typed}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1013}
author = {Mandala, Rila; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {Complementing WordNet With Roget's And Corpus-Based Thesauri For Information Retrieval}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1014}
author = {Ciravegna, Fabio; Lavelli, Alberto}
title = {Full Text Parsing Using Cascades Of Rules: An Information Extraction Perspective}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1015}
author = {Teufel, Simone; Carletta, Jean; Moens, Marc}
title = {An Annotation Scheme For Discourse-Level Argumentation In Research Articles}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1016}
author = {Brants, Thorsten}
title = {Cascaded Markov Models}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1017}
author = {Gerdemann, Dale; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Transducers From Rewrite Rules With Backreferences}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1018}
author = {Orphanos, Giorgos S.; Christodoulakis, Dimitris N.}
title = {POS Disambiguation And Unknown Word Guessing With Decision Trees}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1019}
author = {Wolters, Maria; Kirsten, Mathias}
title = {Exploring The Use Of Linguistic Features In Domain And Genre Classification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1020}
author = {Alonso, Miguel A.; Cabrero, David; De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte; Vilares, Manuel}
title = {Tabular Algorithms For TAG Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1021}
author = {Stamatatos, Efstathios; Fakotakis, Nikos D.; Kokkinakis, George K.}
title = {Automatic Authorship Attribution}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1022}
author = {Minnen, Guido}
title = {Selective Magic HPSG Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1023}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.; Veenstra, Jorn}
title = {Representing Text Chunks}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1024}
author = {Shinnou, Hiroyuki}
title = {Detection Of Japanese Homophone Errors By A Decision List Including A Written Word As A Default Evidence}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1025}
author = {Chen, John; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {New Models For Improving Supertag Disambiguation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1026}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Sekine, Satoshi; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Japanese Dependency Structure Analysis Based On Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1027}
author = {Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {An Experiment On The Upper Bound Of Interjudge Agreement: The Case Of Tagging}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1028}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation In Untagged Text Based On Term Weight Learning}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1029}
author = {Carroll, John; Nicolov, Nicolas; Shaumyan, Olga; Smets, Martine; Weir, David}
title = {Parsing With An Extended Domain Of Locality}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1030}
author = {Cavaglia, Gabriela}
title = {The Development Of Lexical Resources For Information Extraction From Text Combining WordNet And Dewey Decimal Classification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1031}
author = {Byron, Donna K.; Tetreault, Joel R.}
title = {A Flexible Architecture For Reference Resolution}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1032}
author = {Caudal, Patrick}
title = {Result Stages And The Lexicon: The Proper Treatment Of Event Structure}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1033}
author = {Paiva, Daniel S.}
title = {Investigating NLG Architectures: Taking Style Into Consideration}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1034}
author = {Picard, Justin}
title = {Finding Content-Bearing Terms Using Term Similarities}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1035}
author = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios; Johansson Kokkinakis, Sofie}
title = {A Cascaded Finite-State Parser For Syntactic Analysis Of Swedish}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1036}
author = {Lopez, Patrice}
title = {Repair Strategies For Lexicalized Tree Grammars}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1037}
author = {Reuer, Veit}
title = {Dialogue Processing In A CALL-System}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1038}
author = {Zuo, Yan}
title = {Focusing On Focus: A Formalization}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1039}
author = {Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {Representing A System Of Lexical Types Using Default Unification}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1040}
author = {Aldezabal, Izaskun; Alegria, Iñaki; Ansa, Olatz; Arriola, Jose Maria; Ezeiza, Nerea}
title = {Designing Spelling Correctors For Inflected Languages Using Lexical Transducers}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1041}
author = {Argenton, Hans; Feldhaus, Anke}
title = {The Treegram Index-An Efficient Technique For Retrieval In Linguistic Treebanks}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1042}
author = {Carroll, John; Nicolov, Nicolas; Shaumyan, Olga; Smets, Martine; Weir, David}
title = {Parsing With An Extended Domain Of Locality (Poster Version)}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1043}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Park, Hyun Seok; Ogata, Norihiro; Tateisi, Yuka; Nobata, Chikashi; Ohta, Tomoko; Sekimizu, Tateshi; Imai, Hisao; Ibushi, Katsutoshi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {The GENIA Project: Corpus-Based Knowledge Acquisition And Information Extraction From Genome Research Papers}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1044}
author = {Cremers, Crit}
title = {A Note On Categorial Grammar Disharmony And Permutation}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1045}
author = {Gamper, Johann}
title = {Encoding A Parallel Corpus For Automatic Terminology Extraction}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1046}
author = {Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {95% Replicability For Manual Word Sense Tagging}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1047}
author = {Lager, Torbjorn}
title = {u-TBL Lite: A Small Extendible Transformation-Based Learner}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1048}
author = {Nerbonne, John; Heeringa, Wilbert; Kleiweg, Peter}
title = {Comparison And Classification Of Dialects}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1049}
author = {Schilder, Frank}
title = {Pointing To Events}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1050}
author = {Stevenson, Mark}
title = {A Corpus-Based Approach To Deriving Lexical Mappings}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1051}
author = {Relaño Gil, José; Tapias, Daniel; Gancedo, Maria C.; Charfuelan, Marcela; Hernández Gomez, Luis A.}
title = {Robust And Flexible Mixed-Initiative Dialogue For Telephone Services}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {E99-1052}
author = {Muurisep, Kaili}
title = {Determination Of Syntactic Functions In Estonian Constraint Grammar}
venue = {EACL}
year = {1999}
id = {W04-3201}
author = {Taskar, Ben; Klein, Dan; Collins, Michael John; Koller, Daphne; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Max-Margin Parsing}
venue = {EACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P00-1001}
author = {Brennan, Susan E.}
title = {Invited Talk: Processes That Shape Conversation And Their Implications For Computational Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1002}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Invited Talk: Generic NLP Technologies: Language Knowledge And Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1003}
author = {Moore, Roger K.}
title = {Invited Talk: Spoken Language Technology: Where Do We Go From Here?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1004}
author = {Vogel, Stephan; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Translation With Cascaded Finite State Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1005}
author = {Kim, Jung-Jae; Choi, Key-Sun; Chae, Young-Soog}
title = {Phrase-Pattern-Based Korean To English Machine Translation Using Two Level Translation Pattern Selection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1006}
author = {Foster, George}
title = {A Maximum Entropy/Minimum Divergence Translation Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1007}
author = {Krymolowski, Yuval; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Incorporating Compositional Evidence In Memory-Based Partial Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1008}
author = {Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Tree-Gram Parsing: Lexical Dependencies And Structural Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1009}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {An Improved Parser For Data-Oriented Lexical-Functional Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1010}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Wilson, George}
title = {Robust Temporal Processing Of News}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1011}
author = {Bechet, Frédéric; Nasr, Alexis; Genet, Franck}
title = {Tagging Unknown Proper Names Using Decision Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1012}
author = {Malouf, Robert}
title = {The Order Of Prenominal Adjectives In Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1013}
author = {Roy, Nicholas; Pineau, Joelle; Thrun, Sebastian}
title = {Spoken Dialogue Management Using Probabilistic Reasoning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1014}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Lin, Dekang}
title = {An Unsupervised Approach To Prepositional Phrase Attachment Using Contextually Similar Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1015}
author = {Xun, Endong; Huang, Changning; Zhou, Ming}
title = {A Unified Statistical Model For The Identification Of English BaseNP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1016}
author = {Ngai, Grace; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Rule Writing Or Annotation: Cost-Efficient Resource Usage For Base Noun Phrase Chunking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1017}
author = {Yeh, Alexander S.}
title = {Using Existing Systems To Supplement Small Amounts Of Annotated Grammatical Relations Training Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1018}
author = {Milward, David}
title = {Distributing Representation For Robust Interpretation Of Dialogue Utterances}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1019}
author = {Jordan, Pamela W.}
title = {Can Nominal Expressions Achieve Multiple Goals?: An Empirical Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1020}
author = {Carenini, Giuseppe; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {An Empirical Study Of The Influence Of Argument Conciseness On Argument Effectiveness}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1021}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko; Frank, Ian}
title = {Multi-Agent Explanation Strategies In Real-Time Domains}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1022}
author = {Ferrandez, Antonio; Peral, Jesus}
title = {A Computational Approach To Zero-Pronouns In Spanish}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1023}
author = {Morton, Thomas S.}
title = {Coreference For NLP Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1024}
author = {Jordan, Pamela W.; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Learning Attribute Selections For Non-Pronominal Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1025}
author = {Beesley, Kenneth R.; Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Finite-State Non-Concatenative Morphotactics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1026}
author = {De Roeck, Anne N.; Al-Fares, Waleed}
title = {A Morphologically Sensitive Clustering Algorithm For Identifying Arabic Roots}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1027}
author = {Yarowsky, David; Wicentowski, Richard}
title = {Minimally Supervised Morphological Analysis By Multimodal Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1028}
author = {Klein, Ewan}
title = {A Constraint-Based Approach To English Prosodic Constituents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1029}
author = {Muller, Karin; Möbius, Bernd; Prescher, Detlef}
title = {Inducing Probabilistic Syllable Classes Using Multivariate Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1030}
author = {Pan, Shimei; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Modeling Local Context For Pitch Accent Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1031}
author = {Chen, Zheng; Lee, Kai-Fu}
title = {A New Statistical Approach To Chinese Pinyin Input}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1032}
author = {Zhang, Lei; Zhou, Ming; Huang, Changning; Pan, Haihua}
title = {Automatic Detecting/Correcting Errors In Chinese Text By An Approximate Word-Matching Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1033}
author = {Lai, Tom Bong-Yeung; Huang, Changning}
title = {Dependency-Based Syntactic Analysis Of Chinese And Annotation Of Parsed Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1034}
author = {Lee, Sang-Zoo; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Part-Of-Speech Tagging Based On Hidden Markov Model Assuming Joint Independence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1035}
author = {Cucerzan, Silviu; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Language Independent Minimally Supervised Induction Of Lexical Probabilities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1036}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {Independence And Commitment: Assumptions For Rapid Training And Execution Of Rule-Based POS Taggers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1037}
author = {Brill, Eric; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {An Improved Error Model For Noisy Channel Spelling Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1038}
author = {Berger, Adam L.; Mittal, Vibhu O.}
title = {Query-Relevant Summarization Using FAQs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1039}
author = {Nakao, Yoshio}
title = {An Algorithm For One-Page Summarization Of A Long Text Based On Thematic Hierarchy Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1040}
author = {Reithinger, Norbert; Kipp, Michael; Engel, Ralf; Alexandersson, Jan}
title = {Summarizing Multilingual Spoken Negotiation Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1041}
author = {Banko, Michele; Mittal, Vibhu O.; Witbrock, Michael J.}
title = {Headline Generation Based On Statistical Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1042}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Ma, Qing; Murata, Masaki; Ozaku, Hiromi Itoh; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Named Entity Extraction Based On A Maximum Entropy Model And Transformation Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1043}
author = {Khoo, Christopher S. G.; Chan, Syin; Niu, Yun}
title = {Extracting Causal Knowledge From A Medical Database Using Graphical Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1044}
author = {Nobata, Chikashi; Sekine, Satoshi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Difficulty Indices For The Named Entity Task In Japanese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1045}
author = {Van Lohuizen, Marcel P.}
title = {Memory-Efficient And Thread-Safe Quasi-Destructive Graph Unification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1046}
author = {Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Processing Optimality-Theoretic Syntax By Interleaved Chart Parsing And Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1047}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Niehren, Joachim}
title = {A Polynomial-Time Fragment Of Dominance Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1048}
author = {Lee, Sang-Zoo; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Hidden Markov Model-Based Korean Part-Of-Speech Tagging Considering High Agglutinativity Word-Spacing And Lexical Correlativity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1049}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Synchronous Morphological Analysis Of Grapheme And Phoneme For Japanese OCR}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1050}
author = {Huang, Jin-Xia; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Chinese-Korean Word Alignment Based On Linguistic Comparison}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1051}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Cheng, Hua; Henschel, Renate; Hitzeman, Janet; Kibble, Rodger; Stevenson, Rosemary}
title = {Specifying The Parameters Of Centering Theory: A Corpus-Based Evaluation Using Text From Application-Oriented Domains}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1052}
author = {Miltsakaki, Eleni; Kukich, Karen}
title = {The Role Of Centering Theory's Rough-Shift In The Teaching And Evaluation Of Writing Skills}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1053}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Cristea, Dan}
title = {A Hierarchical Account Of Referential Accessibility}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1054}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Lexical Transfer Using A Vector-Space Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1055}
author = {Ribeiro, Antonio; Lopes, Gabriel; Mexia, Joao}
title = {Using Confidence Bands For Parallel Texts Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1056}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Improved Statistical Alignment Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1057}
author = {Schuler, William; Chiang, David; Dras, Mark}
title = {Multi-Component TAG And Notions Of Formal Power}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1058}
author = {Chiang, David}
title = {Statistical Parsing With An Automatically-Extracted Tree Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1059}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Corpus-Based Lexical Choice In Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1060}
author = {Sui, Zhifang; Jun, Zhao; Wu, Dekai}
title = {An Information-Theory-Based Feature Type Analysis For The Modeling Of Statistical Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1061}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; Prescher, Detlef; Kuhn, Jonas; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Lexicalized Stochastic Modeling Of Constraint-Based Grammars Using Log-Linear Measures And EM Training}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1062}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Utilizing The World Wide Web As An Encyclopedia: Extracting Term Descriptions From Semi-Structured Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1063}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Lee, Kyung-Soon; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Term Recognition Using Technical Dictionary Hierarchy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1064}
author = {Daude, J.; Padró, Lluís; Rigau, German}
title = {Mapping WordNets Using Structural Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1065}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Automatic Labeling Of Semantic Roles}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1066}
author = {Pinkal, Manfred; Kohlhase, Michael}
title = {Feature Logic For Dotted Types: A Formalism For Complex Word Meanings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1067}
author = {Liu, Ting; Zhou, Ming; Gao, Jianfeng; Xun, Endong; Huang, Changning}
title = {PENS: A Machine-Aided English Writing System For Chinese Users}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1068}
author = {Kakegawa, Jun-ichi; Kanda, Hisayuki; Fujioka, Eitaro; Itami, Makoto; Itoh, Kohji}
title = {Diagnostic Processing Of Japanese For Computer-Assisted Second Language Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1069}
author = {Park, Seong-Bae; Zhang, Byoung-Tak; Kim, Yung Taek}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation By Learning From Unlabeled Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1070}
author = {Vicedo, Jose Luis; Ferrandez, Antonio}
title = {Importance Of Pronominal Anaphora Resolution In Question Answering Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1071}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Paşca, Marius; Mihalcea, Rada; Gîrju, Roxana; Goodrum, Richard; Rus, Vasile}
title = {The Structure And Performance Of An Open-Domain Question Answering System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1072}
author = {Kim, Kilyoun; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Dimension-Reduced Estimation Of Word Co-Occurrence Probability}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1073}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Lee, Kai-Fu}
title = {Distribution-Based Pruning Of Backoff Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1074}
author = {Roxas, Rachel Edita O.; Borra, Allan}
title = {Panel: Computational Linguistics Research On Philippine Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1075}
author = {Nazief, Bobby}
title = {Panel: Development Of Computational Linguistics Research: A Challenge For Indonesia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1076}
author = {Phan, Huy Khanh}
title = {Panel: Good Spelling Of Vietnamese TextsOne Aspect Of Computational Linguistics In Vietnam}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1077}
author = {Bharati, Akshar; Chaitanya, Vineet; Sangal, Rajeev}
title = {Panel: Computational Linguistics In India: An Overview}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1078}
author = {Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Potipiti, Tanapong; Wutiwiwatchai, Chai; Mittrapiyanuruk, Pradit}
title = {Panel: The State Of The Art In Thai Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P00-1079}
author = {Yusoff, Zaharin}
title = {Panel: Computational Linguistics In Malaysia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2000}
id = {P01-1001}
author = {Durbin, Richard}
title = {Invited Talk: Interpreting The Human Genome Sequence Using Stochastic Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1002}
author = {Gauvain, Jean-Luc; Lamel, Lori F.; Adda, Gilles; Adda-Decker, Martine; Barras, Claude; Chen, Langzhou; De Kercadio, Yannick}
title = {Invited Talk: Processing Broadcast Audio For Information Access}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1003}
author = {Amaya, Fredy A.; Benedí, José-Miguel}
title = {Improvement Of A Whole Sentence Maximum Entropy Language Model Using Grammatical Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1004}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Low-Cost High-Performance Translation Retrieval: Dumber Is Better}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1005}
author = {Banko, Michele; Brill, Eric}
title = {Scaling To Very Very Large Corpora For Natural Language Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1006}
author = {Barbu, Catalina; Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {Evaluation Tool For Rule-Based Anaphora Resolution Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1007}
author = {Barthélemy, François; Boullier, Pierre; Deschamp, Philippe; De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {Guided Parsing Of Range Concatenation Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1008}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Extracting Paraphrases From A Parallel Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1009}
author = {Bierner, Gann}
title = {Alternative Phrases And Natural Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1010}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {What Is The Minimal Set Of Fragments That Achieves Maximal Parse Accuracy?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1011}
author = {Bodirsky, Manuel; Erk, Katrin; Koller, Alexander; Niehren, Joachim}
title = {Underspecified Beta Reduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1012}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Krahmer, Emiel; Swerts, Marc}
title = {Detecting Problematic Turns In Human-Machine Interactions: Rule-Induction Versus Memory-Based Learning Approaches}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1013}
author = {Brent, Michael R.; Tao, Xiaopeng}
title = {Chinese Text Segmentation With MBDP-1: Making The Most Of Training Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1014}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Marcu, Daniel; Andreyev, Slava; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Towards Automatic Classification Of Discourse Elements In Essays}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1015}
author = {Cahill, Lynne J.; Carroll, John; Evans, Roger; Paiva, Daniel S.; Power, Richard; Scott, Donia R.; van Deemter, Kees}
title = {From Rags To Riches: Exploiting The Potential Of A Flexible Generation Architecture}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1016}
author = {Cassell, Justine; Nakano, Yukiko I.; Bickmore, Timothy W.; Sidner, Candace L.; Rich, Charles}
title = {Non-Verbal Cues For Discourse Structure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1017}
author = {Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Immediate-Head Parsing For Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1018}
author = {Chiang, David}
title = {Constraints On Strong Generative Power}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1019}
author = {Copestake, Ann; Lascarides, Alex; Flickinger, Daniel P.}
title = {An Algebra For Semantic Construction In Constraint-Based Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1020}
author = {Corston-Oliver, Simon H.; Gamon, Michael; Brockett, Chris}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach To The Automatic Evaluation Of Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1021}
author = {Dikovsky, Alexander}
title = {Grammars For Local And Long Dependencies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1022}
author = {Dowding, John; Hockey, Beth Ann; Gawron, Jean Mark; Culy, Christopher}
title = {Practical Issues In Compiling Typed Unification Grammars For Speech Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1023}
author = {Duboue, Pablo Ariel; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Empirically Estimating Order Constraints For Content Planning In Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1024}
author = {Duchier, Denys; Debusmann, Ralph}
title = {Topological Dependency Trees: A Constraint-Based Account Of Linear Precedence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1025}
author = {Evert, Stefan; Krenn, Brigitte}
title = {Methods For The Qualitative Evaluation Of Lexical Association Measures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1026}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Organizing Encyclopedic Knowledge Based On The Web And Its Application To Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1027}
author = {García-Varea, Ismael; Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Refined Lexicon Models For Statistical Machine Translation Using A Maximum Entropy Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1028}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Thater, Stefan}
title = {Generating With A Grammar Based On Tree Descriptions: A Constraint-Based Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1029}
author = {Gerdes, Kim; Kahane, Sylvain}
title = {Word Order In German: A Formal Dependency Grammar Using A Topological Hierarchy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1030}
author = {Germann, Ulrich; Jahr, Michael; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel; Yamada, Kenji}
title = {Fast Decoding And Optimal Decoding For Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1031}
author = {Ginzburg, Jonathan; Cooper, Robin}
title = {Resolving Ellipsis In Clarification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1032}
author = {Green, Rebecca; Pearl, Lisa; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Mapping Lexical Entries In A Verbs Database To WordNet Senses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1033}
author = {de Groote, Philippe}
title = {Towards Abstract Categorial Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1034}
author = {Grover, Claire; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {XML-Based Data Preparation For Robust Deep Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1035}
author = {Hajič, Jan; Krbec, Pavel; Kveton, Pavel; Oliva, Karel; Petkevič, Vladimír}
title = {Serial Combination Of Rules And Statistics: A Case Study In Czech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1036}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Sgall, Petr}
title = {Topic-Focus And Salience}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1037}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Moldovan, Dan; Paşca, Marius; Mihalcea, Rada; Surdeanu, Mihai; Bunsecu, Razvan; Gîrju, Roxana; Rus, Vasile; Morarescu, Paul}
title = {The Role Of Lexico-Semantic Feedback In Open-Domain Textual Question-Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1038}
author = {Hardt, Daniel; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Generation Of VP Ellipsis: A Corpus-Based Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1039}
author = {Huang, Jing; Zweig, Geoffrey; Padmanabhan, Mukund}
title = {Information Extraction From Voicemail}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1040}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Romary, Laurent}
title = {A Common Framework For Syntactic Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1041}
author = {Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Japanese Named Entity Recognition Based On A Simple Rule Generator And Decision Tree Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1042}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Joint And Conditional Estimation Of Tagging And Parsing Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1043}
author = {Kinyon, Alexandra}
title = {A Language Independent Shallow-Parser Compiler}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1044}
author = {Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Parsing With Treebank Grammars: Empirical Bounds Theoretical Models And The Structure Of The Penn Treebank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1045}
author = {Kübler, Sandra; Hinrichs, Erhard W.}
title = {From Chunks To Function-Argument Structure: A Similarity-Based Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1046}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Keller, Frank; McDonald, Scott}
title = {Evaluating Smoothing Algorithms Against Plausibility Judgements}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1047}
author = {Lecomte, Alain; Retore, Christian}
title = {Extending Lambek Grammars: A Logical Account Of Minimalist Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1048}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Hirschberg, Julia; Swerts, Marc}
title = {Predicting User Reactions To System Error}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1049}
author = {Liu, Jimin; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Building Semantic Perceptron Net For Topic Spotting}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1050}
author = {Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Towards A Unified Approach To Memory- And Statistical-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1051}
author = {Michaud, Lisa N.; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Error Profiling: Toward A Model Of English Acquisition For Deaf Learners}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1052}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Rus, Vasile}
title = {Logic Form Transformation Of WordNet And Its Applicability To Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1053}
author = {Muller, Karin}
title = {Automatic Detection Of Syllable Boundaries Combining The Advantages Of Treebank And Bracketed Corpora Training}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1054}
author = {Penn, Gerald}
title = {Tractability And Structural Closures In Attribute Logic Type Signatures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1055}
author = {Petasis, Georgios; Vichot, Frantz; Wolinski, Francis; Paliouras, Georgios; Karkaletsis, Vangelis; Spyropoulos, Constantine D.}
title = {Using Machine Learning To Maintain Rule-Based Named-Entity Recognition And Classification Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1056}
author = {Rambow, Owen; Rogati, Monica; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Evaluating A Trainable Sentence Planner For A Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1057}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Robertson, Roma; Lennox, A. Scott; Osman, Liesl}
title = {Using A Randomised Controlled Clinical Trial To Evaluate An NLG System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1058}
author = {Santos, Diana; Rocha, Paulo}
title = {Evaluating CETEMPublico A Free Resource For Portuguese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1059}
author = {Schiffman, Barry; Mani, Inderjeet; Concepcion, Kristian}
title = {Producing Biographical Summaries: Combining Linguistic Knowledge With Corpus Statistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1060}
author = {Schmid, Helmut; Rooth, Mats}
title = {Parse Forest Computation Of Expected Governors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1061}
author = {Schuler, William}
title = {Computational Properties Of Environment-Based Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1062}
author = {Sgarbas, Kyriakos N.; Fakotakis, Nikos D.; Kokkinakis, George K.}
title = {Incremental Construction Of Compact Acyclic NFAs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1063}
author = {Snover, Matthew; Brent, Michael R.}
title = {A Bayesian Model For Morpheme And Paradigm Identification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1064}
author = {Utiyama, Masao; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {A Statistical Model For Domain-Independent Text Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1065}
author = {Van Lohuizen, Marcel P.}
title = {A Generic Approach To Parallel Chart Parsing With An Application To LinGO}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1066}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Boland, Julie E.}
title = {Quantitative And Qualitative Evaluation Of Darpa Communicator Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1067}
author = {Yamada, Kenji; Knight, Kevin}
title = {A Syntax-Based Statistical Translation Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1068}
author = {Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Isogai, Shuntaro; Sagisaka, Yoshinori}
title = {Multi-Class Composite N-Gram Language Model For Spoken Language Processing Using Multiple Word Clusters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1069}
author = {Zhang, Tong; Damerau, Fred J.; Johnson, David E.}
title = {Text Chunking Using Regularized Winnow}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P01-1070}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; Horvitz, Eric}
title = {Using Machine Learning Techniques To Interpret WH-Questions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2001}
id = {P02-1001}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Parameter Estimation For Probabilistic Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1002}
author = {Goodman, Joshua}
title = {Sequential Conditional Generalized Iterative Scaling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1003}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Striegnitz, Kristina}
title = {Generation As Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1004}
author = {Gamon, Michael; Ringger, Eric K.; Corston-Oliver, Simon H.; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Machine-Learned Contexts For Linguistic Operations In German Sentence Realization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1005}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Paşca, Marius; Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Surdeanu, Mihai}
title = {Performance Issues And Error Analysis In An Open-Domain Question Answering System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1006}
author = {Ravichandran, Deepak; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Learning Surface Text Patterns For A Question Answering System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1007}
author = {Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {OT Syntax - Decidability Of Generation-Based Optimization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1008}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Phonological Comprehension And The Compilation Of Optimality Theory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1009}
author = {Penn, Gerald}
title = {Generalized Encoding Of Description Spaces And Its Application To Typed Feature Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1010}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Ellipsis Resolution With Underspecified Scope}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1011}
author = {Byron, Donna K.}
title = {Resolving Pronominal Reference To Abstract Entities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1012}
author = {Callaway, Charles B.; Lester, James C.}
title = {Pronominalization In Generated Discourse And Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1013}
author = {Gardent, Claire}
title = {Generating Minimal Definite Descriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1014}
author = {Ng, Vincent; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Improving Machine Learning Approaches To Coreference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1015}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Parsing Non-Recursive CFGs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1016}
author = {Tang, Min; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Active Learning For Statistical Natural Language Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1017}
author = {Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {A Generative Constituent-Context Model For Improved Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1018}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {A Simple Pattern-Matching Algorithm For Recovering Empty Nodes And Their Antecedents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1019}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Pronunciation Modeling For Improved Spelling Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1020}
author = {Clough, Paul D.; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Piao, Scott S. L.; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Measuring Text Reuse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1021}
author = {Pakhomov, Serguei V.}
title = {Semi-Supervised Maximum Entropy Based Approach To Acronym And Abbreviation Normalization In Medical Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1022}
author = {Cunningham, Hamish; Maynard, Diana; Bontcheva, Kalina; Tablan, Valentin}
title = {GATE: A Framework And Graphical Development Environment For Robust NLP Tools And Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1023}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Zhang, Min}
title = {Improving Language Model Size Reduction Using Better Pruning Criteria}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1024}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Goodman, Joshua; Cao, Guihong; Li, Hang}
title = {Exploring Asymmetric Clustering For Statistical Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1025}
author = {Xu, Peng; Chelba, Ciprian; Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {A Study On Richer Syntactic Dependencies For Structured Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1026}
author = {Genzel, Dmitriy; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Entropy Rate Constancy In Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1027}
author = {Merlo, Paola; Stevenson, Suzanne; Tsang, Vivian; Allaria, Gianluca}
title = {A Multilingual Paradigm For Automatic Verb Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1028}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {Verb Paraphrase Based On Case Frame Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1029}
author = {Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Brew, Chris}
title = {Inducing German Semantic Verb Classes From Purely Syntactic Subcategorisation Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1030}
author = {Curran, James R.; Moens, Marc}
title = {Scaling Context Space}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1031}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Palmer, Martha}
title = {The Necessity Of Parsing For Predicate Argument Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1032}
author = {Rosario, Barbara; Hearst, Marti A.; Fillmore, Charles J.}
title = {The Descent Of Hierarchy And Selection In Relational Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1033}
author = {Diab, Mona; Resnik, Philip}
title = {An Unsupervised Method For Word Sense Tagging Using Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1034}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Duffy, Nigel}
title = {New Ranking Algorithms For Parsing And Tagging: Kernels Over Discrete Structures And The Voted Perceptron}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1035}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; King, Tracy Holloway; Kaplan, Ronald M.; Crouch, Richard; Maxwell III, John T.; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Parsing The Wall Street Journal Using A Lexical-Functional Grammar And Discriminative Estimation Techniques}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1036}
author = {Geman, Stuart; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Dynamic Programming For Parsing And Estimation Of Stochastic Unification-Based Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1037}
author = {Roark, Brian}
title = {Markov Parsing: Lattice Rescoring With A Statistical Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1038}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Discriminative Training And Maximum Entropy Models For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1039}
author = {Yamada, Kenji; Knight, Kevin}
title = {A Decoder For Syntax-Based Statistical MT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1040}
author = {Papineni, Kishore; Roukos, Salim; Ward, Todd; Zhu, Wei-Jing}
title = {Bleu: A Method For Automatic Evaluation Of Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1041}
author = {Baldridge, Jason; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {Coupling CCG And Hybrid Logic Dependency Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1042}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Hockenmaier, Julia; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Building Deep Dependency Structures Using A Wide-Coverage CCG Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1043}
author = {Hockenmaier, Julia; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Generative Models For Statistical Parsing With Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1044}
author = {Li, Cong; Li, Hang}
title = {Word Translation Disambiguation Using Bilingual Bootstrapping}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1045}
author = {Müller, Christof E.; Rapp, Stefan; Strube, Michael}
title = {Applying Co-Training To Reference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1046}
author = {Abney, Steven}
title = {Bootstrapping}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1047}
author = {Marcu, Daniel; Echihabi, Abdessamad}
title = {An Unsupervised Approach To Recognizing Discourse Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1048}
author = {Johnston, Michael; Bangalore, Srinivas; Vasireddy, Gunaranjan; Stent, Amanda J.; Ehlen, Patrick; Walker, Marilyn A.; Whittaker, Steve; Maloor, Preetam}
title = {MATCH: An Architecture For Multimodal Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1049}
author = {Hastie, Helen; Prasad, Rashmi; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {What's The Problem: Automatically Identifying Problematic Dialogues In DARPA Communicator Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1050}
author = {Hwa, Rebecca; Resnik, Philip; Weinberg, Amy; Kolak, Okan}
title = {Evaluating Translational Correspondence Using Annotation Projection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1051}
author = {Al-Onaizan, Yaser; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Translating Named Entities Using Monolingual And Bilingual Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1052}
author = {Probst, Katharina; Brown, Ralf D.}
title = {Using Similarity Scoring To Improve The Bilingual Dictionary For Sub-Sentential Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1053}
author = {Turney, Peter D.}
title = {Thumbs Up Or Thumbs Down? Semantic Orientation Applied To Unsupervised Classification Of Reviews}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1054}
author = {Magnini, Bernardo; Negri, Matteo; Prevete, Roberto; Tanev, Hristo}
title = {Is It The Right Answer? Exploiting Web Redundancy For Answer Validation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1055}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Buchholz, Sabine}
title = {Shallow Parsing On The Basis Of Words Only: A Case Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1056}
author = {Crysmann, Berthold; Frank, Anette; Kiefer, Bernd; Müller, Stefan; Neumann, Günter; Piskorski, Jakub; Schäfer, Ulrich; Siegel, Melanie; Uszkoreit, Hans; Xu, Feiyu; Becker, Markus; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich}
title = {An Integrated Architecture For Shallow And Deep Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1057}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {A Noisy-Channel Model For Document Compression}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1058}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {From Single To Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1059}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Supervised Ranking In Open-Domain Text Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1060}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian}
title = {Named Entity Recognition Using An HMM-Based Chunk Tagger}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1061}
author = {Chieu, Hai Leong; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Teaching A Weaker Classifier: Named Entity Recognition On Upper Case Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1062}
author = {Collins, Michael John}
title = {Ranking Algorithms For Named Entity Extraction: Boosting And The Voted Perceptron}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1063}
author = {Nakagawa, Tetsuji; Kudo, Taku; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Revision Learning And Its Application To Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1064}
author = {Sassano, Manabu}
title = {An Empirical Study Of Active Learning With Support Vector Machines ForJapanese Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P02-1065}
author = {Clark, Alexander}
title = {Memory-Based Learning Of Morphology With Stochastic Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2002}
id = {P03-1001}
author = {Fleischman, Michael; Hovy, Eduard; Echihabi, Abdessamad}
title = {Offline Strategies For Online Question Answering: Answering Questions Before They Are Asked}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1002}
author = {Surdeanu, Mihai; Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Williams, John; Aarseth, Paul}
title = {Using Predicate-Argument Structures For Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1003}
author = {Echihabi, Abdessamad; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {A Noisy-Channel Approach To Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1004}
author = {Kudo, Taku; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Fast Methods For Kernel-Based Text Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1005}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Hirao, Tsutomu; Sasaki, Yutaka; Maeda, Eisaku}
title = {Hierarchical Directed Acyclic Graph Kernel: Methods For Structured Natural Language Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1006}
author = {Allauzen, Cyril; Mohri, Mehryar; Roark, Brian}
title = {Generalized Algorithms For Constructing Statistical Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1007}
author = {Korhonen, Anna; Preiss, Judita}
title = {Improving Subcategorization Acquisition Using Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1008}
author = {Nissim, Malvina; Markert, Katja}
title = {Syntactic Features And Word Similarity For Supervised Metonymy Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1009}
author = {Korhonen, Anna; Krymolowski, Yuval; Marx, Zvika}
title = {Clustering Polysemic Subcategorization Frame Distributions Semantically}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1010}
author = {Utiyama, Masao; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Reliable Measures For Aligning Japanese-English News Articles And Sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1011}
author = {Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Loosely Tree-Based Alignment For Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1012}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Lin, Dekang}
title = {A Probability Model To Improve Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1013}
author = {Dubey, Amit; Keller, Frank}
title = {Probabilistic Parsing For German Using Sister-Head Dependencies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1014}
author = {Frank, Anette; Becker, Markus; Crysmann, Berthold; Kiefer, Bernd; Schäfer, Ulrich}
title = {Integrated Shallow And Deep Parsing: TopP Meets HPSG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1015}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Combining Deep And Shallow Approaches In Parsing German}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1016}
author = {Wu, Hua; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Synonymous Collocation Extraction Using Translation Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1017}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Constructing Semantic Space Models From Parsed Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1018}
author = {Widdows, Dominic}
title = {Orthogonal Negation In Vector Spaces For Modelling Word-Meanings And Document Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1019}
author = {Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Comparative Study On Reordering Constraints In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1020}
author = {Lita, Lucian Vlad; Ittycheriah, Abraham; Roukos, Salim; Kambhatla, Nanda}
title = {TRuEcasIng}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1021}
author = {Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Minimum Error Rate Training In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1022}
author = {Strube, Michael; Müller, Christof E.}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach To Pronoun Resolution In Spoken Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1023}
author = {Yang, Xiaofeng; Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Coreference Resolution Using Competition Learning Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1024}
author = {Clement, Lionel; Kinyon, Alexandra}
title = {Generating Parallel Multilingual LFG-TAG Grammars From A MetaGrammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1025}
author = {Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Compounding And Derivational Morphology In A Finite-State Setting}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1026}
author = {Penn, Gerald; Munteanu, Cosmin}
title = {A Tabulation-Based Parsing Method That Reduces Copying}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1027}
author = {Gordon, Andrew S.; Kazemzadeh, Abe; Nair, Anish; Petrova, Milena}
title = {Recognizing Expressions Of Commonsense Psychology In English Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1028}
author = {Chieu, Hai Leong; Ng, Hwee Tou; Lee, Yoong Keok}
title = {Closing The Gap: Learning-Based Information Extraction Rivaling Knowledge-Engineering Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1029}
author = {Sudo, Kiyoshi; Sekine, Satoshi; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {An Improved Extraction Pattern Representation Model For Automatic IE Pattern Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1030}
author = {Farahat, Ayman; Chen, Francine R.; Brants, Thorsten}
title = {Optimizing Story Link Detection Is Not Equivalent To Optimizing New Event Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1031}
author = {Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Nakano, Mikio; Aikawa, Kiyoaki}
title = {Corpus-Based Discourse Understanding In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1032}
author = {Wang, Gang; Chua, Tat-Seng; Wang, Yong-Cheng}
title = {Extracting Key Semantic Terms From Chinese Speech Query For Web Searches}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1033}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Ueno, Shinichi; Kawahara, Tatsuya; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Flexible Guidance Generation Using User Model In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1034}
author = {Callaway, Charles B.}
title = {Integrating Discourse Markers Into A Pipelined Natural Language Generation Architecture}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1035}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Li, Mu; Huang, Changning}
title = {Improved Source-Channel Models For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1036}
author = {Creutz, Mathias}
title = {Unsupervised Segmentation Of Words Using Prior Distributions Of Morph Length And Frequency}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1037}
author = {Jansche, Martin}
title = {Parametric Models Of Linguistic Count Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1038}
author = {Kim, Jin-Dong; Rim, Hae-Chang; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Self-Organizing Markov Models And Their Application To Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1039}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Chunk-Based Statistical Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1040}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Feature-Rich Statistical Translation Of Noun Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1041}
author = {Venugopal, Ashish; Vogel, Stephan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Effective Phrase Translation Extraction From Alignment Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1042}
author = {Cao, Yunbo; Li, Hang; Lian, Li}
title = {Uncertainty Reduction In Collaborative Bootstrapping: Measure And Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1043}
author = {Niu, Cheng; Li, Wei; Ding, Jihong; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {A Bootstrapping Approach To Named Entity Classification Using Successive Learners}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1044}
author = {Yangarber, Roman}
title = {Counter-Training In Discovery Of Semantic Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1045}
author = {Bechet, Denis; Foret, Annie}
title = {k-Valued Non-Associative Lambek Categorial Grammars Are Not Learnable From Strings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1046}
author = {Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Parsing With Generative Models Of Predicate-Argument Structure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1047}
author = {Niehren, Joachim; Thater, Stefan}
title = {Bridging The Gap Between Underspecification Formalisms: Minimal Recursion Semantics As Dominance Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1048}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Teufel, Simone; Saggion, Horacio; Lam, Wai; Blitzer, John; Qi, Hong; Celebi, Arda; Liu, Danyu; Drabek, Elliott Franco}
title = {Evaluation Challenges In Large-Scale Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1049}
author = {Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {Analysis Of Source Identified Text Corpora: Exploring The Statistics Of The Reused Text And Authorship}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1050}
author = {Rogati, Monica; McCarley, J. Scott; Yang, Yiming}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Arabic Stemming Using A Parallel Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1051}
author = {Lee, Young-Suk; Papineni, Kishore; Roukos, Salim; Emam, Ossama; Hassan, Hany}
title = {Language Model Based Arabic Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1052}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko; Hayakawa, Daichi; Takeichi, Masato}
title = {Acquiring Vocabulary For Predictive Text Entry Through Dynamic Reuse Of A Small User Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1053}
author = {Sakas, William Gregory}
title = {A Word-Order Database For Testing Computational Models Of Language Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1054}
author = {Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Accurate Unlexicalized Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1055}
author = {Dienes, Peter; Dubey, Amit}
title = {Deep Syntactic Processing By Combining Shallow Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1056}
author = {Levy, Roger; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Is It Harder To Parse Chinese Or The Chinese Treebank?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1057}
author = {Imamura, Kenji; Sumita, Eiichiro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Feedback Cleaning Of Machine Translation Rules Using Automatic Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1058}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou; Wang, Bin; Chan, Yee Seng}
title = {Exploiting Parallel Texts For Word Sense Disambiguation: An Empirical Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1059}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Bond, Francis}
title = {Learning The Countability Of English Nouns From Corpus Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1060}
author = {Lee, Do-Gil; Rim, Hae-Chang; Lim, Heui-Seok}
title = {A Syllable Based Word Recognition Model For Korean Noun Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1061}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Nobata, Chikashi; Yamada, Atsushi; Sekine, Satoshi; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Morphological Analysis Of A Large Spontaneous Speech Corpus In Japanese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1062}
author = {Marsi, Erwin; Reynaert, Martin; van den Bosch, Antal; Daelemans, Walter; Hoste, Véronique}
title = {Learning To Predict Pitch Accents And Prosodic Boundaries In Dutch}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1063}
author = {Park, Seong-Bae; Zhang, Byoung-Tak}
title = {Text Chunking By Combining Hand-Crafted Rules And Memory-Based Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1064}
author = {Shen, Libin; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {A SNoW Based Supertagger With Application To NP Chunking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1065}
author = {Li, Wei; Zhang, Xiuhong; Niu, Cheng; Jiang, Yuankai; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {An Expert Lexicon Approach To Identifying English Phrasal Verbs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1066}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Dependency Structure For Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1067}
author = {Schuler, William}
title = {Using Model-Theoretic Semantic Interpretation To Guide Statistical Parsing And Word Recognition In A Spoken Language Interface}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1068}
author = {Erk, Katrin; Kowalski, Andrea; Padó, Sebastian; Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {Towards A Resource For Lexical Semantics: A Large German Corpus With Extensive Semantic Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1069}
author = {Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Probabilistic Text Structuring: Experiments With Sentence Ordering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1070}
author = {Nakano, Yukiko I.; Reinstein, Gabe; Stocky, Tom; Cassell, Justine}
title = {Towards A Model Of Face-To-Face Grounding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-1071}
author = {Galley, Michel; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Fosler-Lussier, Eric; Jing, Hongyan}
title = {Discourse Segmentation Of Multi-Party Conversation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2002}
author = {Boufaden, Narjes}
title = {An Ontology-Based Semantic Tagger For IE System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2003}
author = {Castano, Jose M.}
title = {On The Applicability Of Global Index Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2004}
author = {Gabsdil, Malte}
title = {Classifying Recognition Results For Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2005}
author = {Gupta, Anurag}
title = {An Adaptive Approach To Collecting Multimodal Input}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2006}
author = {Jijkoun, Valentin}
title = {Finding Non-Local Dependencies: Beyond Pattern Matching}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2007}
author = {Kang, Bo-Yeong}
title = {A Novel Approach To Semantic Indexing Based On Concept}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2008}
author = {Masuda, Katsuya}
title = {A Ranking Model Of Proximal And Structural Text Retrieval Based On Region Algebra}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2009}
author = {Midgley, T. Daniel}
title = {Discourse Chunking: A Tool In Dialogue Act Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2010}
author = {Son, Hyunjung}
title = {A Computational Treatment Of Korean Temporal Markers OE And DONGAN}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2011}
author = {Tseng, Huihsin}
title = {Semantic Classification Of Chinese Unknown Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2012}
author = {Uryupina, Olga}
title = {High-Precision Identification Of Discourse New And Unique Noun Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2013}
author = {Yamura-Takei, Mitsuko}
title = {Approaches To Zero Adnominal Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2015}
author = {Goto, Jun; Kim, Yeun-Bae; Miyazaki, Masaru; Komine, Kazuteru; Uratani, Noriyoshi}
title = {A Spoken Dialogue Interface For TV Operations Based On Data Collected By Using WOZ Method}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2016}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko; Yamamoto, Masato; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Kiwi: A Multilingual Usage Consultation Tool Based On Internet Searching}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2017}
author = {Dymetman, Marc; Max, Aurélien; Yamada, Kenji}
title = {Towards Interactive Text Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2018}
author = {Marshall, Ian; Safar, Eva}
title = {A Prototype Text To British Sign Language (BSL) Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2019}
author = {Busemann, Stephan; Drozdzynski, Witold; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich; Piskorski, Jakub; Schäfer, Ulrich; Uszkoreit, Hans; Xu, Feiyu}
title = {Integrating Information Extraction And Automatic Hyperlinking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2020}
author = {Sato, Satoshi; Sasaki, Yasuhiro}
title = {Automatic Collection Of Related Terms From The Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2021}
author = {Leuski, Anton; Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {INeATS: Interactive Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2022}
author = {Atlam, El-Sayed; Oono, Masaki; Aoe, Jun-Ichi}
title = {An Evaluation Method Of Words Tendency Using Decision Tree}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2023}
author = {Yamabana, Kiyoshi; Hanazawa, Ken; Isotani, Ryosuke; Osada, Seiya; Okumura, Akitoshi; Watanabe, Takao}
title = {A Speech Translation System With Mobile Wireless Clients}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2024}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Bouillon, Pierrette; Dalsem III, Vol Van; Isahara, Hitoshi; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Hockey, Beth Ann}
title = {A Limited-Domain English To Japanese Medical Speech Translator Built Using REGULUS 2}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2025}
author = {Sadat, Fatiha; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi; Uemura, Shunsuke}
title = {Bilingual Terminology Acquisition From Comparable Corpora And Phrasal Translation To Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2026}
author = {Izumi, Emi; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Saiga, Toyomi; Supnithi, Thepchai; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Automatic Error Detection In The Japanese Learners' English Spoken Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2027}
author = {Kiyota, Yoji; Kurohashi, Sadao; Misu, Teruhisa; Komatani, Kazunori; Kawahara, Tatsuya; Kido, Fuyuko}
title = {Dialog Navigator : A Spoken Dialog Q-A System Based On Large Text Knowledge Base}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2028}
author = {Hori, Chiori; Hori, Takaaki; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki; Sasaki, Yutaka; Maeda, Eisaku}
title = {Spoken Interactive ODQA System: SPIQA}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2029}
author = {Yamashita, Koichi; Yoshida, Keiichi; Itoh, Yukihiro}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using Pairwise Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2030}
author = {Baker, Collin F.; Sato, Hiroaki}
title = {The FrameNet Data And Software}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2031}
author = {An, Joohui; Lee, Seungwoo; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Named Entity Tagged Corpus From World Wide Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2032}
author = {Kida, Atsuko; Yamamoto, Eiko; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Extraction And Verification Of KO-OU Expressions From Large Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2033}
author = {Yakushiji, Akane; Tateisi, Yuka; Miyao, Yusuke; Yoshinaga, Naoki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Debug Tool For Practical Grammar Development}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2034}
author = {Schofield, Edward; Zheng, Zhiping}
title = {A Speech Interface For Open-Domain Question-Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2035}
author = {Takeuchi, Koichi; Kageura, Kyo; Koyama, Teruo}
title = {Deverbal Compound Noun Analysis Based On Lexical Conceptual Structure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2036}
author = {Yoshinaga, Naoki; Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Comparison Between CFG Filtering Techniques For LTAG And HPSG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2037}
author = {Tsuchiya, Masatoshi; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {Automatic Detection Of Grammar Elements That Decrease Readability}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2038}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Hockey, Beth Ann; Hieronymus, James; Dowding, John; Aist, Gregory; Early, Susana}
title = {An Intelligent Procedure Assistant Built Using REGULUS 2 And ALTERF}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2039}
author = {Goh, Chooi-Ling; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Chinese Unknown Word Identification Using Character-Based Tagging And Chunking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2040}
author = {Wu, Jian-Cheng; Yeh, Kevin C.; Chuang, Thomas C.; Shei, Wen-Chi; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {TotalRecall: A Bilingual Concordance For Computer Assisted Translation And Language Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P03-2041}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Learning Non-Isomorphic Tree Mappings For Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2003}
id = {P04-1001}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Hong, Pengyu; Zhou, Michelle X.; Prasov, Zahar}
title = {Optimization In Multimodal Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1002}
author = {Steels, Luc}
title = {Constructivist Development Of Grounded Construction Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1003}
author = {McDonald, Scott; Brew, Chris}
title = {A Distributional Model Of Semantic Context Effects In Lexical Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1004}
author = {Wolska, Magdalena; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana}
title = {Analysis Of Mixed Natural And Symbolic Input In Mathematical Dialogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1005}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {A TAG-Based Noisy-Channel Model Of Speech Repairs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1006}
author = {Hall, Keith; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Attention Shifting For Parsing Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1007}
author = {Roark, Brian; Saraçlar, Murat; Collins, Michael John; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Discriminative Language Modeling With Conditional Random Fields And The Perceptron Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1008}
author = {Mohri, Mehryar; Allauzen, Cyril; Riley, Michael D.}
title = {Statistical Modeling For Unit Selection In Speech Synthesis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1009}
author = {Chung, Grace Y}
title = {Developing A Flexible Spoken Dialog System Using Simulation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1010}
author = {Hardy, Hilda; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Wu, Min; Ursu, Cristian; Webb, Nick; Biermann, Alan W.; Inouye, R. Bryce; McKenzie, Ashley}
title = {Data-Driven Strategies For An Automated Dialogue System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1011}
author = {Stent, Amanda J.; Prasad, Rashmi; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Trainable Sentence Planning For Complex Information Presentations In Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1012}
author = {Jokinen, Kristiina; Kanto, Kari}
title = {User Expertise Modeling And Adaptivity In A Speech-Based E-Mail System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1013}
author = {Henderson, James B.}
title = {Discriminative Training Of A Neural Network Statistical Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1014}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.}
title = {Parsing The WSJ Using CCG And Log-Linear Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1015}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Roark, Brian}
title = {Incremental Parsing With The Perceptron Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1016}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Isozaki, Hideki; Maeda, Eisaku}
title = {Convolution Kernels With Feature Selection For Natural Language Processing Tasks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1017}
author = {Yang, Xiaofeng; Su, Jian; Zhou, Guodong; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Improving Pronoun Resolution By Incorporating Coreferential Information Of Candidates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1018}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang; Ittycheriah, Abraham; Jing, Hongyan; Kambhatla, Nanda; Roukos, Salim}
title = {A Mention-Synchronous Coreference Resolution Algorithm Based On The Bell Tree}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1019}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Mehta, Rahul; Maroudas, Axel; Hitzeman, Janet}
title = {Learning To Resolve Bridging References}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1020}
author = {Ng, Vincent}
title = {Learning Noun Phrase Anaphoricity To Improve Conference Resolution: Issues In Representation And Optimization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1021}
author = {Li, Haizhou; Zhang, Min; Su, Jian}
title = {A Joint Source-Channel Model For Machine Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1022}
author = {Lü, Yajuan; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Collocation Translation Acquisition Using Monolingual Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1023}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Talbot, David; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation With Word- And Sentence-Aligned Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1024}
author = {Qu, Yan; Grefenstette, Gregory}
title = {Finding Ideographic Representations Of Japanese Names Written In Latin Script Via Language Identification And Corpus Validation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1025}
author = {Saric, Jasmin; Jensen, Lars J.; Bork, Peer; Ouzounova, Rossitza; Rojas, Isabel}
title = {Extracting Regulatory Gene Expression Networks From Pubmed}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1026}
author = {van Halteren, Hans}
title = {Linguistic Profiling For Authorship Recognition And Verification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1027}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Gonzalo, Julio; Peinado, Victor; Peñas, Anselmo; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {An Empirical Study Of Information Synthesis Task}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1028}
author = {Rodriguez Penagos, Carlos}
title = {Mining Metalinguistic Activity In Corpora To Create Lexical Resources Using Information Extraction Techniques: The MOP System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1029}
author = {Munteanu, Cosmin; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Optimizing Typed Feature Structure Grammar Parsing Through Non-Statistical Indexing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1030}
author = {Collins, Christopher; Carpenter, Bob; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Head-Driven Parsing For Word Lattices}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1031}
author = {Penn, Gerald}
title = {Balancing Clarity And Efficiency In Typed Feature Logic Through Delaying}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1032}
author = {Fuchss, Ruth; Koller, Alexander; Niehren, Joachim; Thater, Stefan}
title = {Minimal Recursion Semantics As Dominance Constraints: Translation Evaluation And Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1033}
author = {Ko, Youngjoong; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {Learning With Unlabeled Data For Text Categorization Using A Bootstrapping And A Feature Projection Technique}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1034}
author = {Beineke, Philip; Hastie, Trevor; Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar}
title = {The Sentimental Factor: Improving Review Classification Via Human-Provided Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1035}
author = {Pang, Bo; Lee, Lillian}
title = {A Sentimental Education: Sentiment Analysis Using Subjectivity Summarization Based On Minimum Cuts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1036}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Koeling, Rob; Weeds, Julie; Carroll, John}
title = {Finding Predominant Word Senses In Untagged Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1037}
author = {Bhattacharya, Indrajit; Getoor, Lise; Bengio, Yoshua}
title = {Unsupervised Sense Disambiguation Using Bilingual Probabilistic Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1038}
author = {Chen, Jinying; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Chinese Verb Sense Discrimination Using An EM Clustering Model With Rich Linguistic Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1039}
author = {Diab, Mona}
title = {Relieving The Data Acquisition Bottleneck In Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1040}
author = {Jijkoun, Valentin; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {Enriching The Output Of A Parser Using Memory-Based Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1041}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; Burke, Michael; O'Donovan, Ruth; van Genabith, Josef; Way, Andy}
title = {Long-Distance Dependency Resolution In Automatically Acquired Wide-Coverage PCFG-Based LFG Approximations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1042}
author = {Levy, Roger; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Deep Dependencies From Context-Free Statistical Parsers: Correcting The Surface Dependency Approximation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1043}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {A Study On Convolution Kernels For Shallow Statistic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1044}
author = {Gabsdil, Malte; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Combining Acoustic And Pragmatic Features To Predict Recognition Performance In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1045}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Forbes-Riley, Kate}
title = {Predicting Student Emotions In Computer-Human Tutoring Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1046}
author = {Gomez, Fernando}
title = {Building Verb Predicates: A Computational View}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1047}
author = {O'Donovan, Ruth; Burke, Michael; Cahill, Aoife; van Genabith, Josef; Way, Andy}
title = {Large-Scale Induction And Evaluation Of Lexical Resources From The Penn-II Treebank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1048}
author = {Green, Rebecca; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Inducing Frame Semantic Verb Classes From WordNet And LDOCE}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1049}
author = {Wolf, Florian; Gibson, Edward}
title = {Paragraph- Word- And Coherence-Based Approaches To Sentence Ranking: A Comparison Of Algorithm And Human Performance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1050}
author = {Karamanis, Nikiforos; Poesio, Massimo; Mellish, Chris S.; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Evaluating Centering-Based Metrics Of Coherence For Text Structuring Using A Reliably Annotated Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1051}
author = {Althaus, Ernst; Karamanis, Nikiforos; Koller, Alexander}
title = {Computing Locally Coherent Discourses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1052}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Generating Referring Expressions In Open Domains}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1053}
author = {Hasegawa, Takaaki; Sekine, Satoshi; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Discovering Relations Among Named Entities From Large Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1054}
author = {Culotta, Aron; Sorensen, Jeffrey S.}
title = {Dependency Tree Kernels For Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1055}
author = {Rosario, Barbara; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Classifying Semantic Relations In Bioscience Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1056}
author = {Bunescu, Razvan C.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Collective Information Extraction With Relational Markov Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1057}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Error Mining For Wide-Coverage Grammar Engineering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1058}
author = {Infante-Lopez, Gabriel; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {Alternative Approaches For Generating Bodies Of Grammar Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1059}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Wu, Andi; Huang, Changning; Li, Hongqiao; Xia, Xinsong; Qin, Hauwei}
title = {Adaptive Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1060}
author = {Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Experiments In Parallel-Text Based Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1061}
author = {Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Corpus-Based Induction Of Syntactic Structure: Models Of Dependency And Constituency}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1062}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Annealing Techniques For Unsupervised Statistical Language Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1063}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi}
title = {Multi-Engine Machine Translation With Voted Language Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1064}
author = {Goutte, Cyril; Yamada, Kenji; Gaussier, Eric}
title = {Aligning Words Using Matrix Factorisation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1065}
author = {Kanthak, Stephan; Ney, Hermann}
title = {FSA: An Efficient And Flexible C++ Toolkit For Finite State Automata Using On-Demand Computation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1066}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Improving IBM Word Alignment Model 1}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1067}
author = {Gaussier, Eric; Renders, Jean-Michel; Matveeva, Irina; Goutte, Cyril; Dejean, Herve}
title = {A Geometric View On Bilingual Lexicon Extraction From Comparable Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1068}
author = {Cheng, Pu-Jen; Lu, Wen-Hsiang; Teng, Jei-Wen; Chien, Lee-Feng}
title = {Creating Multilingual Translation Lexicons With Regional Variations Using Web Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1069}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Probabilistic Parsing Strategies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1070}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {An Alternative Method Of Training Probabilistic LR Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1071}
author = {Rogers, James}
title = {Wrapping Of Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1072}
author = {Saquete, Estela; Martínez-Barco, Patricio; Muñoz, Rafael; Vicedo, Jose Luis}
title = {Splitting Complex Temporal Questions For Question Answering Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1073}
author = {Prager, John; Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Czuba, Krzysztof}
title = {Question Answering Using Constraint Satisfaction: QA-By-Dossier-With-Contraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1074}
author = {Li, Wenjie; Wong, Kam-Fai; Cao, Guihong; Yuan, Chunfa}
title = {Applying Machine Learning To Chinese Temporal Relation Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1075}
author = {Shen, Dan; Zhang, Jie; Su, Jian; Zhou, Guodong; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Multi-Criteria-Based Active Learning For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1076}
author = {Niu, Cheng; Li, Wei; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {Weakly Supervised Learning For Cross-Document Person Name Disambiguation Supported By Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1077}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Automatic Evaluation Of Machine Translation Quality Using Longest Common Subsequence And Skip-Bigram Statistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1078}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Brill, Eric}
title = {A Unified Framework For Automatic Evaluation Using N-Gram Co-Occurrence Statistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1079}
author = {Babych, Bogdan; Hartley, Anthony}
title = {Extending The BLEU MT Evaluation Method With Frequency Weightings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1080}
author = {Niu, Zhengyu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Learning Word Sense With Feature Selection And Order Identification Capabilities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1081}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Su, Weifeng; Carpuat, Marine}
title = {A Kernel PCA Method For Superior Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1082}
author = {Campbell, Richard}
title = {Using Linguistic Principles To Recover Empty Categories}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1083}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation By Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1084}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan; Satta, Giorgio; Wellington, Benjamin}
title = {Generalized Multitext Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1085}
author = {Galley, Michel; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Hirschberg, Julia; Shriberg, Elizabeth}
title = {Identifying Agreement And Disagreement In Conversational Speech: Use Of Bayesian Networks To Model Pragmatic Dependencies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1086}
author = {Gregory, Michelle L.; Altun, Yasemin}
title = {Using Conditional Random Fields To Predict Pitch Accents In Conversational Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1087}
author = {Hutchinson, Ben}
title = {Acquiring The Meaning Of Discourse Markers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-1088}
author = {Serafin, Riccardo; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {FLSA: Extending Latent Semantic Analysis With Features For Dialogue Act Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2001}
author = {Ryu, Pum-Mo}
title = {Determining The Specificity Of Terms Using Compositional And Contextual Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2002}
author = {Inouye, R. Bryce}
title = {Minimizing The Length Of Non-Mixed Initiative Dialogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2003}
author = {Holub, Martin; Semecky, Jiri; Divis, Jiri}
title = {Searching For Topics In A Large Collection Of Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2004}
author = {Liebscher, Robert}
title = {Temporal Context: Applications And Implications For Computational Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2005}
author = {Wang, Xinglong}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of English Topic Signatures Based On A Second Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2006}
author = {Boonthum, Chutima}
title = {ISTART: Paraphrase Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2007}
author = {Ferrer, Eva Esteve}
title = {Towards A Semantic Classification Of Spanish Verbs Based On Subcategorisation Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2008}
author = {Yoshinaga, Naoki}
title = {Improving The Accuracy Of Subcategorizations Acquired From Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2009}
author = {Nielsen, Leif Arda}
title = {Robust VPE Detection Using Automatically Parsed Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2010}
author = {Kouchnir, Beata}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach To German Pronoun Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2011}
author = {Prins, Robbert}
title = {Beyond N In N-Gram Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-2012}
author = {Monson, Christian}
title = {A Framework For Unsupervised Natural Language Morphology Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3001}
author = {Esteban, Jose; Lorenzo, Jose; Valderrabanos, Antonio S.; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {TransType2 - An Innovative Computer-Assisted Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3002}
author = {Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Improving Domain-Specific Word Alignment For Computer Assisted Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3003}
author = {Kuo, Jin-Shea; Yang, Ying-Kuei}
title = {Constructing Transliteration Lexicons From Web Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3004}
author = {Wu, Jian-Cheng; Chuang, Thomas C.; Shei, Wen-Chi; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Subsentential Translation Memory For Computer Assisted Writing And Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3005}
author = {Rogati, Monica; Yang, Yiming}
title = {Customizing Parallel Corpora At The Document Level}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3006}
author = {Pike, Chris; Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {An Automatic Filter For Non-Parallel Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3007}
author = {Schafer, Charles; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Exploiting Aggregate Properties Of Bilingual Dictionaries For Distinguishing Senses Of English Words And Inducing English Sense Clusters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3008}
author = {Foth, Kilian A.; Daum, Michael; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Interactive Grammar Development With WCDG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3009}
author = {Callaway, Charles B.}
title = {Wide Coverage Symbolic Surface Realization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3010}
author = {Lee, Do-Gil; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Part-Of-Speech Tagging Considering Surface Form For An Agglutinative Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3011}
author = {Maguire, Phil; Cater, Arthur}
title = {Is Conceptual Combination Influenced By Word Order?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3012}
author = {Bel, Núria}
title = {Corpus Representativeness For Syntactic Information Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3013}
author = {Ando, Rie Kubota}
title = {Exploiting Unannotated Corpora For Tagging And Chunking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3014}
author = {Drabek, Elliott Franco; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Improving Bitext Word Alignments Via Syntax-Based Reordering Of English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3015}
author = {Yamamoto, Eiko; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Hierarchy Extraction Based On Inclusion Of Appearance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3016}
author = {Alonso Alemany, Laura; Castellón, Irene; Casas, Bernardino; Padró, Lluís}
title = {Knowledge Intensive E-Mail Summarization In CARPANTA}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3017}
author = {Yakushiji, Akane; Tateisi, Yuka; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Finding Anchor Verbs For Biomedical IE Using Predicate-Argument Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3018}
author = {Lita, Lucian Vlad; Hunt, Warren A.; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Resource Analysis For Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3019}
author = {Jian, Jia-Yan; Chang, Yu-Chia; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {TANGO: Bilingual Collocational Concordancer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3020}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Graph-Based Ranking Algorithms For Sentence Extraction Applied To Text Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3021}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Compiling Boostexter Rules Into A Finite-State Transducer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3022}
author = {Kambhatla, Nanda}
title = {Combining Lexical Syntactic And Semantic Features With Maximum Entropy Models For Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3023}
author = {Quint, Julien}
title = {On The Equivalence Of Weighted Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3024}
author = {Schneider, Karl-Michael}
title = {A New Feature Selection Score For Multinomial Naive Bayes Text Classification Based On KL-Divergence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3025}
author = {Mullen, Tony; Collier, Nigel}
title = {Incorporating Topic Information Into Semantic Analysis Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3026}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {A Practical Solution To The Problem Of Automatic Word Sense Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3027}
author = {Shin, Saim; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Automatic Clustering Of Collocation For Detecting Practical Sense Boundary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3028}
author = {Maeireizo, Beatriz; Litman, Diane J.; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Co-Training For Predicting Emotions With Spoken Dialogue Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3029}
author = {Pecourt, Elsa; Reithinger, Norbert}
title = {Multimodal Database Access On Handheld Devices}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3030}
author = {Power, Richard; Evans, Roger}
title = {Wysiwym With Wider Coverage}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3031}
author = {Bird, Steven; Loper, Edward}
title = {NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3032}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Goldlust, Eric; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Dyna: A Language For Weighted Dynamic Programming}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3033}
author = {Johnston, Michael; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {MATCHkiosk: A Multimodal Interactive City Guide}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P04-3034}
author = {Blatak, Jan; Mrakova, Eva; Popelinsky, Lubos}
title = {Fragments And Text Categorization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2004}
id = {P05-1001}
author = {Ando, Rie Kubota; Zhang, Tong}
title = {A High-Performance Semi-Supervised Learning Method For Text Chunking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1002}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Smith, Andrew E.; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Scaling Conditional Random Fields Using Error-Correcting Codes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1003}
author = {Smith, Andrew E.; Cohn, Trevor; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Logarithmic Opinion Pools For Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1004}
author = {Curran, James R.}
title = {Supersense Tagging Of Unknown Nouns Using Semantic Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1005}
author = {Kohomban, Upali Sathyajith; Lee, Wee Sun}
title = {Learning Semantic Classes For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1006}
author = {Dang, Hoa Trang; Palmer, Martha}
title = {The Role Of Semantic Roles In Disambiguating Verb Senses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1007}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di; Fossati, Davide; Yu, Dan; Haller, Susan M.; Glass, Michael}
title = {Aggregation Improves Learning: Experiments In Natural Language Generation For Intelligent Tutoring Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1008}
author = {Paiva, Daniel S.; Evans, Roger}
title = {Empirically-Based Control Of Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1009}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Towards Developing Generation Algorithms For Text-To-Text Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1010}
author = {Matsuzaki, Takuya; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Probabilistic CFG With Latent Annotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1011}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Probabilistic Disambiguation Models For Wide-Coverage HPSG Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1012}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Crammer, Koby; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Online Large-Margin Training Of Dependency Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1013}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Nilsson, Jens}
title = {Pseudo-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1014}
author = {Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Maayan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {The Distributional Inclusion Hypotheses And Lexical Entailment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1015}
author = {Pang, Bo; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Seeing Stars: Exploiting Class Relationships For Sentiment Categorization With Respect To Rating Scales}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1016}
author = {Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Inducing Ontological Co-Occurrence Vectors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1017}
author = {Takamura, Hiroya; Inui, Takashi; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Extracting Semantic Orientations Of Words Using Spin Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1018}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Modeling Local Coherence: An Entity-Based Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1019}
author = {Hutchinson, Ben}
title = {Modelling The Substitutability Of Discourse Connectives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1020}
author = {Ng, Vincent}
title = {Machine Learning For Coreference Resolution: From Local Classification To Global Ranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1021}
author = {Yang, Xiaofeng; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Improving Pronoun Resolution Using Statistics-Based Semantic Compatibility Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1022}
author = {Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Coarse-To-Fine N-Best Parsing And MaxEnt Discriminative Reranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1023}
author = {Henderson, James B.; Titov, Ivan}
title = {Data-Defined Kernels For Parse Reranking Derived From Probabilistic Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1024}
author = {Kudo, Taku; Suzuki, Jun; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Boosting-Based Parse Reranking With Subtree Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1025}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Lavie, Alon; MacWhinney, Brian}
title = {Automatic Measurement Of Syntactic Development In Child Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1026}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Hickl, Andrew; Lehmann, John; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Experiments With Interactive Question-Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1027}
author = {Sasaki, Yutaka}
title = {Question Answering As Question-Biased Term Extraction: A New Approach Toward Multilingual QA}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1028}
author = {Elzer, Stephanie; Carberry, Sandra; Chester, Daniel; Demir, Seniz; Green, Nancy L.; Zukerman, Ingrid; Trnka, Keith}
title = {Exploring And Exploiting The Limited Utility Of Captions In Recognizing Intention In Information Graphics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1029}
author = {Ginzburg, Jonathan; Fernández, Raquel}
title = {Scaling Up From Dialogue To Multilogue: Some Principles And Benchmarks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1030}
author = {Rieser, Verena; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Implications For Generating Clarification Requests In Task-Oriented Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1031}
author = {Schlangen, David}
title = {Towards Finding And Fixing Fragments: Using ML To Identify Non-Sentential Utterances And Their Antecedents In Multi-Party Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1032}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Bannard, Colin; Schroeder, Josh}
title = {Scaling Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation To Larger Corpora And Longer Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1033}
author = {Chiang, David}
title = {A Hierarchical Phrase-Based Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1034}
author = {Quirk, Chris; Menezes, Arul; Cherry, Colin}
title = {Dependency Treelet Translation: Syntactically Informed Phrasal SMT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1035}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Gonzalo, Julio; Peñas, Anselmo; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {QARLA: A Framework For The Evaluation Of Text Summarization Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1036}
author = {Turner, Jenine; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Supervised And Unsupervised Learning For Sentence Compression}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1037}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Digesting Virtual Geek Culture: The Summarization Of Technical Internet Relay Chats}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1038}
author = {Arun, Abhishek; Keller, Frank}
title = {Lexicalization In Crosslinguistic Probabilistic Parsing: The Case Of French}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1039}
author = {Dubey, Amit}
title = {What To Do When Lexicalization Fails: Parsing German With Suffix Analysis And Smoothing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1040}
author = {Dickinson, Markus; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Detecting Errors In Discontinuous Structural Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1041}
author = {Tanaka, Takaaki; Bond, Francis; Oepen, Stephan; Fujita, Sanae}
title = {High Precision Treebanking - Blazing Useful Trees Using POS Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1042}
author = {Filali, Karim; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {A Dynamic Bayesian Framework To Model Context And Memory In Edit Distance Learning: An Application To Pronunciation Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1043}
author = {Lin, Ying}
title = {Learning Stochastic OT Grammars: A Bayesian Approach Using Data Augmentation And Gibbs Sampling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1044}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Contrastive Estimation: Training Log-Linear Models On Unlabeled Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1045}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Grenager, Trond; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Incorporating Non-Local Information Into Information Extraction Systems By Gibbs Sampling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1046}
author = {Grenager, Trond; Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Field Segmentation Models For Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1047}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Greenwood, Mark A.}
title = {A Semantic Approach To IE Pattern Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1048}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Vs. Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1049}
author = {Niu, Zhengyu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using Label Propagation Based Semi-Supervised Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1050}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Giuliano, Claudio; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Domain Kernels For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1051}
author = {Ji, Heng; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Improving Name Tagging By Reference Resolution And Relation Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1052}
author = {Zhao, Shubin; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Extracting Relations With Integrated Information Using Kernel Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1053}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian; Zhang, Jie; Zhang, Min}
title = {Exploring Various Knowledge In Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1054}
author = {Boulis, Constantinos; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {A Quantitative Analysis Of Lexical Differences Between Genders In Telephone Conversations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1055}
author = {Chelba, Ciprian; Acero, Alex}
title = {Position Specific Posterior Lattices For Indexing Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1056}
author = {Liu, Yang; Stolcke, Andreas; Shriberg, Elizabeth; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Using Conditional Random Fields For Sentence Boundary Detection In Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1057}
author = {Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Log-Linear Models For Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1058}
author = {Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Zhanyi}
title = {Alignment Model Adaptation For Domain-Specific Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1059}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Stochastic Lexicalized Inversion Transduction Grammar For Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1060}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Multi-Field Information Extraction And Cross-Document Fusion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1061}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Pereira, Fernando; Kulick, Seth; Winters, Scott; Yang, Jin; White, Peter}
title = {Simple Algorithms For Complex Relation Extraction With Applications To Biomedical IE}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1062}
author = {Yu, Kun; Guan, Gang; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Resume Information Extraction With Cascaded Hybrid Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1063}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Roark, Brian; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {Discriminative Syntactic Language Modeling For Speech Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1064}
author = {Li, Haizhou; Ma, Bin}
title = {A Phonotactic Language Model For Spoken Language Identification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1065}
author = {Schwarm, Sarah E.; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Reading Level Assessment Using Support Vector Machines And Statistical Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1066}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Koehn, Philipp; Kucerova, Ivona}
title = {Clause Restructuring For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1067}
author = {Ding, Yuan; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Machine Translation Using Probabilistic Synchronous Dependency Insertion Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1068}
author = {Hwang, Young-Sook; Sasaki, Yutaka}
title = {Context-Dependent SMT Model Using Bilingual Verb-Noun Collocation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1069}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Zhang, Tong}
title = {A Localized Prediction Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1070}
author = {Pan, Shimei; Shaw, James}
title = {Instance-Based Sentence Boundary Determination By Optimization For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1071}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Arabic Tokenization Part-Of-Speech Tagging And Morphological Disambiguation In One Fell Swoop}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1072}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Ward, Wayne H.; Hacioglu, Kadri; Martin, James H.; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Using Different Syntactic Views}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1073}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Haghighi, Aria; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Joint Learning Improves Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1074}
author = {Bannard, Colin; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Paraphrasing With Bilingual Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1075}
author = {Deane, Paul}
title = {A Nonparametric Method For Extraction Of Candidate Phrasal Terms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1076}
author = {Yallop, Jeremy; Korhonen, Anna; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Adjectival Subcategorization From Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-1077}
author = {Ravichandran, Deepak; Pantel, Patrick; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Randomized Algorithms And NLP: Using Locality Sensitive Hash Functions For High Speed Noun Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2001}
author = {Lu, Xiaofei}
title = {Hybrid Methods For POS Guessing Of Chinese Unknown Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2002}
author = {Thabet, Naglaa}
title = {Understanding The Thematic Structure Of The Qur'an: An Exploratory Multivariate Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2003}
author = {Pecina, Pavel}
title = {An Extensive Empirical Study Of Collocation Extraction Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2004}
author = {Duh, Kevin}
title = {Jointly Labeling Multiple Sequences: A Factorial HMM Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2005}
author = {Solorio, Thamar}
title = {Exploiting Named Entity Taggers In A Second Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2006}
author = {Tatu, Marta}
title = {Automatic Discovery Of Intentions In Text And Its Application To Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2007}
author = {Huenerfauth, Matt}
title = {American Sign Language Generation: Multimodal NLG With Multiple Linguistic Channels}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2008}
author = {Read, Jonathon}
title = {Using Emoticons To Reduce Dependency In Machine Learning Techniques For Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2009}
author = {Roberts, Angus}
title = {Learning Meronyms From Biomedical Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2010}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata}
title = {Using Readers To Identify Lexical Cohesive Structures In Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2011}
author = {De Bleecker, Inge M. R.}
title = {Towards An Optimal Lexicalization In A Natural-Sounding Portable Natural Language Generator For Dialog Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2012}
author = {Gispert, Adrià de}
title = {Phrase Linguistic Classification And Generalization For Improving Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2013}
author = {Cakici, Ruken}
title = {Automatic Induction Of A CCG Grammar For Turkish}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2014}
author = {Ivanovic, Edward}
title = {Dialogue Act Tagging For Instant Messaging Chat Sessions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2015}
author = {Grois, Eugene}
title = {Learning Strategies For Open-Domain Natural Language Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2016}
author = {Fox, Heidi J.}
title = {Dependency-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2017}
author = {Sayeed, Asad B.}
title = {Minimalist Parsing Of Subjects Displaced From Embedded Clauses In Free Word Order Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2018}
author = {Xie, Zhuli}
title = {Centrality Measures In Text Mining: Prediction Of Noun Phrases That Appear In Abstracts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2019}
author = {Diderichsen, Philip; Elming, Jakob}
title = {A Corpus-Based Approach To Topic In Danish Dialog}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2020}
author = {Postolache, Oana}
title = {Learning Information Structure In The Prague Treebank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2021}
author = {Podvesky, Petr; Machek, Pavel}
title = {Speech Recognition Of Czech - Inclusion Of Rare Words Helps}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2022}
author = {Ozdowska, Sylwia}
title = {Using Bilingual Dependencies To Align Words In English/French Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2023}
author = {Alex, Beatrice}
title = {An Unsupervised System For Identifying English Inclusions In German Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2024}
author = {Yoshida, Kazuhiro}
title = {Corpus-Oriented Development Of Japanese HPSG Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2025}
author = {Kulkarni, Anagha}
title = {Unsupervised Discrimination And Labeling Of Ambiguous Names}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-2026}
author = {Russell, Jeffrey}
title = {A Domain-Specific Statistical Surface Realizer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3001}
author = {DeVault, David; Kariaeva, Natalia; Kothari, Anubha; Oved, Iris; Stone, Matthew}
title = {An Information-State Approach To Collaborative Reference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3002}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Niederlich, Hendrik}
title = {Accessing GermaNet Data And Computing Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3003}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Thater, Stefan}
title = {Efficient Solving And Exploration Of Scope Ambiguities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3004}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {CL Research's Knowledge Management System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3005}
author = {Liu, Hongfang; Hu, Zhangzhi; Wu, Cathy}
title = {Dynamically Generating A Protein Entity Dictionary Using Online Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3006}
author = {Lee, Hyo-Jung O.; Kim, Hyeon-Jin; Jang, Myung-Gil}
title = {Descriptive Question Answering In Encyclopedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3007}
author = {Pakhomov, Serguei V.; Buntrock, James; Duffy, Patrick}
title = {High Throughput Modularized NLP System For Clinical Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3008}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Hockey, Beth Ann; Chatzichrisafis, Nikos; Farrell, Kim; Renders, Jean-Michel}
title = {A Voice Enabled Procedure Browser For The International Space Station}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3009}
author = {Resnik, Philip; Elkiss, Aaron}
title = {The Linguist's Search Engine: An Overview}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3010}
author = {Wu, Jian-Cheng; Lin, Tracy; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Learning Source-Target Surface Patterns For Web-Based Terminology Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3011}
author = {Chelba, Ciprian; Acero, Alex}
title = {Speech OGLE: Indexing Uncertainty For Spoken Document Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3012}
author = {Foster, Mary Ellen; White, Michael; Setzer, Andrea; Catizone, Roberta}
title = {Multimodal Generation In The COMIC Dialogue System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3013}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Language Independent Extractive Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3014}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Csomai, Andras}
title = {SenseLearner: Word Sense Disambiguation For All Words In Unrestricted Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3015}
author = {Mohit, Behrang; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Syntax-Based Semi-Supervised Named Entity Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3016}
author = {Nakajima, Hideharu; Matsuo, Yoshihiro; Nagata, Masaaki; Saito, Kuniko}
title = {Portable Translator Capable Of Recognizing Characters On Signboard And Menu Captured By Its Built-In Camera}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3017}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Schwartz, Ariel S.; Wolf, Brian; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Supporting Annotation Layers For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3018}
author = {Nichols, Carol; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Word Alignment And Cross-Lingual Resource Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3019}
author = {Patwardhan, Siddharth; Banerjee, Satanjeev; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {SenseRelate::TargetWord - A Generalized Framework For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3020}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {A Practical Solution To The Problem Of Automatic Part-Of-Speech Induction From Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3021}
author = {Verhagen, Marc; Mani, Inderjeet; Sauri, Roser; Littman, Jessica; Knippen, Robert; Jang, Seok B.; Rumshisky, Anna; Phillips, John; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Automating Temporal Annotation With TARSQI}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3022}
author = {Allen, James F.; Ferguson, George; Stent, Amanda J.; Stoness, Scott C.; Swift, Mary; Galescu, Lucian; Chambers, Nathanael; Campana, Ellen; Aist, Gregory}
title = {Two Diverse Systems Built Using Generic Components For Spoken Dialogue (Recent Progress On TRIPS)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3023}
author = {Belvin, Robert S.; Ettelaie, Emil; Gandhe, Sudeep; Georgiou, Panayiotis G.; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel; Millward, Scott; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.; Neely, Howard; Traum, David R.}
title = {Transonics: A Practical Speech-To-Speech Translator For English-Farsi Medical Dialogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3024}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Thiesson, Bo}
title = {The Wild Thing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3025}
author = {DeNeefe, Steve; Knight, Kevin; Chan, Hayward H.}
title = {Interactively Exploring A Machine Translation Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3026}
author = {Jayaraman, Shyamsundar; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Multi-Engine Machine Translation Guided By Explicit Word Matching}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3027}
author = {Kulkarni, Anagha; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {SenseClusters: Unsupervised Clustering And Labeling Of Similar Contexts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3028}
author = {Müller, Christof E.}
title = {A Flexible Stand-Off Data Model With Query Language For Multi-Level Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3029}
author = {Stock, Oliviero; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {HAHAcronym: A Computational Humor System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3030}
author = {Utiyama, Masao; Tanimura, Midori; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Organizing English Reading Materials For Vocabulary Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P05-3031}
author = {Yoshida, Minoru; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Reformatting Web Documents Via Header Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2005}
id = {P06-1001}
author = {Sadat, Fatiha; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Combination Of Arabic Preprocessing Schemes For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1002}
author = {Ayan, Necip Fazil; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Going Beyond AER: An Extensive Analysis Of Word Alignments And Their Impact On MT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1003}
author = {Purver, Matthew; Kording, Konrad P.; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Tenenbaum, Joshua B.}
title = {Unsupervised Topic Modelling For Multi-Party Spoken Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1004}
author = {Malioutov, Igor; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Minimum Cut Model For Spoken Lecture Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1005}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Bootstrapping Path-Based Pronoun Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1006}
author = {Yang, Xiaofeng; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Kernel-Based Pronoun Resolution With Structured Syntactic Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1007}
author = {Park, Jihyun; Brew, Chris}
title = {A Finite-State Model Of Human Sentence Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1008}
author = {Blache, Philippe; Hemforth, Barbara; Rauzy, Stéphane}
title = {Acceptability Prediction By Means Of Grammaticality Quantification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1009}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Discriminative Word Alignment With Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1010}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.; Tao, Tao; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Named Entity Transliteration With Comparable Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1011}
author = {Munteanu, Dragos Stefan; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Extracting Parallel Sub-Sentential Fragments From Non-Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1012}
author = {Chan, Yee Seng; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Estimating Class Priors In Domain Adaptation For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1013}
author = {Brody, Samuel; Navigli, Roberto; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Ensemble Methods For Unsupervised WSD}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1014}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Meaningful Clustering Of Senses Helps Boost Word Sense Disambiguation Performance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1015}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Pennacchiotti, Marco}
title = {Espresso: Leveraging Generic Patterns For Automatically Harvesting Semantic Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1016}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian; Zhang, Min}
title = {Modeling Commonality Among Related Classes In Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1017}
author = {Chen, Jinxiu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim; Niu, Zhengyu}
title = {Relation Extraction Using Label Propagation Based Semi-Supervised Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1018}
author = {Kahane, Sylvain}
title = {Polarized Unification Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1019}
author = {Cohen-Sygal, Yael; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Partially Specified Signatures: A Vehicle For Grammar Modularity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1020}
author = {Cetinoglu, Ozlem; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Morphology-Syntax Interface For Turkish LFG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1021}
author = {Hale, John; Shafran, Izhak; Yung, Lisa; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Harper, Mary P.; Krasnyanskaya, Anna; Lease, Matthew; Liu, Yang; Roark, Brian; Snover, Matthew; Stewart, Robin}
title = {PCFGs With Syntactic And Prosodic Indicators Of Speech Repairs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1022}
author = {Ohno, Tomohiro; Matsubara, Shigeki; Kashioka, Hideki; Maruyama, Takehiko; Inagaki, Yasuyoshi}
title = {Dependency Parsing Of Japanese Spoken Monologue Based On Clause Boundaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1023}
author = {Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Trace Prediction And Recovery With Unlexicalized PCFGs And Slash Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1024}
author = {Frampton, Matthew; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Learning More Effective Dialogue Strategies Using Limited Dialogue Move Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1025}
author = {Rotaru, Mihai; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Dependencies Between Student State And Speech Recognition Problems In Spoken Tutoring Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1026}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Di Fabbrizio, Giuseppe; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Learning The Structure Of Task-Driven Human-Human Dialogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1027}
author = {Jiao, Feng; Wang, Shaojun; Lee, Chi-Hoon; Greiner, Russell; Schuurmans, Dale}
title = {Semi-Supervised Conditional Random Fields For Improved Sequence Segmentation And Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1028}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; McDermott, Erik; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Training Conditional Random Fields With Multivariate Evaluation Measures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1029}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Suzuki, Hisami; Yu, Bin}
title = {Approximation Lasso Methods For Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1030}
author = {Ishioka, Tsunenori; Kameda, Masayuki}
title = {Automated Japanese Essay Scoring System Based On Articles Written By Experts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1031}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Kawai, Atsuo; Morihiro, Koichiro; Isu, Naoki}
title = {A Feedback-Augmented Method For Detecting Errors In The Writing Of Learners Of English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1032}
author = {Brockett, Chris; Dolan, William B.; Gamon, Michael}
title = {Correcting ESL Errors Using Phrasal SMT Techniques}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1033}
author = {Nilsson, Jens; Nivre, Joakim; Hall, Johan}
title = {Graph Transformations In Data-Driven Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1034}
author = {Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Prasad, Rashmi; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Learning To Generate Naturalistic Utterances Using Reviews In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1035}
author = {Ellison, T. Mark; Kirby, Simon}
title = {Measuring Language Divergence By Intra-Lexical Comparison}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1036}
author = {Ferret, Olivier; Zock, Michael}
title = {Enhancing Electronic Dictionaries With An Index Based On Associations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1037}
author = {Foth, Kilian A.; By, Tomas; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Guiding A Constraint Dependency Parser With Supertags}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1038}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Efficient Unsupervised Discovery Of Word Categories Using Symmetric Patterns And High Frequency Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1039}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Bayesian Query-Focused Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1040}
author = {Turney, Peter D.}
title = {Expressing Implicit Semantic Relations Without Supervision}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1041}
author = {Foth, Kilian A.; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Hybrid Parsing: Using Probabilistic Models As Predictors For A Symbolic Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1042}
author = {Sagot, Benoît; De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {Error Mining In Parsing Results}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1043}
author = {McClosky, David; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Reranking And Self-Training For Parser Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1044}
author = {Korhonen, Anna; Krymolowski, Yuval; Collier, Nigel}
title = {Automatic Classification Of Verbs In Biomedical Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1045}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Ogawa, Yasuhiro; Toyama, Katsuhiko}
title = {Selection Of Effective Contextual Information For Automatic Synonym Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1046}
author = {Gorman, James; Curran, James R.}
title = {Scaling Distributional Similarity To Large Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1047}
author = {Li, Wenjie; Wu, Mingli; Lu, Qin; Xu, Wei; Yuan, Chunfa}
title = {Extractive Summarization Using Inter- And Intra- Event Relevance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1048}
author = {Clarke, James; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Models For Sentence Compression: A Comparison Across Domains Training Requirements And Evaluation Measures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1049}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Okazaki, Naoaki; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {A Bottom-Up Approach To Sentence Ordering For Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1050}
author = {Pan, Feng; Mulkar, Rutu; Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Learning Event Durations From Event Descriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1051}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Automatic Learning Of Textual Entailments With Cross-Pair Similarities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1052}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Thater, Stefan}
title = {An Improved Redundancy Elimination Algorithm For Underspecified Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1053}
author = {Dubey, Amit; Keller, Frank; Sturt, Patrick}
title = {Integrating Syntactic Priming Into An Incremental Probabilistic Parser With An Application To Psycholinguistic Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1054}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Sagae, Kenji; Mitamura, Teruko}
title = {A Fast Accurate Deterministic Parser For Chinese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1055}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Barrett, Leon; Thibaux, Romain; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Accurate Compact And Interpretable Tree Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1056}
author = {Frunza, Oana; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {Semi-Supervised Learning Of Partial Cognates Using Bilingual Bootstrapping}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1057}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Glickman, Oren; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Marmorshtein, Efrat; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Direct Word Sense Matching For Lexical Substitution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1058}
author = {Lu, Zhimao; Wang, Haifeng; Yao, Jianmin; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {An Equivalent Pseudoword Solution To Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1059}
author = {Okanohara, Daisuke; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Improving The Scalability Of Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1060}
author = {Florian, Radu; Jing, Hongyan; Kambhatla, Nanda; Zitouni, Imed}
title = {Factorizing Complex Models: A Case Study In Mention Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1061}
author = {Gu, Zhenmei; Cercone, Nick}
title = {Segment-Based Hidden Markov Models For Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1062}
author = {Shi, Lei; Niu, Cheng; Zhou, Ming; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {A DOM Tree Alignment Model For Mining Parallel Data From The Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1063}
author = {Judge, John; Cahill, Aoife; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {QuestionBank: Creating A Corpus Of Parse-Annotated Questions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1064}
author = {Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Creating A CCGbank And A Wide-Coverage CCG Lexicon For German}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1065}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Bode, Andreas}
title = {Improved Discriminative Bilingual Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1066}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Maximum Entropy Based Phrase Reordering Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1067}
author = {Al-Onaizan, Yaser; Papineni, Kishore}
title = {Distortion Models For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1068}
author = {Hulth, Anette; Megyesi, Beáta}
title = {A Study On Automatically Extracted Keywords In Text Categorization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1069}
author = {Li, Jingyang; Sun, Maosong; Zhang, Xian}
title = {A Comparison And Semi-Quantitative Analysis Of Words And Character-Bigrams As Features In Chinese Text Categorization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1070}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Exploiting Comparable Corpora And Bilingual Dictionaries For Cross-Language Text Categorization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1071}
author = {Zhang, Qi; Weng, Fuliang; Feng, Zhe}
title = {A Progressive Feature Selection Algorithm For Ultra Large Feature Spaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1072}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Annealing Structural Bias In Multilingual Weighted Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1073}
author = {Zitouni, Imed; Sorensen, Jeffrey S.; Sarikaya, Ruhi}
title = {Maximum Entropy Based Restoration Of Arabic Diacritics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1074}
author = {Lv, Yuanhua; Sun, Le; Zhang, Junlin; Nie, Jian-Yun; Chen, Wan; Zhang, Wei}
title = {An Iterative Implicit Feedback Approach To Personalized Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1075}
author = {Zhu, Jiang; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {The Effect Of Translation Quality In MT-Based Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1076}
author = {Blake, Catherine}
title = {A Comparison Of Document Sentence And Term Event Spaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1077}
author = {Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Tree-To-String Alignment Template For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1078}
author = {Sudoh, Katsuhito; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Incorporating Speech Recognition Confidence Into Discriminative Named Entity Recognition Of Speech Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1079}
author = {Iida, Ryu; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Exploiting Syntactic Patterns As Clues In Zero-Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1080}
author = {Park, Seong-Bae; Tae, Yoon-Shik; Park, Se Young}
title = {Self-Organizing N-Gram Model For Automatic Word Spacing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1081}
author = {Li, Qing; Myaeng, Sung-Hyon; Jin, Yun; Kang, Bo-Yeong}
title = {Concept Unification Of Terms In Different Languages For IR}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1082}
author = {Chatterjee, Niladri; Agrawal, Saumya}
title = {Word Alignment In English-Hindi Parallel Corpus Using Recency-Vector Approach: Some Studies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1083}
author = {Khaltar, Badam-Osor; Fujii, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Extracting Loanwords From Mongolian Corpora And Producing A Japanese-Mongolian Bilingual Dictionary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1084}
author = {Adler, Meni; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {An Unsupervised Morpheme-Based HMM For Hebrew Morphological Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1085}
author = {Goldwater, Sharon; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Contextual Dependencies In Unsupervised Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1086}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {MAGEAD: A Morphological Analyzer And Generator For The Arabic Dialects}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1087}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Adler, Meni; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Noun Phrase Chunking In Hebrew: Influence Of Lexical And Morphological Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1088}
author = {Curran, James R.; Clark, Stephen; Vadas, David}
title = {Multi-Tagging For Lexicalized-Grammar Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1089}
author = {Nakagawa, Tetsuji; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Guessing Parts-Of-Speech Of Unknown Words Using Global Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1090}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki; Saito, Kuniko; Yamamoto, Kazuhide; Ohashi, Kazuteru}
title = {A Clustered Global Phrase Reordering Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1091}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Zhang, Tong}
title = {A Discriminative Global Training Algorithm For Statistical MT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1092}
author = {Mori, Shinsuke; Takuma, Daisuke; Kurata, Gakuto}
title = {Phoneme-To-Text Transcription System With An Infinite Vocabulary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1093}
author = {Roy, Shourya; Subramaniam, L. Venkata}
title = {Automatic Generation Of Domain Models For Call-Centers From Noisy Transcriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1094}
author = {Kelleher, John D.; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Costello, Fintan J.}
title = {Proximity In Context: An Empirically Grounded Computational Model Of Proximity For Processing Topological Spatial Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1095}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Verhagen, Marc; Wellner, Benjamin; Lee, Chong Min; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Machine Learning Of Temporal Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1096}
author = {Liang, Percy; Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre; Klein, Dan; Taskar, Ben}
title = {An End-To-End Discriminative Approach To Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1097}
author = {Fraser, Alexander; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Semi-Supervised Training For Statistical Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1098}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Left-To-Right Target Generation For Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1099}
author = {Wermter, Joachim; Hahn, Udo}
title = {You Can't Beat Frequency (Unless You Use Linguistic Knowledge) - A Qualitative Evaluation Of Association Measures For Collocation And Term Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1100}
author = {Pennacchiotti, Marco; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Ontologizing Semantic Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1101}
author = {Snow, Rion; Jurafsky, Daniel; Ng, Andrew Y.}
title = {Semantic Taxonomy Induction From Heterogenous Evidence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1102}
author = {Paşca, Marius; Lin, Dekang; Bigham, Jeffrey; Lifchits, Andrei; Jain, Alpa}
title = {Names And Similarities On The Web: Fact Extraction In The Fast Lane}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1103}
author = {Klementiev, Alexandre; Roth, Dan}
title = {Weakly Supervised Named Entity Transliteration And Discovery From Multilingual Comparable Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1104}
author = {Zhang, Min; Zhang, Jie; Su, Jian; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {A Composite Kernel To Extract Relations Between Entities With Both Flat And Structured Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1105}
author = {Abekawa, Takeshi; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Japanese Dependency Parsing Using Co-Occurrence Information And A Combination Of Case Elements}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1106}
author = {Demner-Fushman, Dina; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Answer Extraction Semantic Clustering And Extractive Summarization For Clinical Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1107}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Pennacchiotti, Marco; Pazienza, Maria Teresa}
title = {Discovering Asymmetric Entailment Relations Between Verbs Using Selectional Preferences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1108}
author = {Halpin, Harry; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Event Extraction In A Plot Advice Agent}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1109}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {An All-Subtrees Approach To Unsupervised Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1110}
author = {Turian, Joseph P.; Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Advances In Discriminative Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1111}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Klein, Dan}
title = {Prototype-Driven Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1112}
author = {Shen, Dan; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Exploring Correlation Of Dependency Relation Paths For Answer Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1113}
author = {Novischi, Adrian; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Question Answering With Lexical Chains Propagating Verb Arguments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1114}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Hickl, Andrew}
title = {Methods For Using Textual Entailment In Open-Domain Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1115}
author = {Kate, Rohit J.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Using String-Kernels For Learning Semantic Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1116}
author = {Abdalla, Rashid M.; Teufel, Simone}
title = {A Bootstrapping Approach To Unsupervised Detection Of Cue Phrase Variants}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1117}
author = {Giuglea, Ana-Maria; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Via FrameNet VerbNet And PropBank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1118}
author = {Serasset, Gilles; Brunet-Manquat, Francis; Chiocchetti, Elena}
title = {Multilingual Legal Terminology On The Jibiki Platform: The LexALP Project}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1119}
author = {Murray, G. Craig; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Lin, Jimmy; Hajič, Jan; Pecina, Pavel}
title = {Leveraging Reusability: Cost-Effective Lexical Acquisition For Large-Scale Ontology Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1120}
author = {Seretan, Violeta; Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Accurate Collocation Extraction Using A Multilingual Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1121}
author = {Galley, Michel; Graehl, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel; DeNeefe, Steve; Wang, Wei; Thayer, Ignacio}
title = {Scalable Inference And Training Of Context-Rich Syntactic Translation Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1122}
author = {Talbot, David; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Modelling Lexical Redundancy For Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1123}
author = {Wellington, Benjamin; Waxmonsky, Sonjia; Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Empirical Lower Bounds On The Complexity Of Translational Equivalence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1124}
author = {Teh, Yee Whye}
title = {A Hierarchical Bayesian Language Model Based On Pitman-Yor Processes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1125}
author = {Xia, Yunqing; Wong, Kam-Fai; Li, Wenjie}
title = {A Phonetic-Based Approach To Chinese Chat Text Normalization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1126}
author = {Li, Jianfeng; Wang, Haifeng; Ren, Dengjun; Li, Guohua}
title = {Discriminative Pruning Of Language Models For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1127}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Lin, Ming-Shun; Wei, Yu-Chuan}
title = {Novel Association Measures Using Web Search With Double Checking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1128}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Ohta, Tomoko; Masuda, Katsuya; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Ninomiya, Takashi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Semantic Retrieval For The Accurate Identification Of Relational Concepts In Massive Textbases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1129}
author = {Li, Mu; Zhu, Muhua; Zhang, Yang; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Exploring Distributional Similarity Based Models For Query Spelling Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1130}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Robust PCFG-Based Generation Using Automatically Acquired LFG Approximations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1131}
author = {Kelleher, John D.; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {Incremental Generation Of Spatial Referring Expressions In Situated Dialog}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1132}
author = {Suzuki, Hisami; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Learning To Predict Case Markers In Japanese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1133}
author = {Lin, Wei-Hao; Hauptmann, Alexander G.}
title = {Are These Documents Written From Different Perspectives? A Test Of Different Perspectives Based On Statistical Distribution Divergence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1134}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Word Sense And Subjectivity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1135}
author = {Prager, John; Duboue, Pablo Ariel; Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {Improving QA Accuracy By Question Inversion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1136}
author = {Chen, Yi; Zhou, Ming; Wang, Shilong}
title = {Reranking Answers For Definitional QA Using Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1137}
author = {Feinstein, Daniel; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Highly Constrained Unification Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1138}
author = {Gerdes, Kim; Kahane, Sylvain}
title = {A Polynomial Parsing Algorithm For The Topological Model: Synchronizing Constituent And Dependency Grammars Illustrated By German Word Order Phenomena}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1139}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Stochastic Language Generation Using WIDL-Expressions And Its Application In Machine Translation And Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1140}
author = {Nakatsu, Crystal; White, Michael}
title = {Learning To Say It Well: Reranking Realizations By Predicted Synthesis Quality}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1141}
author = {Krishnan, Vijay; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {An Effective Two-Stage Model For Exploiting Non-Local Dependencies In Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1142}
author = {Kuo, Jin-Shea; Li, Haizhou; Yang, Ying-Kuei}
title = {Learning Transliteration Lexicons From The Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1143}
author = {Malik, M. G. Abbas}
title = {Punjabi Machine Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1144}
author = {Montalvo, Soto; Martínez, Raquel; Casillas, Arantza; Fresno, Víctor}
title = {Multilingual Document Clustering: An Heuristic Approach Based On Cognate Named Entities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1145}
author = {Noro, Taichi; Inui, Takashi; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Time Period Identification Of Events In Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1146}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Optimal Constituent Alignment With Edge Covers For Semantic Projection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1147}
author = {Wu, Min; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Utilizing Co-Occurrence Of Answers In Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2001}
author = {Alegria, Iñaki; Arrieta, Bertol; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Izagirre, Eli; Maritxalar, Montse}
title = {Using Machine Learning Techniques To Build A Comma Checker For Basque}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2002}
author = {Alfonseca, Enrique; Castells, Pablo; Okumura, Manabu; Ruiz-Casado, Maria}
title = {A Rote Extractor With Edit Distance-Based Generalisation And Multi-Corpora Precision Calculation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2003}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Giménez, Jesús; Gonzalo, Julio; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {MT Evaluation: Human-Like Vs. Human Acceptable}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2004}
author = {Atterer, Michaela; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {The Effect Of Corpus Size In Combining Supervised And Unsupervised Training For Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2005}
author = {Aw, Aiti; Zhang, Min; Xiao, Juan; Su, Jian}
title = {A Phrase-Based Statistical Model For SMS Text Normalization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2006}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Carroll, John}
title = {Evaluating The Accuracy Of An Unlexicalized Statistical Parser On The PARC DepBank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2007}
author = {Carterette, Ben; Jones, Rosie; Greiner, Wiley; Barr, Cory}
title = {N Semantic Classes Are Harder Than Two}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2008}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Zhang, Chen; Baldwin, Tyler}
title = {Towards Conversational QA: Automatic Identification Of Problematic Situations And User Intent}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2009}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei; Do, Quang; Roth, Dan}
title = {A Pipeline Framework For Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2010}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Zhang, Min; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {A Hybrid Convolution Tree Kernel For Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2011}
author = {Chen, Conrad; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {A High-Accurate Chinese-English NE Backward Translation System Combining Both Lexical Information And Web Statistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2012}
author = {Chen, Jinxiu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim; Niu, Zhengyu}
title = {Unsupervised Relation Disambiguation Using Spectral Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2013}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Zhang, Yujie; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {An Empirical Study Of Chinese Chunking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2014}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Soft Syntactic Constraints For Word Alignment Through Discriminative Training}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2015}
author = {Abolhassani Chime, Zahra}
title = {An Account For Compound Prepositions In Farsi}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2016}
author = {Chou, Lin-Yi}
title = {Techniques To Incorporate The Benefits Of A Hierarchy In A Modified Hidden Markov Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2017}
author = {Choudhury, Monojit; Mukherjee, Animesh; Basu, Anupam; Ganguly, Niloy}
title = {Analysis And Synthesis Of The Distribution Of Consonants Over Languages: A Complex Network Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2018}
author = {Chrupała, Grzegorz; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Using Machine-Learning To Assign Function Labels To Parser Output For Spanish}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2019}
author = {Clarke, James; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Constraint-Based Sentence Compression: An Integer Programming Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2020}
author = {Conroy, John M.; Schlesinger, Judith D.; O'Leary, Dianne P.}
title = {Topic-Focused Multi-Document Summarization Using An Approximate Oracle Score}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2021}
author = {Costello, Fintan J.; Veale, Tony; Dunne, Simon}
title = {Using WordNet To Automatically Deduce Relations Between Words In Noun-Noun Compounds}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2022}
author = {Creswell, Cassandre; Beal, Matthew J.; Chen, John; Cornell, Thomas L.; Nilsson, Lars; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {Automatically Extracting Nominal Mentions Of Events With A Bootstrapped Probabilistic Classifier}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2023}
author = {Duan, Jianyong; Lu, Ruzhan; Wu, Weilin; Hu, Yi; Tian, Yan}
title = {A Bio-Inspired Approach For Multi-Word Expression Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2024}
author = {Eckart, Richard}
title = {Towards A Modular Data Model For Multi-Layer Annotated Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2025}
author = {Ekbal, Asif; Naskar, Sudip Kumar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {A Modified Joint Source-Channel Model For Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2026}
author = {Fang, Gaolin; Yu, Hao; Nishino, Fumihito}
title = {Chinese-English Term Translation Mining Based On Semantic Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2027}
author = {Filatova, Elena; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Automatic Creation Of Domain Templates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2028}
author = {Finch, Andrew; Black, Ezra W.; Hwang, Young-Sook; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Using Lexical Dependency And Ontological Knowledge To Improve A Detailed Syntactic And Semantic Tagger Of English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2029}
author = {Foth, Kilian A.; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {The Benefit Of Stochastic PP Attachment To A Rule-Based Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2030}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Using Bilingual Comparable Corpora And Semi-Supervised Clustering For Topic Tracking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2031}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Chen, Benfeng}
title = {Robust Word Sense Translation By EM Learning Of Frame Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2032}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Parmentier, Yannick}
title = {Coreference Handling In XMG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2033}
author = {Gatt, Albert; van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Conceptual Coherence In The Generation Of Referring Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2034}
author = {Ge, Ruifang; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Discriminative Reranking For Semantic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2035}
author = {Giguet, Emmanuel; Luquet, Pierre-Sylvain}
title = {Multilingual Lexical Database Generation From Parallel Texts In 20 European Languages With Endogenous Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2036}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Satta, Giorgio; Zhang, Hao}
title = {Factoring Synchronous Grammars By Sorting}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2037}
author = {Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Low-Cost Enrichment Of Spanish WordNet With Automatically Translated Glosses: Combining General And Specialized Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2038}
author = {Glaysher, Elliot; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Speeding Up Full Syntactic Parsing By Leveraging Partial Parsing Decisions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2039}
author = {Goyal, Shailly; Chatterjee, Niladri}
title = {Parsing Aligned Parallel Corpus By Projecting Syntactic Relations From Annotated Source Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2040}
author = {Ha, Le Quan; Hanna, Philip; Stewart, D. W.; Smith, Francis J.}
title = {Reduced N-Gram Models For English And Chinese Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2041}
author = {Hall, Johan; Nivre, Joakim; Nilsson, Jens}
title = {Discriminative Classifiers For Deterministic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2042}
author = {Hamabe, Ryoji; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Kawahara, Tatsuya; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Detection Of Quotations And Inserted Clauses And Its Application To Dependency Structure Analysis In Spontaneous Japanese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2043}
author = {Han, Xiwu; Zhao, Tiejun; Fu, Xingshang}
title = {Improving English Subcategorization Acquisition With Diathesis Alternations As Heuristic Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2044}
author = {Hargreaves, Katherine; Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Local Constraints On Sentence Markers And Focus In Somali}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2045}
author = {Haruechaiyasak, Choochart; Sangkeettrakarn, Chatchawal; Palingoon, Pornpimon; Kongyoung, Sarawoot; Damrongrat, Chaianun}
title = {A Collaborative Framework For Collecting Thai Unknown Words From The Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2046}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Sato, Satoshi; Utsuro, Takehito}
title = {Japanese Idiom Recognition: Drawing A Line Between Literal And Idiomatic Meanings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2047}
author = {Hirakawa, Hideki}
title = {Graph Branch Algorithm: An Optimum Tree Search Method For Scored Dependency Graph With Arc Co-Occurrence Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2048}
author = {Hopkins, Mark; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Exploring The Potential Of Intractable Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2049}
author = {Horacek, Helmut; Wolska, Magdalena}
title = {Transformation-Based Interpretation Of Implicit Parallel Structures: Reconstructing The Meaning Of vice Versa And Similar Linguistic Operators}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2050}
author = {Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {When Conset Meets Synset: A Preliminary Survey Of An Ontological Lexical Resource Based On Chinese Characters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2051}
author = {Huwel, Sonja; Wrede, Britta}
title = {Spontaneous Speech Understanding For Robust Multi-Modal Human-Robot Communication}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2052}
author = {Ichikawa, Hiroshi; Hakoda, Keita; Hashimoto, Taiichi; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Efficient Sentence Retrieval Based On Syntactic Structure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2053}
author = {Jabbari, Sanaz; Allison, Ben; Guthrie, David; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Towards The Orwellian Nightmare: Separation Of Business And Personal Emails}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2054}
author = {Jeong, Minwoo; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Exploiting Non-Local Features For Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2055}
author = {Ji, Heng; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Analysis And Repair Of Name Tagger Errors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2056}
author = {Jin, Zhihui; Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko}
title = {Unsupervised Segmentation Of Chinese Text By Use Of Branching Entropy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2057}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {A FrameNet-Based Semantic Role Labeler For Swedish}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2058}
author = {Kacmarcik, Gary; Gamon, Michael}
title = {Obfuscating Document Stylometry To Preserve Author Anonymity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2059}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Polarity-Tagged Corpus From HTML Documents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2060}
author = {Kambhatla, Nanda}
title = {Minority Vote: At-Least-N Voting Improves Recall For Extracting Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2061}
author = {Khadivi, Shahram; Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Integration Of Speech To Computer-Assisted Translation Using Finite-State Automata}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2062}
author = {Khegai, Janna}
title = {GF Parallel Resource Grammars And Russian}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2063}
author = {Kim, Soo-Min; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Automatic Identification Of Pro And Con Reasons In Online Reviews}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2064}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Interpreting Semantic Relations In Noun Compounds Via Verb Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2065}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Nair, Anish; Rathod, Nishit; Yamada, Kenji}
title = {Unsupervised Analysis For Decipherment Problems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2066}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Mildly Non-Projective Dependency Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2067}
author = {Li, Jianguo; Brew, Chris}
title = {Parsing And Subcategorization Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2068}
author = {Lin, Jimmy}
title = {The Role Of Information Retrieval In Answering Complex Questions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2069}
author = {Lioma, Christina; Ounis, Iadh}
title = {Examining The Content Load Of Part Of Speech Blocks For Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2070}
author = {Liu, Ding; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Stochastic Iterative Alignment For Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2071}
author = {Loeff, Nicolas; Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter; Forsyth, David A.}
title = {Discriminating Image Senses By Clustering With Multimodal Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2072}
author = {Marrafa, Palmira; Mendes, Sara}
title = {Modeling Adjectives In Computational Relational Lexica}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2073}
author = {Martínez-Hinarejos, Carlos D.; Granell, Ramon; Benedí, José-Miguel}
title = {Segmented And Unsegmented Dialogue-Act Annotation With Statistical Dialogue Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2074}
author = {Maslennikov, Mstislav; Goh, Hai-Kiat; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {ARE: Instance Splitting Strategies For Dependency Relation-Based Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2075}
author = {Mirkin, Shachar; Dagan, Ido; Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Maayan}
title = {Integrating Pattern-Based And Distributional Similarity Methods For Lexical Entailment Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2076}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Kanamaru, Toshiyuki; Shirado, Tamotsu; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Machine-Learning-Based Transformation Of Passive Japanese Sentences Into Active By Separating Training Data Into Each Input Particle}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2077}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Kawai, Atsuo; Morihiro, Koichiro; Isu, Naoki}
title = {Reinforcing English Countability Prediction With One Countability Per Discourse Property}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2078}
author = {Nanba, Hidetsugu; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {An Automatic Method For Summary Evaluation Using Multiple Evaluation Results By A Manual Method}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2079}
author = {Ng, Vincent; Dasgupta, Sajib; Arifin, S. M. Niaz}
title = {Examining The Role Of Linguistic Knowledge Sources In The Automatic Identification And Classification Of Reviews}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2080}
author = {Nguyen, Minh Le; Shimazu, Akira; Phan, Xuan-Hieu}
title = {Semantic Parsing With Structured SVM Ensemble Classification Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2081}
author = {Oberlander, Jon; Nowson, Scott}
title = {Whose Thumb Is It Anyway? Classifying Author Personality From Weblog Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2082}
author = {Ohtake, Kiyonori}
title = {Analysis Of Selective Strategies To Build A Dependency-Analyzed Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2083}
author = {Okazaki, Naoaki; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {A Term Recognition Approach To Acronym Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2084}
author = {Pecina, Pavel; Schlesinger, Pavel}
title = {Combining Association Measures For Collocation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2085}
author = {Rieser, Verena; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Using Machine Learning To Explore Human Multimodal Clarification Strategies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2086}
author = {Rosenfeld, Benjamin; Feldman, Ronen}
title = {URES : An Unsupervised Web Relation Extraction System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2087}
author = {Ruch, Patrick; Tbahriti, Imad; Gobeill, Julien; Aronson, Alan R.}
title = {Argumentative Feedback: A Linguistically-Motivated Term Expansion For Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2088}
author = {Ryu, Koichiro; Matsubara, Shigeki; Inagaki, Yasuyoshi}
title = {Simultaneous English-Japanese Spoken Language Translation Based On Incremental Dependency Parsing And Transfer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2089}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Lavie, Alon}
title = {A Best-First Probabilistic Shift-Reduce Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2090}
author = {Santini, Marina; Power, Richard; Evans, Roger}
title = {Implementing A Characterization Of Genre For Automatic Genre Identification Of Web Pages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2091}
author = {Sato, Manabu; Bekki, Daisuke; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Translating HPSG-Style Outputs Of A Robust Parser Into Typed Dynamic Logic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2092}
author = {Schrader, Bettina}
title = {ATLAS - A New Text Alignment Architecture}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2093}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Déchelotte, Daniel; Gauvain, Jean-Luc}
title = {Continuous Space Language Models For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2094}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {On-Demand Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2095}
author = {Sharoff, Serge; Babych, Bogdan; Hartley, Anthony}
title = {Using Comparable Corpora To Solve Problems Difficult For Human Translators}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2096}
author = {Shen, Siwei; Radev, Dragomir R.; Patel, Agam; Erkan, Gunes}
title = {Adding Syntax To Dynamic Programming For Aligning Comparable Texts For The Generation Of Paraphrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2097}
author = {Shibata, Tomohide; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Unsupervised Topic Identification By Integrating Linguistic And Visual Information Based On Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2098}
author = {Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Haas, Andrew R.}
title = {Exact Decoding For Jointly Labeling And Chunking Sequences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2099}
author = {Shirai, Kiyoaki; Ookawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Compiling A Lexicon Of Cooking Actions For Animation Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2100}
author = {Singh, Smriti; Gupta, Kuhoo; Shrivastava, Manish; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Morphological Richness Offsets Resource Demand - Experiences In Constructing A POS Tagger For Hindi}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2101}
author = {Smith, David A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Minimum Risk Annealing For Training Log-Linear Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2102}
author = {Snider, Neal; Diab, Mona}
title = {Unsupervised Induction Of Modern Standard Arabic Verb Classes Using Syntactic Frames And LSA}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2103}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Discourse Generation Using Utility-Trained Coherence Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2104}
author = {Swanson, Reid; Gordon, Andrew S.}
title = {A Comparison Of Alternative Parse Tree Paths For Labeling Semantic Roles}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2105}
author = {Tatu, Marta; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {A Logic-Based Semantic Approach To Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2106}
author = {Tokunaga, Takenobu; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Charoenporn, Thatsanee; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Monachini, Monica; Soria, Claudia; Huang, Chu-Ren; Xia, Yingju; Yu, Hao; Prévot, Laurent; Shirai, Kiyoaki}
title = {Infrastructure For Standardization Of Asian Language Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2107}
author = {Tomás, Jesús; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Statistical Phrase-Based Models For Interactive Computer-Assisted Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2108}
author = {Tsai, Jia-Lin}
title = {Using Word Support Model To Improve Chinese Input System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2109}
author = {Unno, Yuya; Ninomiya, Takashi; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Trimming CFG Parse Trees For Sentence Compression Using Machine Learning Approaches}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2110}
author = {Utsumi, Akira; Suzuki, Daisuke}
title = {Word Vectors And Two Kinds Of Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2111}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Finding Synonyms Using Automatic Word Alignment And Measures Of Distributional Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2112}
author = {Wang, Haifeng; Wu, Hua; Liu, Zhanyi}
title = {Word Alignment For Languages With Scarce Resources Using Bilingual Corpora Of Other Language Pairs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2113}
author = {Wang, Ye-Yi; Acero, Alex; Mahajan, Milind; Lee, John}
title = {Combining Statistical And Knowledge-Based Spoken Language Understanding In Conditional Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2114}
author = {Wasala, Asanka; Weerasinghe, Ruvan; Gamage, Kumudu}
title = {Sinhala Grapheme-To-Phoneme Conversion And Rules For Schwa Epenthesis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2115}
author = {Wu, Andi; Lowery, Kirk}
title = {From Prosodic Trees To Syntactic Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2116}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Lee, Ken Wing Kuen}
title = {A Grammatical Approach To Understanding Textual Tables Using Two-Dimensional SCFGs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2117}
author = {Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Zhanyi}
title = {Boosting Statistical Word Alignment Using Labeled And Unlabeled Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2118}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Chen, Jinying; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Aligning Features With Sense Distinction Dimensions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2119}
author = {Yang, Dongqiang; Powers, David M. W.}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using Lexical Cohesion In The Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2120}
author = {Yeh, Jui-Feng; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Yang, Mao-Zhu}
title = {Stochastic Discourse Modeling In Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Semantic Dependency Graphs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2121}
author = {Yu, Liang-Chih; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Jang, Fong-Lin}
title = {HAL-Based Cascaded Model For Variable-Length Semantic Pattern Induction From Psychiatry Web Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2122}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Inducing Word Alignments With Bilexical Synchronous Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2123}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Kikui, Genichiro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Subword-Based Tagging For Confidence-Dependent Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2124}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {BiTAM: Bilingual Topic AdMixture Models For Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2125}
author = {Zhu, Jing; Li, Jian-Hua}
title = {An HMM-Based Approach To Automatic Phrasing For Mandarin Text-To-Speech Synthesis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3001}
author = {Biswas, Pradipta}
title = {A Flexible Approach To Natural Language Generation For Disabled Children}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3002}
author = {Biemann, Christian}
title = {Unsupervised Part-Of-Speech Tagging Employing Efficient Graph Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3003}
author = {Cromierès, Fabien}
title = {Sub-Sentential Alignment Using Substring Co-Occurrence Counts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3004}
author = {Maier, Wolfgang}
title = {Annotation Schemes And Their Influence On Parsing Results}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3005}
author = {Park, Jihyun}
title = {Modeling Human Sentence Processing Data With A Statistical Parts-Of-Speech Tagger}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3006}
author = {Shimizu, Nobuyuki}
title = {Semantic Discourse Segmentation And Labeling For Route Instructions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3007}
author = {Wu, Mingli}
title = {Investigations On Event-Based Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3008}
author = {Yue, Ming}
title = {Discursive Usage Of Six Chinese Punctuation Marks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3009}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut}
title = {Integrated Morphological And Syntactic Disambiguation For Modern Hebrew}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3010}
author = {Specia, Lucia}
title = {A Hybrid Relational Approach For WSD - First Results}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3011}
author = {Loos, Berenike}
title = {On2L - A Framework For Incremental Ontology Learning In Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3012}
author = {Narupiyakul, Lalita}
title = {Focus To Emphasize Tone Structures For Prosodic Analysis In Spoken Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3013}
author = {Park, Jungyeul}
title = {Extraction Of Tree Adjoining Grammars From A Treebank For Korean}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3014}
author = {Li, Jianguo}
title = {Parsing And Subcategorization Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3015}
author = {Rudzicz, Frank}
title = {Clavius: Bi-Directional Parsing For Generic Multimodal Interaction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4001}
author = {Chen, Chia-Yin; Liou, Hsien-Chin; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {FAST - An Automatic Generation System For Grammar Tests}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4002}
author = {Montero, Calkin S.; Araki, Kenji}
title = {Is It Correct? - Towards Web-Based Evaluation Of Automatic Natural Language Phrase Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4003}
author = {Tesconi, Maurizio; Marchetti, Andrea; Bertagna, Francesca; Monachini, Monica; Soria, Claudia; Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {LeXFlow: A System For Cross-Fertilization Of Computational Lexicons}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4004}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Valido: A Visual Tool For Validating Sense Annotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4005}
author = {Ohta, Tomoko; Miyao, Yusuke; Ninomiya, Takashi; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Yakushiji, Akane; Masuda, Katsuya; Takeuchi, Jumpei; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Hara, Tadayoshi; Kim, Jin-Dong; Tateisi, Yuka; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {An Intelligent Search Engine And GUI-Based Efficient MEDLINE Search Tool Based On Deep Syntactic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4006}
author = {Mima, Hideki}
title = {MIMA Search: A Structuring Knowledge System Towards Innovation For Engineering Education}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4007}
author = {Hickl, Andrew; Wang, Patrick; Lehmann, John; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {FERRET: Interactive Question-Answering For Real-World Environments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4008}
author = {Song, Young-In; Chung, Hoojung; Han, Kyoung-Soo; Lee, Joo-Young; Rim, Hae-Chang; Lee, Jae-Won}
title = {K-QARD: A Practical Korean Question Answering Framework For Restricted Domain}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4009}
author = {Mazur, Pawel; Dale, Robert}
title = {An Intermediate Representation For The Interpretation Of Temporal Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4010}
author = {Yao, Tianfang; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Chinese Named Entity And Relation Identification System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4011}
author = {Wu, Jien-Chen; Chang, Yu-Chia; Liou, Hsien-Chin; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Computational Analysis Of Move Structures In Academic Abstracts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4012}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Erkan, Gunes; Fader, Anthony; Jordan, Patrick; Shen, Siwei; Sweeney, James P.}
title = {LexNet: A Graphical Environment For Graph-Based NLP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4013}
author = {Ailomaa, Marita; Melichar, Miroslav; Lisowska, Agnes; Rajman, Martin; Armstrong, Susan}
title = {Archivus: A Multimodal System For Multimedia Meeting Browsing And Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4014}
author = {Lonning, Jan Tore; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {Re-Usable Tools For Precision Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4015}
author = {Becker, Tilman; Poller, Peter; Schehl, Jan; Blaylock, Nate; Gerstenberger, Ciprian; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana}
title = {The SAMMIE System: Multimodal In-Car Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4016}
author = {Wehrli, Eric}
title = {TwicPen: Hand-Held Scanner And Translation Software For Non-Native Readers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4017}
author = {Fujita, Sanae; Tanaka, Takaaki; Bond, Francis; Nakaiwa, Hiromi}
title = {An Implemented Description Of Japanese: The Lexeed Dictionary And The Hinoki Treebank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4018}
author = {Bird, Steven}
title = {NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4019}
author = {Blanc, Olivier; Constant, Matthieu}
title = {Outilex A Linguistic Platform For Text Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4020}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Carroll, John; Watson, Rebecca}
title = {The Second Release Of The RASP System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2006}
id = {P07-1001}
author = {Deng, Yonggang; Gao, Yuqing}
title = {Guiding Statistical Word Alignment Models With Prior Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1002}
author = {Chang, Pi-Chuan; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {A Discriminative Syntactic Word Order Model for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1003}
author = {DeNero, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {Tailoring Word Alignments to Syntactic Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1004}
author = {Ueffing, Nicola; Haffari, Gholamreza; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Transductive learning for statistical machine translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1005}
author = {Chan, Yee Seng; Ng, Hwee Tou; Chiang, David}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Improves Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1006}
author = {Specia, Lucia; Stevenson, Mark; Das Gracas Volpe Nunes, Maria}
title = {Learning Expressive Models for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1007}
author = {Chan, Yee Seng; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Domain Adaptation with Active Learning for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1008}
author = {Veale, Tony; Hao, Yanfen}
title = {Making Lexical Ontologies Functional and Context-Sensitive}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1009}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Campbell, Lyle}
title = {A Bayesian Model for Discovering Typological Implications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1010}
author = {Okanohara, Daisuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A discriminative language model with pseudo-negative samples}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1011}
author = {Sun, Guihua; Liu, Xiaohua; Cong, Gao; Zhou, Ming; Xiong, Zhongyang; Lee, John; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Detecting Erroneous Sentences using Automatically Mined Sequential Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1012}
author = {Puurula, Antti; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Vocabulary Decomposition for Estonian Open Vocabulary Speech Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1013}
author = {Demberg, Vera; Schmid, Helmut; Mohler, Gregor}
title = {Phonological Constraints and Morphological Preprocessing for Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1014}
author = {Mukherjee, Animesh; Choudhury, Monojit; Basu, Anupam; Ganguly, Niloy}
title = {Redundancy Ratio: An Invariant Property of the Consonant Inventories of the World's Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1015}
author = {Yoon, Su-Youn; Kim, Kyoung-Young; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Multilingual Transliteration Using Feature based Phonetic Method}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1016}
author = {Li, Haizhou; Sim, Khe Chai; Kuo, Jin-Shea; Dong, Minghui}
title = {Semantic Transliteration of Personal Names}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1017}
author = {Minkov, Einat; Toutanova, Kristina; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {Generating Complex Morphology for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1018}
author = {Babych, Bogdan; Hartley, Anthony; Sharoff, Serge; Mudraya, Olga}
title = {Assisting Translators in Indirect Lexical Transfer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1019}
author = {Huang, Liang; Chiang, David}
title = {Forest Rescoring: Faster Decoding with Integrated Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1020}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Haffner, Patrick; Kanthak, Stephan}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation through Global Lexical Selection and Sentence Reconstruction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1021}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco; Mohl, Mathias}
title = {Mildly Context-Sensitive Dependency Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1022}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Transforming Projective Bilexical Dependency Grammars into efficiently-parsable CFGs with Unfold-Fold}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1023}
author = {Kanazawa, Makoto}
title = {Parsing and Generation as Datalog Queries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1024}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Temperley, David}
title = {Optimizing Grammars for Minimum Dependency Length}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1025}
author = {Gordon, Andrew S.; Swanson, Reid}
title = {Generalizing semantic role annotations across syntactically similar verbs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1026}
author = {Zhang, Min; Che, Wanxiang; Aw, Aiti; Tan, Chew Lim; Zhou, Guodong; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {A Grammar-driven Convolution Tree Kernel for Semantic Role Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1027}
author = {Liu, Chang; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Learning Predictive Structures for Semantic Role Labeling of NomBank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1028}
author = {Erk, Katrin}
title = {A Simple Similarity-based Model for Selectional Preferences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1029}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {SVM Model Tampering and Anchored Learning: A Case Study in Hebrew NP Chunking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1030}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari; Koppel, Moshe}
title = {Fully Unsupervised Discovery of Concept-Specific Relationships by Web Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1031}
author = {Vadas, David; Curran, James R.}
title = {Adding Noun Phrase Structure to the Penn Treebank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1032}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.}
title = {Formalism-Independent Parser Evaluation with CCG and DepBank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1033}
author = {Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Frustratingly Easy Domain Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1034}
author = {Jiang, Jing; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Instance Weighting for Domain Adaptation in NLP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1035}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Grenager, Trond; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {The Infinite Tree}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1036}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei; Ratinov, Lev; Roth, Dan}
title = {Guiding Semi-Supervision with Constraint-Driven Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1037}
author = {Hassan, Hany; Sima'an, Khalil; Way, Andy}
title = {Supertagged Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1038}
author = {Albrecht, Joshua; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Regression for Sentence-Level MT Evaluation with Pseudo References}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1039}
author = {Ma, Yanjun; Stroppa, Nicolas; Way, Andy}
title = {Bootstrapping Word Alignment via Word Packing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1040}
author = {Rosti, Antti-Veikko I.; Matsoukas, Spyros; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Improved Word-Level System Combination for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1041}
author = {Filippova, Katja; Strube, Michael}
title = {Generating Constituent Order in German Clauses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1042}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Kow, Eric}
title = {A Symbolic Approach to Near-Deterministic Surface Realisation using Tree Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1043}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Stone, Matthew}
title = {Sentence generation as a planning problem}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1044}
author = {Mutton, Andrew; Dras, Mark; Wan, Stephen; Dale, Robert}
title = {GLEU: Automatic Evaluation of Sentence-Level Fluency}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1045}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Davis, Randall}
title = {Conditional Modality Fusion for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1046}
author = {Rotaru, Mihai; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {The Utility of a Graphical Representation of Discourse Structure in Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1047}
author = {Liu, Yi; Chai, Joyce; Jin, Rong}
title = {Automated Vocabulary Acquisition and Interpretation in Multimodal Conversational Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1048}
author = {Johnston, Michael; D'Haro, Luis F.; Levine, Michelle; Renger, Bernard}
title = {A Multimodal Interface for Access to Content in the Home}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1049}
author = {Seginer, Yoav}
title = {Fast Unsupervised Incremental Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1050}
author = {Hall, Keith}
title = {K-best Spanning Tree Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1051}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {Is the End of Supervised Parsing in Sight?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1052}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {An Ensemble Method for Selection of High Quality Parses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1053}
author = {Ghose, Anindya; Ipeirotis, Panagiotis; Sundararajan, Arun}
title = {Opinion Mining using Econometrics: A Case Study on Reputation Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1054}
author = {Esuli, Andrea; Sebastiani, Fabrizio}
title = {PageRanking WordNet Synsets: An Application to Opinion Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1055}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Hannan, Kerry; Neylon, Tyler; Wells, Mike; Reynar, Jeffrey C.}
title = {Structured Models for Fine-to-Coarse Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1056}
author = {Blitzer, John; Dredze, Mark; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Biographies Bollywood Boom-boxes and Blenders: Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1057}
author = {Brody, Samuel}
title = {Clustering Clauses for High-Level Relation Detection: An Information-theoretic Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1058}
author = {Szpektor, Idan; Shnarch, Eyal; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Instance-based Evaluation of Entailment Rule Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1059}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; Vasserman, Alexander; Tsochantaridis, Ioannis; Mittal, Vibhu O.; Liu, Yi}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation for Query Expansion in Answer Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1060}
author = {Lee, John}
title = {A Computational Model of Text Reuse in Ancient Literary Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1061}
author = {Ferret, Olivier}
title = {Finding document topics for improving topic segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1062}
author = {Fisher, Seeger; Roark, Brian}
title = {The utility of parse-derived features for automatic discourse segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1063}
author = {Mairesse, François; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {PERSONAGE: Personality Generation for Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1064}
author = {Malioutov, Igor; Park, Alex; Barzilay, Regina; Glass, James R.}
title = {Making Sense of Sound: Unsupervised Topic Segmentation over Acoustic Input}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1065}
author = {Talbot, David; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Randomised Language Modelling for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1066}
author = {Tam, Yik-Cheung; Lane, Ian; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Bilingual-LSA Based LM Adaptation for Spoken Language Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1067}
author = {Yang, Xiaofeng; Su, Jian}
title = {Coreference Resolution Using Semantic Relatedness Information from Automatically Discovered Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1068}
author = {Ng, Vincent}
title = {Semantic Class Induction and Coreference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1069}
author = {Branavan, S. R. K.; Deshpande, Pawan; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Generating a Table-of-Contents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1070}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun; Yang, Jianwu; Xiao, Jianguo}
title = {Towards an Iterative Reinforcement Approach for Simultaneous Document Summarization and Keyword Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1071}
author = {Collobert, Ronan; Weston, Jason}
title = {Fast Semantic Extraction Using a Novel Neural Network Architecture}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1072}
author = {Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {Improving the Interpretation of Noun Phrases with Cross-linguistic Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1073}
author = {Bunescu, Razvan C.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Learning to Extract Relations from the Web using Minimal Supervision}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1074}
author = {Xu, Feiyu; Uszkoreit, Hans; Li, Hong}
title = {A Seed-driven Bottom-up Machine Learning Framework for Extracting Relations of Various Complexity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1075}
author = {Maslennikov, Mstislav; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {A Multi-resolution Framework for Information Extraction from Free Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1076}
author = {Rosenfeld, Benjamin; Feldman, Ronen}
title = {Using Corpus Statistics on Entities to Improve Semi-supervised Relation Extraction from the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1077}
author = {Havelka, Jiri}
title = {Beyond Projectivity: Multilingual Evaluation of Constraints and Measures on Non-Projective Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1078}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Self-Training for Enhancement and Domain Adaptation of Statistical Parsers Trained on Small Datasets}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1079}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {HPSG Parsing with Shallow Dependency Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1080}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Constituent Parsing with Incremental Sigmoid Belief Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1081}
author = {Karimi, Sarvnaz; Turpin, Andrew; Scholer, Falk}
title = {Corpus Effects on the Evaluation of Automated Transliteration Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1082}
author = {Karimi, Sarvnaz; Scholer, Falk; Turpin, Andrew}
title = {Collapsed Consonant and Vowel Models: New Approaches for English-Persian Transliteration and Back-Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1083}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Alignment-Based Discriminative String Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1084}
author = {Morin, Emmanuel; Daille, Béatrice; Takeuchi, Koichi; Kageura, Kyo}
title = {Bilingual Terminology Mining - Using Brain not brawn comparable corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1085}
author = {Liu, Feifan; Liu, Yang}
title = {Unsupervised Language Model Adaptation Incorporating Named Entity Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1086}
author = {Hogan, Deirdre}
title = {Coordinate Noun Phrase Disambiguation in a Generative Parsing Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1087}
author = {Zhu, Conghui; Tang, Jie; Li, Hang; Ng, Hwee Tou; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {A Unified Tagging Approach to Text Normalization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1088}
author = {Downey, Doug; Schoenmackers, Stefan; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Sparse Information Extraction: Unsupervised Language Models to the Rescue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1089}
author = {Liu, Yang; Huang, Yun; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Forest-to-String Statistical Translation Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1090}
author = {Setiawan, Hendra; Kan, Min-Yen; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Ordering Phrases with Function Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1091}
author = {Li, Chi-Ho; Li, Minghui; Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming; Guan, Yi}
title = {A Probabilistic Approach to Syntax-based Reordering for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1092}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Machine Translation by Triangulation: Making Effective Use of Multi-Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1093}
author = {Jansche, Martin}
title = {A Maximum Expected Utility Framework for Binary Sequence Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1094}
author = {Goldwater, Sharon; Griffiths, Thomas L.}
title = {A fully Bayesian approach to unsupervised part-of-speech tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1095}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Vail, Douglas L.; Lafferty, John D.}
title = {Computationally Efficient M-Estimation of Log-Linear Structure Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1096}
author = {Shen, Libin; Satta, Giorgio; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Guided Learning for Bidirectional Sequence Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1097}
author = {Dang, Hoa Trang; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Different Structures for Evaluating Answers to Complex Questions: Pyramids Won't Topple and Neither Will Human Assessors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1098}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Quarteroni, Silvia; Basili, Roberto; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Exploiting Syntactic and Shallow Semantic Kernels for Question Answer Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1099}
author = {Ko, Jeongwoo; Mitamura, Teruko; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Language-independent Probabilistic Answer Ranking for Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1100}
author = {Spitters, Martijn; De Boni, Marco; Zavrel, Jakub; Bonnema, Remko}
title = {Learning to Compose Effective Strategies from a Library of Dialogue Components}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1101}
author = {Gravano, Agustín; Beňuš, Štefan; Chavez, Hector; Hirschberg, Julia; Wilcox, Lauren}
title = {On the role of context and prosody in the interpretation of 'okay'}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1102}
author = {Reitter, David; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Predicting Success in Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1103}
author = {Müller, Christof E.}
title = {Resolving It This and That in Unrestricted Multi-Party Dialog}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1104}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Andrew, Galen; Johnson, Mark; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {A Comparative Study of Parameter Estimation Methods for Statistical Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1105}
author = {Muresan, Smaranda; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Grammar Approximation by Representative Sublanguage: A New Model for Language Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1106}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Chinese Segmentation with a Word-Based Perceptron Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1107}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Klein, Dan}
title = {Unsupervised Coreference Resolution in a Nonparametric Bayesian Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1108}
author = {Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Pivot Language Approach for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1109}
author = {Sherif, Tarek; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Bootstrapping a Stochastic Transducer for Arabic-English Transliteration Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1110}
author = {Chew, Peter A.; Abdelali, Ahmed}
title = {Benefits of the `Massively Parallel Rosetta Stone': Cross-Language Information Retrieval with over 30 Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1111}
author = {Albrecht, Joshua; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {A Re-examination of Machine Learning Approaches for Sentence-Level MT Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1112}
author = {Cimiano, Philipp; Wenderoth, Johanna}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Ranked Qualia Structures from the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1113}
author = {Palmer, Alexis; Ponvert, Elias; Baldridge, Jason; Smith, Carlota}
title = {A Sequencing Model for Situation Entity Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1114}
author = {Baroni, Marco; Evert, Stefan}
title = {Words and Echoes: Assessing and Mitigating the Non-Randomness Problem in Word Frequency Distribution Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1115}
author = {Preiss, Judita; Briscoe, Ted; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {A System for Large-Scale Acquisition of Verbal Nominal and Adjectival Subcategorization Frames from Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1116}
author = {Demberg, Vera}
title = {A Language-Independent Unsupervised Model for Morphological Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1117}
author = {Barthélemy, François}
title = {Using Mazurkiewicz Trace Languages for Partition-Based Morphology}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1118}
author = {Daland, Robert; Sims, Andrea D.; Pierrehumbert, Janet B.}
title = {Much ado about nothing: A social network model of Russian paradigmatic gaps}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1119}
author = {Sherif, Tarek; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Substring-Based Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1120}
author = {Hollingshead, Kristy; Roark, Brian}
title = {Pipeline Iteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1121}
author = {Wong, Yuk Wah; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Learning Synchronous Grammars for Semantic Parsing with Lambda Calculus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1122}
author = {Nilsson, Jens; Nivre, Joakim; Hall, Johan}
title = {Generalizing Tree Transformations for Inductive Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1123}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Banea, Carmen; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Learning Multilingual Subjective Language via Cross-Lingual Projections}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1124}
author = {Devitt, Ann; Ahmad, Khurshid}
title = {Sentiment Polarity Identification in Financial News: A Cohesion-based Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1125}
author = {Medlock, Ben; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Weakly Supervised Learning for Hedge Classification in Scientific Literature}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1126}
author = {Deschacht, Koen; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Text Analysis for Automatic Image Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1127}
author = {Pallotta, Vincenzo; Seretan, Violeta; Ailomaa, Marita}
title = {User Requirements Analysis for Meeting Information Retrieval Based on Query Elicitation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1128}
author = {Hsueh, Pei-Yun; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Combining Multiple Knowledge Sources for Dialogue Segmentation in Multimedia Archives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1129}
author = {Yu, Liang-Chih; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard; Lin, Chia-Ling}
title = {Topic Analysis for Psychiatric Document Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1130}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Müller, Christof E.; Zesch, Torsten}
title = {What to be? - Electronic Career Guidance Based on Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-1131}
author = {Jing, Hongyan; Kambhatla, Nanda; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Extracting Social Networks and Biographical Facts From Conversational Speech Transcripts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2001}
author = {Amores, J. Gabriel; Perez, Guillermo; Manchon, Pilar}
title = {MIMUS: A Multimodal and Multilingual Dialogue System for the Home Domain}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2002}
author = {Abekawa, Takeshi; Kageura, Kyo}
title = {A Translation Aid System with a Stratified Lookup Interface}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2003}
author = {Okumura, Akitoshi; Ikeda, Takahiro; Nishizawa, Toshihiro; Ando, Shinichi; Adachi, Fumihiro}
title = {Multimedia Blog Creation System using Dialogue with Intelligent Robot}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2004}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Parmentier, Yannick}
title = {SemTAG: a platform for specifying Tree Adjoining Grammars and performing TAG-based Semantic Construction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2005}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi; Oda, Akira}
title = {System Demonstration of On-Demand Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2006}
author = {Ajani, Gianmaria; Boella, Guido; Lesmo, Leonardo; Mazzei, Alessandro; Rossi, Piercarlo}
title = {Multilingual Ontological Analysis of European Directives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2007}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro; Shimizu, Tohru; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {NICT-ATR Speech-to-Speech Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2008}
author = {Evert, Stefan; Baroni, Marco}
title = {zipfR: Word Frequency Modeling in R}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2009}
author = {Curran, James R.; Clark, Stephen; Bos, Johan}
title = {Linguistically Motivated Large-Scale NLP with C\&C and Boxer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2010}
author = {Smith, Catherine; Rumbell, Timothy; Barnden, John A.; Hendley, Robert J.; Lee, Mark; Wallington, Alan M.; Zhang, Li}
title = {Don't worry about metaphor: affect detection for conversational agents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2011}
author = {Rychlý, Pavel; Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {An efficient algorithm for building a distributional thesaurus (and other Sketch Engine developments)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2012}
author = {Batchelor, Colin R.; Corbett, Peter T.}
title = {Semantic enrichment of journal articles using chemical named entity recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2013}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Strube, Michael}
title = {An API for Measuring the Relatedness of Words in Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2014}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {Deriving an Ambiguous Word's Part-of-Speech Distribution from Unannotated Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2015}
author = {Fuentes Fort, Maria; Alfonseca, Enrique; Rodríquez, Horacio}
title = {Support Vector Machines for Query-focused Summarization trained and evaluated on Pyramid data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2016}
author = {Noh, Hyungjong; Cha, Jeongwon; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {A Joint Statistical Model for Simultaneous Word Spacing and Spelling Error Correction for Korean}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2017}
author = {Wu, Yu-Chieh; Yang, Jie-Chi; Lee, Yue-Shi}
title = {An Approximate Approach for Training Polynomial Kernel SVMs in Linear Time}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2018}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Simon, Petr; Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Prévot, Laurent}
title = {Rethinking Chinese Word Segmentation: Tokenization Character Classification or Wordbreak Identification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2019}
author = {Wang, Yi-Chia; Joshi, Mahesh; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {A Feature Based Approach to Leveraging Context for Classifying Newsgroup Style Discussion Segments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2020}
author = {Shinnou, Hiroyuki; Sasaki, Minoru}
title = {Ensemble document clustering using weighted hypergraph generated by NMF}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2021}
author = {Tan, Songbo}
title = {Using Error-Correcting Output Codes with Model-Refinement to Boost Centroid Text Classifier}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2022}
author = {Janus, Daniel; Przepiórkowski, Adam}
title = {Poliqarp: An open source corpus indexer and search engine with syntactic extensions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2023}
author = {Ku, Lun-Wei; Lo, Yong-Sheng; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Test Collection Selection and Gold Standard Generation for a Multiply-Annotated Opinion Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2024}
author = {Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Estrella, Paula}
title = {Generating Usable Formats for Metadata and Annotations in a Large Meeting Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2025}
author = {Cai, Keke; Bu, Jiajun; Chen, Chun; Liu, Kangmiao}
title = {Exploration of Term Dependence in Sentence Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2026}
author = {Ehling, Nicola; Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding for BLEU}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2027}
author = {Gupta, Surabhi; Purver, Matthew; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Disambiguating Between Generic and Referential You in Dialog}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2028}
author = {Agerri, Rodrigo; Barnden, John A.; Lee, Mark; Wallington, Alan M.}
title = {On the formalization of Invariant Mappings for Metaphor Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2029}
author = {Cardinal, Patrick; Boulianne, Gilles; Comeau, Michel; Boisvert, Maryse}
title = {Real-Time Correction of Closed-Captions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2030}
author = {Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Dohsaka, Kohji; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Learning to Rank Definitions to Generate Quizzes for Interactive Information Presentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2031}
author = {Nakano, Yukiko I.; Murata, Kazuyoshi; Enomoto, Mika; Arimoto, Yoshiko; Asa, Yasuhiro; Sagawa, Hirohiko}
title = {Predicting Evidence of Understanding by Monitoring User's Task Manipulation in Multimodal Conversations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2032}
author = {Weimer, Markus; Gurevych, Iryna; Muhlhauser, Max}
title = {Automatically Assessing the Post Quality in Online Discussions on Software}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2033}
author = {Pucher, Michael}
title = {WordNet-based Semantic Relatedness Measures in Automatic Speech Recognition for Meetings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2034}
author = {Yang, Changhua; Lin, Kevin Hsin-Yih; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Building Emotion Lexicon from Weblog Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2035}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Construction of Domain Dictionary for Fundamental Vocabulary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2036}
author = {Yamamoto, Eiko; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Extracting Word Sets with Non-Taxonomical Relation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2037}
author = {Hayashi, Yoshihiko}
title = {A Linguistic Service Ontology for Language Infrastructures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2038}
author = {Hogan, Deirdre}
title = {Empirical Measurements of Lexical Similarity in Noun Phrase Conjuncts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2039}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Simon, Petr; Hsieh, Shu-Kai}
title = {Automatic Discovery of Named Entity Variants: Grammar-driven Approaches to Non-Alphabetical Transliterations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2040}
author = {Hirano, Toru; Matsuo, Yoshihiro; Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Detecting Semantic Relations between Named Entities in Text Using Contextual Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2041}
author = {Roventini, Adriana; Ruimy, Nilda; Marinelli, Rita; Ulivieri, Marisa; Mammini, Michele}
title = {Mapping Concrete Entities from PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS to ItalWordNet: Methodology and Results}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2042}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Extracting Hypernym Pairs from the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2043}
author = {Wilcock, Graham}
title = {An OWL Ontology for HPSG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2044}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael; Wang, Shan; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Classifying Temporal Relations Between Events}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2045}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Hoang, Hieu; Birch, Alexandra; Callison-Burch, Chris; Federico, Marcello; Bertoldi, Nicola; Cowan, Brooke; Shen, Wade; Moran, Christine; Zens, Richard; Dyer, Chris; Bojar, Ondřej; Constantin, Alexandra; Herbst, Evan}
title = {Moses: Open Source Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2046}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Boosting Statistical Machine Translation by Lemmatization and Linear Interpolation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2047}
author = {Liu, Maofu; Li, Wenjie; Wu, Mingli; Lu, Qin}
title = {Extractive Summarization Based on Event Term Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2048}
author = {Tantug, Ahmet Cuneyd; Adali, Esref; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Machine Translation between Turkic Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2049}
author = {Gupta, Surabhi; Nenkova, Ani; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Measuring Importance and Query Relevance in Topic-focused Multi-document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2050}
author = {Tsuchiya, Masatoshi; Purwarianti, Ayu; Wakita, Toshiyuki; Nakagawa, Seiichi}
title = {Expanding Indonesian-Japanese Small Translation Dictionary Using a Pivot Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2051}
author = {Klenner, Manfred}
title = {Shallow Dependency Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2052}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka}
title = {Minimally Lexicalized Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2053}
author = {Halácsy, Péter; Kornai, András; Oravecz, Csaba}
title = {Poster paper: HunPos -- an open source trigram tagger}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2054}
author = {Crego, Josep M.; Mariño, Josée B.}
title = {Extending MARIE: an N-gram-based SMT decoder}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2055}
author = {Nakagawa, Tetsuji; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to Word Segmentation and POS Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2056}
author = {Dandapat, Sandipan; Sarkar, Sudeshna; Basu, Anupam}
title = {Automatic Part-of-Speech Tagging for Bengali: An Approach for Morphologically Rich Languages in a Poor Resource Scenario}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-2057}
author = {Imamura, Kenji; Kikui, Genichiro; Yasuda, Norihito}
title = {Japanese Dependency Parsing Using Sequential Labeling for Semi-spoken Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3001}
author = {Sanders, Nathan C.}
title = {Measuring Syntactic Difference in British English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3002}
author = {Ponvert, Elias}
title = {Inducing Combinatory Categorial Grammars with Genetic Algorithms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3003}
author = {Buczyński, Aleksander}
title = {An Implementation of Combined Partial Parser and Morphosyntactic Disambiguator}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3004}
author = {Moszczyński, Radosław}
title = {A Practical Classification of Multiword Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3005}
author = {Mulloni, Andrea}
title = {Automatic Prediction of Cognate Orthography Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3006}
author = {Naughton, Martina}
title = {Exploiting Structure for Event Discovery Using the MDI Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3007}
author = {Zagibalov, Taras}
title = {Kinds of Features for Chinese Opinionated Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3008}
author = {Cramer, Bart}
title = {Limitations of Current Grammar Induction Algorithms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3009}
author = {Johansson, Richard}
title = {Logistic Online Learning Methods and Their Application to Incremental Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3010}
author = {Scherrer, Yves}
title = {Adaptive String Distance Measures for Bilingual Dialect Lexicon Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3011}
author = {Prokić, Jelena}
title = {Identifying Linguistic Structure in a Quantitative Analysis of Dialect Pronunciation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3012}
author = {Scheible, Silke}
title = {Towards a Computational Treatment of Superlatives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3013}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid}
title = {Annotating and Learning Compound Noun Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3014}
author = {Nulty, Paul}
title = {Semantic Classification of Noun Phrases Using Web Counts and Learning Algorithms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3015}
author = {Medelyan, Olena}
title = {Computing Lexical Chains with Graph Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P07-3016}
author = {Gabor, Kata; Heja, Eniko}
title = {Clustering Hungarian Verbs on the Basis of Complementation Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2007}
id = {P08-1001}
author = {Richman, Alexander E.; Schone, Patrick}
title = {Mining Wiki Resources for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1002}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Lin, Dekang; Goebel, Randy}
title = {Distributional Identification of Non-Referential Pronouns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1003}
author = {Paşca, Marius; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Weakly-Supervised Acquisition of Open-Domain Classes and Class Attributes from Web Documents and Query Logs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1004}
author = {Banko, Michele; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {The Tradeoffs Between Open and Traditional Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1005}
author = {Mírovský, Jiří}
title = {PDT 2.0 Requirements on a Query Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1006}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Sætre, Rune; Sagae, Kenji; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Task-oriented Evaluation of Syntactic Parsers and Their Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1007}
author = {Chan, Yee Seng; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {MAXSIM: A Maximum Similarity Metric for Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1008}
author = {Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Contradictions and Justifications: Extensions to the Textual Entailment Task}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1009}
author = {Cherry, Colin}
title = {Cohesive Phrase-Based Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1010}
author = {Deng, Yonggang; Xu, Jia; Gao, Yuqing}
title = {Phrase Table Training for Precision and Recall: What Makes a Good Phrase and a Good Phrase Pair?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1011}
author = {Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Mu; Duan, Nan; Li, Chi-Ho; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Measure Word Generation for English-Chinese SMT Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1012}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Quirk, Chris; Moore, Robert C.; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Bayesian Learning of Non-Compositional Phrases with Synchronous Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1013}
author = {Kaufmann, Tobias; Pfister, Beat}
title = {Applying a Grammar-Based Language Model to a Simplified Broadcast-News Transcription Task}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1014}
author = {Bisani, Maximilian; Vozila, Paul; Divay, Olivier; Adams, Jeff}
title = {Automatic Editing in a Back-End Speech-to-Text System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1015}
author = {Fleischman, Michael; Roy, Deb}
title = {Grounded Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition of Sports Video}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1016}
author = {Fleck, Margaret M.}
title = {Lexicalized Phonotactic Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1017}
author = {Fang, Hui}
title = {A Re-examination of Query Expansion Using Lexical Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1018}
author = {Cao, Guihong; Robertson, Stephen; Nie, Jian-Yun}
title = {Selecting Query Term Alternations for Web Search by Exploiting Query Contexts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1019}
author = {Duan, Huizhong; Cao, Yunbo; Lin, Chin-Yew; Yu, Yong}
title = {Searching Questions by Identifying Question Topic and Question Focus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1020}
author = {Mairesse, François; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Trainable Generation of Big-Five Personality Styles through Data-Driven Parameter Estimation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1021}
author = {Lee, John; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Correcting Misuse of Verb Forms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1022}
author = {Espinosa, Dominic; White, Michael; Mehay, Dennis}
title = {Hypertagging: Supertagging for Surface Realization with CCG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1023}
author = {Mi, Haitao; Huang, Liang; Liu, Qun}
title = {Forest-Based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1024}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor; Osborne, Miles}
title = {A Discriminative Latent Variable Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1025}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Efficient Multi-Pass Decoding for Synchronous Context Free Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1026}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Regneri, Michaela; Thater, Stefan}
title = {Regular Tree Grammars as a Formalism for Scope Underspecification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1027}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Classification of Semantic Relationships between Nominals Using Pattern Clusters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1028}
author = {Mitchell, Jeff; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Vector-based Models of Semantic Composition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1029}
author = {Arnold, Andrew; Nallapati, Ramesh; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Exploiting Feature Hierarchy for Transfer Learning in Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1030}
author = {Ji, Heng; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Refining Event Extraction through Cross-Document Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1031}
author = {Branavan, S. R. K.; Chen, Harr; Eisenstein, Jacob; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Learning Document-Level Semantic Properties from Free-Text Annotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1032}
author = {Feng, Yansong; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Automatic Image Annotation Using Auxiliary Text Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1033}
author = {Szarvas, György}
title = {Hedge Classification in Biomedical Texts with a Weakly Supervised Selection of Keywords}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1034}
author = {Andreevskaia, Alina; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {When Specialists and Generalists Work Together: Overcoming Domain Dependence in Sentiment Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1035}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi}
title = {A Generic Sentence Trimmer with CRFs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1036}
author = {Titov, Ivan; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {A Joint Model of Text and Aspect Ratings for Sentiment Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1037}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Baldwin, Timothy; Martinez, David}
title = {Improving Parsing and PP Attachment Performance with Sense Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1038}
author = {Hoyt, Frederick M.; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {A Logical Basis for the D Combinator and Normal Form in CCG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1039}
author = {Vadas, David; Curran, James R.}
title = {Parsing Noun Phrase Structure with CCG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1040}
author = {Vickrey, David; Koller, Daphne}
title = {Sentence Simplification for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1041}
author = {Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond T.; Zhou, Xiaodong}
title = {Summarizing Emails with Conversational Cohesion and Subjectivity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1042}
author = {Dickinson, Markus}
title = {Ad Hoc Treebank Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1043}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Tsarfaty, Reut}
title = {A Single Generative Model for Joint Morphological Segmentation and Syntactic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1044}
author = {Goldwater, Sharon; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Which Words Are Hard to Recognize? Prosodic Lexical and Disfluency Factors that Increase ASR Error Rates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1045}
author = {Hermjakob, Ulf; Knight, Kevin; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Name Translation in Statistical Machine Translation - Learning When to Transliterate}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1046}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Using Adaptor Grammars to Identify Synergies in the Unsupervised Acquisition of Linguistic Structure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1047}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Inducing Gazetteers for Named Entity Recognition by Large-Scale Clustering of Dependency Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1048}
author = {Kennedy, Alistair; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Evaluating Roget%s Thesauri}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1049}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Unsupervised Translation Induction for Chinese Abbreviations using Monolingual Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1050}
author = {Li, Jianguo; Brew, Chris}
title = {Which Are the Best Features for Automatic Verb Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1051}
author = {Mrozinski, Joanna; Whittaker, Edward; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Collecting a Why-Question Corpus for Development and Evaluation of an Automatic QA-System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1052}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Solving Relational Similarity Problems Using the Web as a Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1053}
author = {Olsson, J. Scott; Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Combining Speech Retrieval Results with Generalized Additive Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1054}
author = {Penn, Gerald; Zhu, Xiaodan}
title = {A Critical Reassessment of Evaluation Baselines for Speech Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1055}
author = {Polifroni, Joseph H.; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Intensional Summaries as Cooperative Responses in Dialogue: Automation and Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1056}
author = {Saha, Sujan Kumar; Mitra, Pabitra; Sarkar, Sudeshna}
title = {Word Clustering and Word Selection Based Feature Reduction for MaxEnt Based Hindi NER}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1057}
author = {Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Hying, Christian; Scheible, Christian; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Combining EM Training and the MDL Principle for an Automatic Verb Classification Incorporating Selectional Preferences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1058}
author = {Talbot, David; Brants, Thorsten}
title = {Randomized Language Models via Perfect Hash Functions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1059}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Suzuki, Hisami; Ruopp, Achim}
title = {Applying Morphology Generation Models to Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1060}
author = {Veale, Tony; Hao, Yanfen; Li, Guofu}
title = {Multilingual Harvesting of Cross-Cultural Stereotypes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1061}
author = {Wang, Qin Iris; Schuurmans, Dale; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Semi-Supervised Convex Training for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1062}
author = {Yang, Fan; Jun, Zhao; Zou, Bo; Liu, Kang; Liu, Feifan}
title = {Chinese-English Backward Transliteration Assisted with Mining Monolingual Web Pages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1063}
author = {Zapirain, Beñat; Agirre, Eneko; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Robustness and Generalization of Role Sets: PropBank vs. VerbNet}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1064}
author = {Zhang, Min; Jiang, Hongfei; Aw, Aiti; Li, Haizhou; Tan, Chew Lim; Li, Sheng}
title = {A Tree Sequence Alignment-based Tree-to-Tree Translation Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1065}
author = {Bartlett, Susan; Kondrak, Grzegorz; Cherry, Colin}
title = {Automatic Syllabification with Structured SVMs for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1066}
author = {Shen, Libin; Xu, Jinxi; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {A New String-to-Dependency Machine Translation Algorithm with a Target Dependency Language Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1067}
author = {Huang, Liang}
title = {Forest Reranking: Discriminative Parsing with Non-Local Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1068}
author = {Koo, Terry; Carreras, Xavier; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Simple Semi-supervised Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1069}
author = {Nesson, Rebecca; Satta, Giorgio; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Optimal $k$-arization of Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1070}
author = {Dridan, Rebecca; Kordoni, Valia; Nicholson, Jeremy}
title = {Enhancing Performance of Lexicalised Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1071}
author = {Ai, Hua; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Assessing Dialog System User Simulation Evaluation Measures Using Human Judges}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1072}
author = {Lee, Cheongjae; Jung, Sangkeun; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Robust Dialog Management with N-Best Hypotheses Using Dialog Examples and Agenda}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1073}
author = {Rieser, Verena; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Learning Effective Multimodal Dialogue Strategies from Wizard-of-Oz Data: Bootstrapping and Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1074}
author = {Milidiú, Ruy Luiz; Santos, Cícero Nogueira; Duarte, Julio C.}
title = {Phrase Chunking Using Entropy Guided Transformation Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1075}
author = {Zhu, Xiaojin; Goldberg, Andrew B.; Rabbat, Michael; Nowak, Robert}
title = {Learning Bigrams from Unigrams}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1076}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Semi-Supervised Sequential Labeling and Segmentation Using Giga-Word Scale Unlabeled Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1077}
author = {Bhagat, Rahul; Ravichandran, Deepak}
title = {Large Scale Acquisition of Paraphrases for Learning Surface Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1078}
author = {Szpektor, Idan; Dagan, Ido; Bar-Haim, Roy; Goldberger, Jacob}
title = {Contextual Preferences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1079}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery of Generic Relationships Using Pattern Clusters and its Evaluation by Automatically Generated SAT Analogy Questions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1080}
author = {Kaisser, Michael; Hearst, Marti A.; Lowe, John B.}
title = {Improving Search Results Quality by Customizing Summary Lengths}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1081}
author = {Ding, Shilin; Cong, Gao; Lin, Chin-Yew; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Using Conditional Random Fields to Extract Contexts and Answers of Questions from Online Forums}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1082}
author = {Surdeanu, Mihai; Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Zaragoza, Hugo}
title = {Learning to Rank Answers on Large Online QA Collections}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1083}
author = {Adler, Meni; Goldberg, Yoav; Gabay, David; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Unsupervised Lexicon-Based Resolution of Unknown Words for Full Morphological Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1084}
author = {Snyder, Benjamin; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Unsupervised Multilingual Learning for Morphological Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1085}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Adler, Meni; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {EM Can Find Pretty Good HMM POS-Taggers (When Given a Good Start)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1086}
author = {Uszkoreit, Jakob; Brants, Thorsten}
title = {Distributed Word Clustering for Large Scale Class-Based Language Modeling in Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1087}
author = {Avramidis, Eleftherios; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Enriching Morphologically Poor Languages for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1088}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Liang, Percy; Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Bilingual Lexicons from Monolingual Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1089}
author = {Zhao, Shiqi; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {Pivot Approach for Extracting Paraphrase Patterns from Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1090}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Unsupervised Learning of Narrative Event Chains}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1091}
author = {Diab, Mona; Moschitti, Alessandro; Pighin, Daniele}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Systems for Arabic using Kernel Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1092}
author = {Biadsy, Fadi; Hirschberg, Julia; Filatova, Elena}
title = {An Unsupervised Approach to Biography Production Using Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1093}
author = {Mei, Qiaozhu; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Generating Impact-Based Summaries for Scientific Literature}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1094}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; Louis, Annie}
title = {Can You Summarize This? Identifying Correlates of Input Difficulty for Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1095}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {You Talking to Me? A Corpus and Algorithm for Conversation Disentanglement}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1096}
author = {Yang, Xiaofeng; Su, Jian; Lang, Jun; Tan, Chew Lim; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {An Entity-Mention Model for Coreference Resolution with Inductive Logic Programming}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1097}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Barzilay, Regina; Davis, Randall}
title = {Gestural Cohesion for Topic Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1098}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Tomanek, Katrin; Hahn, Udo; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Multi-Task Active Learning for Linguistic Annotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1099}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Generalized Expectation Criteria for Semi-Supervised Learning of Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2001}
author = {Batista, Fernando; Mamede, Nuno; Trancoso, Isabel}
title = {Language Dynamics and Capitalization using Maximum Entropy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2002}
author = {Boston, Marisa Ferrara; Hale, John; Kliegl, Reinhold; Vasishth, Shravan}
title = {Surprising Parser Actions and Reading Difficulty}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2003}
author = {Chali, Yllias; Joty, Shafiq R.}
title = {Improving the Performance of the Random Walk Model for Answering Complex Questions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2004}
author = {Chen, Wei}
title = {Dimensions of Subjectivity in Natural Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2005}
author = {Chica, Sebastian; Ahmad, Faisal; Martin, James H.; Sumner, Tamara}
title = {Extractive Summaries for Educational Science Content}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2006}
author = {Chitturi, Rahul; Hansen, John P.}
title = {Dialect Classification for Online Podcasts Fusing Acoustic and Language Based Structural and Semantic Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2007}
author = {DeNero, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {The Complexity of Phrase Alignment Problems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2008}
author = {Dligach, Dmitriy; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Novel Semantic Features for Verb Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2009}
author = {Dredze, Mark; Wallenberg, Joel}
title = {Icelandic Data Driven Part of Speech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2010}
author = {Duh, Kevin; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Beyond Log-Linear Models: Boosted Minimum Error Rate Training for N-best Re-ranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2011}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Coreference-inspired Coherence Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2012}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Enforcing Transitivity in Coreference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2013}
author = {Georgila, Kallirroi; Wolters, Maria; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Simulating the Behaviour of Older versus Younger Users when Interacting with Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2014}
author = {Goldwasser, Dan; Roth, Dan}
title = {Active Sample Selection for Named Entity Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2015}
author = {Habash, Nizar}
title = {Four Techniques for Online Handling of Out-of-Vocabulary Words in Arabic-English Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2016}
author = {HaCohen-Kerner, Yaakov; Kass, Ariel; Peretz, Ariel}
title = {Combined One Sense Disambiguation of Abbreviations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2017}
author = {Haertel, Robbie; Ringger, Eric K.; Seppi, Kevin; Carroll, James; McClanahan, Peter}
title = {Assessing the Costs of Sampling Methods in Active Learning for Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2018}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Blog Categorization Exploiting Domain Dictionary and Dynamically Estimated Domains of Unknown Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2019}
author = {Henderson, James B.; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Mixture Model POMDPs for Efficient Handling of Uncertainty in Dialogue Management}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2020}
author = {Hildebrand, Almut Silja; Rottmann, Kay; Noamany, Mohamed; Gao, Quin; Hewavitharana, Sanjika; Bach, Nguyen; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Recent Improvements in the CMU Large Scale Chinese-English SMT System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2021}
author = {Karakos, Damianos; Eisner, Jason M.; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Dreyer, Markus}
title = {Machine Translation System Combination using ITG-based Alignments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2022}
author = {Kulkarni, Anagha; Callan, James, P.}
title = {Dictionary Definitions based Homograph Identification using a Generative Hierarchical Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2023}
author = {Li, Wenjie; Zhang, Peng; Wei, Furu; Hou, Yuexian; Lu, Qin}
title = {A Novel Feature-based Approach to Chinese Entity Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2024}
author = {Liu, Chao-Lin; Lin, Jen-Hsiang}
title = {Using Structural Information for Identifying Similar Chinese Characters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2025}
author = {Liu, Yandong; Agichtein, Eugene}
title = {You%ve Got Answers: Towards Personalized Models for Predicting Success in Community Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2026}
author = {McClosky, David; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Self-Training for Biomedical Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2027}
author = {Miller, Tim; Schuler, William}
title = {A Unified Syntactic Model for Parsing Fluent and Disfluent Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2028}
author = {Moilanen, Karo; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {The Good the Bad and the Unknown: Morphosyllabic Sentiment Tagging of Unseen Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2029}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Quarteroni, Silvia}
title = {Kernels on Linguistic Structures for Answer Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2030}
author = {Roth, Ryan; Rambow, Owen; Habash, Nizar; Diab, Mona; Rudin, Cynthia}
title = {Arabic Morphological Tagging Diacritization and Lemmatization Using Lexeme Models and Feature Ranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2031}
author = {Syed, Umar; Williams, Jason}
title = {Using Automatically Transcribed Dialogs to Learn User Models in a Spoken Dialog System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2032}
author = {Tsuchiya, Masatoshi; Hida, Shinya; Nakagawa, Seiichi}
title = {Robust Extraction of Named Entity Including Unfamiliar Word}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2033}
author = {Wan, Stephen; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {In-Browser Summarisation: Generating Elaborative Summaries Biased Towards the Reading Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2034}
author = {Xia, Yunqing; Wang, Linlin; Wong, Kam-Fai; Xu, Mingxing}
title = {Lyric-based Song Sentiment Classification with Sentiment Vector Space Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2035}
author = {Yamangil, Elif; Nelken, Rani}
title = {Mining Wikipedia Revision Histories for Improving Sentence Compression}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2036}
author = {Yuret, Deniz}
title = {Smoothing a Tera-word Language Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2037}
author = {Bikel, Daniel M.; Castelli, Vittorio}
title = {Event Matching Using the Transitive Closure of Dependency Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2038}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Aw, Aiti; Li, Haizhou}
title = {A Linguistically Annotated Reordering Model for BTG-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2039}
author = {Badr, Ibrahim; Zbib, Rabih; Glass, James R.}
title = {Segmentation for English-to-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2040}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Zhang, Min; Aw, Aiti; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Exploiting N-best Hypotheses for SMT Self-Enhancement}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2041}
author = {He, Zhongjun; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Partial Matching Strategy for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2042}
author = {Varadarajan, Balakrishnan; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Dupoux, Emmanuel}
title = {Unsupervised Learning of Acoustic Sub-word Units}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2043}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; Gravano, Agustín; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {High Frequency Word Entrainment in Spoken Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2044}
author = {McMillian, Yolanda; Gilbert, Juan}
title = {Distributed Listening: A Parallel Processing Approach to Automatic Speech Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2045}
author = {Bethard, Steven; Martin, James H.}
title = {Learning Semantic Links from a Corpus of Parallel Temporal and Causal Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2046}
author = {Šnajder, Jan; Bašć, Bojana Dalbelo; Petrović, Saša; Sikirić, Ivan}
title = {Evolving New Lexical Association Measures Using Genetic Programming}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2047}
author = {Katrenko, Sophia; Adriaans, Pieter}
title = {Semantic Types of Some Generic Relation Arguments: Detection and Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2048}
author = {Roa, Sergio; Kordoni, Valia; Zhang, Yi}
title = {Mapping between Compositional Semantic Representations and Lexical Semantic Resources: Towards Accurate Deep Semantic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2049}
author = {Krahmer, Emiel; Marsi, Erwin; Pelt, Paul}
title = {Query-based Sentence Fusion is Better Defined and Leads to More Preferred Results than Generic Sentence Fusion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2050}
author = {Belz, Anja; Gatt, Albert}
title = {Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Evaluation Measures for Referring Expression Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2051}
author = {Liu, Feifan; Liu, Yang}
title = {Correlation between ROUGE and Human Evaluation of Extractive Meeting Summaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2052}
author = {Schilder, Frank; Kondadadi, Ravikumar}
title = {FastSum: Fast and Accurate Query-based Multi-document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2053}
author = {Gabbard, Ryan; Kulick, Seth}
title = {Construct State Modification in the Arabic Treebank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2054}
author = {Musillo, Gabriele; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Unlexicalised Hidden Variable Models of Split Dependency Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2055}
author = {Lin, Feng; Weng, Fuliang}
title = {Computing Confidence Scores for All Sub Parse Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2056}
author = {Foster, Jennifer; Wagner, Joachim; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Adapting a WSJ-Trained Parser to Grammatically Noisy Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2057}
author = {Rangarajan Sridhar, Vivek Kumar; Bangalore, Srinivas; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {Enriching Spoken Language Translation with Dialog Acts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2058}
author = {Kim, Donghyun; Lee, Hyunjung; Seon, Choong-Nyoung; Kim, Harksoo; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {Speakers% Intention Prediction Using Statistics of Multi-level Features in a Schedule Management Domain}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2059}
author = {Dredze, Mark; Crammer, Koby}
title = {Active Learning with Confidence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2060}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {splitSVM: Fast Space-Efficient non-Heuristic Polynomial Kernel Computation for NLP Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2061}
author = {Nielsen, Rodney D.; Ward, Wayne H.; Martin, James H.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Extracting a Representation from Text for Semantic Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2062}
author = {Regneri, Michaela; Egg, Markus; Koller, Alexander}
title = {Efficient Processing of Underspecified Discourse Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2063}
author = {Brown, Susan Windisch}
title = {Choosing Sense Distinctions for WSD: Psycholinguistic Evidence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2064}
author = {Alfonseca, Enrique; Bilac, Slaven; Pharies, Stefan}
title = {Decompounding query keywords from compounding languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2065}
author = {Li, Shoushan; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Multi-domain Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2066}
author = {Trnka, Keith; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Evaluating Word Prediction: Framing Keystroke Savings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2067}
author = {Elsayed, Tamer; Lin, Jimmy; Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Pairwise Document Similarity in Large Collections with MapReduce}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-2068}
author = {Sun, Qi; Li, Runxin; Luo, Dingsheng; Wu, Xihong}
title = {Text Segmentation with LDA-Based Fisher Kernel}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3001}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato}
title = {A Supervised Learning Approach to Automatic Synonym Identification Based on Distributional Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3002}
author = {Banik, Eva}
title = {An Integraged Architecture for Generating Parenthetical Constructions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3003}
author = {Eidelman, Vladimir}
title = {Inferring Activity Time in News through Event Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3004}
author = {Liao, Shasha}
title = {Combining Source and Target Language Information for Name Tagging of Machine Translation Output}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3005}
author = {Sun, Shuqi; Chen, Yin; Li, Jufeng}
title = {A Re-examination on Features in Regression Based Approach to Automatic MT Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3006}
author = {Fossati, Davide}
title = {The Role of Positive Feedback in Intelligent Tutoring Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3007}
author = {Heintz, Ilana}
title = {Arabic Language Modeling with Finite State Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3008}
author = {Kersey, Cynthia}
title = {Impact of Initiative on Collaborative Problem Solving}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3009}
author = {McInnes, Bridget T.}
title = {An Unsupervised Vector Approach to Biomedical Term Disambiguation: Integrating UMLS and Medline}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3010}
author = {Messiant, Cédric}
title = {A Subcategorization Acquisition System for French Verbs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3011}
author = {Trnka, Keith}
title = {Adaptive Language Modeling for Word Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-3012}
author = {Zhang, Yitao}
title = {A Hierarchical Approach to Encoding Medical Concepts for Clinical Notes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-4001}
author = {Williams, Jason}
title = {Demonstration of a POMDP Voice Dialer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-4002}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Generating Research Websites Using Summarisation Techniques}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-4003}
author = {Versley, Yannick; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Poesio, Massimo; Eidelman, Vladimir; Jern, Alan; Smith, Jason R.; Yang, Xiaofeng; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {BART: A Modular Toolkit for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-4004}
author = {O'Donnell, Michael}
title = {Demonstration of the UAM CorpusTool for Text and Image Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-4005}
author = {Huggins-Daines, David; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Interactive ASR Error Correction for Touchscreen Devices}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-4006}
author = {Germann, Ulrich}
title = {Yawat: Yet Another Word Alignment Tool}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-4007}
author = {Kang, Moonyoung; Chaudhuri, Sourish; Joshi, Mahesh; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {SIDE: The Summarization Integrated Development Environment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-4008}
author = {Yarrington, Debra; Gray, John; Pennington, Christopher A.; Bunnell, H. Timothy; Cornaglia, Allegra; Lilley, Jason; Nagao, Kyoko; Polikoff, James}
title = {ModelTalker Voice Recorder—An Interface System for Recording a Corpus of Speech for Synthesis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-4009}
author = {Kaisser, Michael}
title = {The QuALiM Question Answering Demo: Supplementing Answers with Paragraphs drawn from Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-5001}
author = {Gabrilovich, Evgeniy; Josifovski, Vanja; Pang, Bo}
title = {Introduction to Computational Advertising}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-5002}
author = {Raux, Antoine; Langner, Brian; Black, Alan W.; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Building Practical Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-5003}
author = {Blitzer, John; Zhu, Xiaojin}
title = {Semi-Supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-5004}
author = {Crammer, Koby}
title = {Advanced Online Learning for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-5005}
author = {Pieraccini, Roberto}
title = {Speech Technology: From Research to the Industry of Human-Machine Communication}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-5006}
author = {Collins, Christopher; Penn, Gerald; Carpendale, Sheelagh}
title = {Interactive Visualization for Computational Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2008}
id = {P09-1001}
author = {Yang, Qiang; Chen, Yuqiang; Xue, Gui-Rong; Dai, Wenyuan; Yu, Yong}
title = {Heterogeneous Transfer Learning for Image Clustering via the SocialWeb}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1002}
author = {Erk, Katrin; McCarthy, Diana; Gaylord, Nicholas}
title = {Investigations on Word Senses and Word Usages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1003}
author = {Matsubayashi, Yuichiroh; Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Comparative Study on Generalization of Semantic Roles in FrameNet}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1004}
author = {Abend, Omri; Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Unsupervised Argument Identification for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1005}
author = {Boxwell, Stephen; Mehay, Dennis; Brew, Chris}
title = {Brutus: A Semantic Role Labeling System Incorporating CCG CFG and Dependency Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1006}
author = {Niu, Zhengyu; Wang, Haifeng; Wu, Hua}
title = {Exploiting Heterogeneous Treebanks for Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1007}
author = {Zhao, Hai; Song, Yan; Kitt, Chunyu; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Cross Language Dependency Parsing using a Bilingual Lexicon}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1008}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Topological Field Parsing of German}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1009}
author = {Snyder, Benjamin; Naseem, Tahira; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Unsupervised Multilingual Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1010}
author = {Branavan, S. R. K.; Chen, Harr; Zettlemoyer, Luke; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Reinforcement Learning for Mapping Instructions to Actions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1011}
author = {Liang, Percy; Jordan, Michael I.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Semantic Correspondences with Less Supervision}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1012}
author = {Mochihashi, Daichi; Yamada, Takeshi; Ueda, Naonori}
title = {Bayesian Unsupervised Word Segmentation with Nested Pitman-Yor Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1013}
author = {Bhat, Suma; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Knowing the Unseen: Estimating Vocabulary Size over Unseen Samples}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1014}
author = {Dou, Qing; Bergsma, Shane; Jiampojamarn, Sittichai; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {A Ranking Approach to Stress Prediction for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1015}
author = {Dwyer, Kenneth; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Reducing the Annotation Effort for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1016}
author = {Pervouchine, Vladimir; Li, Haizhou; Lin, Bo}
title = {Transliteration Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1017}
author = {Jongejan, Bart; Dalianis, Hercules}
title = {Automatic training of lemmatization rules that handle morphological changes in pre- in- and suffixes alike}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1018}
author = {Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Revisiting Pivot Language Approach for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1019}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Macherey, Wolfgang; Dyer, Chris; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Efficient Minimum Error Rate Training and Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Translation Hypergraphs and Lattices}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1020}
author = {Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou; Aw, Aiti; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Forest-based Tree Sequence to String Translation Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1021}
author = {Haffari, Gholamreza; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Active Learning for Multilingual Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1022}
author = {Owczarzak, Karolina}
title = {DEPEVAL(summ): Dependency-based Evaluation for Automatic Summaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1023}
author = {Ye, Shiren; Chua, Tat-Seng; Lu, Jie}
title = {Summarizing Definition from Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1024}
author = {Sauper, Christina; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Automatically Generating Wikipedia Articles: A Structure-Aware Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1025}
author = {McIntyre, Neil; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Learning to Tell Tales: A Data-driven Approach to Story Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1026}
author = {Somasundaran, Swapna; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Recognizing Stances in Online Debates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1027}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Co-Training for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1028}
author = {Li, Tao; Zhang, Yi; Sindhwani, Vikas}
title = {A Non-negative Matrix Tri-factorization Approach to Sentiment Classification with Lexical Prior Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1029}
author = {Kim, Jungi; Li, Jinji; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Discovering the Discriminative Views: Measuring Term Weights for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1030}
author = {, Mausam; Soderland, Stephen; Etzioni, Oren; Weld, Daniel S.; Skinner, Michael; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Compiling a Massive Multilingual Dictionary via Probabilistic Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1031}
author = {Yang, Hui; Callan, James, P.}
title = {A Metric-based Framework for Automatic Taxonomy Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1032}
author = {Beigman, Eyal; Beigman Klebanov, Beata}
title = {Learning with Annotation Noise}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1033}
author = {Merlo, Paola; van der Plas, Lonneke}
title = {Abstraction and Generalisation in Semantic Role Labels: PropBank VerbNet or both?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1034}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Galley, Michel; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Robust Machine Translation Evaluation with Entailment Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1035}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Giménez, Jesús; Gonzalo, Julio; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {The Contribution of Linguistic Features to Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1036}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Aw, Aiti; Li, Haizhou}
title = {A Syntax-Driven Bracketing Model for Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1037}
author = {Setiawan, Hendra; Kan, Min-Yen; Li, Haizhou; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Topological Ordering of Function Words in Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1038}
author = {Zaslavskiy, Mikhail; Dymetman, Marc; Cancedda, Nicola}
title = {Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation as a Traveling Salesman Problem}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1039}
author = {Martins, Andre; Smith, Noah A.; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Concise Integer Linear Programming Formulations for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1040}
author = {Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Non-Projective Dependency Parsing in Expected Linear Time}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1041}
author = {Druck, Gregory; Mann, Gideon S.; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Semi-supervised Learning of Dependency Parsers using Generalized Expectation Criteria}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1042}
author = {Ganchev, Kuzman; Gillenwater, Jennifer; Taskar, Ben}
title = {Dependency Grammar Induction via Bitext Projection Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1043}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Wang, Rui}
title = {Cross-Domain Dependency Parsing Using a Deep Linguistic Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1044}
author = {Yang, Fan; Jun, Zhao; Liu, Kang}
title = {A Chinese-English Organization Name Translation System Using Heuristic Web Mining and Asymmetric Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1045}
author = {McIntosh, Tara; Curran, James R.}
title = {Reducing Semantic Drift with Bagging and Distributional Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1046}
author = {Yoshikawa, Katsumasa; Riedel, Sebastian; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Jointly Identifying Temporal Relations with Markov Logic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1047}
author = {Huang, Jian; Taylor, Sarah M.; Smith, Jonathan L.; Fotiadis, Konstantinos A.; Giles, C. Lee}
title = {Profile Based Cross-Document Coreference Using Kernelized Fuzzy Relational Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1048}
author = {Parton, Kristen; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Coyne, Bob; Diab, Mona; Grishman, Ralph; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Harper, Mary P.; Ji, Heng; Ma, Wei-Yun; Meyers, Adam; Stolbach, Sara; Sun, Ang; Tur, Gokhan; Xu, Wei; Yaman, Sibel}
title = {Who What When Where Why? Comparing Multiple Approaches to the Cross-Lingual 5W Task}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1049}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Bilingual Co-Training for Monolingual Hyponymy-Relation Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1050}
author = {Wang, Richard C.; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Automatic Set Instance Extraction using the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1051}
author = {Shnarch, Eyal; Barak, Libby; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Extracting Lexical Reference Rules from Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1052}
author = {Zhang, Huibin; Zhu, Mingjie; Shi, Shuming; Wen, Ji-Rong}
title = {Employing Topic Models for Pattern-based Semantic Class Discovery}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1053}
author = {Das, Dipanjan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Paraphrase Identification as Probabilistic Quasi-Synchronous Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1054}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Stochastic Gradient Descent Training for L1-regularized Log-linear Models with Cumulative Penalty}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1055}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Cherry, Colin}
title = {A global model for joint lemmatization and part-of-speech prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1056}
author = {Huang, Fei; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Distributional Representations for Handling Sparsity in Supervised Sequence-Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1057}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Minimized Models for Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1058}
author = {Kruengkrai, Canasai; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Wang, Yiou; Torisawa, Kentaro; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {An Error-Driven Word-Character Hybrid Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1059}
author = {Jiang, Wenbin; Huang, Liang; Liu, Qun}
title = {Automatic Adaptation of Annotation Standards: Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging – A Case Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1060}
author = {Ohno, Tomohiro; Murata, Masaki; Matsubara, Shigeki}
title = {Linefeed Insertion into Japanese Spoken Monologue for Captioning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1061}
author = {Jeon, Je Hun; Liu, Yang}
title = {Semi-supervised Learning for Automatic Prosodic Event Detection Using Co-training Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1062}
author = {Zhu, Xiaodan; Penn, Gerald; Rudzicz, Frank}
title = {Summarizing multiple spoken documents: finding evidence from untranscribed audio}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1063}
author = {Liu, Yang; Lü, Yajuan; Liu, Qun}
title = {Improving Tree-to-Tree Translation with Packed Forests}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1064}
author = {DeNero, John; Chiang, David; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Fast Consensus Decoding over Translation Forests}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1065}
author = {Liu, Yang; Mi, Haitao; Feng, Yang; Liu, Qun}
title = {Joint Decoding with Multiple Translation Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1066}
author = {Li, Mu; Duan, Nan; Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Chi-Ho; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Collaborative Decoding: Partial Hypothesis Re-ranking Using Translation Consensus between Decoders}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1067}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Eisner, Jason M.; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Variational Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1068}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Unsupervised Learning of Narrative Schemas and their Participants}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1069}
author = {Ge, Ruifang; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Learning a Compositional Semantic Parser using an Existing Syntactic Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1070}
author = {Reisinger, Joseph; Paşca, Marius}
title = {Latent Variable Models of Concept-Attribute Attachment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1071}
author = {Yang, Guowen; Bateman, John A.}
title = {The Chinese Aspect Generation Based on Aspect Selection Functions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1072}
author = {Chang, Kai-min K.; Cherkassky, Vladimir L.; Mitchell, Tom M.; Just, Marcel Adam}
title = {Quantitative modeling of the neural representation of adjective-noun phrases to account for fMRI activation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1073}
author = {Iida, Ryu; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Capturing Salience with a Trainable Cache Model for Zero-anaphora Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1074}
author = {Stoyanov, Veselin; Gilbert, Nathan; Cardie, Claire; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Conundrums in Noun Phrase Coreference Resolution: Making Sense of the State-of-the-Art}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1075}
author = {duVerle, David; Prendinger, Helmut}
title = {A Novel Discourse Parser Based on Support Vector Machine Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1076}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Genre distinctions for discourse in the Penn TreeBank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1077}
author = {Pitler, Emily; Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Automatic sense prediction for implicit discourse relations in text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1078}
author = {Li, Shoushan; Xia, Rui; Zong, Chengqing; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {A Framework of Feature Selection Methods for Text Categorization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1079}
author = {Dasgupta, Sajib; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Mine the Easy Classify the Hard: A Semi-Supervised Approach to Automatic Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1080}
author = {Garera, Nikesh; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Modeling Latent Biographic Attributes in Conversational Genres}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1081}
author = {Celikyilmaz, Asli; Thint, Marcus; Huang, Zhiheng}
title = {A Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning for Question-Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1082}
author = {Bernhard, Delphine; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Combining Lexical Semantic Resources with Question & Answer Archives for Translation-Based Answer Finding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1083}
author = {Li, Fangtao; Tang, Yang; Huang, Minlie; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Answering Opinion Questions with Random Walks on Graphs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1084}
author = {Fitzgerald, Erin; Jelinek, Frederick; Frank, Robert}
title = {What lies beneath: Semantic and syntactic analysis of manually reconstructed spontaneous speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1085}
author = {Pan, Yi-Cheng; Lee, Lin-shan; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Discriminative Lexicon Adaptation for Improved Character Accuracy - A New Direction in Chinese Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1086}
author = {Munteanu, Cosmin; Penn, Gerald; Zhu, Xiaodan}
title = {Improving Automatic Speech Recognition for Lectures through Transformation-based Rules Learned from Minimal Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1087}
author = {Galley, Michel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Quadratic-Time Dependency Parsing for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1088}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor; Dyer, Chris; Osborne, Miles}
title = {A Gibbs Sampler for Phrasal Synchronous Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1089}
author = {Mirkin, Shachar; Specia, Lucia; Cancedda, Nicola; Dagan, Ido; Dymetman, Marc; Szpektor, Idan}
title = {Source-Language Entailment Modeling for Translating Unknown Terms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1090}
author = {Ramanathan, Ananthakrishnan; Choudhary, Hansraj; Ghosh, Avishek; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Case markers and Morphology: Addressing the crux of the fluency problem in English-Hindi SMT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1091}
author = {He, Wei; Wang, Haifeng; Guo, Yuqing; Liu, Ting}
title = {Dependency Based Chinese Sentence Realization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1092}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; Riester, Arndt}
title = {Incorporating Information Status into Generation Ranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1093}
author = {Hirao, Tsutomu; Suzuki, Jun; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {A Syntax-Free Approach to Japanese Sentence Compression}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1094}
author = {Zhao, Shiqi; Lan, Xiang; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {Application-driven Statistical Paraphrase Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1095}
author = {Persing, Isaac; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Semi-Supervised Cause Identification from Aviation Safety Reports}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1096}
author = {Kothari, Govind; Negi, Sumit; Faruquie, Tanveer A.; Chakaravarthy, Venkatesan T.; Subramaniam, L. Venkata}
title = {SMS based Interface for FAQ Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1097}
author = {Manshadi, Mehdi; Li, Xiao}
title = {Semantic Tagging of Web Search Queries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1098}
author = {Jiang, Long; Yang, Shiquan; Zhou, Ming; Liu, Xiaohua; Zhu, Qingsheng}
title = {Mining Bilingual Data from the Web with Adaptively Learnt Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1099}
author = {Foster, Mary Ellen; Giuliani, Manuel; Knoll, Alois}
title = {Comparing Objective and Subjective Measures of Usability in a Human-Robot Dialogue System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1100}
author = {Ai, Hua; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Setting Up User Action Probabilities in User Simulations for Dialog System Development}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1101}
author = {Midgley, T. Daniel}
title = {Dialogue Segmentation with Large Numbers of Volunteer Internet Annotators}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1102}
author = {Sun, Xu; Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Robust Approach to Abbreviating Terms: A Discriminative Latent Variable Model with Global Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1103}
author = {Sun, Jun; Zhang, Min; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {A non-contiguous Tree Sequence Alignment-based Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1104}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Blitzer, John; DeNero, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {Better Word Alignments with Supervised ITG Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1105}
author = {Huang, Fei}
title = {Confidence Measure for Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1106}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou; Aw, Aiti}
title = {A Comparative Study of Hypothesis Alignment and its Improvement for Machine Translation System Combination}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1107}
author = {Li, Chi-Ho; He, Xiaodong; Liu, Yupeng; Xi, Ning}
title = {Incremental HMM Alignment for MT System Combination}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1108}
author = {Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {K-Best A* Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1109}
author = {Hara, Kazuo; Shimbo, Masashi; Okuma, Hideharu; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Coordinate Structure Analysis with Global Structural Constraints and Alignment-Based Local Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1110}
author = {Zettlemoyer, Luke; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Learning Context-Dependent Mappings from Sentences to Logical Form}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1111}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {An Optimal-Time Binarization Algorithm for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems with Fan-Out Two}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1112}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {A Polynomial-Time Parsing Algorithm for TT-MCTAG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1113}
author = {Mintz, Mike; Bills, Steven; Snow, Rion; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Distant supervision for relation extraction without labeled data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1114}
author = {Jiang, Jing}
title = {Multi-Task Transfer Learning for Weakly-Supervised Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1115}
author = {Yan, Yulan; Okazaki, Naoaki; Matsuo, Yutaka; Yang, Zhenglu; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Unsupervised Relation Extraction by Mining Wikipedia Texts Using Information from the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1116}
author = {Lin, Dekang; Wu, Xiaoyun}
title = {Phrase Clustering for Discriminative Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1117}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Semi-Supervised Active Learning for Sequence Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1118}
author = {Song, Young-In; Lee, Jung-Tae; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Word or Phrase? Learning Which Unit to Stress for Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1119}
author = {Weerkamp, Wouter; Balog, Krisztian; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {A Generative Blog Post Retrieval Model that Uses Query Expansion based on External Collections}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1120}
author = {Ceylan, Hakan; Kim, Yookyung}
title = {Language Identification of Search Engine Queries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1121}
author = {Gao, Wei; Blitzer, John; Zhou, Ming; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {Exploiting Bilingual Information to Improve Web Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2001}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Variational Inference for Grammar Induction with Prior Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2002}
author = {Okuma, Hideharu; Hara, Kazuo; Shimbo, Masashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Bypassed alignment graph for learning coordination in Japanese sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2003}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Maier, Wolfgang; Parmentier, Yannick}
title = {An Earley Parsing Algorithm for Range Concatenation Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2004}
author = {Pitler, Emily; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Using Syntax to Disambiguate Explicit Discourse Connectives in Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2005}
author = {Jung, Sangkeun; Lee, Cheongjae; Kim, Kyungduk; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Hybrid Approach to User Intention Modeling for Dialog Simulation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2006}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee}
title = {Homophones and Tonal Patterns in English-Chinese Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2007}
author = {Liu, Chao-Lin; Tien, Kan-Wen; Lai, Min-Hua; Chuang, Yi-Hsuan; Wu, Shih-Hung}
title = {Capturing Errors in Written Chinese Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2008}
author = {Cho, Han-Cheol; Lee, Do-Gil; Lee, Jung-Tae; Stenetorp, Pontus; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {A Novel Word Segmentation Approach for Written Languages with Word Boundary Markers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2009}
author = {Saharia, Navanath; Das, Dhrubajyoti; Sharma, Utpal; Kalita, Jugal K.}
title = {Part of Speech Tagger for Assamese Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2010}
author = {Øvrelid, Lilja; Kuhn, Jonas; Spreyer, Kathrin}
title = {Improving data-driven dependency parsing using large-scale LFG grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2011}
author = {Kato, Yoshihide; Matsubara, Shigeki}
title = {Incremental Parsing with Monotonic Adjoining Operation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2012}
author = {Post, Matt; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Bayesian Learning of a Tree Substitution Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2013}
author = {Sassano, Manabu; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {A Unified Single Scan Algorithm for Japanese Base Phrase Chunking and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2014}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.}
title = {Comparing the Accuracy of CCG and Penn Treebank Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2015}
author = {Roth, Dan; Sammons, Mark; Vydiswaran, V. G. Vinod}
title = {A Framework for Entailed Relation Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2016}
author = {Imamura, Makoto; Takayama, Yasuhiro; Kaji, Nobuhiro; Toyoda, Masashi; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {A Combination of Active Learning and Semi-supervised Learning Starting with Positive and Unlabeled Examples for Word Sense Disambiguation: An Empirical Study on Japanese Web Search Query}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2017}
author = {Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Detecting Compositionality in Multi-Word Expressions.}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2018}
author = {Kotlerman, Lili; Dagan, Ido; Szpektor, Idan; Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Maayan}
title = {Directional Distributional Similarity for Lexical Expansion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2019}
author = {Zapirain, Beñat; Agirre, Eneko; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Generalizing over Lexical Features: Selectional Preferences for Semantic Role Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2020}
author = {Tofiloski, Milan; Brooke, Julian; Taboada, Maite}
title = {A Syntactic and Lexical-Based Discourse Segmenter}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2021}
author = {Lee, Sungjin; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Realistic Grammar Error Simulation using Markov Logic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2022}
author = {Imamura, Kenji; Saito, Kuniko; Izumi, Tomoko}
title = {Discriminative Approach to Predicate-Argument Structure Analysis with Zero-Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2023}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Predicting Barge-in Utterance Errors by using Implicitly-Supervised ASR Accuracy and Barge-in Rate per User}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2024}
author = {Li, Shuguang; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Automatic Generation of Information-seeking Questions Using Concept Clusters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2025}
author = {Cahill, Aoife}
title = {Correlating Human and Automatic Evaluation of a German Surface Realiser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2026}
author = {Chaudhuri, Sourish; Gupta, Naman K.; Smith, Noah A.; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Leveraging Structural Relations for Fluent Compressions at Multiple Compression Rates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2027}
author = {Katragadda, Rahul; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Query-Focused Summaries or Query-Biased Summaries?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2028}
author = {Goodman, Michael Wayne; Bond, Francis}
title = {Using Generation for Grammar Analysis and Error Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2029}
author = {Ouyang, You; Li, Wenjie; Lu, Qin}
title = {An Integrated Multi-document Summarization Approach based on Word Hierarchical Representation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2030}
author = {Wei, Furu; Li, Wenjie; He, Yanxiang}
title = {Co-Feedback Ranking for Query-Focused Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2031}
author = {He, Zhongjun; Meng, Yao; Lü, Yajuan; Yu, Hao; Liu, Qun}
title = {Reducing SMT Rule Table with Monolingual Key Phrase}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2032}
author = {Jiang, Hongfei; Yang, Muyun; Zhao, Tiejun; Li, Sheng; Wang, Bo}
title = {A Statistical Machine Translation Model Based on a Synthetic Synchronous Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2033}
author = {Zhang, Yuejie; Wang, Yang; Xue, Xiangyang}
title = {English-Chinese Bi-Directional OOV Translation based on Web Mining and Supervised Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2034}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {The Backtranslation Score: Automatic MT Evalution at the Sentence Level without Reference Translations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2035}
author = {Xiong, Hao; Xu, Wenwen; Mi, Haitao; Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun}
title = {Sub-Sentence Division for Tree-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2036}
author = {DeNero, John; Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Asynchronous Binarization for Synchronous Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2037}
author = {Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Popel, Martin}
title = {Hidden Markov Tree Model in Dependency-based Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2038}
author = {Das, Dipankar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Word to Sentence Level Emotion Tagging for Bengali Blogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2039}
author = {Yang, Seon; Ko, Youngjoong}
title = {Extracting Comparative Sentences from Korean Text Documents Using Comparative Lexical Patterns and Machine Learning Techniques}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2040}
author = {Balahur, Alexandra; Boldrini, Ester; Montoyo, Andrés; Martínez-Barco, Patricio}
title = {Opinion and Generic Question Answering Systems: a Performance Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2041}
author = {Burfoot, Clint; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Automatic Satire Detection: Are You Having a Laugh?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2042}
author = {Qiu, Xipeng; Gao, Wenjun; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Hierarchical Multi-Label Text Categorization with Global Margin Maximization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2043}
author = {Min, Hye-Jin; Park, Jong C.}
title = {Toward finer-grained sentiment identification in product reviews through linguistic and ontological analyses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2044}
author = {Ganter, Viola; Strube, Michael}
title = {Finding Hedges by Chasing Weasels: Hedge Detection Using Wikipedia Tags and Shallow Linguistic Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2045}
author = {Meng, Xinfan; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Mining User Reviews: from Specification to Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2046}
author = {Q. Nguyen, Chau; T. Phan, Tuoi}
title = {An Ontology-Based Approach for Key Phrase Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2047}
author = {Zhang, Chao; Sun, Nan; Hu, Xia; Huang, Tingzhu; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Query Segmentation Based on Eigenspace Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2048}
author = {Komachi, Mamoru; Makimoto, Shimpei; Uchiumi, Kei; Sassano, Manabu}
title = {Learning Semantic Categories from Clickthrough Logs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2049}
author = {Christensen, Janara; , Mausam; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {A Rose is a Roos is a Ruusu: Querying Translations for Web Image Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2050}
author = {Wang, Xiaoyin; Lo, David; Jiang, Jing; Zhang, Lu; Mei, Hong}
title = {Extracting Paraphrases of Technical Terms from Noisy Parallel Software Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2051}
author = {Yu, Liang-Chih; Chan, Chien-Lung; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Lin, Chao-Cheng}
title = {Mining Association Language Patterns for Negative Life Event Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2052}
author = {Nanba, Hidetsugu; Taguma, Haruka; Ozaki, Takahiro; Kobayashi, Daisuke; Ishino, Aya; Takezawa, Toshiyuki}
title = {Automatic Compilation of Travel Information from Automatically Identified Travel Blogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2053}
author = {Hladká, Barbora; Mírovský, Jiří; Schlesinger, Pavel}
title = {Play the Language: Play Coreference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2054}
author = {Yang, Yuhang; Zhao, Tiejun; Lu, Qin; Zheng, Dequan; Yu, Hao}
title = {Chinese Term Extraction Using Different Types of Relevance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2055}
author = {Varga, István; Yokoyama, Shoichi}
title = {iChi: a bilingual dictionary generating tool}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2056}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Roth, Ryan}
title = {CATiB: The Columbia Arabic Treebank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2057}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {A Beam-Search Extraction Algorithm for Comparable Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2058}
author = {Deng, Yonggang; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {Optimizing Word Alignment Combination For Phrase Table Training}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2059}
author = {Hong, Gumwon; Lee, Seung-Wook; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Bridging Morpho-Syntactic Gap between Source and Target Sentences for English-Korean Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2060}
author = {Yang, Mei; Zheng, Jing}
title = {Toward Smaller Faster and Better Hierarchical Phrase-based SMT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2061}
author = {Ni, Yizhao; Saunders, Craig; Szedmak, Sandor; Niranjan, Mahesan}
title = {Handling phrase reorderings for machine translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2062}
author = {Biemann, Christian; Choudhury, Monojit; Mukherjee, Animesh}
title = {Syntax is from Mars while Semantics from Venus! Insights from Spectral Analysis of Distributional Similarity Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2063}
author = {Chevelu, Jonathan; Lavergne, Thomas; Lepage, Yves; Moudenc, Thierry}
title = {Introduction of a new paraphrase generation tool based on Monte-Carlo sampling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2064}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Sui, Zhifang; Wang, Meng}
title = {Prediction of Thematic Rank for Structured Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2065}
author = {Dhillon, Paramveer S.; Ungar, Lyle H.}
title = {Transfer Learning Feature Selection and Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2066}
author = {Liu, Fei; Liu, Yang}
title = {From Extractive to Abstractive Meeting Summaries: Can It Be Done by Sentence Compression?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2067}
author = {Lo, Wai-Kit; Xiong, Wenying; Meng, Helen M.}
title = {Automatic Story Segmentation using a Bayesian Decision Framework for Statistical Models of Lexical Chain Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2068}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Investigating Pitch Accent Recognition in Non-native Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2069}
author = {Sak, Haşim; Güngör, Tunga; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {A Stochastic Finite-State Morphological Parser for Turkish}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2070}
author = {Miller, Tim; Nguyen, Luan; Schuler, William}
title = {Parsing Speech Repair without Specialized Grammar Symbols}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2071}
author = {Jeong, Minwoo; Lin, Chin-Yew; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Efficient Inference of CRFs for Large-Scale Natural Language Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2072}
author = {Huang, Fang-Lan; Hsieh, Cho-Jui; Chang, Kai-Wei; Lin, Chih-Jen}
title = {Iterative Scaling and Coordinate Descent Methods for Maximum Entropy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2073}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar}
title = {Automatic Cost Estimation for Tree Edit Distance Using Particle Swarm Optimization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2074}
author = {Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Markov Random Topic Fields}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2075}
author = {Wang, Dingding; Zhu, Shenghuo; Li, Tao; Gong, Yihong}
title = {Multi-Document Summarization using Sentence-based Topic Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2076}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Striegnitz, Kristina; Byron, Donna K.; Cassell, Justine; Dale, Robert; Dalzel-Job, Sara; Moore, Johanna D.; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Validating the web-based evaluation of NLG systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2077}
author = {Banik, Eva}
title = {Extending a Surface Realizer to Generate Coherent Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2078}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {The Lie Detector: Explorations in the Automatic Recognition of Deceptive Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2079}
author = {Joshi, Mahesh; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Generalizing Dependency Features for Opinion Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2080}
author = {Wu, Qiong; Tan, Songbo; Cheng, Xueqi}
title = {Graph Ranking for Sentiment Transfer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2081}
author = {Sohn, Dae-Neung; Lee, Jung-Tae; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {The Contribution of Stylistic Information to Content-based Mobile Spam Filtering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2082}
author = {Mikhailian, Alexander; Dalmas, Tiphaine; Pinchuk, Rani}
title = {Learning foci for Question Answering over Topic Maps}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2083}
author = {Chali, Yllias; Hasan, Sadid; Joty, Shafiq R.}
title = {Do Automatic Annotation Techniques Have Any Impact on Supervised Complex Question Answering?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2084}
author = {Ma, Wei-Yun; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Where’s the Verb? Correcting Machine Translation During Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2085}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor; Goldwater, Sharon; Johnson, Mark}
title = {A Note on the Implementation of Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2086}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {A Succinct N-gram Language Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2087}
author = {Yuret, Deniz; Bicici, Ergun}
title = {Modeling Morphologically Rich Languages Using Split Words and Unstructured Dependencies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2088}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Improved Smoothing for N-gram Language Models Based on Ordinary Counts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2089}
author = {Mota, Cristina; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Updating a Name Tagger Using Contemporary Unlabeled Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2090}
author = {Sayeed, Asad B.; Elsayed, Tamer; Garera, Nikesh; Alexander, David; Xu, Tan; Oard, Douglas W.; Yarowsky, David; Piatko, Christine}
title = {Arabic Cross-Document Coreference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2091}
author = {Artiles, Javier; Gonzalo, Julio; Amigó, Enrique}
title = {The Impact of Query Refinement in the Web People Search Task}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2092}
author = {Reichartz, Frank; Korte, Hannes; Paass, Gerhard}
title = {Composite Kernels For Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2093}
author = {Gupta, Prashant; Ji, Heng}
title = {Predicting Unknown Time Arguments based on Cross-Event Propagation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4001}
author = {Akamine, Susumu; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kato, Yoshikiyo; Nakagawa, Tetsuji; Inui, Kentaro; Kurohashi, Sadao; Kidawara, Yutaka}
title = {WISDOM: A Web Information Credibility Analysis Systematic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4002}
author = {Branco, António H.; Costa, Francisco; Ferreira, Eduardo; Martins, Pedro; Nunes, Filipe; Silva, João; Silveira, Sara}
title = {LX-Center: a center of online linguistic services}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4003}
author = {Elson, David K.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {A Tool for Deep Semantic Encoding of Narrative Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4004}
author = {Gavrila, Monica; Vertan, Cristina}
title = {ProLiV - a Tool for Teaching by Viewing Computational Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4005}
author = {Koehn, Philipp}
title = {A Web-Based Interactive Computer Aided Translation Tool}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4006}
author = {Lee, Lianhau; Aw, Aiti; Vu, Thuy; Mahani, Sharifah Aljunied; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {MARS: Multilingual Access and Retrieval System with Enhanced Query Translation and Document Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4007}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Callison-Burch, Chris; Dyer, Chris; Ganitkevitch, Juri; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Schwartz, Lane; Thornton, Wren N. G.; Weese, Jonathan; Zaidan, Omar F.}
title = {Demonstration of Joshua: An Open Source Toolkit for Parsing-based Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4008}
author = {Kumaran, A.; K., Saravanan; Datha, Naren; Ashok, B.; Dendi, Vikram}
title = {WikiBABEL: A Wiki-style Platform for Creation of Parallel Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4009}
author = {Pajas, Petr; Štepánek, Jan}
title = {System for Querying Syntactically Annotated Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4010}
author = {Roth, Michael; Frank, Anette}
title = {A NLG-based Application for Walking Directions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4011}
author = {Varges, Sebastian; Quarteroni, Silvia; Riccardi, Giuseppe; Ivanov, Alexei V.; Roberti, Pierluigi}
title = {Combining POMDPs trained with User Simulations and Rule-based Dialogue Management in a Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5001}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Lu, Qin}
title = {Fundamentals of Chinese Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5002}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Topics in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5003}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling: Past Present and Future}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5004}
author = {Alishahi, Afra}
title = {Computational Modeling of Human Language Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5005}
author = {Li, Hang}
title = {Learning to Rank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5006}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {State-of-the-art NLP Approaches to Coreference Resolution: Theory and Practical Recipes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2009}
id = {P10-1001}
author = {Koo, Terry; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Efficient Third-Order Dependency Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1002}
author = {Jiang, Wenbin; Liu, Qun}
title = {Dependency Parsing and Projection Based on Word-Pair Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1003}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Bitext Dependency Parsing with Bilingual Subtree Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1004}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Thater, Stefan}
title = {Computing Weakest Readings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1005}
author = {Reiter, Nils; Frank, Anette}
title = {Identifying Generic Noun Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1006}
author = {Han, Xianpei; Jun, Zhao}
title = {Structural Semantic Relatedness: A Knowledge-Based Method to Named Entity Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1007}
author = {Rudzicz, Frank}
title = {Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition with Articulatory Dynamics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1008}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Learning to Adapt to Unknown Users: Referring Expression Generation in Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1009}
author = {Lin, Shih-Hsiang; Chen, Berlin}
title = {A Risk Minimization Framework for Extractive Speech Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1010}
author = {Abney, Steven; Bird, Steven}
title = {The Human Language Project: Building a Universal Corpus of the World’s Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1011}
author = {Shezaf, Daphna; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Bilingual Lexicon Generation Using Non-Aligned Signatures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1012}
author = {Echizen-ya, Hiroshi; Araki, Kenji}
title = {Automatic Evaluation Method for Machine Translation Using Noun-Phrase Chunking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1013}
author = {Wu, Fei; Weld, Daniel S.}
title = {Open Information Extraction Using Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1014}
author = {Chiticariu, Laura; Krishnamurthy, Rajasekar; Li, Yunyao; Raghavan, Sriram; Reiss, Frederick; Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar}
title = {SystemT: An Algebraic Approach to Declarative Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1015}
author = {Elson, David K.; Dames, Nicholas; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Extracting Social Networks from Literary Fiction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1016}
author = {Duan, Xiangyu; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Pseudo-Word for Phrase-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1017}
author = {Riesa, Jason; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Hierarchical Search for Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1018}
author = {de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Manning, Christopher D.; Potts, Christopher}
title = {“Was It Good? It Was Provocative.” Learning the Meaning of Scalar Adjectives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1019}
author = {Selfridge, Ethan; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Importance-Driven Turn-Bidding for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1020}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Entity-Based Local Coherence Modelling Using Topological Fields}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1021}
author = {Mitchell, Jeff; Lapata, Mirella; Demberg, Vera; Keller, Frank}
title = {Syntactic and Semantic Factors in Processing Difficulty: An Integrated Measure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1022}
author = {Honnibal, Matthew; Curran, James R.; Bos, Johan}
title = {Rebanking CCGbank for Improved NP Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1023}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo}
title = {BabelNet: Building a Very Large Multilingual Semantic Network}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1024}
author = {Abend, Omri; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Fully Unsupervised Core-Adjunct Argument Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1025}
author = {Croce, Danilo; Giannone, Cristina; Annesi, Paolo; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Towards Open-Domain Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1026}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; De Saeger, Stijn; Kuroda, Kow; Murata, Masaki; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {A Bayesian Method for Robust Estimation of Distributional Similarities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1027}
author = {Wang, Jia; Li, Qing; Chen, Yuanzhu Peter; Lin, Zhangxi}
title = {Recommendation in Internet Forums and Blogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1028}
author = {Sun, Xu; Gao, Jianfeng; Micol, Daniel; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Learning Phrase-Based Spelling Error Models from Clickthrough Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1029}
author = {Huang, Ruihong; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Inducing Domain-Specific Semantic Class Taggers from (Almost) Nothing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1030}
author = {Hoffmann, Raphael; Zhang, Congle; Weld, Daniel S.}
title = {Learning 5000 Relational Extractors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1031}
author = {Poon, Hoifung; Domingos, Pedro}
title = {Unsupervised Ontology Induction from Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1032}
author = {Sun, Jun; Zhang, Min; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Exploring Syntactic Structural Features for Sub-Tree Alignment Using Bilingual Tree Kernels}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1033}
author = {Liu, Shujie; Li, Chi-Ho; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Discriminative Pruning for Discriminative ITG Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1034}
author = {Wu, Xianchao; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Fine-Grained Tree-to-String Translation Rule Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1035}
author = {Fowler, Timothy A. D.; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Accurate Context-Free Parsing with Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1036}
author = {Kummerfeld, Jonathan K.; Roesner, Jessika; Dawborn, Tim; Haggerty, James; Curran, James R.; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Faster Parsing by Supertagger Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1037}
author = {Sassano, Manabu; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Using Smaller Constituents Rather Than Sentences in Active Learning for Japanese Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1038}
author = {Trogkanis, Nikolaos; Elkan, Charles}
title = {Conditional Random Fields for Word Hyphenation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1039}
author = {Spiegler, Sebastian; Flach, Peter A.}
title = {Enhanced Word Decomposition by Calibrating the Decision Threshold of Probabilistic Models and Using a Model Ensemble}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1040}
author = {Turian, Joseph P.; Ratinov, Lev; Bengio, Yoshua}
title = {Word Representations: A Simple and General Method for Semi-Supervised Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1041}
author = {Hassan, Ahmed; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Identifying Text Polarity Using Random Walks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1042}
author = {Wei, Wei; Gulla, Jon Atle}
title = {Sentiment Learning on Product Reviews via Sentiment Ontology Tree}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1043}
author = {Li, Shoushan; Huang, Chu-Ren; Zhou, Guodong; Lee, Sophia Yat Mei}
title = {Employing Personal/Impersonal Views in Supervised and Semi-Supervised Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1044}
author = {Ritter, Alan; , Mausam; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {A Latent Dirichlet Allocation Method for Selectional Preferences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1045}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid}
title = {Latent Variable Models of Selectional Preference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1046}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Improving the Use of Pseudo-Words for Evaluating Selectional Preferences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1047}
author = {Yeniterzi, Reyyan; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Syntax-to-Morphology Mapping in Factored Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation from English to Turkish}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1048}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Sajjad, Hassan; Fraser, Alexander; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Hindi-to-Urdu Machine Translation through Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1049}
author = {Wuebker, Joern; Mauser, Arne; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Training Phrase Translation Models with Leaving-One-Out}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1050}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Fujiwara, Yasuhiro; Yoshinaga, Naoki; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {Efficient Staggered Decoding for Sequence Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1051}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Baldridge, Jason; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Minimized Models and Grammar-Informed Initialization for Supertagging with Highly Ambiguous Lexicons}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1052}
author = {Lavergne, Thomas; Cappé, Olivier; Yvon, François}
title = {Practical Very Large Scale CRFs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1053}
author = {Schmitz, Sylvain}
title = {On the Computational Complexity of Dominance Links in Grammatical Formalisms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1054}
author = {Sagot, Benoît; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Optimal Rank Reduction for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems with Fan-Out Two}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1055}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco; Koller, Alexander; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {The Importance of Rule Restrictions in CCG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1056}
author = {Pitler, Emily; Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Automatic Evaluation of Linguistic Quality in Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1057}
author = {Qazvinian, Vahed; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Identifying Non-Explicit Citing Sentences for Citation-Based Summarization.}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1058}
author = {Woodsend, Kristian; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Automatic Generation of Story Highlights}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1059}
author = {Toprak, Cigdem; Jakob, Niklas; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Sentence and Expression Level Annotation of Opinions in User-Generated Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1060}
author = {Jijkoun, Valentin; de Rijke, Maarten; Weerkamp, Wouter}
title = {Generating Focused Topic-Specific Sentiment Lexicons}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1061}
author = {Kim, Jungi; Li, Jinji; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Evaluating Multilanguage-Comparability of Subjectivity Analysis Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1062}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Error Detection for Statistical Machine Translation Using Linguistic Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1063}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Echihabi, Abdessamad}
title = {TrustRank: Inducing Trust in Automatic Translations via Ranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1064}
author = {He, Yifan; Ma, Yanjun; van Genabith, Josef; Way, Andy}
title = {Bridging SMT and TM with Translation Recommendation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1065}
author = {Chen, Yufeng; Zong, Chengqing; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {On Jointly Recognizing and Aligning Bilingual Named Entities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1066}
author = {Li, Peng; Jiang, Jing; Wang, Yinglin}
title = {Generating Templates of Entity Summaries with an Entity-Aspect Model and Pattern Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1067}
author = {Li, Shasha; Lin, Chin-Yew; Song, Young-In; Li, Zhoujun}
title = {Comparable Entity Mining from Comparative Questions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1068}
author = {Chiarcos, Christian}
title = {Towards Robust Multi-Tool Tagging. An OWL/DL-Based Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1069}
author = {Costa, Francisco; Branco, António H.}
title = {Temporal Information Processing of a New Language: Fast Porting with Minimal Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1070}
author = {Tratz, Stephen; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Taxonomy Dataset and Classifier for Automatic Noun Compound Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1071}
author = {Shutova, Ekaterina}
title = {Models of Metaphor in NLP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1072}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Beigman, Eyal}
title = {A Game-Theoretic Model of Metaphorical Bargaining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1073}
author = {Wang, Wen Ting; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Kernel Based Discourse Relation Recognition with Temporal Ordering Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1074}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Hierarchical Joint Learning: Improving Joint Parsing and Named Entity Recognition with Non-Jointly Labeled Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1075}
author = {Dickinson, Markus}
title = {Detecting Errors in Automatically-Parsed Dependency Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1076}
author = {Xiao, Tong; Zhu, Jingbo; Zhu, Muhua; Wang, Huizhen}
title = {Boosting-Based System Combination for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1077}
author = {Wu, Zhili; Markert, Katja; Sharoff, Serge}
title = {Fine-Grained Genre Classification Using Structural Learning Algorithms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1078}
author = {Tomasoni, Mattia; Huang, Minlie}
title = {Metadata-Aware Measures for Answer Summarization in Community Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1079}
author = {Beaufort, Richard; Roekhaut, Sophie; Cougnon, Louise-Amélie; Fairon, Cédrick}
title = {A Hybrid Rule/Model-Based Finite-State Framework for Normalizing SMS Messages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1080}
author = {Jiampojamarn, Sittichai; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Letter-Phoneme Alignment: An Exploration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1081}
author = {Liao, Shasha; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Using Document Level Cross-Event Inference to Improve Event Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1082}
author = {Villing, Jessica}
title = {Now Where Was I? Resumption Strategies for an In-Vehicle Dialogue System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1083}
author = {Vogel, Adam; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Learning to Follow Navigational Directions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1084}
author = {Celikyilmaz, Asli; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek}
title = {A Hybrid Hierarchical Model for Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1085}
author = {Liu, Zhanyi; Wang, Haifeng; Wu, Hua; Li, Sheng}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation with Monolingual Collocation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1086}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Bilingual Sense Similarity for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1087}
author = {Melo, Gerard de; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {Untangling the Cross-Lingual Link Structure of Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1088}
author = {Bloodgood, Michael; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Bucking the Trend: Large-Scale Cost-Focused Active Learning for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1089}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Pitler, Emily; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Creating Robust Supervised Classifiers via Web-Scale N-Gram Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1090}
author = {Zhang, Min; Zhang, Hui; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Convolution Kernel over Packed Parse Forest}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1091}
author = {Heinz, Jeffrey; Rogers, James}
title = {Estimating Strictly Piecewise Distributions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1092}
author = {Heinz, Jeffrey}
title = {String Extension Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1093}
author = {Rudolph, Sebastian; Giesbrecht, Eugenie}
title = {Compositional Matrix-Space Models of Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1094}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun; Li, Huiying; Xiao, Jianguo}
title = {Cross-Language Document Summarization Based on Machine Translation Quality Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1095}
author = {Litvak, Marina; Last, Mark; Friedman, Menahem}
title = {A New Approach to Improving Multilingual Summarization Using a Genetic Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1096}
author = {Yamangil, Elif; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Bayesian Synchronous Tree-Substitution Grammar Induction and Its Application to Sentence Compression}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1097}
author = {Thater, Stefan; Fürstenau, Hagen; Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {Contextualizing Semantic Representations Using Syntactically Enriched Vector Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1098}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Kozhevnikov, Mikhail}
title = {Bootstrapping Semantic Analyzers from Non-Contradictory Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1099}
author = {Huang, Fei; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Open-Domain Semantic Role Labeling by Modeling Word Spans}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1100}
author = {Regneri, Michaela; Koller, Alexander; Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {Learning Script Knowledge with Web Experiments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1101}
author = {Connor, Michael; Gertner, Yael; Fisher, Cynthia; Roth, Dan}
title = {Starting from Scratch in Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1102}
author = {Laskowski, Kornel}
title = {Modeling Norms of Turn-Taking in Multi-Party Conversation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1103}
author = {Rieser, Verena; Lemon, Oliver; Liu, Xingkun}
title = {Optimising Information Presentation for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1104}
author = {Sonderegger, Morgan; Niyogi, Partha}
title = {Combining Data and Mathematical Models of Language Change}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1105}
author = {Hall, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {Finding Cognate Groups Using Phylogenies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1106}
author = {Corlett, Eric; Penn, Gerald}
title = {An Exact A* Method for Deciphering Letter-Substitution Ciphers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1107}
author = {Snyder, Benjamin; Barzilay, Regina; Knight, Kevin}
title = {A Statistical Model for Lost Language Decipherment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1108}
author = {May, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin; Vogler, Heiko}
title = {Efficient Inference through Cascades of Weighted Tree Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1109}
author = {Maletti, Andreas}
title = {A Tree Transducer Model for Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1110}
author = {Huang, Liang; Sagae, Kenji}
title = {Dynamic Programming for Linear-Time Incremental Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1111}
author = {Seeker, Wolfgang; Rehbein, Ines; Kuhn, Jonas; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Hard Constraints for Grammatical Function Labelling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1112}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Klein, Dan}
title = {Simple Accurate Parsing with an All-Fragments Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1113}
author = {Li, Junhui; Zhou, Guodong; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Joint Syntactic and Semantic Parsing of Chinese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1114}
author = {Prettenhofer, Peter; Stein, Benno}
title = {Cross-Language Text Classification Using Structural Correspondence Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1115}
author = {Zhang, Duo; Mei, Qiaozhu; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Cross-Lingual Latent Topic Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1116}
author = {Li, Linlin; Roth, Benjamin; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Topic Models for Word Sense Disambiguation and Token-Based Idiom Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1117}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {PCFGs Topic Models Adaptor Grammars and Learning Topical Collocations and the Structure of Proper Names}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1118}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Hahn, Udo; Lohmann, Steffen; Ziegler, Jürgen}
title = {A Cognitive Cost Model of Annotations Based on Eye-Tracking Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1119}
author = {Bicknell, Klinton; Levy, Roger}
title = {A Rational Model of Eye Movement Control in Reading}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1120}
author = {Dubey, Amit}
title = {The Influence of Discourse on Syntax: A Psycholinguistic Model of Sentence Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1121}
author = {Wu, Stephen; Bachrach, Asaf; Cardenas, Carlos; Schuler, William}
title = {Complexity Metrics in an Incremental Right-Corner Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1122}
author = {Sammons, Mark; Vydiswaran, V. G. Vinod; Roth, Dan}
title = {“Ask Not What Textual Entailment Can Do for You...”}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1123}
author = {Mirkin, Shachar; Dagan, Ido; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {Assessing the Role of Discourse References in Entailment Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1124}
author = {Berant, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido; Goldberger, Jacob}
title = {Global Learning of Focused Entailment Graphs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1125}
author = {Wang, Baoxun; XiaoLong, Wang; Sun, Chengjie; Liu, Bingquan; Sun, Lin}
title = {Modeling Semantic Relevance for Question-Answer Pairs in Web Social Communities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1126}
author = {Feng, Yansong; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {How Many Words Is a Picture Worth? Automatic Caption Generation for News Images}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1127}
author = {Aker, Ahmet; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Generating Image Descriptions Using Dependency Relational Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1128}
author = {Iida, Ryu; Kobayashi, Syumpei; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Incorporating Extra-Linguistic Information into Reference Resolution in Collaborative Task Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1129}
author = {Branavan, S. R. K.; Zettlemoyer, Luke; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Reading between the Lines: Learning to Map High-Level Instructions to Commands}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1130}
author = {Spitkovsky, Valentin I.; Jurafsky, Daniel; Alshawi, Hiyan}
title = {Profiting from Mark-Up: Hyper-Text Annotations for Guided Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1131}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Klein, Dan}
title = {Phylogenetic Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1132}
author = {Abend, Omri; Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Improved Unsupervised POS Induction through Prototype Discovery}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1133}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Extraction and Approximation of Numerical Attributes from the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1134}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Learning Word-Class Lattices for Definition and Hypernym Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1135}
author = {Ittoo, Ashwin; Bouma, Gosse}
title = {On Learning Subtypes of the Part-Whole Relation: Do Not Mix Your Seeds}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1136}
author = {Li, Xiao}
title = {Understanding the Semantic Structure of Noun Phrase Queries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1137}
author = {Chinnakotla, Manoj Kumar; Raman, Karthik; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Multilingual Pseudo-Relevance Feedback: Performance Study of Assisting Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1138}
author = {Santamaría, Celina; Gonzalo, Julio; Artiles, Javier}
title = {Wikipedia as Sense Inventory to Improve Diversity in Web Search Results}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1139}
author = {Li, Binyang; Zhou, Lanjun; Feng, Shi; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {A Unified Graph Model for Sentence-Based Opinion Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1140}
author = {Tata, Swati; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Generating Fine-Grained Reviews of Songs from Album Reviews}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1141}
author = {Paltoglou, Georgios; Thelwall, Mike}
title = {A Study of Information Retrieval Weighting Schemes for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1142}
author = {Ng, Vincent}
title = {Supervised Noun Phrase Coreference Research: The First Fifteen Years}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1143}
author = {Bejan, Cosmin Adrian; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Unsupervised Event Coreference Resolution with Rich Linguistic Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1144}
author = {Recasens, Marta; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Coreference Resolution across Corpora: Languages Coding Schemes and Preprocessing Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1145}
author = {Mi, Haitao; Liu, Qun}
title = {Constituency to Dependency Translation with Forests}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1146}
author = {Chiang, David}
title = {Learning to Translate with Source and Target Syntax}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1147}
author = {DeNero, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {Discriminative Modeling of Extraction Sets for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1148}
author = {Park, Keun Chan; Jeong, Yoonjae; Myaeng, Sung-Hyon}
title = {Detecting Experiences from Weblogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1149}
author = {Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Experiments in Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning Methods for Class-Instance Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1150}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Learning Arguments and Supertypes of Semantic Relations Using Recursive Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1151}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {A Transition-Based Parser for 2-Planar Dependency Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1152}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Viterbi Training for PCFGs: Hardness Results and Competitiveness of Uniform Initialization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1153}
author = {Skala, Matthew; Krakovna, Victoria; Kramár, János; Penn, Gerald}
title = {A Generalized-Zero-Preserving Method for Compact Encoding of Concept Lattices}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1154}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Knowledge-Rich Word Sense Disambiguation Rivaling Supervised Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1155}
author = {Khapra, Mitesh M.; Kulkarni, Anup; Sohoney, Saurabh; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {All Words Domain Adapted WSD: Finding a Middle Ground between Supervision and Unsupervision}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1156}
author = {Guo, Weiwei; Diab, Mona}
title = {Combining Orthogonal Monolingual and Multilingual Sources of Evidence for All Words WSD}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1157}
author = {Mairesse, François; Gašić, Milica; Jurčíček, Filip; Keizer, Simon; Thomson, Blaise; Yu, Kai; Young, Steve}
title = {Phrase-Based Statistical Language Generation Using Graphical Models and Active Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1158}
author = {McIntyre, Neil; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Plot Induction and Evolutionary Search for Story Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1159}
author = {Garoufi, Konstantina; Koller, Alexander}
title = {Automated Planning for Situated Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-1160}
author = {Gerber, Matthew; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Beyond NomBank: A Study of Implicit Arguments for Nominal Predicates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2001}
author = {Onishi, Takashi; Utiyama, Masao; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Paraphrase Lattice for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2002}
author = {Cui, Lei; Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {A Joint Rule Selection Model for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2003}
author = {Su, Jinsong; Liu, Yang; Lü, Yajuan; Mi, Haitao; Liu, Qun}
title = {Learning Lexicalized Reordering Models from Reordering Graphs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2004}
author = {Cao, Hailong; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Filtering Syntactic Constraints for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2005}
author = {Xiang, Bing; Deng, Yonggang; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {Diversify and Combine: Improving Word Alignment for Machine Translation on Low-Resource Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2006}
author = {Blackwood, Graeme; Gispert, Adrià de; Byrne, William}
title = {Efficient Path Counting Transducers for Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding of Statistical Machine Translation Lattices}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2007}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {The Same-Head Heuristic for Coreference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2008}
author = {Raghavan, Sindhu; Kovashka, Adriana; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Authorship Attribution Using Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2009}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Moore, Johanna D.; Steinhauser, Natalie; Campbell, Gwendolyn}
title = {The Impact of Interpretation Problems on Tutorial Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2010}
author = {Hervás, Raquel; Finlayson, Mark}
title = {The Prevalence of Descriptive Referring Expressions in News and Narrative}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2011}
author = {Goudbeek, Martijn; Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Preferences versus Adaptation during Referring Expression Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2012}
author = {Keller, Frank}
title = {Cognitively Plausible Models of Human Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2013}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Baker, Collin F.; Fellbaum, Christiane; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {The Manually Annotated Sub-Corpus: A Community Resource for and by the People}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2014}
author = {Kato, Yoshihide; Matsubara, Shigeki}
title = {Correcting Errors in a Treebank Based on Synchronous Tree Substitution Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2015}
author = {Dobrinkat, Marcus; Tapiovaara, Tero; Väyrynen, Jaakko; Kettunen, Kimmo}
title = {Evaluating Machine Translations Using mNCD}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2016}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Kos, Kamil; Mareček, David}
title = {Tackling Sparse Data Issue in Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2017}
author = {Erk, Katrin; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {Exemplar-Based Models for Word Meaning in Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2018}
author = {Watanabe, Yotaro; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {A Structured Model for Joint Learning of Argument Roles and Predicate Senses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2019}
author = {Sun, Weiwei}
title = {Semantics-Driven Shallow Parsing for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2020}
author = {Bouma, Gerlof}
title = {Collocation Extraction beyond the Independence Assumption}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2021}
author = {Wu, Jian-Cheng; Chang, Yu-Chia; Mitamura, Teruko; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Automatic Collocation Suggestion in Academic Writing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2022}
author = {Yan, Tingxu; Maxwell, Tamsin; Song, Dawei; Hou, Yuexian; Zhang, Peng}
title = {Event-Based Hyperspace Analogue to Language for Query Expansion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2023}
author = {Murthy, Karin; Faruquie, Tanveer A.; Subramaniam, L. Venkata; Prasad, Hima K.; Mohania, Mukesh}
title = {Automatically Generating Term Frequency Induced Taxonomies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2024}
author = {Power, Richard}
title = {Complexity Assumptions in Ontology Verbalisation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2025}
author = {Shindo, Hiroyuki; Fujino, Akinori; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Word Alignment with Synonym Regularization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2026}
author = {Wang, Zhiyang; Lü, Yajuan; Liu, Qun; Hwang, Young-Sook}
title = {Better Filtration and Augmentation for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2027}
author = {Sharif Razavian, Narges; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Fixed Length Word Suffix for Factored Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2028}
author = {Jeong, Minwoo; Titov, Ivan}
title = {Unsupervised Discourse Segmentation of Documents with Inherently Parallel Structure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2029}
author = {Stoyanov, Veselin; Cardie, Claire; Gilbert, Nathan; Riloff, Ellen; Buttler, David; Hysom, David}
title = {Coreference Resolution with Reconcile}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2030}
author = {Taira, Hirotoshi; Fujita, Sanae; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Predicate Argument Structure Analysis Using Transformation Based Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2031}
author = {Sun, Weiwei}
title = {Improving Chinese Semantic Role Labeling with Rich Syntactic Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2032}
author = {González-Rubio, Jesús; Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Balancing User Effort and Translation Error in Interactive Machine Translation via Confidence Measures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2033}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Marton, Yuval; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Improving Arabic-to-English Statistical Machine Translation by Reordering Post-Verbal Subjects for Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2034}
author = {Iwata, Tomoharu; Mochihashi, Daichi; Sawada, Hiroshi}
title = {Learning Common Grammar from Multilingual Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2035}
author = {Kitagawa, Kotaro; Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko}
title = {Tree-Based Deterministic Dependency Parsing — An Application to Nivre’s Method —}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2036}
author = {Gillenwater, Jennifer; Ganchev, Kuzman; Graça, João; Pereira, Fernando; Taskar, Ben}
title = {Sparsity in Dependency Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2037}
author = {Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Top-Down K-Best A* Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2038}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Simple Semi-Supervised Training of Part-Of-Speech Taggers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2039}
author = {Vaswani, Ashish; Pauls, Adam; Chiang, David}
title = {Efficient Optimization of an MDL-Inspired Objective Function for Unsupervised Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2040}
author = {Lamar, Michael; Maron, Yariv; Johnson, Mark; Bienenstock, Elie}
title = {SVD and Clustering for Unsupervised POS Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2041}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Lewis, William H.}
title = {Intelligent Selection of Language Model Training Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2042}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Blocked Inference in Bayesian Tree Substitution Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2043}
author = {van Durme, Benjamin; Lall, Ashwin}
title = {Online Generation of Locality Sensitive Hash Signatures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2044}
author = {Heie, Matthias H.; Whittaker, Edward; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Optimizing Question Answering Accuracy by Maximizing Log-Likelihood}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2045}
author = {Ben Aharon, Roni; Szpektor, Idan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Generating Entailment Rules from FrameNet}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2046}
author = {Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Don’t ‘Have a Clue’? Unsupervised Co-Learning of Downward-Entailing Operators.}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2047}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Beigman, Eyal; Diermeier, Daniel}
title = {Vocabulary Choice as an Indicator of Perspective}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2048}
author = {Wei, Bin; Pal, Christopher}
title = {Cross Lingual Adaptation: An Experiment on Sentiment Classifications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2049}
author = {Jakob, Niklas; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Using Anaphora Resolution to Improve Opinion Target Identification in Movie Reviews}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2050}
author = {Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Hierarchical Sequential Learning for Extracting Opinions and Their Attributes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2051}
author = {Yang, Dong; Dixon, Paul; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Jointly Optimizing a Two-Step Conditional Random Field Model for Machine Transliteration and Its Fast Decoding Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2052}
author = {Benajiba, Yassine; Zitouni, Imed; Diab, Mona; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {Arabic Named Entity Recognition: Using Features Extracted from Noisy Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2053}
author = {Fader, Anthony; Soderland, Stephen; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Extracting Sequences from the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2054}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Klein, Dan}
title = {An Entity-Level Approach to Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2055}
author = {Li, Decong; Li, Sujian; Li, Wenjie; Wang, Wei; Qu, Weiguang}
title = {A Semi-Supervised Key Phrase Extraction Approach: Learning from Title Phrases through a Document Semantic Network}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2056}
author = {Alumäe, Tanel; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Domain Adaptation of Maximum Entropy Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2057}
author = {Bui, Trung H.; Peters, Stanley}
title = {Decision Detection Using Hierarchical Graphical Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2058}
author = {Ju, Yun-Cheng; Paek, Tim}
title = {Using Speech to Reply to SMS Messages While Driving: An In-Car Simulator User Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2059}
author = {Navarretta, Costanza; Paggio, Patrizia}
title = {Classification of Feedback Expressions in Multimodal Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2060}
author = {Nishikawa, Hitoshi; Hasegawa, Takaaki; Matsuo, Yoshihiro; Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Optimizing Informativeness and Readability for Sentiment Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2061}
author = {Becker, Israela; Aharonson, Vered}
title = {Last but Definitely Not Least: On the Role of the Last Sentence in Automatic Polarity-Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2062}
author = {Yessenalina, Ainur; Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Automatically Generating Annotator Rationales to Improve Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2063}
author = {Kulick, Seth}
title = {Simultaneous Tokenization and Part-Of-Speech Tagging for Arabic without a Morphological Analyzer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2064}
author = {Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Hierarchical A* Parsing with Bridge Outside Scores}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2065}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Foster, Jennifer; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Using Parse Features for Preposition Selection and Error Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2066}
author = {Li, Xiao-Li; Zhang, Lei; Liu, Bing; Ng, See-Kiong}
title = {Distributional Similarity vs. PU Learning for Entity Set Expansion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2067}
author = {Ambati, Vamshi; Vogel, Stephan; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Active Learning-Based Elicitation for Semi-Supervised Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2068}
author = {Vickrey, David; Kipersztok, Oscar; Koller, Daphne}
title = {An Active Learning Approach to Finding Related Terms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2069}
author = {Dhillon, Paramveer S.; Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Crammer, Koby}
title = {Learning Better Data Representation Using Inference-Driven Metric Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-2070}
author = {Steinberger, Josef; Turchi, Marco; Alexandrov-Kabadjov, Mijail; Steinberger, Ralf; Cristianini, Nello}
title = {Wrapping up a Summary: From Representation to Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4001}
author = {Bender, Emily M.; Drellishak, Scott; Fokkens, Antske; Goodman, Michael Wayne; Mills, Daniel P.; Poulson, Laurie; Saleem, Safiyyah}
title = {Grammar Prototyping and Testing with the LinGO Grammar Matrix Customization System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4002}
author = {Dyer, Chris; Lopez, Adam; Ganitkevitch, Juri; Weese, Jonathan; Ture, Ferhan; Blunsom, Philip; Setiawan, Hendra; Eidelman, Vladimir; Resnik, Philip}
title = {cdec: A Decoder Alignment and Learning Framework for Finite-State and Context-Free Translation Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4003}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Moore, Johanna D.; Steinhauser, Natalie; Campbell, Gwendolyn; Farrow, Elaine; Callaway, Charles B.}
title = {Beetle II: A System for Tutoring and Computational Linguistics Experimentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4004}
author = {Henrich, Verena; Hinrichs, Erhard W.}
title = {GernEdiT - The GermaNet Editing Tool}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4005}
author = {Hinrichs, Erhard W.; Hinrichs, Marie; Zastrow, Thomas}
title = {WebLicht: Web-Based LRT Services for German}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4006}
author = {Jurgens, David; Stevens, Keith}
title = {The S-Space Package: An Open Source Package for Word Space Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4007}
author = {Klüwer, Tina; Adolphs, Peter; Xu, Feiyu; Uszkoreit, Hans; Cheng, Xiwen}
title = {Talking NPCs in a Virtual Game World}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4008}
author = {Kouylekov, Milen; Negri, Matteo}
title = {An Open-Source Package for Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4009}
author = {Kurimo, Mikko; Byrne, William; Dines, John; Garner, Philip N.; Gibson, Matthew; Guan, Yong; Hirsimäki, Teemu; Karhila, Reima; King, Simon; Liang, Hui; Oura, Keiichiro; Saheer, Lakshmi; Shannon, Matt; Shiota, Sayaki; Tian, Jilei}
title = {Personalising Speech-To-Speech Translation in the EMIME Project}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4010}
author = {Leidner, Jochen L.; Schilder, Frank}
title = {Hunting for the Black Swan: Risk Mining from Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4011}
author = {Mishra, Taniya; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Speech-Driven Access to the Deep Web on Mobile Devices}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4012}
author = {Ranta, Aarne; Angelov, Krasimir; Hallgren, Thomas}
title = {Tools for Multilingual Grammar-Based Translation on the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4013}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Catizone, Roberta; Dingli, Alexiei; Cheng, Weiwei}
title = {Demonstration of a Prototype for a Conversational Companion for Reminiscing about Images}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-4014}
author = {Zhong, Zhi; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {It Makes Sense: A Wide-Coverage Word Sense Disambiguation System for Free Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-5001}
author = {Hockenmaier, Julia; Miyao, Yusuke; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Wide-Coverage NLP with Linguistically Expressive Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-5002}
author = {Liu, Yang; Huang, Liang}
title = {Tree-Based and Forest-Based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-5003}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Egg, Markus; Kordoni, Valia}
title = {Discourse Structure: Theory Practice and Use}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-5004}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-5005}
author = {Daumé III, Hal}
title = {From Structured Prediction to Inverse Reinforcement Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-5006}
author = {Kate, Rohit J.; Wong, Yuk Wah}
title = {Semantic Parsing: The Task the State of the Art and the Future}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2010}
id = {P11-1001}
author = {Zollmann, Andreas; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {A Word-Class Approach to Labeling PSCFG Rules for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1002}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Deciphering Foreign Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1003}
author = {Wu, Xianchao; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Effective Use of Function Words for Rule Generalization in Forest-Based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1004}
author = {Clifton, Ann; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Combining Morpheme-based Machine Translation with Post-processing Morpheme Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1005}
author = {Rehbein, Ines; Ruppenhofer, Josef}
title = {Evaluating the Impact of Coder Errors on Active Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1006}
author = {Wang, Ziqi; Xu, Gu; Li, Hang; Zhang, Ming}
title = {A Fast and Accurate Method for Approximate String Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1007}
author = {Titov, Ivan}
title = {Domain Adaptation by Constraining Inter-Domain Variability of Latent Feature Representation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1008}
author = {Rush, Alexander M.; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Exact Decoding of Syntactic Translation Models through Lagrangian Relaxation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1009}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Fuxman, Ariel}
title = {Jigs and Lures: Associating Web Queries with Structured Entities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1010}
author = {Jiang, Qixia; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Semi-Supervised SimHash for Efficient Document Similarity Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1011}
author = {Bendersky, Michael; Croft, W. Bruce; Smith, David A.}
title = {Joint Annotation of Search Queries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1012}
author = {Cai, Peng; Gao, Wei; Zhou, Aoying; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {Query Weighting for Ranking Model Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1013}
author = {He, Yulan; Lin, Chenghua; Alani, Harith}
title = {Automatically Extracting Polarity-Bearing Topics for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1014}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Weir, David; Carroll, John}
title = {Using Multiple Sources to Construct a Sentiment Sensitive Thesaurus for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1015}
author = {Maas, Andrew L.; Daly, Raymond E.; Pham, Peter T.; Huang, Dan; Ng, Andrew Y.; Potts, Christopher}
title = {Learning Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1016}
author = {Jiang, Long; Yu, Mo; Zhou, Ming; Liu, Xiaohua; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Target-dependent Twitter Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1017}
author = {Shudo, Kosho; Kurahone, Akira; Tanabe, Toshifumi}
title = {A Comprehensive Dictionary of Multiword Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1018}
author = {Gower Small, Sharon; Stromer-Galley, Jennifer; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Multi-Modal Annotation of Quest Games in Second Life}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1019}
author = {Yannakoudakis, Helen; Briscoe, Ted; Medlock, Ben}
title = {A New Dataset and Method for Automatically Grading ESOL Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1020}
author = {Chen, David; Dolan, William B.}
title = {Collecting Highly Parallel Data for Paraphrase Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1021}
author = {Tan, Ming; Zhou, Wenli; Zheng, Lei; Wang, Shaojun}
title = {A Large Scale Distributed Syntactic Semantic and Lexical Language Model for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1022}
author = {Bach, Nguyen; Huang, Fei; Al-Onaizan, Yaser}
title = {Goodness: A Method for Measuring Machine Translation Confidence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1023}
author = {Lo, Chi-kiu; Wu, Dekai}
title = {MEANT: An inexpensive high-accuracy semi-automatic metric for evaluating translation utility based on semantic roles}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1024}
author = {Subotin, Michael}
title = {An exponential translation model for target language morphology}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1025}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Bayesian Inference for Zodiac and Other Homophonic Ciphers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1026}
author = {Hu, Yuening; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Satinoff, Brianna}
title = {Interactive Topic Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1027}
author = {Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Faster and Smaller N-Gram Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1028}
author = {Branavan, S. R. K.; Silver, David; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Learning to Win by Reading Manuals in a Monte-Carlo Framework}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1029}
author = {Veale, Tony}
title = {Creative Language Retrieval: A Robust Hybrid of Information Retrieval and Linguistic Creativity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1030}
author = {Escalante, Hugo Jair; Solorio, Thamar; Montes-y-Gomez, Manuel}
title = {Local Histograms of Character N-grams for Authorship Attribution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1031}
author = {Kireyev, Kirill; Landauer, Thomas K.}
title = {Word Maturity: Computational Modeling of Word Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1032}
author = {Ott, Myle; Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire; Hancock, Jeffrey T.}
title = {Finding Deceptive Opinion Spam by Any Stretch of the Imagination}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1033}
author = {Lu, Bin; Tan, Chenhao; Cardie, Claire; K. Tsou, Benjamin}
title = {Joint Bilingual Sentiment Classification with Unlabeled Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1034}
author = {Wang, Dong; Liu, Yang}
title = {A Pilot Study of Opinion Summarization in Conversations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1035}
author = {Park, Souneil; Lee, Kyung-Soon; Song, Junehwa}
title = {Contrasting Opposing Views of News Articles on Contentious Issues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1036}
author = {Sauper, Christina; Haghighi, Aria; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Content Models with Attitude}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1037}
author = {Liu, Xiaohua; Zhang, Shaodian; Wei, Furu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Recognizing Named Entities in Tweets}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1038}
author = {Han, Bo; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Lexical Normalisation of Short Text Messages: Makn Sens a #twitter}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1039}
author = {Zhao, Xin; Jiang, Jing; He, Jing; Song, Yang; Achanauparp, Palakorn; Lim, Ee-Peng; Li, Xiaoming}
title = {Topical Keyphrase Extraction from Twitter}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1040}
author = {Benson, Edward; Haghighi, Aria; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Event Discovery in Social Media Feeds}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1041}
author = {Bhargava, Aditya; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {How do you pronounce your name? Improving G2P with transliterations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1042}
author = {Dyer, Chris; Clark, Jonathan H.; Lavie, Alon; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Unsupervised Word Alignment with Arbitrary Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1043}
author = {DeNero, John; Macherey, Klaus}
title = {Model-Based Aligner Combination Using Dual Decomposition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1044}
author = {Sajjad, Hassan; Fraser, Alexander; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {An Algorithm for Unsupervised Transliteration Mining with an Application to Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1045}
author = {Bodenstab, Nathan; Dunlop, Aaron; Hall, Keith; Roark, Brian}
title = {Beam-Width Prediction for Efficient Context-Free Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1046}
author = {Crescenzi, Pierluigi; Gildea, Daniel; Marino, Andrea; Rossi, Gianluca; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Optimal Head-Driven Parsing Complexity for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1047}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Prefix Probability for Probabilistic Synchronous Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1048}
author = {Auli, Michael; Lopez, Adam}
title = {A Comparison of Loopy Belief Propagation and Dual Decomposition for Integrated CCG Supertagging and Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1049}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Gillick, Dan; Klein, Dan}
title = {Jointly Learning to Extract and Compress}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1050}
author = {Celikyilmaz, Asli; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek}
title = {Discovery of Topically Coherent Sentences for Extractive Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1051}
author = {Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Coherent Citation-Based Summarization of Scientific Papers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1052}
author = {Lin, Hui; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {A Class of Submodular Functions for Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1053}
author = {Sun, Ang; Grishman, Ralph; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Semi-supervised Relation Extraction with Large-scale Word Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1054}
author = {Chen, Harr; Benson, Edward; Naseem, Tahira; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {In-domain Relation Discovery with Meta-constraints via Posterior Regularization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1055}
author = {Hoffmann, Raphael; Zhang, Congle; Ling, Xiao; Zettlemoyer, Luke; Weld, Daniel S.}
title = {Knowledge-Based Weak Supervision for Information Extraction of Overlapping Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1056}
author = {Chan, Yee Seng; Roth, Dan}
title = {Exploiting Syntactico-Semantic Structures for Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1057}
author = {Khapra, Mitesh M.; Joshi, Salil; Chatterjee, Arindam; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Together We Can: Bilingual Bootstrapping for WSD}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1058}
author = {Krishnamurthy, Jayant; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Which Noun Phrases Denote Which Concepts?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1059}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Semantic Representation of Negation Using Focus Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1060}
author = {Liang, Percy; Jordan, Michael I.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Dependency-Based Compositional Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1061}
author = {Das, Dipanjan; Petrov, Slav}
title = {Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging with Bilingual Graph-Based Projections}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1062}
author = {Berant, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido; Goldberger, Jacob}
title = {Global Learning of Typed Entailment Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1063}
author = {Schwartz, Lane; Callison-Burch, Chris; Schuler, William; Wu, Stephen}
title = {Incremental Syntactic Language Models for Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1064}
author = {Neubig, Graham; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro; Mori, Shinsuke; Kawahara, Tatsuya}
title = {An Unsupervised Model for Joint Phrase Alignment and Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1065}
author = {Mylonakis, Markos; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Learning Hierarchical Translation Structure with Linguistic Annotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1066}
author = {Zhou, Guangyou; Cai, Li; Jun, Zhao; Liu, Kang}
title = {Phrase-Based Translation Model for Question Retrieval in Community Question Answer Archives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1067}
author = {Schwartz, Roy; Abend, Omri; Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Neutralizing Linguistically Problematic Annotations in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1068}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Transition-Based Dependency Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1069}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Shift-Reduce CCG Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1070}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Klein, Dan}
title = {Web-Scale Features for Full-Scale Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1071}
author = {Zwarts, Simon; Johnson, Mark}
title = {The impact of language models and loss functions on repair disfluency detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1072}
author = {Parada, Carolina; Dredze, Mark; Sethy, Abhinav; Rastrow, Ariya}
title = {Learning Sub-Word Units for Open Vocabulary Speech Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1073}
author = {Chen, Miao; Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Computing and Evaluating Syntactic Complexity Features for Automated Scoring of Spontaneous Non-Native Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1074}
author = {Jeon, Je Hun; Wang, Wen; Liu, Yang}
title = {N-Best Rescoring Based on Pitch-accent Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1075}
author = {Kiritchenko, Svetlana; Cherry, Colin}
title = {Lexically-Triggered Hidden Markov Models for Clinical Document Coding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1076}
author = {Mohler, Michael; Bunescu, Razvan C.; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Learning to Grade Short Answer Questions using Semantic Similarity Measures and Dependency Graph Alignments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1077}
author = {Rosenthal, Sara; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Age Prediction in Blogs: A Study of Style Content and Online Behavior in Pre- and Post-Social Media Generations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1078}
author = {Bramsen, Philip; Escobar-Molano, Martha; Patel, Ami; Alonso, Rafael}
title = {Extracting Social Power Relationships from Natural Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1079}
author = {Kobdani, Hamidreza; Schütze, Hinrich; Schiehlen, Michael; Kamp, Hans}
title = {Bootstrapping coreference resolution using word associations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1080}
author = {Singh, Sameer; Subramanya, Amarnag; Pereira, Fernando; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Large-Scale Cross-Document Coreference Using Distributed Inference and Hierarchical Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1081}
author = {Iida, Ryu; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {A Cross-Lingual ILP Solution to Zero Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1082}
author = {Rahman, Altaf; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Coreference Resolution with World Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1083}
author = {Maletti, Andreas}
title = {How to train your multi bottom-up tree transducer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1084}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Fang, Licheng; Xu, Peng; Wu, Xiaoyun}
title = {Binarized Forest to String Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1085}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Lee, Young-Suk; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Li, Liu}
title = {Learning to Transform and Select Elementary Trees for Improved Syntax-based Machine Translations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1086}
author = {Vaswani, Ashish; Mi, Haitao; Huang, Liang; Chiang, David}
title = {Rule Markov Models for Fast Tree-to-String Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1087}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {A Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process HMM for Unsupervised Part of Speech Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1088}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Roth, Ryan}
title = {Using Deep Morphology to Improve Automatic Error Detection in Arabic Handwriting Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1089}
author = {Lee, John; Naradowsky, Jason; Smith, David A.}
title = {A Discriminative Model for Joint Morphological Disambiguation and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1090}
author = {Naradowsky, Jason; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Unsupervised Bilingual Morpheme Segmentation and Alignment with Context-rich Hidden Semi-Markov Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1091}
author = {Bao, Zhuowei; Kimelfeld, Benny; Li, Yunyao}
title = {A Graph Approach to Spelling Correction in Domain-Centric Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1092}
author = {Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Grammatical Error Correction with Alternating Structure Optimization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1093}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Roth, Dan}
title = {Algorithm Selection and Model Adaptation for ESL Correction Tasks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1094}
author = {Park, Y. Albert; Levy, Roger}
title = {Automated Whole Sentence Grammar Correction Using a Noisy Channel Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1095}
author = {Han, Xianpei; Sun, Le}
title = {A Generative Entity-Mention Model for Linking Entities with Knowledge Base}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1096}
author = {Wing, Benjamin; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Simple supervised document geolocation with geodesic grids}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1097}
author = {Rüd, Stefan; Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Müller, Jens; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Piggyback: Using Search Engines for Robust Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1098}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Template-Based Information Extraction without the Templates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1099}
author = {Feng, Vanessa Wei; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Classifying arguments by scheme}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1100}
author = {Lin, Ziheng; Ng, Hwee Tou; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Automatically Evaluating Text Coherence Using Discourse Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1101}
author = {Zarrieß, Sina; Cahill, Aoife; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Underspecifying and Predicting Voice for Surface Realisation Ranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1102}
author = {Mayfield, Elijah; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Recognizing Authority in Dialogue with an Integer Linear Programming Constrained Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1103}
author = {Birch, Alexandra; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Reordering Metrics for MT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1104}
author = {Liu, Zhanyi; Wang, Haifeng; Wu, Hua; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {Reordering with Source Language Collocations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1105}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Schmid, Helmut; Fraser, Alexander}
title = {A Joint Sequence Translation Model with Integrated Reordering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1106}
author = {Levy, Roger}
title = {Integrating surprisal and uncertain-input models in online sentence comprehension: formal techniques and empirical results}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1107}
author = {Fokkens, Antske}
title = {Metagrammar engineering: Towards systematic exploration of implemented grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1108}
author = {Ponvert, Elias; Baldridge, Jason; Erk, Katrin}
title = {Simple Unsupervised Grammar Induction from Raw Text with Cascaded Finite State Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1109}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Torisawa, Kentaro; De Saeger, Stijn; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Extracting Paraphrases from Definition Sentences on the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1110}
author = {Qazvinian, Vahed; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Learning From Collective Human Behavior to Introduce Diversity in Lexical Choice}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1111}
author = {Liu, Jenny; Haghighi, Aria}
title = {Ordering Prenominal Modifiers with a Reranking Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1112}
author = {Lang, Joel; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Unsupervised Semantic Role Induction via Split-Merge Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1113}
author = {Hong, Yu; Zhang, Jianfeng; Ma, Bin; Yao, Jianmin; Zhou, Guodong; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Using Cross-Entity Inference to Improve Event Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1114}
author = {Huang, Ruihong; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Peeling Back the Layers: Detecting Event Role Fillers in Secondary Contexts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1115}
author = {Ji, Heng; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Knowledge Base Population: Successful Approaches and Challenges}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1116}
author = {Zhang, Fan; Shi, Shuming; Liu, Jing; Sun, Shuqi; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Nonlinear Evidence Fusion and Propagation for Hyponymy Relation Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1117}
author = {Li, Dingcheng; Miller, Tim; Schuler, William}
title = {A Pronoun Anaphora Resolution System based on Factorial Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1118}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Disentangling Chat with Local Coherence Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1119}
author = {Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Grafsgaard, Joseph; Ha, Eun Young; Phillips, Robert; Lester, James C.}
title = {An Affect-Enriched Dialogue Act Classification Model for Task-Oriented Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1120}
author = {Reisinger, Joseph; Paşca, Marius}
title = {Fine-Grained Class Label Markup of Search Queries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1121}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Whittaker, Edward; Sheinman, Vera}
title = {Creating a manually error-tagged and shallow-parsed learner corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1122}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Crowdsourcing Translation: Professional Quality from Non-Professionals}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1123}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang; Zhao, Bing}
title = {A Statistical Tree Annotator and Its Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1124}
author = {Ma, Yanjun; He, Yifan; Way, Andy; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Consistent Translation using Discriminative Learning - A Translation Memory-inspired Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1125}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Machine Translation System Combination by Confusion Forest}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1126}
author = {Duan, Nan; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Hypothesis Mixture Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1127}
author = {González-Rubio, Jesús; Juan, Alfons; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Minimum Bayes-risk System Combination}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1128}
author = {Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun; Lü, Yajuan}
title = {Adjoining Tree-to-String Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1129}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Enhancing Language Models in Statistical Machine Translation with Backward N-grams and Mutual Information Triggers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1130}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Translating from Morphologically Complex Languages: A Paraphrase-Based Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1131}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Quirk, Chris; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Gappy Phrasal Alignment By Agreement}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1132}
author = {Koppel, Moshe; Ordan, Noam}
title = {Translationese and Its Dialects}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1133}
author = {Prochasson, Emmanuel; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Rare Word Translation Extraction from Aligned Comparable Documents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1134}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar; Negri, Matteo; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Using Bilingual Parallel Corpora for Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1135}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Yarowsky, David; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Using Large Monolingual and Bilingual Corpora to Improve Coordination Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1136}
author = {Koppel, Moshe; Akiva, Navot; Dershowitz, Idan; Dershowitz, Nachum}
title = {Unsupervised Decomposition of a Document into Authorial Components}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1137}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Smith, Noah A.; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Discovering Sociolinguistic Associations with Structured Sparsity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1138}
author = {Ratinov, Lev; Roth, Dan; Downey, Doug; Anderson, Mike}
title = {Local and Global Algorithms for Disambiguation to Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1139}
author = {Sun, Weiwei}
title = {A Stacked Sub-Word Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1140}
author = {Macherey, Klaus; Dai, Andrew; Talbot, David; Popat, Ashok C.; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Language-independent compound splitting with morphological operations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1141}
author = {Li, Zhongguo}
title = {Parsing the Internal Structure of Words: A New Paradigm for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1142}
author = {Peñas, Anselmo; Rodrigo, Alvaro}
title = {A Simple Measure to Assess Non-response}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1143}
author = {Li, Shuguang; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Improving Question Recommendation by Exploiting Information Need}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1144}
author = {Das, Dipanjan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Semi-Supervised Frame-Semantic Parsing for Unknown Predicates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1145}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Klementiev, Alexandre}
title = {A Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Semantic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1146}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Relation Composition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1147}
author = {Hovy, Dirk; Zhang, Chunliang; Hovy, Eduard; Peñas, Anselmo}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery of Domain-Specific Knowledge from Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1148}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim; Apidianaki, Marianna}
title = {Latent Semantic Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1149}
author = {Goldwasser, Dan; Reichart, Roi; Clarke, James; Roth, Dan}
title = {Confidence Driven Unsupervised Semantic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1150}
author = {Yu, Jianxing; Zha, Zheng-Jun; Wang, Meng; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Aspect Ranking: Identifying Important Product Aspects from Online Consumer Reviews}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1151}
author = {Burfoot, Clint; Bird, Steven; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Collective Classification of Congressional Floor-Debate Transcripts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1152}
author = {Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Integrating history-length interpolation and classes in language modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1153}
author = {Wang, Hongning; Zhang, Duo; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Structural Topic Model for Latent Topical Structure Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1154}
author = {Lau, Jey Han; Grieser, Karl; Newman, David; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Automatic Labelling of Topic Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1155}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Using Bilingual Information for Cross-Language Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1156}
author = {Zhou, Guangyou; Jun, Zhao; Liu, Kang; Cai, Li}
title = {Exploiting Web-Derived Selectional Preference to Improve Statistical Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1157}
author = {Plank, Barbara; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Effective Measures of Domain Similarity for Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1158}
author = {Auli, Michael; Lopez, Adam}
title = {Efficient CCG Parsing: A* versus Adaptive Supertagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1159}
author = {Marton, Yuval; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Improving Arabic Dependency Parsing with Form-based and Functional Morphological Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1160}
author = {Mannem, Prashanth; Dara, Aswarth}
title = {Partial Parsing from Bitext Projections}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1161}
author = {Paşca, Marius}
title = {Ranking Class Labels Using Query Sessions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1162}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Insights from Network Structure for Text Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1163}
author = {McClosky, David; Surdeanu, Mihai; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Event Extraction as Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1164}
author = {Yang, Seon; Ko, Youngjoong}
title = {Extracting Comparative Entities and Predicates from Texts Using Comparative Type Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2001}
author = {Roark, Brian; Sproat, Richard W.; Shafran, Izhak}
title = {Lexicographic Semirings for Exact Automata Encoding of Sequence Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2002}
author = {Dligach, Dmitriy; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Good Seed Makes a Good Crop: Accelerating Active Learning Using Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2003}
author = {Garg, Nikhil; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2004}
author = {van Durme, Benjamin; Lall, Ashwin}
title = {Efficient Online Locality Sensitive Hashing via Reservoir Counting}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2005}
author = {Durrett, Greg; Klein, Dan}
title = {An Empirical Investigation of Discounting in Cross-Domain Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2006}
author = {Kiso, Tetsuo; Shimbo, Masashi; Komachi, Mamoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {HITS-based Seed Selection and Stop List Construction for Bootstrapping}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2007}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {The Arabic Online Commentary Dataset: an Annotated Dataset of Informal Arabic with High Dialectal Content}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2008}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Schneider, Nathan; O'Connor, Brendan; Das, Dipanjan; Mills, Daniel P.; Eisenstein, Jacob; Heilman, Michael; Yogatama, Dani; Flanigan, Jeffrey; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Part-of-Speech Tagging for Twitter: Annotation Features and Experiments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2009}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Semi-supervised condensed nearest neighbor for part-of-speech tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2010}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Latent Class Transliteration based on Source Language Origin}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2011}
author = {Heinz, Jeffrey; Rawal, Chetan; Tanner, Herbert G.}
title = {Tier-based Strictly Local Constraints for Phonology}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2012}
author = {Hedegaard, Steffen; Simonsen, Jakob Grue}
title = {Lost in Translation: Authorship Attribution using Frame Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2013}
author = {Liu, Fei; Weng, Fuliang; Wang, Bingqing; Liu, Yang}
title = {Insertion Deletion or Substitution? Normalizing Text Messages without Pre-categorization nor Supervision}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2014}
author = {Reddy, Sravana; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery of Rhyme Schemes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2015}
author = {Harpalani, Manoj; Hart, Michael; Singh, Sandesh; Johnson, Rob; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Language of Vandalism: Improving Wikipedia Vandalism Detection via Stylometric Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2016}
author = {Kiddon, Chloe; Brun, Yuriy}
title = {That's What She Said: Double Entendre Identification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2017}
author = {Morbini, Fabrizio; Sagae, Kenji}
title = {Joint Identification and Segmentation of Domain-Specific Dialogue Acts for Conversational Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2018}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Extracting Opinion Expressions and Their Polarities – Exploration of Pipelines and Joint Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2019}
author = {Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter}
title = {Subjective Natural Language Problems: Motivations Applications Characterizations and Implications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2020}
author = {Levitan, Rivka; Gravano, Agustín; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Entrainment in Speech Preceding Backchannels.}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2021}
author = {Margolis, Anna; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Question Detection in Spoken Conversations Using Textual Conversations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2022}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Extending the Entity Grid with Entity-Specific Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2023}
author = {Bittar, André; Amsili, Pascal; Denis, Pascal; Danlos, Laurence}
title = {French TimeBank: An ISO-TimeML Annotated Reference Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2024}
author = {Pang, Bo; Kumar, Ravi}
title = {Search in the Lost Sense of ``Query'': Question Formulation in Web Search Queries and its Temporal Changes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2025}
author = {Manshadi, Mehdi; Allen, James F.; Swift, Mary}
title = {A Corpus of Scope-disambiguated English Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2026}
author = {Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh; Daumé III, Hal; Udupa, Raghavendra}
title = {From Bilingual Dictionaries to Interlingual Document Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2027}
author = {Banches, Rafael E.; Li, Haizhou}
title = {AM-FM: A Semantic Framework for Translation Quality Assessment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2028}
author = {Li, Maoxi; Zong, Chengqing; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Automatic Evaluation of Chinese Translation Output: Word-Level or Character-Level?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2029}
author = {Xu, Jinxi; Chen, Jinying}
title = {How Much Can We Gain from Supervised Word Alignment?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2030}
author = {Lin, Hui; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Word Alignment via Submodular Maximization over Matroids}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2031}
author = {Clark, Jonathan H.; Dyer, Chris; Lavie, Alon; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Better Hypothesis Testing for Statistical Machine Translation: Controlling for Optimizer Instability}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2032}
author = {Mermer, Coşkun; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {Bayesian Word Alignment for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2033}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Transition-based Dependency Parsing with Rich Non-local Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2034}
author = {de Kok, Daniël; Plank, Barbara; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Reversible Stochastic Attribute-Value Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2035}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Bergsma, Shane}
title = {Joint Training of Dependency Parsing Filters through Latent Support Vector Machines}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2036}
author = {Shindo, Hiroyuki; Fujino, Akinori; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Insertion Operator for Bayesian Tree Substitution Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2037}
author = {Cai, Shu; Chiang, David; Goldberg, Yoav}
title = {Language-Independent Parsing with Empty Elements}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2038}
author = {Post, Matt}
title = {Judging Grammaticality with Tree Substitution Grammar Derivations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2039}
author = {Morita, Hajime; Sakai, Tetsuya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Query Snowball: A Co-occurrence-based Approach to Multi-document Summarization for Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2040}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric}
title = {Discrete vs. Continuous Rating Scales for Language Evaluation in NLP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2041}
author = {Mitchell, Margaret; Dunlop, Aaron; Roark, Brian}
title = {Semi-Supervised Modeling for Prenominal Modifier Ordering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2042}
author = {Piwek, Paul; Stoyanchev, Svetlana}
title = {Data-oriented Monologue-to-Dialogue Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2043}
author = {Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Rosario, Barbara; Lyons, Kent}
title = {Towards Style Transformation from Written-Style to Audio-Style}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2044}
author = {Thadani, Kapil; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Optimal and Syntactically-Informed Decoding for Monolingual Phrase-Based Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2045}
author = {Liao, Shasha; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Can Document Selection Help Semi-supervised Learning? A Case Study On Event Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2046}
author = {McIntosh, Tara; Yencken, Lars; Curran, James R.; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Relation Guided Bootstrapping of Semantic Lexicons}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2047}
author = {Kolomiyets, Oleksandr; Bethard, Steven; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Model-Portability Experiments for Textual Temporal Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2048}
author = {Nguyen, Truc-Vien T.; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {End-to-End Relation Extraction Using Distant Supervision from External Semantic Repositories}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2049}
author = {Apostolova, Emilia; Tomuro, Noriko; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Lexico-Syntactic Patterns for Detection of Negation and Speculation Scopes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2050}
author = {Gabbard, Ryan; Freedman, Marjorie; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Coreference for Learning to Extract Relations: Yes Virginia Coreference Matters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2051}
author = {Gao, Qin; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Corpus Expansion for Statistical Machine Translation with Semantic Role Label Substitution Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2052}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Merlo, Paola; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Scaling up Automatic Cross-Lingual Semantic Role Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2053}
author = {Rohrdantz, Christian; Hautli, Annette; Mayer, Thomas; Butt, Miriam; Keim, Daniel A.; Plank, Frans}
title = {Towards Tracking Semantic Change by Visual Analytics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2054}
author = {Kim, Youngjun; Riloff, Ellen; Meystre, Stéphane}
title = {Improving Classification of Medical Assertions in Clinical Notes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2055}
author = {Lefever, Els; Hoste, Véronique; de Cock, Martine}
title = {ParaSense or How to Use Parallel Corpora for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2056}
author = {Hovy, Dirk; Vaswani, Ashish; Tratz, Stephen; Chiang, David; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Models and Training for Unsupervised Preposition Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2057}
author = {LoBue, Peter; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Types of Common-Sense Knowledge Needed for Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2058}
author = {Ozkan, Derya; Morency, Louis-Philippe}
title = {Modeling Wisdom of Crowds Using Latent Mixture of Discriminative Experts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2059}
author = {Freedman, Marjorie; Baron, Alex; Punyakanok, Vasin; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Language Use: What can it tell us?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2060}
author = {Volokh, Alexander; Neumann, Günter}
title = {Automatic Detection and Correction of Errors in Dependency Treebanks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2061}
author = {UzZaman, Naushad; Allen, James F.}
title = {Temporal Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2062}
author = {Alkuhlani, Sarah; Habash, Nizar}
title = {A Corpus for Modeling Morpho-Syntactic Agreement in Arabic: Gender Number and Rationality}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2063}
author = {McFate, Clifton; Forbus, Kenneth}
title = {NULEX: An Open-License Broad Coverage Lexicon}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2064}
author = {Mohammad, Saif}
title = {Even the Abstract have Color: Consensus in Word-Colour Associations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2065}
author = {Wang, Wen; Yaman, Sibel; Precoda, Kristin; Richey, Colleen; Raymond, Geoffrey}
title = {Detection of Agreement and Disagreement in Broadcast Conversations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2066}
author = {Huang, Shujian; Vogel, Stephan; Chen, Jiajun}
title = {Dealing with Spurious Ambiguity in Learning ITG-based Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2067}
author = {Howlett, Susan; Dras, Mark}
title = {Clause Restructuring For SMT Not Absolutely Helpful}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2068}
author = {Alabau, Vicent; Sanchis, Alberto; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Improving On-line Handwritten Recognition using Translation Models in Multimodal Interactive Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2069}
author = {Bouamor, Houda; Max, Aurélien; Vilnat, Anne}
title = {Monolingual Alignment by Edit Rate Computation on Sentential Paraphrase Pairs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2070}
author = {Fang, Licheng; Chung, Tagyoung; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Terminal-Aware Synchronous Binarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2071}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh}
title = {Domain Adaptation for Machine Translation by Mining Unseen Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2072}
author = {Chung, Tagyoung; Fang, Licheng; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Issues Concerning Decoding with Synchronous Context-free Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2073}
author = {Zhu, Jingbo; Xiao, Tong}
title = {Improving Decoding Generalization for Tree-to-String Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2074}
author = {Xiang, Bing; Ittycheriah, Abraham}
title = {Discriminative Feature-Tied Mixture Modeling for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2075}
author = {Duh, Kevin; Fujino, Akinori; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Is Machine Translation Ripe for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2076}
author = {Onishi, Takashi; Utiyama, Masao; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Reordering Constraint Based on Document-Level Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2077}
author = {Ha Thuc, Viet; Cancedda, Nicola}
title = {Confidence-Weighted Learning of Factored Discriminative Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2078}
author = {Ananthakrishnan, Sankaranarayanan; Prasad, Rohit; Natarajan, Prem}
title = {On-line Language Model Biasing for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2079}
author = {Ling, Wang; Luís, Tiago; Graça, João; Trancoso, Isabel; Coheur, Luísa}
title = {Reordering Modeling using Weighted Alignment Matrices}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2080}
author = {Chiang, David; DeNeefe, Steve; Pust, Michael}
title = {Two Easy Improvements to Lexical Weighting}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2081}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Galley, Michel}
title = {Why Initialization Matters for IBM Model 1: Multiple Optima and Non-Strict Convexity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2082}
author = {Faruqui, Manaal; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {I Thou Thee Thou Traitor: Predicting Formal vs. Informal Address in English Literature}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2083}
author = {Li, Bo; Gaussier, Eric; Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {Clustering Comparable Corpora For Bilingual Lexicon Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2084}
author = {Vulić, Ivan; De Smet, Wim; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Identifying Word Translations from Comparable Corpora Using Latent Topic Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2085}
author = {Zheng, Yabin; Xie, Lixing; Liu, Zhiyuan; Sun, Maosong; Zhang, Yang; Ru, Liyun}
title = {Why Press Backspace? Understanding User Input Behaviors in Chinese Pinyin Input Method}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2086}
author = {Brody, Samuel; Kantor, Paul B.}
title = {Automatic Assessment of Coverage Quality in Intelligence Reports}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2087}
author = {Biran, Or; Brody, Samuel; Elhadad, Noémie}
title = {Putting it Simply: a Context-Aware Approach to Lexical Simplification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2088}
author = {Xiong, Wenting; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Automatically Predicting Peer-Review Helpfulness}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2089}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Chodorow, Martin; Tetreault, Joel R.; Rozovskaya, Alla}
title = {They Can Help: Using Crowdsourcing to Improve the Evaluation of Grammatical Error Detection Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2090}
author = {Rao, Delip; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Typed Graph Models for Learning Latent Attributes from Names}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2091}
author = {Qu, Zhonghua; Liu, Yang}
title = {Interactive Group Suggesting for Twitter}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2092}
author = {Mueller, Thomas; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Improved Modeling of Out-Of-Vocabulary Words Using Morphological Classes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2093}
author = {Neubig, Graham; Nakata, Yosuke; Mori, Shinsuke}
title = {Pointwise Prediction for Robust Adaptable Japanese Morphological Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2094}
author = {Huang, Yun; Zhang, Min; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Nonparametric Bayesian Machine Transliteration with Synchronous Adaptor Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2095}
author = {Hewlett, Daniel; Cohen, Paul}
title = {Fully Unsupervised Word Segmentation with BVE and MDL}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2096}
author = {Metzler, Donald; Hovy, Eduard; Zhang, Chunliang}
title = {An Empirical Evaluation of Data-Driven Paraphrase Generation Techniques}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2097}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Identification of Domain-Specific Senses in a Machine-Readable Dictionary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2098}
author = {Shnarch, Eyal; Goldberger, Jacob; Dagan, Ido}
title = {A Probabilistic Modeling Framework for Lexical Entailment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2099}
author = {Carvalho, Paula; Sarmento, Luís; Teixeira, Jorge; J. Silva, Mário}
title = {Liars and Saviors in a Sentiment Annotated Corpus of Comments to Political Debates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2100}
author = {Täckström, Oscar; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Semi-supervised latent variable models for sentence-level sentiment analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2101}
author = {Zhang, Lei; Liu, Bing}
title = {Identifying Noun Product Features that Imply Opinions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2102}
author = {González-Ibáñez, Roberto; Muresan, Smaranda; Wacholder, Nina}
title = {Identifying Sarcasm in Twitter: A Closer Look}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2103}
author = {Abdul-Mageed, Muhammad; Diab, Mona; Korayem, Mohammed}
title = {Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis of Modern Standard Arabic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2104}
author = {Hassan, Ahmed; Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Jha, Rahul; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Identifying the Semantic Orientation of Foreign Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2105}
author = {Qiu, Xipeng; Huang, Xuanjing; Liu, Zhao; Zhou, Jinlong}
title = {Hierarchical Text Classification with Latent Concepts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2106}
author = {Liang, Wei-Bin; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Chen, Chia-Ping}
title = {Semantic Information and Derivation Rules for Robust Dialogue Act Detection in a Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2107}
author = {Mishra, Taniya; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Predicting Relative Prominence in Noun-Noun Compounds}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2108}
author = {Wang, Siwei; Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Contrasting Multi-Lingual Prosodic Cues to Predict Verbal Feedback for Rapport}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2109}
author = {Filimonov, Denis; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Generalized Interpolation in Decision Tree LM}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2110}
author = {Lang, Joel}
title = {A Scalable Probabilistic Classifier for Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2111}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Yang, Yaqin}
title = {Chinese sentence segmentation as comma classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2112}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Isozaki, Hideki; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Learning Condensed Feature Representations from Large Unsupervised Data Sets for Supervised Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2113}
author = {Darling, William M.; Song, Fei}
title = {Probabilistic Document Modeling for Syntax Removal in Text Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2114}
author = {Huang, Xiaojiang; Wan, Xiaojun; Xiao, Jianguo}
title = {Comparative News Summarization Using Linear Programming}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2115}
author = {Dethlefs, Nina; Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto}
title = {Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning and Hidden Markov Models for Task-Oriented Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2116}
author = {Theune, Mariët; Koolen, Ruud; Krahmer, Emiel; Wubben, Sander}
title = {Does Size Matter – How Much Data is Required to Train a REG Algorithm?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2117}
author = {Coster, William; Kauchak, David}
title = {Simple English Wikipedia: A New Text Simplification Task}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2118}
author = {Petinot, Yves; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Thadani, Kapil}
title = {A Hierarchical Model of Web Summaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2119}
author = {Bodenstab, Nathan; Hollingshead, Kristy; Roark, Brian}
title = {Unary Constraints for Efficient Context-Free Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2120}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Data point selection for cross-language adaptation of dependency parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2121}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Getting the Most out of Transition-based Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2122}
author = {Kulick, Seth; Bies, Ann; Mott, Justin}
title = {Using Derivation Trees for Treebank Error Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2123}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Bengoetxea, Kepa; Gojenola, Koldo; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Improving Dependency Parsing with Semantic Classes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2124}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Joint Hebrew Segmentation and Parsing using a PCFGLA Lattice Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2125}
author = {Haffari, Gholamreza; Razavi, Marzieh; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {An Ensemble Model that Combines Syntactic and Semantic Clustering for Discriminative Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2126}
author = {Zhu, Muhua; Zhu, Jingbo; Hu, Minghan}
title = {Better Automatic Treebank Conversion Using A Feature-Based Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2127}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Klein, Dan}
title = {The Surprising Variance in Shortest-Derivation Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2128}
author = {Sadamitsu, Kugatsu; Saito, Kuniko; Imamura, Kenji; Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Entity Set Expansion using Topic information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3001}
author = {Xi, Ning; Tang, Guangchao; Li, Boyuan; Zhao, Yinggong}
title = {Word Alignment Combination over Multiple Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3002}
author = {Zhang, Renxian}
title = {Sentence Ordering Driven by Local and Global Coherence for Summary Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3003}
author = {Stymne, Sara}
title = {Pre- and Postprocessing for Statistical Machine Translation into Germanic Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3004}
author = {Ploch, Danuta}
title = {Exploring Entity Relations for Named Entity Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3005}
author = {Hautli, Annette; Sulger, Sebastian}
title = {Extracting and Classifying Urdu Multiword Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3006}
author = {Kitajima, Risa; Kobayashi, Ichiro}
title = {A Latent Topic Extracting Method based on Events in a Document and its Application}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3007}
author = {Beck, Daniel Emilio}
title = {Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation using Tree Automata and Tree Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3008}
author = {Schneider, Oliver; Garnett, Alex}
title = {ConsentCanvas: Automatic Texturing for Improved Readability in End-User License Agreements}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3009}
author = {Meyer, Thomas}
title = {Disambiguating temporal-contrastive connectives for machine translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3010}
author = {Das, Amitava}
title = {PsychoSentiWordNet}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3011}
author = {Ytrestl, Gisle}
title = {Optimistic Backtracking - A Backtracking Overlay for Deterministic Incremental Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3012}
author = {Brown, Gregory}
title = {An Error Analysis of Relation Extraction in Social Media Documents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3013}
author = {Green, Nathan}
title = {Effects of Noun Phrase Bracketing in Dependency Parsing and Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3014}
author = {Greenbacker, Charles}
title = {Towards a Framework for Abstractive Summarization of Multimodal Documents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3015}
author = {Athar, Awais}
title = {Sentiment Analysis of Citations using Sentence Structure-Based Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3016}
author = {Boruta, Luc}
title = {Combining Indicators of Allophony}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3017}
author = {Friedberg, Heather}
title = {Turn-Taking Cues in a Human Tutoring Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3018}
author = {Michelony, Aaron}
title = {Predicting Clicks in a Vocabulary Learning System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3019}
author = {Yeniterzi, Reyyan}
title = {Exploiting Morphology in Turkish Named Entity Recognition System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3020}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv}
title = {Social Network Extraction from Texts: A Thesis Proposal}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3021}
author = {Alotaiby, Fahad}
title = {Automatic Headline Generation using Character Cross-Correlation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-3022}
author = {Senuma, Hajime}
title = {K-means Clustering with Feature Hashing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4001}
author = {Goyal, Vishal; Singh Lehal, Gurpreet}
title = {Hindi to Punjabi Machine Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4002}
author = {Schäfer, Ulrich; Kiefer, Bernd; Spurk, Christian; Steffen, Jörg; Wang, Rui}
title = {The ACL Anthology Searchbench}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4003}
author = {Veale, Tony; Hao, Yanfen}
title = {Exploiting Readymades in Linguistic Creativity: A System Demonstration of the Jigsaw Bard}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4004}
author = {Neumann, Günter; Schmeier, Sven}
title = {A Mobile Touchable Application for Online Topic Graph Extraction and Exploration of Web Content}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4005}
author = {Huang, Chung-chi; Chen, Mei-hua; Huang, Shih-ting; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {EdIt: A Broad-Coverage Grammar Checker Using Pattern Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4006}
author = {Li, Cheng-Te; Wang, Chien-Yuan; Tseng, Chien-Lin; Lin, Shou-De}
title = {MemeTube: A Sentiment-based Audiovisual System for Analyzing and Displaying Microblog Messages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4007}
author = {Hild, Kenneth; Orhan, Umut; Erdogmus, Deniz; Roark, Brian; Oken, Barry; Purwar, Shalini; Nezamfar, Hooman; Fried-Oken, Melanie}
title = {An ERP-based Brain-Computer Interface for text entry using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation and Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4008}
author = {Scott, Matthew R.; Liu, Xiaohua; Zhou, Ming; Engkoo Team, Microsoft}
title = {Engkoo: Mining the Web for Language Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4009}
author = {Das, Amitava; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Dr Sentiment Knows Everything!}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4010}
author = {Stymne, Sara}
title = {Blast: A Tool for Error Analysis of Machine Translation Output}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4011}
author = {Benotti, Luciana; Denis, Alexandre}
title = {Prototyping virtual instructors from human-human corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4012}
author = {Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel; Leiva, Luis A.; Alabau, Vicent; García-Varea, Ismael; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {An Interactive Machine Translation System with Online Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4013}
author = {Bär, Daniel; Erbs, Nicolai; Zesch, Torsten; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Wikulu: An Extensible Architecture for Integrating Natural Language Processing Techniques with Wikis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4014}
author = {Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Yazdani, Majid; Nanchen, Alexandre; Garner, Philip N.}
title = {A Speech-based Just-in-Time Retrieval System using Semantic Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4015}
author = {Nasr, Alexis; Bechet, Frédéric; Rey, Jean-Francois; Favre, Benoit; Le Roux, Joseph}
title = {MACAON An NLP Tool Suite for Processing Word Lattices}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4016}
author = {Larsson, Staffan; Berman, Alexander; Villing, Jessica}
title = {Multimodal Menu-based Dialogue with Speech Cursor in DICO II+}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4017}
author = {Ferschke, Oliver; Zesch, Torsten; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Wikipedia Revision Toolkit: Efficiently Accessing Wikipedia’s Edit History}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4018}
author = {Ceylan, Hakan; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {An Efficient Indexer for Large N-Gram Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4019}
author = {Li, Yunyao; Reiss, Frederick; Chiticariu, Laura}
title = {SystemT: A Declarative Information Extraction System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4020}
author = {Agarwal, Nitin; Reddy, Ravi Shankar; G. V. R., Kiran; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {SciSumm: A Multi-Document Summarization System for Scientific Articles}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4021}
author = {Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Clairlib: A Toolkit for Natural Language Processing Information Retrieval and Network Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4022}
author = {Joshi, Aditya; A. R., Balamurali; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; Mohanty, Rajat}
title = {C-Feel-It: A Sentiment Analyzer for Micro-blogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4023}
author = {Weng, Jui-Yu; Yang, Cheng-Lun; Chen, Bo-Nian; Wang, Yen-Kai; Lin, Shou-De}
title = {IMASS: An Intelligent Microblog Analysis and Summarization System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4024}
author = {Soundrarajan, Balaji; Ginter, Thomas; DuVall, Scott}
title = {An Interface for Rapid Natural Language Processing Development in UIMA}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-5001}
author = {Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Beyond Structured Prediction: Inverse Reinforcement Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-5002}
author = {Heinz, Jeffrey; de la Higuera, Colin; van Zaanen, Menno}
title = {Formal and Empirical Grammatical Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-5003}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; Maskey, Sameer; Liu, Yang}
title = {Automatic Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-5004}
author = {Paşca, Marius}
title = {Web Search Queries as a Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-5005}
author = {Druck, Gregory; Ganchev, Kuzman; Graça, João}
title = {Rich Prior Knowledge in Learning for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-5006}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Rush, Alexander M.}
title = {Dual Decomposition for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2011}
id = {P12-1001}
author = {Duh, Kevin; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Wu, Xianchao; Tsukada, Hajime; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Learning to Translate with Multiple Objectives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1002}
author = {Simianer, Patrick; Riezler, Stefan; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Joint Feature Selection in Distributed Stochastic Learning for Large-Scale Discriminative Training in SMT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1003}
author = {Kolachina, Prasanth; Cancedda, Nicola; Dymetman, Marc; Venkatapathy, Sriram}
title = {Prediction of Learning Curves in Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1004}
author = {Sim, Khe Chai}
title = {Probabilistic Integration of Partial Lexical Information for Noise Robust Haptic Voice Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1005}
author = {Glass, James R.; Lee, Chia-Ying}
title = {A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Acoustic Model Discovery}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1006}
author = {Peng, Xingyuan; Ke, Dengfeng; Xu, Bo}
title = {Automated Essay Scoring Based on Finite State Transducer: towards ASR Transcription of Oral English Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1007}
author = {Feng, Vanessa Wei; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Text-level Discourse Parsing with Rich Linguistic Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1008}
author = {Zhou, Yuping; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {PDTB-style Discourse Annotation of Chinese Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1009}
author = {Nguyen, Viet-An; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {SITS: A Hierarchical Nonparametric Model using Speaker Identity for Topic Segmentation in Multiparty Conversations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1010}
author = {Kolomiyets, Oleksandr; Bethard, Steven; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Extracting Narrative Timelines as Temporal Dependency Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1011}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael}
title = {Labeling Documents with Timestamps: Learning from their Time Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1012}
author = {Rodrigo, Alvaro; Peñas, Anselmo; Cabaleiro, Bernardo; Garrido, Guillermo}
title = {Temporally Anchored Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1013}
author = {Berant, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido; Adler, Meni; Goldberger, Jacob}
title = {Efficient Tree-based Approximation for Entailment Graph Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1014}
author = {Lei, Tao; Kushman, Nate; Barzilay, Regina; Branavan, S.R.K.}
title = {Learning High-Level Planning from Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1015}
author = {Tran, Nam Khanh; Bruni, Elia; Boleda, Gemma; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Distributional Semantics in Technicolor}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1016}
author = {Green, Spence; DeNero, John}
title = {A Class-Based Agreement Model for Generating Accurately Inflected Translations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1017}
author = {Nuhn, Malte; Mauser, Arne; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Deciphering Foreign Language by Combining Language Models and Context Vectors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1018}
author = {Neubig, Graham; Watanabe, Taro; Mori, Shinsuke; Kawahara, Tatsuya}
title = {Machine Translation without Words through Substring Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1019}
author = {Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Rastrow, Ariya; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Fast Syntactic Analysis for Statistical Language Modeling via Substructure Sharing and Uptraining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1020}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Goldwater, Sharon; Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Bootstrapping a Unified Model of Lexical and Phonetic Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1021}
author = {Keshet, Joseph; Livescu, Karen; Tang, Hao}
title = {Discriminative Pronunciation Modeling: A Large-Margin, Feature-Rich Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1022}
author = {Constant, Matthieu; Sigogne, Anthony; Watrin, Patrick}
title = {Discriminative Strategies to Integrate Multiword Expression Recognition and Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1023}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Utilizing Dependency Language Models for Graph-based Dependency Parsing Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1024}
author = {Stratos, Karl; Cohen, Shay B.; Collins, Michael John; Foster, Dean; Ungar, Lyle}
title = {Spectral Learning of Latent-Variable PCFGs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1025}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Reducing Approximation and Estimation Errors for Chinese Lexical Processing with Heterogeneous Annotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1026}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Capturing Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Lexical Relations: Towards Accurate Chinese Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1027}
author = {Sun, Xu; Wang, Houfeng; Li, Wenjie}
title = {Fast Online Training with Frequency-Adaptive Learning Rates for Chinese Word Segmentation and New Word Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1028}
author = {Croce, Danilo; Moschitti, Alessandro; Basili, Roberto; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Verb Classification using Distributional Similarity in Syntactic and Semantic Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1029}
author = {Zhong, Zhi; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Improves Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1030}
author = {Stern, Asher; Stern, Roni; Felner, Ariel; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Efficient Search for Transformation-based Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1031}
author = {Deng, Li; He, Xiaodong}
title = {Maximum Expected BLEU Training of Phrase and Lexicon Translation Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1032}
author = {Liu, Shujie; Li, Chi-Ho; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Learning Translation Consensus with Structured Label Propagation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1033}
author = {Vaswani, Ashish; Huang, Liang; Chiang, David}
title = {Smaller Alignment Models for Better Translations: Unsupervised Word Alignment with the l0-norm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1034}
author = {Mukherjee, Arjun; Liu, Bing}
title = {Modeling Review Comments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1035}
author = {Hakkani-Tur, Dilek Zeynep; Celikyilmaz, Asli}
title = {A Joint Model for Discovery of Aspects in Utterances}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1036}
author = {Mukherjee, Arjun; Liu, Bing}
title = {Aspect Extraction through Semi-Supervised Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1037}
author = {Ku, Hyeonseo; Mooney, Raymond J.; Raghavan, Sindhu}
title = {Learning to Read Between the Lines using Bayesian Logic Programs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1038}
author = {Kuznetsova, Polina; Ordonez, Vicente; Berg, Alexander C.; Berg, Tamara L.; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Collective Generation of Natural Image Descriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1039}
author = {Konstas, Ioannis; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Concept-to-text Generation via Discriminative Reranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1040}
author = {Wick, Michael; Singh, Sameer; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {A Discriminative Hierarchical Model for Fast Coreference at Large Scale}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1041}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Klein, Dan}
title = {Coreference Semantics from Web Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1042}
author = {Dasigi, Pradeep; Radev, Dragomir R.; Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Diab, Mona}
title = {Subgroup Detection in Ideological Discussions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1043}
author = {Pan, Sinno Jialin; Jin, Ou; Li, Fangtao; Yang, Qiang; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Cross-Domain Co-Extraction of Sentiment and Topic Lexicons}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1044}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Lippincott, Thomas; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Learning Syntactic Verb Frames using Graphical Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1045}
author = {Chen, David}
title = {Fast Online Lexicon Learning for Grounded Language Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1046}
author = {Shindo, Hiroyuki; Miyao, Yusuke; Fujino, Akinori; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Bayesian Symbol-Refined Tree Substitution Grammars for Syntactic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1047}
author = {Bu, Fan; Li, Hang; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {String Re-writing Kernel}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1048}
author = {Dong, Huailin; Liu, Qun; Su, Jinsong; Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng; Chen, Yidong; Shi, Xiaodong}
title = {Translation Model Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation with Monolingual Topic Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1049}
author = {Sajjad, Hassan; Fraser, Alexander; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {A Statistical Model for Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Transliteration Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1050}
author = {Bisazza, Arianna; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Modified Distortion Matrices for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1051}
author = {Jones, Bevan K.; Johnson, Mark; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Semantic Parsing with Bayesian Tree Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1052}
author = {Ng, Dominick; Curran, James R.}
title = {Dependency Hashing for n-best CCG Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1053}
author = {Engelfriet, Joost; Maletti, Andreas}
title = {Strong Lexicalization of Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1054}
author = {Yan, Rui; Lapata, Mirella; Li, Xiaoming}
title = {Tweet Recommendation with Graph Co-Ranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1055}
author = {Zhou, Xiangyang; Fu, Zhongyang; Liu, Xiaohua; Wei, Furu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Joint Inference of Named Entity Recognition and Normalization for Tweets}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1056}
author = {Zhu, Feida; Diao, Qiming; Jiang, Jing; Lim, Ee-Peng}
title = {Finding Bursty Topics from Microblogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1057}
author = {Druck, Gregory; Pang, Bo}
title = {Spice it up? Mining Refinements to Online Instructions from User Generated Content}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1058}
author = {Qu, Zhonghua; Liu, Yang}
title = {Sentence Dependency Tagging in Online Question Answering Forums}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1059}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Lin, Thomas; Gamon, Michael}
title = {Mining Entity Types from Query Logs via User Intent Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1060}
author = {Meng, Xinfan; Wei, Furu; Liu, Xiaohua; Zhou, Ming; Xu, Ge; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Cross-Lingual Mixture Model for Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1061}
author = {Chan, Wen; Zhou, Xiangdong; Wang, Wei; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Community Answer Summarization for Multi-Sentence Question with Group L1 Regularization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1062}
author = {Narayan, Shashi; Gardent, Claire}
title = {Error Mining on Dependency Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1063}
author = {Liu, Qiang; Burges, Christopher; Zweig, Geoffrey; Yessenalina, Ainur; Platt, John C.; Meek, Christopher}
title = {Computational Approaches to Sentence Completion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1064}
author = {Long, Bo; Crespo, Jean-Francois; Keerthi, Sathiya; Wu, Su-Lin; Huang, Zhiheng; Dong, Anlei; Chang, Yi}
title = {Iterative Viterbi A* Algorithm for K-Best Sequential Decoding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1065}
author = {Whitney, Max; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Bootstrapping via Graph Propagation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1066}
author = {Naseem, Tahira; Barzilay, Regina; Globerson, Amir}
title = {Selective Sharing for Multilingual Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1067}
author = {Wilson, Shomir}
title = {The Creation of a Corpus of English Metalanguage}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1068}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Klementiev, Alexandre}
title = {Crosslingual Induction of Semantic Roles}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1069}
author = {Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Watanabe, Taro; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Head-driven Transition-based Parsing with Top-down Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1070}
author = {Kanazawa, Makoto; Salvati, Sylvain}
title = {MIX Is Not a Tree-Adjoining Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1071}
author = {Li, Zhenghua; Liu, Ting; Che, Wanxiang}
title = {Exploiting Multiple Treebanks for Parsing with Quasi-synchronous Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1072}
author = {Sim, Yanchuan; Smith, Noah A.; Yogatama, Dani}
title = {A Probabilistic Model for Canonicalizing Named Entity Mentions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1073}
author = {Kim, Sungchul; Yu, Hwanjo; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Multilingual Named Entity Recognition using Parallel Data and Metadata from Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1074}
author = {Ozbal, Gozde; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {A Computational Approach to the Automation of Creative Naming}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1075}
author = {Yao, Limin; Riedel, Sebastian; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Unsupervised Relation Discovery with Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1076}
author = {Takamatsu, Shingo; Sato, Issei; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Reducing Wrong Labels in Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1077}
author = {Hagege, Caroline; Moriceau, Veronique; Bittar, André; Kessler, Rémy; Tannier, Xavier}
title = {Finding Salient Dates for Building Thematic Timelines}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1078}
author = {Naidu, Suresh; Dittmar, Jeremiah; Wang, William Yang; Mayfield, Elijah}
title = {Historical Analysis of Legal Opinions with a Sparse Mixed-Effects Latent Variable Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1079}
author = {Xiao, Xinyan; Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {A Topic Similarity Model for Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1080}
author = {Ju, Qi; Johansson, Richard; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Modeling Topic Dependencies in Hierarchical Text Categorization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1081}
author = {Pitler, Emily}
title = {Attacking Parsing Bottlenecks with Unlabeled Data and Relevant Factorizations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1082}
author = {Mirroshandel, Seyed Abolghasem; Nasr, Alexis; Le Roux, Joseph}
title = {Semi-supervised Dependency Parsing using Lexical Affinities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1083}
author = {Yang, Yaqin; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Chinese Comma Disambiguation for Discourse Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1084}
author = {Hou, Yufang; Markert, Katja; Strube, Michael}
title = {Collective Classification for Fine-grained Information Status}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1085}
author = {Mauge, Karin; Rohanimanesh, Khash; Ruvini, Jean-David}
title = {Structuring E-Commerce Inventory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1086}
author = {Davis, Alexandre; Veloso, Adriano; Soares, Altigran; Laender, Alberto; Meira Jr., Wagner}
title = {Named Entity Disambiguation in Streaming Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1087}
author = {Zhang, Ce; Niu, Feng; Ré, Christopher; Shavlik, Jude}
title = {Big Data versus the Crowd: Looking for Relationships in All the Right Places}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1088}
author = {Lu, Wei; Roth, Dan}
title = {Automatic Event Extraction with Structured Preference Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1089}
author = {Minkov, Einat; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Discriminative Learning for Joint Template Filling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1090}
author = {Falk, Ingrid; Gardent, Claire; Lamirel, Jean-Charles}
title = {Classifying French Verbs Using French and English Lexical Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1091}
author = {Guo, Weiwei; Diab, Mona}
title = {Modeling Sentences in the Latent Space}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1092}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.; Ng, Andrew Y.; Huang, Eric H.; Socher, Richard}
title = {Improving Word Representations via Global Context and Multiple Word Prototypes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1093}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Frank, Michael C.; Demuth, Katherine}
title = {Exploiting Social Information in Grounded Language Learning via Grammatical Reduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1094}
author = {Cheng, Justin; Kleinberg, Jon; Lee, Lillian; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian}
title = {You Had Me at Hello: How Phrasing Affects Memorability}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1095}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Modeling the Translation of Predicate-Argument Structure for SMT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1096}
author = {Yu, Nenghai; Yang, Nan; Li, Mu; Zhang, Dongdong}
title = {A Ranking-based Approach to Word Reordering for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1097}
author = {Liu, Chang; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Character-Level Machine Translation Evaluation for Languages with Ambiguous Word Boundaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1098}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Kuhn, Roland; Larkin, Samuel}
title = {PORT: a Precision-Order-Recall MT Evaluation Metric for Tuning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1099}
author = {Razmara, Majid; Foster, George; Sankaran, Baskaran; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Mixing Multiple Translation Models in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1100}
author = {Feng, Yang; Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Mu; Liu, Qun}
title = {Hierarchical Chunk-to-String Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1101}
author = {Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Large-Scale Syntactic Language Modeling with Treelets}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1102}
author = {Yamaguchi, Hiroshi; Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko}
title = {Text Segmentation by Language Using Minimum Description Length}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1103}
author = {He, Wei; Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Ting}
title = {Improve SMT Quality with Automatically Extracted Paraphrase Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1104}
author = {Guerini, Marco; Strapparava, Carlo; Stock, Oliviero}
title = {Ecological Evaluation of Persuasive Messages Using Google AdWords}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1105}
author = {Dragut, Eduard; Yu, Clement; Sistla, Prasad; Meng, Weiyi; Wang, Hong}
title = {Polarity Consistency Checking for Sentiment Dictionaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1106}
author = {Lin, Ziheng; Liu, Chang; Ng, Hwee Tou; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Combining Coherence Models and Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics for Summarization Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1107}
author = {Wubben, Sander; van den Bosch, Antal; Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Sentence Simplification by Monolingual Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1108}
author = {Son, Jeong-Woo; Noh, Tae-Gil; Lee, Sang-Jo; Song, Hyun-Je; Park, Seong-Bae}
title = {A Cost Sensitive Part-of-Speech Tagging: Differentiating Serious Errors from Minor Errors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1109}
author = {Jiang, Xiao; Liu, Fei; Weng, Fuliang}
title = {A Broad-Coverage Normalization System for Social Media Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1110}
author = {Hatori, Jun; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Incremental Joint Approach to Word Segmentation, POS Tagging, and Dependency Parsing in Chinese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-1111}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.; Zhao, Qiuye}
title = {Exploring Deterministic Constraints: from a Constrained English POS Tagger to an Efficient ILP Solution to Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2001}
author = {Chen, Xiao; Kit, Chunyu}
title = {Higher-order Constituent Parsing and Parser Combination}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2002}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Nivre, Joakim; Andersson, Evelina}
title = {Joint Evaluation of Morphological Segmentation and Syntactic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2003}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Spitkovsky, Valentin I.; Liu, Ting}
title = {A Comparison of Chinese Parsers for Stanford Dependencies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2004}
author = {Golland, Dave; DeNero, John; Uszkoreit, Jakob}
title = {A Feature-Rich Constituent Context Model for Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2005}
author = {Cancedda, Nicola}
title = {Private Access to Phrase Tables for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2006}
author = {Wuebker, Joern; Ney, Hermann; Zens, Richard}
title = {Fast and Scalable Decoding with Language Model Look-Ahead for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2007}
author = {Li, Junhui; Tu, Zhaopeng; Zhou, Guodong; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Head-Driven Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2008}
author = {Sun, Hong; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Joint Learning of a Dual SMT System for Paraphrase Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2009}
author = {Chen, Rishan; Fan, Kai; Zhao, Xin; Yan, Hongfei; Li, Xiaoming}
title = {A Novel Burst-based Text Representation Model for Scalable Event Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2010}
author = {Kim, Seokhwan; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {A Graph-based Cross-lingual Projection Approach for Weakly Supervised Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2011}
author = {Delort, Jean-Yves; Alfonseca, Enrique; Garrido, Guillermo; Filippova, Katja}
title = {Pattern Learning for Relation Extraction with a Hierarchical Topic Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2012}
author = {Kim, Suin; Bak, JinYeong; Oh, Alice H.}
title = {Self-Disclosure and Relationship Strength in Twitter Conversations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2013}
author = {Dasigi, Pradeep; Guo, Weiwei; Diab, Mona}
title = {Genre Independent Subgroup Detection in Online Discussion Threads: A Study of Implicit Attitude using Textual Latent Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2014}
author = {Raghavan, Preethi; Lai, Albert; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Learning to Temporally Order Medical Events in Clinical Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2015}
author = {Veale, Tony}
title = {A Context-sensitive, Multi-faceted Model of Lexico-Conceptual Affect}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2016}
author = {Reddy, Sravana; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Decoding Running Key Ciphers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2017}
author = {Börschinger, Benjamin; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Using Rejuvenation to Improve Particle Filtering for Bayesian Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2018}
author = {Wang, Sida; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Baselines and Bigrams: Simple, Good Sentiment and Topic Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2019}
author = {Sahakian, Sam; Snyder, Benjamin}
title = {Automatically Learning Measures of Child Language Development}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2020}
author = {Wu, Xianchao; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Duh, Kevin; Tsukada, Hajime; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {A Comparative Study of Target Dependency Structures for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2021}
author = {Kummerfeld, Jonathan K.; Klein, Dan; Curran, James R.}
title = {Robust Conversion of CCG Derivations to Phrase Structure Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2022}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.; Yamangil, Elif}
title = {Estimating Compact Yet Rich Tree Insertion Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2023}
author = {Eidelman, Vladimir; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Topic Models for Dynamic Translation Model Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2024}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar; Negri, Matteo; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Detecting Semantic Equivalence and Information Disparity in Cross-lingual Documents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2025}
author = {Frermann, Lea; Bond, Francis}
title = {Cross-lingual Parse Disambiguation based on Semantic Correspondence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2026}
author = {Chang, Joseph Z.; Jang, Roger Jyh-Shing; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Learning to Find Translations and Transliterations on the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2027}
author = {Garley, Matt; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Beefmoves: Dissemination, Diversity, and Dynamics of English Borrowings in a German Hip Hop Forum}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2028}
author = {Guo, Weiwei; Diab, Mona}
title = {Learning the Latent Semantics of a Concept from its Definition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2029}
author = {Henserdon, James; Garg, Nikhil}
title = {Unsupervised Semantic Role Induction with Global Role Ordering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2030}
author = {Labutov, Igor; Lipson, Hod}
title = {Humor as Circuits in Semantic Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2031}
author = {Zeichner, Naomi; Berant, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Crowdsourcing Inference-Rule Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2032}
author = {Omuya, Adinoyi; Harnly, Aaron; Rambow, Owen; Agarwal, Apoorv}
title = {A Comprehensive Gold Standard for the Enron Organizational Hierarchy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2033}
author = {Wang, Dong; Qian, Xian; Liu, Yang}
title = {A Two-step Approach to Sentence Compression of Spoken Utterances}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2034}
author = {Banerjee, Ritwik; Choi, Yejin; Feng, Song}
title = {Syntactic Stylometry for Deception Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2035}
author = {Mohamed, Emad; Mohit, Behrang; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Transforming Standard Arabic to Colloquial Arabic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2036}
author = {Lau, Tessa; Cerruti, Julian; Villalba, Martin; Benotti, Luciana}
title = {Corpus-based Interpretation of Instructions in Virtual Environments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2037}
author = {Xue, Xiaobing; Tao, Yu; Jiang, Daxin; Li, Hang}
title = {Automatically Mining Question Reformulation Patterns from Search Log Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2038}
author = {Swanson, Benjamin; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Native Language Detection with Tree Substitution Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2039}
author = {Tajiri, Toshikazu; Komachi, Mamoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Tense and Aspect Error Correction for ESL Learners Using Global Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2040}
author = {Banchs, Rafael E.}
title = {Movie-DiC: a Movie Dialogue Corpus for Research and Development}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2041}
author = {Cabrio, Elena; Villata, Serena}
title = {Combining Textual Entailment and Argumentation Theory for Supporting Online Debates Interactions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2042}
author = {Chiarcos, Christian}
title = {Towards the Unsupervised Acquisition of Discourse Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2043}
author = {Ali, Ahmed; Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Arabic Retrieval Revisited: Morphological Hole Filling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2044}
author = {Williams, Jennifer; Katz, Graham}
title = {Extracting and modeling durations for habits and events from Twitter}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2045}
author = {Nothman, Joel; Honnibal, Matthew; Hachey, Ben; Curran, James R.}
title = {Event Linking: Grounding Event Reference in a News Archive}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2046}
author = {Wang, Yafang; Dylla, Maximilian; Spaniol, Marc; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {Coupling Label Propagation and Constraints for Temporal Fact Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2047}
author = {Ganchev, Kuzman; Hall, Keith; McDonald, Ryan; Petrov, Slav}
title = {Using Search-Logs to Improve Query Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2048}
author = {Tyndall, Stephen}
title = {Toward Automatically Assembling Hittite-Language Cuneiform Tablet Fragments into Larger Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2049}
author = {Lee, John; Webster, Jonathan J.}
title = {A Corpus of Textual Revisions in Second Language Writing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2050}
author = {Schneider, Nathan; Mohit, Behrang; Oflazer, Kemal; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Coarse Lexical Semantic Annotation with Supersenses: An Arabic Case Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2051}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Nastase, Vivi}
title = {Word Epoch Disambiguation: Finding How Words Change Over Time}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2052}
author = {Seroussi, Yanir; Bohnert, Fabian; Zukerman, Ingrid}
title = {Authorship Attribution with Author-aware Topic Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2053}
author = {Yang, Pei; Tan, Qi; Gao, Wei; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {Information-theoretic Multi-view Domain Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2054}
author = {Hu, Yuening; Boyd-Graber, Jordan}
title = {Efficient Tree-Based Topic Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2055}
author = {Zhu, Jingbo; Xiao, Tong; Zhang, Chunliang}
title = {Learning Better Rule Extraction with Translation Span Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2056}
author = {Xi, Ning; Tang, Guangchao; Dai, Xinyu; Huang, Shujian; Chen, Jiajun}
title = {Enhancing Statistical Machine Translation with Character Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2057}
author = {Lee, Seung-Wook; Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Translation Model Size Reduction for Hierarchical Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2058}
author = {Henderson, James B.; Gesmundo, Andrea; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Heuristic Cube Pruning in Linear Time}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2059}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg; Nakov, Preslav}
title = {Combining Word-Level and Character-Level Models for Machine Translation Between Closely-Related Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2060}
author = {Riley, Darcey; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Improving the IBM Alignment Models Using Variational Bayes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2061}
author = {Goto, Isao; Utiyama, Masao; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Post-ordering by Parsing for Japanese-English Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2062}
author = {Zhang, Hui; Chiang, David}
title = {An Exploration of Forest-to-String Translation: Does Translation Help or Hurt Parsing?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2063}
author = {Devlin, Jacob; Kayser, Michael; Lee, Yoong Keok; Stallard, David G.; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Unsupervised Morphology Rivals Supervised Morphology for Arabic MT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2064}
author = {Seo, Hongsuck; Kang, Sechun; Lee, Gary Geunbae; Lee, Jonghoon; Kim, Seokhwan; Lee, Kyusong}
title = {A Meta Learning Approach to Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2065}
author = {Fang, Lei; Huang, Minlie}
title = {Fine Granular Aspect Analysis using Latent Structural Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2066}
author = {Tu, Zhaopeng; He, Yifan; Foster, Jennifer; van Genabith, Josef; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Identifying High-Impact Sub-Structures for Convolution Kernels in Document-level Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2067}
author = {Kuo, Tsung-Ting; Hung, San-Chuan; Lin, Wei-Shih; Lin, Wei-Fen; Peng, Nanyun; Lin, Shou-De}
title = {Exploiting Latent Information to Predict Diffusions of Novel Topics on Social Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2068}
author = {Yoshikawa, Katsumasa; Iida, Ryu; Hirao, Tsutomu; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Sentence Compression with Semantic Role Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2069}
author = {Genest, Pierre-Etienne; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Fully Abstractive Approach to Guided Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2070}
author = {Owczarzak, Karolina; Rankel, Peter; Dang, Hoa Trang; Conroy, John M.}
title = {Assessing the Effect of Inconsistent Assessors on Summarization Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2071}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Fast and Robust Part-of-Speech Tagging Using Dynamic Model Selection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2072}
author = {Samardzic, Tanja; Gesmundo, Andrea}
title = {Lemmatisation as a Tagging Task}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2073}
author = {Baba, Yukino; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {How Are Spelling Errors Generated and Corrected? A Study of Corrected and Uncorrected Spelling Errors Using Keystroke Logs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2074}
author = {Dridan, Rebecca; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {Tokenization: Returning to a Long Solved Problem — A Survey, Contrastive Experiment, Recommendations, and Toolkit —}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2075}
author = {Sagot, Benoît; Magistry, Pierre}
title = {Unsupervized Word Segmentation: the Case for Mandarin Chinese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-2076}
author = {Imamura, Kenji; Saito, Kuniko; Sadamitsu, Kugatsu; Nishikawa, Hitoshi}
title = {Grammar Error Correction Using Pseudo-Error Sentences and Domain Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3001}
author = {Huang, Wei-Jie; Chou, Chia-Ru; Tzeng, Yu-Lin; Lee, Chia-Ying; Liu, Chao-Lin}
title = {Applications of GPC Rules and Character Structures in Games for Learning Chinese Characters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3002}
author = {Veale, Tony; Li, Guofu}
title = {Specifying Viewpoint and Information Need with Affective Metaphors: A System Demonstration of the Metaphor-Magnet Web App/Service}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3003}
author = {Microsoft, QuickView Team; Liu, Xiaohua; Wei, Furu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {QuickView: NLP-based Tweet Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3004}
author = {Xiao, Tong; Li, Qiang; Zhu, Jingbo; Zhang, Hao}
title = {NiuTrans: An Open Source Toolkit for Phrase-based and Syntax-based Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3005}
author = {Lui, Marco; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = { An Off-the-shelf Language Identification Tool}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3006}
author = {Lee, Lian Hau; Aw, Ai Ti}
title = {Personalized Normalization for a Multilingual Chat System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3007}
author = {Banchs, Rafael E.; Li, Haizhou}
title = {IRIS: a Chat-oriented Dialogue System based on the Vector Space Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3008}
author = {Skadins, Raivis; Tiedemann, Jörg; Vasiļjevs, Andrejs}
title = {LetsMT!: Cloud-Based Platform for Do-It-Yourself Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3009}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver; Liu, Xingkun}
title = {A Web-based Evaluation Framework for Spatial Instruction-Giving Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3010}
author = {Bai, Ming-Hong; Hsieh, Yu-Ming; Chen, Keh-Jiann; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {DOMCAT: A Bilingual Concordancer for Domain-Specific Computer Assisted Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3011}
author = {Tai, Terry; Riley, Michael D.; Roark, Brian; Sorensen, Jeffrey S.; Sproat, Richard W.; Allauzen, Cyril}
title = {The OpenGrm open-source finite-state grammar software libraries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3012}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo}
title = {Multilingual WSD with Just a Few Lines of Code: the BabelNet API}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3013}
author = {Stern, Asher; Dagan, Ido}
title = {BIUTEE: A Modular Open-Source System for Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3014}
author = {Adler, Meni; Berant, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Entailment-based Text Exploration with Application to the Health-care Domain}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3015}
author = {Bartsch, Sabine; Eckart, Richard; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {CSNIPER - Annotation-by-query for Non-canonical Constructions in Large Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3016}
author = {Skadina, Inguna; Ştefănescu, Dan; Pinnis, MÄrcis; Vasiļjevs, Andrejs; Babych, Bogdan; Ion, Radu; Su, Fangzhong}
title = {ACCURAT Toolkit for Multi-Level Alignment and Information Extraction from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3017}
author = {Sun, Cheng-Wei; Hsueh, Ya-Hsin; Ku, Lun-Wei}
title = {Demonstration of IlluMe: Creating Ambient According to Instant Message Logs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3018}
author = {Baumann, Timo; Schlangen, David}
title = {INPRO_iSS: A Component for Just-In-Time Incremental Speech Synthesis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3019}
author = {Yang, Huahai; Carreno-fuentes, Arnaldo; Li, Yunyao; Reiss, Frederick; Chiticariu, Laura}
title = {WizIE: A Best Practices Guided Development Environment for Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3020}
author = {Bar, François; Wang, Hao; Narayanan, Shrikanth; Can, Dogan; Kazemzadeh, Abe}
title = {A System for Real-time Twitter Sentiment Analysis of 2012 U.S. Presidential Election Cycle}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3021}
author = {Rak, Rafal; Kolluru, BalaKrishna; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Building Trainable Taggers in a Web-based, UIMA-Supported NLP Workbench}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3022}
author = {Wu, Xianchao; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Akamon: An Open Source Toolkit for Tree/Forest-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3023}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Abu-Jbara, Amjad}
title = {Subgroup Detector: A System for Detecting Subgroups in Online Discussions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3024}
author = {González, Meritxell; Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {A Graphical Interface for MT Evaluation and Error Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3025}
author = {Lin, Wan-Yu; Peng, Nanyun; Yen, Chun-Chao; Lin, Shou-De}
title = {Online Plagiarized Detection Through Exploiting Lexical, Syntax, and Semantic Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3026}
author = {Melo, Gerard de; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {UWN: A Large Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Base}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3027}
author = {Huang, ShihTing; Hsieh, HungTing; Kao, TingHui; Chen, MeiHua; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {FLOW: A First-Language-Oriented Writing Assistant System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3028}
author = {Hsieh, Wen-Tai; Wu, Chen-Ming; T. Chou, Seng-cho; Ku, Tsun}
title = {Social Event Radar: A Bilingual Context Mining and Sentiment Analysis Summarization System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-3029}
author = {Lin, Yuri; Michel, Jean-Baptiste; Aiden Lieberman, Erez; Brockman, Will; Orwant, Jon; Petrov, Slav}
title = {Syntactic Annotations for the Google Books NGram Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-4001}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Qualitative Modeling of Spatial Prepositions and Motion Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-4002}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {State-of-the-Art Kernels for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-4003}
author = {Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Topic Models, Latent Space Models, Sparse Coding, and All That: A Systematic Understanding of Probabilistic Semantic Extraction in Large Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-4004}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Banea, Carmen; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Multilingual Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-4005}
author = {Socher, Richard; Bengio, Yoshua; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Deep Learning for NLP (without Magic)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P12-4006}
author = {Subramanya, Amarnag; Talukdar, Partha Pratim}
title = {Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithms for NLP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {P13-1001}
author = {Liu, Yang}
title = {A Shift-Reduce Parsing Algorithm for Phrase-based String-to-Dependency Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1002}
author = {Wang, Kun; Zong, Chengqing; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {Integrating Translation Memory into Phrase-Based Machine Translation during Decoding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1003}
author = {Schoenemann, Thomas}
title = {Training Nondeficient Variants of IBM-3 and IBM-4 for Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1004}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Modelling Annotator Bias with Multi-task Gaussian Processes: An Application to Machine Translation Quality Estimation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1005}
author = {Roark, Brian; Allauzen, Cyril; Riley, Michael D.}
title = {Smoothed marginal distribution constraints for language modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1006}
author = {Yu, Haonan; Siskind, Jeffrey Mark}
title = {Grounded Language Learning from Video Described with Sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1007}
author = {Manshadi, Mehdi; Gildea, Daniel; Allen, James F.}
title = {Plurality, Negation, and Quantification:Towards Comprehensive Quantifier Scope Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1008}
author = {Li, Qi; Ji, Heng; Huang, Liang}
title = {Joint Event Extraction via Structured Prediction with Global Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1009}
author = {Angeli, Gabor; Uszkoreit, Jakob}
title = {Language-Independent Discriminative Parsing of Temporal Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1010}
author = {Guinaudeau, Camille; Strube, Michael}
title = {Graph-based Local Coherence Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1011}
author = {Mayfield, Elijah; Adamson, David; Penstein Rosé, Carolyn}
title = {Recognizing Rare Social Phenomena in Conversation: Empowerment Detection in Support Group Chatrooms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1012}
author = {Durrett, Greg; Hall, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {Decentralized Entity-Level Modeling for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1013}
author = {Zhang, Meishan; Zhang, Yue; Che, Wanxiang; Liu, Ting}
title = {Chinese Parsing Exploiting Characters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1014}
author = {Sartorio, Francesco; Satta, Giorgio; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {A Transition-Based Dependency Parser Using a Dynamic Parsing Strategy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1015}
author = {Büchse, Matthias; Koller, Alexander; Vogler, Heiko}
title = {General binarization for parsing and translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1016}
author = {Goto, Isao; Utiyama, Masao; Sumita, Eiichiro; Tamura, Akihiro; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Distortion Model Considering Rich Context for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1017}
author = {Yang, Nan; Liu, Shujie; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming; Yu, Nenghai}
title = {Word Alignment Modeling with Context Dependent Deep Neural Network}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1018}
author = {Ling, Wang; Xiang, Guang; Dyer, Chris; Black, Alan W.; Trancoso, Isabel}
title = {Microblogs as Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1019}
author = {Zhu, Jun; Zheng, Xun; Zhang, Bo}
title = {Improved Bayesian Logistic Supervised Topic Models with Data Augmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1020}
author = {Almeida, Miguel; Martins, Andre}
title = {Fast and Robust Compressive Summarization with Dual Decomposition and Multi-Task Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1021}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Durrett, Greg; Klein, Dan}
title = {Unsupervised Transcription of Historical Documents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1022}
author = {Kim, Joohyun; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Adapting Discriminative Reranking to Grounded Language Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1023}
author = {Abend, Omri; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation (UCCA)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1024}
author = {Guo, Weiwei; Li, Hao; Ji, Heng; Diab, Mona}
title = {Linking Tweets to News: A Framework to Enrich Short Text Data in Social Media}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1025}
author = {Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian; Sudhof, Moritz; Jurafsky, Daniel; Leskovec, Jure; Potts, Christopher}
title = {A computational approach to politeness with application to social factors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1026}
author = {Persing, Isaac; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Modeling Thesis Clarity in Student Essays}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1027}
author = {Lugaresi, Camillo; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Translating Italian connectives into Italian Sign Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1028}
author = {Mareček, David; Straka, Milan}
title = {Stop-probability estimates computed on a large corpus improve Unsupervised Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1029}
author = {Zhang, Yuan; Barzilay, Regina; Globerson, Amir}
title = {Transfer Learning for Constituency-Based Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1030}
author = {Swanson, Ben; Yamangil, Elif; Charniak, Eugene; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {A Context Free TAG Variant}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1031}
author = {Green, Spence; Wang, Sida; Cer, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Fast and Adaptive Online Training of Feature-Rich Translation Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1032}
author = {Feng, Minwei; Peter, Jan-Thorsten; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Advancements in Reordering Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1033}
author = {Feng, Yang; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {A Markov Model of Machine Translation using Non-parametric Bayesian Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1034}
author = {Lucas, Michael; Downey, Doug}
title = {Scaling Semi-supervised Naive Bayes with Feature Marginals}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1035}
author = {Bamman, David; O'Connor, Brendan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Learning Latent Personas of Film Characters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1036}
author = {Ravi, Sujith}
title = {Scalable Decipherment for Machine Translation via Hash Sampling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1037}
author = {Tratz, Stephen; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Automatic Interpretation of the English Possessive}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1038}
author = {Narisawa, Katsuma; Watanabe, Yotaro; Mizuno, Junta; Okazaki, Naoaki; Inui, Kentaro}
title = {Is a 204 cm Man Tall or Small ? Acquisition of Numerical Common Sense from the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1039}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Probabilistic Domain Modelling With Contextualized Distributional Semantic Vectors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1040}
author = {Aker, Ahmet; Paramita, Monica; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Extracting bilingual terminologies from comparable corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1041}
author = {Popat, Kashyap; A. R., Balamurali; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; Haffari, Gholamreza}
title = {The Haves and the Have-Nots: Leveraging Unlabelled Corpora for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1042}
author = {Cai, Qingqing; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Large-scale Semantic Parsing via Schema Matching and Lexicon Extension}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1043}
author = {Zhu, Muhua; Zhang, Yue; Chen, Wenliang; Zhang, Min; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {Fast and Accurate Shift-Reduce Constituent Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1044}
author = {Gormley, Matthew R.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Nonconvex Global Optimization for Latent-Variable Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1045}
author = {Socher, Richard; Bauer, John; Manning, Christopher D.; Ng, Andrew Y.}
title = {Parsing with Compositional Vector Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1046}
author = {Metallinou, Angeliki; Bohus, Dan; Williams, Jason}
title = {Discriminative state tracking for spoken dialog systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1047}
author = {Lan, Man; Xu, Yu; Niu, Zhengyu}
title = {Leveraging Synthetic Discourse Data via Multi-task Learning for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1048}
author = {Joty, Shafiq R.; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond T.; Mehdad, Yashar}
title = {Combining Intra- and Multi-sentential Rhetorical Parsing for Document-level Discourse Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1049}
author = {Lassalle, Emmanuel; Denis, Pascal}
title = {Improving pairwise coreference models through feature space hierarchy learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1050}
author = {Maxwell, Tamsin; Oberlander, Jon; Croft, W. Bruce}
title = {Feature-Based Selection of Dependency Paths in Ad Hoc Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1051}
author = {Popel, Martin; Mareček, David; Štepánek, Jan; Zeman, Daniel; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {Coordination Structures in Dependency Treebanks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1052}
author = {De Benedictis, Flavio; Faralli, Stefano; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {GlossBoot: Bootstrapping Multilingual Domain Glossaries from the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1053}
author = {Endriss, Ulle; Fernández, Raquel}
title = {Collective Annotation of Linguistic Resources: Basic Principles and a Formal Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1054}
author = {Sulger, Sebastian; Butt, Miriam; King, Tracy Holloway; Meurer, Paul; Laczkó, Tibor; Rákosi, György; Dione, Cheikh Bamba; Dyvik, Helge; Rosén, Victoria; De Smedt, Koenraad; Patejuk, Agnieszka; Cetinoglu, Ozlem; Arka, I Wayan; Mistica, Meladel}
title = {ParGramBank: The ParGram Parallel Treebank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1055}
author = {Ferret, Olivier}
title = {Identifying Bad Semantic Neighbors for Improving Distributional Thesauri}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1056}
author = {Silberer, Carina; Ferrari, Vittorio; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Models of Semantic Representation with Visual Attributes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1057}
author = {Garrette, Dan; Mielens, Jason; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Real-World Semi-Supervised Learning of POS-Taggers for Low-Resource Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1058}
author = {Weller, Marion; Fraser, Alexander; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Using subcategorization knowledge to improve case prediction for translation to German}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1059}
author = {Li, Haibo; Zheng, Jing; Ji, Heng; Li, Qi; Wang, Wen}
title = {Name-aware Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1060}
author = {Nuhn, Malte; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Decipherment Complexity in 1:1 Substitution Ciphers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1061}
author = {Quan, Xiaojun; Kit, Chunyu; Song, Yan}
title = {Non-Monotonic Sentence Alignment via Semisupervised Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1062}
author = {Lee, Taesung; Hwang, Seung-won}
title = {Bootstrapping Entity Translation on Weakly Comparable Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1063}
author = {Wang, Zhigang; Li, Zhixing; Li, Juanzi; Tang, Jie; Pan, Jeff Z.}
title = {Transfer Learning Based Cross-lingual Knowledge Extraction for Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1064}
author = {Nastase, Vivi; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Bridging Languages through Etymology: The case of cross language text categorization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1065}
author = {Veale, Tony; Li, Guofu}
title = {Creating Similarity: Lateral Thinking for Vertical Similarity Judgments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1066}
author = {Mukherjee, Arjun; Liu, Bing}
title = {Discovering User Interactions in Ideological Discussions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1067}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa}
title = {Multilingual Affect Polarity and Valence Prediction in Metaphor-Rich Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1068}
author = {Boros, Tiberiu; Ion, Radu; Tufiš, Dan}
title = {Large tagset labeling using Feed Forward Neural Networks. Case study on Romanian Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1069}
author = {Radziszewski, Adam}
title = {Learning to lemmatise Polish noun phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1070}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Using Conceptual Class Attributes to Characterize Social Media Users}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1071}
author = {Ferschke, Oliver; Gurevych, Iryna; Rittberger, Marc}
title = {The Impact of Topic Bias on Quality Flaw Prediction in Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1072}
author = {Wang, Aobo; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Mining Informal Language from Chinese Microtext: Joint Word Recognition and Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1073}
author = {Rokhlenko, Oleg; Szpektor, Idan}
title = {Generating Synthetic Comparable Questions for News Articles}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1074}
author = {Zhang, Dongdong; Wu, Shuangzhi; Yang, Nan; Li, Mu}
title = {Punctuation Prediction with Transition-based Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1075}
author = {Jiang, Wenbin; Sun, Meng; Lü, Yajuan; Yang, Yating; Liu, Qun}
title = {Discriminative Learning with Natural Annotations: Word Segmentation as a Case Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1076}
author = {Zeng, Xiaodong; Wong, Derek F.; Chao, Lidia S.; Trancoso, Isabel}
title = {Graph-based Semi-Supervised Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1077}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Haffari, Gholamreza}
title = {An Infinite Hierarchical Bayesian Model of Phrasal Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1078}
author = {, lemao; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Additive Neural Networks for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1079}
author = {Zhu, Conghui; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase Table Combination for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1080}
author = {Braune, Fabienne; Seemann, Nina; Quernheim, Daniel; Maletti, Andreas}
title = {Shallow Local Multi-Bottom-up Tree Transducers in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1081}
author = {Xiang, Bing; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {Enlisting the Ghost: Modeling Empty Categories for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1082}
author = {Sennrich, Rico; Schwenk, Holger; Aransa, Walid}
title = {A Multi-Domain Translation Model Framework for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1083}
author = {Tamura, Akihiro; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Part-of-Speech Induction in Dependency Trees for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1084}
author = {Zhou, Guangyou; Liu, Fang; Liu, Yang; He, Shizhu; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation Improves Question Retrieval in Community Question Answering via Matrix Factorization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1085}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Improved Lexical Acquisition through DPP-based Verb Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1086}
author = {Xie, Boyi; Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Wu, Leon; Creamer, Germán G.}
title = {Semantic Frames to Predict Stock Price Movement}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1087}
author = {Tanigaki, Koichi; Shiba, Mitsuteru; Munaka, Tatsuji; Sagisaka, Yoshinori}
title = {Density Maximization in Context-Sense Metric Space for All-words WSD}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1088}
author = {Hermann, Karl Moritz; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {The Role of Syntax in Vector Space Models of Compositional Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1089}
author = {Kundu, Gourab; Srikumar, Vivek; Roth, Dan}
title = {Margin-based Decomposed Amortized Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1090}
author = {Celikyilmaz, Asli; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Tur, Gokhan; Sarikaya, Ruhi}
title = {Semi-Supervised Semantic Tagging of Conversational Understanding using Markov Topic Regression}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1091}
author = {Chiang, David; Andreas, Jacob; Bauer, Daniel; Hermann, Karl Moritz; Jones, Bevan K.; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Parsing Graphs with Hyperedge Replacement Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1092}
author = {Poon, Hoifung}
title = {Grounded Unsupervised Semantic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1093}
author = {Yancheva, Maria; Rudzicz, Frank}
title = {Automatic detection of deception in child-produced speech using syntactic complexity features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1094}
author = {Scheible, Christian; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Sentiment Relevance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1095}
author = {Hasegawa, Takayuki; Kaji, Nobuhiro; Yoshinaga, Naoki; Toyoda, Masashi}
title = {Predicting and Eliciting Addressee’s Emotion in Online Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1096}
author = {Perez-Rosas, Veronica; Mihalcea, Rada; Morency, Louis-Philippe}
title = {Utterance-Level Multimodal Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1097}
author = {Mohtarami, Mitra; Lan, Man; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Probabilistic Sense Sentiment Similarity through Hidden Emotions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1098}
author = {Lampos, Vasileios; Preoţiuc-Pietro, Daniel; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {A user-centric model of voting intention from Social Media}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1099}
author = {Li, Chen; Qian, Xian; Liu, Yang}
title = {Using Supervised Bigram-based ILP for Extractive Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1100}
author = {Dasgupta, Anirban; Kumar, Ravi; Ravi, Sujith}
title = {Summarization Through Submodularity and Dispersion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1101}
author = {Morita, Hajime; Sasano, Ryohei; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Subtree Extractive Summarization via Submodular Maximization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1102}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Johnson, Mark}
title = {The effect of non-tightness on Bayesian estimation of PCFGs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1103}
author = {Uematsu, Sumire; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Hanaoka, Hiroki; Miyao, Yusuke; Mima, Hideki}
title = {Integrating Multiple Dependency Corpora for Inducing Wide-coverage Japanese CCG Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1104}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Transition-based Dependency Parsing with Selectional Branching}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1105}
author = {Liu, Kai; Lü, Yajuan; Jiang, Wenbin; Liu, Qun}
title = {Bilingually-Guided Monolingual Dependency Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1106}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Che, Wanxiang; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Joint Word Alignment and Bilingual Named Entity Recognition Using Dual Decomposition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1107}
author = {Huang, Hongzhao; Wen, Zhen; Yu, Dian; Ji, Heng; Sun, Yizhou; Han, Jiawei; Li, He}
title = {Resolving Entity Morphs in Censored Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1108}
author = {O'Connor, Brendan; Stewart, Brandon M.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Learning to Extract International Relations from Political Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1109}
author = {Razmara, Majid; Siahbani, Maryam; Haffari, Reza; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Graph Propagation for Paraphrasing Out-of-Vocabulary Words in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1110}
author = {Eidelman, Vladimir; Marton, Yuval; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Online Relative Margin Maximization for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1111}
author = {Zhai, Feifei; Zhang, Jiajun; Zhou, Yu; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Handling Ambiguities of Bilingual Predicate-Argument Structures for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1112}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Whittaker, Edward}
title = {Reconstructing an Indo-European Family Tree from Non-native English Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1113}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Flor, Michael}
title = {Word Association Profiles and their Use for Automated Scoring of Essays}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1114}
author = {Zhang, Congle; Baldwin, Tyler; Ho, Howard; Kimelfeld, Benny; Li, Yunyao}
title = {Adaptive Parser-Centric Text Normalization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1115}
author = {Tian, Zhenhua; Xiang, Hengheng; Liu, Ziqi; Zheng, Qinghua}
title = {A Random Walk Approach to Selectional Preferences Based on Preference Ranking and Propagation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1116}
author = {Laparra, Egoitz; Rigau, German}
title = {ImpAr: A Deterministic Algorithm for Implicit Semantic Role Labelling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1117}
author = {Kozhevnikov, Mikhail; Titov, Ivan}
title = {Cross-lingual Transfer of Semantic Role Labeling Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1118}
author = {Zeller, Britta; Šnajder, Jan; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {DErivBase: Inducing and Evaluating a Derivational Morphology Resource for German}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1119}
author = {Potthast, Martin; Hagen, Matthias; Völske, Michael; Stein, Benno}
title = {Crowdsourcing Interaction Logs to Understand Text Reuse from the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1120}
author = {Flati, Tiziano; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {SPred: Large-scale Harvesting of Semantic Predicates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1121}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Towards Robust Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization: A Caseframe Analysis of Centrality and Domain}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1122}
author = {Alfonseca, Enrique; Pighin, Daniele; Garrido, Guillermo}
title = {HEADY: News headline abstraction through event pattern clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1123}
author = {Dethlefs, Nina; Hastie, Helen; Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Conditional Random Fields for Responsive Surface Realisation using Global Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1124}
author = {Setiawan, Hendra; Zhou, Bowen; Xiang, Bing; Shen, Libin}
title = {Two-Neighbor Orientation Model with Cross-Boundary Global Contexts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1125}
author = {Visweswariah, Karthik; Khapra, Mitesh M.; Ramanathan, Ananthakrishnan}
title = {Cut the noise: Mutually reinforcing reordering and alignments for improved machine translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1126}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Kuhn, Roland; Foster, George}
title = {Vector Space Model for Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1127}
author = {Lei, Tao; Long, Fan; Barzilay, Regina; Rinard, Martin}
title = {From Natural Language Specifications to Program Input Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1128}
author = {Liu, Xiaohua; Li, Yitong; Wu, Haocheng; Zhou, Ming; Wei, Furu; Lu, Yi}
title = {Entity Linking for Tweets}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1129}
author = {He, Hua; Barbosa, Denilson; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Identification of Speakers in Novels}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1130}
author = {Villavicencio, Aline; Idiart, Marco; Berwick, Robert C.; Malioutov, Igor}
title = {Language Acquisition and Probabilistic Models: keeping it simple}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1131}
author = {Melamud, Oren; Berant, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido; Goldberger, Jacob; Szpektor, Idan}
title = {A Two Level Model for Context Sensitive Inference Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1132}
author = {Pilehvar, Mohammad Taher; Jurgens, David; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Align, Disambiguate and Walk: A Unified Approach for Measuring Semantic Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1133}
author = {Bond, Francis; Foster, Ryan}
title = {Linking and Extending an Open Multilingual Wordnet}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1134}
author = {Hartmann, Silvana; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {FrameNet on the Way to Babel: Creating a Bilingual FrameNet Using Wiktionary as Interlingual Connection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1135}
author = {Smith, Jason R.; Saint-Amand, Hervé; Plamada, Magdalena; Koehn, Philipp; Callison-Burch, Chris; Lopez, Adam}
title = {Dirt Cheap Web-Scale Parallel Text from the Common Crawl}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1136}
author = {Wang, Lu; Raghavan, Hema; Castelli, Vittorio; Florian, Radu; Cardie, Claire}
title = {A Sentence Compression Based Framework to Query-Focused Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1137}
author = {Wang, Lu; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Domain-Independent Abstract Generation for Focused Meeting Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1138}
author = {Kondadadi, Ravikumar; Howald, Blake Stephen; Schilder, Frank}
title = {A Statistical NLG Framework for Aggregated Planning and Realization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1139}
author = {Hopkins, Mark; May, Jonathan}
title = {Models of Translation Competitions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1140}
author = {Zhang, Jiajun; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Learning a Phrase-based Translation Model from Monolingual Data with Application to Domain Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1141}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Daumé III, Hal; Henry, Katharine; Irvine, Ann; Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh; Rudinger, Rachel}
title = {SenseSpotting: Never let your parallel data tie you to an old domain}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1142}
author = {Ozbal, Gozde; Pighin, Daniele; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {BRAINSUP: Brainstorming Support for Creative Sentence Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1143}
author = {Wu, Yuanbin; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Grammatical Error Correction Using Integer Linear Programming}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1144}
author = {Speriosu, Michael; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Text-Driven Toponym Resolution using Indirect Supervision}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1145}
author = {Li, Peifeng; Zhu, Qiaoming; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Argument Inference from Relevant Event Mentions in Chinese Argument Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1146}
author = {Nakashole, Ndapandula; Tylenda, Tomasz; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {Fine-grained Semantic Typing of Emerging Entities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1147}
author = {Plank, Barbara; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Embedding Semantic Similarity in Tree Kernels for Domain Adaptation of Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1148}
author = {Börschinger, Benjamin; Johnson, Mark; Demuth, Katherine}
title = {A joint model of word segmentation and phonological variation for English word-final /t/-deletion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1149}
author = {Lazaridou, Angeliki; Marelli, Marco; Zamparelli, Roberto; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Compositional-ly Derived Representations of Morphologically Complex Words in Distributional Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1150}
author = {Kim, Young-Bum; Snyder, Benjamin}
title = {Unsupervised Consonant-Vowel Prediction over Hundreds of Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1151}
author = {Kauchak, David}
title = {Improving Text Simplification Language Modeling Using Unsimplified Text Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1152}
author = {Zarrieß, Sina; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Combining Referring Expression Generation and Surface Realization: A Corpus-Based Investigation of Architectures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1153}
author = {Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Named Entity Recognition using Cross-lingual Resources: Arabic as an Example}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1154}
author = {Nuhn, Malte; Schamper, Julian; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Beam Search for Solving Substitution Ciphers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1155}
author = {Hassan, Hany; Menezes, Arul}
title = {Social Text Normalization using Contextual Graph Random Walks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1156}
author = {Nguyen, ThuyLinh; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Integrating Phrase-based Reordering Features into a Chart-based Decoder for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1157}
author = {Arase, Yuki; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Machine Translation Detection from Monolingual Web-Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1158}
author = {Fader, Anthony; Zettlemoyer, Luke; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Paraphrase-Driven Learning for Open Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1159}
author = {Varga, István; Sano, Motoki; Torisawa, Kentaro; Hashimoto, Chikara; Ohtake, Kiyonori; Kawai, Takao; Oh, Jong-Hoon; De Saeger, Stijn}
title = {Aid is Out There: Looking for Help from Tweets during a Large Scale Disaster}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1160}
author = {Lazaridou, Angeliki; Titov, Ivan; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {A Bayesian Model for Joint Unsupervised Induction of Sentiment, Aspect and Discourse Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1161}
author = {Yang, Bishan; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Joint Inference for Fine-grained Opinion Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1162}
author = {Recasens, Marta; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Linguistic Models for Analyzing and Detecting Biased Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1163}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver; Bartie, Phil; Dalmas, Tiphaine; Dickinson, Anna; Liu, Xingkun; Mackaness, William; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Evaluating a City Exploration Dialogue System with Integrated Question-Answering and Pedestrian Navigation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1164}
author = {Volkova, Svitlana; Choudhury, Pallavi; Quirk, Chris; Dolan, Bill; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Lightly Supervised Learning of Procedural Dialog Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1165}
author = {Mukherjee, Arjun; Venkataraman, Vivek; Liu, Bing; Meraz, Sharon}
title = {Public Dialogue: Analysis of Tolerance in Online Discussions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1166}
author = {Fokkens, Antske; van Erp, Marieke; Postma, Marten; Pedersen, Ted; Vossen, Piek; Freire, Nuno}
title = {Offspring from Reproduction Problems: What Replication Failure Teaches Us}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1167}
author = {Fournier, Chris}
title = {Evaluating Text Segmentation using Boundary Edit Distance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1168}
author = {Ramanath, Rohan; Choudhury, Monojit; Bali, Kalika; Saha Roy, Rishiraj}
title = {Crowd Prefers the Middle Path: A New IAA Metric for Crowdsourcing Reveals Turker Biases in Query Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1169}
author = {Li, Fangtao; Gao, Yang; Zhou, Shuchang; Si, Xiance; Dai, Decheng}
title = {Deceptive Answer Prediction with User Preference Graph}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1170}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Torisawa, Kentaro; Hashimoto, Chikara; Sano, Motoki; De Saeger, Stijn; Ohtake, Kiyonori}
title = {Why-Question Answering using Intra- and Inter-Sentential Causal Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1171}
author = {Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Chang, Ming-Wei; Meek, Christopher; Pastusiak, Andrzej}
title = {Question Answering Using Enhanced Lexical Semantic Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1172}
author = {Liu, Kang; Xu, Liheng; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Syntactic Patterns versus Word Alignment: Extracting Opinion Targets from Online Reviews}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1173}
author = {Xu, Liheng; Liu, Kang; Lai, Siwei; Chen, Yubo; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Mining Opinion Words and Opinion Targets in a Two-Stage Framework}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-1174}
author = {Feng, Song; Kang, Jun Seok; Kuznetsova, Polina; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Connotation Lexicon: A Dash of Sentiment Beneath the Surface Meaning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2001}
author = {Sajjad, Hassan; Darwish, Kareem; Belinkov, Yonatan}
title = {Translating Dialectal Arabic to English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2002}
author = {Quirk, Chris}
title = {Exact Maximum Inference for the Fertility Hidden Markov Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2003}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Guzman, Francisco; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {A Tale about PRO and Monsters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2004}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Supervised Model Learning with Feature Grouping based on a Discrete Constraint}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2005}
author = {Si, Jianfeng; Mukherjee, Arjun; Liu, Bing; Li, Qing; Li, Huayi; Deng, Xiaotie}
title = {Exploiting Topic based Twitter Sentiment for Stock Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2006}
author = {He, Zhengyan; Liu, Shujie; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming; Zhang, Longkai; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Learning Entity Representation for Entity Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2007}
author = {Movshovitz-Attias, Dana; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Natural Language Models for Predicting Programming Comments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2008}
author = {Wang, Chenguang; Duan, Nan; Zhou, Ming; Zhang, Ming}
title = {Paraphrasing Adaptation for Web Search Ranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2009}
author = {Andreas, Jacob; Vlachos, Andreas; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Semantic Parsing as Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2010}
author = {Bernardi, Raffaella; Dinu, Georgiana; Marelli, Marco; Baroni, Marco}
title = {A relatedness benchmark to test the role of determiners in compositional distributional semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2011}
author = {Wei, Zhongyu; Chen, Junwen; Gao, Wei; Li, Binyang; Zhou, Lanjun; He, Yulan; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {An Empirical Study on Uncertainty Identification in Social Media Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2012}
author = {Wolfe, Travis; van Durme, Benjamin; Dredze, Mark; Andrews, Nicholas; Beller, Charley; Callison-Burch, Chris; DeYoung, Jay; Snyder, Justin; Weese, Jonathan; Xu, Tan; Yao, Xuchen}
title = {PARMA: A Predicate Argument Aligner}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2013}
author = {Biran, Or; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Aggregated Word Pair Features for Implicit Discourse Relation Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2014}
author = {Vogel, Adam; Potts, Christopher; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Implicatures and Nested Beliefs in Approximate Decentralized-POMDPs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2015}
author = {Gilbert, Nathan; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Domain-Specific Coreference Resolution with Lexicalized Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2016}
author = {Tan, Jiwei; Wan, Xiaojun; Xiao, Jianguo}
title = {Learning to Order Natural Language Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2017}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Nivre, Joakim; Quirmbach-Brundage, Yvonne; Goldberg, Yoav; Das, Dipanjan; Ganchev, Kuzman; Hall, Keith; Petrov, Slav; Zhang, Hao; Täckström, Oscar; Bedini, Claudia; Bertomeu Castelló, Núria; Lee, Jungmee}
title = {Universal Dependency Annotation for Multilingual Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2018}
author = {Kummerfeld, Jonathan K.; Tse, Daniel; Curran, James R.; Klein, Dan}
title = {An Empirical Examination of Challenges in Chinese Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2019}
author = {Zhou, Guangyou; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Joint Inference for Heterogeneous Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2020}
author = {Ma, Ji; Zhu, Jingbo; Xiao, Tong; Yang, Nan}
title = {Easy-First POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing with Beam Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2021}
author = {Bergen, Leon; Gibson, Edward; O’Donnell, Timothy J.}
title = {Arguments and Modifiers from the Learner’s Perspective}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2022}
author = {Deng, Lingjia; Choi, Yoonjung; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Benefactive/Malefactive Event and Writer Attitude Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2023}
author = {Senapati, Apurbalal; Garain, Utpal}
title = {GuiTAR-based Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in Bengali}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2024}
author = {Rankel, Peter A.; Conroy, John M.; Dang, Hoa Trang; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {A Decade of Automatic Content Evaluation of News Summaries: Reassessing the State of the Art}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2025}
author = {Wisniewski, Guillaume}
title = {On the Predictability of Human Assessment: when Matrix Completion Meets NLP Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2026}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Chen, Emily; Guo, Weiwei; Perin, Dolores}
title = {Automated Pyramid Scoring of Summaries using Distributional Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2027}
author = {Deveaud, Romain; SanJuan, Eric; Bellot, Patrice}
title = {Are Semantically Coherent Topic Models Useful for Ad Hoc Information Retrieval?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2028}
author = {Moreno, Jose G.; Dias, Gaël; Cleuziou, Guillaume}
title = {Post-Retrieval Clustering Using Third-Order Similarity Measures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2029}
author = {Yao, Xuchen; van Durme, Benjamin; Clark, Peter}
title = {Automatic Coupling of Answer Extraction and Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2030}
author = {Chen, Ruey-Cheng}
title = {An improved MDL-based compression algorithm for unsupervised word segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2031}
author = {Zeng, Xiaodong; Wong, Derek F.; Chao, Lidia S.; Trancoso, Isabel}
title = {Co-regularizing character-based and word-based models for semi-supervised Chinese word segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2032}
author = {Zhang, Longkai; Li, Li; He, Zhengyan; Wang, Houfeng; Sun, Ni}
title = {Improving Chinese Word Segmentation on Micro-blog Using Rich Punctuations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2033}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Accurate Word Segmentation using Transliteration and Language Model Projection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2034}
author = {Lu, Xiaoming; Xie, Lei; Leung, Cheung-Chi; Ma, Bin; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Broadcast News Story Segmentation Using Manifold Learning on Latent Topic Distributions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2035}
author = {Elluru, Naresh Kumar; Vadapalli, Anandaswarup; Elluru, Raghavendra; Murthy, Hema; Prahallad, Kishore}
title = {Is word-to-phone mapping better than phone-phone mapping for handling English words?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2036}
author = {You, Gae-won; Cha, Young-rok; Kim, Jinhan; Hwang, Seung-won}
title = {Enriching Entity Translation Discovery using Selective Temporality}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2037}
author = {Adel, Heike; Vu, Ngoc Thang; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Combination of Recurrent Neural Networks and Factored Language Models for Code-Switching Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2038}
author = {Hirao, Tsutomu; Iwata, Tomoharu; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Latent Semantic Matching: Application to Cross-language Text Categorization without Alignment Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2039}
author = {Li, Jiwei; Cardie, Claire; Li, Sujian}
title = {TopicSpam: a Topic-Model based approach for spam detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2040}
author = {Quirk, Chris; Choudhury, Pallavi}
title = {Semantic Neighborhoods as Hypergraphs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2041}
author = {Petrović, Saša; Matthews, David}
title = {Unsupervised joke generation from big data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2042}
author = {Chong, Tze Yuang; E. Banchs, Rafael; Chng, Eng Siong; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Modeling of term-distance and term-occurrence information for improving n-gram language model performance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2043}
author = {Sakaguchi, Keisuke; Arase, Yuki; Komachi, Mamoru}
title = {Discriminative Approach to Fill-in-the-Blank Quiz Generation for Language Learners}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2044}
author = {Valitutti, Alessandro; Toivonen, Hannu; Doucet, Antoine; Toivanen, Jukka M.}
title = {Let Everything Turn Well in Your Wife: Generation of Adult Humor Using Lexical Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2045}
author = {King, Ben; Jha, Rahul; Radev, Dragomir R.; Mankoff, Robert}
title = {Random Walk Factoid Annotation for Collective Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2046}
author = {Vincze, Veronika; Nagy T., István; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {Identifying English and Hungarian Light Verb Constructions: A Contrastive Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2047}
author = {Braslavski, Pavel; Beloborodov, Alexander; Khalilov, Maxim; Sharoff, Serge}
title = {English-to-Russian MT evaluation campaign}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2048}
author = {Bhatt, Brijesh; Poddar, Lahari; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {IndoNet: A Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Network for Indian Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2049}
author = {Kaneko, Kimi; Miyao, Yusuke; Bekki, Daisuke}
title = {Building Japanese Textual Entailment Specialized Data Sets for Inference of Basic Sentence Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2050}
author = {Zhu, Zede; Li, Miao; Chen, Lei; Yang, Zhenxin}
title = {Building Comparable Corpora Based on Bilingual LDA Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2051}
author = {Melamud, Oren; Dagan, Ido; Goldberger, Jacob; Szpektor, Idan}
title = {Using Lexical Expansion to Learn Inference Rules from Sparse Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2052}
author = {Zhang, Ziqi; Gentile, Anna Lisa; Augenstein, Isabelle; Blomqvist, Eva; Ciravegna, Fabio}
title = {Mining Equivalent Relations from Linked Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2053}
author = {Lim, Lian Tze; Soon, Lay-Ki; Lim, Tek Yong; Tang, Enya Kong; Ranaivo-Malancon, Bali}
title = {Context-Dependent Multilingual Lexical Lookup for Under-Resourced Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2054}
author = {Sheykh Esmaili, Kyumars; Salavati, Shahin}
title = {Sorani Kurdish versus Kurmanji Kurdish: An Empirical Comparison}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2055}
author = {Georgi, Ryan; Xia, Fei; Lewis, William D.}
title = {Enhanced and Portable Dependency Projection Algorithms Using Interlinear Glossed Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2056}
author = {Yu, Mo; Zhao, Tiejun; Bai, Yalong; Tian, Hao; Yu, Dianhai}
title = {Cross-lingual Projections between Languages from Different Families}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2057}
author = {Tofighi Zahabi, Samira; Bakhshaei, Somayeh; Khadivi, Shahram}
title = {Using Context Vectors in Improving a Machine Translation System with Bridge Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2058}
author = {Hieber, Felix; Jehl, Laura; Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Task Alternation in Parallel Sentence Retrieval for Twitter Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2059}
author = {Curiel, Arturo; Collet, Christophe}
title = {Sign Language Lexical Recognition With Propositional Dynamic Logic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2060}
author = {Razmara, Majid; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Stacking for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2061}
author = {Cui, Lei; Zhang, Dongdong; Liu, Shujie; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Bilingual Data Cleaning for SMT using Graph-based Random Walk}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2062}
author = {Mishra, Abhijit; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; Carl, Michael}
title = {Automatically Predicting Sentence Translation Difficulty}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2063}
author = {Xu, Wenduan; Zhang, Yue; Williams, Philip; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Learning to Prune: Context-Sensitive Pruning for Syntactic MT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2064}
author = {Liu, Qun; Tu, Zhaopeng; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {A Novel Graph-based Compact Representation of Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2065}
author = {Wang, Zhiyang; Lü, Yajuan; Sun, Meng; Liu, Qun}
title = {Stem Translation with Affix-Based Rule Selection for Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2066}
author = {Tu, Mei; Zhou, Yu; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {A Novel Translation Framework Based on Rhetorical Structure Theory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2067}
author = {Lo, Chi-kiu; Addanki, Karteek; Saers, Markus; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Improving machine translation by training against an automatic semantic frame based evaluation metric}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2068}
author = {Ben, Guosheng; Xiong, Deyi; Teng, Zhiyang; Lü, Yajuan; Liu, Qun}
title = {Bilingual Lexical Cohesion Trigger Model for Document-Level Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2069}
author = {Huang, Fei; Pendus, Cezar}
title = {Generalized Reordering Rules for Improved SMT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2070}
author = {Li, Tingting; Zhao, Tiejun; Finch, Andrew; Zhang, Chunyue}
title = {A Tightly-coupled Unsupervised Clustering and Bilingual Alignment Model for Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2071}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Fraser, Alexander; Schmid, Helmut; Hoang, Hieu; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Can Markov Models Over Minimal Translation Units Help Phrase-Based SMT?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2072}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Ahn, Byung-Gyu}
title = {Learning Non-linear Features for Machine Translation Using Gradient Boosting Machines}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2073}
author = {El Kholy, Ahmed; Habash, Nizar; Leusch, Gregor; Matusov, Evgeny; Sawaf, Hassan}
title = {Language Independent Connectivity Strength Features for Phrase Pivot Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2074}
author = {Bazrafshan, Marzieh; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Semantic Roles for String to Tree Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2075}
author = {Duan, Nan}
title = {Minimum Bayes Risk based Answer Re-ranking for Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2076}
author = {Ligozat, Anne-Laure}
title = {Question Classification Transfer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2077}
author = {Qiu, Xipeng; Tian, Le; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Latent Semantic Tensor Indexing for Community-based Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2078}
author = {Herbelot, Aurélie; Ganesalingam, Mohan}
title = {Measuring semantic content in distributional vectors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2079}
author = {Huang, Hen-Hsen; Chang, Kai-Chun; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Modeling Human Inference Process for Textual Entailment Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2080}
author = {Levy, Omer; Zesch, Torsten; Dagan, Ido; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Recognizing Partial Textual Entailment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2081}
author = {Elfardy, Heba; Diab, Mona}
title = {Sentence Level Dialect Identification in Arabic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2082}
author = {Goldwasser, Dan; Roth, Dan}
title = {Leveraging Domain-Independent Information in Semantic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2083}
author = {Goyal, Kartik; Jauhar, Sujay Kumar; Li, Huiying; Sachan, Mrinmaya; Srivastava, Shashank; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Structured Distributional Semantic Model for Event Co-reference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2084}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi; Matsuyoshi, Suguru}
title = {Text Classification from Positive and Unlabeled Data using Misclassified Data Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2085}
author = {Nalisnick, Eric T.; Baird, Henry S.}
title = {Character-to-Character Sentiment Analysis in Shakespeare’s Plays}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2086}
author = {Liu, Ding; Yang, Xiaofang; Jiang, Minghu}
title = {A Novel Classifier Based on Quantum Computation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2087}
author = {Labutov, Igor; Lipson, Hod}
title = {Re-embedding words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2088}
author = {Aly, Mohamed; Atiya, Amir}
title = {LABR: A Large Scale Arabic Book Reviews Dataset}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2089}
author = {Reschke, Kevin; Vogel, Adam; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Generating Recommendation Dialogs by Extracting Information from User Reviews}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2090}
author = {Volkova, Svitlana; Wilson, Theresa; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Exploring Sentiment in Social Media: Bootstrapping Subjectivity Clues from Multilingual Twitter Streams}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2091}
author = {Liu, Huanhuan; Li, Shoushan; Zhou, Guodong; Huang, Chu-Ren; Li, Peifeng}
title = {Joint Modeling of News Readerâs and Comment Writerâs Emotions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2092}
author = {O’Keefe, Tim; Curran, James R.; Ashwell, Peter; Koprinska, Irena}
title = {An annotated corpus of quoted opinions in news articles}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2093}
author = {Xia, Rui; Wang, Tao; Hu, Xuelei; Li, Shoushan; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Dual Training and Dual Prediction for Polarity Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2094}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Co-Regression for Cross-Language Review Rating Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2095}
author = {Boella, Guido; Di Caro, Luigi}
title = {Extracting Definitions and Hypernym Relations relying on Syntactic Dependencies and Support Vector Machines}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2096}
author = {Bhingardive, Sudha; Shaikh, Samiulla; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Neighbors Help: Bilingual Unsupervised WSD Using Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2097}
author = {Beck, Daniel Emilio; Specia, Lucia; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Reducing Annotation Effort for Quality Estimation via Active Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2098}
author = {Tomeh, Nadi; Habash, Nizar; Roth, Ryan; Farra, Noura; Dasigi, Pradeep; Diab, Mona}
title = {Reranking with Linguistic and Semantic Features for Arabic Optical Character Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2099}
author = {Li, Jiwei; Li, Sujian}
title = {Evolutionary Hierarchical Dirichlet Process for Timeline Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2100}
author = {Lampouras, Gerasimos; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {Using Integer Linear Programming in Concept-to-Text Generation to Produce More Compact Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2101}
author = {Gao, Dehong; Li, Wenjie; Zhang, Renxian}
title = {Sequential Summarization: A New Application for Timely Updated Twitter Trending Topics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2102}
author = {Jha, Rahul; Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {A System for Summarizing Scientific Topics Starting from Keywords}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2103}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut}
title = {A Unified Morpho-Syntactic Scheme of Stanford Dependencies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2104}
author = {Ma, Xuezhe; Xia, Fei}
title = {Dependency Parser Adaptation with Subtrees from Auto-Parsed Target Domain Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2105}
author = {Li, Xiang; Jiang, Wenbin; Lü, Yajuan; Liu, Qun}
title = {Iterative Transformation of Annotation Guidelines for Constituency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2106}
author = {Yamangil, Elif; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Nonparametric Bayesian Inference and Efficient Parsing for Tree-adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2107}
author = {Ambati, Bharat Ram; Deoskar, Tejaswini; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Using CCG categories to improve Hindi dependency parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2108}
author = {Coppola, Greg; Steedman, Mark}
title = {The Effect of Higher-Order Dependency Features in Discriminative Phrase-Structure Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2109}
author = {Martins, Andre; Almeida, Miguel; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Turning on the Turbo: Fast Third-Order Non-Projective Turbo Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2110}
author = {Wang, Zhiguo; Zong, Chengqing; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {A Lattice-based Framework for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation, POS Tagging and Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2111}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Zhao, Kai; Huang, Liang}
title = {Efficient Implementation of Beam-Search Incremental Parsers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2112}
author = {Duong, Long; Cook, Paul; Bird, Steven; Pecina, Pavel}
title = {Simpler unsupervised POS tagging with bilingual projections}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2113}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Part-of-speech tagging with antagonistic adversaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2114}
author = {Derczynski, Leon; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Temporal Signals Help Label Temporal Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2115}
author = {Habibi, Maryam; Popescu-Belis, Andrei}
title = {Diverse Keyword Extraction from Conversations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2116}
author = {Govindaraju, Vidhya; Zhang, Ce; Ré, Christopher}
title = {Understanding Tables in Context Using Standard NLP Toolkits}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2117}
author = {Xu, Wei; Hoffmann, Raphael; Zhao, Le; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Filling Knowledge Base Gaps for Distant Supervision of Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2118}
author = {Radford, Will; Curran, James R.}
title = {Joint Apposition Extraction with Syntactic and Semantic Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2119}
author = {Duh, Kevin; Neubig, Graham; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Tsukada, Hajime}
title = {Adaptation Data Selection using Neural Language Models: Experiments in Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2120}
author = {Langlais, Phillippe}
title = {Mapping Source to Target Strings without Alignment by Analogical Learning: A Case Study with Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2121}
author = {Heafield, Kenneth; Pouzyrevsky, Ivan; Clark, Jonathan H.; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Scalable Modified Kneser-Ney Language Model Estimation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2122}
author = {Hewavitharana, Sanjika; Mehay, Dennis; Ananthakrishnan, Sankaranarayanan; Natarajan, Prem}
title = {Incremental Topic-Based Translation Model Adaptation for Conversational Spoken Language Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2123}
author = {Yao, Xuchen; van Durme, Benjamin; Callison-Burch, Chris; Clark, Peter}
title = {A Lightweight and High Performance Monolingual Word Aligner}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2124}
author = {Sawai, Yu; Komachi, Mamoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {A Learner Corpus-based Approach to Verb Suggestion for ESL}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2125}
author = {Severyn, Aliaksei; Nicosia, Massimo; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Learning Semantic Textual Similarity with Structural Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2126}
author = {Salama, Ahmed; Oflazer, Kemal; Hagan, Susan}
title = {Typesetting for Improved Readability using Lexical and Syntactic Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2127}
author = {Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Sandford Pedersen, Bolette; Bel, Núria}
title = {Annotation of regular polysemy and underspecification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2128}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Šnajder, Jan; Zeller, Britta}
title = {Derivational Smoothing for Syntactic Distributional Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2129}
author = {Sun, Lin; McCarthy, Diana; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Diathesis alternation approximation for verb clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2130}
author = {Fossati, Marco; Giuliano, Claudio; Tonelli, Sara}
title = {Outsourcing FrameNet to the Crowd}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2131}
author = {Cai, Shu; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Smatch: an Evaluation Metric for Semantic Feature Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2132}
author = {Moran, Sean; Lavrenko, Victor; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Variable Bit Quantisation for LSH}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2133}
author = {Bouamor, Dhouha; Semmar, Nasredine; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Context Vector Disambiguation for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2134}
author = {Dunietz, Jesse; Levin, Lori S.; Carbonell, Jaime}
title = {The Effects of Lexical Resource Quality on Preference Violation Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2135}
author = {Souza, José G.C.; Esplà-Gomis, Miquel; Turchi, Marco; Negri, Matteo}
title = {Exploiting Qualitative Information from Automatic Word Alignment for Cross-lingual NLP Tasks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2136}
author = {Faruqui, Manaal; Dyer, Chris}
title = {An Information Theoretic Approach to Bilingual Word Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2137}
author = {Šnajder, Jan; Padó, Sebastian; Agić, Željko}
title = {Building and Evaluating a Distributional Memory for Croatian}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2138}
author = {Kuznetsova, Polina; Ordonez, Vicente; Berg, Alexander C.; Berg, Tamara L.; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Generalizing Image Captions for Image-Text Parallel Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2139}
author = {Glavaš, Goran; Šnajder, Jan}
title = {Recognizing Identical Events with Graph Kernels}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2140}
author = {Baldwin, Tyler; Li, Yunyao; Alexe, Bogdan; Stanoi, Ioana R.}
title = {Automatic Term Ambiguity Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2141}
author = {Zhang, Xingxing; Zhang, Jianwen; Zeng, Junyu; Yan, Jun; Chen, Zheng; Sui, Zhifang}
title = {Towards Accurate Distant Supervision for Relational Facts Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2142}
author = {Hasan, Kazi Saidul; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Extra-Linguistic Constraints on Stance Recognition in Ideological Debates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2143}
author = {Jiang, Xiaorui; Sun, Xiaoping; Zhuge, Hai}
title = {Are School-of-thought Words Characterizable?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2144}
author = {Abu-Jbara, Amjad; King, Ben; Diab, Mona; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Identifying Opinion Subgroups in Arabic Online Discussions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2145}
author = {Wen, Miaomiao; Zheng, Zeyu; Jang, Hyeju; Xiang, Guang; Penstein Rosé, Carolyn}
title = {Extracting Events with Informal Temporal References in Personal Histories in Online Communities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2146}
author = {Hu, Haifeng; Liu, Bingquan; Wang, Baoxun; Liu, Ming; Wang, Xiaolong}
title = {Multimodal DBN for Predicting High-Quality Answers in cQA portals}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2147}
author = {Klinger, Roman; Cimiano, Philipp}
title = {Bi-directional Inter-dependencies of Subjective Expressions and Targets and their Value for a Joint Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2148}
author = {Yu, Hongliang; Deng, Zhi-Hong; Li, Shiyingxue}
title = {Identifying Sentiment Words Using an Optimization-based Model without Seed Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2149}
author = {Ramteke, Ankit; Malu, Akshat; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; Nath, J. Saketha}
title = {Detecting Turnarounds in Sentiment Analysis: Thwarting}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2150}
author = {Post, Matt; Bergsma, Shane}
title = {Explicit and Implicit Syntactic Features for Text Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2151}
author = {Daland, Robert; Zuraw, Kie}
title = {Does Korean defeat phonotactic word segmentation?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2152}
author = {Frank, Stefan; Otten, Leun J.; Galli, Giulia; Vigliocco, Gabriella}
title = {Word surprisal predicts N400 amplitude during reading}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2153}
author = {Ryan, James O.; Pakhomov, Serguei V.; Marino, Susan; Bernick, Charles; Banks, Sarah}
title = {Computerized Analysis of a Verbal Fluency Test}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-2154}
author = {Szumlanski, Sean; Gomez, Fernando; Sims, Valerie K.}
title = {A New Set of Norms for Semantic Relatedness Measures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3001}
author = {AkkuÅ, Burak Kerim; Cakici, Ruket}
title = {Categorization of Turkish News Documents with Morphological Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3002}
author = {Barbaresi, Adrien}
title = {Crawling microblogging services to gather language-classified URLs. Workflow and case study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3003}
author = {Chen, Annie}
title = {Patient Experience in Online Support Forums: Modeling Interpersonal Interactions and Medication Use}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3004}
author = {Florou, Eirini}
title = {Detecting Metaphor by Contextual Analogy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3005}
author = {Ivanova, Angelina; Oepen, Stephan; Øvrelid, Lilja}
title = {Survey on parsing three dependency representations for English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3006}
author = {Mihăilă, Claudiu; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {What causes a causal relation? Detecting Causal Triggers in Biomedical Scientific Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3007}
author = {Ogura, Yukari; Kobayashi, Ichiro}
title = {Text Classification based on the Latent Topics of Important Sentences extracted by the PageRank Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3008}
author = {Pereira, Lis; Manguilimotan, Erlyn; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Automated Collocation Suggestion for Japanese Second Language Learners}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3009}
author = {Rajan, Kavitha}
title = {Understanding Verbs based on Overlapping Verbs Senses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3010}
author = {Sarioglu, Efsun; Yadav, Kabir; Choi, Hyeong-Ah}
title = {Topic Modeling Based Classification of Clinical Reports}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3011}
author = {Skeppstedt, Maria}
title = {Annotating named entities in clinical text by combining pre-annotation and active learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3012}
author = {Martschat, Sebastian}
title = {Multigraph Clustering for Unsupervised Coreference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3013}
author = {Niculae, Vlad; Yaneva, Victoria}
title = {Computational considerations of comparisons and similes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3014}
author = {Przybyła, Piotr}
title = {Question Analysis for Polish Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3015}
author = {Shardlow, Matthew}
title = {A Comparison of Techniques to Automatically Identify Complex Words.}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3016}
author = {Takase, Sho; Murakami, Akiko; Enoki, Miki; Okazaki, Naoaki; Inui, Kentaro}
title = {Detecting Chronic Critics Based on Sentiment Polarity and Userâs Behavior in Social Media}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3017}
author = {Cirik, Volkan}
title = {Addressing Ambiguity in Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Induction with Substitute Vectors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3018}
author = {Dasgupta, Tirthankar}
title = {Psycholinguistically Motivated Computational Models on the Organization and Processing of Morphologically Complex Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3019}
author = {Duma, Melania; Vertan, Cristina; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {A New Syntactic Metric for Evaluation of Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3020}
author = {Eriguchi, Akiko; Kobayashi, Ichiro}
title = {High-quality Training Data Selection using Latent Topics for Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3021}
author = {Klerke, Sigrid; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Simple, readable sub-sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3022}
author = {Lu, Xia}
title = {Exploring Word Order Universals: a Probabilistic Graphical Model Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3023}
author = {Dušek, Ondřej; Jurčíček, Filip}
title = {Robust multilingual statistical morphological generation models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3024}
author = {Fourtassi, Abdellah; Dupoux, Emmanuel}
title = {A corpus-based evaluation method for Distributional Semantic Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-3025}
author = {Rosa, Rudolf; Mareček, David; Tamchyna, Aleš}
title = {Deepfix: Statistical Post-editing of Statistical Machine Translation Using Deep Syntactic Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4001}
author = {Yimam, Seid Muhie; Gurevych, Iryna; Eckart, Richard; Biemann, Christian}
title = {WebAnno: A Flexible, Web-based and Visually Supported System for Distributed Annotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4002}
author = {Han, Bo; Cook, Paul; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {A Stacking-based Approach to Twitter User Geolocation Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4003}
author = {List, Johann-Mattis; Moran, Steven}
title = {An Open Source Toolkit for Quantitative Historical Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4004}
author = {Tablan, Valentin; Bontcheva, Kalina; Roberts, Ian; Cunningham, Hamish; Dimitrov, Marin}
title = {AnnoMarket: An Open Cloud Platform for NLP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4005}
author = {Balahur, Alexandra; Tanev, Hristo}
title = {Detecting Event-Related Links and Sentiments from Social Media Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4006}
author = {Dinu, Georgiana; Pham, Nghia The; Baroni, Marco}
title = {DISSECT - DIStributional SEmantics Composition Toolkit}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4007}
author = {Miller, Tristan; Erbs, Nicolai; Zorn, Hans-Peter; Zesch, Torsten; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {DKPro WSD: A Generalized UIMA-based Framework for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4008}
author = {Kontonatsios, Georgios; Thompson, Paul; Batista-Navarro, Riza Theresa; Mihăilă, Claudiu; Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Extending an interoperable platform to facilitate the creation of multilingual and multimodal NLP applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4009}
author = {Qiu, Xipeng; Zhang, Qi; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {FudanNLP: A Toolkit for Chinese Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4010}
author = {Gärtner, Markus; Thiele, Gregor; Seeker, Wolfgang; Björkelund, Anders; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {ICARUS – An Extensible Graphical Search Tool for Dependency Treebanks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4011}
author = {Fialho, Pedro; Coheur, Luísa; Curto, Sérgio; Cláudio, Pedro; Costa, Ângela; Abad, Alberto; Meinedo, Hugo; Trancoso, Isabel}
title = {Meet EDGAR, a tutoring agent at MONSERRATE}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4012}
author = {Liu, Yuanchao; Liu, Ming; Wang, Xiaolong; Wang, Limin; Li, Jingjing}
title = {PAL: A Chatterbot System for Answering Domain-specific Questions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4013}
author = {Mayer, Thomas; Rohrdantz, Christian}
title = {PhonMatrix: Visualizing co-occurrence constraints of sounds}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4014}
author = {Specia, Lucia; Shah, Kashif; Souza, Jose; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {QuEst - A translation quality estimation framework}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4015}
author = {Mirkin, Shachar; Venkatapathy, Sriram; Dymetman, Marc; Calapodescu, Ioan}
title = {SORT: An Interactive Source-Rewriting Tool for Improved Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4016}
author = {Neubig, Graham}
title = {Travatar: A Forest-to-String Machine Translation Engine based on Tree Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4017}
author = {Shnarch, Eyal; Segal-haLevi, Erel; Goldberger, Jacob; Dagan, Ido}
title = {PLIS: a Probabilistic Lexical Inference System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4018}
author = {Faralli, Stefano; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {A Java Framework for Multilingual Definition and Hypernym Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4019}
author = {Lamprecht, Andreas; Hautli, Annette; Rohrdantz, Christian; Bögel, Tina}
title = {A Visual Analytics System for Cluster Exploration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4020}
author = {Rak, Rafal; Rowley, Andrew; Carter, Jacob; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Development and Analysis of NLP Pipelines in Argo}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4021}
author = {Bär, Daniel; Zesch, Torsten; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {DKPro Similarity: An Open Source Framework for Text Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4022}
author = {Wellens, Pieter; Trijp, Remi; Beuls, Katrien; Steels, Luc}
title = {Fluid Construction Grammar for Historical and Evolutionary Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4023}
author = {Yosef, Mohamed Amir; Bauer, Sandro; Hoffart, Johannes; Spaniol, Marc; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {HYENA-live: Fine-Grained Online Entity Type Classification from Natural-language Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4024}
author = {Boisson, Joanne; Kao, Ting-hui; Wu, Jian-Cheng; Yen, Tzu-Hsi; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Linggle: a Web-scale Linguistic Search Engine for Words in Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4025}
author = {Kotlerman, Lili; Madnani, Nitin; Cahill, Aoife}
title = {ParaQuery: Making Sense of Paraphrase Collections}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4026}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Aletras, Nikolaos; Clough, Paul D.; Fernando, Samuel; Goodale, Paula; Hall, Mark; Soroa, Aitor; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {PATHS: A System for Accessing Cultural Heritage Collections}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4027}
author = {Akbik, Alan; Konomi, Oresti; Melnikov, Michail}
title = {Propminer: A Workflow for Interactive Information Extraction and Exploration using Dependency Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4028}
author = {Rus, Vasile; Lintean, Mihai; Banjade, Rajendra; Niraula, Nobal; Ştefănescu, Dan}
title = {SEMILAR: The Semantic Similarity Toolkit}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4029}
author = {Ponnamperuma, Kapila; Siddharthan, Advaith; Zeng, Cheng; Mellish, Chris S.; Wal, René}
title = {Tag2Blog: Narrative Generation from Satellite Tag Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4030}
author = {Kunchukuttan, Anoop; Chatterjee, Rajen; Roy, Shourya; Mishra, Abhijit; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {TransDoop: A Map-Reduce based Crowdsourced Translation for Complex Domain}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4031}
author = {González, Meritxell; Mascarell, Laura; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {tSEARCH: Flexible and Fast Search over Automatic Translations for Improved Quality/Error Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4032}
author = {Bruni, Elia; Bordignon, Ulisse; Liska, Adam; Uijlings, Jasper; Sergienya, Irina}
title = {VSEM: An open library for visual semantics representation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4033}
author = {Hardmeier, Christian; Stymne, Sara; Tiedemann, Jörg; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Docent: A Document-Level Decoder for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-4034}
author = {Eidelman, Vladimir; Wu, Ke; Ture, Ferhan; Resnik, Philip; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Mr. MIRA: Open-Source Large-Margin Structured Learning on MapReduce}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-5001}
author = {Bruni, Elia; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Visual Features for Linguists: Basic image analysis techniques for multimodally-curious NLPers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-5002}
author = {Artzi, Yoav; FitzGerald, Nicholas; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Semantic Parsing with Combinatory Categorial Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-5003}
author = {Knight, Kevin}
title = {Decipherment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-5004}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Zielinski, Andrea}
title = {Exploiting Social Media for Natural Language Processing: Bridging the Gap between Language-centric and Real-world Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-5005}
author = {Kordoni, Valia; Egg, Markus}
title = {Robust Automated Natural Language Processing with Multiword Expressions and Collocations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-5006}
author = {Burkett, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {Variational Inference for Structured NLP Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P13-5007}
author = {Kornai, András; Penn, Gerald; Rogers, James; Yli-Jyra, Anssi}
title = {The mathematics of language learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2013}
id = {P14-1001}
author = {Cortes, Corinna; Kuznetsov, Vitaly; Cortes, Corinna; Mohri, Mehryar; Kuznetsov, Vitaly; Mohri, Mehryar}
title = {Learning Ensembles of Structured Prediction Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1002}
author = {Ji, Yangfeng; Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Representation Learning for Text-level Discourse Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1003}
author = {Wang, Liang; Cao, Ziqiang; Li, Sujian; Wang, Liang; Cao, Ziqiang; Li, Wenjie}
title = {Text-level Discourse Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1004}
author = {Zhai, Ke; Williams, Jason D; Zhai, Ke; Williams, Jason}
title = {Discovering Latent Structure in Task-Oriented Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1005}
author = {Björkelund, Anders; Björkelund, Anders; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Learning Structured Perceptrons for Coreference Resolution with Latent Antecedents and Non-local Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1006}
author = {Blunsom, Phil; Hermann, Karl Moritz; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Multilingual Models for Compositional Distributed Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1007}
author = {Packard, Woodley; Bender, Emily M.; Read, Jonathon; Oepen, Stephan; Dridan, Rebecca}
title = {Simple Negation Scope Resolution through Deep Parsing: A Semantic Solution to a Semantic Problem}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1008}
author = {Tian, Ran; Tian, Ran; Miyao, Yusuke; Matsuzaki, Takuya}
title = {Logical Inference on Dependency-based Compositional Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1009}
author = {Paperno, Denis; Paperno, Denis; Pham, Nghia The; Baroni, Marco}
title = {A practical and linguistically-motivated approach to compositional distributional semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1010}
author = {Salameh, Mohammad; Cherry, Colin; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Lattice Desegmentation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1011}
author = {Zhang, Jiajun; Liu, Shujie; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Bilingually-constrained Phrase Embeddings for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1012}
author = {Chen, Zhenbiao; Lu, Shixiang; Chen, Zhenbiao; Xu, Bo}
title = {Learning New Semi-Supervised Deep Auto-encoder Features for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1013}
author = {Chen, Qiming; Cui, Lei; Zhang, Dongdong; Liu, Shujie; Chen, Qiming; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming; Yang, Muyun}
title = {Learning Topic Representation for SMT with Neural Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1014}
author = {Ma, Ji; Zhang, Yue; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {Tagging The Web: Building A Robust Web Tagger with Neural Network}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1015}
author = {P, Deepak; P, Deepak; Visweswariah, Karthik}
title = {Unsupervised Solution Post Identification from Discussion Forums}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1016}
author = {Li, Jiwei; Ritter, Alan; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Weakly Supervised User Profile Extraction from Twitter}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1017}
author = {Tan, Chenhao; Lee, Lillian; Pang, Bo}
title = {The effect of wording on message propagation: Topic- and author-controlled natural experiments on Twitter}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1018}
author = {Volkova, Svitlana; Coppersmith, Glen; Van Durme, Benjamin; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Inferring User Political Preferences from Streaming Communications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1019}
author = {Zhang, Yuan; Lei, Tao; Barzilay, Regina; Jaakkola, Tommi; Globerson, Amir}
title = {Steps to Excellence: Simple Inference with Refined Scoring of Dependency Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1020}
author = {Hall, David; Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Klein, Dan}
title = {Sparser, Better, Faster GPU Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1021}
author = {Xu, Wenduan; Clark, Stephen; Zhang, Yue}
title = {Shift-Reduce CCG Parsing with a Dependency Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1022}
author = {Hall, David; Durrett, Greg; Klein, Dan}
title = {Less Grammar, More Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1023}
author = {Kruszewski, Germán; Baroni, Marco; Dinu, Georgiana; Kruszewski, Germán}
title = {Don't count, predict! A systematic comparison of context-counting vs. context-predicting semantic vectors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1024}
author = {Boytsov, Leonid; Nyberg, Eric; Tsvetkov, Yulia; Boytsov, Leonid; Gershman, Anatole; Nyberg, Eric H.; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Metaphor Detection with Cross-Lingual Model Transfer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1025}
author = {Lau, Jey Han; Cook, Paul; McCarthy, Diana; Gella, Spandana; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Learning Word Sense Distributions, Detecting Unattested Senses and Identifying Novel Senses Using Topic Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1026}
author = {Kushman, Nate; Artzi, Yoav; Zettlemoyer, Luke; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Learning to Automatically Solve Algebra Word Problems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1027}
author = {Christophe, Anne; Johnson, Mark; Christophe, Anne; Dupoux, Emmanuel; Demuth, Katherine}
title = {Modelling function words improves unsupervised word segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1028}
author = {Pei, Wenzhe; Pei, Wenzhe; Ge, Tao; Chang, Baobao}
title = {Max-Margin Tensor Neural Network for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1029}
author = {Guo, Hongyu; Zhu, Xiaodan; Guo, Hongyu; Mohammad, Saif; Kiritchenko, Svetlana}
title = {An Empirical Study on the Effect of Negation Words on Sentiment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1030}
author = {Liu, Kang; Xu, Liheng; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Extracting Opinion Targets and Opinion Words from Online Reviews with Graph Co-ranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1031}
author = {Yang, Bishan; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Context-aware Learning for Sentence-level Sentiment Analysis with Posterior Regularization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1032}
author = {Xu, Liheng; Liu, Kang; Lai, Siwei; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Product Feature Mining: Semantic Clues versus Syntactic Constituents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1033}
author = {Chen, Zhiyuan; Mukherjee, Arjun; Liu, Bing}
title = {Aspect Extraction with Automated Prior Knowledge Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1034}
author = {Nguyen, Thang; Nguyen, Thang; Hu, Yuening; Boyd-Graber, Jordan}
title = {Anchors Regularized: Adding Robustness and Extensibility to Scalable Topic-Modeling Algorithms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1035}
author = {Underwood, Ted; Bamman, David; Underwood, Ted; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {A Bayesian Mixed Effects Model of Literary Character}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1036}
author = {Huang, Hongzhao; Cao, Yunbo; Huang, Xiaojiang; Ji, Heng; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Collective Tweet Wikification based on Semi-supervised Graph Regularization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1037}
author = {Pasupat, Panupong; Pasupat, Panupong; Liang, Percy}
title = {Zero-shot Entity Extraction from Web Pages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1038}
author = {Li, Qi; Ji, Heng}
title = {Incremental Joint Extraction of Entity Mentions and Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1039}
author = {Duan, Manjuan; Duan, Manjuan; White, Michael}
title = {That's Not What I Meant! Using Parsers to Avoid Structural Ambiguities in Generated Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1040}
author = {Gyawali, Bikash; Gardent, Claire}
title = {Surface Realisation from Knowledge-Bases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1041}
author = {Narayan, Shashi; Gardent, Claire}
title = {Hybrid Simplification using Deep Semantics and Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1042}
author = {Du, Yantao; Kou, Xin; Ding, Shuoyang; Sun, Weiwei; Du, Yantao; Kou, Xin; Ding, Shuoyang; Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Grammatical Relations in Chinese: GB-Ground Extraction and Data-Driven Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1043}
author = {Li, Zhenghua; Zhang, Min; Chen, Wenliang}
title = {Ambiguity-aware Ensemble Training for Semi-supervised Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1044}
author = {Pilehvar, Mohammad Taher; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {A Robust Approach to Aligning Heterogeneous Lexical Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1045}
author = {Fabre, Cécile; Adam, Clémentine; Muller, Philippe; Fabre, Cécile; Adam, Clémentine}
title = {Predicting the relevance of distributional semantic similarity with contextual information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1046}
author = {Talukdar, Partha P.; Fyshe, Alona; Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Murphy, Brian; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Interpretable Semantic Vectors from a Joint Model of Brain- and Text- Based Meaning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1047}
author = {Nelson, Claire; Traum, David; Georgila, Kallirroi; Nelson, Claire; Traum, David R.}
title = {Single-Agent vs. Multi-Agent Techniques for Concurrent Reinforcement Learning of Negotiation Dialogue Policies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1048}
author = {Feng, Vanessa Wei; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {A Linear-Time Bottom-Up Discourse Parser with Constraints and Post-Editing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1049}
author = {Zou, Bowei; Zhou, Guodong; Zhu, Qiaoming}
title = {Negation Focus Identification with Contextual Discourse Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1050}
author = {Ye, Borui; Wang, Yichen; Chen, Haiqiang; Cheng, Junjun; Huang, Minlie; Ye, Borui; Wang, Yichen; Chen, Haiqiang; Cheng, Junjun; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {New Word Detection for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1051}
author = {Zhang, Zhe; Singh, Munindar P.; Zhang, Zhe; Singh, Munindar P.}
title = {ReNew: A Semi-Supervised Framework for Generating Domain-Specific Lexicons and Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1052}
author = {McKinley, Nathan; Ray, Soumya; McKinley, Nathan; Ray, Soumya}
title = {A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1053}
author = {Labutov, Igor; Lipson, Hod}
title = {Generating Code-switched Text for Lexical Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1054}
author = {Chen, Yanping; Chen, Yanping; Zheng, Qinghua; Zhang, Wei}
title = {Omni-word Feature and Soft Constraint for Chinese Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1055}
author = {Hui, Haotian; Qian, Longhua; Hui, Haotian; Hu, Ya'nan; Zhou, Guodong; Zhu, Qiaoming}
title = {Bilingual Active Learning for Relation Classification via Pseudo Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1056}
author = {Anzaroot, Sam; Passos, Alexandre; Belanger, David; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Learning Soft Linear Constraints with Application to Citation Field Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1057}
author = {Wang, Yue; Liu, Xitong; Fang, Hui}
title = {A Study of Concept-based Weighting Regularization for Medical Records Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1058}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Weir, David; Carroll, John}
title = {Learning to Predict Distributions of Words Across Domains}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1059}
author = {Dinu, Georgiana; Baroni, Marco}
title = {How to make words with vectors: Phrase generation in distributional semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1060}
author = {Srivastava, Shashank; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Vector space semantics with frequency-driven motifs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1061}
author = {Abend, Omri; Cohen, Shay B.; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Lexical Inference over Multi-Word Predicates: A Distributional Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1062}
author = {Kalchbrenner, Nal; Grefenstette, Edward; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {A Convolutional Neural Network for Modelling Sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1063}
author = {Cao, Yuan; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Online Learning in Tensor Space}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1064}
author = {Saluja, Avneesh; Hassan, Hany; Toutanova, Kristina; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning of Translation Models from Monolingual Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1065}
author = {Guzmán, Francisco; Joty, Shafiq R.; Màrquez, Lluís; Nakov, Preslav}
title = {Using Discourse Structure Improves Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1066}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; He, Xiaodong; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Deng, Li}
title = {Learning Continuous Phrase Representations for Translation Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1067}
author = {Turchi, Marco; Anastasopoulos, Antonios; C. de Souza, José G.; Negri, Matteo}
title = {Adaptive Quality Estimation for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1068}
author = {Silberer, Carina; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Learning Grounded Meaning Representations with Autoencoders}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1069}
author = {Wang, Zhiguo; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Joint POS Tagging and Transition-based Constituent Parsing in Chinese with Non-local Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1070}
author = {Candito, Marie; Constant, Matthieu}
title = {Strategies for Contiguous Multiword Expression Analysis and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1071}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Vilenius, Mikko; Whittaker, Edward}
title = {Correcting Preposition Errors in Learner English Using Error Case Frames and Feedback Messages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1072}
author = {Zhang, Hui; Chiang, David}
title = {Kneser-Ney Smoothing on Expected Counts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1073}
author = {Andrews, Nicholas; Eisner, Jason M.; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Robust Entity Clustering via Phylogenetic Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1074}
author = {Yogatama, Dani; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Linguistic Structured Sparsity in Text Categorization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1075}
author = {Kobayashi, Hayato}
title = {Perplexity on Reduced Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1076}
author = {Nguyen, Minh Luan; Tsang, Ivor W.; Chai, Kian Ming A.; Chieu, Hai Leong}
title = {Robust Domain Adaptation for Relation Extraction via Clustering Consistency}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1077}
author = {Chen, Liwei; Feng, Yansong; Huang, Songfang; Qin, Yong; Zhao, Dongyan}
title = {Encoding Relation Requirements for Relation Extraction via Joint Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1078}
author = {Wang, Chang; Fan, James}
title = {Medical Relation Extraction with Manifold Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1079}
author = {Fan, Miao; Zhao, Deli; Zhou, Qiang; Liu, Zhiyuan; Zheng, Thomas Fang; Chang, Edward Y.}
title = {Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with Matrix Completion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1080}
author = {Tu, Mei; Zhou, Yu; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Enhancing Grammatical Cohesion: Generating Transitional Expressions for SMT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1081}
author = {Huang, Fei; Xu, Jian-ming; Ittycheriah, Abraham; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Adaptive HTER Estimation for Document-Specific MT Post-Editing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1082}
author = {van Gompel, Maarten; Gompel, Maarten van; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Translation Assistance by Translation of L1 Fragments in an L2 Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1083}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; Simianer, Patrick; Haas, Carolin}
title = {Response-based Learning for Grounded Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1084}
author = {Pighin, Daniele; Cornolti, Marco; Alfonseca, Enrique; Filippova, Katja}
title = {Modelling Events through Memory-based, Open-IE Patterns for Abstractive Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1085}
author = {Christensen, Janara; Soderland, Stephen; Bansal, Gagan; Mausam, }
title = {Hierarchical Summarization: Scaling Up Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1086}
author = {Baumel, Tal; Cohen, Raphael; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Query-Chain Focused Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1087}
author = {Ng, Jun-Ping; Chen, Yan; Kan, Min-Yen; Li, Zhoujun}
title = {Exploiting Timelines to Enhance Multi-document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1088}
author = {Skjærholt, Arne; Skjærholt, Arne}
title = {A chance-corrected measure of inter-annotator agreement for syntax}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1089}
author = {Flati, Tiziano; Vannella, Daniele; Pasini, Tommaso; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Two Is Bigger (and Better) Than One: the Wikipedia Bitaxonomy Project}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1090}
author = {Yao, Xuchen; Van Durme, Benjamin; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Information Extraction over Structured Data: Question Answering with Freebase}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1091}
author = {Bao, Junwei; Duan, Nan; Zhou, Ming; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Knowledge-Based Question Answering as Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1092}
author = {Jansen, Peter J.; Surdeanu, Mihai; Clark, Peter}
title = {Discourse Complements Lexical Semantics for Non-factoid Answer Reranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1093}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Torisawa, Kentaro; Kloetzer, Julien; Sano, Motoki; Varga, István; Oh, Jong-Hoon; Kidawara, Yutaka}
title = {Toward Future Scenario Generation: Extracting Event Causality Exploiting Semantic Relation, Context, and Association Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1094}
author = {Raghavan, Preethi; Fosler-Lussier, Eric; Elhadad, Noémie; Lai, Albert M.}
title = {Cross-narrative Temporal Ordering of Medical Events}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1095}
author = {Nakashole, Ndapandula; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Language-Aware Truth Assessment of Fact Candidates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1096}
author = {Mitra, Sunny; Mitra, Ritwik; Riedl, Martin; Biemann, Christian; Mukherjee, Animesh; Goyal, Pawan}
title = {That's sick dude!: Automatic identification of word sense change across different timescales}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1097}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Peterson, Daniel W.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {A Step-wise Usage-based Method for Inducing Polysemy-aware Verb Classes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1098}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Burkett, David; Melo, Gerard de; Klein, Dan}
title = {Structured Learning for Taxonomy Induction with Belief Propagation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1099}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Collins, Michael John}
title = {A Provably Correct Learning Algorithm for Latent-Variable PCFGs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1100}
author = {Parikh, Ankur; Cohen, Shay B.; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Spectral Unsupervised Parsing with Additive Tree Metrics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1101}
author = {Frank, Stella; Feldman, Naomi H.; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Weak semantic context helps phonetic learning in a model of infant language acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1102}
author = {van Schijndel, Marten; Elsner, Micha}
title = {Bootstrapping into Filler-Gap: An Acquisition Story}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1103}
author = {Doyle, Gabriel; Bicknell, Klinton; Levy, Roger}
title = {Nonparametric Learning of Phonological Constraints in Optimality Theory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1104}
author = {Martineau, Justin; Chen, Lu; Cheng, Doreen; Sheth, Amit}
title = {Active Learning with Efficient Feature Weighting Methods for Improving Data Quality and Classification Accuracy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1105}
author = {Iyyer, Mohit; Enns, Peter; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Political Ideology Detection Using Recursive Neural Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1106}
author = {Li, Junhui; Marton, Yuval; Resnik, Philip; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {A Unified Model for Soft Linguistic Reordering Constraints in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1107}
author = {Yan, Rui; Gao, Mingkun; Pavlick, Ellie; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Are Two Heads Better than One? Crowdsourced Translation via a Two-Step Collaboration of Non-Professional Translators and Editors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1108}
author = {Pickhardt, Rene; Gottron, Thomas; Körner, Martin; Wagner, Paul Georg; Speicher, Till; Staab, Steffen}
title = {A Generalized Language Model as the Combination of Skipped n-grams and Modified Kneser Ney Smoothing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1109}
author = {Wang, William Yang; Hua, Zhenhao}
title = {A Semiparametric Gaussian Copula Regression Model for Predicting Financial Risks from Earnings Calls}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1110}
author = {Hu, Yuening; Zhai, Ke; Eidelman, Vladimir; Boyd-Graber, Jordan}
title = {Polylingual Tree-Based Topic Models for Translation Domain Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1111}
author = {Gormley, Matthew R.; Mitchell, Margaret; Van Durme, Benjamin; van Durme, Benjamin; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Low-Resource Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1112}
author = {Krishnamurthy, Jayant; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Joint Syntactic and Semantic Parsing with Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1113}
author = {Fu, Ruiji; Guo, Jiang; Qin, Bing; Che, Wanxiang; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Ting}
title = {Learning Semantic Hierarchies via Word Embeddings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1114}
author = {Beltagy, Islam; Erk, Katrin; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Probabilistic Soft Logic for Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1115}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond T.}
title = {Abstractive Summarization of Spoken and Written Conversations Based on Phrasal Queries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1116}
author = {Gkatzia, Dimitra; Hastie, Helen; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1117}
author = {Thadani, Kapil}
title = {Approximation Strategies for Multi-Structure Sentence Compression}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1118}
author = {Severyn, Aliaksei; Moschitti, Alessandro; Uryupina, Olga; Plank, Barbara; Filippova, Katja}
title = {Opinion Mining on YouTube}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1119}
author = {Hasan, Kazi Saidul; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Automatic Keyphrase Extraction: A Survey of the State of the Art}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1120}
author = {Litkowski, Ken}
title = {Pattern Dictionary of English Prepositions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1121}
author = {Morin, Emmanuel; Hazem, Amir}
title = {Looking at Unbalanced Specialized Comparable Corpora for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1122}
author = {Vannella, Daniele; Jurgens, David; Scarfini, Daniele; Toscani, Domenico; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Validating and Extending Semantic Knowledge Bases using Video Games with a Purpose}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1123}
author = {Bhat, Suma; Xue, Huichao; Yoon, Su-Youn}
title = {Shallow Analysis Based Assessment of Syntactic Complexity for Automated Speech Scoring}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1124}
author = {Wintrode, Jonathan; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Can You Repeat That? Using Word Repetition to Improve Spoken Term Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1125}
author = {Zhang, Meishan; Zhang, Yue; Che, Wanxiang; Liu, Ting}
title = {Character-Level Chinese Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1126}
author = {Ma, Xuezhe; Xia, Fei}
title = {Unsupervised Dependency Parsing with Transferring Distribution via Parallel Guidance and Entropy Regularization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1127}
author = {Rasooli, Mohammad Sadegh; Lippincott, Thomas; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Unsupervised Morphology-Based Vocabulary Expansion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1128}
author = {Zeng, Xiaodong; Chao, Lidia S.; Wong, Derek F.; Trancoso, Isabel; Tian, Liang}
title = {Toward Better Chinese Word Segmentation for SMT via Bilingual Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1129}
author = {Devlin, Jacob; Zbib, Rabih; Huang, Zhongqiang; Lamar, Thomas; Schwartz, Richard M.; Makhoul, John}
title = {Fast and Robust Neural Network Joint Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1130}
author = {Lei, Tao; Xin, Yu; Zhang, Yuan; Barzilay, Regina; Jaakkola, Tommi}
title = {Low-Rank Tensors for Scoring Dependency Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1131}
author = {Rothe, Sascha; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {CoSimRank: A Flexible & Efficient Graph-Theoretic Similarity Measure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1132}
author = {Lazaridou, Angeliki; Bruni, Elia; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Is this a wampimuk? Cross-modal mapping between distributional semantics and the visual world}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1133}
author = {Berant, Jonathan; Liang, Percy}
title = {Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1134}
author = {Flanigan, Jeffrey; Thomson, Sam; Carbonell, Jaime; Dyer, Chris; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {A Discriminative Graph-Based Parser for the Abstract Meaning Representation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1135}
author = {Lee, Kenton; Artzi, Yoav; Dodge, Jesse; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Context-dependent Semantic Parsing for Time Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1136}
author = {Hermann, Karl Moritz; Das, Dipanjan; Weston, Jason; Ganchev, Kuzman}
title = {Semantic Frame Identification with Distributed Word Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1137}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min}
title = {A Sense-Based Translation Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1138}
author = {Tamura, Akihiro; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Recurrent Neural Networks for Word Alignment Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1139}
author = {Chang, Yin-Wen; Rush, Alexander M.; DeNero, John; Collins, Michael John}
title = {A Constrained Viterbi Relaxation for Bidirectional Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1140}
author = {Liu, Shujie; Yang, Nan; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {A Recursive Recurrent Neural Network for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1141}
author = {Chaturvedi, Snigdha; Goldwasser, Dan; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Predicting Instructor's Intervention in MOOC forums}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1142}
author = {Jia, Zhongye; Zhao, Hai}
title = {A Joint Graph Model for Pinyin-to-Chinese Conversion with Typo Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1143}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Gamon, Michael; Fuxman, Ariel}
title = {Smart Selection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1144}
author = {Persing, Isaac; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Modeling Prompt Adherence in Student Essays}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1145}
author = {Kang, Jun Seok; Feng, Song; Akoglu, Leman; Choi, Yejin}
title = {ConnotationWordNet: Learning Connotation over the Word+Sense Network}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1146}
author = {Tang, Duyu; Wei, Furu; Yang, Nan; Zhou, Ming; Liu, Ting; Qin, Bing}
title = {Learning Sentiment-Specific Word Embedding for Twitter Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-1147}
author = {Li, Jiwei; Ott, Myle; Cardie, Claire; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Towards a General Rule for Identifying Deceptive Opinion Spam}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2001}
author = {Fourtassi, Abdellah; Schatz, Thomas; Varadarajan, Balakrishnan; Dupoux, Emmanuel}
title = {Exploring the Relative Role of Bottom-up and Top-down Information in Phoneme Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2002}
author = {Fine, Alex; Van Durme, Benjamin; Frank, Austin F.; Jaeger, T. Florian; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Biases in Predicting the Human Language Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2003}
author = {Liu, Changsong; She, Lanbo; Fang, Rui; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Probabilistic Labeling for Efficient Referential Grounding based on Collaborative Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2004}
author = {Kim, Seokhwan; Banchs, Rafael E.; Li, Haizhou}
title = {A Composite Kernel Approach for Dialog Topic Tracking with Structured Domain Knowledge from Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2005}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang; Pradhan, Sameer S.; Recasens, Marta; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {An Extension of BLANC to System Mentions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2006}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Recasens, Marta; Hovy, Eduard; Ng, Vincent; Strube, Michael}
title = {Scoring Coreference Partitions of Predicted Mentions: A Reference Implementation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2007}
author = {Joshi, Aditya; Mishra, Abhijit; Senthamilselvan, Nivvedan; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Measuring Sentiment Annotation Complexity of Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2008}
author = {Jochim, Charles; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Improving Citation Polarity Classification with Product Reviews}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2009}
author = {Dong, Li; Wei, Furu; Tan, Chuanqi; Tang, Duyu; Zhou, Ming; Xu, Ke}
title = {Adaptive Recursive Neural Network for Target-dependent Twitter Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2010}
author = {Hingmire, Swapnil; Chakraborti, Sutanu}
title = {Sprinkling Topics for Weakly Supervised Text Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2011}
author = {Sun, Le; Han, Xianpei}
title = {A Feature-Enriched Tree Kernel for Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2012}
author = {Nguyen, Thien Huu; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Employing Word Representations and Regularization for Domain Adaptation of Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2013}
author = {Alhelbawy, Ayman; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Graph Ranking for Collective Named Entity Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2014}
author = {Lin, Chen; Miller, Tim; Kho, Alvin; Bethard, Steven; Dligach, Dmitriy; Pradhan, Sameer S.; Savova, Guergana}
title = {Descending-Path Convolution Kernel for Syntactic Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2015}
author = {Ben-Ami, Zvi; Feldman, Ronen; Rosenfeld, Binyamin}
title = {Entities' Sentiment Relevance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2016}
author = {Grigonytè, Gintarè; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Automatic Detection of Multilingual Dictionaries on the Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2017}
author = {Ciobanu, Alina Maria; Dinu, Liviu P.}
title = {Automatic Detection of Cognates Using Orthographic Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2018}
author = {Lam, Khang Nhut; Al Tarouti, Feras; Kalita, Jugal K.}
title = {Automatically constructing Wordnet Synsets}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2019}
author = {Yıldız, Olcay Taner; Solak, Ercan; Görgün, Onur; Ehsani, Razieh}
title = {Constructing a Turkish-English Parallel TreeBank}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2020}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Klein, Dan}
title = {Improved Typesetting Models for Historical OCR}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2021}
author = {Tibshirani, Julie; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Robust Logistic Regression using Shift Parameters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2022}
author = {Heafield, Kenneth; Kayser, Michael; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Faster Phrase-Based Decoding by Refining Feature State}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2023}
author = {Auli, Michael; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {Decoder Integration and Expected BLEU Training for Recurrent Neural Network Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2024}
author = {Neubig, Graham; Duh, Kevin}
title = {On the Elements of an Accurate Tree-to-String Machine Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2025}
author = {Gelling, Douwe; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Simple extensions and POS Tags for a reparameterised IBM Model 2}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2026}
author = {Cai, Jingsheng; Utiyama, Masao; Sumita, Eiichiro; Zhang, Yujie}
title = {Dependency-based Pre-ordering for Chinese-English Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2027}
author = {Farra, Noura; Tomeh, Nadi; Rozovskaya, Alla; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Generalized Character-Level Spelling Error Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2028}
author = {Gubanov, Sergey; Galinskaya, Irina; Baytin, Alexey}
title = {Improved Iterative Correction for Distant Spelling Errors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2029}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Cahill, Aoife; Madnani, Nitin; Lopez, Melissa; Mulholland, Matthew; Tetreault, Joel R.}
title = {Predicting Grammaticality on an Ordinal Scale}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2030}
author = {Beller, Charley; Knowles, Rebecca; Van Durme, Benjamin; Harman, Craig; Bergsma, Shane; Mitchell, Margaret; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {I’m a Belieber: Social Roles via Self-identification and Conceptual Attributes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2031}
author = {Daxenberger, Johannes; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Automatically Detecting Corresponding Edit-Turn-Pairs in Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2032}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Voigt, Rob; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Two Knives Cut Better Than One: Chinese Word Segmentation with Dual Decomposition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2033}
author = {Li, Si; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Effective Document-Level Features for Chinese Patent Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2034}
author = {Monroe, Will; Green, Spence; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Word Segmentation of Informal Arabic with Domain Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2035}
author = {Kartsaklis, Dimitri; Kalchbrenner, Nal; Sadrzadeh, Mehrnoosh}
title = {Resolving Lexical Ambiguity in Tensor Regression Models of Meaning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2036}
author = {Yang, Yunlun; Deng, Zhihong; Yu, Hongliang}
title = {A Novel Content Enriching Model for Microblog Using News Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2037}
author = {Kočiský, Tomáš; Hermann, Karl Moritz; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Learning Bilingual Word Representations by Marginalizing Alignments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2038}
author = {Levitan, Rivka; Elson, David; Elson, David K.}
title = {Detecting Retries of Voice Search Queries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2039}
author = {Kazemi, Mohammad; Lavaee, Rahman; Naim, Iftekhar; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Sliding Alignment Windows for Real-Time Crowd Captioning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2040}
author = {Suzuki, Yoshimi; Fukumoto, Fumiyo}
title = {Detection of Topic and its Extrinsic Evaluation Through Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2041}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Madnani, Nitin; Burstein, Jill; Somasundaran, Swapna}
title = {Content Importance Models for Scoring Writing From Sources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2042}
author = {Shen, Mo; Liu, Hongxiao; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Chinese Morphological Analysis with Character-level POS Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2043}
author = {Silfverberg, Miikka; Ruokolainen, Teemu; Lindén, Krister; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Part-of-Speech Tagging using Conditional Random Fields: Exploiting Sub-Label Dependencies for Improved Accuracy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2044}
author = {Sirts, Kairit; Eisenstein, Jacob; Elsner, Micha; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {POS induction with distributional and morphological information using a distance-dependent Chinese restaurant process}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2045}
author = {Muralidharan, Aditi; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Improving the Recognizability of Syntactic Relations Using Contextualized Examples}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2046}
author = {Shi, Xing; Knight, Kevin; Ji, Heng}
title = {How to Speak a Language without Knowing It}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2047}
author = {Li, Junyi Jessy; Carpuat, Marine; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Assessing the Discourse Factors that Influence the Quality of Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2048}
author = {Aharoni, Roee; Koppel, Moshe; Goldberg, Yoav}
title = {Automatic Detection of Machine Translated Text and Translation Quality Estimation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2049}
author = {Gawron, Jean Mark}
title = {Improving sparse word similarity models with asymmetric measures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2050}
author = {Levy, Omer; Goldberg, Yoav}
title = {Dependency-Based Word Embeddings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2051}
author = {Perek, Florent}
title = {Vector spaces for historical linguistics: Using distributional semantics to study syntactic productivity in diachrony}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2052}
author = {Kikuchi, Yuta; Hirao, Tsutomu; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Single Document Summarization based on Nested Tree Structure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2053}
author = {Mazidi, Karen; Nielsen, Rodney D.}
title = {Linguistic Considerations in Automatic Question Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2054}
author = {Qian, Xian; Liu, Yang}
title = {Polynomial Time Joint Structural Inference for Sentence Compression}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2055}
author = {Louis, Annie}
title = {A Bayesian Method to Incorporate Background Knowledge during Automatic Text Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2056}
author = {Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Predicting Power Relations between Participants in Written Dialog from a Single Thread}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2057}
author = {Qian, Tieyun; Liu, Bing; Chen, Li; Peng, Zhiyong}
title = {Tri-Training for Authorship Attribution with Limited Training Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2058}
author = {Özbal, Gözde; Pighin, Daniele; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Automation and Evaluation of the Keyword Method for Second Language Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2059}
author = {Duma, Daniel; Klein, Ewan}
title = {Citation Resolution: A method for evaluating context-based citation recommendation systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2060}
author = {Roark, Brian; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Hippocratic Abbreviation Expansion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2061}
author = {Gebre, Binyam Gebrekidan; Crasborn, Onno; Wittenburg, Peter; Drude, Sebastian; Heskes, Tom}
title = {Unsupervised Feature Learning for Visual Sign Language Identification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2062}
author = {Hovy, Dirk; Plank, Barbara; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Experiments with crowdsourced re-annotation of a POS tagging data set}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2063}
author = {Chen, Yanqing; Skiena, Steven}
title = {Building Sentiment Lexicons for All Major Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2064}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Beigman, Eyal}
title = {Difficult Cases: From Data to Learning, and Back}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2065}
author = {Hartshorne, Joshua K.; Bonial, Claire; Palmer, Martha}
title = {The VerbCorner Project: Findings from Phase 1 of crowd-sourcing a semantic decomposition of verbs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2066}
author = {Tan, Chenhao; Lee, Lillian}
title = {A Corpus of Sentence-level Revisions in Academic Writing: A Step towards Understanding Statement Strength in Communication}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2067}
author = {Wilson, Shomir; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Determiner-Established Deixis to Communicative Artifacts in Pedagogical Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2068}
author = {Soni, Sandeep; Mitra, Tanushree; Gilbert, Eric; Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Modeling Factuality Judgments in Social Media Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2069}
author = {Yang, Min; Zhu, Dingju; Chow, Kam-Pui}
title = {A Topic Model for Building Fine-grained Domain-specific Emotion Lexicon}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2070}
author = {Staiano, Jacopo; Guerini, Marco}
title = {Depeche Mood: a Lexicon for Emotion Analysis from Crowd Annotated News}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2071}
author = {Xiang, Bing; Zhou, Liang}
title = {Improving Twitter Sentiment Analysis with Topic-Based Mixture Modeling and Semi-Supervised Training}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2072}
author = {Pérez-Rosas, Verónica; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Cross-cultural Deception Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2073}
author = {Van Durme, Benjamin; May, Chandler; Clemmer, Alex; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Particle Filter Rejuvenation and Latent Dirichlet Allocation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2074}
author = {Elliott, Desmond; Keller, Frank}
title = {Comparing Automatic Evaluation Measures for Image Description}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2075}
author = {Horn, Colby; Manduca, Cathryn; Kauchak, David}
title = {Learning a Lexical Simplifier Using Wikipedia}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2076}
author = {Hachey, Ben; Nothman, Joel; Radford, Will}
title = {Cheap and easy entity evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2077}
author = {Wang, Ting-Xuan; Tsai, Kun-Yu; Lu, Wen-Hsiang}
title = {Identifying Real-Life Complex Task Names with Task-Intrinsic Entities from Microblogs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2078}
author = {Charton, Éric; Meurs, Marie-Jean; Jean-Louis, Ludovic; Gagnon, Michel}
title = {Mutual Disambiguation for Entity Linking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2079}
author = {Hovy, Dirk}
title = {How Well can We Learn Interpretable Entity Types from Text?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2080}
author = {Schamoni, Shigehiko; Hieber, Felix; Sokolov, Artem; Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Learning Translational and Knowledge-based Similarities from Relevance Rankings for Cross-Language Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2081}
author = {Li, Hao; Liu, Wei; Ji, Heng}
title = {Two-Stage Hashing for Fast Document Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2082}
author = {Cassidy, Taylor; McDowell, Bill; Chambers, Nathanael; Bethard, Steven}
title = {An Annotation Framework for Dense Event Ordering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2083}
author = {Plank, Barbara; Hovy, Dirk; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Linguistically debatable or just plain wrong?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2084}
author = {Wallace, Byron C.; Choe, Do Kook; Kertz, Laura; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Humans Require Context to Infer Ironic Intent (so Computers Probably do, too)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2085}
author = {Friedrich, Annemarie; Palmer, Alexis}
title = {Automatic prediction of aspectual class of verbs in context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2086}
author = {Roth, Michael; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Combining Word Patterns and Discourse Markers for Paradigmatic Relation Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2087}
author = {Wang, Tong; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Applying a Naive Bayes Similarity Measure to Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2088}
author = {Yang, Yi; Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Fast Easy Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Marginalized Structured Dropout}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2089}
author = {Yu, Mo; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Improving Lexical Embeddings with Semantic Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2090}
author = {Oda, Yusuke; Neubig, Graham; Sakti, Sakriani; Toda, Tomoki; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Optimizing Segmentation Strategies for Simultaneous Speech Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2091}
author = {Kudo, Taku; Ichikawa, Hiroshi; Kazawa, Hideto}
title = {A joint inference of deep case analysis and zero subject generation for Japanese-to-English statistical machine translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2092}
author = {Xiao, Tong; Zhu, Jingbo; Zhang, Chunliang}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to Skeleton-based Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2093}
author = {Liu, Le; Hong, Yu; Liu, Hao; Wang, Xing; Yao, Jianmin}
title = {Effective Selection of Translation Model Training Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2094}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Tsoukala, Chara; Saint-Amand, Hervé}
title = {Refinements to Interactive Translation Prediction Based on Search Graphs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2095}
author = {Kozhevnikov, Mikhail; Titov, Ivan}
title = {Cross-lingual Model Transfer Using Feature Representation Projection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2096}
author = {Wang, Yu-Chun; Wu, Chun-Kai; Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han}
title = {Cross-language and Cross-encyclopedia Article Linking Using Mixed-language Topic Model and Hypernym Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2097}
author = {Mason, Rebecca; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Nonparametric Method for Data-driven Image Captioning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2098}
author = {Xue, Huichao; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Improved Correction Detection in Revised ESL Sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2099}
author = {Ramanath, Rohan; Liu, Fei; Sadeh, Norman; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Unsupervised Alignment of Privacy Policies using Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2100}
author = {Huang, Yu-Yang; Yan, Rui; Kuo, Tsung-Ting; Lin, Shou-De}
title = {Enriching Cold Start Personalized Language Model Using Social Network Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2101}
author = {Cano Basave, Amparo Elizabeth; He, Yulan; Xu, Ruifeng}
title = {Automatic Labelling of Topic Models Learned from Twitter by Summarisation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2102}
author = {Cotterell, Ryan; Peng, Nanyun; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Stochastic Contextual Edit Distance and Probabilistic FSTs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2103}
author = {Aletras, Nikolaos; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Labelling Topics using Unsupervised Graph-based Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2104}
author = {Kim, Young-Bum; Chae, Heemoon; Snyder, Benjamin; Kim, Yu-Seop}
title = {Training a Korean SRL System with Rich Morphological Features}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2105}
author = {Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; He, Xiaodong; Meek, Christopher}
title = {Semantic Parsing for Single-Relation Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2106}
author = {Bengoetxea, Kepa; Agirre, Eneko; Nivre, Joakim; Zhang, Yue; Gojenola, Koldo}
title = {On WordNet Semantic Classes and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2107}
author = {Zhang, Hao; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Enforcing Structural Diversity in Cube-pruned Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2108}
author = {Kulick, Seth; Kroch, Anthony S.; Santorini, Beatrice}
title = {The Penn Parsed Corpus of Modern British English: First Parsing Results and Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2109}
author = {Kulick, Seth; Bies, Ann; Mott, Justin; Kroch, Anthony S.; Santorini, Beatrice; Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {Parser Evaluation Using Derivation Trees: A Complement to evalb}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2110}
author = {Peng, Nanyun; Wang, Yiming; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Learning Polylingual Topic Models from Code-Switched Social Media Documents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2111}
author = {Chrupała, Grzegorz}
title = {Normalizing tweets with edit scripts and recurrent neural embeddings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2112}
author = {Osborne, Miles; Lall, Ashwin; Van Durme, Benjamin; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Exponential Reservoir Sampling for Streaming Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2113}
author = {Wang, Lu; Cardie, Claire}
title = {A Piece of My Mind: A Sentiment Analysis Approach for Online Dispute Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2114}
author = {Zhou, Deyu; Chen, Liangyu; He, Yulan}
title = {A Simple Bayesian Modelling Approach to Event Extraction from Twitter}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2115}
author = {Zhang, Boliang; Huang, Hongzhao; Pan, Xiaoman; Ji, Heng; Knight, Kevin; Wen, Zhen; Sun, Yizhou; Han, Jiawei; Yener, Bulent}
title = {Be Appropriate and Funny: Automatic Entity Morph Encoding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2116}
author = {Salway, Andrew; Touileb, Samia}
title = {Applying Grammar Induction to Text Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2117}
author = {Han, Xianpei; Sun, Le}
title = {Semantic Consistency: A Local Subspace Based Method for Distant Supervised Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2118}
author = {Hill, Felix; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Concreteness and Subjectivity as Dimensions of Lexical Meaning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2119}
author = {Pershina, Maria; Min, Bonan; Xu, Wei; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Infusion of Labeled Data into Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2120}
author = {Stern, Asher; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Recognizing Implied Predicate-Argument Relationships in Textual Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2121}
author = {Dunn, Jonathan}
title = {Measuring metaphoricity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2122}
author = {Wang, Xiaolin; Utiyama, Masao; Finch, Andrew; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Empirical Study of Unsupervised Chinese Word Segmentation Methods for SMT on Large-scale Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2123}
author = {Nuhn, Malte; Ney, Hermann}
title = {EM Decipherment for Large Vocabularies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2124}
author = {Lo, Chi-kiu; Beloucif, Meriem; Saers, Markus; Wu, Dekai}
title = {XMEANT: Better semantic MT evaluation without reference translations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2125}
author = {Salloum, Wael; Elfardy, Heba; Alamir-Salloum, Linda; Habash, Nizar; Diab, Mona}
title = {Sentence Level Dialect Identification for Machine Translation System Selection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2126}
author = {Zhai, Feifei; Zhang, Jiajun; Zhou, Yu; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {RNN-based Derivation Structure Prediction for SMT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2127}
author = {Zhao, Kai; Huang, Liang; Mi, Haitao; Ittycheriah, Abe}
title = {Hierarchical MT Training using Max-Violation Perceptron}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2128}
author = {Ma, Ji; Zhang, Yue; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {Punctuation Processing for Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2129}
author = {Yarmohammadi, Mahsa; Dunlop, Aaron; Roark, Brian}
title = {Transforming trees into hedges and parsing with hedgebank grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2130}
author = {Köhn, Arne; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Incremental Predictive Parsing with TurboParser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2131}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Gimpel, Kevin; Livescu, Karen}
title = {Tailoring Continuous Word Representations for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2132}
author = {Zhang, Hui; DeNero, John}
title = {Observational Initialization of Type-Supervised Taggers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2133}
author = {Andreas, Jacob; Klein, Dan}
title = {How much do word embeddings encode about syntax?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2134}
author = {Bamman, David; Dyer, Chris; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Distributed Representations of Geographically Situated Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2135}
author = {Kiela, Douwe; Hill, Felix; Korhonen, Anna; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Improving Multi-Modal Representations Using Image Dispersion: Why Less is Sometimes More}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2136}
author = {Zhu, Zhu; Li, Shoushan; Zhou, Guodong; Xia, Rui}
title = {Bilingual Event Extraction: a Case Study on Trigger Type Determination}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2137}
author = {Lee, Taesung; Hwang, Seung-won}
title = {Understanding Relation Temporality of Entities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2138}
author = {Nicolai, Garrett; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Does the Phonology of L1 Show Up in L2 Texts?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-2139}
author = {Gui, Lin; Xu, Ruifeng; Lu, Qin; Xu, Jun; Xu, Jian; Liu, Bin; Wang, Xiaolong}
title = {Cross-lingual Opinion Analysis via Negative Transfer Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3001}
author = {Beck, Daniel Emilio}
title = {Bayesian Kernel Methods for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3002}
author = {Mirza, Paramita}
title = {Extracting Temporal and Causal Relations between Events}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3003}
author = {Yung, Frances}
title = {Towards a discourse relation-aware approach for Chinese-English machine translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3004}
author = {Zirn, Cäcilia}
title = {Analyzing Positions and Topics in Political Discussions of the German Bundestag}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3005}
author = {Letard, Vincent; Rosset, Sophie; Illouz, Gabriel}
title = {A Mapping-Based Approach for General Formal Human Computer Interaction Using Natural Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3006}
author = {Yin, Wenpeng; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {An Exploration of Embeddings for Generalized Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3007}
author = {Li, Dongchen; Zhang, Xiantao; Wu, Xihong}
title = {Learning Grammar with Explicit Annotations for Subordinating Conjunctions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3008}
author = {Ilvovsky, Dmitry}
title = {Going beyond sentences when applying tree kernels}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3009}
author = {Attokurov, Ulukbek; Bayazit, Ulug}
title = {Multi-document summarization using distortion-rate ratio}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3010}
author = {Greenberg, Clayton}
title = {Disambiguating prepositional phrase attachment sites with sense information captured in contextualized distributional data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3011}
author = {Zhila, Alisa; Gelbukh, Alexander F.}
title = {Open Information Extraction for Spanish Language based on Syntactic Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3012}
author = {Li, Chen; Liu, Yang}
title = {Improving Text Normalization via Unsupervised Model and Discriminative Reranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-3013}
author = {Aliabadi, Purya}
title = {Semi-Automatic Development of KurdNet, The Kurdish WordNet}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5001}
author = {Huang, Chung-chi; Eskenazi, Maxine; Carbonell, Jaime; Ku, Lun-Wei; Yang, Ping-che}
title = {Cross-Lingual Information to the Rescue in Keyword Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5002}
author = {Gärtner, Markus; Gärtner, Markus; Björkelund, Anders; Thiele, Gregor; Seeker, Wolfgang; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Visualization, Search, and Error Analysis for Coreference Annotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5003}
author = {Straková, Jana; Straka, Milan; Hajič, Jan}
title = {Open-Source Tools for Morphology, Lemmatization, POS Tagging and Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5004}
author = {Faruqui, Manaal; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Community Evaluation and Exchange of Word Vectors at}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5005}
author = {Dai, Xianjun; Liu, Yuanchao; Wang, Xiaolong; Liu, Bingquan}
title = {WINGS:Writing with Intelligent Guidance and Suggestions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5006}
author = {Erbs, Nicolai; Santos, Pedro Bispo; Gurevych, Iryna; Zesch, Torsten}
title = {DKPro Keyphrases: Flexible and Reusable Keyphrase Extraction Experiments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5007}
author = {Osborne, Miles; Moran, Sean; McCreadie, Richard; Von Lunen, Alexander; Sykora, Martin; Cano, Elizabeth; Ireson, Neil; Macdonald, Craig; Ounis, Iadh; He, Yulan; Jackson, Tom; Ciravegna, Fabio; O'Brien, Ann}
title = {Real-Time Detection, Tracking, and Monitoring of Automatically Discovered Events in Social Media}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5008}
author = {Magnini, Bernardo; Zanoli, Roberto; Dagan, Ido; Eichler, Kathrin; Neumann, Guenter; Noh, Tae-Gil; Padó, Sebastian; Stern, Asher; Levy, Omer}
title = {The Excitement Open Platform for Textual Inferences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5009}
author = {Ulinski, Morgan; Balakrishnan, Anusha; Coyne, Bob; Hirschberg, Julia; Rambow, Owen}
title = {WELT: Using Graphics Generation in Linguistic Fieldwork}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5010}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.; Surdeanu, Mihai; Bauer, John; Finkel, Jenny Rose; Bethard, Steven; McClosky, David}
title = {The Stanford CoreNLP Natural Language Processing Toolkit}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5011}
author = {Daxenberger, Johannes; Ferschke, Oliver; Gurevych, Iryna; Zesch, Torsten}
title = {DKPro TC: A Java-based Framework for Supervised Learning Experiments on Textual Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5012}
author = {Vannella, Daniele; Flati, Tiziano; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {WoSIT: A Word Sense Induction Toolkit for Search Result Clustering and Diversification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5013}
author = {Hoang, Cong Duy Vu; Aw, Aiti; Nguyen, Nhung T. H.}
title = {A Rule-Augmented Statistical Phrase-based Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5014}
author = {Richardson, John; Cromières, Fabien; Nakazawa, Toshiaki; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {KyotoEBMT: An Example-Based Dependency-to-Dependency Translation Framework}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5015}
author = {Verbeke, Mathias; Frasconi, Paolo; De Grave, Kurt; Costa, Fabrizio; De Raedt, Luc}
title = {kLogNLP: Graph Kernel–based Relational Learning of Natural Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5016}
author = {Yimam, Seid Muhie; Biemann, Christian; Eckart, Richard; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Automatic Annotation Suggestions and Custom Annotation Layers in WebAnno}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5017}
author = {Li, Binyang; Zhou, Lanjun; Wei, Zhongyu; Wong, Kam-Fai; Xu, Ruifeng; Xia, Yunqing}
title = {Web Information Mining and Decision Support Platform for the Modern Service Industry}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5018}
author = {Tang, Yi-jie; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {FAdR: A System for Recognizing False Online Advertisements}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5019}
author = {Vakil, Anjana; Paulus, Max; Palmer, Alexis; Regneri, Michaela}
title = {lex4all: A language-independent tool for building and evaluating pronunciation lexicons for small-vocabulary speech recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5020}
author = {Mann, Jason; Zhang, David; Yang, Lu; Das, Dipanjan; Petrov, Slav}
title = {Enhanced Search with Wildcards and Morphological Inflections in the Google Books Ngram Viewer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-5021}
author = {Mordowanec, Michael T.; Schneider, Nathan; Dyer, Chris; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Simplified Dependency Annotations with GFL-Web}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-6001}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Preotiuc-Pietro, Daniel; Lawrence, Neil}
title = {Gaussian Processes for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-6002}
author = {Huang, Liang; Zhao, Kai; Liu, Lemao}
title = {Scalable Large-Margin Structured Learning: Theory and Algorithms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-6003}
author = {Metze, Florian; Shinoda, Koichi}
title = {Semantics for Large-Scale Multimedia: New Challenges for NLP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-6004}
author = {Roth, Dan; Ji, Heng; Chang, Ming-Wei; Cassidy, Taylor}
title = {Wikification and Beyond: The Challenges of Entity and Concept Grounding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-6005}
author = {Grefenstette, Edward; Hermann, Karl Moritz; Dinu, Georgiana; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {New Directions in Vector Space Models of Meaning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-6006}
author = {Gormley, Matthew R.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Structured Belief Propagation for NLP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-6007}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min}
title = {Semantics, Discourse and Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P14-6008}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Zhang, Meishan; Liu, Ting}
title = {Syntactic Processing Using Global Discriminative Learning and Beam-Search Decoding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2014}
id = {P15-1001}
author = {Bengio, Yoshua}
title = {On Using Very Large Target Vocabulary for Neural Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1002}
author = {}
title = {Addressing the Rare Word Problem in Neural Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1003}
author = {Li, Hang; Meng, Fandong; Jiang, Wenbin; Lu, Zhengdong; Liu, Qun}
title = {Encoding Source Language with Convolutional Neural Network for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1004}
author = {Makhoul, John; Setiawan, Hendra; Zbib, Rabih; Huang, Zhongqiang}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation Features with Multitask Tensor Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1005}
author = {}
title = {Describing Images using Inferred Visual Dependency Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1006}
author = {Potts, Christopher; Chang, Angel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Text to 3D Scene Generation with Rich Lexical Grounding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1007}
author = {}
title = {MultiGranCNN: An Architecture for General Matching of Text Chunks on Multiple Levels of Granularity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1008}
author = {Foulds, James; Getoor, Lise}
title = {Weakly Supervised Models of Aspect-Sentiment for Online Course Discussion Forums}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1009}
author = {Wang, Quan; Wang, Bin}
title = {Semantically Smooth Knowledge Graph Embedding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1010}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {SensEmbed: Learning Sense Embeddings for Word and Relational Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1011}
author = {Zhu, Xiaodan; Chen, Zhigang}
title = {Revisiting Word Embedding for Contrasting Meaning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1012}
author = {Getoor, Lise; Foulds, James}
title = {Joint Models of Disagreement and Stance in Online Debate}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1013}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Quattoni, Ariadna}
title = {Low-Rank Regularization for Sparse Conjunctive Feature Spaces: An Application to Named Entity Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1014}
author = {Xu, Jun; Cheng, Xueqi}
title = {Learning Word Representations by Jointly Modeling Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1015}
author = {McCallum, Andrew; Vilnis, Luke}
title = {Learning Dynamic Feature Selection for Fast Sequential Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1016}
author = {Roth, Benjamin; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Compositional Vector Space Models for Knowledge Base Completion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1017}
author = {Liu, Kang}
title = {Event Extraction via Dynamic Multi-Pooling Convolutional Neural Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1018}
author = {}
title = {Stacked Ensembles of Information Extractors for Knowledge-Base Population}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1019}
author = {Tannier, Xavier; Ferret, Olivier}
title = {Generative Event Schema Induction with Entity Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1020}
author = {Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Syntax-based Simultaneous Translation through Prediction of Unseen Syntactic Constituents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1021}
author = {Nakagawa, Tetsuji}
title = {Efficient Top-Down BTG Parsing for Machine Translation Preordering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1022}
author = {Negri, Matteo; Turchi, Marco}
title = {Online Multitask Learning for Machine Translation Quality Estimation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1023}
author = {Zhang, Min; Su, Jinsong; Xiong, Deyi; Liu, Yang; Han, Xianpei}
title = {A Context-Aware Topic Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1024}
author = {Sachan, Mrinmaya; Richardson, Matthew}
title = {Learning Answer-Entailing Structures for Machine Comprehension}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1025}
author = {Zhou, Guangyou; He, Tingting; Hu, Po}
title = {Learning Continuous Word Embedding with Metadata for Question Retrieval in Community Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1026}
author = {Wei, Furu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Question Answering over Freebase with Multi-Column Convolutional Neural Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1027}
author = {Lazaridou, Angeliki; Dinu, Georgiana; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Hubness and Pollution: Delving into Cross-Space Mapping for Zero-Shot Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1028}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim; Asher, Nicholas}
title = {A Generalisation of Lexical Functions for Composition in Distributional Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1029}
author = {Kennington, Casey; Schlangen, David}
title = {Simple Learning and Compositional Application of Perceptually Grounded Word Meanings for Incremental Reference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1030}
author = {Durrett, Greg; Klein, Dan}
title = {Neural CRF Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1031}
author = {Chang, Baobao}
title = {An Effective Neural Network Model for Graph-based Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1032}
author = {Petrov, Slav}
title = {Structured Training for Neural Network Transition-Based Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1033}
author = {Dyer, Chris; Ling, Wang; Matthews, Austin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Transition-Based Dependency Parsing with Stack Long Short-Term Memory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1034}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.; Angeli, Gabor}
title = {Leveraging Linguistic Structure For Open Domain Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1035}
author = {Wang, William Yang}
title = {Joint Information Extraction and Reasoning: A Scalable Statistical Relational Learning Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1036}
author = {Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {A Knowledge-Intensive Model for Prepositional Phrase Attachment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1037}
author = {}
title = {A Convolution Kernel Approach to Identifying Comparisons in Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1038}
author = {Stent, Amanda; Choi, Jinho D.}
title = {It Depends: Dependency Parser Comparison Using A Web-based Evaluation Tool}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1039}
author = {Li, Yunyao; Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar}
title = {Generating High Quality Proposition Banks for Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1040}
author = {}
title = {Aligning Opinions: Cross-Lingual Opinion Mining with Dependencies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1041}
author = {Li, Wenjie; He, Yanxiang}
title = {Learning to Adapt Credible Knowledge in Cross-lingual Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1042}
author = {Huang, Degen}
title = {Learning Bilingual Sentiment Word Embeddings for Cross-language Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1043}
author = {Jha, Rahul; King, Ben}
title = {Content Models for Survey Generation: A Factoid-Based Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1044}
author = {Dušek, Ondřej}
title = {Training a Natural Language Generator From Unaligned Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1045}
author = {Sun, Rui; Zhang, Yue; Ji, Donghong}
title = {Event-Driven Headline Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1046}
author = {Kim, Young-Bum; Sarikaya, Ruhi; Jeong, Minwoo}
title = {New Transfer Learning Techniques for Disparate Label Sets}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1047}
author = {Chen, Yun-Nung; Wang, William Yang; Gershman, Anatole}
title = {Matrix Factorization with Knowledge Graph Propagation for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1048}
author = {Wu, Shuangzhi; Zhang, Dongdong; Zhou, Ming; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Efficient Disfluency Detection with Transition-based Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1049}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei}
title = {S-MART: Novel Tree-based Structured Learning Algorithms Applied to Tweet Entity Linking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1050}
author = {Lam, Wai}
title = {Entity Retrieval via Entity Factoid Hierarchy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1051}
author = {Hirst, Graeme; Zhang, Muyu; Liu, Ting; Qin, Bing}
title = {Encoding Distributional Semantics into Triple-Based Knowledge Ranking for Document Enrichment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1052}
author = {Klabunde, Ralf}
title = {A Strategic Reasoning Model for Generating Alternative Answers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1053}
author = {Persing, Isaac; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Modeling Argument Strength in Student Essays}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1054}
author = {Ramakrishnan, Ganesh; Bairi, Ramakrishna}
title = {Summarization of Multi-Document Topic Hierarchies using Submodular Mixtures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1055}
author = {de Rijke, Maarten; Weerkamp, Wouter}
title = {Learning to Explain Entity Relationships in Knowledge Graphs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1056}
author = {Ji, Heng; Li, Sujian; Chang, Baobao; Sui, Zhifang}
title = {Bring you to the past: Automatic Generation of Topically Relevant Event Chronicles}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1057}
author = {Li, Sujian; Lin, Chin-Yew; Ji, Heng; Knight, Kevin; Wen, Zhen; Sun, Yizhou; Han, Jiawei}
title = {Context-aware Entity Morph Decoding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1058}
author = {Hennig, Leonhard; Xu, Feiyu; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Multi-Objective Optimization for the Joint Disambiguation of Nouns and Named Entities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1059}
author = {}
title = {Building a Scientific Concept Hierarchy Database (SCHBase)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1060}
author = {Wang, Linlin; Liu, Kang}
title = {Sentiment-Aspect Extraction based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1061}
author = {Xiang, Bing; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {Classifying Relations by Ranking with Convolutional Neural Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1062}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Semantic Representations for Domain Adaptation: A Case Study on the Tree Kernel-based Method for Relation Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1063}
author = {}
title = {Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit: Connecting Past with Present by Finding Corresponding Terms across Time}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1064}
author = {Zou, Bowei; Zhu, Qiaoming; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Negation and Speculation Identification in Chinese Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1065}
author = {Lao, Ni; Minkov, Einat}
title = {Learning Relational Features with Backward Random Walks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1066}
author = {Yang, Yezhou; Aloimonos, Yiannis}
title = {Learning the Semantics of Manipulation Action}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1067}
author = {Liu, Kang}
title = {Knowledge Graph Embedding via Dynamic Mapping Matrix}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1068}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {How Far are We from Fully Automatic High Quality Grammatical Error Correction?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1069}
author = {Turchi, Marco; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {Knowledge Portability with Semantic Expansion of Ontology Labels}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1070}
author = {Miller, Tristan; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Automatic disambiguation of English puns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1071}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka}
title = {Unsupervised Cross-Domain Word Representation Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1072}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {A Unified Multilingual Semantic Representation of Concepts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1073}
author = {Hovy, Dirk}
title = {Demographic Factors Improve Classification Performance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1074}
author = {Demberg, Vera}
title = {Vector-space calculation of semantic surprisal for predicting word pronunciation duration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1075}
author = {Downey, Doug}
title = {Efficient Methods for Inferring Large Sparse Topic Hierarchies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1076}
author = {Wang, Bin}
title = {Trans-dimensional Random Fields for Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1077}
author = {Dyer, Chris}
title = {Gaussian LDA for Topic Models with Word Embeddings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1078}
author = {Nakov, Preslav}
title = {Pairwise Neural Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1079}
author = {Seemann, Nina; Braune, Fabienne; Maletti, Andreas}
title = {String-to-Tree Multi Bottom-up Tree Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1080}
author = {Chen, Jiajun; Huang, Shujian}
title = {Non-linear Learning for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1081}
author = {Dou, Qing; Vaswani, Ashish; Knight, Kevin; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Unifying Bayesian Inference and Vector Space Models for Improved Decipherment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1082}
author = {Miceli Barone, Antonio Valerio; Attardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Non-projective Dependency-based Pre-Reordering with Recurrent Neural Network for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1083}
author = {Ji, Heng}
title = {Detecting Deceptive Groups Using Conversations and Network Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1084}
author = {}
title = {WikiKreator: Improving Wikipedia Stubs Automatically}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1085}
author = {Galley, Michel; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Language to Code: Learning Semantic Parsers for If-This-Then-That Recipes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1086}
author = {Labutov, Igor; Basu, Sumit; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {Deep Questions without Deep Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1087}
author = {Baral, Chitta}
title = {The NL2KR Platform for building Natural Language Translation Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1088}
author = {Eger, Steffen}
title = {Multiple Many-to-Many Sequence Alignment for Combining String-Valued Variables: A G2P Experiment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1089}
author = {Xia, Yunqing; Lee, Chin-Hui}
title = {Tweet Normalization with Syllables}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1090}
author = {Li, Chen; Liu, Yang}
title = {Improving Named Entity Recognition in Tweets via Detecting Non-Standard Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1091}
author = {Gleize, Martin; Grau, Brigitte}
title = {A Unified Kernel Approach for Learning Typed Sentence Rewritings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1092}
author = {Shutova, Ekaterina}
title = {Perceptually Grounded Selectional Preferences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1093}
author = {Shindo, Hiroyuki; Duh, Kevin; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Joint Case Argument Identification for Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1094}
author = {Lazaridou, Angeliki; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Jointly optimizing word representations for lexical and sentential tasks with the C-PHRASE model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1095}
author = {Angeli, Gabor; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Robust Subgraph Generation Improves Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1096}
author = {Liang, Percy}
title = {Environment-Driven Lexicon Induction for High-Level Instructions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1097}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Structural Representations for Learning Relations between Pairs of Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1098}
author = {Qin, Bing; Liu, Ting}
title = {Learning Semantic Representations of Users and Products for Document Level Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1099}
author = {Dragut, Eduard}
title = {Towards Debugging Sentiment Lexicons}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1100}
author = {Wallace, Byron C.; Choe, Do Kook; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Sparse, Contextually Informed Models for Irony Detection: Exploiting User Communities, Entities and Sentiment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1101}
author = {Wang, Rong; Li, Shoushan; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Sentence-level Emotion Classification with Label and Context Dependence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1102}
author = {Li, Tao; Xia, Rui}
title = {Co-training for Semi-supervised Sentiment Classification Based on Dual-view Bags-of-words Representation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1103}
author = {}
title = {Improving social relationships in face-to-face human-agent interactions: when the agent wants to know user's likes and dislikes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1104}
author = {Trancoso, Isabel; Ling, Wang}
title = {Learning Word Representations from Scarce and Noisy Data with Embedding Subspaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1105}
author = {}
title = {Automatic Spontaneous Speech Grading: A Novel Feature Derivation Technique using the Crowd}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1106}
author = {Negri, Matteo; Turchi, Marco}
title = {Driving ROVER with Segment-based ASR Quality Estimation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1107}
author = {}
title = {A Hierarchical Neural Autoencoder for Paragraphs and Documents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1108}
author = {Nasr, Alexis; Ramisch, Carlos}
title = {Joint Dependency Parsing and Multiword Expression Tokenization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1109}
author = {Xu, Wei}
title = {End-to-end learning of semantic role labeling using recurrent neural networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1110}
author = {Wang, Zhiguo; Mi, Haitao; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Feature Optimization for Constituent Parsing via Neural Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1111}
author = {Ng, Dominick; Curran, James R.}
title = {Identifying Cascading Errors using Constraints in Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1112}
author = {Huang, Xuanjing; Qiu, Xipeng}
title = {A Re-ranking Model for Dependency Parser with Recursive Convolutional Neural Network}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1113}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Transition-based Neural Constituent Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1114}
author = {Qian, Xian; Liu, Yang}
title = {Feature Selection in Kernel Space: A Case Study on Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1115}
author = {Konstas, Ioannis; Keller, Frank}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Improves Incremental Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1116}
author = {Maier, Wolfgang}
title = {Discontinuous Incremental Shift-reduce Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1117}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Huang, Shujian; Chen, Jiajun}
title = {A Neural Probabilistic Structured-Prediction Model for Transition-Based Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1118}
author = {Choe, Do Kook; McClosky, David}
title = {Parsing Paraphrases with Joint Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1119}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Yarowsky, David; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Ting}
title = {Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing Based on Distributed Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1120}
author = {Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Can Natural Language Processing Become Natural Language Coaching?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1121}
author = {Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Machine Comprehension with Discourse Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1122}
author = {Wang, Zhiqiang; Li, Ru}
title = {Implicit Role Linking on Chinese Discourse: Exploiting Explicit Roles and Frame-to-Frame Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1123}
author = {Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {Discourse-sensitive Automatic Identification of Generic Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1124}
author = {}
title = {Model-based Word Embeddings from Decompositions of Count Matrices}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1125}
author = {}
title = {Entity Hierarchy Embedding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1126}
author = {Mitchell, Jeff; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Orthogonality of Syntax and Semantics within Distributional Spaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1127}
author = {Kwiatkowski, Tom; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Scalable Semantic Parsing with Partial Ontologies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1128}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei; He, Xiaodong; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {Semantic Parsing via Staged Query Graph Generation: Question Answering with Knowledge Base}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1129}
author = {Berant, Jonathan; Liang, Percy}
title = {Building a Semantic Parser Overnight}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1130}
author = {Wang, Xin; Wang, Baoxun; Liu, Yuanchao}
title = {Predicting Polarities of Tweets by Composing Word Embeddings with Long Short-Term Memory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1131}
author = {Shirai, Kiyoaki}
title = {Topic Modeling based Sentiment Analysis on Social Media for Stock Market Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1132}
author = {Huang, Minlie; Zhu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Yang}
title = {Learning Tag Embeddings and Tag-specific Composition Functions in Recursive Neural Network}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1133}
author = {}
title = {A convex and feature-rich discriminative approach to dependency grammar induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1134}
author = {Baldridge, Jason; Mielens, Jason}
title = {Parse Imputation for Dependency Annotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1135}
author = {Bisk, Yonatan; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Probing the Linguistic Strengths and Limitations of Unsupervised Grammar Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1136}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Entity-Centric Coreference Resolution with Model Stacking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1137}
author = {Rush, Alexander M.}
title = {Learning Anaphoricity and Antecedent Ranking Features for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1138}
author = {}
title = {Transferring Coreference Resolvers with Posterior Regularization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1139}
author = {Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Tea Party in the House: A Hierarchical Ideal Point Topic Model and Its Application to Republican Legislators in the 112th Congress}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1140}
author = {Cohen, William W.}
title = {KB-LDA: Jointly Learning a Knowledge Base of Hierarchy, Relations, and Facts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1141}
author = {Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Steedman, Mark; Börschinger, Benjamin; Johnson, Mark}
title = {A Computationally Efficient Algorithm for Learning Topical Collocation Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1142}
author = {Liang, Percy}
title = {Compositional Semantic Parsing on Semi-Structured Tables}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1143}
author = {Koller, Alexander}
title = {Graph parsing with s-graph grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1144}
author = {Faruqui, Manaal; Tsvetkov, Yulia; Yogatama, Dani; Dyer, Chris; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Sparse Overcomplete Word Vector Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1145}
author = {Hu, Yu}
title = {Learning Semantic Word Embeddings based on Ordinal Knowledge Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1146}
author = {Bos, Johan; Nissim, Malvina; Van Durme, Benjamin; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Adding Semantics to Data-Driven Paraphrasing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1147}
author = {}
title = {Parsing as Reduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1148}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke}
title = {Optimal Shift-Reduce Constituent Parsing with Structured Perceptron}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1149}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {A Data-Driven, Factorization Parser for CCG Dependency Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1150}
author = {Socher, Richard; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1151}
author = {Lu, Zhengdong; Li, Hang; Jiang, Wenbin; Liu, Qun}
title = {genCNN: A Convolutional Architecture for Word Sequence Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1152}
author = {Lu, Zhengdong; Li, Hang}
title = {Neural Responding Machine for Short-Text Conversation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1153}
author = {Lam, Wai; Guo, Weiwei}
title = {Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization via Phrase Selection and Merging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1154}
author = {Markert, Katja}
title = {Joint Graphical Models for Date Selection in Timeline Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1155}
author = {Diaz, Fernando}
title = {Predicting Salient Updates for Disaster Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1156}
author = {Lau, Jey Han; Clark, Alexander; Lappin, Shalom}
title = {Unsupervised Prediction of Acceptability Judgements}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1157}
author = {Tsur, Oren}
title = {A Frame of Mind: Using Statistical Models for Detection of Framing and Agenda Setting Campaigns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1158}
author = {}
title = {Why discourse affects speakers' choice of referring expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1159}
author = {Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian}
title = {Linguistic Harbingers of Betrayal: A Case Study on an Online Strategy Game}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1160}
author = {Ishikawa, Hiroshi; Komachi, Mamoru; Okazaki, Naoaki}
title = {Who caught a cold ? - Identifying the subject of a symptom}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1161}
author = {}
title = {Weakly Supervised Role Identification in Teamwork Interactions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1162}
author = {Boyd-Graber, Jordan}
title = {Deep Unordered Composition Rivals Syntactic Methods for Text Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1163}
author = {}
title = {SOLAR: Scalable Online Learning Algorithms for Ranking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1164}
author = {}
title = {Text Categorization as a Graph Classification Problem}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1165}
author = {Agić, Željko; Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Bohnet, Bernd; Johannsen, Anders}
title = {Inverted indexing for cross-lingual NLP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1166}
author = {Dong, Daxiang; Wu, Hua; He, Wei; Yu, Dianhai; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Multi-Task Learning for Multiple Language Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1167}
author = {Ma, Jianqiang}
title = {Accurate Linear-Time Chinese Word Segmentation via Embedding Matching}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1168}
author = {Huang, Xuanjing; Qiu, Xipeng}
title = {Gated Recursive Neural Network for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1169}
author = {Aletras, Nikolaos}
title = {An analysis of the user occupational class through Twitter content}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1170}
author = {Lavrenko, Victor; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Tracking unbounded Topic Streams}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1171}
author = {Mochihashi, Daichi; Uchiumi, Kei}
title = {Inducing Word and Part-of-Speech with Pitman-Yor Hidden Semi-Markov Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1172}
author = {Zhang, Min; Li, Zhenghua; Chen, Wenliang}
title = {Coupled Sequence Labeling on Heterogeneous Annotations: POS Tagging as a Case Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1173}
author = {}
title = {AutoExtend: Extending Word Embeddings to Embeddings for Synsets and Lexemes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-1174}
author = {Graham, Yvette}
title = {Improving Evaluation of Machine Translation Quality Estimation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2002}
author = {}
title = {On metric embedding for boosting semantic similarity computations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2004}
author = {Lazaridou, Angeliki; Baroni, Marco}
title = {A Multitask Objective to Inject Lexical Contrast into Distributional Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2005}
author = {Li, Shoushan; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Semi-Stacking for Semi-supervised Sentiment Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2006}
author = {}
title = {Deep Markov Neural Network for Sequential Data Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2007}
author = {Yang, Yinfei; Qiu, Minghui}
title = {Semantic Analysis and Helpfulness Prediction of Text for Online Product Reviews}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2008}
author = {}
title = {Document Classification by Inversion of Distributed Language Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2009}
author = {Liu, Yang; Li, Chen; Gao, Wei}
title = {Using Tweets to Help Sentence Compression for News Highlights Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2010}
author = {Ganitkevitch, Juri; Chan, Tsz Ping; Yao, Xuchen; Van Durme, Benjamin; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Domain-Specific Paraphrase Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2011}
author = {Glavaš, Goran}
title = {Simplifying Lexical Simplification: Do We Need Simplified Corpora?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2012}
author = {Benotti, Luciana}
title = {Zoom: a corpus of natural language descriptions of map locations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2013}
author = {}
title = {Generating overspecified referring expressions: the role of discrimination}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2014}
author = {Riester, Arndt}
title = {Using prosodic annotations to improve coreference resolution of spoken text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2015}
author = {Simmons, Reid}
title = {Spectral Semi-Supervised Discourse Relation Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2017}
author = {He, Xiaodong; Zweig, Geoffrey; Mitchell, Margaret}
title = {Language Models for Image Captioning: The Quirks and What Works}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2019}
author = {Alishahi, Afra}
title = {Learning language through pictures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2020}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Kiela, Douwe; Rimell, Laura}
title = {Exploiting Image Generality for Lexical Entailment Detection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2021}
author = {Tsvetkov, Yulia; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Lexicon Stratification for Translating Out-of-Vocabulary Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2023}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Discriminative Preordering Meets Kendall's Tau Maximization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2024}
author = {Matsuzaki, Takuya}
title = {Evaluating Machine Translation Systems with Second Language Proficiency Tests}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2025}
author = {Chen, Boxing}
title = {Representation Based Translation Evaluation Metrics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2027}
author = {}
title = {Efficient Learning for Undirected Topic Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2029}
author = {Huang, Liang; Zhou, Bowen; Xiang, Bing}
title = {Dependency-based Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Embedding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2030}
author = {Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Non-Linear Text Regression with a Deep Convolutional Neural Network}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2031}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {A Unified Learning Framework of Skip-Grams and Global Vectors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2032}
author = {Kim, Young-Bum; Sarikaya, Ruhi}
title = {Pre-training of Hidden-Unit CRFs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2033}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Severyn, Aliaksei; Nicosia, Massimo}
title = {Distributional Neural Networks for Automatic Resolution of Crossword Puzzles}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2034}
author = {Östling, Robert}
title = {Word Order Typology through Multilingual Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2035}
author = {Rouhizadeh, Masoud; van Santen, Jan}
title = {Measuring idiosyncratic interests in children with autism}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2036}
author = {Schneider, Nathan; Carbonell, Jaime; Smith, Noah A.; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Frame-Semantic Role Labeling with Heterogeneous Annotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2038}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Kiela, Douwe}
title = {Grounding Semantics in Olfactory Perception}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2039}
author = {Tanaka, Takaaki; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Word-based Japanese typed dependency parsing with grammatical function analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2040}
author = {Rosa, Rudolf; Zabokrtsky, Zdenek}
title = {KLcpos3 - a Language Similarity Measure for Delexicalized Parser Transfer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2041}
author = {Xu, Wenduan; Auli, Michael; Clark, Stephen}
title = {CCG Supertagging with a Recurrent Neural Network}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2042}
author = {}
title = {An Efficient Dynamic Oracle for Unrestricted Non-Projective Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2043}
author = {Duh, Kevin; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Synthetic Word Parsing Improves Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2045}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Soroa, Aitor; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Improving distant supervision using inference learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2046}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz; Xu, Ying; Goebel, Randy; Ringlstetter, Christoph; Miyao, Yusuke}
title = {A Lexicalized Tree Kernel for Open Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2047}
author = {Liu, Yang; Wei, Furu; Li, Sujian; Ji, Heng; Zhou, Ming}
title = {A Dependency-Based Neural Network for Relation Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2048}
author = {Yogatama, Dani}
title = {Embedding Methods for Fine Grained Entity Type Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2049}
author = {D'Souza, Jennifer; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Sieve-Based Entity Linking for the Biomedical Domain}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2050}
author = {Dagan, Ido}
title = {Open IE as an Intermediate Structure for Semantic Tasks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2051}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Yang, Yaqin}
title = {Recovering dropped pronouns from Chinese text messages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2054}
author = {}
title = {Co-Simmate: Quick Retrieving All Pairwise Co-Simrank Scores}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2056}
author = {Zhang, Zhenzhong; Sun, Le; Han, Xianpei}
title = {Learning to Mine Query Subtopics from Query Log}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2057}
author = {Li, Juanzi; Tang, Jie}
title = {Learning Topic Hierarchies for Wikipedia Categories}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2059}
author = {Laparra, Egoitz; Aldabe, Itziar; Rigau, German}
title = {Document Level Time-anchoring for TimeLine Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2060}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Event Detection and Domain Adaptation with Convolutional Neural Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2061}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Li, Qi; Ji, Heng; Frank, Anette}
title = {Seed-Based Event Trigger Labeling: How far can event descriptions get us?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2062}
author = {Peng, Nanyun; Yu, Mo; Dredze, Mark}
title = {An Empirical Study of Chinese Name Matching and Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2063}
author = {Heafield, Kenneth}
title = {Language Identification and Modeling in Specialized Hardware}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2064}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato}
title = {Cross-lingual Transfer of Named Entity Recognizers without Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2066}
author = {Dasgupta, Sajib}
title = {Painless Labeling with Application to Text Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2067}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Wolfe, Travis; Dredze, Mark; Van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {FrameNet+: Fast Paraphrastic Tripling of FrameNet}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2068}
author = {Conrad, Stefan}
title = {IWNLP: Inverse Wiktionary for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2069}
author = {}
title = {TR9856: A Multi-word Term Relatedness Benchmark}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2071}
author = {Dinu, Liviu P.}
title = {Automatic Discrimination between Cognates and Borrowings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P15-2072}
author = {Gross, Justin H.; Resnik, Philip; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {The Media Frames Corpus: Annotations of Frames Across Issues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2015}
id = {P16-1001}
author = {}
title = {Noise reduction and targeted exploration in imitation learning for Abstract Meaning Representation parsing }
venue = {ACL}
year = {2016}
id = {P16-1002}
author = {Liang, Percy}
title = {Data Recombination for Neural Semantic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2016}
id = {P16-1003}
author = {Liang, Percy}
title = {Inferring Logical Forms From Denotations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2016}
id = {P16-1004}
author = {Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Language to Logical Form with Neural Attention}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2016}
id = {P16-1005}
author = {Ji, Heng}
title = {Unsupervised Person Slot Filling based on Graph Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2016}
id = {P16-1006}
author = {Chang, Shih-Fu; Ji, Heng; Knight, Kevin}
title = {A Multi-media Approach to Cross-lingual Entity Knowledge Transfer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2016}
id = {P16-1007}
author = {Luong, Minh-Thang; Wuebker, Joern; Green, Spence; DeNero, John}
title = {Models and Inference for Prefix-Constrained Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2016}
id = {P16-1008}
author = {Tu, Zhaopeng; Lu, Zhengdong; Liu, Yang; Liu, Xiaohua; Li, Hang}
title = {Modeling Coverage for Neural Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2016}
id = {P16-1009}
author = {Sennrich, Rico; Haddow, Barry; Birch, Alexandra}
title = {Improving Neural Machine Translation Models with Monolingual Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2016}
id = {P79-1001}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Syntactic Process}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1002}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Towards A Self-Extending Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1003}
author = {Small, Steven L.}
title = {Word Expert Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1004}
author = {Eisenstadt, Marc}
title = {Schank/Riesbeck Vs. Norman/Rumelhart: What's The Difference?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1005}
author = {Allen, Jonathan}
title = {Toward A Computational Theory Of Speech Perception}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1006}
author = {Kwasny, Stan C.; Sondheimer, Norman K.}
title = {Ungrammaticality And Extra-Grammaticality In Natural Language Understanding Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1007}
author = {Shapiro, Stuart C.}
title = {Genaralized Augmented Transition Network Grammars For Generation From Semantic Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1008}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Knowledge Organization And Application: Brief Comments On Papers In The Session}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1009}
author = {Brachman, Ronald J.}
title = {Taxonomy Descriptions And Individuals In Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1010}
author = {Sowa, John F.}
title = {Semantics Of Conceptual Graphs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1011}
author = {Sangster, Barbara C.}
title = {On The Automatic Transformation Of Class Membership Criteria}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1012}
author = {Moore, James A.; Mann, William C.}
title = {A Snapshot Of KDS A Knowledge Delivery System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1013}
author = {Burstein, Mark H.}
title = {The Use Of Object-Speclflc Knowledte In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1014}
author = {Lebowitz, Michael}
title = {Heading With A Purpose}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1015}
author = {Robinson, Jane J.}
title = {Discourse: Codes And Clues In Contexts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1016}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Paraphrasing Using Given And New Information In A Question-Answer System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1017}
author = {Shanon, Benny}
title = {Where Questions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1018}
author = {Sidner, Candace L.}
title = {The Role Of Focussing In Interpretation Of Pronouns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1019}
author = {Levis, James A.; Hutchins, Edwin L.}
title = {The Structure And Process Of Talking About Doing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1020}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {Design For Dialogue Comprehension}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1021}
author = {Allen, James F.}
title = {Plans Inference And Indirect Speech Acts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1022}
author = {Hays, David G.}
title = {Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1023}
author = {Templeton, Marjorie}
title = {EUFID: A Friendly And Flexible Front-End For Data Management Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1024}
author = {Silva, Georgette; Montgomery, Christine A.; Dwiggins, Don}
title = {An Application Of Automated Language Understanding Techniques To The Generation Of Data Base Elements}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1025}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Response Generation In Question - Answering Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1026}
author = {Ciesielski, Victor B.}
title = {Natural Language Input To A Computer-Based Glaucoma Consultation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1027}
author = {Weber, David J.; Mann, William C.}
title = {Prospects For Computer-Assisted Dialect Adaption}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P79-1028}
author = {Fischer, Gerhard}
title = {Powerful Ideas In Computational Linquistics - Implications For Problem Solving And Education}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1979}
id = {P80-1001}
author = {Herskovits, Annette}
title = {On The Spatial Uses Of Prepositions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1002}
author = {Waltz, David L.}
title = {Understanding Scene Descriptions As Event Simulations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1003}
author = {Salveter, Sharon C.}
title = {On The Existence Of Primitive Meaning Units}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1004}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Metaphor - A Key To Extensible Semantic Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1005}
author = {Slack, Jon M.}
title = {Metaphor Comprehension - A Special Mode Of Language Processing? (Extended Abstract)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1006}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.}
title = {Interactive Discourse: Influence Of Problem Context Panel Chair's Introduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1007}
author = {Chafe, Wallace L.}
title = {Should Computers Write Spoken Language?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1008}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.}
title = {Signalling The Interpretation Of Indirect Speech Acts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1009}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Parasession On Topics In Interactive Discourse Influence Of The Problem Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1010}
author = {Linde, Charlotte; Goguen, J. A.}
title = {On The Independence Of Discourse Structure And Semantic Domain}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1011}
author = {Tannen, Deborah}
title = {The Parameters Of Conversational Style}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1012}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Levy, Leon S.}
title = {Phrase Structure Trees Bear More Fruit Than You Would Have Thought}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1013}
author = {Konolige, Kurt}
title = {Capturing Linguistic Generalizations With Metarules In An Annotated Phrase-Structure Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1014}
author = {Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {Computational Analogues Of Constraints On Grammars: A Model Of Syntactic Acquisition MIT Artificial Intelligence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1015}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {A Linear-Time Model Of Language Production: Some Psychological Implications (Extended Abstract)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1016}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.}
title = {Problem Solving Applied To Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1017}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Interactive Discourse: Influence Of The Social Context Panel Chair's Introduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1018}
author = {Carey, John}
title = {Paralanguage In Computer Mediated Communication}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1019}
author = {Hayes, Philip J.}
title = {Expanding The Horizons Of Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1020}
author = {Hiltz, Starr Roxanne; Johnson, Kenneth; Rabke, Ann Marie}
title = {The Process Of Communication In Face To Face Vs. Computerized Conferences; A Controlled Experiment Using Bales Interaction Process Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1021}
author = {Schegloff, Emanuel A.}
title = {What Type Of Interaction Is It To Be}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1022}
author = {Thomas, John C.}
title = {The Computer As An Active Communication Medium}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1023}
author = {Wynn, Eleanor}
title = {What Discourse Features Aren't Needed In On-Line Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1024}
author = {Martin, Willy}
title = {Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1025}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Black, John E.}
title = {If The Parser Fails}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1026}
author = {Hayes, Philip J.; Mouradian, George V.}
title = {Flexible Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1027}
author = {Davidson, James; Kaplan, S. Jerrold}
title = {Parsiug In The Absence Of A Complete Lexicon}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1028}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {On Parsing Strategies And Closure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1029}
author = {Ferrari, Giacomo; Stock, Oliviero}
title = {Strategie Selection For An ATN Syntactic Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1030}
author = {Wilensky, Robert; Arens, Yigal}
title = {PHRAN - A Knowledge-Based Natural Language Understander}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1031}
author = {Kehler, T. P.; Woods, R. C.}
title = {ATN Grammar Modeling In Applied Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1032}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Interactive Discourse: Looking To The Future Panel Chair's Introduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1033}
author = {Harris, Larry R.}
title = {Prospects For Practical Natural Language Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1034}
author = {Hendrix, Gary G.}
title = {Future Prospects For Computational Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1035}
author = {Noll, A. Michael}
title = {Natural Language Interaction With Machines: A Passing Fad? Or The Way Of The Future?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1036}
author = {Shneiderman, Ben}
title = {Natural Vs. Precise Concise Languages For Human Operation Of Computers: Research Issues And Experimental Approaches}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1037}
author = {Turoff, Murray}
title = {Natural Language And Computer Interface Design}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1038}
author = {Simmons, Robert F.}
title = {Word Phrase And Sentence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1039}
author = {Belkin, N. J.; Michell, B. G.; Kuehner, D. G.}
title = {Representation Of Texts For Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1040}
author = {Blois, Marsden S.; Sherertz, David D.; Tuttle, Mark S.}
title = {Word And Object In Disease Descriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1041}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {Requirements Of Text-Processing-Lexicons}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1042}
author = {Seidenberg, Mark S.; Tanenhaus, Michael K.}
title = {Chronometric Studies Of Lexical Ambiguity Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1043}
author = {Thibadeau, Robert; Just, Marcel Adam; Carpenter, Patricia}
title = {Real Reading Behavior}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P80-1044}
author = {Slocum, Jonathan}
title = {An Experiment In Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1980}
id = {P81-1001}
author = {Slocum, Jonathan}
title = {A Practical Comparison Of Parsing Strategies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1002}
author = {Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {Computational Complexity And Lexical Funtional Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1003}
author = {Ryan, Karen L.}
title = {Corepresentational Grammar And Parsing English Comparatives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1004}
author = {Bernstein, Jared; Nessly, Larry}
title = {Performance Comparison Of Component Algorithms For The Phonemicization Of Orthography}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1005}
author = {Becker, Lee A.}
title = {PHONY: A Heuristic Phonological Analyzer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1006}
author = {Sondheimer, Norman K.}
title = {Evaluation Of Natural Language Interfaces To Database Systems: A Panel Discussion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1007}
author = {Crout, J. Norwood}
title = {Artificial Intelligence Corporation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1008}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {Selective Planning Of Interface Evaluations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1009}
author = {Petrick, Stanley R.}
title = {Field Testing The Transformational Question Answering (TQA) System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1010}
author = {Tennant, Harry R.}
title = {What Makes Evaluation Hard?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1011}
author = {Thompson, Bozena Henisz}
title = {Evaluation Of Natural Language Interfaces To Data Base Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1012}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {Two Discourse Generators}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1013}
author = {Matthiessen, Christian M. I. M.}
title = {A Grammar And A Lexicon For A Text-Production System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1014}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {Language Production: The Source Of The Dictionary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1015}
author = {Reichman, Rachel}
title = {Analogies In Spontaneous Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1016}
author = {Cohen, Robin}
title = {Investigation Of Processing Strategies For The Structural Analysis Of Arguments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1017}
author = {Allen, James F.}
title = {What's Necessary To Hide?: Modeling; Action Verbs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1018}
author = {Frederking, Robert E.}
title = {A Rule-Based Conversation Participant}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1019}
author = {Ehrlich, Kate}
title = {Search And Inference Strategies In Pronoun Resolution: An Experimental Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1020}
author = {Robinson, Jane J.}
title = {Perspectives On Parsing Issues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1021}
author = {Bobrow, Robert J.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Some Issues In Parsing And Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1022}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1023}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {A View Of Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1024}
author = {Riesbeck, Christopher K.}
title = {Perspectives On Parsing Issues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1025}
author = {Moran, Douglas B.}
title = {Presupposition And Implicature In Model-Theoretic Pragmatics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1026}
author = {Barwise, Jon}
title = {Some Computational Aspects Of Situation Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1027}
author = {Andreoff, David}
title = {A Situation Semantics Approach To The Analysis Of Speech Acts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1028}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Problems In Logical Form}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1029}
author = {Palmer, Martha}
title = {A Case For Rule-Driven Semantic Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1030}
author = {Amsler, Robert A.}
title = {A Taxonomy For English Nouns And Verbs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1031}
author = {Kaplan, S. Jerrold; Davidson, James}
title = {Interpreting Natural Language Database Updates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1032}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Hayes, Philip J.}
title = {Dynamic Strategy Selection In Flexible Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1033}
author = {Hayes, Philip J.}
title = {A Construction-Specific Approach To Focused Interaction In Flexible Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1034}
author = {Bates, Madeleine; Ingria, Robert J. P.}
title = {Controlled Transformational Sentence Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1035}
author = {Hendrix, Gary G.; Lewis, William H.}
title = {Transportable Natural-Language Interfaces To Databases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P81-1036}
author = {Thompson, Henry S.}
title = {Chart Parsing And Rule Schemata In PSG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1981}
id = {P82-1001}
author = {Rosenschein, Stanley J.; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Translating English Into Logical Form}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1002}
author = {Cantwell Smith, Brian}
title = {Linguistic And Computational Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1003}
author = {Moran, Douglas B.}
title = {The Representation Of Inconsistent Information In A Dynamic Model-Theoretic Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1004}
author = {Allen, James F.; Frisch, Alan M.}
title = {What's In A Semantic Network?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1005}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.; Fertig, Scott; Starr, Kathy}
title = {Dependencies Of Discourse Structure On The Modality Of Communication: Telephone Vs. Teletype}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1006}
author = {Gomez, Fernando}
title = {Towards A Theory Of Comprehension Of Declarative Contexts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1007}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Natural-Language Access To Databases - Theoretical/Technical Issues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1008}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.}
title = {Transportable Natural-Language Interfaces: Problems And Techniques}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1009}
author = {Petrick, Stanley R.}
title = {Theoretical/Technical Issues In Natural Language Access To Databases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1010}
author = {Scha, Remko J. H.}
title = {English Words And Data Bases: How To Bridge The Gap}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1011}
author = {Shwartz, Steven P.}
title = {Problems With Domain-Independent Natural Language Database Access Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1012}
author = {Warren, David H. D.}
title = {Issues In Natural Language Access To Databases From A Logic Programming Perspective}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1013}
author = {Salveter, Sharon C.; Maier, David}
title = {Natural Language Database Updates}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1014}
author = {Gawron, Jean Mark; King, Jonathan; Lamping, John; Loebner, Egon; Paulson, E. Anne; Pullum, Geoffrey K.; Sag, Ivan A.; Wasow, Thomas}
title = {Processing English With A Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1015}
author = {Heidorn, George E.}
title = {Experience With An Easily Computed Metric For Ranking Alternative Parses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1016}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Sondheimer, Norman K.}
title = {An Improved Heuristic For Ellipsis Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1017}
author = {Walker, Donald E.}
title = {Reflections On 20 Years Of The ACL An Introduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1018}
author = {Yngve, Victor H.}
title = {Our Double Anniversary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1019}
author = {Hays, David G.}
title = {2002: Another Score}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1020}
author = {Lehmann, Winfred P.}
title = {My Term}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1021}
author = {Walker, Donald E.}
title = {A Society In Transition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1022}
author = {Simmons, Robert F.}
title = {Themes From 1972}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1023}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Twenty Years Of Reflections}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1024}
author = {Chapin, Paul G.}
title = {ACL In 1977}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1025}
author = {Allen, Jonathan}
title = {Reflections On Twenty Years Of The ACL}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1026}
author = {Sondheimer, Norman K.}
title = {On The Present}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1027}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.}
title = {Planning Natural Language Referring Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1028}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {The Text System For Natural Language Generation: An Overview}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1029}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Augmenting A Database Knowledge Representation For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1030}
author = {Conklin, E. Jeffrey; McDonald, David D.}
title = {Salience: The Key To The Selection Problem In Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1031}
author = {Shapiro, Stuart C.; Neal, Jeannette G.}
title = {A Knowledge Engineering Approach To Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1032}
author = {Langley, Pat}
title = {A Model Of Early Syntactic Development}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1033}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Building Non-Normative Systems - The Search For Robustness An Overview}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1034}
author = {Bobrow, Robert J.}
title = {Design Dimensions For Non-Normative Understanding Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1035}
author = {Granger, Richard H.}
title = {Scruffy Text Understanding: Design And Implementation Of 'Tolerant' Understanders}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1036}
author = {Kroch, Anthony S.; Hindle, Donald}
title = {On The Linguistic Character Of Non-Standard Input}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1037}
author = {Kwasny, Stan C.}
title = {Ill-Formed And Non-Standard Language Problems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1038}
author = {Miller, Lance A.}
title = {Natural Language Texts Are Not Necessarily Grammatical And Unambiguous Or Even Complete}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P82-1039}
author = {Thompson, Frederick B.}
title = {Solutions To Issues Depend On The Knowledge Representation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1982}
id = {P83-1001}
author = {Pullum, Geoffrey K.}
title = {Context-Freeness And The Computer Processing Of Human Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1002}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Factoring Recursion And Dependencies: An Aspect Of Tree Adjoining Grammars (TAG) And A Comparison Of Some Formal Properties Of TAGS GPSGS PLGS And LPGS}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1003}
author = {Thompson, Henry S.}
title = {Crossed Serial Dependencies: A Low-Power Parseable Extension To GPSG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1004}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.; Stucky, Susan U.; Uszkoreit, Hans; Robinson, Jane J.}
title = {Formal Constraints On Metarules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1005}
author = {Israel, David J.}
title = {A Prolegomenon To Situation Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1006}
author = {Mays, Eric}
title = {A Modal Temporal Logic For Reasoning About Change}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1007}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.; Joshi, Aravind K.; Weinstein, Scott}
title = {Providing A Unified Account Of Definite Noun Phrases In Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1008}
author = {Warren, David Scott}
title = {Using X-Calculus To Represent Meanings In Logic Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1009}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {An Improper Treatment Of Quantification In Ordinary English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1010}
author = {Hirst, Graeme}
title = {A Foundation For Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1011}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.}
title = {TELEGRAM: A Grammar Formalism For Language Planning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1012}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {An Overview Of The NIGEL Text Generation Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1013}
author = {Pierrehumbert, Janet B.}
title = {Automatic Recognition Of Intonation Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1014}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {A Finite-State Parser For Use In Speech Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1015}
author = {Perrault, Raymond C.}
title = {On The Mathematical Properties Of Linguistic Theories}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1016}
author = {Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {A Framework For Processing Partially Free Word Order}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1017}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Sentence Disambiguation By A Shift-Reduce Parsing Technique}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1018}
author = {Berwick, Robert C.; Weinberg, Amy}
title = {Syntactic Constraints And Efficient Parsability}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1019}
author = {Hindle, Donald}
title = {Deterministic Parsing Of Syntactic Non-Fluencies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1020}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.; Hindle, Donald; Fleck, Margaret M.}
title = {D-Theory: Talking About Talking About Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1021}
author = {Pereira, Fernando; Warren, David H. D.}
title = {Parsing As Deduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1022}
author = {Kukich, Karen}
title = {Design Of A Knowledge-Based Report Generator}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1023}
author = {Tennant, Harry R.; Ross, Kenneth M.; Saenz, Richard M.; Thompson, Craig W.; Miller, James R.}
title = {Menu-Based Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1024}
author = {Chin, David N.}
title = {Knowledge Structures In UC The UNIX* Consultant}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P83-1025}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Discourse Pragmatics And Ellipsis Resolution In Task-Oriented Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1983}
id = {P84-1001}
author = {Anderson, Lloyd B.}
title = {Multilingual Text Processing In A Two-Byte Code}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1002}
author = {Cook, Malcolm E.; Lehnert, Wendy G.; McDonald, David D.}
title = {Conveying Implicit Content In Narrative Summaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1003}
author = {Lopes, Gabriel}
title = {Transforming English Interfaces To Other Natural Languages: An Experiment With Portuguese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1004}
author = {Chauche, J.}
title = {Un Outil Multidimensionnel De L'Analyse Du Discours}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1005}
author = {Fujisaki, Tetsunosuke}
title = {A Stochastic Approach To Sentence Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1006}
author = {Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {Bounded Context Parsing And Easy Learnabiity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1007}
author = {Langendoen, D. Terence; Langsam, Yedidyah}
title = {The Representation Of Constituent Structures For Finite-State Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1008}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Features And Values}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1009}
author = {Teubert, Wolfgang}
title = {Applications Of A Lexicographical Data Base For German}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1010}
author = {Grimes, Joseph E.}
title = {Denormalization And Cross Referencing In Theoretical Lexicography}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1011}
author = {Sakamoto, Yoshiyuki; Satoh, Masayuki; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Lexicon Features For Japanese Syntactic Analysis In Mu-Project-JE}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1012}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Toward A Redefinition Of Yes/No Questions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1013}
author = {Ballard, Bruce W.}
title = {The Syntax And Semantics Of User-Defined Modifiers In Transportable Natural Language Processor}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1014}
author = {Hafner, Carole D.}
title = {Interaction Of Knowledge Sources In A Portable Natural Language Interface}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1015}
author = {Clemente-Salazar, Marco A.}
title = {Uses Of C-Graphs In A Prototype For Altomatic Twislation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1016}
author = {Rapaport, William J.; Shapiro, Stuart C.}
title = {Quasi-Indexical Reference In Propositional Semantic Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1017}
author = {Simmons, Robert F.}
title = {The Costs Of Inheritance In Semantic Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1018}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Functional Unification Grammar: A Formalism For Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1019}
author = {Sigurd, Bengt}
title = {Computer Simulation Of Spontaneous Speech Production}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1020}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Limited Domain Systems For Language Teaching}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1021}
author = {Shann, Patrick; Cochard, Jean-Luc}
title = {GTT : A General Transducer For Teaching Computational Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1022}
author = {Slack, Jon M.}
title = {A Parsing Architecture Based On Distributed Memory Machines}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1023}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Nhan, Ngo Thanh; Marsh, Elaine; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Automated Determination Of Sublanguage Syntactic Usage}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1024}
author = {Sondheimer, Norman K.; Weischedel, Ralph M.; Bobrow, Robert J.}
title = {Semantic Interpretation Using KL-One}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1025}
author = {Pelletier, Francis Jeffry; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Two Theories For Computing The Logical Form Of Mass Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1026}
author = {Pullum, Geoffrey K.}
title = {Syntactic And Semantic Parsability}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1027}
author = {Pereira, Fernando; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {The Semantics Of Grammar Formalisms Seen As Computer Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1028}
author = {Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {The Resolution Of Quantificational Ambiguity In The Tendum System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1029}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Preventing False Inferences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1030}
author = {Ramshaw, Lance A.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Problem Localization Strategies For Pramatics Processing In Natural-Language Front Ends}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1031}
author = {Reilly, Ronan G.}
title = {A Connectionist Model Of Some Aspects Of Anaphor Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1032}
author = {Schnelle, Helmut}
title = {Concurrent Parsing In Programmable Logic Array (Pla-)Nets Problems And Proposals}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1033}
author = {Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {A Case Analysis Method Cooperating With ATNG And Its Application To Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1034}
author = {Nitta, Yoshihiko; Okajima, Atsushi; Kaji, Hiroyuki; Hidano, Youichi; Ishihara, Koichiro}
title = {A Proper Treatmemt Of Syntax And Semantics In Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1035}
author = {Yoshida, Sho}
title = {A Consideration On The Concepts Structure And Language In Relation To Selections Of Translation Equivalents Of Verbs In Machine Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1036}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {Detecting Patterns In A Lexical Data Base}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1037}
author = {Thurmair, Gregor}
title = {Linguistic Problems In Multilingual Morphological Decomposition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1038}
author = {Koskenniemi, Kimmo}
title = {A General Computational Model For Word-Form Recognition And Production}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1039}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen}
title = {Panel: Natural Language And Databases Again}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1040}
author = {Bates, Madeleine}
title = {There Still Is Gold In The Database Mine}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1041}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Is There Natural Language After Data Bases?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1042}
author = {Flickinger, Daniel P.}
title = {Panel On Natural Language And Databases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1043}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Natural Language For Exert Systems: Comparisons With Database Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1044}
author = {Soulhi, Said}
title = {Representing Knowledge About Knowledge And Mutual Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1045}
author = {Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Understanding Pragmatically Ill-Formed Input}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1046}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.}
title = {Referring As Requesting}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1047}
author = {Hayes, Philip J.}
title = {Entity-Oriented Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1048}
author = {Nishida, Toyoaki; Doshita, Shuji}
title = {Combining Functionality And Object-Orientedness For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1049}
author = {Yang, Yiming; Nishida, Toyoaki; Doshita, Shuji}
title = {Use Of Heuristic Knowledge In Chinese Language Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1050}
author = {Johnson, Rod L.; Rosner, Mike A.}
title = {The Design Of The Kernel Architecture For The Eurotra Software}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1051}
author = {Laurian, Anne-Marie}
title = {Machine Translation: What Type Of Post-Editing On What Type Of Documents For What Type Of Users}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1052}
author = {Carter, Alan W.; Freiling, Michael J.}
title = {Simplifying Deterministic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1053}
author = {Huang, Xiuming}
title = {Dealing With Conjunctions In A Machine Translation Environment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1054}
author = {Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {On Parsing Preferences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1055}
author = {Cohen, Robin}
title = {A Computational Theory Of The Function Of Clue Words In Argument Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1056}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {Control Structures And Theories Of Interaction In Speech Understanding Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1057}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Nakamura, Jun-Ichi; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Analysis Grammar Of Japanese In The Mu-Project - A Procedural Approach To Analysis Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1058}
author = {Gross, Maurice}
title = {Lexicon-Grammar And The Syntactic Analysis Of French}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1059}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Building A Large Knowledge Base For A Natural Language System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1060}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen; Tait, John Irving}
title = {Linguistically Motivated Descriptive Term Selection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1061}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Hnatkova, Milena}
title = {Inferencing On Linguistically Based Semantic Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1062}
author = {Rieger, Burghard B.}
title = {Semantic Relevance And Aspect Dependency In A Given Subject Domain: Contents-Driven Algorithmic Processing Of Fuzzy Wordmeanings To Form Dynamic Stereotype Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1063}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Allen, James F.}
title = {A Plan Recognition Model For Clarification Subdialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1064}
author = {Zadeh, Lotfi A.}
title = {A Computational Theory Of Dispositions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1065}
author = {Derr, Marcia A.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Using Focus To Generate Complex And Simple Sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1066}
author = {Ritchie, Graeme D.}
title = {A Rational Reconstruction Of The Proteus Sentence Planner}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1067}
author = {Bachut, Daniel; Verastegui, Nelson}
title = {Software Tools For The Environment Of A Computer Aided Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1068}
author = {Buchmann, Beat; Armstrong, Susan; Shann, Patrick}
title = {Design Of A Machine Translation System For A Sublanguage}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1069}
author = {Nakamura, Jun-Ichi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Grammar Writing System (GRADE) Of Mu-Machine Translation Project And Its Characteristics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1070}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {A Discovery Procedure For Certain Phonological Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1071}
author = {Fornell, Jan}
title = {What Not To Say}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1072}
author = {King, Margaret}
title = {When Is The Next ALPAC Report Due?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1073}
author = {Tomita, Masaru}
title = {LR Parsers For Natural Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1074}
author = {Yasukawa, Hidekl}
title = {LFG System In Prolog}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1075}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {The Design Of A Computer Language For Linguistic Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1076}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {Discourse Structures For Text Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1077}
author = {Mauldin, Michael L.}
title = {Semantic Rule Based Text Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1078}
author = {Granville, Robert Alan}
title = {Controlling Lexical Substitution In Computer Text Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1079}
author = {Sugiyama, Kenji; Kameda, Masayuki; Akiyama, Kouji}
title = {Understanding Of Japanese In An Interactive Programming System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1080}
author = {Nelimarkka, Esa; Jappinen, Harri; Lehtola, Aarno}
title = {Two-Way Finite Automata And Dependency Grammar: A Parsing Method For Inflectional Free Word Order Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1081}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Interruptable Transition Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1082}
author = {Guenthner, Franz}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Discourse Representation Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1083}
author = {Hahn, Udo}
title = {Textual Expertise In Word Experts: An Approach To Text Parsing Based On Topic/Comment Monitoring}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1084}
author = {Kusanagi, Yutaka}
title = {Some Linguistic Aspects For Automatic Text Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1085}
author = {Polanyi, Livia; Scha, Remko J. H.}
title = {A Syntactic Approach To Discourse Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1086}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Nishida, Toyoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Dealing With Incompleteness Of Linguistic Knowledge In Language Translation - Transfer And Generation Stage Of MU Machine Translation Project}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1087}
author = {Rosenberg, Jarrett}
title = {Lexical Semantics In Human-Computer Communication}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1088}
author = {Kalita, Jugal K.; Colbourn, M. J.; McCalla, Gordon I.}
title = {A Response To The Need For Summary Responses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1089}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Hayes, Philip J.}
title = {Coping With Extragrammaticality}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1090}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Correcting Object-Related Misconceptions: How Should The System Respond?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1091}
author = {Guy, Jacques B. M.}
title = {An Algorithm For Identifying Cognates Between Related Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1092}
author = {Gigley, Helen M.}
title = {From Hope En L'Esperance On The Role Of Computational Neurolinguistics In Cross-Language Studies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1093}
author = {Walker, Donald E.}
title = {Machine-Readable Dictionaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1094}
author = {Amsler, Robert A.}
title = {Lexical Knowledge Bases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1095}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {Machine-Readable Dictionaries Lexical Data Bases And The Lexical System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1096}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {The Dictionary Server}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1097}
author = {Miller, George A.}
title = {How To Misread A Dictionary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1098}
author = {Webber, Howard R.}
title = {Machine-Readable Components In A Variety Of Information-System Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1099}
author = {Krauwer, Steven; Des Tombe, Louis}
title = {Transfer In A Multilingual MT System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1100}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Gerber, Rene}
title = {Expert Systems And Other New Techniques In MT Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1101}
author = {Arnold, Doug J.; Johnson, Rod L.}
title = {Robust Processing In Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1102}
author = {Tornita, Masaru}
title = {Disambiguating Grammatically Ambiguous Sentences By Asking}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1103}
author = {Kurtzman, Howard S.}
title = {Ambiguity Resolution In The Human Syntactic Parser: An Experimental Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1104}
author = {Pazzani, Michael J.}
title = {Conceptual Analysis Of Garden-Path Sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1105}
author = {Laubsch, Joachim H.; Roesner, Dietmar F.; Hanakata, Kenji; Lesniewski, A.}
title = {Language Generation From Conceptual Structure: Synthesis Of German In A Japanese/German MT Project}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1106}
author = {Adorni, Giovanni; Di Manzo, Mauro; Giunchiglia, Fausto}
title = {Natural Language Driven Image Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1107}
author = {Danlos, Laurence}
title = {Conceptual And Linguistic Decisions In Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1108}
author = {Marsh, Elaine}
title = {A Computational Analysis Of Complex Noun Phrases In Navy Messages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1109}
author = {Isabelle, Pierre}
title = {Another Look At Nominal Compounds}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1110}
author = {Hyvonen, Eero}
title = {Semantic Parsing As Graph Language Transformation - A Multidimensional Approach To Parsing Highly Inflectional Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1111}
author = {Pericliev, Vladimir}
title = {Handling Syntactical Ambiguity In Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1112}
author = {Raccah, Pierre-Yves}
title = {Argumentation In Representation Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1113}
author = {Yegnanarayana, B.; Naik, J. M.; Childers, D. G.}
title = {Voice Simulation: Factors Affecting Quality And Naturalness}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1114}
author = {Lesmo, Leonardo; Torasso, Pietro}
title = {Interpreting Syntactically Ill-Formed Sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1115}
author = {Kuhlen, Rainer}
title = {An Intonational Delphi Poll On Future Trends In Information Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1116}
author = {Slocum, Jonathan}
title = {Machine Translation: Its History Current Status And Future Prospects}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1984}
id = {P85-1001}
author = {Hafner, Carole D.}
title = {Semantics Of Temporal Queries And Temporal Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1002}
author = {Obermeier, Klaus K.}
title = {Temporal Inferences In Medical Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1003}
author = {Yip, Kenneth Man-Kam}
title = {Tense Aspect And The Cognitive Representation Of Time}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1004}
author = {Naito, Shozo; Shimazu, Akira; Nomura, Hirosato}
title = {Classification Of Modality Function And Its Application To Japanese Language Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1005}
author = {Mallery, John C.}
title = {Universality And Individuality: The Interaction Of Noun Phrase Determiners In Copular Clauses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1006}
author = {Rapaport, William J.}
title = {Meinongian Semantics For Propositional Semantic Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1007}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.; Levesque, Hector J.}
title = {Speech Acts And Rationality}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1008}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Ontological Promiscuity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1009}
author = {Pilato, Samuel F.}
title = {Reversible Automata And Induction Of The English Auxiliary System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1010}
author = {Barton Jr., G. Edward}
title = {The Computational Difficulty Of ID/LP Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1011}
author = {Vijay-Shanker, K.; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Some Computational Properties Of Tree Adjoining Grammers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1012}
author = {McDonald, David D.; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {TAG's As A Grammatical Formalism For Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1013}
author = {McCord, Michael C.}
title = {Modular Logic Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1014}
author = {Fong, Sandiway; Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {New Approaches To Parsing Conjunctions Using Prolog}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1015}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Parsing With Discontinuous Constituents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1016}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Structure Sharing With Binary Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1017}
author = {Pereira, Fernando}
title = {A Structure-Sharing Representation For Unification-Based Grammar Formalisms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1018}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Using Restriction To Extend Parsing Algorithms For Complex-Feature-Based Formalisms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1019}
author = {Hayes, Philip J.; Andersen, Peggy M.; Safier, Scott}
title = {Semantic Caseframe Parsing And Syntactic Generality}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1020}
author = {Jones, Mark Alan; Driscoll, Alan S.}
title = {Movement In Active Production Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1021}
author = {Proudian, Derek; Pollard, Carl J.}
title = {Parsing Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1022}
author = {Creary, Lewis G.; Pollard, Carl J.}
title = {A Computational Semantics For Natural Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1023}
author = {Lesmo, Leonardo; Torasso, Pietro}
title = {Analysis Of Conjunctions In A Rule-Based Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1024}
author = {Carberry, Sandra}
title = {A Pragmatics-Based Approach To Understanding Intersentential Ellipsis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1025}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.}
title = {Some Pragmatic Issues In The Planning Of Definite And Indefinite Noun Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1026}
author = {Goodman, Bradley A.}
title = {Repairing Reference Identification Failures By Relaxation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1027}
author = {Guindon, Raymonde}
title = {Anaphora Resolution: Short-Term Memory And Focusing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1028}
author = {Kukich, Karen}
title = {Explanation Structures In XSEL}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1029}
author = {Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Description Strategies For Naive And Expert Users}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1030}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Stress Assignment In Letter To Sound Rules For Speech Synthesis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1031}
author = {Phillips, Brian; Freiling, Michael J.; Alexander, James H.; Messick, Steven L.; Rehfuss, Steve; Nicholl, Sheldon}
title = {An Eclectic Approach To Building Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1032}
author = {Flickinger, Daniel P.; Pollard, Carl J.; Wasow, Thomas}
title = {Structure-Sharing In Lexical Representation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1033}
author = {Ahlswede, Thomas E.}
title = {A Tool Kit For Lexicon Building}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1034}
author = {Byrd, Roy J.; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Using An On-Line Dictionary To Find Rhyming Words And Pronunciations For Unknown Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1035}
author = {Zernik, Uri; Dyer, Michael G.}
title = {Towards A Self-Extending Lexicon}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1036}
author = {Beale, Andrew David}
title = {Grammatical Analysis By Computer Of The Lancaster-Oslo/Bergen (LOB) Corpus Of British English Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1037}
author = {Chodorow, Martin; Byrd, Roy J.; Heidorn, George E.}
title = {Extracting Semantic Hierarchies From A Large On-Line Dictionary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1038}
author = {Miller, George A.}
title = {Dictionaries Of The Mind}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1039}
author = {Decker, Nan}
title = {The Use Of Syntactic Clues In Discourse Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P85-1040}
author = {Gigley, Helen M.}
title = {Grammar Viewed As A Functioning Part Of A Cognitive System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1985}
id = {P86-1001}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Tutorial Abstracts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1002}
author = {Hendrix, Gary G.}
title = {Bringing Natural Language Processing To The Microcomputer Market: The Story Of Q&A}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1003}
author = {Harper, Mary P.; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Time And Tense In English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1004}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Dahl, Deborah A.; Schiffman, Rebecca J.; Hirschman, Lynette; Linebarger, Marcia C.; Dowding, John}
title = {Recovering Implicit Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1005}
author = {Ballard, Bruce W.; Stumberger, Douglas E.}
title = {Semantic Acquisition In TELL: A Transportable User-Customized Natural Language Processor}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1006}
author = {Ristad, Eric Sven}
title = {Computational Complexity Of Current GPSG Theory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1007}
author = {Ristad, Eric Sven}
title = {Defining Natural Language Grammars In GPSG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1008}
author = {Barton Jr., G. Edward}
title = {Constraint Propagation In KIMMO Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1009}
author = {Barton Jr., G. Edward}
title = {Computational Complexity In Two-Level Morphology}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1010}
author = {Kashket, Michael B.}
title = {Parsing A Free-Word Order Language: WARLPIRI}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1011}
author = {Weir, David; Vijay-Shanker, K.; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {The Relationship Between Tree Adjoining Grammars And Head Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1012}
author = {Friedman, Joyce; Venkatesan, Ramarathnam}
title = {Categorial And Non-Categorial Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1013}
author = {Kosy, Donald W.}
title = {Parsing Conjunctions Deterministically}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1014}
author = {Manaster Ramer, Alexis}
title = {Copying In Natural Languages Context-Freeness And Queue Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1015}
author = {Vaughan, Marie M.; McDonald, David D.}
title = {A Model Of Revision In Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1016}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {The ROMPER System: Responding To Object-Related Misconceptions Using Perspective}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1017}
author = {Dyer, Michael G.; Zernik, Uri}
title = {Encoding And Acquiring Meanings For Figurative Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1018}
author = {Markowitz, Judith A.; Ahlswede, Thomas E.; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {Semantically Significant Patterns In Dictionary Definitions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1019}
author = {Byrd, Roy J.; Klavans, Judith L.; Aronoff, Mark; Anshen, Frank}
title = {Computer Methods For Morphological Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1020}
author = {Sabot, Gary W.}
title = {Bulk Processing Of Text On A Massively Parallel Computer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1021}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia; Pierrehumbert, Janet B.}
title = {The Intonational Structuring Of Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1022}
author = {Bachenko, Joan; Fitzpatrick, Eileen; Wright, C. E.}
title = {The Contribution Of Parsing To Prosodic Phrasing In An Experimental Text-To-Speech System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1023}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Morphoogicai Decomposition And Stress Assignment For Speech Synthesis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1024}
author = {Ohyama, Yutaka; Fukushima, Toshikazu; Shutoh, Tomoki; Shutoh, Masamichi}
title = {A Sentence Analysis Method For A Japanese Book Reading Machine For The Blind}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1025}
author = {Beckman, Mary E.; Pierrehumbert, Janet B.}
title = {Japanese Prosodic Phrasing And Intonation Synthesis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1026}
author = {Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {Forum On Connectionism: Questions About Connectionist Models Of Natural Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1027}
author = {Sejnowski, Terrence J.}
title = {Mark Y. Liberman}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1028}
author = {Waltz, David L.}
title = {Connectionist Models For Natural Language Processing Program}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1029}
author = {Kronfeld, Amichai}
title = {Donnellan's Distinction And A Computational Model Of Reference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1030}
author = {Fawcett, Brenda; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {The Detection And Representation Of Ambiguities Of Intension And Description}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1031}
author = {Kameyama, Megumi}
title = {A Property-Sharing Constraint In Centering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1032}
author = {Pollack, Martha E.}
title = {A Model Of Plan Inference That Distinguishes Between The Beliefs Of Actors And Observers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1033}
author = {Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Linguistic Coherence: A Plan-Based Alternative}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1034}
author = {Guindon, Raymonde; Conner, Joyce}
title = {The Structure Of User-Adviser Dialogues: Is There Method In Their Madness?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1035}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Croft, W. Bruce; Davies, Todd; Edwards, Douglas; Laws, Kenneth}
title = {Commonsense Metaphysics And Lexical Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1036}
author = {Stallard, David G.}
title = {A Terminological Simplification Transformation For Natural Language Question-Answering Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1037}
author = {Miller, Dale A.; Nadathur, Gopalan}
title = {Some Uses Of Higher-Order Logic In Computational Linguistics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1038}
author = {Kasper, Robert T.}
title = {A Logical Semantics For Feature Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1039}
author = {White, John S.}
title = {What Should Machine Translation Be?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1040}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Forum On Machine Translation: Machine Translation Will Not Work}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P86-1041}
author = {King, Margaret}
title = {Forum On Machine Translation: Machine Translation Already Does Work}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1986}
id = {P87-1001}
author = {Moens, Marc; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Temporal Ontology In Natural Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1002}
author = {Hinrichs, Erhard W.}
title = {A Compositional Semantics Of Temporal Expressions In English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1003}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Situations And Intervals}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1004}
author = {Yoshii, Rika}
title = {JETR: A Robust Machine Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1005}
author = {Ayuso, Damaris M.; Shaked, Varda; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {An Environment For Acquiring Semantic Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1006}
author = {Guindon, Raymonde; Shuldberg, Kelly; Conner, Joyce}
title = {Grammatical And Ungrammatical Structures In User-Adviser Dialogues: Evidence For Sufficiency Of Restricted Languages In Natural Language Interfaces To Advisory Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1007}
author = {Correa, Nelson}
title = {An Attribute-Grammar Implementation Of Government-Binding Theory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1008}
author = {Stock, Oliviero}
title = {Getting Idioms Into A Lexicon Based Parser's Head}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1009}
author = {Arens, Yigal; Granacki, John J.; Parker, Alice C.}
title = {Phrasal Analysis Of Long Noun Sequences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1010}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.; Brunson, Barbara A.}
title = {Constituent-Based Morphological Parsing: A New Approach To The Problem Of Word-Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1011}
author = {Wittenburg, Kent}
title = {Predictive Combinators: A Method For Efficient Processing Of Combinatory Categorical Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1012}
author = {Pareschi, Remo; Steedman, Mark}
title = {A Lazy Way To Chart-Parse With Categorial Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1013}
author = {Rounds, William C.; Manaster Ramer, Alexis}
title = {A Logical Version Of Functional Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1014}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Functional Unification Grammar Revisited}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1015}
author = {Vijay-Shanker, K.; Weir, David; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Characterizing Structural Descriptions Produced By Various Grammatical Formalisms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1016}
author = {Moshier, M. Drew; Rounds, William C.}
title = {On The Succinctness Properties Of Unordered Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1017}
author = {Nozohoor-Farshi, R.}
title = {Context-Freeness Of The Language Accepted By Marcus' Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1018}
author = {Shimazu, Akira; Naito, Shozo; Nomura, Hirosato}
title = {Semantic Structure Analysis Of Japanese Noun Phrases With Adnominal Particles}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1019}
author = {Dahl, Deborah A.; Palmer, Martha; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Nominalizations In PUNDIT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1020}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.; Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {Toward Treating English Nominals Correctly}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1021}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {The Interpretation Of Tense In Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1022}
author = {Brennan, Susan E.; Walker, Marilyn A.; Pollard, Carl J.}
title = {A Centering Approach To Pronouns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1023}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Now Let's Talk About Now: Identifying Cue Phrases Intonationally}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1024}
author = {Pustejovsky, James}
title = {On The Acquisition Of Lexical Entries: The Perceptual Origin Of Thematic Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1025}
author = {Stallard, David G.}
title = {The Logical Analysis Of Lexical Ambiguity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1026}
author = {Besemer, David J.; Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {FLUSH: A Flexible Lexicon Design}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1027}
author = {Boguraev, Branimir K.; Briscoe, Ted; Carroll, John; Carter, David M.; Grover, Claire}
title = {The Derivation Of A Grammatically Indexed Lexicon From The Longman Dictionary Of Contemporary English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1028}
author = {Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Lexical Selection In The Process Of Language Generation Sergei Nirenburg}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1029}
author = {Huettner, Alison K.; Vaughan, Marie M.; McDonald, David D.}
title = {Constraints On The Generation Of Adjunct Clauses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1030}
author = {van Beek, Peter}
title = {A Model For Generating Better Explanations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1031}
author = {Luria, Marc}
title = {Expressing Concern}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1032}
author = {Porter, Harry H.}
title = {Incorporating Inheritance And Feature Structures Into A Logic Grammar Formalism}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1033}
author = {Kasper, Robert T.}
title = {A Unification Method For Disjunctive Feature Descriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P87-1034}
author = {Ristad, Eric Sven}
title = {Revised Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1987}
id = {P88-1001}
author = {Byrd, Roy J.; Tzoukermann, Evelyne}
title = {Adapting An English Morphological Analyzer For French}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1002}
author = {Linebarger, Marcia C.; Dahl, Deborah A.; Hirschman, Lynette; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Sentence Fragments Regular Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1003}
author = {Scha, Remko J. H.; Stallard, David G.}
title = {Multi-Level Plurals And Distributivity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1004}
author = {De Bruin, Jos; Scha, Remko J. H.}
title = {The Interpretation Of Relational Nouns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1005}
author = {Moran, Douglas B.}
title = {Quantifier Scoping In The SRI Core Language Engine}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1006}
author = {Ballard, Bruce W.}
title = {A General Computational Treatment Of Comparatives For Natural Language Question Answering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1007}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Banks, Amelie}
title = {Parsing And Interpreting Comparatives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1008}
author = {Karlin, Robin F.}
title = {Defining The Semantics Of Verbal Modifiers In The Domain Of Cooking Tasks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1009}
author = {Dalrymple, Mary}
title = {The Interpretation Of Tense And Aspect In English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1010}
author = {Pollack, Martha E.; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {An Integrated Framework For Semantic And Pragmatic Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1011}
author = {Charniak, Eugene; Goldman, Robert}
title = {A Logic For Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1012}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Stickel, Mark; Martin, Paul; Edwards, Douglas}
title = {Interpretation As Abduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1013}
author = {Haigh, Robin; Sampson, Geoffrey; Atwell, Eric Steven}
title = {Project April A Progress Report}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1014}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Discourse Deixis: Reference To Discourse Segments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1015}
author = {Whittaker, Steve; Stenton, Phil}
title = {Cues And Control In Expert-Client Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1016}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; Rapaport, William J.}
title = {A Computational Theory Of Perspective And Reference In Narrative}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1017}
author = {Maeda, Hiroyuki; Kato, Susumu; Kogure, Kiyoshi; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {Parsing Japanese Honorifics In Unification-Based Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1018}
author = {Bateman, John A.}
title = {Aspects Of Clause Politeness In Japanese: An Extended Inquiry Semantics Treatment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1019}
author = {Miike, Seiji; Hasebe, Koichi; Somers, Harold L.; Amano, Shin-Ya}
title = {Experiences With An On-Line Translating Dialogue System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1020}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Planning Coherent Multisentential Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1021}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.; Konolige, Kurt}
title = {A Practical Nonmonotonic Theory For Reasoning About Speech Acts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1022}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Two Types Of Planning In Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1023}
author = {Davis, James Raymond; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Assigning Intonational Features In Synthesized Spoken Directions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1024}
author = {Kameyama, Megumi}
title = {Atomization In Grammar Sharing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1025}
author = {Salton, Gerard}
title = {Syntactic Approaches To Automatic Book Indexing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1026}
author = {Beale, Andrew David}
title = {Lexicon And Grammar In Probabilistic Tagging Of Written English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1027}
author = {Ahlswede, Thomas E.; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {Parsing Vs. Text Processing In The Analysis Of Dictionary Definitions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1028}
author = {Abe, Naoki}
title = {Polynomial Learnability And Locality Of Formal Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1029}
author = {Kasper, Robert T.}
title = {Conditional Descriptions In Functional Unification Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1030}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Deductive Parsing With Multiple Levels Of Representation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1031}
author = {Tomita, Masaru}
title = {Graph-Structured Stack And Natural Language Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1032}
author = {Schabes, Yves; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {An Earley-Type Parsing Algorithm For Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1033}
author = {Pareschi, Remo}
title = {A Definite Clause Version Of Categorial Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1034}
author = {Weir, David; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Combinatory Categorial Grammars: Generative Power And Relationship To Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P88-1035}
author = {Eisele, Andreas; Dorre, Jochen}
title = {Unification Of Disjunctive Feature Descriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1988}
id = {P89-1001}
author = {Zajac, Mini}
title = {A Transfer Model Using A Typed Feature Structure Rewriting System With Inheritance}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1002}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.; van Noord, Gertjan; Moore, Robert C.; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {A Semantic-Head-Driven Generation Algorithm For Unification-Based Formalisms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1003}
author = {Dawar, Anuj; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {A Three-Valued Interpretation Of Negation In Feature Structure Descriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1004}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Van Eijck, Jan}
title = {Logical Forms In The Core Language Engine}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1005}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Unification-Based Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1006}
author = {Creary, Lewis G.; Gawron, Jean Mark; Nerbonne, John}
title = {Reference To Locations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1007}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Getting At Discourse Referents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1008}
author = {Kronfeld, Amichai}
title = {Conversationally Relevant Descriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1009}
author = {Dale, Robert}
title = {Cooking Up Referring Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1010}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Hanks, Patrick}
title = {Word Association Norms Mutual Information And Lexicography}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1011}
author = {Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Lexical Access In Connected Speech Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1012}
author = {Neff, Mary S.; Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {Dictionaries Dictionary Grammars And Dictionary Entry Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1013}
author = {Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Some Chart-Based Techniques For Parsing Ill-Formed Input}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1014}
author = {Blejer, Hatte R.; Flank, Sharon; Kehler, Andrew}
title = {On Representing Governed Prepositions And Handling Incorrect And Novel Prepositions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1015}
author = {Hindle, Donald}
title = {Acquiring Disambiguation Rules From Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1016}
author = {Oviatt, Sharon L.; Cohen, Philip R.}
title = {The Effects Of Interaction On Spoken Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1017}
author = {Leermakers, Rene}
title = {How To Cover A Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1018}
author = {Billott, Sylvie; Lang, Bernard}
title = {The Structure Of Shared Forests In Ambiguous Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1019}
author = {Pereira, Fernando}
title = {A Calculus For Semantic Composition And Scoping}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1020}
author = {Friedman, Carol}
title = {A General Computational Treatment Of The Comparative}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1021}
author = {Olawsky, Duane E.}
title = {The Lexical Semantics Of Comparative Expressions In A Multi-Level Semantic Processor}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1022}
author = {Webster, Mort; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of The Lexical Semantics Of Verbs From Sentence Frames}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1023}
author = {Velardi, Paola; Pazienza, Maria Teresa}
title = {Computer Aided Interpretation Of Lexical Cooccurrences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1024}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To Representation In The Janus Natural Language Processor}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1025}
author = {Moore, Johanna D.; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Planning Text For Advisory Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1026}
author = {Hinkelman, Elizabeth A.; Allen, James F.}
title = {Two Constraints On Speech Act Ambiguity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1027}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Treatment Of Long Distance Dependencies In LFG And TAG: Functional Uncertainty In LFG Is A Corollary In TAG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1028}
author = {Popowich, Fred}
title = {Tree Unification Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1029}
author = {Haas, Andrew R.}
title = {A Generalization Of The Offline Parsable Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1030}
author = {Ayuso, Damaris M.}
title = {Discourse Entities In Janus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1031}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Evaluating Discourse Processing Algorithms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1032}
author = {Ingria, Robert J. P.; Stallard, David G.}
title = {A Computational Mechanism For Pronominal Reference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1033}
author = {Konig, Esther}
title = {Parsing As Natural Deduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P89-1034}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Bias, Gabriel G.; Jurie, Pierre François; Baschung, Karine}
title = {Efficient Parsing For French}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1989}
id = {P90-1001}
author = {Vijay-Shanker, K.; Weir, David}
title = {Polynomial Time Parsing Of Combinatory Categorial Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1002}
author = {Steedman, Mark}
title = {Structure And Intonation In Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1003}
author = {Bear, John; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Prosody Syntax And Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1004}
author = {Whittemore, Greg; Ferrara, Kathleen; Brunner, Hans}
title = {Empirical Study Of Predictive Powers Of Simple Attachment Schemes For Post-Modifier Prepositional Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1005}
author = {Maruyama, Hiroshi}
title = {Structural Disambiguation With Constraint Propagation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1006}
author = {Gibson, Edward}
title = {Memory Capacity And Sentence Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1007}
author = {Rim, Hae-Chang; Simmons, Robert F.; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {Transforming Syntactic Graphs Into Semantic Graphs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1008}
author = {Lyons, Daniel}
title = {A Compositional Semantics For Focusing Subjuncts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1009}
author = {Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Designer Definites In Logical Form}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1010}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Whittaker, Steve}
title = {Mixed Initiative In Dialogue: An Investigation Into Discourse Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1011}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.; Levesque, Hector J.}
title = {Performatives In A Rationally Based Speech Act Theory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1012}
author = {Green, Nancy L.}
title = {Normal State Implicature}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1013}
author = {Reiter, Ehud}
title = {The Computational Complexity Of Avoiding Conversational Implicatures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1014}
author = {Fong, Sandiway}
title = {Free Indexation: Combinatorial Analysis And A Compositional Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1015}
author = {Frank, Robert}
title = {Licensing And Tree Adjoining Grammar In Government Binding Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1016}
author = {Brent, Michael R.}
title = {A Simplified Theory Of Tense Representations And Constraints On Their Composition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1017}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Solving Thematic Divergences In Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1018}
author = {Lappin, Shalom; McCord, Michael C.}
title = {A Syntactic Filter On Pronominal Anaphora For Slot Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1019}
author = {Siskind, Jeffrey Mark}
title = {Acquiring Core Meanings Of Words Represented As Jackendoff-Style Conceptual Structures From Correlated Streams Of Linguistic And Non-Linguistic Input}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1020}
author = {Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Types In Functional Unification Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1021}
author = {Bouma, Gosse}
title = {Defaults In Unification Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1022}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Expressing Disjunctive And Negative Feature Constraints With Classical First-Order Logic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1023}
author = {Godden, Kurt}
title = {Lazy Unification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1024}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Wittenburg, Kent}
title = {Zero Morphemes In Unification-Based Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1025}
author = {Ingria, Robert J. P.}
title = {The Limits Of Unification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1026}
author = {Russell, Graham J.; Carroll, John; Armstrong, Susan}
title = {Asymmetry In Parsing And Generating With Unification Grammars: Case Studies From ELU}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1027}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Peng, Ping}
title = {Automated Inversion Of Logic Grammars For Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1028}
author = {Van Der Linden, Erik-Jan; Minnen, Guido}
title = {Algorithms For Generation In Lambek Theorem Proving}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1029}
author = {Bobrow, Robert J.; Resnik, Philip; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Multiple Underlying Systems: Translating User Requests Into Programs To Produce Answers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1030}
author = {Ristad, Eric Sven}
title = {Computational Structure Of Generative Phonology And Its Relation To Language Comprehension}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1031}
author = {De Marcken, Carl G.}
title = {Parsing The LOB Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1032}
author = {Smadja, Frank A.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Automatically Extracting And Representing Collocations For Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1033}
author = {Ravin, Yael}
title = {Disambiguating And Interpreting Verb Definitions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1034}
author = {Hindle, Donald}
title = {Noun Classification From Predicate-Argument Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1035}
author = {Schabes, Yves; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Deterministic Left To Right Parsing Of Tree Adjoining Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1036}
author = {Harbusch, Karin}
title = {An Efficient Parsing Algorithm For Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1037}
author = {Abeille, Anne}
title = {Lexical And Syntactic Rules In A Tree Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1038}
author = {Marino, Massimo}
title = {Bottom-Up Parsing Extending Context-Freeness In A Process Grammar Processor}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P90-1039}
author = {Fukushima, Toshikazu; Ohyama, Yutaka; Miyai, Hitoshi}
title = {A Hardware Algorithm For High Speed Morpheme Extraction And Its Implementation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1990}
id = {P91-1001}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu}
title = {Resolution Of Collective-Distributive Ambiguity Using Model-Based Reasoning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1002}
author = {Carpenter, Bob; Pollard, Carl J.}
title = {Inclusion Disjointness And Choice: The Logic Of Linguistic Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1003}
author = {Whittemore, Greg; Macpherson, Melissa; Carlson, Greg}
title = {Event-Building Through Role-Filling And Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1004}
author = {Kitano, Hiroaki; Van Ess-Dykema, Carol J.}
title = {Toward A Plan-Based Understanding Model For Mixed-Initiative Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1005}
author = {Lochbaum, Karen E.}
title = {An Algorithm For Plan Recognition In Collaborative Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1006}
author = {Ramshaw, Lance A.}
title = {A Three-Level Model For Plan Exploration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1007}
author = {Lambert, Lynn; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {A Tripartite Plan-Based Model Of Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1008}
author = {Lascarides, Alex; Asher, Nicholas}
title = {Discourse Relations And Defeasible Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1009}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Some Facts About Centers Indexicals And Demonstratives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1010}
author = {Steedman, Mark}
title = {Type-Raising And Directionality In Combinatory Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1011}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {Efficient Incremental Processing With Categorial Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1012}
author = {Thompson, Henry S.; Dixon, Mike; Lamping, John}
title = {Compose-Reduce Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1013}
author = {Perlin, Mark}
title = {LR Recursive Transition Networks For Earley And Tomita Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1014}
author = {Schabes, Yves}
title = {Polynomial Time And Space Shift-Reduce Parsing Of Arbitrary Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1015}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Head Corner Parsing For Discontinuous Constituency}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1016}
author = {Simmons, Robert F.; Yu, Yeong-Ho}
title = {The Acquisition And Application Of Context Sensitive Grammar For English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1017}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Itai, Alon; Schwall, Ulrike}
title = {Two Languages Are More Informative Than One}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1018}
author = {Regier, Terry}
title = {Learning Perceptually-Grounded Semantics In The Lo Project}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1019}
author = {Guthrie, Joe A.; Guthrie, Louise; Aidinejad, Homa; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Subject-Dependent Co-Occurrence And Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1020}
author = {Japkowicz, Nathalie; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {A System For Translating Locative Prepositions From English Into French}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1021}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Carter, David M.; Rayner, Manny; Gambäck, Björn}
title = {Translation By Quasi Logical Form Transfer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1022}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; Lai, Jennifer C.; Mercer, Robert L.}
title = {Aligning Sentences In Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1023}
author = {Gale, William A.; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {A Program For Aligning Sentences In Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1024}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {Experiments And Prospects Of Example-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1025}
author = {Kameyama, Megumi; Ochitani, Ryo; Peters, Stanley}
title = {Resolving Translation Mismatches With Information Flow}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1026}
author = {Inoue, Naomi}
title = {Automatic Noun Classification By Using Japanese-English Word Pairs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1027}
author = {Brent, Michael R.}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Subcategorization Frames From Untagged Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1028}
author = {Russell, Graham J.; Carroll, John; Armstrong, Susan}
title = {Multiple Default Inheritance In A Unification-Based Lexicon}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1029}
author = {Hays, Ellen}
title = {Metaphoric Generalization Through Sort Coercion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1030}
author = {Hindle, Donald; Rooth, Mats}
title = {Structural Ambiguity And Lexical Relations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1031}
author = {Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Strategies For Adding Control Information To Declarative Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1032}
author = {Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Finite-State Approximation Of Phrase Structure Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1033}
author = {Dorre, Jochen}
title = {Feature Logic With Weak Subsumption Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1034}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Mercer, Robert L.}
title = {Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Statistical Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1035}
author = {Baayen, R. Harald}
title = {A Stochastic Process For Word Frequency Distributions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1036}
author = {Smadja, Frank A.}
title = {From N-Grams To Collocations: An Evaluation Of Xtract}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1037}
author = {Wang, Michelle Q.}
title = {Predicting Intonational Phrasing From Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1038}
author = {Chien, Lee-Feng; Chen, Keh-Jiann; Lee, Lin-shan}
title = {A Preference-First Language Processor: Integrating The Unification Grammar And Markov Language Model For Speech Recognition Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1039}
author = {Pieraccini, Roberto; Lee, Chin-Hui}
title = {Factorization Of Language Constraints In Speech Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1040}
author = {Nakano, Mikio}
title = {Constraint Projection: An Efficient Treatment Of Disjunctive Feature Descriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1041}
author = {Tomabechi, Hideto}
title = {Quasi-Destructive Graph Unification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1042}
author = {Emele, Martin C.}
title = {Unification With Lazy Non-Redundant Copying}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1043}
author = {Balkanski, Cecile T.}
title = {Logical Form Of Complex Sentences In Task-Oriented Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1044}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Action Representation For NL Instructions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1045}
author = {Ratt, Sylvie}
title = {Extracting Semantic Roles From A Model Of Eventualities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1046}
author = {Weng, Fuliang}
title = {Case Revisited: In The Shadow Of Automatic Processing Of Machine-Readable Dictionaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1047}
author = {Brill, Eric}
title = {Discovering The Lexical Features Of A Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1048}
author = {Dagan, Ido}
title = {Lexical Disambiguation: Sources Of Information And Their Statistical Realization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1049}
author = {Iverson, Eric; Helmreich, Stephen}
title = {Non-Literal Word Sense Identification Through Semantic Network Path Schemata}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1050}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Collaborating On Referring Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1051}
author = {Cline, Ben E.}
title = {Conceptual Revision For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1052}
author = {Lambert, Lynn}
title = {Modifying Beliefs In A Plan-Based Dialogue Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1053}
author = {Nakatani, Christine H.}
title = {Resolving A Pragmatic Prepositional Phrase Attachment Ambiguity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1054}
author = {Zoltowski, Carla B.}
title = {Current Research In The Development Of A Spoken Language Understanding System Using PARSEC}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1055}
author = {Martin, Jeff}
title = {Syntactic Graphs And Constraint Satisfaction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P91-1056}
author = {Henderson, James B.}
title = {An Incremental Connectionist Phrase Structure Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1991}
id = {P92-1001}
author = {Lascarides, Alex; Asher, Nicholas; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Inferring Discourse Relations In Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1002}
author = {Hardt, Daniel}
title = {An Algorithm For VP Ellipsis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1003}
author = {Agarwal, Rajeev; Boggess, Lois}
title = {A Simple But Useful Approach To Conjunct Identification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1004}
author = {LuperFoy, Susann}
title = {The Representation Of Multimodal User Interface Dialogues Using Discourse Pegs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1005}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Crouch, Richard}
title = {Monotonic Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1006}
author = {Magerman, David M.; Weir, Carl}
title = {Efficiency Robustness And Accuracy In Picky Chart Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1007}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.; Vijay-Shanker, K.; Yang, Gijoo}
title = {A Functional Approach To Generation With TAG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1008}
author = {Bear, John; Dowding, John; Shriberg, Elizabeth}
title = {Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources For Detection And Correction Of Repairs In Human-Computer Dialog}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1009}
author = {Green, Nancy L.; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Conversational Implicatures In Indirect Replies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1010}
author = {Rogers, James; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Reasoning With Descriptions Of Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1011}
author = {Martinovic, Miroslav; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Comparing Two Grammar-Based Generation Algorithms: A Case Study}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1012}
author = {Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Recognition Of Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1013}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Baldwin, Breck}
title = {Accommodating Context Change}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1014}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Vauthey, Barbara}
title = {Information Retrieval Using Robust Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1015}
author = {Rowles, Chris; Huang, Xiuming}
title = {Prosodic Aids To Syntactic And Semantic Analysis Of Spoken English}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1016}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Understanding Natural Language Instructions: The Case Of Purpose Clauses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1017}
author = {Pereira, Fernando; Schabes, Yves}
title = {Inside-Outside Reestimation From Partially Bracketed Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1018}
author = {Weir, David}
title = {Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems And Deterministic Tree-Walking Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1019}
author = {Henderson, James B.}
title = {A Connectionist Parser For Structure Unification Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1020}
author = {Gutwin, Carl; McCalla, Gordon I.}
title = {Would I Lie To You? Modelling Misrepresentation And Context In Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1021}
author = {Carter, David M.}
title = {Lattice-Based Word Identification In CLARE}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1022}
author = {Schabes, Yves; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {An Alternative Conception Of Tree-Adjoining Derivation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1023}
author = {Chang, Jing-Shin; Luo, Yih-Fen; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {GPSM: A Generalized Probabilistic Semantic Model For Ambiguity Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1024}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Lafferty, John D.; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Development And Evaluation Of A Broad-Coverage Probabilistic Grammar Of English-Language Computer Manuals}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1025}
author = {Lambert, Lynn; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Modeling Negotiation Subdialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1026}
author = {Engelkamp, Judith; Erbach, Gregor; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Handling Linear Precedence Constraints By Unification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1027}
author = {Park, Jong C.}
title = {A Unification-Based Semantic Interpretation For Coordinate Constructs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1028}
author = {Cardie, Claire}
title = {Corpus-Based Acquisition Of Relative Pronoun Disambiguation Heuristics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1029}
author = {Kimura, Kazuhiro; Takashi, Uzuoka; Amano, Shin-Ya}
title = {Association-Based Natural Language Processing With Neural Networks}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1030}
author = {Hwang, Chung Hee; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Tense Trees As The Fine Structure Of Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1031}
author = {Latecki, Longin}
title = {Connection Relations And Quantifier Scope}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1032}
author = {Gale, William A.; Church, Kenneth Ward; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Estimating Upper And Lower Bounds On The Performance Of Word-Sense Disambiguation Programs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1033}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {A Parameterized Approach To Integrating Aspect With Lexical-Semantics For Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1034}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Using Classification To Generate Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1035}
author = {Suri, Linda Z.}
title = {Correcting Illegal NP Omissions Using Local Focus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1036}
author = {Hardt, Daniel}
title = {Some Problematic Cases Of VP Ellipsis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1037}
author = {Rock, Sheila}
title = {Understanding Repetition In Natural Language Instructions - The Semantics Of Extent}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1038}
author = {Kowtko, Jacqueline C.}
title = {On The Intonation Of Mono- And Di-Syllabic Words Within The Discourse Framework Of Conversational Games}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1039}
author = {Niv, Michael}
title = {Right Association Revisited}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1040}
author = {Merlo, Paola}
title = {An LR Category-Neutral Parser With Left Corner Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1041}
author = {Lombardo, Vincenzo}
title = {Incremental Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1042}
author = {Lutsky, Patricia}
title = {Documentation Parser To Extract Software Test Conditions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1043}
author = {Rambow, Owen}
title = {A Linguistic And Computational Analysis Of The German Third Construction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1044}
author = {Hoffman, Beryl}
title = {A CCG Approach To Free Word Order Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1045}
author = {Villadsen, Jorgen}
title = {Information States As First Class Citizens}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1046}
author = {Trujillo, Arturo}
title = {Spatial Lexicalization In The Translation Of Prepositional Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1047}
author = {Kamei, Shin-ichiro; Wakao, Takahiro}
title = {Metonymy: Reassessment Survey Of Acceptability And Its Treatment In A Machine Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1048}
author = {Green, Stephen J.}
title = {A Basis For A Formalization Of Linguistic Style}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1049}
author = {Mittal, Vibhu O.}
title = {Elaboration In Object Descriptions Through Examples}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1050}
author = {Vander Linden, Keith}
title = {The Expression Of Local Rhetorical Relations In Instructional Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1051}
author = {Jones, Mark Alan}
title = {Generating A Specific Class Of Metaphors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1052}
author = {Grefenstette, Gregory}
title = {SEXTANT: Exploring Unexplored Contexts For Semantic Extraction From Syntactic Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1053}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {A Class-Based Approach To Lexical Discovery}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P92-1054}
author = {Krovetz, Robert}
title = {Sense-Linking In A Machine Readable Dictionary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1992}
id = {P93-1001}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Char Align: A Program For Aligning Parallel Texts At The Character Level}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1002}
author = {Chen, Stanley F.}
title = {Aligning Sentences In Bilingual Corpora Using Lexical Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1003}
author = {Kupiec, Julian}
title = {An Algorithm For Finding Noun Phrase Correspondences In Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1004}
author = {Matsumoto, Yuji; Utsuro, Takehito; Ishimoto, Hiroyuki}
title = {Structural Matching Of Parallel Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1005}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Jelinek, Frederick; Lafferty, John D.; Magerman, David M.; Mercer, Robert L.; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Towards History-Based Grammars: Using Richer Models For Probabilistic Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1006}
author = {Wojcik, Richard H.; Harrison, Philip; Bremer, John}
title = {Using Bracketed Parses To Evaluate A Grammar Checking Application}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1007}
author = {Nakatani, Christine H.; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {A Speech-First Model For Repair Detection And Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1008}
author = {Dowding, John; Gawron, Jean Mark; Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John; Cherny, Lynn; Moore, Robert C.; Moran, Douglas B.}
title = {GEMINI: A Natural Language System For Spoken-Language Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1009}
author = {Kehler, Andrew}
title = {The Effect Of Establishing Coherence In Ellipsis And Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1010}
author = {Kameyama, Megumi; Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Temporal Centering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1011}
author = {Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Assigning A Semantic Scope To Operators}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1012}
author = {Stallard, David G.}
title = {Two Kinds Of Metonymy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1013}
author = {Wahlster, Wolfgang}
title = {Planning Multimodal Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1014}
author = {Johnson, David E.; Meyers, Adam; Moss, Lawrence S.}
title = {A Unification-Based Parser For Relational Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1015}
author = {Bharati, Akshar; Sangal, Rajeev}
title = {Parsing Free Word Order Languages In The Paninian Framework}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1016}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {Principle-Based Parsing Without Overgeneration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1017}
author = {Schabes, Yves; Waters, Richard C.}
title = {Lexicalized Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1018}
author = {Seki, Hiroyuki; Nakanishi, Ryuichi; Kaji, Yuichi; Ando, Sachiko; Kasami, Tadao}
title = {Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars Finite-State Translation Systems And Polynomial-Time Recognizable Subclasses Of Lexical-Functional Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1019}
author = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich; Pirker, Hannes}
title = {Feature-Based Allomorphy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1020}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Intention-Based Segmentation: Human Reliability And Correlation With Linguistic Cues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1021}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; McKee, Douglas}
title = {A Language-Independent Anaphora Resolution System For Understanding Multilingual Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1022}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Marcus, Shaul; Markovitch, Shaul}
title = {Contextual Word Similarity And Estimation From Sparse Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1023}
author = {Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Towards The Automatic Identification Of Adjectival Scales: Clustering Adjectives According To Meaning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1024}
author = {Pereira, Fernando; Tishby, Naftali; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Distributional Clustering Of English Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1025}
author = {Nunberg, Geoffrey}
title = {Transfers Of Meaning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1026}
author = {Backofen, Rolf; Smolka, Gert}
title = {A Complete And Recursive Feature Theory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1027}
author = {Backofen, Rolf}
title = {On The Decidability Of Functional Uncertainty}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1028}
author = {Young, Mark A.; Rounds, William C.}
title = {A Logical Semantics For Nonmonotonic Sorts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1029}
author = {Wittenburg, Kent}
title = {F-PATR: Functional Constraints For Unification-Based Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1030}
author = {Partee, Barbara H.}
title = {Quantificational Domains And Recursive Contexts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1031}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Robin, Jacques; Tanenblatt, Michael}
title = {Tailoring Lexical Choice To The User's Vocabulary In Multimedia Explanation Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1032}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of A Large Sub Categorization Dictionary From Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1033}
author = {Liu, Rey-Long; Soo, Von-Wun}
title = {An Empirical Study On Thematic Knowledge Acquisition Based On Syntactic Clues And Heuristics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1034}
author = {Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Part-Of-Speech Induction From Scratch}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1035}
author = {Brill, Eric}
title = {Automatic Grammar Induction And Parsing Free Text: A Transformation-Based Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1036}
author = {Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {A Competition-Based Explanation Of Syntactic Attachment Preferences And Garden Path Phenomena}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1037}
author = {Ardissono, Liliana; Lombardo, Alessandro; Sestero, Dario}
title = {A Flexible Approach To Cooperative Response Generation In Information-Seeking Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1038}
author = {Rosenblum, James A.}
title = {Identifying Relevant Prior Explanations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1039}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {Responding To User Queries In A Collaborative Environment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1040}
author = {White, Michael}
title = {The Imperfective Paradox And Trajectory-Of-Motion Events}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1041}
author = {Kozima, Hideki}
title = {Text Segmentation Based On Similarity Between Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1042}
author = {Shaked, Nava A.}
title = {How Do We Count? The Problem Of Tagging Phrasal Verbs In Parts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1043}
author = {Hutches, David J.}
title = {Raisins Sultanas And Currants: Lexical Classification And Abstraction Via Context Priming}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1044}
author = {Skon, Jim}
title = {Guiding An HPSG Parser Using Semantic And Pragmatic Expectations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1045}
author = {Hoffman, Beryl}
title = {The Formal Consequences Of Using Variables In CCG Categories}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1046}
author = {Gan, Kok Wee}
title = {Integrating Word Boundary Identification With Sentence Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P93-1047}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Extending Kimmo's Two-Level Model Of Morphology}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1993}
id = {P94-1001}
author = {Traum, David R.; Allen, James F.}
title = {Discourse Obligations In Dialogue Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1002}
author = {Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Multi-Paragraph Segmentation Of Expository Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1003}
author = {Grover, Claire; Brew, Chris; Manandhar, Suresh; Moens, Marc}
title = {Priority Union And Generalization In Discourse Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1004}
author = {Miller, Scott; Bobrow, Robert J.; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Hidden Understanding Models Of Natural Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1005}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {From Strings To Trees To Strings To Trees (Abstract)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1006}
author = {Asher, Nicholas; Sabatier, Paul}
title = {Intentions And Information In Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1007}
author = {Vander Linden, Keith}
title = {Generating Precondition Expressions In Instructional Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1008}
author = {Kehler, Andrew}
title = {Common Topics And Coherent Situations: Interpreting Ellipsis In The Context Of Discourse Inference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1009}
author = {Green, Nancy L.}
title = {A Hybrid Reasoning Model For Indirect Answers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1010}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.; Shih, Chilin; Gale, William A.; Chang, Nancy}
title = {A Stochastic Finite-State Word-Segmentation Algorithm For Chinese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1011}
author = {Stolcke, Andreas; Segal, Jonathan}
title = {Precise N-Gram Probabilities From Stochastic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1012}
author = {Wu, Dekai}
title = {Aligning A Parallel English-Chinese Corpus Statistically With Lexical Criteria}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1013}
author = {Yarowsky, David}
title = {Decision Lists For Lexical Ambiguity Resolution: Application To Accent Restoration In Spanish And French}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1014}
author = {Novick, David G.; Sutton, Stephen}
title = {An Empirical Model Of Acknowledgment For Spoken-Language Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1015}
author = {Nagao, Katashi; Takeuchi, Akikazu}
title = {Speech Dialogue With Facial Displays: Multimodal Human-Computer Conversation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1016}
author = {Dowding, John; Moore, Robert C.; Andry, Francois; Moran, Douglas B.}
title = {Interleaving Syntax And Semantics In An Efficient Bottom-Up Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1017}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {An Optimal Tabular Parsing Algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1018}
author = {Niv, Michael}
title = {A Psycholinguistically Motivated Parser For CCG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1019}
author = {Wu, Zhibiao; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Verb Semantics And Lexical Selection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1020}
author = {Bruce, Rebecca F.; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Decomposable Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1021}
author = {Bouma, Gosse; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Constraint-Based Categorial Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1022}
author = {Rogers, James}
title = {Capturing CFLs With Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1023}
author = {Cornell, Thomas L.}
title = {On Determining The Consistency Of Partial Descriptions Of Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1024}
author = {Niyogi, Partha; Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {A Markov Language Learning Model For Finite Parameter Spaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1025}
author = {Schütze, Hinrich; Singer, Yoram}
title = {Part-Of-Speech Tagging Using A Variable Memory Markov Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1026}
author = {Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {Grammar Specialization Through Entropy Thresholds}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1027}
author = {Jacquemin, Christian}
title = {Optimizing The Computational Lexicalization Of Large Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1028}
author = {Mohri, Mehryar}
title = {Compact Representations By Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1029}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {An Extended Theory Of Head-Driven Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1030}
author = {Den, Yasuharu}
title = {Generalized Chart Algorithm: An Efficient Procedure For Cost-Based Abduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1031}
author = {Takeda, Koichi}
title = {Tricolor DAGs For Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1032}
author = {Chen, Kuang-Hua; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Extracting Noun Phrases From Large-Scale Texts: A Hybrid Approach And Its Automatic Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1033}
author = {Su, Keh-Yih; Wu, Ming-Wen; Chang, Jing-Shin}
title = {A Corpus-Based Approach To Automatic Compound Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1034}
author = {Wang, Jong-Nae; Chang, Jing-Shin; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {An Automatic Treebank Conversion Algorithm For Corpus Sharing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1035}
author = {Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {An Attributive Logic Of Set Descriptions And Set Operations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1036}
author = {Rambow, Owen}
title = {Multiset-Valued Linear Index Grammars: Imposing Dominance Constraints On Derivations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1037}
author = {Smolensky, Paul; Tesar, Bruce}
title = {Optimality Theory: Universal Grammar Learning And Parsing Algorithms And Connectionist Foundations (Abstract)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1038}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Similarity-Based Estimation Of Word Cooccurrence Probabilities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1039}
author = {Gasser, Michael}
title = {Acquiring Receptive Morphology: A Connectionist Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1040}
author = {Carroll, John}
title = {Relating Complexity To Practical Performance In Parsing With Wide-Coverage Unification Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1041}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.; Allen, James F.}
title = {Detecting And Correcting Speech Repairs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1042}
author = {Olivier, Patrick}
title = {A Computational View Of The Cognitive Semantics Of Spatial Prepositions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1043}
author = {Mahesh, Kavi}
title = {Reaping The Benefits Of Interactive Syntax And Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1044}
author = {Kim, Albert}
title = {Graded Unification: A Framework For Interactive Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1045}
author = {Lavie, Alon}
title = {An Integrated Heuristic Scheme For Partial Parse Evaluation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1046}
author = {Kehler, Andrew}
title = {Temp Oral Relations: Reference Or Discourse Coherence?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1047}
author = {Boster, Carole T.}
title = {Simulating Children's Null Subjects: An Early Language Generation Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1048}
author = {Wang, Ye-Yi}
title = {Dual-Coding Theory And Connectionist Lexical Selection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1049}
author = {Hong, Tao}
title = {Integration Of Visual Inter-Word Constraints And Linguistic Knowledge In Degraded Text Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1050}
author = {Reynar, Jeffrey C.}
title = {An Automatic Method Of Finding Topic Boundaries}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1051}
author = {Papageorgiou, Harris; Cranias, Lambros; Piperidis, Stelios}
title = {Automatic Alignment In Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P94-1052}
author = {Lauer, Mark}
title = {Conceptual Association For Compound Noun Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1994}
id = {P95-1001}
author = {Tajchman, Gary; Jurafsky, Daniel; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Learning Phonological Rule Probabilities From Speech Corpora With Exploratory Computational Phonology}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1002}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Automatic Induction Of Finite State Transducers For Simple Phonological Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1003}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {The Replace Operator}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1004}
author = {Bowden, Tanya; Kiraz, George Anton}
title = {A Morphographemic Model For Error Correction In Nonconcatenative Strings}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1005}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Levin, Lori S.; Van Ess-Dykema, Carol J.}
title = {Discourse Processing Of Dialogues With Multiple Threads}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1006}
author = {Nasukawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Robust Parsing Based On Discourse Information: Completing Partial Parses Of Ill-Formed Sentences On The Basis Of Discourse Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1007}
author = {Lauer, Mark}
title = {Corpus Statistics Meet The Noun Compound: Some Empirical Results}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1008}
author = {Keller, Bill}
title = {DATR Theories And DATR Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1009}
author = {Strömbäck, Lena}
title = {User-Defined Nonmonotonicity In Unification-Based Formalisms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1010}
author = {Bayer, Samuel; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Features And Agreement}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1011}
author = {Evans, Roger; Gazdar, Gerald; Weir, David}
title = {Encoding Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars With A Nonmonotonic Inheritance Hierarchy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1012}
author = {Gotz, Thilo; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Compiling HPSG Type Constraints Into Definite Clause Programs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1013}
author = {Kasper, Robert T.; Kiefer, Bernd; Netter, Klaus}
title = {Compilation Of HPSG To TAG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1014}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Dorre, Jochen}
title = {Memoization Of Coroutined Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1015}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Combining Multiple Knowledge Sources For Discourse Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1016}
author = {Reithinger, Norbert; Maier, Elisabeth}
title = {Utilizing Statistical Dialogue Act Processing In VERBMOBIL}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1017}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; William, Scott}
title = {Evaluating Automated And Manual Acquisition Of Anaphora Resolution Strategies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1018}
author = {Moser, Megan; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Investigating Cue Selection And Placement In Tutorial Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1019}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Response Generation In Collaborative Negotiation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1020}
author = {Marcu, Daniel; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {A Uniform Treatment Of Pragmatic Inferences In Simple And Complex Utterances And Sequences Of Utterances}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1021}
author = {Rambow, Owen; Vijay-Shanker, K.; Weir, David}
title = {D-Tree Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1022}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {The Intersection Of Finite State Automata And Definite Clause Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1023}
author = {Rajasekaran, Sanguthevar; Yooseph, Shibu}
title = {TAL Recognition In O(M(n2)) Time}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1024}
author = {Kathol, Andreas; Pollard, Carl J.}
title = {Extraposition Via Complex Domain Formation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1025}
author = {Luk, Alpha K.}
title = {Statistical Sense Disambiguation With Relatively Small Corpora Using Dictionary Definitions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1026}
author = {Yarowsky, David}
title = {Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Rivaling Supervised Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1027}
author = {Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {A Quantitative Evaluation Of Linguistic Tests For The Automatic Prediction Of Semantic Markedness}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1028}
author = {Park, Jong C.}
title = {Quantifier Scope And Constituency}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1029}
author = {Kulick, Seth}
title = {Using Higher-Order Logic Programming For Semantic Interpretation Of Coordinate Constructs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1030}
author = {Ristad, Eric Sven; Thomas, Robert G.}
title = {New Techniques For Context Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1031}
author = {Chen, Stanley F.}
title = {Bayesian Grammar Induction For Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1032}
author = {Fung, Pascale}
title = {A Pattern Matching Method For Finding Noun And Proper Noun Translations From Noisy Parallel Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1033}
author = {Wu, Dekai}
title = {An Algorithm For Simultaneously Bracketing Parallel Texts By Aligning Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1034}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios}
title = {Two-Level Many-Paths Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1035}
author = {Poznanski, Victor; Beaven, John L.; Whitelock, Pete J.}
title = {An Efficient Generation Algorithm For Lexicalist MT}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1036}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Some Novel Applications Of Explanation-Based Learning To Parsing Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1037}
author = {Magerman, David M.}
title = {Statistical Decision-Tree Models For Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1038}
author = {Agarwal, Rajeev}
title = {Evaluation Of Semantic Clusters}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1039}
author = {Brants, Thorsten}
title = {Tagset Reduction Without Information Loss}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1040}
author = {Cahn, Janet}
title = {The Effect Of Pitch Accenting On Pronoun Referent Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1041}
author = {Chakravarthy, Anil S.}
title = {Sense Disambiguation Using Semantic Relations And Adjacency Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1042}
author = {Crowe, Jeremy}
title = {Constraint-Based Event Recognition For Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1043}
author = {Praczak, Lidia}
title = {From Route Descriptions To Sketches: A Model For A Text-To-Image Translator}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1044}
author = {Gocmen, Elvan}
title = {A Computational Framework For Composition In Multiple Linguistic Domains}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1045}
author = {Grandchamp, Jean-Michel}
title = {Polyphony And Argumentative Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1046}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Knowledge-Based Automatic Topic Identification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1047}
author = {De Marcken, Carl G.}
title = {Acquiring A Lexicon From Unsegmented Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1048}
author = {Mosny, Milan; Fraser, Simon}
title = {Semantic Information Preprocessing For Natural Language Interfaces To Databases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1049}
author = {Park, Hyun Seok}
title = {Mapping Scrambled Korean Sentences Into English Using Synchronous TAGs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1050}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {Identifying Word Translations In Non-Parallel Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1051}
author = {Saba, Walid S.}
title = {Towards A Cognitively Plausible Model For Quantification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1052}
author = {Schilder, Frank}
title = {Aspect And Discourse Structure: Is A Neutral Viewpoint Required?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1053}
author = {Shaw, James}
title = {Conciseness Through Aggregation In Text Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1054}
author = {Kripasundar, V.}
title = {Quantifying Lexical Influence: Giving Direction To Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1055}
author = {Thompson, Cynthia A.}
title = {Acquisition Of A Lexicon From Semantic Representations Of Sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P95-1056}
author = {Veenstra, Mettina}
title = {A Minimalist Head-Corner Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1995}
id = {P96-1001}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Kohlhase, Michael}
title = {Higher-Order Coloured Unification And Natural Language Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1002}
author = {Rogers, James}
title = {A Model-Theoretic Framework For Theories Of Syntax}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1003}
author = {Evans, David A.; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Noun Phrase Analysis In Large Unrestricted Text For Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1004}
author = {Light, Marc}
title = {Morphological Cues For Lexical Semantics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1005}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne; Onyshkevych, Boyan A.; Raskin, Victor; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {From Submit To Submitted Via Submission: On Lexical Rules In Large-Scale Lexicon Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1006}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou; Lee, Hian Beng}
title = {Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources To Disambiguate Word Sense: An Exemplar-Based Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1007}
author = {Tanenhaus, Michael K.}
title = {Using Eye Movements To Study Spoken Language Comprehension: Evidence For Incremental Interpretation (Invited Talk)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1008}
author = {Miller, Scott; Stallard, David G.; Bobrow, Robert J.; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {A Fully Statistical Approach To Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1009}
author = {Allen, James F.; Miller, Bradford W.; Ringger, Eric K.; Sikorski, Teresa}
title = {A Robust System For Natural Spoken Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1010}
author = {Golding, Andrew; Schabes, Yves}
title = {Combining Trigram-Based And Feature-Based Methods For Context-Sensitive Spelling Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1011}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Efficient Normal-Form Parsing For Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1012}
author = {Boullier, Pierre}
title = {Another Facet Of LIG Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1013}
author = {Dorre, Jochen}
title = {Parsing With Semidirectional Lambek Grammar Is NP-Complete}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1014}
author = {Tesar, Bruce}
title = {Computing Optimal Descriptions For Optimality Theory Grammars With Context-Free Position Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1015}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Directed Replacement}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1016}
author = {Rambow, Owen; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Synchronous Models Off Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1017}
author = {Mela, Augusta; Fouquere, Christophe}
title = {Coordination As A Direct Process}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1018}
author = {Haruno, Masahiko; Yamazaki, Takefumi}
title = {High-Performance Bilingual Text Alignment Using Statistical And Dictionary Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1019}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang; Roukos, Salim}
title = {An Iterative Algorithm To Build Chinese Language Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1020}
author = {Takeda, Koichi}
title = {Pattern-Based Context-Free Grammars For Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1021}
author = {Wu, Dekai}
title = {A Polynomial-Time Algorithm For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1022}
author = {Kiraz, George Anton}
title = {SEMHE A Generalised Two-Level System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1023}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan}
title = {Head Automata And Bilingual Tiling: Translation With Minimal Representations (Invited Talk)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1024}
author = {Goodman, Joshua}
title = {Parsing Algorithms And Metrics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1025}
author = {Collins, Michael John}
title = {A New Statistical Parser Based On Bigram Lexical Dependencies}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1026}
author = {Hartley, Anthony; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Two Sources Of Control Over The Generation Of Software Instructions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1027}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Chart Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1028}
author = {Robin, Jacques}
title = {Evaluating The Portability Of Revision Rules For Incremental Summary Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1029}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.; Riley, Michael D.}
title = {Compilation Of Weighted Finite-State Transducers From Decision Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1030}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Carter, David M.}
title = {Fast Parsing Using Pruning And Grammar Specialization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1031}
author = {Mohri, Mehryar; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {An Efficient Compiler For Weighted Rewrite Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1032}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Efficient Tabular L R Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1033}
author = {Minnen, Guido}
title = {Magic For Filter Optimization In Dynamic Bottom-Up Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1034}
author = {Satta, Giorgio; Brill, Eric}
title = {Efficient Transformation-Based Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1035}
author = {Azzam, Saliha}
title = {Resolving Anaphors In Embedded Sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1036}
author = {Strube, Michael; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Functional Centering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1037}
author = {Guinn, Curry I.}
title = {Mechanisms For Mixed-Initiative Human-Computer Collaborative Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1038}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia; Nakatani, Christine H.}
title = {A Prosodic Analysis Of Discourse Segments In Direction-Giving Monologues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1039}
author = {Prevost, Scott}
title = {An Information Structural Approach To Spoken Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1040}
author = {Beeferman, Doug}
title = {The Rhythm Of Lexical Stress In Prose}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1041}
author = {Chen, Stanley F.; Goodman, Joshua}
title = {An Empirical Study Of Smoothing Techniques For Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1042}
author = {Engelson, Sean P.; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Minimizing Manual Annotation Cost In Supervised Training From Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1043}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Word-Category Guessing Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1044}
author = {De Marcken, Carl G.}
title = {Linguistic Structure As Composition And Perturbation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1045}
author = {Candito, Marieluísio, Sandra}
title = {Generating An LTAG Out Of A Principle-Based Hierarchical Representation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1046}
author = {Core, Mark G.}
title = {Using Parsed Corpora For Structural Disambiguation In The TRAINS Domain}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1047}
author = {Donecker, Paul G.}
title = {Subdeletion In Verb Phrase Ellipsis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1048}
author = {Ferrari, Stephane}
title = {Using Textual Clues To Improve Metaphor Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1049}
author = {Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {On Reversing The Generation Process In Optimality Theory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1050}
author = {Gallippi, Anthony F.}
title = {A Synopsis Of Learning To Recognize Names Across Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1051}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {An Application Of WordNet To Prepositional Attachment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1052}
author = {Jones, Bernard E. M.}
title = {Towards Testing The Syntax Of Punctuation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1053}
author = {Jordan, Pamela W.}
title = {Using Terminological Knowledge Representation Languages To Manage Linguistic Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1054}
author = {Kay, Roderick; Aylett, Ruth}
title = {Transitivity And Foregrounding In News Articles: Experiments In Information Retrieval And Automatic Summarising}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1055}
author = {de Paiva Alves, Eduardo}
title = {The Selection Of The Most Probable Dependency Structure In Japanese Using Mutual Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1056}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Incremental Parser Generation For Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1057}
author = {Strube, Michael}
title = {Processing Complex Sentences In The Centering Framework}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P96-1058}
author = {Tomuro, Noriko}
title = {Maximizing Top-Down Constraints For Unification-Based Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1996}
id = {P97-1001}
author = {Gotz, Thilo; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Interleaving Universal Principles And Relational Constraints Over Typed Feature Logic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1002}
author = {Lee, Lillian}
title = {Fast Context-Free Parsing Requires Fast Boolean Matrix Multiplication}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1003}
author = {Collins, Michael John}
title = {Three Generative Lexicalized Models For Statistical Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1004}
author = {Jacquemin, Christian; Klavans, Judith L.; Tzoukermann, Evelyne}
title = {Expansion Of Multi-Word Terms For Indexing And Retrieval Using Morphology And Syntax}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1005}
author = {Kessler, Brett; Nunberg, Geoffrey; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Automatic Detection Of Text Genre}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1006}
author = {Li, Hang; Yamanishi, Kenji}
title = {Document Classification Using A Finite Mixture Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1007}
author = {Rigau, German; Atserias, Jordi; Agirre, Eneko}
title = {Combining Unsupervised Lexical Knowledge Methods For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1008}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Lee, Lillian; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Similarity-Based Methods For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1009}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {Using Syntactic Dependency As Local Context To Resolve Word Sense Ambiguity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1010}
author = {Krovetz, Robert}
title = {Homonymy And Polysemy In Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1011}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di; Moore, Johanna D.; Paolucci, Massimo}
title = {Learning Features That Predict Cue Usage}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1012}
author = {Cristea, Dan; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Expectations In Incremental Discourse Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1013}
author = {Marcu, Daniel}
title = {The Rhetorical Parsing Of Unrestricted Natural Language Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1014}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Strube, Michael}
title = {Centered Segmentation: Scaling Up The Centering Model To Global Discourse Structure}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1015}
author = {Volk, Martin}
title = {Probing The Lexicon In Evaluating Commercial MT Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1016}
author = {Lee, Young-Suk; Weinstein, Clifford J.; Seneff, Stephanie; Tummala, Dinesh}
title = {Ambiguity Resolution For Machine Translation Of Telegraphic Messages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1017}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Graehl, Jonathan}
title = {Machine Transliteration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1018}
author = {Copestake, Ann; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Intergrating Symbolic And Statistical Representations: The Lexicon Pragmatics Interface}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1019}
author = {Fry, John}
title = {Negative Polarity Licensing At The Syntax-Semantics Interface}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1020}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Olsen, Mari Broman}
title = {Deriving Verbal And Compositional Lexical Aspect For NLP Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1021}
author = {Bonnema, Remko; Bod, Rens; Scha, Remko J. H.}
title = {A DOP Model For Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1022}
author = {Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Epstein, Mark; Roukos, Salim; Ward, Todd}
title = {Fertility Models For Statistical Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1023}
author = {Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Predicting The Semantic Orientation Of Adjectives}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1024}
author = {Franz, Alexander M.}
title = {Independence Assumptions Considered Harmful}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1025}
author = {Huang, Xiaorong}
title = {Planning Reference Choices For Argumentative Teas}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1026}
author = {Stone, Matthew; Doran, Christine}
title = {Sentence Planning As Description Using Tree Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1027}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {An Algorithm For Generating Referential Descriptions With Flexible Interfaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1028}
author = {Neumann, Günter}
title = {Applying Explanation-Based Learning To Control And Speeding-Up Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1029}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Tur, Gokhan}
title = {Morphological Disambiguation By Voting Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1030}
author = {Haruno, Masahiko; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Mistake-Driven Mixture Of Hierarchical Tag Context Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1031}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Padró, Lluís}
title = {A Flexible POS Tagger Using An Automatically Acquired Language Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1032}
author = {Samuelsson, Christer; Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {Comparing A Linguistic And A Stochastic Tagger}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1033}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.; Allen, James F.}
title = {Intonational Boundaries Speech Repairs And Discourse Markers: Modeling Spoken Dialog}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1034}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Brown, Michael K.}
title = {Tracking Initiative In Collaborative Dialogue Interactions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1035}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Litman, Diane J.; Kamm, Candace A.; Abella, Alicia}
title = {PARADISE: A Framework For Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Agents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1036}
author = {Johnston, Michael; Cohen, Philip R.; McGee, David R.; Oviatt, Sharon L.; Pittman, James A.; Smith, Ira}
title = {Unification-Based Multimodal Integration}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1037}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Vogel, Stephan; Ney, Hermann; Zubiaga, Alex}
title = {A DP-Based Search Using Monotone Alignments In Statistical Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1038}
author = {Chang, Jason S.; Chen, Mathis H.}
title = {An Alignment Method For Noisy Parallel Corpora Based On Image Processing Techniques}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1039}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {A Portable Algorithm For Mapping Bitext Correspondence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1040}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Efficient Generation In Primitive Optimality Theory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1041}
author = {Palmer, David D.}
title = {A Trainable Rule-Based Algorithm For Word Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1042}
author = {Kiraz, George Anton}
title = {Compiling Regular Formalisms With Rule Features Into Finite-State Automata}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1043}
author = {Neuhaus, Peter; Broker, Norbert}
title = {The Complexity Of Recognition Of Linguistically Adequate Dependency Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1044}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {Maximal Incrementality In Linear Categorial Deduction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1045}
author = {Oishi, Akira; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Aspectual Information From A Monolingual Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1046}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Buchsbaum, Adam L.; Xia, Fei}
title = {A Comparison Of Head Transducers And Transfer For A Limited Domain Translation Application}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1047}
author = {Wang, Ye-Yi; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Decoding Algorithm In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1048}
author = {Beeferman, Doug; Berger, Adam L.; Lafferty, John D.}
title = {A Model Of Lexical Attraction And Repulsion}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1049}
author = {Ristad, Eric Sven; Thomas, Robert G.}
title = {Hierarchical Non-Emitting Markov Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1050}
author = {Dorre, Jochen}
title = {Efficient Construction Of Underspecified Semantics Under Massive Ambiguity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1051}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Kehler, Andrew}
title = {A Theory Of Parallelism And The Case Of VP Ellipsis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1052}
author = {van Genabith, Josef; Crouch, Richard}
title = {On Interpreting F-Structures As UDRSs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1053}
author = {Niehren, Joachim; Pinkal, Manfred; Ruhrberg, Peter}
title = {A Uniform Approach To Underspecification And Parallelism}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1054}
author = {Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Co-Evolution Of Language And Of The Language Acquisition Device}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1055}
author = {Yvon, François}
title = {Paradigmatic Cascades: A Linguistically Sound Model Of Pronunciation By Analogy}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1056}
author = {Zavrel, Jakub; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Memory-Based Learning: Using Similarity For Smoothing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1057}
author = {Satta, Giorgio; Henderson, John C.}
title = {String Transformation Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1058}
author = {Grimley-Evans, Edmund}
title = {Approximating Context-Free Grammars With A Finite-State Calculus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1059}
author = {Kempe, Andre}
title = {Finite State Transducers Approximating Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1060}
author = {Morawietz, Frank; Cornell, Thomas L.}
title = {Representing Constraints With Automata}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1061}
author = {Shimohata, Sayori; Sugio, Toshiyuki; Nagata, Junji}
title = {Retrieving Collocations By Co-Occurrences And Word Order Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1062}
author = {Hermjakob, Ulf; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Learning Parse And Translation Decisions From Examples With Rich Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1063}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {A Word-To-Word Model Of Translational Equivalence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1064}
author = {Chelba, Ciprian}
title = {A Structured Language Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1065}
author = {Frantzi, Katerina T.}
title = {Incorporating Context Information For The Extraction Of Terms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1066}
author = {Assadi, Houssem}
title = {Knowledge Acquisition From Texts: Using An Automatic Clustering Method Based On Noun-Modifier Relationship}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1067}
author = {Edmonds, Philip G.}
title = {Choosing The Word Most Typical In Context Using A Lexical Co-Occurrence Network}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1068}
author = {Taboada, Maite}
title = {Improving Translation Through Contextual Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1069}
author = {Komagata, Nobo}
title = {Generative Power Of CCGs With Generalized Type-Raised Categories}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1070}
author = {Dras, Mark}
title = {Representing Paraphrases Using Synchronous TAGS}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1071}
author = {Theune, Mariët}
title = {Contrastive Accent In A Data-To-Speech System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1072}
author = {Vieira, Renata; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Towards Resolution Of Bridging Descriptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P97-1073}
author = {Wolters, Maria}
title = {Compositional Semantics Of German Prefix Verbs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1997}
id = {P98-1001}
author = {Jun, Zhao; Huang, Changning}
title = {A Quasi-Dependency Model for the Structural Analysis of Chinese BaseNPs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1002}
author = {Sankofl, David}
title = {The Production of Code-Mixed Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1003}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Gojenola, Koldo; Sarasola, Kepa; Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {Towards a Single Proposal in Spelling Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1004}
author = {Ahrenberg, Lars; Andersson, Mikael; Merkel, Magnus}
title = {A Simple Hybrid Aligner for Generating Lexical Correspondences in Parallel Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1005}
author = {Akbar, Mohammad; Caelen, Jean}
title = {Parole et Prduction automatique: le module de reconnaissance RAPHAEL}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1006}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Bangalore, Srinivas; Douglas, Shona}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Hierarchical Transduction Models for Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1007}
author = {Amsili, Pascal; Rossari, Corinne}
title = {Tense and Connective Constraints on the Expression of Causality}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1008}
author = {Amtrup, Jan W.; Weber, Volker}
title = {Time Mapping with Hypergraphs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1009}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Okurowski, Mary Ellen; Gorlinsky, James}
title = {Trainable Scalable Summarization Using Robust NLP and Machine Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1010}
author = {Argamon, Shlomo; Dagan, Ido; Krymolowski, Yuval}
title = {A Memory-Based Approach to Learning Shallow Natural Language Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1011}
author = {Azzam, Saliha; Humphreys, Kevin; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Evaluating a Focus-Based Approach to Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1012}
author = {Bagga, Amit; Baldwin, Breck}
title = {Entity-Based Cross-Document Core f erencing Using the Vector Space Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1013}
author = {Baker, Collin F.; Fillmore, Charles J.; Lowe, John B.}
title = {The Berkeley FrameNet Project}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1014}
author = {Barg, Petra; Walther, Markus}
title = {Processing Unknown Words in HPSG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1015}
author = {Barker, Ken; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Semi-Automatic Recognition of Noun Modifier Relationships}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1016}
author = {Barriere, Caroline}
title = {Redundancy: Helping Semantic Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1017}
author = {Becker, Tilman; Finkler, Wolfgang; Kilger, Anne; Poller, Peter}
title = {An Efficient Kernel for Multilingual Generation in Speech-to-Speech Dialogue Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1018}
author = {Beesley, Kenneth R.}
title = {Consonant Spreading in Arabic Stems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1019}
author = {Blache, Philippe}
title = {Parsing Ambiguous Structures using Controlled Disjunctions and Unary Quasi-Trees}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1020}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Finch, Andrew; Kashioka, Hideki}
title = {Trigger-Pair Predictors in Parsing and Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1021}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {Spoken Dialogue Interpretation with the DOP Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1022}
author = {Bod, Rens; Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {A Probabilistic Corpus-Driven Model for Lexical-Functional Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1023}
author = {Bond, Francis; Kurz, Daniela; Shirai, Satoshi}
title = {Anchoring Floating Quantifiers in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1024}
author = {Bos, Johan; Rupp, C. J.; Buschbeck-Wolf, Bianka; Dorna, Michael}
title = {Managing Information at Linguistic Interfaces}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1025}
author = {Bozsahin, H. Cem}
title = {Deriving the Predicate-Argument Structure for a Free Word Order Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1026}
author = {Broker, Norbert}
title = {Separating Surface Order and Syntactic Relations in a Dependency Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1027}
author = {Branco, António H.}
title = {The Logical Structure of Binding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1028}
author = {Brill, Eric; Florian, Radu; Henderson, John C.; Mangu, Lidia}
title = {Beyond N -Grams: Can Linguistic Sophistication Improve Language Modeling?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1029}
author = {Brill, Eric; Wu, Jun}
title = {Classifier Combination for Improved Lexical Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1030}
author = {Brun, Caroline}
title = {Terminology Finite-state Preprocessing for Computational LFG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1031}
author = {Burger, John D.; Palmer, David D.; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Named Entity Scoring for Speech Input}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1032}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Kukich, Karen; Wolff, Susanne; Lu, Chi; Chodorow, Martin; Braden-Harder, Lisa C.; Harris, Mary Dee}
title = {Automated Scoring Using A Hybrid Feature Identification Technique}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1033}
author = {Candito, Marieluísio, Sandra}
title = {Building Parallel LTAG for French and Italian}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1034}
author = {Cardie, Claire; Pierce, David R.}
title = {Error-Driven Pruning of Treebank Grammars for Base Noun Phrase Identification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1035}
author = {Chelba, Ciprian; Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {Exploiting Syntactic Structure for Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1036}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Huang, Sheng-Jie; Ding, Yung-Wei; Tsai, Shih-Chang}
title = {Proper Name Translation in Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1037}
author = {Chen, Jen Nan; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {A Concept-based Adaptive Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1038}
author = {Chen, Keh-Jiann; Tsuei, Wen; Chien, Lee-Feng}
title = {PAT-Trees with the Deletion Function as the Learning Device for Linguistic Patterns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1039}
author = {Choi, Sung-Kwon; Jung, Hanmin; Sim, Chul-Min; Kim, Taewan; Park, Dong-In; Park, Junsik; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Hybrid Approaches to Improvement of Translation Quality in Web-based English-Korean Machine Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1040}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Carpenter, Bob}
title = {Dialogue Management in Vector-Based Call Routing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1041}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Hirakawa, Hideki; Kumano, Akira}
title = {Machine Translation vs. Dictionary Term Translation - a Comparison for English-Japanese News Article Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1042}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Ono, Kenji; Hirakawa, Hideki}
title = {An Experiment in Hybrid Dictionary and Statistical Sentence Alignment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1043}
author = {Covington, Michael A.}
title = {Alignment of Multiple Languages for Historical Comparison}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1044}
author = {Cristea, Dan; Ide, Nancy M.; Romary, Laurent}
title = {Veins Theory: A Model of Global Discourse Cohesion and Coherence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1045}
author = {Cucchiarelli, Alessandro; Luzi, Danilo; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Automatic Semantic Tagging of Unknown Proper Names}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1046}
author = {Dang, Hoa Trang; Kipper, Karin Christine; Palmer, Martha; Rosenzweig, Joseph}
title = {Investigating Regular Sense Extensions based on Intersective Levin Classes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1047}
author = {Deligne, Sabine; Sagisaka, Yoshinori}
title = {Learning a Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Structure from Language Data with a Bi-Multigram Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1048}
author = {Delisle, Sylvain; Letourneau, Sylvain; Matwin, Stan}
title = {Experiments with Learning Parsing Heuristics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1049}
author = {Delisle, Sylvain; Letourneau, Sylvain; Matwin, Stan}
title = {Experiments with Learning Parsing Heuristics}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1050}
author = {Dimitrova, Ludmila; Erjavec, Tomaž; Ide, Nancy M.; Kaalep, Heiki-Jaan; Petkevič, Vladimír; Tufiš, Dan}
title = {Multext-East: Parallel and Comparable Corpora and Lexicons for Six Central and Eastern European Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1051}
author = {Dini, Luca; Tomaso, Vittorio Di; Segond, Frederique}
title = {Error Driven Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1052}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di; Jordan, Pamela W.; Moore, Johanna D.; Thomason, Richmond H.}
title = {An Empirical Investigation of Proposals in Collaborative Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1053}
author = {Doan-Nguyen, Hai}
title = {Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1054}
author = {Doan-Nguyen, Hai}
title = {Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1055}
author = {Doi, Shinichi; Kamei, Shin-ichiro; Yamabana, Kiyoshi}
title = {A Text Input Front-end Processor as an Information Access Platform}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1056}
author = {Dorna, Michael; Frank, Anette; van Genabith, Josef; Emele, Martin C.}
title = {Syntactic and Semantic Ransf er with F-Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1057}
author = {Dymetman, Marc}
title = {Group Theory and Linguistic Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1058}
author = {Egg, Markus; Niehren, Joachim; Ruhrberg, Peter; Xu, Feiyu}
title = {Constraints over Lambda-Structures in Semantic Underspecification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1059}
author = {Elmi, Mohammad Ali; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {Spelling Correction using Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1060}
author = {Emele, Martin C.; Dorna, Michael}
title = {Ambiguity Preserving Machine Translation using Packed Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1061}
author = {Evans, Roger; Weir, David}
title = {A Structure-sharing Parser for Lexicalized Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1062}
author = {Ezeiza, Nerea; Alegria, Iñaki; Arriola, Jose Maria; Urizar, Ruben; Aduriz, Itziar}
title = {Combining Stochastic and Rule-Based Methods for Disambiguation in Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1063}
author = {Ezeiza, Nerea; Alegria, Iñaki; Arriola, Jose Maria; Urizar, Ruben; Aduriz, Itziar}
title = {Combining Stochastic and Rule-Based Methods for Disambiguation in Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1064}
author = {Ferrandez, Antonio; Palomar, Manuel; Moreno, Lidia}
title = {Anaphor Resolution In Unrestricted Texts With Partial Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1065}
author = {Ferret, Olivier; Grau, Brigitte; Masson, Nicolas}
title = {Thematic Segmentation of Texts: Two Methods for Two Kind of Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1066}
author = {Flank, Sharon}
title = {A Layered Approach to NLP-Based Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1067}
author = {Freitag, Dayne}
title = {Toward General-Purpose Learning for Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1068}
author = {Fuchi, Takeshi; Takagi, Shinichiro}
title = {Japanese Morphological Analyzer using Word Co-occurrence - JTAG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1069}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Yee, Lo Yuen}
title = {An IR Approach for Translating New Words from Nonparallel Comparable Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1070}
author = {Furuse, Osamu; Yamada, Setsuo; Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Splitting Long or Ill-formed Input for Robust Spoken-language Translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1071}
author = {Gahl, Susanne}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Subcorpora based on Subcategorization Frames from a Part-ofSpeech Tagged Corpus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1072}
author = {Gambäck, Björn; Bos, Johan}
title = {Semantic-Head Based Resolution of Scopal Ambiguities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1073}
author = {Gargouri, Bilel; Hamadou, Abdelmajid Ben; Jmaiel, Mohamed}
title = {Vers l'utilisation des methodes formelles pour le developpement de linguiciels}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1074}
author = {Gaussier, Eric}
title = {Flow Network Models for Word Alignment and Terminology Extraction from Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1075}
author = {Gavalda, Marsal; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Growing Semantic Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1076}
author = {Guo, Jin}
title = {One Tokenization per Source}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1077}
author = {Gupta, Vineet; Lamping, John}
title = {Efficient Linear Logic Meaning Assembly}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1078}
author = {ten Hacken, Pius; Bopp, Stephan}
title = {Separable Verbs in a Reusable Morphological Dictionary for German}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1079}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Schnattinger, Klemens}
title = {A Text Understander that Learns}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1080}
author = {Hajič, Jan; Hladká, Barbora}
title = {Tagging Inlective Languages: Prediction of Morphological Categories for a Rich Structured Tagset}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1081}
author = {van Halteren, Hans; Zavrel, Jakub; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Improving Data Driven Wordclass Tagging by System Combination}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1082}
author = {Hamon, Thierry; Nazarenko, Adeline; Gros, Cecile}
title = {A Step towards the Detection of Semantic Variants of Terms in Technical Documents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1083}
author = {Haruno, Masahiko; Shirai, Satoshi; Ooyama, Yoshifumi}
title = {Using Decision Trees to Construct a Practical Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1084}
author = {Harvey, Terrence; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Integrating Text Plans for Conciseness and Coherence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1085}
author = {Heine, Julia E.}
title = {Definiteness Predictions for Japanese Noun Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1086}
author = {Heinecke, Johannes; Kunze, Jurgen; Menzel, Wolfgang; Schroder, Ingo}
title = {Eliminative Parsing with Graded Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1087}
author = {Henderson, James B.; Lane, Peter}
title = {A Connectionist Architecture for Learning to Parse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1088}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {Memoisation for Glue Language Deduction and Categorial Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1089}
author = {Higgins, Derrick}
title = {Parsing Parallel Grammatical Representations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1090}
author = {Hitzeman, Janet; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Long Distance Pronominalisation and Global Focus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1091}
author = {Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {An Empirical Evaluation of Probabilistic Lexicalized Tree Insertion Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1092}
author = {Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia}
title = {Terminological Variation a Means of Identifying Research Topics from Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1093}
author = {Ikeda, Takahiro; Okumura, Akitoshi; Muraki, Kazunori}
title = {Information Classification and Navigation based on 5W1H of the Target Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1094}
author = {Ingleby, Michael; Brockhaus, Wiebke}
title = {A Concurrent Approach to the Automatic Extraction of Subsegmental Primes and Phono logical Constituents from Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1095}
author = {Ishizaki, Masato; Kato, Tsuneaki}
title = {Exploring the Characteristics of Multi-party Dialogues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1096}
author = {Jönsson, Arne; Strömbäck, Lena}
title = {Robust Interaction through Partial Interpretation and Dialogue Management}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1097}
author = {Jacquemin, Christian}
title = {Improving Automatic Indexing through Concept Combination and Term Enrichment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1098}
author = {Donghong, Ji; Gong, Junping; Huang, Changning}
title = {Combining a Chinese Thesaurus with a Chinese Dictionary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1099}
author = {Jing, Hongyan; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Combining Multiple Large-Scale Resources in a Reusable Lexicon for Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1100}
author = {Jobbins, Amanda C.; Evett, Lindsay J.}
title = {Text Segmentation Using Reiteration and Collocation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1101}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Finite-state Approximation of Constraint-based Grammars using Left-corner Grammar Transforms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1102}
author = {Johnston, Michael}
title = {Unification-based Multimodal Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1103}
author = {Jokinen, Kristiina; Tanaka, Hideki; Yokoo, Akio}
title = {Context Management with Topics for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1104}
author = {Kageura, Kyo}
title = {A Statistical Analysis of Morphemes in Japanese Terminology}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1105}
author = {Kageura, Kyo}
title = {A Statistical Analysis of Morphemes in Japanese Terminology}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1106}
author = {Kahane, Sylvain; Nasr, Alexis; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Pseudo-Projectivity A Polynomially Parsable Non-Projective Dependency Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1107}
author = {Kaki, Satoshi; Sumita, Eiichiro; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {A Method for Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition using the Statistical Features of Character Co-occurrence}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1108}
author = {Kashioka, Hideki; Kawata, Yasuhiro; Kinjo, Yumiko; Finch, Andrew; Black, Ezra W.}
title = {Use of Mutual Information Based Character Clusters in Dictionary-less Morphological Analysis of Japanese}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1109}
author = {Kasper, Robert T.; Calcagno, Mike; Davis, Paul C.}
title = {Know When to Hold Em: Shuffling Deterministically in a Parser for Nonconcatenative Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1110}
author = {Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Term-list Translation using Mono-lingual Word Co-occurrence Vectors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1111}
author = {Kim, Byeongchang; Lee, Wonil; Lee, Gary Geunbae; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Unlimited Vocabulary Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion for Korean TTS}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1112}
author = {Klavans, Judith L.; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Role of Verbs in Document Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1113}
author = {Tang, Enya Kong; Al-Adhaileh, Mosleh Hmoud}
title = {A Flexible Example-Based Parser Based on the SST C}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1114}
author = {Koyama, Yasuo; Yasutake, Masako; Yoshimura, Kenji; Shudo, Kosho}
title = {Large Scale Collocation Data and Their Application to Japanese Word Processor Technology}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1115}
author = {Krotov, Alexander; Hepple, Mark; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Compacting the Penn Treebank Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1116}
author = {Langkilde-Geary, Irene; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Generation that Exploits Corpus-Based Statistical Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1117}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Simard, Michel; Veronis, Jean}
title = {Methods and Practical Issues in Evaluating Alignment Techniques}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1118}
author = {Lavoie, Benoit; Rambow, Owen}
title = {A Framework for Customizable Generation of Hypertext Presentations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1119}
author = {Lee, Seungmi; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Language Model based on Head-Dependent Relation between Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1120}
author = {Lepage, Yves}
title = {Solving analogies on words: an algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1121}
author = {Lepage, Yves}
title = {Solving analogies on words: an algorithm}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1122}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Characterizing and Recognizing Spoken Corrections in Human-Computer Dialogue}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2123}
author = {Lezius, Wolfgang; Rapp, Reinhard; Wettler, Manfred}
title = {A Freely Available Morphological Analyzer Disambiguator and Context Sensitive Lemmatizer for German}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2124}
author = {Li, Hang; Abe, Naoki}
title = {Word Clustering and Disambiguation Based on Co-occurrence Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2125}
author = {Li, Huifeng; Lee, Jong-Hyeok; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Identifying Syntactic Role of Antecedent in Korean Relative Clause using Corpus and Thesaurus Informationes}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2126}
author = {Li, Li; Dahl, Deborah A.; Norton, Lewis M.; Linebarger, Marcia C.; Chen, Dongdong}
title = {A Test Environment for Natural Language Understanding Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2127}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {Automatic Retrieval and Clustering of Similar Words}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2128}
author = {Lindberg, Nikolaj; Eineborg, Martin}
title = {Learning Constraint Grammar-style Disambiguation Rules using Inductive Logic Programming}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2129}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Pan, Shimei; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Evaluating Response Strategies in a Web-Based Spoken Dialogue Agent}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2130}
author = {Lombardo, Vincenzo; Lesmo, Leonardo}
title = {Formal Aspects and Parsing Issues of Dependency Theory}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2131}
author = {LuperFoy, Susann; Loehr, Dan; Duff, David; Miller, Keith; Reeder, Florence M.; Harper, Lisa; Ma, Qing; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {A Multi-Neuro Tagger Using Variable Lengths of Contexts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2132}
author = {Makino, Takaki; Yoshida, Minoru; Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {LiLFeS - Towards a Practical HPSG Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2133}
author = {Makino, Takaki; Yoshida, Minoru; Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {LiLFeS: Towards A Practical HPSG Parser}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2134}
author = {Martínez, Raquel; Abaitua, Joseba; Casillas, Arantza}
title = {Bitext Correspondences through Rich Mark-up}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2135}
author = {Maybury, Mark T.}
title = {Discourse Cues for Broadcast News Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2136}
author = {McGee, David R.; Cohen, Philip R.; Oviatt, Sharon L.}
title = {Confirmation in Multimodal Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2137}
author = {McIntyre, Angus}
title = {Babel: A Testbed for Research in Origins of Language}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2138}
author = {Meknavin, Surapant; Kijsirikul, Boonserm; Chotimongkol, Ananlada; Nuttee, Cholwich}
title = {Combining Trigram and Winnow in Thai OCR Error Correction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2139}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Yangarber, Roman; Grishman, Ralph; Macleod, Catherine; Moreno-Sandoval, Antonio}
title = {Deriving Transfer Rules from Dominance-Preserving Alignments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2140}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {Feature Lattices for Maximum Entropy Modelling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2141}
author = {Mima, Hideki; Iida, Hitoshi; Furuse, Osamu}
title = {Simultaneous Interpretation Utilizing Example-based Incremental Transfer}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2142}
author = {Min, Kyongho; Wilson, William H.}
title = {Integrated Control of Chart Items for Error Repair}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2143}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {Robust Pronoun Resolution with Limited Knowledge}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2144}
author = {Mitsuishi, Yutaka; Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {HPSG-Style Underspecified Japanese Grammar with Wide Coverage}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2145}
author = {Mochizuki, Hajime; Honda, Takeo; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Text Segmentation with Multiple Surface Linguistic Cues}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2146}
author = {Moghrabi, Chadia}
title = {Using Language Resources in an Intelligent Tutoring System for French}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2147}
author = {Mohri, Mehryar; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Dynamic Compilation of Weighted Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2148}
author = {Mori, Shinsuke; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {A Stochastic Language Model using Dependency and its Improvement by Word Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2149}
author = {Mouret, Pascal; Rolbert, Monique}
title = {Dealing with Distinguishing Descriptions in a Guided Composition System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2150}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {An Estimate of Referent of Noun Phrases in Japanese Sentences}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2151}
author = {Nagao, Katashi; Hasida, Koiti}
title = {Automatic Text Summarization Based on the Global Document Annotation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2152}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Japanese OCR Error Correction using Character Shape Similarity and Statistical Language Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2153}
author = {Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Mori, Tatsunori; Omori, Nobuyuki; Okamura, Jun}
title = {Hypertext Authoring for Linking Relevant Segments of Related Instruction Manuals}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2154}
author = {Nakano, Mikio; Shimazu, Akira}
title = {Translating a Unification Grammar with Disjunctions into Logical Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2155}
author = {Nakatani, Christine H.}
title = {Constituent-based Accent Prediction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2156}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {An Alternative LR Algorithm for TAGs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2157}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Sarkar, Anoop; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Prefix Probabilities from Stochastic Free Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2158}
author = {NieBen, S.; Vogel, Stephan; Ney, Hermann; Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {A DP based Search Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation }
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2159}
author = {Ninomiya, Takashi; Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {An Efficient Parallel Substrate for Typed Feature Structures on Shared Memory Parallel Machines}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2160}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Raskin, Victor}
title = {Universal Grammar and Lexis for Quick Ramp- Up of MT Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2161}
author = {Norton, Lewis M.; Dahl, Deborah A.; Li, Li; Beals, Katherine P.}
title = {Integration of Large-Scale Linguistic Resources in a Natural Language Understanding System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2162}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Weber, Hans}
title = {Improving Statistical Natural Language Translation with Categories and Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2163}
author = {Oishi, Akira; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Recognition of the Coherence Relation between Te-linked Clauses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2164}
author = {Padró, Lluís; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {On the Evaluation and Comparison of Taggers: the Effect of Noise in Testing Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2165}
author = {Pan, Shimei; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Learning Intonation Rules for Concept to Speech Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2166}
author = {Paraboni, Ivandré; Strube de Lima, Vera Lucia}
title = {Possessive Pronominal Anaphor Resolution in Portuguese Written Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2167}
author = {Park, Junsik; Kang, Jung-Goo; Hur, Wook; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Machine Aided Error-Correction Environment for Korean Morphological Analysis and Part**of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2168}
author = {Pautler, David; Quilici, Alex}
title = {A Computational Model of Social Perlocutions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2169}
author = {Penn, Gerald}
title = {Parametric Types for Typed Attribute- Value Logic}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2170}
author = {Pericliev, Vladimir; Valdes-Perez, Raul E.}
title = {A Procedure for Multi-Class Discrimination and some Linguistic Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2171}
author = {Pirker, Hannes; Niklfeld, Georg; Matiasek, Johannes; Trost, Harald}
title = {From Information Structure to Intonation: A Phonolo9ical Interface for Concept-to-Speech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2172}
author = {Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Robba, Isabelle; Sabah, Gerard}
title = {Reference Resolution beyond Coreference: a Conceptual Frame and its Application}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2173}
author = {Power, Richard; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {Multilingual Authoring using Feedback Texts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2174}
author = {Poznanski, Victor; Whitelock, Pete J.; IJdens, Jan; Corley, Steffan}
title = {Practical Glossing by Prioritised Tiling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2175}
author = {Prószéky, Gábor}
title = {An Intelligent Multi-Dictionary Environment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2176}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Learning Correlations between Linguistic Indicators and Semantic Constraints: Reuse of Context-Dependent Descriptions of Entities}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2177}
author = {Ratnaparkhi, Adwait}
title = {Statistical Models for Unsupervised Prepositional Phrase Attachment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2178}
author = {Read, Tim; Barcena, Elena}
title = {JaBot: A Multilingual Java-Based Intelligent Agent for Web Sites}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2179}
author = {Reed, Chris; Long, Derek P.}
title = {Generating the Structure of Argument}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2180}
author = {Richardson, Stephen D.; Dolan, William B.; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {MindNet: Acquiring and Structuring Semantic Information from Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2181}
author = {Rigau, German; Rodríquez, Horacio; Agirre, Eneko}
title = {Building Accurate Semantic Taxonomies from Monolingual MRDs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2182}
author = {Roark, Brian; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Noun-Phrase Co-occurrence Statistics for Semi-Automatic Semantic Lexicon Construction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2183}
author = {Rogers, James}
title = {A Descriptive Characterization of Tree-Adjoining Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2184}
author = {Roland, Douglas; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {How Verb Subcategorization Frequencies are Affected by Corpus Choice}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2185}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {An Interactive Domain Independent Approach to Robust Dialogue Interpretation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2186}
author = {Roth, Dan; Zelenko, Dmitry}
title = {Part of Speech Tagging Using a Network of Linear Separators}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2187}
author = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {A Generative Lexicon Perspective for Adjectival Modification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2188}
author = {Samuel, Kenneth; Carberry, Sandra; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Dialogue Act Tagging with Transformation-Based Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2189}
author = {Sanfilippo, Antonio}
title = {Ranking Text Units According to Textual Saliency Connectivity and Topic Aptness}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2190}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Conditions on Consistency of Probabilistic Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2191}
author = {Sato, Kengo; Nakanishi, Masakazu}
title = {Maximum Entropy Model Learning of the Translation Rules}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2192}
author = {Satta, Giorgio; Schuler, William}
title = {Restrictions on Tree Adjoining Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2193}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Learning Tense Translation from Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2194}
author = {Schilder, Frank}
title = {An Underspecified Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (USDRT)}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2195}
author = {Schmidt, Paul; Groenendijk, Marius; Phelan, Peter; Schulz, Henrik; Rieder, Sibylle; Theofilidis, Axel; Declerck, Thierry; Bredenkamp, Andrew}
title = {Natural Language Access to Software Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2196}
author = {Schneider, David; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Recognizing Syntactic Errors in the Writing of Second Language Learners}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2197}
author = {Seligman, Mark; Boitet, Christian; Meddeb-Hamrouni, Boubaker}
title = {Transforming Lattices into Non-deterministic Automata with Optional Null Arcs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2198}
author = {Senellart, Jean}
title = {Locating Noun Phrases with Finite State Transducers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2199}
author = {Shaw, James}
title = {Segregatory Coordination and Ellipsis in Text Generation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2200}
author = {Somers, Harold L.}
title = {Similarity Metrics for Aligning Children's Articulation Data }
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2201}
author = {Sopena, Josep M.; Lloberas, Agusti; Moliner, Joan L.}
title = {A Connectionist Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment for Real World Tuts}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2202}
author = {Stede, Manfred; Umbach, Carla}
title = {DiMLex: A Lexicon of Discourse Markers for Text Generation and Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2203}
author = {Steels, Luc; Kaplan, Frederic}
title = {Spontaneous Lexicon Change}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2204}
author = {Strube, Michael}
title = {Never Look Back: An Alternative to Centering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2205}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Wang, Jin; Wise, G. Bowden}
title = {Summarization-based Query Expansion in Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2206}
author = {Sun, Maosong; Shen, Dayang; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation without Using Lexicon and Hand-crafted Training Data}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2207}
author = {Suzuki, Yoshimi; Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Sekiguchi, Yoshihiro}
title = {Keyword Extraction using Term-Domain Interdependence for Dictation of Radio News}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2208}
author = {Tur, Gokhan; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Tagging English by Path Voting Constraints}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2209}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko; Hasida, Koiti; Noda, Itsuki}
title = {Reactive Content Selection in the Generation of Real-time Soccer Commentary}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2210}
author = {Tapanainen, Pasi; Piitulainen, Jussi; Jarvinen, Timo}
title = {Idiomatic Object Usage and Support Verbs}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2211}
author = {Tappe, Heike; Schilder, Frank}
title = {Coherence in Spoken Discourse}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2212}
author = {Turcato, Davide}
title = {Automatically Creating Bilingual Lexicons for Machine Translation from Bilingual Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2213}
author = {Uramoto, Naohiko; Takeda, Koichi}
title = {A Method for Relating Multiple Newspaper Articles by Using Graphs and Its Application to Webcasting}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2214}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Miyata, Takashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {General-to-Specific Model Selection for Subcategorization Preference}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2215}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne}
title = {Multilingual Computational Semantic Lexicons in Action: The W YSINNW YG Approach to NLP}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2216}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne; Beale, Stephen; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {The Computational Lexical Semantics of Syntagmatic Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2217}
author = {De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte; Pardo, Miguel Alonso}
title = {A tabular interpretation of a class of 2-Stack Automata}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2218}
author = {Wakao, Takahiro}
title = {Project for production of closed-caption TV programs for the hearing impaired}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2219}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Learning Optimal Dialogue Strategies: A Case Study of a Spoken Dialogue Agent for Email}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2220}
author = {Wan, Stephen; Verspoor, Cornelia Maria}
title = {Automatic English-Chinese name transliteration for development of multilingual resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2221}
author = {Wang, Ye-Yi; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Modeling with Structures in Statistical Machine translation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2222}
author = {Wasson, Mark}
title = {Using Leading Text for News Summaries: Evaluation Results and Implications for Commercial Summarization Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2223}
author = {Watanabe, Hideo; Takeda, Koichi}
title = {A Pattern-based Machine Translation System Extended by Example-based Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2224}
author = {Watanabe, Yasuhiko; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Diagram Understanding Using Integration of Layout Information and Textual Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2225}
author = {Watanabe, Yasuhiko; Okada, Yoshihiro; kaneji, Kengo; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Aligning Articles in TV Newscasts and Newspapers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2226}
author = {Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Translating Idioms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2227}
author = {Wilcock, Graham}
title = {Head-Driven Generation with HPSG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2228}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation using Optimised Combinations of Knowledge Sources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2229}
author = {Worm, Karsten L.}
title = {A Model for Robust Processing of Spontaneous Speech by Integrating Viable Fragments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2230}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Wong, Hongsing}
title = {Machine Translation with a Stochastic Grammatical Channel}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2231}
author = {Wu, Haodong; de Paiva Alves, Eduardo; Furugori, Teiji}
title = {Structural Disambiguation Based on Reliable Estimation of Strength of Association}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2232}
author = {Yamaguchi, Masaya; Kojima, Takeyuki; Inui, Nobuo; Kotani, Yoshiyuki; Nisimura, Hirohiko}
title = {Combination of an Automatic and an Interactive Disambiguation Method}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2233}
author = {Yamamoto, Kazuhide; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Feasibility Study for Ellipsis Resolution in Dialogues by Machine-Learning Technique}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2234}
author = {Vilain, Marc B.; Yeh, Alexander S.}
title = {Some Properties of Preposition and Subordinate Conjunction Attachments}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2235}
author = {Yoshimi, Takehiko; Okunishi, Toshiyuki; Yamaji, Takahiro; Fukumochi, Yoji}
title = {Evaluation of Importance of Sentences based on Connectivity to Title}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2236}
author = {Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Automatic Construction of Frame Representations for Spontaneous Speech in Unrestricted Domains}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2237}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Using Chunk Based Partial Parsing of Spontaneous Speech in Unrestricted Domains for Reducing Word Error Rate in Speech Recognition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2238}
author = {Zhang, Xiaoheng; Hom, Kowloon Hung}
title = {Dialect MT: A Case Study between Cantonese and Mandarin}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2239}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Lua, KimTeng}
title = {Word Association and MI Trigger-based Language Modeling}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2240}
author = {Belz, Anja}
title = {Discovering Phonotactic Finite-State Automata by Genetic Search}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2241}
author = {Byron, Donna K.; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {A Preliminary Model of Centering in Dialog}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2242}
author = {Cheng, Hua}
title = {Embedding New Information into Referring Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2243}
author = {Ferret, Olivier}
title = {How to Thematically Segment Texts by using Lexical Cohesion?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2244}
author = {Heinonen, Oskari}
title = {Optimal Multi-Paragraph Text Segmentation by Dynamic Programming}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2245}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee}
title = {Bridging the Gap between Dictionary and Thesaurus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2246}
author = {Lewellen, Mark}
title = {Neural Network Recognition of Spelling Errors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2247}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Detecting Verbal Participation in Diathesis Alternations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2248}
author = {McDonald, Scott}
title = {Target Word Selection as Proximity in Semantic Space}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2249}
author = {Smith, Elliot}
title = {A Cognitive Model of Coherence-Driven Story Comprehension}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2250}
author = {Stoianov, Ivelin}
title = {Tree based Analysis of Simple Recurrent Network Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2251}
author = {Thede, Scott M.}
title = {Predicting Part-of Speech Information about Unknown Words using Statistical Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1998}
id = {P99-1001}
author = {Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Untangling Text Data Mining}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1002}
author = {Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Automatic Speech Recognition And Its Application To Information Extraction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1003}
author = {Miller, George A.}
title = {The Lexical Component Of Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1004}
author = {Lee, Lillian}
title = {Measures Of Distributional Similarity}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1005}
author = {Lee, Lillian; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Distributional Similarity Models: Clustering Vs. Nearest Neighbors}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1006}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Knott, Alistair; Stone, Matthew; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Discourse Relations: A Structural And Presuppositional Account Using Lexicalised TAG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1007}
author = {Gardent, Claire}
title = {Unifying Parallels}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1008}
author = {Berland, Matthew; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Finding Parts In Very Large Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1009}
author = {Brill, Eric; Ngai, Grace}
title = {Man* Vs. Machine: A Case Study In Base Noun Phrase Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1010}
author = {Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Supervised Grammar Induction Using Training Data With Limited Constituent Information}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1011}
author = {Dras, Mark}
title = {A Meta-Level Grammar: Redefining Synchronous TAG For Translation And Paraphrase}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1012}
author = {Schuler, William}
title = {Preserving Semantic Dependencies In Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1013}
author = {Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Compositional Semantics For Linguistic Formalisms}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1014}
author = {Rooth, Mats; Riezler, Stefan; Prescher, Detlef; Carroll, Glenn; Beil, Franz}
title = {Inducing A Semantically Annotated Lexicon Via EM-Based Clustering}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1015}
author = {Siegel, Eric V.}
title = {Corpus-Based Linguistic Indicators For Aspectual Classification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1016}
author = {Caraballo, Sharon A.}
title = {Automatic Construction Of A Hypernym-Labeled Noun Hierarchy From Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1017}
author = {Bateman, John A.}
title = {Using Aggregation For Selecting Content When Generating Referring Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1018}
author = {Shaw, James; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios}
title = {Ordering Among Premodifiers}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1019}
author = {Netzer, Yael Dahan; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Bilingual Hebrew-English Generation Of Possessives And Partitives: Raising The Input Abstraction Level}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1020}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {A Method For Word Sense Disambiguation Of Unrestricted Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1021}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {A Knowledge-Free Method For Capitalized Word Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1022}
author = {Florian, Radu; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Dynamic Nonlocal Language Modeling Via Hierarchical Topic-Based Adaptation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1023}
author = {Thede, Scott M.; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {A Second-Order Hidden Markov Model For Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1024}
author = {Stent, Amanda J.; Dowling, John; Gawron, Jean Mark; Bratt, Elizabeth Owen; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {The CommandTalk Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1025}
author = {Abella, Alicia; Gorin, Allen L.}
title = {Construct Algebra: Analytical Dialog Management}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1026}
author = {Nakano, Mikio; Miyazaki, Noboru; Hirasawa, Jun-Ichi; Dohsaka, Kohji; Kawabata, Takeshi}
title = {Understanding Unsegmented User Utterances In Real-Time Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1027}
author = {McCarley, J. Scott}
title = {Should We Translate The Documents Or The Queries In Cross-Language Information Retrieval?}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1028}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Bian, Guo-Wei; Lin, Wen-Cheng}
title = {Resolving Translation Ambiguity And Target Polysemy In Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1029}
author = {Jang, Myung-Gil; Myaeng, Sung-Hyon; Park, Se Young}
title = {Using Mutual Information To Resolve Query Translation Ambiguities And Query Term Weighting}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1030}
author = {Choi, Won Seug; Cho, Jeong-Mi; Sea, Jungyun}
title = {Analysis System Of Speech Acts And Discourse Structures Using Maximum Entropy Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1031}
author = {Condon, Sherri L.; Cech, Claude G.; Edwards, William R.}
title = {Measuring Conformity To Discourse Routines In Decision-Making Interactions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1032}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; Bruce, Rebecca F.; O'Hara, Thomas P.}
title = {Development And Use Of A Gold-Standard Data Set For Subjectivity Classifications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1033}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Dependency Parsing With An Extended Finite State Approach}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1034}
author = {Prószéky, Gábor; Kis, Balazs}
title = {A Unification-Based Approach To Morpho-Syntactic Parsing Of Agglutinative And Other (Highly) Inflectional Languages}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1035}
author = {Beil, Franz; Carroll, Glenn; Prescher, Detlef; Riezler, Stefan; Rooth, Mats}
title = {Inside-Outside Estimation Of A Lexicalized PCFG For German}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1036}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {A Part Of Speech Estimation Method For Japanese Unknown Words Using A Statistical Model Of Morphology And Context}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1037}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Memory-Based Morphological Analysis}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1038}
author = {Willis, Alistair; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Two Accounts Of Scope Availability And Semantic Underspecification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1039}
author = {Steedman, Mark}
title = {Alternating Quantifier Scope In CCG}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1040}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Walker, Marilyn A.; Kearns, Michael S.}
title = {Automatic Detection Of Poor Speech Recognition At The Dialogue Level}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1041}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {Automatic Identification Of Non-Compositional Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1042}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Light, Marc; Breck, Eric; Burger, John D.}
title = {Deep Read: A Reading Comprehension System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1043}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Xiaohu, Liu; Cheung, Chi-Shun}
title = {Mixed Language Query Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1044}
author = {Jacquemin, Christian}
title = {Syntagmatic And Paradigmatic Representations Of Term Variation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1045}
author = {Corston-Oliver, Simon H.; Dolan, William B.}
title = {Less Is More: Eliminating Index Terms From Subordinate Clauses}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1046}
author = {Reynar, Jeffrey C.}
title = {Statistical Models For Topic Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1047}
author = {Marcu, Daniel}
title = {A Decision-Based Approach To Rhetorical Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1048}
author = {Bean, David L.; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Corpus-Based Identification Of Non-Anaphoric Noun Phrases}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1049}
author = {Tanaka, Hideki; Yokoo, Akio}
title = {An Efficient Statistical Speech Act Type Tagging System For Speech Translation Systems}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1050}
author = {Morin, Emmanuel}
title = {Projecting Corpus-Based Semantic Links On A Thesaurus}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1051}
author = {Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Acquiring Lexical Generalizations From Corpora: A Case Study For Diathesis Alternations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1052}
author = {Kasper, Walter; Kiefer, Bernd; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich; Rupp, C. J.; Worm, Karsten L.}
title = {Charting The Depths Of Robust Speech Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1053}
author = {Core, Mark G.; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {A Syntactic Framework For Speech Repairs And Other Disruptions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1054}
author = {Roark, Brian; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Efficient Probabilistic Top-Down And Left-Corner Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1055}
author = {Yang, Charles D.}
title = {A Selectionist Theory Of Language Acquisition}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1056}
author = {Lange, Marielle; Content, Alain}
title = {The Grapho-Phonological System Of Written French: Statistical Analysis And Empirical Validation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1057}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou; Lim, Daniel Chung Yong; Koo, Jessica Li Teng}
title = {Learning To Recognize Tables In Free Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1058}
author = {Holt, Alexander; Klein, Ewan}
title = {A Semantically-Derived Subset Of English For Hardware Verification}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1059}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Efficient Parsing For Bilexical Context-Free Grammars And Head Automaton Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1060}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {An Earley-Style Predictive Chart Parsing Method For Lambek Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1061}
author = {Kiefer, Bernd; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich; Carroll, John; Malouf, Robert}
title = {A Bag Of Useful Techniques For Efficient And Robust Parsing}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1062}
author = {Kurohashi, Sadao; Sakai, Yasuyuki}
title = {Semantic Analysis Of Japanese Noun Phrases - A New Approach To Dictionary-Based Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1063}
author = {Isahara, Hitoshi; Kanzaki, Kyoko}
title = {Lexical Semantics To Disambiguate Polysemous Phenomena Of Japanese Adnominal Constituents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1064}
author = {Caudal, Patrick}
title = {Computational Lexical Semantics Incrementality And The So-Called Punctuality Of Events}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1065}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Hajič, Jan; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {A Statistical Parser For Czech}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1066}
author = {Blaheta, Don; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Automatic Compensation For Parser Figure-Of-Merit Flaws}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1067}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {Automatic Identification Of Word Translations From Unrelated English And German Corpora}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1068}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {Mining The Web For Bilingual Text}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1069}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Geman, Stuart; Canon, Stephen; Chi, Zhiyi; Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Estimators For Stochastic Unification-Based Grammars}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1070}
author = {Abney, Steven; McAllester, David; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Relating Probabilistic Grammars And Automata}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1071}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Information Fusion In The Context Of Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1072}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Gates, Barbara; Bloedorn, Eric}
title = {Improving Summaries By Revising Them}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1073}
author = {Thomas, Kavita}
title = {Designing A Task-Based Evaluation Methodology For A Spoken Machine Translation System}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1074}
author = {Kaiser, Edward C.}
title = {Robust Finite-State Parsing For Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1075}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke}
title = {Packing Of Feature Structures For Efficient Unification Of Disjunctive Feature Structures}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1076}
author = {Kinyon, Alexandra}
title = {Parsing Preferences With Lexicalized Trey Adjoining Grammars Exploiting The Derivation Tree}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1077}
author = {Kaufmann, Stefan}
title = {Cohesion And Collocation: Using Context Vectors In Text Segmentation}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1078}
author = {Saggion, Horacio}
title = {Using Linguistic Knowledge In Automatic Abstracting}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1079}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.}
title = {Analysis Of Syntax-Based Pronoun Resolution Methods}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1080}
author = {Corduneanu, Adrian}
title = {A Pylonic Decision-Tree Language Model With Optimal Question Selection}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1081}
author = {Goldberg, Miriam}
title = {An Unsupervised Model For Statistically Determining Coordinate Phrase Attachment}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1082}
author = {Choi, Freddy Y. Y.}
title = {A Flexible Distributed Architecture For NLP System Development And Use}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {P99-1083}
author = {Pakhomov, Serguei V.}
title = {Modeling Filled Pauses In Medical Dictations}
venue = {ACL}
year = {1999}
id = {W12-3301}
author = {Ramisch, Carlos; De Araujo, Vitor; Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {A Broad Evaluation of Techniques for Automatic Acquisition of Multiword Expressions}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3302}
author = {Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar}
title = {Detecting Power Relations from Written Dialog}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3303}
author = {Luo, Chunyong; Ji, Yangsheng; Dai, Xinyu; Chen, Jiajun}
title = {Active Learning with Transfer Learning}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3304}
author = {Le, Dieu-Thu; Bernardi, Raffaella}
title = {Query classification using topic models and support vector machine}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3305}
author = {Stevens, Keith}
title = {Evaluating Unsupervised Ensembles when applied to Word Sense Induction}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3306}
author = {Tatsukawa, Kayo}
title = {Topic Extraction based on Prior Knowledge obtained from Target Documents}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3307}
author = {Riedl, Martin; Biemann, Christian}
title = {TopicTiling: A Text Segmentation Algorithm based on LDA}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3308}
author = {Cohen, Raphael; Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Domain Adaptation of a Dependency Parser with a Class-Class Selectional Preference Model}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3309}
author = {Williams, Jennifer}
title = {Extracting fine-grained durations for verbs from Twitter}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3310}
author = {Demirsahin, Isin}
title = {Discourse Structure in Simultaneous Spoken Turkish}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3311}
author = {Ramisch, Carlos}
title = {A Generic Framework for Multiword Expressions Treatment: from Acquisition to Applications}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3312}
author = {Chen, Liwei; Zou, Lei; Zhao, Dongyan; Feng, Yansong; Chen, Yidong}
title = {Towards Automatic Construction of Knowledge Bases from Chinese Online Resources}
venue = {ACL}
year = {2012}
id = {I05-1001}
author = {Hu, Yi; Duan, Jianyong; Chen, Xiaoming; Pei, Bingzhen; Lu, Ruzhan}
title = {A New Method for Sentiment Classification in Text Retrieval}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1002}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Yamaji, Yusuke}
title = {Topic Tracking Based on Linguistic Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1003}
author = {Qu, Yan; Grefenstette, Gregory; Evans, David A.}
title = {The Use of Monolingual Context Vectors for Missing Translations in Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1004}
author = {Li, Wei; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Automatic Image Annotation Using Maximum Entropy Model}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1005}
author = {Abekawa, Takeshi; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Corpus-Based Analysis of Japanese Relative Clause Constructions}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1006}
author = {Lease, Matthew; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Parsing Biomedical Literature}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1007}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Li, ShuangLong; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun; Qian, Yueliang}
title = {Parsing the Penn Chinese Treebank with Semantic Knowledge}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1008}
author = {Sassano, Manabu}
title = {Using a Partially Annotated Corpus to Build a Dependency Parser for Japanese}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1009}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko}
title = {Entropy as an Indicator of Context Boundaries: An Experiment Using a Web Search Engine}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1010}
author = {Tokunaga, Kozuke; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Automatic Discovery of Attribute Words from Web Documents}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1011}
author = {Paşca, Marius; Dienes, Peter}
title = {Aligning Needles in a Haystack: Paraphrase Acquisition Across the Web}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1012}
author = {Watanabe, Yasuhiko; Nishimura, Ryo; Okada, Yoshihiro}
title = {Confirmed Knowledge Acquisition Using Mails Posted to a Mailing List}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1013}
author = {Choi, Myung-Seok; Lim, Chul Su; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Automatic Partial Parsing Rule Acquisition Using Decision Tree Induction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1014}
author = {Lee, Yong-Hun; Kim, Mi-Young; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Chunking Using Conditional Random Fields in Korean Texts}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1015}
author = {Carroll, John; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {High Efficiency Realization for a Wide-Coverage Unification Grammar}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1016}
author = {Hsieh, Yu-Ming; Yang, Duen-Chi; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {Linguistically-Motivated Grammar Extraction Generalization and Adaptation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1017}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {PP-Attachment Disambiguation Boosted by a Gigantic Volume of Unambiguous Examples}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1018}
author = {Hara, Tadayoshi; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Adapting a Probabilistic Disambiguation Model of an HPSG Parser to a New Domain}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1019}
author = {Bharati, Akshar; Rohini, U.; Vishnu, P.; Bendre, Sushma; Sangal, Rajeev}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to Single and Multiple PP Attachment Using WordNet}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1020}
author = {Kitt, Chunyu; Liu, Xiaoyue}
title = {Period Disambiguation with Maxent Model}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1021}
author = {Shimohata, Mitsuo; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Acquiring Synonyms from Monolingual Comparable Texts}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1022}
author = {Fan, Xinghua; Sun, Maosong}
title = {A Method of Recognizing Entity and Relation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1023}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Inversion Transduction Grammar Constraints for Mining Parallel Sentences from Quasi-Comparable Corpora}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1024}
author = {Yoshida, Minoru; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Automatic Term Extraction Based on Perplexity of Compound Words}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1025}
author = {Chali, Yllias; Noureddine, Soufiane}
title = {Document Clustering with Grouping and Chaining Algorithms}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1026}
author = {Jingbo, Zhu; Na, Ye; Xinzhi, Chang; Wenliang, Chen; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Using Multiple Discriminant Analysis Approach for Linear Text Segmentation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1027}
author = {Fan, Xinghua; Sun, Maosong; Choi, Key-Sun; Zhang, Qin}
title = {Classifying Chinese Texts in Two Steps}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1028}
author = {Okanohara, Daisuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Assigning Polarity Scores to Reviews Using Machine Learning Techniques}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1029}
author = {Veale, Tony}
title = {Analogy as Functional Recategorization: Abstraction with HowNet Semantics}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1030}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Ogawa, Yasuhiro; Toyama, Katsuhiko}
title = {PLSI Utilization for Automatic Thesaurus Construction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1031}
author = {Tongchim, Shisanu; Kruengkrai, Canasai; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Srichaivattana, Prapass; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Analysis of an Iterative Algorithm for Term-Based Ontology Alignment}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1032}
author = {Choi, SeonHwa; Park, HyukRo}
title = {Finding Taxonomical Relation from an MRD for Thesaurus Extension}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1033}
author = {Hong, Gumwon}
title = {Relation Extraction Using Support Vector Machine}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1034}
author = {Zhang, Min; Su, Jian; Wang, Danmei; Zhou, Guodong; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Discovering Relations Between Named Entities from a Large Raw Corpus Using Tree Similarity-Based Clustering}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1035}
author = {Jinxiu, Chen; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim; Niu, Zhengyu}
title = {Automatic Relation Extraction with Model Order Selection and Discriminative Label Identification}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1036}
author = {Zhang, Zhu}
title = {Mining Inter-Entity Semantic Relations Using Improved Transductive Learning}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1037}
author = {Li, Wei; Li, Wenjie; Lu, Qin; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {A Preliminary Work on Classifying Time Granularities of Temporal Questions}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1038}
author = {Tamura, Akihiro; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Classification of Multiple-Sentence Questions}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1039}
author = {Weerasinghe, Ruvan; Wasala, Asanka; Gamage, Kumudu}
title = {A Rule Based Syllabification Algorithm for Sinhala}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1040}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {An Ensemble of Grapheme and Phoneme for Machine Transliteration}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1041}
author = {Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Improving Statistical Word Alignment with Ensemble Methods}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1042}
author = {Hwang, Young-Sook; Watanabe, Taro; Sasaki, Yutaka}
title = {Empirical Study of Utilizing Morph-Syntactic Information in SMT}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1043}
author = {Denecke, Matthias; Tsukada, Hajime}
title = {Instance-Based Generation for Interactive Restricted Domain Question Answering Systems}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1044}
author = {Zhang, Zhushuo; Zhou, Yaqian; Huang, Xuanjing; Wu, Lide}
title = {Answering Definition Questions Using Web Knowledge Bases}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1045}
author = {Shen, Dan; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Exploring Syntactic Relation Patterns for Question Answering}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1046}
author = {Wang, Yi-Chia; Wu, Jian-Cheng; Liang, Tyne; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Web-Based Unsupervised Learning for Query Formulation in Question Answering}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1047}
author = {GuoDong, Zhou}
title = {A Chunking Strategy Towards Unknown Word Detection in Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1048}
author = {Meng, Yao; Yu, Hao; Nishino, Fumihito}
title = {A Lexicon-Constrained Character Model for Chinese Morphological Analysis}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1049}
author = {Venkatapathy, Sriram; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Relative Compositionality of Multi-word Expressions: A Study of Verb-Noun (V-N) Collocations}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1050}
author = {Hore, Campbell; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Fixed Multiword Expressions}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1051}
author = {Setiawan, Hendra; Li, Haizhou; Zhang, Min; Ooi, Beng Chin}
title = {Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation: A Level of Detail Approach}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1052}
author = {Lee, Sun-Hee; Byron, Donna K.; Jang, Seok B.}
title = {Why Is Zero Marking Important in Korean?}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1053}
author = {Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou; Su, Jian; Setiawan, Hendra}
title = {A Phrase-Based Context-Dependent Joint Probability Model for Named Entity Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1054}
author = {Wong, Fai; Hu, Dong-Cheng; Mao, Yu-Hang; Dong, Ming-Chui; Li, Yi-Ping}
title = {Machine Translation Based on Constraint-Based Synchronous Grammar}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1055}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Okazaki, Naoaki; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach to Sentence Ordering for Multidocument Summarization and Its Evaluation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1056}
author = {Lee, Changbeom; Park, HyukRo; Ock, Cheolyoung}
title = {Significant Sentence Extraction by Euclidean Distance Based on Singular Value Decomposition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1057}
author = {Kim, Seonho; Yoon, Juntae; Park, Kyung-Mi; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Two-Phase Biomedical Named Entity Recognition Using A Hybrid Method}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1058}
author = {Lee, Seungwoo; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Heuristic Methods for Reducing Errors of Geographic Named Entities Learned by Bootstrapping}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1059}
author = {Goh, Chooi-Ling; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Building a Japanese-Chinese Dictionary Using Kanji/Hanzi Conversion}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1060}
author = {Nakazawa, Toshiaki; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Basic Katakana Lexicon from a Given Corpus}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1061}
author = {Mingli, Wu; Wenjie, Li; Lu, Qin; Baoli, Li}
title = {CTEMP: A Chinese Temporal Parser for Extracting and Normalizing Temporal Information}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1062}
author = {Daille, Béatrice; Morin, Emmanuel}
title = {French-English Terminology Extraction from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1063}
author = {Yang, Xiaofeng; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {A Twin-Candidate Model of Coreference Resolution with Non-Anaphor Identification Capability}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1064}
author = {Kim, Kyungsun; Ko, Youngjoong; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {Improving Korean Speech Acts Analysis by Using Shrinkage and Discourse Stack}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1065}
author = {Liang, Tyne; Lin, Yu-Hsiang}
title = {Anaphora Resolution for Biomedical Literature by Exploiting Multiple Resources}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1066}
author = {Shibata, Tomohide; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Automatic Slide Generation Based on Discourse Structure Analysis}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1067}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Using the Structure of a Conceptual Network in Computing Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1068}
author = {Ye, Patrick; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Semantic Role Labelling of Prepositional Phrases}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1069}
author = {Chklovski, Timothy; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Global Path-Based Refinement of Noisy Graphs Applied to Verb Semantics}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1070}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Semantic Role Tagging for Chinese at the Lexical Level}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1071}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Wakana, Takahiro; Masui, Fumito; Kawai, Atsuo; Isu, Naoki}
title = {Detecting Article Errors Based on the Mass Count Distinction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1072}
author = {JingHui, Xiao; Liu, Bingquan; XiaoLong, Wang}
title = {Principles of Non-stationary Hidden Markov Model and Its Applications to Sequence Labeling Task}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1073}
author = {Chen, Conrad; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Integrating Punctuation Rules and Nave Bayesian Model for Chinese Creation Title Recognition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1074}
author = {Mayberry, Marshall R.; Crocker, Matthew W.; Knoeferle, Pia}
title = {A Connectionist Model of Anticipation in Visual Worlds}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1075}
author = {Fossum, Victoria Li; Abney, Steven}
title = {Automatically Inducing a Part-of-Speech Tagger by Projecting from Multiple Source Languages Across Aligned Corpora}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1076}
author = {Di, Jiang; Congjun, Long; Jichuan, Zhang}
title = {The Verbal Entries and Their Description in a Grammatical Information-Dictionary of Contemporary Tibetan}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1077}
author = {Ye, Yang; Zhang, Zhu}
title = {Tense Tagging for Verbs in Cross-Lingual Context: A Case Study}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1078}
author = {Smith, Andrew E.; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Regularisation Techniques for Conditional Random Fields: Parameterised Versus Parameter-Free}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1079}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Exploiting Lexical Conceptual Structure for Paraphrase Generation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1080}
author = {Seo, Hee-Cheol; Rim, Hae-Chang; Jang, Myung-Gil}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation by Relative Selection}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1081}
author = {Chen, Jinying; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Towards Robust High Performance Word Sense Disambiguation of English Verbs Using Rich Linguistic Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1082}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Automatic Interpretation of Noun Compounds Using WordNet Similarity}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1083}
author = {Yuan, Wei; Gao, Jianfeng; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {An Empirical Study on Language Model Adaptation Using a Metric of Domain Similarity}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1084}
author = {Uzuner, Özlem; Katz, Boris}
title = {A Comparative Study of Language Models for Book and Author Recognition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1085}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Lexical Choice via Topic Adaptation for Paraphrasing Written Language to Spoken Language}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1086}
author = {Fan, Yandong; Kendall, Elizabeth}
title = {A Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Speech Corpus Generation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1087}
author = {Fang, Gaolin; Yu, Hao; Nishino, Fumihito}
title = {Web-Based Terminology Translation Mining}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-1088}
author = {Kang, Byeong-Kwu; Chang, Baobao; Chen, Yi-Rong; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {Extracting Terminologically Relevant Collocations in the Translation of Chinese Monograph}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2001}
author = {Zhang, Hu; Zheng, Jiaheng; Zhao, Ying}
title = {A Classification-based Algorithm for Consistency Check of Part-of-Speech Tagging for Chinese Corpora}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2002}
author = {Li, Xing; Zong, Chengqing; Hu, Rile}
title = {A Hierarchical Parsing Approach with Punctuation Processing for Long Chinese Sentences}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2003}
author = {Zheng, Dequan; Zhao, Tiejun; Li, Sheng; Yu, Hao}
title = {A Hybrid Chinese Language Model based on a Combination of Ontology with Statistical Method}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2004}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Tarau, Paul}
title = {A Language Independent Algorithm for Single and Multiple Document Summarization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2005}
author = {Mima, Hideki; Tomabechi, Hideto}
title = {A Novel Method for Content Consistency and Efficient Full-text Search for P2P Content Sharing Systems}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2006}
author = {Nishimura, Ryo; Watanabe, Yasuhiko; Okada, Yoshihiro}
title = {A Question Answer System Based on Confirmed Knowledge Developed by Using Mails Posted to a Mailing List}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2007}
author = {Huh, Hyun-Gue; Laporte, Eric}
title = {A Resource-based Korean Morphological Annotation System}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2008}
author = {Saito, Manami; Yamamoto, Kazuhide; Sekine, Satoshi; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {A System to Solve Language Tests for Second Grade Students}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2009}
author = {Tanaka, Hideki; Kumano, Tadashi; Nishiwaki, Masamichi; Itoh, Takayuki}
title = {Analysis and Modeling of Manual Summarization of Japanese Broadcast News}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2010}
author = {Tsai, Jia-Lin}
title = {Applying a Mix Word-Pair Identifier to the Chinese Syllable-to-Word Conversion Problem}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2011}
author = {Kim, Soo-Min; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Automatic Detection of Opinion Bearing Words and Sentences}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2012}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Automatic Extraction of English-Korean Translations for Constituents of Technical Terms}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2013}
author = {Danlos, Laurence}
title = {Automatic Recognition of French Expletive Pronoun Occurrences}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2014}
author = {Denoual, Etienne; Lepage, Yves}
title = {BLEU in Characters: Towards Automatic MT Evaluation in Languages without Word Delimiters}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2015}
author = {Zhang, Yujie; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Ma, Qing; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Building an Annotated Japanese-Chinese Parallel Corpus C A Part of NICT Multilingual Corpora}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2016}
author = {Funakoshi, Kotaro; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Controlling Animated Agents in Natural Language}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2017}
author = {Kim, Jong-Bok; Sells, Peter; Yang, Jaehyung}
title = {Deep Processing of Honorification Phenomena in a Typed Feature Structure Grammar}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2018}
author = {Peng, Jing; Araki, Kenji}
title = {Detecting the Countability of English Compound Nouns Using Web-based Models}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2019}
author = {Ichikawa, Hiroshi; Masaki, Noguchi; Hashimoto, Taiichi; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {eBonsai: An Integrated Environment for Annotating Treebanks}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2020}
author = {Tonoike, Masatsugu; Kida, Mitsuhiro; Takagi, Toshihiro; Sasaki, Yasuhiro; Utsuro, Takehito; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {Effect of Domain-Specific Corpus in Compositional Translation Estimation for Technical Terms}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2021}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Evaluating the Word Sense Disambiguation Performance of Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2022}
author = {Singh, Akshay; Bendre, Sushma; Sangal, Rajeev}
title = {HMM Based Chunker for Hindi}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2023}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Jiang, Jianmin; Su, Zhong; Pan, Yue; Liu, Ting}
title = {Improved-Edit-Distance Kernel for Chinese Relation Extraction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2024}
author = {Ma, Qing; Enomoto, Kousuke; Murata, Masaki; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Information Retrieval Capable of Visualization and High Precision}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2025}
author = {Deng, Xinyu; Nakamura, Jun-Ichi}
title = {Investigating the Features that Affect Cue Usage of Non-native Speakers of English}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2026}
author = {Nahnsen, Thade; Uzuner, Özlem; Katz, Boris}
title = {Lexical Chains and Sliding Locality Windows in Content-based Text Similarity Detection}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2027}
author = {Wang, Ruichao; Dunnion, John; Carthy, Joe}
title = {Machine Learning Approach to Augmenting News Headline Generation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2028}
author = {Piskorski, Jakub}
title = {Modelling of a Gazetteer Look-up Component}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2029}
author = {Kacmarcik, Gary}
title = {Multi-Modal Question-Answering: Questions without Keyboards}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2030}
author = {Kobayashi, Nozomi; Iida, Ryu; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Opinion Extraction Using a Learning-Based Anaphora Resolution Technique}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2031}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Homola, Petr; Kuboň, Vladislav}
title = {Problems of Reusing an Existing MT System}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2032}
author = {Aziz, Mohd Juzaiddin Ab; Dato'Ahmad, Fatimah; Ghani, Abdul Azim Abdul; Mahmod, Ramlan}
title = {Pola Grammar Technique to Identify Subject and Predicate in Malaysian Language}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2033}
author = {Kuba, Andras; Felfoldi, Laszlo; Kocsor, Andras}
title = {POS Tagger Combinations on Hungarian Text}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2034}
author = {Lee, Do-Gil; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Probabilistic Models for Korean Morphological Analysis}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2035}
author = {Bender, Emily M.; Flickinger, Daniel P.}
title = {Rapid Prototyping of Scalable Grammars: Towards Modularity in Extensions to a Language-Independent Core}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2036}
author = {Hensman, Svetlana; Dunnion, John}
title = {Representing Semantics of Texts - a Non-Statistical Approach}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2037}
author = {Lim, Soojong; Lee, Changki; Jang, Myung-Gil}
title = {Restoring an Elided Entry Word in a Sentence for Encyclopedia QA System}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2038}
author = {Tateisi, Yuka; Yakushiji, Akane; Ohta, Tomoko; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Syntax Annotation for the GENIA Corpus}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2039}
author = {Denoual, Etienne}
title = {The Influence of Data Homogeneity on NLP System Performance}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2040}
author = {Zhou, Yaqian; Huang, Changning; Gao, Jianfeng; Wu, Lide}
title = {Transformation Based Chinese Entity Detection and Tracking}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2041}
author = {Park, So-Young; Cho, Yongjoo; Son, Sunghoon; Song, Ui-Sung; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Tree Annotation Tool using Two-phase Parsing to Reduce Manual Effort for Building a Treebank}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2042}
author = {Kotani, Katsunori; Yoshimi, Takehiko; Kutsumi, Takeshi; Sata, Ichiko; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Toward a Unified Evaluation Method for Multiple Reading Support Systems: A Reading Speed-based Procedure}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2043}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Ichii, Koji; Ma, Qing; Shirado, Tamotsu; Kanamaru, Toshiyuki; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Trend Survey on Japanese Natural Language Processing Studies over the Last Decade}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2044}
author = {Jin, Meixun; Kim, Mi-Young; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Two-Phase Shift-Reduce Deterministic Dependency Parser of Chinese}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2045}
author = {Chen, Jinxiu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim; Niu, Zhengyu}
title = {Unsupervised Feature Selection for Relation Extraction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2046}
author = {Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Wu, Chia-Wei; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {Using Maximum Entropy to Extract Biomedical Named Entities without Dictionaries}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2047}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Automated Text Summarization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2048}
author = {Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation Part I: Hands-On Introduction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-2049}
author = {Wu, Dekai}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation Part II: Tree-Based SMT}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {I08-1001}
author = {Khaltar, Badam-Osor; Fujii, Atsushi}
title = {A Lemmatization Method for Modern Mongolian and its Application to Information Retrieval}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1002}
author = {Zhao, Hai; Kitt, Chunyu}
title = {An Empirical Comparison of Goodness Measures for Unsupervised Chinese Word Segmentation with a Unified Framework}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1003}
author = {Tepper, Michael; Xia, Fei}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to the Induction of Underlying Morphology}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1004}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Kong, Fang; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Context-Sensitive Convolution Tree Kernel for Pronoun Resolution}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1005}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Li, Junhui; Qian, Longhua; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Semi-Supervised Learning for Relation Extraction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1006}
author = {Zhang, Xiaoyan; Wang, Ting; Chen, Huowang}
title = {Story Link Detection based on Dynamic Information Extending}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1007}
author = {Aramaki, Eiji; Imai, Takeshi; Miyo, Kengo; Ohe, Kazuhiko}
title = {Orthographic Disambiguation Incorporating Transliterated Probability}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1008}
author = {Zhang, Min; Sun, Chengjie; Li, Haizhou; Aw, Aiti; Tan, Chew Lim; XiaoLong, Wang}
title = {Name Origin Recognition Using Maximum Entropy Model and Diverse Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1009}
author = {Surana, Harshit; Singh, Anil Kumar}
title = {A More Discerning and Adaptable Multilingual Transliteration Mechanism for Indian Languages}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1010}
author = {Kumar, G. Bharadwaja; Murthy, Kavi Narayana}
title = {UCSG: A Wide Coverage Shallow Parsing System}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1011}
author = {Boonkwan, Prachya; Supnithi, Thepchai}
title = {Memory-Inductive Categorial Grammar: An Approach to Gap Resolution in Analytic-Language Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1012}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Kawahara, Daisuke; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Zhang, Yujie; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Dependency Parsing with Short Dependency Relations in Unlabeled Data}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1013}
author = {Daille, Béatrice; Morin, Emmanuel}
title = {An Effective Compositional Model for Lexical Alignment}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1014}
author = {Wong, Wilson; Liu, Wei; Bennamoun, Mohammed}
title = {Determining the Unithood of Word Sequences Using a Probabilistic Approach}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1015}
author = {Jayarajan, Dinakar; Deodhare, Dipti; Ravindran, Balaraman}
title = {Lexical Chains as Document Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1016}
author = {Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Entity-driven Rewrite for Multi-document Summarization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1017}
author = {Wu, Xihong; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {A New Approach to Automatic Document Summarization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1018}
author = {Bhandari, Harendra; Shimbo, Masashi; Ito, Takahiko; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Generic Text Summarization Using Probabilistic Latent Semantic Indexing}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1019}
author = {Miyabe, Yasunari; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Identifying Cross-Document Relations between Sentences}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1020}
author = {Saggion, Horacio}
title = {Experiments on Semantic-based Clustering for Cross-document Coreference}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1021}
author = {Qiu, Long; Kan, Min-Yen; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Modeling Context in Scenario Template Creation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1022}
author = {Wu, Ke; Wang, Xiaolin; Lu, Bao-Liang}
title = {Cross Language Text Categorization Using a Bilingual Lexicon}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1023}
author = {Wang, Yong; Liu, Yiqun; Zhang, Min; Ma, Shaoping; Ru, Liyun}
title = {Identify Temporal Websites Based on User Behavior Analysis}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1024}
author = {Kadri, Youssef; Nie, Jian-Yun}
title = {A Comparative Study for Query Translation using Linear Combination and Confidence Measure}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1025}
author = {Shinzato, Keiji; Shibata, Tomohide; Kawahara, Daisuke; Hashimoto, Chikara; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {TSUBAKI: An Open Search Engine Infrastructure for Developing New Information Access Methodology}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1026}
author = {Ding, Fan; Wang, Bin}
title = {A Study on Effectiveness of Syntactic Relationship in Dependence Retrieval Model}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1027}
author = {Shichiri, Takashi; Nanjo, Hiroaki; Yoshimi, Takehiko}
title = {Automatic Estimation of Word Significance oriented for Speech-based Information Retrieval}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1028}
author = {Fukubayashi, Yuichiro; Komatani, Kazunori; Nakano, Mikio; Funakoshi, Kotaro; Tsujino, Hiroshi; Ogata, Tetsuya; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Rapid Prototyping of Robust Language Understanding Modules for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1029}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Automatic Prosodic Labeling with Conditional Random Fields and Rich Acoustic Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1030}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Chinese Unknown Word Translation by Subword Re-segmentation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1031}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Hypothesis Selection in Machine Transliteration: A Web Mining Approach}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1032}
author = {Abekawa, Takeshi; Kageura, Kyo}
title = {What Prompts Translators to Modify Draft Translations? An Analysis of Basic Modification Patterns for Use in the Automatic Notification of Awkwardly Translated Text}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1033}
author = {Bai, Ming-Hong; Chen, Keh-Jiann; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Improving Word Alignment by Adjusting Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1034}
author = {Sokolova, Marina; Nastase, Vivi; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {The Telling Tail: Signals of Success in Electronic Negotiation Texts}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1035}
author = {Das, Dipanjan; Kumar, Mohit; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Briefing Templates}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1036}
author = {Yakhnenko, Oksana; Rosario, Barbara}
title = {Mining the Web for Relations between Digital Devices using a Probabilistic Maximum Margin Model}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1037}
author = {Wang, Yu-Chun; Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {Learning Patterns from the Web to Translate Named Entities for Cross Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1038}
author = {Wang, Bo; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Bootstrapping Both Product Features and Opinion Words from Chinese Customer Reviews with Cross-Inducing}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1039}
author = {Ikeda, Daisuke; Takamura, Hiroya; Ratinov, Lev; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Learning to Shift the Polarity of Words for Sentiment Classification}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1040}
author = {Zagibalov, Taras; Carroll, John}
title = {Unsupervised Classification of Sentiment and Objectivity in Chinese Text}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1041}
author = {Aman, Saima; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Using Roget's Thesaurus for Fine-grained Emotion Recognition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1042}
author = {Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Heterogeneous Automatic MT Evaluation Through Non-Parametric Metric Combinations}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1043}
author = {Hwang, Young-Sook; Kim, Young-Kil; Park, Sangkyu}
title = {Paraphrasing Depending on Bilingual Context Toward Generalization of Translation Knowledge}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1044}
author = {Yu, Xiaofeng; Lam, Wai; Chan, Shing-Kit}
title = {A Framework Based on Graphical Models with Logic for Chinese Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1045}
author = {Saha, Sujan Kumar; Sarkar, Sudeshna; Mitra, Pabitra}
title = {A Hybrid Feature Set based Maximum Entropy Hindi Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1046}
author = {Stanley, Yong Wai Keong; Su, Jian}
title = {An Eeffective Methods of Using Web Based Information for Relation Extraction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1047}
author = {Komachi, Mamoru; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {Minimally Supervised Learning of Semantic Knowledge from Query Logs}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1048}
author = {Zhu, Jingbo; Wang, Huizhen; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Learning a Stopping Criterion for Active Learning for Word Sense Disambiguation and Text Classification}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1049}
author = {Kuo, Jin-Shea; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Multi-View Co-Training of Transliteration Model}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1050}
author = {Hirohata, Kenji; Okazaki, Naoaki; Ananiadou, Sophia; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Identifying Sections in Scientific Abstracts using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1051}
author = {Burchardt, Aljoscha; Padó, Sebastian; Spohr, Dennis; Frank, Anette; Heid, Ulrich}
title = {Formalising Multi-layer Corpora in OWL DL - Lexicon Modelling Querying and Consistency Control}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1052}
author = {Shirai, Kiyoaki; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Huang, Chu-Ren; Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Kuo, Tzu-Yi; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Charoenporn, Thatsanee}
title = {Constructing Taxonomy of Numerative Classifiers for Asian Languages}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1053}
author = {Garera, Nikesh; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Translating Compounds by Learning Component Gloss Translation Models via Multiple Languages}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1054}
author = {Paşca, Marius}
title = {Answering Definition Questions via Temporally-Anchored Text Snippets}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1055}
author = {Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Corpus-based Question Answering for why-Questions}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1056}
author = {Lita, Lucian Vlad; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Cluster-Based Query Expansion for Statistical Question Answering}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1057}
author = {Hung, Chen-Ming}
title = {A Semantic Feature for Relation Recognition Using a Web-based Corpus}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1058}
author = {Ehara, Yo; Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko}
title = {Multilingual Text Entry using Automatic Language Detection}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1059}
author = {Gamon, Michael; Gao, Jianfeng; Brockett, Chris; Klementiev, Alexandre; Dolan, William B.; Belenko, Dmitriy; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {Using Contextual Speller Techniques and Language Modeling for ESL Error Correction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1060}
author = {Tsunakawa, Takashi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Bilingual Synonym Identification with Spelling Variations}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1061}
author = {Garera, Nikesh; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Minimally Supervised Multilingual Taxonomy and Translation Lexicon Induction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1062}
author = {Ramírez, Jessica; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Japanese-Spanish Thesaurus Construction Using English as a Pivot}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1063}
author = {Saravanan, M.; Ravindran, Balaraman; Raman, S.}
title = {Automatic Identification of Rhetorical Roles using Conditional Random Fields for Legal Document Summarization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1064}
author = {Spreyer, Kathrin; Frank, Anette}
title = {Projection-based Acquisition of a Temporal Labeller}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1065}
author = {Abe, Shuya; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Acquiring Event Relation Knowledge by Learning Cooccurrence Patterns and Fertilizing Cooccurrence Samples with Verbal Nouns}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1066}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Aw, Aiti; Mi, Haitao; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Refinements in BTG-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1067}
author = {Ramanathan, Ananthakrishnan; Hegde, Jayprasad; Shah, Ritesh M.; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; M, Sasikumar}
title = {Simple Syntactic and Morphological Processing Can Help English-Hindi Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1068}
author = {U, Rohini; Ambati, Vamshi; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation Models for Personalized Search}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1069}
author = {Xia, Fei; Lewis, William H.}
title = {Repurposing Theoretical Linguistic Data for Tool Development and Search}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1070}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {Computing Paraphrasability of Syntactic Variants Using Web Snippets}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1071}
author = {Dakka, Wisam; Cucerzan, Silviu}
title = {Augmenting Wikipedia with Named Entity Tags}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1072}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Ogawa, Yasuhiro; Toyama, Katsuhiko}
title = {Context Feature Selection for Distributional Similarity}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1073}
author = {Iida, Ryu; McCarthy, Diana; Koeling, Rob}
title = {Gloss-Based Semantic Similarity Metrics for Predominant Sense Acquisition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-1074}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Benchmarking Noun Compound Interpretation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2075}
author = {Pappu, Aasish; Sanyal, Ratna}
title = {Vaakkriti: Sanskrit Tokenizer}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2076}
author = {Sharifloo, Amir Azim; Shamsfard, Mehrnoush}
title = {A Bottom Up approach to Persian Stemming}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2077}
author = {Ekbal, Asif; Haque, Rejwanul; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Named Entity Recognition in Bengali: A Conditional Random Field Approach}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2078}
author = {Chan, Shing-Kit; Lam, Wai; Yu, Xiaofeng}
title = {An Online Cascaded Approach to Biomedical Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2079}
author = {Zhou, Qiang}
title = {Automatic Rule Acquisition for Chinese Intra-chunk Relations}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2080}
author = {Sasano, Ryohei; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Japanese Named Entity Recognition Using Structural Natural Language Processing}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2081}
author = {Xia, Yingju; Yu, Hao; Zou, Gang}
title = {Dimensionality Reduction with Multilingual Resource}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2082}
author = {Yi, Xing; Gao, Jianfeng; Dolan, William B.}
title = {A Web-based English Proofing System for English as a Second Language Users}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2083}
author = {Huang, Hung-Chi; Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Lin, Ming-Shun}
title = {Analysis of Intention in Dialogues Using Category Trees and Its Application to Advertisement Recommendation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2084}
author = {Vu, Thuy; Aw, Aiti; Zhang, Min}
title = {Term Extraction Through Unithood and Termhood Unification}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2085}
author = {Lee, Yeha; Na, Seung-Hoon; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Search Result Clustering Using Label Language Model}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2086}
author = {Huang, HaiXiang; Fujita, Atsushi}
title = {Effects of Related Term Extraction in Transliteration into Chinese}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2087}
author = {Zhang, Dakun; Sun, Le; Li, Wenbo}
title = {A Structured Prediction Approach for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2088}
author = {Yasuda, Keiji; Zhang, Ruiqiang; Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Method of Selecting Training Data to Build a Compact and Efficient Translation Model}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2089}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Large and Diverse Language Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2090}
author = {Couto, Javier; Minel, Jean-Luc}
title = {A Linguistic and Navigational Knowledge Approach to Text Navigation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2091}
author = {Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Charoenporn, Thatsanee; Mokarat, Chumpol; Isahara, Hitoshi; Riza, Hammam; Jaimai, Purev}
title = {Synset Assignment for Bi-lingual Dictionary with Limited Resource}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2092}
author = {Noro, Tomoya; Tokuda, Takehiro}
title = {Ranking Words for Building a Japanese Defining Vocabulary}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2093}
author = {Lewis, William H.; Xia, Fei}
title = {Automatically Identifying Computationally Relevant Typological Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2094}
author = {Matsuyoshi, Suguru; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {Automatic Paraphrasing of Japanese Functional Expressions Using a Hierarchically Organized Dictionary}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2095}
author = {Paladhi, Sibabrata; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Generation of Referring Expression Using Prefix Tree Structure}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2096}
author = {Kakkonen, Tuomo; Sutinen, Erkki}
title = {Coverage-based Evaluation of Parser Generalizability}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2097}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka}
title = {Learning Reliability of Parses for Domain Adaptation of Dependency Parsing}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2098}
author = {Yang, Duen-Chi; Hsieh, Yu-Ming; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {Resolving Ambiguities of Chinese Conjunctive Structures by Divide-and-conquer Approaches}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2099}
author = {Begum, Rafiya; Husain, Samar; Dhwaj, Arun; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Bai, Lakshmi; Sangal, Rajeev}
title = {Dependency Annotation Scheme for Indian Languages}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2100}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Tsukawaki, Sachiyo; Kanamaru, Toshiyuki; Ma, Qing; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Non-Factoid Japanese Question Answering through Passage Retrieval that Is Weighted Based on Types of Answers}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2101}
author = {Honarpisheh, Mohamad Ali; Ghassem-Sani, Gholamreza; Mirroshandel, Ghassem}
title = {A Multi-Document Multi-Lingual Automatic Summarization System}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2102}
author = {Makino, Megumi; Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Summarization by Analogy: An Example-based Approach for News Articles}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2103}
author = {Donghong, Ji; Nie, Yu}
title = {Sentence Ordering based on Cluster Adjacency in Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2104}
author = {Akiba, Tomoyosi; Shimizu, Kei; Fujii, Atsushi}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation based Passage Retrieval for Cross-Lingual Question Answering}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2105}
author = {Nastase, Vivi}
title = {Unsupervised All-words Word Sense Disambiguation with Grammatical Dependencies}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2106}
author = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Syntactic and Semantic Frames in PrepNet}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2107}
author = {Sun, Lin; Korhonen, Anna; Krymolowski, Yuval}
title = {Automatic Classification of English Verbs Using Rich Syntactic Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2108}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Kim, Su Nam; Bond, Francis; Fujita, Sanae; Martinez, David; Tanaka, Takaaki}
title = {MRD-based Word Sense Disambiguation: Further Extending Lesk}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2109}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Zhang, Min; Aw, Aiti; Tan, Chew Lim; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {Fast Computing Grammar-driven Convolution Tree Kernel for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2110}
author = {Shibata, Tomohide; Odani, Michitaka; Harashima, Jun; Onishi, Takashi; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {SYNGRAPH: A Flexible Matching Method based on Synonymous Expression Extraction from an Ordinary Dictionary and a Web Corpus}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2111}
author = {BejÄek, Eduard; Strañák, Pavel; Schlesinger, Pavel}
title = {Annotation of Multiword Expressions in the Prague Dependency Treebank}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2112}
author = {McNamee, Paul; Snow, Rion; Schone, Patrick; Mayfield, James}
title = {Learning Named Entity Hyponyms for Question Answering}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2113}
author = {Bhanuprasad, Kamadev; Svenson, Mats}
title = {Errgrams -- A Way to Improving ASR for Highly Inflected Dravidian Languages}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2114}
author = {Maithani, Sunita; Rawat, J. S.}
title = {Noise as a Tool for Spoken Language Identification}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2115}
author = {Badaskar, Sameer; Agarwal, Sachin; Arora, Shilpa}
title = {Identifying Real or Fake Articles: Towards better Language Modeling}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2116}
author = {Fujino, Akinori; Isozaki, Hideki; Suzuki, Jun}
title = {Multi-label Text Categorization with Model Combination based on F1-score Maximization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2117}
author = {Sassano, Manabu}
title = {An Experimental Comparison of the Voted Perceptron and Support Vector Machines in Japanese Analysis Tasks}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2118}
author = {Chakaravarthy, Venkatesan T.; Joshi, Sachindra; Ramakrishnan, Ganesh; Godbole, Shantanu; Balakrishnan, Sreeram}
title = {Learning Decision Lists with Known Rules for Text Mining}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2119}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu}
title = {A Re-examination of Dependency Path Kernels for Relation Extraction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2120}
author = {Li, Bo; Liu, Juan}
title = {Mining Chinese-English Parallel Corpora from the Web}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2121}
author = {Tateishi, Kenji; Kusui, Dai}
title = {Fast Duplicated Documents Detection using Multi-level Prefix-filter}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2122}
author = {Kano, Yoshinobu; Nguyen, Ngan; Sætre, Rune; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Fukamachi, Keiichiro; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Ananiadou, Sophia; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Towards Data and Goal Oriented Analysis: Tool Inter-operability and Combinatorial Comparison}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2123}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Matsuo, Yutaka; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {A Co-occurrence Graph-based Approach for Personal Name Alias Extraction from Anchor Texts}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2124}
author = {Feng, Donghui; Burns, Gully; Zhu, Jingbo; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Towards Automated Semantic Analysis on Biomedical Research Articles}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2125}
author = {Lita, Lucian Vlad; Yu, Shipeng; Niculescu, Stefan; Bi, Jinbo}
title = {Large Scale Diagnostic Code Classification for Medical Patient Records}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2126}
author = {Sumida, Asuka; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Hacking Wikipedia for Hyponymy Relation Acquisition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2127}
author = {Okazaki, Naoaki; Ishizuka, Mitsuru; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Discriminative Approach to Japanese Abbreviation Extraction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2128}
author = {Shaikh, Mostafa Al Masum; Prendinger, Helmut; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Linguistic Interpretation of Emotions for Affect Sensing from Text}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2129}
author = {Akama, Hiroyuki; Miyake, Maki; Jung, Jaeyoung}
title = {How to Take Advantage of the Limitations with Markov Clustering?--The Foundations of Branching Markov Clustering (BMCL)}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2130}
author = {Xu, Hongzhi; Li, Chunping}
title = {Combining Context Features by Canonical Belief Network for Chinese Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2131}
author = {Hassan, Ahmed; Noeman, Sara; Hassan, Hany}
title = {Language Independent Text Correction using Finite State Automata}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2132}
author = {Chen, Yaodong; Wang, Ting; Chen, Huowang; Xu, Xishan}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling of Chinese Using Transductive SVM and Semantic Heuristics}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2133}
author = {Georgescul, Maria; Clark, Alexander; Armstrong, Susan}
title = {A Comparative Study of Mixture Models for Automatic Topic Segmentation of Multiparty Dialogues}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2134}
author = {Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Hung, Hsi-Chuan}
title = {Exploiting Unlabeled Text to Extract New Words of Different Semantic Transparency for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2135}
author = {Choudhury, Monojit; Mukherjee, Animesh; Ganguly, Niloy}
title = {Social Network Inspired Models of NLP and Language Evolution}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2136}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Nastase, Vivi}
title = {How to Add a New Language on the NLP Map: Building Resources and Tools for Languages with Scarce Resources}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2137}
author = {Saggion, Horacio}
title = {Introduction to Text Summarization and Other Information Access Technologies}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2138}
author = {Gill, Mandeep Singh; Singh Lehal, Gurpreet; Joshi, Shiv Sharma}
title = {A Punjabi Grammar Checker}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2139}
author = {Mírovský, Jiří}
title = {Netgraph – Making Searching in Treebanks Easy}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2140}
author = {Doan, Son; , QuocHung-Ngo; Kawazoe, Ai; Collier, Nigel}
title = {Global Health Monitor - A Web-based System for Detecting and Mapping Infectious Diseases}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2141}
author = {Singh, Anil Kumar}
title = {A Mechanism to Provide Language-Encoding Support and an NLP Friendly Editor}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2142}
author = {Weerasinghe, Ruvan; Wasala, Asanka; Herath, Dulip; Welgama, Viraj}
title = {NLP Applications of Sinhala: TTS & OCR}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2143}
author = {Gupta, Swati; Walker, Marilyn A.; Romano, Daniela M.}
title = {POLLy: A Conversational System that uses a Shared Representation to Generate Action and Social Language}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-2144}
author = {Consortium, CLIA}
title = {Cross Lingual Information Access System for Indian Languages}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {P09-1001}
author = {Yang, Qiang; Chen, Yuqiang; Xue, Gui-Rong; Dai, Wenyuan; Yu, Yong}
title = {Heterogeneous Transfer Learning for Image Clustering via the SocialWeb}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1002}
author = {Erk, Katrin; McCarthy, Diana; Gaylord, Nicholas}
title = {Investigations on Word Senses and Word Usages}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1003}
author = {Matsubayashi, Yuichiroh; Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Comparative Study on Generalization of Semantic Roles in FrameNet}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1004}
author = {Abend, Omri; Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Unsupervised Argument Identification for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1005}
author = {Boxwell, Stephen; Mehay, Dennis; Brew, Chris}
title = {Brutus: A Semantic Role Labeling System Incorporating CCG CFG and Dependency Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1006}
author = {Niu, Zhengyu; Wang, Haifeng; Wu, Hua}
title = {Exploiting Heterogeneous Treebanks for Parsing}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1007}
author = {Zhao, Hai; Song, Yan; Kitt, Chunyu; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Cross Language Dependency Parsing using a Bilingual Lexicon}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1008}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Topological Field Parsing of German}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1009}
author = {Snyder, Benjamin; Naseem, Tahira; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Unsupervised Multilingual Grammar Induction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1010}
author = {Branavan, S. R. K.; Chen, Harr; Zettlemoyer, Luke; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Reinforcement Learning for Mapping Instructions to Actions}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1011}
author = {Liang, Percy; Jordan, Michael I.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Semantic Correspondences with Less Supervision}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1012}
author = {Mochihashi, Daichi; Yamada, Takeshi; Ueda, Naonori}
title = {Bayesian Unsupervised Word Segmentation with Nested Pitman-Yor Language Modeling}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1013}
author = {Bhat, Suma; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Knowing the Unseen: Estimating Vocabulary Size over Unseen Samples}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1014}
author = {Dou, Qing; Bergsma, Shane; Jiampojamarn, Sittichai; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {A Ranking Approach to Stress Prediction for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1015}
author = {Dwyer, Kenneth; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Reducing the Annotation Effort for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1016}
author = {Pervouchine, Vladimir; Li, Haizhou; Lin, Bo}
title = {Transliteration Alignment}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1017}
author = {Jongejan, Bart; Dalianis, Hercules}
title = {Automatic training of lemmatization rules that handle morphological changes in pre- in- and suffixes alike}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1018}
author = {Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Revisiting Pivot Language Approach for Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1019}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Macherey, Wolfgang; Dyer, Chris; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Efficient Minimum Error Rate Training and Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Translation Hypergraphs and Lattices}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1020}
author = {Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou; Aw, Aiti; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Forest-based Tree Sequence to String Translation Model}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1021}
author = {Haffari, Gholamreza; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Active Learning for Multilingual Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1022}
author = {Owczarzak, Karolina}
title = {DEPEVAL(summ): Dependency-based Evaluation for Automatic Summaries}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1023}
author = {Ye, Shiren; Chua, Tat-Seng; Lu, Jie}
title = {Summarizing Definition from Wikipedia}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1024}
author = {Sauper, Christina; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Automatically Generating Wikipedia Articles: A Structure-Aware Approach}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1025}
author = {McIntyre, Neil; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Learning to Tell Tales: A Data-driven Approach to Story Generation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1026}
author = {Somasundaran, Swapna; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Recognizing Stances in Online Debates}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1027}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Co-Training for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1028}
author = {Li, Tao; Zhang, Yi; Sindhwani, Vikas}
title = {A Non-negative Matrix Tri-factorization Approach to Sentiment Classification with Lexical Prior Knowledge}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1029}
author = {Kim, Jungi; Li, Jinji; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Discovering the Discriminative Views: Measuring Term Weights for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1030}
author = {, Mausam; Soderland, Stephen; Etzioni, Oren; Weld, Daniel S.; Skinner, Michael; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Compiling a Massive Multilingual Dictionary via Probabilistic Inference}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1031}
author = {Yang, Hui; Callan, James, P.}
title = {A Metric-based Framework for Automatic Taxonomy Induction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1032}
author = {Beigman, Eyal; Beigman Klebanov, Beata}
title = {Learning with Annotation Noise}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1033}
author = {Merlo, Paola; van der Plas, Lonneke}
title = {Abstraction and Generalisation in Semantic Role Labels: PropBank VerbNet or both?}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1034}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Galley, Michel; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Robust Machine Translation Evaluation with Entailment Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1035}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Giménez, Jesús; Gonzalo, Julio; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {The Contribution of Linguistic Features to Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1036}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Aw, Aiti; Li, Haizhou}
title = {A Syntax-Driven Bracketing Model for Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1037}
author = {Setiawan, Hendra; Kan, Min-Yen; Li, Haizhou; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Topological Ordering of Function Words in Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1038}
author = {Zaslavskiy, Mikhail; Dymetman, Marc; Cancedda, Nicola}
title = {Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation as a Traveling Salesman Problem}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1039}
author = {Martins, Andre; Smith, Noah A.; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Concise Integer Linear Programming Formulations for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1040}
author = {Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Non-Projective Dependency Parsing in Expected Linear Time}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1041}
author = {Druck, Gregory; Mann, Gideon S.; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Semi-supervised Learning of Dependency Parsers using Generalized Expectation Criteria}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1042}
author = {Ganchev, Kuzman; Gillenwater, Jennifer; Taskar, Ben}
title = {Dependency Grammar Induction via Bitext Projection Constraints}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1043}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Wang, Rui}
title = {Cross-Domain Dependency Parsing Using a Deep Linguistic Grammar}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1044}
author = {Yang, Fan; Jun, Zhao; Liu, Kang}
title = {A Chinese-English Organization Name Translation System Using Heuristic Web Mining and Asymmetric Alignment}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1045}
author = {McIntosh, Tara; Curran, James R.}
title = {Reducing Semantic Drift with Bagging and Distributional Similarity}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1046}
author = {Yoshikawa, Katsumasa; Riedel, Sebastian; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Jointly Identifying Temporal Relations with Markov Logic}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1047}
author = {Huang, Jian; Taylor, Sarah M.; Smith, Jonathan L.; Fotiadis, Konstantinos A.; Giles, C. Lee}
title = {Profile Based Cross-Document Coreference Using Kernelized Fuzzy Relational Clustering}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1048}
author = {Parton, Kristen; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Coyne, Bob; Diab, Mona; Grishman, Ralph; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Harper, Mary P.; Ji, Heng; Ma, Wei-Yun; Meyers, Adam; Stolbach, Sara; Sun, Ang; Tur, Gokhan; Xu, Wei; Yaman, Sibel}
title = {Who What When Where Why? Comparing Multiple Approaches to the Cross-Lingual 5W Task}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1049}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Bilingual Co-Training for Monolingual Hyponymy-Relation Acquisition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1050}
author = {Wang, Richard C.; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Automatic Set Instance Extraction using the Web}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1051}
author = {Shnarch, Eyal; Barak, Libby; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Extracting Lexical Reference Rules from Wikipedia}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1052}
author = {Zhang, Huibin; Zhu, Mingjie; Shi, Shuming; Wen, Ji-Rong}
title = {Employing Topic Models for Pattern-based Semantic Class Discovery}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1053}
author = {Das, Dipanjan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Paraphrase Identification as Probabilistic Quasi-Synchronous Recognition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1054}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Stochastic Gradient Descent Training for L1-regularized Log-linear Models with Cumulative Penalty}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1055}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Cherry, Colin}
title = {A global model for joint lemmatization and part-of-speech prediction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1056}
author = {Huang, Fei; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Distributional Representations for Handling Sparsity in Supervised Sequence-Labeling}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1057}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Minimized Models for Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1058}
author = {Kruengkrai, Canasai; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Wang, Yiou; Torisawa, Kentaro; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {An Error-Driven Word-Character Hybrid Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1059}
author = {Jiang, Wenbin; Huang, Liang; Liu, Qun}
title = {Automatic Adaptation of Annotation Standards: Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging – A Case Study}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1060}
author = {Ohno, Tomohiro; Murata, Masaki; Matsubara, Shigeki}
title = {Linefeed Insertion into Japanese Spoken Monologue for Captioning}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1061}
author = {Jeon, Je Hun; Liu, Yang}
title = {Semi-supervised Learning for Automatic Prosodic Event Detection Using Co-training Algorithm}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1062}
author = {Zhu, Xiaodan; Penn, Gerald; Rudzicz, Frank}
title = {Summarizing multiple spoken documents: finding evidence from untranscribed audio}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1063}
author = {Liu, Yang; Lü, Yajuan; Liu, Qun}
title = {Improving Tree-to-Tree Translation with Packed Forests}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1064}
author = {DeNero, John; Chiang, David; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Fast Consensus Decoding over Translation Forests}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1065}
author = {Liu, Yang; Mi, Haitao; Feng, Yang; Liu, Qun}
title = {Joint Decoding with Multiple Translation Models}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1066}
author = {Li, Mu; Duan, Nan; Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Chi-Ho; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Collaborative Decoding: Partial Hypothesis Re-ranking Using Translation Consensus between Decoders}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1067}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Eisner, Jason M.; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Variational Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1068}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Unsupervised Learning of Narrative Schemas and their Participants}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1069}
author = {Ge, Ruifang; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Learning a Compositional Semantic Parser using an Existing Syntactic Parser}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1070}
author = {Reisinger, Joseph; Paşca, Marius}
title = {Latent Variable Models of Concept-Attribute Attachment}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1071}
author = {Yang, Guowen; Bateman, John A.}
title = {The Chinese Aspect Generation Based on Aspect Selection Functions}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1072}
author = {Chang, Kai-min K.; Cherkassky, Vladimir L.; Mitchell, Tom M.; Just, Marcel Adam}
title = {Quantitative modeling of the neural representation of adjective-noun phrases to account for fMRI activation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1073}
author = {Iida, Ryu; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Capturing Salience with a Trainable Cache Model for Zero-anaphora Resolution}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1074}
author = {Stoyanov, Veselin; Gilbert, Nathan; Cardie, Claire; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Conundrums in Noun Phrase Coreference Resolution: Making Sense of the State-of-the-Art}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1075}
author = {duVerle, David; Prendinger, Helmut}
title = {A Novel Discourse Parser Based on Support Vector Machine Classification}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1076}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Genre distinctions for discourse in the Penn TreeBank}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1077}
author = {Pitler, Emily; Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Automatic sense prediction for implicit discourse relations in text}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1078}
author = {Li, Shoushan; Xia, Rui; Zong, Chengqing; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {A Framework of Feature Selection Methods for Text Categorization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1079}
author = {Dasgupta, Sajib; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Mine the Easy Classify the Hard: A Semi-Supervised Approach to Automatic Sentiment Classification}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1080}
author = {Garera, Nikesh; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Modeling Latent Biographic Attributes in Conversational Genres}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1081}
author = {Celikyilmaz, Asli; Thint, Marcus; Huang, Zhiheng}
title = {A Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning for Question-Answering}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1082}
author = {Bernhard, Delphine; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Combining Lexical Semantic Resources with Question & Answer Archives for Translation-Based Answer Finding}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1083}
author = {Li, Fangtao; Tang, Yang; Huang, Minlie; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Answering Opinion Questions with Random Walks on Graphs}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1084}
author = {Fitzgerald, Erin; Jelinek, Frederick; Frank, Robert}
title = {What lies beneath: Semantic and syntactic analysis of manually reconstructed spontaneous speech}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1085}
author = {Pan, Yi-Cheng; Lee, Lin-shan; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Discriminative Lexicon Adaptation for Improved Character Accuracy - A New Direction in Chinese Language Modeling}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1086}
author = {Munteanu, Cosmin; Penn, Gerald; Zhu, Xiaodan}
title = {Improving Automatic Speech Recognition for Lectures through Transformation-based Rules Learned from Minimal Data}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1087}
author = {Galley, Michel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Quadratic-Time Dependency Parsing for Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1088}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor; Dyer, Chris; Osborne, Miles}
title = {A Gibbs Sampler for Phrasal Synchronous Grammar Induction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1089}
author = {Mirkin, Shachar; Specia, Lucia; Cancedda, Nicola; Dagan, Ido; Dymetman, Marc; Szpektor, Idan}
title = {Source-Language Entailment Modeling for Translating Unknown Terms}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1090}
author = {Ramanathan, Ananthakrishnan; Choudhary, Hansraj; Ghosh, Avishek; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Case markers and Morphology: Addressing the crux of the fluency problem in English-Hindi SMT}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1091}
author = {He, Wei; Wang, Haifeng; Guo, Yuqing; Liu, Ting}
title = {Dependency Based Chinese Sentence Realization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1092}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; Riester, Arndt}
title = {Incorporating Information Status into Generation Ranking}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1093}
author = {Hirao, Tsutomu; Suzuki, Jun; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {A Syntax-Free Approach to Japanese Sentence Compression}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1094}
author = {Zhao, Shiqi; Lan, Xiang; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {Application-driven Statistical Paraphrase Generation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1095}
author = {Persing, Isaac; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Semi-Supervised Cause Identification from Aviation Safety Reports}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1096}
author = {Kothari, Govind; Negi, Sumit; Faruquie, Tanveer A.; Chakaravarthy, Venkatesan T.; Subramaniam, L. Venkata}
title = {SMS based Interface for FAQ Retrieval}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1097}
author = {Manshadi, Mehdi; Li, Xiao}
title = {Semantic Tagging of Web Search Queries}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1098}
author = {Jiang, Long; Yang, Shiquan; Zhou, Ming; Liu, Xiaohua; Zhu, Qingsheng}
title = {Mining Bilingual Data from the Web with Adaptively Learnt Patterns}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1099}
author = {Foster, Mary Ellen; Giuliani, Manuel; Knoll, Alois}
title = {Comparing Objective and Subjective Measures of Usability in a Human-Robot Dialogue System}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1100}
author = {Ai, Hua; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Setting Up User Action Probabilities in User Simulations for Dialog System Development}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1101}
author = {Midgley, T. Daniel}
title = {Dialogue Segmentation with Large Numbers of Volunteer Internet Annotators}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1102}
author = {Sun, Xu; Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Robust Approach to Abbreviating Terms: A Discriminative Latent Variable Model with Global Information}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1103}
author = {Sun, Jun; Zhang, Min; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {A non-contiguous Tree Sequence Alignment-based Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1104}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Blitzer, John; DeNero, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {Better Word Alignments with Supervised ITG Models}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1105}
author = {Huang, Fei}
title = {Confidence Measure for Word Alignment}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1106}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou; Aw, Aiti}
title = {A Comparative Study of Hypothesis Alignment and its Improvement for Machine Translation System Combination}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1107}
author = {Li, Chi-Ho; He, Xiaodong; Liu, Yupeng; Xi, Ning}
title = {Incremental HMM Alignment for MT System Combination}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1108}
author = {Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {K-Best A* Parsing}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1109}
author = {Hara, Kazuo; Shimbo, Masashi; Okuma, Hideharu; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Coordinate Structure Analysis with Global Structural Constraints and Alignment-Based Local Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1110}
author = {Zettlemoyer, Luke; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Learning Context-Dependent Mappings from Sentences to Logical Form}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1111}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {An Optimal-Time Binarization Algorithm for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems with Fan-Out Two}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1112}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {A Polynomial-Time Parsing Algorithm for TT-MCTAG}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1113}
author = {Mintz, Mike; Bills, Steven; Snow, Rion; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Distant supervision for relation extraction without labeled data}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1114}
author = {Jiang, Jing}
title = {Multi-Task Transfer Learning for Weakly-Supervised Relation Extraction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1115}
author = {Yan, Yulan; Okazaki, Naoaki; Matsuo, Yutaka; Yang, Zhenglu; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Unsupervised Relation Extraction by Mining Wikipedia Texts Using Information from the Web}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1116}
author = {Lin, Dekang; Wu, Xiaoyun}
title = {Phrase Clustering for Discriminative Learning}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1117}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Semi-Supervised Active Learning for Sequence Labeling}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1118}
author = {Song, Young-In; Lee, Jung-Tae; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Word or Phrase? Learning Which Unit to Stress for Information Retrieval}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1119}
author = {Weerkamp, Wouter; Balog, Krisztian; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {A Generative Blog Post Retrieval Model that Uses Query Expansion based on External Collections}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1120}
author = {Ceylan, Hakan; Kim, Yookyung}
title = {Language Identification of Search Engine Queries}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-1121}
author = {Gao, Wei; Blitzer, John; Zhou, Ming; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {Exploiting Bilingual Information to Improve Web Search}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2001}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Variational Inference for Grammar Induction with Prior Knowledge}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2002}
author = {Okuma, Hideharu; Hara, Kazuo; Shimbo, Masashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Bypassed alignment graph for learning coordination in Japanese sentences}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2003}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Maier, Wolfgang; Parmentier, Yannick}
title = {An Earley Parsing Algorithm for Range Concatenation Grammars}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2004}
author = {Pitler, Emily; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Using Syntax to Disambiguate Explicit Discourse Connectives in Text}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2005}
author = {Jung, Sangkeun; Lee, Cheongjae; Kim, Kyungduk; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Hybrid Approach to User Intention Modeling for Dialog Simulation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2006}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee}
title = {Homophones and Tonal Patterns in English-Chinese Transliteration}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2007}
author = {Liu, Chao-Lin; Tien, Kan-Wen; Lai, Min-Hua; Chuang, Yi-Hsuan; Wu, Shih-Hung}
title = {Capturing Errors in Written Chinese Words}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2008}
author = {Cho, Han-Cheol; Lee, Do-Gil; Lee, Jung-Tae; Stenetorp, Pontus; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {A Novel Word Segmentation Approach for Written Languages with Word Boundary Markers}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2009}
author = {Saharia, Navanath; Das, Dhrubajyoti; Sharma, Utpal; Kalita, Jugal K.}
title = {Part of Speech Tagger for Assamese Text}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2010}
author = {Øvrelid, Lilja; Kuhn, Jonas; Spreyer, Kathrin}
title = {Improving data-driven dependency parsing using large-scale LFG grammars}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2011}
author = {Kato, Yoshihide; Matsubara, Shigeki}
title = {Incremental Parsing with Monotonic Adjoining Operation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2012}
author = {Post, Matt; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Bayesian Learning of a Tree Substitution Grammar}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2013}
author = {Sassano, Manabu; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {A Unified Single Scan Algorithm for Japanese Base Phrase Chunking and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2014}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.}
title = {Comparing the Accuracy of CCG and Penn Treebank Parsers}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2015}
author = {Roth, Dan; Sammons, Mark; Vydiswaran, V. G. Vinod}
title = {A Framework for Entailed Relation Recognition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2016}
author = {Imamura, Makoto; Takayama, Yasuhiro; Kaji, Nobuhiro; Toyoda, Masashi; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {A Combination of Active Learning and Semi-supervised Learning Starting with Positive and Unlabeled Examples for Word Sense Disambiguation: An Empirical Study on Japanese Web Search Query}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2017}
author = {Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Detecting Compositionality in Multi-Word Expressions.}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2018}
author = {Kotlerman, Lili; Dagan, Ido; Szpektor, Idan; Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Maayan}
title = {Directional Distributional Similarity for Lexical Expansion}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2019}
author = {Zapirain, Beñat; Agirre, Eneko; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Generalizing over Lexical Features: Selectional Preferences for Semantic Role Classification}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2020}
author = {Tofiloski, Milan; Brooke, Julian; Taboada, Maite}
title = {A Syntactic and Lexical-Based Discourse Segmenter}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2021}
author = {Lee, Sungjin; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Realistic Grammar Error Simulation using Markov Logic}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2022}
author = {Imamura, Kenji; Saito, Kuniko; Izumi, Tomoko}
title = {Discriminative Approach to Predicate-Argument Structure Analysis with Zero-Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2023}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Predicting Barge-in Utterance Errors by using Implicitly-Supervised ASR Accuracy and Barge-in Rate per User}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2024}
author = {Li, Shuguang; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Automatic Generation of Information-seeking Questions Using Concept Clusters}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2025}
author = {Cahill, Aoife}
title = {Correlating Human and Automatic Evaluation of a German Surface Realiser}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2026}
author = {Chaudhuri, Sourish; Gupta, Naman K.; Smith, Noah A.; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Leveraging Structural Relations for Fluent Compressions at Multiple Compression Rates}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2027}
author = {Katragadda, Rahul; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Query-Focused Summaries or Query-Biased Summaries?}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2028}
author = {Goodman, Michael Wayne; Bond, Francis}
title = {Using Generation for Grammar Analysis and Error Detection}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2029}
author = {Ouyang, You; Li, Wenjie; Lu, Qin}
title = {An Integrated Multi-document Summarization Approach based on Word Hierarchical Representation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2030}
author = {Wei, Furu; Li, Wenjie; He, Yanxiang}
title = {Co-Feedback Ranking for Query-Focused Summarization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2031}
author = {He, Zhongjun; Meng, Yao; Lü, Yajuan; Yu, Hao; Liu, Qun}
title = {Reducing SMT Rule Table with Monolingual Key Phrase}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2032}
author = {Jiang, Hongfei; Yang, Muyun; Zhao, Tiejun; Li, Sheng; Wang, Bo}
title = {A Statistical Machine Translation Model Based on a Synthetic Synchronous Grammar}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2033}
author = {Zhang, Yuejie; Wang, Yang; Xue, Xiangyang}
title = {English-Chinese Bi-Directional OOV Translation based on Web Mining and Supervised Learning}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2034}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {The Backtranslation Score: Automatic MT Evalution at the Sentence Level without Reference Translations}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2035}
author = {Xiong, Hao; Xu, Wenwen; Mi, Haitao; Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun}
title = {Sub-Sentence Division for Tree-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2036}
author = {DeNero, John; Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Asynchronous Binarization for Synchronous Grammars}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2037}
author = {Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Popel, Martin}
title = {Hidden Markov Tree Model in Dependency-based Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2038}
author = {Das, Dipankar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Word to Sentence Level Emotion Tagging for Bengali Blogs}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2039}
author = {Yang, Seon; Ko, Youngjoong}
title = {Extracting Comparative Sentences from Korean Text Documents Using Comparative Lexical Patterns and Machine Learning Techniques}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2040}
author = {Balahur, Alexandra; Boldrini, Ester; Montoyo, Andrés; Martínez-Barco, Patricio}
title = {Opinion and Generic Question Answering Systems: a Performance Analysis}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2041}
author = {Burfoot, Clint; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Automatic Satire Detection: Are You Having a Laugh?}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2042}
author = {Qiu, Xipeng; Gao, Wenjun; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Hierarchical Multi-Label Text Categorization with Global Margin Maximization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2043}
author = {Min, Hye-Jin; Park, Jong C.}
title = {Toward finer-grained sentiment identification in product reviews through linguistic and ontological analyses}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2044}
author = {Ganter, Viola; Strube, Michael}
title = {Finding Hedges by Chasing Weasels: Hedge Detection Using Wikipedia Tags and Shallow Linguistic Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2045}
author = {Meng, Xinfan; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Mining User Reviews: from Specification to Summarization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2046}
author = {Q. Nguyen, Chau; T. Phan, Tuoi}
title = {An Ontology-Based Approach for Key Phrase Extraction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2047}
author = {Zhang, Chao; Sun, Nan; Hu, Xia; Huang, Tingzhu; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Query Segmentation Based on Eigenspace Similarity}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2048}
author = {Komachi, Mamoru; Makimoto, Shimpei; Uchiumi, Kei; Sassano, Manabu}
title = {Learning Semantic Categories from Clickthrough Logs}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2049}
author = {Christensen, Janara; , Mausam; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {A Rose is a Roos is a Ruusu: Querying Translations for Web Image Search}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2050}
author = {Wang, Xiaoyin; Lo, David; Jiang, Jing; Zhang, Lu; Mei, Hong}
title = {Extracting Paraphrases of Technical Terms from Noisy Parallel Software Corpora}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2051}
author = {Yu, Liang-Chih; Chan, Chien-Lung; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Lin, Chao-Cheng}
title = {Mining Association Language Patterns for Negative Life Event Classification}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2052}
author = {Nanba, Hidetsugu; Taguma, Haruka; Ozaki, Takahiro; Kobayashi, Daisuke; Ishino, Aya; Takezawa, Toshiyuki}
title = {Automatic Compilation of Travel Information from Automatically Identified Travel Blogs}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2053}
author = {Hladká, Barbora; Mírovský, Jiří; Schlesinger, Pavel}
title = {Play the Language: Play Coreference}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2054}
author = {Yang, Yuhang; Zhao, Tiejun; Lu, Qin; Zheng, Dequan; Yu, Hao}
title = {Chinese Term Extraction Using Different Types of Relevance}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2055}
author = {Varga, István; Yokoyama, Shoichi}
title = {iChi: a bilingual dictionary generating tool}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2056}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Roth, Ryan}
title = {CATiB: The Columbia Arabic Treebank}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2057}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {A Beam-Search Extraction Algorithm for Comparable Data}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2058}
author = {Deng, Yonggang; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {Optimizing Word Alignment Combination For Phrase Table Training}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2059}
author = {Hong, Gumwon; Lee, Seung-Wook; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Bridging Morpho-Syntactic Gap between Source and Target Sentences for English-Korean Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2060}
author = {Yang, Mei; Zheng, Jing}
title = {Toward Smaller Faster and Better Hierarchical Phrase-based SMT}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2061}
author = {Ni, Yizhao; Saunders, Craig; Szedmak, Sandor; Niranjan, Mahesan}
title = {Handling phrase reorderings for machine translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2062}
author = {Biemann, Christian; Choudhury, Monojit; Mukherjee, Animesh}
title = {Syntax is from Mars while Semantics from Venus! Insights from Spectral Analysis of Distributional Similarity Networks}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2063}
author = {Chevelu, Jonathan; Lavergne, Thomas; Lepage, Yves; Moudenc, Thierry}
title = {Introduction of a new paraphrase generation tool based on Monte-Carlo sampling}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2064}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Sui, Zhifang; Wang, Meng}
title = {Prediction of Thematic Rank for Structured Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2065}
author = {Dhillon, Paramveer S.; Ungar, Lyle H.}
title = {Transfer Learning Feature Selection and Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2066}
author = {Liu, Fei; Liu, Yang}
title = {From Extractive to Abstractive Meeting Summaries: Can It Be Done by Sentence Compression?}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2067}
author = {Lo, Wai-Kit; Xiong, Wenying; Meng, Helen M.}
title = {Automatic Story Segmentation using a Bayesian Decision Framework for Statistical Models of Lexical Chain Features}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2068}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Investigating Pitch Accent Recognition in Non-native Speech}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2069}
author = {Sak, Haşim; Güngör, Tunga; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {A Stochastic Finite-State Morphological Parser for Turkish}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2070}
author = {Miller, Tim; Nguyen, Luan; Schuler, William}
title = {Parsing Speech Repair without Specialized Grammar Symbols}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2071}
author = {Jeong, Minwoo; Lin, Chin-Yew; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Efficient Inference of CRFs for Large-Scale Natural Language Data}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2072}
author = {Huang, Fang-Lan; Hsieh, Cho-Jui; Chang, Kai-Wei; Lin, Chih-Jen}
title = {Iterative Scaling and Coordinate Descent Methods for Maximum Entropy}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2073}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar}
title = {Automatic Cost Estimation for Tree Edit Distance Using Particle Swarm Optimization}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2074}
author = {Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Markov Random Topic Fields}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2075}
author = {Wang, Dingding; Zhu, Shenghuo; Li, Tao; Gong, Yihong}
title = {Multi-Document Summarization using Sentence-based Topic Models}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2076}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Striegnitz, Kristina; Byron, Donna K.; Cassell, Justine; Dale, Robert; Dalzel-Job, Sara; Moore, Johanna D.; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Validating the web-based evaluation of NLG systems}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2077}
author = {Banik, Eva}
title = {Extending a Surface Realizer to Generate Coherent Discourse}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2078}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {The Lie Detector: Explorations in the Automatic Recognition of Deceptive Language}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2079}
author = {Joshi, Mahesh; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Generalizing Dependency Features for Opinion Mining}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2080}
author = {Wu, Qiong; Tan, Songbo; Cheng, Xueqi}
title = {Graph Ranking for Sentiment Transfer}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2081}
author = {Sohn, Dae-Neung; Lee, Jung-Tae; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {The Contribution of Stylistic Information to Content-based Mobile Spam Filtering}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2082}
author = {Mikhailian, Alexander; Dalmas, Tiphaine; Pinchuk, Rani}
title = {Learning foci for Question Answering over Topic Maps}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2083}
author = {Chali, Yllias; Hasan, Sadid; Joty, Shafiq R.}
title = {Do Automatic Annotation Techniques Have Any Impact on Supervised Complex Question Answering?}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2084}
author = {Ma, Wei-Yun; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Where’s the Verb? Correcting Machine Translation During Question Answering}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2085}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor; Goldwater, Sharon; Johnson, Mark}
title = {A Note on the Implementation of Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2086}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {A Succinct N-gram Language Model}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2087}
author = {Yuret, Deniz; Bicici, Ergun}
title = {Modeling Morphologically Rich Languages Using Split Words and Unstructured Dependencies}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2088}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Improved Smoothing for N-gram Language Models Based on Ordinary Counts}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2089}
author = {Mota, Cristina; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Updating a Name Tagger Using Contemporary Unlabeled Data}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2090}
author = {Sayeed, Asad B.; Elsayed, Tamer; Garera, Nikesh; Alexander, David; Xu, Tan; Oard, Douglas W.; Yarowsky, David; Piatko, Christine}
title = {Arabic Cross-Document Coreference Resolution}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2091}
author = {Artiles, Javier; Gonzalo, Julio; Amigó, Enrique}
title = {The Impact of Query Refinement in the Web People Search Task}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2092}
author = {Reichartz, Frank; Korte, Hannes; Paass, Gerhard}
title = {Composite Kernels For Relation Extraction}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-2093}
author = {Gupta, Prashant; Ji, Heng}
title = {Predicting Unknown Time Arguments based on Cross-Event Propagation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4001}
author = {Akamine, Susumu; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kato, Yoshikiyo; Nakagawa, Tetsuji; Inui, Kentaro; Kurohashi, Sadao; Kidawara, Yutaka}
title = {WISDOM: A Web Information Credibility Analysis Systematic}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4002}
author = {Branco, António H.; Costa, Francisco; Ferreira, Eduardo; Martins, Pedro; Nunes, Filipe; Silva, João; Silveira, Sara}
title = {LX-Center: a center of online linguistic services}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4003}
author = {Elson, David K.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {A Tool for Deep Semantic Encoding of Narrative Texts}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4004}
author = {Gavrila, Monica; Vertan, Cristina}
title = {ProLiV - a Tool for Teaching by Viewing Computational Linguistics}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4005}
author = {Koehn, Philipp}
title = {A Web-Based Interactive Computer Aided Translation Tool}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4006}
author = {Lee, Lianhau; Aw, Aiti; Vu, Thuy; Mahani, Sharifah Aljunied; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {MARS: Multilingual Access and Retrieval System with Enhanced Query Translation and Document Retrieval}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4007}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Callison-Burch, Chris; Dyer, Chris; Ganitkevitch, Juri; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Schwartz, Lane; Thornton, Wren N. G.; Weese, Jonathan; Zaidan, Omar F.}
title = {Demonstration of Joshua: An Open Source Toolkit for Parsing-based Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4008}
author = {Kumaran, A.; K., Saravanan; Datha, Naren; Ashok, B.; Dendi, Vikram}
title = {WikiBABEL: A Wiki-style Platform for Creation of Parallel Data}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4009}
author = {Pajas, Petr; Štepánek, Jan}
title = {System for Querying Syntactically Annotated Corpora}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4010}
author = {Roth, Michael; Frank, Anette}
title = {A NLG-based Application for Walking Directions}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-4011}
author = {Varges, Sebastian; Quarteroni, Silvia; Riccardi, Giuseppe; Ivanov, Alexei V.; Roberti, Pierluigi}
title = {Combining POMDPs trained with User Simulations and Rule-based Dialogue Management in a Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5001}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Lu, Qin}
title = {Fundamentals of Chinese Language Processing}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5002}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Topics in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5003}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling: Past Present and Future}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5004}
author = {Alishahi, Afra}
title = {Computational Modeling of Human Language Acquisition}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5005}
author = {Li, Hang}
title = {Learning to Rank}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-5006}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {State-of-the-art NLP Approaches to Coreference Resolution: Theory and Practical Recipes}
venue = {IJCNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {C00-1001}
author = {Aduriz, Itziar; Agirre, Eneko; Aldezabal, Izaskun; Alegria, Iñaki; Arregi, Xabier; Arriola, Jose Maria; Artola, Xabier; Gojenola, Koldo; Maritxalar, Montse; Sarasola, Kepa; Urkia, Miriam}
title = {A Word-Grammar Based Morphological Analyzer For Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1002}
author = {Allegrini, Paolo; Montemagni, Simonetta; Pirrelli, Vito}
title = {Learning Word Clusters From Data Types}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1003}
author = {Androutsopoulos, Ion; Dale, Robert}
title = {Selectional Restrictions In HPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1004}
author = {Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Extended Models And Tools For High-Performance Part-Of-Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1005}
author = {Avgustinova, Tania; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {An Ontology Of Systematic Relations For A Shared Grammar Of Slavic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1006}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {The Effects Of Word Order And Segmentation On Translation Retrieval Performance}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1007}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Exploiting A Probabilistic Hierarchical Model For Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1008}
author = {Barg, Petra; Kilbury, James}
title = {Incremental Identification Of Inflectional Types}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1009}
author = {Benedí, José-Miguel; Sanchez Peiro, Joan Andreu}
title = {Combination Of N-Grams And Stochastic Context-Free Grammars For Language Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1010}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {An Empirical Evaluation Of LFG-DOP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1011}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {Parsing With The Shortest Derivation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1012}
author = {Boguraev, Branimir K.; Neff, Mary S.}
title = {The Effects Of Analysing Cohesion On Document Summarisation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1013}
author = {Boguslavsky, Igor; Frid, Nadezhda; Iomdin, Leonid; Kreidlin, Leonid; Sagalova, Irina; Sizov, Victor}
title = {Creating A Universal Networking Language Module Within An Advanced NLP System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1014}
author = {Bond, Francis; Paik, Kyonghee}
title = {Reusing An Ontology To Generate Numeral Classifiers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1015}
author = {Borin, Lars}
title = {You'll Take The High Road And I'll Take The Low Road: Using A Third Language To Improve Bilingual Word Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1016}
author = {Branco, António H.}
title = {Binding Constraints As Instructions Of Binding Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1017}
author = {Brants, Thorsten; Crocker, Matthew W.}
title = {Probabilistic Parsing And Psychological Plausibility}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1018}
author = {Broker, Norbert}
title = {The Use Of Instrumentation In Grammar Engineering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1019}
author = {Brown, Ralf D.}
title = {Automated Generalization Of Translation Examples}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1020}
author = {Brun, Caroline}
title = {A Client/Server Architecture For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1021}
author = {Buranovaá, Eva; Hajicová, Eva; Sgall, Petr}
title = {Tagging Of Very Large Corpora: Topic-Focus Articulation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1022}
author = {Cerbah, Farid}
title = {Exogeneous And Endogeneous Approaches To Semantic Categorization Of Unknown Technical Terms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1023}
author = {Chao, Gerald; Dyer, Michael G.}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Of Adjectives Using Probabilistic Networks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1024}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Lin, Chuan-Jie}
title = {A Muitilingual News Summarizer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1025}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Tsai, Shih-Chung; Tsai, Jin-He}
title = {Mining Tables From Large Scale HTML Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1026}
author = {Chen, Keh-Jiann; Chen, Chao-Jan}
title = {Automatic Semantic Classification For Chinese Unknown Compound Nouns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1027}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Empirical Estimates Of Adaptation: The Chance Of Two Noriegas Is Closer To P/2 Than P2}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1028}
author = {Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Explaining Away Ambiguity: Learning Verb Selectional Preference With Bayesian Networks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1029}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Weir, David}
title = {A Class-Based Probabilistic Approach To Structural Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1030}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Nobata, Chikashi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Extracting The Names Of Genes And Gene Products With A Hidden Markov Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1031}
author = {Cristea, Dan; Ide, Nancy M.; Marcu, Daniel; Tablan, Valentin}
title = {An Empirical Investigation Of The Relation Between Discourse Structure And Co-Reference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1032}
author = {Daille, Béatrice}
title = {Morphological Rule Induction For Terminology Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1033}
author = {van Deemter, Kees; Power, Richard}
title = {Authoring Multimedia Documents Using WYSIWYM Editing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1034}
author = {Dejean, Herve}
title = {Theory Refinement And Natural Language Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1035}
author = {De Pauw, Guy}
title = {Aspects Of Pattern-Matching In Data-Oriented Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1036}
author = {Dymetman, Marc; Lux, Veronika; Ranta, Aarne}
title = {XML And Multilingual Document Authoring: Convergent Trends}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1037}
author = {Ebert, Christian; Kracht II, Marcus}
title = {Formal Syntax And Semantics Of Case Stacking Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1038}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Directional Constraint Evaluation In Optimality Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1039}
author = {Fabre, Cecile; Jacquemin, Christian}
title = {Boosting Variant Recognition With Light Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1040}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Romacker, Martin}
title = {An Integrated Model Of Semantic And Conceptual Interpretation From Dependency Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1041}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Ceplova, Marketa}
title = {Deletions And Their Reconstruction In Tectogrammatical Syntactic Tagging Of Very Large Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1042}
author = {Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Oflazer, Kemal; Tur, Gokhan}
title = {Statistical Morphological Disambiguation For Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1043}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Paşca, Marius; Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {Experiments With Open-Domain Textual Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1044}
author = {Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Effects Of Adjective Orientation And Gradability On Sentence Subjectivity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1045}
author = {Henschel, Renate; Cheng, Hua; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Pronominalization Revisited}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1046}
author = {Hirakawa, Hideki; Ono, Kenji; Yoshimura, Yumiko}
title = {Automatic Refinement Of A POS Tagger Using A Reliable Parser And Plain Text Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1047}
author = {Hisamitsu, Toru; Niwa, Yoshiki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Method Of Measuring Term Representativeness - Baseline Method Using Co-Occurrence Distribution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1048}
author = {Hoste, Véronique; Gillis, Steven; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {A Rule Induction Approach To Modeling Regional Pronunciation Variation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1049}
author = {Hurst, Matthew; Nasukawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Layout And Language: Integrating Spatial And Linguistic Knowledge For Layout Understanding Tasks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1050}
author = {Ichimura, Yumi; Saito, Yoshimi; Kimura, Kazuhiro; Hirakawa, Hideki}
title = {Kana-Kanji Conversion System With Input Support Based On Prediction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1051}
author = {Inui, Takashi; Inui, Kentaro}
title = {Committee-Based Decision Making In Probabiiistic Partial Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1052}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Roark, Brian}
title = {Compact Non-Left-Recursive Grammars Using The Selective Left-Corner Transform And Factoring}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1053}
author = {Johnston, Michael}
title = {Deixis And Conjunction In Multimodal Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1054}
author = {Johnston, Michael; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Finite-State Multimodal Parsing And Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1055}
author = {Jones, Douglas A.; Rusk, Gregory M.}
title = {Toward A Scoring Function For Quality-Driven Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1056}
author = {Jung, Sung Young; Hong, SungLim; Paek, Eunok}
title = {An English To Korean Transliteration Model Of Extended Markov Window}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1057}
author = {Kacmarcik, Gary; Brockett, Chris; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {Robust Segmentation Of Japanese Text Into A Lattice For Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1058}
author = {Kageura, Kyo; Tsuji, Keita; Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {Automatic Thesaurus Generation Through Multiple Filtering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1059}
author = {Kaji, Hiroyuki; Morimoto, Yasutsugu; Aizono, Toshiko; Yamasaki, Noriyuki}
title = {Corpus-Dependent Association Thesauri For Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1060}
author = {Kanayama, Hiroshi; Torisawa, Kentaro; Mitsuishi, Yutaka; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Hybrid Japanese Parser With Hand-Crafted Grammar And Statistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1061}
author = {Kang, In-Ho; Kim, Gilchang}
title = {English-To-Korean Transliteration Using Multiple Unbounded Overlapping Phoneme Chunks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1062}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.; Wedekind, Jurgen}
title = {LFG Generation Produces Context-Free Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1063}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kaji, Nobuhiro; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Japanese Case Structure Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1064}
author = {Kim, Seonho; Yoon, Juntae; Song, Mansuk}
title = {Structural Feature Selection For English-Korean Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1065}
author = {Kinyon, Alexandra}
title = {Hypertags}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1066}
author = {Ko, Youngjoong; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {Automatic Text Categorization By Unsupervised Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1067}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Niehren, Joachim}
title = {On Underspecified Processing Of Dynamic Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1068}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Kawahara, Tatsuya}
title = {Flexible Mixed-Initiative Dialogue Management Using Concept-Level Confidence Measures Of Speech Recognizer Output}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1069}
author = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Teich, Elke; Bateman, John A.; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Skoumalova, Hana; Sharoff, Serge; Sokolova, Lena; Hartley, Anthony; Staykova, Kamenka; Hana, Jiri}
title = {Multilinguality In A Text Generation System For Three Slavic Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1070}
author = {Lee, Sang-Zoo; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Lexicalized Hidden Markov Models For Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1071}
author = {Lepage, Yves}
title = {Languages Of Analogical Strings}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1072}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {The Automated Acquisition Of Topic Signatures For Text Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1073}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Kearns, Michael S.; Singh, Satinder; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Automatic Optimization Of Dialogue Management}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1074}
author = {Ma, Qing; Murata, Masaki; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Hybrid Neuro And Rule-Based Part Of Speech Taggers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1075}
author = {Malavazosi, Christos; Piperidis, Stelios}
title = {Application Of Analogical Modelling To Example Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1076}
author = {Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Extending A Formal And Computational Model Of Rhetorical Structure Theory With Intentional Structures A La Grosz And Sidner}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1077}
author = {Maynard, Diana; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Identifying Terms By Their Family And Friends}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1078}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Kosaka, Michiko; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Chart-Based Transfer Rule Application In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1079}
author = {Moon, Kyonghi; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Representation And Recognition Method For Multi-Word Translation Units In Korean-To-Japanese MT System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1080}
author = {Morawietz, Frank}
title = {Chart Parsing And Constraint Programming}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1081}
author = {Mori, Shinsuke; Nishimura, Masafumi; Itoh, Nobuyasu; Ogino, Shiho; Watanabe, Hideo}
title = {A Stochastic Parser Based On A Structural Word Prediction Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1082}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Ma, Qing; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Bunsetsu Identification Using Category-Exclusive Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1083}
author = {Nakano, Yukiko I.; Imamura, Kenji; Ohara, Hisashi}
title = {Taking Account Of The User's View In 3D Multimodal Instruction Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1084}
author = {Nobesawa, Shiho; Saito, Hiroaki; Nakanishi, Masakazu}
title = {Automatic Semantic Sequence Extraction From Unrestricted Non-Tagged Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-1085}
author = {Osborne, Miles}
title = {Estimation Of Stochastic Attribute-Value Grammars Using An Informative Sample}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2086}
author = {Park, Jong C.; Cho, Hyung Joon}
title = {Informed Parsing For Coordination With Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2087}
author = {Perrier, Guy}
title = {Interaction Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2088}
author = {Piwek, Paul}
title = {A Formal Semantics For Generating And Editing Plurals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2089}
author = {Pla, Ferran; Molina, Antonio; Prieto, Natividad}
title = {Tagging And Chunking With Bigrams}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2090}
author = {Planas, Emmanuel; Furuse, Osamu}
title = {Multi-Level Similar Segment Matching Algorithm For Translation Memories And Example-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2091}
author = {Pogodalla, Sylvain}
title = {Generation Lambek Calculus Montague's Semantics And Semantic Proof Nets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2092}
author = {Poutsma, Arjen}
title = {Data-Oriented Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2093}
author = {Power, Richard}
title = {Planning Texts By Constraint Satisfaction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2094}
author = {Prescher, Detlef; Riezler, Stefan; Rooth, Mats}
title = {Using A Probabilistic Class-Based Lexicon For Lexical Ambiguity Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2095}
author = {Quint, Julien}
title = {A Formalism For Universal Segmentation Of Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2096}
author = {Ramsay, Allan; Seville, Helen}
title = {Unscrambling English Word Order}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2097}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Hockey, Beth Ann; James, Frankie; Bratt, Elizabeth Owen; Goldwater, Sharon; Gawron, Jean Mark}
title = {Compiling Language Models From A Linguistically Motivated Unification Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2098}
author = {Ruland, Tobias}
title = {A Context-Sensitive Model For Probabilistic LR Parsing Of Spoken Language With Transformation-Based Postprocessing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2099}
author = {Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {A Statistical Theory Of Dependency Syntax}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2100}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop; Zeman, Daniel}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Subcategorization Frames For Czech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2101}
author = {Sasaki, Yutaka; Matsuo, Yoshihiro}
title = {Learning Semantic-Level Information Extraction Rules By Type-Oriented ILP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2102}
author = {Sassano, Manabu; Utsuro, Takehito}
title = {Named Entity Chunking Techniques In Supervised Learning For Japanese Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2103}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Granularity Effects In Tense Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2104}
author = {Schiffman, Barry; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Experiments In Automated Lexicon Building For Text Searching}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2105}
author = {Schmid, Helmut; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Robust German Noun Chunking With A Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2106}
author = {Schneider, Karl-Michael}
title = {Parsing Schemata For Grammars With Variable Number And Order Of Constituents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2107}
author = {Schroeder, Leah; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Realizing Expressions Of Doubt In Collaborative Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2108}
author = {Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Clustering Verbs Semantically According To Their Alternation Behaviour}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2109}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Backward Beam Search Algorithm For Dependency Analysis Of Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2110}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Japanese Dependency Analysis Using A Deterministic Finite State Transducer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2111}
author = {Serasset, Gilles; Boitet, Christian}
title = {On UNL As The Future HTML Of The Linguistic Content And The Reuse Of Existing NLP Components In UNL-Related Applications With The Example Of A UNL-French Deconverter}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2112}
author = {Seville, Helen; Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Making Sense Of Reference To The Unfamiliar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2113}
author = {Shimohata, Sayori}
title = {An Empirical Method For Identifying And Translating Technical Terminology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2114}
author = {Sicilia-Garcia, E. I.; Ming, Ji; Smith, Francis J.}
title = {A Dynamic Language Model Based On Individual Word Domains}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2115}
author = {Sierra, Gerardo; McNaught, John}
title = {Extracting Semantic Clusters From The Alignment Of Definitions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2116}
author = {Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Potipiti, Tanapong; Charoenporn, Thatsanee}
title = {Automatic Corpus-Based Thai Word Extraction With The C4.5 Learning Algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2117}
author = {Stamatatos, Efstathios; Fakotakis, Nikos D.; Kokkinakis, George K.}
title = {Text Genre Detection Using Common Word Frequencies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2118}
author = {Stevenson, Suzanne; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Automatic Lexical Acquisition Based On Statistical Distributions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2119}
author = {Suzuki, Hisami; Brockett, Chris; Kacmarcik, Gary}
title = {Using A Broad-Coverage Parser For Word-Breaking In Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2120}
author = {Teich, Elke; Watson, Catherine I.; Pereira, Cecile}
title = {Matching A Tone-Based And Tune-Based Approach To English Intonation For Concept-To-Speech Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2121}
author = {Thanopoulos, Aristomenis; Fakotakis, Nikos D.; Kokkinakis, George K.}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Semantic Relations From Specialized Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2122}
author = {Tidhar, Dan; Kussner, Uwe}
title = {Learning To Select A Good Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2123}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Word Re-Ordering And DP-Based Search In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2124}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.; Daelemans, Walter; Dejean, Herve; Koeling, Rob; Krymolowski, Yuval; Punyakanok, Vasin; Roth, Dan}
title = {Applying System Combination To Base Noun Phrase Identification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2125}
author = {Tseng, Shu-Chuan}
title = {Modelling Speech Repairs In German And Mandarin Chinese Spoken Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2126}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Murata, Masaki; Ma, Qing; Sekine, Satoshi; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Word Order Acquisition From Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2127}
author = {Ueda, Yoshihiro; Oka, Mamiko; Koyama, Takahiro; Miyauchi, Tadanobu}
title = {Toward The At-A-Glance Summary: Phrase-Representation Summarization Method}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2128}
author = {Utiyama, Masao; Murata, Masaki; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {A Statistical Approach To The Processing Of Metonymy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2129}
author = {Utiyama, Masao; Hasida, Koiti}
title = {Multi-Topic Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2130}
author = {Vieira, Renata; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Corpus-Based Development And Evaluation Of A System For Processing Definite Descriptions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2131}
author = {Watanabe, Hideo; Kurohashi, Sadao; Aramaki, Eiji}
title = {Finding Structural Correspondences From Bilingual Parsed Corpus For Corpus-Based Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2132}
author = {Watanabe, Hideo}
title = {A Method For Accelerating CFG-Parsing By Using Dependency Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2133}
author = {Wolters, Maria; Byron, Donna K.}
title = {Prosody And The Resolution Of Pronominal Anaphora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2134}
author = {Yamabana, Kiyoshi; Ando, Shinichi; Mimura, Kiyomi}
title = {Lexicalized Tree Automata-Based Grammars For Translating Conversational Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2135}
author = {Yamamoto, Kaoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Acquisition Of Phrase-Level Bilingual Correspondence Using Dependency Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2136}
author = {Yangarber, Roman; Grishman, Ralph; Tapanainen, Pasi; Huttunen, Silja}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Domain Knowledge For Information Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2137}
author = {Yeh, Alexander S.}
title = {More Accurate Tests For The Statistical Significance Of Result Differences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2138}
author = {Yoon, Juntae; Kim, Yoonkwan; Song, Mansuk}
title = {Identifying Temporal Expression And Its Syntactic Role Using FST And Lexical Data From Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2139}
author = {van Zaanen, Menno}
title = {ABL: Alignment-Based Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2140}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Waibel, Alex}
title = {DIASUMM: Flexible Summarization Of Spontaneous Dialogues In Unrestricted Domains}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2141}
author = {Zhou, Qiang}
title = {Local Context Templates For Chinese Constituent Boundary Prediction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2142}
author = {Amtrup, Jan W.; Megerdoomian, Karine; Zajac, Remi}
title = {Rapid Development Of Translation Tools: Application To Persian And Turkish}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2143}
author = {Boguslavsky, Igor; Grigorieva, Svetlana; Grigoriev, Nikolai; Kreidlin, Leonid; Frid, Nadezhda}
title = {Dependency Treebank For Russian: Concept Tools Types Of Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2144}
author = {Calder, Jonathan}
title = {Thistle And Interarbora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2145}
author = {Carl, Michael}
title = {A Model Of Competence For Corpus-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2146}
author = {Cha, Jeongwon; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Structural Disambiguation Of Morpho-Syntactic Categorial Parsing For Korean}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2147}
author = {Cowie, James R.; Ludovik, Yevgeny; Molina-Salgado, Hugo; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {The Week At A Glance - Cross-Language Cross-Document Information Extraction And Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2148}
author = {Dang, Hoa Trang; Kipper, Karin Christine; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Integrating Compositional Semantics Into A Verb Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2149}
author = {Dymetman, Marc; Tendeau, Frederic}
title = {Context-Free Grammar Rewriting And The Transfer Of Packed Linguistic Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2150}
author = {Elliott, John; Atwell, Eric Steven; Whyte, Bill}
title = {Language Identification In Unknown Signals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2151}
author = {Foth, Kilian A.; Menzel, Wolfgang; Pop, Horia F.; Schroder, Ingo}
title = {An Experiment On Incremental Analysis Using Robust Parsing Techniques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2152}
author = {Franz, Alexander M.; Horiguchi, Keiko; Duan, Lei; Ecker, Doris; Koontz, Eugene; Uchida, Kazami}
title = {An Integrated Architecture For Example-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2153}
author = {Helfrich, Antje; Music, Bradley}
title = {Design And Evaluation Of Grammar Checkers In Multiple Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2154}
author = {Hogan, Christopher; Frederking, Robert E.}
title = {WebDIPLOMAT: A Web-Based Interactive Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2155}
author = {Kiefer, Bernd; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich; Siegel, Melanie}
title = {An HPSG-To-CFG Approximation Of Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2156}
author = {Kim, Byeongchang; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Decision-Tree Based Error Correction For Statistical Phrase Break Prediction In Korean}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2157}
author = {Konig, Esther; Lezius, Wolfgang}
title = {A Description Language For Syntactically Annotated Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2158}
author = {Ludovik, Yevgeny; Zacharski, Ron}
title = {MT And Topic-Based Techniques To Enhance Speech Recognition Systems For Professional Translators}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2159}
author = {Mashuichi, Hiroshi; Flournoy, Raymond; Kaufmann, Stefan; Peters, Stanley}
title = {A Bootstrapping Method For Extracting Bilingual Text Pairs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2160}
author = {Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Producing More Readable Extracts By Revising Them}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2161}
author = {Nelken, Rani; Francez, Nissim}
title = {Querying Temporal Databases Using Controlled Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2162}
author = {Niessen, Sonja; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Improving SMT Quality With Morpho-Syntactic Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2163}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Comparison Of Alignment Models For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2164}
author = {Rehm, Matthias; Goecke, Karl Ulrich}
title = {Perception Concepts And Language Road And IPaGe}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2165}
author = {Ryu, Won-He; Kim, Jin-Dong; Rim, Hae-Chang; Lim, Heui-Seok}
title = {KCAT: A Korean Corpus Annotating Tool Minimizing Human Intervention}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2166}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Robust Semantic Construction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2167}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi; Eriguchi, Yoshio}
title = {Japanese Named Entity Extraction Evaluation - Analysis Of Results -}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2168}
author = {Sheremetyeva, Svetlana; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Acquisition Of A Language Computational Model For NLP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2169}
author = {Spilker, Jorg; Klarner, Martin; Goerz, Guenther}
title = {Processing Self Corrections In A Speech To Speech System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2170}
author = {T'sou, Benjamin K.; Sin, KingKui; Chan, Samuel W. K.; Lai, Tom Bong-Yeung; Lun, Caesar Suen; Ko, K. T.; Chan, G. K. K.; Cheung, Lawrence Y. L.}
title = {Jurilinguistic Engineering In Cantonese Chinese: An N-Gram-Based Speech To Text Transcription System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2171}
author = {Tiberius, Carole; Cahill, Lynne J.}
title = {Incorporating Metaphonemes In A Multilingual Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2172}
author = {Vogel, Stephan; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Construction Of A Hierarchical Translation Memory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2173}
author = {Walker, Derek; Petitpierre, Dominique; Armstrong, Susan}
title = {XMLTrans: A Java-Based XML Transformation Language For Structured Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2174}
author = {Wu, Hua; Huang, Taiyi; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Chinese Generation In A Spoken Dialogue Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C00-2175}
author = {Yeh, Alexander S.}
title = {Comparing Two Trainable Grammatical Relations Finders}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2000}
id = {C02-1001}
author = {Smaili, N.; Cardinal, Patrick; Boulianne, Gilles; Dumouchel, P.}
title = {Disambiguation Of Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1002}
author = {Tufiš, Dan}
title = {A Cheap And Fast Way To Build Useful Translation Lexicons}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1003}
author = {Lü, Yajuan; Li, Sheng; Zhao, Tiejun; Yang, Muyun}
title = {Learning Chinese Bracketing Knowledge Based On A Bilingual Language Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1004}
author = {Volk, Martin}
title = {Combining Unsupervised And Supervised Methods For PP Attachment Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1005}
author = {Varges, Sebastian}
title = {Fluency And Completeness In Instance-Based Natural Language Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1006}
author = {Chen, Ying-Ju; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {NLP And IR Approaches To Monolingual And Multilingual Link Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1007}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {The Computation Of Word Associations: Comparing Syntagmatic And Paradigmatic Approaches}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1008}
author = {Lu, Wen-Hsiang; Chien, Lee-Feng; Lee, Hsi-Jian}
title = {A Transitive Model For Extracting Translation Equivalents Of Web Queries Through Anchor Text Mining}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1009}
author = {Kueng, Tz-Liang; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {A Robust Cross-Style Bilingual Sentences Alignment Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1010}
author = {Wang, Wei; Zhou, Ming; Huang, Jin-Xia; Huang, Changning}
title = {Structure Alignment Using Bilingual Chunking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1011}
author = {Cao, Yunbo; Li, Hang}
title = {Base Noun Phrase Translation Using Web Data And The EM Algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1012}
author = {Sun, Jian; Gao, Jianfeng; Zhang, Lei; Zhou, Ming; Huang, Changning}
title = {Chinese Named Entity Identification Using Class-Based Language Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1013}
author = {Carroll, John; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {High Precision Extraction Of Grammatical Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1014}
author = {Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Mayor, Aingeru; Sarasola, Kepa}
title = {Semiautomatic Labelling Of Semantic Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1015}
author = {Shaw, James}
title = {A Corpus-Based Analysis For The Ordering Of Clause Aggregation Operators}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1016}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Determining Recurrent Sound Correspondences By Inducing Translation Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1017}
author = {Paul, Michael; Sumita, Eiichiro; Yamamoto, Seiichi}
title = {Corpus-Based Generation Of Numeral Classifier Using Phrase Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1018}
author = {Mori, Tatsunori}
title = {Information Gain Ratio As Term Weight: The Case Of Summarization Of IR Results}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1019}
author = {Lee, Songwook; Jang, Tae-Yeoub; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {The Grammatical Function Analysis Between Korean Adnoun Clause And Noun Phrase By Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1020}
author = {Sato, Kengo; Saito, Hiroaki}
title = {Extracting Word Sequence Correspondences With Support Vector Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1021}
author = {Kveton, Pavel; Oliva, Karel}
title = {(Semi-)Automatic Detection Of Errors In PoS-Tagged Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1022}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {Varying Cardinality In Metonymic Extensions To Nouns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1023}
author = {Vaillant, Pascal}
title = {A Chart-Parsing Algorithm For Efficient Semantic Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1024}
author = {Schuler, William}
title = {Interleaved Semantic Interpretation In Environment-Based Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1025}
author = {Chieu, Hai Leong; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Named Entity Recognition: A Maximum Entropy Approach Using Global Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1026}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {The Effectiveness Of Dictionary And Web-Based Answer Reranking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1027}
author = {Tanev, Hristo; Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {Shallow Language Processing Architecture For Bulgarian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1028}
author = {De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {Parsing Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages With Thread Automata}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1029}
author = {Schmid, Helmut}
title = {A Generative Probability Model For Unification-Based Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1030}
author = {Sgall, Petr; Bohmova, Alena}
title = {The Simple Core And The Complex Periphery Of Natural Language - A Formal And A Computational View}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1031}
author = {Yang, Guowen; Bateman, John A.}
title = {The Chinese Aspect System And Its Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1032}
author = {García-Varea, Ismael; Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Improving Alignment Quality In Statistical Machine Translation Using Context-Dependent Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1033}
author = {Ferret, Olivier}
title = {Using Collocations For Topic Segmentation And Link Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1034}
author = {Harbusch, Karin; Kempen, Gerard}
title = {A Quantitative Model Of Word Order And Movement In English Dutch And German Complement Constructions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1035}
author = {Chai, Joyce}
title = {Semantics-Based Representation For Multimodal Interpretation In Conversational Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1036}
author = {Gamon, Michael; Ringger, Eric K.; Zhang, Zhu; Moore, Robert C.; Corston-Oliver, Simon H.}
title = {Extraposition: A Case Study In German Sentence Realization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1037}
author = {Al Kharashi, Ibrahim A.; Al Sughaiyer, Imad A.}
title = {Rule Merging In A Rule-Based Arabic Stemmer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1038}
author = {Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Augmenting Noun Taxonomies By Combining Lexical Similarity Metrics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1039}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Instance Based Learning With Automatic Feature Selection Applied To Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1040}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop; Tripasai, Woottiporn}
title = {Learning Verb Argument Structure From Minimally Annotated Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1041}
author = {Alam, Hassan; Cheng, Hua; Hartono, Rachmat; Kumar, Aman; Llido, Paul; Nakatsu, Crystal; Nguyen, Huy; Rahman, Fuad; Tarnikova, Yuliya; Tjahjadi, Timotius; Wilcox, Che}
title = {Automatic Semantic Grouping In A Spoken Language User Interface Toolkit}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1042}
author = {Hovy, Eduard; Hermjakob, Ulf; Lin, Chin-Yew; Ravichandran, Deepak}
title = {Using Knowledge To Facilitate Factoid Answer Pinpointing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1043}
author = {Campbell, Richard}
title = {Computation Of Modifier Scope In NP By A Language-Neutral Method}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1044}
author = {Yang, Changhua; Ker, Sur-Jin}
title = {Considerations Of Linking WordNet With MRD}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1045}
author = {Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {A Method Of Cluster-Based Indexing Of Textual Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1046}
author = {Lee, Hyun Ah; Kim, Gilchang}
title = {Translation Selection Through Source Word Sense Disambiguation And Target Word Selection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1047}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; George, Sarah}
title = {Towards A Noise-Tolerant Representation-Independent Mechanism For Argument Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1048}
author = {Kato, Tsuneaki; Matsushita, Mitsunori; Maeda, Eisaku}
title = {Answering It With Charts: Dialogue In Natural Language And Charts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1049}
author = {Chen, Keh-Jiann; Ma, Wei-Yun}
title = {Unknown Word Extraction For Chinese Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1050}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Bidirectional Decoding For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1051}
author = {Yamura-Takei, Mitsuko; Fujiwara, Miho; Yoshie, Makoto; Aizawa, Teruaki}
title = {Automatic Linguistic Analysis For Language Teachers: The Case Of Zeros}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1052}
author = {Bond, Francis; Vatikiotis-Bateson, Caitlin}
title = {Using An Ontology To Determine English Countability}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1053}
author = {Hirao, Tsutomu; Isozaki, Hideki; Maeda, Eisaku; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Extracting Important Sentences With Support Vector Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1054}
author = {Isozaki, Hideki; Kazawa, Hideto}
title = {Efficient Support Vector Classifiers For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1055}
author = {Luo, Xiao; Sun, Maosong; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Covering Ambiguity Resolution In Chinese Word Segmentation Based On Contextual Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1056}
author = {Zhang, Yujie; Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Paraphrasing Of Chinese Utterances}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1057}
author = {Yao, Jianmin; Zhou, Ming; Zhao, Tiejun; Yu, Hao; Li, Sheng}
title = {An Automatic Evaluation Method For Localization Oriented Lexicalised EBMT System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1058}
author = {Kaji, Hiroyuki; Morimoto, Yasutsugu}
title = {Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Using Bilingual Comparable Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1059}
author = {Funakoshi, Kotaro; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {Processing Japanese Self-Correction In Speech Dialog Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1060}
author = {Ma, Qing; Zhang, Min; Murata, Masaki; Zhou, Ming; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Self-Organizing Chinese And Japanese Semantic Maps}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1061}
author = {Schwab, Didier; Lafourcade, Mathieu; Prince, Violaine}
title = {Antonymy And Conceptual Vectors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1062}
author = {Dutoit, Dominique; Poibeau, Thierry}
title = {Inferring Knowledge From A Large Semantic Network}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1063}
author = {Mehler, Alexander}
title = {Hierarchical Orderings Of Textual Units}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1064}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Sekine, Satoshi; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Text Generation From Keywords}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1065}
author = {Tanaka, Takaaki}
title = {Measuring The Similarity Between Compound Nouns In Different Languages Using Non-Parallel Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1066}
author = {Jaeger, Efrat; Francez, Nissim; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Guaranteeing Parsing Termination Of Unification Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1067}
author = {Bos, Johan; Oka, Tetsushi}
title = {An Inference-Based Approach To Dialogue System Design}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1068}
author = {Belz, Anja}
title = {Learning Grammars For Different Parsing Tasks By Partition Search}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1069}
author = {Sankey, Jason; Wong, Raymond K.}
title = {Effective Structural Inference For Large XML Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1070}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Schafer, Charles; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Inducing Information Extraction Systems For New Languages Via Cross-Language Projection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1071}
author = {Marimon, Montserrat}
title = {Integrating Shallow Linguistic Processing Into A Unification-Based Spanish Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1072}
author = {Kim, Yu-Seop; Chang, Jeong-Ho; Zhang, Byoung-Tak}
title = {A Comparative Evaluation Of Data-Driven Models In Translation Selection Of Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1073}
author = {Saggion, Horacio; Radev, Dragomir R.; Teufel, Simone; Lam, Wai}
title = {Meta-Evaluation Of Summaries In A Cross-Lingual Environment Using Content-Based Metrics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1074}
author = {Ko, Youngjoong; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {Text Categorization Using Feature Projections}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1075}
author = {Kiefer, Bernd; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich; Prescher, Detlef}
title = {A Novel Disambiguation Method For Unification-Based Grammars Using Probabilistic Context-Free Approximations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1076}
author = {Akiba, Yasuhiro; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Using Language And Translation Models To Select The Best Among Outputs From Multiple MT Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1077}
author = {Bancarz, Iain; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Improved Iterative Scaling Can Yield Multiple Globally Optimal Models With Radically Differing Performance Levels}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1078}
author = {Seki, Kazuhiro; Fujii, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {A Probabilistic Method For Analyzing Japanese Anaphora Integrating Zero Pronoun Detection And Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1079}
author = {Horak, Ales; Smrz, Pavel}
title = {Best Analysis Selection In Inflectional Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1080}
author = {Ye, Shiren; Chua, Tat-Seng; Liu, Jimin}
title = {An Agent-Based Approach To Chinese Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1081}
author = {Portele, Thomas}
title = {Data-Driven Classification Of Linguistic Styles In Spoken Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1082}
author = {Nakata, Takayuki; Ando, Shinichi; Okumura, Akitoshi}
title = {Topic Detection Based On Dialogue History}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1083}
author = {Mima, Hideki; Ananiadou, Sophia; Nenadić, Goran; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Methodology For Terminology-Based Knowledge Acquisition And Integration}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1084}
author = {Kiyota, Yoji; Kurohashi, Sadao; Kido, Fuyuko}
title = {Dialog Navigator: A Question Answering System Based On Large Text Knowledge Base}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1085}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Detecting Shifts In News Stories For Paragraph Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1086}
author = {Lee, Kyung-Soon; Kageura, Kyo; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Implicit Ambiguity Resolution Using Incremental Clustering In Korean-To-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1087}
author = {Wermter, Stefan; Hung, Chihli}
title = {Selforganizing Classification On The Reuters News Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1088}
author = {Kim, Jae-Ho; Kang, In-Ho; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Unsupervised Named Entity Classification Models And Their Ensembles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1089}
author = {Tsai, Jia-Lin; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {Applying An NVEF Word-Pair Identifier To The Chinese Syllable-To-Word Conversion Problem}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1090}
author = {Pekar, Viktor; Staab, Steffen}
title = {Taxonomy Learning - Factoring The Structure Of A Taxonomy Into A Semantic Classification Decision}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1091}
author = {Henderson, James B.; Merlo, Paola; Petroff, Ivan; Schneider, Gerold}
title = {Using Syntactic Analysis To Increase Efficiency In Visualizing Text Collections}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1092}
author = {Shim, Kwangseob; Yang, Jaehyung}
title = {MACH : A Supersonic Korean Morphological Analyzer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1093}
author = {Becker, Markus; Frank, Anette}
title = {A Stochastic Topological Parser For German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1094}
author = {Atterer, Michaela; Klein, Ewan}
title = {Integrating Linguistic And Performance-Based Constraints For Assigning Phrase Breaks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1095}
author = {Bos, Johan}
title = {Compilation Of Unification Grammars With Compositional Semantics To Speech Recognition Packages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1096}
author = {Baroni, Marco; Matiasek, Johannes; Trost, Harald}
title = {Wordform- And Class-Based Prediction Of The Components Of German Nominal Compounds In An AAC System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1097}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using Static And Dynamic Sense Vectors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1098}
author = {Nagao, Katashi; Ohira, Shigeki; Yoneoka, Mitsuhiro}
title = {Annotation-Based Multimedia Summarization And Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1099}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {An English-Korean Transliteration Model Using Pronunciation And Contextual Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1100}
author = {Ninomiya, Takashi; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Lenient Default Unification For Robust Processing Within Unification Based Grammar Formalisms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1101}
author = {Nakagawa, Tetsuji; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Detecting Errors In Corpora Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1102}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.}
title = {Learning How To Answer Questions Using Trivia Games}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1103}
author = {Ko, Youngjoong; Park, Jinwoo; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {Automatic Text Categorization Using The Importance Of Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1104}
author = {Balfourier, Jean-Marie; Blache, Philippe; Van Rullen, Tristan}
title = {From Shallow To Deep Parsing Using Constraint Satisfaction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1105}
author = {Liakata, Maria; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {From Trees To Predicate-Argument Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1106}
author = {Mertens, Piet}
title = {Parsing Dependency Grammar Using ALE}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1107}
author = {Matsubara, Shigeki; Kimura, Shinichi; Kawaguchi, Nobuo; Yamaguchi, Yukiko; Inagaki, Yasuyoshi}
title = {Example-Based Speech Intention Understanding And Its Application To In-Car Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1108}
author = {Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Lexicalization Of Probabilistic Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1109}
author = {Ruch, Patrick}
title = {Using Contextual Spelling Correction To Improve Retrieval Effectiveness In Degraded Text Collections}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1110}
author = {Olsson, Fredrik; Eriksson, Gunnar; Franzen, Kristofer; Asker, Lars; Liden, Per}
title = {Notions Of Correctness When Evaluating Protein Name Taggers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1111}
author = {Foret, Annie; Le Nir, Yannick}
title = {Rigid Lambek Grammars Are Not Learnable From Strings}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1112}
author = {Martinez, David; Agirre, Eneko; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Syntactic Features For High Precision Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1113}
author = {Gabsdil, Malte; Koller, Alexander; Striegnitz, Kristina}
title = {Natural Language And Inference In A Computer Game}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1114}
author = {Widdows, Dominic; Dorow, Beate}
title = {A Graph Model For Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1115}
author = {Suárez, Armando; Palomar, Manuel}
title = {A Maximum Entropy-Based Word Sense Disambiguation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1116}
author = {Korthals, Christian; Debusmann, Ralph}
title = {Linking Syntactic And Semantic Arguments In A Dependency-Based Formalism}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1117}
author = {Ha, Le Quan; Sicilia-Garcia, E. I.; Ming, Ji; Smith, Francis J.}
title = {Extension Of Zipf's Law To Words And Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1118}
author = {Zeman, Daniel}
title = {Can Subcategorization Help A Statistical Dependency Parser?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1119}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Sasaki, Yutaka; Maeda, Eisaku}
title = {SVM Answer Selection For Open-Domain Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1120}
author = {Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {An Unsupervised Learning Method For Associative Relationships Between Verb Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1121}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Experiments In German Noun Chunking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1122}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Fertilization Of Case Frame Dictionary For Robust Japanese Case Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1123}
author = {Lee, Hodong; Park, Jong C.}
title = {Natural Language Interpretations For Heterogeneous Database Access}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1124}
author = {Lee, Beum-Seuk; Bryant, Barrett R.}
title = {Contextual Natural Language Processing And DAML For Understanding Software Requirements Specifications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1125}
author = {Hisamitsu, Toru; Niwa, Yoshiki}
title = {A Measure Of Term Representativeness Based On The Number Of Co-Occurring Salient Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1126}
author = {Chiang, David; Bikel, Daniel M.}
title = {Recovering Latent Information In Treebanks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1127}
author = {Li, Huifeng; Srihari, Rohini K.; Niu, Cheng; Li, Wei}
title = {Location Normalization For Information Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1128}
author = {Dymetman, Marc}
title = {Text Authoring Knowledge Acquisition And Description Logics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1129}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {Decision Trees As Explicit Domain Term Definitions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1130}
author = {Fleischman, Michael; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Fine Grained Classification Of Named Entities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1131}
author = {Muller, Frank Henrik; Ule, Tylman}
title = {Annotating Topological Fields And Chunks - And Revising POS Tags At The Same Time}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1132}
author = {Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Probabilistic Models Of Verb-Argument Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1133}
author = {Senda, Yasuko; Shinohara, Yaushi}
title = {Analysis Of Titles And Readers For Title Generation Centered On The Readers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1134}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Murdock, Vanessa; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Bootstrapping Bilingual Data Using Consensus Translation For A Multilingual Instant Messaging System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1135}
author = {Fernández, Raquel; Ginzburg, Jonathan}
title = {Non-Sentential Utterances: Grammar And Dialogue Dynamics In Corpus Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1136}
author = {Matsubara, Shigeki; Murase, Takahisa; Kawaguchi, Nobuo; Inagaki, Yasuyoshi}
title = {Stochastic Dependency Parsing Of Spontaneous Japanese Spoken Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1137}
author = {Jin, Rong; Hauptmann, Alexander G.}
title = {A New Probabilistic Model For Title Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1138}
author = {Chen, John; Bangalore, Srinivas; Rambow, Owen; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Towards Automatic Generation Of Natural Language Generation Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1139}
author = {Ng, Vincent; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Identifying Anaphoric And Non-Anaphoric Noun Phrases To Improve Coreference Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1140}
author = {Bilac, Slaven; Baldwin, Timothy; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {Bringing The Dictionary To The User: The FOKS System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1141}
author = {Danlos, Laurence; El Ghali, Adil}
title = {A Complete Integrated NLG System Using AI And NLU Tools}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1142}
author = {Park, Youngja; Byrd, Roy J.; Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {Automatic Glossary Extraction: Beyond Terminology Identification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1143}
author = {Dang, Hoa Trang; Chia, Ching-Yi; Palmer, Martha; Chiou, Fu-Dong}
title = {Simple Features For Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1144}
author = {Lin, Dekang; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Concept Discovery From Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1145}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Chiou, Fu-Dong; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Building A Large-Scale Annotated Chinese Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1146}
author = {Tsang, Vivian; Stevenson, Suzanne; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Crosslinguistic Transfer In Automatic Verb Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1147}
author = {Denecke, Matthias}
title = {Rapid Prototyping For Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1148}
author = {Peng, Fuchun; Huang, Xiangji; Schuurmans, Dale; Cercone, Nick}
title = {Investigating The Relationship Between Word Segmentation Performance And Retrieval Performance In Chinese IR}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1149}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko; Inutsuka, Yusuke; Takeichi, Masato}
title = {Entering Text With A Four-Button Device}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1150}
author = {Li, Xin; Roth, Dan}
title = {Learning Question Classifiers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1151}
author = {Roth, Dan; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau}
title = {Probabilistic Reasoning For Entity And Relation Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1152}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Kawahara, Tatsuya; Ito, Ryosuke; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Efficient Dialogue Strategy To Find Users' Intended Items From Information Query Results}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1153}
author = {Prolo, Carlos A.}
title = {Generating The XTAG English Grammar Using Metarules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1154}
author = {Yangarber, Roman; Lin, Winston; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Generalized Names}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1155}
author = {Theeramunkong, Thanaruk; Lertnattee, Verayuth}
title = {Multi-Dimensional Text Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1156}
author = {Chang, Nancy; Narayanan, Srinivas; Petruck, Miriam R. L.}
title = {Putting Frames In Perspective}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1157}
author = {Mori, Shinsuke}
title = {A Stochastic Parser Based On An SLM With Arboreal Context Trees}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1158}
author = {Echizen-ya, Hiroshi; Araki, Kenji; Momouchi, Yoshio; Tochinai, Koji}
title = {Study Of Practical Effectiveness For Machine Translation Using Recursive Chain-Link-Type Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1159}
author = {Alam, Hassan; Cheng, Hua; Hartono, Rachmat; Kumar, Aman; Llido, Paul; Nakatsu, Crystal; Rahman, Fuad; Tarnikova, Yuliya; Tjahjadi, Timotius; Wilcox, Che}
title = {Extending A Broad-Coverage Parser For A General NLP Toolkit}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1160}
author = {Pinkham, Jessie; Smets, Martine}
title = {Modular MT With A Learned Bilingual Dictionary: Rapid Deployment Of A New Language Pair}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1161}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; Raskutti, Bhavani}
title = {Lexical Query Paraphrasing For Document Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1162}
author = {Ngai, Grace; Carpuat, Marine; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Identifying Concepts Across Languages: A First Step Towards A Corpus-Based Approach To Automatic Ontology Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1163}
author = {Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Machine Translation By Interaction Between Paraphraser And Transfer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1164}
author = {Nakajima, Hideharu; Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Watanabe, Taro}
title = {Language Model Adaptation With Additional Text Generated By Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1165}
author = {Huttunen, Silja; Yangarber, Roman; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Complexity Of Event Structure In IE Scenarios}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1166}
author = {Dejean, Herve; Gaussier, Eric; Sadat, Fatiha}
title = {An Approach Based On Multilingual Thesauri And Model Combination For Bilingual Lexicon Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1167}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Novischi, Adrian}
title = {Lexical Chains For Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1168}
author = {Chao, Gerald; Dyer, Michael G.}
title = {Maximum Entropy Models For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1169}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Moldovan, Dan; Picone, Joseph}
title = {Open-Domain Voice-Activated Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-1170}
author = {Blanchon, Hervé}
title = {A Pattern-Based Analyzer For French In The Context Of Spoken Language Translation: First Prototype And Evaluation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2001}
author = {Lai, Yu-Sheng; Wang, Ren-Jr; Hsu, Wei-Tek}
title = {A DAML+OIL-Compliant Chinese Lexical Ontology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2002}
author = {Wu, Andi; Pentheroudakis, Joseph; Jiang, Zixin}
title = {Dynamic Lexical Acquisition In Chinese Sentence Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2003}
author = {Franz, Alexander M.; Milch, Brian}
title = {Searching The Web By Voice}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2004}
author = {Pericliev, Vladimir}
title = {A Linguistic Discovery Program That Verbalizes Its Discoveries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2005}
author = {Kiss, Tibor; Strunk, Jan}
title = {Scaled Log Likelihood Ratios For The Detection Of Abbreviations In Text Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2006}
author = {Watanabe, Hideo; Nagao, Katashi; McCord, Michael C.; Bernth, Arendse}
title = {An Annotation System For Enhancing Quality Of Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2007}
author = {Liu, Yang; Yu, Shiwen; Yu, Jiangsheng}
title = {Building A Bilingual WordNet-Like Lexicon: The New Approach And Algorithms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2008}
author = {Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Nagao, Katashi}
title = {Interactive Paraphrasing Based On Linguistic Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2009}
author = {Seki, Yohei; Harada, Ken'ichi}
title = {Machine Translation Based On NLG From XML-DB}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2010}
author = {Johannessen, Janne Bondi; Hagen, Kristin; Lane, Pia}
title = {The Performance Of A Grammar Checker With Deviant Language Input}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2011}
author = {De Busser, Rik; Angheluta, Roxana; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Semantic Case Role Detection For Information Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2012}
author = {Suzuki, Yoshimi; Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Sekiguchi, Yoshihiro}
title = {Topic Tracking Using Subject Templates And Clustering Positive Training Instances}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2013}
author = {Wu, Shih-Hung; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {SOAT: A Semi-Automatic Domain Ontology Acquisition Tool From Chinese Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2014}
author = {Prószéky, Gábor; Naszodi, Matyas; Kis, Balazs}
title = {Recognition Assistance - Treating Errors In Texts Acquired From Various Recognition Processes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2015}
author = {Prószéky, Gábor; Kis, Balazs}
title = {Context-Sensitive Electronic Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2016}
author = {Berment, Vincent}
title = {Several Directions For Minority Languages Computerization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2017}
author = {Klein, Alexandra; Puig-Waldmuller, Estela; Trost, Harald}
title = {Robust Interpretation Of User Requests For Text Retrieval In A Multimodal Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2018}
author = {Rösner, Dietmar; Kunze, Manuela}
title = {An XML-Based Document Suite}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2019}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Nobata, Chikashi; Yamada, Atsushi; Sekine, Satoshi; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Morphological Analysis Of The Spontaneous Speech Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2020}
author = {Chiao, Yun-Chuang; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Looking For Candidate Translational Equivalents In Specialized Comparable Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2021}
author = {Barnden, John A.; Glasbey, Sheila R.; Lee, Mark; Wallington, Alan M.}
title = {Reasoning In Metaphor Understanding: The ATT-Meta Approach And System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2022}
author = {Cahill, Lynne J.; Tiberius, Carole}
title = {Cross Linguistic Phoneme Correspondences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2023}
author = {Bachman, Lyle F.; Carr, Nathan; Kamei, Greg; Kim, Mikyung; Pan, Michael J.; Salvador, Chris; Sawaki, Yasuyo}
title = {A Reliable Approach To Automatic Assessment Of Short Answer Free Responses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2024}
author = {Ninomiya, Takashi; Makino, Takaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {An Indexing Scheme For Typed Feature Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2025}
author = {Oepen, Stephan; Toutanova, Kristina; Shieber, Stuart M.; Manning, Christopher D.; Flickinger, Daniel P.; Brants, Thorsten}
title = {The LinGO Redwoods Treebank: Motivation And Preliminary Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2026}
author = {Rambow, Owen; Bangalore, Srinivas; Butt, Tahir; Nasr, Alexis; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Creating A Finite-State Parser With Application Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2027}
author = {Stede, Manfred}
title = {Polibox: Generating Descriptions Comparisons And Recommendations From A Database}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C02-2028}
author = {Zhang, Yan; Xu, Bo; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Chinese Syntactic Parsing Based On Extended GLR Parsing Algorithm With PCFG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2002}
id = {C04-1001}
author = {Dipper, Stefanie}
title = {Grammar Modularity And Its Impact On Grammar Documentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1002}
author = {Sassano, Manabu}
title = {Linear-Time Dependency Analysis For Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1003}
author = {Skut, Wojciech}
title = {Incremental Construction Of Minimal Acyclic Sequential Transducers From Unsorted Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1004}
author = {Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Discriminative Hidden Markov Modeling With Long State Dependence Using A KNN Ensemble}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1005}
author = {Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Improving Statistical Word Alignment With A Rule-Based Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1006}
author = {Zens, Richard; Matusov, Evgeny; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Improved Word Alignment Using A Symmetric Lexicon Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1007}
author = {Sporleder, Caroline; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Combining Hierarchical Clustering And Machine Learning To Predict High-Level Discourse Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1008}
author = {Muller, Philippe; Tannier, Xavier}
title = {Annotating And Measuring Temporal Relations In Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1009}
author = {Beavers, John}
title = {Type-Inheritance Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1010}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Scholz, Mario}
title = {Deterministic Dependency Parsing Of English Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1011}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Kullback-Leibler Distance Between Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars And Probabilistic Finite Automata}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1012}
author = {Fujiyoshi, Akio}
title = {Restrictions On Monadic Context-Free Tree Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1013}
author = {Clark, Alexander; Thollard, Franck}
title = {Partially Distribution-Free Learning Of Regular Languages From Positive Samples}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1014}
author = {Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Modeling Of Long Distance Context Dependency}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1015}
author = {Imamura, Kenji; Okuma, Hideo; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Example-Based Machine Translation Based On Syntactic Transfer With Statistical Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1016}
author = {Babych, Bogdan; Elliott, Debbie; Hartley, Anthony}
title = {Extending MT Evaluation Tools With Translation Complexity Metrics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1017}
author = {Doi, Takao; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Splitting Input Sentence For Machine Translation Using Language Model With Sentence Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1018}
author = {Breck, Eric; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Playing The Telephone Game: Determining The Hierarchical Structure Of Perspective And Speech Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1019}
author = {O'Neill, Ian M.; Hanna, Philip; Liu, Xingkun; McTear, Michael F.}
title = {The Queen's Agents: Using Collaborating Object-Based Dialogue Agents In The Queen's Communicator}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1020}
author = {Wolf, Florian; Gibson, Edward}
title = {Representing Discourse Coherence: A Corpus-Based Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1021}
author = {Popescu, Ana-Maria; Armanasu, Alex; Etzioni, Oren; Ko, David; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Modern Natural Language Interfaces To Databases: Composing Statistical Parsing With Semantic Tractability}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1022}
author = {Duh, Kevin; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Automatic Learning Of Language Model Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1023}
author = {Senda, Yasuko; Sinohara, Yasusi; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {A Support System For Revising Titles To Stimulate The Lay Reader's Interest In Technical Achievements}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1024}
author = {Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Efficient Parsing Of Highly Ambiguous Context-Free Grammars With Bit Vectors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1025}
author = {Daniels, Michael W.; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {A Grammar Formalism And Parser For Linearization-Based HPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1026}
author = {Debusmann, Ralph; Duchier, Denys; Koller, Alexander; Kuhlmann, Marco; Smolka, Gert; Thater, Stefan}
title = {A Relational Syntax-Semantics Interface Based On Dependency Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1027}
author = {Liakata, Maria; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Learning Theories From Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1028}
author = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Generalizing Dimensionality In Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1029}
author = {Skut, Wojciech; Ulrich, Stefan; Hammervold, Kathrine}
title = {A Bimachine Compiler For Ranked Tagging Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1030}
author = {Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Reordering Constraints For Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1031}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Word To Word Alignment Strategies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1032}
author = {Matusov, Evgeny; Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Symmetric Word Alignments For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1033}
author = {Yang, Xiaofeng; Su, Jian; Zhou, Guodong; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {An NP-Cluster Based Approach To Coreference Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1034}
author = {Navarretta, Costanza}
title = {Resolving Individual And Abstract Anaphora In Texts And Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1035}
author = {Fernández, Raquel; Ginzburg, Jonathan; Lappin, Shalom}
title = {Classifying Ellipsis In Dialogue: A Machine Learning Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1036}
author = {Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Maayan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Feature Vector Quality And Distributional Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1037}
author = {Hurskainen, Arvi}
title = {Optimizing Disambiguation In Swahili}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1038}
author = {Claveau, Vincent; Sébillot, Pascale}
title = {From Efficiency To Portability: Acquisition Of Semantic Relations By Semi-Supervised Machine Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1039}
author = {Muller, Frank Henrik}
title = {Annotating Grammatical Functions For German Using Finite-State Cascades}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1040}
author = {Isozaki, Hideki; Kazawa, Hideto; Hirao, Tsutomu}
title = {A Deterministic Word Dependency Analyzer Enhanced With Preference Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1041}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.}
title = {The Importance Of Supertagging For Wide-Coverage CCG Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1042}
author = {Vesela, Katerina; Havelka, Jiri; Hajicová, Eva}
title = {Condition Of Projectivity In The Underlying Dependency Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1043}
author = {Traat, Maarika; Bos, Johan}
title = {Unificational Combinatory Categorial Grammar. Combining Information Structure And Discourse Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1044}
author = {Bonfante, Guillaume; Guillaume, Bruno; Perrier, Guy}
title = {Polarization And Abstraction Of Grammatical Formalisms As Methods For Lexical Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1045}
author = {Ney, Hermann; Popović, Maja}
title = {Improving Word Alignment Quality Using Morpho-Syntactic Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1046}
author = {Blatz, John; Fitzgerald, Erin; Foster, George; Gandrabur, Simona; Goutte, Cyril; Kulesza, Alex; Sanchis, Alberto; Ueffing, Nicola}
title = {Confidence Estimation For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1047}
author = {Akiba, Yasuhiro; Sumita, Eiichiro; Nakaiwa, Hiromi; Yamamoto, Seiichi; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Using A Mixture Of N-Best Lists From Multiple MT Systems In Rank-Sum-Based Confidence Measure For MT Outputs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1048}
author = {Le, Huong Thanh; Abeysinghe, Geetha; Huyck, Christian}
title = {Generating Discourse Structures For Written Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1049}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {Talking Robots With Lego MindStorms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1050}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Improving Japanese Zero Pronoun Resolution By Global Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1051}
author = {Dolan, William B.; Quirk, Chris; Brockett, Chris}
title = {Unsupervised Construction Of Large Paraphrase Corpora: Exploiting Massively Parallel News Sources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1052}
author = {Freitag, Dayne}
title = {Toward Unsupervised Whole-Corpus Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1053}
author = {Bentivogli, Luisa; Forner, Pamela; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {Evaluating Cross-Language Annotation Transfer In The MultiSemCor Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1054}
author = {Smith, Barry; Fellbaum, Christiane}
title = {Medical WordNet: A New Methodology For The Construction And Validation Of Information Resources For Consumer Health}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1055}
author = {Swift, Mary; Allen, James F.; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Skeletons In The Parser: Using A Shallow Parser To Improve Deep Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1056}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Annotation Strategies For Probabilistic Parsing In German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1057}
author = {Filatova, Elena; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios}
title = {A Formal Model For Information Selection In Multi-Sentence Text Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1058}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Ngai, Grace; Carpuat, Marine}
title = {Why Nitpicking Works: Evidence For Occam's Razor In Error Correctors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1059}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Eck, Matthias; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Language Model Adaptation For Statistical Machine Translation Via Structured Query Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1060}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Syntax-Based Alignment: Supervised Or Unsupervised?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1061}
author = {Stede, Manfred; Heintze, Silvan}
title = {Machine-Assisted Rhetorical Structure Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1062}
author = {Niekrasz, John; Gruenstein, Alexander; Cavedon, Lawrence}
title = {Multi-Human Dialogue Understanding For Assisting Artifact-Producing Meetings}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1063}
author = {Mori, Tatsunori; Nozawa, Masanori; Asada, Yoshiaki}
title = {Multi-Answer-Focused Multi-Document Summarization Using A Question-Answering Engine}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1064}
author = {Hirao, Tsutomu; Suzuki, Jun; Isozaki, Hideki; Maeda, Eisaku}
title = {Dependency-Based Sentence Alignment For Multiple Document Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1065}
author = {Amtrup, Jan W.}
title = {Efficient Finite State Unification Morphology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1066}
author = {Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Japanese Unknown Word Identification By Character-Based Chunking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1067}
author = {Nakagawa, Tetsuji}
title = {Chinese And Japanese Word Segmentation Using Word-Level And Character-Level Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1068}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; Marom, Yuval}
title = {Filtering Speaker-Specific Words From Electronic Discussions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1069}
author = {Yang, Lingpeng; Donghong, Ji; Tang, Li}
title = {Document Re-Ranking Based On Automatically Acquired Key Terms In Chinese Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1070}
author = {Sahlgren, Magnus; Coster, Rickard}
title = {Using Bag-Of-Concepts To Improve The Performance Of Support Vector Machines In Text Categorization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1071}
author = {Kanayama, Hiroshi; Nasukawa, Tetsuya; Watanabe, Hideo}
title = {Deeper Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Translation Technology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1072}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {ORANGE: A Method For Evaluating Automatic Evaluation Metrics For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1073}
author = {Xia, Fei; McCord, Michael C.}
title = {Improving A Statistical MT System With Automatically Learned Rewrite Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1074}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Optimizing Algorithms For Pronoun Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1075}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian}
title = {A High-Performance Coreference Resolution System Using A Constraint-Based Multi-Agent Strategy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1076}
author = {Pisarn, Chutima; Theeramunkong, Thanaruk}
title = {Thai Spelling Recognition Using A Continuous Speech Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1077}
author = {Hirao, Tsutomu; Fukusima, Takahiro; Okumura, Manabu; Nobata, Chikashi; Nanba, Hidetsugu}
title = {Corpus And Evaluation Measures For Multiple Document Summarization With Multiple Sources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1078}
author = {Xiao, Jing; Chua, Tat-Seng; Cui, Hang}
title = {Cascading Use Of Soft And Hard Matching Pattern Rules For Weakly Supervised Information Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1079}
author = {Wan, Stephen; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Generating Overview Summaries Of Ongoing Email Thread Discussions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1080}
author = {Banko, Michele; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Part-Of-Speech Tagging In Context}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1081}
author = {Peng, Fuchun; Feng, Fangfang; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Chinese Segmentation And New Word Detection Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1082}
author = {Nasr, Alexis; Bechet, Frédéric; Volanschi, Alexandra}
title = {Tagging With Hidden Markov Models Using Ambiguous Tags}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1083}
author = {Crestan, Eric; De Loupy, Claude}
title = {Browsing Help For A Faster Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1084}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Incremental Topic Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1085}
author = {Cerbah, Farid}
title = {Constraining The Use Of General Lexical Resources For Automatic Hyperlink Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1086}
author = {Bilac, Slaven; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {A Hybrid Back-Transliteration System For Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1087}
author = {Nenadić, Goran; Ananiadou, Sophia; McNaught, John}
title = {Enhancing Automatic Term Recognition Through Recognition Of Variation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1088}
author = {Gamon, Michael}
title = {Linguistic Correlates Of Style: Authorship Classification With Deep Linguistic Analysis Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1089}
author = {Shao, Li; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Mining New Word Translations From Comparable Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1090}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {A Path-Based Transfer Model For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1091}
author = {Udupa, Raghavendra; Faruquie, Tanveer A.; Maji, Hemanta K.}
title = {An Algorithmic Framework For Solving The Decoding Problem In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1092}
author = {Poibeau, Thierry}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Paraphrastic Phrases From Medium-Size Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1093}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Summarizing Encyclopedic Term Descriptions On The Web}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1094}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Gonzalo, Julio; Peinado, Victor; Peñas, Anselmo; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {Using Syntactic Information To Extract Relevant Terms For Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1095}
author = {Schmid, Helmut; Atterer, Michaela}
title = {New Statistical Methods For Phrase Break Prediction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1096}
author = {Funakoshi, Kotaro; Watanabe, Satoru; Kuriyama, Naoko; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Generation Of Relative Referring Expressions Based On Perceptual Grouping}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1097}
author = {Ringger, Eric K.; Gamon, Michael; Moore, Robert C.; Rojas, David; Smets, Martine; Corston-Oliver, Simon H.}
title = {Linguistically Informed Statistical Models Of Constituent Structure For Ordering In Sentence Realization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1098}
author = {Zhang, Junlin; Sun, Le; Qu, Weimin; Sun, Yufang}
title = {A Trigger Language Model-Based IR System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1099}
author = {Ruch, Patrick}
title = {Query Translation By Text Categorization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1100}
author = {Narayanan, Srinivas; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Question Answering Based On Semantic Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1101}
author = {Cao, Guihong; Li, Wenjie; Wong, Kam-Fai; Yuan, Chunfa}
title = {Combining Linguistic Features With Weighted Bayesian Classifier For Temporal Reference Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1102}
author = {Ohtake, Kiyonori; Sekiguchi, Youichi; Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Detecting Transliterated Orthographic Variants Via Two Similarity Metrics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1103}
author = {Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou; Su, Jian}
title = {Direct Orthographical Mapping For Machine Transliteration}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1104}
author = {Han, Xiwu; Zhao, Tiejun; Qi, Haoliang; Yu, Hao}
title = {Subcategorization Acquisition And Evaluation For Chinese Verbs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1105}
author = {Kaji, Hiroyuki}
title = {Bilingual-Dictionary Adaptation To Domains}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1106}
author = {Lepage, Yves}
title = {Lower And Higher Estimates Of The Number Of true Analogies Between Sentences Contained In A Large Multilingual Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1107}
author = {Nguyen, Minh Le; Shimazu, Akira; Horiguchi, Susumu; Ho, Tu Bao; Fukushi, Masuru}
title = {Probabilistic Sentence Reduction Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1108}
author = {Okazaki, Naoaki; Matsuo, Yutaka; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Improving Chronological Sentence Ordering By Precedence Relation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1109}
author = {Zhao, Shubin; Meyers, Adam; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Discriminative Slot Detection Using Kernel Methods}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1110}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Strube, Michael}
title = {Semantic Similarity Applied To Spoken Dialogue Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1111}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Ravichandran, Deepak; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Towards Terascale Semantic Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1112}
author = {Gaustad, Tanja}
title = {A Lemma-Based Approach To A Maximum Entropy Word Sense Disambiguation System For Dutch}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1113}
author = {Schalley, Andrea C.}
title = {Representing Verbal Semantics With Diagrams - An Adaptation Of The UML For Lexical Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1114}
author = {Eck, Matthias; Vogel, Stephan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation In The Medical Domain Using The Unified Medical Language System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1115}
author = {Pekar, Viktor; Krkoska, Michael; Staab, Steffen}
title = {Feature Weighting For Co-Occurrence-Based Classification Of Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1116}
author = {Murakami, Akiko; Nasukawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Term Aggregation: Mining Synonymous Expressions Using Personal Stylistic Variations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1117}
author = {Schulz, Stefan; Marko, Kornel; Sbrissia, Eduardo; Nohama, Percy; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Cognate Mapping - A Heuristic Strategy For The Semi-Supervised Acquisition Of A Spanish Lexicon From A Portuguese Seed Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1118}
author = {Carl, Michael; Garnier, Sandrine; Haller, Johann; Altmayer, Anne; Miemietz, Barbel}
title = {Controlling Gender Equality With Shallow NLP Techniques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1119}
author = {Goto, Isao; Katoh, Naoto; Ehara, Terumasa; Tanaka, Hideki}
title = {Back Transliteration From Japanese To English Using Target English Context}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1120}
author = {Reynaert, Martin}
title = {Text Induced Spelling Correction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1121}
author = {Gamon, Michael}
title = {Sentiment Classification On Customer Feedback Data: Noisy Data Large Feature Vectors And The Role Of Linguistic Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1122}
author = {Shinyama, Yusuke; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Named Entity Discovery Using Comparable News Articles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1123}
author = {Kermes, Hannah}
title = {Text Analysis Meets Computational Lexicography}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1124}
author = {Xiao, Chun; Rösner, Dietmar}
title = {Detecting Multiword Verbs In The English Sublanguage Of MEDLINE Abstracts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1125}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Correcting Category Errors In Text Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1126}
author = {Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Information Extraction From Single And Multiple Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1127}
author = {Sudo, Kiyoshi; Sekine, Satoshi; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Cross-Lingual Information Extraction System Evaluation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1128}
author = {Shrestha, Lokesh; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Detection Of Question-Answer Pairs In Email Conversations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1129}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith; Nenkova, Ani; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Syntactic Simplification For Improving Content Selection In Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1130}
author = {Wang, Xiaojie; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Trajectory Based Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1131}
author = {Audibert, Laurent}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Criteria: A Systematic Study}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1132}
author = {Shirai, Kiyoaki; Yagi, Tsunekazu}
title = {Learning A Robust Word Sense Disambiguation Model Using Hypernyms In Definition Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1133}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Hanks, Patrick; Rumshisky, Anna}
title = {Automated Induction Of Sense In Context}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1134}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Chen, Benfeng}
title = {BiFrameNet: Bilingual Frame Semantics Resource Construction By Cross-Lingual Induction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1135}
author = {Shinzato, Keiji; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Extracting Hyponyms Of Prespecified Hypernyms From Itemizations And Headings In Web Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1136}
author = {Evert, Stefan}
title = {Significance Tests For The Evaluation Of Ranking Methods}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1137}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Identification Of Confusable Drug Names: A New Approach And Evaluation Methodology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1138}
author = {Pouliquen, Bruno; Steinberger, Ralf; Ignat, Camelia; Kasper, Emilia; Temnikova, Irina}
title = {Multilingual And Cross-Lingual News Topic Tracking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1139}
author = {van Halteren, Hans; Oostdijk, Nelleke}
title = {Linguistic Profiling Of Texts For The Purpose Of Language Verification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1140}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Wermter, Joachim}
title = {High-Performance Tagging On Medical Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1141}
author = {Wermter, Joachim; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Collocation Extraction Based On Modifiability Statistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1142}
author = {Tengli, Ashwin; Yang, Yiming; Ma, Nian Li}
title = {Learning Table Extraction From Examples}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1143}
author = {Dalli, Angelo; Xia, Yunqing; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Fasil Email Summarisation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1144}
author = {Sakai, Hiroyuki; Masuyama, Shigeru}
title = {A Multiple-Document Summarization System With User Interaction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1145}
author = {Yuen, Raymond W. M.; Chan, Terence Y. W.; Lai, Tom Bong-Yeung; Kwong, Oi Yee; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Morpheme-Based Derivation Of Bipolar Semantic Orientation Of Chinese Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1146}
author = {Weeds, Julie; Weir, David; McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Characterising Measures Of Lexical Distributional Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1147}
author = {Terra, Egidio L.; Clarke, Charles L. A.}
title = {Fast Computation Of Lexical Affinity Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1148}
author = {Mangeot-Lerebours, Mathieu; Thevenin, David}
title = {Online Generic Editing Of Heterogeneous Dictionary Entries In Papillon Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1149}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Hino, Kohei; Kida, Mitsuhiro; Nakagawa, Seiichi; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {Integrating Cross-Lingually Relevant News Articles And Monolingual Web Documents In Bilingual Lexicon Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1150}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Velardi, Paola; Cucchiarelli, Alessandro; Neri, Francesca}
title = {Quantitative And Qualitative Evaluation Of The OntoLearn Ontology Learning System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1151}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Cheung, Percy}
title = {Multi-Level Bootstrapping For Extracting Parallel Sentences From A Quasi-Comparable Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1152}
author = {Argamon, Shlomo; Akiva, Navot; Amir, Amihood; Kapah, Oren}
title = {Efficient Unsupervised Recursive Word Segmentation Using Minimum Description Length}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1153}
author = {Kermanidis, Katia; Maragoudakis, Manolis; Fakotakis, Nikos D.; Kokkinakis, George K.}
title = {Learning Greek Verb Complements: Addressing The Class Imbalance}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1154}
author = {Groves, Declan; Hearne, Mary; Way, Andy}
title = {Robust Sub-Sentential Alignment Of Phrase-Structure Trees}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1155}
author = {Wong, Fai; Hu, Dong-Cheng; Mao, Yu-Hang; Dong, Ming-Chui}
title = {A Flexible Example Annotation Schema: Translation Corresponding Tree Representation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1156}
author = {Pianta, Emanuele; Bentivogli, Luisa}
title = {Knowledge Intensive Word Alignment With KNOWA}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1157}
author = {Nielsen, Leif Arda}
title = {Verb Phrase Ellipsis Detection Using Automatically Parsed Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1158}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Misu, Teruhisa; Kawahara, Tatsuya; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Efficient Confirmation Strategy For Large-Scale Text Retrieval Systems With Spoken Dialogue Interface}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1159}
author = {Shitaoka, Kazuya; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Kawahara, Tatsuya; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Dependency Structure Analysis And Sentence Boundary Detection In Spontaneous Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1160}
author = {Feldman, Jerome A.}
title = {Computational Cognitive Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1161}
author = {Boleda, Gemma; Badia, Toni; Batlle, Eloi}
title = {Acquisition Of Semantic Classes For Adjectives From Distributional Evidence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1162}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Tarau, Paul; Figa, Elizabeth}
title = {PageRank On Semantic Networks With Application To Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1163}
author = {Magnini, Bernardo; Speranza, Manuela; Girardi, Christian}
title = {A Semantic-Based Approach To Interoperabiltity Of Classification Hierarchies: Evaluation Of Linguistic Techniques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1164}
author = {Yeh, Jui-Feng; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Chen, Ming-Jun; Yu, Liang-Chih}
title = {Automated Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Cross-Language Domain-Specific Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1165}
author = {Kanzaki, Kyoko; Yamamoto, Eiko; Ma, Qing; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Construction Of An Objective Hierarchy Of Abstract Concepts Via Directional Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1166}
author = {Max, Aurélien}
title = {From Controlled Document Authoring To Interactive Document Normalization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1167}
author = {Kanejiya, Dharmendra; Kumar, Arun; Prasad, Surendra}
title = {Statistical Language Modeling With Performance Benchmarks Using Various Levels Of Syntactic-Semantic Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1168}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Kikui, Genichiro; Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Soong, Frank K.; Watanabe, Taro; Lo, Wai-Kit}
title = {A Unified Approach In Speech-To-Speech Translation: Integrating Features Of Speech Recognition And Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1169}
author = {Borthen, Kaja}
title = {Predicative NPs And The Annotation Of Reference Chains}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1170}
author = {Benamara, Farah; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Lexicalisation Strategies In Cooperative Question-Answering Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1171}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {A System For Generating Descriptions Of Sets Of Objects In A Rich Variety}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1172}
author = {Petersen, Ulrik}
title = {Emdros - A Text Database Engine For Analyzed Or Annotated Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1173}
author = {Gaume, Bruno; Hathout, Nabil; Muller, Philippe}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using A Dictionary For Sense Similarity Measure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1174}
author = {Sasano, Ryohei; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Nominal Case Frames And Its Application To Indirect Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1175}
author = {Sornil, Ohm; Chaiwanarom, Paweena}
title = {Combining Prediction By Partial Matching And Logistic Regression For Thai Word Segmentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1176}
author = {Masuyama, Takeshi; Sekine, Satoshi; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Japanese KATAKANA Variant List From Large Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1177}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Koeling, Rob; Weeds, Julie; Carroll, John}
title = {Automatic Identification Of Infrequent Word Senses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1178}
author = {Biemann, Christian; Shin, Saim; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Semiautomatic Extension Of CoreNet Using A Bootstrapping Mechanism On Corpus-Based Co-Occurrences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1179}
author = {Kwon, Namhee; Fleischman, Michael; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {FrameNet-Based Semantic Parsing Using Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1180}
author = {Bos, Johan; Clark, Stephen; Steedman, Mark; Curran, James R.; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Wide-Coverage Semantic Representations From A CCG Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1181}
author = {DeVault, David; Stone, Matthew}
title = {Interpreting Vague Utterances In Context}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1182}
author = {Lee, Katherine; Hagen, Andreas; Romanyshyn, Nicholas; Martin, Sean; Pellom, Bryan}
title = {Analysis And Detection Of Reading Miscues For Interactive Literacy Tutors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1183}
author = {Kraif, Olivier; Chen, Boxing}
title = {Combining Clues For Lexical Level Aligning Using The Null Hypothesis Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1184}
author = {Otterbacher, Jahna C.; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Comparing Semantically Related Sentences: The Case Of Paraphrase Versus Subsumption}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1185}
author = {Frank, Anette}
title = {Constraint-Based RMRS Construction From Shallow Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1186}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Using Dependency Trees}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1187}
author = {Yang, Hui; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Web-Based List Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1188}
author = {Jijkoun, Valentin; Mur, Jori; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {Information Extraction For Question Answering: Improving Recall Through Syntactic Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1189}
author = {Small, Sharon; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Liu, Ting; Ryan, Sean; Salkin, Robert; Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Kantor, Paul B.; Kelly, Diane; Rittman, Robert; Wacholder, Nina}
title = {HITIQA: Towards Analytical Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1190}
author = {Su, Weifeng; Carpuat, Marine; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Semi-Supervised Training Of A Kernel PCA-Based Model For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1191}
author = {O'Hara, Thomas P.; Bertolo, Stefano; Witbrock, Michael J.; Aldag, Bjorn; Curtis, Jon; Panton, Kathy; Schneider, David; Salay, Nancy}
title = {Inferring Parts Of Speech For Lexical Mappings Via The Cyc KB}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1192}
author = {Tufiš, Dan; Ion, Radu; Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {Fine-Grained Word Sense Disambiguation Based On Parallel Corpora Word Alignment Word Clustering And Aligned Wordnets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1193}
author = {Bond, Francis; Nichols, Eric; Fujita, Sanae; Tanaka, Takaaki}
title = {Acquiring An Ontology For A Fundamental Vocabulary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1194}
author = {Ferret, Olivier}
title = {Discovering Word Senses From A Network Of Lexical Cooccurrences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1195}
author = {Veale, Tony; Seco, Nuno; Hayes, Jer}
title = {Creative Discovery In Lexical Ontologies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1196}
author = {Popescu, Octavian; Aleven, Vincent; Koedinger, Kenneth}
title = {Understanding Students' Explanations In Geometry Tutoring}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1197}
author = {Punyakanok, Vasin; Roth, Dan; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Zimak, Dav}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Via Integer Linear Programming Inference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1198}
author = {Denand, Nicolas; Rolbert, Monique}
title = {Contextual Processing Of Locative Prepositional Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1199}
author = {Miliaraki, Spyridoula; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {Learning To Identify Single-Snippet Answers To Definition Questions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1200}
author = {Kim, Soo-Min; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Determining The Sentiment Of Opinions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1201}
author = {Solorio, Thamar; Perez-Coutino, Manuel; Montes-y-Gomez, Manuel; Villasenor-Pineda, Luis; Lopez-Lopez, Aurelio}
title = {A Language Independent Method For Question Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1202}
author = {Xie, Zhuli; Li, Xin; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Xiao, Weimin; Tirpak, Thomas M.; Nelson, Peter C.}
title = {Using Gene Expression Programming To Construct Sentence Ranking Functions For Text Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1203}
author = {Say, A. C. Cem; Cetinoglu, Ozlem; Demir, Seniz; Ogun, Fatih}
title = {A Natural Language Processing Infrastructure For Turkish}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C04-1204}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Deep Linguistic Analysis For The Accurate Identification Of Predicate-Argument Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2004}
id = {C08-1001}
author = {Abe, Shuya; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Two-Phased Event Relation Acquisition: Coupling the Relation-Oriented and Argument-Oriented Approaches}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1002}
author = {Abend, Omri; Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {A Supervised Algorithm for Verb Disambiguation into VerbNet Classes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1003}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; López de Lacalle, Oier}
title = {On Robustness and Domain Adaptation using SVD for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1004}
author = {Allison, Ben}
title = {An Improved Hierarchical Bayesian Model of Language for Document Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1005}
author = {Ayan, Necip Fazil; Zheng, Jing; Wang, Wen}
title = {Improving Alignments for Better Confusion Networks for Combining Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1006}
author = {Bachenko, Joan; Fitzpatrick, Eileen; Schonwetter, Michael}
title = {Verification and Implementation of Language-Based Deception Indicators in Civil and Criminal Narratives}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1007}
author = {Bader, Brett W.; Chew, Peter A.}
title = {Enhancing Multilingual Latent Semantic Analysis with Term Alignment Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1008}
author = {Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Weakly Supervised Supertagging with Grammar-Informed Initialization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1009}
author = {Brody, Samuel; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Good Neighbors Make Good Senses: Exploiting Distributional Similarity for Unsupervised WSD}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1010}
author = {Buckley, Mark; Wolska, Magdalena}
title = {A Classification of Dialogue Actions in Tutorial Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1011}
author = {Butnariu, Cristina; Veale, Tony}
title = {A Concept-Centered Approach to Noun-Compound Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1012}
author = {Buyko, Ekaterina; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Are Morpho-Syntactic Features More Predictive for the Resolution of Noun Phrase Coordination Ambiguity than Lexico-Semantic Similarity Scores?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1013}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Cohn, Trevor; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {ParaMetric: An Automatic Evaluation Metric for Paraphrasing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1014}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Zhang, Min; Aw, Aiti; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Regenerating Hypotheses for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1015}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Wu, Youzheng; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Learning Reliable Information for Dependency Parsing Adaptation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1016}
author = {Chen, Bin; Yang, Xiaofeng; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Other-Anaphora Resolution in Biomedical Texts with Automatically Mined Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1017}
author = {Chew, Peter A.; Bader, Brett W.; Abdelali, Ahmed}
title = {Latent Morpho-Semantic Analysis: Multilingual Information Retrieval with Character N-Grams and Mutual Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1018}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Sentence Compression Beyond Word Deletion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1019}
author = {Conroy, John M.; Dang, Hoa Trang}
title = {Mind the Gap: Dangers of Divorcing Evaluations of Summary Content from Linguistic Quality}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1020}
author = {Crysmann, Berthold; Bertomeu, Nuria; Adolphs, Peter; Flickinger, Daniel P.; Klüwer, Tina}
title = {Hybrid Processing for Grammar and Style Checking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1021}
author = {Cuadros, Montse; Rigau, German}
title = {KnowNet: Building a Large Net of Knowledge from the Web}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1022}
author = {De Felice, Rachele; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {A Classifier-Based Approach to Preposition and Determiner Error Correction in L2 English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1023}
author = {Chica, Sebastian; Ahmad, Faisal; Martin, James H.; Sumner, Tamara}
title = {Pedagogically Useful Extractive Summaries for Science Education}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1024}
author = {De Saeger, Stijn; Torisawa, Kentaro; Kazama, Jun'ichi}
title = {Looking for Trouble}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1025}
author = {Deoskar, Tejaswini}
title = {Re-estimation of Lexical Parameters for Treebank PCFGs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1026}
author = {Dickinson, Markus}
title = {Representations for category disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1027}
author = {Elming, Jakob}
title = {Syntactic Reordering Integrated with Phrase-Based SMT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1028}
author = {Fowler, Timothy A. D.}
title = {Efficiently Parsing with the Product-Free Lambek Calculus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1029}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {A Probabilistic Model for Measuring Grammaticality and Similarity of Automatically Generated Paraphrases of Predicate Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1030}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi; Yamashita, Kazuyuki}
title = {Retrieving Bilingual Verb-Noun Collocations by Integrating Cross-Language Category Hierarchies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1031}
author = {Ganapathibhotla, Murthy; Liu, Bing}
title = {Mining Opinions in Comparative Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1032}
author = {Gardent, Claire}
title = {Integrating a Unification-Based Semantics in a Large Scale Lexicalised Tree Adjoining Grammar for French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1033}
author = {Gasperin, Caroline; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Statistical Anaphora Resolution in Biomedical Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1034}
author = {Giuliano, Claudio; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano}
title = {Instance-Based Ontology Population Exploiting Named-Entity Substitution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1035}
author = {Gledson, Ann; Keane, John}
title = {Measuring Topic Homogeneity and its Application to Dictionary-Based Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1036}
author = {Gledson, Ann; Keane, John}
title = {Using Web-Search Results to Measure Word-Group Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1037}
author = {Gründer, Sabine}
title = {An Algorithm for Adverbial Aspect Shift}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1038}
author = {Guo, Yuqing; van Genabith, Josef; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Dependency-Based N-Gram Models for General Purpose Sentence Realisation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1039}
author = {Haffari, Gholamreza; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Homotopy-Based Semi-Supervised Hidden Markov Models for Sequence Labeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1040}
author = {Hassan, Ahmed; Fader, Anthony; Crespin, Michael H.; Quinn, Kevin M.; Monroe, Burt L.; Colaresi, Michael; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Tracking the Dynamic Evolution of Participants Salience in a Discussion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1041}
author = {He, Zhongjun; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation using Lexicalized Rule Selection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1042}
author = {Headden III, William P.; McClosky, David; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Evaluating Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging for Grammar Induction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1043}
author = {Hickl, Andrew}
title = {Using Discourse Commitments to Recognize Textual Entailment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1044}
author = {Hu, Wei; Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Sheng, Huanye}
title = {Modeling Chinese Documents with Topical Word-Character Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1045}
author = {Ikehara, Satoru; Tokuhisa, Masato; Murakami, Jin'ichi}
title = {Non-Compositional Language Model and Pattern Dictionary Development for Japanese Compound and Complex Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1046}
author = {Iwatate, Masakazu; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Japanese Dependency Parsing Using a Tournament Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1047}
author = {Jaworski, Wojciech}
title = {Contents Modelling of Neo-Sumerian Ur III Economic Text Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1048}
author = {Jiang, Long; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Generating Chinese Couplets using a Statistical MT Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1049}
author = {Jiang, Wenbin; Mi, Haitao; Liu, Qun}
title = {Word Lattice Reranking for Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1050}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {The Effect of Syntactic Representation on Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1051}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {Using Hidden Markov Random Fields to Combine Distributional and Pattern-Based Word Clustering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1052}
author = {Kanayama, Hiroshi; Nasukawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Textual Demand Analysis: Detection of Users% Wants and Needs from Opinions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1053}
author = {Katrenko, Sophia; Adriaans, Pieter}
title = {A Local Alignment Kernel in the Context of NLP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1054}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Coordination Disambiguation without Any Similarities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1055}
author = {Khan, Imtiaz Hussain; van Deemter, Kees; Ritchie, Graeme D.}
title = {Generation of Referring Expressions: Managing Structural Ambiguities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1056}
author = {Kobus, Catherine; Yvon, François; Damnati, Géraldine}
title = {Normalizing SMS: are Two Metaphors Better than One ?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1057}
author = {Korhonen, Anna; Krymolowski, Yuval; Collier, Nigel}
title = {The Choice of Features for Classification of Verbs in Biomedical Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1058}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Extending a Thesaurus with Words from Pan-Chinese Sources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1059}
author = {Laws, Florian; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Stopping Criteria for Active Learning of Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1060}
author = {Lerman, Kevin; Gilder, Ari; Dredze, Mark; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Reading the Markets: Forecasting Public Opinion of Political Candidates by News Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1061}
author = {Li, Fangtao; Zhang, Xian; Yuan, Jinhui; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Classifying What-Type Questions by Head Noun Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1062}
author = {Li, Wenjie; Wei, Furu; Lu, Qin; He, Yanxiang}
title = {PNR2: Ranking Sentences with Positive and Negative Reinforcement for Query-Oriented Update Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1063}
author = {Liu, Yuanjie; Li, Shasha; Cao, Yunbo; Lin, Chin-Yew; Han, Dingyi; Yu, Yong}
title = {Understanding and Summarizing Answers in Community-Based Question Answering Services}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1064}
author = {Lopez, Adam}
title = {Tera-Scale Translation Models via Pattern Matching}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1065}
author = {Luyckx, Kim; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Authorship Attribution and Verification with Many Authors and Limited Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1066}
author = {MacCartney, Bill; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Modeling Semantic Containment and Exclusion in Natural Language Inference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1067}
author = {Macken, Lieve; Lefever, Els; Hoste, Véronique}
title = {Linguistically-Based Sub-Sentential Alignment for Terminology Extraction from a Bilingual Automotive Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1068}
author = {Malik, M. G. Abbas; Boitet, Christian; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Hindi Urdu Machine Transliteration using Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1069}
author = {Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Comparative Parser Performance Analysis across Grammar Frameworks through Automatic Tree Conversion using Synchronous Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1070}
author = {Mazur, Pawel; Dale, Robert}
title = {What%s the Date? High Accuracy Interpretation of Weekday Names}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1071}
author = {McClosky, David; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {When is Self-Training Effective for Parsing?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1072}
author = {Miller, Tim; Schuler, William}
title = {A Syntactic Time-Series Model for Parsing Fluent and Disfluent Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1073}
author = {Mistica, Meladel; Baldwin, Timothy; Cordella, Marisa; Musgrave, Simon}
title = {Applying Discourse Analysis and Data Mining Methods to Spoken OSCE Assessments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1074}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Random Restarts in Minimum Error Rate Training for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1075}
author = {Moreau, Erwan; Yvon, François; Cappé, Olivier}
title = {Robust Similarity Measures for Named Entities Matching}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1076}
author = {Mukherjee, Animesh; Choudhury, Monojit; Basu, Anupam; Ganguly, Niloy}
title = {Modeling the Structure and Dynamics of the Consonant Inventories: A Complex Network Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1077}
author = {Muthukrishnan, Pradeep; Gerrish, Joshua; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Detecting Multiple Facets of an Event using Graph-Based Unsupervised Methods}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1078}
author = {Naughton, Martina; Stokes, Nicola; Carthy, Joe}
title = {Investigating Statistical Techniques for Sentence-Level Event Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1079}
author = {Nguyen, Ngan; Kim, Jin-Dong}
title = {Exploring Domain Differences for the Design of a Pronoun Resolution System for Biomedical Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1080}
author = {Nicolas, Lionel; Sagot, Benoît; Molinero, Miguel A.; Farré, Jacques; De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {Computer Aided Correction and Extension of a Syntactic Wide-Coverage Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1081}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Boguslavsky, Igor; Iomdin, Leonid}
title = {Parsing the SynTagRus Treebank of Russian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1082}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Semantic Classification with Distributional Kernels}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1083}
author = {Okazaki, Naoaki; Ananiadou, Sophia; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Discriminative Alignment Model for Abbreviation Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1084}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Pennacchiotti, Marco; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Semantic Role Assignment for Event Nominalisations by Leveraging Verbal Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1085}
author = {Pajas, Petr; Štepánek, Jan}
title = {Recent Advances in a Feature-Rich Framework for Treebank Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1086}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Vyas, Vishnu}
title = {A Joint Information Model for N-Best Ranking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1087}
author = {Qazvinian, Vahed; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Scientific Paper Summarization Using Citation Summary Networks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1088}
author = {Qian, Longhua; Zhou, Guodong; Kong, Fang; Zhu, Qiao-ming; Qian, Peide}
title = {Exploiting Constituent Dependencies for Tree Kernel-Based Semantic Relation Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1089}
author = {Qiu, Likun; Hu, Changjian; Zhao, Kai}
title = {A Method for Automatic POS Guessing of Chinese Unknown Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1090}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Bouillon, Pierrette; Hockey, Beth Ann; Nakao, Yukie}
title = {Almost Flat Functional Semantics for Speech Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1091}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Unsupervised Induction of Labeled Parse Trees by Clustering with Syntactic Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1092}
author = {Richens, Tom}
title = {Anomalies in the WordNet Verb Hierarchy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1093}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; Liu, Yi; Vasserman, Alexander}
title = {Translating Queries into Snippets for Improved Query Expansion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1094}
author = {Roark, Brian; Hollingshead, Kristy}
title = {Classifying Chart Cells for Quadratic Complexity Context-Free Inference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1095}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Shift-Reduce Dependency DAG Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1096}
author = {Sasaki, Yutaka; Thompson, Paul; Cotter, Philip; McNaught, John; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Event Frame Extraction Based on a Gene Regulation Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1097}
author = {Sasano, Ryohei; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {A Fully-Lexicalized Probabilistic Model for Japanese Zero Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1098}
author = {Schmid, Helmut; Laws, Florian}
title = {Estimation of Conditional Probabilities With Decision Trees and an Application to Fine-Grained POS Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1099}
author = {Schuler, William; AbdelRahman, Samir; Miller, Tim; Schwartz, Lane}
title = {Toward a Psycholinguistically-Motivated Model of Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1100}
author = {Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Hagiwara, Masato; Ogawa, Yasuhiro; Toyama, Katsuhiko; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Metric Learning for Synonym Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1101}
author = {Somasundaran, Swapna; Wiebe, Janyce; Ruppenhofer, Josef}
title = {Discourse Level Opinion Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1102}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Guo, Yikun; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Acquiring Sense Tagged Examples using Relevance Feedback}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1103}
author = {Stoyanov, Veselin; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Topic Identification for Fine-Grained Opinion Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1104}
author = {Su, Fangzhong; Markert, Katja}
title = {From Words to Senses: A Case Study of Subjectivity Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1105}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Sui, Zhifang; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Prediction of Maximal Projection for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1106}
author = {Sun, Xu; Morency, Louis-Philippe; Okanohara, Daisuke; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Modeling Latent-Dynamic in Shallow Parsing: A Latent Conditional Model with Imrpoved Inference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1107}
author = {Szpektor, Idan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Learning Entailment Rules for Unary Templates}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1108}
author = {Tatu, Marta; Srikanth, Munirathnam}
title = {Experiments with Reasoning for Temporal Relations between Events}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1109}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {The Ups and Downs of Preposition Error Detection in ESL Writing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1110}
author = {Thadani, Kapil; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {A Framework for Identifying Textual Redundancy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1111}
author = {Tokuhisa, Ryoko; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Emotion Classification Using Massive Examples Extracted from the Web}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1112}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Relational-Realizational Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1113}
author = {Tsuboi, Yuta; Kashima, Hisashi; Mori, Shinsuke; Oda, Hiroki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Training Conditional Random Fields Using Incomplete Annotations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1114}
author = {Turney, Peter D.}
title = {A Uniform Approach to Analogies Synonyms Antonyms and Associations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1115}
author = {Ueffing, Nicola; Stephan, Jens; Matusov, Evgeny; Dugast, Loïc; Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland; Senellart, Jean; Yang, Jin}
title = {Tighter Integration of Rule-Based and Statistical MT in Serial System Combination}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1116}
author = {van Durme, Benjamin; Qian, Ting; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Class-Driven Attribute Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1117}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim}
title = {Using Three Way Data for Word Sense Discrimination}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1118}
author = {van Halteren, Hans}
title = {Source Language Markers in EUROPARL Translations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1119}
author = {Veale, Tony; Hao, Yanfen}
title = {A Fluid Knowledge Representation for Understanding and Generating Creative Metaphors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1120}
author = {Verberne, Suzan; Boves, Louis; Oostdijk, Nelleke; Coppen, Peter-Arno}
title = {Using Syntactic Information for Improving Why-Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1121}
author = {Versley, Yannick; Moschitti, Alessandro; Poesio, Massimo; Yang, Xiaofeng}
title = {Coreference Systems Based on Kernels Methods}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1122}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun; Xiao, Jianguo}
title = {CollabRank: Towards a Collaborative Approach to Single-Document Keyphrase Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1123}
author = {Webb, Nick; Liu, Ting}
title = {Investigating the Portability of Corpus-Derived Cue Phrases for Dialogue Act Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1124}
author = {Wong, Kam-Fai; Wu, Mingli; Li, Wenjie}
title = {Extractive Summarization Using Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1125}
author = {Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Domain Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation with Domain Dictionary and Monolingual Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1126}
author = {Wunsch, Holger}
title = {Exploiting Graph Structure for Accelerating the Calculation of Shortest Paths in Wordnets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1127}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Aw, Aiti; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Linguistically Annotated BTG for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1128}
author = {Xu, Jia; Gao, Jianfeng; Toutanova, Kristina; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Bayesian Semi-Supervised Chinese Word Segmentation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1129}
author = {Yang, Fan; Heeman, Peter A.; Kun, Andrew}
title = {Switching to Real-Time Tasks in Multi-Tasking Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1130}
author = {Yang, Yuhang; Lu, Qin; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Chinese Term Extraction Using Minimal Resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1131}
author = {Yencken, Lars; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Measuring and Predicting Orthographic Associations: Modelling the Similarity of Japanese Kanji}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1132}
author = {Yu, Kun; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Chinese Dependency Parsing with Large Scale Automatically Constructed Case Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1133}
author = {Yu, Liang-Chih; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {OntoNotes: Corpus Cleanup of Mistaken Agreement Using Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1134}
author = {Yu, Xiaofeng; Lam, Wai}
title = {An Integrated Probabilistic and Logic Approach to Encyclopedia Relation Extraction with Multiple Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1135}
author = {Zagibalov, Taras; Carroll, John}
title = {Automatic Seed Word Selection for Unsupervised Sentiment Classification of Chinese Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1136}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Gildea, Daniel; Chiang, David}
title = {Extracting Synchronous Grammar Rules From Word-Level Alignments in Linear Time}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1137}
author = {Zhang, Jiajun; Zong, Chengqing; Li, Shoushan}
title = {Sentence Type Based Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1138}
author = {Zhang, Min; Jiang, Hongfei; Li, Haizhou; Aw, Aiti; Li, Sheng}
title = {Grammar Comparison Study for Translational Equivalence Modeling and Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1139}
author = {Zhechev, Ventsislav; Way, Andy}
title = {Automatic Generation of Parallel Treebanks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1140}
author = {Zhou, Deyu; He, Yulan}
title = {A Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Framework to Train a Semantic Parser from an Un-annotated Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1141}
author = {Zhou, Ming; Wang, Bo; Liu, Shujie; Li, Mu; Zhang, Dongdong; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Diagnostic Evaluation of Machine Translation Systems Using Automatically Constructed Linguistic Check-Points}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1142}
author = {Zhu, Jingbo; Wang, Huizhen; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Multi-Criteria-Based Strategy to Stop Active Learning for Data Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1143}
author = {Zhu, Jingbo; Wang, Huizhen; Yao, Tianshun; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Active Learning with Sampling by Uncertainty and Density for Word Sense Disambiguation and Text Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1144}
author = {Zollmann, Andreas; Venugopal, Ashish; Och, Franz Josef; Ponte, Jay}
title = {A Systematic Comparison of Phrase-Based Hierarchical and Syntax-Augmented Statistical MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-1145}
author = {Zwarts, Simon; Dras, Mark}
title = {Choosing the Right Translation: A Syntactically Informed Classification Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2001}
author = {Agerri, Rodrigo}
title = {Metaphor in Textual Entailment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2002}
author = {Asher, Nicholas; Benamara, Farah; Mathieu, Yvette}
title = {Distilling Opinion in Discourse: A Preliminary Study}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2003}
author = {Atterer, Michaela; Baumann, Timo; Schlangen, David}
title = {Towards Incremental End-of-Utterance Detection in Dialogue Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2004}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Cardie, Claire; Lee, Lillian}
title = {The Power of Negative Thinking: Exploiting Label Disagreement in the Min-cut Classification Framework}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2005}
author = {Blackwood, Graeme; Gispert, Adrià de; Byrne, William}
title = {Phrasal Segmentation Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2006}
author = {Boudin, Florian; El-Bèze, Marc; Torres-Moreno, Juan-Manuel}
title = {A Scalable MMR Approach to Sentence Scoring for Multi-Document Update Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2007}
author = {Chakrabarti, Debasri; Mandalia, Hemang; Priya, Ritwik; Sarma, Vaijayanthi; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Hindi Compound Verbs and their Automatic Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2008}
author = {Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Gojenola, Koldo; Oronoz, Maite}
title = {Detecting Erroneous Uses of Complex Postpositions in an Agglutinative Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2009}
author = {Egg, Markus; Regneri, Michaela}
title = {Underspecified Modelling of Complex Discourse Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2010}
author = {Hamon, Olivier; Mostefa, Djamel}
title = {The Impact of Reference Quality on Automatic MT Evaluation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2011}
author = {Hatori, Jun; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation for All Words using Tree-Structured Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2012}
author = {Ji, Paul D.; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {ILP-based Conceptual Analysis for Chinese NPs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2013}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Yvon, François}
title = {Scaling up Analogical Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2014}
author = {Lardilleux, Adrien; Lepage, Yves}
title = {Multilingual Alignments by Monolingual String Differences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2015}
author = {Misu, Teruhisa; Kawahara, Tatsuya}
title = {Bayes Risk-based Dialogue Management for Document Retrieval System with Speech Interface}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2016}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Exact Inference for Multi-label Classification using Sparse Graphical Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2017}
author = {Montiel-Ponsoda, Elena; Aguado de Cea, Guadalupe; Gómez-Pérez, Asunción; Peters, Wim}
title = {Modelling Multilinguality in Ontologies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2018}
author = {Niemi, Jyrki; Koskenniemi, Kimmo}
title = {Quantification and Implication in Semantic Calendar Expressions Represented with Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2019}
author = {Pang, Bo; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Using Very Simple Statistics for Review Search: An Exploration}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2020}
author = {Paris, Cécile L.; Colineau, Nathalie; Lampert, Andrew; Giralt Duran, Joan}
title = {Generation under Space Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2021}
author = {Paukkeri, Mari-Sanna; Nieminen, Ilari T.; Pöllä, Matti; Honkela, Timo}
title = {A Language-Independent Approach to Keyphrase Extraction and Evaluation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2022}
author = {Pitler, Emily; Raghupathy, Mridhula; Mehta, Hena; Nenkova, Ani; Lee, Alan; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Easily Identifiable Discourse Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2023}
author = {Popescu, Marius; Dinu, Liviu P.}
title = {Rank Distance as a Stylistic Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2024}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Moszkowicz, Jessica L.}
title = {Integrating Motion Predicate Classes with Spatial and Temporal Annotations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2025}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {On the Weak Generative Capacity of Weighted Context-free Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2026}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Range Concatenation Grammars for Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2027}
author = {Sawalha, Majdi; Atwell, Eric Steven}
title = {Comparative Evaluation of Arabic Language Morphological Analysers and Stemmers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2028}
author = {Sjöbergh, Jonas; Araki, Kenji}
title = {A Complete and Modestly Funny System for Generating and Performing Japanese Stand-Up Comedy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2029}
author = {Spanger, Philipp; Kurosawa, Takehiro; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {On Redundancy” in Selecting Attributes for Generating Referring Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2030}
author = {Tohyama, Hitomi; Kozawa, Shunsuke; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Matsubara, Shigeki; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Construction of an Infrastructure for Providing Users with Suitable Language Resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2031}
author = {Tongchim, Shisanu; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Experiments in Base-NP Chunking and Its Role in Dependency Parsing for Thai}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2032}
author = {Tsunakawa, Takashi; Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Building a Bilingual Lexicon Using Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation via a Pivot Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2033}
author = {Vyas, Vishnu; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Explaining Similarity of Terms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2034}
author = {Wu, Yu-Chieh; Yang, Jie-Chi; Lee, Yue-Shi}
title = {Robust and Efficient Chinese Word Dependency Analysis with Linear Kernel Support Vector Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-2035}
author = {Yousfi-Monod, Mehdi; Prince, Violaine}
title = {Sentence Compression as a Step in Summarization or an Alternative Path in Text Shortening}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3001}
author = {Atkinson, Martin; Piskorski, Jakub; Pouliquen, Bruno; Steinberger, Ralf; Tanev, Hristo; Zavarella, Vanni}
title = {Online-Monitoring of Security-Related Events}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3002}
author = {Gill, Mandeep Singh; Singh Lehal, Gurpreet}
title = {A Grammar Checking System for Punjabi}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3003}
author = {Guillaume, Bruno; Le Roux, Joseph; Marchand, Jonathan; Perrier, Guy; Fort, Karën; Planul, Jennifer}
title = {A Toolchain for Grammarians}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3004}
author = {Josan, Gurpreet Singh; Singh Lehal, Gurpreet}
title = {A Punjabi To Hindi Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3005}
author = {Lemon, Oliver; Liu, Xingkun; Hastie, Helen}
title = {“Build Your Own” Spoken Dialogue Systems: Automatically Generating ISU Dialogue Systems from Business User Resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3006}
author = {Paul, Michael; Okuma, Hideo; Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Sumita, Eiichiro; Matsuda, Shigeki; Shimizu, Tohru; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Multilingual Mobile-Phone Translation Services for World Travelers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3007}
author = {Ruiz-Rico, Fernando; Vicedo, Jose Luis; Rubio-Sánchez, María-Consuelo}
title = {Multilingual Assistant for Medical Diagnosing and Drug Prescription Based on Category Ranking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3008}
author = {Sacaleanu, Bogdan; Orăsan, Constantin; Spurk, Christian; Ou, Shiyan; Ferrandez, Oscar; Kouylekov, Milen; Negri, Matteo}
title = {Entailment-based Question Answering for Structured Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3009}
author = {Saini, Tejinder Singh; Singh Lehal, Gurpreet; Kalra, Virinder S.}
title = {Shahmukhi to Gurmukhi Transliteration System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3010}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {A Linguistic Knowledge Discovery Tool: Very Large Ngram Database Search with Arbitrary Wildcards}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3011}
author = {Venant, Fabienne}
title = {Semantic Visualization and Meaning Computation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-3012}
author = {Verhagen, Marc; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Temporal Processing with the TARSQI Toolkit}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-4001}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Bernhard, Delphine}
title = {ENLP Tutorial Notes – Slides}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-4002}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Bernhard, Delphine}
title = {ENLP Tutorial Notes – References}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C08-5001}
author = {Huang, Liang}
title = {Advanced Dynamic Programming in Semiring and Hypergraph Frameworks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2008}
id = {C10-1001}
author = {Afantenos, Stergos; Asher, Nicholas}
title = {Testing SDRT’s Right Frontier}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1002}
author = {Al-Haj, Hassan; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Identifying Multi-word Expressions by Leveraging Morphological and Syntactic Idiosyncrasy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1003}
author = {Andrade, Daniel; Nasukawa, Tetsuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Robust Measurement and Comparison of Context Similarity for Finding Translation Pairs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1004}
author = {Banea, Carmen; Mihalcea, Rada; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Multilingual Subjectivity: Are More Languages Better?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1005}
author = {Barrón-Cedeño, Alberto; Rosso, Paolo; Agirre, Eneko; Labaka, Gorka}
title = {Plagiarism Detection across Distant Language Pairs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1006}
author = {Bel, Núria; Coll, Maria; Resnik, Gabriela}
title = {Automatic Detection of Non-deverbal Event Nouns for Quick Lexicon Production}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1007}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Cherry, Colin}
title = {Fast and Accurate Arc Filtering for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1008}
author = {Bickerstaffe, Adrian; Zukerman, Ingrid}
title = {A Hierarchical Classifier Applied to Multi-way Sentiment Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1009}
author = {Blackwood, Graeme; Gispert, Adrià de; Byrne, William}
title = {Fluency Constraints for Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding of Statistical Machine Translation Lattices}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1010}
author = {Blessing, Andre; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Self-Annotation for fine-grained geospatial relation extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1011}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {Top Accuracy and Fast Dependency Parsing is not a Contradiction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1012}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd; Wanner, Leo; Mill, Simon; Burga, Alicia}
title = {Broad Coverage Multilingual Deep Sentence Generation with a Stochastic Multi-Level Realizer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1013}
author = {Brosseau-Villeneuve, Bernard; Nie, Jian-Yun; Kando, Noriko}
title = {Towards an optimal weighting of context words based on distance}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1014}
author = {Bu, Fan; Zhu, Xiaoyan; Li, Ming}
title = {Measuring the Non-compositionality of Multiword Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1015}
author = {Bunsecu, Razvan; Huang, Yunfeng}
title = {A Utility-Driven Approach to Question Ranking in Social QA}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1016}
author = {Cai, Xiaoyan; Li, Wenjie; Ouyang, You; Yan, Hong}
title = {Simultaneous Ranking and Clustering of Sentences: A Reinforcement Approach to Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1017}
author = {Cai, Jie; Strube, Michael}
title = {End-to-End Coreference Resolution via Hypergraph Partitioning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1018}
author = {Chan, Yee Seng; Roth, Dan}
title = {Exploiting Background Knowledge for Relation Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1019}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Liu, Ting}
title = {Jointly Modeling WSD and SRL with Markov Logic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1020}
author = {Chen, Chien Chin; Wu, Chen-Yuan}
title = {Bipolar Person Name Identification of Topic Documents Using Principal Component Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1021}
author = {Chen, Ying; Lee, Sophia Yat Mei; Li, Shoushan; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {Emotion Cause Detection with Linguistic Constructions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1022}
author = {Chen, Bin; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {A Twin-Candidate Based Approach for Event Pronoun Resolution using Composite Kernel}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1023}
author = {Chen, Yuncong; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Unsupervised Synthesis of Multilingual Wikipedia Articles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1024}
author = {Choi, Sung-Pil; Myaeng, Sung-Hyon}
title = {Simplicity is Better: Revisiting Single Kernel PPI Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1025}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Matsuda Goodwin, Reiko; McCrae, John; Doan, Son; Kawazoe, Ai; Conway, Mike; Kawtrakul, Asanee; Takeuchi, Koichi; Dien, Dinh}
title = {An ontology-driven system for detecting global health events}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1026}
author = {Cramer, Bart; Zhang, Yi}
title = {Constraining robust constructions for broad-coverage parsing with precision grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1027}
author = {Crego, Josep Maria; Max, Aurélien; Yvon, François}
title = {Local lexical adaptation in Machine Translation through triangulation: SMT helping SMT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1028}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Automated Translation of Semantic Relationships}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1029}
author = {Denis, Pascal; Muller, Philippe}
title = {Comparison of different algebras for inducing the temporal structure of texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1030}
author = {Dickinson, Markus}
title = {Generating Learner-Like Morphological Errors in Russian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1031}
author = {Ding, Xiaowen; Liu, Bing}
title = {Resolving Object and Attribute Coreference in Opinion Mining}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1032}
author = {Dredze, Mark; McNamee, Paul; Rao, Delip; Gerber, Adam; Finin, Tim}
title = {Entity Disambiguation for Knowledge Base Population}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1033}
author = {Du, Jinhua; Way, Andy}
title = {A Discriminative Latent Variable-Based DE Classifier for Chinese-English SMT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1034}
author = {Duan, Yajuan; Jiang, Long; Qin, Tao; Zhou, Ming; Shum, Heung-Yeung}
title = {An Empirical Study on Learning to Rank of Tweets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1035}
author = {Duan, Nan; Sun, Hong; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Translation Model Generalization using Probability Averaging for Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1036}
author = {Duan, Nan; Li, Mu; Zhang, Dongdong; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Mixture Model-based Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding using Multiple Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1037}
author = {Filippova, Katja}
title = {Multi-Sentence Compression: Finding Shortest Paths in Word Graphs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1038}
author = {Fujita, Sanae; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Enriching Dictionaries with Images from the Internet - Targeting Wikipedia and a Japanese Semantic Lexicon: Lexeed -}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1039}
author = {Ganesan, Kavita; Zhai, ChengXiang; Han, Jiawei}
title = {Opinosis: A Graph Based Approach to Abstractive Summarization of Highly Redundant Opinions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1040}
author = {Gao, Qin; Guzman, Francisco; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {EMDC: A Semi-supervised Approach for Word Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1041}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Li, Xiaolong; Micol, Daniel; Quirk, Chris; Sun, Xu}
title = {A Large Scale Ranker-Based System for Search Query Spelling Correction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1042}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Perez-Beltrachini, Laura}
title = {RTG based surface realisation for TAG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1043}
author = {Genzel, Dmitriy}
title = {Automatically Learning Source-side Reordering Rules for Large Scale Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1044}
author = {Georgi, Ryan; Xia, Fei; Lewis, William H.}
title = {Comparing Language Similarity across Genetic and Typologically-Based Groupings}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1045}
author = {Green, Spence; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Better Arabic Parsing: Baselines Evaluations and Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1046}
author = {Grigonytè, Gintarè; Cordeiro, João Paulo; Dias, Gaël; Moraliyski, Rumen; Brazdil, Pavel}
title = {Paraphrase Alignment for Synonym Evidence Discovery}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1047}
author = {Guo, Sheng; Ramakrishnan, Naren}
title = {Finding the Storyteller: Automatic Spoiler Tagging using Linguistic Cues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1048}
author = {HaCohen-Kerner, Yaakov; Tayeb, Aharon; Ben-Dror, Natan}
title = {Detection of Simple Plagiarism in Computer Science Papers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1049}
author = {Hartung, Matthias; Frank, Anette}
title = {A Structured Vector Space Model for Hidden Attribute Meaning in Adjective-Noun Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1050}
author = {Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Tsukada, Hajime; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Duh, Kevin; Yamamoto, Seiichi}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation with Word-based Reordering Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1051}
author = {He, Yanqing; Zhou, Yu; Zong, Chengqing; Wang, Huilin}
title = {A Novel Reordering Model Based on Multi-layer Phrase for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1052}
author = {Henrich, Verena; Hinrichs, Erhard W.}
title = {Standardizing Wordnets in the ISO Standard LMF: Wordnet-LMF for GermaNet}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1053}
author = {Hockenmaier, Julia; Bisk, Yonatan}
title = {Normal-form parsing for Combinatory Categorial Grammars with generalized composition and type-raising}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1054}
author = {Hong, Gumwon; Li, Chi-Ho; Zhou, Ming; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {An Empirical Study on Web Mining of Parallel Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1055}
author = {Huang, Jian; Treeratpituk, Pucktada; Taylor, Sarah M.; Giles, C. Lee}
title = {Enhancing Cross Document Coreference of Web Documents with Context Similarity and Very Large Scale Text Categorization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1056}
author = {Huang, Fei; Xiang, Bing}
title = {Feature-Rich Discriminative Phrase Rescoring for SMT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1057}
author = {Jain, Alpa; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {FactRank: Random Walks on a Web of Facts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1058}
author = {Jain, Alpa; Pennacchiotti, Marco}
title = {Open Entity Extraction from Web Search Query Logs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1059}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Reranking Models in Fine-grained Opinion Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1060}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Demuth, Katherine}
title = {Unsupervised phonemic Chinese word segmentation using Adaptor Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1061}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Maier, Wolfgang}
title = {Data-Driven Parsing with Probabilistic Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1062}
author = {Kate, Rohit J.; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Patwardhan, Siddharth; Franz, Martin; Florian, Radu; Mooney, Raymond J.; Roukos, Salim; Welty, Chris}
title = {Learning to Predict Readability using Diverse Linguistic Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1063}
author = {Khapra, Mitesh M.; Sohoney, Saurabh; Kulkarni, Anup; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Value for Money: Balancing Annotation Effort Lexicon Building and Accuracy for Multilingual WSD}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1064}
author = {Kim, Seokhwan; Jeong, Minwoo; Lee, Jonghoon; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {A Cross-lingual Annotation Projection Approach for Relation Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1065}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Baldwin, Timothy; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Evaluating N-gram based Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Keyphrase Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1066}
author = {Kim, Doo Soon; Barker, Ken; Porter, Bruce W.}
title = {Improving the Quality of Text Understanding by Delaying Ambiguity Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1067}
author = {Knoth, Petr; Novotny, Jakub; Zdrahal, Zdenek}
title = {Automatic generation of inter-passage links based on semantic similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1068}
author = {Kong, Fang; Zhou, Guodong; Qian, Longhua; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Dependency-driven Anaphoricity Determination for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1069}
author = {Kuhn, Roland; Chen, Boxing; Foster, George; Stratford, Evan}
title = {Phrase Clustering for Smoothing TM Probabilities - or How to Extract Paraphrases from Phrase Tables}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1070}
author = {Laroche, Audrey; Langlais, Philippe}
title = {Revisiting Context-based Projection Methods for Term-Translation Spotting in Comparable Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1071}
author = {Lee, Young-Suk; Zhao, Bing; Luo, Xiaoqian}
title = {Constituent Reordering and Syntax Models for English-to-Japanese Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1072}
author = {Li, Shoushan; Lee, Sophia Yat Mei; Chen, Ying; Huang, Chu-Ren; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Sentiment Classification and Polarity Shifting}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1073}
author = {Li, Bo; Gaussier, Eric}
title = {Improving Corpus Comparability for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1074}
author = {Li, Fangtao; Han, Chao; Huang, Minlie; Zhu, Xiaoyan; Xia, Yingju; Zhang, Shu; Yu, Hao}
title = {Structure-Aware Review Mining and Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1075}
author = {Li, Mu; Zhao, Yinggong; Zhang, Dongdong; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Adaptive Development Data Selection for Log-linear Model in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1076}
author = {Li, Junhui; Zhou, Guodong; Wang, Hongling; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Learning the Scope of Negation via Shallow Semantic Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1077}
author = {Liao, Shasha; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Filtered Ranking for Bootstrapping in Event Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1078}
author = {Lippincott, Tom; Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Sun, Lin; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Exploring variation across biomedical subdomains}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1079}
author = {Liu, Xiaohua; Li, Kuan; Han, Bo; Zhou, Ming; Jiang, Long; Xiong, Zhongyang; Huang, Changning}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling for News Tweets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1080}
author = {Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun}
title = {Joint Parsing and Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1081}
author = {Liu, Ding; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Semantic Role Features for Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1082}
author = {Llorens, Hector; Saquete, Estela; Navarro, Borja}
title = {TimeML Events Recognition and Classification: Learning CRF Models with Semantic Roles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1083}
author = {Lu, Yue; Duan, Huizhong; Wang, Hongning; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Exploiting Structured Ontology to Organize Scattered Online Opinions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1084}
author = {Luong, Minh-Thang; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Enhancing Morphological Alignment for Translating Highly Inflected Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1085}
author = {Marsi, Erwin; Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Automatic analysis of semantic similarity in comparable text through syntactic tree matching}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1086}
author = {Meguro, Toyomi; Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Minami, Yasuhiro; Dohsaka, Kohji}
title = {Controlling Listening-oriented Dialogue using Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1087}
author = {Mirkin, Shachar; Berant, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido; Shnarch, Eyal}
title = {Recognising Entailment within Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1088}
author = {Miwa, Makoto; Pyysalo, Sampo; Hara, Tadayoshi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Evaluating Dependency Representations for Event Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1089}
author = {Miwa, Makoto; Sætre, Rune; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Entity-Focused Sentence Simplification for Relation Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1090}
author = {Mukund, Smruthi; Ghosh, Debanjan; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {Using Cross-Lingual Projections to Generate Semantic Role Labeled Annotated Corpus for Urdu - A Resource Poor Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1091}
author = {Neviarouskaya, Alena; Prendinger, Helmut; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Recognition of Affect Judgment and Appreciation in Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1092}
author = {Nguyen, ThuyLinh; Vogel, Stephan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Nonparametric Word Segmentation for Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1093}
author = {Nilsson, Peter; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Automatic Discovery of Feature Sets for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1094}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Rimell, Laura; McDonald, Ryan; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos}
title = {Evaluation of Dependency Parsers on Unbounded Dependencies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1095}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Yamada, Ichiro; Torisawa, Kentaro; De Saeger, Stijn}
title = {Co-STAR: A Co-training Style Algorithm for Hyponymy Relation Acquisition from Structured and Unstructured Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1096}
author = {Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Approximate Dictionary Matching}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1097}
author = {Ozkan, Derya; Sagae, Kenji; Morency, Louis-Philippe}
title = {Latent Mixture of Discriminative Experts for Multimodal Prediction Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1098}
author = {Ozsoy, Makbule; Cicekli, Ilyas; Alpaslan, Ferda}
title = {Text Summarization of Turkish Texts using Latent Semantic Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1099}
author = {Pasternack, Jeff; Roth, Dan}
title = {Knowing What to Believe (when you already know something)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1100}
author = {Pitler, Emily; Bergsma, Shane; Lin, Dekang; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Using Web-scale N-grams to Improve Base NP Parsing Performance}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1101}
author = {Qazvinian, Vahed; Radev, Dragomir R.; Özgür, Arzucan}
title = {Citation Summarization Through Keyphrase Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1102}
author = {Qian, Xian; Zhang, Qi; Huang, Xuangjing; Wu, Lide}
title = {2D Trie for Fast Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1103}
author = {Qu, Lizhen; Ifrim, Georgiana; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {The Bag-of-Opinions Method for Review Rating Prediction from Sparse Text Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1104}
author = {Quan, Changqin; Ren, Fuji}
title = {An Exploration of Features for Recognizing Word Emotion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1105}
author = {Rahman, Altaf; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Inducing Fine-Grained Semantic Classes via Hierarchical and Collective Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1106}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Vaswani, Ashish; Knight, Kevin; Chiang, David}
title = {Fast Greedy Model Minimization for Unsupervised Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1107}
author = {Rehbein, Ines; Ruppenhofer, Josef; Palmer, Alexis}
title = {Bringing Active Learning to Life}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1108}
author = {Roth, Michael; Frank, Anette}
title = {Computing EM-based Alignments of Routes and Route Directions as a Basis for Natural Language Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1109}
author = {Salem, Sara; AbdelRahman, Samir}
title = {A Multiple-Domain Ontology Builder}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1110}
author = {Shalonova, Ksenia; Golenia, Bruno}
title = {Weakly Supervised Morphology Learning for Agglutinating Languages Using Small Training Sets.}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1111}
author = {Shen, Chao; Li, Tao}
title = {Multi-Document Summarization via the Minimum Dominating Set}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1112}
author = {Shi, Shuming; Zhang, Huibin; Yuan, Xiaojie; Wen, Ji-Rong}
title = {Corpus-based Semantic Class Mining: Distributional vs. Pattern-Based Approaches}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1113}
author = {Shutova, Ekaterina; Sun, Lin; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Metaphor Identification Using Verb and Noun Clustering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1114}
author = {Si, Xiance; Liu, Zhiyuan; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Explore the Structure of Social Tags by Subsumption Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1115}
author = {Spiegler, Sebastian; Spuy, Andrew van der; Flach, Peter A.}
title = {Ukwabelana - An open-source morphological Zulu corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1116}
author = {Spiegler, Sebastian; Monson, Christian}
title = {EMMA: A novel Evaluation Metric for Morphological Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1117}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Broadwell, George Aaron; Stromer-Galley, Jennifer; Shaikh, Samira; Taylor, Sarah M.; Webb, Nick}
title = {Modeling Socio-Cultural Phenomena in Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1118}
author = {Sun, Jun; Zhang, Min; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Discriminative Induction of Sub-Tree Alignment using Limited Labeled Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1119}
author = {Sun, Lin; Poibeau, Thierry; Korhonen, Anna; Messiant, Cédric}
title = {Investigating the cross-linguistic potential of VerbNet-style classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1120}
author = {Søgaard, Anders; Rishøj, Christian}
title = {Semi-supervised dependency parsing using generalized tri-training}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1121}
author = {Tsatsaronis, George; Varlamis, Iraklis; Nørvåg, Kjetil}
title = {SemanticRank: Ranking Keywords and Sentences Using Semantic Graphs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1122}
author = {Tse, Daniel; Curran, James R.}
title = {Chinese CCGbank: extracting CCG derivations from the Penn Chinese Treebank}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1123}
author = {Tu, Zhaopeng; Liu, Yang; Hwang, Young-Sook; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Dependency Forest for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1124}
author = {Uszkoreit, Jakob; Ponte, Jay; Popat, Ashok C.; Dubiner, Moshe}
title = {Large Scale Parallel Document Mining for Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1125}
author = {Vincze, Veronika; Csirik, János}
title = {Hungarian Corpus of Light Verb Constructions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1126}
author = {Visweswariah, Karthik; Navratil, Jiri; Sorensen, Jeffrey S.; Chenthamarakshan, Vijil; Kambhatla, Nanda}
title = {Syntax Based Reordering with Automatically Derived Rules for Improved Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1127}
author = {Wachsmuth, Henning; Prettenhofer, Peter; Stein, Benno}
title = {Efficient Statement Identification for Automatic Market Forecasting}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1128}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Towards a Unified Approach to Simultaneous Single-Document and Multi-Document Summarizations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1129}
author = {Wang, William Yang; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Got You!: Automatic Vandalism Detection in Wikipedia with Web-based Shallow Syntactic-Semantic Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1130}
author = {Wang, Kai; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Exploiting Salient Patterns for Question Detection and Question Retrieval in Community-based Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1131}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Probabilistic Tree-Edit Models with Structured Latent Variables for Textual Entailment and Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1132}
author = {Wang, Kun; Zong, Chengqing; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {A Character-Based Joint Model for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1133}
author = {Wang, Tong; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Near-synonym Lexical Choice in Latent Semantic Space}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1134}
author = {Wu, Yunfang; Wen, Miaomiao}
title = {Disambiguating Dynamic Sentiment Ambiguous Adjectives}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1135}
author = {Xiao, Xinyan; Liu, Yang; Hwang, Young-Sook; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Joint Tokenization and Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1136}
author = {Xu, Ge; Meng, Xinfan; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Build Chinese Emotion Lexicons Using A Graph-based Algorithm and Multiple Resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1137}
author = {Yang, Hui; De Roeck, Anne N.; Willis, Alistair; Nuseibeh, Bashar}
title = {A Methodology for Automatic Identification of Nocuous Ambiguity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1138}
author = {Yang, Mei; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Contextual Modeling for Meeting Translation Using Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1139}
author = {Yao, Yao; Liu, Feng-hsi}
title = {A Working Report on Statistically Modeling Dative Variation in Mandarin Chinese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1140}
author = {Yoshinaga, Naoki; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {Kernel Slicing: Scalable Online Training with Conjunctive Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1141}
author = {Yu, Liang-Chih; Shih, Hsiu-Min; Lai, Yu-Ling; Yeh, Jui-Feng; Wu, Chung-Hsien}
title = {Discriminative Training for Near-Synonym Substitution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1142}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Fallucchi, Francesca; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Estimating Linear Models for Compositional Distributional Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1143}
author = {Zhai, Zhongwu; Liu, Bing; Xu, Hua; Jia, Peifa}
title = {Grouping Product Features Using Semi-Supervised Learning with Soft-Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1144}
author = {Zhang, Yao-zhong; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Forest-guided Supertagger Training}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1145}
author = {Zhang, Wei; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim; Wang, Wen Ting}
title = {Entity Linking Leveraging Automatically Generated Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1146}
author = {Zhang, Jian; Fung, Pascale}
title = {A Rhetorical Syntax-Driven Model for Speech Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1147}
author = {Zhao, Shanheng; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Maximum Metric Score Training for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1148}
author = {Zhao, Shiqi; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Ting}
title = {Paraphrasing with Search Engine Query Logs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1149}
author = {Zhao, Shiqi; Wang, Haifeng; Lan, Xiang; Liu, Ting}
title = {Leveraging Multiple MT Engines for Paraphrase Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1150}
author = {Zhou, Yiping; Nie, Lan; Rouhani-Kalleh, Omid; Vasile, Flavian; Gaffney, Scott}
title = {Resolving Surface Forms to Wikipedia Topics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1151}
author = {Zhu, Muhua; Zhu, Jingbo; Xiao, Tong}
title = {Heterogeneous Parsing via Collaborative Decoding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1152}
author = {Zhu, Zhemin; Bernhard, Delphine; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {A Monolingual Tree-based Translation Model for Sentence Simplification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1153}
author = {Zhuang, Tao; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {A Minimum Error Weighting Combination Strategy for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1154}
author = {Zwarts, Simon; Johnson, Mark; Dale, Robert}
title = {Detecting Speech Repairs Incrementally Using a Noisy Channel Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-1155}
author = {Øvrelid, Lilja; Velldal, Erik; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {Syntactic Scope Resolution in Uncertainty Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2001}
author = {Acedański, Szymon; Przepiórkowski, Adam}
title = {Towards the Adequate Evaluation of Morphosyntactic Taggers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2002}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Arregi, Xabier; Otegi, Arantxa}
title = {Document Expansion Based on WordNet for Robust IR}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2003}
author = {Bai, Jing; Diaz, Fernando; Chang, Yi; Zheng, Zhaohui; Chen, Keke}
title = {Cross-Market Model Adaptation with Pairwise Preference Data for Web Search Ranking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2004}
author = {Balahur, Alexandra; Boldrini, Ester; Montoyo, Andrés; Martínez-Barco, Patricio}
title = {Going Beyond Traditional QA Systems: Challenges and Keys in Opinion Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2005}
author = {Barbosa, Luciano; Feng, Junlan}
title = {Robust Sentiment Detection on Twitter from Biased and Noisy Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2006}
author = {Bedaride, Paul; Gardent, Claire}
title = {Benchmarking for syntax-based sentential inference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2007}
author = {Bernhard, Delphine}
title = {Query Expansion based on Pseudo Relevance Feedback from Definition Clusters}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2008}
author = {Blache, Philippe; Prévot, Laurent}
title = {A Formal Scheme for Multimodal Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2009}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Cankaya, Hakki C.; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Composition of Semantic Relations: Model and Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2010}
author = {Braune, Fabienne; Fraser, Alexander}
title = {Improved Unsupervised Sentence Alignment for Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Parallel Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2011}
author = {Brooke, Julian; Wang, Tong; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Formality}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2012}
author = {Cabrio, Elena; Magnini, Bernardo}
title = {Toward Qualitative Evaluation of Textual Entailment Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2013}
author = {Candito, Marie; Nivre, Joakim; Denis, Pascal; Henestroza Anguiano, Enrique}
title = {Benchmarking of Statistical Dependency Parsers for French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2014}
author = {Chan, Samuel W. K.; Cheung, Lawrence Y. L.; Chong, Mickey W. C.}
title = {Tree Topological Features for Unlexicalized Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2015}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Improving Graph-based Dependency Parsing with Decision History}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2016}
author = {Cheng, Alex; Xia, Fei; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {A comparison of unsupervised methods for Part-of-Speech Tagging in Chinese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2017}
author = {Chevelu, Jonathan; Putois, Ghislain; Lepage, Yves}
title = {The True Score of Statistical Paraphrase Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2018}
author = {Cholakov, Kostadin; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Acquisition of Unknown Word Paradigms for Large-Scale Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2019}
author = {Choudhury, Monojit; Chatterjee, Diptesh; Mukherjee, Animesh}
title = {Global topology of word co-occurrence networks: Beyond the two-regime power-law}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2020}
author = {Clark, Peter; Harrison, Philip}
title = {Exploiting Paraphrases and Deferred Sense Commitment to Interpret Questions more Reliably}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2021}
author = {Cmejrek, Martin; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {Two Methods for Extending Hierarchical Rules from the Bilingual Chart Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2022}
author = {Contractor, Danish; Faruquie, Tanveer A.; Subramaniam, L. Venkata}
title = {Unsupervised cleansing of noisy text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2023}
author = {Crego, Josep Maria; Yvon, François}
title = {Improving Reordering with Linguistically Informed Bilingual n-grams}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2024}
author = {Csernel, Marc; Cazenave, Tristan}
title = {Comparing Sanskrit Texts for Critical Editions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2025}
author = {Cui, Lei; Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Hybrid Decoding: Decoding with Partial Hypotheses Combination over Multiple SMT Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2026}
author = {Dai, Hong-Jie; Lai, Po-Ting; Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {Global Ranking via Data Fusion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2027}
author = {Das, Amitava; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Topic-Based Bengali Opinion Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2028}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Tsur, Oren; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Enhanced Sentiment Learning Using Twitter Hashtags and Smileys}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2029}
author = {Dinu, Georgiana; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Topic Models for Meaning Similarity in Context}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2030}
author = {Doan, Son; Xu, Hua}
title = {Recognizing Medication related Entities in Hospital Discharge Summaries using Support Vector Machine}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2031}
author = {Elghafari, Anas; Meurers, Detmar; Wunsch, Holger}
title = {Exploring the Data-Driven Prediction of Prepositions in English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2032}
author = {Feng, Lijun; Jansche, Martin; Huenerfauth, Matt; Elhadad, Noémie}
title = {A Comparison of Features for Automatic Readability Assessment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2033}
author = {Feng, Yang; Mi, Haitao; Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun}
title = {An Efficient Shift-Reduce Decoding Algorithm for Phrased-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2034}
author = {Feng, Yanhui; Hong, Yu; Yan, Zhenxiang; Yao, Jianmin; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {A Novel Method for Bilingual Web Page Acquisition from Search Engine Web Records}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2035}
author = {Frunza, Oana; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Matwin, Stan}
title = {Building Systematic Reviews Using Automatic Text Classification Techniques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2036}
author = {Fu, Guohong; Wang, Xin}
title = {Chinese Sentence-Level Sentiment Classification Based on Fuzzy Sets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2037}
author = {Gangadharaiah, Rashmi; Brown, Ralf D.; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Monolingual Distributional Profiles for Word Substitution in Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2038}
author = {Gao, Byron J.; Anastasiu, David C.; Jiang, Xing}
title = {Utilizing User-input Contextual Terms for Query Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2039}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Gottesman, Benjamin; Perez-Beltrachini, Laura}
title = {Comparing the performance of two TAG-based surface realisers using controlled grammar traversal}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2040}
author = {Gune, Harshada; Bapat, Mugdha; Khapra, Mitesh M.; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Verbs are where all the action lies: Experiences of Shallow Parsing of a Morphologically Rich Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2041}
author = {Harrington, Brian}
title = {A Semantic Network Approach to Measuring Relatedness}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2042}
author = {Hasan, Kazi Saidul; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Conundrums in Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction: Making Sense of the State-of-the-Art}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2043}
author = {He, Yifan; Ma, Yanjun; Way, Andy; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Integrating N-best SMT Outputs into a TM System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2044}
author = {He, Zhongjun; Meng, Yao; Yu, Hao}
title = {Learning Phrase Boundaries for Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2045}
author = {Hennig, Leonhard; de Luca, Ernesto William; Albayrak, Sahin}
title = {Learning Summary Content Units with Topic Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2046}
author = {Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Minami, Yasuhiro; Nishikawa, Hitoshi; Dohsaka, Kohji; Meguro, Toyomi; Takahashi, Satoshi; Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Learning to Model Domain-Specific Utterance Sequences for Extractive Summarization of Contact Center Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2047}
author = {Hirano, Toru; Asano, Hisako; Matsuo, Yoshihiro; Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Recognizing Relation Expression between Named Entities based on Inherent and Context-dependent Features of Relational words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2048}
author = {Ho, ChukFong; Azmi Murad, Masrah Azrifah; Abdul Kadir, Rabiah; C. Doraisamy, Shyamala}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation-based Sentence Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2049}
author = {Hoang, Cong Duy Vu; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Towards Automated Related Work Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2050}
author = {Hong, Yu; Cai, Qing-qing; Hua, Song; Yao, Jianmin; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Negative Feedback: The Forsaken Nature Available for Re-ranking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2051}
author = {Honnibal, Matthew; Kummerfeld, Jonathan K.; Curran, James R.}
title = {Morphological Analysis Can Improve a CCG Parser for English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2052}
author = {Hovy, Dirk; Tratz, Stephen; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {What’s in a Preposition? Dimensions of Sense Disambiguation for an Interesting Word Class}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2053}
author = {Huang, Minlie; Lu, Zhiyong}
title = {Learning to Annotate Scientific Publications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2054}
author = {Huang, Degen; Zhao, Lian; Li, Lishuang; Yu, Haitao}
title = {Mining Large-scale Comparable Corpora from Chinese-English News Collections}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2055}
author = {Ismail, Azniah; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Bilingual lexicon extraction from comparable corpora using in-domain terms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2056}
author = {Issac, Fabrice}
title = {A framework for representing lexical resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2057}
author = {Jang, Hayeon; Shin, Hyopil}
title = {Language-Specific Sentiment Analysis in Morphologically Rich Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2058}
author = {Ji, Heng}
title = {Challenges from Information Extraction to Information Fusion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2059}
author = {Jiang, Wenbin; Lü, Yajuan; Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun}
title = {Effective Constituent Projection across Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2060}
author = {Jin, Feng; Huang, Minlie; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {A Comparative Study on Ranking and Selection Strategies for Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2061}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Inui, Kentaro; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Identifying Contradictory and Contrastive Relations between Statements to Outline Web Information on a Given Topic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2062}
author = {Kim, Joohyun; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Generative Alignment and Semantic Parsing for Learning from Ambiguous Supervision}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2063}
author = {Kim, Seungyeon; Lebanon, Guy}
title = {Local Space-Time Smoothing for Version Controlled Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2064}
author = {Kiss, Tibor; Keßelmeier, Katja; Müller, Antje; Roch, Claudia; Stadtfeld, Tobias; Strunk, Jan}
title = {A Logistic Regression Model of Determiner Omission in PPs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2065}
author = {Klüwer, Tina; Uszkoreit, Hans; Xu, Feiyu}
title = {Using Syntactic and Semantic based Relations for Dialogue Act Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2066}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Katsumaru, Masaki; Nakano, Mikio; Funakoshi, Kotaro; Ogata, Tetsuya; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Automatic Allocation of Training Data for Rapid Prototyping of Speech Understanding based on Multiple Model Combination}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2067}
author = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich; Schäfer, Ulrich}
title = {DL Meet FL: A Bidirectional Mapping between Ontologies and Linguistic Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2068}
author = {Kumar, Nithin; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Generating Simulated Relevance Feedback: A Prognostic Search approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2069}
author = {Lau, Jey Han; Newman, David; Karimi, Sarvnaz; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Best Topic Word Selection for Topic Labelling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2070}
author = {Laws, Florian; Michelbacher, Lukas; Dorow, Beate; Scheible, Christian; Heid, Ulrich; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {A Linguistically Grounded Graph Model for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2071}
author = {Lee, Jae-Hee; Lee, Seung-Wook; Hong, Gumwon; Hwang, Young-Sook; Kim, Sang-Bum; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {A Post-processing Approach to Statistical Word Alignment Reflecting Alignment Tendency between Part-of-speeches}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2072}
author = {Lee, Adam; Passantino, Marissa; Ji, Heng; Qi, Guojun; Huang, Thomas}
title = {Enhancing Multi-lingual Information Extraction via Cross-Media Inference and Fusion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2073}
author = {Lee, Lianhau; Aw, Aiti; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {EM-based Hybrid Model for Bilingual Terminology Extraction from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2074}
author = {Leong, Chee Wee; Mihalcea, Rada; Hassan, Samer}
title = {Text Mining for Automatic Image Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2075}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Wang, Ziyuan; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Unsupervised Discriminative Language Model Training for Machine Translation using Simulated Confusion Sets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2076}
author = {Li, Shiqi; Lu, Qin; Zhao, Tiejun; Liu, Pengyuan; Li, Hanjing}
title = {Combining Constituent and Dependency Syntactic Views for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2077}
author = {Li, Ru; Liu, Haijing; Li, Shuanghong}
title = {Chinese Frame Identification using T-CRF Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2078}
author = {Li, Linlin; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Linguistic Cues for Distinguishing Literal and Non-Literal Usages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2079}
author = {Li, Yize; Nie, Jiazhong; Zhang, Yi; Wang, Bingqing; Yan, Baoshi; Weng, Fuliang}
title = {Contextual Recommendation based on Text Mining}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2080}
author = {Li, Daren; Yang, Muyun; Qi, Haoliang; Li, Sheng; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Reexamination on Potential for Personalization in Web Search}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2081}
author = {Li, Peng; Sun, Maosong; Xue, Ping}
title = {Fast-Champollion: A Fast and Robust Sentence Alignment Algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2082}
author = {Liu, Huidan; Zhao, Weina; Nuo, Minghua; Jiang, Li; Wu, Jian; He, Yeping}
title = {Tibetan Number Identification Based on Classification of Number Components in Tibetan Word Segmentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2083}
author = {Liu, Xiaohua; Li, Kuan; Han, Bo; Zhou, Ming; Jiang, Long; Tse, Daniel; Xiong, Zhongyang}
title = {Collective Semantic Role Labeling on Open News Corpus by Leveraging Redundancy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2084}
author = {Liu, Shujie; Li, Chi-Ho; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Improved Discriminative ITG Alignment using Hierarchical Phrase Pairs and Semi-supervised Training}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2085}
author = {Liu, Chao-Lin; Lai, Min-Hua; Chuang, Yi-Hsuan; Lee, Chia-Ying}
title = {Visually and Phonologically Similar Characters in Incorrect Simplified Chinese Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2086}
author = {Liu, Shui; Li, Sheng; Zhao, Tiejun; Zhang, Min; Liu, Pengyuan}
title = {Head-modifier Relation based Non-lexical Reordering Model for Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2087}
author = {Liu, Bing; Qian, Longhua; Wang, Hongling; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Dependency-Driven Feature-based Learning for Extracting Protein-Protein Interactions from Biomedical Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2088}
author = {Long, Chong; Zhang, Jie; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {A Review Selection Approach for Accurate Feature Rating Estimation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2089}
author = {Mírovský, Jiří; Mladová, Lucie; Zikánová, Sárka}
title = {Connective-Based Measuring of the Inter-Annotator Agreement in the Annotation of Discourse in PDT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2090}
author = {Ma, Tengfei; Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Opinion Target Extraction in Chinese News Comments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2091}
author = {Malik, M. G. Abbas; Boitet, Christian; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Finite-state Scriptural Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2092}
author = {Mao, Yi; Balasubramanian, Krishnakumar; Lebanon, Guy}
title = {Dimensionality Reduction for Text using Domain Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2093}
author = {Martens, Scott}
title = {Varro: An Algorithm and Toolkit for Regular Structure Discovery in Treebanks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2094}
author = {Martin-Brualla, Ricardo; Alfonseca, Enrique; Paşca, Marius; Hall, Keith; Robledo-Arnuncio, Enrique; Ciaramita, Massimiliano}
title = {Instance Sense Induction from Attribute Sets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2095}
author = {Maskey, Sameer; Rennie, Steven; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {A Power Mean Based Algorithm for Combining Multiple Alignment Tables}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2096}
author = {Mi, Haitao; Huang, Liang; Liu, Qun}
title = {Machine Translation with Lattices and Forests}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2097}
author = {Montazery, Mortaza; Faili, Feshaam}
title = {Automatic Persian WordNet Construction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2098}
author = {Mu, Tingting; Wang, Xinglong; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Imbalanced Classification Using Dictionary-based Prototypes and Hierarchical Decision Rules for Entity Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2099}
author = {Mukund, Smruthi; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {A Vector Space Model for Subjectivity Classification in Urdu aided by Co-Training}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2100}
author = {Murakami, Akiko; Raymond, Rudy}
title = {Support or Oppose? Classifying Positions in Online Debates from Reply Activities and Opinion Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2101}
author = {Murawaki, Yugo; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Semantic Classification of Automatically Acquired Nouns using Lexico-Syntactic Clues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2102}
author = {Muresan, Smaranda}
title = {A Learnable Constraint-based Grammar Formalism}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2103}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Nakatani, Kazuhide}
title = {Evaluating performance of grammatical error detection to maximize learning effect}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2104}
author = {Nguyen, Truc-Vien T.; Moschitti, Alessandro; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Kernel-based Reranking for Named-Entity Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2105}
author = {Nishikawa, Hitoshi; Hasegawa, Takaaki; Matsuo, Yoshihiro; Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Opinion Summarization with Integer Linear Programming Formulation for Sentence Extraction and Ordering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2106}
author = {Ouyang, You; Li, Wenjie; Lu, Qin; Zhang, Renxian}
title = {A Study on Position Information in Document Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2107}
author = {Palmer, Alexis; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Evaluating FrameNet-style semantic parsing: the role of coverage gaps in FrameNet}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2108}
author = {Pan, Ching-Fen; Hsieh, Shu-Kai}
title = {Word Space Modeling for Measuring Semantic Specificity in Chinese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2109}
author = {Parton, Kristen; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {MT Error Detection for Cross-Lingual Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2110}
author = {Paşca, Marius}
title = {The Role of Queries in Ranking Labeled Instances Extracted from Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2111}
author = {Patin, Gaël}
title = {Incremental Chinese Lexicon Extraction with Minimal Resources on a Domain-Specific Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2112}
author = {Pervouchine, Vladimir; Zhang, Min; Liu, Ming; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Improving Name Origin Recognition with Context Features and Unlabelled Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2113}
author = {Peñas, Anselmo; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Filling Knowledge Gaps in Text for Machine Reading}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2114}
author = {Popescu, Octavian}
title = {Dynamic Parameters for Cross Document Coreference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2115}
author = {Potthast, Martin; Stein, Benno; Barrón-Cedeño, Alberto; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {An Evaluation Framework for Plagiarism Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2116}
author = {Power, Richard; Third, Allan}
title = {Expressing OWL axioms by English sentences: dubious in theory feasible in practice}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2117}
author = {Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar; Rambow, Owen; Diab, Mona}
title = {Automatic Committed Belief Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2118}
author = {Prasad, Rashmi; Joshi, Aravind K.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Realization of Discourse Relations by Other Means: Alternative Lexicalizations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2119}
author = {Rajkumar, Rajakrishnan; White, Michael}
title = {Designing Agreement Features for Realization Ranking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2120}
author = {Ramisch, Carlos; Villavicencio, Aline; Boitet, Christian}
title = {Web-based and combined language models: a case study on noun compound identification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2121}
author = {Rao, Delip; McNamee, Paul; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Streaming Cross Document Entity Coreference Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2122}
author = {Saggion, Horacio; Torres-Moreno, Juan-Manuel; da Cunha, Iria; SanJuan, Eric; Velazquez-Morales, Patricia}
title = {Multilingual Summarization Evaluation without Human Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2123}
author = {Saleem, Safiyyah; Bender, Emily M.}
title = {Argument Optionality in the LinGO Grammar Matrix}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2124}
author = {Sanchis, Germán; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Log-linear weight optimisation via Bayesian Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2125}
author = {Sapena, Emili; Padró, Lluís; Turmo, Jordi}
title = {A Global Relaxation Labeling Approach to Coreference Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2126}
author = {Sayeed, Asad B.; Nguyen, Hieu; Meyer, Timothy J.; Weinberg, Amy}
title = {Expresses-an-opinion-about: using corpus statistics in an information extraction approach to opinion mining}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2127}
author = {Scheible, Christian; Laws, Florian; Michelbacher, Lukas; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Sentiment Translation through Multi-Edge Graphs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2128}
author = {Schwitter, Rolf}
title = {Controlled Natural Languages for Knowledge Representation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2129}
author = {Seeker, Wolfgang; Bohnet, Bernd; Øvrelid, Lilja; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Informed ways of improving data-driven dependency parsing for German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2130}
author = {Shi, Zhiwei; Li, Peng; Wang, Bin}
title = {Using Clustering to Improve Retrieval Evaluation without Relevance Judgments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2131}
author = {Shibuki, Hideyuki; Nagai, Takahiro; Nakano, Masahiro; Miyazaki, Rintaro; Ishioroshi, Madoka; Mori, Tatsunori}
title = {A Method for Automatically Generating a Mediatory Summary to Verify Credibility of Information on the Web}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2132}
author = {Silva, Joaquim; Lopes, Gabriel}
title = {Towards Automatic Building of Document Keywords}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2133}
author = {Sondhi, Parikshit; Gupta, Manish; Zhai, ChengXiang; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Shallow Information Extraction from Medical Forum Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2134}
author = {Song, Wei; Zhang, Yu; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {Bridging Topic Modeling and Personalized Search}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2135}
author = {Spreyer, Kathrin}
title = {Notes on the Evaluation of Dependency Parsers Obtained Through Cross-Lingual Projection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2136}
author = {Su, Jinsong; Liu, Yang; Mi, Haitao; Zhao, Hongmei; Lü, Yajuan; Liu, Qun}
title = {Dependency-Based Bracketing Transduction Grammar for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2137}
author = {Sun, Ang; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Semi-supervised Semantic Pattern Discovery with Guidance from Unsupervised Pattern Clusters}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2138}
author = {Sun, Shuqi; Li, Sheng; Yang, Muyun; Qi, Haoliang; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Utilizing Variability of Time and Term Content within and across Users in Session Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2139}
author = {Sun, Weiwei}
title = {Word-based and Character-based Word Segmentation Models: Comparison and Combination}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2140}
author = {Sánchez-Sáez, Ricardo; Sánchez, Joan-Andreu; Benedí, José-Miguel}
title = {Confidence Measures for Error Discrimination in an Interactive Predictive Parsing Framework}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2141}
author = {Tanaka, Shohei; Okazaki, Naokaki; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Learning Web Query Patterns for Imitating Wikipedia Articles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2142}
author = {Tang, Xuri; Chen, Xiaohe; Qu, Weiguang; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {Semi-Supervised WSD in Selectional Preferences with Semantic Redundancy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2143}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Hahn, Udo}
title = {A Comparison of Models for Cost-Sensitive Active Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2144}
author = {Tsvetkov, Yulia; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Extraction of Multi-word Expressions from Small Parallel Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2145}
author = {Tu, Yuancheng; Johri, Nikhil; Roth, Dan; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Citation Author Topic Model in Expert Search}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2146}
author = {Umansky-Pesin, Shulamit; Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {A Multi-Domain Web-Based Algorithm for POS Tagging of Unknown Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2147}
author = {Visweswariah, Karthik; Chenthamarakshan, Vijil; Kambhatla, Nanda}
title = {Urdu and Hindi: Translation and sharing of linguistic resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2148}
author = {Wang, Zhiguo; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Phrase Structure Parsing with Dependency Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2149}
author = {Wang, Gang; Chua, Tat-Seng; Ngo, Chong Wah; Wang, Yong-Cheng}
title = {Automatic Generation of Semantic Fields for Annotating Web Images}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2150}
author = {Webb, Nick; Ferguson, Michael}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Cue Phrases for Cross-Corpus Dialogue Act Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2151}
author = {Wei, Xing; Peng, Fuchun; Tseng, Huihsin; Lu, Yumao; Wang, Xuerui; Dumoulin, Benoit}
title = {Search with Synonyms: Problems and Solutions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2152}
author = {Wu, Qiong; Tan, Songbo; Cheng, Xueqi; Duan, Miyi}
title = {MIEA: a Mutual Iterative Enhancement Approach for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2153}
author = {Xia, Rui; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Exploring the Use of Word Relation Features for Sentiment Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2154}
author = {Xiao, Tong; Zhu, Jingbo; Zhang, Hao; Zhu, Muhua}
title = {An Empirical Study of Translation Rule Extraction with Multiple Parsers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2155}
author = {Xu, Feiyu; Uszkoreit, Hans; Krause, Sebastian; Li, Hong}
title = {Boosting Relation Extraction with Limited Closed-World Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2156}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Zhou, Yuping}
title = {Applying Syntactic Semantic and Discourse Constraints in Chinese Temporal Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2157}
author = {Xue, Huichao; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Syntax-Driven Machine Translation as a Model of ESL Revision}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2158}
author = {Yang, Yaqin; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Chasing the ghost: recovering empty categories in the Chinese Treebank}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2159}
author = {Yatbaz, Mehmet Ali; Yuret, Deniz}
title = {Unsupervised Part of Speech Tagging Using Unambiguous Substitutes from a Statistical Language Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2160}
author = {Yu, Xiaofeng; Lam, Wai}
title = {Jointly Identifying Entities and Extracting Relations in Encyclopedia Text via A Graphical Model Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2161}
author = {Yu, Xiaofeng; Lam, Wai}
title = {Accelerated Training of Maximum Margin Markov Models for Sequence Labeling: A Case Study of NP Chunking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2162}
author = {Yu, Kun; Miyao, Yusuke; Wang, Xiangli; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Semi-automatically Developing Chinese HPSG Grammar from the Penn Chinese Treebank for Deep Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2163}
author = {Zarrieß, Sina; Cahill, Aoife; Kuhn, Jonas; Rohrer, Christian}
title = {Cross-Lingual Induction for Deep Broad-Coverage Syntax: A Case Study on German Participles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2164}
author = {Zhang, Yuejie; Wang, Yang; Cen, Lei; Su, Yanxia; Jin, Cheng; Xue, Xiangyang; Fan, Jianping}
title = {Fusion of Multiple Features and Ranking SVM for Web-based English-Chinese OOV Term Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2165}
author = {Zhang, Min; Duan, Xiangyu; Pervouchine, Vladimir; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Machine Transliteration: Leveraging on Third Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2166}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Kordoni, Valia}
title = {Discriminant Ranking for Efficient Treebanking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2167}
author = {Zhang, Lei; Liu, Bing; Lim, Suk Hwan; O'Brien-Strain, Eamonn}
title = {Extracting and Ranking Product Features in Opinion Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2168}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Ahn, Byung-Gyu; Clark, Stephen; Van Wyk, Curt; Curran, James R.; Rimell, Laura}
title = {Chart Pruning for Fast Lexicalised-Grammar Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2169}
author = {Zhang, Li}
title = {Metaphor Interpretation and Context-based Affect Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2170}
author = {Zhang, Renxian; Li, Wenjie; Lu, Qin}
title = {Sentence Ordering with Event-Enriched Semantics and Two-Layered Clustering for Multi-Document News Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2171}
author = {Zhao, Xujian; Jin, Peiquan; Yue, Lihua}
title = {Automatic Temporal Expression Normalization with Reference Time Dynamic-Choosing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2172}
author = {Zhou, Zhi-Min; Xu, Yu; Niu, Zhengyu; Lan, Man; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Predicting Discourse Connectives for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2173}
author = {Zhou, Shusen; Chen, Qingcai; XiaoLong, Wang}
title = {Active Deep Networks for Semi-Supervised Sentiment Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2174}
author = {Zhou, Dong; Lawless, Seamus; Min, Jinming; Wade, Vincent}
title = {Dual-Space Re-ranking Model for Document Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2175}
author = {Zhu, Junguo; Yang, Muyun; Wang, Bo; Li, Sheng; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {All in Strings: a Powerful String-based Automatic MT Evaluation Metric with Multiple Granularities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2176}
author = {Zhu, Muhua; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {Automatic Treebank Conversion via Informed Decoding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2177}
author = {Zhu, Xiaodan; Cherry, Colin; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Imposing Hierarchical Browsing Structures onto Spoken Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-2178}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; Kowadlo, Gideon; Ye, Patrick}
title = {Interpreting Pointing Gestures and Spoken Requests – A Probabilistic Salience-based Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3001}
author = {Han, Dongli; Kamochi, Shuntaro; Song, Xin; Akegawa, Naoki; Hori, Tomomasa}
title = {A Paraphrasing System for Transforming Regular Expressions into Honorifics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3002}
author = {Wu, Yueh-Cheng; Hsieh, Shu-Kai}
title = {PyCWN: a Python Module for Chinese Wordnet}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3003}
author = {Mírovský, Jiří; Mladová, Lucie; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {Annotation Tool for Discourse in PDT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3004}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Li, Zhenghua; Liu, Ting}
title = {LTP: A Chinese Language Technology Platform}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3005}
author = {Fabbrizio, Giuseppe; Gupta, Narendra; Besana, Sveva; Mani, Premkumar}
title = {Have2eat: a Restaurant Finder with Review Summarization for Mobile Phones}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3006}
author = {Wilkens, Rodrigo; Villavicencio, Aline; Muller, Daniel; Wives, Leandro; Silva, Fabio; Loh, Stanley}
title = {COMUNICA - A Question Answering System for Brazilian Portuguese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3007}
author = {Tian, Yan}
title = {YanFa: An Online Automatic Scoring and Intelligent Feedback System of Student English-Chinese Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3008}
author = {Jin, Wei; Wu, Xin}
title = {HCAMiner: Mining Concept Associations for Knowledge Discovery through Concept Chain Queries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3009}
author = {Björkelund, Anders; Bohnet, Bernd; Hafdell, Love; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {A High-Performance Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3010}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Pool, Jonathan; Colowick, Susan}
title = {PanLex and LEXTRACT: Translating all Words of all Languages of the World}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3011}
author = {Miltsakaki, Eleni}
title = {Antelogue: Pronoun Resolution for Text and Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3012}
author = {Chen, Wei-Te; Lin, Su-Chu; Huang, Shu-Ling; Chung, You-Shan; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {E-HowNet and Automatic Construction of a Lexical Ontology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3013}
author = {Beermann, Dorothee; Mihaylov, Pavel}
title = {Cloud Computing for Linguists}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3014}
author = {Dong, Zhendong; Dong, Qiang; Hao, Changling}
title = {HowNet and Its Computation of Meaning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-3015}
author = {Ramisch, Carlos; Villavicencio, Aline; Boitet, Christian}
title = {Multiword Expressions in the wild? The mwetoolkit comes in handy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-4001}
author = {Zhao, Shiqi; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Paraphrases and Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C10-5001}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Kernel Engineering for Fast and Easy Design of Natural Language Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2010}
id = {C14-1001}
author = {Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Learning from 26 Languages: Program Management and Science in the Babel Program}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1002}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Unsupervised learning of rhetorical structure with un-topic models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1003}
author = {Novak, Michal; Zabokrtsky, Zdenek; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {Cross-lingual Coreference Resolution of Pronouns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1004}
author = {Bonin, Francesca; San Pedro, Jose; Oliver, Nuria}
title = {A Context-Aware NLP Approach For Noteworthiness Detection in Cellphone Conversations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1005}
author = {Kazantseva, Anna; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Hierarchical Topical Segmentation with Affinity Propagation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1006}
author = {Tomlinson, Marc; Bracewell, David; Krug, Wayne}
title = {Capturing Cultural Differences in Expressions of Intentions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1007}
author = {Park, Suzi; Shin, Hyopil}
title = {Identification of Implicit Topics in Twitter Data Not Containing Explicit Search Queries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1008}
author = {dos Santos, Cicero; Gatti, Maira}
title = {Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1009}
author = {Deng, Lingjia; Wiebe, Janyce; Choi, Yoonjung}
title = {Joint Inference and Disambiguation of Implicit Sentiments via Implicature Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1010}
author = {Zhou, Guangyou; Chen, Yubo; Zeng, Daojian; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Group Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Natural Categories for Question Retrieval in Community Question Answer Archives}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1011}
author = {Acharya, Sudipta; Saha, Sriparna; Moreno, Jose G.; Dias, Gaël}
title = {Multi-Objective Search Results Clustering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1012}
author = {Elliott, Desmond; Lavrenko, Victor; Keller, Frank}
title = {Query-by-Example Image Retrieval using Visual Dependency Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1013}
author = {Mansour, Riham; Refaei, Nesma; Murdock, Vanessa}
title = {Augmenting Business Entities with Salient Terms from Twitter}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1014}
author = {Bharadwaj, Sujeeth; Hasegawa-Johnson, Mark}
title = {A PAC-Bayesian Approach to Minimum Perplexity Language Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1015}
author = {Qiu, Siyu; Cui, Qing; Bian, Jiang; Gao, Bin; Liu, Tie-Yan}
title = {Co-learning of Word Representations and Morpheme Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1016}
author = {Tian, Fei; Dai, Hanjun; Bian, Jiang; Gao, Bin; Zhang, Rui; Chen, Enhong; Liu, Tie-Yan}
title = {A Probabilistic Model for Learning Multi-Prototype Word Embeddings}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1017}
author = {Madhyastha, Pranava Swaroop; Carreras, Xavier; Quattoni, Ariadna}
title = {Learning Task-specific Bilexical Embeddings}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1018}
author = {Tang, Duyu; Wei, Furu; Qin, Bing; Zhou, Ming; Liu, Ting}
title = {Building Large-Scale Twitter-Specific Sentiment Lexicon : A Representation Learning Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1019}
author = {Pla, Ferran; Hurtado, Lluís-F.}
title = {Political Tendency Identification in Twitter using Sentiment Analysis Techniques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1020}
author = {Saleh, Iman; Cyphers, D. Scott; Glass, Jim; Joty, Shafiq R.; Màrquez, Lluís; Moschitti, Alessandro; Nakov, Preslav}
title = {A Study of using Syntactic and Semantic Structures for Concept Segmentation and Labeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1021}
author = {Zhang, Qi; Gong, Yeyun; Sun, Xuyang; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Time-aware Personalized Hashtag Recommendation on Social Media}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1022}
author = {Ptáček, Tomáš; Habernal, Ivan; Hong, Jun}
title = {Sarcasm Detection on Czech and English Twitter}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1023}
author = {Lacroix, Ophélie; Béchet, Denis}
title = {A Three-Step Transition-Based System for Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1024}
author = {Zhang, Qing; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Collaborative Topic Regression with Multiple Graphs Factorization for Recommendation in Social Media}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1025}
author = {Matuschek, Michael; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {High Performance Word Sense Alignment by Joint Modeling of Sense Distance and Gloss Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1026}
author = {Qiu, Likun; Zhang, Yue; Jin, Peng; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Multi-view Chinese Treebanking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1027}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Machida, Yuichiro; Shibata, Tomohide; Kurohashi, Sadao; Kobayashi, Hayato; Sassano, Manabu}
title = {Rapid Development of a Corpus with Discourse Annotations using Two-stage Crowdsourcing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1028}
author = {Cheng, Shuk-Man; Yu, Chi-Hsin; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Chinese Word Ordering Errors Detection and Correction for Non-Native Chinese Language Learners}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1029}
author = {Judea, Alex; Schütze, Hinrich; Bruegmann, Soeren}
title = {Unsupervised Training Set Generation for Automatic Acquisition of Technical Terminology in Patents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1030}
author = {Delgado, Agustín D.; Martínez, Raquel; Fresno, Víctor; Montalvo, Soto}
title = {A Data Driven Approach for Person Name Disambiguation in Web Search Results}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1031}
author = {Scheible, Christian; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Picking the Amateur's Mind - Predicting Chess Player Strength from Game Annotations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1032}
author = {Liu, Huidan; Nuo, Minghua; Wu, Jian}
title = {Zipf's Law and Statistical Data on Modern Tibetan}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1033}
author = {Gonzalez-Dios, Itziar; Aranzabe, María Jesús; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Salaberri, Haritz}
title = {Simple or Complex? Assessing the readability of Basque Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1034}
author = {Sinha, Manjira; Dasgupta, Tirthankar; Basu, Anupam}
title = {Influence of Target Reader Background and Text Features on Text Readability in Bangla: A Computational Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1035}
author = {Chang, Baobao; Pei, Wenzhe; Chen, Miaohong}
title = {Inducing Word Sense with Automatically Learned Hidden Concepts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1036}
author = {Zarrouk, Manel; Lafourcade, Mathieu}
title = {Inferring Knowledge with Word Refinements in a Crowdsourced Lexical-Semantic Network}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1037}
author = {Lynch, Gerard}
title = {A Supervised Learning Approach Towards Profiling the Preservation of Authorial Style in Literary Translations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1038}
author = {Jankowska, Magdalena; Milios, Evangelos; Keselj, Vlado}
title = {Author Verification Using Common N-Gram Profiles of Text Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1039}
author = {Wang, Kun; Zong, Chengqing; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {Dynamically Integrating Cross-Domain Translation Memory into Phrase-Based Machine Translation during Decoding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1040}
author = {C. de Souza, José G.; Turchi, Marco; Negri, Matteo}
title = {Machine Translation Quality Estimation Across Domains}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1041}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Koehn, Philipp; Schmid, Helmut; Fraser, Alexander}
title = {Investigating the Usefulness of Generalized Word Representations in SMT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1042}
author = {Lee, Young-Suk}
title = {Confusion Network for Arabic Name Disambiguation and Transliteration in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1043}
author = {Rhouma, Rafik; Langlais, Phillippe}
title = {Fourteen Light Tasks for comparing Analogical and Phrase-based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1044}
author = {Jones, Simon; Cotterill, Rachel; Dewdney, Nigel; Muir, Kate; Joinson, Adam}
title = {Finding Zelig in Text: A Measure for Normalising Linguistic Accommodation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1045}
author = {Iruskieta, Mikel; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Lersundi, Mikel}
title = {The annotation of the Central Unit in Rhetorical Structure Trees: A Key Step in Annotating Rhetorical Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1046}
author = {Kazantseva, Anna; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Measuring Lexical Cohesion: Beyond Word Repetition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1047}
author = {Guo, Weiwei; Liu, Wei; Diab, Mona}
title = {Fast Tweet Retrieval with Compact Binary Codes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1048}
author = {Guo, Jiang; Che, Wanxiang; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Ting}
title = {Learning Sense-specific Word Embeddings By Exploiting Bilingual Resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1049}
author = {Romeo, Lauren; Mendes, Sara; Bel, Núria}
title = {Using unmarked contexts in nominal lexical semantic classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1050}
author = {Wang, Zhongqing; Li, Shoushan; Shi, Hanxiao; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Skill Inference with Personal and Skill Connections}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1051}
author = {Zhang, Meishan; Che, Wanxiang; Shao, Yanqiu; Liu, Ting}
title = {Jointly or Separately: Which is Better for Parsing Heterogeneous Dependencies?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1052}
author = {Crabbé, Benoit}
title = {An LR-inspired generalized lexicalized phrase structure parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1053}
author = {Wachsmuth, Henning; Trenkmann, Martin; Stein, Benno; Engels, Gregor}
title = {Modeling Review Argumentation for Robust Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1054}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Ide, Nancy M.; Su, Songqiao; Stuart, Jesse}
title = {Biber Redux: Reconsidering Dimensions of Variation in American English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1055}
author = {Li, Junyi Jessy; Carpuat, Marine; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Cross-lingual Discourse Relation Analysis: A corpus study and a semi-supervised classification system}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1056}
author = {Habibi, Maryam; Popescu-Belis, Andrei}
title = {Enforcing Topic Diversity in a Document Recommender for Conversations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1057}
author = {Li, Zhuo; Carberry, Sandra; Fang, Hui; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Identifying Important Features for Graph Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1058}
author = {Laali, Majid; Kosseim, Leila}
title = {Inducing Discourse Connectives from Parallel Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1059}
author = {Fell, Michael; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Lyrics-based Analysis and Classification of Music}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1060}
author = {Huang, Hen-Hsen; Chang, Tai-Wei; Chen, Huan-Yuan; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Interpretation of Chinese Discourse Connectives for Explicit Discourse Relation Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1061}
author = {Moosavi, Nafise Sadat; Strube, Michael}
title = {Unsupervised Coreference Resolution by Utilizing the Most Informative Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1062}
author = {Xiao, Yang; Zhao, Wayne Xin; Wang, Kun; Xiao, Zhen}
title = {Knowledge Sharing via Social Login: Exploiting Microblogging Service for Warming up Social Question Answering Websites}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1063}
author = {Fei, Geli; Chen, Zhiyuan; Liu, Bing}
title = {Review Topic Discovery with Phrases using the Pólya Urn Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1064}
author = {Xu, Liheng; Liu, Kang; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Joint Opinion Relation Detection Using One-Class Deep Neural Network}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1065}
author = {Gong, Yeyun; Zhou, Yaqian; Guo, Ya; Zhang, Qi; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {A Generative Model for Identifying Target Companies of Microblogs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1066}
author = {Jauhar, Sujay Kumar; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Inducing Latent Semantic Relations for Structured Distributional Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1067}
author = {Claveau, Vincent; Kijak, Ewa; Ferret, Olivier}
title = {Improving distributional thesauri by exploring the graph of neighbors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1068}
author = {Ferrone, Lorenzo; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {Towards Syntax-aware Compositional Distributional Semantic Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1069}
author = {Athanasopoulou, Georgia; Iosif, Elias; Potamianos, Alexandros}
title = {Low-Dimensional Manifold Distributional Semantic Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1070}
author = {Garcia, Marcos; Gamallo, Pablo}
title = {An Entity-Centric Coreference Resolution System for Person Entities with Rich Linguistic Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1071}
author = {Brooke, Julian; Tsang, Vivian; Hirst, Graeme; Shein, Fraser}
title = {Unsupervised Multiword Segmentation of Large Corpora using Prediction-Driven Decomposition of n-grams}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1072}
author = {Dawborn, Tim; Curran, James R.}
title = {docrep: A lightweight and efficient document representation framework}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1073}
author = {Nemeskey, Dávid Márk; Tyers, Francis; Hulden, Mans}
title = {Why Implementation Matters: Evaluation of an Open-source Constraint Grammar Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1074}
author = {Gibson, Edward}
title = {Language for Communication: Language as Rational Inference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1075}
author = {Li, Zhenghua; Zhang, Min; Chen, Wenliang}
title = {Soft Cross-lingual Syntax Projection for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1076}
author = {Ballesteros, Miguel; Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {Automatic Feature Selection for Agenda-Based Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1077}
author = {Imamura, Kenji; Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Izumi, Tomoko}
title = {Predicate-Argument Structure Analysis with Zero-Anaphora Resolution for Dialogue Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1078}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Zhang, Yue; Zhang, Min}
title = {Feature Embedding for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1079}
author = {Biyani, Prakhar; Caragea, Cornelia; Mitra, Prasenjit; Yen, John}
title = {Identifying Emotional and Informational Support in Online Health Communities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1080}
author = {Yu, Liang-Chih; Ho, Chun-Yuan}
title = {Identifying Emotion Labels from Psychiatric Social Texts Using Independent Component Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1081}
author = {Yu, Xiaofeng; Xie, Junqing}
title = {Modeling Mutual Influence Between Social Actions and Social Ties}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1082}
author = {Das, Abhimanyu; Kannan, Anitha}
title = {Discovering Topical Aspects in Microblogs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1083}
author = {Wei, Zhongyu; Gao, Wei}
title = {Utilizing Microblogs for Automatic News Highlights Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1084}
author = {Liu, Fei; Ramanath, Rohan; Sadeh, Norman; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {A Step Towards Usable Privacy Policy: Automatic Alignment of Privacy Statements}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1085}
author = {Nasir, Jamal A.; Görnitz, Nico; Brefeld, Ulf}
title = {An Off-the-shelf Approach to Authorship Attribution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1086}
author = {Ganguly, Debasis; Leveling, Johannes; Jones, Gareth}
title = {Automatic Prediction of Aesthetics and Interestingness of Text Passages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1087}
author = {Zhang, Muyu; Qin, Bing; Liu, Ting; Zheng, Mao}
title = {Triple based Background Knowledge Ranking for Document Enrichment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1088}
author = {Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Imamura, Kenji; Meguro, Toyomi; Miyazaki, Chiaki; Kobayashi, Nozomi; Sugiyama, Hiroaki; Hirano, Toru; Makino, Toshiro; Matsuo, Yoshihiro}
title = {Towards an open-domain conversational system fully based on natural language processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1089}
author = {Feng, Vanessa Wei; Lin, Ziheng; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {The Impact of Deep Hierarchical Discourse Structures in the Evaluation of Text Coherence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1090}
author = {Somasundaran, Swapna; Burstein, Jill; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Lexical Chaining for Measuring Discourse Coherence Quality in Test-taker Essays}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1091}
author = {Potthast, Martin; Hagen, Matthias; Beyer, Anna; Stein, Benno}
title = {Improving Cloze Test Performance of Language Learners Using Web N-Grams}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1092}
author = {Rangarajan Sridhar, Vivek Kumar; Chen, John; Bangalore, Srinivas; Shacham, Ron}
title = {A Framework for Translating SMS Messages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1093}
author = {Alotaibi, Fahd; Lee, Mark}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to Features Representation for Fine-grained Arabic Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1094}
author = {Reinanda, Ridho; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {Prior-informed Distant Supervision for Temporal Evidence Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1095}
author = {Gulila, Altenbek; Wang, Xiaolong; Haisha, Gulizhada}
title = {Identification of Basic Phrases for Kazakh Language using Maximum Entropy Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1096}
author = {Bird, Steven; Gawne, Lauren; Gelbart, Katie; McAlister, Isaac}
title = {Collecting Bilingual Audio in Remote Indigenous Communities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1097}
author = {Roller, Stephen; Erk, Katrin; Boleda, Gemma}
title = {Inclusive yet Selective: Supervised Distributional Hypernymy Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1098}
author = {Saha Roy, Rishiraj; Katare, Rahul; Ganguly, Niloy; Choudhury, Monojit}
title = {Automatic Discovery of Adposition Typology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1099}
author = {Ziering, Patrick; van der Plas, Lonneke}
title = {What good are 'Nominalkomposita' for 'noun compounds': Multilingual Extraction and Structure Analysis of Nominal Compositions using Linguistic Restrictors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1100}
author = {Bhatia, Archna; Lin, Chu-Cheng; Schneider, Nathan; Tsvetkov, Yulia; Talib Al-Raisi, Fatima; Roostapour, Laleh; Bender, Jordan; Kumar, Abhimanu; Levin, Lori S.; Simons, Mandy; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Automatic Classification of Communicative Functions of Definiteness}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1101}
author = {Boguslavsky, Igor}
title = {Argument structure of adverbial derivatives in Russian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1102}
author = {Hadian, Hossein; Sameti, Hossein}
title = {Active Learning in Noisy Conditions for Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1103}
author = {Yoshinaga, Naoki; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {A Self-adaptive Classifier for Efficient Text-stream Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1104}
author = {Chen, Hongshen; Xie, Jun; Meng, Fandong; Jiang, Wenbin; Liu, Qun}
title = {A Dependency Edge-based Transfer Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1105}
author = {Mathur, Prashant; Venkatapathy, Sriram; Cancedda, Nicola}
title = {Fast Domain Adaptation of SMT models without in-Domain Parallel Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1106}
author = {Akabe, Koichi; Neubig, Graham; Sakti, Sakriani; Toda, Tomoki; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Discriminative Language Models as a Tool for Machine Translation Error Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1107}
author = {Yu, Heng; Mi, Haitao; Huang, Liang; Liu, Qun}
title = {A Structured Language Model for Incremental Tree-to-String Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1108}
author = {Cao, Hailong; Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {A Lexicalized Reordering Model for Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1109}
author = {Qiu, Xipeng; Huang, ChaoChao; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Automatic Corpus Expansion for Chinese Word Segmentation by Exploiting the Redundancy of Web Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1110}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Fast High-Accuracy Part-of-Speech Tagging by Independent Classifiers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1111}
author = {Grönroos, Stig-Arne; Virpioja, Sami; Smit, Peter; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Morfessor FlatCat: An HMM-Based Method for Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning of Morphology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1112}
author = {Yoshida, Kazushi; Ohno, Tomohiro; Kato, Yoshihide; Matsubara, Shigeki}
title = {Japanese Word Reordering Integrated with Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1113}
author = {Li, Yanran; Li, Sujian}
title = {Query-focused Multi-Document Summarization: Combining a Topic Model with Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1114}
author = {Nguyen, Kiem-Hieu; Tannier, Xavier; Moriceau, Véronique}
title = {Ranking Multidocument Event Descriptions for Building Thematic Timelines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1115}
author = {Thomason, Jesse; Venugopalan, Subhashini; Guadarrama, Sergio; Saenko, Kate; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Integrating Language and Vision to Generate Natural Language Descriptions of Videos in the Wild}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1116}
author = {Sapkota, Upendra; Solorio, Thamar; Montes-y-Gomez, Manuel; Bethard, Steven; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {Cross-Topic Authorship Attribution: Will Out-Of-Topic Data Help?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1117}
author = {Kumaran, A; Kumaran, A.; Densmore, Melissa; Kumar, Shaishav}
title = {Online Gaming for Crowd-sourcing Phrase-equivalents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1118}
author = {Hong, Soon Gill; Cho, Sin-hee; Yi, Mun Yong}
title = {Unsupervised Verb Inference from Nouns Crossing Root Boundary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1119}
author = {Tsunakawa, Takashi; Araya, Makoto; Kaji, Hiroyuki}
title = {Enriching Wikipedia's Intra-language Links by their Cross-language Transfer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1120}
author = {Tang, Yi-jie; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Chinese Irony Corpus Construction and Ironic Structure Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1121}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Apidianaki, Marianna; Chen, Chenhua}
title = {Global Methods for Cross-lingual Semantic Role and Predicate Labelling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1122}
author = {Jie, Zhanming; Lu, Wei}
title = {Multilingual Semantic Parsing : Parsing Multiple Languages into Semantic Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1123}
author = {Goyal, Kartik; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Unsupervised Word Sense Induction using Distributional Statistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1124}
author = {Zhao, Xin; Wu, Yuexin; Yan, Hongfei; Li, Xiaoming}
title = {Group based Self Training for E-Commerce Product Record Linkage}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1125}
author = {Wu, Haibing; Gu, Xiaodong}
title = {Reducing Over-Weighting in Supervised Term Weighting for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1126}
author = {Zhou, Guangyou; Zhao, Jun; Zeng, Daojian}
title = {Sentiment Classification with Graph Co-Regularization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1127}
author = {Zhou, Shusen; Chen, Qingcai; Wang, Xiaolong; Li, Xiaoling}
title = {Hybrid Deep Belief Networks for Semi-supervised Sentiment Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1128}
author = {Kobayakawa, Takeshi}
title = {Latent Dynamic Model with Category Transition Constraint for Opinion Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1129}
author = {Zhao, Yanyan; Che, Wanxiang; Guo, Honglei; Qin, Bing; Su, Zhong; Liu, Ting}
title = {Sentence Compression for Target-Polarity Word Collocation Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1130}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Vogler, Heiko}
title = {Hybrid Grammars for Discontinuous Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1131}
author = {Suster, Simon; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {From neighborhood to parenthood: the advantages of dependency representation over bigrams in Brown clustering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1132}
author = {Simkó, Katalin Ilona; Vincze, Veronika; Szántó, Zsolt; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {An Empirical Evaluation of Automatic Conversion from Constituency to Dependency in Hungarian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1133}
author = {Ballesteros, Miguel; Bohnet, Bernd; Mille, Simon; Wanner, Leo}
title = {Deep-Syntactic Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1134}
author = {Dasigi, Pradeep; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Modeling Newswire Events using Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1135}
author = {Sano, Motoki; Torisawa, Kentaro; Kloetzer, Julien; Hashimoto, Chikara; Varga, István; Oh, Jong-Hoon}
title = {Million-scale Derivation of Semantic Relations from a Manually Constructed Predicate Taxonomy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1136}
author = {Riedl, Martin; Alles, Irina; Biemann, Christian}
title = {Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Parsing for Distributional Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1137}
author = {Grave, Edouard; Obozinski, Guillaume; Bach, Francis}
title = {A Markovian approach to distributional semantics with application to semantic compositionality}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1138}
author = {Wang, Xuancong; Ng, Hwee Tou; Sim, Khe Chai}
title = {A Beam-Search Decoder for Disfluency Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1139}
author = {Negi, Sumit}
title = {Single Document Keyphrase Extraction Using Label Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1140}
author = {Gamon, Michael; Mukherjee, Arjun; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Predicting Interesting Things in Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1141}
author = {Levy, Ran; Bilu, Yonatan; Hershcovich, Daniel; Aharoni, Ehud; Slonim, Noam}
title = {Context Dependent Claim Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1142}
author = {Stab, Christian; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Annotating Argument Components and Relations in Persuasive Essays}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1143}
author = {Deng, Dun; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Building a Hierarchically Aligned Chinese-English Parallel Treebank}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1144}
author = {Girju, Roxana; Al-Sabbagh, Rania; Gîrju, Roxana; Diesner, Jana}
title = {3arif: A Corpus of Modern Standard and Egyptian Arabic Tweets Annotated for Epistemic Modality Using Interactive Crowdsourcing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1145}
author = {Qing, Ciyang; Fernandez, Raquel; Endriss, Ulle; Fernández, Raquel; Kruger, Justin}
title = {Empirical Analysis of Aggregation Methods for Collective Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1146}
author = {Liu, Qun}
title = {Annotation Adaptation and Language Adaptation in NLP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1147}
author = {Alhelbawy, Ayman; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Collective Named Entity Disambiguation using Graph Ranking and Clique Partitioning Approaches}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1148}
author = {Cassidy, Taylor; Ji, Heng}
title = {Analysis and Refinement of Temporal Relation Aggregation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1149}
author = {Yu, Dian; Huang, Hongzhao; Cassidy, Taylor; Ji, Heng; Wang, Chi; Zhi, Shi; Han, Jiawei; Voss, Clare R.; Magdon-Ismail, Malik}
title = {The Wisdom of Minority: Unsupervised Slot Filling Validation based on Multi-dimensional Truth-Finding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1150}
author = {Oiwa, Hidekazu; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Common Space Embedding of Primal-Dual Relation Semantic Spaces}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1151}
author = {Basile, Pierpaolo; Caputo, Annalina; Semeraro, Giovanni}
title = {An Enhanced Lesk Word Sense Disambiguation Algorithm through a Distributional Semantic Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1152}
author = {Qian, Tao; Donghong, Ji; Zhang, Mingyao; Teng, Chong; Xia, Congling}
title = {Word Sense Induction Using Lexical Chain based Hypergraph Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1153}
author = {Schwartz, Roy; Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Minimally Supervised Classification to Semantic Categories using Automatically Acquired Symmetric Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1154}
author = {Cook, Paul; Lau, Jey Han; McCarthy, Diana; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Novel Word-sense Identification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1155}
author = {Tzouridis, Emmanouil; Nasir, Jamal; Brefeld, Ulf}
title = {Learning to Summarise Related Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1156}
author = {Nishikawa, Hitoshi; Arita, Kazuho; Tanaka, Katsumi; Hirao, Tsutomu; Makino, Toshiro; Matsuo, Yoshihiro}
title = {Learning to Generate Coherent Summary with Discriminative Hidden Semi-Markov Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1157}
author = {Wang, Lu; Raghavan, Hema; Cardie, Claire; Castelli, Vittorio}
title = {Query-Focused Opinion Summarization for User-Generated Content}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1158}
author = {Yang, Liu; Jiang, Jing; Huang, Lifu; Qiu, Minghui; Liao, Lizi}
title = {Generating Supplementary Travel Guides from Social Media}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1159}
author = {D'Souza, Jennifer; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Ensemble-Based Medical Relation Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1160}
author = {Braud, Chloé; Denis, Pascal}
title = {Combining Natural and Artificial Examples to Improve Implicit Discourse Relation Identification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1161}
author = {Hiraoka, Takuya; Neubig, Graham; Sakti, Sakriani; Toda, Tomoki; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Reinforcement Learning of Cooperative Persuasive Dialogue Policies using Framing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1162}
author = {Bullard, Joseph; Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter; Yu, Qi; Shi, Pengcheng; Haake, Anne}
title = {Towards multimodal modeling of physicians' diagnostic confidence and self-awareness using medical narratives}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1163}
author = {Zeller, Britta; Padó, Sebastian; Šnajder, Jan}
title = {Towards Semantic Validation of a Derivational Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1164}
author = {Kochmar, Ekaterina; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Detecting Learner Errors in the Choice of Content Words Using Compositional Distributional Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1165}
author = {Mohler, Michael; Rink, Bryan; Bracewell, David; Tomlinson, Marc}
title = {A Novel Distributional Approach to Multilingual Conceptual Metaphor Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1166}
author = {Nooralahzadeh, Farhad; Brun, Caroline; Roux, Claude}
title = {Part of Speech Tagging for French Social Media Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1167}
author = {Saito, Itsumi; Sadamitsu, Kugatsu; Asano, Hisako; Matsuo, Yoshihiro}
title = {Morphological Analysis for Japanese Noisy Text based on Character-level and Word-level Normalization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1168}
author = {Plank, Barbara; Hovy, Dirk; McDonald, Ryan; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Adapting taggers to Twitter with not-so-distant supervision}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1169}
author = {Haidar, Md. Akmal; O'Shaughnessy, Douglas D.}
title = {Interpolated Dirichlet Class Language Model for Speech Recognition Incorporating Long-distance N-grams}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1170}
author = {Kennington, Casey; Kousidis, Spyros; Schlangen, David}
title = {Situated Incremental Natural Language Understanding using a Multimodal, Linguistically-driven Update Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1171}
author = {Negri, Matteo; Turchi, Marco; C. de Souza, José G.; Daniele, Falavigna}
title = {Quality Estimation for Automatic Speech Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1172}
author = {Lalitha Devi, Sobha; Sundar Ram R., Vijay; RK Rao, Pattabhi}
title = {A Generic Anaphora Resolution Engine for Indian Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1173}
author = {Goyal, Pawan; Kulkarni, Amba}
title = {Converting Phrase Structures to Dependency Structures in Sanskrit}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1174}
author = {Vincze, Veronika}
title = {Uncertainty Detection in Hungarian Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1175}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Rediscovering Annotation Projection for Cross-Lingual Parser Induction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1176}
author = {Duan, Xiangyu; Zhang, Min; Zhu, Qiaoming}
title = {Synchronous Constituent Context Model for Inducing Bilingual Synchronous Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1177}
author = {Le Roux, Joseph; Rozenknop, Antoine; Constant, Matthieu}
title = {Syntactic Parsing and Compound Recognition via Dual Decomposition: Application to French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1178}
author = {Li, Dongchen; Zhang, Xiantao; Luo, Dingsheng; Wu, Xihong}
title = {Learning the Taxonomy of Function Words for Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1179}
author = {Li, Peng; Liu, Yang; Sun, Maosong; Izuha, Tatsuya; Zhang, Dakun}
title = {A Neural Reordering Model for Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1180}
author = {Wu, Youzheng; Watanabe, Taro; Hori, Chiori}
title = {Recurrent Neural Network-based Tuple Sequence Model for Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1181}
author = {Bisazza, Arianna; Monz, Christof}
title = {Class-Based Language Modeling for Translating into Morphologically Rich Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1182}
author = {Hoang, Cuong; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Latent Domain Translation Models in Mix-of-Domains Haystack}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1183}
author = {Nagata, Ryo}
title = {Language Family Relationship Preserved in Non-native English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1184}
author = {Theune, Mariet; Nguyen, Dong; Trieschnigg, Dolf; Doğruöz, A. Seza; Gravel, Rilana; Theune, Mariët; Meder, Theo; Jong, Franciska de}
title = {Why Gender and Age Prediction from Tweets is Hard: Lessons from a Crowdsourcing Experiment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1185}
author = {Bykh, Serhiy; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Exploring Syntactic Features for Native Language Identification: A Variationist Perspective on Feature Encoding and Ensemble Optimization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1186}
author = {Bloem, Jelke; Versloot, Arjen; Weerman, Fred}
title = {Applying automatically parsed corpora to the study of language variation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1187}
author = {Xiong, Wenting; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Empirical analysis of exploiting review helpfulness for extractive summarization of online reviews}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1188}
author = {Angrosh, Mandya; Nomoto, Tadashi; Siddharthan, Advaith}
title = {Lexico-syntactic text simplification and compression with typed dependencies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1189}
author = {Gatt, Albert; Paggio, Patrizia}
title = {Learning when to point: A data-driven approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1190}
author = {Stein, Benno; Hagen, Matthias; Bräutigam, Christof}
title = {Generating Acrostics via Paraphrasing and Heuristic Search}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1191}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Does a Computational Linguist have to be a Linguist?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1192}
author = {Dong, Meiping; Cheng, Yong; Liu, Yang; Xu, Jia; Sun, Maosong; Izuha, Tatsuya; Hao, Jie}
title = {Query Lattice for Translation Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1193}
author = {Yu, Hui; Wu, Xiaofeng; Xie, Jun; Jiang, Wenbin; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {RED: A Reference Dependency Based MT Evaluation Metric}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1194}
author = {Samad Zadeh Kaljahi, Rasoul; Foster, Jennifer; Roturier, Johann; Rubino, Raphael}
title = {Quality Estimation of English-French Machine Translation: A Detailed Study of the Role of Syntax}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1195}
author = {Xiao, Tong; de Gispert, Adri; Zhu, Jingbo; Byrne, Bill}
title = {Effective Incorporation of Source Syntax into Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1196}
author = {Zuo, Zhe; Kasneci, Gjergji; Gruetze, Toni; Naumann, Felix}
title = {BEL: Bagging for Entity Linking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1197}
author = {Akbik, Alan; Michael, Thilo; Boden, Christoph}
title = {Exploratory Relation Extraction in Large Text Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1198}
author = {Mirza, Paramita; Tonelli, Sara}
title = {An Analysis of Causality between Events and its Relation to Temporal Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1199}
author = {Liu, Yang; Liu, Kang; Xu, Liheng; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Exploring Fine-grained Entity Type Constraints for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1200}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {Using Collections of Human Language Intuitions to Measure Corpus Representativeness}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1201}
author = {Webster, Kellie; Curran, James R.}
title = {Limited memory incremental coreference resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1202}
author = {Noji, Hiroshi; Miyao, Yusuke}
title = {Left-corner Transitions on Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1203}
author = {Lubetich, Shannon; Sagae, Kenji}
title = {Data-driven Measurement of Child Language Development with Simple Syntactic Templates}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1204}
author = {Li, Peifeng; Zhu, Qiaoming; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Employing Event Inference to Improve Semi-Supervised Chinese Event Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1205}
author = {Brooke, Julian; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Supervised Ranking of Co-occurrence Profiles for Acquisition of Continuous Lexical Attributes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1206}
author = {Conrath, Juliette; Afantenos, Stergos; Asher, Nicholas; Muller, Philippe}
title = {Unsupervised extraction of semantic relations using discourse cues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1207}
author = {Grycner, Adam; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {HARPY: Hypernyms and Alignment of Relational Paraphrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1208}
author = {Moreau, Erwan; Vogel, Carl}
title = {Limitations of MT Quality Estimation Supervised Systems: The Tails Prediction Problem}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1209}
author = {Xie, Jun; Xu, Jinan; Liu, Qun}
title = {Augment Dependency-to-String Translation with Fixed and Floating Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1210}
author = {Cao, Hailong; Zhang, Dongdong; Zhou, Ming; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Soft Dependency Matching for Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1211}
author = {Mac an tSaoir, Ronan}
title = {Using Spreading Activation to Evaluate and Improve Ontologies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1212}
author = {Weeds, Julie; Clarke, Daoud; Reffin, Jeremy; Weir, David; Keller, Bill}
title = {Learning to Distinguish Hypernyms and Co-Hyponyms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1213}
author = {Barrena, Ander; Agirre, Eneko; Cabaleiro, Bernardo; Peñas, Anselmo; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {One Entity per Discourse and One Entity per Collocation Improve Named-Entity Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1214}
author = {Miwa, Makoto; Thompson, Paul; Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Comparable Study of Event Extraction in Newswire and Biomedical Domains}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1215}
author = {Shi, Bei; Zhang, Zhenzhong; Sun, Le; Han, Xianpei}
title = {A Probabilistic Co-Bootstrapping Method for Entity Set Expansion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1216}
author = {Wiegand, Michael; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Separating Brands from Types: an Investigation of Different Features for the Food Domain}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1217}
author = {Yuret, Deniz; Yatbaz, Mehmet Ali; Sert, Enis}
title = {Unsupervised Instance-Based Part of Speech Induction Using Probable Substitutes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1218}
author = {Hauer, Bradley; Hayward, Ryan; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Solving Substitution Ciphers with Combined Language Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1219}
author = {Synnaeve, Gabriel; Dautriche, Isabelle; Börschinger, Benjamin; Börschinger, Benjamin; Johnson, Mark; Dupoux, Emmanuel}
title = {Unsupervised Word Segmentation in Context}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1220}
author = {Zeng, Daojian; Liu, Kang; Lai, Siwei; Zhou, Guangyou; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Relation Classification via Convolutional Deep Neural Network}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-1221}
author = {Vanzo, Andrea; Croce, Danilo; Basili, Roberto}
title = {A context-based model for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2001}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv; Agarwal, Ankit; Mittal, Deepak}
title = {An Error Analysis Tool for Natural Language Processing and Applied Machine Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2002}
author = {Slonim, Noam; Aharoni, Ehud; Alzate, Carlos; Bar-Haim, Roy; Bilu, Yonatan; Dankin, Lena; Eiron, Iris; Hershcovich, Daniel; Hummel, Shay; Khapra, Mitesh M.; Lavee, Tamar; Levy, Ran; Matchen, Paul; Polnarov, Anatoly; Raykar, Vikas; Rinott, Ruty; Saha, Amrita; Zwerdling, Naama; Konopnicki, David; Gutfreund, Dan}
title = {Claims on demand – an initial demonstration of a system for automatic detection and polarity identification of context dependent claims in massive corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2003}
author = {Torrent, Tiago; Salomão, Maria Margarida; Campos, Fernanda; Braga, Regina; Matos, Ely; Gamonal, Maucha; Gonçalves, Julia; Souza, Bruno; Gomes, Daniela; Peron, Simone}
title = {Copa 2014 FrameNet Brasil: a frame-based trilingual electronic dictionary for the Football World Cup}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2004}
author = {Raamadhurai, Srikrishna; Kohonen, Oskar; Ruokolainen, Teemu}
title = {Creating Custom Taggers by Integrating Web Page Annotation and Machine Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2005}
author = {De Wachter, Lieve; Verlinde, Serge; D'Hertefelt, Margot; Peeters, Geert}
title = {How to deal with students' writing problems? Process-oriented writing support with the digital Writing Aid Dutch}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2006}
author = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Processing Discourse in Dislog on the TextCoop Platform}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2007}
author = {Kluegl, Peter; Toepfer, Martin; Beck, Philip-Daniel; Fette, Georg; Puppe, Frank}
title = {UIMA Ruta Workbench: Rule-based Text Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2008}
author = {Poláková, Lucie; Mírovský, Jiří; Jínová, Pavlína; Poláková, Lucie}
title = {Discourse Relations in the Prague Dependency Treebank 3.0}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2009}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Lightweight Client-Side Chinese/Japanese Morphological Analyzer Based on Online Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2010}
author = {Anechitei, Daniel}
title = {MultiDPS – A multilingual Discourse Processing System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2011}
author = {Huet, Gérard; Kulkarni, Amba}
title = {Sanskrit Linguistics Web Services}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2012}
author = {Reynaert, Martin}
title = {TICCLops: Text-Induced Corpus Clean-up as online processing system}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2013}
author = {Fleury, Serge; Zimina, Maria}
title = {Trameur: A Framework for Annotated Text Corpora Exploration}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2014}
author = {Nguyen, Dong; Trieschnigg, Dolf; Meder, Theo}
title = {TweetGenie: Development, Evaluation, and Lessons Learned}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2015}
author = {Lee, Lung-Hao; Yu, Liang-Chih; Lee, Kuei-Ching; Tseng, Yuen-Hsien; Chang, Li-Ping; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {A Sentence Judgment System for Grammatical Error Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2016}
author = {van Gompel, Maarten; Gompel, Maarten van; Reynaert, Martin}
title = {CLAM: Quickly deploy NLP command-line tools on the web}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2017}
author = {Guo, Yufan; Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Silins, Ilona; Sun, Lin; Högberg, Johan; Stenius, Ulla; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {CRAB 2.0: A text mining tool for supporting literature review in chemical cancer risk assessment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2018}
author = {Maqsud, Umar; Arnold, Sebastian; Hülfenhaus, Michael; Akbik, Alan}
title = {Nerdle: Topic-Specific Question Answering Using Wikia Seeds}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2019}
author = {Tan, Liling; Bond, Francis}
title = {NTU-MC Toolkit: Annotating a Linguistically Diverse Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2020}
author = {Kouylekov, Milen; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {RDF Triple Stores and a Custom SPARQL Front-End for Indexing and Searching (Very) Large Semantic Networks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2021}
author = {Cortis, Keith; Bhowan, Urvesh; Mac an tSaoir, Ronan; McCloskey, D.J.; Sogrin, Mikhail; Cadogan, Ross}
title = {What or Who is Multilingual Watson?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2022}
author = {Kirschnick, Johannes; Kilias, Torsten; Hemsen, Holmer; Löser, Alexander; Adolphs, Peter; Ehrig, Heiko; Düwiger, Holger}
title = {A Marketplace for Web Scale Analytics and Text Annotation Services}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2023}
author = {Meyer, Christian M.; Mieskes, Margot; Stab, Christian; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {DKPro Agreement: An Open-Source Java Library for Measuring Inter-Rater Agreement}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2024}
author = {Evert, Stefan}
title = {Distributional Semantics in R with the wordspace Package}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2025}
author = {Wibberley, Simon; Weir, David; Reffin, Jeremy}
title = {Method51 for Mining Insight from Social Media Datasets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2026}
author = {Girardi, Christian; Bentivogli, Luisa; Farajian, Mohammad Amin; Federico, Marcello}
title = {MT-EQuAl: a Toolkit for Human Assessment of Machine Translation Output}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2027}
author = {Reynaert, Martin; van de Camp, Matje; van Zaanen, Menno}
title = {OpenSoNaR: user-driven development of the SoNaR corpus interfaces}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-2028}
author = {Federico, Marcello; Bertoldi, Nicola; Cettolo, Mauro; Negri, Matteo; Turchi, Marco; Trombetti, Marco; Cattelan, Alessandro; Farina, Antonio; Lupinetti, Domenico; Martines, Andrea; Massidda, Alberto; Schwenk, Holger; Barrault, Loïc; Blain, Frederic; Koehn, Philipp; Buck, Christian; Germann, Ulrich}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-3001}
author = {Uzuner, Özlem; Yetisgen-Yildiz, Meliha; Stubbs, Amber}
title = {Biomedical/Clinical NLP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-3002}
author = {Mikolov, Tomas}
title = {Using Neural Networks for Modeling and Representing Natural Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-3003}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Moro, Andrea}
title = {Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation and Entity Linking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-3004}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Leacock, Claudia}
title = {Automated Grammatical Error Correction for Language Learners}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-3005}
author = {Søgaard, Anders; Plank, Barbara; Hovy, Dirk}
title = {Selection Bias, Label Bias, and Bias in Ground Truth}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C14-3006}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Li, Zhenghua; Zhang, Min}
title = {Dependency Parsing: Past, Present, and Future}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2014}
id = {C65-1001}
author = {Abraham, S.}
title = {Some Questions Of Language Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1002}
author = {Andreewsky, Alexandre}
title = {Subclassification Of Parts Of Speech In Russian: Verbs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1003}
author = {Cordier, Brigitte}
title = {Factor-Analysis Of Correspondences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1005}
author = {Culik, Karel}
title = {Machine Translation And Connectedness Between Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1006}
author = {Pendergraft, E. D.; Dale, N.}
title = {Automatic Linguistic Classification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1009}
author = {Garvin, Paul L.}
title = {Some Comments On Algorithm And Grammar In The Automatic Parsing Of Natural Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1010}
author = {Harper, Kenneth E.}
title = {Measurement Of Similarity Between Nouns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1014}
author = {Klein, Sheldon}
title = {Some Components Of A Program For Dynamic Modelling Of Historical Change In Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1015}
author = {Kleinecke, David}
title = {Models Of Lexical Decay}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1016}
author = {Kugel, Peter}
title = {Sets Of Grammars Between Context-Free And Context-Sensitive}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1017}
author = {Kuno, Susumu}
title = {A System For Transformational Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1018}
author = {Manelski, Denis M.; Krulee, Gilbert K.}
title = {A Heuristic Approach To Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1019}
author = {Mey, Jacob}
title = {Pushdown Stores And Subscripts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1020}
author = {Robinson, Jane J.}
title = {Endocentric Constructions And The Cocke Parsing Logic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1021}
author = {Sakai, Itiroo}
title = {Some Mathematical Aspects On Syntactic Description}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1022}
author = {Sakai, Toshiyuki; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Sentence Generation By Semantic Concordance}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1024}
author = {Sgall, Petr}
title = {Generation Production And Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1025}
author = {Skalmowski, Wojciech}
title = {On A Certain Distribution Of Semantic Units}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1026}
author = {Tabory, R.; Zarnfaller, F. L.}
title = {Specifications For A Tree Processing Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1027}
author = {Tosh, L. W.}
title = {Data Preparation For Syntactic Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1028}
author = {Vandenburgh, Harold R.}
title = {MORPHISM: A Symbolic List Processing Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1029}
author = {Varga, Dániel}
title = {Syntactic Analysis In The Case Of Highly Inflecting Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1030}
author = {Vauquois, Bernard; Veillon, Gerard; Veyrunes, J.}
title = {Syntaxe Et Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C65-1031}
author = {Lieberman, D.; Lochak, D.; Ochel, K.}
title = {Automatic Deep Structure Analysis Using An Approximate Formalism}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1965}
id = {C67-1001}
author = {Coyaud, Maurice}
title = {Analyse Et Classification Automatique En Chinois}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1002}
author = {McDaniel, J.; Price, W. L.; Szanser, A. J. M.; Yates, D. M.}
title = {An Evaluation Of The Usefulness Of Machine Translations Produced At The National Physical Laboratory Teddington With A Summary Of The Translation Methods}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1003}
author = {Engelien, Gerhard}
title = {Programming Of Reversible Systems In Computational Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1004}
author = {Garvin, Paul L.}
title = {The Fulcrum Syntactic Analyzer For Russian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1005}
author = {Guierre, L.}
title = {Analogie Et Homologie Dans L'Accentuation De L'Anglais}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1006}
author = {Harper, Kenneth E.}
title = {Syntactic And Semantic Problems In Automatic Sentence Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1007}
author = {Hiz, Danuta; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Transformational Decomposition: A Simple Description Of An Algorithm For Transformational Analysis Of English Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1008}
author = {Karlgren, Hans}
title = {Slant Grammar Calculus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1009}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Experiments With A Powerful Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1010}
author = {Laszlo, Steven I.}
title = {The Relevance Of Some Compiler Construction Techniques To The Description And Translation Of Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1011}
author = {Masterman, Margaret}
title = {Man-Aided Computer Translation From English Into French Using An On-Line System To Manipulate A Bi-Lingual Conceptual Dictionary Or Thesaurus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1012}
author = {Meyer-Ingwersen, Johannes}
title = {Analyse De Propositions Allemandes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1013}
author = {, Revzin}
title = {Some Linguistic Arguments In Favour Of Mr. Bar-Hillel's Non Uniqueness Hypothesis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1014}
author = {Richter, Helmut; Hincha, Georg}
title = {Can Overt Syntactic Structure Be Interpreted As A Logical Device?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1015}
author = {Robinson, Jane J.}
title = {Methods For Obtaining Corresponding Phrase Structure And Dependency Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1016}
author = {Salkoff, Morris; Sager, Naomi}
title = {The Elimination Of Grammatical Restrictions In A String Grammar Of English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1017}
author = {Samuelsdorff, Paul O.}
title = {The Application Of FORTRAN To Automatic Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1018}
author = {Shillan, David}
title = {Segmenting Natural Language By Articulatory Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1019}
author = {Veillon, Gerard; Veyrunes, J.; Vauquois, Bernard}
title = {Un Metalangage De Grammaires Transformationnelles Applications Aux Problemes De Transferts Et De Generation Syntaxiques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1020}
author = {Yates, D. M.}
title = {A Computer Model For Russian Grammatical Description And Method Of English Synthesis In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1021}
author = {Zalizniak, A.}
title = {Un Modele De La Notion Du Cas}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1022}
author = {Bachrach, J. A.}
title = {Une Troisieme Version Du Dicautom}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1023}
author = {Borkowski, Casimir}
title = {An Experimental System For Automatic Recognition Of Personal Titles And Personal Names In Newspaper Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1024}
author = {Borillo, Andree; Virbel, Jacques}
title = {Problemes Syntaxiques De L'Indexation Automatique De Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1025}
author = {Edmundson, H. P.}
title = {Axiomatic Characterization Of Synonymy And Antonymy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1026}
author = {Schweisthal, Klaus Gunther}
title = {Semantically Governed Machine Translation Of BE-Clauses With Adverbs And Prepositional Phrases. Demonstration Of A Ring-Model For German/English English/German Including Analysis-Synthesis Transformation Transition And Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1027}
author = {Hoppe, Alfred}
title = {L'Explication Automatique Du Facteur Semantique 'Appartenance' Apparaissant Dams Le Zuwendsatz Allemand Et La Traduction Automatique De Ce Facteur: De L'Allemand Vers L'Anglais Et De L'Auglais Vers L'Allemand}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1028}
author = {Jolkovsky, A.; Mel'cuk, Igor A.}
title = {Essai D'Une Theorie Semantique Applicable Au Traitement De Langage}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1029}
author = {Klein, Sheldon}
title = {AUTOLING: An Automated Linguistic Fieldworker}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1030}
author = {Martemianov, Y.; Mouchanov, Y.}
title = {Une Notation Semantique Et Ses Implications Linguistiques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1031}
author = {Olney, John; Revard, Carter; Ziff, Paul}
title = {Summary Of Some Computational Aids For Obtaining A For Semantic Description Of English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1032}
author = {Page, Ellis B.}
title = {Statistical And Linguistic Strategies In The Computer Grading Of Essays}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1033}
author = {Abraham, S.}
title = {An Integrated Language Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1034}
author = {Friant, J.}
title = {Langages Context-Sensitives Quelques Aspects De Leur Extension}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1035}
author = {Guedj, R. D.}
title = {Les Grammaires De Constituants Generaux}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1036}
author = {Brodda, Benny}
title = {The Entropy Of Recursive Markov Processes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C67-1037}
author = {Marcus, Solomon}
title = {Categories Morphologiques Et Analyse Contextuelle Dans La Linguistique Algebrique}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1967}
id = {C69-0101}
author = {Mel'cuk, Igor A.; Gladky, A. V.}
title = {Tree Grammars (Grammars)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-0201}
author = {Schank, Roger C.; Tesler, Larry}
title = {A Conceptual Dependency Parser For Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-0301}
author = {Benson, R. A.}
title = {NEXUS: A Linguistic Technique For Precoordination}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-0401}
author = {Salton, Gerard}
title = {Automatic Processing Of Foreign Language Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-0501}
author = {Durham, Stanton P.; Rogers, David Ellis}
title = {An Application Of Computer Programming To The Reconstruction Of A Proto-Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-0601}
author = {Braun, Stephan}
title = {Some Formal Properties Of Phonological Redundancy Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-0701}
author = {Szanser, A. J. M.}
title = {Automatic Error-Correction In Natural Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-0801}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Interactive Semantic Analysis Of English Paragraphs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-0901}
author = {Smith, Raoul N.}
title = {Automatic Simulation Of Historical Change}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-1001}
author = {Fujimura, Osamu; Kagaya, Ryohei}
title = {Structural Patterns Of Chinese Characters}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-1101}
author = {Pratt, Arnold W.; Pacak, Milos G.}
title = {Automated Processing Of Medical English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-1201}
author = {Gammon, Edward}
title = {Quantitative Approximations To The Word}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-1301}
author = {Su, Stanley Y. W.; Harper, Kenneth E.}
title = {A Directed Random Paragraph Generator}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-1401}
author = {Friedman, Joyce}
title = {Applications Of A Computer System For Transformational Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-1501}
author = {Leunbach, Gustav}
title = {Syntactic Analysis By Alternating Computation And Inspection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-1601}
author = {Skalmowski, Wojciech; Van Overbeke, M.}
title = {Computational Analysis Of Interference Phenomena On The Lexical Level}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-1701}
author = {Vauquois, Bernard; Veillon, Gerard; Nedobejkine, Nicolas; Bourguignon, C.}
title = {Une Notation Des Textes Hors Des Contraintes Morphologiques Et Syntaxiques De L'Expression}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-1801}
author = {Binnick, Robert I.}
title = {An Application Of An Extended Generative Semantic Model Of Language To Man-Machine Interaction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-1901}
author = {Wood, Gordon R.}
title = {Dialectology By Computer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-2001}
author = {Mey, Jacob}
title = {On The Preservation Of Context-Free Languages In A Level-Based System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-2101}
author = {Klein, Sheldon; Kuppin, Michael A.; Meives, Kirby A.}
title = {Monte Carlo Simulation Of Language Change In Tikopia And Maori}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-2201}
author = {Von Glasersfeld, Ernst}
title = {Semantics And The Syntactic Classification Of Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-2301}
author = {Wunderlich, Dieter}
title = {Uber Zeitkeferenz Und Tempus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-2401}
author = {Laffal, Julius}
title = {Total Or Selected Content Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-2501}
author = {Pisani, Pier Paolo}
title = {Organization And Programming Of The Multistore Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-2601}
author = {Bujas, Zeljko}
title = {Computers In The Yugoslav Serbo-Croat/English Contrastive Analysis Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-2701}
author = {Rouault, Jacques}
title = {Quelques Applications De La Logique A La Semantique Des Langues Naturelles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-2801}
author = {Bellert, Irena}
title = {On The Use Of Linguistic Quantifying Operators In The Logico-Semantic Structure Representation Of Utterances}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-2901}
author = {Schwarcz, Robert M.}
title = {Towards A Computational Formalization Of Natural Language Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-3001}
author = {Bunting, Karl Dieter}
title = {Empirical Investigation Of German Word Derivation With The Aid Of A Computer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-3101}
author = {Batori, Istvan}
title = {Disambiguating Verbs With Multiple Meaning In The MT-System Of IBM Germany}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-3201}
author = {Woyna, Adam G.}
title = {Semantics Of Prepositional Constructs In Russian: Tentative Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-3301}
author = {Iivonen, A.}
title = {Automatic Recognition Of Speech Sounds By A Digital Computer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-3401}
author = {Lockemann, Peter C.; Thompson, Frederick B.}
title = {A Rapidly Extensible Language System (The Rel Language Processor)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-3501}
author = {Dostert, Bozena; Thompson, Frederick B.}
title = {A Rapidly Extensible Language System (REL English)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-3601}
author = {Josselson, Harry H.}
title = {The Lexicon: A System Of Matrices Of Lexical Units And Their Properties}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-3701}
author = {Woolley, G. H.}
title = {Automatic Text Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-3801}
author = {Dougherty, Ching-Yi}
title = {A Pragmatic Approach To Machine Translation From Chinese To English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-3901}
author = {Verburg, P. A.}
title = {Hobbes' Calculus Of Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-4001}
author = {Moyne, J. A.}
title = {A Progress Report On The Use Of English In Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-4101}
author = {Montgomery, Christine A.}
title = {Linguistics And Automated Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-4201}
author = {Yang, Shou-Chuan; Yang, Charlotte W.}
title = {A Universal Graphic Character Writer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-4301}
author = {Querido, Antonio A. M.}
title = {Grammaire I Description Transformationnelle D' Un Sous-Ensemble Du Francais}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-4401}
author = {Streeter, Victor J.}
title = {Syntactic Patterns In A Sample Of Technical English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-4501}
author = {Peters, Stanley}
title = {The Use Of Context-Sensitive Rules In Immediate Constituent Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-4601}
author = {Borkowski, Casimir}
title = {Structure Effectiveness And Uses Of The Citation Identifier}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-4701}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Properties Of Formal Grammars With Mixed Type Of Rules And Their Linguistic Relevance}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-4801}
author = {Marcus, Solomon}
title = {Contextual Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-4901}
author = {Sankofl, David}
title = {Simulation Of Word-Meaning Stochastic Processes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-5001}
author = {Petofi, Janos S.}
title = {On The Problems Of Co-Textual Analysis Of Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-5101}
author = {Yang, Shou-Chuan}
title = {A Search Algorithm And Data Structure For An Efficient Information System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-5201}
author = {Francis, W. Nelson; Svartvik, Jan; Rubin, Gerald M.}
title = {Computer-Produced Representation Of Dialectal Variation: Initial Fricatives In Southern British English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-5301}
author = {Fromkin, Victoria A.; Rice, D. Lloyd}
title = {An Interactive Phonological Rule Testing System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-5401}
author = {Birbanescu, Adrian}
title = {Network Of Binary Relations In Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-5501}
author = {Dugas, Andre; Gopnik, Myrna; Harris, Brian; Paillet, Jean Pierre}
title = {Le Projet De Traduction Automatique A L'Universite De Montreal}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-5601}
author = {Afendras, Evangelos A.}
title = {Mathematical Models For Balkan Phonological Convergence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-5701}
author = {Ladefoged, Peter}
title = {The Measurement Of Phonetic Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-5801}
author = {Edmundson, H. P.; Epstein, Martin N.}
title = {Computer Aided Research On Synonymy And Antonymy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-5901}
author = {Zoltan, Szabo}
title = {Some Problems Of Word-Formation Within The Framework Of A Generative Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6001}
author = {Vasiliu, E.}
title = {The 'Time Category' In Natural Languages And Its Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6101}
author = {Varga, Dániel}
title = {Problem Of Improving The Efficiency Of Parsing Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6201}
author = {Dyer, R. R.}
title = {Constructional Potentiality: Priscianic Grammar As A Disambiguation Technique In The Automatic Recognition Of Latin Syntax}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6202}
author = {Solomon, Stephan-Ylan}
title = {CN Saturated Partitions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6203}
author = {Samuelsdorff, Paul O.}
title = {Problems Of German-English Automatic Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6204}
author = {Fairley, Irene R.}
title = {Stylistic Analysis Of Poetry}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6205}
author = {Arsentyeva, N. G.}
title = {The Machine Realization Of The Periphrasing System And The Results Of The Experiment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6206}
author = {Dasher, B. J.}
title = {A New Approach To Syntax}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6207}
author = {Hajicová, Eva}
title = {On Semantics Of Some Verbal Categories In English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6208}
author = {Ludskanov, A.}
title = {Sur Quelques Preprietes Communes Des Catagories Semantiques Et Des Procedures Generatrices De Trois Modeles De Synthese Dans Le Processus De La TA (Resume)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6209}
author = {De Kock, Josse; Bossaert, Walter}
title = {Towards An Automatic Morphological Segmentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6210}
author = {Mathe, Jacob}
title = {The Structure And Semantics Of The Verbal Government}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6211}
author = {Hofmann, Thomas R.; Harris, Brian}
title = {Machine Transcoding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6212}
author = {Moessner, L.}
title = {Analyse Structurelle Automatique De Grouses Nominaux Anglais}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6213}
author = {Detering, Klaus}
title = {Ein Programm Zur Automatischen Synthese Englischer Satze}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6214}
author = {Khubohandani, L. M.; Glover, W. W.}
title = {An Application Of Computer Techniques To Analysis Of The Verb Phrase In Hindi And English: A Preliminary Report}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6215}
author = {Herzog, Reinhart}
title = {Computational Studies In Terminology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6301}
author = {Walker, Donald E.}
title = {Computational Linguistic Techniques In An On-Line System For Textual Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6401}
author = {Kiefer, Ferenc}
title = {A Progress Report On The Use Of Slant Grammar Calculus For Automatic Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6501}
author = {Eggers, H.; Rothkegel, Annely; Klein, W.; Weber, Heinz J.; Zimmermann, Harald H.}
title = {Diskontinuierliche Konstituenten}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6601}
author = {Kalman, Laszlo}
title = {An Intuitive Representation Of Context-Free Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6701}
author = {Hoppe, Alfred}
title = {Die Semantische Syntax Der Kommunikativen Grammatik Auf Edv-Anlagen}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6801}
author = {Karlgren, Hans}
title = {Multi-Index Syntactical Calculus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6901}
author = {Kasher, Asa}
title = {The Book Of Isaiah: Morphological Clustering And Disputed Authorship}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6902}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Discourse Referents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6903}
author = {Schveiger, Paul}
title = {About Vectorial Calculus Of The Relation Between The Semantic And Sytactic Markers Of The Lexical Entry}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-6904}
author = {Wang, William S. Y.}
title = {Project DOC - Introduction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-7001}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Discourse Referents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-7101}
author = {Wang, William S. Y.}
title = {Project DOC: Its Methodological Basis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-7401}
author = {Minow, Martin}
title = {Half Computerized Linguistics: A Half Commentary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-7501}
author = {Sgall, Petr; Hajicová, Eva}
title = {Some Remarks On J. L. Mey's Paper (Preprint No. 20)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-7601}
author = {Karttunen, Frances}
title = {A Note On Morpheme Structure In Generative Phonology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-7602}
author = {Minow, Martin}
title = {Metaprint 3 (Metaprint 1) Responses To Computerized Linguistics: Half A Commentary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C69-7604}
author = {Radzin, Hilda}
title = {Statistical Methods In Lexicological Research In The Baltic States}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1969}
id = {C73-1001}
author = {Borcev, V. B.; Chomjakov, M. V.}
title = {Neighbourhood Description Of Formal Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1002}
author = {Brecht, Werner}
title = {Morphological Analysis (A Formal Approach)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1003}
author = {Descles, Jean Pierre}
title = {Un Modele Mathematique D'Analyse Transformationnelle Selon Z. S. Harris}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1004}
author = {Pagan, Frank G.}
title = {Constructible Representations For Two Semantic Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1005}
author = {Pause, Eberhard}
title = {A Class Of Transformational Recognition Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1006}
author = {Saumjan, Sebastian K.; Soboleva, P. A.}
title = {Formal Metalanguage And Formal Theory As Two Aspects Of Generative Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1007}
author = {Wang, Juen-Tin}
title = {On Logical Formulation Of The Computation Process In Semantical Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1008}
author = {Batori, Istvan}
title = {Working With The Interactive Version Of The T.G.T.-System Of Joyce Friedman}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1009}
author = {Boisvert, Serge; Dugas, Andre; Belanger, Denise}
title = {OBLING: A Tester For Transformational Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1010}
author = {Riha, Antonin; Machova, Svatava}
title = {Computer Testing Of A Generative Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1011}
author = {Andreyev, Nicholas D.}
title = {Algorithmisation Of Linguistic Research Using The Structural-Probabilistic Properties Of Language Units}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1012}
author = {Campanile, Enrico; Zampolli, Antonio}
title = {Problems In-Computerized Historical Linguistics: The Old Cornish Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1013}
author = {Frumkina, R. M.; Andrukovich, P. F.; Terekhina, A. Yu.}
title = {Computational Methods In The Analysis Of Verbal Behaviour}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1014}
author = {Gonenc, Guney}
title = {Unique Decipherability Of Codes With Constraints With Application To Syllabification Of Turkish Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1015}
author = {Libeman, A. S.}
title = {Towards A Phonological Algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1016}
author = {Van Der Steen, Gert J.}
title = {A Treatment Of Independent Semantic Components}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1017}
author = {Sukhotin, B. V.}
title = {Deciphering Methods As A Means Of Linguistic Research}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1018}
author = {Tretiakoff, Andree}
title = {Results Obtained With A New Method For The Automatic Analysis Of Sentence Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1019}
author = {Zivov, Victor}
title = {Une Procedure De Classification Des Consonnes Destinee A La Description De Leurs Combinaisons}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1020}
author = {Ferrari, Giacomo}
title = {Dictionnaire Automatique Et Dictionnaire-Machine: Une Hypothese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1021}
author = {Hewson, John}
title = {Reconstructing Prehistoric Languages On The Computer: The Triumph Of The Electronic Neogrammarian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1022}
author = {Mathias, Jim}
title = {Cooperative File Improvement And Use Of A Computer-Based Chinese/English Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1023}
author = {Paikeday, Thomas M.}
title = {The American Heritage Intermediate Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1024}
author = {Papp, Ferenc}
title = {Automatic Analysis Of Hungarian Texts And Linguistic Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1025}
author = {Potvin, Gerard}
title = {Travaux De Mise Au Point D'Un Lexique En Vue De La Transcription Francaise Automatique Ou Semi-Automatique Du Texte Grec D'Aristote}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1026}
author = {Prodanof, Irina}
title = {A La Recherche D'Un Modele De Derivation En Italien}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1027}
author = {Smith, Raoul N.; Maxwell, Edward}
title = {An English Dictionary For Computerized Syntactic And Semantic Processing Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1028}
author = {Stachowitz, Annette}
title = {Beyond The Feasibility Study: Lexicographic Progress}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1029}
author = {Wilton, Murray T.}
title = {Bilingual Lexicography: Computer-Aided Editing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-1030}
author = {Wood, Gordon R.}
title = {Refinements In Tabular Models Of Variation In Regional American English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2001}
author = {Arapov, M. V.; Herz, M. M.}
title = {Frequency And Age As Characteristics Of A Word}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2002}
author = {Beebe, Ralph D.}
title = {The Frequency Distribution Of English Syntagms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2003}
author = {Beloozerov, V. N.; Polikarpov, A. A.}
title = {A Mechanism Of The Analyticity Development In A Language: Elements Of The Theory And The Computer Experiment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2004}
author = {Bhatia, Tej K.}
title = {A Computational Investigation On The Perception And Acquisition Of Aspiration}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2005}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta; Pecchia, Laura; Zampolli, Antonio}
title = {Working On The Italian Machine Dictionary: A Semantic Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2006}
author = {Castrogiovanni, P.; Moretti, Lorenzo; De Lisio, G.}
title = {Verbal Behaviour Of The Psychotic And Psychoneurotic Patients: An Approach According To The Methodology Of Computational Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2007}
author = {Dzhubanov, Askar; Khasnov, Bakhitdzhan}
title = {Computational Description Of The Kazakh Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2008}
author = {Knowles, F.}
title = {The Quantitative Syntagmatic Analysis Of The Russian And Polish Phonological Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2009}
author = {Maloney, Gilles}
title = {Le Projet Hippo: Recherche En Automatisation De Donnees Stylometriques A Partir De L'Oeuvre D'Hippocrate}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2010}
author = {Meletti, Franco}
title = {Proportion Between Number Of Words And Number Of Forms In The Works Of The Index Thomisticus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2011}
author = {Monsonego, Simone; Kis, Emese}
title = {Determinations Dialinguistiques De Genre Litteraire}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2012}
author = {Piotrowski, R. G.; Palibina, I. V.}
title = {Automatic Pattern Recognition Applied To Semantic Problems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2013}
author = {Andreewsky, Alexandre; Fluhr, Christian}
title = {Experience De Constitution D'Un Programme D'Apprentissage Pour Le Traitement Automatique Du Langage}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2014}
author = {Andreewsky, Alexandre; Fluhr, Christian; Rambousek, J.}
title = {Algorithmes De Generation Automatique Experience De Generation Des Phrases Simples Du Francais}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2015}
author = {Bien, Janusz Stanislaw}
title = {Towards Computer Systems For Conversing In Polish}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2016}
author = {Del Campo, Ignacio; Gonzales, Isabel; Molina, Ma Teresa; Marcos, Francisco}
title = {The Automatic Syntactic Analysis As An Aid In Dictionary Making}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2017}
author = {Castanet, Richard; Vaturi, Sylvain}
title = {Traduction Automatique En Utilisant A Une Grammaire En Chaine}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2018}
author = {Courtin, Jacques}
title = {Un Analyseur Syntaxique Interactif Pour La Communication Homme-Machine}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2019}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Morphological Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2020}
author = {Kummel, Peter}
title = {An Algorithm Of Limited Syntax Based On Language Universals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2021}
author = {Lau, Gerd; Lutz, Hans Dieter}
title = {Automatic Analysis Of The German Noun Group And Some Problems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2022}
author = {Leunbach, Gustav}
title = {Morphological Analysis As A Step In Automated Syntactic Analysis Of A Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2023}
author = {Maegaard, Bente; Spang-Hanssen, Ebbe}
title = {Segmentation Of French Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2024}
author = {Mennucci, M.; Morreale, E.}
title = {An Interactive System For Stem-Suffix Discrimination In Italian Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2025}
author = {Nedobejkine, Nicolas}
title = {An Application Du Systeme A.T.E.F. A L'Analyse Morphologique De Textes Russes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2026}
author = {Packard, David W.}
title = {Computer-Assisted Morphological Analysis Of Ancient Greek}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2027}
author = {Paillet, Jean Pierre}
title = {Computational Linguistics And Linguistic Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2028}
author = {Plath, Warren J.}
title = {Transformational Grammar And Transformational Parsing In The Request System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2029}
author = {Quezel-Ambrunaz, Maurice; Guillaume, Pierre}
title = {Analyse Automatique De Textes Par Un Systeme D'Etats Finis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2030}
author = {Salkoff, Morris}
title = {On Using Semantic Data In Automatic Syntactic Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2031}
author = {Sigurd, Bengt}
title = {From Numbers To Numerals And Vice Versa}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C73-2032}
author = {Weber, Heinz J.}
title = {The Automatically Built Up Homograph Dictionary A Component Of A Dynamic Lexical System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1973}
id = {C80-1001}
author = {Shudo, Kosho; Narahara, Toshiko; Yoshida, Sho}
title = {Morphological Aspect Of Japanese Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1002}
author = {Binot, Jean-Louis; Graitson, M.; Lemaire, Ph.; Ribbens, D.}
title = {Automatic Processing Of Written French Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1003}
author = {Hitaka, Toru; Yoshida, Sho}
title = {A Syntax Parser Based On The Case Dependency Grammar And Its Efficiency}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1004}
author = {Sato, Taisuke}
title = {SGS: A System For Mechanical Generation Of Japanese Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1005}
author = {Svartvik, Jan}
title = {Computer-Aided Grammatical Tagging Of Spoken English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1006}
author = {Kucera, Henry}
title = {Computational Analysis Of Predicational Structures In English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1007}
author = {Salkoff, Morris}
title = {A Context-Free Grammar Of French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1008}
author = {Sondheimer, Norman K.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {A Rule-Based Approach To Ill-Formed Input}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1009}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Parsing And Syntactic Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1010}
author = {Prideaux, Gary D.}
title = {The Role Of Perceptual Strategies In The Processing Of English Relative Clause Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1011}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Sgall, Petr}
title = {Linguistic Meaning And Knowledge Representation In Automatic Understanding Of Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1012}
author = {Rieger, Burghard B.}
title = {Fuzzy Word Meaning Analysis And Representation In Linguistic Semantics. An Empirical Approach To The Reconstruction Of Lexical Meanings In East- And West-German Newspaper Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1013}
author = {Nishida, Toyoaki; Doshita, Shuji}
title = {Hierarchical Meaning Representation And Analysis Of Natural Language Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1014}
author = {Uchinami, Seiichi; Tezuka, Yoshikazu}
title = {Linguistic Model Based On The Generative Topological Information Space}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1015}
author = {Kusanagi, Yutaka}
title = {A Model Of Natural Language Processing Of Time-Related Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1016}
author = {Momouchi, Yoshio}
title = {Control Structures For Actions In Procedural Texts And PT-Chart}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1017}
author = {Ralph, Bo}
title = {Relative Semantic Complexity In Lexical Units}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1018}
author = {Rohrer, Christian}
title = {L'Analyse Logique Des Temps Du Passe En Francais Comment On Peut Appliquer La Distinction Entre Nom De Matiere Et Nom Comptable Aux Temps Du Verbe}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1019}
author = {Okada, Naoyuki}
title = {Conceptual Taxonomy Of Japanese Verbs For Understanding Natural Language And Picture Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1020}
author = {Mizoguchi, Fumio; Yamamoto, Akihiko}
title = {An Approach To A Semantic Analysis Of Metaphor}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1021}
author = {Wahlster, Wolfgang}
title = {Towards A Computational Model For The Semantics Of Why-Questions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1022}
author = {Ogawa, Hitoshi; Nishi, Junichiro; Tanaka, Kokichi}
title = {The Knowledge Representation For A Story Understanding And Simulation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1023}
author = {Dreizin, Felix; Shenhar, A.; Bar-Itzhak, H.}
title = {A Formal Grammar Of Expressiveness For Sacred Legends}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1024}
author = {Foster Smith, M. Cassandra}
title = {Efficiency Tools In The Speeches Of Martin Luther King Jr.}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1025}
author = {Shalyapina, Zoya M.}
title = {Problems Of Formal Representation Of Text Structure From The Point Of View Of Automatic Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1026}
author = {Langley, Pat}
title = {A Production System Model Of First Language Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1027}
author = {Thompson, Bozena Henisz}
title = {Linguistic Analysis Of Natural Language Communication With Computers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1028}
author = {Zifonun, G.}
title = {Levels Of Representation In Natural Language Based Information Systems And Their Relation To The Methodology Of Computational Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1029}
author = {Kittredge, Richard}
title = {Embedded Sublanguages And Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1030}
author = {Landsbergen, S. P. J.}
title = {Adaptation Of Montague Grammar To The Requirements Of Question-Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1031}
author = {Andreka, H.; Gergely, T.; Nemeti, I.}
title = {Model Theoretic Semantics For Many-Purpose Languages And Language Hierarchies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1032}
author = {Yonezaki, Naoki; Enomoto, Hajime}
title = {Database System Based On Intensional Logic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1033}
author = {Berthelin, Jean-Baptiste}
title = {Connotation As A Form Of Inference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1034}
author = {Hofmann, Thomas R.}
title = {On The Derivation Of A Conversational Maxim}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1035}
author = {Kiefer, Ferenc}
title = {Topic-Comment Structure Of Texts (And Its Contribution To The Automatic Processing Of Texts)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1036}
author = {Hiraga, Yuzuru; Ono, Yoshihiko; Yamada, Hisao}
title = {An Analysis Of The Standard English Keyboard}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1037}
author = {Hiraga, Yuzuru; Ono, Yoshihiko; Yamada, Hisao}
title = {An Assignment Of Key-Codes For A Japanese Character Keyboard}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1038}
author = {Kawada, Tsutomu; Amano, Shin-Ya; Sakai, Kunio}
title = {Linguistic Error Correction Of Japanese Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1039}
author = {Abe, Norihiro; Uemura, Nobutaka; Higashide, Masahiro; Tsuji, Saburo}
title = {On FROFF: A Text Processing System For English Texts And Figures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1040}
author = {Shimomura, Takeshi}
title = {Science Of The Stroke Sequence Of Kanji}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1041}
author = {Chan, Chorkin}
title = {A Chinese Characters Coding Scheme For Computer Input And Internal Stopage}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1042}
author = {King, Paul L.}
title = {Human Factors And Linguistic Considerations: Keys To High-Speed Chinese Character Input}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1043}
author = {Grimes, Joseph E.}
title = {System Support In Chinese Data Entry}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1044}
author = {Seppanen, Jouko J.}
title = {Soft Display Key For Kanji Input}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1045}
author = {Makino, Hiroshi; Kizawa, Makoto}
title = {An Automatic Translation System Of Non-Segmented Kana Sentences Into Kanji-Kana Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1046}
author = {Devadason, F. J.}
title = {Generation Of Thesaurus In Different Languages A Computer Based System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1047}
author = {Tanaka, Takushi}
title = {Statistical Analysis Of Japanese Characters}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1048}
author = {Uemura, Shunsuke; Sugawara, Yasuo; Hashimoto, Mantaro J.; Furuya, Akihiro}
title = {Automatic Compilation Of Modern Chinese Concordances}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1049}
author = {Sugita, Shigeharu}
title = {Text Processing Of Thai Language The Three Seals Law}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1050}
author = {Nakano, Hiroshi; Tsuchiya, Shin'Ichi; Tsuruoka, Akio}
title = {An Automatic Processing Of The Natural Language In The Word Count System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1051}
author = {Bien, Janusz Stanislaw; Laus-Maczyniska, Krystyna; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Parsing Free Word Order Languages In PROLOG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1052}
author = {Milne, Robert}
title = {Parsing Against Lexical Ambiguity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1053}
author = {Plante, Pierre}
title = {Text Analysis Learning Strategies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1054}
author = {Meunier, Jean-Guy}
title = {Semantic For Text Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1055}
author = {Laubsch, Joachim H.; Roesner, Dietmar F.}
title = {Active Schemata And Their Role In Semantic Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1056}
author = {Sirai, Hidetosi}
title = {How To Deal With Ambiguities While Parsing: Exam - A Semantic Processing System For Japanese Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1057}
author = {Michiels, Archibald; Mullenders, J.; Noel, J.}
title = {Exploiting A Large Data Base By Longman}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1058}
author = {Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {Unit-To-Unit Interaction As A Basis For Semantic Interpretation Of Japanese Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1059}
author = {Yamauchi, Hiroyuki}
title = {Processing Of Syntax And Semantics Of Natural Language By Predicate Logic Of Predicate Logic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1060}
author = {Dilger, Werner}
title = {Automatic Translation With Attribute Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1061}
author = {Wang, Juen-Tin}
title = {On Computational Sentence Generation From Logical Form}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1062}
author = {Pelletier, Francis Jeffry}
title = {Formal Properties Of Rule Orderings In Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1063}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Mitamura, K.; Hirakawa, Hideki; Kume, Masako}
title = {A Machine Translation System From Japanese Into English - Another Perspective Of MT Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1064}
author = {Melby, Alan K.; Smith, Melvin R.; Peterson, Jill}
title = {its: Interactive Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1065}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Chatelin, P.; Fraga, P. Daun}
title = {Present And Future Paradigms In The Automatized Translation Of Natural Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1066}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Nedobejkine, Nicolas}
title = {Russian-French At GETA: Outline Of The Method And Detailed Example}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1067}
author = {Nishida, Fujio; Takamatsu, Shinobu; Kuroki, Hiroaki}
title = {English-Japanese Translation Through Case-Structure Conversion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1068}
author = {Uchida, Hiroshi; Sugiyama, Kenji}
title = {A Machine Translation System From Japanese Into English Based On Conceptual Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1069}
author = {Brinkmann, Karl-Heinz}
title = {Terminology Data Banks As A Basis For High-Quality Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1070}
author = {Shirai, Katsuhiko; Fukazawa, Y.; Matzui, T.; Matzuura, H.}
title = {A Trial Of Japanese Text Input System Using Speech Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1071}
author = {Shigenaga, Minoru; Sekiguchi, Yoshihiro; Lai, Chia-Horng}
title = {Speech Recognition System For Spoken Japanese Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1072}
author = {Phillips, Brian; Hendler, James A.}
title = {The Impatient Tutor: An Integrated Language Understanding System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1073}
author = {Metzing, Dieter}
title = {ATNS Used As A Procedural Dialog Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1074}
author = {Endo, Tsutomu; Tamati, Tuneo}
title = {Decomposition Of Japanese Sentences Into Normal Forms Based On Human Linguistic Process}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1075}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Conjunctions And Modularity In Language Analysis Procedures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1076}
author = {Hanakata, Kenji}
title = {An Intelligent Digester For Interactive Text Processings}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1077}
author = {Grandjean, Ernest; Veillon, Gerard}
title = {Une Experience Pratique D'Utilisation De L'Analyse Linguistique En Recherche D'Information: Bilan And Perspectives}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1078}
author = {Kinukawa, Hiroshi; Matsuoka, Hiroshi; Kimura, Mutsuko}
title = {Japanese Sentence Analysis For Automatic Indexing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1079}
author = {Bailes, P. A. C.; Reeker, Larry H.}
title = {An Experimental Applicative Programming Language For Linguistics And String Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1080}
author = {Witten, Ian H.}
title = {Translating Interactive Computer Dialogues From Ideographic To Alphabetic Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1081}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Takiyama, M.}
title = {An Attempt To Computerized Dictionary Data Bases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1082}
author = {Aizawa, Teruaki; Hatada, Nobuko}
title = {Using A Natural-Artificial Hybrid Language For Database Access}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1083}
author = {Guida, Giovanni}
title = {Goal Oriented Parsing: Improving The Efficiency Of Natural Language Access To Relational Data Bases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1084}
author = {Zimmermann, Harald H.}
title = {Naturlichsprachige Problembeschreibung Als Ein Verfahren Fur Den Burgernahen Zugang Zu Dokumentationssystemen}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1085}
author = {Kummel, Peter}
title = {Content Guided Answer Search System For Natural Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1086}
author = {Narin'yani, A. S.}
title = {Interaction With A Limited Object Domain - ZAPSIB Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1087}
author = {Fischer, Gerhard}
title = {Integrated Information Manipulation Systems (IMS) - A Cognitive View}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1088}
author = {See, Chang May}
title = {The Morphological Analysis Of Bahasa Malaysia}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1089}
author = {Bruandet, M. F.}
title = {A Conceptual Framework For Automatic And Dynamic Thesaurus Updating In Information Retrieval Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1090}
author = {Pozzi, Maria; Becerra, Javier; Rangel, Jaime; Lara, Luis Fernando}
title = {A Method To Reduce Large Number Of Concordances}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1091}
author = {Tuldava, Juhan}
title = {A Mathematical Model Of The Vocabulary-Text Relation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C80-1092}
author = {Ogino, Tsunao}
title = {Computational Dialectology Using GLAPS - Automated Processing Of Field Survey Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1980}
id = {C82-1001}
author = {Abe, Norihiro; Tsuji, Saburo}
title = {A Learning Of Object Structures By Verbalism}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1002}
author = {Adorni, Giovanni; Boccalatte, A.; Di Manzo, Mauro}
title = {Cognitive Models For Computer Vision}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1003}
author = {Begier, Barbara}
title = {Knowledge Representation Method Based On Predicate Calculus In An Intelligent CAI System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1004}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Guillaume, Pierre; Quezel-Ambrunaz, Maurice}
title = {Implementation And Conversational Environment Of ARIANE 78.4 An Integrated System For Automated Translation And Human Revision}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1005}
author = {Bolc, Leonard; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Transformation Of Natural Language Into Logical Formulas}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1006}
author = {Borghesi, Luigi; Favareto, Chiara}
title = {Flexible Parsing Of Discretely Uttered Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1007}
author = {Bradford, James}
title = {A Metric Space Defined On English And Its Relation To Error Correction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1008}
author = {Brietzmann, Astrid}
title = {Pragmatics In Speech Understanding - Revisited}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1009}
author = {Chouraqui, Eugene}
title = {Recherches Sur La Representation Des Connaissances Le Systeme Arches}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1010}
author = {Coelho, Helder}
title = {A Formalism For The Structural Analysis Of Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1011}
author = {Critz, James T.}
title = {Frame Based Recognition Of Theme Continuity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1012}
author = {Dilger, Werner}
title = {Tree Directed Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1013}
author = {Fum, Danilo; Guida, Giovanni; Tasso, Carlo}
title = {Forward And Backward Reasoning In Automatic Abstracting}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1014}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Hirschman, Lynette; Friedman, Carol}
title = {Natural Language Interfaces Using Limited Semantic Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1015}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.; Haas, Norman; Hendrix, Gary G.; Hobbs, Jerry R.; Martin, Paul; Moore, Robert C.; Robinson, Jane J.; Rosenschein, Stanley J.}
title = {DIALOGIC: A Core Natural-Language Processing System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1016}
author = {Habel, Christopher U.}
title = {Referential Nets With Attributes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1017}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Vrbova, Jarka}
title = {The Role Of The Hierarchy Of Activation In The Process Of Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1018}
author = {Halvorsen, Per-Kristian}
title = {Lexical-Functional Grammar And Order-Free Semantic Composition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1019}
author = {Sagvall Hein, Anna}
title = {An Experimental Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1020}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Walker, Donald E.; Amsler, Robert A.}
title = {Natural Language Access To Structured Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1021}
author = {Hoeppner, Wolfgang}
title = {A Multilayered Approach To The Handling Of Word Formation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1022}
author = {Ishimoto, Arata}
title = {A Lesniewskian Version Of Montague Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1023}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Processing Of Sentences With Intra-Sentential Code-Switching}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1024}
author = {Kempen, Gerard; Hoenkamp, Edward}
title = {Incremental Sentence Generation: Implications For The Structure Of A Syntactic Processor}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1025}
author = {Kirschner, Zdenek}
title = {On A Device In Dictionary Operations In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1026}
author = {Knorz, Gerhard}
title = {Recognition Of Abstract Objects - A Decision Theory Approach Within Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1027}
author = {Kucera, Henry}
title = {Markedness And Frequency: A Computational Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1028}
author = {Landsbergen, S. P. J.}
title = {Machine Translation Based On Logically Isomorphic Montague Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1029}
author = {Leon, Jacqueline}
title = {Conversion Of A French Surface Expression Into Its Semantic Representation According To The Reseda Metalanguage}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1030}
author = {Malkovsky, Michael G.}
title = {TULIPS-2 - Natural Language Learning System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1031}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {The Anatomy Of A Systemic Choice}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1032}
author = {Marsh, Elaine; Sager, Naomi}
title = {Analysis And Processing Of Compact Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1033}
author = {Mazlack, Lawrence J.; Feinauer, Richard A.}
title = {Surface Analysis Of Queries Directed Toward A Database}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1034}
author = {Melby, Alan K.}
title = {Multi-Level Translation Aids In A Distributed System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1035}
author = {Memmi, D.; Mariani, Joseph}
title = {ARBUS A Tool For Developing Application Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1036}
author = {Michiels, Archibald; Noel, J.}
title = {Approaches To Thesaurus Production}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1037}
author = {Mizoguchi, Fumio; Kondo, Shozo}
title = {A Software Environment For Developing Natural Language Understanding System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1038}
author = {Muraki, Kazunori}
title = {On A Semantic Model For Multi-Lingual Paraphrasing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1039}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Yada, Koji; Kakimoto, Toshihiro}
title = {An English Japanese Machine Translation System Of The Titles Of Scientific And Engineering Papers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1040}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Nakamura, Jun-Ichi}
title = {Parser Which Learns The Application Order Of Rewriting Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1041}
author = {Neubert, Gunter}
title = {Zum Wiederauffinden Von Informationen In Automatischen Worterbochern}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1042}
author = {Nikolova, Bonka; Nenova, Irina}
title = {TERMSERVICE - An Automated System For Terminology Services}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1043}
author = {Nishida, Fujio; Takamatsu, Shinobu}
title = {Japanese-English Translation Through Internal Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1044}
author = {Nishida, Toyoaki; Doshita, Shuji}
title = {An English-Japanese Machine Translation System Based On Formal Semantics Of Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1045}
author = {Nitta, Yoshihiko; Okajima, Atsushi; Yamano, Fumiyuki; Ishihara, Koichiro}
title = {A Heuristic Approach To English-Into-Japanese Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1046}
author = {Oubine, Ivan I.; Tikhomirov, Boris D.}
title = {Machine Translation Systems And Computer Dictionaries In The Information Service: Ways Of Their Development And Operation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1047}
author = {Panevova, Jarmila}
title = {Random Generation Of Czech Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1048}
author = {Papp, Ferenc}
title = {Empirical Data And Automatic Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1049}
author = {Phillips, Brian; Hendler, James A.}
title = {A Message-Passing Control Structure For Text Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1050}
author = {Platek, Martin}
title = {Composition Of Translation Schemes With D-Trees}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1051}
author = {Rieger, Burghard B.}
title = {Procedural Meaning Representation By Connotative Dependency Structures: An Empirical Approach To Word Semantics For Analogical Referencing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1052}
author = {Roesner, Dietmar F.; Laubsch, Joachim H.}
title = {Formalization Of Argumentation Structures In Newspaper Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1053}
author = {Rohrer, Christian}
title = {Towards A Mechanical Analysis Of French Tense Forms In Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1054}
author = {Ross, Kenneth M.}
title = {An Improved Left-Corner Parsing Algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1055}
author = {Sakamoto, Yoshiyuki; Okamoto, Tetsuya}
title = {Lexical Parallelism In Text Structure Determination And Content Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1056}
author = {Salveter, Sharon C.; Maier, David}
title = {Natural Laguage Updates}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1057}
author = {Sawai, Susumu; Fukushima, Hiromichi; Sugimoto, Masakatsu; Ukai, Naoya}
title = {Knowledge Representation And Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1058}
author = {Sgall, Petr}
title = {Natural Language Understanding And The Perspectives Of Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1059}
author = {Steinacker, Ingeborg; Trost, Harald}
title = {Parsing German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1060}
author = {Suen, Ching Y.}
title = {Computational Analysis Of Mandarin Sounds With Reference To The English Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1061}
author = {Tesitelova, Marie}
title = {Quantification Of Meaning And The Computer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1062}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {The Transfer Phase In An English-Japanese Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1063}
author = {Uhlihova, Ludmila; Nebeska, Iva; Kralik, Jan}
title = {Computational Data Analysis For Syntax}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1064}
author = {Verastegui-Carvajal, J. N.}
title = {Utilisation Du Parallelisme En Traduction Automatisee Par Ordinateur}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1065}
author = {Walker, Donald E.}
title = {Natural-Language-Access Systems And The Organization And Use Of Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1066}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Taking The Initiative In Natural Language Data Base Interactions: Justifying Why}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1067}
author = {Yoshida, Sho; Tsurumaru, Hiroaki; Hitaka, Toru}
title = {Man-Assisted Machine Construction Of A Semantic Dictionary For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-1068}
author = {Zadeh, Lotfi A.}
title = {Test-Score Semantics For Natural Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2002}
author = {Andreewsky, Alexandre; Desi, M.; Fluhr, Christian}
title = {Methodes D'Apprentissage Pour L'Analyse Automatique Morphosyntaxique Et Lexicale-Semantique De La Langue Espagnole}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2003}
author = {Andrewshtshenko, V.}
title = {A Linguistic Approach To The Design Of A Language For Computational Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2004}
author = {Araki, Kenji; Hinatsu, K.; Itayama, K.; Sahara, T.; Sakagami, Y.; Takano, F.}
title = {Development Of Basic Practical Techniques For Japanese Letter String Processing - Automatic Keyword Extraction And Automatic Reading}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2005}
author = {Batori, Istvan}
title = {Subordinate Clauses And Belief - Domains In Verbal Information Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2006}
author = {Bennett, Winfield S.}
title = {The LRC Machine Translation System: An Overview Of The Linguistic Component Of Metal}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2007}
author = {Berry-Rogghe, Genevieve}
title = {On Modes Of Definite Reference: An Application To The Interaction With Database Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2008}
author = {Bien, Janusz Stanislaw; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Toward A Parsing Method For Free Word Order Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2009}
author = {Bily, Milan; Sigurd, Bengt}
title = {Developing The Commentator A Computer System Simulating Verbal Production}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2010}
author = {Boot, M.}
title = {Developing A Reading Machine For The Blind}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2011}
author = {Borkovsky, Arkady}
title = {Generalized Syntactic Relations And Substantional Attributes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2012}
author = {Briabrin, Victor}
title = {Adaptive Dialogue - The Basis For Personal Computer System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2013}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {Towards The Organization Of Lexical Definitions On A Database Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2014}
author = {Castelfranchi, Cristiano; Parisi, Domenico; Stock, Oliviero}
title = {Free Order Languages: An Experimental Lexicon Based Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2015}
author = {Chrz, Tomas}
title = {Application Of Intensional Logic To Knowledge Representation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2016}
author = {Chytil, Michal}
title = {Computational Linguistics And Its Role In Mechanized Or Man-Machine Cognitive Problem Solving}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2017}
author = {Conrad, Rudi}
title = {Ein Spezielles Problem Der Frage - Antwort-Beziehungen: Fragen Mit Pluralischen NP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2018}
author = {Del Canto, M.; Fusconi, F.; Stringa, L.}
title = {A Semantic Analyser Of Natural Italian Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2019}
author = {Drewek, R.; Erni, M.}
title = {LDVLIB(LEM): A System For Interactive Lemmatizing And Its Application}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2020}
author = {Engelberg, Klaus-Jurgen}
title = {Proposals For A Hierarchy Of Formal Translation Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2021}
author = {Van Eynde, Frank}
title = {Merging - The Art Of Representing Different Levels Of Sentence Structure In A Single Analysis Tree}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2022}
author = {Ferrari, Giacomo; Prodanof, Irina}
title = {Revising An ATN Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2023}
author = {Ford, W. Randolph; Smith, Raoul N.}
title = {Collocational Grammar As A Model For Human-Computer Interaction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2024}
author = {Gallais-Hamonno, Janine}
title = {A Contrastive Analysis Of The Use Of Definite Articles In English Scientific Texts And In English Literature}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2025}
author = {Gobeil, Fernand}
title = {Experiences Et Realisations Du Bureau Canadien Des Traductions Dans Le Domaine De L'Automatisation De La Traduction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2026}
author = {Gust, Helmar; Reddig, Carola}
title = {A Logic-Oriented ATN Grammar Knowledge As Part Of The System's Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2027}
author = {Hauenschild, Christa}
title = {A Pragmatic Concept Of Theme And Rheme For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2028}
author = {Hesse, H.; Kustner, Andreas; Lang, E.}
title = {Zum Ambiguitatenproblem Bei Der Analyse Koordinativer Verbindungen}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2029}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Constraints On Noun Phrase Conjunction: A Domain-Independent Mechanism}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2030}
author = {Hofmann, Thomas R.}
title = {Why There Must Be A Semantic Representation (Over And Above Any Cognitive Network)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2031}
author = {Jaspaert, Lieven}
title = {Deep Cases For Adverbial And Prepositional Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2032}
author = {Jirku, Petr; Hajič, Jan}
title = {Inferencing And Search For An Answer In TIBAQ}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2033}
author = {Jirku, Petr; Havranek, T.}
title = {On Verbosity Levels In Cognitive Problem Solvers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2034}
author = {Jurkiewicz, Zbigniew}
title = {Rule-Based Inflexional Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2035}
author = {Kao, Michael B.}
title = {Syntactic Privilege}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2036}
author = {Kibrik, A. E.}
title = {Components Of Semantic Representation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2037}
author = {Koch, Sabine; Menzel, Wolfgang; Starke, Ingrid}
title = {A Procedure Of An Automatic Grapheme-To-Phoneme Transfornation Of German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2038}
author = {Koenitz, Bernd}
title = {Stratifikative Sfrachbeschreibung Mit Inkorporierender Bedeutungskomponente - Elemente Eines Entwurfs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2039}
author = {Kunze, Jurgen}
title = {Some Problems Of Linguistic Data Bases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2040}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.; Shwartz, Steven P.}
title = {Natural Language Data Base Access With PEARL}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2041}
author = {Leinfellner, Elisabeth; Steinacker, Ingeborg; Trost, Harald}
title = {Reference Resolution And Semantic Coherence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2042}
author = {Lenders, Winfried}
title = {The Representation Of Semantic Information In German Machine Readable Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2043}
author = {Leont'eva, N. N.}
title = {Automatic Translation Through Understanding And Summarizing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2044}
author = {Lewandowska-Tomaszyk, Barbara}
title = {Meaning Negotiation In Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2045}
author = {Lozinskii, Eliezer L.; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {The Locality Phenomenon And Parallel Processing Of Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2046}
author = {Maegaard, Bente}
title = {The Transfer Of Finite Verb Forms In A Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2048}
author = {Materna, Pavel}
title = {The Nature Of Understanding From The Logical Point Of View}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2049}
author = {Nalbach, M.; Studzinski, K.; Waligorski, S.}
title = {Conversations With A Computer - An Example Of Network Programming In Relational Data Base Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2051}
author = {Okada, Naoyuki; Miura, Aiko}
title = {Conceptual Taxonomy Of Japanese Adjectives For Understanding Natural Language And Picture Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2052}
author = {Oppacher, F.}
title = {PET: Processing English Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2053}
author = {Paskaleva, Elena}
title = {A Formal Procedure For Bulgarian Word Form Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2054}
author = {Pavlov, Radoslav; Angelova, Galia}
title = {On An Approach For Designing Linguistic Processors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2055}
author = {Penchev, Jordan; Pericliev, Vladimir}
title = {On Meaning Theoretical And Computational Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2056}
author = {Percova, N. N.}
title = {On The Types Of Semantic Compression Of Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2057}
author = {Pitha, Petr}
title = {Towards And Explicit Description Of Possessivity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2058}
author = {Polak, Vaclav; Polakova, Nadezda}
title = {Operation Logic - A Database Management Operation System Of Human-Like Information Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2059}
author = {Qian, Fang}
title = {Chinese Input System With Artificial Intelligence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2060}
author = {Reimann, Dorothee}
title = {Bundles And Syntactic Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2061}
author = {Saluveer, Madis}
title = {Adverbs And Semantic Inferences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2062}
author = {Seppanen, Jouko J.}
title = {Recursive Functions For Computation Of Natural Secret Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2063}
author = {Shalyapina, Zoya M.}
title = {Grammatic And Semantic Normativity Of Linguistic Units And Features As A Factor Of Automatic Text Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2064}
author = {Shirai, Katsuhiko; Kubota, J.; Hayashi, Yoshihiko}
title = {Japanese Sentence Analysis System Essay - Evaluation Of Dictionary Derived From Real Text Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2065}
author = {Skuce, Douglas}
title = {LESK: A Language Synthetizing Natural Language Computer Language And Logic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2066}
author = {Somers, Harold L.; Johnson, Rod L.}
title = {BEDE: A Microprocessor-Based Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2067}
author = {Studnioki, F.; Polanowska, B.; Stabrawa, E.; Fall, J. M.; Zachwa, A.}
title = {The Research Project Anaphora (In Its Present State Of Advancement)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2068}
author = {Sabrsula, Jan; Svobodova, Jitka; Svoboda, Jaroslav}
title = {Some Informational Languages And Models - A Semantic View}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2069}
author = {Tait, John Irving}
title = {Topic Identification Techniques For Predictive Language Analysers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2070}
author = {Tenney, Merle D.; Russell, Robert A.}
title = {Pooling And Threading In Translation Term Banks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2071}
author = {Miseska Tomic, Olga}
title = {The Relationship Of Underlying And Surface Structure In Generative Description Of Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2072}
author = {Wilensky, Robert}
title = {PHRAN And PHRED: Analysis And Production Using A Common Knowledge Base}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2073}
author = {Zuber, R.}
title = {Explicit Sentences And Syntactic Complexity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C82-2074}
author = {Zvenoev, V. I.}
title = {Introducing Cogitology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1982}
id = {C86-1001}
author = {Gross, Maurice}
title = {Lexicon - Grammar: The Representation Of Compound Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1002}
author = {Zelinsky-Wibbelt, Cornelia}
title = {An Empirically Based Approach Towards A System Of Semantic Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1003}
author = {Sakamoto, Yoshiyuki; Ishikawa, Tetsuya; Satoh, Masayuki}
title = {Concept And Structure Of Semantic Markers For Machine Translation In Mu-Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1004}
author = {Ruus, Hanne; Spang-Hanssen, Ebbe}
title = {A Theory Of Semantic Relations For Large Scale Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1005}
author = {Sedogbo, Celestin}
title = {Extending The Expressive Capacity Of The Semantic Component Of The OPERA System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1006}
author = {Carberry, Sandra}
title = {User Models: The Problem Of Disparity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1007}
author = {Wachtel, Tom}
title = {Pragmatic Sensitivity In NL Interfaces And The Structure Of Conversation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1008}
author = {Ferrari, Giacomo; Reilly, Ronan G.}
title = {A Two-Level Dialogue Representation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1009}
author = {Mathieu, Yvette; Sabatier, Paul}
title = {INTERFACILE: Linguistic Coverage And Query Reformulation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1010}
author = {Kilbury, James}
title = {Category Cooccurrence Restrictions And The Elimination Of Metarules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1011}
author = {Pericliev, Vladimir; Ilarionov, Ilarion}
title = {Testing The Projectivity Hypothesis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1012}
author = {Fabricz, Karoly}
title = {Particle Homonymy And Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1013}
author = {Habel, Christopher U.}
title = {Plurals Cardinalities And Structures Of Determination}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1014}
author = {Dey, Pradip}
title = {Processing Word Order Variation Within A Modified ID/LP Framework}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1015}
author = {Koktova, Eva}
title = {Sentence Adverbials In A System Of Question Answering Without A Prearranged Data Base}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1016}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {D-PATR: A Development Environment For Unification-Based Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1017}
author = {Yan, Yongfeng}
title = {Structural Correspondence Specification Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1018}
author = {Hasida, Koiti}
title = {Conditioned Unification For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1019}
author = {Akama, Seiki}
title = {Methodology And Verifiability In Montague Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1020}
author = {Domenig, Marc; Shann, Patrick}
title = {Towards A Dedicated Database Management System For Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1021}
author = {Nagao, Hakoto; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {The Transfer Phase Of Mu Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1022}
author = {Melby, Alan K.}
title = {Lexical Transfer: A Missing Element In Linguistics Theories}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1023}
author = {Nitta, Yoshihiko}
title = {Idiosyncratic Gap: A Tough Problem To Structure-Bound Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1024}
author = {Kudo, Ikuo; Nomura, Hirosato}
title = {Lexical-Functional Transfer: A Transfer Framework In A Machine Translation System Based On LFG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1025}
author = {Isabelle, Pierre; Macklovitch, Elliott}
title = {Transfer And MT Modularity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1026}
author = {Somers, Harold L.}
title = {The Need For MT-Oriented Versions Of Case And Valency In MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1027}
author = {Sharp, Randall}
title = {A Parametric NL Translator}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1028}
author = {Starosta, Stanley; Nomura, Hirosato}
title = {Lexicase Parsing: A Lexicon-Driven Approach To Syntactic Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1029}
author = {Nakamura, Jun-Ichi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Solutions For Problems Of MT Parser - Methods Used In Mu-Machine Translation Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1030}
author = {Yusoff, Zaharin}
title = {Strategies And Heuristics In The Analysis Of A Natural Language In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1031}
author = {Huang, Xiuming; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Parsing In Parallel}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1032}
author = {Elia, Annibale; Mathieu, Yvette}
title = {Computational Comparative Studies On Romance Laguages A Linguistic Comparison Of Lexicon-Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1033}
author = {Sampson, Geoffrey}
title = {A Stochastic Approach To Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1034}
author = {Kao, Michael B.; Manaster Ramer, Alexis}
title = {Parsing Without (Much) Phrase Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1035}
author = {Kao, Michael B.; Rindflesch, Thomas C.; Ryan, Karen L.}
title = {Reconnaissance-Attack Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1036}
author = {Wahlster, Wolfgang}
title = {Natural Language Interfaces - Ready For Commercial Success?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1037}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Requirements For Robust Natural Language Interfaces: The LanguageCraft And XCALIBUR Experiences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1038}
author = {Hendrix, Gary G.}
title = {Q&A: Already A Success?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1039}
author = {Tennant, Harry R.}
title = {The Commercial Application Of: Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1040}
author = {LaPolla, Mark Vincent}
title = {The Role Of Inversion And PP-Fronting In Relating Discourse Elements: Some Implications For Cognitive And Computational Models Of Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1041}
author = {Akama, Seiki; Kawamori, Masahito}
title = {Situational Investigation Of Presuppisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1042}
author = {Bree, D. S.; Smit, R. A.}
title = {Linking Propositions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1043}
author = {Tucker, Allen B.; Nirenburg, Sergei; Raskin, Victor}
title = {Discourse And Cohesion In Expository Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1044}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Sgall, Petr}
title = {Degrees Of Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1045}
author = {Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Categorial Unification Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1046}
author = {Hellwig, Peter}
title = {Dependency Unification Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1047}
author = {Friedman, Joyce; Dai, Dawei; Wang, Weiguo}
title = {The Weak Generative Capacity Of Parenthesis-Free Categorial Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1048}
author = {Vijay-Shanker, K.; Weir, David; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Tree Adjoining And Head Wrapping}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1049}
author = {Chytil, Michal; Karlgren, Hans}
title = {Categorial Grammars For Strata Of Non-CF Languages And Their Parsers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1050}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {A Simple Reconstruction Of GPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1051}
author = {Dahlgren, Kathleen; McDowell, Joyce}
title = {Kind Types In Knowledge Representation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1052}
author = {Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {DCKR - Knowledge Representation In Prolog And Its Application To Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1053}
author = {Yokoyama, Shoichi; Hanakata, Kenji}
title = {Conceptual Lexicon Using An Object-Oriented Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1054}
author = {Pershina, E. L.}
title = {Elementary Contracts As A Pragmatic Basis Of Language Interaction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1055}
author = {Dinenberg, F. G.}
title = {Communicative Triad As A Structural Element Of Language Interaction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1056}
author = {Goeser, Sebastian; Mergenthaler, E.}
title = {TBMS: Domain Specific Text Management And Lexicon Development}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1057}
author = {Nishida, Fujio; Takamatsu, Shinobu; Tani, Tadaaki; Kusaka, Hiroji}
title = {Text Analysis And Knowledge Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1058}
author = {Isahara, Hitoshi; Ishizaki, Shun}
title = {Context Analysis System For Japanese Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1059}
author = {Zernik, Uri; Dyer, Michael G.}
title = {Disambiguation And Language Acquisition Through The Phrasal Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1060}
author = {Shirai, Katsuhiko; Hamada, T.}
title = {Linguistic Knowledge Extraction From Real Language Behavior}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1061}
author = {Fum, Danilo; Guida, Giovanni; Tasso, Carlo}
title = {Tailoring Importance Evaluation To Reader's Goals: A Contribution To Descriptive Text Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1062}
author = {Munch, Klaus Heje}
title = {Domain Dependent Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1063}
author = {Pounder, Amanda; Kommenda, Markus}
title = {Morphological Analysis For A German Text-To-Speech System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1064}
author = {Vergne, Jacques; Pages, Pascale; Paris, Inalco}
title = {Synergy Of Syntax And Morphology In Automatic Parsing Of French Language With A Minimum Of Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1065}
author = {Bear, John}
title = {A Morphological Recognizer With Syntactic And Phonological Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1066}
author = {Russell, Graham J.; Pulman, Stephen G.; Ritchie, Graeme D.; Black, Alan W.}
title = {A Dictionary And Morphological Analyser For English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1067}
author = {Abe, Masahiro; Ooshima, Yoshimitsu; Yuura, Katsuhiko; Takeichi, Nobuyuki}
title = {A Kana-Kanji Translation System For Non-Segmented Input Sentences Based On Syntactic And Semantic Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1068}
author = {Hamadou, Abdelmajid Ben}
title = {A Compression Technique For Arabic Dictionaries: The Affix Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1069}
author = {Wothke, Klaus}
title = {Machine Learning Of Morphological Rules By Generalization And Analogy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1070}
author = {Jaspaert, Lieven}
title = {Linguistic Developments In EUROTRA Since 1983}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1071}
author = {Arnold, Doug J.; Krauwer, Steven; Rosner, Mike A.; Des Tombe, Louis; Varile, Giovanni Battista}
title = {The (Ca)T Framework In EUROTRA: A Theoretically Committed Notation For MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1072}
author = {Steiner, Erich H.}
title = {Generating Semantic Structures In EUROTRA-D}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1073}
author = {Schmidt, Paul}
title = {Valency Theory In A Stratificational MT-System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1074}
author = {Appelo, Lisette}
title = {A Compositional Approach To The Translation Of Temporal Expressions In The ROSETTA System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1075}
author = {Schenk, Andre}
title = {Idioms In The ROSETTA Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1076}
author = {Chung, Hee Sung; Kunii, Tosiyasu L.}
title = {NARA: A Two-Way Simultaneous Interpretation System Between Korean And Japanese - A Methodological Study}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1077}
author = {Whitelock, Pete J.; Wood, Mary McGee; Chandler, Brian J.; Holden, Natsuko; Horsfall, Heather J.}
title = {Strategies For Interactive Machine Translation: The Experience And Implications Of The UMIST Japanese Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1078}
author = {Rothkegel, Annely}
title = {Pragmatics In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1079}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Raskin, Victor}
title = {A Metric For Computational Analysis Of Meaning: Toward An Applied Theory Of Linguistic Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1080}
author = {Fass, Dan}
title = {Collative Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1081}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di; Lesmo, Leonardo; Pogliano, Paolo; Torasso, Pietro; Urbano, Francesco}
title = {A Logical Formalism For The Representation Of Determiners}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1082}
author = {Hinrichs, Erhard W.}
title = {A Compositional Semantics For Directional Modifiers - Locative Case Reopened}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1083}
author = {Kunze, Jurgen}
title = {Temporal Relations In Texts And Time Logical Inferences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1084}
author = {Rohrer, Christian}
title = {Linguistic Bases For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1085}
author = {Kobsa, Alfred; Allgayer, Jurgen; Reddig, Carola; Reithinger, Norbert; Schmauks, Dagmar; Harbusch, Karin; Wahlster, Wolfgang}
title = {Combining Deictic Gestures And Natural Language For Referent Identification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1086}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {An Approach To Non-Singular Terms In Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1087}
author = {Prószéky, Gábor}
title = {Processing Clinical Narratives In Hungarian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1088}
author = {Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {Definite Noun Phrases And The Semantics Of Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1089}
author = {Hori, Koichi; Toda, Seinosuke; Yasunaga, Hisashi}
title = {Learning The Space Of Word Meanings For Information Retrieval Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1090}
author = {Salton, Gerard}
title = {On The Use Of Term Associations In Automatic Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1091}
author = {Trost, Harald; Buchberger, Ernst}
title = {Towards The Automatic Acquisition Of Lexical Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1092}
author = {Beesley, Kenneth R.; Hefner, David}
title = {PeriPhrase: Lingware For Parsing And Structural Transfer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1093}
author = {Zajac, Remi}
title = {SCSL: A Linguistic Specification Language For MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1094}
author = {Haugeneder, Hans; Gehrke, Manfred}
title = {A User Friendly ATN Programming Environment (APE)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1095}
author = {Guilbaud, Jean-Philippe}
title = {Variables Et Categories Grammaticales Dans Un Modele Arlane}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1096}
author = {Chauche, J.}
title = {Deduction Automatique Et Systemes Transformationnels}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1097}
author = {Takeda, Koichi; Fujisaki, Tetsunosuke; Suzuki, Emiko}
title = {CRITAC - A Japanese Text Proofreading System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1098}
author = {Ainon, Raja Noor}
title = {Storing Text Using Integer Codes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1099}
author = {Brodda, Benny}
title = {BetaText: An Event Driven Text Processing And Text Analyzing System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1100}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Nedobejkine, Nicolas}
title = {Toward Integrated Dictionaries For M(A)T: Motivations And Linguistic Organisation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1101}
author = {Bukowski, Jedrzej}
title = {Indexage Lexical Au Geta}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1102}
author = {Papegaaij, B. C.; Sadler, Victor; Witkam, A. P. M.}
title = {Experiments With An MT-Directed Lexical Knowledge Bank}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1103}
author = {Barnett, Brigitte; Lehmann, Hubert; Zoeppritz, Magdalena}
title = {A Word Database For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1104}
author = {Neuhaus, H. Joachim}
title = {Lexical Database Design: The Shakespeare Dictionary Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1105}
author = {Tsurumaru, Hiroaki; Hitaka, Toru; Yoshida, Sho}
title = {An Attempt To Automatic Thesaurus Construction From An Ordinary Japanese Language Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1106}
author = {Tanaka, Yasuhito; Yoshida, Sho}
title = {Acquisition Of Kowledge Data By Analyzing Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1107}
author = {Isoda, Michio; Aiso, Hideo}
title = {Model For Lexical Knowledge Base}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1108}
author = {Ballard, Bruce W.}
title = {User Specification Of Syntactic Case Frames In TELI A Transportable User-Customized Natural Language Processor}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1109}
author = {Jappinen, Harri; Lehtola, Aarno; Valkonen, K.}
title = {Functional Structures For Parsing Dependency Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1110}
author = {Luckhardt, Heinz-Dirk; Thiel, Manfred}
title = {Controlled Active Procedures As A Tool For Linguistic Engineering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1111}
author = {Musha, Hiroyuki}
title = {A New Predictive Analyzer Of English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1112}
author = {Prodanof, Irina; Ferrari, Giacomo}
title = {Generalized Memory Manipulating Actions For Parsing Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1113}
author = {Slack, Jon M.}
title = {Distributed Memory: A Basis For Chart Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1114}
author = {Block, Hans Ulrich; Haugeneder, Hans}
title = {The Treatment Of Movement-Rules In A LFG-Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1115}
author = {Wedekind, Jurgen}
title = {A Concept Of Derivation For LFG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1116}
author = {Block, Hans Ulrich; Hunze, Rudolf}
title = {Incremental Construction Of C- And F-Structure In A LFG-Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1117}
author = {Netter, Klaus}
title = {Getting Things Out Of Order (An LFG-Proposal For The Treatment Of German Word Order)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1118}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Reimer, Ulrich}
title = {Topic Essentials}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1119}
author = {Dunin-Keplicz, Barbara; Lukaszewicz, Witold}
title = {Towards Discourse-Oriented Nonmonotonic System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1120}
author = {Sugimura, Ryochi}
title = {Japanese Honorifics And Situation Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1121}
author = {Dymetman, Marc}
title = {Two Approaches To Commonsense Inferencing For Discourse Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1122}
author = {Kononenko, I. S.}
title = {Speech Acts Of Assertion In Cooperative Informational Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1123}
author = {Hahn, Walther V.}
title = {Pragmatic Considerations In Man-Machine Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1124}
author = {Bryant, Barrett R.; Johnson, Dale; Edupuganty, Balanjaninath}
title = {Formal Specification Of Natural Language Syntax Using Two-Level Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1125}
author = {Nozohoor-Farshi, R.}
title = {On Formalizations Of Marcus' Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1126}
author = {Lancel, Jean-Marie; Rousselot, François; Simonin, Nathalie}
title = {A Grammar Used For Parsing And Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1127}
author = {Wada, Hajime; Asher, Nicholas}
title = {BUILDRS: An Implementation Of DR Theory And LFG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1128}
author = {Kuhns, Robert J.}
title = {A PROLOG Implementation Of Government-Binding Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1129}
author = {Eisele, Andreas; Dorre, Jochen}
title = {A Lexical Functional Grammar System In Prolog}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1130}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {Knowledge Structures For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1131}
author = {Hanakata, Kenji; Lesniewski, A.; Yokoyama, Shoichi}
title = {Semantic Based Generation Of Japanese German Translation System - Result And Evaluation-}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1132}
author = {Kittredge, Richard; Polguere, Alain; Goldberg, Eli}
title = {Synthesizing Weather Forecasts From Formatted Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1133}
author = {Zock, Michael; Sabah, Gerard; Alviset, Christophe}
title = {From Structure To Process Computer-Assisted Teaching Of Various Strategies For Generating Pronoun Constructions In French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1134}
author = {Novak, Hans-Joachim}
title = {Generating A Coherent Text Describing A Traffic Scene}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1135}
author = {Koit, Mare; Saluveer, Madis}
title = {Generating Natural Language Text In A Dialog System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1136}
author = {De Roeck, Anne N.; Lowden, B. G. T.}
title = {Generating English Paraphrases From Formal Relational Calculus Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1137}
author = {Ritchie, Graeme D.}
title = {The Computational Complexity Of Sentence Derivation In Functional Unification Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1138}
author = {Hayes, Philip J.; Hauptmann, Alexander G.; Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Tomita, Masaru}
title = {Parsing Spoken Language: A Semantic Caseframe Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1139}
author = {Niedermair, Gerh. Th.}
title = {Divided And Valency-Oriented Parsing In Speech Undstanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1140}
author = {Brietzmann, Astrid; Ehrlich, Ute}
title = {The Role Of Semantic Processing In An Automatic Speech Understanding System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1141}
author = {Danlos, Laurence; Laporte, Eric; Emerard, Francoise}
title = {Synthesis Of Spoken Messages From Semantic Representations (Semantic-Representation-To-Speech System)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1142}
author = {Niimi, Yasuhisa; Uzuhara, Shigeru; Kobayashi, Yutaka}
title = {Tile Procedure To Construct A Word Predictor In A Speech Understanding System From A Task-Specific Grammar Defined In A CFG Or A DCG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1143}
author = {Wiese, Richard}
title = {The Role Of Phonology In Speech Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1144}
author = {Berendsen, Egon; Langeweg, Simone; Van Leeuwen, Hugo}
title = {Computational Phonology: Merged Not Mixed}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1145}
author = {Dogi, Grzegorz}
title = {Phonological Pivot Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1146}
author = {Haberbeck, Rolf}
title = {A Description Of The VESPRA Speech Processing System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1147}
author = {Nomura, Hirosato; Naito, Shozo; Katagiri, Yasuhiro; Shimazu, Akira}
title = {Translation By Understanding: A Machine Translation System LUTE}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1148}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Raskin, Victor; Tucker, Allen B.}
title = {On Knowledge-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1149}
author = {Tomita, Masaru; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Another Stride Towards Knowledge-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1150}
author = {Tong, Loong Cheong}
title = {English - Malay Translation System: A Laboratory Prototype}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1151}
author = {Luctkens, E.; Fermont, Ph.}
title = {A Prototype: Machine Translation Based On Extracts From Data Processing Manuals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1152}
author = {Tsutsumi, Taijiro}
title = {A Prototype English-Japanese Machine Translation System For Translating IBM Computer Manuals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1153}
author = {Nishida, Fujio; Fujita, Yoneharu; Takamatsu, Shinobu}
title = {Construction Of A Modular And Portable Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1154}
author = {Rösner, Dietmar}
title = {When Mariko Talks To Siegfried - Experiences From A Japanese/German Machine Translation Project-}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1155}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Future Directions Of Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C86-1156}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Klein, Ewan}
title = {Discourse Anaphora And Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1986}
id = {C88-1001}
author = {Abe, Naoki}
title = {Feasible Learnability Of Formal Grammars And The Theory Of Natural Language Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1002}
author = {Abeille, Anne}
title = {Parsing French With Tree Adjoining Grammar: Some Linguistic Accounts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1003}
author = {Ahrenberg, Lars}
title = {Functional Constraints In Knowledge-Based Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1004}
author = {Alonso, Yuan A.}
title = {A Model For Transfer Control In The Metal MT-System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1005}
author = {Batori, Istvan; Marok, Stefan}
title = {Efficiency Considerations For LFG-Parsers - Incremental And Table-Lookup Techniques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1006}
author = {Bear, John}
title = {Morphology With Two-Level Rules And Negative Rule Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1007}
author = {Beaven, John L.; Whitelock, Pete J.}
title = {Machine Translation Using Isomorphic UCGs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1008}
author = {Bech, Annelise; Nygaard, Anders}
title = {The E-Framework: A Formalism For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1009}
author = {Beierle, Christoph; Pletat, Udo}
title = {Feature Graphs And Abstract Data Types: A Unifying Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1010}
author = {Bemova, Alevtina; Oliva, Karel; Panevova, Jarmila}
title = {Some Problems Of Machine Translation Between Closely Related Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1011}
author = {Bloemberg, Wilfried; Kesselheim, Michael}
title = {A System For Creating And Manipulating Generalized Wordclass Transition Matrices From Large Labelled Text-Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1012}
author = {Boguraev, Branimir K.; Carroll, John; Briscoe, Ted; Grover, Claire}
title = {Software Support For Practical Grammar Development}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1013}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Yusoff, Zaharin}
title = {Representation Trees And String-Tree Correspondences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1014}
author = {Bolshakov, Igor A.}
title = {Co-Ordinative Ellipsis In Russian Texts: Problems Of Description And Restoration}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1015}
author = {Borissova, Elena}
title = {Two-Component Teaching System That Understands And Corrects Mistakes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1016}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; Cocke, John; Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Jelinek, Frederick; Mercer, Robert L.; Roossin, Paul S.}
title = {A Statistical Approach To Language Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1017}
author = {Busemann, Stephan; Hauenschild, Christa}
title = {A Constructive View Of GPSG Or How To Make It Work}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1018}
author = {Calder, Jonathan; Klein, Ewan; Zeevat, Henk}
title = {Unification Categorial Grammar: A Concise Extendable Grammar For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1019}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta; Picchi, Eugenio}
title = {Acquisition Of Semantic Information From An On-Line Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1020}
author = {Campbell, W. N.}
title = {Speech-Rate Variation And The Prediction Of Duration}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1021}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Brown, Ralf D.}
title = {Anaphora Resolution: A Multi-Strategy Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1022}
author = {Carlson, Lauri}
title = {RUG: Regular Unification Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1023}
author = {Carson-Berndsen, Julie}
title = {Unification And Transduction In Computational Phonology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1024}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Lin, I-Peng; Wu, Chien-Ping}
title = {A New Design Of PROLOG-Based Bottom-Up Parsing System With Government-Binding Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1025}
author = {Zhaoxiong, Chen; Qingshi, Gao}
title = {English-Chinese Machine Translation System IMT/EC}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1026}
author = {Correa, Nelson}
title = {A Binding Rule For Government-Binding Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1027}
author = {Curteanu, Neculai}
title = {Augmented X'-Schemes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1028}
author = {Daelemans, Walter}
title = {GRAFON: A Grapheme-To-Phoneme Conversion System For Dutch}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1029}
author = {Danlos, Laurence; Namer, Fiammetta}
title = {Morphology And Cross Dependencies In The Synthesis Of Personal Pronouns In Romance Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1030}
author = {Devos, M.; Adriaens, Geert; Willems, Yves}
title = {The Parallel Expert Parser (PEP): A Thoroughly Revised Descendant Of The Word Expert Parser (WEP)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1031}
author = {DiMarco, Chrysanne; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Stylistic Grammars In Language Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1032}
author = {Domenig, Marc}
title = {Word Manager: A System For The Definition Access And Maintenance Of Lexical Databases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1033}
author = {Eberle, Kurt}
title = {Partial Orderings And Aktionsarten In Discourse Representation Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1034}
author = {Emirkanian, Louisette; Bouchard, Lorne H.}
title = {Knowledge Integration In A Robust And Efficient Morpho-Syntactic Analyzer For French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1035}
author = {Engelberg, Klaus-Jurgen}
title = {Lexical Functional Grammar In Speech Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1036}
author = {Fass, Dan}
title = {Metonymy And Metaphor: What's The Difference?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1037}
author = {Gailly, Pierre-Joseph}
title = {Expressing Quantifier Scope In French Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1038}
author = {Gasser, Michael; Dyer, Michael G.}
title = {Sequencing In A Connectionist Model Of Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1039}
author = {Gerlach, Michael; Sprenger, Michael}
title = {Semantic Interpretation Of Pragmatic Clues: Connectives Modal Verbs And Indirect Speech Acts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1040}
author = {Glachin, Egidio P.; Rullent, Claudio}
title = {Robust Parsing Of Severely Corrupted Spoken Utterances}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1041}
author = {Gibbon, Dafydd; Braun, Gunter}
title = {The PSI/PHI Architecture For Prosodic Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1042}
author = {Golan, Igal; Lappin, Shalom; Rimon, Mori}
title = {An Active Bilingual Lexicon For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1043}
author = {Goerz, Guenther; Paulus, Dietrich}
title = {A Finite State Approach To German Verb Morphology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1044}
author = {Gundel, Jeanette; Hedberg, Nancy; Zacharski, Ron}
title = {On The Generation And Interpretation Of Demonstrative Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1045}
author = {Hajič, Jan}
title = {Formal Morphology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1046}
author = {Harrington, Jonathan; Watson, Gordon; Cooper, Maggie}
title = {Word Boundary Identification From Phoneme Sequence Constraints In Automatic Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1047}
author = {Hasida, Koiti}
title = {A Cognitive Account Of Unbounded Dependency}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1048}
author = {Haugeneder, Hans; Gehrke, Manfred}
title = {Improving Search Strategies An Experiment In Best-First Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1049}
author = {Hellwig, Peter}
title = {Chart Parsing According To The Slot And Filler Principle}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1050}
author = {Hess, Michael}
title = {Crossing Coreference In Discourse Representation Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1051}
author = {Hoepelman, J. Ph.; Van Hoof, A. J. M.}
title = {The Success Of Failure The Concept Of Failure In Dialogue Logics And Its Relevance For NL-Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1052}
author = {Horton, Diane; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Presuppositions As Beliefs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1053}
author = {Isabelle, Pierre; Dymetman, Marc; Macklovitch, Elliott}
title = {CRITTER: A Translation System For Agricultural Market Reports}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1054}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {Achieving Bidirectionality}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1055}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {Concretion: Assumption-Based Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1056}
author = {Jappinen, Harri; Lassila, E.; Lehtola, Aarno}
title = {Locally Governed Trees And Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1057}
author = {Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Issues In Relating Syntax And Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1058}
author = {Kao, Michael B.; Rindflesch, Thomas C.}
title = {Coordination In Reconnaissance-Attack Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1059}
author = {Kakigahara, Koji; Aizawa, Teruaki}
title = {Completion Of Japanese Sentences By Inferring Function Words From Content Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1060}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.; Maxwell III, John T.}
title = {An Algorithm For Functional Uncertainty}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1061}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.; Maxwell III, John T.}
title = {Constituent Coordination In Lexical-Functional Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1062}
author = {Karlgren, Hans; Kunze, Jurgen}
title = {VOCNETS - A Tool For Handling Finite Vocabularies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1063}
author = {Kasper, Robert T.}
title = {An Experimental Parser For Systemic Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1064}
author = {Kataja, Laura; Koskenniemi, Kimmo}
title = {Finite-State Description Of Semitic Morphology: A Case Study Of Ancient Accadian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1065}
author = {Katz, Boris; Levin, Beth}
title = {Exploiting Lexical Regularities In Designing Natural Language Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1066}
author = {Kilbury, James}
title = {Parsing With Category Coocurrence Restrictions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1067}
author = {Kirschner, Zdenek}
title = {Traditional Means In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1068}
author = {Koit, Mare}
title = {Constructing A Model Of Dialog}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1069}
author = {Koskenniemi, Kimmo; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Complexity Two-Level Morphology And Finnish}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1070}
author = {Kudo, Ikuo; Koshino, Hideya; Chung, Moonkyung; Morimoto, Tsuyoshi}
title = {Schema Method: A Framework For Correcting Grammatically Ill-Formed Input}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1071}
author = {Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Speech Recognition And The Frequency Of Recently Used Words: A Modified Markov Model For Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1072}
author = {Kuhns, Robert J.}
title = {A News Analysis System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1073}
author = {Kunze, Jurgen}
title = {Instatiations And (Obligatory Vs. Optional) Actants}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1074}
author = {Lancel, Jean-Marie; Otani, Miyo; Simonin, Nathalie; Danlos, Laurence}
title = {SAGE - A Sentence Parsing And Generation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1075}
author = {Lang, Bernard}
title = {Parsing Incomplete Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1076}
author = {LaPolla, Mark Vincent}
title = {On The Role Of Old Information In Generating Readable Text: A Psychological And Computational Definition Of Old And New Information In The NOSVO System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1077}
author = {Lesmo, Leonardo; Terenziani, Paolo}
title = {Interpretation Of Noun Phrases In Intensional Contexts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1078}
author = {Long, Derek P.; Garigliano, Roberto}
title = {Inheritance In Hierarchical Relational Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1079}
author = {Maegaard, Bente}
title = {Designing And Testing Linguistic Development Phases In Machine Translation Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1080}
author = {Marino, Massimo}
title = {A Process-Activation Based Parsing Algorithm For The Development Of Natural Language Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1081}
author = {Martin, James H.}
title = {Representing Regularities In The Metaphoric Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1082}
author = {Matsunaga, Shoichi; Kohda, Masaki}
title = {Linguistic Processing Using A Dependency Structure Grammar For Speech Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-1083}
author = {Max, Ingolf}
title = {A New Formal Tool: Functorial Variables Representing Assertions And Presuppositions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2084}
author = {Melby, Alan K.}
title = {Lexical Transfer: Between A Source Rock And A Hard Target}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2085}
author = {Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Error Diagnosing And Selection In A Training System For Second Language Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2086}
author = {Mercer, Robert E.}
title = {Solving Some Persistent Presupposition Problems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2087}
author = {Merkel, Magnus}
title = {A Novel Analysis Of Temporal Frame-Adverbials}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2088}
author = {Meteer, Marie W.; Shaked, Varda}
title = {Strategies For Effective Paraphrasing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2089}
author = {Meya, Montserrat; Vidal, J.}
title = {An Integrated Model For The Treatment Of Time In MT-Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2090}
author = {Van Munster, Elly}
title = {The Treatment Of Scope And Negation In ROSETTA}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2091}
author = {Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Panel: Language Engineering: The Real Bottle Neck Of Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2092}
author = {Jensen, Karen}
title = {Why Computational Grammarians Can Be Skeptical About Existing Linguistic Theories}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2093}
author = {Roesner, Dietmar F.}
title = {Why Implementors Of Practical NLP Systems Can Not Wait For Linguistic Theories Remarks And Theses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2094}
author = {Hajicová, Eva}
title = {Reasons Why We Use Dependency Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2095}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Reasons Why I Do Not Care Grammar Formalism}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2096}
author = {Tomita, Masaru}
title = {Linguistic Sentences And Real Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2097}
author = {Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Mori, Tatsunori}
title = {A Parser Based On Connectionist Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2098}
author = {Nakamura, Jun-Ichi; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Extraction Of Semantic Information From An Ordinary English Dictionary And Its Evaluation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2099}
author = {Nakhimovsky, Alexander; Rapaport, William J.}
title = {Discontinuities In Narratives}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2100}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Nirenburg, Irene B.}
title = {A Framework For Lexical Selection In Natural Language Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2101}
author = {Nishida, Fujio; Takamatsu, Shinobu; Tani, Tadaaki; Doi, Tsunehisa}
title = {Feedback Of Correcting Information In Postediting To A Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2102}
author = {Nishida, Toyoaki; Liu, Xuemin; Doshita, Shuji; Yamada, Atsushi}
title = {Maintaining Consistency And Plausibility In Integrated Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2103}
author = {Nogami, Hiroyasu; Yoshimura, Yumiko; Amano, Shin-Ya}
title = {Parsing With Look-Ahead In Real-Time On-Line Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2104}
author = {Oliva, Karel}
title = {Syntactic Functions In GPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2105}
author = {Oliva, Karel; Platek, Martin}
title = {List Automata With Syntactically Structured Output}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2106}
author = {Paducheva, Elena V.}
title = {Referential Properties Of Generic Terms Denoting Things And Situations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2107}
author = {Pericliev, Vladimir; Brajnov, Svjatoslav; Nenova, Irina}
title = {Hinting By Paraphrasing In An Instruction System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2108}
author = {Petkevič, Vladimír}
title = {New Dependency Based Specification Of Underlying Representations Of Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2109}
author = {Pignataro, Vincenza}
title = {A Computational Approach To Topic And Focus In A Production Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2110}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Anick, Peter G.}
title = {On The Semantic Interpretation Of Nominals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2111}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Hugosson, Asa; Hagert, Goran}
title = {Using A Logic Grammar To Learn A Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2112}
author = {Read, Walter; Quilici, Alex; Reeves, John; Dyer, Michael G.}
title = {Evaluating Natural Language Systems: A Sourcebook Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2113}
author = {Reape, Mike; Thompson, Henry S.}
title = {Parallel Intersection And Serial Composition Of Finite State Transducers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2114}
author = {Reilly, Ronan G.; Ferrari, Giacomo; Prodanof, Irina}
title = {Framework For A Model Of Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2115}
author = {Rolf, P. C.}
title = {Machine Translation: The Languages Network (Versus The Intermediate Language)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2116}
author = {Saebo, Kjell Johan}
title = {A Cooperative YES-NO Query System Featuring Discourse Particles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2117}
author = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Default Logic Natural Language And Generalized Quantifiers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2118}
author = {Saito, Hiroaki; Tomita, Masaru}
title = {Parsing Noisy Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2119}
author = {Sarner, Margaret H.; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {A New Strategy For Providing Definitions In Task-Oriented Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2120}
author = {Scha, Remko J. H.; Polanyi, Livia}
title = {An Augmented Context Free Grammar For Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2121}
author = {Schabes, Yves; Abeille, Anne; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Parsing Strategies With 'Lexicalized' Grammars: Application To Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2122}
author = {Schmauks, Dagmar; Reithinger, Norbert}
title = {Generating Multimodal Output- Conditions Advantages And Problems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2123}
author = {Schmidt, Paul}
title = {A Syntactic Description Of German In A Formalism Designed For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2124}
author = {Schnelle, Helmut; Cottrell, Garrison W.; Dey, Pradip; Reich, Peter A.; Shastri, Lokendra}
title = {Panel: Parallel Processing In Computational Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2125}
author = {Schubert, Klaus}
title = {Implicitness As A Guiding Principle In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2126}
author = {Schuster, Ethel}
title = {Anaphoric Reference To Events And Actions: A Representation And Its Advantages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2127}
author = {Schwind, Camilla}
title = {Sensitive Parsing: Error Analysis And Explanation In An Intelligent Language Tutoring System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2128}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {A Uniform Architecture For Parsing And Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2129}
author = {Shimazu, Hideo; Takashima, Yosuke; Tomono, Masahiro}
title = {Understanding Of Stories For Animation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2130}
author = {Sibun, Penelope; Huettner, Alison K.; McDonald, David D.}
title = {Directing The Generation Of Living Space Descriptions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2131}
author = {Steiner, Erich H.; Winter-Thielen, Jutta}
title = {On The Semantics Of Focus Phenomena In EUROTRA}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2132}
author = {Stock, Oliviero; Falcone, Rino; Insinnamo, Patrizia}
title = {Island Parsing And Bidirectional Charts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2133}
author = {Su, Keh-Yih; Chang, Jing-Shin}
title = {Semantic And Syntactic Aspects Of Score Function}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2134}
author = {Sukhotin, B. V.}
title = {Optimization Algorithms Of Deciphering As The Elements Of A Linguistic Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2135}
author = {Tateisi, Yuka; Ono, Yoshihiko; Yamada, Hisao}
title = {A Computer Readability Formula Of Japanese Texts For Machine Scoring}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2136}
author = {Tokunaga, Takenobu; Iwayama, Makoto; Tanaka, Hozumi; Tadashi, Kamiwaki}
title = {LangLAB: A Natural Language Analysis System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2137}
author = {Tomabechi, Hideto; Tomita, Masaru}
title = {Application Of The Direct Memory Access Paradigm To Natural Language Interlaces To Knowledge-Based Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2138}
author = {Tomita, Masaru}
title = {Combining Lexicon-Driven Parsing And Phrase-Structure-Based Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2139}
author = {Trescases, Pierre; Crocker, Matthew W.}
title = {Linguistic Contributions To Text-To-Speech Computer Programs For French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2140}
author = {Trost, Harald; Buchberger, Ernst; Heinz, Wolfgang}
title = {On The Interaction Of Syntax And Semantics In A Syntactically Guided Caseframe Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2141}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Muto, Yukiyoshi; Ikeda, Yuuji; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {How To Get Preferred Readings In Natural Language Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2142}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Dialogue Translation Vs. Text Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2143}
author = {Van Der Wouden, Ton; Heylen, Dirk}
title = {Massive Disambiguation Of Large Text Corpora With Flexible Categorial Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2144}
author = {Van Eynde, Frank}
title = {The Analysis Of Tense And Aspect In EUROTRA}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2145}
author = {Van Schooneveld, C. H.}
title = {The Semantics And Syntax Of Russian Pronominal Structure: A Feature Breakdown}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2146}
author = {Veronis, Jean}
title = {Morphosyntactic Correction In Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2147}
author = {Vijay-Shanker, K.; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Feature Structures Based Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2148}
author = {Vlk, Tomas}
title = {Topic/Focus Articulation And Intensional Logic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2149}
author = {Ward, Nigel}
title = {Issues In Word Choice}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2150}
author = {Wedekind, Jurgen}
title = {Generation As Structure Driven Derivation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2151}
author = {Weisweber, Wilhelm}
title = {Using Constraints In A Constructive Version Of GPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2152}
author = {Werner, Eric}
title = {A Formal Computational Semantics And Pragmatics Of Speech Acts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2153}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Fass, Dan; Guo, Cheng-Ming; McDonald, James E.; Plate, Tony; Slator, Brian M.}
title = {Machine Tractable Dictionaries As Tools And Resources For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2154}
author = {Witkam, Toon}
title = {DLT - An Industrial R&D Project For Multilingual MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2155}
author = {Wood, Mary McGee; Chandler, Brian J.}
title = {Machine Translation For Monolinguals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2156}
author = {Yamada, Atsushi; Nishida, Toyoaki; Doshita, Shuji}
title = {Figuring Out Most Plausible Interpretation From Spatial Descriptions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2157}
author = {Yamashina, Masaki; Obashi, Fumihiko}
title = {Collocational Analysis In Japanese Text Input}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2158}
author = {Yonezawa, Akinori; Ohsawa, Ichiro}
title = {Object-Oriented Parallel Parsing For Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2159}
author = {Yoshimoto, Kei}
title = {Identifying Zero Pronouns In Japanese Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2160}
author = {Zajac, Remi}
title = {Interactive Translation: A New Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2161}
author = {Zelinsky-Wibbelt, Cornelia}
title = {Universal Quantification In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2162}
author = {Zernik, Uri}
title = {Language Acquisition: Coping With Lexical Gaps}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2163}
author = {Zernik, Uri; Brown, Allen}
title = {Default Reasoning In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2164}
author = {Zock, Michael; Francopoulo, Gil; Laroui, Abdellatif}
title = {Language Learning As Problem Solving}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2165}
author = {Fum, Danilo; Guida, Giovanni; Tasso, Carlo}
title = {A Distributed Multi-Agent Architecture For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2166}
author = {Klavans, Judith L.}
title = {COMPLEX: A Computational Lexicon For Natural Language Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C88-2167}
author = {Kaji, Hiroyuki}
title = {An Efficient Execution Method For Rule-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1988}
id = {C90-1002}
author = {Faisal, Kanaan A.; Kwasny, Stan C.}
title = {Design Of A Hybrid Deterministic Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1003}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Kay, Martin}
title = {Semantic Abstraction And Anaphora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1004}
author = {Rolbert, Monique}
title = {Des Heuristiques Pour La Recherche Du Theme D'Un Discours Et De L'Antecedent D'Un Pronom}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1005}
author = {Zernik, Uri; Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {Tagging For Learning: Collecting Thematic Relations From Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1006}
author = {Bronisz, Didier; Grossi, Thomas; Jean-Marie, Francois}
title = {Advice-Giving Dialogue An Integrated System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1007}
author = {Fabricz, Karoly; Alexin, Zoltan; Gyimothy, Tibor; Horvath, T.}
title = {THALES: A Software Package For Plane Geometry Constructions With A Natural Language Interface}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1008}
author = {Fawcett, Robin P.; Tucker, Gordon H.}
title = {Demonstration Of GENESYS: A Very Large Semantically Based Systemic Functional Generator}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1009}
author = {Jelinek, J.; Wilcock, Graham; Nishida, O.; Yoshimi, Takehiko; Bos, M. J. W.; Tamura, Noriyuki; Murakami, H.}
title = {Japanese-To-English Project PROTRAN And TWINTRAN}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1010}
author = {Schnelle, Helmut; Wilkens, Rolf}
title = {The Translation Of Constitutent Structure Grammars Into Connectionist Networks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1011}
author = {Skuce, Douglas; Meyer, Ingrid}
title = {Concept Analysis And Terminology: A Knowledge-Based Approach To Documentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1012}
author = {Tomita, Masaru}
title = {The Generalized LR Parser/Compiler V8-4: A Software Package For Practical NL Projects}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1013}
author = {Ueda, Yoshihiro; Kogure, Kiyoshi}
title = {Generation For Dialogue Translation Using Typed Feature Structure Unification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1014}
author = {Vega, Jose}
title = {Semantic Matching Between Job Offers And Job Search Requests}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1015}
author = {Vergne, Jacques}
title = {A Parser Without A Dictionary As A Tool For Research Into French Syntax}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1016}
author = {Wada, Hajime}
title = {Discourse Processing In MT: Problems In Pronominal Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1017}
author = {Wehrli, Eric}
title = {STS: An Experimental Sentence Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1018}
author = {Winkelmann, Gunter}
title = {Semiautomatic Interactive Muitilingual Style Analysis (SIMSA)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1019}
author = {Zweigenbaum, Pierre; Cavazza, Marc}
title = {Deep Sentence Understanding In A Restricted Domain}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1020}
author = {De Stadler, L. G.; Coetzer, M. W.}
title = {A Morphological Parser For Afrikaans}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1021}
author = {Bourbeau, Laurent; Carcagno, D.; Goldberg, Eli}
title = {Bilingual Generation Of Weather Forecasts In An Operations Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-1025}
author = {Karlgren, Hans}
title = {Computational Linguistics In 1990}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2001}
author = {Ahrenberg, Lars}
title = {A Grammar Combining Phrase Structure And Field Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2002}
author = {Anick, Peter G.; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {An Application Of Lexical Semantics To Knowledge Acquisition From Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2003}
author = {Bateman, John A.}
title = {Finding Translation Equivalents: An Application Of Grammatical Metaphor}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2004}
author = {Blache, Philippe; Morin, Jean-Yves}
title = {Bottom-Up Filtering: A Parsing Strategy For GPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2005}
author = {Block, Russell; Horacek, Helmut}
title = {Generating Referring Expressions Using Multiple Knowledge Sources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2006}
author = {Boitet, Christian}
title = {Towards Personal MT: General Design Dialogue Structure Potential Role Of Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2007}
author = {Boguraev, Branimir K.; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Lexical Ambiguity And The Role Of Knowledge Representation In Lexicon Design}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2008}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Copestake, Ann; Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {Enjoy The Paper: Lexical Semantics Via Lexicology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2009}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {A Logic-Based Government-Binding Parser For Mandarin Chinese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2010}
author = {Chen, Keh-Jiann; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {Information-Based Case Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2011}
author = {Chien, Lee-Feng; Chen, Keh-Jiann; Lee, Lin-shan}
title = {An Augmented Chart Data Structure With Efficient Word Lattice Parsing Scheme In Speech Recognition Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2012}
author = {Crookston, Ian}
title = {The E-Framework: Emerging Problems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2013}
author = {Dalrymple, Mary; Maxwell III, John T.; Zaenen, Annie}
title = {Modeling Syntactic Constraints On Anaphoric Binding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2014}
author = {Domenig, Marc}
title = {Lexeme-Based Morphology: A Computationaily Expensive Approach Intended For A Server-Architecture}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2015}
author = {Delin, Judy L.}
title = {A Multi-Level Account Of Cleft Constructions In Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2016}
author = {Dorffner, Georg; Buchberger, Ernst; Kommenda, Markus}
title = {Integrating Stress And Intonation Into A Concept-To-Speech System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2017}
author = {Dorrepaal, Joke}
title = {Discourse Anaphora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2018}
author = {Dorre, Jochen; Eisele, Andreas}
title = {Feature Logic With Disjunctive Unification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2019}
author = {Estival, Dominique}
title = {Generating French With A Reversible Unification Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2020}
author = {Fargues, Jean}
title = {Synthesizing A Large Concept Hierarchy From French Hyperonyms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2021}
author = {Zhiwei, Feng}
title = {Complex Features In Description Of Chinese Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2022}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Plainfosse, Agnes}
title = {Generating From A Deep Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2023}
author = {Gawronska-Werngren, Barbara}
title = {Translation Great Problem - On The Problem Of Inserting Articles When Translating From Russian Into Swedish}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2024}
author = {Genthial, Damien; Courtin, Jacques; Kowarski, Irene}
title = {Contribution Of A Category Hierarchy To The Robustness Of Syntactic Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2025}
author = {Gerdemann, Dale; Hinrichs, Erhard W.}
title = {Functor-Driven Natural Language Generation With Categorial-Unification Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2026}
author = {Devos, Laurent; Gilloux, Michel}
title = {GPSG Parsing Bidirectional Charts And Connection Graphs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2027}
author = {Goeser, Sebastian}
title = {A Linguistic Theory Of Robustness}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2028}
author = {ten Hacken, Pius}
title = {Reading Distinction In MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2029}
author = {Harbusch, Karin}
title = {An Implementation Of Formal Semantics In The Formalism Of Relational Databases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2030}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {Normal Form Theorem Proving For The Lambek Calculus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2031}
author = {Hussmann, Michael J.; Genzmann, Heinz}
title = {On Trying To Do Things With Words: Another Plan-Based Approach To Speech Act Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2032}
author = {Inagaki, Hirohito; Miyahara, Sueharu; Nakagawa, Tohru; Obashi, Fumihiko}
title = {Sentence Disambiguation By Document Oriented Preference Sets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2033}
author = {Ishizaki, Masato}
title = {A Bottom-Up Generation For Principle-Based Grammars Using Constraint Propagation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2034}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {To Parse Or Not To Parse: Relation-Driven Text Skimming}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2035}
author = {Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Representing And Integrating Linguistic Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2036}
author = {Kemighan, Mark D.; Church, Kenneth Ward; Gale, William A.}
title = {A Spelling Correction Program Based On A Noisy Channel Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2037}
author = {King, Margaret; Falkedal, Kirsten}
title = {Using Test Suites In Evaluation Of Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2038}
author = {Kitano, Hiroaki}
title = {Incremental Sentence Production With A Parallel Marker-Passing Algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2039}
author = {Kogure, Kiyoshi}
title = {Strategic Lazy Incremental Copy Graph Unification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2040}
author = {Koskenniemi, Kimmo}
title = {Finite-State Parsing And Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2041}
author = {Konig, Esther}
title = {The Complexity Of Parsing With Extended Categorial Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2042}
author = {Landau, Marie-Claude}
title = {Solving Ambiguities In The Semantic Representation Of Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2043}
author = {Van Der Linden, Erik-Jan; Kraaij, Wessel}
title = {Ambiguity Resolution And The Retrieval Of Idioms: Two Approaches}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2044}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Disambiguating Cue Phrases In Text And Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2045}
author = {Maruyama, Hiroshi}
title = {An Interactive Japanese Parser For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2046}
author = {Meya, Montserrat}
title = {Tenets For An Interlingual Representation Of Definite NPs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2047}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Cenetering Theory And The Italian Pronominal System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2048}
author = {Mooney, David J.; Carberry, Sandra; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {The Generation Of High-Level Structure For Extended Explanations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2049}
author = {Nagao, Katashi}
title = {Dependency Analyzer: A Knowledge-Based Approach To Structural Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2050}
author = {Neumann, Günter; Finkler, Wolfgang}
title = {A Head-Driven Approach To Incremental And Parallel Generation Of Syntactic Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2051}
author = {Newman, P. S.}
title = {Towards Convenient Bi-Directional Grammar Formalisms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2052}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Reversible Unification Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2053}
author = {Numazaki, Hiroaki; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {A New Parallel Algorithm For Generalized LR Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2054}
author = {Ozeki, Kazuhiko}
title = {A Polynomial-Order Algorithm For Optimal Phrase Sequence Selection From A Phrase Lattice And Its Parallel Layered Implementation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2055}
author = {Sabbagh, Simon}
title = {Sesame: A Portable Data Base Interface Generator}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2056}
author = {Matthiessen, Christian M. I. M.}
title = {Two Approaches To Semantic Interfaces In Text Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2057}
author = {Santos, Diana}
title = {Lexical Gaps And Idioms In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2058}
author = {Sigurd, Bengt}
title = {Implementing The Generalized Word Order Grammars Of Chomsky And Diderichsen}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2059}
author = {Stolcke, Andreas}
title = {Gapping And Frame Semantics: A Fresh Look From A Cognitive Perspective}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2060}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {How To Invert A Natural Language Parser Into An Efficient Generator: An Algorithm For Logic Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2061}
author = {Tojo, Satoshi}
title = {A Type-Theoretical Analysis Of Complex Verb Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2062}
author = {Tong, Loong Cheong}
title = {An Explanation Facility For A Grammar Writing System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2063}
author = {Thurmair, Gregor}
title = {Parsing For Grammar And Style Checking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2064}
author = {Trost, Harald}
title = {The Application Of Two-Level Morphology To Non-Concatenative German Morphology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2065}
author = {Vanderhoeft, Claire}
title = {An Implementation Of Formal Semantics In The Formalism Of Relational Databases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2066}
author = {Velardi, Paola}
title = {Why Human Translators Still Sleep In Peace? (Four Engineering And Linguistic Gaps In NLP)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2067}
author = {Veronis, Jean; Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation With Very Large Neural Networks Extracted From Machine Readable Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2068}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Free Adjuncts In Natural Language Instructions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2069}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Identifying Subjective Characters In Narrative}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2070}
author = {Wilensky, Robert}
title = {Extending The Lexicon By Exploiting Subregularities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2071}
author = {Wu, Dekai}
title = {Probabilistic Unification-Based Integration Of Syntactic And Semantic Preferences For Nominal Compounds}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2072}
author = {Yampol, Todd; Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {An Efficient Implementation Of PATR For Categorial Unification Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2073}
author = {Yusoff, Zaharin}
title = {Generation Of Synthesis Programs In ROBRA (ARIANE) From String-Tree Correspondence Grammars (Or A Strategy For Synthesis In Machine Translation)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-2074}
author = {Zhang, Byoung-Tak; Kim, Yung Taek}
title = {Morphological Analysis And Synthesis By Automated Discovery And Acquisition Of Linguistic Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3001}
author = {Abeille, Anne; Schabes, Yves; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Using Lexicalized Tags For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3002}
author = {Balari, Sergio; Damas, Luis}
title = {CLG(n): Constraint Logic Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3003}
author = {Bear, John}
title = {Backwards Phonology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3004}
author = {Carson-Berndsen, Julie}
title = {Phonological Processing Of Speech Variants}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3005}
author = {Bharati, Akshar; Sangal, Rajeev}
title = {A Karaka Based Approach To Parsing Of Indian Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3006}
author = {Boitet, Christian}
title = {Towards Personal MT: General Design Dialogue Structure Potential Role Of Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3007}
author = {Brew, Chris}
title = {Partial Descriptions And Systemic Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3008}
author = {Brown, Ralf D.}
title = {Human-Computer Interaction For Semantic Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3009}
author = {Cahill, Lynne J.}
title = {Syllable-Based Morphology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3010}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta; Bindi, Remo}
title = {Acquisition Of Lexical Information From A Large Textual Italian Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3011}
author = {Carlson, Lauri; Vilkuna, Maria}
title = {Independent Transfer Using Graph Unification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3012}
author = {Schutze, Carson T.; Reich, Peter A.}
title = {Language Without A Central Pushdown Stack}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3013}
author = {Carter, David M.}
title = {Efficient Disjunctive Unification For Bottom-Up Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3014}
author = {Chung, Hee Sung}
title = {A Phonological Knowledge Base System Using Unification-Based Formalism - A Case Study Of Korean Phonology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3015}
author = {Coleman, John}
title = {Unification Phonology: Another Look At Synthesis-By-Rule}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3016}
author = {van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Structured Meanings In Computational Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3017}
author = {Dymetman, Marc; Isabelle, Pierre; Perrault, Francois}
title = {A Symmetrical Approach To Parsing And Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3018}
author = {Elhadad, Michael; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Generating Connectives}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3019}
author = {Emele, Martin C.; Heid, Ulrich; Momma, Stefan; Zajac, Remi}
title = {Organizing Linguistic Knowledge For Multilingual Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3020}
author = {Epstein, Samuel S.}
title = {Linear Encodings Of Linguistic Analyses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3021}
author = {Gibson, Edward}
title = {A Computational Theory Of Processing Overload And Garden-Path Effects}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3022}
author = {Giorgi, Alessandra; Pianesi, Fabio; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {A Computational Approach To Binding Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3023}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Ksiezyk, Tomasz}
title = {Causal And Temporal Text Analysis: The Role Of The Domain Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3024}
author = {Guez, Stephane}
title = {A Computational Model For Arguments Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3025}
author = {Guthrie, Louise; Slator, Brian M.; Wilks, Yorick; Bruce, Rebecca F.}
title = {Is There Content In Empty Heads?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3026}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Kubon, Petr; Kuboň, Vladislav}
title = {Hierarchy Of Salience And Discourse Analysis And Production}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3027}
author = {Hasida, Koiti}
title = {A Constraint-Based Approach To Linguistic Performance}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3028}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Kameyama, Megumi}
title = {Translation By Abduction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3029}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Bear, John}
title = {Two Principles Of Parse Preference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3030}
author = {Karlsson, Fred}
title = {Constraint Grammar As A Framework For Parsing Running Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3031}
author = {Klavans, Judith L.; Tzoukermann, Evelyne}
title = {The BICORD System Combining Lexical Information From Bilingual Corpora And Machine Readable Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3032}
author = {Langer, Hagen}
title = {Syntactic Normalization Of Spontaneous Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3033}
author = {Lavelli, Alberto; Stock, Oliviero}
title = {When Something Is Missing: Ellipsis Coordination And The Chart}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3034}
author = {Lewin, Ian}
title = {A Quantifier Scoping Algorithm Without A Free Variable Constraint}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3035}
author = {Manaster Ramer, Alexis; Zadrozny, Wlodek}
title = {Expressive Power Of Grammatical Formalisms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3036}
author = {Miikkulainen, Risto}
title = {A PDP Architecture For Processing Sentences With Relative Clauses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3037}
author = {Milward, David}
title = {Coordination In An Axiomatic Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3038}
author = {Nakamura, Masami; Maruyama, Katsuteru; Kawabata, Takeshi; Shikano, Kiyohiro}
title = {Neural Network Approach To Word Category Prediction For English Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3039}
author = {Defrise, Christine; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Meaning Representation And Text Planning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3040}
author = {Norvig, Peter; Wilensky, Robert}
title = {A Critical Evaluation Of Commensurable Abduction Models For Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3041}
author = {Paducheva, Elena V.; Rakhilina, Ekaterina V.}
title = {Predicting Co-Occurrence Restrictions By Using Semantic Classifications In The Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3042}
author = {Saito, Hiroaki}
title = {Bi-Directional LR Parsing From An Anchor Word For Speech Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3043}
author = {Salkoff, Morris}
title = {Automatic Translation Of Support Verb Constructions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3044}
author = {Sato, Satoshi; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Toward Memory-Based Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3045}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.; Schabes, Yves}
title = {Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3046}
author = {Shimazu, Akira}
title = {Japanese Sentence Analysis As Argumentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3047}
author = {Slack, Jon M.}
title = {Unbounded Dependency: Tying Strings To Rings}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3048}
author = {Somers, Harold L.; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Jones, Danny}
title = {Machine Translation Without A Source Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3049}
author = {Tzoukermann, Evelyne; Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {A Finite-State Morphological Processor For Spanish}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3050}
author = {Wiese, Richard}
title = {Towards A Unification-Based Phonology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3051}
author = {Wiren, Mats}
title = {Incremental Parsing And Reason Maintenance}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3052}
author = {Emele, Martin C.; Zajac, Remi}
title = {Typed Unification Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3053}
author = {Zelinsky-Wibbelt, Cornelia}
title = {The Semantic Representation Of Spatial Configurations: A Conceptual Motivation For Generation In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3054}
author = {Adriaens, Geert; Lemmons, Maarten}
title = {The Self-Extending Lexicon: Off-Line And On-Line Defaulting Of Lexical Information In The Metal Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3055}
author = {Aizawa, Teruaki; Ehara, Terumasa; Uratani, Noriyoshi; Tanaka, Hideki; Katoh, Naoto; Nakase, Sumio; Aruga, Norikazu; Matsuda, Takeo}
title = {A Machine Translation System For Foreign News In Satellite Broadcasting}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3056}
author = {Avgustinova, Tania; Oliva, Karel}
title = {Syntactic Description Of Free Word Order Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3057}
author = {Bemova, Alevtina; Kuboň, Vladislav}
title = {Czech-To-Russian Transducing Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3058}
author = {Bolshakov, Igor A.}
title = {A Large Russian Morphological Vocabulary For IBM Compatibles And Methods Of Its Compression}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3059}
author = {Bourbeau, Laurent; Carcagno, D.; Goldberg, Eli; Kittredge, Richard; Polguere, Alain}
title = {Bilingual Generation Of Weather Forecasts In An Operations Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3060}
author = {Buschbeck-Wolf, Bianka; Henschel, Renate; Hoser, Iris; Klimonow, Gerda; Kustner, Andreas; Starke, Ingrid}
title = {VIRTEX - A German-Russlan Translation Experiment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3061}
author = {Carletta, Jean}
title = {Modelling Variations In Goal-Directed Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3062}
author = {Cawsey, Alison; Raudaskoski, Pirkko}
title = {Repair Work In Human-Computer Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3063}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Itai, Alon}
title = {Automatic Processing Of Large Corpora For The Resolution Of Anaphora References}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3064}
author = {Delannoy, Jean-Francois}
title = {A Message Processing System With Object-Centered Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3065}
author = {Donaghy, Kevin}
title = {Recognizing Advice Warnings Promises And Threats}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3066}
author = {Dong, Dong Zhen}
title = {Transtar - A Commercial English-Chinese MT System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3067}
author = {Elnaggar, Ayman}
title = {A Phrase Structure Grammar Of The Arabic Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3068}
author = {El-Shishiny, Hisham}
title = {A Formal Description Of Arabic Syntax In Definite Clause Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3069}
author = {Erjavec, Tomaž; Tancig, Peter}
title = {An Integrated System For Morphological Analysis Of The Slovene Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3070}
author = {Fafiotte, Georges}
title = {A Self-Learning System For The Chinese Characters}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3071}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sterling, John}
title = {Information Extraction And Semantic Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3072}
author = {Hajič, Jan; Drozd, Janus}
title = {Spelling-Checking For Highly Inflective Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3073}
author = {Heyer, Gerhard; Kese, Ralf; Oemig, Frank; Dudda, Friedrich}
title = {Knowledge Representation And Semantics In A Complex Domain: The UNIX Natural Language Help System GOETHE}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3074}
author = {Huang, Xiuming}
title = {A Machine Translation System For The Target Language Inexpert}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3075}
author = {Hoepelman, J. Ph.; Van Hoof, A. J. M.}
title = {Conditionals And Counterfactuals In PROLOG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3076}
author = {Iida, Hitoshi; Yamaoka, Takayuki; Arita, Hidekazu}
title = {Three Typed Pragmatics For Dialogue Structure Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3077}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.; Rau, Lisa F.}
title = {The GE NLToolset: A Software Foundation For Intelligent Text Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3078}
author = {Jianshuo, Huang}
title = {Design Issue Of ECTST}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3079}
author = {Kerpedjiev, Stephan M.; Noncheva, Veska}
title = {Intelligent Handling Of Weather Forecasts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3080}
author = {Kilbury, James}
title = {QPATR And Constraint Threading}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3081}
author = {Estival, Dominique}
title = {ELU: An Environment For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3082}
author = {Kohl, Dieter; Plainfosse, Agnes; Gardent, Claire}
title = {The General Architecture Of Generation In ACORD}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3083}
author = {Kudo, Ikuo}
title = {Local Cohesive Knowledge For A Dialogue-Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3084}
author = {Kuhns, Robert J.}
title = {A PARLOG Implementation Of Government-Binding Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3085}
author = {Kuhns, Robert J.}
title = {Automatic Indexing And Government-Binding Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3086}
author = {Kallgren, Gunnel}
title = {The First Million Is Hardest To Get: Building A Large Tagged Corpus As Automatically As Possible}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3087}
author = {Brodda, Benny}
title = {Corpus Work With PC BETA}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3088}
author = {Li, Wei-Chuan; Pei, Tzusheng; Lee, Bing-Huang; Chiou, Chuei-Feng}
title = {Parsing Long English Sentences With Pattern Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3089}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.; Demasco, Patrick; Jones, Mark Alan; Pennington, Christopher A.; Rowe, Charles}
title = {Applying Natural Language Processing Techniques To Augmentative Communication Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3090}
author = {Mahgoub, H. E.; Hashish, M. A.}
title = {A Matrix Representation Of The Inflectional Forms Of Arabic Words: A Study Of Co-Occurrence Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3092}
author = {Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Anticipation-Free Diagnosis Of Structural Faults}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3093}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {A Text Generation System For Explaining Concepts In Geometry}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3094}
author = {Myers, John K.}
title = {A Project Report On NP: An Assumption-Based NL Plan Inference System That Uses Feature Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3095}
author = {Krey, J.; Novak, Hans-Joachim}
title = {The Textplanning Component PIT Of The LILOG System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3096}
author = {Oliva, Karel}
title = {Simple Parser For An HPSG-Style Grammar Implemented In PROLOG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3097}
author = {Pritchett, Bradley L.; Reitano, John W.}
title = {Parsing With On-Line Principles: A Psychologically Plausible Object-Oriented Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3098}
author = {Rincel, Phillipe; Sabatier, Paul}
title = {Using The Same System For Analyzing And Synthesizing Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3099}
author = {Russ, Thomas}
title = {A Syntactic And Morphological Analyzer For A Text-To-Speech System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3100}
author = {Sabah, Gerard}
title = {CARAMEL: A Flexible Model For Interaction Between The Cognitive Processes Underlying Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3101}
author = {Sadler, Victor; Vendelmans, Ronald}
title = {Pilot Implementation Of A Bilingual Knowledge Bank}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3102}
author = {Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Rodríquez, Horacio; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {A Mechanism For Ellipsis Resolution In Dialogued Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C90-3103}
author = {Simov, Kiril; Angelova, Galia; Paskaleva, Elena}
title = {MORPHO-ASSISTANT: The Proper Treatment Of Morphological Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1990}
id = {C92-1002}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Ongoing Directions In Computational Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1003}
author = {Peccoud, Francois}
title = {Welcome To COLING-92!}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1004}
author = {Zampolli, Antonio}
title = {The Scientific Programme Of COLING-92}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1005}
author = {Boitet, Christian}
title = {About These Proceedings}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1008}
author = {Hahn, Udo}
title = {On Text Coherence Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1009}
author = {Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Feature Structure Based Semantic Head Driven Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1010}
author = {Solak, Aysin; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Parsing Agglutinative Word Structures And Its Application To Spelling Checking For Turkish}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1011}
author = {Popowich, Fred; McFetridge, Paul; Fass, Dan; Hall, Gary}
title = {Processing Complex Noun Phrases In A Natural Language Interface To A Statiscal Database}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1012}
author = {Van Der Eijk, Pim; Bloksma, Laura; Van Der Kraan, Mark}
title = {Towards Developing Reusable NLP Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1013}
author = {Abeille, Anne}
title = {Synchronous TAGs And French Pronominal Clitics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1014}
author = {Anick, Peter G.; Artemieff, Suzanne}
title = {A High-Level Morphological Description Language Exploiting Inflectional Paradigms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1015}
author = {Bird, Steven}
title = {Finite-State Phonology In HPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1016}
author = {Blache, Philippe}
title = {Using Active Constraints To Parse GPSGs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1017}
author = {Block, Hans Ulrich; Schachtl, Stefanie}
title = {Trace And Unification Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1018}
author = {Bouma, Gosse}
title = {A Lexicalist Account Of Icelandic Case Marking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1019}
author = {Chen, Keh-Jiann; Liu, Shing-Huan}
title = {Word Identification For Mandarin Chinese Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1020}
author = {Damas, Luis}
title = {On The Satisfiability Of Complex Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1021}
author = {Drossaers, Marc F. J.}
title = {Hopfield Models As Nondeterministic Finite-State Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1022}
author = {Goeser, Sebastian}
title = {Chart Parsing Of Robust Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1023}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Kuboň, Vladislav; Kubon, Petr}
title = {Stock Of Shared Knowledge - A Tool For Solving Pronominal Anaphora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1024}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {Chart Parsing Lambek Grammars: Modal Extensions And Incrementality}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1025}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri; Kaplan, Ronald M.; Zaenen, Annie}
title = {Two-Level Morphology With Composition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1026}
author = {Klein, Ewan}
title = {Data Types In Computational Phonology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1027}
author = {Koskenniemi, Kimmo; Tapanainen, Pasi; Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {Compiling And Using Finite-State Syntactic Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1028}
author = {Millies, Sebastian}
title = {Modularity Parallelism And Licensing In A Principle-Based Parser For German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1029}
author = {Kurohashi, Sadao; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Dynamic Programming Method For Analyzing Conjunctive Structures In Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1030}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {An Empirical Study On Rule Granularity And Unification Interleaving Toward An Efficient Unification-Based Parsing System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1031}
author = {Oliva, Karel}
title = {The Proper Treatment Of Word Order In HPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1032}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {Left-Corner Parsing And Psychological Plausibility}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1033}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {TTP: A Fast And Robust Parser For Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1034}
author = {Vijay-Shanker, K.; Schabes, Yves}
title = {Structure Sharing In Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1035}
author = {Dalrymple, Mary}
title = {Categorial Semantics For LFG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1036}
author = {Noguchi, Naohiko; Harada, Yasunari}
title = {Semantic And Pragmatic Interpretation Of Japanese Sentences With DAKE (Only)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1037}
author = {Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Genetic NPs And Habitual VPs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1038}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Dale, Robert}
title = {A Fast Algorithm For The Generation Of Referring Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1039}
author = {Wang, Jin}
title = {Syntactic Preferences For Robust Parsing With Semantic Preferences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1040}
author = {White, Michael}
title = {Conceptual Structures And CCC: Linking Theory And Incorporated Argument Adjuncts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1041}
author = {Zacharski, Ron}
title = {Generation Of Accent In Nominally Premodified Noun Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1042}
author = {Zadrozny, Wlodek}
title = {On Compositional Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1043}
author = {Balkanski, Cecile T.}
title = {Action Relations In Rationale Clauses And Means Clauses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1044}
author = {Chen, Benjamin L.; Soo, Von-Wun}
title = {An Acquisition Model For Both Choosing And Resolving Anaphora In Conjoined Mandarin Chinese Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1045}
author = {Delin, Judy L.; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Aspect-Switching And Subordination: The Role Of It-Clefts In Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1046}
author = {Eberle, Kurt}
title = {On Representing The Temporal Structure Of A Natural Language Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1047}
author = {Gayral, Francoise; Grandemange, Philippe}
title = {Une Ontologie Du Temps Pour Le Langage Naturel}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1048}
author = {Hardt, Daniel}
title = {VP Ellipsis And Contextual Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1049}
author = {Lambert, Lynn; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Using Linguistic World And Contextual Knowledge In A Plan Recognition Model Of Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1050}
author = {Moser, Megan}
title = {Incrementing Discourse With The Negation Relation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1051}
author = {Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Zero Pronouns As Experiencer In Japanese Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1052}
author = {Rodrigues, Irene Pimenta; Lopes, Gabriel}
title = {Temporal Structure Of Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1053}
author = {Turner, Elise H.}
title = {Organizing Dialogue From An Incoherent Stream Of Goals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1054}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Redundancy In Collaborative Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1055}
author = {Chiang, Tung-Hui; Lin, Yi-Chung; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution Using A Discrimination And Robustness Oriented Adaptive Learning Algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1056}
author = {Cowie, James R.; Guthrie, Joe A.; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Lexical Disambiguation Using Simulated Annealing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1057}
author = {Dymetman, Marc}
title = {A Generalized Greibach Normal Form For Definite Clause Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1058}
author = {Janssen, Wil; Poel, Mannes; Sikkel, Klaas; Zwiers, Job}
title = {The Primordial Soup Algorithm A Systematic Approach To The Specification Of Parallel Parsers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1059}
author = {Kogure, Kiyoshi}
title = {A Treatment Of Negative Descriptions Of Typed Feature Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1060}
author = {Kupiec, Julian}
title = {An Algorithm For Estimating The Parameters Of Unrestricted Hidden Stochastic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1061}
author = {Lecomte, Alain}
title = {Proof-Nets And Dependencies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1062}
author = {Meknavin, Surapant; Okumura, Manabu; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {A Chart-Based Method Of ID/LP Parsing With Generalized Discrimination Networks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-1063}
author = {Ren, Xiaobo; Perrault, Francois}
title = {The Typology Of Unknown Words: An Experimental Study Of Two Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2065}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {Probabilistic Tree-Adjoining Grammar As A Framework For Statistical Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2066}
author = {Schabes, Yves}
title = {Stochastic Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2067}
author = {Su, Keh-Yih; Wu, Ming-Wen; Chang, Jing-Shin}
title = {A New Quantitative Quality Measure For Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2068}
author = {Tomabechi, Hideto}
title = {Quasi-Destructive Graph Unification With Structure-Sharing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2069}
author = {Yang, Yiming; Chute, Christopher G.}
title = {A Linear Least Squares Fit Mapping Method For Information Retrieval From Natural Language Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2070}
author = {Yarowsky, David}
title = {Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Statistical Models Of Roget's Categories Trained On Large Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2071}
author = {Berrendonner, Alain; Fredj, Mounia; Oquendo, Flavio; Rouault, Jacques}
title = {Un Systeme Inferentiel Oriente Objet Pour Des Applications En Langues Naturelles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2072}
author = {Douglas, Shona; Dale, Robert}
title = {Towards Robust PATR}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2073}
author = {Ligozat, Gerard; Zock, Michael}
title = {How To Visualize Time Tense And Aspect?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2074}
author = {Rousselot, François; Ensais, B. Migault}
title = {Elaboration De Techniques D'analyse Adaptees A La Construction D'une Base De Connaissances}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2075}
author = {Stefanini, Marie-Helene; Berrendonner, Alain; Lallich, Genevieve; Oquendo, Flavio}
title = {Talisman Un Systeme Multi-Agents Gouverne Par Des Lois Linguistiques Pour Le Traitement De La Langue Naturelle}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2076}
author = {Veronis, Jean}
title = {Disjunctive Feature Structures As Hypergraphs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2077}
author = {Andrezen, V.; Kogan, L.; Kwitakowski, W.; Minvaleev, R.; Piotrowski, R. G.; Shumovsky, V.; Tioun, E.; Tovmach, Yu.}
title = {Automatic Dictionary Organization In NLP Systems For Oriental Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2078}
author = {Blaser, Brigitte; Schwall, Ulrike; Storrer, Angelika}
title = {A Reusable Lexical Database Tool For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2079}
author = {Debili, Fathi; Sammouda, Elyes}
title = {Aligning Sentences In Bilingual Texts French - English And French - Arabic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2080}
author = {Doi, Shinichi; Muraki, Kazunori}
title = {Translation Ambiguity Resolution Based On Text Corpora Of Source And Target Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2081}
author = {Farwell, David; Guthrie, Louise; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {The Automatic Creation Of Lexical Entries For A Multilingual MT System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2082}
author = {Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Hyponyms From Large Text Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2083}
author = {Montemagni, Simonetta; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {Structural Patterns Vs. String Patterns For Extracting Semantic Information From Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2084}
author = {Rosen, Alexandr; Hajicová, Eva; Hajič, Jan}
title = {Derivation Of Underlying Valency Frames From A Learner's Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2085}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi; Ananiadou, Sophia; Carroll, Jeremy J.; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Linguistic Knowledge Generator}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2086}
author = {Tanaka, Hideki; Aizawa, Teruaki; Kim, Yeun-Bae; Hatada, Nobuko}
title = {A Method Of Translating English Delexical Structures Into Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2087}
author = {Tomiura, Yoichi; Nakamura, Teigo; Hitaka, Toru; Yoshida, Sho}
title = {Logical Form Of Hierarchical Relation On Verbs And Extracting It From Definition Sentences In A Japanese Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2088}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Matsumoto, Yuji; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Lexical Knowledge Acquisition From Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2089}
author = {Veronis, Jean; Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {A Feature-Based Model For Lexical Databases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2090}
author = {Adriaens, Geert; Schreurs, Dirk}
title = {From Cogram To Alcogram: Toward A Controlled English Grammar Checker}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2091}
author = {Beaven, John L.}
title = {Shake-And-Bake Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2092}
author = {Brew, Chris}
title = {Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag: Generation For Shake-And-Bake MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2093}
author = {Cerbah, Farid}
title = {Integrating Qualitative Reasoning And Text Planning To Generate Casual Explanations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2094}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Parameterization Of The Interlingua In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2095}
author = {Fong, Sandiway; Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {Isolating Cross-Linguistic Parsing Complexity With A Principles-And-Parameters Parser: A Case Study Of Japanese And English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2096}
author = {Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Generating Coherent Argumentative Paragraphs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2097}
author = {Furuse, Osamu; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {Cooperation Between Transfer And Analysis In Example-Based Framework}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2098}
author = {Gawronska-Werngren, Barbara}
title = {Aspect - A Problem For MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2099}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sterling, John}
title = {Acquisition Of Selectional Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2100}
author = {Hayashi, Yoshihiko}
title = {A Three-Level Revision Model For Improving Japanese Bad-Styled Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2101}
author = {Kaji, Hiroyuki; Kida, Yuuko; Morimoto, Yasutsugu}
title = {Learning Translation Templates From Bilingual Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2102}
author = {Kinoshita, Satoshi; Phillips, John; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Interaction Between Structural Changes In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2103}
author = {Kohl, Dieter}
title = {Generation From Under- And Overspecified Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2104}
author = {Miura, Mitsugu; Hirata, Mikito; Hoshino, Nami}
title = {Learning Mechanism In Machine Translation System PIVOT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2105}
author = {Neumann, Günter; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Self-Monitoring With Reversible Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2106}
author = {Nishikimi, Mikiko; Nakashima, Hideyuki; Matsubara, Hitoshi}
title = {Language Acquisition As Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2107}
author = {Nomiyama, Hiroshi}
title = {Machine Translation By Case Generalization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2108}
author = {Oberlander, Jon; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Preventing False Temporal Implicatures: Interactive Defaults For Text Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2109}
author = {Sadler, Louisa; Arnold, Doug J.}
title = {A Constraint-Based Approach To Translating Anaphoric Dependencies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2110}
author = {Shimazu, Hideo; Arita, Seigo; Takashima, Yosuke}
title = {Design Tool Combining Keyword Analyzer And Case-Based Parser For Developing Natural Language Database Interfaces}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2111}
author = {De Souza, Clarisse Sieckenius; Das Gracas Volpe Nunes, Maria}
title = {Explanatory Text Planning In Logic Based Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2112}
author = {Sigurd, Bengt; Willners, Caroline; Eeg-Olofsson, Mats; Johansson, Christer}
title = {Deep Comprehension Generation And Translation Of Weather Forecasts (WEATHRA)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2113}
author = {Suzuki, Masami}
title = {A Method Of Utilizing Domain And Language Specific Constraints In Dialogue Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2114}
author = {Tutin, Agnes; Kittredge, Richard}
title = {Lexical Choice In Context: Generating Procedural Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2115}
author = {Watanabe, Hideo}
title = {A Similarity-Driven Transfer System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2116}
author = {Weisweber, Wilhelm}
title = {Term-Rewriting As A Basis For A Uniform Architecture In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2117}
author = {Whitelock, Pete J.}
title = {Shake-And-Bake Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2118}
author = {Zelinsky-Wibbelt, Cornelia}
title = {Exploiting Linguistic Iconism For Article Selection In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2119}
author = {Bilange, Eric; Magadur, Jean-Yves}
title = {A Robust Approach For Handling Oral Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2120}
author = {Hosaka, Junko; Takezawa, Toshiyuki}
title = {Construction Of Corpus-Based Syntactic Rules For Accurate Speech Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2121}
author = {Kitano, Hiroaki; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Semantic Network Array Processor As A Massively Parallel Computing Platform For High Performance And Large-Scale Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2122}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Nelson, Andrew L.; Stenton, Phil}
title = {A Case Study Of Natural Language Customisation: The Practical Effects Of World Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-2123}
author = {Zajac, Remi}
title = {Towards Computer-Aided Linguistic Engineering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3125}
author = {Abramson, Harvey}
title = {A Logic Programming View Of Relational Morphology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3126}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {A Computational Model Of Language Performance: Data Oriented Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3127}
author = {Chien, Arnold J.}
title = {A Hybrid System For Quantifier Scoping}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3128}
author = {Dirksen, Arthur}
title = {Accenting And Deaccenting: A Declarative Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3129}
author = {Wehrli, Eric}
title = {The IPS System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3130}
author = {Inagaki, Hirohito; Nakagawa, Tohru}
title = {An Abstraction Method Using A Semantic Engine Based On Language Information Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3131}
author = {Nazarenko, Adeline}
title = {Causal Ambiguity In Natural Language: Conceptual Representation Of'parce Que/because' And 'puisque/since'}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3132}
author = {Panevova, Jarmila; Skoumalova, Hana}
title = {Surface And Deep Cases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3133}
author = {Segond, Frederique; Jensen, Karen}
title = {An Integrated Syntactic And Semantic System For Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3134}
author = {Carletta, Jean}
title = {Planning To Fail Not Failing To Plan: Risk-Taking And Recovery In Task-Oriented Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3135}
author = {Gelain, Blandine; Sedogbo, Celestin}
title = {La Resoution D'anaphore A Partir D'un Lexique-Grammaire Des Verbes Anaphoriques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3136}
author = {Quilici, Alex}
title = {Arguing About Planning Alternatives}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3137}
author = {Jyh, Paul Wu Horng; Lytinen, Steven L.}
title = {Attitude Emergence - An Effective Interpretation Scheme For Persuasive Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3138}
author = {Bateman, John A.; Emele, Martin C.; Momma, Stefan}
title = {The Nondirectional Representation Of Systemic Functional Grammars And Semantics As Typed Feature Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3139}
author = {Chang, Jyun-Sheng; Chang, Andrew; Lin, Tsuey-Fen; Ker, Sur-Jin}
title = {A Statistical Approach To Machine Aided Translation Of Terminology Banks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3140}
author = {Milhaud, Gerard; Pasero, Robert; Sabatier, Paul}
title = {Partial Synthesis Of Sentences By Coroutining Constraints On Different Levels Of Well-Formedness}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3141}
author = {Mitjushin, Leonid}
title = {High-Probability Syntactic Links}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3142}
author = {Caligaris, C.; Cappelli, Amedeo; Catarsi, M. N.; Moretti, Lorenzo}
title = {An Integrated Environment For Lexical Analyses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3143}
author = {Chanod, Jean-Pierre; El-Bèze, Marc; Guillemin-Lanne, Sylvie}
title = {Coupling An Automatic Dictation System With A Grammar Checker}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3144}
author = {Goldberg, Jeff; Kalman, Laszlo}
title = {The First Bug Report}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3145}
author = {Karp, Daniel; Schabes, Yves; Zaidel, Martin; Egedi, Dania}
title = {A Freely Available Wide Coverage Morphological Analyzer For English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3146}
author = {Meyer, Ingrid; Skuce, Douglas; Bowker, Lynne; Eck, Karen}
title = {Towards A New Generation Of Terminological Resources: An Experiment In Building A Terminological Knowledge Base}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3147}
author = {Myers, John K.}
title = {B-SURE: A Believed Situation And Uncertain-Action Representation Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3148}
author = {Phan, Huy Khanh; Boitet, Christian}
title = {Multilinguisation D'un Editeur De Documents Structures. Application A Un Dictionnaire Trilingue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3149}
author = {Picchi, Eugenio; Peters, Carol; Marinai, Elisabeitta}
title = {A Translator's Workstation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3150}
author = {Bourigault, Didier}
title = {Surface Grammatical Analysis For The Extraction Of Terminological Noun Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3151}
author = {Dutoit, Dominique}
title = {A Set-Theoretic Approach To Lexical Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3152}
author = {Martin, Willy}
title = {Concept-Oriented Parsing Of Definitions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3153}
author = {Roche, Emmanuel}
title = {Text Disambiguation By Finite State Automata An Algorithm And Experiments On Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3154}
author = {Boesefeldt, Katharina; Bouillon, Pierrette}
title = {Une Representation Semantique Et Un Systeme De Transfert Pour Une Traduction De Haute Qualite. Presentation De Projet Avec Demonstration Sur Machines SUN}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3155}
author = {Bolioli, Andrea; Dini, Luca; Malnati, Giovanni}
title = {JDII: Parsing Italian With A Robust Constraint Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3156}
author = {Copeck, Terry; Delisle, Sylvain; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Parsing And Case Analysis In TANKA}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3157}
author = {Genthial, Damien; Courtin, Jacques}
title = {From Detection/Correction To Computer Aided Writing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3158}
author = {Iordanskaja, Lidija; Kim, Myunghee; Kittredge, Richard; Lavoie, Benoit; Polguere, Alain}
title = {Generation Of Extended Bilingual Statistical Reports}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3159}
author = {Kerpedjiev, Stephan M.}
title = {Generation Of Informative Texts With Style}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3160}
author = {Kese, Ralf; Dudda, Friedrich; Kugler, Marianne}
title = {Automatic Proofreading Of Frozen Phrases In German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3161}
author = {Takeda, Koichi; Uramoto, Naohiko; Nasukawa, Tetsuya; Tsutsumi, Taijiro}
title = {Shalt2 - A Symmetric Machine Translation System With Conceptual Transfer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3162}
author = {T'sou, Benjamin K.; Ho, Hing-Cheung; Lai, Tom Bong-Yeung; Lun, Caesar Suen; Lin, Hing-Lung}
title = {A Knowledge-Based Machine-Aided System For Chinese Text Abstraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3163}
author = {Abraham, Maryvonne; Descles, Jean Pierre}
title = {Interaction Between Lexicon And Image: Linguistic Specifications Of Animation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3164}
author = {Morimoto, Tsuyoshi; Suzuki, Masami; Takezawa, Toshiyuki; Kikui, Genichiro; Nagata, Masaaki; Tomokiyo, Mutsuko}
title = {A Spoken Language Translation System: SL-TRANS2}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3165}
author = {Saito, Hiroaki}
title = {Interactive Speech Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3166}
author = {Royaute, J.; Schmitt, L.; Olivetan, E.}
title = {Les Experiences D'indexation A L'inist}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3167}
author = {Takeshita, Atsushi}
title = {Recognizing Topics Through The Use Of Interaction Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-3168}
author = {Nyberg, Eric H.; Mitamura, Teruko}
title = {The KANT System: Fast Accurate High-Quality Translation In Practical Domains}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4170}
author = {Lesmo, Leonardo; Lombardo, Vincenzo}
title = {The Assignment Of Grammatical Relations In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4171}
author = {Milward, David}
title = {Dynamics Dependency Grammar And Incremental Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4172}
author = {Sirai, Hidetosi}
title = {Syntactic Constraints On Relativization In Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4173}
author = {Webster, Jonathan J.; Kitt, Chunyu}
title = {Tokenization As The Initial Phase In NLP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4174}
author = {Weisweber, Wilhelm; Preuß, Susanne}
title = {Direct Parsing With Metarules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4175}
author = {Black, Alan W.}
title = {Embedding DRT In A Situation Theoretic Framework}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4176}
author = {De Palma, Paul}
title = {Riddles: Accessibility And Knowledge Representation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4177}
author = {Klavans, Judith L.; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Degrees Of Stativity: The Lexical Representation Of Verb Aspect}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4178}
author = {Santos, Diana}
title = {A Tense And Aspect Calculus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4179}
author = {Ward, Nigel}
title = {An Alternative To Deep Case For Representing Relational Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4180}
author = {Chui, Ka-Wai}
title = {Preferred Argument Structure For Discourse Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4181}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di; White, Michael}
title = {On The Interpretation Of Natural Language Instructions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4182}
author = {Yamaoka, Takayuki; Iida, Hitoshi; Arita, Hidekazu}
title = {Predicting Noun-Phrase Surface Forms Using Contextual Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4183}
author = {Aarts, Erik}
title = {Uniform Recognition For Acyclic Context-Sensitive Grammars Is NP-Complete}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4184}
author = {Maruyama, Hiroshi}
title = {JAUNT: A Constraint Solver For Disjunctive Feature Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4185}
author = {Strömbäck, Lena}
title = {Unifying Disjunctive Feature Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4186}
author = {Asker, Lars; Gambäck, Björn; Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {EBL2: An Approach To Automatic Lexical Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4187}
author = {Bouchard, Lorne H.; Emirkanian, Louisette; Estival, Dominique; Fay-Varnier, Christine; Fouquere, Christophe; Prigent, G.; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {First Results Of A French Linguistic Development Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4188}
author = {Adriaens, Geert; De Braekeleer, Gert}
title = {Converting Large On-Line Valency Dictionaries For NLP Applications: From Proton Descriptions To Metal Frames}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4189}
author = {Bruce, Rebecca F.; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Genus Disambiguation: A Study In Weighted Preference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4190}
author = {Pin-Ngern Conlon, Sumali; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {Can Computers Handle Adverbs?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4191}
author = {Enguehard, Chantal; Malvache, P.; Trigano, P.}
title = {Indexation De Textes: L'apprentissage Des Concepts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4192}
author = {Ferrane, I.; De Calmes, M.; Cotto, D.; Pecatte, J. M.; Perennou, G.}
title = {Besoins Lexicaux A La Lumiere De L'Analyse Statistique Du Corpus De Textes Du Projet BREF - Le Lexique BDLEX Du Francais Ecrit Et Oral}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4193}
author = {Firzlaff, Beate; Haenelt, Karin}
title = {On The Acquisition Of Conceptual Definitions Via Textual Modelling Of Meaning Paraphrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4194}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {A Chinese Corpus For Linguistic Research}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4195}
author = {Pachunke, T.; Mertineit, O.; Wothke, Klaus; Schmidt, R.}
title = {Broad Coverage Automatic Morphological Segmentation Of German Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4196}
author = {Yeates Sedelow, Sally; Sedelow Jr., Walter A.}
title = {Recent Model-Based And Model-Related Studies Of A Large Scale Lexical Resource}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4197}
author = {Yusuf, Hammam R.}
title = {An Analysis Of Indonesian Language For Interlingual Machine-Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4198}
author = {Blanchon, Hervé}
title = {A Solution For The Problem Of Interactive Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4199}
author = {Wang, Liang-Jyh; Li, Wei-Chuan; Chang, Chao-Huang}
title = {Recognizing Unregistered Names For Mandarin Word Identification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4200}
author = {Ciravegna, Fabio; Campia, Paolo; Colognese, Alberto}
title = {Knowledge Extraction From Texts By Sintesi}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4201}
author = {Rackow, Ulrike; Dagan, Ido; Schwall, Ulrike}
title = {Automatic Translation Of Noun Compounds}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4202}
author = {Mitamura, Teruko; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Hierarchical Lexical Structure And Interpretive Mapping In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4203}
author = {Sato, Satoshi}
title = {CTM: An Example-Based Translation Aid System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4204}
author = {Spyns, Peter; Adriaens, Geert}
title = {Applying And Improving The Restriction Grammar Approach For Dutch Patient Discharge Summaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4205}
author = {Carson-Berndsen, Julie; Gibbon, Dafydd}
title = {Event Relations At The Phonetics/Phonology Interface}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4206}
author = {Haddock, Nicholas J.}
title = {Multimodal Database Query}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4207}
author = {Yamada, Atsushi; Yamamoto, Tadashi; Ikeda, Hisashi; Nishida, Toyoaki; Doshita, Shuji}
title = {Reconstructing Spatial Image From Natural Language Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4208}
author = {Roudaud, B.}
title = {Typology Study Of French Technical Texts With A View To Developing A Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4209}
author = {Seite, B.; Bachut, Daniel; Maret, D.; Roudaud, B.}
title = {Presentation Of The EUROLANG Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4210}
author = {Paducheva, Elena V.; Rakhilina, Ekaterina V.; Filipenko, Marina V.}
title = {Semantic Dictionary Viewed As A Lexical Database}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4211}
author = {Yuan, Chunfa; Huang, Changning; Pan, Shimei}
title = {Knowledge Acquisition And Chinese Parsing Based On Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4212}
author = {Zernik, Uri}
title = {Closed Yesterday And Closed Minds: Asking The Right Questions Of The Corpus To Distinguish Thematic From Sentential Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4213}
author = {Coleman, John}
title = {Morphophonology In Unification-Based Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4214}
author = {Eriksson, Gunnar; Kallgren, Gunnel}
title = {Marking And Tagging A Computerized Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4215}
author = {Fawcett, Robin P.; Tucker, Gordon H.; Lin, Yuen Q.}
title = {The Communal Project: How To Get From Semantics To Syntax}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C92-4216}
author = {Alonge, Antonietta}
title = {Analysing Dictionary Definitions Of Motion Verbs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1992}
id = {C94-1001}
author = {Kinoshita, Satoshi; Kumano, Akira; Hirakawa, Hideki}
title = {Improvement In Customizability Using Translation Templates}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1002}
author = {Bond, Francis; Ogura, Kentaro; Ikehara, Satoru}
title = {Countability And Number In Japanese To English Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1003}
author = {Watanabe, Hideo}
title = {A Method For Distinguishing Exceptional And General Examples In Example-Based Transfer Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1004}
author = {Gawronska-Werngren, Barbara; Nordner, Anders; Johansson, Christer; Willners, Caroline}
title = {Interpreting Compounds For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1005}
author = {Cornish, Tim; Fujita, Kimikazu; Sugimura, Ryochi}
title = {Towards Machine Translation Using Contextual Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1006}
author = {Allmuallim, Ilussein; Akiba, Yasuhiro; Yamazaki, Takefumi; Yokoo, Akio; Kaneda, Shigeo}
title = {Two Methods For Learning ALT-J/E Translation Rules From Examples And A Semantic Hierarchy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1007}
author = {Sobashima, Yasuhiro; Furuse, Osamu; Akamine, Susumu; Kawai, Jun; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {A Bidirectional Transfer-Driven Machine Translation System For Spoken Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1008}
author = {Steinberger, Ralf}
title = {Treating 'Free Word Order' In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1009}
author = {Kumano, Akira; Hirakawa, Hideki}
title = {Building An MT Dictionary From Parallel Texts Based On Linguistic And Statistical Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1010}
author = {Karlgren, Hans; Karlgren, Jussi; Nordstrom, Magnus; Pettersson, Paul; Wahrolen, Bengt}
title = {DILEMMA - An Instant Lexicographer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1011}
author = {Takeda, Koichi}
title = {Portable Knowledge Sources For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1012}
author = {Baker, Kathryn L.; Franz, Alexander M.; Jordan, Pamela W.; Mitamura, Teruko; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Coping With Ambiguity In A Large-Scale Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1013}
author = {Nyberg, Eric H.; Mitamura, Teruko; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Evaluation Metrics For Knowledge-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1014}
author = {Cranias, Lambros; Papageorgiou, Harris; Piperidis, Stelios}
title = {A Matching Technique In Example-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1015}
author = {Furuse, Osamu; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {Constituent Boundary Parsing For Example-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1016}
author = {Modina, Larisa S.; Shalyapina, Zoya M.}
title = {The JaRAP Experimental System Of Japanese-Russian Automatic Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1017}
author = {Blanchon, Hervé}
title = {Perspectives Of DBMT For Monolingual Authors On The Basis Of LIDIA-1 An Implemented Mock-Up}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1018}
author = {Sigurd, Bengt; Gawronska-Werngren, Barbara}
title = {Modals As A Problem For MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1019}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Frederking, Robert E.; Farwell, David; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Two Types Of Adaptive MT Environments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1020}
author = {Choi, Key-Sun; Lee, Seungmi; Kim, Hiongun; Kim, Deok-Bong; Kweon, Cheoljung; Kim, Gilchang}
title = {An English-To-Korean Machine Translator: MATES/EK}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1021}
author = {Ro, Atle}
title = {Interlanguage Signs And Lexical Transfer Errors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1022}
author = {Trost, Harald; Matiasek, Johannes}
title = {Morphology With A Null-Interface}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1023}
author = {Lin, Yi-Chung; Chiang, Tung-Hui; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {Automatic Model Refinement - With An Application To Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1024}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Disambiguation Of Super Parts Of Speech (Or Supertags): Almost Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1025}
author = {Kempe, Andre}
title = {Probabilistic Tagging With Feature Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1026}
author = {Chen, Kuang-Hua; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {A Part-Of-Speech-Based Alignment Algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1027}
author = {Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Part-Of-Speech Tagging With Neural Networks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1028}
author = {Kanovich, Max I.; Shalyapina, Zoya M.}
title = {The Rumors System Of Russian Synthesis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1029}
author = {Kiraz, George Anton}
title = {Multi-Tape Two-Level Morphology: A Case Study In Semitic Non-Linear Morphology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1030}
author = {Araki, Tetsuo; Ikehara, Satoru; Tsukahara, Nobuyuki; Komatsu, Yasunori}
title = {An Evaluation To Detect And Correct Erroneous Characters Wrongly Substituted Deleted And Inserted In Japanese And English Sentences Using Markov Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1031}
author = {Hisamitsu, Toru; Nitta, Yoshihiko}
title = {An Efficient Treatment Of Japanese Verb Inflection For Morphological Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1032}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {A Stochastic Japanese Morphological Analyzer Using A Forward-DP Backward-A* N-Best Search Algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1033}
author = {Maruyama, Hiroshi}
title = {Backtracking-Free Dictionary Access Method For Japanese Morphological Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1034}
author = {Gasser, Michael}
title = {Modularity In A Connectionist Model Of Morphology Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1035}
author = {Kang, Seung Shik; Kim, Yung Taek}
title = {Syllable-Based Model For The Korean Morphology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1036}
author = {Nobesawa, Shiho; Tsutsumi, Junya; Nitta, Tomoaki; Ono, Kotaro; Jiang, Sun Da; Nakanishi, Masakazu}
title = {Segmenting A Sentence Into Morphemes Using Statistic Information Between Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1037}
author = {Pirrelli, Vito; Federici, Stefano}
title = {Derivational Paradigms In Morphonology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1038}
author = {Nomura, Naoyuki; Jones, Douglas A.; Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {An Architecture For A Universal Lexicon A Case Study On Shared Syntactic Information In Japanese Hindi Bengali Greek And English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1039}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan; Bouma, Gosse}
title = {Adjuncts And The Processing Of Lexical Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1040}
author = {Koizumi, A.; Arioka, M.; Harada, C.; Sugimoto, Masakatsu; Guthrie, Louise; Watts, C.; Catizone, Roberta; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Noun Phrasal Entries In The EDR English Word Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1041}
author = {Hernert, Patrice}
title = {KASSYS: A Definition Acquisition System In Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1042}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Macleod, Catherine; Meyers, Adam}
title = {Comlex Syntax: Building A Computational Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1043}
author = {Sanfilippo, Antonio}
title = {Word Knowledge Acquisition Lexicon Construction And Dictionary Compilation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1044}
author = {Serasset, Gilles}
title = {Interlingual Lexical Organisation For Multilingual Lexical Databases In NADIA}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1045}
author = {Gaschler, Jean; Lafourcade, Mathieu}
title = {Manipulating Human-Oriented Dictionaries With Very Simple Tools}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1046}
author = {Fafiotte, Georges; Tcheou, Francois}
title = {Towards Linguistic Knowledge Discovery Assistants: Application To Learning Lexical Properties Of Chinese Characters}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1047}
author = {Meddeb-Hamrouni, Boubaker}
title = {Logic Compression Of Dictionaries For Multilingual Spelling Checkers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1048}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko; Umemura, Kyoji}
title = {Construction Of A Bilingual Dictionary Intermediated By A Third Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1049}
author = {Niwa, Yoshiki; Nitta, Yoshihiko}
title = {Co-Occurrence Vectors From Corpora Vs. Distance Vectors From Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1050}
author = {Tsunoda, Tatsuhiko; Tanaka, Hidehiko}
title = {Analysis Of Scene Identification Ability Of Associative Memory With Pictorial Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1051}
author = {Lenke, Nils}
title = {Anticipating The Reader's Problems And The Automatic Generation Of Paraphrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1052}
author = {Ageno, Alicia; Ribas Framis, Francesc; Rigau, German; Rodríquez, Horacio; Samiotou, Anna}
title = {TGE: Tlinks Generation Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1053}
author = {Huang, Xiaorong}
title = {Planning Argumentative Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1054}
author = {Zhu, Gang; Shadbolt, Nigel}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To The Automatic Planning Of Textual Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1055}
author = {Rösner, Dietmar; Stede, Manfred}
title = {Generating Multilingual Documents From A Knowledge Base The TECHDOC Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1056}
author = {Ono, Kenji; Sumita, Kazuo; Miike, Seiji}
title = {Abstract Generation Based On Rhetorical Structure Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1057}
author = {Levin, Lori S.; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {The Correct Place Of Lexical Semantics In Interlingual MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1058}
author = {Harbusch, Karin; Kikui, Genichiro; Kilger, Anne}
title = {Default Handling In Incremental Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1059}
author = {Komatsu, Eiji; Cui, Jin; Yasuhara, Hiroshi}
title = {English Generation From Interlingua By Example-Based Method}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1060}
author = {Wanner, Leo}
title = {On Lexically Biased Discourse Organization In Text Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1061}
author = {Broker, Norbert; Hahn, Udo; Schacht, Susanne}
title = {Concurrent Lexicalized Dependency Parsing: The ParseTalk Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1062}
author = {Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {Notes On LR Parser Design}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1063}
author = {Pericliev, Vladimir; Grigorov, Alexander}
title = {Parsing A Flexible Word Order Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1064}
author = {Gerdemann, Dale}
title = {Parsing As Tree Traversal}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1065}
author = {Pitsch, Gisela}
title = {LR(k)-Parsing Of Coupled-Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1066}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Constructing Lexical Transducers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1067}
author = {Quantz, J. Joachim}
title = {An HPSG Parser Based On Description Logics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1068}
author = {Ishii, Masayuki; Ohta, Kazuhisa; Saito, Hiroaki}
title = {An Efficient Parser Generator For Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1069}
author = {Jones, Bernard E. M.}
title = {Exploring The Role Of Punctuation In Parsing Natural Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1070}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Seligman, Mark}
title = {The Whiteboard Architecture: A Way To Integrate Heterogeneous Components Of NLP Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1071}
author = {Roche, Emmanuel}
title = {Two Parsing Algorithms By Means Of Finite State Transducers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1072}
author = {Uszkoreit, Hans; Backofen, Rolf; Busemann, Stephan; Diagne, Abdel Kader; Hinkelman, Elizabeth A.; Kasper, Walter; Kiefer, Bernd; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich; Netter, Klaus; Neumann, Günter; Oepen, Stephan; Spackman, Stephen P.}
title = {DISCO - An HPSG-Based NLP System And Its Application For Appointment Scheduling: Project Note}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1073}
author = {Liu, Key-Long; Soo, Von-Wun}
title = {A Corpus-Based Learning Technique For Building A Self-Extensible Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1074}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Velardi, Paola}
title = {A Not-So-Shallow Parser For Collocational Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1075}
author = {Barthélemy, François; Rouaix, Francois}
title = {A Modular Architecture For Constraint-Based Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1076}
author = {Wiren, Mats}
title = {Minimal Change And Bounded Incremental Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1077}
author = {Hasida, Koiti}
title = {Emergent Parsing And Generation With Generalized Chart}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1078}
author = {Konig, Esther}
title = {Syntactic-Head-Driven Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1079}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {PRINCIPAR - An Efficient Broad-Coverage Principle-Based Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1080}
author = {Schacht, Susanne; Hahn, Udo; Broker, Norbert}
title = {Concurrent Lexicalized Dependency Parsing: A Behavioral View On ParseTalk Events}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1081}
author = {Gungordu, Zelal; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Parsing Turkish Using The Lexical Functional Grammar Formalism}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1082}
author = {Ballim, Afzal; Russell, Graham J.}
title = {LHIP: Extended DCGs For Configurable Robust Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1083}
author = {Muskens, Reinhard}
title = {Categorial Grammar And Discourse Representation Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1084}
author = {Daille, Béatrice; Gaussier, Eric; Lange, Jean-Marc}
title = {Towards Automatic Extraction Of Monolingual And Bilingual Terminology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1085}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Gale, William A.; Helfman, Jonathan I.; Lewis, David D.}
title = {Fax: An Alternative To SGML}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1086}
author = {Andre, Elisabeth; Rist, Thomas}
title = {Referring To World Objects With Text And Pictures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1087}
author = {Kim, Deok-Bong; Lee, Sungjin; Choi, Key-Sun; Kim, Gilchang}
title = {A Two-Level Morphological Analysis Of Korean}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1088}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Chen, Keh-Jiann; Yang, Yun-Yan}
title = {Character-Based Collocation For Mandarin Chinese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1089}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Arregi, Xabier; Artola, Xabier; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Sarasola, Kepa}
title = {Lexical Knowledge Representation In An Intelligent Dictionary Help System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1090}
author = {Hurst, Matthew}
title = {Reversible Resolution With An Application To Paraphrasing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1091}
author = {Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Pantachat, Wantanee; Meknavin, Surapant}
title = {Classifier Assignment By Corpus-Based Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1092}
author = {Jarvinen, Timo}
title = {Annotating 200 Million Words: The Bank Of English Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1093}
author = {Tashiro, Toshihisa; Uratani, Noriyoshi; Morimoto, Tsuyoshi}
title = {Restructuring Tagged Corpora With Morpheme Adjustment Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1094}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {Encoding Standards For Large Text Resources: The Text Encoding Initiative}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1095}
author = {Silberztein, Max D.}
title = {INTEX: A Corpus Processing System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1096}
author = {Luk, Robert Wing Pong}
title = {An IBM-PC Environment For Chinese Corpus Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1097}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Veronis, Jean}
title = {MULTEXT: Multilingual Text Tools And Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1098}
author = {Sagawa, Yuji; Ohnishi, Noboru; Sugie, Noboru}
title = {A Parser Coping With Self-Repaired Japanese Utterances And Large Corpus-Based Evaluation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1099}
author = {Andry, Francois; Gawron, Jean Mark; Dowding, John; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {A Tool For Collecting Domain Dependent Sortal Constraints From Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1100}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Building A Lexical Domain Map From Text Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1101}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Mori, Shinsuke}
title = {A New Method Of N-Gram Statistics For Large Number Of N And Automatic Extraction Of Words And Phrases From Large Text Data Of Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1102}
author = {Lepage, Yves}
title = {Non-Directionality And Self-Assessment In An Example-Based System Using Genetic Algorithms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1103}
author = {Leech, Geoffrey; Garside, Roger; Bryant, Michael}
title = {CLAWS4: The Tagging Of The British National Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-1104}
author = {Tapanainen, Pasi; Jarvinen, Timo}
title = {Syntactic Analysis Of Natural Language Using Linguistic Rules And Corpus-Based Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2105}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {Word Sense Acquisition For Multilingual Text Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2106}
author = {Nakaiwa, Hiromi; Yokoo, Akio; Ikehara, Satoru}
title = {A System Of Verbal Semantic Attributes Focused On The Syntactic Correspondence Between Japanese And English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2107}
author = {Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Nishizawa, Shinichiro}
title = {Semantics Of Complex Sentences In Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2108}
author = {Sibun, Penelope; Farrar, David S.}
title = {Content Characterization Using Word Shape Tokens}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2109}
author = {DiMarco, Chrysanne}
title = {The Nature Of Near-Synonymic Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2110}
author = {Sanfilippo, Antonio; Benkerimi, Kerima; Dwehus, Dagmar}
title = {Virtual Polysemy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2111}
author = {Webster, Jonathan J.}
title = {Building A Windows-Based Bilingual Functional Semantic Processor}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2112}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Bouillon, Pierrette}
title = {On The Proper Role Of Coercion In Semantic Typing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2113}
author = {Dolan, William B.}
title = {Word Sense Ambiguation: Clustering Related Senses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2114}
author = {Uramoto, Naohiko}
title = {A Best-Match Algorithm For Broad-Coverage Example-Based Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2115}
author = {Hiyoshi, Mayumi; Shimazu, Hideo}
title = {Drawing Pictures With Natural Language And Direct Manipulation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2116}
author = {Tanaka, Hideki}
title = {Verbal Case Frame Acquisition From A Bilingual Corpus: Gradual Knowledge Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2117}
author = {Yeh, Ching-Long; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {An Empirical Study On The Generation Of Zero Anaphors In Chinese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2118}
author = {Chakravarthy, Anil S.}
title = {Representing Information Need With Semantic Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2119}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sterling, John}
title = {Generalizing Automatically Generated Selectional Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2120}
author = {Milward, David; Cooper, Robin}
title = {Incremental Interpretation: Applications Theory And Relationship To Dynamic Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2121}
author = {Okumura, Manabu; Honda, Takeo}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation And Text Segmentation Based On Lexical Cohesion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2122}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Automatic Recognition Of Verbal Polysemy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2123}
author = {Ribas Framis, Francesc}
title = {An Experiment On Learning Appropriate Selectional Restrictions From A Parsed Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2124}
author = {Kamei, Shin-ichiro; Muraki, Kazunori}
title = {A Discrete Model Of Degree Concept In Natural Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2125}
author = {Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {Algorithm For Automatic Interpretation Of Noun Sequences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2126}
author = {Wada, Hajime}
title = {A Treatment Of Functional Definite Descriptions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2127}
author = {Erbach, Gregor}
title = {Bottom-Up Earley Deduction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2128}
author = {Henschel, Renate; Bateman, John A.}
title = {The Merged Upper Model: A Linguistic Ontology For German And English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2129}
author = {Zubizarreta Aizpuru, J. R.; Jones, Craig}
title = {Modeling Dialogue By Functional Sub Categorization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2130}
author = {Rentier, Gerrit}
title = {Dutch Cross Serial Dependencies In HPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2131}
author = {Oliva, Karel}
title = {HPSG Lexicon Without Lexical Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2132}
author = {Sutcliffe, Richard F. E.; O'Sullivan, Donie; Meharg, Fergus}
title = {A Lexicon Of Distributed Noun Representations Constructed By Taxonomic Traversal}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2133}
author = {Shimazu, Hideo; Arita, Seigo; Takashima, Yosuke}
title = {Multi-Modal Definite Clause Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2134}
author = {Kiyono, Masaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Hypothesis Selection In Grammar Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2135}
author = {Strömbäck, Lena}
title = {Achieving Flexibility In Unification Formalisms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2136}
author = {Muraki, Kazunori; Akamine, Susumu; Satoh, Kenji; Ando, Shinichi}
title = {TWP: How To Assist English Production On Japanese Word Processor}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2137}
author = {Shaumyan, Sebastian}
title = {Long-Distance Dependencies And Applicative Universal Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2138}
author = {Han, Young S.; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {A Reestimation Algorithm For Probabilistic Ttecursive Transition Network}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2139}
author = {Yosiyuki, Kobayasi; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {Analysis Of Japanese Compound Nouns Using Collocational Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2140}
author = {Tojo, Satoshi}
title = {Free-Ordered CUG On Chemical Abstract Machine}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2141}
author = {Trujillo, Arturo}
title = {Computing First And Follow Functions For Feature-Theoretic Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2142}
author = {Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Focus On Only And Not}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2143}
author = {Kogure, Kiyoshi}
title = {Structure Sharing Problem And Its Solution In Graph Unification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2144}
author = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich; Schäfer, Ulrich}
title = {TDL - A Type Description Language For Constraint-Based Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2145}
author = {Rupp, C. J.; Johnson, Rod L.}
title = {On The Portability Of Complex Constraint-Based Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2146}
author = {Kuboň, Vladislav; Platek, Martin}
title = {A Grammar Based Approach To A Grammar Checking Of Free Word Order Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2147}
author = {Lee, Wonil; Lee, Gary Geunbae; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Table-Driven Neural Syntactic Analysis Of Spoken Korean}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2148}
author = {Martinovic, Miroslav}
title = {Universal Guides And Finiteness And Symmetry Of Grammar Processing Algorithms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2149}
author = {Doran, Christine; Egedi, Dania; Hockey, Beth Ann; Bangalore, Srinivas; Zaidel, Martin}
title = {XTAG System - A Wide Coverage Grammar For English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2150}
author = {op den Akker, Rieks; Ter Doest, Hugo}
title = {Weakly Restricted Stochastic Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2151}
author = {Milward, David}
title = {Non-Constituent Coordination: Theory And Practice}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2152}
author = {Lin, Koong H. C.; Soo, Von-Wun}
title = {Hypothesis Scoring Over Theta Grids Information In Parsing Chinese Sentences With Serial Verb Constructions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2153}
author = {Zhou, Ming; Huang, Changning}
title = {An Efficient Syntactic Tagging Tool For Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2154}
author = {Gerdemann, Dale; King, Paul John}
title = {The Correct And Efficient Implementation Of Appropriateness Specifications For Typed Feature Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2155}
author = {Adachi, Hisahiro; Kamata, Kazuo}
title = {A Classification Method For Japanese Signs Using Manual Motion Descriptions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2156}
author = {Klavans, Judith L.; Tzoukermann, Evelyne}
title = {Machine-Readable Dictionaries In Text-To-Speech Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2157}
author = {Tzoukermann, Evelyne}
title = {Issues In Text-To-Speech For French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2158}
author = {Black, Alan W.; Taylor, Paul}
title = {CHATR: A Generic Speech Synthesis System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2159}
author = {Hosaka, Junko; Seligman, Mark; Singer, Harald}
title = {Pause As A Phrase Demarcator For Speech And Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2160}
author = {Minnis, Stephen}
title = {The Parsody System: Automatic Prediction Of Prosodic Boundaries For Text-To-Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2161}
author = {Goerz, Guenther; Kesseler, Marcus}
title = {Anytime Algorithms For Speech Parsing?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2162}
author = {Pong, Sandiway}
title = {Towards A Proper Linguistic And Computational Treatment Of Scrambling: An Analysis Of Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2163}
author = {Ellison, T. Mark}
title = {Phonological Derivation In Optimality Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2164}
author = {Nakano, Mikio; Shimazu, Akira; Kogure, Kiyoshi}
title = {A Grammar And A Parser For Spontaneous Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2165}
author = {Johansson, Christer}
title = {Catching The Cheshire Cat}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2166}
author = {Speelman, Dirk; Adriaens, Geert}
title = {A Dutch To SQL Database Interface Using Generalized Quantifier Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2167}
author = {Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {A Methodology For Automatic Term Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2168}
author = {Pugeault, Florence; Saint-Dizier, Patrick; Monteil, Marie-Gaelle}
title = {Knowledge Extraction From Texts: A Method For Extracting Predicate-Argument Structures From Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2169}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Matsumoto, Mitsutaka; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Thesaurus-Based Efficient Example Retrieval By Generating Retrieval Queries From Similarities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2170}
author = {Ogonowski, Antoine; Herviou, Marie Luce; Dauphin, Eva}
title = {Tools For Extracting And Structuring Knowledge From Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2171}
author = {Collier, Robin}
title = {N-Gram Cluster Identification During Empirical Knowledge Representation Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2172}
author = {Guthrie, Louise; Walker, Elbert}
title = {Document Classification By Machine: Theory And Practice}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2173}
author = {Kitani, Tsuyoshi; Eriguchi, Yoshio; Hara, Masami}
title = {Pattern Matching In The TEXTRACT Information Extraction System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2174}
author = {Karlgren, Jussi; Cutting, Douglass}
title = {Recognizing Text Genres With Simple Metrics Using Discriminant Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2175}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Ikeda, Hiroshi; Yamane, Masaya; Matsumoto, Yuji; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Bilingual Text Matching Using Bilingual Dictionary And Statistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2176}
author = {Genthial, Damien; Courtin, Jacques; Menezo, Jacques}
title = {Towards A More User-Friendly Correction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2177}
author = {Langer, Hagen}
title = {Reverse Queries In DATR}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2178}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {K-Vec: A New Approach For Aligning Parallel Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2179}
author = {Uetake, Yoichi}
title = {A Formal Representation Of The Thematic-Rhematic Structure Of Sentences Based On A Typed A-Calculus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2180}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu}
title = {Customizing And Evaluating A Multilingual Discourse Module}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2181}
author = {Akama, Seiki; Nakayama, Yotaro}
title = {Consequence Relations In DRT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2182}
author = {Edmonds, Philip G.}
title = {Collaboration On Reference To Objects That Are Not Mutually Known}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2183}
author = {Kurohashi, Sadao; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Automatic Detection Of Discourse Structure By Checking Surface Information In Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2184}
author = {Abracos, Jose; Lopes, Gabriel}
title = {Extending DRT With A Focusing Mechanism For Pronominal Anaphora And Ellipsis Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2185}
author = {Wakao, Takahiro}
title = {Reference Resolution Using Semantic Patterns In Japanese Newspaper Articles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2186}
author = {Dohsaka, Kohji}
title = {Exploiting Reference Interaction In Resolving Temporal Reference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2187}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi; Nitta, Yoshihiko}
title = {A Grammatico-Statistical Approach To Discourse Partitioning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2188}
author = {Takada, Shingo; Doi, Norihisa}
title = {Centering In Japanese: A Step Towards Better Interpretation Of Pronouns And Zero-Pronouns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2189}
author = {Nasukawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Robust Method Of Pronoun Resolution Using Full-Text Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2190}
author = {Komatsu, Hisashi; Ogata, Norihiro; Ishikawa, Akira}
title = {Towards A Dynamic Theory Of Belief-Sharing In Cooperative Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2191}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {An Integrated Model For Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2192}
author = {Fukumoto, Jun'ichi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Breaking Down Rhetorical Relations For The Purpose Of Analysing Discourse Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2193}
author = {Bos, Johan}
title = {Presupposition And VP-Ellipsis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2194}
author = {Hinkelman, Elizabeth A.; Spackman, Stephen P.}
title = {Communicating With Multiple Agents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2195}
author = {Brill, Eric; Resnik, Philip}
title = {A Rule-Based Approach To Prepositional Phrase Attachment Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2196}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Discourse And Deliberation - Testing A Collaborative Strategy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2197}
author = {Akiba, Tomoyosi; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {A Bayesian Approach For User Modeling In Dialogue Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2198}
author = {Chang, Chao-Huang}
title = {Word Class Discovery For Postprocessing Chinese Handwriting Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2199}
author = {Dymetman, Marc}
title = {A Simple Transformation For Online-Parsable Grammars And Its Termination Properties}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2200}
author = {Guo, Cheng-Ming; Huang, Changning; Gong, Junping; Li, Jin}
title = {The Evolution Of Machine-Tractable Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2201}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {Discontinuity And The Lambek Calculus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2202}
author = {Heylen, Dirk; Maxwell, Kerry G.; Verhagen, Marc}
title = {Lexical Functions And Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2203}
author = {Jin, Wanying}
title = {Chinese Segmentation Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2204}
author = {King, Paul John}
title = {Typed Feature Structures As Descriptions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2205}
author = {Kipper, Karin Christine; Strube de Lima, Vera Lucia}
title = {Portuguese Analysis With Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2206}
author = {Kwon, Hyuk-Chul; Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Incremental Construction Of A Lexical Transducer For Korean}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2207}
author = {Lu, Ruzhan}
title = {Dynamic Logic With Possible World}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2208}
author = {Prószéky, Gábor; Pal, Miklos; Tihanyi, László}
title = {Humor-Based Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2209}
author = {Zhou, Qiang; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {Blending Segmentation With Tagging In Chinese Language Corpus Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2210}
author = {Sharman, R. A.}
title = {Syllable-Based Phonetic Transcription By Maximum Likelihood Methods}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2211}
author = {ten Hacken, Pius; Bopp, Stephan; Domenig, Marc; Holz, Dieter; Hsiung, Alain; Pedrazzini, Sandro}
title = {A Knowledge Acquisition And Management System For Morphological Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C94-2212}
author = {Zadrozny, Wlodek; Szummer, Marcin; Jarecki, Stanislaw; Johnson, David E.; Morgenstern, Leora}
title = {NL Understanding With A Grammar Of Constructions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1994}
id = {C96-1001}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.}
title = {Discovering The Sounds Of Discourse Structure Extended Abstract}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1002}
author = {Levelt, Willem J. M.}
title = {A Theory Of Lexical Access In Speech Production}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1003}
author = {Li, Hang; Abe, Naoki}
title = {Clustering Words With The MDL Principle}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1004}
author = {Li, Hang; Abe, Naoki}
title = {Learning Dependencies Between Case Frame Slots}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1005}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Rigau, German}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using Conceptual Density}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1006}
author = {Kaji, Hiroyuki; Aizono, Toshiko}
title = {Extracting Word Correspondences From Bilingual Corpora Based On Word Co-Occurrence Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1007}
author = {Amsili, Pascal; Hathout, Nabil}
title = {Computational Semantics Of Time/Negation Interaction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1008}
author = {Amtrup, Jan W.; Benra, Jorg}
title = {Communication In Large Distributed AI Systems For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1009}
author = {Frantzi, Katerina T.; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Extracting Nested Collocations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1010}
author = {Antoine, Jean-Yves}
title = {Parsing Spoken Language Without Syntax}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1011}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Hausman, Kevin}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of A Rule-Based Spanish Part Of Speech Tagger}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1012}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Inui, Kentaro; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {To What Extent Does Case Contribute To Verb Sense Disambiguation?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1013}
author = {Barriere, Caroline; Popowich, Fred}
title = {Concept Clustering And Knowledge Integration From A Children's Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1014}
author = {Batliner, Anton; Feldhaus, Anke; Geissler, Stefan; Kiessling, Andreas; Kiss, Tibor; Kompe, Ralf; Noth, Elmar}
title = {Integrating Syntactic And Prosodic Information For The Efficient Detection Of Empty Categories}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1015}
author = {Pirrelli, Vito; Battista, Marco}
title = {Monotonic Paradigmatic Schemata In Italian Verb Inflection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1016}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Mahesh, Kavi; Beale, Stephen}
title = {Measuring Semantic Coverage}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1017}
author = {Beesley, Kenneth R.}
title = {Arabic Finite-State Morphological Analysis And Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1018}
author = {Daelemans, Walter; Berck, Peter; Gillis, Steven}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery Of Phonological Categories Through Supervised Learning Of Morphological Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1019}
author = {Trujillo, Arturo; Berry, Simon}
title = {Connectivity In Bag Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1020}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Eubank, Stephen; Kashioka, Hideki; Magerman, David M.; Garside, Roger; Leech, Geoffrey}
title = {Beyond Skeleton Parsing: Producing A Comprehensive Large-Scale General-English Treebank With Full Grammatical Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1021}
author = {Kennedy, Christopher; Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {Anaphora For Everyone: Pronominal Anaphora Resolution Without A Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1022}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Tomokiyo, Mutsuko}
title = {Theory And Practice Of Ambiguity Labelling With A View To Interactive Disambiguation In Text And Speech MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1023}
author = {Bond, Francis; Ogura, Kentaro; Ikehara, Satoru}
title = {Classifiers In Japanese-To-English Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1024}
author = {Bos, Johan; Gambäck, Björn; Lieske, Christian; Mori, Yoshiki; Pinkal, Manfred; Worm, Karsten L.}
title = {Compositional Semantics In Verbmobil}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1025}
author = {Bouaud, Jacques; Bachimont, Bruno; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Processing Metonymy- A Domain-Model Heuristic Graph Traversal Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1026}
author = {Bouillon, Pierrette}
title = {Mental State Adjectives: The Perspective Of Generative Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1027}
author = {Branco, António H.}
title = {Branching Split Obliqueness At The Syntax-Semantics Interface}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1028}
author = {Vogel, Carl; Hahn, Ulrike; Branigan, Holly}
title = {Cross-Serial Dependencies Are Not Hard To Process}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1029}
author = {Bredenkamp, Andrew; Markantonatou, Stella; Sadler, Louisa}
title = {Lexical Rules: What Are They?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1030}
author = {Brown, Ralf D.}
title = {Example-Based Machine Translation In The Pangloss System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1031}
author = {Ramirez Bustamante, Flora; Leon, Fernando Sanchez}
title = {GramCheck: A Grammar And Style Checker}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1032}
author = {Butt, Miriam; Fortmann, Christian; Rohrer, Christian}
title = {Syntactic Analyses For Parallel Grammars: Auxiliaries And Genitive NPs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1033}
author = {Buo, Finn Dag; Waibel, Alex}
title = {FeasPar - A Feature Structure Parser Learning To Parse Spoken Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1034}
author = {Candito, Marieluísio, Sandra}
title = {A Principle-Based Hierarchical Representation Of LTAGs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1035}
author = {Wong, Pak-Kwong; Chan, Chorkin}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation Based On Maximum Matching And Word Binding Force}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1036}
author = {Law, Hubert Hin-Cheung; Chan, Chorkin}
title = {N-Th Order Ergodic Multigram HMM For Modeling Of Languages Without Marked Word Boundaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1037}
author = {Ker, Sur-Jin; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Aligning More Words With High Precision For Small Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1038}
author = {Chen, Kuang-Hua; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {A Rule-Based And MT-Oriented Approach To Prepositional Phrase Attachment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1039}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Lee, Jen-Chang}
title = {Identification And Classification Of Proper Nouns In Chinese Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1040}
author = {Shin, Jung H.; Han, Young S.; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Bilingual Knowledge Acquisition From Korean-English Parallel Corpus Using Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1041}
author = {Jung, Sung Young; Park, Young C.; Choi, Key-Sun; Kim, Youngwhan}
title = {Markov Random Field Based English Part-Of-Speech Tagging System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1042}
author = {Climent, Salvador}
title = {Semantics Of Portions And Partitive Nouns For NLP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1043}
author = {Coch, Jose}
title = {Evaluating And Comparing Three Text-Production Techniques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1044}
author = {Dymetman, Marc; Copperman, Max}
title = {Extended Dependency Structures And Their Formal Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1045}
author = {van Genabith, Josef; Crouch, Richard}
title = {Direct And Underspecified Interpretations Of LFG F-Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1046}
author = {Damper, Robert I.; Eastmond, John F. G.}
title = {Pronouncing Text By Analogy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1047}
author = {Vilain, Marc B.; Day, David S.}
title = {Finite-State Phrase Parsing By Rule Sequences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1048}
author = {Declerck, Thierry}
title = {Dealing With Cross-Sentential Anaphora Resolution In ALEP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1049}
author = {Schmidt, Paul; Theofilidis, Axel; Rieder, Sibylle; Declerck, Thierry}
title = {Lean Formalisms Linguistic Theory And Applications: Grammar Development In ALEP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1050}
author = {Delin, Judy L.; Scott, Donia R.; Hartley, Anthony}
title = {Language-Specific Mappings From Semantics To Syntax}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1051}
author = {Gros, Jerneja; Ipsic, Lvo; Dobrisek, Simon; Mihelic, France; Pavesic, Nikola}
title = {Segmentation And Labelling Of Slovenian Diphone Inventories}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1052}
author = {Dohsaka, Kohji; Shimazu, Akira}
title = {A Computational Model Of Incremental Utterance Production In Task-Oriented Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1053}
author = {Kamei, Shin-ichiro; Muraki, Kazunori; Doi, Shinichi}
title = {Lexical Information For Determining Japanese Unbounded Dependency}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1054}
author = {Dorna, Michael; Emele, Martin C.}
title = {Semantic-Based Transfer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1055}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Jones, Douglas A.}
title = {Role Of Word Sense Disambiguation In Lexical Acquisition: Predicting Semantics From Syntactic Cues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1056}
author = {Dybkjaer, Laila; Bernsen, Niels Ole; Dybkjaer, Hans}
title = {GRICE INCORPORATED: Cooperativity In Spoken Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1057}
author = {Eberle, Kurt}
title = {Disambiguation By Information Structure In DRT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1058}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Three New Probabilistic Models For Dependency Parsing: An Exploration}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1059}
author = {Vander Linden, Keith; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {A Corpus Study Of Negative Imperatives In Natural Language Instructions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1060}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {The Discourse Functions Of Italian Subjects: A Centering Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1061}
author = {Qu, Yan; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Using Discourse Predictions For Ambiguity Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1062}
author = {Fabre, Cecile}
title = {Interpretation Of Nominal Compounds: Combining Domain-Independent And Domain-Specific Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1063}
author = {Fais, Laurel}
title = {Lexical Accommodation In Machine-Mediated Interactions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1064}
author = {Montemagni, Simonetta; Federici, Stefano; Pirrelli, Vito}
title = {Resolving Syntactic Ambiguities With Lexico-Semantic Patterns: An Analogy-Based Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1065}
author = {Firzlaff, Beate; Kunz, Daniela S.}
title = {Discourse Semantics Meets Lexical Field Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1066}
author = {Fischer, Ingrid; Keil, Martina}
title = {Parsing Decomposable Idioms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1067}
author = {Foster, George; Isabelle, Pierre; Plamondon, Pierre}
title = {Word Completion - A First Step Toward Target-Text Mediated IMT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1068}
author = {Sakai, Keiichi; Yagisawa, Tsuyoshi; Fujita, Minoru}
title = {A CD-ROM Retrieval System With Multiple Dialogue Agents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1069}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {An Automatic Clustering Of Articles Using Dictionary Definitions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1070}
author = {Furuse, Osamu; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {Incremental Translation Utilizing Constituent Boundary Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1071}
author = {Wakao, Takahiro; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Evaluation Of An Algorithm For The Recognition And Classification Of Proper Names}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1072}
author = {Gallippi, Anthony F.}
title = {Learning To Recognize Names Across Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1073}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Kohlhase, Michael}
title = {Focus And Higher-Order Unification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1074}
author = {Short, S.; Shiu, S.; Garigliano, Roberto}
title = {Distributedness And Non-Linearity Of Lolita's Semantic Network}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1075}
author = {Lavie, Alon; Gates, Donna M.; Gavalda, Marsal; Mayfield Tomokiyo, Laura; Waibel, Alex; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {Multi-Lingual Translation Of Spontaneously Spoken Language In A Limited Domain}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1076}
author = {Griffith, John}
title = {Modularizing Contexted Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1077}
author = {Grimley-Evans, Edmund; Kiraz, George Anton; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Compiling A Partition-Based Two-Level Formalism}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1078}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Yangarber, Roman; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Alignment Of Shared Forests For Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1079}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Message Understanding Conference-6: A Brief History}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1080}
author = {Macleod, Catherine; Meyers, Adam; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {The Influence Of Tagging On The Classification Of Lexical Complements}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1081}
author = {Gulla, Jon Atle; Moshagen, Sjur Norstebo}
title = {A Sign Expansion Approach To Dynamic Multi-Purpose Lexicons}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1082}
author = {Goerz, Guenther; Kesseler, Marcus; Spilker, Jorg; Weber, Hans}
title = {Research On Architectures For Integrated Speech/Language Systems In Verbmobil}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1083}
author = {Habert, Benoit; Naulleau, Elie; Nazarenko, Adeline}
title = {Symbolic Word Clustering For Medium-Size Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1084}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Strube, Michael; Markert, Katja}
title = {Bridging Textual Ellipses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1085}
author = {Neuhaus, Peter; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Restricted Parallelism In Object-Oriented Lexical Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1086}
author = {Hirakawa, Hideki; Xu, Zhonghui; Haase, Kenneth}
title = {Inherited Feature-Based Similarity Measure Based On Large Semantic Hierarchy And Large Text Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1087}
author = {Park, Hyouk R.; Han, Young S.; Lee, Kang H.}
title = {A Probabilistic Approach To Compound Noun Indexing In Korean Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1088}
author = {Hardt, Daniel}
title = {Centering In Dynamic Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1089}
author = {Haruno, Masahiko; Ikehara, Satoru; Yamazaki, Takefumi}
title = {Learning Bilingual Collocations By Word-Level Sorting}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1090}
author = {Hasida, Koiti}
title = {Issues In Communication Game}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1091}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {A Compilation-Chart Method For Linear Categorial Deduction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1092}
author = {Hinrichs, Erhard W.; Nakazawa, Tsuneko}
title = {Applying Lexical Rules Under Subsumption}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1093}
author = {Hisamitsu, Toru; Nitta, Yoshihiko}
title = {Analysis Of Japanese Compound Nouns By Direct Text Scanning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1094}
author = {Hoffman, Beryl}
title = {Translating Into Free Word Order Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1095}
author = {Hogenhout, Wide R.; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Towards A More Careful Evaluation Of Broad Coverage Parsing Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1096}
author = {Hurskainen, Arvi}
title = {Disambiguation Of Morphological Analysis In Bantu Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-1097}
author = {Ikehara, Satoru; Shirai, Satoshi; Uchino, Hajime}
title = {A Statistical Method For Extracting Uninterrupted And Interrupted Collocations From Very Large Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2098}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko; Iwasaki, Hideya}
title = {Extraction Of Lexical Translations From Non-Aligned Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2099}
author = {Nobesawa, Shiho; Tsutsumi, Junya; Jiang, Sun Da; Sano, Tomohisa; Sato, Kengo; Nakanishi, Masakazu}
title = {Segmenting Sentences Into Linky Strings Using D-Bigram Statistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2100}
author = {Johansson, Christer}
title = {Good Bigrams}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2101}
author = {Jokinen, Kristiina}
title = {Goal Formulation Based On Communicative Principles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2102}
author = {Jones, Bernard E. M.}
title = {Towards A Syntactic Account Of Punctuation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2103}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Coordination In Tree Adjoining Grammars: Formalization And Implementation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2104}
author = {Kameda, Masayuki}
title = {A Portable And Quick Japanese Parser: QJP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2105}
author = {Kempe, Andre; Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Parallel Replacement In Finite State Calculus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2106}
author = {Kasper, Walter; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich}
title = {Modularizing Codescriptive Grammars For Efficient Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2107}
author = {Katoh, Naoto; Morimoto, Tsuyoshi}
title = {Statistical Method Of Recognizing Local Cohesion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2108}
author = {Nomura, Naoyuki; Muraki, Kazunori}
title = {An Empirical Architecture For Verb Subcategorization Frame - A Lexicon For A Real-World Scale Japanese-English Interlingual MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2109}
author = {Keller, Bill}
title = {An Evaluation Semantics For DATR Theories}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2110}
author = {Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Identifying The Coding System And Language Of On-Line Documents On The Internet}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2111}
author = {Kilbury, James}
title = {Top-Down Predictive Linking And Complex-Feature-Based Formalisms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2112}
author = {Kiraz, George Anton}
title = {Computing Prosodic Morphology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2113}
author = {Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {An Underspecified HPSG Representation For Information Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2114}
author = {Kallgren, Gunnel}
title = {Linguistic Indeterminacy As A Source Of Errors In Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2115}
author = {Laenzlinger, Christopher; Ulmann, Martin S.; Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Arguments Desperately Seeking Interpretation: Parsing German Infinitives}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2116}
author = {Lappin, Shalom; Shih, Hsue-Hueh}
title = {A Generalized Reconstruction Algorithm For Ellipsis Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2117}
author = {Lee, Done-Young}
title = {Computation Of Relative Social Status On The Basis Of Honorification In Korean}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2118}
author = {Lee, Mark; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {An Ascription-Based Approach To Speech Acts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2119}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.; Tummala, Dinesh; Lee, Young-Suk; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Automatic English-To-Korean Text Translation Of Telegraphic Messages In A Limited Domain}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2120}
author = {Lehmann, Sabine; Oepen, Stephan; Regnier-Prost, Sylvie; Netter, Klaus; Lux, Veronika; Klein, Judith; Falkedal, Kirsten; Fouvry, Frederik; Estival, Dominique; Dauphin, Eva; Compagnion, Herve; Baur, Judith; Balkan, Lorna; Arnold, Doug J.}
title = {TSNLP - Test Suites For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2121}
author = {Lepage, Yves; Ando, Shinichi}
title = {Saussurian Analogy: A Theoretical Account And Its Application}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2122}
author = {Lombardo, Vincenzo; Lesmo, Leonardo}
title = {An Earley-Type Recognizer For Dependency Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2123}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {On The Structural Complexity Of Natural Language Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2124}
author = {Paris, Cécile L.; Vander Linden, Keith}
title = {Building Knowledge Bases For The Generation Of Software Documentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2125}
author = {Wermter, Stefan; Lochel, Matthias}
title = {Learning Dialog Act Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2126}
author = {Maks, Isa; Martin, Willy}
title = {MULTITALE: Linking Medical Concepts By Means Of Frames}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2127}
author = {Matiasek, Johannes; Trost, Harald}
title = {An HPSG-Based Generator For German An Experiment In The Reusability Of Linguistic Resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2128}
author = {Wilcock, Graham; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Reversible Delayed Lexical Choice In A Bidirectional Framework}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2129}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Automatic Detection Of Omissions In Translations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2130}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {Learning Part-Of-Speech Guessing Rules From Lexicon: Extension To Non-Concatenative Operations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2131}
author = {Mitjushin, Leonid}
title = {An Agreement Corrector For Russian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2132}
author = {Mori, Tatsunori; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Zero Pronouns And Conditionals In Japanese Instruction Manuals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2133}
author = {Mori, Yoshiki}
title = {Multiple Discourse Relations On The Sentential Level In Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2134}
author = {Watanabe, Yasuhiko; Murata, Masaki; Takeuchi, Masahito; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Document Classification Using Domain Specific Kanji Characters Extracted By X2 Method}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2135}
author = {Müller, Stefan}
title = {Yet Another Paper About Partial Verb Phrase Fronting In German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2136}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Context-Based Spelling Correction For Japanese OCR}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2137}
author = {Nakaiwa, Hiromi; Shirai, Satoshi}
title = {Anaphora Resolution Of Japanese Zero Pronouns With Deictic Reference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2138}
author = {Nakayama, Takehiro}
title = {Content-Oriented Categorization Of Document Images}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2139}
author = {Nasukawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Full-Text Processing: Improving A Practical NLP System Based On Surface Information Within The Context}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2140}
author = {Nerbonne, John; Smit, Petra}
title = {GLOSSER-RuG: In Support Of Reading}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2141}
author = {Vogel, Stephan; Ney, Hermann; Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {HMM-Based Word Alignment In Statistical Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2142}
author = {Raskin, Victor; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Adjectival Modification In Text Meaning Representation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2143}
author = {Not, Elena}
title = {A Computational Model For Generating Referring Expressions In A Multilingual Application Domain}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2144}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Yilmaz, Okan}
title = {A Constraint-Based Case Frame Lexicon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2145}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Error-Tolerant Tree Matching}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2146}
author = {Oku, Masahiro}
title = {Analyzing Japanese Double-Subject Construction Having An Adjective Predicate}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2147}
author = {Okumura, Manabu; Kouji, Tamura}
title = {Zero Pronoun Resolution In Japanese Discourse Based On Centering Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2148}
author = {Padró, Lluís}
title = {POS Tagging Using Relaxation Labelling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2149}
author = {Pericliev, Vladimir}
title = {Learning Linear Precedence Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2150}
author = {Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Aspect And Aktionsart: Fighting Or Cooperating?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2151}
author = {Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {Handling Sparse Data By Successive Abstraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2152}
author = {Satoh, Kenji}
title = {Disambiguation By Prioritized Circumscription}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2153}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Semantic Construction From Parse Forests}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2154}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Modeling Topic Coherence For Speech Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2155}
author = {Shemtov, Hadar}
title = {Generation Of Paraphrases From Ambiguous Logical Forms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2156}
author = {Shimazu, Hideo; Takashima, Yosuke}
title = {Multi-Modal-Method: A Design Method For Building Multi-Modal Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2157}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Wang, Jin}
title = {A Self-Learning Universal Concept Spotter}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2158}
author = {Stuckardt, Roland}
title = {Anaphor Resolution And The Scope Of Syntactic Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2159}
author = {Tanaka, Hideki}
title = {Decision Tree Learning Algorithm With Structured Attributes: Application To Verbal Case Frame Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2160}
author = {Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Computing Phrasal-Signs In HPSG Prior To Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2161}
author = {Uramoto, Naohiko}
title = {Positioning Unknown Words In A Thesaurus By Using Information Extracted From A Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2162}
author = {Utsumi, Akira}
title = {A Unified Theory Of Irony And Its Computational Formalization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2163}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito}
title = {Sense Classification Of Verbal Polysemy Based-On Bilingual Class/Class Association}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2164}
author = {Watanabe, Hideo}
title = {A Method For Abstracting Newspaper Articles By Using Surface Clues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2165}
author = {Wedekind, Jurgen}
title = {On Inference-Based Procedures For Lexical Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2166}
author = {Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Fast Generation Of Abstracts From General Domain Text Corpora By Extracting Relevant Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2167}
author = {Zock, Michael}
title = {The Power Of Words In Message Planning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2168}
author = {Mariani, Joseph; Krauwer, Steven}
title = {Is Speech Language?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2169}
author = {Karlgren, Hans}
title = {Distortion Or Improvement - Effects Of Information Technology On The Development Of Natural Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2170}
author = {Maegaard, Bente}
title = {Evaluation Of NLP Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2171}
author = {Zock, Michael}
title = {Computational Linguistics And Its Use In Real World: The Case Of Computer Assisted-Language Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2172}
author = {Kempen, Gerard}
title = {Human Language Technology Can Modernize Writing And Grammar Instruction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2173}
author = {Hamburger, Henry}
title = {Yes! NLP-Based FL-ITS Will Be Important}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2174}
author = {Tufiš, Dan}
title = {CALL: The Potential Of LINGWARE And The Use Of Empirical Linguistic Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2175}
author = {Inui, Kentaro}
title = {The Internet A natural Channel For Language Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2176}
author = {Inui, Kentaro}
title = {The Internet A natural Channel For Language Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2177}
author = {Angelova, Galia; Bontcheva, Kalina}
title = {NL Domain Explanations In Knowledge Based MAT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2178}
author = {Echizen-ya, Hiroshi; Araki, Kenji; Momouchi, Yoshio; Tochinai, Koji}
title = {Machine Translation Method Using Inductive Learning With Genetic Algorithms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2179}
author = {Emirkanian, Louisette; Da Sylva, Lyne; Bouchard, Lorne H.}
title = {The Implementation Of A Computational Grammar Of French Using The Grammar Development Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2180}
author = {Bredenkamp, Andrew; Fouvry, Frederik; Declerck, Thierry}
title = {Efficient Integrated Tagging Of Word Constructs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2181}
author = {Zarri, Gian Piero}
title = {NKRL A Knowledge Representation Language For Narrative Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2182}
author = {Breidt, Elisabeth; Segond, Frederique; Valetto, Giuseppe}
title = {Formal Description Of Multi-Word Lexemes With The Finite-State Formalism IDAREX}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2183}
author = {Chandrasekar, Raman; Doran, Christine; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Motivations And Methods For Text Simplification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2184}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Chen, Keh-Jiann; Chang, Li-Li}
title = {Segmentation Standard For Chinese Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2185}
author = {Kim, Seongyong; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Korean Language Engineering: Current Status Of The Information Platform}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2186}
author = {Genthial, Damien; Courtin, Jacques; Menezo, Jacques}
title = {Distributing And Porting General Linguistic Tools}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2187}
author = {Cunningham, Hamish; Wilks, Yorick; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {GATE - A General Architecture For Text Engineering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2188}
author = {Dauphin, Eva; Lux, Veronika}
title = {Corpus-Based Annotated Test Set For Machine Translation Evaluation By An Industrial User}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2189}
author = {Visser, Eric M.; Fuji, Masaru}
title = {Using Sentence Connectors For Evaluating MT Output}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2190}
author = {Wu, Haodong; Furugori, Teiji}
title = {Prepositional Phrase Attachment Through A Hybrid Disambiguation Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2191}
author = {Iida, Hitoshi; Sumita, Eiichiro; Furuse, Osamu}
title = {Spoken-Language Translation Method Using Examples}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2192}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Gronqvist, Leif; Gustafsson, Malin; Lager, Torbjorn; Sofkova Hashemi, Sylvana}
title = {Tagging Spoken Language Using Written Language Statistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2193}
author = {Kuwahata, Wakako; Hasimoto, Minako}
title = {Senses Of Polysemous Nouns: Building A Computational Lexicon Of Basic Japanese Nouns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2194}
author = {Kawtrakul, Asanee; Chalatip, Thumkanon; Thitima, Jamjanya; Parinee, Muangyunnan; Kritsada, Poolwan}
title = {A Gradual Refinement Model For A Robust Thai Morphological Analyzer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2195}
author = {Miyoshi, Hideo; Sugiyama, Kenji; Kobayashi, Masahiro; Ogino, Takano}
title = {An Overview Of The EDR Electronic Dictionary And The Current Status Of Its Utilization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2196}
author = {Kogure, Kiyoshi; Shimazu, Akira; Nakano, Mikio}
title = {Parsing Plans Situation-Dependently In Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2197}
author = {Konrad, Karsten; Maier, Holger; Milward, David; Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {An Education And Research Tool For Computational Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2198}
author = {Kuusik, Evelin}
title = {Learning Morphology: Algorithms For The Identification Of The Stem Changes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2199}
author = {Lafourcade, Mathieu}
title = {Structured Lexical Data How To Make Them Widely Available Useful And Reasonably Protected? A Practicalexample With A Trilingual Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2200}
author = {Luk, Robert Wing Pong}
title = {Chinese String Searching Using The KMP Algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2201}
author = {Orsnes, Bjarne; Music, Bradley; Maegaard, Bente}
title = {PaTrans - A Patent Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2202}
author = {Mori, Shinsuke; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Word Extraction From Corpora And Its Part-Of-Speech Estimation Using Distributional Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2203}
author = {Prószéky, Gábor}
title = {Morphological Analyzer As Syntactic Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2204}
author = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Constructing Verb Semantic Classes For French: Methods And Evaluation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2205}
author = {Shinnou, Hiroyuki}
title = {Redefining Similarity In A Thesaurus By Using Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2206}
author = {Takahashi, Masahito; Shinchu, Tsuyoshi; Yoshimura, Kenji; Shudo, Kosho}
title = {Processing Homonyms In The Kana-To-Kanji Conversion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2207}
author = {Si Ameur, Lahcene; Rouault, Jacques}
title = {How The Linguistic Negation Can Have An Effect In Object-Based Knowledge Representation Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2208}
author = {Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {The Automatic Extraction Of Open Compounds From Text Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2209}
author = {Spyns, Peter}
title = {A Tagger/lemmatiser For Dutch Medical Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2210}
author = {Stefanini, Marie-Helene; Warren, Karine}
title = {A Distributed Architecture For Text Analysis In French: An Application To Complex Linguistic Phenomena Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2211}
author = {Takeda, Koichi}
title = {Pattern-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2212}
author = {Ushioda, Akira}
title = {Hierarchical Clustering Of Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2213}
author = {Wilms, Geert Jan}
title = {Using A Hybrid System Of Corpus- And Knowledge-Based Techniques To Automate The Induction Of A Lexical Sublanguage Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C96-2215}
author = {Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Computational Complexity Of Probabilistic Disambiguation By Means Of Tree-Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1996}
id = {C98-1001}
author = {Changning, Huang; Jun, Zhao}
title = {A Quasi-Dependency Model for Structural Analysis it of Chinese BaseNPs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1002}
author = {Sankoff, David}
title = {The production of code-mixed discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1003}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Gojenola, Koldo; Sarasola, Kepa; Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {Towards a single proposal in spelling correction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1004}
author = {Ahrenberg, Lars; Andersson, Mikael; Merkel, Magnus}
title = {A Simple Hybrid Aligner for Generating Lexical Correspondences in Parallel Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1005}
author = {Akbar, Mohammad; Caelen, Jean}
title = {Parole et traduction automatique: le module de reconnaissance RAPHAEL}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1006}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Bangalore, Srinivas; Douglas, Shona}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Hierarchical Transduction Models for Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1007}
author = {Amsili, Pascal; Rossari, Corinne}
title = {Tense and Connective Constraints on the Expression of Causality}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1008}
author = {Amtrup, Jan W.; Weber, Volker}
title = {Time Mapping with Hypergraphs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1009}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Gorlinsky, James; Okurowski, Mary Ellen}
title = {Trainable Scalable Summarization Using Robust NLP and Machine Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1010}
author = {Argamon, Shlomo; Dagan, Ido; Krymolowski, Yuval}
title = {A Memory-Based Approach to Learning Shallow Natural Language Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1011}
author = {Azzam, Saliha; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Humphreys, Kevin}
title = {Evaluating a Focus-Based Approach to Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1012}
author = {Bagga, Amit; Baldwin, Breck}
title = {Entity-Based Cross-Document Coreferencing Using the Vector Space Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1013}
author = {Baker, Collin F.; Fillmore, Charles J.; Lowe, John B.}
title = {The Berkeley FrameNet Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1014}
author = {Barg, Petra; Walther, Markus}
title = {Processing Unknown Words in HPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1015}
author = {Barker, Ken; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Semi-Automatic Recognition of Noun Modifier Relationships}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1016}
author = {Barriere, Caroline}
title = {Redundancy: helping semantic disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1017}
author = {Becker, Tilman; Finkler, Wolfgang; Kilger, Anne; Poller, Peter}
title = {An Efficient Kernel for Multilingual Generation in Speech-to-Speech Dialogue Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1018}
author = {EESLEY, Kenneth R. B}
title = {Consonant Spreading in Arabic Stems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1019}
author = {Blache, Philippe}
title = {Parsing Ambiguous Structures using Controlled Disjunctions and Unary Quasi-Trees}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1020}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Finch, Andrew; Kashioka, Hideki}
title = {Trigger-Pair Predictors in Parsing and Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1021}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {Spoken Dialogue Interpretation with the DOP Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1022}
author = {Bod, Rens; Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {A Probabilistic Corpus-Driven Model for Lexical-Functional Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1023}
author = {Bond, Francis; Kurz, Daniela; Shirai, Satoshi}
title = {Anchoring Floating Quantifiers in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1024}
author = {Bos, Johan; Buschbeck-Wolf, Bianka; Dorna, Michael; Rupp, C.J.}
title = {Managing information at linguistic interfaces}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1025}
author = {Bozsahin, H. Cem}
title = {Deriving the Predicate-Argument Structure for a Free Word Order Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1026}
author = {Broker, Norbert}
title = {Separating Surface Order and Syntactic Relations in a Dependency Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1027}
author = {Branco, António H.}
title = {The Logical Structure of Binding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1028}
author = {Brill, Eric; Florian, Radu; Henderson, John C.; Mangu, Lidia}
title = {Beyond N-Grams: Can Linguistic Sophistication Improve Language Modeling?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1029}
author = {Brill, Eric; Wu, Jun}
title = {Classifier Combination for Improved Lexical Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1030}
author = {Brun, Caroline}
title = {Terminology Finite-State Preprocessing for Computational LFG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1031}
author = {Burger, John D.; Hirschman, Lynette; Palmer, David D.}
title = {Named Entity Scoring for Speech Input}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1032}
author = {Braden-Harder, Lisa C.; Burstein, Jill; Chodorow, Martin S.; Harris, Mary Dee; Kukich, Karen; Lu, Chi; Wolff, Susanne}
title = {Automated Scoring Using A Hybrid Feature Identification Technique}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1033}
author = {Candito, Marie-Helene}
title = {Building Parallel LTAG for French and Italian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1034}
author = {Cardie, Claire; Pierce, David R.}
title = {Error-Driven Pruning of Treebank Grammars for Base Noun Phrase Identification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1035}
author = {Chelba, Ciprian; Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {Exploiting Syntactic Structure for Language Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1036}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Ding, Yung-Wei; Huang, Sheng-Jie; Tsai, Shih-Chung}
title = {Proper Name Translation in Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1037}
author = {Chang, Jason S.; Chen, Jen Nan}
title = {A Concept-based Adaptive Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1038}
author = {Chen, Keh-Jiann; Chien, Lee-Feng; Tsuei, Wen}
title = {PAT-Trees with the Deletion Function as the Learning Device for Linguistic Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1039}
author = {Choi, Key-Sun; Choi, Sung-Kwon; Jung, Hanmin; Park, Jun-Sik}
title = {Hybrid Approaches to Improvement of Translation Quality in Web-based English-Korean Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1040}
author = {Carpenter, Bob; Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {Dialogue Management in Vector-Based Call Routing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1041}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Hirakawa, Hideki; Kumano, Akira}
title = {Machine Translation vs. Dictionary Term Translation - a Comparison for English-Japanese News Article Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1042}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Hirakawa, Hideki; Ono, Kenji}
title = {An Experiment in Hybrid Dictionary and Statistical Sentence Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1043}
author = {Covington, Michael A.}
title = {Alignment of Multiple Languages for Historical Comparison}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1044}
author = {Cristea, Dan; Ide, Nancy M.; Romary, Laurent}
title = {Veins Theory: A Model of Global Discourse Cohesion and Coherence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1045}
author = {Cucchiarelli, Alessandro; Luzi, Danilo; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Automatic Semantic Tagging of Unknown Proper Names}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1046}
author = {Dang, Hoa Trang; Kipper, Karin Christine; Palmer, Martha Stone; Rosenzweig, Joseph}
title = {Investigating regular sense extensions based on intersective Levin classes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1047}
author = {Deligne, Sabine; Sagisaka, Yoshinori}
title = {Learning a syntagmatic and paradigmatic structure from language data with a bi-multigram model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1048}
author = {Delisle, Sylvain; Letourneau, Sylvain; Matwin, Stan}
title = {Experiments with Learning Parsing Heuristics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1049}
author = {Dimitrova, Ludmila; Ide, Nancy M.; Petkevic, Vladimir; Tufis, Dan; Kaalep, Heiki-Jaan; Erjavec, Tomaž}
title = {Multext-East: Parallel and Comparable Corpora and Lexicons for Six Central and Eastern European Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1050}
author = {Dini, Luca; Segond, Frederique; Tomaso, Vittorio Di}
title = {Error Driven Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1051}
author = {Jordan, Pamela W.; Moore, Johanna D.; Thomason, Richmond H.; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {An Empirical Investigation of Proposals in Collaborative Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1052}
author = {Hai, DOAN-NGUYEN}
title = {Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1053}
author = {Doi, Shinichi; Yamabana, Kiyoshi; KAMEI, Shin-ichiro}
title = {A Text Input Front-end Processor as an Information Access Platform}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1054}
author = {Dorna, Michael; Emele, Martin C.; Frank, Anette; Van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Syntactic and Semantic Transfer with F-Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1055}
author = {Dymetman, Marc}
title = {Group Theory and Linguistic Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1056}
author = {Egg, Markus; Niehren, Joachim; Ruhrberg, Peter; Xu, Feiyu}
title = {Constraints over Lambda-Structures in Semantic Underspecification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1057}
author = {Elmi, Mohammad Ali; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {Spelling Correction Using Context}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1058}
author = {Dorna, Michael; Emele, Martin C.}
title = {Ambiguity Preserving Machine Translation using Packed Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1059}
author = {Evans, Roger; Weir, David J.}
title = {A structure-sharing parser for lexicalized grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1060}
author = {I., Aduriz; J.M., Areola; N., Ezeiza; R., Urizar; Alegria, Iñaki}
title = {Combining Stochastic and Rule-Based Methods for Disambiguation in Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1061}
author = {Ferrandez, A.; Moreno, L.; Palomar, M.}
title = {Anaphor resolution in unrestricted texts with partial parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1062}
author = {Ferret, Olivier; Grau, Brigitte; Masson, Nicolas}
title = {Thematic segmentation of texts: two methods for two kinds of texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1063}
author = {Flank, Sharon}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1064}
author = {Freitag, Dayne}
title = {Toward General-Purpose Learning for Information Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1065}
author = {Fuchi, Takeshi; Takagi, Shinichiro}
title = {Japanese Morphological Analyzer using Word Co-occurrence -- JTAG--}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1066}
author = {Fung, Pascale N.; Yee, Lo Yuen}
title = {An IR Approach for Translating New Words from Nonparallel Comparable Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1067}
author = {Furuse, Osamu; Yamada, Setsuo; Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Splitting Long or Ill-formed Input for Robust Spoken-language Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1068}
author = {Gahl, Susanne}
title = {Automatic extraction of subcorpora based on subcategorization frames from a part-of-speech tagged corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1069}
author = {Bos, Johan; Gamback, Bjorn}
title = {Semantic-Head Based Resolution of Scopal Ambiguities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1070}
author = {Gargouri, Bilel; Jmaiel, Mohamed; Hamadou, Abdelmajid Ben}
title = {Vers l'utilisation des methodes formelles pour le developpement de linguiciels}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1071}
author = {Gaussier, Eric}
title = {Flow Network Models for Word Alignment and Terminology Extraction from Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1072}
author = {Waibel, Alex; Gavaldh, Marsal}
title = {Growing Semantic Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1073}
author = {Guo, Jin}
title = {One Tokenization per Source}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1074}
author = {Gupta, Vineet; Lamping, John}
title = {Efficient Linear Logic Meaning Assembly}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1075}
author = {Bopp, Stephan; Hacken, Pius ten}
title = {Separable Verbs in a Reusable Morphological Dictionary for German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1076}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Schnattinger, Klemens}
title = {A Text Understander that Learns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1077}
author = {Hajic, Jan; Hladka, Barbora}
title = {Tagging Inflective Languages: Prediction of Morphological Categories for a Rich Structured Tagset}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1078}
author = {Daelemans, Walter; Van Halteren, Hans; Zavrel, Jakub}
title = {Improving Data Driven Wordclass Tagging by System Combination}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1079}
author = {Gros, Cecile; Hamon, Thierry; Nazarenko, Adeline}
title = {A step towards the detection of semantic variants of terms in technical documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1080}
author = {Haruno, Masahiko; Ooyama, Yoshifumi; Shirai, Satoshi}
title = {Using Decision Trees to Construct a Practical Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1081}
author = {Carberry, Sandra; Harvey, Terrence}
title = {Integrating Text Plans for Conciseness and Coherence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1082}
author = {Heine, Julia E.}
title = {Definiteness Predictions for Japanese Noun Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1083}
author = {Heinecke, Johannes; Kunze, Jurgen; Menzel, Wolfgang; Schroder, Ingo}
title = {Eliminative Parsing with Graded Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1084}
author = {Henderson, James B.; Lane, Peter}
title = {A Connectionist Architecture for Learning to Parse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1085}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {Memoisation for Glue Language Deduction and Categorial Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1086}
author = {Higgins, Derrick}
title = {Parsing Parallel Grammatical Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1087}
author = {Hitzeman, Janet; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Long Distance Pronominalisation and Global Focus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1088}
author = {Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {An Empirical Evaluation of Probabilistic Lexicalized Tree Insertion Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1089}
author = {Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia}
title = {Terminological variation a means of identifying research topics from texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1090}
author = {Ikeda, Takahiro; Muraki, Kazunori; Okumura, Akitoshi}
title = {Information Classification and Navigation Based on 5WlH of the Target Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1091}
author = {Brockhaus, Wiebke; Ingleby, Michael}
title = {A concurrent approach to the automatic extraction of subsegmental primes and phonological constituents from speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1092}
author = {Ishizaki, Masato; Kato, Tsuneaki}
title = {Exploring the Characteristics of Multi-Party Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1093}
author = {Jonsson, Arne; Stromback, Lena}
title = {Robust Interaction through Partial Interpretation and Dialogue Management}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1094}
author = {Jacquemin, Christian}
title = {Improving Automatic Indexing through Concept Combination and Term Enrichment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1095}
author = {Changning, Huang; Donghong, Ji; Junping, Gong}
title = {Combining a Chinese Thesaurus with a Chinese Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1096}
author = {Jing, Hongyan; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Combining Multiple Large-Scale Resources in a Reusable Lexicon for Natural Language Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1097}
author = {Evett, Lindsay J.; Jobbins, Amanda C.}
title = {Text Segmentation Using Reiteration and Collocation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1098}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Finite-state Approximation of Constraint-based Grammars using Left-corner Grammar Transforms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1099}
author = {Johnston, Michael}
title = {Unification-based Multimodal Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1100}
author = {Jokinen, Kristiina; Tanaka, Hideki; Yokoo, Akio}
title = {Context Management with Topics for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1101}
author = {Kageura, Kyo}
title = {A Statistical Analysis of Morphemes in Japanese Terminology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1102}
author = {Kahane, Sylvain; Nasr, Alexis; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Pseudo-Projectivity: A Polynomially Parsable Non-Projective Dependency Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1103}
author = {Iida, Hitoshi; Kaki, Satoshi; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {A Method for Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition Using the Statistical Features of Character Co-occurrence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1104}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Finch, Andrew; Kashioka, Hideki; Kawata, Yasuhiro; Kinjo, Yumiko}
title = {Use of Mutual Information Based Character Clusters in Dictionary-less Morphological Analysis of Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1105}
author = {Calcagno, Mike; Davis, Paul C.; Kasper, Robert T.}
title = {Know When to Hold 'Em: Shuffling Deterministically in a Parser for Nonconcatenative Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1106}
author = {Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Term-list Translation using Mono-lingual Word Co-occurrence Vectors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1107}
author = {Kim, Byeongchang; Lee, Gary Geunbae; Lee, Jong-Hyeok; Lee, Wonil}
title = {Unlimited Vocabulary Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion for Korean TTS}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1108}
author = {Kan, Min-Yen; Klavans, Judith L.}
title = {Role of Verbs in Document Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1109}
author = {Kong, Tang Enya; AI-Adhaileh, Mosleh Hmoud}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1110}
author = {Koyama, Yasuo; Shudo, Kosho; Yasutake, Masako; Yoshimura, Kenji}
title = {Large Scale Collocation Data and Their Application to Japanese Word Processor Technology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1111}
author = {Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Hepple, Mark; Krotov, Alexander; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Compacting the Penn Treebank Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1112}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Langkilde, Irene}
title = {Generation that Exploits Corpus-Based Statistical Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1113}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Simard, Michel; Veronis, Jean}
title = {Methods and Practical Issues in Evaluating Alignment Techniques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1114}
author = {Lavoie, Benoit; Rambow, Owen}
title = {A Framework for Customizable Generation of Hypertext Presentations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1115}
author = {Choi, Key-Sun; Lee, Seungmi}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Language Model based on Head-Dependent Relation between Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1116}
author = {Lepage, Yves}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-1117}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Characterizing and Recognizing Spoken Corrections in Human-Computer Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2118}
author = {Lezius, Wolfgang; Rapp, Reinhard; Wettler, Manfred}
title = {A Freely Available Morphological Analyzer Disambiguator and Context Sensitive Lemmatizer for German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2119}
author = {Abe, Naoki; Li, Hang}
title = {Word Clustering and Disambiguation Based on Co-occurrence Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2120}
author = {Lee, Gary Geunbae; Lee, Jong-Hyeok; Li, Hui-Feng}
title = {Identifying Syntactic Role of Antecedent in Korean Relative Clause Using Corpus and Thesaurus Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2121}
author = {Chen, Dongdong; Dahl, Deborah A.; Li, Li; Linebarger, Marcia C.; Norton, Lewis M.}
title = {A Test Environment for Natural Language Understanding Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2122}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {Automatic Retrieval and Clustering of Similar Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2123}
author = {Eineborg, Martin; Lindberg, Nikolaj}
title = {Learning Constraint Grammar-style disambiguation rules using Inductive Logic Programming}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2124}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Pan, Shimei; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Evaluating Response Strategies in a Web-Based Spoken Dialogue Agent}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2125}
author = {Lesmo, Leonardo; Lombardo, Vincenzo}
title = {Formal aspects and parsing issues of dependency theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2126}
author = {Duff, David; Harper, Lisa; Loehr, Dan; Miller, Keith; Reeder, Florence M.; LuperFoy, Susann}
title = {An Architecture for Dialogue Management Context Tracking and Pragmatic Adaptation in Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2127}
author = {Isahara, Hitoshi; Ma, Qing}
title = {A Multi-Neuro Tagger Using Variable Lengths of Contexts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2128}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Kentaro, TORISAWA; Minoru, YOSHIDA; Takaki, MAKINO}
title = {LiLFeS- Towards a Practical HPSG Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2129}
author = {Abaitua, Joseba; Casillas, Arantza; Martinez, Raquel}
title = {Bitext Correspondences through Rich Mark-up}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2130}
author = {Maybury, Mark T.}
title = {Discourse Cues for Broadcast News Segmentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2131}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.; McGee, David R.; Oviatt, Sharon L.}
title = {Confmnation in Multimodal Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2132}
author = {McIntyre, Angus}
title = {Babel: A testbed for research in origins of language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2133}
author = {Chotimongkol, Ananlada; Kijsirikul, Boonserm; Meknavin, Surapant; Nuttee, Cholwich}
title = {Combining Trigram and Winnow in Thai OCR Error Correction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2134}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Macleod, Catherine; Meyers, Adam; Moreno-Sandoval, Antonio; Yangarber, Roman}
title = {Deriving Transfer Rules from Dominance-Preserving Alignments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2135}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {Feature Lattices for Maximum Entropy Modelling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2136}
author = {Furuse, Osamu; Iida, Hitoshi; Mima, Hideki}
title = {Simultaneous Interpretation Utilizing Example-based Incremental Transfer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2137}
author = {Min, Kyongho; Wilson, William H.}
title = {Integrated Control of Chart Items for Error Repair}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2138}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {Robust pronoun resolution with limited knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2139}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Kentaro, TORISAWA; Yutaka, MITSUISHI}
title = {HPSG-Style Underspecified Japanese Grammar with Wide Coverage}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2140}
author = {Takeo, Honda; Hajime, MOCHIZUKI; Manabu, OKUMURA}
title = {Text Segmentation with Multiple Surface Linguistic Cues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2141}
author = {Moghrabi, Chadia}
title = {Using Language Resources in an Intelligent Tutoring System for French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2142}
author = {Mohri, Mehryar; Pereira, Fernando C. N.}
title = {Dynamic compilation of weighted context-free grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2143}
author = {Mori, Shinsuke; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {A Stochastic Language Model using Dependency and Its Improvement by Word Clustering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2144}
author = {Mouret, Pascal; Rolbert, Monique}
title = {Dealing with distinguishing descriptions in a guided composition system}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2145}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {An Estimate of Referent of Noun Phrases in Japanese Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2146}
author = {Hasida, Koiti; Nagao, Katashi}
title = {Automatic Text Summarization Based on the Global Document Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2147}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Japanese OCR Error Correction using Character Shape Similarity and Statistical Language Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2148}
author = {Mori, Tatsunori; Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Okamura, Jun; Omori, Nobuyuki}
title = {Hypertext Authoring for Linking Relevant Segments of Related Instruction Manuals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2149}
author = {Nakano, Mikio; Shimazu, Akira}
title = {Translating a Unification Grammar with Disjunctions into Logical Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2150}
author = {Nakatani, Christine H.}
title = {Constituent-based Accent Prediction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2151}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {An alternative LR algorithm for TAGs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2152}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Sarkar, Anoop; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Prefix Probabilities from Stochastic Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2153}
author = {Ney, H.; Nieflen, S.; Tillmann, C.; Vogel, S.}
title = {A DP based Search Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2154}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Kentaro, TORISAWA; Takashi, NINOMIYA}
title = {An Efficient Parallel Substrate for Typed Feature Structures on Shared Memory Parallel Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2155}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Raskin, Victor}
title = {Universal Grammar and Lexis for Quick Ramp-Up of MT Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2156}
author = {Dahl, Deborah A.; Li, Li; Norton, Lewis M.; Beals, Katharine P.}
title = {Integration of Large-Scale Linguistic Resources in a Natural Language Understanding System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2157}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Weber, Hans}
title = {Improving Statistical Natural Language Translation with Categories and Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2158}
author = {Matsumoto, Yuji; Oishi, Akira}
title = {Recognition of the Coherence Relation between Te-linked Clauses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2159}
author = {Padro, Lluis; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {On the Evaluation and Comparison of Taggers: the Effect of Noise in Testing Corpora.}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2160}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Pan, Shimei}
title = {Learning Intonation Rules for Concept to Speech Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2161}
author = {De Lima, Vera Lucia Strube; Paraboni, Ivandre}
title = {Possessive Pronominal Anaphor Resolution in Portuguese Written Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2162}
author = {Choi, Key-Sun; Hur, Wook; Kang, Jung-Goo; Park, Junsik}
title = {Machine Aided Error-Correction Environment for Korean Morphological Analysis and Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2163}
author = {Pautler, David; Quilici, Alex}
title = {A Computational Model of Social Perlocutions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2164}
author = {Penn, Gerald}
title = {Parametric Types for Typed Attribute-Value Logic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2165}
author = {Pericliev, Vladimir; Valdes-Perez, Raul E.}
title = {A Procedure for Multi-Class Discrimination and some Linguistic Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2166}
author = {Matiasek, Johannes; Niklfeld, Georg; Pirker, Hannes; Trost, Harald}
title = {From Information Structure to Intonation: A Phonological Interface for Concept-to-Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2167}
author = {Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Robba, Isabelle; Sabah, Gerard}
title = {Reference Resolution beyond Coreference: a Conceptual Frame and its Application}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2168}
author = {Power, Richard; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {Multilingual authoring using feedback texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2169}
author = {Corley, Steffan; Ijdens, Jan; Poznanski, Victor; Whitelock, Pete J.}
title = {Practical Glossing by Prioritised Tiling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2170}
author = {Proszeky, Gabor}
title = {An Intelligent Multi-Dictionary Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2171}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Learning Correlations between Linguistic Indicators and Semantic Constraints: Reuse of Context-Dependent Descriptions of Entities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2172}
author = {Ratnaparkhi, Adwait}
title = {Statistical Models for Unsupervised Prepositional Phrase Attachment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2173}
author = {Barcena, Elena; Read, Tim}
title = {JaBot: a multilingual Java-based intelligent agent for Web sites}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2174}
author = {Long, Derek P.; Reed, Chris}
title = {Generating the Structure of Argument}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2175}
author = {Dolan, William B.; Richardson, Stephen D.; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {MindNet: acquiring and structuring semantic information from text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2176}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Rigau, German; Rodriguez, Horacio}
title = {Building Accurate Semantic Taxonomies Monolingual MRDs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2177}
author = {Charniak, Eugene; Roark, Brian}
title = {Noun-phrase co-occurrence statistics for semi-automatic semantic lexicon construction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2178}
author = {Rogers, James}
title = {A Descriptive Characterization of Tree-Adjoining Languages (Project Note)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2179}
author = {Jurafsky, Daniel; Roland, Douglas}
title = {How Verb Subcategorization Frequencies Are Affected By Corpus Choice}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2180}
author = {Levin, Lori S.; Rose, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {An Interactive Domain Independent Approach to Robust Dialogue Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2181}
author = {Roth, Dan; Zelenko, Dmitry}
title = {Part of Speech Tagging Using a Network of Linear Separators}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2182}
author = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {A Generative Lexicon Perspective for Adjectival Modification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2183}
author = {Carberry, Sandra; Samuel, Kenneth; Vijay-Shanker, K..}
title = {Dialogue Act Tagging with Transformation-Based Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2184}
author = {Sanfilippo, Antonio}
title = {Ranking Text Units According to Textual Saliency Connectivity and Topic Aptness}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2185}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Conditions on Consistency of Probabilistic Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2186}
author = {Nakanishi, Masakazu; Sato, Kengo}
title = {Maximum Entropy Model Learning of the Translation Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2187}
author = {Satta, Giorgio; Schuler, William}
title = {Restrictions on Tree Adjoining Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2188}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Learning Tense Translation from Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2189}
author = {Schilder, Frank}
title = {An Underspecified Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (USDRT)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2190}
author = {Bredenkamp, Andrew; Declerck, Thierry; Groenendijk, Marius; Phelan, Peter; Rieder, Sibylle; Schmidt, Paul; Schulz, Henrik; Theofilidis, Axel}
title = {Natural Language Access to Software Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2191}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.; Schneider, David}
title = {Recognizing Syntactic Errors in the Writing of Second Language Learners}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2192}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Meddeb-Hamrouni, Boubaker; Seligman, Mark}
title = {Transforming Lattices into Non-deterministic Automata with Optional Null Arcs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2193}
author = {Senellart, Jean}
title = {Locating noun phrases with finite state transducers.}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2194}
author = {Shaw, James}
title = {Segregatory Coordination and Ellipsis in Text Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2195}
author = {Somers, Harold L.}
title = {Similarity metrics for aligning children's articulation data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2196}
author = {Lloberas, Agusti; Moliner, Joan L.; Sopena, Josep M.}
title = {A Connectionist Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment for Real World Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2197}
author = {Stede, Manfred; Umbach, Carla}
title = {DiMLex: A lexicon of discourse markers for text generation and understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2198}
author = {Kaplan, Frederic; Steels, Luc}
title = {Spontaneous Lexicon Change}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2199}
author = {Strube, Michael}
title = {Never Look Back: An Alternative to Centering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2200}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Wang, Jin; Wise, Bowden}
title = {Summarization-based Query Expansion in Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2201}
author = {Dayang, Shen; Maosong, Sun; Tsou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation without Using Lexicon and Hand-crafted Training Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2202}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Sekiguchi, Yoshihiro; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Keyword Extraction using Term-Domain Interdependence for Dictation of Radio News}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2203}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Tur, Gokhan}
title = {Tagging English by Path Voting Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2204}
author = {Hasida, Koiti; Noda, Itsuki; Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko}
title = {Reactive Content Selection in the Generation of Real-time Soccer Commentary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2205}
author = {Jarvinen, Timo; Piitulainen, Jussi; Tapanainen, Pasi}
title = {Idiomatic object usage and support verbs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2206}
author = {Schilder, Frank; Tappe, Heike}
title = {Coherence in Spoken Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2207}
author = {Turcato, Davide}
title = {Automatically Creating Bilingual Lexicons for Machine Translation from Bilingual Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2208}
author = {Takeda, Koichi; Uramoto, Naohiko}
title = {A Method for Relating Multiple Newspaper Articles by Using Graphs and Its Application to Webcasting}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2209}
author = {Matsumoto, Yuji; Miyata, Takashi; Utsuro, Takehito}
title = {General-to-Specific Model Selection for Subcategorization Preference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2210}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne}
title = {Multilingual Computational Semantic Lexicons in Action- WYSINNWYG Approach to NLP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2211}
author = {Beale, Stephen; Nirenburg, Sergei; Viegas, Evelyne}
title = {The Computational Lexical Semantics of Syntagmatic Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2212}
author = {De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte; Pardo, Miguel Alonso}
title = {A tabular interpretation of a class of 2-Stack Automata}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2213}
author = {Ehara, Terumasa; Sawamura, Eiji; Wakao, Takahiro; Maruyama, Ichiro}
title = {Project for production of closed-caption TV programs for the hearing impaired}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2214}
author = {Fromer, Jeanne C.; Narayanan, Shrikanth; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Learning Optimal Dialogue Strategies: A Case Study of a Spoken Dialogue Agent for Email}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2215}
author = {Verspoor, Cornelia Maria; Wan, Stephen}
title = {Automatic English-Chinese name transliteration for development of multilingual resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2216}
author = {Waibel, Alex; Wang, Ye-Yi}
title = {Modeling with Structures in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2217}
author = {Wasson, Mark}
title = {Using Leading Text for News Summaries: Evaluation Results and Implications for Commercial Summarization Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2218}
author = {Takeda, Koichi; Watanabe, Hideo}
title = {A Pattern-based Machine Example-Translation System Extended by based Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2219}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Watanabe, Yasuhiko}
title = {Diagram Understanding Using Integration of Layout Information and Textual Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2220}
author = {Kaneji, Kengo; Nagao, Makoto; Okada, Yoshihiro; Watanabe, Yasuhiko}
title = {Aligning Articles in TV Newscasts and Newspapers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2221}
author = {Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Translating Idioms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2222}
author = {Matsumoto, Yuji; Wilcock, Graham}
title = {Head-Driven Generation with HPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2223}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation using Optimised Combinations of Knowledge Sources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2224}
author = {Worm, Karsten L.}
title = {A Model for Robust Processing of Spontaneous Speech by Integrating Viable Fragments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2225}
author = {Wong, Hongsing; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Machine Translation with a Stochastic Grammatical Channel}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2226}
author = {Furugori, Teiji; Wu, Haodong; Alves, Eduardo de Paiva}
title = {Structural Disambiguation Based on Reliable Estimation of Strength of Association}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2227}
author = {Inui, Nobuo; Kotani, Yoshiyuki; Nisimura, Hirohiko; Yamaguchi, Masaya; Kojilna, Takeyuki}
title = {Combination of an Automatic and an Interactive Disambiguation Method}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2228}
author = {Eiichiro, SUMITA; Kazuhide, YAMAMOTO}
title = {Feasibility Study for Ellipsis Resolution in Dialogues by Machine-Learning Technique}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2229}
author = {Vilain, Marc B.; Yeh, Alexander S.}
title = {Some Properties of Preposition and Subordinate Conjunction Attachments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2230}
author = {Okunishi, Toshiyuki; Yamaji, Takahiro; Yoshimi, Takehiko; Fukumochi, Yoji}
title = {Evaluation of Importance of Sentences based on Connectivity to Title}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2231}
author = {Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Automatic Construction of Frame Representations for Spontaneous Speech in Unrestricted Domains}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2232}
author = {Waibel, Alex; Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Using Chunk Based Partial Parsing of Spontaneous Speech in Unrestricted Domains for Reducing Word Error Rate in Speech Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2233}
author = {Zhang, Xiaoheng}
title = {Dialect MT: A Case Study between Cantonese and Mandarin}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2234}
author = {Zhou, GuoDong; LUA, KimTeng}
title = {Word Association and MI-Trigger-based Language Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2235}
author = {Belz, Anja}
title = {Discovering Phonotactic Finite-State Automata by Genetic Search}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2236}
author = {Byron, D.; Stent, A.}
title = {A Preliminary Model of Centering in Dialog}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2237}
author = {Cheng, Hua}
title = {Embedding New Information into Referring Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2238}
author = {Ferret, Olivier}
title = {How to thematically segment texts by using lexical cohesion?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2239}
author = {Heinonen, Oskari}
title = {Optimal Multi-Paragraph Text Segmentation by Dynamic Programming}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2240}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee}
title = {Bridging the Gap between Dictionary and Thesaurus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2241}
author = {Lewellen, Mark}
title = {Neural Network Recognition of Spelling Errors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2242}
author = {Korhonen, Anna; McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Detecting Verbal Participation in Diathesis Alternations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2243}
author = {McDonald, Scott}
title = {Target Word Selection as Proximity in Semantic Space}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2244}
author = {Smith, Elliot}
title = {A Cognitive Model of Coherence-Driven Story Comprehension}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2245}
author = {Stoianov, Ivelin}
title = {Tree-based Analysis of Simple Recurrent Network Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {C98-2246}
author = {Thede, Scott M.}
title = {Predicting Part-of-Speech Information about Unknown Words using Statistical Methods}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P06-1001}
author = {Sadat, Fatiha; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Combination Of Arabic Preprocessing Schemes For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1002}
author = {Ayan, Necip Fazil; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Going Beyond AER: An Extensive Analysis Of Word Alignments And Their Impact On MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1003}
author = {Purver, Matthew; Kording, Konrad P.; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Tenenbaum, Joshua B.}
title = {Unsupervised Topic Modelling For Multi-Party Spoken Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1004}
author = {Malioutov, Igor; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Minimum Cut Model For Spoken Lecture Segmentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1005}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Bootstrapping Path-Based Pronoun Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1006}
author = {Yang, Xiaofeng; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Kernel-Based Pronoun Resolution With Structured Syntactic Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1007}
author = {Park, Jihyun; Brew, Chris}
title = {A Finite-State Model Of Human Sentence Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1008}
author = {Blache, Philippe; Hemforth, Barbara; Rauzy, Stéphane}
title = {Acceptability Prediction By Means Of Grammaticality Quantification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1009}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Discriminative Word Alignment With Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1010}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.; Tao, Tao; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Named Entity Transliteration With Comparable Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1011}
author = {Munteanu, Dragos Stefan; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Extracting Parallel Sub-Sentential Fragments From Non-Parallel Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1012}
author = {Chan, Yee Seng; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Estimating Class Priors In Domain Adaptation For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1013}
author = {Brody, Samuel; Navigli, Roberto; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Ensemble Methods For Unsupervised WSD}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1014}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Meaningful Clustering Of Senses Helps Boost Word Sense Disambiguation Performance}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1015}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Pennacchiotti, Marco}
title = {Espresso: Leveraging Generic Patterns For Automatically Harvesting Semantic Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1016}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian; Zhang, Min}
title = {Modeling Commonality Among Related Classes In Relation Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1017}
author = {Chen, Jinxiu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim; Niu, Zhengyu}
title = {Relation Extraction Using Label Propagation Based Semi-Supervised Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1018}
author = {Kahane, Sylvain}
title = {Polarized Unification Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1019}
author = {Cohen-Sygal, Yael; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Partially Specified Signatures: A Vehicle For Grammar Modularity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1020}
author = {Cetinoglu, Ozlem; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Morphology-Syntax Interface For Turkish LFG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1021}
author = {Hale, John; Shafran, Izhak; Yung, Lisa; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Harper, Mary P.; Krasnyanskaya, Anna; Lease, Matthew; Liu, Yang; Roark, Brian; Snover, Matthew; Stewart, Robin}
title = {PCFGs With Syntactic And Prosodic Indicators Of Speech Repairs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1022}
author = {Ohno, Tomohiro; Matsubara, Shigeki; Kashioka, Hideki; Maruyama, Takehiko; Inagaki, Yasuyoshi}
title = {Dependency Parsing Of Japanese Spoken Monologue Based On Clause Boundaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1023}
author = {Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Trace Prediction And Recovery With Unlexicalized PCFGs And Slash Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1024}
author = {Frampton, Matthew; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Learning More Effective Dialogue Strategies Using Limited Dialogue Move Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1025}
author = {Rotaru, Mihai; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Dependencies Between Student State And Speech Recognition Problems In Spoken Tutoring Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1026}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Di Fabbrizio, Giuseppe; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Learning The Structure Of Task-Driven Human-Human Dialogs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1027}
author = {Jiao, Feng; Wang, Shaojun; Lee, Chi-Hoon; Greiner, Russell; Schuurmans, Dale}
title = {Semi-Supervised Conditional Random Fields For Improved Sequence Segmentation And Labeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1028}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; McDermott, Erik; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Training Conditional Random Fields With Multivariate Evaluation Measures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1029}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Suzuki, Hisami; Yu, Bin}
title = {Approximation Lasso Methods For Language Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1030}
author = {Ishioka, Tsunenori; Kameda, Masayuki}
title = {Automated Japanese Essay Scoring System Based On Articles Written By Experts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1031}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Kawai, Atsuo; Morihiro, Koichiro; Isu, Naoki}
title = {A Feedback-Augmented Method For Detecting Errors In The Writing Of Learners Of English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1032}
author = {Brockett, Chris; Dolan, William B.; Gamon, Michael}
title = {Correcting ESL Errors Using Phrasal SMT Techniques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1033}
author = {Nilsson, Jens; Nivre, Joakim; Hall, Johan}
title = {Graph Transformations In Data-Driven Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1034}
author = {Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Prasad, Rashmi; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Learning To Generate Naturalistic Utterances Using Reviews In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1035}
author = {Ellison, T. Mark; Kirby, Simon}
title = {Measuring Language Divergence By Intra-Lexical Comparison}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1036}
author = {Ferret, Olivier; Zock, Michael}
title = {Enhancing Electronic Dictionaries With An Index Based On Associations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1037}
author = {Foth, Kilian A.; By, Tomas; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Guiding A Constraint Dependency Parser With Supertags}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1038}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Efficient Unsupervised Discovery Of Word Categories Using Symmetric Patterns And High Frequency Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1039}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Bayesian Query-Focused Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1040}
author = {Turney, Peter D.}
title = {Expressing Implicit Semantic Relations Without Supervision}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1041}
author = {Foth, Kilian A.; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Hybrid Parsing: Using Probabilistic Models As Predictors For A Symbolic Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1042}
author = {Sagot, Benoît; De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {Error Mining In Parsing Results}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1043}
author = {McClosky, David; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Reranking And Self-Training For Parser Adaptation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1044}
author = {Korhonen, Anna; Krymolowski, Yuval; Collier, Nigel}
title = {Automatic Classification Of Verbs In Biomedical Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1045}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Ogawa, Yasuhiro; Toyama, Katsuhiko}
title = {Selection Of Effective Contextual Information For Automatic Synonym Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1046}
author = {Gorman, James; Curran, James R.}
title = {Scaling Distributional Similarity To Large Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1047}
author = {Li, Wenjie; Wu, Mingli; Lu, Qin; Xu, Wei; Yuan, Chunfa}
title = {Extractive Summarization Using Inter- And Intra- Event Relevance}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1048}
author = {Clarke, James; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Models For Sentence Compression: A Comparison Across Domains Training Requirements And Evaluation Measures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1049}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Okazaki, Naoaki; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {A Bottom-Up Approach To Sentence Ordering For Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1050}
author = {Pan, Feng; Mulkar, Rutu; Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Learning Event Durations From Event Descriptions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1051}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Automatic Learning Of Textual Entailments With Cross-Pair Similarities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1052}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Thater, Stefan}
title = {An Improved Redundancy Elimination Algorithm For Underspecified Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1053}
author = {Dubey, Amit; Keller, Frank; Sturt, Patrick}
title = {Integrating Syntactic Priming Into An Incremental Probabilistic Parser With An Application To Psycholinguistic Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1054}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Sagae, Kenji; Mitamura, Teruko}
title = {A Fast Accurate Deterministic Parser For Chinese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1055}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Barrett, Leon; Thibaux, Romain; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Accurate Compact And Interpretable Tree Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1056}
author = {Frunza, Oana; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {Semi-Supervised Learning Of Partial Cognates Using Bilingual Bootstrapping}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1057}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Glickman, Oren; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Marmorshtein, Efrat; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Direct Word Sense Matching For Lexical Substitution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1058}
author = {Lu, Zhimao; Wang, Haifeng; Yao, Jianmin; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {An Equivalent Pseudoword Solution To Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1059}
author = {Okanohara, Daisuke; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Improving The Scalability Of Semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1060}
author = {Florian, Radu; Jing, Hongyan; Kambhatla, Nanda; Zitouni, Imed}
title = {Factorizing Complex Models: A Case Study In Mention Detection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1061}
author = {Gu, Zhenmei; Cercone, Nick}
title = {Segment-Based Hidden Markov Models For Information Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1062}
author = {Shi, Lei; Niu, Cheng; Zhou, Ming; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {A DOM Tree Alignment Model For Mining Parallel Data From The Web}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1063}
author = {Judge, John; Cahill, Aoife; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {QuestionBank: Creating A Corpus Of Parse-Annotated Questions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1064}
author = {Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Creating A CCGbank And A Wide-Coverage CCG Lexicon For German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1065}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Bode, Andreas}
title = {Improved Discriminative Bilingual Word Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1066}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Maximum Entropy Based Phrase Reordering Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1067}
author = {Al-Onaizan, Yaser; Papineni, Kishore}
title = {Distortion Models For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1068}
author = {Hulth, Anette; Megyesi, Beáta}
title = {A Study On Automatically Extracted Keywords In Text Categorization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1069}
author = {Li, Jingyang; Sun, Maosong; Zhang, Xian}
title = {A Comparison And Semi-Quantitative Analysis Of Words And Character-Bigrams As Features In Chinese Text Categorization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1070}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Exploiting Comparable Corpora And Bilingual Dictionaries For Cross-Language Text Categorization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1071}
author = {Zhang, Qi; Weng, Fuliang; Feng, Zhe}
title = {A Progressive Feature Selection Algorithm For Ultra Large Feature Spaces}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1072}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Annealing Structural Bias In Multilingual Weighted Grammar Induction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1073}
author = {Zitouni, Imed; Sorensen, Jeffrey S.; Sarikaya, Ruhi}
title = {Maximum Entropy Based Restoration Of Arabic Diacritics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1074}
author = {Lv, Yuanhua; Sun, Le; Zhang, Junlin; Nie, Jian-Yun; Chen, Wan; Zhang, Wei}
title = {An Iterative Implicit Feedback Approach To Personalized Search}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1075}
author = {Zhu, Jiang; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {The Effect Of Translation Quality In MT-Based Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1076}
author = {Blake, Catherine}
title = {A Comparison Of Document Sentence And Term Event Spaces}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1077}
author = {Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Tree-To-String Alignment Template For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1078}
author = {Sudoh, Katsuhito; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Incorporating Speech Recognition Confidence Into Discriminative Named Entity Recognition Of Speech Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1079}
author = {Iida, Ryu; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Exploiting Syntactic Patterns As Clues In Zero-Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1080}
author = {Park, Seong-Bae; Tae, Yoon-Shik; Park, Se Young}
title = {Self-Organizing N-Gram Model For Automatic Word Spacing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1081}
author = {Li, Qing; Myaeng, Sung-Hyon; Jin, Yun; Kang, Bo-Yeong}
title = {Concept Unification Of Terms In Different Languages For IR}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1082}
author = {Chatterjee, Niladri; Agrawal, Saumya}
title = {Word Alignment In English-Hindi Parallel Corpus Using Recency-Vector Approach: Some Studies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1083}
author = {Khaltar, Badam-Osor; Fujii, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Extracting Loanwords From Mongolian Corpora And Producing A Japanese-Mongolian Bilingual Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1084}
author = {Adler, Meni; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {An Unsupervised Morpheme-Based HMM For Hebrew Morphological Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1085}
author = {Goldwater, Sharon; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Contextual Dependencies In Unsupervised Word Segmentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1086}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {MAGEAD: A Morphological Analyzer And Generator For The Arabic Dialects}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1087}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Adler, Meni; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Noun Phrase Chunking In Hebrew: Influence Of Lexical And Morphological Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1088}
author = {Curran, James R.; Clark, Stephen; Vadas, David}
title = {Multi-Tagging For Lexicalized-Grammar Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1089}
author = {Nakagawa, Tetsuji; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Guessing Parts-Of-Speech Of Unknown Words Using Global Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1090}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki; Saito, Kuniko; Yamamoto, Kazuhide; Ohashi, Kazuteru}
title = {A Clustered Global Phrase Reordering Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1091}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Zhang, Tong}
title = {A Discriminative Global Training Algorithm For Statistical MT}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1092}
author = {Mori, Shinsuke; Takuma, Daisuke; Kurata, Gakuto}
title = {Phoneme-To-Text Transcription System With An Infinite Vocabulary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1093}
author = {Roy, Shourya; Subramaniam, L. Venkata}
title = {Automatic Generation Of Domain Models For Call-Centers From Noisy Transcriptions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1094}
author = {Kelleher, John D.; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Costello, Fintan J.}
title = {Proximity In Context: An Empirically Grounded Computational Model Of Proximity For Processing Topological Spatial Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1095}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Verhagen, Marc; Wellner, Benjamin; Lee, Chong Min; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Machine Learning Of Temporal Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1096}
author = {Liang, Percy; Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre; Klein, Dan; Taskar, Ben}
title = {An End-To-End Discriminative Approach To Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1097}
author = {Fraser, Alexander; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Semi-Supervised Training For Statistical Word Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1098}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Left-To-Right Target Generation For Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1099}
author = {Wermter, Joachim; Hahn, Udo}
title = {You Can't Beat Frequency (Unless You Use Linguistic Knowledge) - A Qualitative Evaluation Of Association Measures For Collocation And Term Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1100}
author = {Pennacchiotti, Marco; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Ontologizing Semantic Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1101}
author = {Snow, Rion; Jurafsky, Daniel; Ng, Andrew Y.}
title = {Semantic Taxonomy Induction From Heterogenous Evidence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1102}
author = {Paşca, Marius; Lin, Dekang; Bigham, Jeffrey; Lifchits, Andrei; Jain, Alpa}
title = {Names And Similarities On The Web: Fact Extraction In The Fast Lane}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1103}
author = {Klementiev, Alexandre; Roth, Dan}
title = {Weakly Supervised Named Entity Transliteration And Discovery From Multilingual Comparable Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1104}
author = {Zhang, Min; Zhang, Jie; Su, Jian; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {A Composite Kernel To Extract Relations Between Entities With Both Flat And Structured Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1105}
author = {Abekawa, Takeshi; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Japanese Dependency Parsing Using Co-Occurrence Information And A Combination Of Case Elements}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1106}
author = {Demner-Fushman, Dina; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Answer Extraction Semantic Clustering And Extractive Summarization For Clinical Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1107}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Pennacchiotti, Marco; Pazienza, Maria Teresa}
title = {Discovering Asymmetric Entailment Relations Between Verbs Using Selectional Preferences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1108}
author = {Halpin, Harry; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Event Extraction In A Plot Advice Agent}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1109}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {An All-Subtrees Approach To Unsupervised Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1110}
author = {Turian, Joseph P.; Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Advances In Discriminative Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1111}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Klein, Dan}
title = {Prototype-Driven Grammar Induction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1112}
author = {Shen, Dan; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Exploring Correlation Of Dependency Relation Paths For Answer Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1113}
author = {Novischi, Adrian; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Question Answering With Lexical Chains Propagating Verb Arguments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1114}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Hickl, Andrew}
title = {Methods For Using Textual Entailment In Open-Domain Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1115}
author = {Kate, Rohit J.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Using String-Kernels For Learning Semantic Parsers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1116}
author = {Abdalla, Rashid M.; Teufel, Simone}
title = {A Bootstrapping Approach To Unsupervised Detection Of Cue Phrase Variants}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1117}
author = {Giuglea, Ana-Maria; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Via FrameNet VerbNet And PropBank}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1118}
author = {Serasset, Gilles; Brunet-Manquat, Francis; Chiocchetti, Elena}
title = {Multilingual Legal Terminology On The Jibiki Platform: The LexALP Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1119}
author = {Murray, G. Craig; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Lin, Jimmy; Hajič, Jan; Pecina, Pavel}
title = {Leveraging Reusability: Cost-Effective Lexical Acquisition For Large-Scale Ontology Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1120}
author = {Seretan, Violeta; Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Accurate Collocation Extraction Using A Multilingual Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1121}
author = {Galley, Michel; Graehl, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel; DeNeefe, Steve; Wang, Wei; Thayer, Ignacio}
title = {Scalable Inference And Training Of Context-Rich Syntactic Translation Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1122}
author = {Talbot, David; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Modelling Lexical Redundancy For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1123}
author = {Wellington, Benjamin; Waxmonsky, Sonjia; Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Empirical Lower Bounds On The Complexity Of Translational Equivalence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1124}
author = {Teh, Yee Whye}
title = {A Hierarchical Bayesian Language Model Based On Pitman-Yor Processes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1125}
author = {Xia, Yunqing; Wong, Kam-Fai; Li, Wenjie}
title = {A Phonetic-Based Approach To Chinese Chat Text Normalization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1126}
author = {Li, Jianfeng; Wang, Haifeng; Ren, Dengjun; Li, Guohua}
title = {Discriminative Pruning Of Language Models For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1127}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Lin, Ming-Shun; Wei, Yu-Chuan}
title = {Novel Association Measures Using Web Search With Double Checking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1128}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Ohta, Tomoko; Masuda, Katsuya; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Ninomiya, Takashi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Semantic Retrieval For The Accurate Identification Of Relational Concepts In Massive Textbases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1129}
author = {Li, Mu; Zhu, Muhua; Zhang, Yang; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Exploring Distributional Similarity Based Models For Query Spelling Correction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1130}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Robust PCFG-Based Generation Using Automatically Acquired LFG Approximations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1131}
author = {Kelleher, John D.; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {Incremental Generation Of Spatial Referring Expressions In Situated Dialog}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1132}
author = {Suzuki, Hisami; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Learning To Predict Case Markers In Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1133}
author = {Lin, Wei-Hao; Hauptmann, Alexander G.}
title = {Are These Documents Written From Different Perspectives? A Test Of Different Perspectives Based On Statistical Distribution Divergence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1134}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Word Sense And Subjectivity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1135}
author = {Prager, John; Duboue, Pablo Ariel; Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {Improving QA Accuracy By Question Inversion}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1136}
author = {Chen, Yi; Zhou, Ming; Wang, Shilong}
title = {Reranking Answers For Definitional QA Using Language Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1137}
author = {Feinstein, Daniel; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Highly Constrained Unification Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1138}
author = {Gerdes, Kim; Kahane, Sylvain}
title = {A Polynomial Parsing Algorithm For The Topological Model: Synchronizing Constituent And Dependency Grammars Illustrated By German Word Order Phenomena}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1139}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Stochastic Language Generation Using WIDL-Expressions And Its Application In Machine Translation And Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1140}
author = {Nakatsu, Crystal; White, Michael}
title = {Learning To Say It Well: Reranking Realizations By Predicted Synthesis Quality}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1141}
author = {Krishnan, Vijay; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {An Effective Two-Stage Model For Exploiting Non-Local Dependencies In Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1142}
author = {Kuo, Jin-Shea; Li, Haizhou; Yang, Ying-Kuei}
title = {Learning Transliteration Lexicons From The Web}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1143}
author = {Malik, M. G. Abbas}
title = {Punjabi Machine Transliteration}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1144}
author = {Montalvo, Soto; Martínez, Raquel; Casillas, Arantza; Fresno, Víctor}
title = {Multilingual Document Clustering: An Heuristic Approach Based On Cognate Named Entities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1145}
author = {Noro, Taichi; Inui, Takashi; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Time Period Identification Of Events In Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1146}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Optimal Constituent Alignment With Edge Covers For Semantic Projection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-1147}
author = {Wu, Min; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Utilizing Co-Occurrence Of Answers In Question Answering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2001}
author = {Alegria, Iñaki; Arrieta, Bertol; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Izagirre, Eli; Maritxalar, Montse}
title = {Using Machine Learning Techniques To Build A Comma Checker For Basque}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2002}
author = {Alfonseca, Enrique; Castells, Pablo; Okumura, Manabu; Ruiz-Casado, Maria}
title = {A Rote Extractor With Edit Distance-Based Generalisation And Multi-Corpora Precision Calculation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2003}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Giménez, Jesús; Gonzalo, Julio; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {MT Evaluation: Human-Like Vs. Human Acceptable}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2004}
author = {Atterer, Michaela; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {The Effect Of Corpus Size In Combining Supervised And Unsupervised Training For Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2005}
author = {Aw, Aiti; Zhang, Min; Xiao, Juan; Su, Jian}
title = {A Phrase-Based Statistical Model For SMS Text Normalization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2006}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Carroll, John}
title = {Evaluating The Accuracy Of An Unlexicalized Statistical Parser On The PARC DepBank}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2007}
author = {Carterette, Ben; Jones, Rosie; Greiner, Wiley; Barr, Cory}
title = {N Semantic Classes Are Harder Than Two}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2008}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Zhang, Chen; Baldwin, Tyler}
title = {Towards Conversational QA: Automatic Identification Of Problematic Situations And User Intent}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2009}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei; Do, Quang; Roth, Dan}
title = {A Pipeline Framework For Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2010}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Zhang, Min; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {A Hybrid Convolution Tree Kernel For Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2011}
author = {Chen, Conrad; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {A High-Accurate Chinese-English NE Backward Translation System Combining Both Lexical Information And Web Statistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2012}
author = {Chen, Jinxiu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim; Niu, Zhengyu}
title = {Unsupervised Relation Disambiguation Using Spectral Clustering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2013}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Zhang, Yujie; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {An Empirical Study Of Chinese Chunking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2014}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Soft Syntactic Constraints For Word Alignment Through Discriminative Training}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2015}
author = {Abolhassani Chime, Zahra}
title = {An Account For Compound Prepositions In Farsi}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2016}
author = {Chou, Lin-Yi}
title = {Techniques To Incorporate The Benefits Of A Hierarchy In A Modified Hidden Markov Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2017}
author = {Choudhury, Monojit; Mukherjee, Animesh; Basu, Anupam; Ganguly, Niloy}
title = {Analysis And Synthesis Of The Distribution Of Consonants Over Languages: A Complex Network Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2018}
author = {Chrupała, Grzegorz; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Using Machine-Learning To Assign Function Labels To Parser Output For Spanish}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2019}
author = {Clarke, James; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Constraint-Based Sentence Compression: An Integer Programming Approach}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2020}
author = {Conroy, John M.; Schlesinger, Judith D.; O'Leary, Dianne P.}
title = {Topic-Focused Multi-Document Summarization Using An Approximate Oracle Score}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2021}
author = {Costello, Fintan J.; Veale, Tony; Dunne, Simon}
title = {Using WordNet To Automatically Deduce Relations Between Words In Noun-Noun Compounds}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2022}
author = {Creswell, Cassandre; Beal, Matthew J.; Chen, John; Cornell, Thomas L.; Nilsson, Lars; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {Automatically Extracting Nominal Mentions Of Events With A Bootstrapped Probabilistic Classifier}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2023}
author = {Duan, Jianyong; Lu, Ruzhan; Wu, Weilin; Hu, Yi; Tian, Yan}
title = {A Bio-Inspired Approach For Multi-Word Expression Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2024}
author = {Eckart, Richard}
title = {Towards A Modular Data Model For Multi-Layer Annotated Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2025}
author = {Ekbal, Asif; Naskar, Sudip Kumar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {A Modified Joint Source-Channel Model For Transliteration}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2026}
author = {Fang, Gaolin; Yu, Hao; Nishino, Fumihito}
title = {Chinese-English Term Translation Mining Based On Semantic Prediction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2027}
author = {Filatova, Elena; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Automatic Creation Of Domain Templates}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2028}
author = {Finch, Andrew; Black, Ezra W.; Hwang, Young-Sook; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Using Lexical Dependency And Ontological Knowledge To Improve A Detailed Syntactic And Semantic Tagger Of English}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2029}
author = {Foth, Kilian A.; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {The Benefit Of Stochastic PP Attachment To A Rule-Based Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2030}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Using Bilingual Comparable Corpora And Semi-Supervised Clustering For Topic Tracking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2031}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Chen, Benfeng}
title = {Robust Word Sense Translation By EM Learning Of Frame Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2032}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Parmentier, Yannick}
title = {Coreference Handling In XMG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2033}
author = {Gatt, Albert; van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Conceptual Coherence In The Generation Of Referring Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2034}
author = {Ge, Ruifang; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Discriminative Reranking For Semantic Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2035}
author = {Giguet, Emmanuel; Luquet, Pierre-Sylvain}
title = {Multilingual Lexical Database Generation From Parallel Texts In 20 European Languages With Endogenous Resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2036}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Satta, Giorgio; Zhang, Hao}
title = {Factoring Synchronous Grammars By Sorting}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2037}
author = {Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Low-Cost Enrichment Of Spanish WordNet With Automatically Translated Glosses: Combining General And Specialized Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2038}
author = {Glaysher, Elliot; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Speeding Up Full Syntactic Parsing By Leveraging Partial Parsing Decisions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2039}
author = {Goyal, Shailly; Chatterjee, Niladri}
title = {Parsing Aligned Parallel Corpus By Projecting Syntactic Relations From Annotated Source Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2040}
author = {Ha, Le Quan; Hanna, Philip; Stewart, D. W.; Smith, Francis J.}
title = {Reduced N-Gram Models For English And Chinese Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2041}
author = {Hall, Johan; Nivre, Joakim; Nilsson, Jens}
title = {Discriminative Classifiers For Deterministic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2042}
author = {Hamabe, Ryoji; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Kawahara, Tatsuya; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Detection Of Quotations And Inserted Clauses And Its Application To Dependency Structure Analysis In Spontaneous Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2043}
author = {Han, Xiwu; Zhao, Tiejun; Fu, Xingshang}
title = {Improving English Subcategorization Acquisition With Diathesis Alternations As Heuristic Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2044}
author = {Hargreaves, Katherine; Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Local Constraints On Sentence Markers And Focus In Somali}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2045}
author = {Haruechaiyasak, Choochart; Sangkeettrakarn, Chatchawal; Palingoon, Pornpimon; Kongyoung, Sarawoot; Damrongrat, Chaianun}
title = {A Collaborative Framework For Collecting Thai Unknown Words From The Web}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2046}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Sato, Satoshi; Utsuro, Takehito}
title = {Japanese Idiom Recognition: Drawing A Line Between Literal And Idiomatic Meanings}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2047}
author = {Hirakawa, Hideki}
title = {Graph Branch Algorithm: An Optimum Tree Search Method For Scored Dependency Graph With Arc Co-Occurrence Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2048}
author = {Hopkins, Mark; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Exploring The Potential Of Intractable Parsers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2049}
author = {Horacek, Helmut; Wolska, Magdalena}
title = {Transformation-Based Interpretation Of Implicit Parallel Structures: Reconstructing The Meaning Of vice Versa And Similar Linguistic Operators}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2050}
author = {Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {When Conset Meets Synset: A Preliminary Survey Of An Ontological Lexical Resource Based On Chinese Characters}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2051}
author = {Huwel, Sonja; Wrede, Britta}
title = {Spontaneous Speech Understanding For Robust Multi-Modal Human-Robot Communication}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2052}
author = {Ichikawa, Hiroshi; Hakoda, Keita; Hashimoto, Taiichi; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Efficient Sentence Retrieval Based On Syntactic Structure}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2053}
author = {Jabbari, Sanaz; Allison, Ben; Guthrie, David; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Towards The Orwellian Nightmare: Separation Of Business And Personal Emails}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2054}
author = {Jeong, Minwoo; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Exploiting Non-Local Features For Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2055}
author = {Ji, Heng; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Analysis And Repair Of Name Tagger Errors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2056}
author = {Jin, Zhihui; Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko}
title = {Unsupervised Segmentation Of Chinese Text By Use Of Branching Entropy}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2057}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {A FrameNet-Based Semantic Role Labeler For Swedish}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2058}
author = {Kacmarcik, Gary; Gamon, Michael}
title = {Obfuscating Document Stylometry To Preserve Author Anonymity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2059}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Polarity-Tagged Corpus From HTML Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2060}
author = {Kambhatla, Nanda}
title = {Minority Vote: At-Least-N Voting Improves Recall For Extracting Relations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2061}
author = {Khadivi, Shahram; Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Integration Of Speech To Computer-Assisted Translation Using Finite-State Automata}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2062}
author = {Khegai, Janna}
title = {GF Parallel Resource Grammars And Russian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2063}
author = {Kim, Soo-Min; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Automatic Identification Of Pro And Con Reasons In Online Reviews}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2064}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Interpreting Semantic Relations In Noun Compounds Via Verb Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2065}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Nair, Anish; Rathod, Nishit; Yamada, Kenji}
title = {Unsupervised Analysis For Decipherment Problems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2066}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Mildly Non-Projective Dependency Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2067}
author = {Li, Jianguo; Brew, Chris}
title = {Parsing And Subcategorization Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2068}
author = {Lin, Jimmy}
title = {The Role Of Information Retrieval In Answering Complex Questions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2069}
author = {Lioma, Christina; Ounis, Iadh}
title = {Examining The Content Load Of Part Of Speech Blocks For Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2070}
author = {Liu, Ding; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Stochastic Iterative Alignment For Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2071}
author = {Loeff, Nicolas; Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter; Forsyth, David A.}
title = {Discriminating Image Senses By Clustering With Multimodal Features}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2072}
author = {Marrafa, Palmira; Mendes, Sara}
title = {Modeling Adjectives In Computational Relational Lexica}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2073}
author = {Martínez-Hinarejos, Carlos D.; Granell, Ramon; Benedí, José-Miguel}
title = {Segmented And Unsegmented Dialogue-Act Annotation With Statistical Dialogue Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2074}
author = {Maslennikov, Mstislav; Goh, Hai-Kiat; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {ARE: Instance Splitting Strategies For Dependency Relation-Based Information Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2075}
author = {Mirkin, Shachar; Dagan, Ido; Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Maayan}
title = {Integrating Pattern-Based And Distributional Similarity Methods For Lexical Entailment Acquisition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2076}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Kanamaru, Toshiyuki; Shirado, Tamotsu; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Machine-Learning-Based Transformation Of Passive Japanese Sentences Into Active By Separating Training Data Into Each Input Particle}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2077}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Kawai, Atsuo; Morihiro, Koichiro; Isu, Naoki}
title = {Reinforcing English Countability Prediction With One Countability Per Discourse Property}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2078}
author = {Nanba, Hidetsugu; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {An Automatic Method For Summary Evaluation Using Multiple Evaluation Results By A Manual Method}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2079}
author = {Ng, Vincent; Dasgupta, Sajib; Arifin, S. M. Niaz}
title = {Examining The Role Of Linguistic Knowledge Sources In The Automatic Identification And Classification Of Reviews}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2080}
author = {Nguyen, Minh Le; Shimazu, Akira; Phan, Xuan-Hieu}
title = {Semantic Parsing With Structured SVM Ensemble Classification Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2081}
author = {Oberlander, Jon; Nowson, Scott}
title = {Whose Thumb Is It Anyway? Classifying Author Personality From Weblog Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2082}
author = {Ohtake, Kiyonori}
title = {Analysis Of Selective Strategies To Build A Dependency-Analyzed Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2083}
author = {Okazaki, Naoaki; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {A Term Recognition Approach To Acronym Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2084}
author = {Pecina, Pavel; Schlesinger, Pavel}
title = {Combining Association Measures For Collocation Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2085}
author = {Rieser, Verena; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Using Machine Learning To Explore Human Multimodal Clarification Strategies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2086}
author = {Rosenfeld, Benjamin; Feldman, Ronen}
title = {URES : An Unsupervised Web Relation Extraction System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2087}
author = {Ruch, Patrick; Tbahriti, Imad; Gobeill, Julien; Aronson, Alan R.}
title = {Argumentative Feedback: A Linguistically-Motivated Term Expansion For Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2088}
author = {Ryu, Koichiro; Matsubara, Shigeki; Inagaki, Yasuyoshi}
title = {Simultaneous English-Japanese Spoken Language Translation Based On Incremental Dependency Parsing And Transfer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2089}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Lavie, Alon}
title = {A Best-First Probabilistic Shift-Reduce Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2090}
author = {Santini, Marina; Power, Richard; Evans, Roger}
title = {Implementing A Characterization Of Genre For Automatic Genre Identification Of Web Pages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2091}
author = {Sato, Manabu; Bekki, Daisuke; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Translating HPSG-Style Outputs Of A Robust Parser Into Typed Dynamic Logic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2092}
author = {Schrader, Bettina}
title = {ATLAS - A New Text Alignment Architecture}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2093}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Déchelotte, Daniel; Gauvain, Jean-Luc}
title = {Continuous Space Language Models For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2094}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {On-Demand Information Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2095}
author = {Sharoff, Serge; Babych, Bogdan; Hartley, Anthony}
title = {Using Comparable Corpora To Solve Problems Difficult For Human Translators}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2096}
author = {Shen, Siwei; Radev, Dragomir R.; Patel, Agam; Erkan, Gunes}
title = {Adding Syntax To Dynamic Programming For Aligning Comparable Texts For The Generation Of Paraphrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2097}
author = {Shibata, Tomohide; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Unsupervised Topic Identification By Integrating Linguistic And Visual Information Based On Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2098}
author = {Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Haas, Andrew R.}
title = {Exact Decoding For Jointly Labeling And Chunking Sequences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2099}
author = {Shirai, Kiyoaki; Ookawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Compiling A Lexicon Of Cooking Actions For Animation Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2100}
author = {Singh, Smriti; Gupta, Kuhoo; Shrivastava, Manish; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Morphological Richness Offsets Resource Demand - Experiences In Constructing A POS Tagger For Hindi}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2101}
author = {Smith, David A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Minimum Risk Annealing For Training Log-Linear Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2102}
author = {Snider, Neal; Diab, Mona}
title = {Unsupervised Induction Of Modern Standard Arabic Verb Classes Using Syntactic Frames And LSA}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2103}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Discourse Generation Using Utility-Trained Coherence Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2104}
author = {Swanson, Reid; Gordon, Andrew S.}
title = {A Comparison Of Alternative Parse Tree Paths For Labeling Semantic Roles}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2105}
author = {Tatu, Marta; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {A Logic-Based Semantic Approach To Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2106}
author = {Tokunaga, Takenobu; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Charoenporn, Thatsanee; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Monachini, Monica; Soria, Claudia; Huang, Chu-Ren; Xia, Yingju; Yu, Hao; Prévot, Laurent; Shirai, Kiyoaki}
title = {Infrastructure For Standardization Of Asian Language Resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2107}
author = {Tomás, Jesús; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Statistical Phrase-Based Models For Interactive Computer-Assisted Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2108}
author = {Tsai, Jia-Lin}
title = {Using Word Support Model To Improve Chinese Input System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2109}
author = {Unno, Yuya; Ninomiya, Takashi; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Trimming CFG Parse Trees For Sentence Compression Using Machine Learning Approaches}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2110}
author = {Utsumi, Akira; Suzuki, Daisuke}
title = {Word Vectors And Two Kinds Of Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2111}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Finding Synonyms Using Automatic Word Alignment And Measures Of Distributional Similarity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2112}
author = {Wang, Haifeng; Wu, Hua; Liu, Zhanyi}
title = {Word Alignment For Languages With Scarce Resources Using Bilingual Corpora Of Other Language Pairs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2113}
author = {Wang, Ye-Yi; Acero, Alex; Mahajan, Milind; Lee, John}
title = {Combining Statistical And Knowledge-Based Spoken Language Understanding In Conditional Models}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2114}
author = {Wasala, Asanka; Weerasinghe, Ruvan; Gamage, Kumudu}
title = {Sinhala Grapheme-To-Phoneme Conversion And Rules For Schwa Epenthesis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2115}
author = {Wu, Andi; Lowery, Kirk}
title = {From Prosodic Trees To Syntactic Trees}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2116}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Lee, Ken Wing Kuen}
title = {A Grammatical Approach To Understanding Textual Tables Using Two-Dimensional SCFGs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2117}
author = {Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Zhanyi}
title = {Boosting Statistical Word Alignment Using Labeled And Unlabeled Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2118}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Chen, Jinying; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Aligning Features With Sense Distinction Dimensions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2119}
author = {Yang, Dongqiang; Powers, David M. W.}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using Lexical Cohesion In The Context}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2120}
author = {Yeh, Jui-Feng; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Yang, Mao-Zhu}
title = {Stochastic Discourse Modeling In Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Semantic Dependency Graphs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2121}
author = {Yu, Liang-Chih; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Jang, Fong-Lin}
title = {HAL-Based Cascaded Model For Variable-Length Semantic Pattern Induction From Psychiatry Web Resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2122}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Inducing Word Alignments With Bilexical Synchronous Trees}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2123}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Kikui, Genichiro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Subword-Based Tagging For Confidence-Dependent Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2124}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {BiTAM: Bilingual Topic AdMixture Models For Word Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-2125}
author = {Zhu, Jing; Li, Jian-Hua}
title = {An HMM-Based Approach To Automatic Phrasing For Mandarin Text-To-Speech Synthesis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3001}
author = {Biswas, Pradipta}
title = {A Flexible Approach To Natural Language Generation For Disabled Children}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3002}
author = {Biemann, Christian}
title = {Unsupervised Part-Of-Speech Tagging Employing Efficient Graph Clustering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3003}
author = {Cromierès, Fabien}
title = {Sub-Sentential Alignment Using Substring Co-Occurrence Counts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3004}
author = {Maier, Wolfgang}
title = {Annotation Schemes And Their Influence On Parsing Results}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3005}
author = {Park, Jihyun}
title = {Modeling Human Sentence Processing Data With A Statistical Parts-Of-Speech Tagger}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3006}
author = {Shimizu, Nobuyuki}
title = {Semantic Discourse Segmentation And Labeling For Route Instructions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3007}
author = {Wu, Mingli}
title = {Investigations On Event-Based Summarization}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3008}
author = {Yue, Ming}
title = {Discursive Usage Of Six Chinese Punctuation Marks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3009}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut}
title = {Integrated Morphological And Syntactic Disambiguation For Modern Hebrew}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3010}
author = {Specia, Lucia}
title = {A Hybrid Relational Approach For WSD - First Results}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3011}
author = {Loos, Berenike}
title = {On2L - A Framework For Incremental Ontology Learning In Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3012}
author = {Narupiyakul, Lalita}
title = {Focus To Emphasize Tone Structures For Prosodic Analysis In Spoken Language Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3013}
author = {Park, Jungyeul}
title = {Extraction Of Tree Adjoining Grammars From A Treebank For Korean}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3014}
author = {Li, Jianguo}
title = {Parsing And Subcategorization Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-3015}
author = {Rudzicz, Frank}
title = {Clavius: Bi-Directional Parsing For Generic Multimodal Interaction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4001}
author = {Chen, Chia-Yin; Liou, Hsien-Chin; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {FAST - An Automatic Generation System For Grammar Tests}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4002}
author = {Montero, Calkin S.; Araki, Kenji}
title = {Is It Correct? - Towards Web-Based Evaluation Of Automatic Natural Language Phrase Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4003}
author = {Tesconi, Maurizio; Marchetti, Andrea; Bertagna, Francesca; Monachini, Monica; Soria, Claudia; Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {LeXFlow: A System For Cross-Fertilization Of Computational Lexicons}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4004}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Valido: A Visual Tool For Validating Sense Annotations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4005}
author = {Ohta, Tomoko; Miyao, Yusuke; Ninomiya, Takashi; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Yakushiji, Akane; Masuda, Katsuya; Takeuchi, Jumpei; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Hara, Tadayoshi; Kim, Jin-Dong; Tateisi, Yuka; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {An Intelligent Search Engine And GUI-Based Efficient MEDLINE Search Tool Based On Deep Syntactic Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4006}
author = {Mima, Hideki}
title = {MIMA Search: A Structuring Knowledge System Towards Innovation For Engineering Education}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4007}
author = {Hickl, Andrew; Wang, Patrick; Lehmann, John; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {FERRET: Interactive Question-Answering For Real-World Environments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4008}
author = {Song, Young-In; Chung, Hoojung; Han, Kyoung-Soo; Lee, Joo-Young; Rim, Hae-Chang; Lee, Jae-Won}
title = {K-QARD: A Practical Korean Question Answering Framework For Restricted Domain}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4009}
author = {Mazur, Pawel; Dale, Robert}
title = {An Intermediate Representation For The Interpretation Of Temporal Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4010}
author = {Yao, Tianfang; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Chinese Named Entity And Relation Identification System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4011}
author = {Wu, Jien-Chen; Chang, Yu-Chia; Liou, Hsien-Chin; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Computational Analysis Of Move Structures In Academic Abstracts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4012}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Erkan, Gunes; Fader, Anthony; Jordan, Patrick; Shen, Siwei; Sweeney, James P.}
title = {LexNet: A Graphical Environment For Graph-Based NLP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4013}
author = {Ailomaa, Marita; Melichar, Miroslav; Lisowska, Agnes; Rajman, Martin; Armstrong, Susan}
title = {Archivus: A Multimodal System For Multimedia Meeting Browsing And Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4014}
author = {Lonning, Jan Tore; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {Re-Usable Tools For Precision Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4015}
author = {Becker, Tilman; Poller, Peter; Schehl, Jan; Blaylock, Nate; Gerstenberger, Ciprian; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana}
title = {The SAMMIE System: Multimodal In-Car Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4016}
author = {Wehrli, Eric}
title = {TwicPen: Hand-Held Scanner And Translation Software For Non-Native Readers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4017}
author = {Fujita, Sanae; Tanaka, Takaaki; Bond, Francis; Nakaiwa, Hiromi}
title = {An Implemented Description Of Japanese: The Lexeed Dictionary And The Hinoki Treebank}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4018}
author = {Bird, Steven}
title = {NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4019}
author = {Blanc, Olivier; Constant, Matthieu}
title = {Outilex A Linguistic Platform For Text Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P06-4020}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Carroll, John; Watson, Rebecca}
title = {The Second Release Of The RASP System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {2006}
id = {P84-1001}
author = {Anderson, Lloyd B.}
title = {Multilingual Text Processing In A Two-Byte Code}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1002}
author = {Cook, Malcolm E.; Lehnert, Wendy G.; McDonald, David D.}
title = {Conveying Implicit Content In Narrative Summaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1003}
author = {Lopes, Gabriel}
title = {Transforming English Interfaces To Other Natural Languages: An Experiment With Portuguese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1004}
author = {Chauche, J.}
title = {Un Outil Multidimensionnel De L'Analyse Du Discours}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1005}
author = {Fujisaki, Tetsunosuke}
title = {A Stochastic Approach To Sentence Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1006}
author = {Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {Bounded Context Parsing And Easy Learnabiity}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1007}
author = {Langendoen, D. Terence; Langsam, Yedidyah}
title = {The Representation Of Constituent Structures For Finite-State Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1008}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Features And Values}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1009}
author = {Teubert, Wolfgang}
title = {Applications Of A Lexicographical Data Base For German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1010}
author = {Grimes, Joseph E.}
title = {Denormalization And Cross Referencing In Theoretical Lexicography}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1011}
author = {Sakamoto, Yoshiyuki; Satoh, Masayuki; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Lexicon Features For Japanese Syntactic Analysis In Mu-Project-JE}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1012}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Toward A Redefinition Of Yes/No Questions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1013}
author = {Ballard, Bruce W.}
title = {The Syntax And Semantics Of User-Defined Modifiers In Transportable Natural Language Processor}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1014}
author = {Hafner, Carole D.}
title = {Interaction Of Knowledge Sources In A Portable Natural Language Interface}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1015}
author = {Clemente-Salazar, Marco A.}
title = {Uses Of C-Graphs In A Prototype For Altomatic Twislation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1016}
author = {Rapaport, William J.; Shapiro, Stuart C.}
title = {Quasi-Indexical Reference In Propositional Semantic Networks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1017}
author = {Simmons, Robert F.}
title = {The Costs Of Inheritance In Semantic Networks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1018}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Functional Unification Grammar: A Formalism For Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1019}
author = {Sigurd, Bengt}
title = {Computer Simulation Of Spontaneous Speech Production}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1020}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Limited Domain Systems For Language Teaching}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1021}
author = {Shann, Patrick; Cochard, Jean-Luc}
title = {GTT : A General Transducer For Teaching Computational Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1022}
author = {Slack, Jon M.}
title = {A Parsing Architecture Based On Distributed Memory Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1023}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Nhan, Ngo Thanh; Marsh, Elaine; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Automated Determination Of Sublanguage Syntactic Usage}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1024}
author = {Sondheimer, Norman K.; Weischedel, Ralph M.; Bobrow, Robert J.}
title = {Semantic Interpretation Using KL-One}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1025}
author = {Pelletier, Francis Jeffry; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Two Theories For Computing The Logical Form Of Mass Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1026}
author = {Pullum, Geoffrey K.}
title = {Syntactic And Semantic Parsability}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1027}
author = {Pereira, Fernando; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {The Semantics Of Grammar Formalisms Seen As Computer Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1028}
author = {Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {The Resolution Of Quantificational Ambiguity In The Tendum System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1029}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Preventing False Inferences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1030}
author = {Ramshaw, Lance A.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Problem Localization Strategies For Pramatics Processing In Natural-Language Front Ends}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1031}
author = {Reilly, Ronan G.}
title = {A Connectionist Model Of Some Aspects Of Anaphor Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1032}
author = {Schnelle, Helmut}
title = {Concurrent Parsing In Programmable Logic Array (Pla-)Nets Problems And Proposals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1033}
author = {Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {A Case Analysis Method Cooperating With ATNG And Its Application To Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1034}
author = {Nitta, Yoshihiko; Okajima, Atsushi; Kaji, Hiroyuki; Hidano, Youichi; Ishihara, Koichiro}
title = {A Proper Treatmemt Of Syntax And Semantics In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1035}
author = {Yoshida, Sho}
title = {A Consideration On The Concepts Structure And Language In Relation To Selections Of Translation Equivalents Of Verbs In Machine Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1036}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {Detecting Patterns In A Lexical Data Base}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1037}
author = {Thurmair, Gregor}
title = {Linguistic Problems In Multilingual Morphological Decomposition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1038}
author = {Koskenniemi, Kimmo}
title = {A General Computational Model For Word-Form Recognition And Production}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1039}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen}
title = {Panel: Natural Language And Databases Again}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1040}
author = {Bates, Madeleine}
title = {There Still Is Gold In The Database Mine}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1041}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Is There Natural Language After Data Bases?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1042}
author = {Flickinger, Daniel P.}
title = {Panel On Natural Language And Databases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1043}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Natural Language For Exert Systems: Comparisons With Database Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1044}
author = {Soulhi, Said}
title = {Representing Knowledge About Knowledge And Mutual Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1045}
author = {Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Understanding Pragmatically Ill-Formed Input}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1046}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.}
title = {Referring As Requesting}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1047}
author = {Hayes, Philip J.}
title = {Entity-Oriented Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1048}
author = {Nishida, Toyoaki; Doshita, Shuji}
title = {Combining Functionality And Object-Orientedness For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1049}
author = {Yang, Yiming; Nishida, Toyoaki; Doshita, Shuji}
title = {Use Of Heuristic Knowledge In Chinese Language Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1050}
author = {Johnson, Rod L.; Rosner, Mike A.}
title = {The Design Of The Kernel Architecture For The Eurotra Software}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1051}
author = {Laurian, Anne-Marie}
title = {Machine Translation: What Type Of Post-Editing On What Type Of Documents For What Type Of Users}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1052}
author = {Carter, Alan W.; Freiling, Michael J.}
title = {Simplifying Deterministic Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1053}
author = {Huang, Xiuming}
title = {Dealing With Conjunctions In A Machine Translation Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1054}
author = {Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {On Parsing Preferences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1055}
author = {Cohen, Robin}
title = {A Computational Theory Of The Function Of Clue Words In Argument Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1056}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {Control Structures And Theories Of Interaction In Speech Understanding Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1057}
author = {Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Nakamura, Jun-Ichi; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Analysis Grammar Of Japanese In The Mu-Project - A Procedural Approach To Analysis Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1058}
author = {Gross, Maurice}
title = {Lexicon-Grammar And The Syntactic Analysis Of French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1059}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Building A Large Knowledge Base For A Natural Language System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1060}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen; Tait, John Irving}
title = {Linguistically Motivated Descriptive Term Selection}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1061}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Hnatkova, Milena}
title = {Inferencing On Linguistically Based Semantic Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1062}
author = {Rieger, Burghard B.}
title = {Semantic Relevance And Aspect Dependency In A Given Subject Domain: Contents-Driven Algorithmic Processing Of Fuzzy Wordmeanings To Form Dynamic Stereotype Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1063}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Allen, James F.}
title = {A Plan Recognition Model For Clarification Subdialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1064}
author = {Zadeh, Lotfi A.}
title = {A Computational Theory Of Dispositions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1065}
author = {Derr, Marcia A.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Using Focus To Generate Complex And Simple Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1066}
author = {Ritchie, Graeme D.}
title = {A Rational Reconstruction Of The Proteus Sentence Planner}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1067}
author = {Bachut, Daniel; Verastegui, Nelson}
title = {Software Tools For The Environment Of A Computer Aided Translation System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1068}
author = {Buchmann, Beat; Armstrong, Susan; Shann, Patrick}
title = {Design Of A Machine Translation System For A Sublanguage}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1069}
author = {Nakamura, Jun-Ichi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Grammar Writing System (GRADE) Of Mu-Machine Translation Project And Its Characteristics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1070}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {A Discovery Procedure For Certain Phonological Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1071}
author = {Fornell, Jan}
title = {What Not To Say}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1072}
author = {King, Margaret}
title = {When Is The Next ALPAC Report Due?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1073}
author = {Tomita, Masaru}
title = {LR Parsers For Natural Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1074}
author = {Yasukawa, Hidekl}
title = {LFG System In Prolog}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1075}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {The Design Of A Computer Language For Linguistic Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1076}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {Discourse Structures For Text Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1077}
author = {Mauldin, Michael L.}
title = {Semantic Rule Based Text Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1078}
author = {Granville, Robert Alan}
title = {Controlling Lexical Substitution In Computer Text Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1079}
author = {Sugiyama, Kenji; Kameda, Masayuki; Akiyama, Kouji}
title = {Understanding Of Japanese In An Interactive Programming System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1080}
author = {Nelimarkka, Esa; Jappinen, Harri; Lehtola, Aarno}
title = {Two-Way Finite Automata And Dependency Grammar: A Parsing Method For Inflectional Free Word Order Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1081}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Interruptable Transition Networks}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1082}
author = {Guenthner, Franz}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Discourse Representation Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1083}
author = {Hahn, Udo}
title = {Textual Expertise In Word Experts: An Approach To Text Parsing Based On Topic/Comment Monitoring}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1084}
author = {Kusanagi, Yutaka}
title = {Some Linguistic Aspects For Automatic Text Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1085}
author = {Polanyi, Livia; Scha, Remko J. H.}
title = {A Syntactic Approach To Discourse Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1086}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Nishida, Toyoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Dealing With Incompleteness Of Linguistic Knowledge In Language Translation - Transfer And Generation Stage Of MU Machine Translation Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1087}
author = {Rosenberg, Jarrett}
title = {Lexical Semantics In Human-Computer Communication}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1088}
author = {Kalita, Jugal K.; Colbourn, M. J.; McCalla, Gordon I.}
title = {A Response To The Need For Summary Responses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1089}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Hayes, Philip J.}
title = {Coping With Extragrammaticality}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1090}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Correcting Object-Related Misconceptions: How Should The System Respond?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1091}
author = {Guy, Jacques B. M.}
title = {An Algorithm For Identifying Cognates Between Related Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1092}
author = {Gigley, Helen M.}
title = {From Hope En L'Esperance On The Role Of Computational Neurolinguistics In Cross-Language Studies}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1093}
author = {Walker, Donald E.}
title = {Machine-Readable Dictionaries}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1094}
author = {Amsler, Robert A.}
title = {Lexical Knowledge Bases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1095}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {Machine-Readable Dictionaries Lexical Data Bases And The Lexical System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1096}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {The Dictionary Server}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1097}
author = {Miller, George A.}
title = {How To Misread A Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1098}
author = {Webber, Howard R.}
title = {Machine-Readable Components In A Variety Of Information-System Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1099}
author = {Krauwer, Steven; Des Tombe, Louis}
title = {Transfer In A Multilingual MT System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1100}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Gerber, Rene}
title = {Expert Systems And Other New Techniques In MT Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1101}
author = {Arnold, Doug J.; Johnson, Rod L.}
title = {Robust Processing In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1102}
author = {Tornita, Masaru}
title = {Disambiguating Grammatically Ambiguous Sentences By Asking}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1103}
author = {Kurtzman, Howard S.}
title = {Ambiguity Resolution In The Human Syntactic Parser: An Experimental Study}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1104}
author = {Pazzani, Michael J.}
title = {Conceptual Analysis Of Garden-Path Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1105}
author = {Laubsch, Joachim H.; Roesner, Dietmar F.; Hanakata, Kenji; Lesniewski, A.}
title = {Language Generation From Conceptual Structure: Synthesis Of German In A Japanese/German MT Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1106}
author = {Adorni, Giovanni; Di Manzo, Mauro; Giunchiglia, Fausto}
title = {Natural Language Driven Image Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1107}
author = {Danlos, Laurence}
title = {Conceptual And Linguistic Decisions In Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1108}
author = {Marsh, Elaine}
title = {A Computational Analysis Of Complex Noun Phrases In Navy Messages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1109}
author = {Isabelle, Pierre}
title = {Another Look At Nominal Compounds}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1110}
author = {Hyvonen, Eero}
title = {Semantic Parsing As Graph Language Transformation - A Multidimensional Approach To Parsing Highly Inflectional Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1111}
author = {Pericliev, Vladimir}
title = {Handling Syntactical Ambiguity In Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1112}
author = {Raccah, Pierre-Yves}
title = {Argumentation In Representation Semantics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1113}
author = {Yegnanarayana, B.; Naik, J. M.; Childers, D. G.}
title = {Voice Simulation: Factors Affecting Quality And Naturalness}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1114}
author = {Lesmo, Leonardo; Torasso, Pietro}
title = {Interpreting Syntactically Ill-Formed Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1115}
author = {Kuhlen, Rainer}
title = {An Intonational Delphi Poll On Future Trends In Information Linguistics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P84-1116}
author = {Slocum, Jonathan}
title = {Machine Translation: Its History Current Status And Future Prospects}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1984}
id = {P98-1001}
author = {Jun, Zhao; Huang, Changning}
title = {A Quasi-Dependency Model for the Structural Analysis of Chinese BaseNPs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1002}
author = {Sankofl, David}
title = {The Production of Code-Mixed Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1003}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Gojenola, Koldo; Sarasola, Kepa; Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {Towards a Single Proposal in Spelling Correction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1004}
author = {Ahrenberg, Lars; Andersson, Mikael; Merkel, Magnus}
title = {A Simple Hybrid Aligner for Generating Lexical Correspondences in Parallel Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1005}
author = {Akbar, Mohammad; Caelen, Jean}
title = {Parole et Prduction automatique: le module de reconnaissance RAPHAEL}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1006}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Bangalore, Srinivas; Douglas, Shona}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Hierarchical Transduction Models for Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1007}
author = {Amsili, Pascal; Rossari, Corinne}
title = {Tense and Connective Constraints on the Expression of Causality}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1008}
author = {Amtrup, Jan W.; Weber, Volker}
title = {Time Mapping with Hypergraphs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1009}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Okurowski, Mary Ellen; Gorlinsky, James}
title = {Trainable Scalable Summarization Using Robust NLP and Machine Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1010}
author = {Argamon, Shlomo; Dagan, Ido; Krymolowski, Yuval}
title = {A Memory-Based Approach to Learning Shallow Natural Language Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1011}
author = {Azzam, Saliha; Humphreys, Kevin; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Evaluating a Focus-Based Approach to Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1012}
author = {Bagga, Amit; Baldwin, Breck}
title = {Entity-Based Cross-Document Core f erencing Using the Vector Space Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1013}
author = {Baker, Collin F.; Fillmore, Charles J.; Lowe, John B.}
title = {The Berkeley FrameNet Project}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1014}
author = {Barg, Petra; Walther, Markus}
title = {Processing Unknown Words in HPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1015}
author = {Barker, Ken; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Semi-Automatic Recognition of Noun Modifier Relationships}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1016}
author = {Barriere, Caroline}
title = {Redundancy: Helping Semantic Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1017}
author = {Becker, Tilman; Finkler, Wolfgang; Kilger, Anne; Poller, Peter}
title = {An Efficient Kernel for Multilingual Generation in Speech-to-Speech Dialogue Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1018}
author = {Beesley, Kenneth R.}
title = {Consonant Spreading in Arabic Stems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1019}
author = {Blache, Philippe}
title = {Parsing Ambiguous Structures using Controlled Disjunctions and Unary Quasi-Trees}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1020}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Finch, Andrew; Kashioka, Hideki}
title = {Trigger-Pair Predictors in Parsing and Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1021}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {Spoken Dialogue Interpretation with the DOP Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1022}
author = {Bod, Rens; Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {A Probabilistic Corpus-Driven Model for Lexical-Functional Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1023}
author = {Bond, Francis; Kurz, Daniela; Shirai, Satoshi}
title = {Anchoring Floating Quantifiers in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1024}
author = {Bos, Johan; Rupp, C. J.; Buschbeck-Wolf, Bianka; Dorna, Michael}
title = {Managing Information at Linguistic Interfaces}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1025}
author = {Bozsahin, H. Cem}
title = {Deriving the Predicate-Argument Structure for a Free Word Order Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1026}
author = {Broker, Norbert}
title = {Separating Surface Order and Syntactic Relations in a Dependency Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1027}
author = {Branco, António H.}
title = {The Logical Structure of Binding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1028}
author = {Brill, Eric; Florian, Radu; Henderson, John C.; Mangu, Lidia}
title = {Beyond N -Grams: Can Linguistic Sophistication Improve Language Modeling?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1029}
author = {Brill, Eric; Wu, Jun}
title = {Classifier Combination for Improved Lexical Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1030}
author = {Brun, Caroline}
title = {Terminology Finite-state Preprocessing for Computational LFG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1031}
author = {Burger, John D.; Palmer, David D.; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Named Entity Scoring for Speech Input}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1032}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Kukich, Karen; Wolff, Susanne; Lu, Chi; Chodorow, Martin; Braden-Harder, Lisa C.; Harris, Mary Dee}
title = {Automated Scoring Using A Hybrid Feature Identification Technique}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1033}
author = {Candito, Marieluísio, Sandra}
title = {Building Parallel LTAG for French and Italian}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1034}
author = {Cardie, Claire; Pierce, David R.}
title = {Error-Driven Pruning of Treebank Grammars for Base Noun Phrase Identification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1035}
author = {Chelba, Ciprian; Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {Exploiting Syntactic Structure for Language Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1036}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Huang, Sheng-Jie; Ding, Yung-Wei; Tsai, Shih-Chang}
title = {Proper Name Translation in Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1037}
author = {Chen, Jen Nan; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {A Concept-based Adaptive Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1038}
author = {Chen, Keh-Jiann; Tsuei, Wen; Chien, Lee-Feng}
title = {PAT-Trees with the Deletion Function as the Learning Device for Linguistic Patterns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1039}
author = {Choi, Sung-Kwon; Jung, Hanmin; Sim, Chul-Min; Kim, Taewan; Park, Dong-In; Park, Junsik; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Hybrid Approaches to Improvement of Translation Quality in Web-based English-Korean Machine Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1040}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Carpenter, Bob}
title = {Dialogue Management in Vector-Based Call Routing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1041}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Hirakawa, Hideki; Kumano, Akira}
title = {Machine Translation vs. Dictionary Term Translation - a Comparison for English-Japanese News Article Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1042}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Ono, Kenji; Hirakawa, Hideki}
title = {An Experiment in Hybrid Dictionary and Statistical Sentence Alignment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1043}
author = {Covington, Michael A.}
title = {Alignment of Multiple Languages for Historical Comparison}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1044}
author = {Cristea, Dan; Ide, Nancy M.; Romary, Laurent}
title = {Veins Theory: A Model of Global Discourse Cohesion and Coherence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1045}
author = {Cucchiarelli, Alessandro; Luzi, Danilo; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Automatic Semantic Tagging of Unknown Proper Names}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1046}
author = {Dang, Hoa Trang; Kipper, Karin Christine; Palmer, Martha; Rosenzweig, Joseph}
title = {Investigating Regular Sense Extensions based on Intersective Levin Classes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1047}
author = {Deligne, Sabine; Sagisaka, Yoshinori}
title = {Learning a Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Structure from Language Data with a Bi-Multigram Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1048}
author = {Delisle, Sylvain; Letourneau, Sylvain; Matwin, Stan}
title = {Experiments with Learning Parsing Heuristics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1049}
author = {Delisle, Sylvain; Letourneau, Sylvain; Matwin, Stan}
title = {Experiments with Learning Parsing Heuristics}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1050}
author = {Dimitrova, Ludmila; Erjavec, Tomaž; Ide, Nancy M.; Kaalep, Heiki-Jaan; Petkevič, Vladimír; Tufiš, Dan}
title = {Multext-East: Parallel and Comparable Corpora and Lexicons for Six Central and Eastern European Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1051}
author = {Dini, Luca; Tomaso, Vittorio Di; Segond, Frederique}
title = {Error Driven Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1052}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di; Jordan, Pamela W.; Moore, Johanna D.; Thomason, Richmond H.}
title = {An Empirical Investigation of Proposals in Collaborative Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1053}
author = {Doan-Nguyen, Hai}
title = {Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1054}
author = {Doan-Nguyen, Hai}
title = {Accumulation of Lexical Sets: Acquisition of Dictionary Resources and Production of New Lexical Sets}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1055}
author = {Doi, Shinichi; Kamei, Shin-ichiro; Yamabana, Kiyoshi}
title = {A Text Input Front-end Processor as an Information Access Platform}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1056}
author = {Dorna, Michael; Frank, Anette; van Genabith, Josef; Emele, Martin C.}
title = {Syntactic and Semantic Ransf er with F-Structures}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1057}
author = {Dymetman, Marc}
title = {Group Theory and Linguistic Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1058}
author = {Egg, Markus; Niehren, Joachim; Ruhrberg, Peter; Xu, Feiyu}
title = {Constraints over Lambda-Structures in Semantic Underspecification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1059}
author = {Elmi, Mohammad Ali; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {Spelling Correction using Context}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1060}
author = {Emele, Martin C.; Dorna, Michael}
title = {Ambiguity Preserving Machine Translation using Packed Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1061}
author = {Evans, Roger; Weir, David}
title = {A Structure-sharing Parser for Lexicalized Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1062}
author = {Ezeiza, Nerea; Alegria, Iñaki; Arriola, Jose Maria; Urizar, Ruben; Aduriz, Itziar}
title = {Combining Stochastic and Rule-Based Methods for Disambiguation in Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1063}
author = {Ezeiza, Nerea; Alegria, Iñaki; Arriola, Jose Maria; Urizar, Ruben; Aduriz, Itziar}
title = {Combining Stochastic and Rule-Based Methods for Disambiguation in Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1064}
author = {Ferrandez, Antonio; Palomar, Manuel; Moreno, Lidia}
title = {Anaphor Resolution In Unrestricted Texts With Partial Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1065}
author = {Ferret, Olivier; Grau, Brigitte; Masson, Nicolas}
title = {Thematic Segmentation of Texts: Two Methods for Two Kind of Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1066}
author = {Flank, Sharon}
title = {A Layered Approach to NLP-Based Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1067}
author = {Freitag, Dayne}
title = {Toward General-Purpose Learning for Information Extraction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1068}
author = {Fuchi, Takeshi; Takagi, Shinichiro}
title = {Japanese Morphological Analyzer using Word Co-occurrence - JTAG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1069}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Yee, Lo Yuen}
title = {An IR Approach for Translating New Words from Nonparallel Comparable Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1070}
author = {Furuse, Osamu; Yamada, Setsuo; Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Splitting Long or Ill-formed Input for Robust Spoken-language Translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1071}
author = {Gahl, Susanne}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Subcorpora based on Subcategorization Frames from a Part-ofSpeech Tagged Corpus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1072}
author = {Gambäck, Björn; Bos, Johan}
title = {Semantic-Head Based Resolution of Scopal Ambiguities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1073}
author = {Gargouri, Bilel; Hamadou, Abdelmajid Ben; Jmaiel, Mohamed}
title = {Vers l'utilisation des methodes formelles pour le developpement de linguiciels}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1074}
author = {Gaussier, Eric}
title = {Flow Network Models for Word Alignment and Terminology Extraction from Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1075}
author = {Gavalda, Marsal; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Growing Semantic Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1076}
author = {Guo, Jin}
title = {One Tokenization per Source}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1077}
author = {Gupta, Vineet; Lamping, John}
title = {Efficient Linear Logic Meaning Assembly}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1078}
author = {ten Hacken, Pius; Bopp, Stephan}
title = {Separable Verbs in a Reusable Morphological Dictionary for German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1079}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Schnattinger, Klemens}
title = {A Text Understander that Learns}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1080}
author = {Hajič, Jan; Hladká, Barbora}
title = {Tagging Inlective Languages: Prediction of Morphological Categories for a Rich Structured Tagset}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1081}
author = {van Halteren, Hans; Zavrel, Jakub; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Improving Data Driven Wordclass Tagging by System Combination}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1082}
author = {Hamon, Thierry; Nazarenko, Adeline; Gros, Cecile}
title = {A Step towards the Detection of Semantic Variants of Terms in Technical Documents}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1083}
author = {Haruno, Masahiko; Shirai, Satoshi; Ooyama, Yoshifumi}
title = {Using Decision Trees to Construct a Practical Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1084}
author = {Harvey, Terrence; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Integrating Text Plans for Conciseness and Coherence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1085}
author = {Heine, Julia E.}
title = {Definiteness Predictions for Japanese Noun Phrases}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1086}
author = {Heinecke, Johannes; Kunze, Jurgen; Menzel, Wolfgang; Schroder, Ingo}
title = {Eliminative Parsing with Graded Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1087}
author = {Henderson, James B.; Lane, Peter}
title = {A Connectionist Architecture for Learning to Parse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1088}
author = {Hepple, Mark}
title = {Memoisation for Glue Language Deduction and Categorial Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1089}
author = {Higgins, Derrick}
title = {Parsing Parallel Grammatical Representations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1090}
author = {Hitzeman, Janet; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Long Distance Pronominalisation and Global Focus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1091}
author = {Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {An Empirical Evaluation of Probabilistic Lexicalized Tree Insertion Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1092}
author = {Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia}
title = {Terminological Variation a Means of Identifying Research Topics from Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1093}
author = {Ikeda, Takahiro; Okumura, Akitoshi; Muraki, Kazunori}
title = {Information Classification and Navigation based on 5W1H of the Target Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1094}
author = {Ingleby, Michael; Brockhaus, Wiebke}
title = {A Concurrent Approach to the Automatic Extraction of Subsegmental Primes and Phono logical Constituents from Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1095}
author = {Ishizaki, Masato; Kato, Tsuneaki}
title = {Exploring the Characteristics of Multi-party Dialogues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1096}
author = {Jönsson, Arne; Strömbäck, Lena}
title = {Robust Interaction through Partial Interpretation and Dialogue Management}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1097}
author = {Jacquemin, Christian}
title = {Improving Automatic Indexing through Concept Combination and Term Enrichment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1098}
author = {Donghong, Ji; Gong, Junping; Huang, Changning}
title = {Combining a Chinese Thesaurus with a Chinese Dictionary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1099}
author = {Jing, Hongyan; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Combining Multiple Large-Scale Resources in a Reusable Lexicon for Natural Language Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1100}
author = {Jobbins, Amanda C.; Evett, Lindsay J.}
title = {Text Segmentation Using Reiteration and Collocation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1101}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Finite-state Approximation of Constraint-based Grammars using Left-corner Grammar Transforms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1102}
author = {Johnston, Michael}
title = {Unification-based Multimodal Parsing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1103}
author = {Jokinen, Kristiina; Tanaka, Hideki; Yokoo, Akio}
title = {Context Management with Topics for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1104}
author = {Kageura, Kyo}
title = {A Statistical Analysis of Morphemes in Japanese Terminology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1105}
author = {Kageura, Kyo}
title = {A Statistical Analysis of Morphemes in Japanese Terminology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1106}
author = {Kahane, Sylvain; Nasr, Alexis; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Pseudo-Projectivity A Polynomially Parsable Non-Projective Dependency Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1107}
author = {Kaki, Satoshi; Sumita, Eiichiro; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {A Method for Correcting Errors in Speech Recognition using the Statistical Features of Character Co-occurrence}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1108}
author = {Kashioka, Hideki; Kawata, Yasuhiro; Kinjo, Yumiko; Finch, Andrew; Black, Ezra W.}
title = {Use of Mutual Information Based Character Clusters in Dictionary-less Morphological Analysis of Japanese}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1109}
author = {Kasper, Robert T.; Calcagno, Mike; Davis, Paul C.}
title = {Know When to Hold Em: Shuffling Deterministically in a Parser for Nonconcatenative Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1110}
author = {Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Term-list Translation using Mono-lingual Word Co-occurrence Vectors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1111}
author = {Kim, Byeongchang; Lee, Wonil; Lee, Gary Geunbae; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Unlimited Vocabulary Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion for Korean TTS}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1112}
author = {Klavans, Judith L.; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Role of Verbs in Document Analysis}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1113}
author = {Tang, Enya Kong; Al-Adhaileh, Mosleh Hmoud}
title = {A Flexible Example-Based Parser Based on the SST C}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1114}
author = {Koyama, Yasuo; Yasutake, Masako; Yoshimura, Kenji; Shudo, Kosho}
title = {Large Scale Collocation Data and Their Application to Japanese Word Processor Technology}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1115}
author = {Krotov, Alexander; Hepple, Mark; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Compacting the Penn Treebank Grammar}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1116}
author = {Langkilde-Geary, Irene; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Generation that Exploits Corpus-Based Statistical Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1117}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Simard, Michel; Veronis, Jean}
title = {Methods and Practical Issues in Evaluating Alignment Techniques}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1118}
author = {Lavoie, Benoit; Rambow, Owen}
title = {A Framework for Customizable Generation of Hypertext Presentations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1119}
author = {Lee, Seungmi; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Language Model based on Head-Dependent Relation between Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1120}
author = {Lepage, Yves}
title = {Solving analogies on words: an algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1121}
author = {Lepage, Yves}
title = {Solving analogies on words: an algorithm}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-1122}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Characterizing and Recognizing Spoken Corrections in Human-Computer Dialogue}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2123}
author = {Lezius, Wolfgang; Rapp, Reinhard; Wettler, Manfred}
title = {A Freely Available Morphological Analyzer Disambiguator and Context Sensitive Lemmatizer for German}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2124}
author = {Li, Hang; Abe, Naoki}
title = {Word Clustering and Disambiguation Based on Co-occurrence Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2125}
author = {Li, Huifeng; Lee, Jong-Hyeok; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Identifying Syntactic Role of Antecedent in Korean Relative Clause using Corpus and Thesaurus Informationes}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2126}
author = {Li, Li; Dahl, Deborah A.; Norton, Lewis M.; Linebarger, Marcia C.; Chen, Dongdong}
title = {A Test Environment for Natural Language Understanding Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2127}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {Automatic Retrieval and Clustering of Similar Words}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2128}
author = {Lindberg, Nikolaj; Eineborg, Martin}
title = {Learning Constraint Grammar-style Disambiguation Rules using Inductive Logic Programming}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2129}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Pan, Shimei; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Evaluating Response Strategies in a Web-Based Spoken Dialogue Agent}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2130}
author = {Lombardo, Vincenzo; Lesmo, Leonardo}
title = {Formal Aspects and Parsing Issues of Dependency Theory}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2131}
author = {LuperFoy, Susann; Loehr, Dan; Duff, David; Miller, Keith; Reeder, Florence M.; Harper, Lisa; Ma, Qing; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {A Multi-Neuro Tagger Using Variable Lengths of Contexts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2132}
author = {Makino, Takaki; Yoshida, Minoru; Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {LiLFeS - Towards a Practical HPSG Parser}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2134}
author = {Martínez, Raquel; Abaitua, Joseba; Casillas, Arantza}
title = {Bitext Correspondences through Rich Mark-up}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2135}
author = {Maybury, Mark T.}
title = {Discourse Cues for Broadcast News Segmentation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2136}
author = {McGee, David R.; Cohen, Philip R.; Oviatt, Sharon L.}
title = {Confirmation in Multimodal Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2137}
author = {McIntyre, Angus}
title = {Babel: A Testbed for Research in Origins of Language}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2138}
author = {Meknavin, Surapant; Kijsirikul, Boonserm; Chotimongkol, Ananlada; Nuttee, Cholwich}
title = {Combining Trigram and Winnow in Thai OCR Error Correction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2139}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Yangarber, Roman; Grishman, Ralph; Macleod, Catherine; Moreno-Sandoval, Antonio}
title = {Deriving Transfer Rules from Dominance-Preserving Alignments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2140}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {Feature Lattices for Maximum Entropy Modelling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2141}
author = {Mima, Hideki; Iida, Hitoshi; Furuse, Osamu}
title = {Simultaneous Interpretation Utilizing Example-based Incremental Transfer}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2142}
author = {Min, Kyongho; Wilson, William H.}
title = {Integrated Control of Chart Items for Error Repair}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2143}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {Robust Pronoun Resolution with Limited Knowledge}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2144}
author = {Mitsuishi, Yutaka; Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {HPSG-Style Underspecified Japanese Grammar with Wide Coverage}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2145}
author = {Mochizuki, Hajime; Honda, Takeo; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Text Segmentation with Multiple Surface Linguistic Cues}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2146}
author = {Moghrabi, Chadia}
title = {Using Language Resources in an Intelligent Tutoring System for French}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2147}
author = {Mohri, Mehryar; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Dynamic Compilation of Weighted Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2148}
author = {Mori, Shinsuke; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {A Stochastic Language Model using Dependency and its Improvement by Word Clustering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2149}
author = {Mouret, Pascal; Rolbert, Monique}
title = {Dealing with Distinguishing Descriptions in a Guided Composition System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2150}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {An Estimate of Referent of Noun Phrases in Japanese Sentences}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2151}
author = {Nagao, Katashi; Hasida, Koiti}
title = {Automatic Text Summarization Based on the Global Document Annotation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2152}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Japanese OCR Error Correction using Character Shape Similarity and Statistical Language Model}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2153}
author = {Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Mori, Tatsunori; Omori, Nobuyuki; Okamura, Jun}
title = {Hypertext Authoring for Linking Relevant Segments of Related Instruction Manuals}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2154}
author = {Nakano, Mikio; Shimazu, Akira}
title = {Translating a Unification Grammar with Disjunctions into Logical Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2155}
author = {Nakatani, Christine H.}
title = {Constituent-based Accent Prediction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2156}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {An Alternative LR Algorithm for TAGs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2157}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Sarkar, Anoop; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Prefix Probabilities from Stochastic Free Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2158}
author = {NieBen, S.; Vogel, Stephan; Ney, Hermann; Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {A DP based Search Algorithm for Statistical Machine Translation }
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2159}
author = {Ninomiya, Takashi; Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {An Efficient Parallel Substrate for Typed Feature Structures on Shared Memory Parallel Machines}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2160}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Raskin, Victor}
title = {Universal Grammar and Lexis for Quick Ramp- Up of MT Systems}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2161}
author = {Norton, Lewis M.; Dahl, Deborah A.; Li, Li; Beals, Katherine P.}
title = {Integration of Large-Scale Linguistic Resources in a Natural Language Understanding System}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2162}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Weber, Hans}
title = {Improving Statistical Natural Language Translation with Categories and Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2163}
author = {Oishi, Akira; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Recognition of the Coherence Relation between Te-linked Clauses}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2164}
author = {Padró, Lluís; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {On the Evaluation and Comparison of Taggers: the Effect of Noise in Testing Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2165}
author = {Pan, Shimei; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Learning Intonation Rules for Concept to Speech Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2166}
author = {Paraboni, Ivandré; Strube de Lima, Vera Lucia}
title = {Possessive Pronominal Anaphor Resolution in Portuguese Written Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2167}
author = {Park, Junsik; Kang, Jung-Goo; Hur, Wook; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Machine Aided Error-Correction Environment for Korean Morphological Analysis and Part**of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2168}
author = {Pautler, David; Quilici, Alex}
title = {A Computational Model of Social Perlocutions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2169}
author = {Penn, Gerald}
title = {Parametric Types for Typed Attribute- Value Logic}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2170}
author = {Pericliev, Vladimir; Valdes-Perez, Raul E.}
title = {A Procedure for Multi-Class Discrimination and some Linguistic Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2171}
author = {Pirker, Hannes; Niklfeld, Georg; Matiasek, Johannes; Trost, Harald}
title = {From Information Structure to Intonation: A Phonolo9ical Interface for Concept-to-Speech}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2172}
author = {Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Robba, Isabelle; Sabah, Gerard}
title = {Reference Resolution beyond Coreference: a Conceptual Frame and its Application}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2173}
author = {Power, Richard; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {Multilingual Authoring using Feedback Texts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2174}
author = {Poznanski, Victor; Whitelock, Pete J.; IJdens, Jan; Corley, Steffan}
title = {Practical Glossing by Prioritised Tiling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2175}
author = {Prószéky, Gábor}
title = {An Intelligent Multi-Dictionary Environment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2176}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Learning Correlations between Linguistic Indicators and Semantic Constraints: Reuse of Context-Dependent Descriptions of Entities}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2177}
author = {Ratnaparkhi, Adwait}
title = {Statistical Models for Unsupervised Prepositional Phrase Attachment}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2178}
author = {Read, Tim; Barcena, Elena}
title = {JaBot: A Multilingual Java-Based Intelligent Agent for Web Sites}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2179}
author = {Reed, Chris; Long, Derek P.}
title = {Generating the Structure of Argument}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2180}
author = {Richardson, Stephen D.; Dolan, William B.; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {MindNet: Acquiring and Structuring Semantic Information from Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2181}
author = {Rigau, German; Rodríquez, Horacio; Agirre, Eneko}
title = {Building Accurate Semantic Taxonomies from Monolingual MRDs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2182}
author = {Roark, Brian; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Noun-Phrase Co-occurrence Statistics for Semi-Automatic Semantic Lexicon Construction}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2183}
author = {Rogers, James}
title = {A Descriptive Characterization of Tree-Adjoining Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2184}
author = {Roland, Douglas; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {How Verb Subcategorization Frequencies are Affected by Corpus Choice}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2185}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {An Interactive Domain Independent Approach to Robust Dialogue Interpretation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2186}
author = {Roth, Dan; Zelenko, Dmitry}
title = {Part of Speech Tagging Using a Network of Linear Separators}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2187}
author = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {A Generative Lexicon Perspective for Adjectival Modification}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2188}
author = {Samuel, Kenneth; Carberry, Sandra; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Dialogue Act Tagging with Transformation-Based Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2189}
author = {Sanfilippo, Antonio}
title = {Ranking Text Units According to Textual Saliency Connectivity and Topic Aptness}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2190}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Conditions on Consistency of Probabilistic Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2191}
author = {Sato, Kengo; Nakanishi, Masakazu}
title = {Maximum Entropy Model Learning of the Translation Rules}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2192}
author = {Satta, Giorgio; Schuler, William}
title = {Restrictions on Tree Adjoining Languages}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2193}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael}
title = {Learning Tense Translation from Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2194}
author = {Schilder, Frank}
title = {An Underspecified Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (USDRT)}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2195}
author = {Schmidt, Paul; Groenendijk, Marius; Phelan, Peter; Schulz, Henrik; Rieder, Sibylle; Theofilidis, Axel; Declerck, Thierry; Bredenkamp, Andrew}
title = {Natural Language Access to Software Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2196}
author = {Schneider, David; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Recognizing Syntactic Errors in the Writing of Second Language Learners}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2197}
author = {Seligman, Mark; Boitet, Christian; Meddeb-Hamrouni, Boubaker}
title = {Transforming Lattices into Non-deterministic Automata with Optional Null Arcs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2198}
author = {Senellart, Jean}
title = {Locating Noun Phrases with Finite State Transducers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2199}
author = {Shaw, James}
title = {Segregatory Coordination and Ellipsis in Text Generation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2200}
author = {Somers, Harold L.}
title = {Similarity Metrics for Aligning Children's Articulation Data }
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2201}
author = {Sopena, Josep M.; Lloberas, Agusti; Moliner, Joan L.}
title = {A Connectionist Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment for Real World Tuts}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2202}
author = {Stede, Manfred; Umbach, Carla}
title = {DiMLex: A Lexicon of Discourse Markers for Text Generation and Understanding}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2203}
author = {Steels, Luc; Kaplan, Frederic}
title = {Spontaneous Lexicon Change}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2204}
author = {Strube, Michael}
title = {Never Look Back: An Alternative to Centering}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2205}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Wang, Jin; Wise, G. Bowden}
title = {Summarization-based Query Expansion in Information Retrieval}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2206}
author = {Sun, Maosong; Shen, Dayang; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation without Using Lexicon and Hand-crafted Training Data}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2207}
author = {Suzuki, Yoshimi; Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Sekiguchi, Yoshihiro}
title = {Keyword Extraction using Term-Domain Interdependence for Dictation of Radio News}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2208}
author = {Tur, Gokhan; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Tagging English by Path Voting Constraints}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2209}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko; Hasida, Koiti; Noda, Itsuki}
title = {Reactive Content Selection in the Generation of Real-time Soccer Commentary}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2210}
author = {Tapanainen, Pasi; Piitulainen, Jussi; Jarvinen, Timo}
title = {Idiomatic Object Usage and Support Verbs}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2211}
author = {Tappe, Heike; Schilder, Frank}
title = {Coherence in Spoken Discourse}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2212}
author = {Turcato, Davide}
title = {Automatically Creating Bilingual Lexicons for Machine Translation from Bilingual Text}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2213}
author = {Uramoto, Naohiko; Takeda, Koichi}
title = {A Method for Relating Multiple Newspaper Articles by Using Graphs and Its Application to Webcasting}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2214}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Miyata, Takashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {General-to-Specific Model Selection for Subcategorization Preference}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2215}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne}
title = {Multilingual Computational Semantic Lexicons in Action: The W YSINNW YG Approach to NLP}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2216}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne; Beale, Stephen; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {The Computational Lexical Semantics of Syntagmatic Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2217}
author = {De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte; Pardo, Miguel Alonso}
title = {A tabular interpretation of a class of 2-Stack Automata}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2218}
author = {Wakao, Takahiro}
title = {Project for production of closed-caption TV programs for the hearing impaired}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2219}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Learning Optimal Dialogue Strategies: A Case Study of a Spoken Dialogue Agent for Email}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2220}
author = {Wan, Stephen; Verspoor, Cornelia Maria}
title = {Automatic English-Chinese name transliteration for development of multilingual resources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2221}
author = {Wang, Ye-Yi; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Modeling with Structures in Statistical Machine translation}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2222}
author = {Wasson, Mark}
title = {Using Leading Text for News Summaries: Evaluation Results and Implications for Commercial Summarization Applications}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2223}
author = {Watanabe, Hideo; Takeda, Koichi}
title = {A Pattern-based Machine Translation System Extended by Example-based Processing}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2224}
author = {Watanabe, Yasuhiko; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Diagram Understanding Using Integration of Layout Information and Textual Information}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2225}
author = {Watanabe, Yasuhiko; Okada, Yoshihiro; kaneji, Kengo; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Aligning Articles in TV Newscasts and Newspapers}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2226}
author = {Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Translating Idioms}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2227}
author = {Wilcock, Graham}
title = {Head-Driven Generation with HPSG}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2228}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation using Optimised Combinations of Knowledge Sources}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2229}
author = {Worm, Karsten L.}
title = {A Model for Robust Processing of Spontaneous Speech by Integrating Viable Fragments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2230}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Wong, Hongsing}
title = {Machine Translation with a Stochastic Grammatical Channel}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2231}
author = {Wu, Haodong; de Paiva Alves, Eduardo; Furugori, Teiji}
title = {Structural Disambiguation Based on Reliable Estimation of Strength of Association}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2232}
author = {Yamaguchi, Masaya; Kojima, Takeyuki; Inui, Nobuo; Kotani, Yoshiyuki; Nisimura, Hirohiko}
title = {Combination of an Automatic and an Interactive Disambiguation Method}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2233}
author = {Yamamoto, Kazuhide; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Feasibility Study for Ellipsis Resolution in Dialogues by Machine-Learning Technique}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2234}
author = {Vilain, Marc B.; Yeh, Alexander S.}
title = {Some Properties of Preposition and Subordinate Conjunction Attachments}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2235}
author = {Yoshimi, Takehiko; Okunishi, Toshiyuki; Yamaji, Takahiro; Fukumochi, Yoji}
title = {Evaluation of Importance of Sentences based on Connectivity to Title}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2236}
author = {Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Automatic Construction of Frame Representations for Spontaneous Speech in Unrestricted Domains}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2237}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Using Chunk Based Partial Parsing of Spontaneous Speech in Unrestricted Domains for Reducing Word Error Rate in Speech Recognition}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2238}
author = {Zhang, Xiaoheng; Hom, Kowloon Hung}
title = {Dialect MT: A Case Study between Cantonese and Mandarin}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2239}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Lua, KimTeng}
title = {Word Association and MI Trigger-based Language Modeling}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2240}
author = {Belz, Anja}
title = {Discovering Phonotactic Finite-State Automata by Genetic Search}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2241}
author = {Byron, Donna K.; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {A Preliminary Model of Centering in Dialog}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2242}
author = {Cheng, Hua}
title = {Embedding New Information into Referring Expressions}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2243}
author = {Ferret, Olivier}
title = {How to Thematically Segment Texts by using Lexical Cohesion?}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2244}
author = {Heinonen, Oskari}
title = {Optimal Multi-Paragraph Text Segmentation by Dynamic Programming}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2245}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee}
title = {Bridging the Gap between Dictionary and Thesaurus}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2246}
author = {Lewellen, Mark}
title = {Neural Network Recognition of Spelling Errors}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2247}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Detecting Verbal Participation in Diathesis Alternations}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2248}
author = {McDonald, Scott}
title = {Target Word Selection as Proximity in Semantic Space}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2249}
author = {Smith, Elliot}
title = {A Cognitive Model of Coherence-Driven Story Comprehension}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2250}
author = {Stoianov, Ivelin}
title = {Tree based Analysis of Simple Recurrent Network Learning}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {P98-2251}
author = {Thede, Scott M.}
title = {Predicting Part-of Speech Information about Unknown Words using Statistical Methods}
venue = {COLING}
year = {1998}
id = {D07-1001}
author = {Clarke, James; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Modelling Compression with Discourse Constraints}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1002}
author = {Shen, Dan; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Using Semantic Roles to Improve Question Answering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1003}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Smith, Noah A.; Mitamura, Teruko}
title = {What is the Jeopardy Model? A Quasi-Synchronous Grammar for QA}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1004}
author = {Wu, Youzheng; Zhang, Ruiqiang; Hu, Xinhui; Kashioka, Hideki}
title = {Learning Unsupervised SVM Classifier for Answer Selection in Web Question Answering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1005}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Och, Franz Josef; Macherey, Wolfgang}
title = {Improving Word Alignment with Bridge Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1006}
author = {Fraser, Alexander; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Getting the Structure Right for Word Alignment: LEAF}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1007}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation Using Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1008}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Large Margin Synchronous Generation and its Application to Sentence Compression}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1009}
author = {Chen, Erdong; Snyder, Benjamin; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Incremental Text Structuring with Online Hierarchical Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1010}
author = {Wellner, Benjamin; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Automatically Identifying the Arguments of Discourse Connectives}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1011}
author = {Gatt, Albert; van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Incremental Generation of Plural Descriptions: Similarity and Partitioning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1012}
author = {Wagner, Joachim; Foster, Jennifer; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {A Comparative Evaluation of Deep and Shallow Approaches to the Automatic Detection of Common Grammatical Errors}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1013}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Characterizing the Errors of Data-Driven Dependency Parsing Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1014}
author = {Smith, David A.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Probabilistic Models of Nonprojective Dependency Trees}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1015}
author = {Koo, Terry; Globerson, Amir; Carreras, Xavier; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Structured Prediction Models via the Matrix-Tree Theorem}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1016}
author = {Alex, Beatrice; Dubey, Amit; Keller, Frank}
title = {Using Foreign Inclusion Detection to Improve Parsing Performance}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1017}
author = {Bhagat, Rahul; Pantel, Patrick; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {LEDIR: An Unsupervised Algorithm for Learning Directionality of Inference Rules}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1018}
author = {Boleda, Gemma; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Badia, Toni}
title = {Modelling Polysemy in Adjective Classes by Multi-Label Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1019}
author = {Chen, Qing; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Improving Query Spelling Correction Using Web Search Results}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1020}
author = {Chen, Ying; Martin, James H.}
title = {Towards Robust Unsupervised Personal Name Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1021}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Hart, Ted; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {Compressing Trigram Language Models With Golomb Coding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1022}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Joint Morphological and Syntactic Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1023}
author = {Dasgupta, Sajib; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Acquisition for Resource-Scarce Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1024}
author = {Erkan, Gunes; Özgür, Arzucan; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Semi-Supervised Classification for Extracting Protein Interaction Sentences using Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1025}
author = {Freitag, Dayne; Khadivi, Shahram}
title = {A Sequence Alignment Model Based on the Averaged Perceptron}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1026}
author = {Giuliano, Claudio; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano}
title = {Instance Based Lexical Entailment for Ontology Population}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1027}
author = {Guo, Yuqing; Wang, Haifeng; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Recovering Non-Local Dependencies for Chinese}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1028}
author = {Hogan, Deirdre; Cafferkey, Conor; Cahill, Aoife; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Exploiting Multi-Word Units in History-Based Probabilistic Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1029}
author = {Huang, Fei; Papineni, Kishore}
title = {Hierarchical System Combination for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1030}
author = {Hu, Xiaoguang; Wang, Haifeng; Wu, Hua}
title = {Using RBMT Systems to Produce Bilingual Corpus for SMT}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1031}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Why Doesn't EM Find Good HMM POS-Taggers?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1032}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Probabilistic Coordination Disambiguation in a Fully-Lexicalized Japanese Parser}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1033}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {A New Perceptron Algorithm for Sequence Labeling with Non-Local Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1034}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Extending a Thesaurus in the Pan-Chinese Context}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1035}
author = {Liu, Jingjing; Cao, Yunbo; Lin, Chin-Yew; Huang, Yalou; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Low-Quality Product Review Detection in Opinion Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1036}
author = {Lü, Yajuan; Huang, Jin; Liu, Qun}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation Performance by Training Data Selection and Optimization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1037}
author = {Matveeva, Irina; Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Topic Segmentation with Hybrid Document Indexing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1038}
author = {May, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Syntactic Re-Alignment Models for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1039}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Venkatapathy, Sriram; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Detecting Compositionality of Verb-Object Combinations using Selectional Preferences}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1040}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Ceylan, Hakan}
title = {Explorations in Automatic Book Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1041}
author = {Moon, Taesun; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Part-of-Speech Tagging for Middle English through Alignment and Projection of Parallel Diachronic Texts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1042}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Pado, Ulrike; Erk, Katrin}
title = {Flexible Corpus-Based Modelling of Human Plausibility Judgements}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1043}
author = {Rosenberg, Andrew; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {V-Measure: A Conditional Entropy-Based External Cluster Evaluation Measure}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1044}
author = {Sato, Issei; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Bayesian Document Generative Model with Explicit Multiple Topics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1045}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Fonollosa, José A. R.}
title = {Smooth Bilingual $N$-Gram Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1046}
author = {Shacham, Danny; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Morphological Disambiguation of Hebrew: A Case Study in Classifier Combination}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1047}
author = {Svore, Krysta; Vanderwende, Lucy; Burges, Christopher}
title = {Enhancing Single-Document Summarization by Combining RankNet and Third-Party Sources}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1048}
author = {Takeuchi, Hironori; Subramaniam, L. Venkata; Nasukawa, Tetsuya; Roy, Shourya}
title = {Automatic Identification of Important Segments and Expressions for Mining of Business-Oriented Conversations at Contact Centers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1049}
author = {Talbot, David; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Smoothed Bloom Filter Language Models: Tera-Scale LMs on the Cheap}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1050}
author = {Tanaka, Takaaki; Bond, Francis; Baldwin, Timothy; Fujita, Sanae; Hashimoto, Chikara}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Incorporating Lexical and Structural Semantic Information}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1051}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Wermter, Joachim; Hahn, Udo}
title = {An Approach to Text Corpus Construction which Cuts Annotation Costs and Maintains Reusability of Annotated Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1052}
author = {Versley, Yannick}
title = {Antecedent Selection Techniques for High-Recall Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1053}
author = {Wandmacher, Tonio; Antoine, Jean-Yves}
title = {Methods to Integrate a Language Model with Semantic Information for a Word Prediction Component}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1054}
author = {Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Bilingual Cluster Based Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1055}
author = {Zens, Richard; Hasan, Saša; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Systematic Comparison of Training Criteria for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1056}
author = {Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Mu; Li, Chi-Ho; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Phrase Reordering Model Integrating Syntactic Knowledge for SMT}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1057}
author = {Zhao, Shanheng; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Identification and Resolution of Chinese Zero Pronouns: A Machine Learning Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1058}
author = {Zuidema, Willem}
title = {Parsimonious Data-Oriented Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1059}
author = {Chiu, Andy; Poupart, Pascal; DiMarco, Chrysanne}
title = {Generating Lexical Analogies Using Dependency Relations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1060}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Gurevych, Iryna; Hirst, Graeme; Zesch, Torsten}
title = {Cross-Lingual Distributional Profiles of Concepts for Measuring Semantic Distance}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1061}
author = {Hughes, Thad; Ramage, Daniel}
title = {Lexical Semantic Relatedness with Random Graph Walks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1062}
author = {Liu, Yudong; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Experimental Evaluation of LTAG-Based Features for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1063}
author = {Tamura, Akihiro; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Japanese Dependency Analysis Using the Ancestor-Descendant Relation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1064}
author = {Shimbo, Masashi; Hara, Kazuo}
title = {A Discriminative Learning Model for Coordinate Conjunctions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1065}
author = {Filimonov, Denis; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Recovery of Empty Nodes in Parse Structures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1066}
author = {Rehbein, Ines; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Treebank Annotation Schemes and Parser Evaluation for German}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1067}
author = {Shi, Qinfeng; Altun, Yasemin; Smola, Alex; Vishwanathan, S. V. N.}
title = {Semi-Markov Models for Sequence Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1068}
author = {Watanabe, Yotaro; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {A Graph-Based Approach to Named Entity Categorization in Wikipedia Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1069}
author = {Fader, Anthony; Radev, Dragomir R.; Crespin, Michael H.; Monroe, Burt L.; Quinn, Kevin M.; Colaresi, Michael}
title = {MavenRank: Identifying Influential Members of the US Senate Using Lexical Centrality}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1070}
author = {Smith, David A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Bootstrapping Feature-Rich Dependency Parsers with Entropic Priors}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1071}
author = {Zettlemoyer, Luke; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Online Learning of Relaxed CCG Grammars for Parsing to Logical Form}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1072}
author = {Liang, Percy; Petrov, Slav; Jordan, Michael I.; Klein, Dan}
title = {The Infinite PCFG Using Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1073}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Exploiting Wikipedia as External Knowledge for Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1074}
author = {Cucerzan, Silviu}
title = {Large-Scale Named Entity Disambiguation Based on Wikipedia Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1075}
author = {Patwardhan, Siddharth; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Effective Information Extraction with Semantic Affinity Patterns and Relevant Regions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1076}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Zhang, Min; Donghong, Ji; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Tree Kernel-Based Relation Extraction with Context-Sensitive Structured Parse Tree Information}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1077}
author = {Wang, Chao; Collins, Michael John; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Chinese Syntactic Reordering for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1078}
author = {Wang, Wei; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Binarizing Syntax Trees to Improve Syntax-Based Machine Translation Accuracy}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1079}
author = {DeNeefe, Steve; Knight, Kevin; Wang, Wei; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {What Can Syntax-Based MT Learn from Phrase-Based MT?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1080}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Suzuki, Jun; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Online Large-Margin Training for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1081}
author = {Li, Jingyang; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Scalable Term Selection for Text Categorization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1082}
author = {Zhu, Jingbo; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Active Learning for Word Sense Disambiguation with Methods for Addressing the Class Imbalance Problem}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1083}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Fujino, Akinori; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Semi-Supervised Structured Output Learning Based on a Hybrid Generative and Discriminative Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1084}
author = {Loper, Edward}
title = {Finding Good Sequential Model Structures using Output Transformations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1085}
author = {Chia, Tee Kiah; Li, Haizhou; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {A Statistical Language Modeling Approach to Lattice-Based Spoken Document Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1086}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Wang, Qin Iris}
title = {Learning Noun Phrase Query Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1087}
author = {Canisius, Sander; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Bootstrapping Information Extraction from Field Books}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1088}
author = {Feng, Donghui; Burns, Gully; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Extracting Data Records from Unstructured Biomedical Full Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1089}
author = {Schwartz, Ariel S.; Divoli, Anna; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Multiple Alignment of Citation Sentences with Conditional Random Fields and Posterior Decoding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1090}
author = {Brants, Thorsten; Popat, Ashok C.; Xu, Peng; Och, Franz Josef; Dean, Jeffrey}
title = {Large Language Models in Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1091}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Hoang, Hieu}
title = {Factored Translation Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1092}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Patry, Alexandre}
title = {Translating Unknown Words by Analogical Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1093}
author = {Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre; Liang, Percy; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Klein, Dan}
title = {A Probabilistic Approach to Diachronic Phonology}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1094}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Structured Models for Phone Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1095}
author = {Branting, L. Karl}
title = {Inducing Search Keys for Name Filtering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1096}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Hall, Johan; Kübler, Sandra; McDonald, Ryan; Nilsson, Jens; Riedel, Sebastian; Yuret, Deniz}
title = {The CoNLL 2007 Shared Task on Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1097}
author = {Hall, Johan; Nilsson, Jens; Nivre, Joakim; Eryiğit, Gülşen; Megyesi, Beáta; Nilsson, Mattias; Saers, Markus}
title = {Single Malt or Blended? A Study in Multilingual Parser Optimization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1098}
author = {Duan, Xiangyu; Jun, Zhao; Xu, Bo}
title = {Probabilistic Parsing Action Models for Multi-Lingual Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1099}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Fast and Robust Multilingual Dependency Parsing with a Generative Latent Variable Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1100}
author = {Nakagawa, Tetsuji}
title = {Multilingual Dependency Parsing Using Global Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1101}
author = {Carreras, Xavier}
title = {Experiments with a Higher-Order Projective Dependency Parser}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1102}
author = {Hall, Keith; Havelka, Jiri; Smith, David A.}
title = {Log-Linear Models of Non-Projective Trees $k$-best MST Parsing and Tree-Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1103}
author = {Johnson, Howard; Martin, Joel; Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Improving Translation Quality by Discarding Most of the Phrasetable}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1104}
author = {Lopez, Adam}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Suffix Arrays}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1105}
author = {Macherey, Wolfgang; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {An Empirical Study on Computing Consensus Translations from Multiple Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1106}
author = {Wu, Jian-Cheng; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Learning to Find English to Chinese Transliterations on the Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1107}
author = {Snow, Rion; Prakash, Sushant; Jurafsky, Daniel; Ng, Andrew Y.}
title = {Learning to Merge Word Senses}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1108}
author = {Cai, Junfu; Lee, Wee Sun; Teh, Yee Whye}
title = {Improving Word Sense Disambiguation Using Topic Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1109}
author = {Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Blei, David M.; Zhu, Xiaojin}
title = {A Topic Model for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1110}
author = {Villavicencio, Aline; Kordoni, Valia; Zhang, Yi; Idiart, Marco; Ramisch, Carlos}
title = {Validation and Evaluation of Automatically Acquired Multiword Expressions for Grammar Engineering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1111}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Dependency Parsing and Domain Adaptation with LR Models and Parser Ensembles}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1112}
author = {Dredze, Mark; Blitzer, John; Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Ganchev, Kuzman; Graça, João; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Frustratingly Hard Domain Adaptation for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1113}
author = {Kim, Soo-Min; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Crystal: Analyzing Predictive Opinions on the Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1114}
author = {Kobayashi, Nozomi; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Extracting Aspect-Evaluation and Aspect-Of Relations in Opinion Mining}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1115}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {Building Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis from Massive Collection of HTML Documents}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1116}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Gabbard, Ryan; Rambow, Owen; Kulick, Seth; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Determining Case in Arabic: Learning Complex Linguistic Behavior Requires Complex Linguistic Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1117}
author = {Huang, Zhongqiang; Harper, Mary P.; Wang, Wen}
title = {Mandarin Part-of-Speech Tagging and Discriminative Reranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1118}
author = {Miller, John E.; Torii, Manabu; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Building Domain-Specific Taggers without Annotated (Domain) Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1119}
author = {Attardi, Giuseppe; Dell'Orletta, Felice; Simi, Maria; Chanev, Atanas; Ciaramita, Massimiliano}
title = {Multilingual Dependency Parsing and Domain Adaptation using DeSR}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1120}
author = {Bick, Eckhard}
title = {Hybrid Ways to Improve Domain Independence in an ML Dependency Parser}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1121}
author = {Canisius, Sander; Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {A Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1122}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Zhang, Yujie; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {A Two-Stage Parser for Multilingual Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1123}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Incremental Dependency Parsing Using Online Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1124}
author = {Mannem, Prashanth}
title = {Online Learning for Deterministic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1125}
author = {Marinov, Svetoslav}
title = {Covington Variations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1126}
author = {Nguyen, Minh Le; Shimazu, Akira; Nguyen, Thai Phuong; Phan, Xuan-Hieu}
title = {A Multilingual Dependency Analysis System Using Online Passive-Aggressive Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1127}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael; Spranger, Kristina}
title = {Global Learning of Labeled Dependency Trees}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1128}
author = {Schneider, Gerold; Kaljurand, Kaarel; Rinaldi, Fabio; Kuhn, Tobias}
title = {Pro3Gres Parser in the CoNLL Domain Adaptation Shared Task}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1129}
author = {Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Structural Correspondence Learning for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1130}
author = {Watson, Rebecca; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Adapting the RASP System for the CoNLL07 Domain-Adaptation Task}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1131}
author = {Wu, Yu-Chieh; Yang, Jie-Chi; Lee, Yue-Shi}
title = {Multilingual Deterministic Dependency Parsing Framework using Modified Finite Newton Method Support Vector Machines}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2007}
id = {D08-1001}
author = {Jancsary, Jeremy; Matiasek, Johannes; Trost, Harald}
title = {Revealing the Structure of Medical Dictations with Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1002}
author = {Ritter, Alan; Soderland, Stephen; Downey, Doug; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {It’s a Contradiction – no it’s not: A Case Study using Functional Relations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1003}
author = {Li, Yunyao; Krishnamurthy, Rajasekar; Raghavan, Sriram; Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar; Jagadish, H. V.}
title = {Regular Expression Learning for Information Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1004}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Modeling Annotators: A Generative Approach to Learning from Annotator Rationales}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1005}
author = {Bekkerman, Ron; Crammer, Koby}
title = {One-Class Clustering in the Text Domain}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1006}
author = {Sandbank, Ben}
title = {Refining Generative Language Models using Discriminative Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1007}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Lin, Dekang; Goebel, Randy}
title = {Discriminative Learning of Selectional Preference from Unlabeled Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1008}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Dependency-based Semantic Role Labeling of PropBank}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1009}
author = {Schoenmackers, Stefan; Etzioni, Oren; Weld, Daniel S.}
title = {Scaling Textual Inference to the Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1010}
author = {Liu, Qun; He, Zhongjun; Liu, Yang; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Maximum Entropy based Rule Selection Model for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1011}
author = {He, Xiaodong; Yang, Mei; Gao, Jianfeng; Nguyen, Patrick; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Indirect-HMM-based Hypothesis Alignment for Combining Outputs from Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1012}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Haghighi, Aria; Klein, Dan}
title = {Coarse-to-Fine Syntactic Machine Translation using Language Projections}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1013}
author = {Jun, Zhao; Liu, Kang; Wang, Gen}
title = {Adding Redundant Features for CRFs-based Sentence Sentiment Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1014}
author = {Banea, Carmen; Mihalcea, Rada; Wiebe, Janyce; Hassan, Samer}
title = {Multilingual Subjectivity Analysis Using Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1015}
author = {Lin, Kevin Hsin-Yih; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Ranking Reader Emotions Using Pairwise Loss Minimization and Emotional Distribution Regression}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1016}
author = {Smith, David A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Dependency Parsing by Belief Propagation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1017}
author = {Torres Martins, André Filipe; Das, Dipanjan; Smith, Noah A.; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Stacking Dependency Parsers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1018}
author = {Song, Xinying; Ding, Shilin; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Better Binarization for the CKY Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1019}
author = {Filippova, Katja; Strube, Michael}
title = {Sentence Fusion via Dependency Graph Compression}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1020}
author = {Pitler, Emily; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Revisiting Readability: A Unified Framework for Predicting Text Quality}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1021}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Syntactic Constraints on Paraphrases Extracted from Parallel Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1022}
author = {Mi, Haitao; Huang, Liang}
title = {Forest-based Translation Rule Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1023}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Probabilistic Inference for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1024}
author = {Chiang, David; Marton, Yuval; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Online Large-Margin Training of Syntactic and Structural Translation Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1025}
author = {Levy, Roger}
title = {A Noisy-Channel Model of Human Sentence Comprehension under Uncertain Input}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1026}
author = {Qu, Shaolin; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Incorporating Temporal and Semantic Information with Eye Gaze for Automatic Word Acquisition in Multimodal Conversational Systems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1027}
author = {Snow, Rion; O'Connor, Brendan; Jurafsky, Daniel; Ng, Andrew Y.}
title = {Cheap and Fast – But is it Good? Evaluating Non-Expert Annotations for Natural Language Tasks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1028}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Smith, David A.}
title = {HotSpots: Visualizing Edits to a Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1029}
author = {Baron, Alex; Freedman, Marjorie}
title = {Who is Who and What is What: Experiments in Cross-Document Co-Reference}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1030}
author = {Benajiba, Yassine; Diab, Mona; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {Arabic Named Entity Recognition using Optimized Feature Sets}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1031}
author = {Bengtson, Eric; Roth, Dan}
title = {Understanding the Value of Features for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1032}
author = {Chali, Yllias; Joty, Shafiq R.}
title = {Selecting Sentences for Answering Complex Questions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1033}
author = {DeNero, John; Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre; Klein, Dan}
title = {Sampling Alignment Structure under a Bayesian Translation Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1034}
author = {Ding, Weiwei; Chang, Baobao}
title = {Improving Chinese Semantic Role Classification with Hierarchical Feature Selection Strategy}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1035}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Bayesian Unsupervised Topic Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1036}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Johnson, Mark}
title = {A comparison of Bayesian estimators for unsupervised Hidden Markov Model POS taggers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1037}
author = {Goldwasser, Dan; Roth, Dan}
title = {Transliteration as Constrained Optimization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1038}
author = {Hall, David; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Studying the History of Ideas Using Topic Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1039}
author = {Hasan, Saša; Ganitkevitch, Juri; Ney, Hermann; Andrés-Ferrer, Jesús}
title = {Triplet Lexicon Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1040}
author = {Higuchi, Shinsuke; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, Kenji}
title = {A Casual Conversation System Using Modality and Word Associations Retrieved from the Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1041}
author = {Huang, Fei; Emami, Ahmad; Zitouni, Imed}
title = {When Harry Met Harri: Cross-lingual Name Spelling Normalization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1042}
author = {Kate, Rohit J.}
title = {A Dependency-based Word Subsequence Kernel}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1043}
author = {Lee, Jung-Tae; Kim, Sang-Bum; Song, Young-In; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Bridging Lexical Gaps between Queries and Questions on Large Online Q&A Collections with Compact Translation Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1044}
author = {Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Scalable Language Processing Algorithms for the Masses: A Case Study in Computing Word Co-occurrence Matrices with MapReduce}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1045}
author = {Murawaki, Yugo; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Online Acquisition of Japanese Unknown Morphemes using Morphological Constraints}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1046}
author = {Nallapati, Ramesh; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Legal Docket Classification: Where Machine Learning Stumbles}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1047}
author = {Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Ananiadou, Sophia; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Discriminative Candidate Generator for String Transformations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1048}
author = {Pennacchiotti, Marco; de Cao, Diego; Basili, Roberto; Croce, Danilo; Roth, Michael}
title = {Automatic induction of FrameNet lexical units}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1049}
author = {Raaijmakers, Stephan; Truong, Khiet; Wilson, Theresa}
title = {Multimodal Subjectivity Analysis of Multiparty Conversation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1050}
author = {Rimell, Laura; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Adapting a Lexicalized-Grammar Parser to Contrasting Domains}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1051}
author = {Sanchis, Germán; Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel; Civera, Jorge; Casacuberta, Francisco; Vidal, Enrique; Hoang, Hieu}
title = {Improving Interactive Machine Translation via Mouse Actions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1052}
author = {Shen, Libin; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {LTAG Dependency Parsing with Bidirectional Incremental Construction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1053}
author = {Shi, Lei; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Improved Sentence Alignment on Parallel Web Pages Using a Stochastic Tree Alignment Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1054}
author = {Sun, Congkai; Gao, Bin; Cao, Zhenfu; Li, Hang}
title = {HTM: A Topic Model for Hypertexts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1055}
author = {Taira, Hirotoshi; Fujita, Sanae; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {A Japanese Predicate Argument Structure Analysis using Decision Lists}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1056}
author = {Vickrey, David; Bronzan, Aaron; Choi, William; Kumar, Aman; Turner-Maier, Jason; Wang, Arthur; Koller, Daphne}
title = {Online Word Games for Semantic Data Collection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1057}
author = {Wan, Stephen; Dale, Robert; Dras, Mark; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Seed and Grow: Augmenting Statistically Generated Summary Sentences using Schematic Word Patterns}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1058}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Using Bilingual Knowledge and Ensemble Techniques for Unsupervised Chinese Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1059}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Clark, Stephen}
title = {A Tale of Two Parsers: Investigating and Combining Graph-based and Transition-based Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1060}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Al-Onaizan, Yaser}
title = {Generalizing Local and Non-Local Word-Reordering Patterns for Syntax-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1061}
author = {Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Reisinger, Joseph; Paşca, Marius; Ravichandran, Deepak; Bhagat, Rahul; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Weakly-Supervised Acquisition of Labeled Class Instances using Graph Random Walks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1062}
author = {Andrews, Nicholas; Ramakrishnan, Naren}
title = {Seeded Discovery of Base Relations in Large Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1063}
author = {Zitouni, Imed; Florian, Radu}
title = {Mention Detection Crossing the Language Barrier}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1064}
author = {Chiang, David; DeNeefe, Steve; Chan, Yee Seng; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Decomposability of Translation Metrics for Improved Evaluation and Efficient Algorithms}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1065}
author = {Tromble, Roy W.; Kumar, Shankar; Och, Franz Josef; Macherey, Wolfgang}
title = {Lattice Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1066}
author = {Mylonakis, Markos; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Phrase Translation Probabilities with ITG Priors and Smoothing as Learning Objective}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1067}
author = {Ng, Vincent}
title = {Unsupervised Models for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1068}
author = {Poon, Hoifung; Domingos, Pedro}
title = {Joint Unsupervised Coreference Resolution with Markov Logic}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1069}
author = {Denis, Pascal; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Specialized Models and Ranking for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1070}
author = {Bunescu, Razvan C.}
title = {Learning with Probabilistic Features for Improved Pipeline Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1071}
author = {Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Cross-Task Knowledge-Constrained Self Training}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1072}
author = {Dredze, Mark; Crammer, Koby}
title = {Online Methods for Multi-Domain Learning and Adaptation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1073}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Jointly Combining Implicit Constraints Improves Temporal Ordering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1074}
author = {Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Automatic Inference of the Temporal Location of Situations in Chinese Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1075}
author = {Morante, Roser; Liekens, Anthony; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Learning the Scope of Negation in Biomedical Texts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1076}
author = {Macherey, Wolfgang; Och, Franz Josef; Thayer, Ignacio; Uszkoreit, Jakob}
title = {Lattice-based Minimum Error Rate Training for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1077}
author = {Menezes, Arul; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Syntactic Models for Structural Word Insertion and Deletion during Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1078}
author = {Birch, Alexandra; Osborne, Miles; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Predicting Success in Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1079}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {An Exploration of Document Impact on Graph-Based Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1080}
author = {Nastase, Vivi}
title = {Topic-Driven Multi-Document Summarization with Encyclopedic Knowledge and Spreading Activation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1081}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Carenini, Giuseppe}
title = {Summarizing Spoken and Written Conversations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1082}
author = {Lu, Wei; Ng, Hwee Tou; Lee, Wee Sun; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {A Generative Model for Parsing Natural Language to Meaning Representations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1083}
author = {Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Learning with Compositional Semantics as Structural Inference for Subsentential Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1084}
author = {MacCartney, Bill; Galley, Michel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {A Phrase-Based Alignment Model for Natural Language Inference}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1085}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Attacking Decipherment Problems Optimally with Low-Order N-gram Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1086}
author = {Wang, Xinhao; Nie, Jiazhong; Luo, Dingsheng; Wu, Xihong}
title = {Integrating Multi-level Linguistic Knowledge with a Unified Framework for Mandarin Speech Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1087}
author = {Hsu, Bo-June (Paul); Glass, James R.}
title = {N-gram Weighting: Reducing Training Data Mismatch in Cross-Domain Language Model Estimation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1088}
author = {Leusch, Gregor; Matusov, Evgeny; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Complexity of Finding the BLEU-optimal Hypothesis in a Confusion Network}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1089}
author = {Galley, Michel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {A Simple and Effective Hierarchical Phrase Reordering Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1090}
author = {Snover, Matthew; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Language and Translation Model Adaptation using Comparable Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1091}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Klein, Dan}
title = {Sparse Multi-Scale Grammars for Discriminative Latent Variable Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1092}
author = {Burkett, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {Two Languages are Better than One (for Syntactic Parsing)}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1093}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin; Soricut, Radu}
title = {Automatic Prediction of Parser Accuracy}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1094}
author = {Erk, Katrin; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {A Structured Vector Space Model for Word Meaning in Context}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1095}
author = {Minkov, Einat; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Learning Graph Walk Based Similarity Measures for Parsed Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1096}
author = {Schütze, Hinrich; Walsh, Michael}
title = {A Graph-theoretic Model of Lexical Syntactic Acquisition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1097}
author = {Huang, Zhiheng; Thint, Marcus; Qin, Zengchang}
title = {Question Classification using Head Words and their Hypernyms}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1098}
author = {Li, Baoli; Liu, Yandong; Agichtein, Eugene}
title = {CoCQA: Co-Training over Questions and Answers with an Application to Predicting Question Subjectivity Orientation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1099}
author = {Wang, Richard C.; Schlaefer, Nico; Cohen, William W.; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Automatic Set Expansion for List Question Answering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1100}
author = {Chotimongkol, Ananlada; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Acquiring Domain-Specific Dialog Information from Task-Oriented Human-Human Interaction through an Unsupervised Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1101}
author = {Huerta, Juan}
title = {Relative Rank Statistics for Dialog Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1102}
author = {Solorio, Thamar; Liu, Yang}
title = {Learning to Predict Code-Switching Points}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1103}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Computing Word-Pair Antonymy}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1104}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Kawahara, Daisuke}
title = {Construction of an Idiom Corpus and its Application to Idiom Identification based on WSD Incorporating Idiom-Specific Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1105}
author = {Zhong, Zhi; Ng, Hwee Tou; Chan, Yee Seng}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using OntoNotes: An Empirical Study}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1106}
author = {Komachi, Mamoru; Kudo, Taku; Shimbo, Masashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Graph-based Analysis of Semantic Drift in Espresso-like Bootstrapping Algorithms}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1107}
author = {Barr, Cory; Jones, Rosie; Regelson, Moira}
title = {The Linguistic Structure of English Web-Search Queries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1108}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Mining and Modeling Relations between Formal and Informal Chinese Phrases from Web Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1109}
author = {Snyder, Benjamin; Naseem, Tahira; Eisenstein, Jacob; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Unsupervised Multilingual Learning for POS Tagging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1110}
author = {Solorio, Thamar; Liu, Yang}
title = {Part-of-Speech Tagging for English-Spanish Code-Switched Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1111}
author = {Liu, Yixuan; Wang, Bin; Ding, Fan; Xu, Sheng}
title = {Information Retrieval Oriented Word Segmentation based on Character Association Strength Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1112}
author = {Settles, Burr; Craven, Mark}
title = {An Analysis of Active Learning Strategies for Sequence Labeling Tasks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1113}
author = {Dreyer, Markus; Smith, Jason R.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Latent-Variable Modeling of String Transductions with Finite-State Methods}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D08-1114}
author = {Subramanya, Amarnag; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Soft-Supervised Learning for Text Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2008}
id = {D09-1001}
author = {Poon, Hoifung; Domingos, Pedro}
title = {Unsupervised Semantic Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1002}
author = {Fürstenau, Hagen; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Graph Alignment for Semi-Supervised Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1003}
author = {Deschacht, Koen; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Semi-supervised Semantic Role Labeling Using the Latent Words Language Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1004}
author = {Zhao, Hai; Chen, Wenliang; Kitt, Chunyu}
title = {Semantic Dependency Parsing of NomBank and PropBank: An Efficient Integrated Approach via a Large-scale Feature Selection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1005}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {First- and Second-Order Expectation Semirings with Applications to Minimum-Risk Training on Translation Forests}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1006}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Feasibility of Human-in-the-loop Minimum Error Rate Training}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1007}
author = {Hopkins, Mark; Langmead, Greg}
title = {Cube Pruning as Heuristic Search}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1008}
author = {Shen, Libin; Xu, Jinxi; Zhang, Bing; Matsoukas, Spyros; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Effective Use of Linguistic and Contextual Information for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1009}
author = {Druck, Gregory; Settles, Burr; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Active Learning by Labeling Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1010}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Dell'Arciprete, Lorenzo}
title = {Efficient kernels for sentence pair classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1011}
author = {Dreyer, Markus; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Graphical Models over Multiple Strings}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1012}
author = {Pighin, Daniele; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Reverse Engineering of Tree Kernel Feature Spaces}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1013}
author = {Miwa, Makoto; Sætre, Rune; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Rich Feature Vector for Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction from Multiple Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1014}
author = {Bellare, Kedar; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Generalized Expectation Criteria for Bootstrapping Extractors using Record-Text Alignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1015}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Nested Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1016}
author = {Patwardhan, Siddharth; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {A Unified Model of Phrasal and Sentential Evidence for Information Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1017}
author = {Liu, Jingjing; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Review Sentiment Scoring via a Parse-and-Paraphrase Paradigm}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1018}
author = {Somasundaran, Swapna; Namata, Galileo; Wiebe, Janyce; Getoor, Lise}
title = {Supervised and Unsupervised Methods in Employing Discourse Relations for Improving Opinion Polarity Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1019}
author = {Narayanan, Ramanathan; Liu, Bing; Choudhary, Alok}
title = {Sentiment Analysis of Conditional Sentences}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1020}
author = {Akkaya, Cem; Wiebe, Janyce; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1021}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Non-Projective Parsing for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1022}
author = {Mauser, Arne; Hasan, Saša; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Extending Statistical Machine Translation with Discriminative and Trigger-Based Lexicon Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1023}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Feature-Rich Translation by Quasi-Synchronous Lattice Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1024}
author = {Hermjakob, Ulf}
title = {Improved Word Alignment with Statistics and Linguistic Heuristics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1025}
author = {Pennacchiotti, Marco; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Entity Extraction via Ensemble Semantics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1026}
author = {Ramage, Daniel; Hall, David; Nallapati, Ramesh; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Labeled LDA: A supervised topic model for credit attribution in multi-labeled corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1027}
author = {Liu, Zhiyuan; Li, Peng; Zheng, Yabin; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Clustering to Find Exemplar Terms for Keyphrase Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1028}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Geo-mining: Discovery of Road and Transport Networks Using Directional Patterns}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1029}
author = {Tonelli, Sara; Giuliano, Claudio}
title = {Wikipedia as Frame Information Repository}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1030}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Fast Cheap and Creative: Evaluating Translation Quality Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1031}
author = {Baldridge, Jason; Palmer, Alexis}
title = {How well does active learning actually work? Time-based evaluation of cost-reduction strategies for language documentation.}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1032}
author = {Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Automatically Evaluating Content Selection in Summarization without Human Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1033}
author = {Li, Linlin; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Classifier Combination for Contextual Idiom Detection Without Labelled Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1034}
author = {Roark, Brian; Bachrach, Asaf; Cardenas, Carlos; Pallier, Christophe}
title = {Deriving lexical and syntactic expectation-based measures for psycholinguistic modeling via incremental top-down parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1035}
author = {Ranganath, Rajesh; Jurafsky, Daniel; McFarland, Daniel A.}
title = {It’s Not You it’s Me: Detecting Flirting and its Misperception in Speed-Dates}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1036}
author = {Lin, Ziheng; Kan, Min-Yen; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Recognizing Implicit Discourse Relations in the Penn Discourse Treebank}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1037}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {A Bayesian Model of Syntax-Directed Tree to String Grammar Induction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1038}
author = {Xiao, Tong; Li, Mu; Zhang, Dongdong; Zhu, Jingbo; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Better Synchronous Binarization for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1039}
author = {Galron, Daniel; Penkale, Sergio; Way, Andy; Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Accuracy-Based Scoring for DOT: Towards Direct Error Minimization for Data-Oriented Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1040}
author = {Marton, Yuval; Callison-Burch, Chris; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Monolingually-Derived Paraphrases}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1041}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi}
title = {A Comparison of Model Free versus Model Intensive Approaches to Sentence Compression}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1042}
author = {Lu, Wei; Ng, Hwee Tou; Lee, Wee Sun}
title = {Natural Language Generation with Tree Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1043}
author = {White, Michael; Rajkumar, Rajakrishnan}
title = {Perceptron Reranking for CCG Realization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1044}
author = {Hachey, Ben}
title = {Multi-Document Summarisation Using Generic Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1045}
author = {Mitchell, Jeff; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Language Models Based on Semantic Composition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1046}
author = {Erk, Katrin; McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Graded Word Sense Assignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1047}
author = {Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Joint Learning of Preposition Senses and Semantic Roles of Prepositional Phrases}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1048}
author = {Khapra, Mitesh M.; Shah, Sapan; Kedia, Piyush; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Projecting Parameters for Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1049}
author = {Boukobza, Ram; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Multi-Word Expression Identification Using Sentence Surface Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1050}
author = {Bai, Ming-Hong; You, Jia-Ming; Chen, Keh-Jiann; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Acquiring Translation Equivalences of Multiword Expressions by Normalized Correlation Frequencies}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1051}
author = {Liu, Zhanyi; Wang, Haifeng; Wu, Hua; Li, Sheng}
title = {Collocation Extraction Using Monolingual Word Alignment Method}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1052}
author = {Crammer, Koby; Dredze, Mark; Kulesza, Alex}
title = {Multi-Class Confidence Weighted Algorithms}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1053}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Wu, Qiang; Burges, Christopher; Svore, Krysta; Su, Yi; Khan, Nazan; Shah, Shalin; Zhou, Hongyan}
title = {Model Adaptation via Model Interpolation and Boosting for Web Search Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1054}
author = {Yang, Wen-Yun; Cao, Yunbo; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {A Structural Support Vector Method for Extracting Contexts and Answers of Questions from Online Forums}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1055}
author = {Tseng, Huihsin; Chen, Longbin; Li, Fan; Zhuang, Ziming; Duan, Lei; Tseng, Belle}
title = {Mining Search Engine Clickthrough Log for Matching N-gram Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1056}
author = {Artiles, Javier; Amigó, Enrique; Gonzalo, Julio}
title = {The role of named entities in Web People Search}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1057}
author = {Huang, Zhiheng; Thint, Marcus; Celikyilmaz, Asli}
title = {Investigation of Question Classifier in Question Answering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1058}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Isozaki, Hideki; Carreras, Xavier; Collins, Michael John}
title = {An Empirical Study of Semi-supervised Structured Conditional Models for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1059}
author = {Johansson, Richard}
title = {Statistical Bistratal Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1060}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Improving Dependency Parsing with Subtrees from Auto-Parsed Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1061}
author = {Dasgupta, Sajib; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Topic-wise Sentiment-wise or Otherwise? Identifying the Hidden Dimension for Unsupervised Text Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1062}
author = {Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Adapting a Polarity Lexicon using Integer Linear Programming for Domain-Specific Sentiment Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1063}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Dunne, Cody; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Generating High-Coverage Semantic Orientation Lexicons From Overtly Marked Words and a Thesaurus}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1064}
author = {Dalvi, Nilesh; Kumar, Ravi; Pang, Bo; Tomkins, Andrew}
title = {Matching Reviews to Objects using a Language Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1065}
author = {Murphy, Brian; Baroni, Marco; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {EEG responds to conceptual stimuli and corpus semantics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1066}
author = {Washtell, Justin; Markert, Katja}
title = {A Comparison of Windowless and Window-Based Computational Association Measures as Predictors of Syntagmatic Human Associations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1067}
author = {Sun, Lin; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Improving Verb Clustering with Automatically Acquired Selectional Preferences}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1068}
author = {Lu, Yumao; Peng, Fuchun; Mishne, Gilad; Wei, Xing; Dumoulin, Benoit}
title = {Improving Web Search Relevance with Semantic Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1069}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Can Chinese Phonemes Improve Machine Transliteration?: A Comparative Study of English-to-Chinese Transliteration Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1070}
author = {Moon, Taesun; Erk, Katrin; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Unsupervised morphological segmentation and clustering with document boundaries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1071}
author = {Van Gael, Jurgen; Vlachos, Andreas; Ghahramani, Zoubin}
title = {The infinite HMM for unsupervised PoS tagging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1072}
author = {Zhao, Qiuye; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {A Simple Unsupervised Learner for POS Disambiguation Rules Given Only a Minimal Lexicon}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1073}
author = {Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Tree Kernel-based SVM with Structured Syntactic Knowledge for BTG-based Phrase Reordering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1074}
author = {Matsoukas, Spyros; Rosti, Antti-Veikko I.; Zhang, Bing}
title = {Discriminative Corpus Weight Estimation for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1075}
author = {Chung, Tagyoung; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Unsupervised Tokenization for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1076}
author = {DeNeefe, Steve; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Synchronous Tree Adjoining Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1077}
author = {Miller, Tim}
title = {Word Buffering Models for Improved Speech Repair Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1078}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Less is More: Significance-Based N-gram Selection for Smaller Better Language Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1079}
author = {Levenberg, Abby; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Stream-based Randomised Language Models for SMT}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1080}
author = {Fitzgerald, Erin; Jelinek, Frederick; Hall, Keith}
title = {Integrating sentence- and word-level error identification for disfluency correction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1081}
author = {Marton, Yuval; Mohammad, Saif; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Estimating Semantic Distance Using Soft Semantic Constraints in Knowledge-Source – Corpus Hybrid Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1082}
author = {Wang, Rui; Zhang, Yi}
title = {Recognizing Textual Relatedness with Predicate-Argument Structures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1083}
author = {Yih, Scott Wen-Tau}
title = {Learning Term-weighting Functions for Similarity Measures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1084}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Matsuo, Yutaka; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {A Relational Model of Semantic Similarity between Words using Automatically Extracted Lexical Pattern Clusters from the Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1085}
author = {Rimell, Laura; Clark, Stephen; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Unbounded Dependency Recovery for Parser Evaluation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1086}
author = {Smith, David A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Parser Adaptation and Projection with Quasi-Synchronous Grammar Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1087}
author = {Huang, Zhongqiang; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Self-Training PCFG Grammars with Latent Annotations Across Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1088}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Sima'an, Khalil; Scha, Remko J. H.}
title = {An Alternative to Head-Driven Approaches for Parsing a (Relatively) Free Word-Order Language}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1089}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Enhancement of Lexical Concepts Using Cross-lingual Web Mining}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1090}
author = {Varga, István; Yokoyama, Shoichi}
title = {Bilingual dictionary generation for low-resourced language pairs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1091}
author = {Yogatama, Dani; Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko}
title = {Multilingual Spectral Clustering Using Document Similarity Propagation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1092}
author = {Mimno, David; Wallach, Hanna M.; Naradowsky, Jason; Smith, David A.; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Polylingual Topic Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1093}
author = {Whitelaw, Casey; Hutchinson, Ben; Chung, Grace Y; Ellis, Ged}
title = {Using the Web for Language Independent Spellchecking and Autocorrection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1094}
author = {Kidwell, Paul; Lebanon, Guy; Collins-Thompson, Kevyn}
title = {Statistical Estimation of Word Acquisition with Application to Readability Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1095}
author = {Nastase, Vivi; Strube, Michael}
title = {Combining Collocations Lexical and Encyclopedic Knowledge for Metonymy Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1096}
author = {Lampert, Andrew; Dale, Robert; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Segmenting Email Message Text into Zones}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1097}
author = {Yamada, Ichiro; Torisawa, Kentaro; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Kuroda, Kow; Murata, Masaki; De Saeger, Stijn; Bond, Francis; Sumida, Asuka}
title = {Hypernym Discovery Based on Distributional Similarity and Hierarchical Structures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1098}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Crestan, Eric; Borkovsky, Arkady; Popescu, Ana-Maria; Vyas, Vishnu}
title = {Web-Scale Distributional Similarity and Entity Set Expansion}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1099}
author = {Hovy, Eduard; Kozareva, Zornitsa; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Toward Completeness in Concept Extraction and Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1100}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Clarke, James; Goldwasser, Dan; Roth, Dan}
title = {Reading to Learn: Constructing Features from Semantic Abstracts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1101}
author = {Rahman, Altaf; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Supervised Models for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1102}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Kong, Fang}
title = {Global Learning of Noun Phrase Anaphoricity in Coreference Resolution via Label Propagation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1103}
author = {Kong, Fang; Zhou, Guodong; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Employing the Centering Theory in Pronoun Resolution from the Semantic Perspective}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1104}
author = {Popescu, Octavian}
title = {Person Cross Document Coreference with Name Perplexity Estimates}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1105}
author = {Tromble, Roy W.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Learning Linear Ordering Problems for Better Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1106}
author = {Liu, Yang; Xia, Tian; Xiao, Xinyan; Liu, Qun}
title = {Weighted Alignment Matrices for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1107}
author = {Kääriäinen, Matti}
title = {Sinuhe – Statistical Machine Translation using a Globally Trained Conditional Exponential Family Translation Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1108}
author = {Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Fast Translation Rule Matching for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1109}
author = {Alfonseca, Enrique; Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Hall, Keith}
title = {Gazpacho and summer rash: lexical relationships from temporal patterns of web search queries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1110}
author = {Bar-Haim, Roy; Berant, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {A Compact Forest for Scalable Inference over Entailment and Paraphrase Rules}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1111}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {Discriminative Substring Decoding for Transliteration}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1112}
author = {Dinarelli, Marco; Moschitti, Alessandro; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Re-Ranking Models Based-on Small Training Data for Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1113}
author = {Dong, Anlei; Chang, Yi; Ji, Shihao; Liao, Ciya; Li, Xin; Zheng, Zhaohui}
title = {Empirical Exploitation of Click Data for Task Specific Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1114}
author = {Duan, Nan; Li, Mu; Xiao, Tong; Zhou, Ming}
title = {The Feature Subspace Method for SMT System Combination}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1115}
author = {Feng, Yang; Liu, Yang; Mi, Haitao; Liu, Qun; Lü, Yajuan}
title = {Lattice-based System Combination for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1116}
author = {Filimonov, Denis; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {A Joint Language Model With Fine-grain Syntactic Tags}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1117}
author = {Finch, Andrew; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Bidirectional Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1118}
author = {Frampton, Matthew; Huang, Jia; Bui, Trung H.; Peters, Stanley}
title = {Real-time decision detection in multi-party dialogue}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1119}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {On the Role of Lexical Features in Sequence Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1120}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Klein, Dan}
title = {Simple Coreference Resolution with Rich Syntactic and Semantic Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1121}
author = {Hara, Tadayoshi; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Descriptive and Empirical Approaches to Capturing Underlying Dependencies among Parsing Errors}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1122}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Torisawa, Kentaro; Kuroda, Kow; De Saeger, Stijn; Murata, Masaki; Kazama, Jun'ichi}
title = {Large-Scale Verb Entailment Acquisition from the Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1123}
author = {Hassan, Hany; Sima'an, Khalil; Way, Andy}
title = {A Syntactified Direct Translation Model with Linear-time Decoding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1124}
author = {Hassan, Samer; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Cross-lingual Semantic Relatedness Using Encyclopedic Knowledge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1125}
author = {He, Xiaodong; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Joint Optimization for Machine Translation System Combination}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1126}
author = {Honnibal, Matthew; Curran, James R.}
title = {Fully Lexicalising CCGbank with Hat Categories}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1127}
author = {Huang, Liang; Jiang, Wenbin; Liu, Qun}
title = {Bilingually-Constrained (Monolingual) Shift-Reduce Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1128}
author = {Huang, Zhiheng; Zeng, Guangping; Xu, Weiqun; Celikyilmaz, Asli}
title = {Accurate Semantic Class Classifier for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1129}
author = {Islam, Aminul; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {Real-Word Spelling Correction using Google Web 1T 3-grams}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1130}
author = {Jeong, Minwoo; Lin, Chin-Yew; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Semi-supervised Speech Act Recognition in Emails and Forums}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1131}
author = {Ku, Lun-Wei; Huang, Ting-Hao; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Using Morphological and Syntactic Structures for Chinese Opinion Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1132}
author = {Lampouras, Gerasimos; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {Finding Short Definitions of Terms on Web Pages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1133}
author = {Li, Junhui; Zhou, Guodong; Zhao, Hai; Zhu, Qiao-ming; Qian, Peide}
title = {Improving Nominal SRL in Chinese Language with Verbal SRL Information and Automatic Predicate Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1134}
author = {Li, Xiao}
title = {On the Use of Virtual Evidence in Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1135}
author = {Lin, Xiaojun; Fan, Yang; Zhang, Meng; Wu, Xihong; Chi, Huisheng}
title = {Refining Grammars for Parsing with Hierarchical Semantic Knowledge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1136}
author = {Liu, Ding; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Bayesian Learning of Phrasal Tree-to-String Templates}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1137}
author = {Medelyan, Olena; Frank, Eibe; Witten, Ian H.}
title = {Human-competitive tagging using automatic keyphrase extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1138}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Supervised Learning of a Probabilistic Lexicon of Verb Semantic Classes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1139}
author = {Müller, Christof E.; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {A Study on the Semantic Relatedness of Query and Document Terms in Information Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1140}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Carenini, Giuseppe}
title = {Predicting Subjectivity in Multimodal Conversations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1141}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Improved Statistical Machine Translation for Resource-Poor Languages Using Related Resource-Rich Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1142}
author = {Nastase, Vivi; Popescu, Marius}
title = {What’s in a name? In some languages grammatical gender}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1143}
author = {Nguyen, Truc-Vien T.; Moschitti, Alessandro; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Convolution Kernels on Constituent Dependency and Sequential Structures for Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1144}
author = {Ovchinnikova, Ekaterina; Alexandrov, Theodore; Wandmacher, Tonio}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of the Argument-Predicate Relations from a Frame-Annotated Corpus}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1145}
author = {Özgür, Arzucan; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Detecting Speculations and their Scopes in Scientific Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1146}
author = {Paul, Michael; Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {Cross-Cultural Analysis of Blogs and Forums with Mixed-Collection Topic Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1147}
author = {Pauls, Adam; DeNero, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {Consensus Training for Consensus Decoding in Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1148}
author = {Pitler, Emily; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Using Word-Sense Disambiguation Methods to Classify Web Queries by Intent}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1149}
author = {Qian, Longhua; Zhou, Guodong; Kong, Fang; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Semi-Supervised Learning for Semantic Relation Classification using Stratified Sampling Strategy}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1150}
author = {Quan, Changqin; Ren, Fuji}
title = {Construction of a Blog Emotion Corpus for Chinese Emotional Expression Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1151}
author = {Sasano, Ryohei; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {A Probabilistic Model for Associative Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1152}
author = {Srinivasan, Prakash; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Quantifier Scope Disambiguation Using Extracted Pragmatic Knowledge: Preliminary Results}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1153}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Sui, Zhifang; Wang, Meng; Wang, Xin}
title = {Chinese Semantic Role Labeling with Shallow Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1154}
author = {Suzuki, Hisami; Li, Xiao; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {Discovery of Term Variation in Japanese Web Search Queries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1155}
author = {Teufel, Simone; Siddharthan, Advaith; Batchelor, Colin R.}
title = {Towards Domain-Independent Argumentative Zoning: Evidence from Chemistry and Computational Linguistics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1156}
author = {Wang, Richard C.; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Character-level Analysis of Semi-Structured Documents for Set Expansion}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1157}
author = {Wang, Xinglong; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Classifying Relations for Biomedical Named Entity Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1158}
author = {Wu, Dan; Lee, Wee Sun; Ye, Nan; Chieu, Hai Leong}
title = {Domain adaptive bootstrapping for named entity recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1159}
author = {Wu, Yuanbin; Zhang, Qi; Huang, Xuangjing; Wu, Lide}
title = {Phrase Dependency Parsing for Opinion Mining}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1160}
author = {Yoshinaga, Naoki; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {Polynomial to Linear: Efficient Classification with Conjunctive Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1161}
author = {Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Min; Tan, Chew Lim; Li, Haizhou}
title = {K-Best Combination of Syntactic Parsers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1162}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Tsai, Flora S.}
title = {Chinese Novelty Mining}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D09-1163}
author = {Zhou, Dong; Wade, Vincent}
title = {Latent Document Re-Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2009}
id = {D10-1001}
author = {Rush, Alexander M.; Sontag, David; Collins, Michael John; Jaakkola, Tommi}
title = {On Dual Decomposition and Linear Programming Relaxations for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1002}
author = {Huang, Zhongqiang; Harper, Mary P.; Petrov, Slav}
title = {Self-Training with Products of Latent Variable Grammars}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1003}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Utilizing Extra-Sentential Context for Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1004}
author = {Martins, Andre; Smith, Noah A.; Xing, Eric P.; Aguiar, Pedro; Figueiredo, Mario}
title = {Turbo Parsers: Dependency Parsing by Approximate Variational Inference}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1005}
author = {Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Holistic Sentiment Analysis Across Languages: Multilingual Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1006}
author = {Zhao, Xin; Jiang, Jing; Yan, Hong; Li, Xiaoming}
title = {Jointly Modeling Aspects and Opinions with a MaxEnt-LDA Hybrid}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1007}
author = {Paul, Michael; Zhai, ChengXiang; Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {Summarizing Contrastive Viewpoints in Opinionated Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1008}
author = {Goyal, Amit; Riloff, Ellen; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Automatically Producing Plot Unit Representations for Narrative Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1009}
author = {Contractor, Danish; Kothari, Govind; Faruquie, Tanveer A.; Subramaniam, L. Venkata; Negi, Sumit}
title = {Handling Noisy Queries in Cross Language FAQ Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1010}
author = {Bunescu, Razvan C.; Huang, Yunfeng}
title = {Learning the Relative Usefulness of Questions in Community QA}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1011}
author = {Boudin, Florian; Nie, Jian-Yun; Dawes, Martin}
title = {Positional Language Models for Clinical Information Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1012}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Crisafulli, Giuseppe}
title = {Inducing Word Senses to Improve Web Search Result Clustering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1013}
author = {Resnik, Philip; Buzek, Olivia; Hu, Changjian; Kronrod, Yakov; Quinn, Alex; Bederson, Benjamin B.}
title = {Improving Translation via Targeted Paraphrasing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1014}
author = {Huang, Zhongqiang; Cmejrek, Martin; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {Soft Syntactic Constraints for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation Using Latent Syntactic Distributions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1015}
author = {Luong, Minh-Thang; Nakov, Preslav; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {A Hybrid Morpheme-Word Representation for Machine Translation of Morphologically Rich Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1016}
author = {Genzel, Dmitriy; Uszkoreit, Jakob; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Poetic Statistical Machine Translation: Rhyme and Meter}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1017}
author = {Subramanya, Amarnag; Petrov, Slav; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Efficient Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning of Structured Tagging Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1018}
author = {Lu, Wei; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Better Punctuation Prediction with Dynamic Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1019}
author = {Qian, Xian; Zhang, Qi; Zhou, Yaqian; Huang, Xuanjing; Wu, Lide}
title = {Joint Training and Decoding Using Virtual Nodes for Cascaded Segmentation and Tagging Tasks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1020}
author = {Moon, Taesun; Erk, Katrin; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Crouching Dirichlet Hidden Markov Model: Unsupervised POS Tagging with Context Local Tag Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1021}
author = {Mukherjee, Arjun; Liu, Bing}
title = {Improving Gender Classification of Blog Authors}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1022}
author = {Li, Xiao-Li; Liu, Bing; Ng, See-Kiong}
title = {Negative Training Data Can be Harmful to Text Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1023}
author = {Persing, Isaac; Davis, Alan; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Modeling Organization in Student Essays}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1024}
author = {Walker, Daniel; Lund, William B.; Ringger, Eric K.}
title = {Evaluating Models of Latent Document Semantics in the Presence of OCR Errors}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1025}
author = {Platt, John C.; Toutanova, Kristina; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau}
title = {Translingual Document Representations from Discriminative Projections}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1026}
author = {Guthrie, David; Hepple, Mark}
title = {Storing the Web in Memory: Space Efficient Language Models with Constant Time Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1027}
author = {Huang, Liang; Mi, Haitao}
title = {Efficient Incremental Decoding for Tree-to-String Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1028}
author = {Hardisty, Eric; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Modeling Perspective Using Adaptor Grammars}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1029}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Bhargava, Aditya; He, Hua; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Predicting the Semantic Compositionality of Prefix Verbs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1030}
author = {Zhuang, Tao; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Joint Inference for Bilingual Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1031}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Automatic Discovery of Manner Relations and its Applications}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1032}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Tense Sense Disambiguation: A New Syntactic Polysemy Task}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1033}
author = {Florian, Radu; Pitrelli, John F.; Roukos, Salim; Zitouni, Imed}
title = {Improving Mention Detection Robustness to Noisy Input}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1034}
author = {Qian, Longhua; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Clustering-Based Stratified Seed Sampling for Semi-Supervised Relation Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1035}
author = {McIntosh, Tara}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery of Negative Categories in Lexicon Bootstrapping}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1036}
author = {Liu, Zhiyuan; Huang, Wenyi; Zheng, Yabin; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Automatic Keyphrase Extraction via Topic Decomposition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1037}
author = {Sauper, Christina; Haghighi, Aria; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Incorporating Content Structure into Text Analysis Applications}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1038}
author = {Joty, Shafiq R.; Carenini, Giuseppe; Murray, Gabriel; Ng, Raymond T.}
title = {Exploiting Conversation Structure in Unsupervised Topic Segmentation for Emails}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1039}
author = {Hernault, Hugo; Bollegala, Danushka; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {A Semi-Supervised Approach to Improve Classification of Infrequent Discourse Relations Using Feature Vector Extension}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1040}
author = {Golland, Dave; Liang, Percy; Klein, Dan}
title = {A Game-Theoretic Approach to Generating Spatial Descriptions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1041}
author = {Du, Jinhua; Jiang, Jie; Way, Andy}
title = {Facilitating Translation Using Source Language Paraphrase Lattices}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1042}
author = {You, Gae-won; Hwang, Seung-won; Song, Young-In; Jiang, Long; Nie, Zaiqing}
title = {Mining Name Translations from Entity Graph Mapping}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1043}
author = {Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou; Chng, Eng Siong}
title = {Non-Isomorphic Forest Pair Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1044}
author = {Foster, George; Goutte, Cyril; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Discriminative Instance Weighting for Domain Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1045}
author = {Dredze, Mark; Jansen, Aren; Coppersmith, Glen; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {NLP on Spoken Documents Without ASR}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1046}
author = {Prasov, Zahar; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Fusing Eye Gaze with Speech Recognition Hypotheses to Resolve Exophoric References in Situated Dialogue}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1047}
author = {Aker, Ahmet; Cohn, Trevor; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Multi-Document Summarization Using A* Search and Discriminative Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1048}
author = {Raghunathan, Karthik; Lee, Heeyoung; Rangarajan, Sudarshan; Chambers, Nate; Surdeanu, Mihai; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {A Multi-Pass Sieve for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1049}
author = {Angeli, Gabor; Liang, Percy; Klein, Dan}
title = {A Simple Domain-Independent Probabilistic Approach to Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1050}
author = {Woodsend, Kristian; Feng, Yansong; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Title Generation with Quasi-Synchronous Grammar}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1051}
author = {Greene, Erica; Bodrumlu, Tugba; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Automatic Analysis of Rhythmic Poetry with Applications to Generation and Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1052}
author = {Setiawan, Hendra; Dyer, Chris; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Discriminative Word Alignment with a Function Word Reordering Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1053}
author = {Gispert, Adrià de; Pino, Juan; Byrne, William}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation Grammars Extracted from Alignment Posterior Probabilities}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1054}
author = {He, Zhongjun; Meng, Yao; Yu, Hao}
title = {Maximum Entropy Based Phrase Reordering for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1055}
author = {Espinosa, Dominic; Rajkumar, Rajakrishnan; White, Michael; Berleant, Shoshana}
title = {Further Meta-Evaluation of Broad-Coverage Surface Realization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1056}
author = {Christodoulopoulos, Christos; Goldwater, Sharon; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Two Decades of Unsupervised POS Induction: How Far Have We Come?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1057}
author = {Dredze, Mark; Oates, Tim; Piatko, Christine}
title = {We’re Not in Kansas Anymore: Detecting Domain Changes in Streams}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1058}
author = {Zhao, Shaojun; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {A Fast Fertility Hidden Markov Model for Word Alignment Using MCMC}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1059}
author = {Chatterjee, Samidh; Cancedda, Nicola}
title = {Minimum Error Rate Training by Sampling the Translation Lattice}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1060}
author = {Shen, Libin; Zhang, Bing; Matsoukas, Spyros; Xu, Jinxi; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation with a Factorized Grammar}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1061}
author = {Ananthakrishnan, Sankaranarayanan; Prasad, Rohit; Stallard, David G.; Natarajan, Prem}
title = {Discriminative Sample Selection for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1062}
author = {Chung, Tagyoung; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Effects of Empty Categories on Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1063}
author = {Hopkins, Mark; Langmead, Greg}
title = {SCFG Decoding Without Binarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1064}
author = {Max, Aurélien}
title = {Example-Based Paraphrasing for Improved Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1065}
author = {Xu, Jinxi; Rosti, Antti-Veikko I.}
title = {Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Alignments for MT: An Empirical Study}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1066}
author = {Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Top-Down Nearly-Context-Sensitive Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1067}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Improved Fully Unsupervised Parsing with Zoomed Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1068}
author = {Dridan, Rebecca; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Unsupervised Parse Selection for HPSG}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1069}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Chang, Pi-Chuan; Ringgaard, Michael; Alshawi, Hiyan}
title = {Uptraining for Accurate Deterministic Question Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1070}
author = {Zhu, Qiaoming; Li, Junhui; Wang, Hongling; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {A Unified Framework for Scope Learning via Simplified Shallow Semantic Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1071}
author = {Shah, Rushin; Dhillon, Paramveer S.; Liberman, Mark Y.; Foster, Dean; Maamouri, Mohamed; Ungar, Lyle H.}
title = {A New Approach to Lexical Disambiguation of Arabic Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1072}
author = {Boxwell, Stephen; Mehay, Dennis; Brew, Chris}
title = {What a Parser Can Learn from a Semantic Role Labeler and Vice Versa}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1073}
author = {Klapaftis, Ioannis P.; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Word Sense Induction Disambiguation Using Hierarchical Random Graphs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1074}
author = {Zhang, Chen; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Towards Conversation Entailment: An Empirical Investigation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1075}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei; Connor, Michael; Roth, Dan}
title = {The Necessity of Combining Adaptation Methods}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1076}
author = {Le, Hai-Son; Allauzen, Alexandre; Wisniewski, Guillaume; Yvon, François}
title = {Training Continuous Space Language Models: Some Practical Issues}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1077}
author = {Chang, Baobao; Han, Dongxu}
title = {Enhancing Domain Portability of Chinese Segmentation Model Using Chi-Square Statistics and Bootstrapping}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1078}
author = {Lamar, Michael; Maron, Yariv; Bienenstock, Elie}
title = {Latent-Descriptor Clustering for Unsupervised POS Induction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1079}
author = {McClanahan, Peter; Busby, George; Haertel, Robbie; Heal, Kristian; Lonsdale, Deryle; Seppi, Kevin; Ringger, Eric K.}
title = {A Probabilistic Morphological Analyzer for Syriac}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1080}
author = {Eidelman, Vladimir; Huang, Zhongqiang; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Lessons Learned in Part-of-Speech Tagging of Conversational Speech}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1081}
author = {Zhikov, Valentin; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {An Efficient Algorithm for Unsupervised Word Segmentation with Branching Entropy and MDL}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1082}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Clark, Stephen}
title = {A Fast Decoder for Joint Word Segmentation and POS-Tagging Using a Single Discriminative Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1083}
author = {Lee, Yoong Keok; Haghighi, Aria; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Simple Type-Level Unsupervised POS Tagging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1084}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Cavedon, Lawrence; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Classifying Dialogue Acts in One-on-One Live Chats}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1085}
author = {Chen, Bin; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Resolving Event Noun Phrases to Their Verbal Mentions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1086}
author = {Kong, Fang; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {A Tree Kernel-Based Unified Framework for Chinese Zero Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1087}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Ohno, Tomohiro; Matsubara, Shigeki}
title = {Automatic Comma Insertion for Japanese Text Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1088}
author = {Cholakov, Kostadin; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Using Unknown Word Techniques to Learn Known Words}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1089}
author = {Mazur, Pawel; Dale, Robert}
title = {WikiWars: A New Corpus for Research on Temporal Expressions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1090}
author = {Liu, Chang; Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {PEM: A Paraphrase Evaluation Metric Exploiting Parallel Texts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1091}
author = {Wisniewski, Guillaume; Allauzen, Alexandre; Yvon, François}
title = {Assessing Phrase-Based Translation Models with Oracle Decoding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1092}
author = {Isozaki, Hideki; Hirao, Tsutomu; Duh, Kevin; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Tsukada, Hajime}
title = {Automatic Evaluation of Translation Quality for Distant Language Pairs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1093}
author = {Khemakhem, Aida; Gargouri, Bilel; Hamadou, Abdelmajid Ben}
title = {An Approach of Generating Personalized Views from Normalized Electronic Dictionaries : A Practical Experiment on Arabic Language}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1094}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Roth, Dan}
title = {Generating Confusion Sets for Context-Sensitive Error Correction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1095}
author = {Mejer, Avihai; Crammer, Koby}
title = {Confidence in Structured-Prediction Using Confidence-Weighted Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1096}
author = {Buyko, Ekaterina; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Evaluating the Impact of Alternative Dependency Graph Encodings on Solving Event Extraction Tasks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1097}
author = {Benajiba, Yassine; Zitouni, Imed}
title = {Enhancing Mention Detection Using Projection via Aligned Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1098}
author = {Chiticariu, Laura; Krishnamurthy, Rajasekar; Li, Yunyao; Reiss, Frederick; Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar}
title = {Domain Adaptation of Rule-Based Annotators for Named-Entity Recognition Tasks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1099}
author = {Yao, Limin; Riedel, Sebastian; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Collective Cross-Document Relation Extraction Without Labelled Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1100}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Automatic Detection and Classification of Social Events}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1101}
author = {Jakob, Niklas; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Extracting Opinion Targets in a Single and Cross-Domain Setting with Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1102}
author = {Yessenalina, Ainur; Yue, Yisong; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Multi-Level Structured Models for Document-Level Sentiment Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1103}
author = {Shi, Lei; Mihalcea, Rada; Tian, Mingjun}
title = {Cross Language Text Classification by Model Translation and Semi-Supervised Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1104}
author = {Liu, Xiaohua; Han, Bo; Li, Kuan; Stiller, Stephan Hyeonjun; Zhou, Ming}
title = {SRL-Based Verb Selection for ESL}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1105}
author = {Jiang, Yunliang; Lin, Cindy Xide; Mei, Qiaozhu}
title = {Context Comparison of Bursty Events in Web Search and Online Media}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1106}
author = {Schoenmackers, Stefan; Davis, Jesse; Etzioni, Oren; Weld, Daniel S.}
title = {Learning First-Order Horn Clauses from Web Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1107}
author = {Do, Quang; Roth, Dan}
title = {Constraints Based Taxonomic Relation Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1108}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Semi-Supervised Method to Learn and Construct Taxonomies Using the Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1109}
author = {Bu, Fan; Zhu, Xingwei; Yu, Hao; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Function-Based Question Classification for General QA}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1110}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Konda, Yuki; Dong, Anlei; Kolari, Pranam; Chang, Yi; Zheng, Zhaohui}
title = {Learning Recurrent Event Queries for Web Search}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1111}
author = {Ahmed, Amr; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Staying Informed: Supervised and Semi-Supervised Multi-View Topical Analysis of Ideological Perspective}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1112}
author = {Scherrer, Yves; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Word-Based Dialect Identification with Georeferenced Rules}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1113}
author = {Dinu, Georgiana; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Measuring Distributional Similarity in Context}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1114}
author = {Reisinger, Joseph; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {A Mixture Model with Sharing for Lexical Semantics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1115}
author = {Baroni, Marco; Zamparelli, Roberto}
title = {Nouns are Vectors Adjectives are Matrices: Representing Adjective-Noun Constructions in Semantic Space}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1116}
author = {Chang, Ching-Yun; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Practical Linguistic Steganography Using Contextual Synonym Substitution and Vertex Colour Coding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1117}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Unsupervised Induction of Tree Substitution Grammars for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1118}
author = {Brody, Samuel}
title = {It Depends on the Translation: Unsupervised Dependency Parsing via Word Alignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1119}
author = {Kwiatkowski, Tom; Zettlemoyer, Luke; Goldwater, Sharon; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Inducing Probabilistic CCG Grammars from Logical Form with Higher-Order Unification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1120}
author = {Naseem, Tahira; Chen, Harr; Barzilay, Regina; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Using Universal Linguistic Knowledge to Guide Grammar Induction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1121}
author = {Hassan, Ahmed; Qazvinian, Vahed; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {What’s with the Attitude? Identifying Sentences with Attitude in Online Discussions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1122}
author = {Udupa, Raghavendra; Kumar, Shaishav}
title = {Hashing-Based Approaches to Spelling Correction of Personal Names}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1123}
author = {Lin, Thomas; , Mausam; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Identifying Functional Relations in Web Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1124}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; O'Connor, Brendan; Smith, Noah A.; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {A Latent Variable Model for Geographic Lexical Variation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D10-1125}
author = {Koo, Terry; Rush, Alexander M.; Collins, Michael John; Jaakkola, Tommi; Sontag, David}
title = {Dual Decomposition for Parsing with Non-Projective Head Automata}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2010}
id = {D11-1001}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Fast and Robust Joint Models for Biomedical Event Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1002}
author = {Wang, Li; Lui, Marco; Kim, Su Nam; Nivre, Joakim; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Predicting Thread Discourse Structure over Technical Web Forums}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1003}
author = {Chang, Yin-Wen; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Exact Decoding of Phrase-Based Translation Models through Lagrangian Relaxation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1004}
author = {Galley, Michel; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Optimal Search for Minimum Error Rate Training}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1005}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Das, Dipanjan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Unsupervised Structure Prediction with Non-Parallel Multilingual Guidance}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1006}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Petrov, Slav; Hall, Keith}
title = {Multi-Source Transfer of Delexicalized Dependency Parsers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1007}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Zhang, Min; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Zhang, Yujie; Wang, Yiou; Torisawa, Kentaro; Li, Haizhou}
title = {SMT Helps Bitext Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1008}
author = {Sangati, Federico; Zuidema, Willem}
title = {Accurate Parsing with Compact Tree-Substitution Grammars: Double-DOP}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1009}
author = {Malakasiotis, Prodromos; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {A Generate and Rank Approach to Sentence Paraphrasing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1010}
author = {Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Correcting Semantic Collocation Errors with L1-induced Paraphrases}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1011}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Voevodski, Konstantin; Teng, Shanghua}
title = {Class Label Enhancement via Related Instances}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1012}
author = {Srikumar, Vivek; Roth, Dan}
title = {A Joint Model for Extended Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1013}
author = {Yu, Jianxing; Zha, Zheng-Jun; Wang, Meng; Wang, Kai; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Domain-Assisted Product Aspect Hierarchy Generation: Towards Hierarchical Organization of Unstructured Consumer Reviews}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1014}
author = {Socher, Richard; Pennington, Jeffrey; Huang, Eric H.; Ng, Andrew Y.; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Semi-Supervised Recursive Autoencoders for Predicting Sentiment Distributions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1015}
author = {Zhou, Lanjun; Li, Binyang; Gao, Wei; Wei, Zhongyu; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery of Discourse Relations for Eliminating Intra-sentence Polarity Ambiguities}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1016}
author = {Yessenalina, Ainur; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Compositional Matrix-Space Models for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1017}
author = {Katz-Brown, Jason; Petrov, Slav; McDonald, Ryan; Och, Franz Josef; Talbot, David; Ichikawa, Hiroshi; Seno, Masakazu; Kazawa, Hideto}
title = {Training a Parser for Machine Translation Reordering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1018}
author = {DeNero, John; Uszkoreit, Jakob}
title = {Inducing Sentence Structure from Parallel Corpora for Reordering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1019}
author = {Zhang, Jiajun; Zhai, Feifei; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Augmenting String-to-Tree Translation Models with Fuzzy Use of Source-side Syntax}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1020}
author = {Xie, Jun; Mi, Haitao; Liu, Qun}
title = {A novel dependency-to-string model for statistical machine translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1021}
author = {Mimno, David; Blei, David M.}
title = {Bayesian Checking for Topic Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1022}
author = {Martins, Andre; Smith, Noah A.; Figueiredo, Mario; Aguiar, Pedro}
title = {Dual Decomposition with Many Overlapping Components}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1023}
author = {Goyal, Amit; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Approximate Scalable Bounded Space Sketch for Large Data NLP}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1024}
author = {Mimno, David; Wallach, Hanna M.; Talley, Edmund; Leenders, Miriam; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Optimizing Semantic Coherence in Topic Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1025}
author = {Guo, Yufan; Korhonen, Anna; Poibeau, Thierry}
title = {A Weakly-supervised Approach to Argumentative Zoning of Scientific Documents}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1026}
author = {Kazantseva, Anna; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Linear Text Segmentation Using Affinity Propagation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1027}
author = {Do, Quang; Chan, Yee Seng; Roth, Dan}
title = {Minimally Supervised Event Causality Identification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1028}
author = {Dubey, Amit; Keller, Frank; Sturt, Patrick}
title = {A Model of Discourse Predictions in Human Sentence Processing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1029}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Klein, Dan}
title = {Simple Effective Decipherment via Combinatorial Optimization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1030}
author = {Kim, Young-Bum; Graça, João; Snyder, Benjamin}
title = {Universal Morphological Analysis using Structured Nearest Neighbor Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1031}
author = {Auli, Michael; Lopez, Adam}
title = {Training a Log-Linear Parser with Loss Functions via Softmax-Margin}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1032}
author = {Hall, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {Large-Scale Cognate Recovery}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1033}
author = {Axelrod, Amittai; He, Xiaodong; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {Domain Adaptation via Pseudo In-Domain Data Selection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1034}
author = {Lembersky, Gennadi; Ordan, Noam; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Language Models for Machine Translation: Original vs. Translated Texts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1035}
author = {Liu, Chang; Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Better Evaluation Metrics Lead to Better Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1036}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Nivre, Joakim; Andersson, Evelina}
title = {Evaluating Dependency Parsing: Robust and Heuristics-Free Cross-Annotation Evaluation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1037}
author = {Bender, Emily M.; Flickinger, Daniel P.; Oepen, Stephan; Zhang, Yi}
title = {Parser Evaluation over Local and Non-Local Deep Dependencies in a Large Corpus}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1038}
author = {Woodsend, Kristian; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Learning to Simplify Sentences with Quasi-Synchronous Grammar and Integer Programming}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1039}
author = {Artzi, Yoav; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Bootstrapping Semantic Parsers from Conversations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1040}
author = {Yan, Rui; Kong, Liang; Huang, Congrui; Wan, Xiaojun; Li, Xiaoming; Zhang, Yan}
title = {Timeline Generation through Evolutionary Trans-Temporal Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1041}
author = {Yang, Yezhou; Teo, Ching; Daumé III, Hal; Aloimonos, Yiannis}
title = {Corpus-Guided Sentence Generation of Natural Images}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1042}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Gonzalo, Julio; Giménez, Jesús; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {Corroborating Text Evaluation Results with Heterogeneous Measures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1043}
author = {Rankel, Peter; Conroy, John M.; Slud, Eric; O'Leary, Dianne P.}
title = {Ranking Human and Machine Summarization Systems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1044}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Quasi-Synchronous Phrase Dependency Grammars for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1045}
author = {Visweswariah, Karthik; Rajkumar, Rajakrishnan; Gandhe, Ankur; Ramanathan, Ananthakrishnan; Navratil, Jiri}
title = {A Word Reordering Model for Improved Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1046}
author = {Riesa, Jason; Irvine, Ann; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Feature-Rich Language-Independent Syntax-Based Alignment for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1047}
author = {Cromierès, Fabien; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Efficient retrieval of tree translation examples for Syntax-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1048}
author = {Rink, Bryan; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {A generative model for unsupervised discovery of relations and argument classes from clinical texts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1049}
author = {Lao, Ni; Mitchell, Tom M.; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Random Walk Inference and Learning in A Large Scale Knowledge Base}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1050}
author = {Hartung, Matthias; Frank, Anette}
title = {Exploring Supervised LDA Models for Assigning Attributes to Adjective-Noun Phrases}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1051}
author = {Guo, Weiwei; Diab, Mona}
title = {Semantic Topic Models: Combining Word Distributional Statistics and Dictionary Definitions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1052}
author = {Brody, Samuel; Diakopoulos, Nicholas}
title = {Cooooooooooooooollllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Using Word Lengthening to Detect Sentiment in Microblogs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1053}
author = {Agarwal, Deepak; Chen, Bee-Chung; Pang, Bo}
title = {Personalized Recommendation of User Comments via Factor Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1054}
author = {Ritter, Alan; Cherry, Colin; Dolan, William B.}
title = {Data-Driven Response Generation in Social Media}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1055}
author = {Yogatama, Dani; Heilman, Michael; O'Connor, Brendan; Dyer, Chris; Routledge, Bryan R.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Predicting a Scientific Community's Response to an Article}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1056}
author = {Murawaki, Yugo; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Non-parametric Bayesian Segmentation of Japanese Noun Phrases}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1057}
author = {Dreyer, Markus; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Discovering Morphological Paradigms from Plain Text Using a Dirichlet Process Mixture Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1058}
author = {Azuma, Ai; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Multilayer Sequence Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1059}
author = {Christodoulopoulos, Christos; Goldwater, Sharon; Steedman, Mark}
title = {A Bayesian Mixture Model for PoS Induction Using Multiple Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1060}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Nakov, Preslav}
title = {Large-Scale Noun Compound Interpretation Using Bootstrapping and the Web as a Corpus}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1061}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Pennaccchiotti, Marco; Tsioutsiouliklis, Kostas}
title = {Linguistic Redundancy in Twitter}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1062}
author = {Negri, Matteo; Bentivogli, Luisa; Mehdad, Yashar; Giampiccolo, Danilo; Marchetti, Alessandro}
title = {Divide and Conquer: Crowdsourcing the Creation of Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1063}
author = {Turney, Peter D.; Neuman, Yair; Assaf, Dan; Cohen, Yohai}
title = {Literal and Metaphorical Sense Identification through Concrete and Abstract Context}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1064}
author = {Filimonov, Denis; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Syntactic Decision Tree LMs: Random Selection or Intelligent Design?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1065}
author = {Vertanen, Keith; Kristensson, Per Ola}
title = {The Imagination of Crowds: Conversational AAC Language Modeling using Crowdsourcing and Large Data Sources}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1066}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Patwardhan, Siddharth; Fan, James; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Using Syntactic and Semantic Structural Kernels for Classifying Definition Questions in Jeopardy!}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1067}
author = {Green, Spence; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Bauer, John; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Multiword Expression Identification with Tree Substitution Grammars: A Parsing tour de force with French}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1068}
author = {Al-Saif, Amal; Markert, Katja}
title = {Modelling Discourse Relations for Arabic}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1069}
author = {Qadir, Ashequl; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Classifying Sentences as Speech Acts in Message Board Posts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1070}
author = {Farkas, Richárd}
title = {Learning Local Content Shift Detectors from Document-level Information}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1071}
author = {Chen, Zheng; Ji, Heng}
title = {Collaborative Ranking: A Case Study on Entity Linking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1072}
author = {Hoffart, Johannes; Yosef, Mohamed Amir; Bordino, Ilaria; Fürstenau, Hagen; Pinkal, Manfred; Spaniol, Marc; Taneva, Bilyana; Thater, Stefan; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {Robust Disambiguation of Named Entities in Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1073}
author = {Michelbacher, Lukas; Kothari, Alok; Forst, Martin; Lioma, Christina; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {A Cascaded Classification Approach to Semantic Head Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1074}
author = {Gottipati, Swapna; Jiang, Jing}
title = {Linking Entities to a Knowledge Base with Query Expansion}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1075}
author = {Leung, Cane Wing-ki; Jiang, Jing; Chai, Kian Ming A.; Chieu, Hai Leong; Teow, Loo-Nin}
title = {Unsupervised Information Extraction with Distributional Prior Knowledge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1076}
author = {De Saeger, Stijn; Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsuchida, Masaaki; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Hashimoto, Chikara; Yamada, Ichiro; Oh, Jong-Hoon; Varga, István; Yan, Yulan}
title = {Relation Acquisition using Word Classes and Partial Patterns}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1077}
author = {Tsvetkov, Yulia; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Identification of Multi-word Expressions by Combining Multiple Linguistic Information Sources}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1078}
author = {Saralegi, Xabier; Manterola, Iker; San Vicente, Iñaki}
title = {Analyzing Methods for Improving Precision of Pivot Based Bilingual Dictionaries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1079}
author = {Gao, Yang; Koehn, Philipp; Birch, Alexandra}
title = {Soft Dependency Constraints for Reordering in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1080}
author = {Monz, Christof}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation with Local Language Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1081}
author = {Xiao, Xinyan; Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Fast Generation of Translation Forest for Large-Scale SMT Discriminative Training}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1082}
author = {McCarley, J. Scott; Ittycheriah, Abraham; Roukos, Salim; Xiang, Bing; Xu, Jian-ming}
title = {A Correction Model for Word Alignments}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1083}
author = {Gesmundo, Andrea; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Heuristic Search for Non-Bottom-Up Tree Structure Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1084}
author = {Gong, Zhengxian; Zhang, Min; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Cache-based Document-level Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1085}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Wang, Ziyuan; Eisner, Jason M.; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Roark, Brian}
title = {Minimum Imputed-Risk: Unsupervised Discriminative Training for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1086}
author = {Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh; Udupa, Raghavendra; Daumé III, Hal; Bhole, Abhijit}
title = {Improving Bilingual Projections via Sparse Covariance Matrices}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1087}
author = {Dubiner, Moshe; Singer, Yoram}
title = {Entire Relaxation Path for Maximum Entropy Problems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1088}
author = {Shen, Chao; Li, Tao}
title = {A Non-negative Matrix Factorization Based Approach for Active Dual Supervision from Document and Word Labels}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1089}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {Splitting Noun Compounds via Monolingual and Bilingual Paraphrasing: A Study on Japanese Katakana Words}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1090}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Xu, Jia}
title = {Enhancing Chinese Word Segmentation Using Unlabeled Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1091}
author = {Roberts, Kirk; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Unsupervised Learning of Selectional Restrictions and Detection of Argument Coercions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1092}
author = {Zhang, Ziqi; Gentile, Anna Lisa; Ciravegna, Fabio}
title = {Harnessing different knowledge sources to measure semantic relatedness under a uniform model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1093}
author = {Wang, Tong; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Refining the Notions of Depth and Density in WordNet-based Semantic Similarity Measures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1094}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim; Poibeau, Thierry; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Latent Vector Weighting for Word Meaning in Context}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1095}
author = {Sun, Lin; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Hierarchical Verb Clustering Using Graph Factorization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1096}
author = {Croce, Danilo; Moschitti, Alessandro; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Structured Lexical Similarity via Convolution Kernels on Dependency Trees}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1097}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Probabilistic models of similarity in syntactic context}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1098}
author = {Chaudhari, Dipak L.; Damani, Om P.; Laxman, Srivatsan}
title = {Lexical Co-occurrence Statistical Significance and Word Association}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1099}
author = {Rahman, Altaf; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Learning the Information Status of Noun Phrases in Spoken Dialogues}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1100}
author = {A. R., Balamurali; Joshi, Aditya; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Harnessing WordNet Senses for Supervised Sentiment Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1101}
author = {Feng, Song; Bose, Ritwik; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Learning General Connotation of Words using Graph-based Algorithms}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1102}
author = {Dinarelli, Marco; Rosset, Sophie}
title = {Hypotheses Selection Criteria in a Reranking Framework for Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1103}
author = {Deoras, Anoop; Mikolov, Tomas; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {A Fast Re-scoring Strategy to Capture Long-Distance Dependencies}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1104}
author = {Xu, Puyang; Gunawardana, Asela; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Efficient Subsampling for Training Complex Language Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1105}
author = {Li, Peng; Wang, Yinglin; Gao, Wei; Jiang, Jing}
title = {Generating Aspect-oriented Multi-Document Summarization with Event-aspect model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1106}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Syntax-Based Grammaticality Improvement using CCG and Guided Search}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1107}
author = {Viethen, Jette; Dale, Robert; Guhe, Markus}
title = {Generating Subsequent Reference in Shared Visual Scenes: Computation vs Re-Use}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1108}
author = {Ganitkevitch, Juri; Callison-Burch, Chris; Napoles, Courtney; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Learning Sentential Paraphrases from Bilingual Parallel Corpora for Text-to-Text Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1109}
author = {Li, Zhenghua; Zhang, Min; Che, Wanxiang; Liu, Ting; Chen, Wenliang; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Joint Models for Chinese POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1110}
author = {Jiang, Wenbin; Liu, Qun; Lv, Yajuan}
title = {Relaxed Cross-lingual Projection of Constituent Syntax}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1111}
author = {Dinesh, Nikhil; Joshi, Aravind K.; Lee, Insup}
title = {Computing Logical Form on Regulatory Texts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1112}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Computation of Infix Probabilities for Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1113}
author = {Henestroza Anguiano, Enrique; Candito, Marie}
title = {Parse Correction with Specialized Models for Difficult Attachment Types}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1114}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Exact Inference for Generative Probabilistic Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1115}
author = {Thomforde, Emily; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Semi-supervised CCG Lexicon Extension}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1116}
author = {Tratz, Stephen; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Fast Accurate Non-Projective Semantically-Enriched Parser}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1117}
author = {Spitkovsky, Valentin I.; Alshawi, Hiyan; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Lateen EM: Unsupervised Training with Multiple Objectives Applied to Dependency Grammar Induction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1118}
author = {Spitkovsky, Valentin I.; Alshawi, Hiyan; Chang, Angel; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Unsupervised Dependency Parsing without Gold Part-of-Speech Tags}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1119}
author = {Xu, Wei; Tetreault, Joel R.; Chodorow, Martin; Grishman, Ralph; Zhao, Le}
title = {Exploiting Syntactic and Distributional Information for Spelling Correction with Web-Scale N-gram Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1120}
author = {Burger, John D.; Henderson, John C.; Kim, George; Zarrella, Guido}
title = {Discriminating Gender on Twitter}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1121}
author = {Bar-Haim, Roy; Dinur, Elad; Feldman, Ronen; Fresko, Moshe; Goldstein, Guy}
title = {Identifying and Following Expert Investors in Stock Microblogs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1122}
author = {Lang, Joel; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Unsupervised Semantic Role Induction with Graph Partitioning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1123}
author = {Wu, Yuanbin; Zhang, Qi; Huang, Xuanjing; Wu, Lide}
title = {Structural Opinion Mining for Graph-based Sentiment Representation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1124}
author = {Yan, Rui; Nie, Jian-Yun; Li, Xiaoming}
title = {Summarize What You Are Interested In: An Optimization Framework for Interactive Personalized Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1125}
author = {Hopkins, Mark; May, Jonathan}
title = {Tuning as Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1126}
author = {Venugopal, Ashish; Uszkoreit, Jakob; Talbot, David; Och, Franz Josef; Ganitkevitch, Juri}
title = {Watermarking the Outputs of Structured Prediction with an application in Statistical Machine Translation.}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1127}
author = {Iglesias, Gonzalo; Allauzen, Cyril; Byrne, William; Gispert, Adrià de; Riley, Michael D.}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation Representations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1128}
author = {El Kahki, Ali; Darwish, Kareem; Saad El Din, Ahmed; Abd El-Wahab, Mohamed; Hefny, Ahmed; Ammar, Waleed}
title = {Improved Transliteration Mining Using Graph Reinforcement}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1129}
author = {Grefenstette, Edward; Sadrzadeh, Mehrnoosh}
title = {Experimental Support for a Categorical Compositional Distributional Model of Meaning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1130}
author = {Reisinger, Joseph; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Cross-Cutting Models of Lexical Semantics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1131}
author = {Börschinger, Benjamin; Jones, Bevan K.; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Reducing Grounded Learning Tasks To Grammatical Inference}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1132}
author = {Wang, Chang; Fan, James; Kalyanpur, Aditya; Gondek, David}
title = {Relation Extraction with Relation Topics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1133}
author = {Freedman, Marjorie; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Boschee, Elizabeth; Gabbard, Ryan; Kratkiewicz, Gary; Ward, Nicolas; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Extreme Extraction – Machine Reading in a Week}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1134}
author = {Mohamed, Thahir; Hruschka Junior, Estevam Rafael; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Discovering Relations between Noun Categories}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1135}
author = {Yao, Limin; Haghighi, Aria; Riedel, Sebastian; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Structured Relation Discovery using Generative Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1136}
author = {Settles, Burr}
title = {Closing the Loop: Fast Interactive Semi-Supervised Annotation With Queries on Features and Instances}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1137}
author = {Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Watanabe, Taro; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Third-order Variational Reranking on Packed-Shared Dependency Forests}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1138}
author = {Hall, Keith; McDonald, Ryan; Katz-Brown, Jason; Ringgaard, Michael}
title = {Training dependency parsers by jointly optimizing multiple objectives}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1139}
author = {Martins, Andre; Smith, Noah A.; Figueiredo, Mario; Aguiar, Pedro}
title = {Structured Sparsity in Structured Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1140}
author = {Kwiatkowski, Tom; Zettlemoyer, Luke; Goldwater, Sharon; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Lexical Generalization in CCG Grammar Induction for Semantic Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1141}
author = {Ritter, Alan; Clark, Sam; , Mausam; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Named Entity Recognition in Tweets: An Experimental Study}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1142}
author = {Fader, Anthony; Soderland, Stephen; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Identifying Relations for Open Information Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1143}
author = {Laws, Florian; Scheible, Christian; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Active Learning with Amazon Mechanical Turk}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1144}
author = {Putthividhya, Duangmanee; Hu, Jun}
title = {Bootstrapped Named Entity Recognition for Product Attribute Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1145}
author = {Aramaki, Eiji; Maskawa, Sachiko; Morita, Mizuki}
title = {Twitter Catches The Flu: Detecting Influenza Epidemics using Twitter}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1146}
author = {Liu, Zhiyuan; Chen, Xinxiong; Sun, Maosong}
title = {A Simple Word Trigger Method for Social Tag Suggestion}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1147}
author = {Qazvinian, Vahed; Rosengren, Emily; Radev, Dragomir R.; Mei, Qiaozhu}
title = {Rumor has it: Identifying Misinformation in Microblogs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1148}
author = {Wong, Sze-Meng Jojo; Dras, Mark}
title = {Exploiting Parse Structures for Native Language Identification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D11-1149}
author = {Lu, Wei; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {A Probabilistic Forest-to-String Model for Language Generation from Typed Lambda Calculus Expressions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2011}
id = {D12-1001}
author = {Durrett, Greg; Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Syntactic Transfer Using a Bilingual Lexicon}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1002}
author = {Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Regularized Interlingual Projections: Evaluation on Multilingual Transliteration}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1003}
author = {Tamura, Akihiro; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora Using Label Propagation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1004}
author = {Hong, Kai; Kohler, Christian G.; March, Mary E.; Parker, Amber A.; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Lexical Differences in Autobiographical Narratives from Schizophrenic Patients and Healthy Controls}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1005}
author = {Van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Streaming Analysis of Discourse Participants}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1006}
author = {Hassan, Ahmed; Radev, Dragomir R.; Abu-Jbara, Amjad}
title = {Detecting Subgroups in Online Discussions by Modeling Positive and Negative Relations among Participants}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1007}
author = {Eshky, Aciel; Allison, Ben; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Generative Goal-Driven User Simulation for Dialog Management}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1008}
author = {Dethlefs, Nina; Hastie, Helen; Rieser, Verena; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Optimising Incremental Dialogue Decisions Using Information Density for Interactive Systems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1009}
author = {Paul, Michael}
title = {Mixed Membership Markov Models for Unsupervised Conversation Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1010}
author = {Han, Xianpei; Sun, Le}
title = {An Entity-Topic Model for Entity Linking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1011}
author = {Cronin, Ernest; Yang, Yinfei; Nie, Penghai; Sil, Avirup; Popescu, Ana-Maria; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Linking Named Entities to Any Database}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1012}
author = {Nagesh, Ajay; Dharkar, Ankush; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; Ramakrishnan, Ganesh; Chiticariu, Laura; Krishnamurthy, Rajasekar}
title = {Towards Efficient Named-Entity Rule Induction for Customizability}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1013}
author = {Ju, Shengfeng; Li, Shoushan; Zhou, Guodong; Li, Xiaojun}
title = {Active Learning for Imbalanced Sentiment Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1014}
author = {Gemulla, Rainer; Weikum, Gerhard; Qu, Lizhen}
title = {A Weakly Supervised Model for Sentence-Level Semantic Orientation Analysis with Multiple Experts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1015}
author = {Zhao, Yanyan; Qin, Bing; Liu, Ting}
title = {Collocation Polarity Disambiguation Using Web-based Pseudo Contexts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1016}
author = {Roth, Michael; Frank, Anette}
title = {Aligning Predicates across Monolingual Comparable Texts using Graph-based Clustering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1017}
author = {Judea, Alex; Markert, Katja; Nastase, Vivi; Strube, Michael}
title = {Local and Global Context for Supervised and Unsupervised Metonymy Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1018}
author = {Weisman, Hila; Berant, Jonathan; Szpektor, Idan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Learning Verb Inference Rules from Linguistically-Motivated Evidence}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1019}
author = {Rodu, Jordan; Collins, Michael John; Dhillon, Paramveer S.; Foster, Dean; Ungar, Lyle}
title = {Spectral Dependency Parsing with Latent Variables}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1020}
author = {Lindsey, Robert; Stipicevic, Michael; Headden III, William P.}
title = {A Phrase-Discovering Topic Model Using Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Processes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1021}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Levenberg, Abby; Dyer, Chris}
title = {A Bayesian Model for Learning SCFGs with Discontiguous Rules}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1022}
author = {Woodsend, Kristian; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Multiple Aspect Summarization Using Integer Linear Programming}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1023}
author = {White, Michael; Rajkumar, Rajakrishnan}
title = {Minimal Dependency Length in Realization Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1024}
author = {Ryang, Seonggi; Abekawa, Takeshi}
title = {Framework of Automatic Text Summarization Using Reinforcement Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1025}
author = {Dou, Qing; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Large Scale Decipherment for Out-of-Domain Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1026}
author = {Gong, Zhengxian; Zhang, Min; Tan, Chew Lim; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {N-gram-based Tense Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1027}
author = {Wang, Pidong; Nakov, Preslav; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Source Language Adaptation for Resource-Poor Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1028}
author = {Mareček, David; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {Exploiting Reducibility in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1029}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Fernández-González, Daniel}
title = {Improving Transition-Based Dependency Parsing with Buffer Transitions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1030}
author = {Zhang, Hao; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Generalized Higher-Order Dependency Parsing with Cube Pruning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1031}
author = {Kim, Young-Bum; Snyder, Benjamin}
title = {Universal Grapheme-to-Phoneme Prediction Over Latin Alphabets}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1032}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Andrews, Nicholas; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Name Phylogeny: A Generative Model of String Variation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1033}
author = {Gorinski, Philip; Engonopoulos, Nikolaos; Demberg, Vera; Sayeed, Asad B.}
title = {Syntactic Surprisal Affects Spoken Word Duration in Conversational Contexts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1034}
author = {Kawada, Takuya; Oh, Jong-Hoon; De Saeger, Stijn; Torisawa, Kentaro; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Hashimoto, Chikara; Wang, Yiou}
title = {Why Question Answering using Sentiment Analysis and Word Classes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1035}
author = {Yahya, Mohamed; Berberich, Klaus; Elbassuoni, Shady; Tresp, Volker; Ramanath, Maya; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {Natural Language Questions for the Web of Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1036}
author = {Yu, Jianxing; Zha, Zheng-Jun; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Answering Opinion Questions on Products by Exploiting Hierarchical Organization of Consumer Reviews}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1037}
author = {Liu, Lemao; Cao, Hailong; Watanabe, Taro; Zhao, Tiejun; Yu, Mo; Zhu, Conghui}
title = {Locally Training the Log-Linear Model for SMT}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1038}
author = {Lü, Yajuan; Jiang, Wenbin; Meng, Fandong; Liu, Qun}
title = {Iterative Annotation Transformation with Predict-Self Reestimation for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1039}
author = {Han, Bo; Cook, Paul; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Automatically Constructing a Normalisation Dictionary for Microblogs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1040}
author = {Mooney, Raymond J.; Kim, Joohyun}
title = {Unsupervised PCFG Induction for Grounded Language Learning with Highly Ambiguous Supervision}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1041}
author = {Duan, Nan; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Forced Derivation Tree based Model Training to Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1042}
author = {Tibshirani, Julie; Nallapati, Ramesh; Surdeanu, Mihai; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Multi-instance Multi-label Learning for Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1043}
author = {Fairon, Cédrick; François, Thomas}
title = {An AI readability' Formula for French as a Foreign Language}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1044}
author = {Kannan, Sampath; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Pitler, Emily}
title = {Dynamic Programming for Higher Order Parsing of Gap-Minding Trees}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1045}
author = {Jurafsky, Daniel; Lee, Heeyoung; Recasens, Marta; Chang, Angel; Surdeanu, Mihai}
title = {Joint Entity and Event Coreference Resolution across Documents}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1046}
author = {Qian, Xian; Liu, Yang}
title = {Joint Chinese Word Segmentation, POS Tagging and Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1047}
author = {Fu, Xiaoyin; Lu, Shixiang; Xu, Bo; Wei, Wei}
title = {Translation Model Based Cross-Lingual Language Model Adaptation: from Word Models to Phrase Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1048}
author = {Schmitz, Michael; Soderland, Stephen; , Mausam; Bart, Robert; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Open Language Learning for Information Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1049}
author = {Du, Lan; Buntine, Wray; Jin, Huidong}
title = {Modelling Sequential Text with an Adaptive Topic Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1050}
author = {Blacoe, William; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {A Comparison of Vector-based Representations for Semantic Composition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1051}
author = {Zhang, Fen; Zhou, Junsheng; Qu, Weiguang}
title = {Exploiting Chunk-level Features to Improve Phrase Chunking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1052}
author = {Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {A Beam-Search Decoder for Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1053}
author = {De Raedt, Luc; Verbeke, Mathias; Van Asch, Vincent; Morante, Roser; Frasconi, Paolo; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {A Statistical Relational Learning Approach to Identifying Evidence Based Medicine Categories}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1054}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Lyrics, Music, and Emotions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1055}
author = {Yoon, Su-Youn; Bhat, Suma}
title = {Assessment of ESL Learners' Syntactic Competence Based on Similarity Measures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1056}
author = {Suzuki, Hisami; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {A Unified Approach to Transliteration-based Text Input with Online Spelling Correction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1057}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Torisawa, Kentaro; De Saeger, Stijn; Oh, Jong-Hoon; Kazama, Jun'ichi}
title = {Excitatory or Inhibitory: A New Semantic Orientation Extracts Contradiction and Causality from the Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1058}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Isabelle, Pierre; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Enlarging Paraphrase Collections through Generalization and Instantiation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1059}
author = {Alishahi, Afra; Chrupala, Grzegorz}
title = {Concurrent Acquisition of Word Meaning and Lexical Categories}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1060}
author = {Ponomareva, Natalia; Thelwall, Mike}
title = {Do Neighbours Help? An Exploration of Graph-based Algorithms for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1061}
author = {Ali, Alnur; Gao, Jianfeng; Xie, Shasha; He, Xiaodong}
title = {Learning Lexicon Models from Search Logs for Query Expansion}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1062}
author = {Do, Quang; Lu, Wei; Roth, Dan}
title = {Joint Inference for Event Timeline Construction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1063}
author = {Spitkovsky, Valentin I.; Alshawi, Hiyan; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Three Dependency-and-Boundary Models for Grammar Induction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1064}
author = {Wong, Sze-Meng Jojo; Dras, Mark; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Exploring Adaptor Grammars for Native Language Identification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1065}
author = {Gillenwater, Jennifer; Kulesza, Alex; Taskar, Ben}
title = {Discovering Diverse and Salient Threads in Document Collections}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1066}
author = {Max, Aurélien; Bouamor, Houda; Vilnat, Anne}
title = {Generalizing Sub-sentential Paraphrase Acquisition across Original Signal Type of Text Pairs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1067}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; Smith, David A.; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Parse, Price and Cut–-Delayed Column and Row Generation for Graph Based Parsers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1068}
author = {Mao, Qi; Xiang, Qiao Liang; Tsang, Ivor Wai-Hung; Chai, Kian Ming A.; Yang, Jian Bo; Chieu, Hai Leong}
title = {Domain Adaptation for Coreference Resolution: An Adaptive Ensemble Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1069}
author = {Krishnamurthy, Jayant; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Weakly Supervised Training of Semantic Parsers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1070}
author = {Xu, Ping; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Cross-Lingual Language Modeling with Syntactic Reordering for Low-Resource Speech Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1071}
author = {Rahman, Altaf; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Resolving Complex Cases of Definite Pronouns: The Winograd Schema Challenge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1072}
author = {O'Keefe, Timothy; Koprinska, Irena; Pareti, Silvia; Curran, James R.; Honnibal, Matthew}
title = {A Sequence Labelling Approach to Quote Attribution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1073}
author = {Mao, Xian-Ling; Ming, Zhao-Yan; Chua, Tat-Seng; Yan, Hongfei; Li, Si; Li, Xiaoming}
title = {SSHLDA: A Semi-Supervised Hierarchical Topic Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1074}
author = {Smith, David A.; Naradowsky, Jason; Riedel, Sebastian}
title = {Improving NLP through Marginalization of Hidden Syntactic Structure}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1075}
author = {Garrette, Dan; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Type-Supervised Hidden Markov Models for Part-of-Speech Tagging with Incomplete Tag Dictionaries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1076}
author = {Chen, Liwei; Zou, Lei; Zhao, Dongyan; Feng, Yansong}
title = {Explore Person Specific Evidence in Web Person Name Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1077}
author = {Neubig, Graham; Watanabe, Taro; Mori, Shinsuke}
title = {Inducing a Discriminative Parser to Optimize Machine Translation Reordering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1078}
author = {Liu, Shujie; Li, Chi-Ho; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Re-training Monolingual Parser Bilingually for Syntactic SMT}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1079}
author = {Burkett, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {Transforming Trees to Improve Syntactic Convergence}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1080}
author = {McClosky, David; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Learning Constraints for Consistent Timeline Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1081}
author = {Takaku, Yohei; Kaji, Nobuhiro; Yoshinaga, Naoki; Toyoda, Masashi}
title = {Identifying Constant and Unique Relations by using Time-Series Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1082}
author = {, Mausam; Lin, Thomas; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {No Noun Phrase Left Behind: Detecting and Typing Unlinkable Entities}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1083}
author = {Joty, Shafiq R.; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond}
title = {A Novel Discriminative Framework for Sentence-Level Discourse Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1084}
author = {Regneri, Michaela; Wang, Rui}
title = {Using Discourse Information for Paraphrase Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1085}
author = {Björkelund, Anders; Bohnet, Bernd; Kuhn, Jonas; Seeker, Wolfgang; Zarriess, Sina}
title = {Generating Non-Projective Word Order in Statistical Linearization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1086}
author = {Sert, Enis; Yuret, Deniz; Yatbaz, Mehmet Ali}
title = {Learning Syntactic Categories Using Paradigmatic Representations of Word Context}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1087}
author = {Kegelmeyer, Philip; Andrzejewski, David; Stevens, Keith; Buttler, David}
title = {Exploring Topic Coherence over Many Models and Many Topics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1088}
author = {Graça, João; Black, Alan W.; Trancoso, Isabel; Ling, Wang}
title = {Entropy-based Pruning for Phrase-based Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1089}
author = {Stanton, Daisy; Xu, Peng; Zens, Richard}
title = {A Systematic Comparison of Phrase Table Pruning Techniques}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1090}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Probabilistic Finite State Machines for Regression-based MT Evaluation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1091}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Burkett, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {An Empirical Investigation of Statistical Significance in NLP}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1092}
author = {Hou, Libin; Li, Peifeng; Zhou, Guodong; Zhu, Qiaoming}
title = {Employing Compositional Semantics and Discourse Consistency in Chinese Event Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1093}
author = {Lao, Ni; Subramanya, Amarnag; Pereira, Fernando; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Reading The Web with Learned Syntactic-Semantic Inference Rules}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1094}
author = {Min, Bonan; Shi, Shuming; Grishman, Ralph; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Ensemble Semantics for Large-scale Unsupervised Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1095}
author = {Farkas, Richárd; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Forest Reranking through Subtree Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1096}
author = {Kummerfeld, Jonathan K.; Hall, David; Curran, James R.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Parser Showdown at the Wall Street Corral: An Empirical Investigation of Error Types in Parser Output}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1097}
author = {Wong, Billy; Kit, Chunyu}
title = {Extending Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics with Lexical Cohesion to Document Level}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1098}
author = {Guerra, Raul; Goyal, Amit; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Fast Large-Scale Approximate Graph Construction for NLP}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1099}
author = {Verma, Kunal; Yeh, Peter; Kim, Doo Soon}
title = {Building a Lightweight Semantic Model for Unsupervised Information Extraction on Short Listings}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1100}
author = {Cormode, Graham; Goyal, Amit; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Sketch Algorithms for Estimating Point Queries in NLP}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1101}
author = {Singh, Sameer; Wick, Michael; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Monte Carlo MCMC: Efficient Inference by Approximate Sampling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1102}
author = {Srikumar, Vivek; Kundu, Gourab; Roth, Dan}
title = {On Amortizing Inference Cost for Structured Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1103}
author = {Carter, Simon; Dymetman, Marc; Bouchard, Guillaume}
title = {Exact Sampling and Decoding in High-Order Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1104}
author = {Nakashole, Ndapandula; Suchanek, Fabian M.; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {PATTY: A Taxonomy of Relational Patterns with Semantic Types}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1105}
author = {Hall, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {Training Factored PCFGs with Expectation Propagation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1106}
author = {Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {A Coherence Model Based on Syntactic Patterns}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1107}
author = {Heafield, Kenneth; Koehn, Philipp; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Language Model Rest Costs and Space-Efficient Storage}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1108}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg; Hardmeier, Christian; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Document-Wide Decoding for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1109}
author = {Feng, Yang; Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Left-to-Right Tree-to-String Decoding with Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1110}
author = {Huval, Brody; Manning, Christopher D.; Socher, Richard; Ng, Andrew Y.}
title = {Semantic Compositionality through Recursive Matrix-Vector Spaces}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1111}
author = {Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Platt, John C.; Zweig, Geoffrey}
title = {Polarity Inducing Latent Semantic Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1112}
author = {Cornudella, Miquel; McNally, Louise; Boleda, Gemma; Vecchi, Eva Maria}
title = {First Order vs. Higher Order Modification in Distributional Semantics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1113}
author = {Ratinov, Lev; Roth, Dan}
title = {Learning-based Multi-Sieve Co-reference Resolution with Knowledge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1114}
author = {Song, Yang; Zhao, Xin; Jiang, Jing; Li, Sujian; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Joint Learning for Coreference Resolution with Markov Logic}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1115}
author = {Kolhatkar, Varada; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Resolving This-issue Anaphora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1116}
author = {Singh, Amit}
title = {Entity based Q&A Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1117}
author = {Yang, Hui}
title = {Constructing Task-Specific Taxonomies for Document Collection Browsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1118}
author = {He, He; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Daumé III, Hal; Satinoff, Brianna}
title = {Besting the Quiz Master: Crowdsourcing Incremental Classification Games}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1119}
author = {Joshi, Mahesh; Dredze, Mark; Ros, Carolyn P.; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Multi-Domain Learning: When Do Domains Matter?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1120}
author = {Huang, Fei; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Biased Representation Learning for Domain Adaptation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1121}
author = {Tu, Kewei; Honavar, Vasant}
title = {Unambiguity Regularization for Unsupervised Learning of Probabilistic Grammars}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1122}
author = {Yang, Bishan; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Extracting Opinion Expressions with semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1123}
author = {Xu, Liheng; Liu, Kang; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Opinion Target Extraction Using Word-Based Translation Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1124}
author = {Scherlis, Lily; Chahuneau, Victor; Smith, Noah A.; Gimpel, Kevin; Routledge, Bryan R.}
title = {Word Salad: Relating Food Prices and Descriptions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1125}
author = {Zhang, Yuan; Reichart, Roi; Barzilay, Regina; Globerson, Amir}
title = {Learning to Map into a Universal POS Tagset}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1126}
author = {Zhao, Jiayi; Qiu, Xipeng; Zhang, Shu; Ji, Feng; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Part-of-Speech Tagging for Chinese-English Mixed Texts with Dynamic Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1127}
author = {Graça, João; Taskar, Ben; Li, Shen}
title = {Wiki-ly Supervised Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1128}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo}
title = {Joining Forces Pays Off: Multilingual Joint Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1129}
author = {Faralli, Stefano; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {A New Minimally-Supervised Framework for Domain Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1130}
author = {Silberer, Carina; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Grounded Models of Semantic Representation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1131}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Rush, Alexander M.; Globerson, Amir; Reichart, Roi}
title = {Improved Parsing and POS Tagging Using Inter-Sentence Consistency Constraints}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1132}
author = {Li, Zhongguo; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Unified Dependency Parsing of Chinese Morphological and Syntactic Structures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1133}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {A Transition-Based System for Joint Part-of-Speech Tagging and Labeled Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1134}
author = {Shu, Baihan; Jiang, Jing; Zhao, Xin; Yan, Hongfei; Song, Yang; Li, Xiaoming}
title = {Identifying Event-related Bursts via Social Media Activities}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1135}
author = {Filippova, Katja}
title = {User Demographics and Language in an Implicit Social Network}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1136}
author = {Pang, Bo; Ravi, Sujith}
title = {Revisiting the Predictability of Language: Response Completion in Social Media}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1137}
author = {Rallapalli, Sarat; Roller, Stephen; Wing, Benjamin; Speriosu, Michael; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Supervised Text-based Geolocation Using Language Models on an Adaptive Grid}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1138}
author = {Li, Yanen; Duan, Huizhong; Zhai, ChengXiang; Roth, Dan}
title = {A Discriminative Model for Query Spelling Correction with Latent Structural SVM}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D12-1139}
author = {Banerjee, Ritwik; Choi, Yejin; Feng, Song}
title = {Characterizing Stylistic Elements in Syntactic Structure}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2012}
id = {D13-1001}
author = {Ge, Tao; Chang, Baobao; Li, Sujian; Sui, Zhifang}
title = {Event-Based Time Label Propagation for Automatic Dating of News Articles}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1002}
author = {Ng, Jun-Ping; Kan, Min-Yen; Lin, Ziheng; Feng, Vanessa Wei; Chen, Bin; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Exploiting Discourse Analysis for Article-Wide Temporal Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1003}
author = {Roth, Benjamin; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Combining Generative and Discriminative Model Scores for Distant Supervision}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1004}
author = {Frank, Stella; Keller, Frank; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Exploring the Utility of Joint Morphological and Syntactic Learning from Child-directed Speech}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1005}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Goldwater, Sharon; Feldman, Naomi; Wood, Frank}
title = {A Joint Learning Model of Word Segmentation, Lexical Acquisition, and Phonetic Variability}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1006}
author = {Moore, Joshua; Burges, Christopher; Renshaw, Erin; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau}
title = {Animacy Detection with Voting Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1007}
author = {Yang, Yi; Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {A Log-Linear Model for Unsupervised Text Normalization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1008}
author = {Ling, Wang; Dyer, Chris; Black, Alan W.; Trancoso, Isabel}
title = {Paraphrasing 4 Microblog Normalization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1009}
author = {Liu, Jing; Wang, Quan; Lin, Chin-Yew; Hon, Hsiao-Wuen}
title = {Question Difficulty Estimation in Community Question Answering Services}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1010}
author = {Sim, Yanchuan; Acree, Brice D. L.; Gross, Justin H.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Measuring Ideological Proportions in Political Speeches}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1011}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Addanki, Karteek; Saers, Markus; Beloucif, Meriem}
title = {Learning to Freestyle: Hip Hop Challenge-Response Induction via Transduction Rule Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1012}
author = {Foulds, James; Smyth, Padhraic}
title = {Modeling Scientific Impact with Topical Influence Regression}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1013}
author = {Rasooli, Mohammad Sadegh; Tetreault, Joel R.}
title = {Joint Parsing and Disfluency Detection in Linear Time}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1014}
author = {Tsubaki, Masashi; Duh, Kevin; Shimbo, Masashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Modeling and Learning Semantic Co-Compositionality through Prototype Projections and Neural Networks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1015}
author = {Vecchi, Eva Maria; Zamparelli, Roberto; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Studying the Recursive Behaviour of Adjectival Modification with Compositional Distributional Semantics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1016}
author = {Xiao, Min; Zhao, Feipeng; Guo, Yuhong}
title = {Learning Latent Word Representations for Domain Adaptation using Supervised Word Clustering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1017}
author = {Damani, Om P.; Ghonge, Shweta}
title = {Appropriately Incorporating Statistical Significance in PMI}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1018}
author = {Faralli, Stefano; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Growing Multi-Domain Glossaries from a Few Seeds using Probabilistic Topic Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1019}
author = {Lee, Chia-Ying; Zhang, Yu; Glass, James R.}
title = {Joint Learning of Phonetic Units and Word Pronunciations for ASR}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1020}
author = {Richardson, Matthew; Burges, Christopher; Renshaw, Erin}
title = {MCTest: A Challenge Dataset for the Open-Domain Machine Comprehension of Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1021}
author = {Sudoh, Katsuhito; Mori, Shinsuke; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Noise-Aware Character Alignment for Bootstrapping Statistical Machine Transliteration from Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1022}
author = {Rush, Alexander M.; Chang, Yin-Wen; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Optimal Beam Search for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1023}
author = {Yasuhara, Makoto; Tanaka, Toru; Norimatsu, Jun-ya; Yamamoto, Mikio}
title = {An Efficient Language Model Using Double-Array Structures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1024}
author = {Nelakanti, Anil Kumar; Archambeau, Cedric; Mairal, Julien; Bach, Francis; Bouchard, Guillaume}
title = {Structured Penalties for Log-Linear Language Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1025}
author = {González-Rubio, Jesús; Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel; Benedí, José-Miguel; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Interactive Machine Translation using Hierarchical Translation Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1026}
author = {Xiao, Xinyan; Xiong, Deyi}
title = {Max-Margin Synchronous Grammar Induction for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1027}
author = {Kummerfeld, Jonathan K.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Error-Driven Analysis of Challenges in Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1028}
author = {Kong, Fang; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Exploiting Zero Pronouns to Improve Chinese Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1029}
author = {Hajishirzi, Hannaneh; Zilles, Leila; Weld, Daniel S.; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Joint Coreference Resolution and Named-Entity Linking with Multi-Pass Sieves}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1030}
author = {Kolhatkar, Varada; Zinsmeister, Heike; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Interpreting Anaphoric Shell Nouns using Antecedents of Cataphoric Shell Nouns as Training Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1031}
author = {Zhang, Longkai; Wang, Houfeng; Sun, Xu; Mairgup, Mansur}
title = {Exploring Representations from Unlabeled Data with Co-training for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1032}
author = {Mueller, Thomas; Schmid, Helmut; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Efficient Higher-Order CRFs for Morphological Tagging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1033}
author = {Seeker, Wolfgang; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {The Effects of Syntactic Features in Automatic Prediction of Morphology}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1034}
author = {Botha, Jan A.; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Adaptor Grammars for Learning Non-Concatenative Morphology}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1035}
author = {Cadilhac, Anais; Asher, Nicholas; Benamara, Farah; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Grounding Strategic Conversation: Using Negotiation Dialogues to Predict Trades in a Win-Lose Game}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1036}
author = {Hu, Zhichao; Rahimtoroghi, Elahe; Munishkina, Larissa; Swanson, Reid; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Unsupervised Induction of Contingent Event Pairs from Film Scenes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1037}
author = {Hardmeier, Christian; Tiedemann, Jörg; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Latent Anaphora Resolution for Cross-Lingual Pronoun Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1038}
author = {Fang, Rui; Liu, Changsong; She, Lanbo; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Towards Situated Dialogue: Revisiting Referring Expression Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1039}
author = {Paşca, Marius}
title = {Open-Domain Fine-Grained Class Extraction from Web Search Queries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1040}
author = {López de Lacalle, Oier; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Unsupervised Relation Extraction with General Domain Knowledge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1041}
author = {He, Zhengyan; Liu, Shujie; Song, Yang; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Efficient Collective Entity Linking with Stacking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1042}
author = {Mohapatra, Hrushikesh; Jain, Siddhanth; Chakrabarti, Soumen}
title = {Joint Bootstrapping of Corpus Annotations and Entity Types}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1043}
author = {Mesquita, Filipe; Schmidek, Jordan; Barbosa, Denilson}
title = {Effectiveness and Efficiency of Open Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1044}
author = {Severyn, Aliaksei; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Automatic Feature Engineering for Answer Selection and Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1045}
author = {Ding, Xiao; Dou, Zhicheng; Qin, Bing; Liu, Ting; Wen, Ji-Rong}
title = {Improving Web Search Ranking by Incorporating Structured Annotation of Queries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1046}
author = {Bouamor, Dhouha; Popescu, Adrian; Semmar, Nasredine; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Building Specialized Bilingual Lexicons Using Large Scale Background Knowledge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1047}
author = {Li, Chen; Liu, Fei; Weng, Fuliang; Liu, Yang}
title = {Document Summarization via Guided Sentence Compression}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1048}
author = {Setiawan, Hendra; Zhou, Bowen; Xiang, Bing}
title = {Anchor Graph: Global Reordering Contexts for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1049}
author = {Lerner, Uri; Petrov, Slav}
title = {Source-Side Classifier Preordering for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1050}
author = {Zhu, Xiaoning; He, Zhongjun; Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng; Zhu, Conghui; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Improving Pivot-Based Statistical Machine Translation Using Random Walk}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1051}
author = {Xia, Tian; Ji, Zongcheng; Zhai, Shaodan; Chen, Yidong; Liu, Qun; Wang, Shaojun}
title = {Improving Alignment of System Combination by Using Multi-objective Optimization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1052}
author = {Cmejrek, Martin; Mi, Haitao; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {Flexible and Efficient Hypergraph Interactions for Joint Hierarchical and Forest-to-String Decoding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1053}
author = {Huang, Zhongqiang; Devlin, Jacob; Zbib, Rabih}
title = {Factored Soft Source Syntactic Constraints for Hierarchical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1054}
author = {Li, Peng; Liu, Yang; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Recursive Autoencoders for ITG-Based Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1055}
author = {Daxenberger, Johannes; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Automatically Classifying Edit Categories in Wikipedia Revisions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1056}
author = {Yao, Xuchen; van Durme, Benjamin; Callison-Burch, Chris; Clark, Peter}
title = {Semi-Markov Phrase-Based Monolingual Alignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1057}
author = {Chang, Kai-Wei; Samdani, Rajhans; Roth, Dan}
title = {A Constrained Latent Variable Model for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1058}
author = {Suzuki, Ikumi; Hara, Kazuo; Shimbo, Masashi; Saerens, Marco; Fukumizu, Kenji}
title = {Centering Similarity Measures to Reduce Hubs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1059}
author = {Bailly, Raphaël; Carreras, Xavier; Luque, Franco M.; Quattoni, Ariadna}
title = {Unsupervised Spectral Learning of WCFG as Low-rank Matrix Completion}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1060}
author = {Pichotta, Karl; DeNero, John}
title = {Identifying Phrasal Verbs Using Many Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1061}
author = {Zheng, Xiaoqing; Chen, Hanyang; Xu, Tianyu}
title = {Deep Learning for Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1062}
author = {Qiu, Xipeng; Zhao, Jiayi; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging on Heterogeneous Annotated Corpora with Multiple Task Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1063}
author = {Dubuisson, Jimmy; Eckmann, Jean-Pierre; Scheible, Christian; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {The Topology of Semantic Knowledge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1064}
author = {Lewis, Mike; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Unsupervised Induction of Cross-Lingual Semantic Relations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1065}
author = {Kloetzer, Julien; De Saeger, Stijn; Torisawa, Kentaro; Hashimoto, Chikara; Oh, Jong-Hoon; Sano, Motoki; Ohtake, Kiyonori}
title = {Two-Stage Method for Large-Scale Acquisition of Contradiction Pattern Pairs using Entailment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1066}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Qadir, Ashequl; Surve, Prafulla; De Silva, Lalindra; Gilbert, Nathan; Huang, Ruihong}
title = {Sarcasm as Contrast between a Positive Sentiment and Negative Situation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1067}
author = {Wang, Zhongqing; Li, Shoushan; Kong, Fang; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Collective Personal Profile Summarization with Social Networks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1068}
author = {Huang, Lifu; Huang, Lian'en}
title = {Optimized Event Storyline Generation based on Mixture-Event-Aspect Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1069}
author = {Ma, Tengfei; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Automatically Determining a Proper Length for Multi-Document Summarization: A Bayesian Nonparametric Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1070}
author = {Liakata, Maria; Dobnik, Simon; Saha, Shyamasree; Batchelor, Colin R.; Rebholz-Schuhmann, Dietrich}
title = {A Discourse-Driven Content Model for Summarising Scientific Articles Evaluated in a Complex Question Answering Task}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1071}
author = {Zhao, Kai; Cross, James; Huang, Liang}
title = {Optimal Incremental Parsing via Best-First Dynamic Programming}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1072}
author = {Le, Dieu-Thu; Uijlings, Jasper; Bernardi, Raffaella}
title = {Exploiting Language Models for Visual Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1073}
author = {Jin, Yiping; Kan, Min-Yen; Ng, Jun-Ping; He, Xiangnan}
title = {Mining Scientific Terms and their Definitions: A Study of the ACL Anthology}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1074}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Roth, Dan}
title = {Joint Learning and Inference for Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1075}
author = {Matthies, Franz; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {With Blinkers on: Robust Prediction of Eye Movements across Readers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1076}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Rojas, Lina}
title = {Using Paraphrases and Lexical Semantics to Improve the Accuracy and the Robustness of Supervised Models in Situated Dialogue Systems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1077}
author = {Hou, Yufang; Markert, Katja; Strube, Michael}
title = {Cascading Collective Classification for Bridging Anaphora Recognition using a Rich Linguistic Feature Set}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1078}
author = {Bethard, Steven}
title = {A Synchronous Context Free Grammar for Time Normalization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1079}
author = {Chiticariu, Laura; Li, Yunyao; Reiss, Frederick}
title = {Rule-Based Information Extraction is Dead! Long Live Rule-Based Information Extraction Systems!}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1080}
author = {Gardner, Matt; Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Kisiel, Bryan; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Improving Learning and Inference in a Large Knowledge-Base using Latent Syntactic Cues}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1081}
author = {Shen, Libin; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {What is Hidden among Translation Rules}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1082}
author = {Wang, Rui; Utiyama, Masao; Goto, Isao; Sumita, Eiichro; Zhao, Hai; Lu, Bao-Liang}
title = {Converting Continuous-Space Language Models into N-Gram Language Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1083}
author = {Tan, Ming; Xia, Tian; Wang, Shaojun; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {A Corpus Level MIRA Tuning Strategy for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1084}
author = {Nguyen, Dong; Dogruoz, A. Seza}
title = {Word Level Language Identification in Online Multilingual Communication}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1085}
author = {Guo, Yuhang; Qin, Bing; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {Microblog Entity Linking by Leveraging Extra Posts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1086}
author = {Wang, Di; Xiong, Chenyan; Wang, William Yang}
title = {Automatic Domain Partitioning for Multi-Domain Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1087}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Klein, Dan}
title = {Decipherment with a Million Random Restarts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1088}
author = {Hall, Keith; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Russian Stress Prediction using Maximum Entropy Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1089}
author = {Riedl, Martin; Biemann, Christian}
title = {Scaling to Large3 Data: An Efficient and Effective Method to Compute Distributional Thesauri}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1090}
author = {Ji, Yangfeng; Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Discriminative Improvements to Distributional Sentence Similarity}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1091}
author = {Feng, Shi; Zhang, Le; Li, Binyang; Wang, Daling; Yu, Ge; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {Is Twitter A Better Corpus for Measuring Sentiment Similarity?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1092}
author = {Wang, Wei; Xu, Hua; Huang, Xiaoqiu}
title = {Implicit Feature Detection via a Constrained Topic Model and SVM}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1093}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Huang, Liang; Zhao, Kai; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Online Learning for Inexact Hypergraph Search}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1094}
author = {Patterson, Gary; Kehler, Andrew}
title = {Predicting the Presence of Discourse Connectives}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1095}
author = {Hangyo, Masatsugu; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Japanese Zero Reference Resolution Considering Exophora and Author/Reader Mentions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1096}
author = {Wang, Hao; Lu, Zhengdong; Li, Hang; Chen, Enhong}
title = {A Dataset for Research on Short-Text Conversations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1097}
author = {Zhang, Qi; Qian, Jin; Chen, Huan; Kang, Jihua; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Discourse Level Explanatory Relation Extraction from Product Reviews Using First-Order Logic}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1098}
author = {Tannier, Xavier; Moriceau, Veronique}
title = {Building Event Threads out of Multiple News Articles}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1099}
author = {Zou, Bowei; Zhou, Guodong; Zhu, Qiaoming}
title = {Tree Kernel-based Negation and Speculation Scope Detection with Structured Syntactic Parse Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1100}
author = {PreoŢiuc-Pietro, Daniel; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {A temporal model of text periodicities using Gaussian Processes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1101}
author = {Pareti, Silvia; O'Keefe, Tim; Konstas, Ioannis; Curran, James R.; Koprinska, Irena}
title = {Automatically Detecting and Attributing Indirect Quotations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1102}
author = {Hassan, Ahmed}
title = {Identifying Web Search Query Reformulation using Concept based Matching}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1103}
author = {Ageev, Mikhail; Lagun, Dmitry; Agichtein, Eugene}
title = {The Answer is at your Fingertips: Improving Passage Retrieval for Web Question Answering with Search Behavior Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1104}
author = {Makhambetov, Olzhas; Makazhanov, Aibek; Yessenbayev, Zhandos; Matkarimov, Bakhyt; Sabyrgaliyev, Islam; Sharafudinov, Anuar}
title = {Assembling the Kazakh Language Corpus}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1105}
author = {Eskander, Ramy; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Morphological Lexicons from Morphologically Annotated Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1106}
author = {Auli, Michael; Galley, Michel; Quirk, Chris; Zweig, Geoffrey}
title = {Joint Language and Translation Modeling with Recurrent Neural Networks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1107}
author = {Cui, Lei; Chen, Xilun; Zhang, Dongdong; Liu, Shujie; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Multi-Domain Adaptation for SMT Using Multi-Task Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1108}
author = {Meng, Fandong; Xie, Jun; Song, Linfeng; Lü, Yajuan; Liu, Qun}
title = {Translation with Source Constituency and Dependency Trees}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1109}
author = {Irvine, Ann; Quirk, Chris; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Monolingual Marginal Matching for Translation Model Adaptation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1110}
author = {Siahbani, Maryam; Sankaran, Baskaran; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Efficient Left-to-Right Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Improved Reordering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1111}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Batra, Dhruv; Dyer, Chris; Shakhnarovich, Gregory}
title = {A Systematic Exploration of Diversity in Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1112}
author = {Yu, Heng; Huang, Liang; Mi, Haitao; Zhao, Kai}
title = {Max-Violation Perceptron and Forced Decoding for Scalable MT Training}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1113}
author = {Qian, Tieyun; Liu, Bing}
title = {Identifying Multiple Userids of the Same Author}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1114}
author = {Ciot, Morgane; Sonderegger, Morgan; Ruths, Derek}
title = {Gender Inference of Twitter Users in Non-English Contexts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1115}
author = {Roller, Stephen; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {A Multimodal LDA Model integrating Textual, Cognitive and Visual Modalities}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1116}
author = {Le Roux, Joseph; Rozenknop, Antoine; Foster, Jennifer}
title = {Combining PCFG-LA Models with Dual Decomposition: A Case Study with Function Labels and Binarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1117}
author = {Wang, Sida; Wang, Mengqiu; Wager, Stefan; Liang, Percy; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Feature Noising for Log-Linear Structured Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1118}
author = {Noji, Hiroshi; Mochihashi, Daichi; Miyao, Yusuke}
title = {Improvements to the Bayesian Topic N-Gram Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1119}
author = {Yang, Fan; Vozila, Paul}
title = {An Empirical Study Of Semi-Supervised Chinese Word Segmentation Using Co-Training}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1120}
author = {Dridan, Rebecca}
title = {Ubertagging: Joint Segmentation and Supertagging for English}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1121}
author = {Sasano, Ryohei; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Automatic Knowledge Acquisition for Case Alternation between the Passive and Active Voices in Japanese}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1122}
author = {Fu, Ruiji; Qin, Bing; Liu, Ting}
title = {Exploiting Multiple Sources for Open-Domain Hypernym Discovery}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1123}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {A Semantically Enhanced Approach to Determine Textual Similarity}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1124}
author = {Kuznetsova, Polina; Chen, Jianfu; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Understanding and Quantifying Creativity in Lexical Composition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1125}
author = {Guerini, Marco; Gatti, Lorenzo; Turchi, Marco}
title = {Sentiment Analysis: How to Derive Prior Polarities from SentiWordNet}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1126}
author = {White, Jerome; Oard, Douglas W.; Rajput, Nitendra; Zalk, Marion}
title = {Simulating Early-Termination Search for Verbose Spoken Queries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1127}
author = {Xu, Shize; Wang, Shanshan; Zhang, Yan}
title = {Summarizing Complex Events: a Cross-Modal Solution of Storylines Extraction and Reconstruction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1128}
author = {Elliott, Desmond; Keller, Frank}
title = {Image Description using Visual Dependency Representations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1129}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Zhang, Min; Zhang, Yue}
title = {Semi-Supervised Feature Transformation for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1130}
author = {Simon, Anca-Roxana; Gravier, Guillaume; Sébillot, Pascale}
title = {Leveraging Lexical Cohesion and Disruption for Topic Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1131}
author = {Wang, William Yang; Lin, Edward; Kominek, John}
title = {This Text Has the Scent of Starbucks: A Laplacian Structured Sparsity Model for Computational Branding Analytics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1132}
author = {Wang, Jinpeng; Zhao, Wayne Xin; Wei, Haitian; Yan, Hongfei; Li, Xiaoming}
title = {Mining New Business Opportunities: Identifying Trend related Products by Leveraging Commercial Intents from Microblogs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1133}
author = {Resnik, Philip; Garron, Anderson; Resnik, Rebecca}
title = {Using Topic Modeling to Improve Prediction of Neuroticism and Depression in College Students}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1134}
author = {Engonopoulos, Nikos; Villalba, Martin; Titov, Ivan; Koller, Alexander}
title = {Predicting the Resolution of Referring Expressions from User Behavior}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1135}
author = {Chen, Chen; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution: Some Recent Advances}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1136}
author = {Weston, Jason; Bordes, Antoine; Yakhnenko, Oksana; Usunier, Nicolas}
title = {Connecting Language and Knowledge Bases with Embedding Models for Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1137}
author = {Hashimoto, Kazuma; Miwa, Makoto; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Chikayama, Takashi}
title = {Simple Customization of Recursive Neural Networks for Semantic Relation Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1138}
author = {Wuebker, Joern; Peitz, Stephan; Rietig, Felix; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation with Word Class Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1139}
author = {Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Tsukada, Hajime; Suzuki, Jun; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Shift-Reduce Word Reordering for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1140}
author = {Vaswani, Ashish; Zhao, Yinggong; Fossum, Victoria Li; Chiang, David}
title = {Decoding with Large-Scale Neural Language Models Improves Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1141}
author = {Zou, Will Y.; Socher, Richard; Cer, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Bilingual Word Embeddings for Phrase-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1142}
author = {Reberšek, Peter; Verlic, Mateja}
title = {Application of Localized Similarity for Web Documents}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1143}
author = {Gubbins, Joseph; Vlachos, Andreas}
title = {Dependency Language Models for Sentence Completion}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1144}
author = {Srivastava, Shashank; Hovy, Dirk; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Walk-Based Semantically Enriched Tree Kernel Over Distributed Word Representations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1145}
author = {Muzny, Grace; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Automatic Idiom Identification in Wiktionary}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1146}
author = {Evang, Kilian; Basile, Valerio; Chrupała, Grzegorz; Bos, Johan}
title = {Elephant: Sequence Labeling for Word and Sentence Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1147}
author = {Kiela, Douwe; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Detecting Compositionality of Multi-Word Expressions using Nearest Neighbours in Vector Space Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1148}
author = {Choe, Do Kook; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Naive Bayes Word Sense Induction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1149}
author = {Hartshorne, Joshua K.; Bonial, Claire; Palmer, Martha}
title = {The VerbCorner Project: Toward an Empirically-Based Semantic Decomposition of Verbs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1150}
author = {Kang, Jun Seok; Kuznetsova, Polina; Luca, Michael; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Where Not to Eat? Improving Public Policy by Predicting Hygiene Inspections Using Online Reviews}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1151}
author = {Koppel, Moshe; Seidman, Shachar}
title = {Automatically Identifying Pseudepigraphic Texts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1152}
author = {He, He; Daumé III, Hal; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Dynamic Feature Selection for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1153}
author = {Xiao, Min; Guo, Yuhong}
title = {Semi-Supervised Representation Learning for Cross-Lingual Text Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1154}
author = {Søgaard, Anders; Martinez, Hector; Elming, Jakob; Johannsen, Anders}
title = {Using Crowdsourcing to get Representations based on Regular Expressions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1155}
author = {Filippova, Katja; Altun, Yasemin}
title = {Overcoming the Lack of Parallel Data in Sentence Compression}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1156}
author = {Qian, Xian; Liu, Yang}
title = {Fast Joint Compression and Summarization via Graph Cuts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1157}
author = {Konstas, Ioannis; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Inducing Document Plans for Concept-to-Text Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1158}
author = {Hirao, Tsutomu; Yoshida, Yasuhisa; Nishino, Masaaki; Yasuda, Norihito; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Single-Document Summarization as a Tree Knapsack Problem}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1159}
author = {Li, Baichuan; Liu, Jing; Lin, Chin-Yew; King, Irwin; Lyu, Michael R.}
title = {A Hierarchical Entity-Based Approach to Structuralize User Generated Content in Social Media: A Case of Yahoo! Answers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1160}
author = {Berant, Jonathan; Chou, Andrew; Frostig, Roy; Liang, Percy}
title = {Semantic Parsing on Freebase from Question-Answer Pairs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1161}
author = {Kwiatkowski, Tom; Choi, Eunsol; Artzi, Yoav; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Scaling Semantic Parsers with On-the-Fly Ontology Matching}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1162}
author = {Huang, Ruihong; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Classifying Message Board Posts with an Extracted Lexicon of Patient Attributes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1163}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Ding, Yang; Zhang, Min; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Lexical Chain Based Cohesion Models for Document-Level Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1164}
author = {Simion, Andrei; Collins, Michael John; Stein, Cliff}
title = {A Convex Alternative to IBM Model 2}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1165}
author = {Beckley, Russell; Roark, Brian}
title = {Pair Language Models for Deriving Alternative Pronunciations and Spellings from Pronunciation Dictionaries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1166}
author = {Kartsaklis, Dimitri; Sadrzadeh, Mehrnoosh}
title = {Prior Disambiguation of Word Tensors for Constructing Sentence Vectors}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1167}
author = {Chang, Kai-Wei; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Meek, Christopher}
title = {Multi-Relational Latent Semantic Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1168}
author = {Vulić, Ivan; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {A Study on Bootstrapping Bilingual Vector Spaces from Non-Parallel Data (and Nothing Else)}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1169}
author = {Kim, Joo-Kyung; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine}
title = {Deriving Adjectival Scales from Continuous Space Word Representations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1170}
author = {Socher, Richard; Perelygin, Alex; Wu, Jean; Chuang, Jason; Manning, Christopher D.; Ng, Andrew Y.; Potts, Christopher}
title = {Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1171}
author = {Mitchell, Margaret; Aguilar, Jacqui; Wilson, Theresa; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Open Domain Targeted Sentiment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1172}
author = {Chen, Zhiyuan; Mukherjee, Arjun; Liu, Bing; Hsu, Meichun; Castellanos, Malu; Ghosh, Riddhiman}
title = {Exploiting Domain Knowledge in Aspect Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1173}
author = {Dou, Qing; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Dependency-Based Decipherment for Resource-Limited Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1174}
author = {Chahuneau, Victor; Schlinger, Eva; Smith, Noah A.; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Translating into Morphologically Rich Languages with Synthetic Phrases}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1175}
author = {Sokokov, Artem; Jehl, Laura; Hieber, Felix; Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Boosting Cross-Language Retrieval by Learning Bilingual Phrase Associations from Relevance Rankings}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1176}
author = {Kalchbrenner, Nal; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Recurrent Continuous Translation Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1177}
author = {Thalappillil Scaria, Aju; Berant, Jonathan; Wang, Mengqiu; Clark, Peter; Lewis, Justin; Harding, Brittany; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Learning Biological Processes with Global Constraints}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1178}
author = {Balasubramanian, Niranjan; Soderland, Stephen; Mausam, ; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Generating Coherent Event Schemas at Scale}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1179}
author = {McCrae, John; Cimiano, Philipp; Klinger, Roman}
title = {Orthonormal Explicit Topic Analysis for Cross-Lingual Document Matching}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1180}
author = {Chen, Hongbo; He, Ben}
title = {Automated Essay Scoring by Maximizing Human-Machine Agreement}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1181}
author = {Ganjigunte Ashok, Vikas; Feng, Song; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Success with Style: Using Writing Style to Predict the Success of Novels}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1182}
author = {Wallace, Byron C.; Trikalinos, Thomas A; Laws, M. Barton; Wilson, Ira B.; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {A Generative Joint, Additive, Sequential Model of Topics and Speech Acts in Patient-Doctor Communication}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1183}
author = {Zhang, Congle; Weld, Daniel S.}
title = {Harvesting Parallel News Streams to Generate Paraphrases of Event Relations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1184}
author = {Cheng, Xiao; Roth, Dan}
title = {Relational Inference for Wikification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1185}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael}
title = {Event Schema Induction with a Probabilistic Entity-Driven Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1186}
author = {Jindal, Prateek; Roth, Dan}
title = {Using Soft Constraints in Joint Inference for Clinical Concept Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1187}
author = {Volkova, Svitlana; Wilson, Theresa; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Exploring Demographic Language Variations to Improve Multilingual Sentiment Analysis in Social Media}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1188}
author = {Scholz, Thomas; Conrad, Stefan}
title = {Opinion Mining in Newspaper Articles by Entropy-Based Word Connections}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1189}
author = {Zhou, Xinjie; Wan, Xiaojun; Xiao, Jianguo}
title = {Collective Opinion Target Extraction in Chinese Microblogs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1190}
author = {Bhosale, Shruti; Vinicombe, Heath; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Detecting Promotional Content in Wikipedia}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1191}
author = {Gottipati, Swapna; Qiu, Minghui; Sim, Yanchuan; Jiang, Jing; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Learning Topics and Positions from Debatepedia}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1192}
author = {Diao, Qiming; Jiang, Jing}
title = {A Unified Model for Topics, Events and Users on Twitter}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1193}
author = {Schwartz, Roy; Tsur, Oren; Rappoport, Ari; Koppel, Moshe}
title = {Authorship Attribution of Micro-Messages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1194}
author = {Kessler, Wiltrud; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Detection of Product Comparisons - How Far Does an Out-of-the-Box Semantic Role Labeling System Take You?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1195}
author = {Canny, John; Hall, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {A Multi-Teraflop Constituency Parser using GPUs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1196}
author = {Lazaridou, Angeliki; Vecchi, Eva Maria; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Fish Transporters and Miracle Homes: How Compositional Distributional Semantics can Help NP Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1197}
author = {FitzGerald, Nicholas; Artzi, Yoav; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Learning Distributions over Logical Forms for Referring Expression Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1198}
author = {Szarvas, György; Busa-Fekete, Róbert; Hüllermeier, Eyke}
title = {Learning to Rank Lexical Substitutions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1199}
author = {Li, Jiwei; Ott, Myle; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Identifying Manipulated Offerings on Review Portals}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1200}
author = {Gaillard, Julien; El-Bèze, Marc; Altman, Eitan; Ethis, Emmanuel}
title = {Well-Argued Recommendation: Adaptive Models Based on Words in Recommender Systems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1201}
author = {Galley, Michel; Quirk, Chris; Cherry, Colin; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Regularized Minimum Error Rate Training}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1202}
author = {Anderson, Andrew J.; Bruni, Elia; Bordignon, Ulisse; Poesio, Massimo; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Of Words, Eyes and Brains: Correlating Image-Based Distributional Semantic Models with Neural Representations of Concepts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1203}
author = {Durrett, Greg; Klein, Dan}
title = {Easy Victories and Uphill Battles in Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1204}
author = {Spitkovsky, Valentin I.; Alshawi, Hiyan; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Breaking Out of Local Optima with Count Transforms and Model Recombination: A Study in Grammar Induction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D13-1205}
author = {Ganchev, Kuzman; Das, Dipanjan}
title = {Cross-Lingual Discriminative Learning of Sequence Models with Posterior Regularization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2013}
id = {D14-1001}
author = {Roukos, Salim}
title = {Invited Talk: IBM Cognitive Computing - An NLP Renaissance!}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1002}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Pantel, Patrick; Gamon, Michael; He, Xiaodong; Deng, Li}
title = {Modeling Interestingness with Deep Neural Networks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1003}
author = {Sundermeyer, Martin; Alkhouli, Tamer; Wuebker, Joern; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Translation Modeling with Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1004}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim}
title = {A Neural Network Approach to Selectional Preference Acquisition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1005}
author = {Kiela, Douwe; Bottou, Léon}
title = {Learning Image Embeddings using Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Multi-Modal Semantics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1006}
author = {Stab, Christian; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Identifying Argumentative Discourse Structures in Persuasive Essays}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1007}
author = {Wang, Zhuoran; Chen, Hongliang; Wang, Guanchun; Tian, Hao; Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng}
title = {Policy Learning for Domain Selection in an Extensible Multi-domain Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1008}
author = {Kong, Fang; Ng, Hwee Tou; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {A Constituent-Based Approach to Argument Labeling with Joint Inference in Discourse Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1009}
author = {Hough, Julian; Purver, Matthew}
title = {Strongly Incremental Repair Detection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1010}
author = {Yang, Fan; Vozila, Paul}
title = {Semi-Supervised Chinese Word Segmentation Using Partial-Label Learning With Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1011}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {Accurate Word Segmentation and POS Tagging for Japanese Microblogs: Corpus Annotation and Joint Modeling with Lexical Normalization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1012}
author = {Guo, Jiang; Che, Wanxiang; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Ting}
title = {Revisiting Embedding Features for Simple Semi-supervised Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1013}
author = {Wang, Xuancong; Sim, Khe Chai; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Combining Punctuation and Disfluency Prediction: An Empirical Study}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1014}
author = {Kirchhoff, Katrin; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Submodularity for Data Selection in Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1015}
author = {Wu, Haiyang; Dong, Daxiang; Hu, Xiaoguang; Yu, Dianhai; He, Wei; Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Ting}
title = {Improve Statistical Machine Translation with Context-Sensitive Bilingual Semantic Embedding Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1016}
author = {He, Zhongjun; Wu, Hua; Wang, Haifeng; Liu, Ting}
title = {Transformation from Discontinuous to Continuous Word Alignment Improves Translation Quality}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1017}
author = {Kamigaito, Hidetaka; Watanabe, Taro; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Unsupervised Word Alignment Using Frequency Constraint in Posterior Regularized EM}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1018}
author = {Eetemadi, Sauleh; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Asymmetric Features Of Human Generated Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1019}
author = {MINO, Hideya; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Syntax-Augmented Machine Translation using Syntax-Label Clustering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1020}
author = {Graham, Yvette; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Testing for Significance of Increased Correlation with Human Judgment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1021}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Song, Kai; Song, Linfeng; Zhu, Jingbo; Liu, Qun}
title = {Syntactic SMT Using a Discriminative Text Generation Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1022}
author = {zhang, jingyi; Utiyama, Masao; Sumita, Eiichiro; Zhao, Hai}
title = {Learning Hierarchical Translation Spans}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1023}
author = {Wang, Rui; Zhao, Hai; Lu, Bao-Liang; Utiyama, Masao; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Neural Network Based Bilingual Language Model Growing for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1024}
author = {Cholakov, Kostadin; Kordoni, Valia}
title = {Better Statistical Machine Translation through Linguistic Treatment of Phrasal Verbs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1025}
author = {Stanojević, Miloš; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Fitting Sentence Level Translation Evaluation with Many Dense Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1026}
author = {Bouamor, Houda; Alshikhabobakr, Hanan; Mohit, Behrang; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {A Human Judgement Corpus and a Metric for Arabic MT Evaluation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1027}
author = {Guzmán, Francisco; Joty, Shafiq R.; Màrquez, Lluís; Moschitti, Alessandro; Nakov, Preslav; Nicosia, Massimo}
title = {Learning to Differentiate Better from Worse Translations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1028}
author = {Siahbani, Maryam; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Two Improvements to Left-to-Right Decoding for Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1029}
author = {Cmejrek, Martin}
title = {Reordering Model for Forest-to-String Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1030}
author = {Wehbe, Leila; Vaswani, Ashish; Knight, Kevin; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Aligning context-based statistical models of language with brain activity during reading}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1031}
author = {Nematzadeh, Aida; Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {A Cognitive Model of Semantic Network Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1032}
author = {Hill, Felix; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Learning Abstract Concept Embeddings from Multi-Modal Data: Since You Probably Can't See What I Mean}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1033}
author = {Zhang, Longkai; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Go Climb a Dependency Tree and Correct the Grammatical Errors}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1034}
author = {Baker, Simon; Reichart, Roi; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {An Unsupervised Model for Instance Level Subcategorization Acquisition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1035}
author = {Sun, Liang; Mielens, Jason; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Parsing low-resource languages using Gibbs sampling for PCFGs with latent annotations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1036}
author = {Konstas, Ioannis; Keller, Frank; Demberg, Vera; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Incremental Semantic Role Labeling with Tree Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1037}
author = {Ozgur, Arzucan; Sonmez, Cagil; Özgür, Arzucan}
title = {A Graph-based Approach for Contextual Text Normalization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1038}
author = {Yahya, Mohamed; Whang, Steven; Gupta, Rahul; Halevy, Alon}
title = {ReNoun: Fact Extraction for Nominal Attributes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1039}
author = {Wing, Benjamin; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Hierarchical Discriminative Classification for Text-Based Geolocation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1040}
author = {Vulić, Ivan; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Probabilistic Models of Cross-Lingual Semantic Similarity in Context Based on Latent Cross-Lingual Concepts Induced from Comparable Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1041}
author = {Yang, Haitong; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Multi-Predicate Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1042}
author = {Del Corro, Luciano; Gemulla, Rainer; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {Werdy: Recognition and Disambiguation of Verbs and Verb Phrases with Syntactic and Semantic Pruning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1043}
author = {Koncel-Kedziorski, R.; Hajishirzi, Hannaneh; Farhadi, Ali}
title = {Multi-Resolution Language Grounding with Weak Supervision}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1044}
author = {Gardner, Matt; Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Krishnamurthy, Jayant; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Incorporating Vector Space Similarity in Random Walk Inference over Knowledge Bases}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1045}
author = {Roth, Michael; Woodsend, Kristian}
title = {Composition of Word Representations Improves Semantic Role Labelling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1046}
author = {Caselli, Tommaso; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Automatic Domain Assignment for Word Sense Alignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1047}
author = {Padró, Muntsa; Idiart, Marco; Villavicencio, Aline; Ramisch, Carlos}
title = {Nothing like Good Old Frequency: Studying Context Filters for Distributional Thesauri}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1048}
author = {Pourdamghani, Nima; Gao, Yang; Hermjakob, Ulf; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Aligning English Strings with Abstract Meaning Representation Graphs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1049}
author = {Lluís, Xavier; Carreras, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {A Shortest-path Method for Arc-factored Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1050}
author = {Saleh, Iman; Moschitti, Alessandro; Nakov, Preslav; Màrquez, Lluís; Joty, Shafiq R.}
title = {Semantic Kernels for Semantic Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1051}
author = {Morchid, Mohamed; Bouallegue, Mohamed; Dufour, Richard; Linares, Georges; Matrouf, Driss; de Mori, Renato}
title = {An I-vector Based Approach to Compact Multi-Granularity Topic Spaces Representation of Textual Documents}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1052}
author = {Pappas, Nikolaos; Popescu-Belis, Andrei}
title = {Explaining the Stars: Weighted Multiple-Instance Learning for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1053}
author = {Li, Jiwei; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Sentiment Analysis on the People's Daily}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1054}
author = {Tang, Duyu; Wei, Furu; Qin, Bing; Dong, Li; Liu, Ting; Zhou, Ming}
title = {A Joint Segmentation and Classification Framework for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1055}
author = {ren, yafeng; Donghong, Ji; zhang, hongbin}
title = {Positive Unlabeled Learning for Deceptive Reviews Detection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1056}
author = {Kolhatkar, Varada; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Resolving Shell Nouns}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1057}
author = {Roberts, Will; Egg, Markus}
title = {A Comparison of Selectional Preference Models for Automatic Verb Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1058}
author = {Hosseini, Mohammad Javad; Hajishirzi, Hannaneh; Etzioni, Oren; Kushman, Nate}
title = {Learning to Solve Arithmetic Word Problems with Verb Categorization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1059}
author = {Angeli, Gabor; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {NaturalLI: Natural Logic Inference for Common Sense Reasoning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1060}
author = {Meng, Fandong; Xiong, Deyi; Jiang, Wenbin; Liu, Qun}
title = {Modeling Term Translation for Document-informed Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1061}
author = {Dou, Qing; Vaswani, Ashish; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Beyond Parallel Data: Joint Word Alignment and Decipherment Improves Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1062}
author = {Hoang, Cuong; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Latent Domain Phrase-based Models for Adaptation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1063}
author = {Cromieres, Fabien; Cromierès, Fabien; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Translation Rules with Right-Hand Side Lattices}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1064}
author = {Ture, Ferhan; Boschee, Elizabeth}
title = {Learning to Translate: A Query-Specific Combination Approach for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1065}
author = {Romeo, Salvatore; Tagarelli, Andrea; Ienco, Dino}
title = {Semantic-Based Multilingual Document Clustering via Tensor Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1066}
author = {Riedl, Martin; Glass, Michael; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano}
title = {Lexical Substitution for the Medical Domain}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1067}
author = {Bordes, Antoine; Chopra, Sumit; Weston, Jason}
title = {Question Answering with Subgraph Embeddings}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1068}
author = {Barnes, Derek; Joshi, Mahesh; Sawaf, Hassan}
title = {Correcting Keyboard Layout Errors and Homoglyphs in Queries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1069}
author = {Brown, Ralf D.}
title = {Non-linear Mapping for Improved Identification of 1300+ Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1070}
author = {Iyyer, Mohit; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Claudino, Leonardo; Socher, Richard; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {A Neural Network for Factoid Question Answering over Paragraphs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1071}
author = {Yang, Min-Chul; Duan, Nan; Zhou, Ming; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Joint Relational Embeddings for Knowledge-based Question Answering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1072}
author = {Noraset, Thanapon; Bhagavatula, Chandra; Downey, Doug}
title = {Adding High-Precision Links to Wikipedia}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1073}
author = {Williams, Jennifer; Tam, Sharon; Shen, Wade}
title = {Finding Good Enough: A Task-Based Evaluation of Query Biased Summarization for Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1074}
author = {Zhang, Xingxing; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Chinese Poetry Generation with Recurrent Neural Networks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1075}
author = {Rioux, Cody; Hasan, Sadid; Chali, Yllias}
title = {Fear the REAPER: A System for Automatic Multi-Document Summarization with Reinforcement Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1076}
author = {Li, Chen; Liu, Yang; Liu, Fei; Zhao, Lin; Weng, Fuliang}
title = {Improving Multi-documents Summarization by Sentence Compression based on Expanded Constituent Parse Trees}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1077}
author = {Nuzumlalı, Muhammed Yavuz; Özgür, Arzucan}
title = {Analyzing Stemming Approaches for Turkish Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1078}
author = {Joachims, Thorsten}
title = {Invited Talk: Learning from Rational Behavior}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1079}
author = {Milajevs, Dmitrijs; Kartsaklis, Dimitri; Sadrzadeh, Mehrnoosh; Purver, Matthew}
title = {Evaluating Neural Word Representations in Tensor-Based Compositional Settings}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1080}
author = {Irsoy, Ozan; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Opinion Mining with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1081}
author = {Le, Phong; Zuidema, Willem}
title = {The Inside-Outside Recursive Neural Network model for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1082}
author = {Chen, Danqi; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser using Neural Networks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1083}
author = {Hasan, Kazi Saidul; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Why are You Taking this Stance? Identifying and Classifying Reasons in Ideological Debates}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1084}
author = {Chen, Chen; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution: An Unsupervised Probabilistic Model Rivaling Supervised Resolvers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1085}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Unsupervised Sentence Enhancement for Automatic Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1086}
author = {Kazemzadeh, Sahar; Ordonez, Vicente; Matten, Mark; Berg, Tamara L.}
title = {ReferItGame: Referring to Objects in Photographs of Natural Scenes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1087}
author = {Shi, Lei; Shi, Shuming; Lin, Chin-Yew; Shen, Yi-Dong; Rui, Yong}
title = {Unsupervised Template Mining for Semantic Category Understanding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1088}
author = {Luu Anh, Tuan; Kim, Jung-Jae; Ng, See-Kiong}
title = {Taxonomy Construction Using Syntactic Contextual Evidence}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1089}
author = {Pink, Glen; Nothman, Joel; Curran, James R.}
title = {Analysing recall loss in named entity slot filling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1090}
author = {Venugopal, Deepak; Chen, Chen; Gogate, Vibhav; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Relieving the Computational Bottleneck: Joint Inference for Event Extraction with High-Dimensional Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1091}
author = {Pate, John; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Syllable weight encodes mostly the same information for English word segmentation as dictionary stress}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1092}
author = {Chen, Miaohong; Chang, Baobao; Pei, Wenzhe}
title = {A Joint Model for Unsupervised Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1093}
author = {Liu, Yijia; Zhang, Yue; Che, Wanxiang; Liu, Ting; Wu, Fan}
title = {Domain Adaptation for CRF-based Chinese Word Segmentation using Free Annotations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1094}
author = {Lee, Changki; Choi, Edward; Kim, Hyunki}
title = {Balanced Korean Word Spacing with Structural SVM}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1095}
author = {Narasimhan, Karthik; Karakos, Damianos; Schwartz, Richard M.; Tsakalidis, Stavros; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Morphological Segmentation for Keyword Spotting}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1096}
author = {Duong, Long; Cohn, Trevor; Verspoor, Karin; Bird, Steven; Cook, Paul}
title = {What Can We Get From 1000 Tokens? A Case Study of Multilingual POS Tagging For Resource-Poor Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1097}
author = {Marcheggiani, Diego; Artières, Thierry}
title = {An Experimental Comparison of Active Learning Strategies for Partially Labeled Sequences}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1098}
author = {Li, Ying; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Language Modeling with Functional Head Constraint for Code Switching Speech Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1099}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Sartorio, Francesco; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {A Polynomial-Time Dynamic Oracle for Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1100}
author = {Hsieh, Yu-Ming; Chang, Jason S.; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {Ambiguity Resolution for Vt-N Structures in Chinese}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1101}
author = {Tsuboi, Yuta}
title = {Neural Networks Leverage Corpus-wide Information for Part-of-speech Tagging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1102}
author = {Susanto, Raymond Hendy; Phandi, Peter; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {System Combination for Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1103}
author = {Mueller, Thomas; Farkas, Richárd; Judea, Alex; Schmid, Helmut; schuetze, hinrich}
title = {Dependency parsing with latent refinements of part-of-speech tags}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1104}
author = {Plank, Barbara; Johannsen, Anders; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Importance weighting and unsupervised domain adaptation of POS taggers: a negative result}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1105}
author = {Vyas, Yogarshi; Gella, Spandana; Sharma, Jatin; Bali, Kalika; Choudhury, Monojit}
title = {POS Tagging of English-Hindi Code-Mixed Social Media Content}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1106}
author = {Morley, Eric; Hallin, Anna Eva; Roark, Brian}
title = {Data Driven Grammatical Error Detection in Transcripts of Children's Speech}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1107}
author = {Lewis, Mike; Steedman, Mark}
title = {A* CCG Parsing with a Supertag-factored Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1108}
author = {Kong, Lingpeng; Schneider, Nathan; Swayamdipta, Swabha; Bhatia, Archna; Dyer, Chris; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {A Dependency Parser for Tweets}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1109}
author = {Zhang, Yuan; Lei, Tao; Barzilay, Regina; Jaakkola, Tommi}
title = {Greed is Good if Randomized: New Inference for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1110}
author = {Chen, Xinxiong; Liu, Zhiyuan; Sun, Maosong}
title = {A Unified Model for Word Sense Representation and Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1111}
author = {Polajnar, Tamara; Fagarasan, Luana; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Reducing Dimensions of Tensors in Type-Driven Distributional Semantics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1112}
author = {Ciobanu, Alina Maria; Dinu, Liviu P.}
title = {An Etymological Approach to Cross-Language Orthographic Similarity. Application on Romanian}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1113}
author = {Neelakantan, Arvind; Shankar, Jeevan; Passos, Alexandre; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Efficient Non-parametric Estimation of Multiple Embeddings per Word in Vector Space}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1114}
author = {Zhao, Shi; Zhang, Yan}
title = {Tailor knowledge graph for query understanding: linking intent topics by propagation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1115}
author = {Paşca, Marius}
title = {Queries as a Source of Lexicalized Commonsense Knowledge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1116}
author = {He, Shizhu; Liu, Kang; Zhang, Yuanzhe; Xu, Liheng; Zhao, Jun}
title = {Question Answering over Linked Data Using First-order Logic}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1117}
author = {Joshi, Mandar; Sawant, Uma; Chakrabarti, Soumen}
title = {Knowledge Graph and Corpus Driven Segmentation and Answer Inference for Telegraphic Entity-seeking Queries}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1118}
author = {Wang, Quan; Liu, Jing; Wang, Bin; Guo, Li}
title = {A Regularized Competition Model for Question Difficulty Estimation in Community Question Answering Services}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1119}
author = {Persing, Isaac; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Vote Prediction on Comments in Social Polls}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1120}
author = {Si, Jianfeng; Mukherjee, Arjun; Liu, Bing; Pan, Sinno Jialin; Li, Qing; Li, Huayi}
title = {Exploiting Social Relations and Sentiment for Stock Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1121}
author = {Ungar, Lyle; Sap, Maarten; Park, Gregory; Eichstaedt, Johannes; Kern, Margaret; Stillwell, David; Kosinski, Michal; Ungar, Lyle H.; Schwartz, Hansen A.}
title = {Developing Age and Gender Predictive Lexica over Social Media}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1122}
author = {Wang, William Yang; Kong, Lingpeng; Mazaitis, Kathryn; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Dependency Parsing for Weibo: An Efficient Probabilistic Logic Programming Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1123}
author = {Ou, Gaoyan; Chen, Wei; Wang, Tengjiao; Wei, Zhongyu; Li, Binyang; Yang, Dongqing; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {Exploiting Community Emotion for Microblog Event Detection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1124}
author = {Allen, Kelsey; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond; Ng, Raymond T.}
title = {Detecting Disagreement in Conversations using Pseudo-Monologic Rhetorical Structure}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1125}
author = {Choi, Yoonjung; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {+/-EffectWordNet: Sense-level Lexicon Acquisition for Opinion Inference}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1126}
author = {Wang, Hao; Ester, Martin}
title = {A Sentiment-aligned Topic Model for Product Aspect Rating Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1127}
author = {Qadir, Ashequl; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Learning Emotion Indicators from Tweets: Hashtags, Hashtag Patterns, and Phrases}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1128}
author = {Ebert, Sebastian; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Fine-Grained Contextual Predictions for Hard Sentiment Words}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1129}
author = {Liu, Le; Hong, Yu; Lu, Jun; Lang, Jun; Ji, Heng; Yao, Jianmin}
title = {An Iterative Link-based Method for Parallel Web Page Mining}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1130}
author = {Green, Spence; Wang, Sida I.; Chuang, Jason; Heer, Jeffrey; Schuster, Sebastian; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Human Effort and Machine Learnability in Computer Aided Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1131}
author = {Aziz, Wilker; Dymetman, Marc; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Exact Decoding for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1132}
author = {Auli, Michael; Galley, Michel; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {Large-scale Expected BLEU Training of Phrase-based Reordering Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1133}
author = {Marie, Benjamin; Max, Aurélien}
title = {Confidence-based Rewriting of Machine Translation Output}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1134}
author = {Artzi, Yoav; Das, Dipanjan; Petrov, Slav}
title = {Learning Compact Lexicons for CCG Semantic Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1135}
author = {Wang, Adrienne; Kwiatkowski, Tom; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Morpho-syntactic Lexical Generalization for CCG Semantic Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1136}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Pogrebezky, Ilia; Weiss, Guy; Natan, Yaarit; Szekely, Smadar; Harel, David}
title = {Semantic Parsing Using Content and Context: A Case Study from Requirements Elicitation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1137}
author = {Lu, Wei}
title = {Semantic Parsing with Relaxed Hybrid Trees}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1138}
author = {Mimno, David; Lee, Moontae}
title = {Low-dimensional Embeddings for Interpretable Anchor-based Topic Inference}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1139}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Bansal, Mohit}
title = {Weakly-Supervised Learning with Cost-Augmented Contrastive Estimation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1140}
author = {Grissom II, Alvin; He, He; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Morgan, John; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Don’t Until the Final Verb Wait: Reinforcement Learning for Simultaneous Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1141}
author = {Scicluna, James; de la Higuera, Colin}
title = {PCFG Induction for Unsupervised Parsing and Language Modelling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1142}
author = {Ionescu, Radu Tudor; Popescu, Marius; Cahill, Aoife}
title = {Can characters reveal your native language? A language-independent approach to native language identification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1143}
author = {Ehara, Yo; Miyao, Yusuke; Oiwa, Hidekazu; Sato, Issei; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Formalizing Word Sampling for Vocabulary Prediction as Graph-based Active Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1144}
author = {Malmasi, Shervin; Dras, Mark}
title = {Language Transfer Hypotheses with Linear SVM Weights}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1145}
author = {Dogruoz, A. Seza; Nakov, Preslav}
title = {Predicting Dialect Variation in Immigrant Contexts Using Light Verb Constructions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1146}
author = {Kim, A-Yeong; Song, Hyun-Je; Park, Seong-Bae; Lee, Sang-Jo}
title = {Device-Dependent Readability for Improved Text Understanding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1147}
author = {Zhang, Longkai; li, li; Wang, Houfeng; Sun, Xu}
title = {Predicting Chinese Abbreviations with Minimum Semantic Unit and Global Constraints}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1148}
author = {Ding, Xiao; Zhang, Yue; Liu, Ting; Duan, Junwen}
title = {Using Structured Events to Predict Stock Price Movement: An Empirical Investigation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1149}
author = {Gerow, Aaron}
title = {Extracting Clusters of Specialist Terms from Unstructured Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1150}
author = {Caragea, Cornelia; Bulgarov, Florin Adrian; Godea, Andreea; Das, Sujatha}
title = {Citation-Enhanced Keyphrase Extraction from Research Papers: A Supervised Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1151}
author = {Adel, Heike; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Using Mined Coreference Chains as a Resource for a Semantic Task}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1152}
author = {Tsai, Ming-Feng; Wang, Chuan-Ju}
title = {Financial Keyword Expansion via Continuous Word Vector Representations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1153}
author = {Bensalem, Imene; Rosso, Paolo; Chikhi, Salim}
title = {Intrinsic Plagiarism Detection using N-gram Classes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1154}
author = {Darwish, Kareem; Sajjad, Hassan; Mubarak, Hamdy}
title = {Verifiably Effective Arabic Dialect Identification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1155}
author = {Banerjee, Ritwik; Feng, Song; Kang, Jun Seok; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Keystroke Patterns as Prosody in Digital Writings: A Case Study with Deceptive Reviews and Essays}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1156}
author = {Chen, Kuan-Yu; Liu, Shih-Hung; Chen, Berlin; Jan, Ea-Ee; Wang, Hsin-Min; Hsu, Wen-Lian; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Leveraging Effective Query Modeling Techniques for Speech Recognition and Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1157}
author = {Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar; Arora, Ashima; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Staying on Topic: An Indicator of Power in Political Debates}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1158}
author = {Parikh, Ankur; Saluja, Avneesh; Dyer, Chris; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Language Modeling with Power Low Rank Ensembles}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1159}
author = {Berant, Jonathan; Srikumar, Vivek; Chen, Pei-Chun; Vander Linden, Abby; Harding, Brittany; Huang, Brad; Clark, Peter; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Modeling Biological Processes for Reading Comprehension}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1160}
author = {Tekiroglu, Serra Sinem; Özbal, Gözde; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Sensicon: An Automatically Constructed Sensorial Lexicon}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1161}
author = {Zhang, Jingwei; Salwen, Jeremy; Glass, Michael; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano}
title = {Word Semantic Representations using Bayesian Probabilistic Tensor Factorization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1162}
author = {Pennington, Jeffrey; Socher, Richard; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Glove: Global Vectors for Word Representation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1163}
author = {Hashimoto, Kazuma; Stenetorp, Pontus; Miwa, Makoto; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa}
title = {Jointly Learning Word Representations and Composition Functions Using Predicate-Argument Structures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1164}
author = {Angeli, Gabor; Tibshirani, Julie; Wu, Jean; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Combining Distant and Partial Supervision for Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1165}
author = {Chang, Kai-Wei; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Yang, Bishan; Meek, Christopher}
title = {Typed Tensor Decomposition of Knowledge Bases for Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1166}
author = {Grave, Edouard}
title = {A convex relaxation for weakly supervised relation extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1167}
author = {Wang, Zhen; Zhang, Jianwen; Feng, Jianlin; Chen, Zheng}
title = {Knowledge Graph and Text Jointly Embedding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1168}
author = {Gerani, Shima; Mehdad, Yashar; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond T.; Nejat, Bita}
title = {Abstractive Summarization of Product Reviews Using Discourse Structure}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1169}
author = {Zhao, Li; Huang, Minlie; Chen, Haiqiang; Cheng, Junjun; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Clustering Aspect-related Phrases by Leveraging Sentiment Distribution Consistency}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1170}
author = {Hu, Yue; Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Automatic Generation of Related Work Sections in Scientific Papers: An Optimization Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1171}
author = {Popescu, Octavian; Vo, Ngoc Phuoc An}
title = {Fast and Accurate Misspelling Correction in Large Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1172}
author = {Federico, Marcello; Negri, Matteo; Bentivogli, Luisa; Turchi, Marco}
title = {Assessing the Impact of Translation Errors on Machine Translation Quality with Mixed-effects Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1173}
author = {Wang, Xiaolin; Utiyama, Masao; Finch, Andrew; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Refining Word Segmentation Using a Manually Aligned Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1174}
author = {Zhu, Xiaoning; He, Zhongjun; Wu, Hua; Zhu, Conghui; Wang, Haifeng; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Improving Pivot-Based Statistical Machine Translation by Pivoting the Co-occurrence Count of Phrase Pairs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1175}
author = {Tran, Ke M.; Bisazza, Arianna; Monz, Christof}
title = {Word Translation Prediction for Morphologically Rich Languages with Bilingual Neural Networks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1176}
author = {Garmash, Ekaterina; Monz, Christof}
title = {Dependency-Based Bilingual Language Models for Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1177}
author = {Kontonatsios, Georgios; Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Combining String and Context Similarity for Bilingual Term Alignment from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1178}
author = {Q. Zadeh, Behrang; Handschuh, Siegfried}
title = {Random Manhattan Integer Indexing: Incremental L1 Normed Vector Space Construction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1179}
author = {Cho, Kyunghyun; van Merrienboer, Bart; Gulcehre, Caglar; Bahdanau, Dzmitry; Bougares, Fethi; Schwenk, Holger; Bengio, Yoshua}
title = {Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1180}
author = {Peng, Xiaochang; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Type-based MCMC for Sampling Tree Fragments from Forests}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1181}
author = {Kim, Yoon}
title = {Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1182}
author = {Nguyen, Viet-An; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Sometimes Average is Best: The Importance of Averaging for Prediction using MCMC Inference in Topic Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1183}
author = {Alrajeh, Abdullah; Niranjan, Mahesan}
title = {Large-scale Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation using Dual Multinomial Logistic Regression}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1184}
author = {Nuhn, Malte; Schamper, Julian; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Improved Decipherment of Homophonic Ciphers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1185}
author = {Nuhn, Malte; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Cipher Type Detection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1186}
author = {Cao, Ziqiang; Li, Sujian; Ji, Heng}
title = {Joint Learning of Chinese Words, Terms and Keywords}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1187}
author = {Wisniewski, Guillaume; Pécheux, Nicolas; Pécheux, Nicolas; Gahbiche-Braham, Souhir; Yvon, François}
title = {Cross-Lingual Part-of-Speech Tagging through Ambiguous Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1188}
author = {Bazrafshan, Marzieh; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Comparing Representations of Semantic Roles for String-To-Tree Decoding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1189}
author = {Salehi, Bahar; Cook, Paul; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Detecting Non-compositional MWE Components using Wiktionary}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1190}
author = {Beck, Daniel Emilio; Cohn, Trevor; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Joint Emotion Analysis via Multi-task Gaussian Processes}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1191}
author = {Jelveh, Zubin; Kogut, Bruce; Naidu, Suresh}
title = {Detecting Latent Ideology in Expert Text: Evidence From Academic Papers in Economics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1192}
author = {Landwehr, Niels; Arzt, Sebastian; Scheffer, Tobias; Kliegl, Reinhold}
title = {A Model of Individual Differences in Gaze Control During Reading}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1193}
author = {li, li; Zhang, Longkai; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Muli-label Text Categorization with Hidden Components}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1194}
author = {Weston, Jason; Chopra, Sumit; Adams, Keith}
title = {#TagSpace: Semantic Embeddings from Hashtags}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1195}
author = {Yao, Jin-ge; Wan, Xiaojun; Xiao, Jianguo}
title = {Joint Decoding of Tree Transduction Models for Sentence Compression}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1196}
author = {Yoshida, Yasuhisa; Suzuki, Jun; Hirao, Tsutomu; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Dependency-based Discourse Parser for Single-Document Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1197}
author = {Songyot, Theerawat; Chiang, David}
title = {Improving Word Alignment using Word Similarity}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1198}
author = {Li, Qi; Ji, Heng; Hong, Yu; Li, Sujian}
title = {Constructing Information Networks Using One Single Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1199}
author = {Boros, Emanuela; Besançon, Romaric; Ferret, Olivier; Grau, Brigitte}
title = {Event Role Extraction using Domain-Relevant Word Representations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1200}
author = {Miwa, Makoto; Sasaki, Yutaka}
title = {Modeling Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Table Representation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1201}
author = {Qiu, Likun; Zhang, Yue}
title = {ZORE: A Syntax-based System for Chinese Open Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1202}
author = {Zhang, Longkai; Wang, Houfeng; Sun, Xu}
title = {Coarse-grained Candidate Generation and Fine-grained Re-ranking for Chinese Abbreviation Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1203}
author = {Koch, Mitchell; Gilmer, John; Soderland, Stephen; Weld, Daniel S.}
title = {Type-Aware Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Linked Arguments}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1204}
author = {Zhang, Yuchen; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Automatic Inference of the Tense of Chinese Events Using Implicit Linguistic Information}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1205}
author = {Chen, Liwei; Feng, Yansong; Mo, Jinghui; Huang, Songfang; Zhao, Dongyan}
title = {Joint Inference for Knowledge Base Population}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1206}
author = {Apostolova, Emilia; Tomuro, Noriko}
title = {Combining Visual and Textual Features for Information Extraction from Online Flyers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1207}
author = {Wijaya, Derry Tanti; Nakashole, Ndapandula; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {CTPs: Contextual Temporal Profiles for Time Scoping Facts using State Change Detection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1208}
author = {Nagesh, Ajay; Haffari, Gholamreza; Ramakrishnan, Ganesh}
title = {Noisy Or-based model for Relation Extraction using Distant Supervision}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1209}
author = {Liu, Lemao; Huang, Liang}
title = {Search-Aware Tuning for Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1210}
author = {Saluja, Avneesh; Dyer, Chris; Cohen, Shay B.}
title = {Latent-Variable Synchronous CFGs for Hierarchical Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1211}
author = {Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar; Reid, Emily E.; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Gender and Power: How Gender and Gender Environment Affect Manifestations of Power}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1212}
author = {Sasaki, Kentaro; Yoshikawa, Tomohiro; Furuhashi, Takeshi}
title = {Online topic model for Twitter considering dynamics of user interests and topic trends}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1213}
author = {Bak, JinYeong; Lin, Chin-Yew; Oh, Alice H.}
title = {Self-disclosure topic model for classifying and analyzing Twitter conversations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1214}
author = {Li, Jiwei; Ritter, Alan; Cardie, Claire; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Major Life Event Extraction from Twitter based on Congratulations/Condolences Speech Acts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1215}
author = {Niculae, Vlad; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian}
title = {Brighter than Gold: Figurative Language in User Generated Comparisons}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1216}
author = {Peng, Jing; Feldman, Anna; Vylomova, Ekaterina}
title = {Classifying Idiomatic and Literal Expressions Using Topic Models and Intensity of Emotions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1217}
author = {Chang, Angel; Savva, Manolis; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Learning Spatial Knowledge for Text to 3D Scene Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1218}
author = {Li, Jiwei; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Model of Coherence Based on Distributed Sentence Representation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1219}
author = {Joty, Shafiq R.; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Discriminative Reranking of Discourse Parses Using Tree Kernels}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1220}
author = {Li, Jiwei; Li, Rumeng; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Recursive Deep Models for Discourse Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1221}
author = {Martschat, Sebastian; Strube, Michael}
title = {Recall Error Analysis for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1222}
author = {Hou, Yufang; Markert, Katja; Strube, Michael}
title = {A Rule-Based System for Unrestricted Bridging Resolution: Recognizing Bridging Anaphora and Finding Links to Antecedents}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1223}
author = {Celikyilmaz, Asli; Feizollahi, Zhaleh; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Sarikaya, Ruhi}
title = {Resolving Referring Expressions in Conversational Dialogs for Natural User Interfaces}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1224}
author = {Li, Yancui; feng, wenhe; sun, jing; Kong, Fang; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Building Chinese Discourse Corpus with Connective-driven Dependency Tree Structure}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1225}
author = {Ma, Chao; Doppa, Janardhan Rao; Orr, J. Walker; Mannem, Prashanth; Fern, Xiaoli; Dietterich, Tom; Tadepalli, Prasad}
title = {Prune-and-Score: Learning for Greedy Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {D14-1226}
author = {Bhatia, Sumit; Biyani, Prakhar; Mitra, Prasenjit}
title = {Summarizing Online Forum Discussions – Can Dialog Acts of Individual Messages Help?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {H05-1001}
author = {Steinberger, Josef; Alexandrov-Kabadjov, Mijail; Poesio, Massimo; Sanchez-Graillet, Olivia}
title = {Improving LSA-Based Summarization With Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1002}
author = {Postolache, Oana; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {Data-Driven Approaches For Information Structure Identification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1003}
author = {Ji, Heng; Westbrook, David; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Using Semantic Relations To Refine Coreference Decisions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1004}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang}
title = {On Coreference Resolution Performance Metrics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1005}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Improving Multilingual Summarization: Using Redundancy In The Input To Correct MT Errors}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1006}
author = {Shi, Yongmei; Zhou, Lina}
title = {Error Detection Using Linguistic Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1007}
author = {Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Désilets, Alain}
title = {Semantic Similarity For Detecting Recognition Errors In Automatic Speech Transcripts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1008}
author = {Yangarber, Roman; Jokipii, Lauri}
title = {Redundancy-Based Correction Of Automatically Extracted Facts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1009}
author = {Ayan, Necip Fazil; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Monz, Christof}
title = {NeurAlign: Combining Word Alignments Using Neural Networks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1010}
author = {Taskar, Ben; Lacoste-Julien, Simon; Klein, Dan}
title = {A Discriminative Matching Approach To Word Alignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1011}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {A Discriminative Framework For Bilingual Word Alignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1012}
author = {Ittycheriah, Abraham; Roukos, Salim}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Word Aligner For Arabic-English Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1013}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {A Large-Scale Exploration Of Effective Global Features For A Joint Entity Detection And Tracking Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1014}
author = {Soboroff, Ian; Harman, Donna}
title = {Novelty Detection: The TREC Experience}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1015}
author = {Filatova, Elena; Prager, John}
title = {Tell Me What You Do And I'll Tell You What You Are: Learning Occupation-Related Activities For Biographies}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1016}
author = {Kumaran, Girighar; Allan, James}
title = {Using Names And Topics For New Event Detection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1017}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Strapparava, Carlo; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Investigating Unsupervised Learning For Text Categorization Bootstrapping}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1018}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Speeding Up Training With Tree Kernels For Node Relation Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1019}
author = {Hirao, Tsutomu; Okumura, Manabu; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Kernel-Based Approach For Automatic Evaluation Of Natural Language Generation Technologies: Application To Automatic Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1020}
author = {Roussinov, Dmitri; Fan, Weiguo}
title = {Discretization Based Learning Approach To Information Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1021}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Byrne, William}
title = {Local Phrase Reordering Models For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1022}
author = {Deng, Yonggang; Byrne, William}
title = {HMM Word And Phrase Alignment For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1023}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Ge, Niyu; Papineni, Kishore}
title = {Inner-Outer Bracket Models For Word Alignment Using Hidden Blocks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1024}
author = {Ayan, Necip Fazil; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Monz, Christof}
title = {Alignment Link Projection Using Transformation-Based Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1025}
author = {Bickel, Steffen; Haider, Peter; Scheffer, Tobias}
title = {Predicting Sentences Using N-Gram Language Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1026}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Gauvain, Jean-Luc}
title = {Training Neural Network Language Models On Very Large Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1027}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Yu, Hao; Yuan, Wei; Xu, Peng}
title = {Minimum Sample Risk Methods For Language Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1028}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Qu, Shaolin}
title = {A Salience Driven Approach To Robust Input Interpretation In Multimodal Conversational Systems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1029}
author = {Bohus, Dan; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Error Handling In The RavenClaw Dialog Management Architecture}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1030}
author = {Kahn, Jeremy G.; Lease, Matthew; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Effective Use Of Prosody In Parsing Conversational Speech}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1031}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; Siddharthan, Advaith; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Automatically Learning Cognitive Status For Multi-Document Summarization Of Newswire}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1032}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi}
title = {Bayesian Learning In Text Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1033}
author = {Sporleder, Caroline; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Discourse Chunking And Its Application To Sentence Compression}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1034}
author = {Suzuki, Hisami; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {A Comparative Study On Language Model Adaptation Techniques Using New Evaluation Metrics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1035}
author = {Olteanu, Marian; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {PP-Attachment Disambiguation Using Large Context}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1036}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Goldlust, Eric; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Compiling Comp Ling: Weighted Dynamic Programming And The Dyna Language}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1037}
author = {Zaragoza, Hugo; Li, Chi-Ho}
title = {Learning What To Talk About In Descriptive Games}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1038}
author = {Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Using Question Series To Evaluate Question Answering System Effectiveness}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1039}
author = {Peng, Fuchun; Weischedel, Ralph M.; Licuanan, Ana; Xu, Jinxi}
title = {Combining Deep Linguistics Analysis And Surface Pattern Learning: A Hybrid Approach To Chinese Definitional Question Answering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1040}
author = {Krishnan, Vijay; Das, Sujatha; Chakrabarti, Soumen}
title = {Enhanced Answer Type Inference From Questions Using Sequential Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1041}
author = {Androutsopoulos, Ion; Galanis, Dimitrios}
title = {A Practically Unsupervised Learning Method To Identify Single-Snippet Answers To Definition Questions On The Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1042}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Collective Content Selection For Concept-To-Text Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1043}
author = {Popescu, Ana-Maria; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Extracting Product Features And Opinions From Reviews}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1044}
author = {Wilson, Theresa; Wiebe, Janyce; Hoffmann, Paul}
title = {Recognizing Contextual Polarity In Phrase-Level Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1045}
author = {Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire; Riloff, Ellen; Patwardhan, Siddharth}
title = {Identifying Sources Of Opinions With Conditional Random Fields And Extraction Patterns}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1046}
author = {Garbin, Eric; Mani, Inderjeet}
title = {Disambiguating Toponyms In News}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1047}
author = {Tatu, Marta; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {A Semantic Approach To Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1048}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri; Douglas, Benjamin; Chen, Ying}
title = {Detection Of Entity Mentions Occuring In English And Chinese Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1049}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Ng, Andrew Y.; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Robust Textual Inference Via Graph Matching}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1050}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Karakos, Damianos}
title = {Bootstrapping Without The Boot}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1051}
author = {Stokoe, Christopher}
title = {Differentiating Homonymy And Polysemy In Information Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1052}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Unsupervised Large-Vocabulary Word Sense Disambiguation With Graph-Based Algorithms For Sequence Data Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1053}
author = {Koeling, Rob; McCarthy, Diana; Carroll, John}
title = {Domain-Specific Sense Distributions And Predominant Sense Acquisition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1054}
author = {Wu, Youzheng; Jun, Zhao; Xu, Bo; Yu, Hao}
title = {Chinese Named Entity Recognition With Multiple Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1055}
author = {Huang, Fei}
title = {Cluster-Specific Named Entity Transliteration}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1056}
author = {Minkov, Einat; Wang, Richard C.; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Extracting Personal Names From Email: Applying Named Entity Recognition To Informal Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1057}
author = {Raghavan, Hema; Allan, James}
title = {Matching Inconsistently Spelled Names In Automatic Speech Recognizer Output For Information Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1058}
author = {Reynolds, Sheila M.; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Part-Of-Speech Tagging Using Virtual Evidence And Negative Training}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1059}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Bidirectional Inference With The Easiest-First Strategy For Tagging Sequence Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1060}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Smith, David A.; Tromble, Roy W.}
title = {Context-Based Morphological Disambiguation With Random Fields}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1061}
author = {Huang, Fei; Zhang, Ying; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Mining Key Phrase Translations From Web Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1062}
author = {Favre, Benoit; Bechet, Frédéric; Nocera, Pascal}
title = {Robust Named Entity Extraction From Large Spoken Archives}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1063}
author = {Roussinov, Dmitri; Zhao, Leon J.; Fan, Weiguo}
title = {Mining Context Specific Similarity Relationships Using The World Wide Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1064}
author = {Koo, Terry; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Hidden-Variable Models For Discriminative Reranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1065}
author = {Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Disambiguation Of Morphological Structure Using A PCFG}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1066}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Pereira, Fernando; Ribarov, Kiril; Hajič, Jan}
title = {Non-Projective Dependency Parsing Using Spanning Tree Algorithms}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1067}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Making Computers Laugh: Investigations In Automatic Humor Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1068}
author = {Munson, Art; Cardie, Claire; Caruana, Rich}
title = {Optimizing To Arbitrary NLP Metrics Using Ensemble Selection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1069}
author = {Wang, Xinglong; Carroll, John}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using Sense Examples Automatically Acquired From A Second Language}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1070}
author = {Kepser, Stephan}
title = {Using MONA For Querying Linguistic Treebanks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1071}
author = {Cafarella, Michael J.; Downey, Doug; Soderland, Stephen; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {KnowItNow: Fast Scalable Information Extraction From The Web}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1072}
author = {Fosler-Lussier, Eric; Rytting, C. Anton}
title = {A Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Hybrid Phone-Manner Representations For ASR}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1073}
author = {Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter; Roth, Dan; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Emotions From Text: Machine Learning For Text-Based Emotion Prediction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1074}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Callan, James, P.}
title = {Combining Multiple Forms Of Evidence While Filtering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1075}
author = {Feng, Donghui; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Handling Biographical Questions With Implicature}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1076}
author = {Du, Yongping; Meng, Helen M.; Huang, Xuanjing; Wu, Lide}
title = {The Use Of Metadata Web-Derived Answer Patterns And Passage Context To Improve Reading Comprehension Performance}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1077}
author = {Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Melinger, Alissa}
title = {Identifying Semantic Relations And Functional Properties Of Human Verb Associations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1078}
author = {Merlo, Paola; Musillo, Gabriele}
title = {Accurate Function Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1079}
author = {Bos, Johan; Markert, Katja}
title = {Recognising Textual Entailment With Logical Inference}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1080}
author = {Perera, Praharshana; Witte, René}
title = {A Self-Learning Context-Aware Lemmatizer For German}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1081}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Surdeanu, Mihai; Comas, Pere; Turmo, Jordi}
title = {A Robust Combination Strategy For Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1082}
author = {Crystal, Michael; Baron, Alex; Godfrey, Katherine; Micciulla, Linnea; Tenney, Yvette; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {A Methodology For Extrinsically Evaluating Information Extraction Performance}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1083}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang; Zitouni, Imed}
title = {Multi-Lingual Coreference Resolution With Syntactic Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1084}
author = {Erk, Katrin; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {Analyzing Models For Semantic Role Assignment Using Confusability}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1085}
author = {Goldwater, Sharon; McClosky, David}
title = {Improving Statistical MT Through Morphological Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1086}
author = {Murdock, Vanessa; Croft, W. Bruce}
title = {A Translation Model For Sentence Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1087}
author = {Jansche, Martin}
title = {Maximum Expected F-Measure Training Of Logistic Regression Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1088}
author = {Sauri, Roser; Knippen, Robert; Verhagen, Marc; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Evita: A Robust Event Recognizer For QA Systems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1089}
author = {Li, Ping; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Using Sketches To Estimate Associations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1090}
author = {Schiffman, Barry; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Context And Learning In Novelty Detection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1091}
author = {Bunescu, Razvan C.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {A Shortest Path Dependency Kernel For Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1092}
author = {Rosario, Barbara; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Multi-Way Relation Classification: Application To Protein-Protein Interactions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1093}
author = {Lita, Lucian Vlad; Rogati, Monica; Lavie, Alon}
title = {BLANC: Learning Evaluation Metrics For MT}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1094}
author = {Sutton, Charles; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Composition Of Conditional Random Fields For Transfer Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1095}
author = {Simard, Michel; Cancedda, Nicola; Cavestro, Bruno; Dymetman, Marc; Gaussier, Eric; Goutte, Cyril; Yamada, Kenji; Langlais, Philippe; Mauser, Arne}
title = {Translating With Non-Contiguous Phrases}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1096}
author = {Ueffing, Nicola; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Word-Level Confidence Estimation For Machine Translation Using Phrase-Based Translation Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1097}
author = {Vickrey, David; Biewald, Lukas; Teyssier, Marc; Koller, Daphne}
title = {Word-Sense Disambiguation For Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1098}
author = {Chiang, David; Lopez, Adam; Madnani, Nitin; Monz, Christof; Resnik, Philip; Subotin, Michael}
title = {The Hiero Machine Translation System: Extensions Evaluation And Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1099}
author = {Hollingshead, Kristy; Fisher, Seeger; Roark, Brian}
title = {Comparing And Combining Finite-State And Context-Free Parsers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1100}
author = {Cowan, Brooke; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Morphology And Reranking For The Statistical Parsing Of Spanish}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1101}
author = {Satta, Giorgio; Peserico, Enoch}
title = {Some Computational Complexity Results For Synchronous Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1102}
author = {Shen, Libin; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Incremental LTAG Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1103}
author = {Brown, Jonathan; Frishkoff, Gwen; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Automatic Question Generation For Vocabulary Assessment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1104}
author = {Dubey, Amit; Sturt, Patrick; Keller, Frank}
title = {Parallelism In Coordination As An Instance Of Syntactic Priming: Evidence From Corpus-Based Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1105}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Using The Web As An Implicit Training Set: Application To Structural Ambiguity Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1106}
author = {Wermter, Joachim; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Paradigmatic Modifiability Statistics For The Extraction Of Complex Multi-Word Terms}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1107}
author = {Xi, Chenhai; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {A Backoff Model For Bootstrapping Resources For Non-English Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1108}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Cross-Linguistic Projection Of Role-Semantic Information}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1109}
author = {Kolak, Okan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {OCR Post-Processing For Low-Density Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1110}
author = {Genzel, Dmitriy}
title = {Inducing A Multilingual Dictionary From A Parallel Multitext In Related Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1111}
author = {Swier, Robert; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Exploiting A Verb Lexicon In Automatic Semantic Role Labelling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1112}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Badulescu, Adriana}
title = {A Semantic Scattering Model For The Automatic Interpretation Of Genitives}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1113}
author = {Venkatapathy, Sriram; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Measuring The Relative Compositionality Of Verb-Noun (V-N) Collocations By Integrating Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1114}
author = {Niu, Zhengyu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {A Semi-Supervised Feature Clustering Algorithm With Application To Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1115}
author = {Otterbacher, Jahna C.; Erkan, Gunes; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Using Random Walks For Question-Focused Sentence Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1116}
author = {Stoyanov, Veselin; Cardie, Claire; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Multi-Perspective Question Answering Using The OpQA Corpus}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1117}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Automatically Evaluating Answers To Definition Questions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1118}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Integrating Linguistic Knowledge In Passage Retrieval For Question Answering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1119}
author = {Yu, Peng; Chen, Kaijiang; Lu, Lie; Seide, Frank}
title = {Searching The Audio Notebook: Keyword Search In Recorded Conversation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1120}
author = {Ahmad, Farooq; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Learning A Spelling Error Model From Search Query Logs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1121}
author = {Okabe, Masayuki; Umemura, Kyoji; Yamada, Seiji}
title = {Query Expansion With The Minimum User Feedback By Transductive Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1122}
author = {Olney, Andrew; Cai, Zhiqiang}
title = {An Orthonormal Basis For Topic Segmentation In Tutorial Dialogue}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1123}
author = {Marx, Zvika; Dagan, Ido; Shamir, Eli}
title = {A Generalized Framework For Revealing Analogous Themese Across Related Topics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1124}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Crammer, Koby; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Flexible Text Segmentation With Structured Multilabel Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1125}
author = {Bilmes, Jeff A.; Li, Xiao; Malkin, Jonathan; Kilanski, Kelley; Wright, Richard; Kirchhoff, Katrin; Subramanya, Amarnag; Harada, Susumu; Landay, James; Dowden, Patricia; Chizeck, Howard}
title = {The Vocal Joystick: A Voice-Based Human-Computer Interface For Individuals With Motor Impairments}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1126}
author = {Misu, Teruhisa; Kawahara, Tatsuya}
title = {Speech-Based Information Retrieval System With Clarification Dialogue Strategy}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1127}
author = {English, Michael; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Learning Mixed Initiative Dialog Strategies By Using Reinforcement Learning On Both Conversants}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2001}
author = {Russell, Graham J.; Foster, George; Nguyen, Ngoc Tran}
title = {Automatic Detection Of Translation Errors: The State Of The Art}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2002}
author = {Hoeft, Thomas; Cramer, Nick; Gregory, Michelle L.; Hetzler, Elizabeth}
title = {Bridging The Gap Between Technology And Users: Leveraging Machine}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2003}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Shaw, Erin; Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Classummary: Introducing Discussion Summarization To Online Classrooms}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2004}
author = {Punyakanok, Vasin; Roth, Dan; Sammons, Mark; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau}
title = {Demonstrating An Interactive Semantic Role Labeling System}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2005}
author = {Vanderwende, Lucy; Kacmarcik, Gary; Suzuki, Hisami; Menezes, Arul}
title = {MindNet: An Automatically-Created Lexical Resource}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2006}
author = {Silberztein, Max D.}
title = {NooJ: A Linguistic Annotation System For Corpus Processing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2007}
author = {Lopez, Adam; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Pattern Visualization For Machine Translation Output}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2008}
author = {Hladká, Barbora; Kucera, Ondrej}
title = {Prague Dependency Treebank As An Exercise Book Of Czech}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2009}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Translation Exercise Assistant: Automated Generation Of Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2010}
author = {Hoshino, Ayako; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {WebExperimenter For Multiple-Choice Question Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2011}
author = {Yang, Fan; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {DialogueView: An Annotation Tool For Dialogue}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2012}
author = {Yangarber, Roman; Jokipii, Lauri; Rauramo, Antti; Huttunen, Silja}
title = {Extracting Information About Outbreaks Of Infectious Epidemics}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2013}
author = {Weng, Fuliang; Cavedon, Lawrence; Raghunathan, Badri; Mirkovic, Danilo; Bei, Ben; Pon-Barry, Heather; Bratt, Harry; Cheng, Hua; Schmidt, Hauke; Mishra, Rohit; Lathrop, Brian; Zhang, Qi; Scheideck, Tobias; Xu, Kui; Hand-Bender, Tess; Peters, Stanley; Shriberg, Elizabeth; Bergmann, Carsten}
title = {A Flexible Conversational Dialog System For MP3 Player}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2014}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Chatzichrisafis, Nikos; Bouillon, Pierrette; Nakao, Yukie; Isahara, Hitoshi; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Hockey, Beth Ann; Santaholma, Marianne; Starlander, Marianne}
title = {Japanese Speech Understanding Using Grammar Specialization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2015}
author = {Glass, James R.; Hazen, Timothy J.; Cyphers, D. Scott; Schutte, Ken; Park, Alex}
title = {The MIT Spoken Lecture Processing Project}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2016}
author = {Tajarobi, Arman; Garneau, Jean-Francois; Paradis, Francois}
title = {MBOI: Discovery Of Business Opportunities On The Internet}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2017}
author = {Popescu, Ana-Maria; Nguyen, Bao; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {OPINE: Extracting Product Features And Opinions From Reviews}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2018}
author = {Wilson, Theresa; Hoffmann, Paul; Somasundaran, Swapna; Kessler, Jason; Wiebe, Janyce; Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire; Riloff, Ellen; Patwardhan, Siddharth}
title = {OpinionFinder: A System For Subjectivity Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2019}
author = {Kim, Kyungduk; Song, Yu; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {POSBIOTM/W: A Development Workbench For Machine Learning Oriented Biomedical Text Mining System}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W01-0501}
author = {Pierce, David R.; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Limitations Of Co-Training For Natural Language Learning From Large Datasets}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0502}
author = {Even-Zohar, Yair; Roth, Dan}
title = {A Sequential Model For Multi-Class Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0503}
author = {Eneva, Elena; Hoberman, Rose; Lita, Lucian Vlad}
title = {Learning Within-Sentence Semantic Coherence}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0504}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Knowledge Sources For Word-Level Translation Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0505}
author = {Kim, Seonho; Yoon, Juntae; Song, Mansuk}
title = {Improving Lexical Mapping Model Of English-Korean Bitext Using Structural Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0506}
author = {Sakkis, Georgios; Androutsopoulos, Ion; Paliouras, Georgios; Karkaletsis, Vangelis; Spyropoulos, Constantine D.; Stamatopoulos, Panagiotis}
title = {Stacking Classifiers For Anti-Spam Filtering Of E-Mail}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0507}
author = {Takamura, Hiroya; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Feature Space Restructuring For SVMs With Application To Text Categorization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0508}
author = {Sable, Carl; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Using Bins To Empirically Estimate Term Weights For Text Categorization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0509}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou; Kwan, Jennifer Lai Pheng; Xia, Yiyuan}
title = {Question Answering Using A Large Text Database: A Machine Learning Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0510}
author = {Chelba, Ciprian; Mahajan, Milind}
title = {Information Extraction Using The Structured Language Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0511}
author = {Rosario, Barbara; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Classifying The Semantic Relations In Noun Compounds Via A Domain-Specific Lexical Hierarchy}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0512}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Sekine, Satoshi; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {The Unknown Word Problem: A Morphological Analysis Of Japanese Using Maximum Entropy Aided By A Dictionary}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0513}
author = {Schone, Patrick; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Is Knowledge-Free Induction Of Multiword Unit Dictionary Headwords A Solved Problem?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0514}
author = {Choi, Freddy Y. Y.; Wiemer-Hastings, Peter; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Latent Semantic Analysis For Text Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0515}
author = {Lyon, Caroline; Malcolm, James; Dickerson, Wayne B.}
title = {Detecting Short Passages Of Similar Text In Large Document Collections}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0516}
author = {Park, Youngja; Byrd, Roy J.}
title = {Hybrid Text Mining For Finding Abbreviations And Their Definitions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0517}
author = {Lee, Jin-Seok; Kim, Byeongchang; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Automatic Corpus-Based Tone Prediction Using K-ToBI Representation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0518}
author = {Muller, Karin}
title = {Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars For Syllabification And Grapheme-To-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0519}
author = {Megyesi, Beáta}
title = {Comparing Data-Driven Learning Algorithms For PoS Tagging Of Swedish}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0520}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Chen, John; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Impact Of Quality And Quantity Of Corpora On Stochastic Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0521}
author = {Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Corpus Variation And Parser Performance}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2001}
id = {W02-1001}
author = {Collins, Michael John}
title = {Discriminative Training Methods For Hidden Markov Models: Theory And Experiments With Perceptron Algorithms}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1002}
author = {Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Conditional Structure Versus Conditional Estimation In NLP Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1003}
author = {Goodman, Joshua}
title = {An Incremental Decision List Learner}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1004}
author = {Florian, Radu; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Modeling Consensus: Classifier Combination For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1005}
author = {Cucerzan, Silviu; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Augmented Mixture Models For Lexical Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1006}
author = {Lee, Yoong Keok; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {An Empirical Evaluation Of Knowledge Sources And Learning Algorithms For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1007}
author = {Engel, Donald; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Parsing And Disfluency Placement}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1008}
author = {Ng, Vincent; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Combining Sample Selection And Error-Driven Pruning For Machine Learning Of Coreference Rules}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1009}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Transformational Priors Over Grammars}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1010}
author = {Zelenko, Dmitry; Aone, Chinatsu; Richardella, Anthony}
title = {Kernel Methods For Relation Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1011}
author = {Pang, Bo; Lee, Lillian; Vaithyanathan, Shivakumar}
title = {Thumbs Up? Sentiment Classification Using Machine Learning Techniques}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1012}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Ilhan, H. Tolga; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Extentions To HMM-Based Statistical Word Alignment Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1013}
author = {Smith, Noah A.}
title = {From Words To Corpora: Recognizing Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1014}
author = {Prolo, Carlos A.}
title = {Fast LR Parsing Using Rich (Tree Adjoining) Grammars}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1015}
author = {Blaheta, Don}
title = {Handling Noisy Training And Testing Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1016}
author = {Brew, Chris; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Spectral Clustering For German Verbs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1017}
author = {Phillips, William; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Exploiting Strong Syntactic Heuristics And Co-Training To Learn Semantic Lexicons}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1018}
author = {Marcu, Daniel; Wong, Daniel}
title = {A Phrase-Based Joint Probability Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1019}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Byrne, William}
title = {Minimum Bayes-Risk Word Alignments Of Bilingual Texts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1020}
author = {Foster, George; Langlais, Philippe; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {User-Friendly Text Prediction For Translators}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1021}
author = {Ueffing, Nicola; Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Generation Of Word Graphs In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1022}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Bootstrapping Lexical Choice Via Multiple-Sequence Alignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1023}
author = {Sable, Carl; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {NLP Found Helpful (At Least For One Text Categorization Task)}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1024}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Prager, John; Ravin, Yael; Cesar, Christian}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To Natural Language Web Search}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1025}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Itou, Katunobu; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {A Method For Open-Vocabulary Speech-Driven Text Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1026}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Manipulating Large Corpora For Text Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1027}
author = {Markert, Katja; Nissim, Malvina}
title = {Metonymy Resolution As A Classification Task}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1028}
author = {Thelen, Michael; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {A Bootstrapping Method For Learning Semantic Lexicons Using Extraction Pattern Contexts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1029}
author = {Curran, James R.}
title = {Ensemble Methods For Automatic Thesaurus Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1030}
author = {Keller, Frank; Lapata, Mirella; Ourioupina, Olga}
title = {Using The Web To Overcome Data Sparseness}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1031}
author = {Wang, Wen; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {The SuperARV Language Model: Investigating The Effectiveness Of Tightly Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1032}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Suzuki, Hisami; Wen, Yang}
title = {Exploiting Headword Dependency And Predictive Clustering For Language Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1033}
author = {Brill, Eric; Dumais, Susan; Banko, Michele}
title = {An Analysis Of The AskMSR Question-Answering System}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1034}
author = {Czuba, Krzysztof; Prager, John; Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {A Machine-Learning Approach To Introspection In A Question Answering System}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1035}
author = {Gupta, Narendra; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Extracting Clauses For Spoken Language Understanding In Conversational Systems}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1036}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Sassano, Manabu; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka}
title = {Combining Outputs Of Multiple Japanese Named Entity Chunkers By Stacking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1037}
author = {Munteanu, Dragos Stefan; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Processing Comparable Corpora With Bilingual Suffix Trees}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1038}
author = {Federico, Marcello; Bertoldi, Nicola; Sandrini, Vanessa}
title = {Bootstrapping Named Entity Recognition For Italian Broadcast News}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1039}
author = {Fox, Heidi J.}
title = {Phrasal Cohesion And Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1040}
author = {Strube, Michael; Rapp, Stefan; Müller, Christof E.}
title = {The Influence Of Minimum Edit Distance On Reference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1041}
author = {Jansche, Martin; Abney, Steven}
title = {Information Extraction From Voicemail Transcripts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2002}
id = {W03-1001}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {A Projection Extension Algorithm For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1002}
author = {Schafer, Charles; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation Using Coercive Two-Level Syntactic Transduction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1003}
author = {Kim, Woosung; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Cross-Lingual Lexical Triggers In Statistical Language Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1004}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Elhadad, Noémie}
title = {Sentence Alignment For Monolingual Comparable Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1005}
author = {Dienes, Peter; Dubey, Amit}
title = {Antecedent Recovery: Experiments With A Trace Tagger}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1006}
author = {Chen, John; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Use Of Deep Linguistic Features For The Recognition And Labeling Of Semantic Arguments}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1007}
author = {Fleischman, Michael; Kwon, Namhee; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Maximum Entropy Models For FrameNet Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1008}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Identifying Semantic Roles Using Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1009}
author = {Genzel, Dmitriy; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Variation Of Entropy And Parse Trees Of Sentences As A Function Of The Sentence Number}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1010}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Bond, Francis}
title = {A Plethora Of Methods For Learning English Countability}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1011}
author = {Weeds, Julie; Weir, David}
title = {A General Framework For Distributional Similarity}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1012}
author = {Shen, Libin; Sarkar, Anoop; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Using LTAG Based Features In Parse Reranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1013}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.}
title = {Log-Linear Models For Wide-Coverage CCG Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1014}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Learning Extraction Patterns For Subjective Expressions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1015}
author = {Ng, Vincent; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Bootstrapping Coreference Classifiers With Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1016}
author = {Duboue, Pablo Ariel; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Statistical Acquisition Of Content Selection Rules For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1017}
author = {Yu, Hong; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios}
title = {Towards Answering Opinion Questions: Separating Facts From Opinions And Identifying The Polarity Of Opinion Sentences}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1018}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Evaluation And Extension Of Maximum Entropy Models With Inequality Constraints}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1019}
author = {Altun, Yasemin; Johnson, Mark; Hofmann, Thomas R.}
title = {Investigating Loss Functions And Optimization Methods For Discriminative Learning Of Label Sequences}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1020}
author = {Zhou, Yaqian; Weng, Fuliang; Wu, Lide; Schmidt, Hauke}
title = {A Fast Algorithm For Feature Selection In Conditional Maximum Entropy Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1021}
author = {Xu, Peng; Emami, Ahmad; Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {Training Connectionist Models For The Structured Language Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1022}
author = {Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Supersense Tagging Of Unknown Nouns In WordNet}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1023}
author = {Modjeska, Natalia N.; Markert, Katja; Nissim, Malvina}
title = {Using The Web In Machine Learning For Other-Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1024}
author = {Isozaki, Hideki; Hirao, Tsutomu}
title = {Japanese Zero Pronoun Resolution Based On Ranking Rules And Machine Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1025}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Chinese Character-Based Parser}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1026}
author = {Jing, Hongyan; Florian, Radu; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Zhang, Tong; Ittycheriah, Abraham}
title = {How To Get A Chinese Name (Entity): Segmentation And Combination Issues}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1027}
author = {Sassano, Manabu}
title = {Virtual Examples For Text Classification With Support Vector Machines}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1028}
author = {Hulth, Anette}
title = {Improved Automatic Keyword Extraction Given More Linguistic Knowledge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2003}
id = {W04-3201}
author = {Taskar, Ben; Klein, Dan; Collins, Michael John; Koller, Daphne; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Max-Margin Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3202}
author = {Baldridge, Jason; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Active Learning And The Total Cost Of Annotation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3203}
author = {Kalt, Tom}
title = {Induction Of Greedy Controllers For Deterministic Treebank Parsers}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3204}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Martinez, David}
title = {Unsupervised WSD Based On Automatically Retrieved Examples: The Importance Of Bias}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3205}
author = {Chklovski, Timothy; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {VerbOcean: Mining The Web For Fine-Grained Semantic Verb Relations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3206}
author = {Szpektor, Idan; Tanev, Hristo; Dagan, Ido; Coppola, Bonaventura}
title = {Scaling Web-Based Acquisition Of Entailment Relations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3207}
author = {Smith, David A.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Bilingual Parsing With Factored Estimation: Using English To Parse Korean}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3208}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Cheung, Percy}
title = {Mining Very-Non-Parallel Corpora: Parallel Sentence And Lexicon Extraction Via Bootstrapping And EM}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3209}
author = {Liu, Yang; Stolcke, Andreas; Shriberg, Elizabeth; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Comparing And Combining Generative And Posterior Probability Models: Some Advances In Sentence Boundary Detection In Speech}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3210}
author = {Sporleder, Caroline; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Automatic Paragraph Identification: A Study Across Languages And Domains}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3211}
author = {Nielsen, Rodney D.; Pradhan, Sameer S.}
title = {Mixing Weak Learners In Semantic Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3212}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Calibrating Features For Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3213}
author = {Swier, Robert; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Unsupervised Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3214}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Boleda, Gemma}
title = {The Influence Of Argument Structure On Semantic Role Assignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3215}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Steedman, Mark; Curran, James R.}
title = {Object-Extraction And Question-Parsing Using CCG}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3216}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {A Phrase-Based HMM Approach To Document/Abstract Alignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3217}
author = {Halpin, Harry; Moore, Johanna D.; Robertson, Judy}
title = {Automatic Analysis Of Plot For Story Rewriting}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3218}
author = {Bechet, Frédéric; Riccardi, Giuseppe; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek}
title = {Mining Spoken Dialogue Corpora For System Evaluation And Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3219}
author = {Quirk, Chris; Brockett, Chris; Dolan, William B.}
title = {Monolingual Machine Translation For Paraphrase Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3220}
author = {Andrew, Galen; Grenager, Trond; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Verb Sense And Subcategorization: Using Joint Inference To Improve Performance On Complementary Tasks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3221}
author = {Almuhareb, Abdulrahman; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Attribute-Based And Value-Based Clustering: An Evaluation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3222}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Markova, Penka; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {The Leaf Path Projection View Of Parse Trees: Exploring String Kernels For HPSG Parse Selection}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3223}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; Vasserman, Alexander}
title = {Incremental Feature Selection And L1 Regularization For Relaxed Maximum-Entropy Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3224}
author = {Bikel, Daniel M.}
title = {A Distributional Analysis Of A Lexicalized Statistical Parsing Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3225}
author = {Nepveu, Laurent; Lapalme, Guy; Langlais, Philippe; Foster, George}
title = {Adaptive Language And Translation Models For Interactive Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3226}
author = {Wang, Wei; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Improving Word Alignment Models Using Structured Monolingual Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3227}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Vogel, Stephan; Eck, Matthias; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Phrase Pair Rescoring With Term Weighting For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3228}
author = {Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Dependencies Vs. Constituents For Tree-Based Alignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3229}
author = {Hana, Jirka; Feldman, Anna; Brew, Chris}
title = {A Resource-Light Approach To Russian Morphology: Tagging Russian Using Czech Resources}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3230}
author = {Kudo, Taku; Yamamoto, Kaoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Applying Conditional Random Fields To Japanese Morphological Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3231}
author = {Trushkina, Julia; Hinrichs, Erhard W.}
title = {A Hybrid Model For Morpho-Syntactic Annotation Of German With A Large Tagset}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3232}
author = {Goweder, Abduelbaset; Poesio, Massimo; De Roeck, Anne N.; Reynolds, Jeff}
title = {Identifying Broken Plurals In Unvowelised Arabic Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3233}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {NP Bracketing By Maximum Entropy Tagging And SVM Reranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3234}
author = {Freitag, Dayne}
title = {Trained Named Entity Recognition Using Distributional Clusters}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3235}
author = {Ney, Hermann; Popović, Maja; Sündermann, David}
title = {Error Measures And Bayes Decision Rules Revisited With Applications To POS Tagging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3236}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou; Low, Jin Kiat}
title = {Chinese Part-Of-Speech Tagging: One-At-A-Time Or All-At-Once? Word-Based Or Character-Based?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3237}
author = {Chelba, Ciprian; Acero, Alex}
title = {Adaptation Of Maximum Entropy Capitalizer: Little Data Can Help A Lot}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3238}
author = {Cucerzan, Silviu; Brill, Eric}
title = {Spelling Correction As An Iterative Process That Exploits The Collective Knowledge Of Web Users}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3239}
author = {Kudo, Taku; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {A Boosting Algorithm For Classification Of Semi-Structured Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3240}
author = {Cohen, William W.; Carvalho, Vitor R.; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Learning To Classify Email Into Speech Acts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3241}
author = {Keller, Frank}
title = {The Entropy Rate Principle As A Predictor Of Processing Effort: An Evaluation Against Eye-Tracking Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3242}
author = {Xu, Peng; Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {Random Forests In Language Modeling}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3243}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {On Log-Likelihood-Ratios And The Significance Of Rare Events}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3244}
author = {Mochihashi, Daichi; Kikui, Genichiro; Kita, Kenji}
title = {Learning Nonstructural Distance Metric By Minimum Cluster Distortions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3245}
author = {Civera, Jorge; Cubel, Elsa; Lagarda, Antonio L.; Pico, David; González, Jorge; Vidal, Enrique; Casacuberta, Francisco; Vilar, Juan-Miguel; Barrachina, Sergio}
title = {From Machine Translation To Computer Assisted Translation Using Finite-State Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3246}
author = {Daya, Ezra; Roth, Dan; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Learning Hebrew Roots: Machine Learning With Linguistic Constraints}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3247}
author = {Erkan, Gunes; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {LexPageRank: Prestige In Multi-Document Text Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3248}
author = {Feng, Donghui; Lü, Yajuan; Zhou, Ming}
title = {A New Approach For English-Chinese Named Entity Alignment}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3249}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Magnini, Bernardo; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Unsupervised Domain Relevance Estimation For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3250}
author = {Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Statistical Significance Tests For Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3251}
author = {Lita, Lucian Vlad; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Instance-Based Question Answering: A Data-Driven Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3252}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Tarau, Paul}
title = {TextRank: Bringing Order Into Texts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3253}
author = {Mullen, Tony; Collier, Nigel}
title = {Sentiment Analysis Using Support Vector Machines With Diverse Information Sources}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3254}
author = {Teufel, Simone; van Halteren, Hans}
title = {Evaluating Information Content By Factoid Analysis: Human Annotation And Stability}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3255}
author = {Tsukada, Hajime; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Efficient Decoding For Statistical Machine Translation With A Fully Expanded WFST Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3256}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Ticrea, Miruna; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Multi-Document Biography Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W06-1601}
author = {Grenager, Trond; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery Of A Statistical Verb Lexicon}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1602}
author = {Bos, Johan; Nissim, Malvina}
title = {An Empirical Approach To The Interpretation Of Superlatives}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1603}
author = {Qiu, Long; Kan, Min-Yen; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Paraphrase Recognition Via Dissimilarity Significance Classification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1604}
author = {Yates, Alexander; Schoenmackers, Stefan; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Detecting Parser Errors Using Web-Based Semantic Filters}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1605}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Distributional Measures Of Concept-Distance: A Task-Oriented Evaluation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1606}
author = {Marcu, Daniel; Wang, Wei; Echihabi, Abdessamad; Knight, Kevin}
title = {SPMT: Statistical Machine Translation With Syntactified Target Language Phrases}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1607}
author = {Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland; Johnson, Howard}
title = {Phrasetable Smoothing For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1608}
author = {Quirk, Chris; Corston-Oliver, Simon H.}
title = {The Impact Of Parse Quality On Syntactically-Informed Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1609}
author = {Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Fonollosa, José A. R.}
title = {Statistical Machine Reordering}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1610}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Re-Evaluating Machine Translation Results With Paraphrase Support}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1611}
author = {Rotaru, Mihai; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Exploiting Discourse Structure For Spoken Dialogue Performance Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1612}
author = {Nissim, Malvina}
title = {Learning Information Status Of Discourse Entities}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1613}
author = {Teufel, Simone; Siddharthan, Advaith; Tidhar, Dan}
title = {Automatic Classification Of Citation Function}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1614}
author = {Kübler, Sandra; Hinrichs, Erhard W.; Maier, Wolfgang}
title = {Is It Really That Difficult To Parse German?}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1615}
author = {Blitzer, John; McDonald, Ryan; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Domain Adaptation With Structural Correspondence Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1616}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; Clarke, James}
title = {Incremental Integer Linear Programming For Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1617}
author = {Jiang, Zheng Ping; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Of NomBank: A Maximum Entropy Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1618}
author = {Bethard, Steven; Martin, James H.}
title = {Identification Of Event Mentions And Their Semantic Class}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1619}
author = {Ninomiya, Takashi; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Extremely Lexicalized Models For Accurate And Fast HPSG Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1620}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Multilingual Deep Lexical Acquisition For HPSGs Via Supertagging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1621}
author = {Glickman, Oren; Shnarch, Eyal; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Lexical Reference: A Semantic Matching Subtask}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1622}
author = {Lin, Chi-San Althon; Smith, Tony C.}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Via Instance-Based Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1623}
author = {Bramsen, Philip; Deshpande, Pawan; Lee, Yoong Keok; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Inducing Temporal Graphs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1624}
author = {Wu, Weilin; Lu, Ruzhan; Duan, Jianyong; Liu, Hui; Gao, Feng; Chen, Yu-Quan}
title = {A Weakly Supervised Learning Approach For Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1625}
author = {Purandare, Amruta; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Humor: Prosody Analysis And Automatic Recognition For F*R*I*E*N*D*S*}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1626}
author = {Zhang, Ying; Hildebrand, Almut Silja; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Distributed Language Modeling For $N$-Best List Re-Ranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1627}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Efficient Search For Inversion Transduction Grammar}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1628}
author = {Cowan, Brooke; Kucerova, Ivona; Collins, Michael John}
title = {A Discriminative Model For Tree-To-Tree Translation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1629}
author = {Xu, LiLi; Fujii, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Modeling Impression In Probabilistic Transliteration Into Chinese}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1630}
author = {Tao, Tao; Yoon, Su-Youn; Fister, Andrew; Sproat, Richard W.; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Unsupervised Named Entity Transliteration Using Temporal And Phonetic Correlation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1631}
author = {Nwesri, Abdusalam F. A.; Tahaghoghi, S. M. M.; Scholer, Falk}
title = {Capturing Out-Of-Vocabulary Words In Arabic Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1632}
author = {Filippova, Katja; Strube, Michael}
title = {Using Linguistically Motivated Features For Paragraph Boundary Identification}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1633}
author = {Nicolae, Cristina; Nicolae, Gabriel}
title = {BESTCUT: A Graph Algorithm For Coreference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1634}
author = {Yakushiji, Akane; Miyao, Yusuke; Ohta, Tomoko; Tateisi, Yuka; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Predicate-Argument Structure Patterns For Biomedical Information Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1635}
author = {Hockenmaier, Julia; Joshi, Aravind K.; Dill, Ken A.}
title = {Protein Folding And Chart Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1636}
author = {Headden III, William P.; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Learning Phrasal Categories}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1637}
author = {Reitter, David; Hockenmaier, Julia; Keller, Frank}
title = {Priming Effects In Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1638}
author = {Dreyer, Markus; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Better Informed Training Of Latent Syntactic Features}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1639}
author = {Thomas, Matt; Pang, Bo; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Get Out The Vote: Determining Support Or Opposition From Congressional Floor-Debate Transcripts}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1640}
author = {Stoyanov, Veselin; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Partially Supervised Coreference Resolution For Opinion Summarization Through Structured Rule Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1641}
author = {Eguchi, Koji; Lavrenko, Victor}
title = {Sentiment Retrieval Using Generative Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1642}
author = {Kanayama, Hiroshi; Nasukawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Fully Automatic Lexicon Expansion For Domain-Oriented Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1643}
author = {Galley, Michel}
title = {A Skip-Chain Conditional Random Field For Ranking Meeting Utterances By Importance}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1644}
author = {Hsu, Bo-June (Paul); Glass, James R.}
title = {Style And Topic Language Model Adaptation Using HMM-LDA}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1645}
author = {Sethy, Abhinav; Georgiou, Panayiotis G.; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {Text Data Acquisition For Domain-Specific Language Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1646}
author = {Shafran, Izhak; Hall, Keith}
title = {Corrective Models For Speech Recognition Of Inflected Languages}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1647}
author = {Duh, Kevin; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Lexicon Acquisition For Dialectal Arabic Using Transductive Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1648}
author = {Magdy, Walid; Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Arabic OCR Error Correction Using Character Segment Correction Language Modeling And Shallow Morphology}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1649}
author = {Niu, Zhengyu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Partially Supervised Sense Disambiguation By Learning Sense Number From Tagged And Untagged Corpora}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1650}
author = {Kim, Soo-Min; Pantel, Patrick; Chklovski, Timothy; Pennacchiotti, Marco}
title = {Automatically Assessing Review Helpfulness}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1651}
author = {Choi, Yejin; Breck, Eric; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Joint Extraction Of Entities And Relations For Opinion Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1652}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Patwardhan, Siddharth; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Feature Subsumption For Opinion Analysis}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1653}
author = {Utiyama, Masao; Yamamoto, Mikio}
title = {Relevance Feedback Models For Recommendation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1654}
author = {Gorman, James; Curran, James R.}
title = {Random Indexing Using Statistical Weight Functions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1655}
author = {Andrew, Galen}
title = {A Hybrid Markov/Semi-Markov Conditional Random Field For Sequence Segmentation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1656}
author = {Feldman, Ronen; Rosenfeld, Benjamin}
title = {Boosting Unsupervised Relation Extraction By Using NER}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1657}
author = {Sanderson, Conrad; Guenter, Simon}
title = {Short Text Authorship Attribution Via Sequence Kernels Markov Chains And Author Unmasking: An Investigation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1658}
author = {Ramakrishnan, Ganesh; Balakrishnan, Sreeram; Joshi, Sachindra}
title = {Entity Annotation Based On Inverse Index Operations}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1659}
author = {Hassan, Hany; Hassan, Ahmed; Emam, Ossama}
title = {Unsupervised Information Extraction Approach Using Graph Mutual Reinforcement}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1660}
author = {Guo, Hong Lei; Zhang, Li; Su, Zhong}
title = {Empirical Study On The Performance Stability Of Named Entity Recognition Model Across Domains}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1661}
author = {Velldal, Erik; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {Statistical Ranking In Tactical Generation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1662}
author = {Ji, Paul D.; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Sentence Ordering With Manifold-Based Classification In Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1663}
author = {Cuadros, Montse; Rigau, German}
title = {Quality Assessment Of Large Scale Knowledge Resources}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1664}
author = {Matsuo, Yutaka; Sakaki, Takeshi; Uchiyama, Koki; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Graph-Based Word Clustering Using A Web Search Engine}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1665}
author = {Bai, Jing; Nie, Jian-Yun; Cao, Guihong}
title = {Context-Dependent Term Relations For Information Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1666}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Loss Minimization In Parse Reranking}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1667}
author = {Chen, Jinxiu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim; Niu, Zhengyu}
title = {Unsupervised Relation Disambiguation With Order Identification Capabilities}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1668}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Competitive Generative Models With Structure Learning For NLP Classification Tasks}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1669}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Martinez, David; López de Lacalle, Oier; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {Two Graph-Based Algorithms For State-Of-The-Art WSD}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1670}
author = {Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Altun, Yasemin}
title = {Broad-Coverage Sense Disambiguation And Information Extraction With A Supersense Sequence Tagger}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1671}
author = {Wick, Michael; Culotta, Aron; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Learning Field Compatibilities To Extract Database Records From Unstructured Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1672}
author = {Zelenko, Dmitry; Aone, Chinatsu}
title = {Discriminative Methods For Transliteration}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1673}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Manning, Christopher D.; Ng, Andrew Y.}
title = {Solving The Problem Of Cascading Errors: Approximate Bayesian Inference For Linguistic Annotation Pipelines}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {2006}
id = {W96-0201}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {A Geometric Approach To Mapping Bitext Correspondence}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0202}
author = {Xia, Xuanyin; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Parsing Chinese With An Almost-Context-Free Grammar}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0203}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Marziali, A.; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Syntactic Knowledge: Methods And Measures}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0204}
author = {Meteer, Marie W.; Iyer, Rukmini}
title = {Modeling Conversational Speech For Speech Recognition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0205}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of New Words From Japanese Texts Using Generalized Forward-Backward Search}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0206}
author = {Brants, Thorsten}
title = {Better Language Models With Model Merging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0207}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Tur, Gokhan}
title = {Combining Hand-Crafted Rules And Unsupervised Learning In Constraint-Based Morphological Disambiguation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0208}
author = {Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Comparative Experiments On Disambiguating Word Senses: An Illustration Of The Role Of Bias In Machine Learning}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0209}
author = {Carroll, John; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Apportioning Development Effort In A Probabilistic LR Parsing System Through Evaluation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0210}
author = {Bruce, Rebecca F.; Wiebe, Janyce; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {The Measure Of A Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0211}
author = {Cardie, Claire}
title = {Automating Feature Set Selection For Case-Based Learning Of Linguistic Knowledge}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0212}
author = {Caraballo, Sharon A.; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Figures Of Merit For Best-First Probabilistic Chart Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0213}
author = {Ratnaparkhi, Adwait}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Model For Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0214}
author = {Goodman, Joshua}
title = {Efficient Algorithms For Parsing The DOP Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1996}
id = {W97-0301}
author = {Ratnaparkhi, Adwait}
title = {A Linear Observed Time Statistical Parser Based On Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0302}
author = {Goodman, Joshua}
title = {Global Thresholding And Multiple-Pass Parsing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0303}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Lavie, Alon}
title = {An Efficient Distribution Of Labor In A Two Stage Robust Interpretation Process}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0304}
author = {Beeferman, Doug; Berger, Adam L.; Lafferty, John D.}
title = {Text Segmentation Using Exponential Models}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0305}
author = {Richmond, Korin; Smith, Andrew E.; Amitay, Einat}
title = {Detecting Subject Boundaries Within Text: A Language Independent Statistical Approach}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0306}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Karov, Yael; Roth, Dan}
title = {Mistake-Driven Learning In Text Categorization}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0307}
author = {Brants, Thorsten; Skut, Wojciech; Krenn, Brigitte}
title = {Tagging Grammatical Functions}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0308}
author = {Calder, Jonathan}
title = {On Aligning Trees}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0309}
author = {Saul, Lawrence; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Aggregate And Mixed-Order Markov Models For Statistical Language Processing}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0310}
author = {De Lima, Erika F.}
title = {Assigning Grammatical Relations With A Back-Off Model}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0311}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Automatic Discovery Of Non-Compositional Compounds In Parallel Data}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0312}
author = {Bennett, Scott W.; Aone, Chinatsu}
title = {Learning To Tag Multilingual Texts Through Observation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0313}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Shepherd, Jessica}
title = {A Corpus-Based Approach For Building Semantic Lexicons}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0314}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Rossi, Gianluca; Pazienza, Maria Teresa}
title = {Inducing Terminology For Lexical Acquisition}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0315}
author = {Thompson, Paul; Dozier, Christopher C.}
title = {Name Searching And Information Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0316}
author = {Kwok, Kui Lam}
title = {Lexicon Effects On Chinese Information Retrieval}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0317}
author = {Merlo, Paola; Crocker, Matthew W.; Berthouzoz, Cathy}
title = {Attaching Multiple Prepositional Phrases: Generalized Backed-Off Estimation}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0318}
author = {Siegel, Eric V.}
title = {Learning Methods For Combining Linguistic Indicators To Classify Verbs}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0319}
author = {Kehler, Andrew}
title = {Probabilistic Coreference In Information Extraction}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0320}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; O'Hara, Thomas P.; McKeever, Kenneth J.; Ohrstrom-Sandgren, Thorsten}
title = {An Empirical Approach To Temporal Reference Resolution}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0321}
author = {Donghong, Ji; Huang, Changning}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Based On Structured Semantic Space}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0322}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Bruce, Rebecca F.}
title = {Distinguishing Word Senses In Untagged Text}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0323}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Exemplar-Based Word Sense Disambiguation: Some Recent Improvements}
venue = {EMNLP}
year = {1997}
id = {H01-1001}
author = {Ries, Klaus; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Activity Detection For Information Access To Oral Communication}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1002}
author = {Zhang, Ying; Brown, Ralf D.; Frederking, Robert E.}
title = {Adapting An Example-Based Translation System To Chinese}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1003}
author = {Waibel, Alex; Yu, Hua; Westphal, Martin; Soltau, Hagen; Schultz, Tanja; Schaaf, Thomas; Pan, Yue; Metze, Florian; Bett, Michael}
title = {Advances In Meeting Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1004}
author = {Dutton, Dawn; Chu, Selina; Hubbell, James; Walker, Marilyn A.; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {Amount Of Information Presented In A Complex List: Effects On User Performance}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1005}
author = {Maeda, Kazuaki; Bird, Steven; Ma, Xiaoyi; Lee, Haejoong}
title = {The Annotation Graph Toolkit: Software Components For Building Linguistic Annotation Tools}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1006}
author = {Prager, John; Radev, Dragomir R.; Czuba, Krzysztof}
title = {Answering What-Is Questions By Virtual Annotation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1007}
author = {Lavie, Alon; Langley, Chad; Waibel, Alex; Pianesi, Fabio; Lazzari, Gianni; Coletti, Paolo; Taddei, Loredana; Balducci, Franco}
title = {Architecture And Design Considerations In NESPOLE!: A Speech Translation System For E-Commerce Applications}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1008}
author = {Dozier, Christopher C.}
title = {Assigning Belief Scores To Names In Queries}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1009}
author = {Sudo, Kiyoshi; Sekine, Satoshi; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Automatic Pattern Acquisition For Japanese Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1010}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Rosenzweig, Joseph; Cotton, Scott}
title = {Automatic Predicate Argument Analysis Of The Penn TreeBank}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1011}
author = {Jin, Rong; Hauptmann, Alexander G.}
title = {Automatic Title Generation For Spoken Broadcast News}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1012}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Horvath, Veronika; Kambhatla, Nanda; Nicolov, Nicolas; Stys-Budzikowska, Margo}
title = {A Conversational Interface For Online Shopping}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1013}
author = {Stys-Budzikowska, Margo; Chai, Joyce; Govindappa, Sunil; Horvath, Veronika; Kambhatla, Nanda; Nicolov, Nicolas; Zadrozny, Wlodek}
title = {Conversational Sales Assistant For Online Shopping}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1014}
author = {Xia, Fei; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Converting Dependency Structures To Phrase Structures}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1015}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {DATE: A Dialogue Act Tagging Scheme For Evaluation Of Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1016}
author = {Belvin, Robert S.; Burns, Ron; Hein, Cheryl}
title = {Development Of The HRL Route Navigation Dialogue System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1017}
author = {Bayer, Samuel; Doran, Christine; George, Bryan}
title = {Dialogue Interaction With The DARPA Communicator Infrastructure: The Development Of Useful Software}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1018}
author = {Lavie, Alon; Levin, Lori S.; Schultz, Tanja; Langley, Chad; Han, Benjamin; Tribble, Alicia; Gates, Donna M.; Wallace, Dorcas; Peterson, Kay}
title = {Domain Portability In Speech-To-Speech Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1019}
author = {Kwok, Kui Lam; Dinstl, N.; Deng, Peter}
title = {English-Chinese CLIR Using A Simplified PIRCS System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1020}
author = {Gey, Fredric C.; Buckland, Michael; Chen, Aitao; Larson, Ray}
title = {Entry Vocabulary - A Technology To Enhance Digital Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1021}
author = {Li, Xiaoyan; Croft, W. Bruce}
title = {Evaluating Question-Answering Techniques In Chinese}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1022}
author = {Khandelwal, Vikash; Gupta, Rahul; Allan, James}
title = {An Evaluation Corpus For Temporal Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1023}
author = {Stallard, David G.}
title = {Evaluation Results For The Talk'n'Travel System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1024}
author = {Ramshaw, Lance A.; Boschee, Elizabeth; Bratus, Sergey; Miller, Scott; Stone, Rebecca; Weischedel, Ralph M.; Zamanian, Alex}
title = {Experiments In Multi-Modal Automatic Content Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1025}
author = {Bayer, Samuel; Doran, Christine; George, Bryan}
title = {Exploring Speech-Enabled Dialogue With The Galaxy Communicator Infrastructure}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1026}
author = {Chiou, Fu-Dong; Chiang, David; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Facilitating Treebank Annotation Using A Statistical Parser}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1027}
author = {Miller, Scott; Bratus, Sergey; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Weischedel, Ralph M.; Zamanian, Alex}
title = {FactBrowser Demonstration}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1028}
author = {Aberdeen, John; Doran, Christine; Damianos, Laurie E.; Bayer, Samuel; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Finding Errors Automatically In Semantically Tagged Dialogues}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1029}
author = {Greiff, Warren R.; Morgan, Alexander A.; Fish, Randall; Richards, Marc; Kundu, Amlan}
title = {Fine-Grained Hidden Markov Modeling For Broadcast-News Story Segmentation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1030}
author = {Stokes, Nicola; Carthy, Joe}
title = {First Story Detection Using A Composite Document Representation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1031}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Wilson, George; Ferro, Lisa; Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Guidelines For Annotating Temporal Information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1032}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie; Polifroni, Joseph H.}
title = {Hypothesis Selection And Resolution In The Mercury Flight Reservation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1033}
author = {Resnik, Philip; Oard, Douglas W.; Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Improved Cross-Language Retrieval Using Backoff Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1034}
author = {Palmer, David D.; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Improving Information Extraction By Modeling Errors In Speech Recognizer Output}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1035}
author = {Yarowsky, David; Ngai, Grace; Wicentowski, Richard}
title = {Inducing Multilingual Text Analysis Tools Via Robust Projection Across Aligned Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1036}
author = {Lynam, T. R.; Clarke, Charles L. A.; Cormack, G. V.}
title = {Information Extraction With Term Frequencies}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1037}
author = {Sears, J. Allen; Cross, Stephen E.}
title = {The Integrated Feasibility Experiment Process}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1038}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Concepcion, Kristian; Damianos, Laurie E.; Day, David S.; Delmore, John; Ferro, Lisa; Griffith, John; Henderson, John C.; Kurtz, Jeff; Mani, Inderjeet; Mardis, Scott; McEntee, Tom; Miller, Keith; Nunam, Beverly; Ponte, Jay; Reeder, Florence M.; Wellner, Benjamin; Wilson, George; Yeh, Alexander S.}
title = {Integrated Feasibility Experiment For Bio-Security: IFE-Bio A TIDES Demonstration}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1039}
author = {Nyberg, Eric H.; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Integrated Information Management: An Interactive Extensible Architecture For Information Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1040}
author = {Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Herring, Patrick; Oakes, Michael; Beaulieu, Micheline; Willett, Peter; Fowkes, Helene; Jonsson, Anna}
title = {Intelligent Access To Text: Integrating Information Extraction Technology Into Text Browsers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1041}
author = {Lee, Young-Suk; Yi, Wu Sok; Seneff, Stephanie; Weinstein, Clifford J.}
title = {Interlingua-Based Broad-Coverage Korean-To-English Translation In CCLINC}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1042}
author = {Reeder, Florence M.}
title = {Is That Your Final Answer?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1043}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Japanese Case Frame Construction By Coupling The Verb And Its Closest Case Component}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1044}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko; Inutsuka, Yusuke; Takeichi, Masato}
title = {Japanese Text Input System With Digits}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1045}
author = {Joho, Hideo; Liu, Ying Ki; Sanderson, Mark}
title = {Large Scale Testing Of A Descriptive Phrase Finder}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1046}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {LaTaT: Language And Text Analysis Tools}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1047}
author = {Heisterkamp, Paul}
title = {Linguatronic: Product-Level Speech System For Mercedes-Benz Car}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1048}
author = {Fügen, Christian; Westphal, Martin; Schneider, Mike; Schultz, Tanja; Waibel, Alex}
title = {LingWear: A Mobile Tourist Information System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1049}
author = {Daniels, Jody J.; Bell, Benjamin}
title = {Listen-Communicate-Show: Spoken Language Command Of Agent-Based Remote Information Access}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1050}
author = {Meng, Helen M.; Chen, Berlin; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Levow, Gina-Anne; Lo, Wai-Kit; Oard, Douglas W.; Schone, Patrick; Tang, Karen; Wang, Hsin-Min; Wang, Jianqiang}
title = {Mandarin-English Information: Investigating Translingual Speech Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1051}
author = {Morgan, Nelson; Baron, Don; Edwards, Jane; Ellis, Dan; Gelbart, David; Janin, Adam; Pfau, Thilo; Shriberg, Elizabeth; Stolcke, Andreas}
title = {The Meeting Project At ICSI}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1052}
author = {Banko, Michele; Brill, Eric}
title = {Mitigating The Paucity-Of-Data Problem: Exploring The Effect Of Training Corpus Size On Classifier Performance For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1053}
author = {Frey, David; Gupta, Rahul; Khandelwal, Vikash; Lavrenko, Victor; Leuski, Anton; Allan, James}
title = {Monitoring The News: A TDT Demonstration System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1054}
author = {White, Michael; Korelsky, Tanya; Cardie, Claire; Ng, Vincent; Pierce, David R.; Wagstaff, Kiri}
title = {Multidocument Summarization Via Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1055}
author = {Rambow, Owen; Bangalore, Srinivas; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Natural Language Generation In Dialog Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1056}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Blair-Goldensohn, Sasha; Zhang, Zhu; Raghavan, Revathi Sundara}
title = {NewsInEssence: A System For Domain-Independent Real-Time News Clustering And Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1057}
author = {Theeramunkong, Thanaruk; Usanavasin, Sasiporn}
title = {Non-Dictionary-Based Thai Word Segmentation Using Decision Trees}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1058}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri; Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {On Combining Language Models: Oracle Approach}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1059}
author = {Lamel, Lori F.; Lefèvre, Fabrice; Gauvain, Jean-Luc; Adda, Gilles}
title = {Portability Issues For Speech Recognition Technologies}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1060}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne; Oard, Douglas W.; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Rapidly Retargetable Interactive Translingual Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1061}
author = {Jelinek, Frederick; Byrne, William; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Hladká, Barbora; Ney, Hermann; Och, Franz Josef; Curin, Jan; Psutka, J.}
title = {Robust Knowledge Discovery From Parallel Speech And Text Sources}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1062}
author = {Ney, Hermann; Och, Franz Josef; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {The RWTH System For Statistical Translation Of Spoken Dialogues}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1063}
author = {Wai, Carmen; Meng, Helen M.; Pieraccini, Roberto}
title = {Scalability And Portability Of A Belief Network-Based Dialog Model For Different Application Domains}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1064}
author = {Bacchiani, Michiel; Hirschberg, Julia; Rosenberg, Aaron; Whittaker, Steve; Hindle, Donald; Isenhour, Phil; Jones, Mark Alan; Stark, Litza; Zamchick, Gary}
title = {SCANMail: Audio Navigation In The Voicemail Domain}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1065}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Elhadad, Noémie; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Sentence Ordering In Multidocument Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1066}
author = {Brown, Ralf D.}
title = {A Server For Real-Time Event Tracking In News}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1067}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Romacker, Martin}
title = {The SynDiKATe Text Knowledge Base Generator}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1068}
author = {Stibler, Kathleen; Denny, James}
title = {A Three-Tiered Evaluation Approach For Interactive Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1069}
author = {Hovy, Eduard; Gerber, Laurie; Hermjakob, Ulf; Lin, Chin-Yew; Ravichandran, Deepak}
title = {Toward Semantics-Based Answer Pinpointing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1070}
author = {Potipiti, Tanapong; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Thanadkran, Kanokwut}
title = {Towards An Intelligent Multilingual Keyboard System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1071}
author = {Yang, Jie; Gao, Jiang; Zhang, Ying; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Towards Automatic Sign Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1072}
author = {Kübler, Sandra; Hinrichs, Erhard W.}
title = {TuSBL: A Similarity-Based Chunk Parser For Robust Syntactic Processing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1073}
author = {Pellom, Bryan; Ward, Wayne H.; Hansen, John P.; Cole, Ronald A.; Hacioglu, Kadri; Zhang, J.; Yu, Xiaofeng; Pradhan, Sameer S.}
title = {University Of Colorado Dialogue Systems For Travel And Navigation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1074}
author = {Pack, Daniel; Weinstein, Clifford J.}
title = {The Use Of Dynamic Segment Scoring For Language-Independent Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H01-1075}
author = {Price, Patti J.; Julia, Luc}
title = {Using Speech And Language Technology To Coach Reading}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2001}
id = {H05-1001}
author = {Steinberger, Josef; Alexandrov-Kabadjov, Mijail; Poesio, Massimo; Sanchez-Graillet, Olivia}
title = {Improving LSA-Based Summarization With Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1002}
author = {Postolache, Oana; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {Data-Driven Approaches For Information Structure Identification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1003}
author = {Ji, Heng; Westbrook, David; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Using Semantic Relations To Refine Coreference Decisions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1004}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang}
title = {On Coreference Resolution Performance Metrics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1005}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Improving Multilingual Summarization: Using Redundancy In The Input To Correct MT Errors}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1006}
author = {Shi, Yongmei; Zhou, Lina}
title = {Error Detection Using Linguistic Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1007}
author = {Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Désilets, Alain}
title = {Semantic Similarity For Detecting Recognition Errors In Automatic Speech Transcripts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1008}
author = {Yangarber, Roman; Jokipii, Lauri}
title = {Redundancy-Based Correction Of Automatically Extracted Facts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1009}
author = {Ayan, Necip Fazil; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Monz, Christof}
title = {NeurAlign: Combining Word Alignments Using Neural Networks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1010}
author = {Taskar, Ben; Lacoste-Julien, Simon; Klein, Dan}
title = {A Discriminative Matching Approach To Word Alignment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1011}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {A Discriminative Framework For Bilingual Word Alignment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1012}
author = {Ittycheriah, Abraham; Roukos, Salim}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Word Aligner For Arabic-English Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1013}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {A Large-Scale Exploration Of Effective Global Features For A Joint Entity Detection And Tracking Model}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1014}
author = {Soboroff, Ian; Harman, Donna}
title = {Novelty Detection: The TREC Experience}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1015}
author = {Filatova, Elena; Prager, John}
title = {Tell Me What You Do And I'll Tell You What You Are: Learning Occupation-Related Activities For Biographies}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1016}
author = {Kumaran, Girighar; Allan, James}
title = {Using Names And Topics For New Event Detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1017}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Strapparava, Carlo; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Investigating Unsupervised Learning For Text Categorization Bootstrapping}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1018}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Speeding Up Training With Tree Kernels For Node Relation Labeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1019}
author = {Hirao, Tsutomu; Okumura, Manabu; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Kernel-Based Approach For Automatic Evaluation Of Natural Language Generation Technologies: Application To Automatic Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1020}
author = {Roussinov, Dmitri; Fan, Weiguo}
title = {Discretization Based Learning Approach To Information Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1021}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Byrne, William}
title = {Local Phrase Reordering Models For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1022}
author = {Deng, Yonggang; Byrne, William}
title = {HMM Word And Phrase Alignment For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1023}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Ge, Niyu; Papineni, Kishore}
title = {Inner-Outer Bracket Models For Word Alignment Using Hidden Blocks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1024}
author = {Ayan, Necip Fazil; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Monz, Christof}
title = {Alignment Link Projection Using Transformation-Based Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1025}
author = {Bickel, Steffen; Haider, Peter; Scheffer, Tobias}
title = {Predicting Sentences Using N-Gram Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1026}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Gauvain, Jean-Luc}
title = {Training Neural Network Language Models On Very Large Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1027}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Yu, Hao; Yuan, Wei; Xu, Peng}
title = {Minimum Sample Risk Methods For Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1028}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Qu, Shaolin}
title = {A Salience Driven Approach To Robust Input Interpretation In Multimodal Conversational Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1029}
author = {Bohus, Dan; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Error Handling In The RavenClaw Dialog Management Architecture}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1030}
author = {Kahn, Jeremy G.; Lease, Matthew; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Effective Use Of Prosody In Parsing Conversational Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1031}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; Siddharthan, Advaith; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Automatically Learning Cognitive Status For Multi-Document Summarization Of Newswire}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1032}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi}
title = {Bayesian Learning In Text Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1033}
author = {Sporleder, Caroline; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Discourse Chunking And Its Application To Sentence Compression}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1034}
author = {Suzuki, Hisami; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {A Comparative Study On Language Model Adaptation Techniques Using New Evaluation Metrics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1035}
author = {Olteanu, Marian; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {PP-Attachment Disambiguation Using Large Context}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1036}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Goldlust, Eric; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Compiling Comp Ling: Weighted Dynamic Programming And The Dyna Language}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1037}
author = {Zaragoza, Hugo; Li, Chi-Ho}
title = {Learning What To Talk About In Descriptive Games}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1038}
author = {Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Using Question Series To Evaluate Question Answering System Effectiveness}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1039}
author = {Peng, Fuchun; Weischedel, Ralph M.; Licuanan, Ana; Xu, Jinxi}
title = {Combining Deep Linguistics Analysis And Surface Pattern Learning: A Hybrid Approach To Chinese Definitional Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1040}
author = {Krishnan, Vijay; Das, Sujatha; Chakrabarti, Soumen}
title = {Enhanced Answer Type Inference From Questions Using Sequential Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1041}
author = {Androutsopoulos, Ion; Galanis, Dimitrios}
title = {A Practically Unsupervised Learning Method To Identify Single-Snippet Answers To Definition Questions On The Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1042}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Collective Content Selection For Concept-To-Text Generation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1043}
author = {Popescu, Ana-Maria; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Extracting Product Features And Opinions From Reviews}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1044}
author = {Wilson, Theresa; Wiebe, Janyce; Hoffmann, Paul}
title = {Recognizing Contextual Polarity In Phrase-Level Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1045}
author = {Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire; Riloff, Ellen; Patwardhan, Siddharth}
title = {Identifying Sources Of Opinions With Conditional Random Fields And Extraction Patterns}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1046}
author = {Garbin, Eric; Mani, Inderjeet}
title = {Disambiguating Toponyms In News}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1047}
author = {Tatu, Marta; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {A Semantic Approach To Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1048}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri; Douglas, Benjamin; Chen, Ying}
title = {Detection Of Entity Mentions Occuring In English And Chinese Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1049}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Ng, Andrew Y.; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Robust Textual Inference Via Graph Matching}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1050}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Karakos, Damianos}
title = {Bootstrapping Without The Boot}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1051}
author = {Stokoe, Christopher}
title = {Differentiating Homonymy And Polysemy In Information Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1052}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Unsupervised Large-Vocabulary Word Sense Disambiguation With Graph-Based Algorithms For Sequence Data Labeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1053}
author = {Koeling, Rob; McCarthy, Diana; Carroll, John}
title = {Domain-Specific Sense Distributions And Predominant Sense Acquisition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1054}
author = {Wu, Youzheng; Jun, Zhao; Xu, Bo; Yu, Hao}
title = {Chinese Named Entity Recognition With Multiple Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1055}
author = {Huang, Fei}
title = {Cluster-Specific Named Entity Transliteration}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1056}
author = {Minkov, Einat; Wang, Richard C.; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Extracting Personal Names From Email: Applying Named Entity Recognition To Informal Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1057}
author = {Raghavan, Hema; Allan, James}
title = {Matching Inconsistently Spelled Names In Automatic Speech Recognizer Output For Information Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1058}
author = {Reynolds, Sheila M.; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Part-Of-Speech Tagging Using Virtual Evidence And Negative Training}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1059}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Bidirectional Inference With The Easiest-First Strategy For Tagging Sequence Data}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1060}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Smith, David A.; Tromble, Roy W.}
title = {Context-Based Morphological Disambiguation With Random Fields}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1061}
author = {Huang, Fei; Zhang, Ying; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Mining Key Phrase Translations From Web Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1062}
author = {Favre, Benoit; Bechet, Frédéric; Nocera, Pascal}
title = {Robust Named Entity Extraction From Large Spoken Archives}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1063}
author = {Roussinov, Dmitri; Zhao, Leon J.; Fan, Weiguo}
title = {Mining Context Specific Similarity Relationships Using The World Wide Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1064}
author = {Koo, Terry; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Hidden-Variable Models For Discriminative Reranking}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1065}
author = {Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Disambiguation Of Morphological Structure Using A PCFG}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1066}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Pereira, Fernando; Ribarov, Kiril; Hajič, Jan}
title = {Non-Projective Dependency Parsing Using Spanning Tree Algorithms}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1067}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Making Computers Laugh: Investigations In Automatic Humor Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1068}
author = {Munson, Art; Cardie, Claire; Caruana, Rich}
title = {Optimizing To Arbitrary NLP Metrics Using Ensemble Selection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1069}
author = {Wang, Xinglong; Carroll, John}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using Sense Examples Automatically Acquired From A Second Language}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1070}
author = {Kepser, Stephan}
title = {Using MONA For Querying Linguistic Treebanks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1071}
author = {Cafarella, Michael J.; Downey, Doug; Soderland, Stephen; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {KnowItNow: Fast Scalable Information Extraction From The Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1072}
author = {Fosler-Lussier, Eric; Rytting, C. Anton}
title = {A Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Hybrid Phone-Manner Representations For ASR}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1073}
author = {Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter; Roth, Dan; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Emotions From Text: Machine Learning For Text-Based Emotion Prediction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1074}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Callan, James, P.}
title = {Combining Multiple Forms Of Evidence While Filtering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1075}
author = {Feng, Donghui; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Handling Biographical Questions With Implicature}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1076}
author = {Du, Yongping; Meng, Helen M.; Huang, Xuanjing; Wu, Lide}
title = {The Use Of Metadata Web-Derived Answer Patterns And Passage Context To Improve Reading Comprehension Performance}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1077}
author = {Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Melinger, Alissa}
title = {Identifying Semantic Relations And Functional Properties Of Human Verb Associations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1078}
author = {Merlo, Paola; Musillo, Gabriele}
title = {Accurate Function Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1079}
author = {Bos, Johan; Markert, Katja}
title = {Recognising Textual Entailment With Logical Inference}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1080}
author = {Perera, Praharshana; Witte, René}
title = {A Self-Learning Context-Aware Lemmatizer For German}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1081}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Surdeanu, Mihai; Comas, Pere; Turmo, Jordi}
title = {A Robust Combination Strategy For Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1082}
author = {Crystal, Michael; Baron, Alex; Godfrey, Katherine; Micciulla, Linnea; Tenney, Yvette; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {A Methodology For Extrinsically Evaluating Information Extraction Performance}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1083}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang; Zitouni, Imed}
title = {Multi-Lingual Coreference Resolution With Syntactic Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1084}
author = {Erk, Katrin; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {Analyzing Models For Semantic Role Assignment Using Confusability}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1085}
author = {Goldwater, Sharon; McClosky, David}
title = {Improving Statistical MT Through Morphological Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1086}
author = {Murdock, Vanessa; Croft, W. Bruce}
title = {A Translation Model For Sentence Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1087}
author = {Jansche, Martin}
title = {Maximum Expected F-Measure Training Of Logistic Regression Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1088}
author = {Sauri, Roser; Knippen, Robert; Verhagen, Marc; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Evita: A Robust Event Recognizer For QA Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1089}
author = {Li, Ping; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Using Sketches To Estimate Associations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1090}
author = {Schiffman, Barry; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Context And Learning In Novelty Detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1091}
author = {Bunescu, Razvan C.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {A Shortest Path Dependency Kernel For Relation Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1092}
author = {Rosario, Barbara; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Multi-Way Relation Classification: Application To Protein-Protein Interactions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1093}
author = {Lita, Lucian Vlad; Rogati, Monica; Lavie, Alon}
title = {BLANC: Learning Evaluation Metrics For MT}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1094}
author = {Sutton, Charles; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Composition Of Conditional Random Fields For Transfer Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1095}
author = {Simard, Michel; Cancedda, Nicola; Cavestro, Bruno; Dymetman, Marc; Gaussier, Eric; Goutte, Cyril; Yamada, Kenji; Langlais, Philippe; Mauser, Arne}
title = {Translating With Non-Contiguous Phrases}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1096}
author = {Ueffing, Nicola; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Word-Level Confidence Estimation For Machine Translation Using Phrase-Based Translation Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1097}
author = {Vickrey, David; Biewald, Lukas; Teyssier, Marc; Koller, Daphne}
title = {Word-Sense Disambiguation For Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1098}
author = {Chiang, David; Lopez, Adam; Madnani, Nitin; Monz, Christof; Resnik, Philip; Subotin, Michael}
title = {The Hiero Machine Translation System: Extensions Evaluation And Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1099}
author = {Hollingshead, Kristy; Fisher, Seeger; Roark, Brian}
title = {Comparing And Combining Finite-State And Context-Free Parsers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1100}
author = {Cowan, Brooke; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Morphology And Reranking For The Statistical Parsing Of Spanish}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1101}
author = {Satta, Giorgio; Peserico, Enoch}
title = {Some Computational Complexity Results For Synchronous Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1102}
author = {Shen, Libin; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Incremental LTAG Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1103}
author = {Brown, Jonathan; Frishkoff, Gwen; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Automatic Question Generation For Vocabulary Assessment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1104}
author = {Dubey, Amit; Sturt, Patrick; Keller, Frank}
title = {Parallelism In Coordination As An Instance Of Syntactic Priming: Evidence From Corpus-Based Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1105}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Using The Web As An Implicit Training Set: Application To Structural Ambiguity Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1106}
author = {Wermter, Joachim; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Paradigmatic Modifiability Statistics For The Extraction Of Complex Multi-Word Terms}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1107}
author = {Xi, Chenhai; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {A Backoff Model For Bootstrapping Resources For Non-English Languages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1108}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Cross-Linguistic Projection Of Role-Semantic Information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1109}
author = {Kolak, Okan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {OCR Post-Processing For Low-Density Languages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1110}
author = {Genzel, Dmitriy}
title = {Inducing A Multilingual Dictionary From A Parallel Multitext In Related Languages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1111}
author = {Swier, Robert; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Exploiting A Verb Lexicon In Automatic Semantic Role Labelling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1112}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Badulescu, Adriana}
title = {A Semantic Scattering Model For The Automatic Interpretation Of Genitives}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1113}
author = {Venkatapathy, Sriram; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Measuring The Relative Compositionality Of Verb-Noun (V-N) Collocations By Integrating Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1114}
author = {Niu, Zhengyu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {A Semi-Supervised Feature Clustering Algorithm With Application To Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1115}
author = {Otterbacher, Jahna C.; Erkan, Gunes; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Using Random Walks For Question-Focused Sentence Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1116}
author = {Stoyanov, Veselin; Cardie, Claire; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Multi-Perspective Question Answering Using The OpQA Corpus}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1117}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Automatically Evaluating Answers To Definition Questions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1118}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Integrating Linguistic Knowledge In Passage Retrieval For Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1119}
author = {Yu, Peng; Chen, Kaijiang; Lu, Lie; Seide, Frank}
title = {Searching The Audio Notebook: Keyword Search In Recorded Conversation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1120}
author = {Ahmad, Farooq; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Learning A Spelling Error Model From Search Query Logs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1121}
author = {Okabe, Masayuki; Umemura, Kyoji; Yamada, Seiji}
title = {Query Expansion With The Minimum User Feedback By Transductive Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1122}
author = {Olney, Andrew; Cai, Zhiqiang}
title = {An Orthonormal Basis For Topic Segmentation In Tutorial Dialogue}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1123}
author = {Marx, Zvika; Dagan, Ido; Shamir, Eli}
title = {A Generalized Framework For Revealing Analogous Themese Across Related Topics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1124}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Crammer, Koby; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Flexible Text Segmentation With Structured Multilabel Classification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1125}
author = {Bilmes, Jeff A.; Li, Xiao; Malkin, Jonathan; Kilanski, Kelley; Wright, Richard; Kirchhoff, Katrin; Subramanya, Amarnag; Harada, Susumu; Landay, James; Dowden, Patricia; Chizeck, Howard}
title = {The Vocal Joystick: A Voice-Based Human-Computer Interface For Individuals With Motor Impairments}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1126}
author = {Misu, Teruhisa; Kawahara, Tatsuya}
title = {Speech-Based Information Retrieval System With Clarification Dialogue Strategy}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-1127}
author = {English, Michael; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Learning Mixed Initiative Dialog Strategies By Using Reinforcement Learning On Both Conversants}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2001}
author = {Russell, Graham J.; Foster, George; Nguyen, Ngoc Tran}
title = {Automatic Detection Of Translation Errors: The State Of The Art}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2002}
author = {Hoeft, Thomas; Cramer, Nick; Gregory, Michelle L.; Hetzler, Elizabeth}
title = {Bridging The Gap Between Technology And Users: Leveraging Machine}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2003}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Shaw, Erin; Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Classummary: Introducing Discussion Summarization To Online Classrooms}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2004}
author = {Punyakanok, Vasin; Roth, Dan; Sammons, Mark; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau}
title = {Demonstrating An Interactive Semantic Role Labeling System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2005}
author = {Vanderwende, Lucy; Kacmarcik, Gary; Suzuki, Hisami; Menezes, Arul}
title = {MindNet: An Automatically-Created Lexical Resource}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2006}
author = {Silberztein, Max D.}
title = {NooJ: A Linguistic Annotation System For Corpus Processing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2007}
author = {Lopez, Adam; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Pattern Visualization For Machine Translation Output}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2008}
author = {Hladká, Barbora; Kucera, Ondrej}
title = {Prague Dependency Treebank As An Exercise Book Of Czech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2009}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Translation Exercise Assistant: Automated Generation Of Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2010}
author = {Hoshino, Ayako; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {WebExperimenter For Multiple-Choice Question Generation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2011}
author = {Yang, Fan; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {DialogueView: An Annotation Tool For Dialogue}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2012}
author = {Yangarber, Roman; Jokipii, Lauri; Rauramo, Antti; Huttunen, Silja}
title = {Extracting Information About Outbreaks Of Infectious Epidemics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2013}
author = {Weng, Fuliang; Cavedon, Lawrence; Raghunathan, Badri; Mirkovic, Danilo; Bei, Ben; Pon-Barry, Heather; Bratt, Harry; Cheng, Hua; Schmidt, Hauke; Mishra, Rohit; Lathrop, Brian; Zhang, Qi; Scheideck, Tobias; Xu, Kui; Hand-Bender, Tess; Peters, Stanley; Shriberg, Elizabeth; Bergmann, Carsten}
title = {A Flexible Conversational Dialog System For MP3 Player}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2014}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Chatzichrisafis, Nikos; Bouillon, Pierrette; Nakao, Yukie; Isahara, Hitoshi; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Hockey, Beth Ann; Santaholma, Marianne; Starlander, Marianne}
title = {Japanese Speech Understanding Using Grammar Specialization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2015}
author = {Glass, James R.; Hazen, Timothy J.; Cyphers, D. Scott; Schutte, Ken; Park, Alex}
title = {The MIT Spoken Lecture Processing Project}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2016}
author = {Tajarobi, Arman; Garneau, Jean-Francois; Paradis, Francois}
title = {MBOI: Discovery Of Business Opportunities On The Internet}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2017}
author = {Popescu, Ana-Maria; Nguyen, Bao; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {OPINE: Extracting Product Features And Opinions From Reviews}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2018}
author = {Wilson, Theresa; Hoffmann, Paul; Somasundaran, Swapna; Kessler, Jason; Wiebe, Janyce; Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire; Riloff, Ellen; Patwardhan, Siddharth}
title = {OpinionFinder: A System For Subjectivity Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H05-2019}
author = {Kim, Kyungduk; Song, Yu; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {POSBIOTM/W: A Development Workbench For Machine Learning Oriented Biomedical Text Mining System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2005}
id = {H93-1001}
author = {Bates, Madeleine}
title = {Overview Of The ARPA Human Language Technology Workshop}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1002}
author = {Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Session 1: Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1003}
author = {Pallett, David S.; Fiscus, Jonathan G.; Fisher, William M.; Garofolo, John S.}
title = {Benchmark Tests For The DARPA Spoken Language Program}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1004}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Bates, Madeleine; Dahl, Deborah A.; Fisher, William M.; Garofolo, John S.; Pallett, David S.; Hunicke-Smith, Kate; Price, Patti J.; Rudnicky, Alexander I.; Tzoukermann, Evelyne}
title = {Multi-Site Data Collection And Evaluation In Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1005}
author = {Thompson, Henry S.; Anderson, Anne H.; Bard, Ellen Gurman; Doherty-Sneddon, Gwyneth; Newlands, Alison; Sotillo, Cathy}
title = {The HCRC Map Task Corpus: Natural Dialogue For Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1006}
author = {Linebarger, Marcia C.; Norton, Lewis M.; Dahl, Deborah A.}
title = {A Portable Approach To Last Resort Parsing And Interpretation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1007}
author = {Stallard, David G.; Bobrow, Robert J.}
title = {The Semantic Linker - A New Fragment Combining Method}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1008}
author = {Dowding, John; Gawron, Jean Mark; Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John; Cherny, Lynn; Moore, Robert C.; Moran, Douglas B.}
title = {Gemini: A Natural Language System For Spoken-Language Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1009}
author = {Glass, James R.; Goodine, David; Phillips, Michael; Sakai, S.; Seneff, Stephanie; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {A Bilingual VOYAGER System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1010}
author = {Bates, Madeleine}
title = {Session 2: Invited Overviews}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1011}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.; Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {Survey Of The Message Understanding Conferences}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1012}
author = {Harman, Donna}
title = {Overview Of TREC-1}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1013}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {Session 3: Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1014}
author = {Liu, Fu-Hua; Stern, Richard M.; Huang, Xuedong; Acero, Alex}
title = {Efficient Cepstral Normalization For Robust Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1015}
author = {Schwartz, Richard M.; Anastasakos, Anastasios; Kubala, Francis; Makhoul, John; Nguyen, Long; Zavaliagkos, George}
title = {Comparative Experiments On Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1016}
author = {Huang, Xuedong; Alleva, Fileno A.; Hwang, Mei-Yuh; Rosenfeld, Roni}
title = {An Overview Of The SPHINX-II Speech Recognition System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1017}
author = {Murveit, Hy; Butzberger, John; Digalakis, Vassilios; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Progressive-Search Algorithms For Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1018}
author = {Nguyen, Long; Schwartz, Richard M.; Kubala, Francis; Placeway, Paul}
title = {Search Algorithms For Software-Only Real-Time Recognition With Very Large Vocabularies}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1019}
author = {Gauvain, Jean-Luc; Lamel, Lori F.}
title = {Identification Of Non-Linguistic Speech Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1020}
author = {Kimball, Owen; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {On The Use Of Tied-Mixture Distributions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1021}
author = {Lau, Raymond; Rosenfeld, Roni; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Adaptive Language Modeling Using The Maximum Entropy Principle}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1022}
author = {Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Improved Keyword-Spotting Using SRI'S DECIPHER (TM) Large-Vocabuarly Speech-Recognition System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1023}
author = {Peskin, Barbara; Gillick, Laurence S.; Ito, Yoshiko; Lowe, Stephen; Roth, Robert; Scattone, Francesco; Baker, James K.; Baker, Janet M.; Bridle, John; Hunt, Melvyn; Orloff, Jeremy}
title = {Topic And Speaker Identification Via Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1024}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Session 4: Natural Language}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1025}
author = {McCord, Michael C.}
title = {Heuristics For Broad-Coverage Natural Language Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1026}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John; Israel, David J.; Kameyama, Megumi; Tyson, Mabry}
title = {FASTUS: A System For Extracting Information From Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1027}
author = {Hwang, Chung Hee; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Interpreting Temporal Adverbials}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1028}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Blejer, Hatte R.; Flank, Sharon; McKee, Douglas; Shinn, Sandy}
title = {The MURASAKI Project: Multilingual Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1029}
author = {Vilain, Marc B.}
title = {Validation Of Terminological Inference In An Information Extraction Task}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1030}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Session 5: Discourse}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1031}
author = {Liddy, Elizabeth D.; McVearry, Kenneth A.; Paik, Woojin; Yu, Edmund S.; McKenna, Mary}
title = {Development Implementation And Testing Of A Discourse Model For Newspaper Texts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1032}
author = {Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Indexing And Exploiting A Discourse History To Generate Context-Sensitive Explanations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1033}
author = {Ferguson, George; Allen, James F.}
title = {Generic Plan Recognition For Dialogue Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1034}
author = {Biermann, Alan W.; Guinn, Curry I.; Hipp, D. Richard; Smith, Ronnie W.}
title = {Efficient Collaborative Discourse: A Theory And Its Implementation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1035}
author = {Waibel, Alex}
title = {Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1036}
author = {Knight, Kevin}
title = {Building A Large Ontology For Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1037}
author = {Yamron, Jonathan; Baker, James K.; Bamberg, Paul; Chevalier, Haakon; Dietzel, Taiko; Elder, John; Kampmann, Frank; Mandel, Mark; Manganaro, Linda; Margolis, Todd; Steele, Elizabeth}
title = {LINGSTAT: An Interactive Machine-Aided Translation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1038}
author = {Frederking, Robert E.; Grannes, Dean; Cousseau, Peter; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {An MAT Tool And Its Effectiveness}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1039}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Goldsmith, Meredith J.; Hajič, Jan; Mercer, Robert L.; Mohanty, Surya}
title = {But Dictionaries Are Data Too}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1040}
author = {White, John S.; O'Connell, Theresa A.}
title = {Evaluation Of Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1041}
author = {Woszczyna, Monika; Coccaro, Noah; Eisele, Andreas; Lavie, Alon; McNair, Arthur; Polzin, T.; Rogina, Ivica; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Sloboda, Tilo; Tomita, Masaru; Tsutsumi, Junya; Aoki-Waibel, Naomi; Waibel, Alex; Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {Recent Advances In JANUS: A Speech Translation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1042}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Alshawi, Hiyan; Bretan, Ivan; Carter, David M.; Digalakis, Vassilios; Gambäck, Björn; Kaja, Jaan; Karlgren, Jussi; Lyberg, Bertil; Pulman, Stephen G.; Price, Patti J.; Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {A Speech To Speech Translation System Built From Standard Components}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1043}
author = {Murveit, Hy}
title = {Session 7: Demonstrations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1044}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Session 8: Statistical Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1045}
author = {Matsukawa, Tomoyoshi; Miller, Scott; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Example-Based Correction Of Word Segmentation And Part Of Speech Labelling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1046}
author = {Abney, Steven}
title = {Measures And Models For Phrase Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1047}
author = {Brill, Eric}
title = {Automatic Grammar Induction And Parsing Free Text: A Transformation-Based Approach}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1048}
author = {Hindle, Donald}
title = {Prediction Of Lexicalized Tree Fragments In Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1049}
author = {Matsukawa, Tomoyoshi}
title = {Hypothesizing Word Association From Untagged Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1050}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sterling, John}
title = {Smoothing Of Automatically Generated Selectional Constraints}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1051}
author = {Leacock, Claudia; Towell, Geoffrey; Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Corpus-Based Statistical Sense Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1052}
author = {Yarowsky, David}
title = {One Sense Per Collocation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1053}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios}
title = {Augmenting Lexicons Automatically: Clustering Semantically Related Adjectives}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1054}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {Semantic Classes And Syntactic Ambiguity}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1055}
author = {Van Ess-Dykema, Carol J.}
title = {Session 9: Government Panel}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1056}
author = {Gigley, Helen M.}
title = {Projected Government Needs In Human Language Technology And The Role Of Researchers In Meeting Them}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1057}
author = {Chipman, Susan}
title = {Language Research Sponsored By ONR}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1058}
author = {Fussell, Jesse W.}
title = {Technology Transfer: Problems And Prospects}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1059}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Session 10: The Lexicon}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1060}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Macleod, Catherine; Wolff, Susanne}
title = {The COMLEX Syntax Project}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1061}
author = {Miller, George A.; Leacock, Claudia; Tengi, Randee; Bunker, Ross T.}
title = {A Semantic Concordance}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1062}
author = {Paik, Woojin; Liddy, Elizabeth D.; Yu, Edmund S.; McKenna, Mary}
title = {Interpretation Of Proper Nouns For Information Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1063}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Session 11: Prosody}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1064}
author = {Silverman, Kim E. A.}
title = {On Customizing Prosody In Speech Synthesis: Names And Addresses As A Case In Point}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1065}
author = {van Santen, Jan}
title = {Quantitative Modeling Of Segmental Duration}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1066}
author = {Nakatani, Christine H.; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {A Speech-First Model For Repair Detection And Correction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1067}
author = {Veilleuz, N. M.; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Prosody/Parse Scoring And Its Application In ATIS}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1068}
author = {Collier, Renk; De Pijper, Jan Roelof; Sanderman, Angelien}
title = {Perceived Prosodic Boundaries And Their Phonetic Correlates}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1069}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen}
title = {Document Retrieval And Text Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1070}
author = {Buckley, Chris}
title = {The Importance Of Proper Weighting Methods}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1071}
author = {Broglio, John; Croft, W. Bruce}
title = {Query Processing For Retrieval From Large Text Bases}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1072}
author = {Liddy, Elizabeth D.; Paik, Woojin; Yu, Edmund S.; McVearry, Kenneth A.}
title = {An Overview Of DR-LINK And Its Approach To Document Filtering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1073}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Session 13: New Directions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1074}
author = {Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Mode Preference In A Simple Data-Retrieval Task}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1075}
author = {Oviatt, Sharon L.; Cohen, Philip R.; Wang, Michelle Q.; Gaston, Jeremy}
title = {A Simulation-Based Research Strategy For Designing Complex NL Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1076}
author = {Bush, Marcia A.}
title = {Speech And Text-Image Processing In Documents}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1077}
author = {Tong, Richard M.; Appelbaum, Lee A.}
title = {Machine Learning Techniques For Document Filtering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1078}
author = {Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Gisting Continuous Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1079}
author = {Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Robust Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1080}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Robustness Portability And Scalability Of Natural Language Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1081}
author = {Makhoul, John; Bates, Madeleine}
title = {Usable Real-Time Interactive Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1082}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Evaluating The Use Of Prosodic Information In Speech Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1083}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Segment-Based Acoustic Models For Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1084}
author = {Reddy, Raj}
title = {Spoken-Language Research At Carnegie Mellon}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1085}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Extracting Constraints On Word Usage From Large Text Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1086}
author = {Buckley, Chris; Salton, Gerard; Allan, James}
title = {The Smart Information Retrieval Project}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1087}
author = {Yamron, Jonathan; Baker, James K.}
title = {LINGSTAT: An Interactive Machine-Aided Translation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1088}
author = {Baker, Janet M.; Gillick, Laurence S.; Roth, Robert}
title = {Research In Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1089}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {SHOGUN - Multilingual Data Extraction For TIPSTER}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1090}
author = {Gallant, Stephen L.; Caid, William R.}
title = {MatchPlus: A Context Vector System For Document Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1091}
author = {Brown, Peter F.}
title = {Applying Statistical Methods To Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1092}
author = {Roukos, Salim}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Grammars From Annotated Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1093}
author = {Lippmann, Richard P.}
title = {Evaluation And Analysis Of Auditory Model Front Ends For Robust Speech Recognition Program Summary}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1094}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.; Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {Robust Continuous Speech Recognition Technology Program Summary}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1095}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Spoken Language Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1096}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {NIST-DARPA Interagency Agreement: Spoken Language Program}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1097}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Information Extraction System Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1098}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {The Consortium For Lexical Research}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1099}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Pustejovsky, James; Cowie, James R.}
title = {Diderot: TIPSTER Program Automatic Data Extraction From Text Utilizing Semantic Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1100}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Pangloss: A Knowledge-Based Machine Assisted Translation Research Project - Site}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1101}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Research In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1102}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Robust Text Processing And Information Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1103}
author = {Miller, George A.}
title = {WORDNET: A Lexical Database For English}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1104}
author = {Kwok, Kui Lam}
title = {Information Retrieval From Large Textbases}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1105}
author = {Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Exploiting Concept Spaces For Text Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1106}
author = {Hunicke-Smith, Kate; Bernstein, Jared}
title = {Annotation Of ATIS Data}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1107}
author = {Danielson, Denise; Bernstein, Jared}
title = {CSR Corpus Collection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1108}
author = {Price, Patti J.; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {A Real-Time Spoken-Language System For Interactive Problem Solving}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1109}
author = {Digalakis, Vassilios; Murveit, Hy; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {High Performance Speech Recognition Using Consistency Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1110}
author = {Liddy, Elizabeth D.; Myaeng, Sung-Hyon}
title = {DR-LINK: Document Retrieval Using Linguistic Knowledge}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1111}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.; Dolan, Charles P.}
title = {UMass/Hughes TIPSTER Project On Extraction From Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1112}
author = {Croft, W. Bruce}
title = {Text Retrieval And Routing Techniques Based On An Inference Net}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1113}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Steedman, Mark; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Natural Language Research}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1114}
author = {Allen, James F.; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Natural Language Planning Dialogue For Intelligent Applications}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H93-1115}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {The PENMAN Project On Knowledge-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1993}
id = {H94-1001}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.}
title = {Overview Of The 1994 ARPA Human Language Technology Workshop}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1002}
author = {Miller, George A.}
title = {Session 1: Lexicons Corpora And Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1003}
author = {Macleod, Catherine; Grishman, Ralph; Meyers, Adam}
title = {The Comlex Syntax Project: The First Year}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1004}
author = {Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {Lexicons For Human Language Technology}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1005}
author = {Graft, David; Finch, Rebecca}
title = {Multilingual Text Resources At The Linguistic Data Consortium}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1006}
author = {Godfrey, John J.}
title = {Multilingual Speech Databases At LDC}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1007}
author = {Taussig, Kelsey; Bernstein, Jared}
title = {Macrophone: An American English Telephone Speech Corpus}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1008}
author = {Cole, Ronald A.; Noel, Mike; Burnett, Daniel C.; Fanty, Mark; Lander, Terri; Oshika, Beatrice T.; Sutton, Stephen}
title = {Corpus Development Activities At The Center For Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1009}
author = {Kubala, Francis; Bellegarda, Jerome; Cohen, Jordan R.; Pallett, David S.; Paul, Douglas B.; Phillips, Michael; Rajasekaran, Raja; Richardson, Fred; Riley, Michael D.; Rosenfeld, Roni; Roth, Robert; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {The Hub And Spoke Paradigm For CSR Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1010}
author = {Dahl, Deborah A.; Bates, Madeleine; Brown, Michael K.; Fisher, William M.; Hunicke-Smith, Kate; Pallett, David S.; Pao, Christine; Rudnicky, Alexander I.; Shriberg, Elizabeth}
title = {Expanding The Scope Of The ATIS Task: The ATIS-3 Corpus}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1011}
author = {Pallett, David S.; Fiscus, Jonathan G.; Fisher, William M.; Garofolo, John S.; Lund, Bruce A.; Przybocki, Mark A.}
title = {1993 Benchmark Tests For The ARPA Spoken Language Program}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1012}
author = {Huang, Xuedong}
title = {Session 2: Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1013}
author = {Rosenfeld, Roni}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To Adaptive Statistical Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1014}
author = {Iyer, Rukmini; Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Language Modeling With Sentence-Level Mixtures}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1015}
author = {Isotani, Ryosuke; Matsunaga, Shoichi}
title = {Speech Recognition Using A Stochastic Language Model Integrating Local And Global Constraints}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1016}
author = {Schwartz, Richard M.; Nguyen, Long; Kubala, Francis; Chou, George; Zavaliagkos, George; Makhoul, John}
title = {On Using Written Language Training Data For Spoken Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1017}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Session 3: Human Language Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1018}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen}
title = {Towards Better NLP System Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1019}
author = {Brew, Chris; Thompson, Henry S.}
title = {Automatic Evaluation Of Computer Generated Text: A Progress Report On The TEXTEVAL Project}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1020}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.; Kim, Grace; Marcinkiewicz, Mary Ann; MacIntyre, Robert; Bies, Ann; Ferguson, Mark; Katz, Karen; Schasberger, Britta}
title = {The Penn Treebank: Annotating Predicate Argument Structure}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1021}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Whither Written Language Evaluation?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1022}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Semantic Evaluation For Spoken-Language Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1023}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Session 4: Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1024}
author = {White, John S.; O'Connell, Theresa A.}
title = {Evaluation In The ARPA Machine Translation Program: 1993 Methodology}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1025}
author = {Okumura, Akitoshi; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Building Japanese-English Dictionary Based On Ontology For Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1026}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Frederking, Robert E.}
title = {Toward Multi-Engine Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1027}
author = {Smadja, Frank A.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Translating Collocations For Use In Bilingual Lexicons}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1028}
author = {Berger, Adam L.; Brown, Peter F.; Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Gillett, John R.; Lafferty, John D.; Mercer, Robert L.; Printz, Harry; Ures, Lubos}
title = {The Candide System For Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1029}
author = {Yamron, Jonathan; Cant, James; Demedts, Anne; Dietzel, Taiko; Ito, Yoshiko}
title = {The Automatic Component Of The LINGSTAT Machine-Aided Translation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1030}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {Session 5: Natural Language Discourse}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1031}
author = {Onyshkevych, Boyan A.}
title = {Issues And Methodology For Template Design For Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1032}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Israel, David J.}
title = {Principles Of Template Design}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1033}
author = {Ayuso, Damaris M.}
title = {Pattern Matching In A Linguistically-Motivated Text Understanding System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1034}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.; Allen, James F.}
title = {Tagging Speech Repairs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1035}
author = {Prevost, Scott; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Information Based Intonation Synthesis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1036}
author = {Bates, Madeleine}
title = {Session 6: Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1037}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Seneff, Stephanie; Polifroni, Joseph H.; Phillips, Michael; Pao, Christine; Goddeau, David; Glass, James R.; Brill, Eric}
title = {PEGASUS: A Spoken Language Interface For On-Line Air Travel Planning I}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1038}
author = {Carlson, Rolf}
title = {Recent Developments In The Experimental Waxholm Dialog System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1039}
author = {Ward, Wayne H.; Issar, Sunil}
title = {Recent Improvements In The CMU Spoken Language Understanding System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1040}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Carter, David M.; Digalakis, Vassilios; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Combining Knowledge Sources To Reorder N-Best Speech Hypothesis Lists}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1041}
author = {Oviatt, Sharon L.}
title = {Predicting And Managing Spoken Disfluencies During Human-Computer Interaction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1042}
author = {Meteer, Marie W.; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Integrated Techniques For Phrase Extraction From Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1043}
author = {Abrash, Victor}
title = {Session 7: Demonstrations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1044}
author = {Hauptmann, Alexander G.; Mostow, Jack; Roth, Steven F.; Kane, Matthew; Swift, Adam}
title = {A Prototype Reading Coach That Listens: Summary Of Project LISTEN}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1045}
author = {Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {Session 8 & 9: Statistical And Learning Methods}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1046}
author = {Miller, George A.; Chodorow, Martin; Landes, Shari; Leacock, Claudia; Thomas, Robert G.}
title = {Using A Semantic Concordance For Sense Identification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1047}
author = {Bruce, Rebecca F.; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {A New Approach To Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1048}
author = {Ratnaparkhi, Adwait; Reynar, Jeffrey C.; Roukos, Salim}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Model For Prepositional Phrase Attachment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1049}
author = {Brill, Eric}
title = {A Report Of Recent Progress In Transformation-Based Error-Driven Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1050}
author = {Pereira, Fernando; Riley, Michael D.; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Weighted Rational Transductions And Their Application To Human Language Processing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1051}
author = {Miller, Scott; Fox, Heidi J.}
title = {Automatic Grammar Acquisition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1052}
author = {Jelinek, Frederick; Lafferty, John D.; Magerman, David M.; Mercer, Robert L.; Ratnaparkhi, Adwait; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Decision Tree Parsing Using A Hidden Derivation Model}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1053}
author = {Miller, Scott; Schwartz, Richard M.; Bobrow, Robert J.; Ingria, Robert J. P.}
title = {Statistical Language Processing Using Hidden Understanding Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1054}
author = {Papageorgiou, Constantine P.}
title = {Japanese Word Segmentation By Hidden Markov Model}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1055}
author = {Meng, Helen M.; Seneff, Stephanie; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Phonological Parsing For Bi-Directional Letter-To-Sound/Sound-To-Letter Generation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1056}
author = {Garcia, Oscar N.}
title = {Session 10: Government Panel}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1057}
author = {Olano, Calvin}
title = {One DODer's View Of ARPA Spoken Language Directions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1058}
author = {Gigley, Helen M.}
title = {Speech And Human Language Technology At The Naval Research Laboratory}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1059}
author = {Holland, Melissa}
title = {Advanced Technologies For Language Learning: Developments At ARI}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1060}
author = {Cencioni, Roberto; Varile, Giovanni Battista}
title = {Language Processing R&D Programmes Directorate XIII E Of The European Commission}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1061}
author = {Young, Steve}
title = {Session 11: Acoustic Modeling And Robust CSR}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1062}
author = {Young, S. J.; Odell, J. J.; Woodland, P. C.}
title = {Tree-Based State Tying For High Accuracy Modelling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1063}
author = {Digalakis, Vassilios; Murveit, Hy}
title = {High-Accuracy Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition Using Mixture Tying And Consistency Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1064}
author = {Gauvain, Jean-Luc; Lamel, Lori F.; Adda, Gilles; Adda-Decker, Martine}
title = {The LIMSI Continuous Speech Dictation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1065}
author = {Anastasakos, Anastasios; Kubala, Francis; Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Adaptation To New Microphones Using Tied-Mixture Normalization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1066}
author = {Liu, Fu-Hua; Moreno, Pedro J.; Stern, Richard M.; Acero, Alex}
title = {Signal Processing For Robust Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1067}
author = {Neumeyer, Leonardo; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Microphone-Independent Robust Signal Processing Using Probabilistic Optimum Filtering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1068}
author = {Che, C.; Lin, Q.; Pearson, J.; De Vries, B.; Flanagan, J. L.}
title = {Microphone Arrays And Neural Networks For Robust Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1069}
author = {Harman, Donna}
title = {Session 12: Information Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1070}
author = {Harman, Donna}
title = {Overview Of The Second Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-2)}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1071}
author = {Kwok, Kui Lam; Grunfeld, L.}
title = {Learning From Relevant Documents In Large Scale Routing Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1072}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Document Representation In Natural Language Text Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1073}
author = {Schauble, Peter; Glavitsch, Ulrike}
title = {Assessing The Retrieval Effectiveness Of A Speech :Retrieval System By Simulating Recognition Errors}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1074}
author = {Kupiec, Julian; Kimber, Don; Balasubramanian, Vijay}
title = {Speech-Based Retrieval Using Semantic Co-Occurrence Filtering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1075}
author = {Agarwal, Rajeev}
title = {(Almost) Automatic Semantic Feature Extraction From Technical Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1076}
author = {Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Session 13: CSR Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1077}
author = {Minami, Yasuhiro; Shikano, Kiyohiro; Yoshioka, Osamu; Takahashi, Satoshi; Yamada, Tomokazu; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {A Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Algorithm And Its Application To A Multi-Modal Telephone Directory Assistance System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1078}
author = {Murveit, Hy; Monaco, Peter; Digalakis, Vassilios; Butzberger, John}
title = {Techniques To Achieve An Accurate Real-Time Large-Vocabulary Speech Recognition System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1079}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {The Lincoln Large-Vocabulary Stack-Decoder Based HMM CSR}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1080}
author = {Odell, J. J.; Valtchev, V.; Woodland, P. C.; Young, S. J.}
title = {A One Pass Decoder Design For Large Vocabulary Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1081}
author = {Nguyen, Long; Schwartz, Richard M.; Zhao, Ying; Zavaliagkos, George}
title = {Is N-Best Dead?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1082}
author = {Stern, Richard M.}
title = {Session 14: New Directions/Applications}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1083}
author = {Payette, Julie}
title = {Advanced Human-Computer Interface And Voice Processing Applications In Space}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1084}
author = {Liebowitz Taylor, Suzanne; Dahl, Deborah A.; Lipshutz, Mark; Weir, Carl; Norton, Lewis M.; Nilson, Roslyn; Linebarger, Marcia C.}
title = {Integrated Text And Image Understanding For Document Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1085}
author = {Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {Use Of Lexical And Syntactic Techniques In Recognizing Handwritten Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1086}
author = {Makhoul, John; Starner, Thad; Schwartz, Richard M.; Chou, George}
title = {On-Line Cursive Handwriting Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models And Statistical Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1087}
author = {Lowe, Stephen; Demedts, Anne; Gillick, Laurence S.; Mandel, Mark; Peskin, Barbara}
title = {Language Identification Via Large Vocabulary Speaker Independent Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1088}
author = {Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Robust Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1089}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Robustness Portability And Scalability Language Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1090}
author = {Makhoul, John; Bates, Madeleine}
title = {Usable Real-Time Interactive Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1091}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Price, Patti J.; Hufnagel, S. Shattuck}
title = {Evaluating The Use Of Prosodic Information In Speech Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1092}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Segment-Based Acoustic Models For Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1093}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Pangloss: A Machine Translation Project}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1094}
author = {Reddy, Raj}
title = {Spoken-Language Research At Carnegie Mellon}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1095}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Extracting Constraints On Word Usage From Large Text Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1096}
author = {Yamron, Jonathan; Cant, James; Demedts, Anne; Dietzel, Taiko; Ito, Yoshiko}
title = {The Automatic Component Of The LINGSTAT Machine-Aided Translation System: Poster Version}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1097}
author = {Baker, Janet M.; Gillick, Laurence S.; Roth, Robert}
title = {Research In Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1098}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {The TIPSTER/SHOGUN Project}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1099}
author = {Roukos, Salim}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Grammars From Annotated Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1100}
author = {Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.}
title = {Candide: A Statistical Machine Translation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1101}
author = {Boggess, Lois; Hodges, Julia}
title = {A Knowledge-Based Approach To Indexing Scientific Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1102}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.; Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {Robust Continuous Speech Recognition Technology Program Summary}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1103}
author = {Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Spoken Language Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1104}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {NIST-ARPA Interagency Agreement: Human Language Technology Program}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1105}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Written Language System Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1106}
author = {Guthrie, Louise}
title = {The Consortium For Lexical Research}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1107}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Pustejovsky, James; Cowie, James R.}
title = {Diderot: TIPSTER Program Automatic Data Extraction From Text Utilizing Semantic Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1108}
author = {Farwell, David}
title = {Pangloss: A Knowledge-Based Machine Assisted Translation Research Project - Site 2}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1109}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Research In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1110}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Robust Text Processing And Information Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1111}
author = {Miller, George A.}
title = {WORDNET: A Lexical Database For English}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1112}
author = {Kwok, Kui Lam}
title = {PIRCS: A Network-Based Document Routing And Retrieval System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1113}
author = {Flanagan, J. L.; Lin, Q.; Pearson, J.; De Vries, B.}
title = {A Neural Network System For Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition In Variable Acoustic Environments}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1114}
author = {Hunicke-Smith, Kate; Bernstein, Jared}
title = {Annotation Of ATIS Data}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1115}
author = {Cohen, Michael; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Combining Linguistic And Statistical Technology For Improved Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1116}
author = {Murveit, Hy; Digalakis, Vassilios; Monaco, Peter; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Consistency Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1117}
author = {Danielson, Denise; Bernstein, Jared}
title = {CSR Data Collection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1118}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Data Access For Situation Handling (DASH)}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1119}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Steedman, Mark; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Research In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1120}
author = {Allen, James F.; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Natural Language Planning Dialogue For Interactive}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {H94-1121}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {PANGLOSS: Knowledge-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {1994}
id = {N03-1001}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan}
title = {Effective Utterance Classification With Unsupervised Phonotactic Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1002}
author = {Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Japanese Named Entity Extraction With Redundant Morphological Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1003}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Learning To Paraphrase: An Unsupervised Approach Using Multiple-Sequence Alignment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1004}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Czuba, Krzysztof; Prager, John; Ittycheriah, Abraham}
title = {In Question Answering Two Heads Are Better Than One}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1005}
author = {Chung, Grace Y; Seneff, Stephanie; Wang, Chao}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Names Using Speak And Spell Mode In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1006}
author = {Cucerzan, Silviu; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Minimally Supervised Induction Of Grammatical Gender}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1007}
author = {De Boni, Marco; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {An Analysis Of Clarification Dialogue For Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1008}
author = {Deng, Yonggang; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Latent Semantic Information In Maximum Entropy Language Models For Conversational Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1009}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Simpler And More General Minimization For Weighted Finite-State Automata}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1010}
author = {Germann, Ulrich}
title = {Greedy Decoding For Statistical Machine Translation In Almost Linear Time}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1011}
author = {Gîrju, Roxana; Badulescu, Adriana; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Learning Semantic Constraints For The Automatic Discovery Of Part-Whole Relations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1012}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Malaka, Rainer; Porzel, Robert; Zorn, Hans-Peter}
title = {Semantic Coherence Scoring Using An Ontology}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1013}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {A Categorial Variation Database For English}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1014}
author = {Henderson, James B.}
title = {Inducing History Representations For Broad Coverage Statistical Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1015}
author = {Kaji, Hiroyuki}
title = {Word Sense Acquisition From Bilingual Comparable Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1016}
author = {Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {A* Parsing: Fast Exact Viterbi Parse Selection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1017}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Och, Franz Josef; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Statistical Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1018}
author = {Kolak, Okan; Byrne, William; Resnik, Philip}
title = {A Generative Probabilistic OCR Model For NLP Applications}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1019}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Byrne, William}
title = {A Weighted Finite State Transducer Implementation Of The Alignment Template Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1020}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Automatic Evaluation Of Summaries Using N-Gram Co-Occurrence Statistics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1021}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Multitext Grammars And Synchronous Parsers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1022}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Clark, Christine; Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {COGEX: A Logic Prover For Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1023}
author = {Ng, Vincent; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Weakly Supervised Natural Language Learning Without Redundant Views}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1024}
author = {Pang, Bo; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Syntax-Based Alignment Of Multiple Translations: Extracting Paraphrases And Generating New Sentences}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1025}
author = {Peng, Fuchun; Schuurmans, Dale; Wang, Shaojun}
title = {Language And Task Independent Text Categorization With Simple Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1026}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; King, Tracy Holloway; Crouch, Richard; Zaenen, Annie}
title = {Statistical Sentence Condensation Using Ambiguity Packing And Stochastic Disambiguation Methods For Lexical-Functional Grammar}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1027}
author = {Roark, Brian; Bacchiani, Michiel}
title = {Supervised And Unsupervised PCFG Adaptation To Novel Domains}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1028}
author = {Sha, Fei; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Shallow Parsing With Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1029}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.; Tao, Xiaopeng}
title = {Comma Restoration Using Constituency Information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1030}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Sentence Level Discourse Parsing Using Syntactic And Lexical Information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1031}
author = {Steedman, Mark; Hwa, Rebecca; Clark, Stephen; Osborne, Miles; Sarkar, Anoop; Hockenmaier, Julia; Ruhlen, Paul; Baker, Steven; Crim, Jeremiah}
title = {Example Selection For Bootstrapping Statistical Parsers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1032}
author = {Terra, Egidio L.; Clarke, Charles L. A.}
title = {Frequency Estimates For Statistical Word Similarity Measures}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1033}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.; Singer, Yoram}
title = {Feature-Rich Part-Of-Speech Tagging With A Cyclic Dependency Network}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1034}
author = {Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Evaluating The Evaluation: A Case Study Using The TREC 2002 Question Answering Track}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1035}
author = {Wacholder, Nina; Song, Peng}
title = {Toward A Task-Based Gold Standard For Evaluation Of NP Chunks And Technical Terms}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1036}
author = {Widdows, Dominic}
title = {Unsupervised Methods For Developing Taxonomies By Combining Syntactic And Statistical Information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1037}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Web-Trained Extraction Summarization System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2001}
author = {Akhtar, Shazia; Reilly, Ronan G.; Dunnion, John}
title = {Automating XML Markup Of Text Documents}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2002}
author = {Bilmes, Jeff A.; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Factored Language Models And Generalized Parallel Backoff}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2003}
author = {Bulyko, Ivan; Ostendorf, Mari; Stolcke, Andreas}
title = {Getting More Mileage From Web Text Sources For Conversational Speech Language Modeling Using Class-Dependent Mixtures}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2004}
author = {Burger, John D.; Henderson, John C.}
title = {Exploiting Diversity For Answering Questions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2005}
author = {Chen, Francine R.; Farahat, Ayman; Brants, Thorsten}
title = {Story Link Detection And New Event Detection Are Asymmetric}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2006}
author = {Doi, Takao; Sumita, Eiichiro; Yamamoto, Hirohumi}
title = {Adaptation Using Out-Of-Domain Corpus Within EBMT}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2007}
author = {Douglas, Shona}
title = {Active Learning For Classifying Phone Sequences From Unsupervised Phonotactic Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2008}
author = {Fleischman, Michael; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Approach To FrameNet Tagging}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2009}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri; Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {Target Word Detection And Semantic Role Chunking Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2010}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri; Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {Question Classification With Support Vector Machines And Error Correcting Codes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2011}
author = {Hanneforth, Thomas; Heintze, Silvan; Stede, Manfred}
title = {Rhetorical Parsing With Underspecification And Forests}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2012}
author = {Hillard, Dustin; Ostendorf, Mari; Shriberg, Elizabeth}
title = {Detection Of Agreement Vs. Disagreement In Meetings: Training With Unlabeled Data}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2013}
author = {Imamura, Kenji; Akiba, Yasuhiro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Automatic Expansion Of Equivalent Sentence Set Based On Syntactic Substitution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2014}
author = {Ittycheriah, Abraham; Lita, Lucian Vlad; Kambhatla, Nanda; Nicolov, Nicolas; Roukos, Salim; Stys-Budzikowska, Margo}
title = {Identifying And Tracking Entity Mentions In A Maximum Entropy Framework}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2015}
author = {Johnson, Howard; Martin, Joel}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Morphology For English And Inuktitut}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2016}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz; Marcu, Daniel; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Cognates Can Improve Statistical Translation Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2017}
author = {Lin, Dekang; Cherry, Colin}
title = {Word Alignment With Cohesion Constraint}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2018}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Forbes-Riley, Kate; Silliman, Scott}
title = {Towards Emotion Prediction In Spoken Tutoring Dialogues}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2019}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Schiffman, Barry; Zhang, Jianping}
title = {Inferring Temporal Ordering Of Events In News}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2020}
author = {Masuda, Katsuya; Ninomiya, Takashi; Miyao, Yusuke; Ohta, Tomoko; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Robust Retrieval Engine For Proximal And Structural Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2021}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan; Green, Ryan; Turian, Joseph P.}
title = {Precision And Recall Of Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2022}
author = {Mohit, Behrang; Narayanan, Srinivas}
title = {Semantic Extraction With Wide-Coverage Lexical Resources}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2023}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Category-Based Pseudowords}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2024}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {References To Named Entities: A Corpus Study}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2025}
author = {Niu, Cheng; Li, Wei; Ding, Jihong; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {Bootstrapping For Named Entity Tagging Using Concept-Based Seeds}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2026}
author = {Oard, Douglas W.; Doermann, David; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; He, Daqing; Resnik, Philip; Weinberg, Amy; Byrne, William; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Yarowsky, David; Leuski, Anton; Koehn, Philipp; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Desparately Seeking Cebuano}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2027}
author = {Peshkin, Leonid; Pfeffer, Avi; Savova, Virginia}
title = {Bayesian Nets For Syntactic Categorization Of Novel Words}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2028}
author = {Peters, Jochen}
title = {LM Studies On Filled Pauses In Spontaneous Medical Dictation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2029}
author = {Ravichandran, Deepak; Ittycheriah, Abraham; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Automatic Derivation Of Surface Text Patterns For A Maximum Entropy Based Question Answering System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2030}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Roque, Antonio; Bhembe, Dumisizwe; VanLehn, Kurt}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To Content Analysis For Automatic Essay Grading}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2031}
author = {Selouani, Sid-Ahmed; Tolba, Hesham; O'Shaughnessy, Douglas D.}
title = {Auditory-Based Acoustic Distinctive Features And Spectral Cues For Robust Automatic Speech Recognition In Low-SNR Car Environments}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2032}
author = {Serafin, Riccardo; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Glass, Michael}
title = {Latent Semantic Analysis For Dialogue Act Classification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2033}
author = {Tang, Rong; Ng, Kwong Bor; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Kantor, Paul B.}
title = {Automatically Predicting Information Quality In News Documents}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2034}
author = {Terenzi, Elena; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Building Lexical Semantic Representations For Natural Language Instructions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2035}
author = {Tesprasit, Virongrong; Charoenpornsawat, Paisarn; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach}
title = {A Context-Sensitive Homograph Disambiguation In Thai Text-To-Speech Synthesis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2036}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Xia, Fei}
title = {A Phrase-Based Unigram Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2037}
author = {Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Evaluating Answers To Definition Questions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2038}
author = {Yu, Hua; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Implicit Trajectory Modeling Through Gaussian Transition Models For Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3001}
author = {Nallapati, Ramesh}
title = {Semantic Language Models For Topic Detection And Tracking}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3002}
author = {Borys, Sarah}
title = {The Importance Of Prosodic Factors In Phoneme Modeling With Applications To Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3003}
author = {Williams, Sandra}
title = {Language Choice Models For Microplanning And Readability}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3004}
author = {Purandare, Amruta}
title = {Discriminating Among Word Senses Using McQuitty's Similarity Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3005}
author = {Munteanu, Cosmin}
title = {Indexing Methods For Efficient Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3006}
author = {Schneider, Gerold}
title = {A Low-Complexity Broad-Coverage Probabilistic Dependency Parser For English}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3007}
author = {Liu, Yang}
title = {Word Fragments Identification Using Acoustic-Prosodic Features In Conversational Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3008}
author = {Makkonen, Juha}
title = {Investigations On Event Evolution On TDT}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3009}
author = {Stokes, Nicola}
title = {Spoken And Written News Story Segmentation Using Lexical Chains}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3010}
author = {Feng, Donghui}
title = {Cooperative Model-Based Language Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4001}
author = {Al-Onaizan, Yaser; Florian, Radu; Franz, Martin; Hassan, Hany; Lee, Young-Suk; McCarley, J. Scott; Papineni, Kishore; Roukos, Salim; Sorensen, Jeffrey S.; Tillmann, Christoph; Ward, Todd; Xia, Fei}
title = {TIPS: A Translingual Information Processing System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4002}
author = {Baldwin, Breck; Carpenter, Bob; Ross, Aaron}
title = {Alias-I Threat Trackers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4003}
author = {Channarukul, Songsak; McRoy, Susan W.; Ali, Syed S.}
title = {DOGHED: A Template-Based Generator For Multimodal Dialog Systems Targeting Heterogeneous Devices}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4004}
author = {Colbath, Sean; Kubala, Francis}
title = {TAP-XL: An Automated Analyst's Assistant}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4005}
author = {Dowding, John; Hieronymus, James}
title = {A Spoken Dialogue Interface To A Geologist's Field Assistant}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4006}
author = {Dunlavy, Daniel M.; Conroy, John M.; O'Leary, Dianne P.}
title = {QCS: A Tool For Querying Clustering And Summarizing Documents}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4007}
author = {Karkaletsis, Vangelis; Spyropoulos, Constantine D.; Souflis, Dimitris; Grover, Claire; Hachey, Ben; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Vindigni, Michele; Cartier, Emmanuel; Coch, Jose}
title = {Demonstration Of The CROSSMARC System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4008}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Barzilay, Regina; Chen, John; Elson, David K.; Evans, David Kirk; Klavans, Judith L.; Nenkova, Ani; Schiffman, Barry; Sigelman, Sergey}
title = {Columbia's Newsblaster: New Features And Future Directions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4009}
author = {Morton, Thomas S.; LaCivita, Jeremy}
title = {WordFreak: An Open Tool For Linguistic Annotation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4010}
author = {Nyberg, Eric H.; Frederking, Robert E.}
title = {JAVELIN: A Flexible Planner-Based Architecture For Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4011}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Automatically Discovering Word Senses}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4012}
author = {Smith, Andrew E.}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Semantic Networks From Text Using Leximancer}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4013}
author = {Sudo, Kiyoshi; Sekine, Satoshi; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Pre-CODIE - Crosslingual On-Demand Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4014}
author = {Thompson, Paul}
title = {Dynamic Integration Of Distributed Semantic Services: Infrastructure For Process Queries And Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4015}
author = {Waibel, Alex; Badran, Ahmed; Black, Alan W.; Frederking, Robert E.; Gates, Donna M.; Lavie, Alon; Levin, Lori S.; Lenzo, Kevin; Mayfield Tomokiyo, Laura; Reichert, Juergen; Schultz, Tanja; Wallace, Dorcas; Woszczyna, Monika; Zhang, Jing}
title = {Speechalator: Two-Way Speech-To-Speech Translation In Your Hand}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4016}
author = {Widdows, Dominic; Cederberg, Scott}
title = {Monolingual And Bilingual Concept Visualization From Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4017}
author = {Wilson, Theresa; Pierce, David R.; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Identifying Opinionated Sentences}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5001}
author = {Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Introduction To Non-Statistical Natural Language Processing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5002}
author = {Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Information Retrieval Systems As Integration Platforms For Language Technologies}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5003}
author = {Acero, Alex}
title = {Speech Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5004}
author = {Goodman, Joshua}
title = {The State Of The Art In Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5005}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {What's New In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5006}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Mani, Inderjeet}
title = {Annotation Of Temporal And Event Expressions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5007}
author = {Wasson, Mark}
title = {NLP R&D And Commercial Deployment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5008}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Optimization Maxent Models And Conditional Estimation Without Magic}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5009}
author = {Reynolds, Doug; Zissman, Marc}
title = {Automatic Speaker And Language Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2003}
id = {N04-1001}
author = {Florian, Radu; Hassan, Hany; Ittycheriah, Abraham; Jing, Hongyan; Kambhatla, Nanda; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Nicolov, Nicolas; Roukos, Salim}
title = {A Statistical Model For Multilingual Entity Detection And Tracking}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1002}
author = {Gooi, Chung Heong; Allan, James}
title = {Cross-Document Coreference On A Large Scale Corpus}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1003}
author = {Li, Xin; Morie, Paul; Roth, Dan}
title = {Robust Reading: Identification And Tracing Of Ambiguous Names}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1004}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Christoudias, C. Mario}
title = {A Salience-Based Approach To Gesture-Speech Alignment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1005}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Johnston, Michael}
title = {Balancing Data-Driven And Rule-Based Approaches In The Context Of A Multimodal Conversational System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1006}
author = {Paek, Tim; Horvitz, Eric}
title = {Optimizing Automated Call Routing By Integrating Spoken Dialog Models With Queuing Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1007}
author = {Hildebrandt, Wesley; Katz, Boris; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Answering Definition Questions With Multiple Knowledge Sources}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1008}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Brill, Eric}
title = {Automatic Question Answering: Beyond The Factoid}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1009}
author = {Lange, Rense; Moran, Juan; Greiff, Warren R.; Ferro, Lisa}
title = {A Probabilistic Rasch Analysis Of Question Answering Evaluations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1010}
author = {Shinzato, Keiji; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Acquiring Hyponymy Relations From Web Documents}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1011}
author = {Gregory, Michelle L.; Johnson, Mark; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Sentence-Internal Prosody Does Not Help Parsing The Way Punctuation Does}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1012}
author = {Osborne, Miles; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Ensemble-Based Active Learning For Parse Selection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1013}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.; Riezler, Stefan; King, Tracy Holloway; Maxwell III, John T.; Vasserman, Alexander; Crouch, Richard}
title = {Speed And Accuracy In Shallow And Deep Stochastic Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1014}
author = {Graehl, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Training Tree Transducers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1015}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Catching The Drift: Probabilistic Content Models With Applications To Generation And Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1016}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Keller, Frank}
title = {The Web As A Baseline: Evaluating The Performance Of Unsupervised Web-Based Models For A Range Of NLP Tasks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1017}
author = {Saraçlar, Murat; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Lattice-Based Search For Spoken Utterance Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1018}
author = {Kim, Joungbum; Schwarm, Sarah E.; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Detecting Structural Metadata With Decision Trees And Transformation-Based Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1019}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Evaluating Content Selection In Summarization: The Pyramid Method}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1020}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Inferring Sentence-Internal Temporal Relations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1021}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Gildea, Daniel; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Sarkar, Anoop; Yamada, Kenji; Fraser, Alexander; Kumar, Shankar; Shen, Libin; Smith, David A.; Eng, Katherine; Jain, Viren; Jin, Zhen; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {A Smorgasbord Of Features For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1022}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Byrne, William}
title = {Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1023}
author = {Shen, Libin; Sarkar, Anoop; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Discriminative Reranking For Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1024}
author = {Higgins, Derrick; Burstein, Jill; Marcu, Daniel; Gentile, Claudia}
title = {Evaluating Multiple Aspects Of Coherence In Student Essays}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1025}
author = {Collins-Thompson, Kevyn; Callan, James, P.}
title = {A Language Modeling Approach To Predicting Reading Difficulty}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1026}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Predicting Emotion In Spoken Dialogue From Multiple Knowledge Sources}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1027}
author = {Porzel, Robert; Baudis, Manja}
title = {The Tao Of CHI: Towards Effective Human-Computer Interaction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1028}
author = {Raux, Antoine; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Non-Native Users In The Let's Go!! Spoken Dialogue System: Dealing With Linguistic Mismatch}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1029}
author = {Vechtomova, Olga; Karamuftuoglu, Murat}
title = {Comparison Of Two Interactive Search Refinement Techniques}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1030}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Ward, Wayne H.; Hacioglu, Kadri; Martin, James H.; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Shallow Semantic Parsing Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1031}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Okamoto, Masashi; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Paraphrasing Predicates From Written Language To Spoken Language Using The Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1032}
author = {Sun, Honglin; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Shallow Semantic Parsing Of Chinese}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1033}
author = {Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Improvements In Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1034}
author = {Munteanu, Dragos Stefan; Fraser, Alexander; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Improved Machine Translation Performance Via Parallel Sentence Extraction From Comparable Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1035}
author = {Galley, Michel; Hopkins, Mark; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {What's In A Translation Rule?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1036}
author = {Huang, Fei; Vogel, Stephan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Improving Named Entity Translation Combining Phonetic And Semantic Similarities}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1037}
author = {Kehler, Andrew; Appelt, Douglas E.; Taylor, Lara; Simma, Aleksandr}
title = {The (Non)Utility Of Predicate-Argument Frequencies For Pronoun Interpretation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1038}
author = {Bean, David L.; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Contextual Role Knowledge For Coreference Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1039}
author = {Goodman, Joshua}
title = {Exponential Priors For Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1040}
author = {Chen, Francine R.; Farahat, Ayman; Brants, Thorsten}
title = {Multiple Similarity Measures And Source-Pair Information In Story Link Detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1041}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Ravichandran, Deepak}
title = {Automatically Labeling Semantic Classes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1042}
author = {Peng, Fuchun; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Accurate Information Extraction From Research Papers Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1043}
author = {Miller, Scott; Guinness, Jethran; Zamanian, Alex}
title = {Name Tagging With Word Clusters And Discriminative Training}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2001}
author = {Udhaykumar, N.; Ramakrishnan, S. K.; Swaminathan, R.}
title = {Multilingual Speech Recognition For Information Retrieval In Indian Context}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2002}
author = {Vasserman, Alexander}
title = {Identifying Chemical Names In Biomedical Text: An Investigation Of Substring Co-Occurrence Based Approaches}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2003}
author = {Cui, Jia; Guthrie, David}
title = {Maximum Entropy Modeling In Sparse Semantic Tagging}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2004}
author = {Lin, Jimmy}
title = {A Computational Framework For Non-Lexicalist Semantics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2005}
author = {Huenerfauth, Matt}
title = {A Multi-Path Architecture For Machine Translation Of English Text Into American Sign Language Animation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2006}
author = {Lee, John}
title = {Automatic Article Restoration}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2007}
author = {Arens, Robert}
title = {A Preliminary Look Into The Use Of Named Entity Information For Bioscience Text Tokenization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2008}
author = {Rytting, C. Anton}
title = {Greek Word Segmentation Using Minimal Information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2009}
author = {Hensman, Svetlana}
title = {Construction Of Conceptual Graph Representation Of Texts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2010}
author = {Boulis, Constantinos}
title = {Speaker Recognition With Mixtures Of Gaussians With Sparse Regression Matrices}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3001}
author = {Evans, David Kirk; Klavans, Judith L.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Columbia Newsblaster: Multilingual News Summarization On The Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3002}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Silliman, Scott}
title = {ITSPOKE: An Intelligent Tutoring Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3003}
author = {Precoda, Kristin; Franco, Horacio; Dost, Ascander; Frandsen, Michael; Fry, John; Kathol, Andreas; Richey, Colleen; Riehemann, Susanne; Vergyri, Dimitra; Zheng, Jing; Culy, Christopher}
title = {Limited-Domain Speech-To-Speech Translation Between English And Pashto}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3004}
author = {Damianos, Laurie E.; Bayer, Samuel; Chisholm, Michael A.; Henderson, John C.; Hirschman, Lynette; Morgan, William T.; Ubaldino, Marc; Zarrella, Guido; Wilson V, James M.; Polyak, Marat G.}
title = {MiTAP For SARS Detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3005}
author = {Palmer, David D.; Bray, Patrick; Reichman, Marc; Rhodes, Katherine; White, Noah; Merlino, Andrew; Kubala, Francis}
title = {Multilingual Video And Audio News Alerting}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3006}
author = {Shi, Lei; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Open Text Semantic Parsing Using FrameNet And WordNet}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3007}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Allison, Timothy; Craig, Matthew; Dimitrov, Stanko; Kareem, Omer; Topper, Michael; Winkel, Adam; Yi, Jin}
title = {A Scaleable Multi-Document Centroid-Based Summarizer}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3008}
author = {Purandare, Amruta; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {SenseClusters - Finding Clusters That Represent Word Senses}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3009}
author = {Bratt, Elizabeth Owen; Schultz, Karl; Clark, Brady}
title = {Spoken Dialogue For Simulation Control And Conversational Tutoring}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3010}
author = {Schultz, Tanja; Alexander, Dorcas; Black, Alan W.; Peterson, Kay; Suebvisai, Sinaporn; Waibel, Alex}
title = {A Thai Speech Translation System For Medical Dialogs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3011}
author = {Wang, Kuansan; Wang, Ye-Yi; Acero, Alex}
title = {Use And Acquisition Of Semantic Language Model}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3012}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Patwardhan, Siddharth; Michelizzi, Jason}
title = {WordNet::Similarity - Measuring The Relatedness Of Concepts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4001}
author = {Banko, Michele; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {Using N-Grams To Understand The Nature Of Summaries}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4002}
author = {Lee, Changki; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {MMR-Based Feature Selection For Text Categorization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4003}
author = {Paul, Michael; Sumita, Eiichiro; Yamamoto, Seiichi}
title = {Example-Based Rescoring Of Statistical Machine Translation Output}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4004}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Kodama, Yasuhiro; Watanabe, Tomohiro; Nishizaki, Hiromitsu; Nakagawa, Seiichi}
title = {An Empirical Study On Multiple LVCSR Model Combination By Machine Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4005}
author = {Hulth, Anette}
title = {Enhancing Linguistically Oriented Automatic Keyword Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4006}
author = {Bacchiani, Michiel; Roark, Brian; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {Language Model Adaptation With Map Estimation And The Perceptron Algorithm}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4007}
author = {Hagen, Andreas; Pellom, Bryan; Van Vuuren, Sarel; Cole, Ronald A.}
title = {Advances In Children's Speech Recognition Within An Interactive Literacy Tutor}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4008}
author = {Chen, Benfeng; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Automatic Construction Of An English-Chinese Bilingual FrameNet}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4009}
author = {Kehler, Andrew; Appelt, Douglas E.; Taylor, Lara; Simma, Aleksandr}
title = {Competitive Self-Trained Pronoun Interpretation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4010}
author = {Zhai, Lufeng; Fung, Pascale; Schwartz, Richard M.; Carpuat, Marine; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Using N-Best Lists For Named Entity Recognition From Chinese Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4011}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Prasov, Zahar; Hong, Pengyu}
title = {Performance Evaluation And Error Analysis For Multimodal Reference Resolution In A Conversation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4012}
author = {Reitter, David; Panttaja, Erin; Cummins, Fred}
title = {UI On The Fly: Generating A Multimodal User Interface}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4013}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Brill, Eric}
title = {Web Search Intent Induction Via Automatic Query Reformulation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4014}
author = {Small, Sharon; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {HITIQA: A Data Driven Approach To Interactive Analytical Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4015}
author = {Lee, Young-Suk}
title = {Morphological Analysis For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4016}
author = {Sagawa, Hirohiko; Mitamura, Teruko; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Correction Grammars For Error Handling In A Speech Dialog System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4017}
author = {Sarikaya, Ruhi; Gao, Yuqing; Picheny, Michael A.}
title = {A Comparison Of Rule-Based And Statistical Methods For Semantic Language Modeling And Confidence Measurement}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4018}
author = {Hillard, Dustin; Ostendorf, Mari; Stolcke, Andreas; Liu, Yang; Shriberg, Elizabeth}
title = {Improving Automatic Sentence Boundary Detection With Confusion Networks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4019}
author = {Tomko, Stefanie; Rosenfeld, Roni}
title = {Speech Graffiti Vs. Natural Language: Assessing The User Experience}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4020}
author = {Rosenberg, Andrew; Binkowski, Ed}
title = {Augmenting The Kappa Statistic To Determine Interannotator Reliability For Multiply Labeled Data Points}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4021}
author = {Livescu, Karen; Glass, James R.}
title = {Feature-Based Pronunciation Modeling For Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4022}
author = {Sarma, Arup; Palmer, David D.}
title = {Context-Based Speech Recognition Error Detection And Correction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4023}
author = {Palmer, David D.; Reichman, Marc; Yaich, Elyes}
title = {Feature Selection For Trainable Multilingual Broadcast News Segmentation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4024}
author = {Morgan, William T.; Greiff, Warren R.; Henderson, John C.}
title = {Direct Maximization Of Average Precision By Hill-Climbing With A Comparison To A Maximum Entropy Approach}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4025}
author = {Martin, Melanie J.; Foltz, Peter W.}
title = {Automated Team Discourse Annotation And Performance Prediction Using LSA}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4026}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {A Unigram Orientation Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4027}
author = {Rambow, Owen; Shrestha, Lokesh; Chen, John; Laurdisen, Christy}
title = {Summarizing Email Threads}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4028}
author = {Culotta, Aron; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Confidence Estimation For Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4029}
author = {Divi, Vijay; Forlines, Clifton; Van Gemert, Jan; Raj, Bhiksha; Schmidt-Nielsen, Bent; Wittenburg, Kent; Woelfel, Joseph; Wolf, Peter; Zhang, Fang-Fang}
title = {A Speech-In List-Out Approach To Spoken User Interfaces}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4030}
author = {Stoica, Emilia; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Nearly-Automated Metadata Hierarchy Creation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4031}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Qi, Hong; Winkel, Adam; Tam, Daniel}
title = {Computational Linkuistics: Word Triggers Across Hyperlinks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4032}
author = {Kahn, Jeremy G.; Ostendorf, Mari; Chelba, Ciprian}
title = {Parsing Conversational Speech Using Enhanced Segmentation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4033}
author = {Shan, Chung-chieh}
title = {Polarity Sensitivity And Evaluation Order In Type-Logical Grammar}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4034}
author = {Ji, Gang; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Multi-Speaker Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4035}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Prosody-Based Topic Segmentation For Mandarin Broadcast News}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4036}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Sun, Honglin; Ward, Wayne H.; Martin, James H.; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Parsing Arguments Of Nominalizations In English And Chinese}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4037}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri}
title = {A Lightweight Semantic Chunker Based On Tagging}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4038}
author = {Diab, Mona; Hacioglu, Kadri; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Automatic Tagging Of Arabic Text: From Raw Text To Base Phrase Chunks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4039}
author = {Nakano, Yukiko I.; Okamoto, Masashi; Kawahara, Daisuke; Li, Qing; Nishida, Toyoaki}
title = {Converting Text Into Agent Animations: Assigning Gestures To Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4040}
author = {Snover, Matthew; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {A Lexically-Driven Algorithm For Disfluency Detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2004}
id = {N06-1001}
author = {Wang, Wei; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Capitalizing Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1002}
author = {Quirk, Chris; Menezes, Arul}
title = {Do We Need Phrases? Challenging The Conventional Wisdom In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1003}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Koehn, Philipp; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1004}
author = {Kuhn, Roland; Yuen, Denis; Simard, Michel; Paul, Patrick; Foster, George; Joanis, Eric; Johnson, Howard}
title = {Segment Choice Models: Feature-Rich Models For Global Distortion In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1005}
author = {Snow, Rion; Vanderwende, Lucy; Menezes, Arul}
title = {Effectively Using Syntax For Recognizing False Entailment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1006}
author = {MacCartney, Bill; Grenager, Trond; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Cer, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Learning To Recognize Features Of Valid Textual Entailments}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1007}
author = {Pekar, Viktor}
title = {Acquisition Of Verb Entailment From Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1008}
author = {Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Acquiring Inference Rules With Temporal Constraints By Using Japanese Coordinated Sentences And Noun-Verb Co-Occurrences}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1009}
author = {Sibanda, Tawanda; Uzuner, Özlem}
title = {Role Of Local Context In Automatic Deidentification Of Ungrammatical Fragmented Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1010}
author = {Jiang, Jing; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Exploiting Domain Structure For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1011}
author = {Klementiev, Alexandre; Roth, Dan}
title = {Named Entity Transliteration And Discovery From Multilingual Comparable Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1012}
author = {Sutton, Charles; Sindelar, Michael; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Reducing Weight Undertraining In Structured Discriminative Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1013}
author = {Ayan, Necip Fazil; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Approach To Combining Word Alignments}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1014}
author = {Liang, Percy; Taskar, Ben; Klein, Dan}
title = {Alignment By Agreement}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1015}
author = {Lacoste-Julien, Simon; Taskar, Ben; Klein, Dan; Jordan, Michael I.}
title = {Word Alignment Via Quadratic Assignment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1016}
author = {Chen, Jinying; Schein, Andrew; Ungar, Lyle H.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {An Empirical Study Of The Behavior Of Active Learning For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1017}
author = {Erk, Katrin}
title = {Unknown Word Sense Detection As Outlier Detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1018}
author = {Han, Benjamin; Gates, Donna M.; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {Understanding Temporal Expressions In Emails}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1019}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.}
title = {Partial Training For A Lexicalized-Grammar Parser}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1020}
author = {McClosky, David; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Effective Self-Training For Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1021}
author = {Corston-Oliver, Simon H.; Aue, Anthony; Duh, Kevin; Ringger, Eric K.}
title = {Multilingual Dependency Parsing Using Bayes Point Machines}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1022}
author = {Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark; Elsner, Micha; Austerweil, Joseph; Ellis, David; Haxton, Isaac; Hill, Catherine; Shrivaths, R.; Moore, Jeremy; Pozar, Michael; Vu, Theresa}
title = {Multilevel Coarse-To-Fine PCFG Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1023}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {A Fully-Lexicalized Probabilistic Model For Japanese Syntactic And Case Structure Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1024}
author = {Gabbard, Ryan; Kulick, Seth; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Fully Parsing The Penn Treebank}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1025}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Strube, Michael}
title = {Exploiting Semantic Role Labeling WordNet And Wikipedia For Coreference Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1026}
author = {Kim, Soo-Min; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Identifying And Analyzing Judgment Opinions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1027}
author = {Feng, Donghui; Shaw, Erin; Kim, Jihie; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Learning To Detect Conversation Focus Of Threaded Discussions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1028}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Bejar, Isaac}
title = {Towards Automatic Scoring Of Non-Native Spontaneous Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1029}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Unsupervised And Semi-Supervised Learning Of Tone And Pitch Accent}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1030}
author = {Kominek, John; Black, Alan W.}
title = {Learning Pronunciation Dictionaries: Language Complexity And Word Selection Strategies}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1031}
author = {Huang, Bryant; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Relabeling Syntax Trees To Improve Syntax-Based Machine Translation Quality}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1032}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; Maxwell III, John T.}
title = {Grammatical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1033}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Huang, Liang; Gildea, Daniel; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Synchronous Binarization For Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1034}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Modelling User Satisfaction And Student Learning In A Spoken Dialogue Tutoring System With Generic Tutoring And User Affect Parameters}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1035}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Comparing The Utility Of State Features In Spoken Dialogue Using Reinforcement Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1036}
author = {Ji, Gang; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Backoff Model Training Using Partially Observed Data: Application To Dialog Act Tagging}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1037}
author = {Zhang, Min; Zhang, Jie; Su, Jian}
title = {Exploring Syntactic Features For Relation Extraction Using A Convolution Tree Kernel}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1038}
author = {Culotta, Aron; McCallum, Andrew; Betz, Jonathan}
title = {Integrating Probabilistic Extraction Models And Data Mining To Discover Relations And Patterns In Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1039}
author = {Shinyama, Yusuke; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Preemptive Information Extraction Using Unrestricted Relation Discovery}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1040}
author = {Mohri, Mehryar; Roark, Brian}
title = {Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar Induction Based On Structural Zeros}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1041}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Klein, Dan}
title = {Prototype-Driven Learning For Sequence Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1042}
author = {Yuret, Deniz; Ture, Ferhan}
title = {Learning Morphological Disambiguation Rules For Turkish}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1043}
author = {Corazza, Anna; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Cross-Entropy And Estimation Of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1044}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Estimation Of Consistent Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1045}
author = {May, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin}
title = {A Better N-Best List: Practical Determinization Of Weighted Finite Tree Automata}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1046}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Aggregation Via Set Partitioning For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1047}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Renals, Steve; Carletta, Jean; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Incorporating Speaker And Discourse Features Into Speech Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1048}
author = {Marton, Gregory; Radul, Alexey}
title = {Nuggeteer: Automatic Nugget-Based Evaluation Using Descriptions And Judgements}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1049}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Will Pyramids Built Of Nuggets Topple Over?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1050}
author = {Ritchie, Anna; Teufel, Simone; Robertson, Stephen}
title = {Creating A Test Collection For Citation-Based IR Experiments}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1051}
author = {Vu, Huyen-Trang; Gallinari, Patrick}
title = {A Machine Learning Based Approach To Evaluating Retrieval Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1052}
author = {Tao, Tao; Wang, Xuanhui; Mei, Qiaozhu; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Language Model Information Retrieval With Document Expansion}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1053}
author = {Zhou, Zheng-Yu; Yu, Peng; Chelba, Ciprian; Seide, Frank}
title = {Towards Spoken-Document Retrieval For The Internet: Lattice Indexing For Large-Scale Web-Search Architectures}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1054}
author = {Tromble, Roy W.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {A Fast Finite-State Relaxation Method For Enforcing Global Constraints On Sequence Decoding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1055}
author = {Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Of Nominalized Predicates In Chinese}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1056}
author = {Wong, Yuk Wah; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Learning For Semantic Parsing With Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1057}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Lin, Chin-Yew; Munteanu, Dragos Stefan; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {ParaEval: Using Paraphrases To Evaluate Summaries Automatically}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1058}
author = {Kauchak, David; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Paraphrasing For Automatic Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1059}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Cao, Guihong; Gao, Jianfeng; Nie, Jian-Yun}
title = {An Information-Theoretic Approach To Automatic Evaluation Of Summaries}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1060}
author = {Freeman, Andrew; Condon, Sherri L.; Ackerman, Christopher}
title = {Cross Linguistic Name Matching In English And Arabic}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1061}
author = {Erkan, Gunes}
title = {Language Model-Based Document Clustering Using Random Walks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1062}
author = {Kurimo, Mikko; Puurula, Antti; Arisoy, Ebru; Siivola, Vesa; Hirsimäki, Teemu; Pylkkonen, Janne; Alumäe, Tanel; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {Unlimited Vocabulary Speech Recognition For Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2001}
author = {Alexandrescu, Andrei; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Factored Neural Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2002}
author = {Alvarez, Alison; Levin, Lori S.; Frederking, Robert E.; Fung, Simon; Gates, Donna M.; Good, Jeff}
title = {The MILE Corpus For Less Commonly Taught Languages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2003}
author = {Arguello, Jaime; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Museli: A Multi-Source Evidence Integration Approach To Topic Segmentation Of Spontaneous Dialogue}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2004}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata}
title = {Measuring Semantic Relatedness Using People And WordNet}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2005}
author = {Charoenpornsawat, Paisarn; Hewavitharana, Sanjika; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Thai Grapheme-Based Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2006}
author = {Chatain, Pierre; Whittaker, Edward; Mrozinski, Joanna; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Class Model Adaptation For Speech Summarisation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2007}
author = {Chen, Jinxiu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim; Niu, Zhengyu}
title = {Semi-Supervised Relation Extraction With Label Propagation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2008}
author = {Dalli, Angelo}
title = {Temporal Classification Of Text And Automatic Document Dating}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2009}
author = {Duboue, Pablo Ariel; Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {Answering The Question You Wish They Had Asked: The Impact Of Paraphrasing For Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2010}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Davis, Randall}
title = {Gesture Improves Coreference Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2011}
author = {Gangadharaiah, Rashmi; Brown, Ralf D.; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Spectral Clustering For Example Based Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2012}
author = {Gurevich, Olga}
title = {A Finite-State Model Of Georgian Verbal Morphology}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2013}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Sadat, Fatiha}
title = {Arabic Preprocessing Schemes For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2014}
author = {Hahn, Sangyun; Ladner, Richard; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Agreement/Disagreement Classification: Exploiting Unlabeled Data Using Contrast Classifiers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2015}
author = {Hovy, Eduard; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Palmer, Martha; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {OntoNotes: The 90% Solution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2016}
author = {Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Alzghool, Muath; Jones, Gareth; Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Investigating Cross-Language Speech Retrieval For A Spontaneous Conversational Speech Collection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2017}
author = {Karamanis, Nikiforos}
title = {Evaluating Centering For Sentence Ordering In Two New Domains}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2018}
author = {Kim, Seokhwan; Song, Yu; Kim, Kyungduk; Cha, Jeongwon; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {MMR-Based Active Machine Learning For Bio Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2019}
author = {Lease, Matthew; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Early Deletion Of Fillers In Processing Conversational Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2020}
author = {Levin, Esther; Sharifi, Mehrbod; Ball, Jerry}
title = {Evaluation Of Utility Of LSA For Word Sense Discrimination}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2021}
author = {Liu, Yang}
title = {Initial Study On Automatic Identification Of Speaker Role In Broadcast News Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2022}
author = {Mairesse, François; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Automatic Recognition Of Personality In Conversation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2023}
author = {Maskey, Sameer; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Summarizing Speech Without Text Using Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2024}
author = {Minkov, Einat; Wang, Richard C.; Tomasic, Anthony; Cohen, William W.}
title = {NER Systems That Suit User's Preferences: Adjusting The Recall-Precision Trade-Off For Entity Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2025}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Syntactic Kernels For Natural Language Learning: The Semantic Role Labeling Case}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2026}
author = {Musillo, Gabriele; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Accurate Parsing Of The Proposition Bank}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2027}
author = {Netzer, Yael Dahan; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Using Semantic Authoring For Blissymbols Communication Boards}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2028}
author = {Park, Youngja; Li, Ying}
title = {Extracting Salient Keywords From Instructional Videos Using Joint Text Audio And Visual Cues}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2029}
author = {Paul, Michael; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Exploiting Variant Corpora For Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2030}
author = {Penn, Gerald; Choma, Travis}
title = {Quantitative Methods For Classifying Writing Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2031}
author = {Reitter, David; Keller, Frank; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Computational Modelling Of Structural Priming In Dialogue}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2032}
author = {Rosenberg, Andrew; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Story Segmentation Of Broadcast News In English Mandarin And Arabic}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2033}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Parser Combination By Reparsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2034}
author = {Saito, Manami; Yamamoto, Kazuhide; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Using Phrasal Patterns To Identify Discourse Relations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2035}
author = {Salvetti, Franco; Nicolov, Nicolas}
title = {Weblog Classification For Fast Splog Filtering: A URL Language Model Segmentation Approach}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2036}
author = {Sanfilippo, Antonio; Tratz, Stephen; Gregory, Michelle L.}
title = {Word Domain Disambiguation Via Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2037}
author = {Sethy, Abhinav; Georgiou, Panayiotis G.; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {Selecting Relevant Text Subsets From Web-Data For Building Topic Specific Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2038}
author = {Siefkes, Christian}
title = {A Comparison Of Tagging Strategies For Statistical Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2039}
author = {Snider, Neal; Diab, Mona}
title = {Unsupervised Induction Of Modern Standard Arabic Verb Classes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2040}
author = {Stoia, Laura; Byron, Donna K.; Shockley, Darla Magdalene; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Sentence Planning For Realtime Navigational Instruction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2041}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro; Sugaya, Fumiaki}
title = {Using The Web To Disambiguate Acronyms}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2042}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro; Sugaya, Fumiaki}
title = {Word Pronunciation Disambiguation Using The Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2043}
author = {Symonenko, Svetlana; Rowe, Steven; Liddy, Elizabeth D.}
title = {Illuminating Trouble Tickets With Sublanguage Theory}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2044}
author = {Toney, Dave; Moore, Johanna D.; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Evolving Optimal Inspectable Strategies For Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2045}
author = {Ulicny, Brian}
title = {Lycos Retriever: An Information Fusion Engine}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2046}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun; Yang, Jianwu}
title = {Improved Affinity Graph Based Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2047}
author = {Xu, Kui; Meng, Helen M.; Weng, Fuliang}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Framework That Integrates Word Dependencies And Grammatical Relations For Reading Comprehension}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2048}
author = {Yu, Hong; Lee, Minsuk}
title = {BioEx: A Novel User-Interface That Accesses Images From Abstract Sentences}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2049}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Kikui, Genichiro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Subword-Based Tagging By Conditional Random Fields For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2050}
author = {Zhu, Xiaodan; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Comparing The Roles Of Textual Acoustic And Spoken-Language Features On Spontaneous-Conversation Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2051}
author = {Zollmann, Andreas; Venugopal, Ashish; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Bridging The Inflection Morphology Gap For Arabic Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3001}
author = {Chen, Lei}
title = {Incorporating Gesture And Gaze Into Multimodal Models Of Human-To-Human Communication}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3002}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Semantic Back-Pointers From Gesture}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3003}
author = {Font Llitjos, Ariadna}
title = {Can The Internet Help Improve Machine Translation?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3004}
author = {Huang, Liang}
title = {Efficient Algorithms For Richer Formalisms: Parsing And Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3005}
author = {Lin, Wei-Hao}
title = {Identifying Perspectives At The Document And Sentence Levels Using Statistical Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3006}
author = {Liscombe, Jackson}
title = {Detecting Emotion In Speech: Experiments In Three Domains}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3007}
author = {Matveeva, Irina}
title = {Document Representation And Multilevel Measures Of Document Similarity}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3008}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Logical Investigations On The Adequacy Of Certain Feature-Based Theories Of Natural Language}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3009}
author = {Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To Biomedical Named Entity Recognition And Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3010}
author = {Yuan, Xiaojun}
title = {Supporting Multiple Information-Seeking Strategies In A Single System Framework}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4001}
author = {Arguello, Jaime; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {InfoMagnets: Making Sense Of Corpus Data}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4002}
author = {Baker, Janet M.; Pugliese, Patri J.}
title = {From Pipedreams To Products And Promise!}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4003}
author = {Banerjee, Satanjeev; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {SmartNotes: Implicit Labeling Of Meeting Data Through User Note-Taking And Browsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4004}
author = {Deng, Yonggang; Byrne, William}
title = {MTTK: An Alignment Toolkit For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4005}
author = {Lopez Garcia, Vanessa; Motta, Enrico; Uren, Victoria}
title = {AquaLog: An Ontology-Driven Question Answering System To Interface The Semantic Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4006}
author = {Ogren, Philip V.}
title = {Knowtator: A Protege Plug-In For Annotated Corpus Construction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4007}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Kulkarni, Anagha}
title = {Automatic Cluster Stopping With Criterion Functions And The Gap Statistic}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4008}
author = {Surendran, Dinoj}
title = {Automating The Creation Of Interactive Glyph-Supplemented Scatterplots For Visualizing Algorithm Results}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4009}
author = {Tribble, Alicia; Lambert, Benjamin; Fahlman, Scott E.}
title = {SconeEdit: A Text-Guided Domain Knowledge Editor}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4010}
author = {Whittaker, Edward; Mrozinski, Joanna; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Factoid Question Answering With Web Mobile And Speech Interfaces}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4011}
author = {Zweig, Geoffrey; Siohan, O.; Saon, G.; Ramabhadran, Bhuvana; Povey, D.; Mangu, Lidia; Kingsbury, Brian}
title = {Automated Quality Monitoring For Call Centers Using Speech And NLP Technologies}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5001}
author = {Condon, Sherri L.; Miller, Keith}
title = {What's In A Name: Current Methods Applications And Evaluation In Multilingual Name Search And Matching}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5002}
author = {Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Beyond EM: Bayesian Techniques For Human Language Technology Researchers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5003}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Graph-Based Algorithms For Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5004}
author = {Chelba, Ciprian; Hazen, Timothy J.}
title = {Automatic Spoken Document Processing For Retrieval And Browsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5005}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop; Haffari, Gholamreza}
title = {Tutorial On Inductive Semi-Supervised Learning Methods: With Applicability To Natural Language Processing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5006}
author = {Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Automatic Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2006}
id = {N07-1001}
author = {Rangarajan Sridhar, Vivek Kumar; Bangalore, Srinivas; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {Exploiting Acoustic and Syntactic Features for Prosody Labeling in a Maximum Entropy Framework}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1002}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; Brenier, Jason M.; Kothari, Anubha; Calhoun, Sasha; Whitton, Laura; Beaver, David; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {To Memorize or to Predict: Prominence labeling in Conversational Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1003}
author = {Yang, Fan; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Avoiding and Resolving Initiative Conflicts in Dialogue}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1004}
author = {Hsueh, Pei-Yun; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {What Decisions Have You Made?: Automatic Decision Detection in Meeting Conversations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1005}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Kotani, Katsunori; Zhang, Yujie; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation Based on Rate of Accomplishment of Sub-Goals}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1006}
author = {Liu, Ding; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Source-Language Features and Maximum Correlation Training for Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1007}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {Generating Case Markers in Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1008}
author = {Ittycheriah, Abraham; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Direct Translation Model 2}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1009}
author = {Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Structured Local Training and Biased Potential Functions for Conditional Random Fields with Application to Coreference Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1010}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang}
title = {Coreference or Not: A Twin Model for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1011}
author = {Culotta, Aron; Wick, Michael; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {First-Order Probabilistic Models for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1012}
author = {Lavrenko, Victor; Yi, Xing; Allan, James}
title = {Information Retrieval On Empty Fields}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1013}
author = {Zhu, Xiaojin; Goldberg, Andrew B.; Van Gael, Jurgen; Andrzejewski, David}
title = {Improving Diversity in Ranking using Absorbing Random Walks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1014}
author = {Biemann, Christian}
title = {A Random Text Model for the Generation of Statistical Language Invariants}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1015}
author = {Jiang, Jing; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {A Systematic Exploration of the Feature Space for Relation Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1016}
author = {Yates, Alexander; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Unsupervised Resolution of Objects and Relations on the Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1017}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Pennacchiotti, Marco; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {The Domain Restriction Hypothesis: Relating Term Similarity and Semantic Consistency}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1018}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Bayesian Inference for PCFGs via Markov Chain Monte Carlo}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1019}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Stefankovic, Daniel}
title = {Worst-Case Synchronous Grammar Rules}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1020}
author = {Dasgupta, Sajib; Ng, Vincent}
title = {High-Performance Language-Independent Morphological Segmentation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1021}
author = {Belz, Anja}
title = {Probabilistic Generation of Weather Forecast Texts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1022}
author = {Wong, Yuk Wah; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Generation by Inverting a Semantic Parser that Uses Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1023}
author = {Galley, Michel; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Lexicalized Markov Grammars for Sentence Compression}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1024}
author = {Lu, Xiaofei}
title = {Hybrid Models for Semantic Classification of Chinese Unknown Words}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1025}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Using Wikipedia for Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1026}
author = {Alexandrescu, Andrei; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Data-Driven Graph Construction for Semi-Supervised Graph-Based Learning in NLP}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1027}
author = {Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Is Question Answering Better than Information Retrieval? Towards a Task-Based Evaluation Framework for Question Series}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1028}
author = {Kumaran, Girighar; Allan, James}
title = {A Case For Shorter Queries and Helping Users Create Them}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1029}
author = {Rosti, Antti-Veikko I.; Ayan, Necip Fazil; Xiang, Bing; Matsoukas, Spyros; Schwartz, Richard M.; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Combining Outputs from Multiple Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1030}
author = {Denis, Pascal; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Joint Determination of Anaphoricity and Coreference Resolution using Integer Programming}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1031}
author = {Stoica, Emilia; Hearst, Marti A.; Richardson, Megan}
title = {Automating Creation of Hierarchical Faceted Metadata Structures}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1032}
author = {Karakos, Damianos; Eisner, Jason M.; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Priebe, Carey}
title = {Cross-Instance Tuning of Unsupervised Document Clustering Algorithms}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1033}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Eisner, Jason M.; Piatko, Christine}
title = {Using ``Annotator Rationales'' to Improve Machine Learning for Text Categorization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1034}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Combining Reinformation Learning with Information-State Update Rules}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1035}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Bohus, Dan; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Estimating the Reliability of MDP Policies: a Confidence Interval Approach}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1036}
author = {Qu, Shaolin; Chai, Joyce}
title = {An Exploration of Eye Gaze in Spoken Language Processing for Multimodal Conversational Interfaces}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1037}
author = {Takamura, Hiroya; Inui, Takashi; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Extracting Semantic Orientations of Phrases from Dictionary}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1038}
author = {Snyder, Benjamin; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Multiple Aspect Ranking Using the Good Grief Algorithm}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1039}
author = {Bloom, Kenneth; Garg, Navendu; Argamon, Shlomo}
title = {Extracting Appraisal Expressions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1040}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Whose Idea Was This and Why Does it Matter? Attributing Scientific Work to Citations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1041}
author = {Bennett, Paul N.; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Combining Probability-Based Rankers for Action-Item Detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1042}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.}
title = {Multi-Document Relationship Fusion via Constraints on Probabilistic Databases}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1043}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Matsuo, Yutaka; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {An Integrated Approach to Measuring Semantic Similarity between Words Using Information Available on the Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1044}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Keller, Frank}
title = {An Information Retrieval Approach to Sense Ranking}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1045}
author = {Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {Near-Synonym Choice in an Intelligent Thesaurus}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1046}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Bach, Nguyen; Lane, Ian; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {A Log-Linear Block Transliteration Model based on Bi-Stream HMMs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1047}
author = {Jiampojamarn, Sittichai; Kondrak, Grzegorz; Sherif, Tarek}
title = {Applying Many-to-Many Alignments and Hidden Markov Models to Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1048}
author = {Creutz, Mathias; Hirsimäki, Teemu; Kurimo, Mikko; Puurula, Antti; Pylkkonen, Janne; Siivola, Vesa; Varjokallio, Matti; Arisoy, Ebru; Saraçlar, Murat; Stolcke, Andreas}
title = {Analysis of Morph-Based Speech Recognition and the Modeling of Out-of-Vocabulary Words Across Languages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1049}
author = {Attardi, Giuseppe; Ciaramita, Massimiliano}
title = {Tree Revision Learning for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1050}
author = {Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Incremental Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1051}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Klein, Dan}
title = {Improved Inference for Unlexicalized Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1052}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; DeNero, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {Approximate Factoring for A* Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1053}
author = {Ahn, David; Van Rantwijk, Joris; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {A Cascaded Machine Learning Approach to Interpreting Temporal Expressions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1054}
author = {Blair-Goldensohn, Sasha; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Building and Refining Rhetorical-Semantic Relation Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1055}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Austerweil, Joseph; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {A Unified Local and Global Model for Discourse Coherence}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1056}
author = {Deshpande, Pawan; Barzilay, Regina; Karger, David R.}
title = {Randomized Decoding for Selection-and-Ordering Problems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1057}
author = {Xia, Fei; Lewis, William H.}
title = {Multilingual Structural Projection across Interlinear Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1058}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Collins-Thompson, Kevyn; Callan, James, P.; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Combining Lexical and Grammatical Features to Improve Readability Measures for First and Second Language Texts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1059}
author = {Wang, Chao; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Automatic Assessment of Student Translations for Foreign Language Tutoring}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1060}
author = {Collins-Thompson, Kevyn; Callan, James, P.}
title = {Automatic and Human Scoring of Word Definition Responses}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1061}
author = {Utiyama, Masao; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {A Comparison of Pivot Methods for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1062}
author = {Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Efficient Phrase-Table Representation for Machine Translation with Applications to Online MT and Speech Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1063}
author = {Venugopal, Ashish; Zollmann, Andreas; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {An Efficient Two-Pass Approach to Synchronous-CFG Driven Statistical MT}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1064}
author = {Simard, Michel; Goutte, Cyril; Isabelle, Pierre}
title = {Statistical Phrase-Based Post-Editing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1065}
author = {Pinchak, Christopher; Bergsma, Shane}
title = {Automatic Answer Typing for How-Questions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1066}
author = {Ko, Jeongwoo; Si, Luo; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {A Probabilistic Framework for Answer Selection in Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1067}
author = {Schiffman, Barry; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Grishman, Ralph; Allan, James}
title = {Question Answering Using Integrated Information Retrieval and Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1068}
author = {Wu, Yu-Chieh; Yang, Jie-Chi}
title = {Toward Multimedia: A String Pattern-Based Passage Ranking Model for Video Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1069}
author = {Yi, Szuting; Loper, Edward; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Can Semantic Roles Generalize Across Genres?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1070}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Ward, Wayne H.; Martin, James H.}
title = {Towards Robust Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1071}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Bhagat, Rahul; Coppola, Bonaventura; Chklovski, Timothy; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {ISP: Learning Inferential Selectional Preferences}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1072}
author = {Pan, Feng; Farrell, Robert}
title = {Computing Semantic Similarity between Skill Statements for Approximate Matching}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2001}
author = {Ai, Hua; Tetreault, Joel R.; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Comparing User Simulation Models For Dialog Strategy Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2002}
author = {Bel, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Marimon, Montserrat}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Grammatical Types for Nouns}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2003}
author = {Bohus, Dan; Grau Puerto, Sergio; Huggins-Daines, David; Keri, Venkatesh; Krishna, Gopala; Kumar, Rohit; Raux, Antoine; Tomko, Stefanie}
title = {Conquest---An Open-Source Dialog System for Conferences}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2004}
author = {Bromberg, Ilana; Morris, Jeremy; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Joint Versus Independent Phonological Feature Models within CRF Phone Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2005}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Thiesson, Bo; Ragno, Robert}
title = {K-Best Suffix Arrays}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2006}
author = {Eck, Matthias; Vogel, Stephan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Translation Model Pruning via Usage Statistics for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2007}
author = {Elming, Jakob; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Combination of Statistical Word Alignments Based on Multiple Preprocessing Schemes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2008}
author = {Enright, Jessica; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {A Fast Method for Parallel Document Identification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2009}
author = {Filali, Karim; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Generalized Graphical Abstractions for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2010}
author = {Fleischman, Michael; Roy, Deb}
title = {Situated Models of Meaning for Sports Video Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2011}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Rotaru, Mihai; Litman, Diane J.; Tetreault, Joel R.}
title = {Exploring Affect-Context Dependencies for Adaptive System Development}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2012}
author = {Fuentes, Olac; Vera, David; Solorio, Thamar}
title = {A Filter-Based Approach to Detect End-of-Utterances from Prosody in Dialog Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2013}
author = {Gurevich, Olga; Deane, Paul}
title = {Document Similarity Measures to Distinguish Native vs.\ Non-Native Essay Writers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2014}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Arabic Diacritization through Full Morphological Tagging}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2015}
author = {Hasan, Saša; Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Are Very Large N-Best Lists Useful for SMT?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2016}
author = {Havelka, Jiri}
title = {Relationship between Non-Projective Edges Their Level Types and Well-Nestedness}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2017}
author = {Hillard, Dustin; Hoffmeister, Bjoern; Ostendorf, Mari; Schlü"ter, Ralf; Ney, Hermann}
title = {iROVER: Improving System Combination with Classification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2018}
author = {Huang, Fang; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Clustered Sub-Matrix Singular Value Decomposition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2019}
author = {Huggins-Daines, David; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Implicitly Supervised Language Model Adaptation for Meeting Transcription}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2020}
author = {Jones, Douglas A.; Herzog, Martha; Ibrahim, Hussny; Jairam, Arvind; Shen, Wade; Gibson, Edward; Emonts, Michael}
title = {ILR-Based MT Comprehension Test with Multi-Level Questions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2021}
author = {Kate, Rohit J.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Semi-Supervised Learning for Semantic Parsing using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2022}
author = {Lambert, Patrik; Banches, Rafael E.; Crego, Josep M.}
title = {Discriminative Alignment Training without Annotated Data for Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2023}
author = {Laskowski, Kornel; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {A Geometric Interpretation of Non-Target-Normalized Maximum Cross-Channel Correlation for Vocal Activity Detection in Meetings}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2024}
author = {Lee, John; Zhou, Ming; Liu, Xiaohua}
title = {Detection of Non-Native Sentences Using Machine-Translated Training Data}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2025}
author = {Liu, Yudong; Shi, Zhongmin; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Exploiting Rich Syntactic Information for Relationship Extraction from Biomedical Articles}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2026}
author = {Liu, Feifan; Liu, Yang}
title = {Look Who is Talking: Soundbite Speaker Name Recognition in Broadcast News Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2027}
author = {Loftsson, Hrafn}
title = {Tagging Icelandic Text using a Linguistic and a Statistical Tagger}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2028}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Efficient Computation of Entropy Gradient for Semi-Supervised Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2029}
author = {Matveeva, Irina; Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Hybrid Document Indexing with Spectral Embedding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2030}
author = {Metze, Florian}
title = {On using Articulatory Features for Discriminative Speaker Adaptation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2031}
author = {Newman, P. S.}
title = {RH: A Retro-Hybrid Parser}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2032}
author = {Nguyen, Dat P. T.; Matsuo, Yutaka; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Subtree Mining for Relation Extraction from Wikipedia}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2033}
author = {Noamany, Mohamed; Schaaf, Thomas; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Advances in the CMU/Interact Arabic GALE Transcription System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2034}
author = {Perez, Alicia; Gonzalez, M. Teresa; Torres, M. Ines; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {An Integrated Architecture for Speech-Input Multi-Target Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2035}
author = {Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Crego, Josep M.; Vilar, David; Fonollosa, José A. R.; Mariño, Josée B.; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Analysis and System Combination of Phrase- and N-Gram-Based Statistical Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2036}
author = {Rubin, Victoria L.}
title = {Stating with Certainty or Stating with Doubt: Intercoder Reliability Results for Manual Annotation of Epistemically Modalized Statements}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2037}
author = {Sarikaya, Ruhi; Deng, Yonggang}
title = {Joint Morphological-Lexical Language Modeling for Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2038}
author = {Schatzmann, Jost; Thomson, Blaise; Weilhammer, Karl; Ye, Hui; Young, Steve}
title = {Agenda-Based User Simulation for Bootstrapping a POMDP Dialogue System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2039}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Reversible Sound-to-Letter/Letter-to-Sound Modeling Based on Syllable Structure}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2040}
author = {Shi, Yongmei; Zhou, Lina}
title = {Are Some Speech Recognition Errors Easier to Detect than Others?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2041}
author = {Shi, Zhongmin; Sarkar, Anoop; Popowich, Fred}
title = {Simultaneous Identification of Biomedical Named-Entity and Functional Relation Using Statistical Parsing Techniques}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2042}
author = {Subramanya, Amarnag; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Virtual Evidence for Training Speech Recognizers Using Partially Labeled Data}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2043}
author = {Tratz, Stephen; Sanfilippo, Antonio}
title = {A High Accuracy Method for Semi-Supervised Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2044}
author = {Trnka, Keith; Yarrington, Debra; McCaw, John; McCoy, Kathleen F.; Pennington, Christopher A.}
title = {The Effects of Word Prediction on Communication Rate for AAC}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2045}
author = {Turner, Jenine; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Language Modeling for Determiner Selection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2046}
author = {Vilain, Marc B.; Su, Jennifer; Lubar, Suzi}
title = {Entity Extraction is a Boring Solved Problem---Or is it?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2047}
author = {Wang, Zhuoran; Shawe-Taylor, John; Szedmak, Sandor}
title = {Kernel Regression Based Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2048}
author = {Wang, Guangwei; Araki, Kenji}
title = {Modifying SO-PMI for Japanese Weblog Opinion Mining by Using a Balancing Factor and Detecting Neutral Expressions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2049}
author = {Xie, Lei; Liu, Chuan; Meng, Helen M.}
title = {Combined Use of Speaker- and Tone-Normalized Pitch Reset with Pause Duration for Automatic Story Segmentation in Mandarin Broadcast News}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2050}
author = {Yu, Xiaofeng}
title = {Chinese Named Entity Recognition with Cascaded Hybrid Model}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2051}
author = {Yu, Kun; Kurohashi, Sadao; Liu, Hao}
title = {A Three-Step Deterministic Parser for Chinese Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2052}
author = {Zesch, Torsten; Gurevych, Iryna; Muhlhauser, Max}
title = {Comparing Wikipedia and German Wordnet by Evaluating Semantic Relatedness on Multiple Datasets}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2053}
author = {Zettlemoyer, Luke; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Selective Phrase Pair Extraction for Improved Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2054}
author = {Zhang, Jian; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Speech Summarization Without Lexical Features for Mandarin Broadcast News}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2055}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Kwon, Namhee; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Semi-Automatic Evaluation Scheme: Automated Nuggetization for Manual Annotation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3001}
author = {Friberg Heppin, Karin}
title = {Query Expansion Using Domain Information in Compounds}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3002}
author = {Wang, Qin Iris}
title = {Learning Structured Classifiers for Statistical Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3003}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo}
title = {Creating a Knowledge Base from a Collaboratively Generated Encyclopedia}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3004}
author = {Tribble, Alicia}
title = {Knowledge-Based Labeling of Semantic Relationships in English}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3005}
author = {Goulet, Marie-Josee}
title = {Analysis of Summarization Evaluation Experiments}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3006}
author = {Subba, Rajen}
title = {Exploiting Event Semantics to Parse the Rhetorical Structure of Natural Language Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3007}
author = {Pardal, Joana Paulo}
title = {Dynamic Use of Ontologies in Dialogue Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3008}
author = {Trandabat, Diana}
title = {Semantic Frames in Romanian Natural Language Processing Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3009}
author = {Olsson, J. Scott}
title = {Combining Evidence for Improved Speech Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3010}
author = {Biemann, Christian}
title = {Unsupervised Natural Language Processing Using Graph Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4001}
author = {Allen, James F.; Chambers, Nathanael; Ferguson, George; Galescu, Lucian; Jung, Hyuckchul; Swift, Mary; Taysom, William}
title = {Demonstration of PLOW: A Dialogue System for One-Shot Task Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4002}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Shore, Jane; Sabatini, John; Lee, Yong-Won; Ventura, Matthew}
title = {The Automated Text Adaptation Tool}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4003}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Callaway, Charles B.; Farrow, Elaine; Marques-Pita, Manuel; Matheson, Colin; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Adaptive Tutorial Dialogue Systems Using Deep NLP Techniques}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4004}
author = {Lee, Donghyeon; Lee, Jonghoon; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {POSSLT: A Korean to English Spoken Language Translation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4005}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Hsueh, Pei-Yun; Tucker, Simon; Kilgour, Jonathan; Carletta, Jean; Moore, Johanna D.; Renals, Steve}
title = {Automatic Segmentation and Summarization of Meeting Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4006}
author = {Novák, Václav}
title = {Cedit - Semantic Networks Manual Annotation Tool}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4007}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie; Wang, Chao; Chao, Chih-Yu}
title = {Spoken Dialogue Systems for Language Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4008}
author = {Stenchikova, Svetlana; Mucha, Basia; Hoffman, Sarah; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {RavenCalendar: A Multimodal Dialog System for Managing a Personal Calendar}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4009}
author = {Voss, L. Lynn; Ehlen, Patrick}
title = {The CALO Meeting Assistant}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4010}
author = {Wang, Guangwei; Araki, Kenji}
title = {OMS-J: An Opinion Mining System for Japanese Weblog Reviews Using a Combination of Supervised and Unsupervised Approaches}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4011}
author = {Wu, Chien-Cheng; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Learning to Find Transliteration on the Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4012}
author = {Yan, Baoshi; Weng, Fuliang; Feng, Zhe; Ratiu, Florin; Raya, Madhuri; Meng, Yao; Varges, Sebastian; Purver, Matthew; Lien, Annie; Scheideck, Tobias; Raghunathan, Badri; Lin, Feng; Mishra, Rohit; Lathrop, Brian; Zhang, Zhaoxia; Bratt, Harry; Peters, Stanley}
title = {A Conversational In-Car Dialog System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4013}
author = {Yates, Alexander; Banko, Michele; Broadhead, Matthew; Cafarella, Michael J.; Etzioni, Oren; Soderland, Stephen}
title = {TextRunner: Open Information Extraction on the Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4014}
author = {Young, Steve; Schatzmann, Jost; Thomson, Blaise; Weilhammer, Karl; Ye, Hui}
title = {The Hidden Information State Dialogue Manager: A Real-World POMDP-Based System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4015}
author = {Zhou, Liang}
title = {Text Comparison Using Machine-Generated Nuggets}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4016}
author = {Zweig, Geoffrey; Ju, Yun-Cheng; Nguyen, Patrick; Yu, Dong; Wang, Ye-Yi; Acero, Alex}
title = {Voice-Rate: A Dialog System for Consumer Ratings}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2007}
id = {N09-1001}
author = {Su, Fangzhong; Markert, Katja}
title = {Subjectivity Recognition on Word Senses via Semi-supervised Mincuts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1002}
author = {Gyamfi, Yaw; Wiebe, Janyce; Mihalcea, Rada; Akkaya, Cem}
title = {Integrating Knowledge for Subjectivity Sense Labeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1003}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Alfonseca, Enrique; Hall, Keith; Kravalova, Jana; Paşca, Marius; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {A Study on Similarity and Relatedness Using Distributional and WordNet-based Approaches}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1004}
author = {Chen, Ping; Ding, Wei; Bowes, Chris; Brown, David}
title = {A Fully Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Method Using Dependency Knowledge}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1005}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Learning Phoneme Mappings for Transliteration without Parallel Data}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1006}
author = {Gabani, Keyur; Sherman, Melissa; Solorio, Thamar; Liu, Yang; Bedore, Lisa; Peña, Elizabeth}
title = {A Corpus-Based Approach for the Prediction of Language Impairment in Monolingual English and Spanish-English Bilingual Children}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1007}
author = {Sun, Xu; Zhang, Yaozhong; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Discriminative Latent Variable Chinese Segmenter with Hybrid Word/Character Information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1008}
author = {Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Improved Reconstruction of Protolanguage Word Forms}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1009}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Shared Logistic Normal Distributions for Soft Parameter Tying in Unsupervised Grammar Induction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1010}
author = {Snyder, Benjamin; Naseem, Tahira; Eisenstein, Jacob; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Adding More Languages Improves Unsupervised Multilingual Part-of-Speech Tagging: a Bayesian Non-Parametric Approach}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1011}
author = {Nesson, Rebecca; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Efficiently Parsable Extensions to Tree-Local Multicomponent TAG}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1012}
author = {Headden III, William P.; Johnson, Mark; McClosky, David}
title = {Improving Unsupervised Dependency Parsing with Richer Contexts and Smoothing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1013}
author = {Brunning, Jamie; Gispert, Adrià de; Byrne, William}
title = {Context-Dependent Alignment Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1014}
author = {Alexandrescu, Andrei; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Graph-based Learning for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1015}
author = {Chen, Yu; Kay, Martin; Eisele, Andreas}
title = {Intersecting Multilingual Data for Faster and Better Statistical Translations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1016}
author = {Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian; Lee, Lillian; Ducott, Richard}
title = {Without a ’doubt’? Unsupervised Discovery of Downward-Entailing Operators}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1017}
author = {Gerber, Matthew; Chai, Joyce; Meyers, Adam}
title = {The Role of Implicit Argumentation in Nominal SRL}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1018}
author = {Meza-Ruiz, Ivan; Riedel, Sebastian}
title = {Jointly Identifying Predicates Arguments and Senses using Markov Logic}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1019}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Structured Generative Models for Unsupervised Named-Entity Clustering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1020}
author = {Haffari, Gholamreza; Whye Teh, Yee}
title = {Hierarchical Dirichlet Trees for Information Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1021}
author = {Olsson, J. Scott; Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Phrase-Based Query Degradation Modeling for Vocabulary-Independent Ranked Utterance Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1022}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {Japanese Query Alteration Based on Lexical Semantic Similarity}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1023}
author = {Wang, Lidan; Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Context-based Message Expansion for Disentanglement of Interleaved Text Conversations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1024}
author = {Poon, Hoifung; Cherry, Colin; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Unsupervised Morphological Segmentation with Log-Linear Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1025}
author = {Chiang, David; Knight, Kevin; Wang, Wei}
title = {11001 New Features for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1026}
author = {DeNero, John; Bansal, Mohit; Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Efficient Parsing for Transducer Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1027}
author = {Venugopal, Ashish; Zollmann, Andreas; Smith, Noah A.; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Preference Grammars: Softening Syntactic Constraints to Improve Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1028}
author = {Xu, Peng; Kang, Jaeho; Ringgaard, Michael; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Using a Dependency Parser to Improve SMT for Subject-Object-Verb Languages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1029}
author = {Chen, Han-Bin; Wu, Jian-Cheng; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Learning Bilingual Linguistic Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1030}
author = {Goldberg, Andrew B.; Fillmore, Nathanael; Andrzejewski, David; Xu, Zhiting; Gibson, Bryan; Zhu, Xiaojin}
title = {May All Your Wishes Come True: A Study of Wishes and How to Recognize Them}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1031}
author = {Kogan, Shimon; Levin, Dimitry; Routledge, Bryan R.; Sagi, Jacob S.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Predicting Risk from Financial Reports with Regression}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1032}
author = {Guo, Hong Lei; Zhu, Huijia; Guo, Zhili; Zhang, Xiaoxun; Wu, Xian; Su, Zhong}
title = {Domain Adaptation with Latent Semantic Association for Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1033}
author = {Vyas, Vishnu; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Semi-Automatic Entity Set Refinement}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1034}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei; Goldwasser, Dan; Roth, Dan; Tu, Yuancheng}
title = {Unsupervised Constraint Driven Learning For Transliteration Discovery}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1035}
author = {Bartlett, Susan; Kondrak, Grzegorz; Cherry, Colin}
title = {On the Syllabification of Phonemes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1036}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Improving nonparameteric Bayesian inference: experiments on unsupervised word segmentation with adaptor grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1037}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Joint Parsing and Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1038}
author = {Park, Y. Albert; Levy, Roger}
title = {Minimal-length linearizations for mildly context-sensitive dependency trees}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1039}
author = {Schuler, William}
title = {Positive Results for Parsing with a Bounded Stack using a Model-Based Right-Corner Transform}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1040}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Hierarchical Text Segmentation from Multi-Scale Lexical Cohesion}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1041}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {Exploring Content Models for Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1042}
author = {Chen, Harr; Branavan, S. R. K.; Barzilay, Regina; Karger, David R.}
title = {Global Models of Document Structure using Latent Permutations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1043}
author = {Baumann, Timo; Atterer, Michaela; Schlangen, David}
title = {Assessing and Improving the Performance of Speech Recognition for Incremental Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1044}
author = {Stent, Amanda J.; Zeljkovic, Ilija; Caseiro, Diamantino; Wilpon, Jay G.}
title = {Geo-Centric Language Models for Local Business Voice Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1045}
author = {Biadsy, Fadi; Habash, Nizar; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Improving the Arabic Pronunciation Dictionary for Phone and Word Recognition with Linguistically-Based Pronunciation Rules}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1046}
author = {Dyer, Chris}
title = {Using a maximum entropy model to build segmentation lattices for MT}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1047}
author = {Haffari, Gholamreza; Roy, Maxim; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Active Learning for Statistical Phrase-based Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1048}
author = {Wu, Xianchao; Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Semi-Supervised Lexicon Mining from Parenthetical Expressions in Monolingual Web Pages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1049}
author = {Iglesias, Gonzalo; Gispert, Adrià de; Banga, Eduardo R.; Byrne, William}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Weighted Finite State Transducers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1050}
author = {Chen, Lei; Zechner, Klaus; Xi, Xiaoming}
title = {Improved pronunciation features for construct-driven assessment of non-native spontaneous speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1051}
author = {Chen, Stanley F.}
title = {Performance Prediction for Exponential Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1052}
author = {Sarikaya, Ruhi; Afify, Mohamed; Kingsbury, Brian}
title = {Tied-Mixture Language Modeling in Continuous Space}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1053}
author = {Chen, Stanley F.}
title = {Shrinking Exponential Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1054}
author = {Yano, Tae; Cohen, William W.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Predicting Response to Political Blog Posts with Topic Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1055}
author = {Du, Weifu; Tan, Songbo}
title = {An Iterative Reinforcement Approach for Fine-Grained Opinion Mining}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1056}
author = {Barbosa, Luciano; Kumar, Ravi; Pang, Bo; Tomkins, Andrew}
title = {For a few dollars less: Identifying review pages sans human labels}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1057}
author = {Greene, Stephan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {More than Words: Syntactic Packaging and Implicit Sentiment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1058}
author = {Goyal, Amit; Daumé III, Hal; Venkatasubramanian, Suresh}
title = {Streaming for large scale NLP: Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1059}
author = {Sasano, Ryohei; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {The Effect of Corpus Size on Case Frame Acquisition for Discourse Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1060}
author = {Kireyev, Kirill}
title = {Semantic-based Estimation of Term Informativeness}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1061}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Kuhlmann, Marco; Satta, Giorgio; Weir, David}
title = {Optimal Reduction of Rule Length in Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1062}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Goldwater, Sharon; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Inducing Compact but Accurate Tree-Substitution Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1063}
author = {Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Hierarchical Search for Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1064}
author = {Subba, Rajen; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {An effective Discourse Parser that uses Rich Linguistic Information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1065}
author = {Ng, Vincent}
title = {Graph-Cut-Based Anaphoricity Determination for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1066}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Egan, Melissa; Hassan, Ahmed; Muthukrishnan, Pradeep; Qazvinian, Vahed; Radev, Dragomir R.; Zajic, David}
title = {Using Citations to Generate surveys of Scientific Paradigms}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1067}
author = {Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Non-Parametric Bayesian Areal Linguistics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1068}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Hierarchical Bayesian Domain Adaptation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1069}
author = {Liang, Percy; Klein, Dan}
title = {Online EM for Unsupervised Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1070}
author = {Liu, Feifan; Pennell, Deana; Liu, Fei; Liu, Yang}
title = {Unsupervised Approaches for Automatic Keyword Extraction Using Meeting Transcripts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1071}
author = {Raux, Antoine; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {A Finite-State Turn-Taking Model for Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1072}
author = {Jurafsky, Daniel; Ranganath, Rajesh; McFarland, Daniel A.}
title = {Extracting Social Meaning: Identifying Interactional Style in Spoken Conversation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1073}
author = {Roark, Brian; Hollingshead, Kristy}
title = {Linear Complexity Context-Free Parsing Pipelines via Chart Constraints}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1074}
author = {Miller, Tim}
title = {Improved Syntactic Models for Parsing Speech with Repairs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1075}
author = {Bicknell, Klinton; Levy, Roger}
title = {A model of local coherence effects in human sentence processing as consequences of updates from bottom-up prior to posterior beliefs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2001}
author = {Bach, Nguyen; Vogel, Stephan; Cherry, Colin}
title = {Cohesive Constraints in A Beam Search Phrase-based Decoder}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2002}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; Clarke, James}
title = {Revisiting Optimal Decoding for Machine Translation IBM Model 4}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2003}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Efficient Extraction of Oracle-best Translations from Hypergraphs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2004}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Semantic Roles for SMT: A Hybrid Two-Pass Model}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2005}
author = {Hasan, Saša; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Comparison of Extended Lexicon Models in Search and Rescoring for SMT}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2006}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Chen, Shengyuan}
title = {A Simplex Armijo Downhill Algorithm for Optimizing Statistical Machine Translation Decoding Parameters}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2007}
author = {McNamee, Paul; Mayfield, James; Nicholas, Charles}
title = {Translation Corpus Source and Size in Bilingual Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2008}
author = {Alfonseca, Enrique; Hall, Keith; Hartmann, Silvana}
title = {Large-scale Computation of Distributional Similarities for Queries}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2009}
author = {Barak, Libby; Dagan, Ido; Shnarch, Eyal}
title = {Text Categorization from Category Name via Lexical Reference}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2010}
author = {Arora, Shilpa; Joshi, Mahesh; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Identifying Types of Claims in Online Customer Reviews}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2011}
author = {Apostolova, Emilia; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Towards Automatic Image Region Annotation - Image Region Textual Coreference Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2012}
author = {Blaylock, Nate; Swain, Bradley; Allen, James F.}
title = {TESLA: A Tool for Annotating Geospatial Language Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2013}
author = {Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Phillips, Robert; Ha, Eun Young; Wallis, Michael; Vouk, Mladen; Lester, James C.}
title = {Modeling Dialogue Structure with Adjacency Pair Analysis and Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2014}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Christian, Gwen; DeVault, David; Traum, David R.}
title = {Towards Natural Language Understanding of Partial Speech Recognition Results in Dialogue Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2015}
author = {Tang, Hao; Chu, Stephen; Huang, Thomas}
title = {Spherical Discriminant Analysis in Semi-supervised Speaker Clustering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2016}
author = {Meurs, Marie-Jean; Lefèvre, Fabrice; de Mori, Renato}
title = {Learning Bayesian Networks for Semantic Frame Composition in a Spoken Dialog System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2017}
author = {Uchida, Yuzu; Araki, Kenji}
title = {Evaluation of a System for Noun Concepts Acquisition from Utterances about Images (SINCA) Using Daily Conversation Data}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2018}
author = {Nicholson, Jeremy; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Web and Corpus Methods for Malay Count Classifier Prediction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2019}
author = {Gispert, Adrià de; Virpioja, Sami; Kurimo, Mikko; Byrne, William}
title = {Minimum Bayes Risk Combination of Translation Hypotheses from Alternative Morphological Decompositions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2020}
author = {Hagen, Andreas; Pellom, Bryan; Hacioglu, Kadri}
title = {Generating Synthetic Children’s Acoustic Models from Adult Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2021}
author = {Rosenberg, Andrew; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Detecting Pitch Accents at the Word Syllable and Vowel Level}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2022}
author = {Coppola, Bonaventura; Moschitti, Alessandro; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Shallow Semantic Parsing for Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2023}
author = {Lee, Cheongjae; Jung, Sangkeun; Kim, Kyungduk; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Automatic Agenda Graph Construction from Human-Human Dialogs using Clustering Method}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2024}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Xu, Jian-ming}
title = {A Simple Sentence-Level Extraction Algorithm for Comparable Data}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2025}
author = {Okanohara, Daisuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Learning Combination Features with L1 Regularization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2026}
author = {Bolaños, Daniel; Zweig, Geoffrey; Nguyen, Patrick}
title = {Multi-scale Personalization for Voice Search Applications}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2027}
author = {Pon-Barry, Heather; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {The Importance of Sub-Utterance Prosody in Predicting Level of Certainty}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2028}
author = {Georgila, Kallirroi}
title = {Using Integer Linear Programming for Detecting Speech Disfluencies}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2029}
author = {Lerman, Kevin; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Contrastive Summarization: An Experiment with Consumer Reviews}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2030}
author = {Coursey, Kino; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Topic Identification Using Wikipedia Graph Centrality}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2031}
author = {Yu, Kun; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Extracting Bilingual Dictionary from Comparable Corpora with Dependency Heterogeneity}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2032}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Henderson, James B.; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Domain Adaptation with Artificial Data for Semantic Parsing of Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2033}
author = {Galescu, Lucian}
title = {Extending Pronunciation Lexicons via Non-phonemic Respellings}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2034}
author = {Katsumaru, Masaki; Nakano, Mikio; Komatani, Kazunori; Funakoshi, Kotaro; Ogata, Tetsuya; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {A Speech Understanding Framework that Uses Multiple Language Models and Multiple Understanding Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2035}
author = {Bloodgood, Michael; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Taking into Account the Differences between Actively and Passively Acquired Data: The Case of Active Learning with Support Vector Machines for Imbalanced Datasets}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2036}
author = {Pust, Michael; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Faster MT Decoding Through Pervasive Laziness}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2037}
author = {Gupta, Naman K.; Chaudhuri, Sourish; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Evaluating the Syntactic Transformations in Gold Standard Corpora for Statistical Sentence Compression}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2038}
author = {Bach, Nguyen; Hsiao, Roger; Eck, Matthias; Charoenpornsawat, Paisarn; Vogel, Stephan; Schultz, Tanja; Lane, Ian; Waibel, Alex; Black, Alan W.}
title = {Incremental Adaptation of Speech-to-Speech Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2039}
author = {Popescu, Octavian}
title = {Name Perplexity}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2040}
author = {Banerjee, Protima; Han, Hyoil}
title = {Answer Credibility: A Language Modeling Approach to Answer Validation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2041}
author = {Rajkumar, Rajakrishnan; White, Michael; Espinosa, Dominic}
title = {Exploiting Named Entity Classes in CCG Surface Realization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2042}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Chang, Yi; Zheng, Zhaohui; Metzler, Donald; Nie, Jian-Yun}
title = {Search Engine Adaptation by Feedback Control Adjustment for Time-sensitive Query}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2043}
author = {Kim, Seokhwan; Jeong, Minwoo; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {A Local Tree Alignment-based Soft Pattern Matching Approach for Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2044}
author = {Feldman, Sergey; Marin, Marius; Medero, Julie; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Classifying Factored Genres with Part-of-Speech Histograms}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2045}
author = {Jonnalagadda, Siddhartha; Tari, Luis; Hakenberg, Jörg; Baral, Chitta; Gonzalez, Graciela}
title = {Towards Effective Sentence Simplification for Automatic Processing of Biomedical Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2046}
author = {Tan, Songbo; Cheng, Xueqi}
title = {Improving SCL Model for Sentiment-Transfer Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2047}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Boullier, Pierre; Nasr, Alexis; Rambow, Owen; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {MICA: A Probabilistic Dependency Parser Based on Tree Insertion Grammars (Application Note)}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2048}
author = {Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Lexical and Syntactic Adaptation and Their Impact in Deployed Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2049}
author = {Hirsimäki, Teemu; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Analysing Recognition Errors in Unlimited-Vocabulary Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2050}
author = {Petukhova, Volha; Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {The independence of dimensions in multidimensional dialogue act annotation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2051}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang; Florian, Radu; Ward, Todd}
title = {Improving Coreference Resolution by Using Conversational Metadata}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2052}
author = {Zhao, Yong; He, Xiaodong}
title = {Using N-gram based Features for Machine Translation System Combination}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2053}
author = {Chen, Zheng; Ji, Heng}
title = {Language Specific Issue and Feature Exploration in Chinese Event Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2054}
author = {Huang, Zhongqiang; Eidelman, Vladimir; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Improving A Simple Bigram HMM Part-of-Speech Tagger by Latent Annotation and Self-Training}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2055}
author = {Lagarda, Antonio L.; Alabau, Vicent; Casacuberta, Francisco; Silva, Roberto; Díaz-de-Liaño, Enrique}
title = {Statistical Post-Editing of a Rule-Based Machine Translation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2056}
author = {Paul, Michael; Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Sumita, Eiichiro; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {On the Importance of Pivot Language Selection for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2057}
author = {Filippova, Katja; Strube, Michael}
title = {Tree Linearization in English: Improving Language Model Based Approaches}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2058}
author = {Zhong, Huayan; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Determining the position of adverbial phrases in English}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2059}
author = {Jin, Peng; McCarthy, Diana; Koeling, Rob; Carroll, John}
title = {Estimating and Exploiting the Entropy of Sense Distributions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2060}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid}
title = {Semantic Classification with WordNet Kernels}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2061}
author = {Gillick, Dan}
title = {Sentence Boundary Detection and the Problem with the U.S.}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2062}
author = {Turian, Joseph P.; Bergstra, James; Bengio, Yoshua}
title = {Quadratic Features and Deep Architectures for Chunking}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2063}
author = {Çobanoglu, Onur}
title = {Active Zipfian Sampling for Statistical Parser Training}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2064}
author = {Fossum, Victoria Li; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Combining Constituent Parsers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2065}
author = {Mistica, Meladel; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Recognising the Predicate-argument Structure of Tagalog}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2066}
author = {Attardi, Giuseppe; Dell'Orletta, Felice}
title = {Reverse Revision and Linear Tree Combination for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2067}
author = {Yaman, Sibel; Tur, Gokhan; Vergyri, Dimitra; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Harper, Mary P.; Wang, Wen}
title = {Anchored Speech Recognition for Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2068}
author = {Can, Dogan; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {Score Distribution Based Term Specific Thresholding for Spoken Term Detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2069}
author = {Yang, Dong; Pan, Yi-Cheng; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Automatic Chinese Abbreviation Generation Using Conditional Random Field}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2070}
author = {Ramabhadran, Bhuvana; Sethy, Abhinav; Mamou, Jonathan; Kingsbury, Brian; Chaudhari, Upendra}
title = {Fast decoding for open vocabulary spoken term detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2071}
author = {Mishra, Taniya; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Tightly coupling Speech Recognition and Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4001}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Data Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4002}
author = {Brants, Thorsten; Xu, Peng}
title = {Distributed Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4003}
author = {Huang, Liang}
title = {Dynamic Programming-based Search Algorithms in NLP}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4004}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Strube, Michael}
title = {Extracting World and Linguistic Knowledge from Wikipedia}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4005}
author = {Riley, Michael D.; Allauzen, Cyril; Jansche, Martin}
title = {OpenFst: An Open-Source Weighted Finite-State Transducer Library and its Applications to Speech and Language}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4006}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {OntoNotes: The 90% Solution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4007}
author = {Kipper-Schuler, Karin; Korhonen, Anna; Brown, Susan Windisch}
title = {VerbNet overview extensions mappings and applications}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4008}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Writing Systems Transliteration and Decipherment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-5001}
author = {Ji, Heng; Chen, Zheng}
title = {Cross-document Temporal and Spatial Person Tracking System Demonstration}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-5002}
author = {Kumar, Rohit; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Witbrock, Michael J.}
title = {Building Conversational Agents with Basilica}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-5003}
author = {Kunath, Stephen A.; Weinberger, Steven H.}
title = {STAT: Speech Transcription Analysis Tool}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-5004}
author = {Kurimo, Mikko; Virpioja, Sami; Turunen, Ville; Hirsimäki, Teemu}
title = {Morpho Challenge - Evaluation of algorithms for unsupervised learning of morphology in various tasks and languages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-5005}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Kolhatkar, Varada}
title = {WordNet::SenseRelate::AllWords - A Broad Coverage Word Sense Tagger that Maximizes Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2009}
id = {N10-1001}
author = {Renals, Steve}
title = {Invited Talk: Recognition and Understanding of Meetings}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1002}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Baldwin, Timothy; Kordoni, Valia; Martinez, David; Nicholson, Jeremy}
title = {Chart Mining-based Lexical Acquisition with Precision Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1003}
author = {Petrov, Slav}
title = {Products of Random Latent Variable Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1004}
author = {McClosky, David; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Automatic Domain Adaptation for Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1005}
author = {Huang, Zhongqiang; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Appropriately Handled Prosodic Breaks Help PCFG Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1006}
author = {Xie, Shasha; Liu, Yang}
title = {Using Confusion Networks for Speech Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1007}
author = {Mishra, Taniya; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Qme! : A Speech-based Question-Answering system on Mobile Devices}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1008}
author = {Liu, Jingjing; Seneff, Stephanie; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Dialogue-Oriented Review Summary Generation for Spoken Dialogue Recommendation Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1009}
author = {Singh, Sameer; Hillard, Dustin; Leggetter, Chris}
title = {Minimally-Supervised Extraction of Entities from Text Advertisements}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1010}
author = {Klapaftis, Ioannis P.; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Taxonomy Learning Using Word Sense Induction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1011}
author = {Feng, Yansong; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Visual Information in Semantic Representation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1012}
author = {Newman, David; Lau, Jey Han; Grieser, Karl; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Automatic Evaluation of Topic Coherence}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1013}
author = {Reisinger, Joseph; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Multi-Prototype Vector-Space Models of Word Meaning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1014}
author = {Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan; Chiang, David; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Unsupervised Syntactic Alignment with Inversion Transduction Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1015}
author = {Burkett, David; Blitzer, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {Joint Parsing and Alignment with Weakly Synchronized Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1016}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Learning Translation Boundaries for Phrase-Based Decoding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1017}
author = {Kok, Stanley; Brockett, Chris}
title = {Hitting the Right Paraphrases in Good Time}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1018}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Roth, Dan}
title = {Training Paradigms for Correcting Errors in Grammar and Usage}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1019}
author = {Gamon, Michael}
title = {Using Mostly Native Data to Correct Errors in Learners’ Writing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1020}
author = {Ritter, Alan; Cherry, Colin; Dolan, Bill}
title = {Unsupervised Modeling of Twitter Conversations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1021}
author = {Petrović, Saša; Osborne, Miles; Lavrenko, Victor}
title = {Streaming First Story Detection with application to Twitter}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1022}
author = {Rastrow, Ariya; Jelinek, Frederick; Sethy, Abhinav; Ramabhadran, Bhuvana}
title = {Unsupervised Model Adaptation using Information-Theoretic Criterion}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1023}
author = {Shugrina, Maria}
title = {Formatting Time-Aligned ASR Transcripts for Readability}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1024}
author = {Novotney, Scott; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Cheap Fast and Good Enough: Automatic Speech Recognition with Non-Expert Transcription}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1025}
author = {Parada, Carolina; Dredze, Mark; Filimonov, Denis; Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {Contextual Information Improves OOV Detection in Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1026}
author = {Ahuja, Arun; Downey, Doug}
title = {Improved Extraction Assessment through Better Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1027}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Lui, Marco}
title = {Language Identification: The Long and the Short of the Matter}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1028}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Inducing Synchronous Grammars with Slice Sampling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1029}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Diab, Mona}
title = {Task-based Evaluation of Multiword Expressions: a Pilot Study in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1030}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Liu, Ting; Li, Yongqiang}
title = {Improving Semantic Role Labeling with Word Sense}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1031}
author = {Denkowski, Michael; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Extending the METEOR Machine Translation Evaluation Metric to the Phrase Level}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1032}
author = {Drellishak, Scott}
title = {Testing a Grammar Customization System with Sahaptin}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1033}
author = {Dyer, Chris}
title = {Two monolingual parses are better than one (synchronous parse)}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1034}
author = {Ghodke, Sumukh; Bird, Steven}
title = {Fast Query for Large Treebanks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1035}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Kuhlmann, Marco; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Efficient Parsing of Well-Nested Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1036}
author = {Ji, Heng; Chen, Zheng; Feldman, Jonathan; Gonzalez, Antonio; Grishman, Ralph; Upadhyay, Vivek}
title = {Utility Evaluation of Cross-document Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1037}
author = {Jabbari, Sanaz; Hepple, Mark; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Evaluation Metrics for the Lexical Substitution Task}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1038}
author = {Joshi, Mahesh; Das, Dipanjan; Gimpel, Kevin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Movie Reviews and Revenues: An Experiment in Text Regression}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1039}
author = {Li, Linlin; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Using Gaussian Mixture Models to Detect Figurative Language in Context}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1040}
author = {Liberato, Frank; Mohit, Behrang; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Improving Phrase-Based Translation with Prototypes of Short Phrases}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1041}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Madnani, Nitin; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Putting the User in the Loop: Interactive Maximal Marginal Relevance for Query-Focused Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1042}
author = {Liu, Feifan; Wang, Dong; Li, Bin; Liu, Yang}
title = {Improving Blog Polarity Classification via Topic Analysis and Adaptive Methods}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1043}
author = {Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Creating Local Coherence: An Empirical Assessment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1044}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Rosenthal, Sara; Thadani, Kapil; Moore, Coleman}
title = {Time-Efficient Creation of an Accurate Sentence Fusion Corpus}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1045}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar; Negri, Matteo; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Towards Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1046}
author = {Momtazi, Saeedeh; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {A Comparative Study of Word Co-occurrence for Term Clustering in Language Model-based Sentence Retrieval}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1047}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Information Content Measures of Semantic Similarity Perform Better Without Sense-Tagged Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1048}
author = {Piwek, Paul; Stoyanchev, Svetlana}
title = {Generating Expository Dialogue from Monologue: Motivation Corpus and Preliminary Rules}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1049}
author = {Rambow, Owen}
title = {The Simple Truth about Dependency and Phrase Structure Representations: An Opinion Piece}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1050}
author = {Saers, Markus; Nivre, Joakim; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Word Alignment with Stochastic Bracketing Linear Inversion Transduction Grammar}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1051}
author = {Sayeed, Asad B.; Meyer, Timothy J.; Nguyen, Hieu; Buzek, Olivia; Weinberg, Amy}
title = {Crowdsourcing the evaluation of a domain-adapted named entity recognition system}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1052}
author = {Setiawan, Hendra; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Generalizing Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation using Rules with Adjacent Nonterminals}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1053}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Guo, Yikun}
title = {The Effect of Ambiguity on the Automated Acquisition of WSD Examples}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1054}
author = {Su, Fangzhong; Markert, Katja}
title = {Word Sense Subjectivity for Cross-lingual Lexical Substitution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1055}
author = {Wang, Yu; Agichtein, Eugene}
title = {Query Ambiguity Revisited: Clickthrough Measures for Distinguishing Informational and Ambiguous Queries}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1056}
author = {Yatskar, Mark; Pang, Bo; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian; Lee, Lillian}
title = {For the sake of simplicity: Unsupervised extraction of lexical simplifications from Wikipedia}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1057}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Predicting Human-Targeted Translation Edit Rate via Untrained Human Annotators}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1058}
author = {Zapirain, Beñat; Agirre, Eneko; Màrquez, Lluís; Surdeanu, Mihai}
title = {Improving Semantic Role Classification with Selectional Preferences}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1059}
author = {Zhao, Yanyan; Qin, Bing; Hu, Shen; Liu, Ting}
title = {Generalizing Syntactic Structures for Product Attribute Candidate Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1060}
author = {Foster, Jennifer}
title = {“cba to check the spelling”: Investigating Parser Performance on Discussion Forum Posts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1061}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Klein, Dan}
title = {Coreference Resolution in a Modular Entity-Centered Model}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1062}
author = {Levenberg, Abby; Callison-Burch, Chris; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Stream-based Translation Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1063}
author = {Smith, Jason R.; Quirk, Chris; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Extracting Parallel Sentences from Comparable Corpora using Document Level Alignment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1064}
author = {Bertoldi, Nicola; Cettolo, Mauro; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation of Texts with Misspelled Words}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1065}
author = {Khapra, Mitesh M.; Kumaran, A.; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Everybody loves a rich cousin: An empirical study of transliteration through bridge languages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1066}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei; Goldwasser, Dan; Roth, Dan; Srikumar, Vivek}
title = {Discriminative Learning over Constrained Latent Representations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1067}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Beigman, Eyal}
title = {Some Empirical Evidence for Annotation Noise in a Benchmarked Dataset}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1068}
author = {Chiang, David; Graehl, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin; Pauls, Adam; Ravi, Sujith}
title = {Bayesian Inference for Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1069}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Hall, Keith; Mann, Gideon S.}
title = {Distributed Training Strategies for the Structured Perceptron}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1070}
author = {Wilson, Andrew T.; Chew, Peter A.}
title = {Term Weighting Schemes for Latent Dirichlet Allocation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1071}
author = {De Bona, Fabio; Riezler, Stefan; Hall, Keith; Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Herdağdelen, Amaç; Holmqvist, Maria}
title = {Learning Dense Models of Query Similarity from User Click Logs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1072}
author = {Zheng, Zhicheng; Li, Fangtao; Huang, Minlie; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Learning to Link Entities with Knowledge Base}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1073}
author = {Udupa, Raghavendra; Khapra, Mitesh M.}
title = {Improving the Multilingual User Experience of Wikipedia Using Cross-Language Name Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1074}
author = {Jones, Bevan K.; Johnson, Mark; Frank, Michael C.}
title = {Learning Words and Their Meanings from Unsegmented Child-directed Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1075}
author = {Munro, Robert; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Subword Variation in Text Message Classification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1076}
author = {Haertel, Robbie; McClanahan, Peter; Ringger, Eric K.}
title = {Automatic Diacritization for Low-Resource Languages Using a Hybrid Word and Consonant CMM}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1077}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Hussain, Sarmad}
title = {Urdu Word Segmentation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1078}
author = {Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Enabling Monolingual Translators: Post-Editing vs. Options}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1079}
author = {Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel; García-Varea, Ismael; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Online Learning for Interactive Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1080}
author = {Cer, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {The Best Lexical Metric for Phrase-Based Statistical MT System Optimization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1081}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Blei, David M.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Variational Inference for Adaptor Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1082}
author = {Liang, Percy; Jordan, Michael I.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Type-Based MCMC}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1083}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre; DeNero, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {Painless Unsupervised Learning with Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1084}
author = {Chang, Ching-Yun; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Linguistic Steganography Using Automatically Generated Paraphrases}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1085}
author = {Dunlop, Aaron; Mitchell, Margaret; Roark, Brian}
title = {Prenominal Modifier Ordering via Multiple Sequence Alignment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1086}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Good Question! Statistical Ranking for Question Generation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1087}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Not All Seeds Are Equal: Measuring the Quality of Text Mining Seeds}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1088}
author = {Duan, Weisi; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Extracting Glosses to Disambiguate Word Senses}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1089}
author = {Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Can Recognising Multiword Expressions Improve Shallow Parsing?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1090}
author = {Zhang, Yaozhong; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Simple Approach for HPSG Supertagging Using Dependency Information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1091}
author = {Surdeanu, Mihai; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Ensemble Models for Dependency Parsing: Cheap and Good?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1092}
author = {Gascó, Guillem; Sánchez, Joan-Andreu; Benedí, José-Miguel}
title = {Enlarged Search Space for SITG Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1093}
author = {Gadde, Phani; Jindal, Karan; Husain, Samar; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Sangal, Rajeev}
title = {Improving Data Driven Dependency Parsing using Clausal Information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1094}
author = {Kulick, Seth; Bies, Ann}
title = {A Treebank Query System Based on an Extracted Tree Grammar}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1095}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Ural, Ahmet Engin}
title = {Reranking the Berkeley and Brown Parsers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1096}
author = {Cade, Whitney L.; Lehman, Blair A.; Olney, Andrew}
title = {An Exploration of Off Topic Conversation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1097}
author = {Wang, Yi-Chia; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Making Conversational Structure Explicit: Identification of Initiation-response Pairs within Online Discussions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1098}
author = {Kumar, Rohit; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Engaging learning groups using Social Interaction Strategies}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1099}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Tetreault, Joel R.; Andreyev, Slava}
title = {Using Entity-Based Features to Model Coherence in Student Essays}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1100}
author = {Sharifi, Beaux; Hutton, Mark-Anthony; Kalita, Jugal K.}
title = {Summarizing Microblogs Automatically}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1101}
author = {Wu, Wei; Zhang, Bin; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Automatic Generation of Personalized Annotation Tags for Twitter Users}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1102}
author = {Bhargava, Aditya; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Language identification of names with SVMs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1103}
author = {Jiampojamarn, Sittichai; Cherry, Colin; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Integrating Joint n-gram Features into a Discriminative Training Framework}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1104}
author = {El-Desoky, Amr; Schlü"ter, Ralf; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Hybrid Morphologically Decomposed Factored Language Models for Arabic LVCSR}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1105}
author = {Mohamed, Emad; Kübler, Sandra}
title = {Is Arabic Part of Speech Tagging Feasible Without Word Segmentation?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1106}
author = {Benajiba, Yassine; Zitouni, Imed}
title = {Arabic Mention Detection: Toward Better Unit of Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1107}
author = {Reddy, Sravana; Goldsmith, John}
title = {An MDL-based approach to extracting subword units for grapheme-to-phoneme conversion}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1108}
author = {Zhang, Bin; Hutchinson, Brian; Wu, Wei; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Extracting Phrase Patterns with Minimum Redundancy for Unsupervised Speaker Role Classification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1109}
author = {Rosenberg, Andrew}
title = {Classification of Prosodic Events using Quantized Contour Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1110}
author = {Prabhavalkar, Rohit; Jyothi, Preethi; Hartmann, William; Morris, Jeremy; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Investigations into the Crandem Approach to Word Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1111}
author = {Singh, Sameer; Yao, Limin; Riedel, Sebastian; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Constraint-Driven Rank-Based Learning for Information Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1112}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Softmax-Margin CRFs: Training Log-Linear Models with Cost Functions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1113}
author = {Schwarck, Florian; Fraser, Alexander; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Bitext-Based Resolution of German Subject-Object Ambiguities}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1114}
author = {Temperley, David}
title = {Invited Talk: Music Language and Computational Modeling: Lessons from the Key-Finding Problem}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1115}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {An Efficient Algorithm for Easy-First Non-Directional Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1116}
author = {Spitkovsky, Valentin I.; Alshawi, Hiyan; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {From Baby Steps to Leapfrog: How “Less is More” in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1117}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; Smith, David A.}
title = {Relaxed Marginal Inference and its Application to Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1118}
author = {Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Optimal Parsing Strategies for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1119}
author = {Velikovich, Leonid; Blair-Goldensohn, Sasha; Hannan, Kerry; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {The viability of web-derived polarity lexicons}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1120}
author = {Nakagawa, Tetsuji; Inui, Kentaro; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Dependency Tree-based Sentiment Classification using CRFs with Hidden Variables}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1121}
author = {Wiegand, Michael; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Convolution Kernels for Opinion Holder Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1122}
author = {Brody, Samuel; Elhadad, Noémie}
title = {An Unsupervised Aspect-Sentiment Model for Online Reviews}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1123}
author = {Poon, Hoifung; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {Joint Inference for Knowledge Extraction from Biomedical Literature}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1124}
author = {Boudin, Florian; Nie, Jian-Yun; Dawes, Martin}
title = {Clinical Information Retrieval using Document and PICO Structure}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1125}
author = {Feng, Yansong; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Topic Models for Image Annotation and Text Illustration}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1126}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Epstein, Susan L.; Ligorio, Tiziana; Gordon, Joshua B.; Bhutada, Pravin}
title = {Learning about Voice Search for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1127}
author = {Ge, Niyu}
title = {A Direct Syntax-Driven Reordering Model for Phrase-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1128}
author = {Dyer, Chris; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Context-free reordering finite-state translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1129}
author = {Green, Spence; Galley, Michel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Improved Models of Distortion Cost for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1130}
author = {Maletti, Andreas}
title = {Why Synchronous Tree Substitution Grammars?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1131}
author = {Galanis, Dimitrios; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {An extractive supervised two-stage method for sentence compression}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1132}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond T.}
title = {Interpretation and Transformation for Abstracting Conversations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1133}
author = {Ceylan, Hakan; Mihalcea, Rada; Özertem, Umut; Lloret, Elena; Palomar, Manuel}
title = {Quantifying the Limits and Success of Extractive Summarization Systems Across Domains}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1134}
author = {Lin, Hui; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Multi-document Summarization via Budgeted Maximization of Submodular Functions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1135}
author = {Peirsman, Yves; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {Cross-lingual Induction of Selectional Preferences with Bilingual Vector Spaces}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1137}
author = {Lang, Joel; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Unsupervised Induction of Semantic Roles}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1138}
author = {Das, Dipanjan; Schneider, Nathan; Chen, Desai; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Probabilistic Frame-Semantic Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1139}
author = {Allauzen, Cyril; Kumar, Shankar; Macherey, Wolfgang; Mohri, Mehryar; Riley, Michael D.}
title = {Expected Sequence Similarity Maximization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1140}
author = {Galley, Michel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Accurate Non-Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1141}
author = {DeNero, John; Kumar, Shankar; Chelba, Ciprian; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Model Combination for Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1142}
author = {Lampert, Andrew; Dale, Robert; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Detecting Emails Containing Requests for Action}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1143}
author = {Carroll, Lucien}
title = {Evaluating Hierarchical Discourse Segmentation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1144}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith; Katsos, Napoleon}
title = {Reformulating Discourse Connectives for Non-Expert Readers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1145}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Tree Edit Models for Recognizing Textual Entailments Paraphrases and Answers to Questions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1146}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar; Moschitti, Alessandro; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {Syntactic/Semantic Structures for Textual Entailment Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-1147}
author = {Shutova, Ekaterina}
title = {Automatic Metaphor Interpretation as a Paraphrasing Task}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2001}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Harrison, Karl; Naish-Guzman, Andrew; Parker, Andy; Siddharthan, Advaith; Sinclair, David; Slater, Mark; Watson, Rebecca}
title = {Camtology: Intelligent Information Access for Science}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2002}
author = {Cai, Congxing; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Summarizing Textual Information about Locations In a Geo-Spatial Information Display System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2003}
author = {Cer, Daniel; Galley, Michel; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Phrasal: A Statistical Machine Translation Toolkit for Exploring New Model Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2004}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.; Bonial, Claire; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Multilingual Propbank Annotation Tools: Cornerstone and Jubilee}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2005}
author = {Kersey, Cynthia; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Jordan, Pamela W.; Katz, Sandra}
title = {KSC-PaL: A Peer Learning Agent that Encourages Students to take the Initiative}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2006}
author = {Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {A Detailed Accurate Extensive Available English Lexical Database}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2007}
author = {Mayfield, Elijah; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {An Interactive Tool for Supporting Error Analysis for Text Mining}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2008}
author = {Sagae, Alicia; Johnson, W. Lewis; Row, Rebecca}
title = {Serious Game Environments for Language and Culture Education}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2009}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; DeVault, David; Traum, David R.}
title = {Interpretation of Partial Utterances in Virtual Human Dialogue Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2010}
author = {Sánchez-Sáez, Ricardo; Leiva, Luis A.; Sánchez, Joan-Andreu; Benedí, José-Miguel}
title = {Interactive Predictive Parsing using a Web-based Architecture}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2011}
author = {Scarton, Carolina; Oliveira, Matheus; Candido Jr., Arnaldo; Gasperin, Caroline; Aluísio, Sandra}
title = {SIMPLIFICA: a tool for authoring simplified texts in Brazilian Portuguese guided by readability assessments}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2012}
author = {Wang, Kuansan; Thrasher, Chris; Viegas, Evelyne; Li, Xiaolong; Hsu, Bo-June (Paul)}
title = {An Overview of Microsoft Web N-gram Corpus and Applications}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4001}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4002}
author = {Poon, Hoifung}
title = {Markov Logic in Natural Language Processing: Theory Algorithms and Applications}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4003}
author = {Subramaniam, L. Venkata}
title = {Noisy Text Analytics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4004}
author = {Wang, Qin Iris; Zhang, Yue}
title = {Recent Advances in Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4005}
author = {Wang, Ming-Wei; Rizzolo, Nicholas; Roth, Dan}
title = {Integer Linear Programming in NLP - Constrained Conditional Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4006}
author = {Evert, Stefan}
title = {Distributional Semantic Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4007}
author = {Levy, Roger; Bicknell, Klinton; Smith, Nathaniel}
title = {Computational psycholinguistics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4008}
author = {Sammons, Mark; Szpektor, Idan; Vydiswaran, V. G. Vinod}
title = {Textual Entailment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2010}
id = {P11-1001}
author = {Zollmann, Andreas; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {A Word-Class Approach to Labeling PSCFG Rules for Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1002}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Deciphering Foreign Language}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1003}
author = {Wu, Xianchao; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Effective Use of Function Words for Rule Generalization in Forest-Based Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1004}
author = {Clifton, Ann; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Combining Morpheme-based Machine Translation with Post-processing Morpheme Prediction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1005}
author = {Rehbein, Ines; Ruppenhofer, Josef}
title = {Evaluating the Impact of Coder Errors on Active Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1006}
author = {Wang, Ziqi; Xu, Gu; Li, Hang; Zhang, Ming}
title = {A Fast and Accurate Method for Approximate String Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1007}
author = {Titov, Ivan}
title = {Domain Adaptation by Constraining Inter-Domain Variability of Latent Feature Representation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1008}
author = {Rush, Alexander M.; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Exact Decoding of Syntactic Translation Models through Lagrangian Relaxation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1009}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Fuxman, Ariel}
title = {Jigs and Lures: Associating Web Queries with Structured Entities}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1010}
author = {Jiang, Qixia; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Semi-Supervised SimHash for Efficient Document Similarity Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1011}
author = {Bendersky, Michael; Croft, W. Bruce; Smith, David A.}
title = {Joint Annotation of Search Queries}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1012}
author = {Cai, Peng; Gao, Wei; Zhou, Aoying; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {Query Weighting for Ranking Model Adaptation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1013}
author = {He, Yulan; Lin, Chenghua; Alani, Harith}
title = {Automatically Extracting Polarity-Bearing Topics for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1014}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Weir, David; Carroll, John}
title = {Using Multiple Sources to Construct a Sentiment Sensitive Thesaurus for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1015}
author = {Maas, Andrew L.; Daly, Raymond E.; Pham, Peter T.; Huang, Dan; Ng, Andrew Y.; Potts, Christopher}
title = {Learning Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1016}
author = {Jiang, Long; Yu, Mo; Zhou, Ming; Liu, Xiaohua; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Target-dependent Twitter Sentiment Classification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1017}
author = {Shudo, Kosho; Kurahone, Akira; Tanabe, Toshifumi}
title = {A Comprehensive Dictionary of Multiword Expressions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1018}
author = {Gower Small, Sharon; Stromer-Galley, Jennifer; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Multi-Modal Annotation of Quest Games in Second Life}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1019}
author = {Yannakoudakis, Helen; Briscoe, Ted; Medlock, Ben}
title = {A New Dataset and Method for Automatically Grading ESOL Texts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1020}
author = {Chen, David; Dolan, William B.}
title = {Collecting Highly Parallel Data for Paraphrase Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1021}
author = {Tan, Ming; Zhou, Wenli; Zheng, Lei; Wang, Shaojun}
title = {A Large Scale Distributed Syntactic Semantic and Lexical Language Model for Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1022}
author = {Bach, Nguyen; Huang, Fei; Al-Onaizan, Yaser}
title = {Goodness: A Method for Measuring Machine Translation Confidence}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1023}
author = {Lo, Chi-kiu; Wu, Dekai}
title = {MEANT: An inexpensive high-accuracy semi-automatic metric for evaluating translation utility based on semantic roles}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1024}
author = {Subotin, Michael}
title = {An exponential translation model for target language morphology}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1025}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Bayesian Inference for Zodiac and Other Homophonic Ciphers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1026}
author = {Hu, Yuening; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Satinoff, Brianna}
title = {Interactive Topic Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1027}
author = {Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Faster and Smaller N-Gram Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1028}
author = {Branavan, S. R. K.; Silver, David; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Learning to Win by Reading Manuals in a Monte-Carlo Framework}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1029}
author = {Veale, Tony}
title = {Creative Language Retrieval: A Robust Hybrid of Information Retrieval and Linguistic Creativity}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1030}
author = {Escalante, Hugo Jair; Solorio, Thamar; Montes-y-Gomez, Manuel}
title = {Local Histograms of Character N-grams for Authorship Attribution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1031}
author = {Kireyev, Kirill; Landauer, Thomas K.}
title = {Word Maturity: Computational Modeling of Word Knowledge}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1032}
author = {Ott, Myle; Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire; Hancock, Jeffrey T.}
title = {Finding Deceptive Opinion Spam by Any Stretch of the Imagination}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1033}
author = {Lu, Bin; Tan, Chenhao; Cardie, Claire; K. Tsou, Benjamin}
title = {Joint Bilingual Sentiment Classification with Unlabeled Parallel Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1034}
author = {Wang, Dong; Liu, Yang}
title = {A Pilot Study of Opinion Summarization in Conversations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1035}
author = {Park, Souneil; Lee, Kyung-Soon; Song, Junehwa}
title = {Contrasting Opposing Views of News Articles on Contentious Issues}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1036}
author = {Sauper, Christina; Haghighi, Aria; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Content Models with Attitude}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1037}
author = {Liu, Xiaohua; Zhang, Shaodian; Wei, Furu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Recognizing Named Entities in Tweets}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1038}
author = {Han, Bo; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Lexical Normalisation of Short Text Messages: Makn Sens a #twitter}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1039}
author = {Zhao, Xin; Jiang, Jing; He, Jing; Song, Yang; Achanauparp, Palakorn; Lim, Ee-Peng; Li, Xiaoming}
title = {Topical Keyphrase Extraction from Twitter}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1040}
author = {Benson, Edward; Haghighi, Aria; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Event Discovery in Social Media Feeds}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1041}
author = {Bhargava, Aditya; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {How do you pronounce your name? Improving G2P with transliterations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1042}
author = {Dyer, Chris; Clark, Jonathan H.; Lavie, Alon; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Unsupervised Word Alignment with Arbitrary Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1043}
author = {DeNero, John; Macherey, Klaus}
title = {Model-Based Aligner Combination Using Dual Decomposition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1044}
author = {Sajjad, Hassan; Fraser, Alexander; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {An Algorithm for Unsupervised Transliteration Mining with an Application to Word Alignment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1045}
author = {Bodenstab, Nathan; Dunlop, Aaron; Hall, Keith; Roark, Brian}
title = {Beam-Width Prediction for Efficient Context-Free Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1046}
author = {Crescenzi, Pierluigi; Gildea, Daniel; Marino, Andrea; Rossi, Gianluca; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Optimal Head-Driven Parsing Complexity for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1047}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Prefix Probability for Probabilistic Synchronous Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1048}
author = {Auli, Michael; Lopez, Adam}
title = {A Comparison of Loopy Belief Propagation and Dual Decomposition for Integrated CCG Supertagging and Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1049}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Gillick, Dan; Klein, Dan}
title = {Jointly Learning to Extract and Compress}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1050}
author = {Celikyilmaz, Asli; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek}
title = {Discovery of Topically Coherent Sentences for Extractive Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1051}
author = {Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Coherent Citation-Based Summarization of Scientific Papers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1052}
author = {Lin, Hui; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {A Class of Submodular Functions for Document Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1053}
author = {Sun, Ang; Grishman, Ralph; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Semi-supervised Relation Extraction with Large-scale Word Clustering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1054}
author = {Chen, Harr; Benson, Edward; Naseem, Tahira; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {In-domain Relation Discovery with Meta-constraints via Posterior Regularization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1055}
author = {Hoffmann, Raphael; Zhang, Congle; Ling, Xiao; Zettlemoyer, Luke; Weld, Daniel S.}
title = {Knowledge-Based Weak Supervision for Information Extraction of Overlapping Relations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1056}
author = {Chan, Yee Seng; Roth, Dan}
title = {Exploiting Syntactico-Semantic Structures for Relation Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1057}
author = {Khapra, Mitesh M.; Joshi, Salil; Chatterjee, Arindam; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Together We Can: Bilingual Bootstrapping for WSD}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1058}
author = {Krishnamurthy, Jayant; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Which Noun Phrases Denote Which Concepts?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1059}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Semantic Representation of Negation Using Focus Detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1060}
author = {Liang, Percy; Jordan, Michael I.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Dependency-Based Compositional Semantics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1061}
author = {Das, Dipanjan; Petrov, Slav}
title = {Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging with Bilingual Graph-Based Projections}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1062}
author = {Berant, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido; Goldberger, Jacob}
title = {Global Learning of Typed Entailment Rules}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1063}
author = {Schwartz, Lane; Callison-Burch, Chris; Schuler, William; Wu, Stephen}
title = {Incremental Syntactic Language Models for Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1064}
author = {Neubig, Graham; Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro; Mori, Shinsuke; Kawahara, Tatsuya}
title = {An Unsupervised Model for Joint Phrase Alignment and Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1065}
author = {Mylonakis, Markos; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Learning Hierarchical Translation Structure with Linguistic Annotations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1066}
author = {Zhou, Guangyou; Cai, Li; Jun, Zhao; Liu, Kang}
title = {Phrase-Based Translation Model for Question Retrieval in Community Question Answer Archives}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1067}
author = {Schwartz, Roy; Abend, Omri; Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Neutralizing Linguistically Problematic Annotations in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1068}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Transition-Based Dependency Parsers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1069}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Shift-Reduce CCG Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1070}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Klein, Dan}
title = {Web-Scale Features for Full-Scale Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1071}
author = {Zwarts, Simon; Johnson, Mark}
title = {The impact of language models and loss functions on repair disfluency detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1072}
author = {Parada, Carolina; Dredze, Mark; Sethy, Abhinav; Rastrow, Ariya}
title = {Learning Sub-Word Units for Open Vocabulary Speech Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1073}
author = {Chen, Miao; Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Computing and Evaluating Syntactic Complexity Features for Automated Scoring of Spontaneous Non-Native Speech}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1074}
author = {Jeon, Je Hun; Wang, Wen; Liu, Yang}
title = {N-Best Rescoring Based on Pitch-accent Patterns}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1075}
author = {Kiritchenko, Svetlana; Cherry, Colin}
title = {Lexically-Triggered Hidden Markov Models for Clinical Document Coding}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1076}
author = {Mohler, Michael; Bunescu, Razvan C.; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Learning to Grade Short Answer Questions using Semantic Similarity Measures and Dependency Graph Alignments}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1077}
author = {Rosenthal, Sara; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Age Prediction in Blogs: A Study of Style Content and Online Behavior in Pre- and Post-Social Media Generations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1078}
author = {Bramsen, Philip; Escobar-Molano, Martha; Patel, Ami; Alonso, Rafael}
title = {Extracting Social Power Relationships from Natural Language}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1079}
author = {Kobdani, Hamidreza; Schütze, Hinrich; Schiehlen, Michael; Kamp, Hans}
title = {Bootstrapping coreference resolution using word associations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1080}
author = {Singh, Sameer; Subramanya, Amarnag; Pereira, Fernando; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Large-Scale Cross-Document Coreference Using Distributed Inference and Hierarchical Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1081}
author = {Iida, Ryu; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {A Cross-Lingual ILP Solution to Zero Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1082}
author = {Rahman, Altaf; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Coreference Resolution with World Knowledge}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1083}
author = {Maletti, Andreas}
title = {How to train your multi bottom-up tree transducer}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1084}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Fang, Licheng; Xu, Peng; Wu, Xiaoyun}
title = {Binarized Forest to String Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1085}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Lee, Young-Suk; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Li, Liu}
title = {Learning to Transform and Select Elementary Trees for Improved Syntax-based Machine Translations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1086}
author = {Vaswani, Ashish; Mi, Haitao; Huang, Liang; Chiang, David}
title = {Rule Markov Models for Fast Tree-to-String Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1087}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {A Hierarchical Pitman-Yor Process HMM for Unsupervised Part of Speech Induction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1088}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Roth, Ryan}
title = {Using Deep Morphology to Improve Automatic Error Detection in Arabic Handwriting Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1089}
author = {Lee, John; Naradowsky, Jason; Smith, David A.}
title = {A Discriminative Model for Joint Morphological Disambiguation and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1090}
author = {Naradowsky, Jason; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Unsupervised Bilingual Morpheme Segmentation and Alignment with Context-rich Hidden Semi-Markov Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1091}
author = {Bao, Zhuowei; Kimelfeld, Benny; Li, Yunyao}
title = {A Graph Approach to Spelling Correction in Domain-Centric Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1092}
author = {Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Grammatical Error Correction with Alternating Structure Optimization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1093}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Roth, Dan}
title = {Algorithm Selection and Model Adaptation for ESL Correction Tasks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1094}
author = {Park, Y. Albert; Levy, Roger}
title = {Automated Whole Sentence Grammar Correction Using a Noisy Channel Model}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1095}
author = {Han, Xianpei; Sun, Le}
title = {A Generative Entity-Mention Model for Linking Entities with Knowledge Base}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1096}
author = {Wing, Benjamin; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Simple supervised document geolocation with geodesic grids}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1097}
author = {Rüd, Stefan; Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Müller, Jens; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Piggyback: Using Search Engines for Robust Cross-Domain Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1098}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Template-Based Information Extraction without the Templates}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1099}
author = {Feng, Vanessa Wei; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Classifying arguments by scheme}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1100}
author = {Lin, Ziheng; Ng, Hwee Tou; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Automatically Evaluating Text Coherence Using Discourse Relations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1101}
author = {Zarrieß, Sina; Cahill, Aoife; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Underspecifying and Predicting Voice for Surface Realisation Ranking}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1102}
author = {Mayfield, Elijah; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Recognizing Authority in Dialogue with an Integer Linear Programming Constrained Model}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1103}
author = {Birch, Alexandra; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Reordering Metrics for MT}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1104}
author = {Liu, Zhanyi; Wang, Haifeng; Wu, Hua; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {Reordering with Source Language Collocations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1105}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Schmid, Helmut; Fraser, Alexander}
title = {A Joint Sequence Translation Model with Integrated Reordering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1106}
author = {Levy, Roger}
title = {Integrating surprisal and uncertain-input models in online sentence comprehension: formal techniques and empirical results}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1107}
author = {Fokkens, Antske}
title = {Metagrammar engineering: Towards systematic exploration of implemented grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1108}
author = {Ponvert, Elias; Baldridge, Jason; Erk, Katrin}
title = {Simple Unsupervised Grammar Induction from Raw Text with Cascaded Finite State Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1109}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Torisawa, Kentaro; De Saeger, Stijn; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Extracting Paraphrases from Definition Sentences on the Web}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1110}
author = {Qazvinian, Vahed; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Learning From Collective Human Behavior to Introduce Diversity in Lexical Choice}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1111}
author = {Liu, Jenny; Haghighi, Aria}
title = {Ordering Prenominal Modifiers with a Reranking Approach}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1112}
author = {Lang, Joel; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Unsupervised Semantic Role Induction via Split-Merge Clustering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1113}
author = {Hong, Yu; Zhang, Jianfeng; Ma, Bin; Yao, Jianmin; Zhou, Guodong; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Using Cross-Entity Inference to Improve Event Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1114}
author = {Huang, Ruihong; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Peeling Back the Layers: Detecting Event Role Fillers in Secondary Contexts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1115}
author = {Ji, Heng; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Knowledge Base Population: Successful Approaches and Challenges}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1116}
author = {Zhang, Fan; Shi, Shuming; Liu, Jing; Sun, Shuqi; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Nonlinear Evidence Fusion and Propagation for Hyponymy Relation Mining}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1117}
author = {Li, Dingcheng; Miller, Tim; Schuler, William}
title = {A Pronoun Anaphora Resolution System based on Factorial Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1118}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Disentangling Chat with Local Coherence Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1119}
author = {Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Grafsgaard, Joseph; Ha, Eun Young; Phillips, Robert; Lester, James C.}
title = {An Affect-Enriched Dialogue Act Classification Model for Task-Oriented Dialogue}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1120}
author = {Reisinger, Joseph; Paşca, Marius}
title = {Fine-Grained Class Label Markup of Search Queries}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1121}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Whittaker, Edward; Sheinman, Vera}
title = {Creating a manually error-tagged and shallow-parsed learner corpus}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1122}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Crowdsourcing Translation: Professional Quality from Non-Professionals}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1123}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang; Zhao, Bing}
title = {A Statistical Tree Annotator and Its Applications}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1124}
author = {Ma, Yanjun; He, Yifan; Way, Andy; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Consistent Translation using Discriminative Learning - A Translation Memory-inspired Approach}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1125}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Machine Translation System Combination by Confusion Forest}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1126}
author = {Duan, Nan; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Hypothesis Mixture Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1127}
author = {González-Rubio, Jesús; Juan, Alfons; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Minimum Bayes-risk System Combination}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1128}
author = {Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun; Lü, Yajuan}
title = {Adjoining Tree-to-String Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1129}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Enhancing Language Models in Statistical Machine Translation with Backward N-grams and Mutual Information Triggers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1130}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Translating from Morphologically Complex Languages: A Paraphrase-Based Approach}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1131}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Quirk, Chris; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Gappy Phrasal Alignment By Agreement}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1132}
author = {Koppel, Moshe; Ordan, Noam}
title = {Translationese and Its Dialects}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1133}
author = {Prochasson, Emmanuel; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Rare Word Translation Extraction from Aligned Comparable Documents}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1134}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar; Negri, Matteo; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Using Bilingual Parallel Corpora for Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1135}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Yarowsky, David; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Using Large Monolingual and Bilingual Corpora to Improve Coordination Disambiguation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1136}
author = {Koppel, Moshe; Akiva, Navot; Dershowitz, Idan; Dershowitz, Nachum}
title = {Unsupervised Decomposition of a Document into Authorial Components}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1137}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Smith, Noah A.; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Discovering Sociolinguistic Associations with Structured Sparsity}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1138}
author = {Ratinov, Lev; Roth, Dan; Downey, Doug; Anderson, Mike}
title = {Local and Global Algorithms for Disambiguation to Wikipedia}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1139}
author = {Sun, Weiwei}
title = {A Stacked Sub-Word Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1140}
author = {Macherey, Klaus; Dai, Andrew; Talbot, David; Popat, Ashok C.; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Language-independent compound splitting with morphological operations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1141}
author = {Li, Zhongguo}
title = {Parsing the Internal Structure of Words: A New Paradigm for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1142}
author = {Peñas, Anselmo; Rodrigo, Alvaro}
title = {A Simple Measure to Assess Non-response}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1143}
author = {Li, Shuguang; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Improving Question Recommendation by Exploiting Information Need}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1144}
author = {Das, Dipanjan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Semi-Supervised Frame-Semantic Parsing for Unknown Predicates}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1145}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Klementiev, Alexandre}
title = {A Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Semantic Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1146}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Relation Composition}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1147}
author = {Hovy, Dirk; Zhang, Chunliang; Hovy, Eduard; Peñas, Anselmo}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery of Domain-Specific Knowledge from Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1148}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim; Apidianaki, Marianna}
title = {Latent Semantic Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1149}
author = {Goldwasser, Dan; Reichart, Roi; Clarke, James; Roth, Dan}
title = {Confidence Driven Unsupervised Semantic Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1150}
author = {Yu, Jianxing; Zha, Zheng-Jun; Wang, Meng; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Aspect Ranking: Identifying Important Product Aspects from Online Consumer Reviews}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1151}
author = {Burfoot, Clint; Bird, Steven; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Collective Classification of Congressional Floor-Debate Transcripts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1152}
author = {Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Integrating history-length interpolation and classes in language modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1153}
author = {Wang, Hongning; Zhang, Duo; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Structural Topic Model for Latent Topical Structure Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1154}
author = {Lau, Jey Han; Grieser, Karl; Newman, David; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Automatic Labelling of Topic Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1155}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Using Bilingual Information for Cross-Language Document Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1156}
author = {Zhou, Guangyou; Jun, Zhao; Liu, Kang; Cai, Li}
title = {Exploiting Web-Derived Selectional Preference to Improve Statistical Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1157}
author = {Plank, Barbara; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Effective Measures of Domain Similarity for Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1158}
author = {Auli, Michael; Lopez, Adam}
title = {Efficient CCG Parsing: A* versus Adaptive Supertagging}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1159}
author = {Marton, Yuval; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Improving Arabic Dependency Parsing with Form-based and Functional Morphological Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1160}
author = {Mannem, Prashanth; Dara, Aswarth}
title = {Partial Parsing from Bitext Projections}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1161}
author = {Paşca, Marius}
title = {Ranking Class Labels Using Query Sessions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1162}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Insights from Network Structure for Text Mining}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1163}
author = {McClosky, David; Surdeanu, Mihai; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Event Extraction as Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-1164}
author = {Yang, Seon; Ko, Youngjoong}
title = {Extracting Comparative Entities and Predicates from Texts Using Comparative Type Classification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2001}
author = {Roark, Brian; Sproat, Richard W.; Shafran, Izhak}
title = {Lexicographic Semirings for Exact Automata Encoding of Sequence Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2002}
author = {Dligach, Dmitriy; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Good Seed Makes a Good Crop: Accelerating Active Learning Using Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2003}
author = {Garg, Nikhil; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2004}
author = {van Durme, Benjamin; Lall, Ashwin}
title = {Efficient Online Locality Sensitive Hashing via Reservoir Counting}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2005}
author = {Durrett, Greg; Klein, Dan}
title = {An Empirical Investigation of Discounting in Cross-Domain Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2006}
author = {Kiso, Tetsuo; Shimbo, Masashi; Komachi, Mamoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {HITS-based Seed Selection and Stop List Construction for Bootstrapping}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2007}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {The Arabic Online Commentary Dataset: an Annotated Dataset of Informal Arabic with High Dialectal Content}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2008}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Schneider, Nathan; O'Connor, Brendan; Das, Dipanjan; Mills, Daniel P.; Eisenstein, Jacob; Heilman, Michael; Yogatama, Dani; Flanigan, Jeffrey; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Part-of-Speech Tagging for Twitter: Annotation Features and Experiments}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2009}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Semi-supervised condensed nearest neighbor for part-of-speech tagging}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2010}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Latent Class Transliteration based on Source Language Origin}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2011}
author = {Heinz, Jeffrey; Rawal, Chetan; Tanner, Herbert G.}
title = {Tier-based Strictly Local Constraints for Phonology}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2012}
author = {Hedegaard, Steffen; Simonsen, Jakob Grue}
title = {Lost in Translation: Authorship Attribution using Frame Semantics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2013}
author = {Liu, Fei; Weng, Fuliang; Wang, Bingqing; Liu, Yang}
title = {Insertion Deletion or Substitution? Normalizing Text Messages without Pre-categorization nor Supervision}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2014}
author = {Reddy, Sravana; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery of Rhyme Schemes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2015}
author = {Harpalani, Manoj; Hart, Michael; Singh, Sandesh; Johnson, Rob; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Language of Vandalism: Improving Wikipedia Vandalism Detection via Stylometric Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2016}
author = {Kiddon, Chloe; Brun, Yuriy}
title = {That's What She Said: Double Entendre Identification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2017}
author = {Morbini, Fabrizio; Sagae, Kenji}
title = {Joint Identification and Segmentation of Domain-Specific Dialogue Acts for Conversational Dialogue Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2018}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Extracting Opinion Expressions and Their Polarities – Exploration of Pipelines and Joint Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2019}
author = {Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter}
title = {Subjective Natural Language Problems: Motivations Applications Characterizations and Implications}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2020}
author = {Levitan, Rivka; Gravano, Agustín; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Entrainment in Speech Preceding Backchannels.}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2021}
author = {Margolis, Anna; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Question Detection in Spoken Conversations Using Textual Conversations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2022}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Extending the Entity Grid with Entity-Specific Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2023}
author = {Bittar, André; Amsili, Pascal; Denis, Pascal; Danlos, Laurence}
title = {French TimeBank: An ISO-TimeML Annotated Reference Corpus}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2024}
author = {Pang, Bo; Kumar, Ravi}
title = {Search in the Lost Sense of ``Query'': Question Formulation in Web Search Queries and its Temporal Changes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2025}
author = {Manshadi, Mehdi; Allen, James F.; Swift, Mary}
title = {A Corpus of Scope-disambiguated English Text}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2026}
author = {Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh; Daumé III, Hal; Udupa, Raghavendra}
title = {From Bilingual Dictionaries to Interlingual Document Representations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2027}
author = {Banches, Rafael E.; Li, Haizhou}
title = {AM-FM: A Semantic Framework for Translation Quality Assessment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2028}
author = {Li, Maoxi; Zong, Chengqing; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Automatic Evaluation of Chinese Translation Output: Word-Level or Character-Level?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2029}
author = {Xu, Jinxi; Chen, Jinying}
title = {How Much Can We Gain from Supervised Word Alignment?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2030}
author = {Lin, Hui; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Word Alignment via Submodular Maximization over Matroids}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2031}
author = {Clark, Jonathan H.; Dyer, Chris; Lavie, Alon; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Better Hypothesis Testing for Statistical Machine Translation: Controlling for Optimizer Instability}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2032}
author = {Mermer, Coşkun; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {Bayesian Word Alignment for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2033}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Transition-based Dependency Parsing with Rich Non-local Features}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2034}
author = {de Kok, Daniël; Plank, Barbara; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Reversible Stochastic Attribute-Value Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2035}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Bergsma, Shane}
title = {Joint Training of Dependency Parsing Filters through Latent Support Vector Machines}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2036}
author = {Shindo, Hiroyuki; Fujino, Akinori; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Insertion Operator for Bayesian Tree Substitution Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2037}
author = {Cai, Shu; Chiang, David; Goldberg, Yoav}
title = {Language-Independent Parsing with Empty Elements}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2038}
author = {Post, Matt}
title = {Judging Grammaticality with Tree Substitution Grammar Derivations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2039}
author = {Morita, Hajime; Sakai, Tetsuya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Query Snowball: A Co-occurrence-based Approach to Multi-document Summarization for Question Answering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2040}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric}
title = {Discrete vs. Continuous Rating Scales for Language Evaluation in NLP}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2041}
author = {Mitchell, Margaret; Dunlop, Aaron; Roark, Brian}
title = {Semi-Supervised Modeling for Prenominal Modifier Ordering}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2042}
author = {Piwek, Paul; Stoyanchev, Svetlana}
title = {Data-oriented Monologue-to-Dialogue Generation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2043}
author = {Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Rosario, Barbara; Lyons, Kent}
title = {Towards Style Transformation from Written-Style to Audio-Style}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2044}
author = {Thadani, Kapil; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Optimal and Syntactically-Informed Decoding for Monolingual Phrase-Based Alignment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2045}
author = {Liao, Shasha; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Can Document Selection Help Semi-supervised Learning? A Case Study On Event Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2046}
author = {McIntosh, Tara; Yencken, Lars; Curran, James R.; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Relation Guided Bootstrapping of Semantic Lexicons}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2047}
author = {Kolomiyets, Oleksandr; Bethard, Steven; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Model-Portability Experiments for Textual Temporal Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2048}
author = {Nguyen, Truc-Vien T.; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {End-to-End Relation Extraction Using Distant Supervision from External Semantic Repositories}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2049}
author = {Apostolova, Emilia; Tomuro, Noriko; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Lexico-Syntactic Patterns for Detection of Negation and Speculation Scopes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2050}
author = {Gabbard, Ryan; Freedman, Marjorie; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Coreference for Learning to Extract Relations: Yes Virginia Coreference Matters}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2051}
author = {Gao, Qin; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Corpus Expansion for Statistical Machine Translation with Semantic Role Label Substitution Rules}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2052}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Merlo, Paola; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Scaling up Automatic Cross-Lingual Semantic Role Annotation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2053}
author = {Rohrdantz, Christian; Hautli, Annette; Mayer, Thomas; Butt, Miriam; Keim, Daniel A.; Plank, Frans}
title = {Towards Tracking Semantic Change by Visual Analytics}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2054}
author = {Kim, Youngjun; Riloff, Ellen; Meystre, Stéphane}
title = {Improving Classification of Medical Assertions in Clinical Notes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2055}
author = {Lefever, Els; Hoste, Véronique; de Cock, Martine}
title = {ParaSense or How to Use Parallel Corpora for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2056}
author = {Hovy, Dirk; Vaswani, Ashish; Tratz, Stephen; Chiang, David; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Models and Training for Unsupervised Preposition Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2057}
author = {LoBue, Peter; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Types of Common-Sense Knowledge Needed for Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2058}
author = {Ozkan, Derya; Morency, Louis-Philippe}
title = {Modeling Wisdom of Crowds Using Latent Mixture of Discriminative Experts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2059}
author = {Freedman, Marjorie; Baron, Alex; Punyakanok, Vasin; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Language Use: What can it tell us?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2060}
author = {Volokh, Alexander; Neumann, Günter}
title = {Automatic Detection and Correction of Errors in Dependency Treebanks}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2061}
author = {UzZaman, Naushad; Allen, James F.}
title = {Temporal Evaluation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2062}
author = {Alkuhlani, Sarah; Habash, Nizar}
title = {A Corpus for Modeling Morpho-Syntactic Agreement in Arabic: Gender Number and Rationality}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2063}
author = {McFate, Clifton; Forbus, Kenneth}
title = {NULEX: An Open-License Broad Coverage Lexicon}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2064}
author = {Mohammad, Saif}
title = {Even the Abstract have Color: Consensus in Word-Colour Associations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2065}
author = {Wang, Wen; Yaman, Sibel; Precoda, Kristin; Richey, Colleen; Raymond, Geoffrey}
title = {Detection of Agreement and Disagreement in Broadcast Conversations}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2066}
author = {Huang, Shujian; Vogel, Stephan; Chen, Jiajun}
title = {Dealing with Spurious Ambiguity in Learning ITG-based Word Alignment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2067}
author = {Howlett, Susan; Dras, Mark}
title = {Clause Restructuring For SMT Not Absolutely Helpful}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2068}
author = {Alabau, Vicent; Sanchis, Alberto; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Improving On-line Handwritten Recognition using Translation Models in Multimodal Interactive Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2069}
author = {Bouamor, Houda; Max, Aurélien; Vilnat, Anne}
title = {Monolingual Alignment by Edit Rate Computation on Sentential Paraphrase Pairs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2070}
author = {Fang, Licheng; Chung, Tagyoung; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Terminal-Aware Synchronous Binarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2071}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh}
title = {Domain Adaptation for Machine Translation by Mining Unseen Words}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2072}
author = {Chung, Tagyoung; Fang, Licheng; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Issues Concerning Decoding with Synchronous Context-free Grammar}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2073}
author = {Zhu, Jingbo; Xiao, Tong}
title = {Improving Decoding Generalization for Tree-to-String Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2074}
author = {Xiang, Bing; Ittycheriah, Abraham}
title = {Discriminative Feature-Tied Mixture Modeling for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2075}
author = {Duh, Kevin; Fujino, Akinori; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Is Machine Translation Ripe for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2076}
author = {Onishi, Takashi; Utiyama, Masao; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Reordering Constraint Based on Document-Level Context}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2077}
author = {Ha Thuc, Viet; Cancedda, Nicola}
title = {Confidence-Weighted Learning of Factored Discriminative Language Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2078}
author = {Ananthakrishnan, Sankaranarayanan; Prasad, Rohit; Natarajan, Prem}
title = {On-line Language Model Biasing for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2079}
author = {Ling, Wang; Luís, Tiago; Graça, João; Trancoso, Isabel; Coheur, Luísa}
title = {Reordering Modeling using Weighted Alignment Matrices}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2080}
author = {Chiang, David; DeNeefe, Steve; Pust, Michael}
title = {Two Easy Improvements to Lexical Weighting}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2081}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Galley, Michel}
title = {Why Initialization Matters for IBM Model 1: Multiple Optima and Non-Strict Convexity}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2082}
author = {Faruqui, Manaal; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {I Thou Thee Thou Traitor: Predicting Formal vs. Informal Address in English Literature}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2083}
author = {Li, Bo; Gaussier, Eric; Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {Clustering Comparable Corpora For Bilingual Lexicon Extraction}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2084}
author = {Vulić, Ivan; De Smet, Wim; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Identifying Word Translations from Comparable Corpora Using Latent Topic Models}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2085}
author = {Zheng, Yabin; Xie, Lixing; Liu, Zhiyuan; Sun, Maosong; Zhang, Yang; Ru, Liyun}
title = {Why Press Backspace? Understanding User Input Behaviors in Chinese Pinyin Input Method}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2086}
author = {Brody, Samuel; Kantor, Paul B.}
title = {Automatic Assessment of Coverage Quality in Intelligence Reports}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2087}
author = {Biran, Or; Brody, Samuel; Elhadad, Noémie}
title = {Putting it Simply: a Context-Aware Approach to Lexical Simplification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2088}
author = {Xiong, Wenting; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Automatically Predicting Peer-Review Helpfulness}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2089}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Chodorow, Martin; Tetreault, Joel R.; Rozovskaya, Alla}
title = {They Can Help: Using Crowdsourcing to Improve the Evaluation of Grammatical Error Detection Systems}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2090}
author = {Rao, Delip; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Typed Graph Models for Learning Latent Attributes from Names}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2091}
author = {Qu, Zhonghua; Liu, Yang}
title = {Interactive Group Suggesting for Twitter}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2092}
author = {Mueller, Thomas; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Improved Modeling of Out-Of-Vocabulary Words Using Morphological Classes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2093}
author = {Neubig, Graham; Nakata, Yosuke; Mori, Shinsuke}
title = {Pointwise Prediction for Robust Adaptable Japanese Morphological Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2094}
author = {Huang, Yun; Zhang, Min; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Nonparametric Bayesian Machine Transliteration with Synchronous Adaptor Grammars}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2095}
author = {Hewlett, Daniel; Cohen, Paul}
title = {Fully Unsupervised Word Segmentation with BVE and MDL}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2096}
author = {Metzler, Donald; Hovy, Eduard; Zhang, Chunliang}
title = {An Empirical Evaluation of Data-Driven Paraphrase Generation Techniques}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2097}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Identification of Domain-Specific Senses in a Machine-Readable Dictionary}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2098}
author = {Shnarch, Eyal; Goldberger, Jacob; Dagan, Ido}
title = {A Probabilistic Modeling Framework for Lexical Entailment}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2099}
author = {Carvalho, Paula; Sarmento, Luís; Teixeira, Jorge; J. Silva, Mário}
title = {Liars and Saviors in a Sentiment Annotated Corpus of Comments to Political Debates}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2100}
author = {Täckström, Oscar; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Semi-supervised latent variable models for sentence-level sentiment analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2101}
author = {Zhang, Lei; Liu, Bing}
title = {Identifying Noun Product Features that Imply Opinions}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2102}
author = {González-Ibáñez, Roberto; Muresan, Smaranda; Wacholder, Nina}
title = {Identifying Sarcasm in Twitter: A Closer Look}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2103}
author = {Abdul-Mageed, Muhammad; Diab, Mona; Korayem, Mohammed}
title = {Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis of Modern Standard Arabic}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2104}
author = {Hassan, Ahmed; Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Jha, Rahul; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Identifying the Semantic Orientation of Foreign Words}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2105}
author = {Qiu, Xipeng; Huang, Xuanjing; Liu, Zhao; Zhou, Jinlong}
title = {Hierarchical Text Classification with Latent Concepts}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2106}
author = {Liang, Wei-Bin; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Chen, Chia-Ping}
title = {Semantic Information and Derivation Rules for Robust Dialogue Act Detection in a Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2107}
author = {Mishra, Taniya; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Predicting Relative Prominence in Noun-Noun Compounds}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2108}
author = {Wang, Siwei; Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Contrasting Multi-Lingual Prosodic Cues to Predict Verbal Feedback for Rapport}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2109}
author = {Filimonov, Denis; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Generalized Interpolation in Decision Tree LM}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2110}
author = {Lang, Joel}
title = {A Scalable Probabilistic Classifier for Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2111}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Yang, Yaqin}
title = {Chinese sentence segmentation as comma classification}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2112}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Isozaki, Hideki; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Learning Condensed Feature Representations from Large Unsupervised Data Sets for Supervised Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2113}
author = {Darling, William M.; Song, Fei}
title = {Probabilistic Document Modeling for Syntax Removal in Text Summarization}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2114}
author = {Huang, Xiaojiang; Wan, Xiaojun; Xiao, Jianguo}
title = {Comparative News Summarization Using Linear Programming}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2115}
author = {Dethlefs, Nina; Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto}
title = {Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning and Hidden Markov Models for Task-Oriented Natural Language Generation}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2116}
author = {Theune, Mariët; Koolen, Ruud; Krahmer, Emiel; Wubben, Sander}
title = {Does Size Matter – How Much Data is Required to Train a REG Algorithm?}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2117}
author = {Coster, William; Kauchak, David}
title = {Simple English Wikipedia: A New Text Simplification Task}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2118}
author = {Petinot, Yves; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Thadani, Kapil}
title = {A Hierarchical Model of Web Summaries}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2119}
author = {Bodenstab, Nathan; Hollingshead, Kristy; Roark, Brian}
title = {Unary Constraints for Efficient Context-Free Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2120}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Data point selection for cross-language adaptation of dependency parsers}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2121}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Getting the Most out of Transition-based Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2122}
author = {Kulick, Seth; Bies, Ann; Mott, Justin}
title = {Using Derivation Trees for Treebank Error Detection}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2123}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Bengoetxea, Kepa; Gojenola, Koldo; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Improving Dependency Parsing with Semantic Classes}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2124}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Joint Hebrew Segmentation and Parsing using a PCFGLA Lattice Parser}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2125}
author = {Haffari, Gholamreza; Razavi, Marzieh; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {An Ensemble Model that Combines Syntactic and Semantic Clustering for Discriminative Dependency Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2126}
author = {Zhu, Muhua; Zhu, Jingbo; Hu, Minghan}
title = {Better Automatic Treebank Conversion Using A Feature-Based Approach}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2127}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Klein, Dan}
title = {The Surprising Variance in Shortest-Derivation Parsing}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-2128}
author = {Sadamitsu, Kugatsu; Saito, Kuniko; Imamura, Kenji; Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Entity Set Expansion using Topic information}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4001}
author = {Goyal, Vishal; Singh Lehal, Gurpreet}
title = {Hindi to Punjabi Machine Translation System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4002}
author = {Schäfer, Ulrich; Kiefer, Bernd; Spurk, Christian; Steffen, Jörg; Wang, Rui}
title = {The ACL Anthology Searchbench}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4003}
author = {Veale, Tony; Hao, Yanfen}
title = {Exploiting Readymades in Linguistic Creativity: A System Demonstration of the Jigsaw Bard}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4004}
author = {Neumann, Günter; Schmeier, Sven}
title = {A Mobile Touchable Application for Online Topic Graph Extraction and Exploration of Web Content}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4005}
author = {Huang, Chung-chi; Chen, Mei-hua; Huang, Shih-ting; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {EdIt: A Broad-Coverage Grammar Checker Using Pattern Grammar}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4006}
author = {Li, Cheng-Te; Wang, Chien-Yuan; Tseng, Chien-Lin; Lin, Shou-De}
title = {MemeTube: A Sentiment-based Audiovisual System for Analyzing and Displaying Microblog Messages}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4007}
author = {Hild, Kenneth; Orhan, Umut; Erdogmus, Deniz; Roark, Brian; Oken, Barry; Purwar, Shalini; Nezamfar, Hooman; Fried-Oken, Melanie}
title = {An ERP-based Brain-Computer Interface for text entry using Rapid Serial Visual Presentation and Language Modeling}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4008}
author = {Scott, Matthew R.; Liu, Xiaohua; Zhou, Ming; Engkoo Team, Microsoft}
title = {Engkoo: Mining the Web for Language Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4009}
author = {Das, Amitava; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Dr Sentiment Knows Everything!}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4010}
author = {Stymne, Sara}
title = {Blast: A Tool for Error Analysis of Machine Translation Output}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4011}
author = {Benotti, Luciana; Denis, Alexandre}
title = {Prototyping virtual instructors from human-human corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4012}
author = {Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel; Leiva, Luis A.; Alabau, Vicent; García-Varea, Ismael; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {An Interactive Machine Translation System with Online Learning}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4013}
author = {Bär, Daniel; Erbs, Nicolai; Zesch, Torsten; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Wikulu: An Extensible Architecture for Integrating Natural Language Processing Techniques with Wikis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4014}
author = {Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Yazdani, Majid; Nanchen, Alexandre; Garner, Philip N.}
title = {A Speech-based Just-in-Time Retrieval System using Semantic Search}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4015}
author = {Nasr, Alexis; Bechet, Frédéric; Rey, Jean-Francois; Favre, Benoit; Le Roux, Joseph}
title = {MACAON An NLP Tool Suite for Processing Word Lattices}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4016}
author = {Larsson, Staffan; Berman, Alexander; Villing, Jessica}
title = {Multimodal Menu-based Dialogue with Speech Cursor in DICO II+}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4017}
author = {Ferschke, Oliver; Zesch, Torsten; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Wikipedia Revision Toolkit: Efficiently Accessing Wikipedia’s Edit History}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4018}
author = {Ceylan, Hakan; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {An Efficient Indexer for Large N-Gram Corpora}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4019}
author = {Li, Yunyao; Reiss, Frederick; Chiticariu, Laura}
title = {SystemT: A Declarative Information Extraction System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4020}
author = {Agarwal, Nitin; Reddy, Ravi Shankar; G. V. R., Kiran; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {SciSumm: A Multi-Document Summarization System for Scientific Articles}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4021}
author = {Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Clairlib: A Toolkit for Natural Language Processing Information Retrieval and Network Analysis}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4022}
author = {Joshi, Aditya; A. R., Balamurali; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; Mohanty, Rajat}
title = {C-Feel-It: A Sentiment Analyzer for Micro-blogs}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4023}
author = {Weng, Jui-Yu; Yang, Cheng-Lun; Chen, Bo-Nian; Wang, Yen-Kai; Lin, Shou-De}
title = {IMASS: An Intelligent Microblog Analysis and Summarization System}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {P11-4024}
author = {Soundrarajan, Balaji; Ginter, Thomas; DuVall, Scott}
title = {An Interface for Rapid Natural Language Processing Development in UIMA}
venue = {HLT}
year = {2011}
id = {A00-1001}
author = {Amble, Tore}
title = {BusTUC - A Natural Language Bus Route Oracle}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1002}
author = {Hajič, Jan; Hric, Jan; Kuboň, Vladislav}
title = {Machine Translation Of Very Close Languages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1003}
author = {Flank, Sharon}
title = {Cross-Language Multimedia Information Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1004}
author = {Chen, Jiang; Nie, Jian-Yun}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Parallel English-Chinese Corpus For Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1005}
author = {Bagga, Amit; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Wise, G. Bowden}
title = {PartsID: A Dialogue-Based System For Identifying Parts For Medical Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1006}
author = {Yamada, Setsuo; Sumita, Eiichiro; Kashioka, Hideki}
title = {Translation Using Information On Dialogue Participants}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1007}
author = {Jönsson, Arne; Dahlback, Nils}
title = {Distilling Dialogues - A Method Using Natural Dialogue Corpora For Dialogue Systems Development}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1008}
author = {Freedman, Reva}
title = {Plan-Based Dialogue Management In A Physics Tutor}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1009}
author = {Lavoie, Benoit; Kittredge, Richard; Korelsky, Tanya; Rambow, Owen}
title = {A Framework For MT And Multilingual NLG Systems Based On Uniform Lexico-Structural Processing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1010}
author = {Stallard, David G.}
title = {Talk'n'Travel: A Conversational System For Air Travel Planning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1011}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Ramos-Santacruz, Mila}
title = {REES: A Large-Scale Relation And Event Extraction System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1012}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Experiments On Sentence Boundary Detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1013}
author = {Wiemer-Hastings, Katja; Wiemer-Hastings, Peter; Rajah, Sonya}
title = {DP: A Detector For Presuppositions In Survey Questions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1014}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {MIMIC: An Adaptive Mixed Initiative Spoken Dialogue System For Information Queries}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1015}
author = {Fulkerson, Michael S.; Biermann, Alan W.}
title = {Javox: A Toolkit For Building Speech-Enabled Applications}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1016}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Hockey, Beth Ann; James, Frankie}
title = {A Compact Architecture For Dialogue Management Based On Scripts And Meta-Outputs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1017}
author = {Mellish, Chris S.; Evans, Roger; Cahill, Lynne J.; Doran, Christine; Paiva, Daniel S.; Reape, Mike; Scott, Donia R.; Tipper, Neil}
title = {A Representation For Complex And Evolving Data Dependencies In Generation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1018}
author = {Jutras, Jean-Marc}
title = {An Automatic Reviser: The TransCheck System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1019}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Foster, George; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Unit Completion For A Computer-Aided Translation Typing System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1020}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {Multilingual Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1021}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Prager, John; Samn, Valerie}
title = {Ranking Suspected Answers To Natural Language Questions Using Predictive Annotation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1022}
author = {Busemann, Stephan; Schmeier, Sven; Arens, Roman G.}
title = {Message Classification In The Call Center}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1023}
author = {Srihari, Rohini K.; Li, Wei}
title = {A Question Answering System Supported By Information Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1024}
author = {Toole, Janine}
title = {Categorizing Unknown Words: Using Decision Trees To Identify Names And Misspellings}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1025}
author = {Cardie, Claire; Ng, Vincent; Pierce, David R.; Buckley, Chris}
title = {Examining The Role Of Statistical And Linguistic Knowledge Sources In A General-Knowledge Question-Answering System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1026}
author = {Rindflesch, Thomas C.; Rajan, Jayant V.; Hunter, Lawrence}
title = {Extracting Molecular Binding Relationships From Biomedical Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1027}
author = {Yoon, Juntae}
title = {Compound Noun Segmentation Based On Lexical Data Extracted From Corpus}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1028}
author = {Cancedda, Nicola; Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {Experiments With Corpus-Based LFG Specialization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1029}
author = {Kambhatla, Nanda; Zadrozny, Wlodek}
title = {A Tool For Automated Revision Of Grammars For NLP Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1030}
author = {Woods, William A.}
title = {Aggressive Morphology For Robust Lexical Coverage}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1031}
author = {Brants, Thorsten}
title = {TnT - A Statistical Part-Of-Speech Tagger}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1032}
author = {Yamashita, Tatsuo; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Language Independent Morphological Analysis}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1033}
author = {Neumann, Günter; Braun, Christian; Piskorski, Jakub}
title = {A Divide-And-Conquer Strategy For Shallow Parsing Of German Free Texts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1034}
author = {Srihari, Rohini K.; Niu, Cheng; Li, Wei}
title = {A Hybrid Approach For Named Entity And Sub-Type Tagging}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1035}
author = {Paggio, Patrizia}
title = {Spelling And Grammar Correction For Danish In SCARRIE}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1036}
author = {Woods, William A.; Bookman, Lawrence A.; Houston, Ann; Kuhns, Robert J.; Martin, Paul; Green, Stephen J.}
title = {Linguistic Knowledge Can Improve Information Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1037}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Gîrju, Roxana; Rus, Vasile}
title = {Domain-Specific Knowledge Acquisition From Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1038}
author = {Wasson, Mark}
title = {Large-Scale Controlled Vocabulary Indexing For Named Entities}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1039}
author = {Yangarber, Roman; Grishman, Ralph; Tapanainen, Pasi; Huttunen, Silja}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery Of Scenario-Level Patterns For Information Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1040}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Using Corpus-Derived Name Lists For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1041}
author = {Abney, Steven; Collins, Michael John; Singhal, Amit}
title = {Answer Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1042}
author = {Wacholder, Nina; Klavans, Judith L.; Evans, David Kirk}
title = {Evaluation Of Automatically Identified Index Terms For Browsing Electronic Documents}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1043}
author = {Jing, Hongyan}
title = {Sentence Reduction For Automatic Text Summarization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1044}
author = {Miller, David; Boisen, Sean; Schwartz, Richard M.; Stone, Rebecca; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Named Entity Extraction From Noisy Input: Speech And OCR}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1045}
author = {Broker, Norbert}
title = {Improving Testsuites Via Instrumentation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1046}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.; McGee, David R.; Clow, Josh}
title = {The Efficiency Of Multimodal Interaction For A Map-Based Task}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2001}
author = {Matheson, Colin; Poesio, Massimo; Traum, David R.}
title = {Modelling Grounding And Discourse Obligations Using Update Rules}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2002}
author = {Marcu, Daniel; Carlson, Lynn; Watanabe, Maki}
title = {The Automatic Translation Of Discourse Structures}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2003}
author = {Strube, Michael; Wolters, Maria}
title = {A Probabilistic Genre-Independent Model Of Pronominalization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2004}
author = {Choi, Freddy Y. Y.}
title = {Advances In Domain Independent Linear Text Segmentation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2005}
author = {Henderson, John C.; Brill, Eric}
title = {Bagging And Boosting A Treebank Parser}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2006}
author = {Alonge, Antonietta; Bertagna, Francesca; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Roventini, Adriana; Zampolli, Antonio}
title = {Encoding Information On Adjectives In A Lexical-Semantic Net For Computational Applications}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2007}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Noun Phrase Recognition By System Combination}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2008}
author = {Johnson, Christopher; Fillmore, Charles J.}
title = {The FrameNet Tagset For Frame-Semantic And Syntactic Coding Of Predicate-Argument Structure}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2009}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {A Simple Approach To Building Ensembles Of Naive Bayesian Classifiers For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2010}
author = {Pogodalla, Sylvain}
title = {Generation In The Lambek Calculus Framework: An Approach With Semantic Proof Nets}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2011}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Word-For-Word Glossing With Contextually Similar Words}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2012}
author = {Cavalli-Sforza, Violetta; Soudi, Abdelhadi; Mitamura, Teruko}
title = {Arabic Morphology Generation Using A Concatenative Strategy}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2013}
author = {Hajič, Jan}
title = {Morphological Tagging: Data Vs. Dictionaries}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2014}
author = {Harper, Mary P.; White, Christopher M.; Wang, Wen; Johnson, Michael T.; Helzerman, Randall A.}
title = {The Effectiveness Of Corpus-Induced Dependency Grammars For Post-Processing Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2015}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Nishiokayama, Shigeyuki; Fujio, Masakazu; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Analyzing Dependencies Of Japanese Subordinate Clauses Based On Statistics Of Scope Embedding Preference}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2016}
author = {Hermjakob, Ulf}
title = {Rapid Parser Development: A Machine Learning Approach For Korean}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2017}
author = {Even-Zohar, Yair; Roth, Dan}
title = {A Classification Approach To Word Prediction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2018}
author = {Charniak, Eugene}
title = {A Maximum-Entropy-Inspired Parser}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2019}
author = {Chodorow, Martin; Leacock, Claudia}
title = {An Unsupervised Method For Detecting Grammatical Errors}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2020}
author = {Eskin, Eleazar}
title = {Detecting Errors Within A Corpus Using Anomaly Detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2021}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Exploiting Auxiliary Distributions In Stochastic Unification-Based Grammars}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2022}
author = {Cepen, Stephan; Carroll, John}
title = {Ambiguity Packing In Constraint-Based Parsing Practical Results}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2023}
author = {Langkilde-Geary, Irene}
title = {Forest-Based Statistical Sentence Generation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2024}
author = {Jing, Hongyan; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Cut And Paste Based Text Summarization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2025}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Minimizing Word Error Rate In Textual Summaries Of Spoken Language}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2026}
author = {Ratnaparkhi, Adwait}
title = {Trainable Methods For Surface Natural Language Generation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2027}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {Evaluating Automatic Dialogue Strategy Adaptation For A Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2028}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Langkilde-Geary, Irene; Wright, Jerry; Gorin, Allen L.; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Learning To Predict Problematic Situations In A Spoken Dialogue System: Experiments With How May I Help You?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2029}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Hirschberg, Julia; Swerts, Marc}
title = {Predicting Automatic Speech Recognition Performance Using Prosodic Cues}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2030}
author = {Miller, Scott; Fox, Heidi J.; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {A Novel Use Of Statistical Parsing To Extract Information From Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2031}
author = {Blaheta, Don; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Assigning Function Tags To Parsed Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2032}
author = {Ando, Rie Kubota; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Mostly-Unsupervised Statistical Segmentation Of Japanese: Applications To Kanji}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2033}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Removing Left Recursion From Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2034}
author = {McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Using Semantic Preferences To Identify Verbal Participation In Role Switching Alternations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2035}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {Tagging Sentence Boundaries}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2036}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Left-To-Right Parsing And Bilexical Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2037}
author = {Ward, Karen; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Acknowledgments In Human-Computer Interaction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2038}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {A New Algorithm For The Alignment Of Phonetic Sequences}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2039}
author = {Walther, Markus}
title = {Finite-State Reduplication In One-Level Prosodic Morphology}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2040}
author = {Bouma, Gosse}
title = {A Finite State And Data-Oriented Method For Grapheme To Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2041}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {A Framework For Robust Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2042}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Konrad, Karsten}
title = {Understanding Each Other}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2043}
author = {Romacker, Martin; Hahn, Udo}
title = {An Empirical Assessment Of Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3001}
author = {Cheng, Hua}
title = {Experimenting With The Interaction Between Aggregation And Text Structuring}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3002}
author = {Czuba, Krzysztof}
title = {Efficient Parsing Strategies For Syntactic Analysis Of Closed Captions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3003}
author = {Garibay, Ivan I.}
title = {Generating Text With A Theorem Prover}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3004}
author = {Ghorbel, Hatem; Pallotta, Vincenzo}
title = {A Weighted Robust Parsing Approach To Semantic Annotation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3005}
author = {Gojenola, Koldo; Oronoz, Maite}
title = {Corpus-Based Syntactic Error Detection Using Syntactic Patterns}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3006}
author = {Higgins, Derrick}
title = {The Use Of Error Tags In ARTFL's Encyclopedia: Does Good Error Identification Lead To Good Error Correction?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3007}
author = {Liu, Mary Xiaoyong; Diamond, Ted; Diekema, Anne R.}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation For Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3008}
author = {Oates, Sarah Louise}
title = {Multiple Discourse Marker Occurrence: Creating Hierarchies For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2000}
id = {N01-1001}
author = {Varges, Sebastian; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Instance-Based Natural Language Generation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1002}
author = {Cheng, Hua; Poesio, Massimo; Henschel, Renate; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Corpus-Based NP Modifier Generation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1003}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Rambow, Owen; Rogati, Monica}
title = {SPoT: A Trainable Sentence Planner}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1004}
author = {Papineni, Kishore}
title = {Why Inverse Document Frequency?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1005}
author = {Ittycheriah, Abraham; Franz, Martin; Zhu, Wei-Jing; Ratnaparkhi, Adwait}
title = {Question Answering Using Maximum-Entropy Components}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1006}
author = {Ngai, Grace; Florian, Radu}
title = {Transformation Based Learning In The Fast Lane}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1007}
author = {Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Name Structure From Coreference Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1008}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Bunescu, Razvan C.; Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {Text And Knowledge Mining For Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1009}
author = {Lapata, Mirella}
title = {A Corpus-Based Account Of Regular Polysemy: The Case Of Context-Sensitive Adjectives}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1010}
author = {Tomuro, Noriko}
title = {Tree-Cut And A Lexicon Based On Systematic Polysemy}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1011}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {A Decision Tree Of Bigrams Is An Accurate Predictor Of Word Sense}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1012}
author = {Gomez, Fernando}
title = {An Algorithm For Aspects Of Semantic Interpretation Using An Enhanced WordNet}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1013}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Weir, David}
title = {Class-Based Probability Estimation Using A Semantic Hierarchy}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1014}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Identifying Cognates By Phonetic And Semantic Similarity}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1015}
author = {Jansche, Martin}
title = {Re-Engineering Letter-To-Sound Rules}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1016}
author = {Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Edit Detection And Parsing For Transcribed Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1017}
author = {Pakhomov, Serguei V.; Schonwetter, Michael; Bachenko, Joan}
title = {Generating Training Data For Medical Dictations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1018}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {A Finite-State Approach To Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1019}
author = {Horiguchi, Keiko}
title = {Information-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1020}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Multipath Translation Lexicon Induction Via Bridge Languages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1021}
author = {Hale, John}
title = {A Probabilistic Earley Parser As A Psycholinguistic Model}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1022}
author = {De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {Refining Tabular Parsers For TAGs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1023}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Applying Co-Training Methods To Statistical Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1024}
author = {Schone, Patrick; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Knowledge-Free Induction Of Inflectional Morphologies}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1025}
author = {Kudo, Taku; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Chunking With Support Vector Machines}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1026}
author = {Yarowsky, David; Ngai, Grace}
title = {Inducing Multilingual POS Taggers And NP Bracketers Via Robust Projection Across Aligned Corpora}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1027}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia; Litman, Diane J.; Swerts, Marc}
title = {Identifying User Corrections Automatically In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1028}
author = {Lecoeuche, Renaud}
title = {Learning Optimal Dialogue Management Rules By Using Reinforcement Learning And Inductive Logic Programming}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1029}
author = {Van Uytsel, Dong Hoon; Van Aelten, Filip; Van Compernolle, Dirk}
title = {A Structured Language Model Based On Context-Sensitive Probabilistic Left-Corner Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1030}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Gorrell, Genevieve; Hockey, Beth Ann; Dowding, John; Boye, Johan}
title = {Do CFG-Based Language Models Need Agreement Constraints?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N01-1031}
author = {Mayfield Tomokiyo, Laura; Jones, Rosie}
title = {You're Not From 'Round Here Are You? Naive Bayes Detection Of Non-Native Utterances}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2001}
id = {N03-1001}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan}
title = {Effective Utterance Classification With Unsupervised Phonotactic Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1002}
author = {Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Japanese Named Entity Extraction With Redundant Morphological Analysis}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1003}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Learning To Paraphrase: An Unsupervised Approach Using Multiple-Sequence Alignment}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1004}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Czuba, Krzysztof; Prager, John; Ittycheriah, Abraham}
title = {In Question Answering Two Heads Are Better Than One}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1005}
author = {Chung, Grace Y; Seneff, Stephanie; Wang, Chao}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Names Using Speak And Spell Mode In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1006}
author = {Cucerzan, Silviu; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Minimally Supervised Induction Of Grammatical Gender}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1007}
author = {De Boni, Marco; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {An Analysis Of Clarification Dialogue For Question Answering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1008}
author = {Deng, Yonggang; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Latent Semantic Information In Maximum Entropy Language Models For Conversational Speech Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1009}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Simpler And More General Minimization For Weighted Finite-State Automata}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1010}
author = {Germann, Ulrich}
title = {Greedy Decoding For Statistical Machine Translation In Almost Linear Time}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1011}
author = {Gîrju, Roxana; Badulescu, Adriana; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Learning Semantic Constraints For The Automatic Discovery Of Part-Whole Relations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1012}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Malaka, Rainer; Porzel, Robert; Zorn, Hans-Peter}
title = {Semantic Coherence Scoring Using An Ontology}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1013}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {A Categorial Variation Database For English}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1014}
author = {Henderson, James B.}
title = {Inducing History Representations For Broad Coverage Statistical Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1015}
author = {Kaji, Hiroyuki}
title = {Word Sense Acquisition From Bilingual Comparable Corpora}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1016}
author = {Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {A* Parsing: Fast Exact Viterbi Parse Selection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1017}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Och, Franz Josef; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Statistical Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1018}
author = {Kolak, Okan; Byrne, William; Resnik, Philip}
title = {A Generative Probabilistic OCR Model For NLP Applications}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1019}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Byrne, William}
title = {A Weighted Finite State Transducer Implementation Of The Alignment Template Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1020}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Automatic Evaluation Of Summaries Using N-Gram Co-Occurrence Statistics}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1021}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Multitext Grammars And Synchronous Parsers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1022}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Clark, Christine; Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {COGEX: A Logic Prover For Question Answering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1023}
author = {Ng, Vincent; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Weakly Supervised Natural Language Learning Without Redundant Views}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1024}
author = {Pang, Bo; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Syntax-Based Alignment Of Multiple Translations: Extracting Paraphrases And Generating New Sentences}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1025}
author = {Peng, Fuchun; Schuurmans, Dale; Wang, Shaojun}
title = {Language And Task Independent Text Categorization With Simple Language Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1026}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; King, Tracy Holloway; Crouch, Richard; Zaenen, Annie}
title = {Statistical Sentence Condensation Using Ambiguity Packing And Stochastic Disambiguation Methods For Lexical-Functional Grammar}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1027}
author = {Roark, Brian; Bacchiani, Michiel}
title = {Supervised And Unsupervised PCFG Adaptation To Novel Domains}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1028}
author = {Sha, Fei; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Shallow Parsing With Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1029}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.; Tao, Xiaopeng}
title = {Comma Restoration Using Constituency Information}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1030}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Sentence Level Discourse Parsing Using Syntactic And Lexical Information}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1031}
author = {Steedman, Mark; Hwa, Rebecca; Clark, Stephen; Osborne, Miles; Sarkar, Anoop; Hockenmaier, Julia; Ruhlen, Paul; Baker, Steven; Crim, Jeremiah}
title = {Example Selection For Bootstrapping Statistical Parsers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1032}
author = {Terra, Egidio L.; Clarke, Charles L. A.}
title = {Frequency Estimates For Statistical Word Similarity Measures}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1033}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.; Singer, Yoram}
title = {Feature-Rich Part-Of-Speech Tagging With A Cyclic Dependency Network}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1034}
author = {Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Evaluating The Evaluation: A Case Study Using The TREC 2002 Question Answering Track}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1035}
author = {Wacholder, Nina; Song, Peng}
title = {Toward A Task-Based Gold Standard For Evaluation Of NP Chunks And Technical Terms}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1036}
author = {Widdows, Dominic}
title = {Unsupervised Methods For Developing Taxonomies By Combining Syntactic And Statistical Information}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-1037}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Web-Trained Extraction Summarization System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2001}
author = {Akhtar, Shazia; Reilly, Ronan G.; Dunnion, John}
title = {Automating XML Markup Of Text Documents}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2002}
author = {Bilmes, Jeff A.; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Factored Language Models And Generalized Parallel Backoff}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2003}
author = {Bulyko, Ivan; Ostendorf, Mari; Stolcke, Andreas}
title = {Getting More Mileage From Web Text Sources For Conversational Speech Language Modeling Using Class-Dependent Mixtures}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2004}
author = {Burger, John D.; Henderson, John C.}
title = {Exploiting Diversity For Answering Questions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2005}
author = {Chen, Francine R.; Farahat, Ayman; Brants, Thorsten}
title = {Story Link Detection And New Event Detection Are Asymmetric}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2006}
author = {Doi, Takao; Sumita, Eiichiro; Yamamoto, Hirohumi}
title = {Adaptation Using Out-Of-Domain Corpus Within EBMT}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2007}
author = {Douglas, Shona}
title = {Active Learning For Classifying Phone Sequences From Unsupervised Phonotactic Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2008}
author = {Fleischman, Michael; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Approach To FrameNet Tagging}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2009}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri; Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {Target Word Detection And Semantic Role Chunking Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2010}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri; Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {Question Classification With Support Vector Machines And Error Correcting Codes}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2011}
author = {Hanneforth, Thomas; Heintze, Silvan; Stede, Manfred}
title = {Rhetorical Parsing With Underspecification And Forests}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2012}
author = {Hillard, Dustin; Ostendorf, Mari; Shriberg, Elizabeth}
title = {Detection Of Agreement Vs. Disagreement In Meetings: Training With Unlabeled Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2013}
author = {Imamura, Kenji; Akiba, Yasuhiro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Automatic Expansion Of Equivalent Sentence Set Based On Syntactic Substitution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2014}
author = {Ittycheriah, Abraham; Lita, Lucian Vlad; Kambhatla, Nanda; Nicolov, Nicolas; Roukos, Salim; Stys-Budzikowska, Margo}
title = {Identifying And Tracking Entity Mentions In A Maximum Entropy Framework}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2015}
author = {Johnson, Howard; Martin, Joel}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Morphology For English And Inuktitut}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2016}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz; Marcu, Daniel; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Cognates Can Improve Statistical Translation Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2017}
author = {Lin, Dekang; Cherry, Colin}
title = {Word Alignment With Cohesion Constraint}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2018}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Forbes-Riley, Kate; Silliman, Scott}
title = {Towards Emotion Prediction In Spoken Tutoring Dialogues}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2019}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Schiffman, Barry; Zhang, Jianping}
title = {Inferring Temporal Ordering Of Events In News}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2020}
author = {Masuda, Katsuya; Ninomiya, Takashi; Miyao, Yusuke; Ohta, Tomoko; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Robust Retrieval Engine For Proximal And Structural Search}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2021}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan; Green, Ryan; Turian, Joseph P.}
title = {Precision And Recall Of Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2022}
author = {Mohit, Behrang; Narayanan, Srinivas}
title = {Semantic Extraction With Wide-Coverage Lexical Resources}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2023}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Category-Based Pseudowords}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2024}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {References To Named Entities: A Corpus Study}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2025}
author = {Niu, Cheng; Li, Wei; Ding, Jihong; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {Bootstrapping For Named Entity Tagging Using Concept-Based Seeds}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2026}
author = {Oard, Douglas W.; Doermann, David; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; He, Daqing; Resnik, Philip; Weinberg, Amy; Byrne, William; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Yarowsky, David; Leuski, Anton; Koehn, Philipp; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Desparately Seeking Cebuano}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2027}
author = {Peshkin, Leonid; Pfeffer, Avi; Savova, Virginia}
title = {Bayesian Nets For Syntactic Categorization Of Novel Words}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2028}
author = {Peters, Jochen}
title = {LM Studies On Filled Pauses In Spontaneous Medical Dictation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2029}
author = {Ravichandran, Deepak; Ittycheriah, Abraham; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Automatic Derivation Of Surface Text Patterns For A Maximum Entropy Based Question Answering System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2030}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Roque, Antonio; Bhembe, Dumisizwe; VanLehn, Kurt}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To Content Analysis For Automatic Essay Grading}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2031}
author = {Selouani, Sid-Ahmed; Tolba, Hesham; O'Shaughnessy, Douglas D.}
title = {Auditory-Based Acoustic Distinctive Features And Spectral Cues For Robust Automatic Speech Recognition In Low-SNR Car Environments}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2032}
author = {Serafin, Riccardo; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Glass, Michael}
title = {Latent Semantic Analysis For Dialogue Act Classification}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2033}
author = {Tang, Rong; Ng, Kwong Bor; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Kantor, Paul B.}
title = {Automatically Predicting Information Quality In News Documents}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2034}
author = {Terenzi, Elena; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Building Lexical Semantic Representations For Natural Language Instructions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2035}
author = {Tesprasit, Virongrong; Charoenpornsawat, Paisarn; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach}
title = {A Context-Sensitive Homograph Disambiguation In Thai Text-To-Speech Synthesis}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2036}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Xia, Fei}
title = {A Phrase-Based Unigram Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2037}
author = {Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Evaluating Answers To Definition Questions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-2038}
author = {Yu, Hua; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Implicit Trajectory Modeling Through Gaussian Transition Models For Speech Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3001}
author = {Nallapati, Ramesh}
title = {Semantic Language Models For Topic Detection And Tracking}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3002}
author = {Borys, Sarah}
title = {The Importance Of Prosodic Factors In Phoneme Modeling With Applications To Speech Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3003}
author = {Williams, Sandra}
title = {Language Choice Models For Microplanning And Readability}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3004}
author = {Purandare, Amruta}
title = {Discriminating Among Word Senses Using McQuitty's Similarity Analysis}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3005}
author = {Munteanu, Cosmin}
title = {Indexing Methods For Efficient Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3006}
author = {Schneider, Gerold}
title = {A Low-Complexity Broad-Coverage Probabilistic Dependency Parser For English}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3007}
author = {Liu, Yang}
title = {Word Fragments Identification Using Acoustic-Prosodic Features In Conversational Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3008}
author = {Makkonen, Juha}
title = {Investigations On Event Evolution On TDT}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3009}
author = {Stokes, Nicola}
title = {Spoken And Written News Story Segmentation Using Lexical Chains}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-3010}
author = {Feng, Donghui}
title = {Cooperative Model-Based Language Understanding}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4001}
author = {Al-Onaizan, Yaser; Florian, Radu; Franz, Martin; Hassan, Hany; Lee, Young-Suk; McCarley, J. Scott; Papineni, Kishore; Roukos, Salim; Sorensen, Jeffrey S.; Tillmann, Christoph; Ward, Todd; Xia, Fei}
title = {TIPS: A Translingual Information Processing System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4002}
author = {Baldwin, Breck; Carpenter, Bob; Ross, Aaron}
title = {Alias-I Threat Trackers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4003}
author = {Channarukul, Songsak; McRoy, Susan W.; Ali, Syed S.}
title = {DOGHED: A Template-Based Generator For Multimodal Dialog Systems Targeting Heterogeneous Devices}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4004}
author = {Colbath, Sean; Kubala, Francis}
title = {TAP-XL: An Automated Analyst's Assistant}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4005}
author = {Dowding, John; Hieronymus, James}
title = {A Spoken Dialogue Interface To A Geologist's Field Assistant}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4006}
author = {Dunlavy, Daniel M.; Conroy, John M.; O'Leary, Dianne P.}
title = {QCS: A Tool For Querying Clustering And Summarizing Documents}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4007}
author = {Karkaletsis, Vangelis; Spyropoulos, Constantine D.; Souflis, Dimitris; Grover, Claire; Hachey, Ben; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Vindigni, Michele; Cartier, Emmanuel; Coch, Jose}
title = {Demonstration Of The CROSSMARC System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4008}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Barzilay, Regina; Chen, John; Elson, David K.; Evans, David Kirk; Klavans, Judith L.; Nenkova, Ani; Schiffman, Barry; Sigelman, Sergey}
title = {Columbia's Newsblaster: New Features And Future Directions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4009}
author = {Morton, Thomas S.; LaCivita, Jeremy}
title = {WordFreak: An Open Tool For Linguistic Annotation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4010}
author = {Nyberg, Eric H.; Frederking, Robert E.}
title = {JAVELIN: A Flexible Planner-Based Architecture For Question Answering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4011}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Automatically Discovering Word Senses}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4012}
author = {Smith, Andrew E.}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Semantic Networks From Text Using Leximancer}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4013}
author = {Sudo, Kiyoshi; Sekine, Satoshi; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Pre-CODIE - Crosslingual On-Demand Information Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4014}
author = {Thompson, Paul}
title = {Dynamic Integration Of Distributed Semantic Services: Infrastructure For Process Queries And Question Answering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4015}
author = {Waibel, Alex; Badran, Ahmed; Black, Alan W.; Frederking, Robert E.; Gates, Donna M.; Lavie, Alon; Levin, Lori S.; Lenzo, Kevin; Mayfield Tomokiyo, Laura; Reichert, Juergen; Schultz, Tanja; Wallace, Dorcas; Woszczyna, Monika; Zhang, Jing}
title = {Speechalator: Two-Way Speech-To-Speech Translation In Your Hand}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4016}
author = {Widdows, Dominic; Cederberg, Scott}
title = {Monolingual And Bilingual Concept Visualization From Corpora}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-4017}
author = {Wilson, Theresa; Pierce, David R.; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Identifying Opinionated Sentences}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5001}
author = {Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Introduction To Non-Statistical Natural Language Processing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5002}
author = {Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Information Retrieval Systems As Integration Platforms For Language Technologies}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5003}
author = {Acero, Alex}
title = {Speech Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5004}
author = {Goodman, Joshua}
title = {The State Of The Art In Language Modeling}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5005}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {What's New In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5006}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Mani, Inderjeet}
title = {Annotation Of Temporal And Event Expressions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5007}
author = {Wasson, Mark}
title = {NLP R&D And Commercial Deployment}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5008}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Optimization Maxent Models And Conditional Estimation Without Magic}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N03-5009}
author = {Reynolds, Doug; Zissman, Marc}
title = {Automatic Speaker And Language Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2003}
id = {N04-1001}
author = {Florian, Radu; Hassan, Hany; Ittycheriah, Abraham; Jing, Hongyan; Kambhatla, Nanda; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Nicolov, Nicolas; Roukos, Salim}
title = {A Statistical Model For Multilingual Entity Detection And Tracking}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1002}
author = {Gooi, Chung Heong; Allan, James}
title = {Cross-Document Coreference On A Large Scale Corpus}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1003}
author = {Li, Xin; Morie, Paul; Roth, Dan}
title = {Robust Reading: Identification And Tracing Of Ambiguous Names}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1004}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Christoudias, C. Mario}
title = {A Salience-Based Approach To Gesture-Speech Alignment}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1005}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Johnston, Michael}
title = {Balancing Data-Driven And Rule-Based Approaches In The Context Of A Multimodal Conversational System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1006}
author = {Paek, Tim; Horvitz, Eric}
title = {Optimizing Automated Call Routing By Integrating Spoken Dialog Models With Queuing Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1007}
author = {Hildebrandt, Wesley; Katz, Boris; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Answering Definition Questions With Multiple Knowledge Sources}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1008}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Brill, Eric}
title = {Automatic Question Answering: Beyond The Factoid}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1009}
author = {Lange, Rense; Moran, Juan; Greiff, Warren R.; Ferro, Lisa}
title = {A Probabilistic Rasch Analysis Of Question Answering Evaluations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1010}
author = {Shinzato, Keiji; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Acquiring Hyponymy Relations From Web Documents}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1011}
author = {Gregory, Michelle L.; Johnson, Mark; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Sentence-Internal Prosody Does Not Help Parsing The Way Punctuation Does}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1012}
author = {Osborne, Miles; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Ensemble-Based Active Learning For Parse Selection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1013}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.; Riezler, Stefan; King, Tracy Holloway; Maxwell III, John T.; Vasserman, Alexander; Crouch, Richard}
title = {Speed And Accuracy In Shallow And Deep Stochastic Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1014}
author = {Graehl, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Training Tree Transducers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1015}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Catching The Drift: Probabilistic Content Models With Applications To Generation And Summarization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1016}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Keller, Frank}
title = {The Web As A Baseline: Evaluating The Performance Of Unsupervised Web-Based Models For A Range Of NLP Tasks}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1017}
author = {Saraçlar, Murat; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Lattice-Based Search For Spoken Utterance Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1018}
author = {Kim, Joungbum; Schwarm, Sarah E.; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Detecting Structural Metadata With Decision Trees And Transformation-Based Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1019}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Evaluating Content Selection In Summarization: The Pyramid Method}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1020}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Inferring Sentence-Internal Temporal Relations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1021}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Gildea, Daniel; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Sarkar, Anoop; Yamada, Kenji; Fraser, Alexander; Kumar, Shankar; Shen, Libin; Smith, David A.; Eng, Katherine; Jain, Viren; Jin, Zhen; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {A Smorgasbord Of Features For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1022}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Byrne, William}
title = {Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1023}
author = {Shen, Libin; Sarkar, Anoop; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Discriminative Reranking For Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1024}
author = {Higgins, Derrick; Burstein, Jill; Marcu, Daniel; Gentile, Claudia}
title = {Evaluating Multiple Aspects Of Coherence In Student Essays}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1025}
author = {Collins-Thompson, Kevyn; Callan, James, P.}
title = {A Language Modeling Approach To Predicting Reading Difficulty}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1026}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Predicting Emotion In Spoken Dialogue From Multiple Knowledge Sources}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1027}
author = {Porzel, Robert; Baudis, Manja}
title = {The Tao Of CHI: Towards Effective Human-Computer Interaction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1028}
author = {Raux, Antoine; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Non-Native Users In The Let's Go!! Spoken Dialogue System: Dealing With Linguistic Mismatch}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1029}
author = {Vechtomova, Olga; Karamuftuoglu, Murat}
title = {Comparison Of Two Interactive Search Refinement Techniques}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1030}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Ward, Wayne H.; Hacioglu, Kadri; Martin, James H.; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Shallow Semantic Parsing Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1031}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Okamoto, Masashi; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Paraphrasing Predicates From Written Language To Spoken Language Using The Web}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1032}
author = {Sun, Honglin; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Shallow Semantic Parsing Of Chinese}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1033}
author = {Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Improvements In Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1034}
author = {Munteanu, Dragos Stefan; Fraser, Alexander; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Improved Machine Translation Performance Via Parallel Sentence Extraction From Comparable Corpora}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1035}
author = {Galley, Michel; Hopkins, Mark; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {What's In A Translation Rule?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1036}
author = {Huang, Fei; Vogel, Stephan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Improving Named Entity Translation Combining Phonetic And Semantic Similarities}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1037}
author = {Kehler, Andrew; Appelt, Douglas E.; Taylor, Lara; Simma, Aleksandr}
title = {The (Non)Utility Of Predicate-Argument Frequencies For Pronoun Interpretation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1038}
author = {Bean, David L.; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Contextual Role Knowledge For Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1039}
author = {Goodman, Joshua}
title = {Exponential Priors For Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1040}
author = {Chen, Francine R.; Farahat, Ayman; Brants, Thorsten}
title = {Multiple Similarity Measures And Source-Pair Information In Story Link Detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1041}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Ravichandran, Deepak}
title = {Automatically Labeling Semantic Classes}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1042}
author = {Peng, Fuchun; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Accurate Information Extraction From Research Papers Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-1043}
author = {Miller, Scott; Guinness, Jethran; Zamanian, Alex}
title = {Name Tagging With Word Clusters And Discriminative Training}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2001}
author = {Udhaykumar, N.; Ramakrishnan, S. K.; Swaminathan, R.}
title = {Multilingual Speech Recognition For Information Retrieval In Indian Context}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2002}
author = {Vasserman, Alexander}
title = {Identifying Chemical Names In Biomedical Text: An Investigation Of Substring Co-Occurrence Based Approaches}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2003}
author = {Cui, Jia; Guthrie, David}
title = {Maximum Entropy Modeling In Sparse Semantic Tagging}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2004}
author = {Lin, Jimmy}
title = {A Computational Framework For Non-Lexicalist Semantics}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2005}
author = {Huenerfauth, Matt}
title = {A Multi-Path Architecture For Machine Translation Of English Text Into American Sign Language Animation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2006}
author = {Lee, John}
title = {Automatic Article Restoration}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2007}
author = {Arens, Robert}
title = {A Preliminary Look Into The Use Of Named Entity Information For Bioscience Text Tokenization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2008}
author = {Rytting, C. Anton}
title = {Greek Word Segmentation Using Minimal Information}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2009}
author = {Hensman, Svetlana}
title = {Construction Of Conceptual Graph Representation Of Texts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-2010}
author = {Boulis, Constantinos}
title = {Speaker Recognition With Mixtures Of Gaussians With Sparse Regression Matrices}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3001}
author = {Evans, David Kirk; Klavans, Judith L.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Columbia Newsblaster: Multilingual News Summarization On The Web}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3002}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Silliman, Scott}
title = {ITSPOKE: An Intelligent Tutoring Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3003}
author = {Precoda, Kristin; Franco, Horacio; Dost, Ascander; Frandsen, Michael; Fry, John; Kathol, Andreas; Richey, Colleen; Riehemann, Susanne; Vergyri, Dimitra; Zheng, Jing; Culy, Christopher}
title = {Limited-Domain Speech-To-Speech Translation Between English And Pashto}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3004}
author = {Damianos, Laurie E.; Bayer, Samuel; Chisholm, Michael A.; Henderson, John C.; Hirschman, Lynette; Morgan, William T.; Ubaldino, Marc; Zarrella, Guido; Wilson V, James M.; Polyak, Marat G.}
title = {MiTAP For SARS Detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3005}
author = {Palmer, David D.; Bray, Patrick; Reichman, Marc; Rhodes, Katherine; White, Noah; Merlino, Andrew; Kubala, Francis}
title = {Multilingual Video And Audio News Alerting}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3006}
author = {Shi, Lei; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Open Text Semantic Parsing Using FrameNet And WordNet}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3007}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Allison, Timothy; Craig, Matthew; Dimitrov, Stanko; Kareem, Omer; Topper, Michael; Winkel, Adam; Yi, Jin}
title = {A Scaleable Multi-Document Centroid-Based Summarizer}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3008}
author = {Purandare, Amruta; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {SenseClusters - Finding Clusters That Represent Word Senses}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3009}
author = {Bratt, Elizabeth Owen; Schultz, Karl; Clark, Brady}
title = {Spoken Dialogue For Simulation Control And Conversational Tutoring}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3010}
author = {Schultz, Tanja; Alexander, Dorcas; Black, Alan W.; Peterson, Kay; Suebvisai, Sinaporn; Waibel, Alex}
title = {A Thai Speech Translation System For Medical Dialogs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3011}
author = {Wang, Kuansan; Wang, Ye-Yi; Acero, Alex}
title = {Use And Acquisition Of Semantic Language Model}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-3012}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Patwardhan, Siddharth; Michelizzi, Jason}
title = {WordNet::Similarity - Measuring The Relatedness Of Concepts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4001}
author = {Banko, Michele; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {Using N-Grams To Understand The Nature Of Summaries}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4002}
author = {Lee, Changki; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {MMR-Based Feature Selection For Text Categorization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4003}
author = {Paul, Michael; Sumita, Eiichiro; Yamamoto, Seiichi}
title = {Example-Based Rescoring Of Statistical Machine Translation Output}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4004}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Kodama, Yasuhiro; Watanabe, Tomohiro; Nishizaki, Hiromitsu; Nakagawa, Seiichi}
title = {An Empirical Study On Multiple LVCSR Model Combination By Machine Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4005}
author = {Hulth, Anette}
title = {Enhancing Linguistically Oriented Automatic Keyword Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4006}
author = {Bacchiani, Michiel; Roark, Brian; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {Language Model Adaptation With Map Estimation And The Perceptron Algorithm}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4007}
author = {Hagen, Andreas; Pellom, Bryan; Van Vuuren, Sarel; Cole, Ronald A.}
title = {Advances In Children's Speech Recognition Within An Interactive Literacy Tutor}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4008}
author = {Chen, Benfeng; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Automatic Construction Of An English-Chinese Bilingual FrameNet}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4009}
author = {Kehler, Andrew; Appelt, Douglas E.; Taylor, Lara; Simma, Aleksandr}
title = {Competitive Self-Trained Pronoun Interpretation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4010}
author = {Zhai, Lufeng; Fung, Pascale; Schwartz, Richard M.; Carpuat, Marine; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Using N-Best Lists For Named Entity Recognition From Chinese Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4011}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Prasov, Zahar; Hong, Pengyu}
title = {Performance Evaluation And Error Analysis For Multimodal Reference Resolution In A Conversation System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4012}
author = {Reitter, David; Panttaja, Erin; Cummins, Fred}
title = {UI On The Fly: Generating A Multimodal User Interface}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4013}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Brill, Eric}
title = {Web Search Intent Induction Via Automatic Query Reformulation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4014}
author = {Small, Sharon; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {HITIQA: A Data Driven Approach To Interactive Analytical Question Answering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4015}
author = {Lee, Young-Suk}
title = {Morphological Analysis For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4016}
author = {Sagawa, Hirohiko; Mitamura, Teruko; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Correction Grammars For Error Handling In A Speech Dialog System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4017}
author = {Sarikaya, Ruhi; Gao, Yuqing; Picheny, Michael A.}
title = {A Comparison Of Rule-Based And Statistical Methods For Semantic Language Modeling And Confidence Measurement}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4018}
author = {Hillard, Dustin; Ostendorf, Mari; Stolcke, Andreas; Liu, Yang; Shriberg, Elizabeth}
title = {Improving Automatic Sentence Boundary Detection With Confusion Networks}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4019}
author = {Tomko, Stefanie; Rosenfeld, Roni}
title = {Speech Graffiti Vs. Natural Language: Assessing The User Experience}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4020}
author = {Rosenberg, Andrew; Binkowski, Ed}
title = {Augmenting The Kappa Statistic To Determine Interannotator Reliability For Multiply Labeled Data Points}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4021}
author = {Livescu, Karen; Glass, James R.}
title = {Feature-Based Pronunciation Modeling For Speech Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4022}
author = {Sarma, Arup; Palmer, David D.}
title = {Context-Based Speech Recognition Error Detection And Correction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4023}
author = {Palmer, David D.; Reichman, Marc; Yaich, Elyes}
title = {Feature Selection For Trainable Multilingual Broadcast News Segmentation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4024}
author = {Morgan, William T.; Greiff, Warren R.; Henderson, John C.}
title = {Direct Maximization Of Average Precision By Hill-Climbing With A Comparison To A Maximum Entropy Approach}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4025}
author = {Martin, Melanie J.; Foltz, Peter W.}
title = {Automated Team Discourse Annotation And Performance Prediction Using LSA}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4026}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {A Unigram Orientation Model For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4027}
author = {Rambow, Owen; Shrestha, Lokesh; Chen, John; Laurdisen, Christy}
title = {Summarizing Email Threads}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4028}
author = {Culotta, Aron; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Confidence Estimation For Information Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4029}
author = {Divi, Vijay; Forlines, Clifton; Van Gemert, Jan; Raj, Bhiksha; Schmidt-Nielsen, Bent; Wittenburg, Kent; Woelfel, Joseph; Wolf, Peter; Zhang, Fang-Fang}
title = {A Speech-In List-Out Approach To Spoken User Interfaces}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4030}
author = {Stoica, Emilia; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Nearly-Automated Metadata Hierarchy Creation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4031}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Qi, Hong; Winkel, Adam; Tam, Daniel}
title = {Computational Linkuistics: Word Triggers Across Hyperlinks}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4032}
author = {Kahn, Jeremy G.; Ostendorf, Mari; Chelba, Ciprian}
title = {Parsing Conversational Speech Using Enhanced Segmentation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4033}
author = {Shan, Chung-chieh}
title = {Polarity Sensitivity And Evaluation Order In Type-Logical Grammar}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4034}
author = {Ji, Gang; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Multi-Speaker Language Modeling}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4035}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Prosody-Based Topic Segmentation For Mandarin Broadcast News}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4036}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Sun, Honglin; Ward, Wayne H.; Martin, James H.; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Parsing Arguments Of Nominalizations In English And Chinese}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4037}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri}
title = {A Lightweight Semantic Chunker Based On Tagging}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4038}
author = {Diab, Mona; Hacioglu, Kadri; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Automatic Tagging Of Arabic Text: From Raw Text To Base Phrase Chunks}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4039}
author = {Nakano, Yukiko I.; Okamoto, Masashi; Kawahara, Daisuke; Li, Qing; Nishida, Toyoaki}
title = {Converting Text Into Agent Animations: Assigning Gestures To Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N04-4040}
author = {Snover, Matthew; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {A Lexically-Driven Algorithm For Disfluency Detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2004}
id = {N06-1001}
author = {Wang, Wei; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Capitalizing Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1002}
author = {Quirk, Chris; Menezes, Arul}
title = {Do We Need Phrases? Challenging The Conventional Wisdom In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1003}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Koehn, Philipp; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1004}
author = {Kuhn, Roland; Yuen, Denis; Simard, Michel; Paul, Patrick; Foster, George; Joanis, Eric; Johnson, Howard}
title = {Segment Choice Models: Feature-Rich Models For Global Distortion In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1005}
author = {Snow, Rion; Vanderwende, Lucy; Menezes, Arul}
title = {Effectively Using Syntax For Recognizing False Entailment}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1006}
author = {MacCartney, Bill; Grenager, Trond; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Cer, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Learning To Recognize Features Of Valid Textual Entailments}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1007}
author = {Pekar, Viktor}
title = {Acquisition Of Verb Entailment From Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1008}
author = {Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Acquiring Inference Rules With Temporal Constraints By Using Japanese Coordinated Sentences And Noun-Verb Co-Occurrences}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1009}
author = {Sibanda, Tawanda; Uzuner, Özlem}
title = {Role Of Local Context In Automatic Deidentification Of Ungrammatical Fragmented Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1010}
author = {Jiang, Jing; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Exploiting Domain Structure For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1011}
author = {Klementiev, Alexandre; Roth, Dan}
title = {Named Entity Transliteration And Discovery From Multilingual Comparable Corpora}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1012}
author = {Sutton, Charles; Sindelar, Michael; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Reducing Weight Undertraining In Structured Discriminative Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1013}
author = {Ayan, Necip Fazil; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Approach To Combining Word Alignments}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1014}
author = {Liang, Percy; Taskar, Ben; Klein, Dan}
title = {Alignment By Agreement}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1015}
author = {Lacoste-Julien, Simon; Taskar, Ben; Klein, Dan; Jordan, Michael I.}
title = {Word Alignment Via Quadratic Assignment}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1016}
author = {Chen, Jinying; Schein, Andrew; Ungar, Lyle H.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {An Empirical Study Of The Behavior Of Active Learning For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1017}
author = {Erk, Katrin}
title = {Unknown Word Sense Detection As Outlier Detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1018}
author = {Han, Benjamin; Gates, Donna M.; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {Understanding Temporal Expressions In Emails}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1019}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.}
title = {Partial Training For A Lexicalized-Grammar Parser}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1020}
author = {McClosky, David; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Effective Self-Training For Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1021}
author = {Corston-Oliver, Simon H.; Aue, Anthony; Duh, Kevin; Ringger, Eric K.}
title = {Multilingual Dependency Parsing Using Bayes Point Machines}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1022}
author = {Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark; Elsner, Micha; Austerweil, Joseph; Ellis, David; Haxton, Isaac; Hill, Catherine; Shrivaths, R.; Moore, Jeremy; Pozar, Michael; Vu, Theresa}
title = {Multilevel Coarse-To-Fine PCFG Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1023}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {A Fully-Lexicalized Probabilistic Model For Japanese Syntactic And Case Structure Analysis}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1024}
author = {Gabbard, Ryan; Kulick, Seth; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Fully Parsing The Penn Treebank}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1025}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Strube, Michael}
title = {Exploiting Semantic Role Labeling WordNet And Wikipedia For Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1026}
author = {Kim, Soo-Min; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Identifying And Analyzing Judgment Opinions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1027}
author = {Feng, Donghui; Shaw, Erin; Kim, Jihie; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Learning To Detect Conversation Focus Of Threaded Discussions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1028}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Bejar, Isaac}
title = {Towards Automatic Scoring Of Non-Native Spontaneous Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1029}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Unsupervised And Semi-Supervised Learning Of Tone And Pitch Accent}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1030}
author = {Kominek, John; Black, Alan W.}
title = {Learning Pronunciation Dictionaries: Language Complexity And Word Selection Strategies}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1031}
author = {Huang, Bryant; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Relabeling Syntax Trees To Improve Syntax-Based Machine Translation Quality}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1032}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; Maxwell III, John T.}
title = {Grammatical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1033}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Huang, Liang; Gildea, Daniel; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Synchronous Binarization For Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1034}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Modelling User Satisfaction And Student Learning In A Spoken Dialogue Tutoring System With Generic Tutoring And User Affect Parameters}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1035}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Comparing The Utility Of State Features In Spoken Dialogue Using Reinforcement Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1036}
author = {Ji, Gang; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Backoff Model Training Using Partially Observed Data: Application To Dialog Act Tagging}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1037}
author = {Zhang, Min; Zhang, Jie; Su, Jian}
title = {Exploring Syntactic Features For Relation Extraction Using A Convolution Tree Kernel}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1038}
author = {Culotta, Aron; McCallum, Andrew; Betz, Jonathan}
title = {Integrating Probabilistic Extraction Models And Data Mining To Discover Relations And Patterns In Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1039}
author = {Shinyama, Yusuke; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Preemptive Information Extraction Using Unrestricted Relation Discovery}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1040}
author = {Mohri, Mehryar; Roark, Brian}
title = {Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar Induction Based On Structural Zeros}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1041}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Klein, Dan}
title = {Prototype-Driven Learning For Sequence Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1042}
author = {Yuret, Deniz; Ture, Ferhan}
title = {Learning Morphological Disambiguation Rules For Turkish}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1043}
author = {Corazza, Anna; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Cross-Entropy And Estimation Of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1044}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Estimation Of Consistent Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1045}
author = {May, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin}
title = {A Better N-Best List: Practical Determinization Of Weighted Finite Tree Automata}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1046}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Aggregation Via Set Partitioning For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1047}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Renals, Steve; Carletta, Jean; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Incorporating Speaker And Discourse Features Into Speech Summarization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1048}
author = {Marton, Gregory; Radul, Alexey}
title = {Nuggeteer: Automatic Nugget-Based Evaluation Using Descriptions And Judgements}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1049}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Will Pyramids Built Of Nuggets Topple Over?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1050}
author = {Ritchie, Anna; Teufel, Simone; Robertson, Stephen}
title = {Creating A Test Collection For Citation-Based IR Experiments}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1051}
author = {Vu, Huyen-Trang; Gallinari, Patrick}
title = {A Machine Learning Based Approach To Evaluating Retrieval Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1052}
author = {Tao, Tao; Wang, Xuanhui; Mei, Qiaozhu; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Language Model Information Retrieval With Document Expansion}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1053}
author = {Zhou, Zheng-Yu; Yu, Peng; Chelba, Ciprian; Seide, Frank}
title = {Towards Spoken-Document Retrieval For The Internet: Lattice Indexing For Large-Scale Web-Search Architectures}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1054}
author = {Tromble, Roy W.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {A Fast Finite-State Relaxation Method For Enforcing Global Constraints On Sequence Decoding}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1055}
author = {Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Of Nominalized Predicates In Chinese}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1056}
author = {Wong, Yuk Wah; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Learning For Semantic Parsing With Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1057}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Lin, Chin-Yew; Munteanu, Dragos Stefan; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {ParaEval: Using Paraphrases To Evaluate Summaries Automatically}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1058}
author = {Kauchak, David; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Paraphrasing For Automatic Evaluation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1059}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Cao, Guihong; Gao, Jianfeng; Nie, Jian-Yun}
title = {An Information-Theoretic Approach To Automatic Evaluation Of Summaries}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1060}
author = {Freeman, Andrew; Condon, Sherri L.; Ackerman, Christopher}
title = {Cross Linguistic Name Matching In English And Arabic}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1061}
author = {Erkan, Gunes}
title = {Language Model-Based Document Clustering Using Random Walks}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-1062}
author = {Kurimo, Mikko; Puurula, Antti; Arisoy, Ebru; Siivola, Vesa; Hirsimäki, Teemu; Pylkkonen, Janne; Alumäe, Tanel; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {Unlimited Vocabulary Speech Recognition For Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2001}
author = {Alexandrescu, Andrei; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Factored Neural Language Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2002}
author = {Alvarez, Alison; Levin, Lori S.; Frederking, Robert E.; Fung, Simon; Gates, Donna M.; Good, Jeff}
title = {The MILE Corpus For Less Commonly Taught Languages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2003}
author = {Arguello, Jaime; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Museli: A Multi-Source Evidence Integration Approach To Topic Segmentation Of Spontaneous Dialogue}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2004}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata}
title = {Measuring Semantic Relatedness Using People And WordNet}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2005}
author = {Charoenpornsawat, Paisarn; Hewavitharana, Sanjika; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Thai Grapheme-Based Speech Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2006}
author = {Chatain, Pierre; Whittaker, Edward; Mrozinski, Joanna; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Class Model Adaptation For Speech Summarisation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2007}
author = {Chen, Jinxiu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim; Niu, Zhengyu}
title = {Semi-Supervised Relation Extraction With Label Propagation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2008}
author = {Dalli, Angelo}
title = {Temporal Classification Of Text And Automatic Document Dating}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2009}
author = {Duboue, Pablo Ariel; Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {Answering The Question You Wish They Had Asked: The Impact Of Paraphrasing For Question Answering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2010}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Davis, Randall}
title = {Gesture Improves Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2011}
author = {Gangadharaiah, Rashmi; Brown, Ralf D.; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Spectral Clustering For Example Based Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2012}
author = {Gurevich, Olga}
title = {A Finite-State Model Of Georgian Verbal Morphology}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2013}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Sadat, Fatiha}
title = {Arabic Preprocessing Schemes For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2014}
author = {Hahn, Sangyun; Ladner, Richard; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Agreement/Disagreement Classification: Exploiting Unlabeled Data Using Contrast Classifiers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2015}
author = {Hovy, Eduard; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Palmer, Martha; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {OntoNotes: The 90% Solution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2016}
author = {Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Alzghool, Muath; Jones, Gareth; Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Investigating Cross-Language Speech Retrieval For A Spontaneous Conversational Speech Collection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2017}
author = {Karamanis, Nikiforos}
title = {Evaluating Centering For Sentence Ordering In Two New Domains}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2018}
author = {Kim, Seokhwan; Song, Yu; Kim, Kyungduk; Cha, Jeongwon; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {MMR-Based Active Machine Learning For Bio Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2019}
author = {Lease, Matthew; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Early Deletion Of Fillers In Processing Conversational Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2020}
author = {Levin, Esther; Sharifi, Mehrbod; Ball, Jerry}
title = {Evaluation Of Utility Of LSA For Word Sense Discrimination}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2021}
author = {Liu, Yang}
title = {Initial Study On Automatic Identification Of Speaker Role In Broadcast News Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2022}
author = {Mairesse, François; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Automatic Recognition Of Personality In Conversation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2023}
author = {Maskey, Sameer; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Summarizing Speech Without Text Using Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2024}
author = {Minkov, Einat; Wang, Richard C.; Tomasic, Anthony; Cohen, William W.}
title = {NER Systems That Suit User's Preferences: Adjusting The Recall-Precision Trade-Off For Entity Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2025}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Syntactic Kernels For Natural Language Learning: The Semantic Role Labeling Case}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2026}
author = {Musillo, Gabriele; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Accurate Parsing Of The Proposition Bank}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2027}
author = {Netzer, Yael Dahan; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Using Semantic Authoring For Blissymbols Communication Boards}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2028}
author = {Park, Youngja; Li, Ying}
title = {Extracting Salient Keywords From Instructional Videos Using Joint Text Audio And Visual Cues}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2029}
author = {Paul, Michael; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Exploiting Variant Corpora For Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2030}
author = {Penn, Gerald; Choma, Travis}
title = {Quantitative Methods For Classifying Writing Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2031}
author = {Reitter, David; Keller, Frank; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Computational Modelling Of Structural Priming In Dialogue}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2032}
author = {Rosenberg, Andrew; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Story Segmentation Of Broadcast News In English Mandarin And Arabic}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2033}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Parser Combination By Reparsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2034}
author = {Saito, Manami; Yamamoto, Kazuhide; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Using Phrasal Patterns To Identify Discourse Relations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2035}
author = {Salvetti, Franco; Nicolov, Nicolas}
title = {Weblog Classification For Fast Splog Filtering: A URL Language Model Segmentation Approach}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2036}
author = {Sanfilippo, Antonio; Tratz, Stephen; Gregory, Michelle L.}
title = {Word Domain Disambiguation Via Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2037}
author = {Sethy, Abhinav; Georgiou, Panayiotis G.; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {Selecting Relevant Text Subsets From Web-Data For Building Topic Specific Language Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2038}
author = {Siefkes, Christian}
title = {A Comparison Of Tagging Strategies For Statistical Information Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2039}
author = {Snider, Neal; Diab, Mona}
title = {Unsupervised Induction Of Modern Standard Arabic Verb Classes}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2040}
author = {Stoia, Laura; Byron, Donna K.; Shockley, Darla Magdalene; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Sentence Planning For Realtime Navigational Instruction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2041}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro; Sugaya, Fumiaki}
title = {Using The Web To Disambiguate Acronyms}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2042}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro; Sugaya, Fumiaki}
title = {Word Pronunciation Disambiguation Using The Web}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2043}
author = {Symonenko, Svetlana; Rowe, Steven; Liddy, Elizabeth D.}
title = {Illuminating Trouble Tickets With Sublanguage Theory}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2044}
author = {Toney, Dave; Moore, Johanna D.; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Evolving Optimal Inspectable Strategies For Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2045}
author = {Ulicny, Brian}
title = {Lycos Retriever: An Information Fusion Engine}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2046}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun; Yang, Jianwu}
title = {Improved Affinity Graph Based Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2047}
author = {Xu, Kui; Meng, Helen M.; Weng, Fuliang}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Framework That Integrates Word Dependencies And Grammatical Relations For Reading Comprehension}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2048}
author = {Yu, Hong; Lee, Minsuk}
title = {BioEx: A Novel User-Interface That Accesses Images From Abstract Sentences}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2049}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Kikui, Genichiro; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Subword-Based Tagging By Conditional Random Fields For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2050}
author = {Zhu, Xiaodan; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Comparing The Roles Of Textual Acoustic And Spoken-Language Features On Spontaneous-Conversation Summarization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-2051}
author = {Zollmann, Andreas; Venugopal, Ashish; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Bridging The Inflection Morphology Gap For Arabic Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3001}
author = {Chen, Lei}
title = {Incorporating Gesture And Gaze Into Multimodal Models Of Human-To-Human Communication}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3002}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Semantic Back-Pointers From Gesture}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3003}
author = {Font Llitjos, Ariadna}
title = {Can The Internet Help Improve Machine Translation?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3004}
author = {Huang, Liang}
title = {Efficient Algorithms For Richer Formalisms: Parsing And Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3005}
author = {Lin, Wei-Hao}
title = {Identifying Perspectives At The Document And Sentence Levels Using Statistical Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3006}
author = {Liscombe, Jackson}
title = {Detecting Emotion In Speech: Experiments In Three Domains}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3007}
author = {Matveeva, Irina}
title = {Document Representation And Multilevel Measures Of Document Similarity}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3008}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Logical Investigations On The Adequacy Of Certain Feature-Based Theories Of Natural Language}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3009}
author = {Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To Biomedical Named Entity Recognition And Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-3010}
author = {Yuan, Xiaojun}
title = {Supporting Multiple Information-Seeking Strategies In A Single System Framework}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4001}
author = {Arguello, Jaime; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {InfoMagnets: Making Sense Of Corpus Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4002}
author = {Baker, Janet M.; Pugliese, Patri J.}
title = {From Pipedreams To Products And Promise!}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4003}
author = {Banerjee, Satanjeev; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {SmartNotes: Implicit Labeling Of Meeting Data Through User Note-Taking And Browsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4004}
author = {Deng, Yonggang; Byrne, William}
title = {MTTK: An Alignment Toolkit For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4005}
author = {Lopez Garcia, Vanessa; Motta, Enrico; Uren, Victoria}
title = {AquaLog: An Ontology-Driven Question Answering System To Interface The Semantic Web}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4006}
author = {Ogren, Philip V.}
title = {Knowtator: A Protege Plug-In For Annotated Corpus Construction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4007}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Kulkarni, Anagha}
title = {Automatic Cluster Stopping With Criterion Functions And The Gap Statistic}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4008}
author = {Surendran, Dinoj}
title = {Automating The Creation Of Interactive Glyph-Supplemented Scatterplots For Visualizing Algorithm Results}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4009}
author = {Tribble, Alicia; Lambert, Benjamin; Fahlman, Scott E.}
title = {SconeEdit: A Text-Guided Domain Knowledge Editor}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4010}
author = {Whittaker, Edward; Mrozinski, Joanna; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Factoid Question Answering With Web Mobile And Speech Interfaces}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-4011}
author = {Zweig, Geoffrey; Siohan, O.; Saon, G.; Ramabhadran, Bhuvana; Povey, D.; Mangu, Lidia; Kingsbury, Brian}
title = {Automated Quality Monitoring For Call Centers Using Speech And NLP Technologies}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5001}
author = {Condon, Sherri L.; Miller, Keith}
title = {What's In A Name: Current Methods Applications And Evaluation In Multilingual Name Search And Matching}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5002}
author = {Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Beyond EM: Bayesian Techniques For Human Language Technology Researchers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5003}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Graph-Based Algorithms For Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5004}
author = {Chelba, Ciprian; Hazen, Timothy J.}
title = {Automatic Spoken Document Processing For Retrieval And Browsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5005}
author = {Sarkar, Anoop; Haffari, Gholamreza}
title = {Tutorial On Inductive Semi-Supervised Learning Methods: With Applicability To Natural Language Processing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N06-5006}
author = {Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Automatic Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2006}
id = {N07-1001}
author = {Rangarajan Sridhar, Vivek Kumar; Bangalore, Srinivas; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {Exploiting Acoustic and Syntactic Features for Prosody Labeling in a Maximum Entropy Framework}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1002}
author = {Nenkova, Ani; Brenier, Jason M.; Kothari, Anubha; Calhoun, Sasha; Whitton, Laura; Beaver, David; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {To Memorize or to Predict: Prominence labeling in Conversational Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1003}
author = {Yang, Fan; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Avoiding and Resolving Initiative Conflicts in Dialogue}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1004}
author = {Hsueh, Pei-Yun; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {What Decisions Have You Made?: Automatic Decision Detection in Meeting Conversations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1005}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Kotani, Katsunori; Zhang, Yujie; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation Based on Rate of Accomplishment of Sub-Goals}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1006}
author = {Liu, Ding; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Source-Language Features and Maximum Correlation Training for Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1007}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {Generating Case Markers in Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1008}
author = {Ittycheriah, Abraham; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Direct Translation Model 2}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1009}
author = {Choi, Yejin; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Structured Local Training and Biased Potential Functions for Conditional Random Fields with Application to Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1010}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang}
title = {Coreference or Not: A Twin Model for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1011}
author = {Culotta, Aron; Wick, Michael; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {First-Order Probabilistic Models for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1012}
author = {Lavrenko, Victor; Yi, Xing; Allan, James}
title = {Information Retrieval On Empty Fields}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1013}
author = {Zhu, Xiaojin; Goldberg, Andrew B.; Van Gael, Jurgen; Andrzejewski, David}
title = {Improving Diversity in Ranking using Absorbing Random Walks}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1014}
author = {Biemann, Christian}
title = {A Random Text Model for the Generation of Statistical Language Invariants}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1015}
author = {Jiang, Jing; Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {A Systematic Exploration of the Feature Space for Relation Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1016}
author = {Yates, Alexander; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Unsupervised Resolution of Objects and Relations on the Web}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1017}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Pennacchiotti, Marco; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {The Domain Restriction Hypothesis: Relating Term Similarity and Semantic Consistency}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1018}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Bayesian Inference for PCFGs via Markov Chain Monte Carlo}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1019}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Stefankovic, Daniel}
title = {Worst-Case Synchronous Grammar Rules}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1020}
author = {Dasgupta, Sajib; Ng, Vincent}
title = {High-Performance Language-Independent Morphological Segmentation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1021}
author = {Belz, Anja}
title = {Probabilistic Generation of Weather Forecast Texts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1022}
author = {Wong, Yuk Wah; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Generation by Inverting a Semantic Parser that Uses Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1023}
author = {Galley, Michel; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Lexicalized Markov Grammars for Sentence Compression}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1024}
author = {Lu, Xiaofei}
title = {Hybrid Models for Semantic Classification of Chinese Unknown Words}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1025}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Using Wikipedia for Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1026}
author = {Alexandrescu, Andrei; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Data-Driven Graph Construction for Semi-Supervised Graph-Based Learning in NLP}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1027}
author = {Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Is Question Answering Better than Information Retrieval? Towards a Task-Based Evaluation Framework for Question Series}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1028}
author = {Kumaran, Girighar; Allan, James}
title = {A Case For Shorter Queries and Helping Users Create Them}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1029}
author = {Rosti, Antti-Veikko I.; Ayan, Necip Fazil; Xiang, Bing; Matsoukas, Spyros; Schwartz, Richard M.; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Combining Outputs from Multiple Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1030}
author = {Denis, Pascal; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Joint Determination of Anaphoricity and Coreference Resolution using Integer Programming}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1031}
author = {Stoica, Emilia; Hearst, Marti A.; Richardson, Megan}
title = {Automating Creation of Hierarchical Faceted Metadata Structures}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1032}
author = {Karakos, Damianos; Eisner, Jason M.; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Priebe, Carey}
title = {Cross-Instance Tuning of Unsupervised Document Clustering Algorithms}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1033}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Eisner, Jason M.; Piatko, Christine}
title = {Using ``Annotator Rationales'' to Improve Machine Learning for Text Categorization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1034}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Combining Reinformation Learning with Information-State Update Rules}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1035}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Bohus, Dan; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Estimating the Reliability of MDP Policies: a Confidence Interval Approach}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1036}
author = {Qu, Shaolin; Chai, Joyce}
title = {An Exploration of Eye Gaze in Spoken Language Processing for Multimodal Conversational Interfaces}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1037}
author = {Takamura, Hiroya; Inui, Takashi; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Extracting Semantic Orientations of Phrases from Dictionary}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1038}
author = {Snyder, Benjamin; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Multiple Aspect Ranking Using the Good Grief Algorithm}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1039}
author = {Bloom, Kenneth; Garg, Navendu; Argamon, Shlomo}
title = {Extracting Appraisal Expressions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1040}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Whose Idea Was This and Why Does it Matter? Attributing Scientific Work to Citations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1041}
author = {Bennett, Paul N.; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Combining Probability-Based Rankers for Action-Item Detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1042}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.}
title = {Multi-Document Relationship Fusion via Constraints on Probabilistic Databases}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1043}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Matsuo, Yutaka; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {An Integrated Approach to Measuring Semantic Similarity between Words Using Information Available on the Web}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1044}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Keller, Frank}
title = {An Information Retrieval Approach to Sense Ranking}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1045}
author = {Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {Near-Synonym Choice in an Intelligent Thesaurus}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1046}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Bach, Nguyen; Lane, Ian; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {A Log-Linear Block Transliteration Model based on Bi-Stream HMMs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1047}
author = {Jiampojamarn, Sittichai; Kondrak, Grzegorz; Sherif, Tarek}
title = {Applying Many-to-Many Alignments and Hidden Markov Models to Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1048}
author = {Creutz, Mathias; Hirsimäki, Teemu; Kurimo, Mikko; Puurula, Antti; Pylkkonen, Janne; Siivola, Vesa; Varjokallio, Matti; Arisoy, Ebru; Saraçlar, Murat; Stolcke, Andreas}
title = {Analysis of Morph-Based Speech Recognition and the Modeling of Out-of-Vocabulary Words Across Languages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1049}
author = {Attardi, Giuseppe; Ciaramita, Massimiliano}
title = {Tree Revision Learning for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1050}
author = {Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Incremental Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1051}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Klein, Dan}
title = {Improved Inference for Unlexicalized Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1052}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; DeNero, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {Approximate Factoring for A* Search}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1053}
author = {Ahn, David; Van Rantwijk, Joris; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {A Cascaded Machine Learning Approach to Interpreting Temporal Expressions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1054}
author = {Blair-Goldensohn, Sasha; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Building and Refining Rhetorical-Semantic Relation Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1055}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Austerweil, Joseph; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {A Unified Local and Global Model for Discourse Coherence}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1056}
author = {Deshpande, Pawan; Barzilay, Regina; Karger, David R.}
title = {Randomized Decoding for Selection-and-Ordering Problems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1057}
author = {Xia, Fei; Lewis, William H.}
title = {Multilingual Structural Projection across Interlinear Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1058}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Collins-Thompson, Kevyn; Callan, James, P.; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Combining Lexical and Grammatical Features to Improve Readability Measures for First and Second Language Texts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1059}
author = {Wang, Chao; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Automatic Assessment of Student Translations for Foreign Language Tutoring}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1060}
author = {Collins-Thompson, Kevyn; Callan, James, P.}
title = {Automatic and Human Scoring of Word Definition Responses}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1061}
author = {Utiyama, Masao; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {A Comparison of Pivot Methods for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1062}
author = {Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Efficient Phrase-Table Representation for Machine Translation with Applications to Online MT and Speech Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1063}
author = {Venugopal, Ashish; Zollmann, Andreas; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {An Efficient Two-Pass Approach to Synchronous-CFG Driven Statistical MT}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1064}
author = {Simard, Michel; Goutte, Cyril; Isabelle, Pierre}
title = {Statistical Phrase-Based Post-Editing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1065}
author = {Pinchak, Christopher; Bergsma, Shane}
title = {Automatic Answer Typing for How-Questions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1066}
author = {Ko, Jeongwoo; Si, Luo; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {A Probabilistic Framework for Answer Selection in Question Answering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1067}
author = {Schiffman, Barry; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Grishman, Ralph; Allan, James}
title = {Question Answering Using Integrated Information Retrieval and Information Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1068}
author = {Wu, Yu-Chieh; Yang, Jie-Chi}
title = {Toward Multimedia: A String Pattern-Based Passage Ranking Model for Video Question Answering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1069}
author = {Yi, Szuting; Loper, Edward; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Can Semantic Roles Generalize Across Genres?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1070}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Ward, Wayne H.; Martin, James H.}
title = {Towards Robust Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1071}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Bhagat, Rahul; Coppola, Bonaventura; Chklovski, Timothy; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {ISP: Learning Inferential Selectional Preferences}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-1072}
author = {Pan, Feng; Farrell, Robert}
title = {Computing Semantic Similarity between Skill Statements for Approximate Matching}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2001}
author = {Ai, Hua; Tetreault, Joel R.; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Comparing User Simulation Models For Dialog Strategy Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2002}
author = {Bel, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Marimon, Montserrat}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Grammatical Types for Nouns}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2003}
author = {Bohus, Dan; Grau Puerto, Sergio; Huggins-Daines, David; Keri, Venkatesh; Krishna, Gopala; Kumar, Rohit; Raux, Antoine; Tomko, Stefanie}
title = {Conquest---An Open-Source Dialog System for Conferences}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2004}
author = {Bromberg, Ilana; Morris, Jeremy; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Joint Versus Independent Phonological Feature Models within CRF Phone Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2005}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Thiesson, Bo; Ragno, Robert}
title = {K-Best Suffix Arrays}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2006}
author = {Eck, Matthias; Vogel, Stephan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Translation Model Pruning via Usage Statistics for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2007}
author = {Elming, Jakob; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Combination of Statistical Word Alignments Based on Multiple Preprocessing Schemes}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2008}
author = {Enright, Jessica; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {A Fast Method for Parallel Document Identification}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2009}
author = {Filali, Karim; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Generalized Graphical Abstractions for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2010}
author = {Fleischman, Michael; Roy, Deb}
title = {Situated Models of Meaning for Sports Video Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2011}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Rotaru, Mihai; Litman, Diane J.; Tetreault, Joel R.}
title = {Exploring Affect-Context Dependencies for Adaptive System Development}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2012}
author = {Fuentes, Olac; Vera, David; Solorio, Thamar}
title = {A Filter-Based Approach to Detect End-of-Utterances from Prosody in Dialog Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2013}
author = {Gurevich, Olga; Deane, Paul}
title = {Document Similarity Measures to Distinguish Native vs.\ Non-Native Essay Writers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2014}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Arabic Diacritization through Full Morphological Tagging}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2015}
author = {Hasan, Saša; Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Are Very Large N-Best Lists Useful for SMT?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2016}
author = {Havelka, Jiri}
title = {Relationship between Non-Projective Edges Their Level Types and Well-Nestedness}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2017}
author = {Hillard, Dustin; Hoffmeister, Bjoern; Ostendorf, Mari; Schlü"ter, Ralf; Ney, Hermann}
title = {iROVER: Improving System Combination with Classification}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2018}
author = {Huang, Fang; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Clustered Sub-Matrix Singular Value Decomposition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2019}
author = {Huggins-Daines, David; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Implicitly Supervised Language Model Adaptation for Meeting Transcription}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2020}
author = {Jones, Douglas A.; Herzog, Martha; Ibrahim, Hussny; Jairam, Arvind; Shen, Wade; Gibson, Edward; Emonts, Michael}
title = {ILR-Based MT Comprehension Test with Multi-Level Questions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2021}
author = {Kate, Rohit J.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Semi-Supervised Learning for Semantic Parsing using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2022}
author = {Lambert, Patrik; Banches, Rafael E.; Crego, Josep M.}
title = {Discriminative Alignment Training without Annotated Data for Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2023}
author = {Laskowski, Kornel; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {A Geometric Interpretation of Non-Target-Normalized Maximum Cross-Channel Correlation for Vocal Activity Detection in Meetings}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2024}
author = {Lee, John; Zhou, Ming; Liu, Xiaohua}
title = {Detection of Non-Native Sentences Using Machine-Translated Training Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2025}
author = {Liu, Yudong; Shi, Zhongmin; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Exploiting Rich Syntactic Information for Relationship Extraction from Biomedical Articles}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2026}
author = {Liu, Feifan; Liu, Yang}
title = {Look Who is Talking: Soundbite Speaker Name Recognition in Broadcast News Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2027}
author = {Loftsson, Hrafn}
title = {Tagging Icelandic Text using a Linguistic and a Statistical Tagger}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2028}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Efficient Computation of Entropy Gradient for Semi-Supervised Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2029}
author = {Matveeva, Irina; Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Hybrid Document Indexing with Spectral Embedding}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2030}
author = {Metze, Florian}
title = {On using Articulatory Features for Discriminative Speaker Adaptation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2031}
author = {Newman, P. S.}
title = {RH: A Retro-Hybrid Parser}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2032}
author = {Nguyen, Dat P. T.; Matsuo, Yutaka; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Subtree Mining for Relation Extraction from Wikipedia}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2033}
author = {Noamany, Mohamed; Schaaf, Thomas; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Advances in the CMU/Interact Arabic GALE Transcription System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2034}
author = {Perez, Alicia; Gonzalez, M. Teresa; Torres, M. Ines; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {An Integrated Architecture for Speech-Input Multi-Target Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2035}
author = {Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Crego, Josep M.; Vilar, David; Fonollosa, José A. R.; Mariño, Josée B.; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Analysis and System Combination of Phrase- and N-Gram-Based Statistical Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2036}
author = {Rubin, Victoria L.}
title = {Stating with Certainty or Stating with Doubt: Intercoder Reliability Results for Manual Annotation of Epistemically Modalized Statements}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2037}
author = {Sarikaya, Ruhi; Deng, Yonggang}
title = {Joint Morphological-Lexical Language Modeling for Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2038}
author = {Schatzmann, Jost; Thomson, Blaise; Weilhammer, Karl; Ye, Hui; Young, Steve}
title = {Agenda-Based User Simulation for Bootstrapping a POMDP Dialogue System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2039}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Reversible Sound-to-Letter/Letter-to-Sound Modeling Based on Syllable Structure}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2040}
author = {Shi, Yongmei; Zhou, Lina}
title = {Are Some Speech Recognition Errors Easier to Detect than Others?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2041}
author = {Shi, Zhongmin; Sarkar, Anoop; Popowich, Fred}
title = {Simultaneous Identification of Biomedical Named-Entity and Functional Relation Using Statistical Parsing Techniques}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2042}
author = {Subramanya, Amarnag; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Virtual Evidence for Training Speech Recognizers Using Partially Labeled Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2043}
author = {Tratz, Stephen; Sanfilippo, Antonio}
title = {A High Accuracy Method for Semi-Supervised Information Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2044}
author = {Trnka, Keith; Yarrington, Debra; McCaw, John; McCoy, Kathleen F.; Pennington, Christopher A.}
title = {The Effects of Word Prediction on Communication Rate for AAC}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2045}
author = {Turner, Jenine; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Language Modeling for Determiner Selection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2046}
author = {Vilain, Marc B.; Su, Jennifer; Lubar, Suzi}
title = {Entity Extraction is a Boring Solved Problem---Or is it?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2047}
author = {Wang, Zhuoran; Shawe-Taylor, John; Szedmak, Sandor}
title = {Kernel Regression Based Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2048}
author = {Wang, Guangwei; Araki, Kenji}
title = {Modifying SO-PMI for Japanese Weblog Opinion Mining by Using a Balancing Factor and Detecting Neutral Expressions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2049}
author = {Xie, Lei; Liu, Chuan; Meng, Helen M.}
title = {Combined Use of Speaker- and Tone-Normalized Pitch Reset with Pause Duration for Automatic Story Segmentation in Mandarin Broadcast News}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2050}
author = {Yu, Xiaofeng}
title = {Chinese Named Entity Recognition with Cascaded Hybrid Model}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2051}
author = {Yu, Kun; Kurohashi, Sadao; Liu, Hao}
title = {A Three-Step Deterministic Parser for Chinese Dependency Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2052}
author = {Zesch, Torsten; Gurevych, Iryna; Muhlhauser, Max}
title = {Comparing Wikipedia and German Wordnet by Evaluating Semantic Relatedness on Multiple Datasets}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2053}
author = {Zettlemoyer, Luke; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Selective Phrase Pair Extraction for Improved Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2054}
author = {Zhang, Jian; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Speech Summarization Without Lexical Features for Mandarin Broadcast News}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-2055}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Kwon, Namhee; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Semi-Automatic Evaluation Scheme: Automated Nuggetization for Manual Annotation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3001}
author = {Friberg Heppin, Karin}
title = {Query Expansion Using Domain Information in Compounds}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3002}
author = {Wang, Qin Iris}
title = {Learning Structured Classifiers for Statistical Dependency Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3003}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo}
title = {Creating a Knowledge Base from a Collaboratively Generated Encyclopedia}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3004}
author = {Tribble, Alicia}
title = {Knowledge-Based Labeling of Semantic Relationships in English}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3005}
author = {Goulet, Marie-Josee}
title = {Analysis of Summarization Evaluation Experiments}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3006}
author = {Subba, Rajen}
title = {Exploiting Event Semantics to Parse the Rhetorical Structure of Natural Language Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3007}
author = {Pardal, Joana Paulo}
title = {Dynamic Use of Ontologies in Dialogue Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3008}
author = {Trandabat, Diana}
title = {Semantic Frames in Romanian Natural Language Processing Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3009}
author = {Olsson, J. Scott}
title = {Combining Evidence for Improved Speech Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-3010}
author = {Biemann, Christian}
title = {Unsupervised Natural Language Processing Using Graph Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4001}
author = {Allen, James F.; Chambers, Nathanael; Ferguson, George; Galescu, Lucian; Jung, Hyuckchul; Swift, Mary; Taysom, William}
title = {Demonstration of PLOW: A Dialogue System for One-Shot Task Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4002}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Shore, Jane; Sabatini, John; Lee, Yong-Won; Ventura, Matthew}
title = {The Automated Text Adaptation Tool}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4003}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Callaway, Charles B.; Farrow, Elaine; Marques-Pita, Manuel; Matheson, Colin; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Adaptive Tutorial Dialogue Systems Using Deep NLP Techniques}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4004}
author = {Lee, Donghyeon; Lee, Jonghoon; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {POSSLT: A Korean to English Spoken Language Translation System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4005}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Hsueh, Pei-Yun; Tucker, Simon; Kilgour, Jonathan; Carletta, Jean; Moore, Johanna D.; Renals, Steve}
title = {Automatic Segmentation and Summarization of Meeting Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4006}
author = {Novák, Václav}
title = {Cedit - Semantic Networks Manual Annotation Tool}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4007}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie; Wang, Chao; Chao, Chih-Yu}
title = {Spoken Dialogue Systems for Language Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4008}
author = {Stenchikova, Svetlana; Mucha, Basia; Hoffman, Sarah; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {RavenCalendar: A Multimodal Dialog System for Managing a Personal Calendar}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4009}
author = {Voss, L. Lynn; Ehlen, Patrick}
title = {The CALO Meeting Assistant}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4010}
author = {Wang, Guangwei; Araki, Kenji}
title = {OMS-J: An Opinion Mining System for Japanese Weblog Reviews Using a Combination of Supervised and Unsupervised Approaches}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4011}
author = {Wu, Chien-Cheng; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Learning to Find Transliteration on the Web}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4012}
author = {Yan, Baoshi; Weng, Fuliang; Feng, Zhe; Ratiu, Florin; Raya, Madhuri; Meng, Yao; Varges, Sebastian; Purver, Matthew; Lien, Annie; Scheideck, Tobias; Raghunathan, Badri; Lin, Feng; Mishra, Rohit; Lathrop, Brian; Zhang, Zhaoxia; Bratt, Harry; Peters, Stanley}
title = {A Conversational In-Car Dialog System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4013}
author = {Yates, Alexander; Banko, Michele; Broadhead, Matthew; Cafarella, Michael J.; Etzioni, Oren; Soderland, Stephen}
title = {TextRunner: Open Information Extraction on the Web}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4014}
author = {Young, Steve; Schatzmann, Jost; Thomson, Blaise; Weilhammer, Karl; Ye, Hui}
title = {The Hidden Information State Dialogue Manager: A Real-World POMDP-Based System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4015}
author = {Zhou, Liang}
title = {Text Comparison Using Machine-Generated Nuggets}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N07-4016}
author = {Zweig, Geoffrey; Ju, Yun-Cheng; Nguyen, Patrick; Yu, Dong; Wang, Ye-Yi; Acero, Alex}
title = {Voice-Rate: A Dialog System for Consumer Ratings}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2007}
id = {N09-1001}
author = {Su, Fangzhong; Markert, Katja}
title = {Subjectivity Recognition on Word Senses via Semi-supervised Mincuts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1002}
author = {Gyamfi, Yaw; Wiebe, Janyce; Mihalcea, Rada; Akkaya, Cem}
title = {Integrating Knowledge for Subjectivity Sense Labeling}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1003}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Alfonseca, Enrique; Hall, Keith; Kravalova, Jana; Paşca, Marius; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {A Study on Similarity and Relatedness Using Distributional and WordNet-based Approaches}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1004}
author = {Chen, Ping; Ding, Wei; Bowes, Chris; Brown, David}
title = {A Fully Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Method Using Dependency Knowledge}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1005}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Learning Phoneme Mappings for Transliteration without Parallel Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1006}
author = {Gabani, Keyur; Sherman, Melissa; Solorio, Thamar; Liu, Yang; Bedore, Lisa; Peña, Elizabeth}
title = {A Corpus-Based Approach for the Prediction of Language Impairment in Monolingual English and Spanish-English Bilingual Children}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1007}
author = {Sun, Xu; Zhang, Yaozhong; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Discriminative Latent Variable Chinese Segmenter with Hybrid Word/Character Information}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1008}
author = {Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Improved Reconstruction of Protolanguage Word Forms}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1009}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Shared Logistic Normal Distributions for Soft Parameter Tying in Unsupervised Grammar Induction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1010}
author = {Snyder, Benjamin; Naseem, Tahira; Eisenstein, Jacob; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Adding More Languages Improves Unsupervised Multilingual Part-of-Speech Tagging: a Bayesian Non-Parametric Approach}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1011}
author = {Nesson, Rebecca; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Efficiently Parsable Extensions to Tree-Local Multicomponent TAG}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1012}
author = {Headden III, William P.; Johnson, Mark; McClosky, David}
title = {Improving Unsupervised Dependency Parsing with Richer Contexts and Smoothing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1013}
author = {Brunning, Jamie; Gispert, Adrià de; Byrne, William}
title = {Context-Dependent Alignment Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1014}
author = {Alexandrescu, Andrei; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Graph-based Learning for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1015}
author = {Chen, Yu; Kay, Martin; Eisele, Andreas}
title = {Intersecting Multilingual Data for Faster and Better Statistical Translations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1016}
author = {Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian; Lee, Lillian; Ducott, Richard}
title = {Without a ’doubt’? Unsupervised Discovery of Downward-Entailing Operators}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1017}
author = {Gerber, Matthew; Chai, Joyce; Meyers, Adam}
title = {The Role of Implicit Argumentation in Nominal SRL}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1018}
author = {Meza-Ruiz, Ivan; Riedel, Sebastian}
title = {Jointly Identifying Predicates Arguments and Senses using Markov Logic}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1019}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Charniak, Eugene; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Structured Generative Models for Unsupervised Named-Entity Clustering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1020}
author = {Haffari, Gholamreza; Whye Teh, Yee}
title = {Hierarchical Dirichlet Trees for Information Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1021}
author = {Olsson, J. Scott; Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Phrase-Based Query Degradation Modeling for Vocabulary-Independent Ranked Utterance Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1022}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {Japanese Query Alteration Based on Lexical Semantic Similarity}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1023}
author = {Wang, Lidan; Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Context-based Message Expansion for Disentanglement of Interleaved Text Conversations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1024}
author = {Poon, Hoifung; Cherry, Colin; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Unsupervised Morphological Segmentation with Log-Linear Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1025}
author = {Chiang, David; Knight, Kevin; Wang, Wei}
title = {11001 New Features for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1026}
author = {DeNero, John; Bansal, Mohit; Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Efficient Parsing for Transducer Grammars}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1027}
author = {Venugopal, Ashish; Zollmann, Andreas; Smith, Noah A.; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Preference Grammars: Softening Syntactic Constraints to Improve Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1028}
author = {Xu, Peng; Kang, Jaeho; Ringgaard, Michael; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Using a Dependency Parser to Improve SMT for Subject-Object-Verb Languages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1029}
author = {Chen, Han-Bin; Wu, Jian-Cheng; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Learning Bilingual Linguistic Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1030}
author = {Goldberg, Andrew B.; Fillmore, Nathanael; Andrzejewski, David; Xu, Zhiting; Gibson, Bryan; Zhu, Xiaojin}
title = {May All Your Wishes Come True: A Study of Wishes and How to Recognize Them}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1031}
author = {Kogan, Shimon; Levin, Dimitry; Routledge, Bryan R.; Sagi, Jacob S.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Predicting Risk from Financial Reports with Regression}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1032}
author = {Guo, Hong Lei; Zhu, Huijia; Guo, Zhili; Zhang, Xiaoxun; Wu, Xian; Su, Zhong}
title = {Domain Adaptation with Latent Semantic Association for Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1033}
author = {Vyas, Vishnu; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Semi-Automatic Entity Set Refinement}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1034}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei; Goldwasser, Dan; Roth, Dan; Tu, Yuancheng}
title = {Unsupervised Constraint Driven Learning For Transliteration Discovery}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1035}
author = {Bartlett, Susan; Kondrak, Grzegorz; Cherry, Colin}
title = {On the Syllabification of Phonemes}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1036}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Improving nonparameteric Bayesian inference: experiments on unsupervised word segmentation with adaptor grammars}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1037}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Joint Parsing and Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1038}
author = {Park, Y. Albert; Levy, Roger}
title = {Minimal-length linearizations for mildly context-sensitive dependency trees}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1039}
author = {Schuler, William}
title = {Positive Results for Parsing with a Bounded Stack using a Model-Based Right-Corner Transform}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1040}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Hierarchical Text Segmentation from Multi-Scale Lexical Cohesion}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1041}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {Exploring Content Models for Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1042}
author = {Chen, Harr; Branavan, S. R. K.; Barzilay, Regina; Karger, David R.}
title = {Global Models of Document Structure using Latent Permutations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1043}
author = {Baumann, Timo; Atterer, Michaela; Schlangen, David}
title = {Assessing and Improving the Performance of Speech Recognition for Incremental Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1044}
author = {Stent, Amanda J.; Zeljkovic, Ilija; Caseiro, Diamantino; Wilpon, Jay G.}
title = {Geo-Centric Language Models for Local Business Voice Search}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1045}
author = {Biadsy, Fadi; Habash, Nizar; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Improving the Arabic Pronunciation Dictionary for Phone and Word Recognition with Linguistically-Based Pronunciation Rules}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1046}
author = {Dyer, Chris}
title = {Using a maximum entropy model to build segmentation lattices for MT}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1047}
author = {Haffari, Gholamreza; Roy, Maxim; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Active Learning for Statistical Phrase-based Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1048}
author = {Wu, Xianchao; Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Semi-Supervised Lexicon Mining from Parenthetical Expressions in Monolingual Web Pages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1049}
author = {Iglesias, Gonzalo; Gispert, Adrià de; Banga, Eduardo R.; Byrne, William}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Weighted Finite State Transducers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1050}
author = {Chen, Lei; Zechner, Klaus; Xi, Xiaoming}
title = {Improved pronunciation features for construct-driven assessment of non-native spontaneous speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1051}
author = {Chen, Stanley F.}
title = {Performance Prediction for Exponential Language Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1052}
author = {Sarikaya, Ruhi; Afify, Mohamed; Kingsbury, Brian}
title = {Tied-Mixture Language Modeling in Continuous Space}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1053}
author = {Chen, Stanley F.}
title = {Shrinking Exponential Language Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1054}
author = {Yano, Tae; Cohen, William W.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Predicting Response to Political Blog Posts with Topic Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1055}
author = {Du, Weifu; Tan, Songbo}
title = {An Iterative Reinforcement Approach for Fine-Grained Opinion Mining}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1056}
author = {Barbosa, Luciano; Kumar, Ravi; Pang, Bo; Tomkins, Andrew}
title = {For a few dollars less: Identifying review pages sans human labels}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1057}
author = {Greene, Stephan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {More than Words: Syntactic Packaging and Implicit Sentiment}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1058}
author = {Goyal, Amit; Daumé III, Hal; Venkatasubramanian, Suresh}
title = {Streaming for large scale NLP: Language Modeling}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1059}
author = {Sasano, Ryohei; Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {The Effect of Corpus Size on Case Frame Acquisition for Discourse Analysis}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1060}
author = {Kireyev, Kirill}
title = {Semantic-based Estimation of Term Informativeness}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1061}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Kuhlmann, Marco; Satta, Giorgio; Weir, David}
title = {Optimal Reduction of Rule Length in Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1062}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Goldwater, Sharon; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Inducing Compact but Accurate Tree-Substitution Grammars}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1063}
author = {Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Hierarchical Search for Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1064}
author = {Subba, Rajen; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {An effective Discourse Parser that uses Rich Linguistic Information}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1065}
author = {Ng, Vincent}
title = {Graph-Cut-Based Anaphoricity Determination for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1066}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Egan, Melissa; Hassan, Ahmed; Muthukrishnan, Pradeep; Qazvinian, Vahed; Radev, Dragomir R.; Zajic, David}
title = {Using Citations to Generate surveys of Scientific Paradigms}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1067}
author = {Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Non-Parametric Bayesian Areal Linguistics}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1068}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Hierarchical Bayesian Domain Adaptation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1069}
author = {Liang, Percy; Klein, Dan}
title = {Online EM for Unsupervised Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1070}
author = {Liu, Feifan; Pennell, Deana; Liu, Fei; Liu, Yang}
title = {Unsupervised Approaches for Automatic Keyword Extraction Using Meeting Transcripts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1071}
author = {Raux, Antoine; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {A Finite-State Turn-Taking Model for Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1072}
author = {Jurafsky, Daniel; Ranganath, Rajesh; McFarland, Daniel A.}
title = {Extracting Social Meaning: Identifying Interactional Style in Spoken Conversation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1073}
author = {Roark, Brian; Hollingshead, Kristy}
title = {Linear Complexity Context-Free Parsing Pipelines via Chart Constraints}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1074}
author = {Miller, Tim}
title = {Improved Syntactic Models for Parsing Speech with Repairs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-1075}
author = {Bicknell, Klinton; Levy, Roger}
title = {A model of local coherence effects in human sentence processing as consequences of updates from bottom-up prior to posterior beliefs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2001}
author = {Bach, Nguyen; Vogel, Stephan; Cherry, Colin}
title = {Cohesive Constraints in A Beam Search Phrase-based Decoder}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2002}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; Clarke, James}
title = {Revisiting Optimal Decoding for Machine Translation IBM Model 4}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2003}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Efficient Extraction of Oracle-best Translations from Hypergraphs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2004}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Semantic Roles for SMT: A Hybrid Two-Pass Model}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2005}
author = {Hasan, Saša; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Comparison of Extended Lexicon Models in Search and Rescoring for SMT}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2006}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Chen, Shengyuan}
title = {A Simplex Armijo Downhill Algorithm for Optimizing Statistical Machine Translation Decoding Parameters}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2007}
author = {McNamee, Paul; Mayfield, James; Nicholas, Charles}
title = {Translation Corpus Source and Size in Bilingual Retrieval}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2008}
author = {Alfonseca, Enrique; Hall, Keith; Hartmann, Silvana}
title = {Large-scale Computation of Distributional Similarities for Queries}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2009}
author = {Barak, Libby; Dagan, Ido; Shnarch, Eyal}
title = {Text Categorization from Category Name via Lexical Reference}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2010}
author = {Arora, Shilpa; Joshi, Mahesh; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Identifying Types of Claims in Online Customer Reviews}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2011}
author = {Apostolova, Emilia; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Towards Automatic Image Region Annotation - Image Region Textual Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2012}
author = {Blaylock, Nate; Swain, Bradley; Allen, James F.}
title = {TESLA: A Tool for Annotating Geospatial Language Corpora}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2013}
author = {Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Phillips, Robert; Ha, Eun Young; Wallis, Michael; Vouk, Mladen; Lester, James C.}
title = {Modeling Dialogue Structure with Adjacency Pair Analysis and Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2014}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Christian, Gwen; DeVault, David; Traum, David R.}
title = {Towards Natural Language Understanding of Partial Speech Recognition Results in Dialogue Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2015}
author = {Tang, Hao; Chu, Stephen; Huang, Thomas}
title = {Spherical Discriminant Analysis in Semi-supervised Speaker Clustering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2016}
author = {Meurs, Marie-Jean; Lefèvre, Fabrice; de Mori, Renato}
title = {Learning Bayesian Networks for Semantic Frame Composition in a Spoken Dialog System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2017}
author = {Uchida, Yuzu; Araki, Kenji}
title = {Evaluation of a System for Noun Concepts Acquisition from Utterances about Images (SINCA) Using Daily Conversation Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2018}
author = {Nicholson, Jeremy; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Web and Corpus Methods for Malay Count Classifier Prediction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2019}
author = {Gispert, Adrià de; Virpioja, Sami; Kurimo, Mikko; Byrne, William}
title = {Minimum Bayes Risk Combination of Translation Hypotheses from Alternative Morphological Decompositions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2020}
author = {Hagen, Andreas; Pellom, Bryan; Hacioglu, Kadri}
title = {Generating Synthetic Children’s Acoustic Models from Adult Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2021}
author = {Rosenberg, Andrew; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Detecting Pitch Accents at the Word Syllable and Vowel Level}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2022}
author = {Coppola, Bonaventura; Moschitti, Alessandro; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Shallow Semantic Parsing for Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2023}
author = {Lee, Cheongjae; Jung, Sangkeun; Kim, Kyungduk; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Automatic Agenda Graph Construction from Human-Human Dialogs using Clustering Method}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2024}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Xu, Jian-ming}
title = {A Simple Sentence-Level Extraction Algorithm for Comparable Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2025}
author = {Okanohara, Daisuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Learning Combination Features with L1 Regularization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2026}
author = {Bolaños, Daniel; Zweig, Geoffrey; Nguyen, Patrick}
title = {Multi-scale Personalization for Voice Search Applications}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2027}
author = {Pon-Barry, Heather; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {The Importance of Sub-Utterance Prosody in Predicting Level of Certainty}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2028}
author = {Georgila, Kallirroi}
title = {Using Integer Linear Programming for Detecting Speech Disfluencies}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2029}
author = {Lerman, Kevin; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Contrastive Summarization: An Experiment with Consumer Reviews}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2030}
author = {Coursey, Kino; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Topic Identification Using Wikipedia Graph Centrality}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2031}
author = {Yu, Kun; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Extracting Bilingual Dictionary from Comparable Corpora with Dependency Heterogeneity}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2032}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Henderson, James B.; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Domain Adaptation with Artificial Data for Semantic Parsing of Speech}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2033}
author = {Galescu, Lucian}
title = {Extending Pronunciation Lexicons via Non-phonemic Respellings}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2034}
author = {Katsumaru, Masaki; Nakano, Mikio; Komatani, Kazunori; Funakoshi, Kotaro; Ogata, Tetsuya; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {A Speech Understanding Framework that Uses Multiple Language Models and Multiple Understanding Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2035}
author = {Bloodgood, Michael; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Taking into Account the Differences between Actively and Passively Acquired Data: The Case of Active Learning with Support Vector Machines for Imbalanced Datasets}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2036}
author = {Pust, Michael; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Faster MT Decoding Through Pervasive Laziness}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2037}
author = {Gupta, Naman K.; Chaudhuri, Sourish; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Evaluating the Syntactic Transformations in Gold Standard Corpora for Statistical Sentence Compression}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2038}
author = {Bach, Nguyen; Hsiao, Roger; Eck, Matthias; Charoenpornsawat, Paisarn; Vogel, Stephan; Schultz, Tanja; Lane, Ian; Waibel, Alex; Black, Alan W.}
title = {Incremental Adaptation of Speech-to-Speech Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2039}
author = {Popescu, Octavian}
title = {Name Perplexity}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2040}
author = {Banerjee, Protima; Han, Hyoil}
title = {Answer Credibility: A Language Modeling Approach to Answer Validation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2041}
author = {Rajkumar, Rajakrishnan; White, Michael; Espinosa, Dominic}
title = {Exploiting Named Entity Classes in CCG Surface Realization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2042}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Chang, Yi; Zheng, Zhaohui; Metzler, Donald; Nie, Jian-Yun}
title = {Search Engine Adaptation by Feedback Control Adjustment for Time-sensitive Query}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2043}
author = {Kim, Seokhwan; Jeong, Minwoo; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {A Local Tree Alignment-based Soft Pattern Matching Approach for Information Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2044}
author = {Feldman, Sergey; Marin, Marius; Medero, Julie; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Classifying Factored Genres with Part-of-Speech Histograms}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2045}
author = {Jonnalagadda, Siddhartha; Tari, Luis; Hakenberg, Jörg; Baral, Chitta; Gonzalez, Graciela}
title = {Towards Effective Sentence Simplification for Automatic Processing of Biomedical Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2046}
author = {Tan, Songbo; Cheng, Xueqi}
title = {Improving SCL Model for Sentiment-Transfer Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2047}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Boullier, Pierre; Nasr, Alexis; Rambow, Owen; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {MICA: A Probabilistic Dependency Parser Based on Tree Insertion Grammars (Application Note)}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2048}
author = {Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Lexical and Syntactic Adaptation and Their Impact in Deployed Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2049}
author = {Hirsimäki, Teemu; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Analysing Recognition Errors in Unlimited-Vocabulary Speech Recognition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2050}
author = {Petukhova, Volha; Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {The independence of dimensions in multidimensional dialogue act annotation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2051}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang; Florian, Radu; Ward, Todd}
title = {Improving Coreference Resolution by Using Conversational Metadata}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2052}
author = {Zhao, Yong; He, Xiaodong}
title = {Using N-gram based Features for Machine Translation System Combination}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2053}
author = {Chen, Zheng; Ji, Heng}
title = {Language Specific Issue and Feature Exploration in Chinese Event Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2054}
author = {Huang, Zhongqiang; Eidelman, Vladimir; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Improving A Simple Bigram HMM Part-of-Speech Tagger by Latent Annotation and Self-Training}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2055}
author = {Lagarda, Antonio L.; Alabau, Vicent; Casacuberta, Francisco; Silva, Roberto; Díaz-de-Liaño, Enrique}
title = {Statistical Post-Editing of a Rule-Based Machine Translation System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2056}
author = {Paul, Michael; Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Sumita, Eiichiro; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {On the Importance of Pivot Language Selection for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2057}
author = {Filippova, Katja; Strube, Michael}
title = {Tree Linearization in English: Improving Language Model Based Approaches}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2058}
author = {Zhong, Huayan; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Determining the position of adverbial phrases in English}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2059}
author = {Jin, Peng; McCarthy, Diana; Koeling, Rob; Carroll, John}
title = {Estimating and Exploiting the Entropy of Sense Distributions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2060}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid}
title = {Semantic Classification with WordNet Kernels}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2061}
author = {Gillick, Dan}
title = {Sentence Boundary Detection and the Problem with the U.S.}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2062}
author = {Turian, Joseph P.; Bergstra, James; Bengio, Yoshua}
title = {Quadratic Features and Deep Architectures for Chunking}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2063}
author = {Çobanoglu, Onur}
title = {Active Zipfian Sampling for Statistical Parser Training}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2064}
author = {Fossum, Victoria Li; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Combining Constituent Parsers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2065}
author = {Mistica, Meladel; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Recognising the Predicate-argument Structure of Tagalog}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2066}
author = {Attardi, Giuseppe; Dell'Orletta, Felice}
title = {Reverse Revision and Linear Tree Combination for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2067}
author = {Yaman, Sibel; Tur, Gokhan; Vergyri, Dimitra; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Harper, Mary P.; Wang, Wen}
title = {Anchored Speech Recognition for Question Answering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2068}
author = {Can, Dogan; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {Score Distribution Based Term Specific Thresholding for Spoken Term Detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2069}
author = {Yang, Dong; Pan, Yi-Cheng; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Automatic Chinese Abbreviation Generation Using Conditional Random Field}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2070}
author = {Ramabhadran, Bhuvana; Sethy, Abhinav; Mamou, Jonathan; Kingsbury, Brian; Chaudhari, Upendra}
title = {Fast decoding for open vocabulary spoken term detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-2071}
author = {Mishra, Taniya; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Tightly coupling Speech Recognition and Search}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4001}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Data Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4002}
author = {Brants, Thorsten; Xu, Peng}
title = {Distributed Language Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4003}
author = {Huang, Liang}
title = {Dynamic Programming-based Search Algorithms in NLP}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4004}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Strube, Michael}
title = {Extracting World and Linguistic Knowledge from Wikipedia}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4005}
author = {Riley, Michael D.; Allauzen, Cyril; Jansche, Martin}
title = {OpenFst: An Open-Source Weighted Finite-State Transducer Library and its Applications to Speech and Language}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4006}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {OntoNotes: The 90% Solution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4007}
author = {Kipper-Schuler, Karin; Korhonen, Anna; Brown, Susan Windisch}
title = {VerbNet overview extensions mappings and applications}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-4008}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Writing Systems Transliteration and Decipherment}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-5001}
author = {Ji, Heng; Chen, Zheng}
title = {Cross-document Temporal and Spatial Person Tracking System Demonstration}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-5002}
author = {Kumar, Rohit; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Witbrock, Michael J.}
title = {Building Conversational Agents with Basilica}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-5003}
author = {Kunath, Stephen A.; Weinberger, Steven H.}
title = {STAT: Speech Transcription Analysis Tool}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-5004}
author = {Kurimo, Mikko; Virpioja, Sami; Turunen, Ville; Hirsimäki, Teemu}
title = {Morpho Challenge - Evaluation of algorithms for unsupervised learning of morphology in various tasks and languages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-5005}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Kolhatkar, Varada}
title = {WordNet::SenseRelate::AllWords - A Broad Coverage Word Sense Tagger that Maximizes Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2009}
id = {N10-2001}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Harrison, Karl; Naish-Guzman, Andrew; Parker, Andy; Siddharthan, Advaith; Sinclair, David; Slater, Mark; Watson, Rebecca}
title = {Camtology: Intelligent Information Access for Science}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2002}
author = {Cai, Congxing; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Summarizing Textual Information about Locations In a Geo-Spatial Information Display System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2003}
author = {Cer, Daniel; Galley, Michel; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Phrasal: A Statistical Machine Translation Toolkit for Exploring New Model Features}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2004}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.; Bonial, Claire; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Multilingual Propbank Annotation Tools: Cornerstone and Jubilee}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2005}
author = {Kersey, Cynthia; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Jordan, Pamela W.; Katz, Sandra}
title = {KSC-PaL: A Peer Learning Agent that Encourages Students to take the Initiative}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2006}
author = {Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {A Detailed Accurate Extensive Available English Lexical Database}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2007}
author = {Mayfield, Elijah; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {An Interactive Tool for Supporting Error Analysis for Text Mining}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2008}
author = {Sagae, Alicia; Johnson, W. Lewis; Row, Rebecca}
title = {Serious Game Environments for Language and Culture Education}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2009}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; DeVault, David; Traum, David R.}
title = {Interpretation of Partial Utterances in Virtual Human Dialogue Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2010}
author = {Sánchez-Sáez, Ricardo; Leiva, Luis A.; Sánchez, Joan-Andreu; Benedí, José-Miguel}
title = {Interactive Predictive Parsing using a Web-based Architecture}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2011}
author = {Scarton, Carolina; Oliveira, Matheus; Candido Jr., Arnaldo; Gasperin, Caroline; Aluísio, Sandra}
title = {SIMPLIFICA: a tool for authoring simplified texts in Brazilian Portuguese guided by readability assessments}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-2012}
author = {Wang, Kuansan; Thrasher, Chris; Viegas, Evelyne; Li, Xiaolong; Hsu, Bo-June (Paul)}
title = {An Overview of Microsoft Web N-gram Corpus and Applications}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4001}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4002}
author = {Poon, Hoifung}
title = {Markov Logic in Natural Language Processing: Theory Algorithms and Applications}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4003}
author = {Subramaniam, L. Venkata}
title = {Noisy Text Analytics}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4004}
author = {Wang, Qin Iris; Zhang, Yue}
title = {Recent Advances in Dependency Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4005}
author = {Wang, Ming-Wei; Rizzolo, Nicholas; Roth, Dan}
title = {Integer Linear Programming in NLP - Constrained Conditional Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4006}
author = {Evert, Stefan}
title = {Distributional Semantic Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4007}
author = {Levy, Roger; Bicknell, Klinton; Smith, Nathaniel}
title = {Computational psycholinguistics}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-4008}
author = {Sammons, Mark; Szpektor, Idan; Vydiswaran, V. G. Vinod}
title = {Textual Entailment}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2010}
id = {N12-1001}
author = {Wallace, Byron}
title = {Multiple Narrative Disentanglement: Unraveling Infinite Jest}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1002}
author = {Willson, Laura; Benus, Stefan; Gravano, Agustín; Levitan, Rivka; Hirschberg, Julia; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Acoustic-Prosodic Entrainment and Social Behavior}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1003}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Tetreault, Joel R.; Heilman, Michael; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Identifying High-Level Organizational Elements in Argumentative Discourse}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1004}
author = {Burkett, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {Fast Inference in Phrase Extraction Models with Belief Propagation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1005}
author = {Yvon, François; Le, Hai-Son; Allauzen, Alexandre}
title = {Continuous Space Translation Models with Neural Networks}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1006}
author = {Malchiodi, Erika; Devlin, Jacob; Schwartz, Richard M.; Stallard, David G.; Zbib, Rabih; Makhoul, John; Matsoukas, Spyros; Zaidan, Omar F.; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Machine Translation of Arabic Dialects}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1007}
author = {Green, Spence; Andrews, Nicholas; Gormley, Matthew R.; Dredze, Mark; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Entity Clustering Across Languages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1008}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Multi-Event Extraction Guided by Global Constraints}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1009}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Abu-Jbara, Amjad}
title = {Reference Scope Identification in Citing Sentences}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1010}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Litman, Diane J.; Friedberg, Heather; Drummond, Joanna}
title = {Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation of an Automatic User Disengagement Detector for an Uncertainty-Adaptive Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1011}
author = {Xie, Shasha; Evanini, Keelan; Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Exploring Content Features for Automated Speech Scoring}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1012}
author = {Stark, Anthony; Kaye, Jeffrey; Shafran, Izhak}
title = {Hello, Who is Calling?: Can Words Reveal the Social Nature of Conversations?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1013}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Stoyanov, Veselin}
title = {Minimum-Risk Training of Approximate CRF-Based NLP Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1014}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Smith, Jason}
title = {Unsupervised Learning on an Approximate Corpus}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1015}
author = {Fayong, Suphan; Guo, Yang; Huang, Liang}
title = {Structured Perceptron with Inexact Search}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1016}
author = {Fournier, Chris; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {Segmentation Similarity and Agreement}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1017}
author = {Dreyer, Markus; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {HyTER: Meaning-Equivalent Semantics for Translation Evaluation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1018}
author = {Mason, Rebecca; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Apples to Oranges: Evaluating Image Annotations from Natural Language Processing Systems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1019}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Tetreault, Joel R.; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Re-examining Machine Translation Metrics for Paraphrase Identification}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1020}
author = {Kong, Yin Hei; Lee, John}
title = {A Dependency Treebank of Classical Chinese Poems}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1021}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Nielsen, Rodney D.; Brew, Chris}
title = {Towards Effective Tutorial Feedback for Explanation Questions: A Dataset and Baselines}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1022}
author = {Kazantseva, Anna; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Topical Segmentation: a Study of Human Performance and a New Measure of Quality.}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1023}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Structured Ramp Loss Minimization for Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1024}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Paul, Michael}
title = {Implicitly Intersecting Weighted Automata using Dual Decomposition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1025}
author = {Abdul-Wahab, Mohamed; Taei, Ahmed; El Kahki, Ali; Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Transliteration Mining Using Large Training and Test Sets}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1026}
author = {Watanabe, Taro}
title = {Optimized Online Rank Learning for Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1027}
author = {Maletti, Andreas}
title = {Every sensible extended top-down tree transducer is a multi bottom-up tree transducer}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1028}
author = {Lopez, Cèdric; Prince, Violaine; Roche, Mathieu}
title = {NOMIT: Automatic Titling by Nominalizing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1029}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Israel, Ross; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Correcting Comma Errors in Learner Essays, and Restoring Commas in Newswire Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1030}
author = {Tse, Daniel; Curran, James R.}
title = {The Challenges of Parsing Chinese with Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1031}
author = {Kulick, Seth; Bies, Ann; Mott, Justin}
title = {Using Supertags and Encoded Annotation Principles for Improved Dependency to Phrase Structure Conversion}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1032}
author = {Hohensee, Matt; Bender, Emily M.}
title = {Getting More from Morphology in Multilingual Dependency Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1033}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Post, Matt; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Stylometric Analysis of Scientific Articles}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1034}
author = {Petrovic, Sasa; Osborne, Miles; Lavrenko, Victor}
title = {Using paraphrases for improving first story detection in news and Twitter}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1035}
author = {Huck, Matthias; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Insertion and Deletion Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1036}
author = {Chen, Keh-Jiann; Huang, Chung-chi; Chang, Jason S.; Yang, Ping-che}
title = {TransAhead: A Computer-Assisted Translation and Writing Tool}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1037}
author = {Swanson, Ben; Yamangil, Elif}
title = {Correction Detection and Error Type Selection as an ESL Educational Aid}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1038}
author = {Scaiano, Martin; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {Getting More from Segmentation Evaluation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1039}
author = {Waxmonsky, Sonjia; Reddy, Sravana}
title = {G2P Conversion of Proper Names Using Word Origin Information}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1040}
author = {Nicholson, Jeremy; Cohn, Trevor; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Evaluating a Morphological Analyser of Inuktitut}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1041}
author = {Chen, Yun-Nung; Metze, Florian}
title = {Intra-Speaker Topic Modeling for Improved Multi-Party Meeting Summarization with Integrated Random Walk}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1042}
author = {Chen, Yun-Nung; Chang, Kai-min K.; Mostow, Jack}
title = {Towards Using EEG to Improve ASR Accuracy}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1043}
author = {Mueller, Thomas; Schuetze, Hinrich; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {A Comparative Investigation of Morphological Language Modeling for the Languages of the European Union}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1044}
author = {Bhargava, Aditya; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Leveraging supplemental representations for sequential transduction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1045}
author = {Sirts, Kairit; Alumae, Tanel}
title = {A Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Model for Joint Part-of-Speech and Morphology Induction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1046}
author = {Ture, Ferhan; Oard, Douglas W.; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Encouraging Consistent Translation Choices}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1047}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Foster, George}
title = {Batch Tuning Strategies for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1048}
author = {Kolan, Prakash; Golipour, Ladan; Jimenez, Aura; Bangalore, Srinivas; Rangarajan Sridhar, Vivek Kumar}
title = {Real-time Incremental Speech-to-Speech Translation of Dialogs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1049}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.; Angeli, Gabor; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Parsing Time: Learning to Interpret Time Expressions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1050}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Fine-Grained Focus for Pinpointing Positive Implicit Meaning from Negated Statements}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1051}
author = {Fountain, Trevor; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Taxonomy Induction Using Hierarchical Random Graphs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1052}
author = {Täckström, Oscar; McDonald, Ryan; Uszkoreit, Jakob}
title = {Cross-lingual Word Clusters for Direct Transfer of Linguistic Structure}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1053}
author = {Mejer, Avihai; Crammer, Koby}
title = {Training Dependency Parser Using Light Feedback}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1054}
author = {Rush, Alexander M.; Petrov, Slav}
title = {Vine Pruning for Efficient Multi-Pass Dependency Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1055}
author = {Schütze, Hinrich; Heimerl, Florian; Laws, Florian}
title = {Active Learning for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1056}
author = {Kjersten, Brian; Van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Space Efficiencies in Discourse Modeling via Conditional Random Sampling}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1057}
author = {Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar; Rambow, Owen; Diab, Mona}
title = {Predicting Overt Display of Power in Written Dialogs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1058}
author = {Chen, Lin; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Co-reference via Pointing and Haptics in Multi-Modal Dialogues}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1059}
author = {Devlin, Jacob; Matsoukas, Spyros}
title = {Trait-Based Hypothesis Selection For Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1060}
author = {Sankaran, Baskaran; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Improved Reordering for Shallow-n Grammar based Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1061}
author = {Riesa, Jason; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Automatic Parallel Fragment Extraction from Noisy Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1062}
author = {Bazrafshan, Marzieh; Chung, Tagyoung; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Tuning as Linear Regression}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1063}
author = {Ma, Yi; Lofthus, Robert; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Ranking-based readability assessment for early primary children’s literature}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1064}
author = {Riedl, Martin; Biemann, Christian}
title = {How Text Segmentation Algorithms Gain from Topic Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1065}
author = {Preiss, Judita}
title = {Identifying Comparable Corpora Using LDA}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1066}
author = {Settles, Burr; Zhu, Xiaojin}
title = {Behavioral Factors in Interactive Training of Text Classifiers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1067}
author = {Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Better Evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1068}
author = {Mejer, Avihai; Crammer, Koby}
title = {Are You Sure? Confidence in Prediction of Dependency Tree Edges}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1069}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Concavity and Initialization for Unsupervised Dependency Parsing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1070}
author = {Alahverdzhieva, Katya; Flickinger, Daniel P.; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Multimodal Grammar Implementation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1071}
author = {Mohammad, Saif}
title = {Portable Features for Classifying Emotional Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1072}
author = {Grant, Ricky; Walker, Marilyn A.; Anand, Pranav; Abbott, Rob}
title = {Stance Classification using Dialogic Properties of Persuasion}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1073}
author = {Athar, Awais; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Context-Enhanced Citation Sentiment Detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1074}
author = {Artzi, Yoav; Pantel, Patrick; Gamon, Michael}
title = {Predicting Responses to Microblog Posts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1075}
author = {Kiran, Yigit; Borthwick, Andrew; Carvalho, Vitor R.}
title = {The Intelius Nickname Collection: Quantitative Analyses from Billions of Public Records}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1076}
author = {Laue, Soeren; Dinu, Georgiana; Thater, Stefan}
title = {A comparison of models of word meaning in context}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1077}
author = {Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Qazvinian, Vahed}
title = {Measuring Word Relatedness Using Heterogeneous Vector Space Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1078}
author = {Yao, Xuchen; Van Durme, Benjamin; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Expectations of Word Sense in Parallel Corpora}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1079}
author = {Ture, Ferhan; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Why Not Grab a Free Lunch? Mining Large Corpora for Parallel Sentences to Improve Translation Modeling}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1080}
author = {Gung, James; Kalita, Jugal K.}
title = {Summarization of Historical Articles Using Temporal Event Clustering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1081}
author = {Cuayahuitl, Heriberto; Dethlefs, Nina}
title = {Comparing HMMs and Bayesian Networks for Surface Realisation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1082}
author = {Pacheco, Fabián; Domìnguez, Martìn; Duboue, Pablo Ariel}
title = {On The Feasibility of Open Domain Referring Expression Generation Using Large Scale Folksonomies}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1083}
author = {Metzler, Donald; Cai, Congxing; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Structured Event Retrieval over Microblog Archives}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1084}
author = {Jun, Kwang-Sung; Bellmore, Amy; Zhu, Xiaojin; Xu, Jun-Ming}
title = {Learning from Bullying Traces in Social Media}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1085}
author = {Sayeed, Asad B.; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Rusk, Bryan; Weinberg, Amy}
title = {Grammatical structures for word-level sentiment detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1086}
author = {Das, Dipanjan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Graph-Based Lexicon Expansion with Sparsity-Inducing Penalties}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1087}
author = {Samdani, Rajhans; Chang, Ming-Wei; Roth, Dan}
title = {Unified Expectation Maximization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1088}
author = {Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Low-Dimensional Discriminative Reranking}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1089}
author = {Baldwin, Tyler; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Autonomous Self-Assessment of Autocorrections: Exploring Text Message Dialogues}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1090}
author = {Rahman, Altaf; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Translation-Based Projection for Multilingual Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1091}
author = {Raghavan, Preethi; Lai, Albert; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Exploring Semi-Supervised Coreference Resolution of Medical Concepts using Semantic and Temporal Features}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1092}
author = {Basu, Sumit; Vanderwende, Lucy; Becker, Lee}
title = {Mind the Gap: Learning to Choose Gaps for Question Generation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1093}
author = {Konstas, Ioannis; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Unsupervised Concept-to-text Generation with Hypergraphs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1094}
author = {Dodge, Jesse; Mensch, Alyssa; Stratos, Karl; Yamaguchi, Kota; Han, Xufeng; Choi, Yejin; Mitchell, Margaret; Goyal, Amit; Berg, Alexander C.; Berg, Tamara L.; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Detecting Visual Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1095}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; DeNero, John; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Unsupervised Translation Sense Clustering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1096}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Gormley, Matthew R.; Dredze, Mark; Van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Shared Components Topic Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-1097}
author = {Wilkerson, John; Yano, Tae; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Textual Predictors of Bill Survival in Congressional Committees}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2001}
author = {Alarfaj, Fawaz; Kruschwitz, Udo; Hunter, David; Fox, Chris}
title = {Finding the Right Supervisor: Expert-Finding in a University Domain}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2002}
author = {Bowman, Samuel R.; Chopra, Harshit}
title = {Automatic Animacy Classification}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2003}
author = {Hill, Felix}
title = {Beauty Before Age? Applying Subjectivity to Automatic English Adjective Ordering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2004}
author = {Kaldager, Steinar Vittersø}
title = {Indexing Google 1T for low-turnaround wildcarded frequency queries}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2005}
author = {Nikolova, Ivelina}
title = {Unified Extraction of Health Condition Descriptions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2006}
author = {Packard, Woodley}
title = {Choosing an Evaluation Metric for Parser Design}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2007}
author = {Yang, Beibei; Heines, Jesse M.}
title = {Domain-Specific Semantic Relatedness From Wikipedia: Can A Course Be Transferred?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2008}
author = {Chen, Miao}
title = {Using Ontology-based Approaches to Representing Speech Transcripts for Automated Speech Scoring}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2009}
author = {Gouws, Stephan}
title = {Deep Unsupervised Feature Learning for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2010}
author = {Louis, Annie}
title = {Automatic Metrics for Genre-specific Text Quality}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2011}
author = {Merhav, Yuval}
title = {A Weighting Scheme for Open Information Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-2012}
author = {Raz, Yishay}
title = {Automatic Humor Classification on Twitter}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-3001}
author = {Barrón-Cedeño, Alberto; Flores, Enrique; Rosso, Paolo; Moreno, Lidia}
title = {DeSoCoRe: Detecting Source Code Re-Use across Programming Languages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-3002}
author = {Balage Filho, Pedro Paulo; Rondeau, Gilbert; Brun, Caroline}
title = {A Graphical User Interface for Feature-Based Opinion Mining}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-3003}
author = {Doran, Christine; Zarrella, Guido; Henderson, John C.}
title = {Navigating Large Comment Threads with CoFi}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-3004}
author = {Stankiewicz, Zofia; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {SurfShop: combing a product ontology with topic model results for online window-shopping.}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-3005}
author = {Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana}
title = {An Interactive Humanoid Robot Exhibiting Flexible Sub-Dialogues}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-3006}
author = {Quirk, Chris; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Cherry, Colin; Choudhury, Pallavi; Gao, Jianfeng; Vanderwende, Lucy; Suzuki, Hisami; Toutanova, Kristina; Gamon, Michael}
title = {MSR SPLAT, a language analysis toolkit}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-3007}
author = {DeVault, David; Traum, David R.}
title = {Incremental Speech Understanding in a Multi-Party Virtual Human Dialogue System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-3008}
author = {Zhao, Ran; Do, Quang; Roth, Dan}
title = {A Robust Shallow Temporal Reasoning System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-3009}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Hassan, Ahmed}
title = {AttitudeMiner: Mining Attitude from Online Discussions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-4001}
author = {Bender, Emily M.}
title = {100 Things You Always Wanted to Know about Linguistics But Were Afraid to Ask*}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-4002}
author = {Martins, Andrè F. T.; Figueiredo, Mario; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Structured Sparsity in Natural Language Processing: Models, Algorithms and Applications}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-4003}
author = {Diab, Mona; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Arabic Dialect Processing Tutorial}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N12-4005}
author = {Burkett, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {Variational Inference for Structured NLP Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2012}
id = {N13-1001}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Fraser, Alexander; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {Model With Minimal Translation Units, But Decode With Phrases}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1002}
author = {Zhang, Hui; Toutanova, Kristina; Quirk, Chris; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {Beyond Left-to-Right: Multiple Decomposition Structures for SMT}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1003}
author = {Cherry, Colin}
title = {Improved Reordering for Phrase-Based Translation using Sparse Features}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1004}
author = {Eyigöz, Elif; Gildea, Daniel; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Simultaneous Word-Morpheme Alignment for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1005}
author = {Huang, Ruihong; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Multi-faceted Event Recognition with Bootstrapped Dictionaries}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1006}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Wang, Mengqiu; Manning, Christopher D.; Liu, Ting}
title = {Named Entity Recognition with Bilingual Constraints}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1007}
author = {Yan, Yulan; Hashimoto, Chikara; Torisawa, Kentaro; Kawai, Takao; Kazama, Jun'ichi; De Saeger, Stijn}
title = {Minimally Supervised Method for Multilingual Paraphrase Extraction from Definition Sentences on the Web}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1008}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; Yao, Limin; McCallum, Andrew; Marlin, Benjamin M.}
title = {Relation Extraction with Matrix Factorization and Universal Schemas}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1009}
author = {Swanson, Ben; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Extracting the Native Language Signal for Second Language Acquisition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1010}
author = {van Schijndel, Marten; Schuler, William}
title = {An Analysis of Frequency- and Memory-Based Processing Costs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1011}
author = {Vulić, Ivan; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Cross-Lingual Semantic Similarity of Words as the Similarity of Their Semantic Word Responses}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1012}
author = {Doyle, Gabriel; Levy, Roger}
title = {Combining multiple information types in Bayesian word segmentation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1013}
author = {Johansson, Richard}
title = {Training Parsers on Incompatible Treebanks}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1014}
author = {Garrette, Dan; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Learning a Part-of-Speech Tagger from Two Hours of Annotation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1015}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Stratos, Karl; Collins, Michael John; Foster, Dean P.; Ungar, Lyle H.}
title = {Experiments with Spectral Learning of Latent-Variable PCFGs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1016}
author = {Aletras, Nikolaos; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Representing Topics Using Images}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1017}
author = {Paul, Michael; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Drug Extraction from the Web: Summarizing Drug Experiences with Multi-Dimensional Topic Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1018}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond T.; Joty, Shafiq R.}
title = {Towards Topic Labeling with Phrase Entailment and Aggregation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1019}
author = {Du, Lan; Buntine, Wray; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Topic Segmentation with a Structured Topic Model}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1020}
author = {Naim, Iftekhar; Gildea, Daniel; Lasecki, Walter; Bigham, Jeffrey}
title = {Text Alignment for Real-Time Crowd Captioning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1021}
author = {Lehr, Maider; Shafran, Izhak; Prud'hommeaux, Emily T.; Roark, Brian}
title = {Discriminative Joint Modeling of Lexical Variation and Acoustic Confusion for Automated Narrative Retelling Assessment}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1022}
author = {Lee, Heeyoung; Stolcke, Andreas; Shriberg, Elizabeth}
title = {Using Out-of-Domain Data for Lexical Addressee Detection in Human-Human-Computer Dialog}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1023}
author = {Rangarajan Sridhar, Vivek Kumar; Chen, John; Bangalore, Srinivas; Ljolje, Andrej; Chengalvarayan, Rathinavelu}
title = {Segmentation Strategies for Streaming Speech Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1024}
author = {Mirroshandel, Seyed Abolghasem; Nasr, Alexis; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {Enforcing Subcategorization Constraints in a Parser Using Sub-parses Recombining}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1025}
author = {Flanigan, Jeffrey; Dyer, Chris; Carbonell, Jaime}
title = {Large-Scale Discriminative Training for Statistical Machine Translation Using Held-Out Line Search}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1026}
author = {Wu, Zhaohui; Giles, C. Lee}
title = {Measuring Term Informativeness in Context}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1027}
author = {Saggion, Horacio}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Summarization Templates from Concise Summaries}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1028}
author = {Zulu, Peleira Nicholas}
title = {Classification of South African languages using text and acoustic based methods: A case of six selected languages}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1029}
author = {Hanneman, Greg; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Improving Syntax-Augmented Machine Translation by Coarsening the Label Set}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1030}
author = {Boudin, Florian; Morin, Emmanuel}
title = {Keyphrase Extraction for N-best Reranking in Multi-Sentence Compression}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1031}
author = {Rasooli, Mohammad Sadegh; Kouhestani, Manouchehr; Moloodi, Amirsaeid}
title = {Development of a Persian Syntactic Dependency Treebank}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1032}
author = {Khapra, Mitesh M.; Ramanathan, Ananthakrishnan; Visweswariah, Karthik}
title = {Improving reordering performance using higher order and structural features}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1033}
author = {He, Hua; Lin, Jimmy; Lopez, Adam}
title = {Massively Parallel Suffix Array Queries and On-Demand Phrase Extraction for Statistical Machine Translation Using GPUs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1034}
author = {Setiawan, Hendra; Zhou, Bowen}
title = {Discriminative Training of 150 Million Translation Parameters and Its Application to Pruning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1035}
author = {Haddow, Barry}
title = {Applying Pairwise Ranked Optimisation to Improve the Interpolation of Translation Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1036}
author = {Salloum, Wael; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Dialectal Arabic to English Machine Translation: Pivoting through Modern Standard Arabic}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1037}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {What to do about bad language on the internet}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1038}
author = {Zhao, Kai; Huang, Liang}
title = {Minibatch and Parallelization for Online Large Margin Structured Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1039}
author = {Owoputi, Olutobi; O'Connor, Brendan; Dyer, Chris; Gimpel, Kevin; Schneider, Nathan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Improved Part-of-Speech Tagging for Online Conversational Text with Word Clusters}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1040}
author = {Rei, Marek; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Parser lexicalisation through self-learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1041}
author = {Qiu, Minghui; Yang, Liu; Jiang, Jing}
title = {Mining User Relations from Online Discussions using Sentiment Analysis and Probabilistic Matrix Factorization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1042}
author = {McKenzie, Amber}
title = {Focused training sets to reduce noise in NER feature models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1043}
author = {Yatskar, Mark; Volkova, Svitlana; Celikyilmaz, Asli; Dolan, Bill; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Learning to Relate Literal and Sentimental Descriptions of Visual Properties}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1044}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Roth, Ryan; Rambow, Owen; Eskander, Ramy; Tomeh, Nadi}
title = {Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation for Dialectal Arabic}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1045}
author = {Ma, Wei-Yun; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Using a Supertagged Dependency Language Model to Select a Good Translation in System Combination}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1046}
author = {Azab, Mahmoud; Bouamor, Houda; Mohit, Behrang; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Dudley North visits North London: Learning When to Transliterate to Arabic}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1047}
author = {Judd, Joel; Kalita, Jugal K.}
title = {Better Twitter Summaries?}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1048}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; He, Xiaodong}
title = {Training MRF-Based Phrase Translation Models using Gradient Ascent}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1049}
author = {Alkuhlani, Sarah; Habash, Nizar; Roth, Ryan}
title = {Automatic Morphological Enrichment of a Morphologically Underspecified Treebank}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1050}
author = {Wang, Pidong; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {A Beam-Search Decoder for Normalization of Social Media Text with Application to Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1051}
author = {Materna, Jiří}
title = {Parameter Estimation for LDA-Frames}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1052}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Satta, Giorgio; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Approximate PCFG Parsing Using Tensor Decomposition}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1053}
author = {Ott, Myle; Cardie, Claire; Hancock, Jeffrey T.}
title = {Negative Deceptive Opinion Spam}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1054}
author = {Violante, Luisina; Rodríguez Zivic, Pablo; Gravano, Agustín}
title = {Improving speech synthesis quality by reducing pitch peaks in the source recordings}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1055}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; Madnani, Nitin; Tetreault, Joel R.; Napolitano, Diane}
title = {Robust Systems for Preposition Error Correction Using Wikipedia Revisions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1056}
author = {Irvine, Ann; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Supervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction with Multiple Monolingual Signals}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1057}
author = {Lam, Khang Nhut; Kalita, Jugal K.}
title = {Creating Reverse Bilingual Dictionaries}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1058}
author = {Silcox, Lucian; Tomai, Emmett}
title = {Identification of Temporal Event Relationships in Biographical Accounts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1059}
author = {Wiegand, Michael; Ruppenhofer, Josef; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Predicative Adjectives: An Unsupervised Criterion to Extract Subjective Adjectives}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1060}
author = {Li, Junhui; Resnik, Philip; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Modeling Syntactic and Semantic Structures in Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1061}
author = {Kulick, Seth; Bies, Ann; Mott, Justin; Maamouri, Mohamed; Santorini, Beatrice; Kroch, Anthony S.}
title = {Using Derivation Trees for Informative Treebank Inter-Annotator Agreement Evaluation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1062}
author = {Jurgens, David}
title = {Embracing Ambiguity: A Comparison of Annotation Methodologies for Crowdsourcing Word Sense Labels}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1063}
author = {Yu, Mo; Zhao, Tiejun; Dong, Daxiang; Tian, Hao; Yu, Dianhai}
title = {Compound Embedding Features for Semi-supervised Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1064}
author = {Ultes, Stefan; Schmitt, Alexander; Minker, Wolfgang}
title = {On Quality Ratings for Spoken Dialogue Systems – Experts vs. Users}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1065}
author = {Yang, Yi; Yates, Alexander; Downey, Doug}
title = {Overcoming the Memory Bottleneck in Distributed Training of Latent Variable Models of Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1066}
author = {Eskander, Ramy; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen; Tomeh, Nadi}
title = {Processing Spontaneous Orthography}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1067}
author = {Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Ezra, Jefferson; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Purpose and Polarity of Citation: Towards NLP-based Bibliometrics}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1068}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Estimating effect size across datasets}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1069}
author = {Zbib, Rabih; Markiewicz, Gretchen; Matsoukas, Spyros; Schwartz, Richard M.; Makhoul, John}
title = {Systematic Comparison of Professional and Crowdsourced Reference Translations for Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1070}
author = {Elming, Jakob; Johannsen, Anders; Klerke, Sigrid; Lapponi, Emanuele; Martinez, Hector; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Down-stream effects of tree-to-dependency conversions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1071}
author = {Recasens, Marta; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Potts, Christopher}
title = {The Life and Death of Discourse Entities: Identifying Singleton Mentions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1072}
author = {Hauer, Bradley; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Automatic Generation of English Respellings}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1073}
author = {Dyer, Chris; Chahuneau, Victor; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {A Simple, Fast, and Effective Reparameterization of IBM Model 2}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1074}
author = {Mansour, Saab; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Phrase Training Based Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1075}
author = {Andrade, Daniel; Tsuchida, Masaki; Onishi, Takashi; Ishikawa, Kai}
title = {Translation Acquisition Using Synonym Sets}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1076}
author = {Schneider, Nathan; Mohit, Behrang; Dyer, Chris; Oflazer, Kemal; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Supersense Tagging for Arabic: the MT-in-the-Middle Attack}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1077}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Zipfian corruptions for robust POS tagging}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1078}
author = {Brooke, Julian; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {A Multi-Dimensional Bayesian Approach to Lexical Style}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1079}
author = {Preiss, Judita; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Unsupervised Domain Tuning to Improve Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1080}
author = {Joshi, Mahesh; Dredze, Mark; Cohen, William W.; Rosé, Carolyn P.}
title = {What’s in a Domain? Multi-Domain Learning for Multi-Attribute Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1081}
author = {Sayeed, Asad B.}
title = {An opinion about opinions about opinions: subjectivity and the aggregate reader}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1082}
author = {Xu, Jun-Ming; Burchfiel, Benjamin; Zhu, Xiaojin; Bellmore, Amy}
title = {An Examination of Regret in Bullying Tweets}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1083}
author = {Wang, Wen; Stolcke, Andreas; Yuan, Jiahong; Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {A Cross-language Study on Automatic Speech Disfluency Detection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1084}
author = {Rouhizadeh, Masoud; Prud'hommeaux, Emily T.; Roark, Brian; van Santen, Jan}
title = {Distributional semantic models for the evaluation of disordered language}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1085}
author = {Medero, Julie; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Atypical Prosodic Structure as an Indicator of Reading Level and Text Difficulty}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1086}
author = {Wei, Kai; Liu, Yuzong; Kirchhoff, Katrin; Bilmes, Jeff A.}
title = {Using Document Summarization Techniques for Speech Data Subset Selection}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1087}
author = {Celebi, Arda; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {Semi-Supervised Discriminative Language Modeling with Out-of-Domain Text Data}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1088}
author = {Joshi, Salil; Kanojia, Diptesh; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {More than meets the eye: Study of Human Cognition in Sense Annotation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1089}
author = {Guo, Weiwei; Diab, Mona}
title = {Improving Lexical Semantics for Sentential Semantics: Modeling Selectional Preference and Similar Words in a Latent Variable Model}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1090}
author = {Mikolov, Tomas; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Zweig, Geoffrey}
title = {Linguistic Regularities in Continuous Space Word Representations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1091}
author = {Lotan, Amnon; Stern, Asher; Dagan, Ido}
title = {TruthTeller: Annotating Predicate Truth}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1092}
author = {Ganitkevitch, Juri; van Durme, Benjamin; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {PPDB: The Paraphrase Database}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1093}
author = {Chowdhury, Md. Faisal Mahbub; Lavelli, Alberto}
title = {Exploiting the Scope of Negations and Heterogeneous Features for Relation Extraction: A Case Study for Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1094}
author = {Lang, Joel; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Graph-Based Seed Set Expansion for Relation Extraction Using Random Walk Hitting Times}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1095}
author = {Min, Bonan; Grishman, Ralph; Wan, Li; Wang, Chang; Gondek, David}
title = {Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with an Incomplete Knowledge Base}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1096}
author = {Kokhlikyan, Narine; Waibel, Alex; Zhang, Yuqi; Zhang, Joy Ying}
title = {Measuring the Structural Importance through Rhetorical Structure Index}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1097}
author = {Lamb, Alex; Paul, Michael; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Separating Fact from Fear: Tracking Flu Infections on Twitter}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1098}
author = {Thomason, Jesse; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Differences in User Responses to a Wizard-of-Oz versus Automated System}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1099}
author = {Omuya, Adinoyi; Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Improving the Quality of Minority Class Identification in Dialog Act Tagging}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1100}
author = {Trivedi, Rakshit; Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Discourse Connectors for Latent Subjectivity in Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1101}
author = {Wang, Xinhao; Evanini, Keelan; Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Coherence Modeling for the Automated Assessment of Spontaneous Spoken Responses}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1102}
author = {Qian, Xian; Liu, Yang}
title = {Disfluency Detection Using Multi-step Stacked Learning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1103}
author = {Kushman, Nate; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Using Semantic Unification to Generate Regular Expressions from Natural Language}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1104}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Poon, Hoifung; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {Probabilistic Frame Induction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1105}
author = {Blacoe, William; Kashefi, Elham; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {A Quantum-Theoretic Approach to Distributional Semantics}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1106}
author = {Yao, Xuchen; van Durme, Benjamin; Callison-Burch, Chris; Clark, Peter}
title = {Answer Extraction as Sequence Tagging with Tree Edit Distance}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1107}
author = {Xu, Ying; Kim, Mi-Young; Quinn, Kevin M.; Goebel, Randy; Barbosa, Denilson}
title = {Open Information Extraction with Tree Kernels}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1108}
author = {Luo, Xiaoqiang; Raghavan, Hema; Castelli, Vittorio; Maskey, Sameer; Florian, Radu}
title = {Finding What Matters in Questions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1109}
author = {Song, Hyun-Je; Go, Junho; Park, Seong-Bae; Park, Se Young}
title = {A Just-In-Time Keyword Extraction from Meeting Transcripts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1110}
author = {Recasens, Marta; Can, Matthew; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Same Referent, Different Words: Unsupervised Mining of Opaque Coreferent Mentions}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1111}
author = {Hou, Yufang; Markert, Katja; Strube, Michael}
title = {Global Inference for Bridging Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1112}
author = {D'Souza, Jennifer; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Classifying Temporal Relations with Rich Linguistic Knowledge}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1113}
author = {Guo, Yufan; Reichart, Roi; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Improved Information Structure Analysis of Scientific Documents Through Discourse and Lexical Constraints}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1114}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Adaptation of Reordering Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1115}
author = {Sankaran, Baskaran; Sarkar, Anoop; Duh, Kevin}
title = {Multi-Metric Optimization Using Ensemble Tuning}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1116}
author = {Heafield, Kenneth; Koehn, Philipp; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Grouping Language Model Boundary Words to Speed K–Best Extraction from Hypergraphs}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1117}
author = {Gal, Yarin; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {A Systematic Bayesian Treatment of the IBM Alignment Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1118}
author = {Shutova, Ekaterina; Sun, Lin}
title = {Unsupervised Metaphor Identification Using Hierarchical Graph Factorization Clustering}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1119}
author = {Remus, Steffen; Biemann, Christian}
title = {Three Knowledge-Free Methods for Automatic Lexical Chain Extraction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1120}
author = {Zhila, Alisa; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Meek, Christopher; Zweig, Geoffrey; Mikolov, Tomas}
title = {Combining Heterogeneous Models for Measuring Relational Similarity}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1121}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Dredze, Mark; van Durme, Benjamin; Wilson, Theresa; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Broadly Improving User Classification via Communication-Based Name and Location Clustering on Twitter}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1122}
author = {Guo, Stephen; Chang, Ming-Wei; Kiciman, Emre}
title = {To Link or Not to Link? A Study on End-to-End Tweet Entity Linking}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1123}
author = {Qiu, Minghui; Jiang, Jing}
title = {A Latent Variable Model for Viewpoint Discovery from Threaded Forum Posts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1124}
author = {Chen, Zhiyuan; Liu, Bing; Hsu, Meichun; Castellanos, Malu; Ghosh, Riddhiman}
title = {Identifying Intention Posts in Discussion Forums}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1125}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Yang, Yaqin}
title = {Dependency-based empty category detection via phrase structure trees}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1126}
author = {Täckström, Oscar; McDonald, Ryan; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Target Language Adaptation of Discriminative Transfer Parsers}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1127}
author = {Vogel, Adam; Bodoia, Max; Potts, Christopher; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Emergence of Gricean Maxims from Multi-Agent Decision Theory}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1128}
author = {Hixon, Ben; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Open Dialogue Management for Relational Databases}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1129}
author = {DeVault, David; Traum, David R.}
title = {A method for the approximation of incremental understanding of explicit utterance meaning using predictive models in finite domains}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1130}
author = {Pilehvar, Mohammad Taher; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Paving the Way to a Large-scale Pseudosense-annotated Dataset}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1131}
author = {King, Ben; Abney, Steven}
title = {Labeling the Languages of Words in Mixed-Language Documents using Weakly Supervised Methods}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1132}
author = {Hovy, Dirk; Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Vaswani, Ashish; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Learning Whom to Trust with MACE}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1133}
author = {Szarvas, György; Biemann, Christian; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Supervised All-Words Lexical Substitution using Delexicalized Features}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1134}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim; Poibeau, Thierry; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {A Tensor-based Factorization Model of Semantic Compositionality}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1135}
author = {Shen, Chao; Liu, Fei; Weng, Fuliang; Li, Tao}
title = {A Participant-based Approach for Event Summarization Using Twitter Streams}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1136}
author = {Christensen, Janara; Mausam, ; Soderland, Stephen; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Towards Coherent Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1137}
author = {Mitchell, Margaret; van Deemter, Kees; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Generating Expressions that Refer to Visible Objects}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1138}
author = {Durrett, Greg; DeNero, John}
title = {Supervised Learning of Complete Morphological Paradigms}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1139}
author = {Kim, Young-Bum; Snyder, Benjamin}
title = {Optimal Data Set Selection: An Application to Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-1140}
author = {Chahuneau, Victor; Smith, Noah A.; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Knowledge-Rich Morphological Priors for Bayesian Language Models}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2001}
author = {Holen, Gordana Ilic}
title = {Critical Reflections on Evaluation Practices in Coreference Resolution}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2002}
author = {Luo, Wencan; Litman, Diane J.; Chan, Joel}
title = {Reducing Annotation Effort on Unbalanced Corpus based on Cost Matrix}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2003}
author = {Conrado, Merley; Pardo, Thiago A. S.; Rezende, Solange}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach to Automatic Term Extraction using a Rich Feature Set}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2004}
author = {Franky, Franky}
title = {A Rule-based Approach for Karmina Generation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2005}
author = {Stolerman, Ariel; Caliskan, Aylin; Greenstadt, Rachel}
title = {From Language to Family and Back: Native Language and Language Family Identification from English Text}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2006}
author = {Arcan, Mihael; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {Ontology Label Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2007}
author = {Salameh, Mohammad; Cherry, Colin; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Reversing Morphological Tokenization in English-to-Arabic SMT}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2008}
author = {Irvine, Ann}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation in Low Resource Settings}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2009}
author = {Ganitkevitch, Juri}
title = {Large-Scale Paraphrasing for Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2010}
author = {Mason, Rebecca}
title = {Domain-Independent Captioning of Domain-Specific Images}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2011}
author = {Xiong, Wenting}
title = {Helpfulness-Guided Review Summarization}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2012}
author = {Levitan, Rivka}
title = {Entrainment in Spoken Dialogue Systems: Adopting, Predicting and Influencing User Behavior}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-2013}
author = {Ma, Yi}
title = {User Goal Change Model for Spoken Dialog State Tracking}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-3001}
author = {Preiss, Judita; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {DALE: A Word Sense Disambiguation System for Biomedical Documents Trained using Automatically Labeled Examples}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-3002}
author = {Snyder, Justin; Knowles, Rebecca; Dredze, Mark; Gormley, Matthew R.; Wolfe, Travis}
title = {Topic Models and Metadata for Visualizing Text Corpora}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-3003}
author = {Dara, Aswarth; Dandapat, Sandipan; Groves, Declan; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {TMTprime: A Recommender System for MT and TM Integration}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-3004}
author = {Chen, Wei-Te; Styler, Will}
title = {Anafora: A Web-based General Purpose Annotation Tool}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-3005}
author = {Toral, Antonio; Naskar, Sudip Kumar; Vreeke, Joris; Gaspari, Federico; Groves, Declan}
title = {A Web Application for the Diagnostic Evaluation of Machine Translation over Specific Linguistic Phenomena}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-3006}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Masuko, Soh}
title = {KooSHO: Japanese Text Input Environment based on Aerial Hand Writing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-3007}
author = {McInnes, Bridget T.; Pedersen, Ted; Pakhomov, Serguei V.; Liu, Ying; Melton-Meaux, Genevieve}
title = {UMLS::Similarity: Measuring the Relatedness and Similarity of Biomedical Concepts}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-3008}
author = {McNamee, Paul; Mayfield, James; Finin, Tim; Oates, Tim; Lawrie, Dawn; Xu, Tan; Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {KELVIN: a tool for automated knowledge base construction}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-3009}
author = {Nguyen, Viet-An; Hu, Yuening; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Argviz: Interactive Visualization of Topic Dynamics in Multi-party Conversations}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-4001}
author = {Socher, Richard; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Deep Learning for NLP (without Magic)}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-4002}
author = {Stede, Manfred}
title = {Discourse Processing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-4003}
author = {Mehta, Sameep; Subramaniam, L. Venkata}
title = {NLP for uncertain data at scale}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-4004}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Titov, Ivan; Wu, Shumin}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-4005}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Collins, Michael John; Foster, Dean; Stratos, Karl; Ungar, Lyle H.}
title = {Spectral Learning Algorithms for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {N13-4006}
author = {Ruiz Costa-juss, Marta; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Morphological, Syntactical and Semantic Knowledge in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {NAACL}
year = {2013}
id = {L08-1001}
author = {Eichler, Kathrin; Hemsen, Holmer; Neumann, Günter}
title = {Unsupervised Relation Extraction From Web Documents}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1002}
author = {Alzghool, Muath; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {Combining Multiple Models for Speech Information Retrieval}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1003}
author = {Teng, Chun-Yuan; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Event Detection and Summarization in Weblogs with Temporal Collocations}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1004}
author = {Krstev, Cvetana; Stanković, Ranka; Vitas, Duško; Obradović, Ivan}
title = {The Usage of Various Lexical Resources and Tools to Improve the Performance of Web Search Engines}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1005}
author = {Bird, Steven; Dale, Robert; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Gibson, Bryan; Joseph, Mark; Kan, Min-Yen; Lee, Dongwon; Powley, Brett; Radev, Dragomir R.; Tan, Yee Fan}
title = {The ACL Anthology Reference Corpus: A Reference Dataset for Bibliographic Research in Computational Linguistics}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1006}
author = {Reed, Marian; DiPersio, Denise; Cieri, Christopher}
title = {The Linguistic Data Consortium Member Survey: Purpose Execution and Results}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1007}
author = {Uytvanck, Dieter van; Dukers, Alex; Ringersma, Jacquelijn; Trilsbeek, Paul}
title = {Language-Sites: Accessing and Presenting Language Resources via Geographic Information Systems}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1008}
author = {Váradi, Tamás; Krauwer, Steven; Wittenburg, Peter; Wynne, Martin; Koskenniemi, Kimmo}
title = {CLARIN: Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1009}
author = {Geertzen, Jeroen; Petukhova, Volha; Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {Evaluating Dialogue Act Tagging with Naive and Expert Annotators}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1010}
author = {Spoustová, Drahomíra Johanka; Pecina, Pavel; Hajič, Jan; Spousta, Miroslav}
title = {Validating the Quality of Full Morphological Annotation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1011}
author = {Ivanova, Kremena; Heid, Ulrich; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Kilgarriff, Adam; Pomikálek, Jan}
title = {Evaluating a German Sketch Grammar: A Case Study on Noun Phrase Case}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1012}
author = {McConville, Mark; Dzikovska, Myroslava O.}
title = {Evaluating Complement-Modifier Distinctions in a Semantically Annotated Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1013}
author = {Strau&slig;, Petra-Maria; Hoffmann, Holger; Minker, Wolfgang; Neumann, Heiko; Palm, Günther; Scherer, Stefan; Traue, Harald; Weidenbacher, Ulrich}
title = {The PIT Corpus of German Multi-Party Dialogues}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1014}
author = {Adda-Decker, Martine; Barras, Claude; Adda, Gilles; Paroubek, Patrick; Mareuil, Philippe Boula de; Habert, Benoit}
title = {Annotation and analysis of overlapping speech in political interviews}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1015}
author = {Moreau, Nicolas; Mostefa, Djamel; Stiefelhagen, Rainer; Burger, Susanne; Choukri, Khalid}
title = {Data Collection for the CHIL CLEAR 2007 Evaluation Campaign}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1016}
author = {Burger, Susanne; Laskowski, Kornel; Woelfel, Matthias}
title = {A Comparative Cross-Domain Study of the Occurrence of Laughter in Meeting and Seminar Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1017}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Hitzeman, Janet; Richer, Justin; Harris, Dave; Quimby, Rob; Wellner, Benjamin}
title = {SpatialML: Annotation Scheme Corpora and Tools}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1018}
author = {Bethard, Steven; Corvey, William J.; Klingenstein, Sara; Martin, James H.}
title = {Building a Corpus of Temporal-Causal Structure}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1019}
author = {Zarcone, Alessandra; Lenci, Alessandro}
title = {Computational Models for Event Type Classification in Context}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1020}
author = {Forăscu, Corina}
title = {GMT to +2 or how can TimeML be used in Romanian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1021}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Zhong, Hua; Chen, Kaiyun}
title = {Annotating tense in a Tense-less Language}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1022}
author = {Plank, Barbara; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Subdomain Sensitive Statistical Parsing using Raw Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1023}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Lichte, Timm; Maier, Wolfgang; Parmentier, Yannick; Dellert, Johannes}
title = {Developing a TT-MCTAG for German with an RCG-based Parser}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1024}
author = {Adolphs, Peter; Oepen, Stephan; Callmeier, Ulrich; Crysmann, Berthold; Flickinger, Daniel P.; Kiefer, Bernd}
title = {Some Fine Points of Hybrid Natural Language Parsing}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1025}
author = {Nicholson, Jeremy; Kordoni, Valia; Zhang, Yi; Baldwin, Timothy; Dridan, Rebecca}
title = {Evaluating and Extending the Coverage of HPSG Grammars: A Case Study for German}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1026}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Kordoni, Valia}
title = {Robust Parsing with a Large HPSG Grammar}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1027}
author = {Otterbacher, Jahna C.; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Modeling Document Dynamics: an Evolutionary Approach}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1028}
author = {Widdows, Dominic; Ferraro, Kathleen}
title = {Semantic Vectors: a Scalable Open Source Package and Online Technology Management Application}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1029}
author = {Rosell, Magnus; Velupillai, Sumithra}
title = {Revealing Relations between Open and Closed Answers in Questionnaires through Text Clustering Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1030}
author = {Luyckx, Kim; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Personae: a Corpus for Author and Personality Prediction from Text}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1031}
author = {Spracklin, Leanne; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Nayak, Amiya}
title = {Using the Complexity of the Distribution of Lexical Elements as a Feature in Authorship Attribution}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1032}
author = {Schmidt, Thomas; Duncan, Susan; Ehmer, Oliver; Hoyt, Jeffrey; Kipp, Michael; Loehr, Dan; Magnusson, Magnus; Rose, Travis; Sloetjes, Han}
title = {An Exchange Format for Multimodal Annotations}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1033}
author = {Stoia, Laura; Shockley, Darla Magdalene; Byron, Donna K.; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {SCARE: a Situated Corpus with Annotated Referring Expressions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1034}
author = {Sloetjes, Han; Wittenburg, Peter}
title = {Annotation by Category: ELAN and ISO DCR}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1035}
author = {Brugman, Hennie; Malaisé, Véronique; Hollink, Laura}
title = {A Common Multimedia Annotation Framework for Cross Linking Cultural Heritage Digital Collections}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1036}
author = {Blache, Philippe; Bertrand, Roxane; Ferré, Gaëlle}
title = {Creating and Exploiting Multimodal Annotated Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1037}
author = {Zaenen, Annie; Bobrow, Daniel G.; Condoravdi, Cleo}
title = {The Encoding of lexical implications in VerbNet Predicates of change of locations}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1038}
author = {Burchardt, Aljoscha; Pennacchiotti, Marco}
title = {FATE: a FrameNet-Annotated Corpus for Textual Entailment}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1039}
author = {Boxwell, Stephen; White, Michael}
title = {Projecting Propbank Roles onto the CCGbank}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1040}
author = {Vossen, Piek; Maks, Isa; Segers, Roxanne; VanderVliet, Hennie}
title = {Integrating Lexical Units Synsets and Ontology in the Cornetto Database}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1041}
author = {Álvez, Javier; Atserias, Jordi; Carrera, Jordi; Climent, Salvador; Laparra, Egoitz; Oliver, Antoni; Rigau, German}
title = {Complete and Consistent Annotation of WordNet using the Top Concept Ontology}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1042}
author = {Popescu, Adrian; Grefenstette, Gregory}
title = {A Conceptual Approach to Web Image Retrieval}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1043}
author = {Lecorvé, Gwénolé; Gravier, Guillaume; Sébillot, Pascale}
title = {On the Use of Web Resources and Natural Language Processing Techniques to Improve Automatic Speech Recognition Systems}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1044}
author = {Oger, Stanislas; Linares, Georges; Bechet, Frédéric}
title = {Local Methods for On-Demand Out-of-Vocabulary Word Retrieval}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1045}
author = {Kemps-Snijders, Marc; Klassmann, Alex; Zinn, Claus; Berck, Peter; Russel, Albert; Wittenburg, Peter}
title = {Exploring and Enriching a Language Resource Archive via the Web}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1046}
author = {Schiel, Florian; Mögele, Hannes}
title = {Talking and Looking: the SmartWeb Multimodal Interaction Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1047}
author = {Hinrichs, Erhard W.; Lau, Monica}
title = {In Contrast - A Complex Discourse Connective}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1048}
author = {Rehm, Georg; Santini, Marina; Mehler, Alexander; Braslavski, Pavel; Gleim, Rüdiger; Stubbe, Andrea; Symonenko, Svetlana; Tavosanis, Mirko; Vidulin, Vedrana}
title = {Towards a Reference Corpus of Web Genres for the Evaluation of Genre Identification Systems}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1049}
author = {Uryupina, Olga}
title = {Error Analysis for Learning-based Coreference Resolution}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1050}
author = {Mladová, Lucie; Zikánová, Sárka; Hajicová, Eva}
title = {From Sentence to Discourse: Building an Annotation Scheme for Discourse Based on Prague Dependency Treebank}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1051}
author = {Day, David S.; Hitzeman, Janet; Wick, Michael; Crouch, Keith; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {A Corpus for Cross-Document Co-reference}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1052}
author = {Toral, Antonio; Muñoz, Rafael; Monachini, Monica}
title = {Named Entity WordNet}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1053}
author = {Mota, Cristina; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Is this NE tagger getting old?}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1054}
author = {Farber, Benjamin; Freitag, Dayne; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Improving NER in Arabic Using a Morphological Tagger}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1055}
author = {Busemann, Stephan; Zhang, Yajing}
title = {Identifying Foreign Person Names in Chinese Text}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1056}
author = {Paşca, Marius}
title = {Low-Complexity Heuristics for Deriving Fine-Grained Classes of Named Entities from Web Textual Data}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1057}
author = {Li, Jinji; Kim, Dong-Il; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Annotation Guidelines for Chinese-Korean Word Alignment}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1058}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Janíček, Miroslav; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Češka, Pavel; Beña, Peter}
title = {CzEng 0.7: Parallel Corpus with Community-Supplied Translations}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1059}
author = {Clark, Jonathan H.; Frederking, Robert E.; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {Toward Active Learning in Data Selection: Automatic Discovery of Language Features During Elicitation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1060}
author = {Mohler, Michael; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Babylon Parallel Text Builder: Gathering Parallel Texts for Low-Density Languages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1061}
author = {Huynh, Cong-phap; Boitet, Christian; Blanchon, Hervé}
title = {SECTra_w.1: an Online Collaborative System for Evaluating Post-editing and Presenting MT Translation Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1062}
author = {Arehart, Mark; Wolf, Chris; Miller, Keith}
title = {Adjudicator Agreement and System Rankings for Person Name Search}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1063}
author = {Oliveira, Paulo C F de; Torrens, Edson Wilson; Cidral, Alexandre; Schossland, Sidney; Bittencourt, Evandro}
title = {Evaluating Summaries Automatically - A system Proposal}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1064}
author = {Poibeau, Thierry; Messiant, Cédric}
title = {Do we Still Need Gold Standards for Evaluation?}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1065}
author = {Spyns, Peter; DHalleweyn, Elisabeth; Cucchiarini, Catia}
title = {The Dutch-Flemish Comprehensive Approach to HLT Stimulation and Innovation: STEVIN HLT Agency and beyond}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1066}
author = {Cieri, Christopher; Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {15 Years of Language Resource Creation and Sharing: a Progress Report on LDC Activities}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1067}
author = {Singh, Anil Kumar; Pala, Kiran; Surana, Harshit}
title = {Estimating the Resource Adaption Cost from a Resource Rich Language to a Similar Resource Poor Language}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1068}
author = {Mapelli, Valérie; Arranz, Victoria; Mazo, Hélène; Choukri, Khalid}
title = {Latest Developments in ELRAs Services}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1069}
author = {Peters, Carol; Braschler, Martin; Nunzio, Giorgio Di; Ferro, Nicola; Gonzalo, Julio; Sanderson, Mark}
title = {From Research to Application in Multilingual Information Access: the Contribution of Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1070}
author = {Piao, Scott S. L.; McNaught, John; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Clustering Related Terms with Definitions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1071}
author = {Nguyen, Ngan; Kim, Jin-Dong; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Challenges in Pronoun Resolution System for Biomedical Text}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1072}
author = {Haddow, Barry; Alex, Beatrice}
title = {Exploiting Multiply Annotated Corpora in Biomedical Information Extraction Tasks}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1073}
author = {Tateisi, Yuka; Miyao, Yusuke; Sagae, Kenji; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {GENIA-GR: a Grammatical Relation Corpus for Parser Evaluation in the Biomedical Domain}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1074}
author = {Wang, Xinglong; Grover, Claire}
title = {Learning the Species of Biomedical Named Entities from Annotated Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1075}
author = {Veale, Tony; Hao, Yanfen}
title = {Acquiring Naturalistic Concept Descriptions from the Web}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1076}
author = {Heid, Ulrich; Weller, Marion}
title = {Tools for Collocation Extraction: Preferences for Active vs. Passive}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1077}
author = {Bond, Francis; Isahara, Hitoshi; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka}
title = {Boot-Strapping a WordNet Using Multiple Existing WordNets}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1078}
author = {Broda, Bartosz; Derwojedowa, Magdalena; Piasecki, Maciej; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Corpus-based Semantic Relatedness for the Construction of Polish WordNet}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1079}
author = {Begum, Rafiya; Husain, Samar; Bai, Lakshmi; Sharma, Dipti Misra}
title = {Developing Verb Frames for Hindi}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1080}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Litman, Diane J.; Silliman, Scott; Purandare, Amruta}
title = {Uncertainty Corpus: Resource to Study User Affect in Complex Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1081}
author = {Gnjatovic, Milan; Roesner, Dietmar F.}
title = {On the Role of the NIMITEK Corpus in Developing an Emotion Adaptive Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1082}
author = {Scherer, Stefan; Hofmann, Hansjörg; Lampmann, Malte; Pfeil, Martin; Rhinow, Steffen; Schwenker, Friedhelm; Palm, Günther}
title = {Emotion Recognition from Speech: Stress Experiment}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1083}
author = {Charonnat, Laure; Vidal, Gaëlle; Boeffard, Olivier}
title = {Automatic Phone Segmentation of Expressive Speech}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1084}
author = {Fék, Márk; Audibert, Nicolas; Szabó, János; Rilliard, Albert; Németh, Géza; Aubergé, Véronique}
title = {Multimodal Spontaneous Expressive Speech Corpus for Hungarian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1085}
author = {Lin, Wei-Hao; Hauptmann, Alexander G.}
title = {Vox Populi Annotation: Measuring Intensity of Ideological Perspectives by Aggregating Group Judgments}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1086}
author = {Banea, Carmen; Mihalcea, Rada; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {A Bootstrapping Method for Building Subjectivity Lexicons for Languages with Scarce Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1087}
author = {Ruppenhofer, Josef; Somasundaran, Swapna; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Finding the Sources and Targets of Subjective Expressions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1088}
author = {Stoyanov, Veselin; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Annotating Topics of Opinions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1089}
author = {Xie, Zhuli; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Nelson, Peter C.}
title = {From Extracting to Abstracting: Generating Quasi-abstractive Summaries}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1090}
author = {Viethen, Jette; Dale, Robert; Krahmer, Emiel; Theune, Mariët; Touset, Pascal}
title = {Controlling Redundancy in Referring Expressions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1091}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Artstein, Ron}
title = {Anaphoric Annotation in the ARRAU Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1092}
author = {Mueller, Mark-Christoph; Mieskes, Margot; Strube, Michael}
title = {Knowledge Sources for Bridging Resolution in Multi-Party Dialog}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1093}
author = {Prasad, Rashmi; Dinesh, Nikhil; Lee, Alan; Miltsakaki, Eleni; Robaldo, Livio; Joshi, Aravind K.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {The Penn Discourse TreeBank 2.0.}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1094}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; Bouma, Gosse; Coppens, Frederik; Daelemans, Walter; Hoste, Véronique; Kloosterman, Geert; Mineur, Anne-Marie; Vloet, Joeri Van Der; Verschelde, Jean-Luc}
title = {A Coreference Corpus and Resolution System for Dutch}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1095}
author = {Baker, Kirk; Brew, Chris}
title = {Statistical Identification of English Loanwords in Korean Using Automatically Generated Training Data}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1096}
author = {Trandabat, Diana; Husarciuc, Maria}
title = {Romanian Semantic Role Resource}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1097}
author = {Lenci, Alessandro; McGillivray, Barbara; Montemagni, Simonetta; Pirrelli, Vito}
title = {Unsupervised Acquisition of Verb Subcategorization Frames from Shallow-Parsed Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1098}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka}
title = {A Method for Automatically Constructing Case Frames for English}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1099}
author = {Bel, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Marimon, Montserrat}
title = {Automatic Acquisition for low frequency lexical items}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1100}
author = {Toledano, Doroteo T.; Hernandez-Lopez, Daniel; Esteve-Elizalde, Cristina; Fierrez, Julian; Ortega-Garcia, Javier; Ramos, Daniel; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Joaquin}
title = {BioSec Multimodal Biometric Database in Text-Dependent Speaker Recognition}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1101}
author = {Luengo, Iker; Navas, Eva; Sainz, Iñaki; Saratxaga, Ibon; Sanchez, Jon; Odriozola, Igor; Hernáez, Inmaculada}
title = {Text Independent Speaker Identification in Multilingual Environments}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1102}
author = {Nallasamy, Udhyakumar; Black, Alan W.; Schultz, Tanja; Frederking, Robert E.}
title = {NineOneOne: Recognizing and Classifying Speech for Handling Minority Language Emergency Calls}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1103}
author = {Cieri, Christopher; Strassel, Stephanie; Glenn, Meghan Lammie; Schwartz, Reva; Shen, Wade; Campbell, Joseph}
title = {Bridging the Gap between Linguists and Technology Developers: Large-Scale Sociolinguistic Annotation for Dialect and Speaker Recognition}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1104}
author = {Brandschain, Linda; Cieri, Christopher; Graff, David; Neely, Abby; Walker, Kevin}
title = {Speaker Recognition: Building the Mixer 4 and 5 Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1105}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Baker, Collin F.; Fellbaum, Christiane; Fillmore, Charles J.; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {MASC: the Manually Annotated Sub-Corpus of American English}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1106}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Lee, Lung-Hao; Hong, Jia-Fei; Qu, Weiguang; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {Quality Assurance of Automatic Annotation of Very Large Corpora: a Study based on heterogeneous Tagging System}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1107}
author = {Cardie, Claire; Farina, Cynthia; Rawding, Matt; Aijaz, Adil}
title = {An eRulemaking Corpus: Identifying Substantive Issues in Public Comments}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1108}
author = {Boguraev, Branimir K.; Neff, Mary S.}
title = {Navigating through Dense Annotation Spaces}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1109}
author = {Guthrie, David; Guthrie, Louise; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {An Unsupervised Probabilistic Approach for the Detection of Outliers in Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1110}
author = {Carl, Michael}
title = {Using Log-linear Models for Tuning Machine Translation Output}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1111}
author = {Babych, Bogdan; Sharoff, Serge; Hartley, Anthony}
title = {Generalising Lexical Translation Strategies for MT Using Comparable Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1112}
author = {Itagaki, Masaki; Aikawa, Takako}
title = {Post-MT Term Swapper: Supplementing a Statistical Machine Translation System with a User Dictionary}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1113}
author = {Sanchis, Germán; Sánchez, Joan-Andreu}
title = {Using Parsed Corpora for Estimating Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1114}
author = {Fishel, Mark; Kaalep, Heiki-Jaan}
title = {Experiments on Processing Overlapping Parallel Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1115}
author = {Foster, Jennifer; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Parser Evaluation and the BNC: Evaluating 4 constituency parsers with 3 metrics}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1116}
author = {Paroubek, Patrick; Robba, Isabelle; Vilnat, Anne; Ayache, Christelle}
title = {EASY Evaluation of Parsers of French: what are the Results?}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1117}
author = {Tannier, Xavier; Muller, Philippe}
title = {Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Temporal Annotation of Texts}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1118}
author = {Grothe, Lena; de Luca, Ernesto William; Nürnberger, Andreas}
title = {A Comparative Study on Language Identification Methods}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1119}
author = {De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte; Hamon, Olivier; Mostefa, Djamel; Ayache, Christelle; Paroubek, Patrick; Vilnat, Anne}
title = {PASSAGE: from French Parser Evaluation to Large Sized Treebank}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1120}
author = {Kolář, Jáchym; Švec, Jan}
title = {Structural Metadata Annotation of Speech Corpora: Comparing Broadcast News and Broadcast Conversations}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1121}
author = {Jongtaveesataporn, Markpong; Wutiwiwatchai, Chai; Iwano, Koji; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Thai Broadcast News Corpus Construction and Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1122}
author = {Amdal, Ingunn; Strand, Ole Morten; Almberg, Jørn; Svendsen, Torbjørn}
title = {RUNDKAST: an Annotated Norwegian Broadcast News Speech Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1123}
author = {Seng, Sopheap; Sam, Sethserey; Besacier, Laurent; Bigi, Brigitte; Castelli, Eric}
title = {First Broadcast News Transcription System for Khmer Language}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1124}
author = {Bendahman, Chomicha; Glenn, Meghan Lammie; Mostefa, Djamel; Paulsson, Niklas; Strassel, Stephanie}
title = {Quick Rich Transcriptions of Arabic Broadcast News Speech Data}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1125}
author = {Spohr, Dennis}
title = {A General Methodology for Mapping EuroWordNets to the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1126}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Extended Named Entity Ontology with Attribute Information}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1127}
author = {Suárez-Figueroa, Mari Carmen; Gómez-Pérez, Asunción}
title = {Towards a Glossary of Activities in the Ontology Engineering Field}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1128}
author = {Chen, Yi-Rong; Lu, Qin; Li, Wenjie; Cui, Gaoying}
title = {Chinese Core Ontology Construction from a Bilingual Term Bank}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1129}
author = {Kluck, Michael; Huckstorf, Axel}
title = {The European Thesaurus on International Relations and Area Studies - a Multilingual Resource for Indexing Retrieval and Translation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1130}
author = {Tsunakawa, Takashi; Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Building Bilingual Lexicons using Lexical Translation Probabilities via Pivot Languages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1131}
author = {Chen, Yu; Eisele, Andreas; Kay, Martin}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation Efficiency by Triangulation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1132}
author = {Lavecchia, Caroline; Langlois, David; Smaïli, Kamel}
title = {Phrase-Based Machine Translation based on Simulated Annealing}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1133}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Evaluation of Context-Dependent Phrasal Translation Lexicons for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1134}
author = {Hasan, Saša; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Multi-Genre SMT System for Arabic to French}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1135}
author = {Delpech, Estelle; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Investigating the Structure of Procedural Texts for Answering How-to Questions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1136}
author = {Leturia, Igor; Gurrutxaga, Antton; Areta, Nerea; Pociello, Eli}
title = {Analysis and Performance of Morphological Query Expansion and Language-Filtering Words on Basque Web Searching}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1137}
author = {Roberts, Kirk; Hickl, Andrew}
title = {Scaling Answer Type Detection to Large Hierarchies}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1138}
author = {Razmara, Majid; Kosseim, Leila}
title = {Answering List Questions using Co-occurrence and Clustering}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1139}
author = {Zesch, Torsten; Müller, Christof E.; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Extracting Lexical Semantic Knowledge from Wikipedia and Wiktionary}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1140}
author = {Sanders, Gregory; Bronsart, Sebastien; Condon, Sherri L.; Schlenoff, Craig}
title = {Odds of Successful Transfer of Low-Level Concepts: a Key Metric for Bidirectional Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation in DARPAs TRANSTAC Program}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1141}
author = {Lamel, Lori F.; Rosset, Sophie; Ayache, Christelle; Mostefa, Djamel; Turmo, Jordi; Comas, Pere}
title = {Question Answering on Speech Transcriptions: the QAST evaluation in CLEF}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1142}
author = {Heeren, Willemijn; Jong, Franciska de; van der Werff, Laurens; Huijbregts, Marijn; Ordelman, Roeland}
title = {Evaluation of Spoken Document Retrieval for Historic Speech Collections}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1143}
author = {Condon, Sherri L.; Phillips, Jon; Doran, Christine; Aberdeen, John; Parvaz, Dan; Oshika, Beatrice T.; Sanders, Gregory; Schlenoff, Craig}
title = {Applying Automated Metrics to Speech Translation Dialogs}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1144}
author = {Mieskes, Margot; Strube, Michael}
title = {A Three-stage Disfluency Classifier for Multi Party Dialogues}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1145}
author = {Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Towards Heterogeneous Automatic MT Error Analysis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1146}
author = {Babych, Bogdan; Hartley, Anthony}
title = {Sensitivity of Automated MT Evaluation Metrics on Higher Quality MT Output: BLEU vs Task-Based Evaluation Methods}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1147}
author = {Przybocki, Mark A.; Peterson, Kay; Bronsart, Sebastien}
title = {Translation Adequacy and Preference Evaluation Tool (TAP-ET)}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1148}
author = {Orăsan, Constantin; Chiorean, Oana Andreea}
title = {Evaluation of a Cross-lingual Romanian-English Multi-document Summariser}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1149}
author = {Andersen, Øistein E.; Nioche, Julien; Briscoe, Ted; Carroll, John}
title = {The BNC Parsed with RASP4UIMA}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1150}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Den, Yasuharu}
title = {Word-level Dependency-structure Annotation to Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese and its Application}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1151}
author = {Deoskar, Tejaswini; Rooth, Mats}
title = {Induction of Treebank-Aligned Lexical Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1152}
author = {Pustylnikov, Olga; Mehler, Alexander; Gleim, Rüdiger}
title = {A Unified Database of Dependency Treebanks: Integrating Quantifying & Evaluating Dependency Data}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1153}
author = {Bouhjar, Aicha}
title = {Amazigh Language Terminology in Morocco or Management of a Multidimensional Variation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1154}
author = {Yang, Yuhang; Lu, Qin; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Chinese Term Extraction Based on Delimiters}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1155}
author = {Boulaknadel, Siham; Daille, Béatrice; Aboutajdine, Driss}
title = {A Multi-Word Term Extraction Program for Arabic Language}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1156}
author = {Butters, Jonathan; Ciravegna, Fabio}
title = {Using Similarity Metrics For Terminology Recognition}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1157}
author = {Guerini, Marco; Strapparava, Carlo; Stock, Oliviero}
title = {Resources for Persuasion}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1158}
author = {Pitel, Guillaume; Grefenstette, Gregory}
title = {Semi-automatic Building Method for a Multidimensional Affect Dictionary for a New Language}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1159}
author = {Devillers, Laurence; Martin, Jean-Claude}
title = {Coding Emotional Events in Audiovisual Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1160}
author = {Esuli, Andrea; Sebastiani, Fabrizio; Urciuoli, Ilaria}
title = {Annotating Expressions of Opinion and Emotion in the Italian Content Annotation Bank}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1161}
author = {Maks, Isa; Vossen, Piek; Segers, Roxanne; Vliet, Hennie van der}
title = {Adjectives in the Dutch Semantic Lexical Database CORNETTO}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1162}
author = {Dickinson, Markus; Lee, Chong Min}
title = {Detecting Errors in Semantic Annotation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1163}
author = {Roth, Michael; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Corpus Co-Occurrence Dictionary and Wikipedia Entries as Resources for Semantic Relatedness Information}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1164}
author = {Giovannetti, Emiliano; Marchi, Simone; Montemagni, Simonetta; Bartolini, Roberto}
title = {Ontology Learning and Semantic Annotation: a Necessary Symbiosis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1165}
author = {Atserias, Jordi; Zaragoza, Hugo; Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Attardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Semantically Annotated Snapshot of the English Wikipedia}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1166}
author = {Nielsen, Rodney D.; Ward, Wayne H.; Martin, James H.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Annotating Students Understanding of Science Concepts}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1167}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Lippincott, Tom; Yano, Tae; Klavans, Judith L.}
title = {Relation between Agreement Measures on Human Labeling and Machine Learning Performance: Results from an Art History Domain}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1168}
author = {Peirsman, Yves; Deyne, Simon De; Heylen, Kris; Geeraerts, Dirk}
title = {The Construction and Evaluation of Word Space Models}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1169}
author = {Babko-Malaya, Olga}
title = {Annotation of Nuggets and Relevance in GALE Distillation Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1170}
author = {White, J. V.; Hunter, D.; Goldstein-Stewart, Jade}
title = {Statistical Evaluation of Information Distillation Systems}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1171}
author = {Rieser, Verena; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Automatic Learning and Evaluation of User-Centered Objective Functions for Dialogue System Optimisation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1172}
author = {Bielický, Viktor; Smrž, Otakar}
title = {Building the Valency Lexicon of Arabic Verbs}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1173}
author = {Roberts, Angus; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Hepple, Mark; Guo, Yikun}
title = {Combining Terminology Resources and Statistical Methods for Entity Recognition: an Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1174}
author = {Nazar, Rogelio; Vivaldi, Jorge; Cabré, Teresa}
title = {A Suite to Compile and Analyze an LSP Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1175}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Castell, Nuria; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Causal Relation Extraction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1176}
author = {Chrupała, Grzegorz; Dinu, Georgiana; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Learning Morphology with Morfette}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1177}
author = {Cui, Gaoying; Lu, Qin; Li, Wenjie; Chen, Yi-Rong}
title = {Corpus Exploitation from Wikipedia for Ontology Construction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1178}
author = {Ou, Shiyan; Pekar, Viktor; Orăsan, Constantin; Spurk, Christian; Negri, Matteo}
title = {Development and Alignment of a Domain-Specific Ontology for Question Answering}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1179}
author = {Manzano-Macho, David; Gómez-Pérez, Asunción; Borrajo, Daniel}
title = {Unsupervised and Domain Independent Ontology Learning: Combining Heterogeneous Sources of Evidence}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1180}
author = {Potrich, Alessandra; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {L-ISA: Learning Domain Specific Isa-Relations from the Web}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1181}
author = {Hartholt, Arno; Russ, Thomas; Traum, David R.; Hovy, Eduard; Robinson, Susan}
title = {A Common Ground for Virtual Humans: Using an Ontology in a Natural Language Oriented Virtual Human Architecture}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1182}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {Using the Multilingual Central Repository for Graph-Based Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1183}
author = {Gey, Fredric C.; Evans, David Kirk; Kando, Noriko}
title = {A Japanese-English Technical Lexicon for Translation and Language Research}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1184}
author = {Ha, Le An; Fernandez, Gabriela; Mitkov, Ruslan; Corpas, Gloria}
title = {Mutual Bilingual Terminology Extraction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1185}
author = {Graça, João; Pardal, Joana Paulo; Coheur, Luísa; Caseiro, Diamantino}
title = {Building a Golden Collection of Parallel Multi-Language Word Alignment}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1186}
author = {Cabrio, Elena; Kouylekov, Milen; Magnini, Bernardo; Negri, Matteo; Hasler, Laura; Orăsan, Constantin; Tomas, David; Vicedo, Jose Luis; Neumann, Günter; Weber, Corinna}
title = {The QALL-ME Benchmark: a Multilingual Resource of Annotated Spoken Requests for Question Answering}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1187}
author = {Campbell, Nick}
title = {Tools & Resources for Visualising Conversational-Speech Interaction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1188}
author = {Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Pennacchiotti, Marco; Stellato, Armando}
title = {A Web Browser Extension for Growing-up Ontological Knowledge from Traditional Web Content}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1189}
author = {Drissi, Youssef; Boguraev, Branimir K.; Ferrucci, David; Keyser, Paul; Levas, Anthony}
title = {A Development Environment for Configurable Meta-Annotators in a Pipelined NLP Architecture}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1190}
author = {Rehm, Georg; Eckart, Richard; Chiarcos, Christian; Dellert, Johannes}
title = {Ontology-Based XQuerying of XML-Encoded Language Resources on Multiple Annotation Layers}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1191}
author = {Evert, Stefan}
title = {A Lightweight and Efficient Tool for Cleaning Web Pages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1192}
author = {Melnar, Lynette; Liu, Chen}
title = {Borrowing Language Resources for Development of Automatic Speech Recognition for Low- and Middle-Density Languages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1193}
author = {Möller, Sebastian; Gödde, Florian; Wolters, Maria}
title = {Corpus Analysis of Spoken Smart-Home Interactions with Older Users}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1194}
author = {Georgila, Kallirroi; Wolters, Maria; Karaiskos, Vasilis; Kronenthal, Melissa; Logie, Robert; Mayo, Neil; Moore, Johanna D.; Watson, Matt}
title = {A Fully Annotated Corpus for Studying the Effect of Cognitive Ageing on Users Interactions with Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1195}
author = {Cucchiarini, Catia; Driesen, Joris; van Hamme, Hugo; Sanders, Eric}
title = {Recording Speech of Children Non-Natives and Elderly People for HLT Applications: the JASMIN-CGN Corpus.}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1196}
author = {Draxler, Christoph; Schiel, Florian; Ellbogen, Tania}
title = {F0 of Adolescent Speakers - First Results for the German Ph@ttSessionz Database}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1197}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Benyon, David; Brewster, Christopher; Ircing, Pavel; Mival, Oli}
title = {Dialogue Speech and Images: the Companions Project Data Set}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1198}
author = {Goldstein-Stewart, Jade; Goodwin, Kerri; Sabin, Roberta; Winder, Ransom}
title = {Creating and Using a Correlated Corpus to Glean Communicative Commonalities}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1199}
author = {Catizone, Roberta; Dingli, Alexiei; Pinto, Hugo; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Information Extraction Tools and Methods for Understanding Dialogue in a Companion}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1200}
author = {Gallo, Carlos Gómez; Jaeger, T. Florian; Allen, James F.; Swift, Mary}
title = {Production in a Multimodal Corpus: how Speakers Communicate Complex Actions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1201}
author = {Bunt, Harry C.; Overbeeke, Chwhynny}
title = {Towards Formal Interpretation of Semantic Annotation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1202}
author = {Pennacchiotti, Marco; de Cao, Diego; Marocco, Paolo; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Towards a Vector Space Model for FrameNet-like Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1203}
author = {Smrz, Pavel}
title = {KnoFusius: a New Knowledge Fusion System for Interpretation of Gene Expression Data}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1204}
author = {Heylen, Kris; Peirsman, Yves; Geeraerts, Dirk; Speelman, Dirk}
title = {Modelling Word Similarity: an Evaluation of Automatic Synonymy Extraction Algorithms.}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1205}
author = {Cleuren, Leen; Duchateau, Jacques; Ghesquière, Pol; van Hamme, Hugo}
title = {Childrens Oral Reading Corpus (CHOREC): Description and Assessment of Annotator Agreement}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1206}
author = {Caselli, Tommaso; Ide, Nancy M.; Bartolini, Roberto}
title = {A Bilingual Corpus of Inter-linked Events}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1207}
author = {Strassel, Stephanie; Friedman, Lauren; Ismael, Safa; Brandschain, Linda}
title = {New Resources for Document Classification Analysis and Translation Technologies}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1208}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Approximating Learning Curves for Active-Learning-Driven Annotation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1209}
author = {Trippel, Thorsten; Maxwell, Michael; Corbett, Greville G.; Prince, Cambell; Manning, Christopher D.; Grimes, Stephen; Moran, Steven}
title = {Lexicon Schemas and Related Data Models: when Standards Meet Users}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1210}
author = {Messiant, Cédric; Poibeau, Thierry; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {LexSchem: a Large Subcategorization Lexicon for French Verbs}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1211}
author = {Rodríquez, Horacio; Farwell, David; Ferreres, Javi; Bertran, Manuel; Alkhalifa, Musa; Martí, M. Antònia}
title = {Arabic WordNet: Semi-automatic Extensions using Bayesian Inference}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1212}
author = {Sainz, Iñaki; Saratxaga, Ibon; Navas, Eva; Hernáez, Inmaculada; Sanchez, Jon; Luengo, Iker; Odriozola, Igor}
title = {Subjective Evaluation of an Emotional Speech Database for Basque}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1213}
author = {Kübler, Sandra; Maier, Wolfgang; Rehbein, Ines; Versley, Yannick}
title = {How to Compare Treebanks}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1214}
author = {Besançon, Romaric; Chaudiron, Stéphane; Mostefa, Djamel; Timimi, Ismail; Choukri, Khalid}
title = {The INFILE Project: a Crosslingual Filtering Systems Evaluation Campaign}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1215}
author = {Tufiš, Dan; Ceauşu, Alexandru}
title = {DIAC+: a Professional Diacritics Recovering System}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1216}
author = {Abuhakema, Ghazi; Faraj, Reem; Feldman, Anna; Fitzpatrick, Eileen}
title = {Annotating an Arabic Learner Corpus for Error}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1217}
author = {Reynaert, Martin}
title = {All and only the Errors: more Complete and Consistent Spelling and OCR-Error Correction Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1218}
author = {Itamar, Einav; Itai, Alon}
title = {Using Movie Subtitles for Creating a Large-Scale Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1219}
author = {Son, Rob van; Wesseling, Wieneke; Sanders, Eric; Heuvel, Henk van den}
title = {The IFADV Corpus: a Free Dialog Video Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1220}
author = {Brutti, Alessio; Cristoforetti, Luca; Kellermann, Walter; Marquardt, Lutz; Omologo, Maurizio}
title = {WOZ Acoustic Data Collection for Interactive TV}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1221}
author = {Lounela, Mikko}
title = {Process Model for Composing High-quality Text Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1222}
author = {Taulé, Mariona; Martí, M. Antònia; Recasens, Marta}
title = {AnCora: Multilevel Annotated Corpora for Catalan and Spanish}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1223}
author = {Purpura, Stephen; Wilkerson, John; Hillard, Dustin}
title = {The U.S. Policy Agenda Legislation Corpus Volume 1 - a Language Resource from 1947 - 1998}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1224}
author = {Bensley, Jeremy; Hickl, Andrew}
title = {Unsupervised Resource Creation for Textual Inference Applications}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1225}
author = {Dickinson, Markus; Jochim, Charles}
title = {A Simple Method for Tagset Comparision}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1226}
author = {Oostdijk, Nelleke; Reynaert, Martin; Monachesi, Paola; van Noord, Gertjan; Ordelman, Roeland; Schuurman, Ineke; Vandeghinste, Vincent}
title = {From D-Coi to SoNaR: a reference corpus for Dutch}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1227}
author = {Ozaku, Hiromi Itoh; Abe, Akinori; Sagara, Kaoru; Kogure, Kiyoshi}
title = {Relationships between Nursing Converstaions and Activities}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1228}
author = {Glenn, Meghan Lammie; Strassel, Stephanie; Friedman, Lauren; Lee, Haejoong; Medero, Shawn}
title = {Management of Large Annotation Projects Involving Multiple Human Judges: a Case Study of GALE Machine Translation Post-editing}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1229}
author = {Hammarström, Harald; Thornell, Christina; Petzell, Malin; Westerlund, Torbjörn}
title = {Bootstrapping Language Description: the case of Mpiemo (Bantu A Central African Republic)}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1230}
author = {Sato, Satoshi; Matsuyoshi, Suguru; Kondoh, Yohsuke}
title = {Automatic Assessment of Japanese Text Readability Based on a Textbook Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1231}
author = {Thompson, Paul; Cotter, Philip; McNaught, John; Ananiadou, Sophia; Montemagni, Simonetta; Trabucco, Andrea; Venturi, Giulia}
title = {Building a Bio-Event Annotated Corpus for the Acquisition of Semantic Frames from Biomedical Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1232}
author = {Rupp, C. J.; Copestake, Ann; Corbett, Peter T.; Murray-Rust, Peter; Siddharthan, Advaith; Teufel, Simone; Waldron, Benjamin}
title = {Language Resources and Chemical Informatics}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1233}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Beisswanger, Elena; Buyko, Ekaterina; Poprat, Michael; Tomanek, Katrin; Wermter, Joachim}
title = {Semantic Annotations for Biology: a Corpus Development Initiative at the Jena University Language & Information Engineering (JULIE) Lab}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1234}
author = {Quochi, Valeria; Monachini, Monica; Gratta, Riccardo Del; Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {A lexicon for biology and bioinformatics: the BOOTStrep experience.}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1235}
author = {Rinaldi, Fabio; Schneider, Gerold; Kaljurand, Kaarel; Hess, Michael}
title = {Dependency-Based Relation Mining for Biomedical Literature}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1236}
author = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios}
title = {MeSH: from a Controlled Vocabulary to a Processable Resource}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1237}
author = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios}
title = {A Semantically Annotated Swedish Medical Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1238}
author = {Embarek, Mehdi; Ferret, Olivier}
title = {Learning Patterns for Building Resources about Semantic Relations in the Medical Domain}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1239}
author = {Ienco, Dino; Villata, Serena; Bosco, Cristina}
title = {Automatic extraction of subcategorization frames for Italian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1240}
author = {Francom, Jerid; Hulden, Mans}
title = {Parallel Multi-Theory Annotations of Syntactic Structure}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1241}
author = {Adler, Meni; Netzer, Yael Dahan; Goldberg, Yoav; Gabay, David; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Tagging a Hebrew Corpus: the Case of Participles}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1242}
author = {Nath, Joydeep; Choudhury, Monojit; Mukherjee, Animesh; Biemann, Christian; Ganguly, Niloy}
title = {Unsupervised Parts-of-Speech Induction for Bengali}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1243}
author = {Aguado de Cea, Guadalupe; Puche, Javier; Ramos, José Ángel}
title = {Tagging Spanish Texts: the Problem of Problem of SE}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1244}
author = {Mírovský, Jiří}
title = {Does Netgraph Fit Prague Dependency Treebank?}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1245}
author = {By, Tomas}
title = {The Kalshnikov 691 Dependency Bank}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1246}
author = {Schluter, Natalie; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Treebank-Based Acquisition of LFG Parsing Resources for French}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1247}
author = {Koeva, Svetla; Rizov, Borislav; Leseva, Svetlozara}
title = {Chooser: a Multi-Task Annotation Tool}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1248}
author = {Fragkou, Pavlina; Petasis, Georgios; Theodorakos, Aris; Karkaletsis, Vangelis; Spyropoulos, Constantine D.}
title = {BOEMIE Ontology-Based Text Annotation Tool}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1249}
author = {Krestel, Ralf; Bergler, Sabine; Witte, René}
title = {Minding the Source: Automatic Tagging of Reported Speech in Newspaper Articles}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1250}
author = {Vossen, Piek; Agirre, Eneko; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Fellbaum, Christiane; Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Huang, Chu-Ren; Isahara, Hitoshi; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Marchetti, Andrea; Monachini, Monica; Neri, Federico; Raffaelli, Remo; Rigau, German; Tesconi, Maurizio; van Gent, Joop}
title = {KYOTO: a System for Mining Structuring and Distributing Knowledge across Languages and Cultures}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1251}
author = {Schäfer, Ulrich; Uszkoreit, Hans; Federmann, Christian; Marek, Torsten; Zhang, Yajing}
title = {Extracting and Querying Relations in Scientific Papers on Language Technology}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1252}
author = {Iftene, Adrian; Balahur, Alexandra}
title = {Named Entity Relation Mining using Wikipedia}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1253}
author = {Grover, Claire; Givon, Sharon; Tobin, Richard; Ball, Julian}
title = {Named Entity Recognition for Digitised Historical Texts}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1254}
author = {Song, Zhiyi; Strassel, Stephanie}
title = {Entity Translation and Alignment in the ACE-07 ET Task}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1255}
author = {Kiyota, Yoji; Tamura, Noriyuki; Sakai, Satoshi; Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Masuda, Hidetaka}
title = {Automated Subject Induction from Query Keywords through Wikipedia Categories and Subject Headings}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1256}
author = {Sellberg, Linus; Jönsson, Arne}
title = {Using Random Indexing to improve Singular Value Decomposition for Latent Semantic Analysis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1257}
author = {Vintar, Špela; Fišer, Darja}
title = {Harvesting Multi-Word Expressions from Parallel Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1258}
author = {Agili, Andrea; Fabbri, Marco; Panunzi, Alessandro; Zini, Manuel}
title = {Integration of a Multilingual Keyword Extractor in a Document Management System}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1259}
author = {Deksne, Daiga; Skadins, Raivis; Skadina, Inguna}
title = {Dictionary of Multiword Expressions for Translation into highly Inflected Languages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1260}
author = {Vetulani, Grazyna; Vetulani, Zygmunt; Obrebski, Tomasz}
title = {Verb-Noun Collocation SyntLex Dictionary: Corpus-Based Approach}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1261}
author = {Qu, Weiruo; Ringlstetter, Christoph; Goebel, Randy}
title = {Targeting Chinese Nominal Compounds in Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1262}
author = {Ramos, Margarita Alonso; Rambow, Owen; Wanner, Leo}
title = {Using Semantically Annotated Corpora to Build Collocation Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1263}
author = {Kermanidis, Katia; Thanopoulos, Aristomenis; Maragoudakis, Manolis; Fakotakis, Nikos D.}
title = {Eksairesis: A Domain-Adaptable System for Ontology Building from Unstructured Text}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1264}
author = {Montero, Francisco Alvarez; Sanchez, Antonio Vaquero; Perez, Fernando Saenz}
title = {Conceptual Modeling of Ontology-based Linguistic Resources with a Focus on Semantic Relations}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1265}
author = {Buitelaar, Paul; Eigner, Thomas}
title = {Ontology Search with the OntoSelect Ontology Library}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1266}
author = {Trojahn, Cássia; Quaresma, Paulo; Vieira, Renata}
title = {A Framework for Multilingual Ontology Mapping}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1267}
author = {Kassner, Laura; Nastase, Vivi; Strube, Michael}
title = {Acquiring a Taxonomy from the German Wikipedia}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1268}
author = {Picca, Davide; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Gangemi, Aldo}
title = {LMM: an OWL-DL MetaModel to Represent Heterogeneous Lexical Knowledge}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1269}
author = {Isahara, Hitoshi; Bond, Francis; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Utiyama, Masao; Kanzaki, Kyoko}
title = {Development of the Japanese WordNet}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1270}
author = {Newbold, Neil; Vrusias, Bogdan; Gillam, Lee}
title = {Lexical Ontology Extraction using Terminology Analysis: Automating Video Annotation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1271}
author = {Suktarachan, Mukda; Thamvijit, Dussadee; Noikongka, Daoyos; Yongyuth, Panita; Mahasarakham, Puwarat Pavaputanont Na; Kawtrakul, Asanee; Sini, Margherita}
title = {Workbench with Authoring Tools for Collaborative Multi-lingual Ontological Knowledge Construction and Maintenance}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1272}
author = {Shamsfard, Mehrnoush}
title = {Towards Semi Automatic Construction of a Lexical Ontology for Persian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1273}
author = {Melo, Gerard de; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {Mapping Rogets Thesaurus and WordNet to French}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1274}
author = {Jouis, Christophe; Bourdaillet, Julien}
title = {Representation of Atypical Entities in Ontologies}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1275}
author = {Chung, Siaw Fong; Prévot, Laurent; Xu, Mingwei; Ahrens, Kathleen; Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {Extracting Concrete Senses of Lexicon through Measurement of Conceptual Similarity in Ontologies}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1276}
author = {Okamoto, Jun; Uchiyama, Kiyoko; Ishizaki, Shun}
title = {A Contextual Dynamic Network Model for WSD Using Associative Concept Dictionary}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1277}
author = {Loos, Berenike; Schwarten, Lasse}
title = {A Semantic Memory for Incremental Ontology Population}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1278}
author = {Vivaldi, Jorge; Joan, Anna; Lorente, Mercè}
title = {Turning a Term Extractor into a new Domain: first Experiences}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1279}
author = {Anick, Peter G.; Murthi, Vijay; Sebastian, Shaji}
title = {Similar Term Discovery using Web Search}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1280}
author = {Kubo, Junko; Tsuji, Keita; Sugimoto, Shigeo}
title = {Temporal Aspects of Terminology for Automatic Term Recognition: Case Study on Womens Studies Terms}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1281}
author = {Zhang, Ziqi; Iria, José; Brewster, Christopher; Ciravegna, Fabio}
title = {A Comparative Evaluation of Term Recognition Algorithms}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1282}
author = {Hoste, Véronique; Lefever, Els; Vanopstal, Klaar; Delaere, Isabelle}
title = {Learning-based Detection of Scientific Terms in Patient Information}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1283}
author = {Pociello, Eli; Gurrutxaga, Antton; Agirre, Eneko; Aldezabal, Izaskun; Rigau, German}
title = {WNTERM: Enriching the MCR with a Terminological Dictionary}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1284}
author = {Marinelli, Rita; Tiberi, Melissa; Bindi, Remo}
title = {Encoding Terms from a Scientific Domain in a Terminological Database: Methodology and Criteria}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1285}
author = {Mandl, Thomas; Gey, Fredric C.; Nunzio, Giorgio Di; Ferro, Nicola; Sanderson, Mark; Santos, Diana; Womser-Hacker, Christa}
title = {An Evaluation Resource for Geographic Information Retrieval}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1286}
author = {Civera, Jorge; Juan, Alfons}
title = {Bilingual Text Classification using the IBM 1 Translation Model}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1287}
author = {Shinnou, Hiroyuki; Sasaki, Minoru}
title = {Ping-pong Document Clustering using NMF and Linkage-Based Refinement}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1288}
author = {Shinnou, Hiroyuki; Sasaki, Minoru}
title = {Spectral Clustering for a Large Data Set by Reducing the Similarity Matrix Size}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1289}
author = {Damljanovic, Danica; Tablan, Valentin; Bontcheva, Kalina}
title = {A Text-based Query Interface to OWL Ontologies}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1290}
author = {Ren, Han; Donghong, Ji; Han, Lei}
title = {A Research on Automatic Chinese Catchword Extraction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1291}
author = {Councill, Isaac; Giles, C. Lee; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {ParsCit: an Open-source CRF Reference String Parsing Package}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1292}
author = {Kozawa, Shunsuke; Tohyama, Hitomi; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Matsubara, Shigeki}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Usage Information for Language Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1293}
author = {Wiegand, Michael; Leidner, Jochen L.; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Cost-Sensitive Learning in Answer Extraction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1294}
author = {Débowski, Łukasz; Marcińczuk, Michał; Przepiórkowski, Adam}
title = {Definition Extraction Using a Sequential Combination of Baseline Grammars and Machine Learning Classifiers}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1295}
author = {Fallucchi, Francesca; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {Yet another Platform for Extracting Knowledge from Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1296}
author = {Yankova, Milena; Saggion, Horacio; Cunningham, Hamish}
title = {A Framework for Identity Resolution and Merging for Multi-source Information Extraction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1297}
author = {Karlgren, Jussi; Dalianis, Hercules; Jongejan, Bart}
title = {Experiments to Investigate the Connection between Case Distribution and Topical Relevance of Search Terms in an Information Retrieval Setting}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1298}
author = {Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia; Chen, Chaomei; Pinho, Roberto}
title = {Identifying Strategic Information from Scientific Articles through Sentence Classification}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1299}
author = {Azeredo, Susana; Moraes, Silvia; Strube de Lima, Vera Lucia}
title = {Keywords k-NN and Neural Networks: a Support for Hierarchical Categorization of Texts in Brazilian Portuguese}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1300}
author = {Ibrahim, Hossam; Darwish, Kareem; Madany, Abdel-Rahim}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Textual Elements from News Web Pages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1301}
author = {Yamamoto, Eiko; Isahara, Hitoshi; Terada, Akira; Abe, Yasunori}
title = {Extraction of Informative Expressions from Domain-specific Documents}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1302}
author = {Sætre, Rune; Kemper, Brian; Oda, Kanae; Okazaki, Naoaki; Matsuoka, Yukiko; Kikuchi, Norihiro; Kitano, Hiroaki; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Ananiadou, Sophia; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Connecting Text Mining and Pathways using the PathText Resource}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1303}
author = {Pomikálek, Jan; Rychlý, Pavel}
title = {Detecting Co-Derivative Documents in Large Text Collections}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1304}
author = {Lemnitzer, Lothar; Monachesi, Paola}
title = {Extraction and Evaluation of Keywords from Learning Objects: a Multilingual Approach}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1305}
author = {Zhang, Peng; Li, Wenjie; Wei, Furu; Lu, Qin; Hou, Yuexian}
title = {Exploiting the Role of Position Feature in Chinese Relation Extraction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1306}
author = {Allison, Ben; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Authorship Attribution of E-Mail: Comparing Classifiers over a New Corpus for Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1307}
author = {Kaisser, Michael; Lowe, John B.}
title = {Creating a Research Collection of Question Answer Sentence Pairs with Amazons Mechanical Turk}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1308}
author = {Xu, Feiyu; Uszkoreit, Hans; Li, Hong; Felger, Niko}
title = {Adaptation of Relation Extraction Rules to New Domains}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1309}
author = {Sumida, Asuka; Yoshinaga, Naoki; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Boosting Precision and Recall of Hyponymy Relation Acquisition from Hierarchical Layouts in Wikipedia}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1310}
author = {Mieskes, Margot; Strube, Michael}
title = {Parameters for Topic Boundary Detection in Multi-Party Dialogues}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1311}
author = {Picchi, Eugenio; Sassolini, Eva; Cucurullo, Sebastiana; Bertagna, Francesca; Baroni, Paola}
title = {Semantic Press}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1312}
author = {Xia, Lei; Iria, José}
title = {An Approach to Modeling Heterogeneous Resources for Information Extraction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1313}
author = {Dinu, Anca}
title = {On Classifying Coherent/Incoherent Romanian Short Texts}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1314}
author = {Goeuriot, Lorraine; Grabar, Natalia; Daille, Béatrice}
title = {Characterization of Scientific and Popular Science Discourse in French Japanese and Russian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1315}
author = {Maleki, Jalal; Ahrenberg, Lars}
title = {Converting Romanized Persian to the Arabic Writing Systems}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1316}
author = {Abouzakhar, Nasser; Allison, Ben; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Unsupervised Learning-based Anomalous Arabic Text Detection}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1317}
author = {Prokopidis, Prokopis; Karra, Vassia; Papagianopoulou, Aggeliki; Piperidis, Stelios}
title = {Condensing Sentences for Subtitle Generation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1318}
author = {Mille, Simon; Wanner, Leo}
title = {Making Text Resources Accessible to the Reader: the Case of Patent Claims}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1319}
author = {Halpern, Jack}
title = {Exploiting Lexical Resources for Disambiguating CJK and Arabic Orthographic Variants}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1320}
author = {Newbold, Neil; Gillam, Lee}
title = {Automatic Document Quality Control}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1321}
author = {Supnithi, Thepchai; Singh, Suchinder; Ruangrajitpakorn, Taneth; Boonkwan, Prachya; Boriboon, Monthika}
title = {OpenCCG Workbench and Visualization Tool}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1322}
author = {Hermet, Matthieu; Désilets, Alain; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Using the Web as a Linguistic Resource to Automatically Correct Lexico-Syntactic Errors}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1323}
author = {Fossati, Davide; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {I saw TREE trees in the park: How to Correct Real-Word Spelling Mistakes}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1324}
author = {Quixal, Martí; Badia, Toni; Benavent, Francesc; Boullosa, Jose R.; Domingo, Judith; Grau, Bernat; Massó, Guillem; Valentín, Oriol}
title = {User-Centred Design of Error Correction Tools}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1325}
author = {Liu, Wei; Allison, Ben; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Professor or Screaming Beast? Detecting Anomalous Words in Chinese}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1326}
author = {Alegria, Iñaki; Ceberio, Klara; Ezeiza, Nerea; Soroa, Aitor; Hernandez, Gregorio}
title = {Spelling Correction: from Two-Level Morphology to Open Source}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1327}
author = {Hallett, Catalina; Hardcastle, David}
title = {Automatic Rewriting of Patient Record Narratives}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1328}
author = {Versley, Yannick; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Poesio, Massimo; Eidelman, Vladimir; Jern, Alan; Smith, Jason R.; Yang, Xiaofeng; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {BART: A modular toolkit for coreference resolution}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1329}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Kruschwitz, Udo; Chamberlain, Jon}
title = {ANAWIKI: Creating Anaphorically Annotated Resources through Web Cooperation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1330}
author = {Goecke, Daniela; Stührenberg, Maik; Witt, Andreas}
title = {Influence of Text Type and Text Length on Anaphoric Annotation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1331}
author = {Navarretta, Costanza; Olsen, Sussi}
title = {Annotating Abstract Pronominal Anaphora in the DAD Project}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1332}
author = {Williams, Sandra; Power, Richard}
title = {Deriving Rhetorical Complexity Data from the RST-DT Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1333}
author = {Miháltz, Márton}
title = {Knowledge-based Coreference Resolution for Hungarian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1334}
author = {Nissim, Malvina; Perboni, Sara}
title = {The Italian Particle ne: Corpus Construction and Analysis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1335}
author = {Knight, Dawn; Tennent, Paul}
title = {Introducing DRS (The Digital Replay System): a Tool for the Future of Corpus Linguistic Research and Analysis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1336}
author = {Atterer, Michaela; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {An Inverted Index for Storing and Retrieving Grammatical Dependencies}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1337}
author = {Nilsson, Jens; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {MaltEval: an Evaluation and Visualization Tool for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1338}
author = {Sato, Hiroaki}
title = {New Functions of FrameSQL for Multilingual FrameNets}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1339}
author = {Shinnou, Hiroyuki; Sasaki, Minoru}
title = {Division of Example Sentences Based on the Meaning of a Target Word Using Semi-Supervised Clustering}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1340}
author = {Saito, Hiroaki; Kuboya, Shunta; Sone, Takaaki; Tagami, Hayato; Ohara, Kyoko}
title = {The Japanese FrameNet Software Tools}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1341}
author = {Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Stellato, Armando; Tudorache, Alexandra}
title = {JMWNL: an Extensible Multilingual Library for Accessing Wordnets in Different Languages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1342}
author = {Maynard, Diana}
title = {Benchmarking Textual Annotation Tools for the Semantic Web}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1343}
author = {Dinu, Liviu P.; Popescu, Marius; Dinu, Anca}
title = {Authorship Identification of Romanian Texts with Controversial Paternity}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1344}
author = {Kemps-Snijders, Marc; Zinn, Claus; Ringersma, Jacquelijn; Windhouwer, Menzo}
title = {Ensuring Semantic Interoperability on Lexical Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1345}
author = {Finthammer, Marc; Cramer, Irene}
title = {Exploring and Navigating: Tools for GermaNet}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1346}
author = {Santaholma, Marianne; Chatzichrisafis, Nikos}
title = {A Knowledge-Modeling Approach for Multilingual Regulus Lexica}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1347}
author = {Rosner, Mike A.}
title = {ODL: an Object Description Language for Lexical Information}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1348}
author = {Cristea, Dan; Forăscu, Corina; Rǎschip, Marius; Zock, Michael}
title = {How to Evaluate and Raise the Quality in a Collaborative Lexicographic Approach}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1349}
author = {Pedersen, Bolette Sandford; Braasch, Anna; Henriksen, Lina; Olsen, Sussi; Povlsen, Claus}
title = {Merging a Syntactic Resource with a WordNet: a Feasibility Study of a Merge between STO and DanNet}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1350}
author = {Rizov, Borislav}
title = {Hydra: a Modal Logic Tool for Wordnet Development Validation and Exploration}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1351}
author = {Mares, Míriam Luján; Hinarejos, Carlos David Martínez; Alabau, Vicent}
title = {Evaluation of several Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression Variants for Language Adaptation.}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1352}
author = {Sitbon, Laurianne; Bellot, Patrice; Blache, Philippe}
title = {Evaluation of Lexical Resources and Semantic Networks on a Corpus of Mental Associations}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1353}
author = {Bieler, Heike; Dipper, Stefanie}
title = {Measures for Term and Sentence Relevances: an Evaluation for German}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1354}
author = {Ritz, Julia; Dipper, Stefanie; Götze, Michael}
title = {Annotation of Information Structure: an Evaluation across different Types of Texts}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1355}
author = {Đinh, Quang Thắng; Phương, Lê Hồng; Thi Minh Huyền, Nguyễn; Nguyên, Cˆm Tú; Rossignol, Mathias; , Xuẩn Lương Vũ}
title = {Word Segmentation of Vietnamese Texts: a Comparison of Approaches}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1356}
author = {Bosco, Cristina; Mazzei, Alessandro; Lombardo, Vincenzo; Attardi, Giuseppe; Corazza, Anna; Lavelli, Alberto; Lesmo, Leonardo; Satta, Giorgio; Simi, Maria}
title = {Comparing Italian parsers on a common Treebank: the EVALITA experience}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1357}
author = {Magnini, Bernardo; Cappelli, Amedeo; Tamburini, Fabio; Bosco, Cristina; Mazzei, Alessandro; Lombardo, Vincenzo; Bertagna, Francesca; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Toral, Antonio; Lenzi, Valentina Bartalesi; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Speranza, Manuela}
title = {Evaluation of Natural Language Tools for Italian: EVALITA 2007}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1358}
author = {Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Stellato, Armando; Tudorache, Alexandra}
title = {A Bottom-up Comparative Study of EuroWordNet and WordNet 3.0 Lexical and Semantic Relations}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1359}
author = {Scerri, Simon; Mencke, Myriam; Davis, Brian; Handschuh, Siegfried}
title = {Evaluating the Ontology underlying sMail - the Conceptual Framework for Semantic Email Communication}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1360}
author = {Novák, Václav; Hall, Keith}
title = {Inter-sentential Coreferences in Semantic Networks: An Evaluation of Manual Annotation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1361}
author = {Maamouri, Mohamed; Kulick, Seth; Bies, Ann}
title = {Diacritic Annotation in the Arabic Treebank and its Impact on Parser Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1362}
author = {Enguehard, Chantal; Naroua, Harouna}
title = {Evaluation of Virtual Keyboards for West-African Languages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1363}
author = {Orăsan, Constantin; Cristea, Dan; Mitkov, Ruslan; Branco, António H.}
title = {Anaphora Resolution Exercise: an Overview}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1364}
author = {Santos, Diana; Simões, Alberto}
title = {Portuguese-English Word Alignment: some Experiments}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1365}
author = {Schuler, Karin; Kaggal, Vinod; Masanz, James; Ogren, Philip V.; Savova, Guergana}
title = {System Evaluation on a Named Entity Corpus from Clinical Notes}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1366}
author = {Ogren, Philip V.; Savova, Guergana; Chute, Christopher G.}
title = {Constructing Evaluation Corpora for Automated Clinical Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1367}
author = {Ringger, Eric K.; Carmen, Marc; Haertel, Robbie; Seppi, Kevin; Lonsdale, Deryle; McClanahan, Peter; Carroll, James; Ellison, Noel}
title = {Assessing the Costs of Machine-Assisted Corpus Annotation through a User Study}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1368}
author = {Allauzen, Alexandre; Bonneau-Maynard, Hélène}
title = {Training and Evaluation of POS Taggers on the French MULTITAG Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1369}
author = {Baroni, Marco; Chantree, Francis; Kilgarriff, Adam; Sharoff, Serge}
title = {Cleaneval: a Competition for Cleaning Web Pages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1370}
author = {Arehart, Mark; Miller, Keith}
title = {A Ground Truth Dataset for Matching Culturally Diverse Romanized Person Names}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1371}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Utiyama, Masao; Yamamoto, Mikio; Utsuro, Takehito}
title = {Producing a Test Collection for Patent Machine Translation in the Seventh NTCIR Workshop}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1372}
author = {Amoia, Marilisa; Gardent, Claire}
title = {A Test Suite for Inference Involving Adjectives}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1373}
author = {Nishiura, Takanobu; Nakayama, Masato; Denda, Yuki; Kitaoka, Norihide; Yamamoto, Kazumasa; Yamada, Takeshi; Tsuge, Satoru; Miyajima, Chiyomi; Fujimoto, Masakiyo; Takiguchi, Tetsuya; Tamura, Satoshi; Kuroiwa, Shingo; Takeda, Kazuya; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Evaluation Framework for Distant-talking Speech Recognition under Reverberant Environments: newest Part of the CENSREC Series -}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1374}
author = {Hamon, Olivier; Mostefa, Djamel}
title = {An Experimental Methodology for an End-to-End Evaluation in Speech-to-Speech Translation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1375}
author = {Martínez-Hinarejos, Carlos D.; Tamarit, Vicent}
title = {Evaluation of Different Segmentation Techniques for Dialogue Turns}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1376}
author = {Griol, David; Hurtado, Lluís F.; Segarra, Encarna; Sanchis, Emilio}
title = {Acquisition and Evaluation of a Dialog Corpus through WOz and Dialog Simulation Techniques}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1377}
author = {Robinson, Susan; Traum, David R.; Ittycheriah, Midhun; Henderer, Joe}
title = {What would you Ask a conversational Agent? Observations of Human-Agent Dialogues in a Museum Setting}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1378}
author = {Toney, Dave; Rosset, Sophie; Max, Aurélien; Galibert, Olivier; Bilinski, Eric}
title = {An Evaluation of Spoken and Textual Interaction in the RITEL Interactive Question Answering System}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1379}
author = {Amar, Muriel; David, Sophie; Panckhurst, Rachel; Whistlecroft, Lisa}
title = {Classification Procedures for Software Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1380}
author = {Ozdowska, Sylwia}
title = {Cross-Corpus Evaluation of Word Alignment}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1381}
author = {Maynard, Diana; Peters, Wim; Li, Yaoyong}
title = {Evaluating Evaluation Metrics for Ontology-Based Applications: Infinite Reflection}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1382}
author = {McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Lexical Substitution as a Framework for Multiword Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1383}
author = {Emms, Martin}
title = {Tree Distance and Some Other Variants of Evalb}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1384}
author = {Tantug, Ahmet Cuneyd; Oflazer, Kemal; Durgar El-Kahlout, Ilknur}
title = {BLEU+: a Tool for Fine-Grained BLEU Computation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1385}
author = {Graham, C. Ray; Lonsdale, Deryle; Kennington, Casey; Johnson, Aaron; McGhee, Jeremiah}
title = {Elicited Imitation as an Oral Proficiency Measure with ASR Scoring}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1386}
author = {Concejero, Pedro; Tapias, Daniel; Rodríguez, Juan José; Luengo, Juan Carlos; Sánchez, Sebastián}
title = {Methodology for Evaluating the Usability of User Interfaces in Mobile Services}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1387}
author = {Geoffrois, Edouard}
title = {An Economic View on Human Language Technology Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1388}
author = {Alex, Beatrice}
title = {Comparing Corpus-based to Web-based Lookup Techniques for Automatic English Inclusion Detection}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1389}
author = {Hasler, Laura}
title = {Centering Theory for Evaluation of Coherence in Computer-Aided Summaries}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1390}
author = {Strassel, Stephanie; Przybocki, Mark A.; Peterson, Kay; Song, Zhiyi; Maeda, Kazuaki}
title = {Linguistic Resources and Evaluation Techniques for Evaluation of Cross-Document Automatic Content Extraction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1391}
author = {Bos, Johan}
title = {Lets not Argue about Semantics}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1392}
author = {Hardcastle, David; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {Can we Evaluate the Quality of Generated Text?}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1393}
author = {Miller, Keith; Arehart, Mark; Ball, Catherine N.; Polk, John; Rubenstein, Alan; Samuel, Kenneth; Schroeder, Elizabeth; Vecchi, Eva Maria; Wolf, Chris}
title = {An Infrastructure Tools and Methodology for Evaluation of Multicultural Name Matching Systems}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1394}
author = {Sitbon, Laurianne; Bellot, Patrice; Blache, Philippe}
title = {Evaluating Robustness Of A QA System Through A Corpus Of Real-Life Questions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1395}
author = {Devitt, Ann; Ahmad, Khurshid}
title = {Sentiment Analysis and the Use of Extrinsic Datasets in Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1396}
author = {Grouin, Cyril}
title = {Certification and Cleaning up of a Text Corpus: Towards an Evaluation of the Grammatical Quality of a Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1397}
author = {Blin, Laurent; Boeffard, Olivier; Barreaud, Vincent}
title = {WEB-Based Listening Test System for Speech Synthesis and Speech Conversion Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1398}
author = {Dividino, Renata; Romanelli, Massimo; Sonntag, Daniel}
title = {Semiotic-based Ontology Evaluation Tool (S-OntoEval)}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1399}
author = {Demetriou, George C.; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Sun, Haotian; Roberts, Angus}
title = {ANNALIST - ANNotation ALIgnment and Scoring Tool}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1400}
author = {Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Flynn, Mike; Wellner, Pierre; Baudrion, Philippe}
title = {Task-Based Evaluation of Meeting Browsers: from Task Elicitation to User Behavior Analysis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1401}
author = {Estrella, Paula; Popescu-Belis, Andrei; King, Maghi}
title = {Improving Contextual Quality Models for MT Evaluation Based on Evaluators Feedback}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1402}
author = {Weiss, Brian; Schlenoff, Craig; Sanders, Gregory; Steves, Michelle; Condon, Sherri L.; Phillips, Jon; Parvaz, Dan}
title = {Performance Evaluation of Speech Translation Systems}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1403}
author = {Mauser, Arne; Hasan, Saša; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Automatic Evaluation Measures for Statistical Machine Translation System Optimization}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1404}
author = {Tufiš, Dan; Ion, Radu; Ceauşu, Alexandru; Ştefănescu, Dan}
title = {RACAIs Linguistic Web Services}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1405}
author = {Biber, Hanno; Breiteneder, Evelyn; Mörth, Karlheinz}
title = {Words in Contexts: Digital Editions of Literary Journals in the AAC - Austrian Academy Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1406}
author = {Biemann, Christian; Quasthoff, Uwe; Heyer, Gerhard; Holz, Florian}
title = {ASV Toolbox: a Modular Collection of Language Exploration Tools}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1407}
author = {Branco, António H.; Costa, Francisco; Martins, Pedro; Nunes, Filipe; Silva, João; Silveira, Sara}
title = {LX-Service: Web Services of Language Technology for Portuguese}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1408}
author = {Pianta, Emanuele; Girardi, Christian; Zanoli, Roberto}
title = {The TextPro Tool Suite}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1409}
author = {abu Shawar, Bayan; Atwell, Eric Steven}
title = {An AI-inspired intelligent agent/student architecture to combine Language Resources research and teaching}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1410}
author = {Elenius, Kjell; Forsbom, Eva; Megyesi, Beáta}
title = {Language Resources and Tools for Swedish: A Survey}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1411}
author = {Nygaard, Lars; Priestley, Joel; Nøklestad, Anders; Johannessen, Janne Bondi}
title = {Glossa: a Multilingual Multimodal Configurable User Interface}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1412}
author = {Buyko, Ekaterina; Chiarcos, Christian; Pareja-Lora, Antonio}
title = {Ontology-Based Interface Specifications for a NLP Pipeline Architecture}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1413}
author = {Broeder, Daan; Declerck, Thierry; Hinrichs, Erhard W.; Piperidis, Stelios; Romary, Laurent; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Wittenburg, Peter}
title = {Foundation of a Component-based Flexible Registry for Language Resources and Technology}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1414}
author = {Broeder, Daan; Nathan, David; Strömqvist, Sven; Veenendaal, Remco van}
title = {Building a Federation of Language Resource Repositories: the DAM-LR Project and its Continuation within CLARIN.}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1415}
author = {Trilsbeek, Paul; Broeder, Daan; Valkenhoef, Tobias; Wittenburg, Peter}
title = {A Grid of Regional Language Archives}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1416}
author = {Tokunaga, Takenobu; Kaplan, Dain; Huang, Chu-Ren; Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Monachini, Monica; Soria, Claudia; Shirai, Kiyoaki; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Charoenporn, Thatsanee; YingJu, Xia}
title = {Adapting International Standard for Asian Language Technologies}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1417}
author = {Shinzato, Keiji; Kawahara, Daisuke; Hashimoto, Chikara; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {A Large-Scale Web Data Collection as a Natural Language Processing Infrastructure}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1418}
author = {Gratta, Riccardo Del; Bartolini, Roberto; Caselli, Tommaso; Monachini, Monica; Soria, Claudia; Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {UFRA: a UIMA-based Approach to Federated Language Resource Architecture}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1419}
author = {Rehm, Georg; Schonefeld, Oliver; Witt, Andreas; Lehmberg, Timm; Chiarcos, Christian; Bechara, Hanan; Eishold, Florian; Evang, Kilian; Leshtanska, Magdalena; Savkov, Aleksandar; Stark, Matthias}
title = {The Metadata-Database of a Next Generation Sustainability Web-Platform for Language Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1420}
author = {Lendvai, Piroska; Hunt, Steve}
title = {From Field Notes towards a Knowledge Base}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1421}
author = {Tohyama, Hitomi; Kozawa, Shunsuke; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Matsubara, Shigeki; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Construction of a Metadata Database for Efficient Development and Use of Language Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1422}
author = {Madsen, Bodil Nistrup; Thomsen, Hanne Erdman}
title = {A Taxonomy of Lexical Metadata Categories}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1423}
author = {Itahashi, Shuichi; Tseng, Chiu-yu}
title = {The 2008 Oriental COCOSDA Book Project: in Commemoration of the First Decade of Sustained Activities in Asia}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1424}
author = {Przepiórkowski, Adam; Górski, Rafał L.; Lewandowska-Tomaszyk, Barbara; Łaziński, Marek}
title = {Towards the National Corpus of Polish}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1425}
author = {Meister, Einar; Vilo, Jaak}
title = {Strengthening the Estonian Language Technology}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1426}
author = {Maegaard, Bente; Attia, Mohammed; Choukri, Khalid; Krauwer, Steven; Mokbel, Chafic; Yaseen, Mustafa}
title = {MEDAR: Collaboration between European and Mediterranean Arabic Partners to Support the Development of Language Technology for Arabic}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1427}
author = {Krek, Simon; Gorjanc, Vojko; Arhar, pela}
title = {Slovene Terminology Web Portal and the TBX-Compatible Simplified DTD/schema}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1428}
author = {Petukhova, Volha; Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {LIRICS Semantic Role Annotation: Design and Evaluation of a Set of Data Categories}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1429}
author = {Zeman, Daniel}
title = {Reusable Tagset Conversion Using Tagset Drivers}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1430}
author = {Derouin, Marie-Jeanne; Meur, André Le}
title = {Presentation of the New ISO-Standard for the Representation of Entries in Dictionaries: ISO 1951}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1431}
author = {Kemps-Snijders, Marc; Windhouwer, Menzo; Wittenburg, Peter; Wright, Sue Ellen}
title = {ISOcat: Corralling Data Categories in the Wild}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1432}
author = {Maks, Isa; Tiberius, Carole; Veenendaal, Remco van}
title = {Standardising Bilingual Lexical Resources According to the Lexicon Markup Framework}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1433}
author = {Declerck, Thierry}
title = {A Framework for Standardized Syntactic Annotation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1434}
author = {Arranz, Victoria; Gandcher, Franck; Mapelli, Valérie; Choukri, Khalid}
title = {A Guide for the Production of Reusable Language Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1435}
author = {Maurel, Denis}
title = {Prolexbase: a Multilingual Relational Lexical Database of Proper Names}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1436}
author = {Hayashi, Yoshihiko; Narawa, Chiharu; Monachini, Monica; Soria, Claudia; Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {Ontologizing Lexicon Access Functions based on an LMF-based Lexicon Taxonomy}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1437}
author = {Barbu, Ana-Maria}
title = {Romanian Lexical Data Bases: Inflected and Syllabic Forms Dictionaries}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1438}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi}
title = {Producing an Encyclopedic Dictionary using Patent Documents}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1439}
author = {Vriend, Folkert De; Kunst, Jan Pieter; Bosch, Louis Ten; Giesbers, Charlotte; Hout, Roeland Van}
title = {Evaluating the Relationship between Linguistic and Geographic Distances using a 3D Visualization}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1440}
author = {Bański, Piotr; Moszczyński, Radosław}
title = {Enhancing an English-Polish Electronic Dictionary for Multiword Expression Research}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1441}
author = {Brierley, Claire; Atwell, Eric Steven}
title = {ProPOSEL: A Prosody and POS English Lexicon for Language Engineering}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1442}
author = {Westerhout, Eline; Monachesi, Paola}
title = {Creating Glossaries Using Pattern-Based and Machine Learning Techniques}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1443}
author = {Cahill, Lynne J.}
title = {Using Similarity Measures to Extend the LinGO Lexicon}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1444}
author = {Adolphs, Peter}
title = {Acquiring a Poor Mans Inflectional Lexicon for German}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1445}
author = {Bel, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Marimon, Montserrat; Villegas, Marta}
title = {COLDIC a Lexicographic Platform for LMF compliant lexica}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1446}
author = {Bamman, David; Passarotti, Marco; Busa, Roberto; Crane, Gregory}
title = {The Annotation Guidelines of the Latin Dependency Treebank and Index Thomisticus Treebank: the Treatment of some specific Syntactic Constructions in Latin}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1447}
author = {Tufiš, Dan; Irimia, Elena; Ion, Radu; Ceauşu, Alexandru}
title = {Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition for Part of Speech Tagging}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1448}
author = {Todirascu, Amalia; Tufiš, Dan; Heid, Ulrich; Gledhill, Christopher; Ştefănescu, Dan; Weller, Marion; Rousselot, François}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to Extracting and Classifying Verb+Noun Constructions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1449}
author = {Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina; Heid, Ulrich}
title = {Head or Non-head? Semi-automatic Procedures for Extracting and Classifying Subcategorisation Properties of Compounds.}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1450}
author = {Kountz, Manuel; Heid, Ulrich; Eckart, Kerstin}
title = {A LAF/GrAF based Encoding Scheme for underspecified Representations of syntactic Annotations.}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1451}
author = {Erjavec, Tomaž; Krek, Simon}
title = {The JOS Morphosyntactically Tagged Corpus of Slovene}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1452}
author = {Buczyński, Aleksander; Przepiórkowski, Adam}
title = {♠ Demo: An Open Source Tool for Partial Parsing and Morphosyntactic Disambiguation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1453}
author = {Scheible, Silke}
title = {Annotating Superlatives}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1454}
author = {Ivanova, Steliana; Kübler, Sandra}
title = {POS Tagging for German: how important is the Right Context?}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1455}
author = {Hänig, Christian; Bordag, Stefan; Quasthoff, Uwe}
title = {UnsuParse: unsupervised Parsing with unsupervised Part of Speech Tagging}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1456}
author = {Tonelli, Sara; Delmonte, Rodolfo; Bristot, Antonella}
title = {Enriching the Venice Italian Treebank with Dependency and Grammatical Relations}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1457}
author = {Vuckovic, Kristina; Tadić, Marko; Dovedan, Zdravko}
title = {Rule-Based Chunker for Croatian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1458}
author = {Quochi, Valeria; Calderone, Basilio}
title = {Learning properties of Noun Phrases: from data to functions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1459}
author = {Banik, Eva; Lee, Alan}
title = {A Study of Parentheticals in Discourse Corpora - Implications for NLG Systems}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1460}
author = {Maamouri, Mohamed; Bies, Ann; Kulick, Seth}
title = {Enhancing the Arabic Treebank: a Collaborative Effort toward New Annotation Guidelines}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1461}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Babko-Malaya, Olga; Bies, Ann; Diab, Mona; Maamouri, Mohamed; Mansouri, Aous; Zaghouani, Wajdi}
title = {A Pilot Arabic Propbank}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1462}
author = {Greenwood, Mark A.; Iria, José; Ciravegna, Fabio}
title = {Saxon: an Extensible Multimedia Annotator}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1463}
author = {Kipp, Michael}
title = {Spatiotemporal Coding in ANVIL}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1464}
author = {Savinot, Michelina; Scivetti, Laura; Refice, Mario}
title = {Integrating Audio and Visual Information for Modelling Communicative Behaviours Perceived as Different}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1465}
author = {Maeda, Kazuaki; Lee, Haejoong; Medero, Shawn; Medero, Julie; Parker, Robert; Strassel, Stephanie}
title = {Annotation Tool Development for Large-Scale Corpus Creation Projects at the Linguistic Data Consortium}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1466}
author = {Trojanová, Jana; Hrúz, Marek; Campr, Pavel; Zelezny, Milos}
title = {Design and Recording of Czech Audio-Visual Database with Impaired Conditions for Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1467}
author = {Llorens, D.; Prat, Federico; Marzal, A.; Vilar, Juan-Miguel; Castro, M. J.; Amengual, J. C.; Barrachina, Sergio; Castellanos, A.; España, S.; Gómez, J. A.; Gorbe, J.; Gordo, A.; Palazón, V.; Peris, G.; Ramos-Garijo, R.; Zamora, F.}
title = {The UJIpenchars Database: a Pen-Based Database of Isolated Handwritten Characters}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1468}
author = {Chételat-Pelé, Emilie; Braffort, Annelies}
title = {Sign Language Corpus Annotation: toward a new Methodology}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1469}
author = {Dreuw, Philippe; Neidle, Carol; Athitsos, Vassilis; Sclaroff, Stan; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Benchmark Databases for Video-Based Automatic Sign Language Recognition}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1470}
author = {Bungeroth, Jan; Stein, Daniel; Dreuw, Philippe; Ney, Hermann; Morrissey, Sara; Way, Andy; Zijl, Lynette van}
title = {The ATIS Sign Language Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1471}
author = {Campr, Pavel; Hrúz, Marek; Trojanová, Jana}
title = {Collection and Preprocessing of Czech Sign Language Corpus for Sign Language Recognition}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1472}
author = {Kitazawa, Shigeyoshi; Kiriyama, Shinya; Kasami, Tomohiko; Ishikawa, Shogo; Otani, Naofumi; Horiuchi, Hiroaki; Takebayashi, Yoichi}
title = {A Multimodal Infant Behavior Annotation for Developmental Analysis of Demonstrative Expressions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1473}
author = {Arimoto, Yoshiko; Ohno, Sumio; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {Automatic Emotional Degree Labeling for Speakers Anger Utterance during Natural Japanese Dialog}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1474}
author = {Kostoulas, Theodoros; Ganchev, Todor; Mporas, Iosif; Fakotakis, Nikos D.}
title = {A Real-World Emotional Speech Corpus for Modern Greek}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1475}
author = {Wilson, Theresa}
title = {Annotating Subjective Content in Meetings}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1476}
author = {Heuvel, Henk van den; Martens, Jean-Pierre; Dhoore, Bart; Dhanens, Kristof; Konings, Nanneke}
title = {The AUTONOMATA Spoken Names Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1477}
author = {Williams, Briony; Jones, Rhys James}
title = {Acquiring Pronunciation Data for a Placenames Lexicon in a Less-Resourced Language}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1478}
author = {Kaji, Reiko; Mochizuki, Hajime}
title = {Constructing a Database of Non-Japanese Pronunciations of Different Japanese Romanizations}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1479}
author = {Laurent, Antoine; Merlin, Téva; Meignier, Sylvain; Estève, Yannick; Deléglise, Paul}
title = {Combined Systems for Automatic Phonetic Transcription of Proper Nouns}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1480}
author = {Höge, Harald; Kacic, Zdravko; Kotnik, Bojan; Rojc, Matej; Moreau, Nicolas; Hain, Horst-Udo}
title = {Evaluation of Modules and Tools for Speech Synthesis: the ECESS Framework}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1481}
author = {Gibbon, Dafydd; Bachan, Jolanta}
title = {An Automatic Close Copy Speech Synthesis Tool for Large-Scale Speech Corpus Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1482}
author = {Scherer, Stefan; Strau&slig;, Petra-Maria}
title = {A Flexible Wizard of Oz Environment for Rapid Prototyping}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1483}
author = {Matoušek, Jindřich; Tihelka, Daniel; Romportl, Jan}
title = {Building of a Speech Corpus Optimised for Unit Selection TTS Synthesis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1484}
author = {Oliveira, Luís; Paulo, Sérgio; Figueira, Luís; Mendes, Carlos; Nunes, Ana; Godinho, Joaquim}
title = {Methodologies for Designing and Recording Speech Databases for Corpus Based Synthesis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1485}
author = {Patry, Alexandre; Langlais, Philippe}
title = {MISTRAL: a Statistical Machine Translation Decoder for Speech Recognition Lattices}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1486}
author = {Ziegenhain, Ute; Fersoe, Hanne; Heuvel, Henk van den; Moreno, Asunción}
title = {LC-STAR II: Starring more Lexica}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1487}
author = {Eck, Matthias; Vogel, Stephan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Communicating Unknown Words in Machine Translation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1488}
author = {Bouillon, Pierrette; Halimi, Sonia; Nakao, Yukie; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Isahara, Hitoshi; Tsourakis, Nikos; Starlander, Marianne; Hockey, Beth Ann; Rayner, Manny}
title = {Developing Non-European Translation Pairs in a Medium-Vocabulary Medical Speech Translation System}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1489}
author = {Perera, Nadine; Pitz, Michael; Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {CLIoS: Cross-lingual Induction of Speech Recognition Grammars}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1490}
author = {Ono, Takahiro; Tohyama, Hitomi; Matsubara, Shigeki}
title = {Construction and Analysis of Word-level Time-aligned Simultaneous Interpretation Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1491}
author = {Meurs, Marie-Jean; Duvert, Frédéric; Bechet, Frédéric; Lefèvre, Fabrice; de Mori, Renato}
title = {Semantic Frame Annotation on the French MEDIA corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1492}
author = {Webb, Nick; Liu, Ting; Hepple, Mark; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Cross-Domain Dialogue Act Tagging}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1493}
author = {Tsourakis, Nikos; Georgescul, Maria; Bouillon, Pierrette; Rayner, Manny}
title = {Building Mobile Spoken Dialogue Applications Using Regulus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1494}
author = {Raymond, Christian; Rodriguez, Kepa Joseba; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Active Annotation in the LUNA Italian Corpus of Spontaneous Dialogues}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1495}
author = {Hahn, Stefan; Lehnen, Patrick; Raymond, Christian; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Comparison of Various Methods for Concept Tagging for Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1496}
author = {Huet, Stéphane; Gravier, Guillaume; Sébillot, Pascale}
title = {Morphosyntactic Resources for Automatic Speech Recognition}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1497}
author = {Morales, Nicolas; Tejedor, Javier; Garrido, Javier; Colas, Jose; Toledano, Doroteo T.}
title = {STC-TIMIT: Generation of a Single-channel Telephone Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1498}
author = {Sanders, Eric; Moreno, Asunción; Tropf, Herbert; Melnar, Lynette; Dekel, Nurit; Gillies, Breanna; Paulsson, Niklas}
title = {LILA: Cellular Telephone Speech Databases from Asia}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1499}
author = {Demenko, Grazyna; Grocholewski, Stefan; Klessa, Katarzyna; Ogórkiewicz, Jerzy; Wagner, Agnieszka; Lange, Marek; Śledziński, Daniel; Cylwik, Natalia}
title = {JURISDIC: Polish Speech Database for Taking Dictation of Legal Texts}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1500}
author = {Dekens, Tomas; Patsis, Yorgos; Verhelst, Werner; Beaugendre, Frédéric; Capman, François}
title = {A Multi-sensor Speech Database with Applications towards Robust Speech Processing in hostile Environments}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1501}
author = {Trancoso, Isabel; Martins, Rui; Moniz, Helena; Mata, Ana Isabel; Viana, M. Céu}
title = {The LECTRA Corpus - Classroom Lecture Transcriptions in European Portuguese}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1502}
author = {Schiel, Florian; Heinrich, Christian; Barfüsser, Sabine; Gilg, Thomas}
title = {ALC: Alcohol Language Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1503}
author = {Fernández, Rubén; Hernández Gomez, Luis A.; López, Eduardo; Alcázar, José; Portillo, Guillermo; Toledano, Doroteo T.}
title = {Design of a Multimodal Database for Research on Automatic Detection of Severe Apnoea Cases}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1504}
author = {Akiba, Tomoyosi; Aikawa, Kiyoaki; Itoh, Yoshiaki; Kawahara, Tatsuya; Nanjo, Hiroaki; Nishizaki, Hiromitsu; Yasuda, Norihito; Yamashita, Yoichi; Itou, Katunobu}
title = {Test Collections for Spoken Document Retrieval from Lecture Audio Data}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1505}
author = {Ozaki, Akira; Hara, Sunao; Kusakawa, Takashi; Miyajima, Chiyomi; Nishino, Takanori; Kitaoka, Norihide; Itou, Katunobu; Takeda, Kazuya}
title = {In-car Speech Data Collection along with Various Multimodal Signals}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1506}
author = {Tsuchiya, Masatoshi; Kogure, Satoru; Nishizaki, Hiromitsu; Ohta, Kengo; Nakagawa, Seiichi}
title = {Developing Corpus of Japanese Classroom Lecture Speech Contents}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1507}
author = {Hofbauer, Konrad; Petrik, Stefan; Hering, Horst}
title = {The ATCOSIM Corpus of Non-Prompted Clean Air Traffic Control Speech}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1508}
author = {Winkler, Thomas; Kostoulas, Theodoros; Adderley, Richard; Bonkowski, Christian; Ganchev, Todor; Köhler, Joachim; Fakotakis, Nikos D.}
title = {The MoveOn Motorcycle Speech Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1509}
author = {Ntalampiras, Stavros; Potamitis, Ilyas; Ganchev, Todor; Fakotakis, Nikos D.}
title = {Audio Database in Support of Potentiel Threat and Crisis Situation Management}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1510}
author = {Garnier-Rizet, Martine; Adda, Gilles; Cailliau, Frederik; Guillemin-Lanne, Sylvie; Lamel, Lori F.; Vanni, Stephan; Waast-Richard, Claire}
title = {CallSurf: Automatic Transcription Indexing and Structuration of Call Center Conversational Speech for Knowledge Extraction and Query by Content}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1511}
author = {Mostefa, Djamel; Vallee, Arnaud}
title = {New Telephone Speech Databases for French: a Children Database and an optimized Adult Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1512}
author = {Marasek, Krzysztof; Gubrynowicz, Ryszard}
title = {Design and Data Collection for Spoken Polish Dialogs Database}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1513}
author = {Santos, Fabíola; Freitas, Tiago}
title = {CORP-ORAL: Spontaneous Speech Corpus for European Portuguese}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1514}
author = {Hennoste, Tiit; Gerassimenko, Olga; Kasterpalu, Riina; Koit, Mare; Rääbis, Andriela; Strandson, Krista}
title = {From Human Communication to Intelligent User Interfaces: Corpora of Spoken Estonian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1515}
author = {Muhr, Rudolf}
title = {The Pronouncing Dictionary of Austrian German (AGPD) and the Austrian Phonetic Database (ADABA): Report on a large Phonetic Resources Database of the three Major Varieties of German}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1516}
author = {Brinckmann, Caren; Kleiner, Stefan; Knöbl, Ralf; Berend, Nina}
title = {German Today: a really extensive Corpus of Spoken Standard German}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1517}
author = {Bonafonte, Antonio; Adell, Jordi; Esquerra, Ignasi; Gallego, Silvia; Moreno, Asunción; Pérez, Javier}
title = {Corpus and Voices for Catalan Speech Synthesis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1518}
author = {Adda-Decker, Martine; Pellegrini, Thomas; Bilinski, Eric; Adda, Gilles}
title = {Developments of Ltzebuergesch Resources for Automatic Speech Processing and Linguistic Studies}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1519}
author = {Nemoto, Rena; Vasilescu, Ioana; Adda-Decker, Martine}
title = {Speech Errors on Frequently Observed Homophones in French: Perceptual Evaluation vs Automatic Classification}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1520}
author = {Yamazaki, Hiroki; Kitamura, Keisuke; Harada, Takashi; Yamamoto, Seiichi}
title = {Creation of Learner Corpus and Its Application to Speech Recognition}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1521}
author = {Antoine, Jean-Yves; Mokrane, Abdenour; Friburger, Nathalie}
title = {Automatic Rich Annotation of Large Corpus of Conversational transcribed speech: the Chunking Task of the EPAC Project}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1522}
author = {Bazillon, Thierry; Estève, Yannick; Luzzati, Daniel}
title = {Manual vs Assisted Transcription of Prepared and Spontaneous Speech}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1523}
author = {Moreno-Sandoval, Antonio; Toledano, Doroteo T.; Torre, Raúl de la; Garrote, Marta; Guirao, José M.}
title = {Developing a Phonemic and Syllabic Frequency Inventory for Spontaneous Spoken Castilian Spanish and their Comparison to Text-Based Inventories}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1524}
author = {Pollák, Petr; Volín, Jan; Skarnitzl, Radek}
title = {Phone Segmentation Tool with Integrated Pronunciation Lexicon and Czech Phonetically Labelled Reference Database.}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1525}
author = {Bobicev, Victoria; Zidrascaron;co, Tatiana}
title = {Estimating Word Phonosemantics}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1526}
author = {Gasch, Joachim; Brinckmann, Caren; Dickgießer, Sylvia}
title = {memasysco: XML schema based metadata management system for speech corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1527}
author = {Chevelu, Jonathan; Barbot, Nelly; Boeffard, Olivier; Delhay, Arnaud}
title = {Comparing Set-Covering Strategies for Optimal Corpus Design}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1528}
author = {Lanchantin, Pierre; Morris, Andrew C.; Rodet, Xavier; Veaux, Christophe}
title = {Automatic Phoneme Segmentation with Relaxed Textual Constraints}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1529}
author = {Veaux, Christophe; Beller, Gregory; Rodet, Xavier}
title = {IrcamCorpusTools: an Extensible Platform for Spoken Corpora Exploitation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1530}
author = {Fitzgerald, Erin; Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {Linguistic Resources for Reconstructing Spontaneous Speech Text}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1531}
author = {Janssen, Maarten; Freitas, Tiago}
title = {Spock - a Spoken Corpus Client}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1532}
author = {Tron, Viktór}
title = {On the Durational Reduction of Repeated Mentions: Recency and Speaker Effects}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1533}
author = {Koehler, Florian; Schütze, Hinrich; Atterer, Michaela}
title = {A Question Answering System for German. Experiments with Morphological Linguistic Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1534}
author = {Cartoni, Bruno}
title = {Lexical Resources for Automatic Translation of Constructed Neologisms: the Case Study of Relational Adjectives}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1535}
author = {Den, Yasuharu; Nakamura, Junpei; Ogiso, Toshinobu; Ogura, Hideki}
title = {A Proper Approach to Japanese Morphological Analysis: Dictionary Model and Evaluation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1536}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Goldberg, Yoav}
title = {Word-Based or Morpheme-Based? Annotation Strategies for Modern Hebrew Clitics}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1537}
author = {Bosch, Sonja; Pretorius, Laurette; Podile, Kholisa; Fleisch, Axel}
title = {Experimental Fast-Tracking of Morphological Analysers for Nguni Languages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1538}
author = {Ljubešić, Nikola; Lauc, Tomislava; Boras, Damir}
title = {Generating a Morphological Lexicon of Organization Entity Names}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1539}
author = {Sharoff, Serge; Kopotev, Mikhail; Erjavec, Tomaž; Feldman, Anna; Divjak, Dagmar}
title = {Designing and Evaluating a Russian Tagset}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1540}
author = {Pala, Karel; Svoboda, Lukáš; Šmerk, Pavel}
title = {Czech MWE Database}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1541}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Roth, Ryan}
title = {Identification of Naturally Occurring Numerical Expressions in Arabic}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1542}
author = {Tongchim, Shisanu; Altmeyer, Randolf; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {A Dependency Parser for Thai}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1543}
author = {Shamsfard, Mehrnoush; Fadaee, Hakimeh}
title = {A Hybrid Morphology-Based POS Tagger for Persian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1544}
author = {Sankaran, Baskaran; Bali, Kalika; Choudhury, Monojit; Bhattacharya, Tanmoy; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; Jha, Girish Nath; S., Rajendran; K., Saravanan; Sobha, L.; K. V., Subbarao}
title = {A Common Parts-of-Speech Tagset Framework for Indian Languages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1545}
author = {Mohanty, Rajat; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Lexical Resources for Semantics Extraction}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1546}
author = {Joubert, Alain; Lafourcade, Mathieu}
title = {Evolutionary Basic Notions for a Thematic Representation of General Knowledge}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1547}
author = {Chou, Ya-Min; Huang, Chu-Ren; Hong, Jia-Fei}
title = {The Extended Architecture of Hantology for Japan Kanji}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1548}
author = {Osenova, Petya; Simov, Kiril; Mossel, Eelco}
title = {Language Resources for Semantic Document Annotation and Crosslingual Retrieval}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1549}
author = {Jabbari, Sanaz; Allison, Ben; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Using a Probabilistic Model of Context to Detect Word Obfuscation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1550}
author = {Tonelli, Sara; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {Frame Information Transfer from English to Italian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1551}
author = {Carrera, Jordi; Castellón, Irene; Climent, Salvador; Coll-Florit, Marta}
title = {Towards Spanish Verbs Selectional Preferences Automatic Acquisition: Semantic Annotation of the SenSem Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1552}
author = {Vaz, Paula Cristina; Martins de Matos, David; Mamede, Nuno}
title = {Using Lexical Acquisition to Enrich a Predicate Argument Reusable Database}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1553}
author = {Reed, Chris; Palau, Raquel Mochales; Rowe, Glenn; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Language Resources for Studying Argument}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1554}
author = {Bejan, Cosmin Adrian; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {A Linguistic Resource for Discovering Event Structures and Resolving Event Coreference}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1555}
author = {Ohara, Kyoko}
title = {Lexicon Grammar and Multilinguality in the Japanese FrameNet}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1556}
author = {Ruimy, Nilda; Toral, Antonio}
title = {More Semantic Links in the SIMPLE-CLIPS Database}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1557}
author = {Gratta, Riccardo Del; Ruimy, Nilda; Toral, Antonio}
title = {Simple-Clips ongoing research: more information with less data by implementing inheritance}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1558}
author = {Davis, Brian; Handschuh, Siegfried; Troussov, Alexander; Judge, John; Sogrin, Mikhail}
title = {Linguistically Light Lexical Extensions for Ontologies}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1559}
author = {Weiser, Stéphanie; Laublet, Philippe; Minel, Jean-Luc}
title = {Automatic Identification of Temporal Information in Tourism Web Pages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1560}
author = {Gottwald, Sebastian; Richter, Matthias; Heyer, Gerhard; Scheuermann, Gerik}
title = {Tapping Huge Temporally Indexed Textual Resources with WCTAnalyze}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1561}
author = {Schuurman, Ineke}
title = {Spatiotemporal Annotation Using MiniSTEx: how to deal with Alternative Foreign Vague and/or Obsolete Names?}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1562}
author = {Vicente-Díez, María Teresa; Samy, Doaa; Martínez, Paloma}
title = {An Empirical Approach to a Preliminary Successful Identification and Resolution of Temporal Expressions in Spanish News Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1563}
author = {Puscasu, Georgiana; Mititelu, Verginica Barbu}
title = {Annotation of WordNet Verbs with TimeML Event Classes}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1564}
author = {Claveau, Vincent}
title = {Automatic Translation of Biomedical Terms by Supervised Machine Learning}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1565}
author = {Badia, Toni; Melero, Maite; Valentín, Oriol}
title = {Rapid Deployment of a New METIS Language Pair: Catalan-English}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1566}
author = {Vandeghinste, Vincent; Dirix, Peter; Schuurman, Ineke; Markantonatou, Stella; Sofianopoulos, Sokratis; Vassiliou, Marina; Yannoutsou, Olga; Badia, Toni; Melero, Maite; Boleda, Gemma; Carl, Michael; Schmidt, Paul}
title = {Evaluation of a Machine Translation System for Low Resource Languages: METIS-II}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1567}
author = {Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Fonollosa, José A. R.; Monte, Enric}
title = {Using Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation based on Alignment Block Classification}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1568}
author = {Johannessen, Janne Bondi; Nordgård, Torbjørn; Nygaard, Lars}
title = {Evaluation of Linguistics-Based Translation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1569}
author = {Zhang, Yujie; Wang, Zhulong; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Ma, Qing; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Word Alignment Annotation in a Japanese-Chinese Parallel Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1570}
author = {Ma, Qing; Nakao, Koichi; Murata, Masaki; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Selection of Japanese-English Equivalents by Integrating High-quality Corpora and Huge Amounts of Web Data}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1571}
author = {Megyesi, Beáta; Dahlqvist, Bengt; Pettersson, Eva; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Swedish-Turkish Parallel Treebank}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1572}
author = {Trushkina, Julia; Macken, Lieve; Paulussen, Hans}
title = {Sentence Alignment in DPC: Maximizing Precision Minimizing Human Effort}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1573}
author = {Kaji, Hiroyuki; Tamamura, Shinichi; Erdenebat, Dashtseren}
title = {Automatic Construction of a Japanese-Chinese Dictionary via English}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1574}
author = {Spreyer, Kathrin; Kuhn, Jonas; Schrader, Bettina}
title = {Identification of Comparable Argument-Head Relations in Parallel Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1575}
author = {Kurella, Svitlana; Sharoff, Serge; Hartley, Anthony}
title = {Corpus-Based Tools for Computer-Assisted Acquisition of Reading Abilities in Cognate Languages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1576}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Synchronizing Translated Movie Subtitles}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1577}
author = {Abekawa, Takeshi; Kageura, Kyo}
title = {Constructing a Corpus that Indicates Patterns of Modification between Draft and Final Translations by Human Translators}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1578}
author = {Prince, Violaine; Chauché, Jacques}
title = {Building a Bilingual Representation of the Roget Thesaurus for French to English Machine Translation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1579}
author = {Nerima, Luka; Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Generating Bilingual Dictionaries by Transitivity}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1580}
author = {Tavernier, Jean; Cowan, Rosa; Vanni, Michelle}
title = {Holy Moses! Leveraging Existing Tools and Resources for Entity Translation}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1581}
author = {Monson, Christian; Llitjós, Ariadna Font; Ambati, Vamshi; Levin, Lori S.; Lavie, Alon; Alvarez, Alison; Aranovich, Roberto; Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Frederking, Robert E.; Peterson, Erik; Probst, Katharina}
title = {Linguistic Structure and Bilingual Informants Help Induce Machine Translation of Lesser-Resourced Languages}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1582}
author = {Maeda, Kazuaki; Ma, Xiaoyi; Strassel, Stephanie}
title = {Creating Sentence-Aligned Parallel Text Corpora from a Large Archive of Potential Parallel Text using BITS and Champollion}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1583}
author = {Isahara, Hitoshi; Utiyama, Masao; Yamamoto, Eiko; Terada, Akira; Abe, Yasunori}
title = {Application of Resource-based Machine Translation to Real Business Scenes}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1584}
author = {Wentland, Wolodja; Knopp, Johannes; Silberer, Carina; Hartung, Matthias}
title = {Building a Multilingual Lexical Resource for Named Entity Disambiguation Translation and Transliteration}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1585}
author = {Apidianaki, Marianna}
title = {Translation-oriented Word Sense Induction Based on Parallel Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1586}
author = {Arnaudov, Todor; Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {Smarty - Extendable Framework for Bilingual and Multilingual Comprehension Assistants}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1587}
author = {Halácsy, Péter; Kornai, András; Németh, Péter; Varga, Dániel}
title = {Parallel Creation of Gigaword Corpora for Medium Density Languages - an Interim Report}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1588}
author = {Hobbs, Reginald; Laoudi, Jamal; Voss, Clare R.}
title = {MTriage: Web-enabled Software for the Creation Machine Translation and Annotation of Smart Documents}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1589}
author = {Voss, Clare R.; Laoudi, Jamal; Micher, Jeffrey}
title = {Exploitation of an Arabic Language Resource for Machine Translation Evaluation: using Buckwalter-based Lookup Tool to Augment CMU Alignment Algorithm}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1590}
author = {Frunza, Oana}
title = {A Trainable Tokenizer solution for multilingual texts and compound expression tokenization}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1591}
author = {Megerdoomian, Karine; Parvaz, Dan}
title = {Low-Density Language Bootstrapping: the Case of Tajiki Persian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1592}
author = {Lemnitzer, Lothar; Wunsch, Holger; Gupta, Piklu}
title = {Enriching GermaNet with verb-noun relations - a case study of lexical acquisition}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1593}
author = {Santos, Diana; Silva, Maria do Rosário; Inácio, Susana}
title = {Whats in a Colour? Studying and Contrasting Colours with COMPARA}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1594}
author = {Trawinski, Beata; Soehn, Jan-Philipp}
title = {A Multilingual Database of Polarity Items}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1595}
author = {de Luca, Ernesto William; Lönneker-Rodman, Birte}
title = {Integrating Metaphor Information into RDF/OWL EuroWordNet}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1596}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Comparing Dependency and Constituent Syntax for Frame-semantic Analysis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1597}
author = {Aparicio, Juan; Taulé, Mariona; Martí, M. Antònia}
title = {AnCora-Verb: A Lexical Resource for the Semantic Annotation of Corpora}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1598}
author = {Buscaldi, Davide; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {Geo-WordNet: Automatic Georeferencing of WordNet}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1599}
author = {Miguel, Mario Crespo; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {Domain-Specific English-To-Spanish Translation of FrameNet}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1600}
author = {Fürstenau, Hagen}
title = {Enriching Frame Semantic Resources with Dependency Graphs}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1601}
author = {Dias-da-Silva, Bento Carlos; Felippo, Ariani Di; Nunes, Maria das Graças Volpe}
title = {The Automatic Mapping of Princeton WordNet Lexical-Conceptual Relations onto the Brazilian Portuguese WordNet Database}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1602}
author = {Morante, Roser}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Tools Trained on the Cast3LB-CoNNL-SemRol Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1603}
author = {Marzelou, Evi; Zourari, Maria; Giouli, Voula; Piperidis, Stelios}
title = {Building a Greek corpus for Textual Entailment}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1604}
author = {Kanzaki, Kyoko; Bond, Francis; Tomuro, Noriko; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Extraction of Attribute Concepts from Japanese Adjectives}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1605}
author = {Roventini, Adriana; Ruimy, Nilda}
title = {Mapping Events and Abstract Entities from PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS to ItalWordNet}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1606}
author = {Picca, Davide; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Ciaramita, Massimiliano}
title = {Supersense Tagger for Italian}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1607}
author = {Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Stellato, Armando}
title = {Clustering of Terms from Translation Dictionaries and Synonyms Lists to Automatically Build more Structured Linguistic Resources}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1608}
author = {Walter, Stephan}
title = {Linguistic Description and Automatic Extraction of Definitions from German Court Decisions}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1609}
author = {Vincze, Veronika; Szarvas, György; Almási, Attila; Szauter, Dóra; Ormándi, Róbert; Farkas, Richárd; Hatvani, Csaba; Csirik, János}
title = {Hungarian Word-Sense Disambiguated Corpus}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1610}
author = {Lashevskaja, Olga N.; Shemanaeva, Olga Yu.}
title = {Semantic Annotation Layer in Russian National Corpus: Lexical Classes of Nouns and Adjectives}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1611}
author = {Attia, Mohammed; Rashwan, Mohsen; Ragheb, Ahmed; Al-Badrashiny, Mohamed; Al-Basoumy, Husein}
title = {A Compact Arabic Lexical Semantics Language Resource Based on the Theory of Semantic Fields}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1612}
author = {Samy, Doaa; González-Ledesma, Ana}
title = {Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English)}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1613}
author = {Varasai, Patcharee; Pechsiri, Chaveevan; Sukvari, Thana; Satayamas, Vee; Kawtrakul, Asanee}
title = {Building an Annotated Corpus for Text Summarization and Question Answering}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1614}
author = {Sjöbergh, Jonas; Araki, Kenji}
title = {A Multi-Lingual Dictionary of Dirty Words}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1615}
author = {Sjöbergh, Jonas; Araki, Kenji}
title = {What is poorly Said is a Little Funny}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1616}
author = {Bestgen, Yves}
title = {Building Affective Lexicons from Specific Corpora for Automatic Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1617}
author = {Xu, Ruifeng; Xia, Yunqing; Wong, Kam-Fai; Li, Wenjie}
title = {Opinion Annotation in On-line Chinese Product Reviews}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1618}
author = {Cheng, Xiwen; Xu, Feiyu}
title = {Fine-grained Opinion Topic and Polarity Identification}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1619}
author = {Sadamitsu, Kugatsu; Sekine, Satoshi; Yamamoto, Mikio}
title = {Sentiment Analysis Based on Probabilistic Models Using Inter-Sentence Information}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {L08-1620}
author = {Guerini, Marco; Strapparava, Carlo; Stock, Oliviero}
title = {Valentino: A Tool for Valence Shifting of Natural Language Texts}
venue = {LREC}
year = {2008}
id = {J00-1001}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Introduction To The Special Issue On Finite-State Methods In NLP}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-1002}
author = {Daciuk, Jan; Watson, Bruce W.; Mihov, Stoyan; Watson, Richard E.}
title = {Incremental Construction Of Minimal Acyclic Finite-State Automata}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-1003}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {Practical Experiments With Regular Approximation Of Context-Free Languages}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-1004}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Douglas, Shona; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Learning Dependency Translation Models As Collections Of Finite-State Head Transducers}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-1005}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Treatment Of Epsilon Moves In Subset Construction}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-1006}
author = {Kiraz, George Anton}
title = {Multitiered Nonlinear Morphology Using Multitape Finite Automata: A Case Study On Syriac And Arabic}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-2001}
author = {Rubinoff, Robert}
title = {Integrating Text Planning And Linguistic Choice Without Abandoning Modularity: The IGEN Generator}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-2002}
author = {Pineda, Luis A.; Garza, E. Gabriela}
title = {A Model For Multimodal Reference Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-2003}
author = {Marchand, Yannick; Damper, Robert I.}
title = {A Multistrategy Approach To Improving Pronunciation By Analogy}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-2004}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Models Of Translational Equivalence Among Words}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-2005}
author = {Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Pipelines And Size Constraints}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-3001}
author = {Weeber, Marc; Baayen, R. Harald; Vos, Rein}
title = {Extracting The Lowest-Frequency Words: Pitfalls And Possibilities}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-3002}
author = {Morrill, Glyn}
title = {Incremental Processing And Acceptability}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-3003}
author = {Stolcke, Andreas; Coccaro, Noah; Bates, Rebecca; Taylor, Paul; Van Ess-Dykema, Carol J.; Ries, Klaus; Shriberg, Elizabeth; Jurafsky, Daniel; Martin, Rachel; Meteer, Marie W.}
title = {Dialogue Act Modeling For Automatic Tagging And Recognition Of Conversational Speech}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-3004}
author = {Teahan, W. J.; McNab, Rodger; Wen, Yingying; Witten, Ian H.}
title = {A Compression-Based Algorithm For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-3005}
author = {Marcu, Daniel}
title = {The Rhetorical Parsing Of Unrestricted Texts: A Surface-Based Approach}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-4001}
author = {Stamatatos, Efstathios; Kokkinakis, George K.; Fakotakis, Nikos D.}
title = {Automatic Text Categorization In Terms Of Genre And Author}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-4002}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Bidirectional Contextual Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-4003}
author = {Vieira, Renata; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {An Empirically Based System For Processing Definite Descriptions}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-4004}
author = {Siegel, Eric V.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Learning Methods To Combine Linguistic Indicators: Improving Aspectual Classification And Revealing Linguistic Insights}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J00-4005}
author = {van Deemter, Kees; Kibble, Rodger}
title = {On Coreferring: Coreference In MUC And Related Annotation Schemes}
venue = {CL}
year = {2000}
id = {J01-1001}
author = {Yamamoto, Mikio; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Using Suffix Arrays To Compute Term Frequency And Document Frequency For All Substrings In A Corpus}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-1002}
author = {Tur, Gokhan; Stolcke, Andreas; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Shriberg, Elizabeth}
title = {Integrating Prosodic And Lexical Cues For Automatic Topic Segmentation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-1003}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; McShane, Marjorie; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Bootstrapping Morphological Analyzers By Combining Human Elicitation And Machine Learning}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-1004}
author = {Rambow, Owen; Weir, David; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {D-Tree Substitution Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-1005}
author = {Cucchiarelli, Alessandro; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Unsupervised Named Entity Recognition Using Syntactic And Semantic Contextual Evidence}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-2001}
author = {Goldsmith, John}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of The Morphology Of A Natural Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-2002}
author = {van Halteren, Hans; Daelemans, Walter; Zavrel, Jakub}
title = {Improving Accuracy In Word Class Tagging Through The Combination Of Machine Learning Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-2003}
author = {Kehler, Andrew; Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John}
title = {The Need For Accurate Alignment In Natural Language System Evaluation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-2004}
author = {Roark, Brian}
title = {Probabilistic Top-Down Parsing And Language Modeling}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-2005}
author = {Tomuro, Noriko; Lytinen, Steven L.}
title = {Nonminirnal Derivations In Unification-Based Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-3001}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {The Interaction Of Knowledge Sources In Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-3002}
author = {Venkataraman, Anand}
title = {A Statistical Model For Word Discovery In Transcribed Speech}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-3003}
author = {Merlo, Paola; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Automatic Verb Classification Based On Statistical Distributions Of Argument Structure}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-3004}
author = {Bateman, John A.; Kleinz, Jorg; Kamps, Thomas; Reichenberger, Klaus}
title = {Towards Constructive Text Diagram And Layout Generation For Information Presentation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-4001}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan; Lappin, Shalom; Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {Introduction To The Special Issue On Computational Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-4002}
author = {Stuckardt, Roland}
title = {Design And Enhanced Evaluation Of A Robust Anaphor Resolution Algorithm}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-4003}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.}
title = {A Corpus-Based Evaluation Of Centering And Pronoun Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-4004}
author = {Soon, Wee Meng; Lim, Daniel Chung Yong; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach To Coreference Resolution Of Noun Phrases}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-4005}
author = {Palomar, Manuel; Moreno, Lidia; Peral, Jesus; Muñoz, Rafael; Ferrandez, Antonio; Martínez-Barco, Patricio; Saiz-Noeda, Maximiliano}
title = {An Algorithm For Anaphora Resolution In Spanish Texts}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-4006}
author = {Byron, Donna K.}
title = {The Uncommon Denominator: A Proposal For Consistent Reporting Of Pronoun Resolution Results}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J01-4007}
author = {Kibble, Rodger}
title = {A Reformulation Of Rule 2 Of Centering Theory}
venue = {CL}
year = {2001}
id = {J02-1001}
author = {Branco, António H.}
title = {Binding Machines}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-1002}
author = {Pevzner, Lev; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {A Critique And Improvement Of An Evaluation Metric For Text Segmentation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-1003}
author = {van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Generating Referring Expressions: Boolean Extensions Of The Incremental Algorithm}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-1004}
author = {Lee, Gary Geunbae; Cha, Jeongwon; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Syllable-Pattern-Based Unknown-Morpheme Segmentation And Estimation For Hybrid Part-Of-Speech Tagging Of Korean}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-1005}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {The DOP Estimation Method Is Biased And Inconsistent}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-2001}
author = {Edmonds, Philip G.; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Near-Synonymy And Lexical Choice}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-2002}
author = {Bozsahin, H. Cem}
title = {The Combinatory Morphemic Lexicon}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-2003}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Weir, David}
title = {Class-Based Probability Estimation Using A Semantic Hierarchy}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-2004}
author = {Carrasco, Rafael C.; Forcada, Mikel L.}
title = {Incremental Construction And Maintenance Of Minimal Finite-State Automata}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-3001}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Automatic Labeling Of Semantic Roles}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-3002}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {Periods Capitalized Words Etc.}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-3003}
author = {Miltsakaki, Eleni}
title = {Toward An Aposynthesis Of Topic Continuity And Intrasentential Anaphora}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-3004}
author = {Lapata, Mirella}
title = {The Disambiguation Of Nominalizations}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-3005}
author = {Wintner, Shuly; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {A Note On Typing Feature Structures}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-4001}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Hovy, Eduard; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Introduction To The Special Issue On Summarization}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-4002}
author = {Teufel, Simone; Moens, Marc}
title = {Summarizing Scientific Articles: Experiments With Relevance And Rhetorical Status}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-4003}
author = {Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Automatic Summarization Of Open-Domain Multiparty Dialogues In Diverse Genres}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-4004}
author = {Silber, H. Gregory; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Efficiently Computed Lexical Chains As An Intermediate Representation For Automatic Text Summarization}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-4005}
author = {Saggion, Horacio; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Generating Indicative-Informative Summaries With SumUM}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-4006}
author = {Jing, Hongyan}
title = {Using Hidden Markov Modeling To Decompose Human-Written Summaries}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J02-4007}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Sripada, Somayajulu G.}
title = {Human Variation And Lexical Choice}
venue = {CL}
year = {2002}
id = {J03-1001}
author = {Ke, Jinyun; Ogura, Mieko; Wang, William S. Y.}
title = {Optimization Models Of Sound Systems Using Genetic Algorithms}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-1002}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Systematic Comparison Of Various Statistical Alignment Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-1003}
author = {Krahmer, Emiel; Van Erk, Sebastiaan; Verleg, Andre}
title = {Graph-Based Generation Of Referring Expressions}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-1004}
author = {Higgins, Derrick; Sadock, Jerrold M.}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach To Modeling Scope Preferences}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-1005}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Word Reordering And A Dynamic Programming Beam Search Algorithm For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-1006}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {Weighted Deductive Parsing And Knuth's Algorithm}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-2001}
author = {Ploux, Sabine; Ji, Hyungsuk}
title = {A Model For Matching Semantic Maps Between Languages (French/English English/French)}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-2002}
author = {Bos, Johan}
title = {Implementing The Binding And Accommodation Theory For Anaphora Resolution And Presupposition Projection}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-2003}
author = {Power, Richard; Scott, Donia R.; Bouayad-Agha, Nadjet}
title = {Document Structure}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-2004}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {A Probabilistic Account Of Logical Metonymy}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-3001}
author = {Kilgarriff, Adam; Grefenstette, Gregory}
title = {Introduction To The Special Issue On The Web As Corpus}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-3002}
author = {Resnik, Philip; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {The Web As A Parallel Corpus}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-3003}
author = {Kraaij, Wessel; Nie, Jian-Yun; Simard, Michel}
title = {Embedding Web-Based Statistical Translation Models In Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-3004}
author = {Way, Andy; Gough, Nano}
title = {WEBMT: Developing And Validating An Example-Based Machine Translation System Using The World Wide Web}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-3005}
author = {Keller, Frank; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Using The Web To Obtain Frequencies For Unseen Bigrams}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-3006}
author = {Santamaría, Celina; Gonzalo, Julio; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {Automatic Association Of Web Directories With Word Senses}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-4001}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Dependency Parsing With An Extended Finite-State Approach}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-4002}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Stone, Matthew; Joshi, Aravind K.; Knott, Alistair}
title = {Anaphora And Discourse Structure}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-4003}
author = {Collins, Michael John}
title = {Head-Driven Statistical Models For Natural Language Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J03-4004}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Carroll, John}
title = {Disambiguating Nouns Verbs And Adjectives Using Automatically Acquired Selectional Preferences}
venue = {CL}
year = {2003}
id = {J04-1001}
author = {Li, Hang; Li, Cong}
title = {Translation Disambiguation Using Bilingual Bootstrapping}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-1002}
author = {Mason, Zachary J.}
title = {CorMet: A Computational Corpus-Based Conventional Metaphor Extraction System}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-1003}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Brew, Chris}
title = {Verb Class Disambiguation Using Informative Priors}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-1004}
author = {Feng, Haodi; Chen, Kang; Deng, Xiaotie; Zheng, Weimin}
title = {Accessor Variety Criteria For Chinese Word Extraction}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-1005}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di; Glass, Michael}
title = {The Kappa Statistic: A Second Look}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-2001}
author = {Fais, Laurel}
title = {Inferable Centers Centering Transitions And The Notion Of Coherence}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-2002}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Learning Domain Ontologies From Document Warehouses And Dedicated Web Sites}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-2003}
author = {Niessen, Sonja; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation With Scarce Resources Using Morpho-Syntactic Information}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-2004}
author = {Casacuberta, Francisco; Vidal, Enrique}
title = {Machine Translation With Inferred Stochastic Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-2005}
author = {Daciuk, Jan}
title = {Comments On Incremental Construction And Maintenance Of Minimal Finite-State Automata By Rafael C. Carrasco And Mikel L. Forcada}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-3001}
author = {Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Sample Selection For Statistical Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-3002}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; Wilson, Theresa; Bruce, Rebecca F.; Bell, Matthew; Martin, Melanie J.}
title = {Learning Subjective Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-3003}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Stevenson, Rosemary; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Hitzeman, Janet}
title = {Centering: A Parametric Theory And Its Instantiations}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-3004}
author = {Abney, Steven}
title = {Understanding The Yarowsky Algorithm}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-4001}
author = {Kibble, Rodger; Power, Richard}
title = {Optimizing Referential Coherence In Text Generation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-4002}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann}
title = {The Alignment Template Approach To Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-4003}
author = {Mihov, Stoyan; Schulz, Klaus U.}
title = {Fast Approximate Search In Large Dictionaries}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J04-4004}
author = {Bikel, Daniel M.}
title = {Intricacies Of Collins Parsing Model}
venue = {CL}
year = {2004}
id = {J05-1002}
author = {van Deemter, Kees; Krahmer, Emiel; Theune, Mariët}
title = {Squibs And Discussions - Real Versus Template-Based Natural Language Generation: A False Opposition?}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-1003}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Koo, Terry}
title = {Discriminative Reranking For Natural Language Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-1004}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Gildea, Daniel; Kingsbury, Paul}
title = {The Proposition Bank: An Annotated Corpus Of Semantic Roles}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-1005}
author = {Gamallo, Pablo; Agustini, Alexandre; Lopes, Gabriel}
title = {Clustering Syntactic Positions With Similar Semantic Requirements}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-2002}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {A General Technique To Train Language Models On Language Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-2003}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura}
title = {Tree-Local Multicomponent Tree-Adjoining Grammars With Shared Nodes}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-2004}
author = {Cooper, Martin C.}
title = {A Mathematical Model Of Historical Semantics And The Grouping Of Word Meanings Into Concepts}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-2005}
author = {Wolf, Florian; Gibson, Edward}
title = {Representing Discourse Coherence: A Corpus-Based Study}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-3001}
author = {Craggs, Richard; Wood, Mary McGee}
title = {Squibs And Discussions - Evaluating Discourse And Dialogue Coding Schemes}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-3002}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Sentence Fusion For Multidocument News Summarization}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-3003}
author = {O'Donovan, Ruth; Burke, Michael; Cahill, Aoife; van Genabith, Josef; Way, Andy}
title = {Large-Scale Induction And Evaluation Of Lexical Resources From The Penn-II And Penn-III Treebanks}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-3004}
author = {Markert, Katja; Nissim, Malvina}
title = {Comparing Knowledge Sources For Nominal Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-4002}
author = {Weeds, Julie; Weir, David}
title = {Co-Occurrence Retrieval: A Flexible Framework For Lexical Distributional Similarity}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-4003}
author = {Munteanu, Dragos Stefan; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Improving Machine Translation Performance By Exploiting Non-Parallel Corpora}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-4004}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Induction Of Word And Phrase Alignments For Automatic Document Summarization}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J05-4005}
author = {Gao, Jianfeng; Li, Mu; Wu, Andi; Huang, Changning}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation And Named Entity Recognition: A Pragmatic Approach}
venue = {CL}
year = {2005}
id = {J06-1001}
author = {Miller, George A.; Hristea, Florentina}
title = {Squibs and Discussions: WordNet Nouns: Classes and Instances}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-1002}
author = {Bestgen, Yves}
title = {Squibs and Discussions: Improving Text Segmentation Using Latent Semantic Analysis: A Reanalysis of Choi Wiemer-Hastings and Moore (2001)}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-1003}
author = {Budanitsky, Alexander; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Evaluating WordNet-based Measures of Lexical Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-1004}
author = {Cohen-Sygal, Yael; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Finite-State Registered Automata for Non-Concatenative Morphology}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-1005}
author = {Gîrju, Roxana; Badulescu, Adriana; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Automatic Discovery of Part-Whole Relations}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-1006}
author = {Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Introducing Speech and Language Processing by John Coleman}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-2001}
author = {Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Experiments on the Automatic Induction of German Semantic Verb Classes}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-2002}
author = {van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Generating Referring Expressions that Involve Gradable Properties}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-2003}
author = {Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Building and Using a Lexical Knowledge Base of Near-Synonym Differences}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-2004}
author = {Hajdinjak, Melita; Mihelic, France}
title = {Squibs: The PARADISE Evaluation Framework: Issues and Findings}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-2005}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Squibs: Consistent Validation of Manual and Automatic Sense Annotations with the Aid of Semantic Graphs}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-3001}
author = {Ringlstetter, Christoph; Schulz, Klaus U.; Mihov, Stoyan}
title = {Orthographic Errors in Web Pages: Toward Cleaner Web Corpora}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-3002}
author = {Merlo, Paola; Ferrer, Eva Esteve}
title = {The Notion of Argument in Prepositional Phrase Attachment}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-3003}
author = {Turney, Peter D.}
title = {Similarity of Semantic Relations}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-3004}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Swerts, Marc; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Characterizing and Predicting Corrections in Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-4001}
author = {Hajicová, Eva}
title = {ACL Lifetime Achievement Award: Old Linguists Never Die They Only Get Obligatorily Deleted}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-4002}
author = {Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Automatic Evaluation of Information Ordering: Kendall's Tau}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-4003}
author = {Kiss, Tibor; Strunk, Jan}
title = {Unsupervised Multilingual Sentence Boundary Detection}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J06-4004}
author = {Mariño, Josée B.; Banches, Rafael E.; Crego, Josep M.; Gispert, Adrià de; Lambert, Patrik; Fonollosa, José A. R.; Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz}
title = {N-gram-based Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2006}
id = {J07-1002}
author = {Bayerl, Petra Saskia; Paul, Karsten Ingmar}
title = {Squibs and Discussions: Identifying Sources of Disagreement: Generalizability Theory in Manual Annotation Studies}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-1003}
author = {Ueffing, Nicola; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Word-Level Confidence Estimation for Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-1004}
author = {Molla Aliod, Diego; Vicedo, Jose Luis}
title = {Question Answering in Restricted Domains: An Overview}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-1005}
author = {Demner-Fushman, Dina; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Answering Clinical Questions with Knowledge-Based and Statistical Techniques}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-1006}
author = {Hallett, Catalina; Scott, Donia R.; Power, Richard}
title = {Composing Questions through Conceptual Authoring}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-2001}
author = {Malouf, Robert}
title = {Squibs: Maximal Consistent Subsets}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-2002}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Dependency-Based Construction of Semantic Space Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-2003}
author = {Chiang, David}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation }
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-2004}
author = {Paraboni, Ivandré; van Deemter, Kees; Masthoff, Judith}
title = {Generating Referring Expressions: Making Referents Easy to Identify}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-3002}
author = {Fraser, Alexander; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Squibs and Discussions: Measuring Word Alignment Quality for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-3003}
author = {Li, Ping; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {A Sketch Algorithm for Estimating Two-Way and Multi-Way Associations}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-3004}
author = {Hockenmaier, Julia; Steedman, Mark}
title = {CCGbank: A Corpus of CCG Derivations and Dependency Structures Extracted from the Penn Treebank}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-3005}
author = {Fernández, Raquel; Ginzburg, Jonathan; Lappin, Shalom}
title = {Classifying Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialogue: A Machine Learning Approach }
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-4001}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {ACL Lifetime Achievement Award: Word Play}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-4002}
author = {Atterer, Michaela}
title = {Squibs: Prepositional Phrase Attachment without Oracles}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-4003}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Weighted and Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars Are Equally Expressive}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-4004}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.}
title = {Wide-Coverage Efficient Statistical Parsing with CCG and Log-Linear Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-4005}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Koeling, Rob; Weeds, Julie; Carroll, John}
title = {Unsupervised Acquisition of Predominant Word Senses}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J07-4007}
author = {Thompson, Paul}
title = {Advances in Open Domain Question Answering edited by Tomek Strzalkowski and Sanda Harabagiu}
venue = {CL}
year = {2007}
id = {J08-1001}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Modeling Local Coherence: An Entity-Based Approach}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-1002}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Feature Forest Models for Probabilistic HPSG Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-1003}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; Burke, Michael; O'Donovan, Ruth; Riezler, Stefan; van Genabith, Josef; Way, Andy}
title = {Wide-Coverage Deep Statistical Parsing Using Automatic Dependency Structure Annotation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-1004}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Book Reviews: The Text Mining Handbook: Advanced Approaches to Analyzing Unstructured Data by Ronen Feldman and James Sanger}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-1005}
author = {Piwek, Paul}
title = {Book Reviews: Incremental Conceptualization for Language Production by Markus Guhe}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-1006}
author = {ten Hacken, Pius}
title = {Book Reviews: Errors and Intelligence in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Parsers and Pedagogues by Trude Heift and Mathias Schulze}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-1008}
author = {Steedman, Mark}
title = {Last Words: On Becoming a Discipline}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-2001}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Carreras, Xavier; Litkowski, Kenneth C.; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Special Issue Introduction: Semantic Role Labeling: An Introduction to the Special Issue}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-2002}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Haghighi, Aria; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {A Global Joint Model for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-2003}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Pighin, Daniele; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Tree Kernels for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-2004}
author = {Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Labeling Chinese Predicates with Semantic Roles}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-2005}
author = {Punyakanok, Vasin; Roth, Dan; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau}
title = {The Importance of Syntactic Parsing and Inference in Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-2006}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Ward, Wayne H.; Martin, James H.}
title = {Towards Robust Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-2007}
author = {Egg, Markus}
title = {Book Reviews: A Computational Model of Natural Language Communication by Roland Hausser}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-2008}
author = {Maynard, Diana}
title = {Book Reviews: Information Extraction: Algorithms and Prospects in a Retrieval Context by Marie-Francine Moens}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-3001}
author = {Reidsma, Dennis; Carletta, Jean}
title = {Squibs: Reliability Measurement without Limits}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-3002}
author = {Yang, Xiaofeng; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {A Twin-Candidate Model for Learning-Based Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-3003}
author = {Eryiğit, Gülşen; Nivre, Joakim; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Dependency Parsing of Turkish}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-3004}
author = {Graehl, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin; May, Jonathan}
title = {Training Tree Transducers}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-3005}
author = {Daya, Ezra; Roth, Dan; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Identifying Semitic Roots: Machine Learning with Linguistic Constraints}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-3006}
author = {Ng, Vincent}
title = {Book Reviews: Semisupervised Learning for Computational Linguistics by Steven Abney}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-3007}
author = {Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Book Reviews: Computational Approaches to Morphology and Syntax by Brian Roark and Sproat Richard}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-3008}
author = {Kiraz, George Anton}
title = {Book Reviews: Arabic Computational Morphology: Knowledge-Based and Empirical Methods by Abdelhadi Soudi Antal van den Bosch and Neumann Gnter (editors)}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-3010}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Last Words: Empiricism Is Not a Matter of Faith}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-4001}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {ACL Lifetime Achievement Award: On Whose Shoulders?}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-4002}
author = {Henderson, James B.; Lemon, Oliver; Georgila, Kallirroi}
title = {Hybrid Reinforcement/Supervised Learning of Dialogue Policies from Fixed Data Sets}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-4003}
author = {Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Algorithms for Deterministic Incremental Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-4004}
author = {Artstein, Ron; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Survey Article: Inter-Coder Agreement for Computational Linguistics}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-4005}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Callison-Burch, Chris; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Constructing Corpora for the Development and Evaluation of Paraphrase Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-4006}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.; Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {Book Review: Mathematical Linguistics by Kornai Andrs}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-4008}
author = {Dale, Robert}
title = {Last Words: What's the Future for}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J08-4010}
author = {Eryiğit, Gülşen; Nivre, Joakim; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Erratum: Dependency Parsing of Turkish}
venue = {CL}
year = {2008}
id = {J09-1001}
author = {Fulop, Sean A.}
title = {Letter to the Editor}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-1002}
author = {Barrachina, Sergio; Bender, Oliver; Casacuberta, Francisco; Civera, Jorge; Cubel, Elsa; Khadivi, Shahram; Lagarda, Antonio L.; Ney, Hermann; Tomás, Jesús; Vidal, Enrique; Vilar, Juan-Miguel}
title = {Statistical Approaches to Computer-Assisted Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-1003}
author = {Karamanis, Nikiforos; Mellish, Chris S.; Poesio, Massimo; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Evaluating Centering for Information Ordering Using Corpora}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-1004}
author = {Riggle, Jason}
title = {The Complexity of Ranking Hypotheses in Optimality Theory}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-1005}
author = {Fazly, Afsaneh; Cook, Paul; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Unsupervised Type and Token Identification of Idiomatic Expressions}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-1006}
author = {Santini, Marina}
title = {Book Review: Discourse on the Move: Using Corpus Analysis to Describe Discourse Structure by Douglas Biber Ulla Connor and Thomas A. Upton}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-1008}
author = {Belz, Anja}
title = {Last Words: That's Nice ... What Can You Do With It?}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-2001}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Kordoni, Valia; Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {Prepositions in Applications: A Survey and Introduction to the Special Issue}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-2002}
author = {O'Hara, Thomas P.; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Exploiting Semantic Role Resources for Preposition Disambiguation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-2003}
author = {Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {The Syntax and Semantics of Prepositions in the Task of Automatic Interpretation of Nominal Phrases and Compounds: A Cross-Linguistic Study}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-2004}
author = {Jørgensen, Fredrik; Lønning, Tore Jan}
title = {A Minimal Recursion Semantic Analysis of Locatives}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-2005}
author = {Kelleher, John D.; Costello, Fintan J.}
title = {Applying Computational Models of Spatial Prepositions to Visually Situated Dialog}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-2006}
author = {Vechtomova, Olga}
title = {Book Review: Introduction to Information Retrieval by Christopher D. Manning Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-3001}
author = {Schuler, William; Wu, Stephen; Schwartz, Lane}
title = {Articles: A Framework for Fast Incremental Interpretation during Speech Decoding}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-3002}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Johnston, Michael}
title = {Articles: Robust Understanding in Multimodal Interfaces}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-3003}
author = {Wilson, Theresa; Wiebe, Janyce; Hoffmann, Paul}
title = {Articles: Recognizing Contextual Polarity: An Exploration of Features for Phrase-Level Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-3004}
author = {Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Maayan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Articles: Bootstrapping Distributional Feature Vector Quality}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-3005}
author = {Keselj, Vlado}
title = {Book Review: Speech and Language Processing (second edition) Daniel Jurafsky and Martin H. James}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-3007}
author = {Bird, Steven}
title = {Last Words: Natural Language Processing and Linguistic Fieldwork}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-4004}
author = {Jelinek, Frederick}
title = {ACL Lifetime Achievement Award: The Dawn of Statistical ASR and MT}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-4005}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Beigman, Eyal}
title = {Squibs: From Annotator Agreement to Noise Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-4006}
author = {Li, Zhongguo; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Punctuation as Implicit Annotations for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-4007}
author = {Giuliano, Claudio; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Kernel Methods for Minimally Supervised WSD}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-4008}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Belz, Anja}
title = {An Investigation into the Validity of Some Metrics for Automatically Evaluating Natural Language Generation Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-4009}
author = {Huang, Liang; Zhang, Hao; Gildea, Daniel; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Binarization of Synchronous Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J09-4010}
author = {Marom, Yuval; Zukerman, Ingrid}
title = {An Empirical Study of Corpus-Based Response Automation Methods for an E-mail-Based Help-Desk Domain}
venue = {CL}
year = {2009}
id = {J10-1001}
author = {Schuler, William; AbdelRahman, Samir; Miller, Tim; Schwartz, Lane}
title = {Broad-Coverage Parsing Using Human-Like Memory Constraints}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-1002}
author = {Tsang, Vivian; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {A Graph-Theoretic Framework for Semantic Distance}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-1003}
author = {Kazantseva, Anna; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Summarizing Short Stories}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-1004}
author = {Yuret, Deniz; Yatbaz, Mehmet Ali}
title = {The Noisy Channel Model for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-1005}
author = {Cook, Paul; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Automatically Identifying the Source Words of Lexical Blends in English}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-1008}
author = {Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Last Words: Failure is an Orphan (Let's Adopt)}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-2001}
author = {White, Michael; Clark, Robert A. J.; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Generating Tailored Comparative Descriptions with Contextually Appropriate Intonation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-2002}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko; Tezuka, Satoshi; Terada, Hiroshi}
title = {Sorting Texts by Readability}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-2003}
author = {Verberne, Suzan; Boves, Louis; Oostdijk, Nelleke; Coppen, Peter-Arno}
title = {What Is Not in the Bag of Words for Why-QA?}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-2004}
author = {Wang, Wei; May, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Re-structuring Re-labeling and Re-aligning for Syntax-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-2007}
author = {Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Last Words: What Computational Linguists Can Learn from Psychologists (and Vice Versa)}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3001}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Squibs: Does GIZA++ Make Search Errors?}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3002}
author = {Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {Discriminative Word Alignment by Linear Modeling}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3003}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Generating Phrasal and Sentential Paraphrases: A Survey of Data-Driven Methods}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3004}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Disentangling Chat}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3005}
author = {Clarke, James; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Discourse Constraints for Document Compression}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3006}
author = {Nesson, Rebecca; Satta, Giorgio; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Complexity Parsing and Factorization of Tree-Local Multi-Component Tree-Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3007}
author = {Graça, João; Ganchev, Kuzman; Taskar, Ben}
title = {Learning Tractable Word Alignment Models with Complex Constraints}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3008}
author = {Gispert, Adrià de; Iglesias, Gonzalo; Blackwood, Graeme; Banga, Eduardo R.; Byrne, William}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Weighted Finite-State Transducers and Shallow-n Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3009}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Zhang, Min; Aw, Aiti; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Linguistically Annotated Reordering: Evaluation and Analysis}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3010}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; Liu, Yi}
title = {Query Rewriting Using Monolingual Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-3012}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Last Words: Ancient Symbols Computational Linguistics and the Reviewing Practices of the General Science Journals}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4002}
author = {Woods, William A.}
title = {ACL Lifetime Achievement Award: The Right Tools: Reflections on Computation and Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4003}
author = {Fengxiang, Fan}
title = {Squibs: An Asymptotic Model for the English Hapax/Vocabulary Ratio}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4004}
author = {Recasens, Marta; Vila, Marta}
title = {Squibs: On Paraphrase and Coreference}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4005}
author = {Shen, Libin; Xu, Jinxi; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {String-to-Dependency Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4006}
author = {Baroni, Marco; Lenci, Alessandro}
title = {Distributional Memory: A General Framework for Corpus-Based Semantics}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4007}
author = {Erk, Katrin; Padó, Sebastian; Pado, Ulrike}
title = {A Flexible Corpus-Driven Model of Regular and Inverse Selectional Preferences}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4008}
author = {Hahn, Udo}
title = {Book Review: Introduction to Linguistic Annotation and Text Analytics by Graham Wilcock}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4009}
author = {Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Book Review: Natural Language Processing with Python by Steven Bird Ewan Klein and Edward Loper}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4010}
author = {Cherry, Colin}
title = {Book Review: Statistical Machine Translation by Philipp Koehn}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4011}
author = {Zhang, Min}
title = {Book Review: Introduction to Chinese Natural Language Processing by Kam-Fai Wong Wenjie Li Ruifeng Xu and Zheng-sheng Zhang}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4012}
author = {Foster, Mary Ellen}
title = {Book Review: Spoken Dialogue Systems by Kristiina Jokinen and Michael McTear}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4013}
author = {Smith, Eric}
title = {Book Review: Machine-Aided Linguistic Discovery: An Introduction and Some Examples by Vladimir Pericliev}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4014}
author = {Weisser, Martin}
title = {Briefly Noted: Essential Programming for Linguistics}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4015}
author = {Nagano, Robin Lee; Jonathan, Philip; Ziman, Pauline}
title = {Commentary and Discussion: A Response to Richard Sproat on Random Systems Writing and Entropy}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4016}
author = {Rao, Rajesh P. N.; Yadav, Nisha; Vahia, Mayank; Joglekar, Hrishikesh; Adhikari, Ronojoy; Mahadevan, Iravatham}
title = {Commentary and Discussion: Entropy the Indus Script and Language: A Reply to R. Sproat}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4017}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Commentary and Discussion: Reply to Rao et al. and Lee et al.}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J10-4018}
author = {Lang, Nat}
title = {Last Words: Are We Near the End of the Journal?}
venue = {CL}
year = {2010}
id = {J11-1001}
author = {Conroy, John M.; Schlesinger, Judith D.; O'Leary, Dianne P.}
title = {Squibs: Nouveau-ROUGE: A Novelty Metric for Update Summarization}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-1002}
author = {Qiu, Guang; Liu, Bing; Bu, Jiajun; Chen, Chun}
title = {Opinion Word Expansion and Target Extraction through Double Propagation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-1003}
author = {Cohen-Sygal, Yael; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Towards Modular Development of Typed Unification Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-1004}
author = {Yang, Fan; Heeman, Peter A.; Kun, Andrew}
title = {An Investigation of Interruptions and Resumptions in Multi-Tasking Dialogues}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-1005}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Syntactic Processing Using the Generalized Perceptron and Beam Search}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-1006}
author = {Rieser, Verena; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Learning and Evaluation of Dialogue Strategies for New Applications: Empirical Methods for Optimization from Small Data Sets}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-1007}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Analyzing and Integrating Dependency Parsers}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-1008}
author = {Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Grammar Factorization by Tree Decomposition}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-1014}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet}
title = {Last Words: Improving Our Reviewing Processes}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-2001}
author = {Taboada, Maite; Brooke, Julian; Tofiloski, Milan; Voll, Kimberly; Stede, Manfred}
title = {Lexicon-Based Methods for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-2002}
author = {Hammarström, Harald; Borin, Lars}
title = {Unsupervised Learning of Morphology}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-2003}
author = {Surdeanu, Mihai; Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Zaragoza, Hugo}
title = {Learning to Rank Answers to Non-Factoid Questions from Web Collections}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-2004}
author = {Petrenz, Philipp; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Squibs: Stable Classification of Text Genres}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-2005}
author = {Leidner, Jochen L.}
title = {Book Review: Handbook of Natural Language Processing (second edition) edited by Nitin Indurkhya and Fred J. Damerau}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-2006}
author = {Masthoff, Judith}
title = {Book Review: Close Engagements with Artificial Companions: Key Social, Psychological, Ethical, and Design Issues edited by Yorick Wilks}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-2007}
author = {Cook, Paul}
title = {Book Review: A Way with Words: Recent Advances in Lexical Theory and Analysis: A Festschrift for Patrick Hanks edited by Gilles-Maurice de Schryver}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-2008}
author = {Fowler, Timothy A. D.}
title = {Book Review: Categorial Grammar: Logical Syntax, Semantics, and Processing by Glyn V. Morrill}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-2009}
author = {Federico, Marcello}
title = {Book Review: Cross-Language Information Retrieval by Jian-Yun Nie}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-2010}
author = {Fort, Karën; Adda, Gilles; Cohen, K. Bretonnel}
title = {Last Words: Amazon Mechanical Turk: Gold Mine or Coal Mine?}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-3001}
author = {Wang, Hanshi; Tang, Shiping; Fan, Xiaozhong; Zhu, Jiang}
title = {A New Unsupervised Approach to Word Segmentation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-3002}
author = {Mairesse, François; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Controlling User Perceptions of Linguistic Style: Trainable Generation of Personality Traits}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-3003}
author = {Demberg, Vera; Winterboer, Andi; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {A Strategy for Information Presentation in Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-3004}
author = {Gómez-RodrÃÂ, Carlos; Carroll, John; Weir, David}
title = {Dependency Parsing Schemata and Mildly Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-3005}
author = {Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Bilingual Co-Training for Sentiment Classification of Chinese Product Reviews}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-4001}
author = {Charniak, Eugene}
title = {ACL Lifetime Achievement Award: The Brain as a Statistical Inference Engine—and You Can Too}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-4002}
author = {Popović, Maja; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Towards Automatic Error Analysis of Machine Translation Output}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-4003}
author = {Greenhill, Simon J.}
title = {Levenshtein Distances Fail to Identify Language Relationships Accurately}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-4004}
author = {Bayerl, Petra Saskia; Paul, Karsten Ingmar}
title = {What Determines Inter-Coder Agreement in Manual Annotations? A Meta-Analytic Investigation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-4005}
author = {Mulkar, Rutu; Pan, Feng; Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Annotating and Learning Event Durations in Text}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-4006}
author = {Vadas, David; Curran, James R.}
title = {Parsing Noun Phrases in the Penn Treebank}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-4007}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Siddharthan, Advaith; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Information Status Distinctions and Referring Expressions: An Empirical Study of References to People in News Summaries}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-4008}
author = {Schütze, Hinrich; Walsh, Michael}
title = {Half-Context Language Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J11-4009}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Splittability of Bilexical Context-Free Grammars is Undecidable}
venue = {CL}
year = {2011}
id = {J12-1001}
author = {Gravano, Agustín; BeÅuÅ¡, Å tefan; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Affirmative Cue Words in Task-Oriented Dialogue}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-1002}
author = {Clarke, Daoud}
title = {A Context-Theoretic Framework for Compositionality in Distributional Semantics}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-1003}
author = {Berant, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido; Goldberger, Jacob}
title = {Learning Entailment Relations by Global Graph Structure Optimization}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-1004}
author = {Power, Richard; Williams, Sandra}
title = {Generating Numerical Approximations}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-1005}
author = {Fürstenau, Hagen; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Semi-Supervised Semantic Role Labeling via Structural Alignment}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-1006}
author = {Krahmer, Emiel; Van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Computational Generation of Referring Expressions: A Survey}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-1007}
author = {Biemann, Christian}
title = {Book Review: Graph-Based Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval by Rada Mihalcea and Dragomir Radev}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2001}
author = {Morante, Roser; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Modality and Negation: An Introduction to the Special Issue}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2002}
author = {Sauri, Roser; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Are You Sure That This Happened? Assessing the Factuality Degree of Events in Text}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2003}
author = {De Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Manning, Christopher D.; Potts, Christopher}
title = {Did It Happen? The Pragmatic Complexity of Veridicality Assessment}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2004}
author = {Móra, György; Szarvas, György; Gurevych, Iryna; Vincze, Veronika; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {Cross-Genre and Cross-Domain Detection of Semantic Uncertainty}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2005}
author = {Øvrelid, Lilja; Read, Jonathon; Velldal, Erik; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {Speculation and Negation: Rules, Rankers, and the Role of Syntax}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2006}
author = {Filardo, Nathaniel W.; Baker, Kathryn L.; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Levin, Lori S.; Piatko, Christine; Bloodgood, Michael; Callison-Burch, Chris; Miller, Scott}
title = {Modality and Negation in SIMT Use of Modality and Negation in Semantically-Informed Syntactic MT}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2007}
author = {Simard, Michel}
title = {Book Review: Bitext Alignment by Jörg Tiedemann}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2008}
author = {King, Tracy Holloway}
title = {Book Review: Unification Grammars by Nissim Francez and Shuly Wintner}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2009}
author = {Mercer, Robert E.}
title = {Book Review: The Structure of Scientific Articles: Applications to Citation Indexing and Summarization by Simone Teufel}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2010}
author = {Cooper, Robin}
title = {Book Review: Computational Semantics with Functional Programming by Jan van Eijck and Christina Unger}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2011}
author = {Orăsan, Constantin}
title = {Book Review: Interactive Multi-Modal Question-Answering by Antal van den Bosch and Gosse Bouma}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-2012}
author = {Quirk, Chris}
title = {Book Review: Linguistic Structure Prediction by Noah A. Smith}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-3001}
author = {Hutchins, W. John}
title = {Obituary: Victor H. Yngve}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-3002}
author = {Aist, Gregory; Allen, James F.; Campana, Ellen; Swift, Mary; Tanenhaus, Michael K.}
title = {Squibs: Fruit Carts: A Domain and Corpus for Research in Dialogue Systems and Psycholinguistics}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-3003}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Empirical Risk Minimization for Probabilistic Grammars: Sample Complexity and Hardness of Learning}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-3004}
author = {Demir, Seniz; Carberry, Sandra; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Summarizing Information Graphics Textually}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-3005}
author = {Boleda, Gemma; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Badia, Toni}
title = {Modeling Regular Polysemy: A Study on the Semantic Classification of Catalan Adjectives}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-3006}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Tree-Adjoining Grammars Are Not Closed Under Strong Lexicalization}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-3007}
author = {Tan, Ming; Zhou, Wenli; Zheng, Lei; Wang, Shaojun}
title = {A Scalable Distributed Syntactic, Semantic, and Lexical Language Model}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-3008}
author = {Gildea, Daniel}
title = {On the String Translations Produced by Multi Bottom–Up Tree Transducers}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-3009}
author = {Xu, Chunshan; Liu, Haitao}
title = {Book Review: Quantitative Syntax Analysis by Reinhard Köhler}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-4001}
author = {Fillmore, Charles J.}
title = {ACL Lifetime Achievement Award: Encounters with Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-4002}
author = {Roark, Brian; Hollingshead, Kristy; Bodenstab, Nathan}
title = {Finite-State Chart Constraints for Reduced Complexity Context-Free Parsing Pipelines}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-4003}
author = {Gerber, Matthew; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling of Implicit Arguments for Nominal Predicates}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-4004}
author = {Lembersky, Gennadi; Ordan, Noam; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Language Models for Machine Translation: Original vs. Translated Texts}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-4005}
author = {Rodríquez, Horacio; Taulé, Mariona; Peris, Aina}
title = {Empirical Methods for the Study of Denotation in Nominalizations in Spanish}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-4006}
author = {Wedekind, Jurgen; Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {LFG Generation by Grammar Specialization}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-4007}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Book Review: Discourse Processing by Manfred Stede}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J12-4008}
author = {Emerson, Lori}
title = {Book Review: discourse.cpp by O.S. le Si}
venue = {CL}
year = {2012}
id = {J13-1001}
author = {Fellbaum, Christiane}
title = {Obituary: George A. Miller}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-1002}
author = {Ballesteros, Miguel; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Squibs: Going to the Roots of Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-1003}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Seddah, Djamé; Kübler, Sandra; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages: Introduction to the Special Issue}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-1004}
author = {Seeker, Wolfgang; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Morphological and Syntactic Case in Statistical Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-1005}
author = {Fraser, Alexander; Schmid, Helmut; Farkas, Richárd; Wang, Renjing; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Knowledge Sources for Constituent Parsing of German, a Morphologically Rich and Less-Configurational Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-1006}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Maier, Wolfgang}
title = {Data-Driven Parsing using Probabilistic Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-1007}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Word Segmentation, Unknown-word Resolution, and Morphological Agreement in a Hebrew Parsing System}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-1008}
author = {Marton, Yuval; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Dependency Parsing of Modern Standard Arabic with Lexical and Inflectional Features}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-1009}
author = {Green, Spence; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Parsing Models for Identifying Multiword Expressions}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-2001}
author = {Chen, Yufeng; Zong, Chengqing; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {A Joint Model to Identify and Align Bilingual Named Entities}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-2002}
author = {Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Automatically Assessing Machine Summary Content Without a Gold Standard}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-2003}
author = {Shutova, Ekaterina; Teufel, Simone; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Statistical Metaphor Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-2004}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco}
title = {Mildly Non-Projective Dependency Grammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-2005}
author = {Liang, Percy; Jordan, Michael I.; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Dependency-Based Compositional Semantics}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-2006}
author = {Schneider, Nathan; Tsarfaty, Reut}
title = {Book Review: Design Patterns in Fluid Construction Grammar edited by Luc Steels }
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-2007}
author = {Tenbrink, Thora}
title = {Book Review: Interpreting Motion: Grounded Representations for Spatial Language by Inderjeet Mani and James Pustejovsky}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-3001}
author = {Bhagat, Rahul; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Squibs: What Is a Paraphrase?}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-3002}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Relational Features in Fine-Grained Opinion Analysis}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-3003}
author = {Erk, Katrin; McCarthy, Diana; Gaylord, Nicholas}
title = {Measuring Word Meaning in Context}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-3004}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Hirst, Graeme; Turney, Peter D.}
title = {Computing Lexical Contrast}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-3005}
author = {Crabbé, Benoît; Duchier, Denys; Gardent, Claire; Le Roux, Joseph; Parmentier, Yannick}
title = {XMG: eXtensible MetaGrammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-3006}
author = {Zapirain, Beñat; Agirre, Eneko; Màrquez, Lluís; Surdeanu, Mihai}
title = {Selectional Preferences for Semantic Role Classification}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-3007}
author = {Velardi, Paola; Faralli, Stefano; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {OntoLearn Reloaded: A Graph-Based Algorithm for Taxonomy Induction}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-3008}
author = {Marco, Antonio Di; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Clustering and Diversifying Web Search Results with Graph-Based Word Sense Induction}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-3009}
author = {D'hondt, Eva; Verberne, Suzan; Koster, Cornelis; Boves, Louis}
title = {Text Representations for Patent Classification}
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J13-3010}
author = {Wiren, Mats}
title = {Book Review: }
venue = {CL}
year = {2013}
id = {J14-1001}
author = {Bender, Emily M.}
title = {Obituary: Ivan A. Sag}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-1002}
author = {Das, Dipanjan; Chen, Desai; Martins, André F. T.; Schneider, Nathan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Frame-Semantic Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-1003}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Lacalle, Oier López de; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {Random Walks for Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-1004}
author = {Huang, Fei; Ahuja, Arun; Downey, Doug; Yang, Yi; Guo, Yuhong; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Learning Representations for Weakly Supervised Natural Language Processing Tasks}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-1005}
author = {Kuhn, Tobias}
title = {A Survey and Classification of Controlled Natural Languages}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-1006}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Arabic Dialect Identification}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-1007}
author = {Chung, Tagyoung; Fang, Licheng; Gildea, Daniel; Štefankovič, Daniel}
title = {Sampling Tree Fragments from Forests}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-1008}
author = {Romary, Laurent}
title = {Book Review: Natural Language Processing for Historical Texts by Michael Piotrowski}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-1009}
author = {Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Last Words: On the Problem of Theoretical Terms in Empirical Computational Linguistics}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-2001}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Goldberg, Yoav; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Squibs: Constrained Arc-Eager Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-2002}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Fernández-González, Daniel}
title = {Squibs: Arc-Eager Parsing with the Tree Constraint}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-2003}
author = {Seroussi, Yanir; Zukerman, Ingrid; Bohnert, Fabian}
title = {Authorship Attribution with Topic Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-2004}
author = {Bejan, Cosmin Adrian; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Unsupervised Event Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-2005}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Phrase Dependency Machine Translation with Quasi-Synchronous Tree-to-Tree Features}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-2006}
author = {Chang, Ching-Yun; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Practical Linguistic Steganography using Contextual Synonym Substitution and a Novel Vertex Coding Method}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-2007}
author = {Tsvetkov, Yulia; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Identification of Multiword Expressions by Combining Multiple Linguistic Information Sources}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-2008}
author = {Shaalan, Khaled}
title = {A Survey of Arabic Named Entity Recognition and Classification}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-3001}
author = {Marimon, Montserrat; Bel, Núria; Padró, Lluís}
title = {Squibs: Automatic Selection of HPSG-Parsed Sentences for Treebank Construction}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-3002}
author = {Wedekind, Jürgen}
title = {Squibs: On the Universal Generation Problem for Unification Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-3003}
author = {Hassan, Ahmed; Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Lu, Wanchen; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {A Random Walk–Based Model for Identifying Semantic Orientation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-3004}
author = {Sun, Xu; Li, Wenjie; Wang, Houfeng; Lu, Qin}
title = {Feature-Frequency–Adaptive On-line Training for Fast and Accurate Natural Language Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-3005}
author = {Séaghdha, Diarmuid Ó; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Probabilistic Distributional Semantics with Latent Variable Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-3006}
author = {Lang, Joel; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Similarity-Driven Semantic Role Induction via Graph Partitioning}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-3007}
author = {Li, Linlin; Titov, Ivan; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Improved Estimation of Entropy for Evaluation of Word Sense Induction}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-3008}
author = {Allauzen, Cyril; Byrne, Bill; Gispert, Adrià de; Iglesias, Gonzalo; Riley, Michael D.}
title = {Pushdown Automata in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J14-3009}
author = {Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Obituary: Charles J. Fillmore}
venue = {CL}
year = {2014}
id = {J79-1002}
author = {Fitzpatrick, Eileen; Sager, Naomi}
title = {The Lexical Subclasses Of The Linguistic String Parser}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1003}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Collins, Allan M.}
title = {Natural Semantics In Artificial Intelligence}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1004}
author = {Findler, Nicholas V.; Viil, Heino}
title = {A Few Steps Towards Computer Lexicometry}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1005}
author = {Colby, Kenneth Mark; Parkison, Roger C.; Fought, Bill}
title = {Pattern-Matching Rules For The Recognition Of Natural Language Dialogue Expressions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1007}
author = {Buttelmann, H. Willam}
title = {Semantic Directed Translation Of Context Free Languages}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1008}
author = {Plath, Warren J.}
title = {String Transformations In The Request System}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1009a}
author = {Raskin, Victor}
title = {Opinion - A Restricted Sublanguage Approach To High Quality Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1009b}
author = {Bocsa, Minerva}
title = {Technique - Letters With Variable Values And The Mechanical Inflection Of Rumanian Words}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1010}
author = {Chafe, Wallace L.}
title = {An Approach To Verbalization And Translation By Machine}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1011}
author = {Marckworth, Mary Lois; Backer, Wm. J.}
title = {A Discriminant Function Analysis Of Co-Variation Of A Number Of Syntactic Devices In Five Prose Genres}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1012}
author = {Von Glasersfeld, Ernst}
title = {The Yerkish Language For Non-Human Primates}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1013}
author = {Rieger III, Charles J.}
title = {Understanding By Conceptual Inference}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1016}
author = {Fisher, William M.; Engebretson, A. Maynard}
title = {Simple Digital Speech Synthesis}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1017a}
author = {Chauche, J.}
title = {The ATEF And CETA Sytems}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1017b}
author = {Hannin, Suzanne; Koch, Gregers; Sondergaard, Georg}
title = {A Report On The Tutorial On Computational Semantics}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1017c}
author = {Dreizin, Felix}
title = {Formulae In Coherent Text: Linguistic Relevance Of Symbolic Insertions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1018}
author = {Simmons, Robert F.; Bennett Novak, Gordon}
title = {Semantically Analyzing An English Subset For The Clowns Mircoworld}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1019}
author = {Moran, Douglas B.}
title = {A Case History In Computer Exploraton Of Fast Speech Rules}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1021a}
author = {Klinger, Allen}
title = {Recent Computer Science Research In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1023}
author = {Linn Jr., William E.; Reitman, Walter}
title = {AutoNote2: Network Mediated Natural Language Communication In A Personal Information Retrieval System}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1024}
author = {Palme, Jacob}
title = {The SQAP Data Base For Natural Language Information}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1025}
author = {Sampson, Geoffrey}
title = {Natural Language As A Special Case Of Programming Languages}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1026}
author = {Lytle, Eldon G.; Packard, Dennis; Gibb, Darl; Melby, Alan K.; Billing Jr., Floyd H.}
title = {Junction Grammer As A Base For National Language Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1027}
author = {Reimold, Peter}
title = {A Formal Psycholinguistics Model Of Sentence Comprehension}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1029a}
author = {Self, John}
title = {Computer Generation Of Sentences By Systemic Grammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1029b}
author = {Hofmann, Thomas R.}
title = {Interpretation And Intregation Of Sentences Into A C-Net}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1031}
author = {Taylor, Brock H.; Rosenberg, Richard S.}
title = {A Case-Driven Parser For Natural Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1032a}
author = {Fabens, William}
title = {PEDAGLOT And Understanding Natural Language Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1032b}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {A General System For Semantic Analysis Of English And Its Use In Drawing Maps From Directions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1032c}
author = {Miller, Perry L.}
title = {An Adaptive Natural Language Parser}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1032d}
author = {Martin, Willy}
title = {Conceptual Grammar (Abstract Only)}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1032e}
author = {Burger, John F.; Leal, Antonio; Shoshani, Arie}
title = {Semantic-Based Parsing And A Natural-Language Interface For Interactive Data Management}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1032f}
author = {Medema, P.; Bronnenberg, W. J.; Bunt, Harry C.; Landsbergen, S. P. J.; Scha, Remko J. H.; Schoenmakers, W. J.; Van Utteren, E. P. C.}
title = {PHLIQAI: Multilevel Semantics In Question Answering}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1033a}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {A Framework For Writing Generation Grammars For Interactive Computer Programs}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1033b}
author = {Knaus, Rodger}
title = {Incremental Sentence Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1033c}
author = {Rhyne, James R.}
title = {A Lexical Process Model Of Nominal Compounding In English}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1033d}
author = {Shapiro, Stuart C.}
title = {Generation As Parsing From A Network Into A Linear String}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1033e}
author = {Slocum, Jonathan}
title = {Speech Generation From Semantic Nets}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1033f}
author = {Meehan, James R.}
title = {Using Planning Structures To Generate Stories}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1034a}
author = {Bates, Madeleine}
title = {Syntactic Processing In The BBN Speech Understanding System (Abstract Only)}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1034b}
author = {Paxton, William H.; Robinson, Ann E.}
title = {System Integration And Control In A Speech Understanding System}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1034c}
author = {Robinson, Jane J.}
title = {A Tuneable Performance Grammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1034d}
author = {Hendrix, Gary G.}
title = {Semantic Processing For Speech Understanding}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1034e}
author = {Sondheimer, Norman K.; Perry, Doyt}
title = {SPS: A Formalism For Semantic Interpretation And Its Use In Processing Prepositions That Reference Space}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1034f}
author = {Cercone, Nick}
title = {The Nature And Computational Use Of A Meaning Representation For Word Concepts}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1035a}
author = {Deutsch, Barbara G.}
title = {Establishing Context In Task-Oriented Dialogs}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1035b}
author = {Bruce, Bertram C.}
title = {Discourse Models And Language Comprehension}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1035c}
author = {Phillips, Brian}
title = {Judging The Coherency Of Discourse}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1035d}
author = {Cullingford, R. E.}
title = {An Approach To The Organization Of Mundane World Knowledge: The Generation And Management Of Scripts}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1035e}
author = {Badler, Norman}
title = {The Conceptual Description Of Physical Activites}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1035f}
author = {Kegl, Judy Anne; Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {A Frame Analysis Of American Sign Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1036a}
author = {Klappholz, David; Lockman, Abe}
title = {Contextual Reference Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1036b}
author = {Rosenschein, Stanley J.}
title = {How Does A System Know When To Stop Inferencing?}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1036c}
author = {Beckles, D.; Carrington, L; Warner, G.; Borely, C.; Knight, H.; Aquing, P.; Marquez, J.}
title = {Developing A Computer System To Handle Inherently Variable Linguistic Data}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1036d}
author = {Brill, David; Oshika, Beatrice T.}
title = {A Natural Language Processing Package}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1036e}
author = {Salton, Gerard}
title = {On The Role Of Words And Phrases In Automatic Text Analysis (Abstract Only)}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1036f}
author = {Anderson, Barbara B.; Bross, Irwin D. J.; Sager, Naomi}
title = {Grammatical Compression In Notes And Records: Analysis And Computation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1037a}
author = {Hoemann, Harry W.; Florian, Vicki A.; Hoemann, Shirley A.}
title = {A Computer Simultion Of American Sign Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1037b}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Platon - A New Programming Language For Natural Language Analysis}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1038}
author = {Celce Murica, Marianne}
title = {Verb Paradigms For Sentence Recognition}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1040}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Natural Language Understanding Systems Within The AI Paradigm: A Survey And Some Comparisons}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1041}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Analysis Of Japanese Sentences By Using Semantic And Contextual Information}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1043a}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Experiments With A Powerful Parser}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1044}
author = {Weber Russell, Sylvia}
title = {Computer Understanding Of Metaphorically Used Verbs}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1045}
author = {Bates, Madeleine}
title = {Syntax In Automatic Speech Understanding}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1047}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {A Survey Of Syntactic Analysis Procedures For Natural Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1049a}
author = {Dobree, Nicholas J. S.}
title = {CLAM: A Computer Language Model}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1050a}
author = {Frederickson, Dick H.}
title = {An Organization For A Dictionary Of Word Senses}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1052}
author = {Raze, Carol}
title = {A Computational Treatment Of Coordinate Conjunctions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1053}
author = {Novak Jr., Gordon S.}
title = {Computer Understanding Of Physics Problems Stated In Natural Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1054}
author = {Bien, Janusz Stanislaw}
title = {Multiple Environments Approach To Natural Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1055a}
author = {Weiss, Stephen F.; Stanat, Donald F.}
title = {Algebraic Parsing Of Context-Free Languages}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1055b}
author = {Salton, Gerard}
title = {A Comparison Of Term Value Measurements For Automatic Indexing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1055c}
author = {Kehler, T. P.}
title = {SNOPAR: A Grammar Testing System}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1056}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Processing Case}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1057}
author = {Hunnicutt, M. Sharon}
title = {Phonological Rules For A Text To Speech Sytem}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1060}
author = {Melby, Alan K.; Strong, William J.; Lytle, Eldon G.; Nillett, Ronald}
title = {Pitch Contour Generation In Speech Synthesis: A Junction Grammar Approach}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1061}
author = {Maxwell, Bill D.; Tuggle, Francis D.}
title = {Towards A Natural Language Question Answering Facility}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1062}
author = {Scott, A. Carlisle; Clancey, William J.; Davis, Randall; Shortliffe, Edward H.}
title = {Explanation Capabilities Of Production Based Consultation Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1063}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Computation Of A Subclass Of Inferences: Presupposition And Entailment}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1067}
author = {Moore, James A.; Lenin, James A.; Mann, William C.}
title = {A Goal Oriented Model Of Human Dialogue}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1070}
author = {Young, Robert}
title = {Text Understanding: A Survey}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1071}
author = {Sondheimer, Norman K.}
title = {Spatial Reference And Semantic Nets}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1074}
author = {Friedman, Joyce; Moran, Douglas B.; Warren, David Scott}
title = {Two Papers On Semantic Interpretation In Montague Grammar: Explicit Finite Intensional Models For PTQ And An Interpretation System For Montague Grammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1075a}
author = {Damerau, Fred J.}
title = {The Derivation Of Answers From Logical Forms In A Question Answering System}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1075b}
author = {Findler, Nicholas V.; Lee, Shu-Hwa}
title = {One More Step Toward Computer Lexicometry}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1076a}
author = {Burge, John}
title = {The Target Project's Interactive Computerized Multilingual Dictionary}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1077a}
author = {Wahlster, Wolfgang; Jameson, A.; Hoeppner, Wolfgang}
title = {Glancing Referring And Explaining In The Dialogue System HAM-RPM}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1077b}
author = {Borgida, Alexander T.}
title = {A Critical Look At A Formal Model For Stratificational Linguistics}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1081a}
author = {Friedman, Joyce}
title = {Computatuional Linguistics In The USSR July 1978}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1081b}
author = {Evens, Martha W.; Smith, Raoul N.}
title = {Properties Of Lexical Relations: Appendix 2}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1081c}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {Models Of The Semantic Structure Of Dictonaries}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1082}
author = {Phillips, Brian}
title = {A Model For Knowledge And Its Application To Discourse Analysis}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J79-1083}
author = {Evens, Martha W.; Smith, Raoul N.}
title = {A Lexicon For A Computer Question Answering System}
venue = {CL}
year = {1979}
id = {J84-1001}
author = {Weiner, E. Judith}
title = {A Knowledge Representation Approach To Understanding Metaphors}
venue = {CL}
year = {1984}
id = {J84-1002}
author = {Guida, Giovanni; Mauri, Giancarlo}
title = {A Formal Of Natural Basis For Language Performance Evaluation Understanding Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {1984}
id = {J84-2001}
author = {Ballard, Bruce W.; Tinkham, Nancy L.}
title = {A Phrase-Structured Grammatical Framework For Transportable Natural Language Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1984}
id = {J84-2002}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.}
title = {The Pragmatics Of Referring And The Modality Of Communication}
venue = {CL}
year = {1984}
id = {J84-3001}
author = {Perrault, Raymond C.}
title = {On The Mathematical Properties Of Linguistic Theories}
venue = {CL}
year = {1984}
id = {J84-3002}
author = {Postal, Paul M.}
title = {English And The Class Of Context-Free Languages}
venue = {CL}
year = {1984}
id = {J84-3003}
author = {Pullum, Geoffrey K.}
title = {On Two Recent Attempts To Show That English Is Not A CFL}
venue = {CL}
year = {1984}
id = {J84-3005}
author = {Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {Strong Generative Capacity Weak Generative Capacity And Modern Linguistic Theories}
venue = {CL}
year = {1984}
id = {J84-3012}
author = {Gehrt, Richard F.}
title = {Take A Few Nanoseconds To Explore The Roots Of Computing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1984}
id = {J85-1001}
author = {Slocum, Jonathan}
title = {A Survey Of Machine Translation: Its History Current Status And Future Prospects}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J85-1002}
author = {Isabelle, Pierre; Bourbeau, Laurent}
title = {TAUM-Aviation: Its Technical Features And Some Experimental Results}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J85-1003}
author = {Vauquois, Bernard; Boitet, Christian}
title = {Automated Translation At Grenoble University}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J85-2001}
author = {Nagao, Makoto; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Nakamura, Jun-Ichi}
title = {The Japanese Government Project For Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J85-2002}
author = {Bennett, Winfield S.; Slocum, Jonathan}
title = {The LRC Machine Translation System}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J85-2003}
author = {Vasconcellos, Muriel; Leon, Marjorie}
title = {SPANAM And ENGSPAN: Machine Translation At The Pan American Health Organization}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J85-2004}
author = {Biewer, Axel; Feneyrol, Christian; Ritzke, Johannes; Stegentritt, Erwin}
title = {ASCOF - A Modular Multilevel System For French-German Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J85-2005}
author = {Johnson, Rod L.; King, Margaret; Des Tombe, Louis}
title = {EUROTRA: A Multilingual System Under Development}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J85-4001}
author = {Barton Jr., G. Edward}
title = {On The Complexity Of ID/LP Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J85-4002}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {PHRED: A Generator For Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J85-4003}
author = {Nelson, R. J.}
title = {The Concept Of Superautomaton}
venue = {CL}
year = {1985}
id = {J86-1001}
author = {Milne, Robert}
title = {Resolving Lexical Ambiguity In A Deterministic Parser}
venue = {CL}
year = {1986}
id = {J86-1002}
author = {Fink, Pamela K.; Biermann, Alan W.}
title = {The Correction Of Ill-Formed Input Using History-Based Expectation With Applications To Speech Understanding}
venue = {CL}
year = {1986}
id = {J86-2001}
author = {Seifridge, Mallory}
title = {Integrated Processing Produces Robust Understanding Mallory Seifridge}
venue = {CL}
year = {1986}
id = {J86-2002}
author = {Kalita, Jugal K.}
title = {Summarizing Natural Language Database Responses}
venue = {CL}
year = {1986}
id = {J86-3001}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.; Sidner, Candace L.}
title = {Attention Intentions And The Structure Of Discourse}
venue = {CL}
year = {1986}
id = {J86-3002}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Hirschman, Lynette; Nhan, Ngo Thanh}
title = {Discovery Procedures For Sublanguage Selectional Patterns: Initial Experiments}
venue = {CL}
year = {1986}
id = {J86-3006}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Site Report - Another From The DARPA Series Overview Of The Tacitus Project}
venue = {CL}
year = {1986}
id = {J86-4001}
author = {Jappinen, Harri; Ylilammi, Matti}
title = {Associative Model Of Morphological Analysis: An Empirical Inquiry}
venue = {CL}
year = {1986}
id = {J86-4002}
author = {Goodman, Bradley A.}
title = {Reference Identification And Reference Identification Failures}
venue = {CL}
year = {1986}
id = {J86-4003}
author = {Dailey, David P.}
title = {Technical Correspondence: The Extraction Of A Minimum Set Of Semantic Primitives From A Monolingual Dictionary Is NP-Complete}
venue = {CL}
year = {1986}
id = {J87-1001}
author = {Stabler, Edward P.}
title = {Restricting Logic Grammars With Government-Binding Theory}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-1002}
author = {Cohen, Robin}
title = {Analyzing The Structure Of Argumentative Discourse}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-1003}
author = {Kao, Michael B.; Manaster Ramer, Alexis; Rounds, William C.}
title = {Simultaneous-Distributive Coordination And Context-Freeness}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-1004}
author = {Tomita, Masaru}
title = {An Efficient Augmented-Context-Free Parsing Algorithm}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-1005}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {An Algorithm For Generating Quantifier Scopings}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-1006}
author = {Manaster Ramer, Alexis}
title = {Technical Correspondence: Subject-Verb Agreement In Respective Coordinations And Context-Freeness}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-1007}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen; Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {Technical Correspondence: A Note On A Study Of Cases}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-3001}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan}
title = {Processing Dictionary Definitions With Phrasal Pattern Hierarchies}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-3002}
author = {Boguraev, Branimir K.; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Large Lexicons For Natural Language Processing: Utilising The Grammar Coding System Of LDOCE}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-3003}
author = {Byrd, Roy J.; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Chodorow, Martin; Klavans, Judith L.; Rizk, Omneya A.; Neff, Mary S.}
title = {Tools And Methods For Computational Lexicology}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-3004}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Croft, W. Bruce; Davies, Todd; Edwards, Douglas; Laws, Kenneth}
title = {Commonsense Metaphysics And Lexical Semantics}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-3005}
author = {Jensen, Karen; Binot, Jean-Louis}
title = {Disambiguating Prepositional Phrase Attachments By Using On-Line Dictionary Definitions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-3006}
author = {Mel'cuk, Igor A.; Polguere, Alain}
title = {A Formal Lexicon In The Meaning-Text Theory Or (How To Do Lexica With Words)}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-3007}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Raskin, Victor}
title = {The Subworld Concept Lexicon And The Lexicon Management System}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-3008}
author = {Ritchie, Graeme D.; Pulman, Stephen G.; Black, Alan W.; Russell, Graham J.}
title = {A Computational Framework For Lexical Description}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-3009}
author = {Zernik, Uri; Dyer, Michael G.}
title = {The Self-Extending Phrasal Lexicon}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J87-3011}
author = {Gibbon, Dafydd}
title = {Site Report - Linguistics In Germany}
venue = {CL}
year = {1987}
id = {J88-1001}
author = {Gazdar, Gerald; Pullum, Geoffrey K.; Carpenter, Bob; Hukari, Thomas E.; Levine, Robert D.}
title = {Category Structures}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-1002}
author = {Sato, Paul T.}
title = {A Common Parsing Scheme For Left- And Right-Branching Languages}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-1003}
author = {DeRose, Steven J.}
title = {Grammatical Category Disambiguation By Statistical Optimization}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-1004}
author = {Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Implementing Systemic Classification By Unification}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-2001}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Foreword To The Special Issue On Tense And Aspect}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-2002}
author = {Hinrichs, Erhard W.}
title = {Tense Quantifiers And Contexts}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-2003}
author = {Moens, Marc; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Temporal Ontology And Temporal Reference}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-2004}
author = {Nakhimovsky, Alexander}
title = {Aspect Aspectual Class And The Temporal Structure Of Narrative}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-2005}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {A Computational Model Of The Semantics Of Tense And Aspect}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-2006}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Tense As Discourse Anaphor}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3002}
author = {Kass, Robert; Finin, Timothy W.}
title = {Modeling The User In Natural Language Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3003}
author = {Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Modeling The User's Plans And Goals}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3004}
author = {Quilici, Alex; Dyer, Michael G.; Flowers, Margot}
title = {Recognizing And Responding To Plan-Oriented Misconceptions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3005}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Reasoning On A Highlighted User Model To Respond To Misconceptions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3006}
author = {Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Tailoring Object Descriptions To A User's Level Of Expertise}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3008}
author = {Schuster, Ethel}
title = {Establishing The Relationship Between Discourse Models And User Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3009}
author = {Chi, David N.}
title = {User Models And Discourse Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3010}
author = {Cohen, Robin}
title = {On The Relationship Between User Models And Discourse Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3011}
author = {Kobsa, Alfred}
title = {User Models And Discourse Models: United They Stand . . .}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3012}
author = {Morik, Katharina}
title = {Discourse Models Dialog Memories And User Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3013}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen}
title = {User Models Discourse Models And Some Others}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-3014}
author = {Wahlster, Wolfgang}
title = {Distinguishing User Models From Discourse Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-4001}
author = {Rounds, William C.}
title = {LFP: A Logic For Linguistic Descriptions And An Analysis Of Its Complexity}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-4002}
author = {Clifford, James}
title = {Natural Language Querying Of Historical Databases}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J88-4003}
author = {Wilensky, Robert; Chin, David N.; Luria, Marc; Martin, James H.; Mayfield, James; Wu, Dekai}
title = {The Berkeley UNIX Consultant Project}
venue = {CL}
year = {1988}
id = {J89-1001}
author = {Stock, Oliviero}
title = {Parsing With Flexibility Dynamic Strategies And Idioms In Mind}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-1002}
author = {Seo, Jungyun; Simmons, Robert F.}
title = {Syntactic Graphs: A Representation For The Union Of All Ambiguous Parse Trees}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-1003}
author = {McCord, Michael C.}
title = {Design Of LMT: A PROLOG-Based Machine Translation System}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-2001}
author = {Carberry, Sandra}
title = {A Pragmatics-Based Approach To Ellipsis Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-2002}
author = {O'Shaughnessy, Douglas D.}
title = {Parsing With A Small Dictionary For Applications Such As Text To Speech}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-2003}
author = {Davis, Stuart}
title = {Cross-Vowel Phonotactic Constraints}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-2004}
author = {Kracht II, Marcus}
title = {On The Logic Of Category Definitions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-3001}
author = {Fisher, Anthony J.}
title = {Practical Parsing Of Generalized Phrase Structure Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-3002}
author = {Dahlgren, Kathleen; McDowell, Joyce}
title = {Knowledge Representation For Commonsense Reasoning With Text}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-3003}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Cercone, Nick}
title = {Non-Singular Concepts In Natural Language Discourse}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-4001}
author = {Haas, Andrew R.}
title = {A Parsing Algorithm For Unification Grammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-4002}
author = {Mellish, Chris S.; Evans, Roger}
title = {Natural Language Generation From Plans}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J89-4003}
author = {Savitch, Walter J.}
title = {A Formal Model For Context-Free Languages Augmented With Reduplication}
venue = {CL}
year = {1989}
id = {J90-1001}
author = {Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Categorial Semantics And Scoping}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-1002}
author = {Dawar, Anuj; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {An Interpretation Of Negation In Feature Structure Descriptions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-1003}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Hanks, Patrick}
title = {Word Association Norms Mutual Information And Lexicography}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-1004}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.; van Noord, Gertjan; Pereira, Fernando; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Semantic-Head-Driven Generation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-2001}
author = {Tsutsumi, Taijiro}
title = {Wide-Range Restructuring Of Intermediate Representations In Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-2002}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; Cocke, John; Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Jelinek, Frederick; Lafferty, John D.; Mercer, Robert L.; Roossin, Paul S.}
title = {A Statistical Approach To Machine Translation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-2003}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Banks, Amelie}
title = {An Implementable Semantics For Comparative Constructions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-3001}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan}
title = {Resolving Quasi Logical Forms}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-3002}
author = {Decary, Michel; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {An Editor For The Explanatory And Combinatory Dictionary Of Contemporary French (DECFC)}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-3003}
author = {Bachenko, Joan; Fitzpatrick, Eileen}
title = {A Computational Grammar Of Discourse-Neutral Prosodic Phrasing In English}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-3004}
author = {Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Disjunction Without Tears}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-3005}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Finin, Timothy W.}
title = {Workshop On The Evaluation Of Natural Language Processing Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-4001}
author = {Lappin, Shalom; McCord, Michael C.}
title = {Anaphora Resolution In Slot Grammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-4002}
author = {Haas, Andrew R.}
title = {Sentential Semantics For Propositional Attitudes}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J90-4003}
author = {Covington, Michael A.}
title = {Technical Correspondence: Parsing Discontinuous Constituents In Dependency Grammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {1990}
id = {J91-1001}
author = {Justeson, John S.; Katz, Slava M.}
title = {Co-Occurrences Of Antonymous Adjectives And Their Contexts}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-1002}
author = {Morris, Jane; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Lexical Cohesion Computed By Thesaural Relations As An Indicator Of The Structure Of Text}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-1003}
author = {Fass, Dan}
title = {met*: A Method For Discriminating Metonymy And Metaphor By Computer}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-1004}
author = {Norvig, Peter}
title = {Technical Correspondence: Techniques For Automatic Memoization With Applications To Context-Free Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-1008}
author = {Van Ess-Dykema, Carol J.}
title = {Practical SGML By Eric Van Herwijnen}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-2001}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Features And Formulae}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-2002}
author = {Velardi, Paola; Fasolo, Michela; Pazienza, Maria Teresa}
title = {How To Encode Semantic Knowledge: A Method For Meaning Representation And Computer-Aided Acquisition}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-2003}
author = {Zadrozny, Wlodek; Jensen, Karen}
title = {Semantics Of Paragraphs}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-3001}
author = {Vitale, Anthony J.}
title = {An Algorithm For High Accuracy Name Pronunciation By Parametric Speech Synthesizer}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-3002}
author = {Radzinski, Daniel}
title = {Chinese Number-Names Tree Adjoining Languages And Mild Context-Sensitivity}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-3003}
author = {Carpenter, Bob}
title = {The Generative Power Of Categorial Grammars And Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammars With Lexical Rules}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-3004}
author = {Jelinek, Frederick; Lafferty, John D.}
title = {Computation Of The Probability Of Initial Substring Generation By Stochastic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-3005}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Jelinek, Frederick; Mercer, Robert L.; Cocke, John; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Lafferty, John D.; Roossin, Paul S.}
title = {Erratum To 'A Statistical Approach To Machine Translation'}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-4001}
author = {Lee, Lin-shan; Lin, Long-Ji; Chen, Keh-Jiann; Chien, Lee-Feng; Huang, James}
title = {An Efficient Natural Language Processing System Specially Designed For The Chinese Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-4002}
author = {Brew, Chris}
title = {Systemic Classification And Its Efficiency}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J91-4003}
author = {Pustejovsky, James}
title = {The Generative Lexicon}
venue = {CL}
year = {1991}
id = {J92-1001}
author = {McRoy, Susan W.}
title = {Using Multiple Knowledge Sources For Word Sense Discrimination}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-1002}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Mercer, Robert L.; Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Lai, Jennifer C.}
title = {An Estimate Of An Upper Bound For The Entropy Of English}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-1003}
author = {Ritchie, Graeme D.}
title = {Languages Generated By Two-Level Morphological Rules}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-1004}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {TINA: A Natural Language System For Spoken Language Applications}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-2001}
author = {Fraser, Norman M.; Hudson, Richard A.}
title = {Inheritance In Word Grammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-2002}
author = {Zajac, Remi}
title = {Inheritance And Constraint-Based Grammar Formalisms}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-2003}
author = {Bouma, Gosse}
title = {Feature Structures And Nonmonotonicity}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-2004}
author = {Daelemans, Walter; Gazdar, Gerald; De Smedt, Koenraad}
title = {Inheritance In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-2005}
author = {Van Der Linden, Erik-Jan}
title = {Incremental Processing And The Hierarchical Lexicon}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-3001}
author = {Andry, Francois; McGlashan, Scott; Youd, Nick J.; Fraser, Norman M.; Thornton, Simon}
title = {Making DATR Work For Speech: Lexicon Compilation In SUNDIAL}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-3002}
author = {Flickinger, Daniel P.; Nerbonne, John}
title = {Inheritance And Complementation: A Case Study Of Easy Adjectives And Related Nouns}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-3003}
author = {Russell, Graham J.; Carroll, John; Ballim, Afzal; Armstrong, Susan}
title = {A Practical Approach To Multiple Default Inheritance For Unification-Based Lexicons}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-3004}
author = {Batagelj, Vladimir; Kerzic, Damijana; Pisanski, Tomaz}
title = {Technical Correspondence: Automatic Clustering Of Languages}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-4001}
author = {Simmons, Robert F.; Yu, Yeong-Ho}
title = {The Acquisition And Use Of Context-Dependent Grammars For English}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-4002}
author = {Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Ambiguous Noun Phrases In Logical Form}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-4003}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; DeSouza, Peter V.; Mercer, Robert L.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Lai, Jennifer C.}
title = {Class-Based N-Gram Models Of Natural Language}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-4004}
author = {Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Using Descriptions Of Trees In A Tree Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-4005}
author = {Harrison, Shelly P.; Ellison, T. Mark}
title = {Restriction And Termination In Parsing With Feature-Theoretic Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-4006}
author = {Chapman, David}
title = {Computer Rules Conversational Rules}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J92-4007}
author = {Moore, Johanna D.; Pollack, Martha E.}
title = {A Problem For RST: The Need For Multi-Level Discourse Analysis}
venue = {CL}
year = {1992}
id = {J93-1001}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Mercer, Robert L.}
title = {Introduction To The Special Issue On Computational Linguistics Using Large Corpora}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-1002}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Carroll, John}
title = {Generalized Probabilistic LR Parsing Of Natural Language (Corpora) With Unification-Based Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-1003}
author = {Dunning, Ted E.}
title = {Accurate Methods For The Statistics Of Surprise And Coincidence}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-1004}
author = {Gale, William A.; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {A Program For Aligning Sentences In Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-1005}
author = {Hindle, Donald; Rooth, Mats}
title = {Structural Ambiguity And Lexical Relations}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-1006}
author = {Kay, Martin; Roscheisen, Martin}
title = {Text-Translation Alignment}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-1007}
author = {Smadja, Frank A.}
title = {Retrieving Collocations From Text: Xtract}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-1008}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {The Problem Of Logical-Form Equivalence}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-1009}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {Issues In The Choice Of A Source For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-2001}
author = {Biber, Douglas}
title = {Using Register-Diversified Corpora For General Language Studies}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-2002}
author = {Brent, Michael R.}
title = {From Grammar To Lexicon: Unsupervised Learning Of Lexical Syntax}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-2003}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Mercer, Robert L.}
title = {The Mathematics Of Statistical Machine Translation: Parameter Estimation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-2004}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.; Marcinkiewicz, Mary Ann; Santorini, Beatrice}
title = {Building A Large Annotated Corpus Of English: The Penn Treebank}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-2005}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Anick, Peter G.; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {Lexical Semantic Techniques For Corpus Analysis}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-2006}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Schwartz, Richard M.; Palmucci, Jeff; Meteer, Marie W.; Ramshaw, Lance A.}
title = {Coping With Ambiguity And Unknown Words Through Probabilistic Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-3001}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.; Lewis, David D.; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Evaluating Message Understanding Systems: An Analysis Of The Third Message Understanding Conference (MUC-3)}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-3002}
author = {DiMarco, Chrysanne; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {A Computational Theory Of Goal-Directed Style In Syntax}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-3003}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Empirical Studies On The Disambiguation Of Cue Phrases}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-3004}
author = {Biber, Douglas}
title = {Co-Occurrence Patterns Among Collocations: A Tool For Corpus-Based Lexical Knowledge Acquisition}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-4001}
author = {Maxwell III, John T.; Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {The Interface Between Phrasal And Functional Constraints}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-4002}
author = {Vijay-Shanker, K.; Weir, David}
title = {Parsing Some Constrained Grammar Formalisms}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-4003}
author = {Haas, Andrew R.}
title = {Indexical Expressions In The Scope Of Attitude Verbs}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J93-4004}
author = {Moore, Johanna D.; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Planning Text For Advisory Dialogues: Capturing Intentional And Rhetorical Information}
venue = {CL}
year = {1993}
id = {J94-1001}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Computing With Features As Formulae}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-1002}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Veilleux, Nanette M.}
title = {A Hierarchical Stochastic Model For Automatic Prediction Of Prosodic Boundary Location}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-1003}
author = {Bird, Steven; Ellison, T. Mark}
title = {One-Level Phonology: Autosegmental Representations And Rules As Finite Automata}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-1004}
author = {Schabes, Yves; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {An Alternative Conception Of Tree-Adjoining Derivation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-2001}
author = {Merialdo, Bernard}
title = {Tagging English Text With A Probabilistic Model}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-2002}
author = {Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Tree-Adjoining Grammar Parsing And Boolean Matrix Multiplication}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-2003}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Cote, Sharon; Iida, Masayo}
title = {Japanese Discourse And The Process Of Centering}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-2004}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Tracking Point Of View In Narrative}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-2005}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Kay, Martin}
title = {Parsing And Empty Nodes}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-2006}
author = {Suri, Linda Z.; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {RAFT/RAPR And Centering: A Comparison And Discussion Of Problems Related To Processing Complex Sentences}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3000}
author = {Bird, Steven}
title = {Introduction To The Special Issue On Computational Phonology}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3001}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.; Kay, Martin}
title = {Regular Models Of Phonological Rule Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3002}
author = {Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {Commentary On Kaplan And Kay}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3003}
author = {Ritchie, Graeme D.}
title = {Commentary On Kaplan And Kay}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3004}
author = {Lowe, John B.; Mazaudon, Martine}
title = {The Reconstruction Engine: A Computer Implementation Of The Comparative Method}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3005}
author = {Hartman, Steven Lee}
title = {Commentary On Lowe And Mazaudon}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3006}
author = {Hewson, John}
title = {Commentary On Lowe And Mazaudon}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3007}
author = {Daelemans, Walter; Durieux, Gert; Gillis, Steven}
title = {The Acquisition Of Stress: A Data-Oriented Approach}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3008}
author = {Gupta, Prahlad}
title = {Commentary On Daelemans Gillis And Durieux}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3009}
author = {Kaye, Jonathan}
title = {Commentary On Daelemans Gillis And Durieux}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3010}
author = {Bird, Steven; Klein, Ewan}
title = {Phonological Analysis In Typed Feature Systems}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3011}
author = {Coleman, John}
title = {Commentary On Bird And Klein}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-3012}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Commentary On Bird And Klein}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-4001}
author = {Kurohashi, Sadao; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {A Syntactic Analysis Method Of Long Japanese Sentences Based On The Detection Of Conjunctive Structures}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-4002}
author = {Lappin, Shalom; Leass, Herbert J.}
title = {An Algorithm For Pronominal Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-4003}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Itai, Alon}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using A Second Language Monolingual Corpus}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-4004}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Machine Translation Divergences: A Formal Description And Proposed Solution}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-4005}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Carter, David M.}
title = {Training And Scaling Preference Functions For Disambiguation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J94-4006}
author = {Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Storing Logical Form In A Shared-Packed Forest}
venue = {CL}
year = {1994}
id = {J95-1001}
author = {Justeson, John S.; Katz, Slava M.}
title = {Principled Disambiguation: Discriminating Adjective Senses With Modified Nouns}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-1002}
author = {Vander Linden, Keith; Martin, James H.}
title = {Expressing Rhetorical Relations In Instructional Text: A Case Study Of The Purpose Relation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-1003}
author = {Huls, Carla; Claassen, Wim; Bos, Edwin}
title = {Automatic Referent Resolution Of Deictic And Anaphoric Expressions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-1004}
author = {Hajicová, Eva; Sgall, Petr; Skoumalova, Hana}
title = {An Automatic Procedure For Topic-Focus Identification}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-1005}
author = {Steimanno, Friedrich; Brzoska, Christoph}
title = {Dependency Unification Grammar For PROLOG}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-2001}
author = {Dermatas, Evangelos; Kokkinakis, George K.}
title = {Automatic Stochastic Tagging Of Natural Language Texts}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-2002}
author = {Stolcke, Andreas}
title = {An Efficient Probabilistic Context-Free Parsing Algorithm That Computes Prefix Probabilities}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-2003}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.; Weinstein, Scott; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Centering: A Framework For Modeling The Local Coherence Of Discourse}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-2004}
author = {Roche, Emmanuel; Schabes, Yves}
title = {Deterministic Part-Of-Speech Tagging With Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-2005}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Lee, Jye-Hoon; Lin, Dekang; Suh, Sungki}
title = {Efficient Parsing For Korean And English: A Parameterized Message-Passing Approach}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-3001}
author = {Smith, Ronnie W.; Biermann, Alan W.; Hipp, D. Richard}
title = {An Architecture For Voice Dialog Systems Based On Prolog-Style Theorem Proving}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-3002}
author = {Chiang, Tung-Hui; Su, Keh-Yih; Lin, Yi-Chung}
title = {Robust Learning Smoothing And Parameter Tying On Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-3003}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Collaborating On Referring Expressions}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-3004}
author = {Levinger, Moshe; Itai, Alon; Ornan, Uzzi}
title = {Learning Morpho-Lexical Probabilities From An Untagged Corpus With An Application To Hebrew}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-3005}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Memoization In Top-Down Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-4001}
author = {McRoy, Susan W.; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {The Repair Of Speech Act Misunderstandings By Abductive Inference}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-4002}
author = {Schabes, Yves; Waters, Richard C.}
title = {Tree Insertion Grammar: A Cubic-Time Parsable Formalism That Lexicalizes Context-Free Grammar Without Changing The Trees Produced}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-4003}
author = {Merlo, Paola}
title = {Modularity And Information Content Classes In Principle-Based Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-4004}
author = {Brill, Eric}
title = {Transformation-Based-Error-Driven Learning And Natural Language Processing: A Case Study In Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J95-4005}
author = {Cohen, Andrew}
title = {Developing A Nonsymbolic Phonetic Notation For Speech Synthesis}
venue = {CL}
year = {1995}
id = {J96-1001}
author = {Smadja, Frank A.; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Translating Collocations For Bilingual Lexicons: A Statistical Approach}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-1002}
author = {Berger, Adam L.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Della Pietra, Stephen A.}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Approach To Natural Language Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-1003}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Error-Tolerant Finite-State Recognition With Applications To Morphological Analysis And Spelling Correction}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-1004}
author = {Gagnon, Michel; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {From Conceptual Time To Linguistic Time}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-2001}
author = {Baayen, R. Harald; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Estimating Lexical Priors For Low-Frequency Morphologically Ambiguous Forms}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-2002}
author = {Evans, Roger; Gazdar, Gerald}
title = {DATR: A Language For Lexical Knowledge Representation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-2003}
author = {McMahon, John G.; Smith, Francis J.}
title = {Improving Statistical Language Model Performance With Automatically Generated Word Hierarchies}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-2004}
author = {Carletta, Jean}
title = {Assessing Agreement On Classification Tasks: The Kappa Statistic}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-2005}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Limited Attention And Discourse Structure}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-3001}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Unification Encodings Of Grammatical Notations}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-3002}
author = {Suppes, Patrick; Liang, Lin; Bottner, Michael}
title = {Machine Learning Comprehension Grammars For Ten Languages}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-3003}
author = {Rentzepopoulos, Panagiotis A.; Kokkinakis, George K.}
title = {Efficient Multilingual Phoneme-To-Grapheme Conversion Based On HMM}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-3004}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.; Gale, William A.; Shih, Chilin; Chang, Nancy}
title = {A Stochastic Finite-State Word-Segmentation Algorithm For Chinese}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-3005}
author = {Forster, T. E.; Rood, C. M.}
title = {Sethood And Situations}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-3006}
author = {Moser, Megan; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Toward A Synthesis Of Two Accounts Of Discourse Structure}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-3007}
author = {Han, Young S.; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {A Chart Re-Estimation Algorithm For A Probabilistic Recursive Transition Network}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-4001}
author = {Baayen, R. Harald}
title = {The Effects Of Lexical Specialization On The Growth Curve Of The Vocabulary}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-4002}
author = {Covington, Michael A.}
title = {An Algorithm To Align Words For Historical Comparison}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-4003}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Learning Bias And Phonological-Rule Induction}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-4004}
author = {Gan, Kok Wee; Lua, KimTeng; Palmer, Martha}
title = {A Statistically Emergent Approach For Language Processing: Application To Modeling Context Effects In Ambiguous Chinese Word Boundary Perception}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-4005}
author = {Wedekind, Jurgen; Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {Ambiguity-Preserving Generation With LFG- And PATR-Style Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J96-4006}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Integrating General-Purpose And Corpus-Based Verb Classification}
venue = {CL}
year = {1996}
id = {J97-1001}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Empirical Studies In Discourse}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-1002}
author = {Carletta, Jean; Isard, Stephen; Anderson, Anne H.; Doherty-Sneddon, Gwyneth; Isard, Amy; Kowtko, Jacqueline C.}
title = {The Reliability Of A Dialogue Structure Coding Scheme}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-1003}
author = {Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {TextTiling: Segmenting Text Into Multi-Paragraph Subtopic Passages}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-1004}
author = {Lester, James C.; Porter, Bruce W.}
title = {Developing And Empirically Evaluating Robust Explanation Generators: The KNIGHT Experiments}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-1005}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Discourse Segmentation By Human And Automated Means}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-1006}
author = {Smith, Ronnie W.; Gordon, Steven A.}
title = {Effects Of Variable Initiative On Linguistic Behavior In Human-Computer Spoken Natural Language Dialogue}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-1007}
author = {Yeh, Ching-Long; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {An Empirical Study On The Generation Of Anaphora In Chinese}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-2001}
author = {Elhadad, Michael; Robin, Jacques; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Floating Constraints In Lexical Choice}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-2002}
author = {Palmer, David D.; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Adaptive Multilingual Sentence Boundary Disambiguation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-2003}
author = {Mohri, Mehryar}
title = {Finite-State Transducers In Language And Speech Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-2004}
author = {Ker, Sur-Jin; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {A Class-Based Approach To Word Alignment}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-2005}
author = {Sengupta, Probal; Chaudhuri, Bidyut Baran}
title = {A Delayed Syntactic-Encoding-Based LFG Parsing Strategy For An Indian Language-Bangla}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-3001}
author = {Noussia, Theodora I.}
title = {A Rule-Based Hyphenator For Modern Greek}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-3002}
author = {Wu, Dekai}
title = {Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars And Bilingual Parsing Of Parallel Corpora}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-3003}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {Automatic Rule Induction For Unknown-Word Guessing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-3004}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {An Efficient Implementation Of The Head-Corner Parser}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-3005}
author = {Kehler, Andrew; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Anaphoric Dependencies In Ellipsis}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-3006}
author = {Kehler, Andrew}
title = {Current Theories Of Centering For Pronoun Interpretation: A Critical Evaluation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-4001}
author = {Divay, Michel; Vitale, Anthony J.}
title = {Algorithms For Grapheme-Phoneme Translation For English And French: Applications For Database Searches And Speech Synthesis}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-4002}
author = {Hardt, Daniel}
title = {An Empirical Approach To VP Ellipsis}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-4003}
author = {Meurers, Detmar; Minnen, Guido}
title = {A Computational Treatment Of Lexical Rules In HPSG As Covariation In Lexical Entries}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-4004}
author = {Guo, Jin}
title = {Critical Tokenization And Its Properties}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J97-4005}
author = {Abney, Steven}
title = {Stochastic Attribute-Value Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {1997}
id = {J98-1001}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Veronis, Jean}
title = {Introduction To The Special Issue On Word Sense Disambiguation: The State Of The Art}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-1002}
author = {Karov, Yael; Edelman, Shimon}
title = {Similarity-Based Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-1003}
author = {Chen, Jen Nan; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Topical Clustering Of MRD Senses Based On Information Retrieval Techniques}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-1004}
author = {Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Automatic Word Sense Discrimination}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-1005}
author = {Towell, Geoffrey; Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Disambiguating Highly Ambiguous Words}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-1006}
author = {Leacock, Claudia; Miller, George A.; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Using Corpus Statistics And WordNet Relations For Sense Identification}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-2001}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Vieira, Renata}
title = {A Corpus-Based Investigation Of Definite Description Use}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-2002}
author = {Li, Hang; Abe, Naoki}
title = {Generalizing Case Frames Using A Thesaurus And The MDL Principle}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-2003}
author = {Marcus, Solomon; Paun, Gheorghe; Martin-Vide, Carlos}
title = {Contextual Grammars As Generative Models Of Natural Languages}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-2004}
author = {Caraballo, Sharon A.; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {New Figures Of Merit For Best-First Probabilistic Chart Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-2005}
author = {Chi, Zhiyi; Geman, Stuart}
title = {Estimation Of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-2006}
author = {Frank, Robert; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Optimality Theory And The Generative Complexity Of Constraint Violability}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-3001}
author = {Dale, Robert; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {Introduction To The Special Issue On Natural Language Generation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-3002}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Collaborative Response Generation In Planning Dialogues}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-3003}
author = {Stede, Manfred}
title = {A Generative Perspective On Verb Alternations}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-3004}
author = {Mittal, Vibhu O.; Carenini, Giuseppe; Moore, Johanna D.; Roth, Steven F.}
title = {Describing Complex Charts In Natural Language: A Caption Generation System}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-3005}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Generating Natural Language Summaries From Multiple On-Line Sources}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-3006}
author = {Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Do The Right Thing . . . But Expect The Unexpected}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-4001}
author = {Lochbaum, Karen E.}
title = {A Collaborative Planning Model Of Intentional Structure}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-4002}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Inui, Kentaro; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {Selective Sampling For Example-Based Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-4003}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Graehl, Jonathan}
title = {Machine Transliteration}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J98-4004}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {PCFG Models Of Linguistic Tree Representations}
venue = {CL}
year = {1998}
id = {J99-1001}
author = {Carberry, Sandra; Lambert, Lynn}
title = {A Process Model For Recognizing Communicative Acts And Modeling Negotiation Subdialogues}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-1002}
author = {Lascarides, Alex; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Default Representation In Constraint-Based Frameworks}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-1003}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Bitext Maps And Alignment Via Pattern Recognition}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-1004}
author = {Chi, Zhiyi}
title = {Statistical Properties Of Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-2001}
author = {Suri, Linda Z.; DeCristofaro, Jonathan D.; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {A Methodology For Extending Focusing Frameworks}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-2002}
author = {Bruce, Rebecca F.; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Decomposable Modeling In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-2003}
author = {Abrusci, V. Michele; Vauzeilles, Jacqueline; Fouquere, Christophe}
title = {Tree Adjoining Grammars In A Fragment Of The Lambek Calculus}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-2004}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Supertagging: An Approach To Almost Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-2005}
author = {Somers, Harold L.}
title = {Aligning Phonetic Segments For Children's Articulation Assessment}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-2006}
author = {Wedekind, Jurgen}
title = {Semantic-Driven Generation With LFG- And PATR-Style Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-2007}
author = {Li, Hang; Abe, Naoki}
title = {Learning Dependencies Between Case Frame Slots}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-3001}
author = {Strube, Michael; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Functional Centering Grounding Referential Coherence In Information Structure}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-3002}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {The Computational Complexity Of The Correct-Prefix Property For TAGs}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-3003}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Carpenter, Bob}
title = {Vector-Based Natural Language Call Routing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-3004}
author = {Green, Nancy L.; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Interpreting And Generating Indirect Answers}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-4001}
author = {Ritchie, Graeme D.}
title = {Completeness Conditions For Mixed Strategy Bidirectional Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-4002}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Lexical Rules In Constraint-Based Grammars}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-4003}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.; Allen, James F.}
title = {Speech Repairs Intonational Phrases And Discourse Markers: Modeling Speakers' Utterances In Spoken Dialogue}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-4004}
author = {Goodman, Joshua}
title = {Semiring Parsing}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-4005}
author = {Knight, Kevin}
title = {Decoding Complexity In Word-Replacement Translation Models}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {J99-4006}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.; Gordon, Peter C.}
title = {Conceptions Of Limited Attention And Discourse Focus}
venue = {CL}
year = {1999}
id = {W06-3201}
author = {Melnar, Lynette; Liu, Chen}
title = {A Combined Phonetic-Phonological Approach To Estimating Cross-Language Phoneme Similarity In An ASR Environment}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3202}
author = {Muller, Karin}
title = {Improving Syllabification Models With Phonotactic Knowledge}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3203}
author = {Heinz, Jeffrey}
title = {Learning Quantity Insensitive Stress Systems Via Local Inference}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3204}
author = {Boersma, Paul}
title = {Invited Talk: Universal Constraint Rankings Result From Learning And Evolution}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3205}
author = {Xanthos, Aris; Hu, Yu; Goldsmith, John}
title = {Exploring Variant Definitions Of Pointer Length In MDL}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3206}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Canisius, Sander}
title = {Improved Morpho-Phonological Sequence Processing With Constraint Satisfaction Inference}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3207}
author = {Jarosz, Gaja E.}
title = {Richness Of The Base And Probabilistic Unsupervised Learning In Optimality Theory}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3208}
author = {Karagol-Ayan, Burcu; Doermann, David; Weinberg, Amy}
title = {Morphology Induction From Limited Noisy Data Using Approximate String Matching}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3209}
author = {Chan, Erwin}
title = {Learning Probabilistic Paradigms For Morphology In A Latent Class Model}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3210}
author = {Hammarström, Harald}
title = {A Naive Theory Of Affixation And An Algorithm For Extraction}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2006}
id = {W07-1301}
author = {Nerbonne, John; Ellison, T. Mark; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Computing and Historical Phonology}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1302}
author = {Kessler, Brett}
title = {Word Similarity Metrics and Multilateral Comparison}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1303}
author = {Ellison, T. Mark}
title = {Bayesian Identification of Cognates and Correspondences}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1304}
author = {Gaillard-Corvaglia, Antonella; Leonard, Jean-Leo; Darlu, Pierre}
title = {Testing Cladistics on Dialect Networks and Phyla (Gallo-Romance Vowels Southern Italo-Romance Diasystems and Mayan Languages)}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1305}
author = {Heeringa, Wilbert; Joseph, Brian}
title = {The Relative Divergence of Dutch Dialect Pronunciations from their Common Source: An Exploratory Study}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1306}
author = {Singh, Anil Kumar; Surana, Harshit}
title = {Can Corpus Based Measures be Used for Comparative Study of Languages?}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1307}
author = {Wieling, Martijn; Leinonen, Therese; Nerbonne, John}
title = {Inducing Sound Segment Differences Using Pair Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1308}
author = {Smith, Eric}
title = {Phonological Reconstruction of a Dead Language Using the Gradual Learning Algorithm}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1309}
author = {Choudhury, Monojit; Jalan, Vaibhav; Sarkar, Sudeshna; Basu, Anupam}
title = {Evolution Optimization and Language Change: The Case of Bengali Verb Inflections}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1310}
author = {Goebl, Hans}
title = {On the Geolinguistic Change in Northern France between 1300 and 1900: A Dialectometrical Inquiry}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1311}
author = {Pilz, Thomas; Philipsenburg, Axel; Luther, Wolfram}
title = {Visualizing the Evaluation of Distance Measures}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1312}
author = {Moisl, Hermann}
title = {Data Nonlinearity in Exploratory Multivariate Analysis of Language Corpora}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1313}
author = {Mukherjee, Animesh; Choudhury, Monojit; Basu, Anupam; Ganguly, Niloy}
title = {Emergence of Community Structures in Vowel Inventories: An Analysis Based on Complex Networks}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1314}
author = {Cysouw, Michael; Jung, Hagen}
title = {Cognate Identification and Alignment Using Practical Orthographies}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1315}
author = {Monson, Christian; Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Lavie, Alon; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {ParaMor: Minimally Supervised Induction of Paradigm Structure and Morphological Analysis}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1316}
author = {Peterson, Tyler; Picanco, Gessiane}
title = {Dynamic Correspondences: An Object-Oriented Approach to Tracking Sound Reconstructions}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1317}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz; Beck, David; Dilts, Philip}
title = {Creating a Comparative Dictionary of Totonac-Tepehua}
venue = {SIGMORPHON}
year = {2007}
id = {T75-1002}
author = {Abelson, Robert P.}
title = {The Reasoner And The Inferencer Don't Talk Much To Each Other}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-1003}
author = {Fikes, Richard E.}
title = {Automatic Planning From A Frames Point Of View}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-1004}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Syntactic Processing And Functional Sentence Perspective}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-1005}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.}
title = {What Makes Sam Run? Script Based Techniques For Question Answering}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2001}
author = {Heidorn, George E.}
title = {Augmented Phrase Structure Grammars}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2002}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Diagnosis As A Notion Of Grammar}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2003}
author = {Riesbeck, Christopher K.}
title = {Computational Understanding}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2004}
author = {Simmons, Robert F.}
title = {The Clowns Microworld}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2005}
author = {Waltz, David L.}
title = {On Understanding Poetry}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2006}
author = {Jackendoff, Ray}
title = {A System Of Semantic Primitives}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2007}
author = {Miller, George A.}
title = {Comments On Lexical Analysis}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2008}
author = {Schank, Roger C.}
title = {The Primitive ACTs Of Conceptual Dependency}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2009}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Primitives And Words}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2010}
author = {Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Organization And Inference In A Frame-Like System Of Common Sense Knowledge}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2011}
author = {Collins, Allan M.}
title = {The Trouble With Memory Distinctions}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2012}
author = {Ortony, Andrew}
title = {How Episodic Is Semantic Memory?}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2013}
author = {Becker, Joseph D.}
title = {The Phrasal Lexicon}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2014}
author = {Bruce, Bertram C.}
title = {Generation As A Social Action}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2015}
author = {Clippinger Jr., John Henry}
title = {Speaking With Many Tongues: Some Problems In Modeling Speakers Of Actual Discourse}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2016}
author = {Goldman, Neil M.}
title = {The Boundaries Of Language Generation}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2017}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Rosenschein, Stanley J.}
title = {A Formalism For Relating Lexical And Pragmatic Information: Its Relevance To Recognition And Generation}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2018}
author = {Klein, Sheldon}
title = {Meta-Compiling Text Grammars As A Model For Human Behavior}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2019}
author = {Chafe, Wallace L.}
title = {Some Thoughts On Schemata}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2020}
author = {Feldman, Jerome A.}
title = {Bad-Mouthing Frames}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2021}
author = {Hewitt, Carl}
title = {Stereotypes As An Actor Approach Towards Solving The Problem Of Procedural Attachment In Frame Theories}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2022}
author = {Minsky, Marvin}
title = {Minsky's Frame System Theory}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2023}
author = {Schank, Roger C.}
title = {Using Knowledge To Understand}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2024}
author = {Clippinger Jr., John Henry}
title = {Considerations For Computational Theories Of Speaking: Seven Things Speakers Do}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2025}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {Improving Methodology In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2026}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Methodology In AI And Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2027}
author = {Woods, William A.}
title = {Some Methodological Issues In Natural Language Understanding Research}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2028}
author = {Abelson, Robert P.}
title = {Does A Story Understander Need A Point Of View?}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2029}
author = {Chafe, Wallace L.}
title = {Creativity In Verbalization As Evidence For Analogic Knowledge}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2030}
author = {Kosslyn, Stephen Michael}
title = {On Retrieving Information From Visual Images}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2031}
author = {Palmer, Stephen E.}
title = {The Nature Of Perceptual Representation: An Examination Of The Analog/Propositional Controversy}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2032}
author = {Pylyshyn, Zenon W.}
title = {Representation Of Knowledge: Non-Linguistic Forms Do We Need Images And Analogues?}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2033}
author = {Sloman, Aaron}
title = {Afterthoughts On Analogical Representations}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2034}
author = {Clark, Herbert H.}
title = {Bridging}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2035}
author = {Reiter, Raymond}
title = {Formal Reasoning And Language Understanding System}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2036}
author = {Rieger III, Charles J.}
title = {The Commonsense Algorithm As A Basis For Computer Models Of Human Memory Inference Belief And Contextual Language Comprehension}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T75-2037}
author = {Schmidt, Charles F.}
title = {Understanding Human Action}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1975}
id = {T78-1001}
author = {Gentner, Dedre}
title = {Testing The Psychological Reality Of A Representational Model}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1002}
author = {Schank, Roger C.}
title = {What Makes Something Ad Hoc}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1003}
author = {Talmy, Leonard}
title = {The Relation Of Grammar To Cognition - A Synopsis}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1004}
author = {Winograd, Terry}
title = {On Primitives Prototypes And Other Semantic Anomalies}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1005}
author = {Woods, William A.}
title = {Taxonomic Lattice Structures For Situation Recognition}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1006}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Description Formation And Discourse Model Synthesis}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1007}
author = {Anderson, John R.}
title = {The Processing Of Referring Expressions Within A Semantic Network}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1008}
author = {Clark, Herbert H.; Marshall, Catherine}
title = {Reference Diaries}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1009}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {Subsequent Reference: Syntactic And Rhetorical Constraints}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1010}
author = {Ortony, Andrew}
title = {Some Psycholinguistic Constraints On The Construction And Interpretation Of Definite Descriptions}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1011}
author = {Partee, Barbara H.}
title = {Bound Variables And Other Anaphors}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1012}
author = {Sidner, Candace L.}
title = {The Use Of Focus As A Tool For Disambiguation Of Definite Noun Phrases}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1013}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.}
title = {Focusing In Dialog}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1014}
author = {Grimes, Joseph E.}
title = {Topic Levels}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1015}
author = {Morgan, Jerry L.}
title = {Toward A Rational Model Of Discourse Comprehension}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1016}
author = {Olson, David R.}
title = {Assent And Compliance In Children's Language Comprehension}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1017}
author = {Perrault, Raymond C.; Allen, James F.}
title = {Speech Acts As A Basis For Understanding Dialogue Coherence}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1018}
author = {Rubin, Andee}
title = {A Framework For Comparing Language Experiences (With Particular Emphasis On: The Effect Of Audience On Discourse Models)}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1019}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Intentionality And Human Conversations}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1020}
author = {Waltz, David L.}
title = {On The Interdependence Of Language And Perception}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1021}
author = {Bajcsy, R.; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {The Problem Of Naming Shapes: Vision-Language Interface}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1022}
author = {Jackendoff, Ray}
title = {An Argument About The Composition Of Conceptual Structure}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1023}
author = {Michael, Stephen}
title = {On The Ontological Status Of Visual Mental Images}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1024}
author = {Pylyshyn, Zenon W.}
title = {What Has Language To Do With Perception? Some Speculations On The Lingua Mentis}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1025}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Semantic Primitives In Language And Vision}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1026}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {A Note On Partial Match Of Descriptions: Can One Simultaneously Question (Retrieve) And Inform (Update)?}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1027}
author = {Charniak, Eugene}
title = {With A Spoon In Hand This Must Be The Eating Frame}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1028}
author = {Collins, Allan M.}
title = {Fragments Of A Theory Of Human Plausible Reasoning}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1029}
author = {Kaplan, S. Jerrold}
title = {Indirect Responses To Loaded Questions}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1030}
author = {Reiter, Raymond}
title = {On Reasoning By Default}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1031}
author = {Shapiro, Stuart C.}
title = {Path-Based And Node-Based Inference In Semantic Networks}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1032}
author = {Spiro, Rand J.; Esposito, Joseph; Vondruska, Richard J.}
title = {The Representation Of Derivable Information In Memory: When What Might Have Been Left Unsaid Is Said}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1033}
author = {Grimes, Joseph E.}
title = {A Heuristic For Paradigms}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1034}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {A Computational Account Of Some Constraints On Language}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T78-1035}
author = {Wasow, Thomas}
title = {Remarks On Processing Constriaints And The Lexicon}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1978}
id = {T87-1004}
author = {Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {The Definitional Power Of Words}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1005}
author = {Amsler, Robert A.}
title = {Words And Worlds}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1006}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {World Knowledge And Word Meaning}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1007}
author = {Kegl, Judy Anne}
title = {The Boundary Between Word Knowledge And World Knowledge}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1008}
author = {Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Information Unification And Locality}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1009}
author = {Gazdar, Gerald}
title = {COMIT ==> PATR II}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1010}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Unification And The New Grammatism}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1011}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Unification And Some New Grammatical Formalisms}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1012}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {The Linguistic Connection}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1013}
author = {Waltz, David L.}
title = {Connectionist Models: Not Just A Notational Variant Not A Panacea}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1014}
author = {Cottrell, Garrison W.}
title = {Toward Connectionist Semantics}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1015}
author = {Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Connectionism And Explanation}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1016}
author = {McClelland, James L.}
title = {Parallel Distributed Processing And Role Assignment Constraints}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1017}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.}
title = {Possible Implications Of Connectionism}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1018}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.}
title = {Whither Discourse And Speech Acts?}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1019}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {na}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1020}
author = {Perrault, Raymond C.}
title = {Towards A Semantic Theory Of Discourse}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1021}
author = {Wilensky, Robert}
title = {A Framework For A Theory Of Meaning}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1022}
author = {Guenthner, Franz}
title = {Discourse Representation Theory And The Semantics Of Natural Languages: Contribution To A Panel On Discourse Theory And Speech Acts TINLAP3}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1023}
author = {Schank, Roger C.; Kass, Alex}
title = {Natural Language Processing: What's Really Involved?}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1024}
author = {Sondheimer, Norman K.}
title = {The RATE Of Progress In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1025}
author = {Birnbaum, Lawrence}
title = {Let's Put The AI Back In NLP}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1026}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {On Keeping Logic In Its Place}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1027}
author = {Nunberg, Geoffrey}
title = {Position Paper On Common-Sense And Formal Semantics}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1028}
author = {Israel, David J.}
title = {On Formal Versus Commonsense Semantics}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1029}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen}
title = {They Say It's A New Sort Of Engine: But The SUMP's Still There}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1030}
author = {Stucky, Susan U.}
title = {A Situated Perspective On Natural-Language Processing}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1031}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.}
title = {Reference And Pragmatic Identification}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1032}
author = {Dahl, Deborah A.}
title = {Determiners Entities And Contexts}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1033}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Event Reference}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1034}
author = {Kronfeld, Amichai}
title = {Goals Of Referring Acts}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1035}
author = {Goodman, Bradley A.}
title = {Reference And Reference Failures}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1036}
author = {Gentner, Dedre; Faikenhainer, Brian; Skorstad, Janice}
title = {Metaphor: The Good The Bad And The Ugly}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1037}
author = {Ortony, Andrew; Fainsilber, Lynn}
title = {The Role Of Metaphors In Descriptions Of Emotions}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1038}
author = {Plantin, Edwin}
title = {Mental Models And Metaphor}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1039}
author = {Lakoff, George}
title = {Position Paper On Metaphor}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1040}
author = {Nunberg, Geoffrey}
title = {Poetic And Prosaic Metaphors}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1041}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Generation - A New Frontier Of Natural Language Processing?}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1042}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.}
title = {Bidirectional Grammars And The Design Of Natural Language Generation Systems}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1043}
author = {Kroch, Anthony S.}
title = {Limits On The Human Sentence Generator}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1044}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {No Better But No Worse Than People}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1045}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {What Is Special About Natural Language Generation Research?}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {T87-1046}
author = {Marc, Mitchell}
title = {Generation Systems Should Choose Their Words}
venue = {TINLP}
year = {1987}
id = {A00-1001}
author = {Amble, Tore}
title = {BusTUC - A Natural Language Bus Route Oracle}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1002}
author = {Hajič, Jan; Hric, Jan; Kuboň, Vladislav}
title = {Machine Translation Of Very Close Languages}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1003}
author = {Flank, Sharon}
title = {Cross-Language Multimedia Information Retrieval}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1004}
author = {Chen, Jiang; Nie, Jian-Yun}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Parallel English-Chinese Corpus For Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1005}
author = {Bagga, Amit; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Wise, G. Bowden}
title = {PartsID: A Dialogue-Based System For Identifying Parts For Medical Systems}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1006}
author = {Yamada, Setsuo; Sumita, Eiichiro; Kashioka, Hideki}
title = {Translation Using Information On Dialogue Participants}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1007}
author = {Jönsson, Arne; Dahlback, Nils}
title = {Distilling Dialogues - A Method Using Natural Dialogue Corpora For Dialogue Systems Development}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1008}
author = {Freedman, Reva}
title = {Plan-Based Dialogue Management In A Physics Tutor}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1009}
author = {Lavoie, Benoit; Kittredge, Richard; Korelsky, Tanya; Rambow, Owen}
title = {A Framework For MT And Multilingual NLG Systems Based On Uniform Lexico-Structural Processing}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1010}
author = {Stallard, David G.}
title = {Talk'n'Travel: A Conversational System For Air Travel Planning}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1011}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Ramos-Santacruz, Mila}
title = {REES: A Large-Scale Relation And Event Extraction System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1012}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Experiments On Sentence Boundary Detection}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1013}
author = {Wiemer-Hastings, Katja; Wiemer-Hastings, Peter; Rajah, Sonya}
title = {DP: A Detector For Presuppositions In Survey Questions}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1014}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {MIMIC: An Adaptive Mixed Initiative Spoken Dialogue System For Information Queries}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1015}
author = {Fulkerson, Michael S.; Biermann, Alan W.}
title = {Javox: A Toolkit For Building Speech-Enabled Applications}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1016}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Hockey, Beth Ann; James, Frankie}
title = {A Compact Architecture For Dialogue Management Based On Scripts And Meta-Outputs}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1017}
author = {Mellish, Chris S.; Evans, Roger; Cahill, Lynne J.; Doran, Christine; Paiva, Daniel S.; Reape, Mike; Scott, Donia R.; Tipper, Neil}
title = {A Representation For Complex And Evolving Data Dependencies In Generation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1018}
author = {Jutras, Jean-Marc}
title = {An Automatic Reviser: The TransCheck System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1019}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Foster, George; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Unit Completion For A Computer-Aided Translation Typing System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1020}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {Multilingual Coreference Resolution}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1021}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Prager, John; Samn, Valerie}
title = {Ranking Suspected Answers To Natural Language Questions Using Predictive Annotation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1022}
author = {Busemann, Stephan; Schmeier, Sven; Arens, Roman G.}
title = {Message Classification In The Call Center}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1023}
author = {Srihari, Rohini K.; Li, Wei}
title = {A Question Answering System Supported By Information Extraction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1024}
author = {Toole, Janine}
title = {Categorizing Unknown Words: Using Decision Trees To Identify Names And Misspellings}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1025}
author = {Cardie, Claire; Ng, Vincent; Pierce, David R.; Buckley, Chris}
title = {Examining The Role Of Statistical And Linguistic Knowledge Sources In A General-Knowledge Question-Answering System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1026}
author = {Rindflesch, Thomas C.; Rajan, Jayant V.; Hunter, Lawrence}
title = {Extracting Molecular Binding Relationships From Biomedical Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1027}
author = {Yoon, Juntae}
title = {Compound Noun Segmentation Based On Lexical Data Extracted From Corpus}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1028}
author = {Cancedda, Nicola; Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {Experiments With Corpus-Based LFG Specialization}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1029}
author = {Kambhatla, Nanda; Zadrozny, Wlodek}
title = {A Tool For Automated Revision Of Grammars For NLP Systems}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1030}
author = {Woods, William A.}
title = {Aggressive Morphology For Robust Lexical Coverage}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1031}
author = {Brants, Thorsten}
title = {TnT - A Statistical Part-Of-Speech Tagger}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1032}
author = {Yamashita, Tatsuo; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Language Independent Morphological Analysis}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1033}
author = {Neumann, Günter; Braun, Christian; Piskorski, Jakub}
title = {A Divide-And-Conquer Strategy For Shallow Parsing Of German Free Texts}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1034}
author = {Srihari, Rohini K.; Niu, Cheng; Li, Wei}
title = {A Hybrid Approach For Named Entity And Sub-Type Tagging}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1035}
author = {Paggio, Patrizia}
title = {Spelling And Grammar Correction For Danish In SCARRIE}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1036}
author = {Woods, William A.; Bookman, Lawrence A.; Houston, Ann; Kuhns, Robert J.; Martin, Paul; Green, Stephen J.}
title = {Linguistic Knowledge Can Improve Information Retrieval}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1037}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Gîrju, Roxana; Rus, Vasile}
title = {Domain-Specific Knowledge Acquisition From Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1038}
author = {Wasson, Mark}
title = {Large-Scale Controlled Vocabulary Indexing For Named Entities}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1039}
author = {Yangarber, Roman; Grishman, Ralph; Tapanainen, Pasi; Huttunen, Silja}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery Of Scenario-Level Patterns For Information Extraction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1040}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Using Corpus-Derived Name Lists For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1041}
author = {Abney, Steven; Collins, Michael John; Singhal, Amit}
title = {Answer Extraction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1042}
author = {Wacholder, Nina; Klavans, Judith L.; Evans, David Kirk}
title = {Evaluation Of Automatically Identified Index Terms For Browsing Electronic Documents}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1043}
author = {Jing, Hongyan}
title = {Sentence Reduction For Automatic Text Summarization}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1044}
author = {Miller, David; Boisen, Sean; Schwartz, Richard M.; Stone, Rebecca; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Named Entity Extraction From Noisy Input: Speech And OCR}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1045}
author = {Broker, Norbert}
title = {Improving Testsuites Via Instrumentation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-1046}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.; McGee, David R.; Clow, Josh}
title = {The Efficiency Of Multimodal Interaction For A Map-Based Task}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2001}
author = {Matheson, Colin; Poesio, Massimo; Traum, David R.}
title = {Modelling Grounding And Discourse Obligations Using Update Rules}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2002}
author = {Marcu, Daniel; Carlson, Lynn; Watanabe, Maki}
title = {The Automatic Translation Of Discourse Structures}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2003}
author = {Strube, Michael; Wolters, Maria}
title = {A Probabilistic Genre-Independent Model Of Pronominalization}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2004}
author = {Choi, Freddy Y. Y.}
title = {Advances In Domain Independent Linear Text Segmentation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2005}
author = {Henderson, John C.; Brill, Eric}
title = {Bagging And Boosting A Treebank Parser}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2006}
author = {Alonge, Antonietta; Bertagna, Francesca; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Roventini, Adriana; Zampolli, Antonio}
title = {Encoding Information On Adjectives In A Lexical-Semantic Net For Computational Applications}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2007}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Noun Phrase Recognition By System Combination}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2008}
author = {Johnson, Christopher; Fillmore, Charles J.}
title = {The FrameNet Tagset For Frame-Semantic And Syntactic Coding Of Predicate-Argument Structure}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2009}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {A Simple Approach To Building Ensembles Of Naive Bayesian Classifiers For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2010}
author = {Pogodalla, Sylvain}
title = {Generation In The Lambek Calculus Framework: An Approach With Semantic Proof Nets}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2011}
author = {Pantel, Patrick; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Word-For-Word Glossing With Contextually Similar Words}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2012}
author = {Cavalli-Sforza, Violetta; Soudi, Abdelhadi; Mitamura, Teruko}
title = {Arabic Morphology Generation Using A Concatenative Strategy}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2013}
author = {Hajič, Jan}
title = {Morphological Tagging: Data Vs. Dictionaries}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2014}
author = {Harper, Mary P.; White, Christopher M.; Wang, Wen; Johnson, Michael T.; Helzerman, Randall A.}
title = {The Effectiveness Of Corpus-Induced Dependency Grammars For Post-Processing Speech}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2015}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Nishiokayama, Shigeyuki; Fujio, Masakazu; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Analyzing Dependencies Of Japanese Subordinate Clauses Based On Statistics Of Scope Embedding Preference}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2016}
author = {Hermjakob, Ulf}
title = {Rapid Parser Development: A Machine Learning Approach For Korean}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2017}
author = {Even-Zohar, Yair; Roth, Dan}
title = {A Classification Approach To Word Prediction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2018}
author = {Charniak, Eugene}
title = {A Maximum-Entropy-Inspired Parser}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2019}
author = {Chodorow, Martin; Leacock, Claudia}
title = {An Unsupervised Method For Detecting Grammatical Errors}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2020}
author = {Eskin, Eleazar}
title = {Detecting Errors Within A Corpus Using Anomaly Detection}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2021}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Exploiting Auxiliary Distributions In Stochastic Unification-Based Grammars}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2022}
author = {Cepen, Stephan; Carroll, John}
title = {Ambiguity Packing In Constraint-Based Parsing Practical Results}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2023}
author = {Langkilde-Geary, Irene}
title = {Forest-Based Statistical Sentence Generation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2024}
author = {Jing, Hongyan; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Cut And Paste Based Text Summarization}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2025}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Minimizing Word Error Rate In Textual Summaries Of Spoken Language}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2026}
author = {Ratnaparkhi, Adwait}
title = {Trainable Methods For Surface Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2027}
author = {Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {Evaluating Automatic Dialogue Strategy Adaptation For A Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2028}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Langkilde-Geary, Irene; Wright, Jerry; Gorin, Allen L.; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Learning To Predict Problematic Situations In A Spoken Dialogue System: Experiments With How May I Help You?}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2029}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Hirschberg, Julia; Swerts, Marc}
title = {Predicting Automatic Speech Recognition Performance Using Prosodic Cues}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2030}
author = {Miller, Scott; Fox, Heidi J.; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {A Novel Use Of Statistical Parsing To Extract Information From Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2031}
author = {Blaheta, Don; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Assigning Function Tags To Parsed Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2032}
author = {Ando, Rie Kubota; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Mostly-Unsupervised Statistical Segmentation Of Japanese: Applications To Kanji}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2033}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Removing Left Recursion From Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2034}
author = {McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Using Semantic Preferences To Identify Verbal Participation In Role Switching Alternations}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2035}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {Tagging Sentence Boundaries}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2036}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Left-To-Right Parsing And Bilexical Context-Free Grammars}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2037}
author = {Ward, Karen; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Acknowledgments In Human-Computer Interaction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2038}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {A New Algorithm For The Alignment Of Phonetic Sequences}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2039}
author = {Walther, Markus}
title = {Finite-State Reduplication In One-Level Prosodic Morphology}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2040}
author = {Bouma, Gosse}
title = {A Finite State And Data-Oriented Method For Grapheme To Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2041}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {A Framework For Robust Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2042}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Konrad, Karsten}
title = {Understanding Each Other}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-2043}
author = {Romacker, Martin; Hahn, Udo}
title = {An Empirical Assessment Of Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3001}
author = {Cheng, Hua}
title = {Experimenting With The Interaction Between Aggregation And Text Structuring}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3002}
author = {Czuba, Krzysztof}
title = {Efficient Parsing Strategies For Syntactic Analysis Of Closed Captions}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3003}
author = {Garibay, Ivan I.}
title = {Generating Text With A Theorem Prover}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3004}
author = {Ghorbel, Hatem; Pallotta, Vincenzo}
title = {A Weighted Robust Parsing Approach To Semantic Annotation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3005}
author = {Gojenola, Koldo; Oronoz, Maite}
title = {Corpus-Based Syntactic Error Detection Using Syntactic Patterns}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3006}
author = {Higgins, Derrick}
title = {The Use Of Error Tags In ARTFL's Encyclopedia: Does Good Error Identification Lead To Good Error Correction?}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3007}
author = {Liu, Mary Xiaoyong; Diamond, Ted; Diekema, Anne R.}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation For Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A00-3008}
author = {Oates, Sarah Louise}
title = {Multiple Discourse Marker Occurrence: Creating Hierarchies For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2000}
id = {A83-1001}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Domain-Independent Natural Language Interfaces: Session Introduction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1002}
author = {Templeton, Marjorie; Burger, John D.}
title = {Problems In Natural-Language Interface To DSMS With Examples From EUFID}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1003}
author = {Thompson, Bozena Henisz; Thompson, Frederick B.}
title = {Introducing ASK A Simple Knowledgeable System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1004}
author = {Ginsparg, Jerrold M.}
title = {A Robust Portable Natural Language Data Base Interface}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1005}
author = {Guida, Giovanni; Tasso, Carlo}
title = {IR-NLI : An Expert Natural Language Interface To Online Data Bases}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1006}
author = {Grosz, Barbara J.}
title = {TEAM: A Transportable Natural-Language Interface System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1007}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Hirschman, Lynette; Friedman, Carol}
title = {Isolating Domain Dependencies In Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1008}
author = {Sag, Ivan A.}
title = {Knowledge-Based Approaches: Session Introduction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1009}
author = {Montgomery, Christine A.}
title = {Distinguishing Fact From Opinion And Events From Meta-Events}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1010}
author = {Finin, Timothy W.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Parsing With Logical Variables}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1011}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.; Shwartz, Steven P.}
title = {EXPLORER: A Natural Language Processing System For Oil Exploration}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1012}
author = {Pazzani, Michael J.; Engelman, Carl}
title = {Knowledge Based Question Answering}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1013}
author = {Boguraev, Branimir K.; Sparck Jones, Karen}
title = {How To Drive A Database Front End Using General Semantic Information}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1014}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Handling Ill-Formed Input: Session Introduction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1015}
author = {Jensen, Karen; Heidorn, George E.}
title = {The Fitted Parse: 100% Parsing Capability In A Syntactic Grammar Of English}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1016}
author = {Marsh, Elaine}
title = {Utilizing Domain-Specific Information For Processing Compact Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1017}
author = {Granger, Richard H.; Staros, Chris J .; Taylor, Gregory S.; Yoshii, Rika}
title = {Scruffy Text Understanding: Design And Implementation Of The NOMAD System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1018}
author = {Walker, Donald E.}
title = {Text Analysis: Session Introduction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1019}
author = {Reeker, Larry H.; Chmora, Elena M.; Blower, Paul E.}
title = {Specialized Information Extraction: Automatic Chemical Reaction Coding From English Descriptions}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1020}
author = {Cowie, James R.}
title = {Automatic Analysis Of Descriptive Texts}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1021}
author = {Tuttle, Mark S.; Sherertz, David D.; Blois, Marsden S.; Nelson, Stuart}
title = {Expertness From Structured Text? RECONSIDER: A Diagnostic Prompting Program}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1022}
author = {Hafner, Carole D.; Joyce, John D.}
title = {Using Natural Language Descriptions To Improve The Usability Of Databases}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1023}
author = {Vladutz, G.}
title = {Natural Language Text Segmentation Techniques Applied To The Automatic Compilation Of Printed Subject Indexes And For Online Database Access}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1024}
author = {Zarri, Gian Piero}
title = {Automatic Representation Of The Semantic Relationships Corresponding To A French Surface Expression}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1025}
author = {Martins, Gary R.}
title = {Machine Translation: Session Introduction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1026}
author = {Somers, Harold L.}
title = {Investigating The Possibility Of A Microprocessor-Based Machine Translation System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1027}
author = {Nishida, Toyoaki; Doshita, Shuji}
title = {An Application Of MONTAGUE Grammar To English-Japanese Machine Translation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1028}
author = {Slocum, Jonathan}
title = {A Status Report On The LRC Machine}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1029}
author = {Melby, Alan K.}
title = {Computer-Assisted Translation Systems: The Standard Design And A Multi-Level Design}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1030}
author = {Hogan, Douglas L.}
title = {Speech Interfaces: Session Introduction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1031}
author = {Biermann, Alan W.; Rodman, R.; Ballard, Bruce W.; Betancourt, T.; Bilbro, G.; Deas, H.; Fineman, Linda; Fink, Pamela K.; Krulee, Gilbert K.; Gregory, D.; Heidlage, F.}
title = {Interactive Natural Language Problem Solving: A Pragmatic Approach}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1032}
author = {McPeters, David L.; Tharp, Alan L.}
title = {Application Of The Liberman-Prince Stress Rules To Computer Synthesized Speech}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A83-1033}
author = {Kaplan, S. Jerrold}
title = {The Impact Of Natural Language Access On Database Design And Implementation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1983}
id = {A88-1001}
author = {Brennan, Susan E.}
title = {The Multimedia Articulation Of Answers In A Natural Language Database Query System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1002}
author = {Hayes, Philip J.; Knecht, Laura E.; Cellio, Monica J.}
title = {A News Story Categorization System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1003}
author = {Rich, Elaine A.; LuperFoy, Susann}
title = {An Architecture For Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1004}
author = {Rösner, Dietmar}
title = {The SEMSYN Generation System: Ingredients Applications Prospects}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1005}
author = {Boggess, Lois}
title = {Two Simple Prediction Algorithms To Facilitate Text Production}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1006}
author = {McDonald, David D.; Meteer, Marie W.}
title = {From Water To Wine: Generating Natural Language Text From Today's Applications Programs}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1007}
author = {Lang, Francois-Michel; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Improved Portability And Parsing Through Interactive Acquisition Of Semantic Information}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1008}
author = {Hurum, Sven}
title = {Handling Scope Ambiguities In English}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1009}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Peng, Ping}
title = {Responding To Semantically Ill-Formed Input}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1010}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Chitrao, Mahesh V.}
title = {Evaluation Of A Parallel Chart Parser}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1011}
author = {Van Berkelt, Brigitte; De Smedt, Koenraad}
title = {TRIPHONE Analysis: A Combined Method For The Correction Of Orthographical And Typographical Errors}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1012}
author = {Neff, Mary S.; Byrd, Roy J.; Rizk, Omneya A.}
title = {Creating And Querying Lexical Data Bases}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1013}
author = {Means, Linda G.}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1014}
author = {Fox, Edward A.; Nutter, J. Terry; Ahlswede, Thomas E.; Evens, Martha W.; Markowitz, Judith A.}
title = {Building A Large Thesaurus For Information Retrieval}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1015}
author = {Ryan, Karen L.; Root, Rebecca; Olawsky, Duane E.}
title = {Application-Specific Issues In Natural Language Interfacer Development For A Diagnostic Expert System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1016}
author = {Emorine, Olivier M.; Martin, Pierre M.}
title = {The MULTIVOC Text-To-Speech System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1017}
author = {Datskovsky Moerdler, Galina}
title = {Structure From Anarchy: Meta Level Representation Of Expert System Propositions For Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1018}
author = {Rau, Lisa F.; Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {Integrating Top-Down And Bottom-Up Strategies In A Text Processing System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1019}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {A Stochastic Parts Program And Noun Phrase Parser For Unrestricted Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1020}
author = {Chodorow, Martin; Ravin, Yael; Sachar, Howard E.}
title = {A Tool For Investigating Tile Synonymy Relation In A Sense Disambiguated Thesaurus}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1021}
author = {Jensen, Karen; Binot, Jean-Louis}
title = {Dictionary Text Entries As A Source Of Knowledge For Syntactic And Other Disambiguations}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1022}
author = {Varile, Giovanni Battista; Lau, Peter}
title = {Eurotra Practical Experience With A Multilingual Machine Translation System Under Development}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1023}
author = {Gebruers, Rudi}
title = {Valency And MT: Recent Developments In The Metal System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1024}
author = {Sondheimer, Norman K.}
title = {Natural Language Interfaces: Present And Future}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1025}
author = {Kalita, Jugal K.; Shende, Sunil}
title = {Automatically Generating Natural Language Reports In An Office Environment}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1026}
author = {Wroblewski, David A.; Rich, Elaine A.}
title = {LUKE: An Experiment In The Early Integration Of Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1027}
author = {Richardson, Stephen D.; Braden-Harder, Lisa C.}
title = {The Experience Of Developing A Large-Scale Natural Language Text Processing System: Critique}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1028}
author = {Oshika, Beatrice T.; Machi, Filip; Evans, Bruce; Tom, Janet}
title = {Computational Techniques For Improved Name Search}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1029}
author = {Allport, David}
title = {The TIC: Parsing Interesting Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1030}
author = {Ejerhed, Eva I.}
title = {Finding Clauses In Unrestricted Text By Finitary And Stochastic Methods}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1031}
author = {Slocum, Jonathan}
title = {Morphological Processing In The NABU System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1032}
author = {Bear, John; Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Localizing Expression Of Ambiguity}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1033}
author = {Newman, P. S.}
title = {Combinatorial Disambiguation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A88-1034}
author = {Wittenburg, Kent; Barnett, James}
title = {Canonical Representation In NLP System Design: A Critical Evaluation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1988}
id = {A92-1001}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Alshawi, Hiyan}
title = {Deriving Database Queries From Logical Forms By Abductive Definition Expansion}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1002}
author = {Smith, Ronnie W.; Hipp, D. Richard; Biermann, Alan W.}
title = {A Dialog Control Algorithm And Its Performance}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1003}
author = {Lavelli, Alberto; Magnini, Bernardo; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {An Approach To Multilevel Semantics For Applied Systems}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1004}
author = {Bachenko, Joan; Daugherty, Jeffrey; Fitzpatrick, Eileen}
title = {A Parser For Real-Time Speech Synthesis Of Conversational Texts}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1005}
author = {Baggia, Paolo; Gerbino, Elisabetta; Giachin, Egidio; Rullent, Claudio}
title = {Real-Time Linguistic Analysis For Continuous Speech Understanding}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1006}
author = {Rambow, Owen; Korelsky, Tanya}
title = {Applied Text Generation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1007}
author = {Kerpedjiev, Stephan M.}
title = {Automatic Generation Of Multimodal Weather Reports From Datasets}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1008}
author = {Wazinski, Peter}
title = {Generating Spatial Descriptions For Cross-Modal References}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1009}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Mellish, Chris S.; Levine, John}
title = {Automatic Generation Of On-Line Documentation In The IDAS Project}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1010}
author = {Dilley, Stephan; Bateman, John A.; Thiel, Ulrich; Tissen, Anne}
title = {Integrating Natural Language Components Into Graphical Discourse}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1011}
author = {Sanfilippo, Antonio; Poznanski, Victor}
title = {The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Combined Machine-Readable Dictionary Sources}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1012}
author = {Copestake, Ann}
title = {The ACQUILEX LKB: Representation Issues In Semi-Automatic Acquisition Of Large Lexicons}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1013}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Computational Lexicons: The Neat Examples And The Odd Exemplars}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1014}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi; Carroll, Jeremy J.; Ananiadou, Sophia; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Automatic Learning For Semantic Collocation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1015}
author = {Vosse, Theo}
title = {Detecting And Correcting Morpho-Syntactic Errors In Real Texts}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1016}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Alegria, Iñaki; Arregi, Xabier; Artola, Xabier; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Maritxalar, Montse; Sarasola, Kepa; Urkia, Miriam}
title = {XUXEN: A Spelling Checker/Corrector For Basque Based On Two-Level Morphology}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1017}
author = {Kese, Ralf; Dudda, Friedrich; Heyer, Gerhard; Kugler, Marianne}
title = {Extended Spelling Correction For German}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1018}
author = {Cutting, Douglass; Kupiec, Julian; Pedersen, Jan; Sibun, Penelope}
title = {A Practical Part-Of-Speech Tagger}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1019}
author = {Paulussen, Hans; Martin, Willy}
title = {DILEMMA-2: A Lemmatizer-Tagger For Medical Abstracts}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1020}
author = {Chang, Jyun-Sheng; Tseng, Tsung-Yih; Ker, Sur-Jin; Cheng, Ying; Chen, Huey-Chyun; Cheng, Shun-Der; Liu, John S.}
title = {A Corpus-Based Statistical Approach To Automatic Book Indexing}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1021}
author = {Brill, Eric}
title = {A Simple Rule-Based Part Of Speech Tagger}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1022}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Macleod, Catherine; Sterling, John}
title = {Evaluating Parsing Strategies Using Standardized Parse Files}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1023}
author = {Boisen, Sean; Bates, Madeleine}
title = {A Practical Methodology For The Evaluation Of Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1024}
author = {Andersen, Peggy M.; Hayes, Philip J.; Weinstein, Steven P.; Huettner, Alison K.; Schmandt, Linda M.; Nirenburg, Irene B.}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Facts From Press Releases To Generate News Stories}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1025}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {Joining Statistics With NLP For Text Categorization}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1026}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John; Tyson, Mabry}
title = {Robust Processing Of Real-World Natural-Language Texts}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1027}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {An Efficient Chart-Based Algorithm For Partial-Parsing Of Unrestricted Texts}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1028}
author = {Nakaiwa, Hiromi; Ikehara, Satoru}
title = {Zero Pronoun Resolution In A Machine Translation System By Using Japanese To English Verbal Semantic Attributes}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1029}
author = {Bouillon, Pierrette; Boesefeldt, Katharina; Russell, Graham J.}
title = {Compound Nouns In A Unification-Based MT System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1030}
author = {Paroubek, Patrick; Schabes, Yves; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {XTAG - A Graphical Workbench For Developing Tree-Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1031}
author = {Winarske, A.; Armstrong, Susan; Hajič, Jan}
title = {Tagging And Alignment Of Parallel Texts: Current Status Of BCP}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1032}
author = {Fasolo, Michela; Garbuio, Lorenzo; Guarino, Nicola}
title = {Robust Parsing Of Natural Language Descriptions Expressed In Telegraphic Style}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1033}
author = {Guglielmo, Eugene J.; Rowe, Neil C.}
title = {Overview Of Natural Language Processing Of Captions For Retrieving Multimedia Data}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1034}
author = {Leavitt, John R. R.}
title = {MORPHE: A Practical Compiler For Reversible Morphology Rules}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1035}
author = {Carlson, Lynn; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Practical World Modeling For NLP Applications}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1036}
author = {Meteer, Marie W.}
title = {Portable Natural Language Generation Using SPOKESMAN}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1037}
author = {Kurohashi, Sadao; Nagao, Makoto; Sato, Satoshi; Murakami, Masahiko}
title = {A Method Of Automatic Hypertext Construction From An Encyclopedic Dictionary Of A Specific Field}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1038}
author = {Trost, Harald; Heinz, Wolfgang; Matiasek, Johannes; Buchberger, Ernst}
title = {Datenbank-Dialog And The Relevance Of Habitability}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1039}
author = {Erbach, Gregor}
title = {Tools For Grammar Engineering}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1040}
author = {McGlashan, Scott; Fraser, Norman M.; Gilbert, Nigel; Bilange, Eric; Heisterkamp, Paul; Youd, Nick J.}
title = {Dialogue Management For Telephone Information Systems}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1041}
author = {Dumitrescu, Cristian}
title = {Lexicon Design Using A Paradigmatic Approach}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1042}
author = {Shifroni, Eyal; Ornan, Uzzi}
title = {Acquiring And Exploiting The User's Knowledge In Guidance Interactions}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1043}
author = {Wermter, Stefan}
title = {Learning A Scanning Understanding For Real-World Library Categorization}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1044}
author = {Ageno, Alicia; Castellón, Irene; Martí, M. Antònia; Rigau, German; Ribas Framis, Francesc; Rodríquez, Horacio; Taulé, Mariona; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {SEISD: An Environment For Extraction Of Semantic Information From On-Line Dictionaries}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1045}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Shell, Peter; Cohen, Ariel; Cousseau, Peter; Grannes, Dean; McNeilly, Chris}
title = {Multi-Purpose Development And Operation Environments For Natural Language Applications}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1046}
author = {Volk, Martin}
title = {The Role Of Testing In Grammar Engineering}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A92-1047}
author = {Carter, David M.}
title = {Lexical Processing In The CLARE System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1992}
id = {A94-1001}
author = {Caldwell, David E.; Korelsky, Tanya}
title = {Bilingual Generation Of Job From Quasi-Conceptual Descriptions Forms}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1002}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Kukich, Karen; Shaw, James}
title = {Practical Issues In Automatic Documentation Generation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1003}
author = {Sibun, Penelope; Spitz, A. Lawrence}
title = {Language Determination: Natural Language Processing From Scanned Document Images}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1004}
author = {Nakayama, Takehiro}
title = {Modeling Content Identification From Document Images}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1005}
author = {Katoh, Naoto; Aizawa, Teruaki}
title = {Machine Translation Of Sentences With Fixed Expressions}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1006}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Termight: Identifying And Translating Technical Terminology}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1007}
author = {Okumura, Akitoshi; Muraki, Kazunori}
title = {Symmetric Pattern Matching Analysis For English Coordinate Structures}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1008}
author = {Tapanainen, Pasi; Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {Tagging Accurately - Don't Guess If You Know}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1009}
author = {Elworthy, David}
title = {Does Baum-Welch Re-Estimation Help Taggers?}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1010}
author = {Carter, David M.}
title = {Improving Language Models By Clustering Training Sentences}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1011}
author = {Finch, Steven}
title = {Exploiting Sophisticated Representations For Document Retrieval}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1012}
author = {Kiyono, Masaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Combination Of Symbolic And Statistical Approaches For Grammatical Knowledge Acquisition}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1013}
author = {Palmer, David D.; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Adaptive Sentence Boundary Disambiguation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1014}
author = {Gomez, Fernando; Hull, Richard; Segami, Carlos}
title = {Acquiring Knowledge From Encyclopedic Texts}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1015}
author = {Filgueiras, Miguel}
title = {A Successful Case Of Computer Aided Translation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1016}
author = {Frederking, Robert E.; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Three Heads Are Better Than One}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1017}
author = {Oi, Kozo; Sumita, Eiichiro; Furuse, Osamu; Iida, Hitoshi; Higuchi, Tetsuya}
title = {Real-Time Spoken Language Translation Using Associative Processors}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1018}
author = {Kato, Tsuneaki}
title = {Yet Another Chart-Based Technique For Parsing Ill-Formed Input}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1019}
author = {Jacquemin, Christian}
title = {Recycling Terms Into A Partial Parser}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1020}
author = {Barros, Flavia A.; De Roeck, Anne N.}
title = {Resolving Anaphora In A Portable Natural Language Front End To Databases}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1021}
author = {Gertner, Abigail S.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Clarke, John R.}
title = {Upholding The Maxim Of Relevance During Patient-Centered Activities}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1022}
author = {Bates, Madeleine; Bobrow, Robert J.; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Stallard, David G.}
title = {The Delphi Natural Language Understanding System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1023}
author = {Chin, David N.; McGranaghan, Matthew; Chen, Tung-Tse}
title = {Understanding Location Descriptions In The LEI System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1024}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Kuruoz, Ilker}
title = {Tagging And Morphological Disambiguation Of Turkish Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1025}
author = {Spyns, Peter}
title = {A Robust Category Guesser For Dutch Medical Language}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1026}
author = {Oku, Masahiro}
title = {Handling Japanese Homophone Errors In Revision Support System For Japanese Texts; REVISE}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1027}
author = {Iwayama, Makoto; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {A Probabilistic Model For Text Categorization: Based On A Single Random Variable With Multiple Values}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1028}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Robust Text Processing In Automated Information Retrieval}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1029}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Grisoli, Fabrizio; Pazienza, Maria Teresa}
title = {Might A Semantic Lexicon Support Hypertextual Authoring?}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1030}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Improving Chinese Tokenization With Linguistic Filters On Statistical Lexical Acquisition}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1031}
author = {Hong, Tao; Hull, Jonathan J.}
title = {Degraded Text Recognition Using Word Collocation And Visual Inter-Word Constraints}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1032}
author = {Ikehara, Satoru; Shirai, Satoshi; Yokoo, Akio; Bond, Francis; Omi, Yoshie}
title = {Automatic Aquisition Of Semantic Attributes For User Defined Words M Japanese To English Machine Translation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1033}
author = {Hong, Tao; Hull, Jonathan J.}
title = {Degraded Text Recognition Using Word Collocation And Visual Inter-Word Constraints}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1034}
author = {Debili, Fathi; Sammouda, Elyes; Zribi, Adnane}
title = {Using Syntactic Dependencies For Word Alignment}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1035}
author = {Ogura, Kentaro; Bond, Francis; Ikehara, Satoru}
title = {English Adverb Generation In Japanese To English Machine Translation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1036}
author = {Schäler, Reinhard}
title = {A Practical Evaluation Of An Integrated Translation Tool During A Large Scale Localisation Project}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1037}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Guzey, Cemaleddin}
title = {Spelling Correction In Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1038}
author = {Akamine, Susumu; Furuse, Osamu; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {Integration Of Example-Based Transfer And Rule-Based Generation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1039}
author = {Araki, Tetsuo; Ikehara, Satoru; Tsukahara, Nobuyuki; Komatsu, Yasunori}
title = {An Evaluation Of A Method To Detect And Correct Erroneous Characters In Japanese Input Through An OCR Using Markov Models}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1040}
author = {Bolshakov, Igor A.}
title = {Multifunction Thesaurus For Russian Word Processing}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1041}
author = {Coch, Jose; David, Raphael}
title = {Representing Knowledge For Planning Multisentential Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1042}
author = {Pasero, Robert; Richardet, Nathalie; Sabatier, Paul}
title = {Guided Sentences Composition For Disabled People}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1043}
author = {Hirakawa, Hideki; Nomura, Kouichi; Nakamura, Mariko}
title = {An Interactive Rewriting Tool For Machine Acceptable Sentences}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1044}
author = {Rösner, Dietmar; Stede, Manfred}
title = {TECHDOC: Multilingual Generation Of Online And Offline Instructional Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1045}
author = {Cahill, Lynne J.}
title = {An Inheritance-Based Lexicon For Message Understanding Systems}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1046}
author = {Prószéky, Gábor}
title = {Industrial Applications Of Unification Morphology}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A94-1047}
author = {Kittredge, Richard; Goldberg, Eli; Kim, Myunghee; Polguere, Alain}
title = {Sublanguage Engineering In The FOG System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1994}
id = {A97-1001}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Dowding, John; Bratt, Harry; Gawron, Jean Mark; Gorfu, Y.; Cheyer, A.}
title = {CommandTalk: A Spoken-Language Interface For Battlefield Simulations}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1002}
author = {Wauchope, Kenneth; Everett, Stephanie S.; Perzanowski, Dennis; Marsh, Elaine}
title = {Natural Language In Four Spatial Interfaces}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1003}
author = {Gavalda, Marsal; Zechner, Klaus; Aist, Gregory}
title = {High Performance Segmentation Of Spontaneous Speech Using Part Of Speech And Trigger Word Information}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1004}
author = {Reynar, Jeffrey C.; Ratnaparkhi, Adwait}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Approach To Identifying Sentence Boundaries}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1005}
author = {Cohen, Philip R.; Johnston, Michael; McGee, David R.; Oviatt, Sharon L.; Pittman, James A.; Smith, Ira; Chen, Liang; Clow, Josh}
title = {QuickSet: Multimodal Interaction For Simulation Set-Up And Control}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1006}
author = {Busemann, Stephan; Declerck, Thierry; Diagne, Abdel Kader; Dini, Luca; Klein, Judith; Schmeier, Sven}
title = {Natural Language Dialogue Service For Appointment Scheduling Agents}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1007}
author = {Alexandersson, Jan; Reithinger, Norbert; Maier, Elisabeth}
title = {Insights Into The Dialogue Processing Of VERBMOBIL}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1008}
author = {Smith, Ronnie W.}
title = {An Evaluation Of Strategies For Selective Utterance Verification For Spoken Natural Language Dialog}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1009}
author = {Jannedy, Stefanie; Möbius, Bernd}
title = {Name Pronunciation In German Text-To-Speech Synthesis}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1010}
author = {Lee, Yue-Shi; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Applying Repair Processing In Chinese Homophone Disambiguation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1011}
author = {Tapanainen, Pasi; Jarvinen, Timo}
title = {A Non-Projective Dependency Parser}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1012}
author = {Ait-Mokhtar, Salah; Chanod, Jean-Pierre}
title = {Incremental Finite-State Parsing}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1013}
author = {Voutilainen, Atro; Padró, Lluís}
title = {Developing A Hybrid NP Parser}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1014}
author = {Skut, Wojciech; Krenn, Brigitte; Brants, Thorsten; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {An Annotation Scheme For Free Word Order Languages}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1015}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {The Domain Dependence Of Parsing}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1016}
author = {Theron, Pieter; Cloete, Ian}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Two-Level Morphological Rules}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1017}
author = {Hajič, Jan; Hladká, Barbora}
title = {Probabilistic And Rule-Based Tagger Of An Inflective Language - A Comparison}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1018}
author = {Sun, Maosong; Shen, Dayang; Huang, Changning}
title = {CSeg&Tag1.0: A Practical Word Segmenter And POS Tagger For Chinese Texts}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1019}
author = {Schoelles, Michael; Hamburger, Henry}
title = {The NLP Role In Animated Conversation For CALL}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1020}
author = {Nerbonne, John; Karttunen, Lauri; Paskaleva, Elena; Prószéky, Gábor; Roosmaa, Tiit}
title = {Reading More Into Foreign Languages}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1021}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Large-Scale Acquisition Of LCS-Based Lexicons For Foreign Language Tutoring}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1022}
author = {Holan, Tomas; Kuboň, Vladislav; Platek, Martin}
title = {A Prototype Of A Grammar Checker For Czech}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1023}
author = {Oliva, Karel}
title = {Techniques For Accelerating A Grammar-Checker}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1024}
author = {Bernth, Arendse}
title = {EasyEnglish: A Tool For Improving Document Quality}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1025}
author = {Jones, Michael P.; Martin, James H.}
title = {Contextual Spelling Correction Using Latent Semantic Analysis}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1026}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Wolff, Susanne; Lu, Chi; Kaplan, Randy M.}
title = {An Automatic Scoring System For Advanced Placement Biology Essays}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1027}
author = {Spyns, Peter; Nhan, Ngo Thanh; Baert, E.; Sager, Naomi; De Moor, G.}
title = {Dutch Sublanguage Semantic Tagging Combined With Mark-Up Technology}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1028}
author = {Palmer, David D.; Day, David S.}
title = {A Statistical Profile Of The Named Entity Task}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1029}
author = {Bikel, Daniel M.; Miller, Scott; Schwartz, Richard M.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Nymble: A High-Performance Learning Name-Finder}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1030}
author = {Wacholder, Nina; Ravin, Yael; Choi, Misook}
title = {Disambiguation Of Proper Names In Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1031}
author = {Neumann, Günter; Backofen, Rolf; Baur, Judith; Becker, Markus; Braun, Christian}
title = {An Information Extraction Core System For Real World German Text Processing}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1032}
author = {Hurst, Matthew; Douglas, Shona}
title = {Layout And Language: Preliminary Experiments In Assigning Logical Structure To Table Cells}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1033}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Building A Generation Knowledge Source Using Internet-Accessible Newswire}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1034}
author = {McKelvie, David; Brew, Chris; Thompson, Henry S.}
title = {Using SGML As A Basis For Data-Intensive NLP}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1035}
author = {Cunningham, Hamish; Humphreys, Kevin; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Software Infrastructure For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1036}
author = {Zajac, Remi; Casper, Mark; Sharples, Nigel}
title = {An Open Distributed Architecture For Reuse And Integration Of Heterogeneous NLP Components}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1037}
author = {Lavoie, Benoit; Rambow, Owen; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Customizable Descriptions Of Object-Oriented Models}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1038}
author = {White, Michael; Caldwell, David E.}
title = {CogentHelp: NLG Meets SE In A Tool For Authoring Dynamically Generated On-Line Help}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1039}
author = {Lavoie, Benoit; Rambow, Owen}
title = {A Fast And Portable Realizer For Text Generation Systems}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1040}
author = {Somers, Harold L.; Black, William J.; Nivre, Joakim; Lager, Torbjorn; Multari, Annarosa; Gilardoni, Luca; Ellman, Jeremy; Rogers, Alex}
title = {Multilingual Generation And Summarization Of Job Adverts: The Tree Project}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1041}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Jordan, Desmond A.; Pan, Shimei; Shaw, James; Allen, Barry A.}
title = {Language Generation For Multimedia Healthcare Briefings}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1042}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Identifying Topics By Position}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1043}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi; Fukumoto, Jun'ichi}
title = {An Automatic Extraction Of Key Paragraphs Based On Context Dependency}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1044}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Lin, Fang; Perez-Carballo, Jose; Wang, Jin}
title = {Building Effective Queries In Natural Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1045}
author = {Zhou, Joe F.; Tanner, Troy}
title = {Construction And Visualization Of Key Term Hierarchies}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1046}
author = {Zhai, ChengXiang}
title = {Fast Statistical Parsing Of Noun Phrases For Document Indexing}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1047}
author = {Turhan, Cigdem Keyder}
title = {An English To Turkish Machine Translation System Using Structural Mapping}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1048}
author = {Yamabana, Kiyoshi; Muraki, Kazunori; Kamei, Shin-ichiro; Satoh, Kenji; Doi, Shinichi; Shinko, Tamura}
title = {An Interactive Translation Support Facility For Non-Professional Users}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1049}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Charocopos, Nicholas; Gorlinsky, James}
title = {An Intelligent Multilingual Information Browsing And Retrieval System Using Information Extraction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1050}
author = {Resnik, Philip; Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Semi-Automatic Acquisition Of Domain-Specific Translation Lexicons}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1051}
author = {Day, David S.; Aberdeen, John; Hirschman, Lynette; Kozierok, Robyn; Robinson, Patricia; Vilain, Marc B.}
title = {Mixed-Initiative Development Of Language Processing Systems}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1052}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Carroll, John}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Subcategorization From Corpora}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1053}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Learning Probabilistic Subcategorization Preference By Identifying Case Dependencies And Optimal Noun Class Generalization Level}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1054}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei; Finch, Steven}
title = {A Workbench For Finding Structure In Texts}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1055}
author = {Cucchiarelli, Alessandro; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Automatic Selection Of Class Labels From A Thesaurus For An Effective Semantic Tagging Of Corpora}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-1056}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Bruce, Rebecca F.; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Sequential Model Selection For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2001}
author = {Giguet, Emmanuel; Vergne, Jacques}
title = {Syntactic Structures Of Sentences From Large Corpora}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2002}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {An Efficient Two Stage Approach To Robust Language Interpretation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2003}
author = {Busemann, Stephan}
title = {Automating NL Appointment Scheduling With COSMA}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2004}
author = {Bagga, Amit; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Duke's Trainable Information And Meaning Extraction System (Duke TIMES)}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2005}
author = {Jarvinen, Timo; Tapanainen, Pasi}
title = {Dependency Parser Demo}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2006}
author = {Echizen-ya, Hiroshi; Araki, Kenji; Miyanaga, Yoshikazu; Tochinai, Koji}
title = {An Improvement In The Selection Process Of Machine Translation Using Inductive Learning With Genetic Algorithms}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2007}
author = {Evens, Martha W.; Chang, Ru-Charn; Lee, Yoon Hee; Shim, Leem Seop; Woo, Chong Woo; Zbang, Yuemei}
title = {CIRCSIM-Tutor: An Intelligent Tutoring System Using Natural Language Dialogue}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2008}
author = {, IsoQuest Inc.}
title = {NetOwl(TM) Server}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2010}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {A Broad-Coverage Word Sense Tagger}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2011}
author = {Richardson, Stephen D.}
title = {Microsoft Natural Language Understanding System And Grammar Checker}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2012}
author = {Wauchope, Kenneth}
title = {Two Multimodal Interfaces To Military Simulations}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2013}
author = {Baldwin, Breck; Doran, Christine; Reynar, Jeffrey C.; Niv, Michael; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {EAGLE: An Extensible Architecture For General Linguistic Engineering}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2014}
author = {Park, Jong C.; Palmer, Martha; Washburn, Clay}
title = {An English Grammar Checker As A Writing Aid For Students Of English As A Second Language}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2015}
author = {Badia, Toni; Egea, Angels; Tuells, Antoni}
title = {CATMORF: Multi Two-Level Steps For Catalan Morphology}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2016}
author = {Skut, Wojciech; Krenn, Brigitte; Brants, Thorsten; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Software For Annotating Argument Structure}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2017}
author = {Cunningham, Hamish; Humphreys, Kevin; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {GATE - A General Architecture For Text Engineering}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2018}
author = {, SRA International}
title = {Multilingual NameTag(TM) Multilingual Internet Surveillance System Multimedia Fusion System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2019}
author = {Dahl, Deborah A.; Norton, Lewis M.; Bouzid, Ahmed; Li, Li}
title = {NL Assistant: A Toolkit For Developing Natural Language: Applications}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2020}
author = {Bates, Madeleine; Bobrow, Rusty}
title = {Using BBN VALAD: Speech At The Logistics Anchor Desk}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {A97-2021}
author = {Everett, Stephanie S.; Wauchope, Kenneth; Pfirez, Manuel A.}
title = {A Spoken Language Interface To A Virtual Reality System (Video)}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {1997}
id = {W09-3801}
author = {Maletti, Andreas; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Parsing Algorithms based on Tree Automata}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3802}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {Weighted parsing of trees}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3803}
author = {Jiang, Wenbin; Liu, Qun}
title = {Automatic Adaptation of Annotation Standards for Dependency Parsing ? Using Projected Treebank as Source Corpus}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3804}
author = {Saers, Markus; Nivre, Joakim; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Learning Stochastic Bracketing Inversion Transduction Grammars with a Cubic Time Biparsing Algorithm}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3805}
author = {Søgaard, Anders; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Empirical lower bounds on translation unit error rate for the full class of inversion transduction grammars}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3806}
author = {Ganslandt, Sebastian; Jörwall, Jakob; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Predictive Text Entry using Syntax and Semantics}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3807}
author = {Nilsson, Jens; Löwe, Welf; Hall, Johan; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Parsing Formal Languages using Natural Language Parsing Techniques}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3808}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Maier, Wolfgang}
title = {An Incremental Earley Parser for Simple Range Concatenation Grammar}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3809}
author = {Le Roux, Joseph}
title = {Deductive Parsing in Interaction Grammars}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3810}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Maier, Wolfgang; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Synchronous Rewriting in Treebanks}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3811}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Kuhlmann, Marco; Hall, Johan}
title = {An Improved Oracle for Dependency Parsing with Online Reordering}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3812}
author = {Bharati, Akshar; Husain, Samar; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Sangal, Rajeev}
title = {Two stage constraint based hybrid approach to free word order language dependency parsing}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3813}
author = {Sagae, Kenji}
title = {Analysis of Discourse Structure with Syntactic Dependencies and Data-Driven Shift-Reduce Parsing}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3814}
author = {Uematsu, Sumire; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Evaluating Contribution of Deep Syntactic Information to Shallow Semantic Analysis}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3815}
author = {Post, Matt; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Weight Pushing and Binarization for Fixed-Grammar Parsing}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3816}
author = {Khmylko, Lidia; Foth, Kilian A.; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Co-Parsing with Competitive Models}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3817}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Capturing Consistency between Intra-clause and Inter-clause Relations in Knowledge-rich Dependency and Case Structure Analysis}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3818}
author = {Boullier, Pierre; Nasr, Alexis; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {Constructing parse forests that include exactly the n-best PCFG trees}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3819}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Hebrew Dependency Parsing: Initial Results}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3820}
author = {Versley, Yannick; Rehbein, Ines}
title = {Scalable Discriminative Parsing for German}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3821}
author = {Candito, Marieluísio, Sandra; Crabbé, Benoît}
title = {Improving generative statistical parsing with semi-supervised word clustering}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3822}
author = {Bengoetxea, Kepa; Gojenola, Koldo}
title = {Application of feature propagation to dependency parsing}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3823}
author = {Bryl, Anton; van Genabith, Josef; Graham, Yvette}
title = {Guessing the Grammatical Function of a Non-Root F-Structure in LFG}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3824}
author = {Seddah, Djamé; Candito, Marieluísio, Sandra; Crabbé, Benoît}
title = {Cross parser evaluation : a French Treebanks study}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3825}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Transition-Based Parsing of the Chinese Treebank using a Global Discriminative Model}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3826}
author = {Prost, Jean-Philippe}
title = {Grammar Error Detection with Best Approximated Parse}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3827}
author = {Wagner, Joachim; Foster, Jennifer}
title = {The effect of correcting grammatical errors on parse probabilities}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3828}
author = {Hara, Tadayoshi; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Effective Analysis of Causes and Inter-dependencies of Parsing Errors}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3829}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Gordon, Andrew S.}
title = {Clustering Words by Syntactic Similarity improves Dependency Parsing of Predicate-argument Structures}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3830}
author = {Vergne, Jacques}
title = {The chunk as the period of the functions length and frequency of words on the syntagmatic axis}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3831}
author = {Søgaard, Anders; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Using a maximum entropy-based tagger to improve a very fast vine parser}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3832}
author = {Zhang, Yaozhong; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {HPSG Supertagging: A Sequence Labeling View}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3833}
author = {Deoskar, Tejaswini; Rooth, Mats; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Smoothing fine-grained PCFG lexicons}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3834}
author = {Geertzen, Jeroen}
title = {Wide-coverage parsing of speech transcripts}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3835}
author = {Sánchez-Sáez, Ricardo; Sánchez, Joan-Andreu; Benedí, José-Miguel}
title = {Interactive Predictive Parsing}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3836}
author = {Chowdhury, Md. Faisal Mahbub; Zhang, Yi; Kordoni, Valia}
title = {Using Treebanking Discriminants as Parse Disambiguation Features}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3837}
author = {Hale, John}
title = {Heuristic search in a cognitive model of human parsing}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3838}
author = {Zhang, Lidan; Chan, Kwok-Ping}
title = {Dependency Parsing with Energy-based Reinforcement Learning}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3839}
author = {Sangati, Federico; Zuidema, Willem; Bod, Rens}
title = {A generative re-ranking model for dependency parsing}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3840}
author = {Bonfante, Guillaume; Guillaume, Bruno; Morey, Mathieu}
title = {Dependency Constraints for Lexical Disambiguation}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3841}
author = {Boullier, Pierre; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {Parsing Directed Acyclic Graphs with Range Concatenation Grammars}
venue = {IWPT}
year = {2009}
id = {W95-0101}
author = {Brill, Eric}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Disambiguation Rules For Part Of Speech Tagging}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0102}
author = {De Marcken, Carl G.}
title = {Lexical Heads Phrase Structure And The Induction Of Grammar}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0103}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Brooks, James}
title = {Prepositional Phrase Attachment Through A Backed-Off Model}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0104}
author = {Golding, Andrew}
title = {A Bayesian Hybrid Method For Context-Sensitive Spelling Correction}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0105}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {Disambiguating Noun Groupings With Respect To Wordnet Senses}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0106}
author = {Wu, Dekai}
title = {Trainable Coarse Bilingual Grammars For Parallel Text Bracketing}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0107}
author = {Ramshaw, Lance A.; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Text Chunking Using Transformation-Based Learning}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0108}
author = {Pereira, Fernando; Singer, Yoram; Tishby, Naftali}
title = {Beyond Word N-Grams}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0109}
author = {Chang, Jing-Shin; Lin, Yi-Chung; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {Automatic Construction Of A Chinese Electronic Dictionary}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0110}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Gale, William A.}
title = {Inverse Document Frequency (IDF): A Measure Of Deviations From Poisson}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0111}
author = {Zhou, Joe F.; Dapkus, Pete}
title = {Automatic Suggestion Of Significant Terms For A Predefined Topic}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0112}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Shoen, Jay}
title = {Automatically Acquiring Conceptual Patterns Without An Annotated Corpus}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0113}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Lee, Yue-Shi}
title = {Development Of A Partially Bracketed Corpus With Part-Of-Speech Information Only}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0114}
author = {Fung, Pascale}
title = {Compiling Bilingual Lexicon Entries From A Non-Parallel English-Chinese Corpus}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {W95-0115}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Automatic Evaluation And Uniform Filter Cascades For Inducing N-Best Translation Lexicons}
venue = {VLC}
year = {1995}
id = {P08-1100}
author = {Liang, Percy; Klein, Dan}
title = {Analyzing the Errors of Unsupervised Learning}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1101}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Joint Word Segmentation and POS Tagging Using a Single Perceptron}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1102}
author = {Jiang, Wenbin; Huang, Liang; Liu, Qun; Lü, Yajuan}
title = {A Cascaded Linear Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1103}
author = {Jiampojamarn, Sittichai; Cherry, Colin; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Joint Processing and Discriminative Training for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1104}
author = {Bao, Shenghua; Duan, Huizhong; Zhou, Qi; Xiong, Miao; Cao, Yunbo; Yu, Yong}
title = {A Probabilistic Model for Fine-Grained Expert Search}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1105}
author = {Weerkamp, Wouter; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {Credibility Improves Topical Blog Post Retrieval}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1106}
author = {Csomai, Andras; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Linguistically Motivated Features for Enhanced Back-of-the-Book Indexing}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1107}
author = {Elsayed, Tamer; Oard, Douglas W.; Namata, Galileo}
title = {Resolving Personal Names in Email Using Context Expansion}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1108}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {Integrating Graph-Based and Transition-Based Dependency Parsers}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1109}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Kleeman, Alex; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Efficient Feature-based Conditional Random Field Parsing}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1110}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Carroll, John; Weir, David}
title = {A Deductive Approach to Dependency Parsing}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1111}
author = {Bender, Emily M.}
title = {Evaluating a Crosslinguistic Grammar Resource: A Case Study of Wambaya}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1112}
author = {Ganchev, Kuzman; Graça, João; Taskar, Ben}
title = {Better Alignments = Better Translations?}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1113}
author = {Lin, Dekang; Zhao, Shaojun; van Durme, Benjamin; Paşca, Marius}
title = {Mining Parenthetical Translations from the Web by Word Alignment}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1114}
author = {Marton, Yuval; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Soft Syntactic Constraints for Hierarchical Phrased-Based Translation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1115}
author = {Dyer, Chris; Muresan, Smaranda; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Generalizing Word Lattice Translation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1116}
author = {Zhao, Shiqi; Niu, Cheng; Zhou, Ming; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {Combining Multiple Resources to Improve SMT-based Paraphrasing Model}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1117}
author = {Srikumar, Vivek; Reichart, Roi; Sammons, Mark; Rappoport, Ari; Roth, Dan}
title = {Extraction of Entailed Semantic Relations Through Syntax-Based Comma Resolution}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1118}
author = {de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Rafferty, Anna N.; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Finding Contradictions in Text}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {P08-1119}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Riloff, Ellen; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Semantic Class Learning from the Web with Hyponym Pattern Linkage Graphs}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W00-1001}
author = {Nakazato, Shu}
title = {Japanese Dialogue Corpus Of Multi-Level Annotation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1002}
author = {Soria, Claudia; Cattoni, Roldano; Danieli, Morena}
title = {ADAM - An Architecture For XML-Based Dialogue Annotation On Multiple Levels}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1003}
author = {Dybkjaer, Laila; Bernsen, Niels Ole}
title = {The MATE Markup Framework}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1004}
author = {Ward, Nigel}
title = {Issues In The Transcription Of English Conversational Grunts}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1005}
author = {Mushin, Ilana; Stirling, Lesley; Fletcher, Janet; Wales, Roger}
title = {Identifying Prosodic Indicators Of Dialogue Structure: Some Methodological And Theoretical Considerations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1006}
author = {Schauer, Holger}
title = {From Elementary Discourse Units To Complex Ones}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1007}
author = {Navarretta, Costanza}
title = {Abstract Anaphora Resolution In Danish}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1008}
author = {Corston-Oliver, Simon H.}
title = {Using Decision Trees To Select The Grammatical Relation Of A Noun Phrase}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1009}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {A Common Theory Of Information Fusion From Multiple Text Sources Step One: Cross-Document Structure}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1010}
author = {Boella, Guido; Damiano, Rossana; Lesmo, Leonardo}
title = {Social Goals In Conversational Cooperation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1011}
author = {Maloor, Preetam; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Dynamic User Level And Utility Measurement For Adaptive Dialog In A Help-Desk System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1012}
author = {Koit, Mare; Õim, Haldur}
title = {Dialogue Management In The Agreement Negotiation Process: A Model That Involves Natural Reasoning}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1013}
author = {Larsson, Staffan; Zaenen, Annie}
title = {Document Transformations And Information States}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1014}
author = {Flycht-Eriksson, Annika; Jönsson, Arne}
title = {Dialogue And Domain Knowledge Management In Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1015}
author = {Hagen, Eli; Popowich, Fred}
title = {Flexible Speech Act Based Dialogue Management}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1016}
author = {Kurohashi, Sadao; Higasa, Wataru}
title = {Dialogue Helpsystem Based On Flexible Matching Of User Query With Natural Language Knowledge Base}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1017}
author = {Nakano, Mikio; Miyazaki, Noboru; Yasuda, Norihito; Sugiyama, Akira; Hirasawa, Jun-Ichi; Dohsaka, Kohji; Aikawa, Kiyoaki}
title = {WIT: A Toolkit For Building Robust And Real-Time Spoken Dialogu Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1018}
author = {Alexandersson, Jan; Heisterkamp, Paul}
title = {Some Notes On The Complexity Of Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2000}
id = {W01-1601}
author = {Allwood, Jens; Gronqvist, Leif; Ahlsen, Elisabeth; Gunnarsson, Magnus}
title = {Annotations And Tools For An Activity Based Spoken Language Corpus}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1602}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Douglas, Shona}
title = {Variant Transduction: A Method For Rapid Development Of Interactive Spoken Interfaces}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1603}
author = {Araki, Masahiro; Kimura, Yukihiko; Nishimoto, Takuya; Niimi, Yasuhisa}
title = {Development Of A Machine Learnable Discourse Tagging Tool}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1604}
author = {Bosch, Peter}
title = {Against The Identification Of Anaphora And Presupposition}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1605}
author = {Carlson, Lynn; Marcu, Daniel; Okurowski, Mary Ellen}
title = {Building A Discourse-Tagged Corpus In The Framework Of Rhetorical Structure Theory}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1606}
author = {Cavazza, Marc}
title = {An Empirical Study Of Speech Recognition Errors In A Task-Oriented Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1607}
author = {Doran, Christine; Aberdeen, John; Damianos, Laurie E.; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Comparing Several Aspects Of Human-Computer And Human-Human Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1608}
author = {Ebert, Christian; Lappin, Shalom; Gregory, Howard; Nicolov, Nicolas}
title = {Generating Full Paraphrases Of Fragments In A Dialogue Interpretation System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1609}
author = {Fry, John; Ginzton, Matt; Peters, Stanley; Clark, Brady; Pon-Barry, Heather}
title = {Automated Tutoring Dialogues For Training In Shipboard Damage Control}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1610}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia; Swerts, Marc; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Labeling Corrections And Aware Sites In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1611}
author = {Jokinen, Kristiina; Wilcock, Graham}
title = {Confidence-Based Adaptivity In Response Generation For A Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1612}
author = {Müller, Christof E.; Strube, Michael}
title = {Annotating Anaphoric And Bridging Relations With MMAX}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1613}
author = {Murray, Kathleen}
title = {A Study Of Automatic Pitch Tracker Doubling/Halving Errors}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1614}
author = {Paek, Tim}
title = {Empirical Methods For Evaluating Dialog Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1615}
author = {Paul, Michael; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Integration Of Referential Scope Limitations Into Japanese Pronoun Resolution}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1616}
author = {Purver, Matthew; Ginzburg, Jonathan; Healey, Patrick G. T.}
title = {On The Means For Clarification In Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1617}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Lewin, Ian; Gorrell, Genevieve; Boye, Johan}
title = {Plug And Play Speech Understanding}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1618}
author = {San-Segundo, Rubén; Montero, Juan Manuel; Pardo, Jose Manuel}
title = {Designing Confirmation Mechanisms And Error Recover Techniques In A Railway Information System For Spanish}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1619}
author = {San-Segundo, Rubén; Montero, Juan Manuel; Guitierrez, Juana M.; Gallardo, Ascension; Romeral, Jose D.; Pardo, Jose Manuel}
title = {A Telephone-Based Railway Information System For Spanish: Development Of A Methodology For Spoken Dialogue Design}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1620}
author = {Sanchis, Emilio; Galiano, Isabel; Garcia, Fernando; Cano, Antonio}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To The Development Of Dialogue Systems Directed By Semantics}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1621}
author = {Strayer, Susan E.; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Reconciling Initiative And Discourse Structure}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1622}
author = {Sturm, Janienke; Wang, Fusi; Cranen, Bert}
title = {Adding Extra Input/Output Modalities To A Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1623}
author = {Tseng, Shu-Chuan}
title = {Toward A Large Spontaneous Mandarin Dialogue Corpus}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1624}
author = {Van Rooy, Robert}
title = {Conversational Implicatures}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1625}
author = {Wichmann, Anne; Caspers, Johanneke}
title = {Melodic Cues To Turn-Taking In English: Evidence From Perception}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1626}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; Bruce, Rebecca F.; Bell, Matthew; Martin, Melanie J.; Wilson, Theresa}
title = {A Corpus Study Of Evaluative And Speculative Language}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1627}
author = {Wood, Mary McGee}
title = {Dialogue Tagsets In Oncology}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1628}
author = {Yang, Li-Chiung}
title = {Visualizing Spoken Discourse: Prosodic Form And Discourse Functions Of Interruptions}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1629}
author = {Yasuda, Norihito; Dohsaka, Kohji; Aikawa, Kiyoaki}
title = {Spoken Dialogue Control Based On A Turn-Minimization Criterion Depending On The Speech Recognition Accuracy}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2001}
id = {W02-0201}
author = {Blaylock, Nate; Allen, James F.; Ferguson, George}
title = {Synchronization In An Asynchronous Agent-Based Architecture For Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0202}
author = {Ying, Shiao; Chu, Sharon}
title = {The Prosodic Transcription Of A Corpus Of Hong Kong English - Collection CriteriaTranscription System And Preliminary Findings}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0203}
author = {Fernández, Raquel; Ginzburg, Jonathan}
title = {Non-Sentential Utterances In Dialogue: A: Corpus-Based Study}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0204}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {A Semantic Account Of Adverbials As Discourse Connectives}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0205}
author = {Glass, Michael; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {MUP - The UIC Standoff Markup Tool}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0206}
author = {Green, Nancy L.}
title = {An Experiment To Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Cross-Media Cues In Computer Media}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0207}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Porzel, Robert; Strube, Michael}
title = {Annotating The Semantic Consistency Of Speech Recognition Hypotheses}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0208}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.; Yang, Fan; Strayer, Susan E.}
title = {DialogueView - An Annotation Tool For Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0209}
author = {Hochberg, Judith; Kambhatla, Nanda; Roukos, Salim}
title = {A Flexible Framework For Developing Mixed-Initiative Dialog Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0210}
author = {Jokinen, Kristiina; Kerminen, Antti; Lagus, Tommi; Kuusisto, Jukka; Wilcock, Graham; Turunen, Markku; Hakulinen, Jaakko; Jauhiainen, Krista}
title = {Adaptive Dialogue Systems - Interaction With Interact}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0211}
author = {Jordan, Pamela W.; VanLehn, Kurt}
title = {Discourse Processing For Explanatory Essays In Tutorial Applications}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0212}
author = {Karagjosova, Elena; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana}
title = {Conditional Responses In Information-Seeking Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0213}
author = {Keizer, Simon; op den Akker, Rieks; Nijholt, Anton}
title = {Dialogue Act Recognition With Bayesian Networks For Dutch Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0214}
author = {Lagus, Krista; Kuusisto, Jukka}
title = {Topic Identification In Natural Language Dialogues Using Neural Networks}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0215}
author = {Larsson, Staffan}
title = {Issues Under Negotiation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0216}
author = {Lemon, Oliver; Gruenstein, Alexander; Battle, Alexis; Peters, Stanley}
title = {Multi-Tasking And Collaborative Activities In Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0217}
author = {Lemon, Oliver; Parikh, Prashant; Peters, Stanley}
title = {Probabilistic Dialogue Modelling}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0218}
author = {Mann, William C.}
title = {Dialogue Macrogame Theory}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0219}
author = {Möller, Sebastian}
title = {A New Taxonomy For The Quality Of Telephone Services Based On Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0220}
author = {Porzel, Robert; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Towards Context-Adaptive Utterance Interpretation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0221}
author = {Prasad, Rashmi; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Training A Dialogue Act Tagger For Human-Human And Human-Computer Travel Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0222}
author = {Purver, Matthew}
title = {Processing Unknown Words In A Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0223}
author = {Smith, Ronnie W.; Manning, Brian; Rogers, Jon; Adams, Brian; Abdul, Mujibur; Alvarez, Amaury}
title = {A Dialog Architecture For Military Story Capture}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0224}
author = {Takeoka, Atsue; Shimojima, Atsushi}
title = {Grounding Styles Of Aged Dyads - An Exploratory Study}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0225}
author = {Wood, Mary McGee; Craggs, Richard; Fletcher, Ian; Maguire, Peter}
title = {Rare Dialogue Acts In Oncology Consultations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0226}
author = {Xu, Weiqun; Xu, Bo; Huang, Taiyi; Xia, Hairong}
title = {Bridging The Gap Between Dialogue Management And Dialogue Models}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0227}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; George, Sarah}
title = {A Minimum Message Length Approach For Argument Interpretation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2002}
id = {W03-2101}
author = {Carberry, Sandra; Elzer, Stephanie; Green, Nancy L.; McCoy, Kathleen F.; Chester, Daniel}
title = {Understanding Information Graphics: A Discourse-Level Problem}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2102}
author = {Wilson, Theresa; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Annotating Opinions in the World Press}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2103}
author = {Purver, Matthew; Healey, Patrick G. T.; King, James; Ginzburg, Jonathan; Mills, Greg J.}
title = {Answering Clarification Questions}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2104}
author = {George, Sarah; Zukerman, Ingrid}
title = {An Information-theoretic Approach for Argument Interpretation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2105}
author = {Kawaguchi, Yukiko}
title = {Conversational inferences: the hard way and the easy way}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2106}
author = {Schlangen, David; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {The interpretation of non-sentential utterances in dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2107}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Adachi, Fumihiro; Ueno, Shinichi; Kawahara, Tatsuya; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Flexible Spoken Dialogue System based on User Models and Dynamic Generation of VoiceXML Scripts}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2108}
author = {Ogura, Kanayo; Masuda, Takeshi; Ishizaki, Masato}
title = {Building a New Internet Chat System for Sharing Timing Information}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2109}
author = {Umeda, Masamitsu; Kogure, Satoru; Nakagawa, Seiichi}
title = {Interpreter for Highly Portable Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2110}
author = {Estival, Dominique; Broughton, Michael; Zschorn, Andrew; Pronger, Elizabeth}
title = {Spoken Dialogue for Virtual Advisers in a semi-immersive Command and Control environment}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2111}
author = {Williams, Jason; Young, Steve}
title = {Using Wizard-of-Oz simulations to bootstrap Reinforcement - Learning based dialog management systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2112}
author = {Murao, Hiroya; Kawaguchi, Nobuo; Matsubara, Shigeki; Yamaguchi, Yukiko; Inagaki, Yasuyoshi}
title = {Example-based Spoken Dialogue System using WOZ System Log}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2113}
author = {Flycht-Eriksson, Annika; Jönsson, Arne}
title = {Some empirical findings on dialogue management and domain ontologies in dialogue systems - Implications from an evaluation of BirdQuest}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2114}
author = {Lemon, Oliver; Cavedon, Lawrence; Kelly, Barbara}
title = {Managing Dialogue Interaction: A Multi-Layered Approach}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2115}
author = {Porzel, Robert; Gurevych, Iryna; Müller, Christof E.}
title = {Ontology-based Contextual Coherence Scoring}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2116}
author = {Ito, Kazunari; Saito, Hiroaki}
title = {An Annotation Tool for Multimodal Dialogue Corpora using Global Document Annotation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2117}
author = {Müller, Christof E.; Strube, Michael}
title = {Multi-Level Annotation in MMAX}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2118}
author = {Levin, Lori S.; Langley, Chad; Lavie, Alon; Gates, Donna M.; Wallace, Dorcas; Peterson, Kay}
title = {Domain Specific Speech Acts for Spoken Language Translation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2119}
author = {Takeoka, Atsue; Shimojima, Atsushi; Katagiri, Yasuhiro}
title = {Turn-taking in Graphical Communication: an exploratory study}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2120}
author = {Orăsan, Constantin}
title = {PALinkA: A highly customisable tool for discourse annotation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2121}
author = {Jager, Samson de; Wright, Nick; Knott, Alistair}
title = {Speaker-independent context update rules for dialogue management}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2122}
author = {Iwahashi, Naoto}
title = {A Method for Forming Mutual Beliefs for Communication through Human-robot Multi-modal Interaction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2123}
author = {Bos, Johan; Klein, Ewan; Lemon, Oliver; Oka, Tetsushi}
title = {DIPPER: Description and Formalisation of an Information-State Update Dialogue System Architecture}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2124}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Learning to Speak to a Spoken Language System: Vocabulary Convergence in Novice Users}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2125}
author = {Aist, Gregory; Rayner, Manny; Dowding, John; Hockey, Beth Ann; Early, Susana; Hieronymus, James}
title = {A procedure assistant for astronauts in a functional programming architecture with step previewing and spoken correction of dialogue moves}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2126}
author = {Ng, Hong-I; Lua, KimTeng}
title = {Dialog Input Ranking in a Multi-Domain Environment Using Transferable Belief Model}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2127}
author = {Craggs, Richard; Wood, Mary McGee}
title = {Annotating emotion in dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2128}
author = {Hennoste, Tiit; Koit, Mare; Rääbis, Andriela; Strandson, Krista; Valdisoo, Maret; Vutt, Evely}
title = {Developing a Typology of Dialogue Acts: Some Boundary Problems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2003}
id = {W04-2301}
author = {Guinn, Curry I.; Hubal, Robert; Frank, Geoffrey; Schwetzke, Henry; Zimmer, James; Backus, Sarah; Deterding, Robin; Link, Michael; Armsby, Polly; Caspar, Rachel; Flicker, Laura; Visscher, Wendy; Meehan, Amanda; Zelon, Harvey}
title = {Usability And Acceptability Studies Of Conversational Virtual Human Technology}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2302}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael; Allen, James F.}
title = {Stochastic Language Generation In A Dialogue System: Toward A Domain Independent Generator}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2303}
author = {Robinson, Kerry; Horowitz, David; Bobadilla, Emilio; Lascelles, Mark; Suarez, Ana}
title = {Conversational Dialogue Management In The FASiL Project}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2304}
author = {Gustafson, Joakim; Bell, Linda; Boye, Johan; Lindstrom, Anders; Wiren, Mats}
title = {The NICE Fairy-Tale Game System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2305}
author = {Gabsdil, Malte}
title = {Combining Acoustic Confidences And Pragmatic Plausibility For Classifying Spoken Chess Move Instructions}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2306}
author = {Hamerich, Stefan; Schubert, Volker; Schless, Volker; de Cordoba, Ricardo; Pardo, Jose Manuel; D'Haro, Luis F.; Kladis, Basilis; Kocsis, Otilia; Igel, Stefan}
title = {Semi-Automatic Generation Of Dialogue Applications In The GEMINI Project}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2307}
author = {Tsovaltzi, Dimitra; Karagjosova, Elena}
title = {A View On Dialogue Move Taxonomies For Tutorial Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2308}
author = {Gerassimenko, Olga; Hennoste, Tiit; Koit, Mare; Rääbis, Andriela}
title = {Other-Initiated Self-Repairs In Estonian Information Dialogues: Solving Communication Problems In Cooperation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2309}
author = {Thomas, Kavita}
title = {But What Do They Mean? An Exploration Into The Range Of Cross-Turn Expectations Denied By But}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2310}
author = {Jain, Prateek; Mital, Manav Ratan; Kumar, Sumit; Mukerjee, Amitabha; Raina, Achla M.}
title = {Anaphora Resolution In Multi-Person Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2311}
author = {Creswell, Cassandre; Kaiser, Elsi}
title = {The Importance Of Discourse Context For Statistical Natural Language Generation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2312}
author = {Loos, Berenike; Porzel, Robert}
title = {Resolution Of Lexical Ambiguities In Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2313}
author = {Zufferey, Sandrine; Popescu-Belis, Andrei}
title = {Towards Automatic Identification Of Discourse Markers In Dialogs: The Case Of Like}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2314}
author = {Di Fabbrizio, Giuseppe; Tur, Gokhan; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek}
title = {Bootstrapping Spoken Dialog Systems With Data Reuse}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2315}
author = {Tomko, Stefanie; Rosenfeld, Roni}
title = {Speech Graffiti Habitability: What Do Users Really Say?}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2316}
author = {Ward, Karen; Hollingsed, Tasha; Aldaz Salmon, Javier A.}
title = {Acknowledgment Use With Synthesized And Recorded Prompts}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2317}
author = {Jovanovic, Natasa; op den Akker, Rieks}
title = {Towards Automatic Addressee Identification In Multi-Party Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2318}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Prosodic Cues To Discourse Segment Boundaries In Human-Computer Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2319}
author = {Shriberg, Elizabeth; Dhillon, Raj; Bhagat, Sonali; Ang, Jeremy; Carvey, Hannah}
title = {The ICSI Meeting Recorder Dialog Act (MRDA) Corpus}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2320}
author = {Cassell, Justine}
title = {Dialogue Systems That Can Handle Face-To-Face Joint Reference To Actions In Space}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2321}
author = {Raymond, Christian; Bechet, Frédéric; de Mori, Renato; Damnati, Géraldine}
title = {On The Use Of Confidence For Statistical Decision In Dialogue Strategies}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2322}
author = {Polanyi, Livia; Culy, Christopher; Van Den Berg, Martin; Thione, Gian Lorenzo; Ahn, David}
title = {A Rule Based Approach To Discourse Parsing}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2323}
author = {Carbone, Marco; Gal, Ya'akov; Shieber, Stuart M.; Grosz, Barbara J.}
title = {Unifying Annotated Discourse Hierarchies To Create A Gold Standard}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2324}
author = {Danlos, Laurence}
title = {Discourse Dependency Structures As Constrained DAGs}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2325}
author = {Schlangen, David}
title = {Causes And Strategies For Requesting Clarification In Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2326}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Forbes-Riley, Kate}
title = {Annotating Student Emotional States In Spoken Tutoring Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2327}
author = {Poesio, Massimo}
title = {The MATE/GNOME Proposals For Anaphoric Annotation Revisited}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2328}
author = {Clark, Alexander; Popescu-Belis, Andrei}
title = {Multi-Level Dialogue Act Tags}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2004}
id = {W06-1301}
author = {Hof, Alexander; Hagen, Eli; Huber, Alexander}
title = {Adaptive Help For Speech Dialogue Systems Based On Learning And Forgetting Of Speech Commands}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1302}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Kanda, Naoyuki; Nakano, Mikio; Nakadai, Kazuhiro; Tsujino, Hiroshi; Ogata, Tetsuya; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Multi-Domain Spoken Dialogue System With Extensibility And Robustness Against Speech Recognition Errors}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1303}
author = {Leuski, Anton; Patel, Ronakkumar; Traum, David R.; Kennedy, Brandon}
title = {Building Effective Question Answering Characters}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1304}
author = {Varges, Sebastian; Weng, Fuliang; Pon-Barry, Heather}
title = {Interactive Question Answering And Constraint Relaxation In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1305}
author = {Ginzburg, Jonathan}
title = {Content Recognition In Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1306}
author = {Keizer, Simon; Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {Multidimensional Dialogue Management}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1307}
author = {Al-Raheb, Yafa}
title = {DRT Representation Of Degrees Of Belief}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1308}
author = {Denis, Alexandre; Pitel, Guillaume; Quignard, Matthieu}
title = {Resolution Of Referents Groupings In Practical Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1309}
author = {Ludwig, Bernd}
title = {Tracing Actions Helps In Understanding Interactions}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1310}
author = {Al-Raheb, Yafa}
title = {Semantic And Pragmatic Presupposition In Discourse Representation Theory}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1311}
author = {Vieira, Renata; Bick, Eckhard; Coelho, Jorge; Muller, Vinicius; Collovini, Sandra; Souza, Jose; Machado Rino, Lucia Helena}
title = {Semantic Tagging For Resolution Of Indirect Anaphora}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1312}
author = {Teufel, Simone; Siddharthan, Advaith; Tidhar, Dan}
title = {An Annotation Scheme For Citation Function}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1313}
author = {Roque, Antonio; Traum, David R.}
title = {An Information State-Based Dialogue Manager For Call For Fire Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1314}
author = {Morgan, William T.; Chang, Pi-Chuan; Gupta, Surabhi; Brenier, Jason M.}
title = {Automatically Detecting Action Items In Audio Meeting Recordings}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1315}
author = {Midgley, T. Daniel; Harrison, Shelly P.; MacNish, Cara}
title = {Empirical Verification Of Adjacency Pairs Using Dialogue Segmentation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1316}
author = {Araki, Masahiro; Tachibana, Kenji}
title = {Multimodal Dialog Description Language For Rapid System Development}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1317}
author = {Wellner, Benjamin; Pustejovsky, James; Havasi, Catherine; Rumshisky, Anna; Sauri, Roser}
title = {Classification Of Discourse Coherence Relations: An Exploratory Study Using Multiple Knowledge Sources}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1318}
author = {Geertzen, Jeroen; Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {Measuring Annotator Agreement In A Complex Hierarchical Dialogue Act Annotation Scheme}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1319}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; Niemann, Michael; George, Sarah}
title = {Balancing Conflicting Factors In Argument Interpretation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1320}
author = {Georgescul, Maria; Clark, Alexander; Armstrong, Susan}
title = {An Analysis Of Quantitative Aspects In The Evaluation Of Thematic Segmentation Algorithms}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1321}
author = {Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Discourse And Dialogue Processing In Spoken Intelligent Tutoring Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1322}
author = {Li, Shuyin; Wrede, Britta; Sagerer, Gerhard}
title = {A Computational Model Of Multi-Modal Grounding For Human Robot Interaction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1323}
author = {Tokuhisa, Ryoko; Terashima, Ryuta}
title = {Relationship Between Utterances And Enthusiasm In Non-Task-Oriented Conversational Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2006}
id = {W08-0101}
author = {Raux, Antoine; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Optimizing Endpointing Thresholds using Dialogue Features in a Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0102}
author = {Gruenstein, Alexander}
title = {Response-Based Confidence Annotation for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0103}
author = {Bohus, Dan; Li, Xiao; Nguyen, Patrick; Zweig, Geoffrey}
title = {Learning N-Best Correction Models from Implicit User Feedback in a Multi-Modal Local Search Application}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0104}
author = {Lascarides, Alex; Asher, Nicholas}
title = {Agreement and Disputes in Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0105}
author = {Baker, Rachel; Gill, Alastair; Cassell, Justine}
title = {Reactive Redundancy and Listener Comprehension in Direction-Giving}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0106}
author = {Mills, Greg J.; Healey, Patrick G. T.}
title = {Semantic negotiation in dialogue: the mechanisms of alignment}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0107}
author = {Roque, Antonio; Traum, David R.}
title = {Degrees of Grounding Based on Evidence of Understanding}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0108}
author = {Paek, Tim; Gandhe, Sudeep; Chickering, Max}
title = {Rapidly Deploying Grammar-Based Speech Applications with Active Learning and Back-off Grammars}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0109}
author = {Varges, Sebastian; Riccardi, Giuseppe; Quarteroni, Silvia}
title = {Persistent Information State in a Data-Centric Architecture}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0110}
author = {Hjalmarsson, Anna}
title = {Speaking without knowing what to say... or when to end}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0111}
author = {Nakatsu, Crystal}
title = {Learning Contrastive Connectives in Sentence Realization Ranking}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0112}
author = {Liu, Fei; Liu, Yang}
title = {What Are Meeting Summaries? An Analysis of Human Extractive Summaries in Meeting Corpus}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0113}
author = {Siebert, Alexander; Schlangen, David}
title = {A Simple Method for Resolution of Definite Reference in a Shared Visual Context}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0114}
author = {Nakano, Mikio; Funakoshi, Kotaro; Hasegawa, Yuji; Tsujino, Hiroshi}
title = {A Framework for Building Conversational Agents Based on a Multi-Expert Model}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0115}
author = {Hamerich, Stefan}
title = {From GEMINI to DiaGen: Improving Development of Speech Dialogues for Embedded Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0116}
author = {Colman, Marcus; Eshghi, Arash; Healey, Patrick G. T.}
title = {Quantifying Ellipsis in Dialogue: an index of mutual understanding}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0117}
author = {Katagiri, Yasuhiro; Matsusaka, Yosuke; Den, Yasuharu; Enomoto, Mika; Ishizaki, Masato; Takanashi, Katsuya}
title = {Implicit Proposal Filtering in Multi-Party Consensus-Building Conversations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0118}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Nguyen, Patrick; Zweig, Geoffrey}
title = {Optimal Dialog in Consumer-Rating Systems using POMDP Framework}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0119}
author = {Gašić, Milica; Keizer, Simon; Mairesse, François; Schatzmann, Jost; Thomson, Blaise; Yu, Kai; Young, Steve}
title = {Training and Evaluation of the HIS POMDP Dialogue System in Noise}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0120}
author = {Kim, Kyungduk; Lee, Cheongjae; Jung, Sangkeun; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {A Frame-Based Probabilistic Framework for Spoken Dialog Management Using Dialog Examples}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0121}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Speaking More Like You: Lexical Acoustic/Prosodic and Discourse Entrainment in Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0122}
author = {Somasundaran, Swapna; Ruppenhofer, Josef; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Discourse Level Opinion Relations: An Annotation Study}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0123}
author = {Andrews, Pierre; Manandhar, Suresh; De Boni, Marco}
title = {Argumentative Human Computer Dialogue for Automated Persuasion}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0124}
author = {Laskowski, Kornel; Ostendorf, Mari; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Modeling Vocal Interaction for Text-Independent Participant Characterization in Multi-Party Conversation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0125}
author = {Fernández, Raquel; Frampton, Matthew; Ehlen, Patrick; Purver, Matthew; Peters, Stanley}
title = {Modelling and Detecting Decisions in Multi-party Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0126}
author = {Ai, Hua; Weng, Fuliang}
title = {User Simulation as Testing for Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0127}
author = {Gandhe, Sudeep; Traum, David R.}
title = {Evaluation Understudy for Dialogue Coherence Models}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0128}
author = {Möller, Sebastian; Ward, Nigel}
title = {A Framework for Model-based Evaluation of Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0129}
author = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Kukina, Olga}
title = {The Effect of Dialogue System Output Style Variation on Users’ Evaluation Judgments and Input Style}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0130}
author = {DeVault, David; Traum, David R.; Artstein, Ron}
title = {Making Grammar-Based Generation Easier to Deploy in Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2008}
id = {W09-3901}
author = {Paksima, Taghi; Georgila, Kallirroi; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Evaluating the Effectiveness of Information Presentation in a Full End-To-End Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3902}
author = {DeVault, David; Sagae, Kenji; Traum, David R.}
title = {Can I Finish? Learning When to Respond to Incremental Interpretation Results in Interactive Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3903}
author = {Akker, Harm op den; op den Akker, Rieks}
title = {Are You Being Addressed? - Real-Time Addressee Detection to Support Remote Participants in Hybrid Meetings}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3904}
author = {Bavelas, Janet}
title = {What’s Unique About Dialogue?}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3905}
author = {Schlangen, David; Baumann, Timo; Atterer, Michaela}
title = {Incremental Reference Resolution: The Task Metrics for Evaluation and a Bayesian Filtering Model that is Sensitive to Disfluencies}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3906}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Callaway, Charles B.; Farrow, Elaine; Moore, Johanna D.; Steinhauser, Natalie; Campbell, Gwendolyn}
title = {Dealing with Interpretation Errors in Tutorial Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3907}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; Ye, Patrick; Gupta, Kapil Kumar; Makalic, Enes}
title = {Towards the Interpretation of Utterance Sequences in a Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3908}
author = {Niekrasz, John; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Participant Subjectivity and Involvement as a Basis for Discourse Segmentation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3909}
author = {Taboada, Maite; Brooke, Julian; Stede, Manfred}
title = {Genre-Based Paragraph Classification for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3910}
author = {Banerjee, Satanjeev; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Detecting the Noteworthiness of Utterances in Human Meetings}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3911}
author = {Howes, Christine; Healey, Patrick G. T.; Mills, Greg J.}
title = {A: An Experimental Investigation into... B: ...Split Utterances}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3912}
author = {Rieser, Hannes; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Interactive Gesture in Dialogue: a PTT Model}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3913}
author = {Zulaica-Hernández, Iker; Gutiérrez-Rexach, Javier}
title = {Tense Temporal Expressions and Demonstrative Licensing in Natural Discourse.}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3914}
author = {Clemens, Caroline; Diekhaus, Christoph}
title = {Prosodic Turn-Yielding Cues With and Without Optical Feedback}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3915}
author = {Koulouri, Theodora; Lauria, Stanislao}
title = {Exploring Miscommunication and Collaborative Behaviour in Human-Robot Interaction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3916}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {A Two-Tier User Simulation Model for Reinforcement Learning of Adaptive Referring Expression Generation Policies}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3917}
author = {Meguro, Toyomi; Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Dohsaka, Kohji; Minami, Yasuhiro; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Analysis of Listening-Oriented Dialogue for Building Listening Agents}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3918}
author = {Schmitt, Alexander; Heinroth, Tobias; Liscombe, Jackson}
title = {On NoMatchs NoInputs and BargeIns: Do Non-Acoustic Features Support Anger Detection?}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3919}
author = {Williams, Jason; Balakrishnan, Suhrid}
title = {Estimating Probability of Correctness for ASR N-Best Lists}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3920}
author = {de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Grimm, Scott; Potts, Christopher}
title = {Not a Simple Yes or No: Uncertainty in Indirect Answers}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3921}
author = {Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Concept Form Adaptation in Human-Computer Dialog}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3922}
author = {Hastie, Helen; Liu, Xingkun; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Automatic Generation of Information State Update Dialogue Systems that Dynamically Create Voice XML as Demonstrated on the iPhone}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3923}
author = {Balchandran, Rajesh; Rachevsky, Leonid; Sansone, Larry; Sicconi, Roberto}
title = {Dialog System for Mixed Initiative One-Turn Address Entry and Error Recovery}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3924}
author = {Varges, Sebastian; Quarteroni, Silvia; Riccardi, Giuseppe; Ivanov, Alexei V.; Roberti, Pierluigi}
title = {Leveraging POMDPs Trained with User Simulations and Rule-based Dialogue Management in a Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3925}
author = {D'Haro, Luis Fernando; de Cordoba, Ricardo; Lucas, Juan Manuel; Barra-Chicote, Roberto; San-Segundo, Rubén}
title = {Speeding Up the Design of Dialogue Applications by Using Database Contents and Structure Information}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3926}
author = {Engelbrecht, Klaus-Peter; Gödde, Florian; Hartard, Felix; Ketabdar, Hamed; Möller, Sebastian}
title = {Modeling User Satisfaction with Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3927}
author = {Rotaru, Mihai; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Discourse Structure and Performance Analysis: Beyond the Correlation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3928}
author = {Qu, Shaolin; Chai, Joyce}
title = {The Role of Interactivity in Human-Machine Conversation for Automatic Word Acquisition}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3929}
author = {Benotti, Luciana}
title = {Clarification Potential of Instructions}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3930}
author = {Zhang, Chen; Chai, Joyce}
title = {What do We Know about Conversation Participants: Experiments on Conversation Entailment}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3931}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Artificial Companions as Dialogue Agents}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3932}
author = {Dohsaka, Kohji; Asai, Ryota; Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Minami, Yasuhiro; Maeda, Eisaku}
title = {Effects of Conversational Agents on Human Communication in Thought-Evoking Multi-Party Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3933}
author = {Bohus, Dan; Horvitz, Eric}
title = {Models for Multiparty Engagement in Open-World Dialog}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3934}
author = {Bui, Trung H.; Frampton, Matthew; Dowding, John; Peters, Stanley}
title = {Extracting Decisions from Multi-Party Dialogue Using Directed Graphical Models and Semantic Similarity}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3935}
author = {Bohus, Dan; Horvitz, Eric}
title = {Learning to Predict Engagement with a Spoken Dialog System in Open-World Settings}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3936}
author = {Gravano, Agustín; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Turn-Yielding Cues in Task-Oriented Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3937}
author = {Purver, Matthew; Howes, Christine; Gregoromichelaki, Eleni; Healey, Patrick G. T.}
title = {Split Utterances in Dialogue: a Corpus Study}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3938}
author = {Lefèvre, Fabrice; Gašić, Milica; Jurčíček, Filip; Keizer, Simon; Mairesse, François; Thomson, Blaise; Yu, Kai; Young, Steve}
title = {k-Nearest Neighbor Monte-Carlo Control Algorithm for POMDP-Based Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3939}
author = {Nguy, Giang Linh; Novák, Václav; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {Comparison of Classification and Ranking Approaches to Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in Czech}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3940}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Forbes-Riley, Kate}
title = {Spoken Tutorial Dialogue and the Feeling of Another’s Knowing}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3941}
author = {Stent, Amanda J.; Molina, Martin}
title = {Evaluating Automatic Extraction of Rules for Sentence Plan Construction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3942}
author = {Gustafson, Joakim; Merkes, Miray}
title = {Eliciting Interactional Phenomena in Human-Human Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3943}
author = {Malsburg, Titus von der; Baumann, Timo; Schlangen, David}
title = {TELIDA: A Package for Manipulation and Visualization of Timed Linguistic Data}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3944}
author = {Purver, Matthew; Fernández, Raquel; Frampton, Matthew; Peters, Stanley}
title = {Cascaded Lexicalised Classifiers for Second-Person Reference Resolution}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3945}
author = {Skantze, Gabriel; Gustafson, Joakim}
title = {Attention and Interaction Control in a Human-Human-Computer Dialogue Setting}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3946}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Ikeda, Satoshi; Fukubayashi, Yuichiro; Ogata, Tetsuya; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Ranking Help Message Candidates Based on Robust Grammar Verification Results and Utterance History in Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3947}
author = {Villing, Jessica}
title = {Dialogue Behaviour under High Cognitive Load}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3948}
author = {Griol, David; Callejas, Zoraida; López-Cózar, Ramón}
title = {A Comparison between Dialog Corpora Acquired with Real and Simulated Users}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3949}
author = {Granell, Ramon; Pulman, Stephen G.; Martínez-Hinarejos, Carlos D.}
title = {Simultaneous Dialogue Act Segmentation and Labelling using Lexical and Syntactic Features}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3950}
author = {Black, Alan W.; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {The Spoken Dialogue Challenge}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3951}
author = {Crook, Nigel; Granell, Ramon; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Unsupervised Classification of Dialogue Acts using a Dirichlet Process Mixture Model}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3952}
author = {Sündermann, David; Liscombe, Jackson; Dayanidhi, Krishna; Pieraccini, Roberto}
title = {A Handsome Set of Metrics to Measure Utterance Classification Performance in Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3953}
author = {Hu, Jun; Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Contrasting the Interaction Structure of an Email and a Telephone Corpus: A Machine Learning Approach to Annotation of Dialogue Function Units}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-4301}
author = {Skantze, Gabriel; Hjalmarsson, Anna}
title = {Towards Incremental Speech Generation in Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4302}
author = {Heintze, Silvan; Baumann, Timo; Schlangen, David}
title = {Comparing Local and Sequential Models for Statistical Incremental Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4303}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Dynamic Adaptation in Dialog Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4304}
author = {Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Minami, Yasuhiro; Dohsaka, Kohji; Meguro, Toyomi}
title = {Modeling User Satisfaction Transitions in Dialogues from Overall Ratings}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4305}
author = {Cai, Jie; Strube, Michael}
title = {Evaluation Metrics For End-to-End Coreference Resolution Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4306}
author = {Mehta, Neville; Gupta, Rakesh; Raux, Antoine; Ramachandran, Deepak; Krawczyk, Stefan}
title = {Probabilistic Ontology Trees for Belief Tracking in Dialog Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4307}
author = {Santos de la Cámara, Raúl; Turunen, Markku; Hakulinen, Jaakko; Field, Debora}
title = {How was your day? An architecture for multimodal ECA systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4308}
author = {Schlangen, David; Baumann, Timo; Buschmeier, Hendrik; Buß, Okko; Kopp, Stefan; Skantze, Gabriel; Yaghoubzadeh, Ramin}
title = {Middleware for Incremental Processing in Conversational Agents}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4309}
author = {Hernault, Hugo; Bollegala, Danushka; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Towards Semi-Supervised Classification of Discourse Relations using Feature Correlations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4310}
author = {Louis, Annie; Joshi, Aravind K.; Prasad, Rashmi; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Using entity features to classify implicit discourse relations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4311}
author = {Borisova, Irina; Redeker, Gisela}
title = {Same and Elaboration Relations in the Discourse Graphbank}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4312}
author = {Benotti, Luciana; Blackburn, Patrick}
title = {Negotiating causal implicatures}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4313}
author = {de Groote, Philippe; Lebedeva, Ekaterina}
title = {Presupposition Accommodation as Exception Handling}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4314}
author = {Ha, Eun Y.; Baikadi, Alok; Licata, Carlyle; Mott, Bradford; Lester, James C.}
title = {Exploring the Effectiveness of Lexical Ontologies for Modeling Temporal Relations with Markov Logic}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4315}
author = {Denis, Alexandre}
title = {Reference reversibility with Reference Domain Theory}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4316}
author = {Liu, Jingjing; Seneff, Stephanie; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Utilizing Review Summarization in a Spoken Recommendation System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4317}
author = {Xu, Yushi; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Dialogue Management Based on Entities and Constraints}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4318}
author = {Marge, Matthew; Miranda, João; Black, Alan W.; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Towards Improving the Naturalness of Social Conversations with Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4319}
author = {Koulouri, Theodora; Lauria, Stanislao}
title = {Route Communication in Dialogue: a Matter of Principles}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4320}
author = {Mast, Vivien; Smeddinck, Jan; Strotseva, Anna; Tenbrink, Thora}
title = {The Impact of Dimensionality on Natural Language Route Directions in Unconstrained Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4321}
author = {Georgila, Kallirroi; Wolters, Maria; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Learning Dialogue Strategies from Older and Younger Simulated Users}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4322}
author = {Chandramohan, Senthilkumar; Geist, Matthieu; Pietquin, Olivier}
title = {Sparse Approximate Dynamic Programming for Dialog Management}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4323}
author = {Keizer, Simon; Gasic, Milica; Jurčíček, Filip; Mairesse, François; Thomson, Blaise; Yu, Kai; Young, Steve}
title = {Parameter estimation for agenda-based user simulation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4324}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Adaptive Referring Expression Generation in Spoken Dialogue Systems: Evaluation with Real Users}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4325}
author = {Egg, Markus}
title = {A unified account of the semantics of discourse particles}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4326}
author = {Zhou, Zhi-Min; Lan, Man; Niu, Zhengyu; Xu, Yu; Su, Jian}
title = {The Effects of Discourse Connectives Prediction on Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4327}
author = {Louis, Annie; Joshi, Aravind K.; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Discourse indicators for content selection in summarization}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4328}
author = {Marge, Matthew; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Comparing Spoken Language Route Instructions for Robots across Environment Representations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4329}
author = {Raux, Antoine; Nakano, Mikio}
title = {The Dynamics of Action Corrections in Situated Interaction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4330}
author = {Ishiguro, Hiroshi}
title = {Understanding Humans by Building Androids}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4331}
author = {Funakoshi, Kotaro; Nakano, Mikio; Kobayashi, Kazuki; Komatsu, Takanori; Yamada, Seiji}
title = {Non-humanlike Spoken Dialogue: A Design Perspective}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4332}
author = {Putois, Ghislain; Laroche, Romain; Bretier, Philippe}
title = {Enhanced Monitoring Tools and Online Dialogue Optimisation Merged into a New Spoken Dialogue System Design Experience}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4333}
author = {Brusk, Jenny; Artstein, Ron; Traum, David R.}
title = {Don't tell anyone! Two Experiments on Gossip Conversations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4334}
author = {Gasic, Milica; Jurčíček, Filip; Keizer, Simon; Mairesse, François; Thomson, Blaise; Yu, Kai; Young, Steve}
title = {Gaussian Processes for Fast Policy Optimisation of POMDP-based Dialogue Managers}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4335}
author = {Kamiya, Yuki; Ohno, Tomohiro; Matsubara, Shigeki}
title = {Coherent Back-Channel Feedback Tagging of In-Car Spoken Dialogue Corpus}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4336}
author = {Crook, Paul A.; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Representing Uncertainty about Complex User Goals in Statistical Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4337}
author = {Varges, Sebastian; Quarteroni, Silvia; Riccardi, Giuseppe; Ivanov, Alexei V.}
title = {Investigating Clarification Strategies in a Hybrid POMDP Dialog Manager}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4338}
author = {González, Meritxell; Quarteroni, Silvia; Riccardi, Giuseppe; Varges, Sebastian}
title = {Cooperative User Models in Statistical Dialog Simulators}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4339}
author = {Misu, Teruhisa; Sugiura, Komei; Ohtake, Kiyonori; Hori, Chiori; Kashioka, Hideki; Kawai, Hisashi; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Modeling Spoken Decision Making Dialogue and Optimization of its Dialogue Strategy}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4340}
author = {Hjalmarsson, Anna}
title = {The vocal intensity of turn-initial cue phrases in dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4341}
author = {Peltason, Julia; Wrede, Britta}
title = {Pamini: A framework for assembling mixed-initiative human-robot interaction from generic interaction patterns}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4342}
author = {Buß, Okko; Baumann, Timo; Schlangen, David}
title = {Collaborating on Utterances with a Spoken Dialogue System Using an ISU-based Approach to Incremental Dialogue Management}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4343}
author = {Georgila, Kallirroi; Wang, Ning; Gratch, Jonathan}
title = {Cross-Domain Speech Disfluency Detection}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4344}
author = {Sagae, Alicia; Johnson, W. Lewis; Bodnar, Stephen}
title = {Validation of a Dialog System for Language Learners}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4345}
author = {Gandhe, Sudeep; Traum, David R.}
title = {I've said it before and I'll say it again: An empirical investigation of the upper bound of the selection approach to dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4346}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.; Lunsford, Rebecca; Selfridge, Ethan; Black, Lois; van Santen, Jan}
title = {Autism and Interactional Aspects of Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4347}
author = {Frampton, Matthew; Sripada, Sandeep; Bion, Ricardo Augusto Hoffmann; Peters, Stanley}
title = {Detection of time-pressure induced stress in speech via acoustic indicators}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4348}
author = {Sündermann, David; Liscombe, Jackson; Pieraccini, Roberto}
title = {How to Drink from a Fire Hose: One Person Can Annoscribe One Million Utterances in One Month}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4349}
author = {Schmitt, Alexander; Minker, Wolfgang; Sharaf, Nada}
title = {Advances in the Witchcraft Workbench Project}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4350}
author = {Laurent, Marianne; Bretier, Philippe}
title = {MPOWERS: a Multi Points Of VieW Evaluation Refine Studio}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4351}
author = {Griol, David; Callejas, Zoraida; López-Cózar, Ramón}
title = {Statistical Dialog Management Methodologies for Real Applications}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4352}
author = {Takegata, Seiji; Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko}
title = {YouBot: A Simple Framework for Building Virtual Networking Agents}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4353}
author = {Cavazza, Marc; Santos de la Cámara, Raúl; Turunen, Markku; Relaño Gil, José; Hakulinen, Jaakko; Crook, Nigel; Field, Debora}
title = {How was your day? An Affective Companion ECA Prototype}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4354}
author = {López-Cózar, Ramón; Silovsky, Jan; Griol, David}
title = {$F^2$ - New Technique for Recognition of User Emotional States in Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4355}
author = {Komatani, Kazunori; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {Online Error Detection of Barge-In Utterances by Using Individual Users' Utterance Histories in Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4356}
author = {Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Ha, Eun Y.; Phillips, Robert; Wallis, Michael; Vouk, Mladen; Lester, James C.}
title = {Dialogue Act Modeling in a Complex Task-Oriented Domain}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4357}
author = {Baldwin, Tyler; Chai, Joyce; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Hand Gestures in Disambiguating Types of You Expressions in Multiparty Meetings}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4358}
author = {Dohsaka, Kohji; Kanemoto, Atsushi; Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Minami, Yasuhiro; Maeda, Eisaku}
title = {User-adaptive Coordination of Agent Communicative Behavior in Spoken Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4359}
author = {Kirschner, Manuel; Bernardi, Raffaella}
title = {Towards an Empirically Motivated Typology of Follow-Up Questions: The Role of Dialogue Context}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4360}
author = {Luz, Saturnino; Su, Jing}
title = {Assessing the effectiveness of conversational features for dialogue segmentation in medical team meetings and in the AMI corpus}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-2001}
author = {Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Strategic Conversation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2002}
author = {Black, Alan W.; Burger, Susanne; Conkie, Alistair; Hastie, Helen; Keizer, Simon; Lemon, Oliver; Merigaud, Nicolas; Parent, Gabriel; Schubiner, Gabriel; Thomson, Blaise; Williams, Jason; Yu, Kai; Young, Steve; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Spoken Dialog Challenge 2010: Comparison of Live and Control Test Results}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2003}
author = {González-Brenes, JosÉ; Mostow, Jack}
title = {Which System Differences Matter? Using L1/L2 Regularization to Compare Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2004}
author = {Nakano, Mikio; Sato, Shun; Komatani, Kazunori; Matsuyama, Kyoko; Funakoshi, Kotaro; Okuno, Hiroshi G.}
title = {A Two-Stage Domain Selection Framework for Extensible Multi-Domain Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2005}
author = {Chaudhuri, Sourish; Raj, Bhiksha}
title = {A Comparison of Latent Variable Models For Conversation Analysis}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2006}
author = {DeVault, David; Leuski, Anton; Sagae, Kenji}
title = {Toward Learning and Evaluation of Dialogue Policies with Text Examples}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2007}
author = {Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Ha, Eun Young; Phillips, Robert; Lester, James C.}
title = {The Impact of Task-Oriented Feature Sets on HMMs for Dialogue Modeling}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2008}
author = {Yoshino, Koichiro; Mori, Shinsuke; Kawahara, Tatsuya}
title = {Spoken Dialogue System based on Information Extraction using Similarity of Predicate Argument Structures}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2009}
author = {Tanenhaus, Michael K.}
title = {Common Ground and Perspective-taking in Real-time Language Processing}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2010}
author = {Benotti, Luciana; Denis, Alexandre}
title = {Giving instructions in virtual environments by corpus based selection}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2011}
author = {Dethlefs, Nina; Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto; Viethen, Jette}
title = {Optimising Natural Language Generation Decision Making For Situated Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2012}
author = {Bergmann, Kirsten; Rieser, Hannes; Kopp, Stefan}
title = {Regulating Dialogue with Gestures - Towards an Empirically Grounded Simulation with Conversational Agents}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2013}
author = {Bohus, Dan; Horvitz, Eric}
title = {Multiparty Turn Taking in Situated Dialog: Study Lessons and Directions}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2014}
author = {Selfridge, Ethan; Arizmendi, Iker; Heeman, Peter A.; Williams, Jason}
title = {Stability and Accuracy in Incremental Speech Recognition}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2015}
author = {Baumann, Timo; Schlangen, David}
title = {Predicting the Micro-Timing of User Input for an Incremental Spoken Dialogue System that Completes a User's Ongoing Turn}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2016}
author = {Williams, Jason}
title = {An Empirical Evaluation of a Statistical Dialog System in Public Use}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2017}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Hastie, Helen; Lemon, Oliver; Liu, Xingkun}
title = {The day after the day after tomorrow? A machine learning approach to adaptive temporal expression generation: training and evaluation with real users}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2018}
author = {Wang, William Yang; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Detecting Levels of Interest from Spoken Dialog with Multistream Prediction Feedback and Similarity Based Hierarchical Fusion Learning}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2019}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Moore, Johanna D.; Steinhauser, Natalie; Campbell, Gwendolyn}
title = {Exploring User Satisfaction in a Tutorial Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2020}
author = {Schmitt, Alexander; Schatz, Benjamin; Minker, Wolfgang}
title = {Modeling and Predicting Quality in Spoken Human-Computer Interaction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2021}
author = {Winter, Ute; Ben Aharon, Roni; Chernobrov, Daniel; Hecht, Ron}
title = {Topics as Contextual Indicators for Word Choice in SMS Conversations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2022}
author = {Meyer, Thomas; Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Zufferey, Sandrine; Cartoni, Bruno}
title = {Multilingual Annotation and Disambiguation of Discourse Connectives for Machine Translation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2023}
author = {Cadilhac, Anais; Asher, Nicholas; Benamara, Farah; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Commitments to Preferences in Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2024}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Using Performance Trajectories to Analyze the Immediate Impact of User State Misclassification in an Adaptive Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2025}
author = {Kumar, Rohit; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Comparing Triggering Policies for Social Behaviors}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2026}
author = {Briggs, Gordon; Scheutz, Matthias}
title = {Facilitating Mental Modeling in Collaborative Human-Robot Interaction through Adverbial Cues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2027}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Epstein, Susan L.; Ligorio, Tiziana; Gordon, Joshua B.}
title = {Embedded Wizardry}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2028}
author = {Misu, Teruhisa; Mizukami, Etsuo; Shiga, Yoshinori; Kawamoto, Shinichi; Kawai, Hisashi; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Toward Construction of Spoken Dialogue System that Evokes Users' Spontaneous Backchannels}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2029}
author = {Gordon, Joshua B.; Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Epstein, Susan L.}
title = {Learning to Balance Grounding Rationales for Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2030}
author = {Georgila, Kallirroi; Artstein, Ron; Nazarian, Angela; Rushforth, Michael; Traum, David R.; Sycara, Katia}
title = {An Annotation Scheme for Cross-Cultural Argumentation and Persuasion Dialogues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2031}
author = {Margaretha, Eliza; DeVault, David}
title = {An Approach to the Automated Evaluation of Pipeline Architectures in Natural Language Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2032}
author = {Makatchev, Maxim; Simmons, Reid}
title = {Perception of Personality and Naturalness through Dialogues by Native Speakers of American English and Arabic}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2033}
author = {Lison, Pierre}
title = {Multi-Policy Dialogue Management}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2034}
author = {Lomas, Meghann; Cross, Ernest; Darvill, Jonathan; Farrell, Robert; Kopack, Michael; Whitebread, Kenneth}
title = {A Robotic World Model Framework Designed to Facilitate Human-robot Communication}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2035}
author = {Chen, Lin; Wang, Anruo; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Improving Pronominal and Deictic Co-Reference Resolution with Multi-Modal Features}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2036}
author = {Drummond, Joanna; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Examining the Impacts of Dialogue Content and System Automation on Affect Models in a Spoken Tutorial Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2037}
author = {Artstein, Ron}
title = {Error Return Plots}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2038}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Alvarado, Irene; Crone, Phil; Jerome, Simon}
title = {PARADISE-style Evaluation of a Human-Human Library Corpus}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2039}
author = {Rojas, Lina; Quignard, Matthieu}
title = {An Incremental Architecture for the Semantic Annotation of Dialogue Corpora with High-Level Structures. A case of study for the MEDIA corpus.}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2040}
author = {Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Piwek, Paul}
title = {The CODA System for Monologue-to-Dialogue Generation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2041}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Isard, Amy; Beña, Peter; Moore, Johanna D.; Steinhauser, Natalie; Campbell, Gwendolyn}
title = {Beetle II: an adaptable tutorial dialogue system}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2042}
author = {Klotz, David; Wienke, Johannes; Peltason, Julia; Wrede, Britta; Wrede, Sebastian; Khalidov, Vasil; Odobez, Jean-Marc}
title = {Engagement-based Multi-party Dialog with a Humanoid Robot}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2043}
author = {Noh, Hyungjong; Lee, Kyusong; Lee, Sungjin; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {POMY: A Conversational Virtual Environment for Language Learning in POSTECH}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2044}
author = {Gandhe, Sudeep; Taylor, Alysa; Gerten, Jillian; Traum, David R.}
title = {Rapid Development of Advanced Question-Answering Characters by Non-experts}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2045}
author = {Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Yazdani, Majid; Nanchen, Alexandre; Garner, Philip N.}
title = {A Just-in-Time Document Retrieval System for Dialogues or Monologues}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2011}
id = {W12-1601}
author = {Kawahara, Tatsuya}
title = {Multi-modal Sensing and Analysis of Poster Conversations: Toward Smart Posterboard}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1602}
author = {Lorenzo, Alejandra; Gardent, Claire; Rojas, Lina}
title = {An End-to-End Evaluation of Two Situated Dialog Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1603}
author = {Finkelstein, Samantha; Ogan, Amy; Black, Alan W.; Wang, William Yang; Cassell, Justine}
title = {Love ya, jerkface: Using Sparse Log-Linear Models to Build Positive and Impolite Relationships with Teens}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1604}
author = {Staudte, Maria; Crocker, Matthew W.; Koller, Alexander; Garoufi, Konstantina}
title = {Enhancing Referential Success by Tracking Hearer Gaze}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1605}
author = {Wang, Lu; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Unsupervised Topic Modeling Approaches to Decision Summarization in Spoken Meetings}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1606}
author = {Lee, Sungjin; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {An Unsupervised Approach to User Simulation: Toward Self-Improving Dialog Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1607}
author = {Penstein Rosé, Carolyn; Mayfield, Elijah; Adamson, David}
title = {Hierarchical Conversation Structure Prediction in Multi-Party Chat}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1608}
author = {Araki, Masahiro}
title = {Rapid Development Process of Spoken Dialogue Systems using Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1609}
author = {Gašić, Milica; Tzirkel, Eli; Tsiakoulis, Pirros; Henderson, Matthew; Thomson, Blaise; Young, Steve; Yu, Kai}
title = {The Effect of Cognitive Load on a Statistical Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1610}
author = {Lavelle, Mary; McCabe, Rose; Howes, Christine; Healey, Patrick G. T.; Purver, Matthew}
title = {Predicting Adherence to Treatment for Schizophrenia from Dialogue Transcripts}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1611}
author = {Misu, Teruhisa; Traum, David R.; Georgila, Kallirroi; Leuski, Anton}
title = {Reinforcement Learning of Question-Answering Dialogue Policies for Virtual Museum Guides}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1612}
author = {Mitchell, Christopher M.; Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Lester, James C.}
title = {From Strangers to Partners: Examining Convergence within a Longitudinal Study of Task-Oriented Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1613}
author = {Pappu, Aasish; Rudnicky, A.}
title = {The Structure and Generality of Spoken Route Instructions}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1614}
author = {Park, Joonsuk; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Improving Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition Through Feature Set Optimization}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1615}
author = {Selfridge, Ethan; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {A Temporal Simulator for Developing Turn-Taking Methods for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1616}
author = {Sun, Congkai; Morency, Louis-Philippe}
title = {Dialogue Act Recognition using Reweighted Speaker Adaptation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1617}
author = {Zablotskaya, Kseniya; Fernández-MartÃnez, Fernando; Minker, Wolfgang}
title = {Estimating Adaptation of Dialogue Partners with Different Verbal Intelligence}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1618}
author = {DeVault, David; Traum, David R.}
title = {A Demonstration of Incremental Speech Understanding and Confidence Estimation in a Virtual Human Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1619}
author = {Goetze, Jana; Bartie, Phil; Mackaness, William; Dalmas, Tiphaine; Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver; Liu, Xingkun}
title = {Integrating Location, Visibility, and Question-Answering in a Spoken Dialogue System for Pedestrian City Exploration}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1620}
author = {Forbell, Eric; Rizzo, Albert; DeVault, David; Traum, David R.; Morbini, Fabrizio; Sagae, Kenji}
title = {A Mixed-Initiative Conversational Dialogue System for Healthcare}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1621}
author = {Fang, Rui; Chai, Joyce; Liu, Changsong}
title = {Towards Mediating Shared Perceptual Basis in Situated Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1622}
author = {Ghosh, Sucheta; Riccardi, Giuseppe; Johansson, Richard}
title = {Global Features for Shallow Discourse Parsing}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1623}
author = {Xuan Bach, Ngo; Nguyen, Minh Le; Shimazu, Akira}
title = {A Reranking Model for Discourse Segmentation using Subtree Features}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1624}
author = {Ma, Yi; Raux, Antoine; Ramachandran, Deepak; Gupta, Rakesh}
title = {Landmark-Based Location Belief Tracking in a Spoken Dialog System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1625}
author = {Lison, Pierre}
title = {Probabilistic Dialogue Models with Prior Domain Knowledge}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1626}
author = {Lee, Sungjin; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Exploiting Machine-Transcribed Dialog Corpus to Improve Multiple Dialog States Tracking Methods}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1627}
author = {Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Cohesion, Entrainment and Task Success in Educational Dialog}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1628}
author = {Vega, Alejandro; Ward, Nigel}
title = {A Bottom-Up Exploration of the Dimensions of Dialog State in Spoken Interaction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1629}
author = {Hodgins, Jessica K.; Hajishirzi, Hannaneh; Lehman, Jill Fain}
title = {Using Group History to Identify Character-Directed Utterances in Multi-Child Interactions}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1630}
author = {Forbes-Riley, Kate; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Adapting to Multiple Affective States in Spoken Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1631}
author = {Bessho, Fumihiro; Harada, Tatsuya; Kuniyoshi, Yasuo}
title = {Dialog System Using Real-Time Crowdsourcing and Twitter Large-Scale Corpus}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1632}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; Riester, Arndt}
title = {Automatically Acquiring Fine-Grained Information Status Distinctions in German}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1633}
author = {Funakoshi, Kotaro; Nakano, Mikio; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Iida, Ryu}
title = {A Unified Probabilistic Approach to Referring Expressions}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1634}
author = {Mitchell, Christopher; Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Ha, Eun Young; Grafsgaard, Joseph; Lester, James C.}
title = {Combining Verbal and Nonverbal Features to Overcome the “Information Gap” in Task-Oriented Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1635}
author = {Hixon, Ben; Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Epstein, Susan L.}
title = {Semantic Specificity in Spoken Dialogue Requests}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1636}
author = {Huang, Hen-Hsen; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Contingency and Comparison Relation Labeling and Structure Prediction in Chinese Sentences}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1637}
author = {Leuski, Anton; DeVault, David}
title = {A Study in How NLU Performance Can Affect the Choice of Dialogue System Architecture}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1638}
author = {Williams, Jason; Selfridge, Ethan; Arizmendi, Iker; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Integrating Incremental Speech Recognition and POMDP-Based Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1639}
author = {Terrell, Allison; Mutlu, Bilge}
title = {A Regression-based Approach to Modeling Addressee Backchannels}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1640}
author = {Wang, Anruo; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Chen, Lin}
title = {Improving Sentence Completion in Dialogues with Multi-Modal Features}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1641}
author = {Dosch, Benjamin; Buschmeier, Hendrik; Kopp, Stefan; Schlangen, David; Baumann, Timo}
title = {Combining Incremental Language Generation and Incremental Speech Synthesis for Adaptive Information Presentation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1642}
author = {Wang, Lu; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Focused Meeting Summarization via Unsupervised Relation Extraction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1643}
author = {Kennington, Casey; Schlangen, David}
title = {Markov Logic Networks for Situated Incremental Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2012}
id = {W13-4001}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Discourse Relations, Discourse Structure, Discourse Semantics}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4002}
author = {Venant, Antoine; Asher, Nicholas; Muller, Philippe; Denis, Pascal; Afantenos, Stergos}
title = {Expressivity and comparison of models of discourse structure}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4003}
author = {Lorenzo, Alejandra; Rojas, Lina; Cerisara, Christophe}
title = {Unsupervised structured semantic inference for spoken dialog reservation tasks}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4004}
author = {Riaz, Mehwish; Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {Toward a Better Understanding of Causality between Verbal Events: Extraction and Analysis of the Causal Power of Verb-Verb Associations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4005}
author = {McMahan, Brian; Stone, Matthew}
title = {Training an integrated sentence planner on user dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4006}
author = {Misra, Amita; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Topic Independent Identification of Agreement and Disagreement in Social Media Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4007}
author = {Yu, Zhou; Gerritsen, David; Ogan, Amy; Black, Alan W.; Cassell, Justine}
title = {Automatic Prediction of Friendship via Multi-model Dyadic Features}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4008}
author = {Ranade, Sarvesh; Sangal, Rajeev; Mamidi, Radhika}
title = {Stance Classification in Online Debates by Recognizing Users' Intentions}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4009}
author = {Otsuka, Tsugumi; Komatani, Kazunori; Sato, Satoshi; Nakano, Mikio}
title = {Generating More Specific Questions for Acquiring Attributes of Unknown Concepts from Users}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4010}
author = {Liu, Changsong; Fang, Rui; She, Lanbo; Chai, Joyce}
title = {Modeling Collaborative Referring for Situated Referential Grounding}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4011}
author = {Prévot, Laurent; Bigi, Brigitte; Bertrand, Roxane}
title = {A quantitative view of feedback lexical markers in conversational French}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4012}
author = {Cardoso, Paula; Taboada, Maite; Pardo, Thiago A. S.}
title = {On the contribution of discourse structure to topic segmentation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4013}
author = {El Asri, Layla; Laroche, Romain}
title = {Will my Spoken Dialogue System be a Slow Learner ?}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4014}
author = {Daubigney, Lucie; Geist, Matthieu; Pietquin, Olivier}
title = {Model-free POMDP optimisation of tutoring systems with echo-state networks}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4015}
author = {Ward, Nigel; Richart-Ruiz, Karen}
title = {Patterns of Importance Variation in Spoken Dialog}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4016}
author = {Georgila, Kallirroi}
title = {Reinforcement Learning of Two-Issue Negotiation Dialogue Policies}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4017}
author = {Tavafi, Maryam; Mehdad, Yashar; Joty, Shafiq R.; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond T.}
title = {Dialogue Act Recognition in Synchronous and Asynchronous Conversations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4018}
author = {Ultes, Stefan; Minker, Wolfgang}
title = {Improving Interaction Quality Recognition Using Error Correction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4019}
author = {Radomski, Stefan; Schnelle-Walka, Dirk; Radeck-Arneth, Stephan}
title = {A Prolog Datamodel for State Chart XML}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4020}
author = {Pincus, Eli; Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Exploring Features For Localized Detection of Speech Recognition Errors}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4021}
author = {Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Liu, Alex; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Modelling Human Clarification Strategies}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4022}
author = {Kumar, Rohit; Roy, Matthew; Ananthakrishnan, Sankaranarayanan; Hewavitharana, Sanjika; Choi, Frederick}
title = {Interactive Error Resolution Strategies for Speech-to-Speech Translation Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4023}
author = {Banchs, Rafael E.; Jiang, Ridong; Kim, Seokhwan; Niswar, Arthur; Yeo, Kheng Hui}
title = {AIDA: Artificial Intelligent Dialogue Agent}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4024}
author = {Sidner, Candace L.; Bickmore, Timothy W.; Rich, Charles; Barry, Barbara; Ring, Lazlo; Behrooz, Morteza; Shayganfar, Mohammad}
title = {Demonstration of an Always-On Companion for Isolated Older Adults}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4025}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver; Liu, Xingkun; Bartie, Phil; Mackaness, William; Dalmas, Tiphaine}
title = {A Multithreaded Conversational Interface for Pedestrian Navigation and Question Answering}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4026}
author = {Hastie, Helen; Aufaure, Marie-Aude; Alexopoulos, Panos; Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto; Dethlefs, Nina; Gasic, Milica; Henderson, James B.; Lemon, Oliver; Liu, Xingkun; Mika, Peter; Ben Mustapha, Nesrine; Rieser, Verena; Thomson, Blaise; Tsiakoulis, Pirros; Vanrompay, Yves}
title = {Demonstration of the PARLANCE system: a data-driven incremental, spoken dialogue system for interactive search}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4027}
author = {Milhorat, Pierrick; Schlögl, Stephan; Chollet, Gérard; Boudy, Jérôme}
title = {Multi-step Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4028}
author = {Schlögl, Stephan; Luz, Saturnino; Doherty, Gavin}
title = {WebWOZ: A Platform for Designing and Conducting Web-based Wizard of Oz Experiments}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4029}
author = {Skantze, Gabriel; Hjalmarsson, Anna; Oertel, Catharine}
title = {Exploring the effects of gaze and pauses in situated human-robot interaction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4030}
author = {Kennington, Casey; Kousidis, Spyros; Schlangen, David}
title = {Interpreting Situated Dialogue Utterances: an Update Model that Uses Speech, Gaze, and Gesture Information}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4031}
author = {Chen, Lin; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Multimodality and Dialogue Act Classification in the RoboHelper Project}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4032}
author = {DeVault, David; Georgila, Kallirroi; Artstein, Ron; Morbini, Fabrizio; Traum, David R.; Scherer, Stefan; Rizzo, Albert (Skip); Morency, Louis-Philippe}
title = {Verbal indicators of psychological distress in interactive dialogue with a virtual human}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4033}
author = {Bellegarda, Jerome}
title = {Spoken Language Understanding for Natural Interaction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4034}
author = {Ha, Eun; Mitchell, Christopher; Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Lester, James C.}
title = {Learning Dialogue Management Models for Task-Oriented Dialogue with Parallel Dialogue and Task Streams}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4035}
author = {Gasic, Milica; Breslin, Catherine; Henderson, Matthew; Kim, Dongho; Szummer, Martin; Thomson, Blaise; Tsiakoulis, Pirros; Young, Steve}
title = {POMDP-based dialogue manager adaptation to extended domains}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4036}
author = {Keizer, Simon; Foster, Mary Ellen; Lemon, Oliver; Gaschler, Andre; Giuliani, Manuel}
title = {Training and evaluation of an MDP model for social multi-user human-robot interaction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4037}
author = {Hofmann, Hansjörg; Ehrlich, Ute; Berton, André; Mahr, Angela; Math, Rafael; Müller, Christian}
title = {Evaluation of Speech Dialog Strategies for Internet Applications in the Car}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4038}
author = {Pappu, Aasish; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Predicting Tasks in Goal-Oriented Spoken Dialog Systems using Semantic Knowledge Bases}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4039}
author = {Gandhe, Sudeep; Traum, David R.}
title = {Surface Text based Dialogue Models for Virtual Humans}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4040}
author = {Niebuhr, Oliver; Görs, Karin; Graupe, Evelin}
title = {Speech Reduction, Intensity, and F0 Shape are Cues to Turn-Taking}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4041}
author = {Pfeiffer, Thies; Hofmann, Florian; Hahn, Florian; Rieser, Hannes; Röpke, Insa}
title = {Gesture Semantics Reconstruction Based on Motion Capturing and Complex Event Processing: a Circular Shape Example}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4042}
author = {Baumann, Timo; Schlangen, David}
title = {Open-ended, Extensible System Utterances Are Preferred, Even If They Require Filled Pauses}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4043}
author = {Matsuyama, Yoichi; Akiba, Iwao; Saito, Akihiro; Kobayashi, Tetsunori}
title = {A Four-Participant Group Facilitation Framework for Conversational Robots}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4044}
author = {Couto Vale, Daniel; Mast, Vivien}
title = {Tacit Social Contracts for Wheelchairs}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4045}
author = {Gilmartin, Emer; Bonin, Francesca; Vogel, Carl; Campbell, Nick}
title = {Laugher and Topic Transition in Multiparty Conversation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4046}
author = {Mamani Sánchez, Liliana; Vogel, Carl}
title = {IMHO: An Exploratory Study of Hedging in Web Forums}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4047}
author = {Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto; Dethlefs, Nina; Hastie, Helen; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Impact of ASR N-Best Information on Bayesian Dialogue Act Recognition}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4048}
author = {Kousidis, Spyros; Kennington, Casey; Schlangen, David}
title = {Investigating speaker gaze and pointing behaviour in human-computer interaction with the collection}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4049}
author = {Ezen-Can, Aysu; Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth}
title = {In-Context Evaluation of Unsupervised Dialogue Act Models for Tutorial Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4050}
author = {Johnston, Michael; Ehlen, Patrick; Conrad, Frederick G.; Schober, Michael F.; Antoun, Christopher; Fail, Stefanie; Hupp, Andrew; Vickers, Lucas; Yan, Huiying; Zhang, Chan}
title = {Spoken Dialog Systems for Automated Survey Interviewing}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4051}
author = {Sugiyama, Hiroaki; Meguro, Toyomi; Higashinaka, Ryuichiro; Minami, Yasuhiro}
title = {Open-domain Utterance Generation for Conversational Dialogue Systems using Web-scale Dependency Structures}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4052}
author = {Mitchell, Christopher; Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Lester, James C.}
title = {Evaluating State Representations for Reinforcement Learning of Turn-Taking Policies in Tutorial Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4053}
author = {Gasanova, Tatiana; Zhukov, Eugene; Sergienko, Roman; Semenkin, Eugene; Minker, Wolfgang}
title = {A Semi-supervised Approach for Natural Language Call Routing}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4054}
author = {Han, Sangdo; Lee, Kyusong; Lee, Donghyeon; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Counseling Dialog System with 5W1H Extraction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4055}
author = {Larsson, Staffan; Berlin, Sebastian; Eliasson, Anders; Kronlid, Fredrik}
title = {Integration and test environment for an in-vehicle dialogue system in the SIMSI project}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4056}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Lorenzo, Alejandra; Perez-Beltrachini, Laura; Rojas, Lina}
title = {Weakly and Strongly Constrained Dialogues for Language Learning}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4057}
author = {Jokinen, Kristiina; Wilcock, Graham}
title = {Open-Domain Information Access with Talking Robots}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4058}
author = {Bhargava, Shweta; Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Hastie, Helen; Deshmukh, Amol; Aylett, Ruth; Corrigan, Lee; Castellano, Ginevra}
title = {Demonstration of the EmoteWizard of Oz Interface for Empathic Robotic Tutors}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4059}
author = {Meena, Raveesh; Skantze, Gabriel; Gustafson, Joakim}
title = {The Map Task Dialogue System: A Test-bed for Modelling Human-Like Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4060}
author = {Yamauchi, Takashi; Nakano, Mikio; Funakoshi, Kotaro}
title = {A Robotic Agent in a Virtual Environment that Performs Situated Incremental Understanding of Navigational Utterances}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4061}
author = {Forbell, Eric; Kalisch, Nicolai; Morbini, Fabrizio; Christoffersen, Kelly; Sagae, Kenji; Traum, David R.; Rizzo, Albert A.}
title = {Roundtable: An Online Framework for Building Web-based Conversational Agents}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4062}
author = {Meena, Raveesh; Skantze, Gabriel; Gustafson, Joakim}
title = {A Data-driven Model for Timing Feedback in a Map Task Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4063}
author = {Selfridge, Ethan; Arizmendi, Iker; Heeman, Peter A.; Williams, Jason}
title = {Continuously Predicting and Processing Barge-in During a Live Spoken Dialogue Task}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4064}
author = {Morbini, Fabrizio; Audhkhasi, Kartik; Sagae, Kenji; Artstein, Ron; Can, Dogan; Georgiou, Panayiotis G.; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.; Leuski, Anton; Traum, David R.}
title = {Which ASR should I choose for my dialogue system?}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4065}
author = {Williams, Jason; Raux, Antoine; Ramachandran, Deepak; Black, Alan W.}
title = {The Dialog State Tracking Challenge}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4066}
author = {Lee, Sungjin; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Recipe For Building Robust Spoken Dialog State Trackers: Dialog State Tracking Challenge System Description}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4067}
author = {Wang, Zhuoran; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {A Simple and Generic Belief Tracking Mechanism for the Dialog State Tracking Challenge: On the believability of observed information}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4068}
author = {Williams, Jason}
title = {Multi-domain learning and generalization in dialog state tracking}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4069}
author = {Lee, Sungjin}
title = {Structured Discriminative Model For Dialog State Tracking}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4070}
author = {Zilka, Lukas; Marek, David; Korvas, Matej; Jurčíček, Filip}
title = {Comparison of Bayesian Discriminative and Generative Models for Dialogue State Tracking}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4071}
author = {Ren, Hang; Xu, Weiqun; Zhang, Yan; Yan, Yonghong}
title = {Dialog State Tracking using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4072}
author = {Kim, Daejoong; Choi, Jaedeug Choi; Kim, Kee-Eung; Lee, Jungsu; Sohn, Jinho}
title = {Engineering Statistical Dialog State Trackers: A Case Study on DSTC}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4073}
author = {Henderson, Matthew; Thomson, Blaise; Young, Steve}
title = {Deep Neural Network Approach for the Dialog State Tracking Challenge}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-4301}
author = {Young, Steve}
title = {Keynote: Statistical Approaches to Open-domain Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4302}
author = {Meena, Raveesh; Boye, Johan; Skantze, Gabriel; Gustafson, Joakim}
title = {Crowdsourcing Street-level Geographic Information Using a Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4303}
author = {Reichel, Sven; Berton, André; Sohn, Jasmin; Ehrlich, Ute; Berton, André; Weber, Michael}
title = {Out-of-Domain Spoken Dialogs in the Car: A WoZ Study}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4304}
author = {Misu, Teruhisa; Raux, Antoine; Gupta, Rakesh; Lane, Ian}
title = {Situated Language Understanding at 25 Miles per Hour}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4305}
author = {Yoshino, Koichiro; Kawahara, Tatsuya}
title = {Information Navigation System Based on POMDP that Tracks User Focus}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4306}
author = {Boyer, Kristy; Vail, Alexandria; Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth}
title = {Adapting to Personality Over Time: Examining the Effectiveness of Dialogue Policy Progressions in Task-Oriented Interaction}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4307}
author = {Nothdurft, Florian; Richter, Felix; Minker, Wolfgang}
title = {Probabilistic Human-Computer Trust Handling}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4308}
author = {Efstathiou, Ioannis; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Learning non-cooperative dialogue behaviours}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4309}
author = {Morbini, Fabrizio; Forbell, Eric; Sagae, Kenji}
title = {Improving Classification-Based Natural Language Understanding with Non-Expert Annotation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4310}
author = {Chiba, Yuya; Ito, Masashi; Nose, Takashi; Ito, Akinori}
title = {User Modeling by Using Bag-of-Behaviors for Building a Dialog System Sensitive to the Interlocutor's Internal State}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4311}
author = {Dušek, Ondřej; Dušek, Ondřej; Plátek, Ondřej; Žilka, Lukáš; Jurčíček, Filip}
title = {Alex: Bootstrapping a Spoken Dialogue System for a New Domain by Real Users}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4312}
author = {Kennington, Casey; Kousidis, Spyros; Schlangen, David}
title = {InproTKs: A Toolkit for Incremental Situated Processing}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4313}
author = {She, Lanbo; Yang, Shaohua; Cheng, Yu; Jia, Yunyi; Chai, Joyce; Xi, Ning}
title = {Back to the Blocks World: Learning New Actions through Situated Human-Robot Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4314}
author = {Khouzaimi, Hatim; Lefevre, Fabrice; Laroche, Romain; Lefèvre, Fabrice}
title = {An easy method to make dialogue systems incremental}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4315}
author = {Plátek, Ondřej; Jurčíček, Filip}
title = {Free on-line speech recogniser based on Kaldi ASR toolkit producing word posterior lattices}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4316}
author = {Ezen-Can, Aysu; Boyer, Kristy; Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth}
title = {Combining Task and Dialogue Streams in Unsupervised Dialogue Act Models}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4317}
author = {Ashok, Vikas; Borodin, Yevgen; Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Ramakrishnan, IV}
title = {Dialogue Act Modeling for Non-Visual Web Access}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4318}
author = {Oya, Tatsuro; Carenini, Giuseppe}
title = {Extractive Summarization and Dialogue Act Modeling on Email Threads: An Integrated Probabilistic Approach}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4319}
author = {Lee, Lillian}
title = {Keynote: Language Adaptation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4320}
author = {Li, Junyi Jessy; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Addressing Class Imbalance for Improved Recognition of Implicit Discourse Relations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4321}
author = {Schlöder, Julian; Fernández, Raquel}
title = {The Role of Polarity in Inferring Acceptance and Rejection in Dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4322}
author = {Riaz, Mehwish; Girju, Roxana; Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {In-depth Exploitation of Noun and Verb Semantics to Identify Causation in Verb-Noun Pairs}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4323}
author = {Swanson, Reid; Rahimtoroghi, Elahe; Corcoran, Thomas; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Identifying Narrative Clause Types in Personal Stories}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4324}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Forbes-Riley, Katherine}
title = {Evaluating a Spoken Dialogue System that Detects and Adapts to User Affective States}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4325}
author = {Nouri, Elnaz; Traum, David R.}
title = {Initiative Taking in Negotiation}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4326}
author = {Pappu, Aasish; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Knowledge Acquisition Strategies for Goal-Oriented Dialog Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4327}
author = {Li, Junyi Jessy; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Reducing Sparsity Improves the Recognition of Implicit Discourse Relations}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4328}
author = {Ultes, Stefan; Minker, Wolfgang}
title = {Interaction Quality Estimation in Spoken Dialogue Systems Using Hybrid-HMMs}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4329}
author = {Gangadharaiah, Rashmi; Narayanaswamy, Balakrishnan; Elkan, Charles}
title = {Learning to Re-rank for Interactive Problem Resolution and Query Refinement}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4330}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Guan, Boxuan; Yeung, Cho Ho; Du, Yuan; Conner, Emma}
title = {Aspectual Properties of Conversational Activities}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4331}
author = {Liu, Alex; Sloan, Rose; Then, Mei-Vern; Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Hirschberg, Julia; Shriberg, Elizabeth}
title = {Detecting Inappropriate Clarification Requests in Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4332}
author = {Giuliani, Manuel; Marschall, Thomas; Isard, Amy}
title = {Using Ellipsis Detection and Word Similarity for Transformation of Spoken Language into Grammatically Valid Sentences}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4333}
author = {Gandhe, Sudeep; Traum, David R.}
title = {SAWDUST: a Semi-Automated Wizard Dialogue Utterance Selection Tool for domain-independent large-domain dialogue}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4334}
author = {Morbini, Fabrizio; DeVault, David; Georgila, Kallirroi; Artstein, Ron; Traum, David R.; Morency, Louis-Philippe}
title = {A Demonstration of Dialogue Processing in SimSensei Kiosk}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4335}
author = {Johnston, Michael; Chen, John; Ehlen, Patrick; Jung, Hyuckchul; Lieske, Jay; Reddy, Aarthi; Selfridge, Ethan; Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Vasilieff, Brant; Wilpon, Jay G.}
title = {MVA: The Multimodal Virtual Assistant}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4336}
author = {Hastie, Helen; Aufaure, Marie-Aude; Alexopoulos, Panos; Bouchard, Hugues; Breslin, Catherine; Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto; Dethlefs, Nina; Gašić, Milica; Henderson, James B.; Lemon, Oliver; Liu, Xingkun; Mika, Peter; Ben Mustapha, Nesrine; Potter, Tim; Rieser, Verena; Thomson, Blaise; Tsiakoulis, Pirros; Vanrompay, Yves; Villazon-Terrazas, Boris; Yazdani, Majid; Young, Steve; Yu, Yanchao}
title = {The PARLANCE mobile application for interactive search in English and Mandarin}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4337}
author = {Henderson, Matthew; Thomson, Blaise; Williams, Jason}
title = {The Second Dialog State Tracking Challenge}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4338}
author = {Lee, Byung-Jun; Lim, Woosang; Kim, Daejoong; Kim, Kee-Eung}
title = {Optimizing Generative Dialog State Tracker via Cascading Gradient Descent}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4339}
author = {Williams, Jason}
title = {Web-style ranking and SLU combination for dialog state tracking}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4340}
author = {Henderson, Matthew; Thomson, Blaise; Young, Steve}
title = {Word-Based Dialog State Tracking with Recurrent Neural Networks}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4341}
author = {Smith, Ronnie W.}
title = {Comparative Error Analysis of Dialog State Tracking}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4342}
author = {Lee, Sungjin}
title = {Extrinsic Evaluation of Dialog State Tracking and Predictive Metrics for Dialog Policy Optimization}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4343}
author = {Sun, Kai; Chen, Lu; Zhu, Su; Yu, Kai}
title = {The SJTU System for Dialog State Tracking Challenge 2}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4344}
author = {Ren, Hang; Xu, Weiqun; Yan, Yonghong}
title = {Markovian Discriminative Modeling for Dialog State Tracking}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4345}
author = {Kim, Seokhwan; Banchs, Rafael E.}
title = {Sequential Labeling for Tracking Dynamic Dialog States}
venue = {SIGDIAL}
year = {2014}
id = {D07-1001}
author = {Clarke, James; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Modelling Compression with Discourse Constraints}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1002}
author = {Shen, Dan; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Using Semantic Roles to Improve Question Answering}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1003}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Smith, Noah A.; Mitamura, Teruko}
title = {What is the Jeopardy Model? A Quasi-Synchronous Grammar for QA}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1004}
author = {Wu, Youzheng; Zhang, Ruiqiang; Hu, Xinhui; Kashioka, Hideki}
title = {Learning Unsupervised SVM Classifier for Answer Selection in Web Question Answering}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1005}
author = {Kumar, Shankar; Och, Franz Josef; Macherey, Wolfgang}
title = {Improving Word Alignment with Bridge Languages}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1006}
author = {Fraser, Alexander; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Getting the Structure Right for Word Alignment: LEAF}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1007}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation Using Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1008}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Large Margin Synchronous Generation and its Application to Sentence Compression}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1009}
author = {Chen, Erdong; Snyder, Benjamin; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Incremental Text Structuring with Online Hierarchical Ranking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1010}
author = {Wellner, Benjamin; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Automatically Identifying the Arguments of Discourse Connectives}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1011}
author = {Gatt, Albert; van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Incremental Generation of Plural Descriptions: Similarity and Partitioning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1012}
author = {Wagner, Joachim; Foster, Jennifer; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {A Comparative Evaluation of Deep and Shallow Approaches to the Automatic Detection of Common Grammatical Errors}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1013}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Characterizing the Errors of Data-Driven Dependency Parsing Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1014}
author = {Smith, David A.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Probabilistic Models of Nonprojective Dependency Trees}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1015}
author = {Koo, Terry; Globerson, Amir; Carreras, Xavier; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Structured Prediction Models via the Matrix-Tree Theorem}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1016}
author = {Alex, Beatrice; Dubey, Amit; Keller, Frank}
title = {Using Foreign Inclusion Detection to Improve Parsing Performance}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1017}
author = {Bhagat, Rahul; Pantel, Patrick; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {LEDIR: An Unsupervised Algorithm for Learning Directionality of Inference Rules}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1018}
author = {Boleda, Gemma; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Badia, Toni}
title = {Modelling Polysemy in Adjective Classes by Multi-Label Classification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1019}
author = {Chen, Qing; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Improving Query Spelling Correction Using Web Search Results}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1020}
author = {Chen, Ying; Martin, James H.}
title = {Towards Robust Unsupervised Personal Name Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1021}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Hart, Ted; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {Compressing Trigram Language Models With Golomb Coding}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1022}
author = {Cohen, Shay B.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Joint Morphological and Syntactic Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1023}
author = {Dasgupta, Sajib; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Acquisition for Resource-Scarce Languages}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1024}
author = {Erkan, Gunes; Özgür, Arzucan; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Semi-Supervised Classification for Extracting Protein Interaction Sentences using Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1025}
author = {Freitag, Dayne; Khadivi, Shahram}
title = {A Sequence Alignment Model Based on the Averaged Perceptron}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1026}
author = {Giuliano, Claudio; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano}
title = {Instance Based Lexical Entailment for Ontology Population}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1027}
author = {Guo, Yuqing; Wang, Haifeng; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Recovering Non-Local Dependencies for Chinese}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1028}
author = {Hogan, Deirdre; Cafferkey, Conor; Cahill, Aoife; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Exploiting Multi-Word Units in History-Based Probabilistic Generation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1029}
author = {Huang, Fei; Papineni, Kishore}
title = {Hierarchical System Combination for Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1030}
author = {Hu, Xiaoguang; Wang, Haifeng; Wu, Hua}
title = {Using RBMT Systems to Produce Bilingual Corpus for SMT}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1031}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Why Doesn't EM Find Good HMM POS-Taggers?}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1032}
author = {Kawahara, Daisuke; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Probabilistic Coordination Disambiguation in a Fully-Lexicalized Japanese Parser}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1033}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {A New Perceptron Algorithm for Sequence Labeling with Non-Local Features}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1034}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Extending a Thesaurus in the Pan-Chinese Context}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1035}
author = {Liu, Jingjing; Cao, Yunbo; Lin, Chin-Yew; Huang, Yalou; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Low-Quality Product Review Detection in Opinion Summarization}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1036}
author = {Lü, Yajuan; Huang, Jin; Liu, Qun}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation Performance by Training Data Selection and Optimization}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1037}
author = {Matveeva, Irina; Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Topic Segmentation with Hybrid Document Indexing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1038}
author = {May, Jonathan; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Syntactic Re-Alignment Models for Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1039}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Venkatapathy, Sriram; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Detecting Compositionality of Verb-Object Combinations using Selectional Preferences}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1040}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Ceylan, Hakan}
title = {Explorations in Automatic Book Summarization}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1041}
author = {Moon, Taesun; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Part-of-Speech Tagging for Middle English through Alignment and Projection of Parallel Diachronic Texts}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1042}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Pado, Ulrike; Erk, Katrin}
title = {Flexible Corpus-Based Modelling of Human Plausibility Judgements}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1043}
author = {Rosenberg, Andrew; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {V-Measure: A Conditional Entropy-Based External Cluster Evaluation Measure}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1044}
author = {Sato, Issei; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Bayesian Document Generative Model with Explicit Multiple Topics}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1045}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Fonollosa, José A. R.}
title = {Smooth Bilingual $N$-Gram Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1046}
author = {Shacham, Danny; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Morphological Disambiguation of Hebrew: A Case Study in Classifier Combination}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1047}
author = {Svore, Krysta; Vanderwende, Lucy; Burges, Christopher}
title = {Enhancing Single-Document Summarization by Combining RankNet and Third-Party Sources}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1048}
author = {Takeuchi, Hironori; Subramaniam, L. Venkata; Nasukawa, Tetsuya; Roy, Shourya}
title = {Automatic Identification of Important Segments and Expressions for Mining of Business-Oriented Conversations at Contact Centers}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1049}
author = {Talbot, David; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Smoothed Bloom Filter Language Models: Tera-Scale LMs on the Cheap}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1050}
author = {Tanaka, Takaaki; Bond, Francis; Baldwin, Timothy; Fujita, Sanae; Hashimoto, Chikara}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Incorporating Lexical and Structural Semantic Information}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1051}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Wermter, Joachim; Hahn, Udo}
title = {An Approach to Text Corpus Construction which Cuts Annotation Costs and Maintains Reusability of Annotated Data}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1052}
author = {Versley, Yannick}
title = {Antecedent Selection Techniques for High-Recall Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1053}
author = {Wandmacher, Tonio; Antoine, Jean-Yves}
title = {Methods to Integrate a Language Model with Semantic Information for a Word Prediction Component}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1054}
author = {Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Bilingual Cluster Based Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1055}
author = {Zens, Richard; Hasan, Saša; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Systematic Comparison of Training Criteria for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1056}
author = {Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Mu; Li, Chi-Ho; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Phrase Reordering Model Integrating Syntactic Knowledge for SMT}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1057}
author = {Zhao, Shanheng; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Identification and Resolution of Chinese Zero Pronouns: A Machine Learning Approach}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1058}
author = {Zuidema, Willem}
title = {Parsimonious Data-Oriented Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1059}
author = {Chiu, Andy; Poupart, Pascal; DiMarco, Chrysanne}
title = {Generating Lexical Analogies Using Dependency Relations}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1060}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Gurevych, Iryna; Hirst, Graeme; Zesch, Torsten}
title = {Cross-Lingual Distributional Profiles of Concepts for Measuring Semantic Distance}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1061}
author = {Hughes, Thad; Ramage, Daniel}
title = {Lexical Semantic Relatedness with Random Graph Walks}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1062}
author = {Liu, Yudong; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Experimental Evaluation of LTAG-Based Features for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1063}
author = {Tamura, Akihiro; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Japanese Dependency Analysis Using the Ancestor-Descendant Relation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1064}
author = {Shimbo, Masashi; Hara, Kazuo}
title = {A Discriminative Learning Model for Coordinate Conjunctions}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1065}
author = {Filimonov, Denis; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Recovery of Empty Nodes in Parse Structures}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1066}
author = {Rehbein, Ines; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Treebank Annotation Schemes and Parser Evaluation for German}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1067}
author = {Shi, Qinfeng; Altun, Yasemin; Smola, Alex; Vishwanathan, S. V. N.}
title = {Semi-Markov Models for Sequence Segmentation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1068}
author = {Watanabe, Yotaro; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {A Graph-Based Approach to Named Entity Categorization in Wikipedia Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1069}
author = {Fader, Anthony; Radev, Dragomir R.; Crespin, Michael H.; Monroe, Burt L.; Quinn, Kevin M.; Colaresi, Michael}
title = {MavenRank: Identifying Influential Members of the US Senate Using Lexical Centrality}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1070}
author = {Smith, David A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Bootstrapping Feature-Rich Dependency Parsers with Entropic Priors}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1071}
author = {Zettlemoyer, Luke; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Online Learning of Relaxed CCG Grammars for Parsing to Logical Form}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1072}
author = {Liang, Percy; Petrov, Slav; Jordan, Michael I.; Klein, Dan}
title = {The Infinite PCFG Using Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1073}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Exploiting Wikipedia as External Knowledge for Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1074}
author = {Cucerzan, Silviu}
title = {Large-Scale Named Entity Disambiguation Based on Wikipedia Data}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1075}
author = {Patwardhan, Siddharth; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Effective Information Extraction with Semantic Affinity Patterns and Relevant Regions}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1076}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Zhang, Min; Donghong, Ji; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Tree Kernel-Based Relation Extraction with Context-Sensitive Structured Parse Tree Information}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1077}
author = {Wang, Chao; Collins, Michael John; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Chinese Syntactic Reordering for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1078}
author = {Wang, Wei; Knight, Kevin; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Binarizing Syntax Trees to Improve Syntax-Based Machine Translation Accuracy}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1079}
author = {DeNeefe, Steve; Knight, Kevin; Wang, Wei; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {What Can Syntax-Based MT Learn from Phrase-Based MT?}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1080}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Suzuki, Jun; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Online Large-Margin Training for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1081}
author = {Li, Jingyang; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Scalable Term Selection for Text Categorization}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1082}
author = {Zhu, Jingbo; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Active Learning for Word Sense Disambiguation with Methods for Addressing the Class Imbalance Problem}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1083}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Fujino, Akinori; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Semi-Supervised Structured Output Learning Based on a Hybrid Generative and Discriminative Approach}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1084}
author = {Loper, Edward}
title = {Finding Good Sequential Model Structures using Output Transformations}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1085}
author = {Chia, Tee Kiah; Li, Haizhou; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {A Statistical Language Modeling Approach to Lattice-Based Spoken Document Retrieval}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1086}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Wang, Qin Iris}
title = {Learning Noun Phrase Query Segmentation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1087}
author = {Canisius, Sander; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Bootstrapping Information Extraction from Field Books}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1088}
author = {Feng, Donghui; Burns, Gully; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Extracting Data Records from Unstructured Biomedical Full Text}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1089}
author = {Schwartz, Ariel S.; Divoli, Anna; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Multiple Alignment of Citation Sentences with Conditional Random Fields and Posterior Decoding}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1090}
author = {Brants, Thorsten; Popat, Ashok C.; Xu, Peng; Och, Franz Josef; Dean, Jeffrey}
title = {Large Language Models in Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1091}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Hoang, Hieu}
title = {Factored Translation Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1092}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Patry, Alexandre}
title = {Translating Unknown Words by Analogical Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1093}
author = {Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre; Liang, Percy; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Klein, Dan}
title = {A Probabilistic Approach to Diachronic Phonology}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1094}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Pauls, Adam; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Structured Models for Phone Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1095}
author = {Branting, L. Karl}
title = {Inducing Search Keys for Name Filtering}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1096}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Hall, Johan; Kübler, Sandra; McDonald, Ryan; Nilsson, Jens; Riedel, Sebastian; Yuret, Deniz}
title = {The CoNLL 2007 Shared Task on Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1097}
author = {Hall, Johan; Nilsson, Jens; Nivre, Joakim; Eryiğit, Gülşen; Megyesi, Beáta; Nilsson, Mattias; Saers, Markus}
title = {Single Malt or Blended? A Study in Multilingual Parser Optimization}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1098}
author = {Duan, Xiangyu; Jun, Zhao; Xu, Bo}
title = {Probabilistic Parsing Action Models for Multi-Lingual Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1099}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Fast and Robust Multilingual Dependency Parsing with a Generative Latent Variable Model}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1100}
author = {Nakagawa, Tetsuji}
title = {Multilingual Dependency Parsing Using Global Features}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1101}
author = {Carreras, Xavier}
title = {Experiments with a Higher-Order Projective Dependency Parser}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1102}
author = {Hall, Keith; Havelka, Jiri; Smith, David A.}
title = {Log-Linear Models of Non-Projective Trees $k$-best MST Parsing and Tree-Ranking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1103}
author = {Johnson, Howard; Martin, Joel; Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Improving Translation Quality by Discarding Most of the Phrasetable}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1104}
author = {Lopez, Adam}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Suffix Arrays}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1105}
author = {Macherey, Wolfgang; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {An Empirical Study on Computing Consensus Translations from Multiple Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1106}
author = {Wu, Jian-Cheng; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Learning to Find English to Chinese Transliterations on the Web}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1107}
author = {Snow, Rion; Prakash, Sushant; Jurafsky, Daniel; Ng, Andrew Y.}
title = {Learning to Merge Word Senses}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1108}
author = {Cai, Junfu; Lee, Wee Sun; Teh, Yee Whye}
title = {Improving Word Sense Disambiguation Using Topic Features}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1109}
author = {Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Blei, David M.; Zhu, Xiaojin}
title = {A Topic Model for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1110}
author = {Villavicencio, Aline; Kordoni, Valia; Zhang, Yi; Idiart, Marco; Ramisch, Carlos}
title = {Validation and Evaluation of Automatically Acquired Multiword Expressions for Grammar Engineering}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1111}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Dependency Parsing and Domain Adaptation with LR Models and Parser Ensembles}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1112}
author = {Dredze, Mark; Blitzer, John; Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Ganchev, Kuzman; Graça, João; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Frustratingly Hard Domain Adaptation for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1113}
author = {Kim, Soo-Min; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Crystal: Analyzing Predictive Opinions on the Web}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1114}
author = {Kobayashi, Nozomi; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Extracting Aspect-Evaluation and Aspect-Of Relations in Opinion Mining}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1115}
author = {Kaji, Nobuhiro; Kitsuregawa, Masaru}
title = {Building Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis from Massive Collection of HTML Documents}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1116}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Gabbard, Ryan; Rambow, Owen; Kulick, Seth; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Determining Case in Arabic: Learning Complex Linguistic Behavior Requires Complex Linguistic Features}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1117}
author = {Huang, Zhongqiang; Harper, Mary P.; Wang, Wen}
title = {Mandarin Part-of-Speech Tagging and Discriminative Reranking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1118}
author = {Miller, John E.; Torii, Manabu; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Building Domain-Specific Taggers without Annotated (Domain) Data}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1119}
author = {Attardi, Giuseppe; Dell'Orletta, Felice; Simi, Maria; Chanev, Atanas; Ciaramita, Massimiliano}
title = {Multilingual Dependency Parsing and Domain Adaptation using DeSR}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1120}
author = {Bick, Eckhard}
title = {Hybrid Ways to Improve Domain Independence in an ML Dependency Parser}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1121}
author = {Canisius, Sander; Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {A Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1122}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Zhang, Yujie; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {A Two-Stage Parser for Multilingual Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1123}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Incremental Dependency Parsing Using Online Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1124}
author = {Mannem, Prashanth}
title = {Online Learning for Deterministic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1125}
author = {Marinov, Svetoslav}
title = {Covington Variations}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1126}
author = {Nguyen, Minh Le; Shimazu, Akira; Nguyen, Thai Phuong; Phan, Xuan-Hieu}
title = {A Multilingual Dependency Analysis System Using Online Passive-Aggressive Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1127}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael; Spranger, Kristina}
title = {Global Learning of Labeled Dependency Trees}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1128}
author = {Schneider, Gerold; Kaljurand, Kaarel; Rinaldi, Fabio; Kuhn, Tobias}
title = {Pro3Gres Parser in the CoNLL Domain Adaptation Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1129}
author = {Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Structural Correspondence Learning for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1130}
author = {Watson, Rebecca; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Adapting the RASP System for the CoNLL07 Domain-Adaptation Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {D07-1131}
author = {Wu, Yu-Chieh; Yang, Jie-Chi; Lee, Yue-Shi}
title = {Multilingual Deterministic Dependency Parsing Framework using Modified Finite Newton Method Support Vector Machines}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2007}
id = {W00-0701}
author = {Roth, Dan}
title = {Learning In Natural Language: Theory And Algorithmic Approaches}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0702}
author = {Cancedda, Nicola; Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {Corpus-Based Grammar Specialization}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0703}
author = {Damper, Robert I.; Marchand, Yannick}
title = {Pronunciation By Analogy In Normal And Impaired Readers}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0704}
author = {De Pauw, Guy; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {The Role Of Algorithm Bias Vs. Information Source In Learning Algorithms For Morphosyntactic Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0705}
author = {Elliott, John; Atwell, Eric Steven; Whyte, Bill}
title = {Increasing Our Ignorance Of Language: Identifying Language Structure In An Unknown 'Signal'}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0706}
author = {Escudero, Gerard; Màrquez, Lluís; Rigau, German}
title = {A Comparison Between Supervised Learning Algorithms For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0707}
author = {Foster, George}
title = {Incorporating Position Information Into A Maximum Entropy/Minimum Divergence Translation Model}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0708}
author = {Minnen, Guido; Bond, Francis; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Memory-Based Learning For Article Generation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0709}
author = {Mullen, Tony; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Overfitting Avoidance For Stochastic Modeling Of Attribute-Value Grammars}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0710}
author = {Raaijmakers, Stephan}
title = {Learning Distributed Linguistic Classes}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0711}
author = {Sakas, William Gregory}
title = {Modeling The Effect Of Cross-Language Ambiguity On Human Syntax Acquisition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0712}
author = {Schone, Patrick; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Knowledge-Free Induction Of Morphology Using Latent Semantic Analysis}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0713}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Using Induced Rules As Complex Features In Memory-Based Language Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0714}
author = {Amaya, Fredy A.; Benedí, José-Miguel}
title = {Using Perfect Sampling In Parameter Estimation Of A Whole Sentence Maximum Entropy Language Model}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0715}
author = {Biatov, Konstantin}
title = {Experiments On Unsupervised Learning For Extracting Relevant Fragments From Spoken Dialog Corpus}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0716}
author = {Blin, Laurent; Miclet, Laurent}
title = {Generating Synthetic Speech Prosody With Lazy Learning In Tree Structures}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0717}
author = {Clark, Alexander}
title = {Inducing Syntactic Categories By Context Distribution Clustering}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0718}
author = {Dejean, Herve}
title = {ALLiS: A Symbolic Learning System For Natural Language Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0719}
author = {Gomez-Hidalgo, Jose Maria; Mana Lopez, Manuel J.}
title = {Combining Text And Heuristics For Cost-Sensitive Spam Filtering}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0720}
author = {Kool, Anne; Daelemans, Walter; Zavrel, Jakub}
title = {Genetic Algorithms For Feature Relevance Assignment In Memory-Based Language Processing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0721}
author = {Punyakanok, Vasin; Roth, Dan}
title = {Shallow Parsing By Inferencing With Classifiers}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0722}
author = {Ruch, Patrick; Baud, Robert; Bouillon, Pierrette; Robert, Gilbert}
title = {Minimal Commitment And Full Lexical Disambiguation: Balancing Rules And Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0723}
author = {Turmo, Jordi; Rodríquez, Horacio}
title = {Learning IE Rules For A Set Of Related Concepts}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0724}
author = {van Halteren, Hans}
title = {A Default First Order Family Weight Determination Procedure For WPDV Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0725}
author = {Verdu-Mas, Jose Luis; Calera-Rubio, Jorge; Carrasco, Rafael C.}
title = {A Comparison Of PCFG Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0726}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.; Buchholz, Sabine}
title = {Introduction To The CoNLL-2000 Shared Task: Chunking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0727}
author = {Dejean, Herve}
title = {Learning Syntactic Structures With XML}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0728}
author = {Johansson, Christer}
title = {A Context Sensitive Maximum Likelihood Approach To Chunking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0729}
author = {Koeling, Rob}
title = {Chunking With Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0730}
author = {Kudo, Taku; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Use Of Support Vector Learning For Chunk Identification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0731}
author = {Osborne, Miles}
title = {Shallow Parsing As Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0732}
author = {Pla, Ferran; Molina, Antonio; Prieto, Natividad}
title = {Improving Chunking By Means Of Lexical-Contextual Information In Statistical Language Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0733}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Text Chunking By System Combination}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0734}
author = {van Halteren, Hans}
title = {Chunking With WPDV Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0735}
author = {Veenstra, Jorn; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Single-Classifier Memory-Based Phrase Chunking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0736}
author = {Vilain, Marc B.; Day, David S.}
title = {Phrase Parsing With Rule Sequence Processors: An Application To The Shared CoNLL Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0737}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian; Tey, TongGuan}
title = {Hybrid Text Chunking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0738}
author = {Kietz, Jorg-Uwe; Volz, Raphael; Maedche, Alexander}
title = {Extracting A Domain-Specific Ontology From A Corporate Intranet}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0739}
author = {Adriaans, Pieter; De Haas, Erik}
title = {Learning From A Substructural Perspective}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0740}
author = {Cussens, James; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Incorporating Linguistics Constraints Into Inductive Logic Programming}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0741}
author = {Esposito, F.; Ferilli, S.; Fanizzi, N.; Semeraro, Giovanni}
title = {Learning From Parsed Sentences With INTHELEX}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0742}
author = {Sébillot, Pascale; Bouillon, Pierrette; Fabre, Cecile}
title = {Inductive Logic Programming For Corpus-Based Acquisition Of Semantic Lexicons}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0743}
author = {Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {The Acquisition Of Word Order By A Computational Learning System}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0744}
author = {Zackova, Eva; Popelinsky, Lubos; Nepil, Milos}
title = {Recognition And Tagging Of Compound Verb Groups In Czech}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2000}
id = {W02-2001}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {Extracting The Unextractable: A Case Study On Verb-Particles}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2002}
author = {Black, William J.; Vasilakopoulos, Argyrios}
title = {Language Independent Named Entity Classification By Modified Transformation-Based Learning And By Decision Tree Induction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2003}
author = {Burger, John D.; Henderson, John C.; Morgan, William T.}
title = {Statistical Named Entity Recognizer Adaptation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2004}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís; Padró, Lluís}
title = {Named Entity Extraction Using AdaBoost}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2005}
author = {Ciortuz, Liviu}
title = {Learning Attribute Values In Typed-Unification Grammars: On Generalised Rule Reduction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2006}
author = {Cucerzan, Silviu; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Bootstrapping A Multilingual Part-Of-Speech Tagger In One Person-Day}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2007}
author = {Cucerzan, Silviu; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Language Independent NER Using A Unified Model Of Internal And Contextual Evidence}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2008}
author = {Curran, James R.; Osborne, Miles}
title = {A Very Very Large Corpus Doesn't Always Yield Reliable Estimates}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2009}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Marx, Zvika; Shamir, Eli}
title = {Cross-Dataset Clustering: Revealing Corresponding Themes Across Multiple Corpora}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2010}
author = {Florian, Radu}
title = {Named Entity Recognition As A House Of Cards: Classifier Stacking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2011}
author = {Goutte, Cyril; Dejean, Herve; Gaussier, Eric; Cancedda, Nicola; Renders, Jean-Michel}
title = {Combining Labelled And Unlabelled Data: A Case Study On Fisher Kernels And Transductive Inference For Biological Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2012}
author = {Henrichsen, Peter Juel}
title = {GraSp: Grammar Learning From Unlabelled Speech Corpora}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2013}
author = {Jansche, Martin}
title = {Named Entity Extraction With Conditional Markov Models And Classifiers}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2014}
author = {Korhonen, Anna; Krymolowski, Yuval}
title = {On The Robustness Of Entropy-Based Similarity Measures In Evaluation Of Subcategorization Acquisition Systems}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2015}
author = {Krymolowski, Yuval}
title = {Distinguishing Easy And Hard Instances}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2016}
author = {Kudo, Taku; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Japanese Dependency Analysis Using Cascaded Chunking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2017}
author = {Lin, Wei-Hao; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Backward Machine Transliteration By Learning Phonetic Similarity}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2018}
author = {Malouf, Robert}
title = {A Comparison Of Algorithms For Maximum Entropy Parameter Estimation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2019}
author = {Malouf, Robert}
title = {Markov Models For Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2020}
author = {McNamee, Paul; Mayfield, James}
title = {Entity Extraction Without Language-Specific Resources}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2021}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Nastase, Vivi}
title = {Letter Level Learning For Language Independent Diacritics Restoration}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2022}
author = {Patrick, Jon David; Whitelaw, Casey; Munro, Robert}
title = {SLINERC: The Sydney Language-Independent Named Entity Recogniser And Classifier}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2023}
author = {Quasthoff, Uwe; Biemann, Christian; Wolff, Christian}
title = {Named Entity Learning And Verification: Expectation Maximization In Large Corpora}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2024}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Introduction To The CoNLL-2002 Shared Task: Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2025}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Memory-Based Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2026}
author = {Schafer, Charles; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Inducing Translation Lexicons Via Diverse Similarity Measures And Bridge Languages}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2027}
author = {Srinivasan, S. H.}
title = {Features For Unsupervised Document Classification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2028}
author = {Takamura, Hiroya; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Two-Dimensional Clustering For Text Categorization}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2029}
author = {Takeuchi, Koichi; Collier, Nigel}
title = {Use Of Support Vector Machines In Extended Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2030}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Feature Selection For A Rich HPSG Grammar Using Decision Trees}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2031}
author = {Tsukamoto, Koji; Mitsuishi, Yutaka; Sassano, Manabu}
title = {Learning With Multiple Stacking For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2032}
author = {Veenstra, Jorn; Muller, Frank Henrik; Ule, Tylman}
title = {Topological Field Chunking For German}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2033}
author = {Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {Learning To Distinguish PP Arguments From Adjuncts}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2034}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; Wilson, Theresa}
title = {Learning To Disambiguate Potentially Subjective Expressions}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-2035}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Ngai, Grace; Carpuat, Marine; Larsen, Jeppe; Yang, Yongsheng}
title = {Boosting For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2002}
id = {W03-0401}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Model Of Syntactic Disambiguation Based On Lexicalized Grammars}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0402}
author = {Shen, Libin; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {An SVM-Based Voting Algorithm With Application To Parse Reranking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0403}
author = {Baldridge, Jason; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Active Learning For HPSG Parse Selection}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0404}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Wiebe, Janyce; Wilson, Theresa}
title = {Learning Subjective Nouns Using Extraction Pattern Bootstrapping}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0405}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Unsupervised Personal Name Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0406}
author = {Shinnou, Hiroyuki; Sasaki, Minoru}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Word Sense Disambiguation Rules By Estimating An Optimum Iteration Number In The EM Algorithm}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0407}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Bootstrapping POS-Taggers Using Unlabelled Data}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0408}
author = {Zhang, Tong; Damerau, Fred J.; Johnson, David E.}
title = {Updating An NLP System To Fit New Domains: An Empirical Study On The Sentence Segmentation Problem}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0409}
author = {Rotaru, Mihai; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Exceptionality And Natural Language Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0410}
author = {Stevenson, Suzanne; Joanis, Eric}
title = {Semi-Supervised Verb Class Discovery Using Noisy Features}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0411}
author = {O'Hara, Thomas P.; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Preposition Semantic Classification Via Penn Treebank And FrameNet}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0412}
author = {Li, Xin; Roth, Dan; Tu, Yuancheng}
title = {Phrasenet: Towards Context Sensitive Lexical Semantics}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0413}
author = {Gandrabur, Simona; Foster, George}
title = {Confidence Estimation For Translation Prediction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0414}
author = {Probst, Katharina}
title = {Using 'smart' Bilingual Projection To Feature-Tag A Monolingual Dictionary}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0415}
author = {Cederberg, Scott; Widdows, Dominic}
title = {Using LSA And Noun Coordination Information To Improve The Recall And Precision Of Automatic Hyponymy Extraction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0416}
author = {Matsuzaki, Takuya; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {An Efficient Clustering Algorithm For Class-Based Language Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0417}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Training A Naive Bayes Classifier Via The EM Algorithm With A Class Distribution Constraint}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0418}
author = {Jones, Dominic R.; Thompson, Cynthia A.}
title = {Identifying Events Using Similarity And Context}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0419}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.; De Meulder, Fien}
title = {Introduction To The CoNLL-2003 Shared Task: Language-Independent Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0420}
author = {Bender, Oliver; Och, Franz Josef; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Maximum Entropy Models For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0421}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís; Padró, Lluís}
title = {A Simple Named Entity Extractor Using AdaBoost}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0422}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís; Padró, Lluís}
title = {Learning A Perceptron-Based Named Entity Chunker Via Online Recognition Feedback}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0423}
author = {Chieu, Hai Leong; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Named Entity Recognition With A Maximum Entropy Approach}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0424}
author = {Curran, James R.; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Language Independent NER Using A Maximum Entropy Tagger}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0425}
author = {Florian, Radu; Ittycheriah, Abraham; Jing, Hongyan; Zhang, Tong}
title = {Named Entity Recognition Through Classifier Combination}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0426}
author = {Hammerton, James}
title = {Named Entity Recognition With Long Short-Term Memory}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0427}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Memory-Based One-Step Named-Entity Recognition: Effects Of Seed List Features Classifier Stacking And Unannotated Data}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0428}
author = {Klein, Dan; Smarr, Joseph; Nguyen, Huy; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Named Entity Recognition With Character-Level Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0429}
author = {Mayfield, James; McNamee, Paul; Piatko, Christine}
title = {Named Entity Recognition Using Hundreds Of Thousands Of Features}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0430}
author = {McCallum, Andrew; Li, Wei}
title = {Early Results For Named Entity Recognition With Conditional Random Fields Feature Induction And Web-Enhanced Lexicons}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0431}
author = {Munro, Robert; Ler, Daren; Patrick, Jon David}
title = {Meta-Learning Orthographic And Contextual Models For Language Independent Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0432}
author = {Whitelaw, Casey; Patrick, Jon David}
title = {Named Entity Recognition Using A Character-Based Probabilistic Approach}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0433}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Ngai, Grace; Carpuat, Marine}
title = {A Stacked Voted Stacked Model For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0434}
author = {Zhang, Tong; Johnson, David E.}
title = {A Robust Risk Minimization Based Named Entity Recognition System}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0435}
author = {De Meulder, Fien; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Memory-Based Named Entity Recognition Using Unannotated Data}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2003}
id = {W04-2401}
author = {Roth, Dan; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau}
title = {A Linear Programming Formulation For Global Inference In Natural Language Tasks}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2402}
author = {Ando, Rie Kubota}
title = {Semantic Lexicon Construction: Learning From Unlabeled Data Via Spectral Analysis}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2403}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Bejan, Cosmin Adrian}
title = {A Semantic Kernel For Predicate Argument Classification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2404}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Combining Lexical And Syntactic Features For Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2405}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Co-Training And Self-Training For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2406}
author = {Purandare, Amruta; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Word Sense Discrimination By Clustering Contexts In Vector And Similarity Spaces}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2407}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Hall, Johan; Nilsson, Jens}
title = {Memory-Based Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2408}
author = {Takamura, Hiroya; Matsumoto, Yuji; Yamada, Hiroyasu}
title = {Modeling Category Structures With A Kernel Function}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2409}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {A Comparison Of Manual And Automatic Constructions Of Category Hierarchy For Classifying Large Corpora}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2410}
author = {McLauchlan, Mark}
title = {Thesauruses For Prepositional Phrase Attachment}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2411}
author = {Tsang, Vivian; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Calculating Semantic Distance Between Word Sense Probability Distributions}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2412}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Introduction To The CoNLL-2004 Shared Task: Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2413}
author = {Baldewein, Ulrike; Erk, Katrin; Padó, Sebastian; Prescher, Detlef}
title = {Semantic Role Labelling With Chunk Sequences}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2414}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Canisius, Sander; Daelemans, Walter; Hendrickx, Iris; Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Memory-Based Semantic Role Labeling: Optimizing Features Algorithm And Output}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2415}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís; Chrupała, Grzegorz}
title = {Hierarchical Recognition Of Propositional Arguments With Perceptrons}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2416}
author = {Hacioglu, Kadri; Pradhan, Sameer S.; Ward, Wayne H.; Martin, James H.; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling By Tagging Syntactic Chunks}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2417}
author = {Higgins, Derrick}
title = {A Transformation-Based Approach To Argument Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2418}
author = {Kouchnir, Beata}
title = {A Memory-Based Approach For Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2419}
author = {Lim, Joon-Ho; Hwang, Young-Sook; Park, So-Young; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Using Maximum Entropy Model}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2420}
author = {Park, Kyung-Mi; Hwang, Young-Sook; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Two-Phase Semantic Role Labeling Based On Support Vector Machines}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2421}
author = {Punyakanok, Vasin; Roth, Dan; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Zimak, Dav; Tu, Yuancheng}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Via Generalized Inference Over Classifiers}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2422}
author = {Williams, Ken; Dozier, Christopher C.; McCulloh, Andrew}
title = {Learning Transformation Rules For Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2423}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Language Learning: Beyond Thunderdome}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2424}
author = {Palmer, Martha}
title = {Putting Meaning Into Your Trees}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2004}
id = {W05-0601}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Cammisa, Marco; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Effective Use Of WordNet Semantics Via Kernel-Based Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0602}
author = {Ge, Ruifang; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {A Statistical Semantic Parser That Integrates Syntax And Semantics}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0603}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Search Engine Statistics Beyond The N-Gram: Application To Noun Compound Bracketing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0604}
author = {Freitag, Dayne; Blume, Matthias; Byrnes, John; Chow, Edmond; Kapadia, Sadik; Rohwer, Richard; Wang, Zhiqiang}
title = {New Experiments In Distributional Representations Of Synonymy}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0605}
author = {Niu, Cheng; Li, Wei; Srihari, Rohini K.; Li, Huifeng}
title = {Word Independent Context Pair Classification Model For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0606}
author = {Mackay, Wesley; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Computing Word Similarity And Identifying Cognates With Pair Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0607}
author = {Sarkar, Avik; Garthwaite, Paul H.; De Roeck, Anne N.}
title = {A Bayesian Mixture Model For Term Re-Occurrence And Burstiness}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0608}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Domain Kernels For Text Categorization}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0609}
author = {Li, Xin; Roth, Dan}
title = {Discriminative Training Of Clustering Functions: Theory And Experiments With Entity Identification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0610}
author = {Li, Yaoyong; Bontcheva, Kalina; Cunningham, Hamish}
title = {Using Uneven Margins SVM And Perceptron For Information Extraction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0611}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Improving Sequence Segmentation Learning By Predicting Trigrams}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0612}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Bergsma, Shane}
title = {An Expectation Maximization Approach To Pronoun Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0613}
author = {Baldridge, Jason; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {Probabilistic Head-Driven Parsing For Discourse Structure}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0614}
author = {Fleischman, Michael; Roy, Deb}
title = {Intentional Context In Situated Natural Language Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0615}
author = {Goldwater, Sharon; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Representational Bias In Unsupervised Learning Of Syllable Structure}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0616}
author = {Stroppa, Nicolas; Yvon, François}
title = {An Analogical Learner For Morphological Analysis}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0617}
author = {Freitag, Dayne}
title = {Morphology Induction From Term Clusters}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0618}
author = {Marciniak, Tomasz; Strube, Michael}
title = {Beyond The Pipeline: Discrete Optimization In NLP}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0619}
author = {Hachey, Ben; Alex, Beatrice; Becker, Markus}
title = {Investigating The Effects Of Selective Sampling On The Annotation Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0620}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Introduction To The CoNLL-2005 Shared Task: Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0621}
author = {Bharati, Akshar; Venkatapathy, Sriram; Mannem, Prashanth}
title = {Inferring Semantic Roles Using Sub-Categorization Frames And Maximum Entropy Model}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0622}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Semantic Role Labelling With Tree Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0623}
author = {Haghighi, Aria; Toutanova, Kristina; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {A Joint Model For Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0624}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Sparse Bayesian Classification Of Predicate Arguments}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0625}
author = {Koomen, Peter; Punyakanok, Vasin; Roth, Dan; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau}
title = {Generalized Inference With Multiple Semantic Role Labeling Systems}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0626}
author = {Lin, Chi-San Althon; Smith, Tony C.}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Via Consensus In Pattern-Matching}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0627}
author = {Liu, Ting; Che, Wanxiang; Li, Sheng; Hu, Yuxuan; Liu, Huaijun}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling System Using Maximum Entropy Classifier}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0628}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Comas, Pere; Giménez, Jesús; Catala, Neus}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling As Sequential Tagging}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0629}
author = {Mitsumori, Tomohiro; Murata, Masaki; Fukuda, Yasushi; Doi, Kouichi; Doi, Hirohumi}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0630}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Giuglea, Ana-Maria; Coppola, Bonaventura; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Hierarchical Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0631}
author = {Ozgencil, Necati Ercan; McCracken, Nancy J.}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Using LibSVM}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0632}
author = {Park, Kyung-Mi; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Maximum Entropy Based Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0633}
author = {Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Strube, Michael}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Using Lexical Statistical Information}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0634}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Hacioglu, Kadri; Ward, Wayne H.; Martin, James H.; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Semantic Role Chunking Combining Complementary Syntactic Views}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0635}
author = {Surdeanu, Mihai; Turmo, Jordi}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Using Complete Syntactic Analysis}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0636}
author = {Sutton, Charles; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Joint Parsing And Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0637}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.; Canisius, Sander; van den Bosch, Antal; Bogers, Toine}
title = {Applying Spelling Error Correction Techniques For Improving Semantic Role Labelling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0638}
author = {Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Wu, Chia-Wei; Lin, Yu-Chun; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {Exploiting Full Parsing Information To Label Semantic Roles Using An Ensemble Of ME And SVM Via Integer Linear Programming}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0639}
author = {Yi, Szuting; Palmer, Martha}
title = {The Integration Of Syntactic Parsing And Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2005}
id = {W06-2901}
author = {Daelemans, Walter}
title = {A Mission For Computational Natural Language Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2902}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Henderson, James B.}
title = {Porting Statistical Parsers With Data-Defined Kernels}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2903}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Barrett, Leon; Klein, Dan}
title = {Non-Local Modeling With A Mixture Of PCFGs}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2904}
author = {Wang, Qin Iris; Cherry, Colin; Lizotte, Dan; Schuurmans, Dale}
title = {Improved Large Margin Dependency Parsing Via Local Constraints And Laplacian Regularization}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2905}
author = {Zuidema, Willem}
title = {What Are The Productive Units Of Natural Language Grammar? A DOP Approach To The Automatic Identification Of Constructions}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2906}
author = {Garera, Nikesh; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Resolving And Generating Definite Anaphora By Modeling Hypernymy Using Unlabeled Corpora}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2907}
author = {Glickman, Oren; Dagan, Ido; Daelemans, Walter; Keller, Mikaela; Bengio, Samy}
title = {Investigating Lexical Substitution Scoring For Subtitle Generation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2908}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Semantic Role Recognition Using Kernels On Weighted Marked Ordered Labeled Trees}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2909}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Pighin, Daniele; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling Via Tree Kernel Joint Inference}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2910}
author = {Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Can Human Verb Associations Help Identify Salient Features For Semantic Verb Classification?}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2911}
author = {Ando, Rie Kubota}
title = {Applying Alternating Structure Optimization To Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2912}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {Unsupervised Parsing With U-DOP}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2913}
author = {Atterer, Michaela; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {A Lattice-Based Framework For Enhancing Statistical Parsers With Information From Unlabeled Corpora}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2914}
author = {Georgescul, Maria; Clark, Alexander; Armstrong, Susan}
title = {Word Distributions For Thematic Segmentation In A Support Vector Machine Approach}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2915}
author = {Lin, Wei-Hao; Wilson, Theresa; Wiebe, Janyce; Hauptmann, Alexander G.}
title = {Which Side Are You On? Identifying Perspectives At The Document And Sentence Levels}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2916}
author = {Brooks, David J.}
title = {Unsupervised Grammar Induction By Distribution And Attachment}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2917}
author = {Clark, Alexander; Eyraud, Remi}
title = {Learning Auxiliary Fronting With Grammatical Inference}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2918}
author = {Smith, Andrew E.; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Using Gazetteers In Discriminative Information Extraction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2919}
author = {Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Brants, Thorsten; Liberman, Mark Y.; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {A Context Pattern Induction Method For Named Entity Extraction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2920}
author = {Buchholz, Sabine; Marsi, Erwin}
title = {CoNLL-X Shared Task On Multilingual Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2921}
author = {Krymolowski, Yuval}
title = {The Treebanks Used In The Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2922}
author = {Attardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Experiments With A Multilanguage Non-Projective Dependency Parser}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2923}
author = {Bick, Eckhard}
title = {LingPars A Linguistically Inspired Language-Independent Machine Learner For Dependency Treebanks}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2924}
author = {Canisius, Sander; Bogers, Toine; van den Bosch, Antal; Geertzen, Jeroen; Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Dependency Parsing By Inference Over High-Recall Dependency Predictions}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2925}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Surdeanu, Mihai; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Projective Dependency Parsing With Perceptron}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2926}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei; Do, Quang; Roth, Dan}
title = {A Pipeline Model For Bottom-Up Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2927}
author = {Cheng, Yuchang; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Multi-Lingual Dependency Parsing At NAIST}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2928}
author = {Corston-Oliver, Simon H.; Aue, Anthony}
title = {Dependency Parsing With Reference To Slovene Spanish And Swedish}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2929}
author = {Dreyer, Markus; Smith, David A.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Vine Parsing And Minimum Risk Reranking For Speed And Precision}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2930}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Investigating Multilingual Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2931}
author = {Liu, Ting; Ma, Jinshan; Zhu, Huijia; Li, Sheng}
title = {Dependency Parsing Based On Dynamic Local Optimization}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2932}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Lerman, Kevin; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Multilingual Dependency Analysis With A Two-Stage Discriminative Parser}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2933}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Hall, Johan; Nilsson, Jens; Eryiğit, Gülşen; Marinov, Svetoslav}
title = {Labeled Pseudo-Projective Dependency Parsing With Support Vector Machines}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2934}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; Cakici, Ruken; Meza-Ruiz, Ivan}
title = {Multi-Lingual Dependency Parsing With Incremental Integer Linear Programming}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2935}
author = {Schiehlen, Michael; Spranger, Kristina}
title = {Language Independent Probabilistic Context-Free Parsing Bolstered By Machine Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2936}
author = {Shimizu, Nobuyuki}
title = {Maximum Spanning Tree Algorithm For Non-Projective Labeled Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2937}
author = {Wu, Yu-Chieh; Lee, Yue-Shi; Yang, Jie-Chi}
title = {The Exploration Of Deterministic And Efficient Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2938}
author = {Yuret, Deniz}
title = {Dependency Parsing As A Classication Problem}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2006}
id = {W08-2101}
author = {Merlo, Paola; Musillo, Gabriele}
title = {Semantic Parsing for High-Precision Semantic Role Labelling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2102}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Collins, Michael John; Koo, Terry}
title = {TAG Dynamic Programming and the Perceptron for Efficient Feature-Rich Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2103}
author = {Iwakura, Tomoya; Okamoto, Seishi}
title = {A Fast Boosting-based Learner for Feature-Rich Tagging and Chunking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2104}
author = {Øvrelid, Lilja}
title = {Linguistic features in data-driven dependency parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2105}
author = {Kate, Rohit J.}
title = {Transforming Meaning Representation Grammars to Improve Semantic Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2106}
author = {Misra, Hemant; Cappé, Olivier; Yvon, François}
title = {Using LDA to detect semantically incoherent documents}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2107}
author = {Ramisch, Carlos; Villavicencio, Aline; Moura, Leonardo; Idiart, Marco}
title = {Picking them up and Figuring them out: Verb-Particle Constructions Noise and Idiomaticity}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2108}
author = {Alishahi, Afra; Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Fast Mapping in Word Learning: What Probabilities Tell Us}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2109}
author = {Blanchard, Daniel; Heinz, Jeffrey}
title = {Improving Word Segmentation by Simultaneously Learning Phonotactics}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2110}
author = {Marchal, Harmony; Lemaire, Benoît; Bianco, Maryse; Dessus, Philippe}
title = {A MDL-based Model of Gender Knowledge Acquisition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2111}
author = {Connor, Michael; Gertner, Yael; Fisher, Cynthia; Roth, Dan}
title = {Baby SRL: Modeling Early Language Acquisition.}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2112}
author = {Parisien, Christopher; Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {An Incremental Bayesian Model for Learning Syntactic Categories}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2113}
author = {Dias, Gaël; Mukelov, Raycho; Cleuziou, Guillaume}
title = {Fully Unsupervised Graph-Based Discovery of General-Specific Noun Relationships from Web Corpora Frequency Counts}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2114}
author = {Schwartz, Hansen A.; Gomez, Fernando}
title = {Acquiring Knowledge from the Web to be used as Selectors for Noun Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2115}
author = {Ren, Han; Donghong, Ji; Wan, Jing; Han, Lei}
title = {Automatic Chinese Catchword Extraction Based on Time Series Analysis}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2116}
author = {Goldberg, Andrew B.; Zhu, Xiaojin; Dyer, Charles R.; Eldawy, Mohamed; Heng, Lijie}
title = {Easy as ABC? Facilitating Pictorial Communication via Semantically Enhanced Layout}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2117}
author = {Lee, John}
title = {A Nearest-Neighbor Approach to the Automatic Analysis of Ancient Greek Morphology}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2118}
author = {Nguyen, ThuyLinh; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Context-based Arabic Morphological Analysis for Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2119}
author = {Nguyen, Thai Phuong; Shimazu, Akira; Ho, Tu Bao; Nguyen, Minh Le; Nguyen, Vinh Van}
title = {A Tree-to-String Phrase-based Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2120}
author = {Di Fabbrizio, Giuseppe; Stent, Amanda J.; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Trainable Speaker-Based Referring Expression Generation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2121}
author = {Surdeanu, Mihai; Johansson, Richard; Meyers, Adam; Màrquez, Lluís; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {The CoNLL 2008 Shared Task on Joint Parsing of Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2122}
author = {Henderson, James B.; Merlo, Paola; Musillo, Gabriele; Titov, Ivan}
title = {A Latent Variable Model of Synchronous Parsing for Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2123}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Dependency-based Syntactic–Semantic Analysis with PropBank and NomBank}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2124}
author = {Lluís, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {A Joint Model for Parsing Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2125}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; Meza-Ruiz, Ivan}
title = {Collective Semantic Role Labelling with Markov Logic}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2126}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Wang, Rui; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Hybrid Learning of Dependency Structures from Heterogeneous Linguistic Resources}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2127}
author = {Zhao, Hai; Kitt, Chunyu}
title = {Parsing Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies with Two Single-Stage Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2128}
author = {Morante, Roser; Daelemans, Walter; Van Asch, Vincent}
title = {A Combined Memory-Based Semantic Role Labeler of English}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2129}
author = {Volokh, Alexander; Neumann, Günter}
title = {A Puristic Approach for Joint Dependency Parsing and Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2130}
author = {Li, Lu; Fan, Shixi; Wang, Xuan; XiaoLong, Wang}
title = {Discriminative Learning of Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2131}
author = {Yuret, Deniz; Yatbaz, Mehmet Ali; Ural, Ahmet Engin}
title = {Discriminative vs. Generative Approaches in Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2132}
author = {Watanabe, Yotaro; Iwatate, Masakazu; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {A Pipeline Approach for Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2133}
author = {Lee, Joo-Young; Cho, Han-Cheol; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Semantic Dependency Parsing using N-best Semantic Role Sequences and Roleset Information}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2134}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Li, Zhenghua; Hu, Yuxuan; Li, Yongqiang; Qin, Bing; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {A Cascaded Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parsing System}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2135}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Li, Hongzhan; Sui, Zhifang}
title = {The Integration of Dependency Relation Classification and Semantic Role Labeling Using Bilayer Maximum Entropy Markov Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2136}
author = {Samuelsson, Yvonne; Täckström, Oscar; Velupillai, Sumithra; Eklund, Johan; Fishel, Mark; Saers, Markus}
title = {Mixing and Blending Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2137}
author = {Wang, Hongling; Zhou, Guodong; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Dependency Tree-based SRL with Proper Pruning and Extensive Feature Engineering}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2138}
author = {Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Attardi, Giuseppe; Dell'Orletta, Felice; Surdeanu, Mihai}
title = {DeSRL: A Linear-Time Semantic Role Labeling System}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2139}
author = {Chen, Enhong; Shi, Liu; Hu, Dawei}
title = {Probabilistic Model for Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2140}
author = {Vickrey, David; Koller, Daphne}
title = {Applying Sentence Simplification to the CoNLL-2008 Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2008}
id = {W09-1101}
author = {McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Joint Inference for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1102}
author = {Frank, Michael C.}
title = {Modeling Word Learning As Communicative Inference}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1103}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Sample Selection for Statistical Parsers: Cognitively Driven Algorithms and Evaluation Measures}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1104}
author = {Spreyer, Kathrin; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Data-Driven Dependency Parsing of New Languages Using Incomplete and Noisy Training Data}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1105}
author = {Morante, Roser; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {A Metalearning Approach to Processing the Scope of Negation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1106}
author = {Pighin, Daniele; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Efficient Linearization of Tree Kernel Functions}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1107}
author = {Bloodgood, Michael; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {A Method for Stopping Active Learning Based on Stabilizing Predictions and the Need for User-Adjustable Stopping}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1108}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Superior and Efficient Fully Unsupervised Pattern-based Concept Acquisition Using an Unsupervised Parser}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1109}
author = {Erk, Katrin}
title = {Representing words as regions in vector space}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1110}
author = {Roth, Dan; Small, Kevin}
title = {Interactive Feature Space Construction using Semantic Information}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1111}
author = {Paul, Michael; Gîrju, Roxana; Li, Chen}
title = {Mining the Web for Reciprocal Relationships}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1112}
author = {Connor, Michael; Gertner, Yael; Fisher, Cynthia; Roth, Dan}
title = {Minimally Supervised Model of Early Language Acquisition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1113}
author = {Nilsson, Mattias; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Learning Where to Look: Modeling Eye Movements in Reading}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1114}
author = {Arun, Abhishek; Dyer, Chris; Haddow, Barry; Blunsom, Philip; Lopez, Adam; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Monte Carlo inference and maximization for phrase-based translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1115}
author = {Beamer, Brandon; Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {Investigating Automatic Alignment Methods for Slide Generation from Academic Papers}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1116}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Lin, Dekang; Goebel, Randy}
title = {Glen Glenda or Glendale: Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning of English Noun Gender}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1117}
author = {Garera, Nikesh; Callison-Burch, Chris; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Improving Translation Lexicon Induction from Monolingual Corpora via Dependency Contexts and Part-of-Speech Equivalences}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1118}
author = {Olsson, Fredrik; Tomanek, Katrin}
title = {An Intrinsic Stopping Criterion for Committee-Based Active Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1119}
author = {Ratinov, Lev; Roth, Dan}
title = {Design Challenges and Misconceptions in Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1120}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Automatic Selection of High Quality Parses Created By a Fully Unsupervised Parser}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1121}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {The NVI Clustering Evaluation Measure}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1122}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.; Hofmann, Katja}
title = {Lexical Patterns or Dependency Patterns: Which Is Better for Hypernym Extraction?}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1123}
author = {Wittek, Peter; Darányi, Sándor; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Improving Text Classification by a Sense Spectrum Approach to Term Expansion}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1124}
author = {Vilain, Marc B.; Huggins, Jonathan; Wellner, Benjamin}
title = {A simple feature-copying approach for long-distance dependencies}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1125}
author = {Giuliano, Claudio}
title = {Fine-Grained Classification of Named Entities Exploiting Latent Semantic Kernels}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1126}
author = {Coursey, Kino; Mihalcea, Rada; Moen, William}
title = {Using Encyclopedic Knowledge for Automatic Topic Identification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1127}
author = {Tonelli, Sara; Pighin, Daniele}
title = {New Features for FrameNet - WordNet Mapping}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1201}
author = {Hajič, Jan; Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Johansson, Richard; Kawahara, Daisuke; Martí, M. Antònia; Màrquez, Lluís; Meyers, Adam; Nivre, Joakim; Padó, Sebastian; Štepánek, Jan; Strañák, Pavel; Surdeanu, Mihai; Xue, Nianwen; Zhang, Yi}
title = {The CoNLL-2009 Shared Task: Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies in Multiple Languages}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1202}
author = {Dai, Qifeng; Chen, Enhong; Shi, Liu}
title = {An Iterative Approach for Joint Dependency Parsing and Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1203}
author = {Morante, Roser; Van Asch, Vincent; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Joint Memory-Based Learning of Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies in Multiple Languages}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1204}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Wang, Rui; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {Hybrid Multilingual Parsing with HPSG for SRL}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1205}
author = {Gesmundo, Andrea; Henderson, James B.; Merlo, Paola; Titov, Ivan}
title = {A Latent Variable Model of Synchronous Syntactic-Semantic Parsing for Multiple Languages}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1206}
author = {Björkelund, Anders; Hafdell, Love; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1207}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Li, Zhenghua; Li, Yongqiang; Guo, Yuhang; Qin, Bing; Liu, Ting}
title = {Multilingual Dependency-based Syntactic and Semantic Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1208}
author = {Zhao, Hai; Chen, Wenliang; Kitt, Chunyu; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Multilingual Dependency Learning: A Huge Feature Engineering Method to Semantic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1209}
author = {Zhao, Hai; Chen, Wenliang; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Multilingual Dependency Learning: Exploiting Rich Features for Tagging Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1210}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {Efficient Parsing of Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Structures}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1211}
author = {Li, Baoli; Emms, Martin; Luz, Saturnino; Vogel, Carl}
title = {Exploring Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1212}
author = {Lluís, Xavier; Bott, Stefan; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {A Second-Order Joint Eisner Model for Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1213}
author = {Meza-Ruiz, Ivan; Riedel, Sebastian}
title = {Multilingual Semantic Role Labelling with Markov Logic}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1214}
author = {Moreau, Erwan; Tellier, Isabelle}
title = {The Crotal SRL System : a Generic Tool Based on Tree-structured CRF}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1215}
author = {Ren, Han; Donghong, Ji; Wan, Jing; Zhang, Mingyao}
title = {Parsing Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies for Multiple Languages with A Pipeline Approach}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1216}
author = {Täckström, Oscar}
title = {Multilingual Semantic Parsing with a Pipeline of Linear Classifiers}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1217}
author = {Tang, Buzhou; Li, Lu; Li, Xinxin; Wang, Xuan; XiaoLong, Wang}
title = {A Joint Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parsing System based on Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1218}
author = {Watanabe, Yotaro; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Multilingual Syntactic-Semantic Dependency Parsing with Three-Stage Approximate Max-Margin Linear Models}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1219}
author = {Zeman, Daniel}
title = {A Simple Generative Pipeline Approach to Dependency Parsing and Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-2901}
author = {Hänig, Christian}
title = {Improvements in Unsupervised Co-Occurrence Based Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2902}
author = {Spitkovsky, Valentin I.; Alshawi, Hiyan; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Viterbi Training Improves Unsupervised Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2903}
author = {Clarke, James; Goldwasser, Dan; Chang, Ming-Wei; Roth, Dan}
title = {Driving Semantic Parsing from the World’s Response}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2904}
author = {Clark, Alexander}
title = {Efficient Correct Unsupervised Learning for Context-Sensitive Languages}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2905}
author = {Santamaría, Jesús; Araujo, Lourdes}
title = {Identifying Patterns for Unsupervised Grammar Induction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2906}
author = {Burkett, David; Petrov, Slav; Blitzer, John; Klein, Dan}
title = {Learning Better Monolingual Models with Unannotated Bilingual Text}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2907}
author = {Lee, Lillian}
title = {(Invited Talk) Clueless: Explorations in Unsupervised Knowledge-Lean Extraction of Lexical-Semantic Information}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2908}
author = {Ghahramani, Zoubin}
title = {(Invited Talk) Bayesian Hidden Markov Models and Extensions}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2909}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Fattal, Raanan; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Improved Unsupervised POS Induction Using Intrinsic Clustering Quality and a Zipfian Constraint}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2910}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Syntactic and Semantic Structure for Opinion Expression Detection}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2911}
author = {Reichart, Roi; Abend, Omri; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Type Level Clustering Evaluation: New Measures and a POS Induction Case Study}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2912}
author = {Lignos, Constantine; Yang, Charles D.}
title = {Recession Segmentation: Simpler Online Word Segmentation Using Limited Resources}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2913}
author = {Schoenemann, Thomas}
title = {Computing Optimal Alignments for the IBM-3 Translation Model}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2914}
author = {Davidov, Dmitry; Tsur, Oren; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Semi-Supervised Recognition of Sarcasm in Twitter and Amazon}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2915}
author = {Mylonakis, Markos; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Learning Probabilistic Synchronous CFGs for Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2916}
author = {Ananthakrishnan, Sankaranarayanan; Prasad, Rohit; Stallard, David G.; Natarajan, Premkumar}
title = {A Semi-Supervised Batch-Mode Active Learning Strategy for Improved Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2917}
author = {Huang, Shujian; Li, Kangxi; Dai, Xinyu; Chen, Jiajun}
title = {Improving Word Alignment by Semi-Supervised Ensemble}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2918}
author = {Lin, Chenghua; He, Yulan; Everson, Richard}
title = {A Comparative Study of Bayesian Models for Unsupervised Sentiment Detection}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2919}
author = {Carrillo de Albornoz, Jorge; Plaza, Laura; Gervás, Pablo}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to Emotional Sentence Polarity and Intensity Classification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2920}
author = {Hodosh, Micah; Young, Peter; Rashtchian, Cyrus; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Cross-Caption Coreference Resolution for Automatic Image Understanding}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2921}
author = {Bergsma, Shane; Lin, Dekang; Schuurmans, Dale}
title = {Improved Natural Language Learning via Variance-Regularization Support Vector Machines}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2922}
author = {Chrupała, Grzegorz; Alishahi, Afra}
title = {Online Entropy-Based Model of Lexical Category Acquisition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2923}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Wang, Li; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Tagging and Linking Web Forum Posts}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2924}
author = {Kate, Rohit J.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Joint Entity and Relation Extraction Using Card-Pyramid Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2925}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Das, Dipanjan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Distributed Asynchronous Online Learning for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2926}
author = {Pighin, Daniele; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {On Reverse Feature Engineering of Syntactic Tree Kernels}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2927}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Inspecting the Structural Biases of Dependency Parsing Algorithms}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3001}
author = {Farkas, Richárd; Vincze, Veronika; Móra, György; Csirik, János; Szarvas, György}
title = {The CoNLL-2010 Shared Task: Learning to Detect Hedges and their Scope in Natural Language Text}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3002}
author = {Tang, Buzhou; XiaoLong, Wang; Wang, Xuan; Yuan, Bo; Fan, Shixi}
title = {A Cascade Method for Detecting Hedges and their Scope in Natural Language Text}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3003}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas; Craven, Mark}
title = {Detecting Speculative Language Using Syntactic Dependencies and Logistic Regression}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3004}
author = {Georgescul, Maria}
title = {A Hedgehop over a Max-Margin Framework Using Hedge Cues}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3005}
author = {Ji, Feng; Qiu, Xipeng; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Detecting Hedge Cues and their Scopes with Average Perceptron}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3006}
author = {Morante, Roser; Van Asch, Vincent; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Memory-Based Resolution of In-Sentence Scopes of Hedge Cues}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3007}
author = {Velldal, Erik; Øvrelid, Lilja; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {Resolving Speculation: MaxEnt Cue Classification and Dependency-Based Scope Rules}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3008}
author = {Rei, Marek; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Combining Manual Rules and Supervised Learning for Hedge Cue and Scope Detection}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3009}
author = {Fernandes, Eraldo; Crestana, Carlos; Milidiú, Ruy Luiz}
title = {Hedge Detection Using the RelHunter Approach}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3010}
author = {Kilicoglu, Halil; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {A High-Precision Approach to Detecting Hedges and their Scopes}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3011}
author = {Li, Xinxin; Shen, Jianping; Gao, Xiang; Wang, Xuan}
title = {Exploiting Rich Features for Detecting Hedges and their Scope}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3012}
author = {Täckström, Oscar; Velupillai, Sumithra; Hassel, Martin; Eriksson, Gunnar; Dalianis, Hercules; Karlgren, Jussi}
title = {Uncertainty Detection as Approximate Max-Margin Sequence Labelling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3013}
author = {Zhang, Shaodian; Zhao, Hai; Zhou, Guodong; Lu, Bao-Liang}
title = {Hedge Detection and Scope Finding by Sequence Labeling with Procedural Feature Selection}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3014}
author = {Zhao, Qi; Sun, Chengjie; Liu, Bingquan; Cheng, Yong}
title = {Learning to Detect Hedges and their Scope Using CRF}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3015}
author = {Zhou, Huiwei; Li, Xiaoyan; Huang, Degen; Li, Zezhong; Yang, Yuansheng}
title = {Exploiting Multi-Features to Detect Hedges and their Scope in Biomedical Texts}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3016}
author = {Chen, Lin; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {A Lucene and Maximum Entropy Model Based Hedge Detection System}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3017}
author = {Clausen, David}
title = {HedgeHunter: A System for Hedge Detection and Uncertainty Classification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3018}
author = {Mamani Sánchez, Liliana; Li, Baoli; Vogel, Carl}
title = {Exploiting CCG Structures with Tree Kernels for Speculation Detection}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3019}
author = {Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar}
title = {Uncertainty Learning Using SVMs and CRFs}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3020}
author = {Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Features for Detecting Hedge Cues}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3021}
author = {Szidarovszky, Ferenc; Solt, Illés; Tikk, Domonkos}
title = {A Simple Ensemble Method for Hedge Identification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3022}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {A Baseline Approach for Detecting Sentences Containing Uncertainty}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3023}
author = {Zheng, Yi; Dai, Qifeng; Luo, Qiming; Chen, Enhong}
title = {Hedge Classification with Syntactic Dependency Features Based on an Ensemble Classifier}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-0301}
author = {Lee, Yoong Keok; Haghighi, Aria; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Modeling Syntactic Context Improves Morphological Segmentation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0302}
author = {Mohamed, Emad}
title = {The Effect of Automatic Tokenization Vocalization Stemming and {POS Tagging on {A}rabic Dependency Parsing}}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0303}
author = {Spitkovsky, Valentin I.; Alshawi, Hiyan; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Punctuation: Making a Point in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0304}
author = {Lignos, Constantine}
title = {Modeling Infant Word Segmentation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0305}
author = {Hewlett, Daniel; Cohen, Paul}
title = {Word Segmentation as General Chunking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0306}
author = {Hayes, Bruce}
title = {(Invited talk) Computational Linguistics for Studying Language in People: Principles Applications and Research Problems}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0307}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas; Craven, Mark}
title = {Search-based Structured Prediction applied to Biomedical Event Extraction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0308}
author = {Mukund, Smruthi; Ghosh, Debanjan; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {Using Sequence Kernels to identify Opinion Entities in Urdu}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0309}
author = {Munro, Robert}
title = {Subword and Spatiotemporal Models for Identifying Actionable Information in {Haitian {K}reyol}}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0310}
author = {Sarawgi, Ruchita; Gajulapalli, Kailash; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Gender Attribution: Tracing Stylometric Evidence Beyond Topic and Genre}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0311}
author = {Akkaya, Cem; Wiebe, Janyce; Conrad, Alexander; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Improving the Impact of Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation on Contextual Opinion Analysis}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0312}
author = {Angluin, Dana; Becerra-Bonache, Leonor}
title = {Effects of Meaning-Preserving Corrections on Language Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0313}
author = {Arora, Shilpa; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Assessing Benefit from Feature Feedback in Active Learning for Text Classification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0314}
author = {Dell'Orletta, Felice; Venturi, Giulia; Montemagni, Simonetta}
title = {ULISSE: an Unsupervised Algorithm for Detecting Reliable Dependency Parses}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0315}
author = {Huang, Fei; Yates, Alexander; Ahuja, Arun; Downey, Doug}
title = {Language Models as Representations for Weakly Supervised NLP Tasks}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0316}
author = {Liu, Zhiyuan; Chen, Xinxiong; Zheng, Yabin; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Automatic Keyphrase Extraction by Bridging Vocabulary Gap}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0317}
author = {McInnes, Bridget T.; Pedersen, Ted; Liu, Ying; Pakhomov, Serguei V.; Melton, Genevieve B.}
title = {Using Second-order Vectors in a Knowledge-based Method for Acronym Disambiguation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0318}
author = {Ozaki, Kohei; Shimbo, Masashi; Komachi, Mamoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Using the Mutual k-Nearest Neighbor Graphs for Semi-supervised Classification on Natural Language Data}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0319}
author = {Pennacchiotti, Marco; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {Automatically Building Training Examples for Entity Extraction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0320}
author = {Schoenemann, Thomas}
title = {Probabilistic Word Alignment under the $L_0$-norm}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0321}
author = {Seroussi, Yanir; Zukerman, Ingrid; Bohnert, Fabian}
title = {Authorship Attribution with Latent Dirichlet Allocation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0322}
author = {Szumlanski, Sean; Gomez, Fernando}
title = {Evaluating a Semantic Network Automatically Constructed from Lexical Co-occurrence on a Word Sense Disambiguation Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0323}
author = {Yu, Ning; Kübler, Sandra}
title = {Filling the Gap: Semi-Supervised Learning for Opinion Detection Across Domains}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0324}
author = {Zhu, Xiaodan}
title = {A Normalized-Cut Alignment Model for Mapping Hierarchical Semantic Structures onto Spoken Documents}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0325}
author = {Teh, Yee Whye}
title = {(Invited talk) Bayesian Tools for Natural Language Learning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0326}
author = {Li, Siming; Kulkarni, Girish; Berg, Tamara L.; Berg, Alexander C.; Choi, Yejin}
title = {Composing Simple Image Descriptions using Web-scale N-grams}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0327}
author = {Kundu, Gourab; Roth, Dan}
title = {Adapting Text instead of the Model: An Open Domain Approach}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0328}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Miyao, Yusuke; Kazama, Jun'ichi}
title = {Learning with Lookahead: Can History-Based Models Rival Globally Optimized Models?}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0329}
author = {Yih, Scott Wen-Tau; Toutanova, Kristina; Platt, John C.; Meek, Christopher}
title = {Learning Discriminative Projections for Text Similarity Measures}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1901}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Palmer, Martha; Weischedel, Ralph M.; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {CoNLL-2011 Shared Task: Modeling Unrestricted Coreference in OntoNotes}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1902}
author = {Lee, Heeyoung; Peirsman, Yves; Chang, Angel; Chambers, Nathanael; Surdeanu, Mihai; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Stanford’s Multi-Pass Sieve Coreference Resolution System at the CoNLL-2011 Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1903}
author = {Sapena, Emili; Padró, Lluís; Turmo, Jordi}
title = {RelaxCor Participation in CoNLL Shared Task on Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1904}
author = {Chang, Kai-Wei; Samdani, Rajhans; Rozovskaya, Alla; Rizzolo, Nick; Sammons, Mark; Roth, Dan}
title = {Inference Protocols for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1905}
author = {Björkelund, Anders; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Exploring Lexicalized Features for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1906}
author = {Santos, Cícero Nogueira; Lopes Carvalho, Davi}
title = {Rule and Tree Ensembles for Unrestricted Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1907}
author = {Cai, Jie; Mujdricza-Maydt, Eva; Strube, Michael}
title = {Unrestricted Coreference Resolution via Global Hypergraph Partitioning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1908}
author = {Uryupina, Olga; Saha, Sriparna; Ekbal, Asif; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Multi-metric optimization for coreference: The UniTN / IITP / Essex submission to the 2011 CONLL Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1909}
author = {Zhou, Huiwei; Li, Yao; Huang, Degen; Zhang, Yan; Wu, Chunlong; Yang, Yuansheng}
title = {Combining Syntactic and Semantic Features by SVM for Unrestricted Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1910}
author = {Kobdani, Hamidreza; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Supervised Coreference Resolution with SUCRE}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1911}
author = {Xiong, Hao; Song, Linfeng; Meng, Fandong; Liu, Yang; Liu, Qun; Lü, Yajuan}
title = {ETS: An Error Tolerable System for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1912}
author = {Klenner, Manfred; Tuggener, Don}
title = {An Incremental Model for Coreference Resolution with Restrictive Antecedent Accessibility}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1913}
author = {Irwin, Joseph; Komachi, Mamoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Narrative Schema as World Knowledge for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1914}
author = {Lalitha Devi, Sobha; T, Pattabhi R K Rao; Sundar Ram R., Vijay; C. S., Malarkodi.; Akilandeswari, A.}
title = {Hybrid Approach for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1915}
author = {Charton, Éric; Gagnon, Michel}
title = {Poly-co: a multilayer perceptron approach for coreference detection}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1916}
author = {Kummerfeld, Jonathan K.; Bansal, Mohit; Burkett, David; Klein, Dan}
title = {Mention Detection: Heuristics for the OntoNotes annotations}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1917}
author = {Li, Xinxin; Wang, Xuan; Qi, Shuhan}
title = {Coreference Resolution with Loose Transitivity Constraints}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1918}
author = {Zhekova, Desislava; Kübler, Sandra}
title = {UBIU: A Robust System for Resolving Unrestricted Coreference}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1919}
author = {Yang, Yaqin; Xue, Nianwen; Anick, Peter G.}
title = {A Machine Learning-Based Coreference Detection System for OntoNotes}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1920}
author = {Stoyanov, Veselin; Babbar, Uday; Gupta, Pracheer; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Reconciling OntoNotes: Unrestricted Coreference Resolution in OntoNotes with Reconcile.}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1921}
author = {Chen, Wei; Zhang, Muyu; Qin, Bing}
title = {Coreference Resolution System using Maximum Entropy Classifier}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1922}
author = {Song, Yang; Wang, Houfeng; Jiang, Jing}
title = {Link Type Based Pre-Cluster Pair Model for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2011}
id = {W12-4501}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Zhang, Yu; Moschitti, Alessandro; Xue, Nianwen; Uryupina, Olga}
title = {CoNLL-2012 Shared Task: Modeling Multilingual Unrestricted Coreference in OntoNotes}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4502}
author = {dos Santos, Cìcero; Milidiú, Ruy; Fernandes, Eraldo}
title = {Latent Structure Perceptron with Feature Induction for Unrestricted Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4503}
author = {Björkelund, Anders; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {Data-driven Multilingual Coreference Resolution using Resolver Stacking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4504}
author = {Chen, Chen; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Combining the Best of Two Worlds: A Hybrid Approach to Multilingual Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4505}
author = {Stamborg, Marcus; Medved, Dennis; Exner, Peter; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Using Syntactic Dependencies to Solve Coreferences}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4506}
author = {Xiong, Hao; Liu, Qun}
title = {ICT: System Description for CoNLL-2012}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4507}
author = {Xiang, Yang; Ge, Liping; Liu, Zengjian; Liao, Meng; Si, Xianbo; Yuan, Bo; Wang, Xiaolong; Chen, Qingcai}
title = {A Mixed Deterministic Model for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4508}
author = {Liao, Xingwei; Li, Xinxin; Wang, Xuan}
title = {Simple Maximum Entropy Models for Multilingual Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4509}
author = {Kübler, Sandra; Bonner, Joshua; Ragheb, Marwa; Hsu, Yu-Yin; Zhekova, Desislava}
title = {UBIU for Multilingual Coreference Resolution in OntoNotes}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4510}
author = {Wu, Chunyang; Zhao, Hai; Zhang, Xiaotian}
title = {Chinese Coreference Resolution via Ordered Filtering}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4511}
author = {Mujdricza-Maydt, Eva; Martschat, Sebastian; Strube, Michael; Cai, Jie; Broscheit, Samuel}
title = {A Multigraph Model for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4512}
author = {Liu, Jie; Zou, Chengtian; Gui, Lin; Zheng, Yanzhen; Qu, Peng; Xu, Ruifeng; Liu, Chengxiang; Xu, Jun}
title = {Incorporating Rule-based and Statistic-based Techniques for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4513}
author = {Chang, Kai-Wei; Samdani, Rajhans; Rozovskaya, Alla; Sammons, Mark; Roth, Dan}
title = {Illinois-Coref: The UI System in the CoNLL-2012 Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4514}
author = {Shou, Heming; Zhao, Hai}
title = {System paper for CoNLL-2012 shared task: Hybrid Rule-based Algorithm for Coreference Resolution.}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4515}
author = {Uryupina, Olga; Moschitti, Alessandro; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {BART goes multilingual: The UniTN / Essex submission to the CoNLL-2012 Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4516}
author = {Li, Baoli}
title = {Learning to Model Multilingual Unrestricted Coreference in OntoNotes}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2012}
id = {W13-3501}
author = {Xiao, Min; Guo, Yuhong}
title = {Online Active Learning for Cost Sensitive Domain Adaptation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3502}
author = {Bloodgood, Michael; Grothendieck, John}
title = {Analysis of Stopping Active Learning based on Stabilizing Predictions}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3503}
author = {Damani, Om P.}
title = {Improving Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI) by Incorporating Significant Co-occurrence}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3504}
author = {Ruokolainen, Teemu; Kohonen, Oskar; Virpioja, Sami; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Supervised Morphological Segmentation in a Low-Resource Learning Setting using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3505}
author = {He, Luheng; Gillenwater, Jennifer; Taskar, Ben}
title = {Graph-Based Posterior Regularization for Semi-Supervised Structured Prediction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3506}
author = {Iwakura, Tomoya}
title = {A Boosted Semi-Markov Perceptron}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3507}
author = {Stratos, Karl; Rush, Alexander M.; Cohen, Shay B.; Collins, Michael John}
title = {Spectral Learning of Refinement HMMs}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3508}
author = {Thadani, Kapil; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Sentence Compression with Joint Structural Inference}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3509}
author = {Severyn, Aliaksei; Nicosia, Massimo; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Learning Adaptable Patterns for Passage Reranking}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3510}
author = {Fyshe, Alona; Murphy, Brian; Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Documents and Dependencies: an Exploration of Vector Space Models for Semantic Composition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3511}
author = {Grave, Edouard; Obozinski, Guillaume; Bach, Francis}
title = {Hidden Markov tree models for semantic class induction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3512}
author = {Luong, Minh-Thang; Socher, Richard; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Better Word Representations with Recursive Neural Networks for Morphology}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3513}
author = {Kartsaklis, Dimitri; Sadrzadeh, Mehrnoosh; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Separating Disambiguation from Composition in Distributional Semantics}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3514}
author = {Hasan, Kazi Saidul; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Frame Semantics for Stance Classification}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3515}
author = {Angeli, Gabor; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Philosophers are Mortal: Inferring the Truth of Unseen Facts}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3516}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Moschitti, Alessandro; Xue, Nianwen; Ng, Hwee Tou; Björkelund, Anders; Uryupina, Olga; Zhang, Yuchen; Zhong, Zhi}
title = {Towards Robust Linguistic Analysis using OntoNotes}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3517}
author = {Zheng, Jiaping; Vilnis, Luke; Singh, Sameer; Choi, Jinho D.; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Dynamic Knowledge-Base Alignment for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3518}
author = {Honnibal, Matthew; Goldberg, Yoav; Johnson, Mark}
title = {A Non-Monotonic Arc-Eager Transition System for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3519}
author = {Wang, Pengyu; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Collapsed Variational Bayesian Inference for PCFGs}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3520}
author = {Al-Rfou, Rami; Perozzi, Bryan; Skiena, Steven}
title = {Polyglot: Distributed Word Representations for Multilingual NLP}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3521}
author = {Calvo, Marcos; Garcia, Fernando; Hurtado, Lluís F.; Jiménez, Santiago; Sanchis, Emilio}
title = {Exploiting multiple hypotheses for Multilingual Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3522}
author = {Aziz, Wilker; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Multilingual WSD-like Constraints for Paraphrase Extraction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3523}
author = {Liu, Xiaodong; Duh, Kevin; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Topic Models + Word Alignment = A Flexible Framework for Extracting Bilingual Dictionary from Comparable Corpus}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3524}
author = {Broß, Jürgen; Ehrig, Heiko}
title = {Terminology Extraction Approaches for Product Aspect Detection in Customer Reviews}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3525}
author = {Barak, Libby; Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Acquisition of Desires before Beliefs: A Computional Investigation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3601}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou; Wu, Siew Mei; Wu, Yuanbin; Hadiwinoto, Christian; Tetreault, Joel R.}
title = {The CoNLL-2013 Shared Task on Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3602}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Chang, Kai-Wei; Sammons, Mark; Roth, Dan}
title = {The University of Illinois System in the CoNLL-2013 Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3603}
author = {Kao, Ting-hui; Chang, Yu-wei; Chiu, Hsun-wen; Yen, Tzu-Hsi; Boisson, Joanne; Wu, Jian-Cheng; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {CoNLL-2013 Shared Task: Grammatical Error Correction NTHU System Description}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3604}
author = {Yoshimoto, Ippei; Kose, Tomoya; Mitsuzawa, Kensuke; Sakaguchi, Keisuke; Mizumoto, Tomoya; Hayashibe, Yuta; Komachi, Mamoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {NAIST at 2013 CoNLL Grammatical Error Correction Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3605}
author = {Xing, Junwen; Wang, Longyue; Wong, Derek F.; Chao, Lidia S.; Zeng, Xiaodong}
title = {UM-Checker: A Hybrid System for English Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3606}
author = {Buys, Jan; Merwe, Brink}
title = {A Tree Transducer Model for Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3607}
author = {Yuan, Zheng; Felice, Mariano}
title = {Constrained Grammatical Error Correction using Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3608}
author = {Berend, Gábor; Vincze, Veronika; Zarrieß, Sina; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {LFG-based Features for Noun Number and Article Grammatical Errors}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3609}
author = {Flickinger, Daniel P.; Yu, Jiye}
title = {Toward More Precision in Correction of Grammatical Errors}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3610}
author = {Jia, Zhongye; Wang, Peilu; Zhao, Hai}
title = {Grammatical Error Correction as Multiclass Classification with Single Model}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3611}
author = {Kunchukuttan, Anoop; Shah, Ritesh M.; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {IITB System for CoNLL 2013 Shared Task: A Hybrid Approach to Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3612}
author = {Putra, Desmond Darma; Szabo, Lili}
title = {UdS at CoNLL 2013 Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3613}
author = {Sidorov, Grigori; Gupta, Anubhav; Tozer, Martin; Catala, Dolors; Catena, Angels; Fuentes, Sandrine}
title = {Rule-based System for Automatic Grammar Correction Using Syntactic N-grams for English Language Learning (L2)}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3614}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Berck, Peter}
title = {Memory-based Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3615}
author = {Wilcox-O’Hearn, L. Amber}
title = {A Noisy Channel Model Framework for Grammatical Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3616}
author = {Xiang, Yang; Yuan, Bo; Zhang, Yaoyun; Wang, Xiaolong; Zheng, Wen; Wei, Chongqiang}
title = {A Hybrid Model For Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3617}
author = {Yi, Bong-Jun; Lee, Ho-Chang; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {KUNLP Grammatical Error Correction System For CoNLL-2013 Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-1601}
author = {Søgaard, Anders; Johannsen, Anders; Plank, Barbara; Hovy, Dirk; Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Martínez Alonso, Héctor}
title = {What's in a p-value in NLP?}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1602}
author = {Mason, Rebecca; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Domain-Specific Image Captioning}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1603}
author = {Berzak, Yevgeni; Reichart, Roi; Katz, Boris}
title = {Reconstructing Native Language Typology from Foreign Language Usage}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1604}
author = {Al-Badrashiny, Mohamed; Eskander, Ramy; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Automatic Transliteration of Romanized Dialectal Arabic}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1605}
author = {Barlacchi, Gianni; Nicosia, Massimo; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Learning to Rank Answer Candidates for Automatic Resolution of Crossword Puzzles}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1606}
author = {Modi, Ashutosh; Titov, Ivan}
title = {Inducing Neural Models of Script Knowledge}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1607}
author = {Andreas, Jacob; Klein, Dan}
title = {Grounding Language with Points and Paths in Continuous Spaces}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1608}
author = {Rei, Marek; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Looking for Hyponyms in Vector Space}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1609}
author = {Passos, Alexandre; Kumar, Vineet; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Lexicon Infused Phrase Embeddings for Named Entity Resolution}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1610}
author = {Levy, Omer; Dagan, Ido; Goldberger, Jacob}
title = {Focused Entailment Graphs for Open IE Propositions}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1611}
author = {Gupta, Sonal; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Improved Pattern Learning for Bootstrapped Entity Extraction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1612}
author = {Sil, Avirup; Cucerzan, Silviu}
title = {Towards Temporal Scoping of Relational Facts based on Wikipedia Data}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1613}
author = {Xiao, Min; Guo, Yuhong}
title = {Distributed Word Representation Learning for Cross-Lingual Dependency Parsing}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1614}
author = {Agić, Željko; Tiedemann, Jörg; Agić, Željko; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Treebank Translation for Cross-Lingual Parser Induction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1615}
author = {Garrette, Dan; Dyer, Chris; Baldridge, Jason; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Weakly-Supervised Bayesian Learning of a CCG Supertagger}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1616}
author = {Feng, Yang; Cohn, Trevor; Du, Xinkai}
title = {Factored Markov Translation with Robust Modeling}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1617}
author = {Irvine, Ann; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Hallucinating Phrase Translations for Low Resource MT}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1618}
author = {Levy, Omer; Goldberg, Yoav}
title = {Linguistic Regularities in Sparse and Explicit Word Representations}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1619}
author = {Melamud, Oren; Dagan, Ido; Goldberger, Jacob; Szpektor, Idan; Yuret, Deniz}
title = {Probabilistic Modeling of Joint-context in Distributional Similarity}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1620}
author = {Fourtassi, Abdellah; Dupoux, Emmanuel}
title = {A Rudimentary Lexicon and Semantics Help Bootstrap Phoneme Acquisition}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1701}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou; Wu, Siew Mei; Briscoe, Ted; Hadiwinoto, Christian; Susanto, Raymond Hendy; Bryant, Christopher}
title = {The CoNLL-2014 Shared Task on Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1702}
author = {Felice, Mariano; Yuan, Zheng; Andersen, Øistein E.; Yannakoudakis, Helen; Kochmar, Ekaterina}
title = {Grammatical error correction using hybrid systems and type filtering}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1703}
author = {Junczys-Dowmunt, Marcin; Grundkiewicz, Roman}
title = {The AMU System in the CoNLL-2014 Shared Task: Grammatical Error Correction by Data-Intensive and Feature-Rich Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1704}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Chang, Kai-Wei; Sammons, Mark; Roth, Dan; Habash, Nizar}
title = {The Illinois-Columbia System in the CoNLL-2014 Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1705}
author = {Boroş, Tiberiu; Dumitrescu, Stefan Daniel; Zafiu, Adrian; Mititelu, Verginica Barbu; Vaduva, Ionut Paul}
title = {RACAI GEC – A hybrid approach to Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1706}
author = {Gupta, Anubhav}
title = {Grammatical Error Detection Using Tagger Disagreement}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1707}
author = {Hdez., S. David; Calvo, Hiram}
title = {CoNLL 2014 Shared Task: Grammatical Error Correction with a Syntactic N-gram Language Model from a Big Corpora}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1708}
author = {Kunchukuttan, Anoop; Chaudhury, Sriram; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Tuning a Grammar Correction System for Increased Precision}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1709}
author = {Lee, Kyusong; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {POSTECH Grammatical Error Correction System in the CoNLL-2014 Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1710}
author = {Wang, Peilu; Jia, Zhongye; Zhao, Hai}
title = {Grammatical Error Detection and Correction using a Single Maximum Entropy Model}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1711}
author = {Wang, Yiming; Wang, Longyue; Zeng, Xiaodong; Wong, Derek F.; Chao, Lidia S.; Lu, Yi}
title = {Factored Statistical Machine Translation for Grammatical Error Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1712}
author = {Wu, Jian-Cheng; Yen, Tzu-Hsi; Chang, Jim; Huang, Guan-Cheng; Chang, Jimmy; Hsu, Hsiang-Ling; Chang, Yu-Wei; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {NTHU at the CoNLL-2014 Shared Task}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1713}
author = {Zhang, Longkai; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {A Unified Framework for Grammar Error Correction}
venue = {CoNLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W00-1401}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Rambow, Owen; Whittaker, Steve}
title = {Evaluation Metrics For Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1402}
author = {Carenini, Giuseppe}
title = {A Task-Based Framework To Evaluate Evaluative Arguments}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1403}
author = {Marcu, Daniel; Carlson, Lynn; Watanabe, Maki}
title = {An Empirical Study Of Multilingual Natural Language Generation: What Should A Text Planner Do?}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1404}
author = {Brun, Caroline; Dymetman, Marc; Lux, Veronika}
title = {Document Structure And Multilingual Authoring}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1405}
author = {Casillas, Arantza; Abaitua, Joseba; Martínez, Raquel}
title = {DTD-Driven Bilingual Document Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1406}
author = {Jitnah, Nathalie; Zukerman, Ingrid; McConachy, Richard; George, Sarah}
title = {Towards The Generation Of Rebuttals In A Bayesian Argumentation System}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1407}
author = {Carenini, Giuseppe; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {A Strategy For Generating Evaluative Arguments}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1408}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; McConachy, Richard; Korb, Kevin B.}
title = {Using Argumentation Strategies In Automated Argument Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1409}
author = {Becker, Tilman; Kilger, Anne; Lopez, Patrice; Poller, Peter}
title = {An Extended Architecture For Robust Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1410}
author = {Cahill, Lynne J.; Doran, Christine; Evans, Roger; Mellish, Chris S.; Paiva, Daniel S.; Reape, Mike; Scott, Donia R.; Tipper, Neil}
title = {Reinterpretation Of An Existing NLG System In A Generic Generation Architecture}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1411}
author = {Kibble, Rodger; Power, Richard}
title = {An Integrated Framework For Text Planning And Pronominalisation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1412}
author = {Guhe, Markus; Habel, Christopher U.; Tappe, Heike}
title = {Incremental Event Conceptualization And Natural Language Generation In Monitoring Enviroments}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1413}
author = {Stede, Manfred}
title = {The Hyperonym Problem Revisited: Conceptual And Lexical Hierarchies In Language Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1414}
author = {Shaw, James; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Generating Referring Quantified Expressions}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1415}
author = {Cheng, Hua; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {An Empirical Analysis Of Constructing Non-Restrictive NP Modifiers To Express Semantic Relations}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1416}
author = {Stone, Matthew}
title = {On Identifying Sets}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1417}
author = {Robin, Jacques; Favero, Eloi L.}
title = {Content Aggregation In Natural Language Hypertext Summarization Of OLAP And Data Mining Discoveries}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1418}
author = {O'Donnell, Michael; Knott, Alistair; Oberlander, Jon; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Optimising Text Quality In Generation From Relational Databases}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1419}
author = {Danlos, Laurence; Lapalme, Guy; Lux, Veronika}
title = {Generating A Controlled Language}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1420}
author = {Alexandersson, Jan; Poller, Peter; Kipp, Michael; Engel, Ralf}
title = {Multilingual Summary Generation In A Speech-To-Speech Translation System For Multilingual Dialogues}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1421}
author = {Endriss, Cornelia; Klabunde, Ralf}
title = {Planning Word-Order Dependant Focus Assignments}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1422}
author = {Channarukul, Songsak; McRoy, Susan W.; Ali, Syed S.}
title = {Enriching Partially-Specified Representations For Text Realization Using An Attribute Grammar}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1423}
author = {Cassell, Justine; Stone, Matthew; Yan, Hao}
title = {Coordination And Context-Dependence In The Generation Of Embodied Conversation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1424}
author = {van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Generating Vague Descriptions}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1425}
author = {Cheng, Hua; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Capturing The Interaction Between Aggregation And Text Planning In Two Generation Systems}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1426}
author = {Bouayad-Agha, Nadjet; Power, Richard; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {Can Text Structure Be Incompatible With Rhetorical Structure?}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1427}
author = {Minnen, Guido; Carroll, John; Pearce, Darren}
title = {Robust Applied Morphological Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1428}
author = {Jing, Hongyan; Netzer, Yael Dahan; Elhadad, Michael; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Integrating A Large-Scale Reusable Lexicon With A Natural Language Generator}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1429}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Robertson, Roma; Osman, Liesl}
title = {Knowledge Acquisition For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1430}
author = {Geldof, Sabine}
title = {From Context To Sentence Form}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1431}
author = {Reyes, Rodrigo}
title = {The CLEF Semi-Recursive Generation Algorithm}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1432}
author = {Hammervold, Kathrine}
title = {Sentence Generation And Neural Networks}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1433}
author = {Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Rhetorical Structure In Dialog}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1434}
author = {O'Donnell, Michael}
title = {RSTTool 2.4 - A Markup Tool For Rhetorical Structure Theory}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1435}
author = {O'Donnell, Michael; Knott, Alistair; Oberlander, Jon; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Demonstration Of ILEX 3.0}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1436}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd; Langjahr, Andreas; Wanner, Leo}
title = {A Development Environment For An MTT-Based Sentence Generator}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1437}
author = {McRoy, Susan W.; Channarukul, Songsak; Ali, Syed S.}
title = {YAG: A Template-Based Generator For Real-Time Systems}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1438}
author = {Silber, H. Gregory; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {An Efficient Text Summarizer Using Lexical Chains}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1439}
author = {Erteschik-Shir, Nomi; Rapoport, T. R.}
title = {Invited Talk: From Lexica-Aspectual Components To Syntax}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1440}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet}
title = {Discussion Panel On Evaluation In Generation Research}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2000}
id = {W06-1401}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Lessons Learned From Large Scale Evaluation Of Systems That Produce Text: Nightmares And Pleasant Surprises}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1402}
author = {Harbusch, Karin; Kempen, Gerard; Van Breugel, Camiel; Koch, Ulrich}
title = {A Generation-Oriented Workbench For Performance Grammar: Capturing Linear Order Variability In German And Dutch}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1403}
author = {White, Michael}
title = {CCG Chart Realization From Disjunctive Inputs}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1404}
author = {Varges, Sebastian}
title = {Overgeneration And Ranking For Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1405}
author = {Isard, Amy; Brockmann, Carsten; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Individuality And Alignment In Generated Dialogues}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1406}
author = {Lin, Jing}
title = {Using Distributional Similarity To Identify Individual Verb Choice}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1407}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Masuno, Naruaki; Sato, Satoshi; Utsuro, Takehito}
title = {Adjective-To-Verb Paraphrasing In Japanese Based On Lexical Constraints Of Verbs}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1408}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {Generating References To Parts Of Recursively Structured Objects}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1409}
author = {Paraboni, Ivandré; Masthoff, Judith; van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Overspecified Reference In Hierarchical Domains: Measuring The Benefits For Readers}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1410}
author = {Viethen, Jette; Dale, Robert}
title = {Algorithms For Generating Referring Expressions: Do They Do What People Do?}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1411}
author = {Funakoshi, Kotaro; Watanabe, Satoru; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Group-Based Generation Of Referring Expressions}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1412}
author = {Stoia, Laura; Shockley, Darla Magdalene; Byron, Donna K.; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Noun Phrase Generation For Situated Dialogs}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1413}
author = {Khan, Imtiaz Hussain; Ritchie, Graeme D.; van Deemter, Kees}
title = {The Clarity-Brevity Trade-Off In Generating Referring Expressions}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1414}
author = {Hallett, Catalina}
title = {Generic Querying Of Relational Databases Using Natural Language Generation Techniques}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1415}
author = {Moriceau, Veronique}
title = {Generating Intelligent Numerical Answers In A Question-Answering System}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1416}
author = {Karamanis, Nikiforos; Ha, Le An; Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {Generating Multiple-Choice Test Items From Medical Text: A Pilot Study}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1417}
author = {Green, Nancy L.}
title = {Generation Of Biomedical Arguments For Lay Readers}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1418}
author = {Belz, Anja; Dale, Robert}
title = {Introduction To The INLG'06 Special Session On Sharing Data And Comparative Evaluation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1419}
author = {Paris, Cécile L.; Colineau, Nathalie; Wilkinson, Ross}
title = {Evaluations Of NLG Systems: Common Corpus And Tasks Or Common Dimensions And Metrics?}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1420}
author = {van Deemter, Kees; Van Der Sluis, Ielka; Gatt, Albert}
title = {Building A Semantically Transparent Corpus For The Generation Of Referring Expressions}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1421}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {Shared-Task Evaluations In HLT: Lessons For NLG}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1422}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Belz, Anja}
title = {GENEVAL: A Proposal For Shared-Task Evaluation In NLG}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2006}
id = {W08-1101}
author = {Speer, Shari R.; Ito, Kiwako}
title = {Prominence and Phrasing in Spoken Discourse Processing}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1102}
author = {Stone, Matthew}
title = {Language Embodiment and Social Intelligence}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1103}
author = {Demir, Seniz; Carberry, Sandra; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Generating Textual Summaries of Bar Charts}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1104}
author = {Turner, Ross; Sripada, Somayajulu G.; Reiter, Ehud; Davy, Ian P.}
title = {Using Spatial Reference Frames to Generate Grounded Textual Summaries of Georeferenced Data}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1105}
author = {Filippova, Katja; Strube, Michael}
title = {Dependency Tree Based Sentence Compression}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1106}
author = {Carenini, Giuseppe; Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit}
title = {Extractive vs. NLG-based Abstractive Summarization of Evaluative Text: The Effect of Corpus Controversiality}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1107}
author = {Areces, Carlos; Koller, Alexander; Striegnitz, Kristina}
title = {Referring Expressions as Formulas of Description Logic}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1108}
author = {Gatt, Albert; Belz, Anja}
title = {Attribute Selection for Referring Expression Generation: New Algorithms and Evaluation Methods}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1109}
author = {Viethen, Jette; Dale, Robert}
title = {The Use of Spatial Relations in Referring Expression Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1110}
author = {Van Der Sluis, Ielka; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Using Tactical NLG to Induce Affective States: Empirical Investigations}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1111}
author = {DeVault, David; Traum, David R.; Artstein, Ron}
title = {Practical Grammar-Based NLG from Examples}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1112}
author = {Guo, Yuqing; Wang, Haifeng; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Accurate and Robust LFG-Based Generation for Chinese}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1113}
author = {Foster, Mary Ellen}
title = {Automated Metrics That Agree With Human Judgements On Generated Output for an Embodied Conversational Agent}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1114}
author = {Lu, Xin; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Ohlsson, Stellan; Fossati, Davide}
title = {Simple but effective feedback generation to tutor abstract problem solving}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1115}
author = {Thomas, Kavita; Sripada, Yaji}
title = {What's In a Message? Interpreting Geo-referenced Data for the Visually-impaired}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1116}
author = {O'Donnell, Mick}
title = {Evolving Questions in Text Planning}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1117}
author = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Gerstenberger, Ciprian; Kukina, Olga; Schehl, Jan}
title = {The Effect of Dialogue System Output Style Variation on Users' Evaluation Judgments and Input Style}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1118}
author = {Hielkema, Feikje; Mellish, Chris S.; Edwards, Peter}
title = {Evaluating an Ontology-Driven WYSIWYM Interface}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1119}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Gatt, Albert; Portet, Francois; van der Meulen, Marian}
title = {The Importance of Narrative and Other Lessons from an Evaluation of an NLG System that Summarises Clinical Data}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1120}
author = {Harris, Mary Dee}
title = {Building a Large-scale Commercial NLG System for an EMR}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1121}
author = {Hervás, Raquel; Gervás, Pablo}
title = {Degree of Abstraction in Referring Expression Generation and its Relation with the Construction of the Contrast Set}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1122}
author = {Hogan, Deirdre; Foster, Jennifer; Wagner, Joachim; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Parser-Based Retraining for Domain Adaptation of Probabilistic Generators}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1123}
author = {Marge, Matthew; Isard, Amy; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Creation of a New Domain and Evaluation of Comparison Generation in a Natural Language Generation System}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1124}
author = {Oh, Alice H.; Shrobe, Howard}
title = {Generating Baseball Summaries from Multiple Perspectives by Reordering Content}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1125}
author = {Vander Linden, Keith}
title = {A Dynamic Programming Approach to Document Length Constraints}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1126}
author = {Belz, Anja; Gatt, Albert}
title = {REG Challenge Preface}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1127}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric; Viethen, Jette; Gatt, Albert}
title = {The GREC Challenge 2008: Overview and Evaluation Results}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1128}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {IS-G: The Comparison of Different Learning Techniques for the Selection of the Main Subject References}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1129}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; Daelemans, Walter; Luyckx, Kim; Morante, Roser; Van Asch, Vincent}
title = {CNTS: Memory-Based Learning of Generating Repeated References}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1130}
author = {Jamison, Emily; Mehay, Dennis}
title = {OSU-2: Generating Referring Expressions with a Maximum Entropy Classifier}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1131}
author = {Gatt, Albert; Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric}
title = {The TUNA Challenge 2008: Overview and Evaluation Results}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1132}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {The Fingerprint of Human Referring Expressions and their Surface Realization with Graph Transducers (IS-FP IS-GT IS-FP-GT)}}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1133}
author = {Di Fabbrizio, Giuseppe; Stent, Amanda J.; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Referring Expression Generation Using Speaker-based Attribute Selection and Trainable Realization (ATTR)}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1134}
author = {Gervás, Pablo; Hervás, Raquel; León, Carlos}
title = {NIL-UCM: Most-Frequent-Value-First Attribute Selection and Best-Scoring-Choice Realization}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1135}
author = {de Lucena, Diego Jesus; Paraboni, Ivandré}
title = {USP-EACH Frequency-based Greedy Attribute Selection for Referring Expressions Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1136}
author = {Kelleher, John D.; Mac Namee, Brian}
title = {Referring Expression Generation Challenge 2008 DIT System Descriptions (DIT-FBI DIT-TVAS DIT-CBSR DIT-RBR DIT-FBI-CBSR DIT-TVAS-RBR)}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1137}
author = {King, Josh}
title = {OSU-GP: Attribute Selection Using Genetic Programming}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1138}
author = {Krahmer, Emiel; Theune, Mariët; Viethen, Jette; Hendrickx, Iris}
title = {GRAPH: The Costs of Redundancy in Referring Expressions}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1139}
author = {Paladhi, Sibabrata; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {JU-PTBSGRE: GRE Using Prefix Tree Based Structure}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1140}
author = {Pereira, Daniel Bastos; Paraboni, Ivandré}
title = {From TUNA Attribute Sets to Portuguese Text: a First Report}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2008}
id = {W10-4201}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric}
title = {Comparing Rating Scales and Preference Judgements in Language Evaluation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4202}
author = {Demir, Seniz; Carberry, Sandra; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {A Discourse-Aware Graph-Based Content-Selection Framework}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4203}
author = {Denis, Alexandre}
title = {Generating Referring Expressions with Reference Domain Theory}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4204}
author = {Dethlefs, Nina; Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto}
title = {Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Text Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4205}
author = {Elson, David K.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Tense and Aspect Assignment in Narrative Discourse}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4206}
author = {Gatt, Albert; Portet, Francois}
title = {Textual Properties and Task-based Evaluation: Investigating the Role of Surface Properties Structure and Content}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4207}
author = {Giuliani, Manuel; Foster, Mary Ellen; Isard, Amy; Matheson, Colin; Oberlander, Jon; Knoll, Alois}
title = {Situated Reference in a Hybrid Human-Robot Interaction System}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4208}
author = {Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Towards a Programmable Instrumented Generator}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4209}
author = {Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Using Semantic Web Technology to Support NLG. Case Study: OWL finds RAGS}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4210}
author = {Mitchell, Margaret; van Deemter, Kees; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Natural Reference to Objects in a Visual Domain}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4211}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond T.}
title = {Generating and Validating Abstracts of Meeting Conversations: a User Study}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4212}
author = {Ren, Yuan; van Deemter, Kees; Pan, Jeff Z.}
title = {Charting the Potential of Description Logic for the Generation of Referring Expressions}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4213}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith}
title = {Complex Lexico-syntactic Reformulation of Sentences Using Typed Dependency Representations}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4214}
author = {Spanger, Philipp; Iida, Ryu; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Terai, Asuka; Kuriyama, Naoko}
title = {Towards an Extrinsic Evaluation of Referring Expressions in Situated Dialogs}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4215}
author = {Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Piwek, Paul}
title = {Harvesting Re-usable High-level Rules for Expository Dialogue Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4216}
author = {de Kok, Daniël}
title = {Feature Selection for Fluency Ranking}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4217}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric}
title = {Extracting Parallel Fragments from Comparable Corpora for Data-to-text Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4218}
author = {Cristi, Maximiliano; Plüss, Brian}
title = {Generating Natural Language Descriptions of Z Test Cases}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4219}
author = {Dannells, Dana}
title = {Applying Semantic Frame Theory to Automate Natural Language Template Generation From Ontology Statements}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4220}
author = {McDonald, David D.; Greenbacker, Charles}
title = {'If you've heard it you can say it' - Towards an Account of Expressibility}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4221}
author = {Theune, Mariët; Koolen, Ruud; Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Cross-linguistic Attribute Selection for REG: Comparing Dutch and English}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4222}
author = {Williams, Sandra; Power, Richard}
title = {Grouping Axioms for More Coherent Ontology Descriptions}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4223}
author = {Wubben, Sander; van den Bosch, Antal; Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Paraphrase Generation as Monolingual Translation: Data and Evaluation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4224}
author = {Zender, Hendrik; Koppermann, Christopher; Greeve, Fai; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {Anchor-Progression in Spatially Situated Discourse: a Production Experiment}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4225}
author = {Belz, Anja; Gatt, Albert; Koller, Alexander}
title = {Generation Challenges 2010 Preface}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4226}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric}
title = {The GREC Challenges 2010: Overview and Evaluation Results}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4227}
author = {Bouchard, Guillaume}
title = {Named Entity Generation Using Sampling-based Structured Prediction}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4228}
author = {Charton, Éric; Gagnon, Michel; Ozell, Benoit}
title = {Poly-co: An Unsupervised Co-reference Detection System}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4229}
author = {Das, Amitava; Saikh, Tanik; Mondal, Tapabrata; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {JU_CSE_GREC10: Named Entity Generation at GREC 2010}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4230}
author = {Favre, Benoit; Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {The UMUS System for Named Entity Generation at GREC 2010}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4231}
author = {Greenbacker, Charles; Sparks, Nicole; McCoy, Kathleen F.; Kuo, Che-Yu}
title = {UDel: Refining a Method of Named Entity Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4232}
author = {Sparks, Nicole; Greenbacker, Charles; McCoy, Kathleen F.; Kuo, Che-Yu}
title = {UDel: Named Entity Recognition and Reference Regeneration from Surface Text}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4233}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Striegnitz, Kristina; Gargett, Andrew; Byron, Donna K.; Cassell, Justine; Dale, Robert; Moore, Johanna D.; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Report on the Second NLG Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments (GIVE-2)}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4234}
author = {Rus, Vasile; Wyse, Brendan; Piwek, Paul; Lintean, Mihai; Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Moldovan, Christian}
title = {The First Question Generation Shared Task Evaluation Challenge}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4235}
author = {Lemon, Oliver; Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Rieser, Verena}
title = {Generation Under Uncertainty}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4236}
author = {Dale, Robert; Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {Helping Our Own: Text Massaging for Computational Linguistics as a New Shared Task}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4237}
author = {Belz, Anja; White, Mike; van Genabith, Josef; Hogan, Deirdre; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Finding Common Ground: Towards a Surface Realisation Shared Task}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2010}
id = {W12-1501}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Natural Language Generation and Assistive Technologies}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1502}
author = {Lester, James C.}
title = {Expressive NLG for Next-Generation Learning Environments: Language, Affect, and Narrative}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1503}
author = {Mariët, Theune; Krahmer, Emiel; Koolen, Ruud}
title = {Learning Preferences for Referring Expression Generation: Effects of Domain, Language and Algorithm}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1504}
author = {Striegnitz, Kristina; Buschmeier, Hendrik; Kopp, Stefan}
title = {Referring in Installments: A Corpus Study of Spoken Object References in an Interactive Virtual Environment}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1505}
author = {Tait, Elizabeth; Van Der Wal, Rene; Melero, Yolanda; Mellish, Chris S.; Sripada, Somayajulu G.; Tintarev, Nava}
title = {MinkApp: Generating Spatio-temporal Summaries for Nature Conservation Volunteers}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1506}
author = {Wanner, Leo; Mille, Simon; Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {Towards a Surface Realization-Oriented Corpus Annotation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1507}
author = {Kruszewski, German; Gardent, Claire}
title = {Generation for Grammar Engineering}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1508}
author = {Gill, Alastair; Brockmann, Carsten; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Perceptions of Alignment and Personality in Generated Dialogue}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1509}
author = {Dethlefs, Nina; Hastie, Helen; Rieser, Verena; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Optimising Incremental Generation for Spoken Dialogue Systems: Reducing the Need for Fillers}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1510}
author = {Allman, Tod; Denton, Richard; Beale, Stephen}
title = {Linguist's Assistant: A Multi-Lingual Natural Language Generator based on Linguistic Universals, Typologies, and Primitives}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1511}
author = {Third, Allan}
title = {Hidden semantics: what can we learn from the names in an ontology?}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1512}
author = {Dannells, Dana}
title = {On generating coherent multilingual descriptions of museum objects from Semantic Web ontologies}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1513}
author = {Duboue, Pablo Ariel}
title = {Extractive email thread summarization: Can we do better than He Said She Said?}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1514}
author = {El Kholy, Ahmed; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Rich Morphology Generation Using Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1515}
author = {Albacete, Patricia; Ford, Michael; Wilson, Christine; Jordan, Pamela W.; Katz, Sandra}
title = {Reformulating student contributions in tutorial dialogue}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1516}
author = {Mahamood, Saad; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Working with Clinicians to Improve a Patient-Information NLG System}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1517}
author = {Mazzei, Alessandro}
title = {Sign Language Generation with Expert Systems and CCG}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1518}
author = {Nguyen, Tu Anh T.; Power, Richard; Piwek, Paul; Williams, Sandra}
title = {Planning Accessible Explanations for Entailments in OWL Ontologies}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1519}
author = {Lindberg, David; Popowich, Fred; Mosny, Milan}
title = {Interactive Natural Language Query Construction for Report Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1520}
author = {Green, Matthew; van der Wal, Rene; Mellish, Chris S.; Siddharthan, Advaith; van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Blogging birds: Generating narratives about reintroduced species to promote public engagement}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1521}
author = {Chaudri, Vinay; Banik, Eva; Oza, Umangi; Kow, Eric; Dinesh, Nikhil}
title = {Natural Language Generation for a Smart Biology Textbook}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1522}
author = {Ding, Duo; Rawat, Shourabh; Schulam, Peter; Burger, Susanne; Metze, Florian}
title = {Generating Natural Language Summaries for Multimedia}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1523}
author = {Han, Xufeng; Hayes, Jeff; Mitchell, Margaret}
title = {Midge: Generating Descriptions of Images}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1524}
author = {Challenge, Generation}
title = {Preface to Papers for GenChal}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1525}
author = {Belz, Anja; Bohnet, Bernd; Mille, Simon; Wanner, Leo; White, Michael}
title = {The Surface Realisation Task: Recent Developments and Future Plans}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1526}
author = {Liang, Fennie; Scott, Donia R.; Banik, Eva; Dinesh, Nikhil; Gardent, Claire}
title = {KBGen – Text Generation from Knowledge Bases as a New Shared Task}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1527}
author = {Casamayor, Gerard; Bouayad-Agha, Nadjet; Mellish, Chris S.; Wanner, Leo}
title = {Content Selection From Semantic Web Data}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1528}
author = {White, Michael}
title = {Shared Task Proposal: Syntactic Paraphrase Ranking}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2012}
id = {W14-4401}
author = {Sripada, Somayajulu G.; Burnett, Neil; Turner, Ross; Mastin, John; Evans, Dave}
title = {A Case Study: NLG meeting Weather Industry Demand for Quality and Quantity of Textual Weather Forecasts}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4402}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di; Boyd, Andrew; Lugaresi, Camillo; Balasubramanian, Abhinaya; Keenan, Gail; Burton, Mike; Goncalves, M. R.; Li, Jianrong; Lussier, Yves}
title = {PatientNarr: Towards generating patient-centric summaries of hospital stays}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4403}
author = {Banaee, Hadi; Loutfi, Amy}
title = {Using Conceptual Spaces to Model Domain Knowledge in Data-to-Text Systems}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4404}
author = {Angrosh, Mandya; Siddharthan, Advaith}
title = {Text simplification using synchronous dependency grammars: Generalising automatically harvested rules}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4405}
author = {Ell, Basil; Harth, Andreas}
title = {A language-independent method for the extraction of RDF verbalization templates}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4406}
author = {Danlos, Laurence; Maskharashvili, Aleksandre; Pogodalla, Sylvain}
title = {An ACG Analysis of the G-TAG Generation Process}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4407}
author = {Oya, Tatsuro; Mehdad, Yashar; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond; Ng, Raymond T.}
title = {A Template-based Abstractive Meeting Summarization: Leveraging Summary and Source Text Relationships}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4408}
author = {Di Fabbrizio, Giuseppe; Stent, Amanda; Stent, Amanda J.; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to Multi-document Summarization of Opinions in Reviews}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4409}
author = {Moraes, Priscilla; McCoy, Kathy; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Adapting Graph Summaries to the Users’ Reading Levels}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4410}
author = {Miller, John E.; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Experimental Design to Improve Topic Analysis Based Summarization}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4411}
author = {Izgalieva, Rumiya; Vale, Daniel; Vales, Elisa}
title = {Towards a Description of Symbolic Maps}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4412}
author = {de Oliveira, Rodrigo; Sripada, Somayajulu G.}
title = {Adapting SimpleNLG for Brazilian Portuguese realisation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4413}
author = {Moraes, Priscilla; Sina, Gabriel; McCoy, Kathy; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Generating Summaries of Line Graphs}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4414}
author = {Chen, Yun-Nung; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Two-Stage Stochastic Email Synthesizer}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4415}
author = {Sarma, Bandita; Das, Amitava; Nielsen, Rodney D.}
title = {A Framework for Health Behavior Change using Companionable Robots}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4416}
author = {Ballesteros, Miguel; Mille, Simon; Wanner, Leo}
title = {Classifiers for data-driven deep sentence generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4417}
author = {Webster, Gemma; Mellish, Chris S.; Sripada, Somayajulu G.; Van der Wal, Rene; Arts, Koen; Melero, Yolanda; Lambin, Xavier}
title = {Determining Content for Unknown Users: Lessons from the MinkApp Case Study}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4418}
author = {Mori, Shinsuke; Maeta, Hirokuni; Sasada, Tetsuro; Yoshino, Koichiro; Hashimoto, Atsushi; Funatomi, Takuya; Yamakata, Yoko}
title = {FlowGraph2Text: Automatic Sentence Skeleton Compilation for Procedural Text Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4419}
author = {Mahamood, Saad; Bradshaw, William; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Generating Annotated Graphs using the NLG Pipeline Architecture}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4420}
author = {Demir, Seniz}
title = {Generating Valence Shifted Turkish Sentences}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4421}
author = {Han, Xiwu; Sripada, Somayajulu G.; Macleod, Kit; Ioris, Antonio}
title = {Latent User Models for Online River Information Tailoring}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4422}
author = {Gkatzia, Dimitra; Hastie, Helen; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Multi-adaptive Natural Language Generation using Principal Component Regression}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4423}
author = {Jordan, Pamela W.; Green, Nancy L.; Thomas, Chistopher; Holm, Susan}
title = {TBI-Doc: Generating Patient & Clinician Reports from Brain Imaging Data}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4424}
author = {White, Michael}
title = {Towards Surface Realization with CCGs Induced from Dependencies}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4425}
author = {Chen, Yun-Nung; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Two-Stage Stochastic Natural Language Generation for Email Synthesis by Modeling Sender Style and Topic Structure}
venue = {INLG}
year = {2014}
id = {W96-0007}
author = {Power, Richard; Cavallotto, Nico}
title = {Multilingual Generation Of Administrative Forms}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0401}
author = {Wanner, Leo; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {The HealthDoc Sentence Planner}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0402}
author = {Vander Linden, Keith; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Learning Micro-Planning Rules For Preventive Expressions}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0403}
author = {Huang, Xiaorong; Fiedler, Armin}
title = {Paraphrasing And Aggregating Argumentative Texts Using Text Structure}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0404}
author = {Nicolov, Nicolas; Mellish, Chris S.; Ritchie, Graeme D.}
title = {Approximate Generation From Non-Hierarchical Representations}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0405}
author = {O'Donnell, Michael}
title = {Input Specification In The WAG Sentence Generation System}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0406}
author = {Fasciano, Massimo; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {PostGraphe: A System For The Generation Of Statistical Graphics And Text}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0407}
author = {Sheremetyeva, Svetlana; Nirenburg, Sergei; Nirenburg, Irene B.}
title = {Generating Patent Claims From Interactive Input}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0408}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.; Pennington, Christopher A.; Suri, Linda Z.}
title = {Considering The Effects Of Second Language Learning On Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0409}
author = {Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Oflazer, Kemal; Cicekli, Ilyas}
title = {Tactical Generation In A Free Constituent Order Language}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0410}
author = {Stone, Matthew; Doran, Christine}
title = {Paying Heed To Collocations}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0411}
author = {Busemann, Stephan}
title = {Best-First Surface Realization}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0412}
author = {Yeh, Ching-Long}
title = {An Evaluation Of Anaphor Generation In Chinese}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0413}
author = {Creaney, Norman}
title = {An Algorithm For Generating Quantifiers}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0414}
author = {Cerbah, Farid}
title = {A Study'of Some Lexical Differences Between French And Englisfi Instructions In A Multilingual Generation Framework}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0415}
author = {Stede, Manfred}
title = {A Generative Perspective On Verbs And Their Readings}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0416}
author = {Knott, Alistair; Mellish, Chris S.; Oberlander, Jon; O'Donnell, Michael}
title = {Sources Of Flexibility In Dynamic Hypertext Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0417}
author = {Milosavljevic, Maria; Dale, Robert}
title = {Strategies For Comparison In Encyclopedia Descriptions}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0418}
author = {Grote, Brigitte}
title = {Matchmaking: Dialogue Modelling And Speech Generation Meet}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0501}
author = {Elhadad, Michael; Robin, Jacques}
title = {An Overview Of SURGE: A Reusable Comprehensive Syntactic Realization Component}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0502}
author = {Jakeway, Bruce; DiMarco, Chrysanne}
title = {SPLAT: A Sentence-Plan Authoring Tool}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0503}
author = {Lavoie, Benoit; Rambow, Owen; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {The ModelExplainer}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0504}
author = {Paris, Cécile L.; Vander Linden, Keith}
title = {Drafter: An Interactive Support Tool For Writing}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0506}
author = {Beale, Stephen; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {PICARD: The Next Generator}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0507}
author = {Coch, Jose}
title = {Overview Of AlethGen}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0508}
author = {Dalianis, Hercules; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {On Lexical Aggregation And Ordering}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0509}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di; Moore, Johanna D.; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Generating 'Distributed' Referring Expressions: An Initial Report}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0510}
author = {Hoffman, Beryl}
title = {Summarization: An Application For NL Generation}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0511}
author = {Lin, Yuen Q.; Fawcett, Robin P.}
title = {Implementing An Integration Of The Systemic Flowchart Model Of Dialogue And Rhetorical Structure Theory}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0512}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {An Architecture For Distributed Natural Language Summarization}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0513}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne; Beale, Stephen}
title = {Multilinguality And Reversibility In Computational Semantic Lexicons}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0514}
author = {Ziesche, Soenke}
title = {The Computation Of The Informational Status Of Discourse Entities}
venue = {INLG}
year = {1996}
id = {M91-1001}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Overview Of The Third Message Understanding Evaluation And Conference}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1002}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {MUC-3 Evaluation Metrics}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1003}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Comparing MUCK-II And MUC-3: Assessing The Difficulty Of Different Tasks}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1004}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {MUC-3 Linguistic Phenomena Test Experiment}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1005}
author = {Balcom, Laura Blumer; Tong, Richard M.}
title = {Advanced Decision Systems' CODEX: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1006}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Ayuso, Damaris M.; Boisen, Sean; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Palmucci, Jeff}
title = {BBN PLUM: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1007}
author = {Krupka, George R.; Iwanska, Lucja M.; Jacobs, Paul S.; Rau, Lisa F.}
title = {GE NLTOOLSET: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1008}
author = {Taylor, II, Charles T.}
title = {GTE'S Text Interpretation Aid (TIA): MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1009}
author = {Dolan, Charles P.; Goldman, Seth R.; Cuda, Thomas V.; Nakamura, Alan M.}
title = {HUGHES Trainable Text Skimmer: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1010}
author = {Dahlgren, Kathleen; Lord, Carol; Wada, Hajime; McDowell, Joyce; Stabler, Edward P.}
title = {ITP INTERPRETEXT System: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1011}
author = {Montgomery, Christine A.; Glover Stalls, Bonnie; Belvin, Robert S.; Stumberger, Robert E.}
title = {Language Systems Inc. MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1012}
author = {De Hilster, David; Meyers, Amnon}
title = {McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems Company: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1013}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sterling, John; Macleod, Catherine}
title = {New York University PROTEUS System: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1014}
author = {Kariya, Cheryl}
title = {PRC PAKTUS: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1015}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {SRI International's TACITUS System: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1016}
author = {Mayfield, James; Addison, Edwin}
title = {SYNCHRONETICS: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1017}
author = {Weir, Carl; McEntire, Robin; Silk, Barry; Finin, Timothy W.}
title = {UNISYS: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1018}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.; Cardie, Claire; Fisher, David; Riloff, Ellen; Williams, Robert}
title = {University Of Massachusetts: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1019}
author = {Deogun, Jitender S.; Raghavan, Vijay V.}
title = {UNL/USL: MUC-3 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1020}
author = {Balcom, Laura Blumer; Tong, Richard M.}
title = {Advanced Decision Systems: Description Of The CODEX System As Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1021}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Ayuso, Damaris M.; Boisen, Sean; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Palmucci, Jeff}
title = {BBN: Description Of The PLUM System As Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1022}
author = {Krupka, George R.; Jacobs, Paul S.; Rau, Lisa F.; Iwanska, Lucja M.}
title = {GE: Description Of The NLTOOLSET System As Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1023}
author = {Dietz, Robert}
title = {GTE: Description Of The TIA System Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1024}
author = {Dolan, Charles P.; Goldman, Seth R.; Cuda, Thomas V.; Nakamura, Alan M.}
title = {HUGHES Trainable Text Skimmer: Description Of The TTS System As Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1025}
author = {Dahlgren, Kathleen; Lord, Carol; Wada, Hajime; McDowell, Joyce; Stabler, Edward P.}
title = {ITP: Description Of The INTERPRETEXT System As Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1026}
author = {Montgomery, Christine A.; Glover Stalls, Bonnie; Belvin, Robert S.; Stumberger, Robert E.}
title = {Language Systems Inc. Description Of The DBG System As Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1027}
author = {De Hilster, David; Meyers, Amnon}
title = {Mcdonnell Douglas Electronic Systems Company: Description Of The INLET System Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1028}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sterling, John; Macleod, Catherine}
title = {New York University Description Of The PROTEUS System As Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1029}
author = {Loatman, Bruce}
title = {PRC Inc: Description Of The PAKTUS System Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1030}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {SRI International: Description Of The TACITUS System As Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1031}
author = {Mayfield, James}
title = {SYNCHRONETICS: Description Of The SYNCHRONETICS System Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1032}
author = {Weir, Carl; Finin, Timothy W.; McEntire, Robin; Silk, Barry}
title = {UNISYS: Description Of The UNISYS System Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1033}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.; Cardie, Claire; Fisher, David; Riloff, Ellen; Williams, Robert}
title = {University Of Massachusetts: Description Of The CIRCUS System As Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1034}
author = {Deogun, Jitender S.; Raghavan, Vijay V.}
title = {Description Of The UNL/USL System Used For MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1035}
author = {Lewis, David D.}
title = {Data Extraction As Text Categorization: An Experiment With The MUC-3 Corpus}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M91-1036}
author = {Iwanska, Lucja M.; Appelt, Douglas E.; Ayuso, Damaris M.; Dahlgren, Kathleen; Glover Stalls, Bonnie; Grishman, Ralph; Krupka, George R.; Montgomery, Christine A.; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Computational Aspects Of Discourse In The Context Of MUC-3}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1991}
id = {M92-1001}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Overview Of The Fourth Message Understanding Evaluation And Conference}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1002}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {MUC-4 Evaluation Metrics}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1003}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {The Statistical Significance Of The MUC-4 Results}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1004}
author = {Lewis, David D.; Tong, Richard M.}
title = {Text Filtering In MUC-3 And MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1005}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {An Adjunct Test For Discourse Processing In MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1006}
author = {Krupka, George R.; Rau, Lisa F.}
title = {GE Adjunct Test Report: Object-Oriented Design And Scoring For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1007}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Ayuso, Damaris M.; Boisen, Sean; Fox, Heidi J.; Gish, Herbert; Ingria, Robert J. P.}
title = {BBN PLUM: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1008}
author = {Rau, Lisa F.; Krupka, George R.; Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {GE NLTOOLSET: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1009}
author = {Krupka, George R.; Jacobs, Paul S.; Mauldin, Michael L.; Kaufmann, Todd; Sider, Ira}
title = {TIPSTER SHOGUN System (Joint GE-CMU): MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1010}
author = {August, Stephanie E.; Dolan, Charles P.}
title = {Hughes Research Laboratories Trainable Text Skimmer: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1011}
author = {Montgomery, Christine A.; Glover Stalls, Bonnie; Stumberger, Robert E.; Li, Naicong; Belvin, Robert S.; Arnaiz, Alfredo; Hirsh Litenatsky, Susan}
title = {Language Systems Inc. MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1012}
author = {Meyers, Amnon; De Hilster, David}
title = {Mcdonnell Douglas Electronic Systems Company MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1013}
author = {Aberdeen, John; Burger, John D.; Connolly, Dennis; Roberts, Susan; Vilain, Marc B.}
title = {MITRE-Bedford ALEMBIC: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1014}
author = {Cowie, James R.; Guthrie, Louise; Wilks, Yorick; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {CRL/NMSU And Brandeis MucBruce: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1015}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sterling, John; Macleod, Catherine}
title = {New York University PROTEUS System: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1016}
author = {Weir, Carl; Silk, Barry}
title = {Paramax Systems Corporation: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1017}
author = {Loatman, Bruce}
title = {The PRC PAKTUS System: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1018}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; McKee, Douglas; Shinn, Sandy; Blejer, Hatte R.}
title = {SRA SOLOMON: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1019}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John; Hobbs, Jerry R.; Israel, David J.; Tyson, Mabry}
title = {SRI International FASTUS System MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1020}
author = {Mayfield, James}
title = {University Of Maryland/Conquest: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1021}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.; Cardie, Claire; Fisher, David; McCarthy, Joseph; Riloff, Ellen; Soderland, Stephen}
title = {University Of Massachusetts: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1022}
author = {Lytinen, Steven L.; Bhattacharyya, Sayan; Burridge, Robert R.; Hastings, Peter M.; Huyck, Christian; Lipinsky, Karen A.; McDaniel, Eric S.; Terrell, Karenann K.}
title = {The Link System: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1023}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Cha, Seungho; Chung, Minhwa; Hendrickson, Kenneth J.; Kim, Jun-Tae; Kowalski, S.}
title = {USC: MUC-4 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1024}
author = {Ayuso, Damaris M.; Boisen, Sean; Fox, Heidi J.; Gish, Herbert; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {BBN: Description Of The PLUM System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1025}
author = {Krupka, George R.; Jacobs, Paul S.; Rau, Lisa F.; Childs, Lois C.; Sider, Ira}
title = {GE NLTOOLSET: Description Of The System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1026}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.; Krupka, George R.; Rau, Lisa F.; Kaufmann, Todd; Mauldin, Michael L.}
title = {GE-CMU: Description Of The TIPSTER/SHOGUN System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1027}
author = {August, Stephanie E.; Dolan, Charles P.}
title = {Hughes Research Laboratories: Description Of The Trainable Text Skimmer Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1028}
author = {Montgomery, Christine A.; Glover Stalls, Bonnie; Stumberger, Robert E.; Li, Naicong; Belvin, Robert S.; Arnaiz, Alfredo; Hirsh Litenatsky, Susan}
title = {Language Systems Inc. Description Of The DBG System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1029}
author = {Meyers, Amnon; De Hilster, David}
title = {McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems Company: Description Of The TEXUS System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1030}
author = {Aberdeen, John; Burger, John D.; Connolly, Dennis; Roberts, Susan; Vilain, Marc B.}
title = {MITRE-Bedford: Description Of The ALEMBIC System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1031}
author = {Cowie, James R.; Guthrie, Louise; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {CRL/NMSU And Brandeis: Description Of The MucBruce System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1032}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Macleod, Catherine; Sterling, John}
title = {New York University Description Of The PROTEUS System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1033}
author = {Weir, Carl; Silk, Barry}
title = {PARAMAX Systems Corporation: Description Of The PARAMAX System Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1034}
author = {Loatman, Bruce}
title = {PRC Inc: Description Of The PAKTUS System Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1035}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; McKee, Douglas; Shinn, Sandy; Blejer, Hatte R.}
title = {SRA: Description Of The SOLOMON System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1036}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Appelt, Douglas E.; Tyson, Mabry; Bear, John; Israel, David J.}
title = {SRI International: Description Of The FASTUS System Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1037}
author = {Mayfield, James}
title = {University Of Maryland/Conquest: Description Of The ICTOAN System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1038}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.; Cardie, Claire; Fisher, David; McCarthy, Joseph; Riloff, Ellen; Soderland, Stephen}
title = {University Of Massachusetts : Description Of The CIRCUS System As Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1039}
author = {Lytinen, Steven L.; Bhattacharyya, Sayan; Burridge, Robert R.; Hastings, Peter M.; Huyck, Christian; Lipinsky, Karen A.; McDaniel, Eric S.; Terrell, Karenann K.}
title = {Description Of The LINK System Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M92-1040}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Chet, S.; Chung, Minhwa; Hendrickson, Kenneth J.; Kim, Jun-Tae; Kowalski, S.}
title = {USC: Description Of The SNAP System Used For MUC-4}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1992}
id = {M93-1001}
author = {Carlson, Lynn; Onyshkevych, Boyan A.; Okurowski, Mary Ellen}
title = {Corpora And Data Preparation}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1002}
author = {Onyshkevych, Boyan A.; Okurowski, Mary Ellen; Carlson, Lynn}
title = {Tasks Domains And Languages}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1003}
author = {Onyshkevych, Boyan A.}
title = {Template Design For Information Extraction}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1004}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {TIPSTER/MUC-5 Information Extraction System Evaluation}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1005}
author = {Okurowski, Mary Ellen}
title = {Domain And Language Evaluation Results}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1006}
author = {Will, Craig A.}
title = {Comparing Human And Machine Performance For Natural Language Information Extraction: Results For English Microelectronics From The MUC-5 Evaluation}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1007}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.; Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {MUC-5 Evaluation Metrics}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1008}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {The Statistical Significance Of The MUC-5 Results}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1009}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {The Generic Information Extraction System}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1010}
author = {, The PLUM Research Group}
title = {BBN: Description Of The PLUM System As Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1011}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.; Krupka, George R.; Rau, Lisa F.}
title = {GE-CMU: Description Of The SHOGUN System Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1012}
author = {Montgomery, Christine A.; Stumberger, Robert E.; Glover Stalls, Bonnie; Li, Naicong; Belvin, Robert S.; Hirsh Litenatsky, Susan}
title = {Language Systems Inc.: Description Of The DBG System As Used For MUC-51}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1013}
author = {Aberdeen, John; Burger, John D.; Connolly, Dennis; Roberts, Susan; Vilain, Marc B.}
title = {MITRE-Bedford: Description Of The Alembic System As Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1014}
author = {Muraki, Kazunori; Doi, Shinichi; Ando, Shinichi}
title = {NEC: Description Of The VENIEX System As Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1015}
author = {Cowie, James R.; Guthrie, Louise; Wang, Jin; Wang, Rong; Wakao, Takahiro; Pustejovsky, James; Waterman, Scott}
title = {CRL/BRANDEIS: Description Of The DIDEROT System As Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1016}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sterling, John}
title = {New York University: Description Of The PROTEUS System As Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1017}
author = {Loatman, Bruce; Yang, Chih-King}
title = {PRC Inc.: Description Of The PAKTUS System Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1018}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Flank, Sharon; McKee, Douglas; Krause, Paul}
title = {SRA: Description Of The SOLOMON System As Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1019}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.; Hobbs, Jerry R.; Bear, John; Israel, David J.; Kameyama, Megumi; Tyson, Mabry}
title = {SRI: Description Of The JV-FASTUS System Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1020}
author = {Noah, William W.; Weeks, Rollin V.}
title = {TRW: Description Of The DEFT System As Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1021}
author = {Weir, Carl; Fritzson, Richard}
title = {UNISYS: Description Of The CBAS System Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1022}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {University Of Manitoba: Description Of The NUBA System As Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1023}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.; McCarthy, Joseph; Soderland, Stephen; Riloff, Ellen; Cardie, Claire; Peterson, Jill; Feng, Fangfang}
title = {UMASS/HUGHES: Description Of The CIRCUS System Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1024}
author = {Lytinen, Steven L.; Burridge, Robert R.; Hastings, Peter M.; Huyck, Christian}
title = {Description Of The LINK System Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1025}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Cha, Seungho; Chung, Minhwa; Gallippi, Anthony F.; Hendrickson, Kenneth J.; Kim, Jun-Tae; Lin, Changhwa; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {USC: Description Of The SNAP System Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1026}
author = {Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Cahill, Lynne J.; Evans, Roger}
title = {SUSSEX University: Description Of The SUSSEX System Used For MUC-5}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1027}
author = {Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Summary Of Workshop On Lexicons For Text Extraction}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1028}
author = {Stumberger, Robert E.}
title = {Report From The Text Analysis Techniques Topic Session}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1029}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {Information Extraction For The Future}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1030}
author = {Ayuso, Damaris M.}
title = {Topic Session On Discourse}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1031}
author = {McCarthy, Joseph}
title = {Tools And Techniques For Rapid Porting}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M93-1032}
author = {Rau, Lisa F.}
title = {Information Extraction And Evaluation}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1993}
id = {M95-1001}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Design Of The MUC-6 Evaluation}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1002}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Overview Of Results Of The MUC-6 Evaluation}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1003}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.; Dungca, Gary}
title = {Four Scorers And Seven Years Ago: The Scoring Method For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1004}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {Statistical Significance Of MUC-6 Results}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1005}
author = {Vilain, Marc B.; Burger, John D.; Aberdeen, John; Connolly, Dennis; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {A Model-Theoretic Coreference Scoring Scheme}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1006}
author = {Ayuso, Damaris M.; Bikel, Daniel M.; Bobrow, Robert J.; Boisen, Sean; Burstein, Mark H.; Ferguson, William; Fox, Heidi J.; Hyde, Clinton; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Wechsler, Allan; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {BBN: Description Of The PLUM System As Used For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1007}
author = {Morgan, Richard G.; Garigliano, Roberto; Callaghan, Paul; Poria, Sanjay; Smith, Mark H.; Urbanowicz, Agnieszka; Collingham, Russell; Costantino, Marco; Cooper, Chris; , The LOLITA Group}
title = {University Of Durham: Description Of The LOLITA System As Used In MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1008}
author = {Borkovsky, Arkady}
title = {Knight-Ridder Information's Value Adding Name Finder: A Variation On The Theme Of FASTUS}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1009}
author = {Childs, Lois C.; Brady, Deborah; Guthrie, Louise; Franco, Jose; Valdes-Dapena, Dan; Reid, Bill; Kielty, John; Dierkes, Glenn; Sider, Ira}
title = {Lockheed Martin: LOUELLA Parsing An NLTOOLSET System For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1010}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {University Of Manitoba: Description Of The PIE System Used For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1011}
author = {Fisher, David; Soderland, Stephen; McCarthy, Joseph; Feng, Fangfang; Lehnert, Wendy G.}
title = {Description Of The UMass System As Used For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1012}
author = {Aberdeen, John; Burger, John D.; Day, David S.; Hirschman, Lynette; Robinson, Patricia; Vilain, Marc B.}
title = {MITRE: Description Of The Alembic System Used For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1013}
author = {Cowie, James R.}
title = {CRL/NMSU Description Of The CRL/NMSU Systems Used For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1014}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {The NYU System For MUC-6 Or Where's The Syntax?}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1015}
author = {Baldwin, Breck; Reynar, Jeffrey C.; Collins, Michael John; Eisner, Jason M.; Ratnaparkhi, Adwait; Rosenzweig, Joseph; Sarkar, Anoop; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {University Of Pennsylvania: Description Of The University Of Pennsylvania System Used For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1016}
author = {Miller, Lance A.}
title = {Description Of The SAIC DX System As Used For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1017}
author = {Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Wakao, Takahiro; Humphreys, Kevin; Cunningham, Hamish; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {University Of Sheffield: Description Of The LaSIE System As Used For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1018}
author = {Krupka, George R.}
title = {SRA: Description Of The SRA System As Used For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1019}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.; Hobbs, Jerry R.; Bear, John; Israel, David J.; Kameyama, Megumi; Kehler, Andrew; Martin, David; Myers, Karen; Tyson, Mabry}
title = {SRI International FASTUS System MUC-6 Test Results And Analysis}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1020}
author = {Lee, Richard}
title = {Sterling Software: An NLTOOLSET-Based System For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M95-1021}
author = {Iwanska, Lucja M.; Croll, Mary; Yoon, Taewan; Adams, Maria}
title = {Wayne State University: Description Of The UNO Natural Language Processing System As Used For MUC-6}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1995}
id = {M98-0023}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {MUC-7 Test Scores Introduction}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1001}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {Overview Of MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1002}
author = {Marsh, Elaine; Perzanowski, Dennis}
title = {MUC-7 Evaluation Of IE Technology: Overview Of Results}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1003}
author = {Bagga, Amit}
title = {Analyzing The Complexity Of A Domain With Respect To An Information Extraction Task}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1004}
author = {Fukumoto, Jun'ichi; Masui, Fumito; Shimcheta, M.; Saski, M.}
title = {Description Of The Oki System As Used For MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1005}
author = {Garigliano, Roberto; Urbanowicz, Agnieszka; Nettleton, D. J.}
title = {University Of Durham: Description Of The LOLITA System As Used In MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1006}
author = {Lin, Dekang}
title = {Using Collocation Statistics In Information Extraction}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1007}
author = {Humphreys, Kevin; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Azzam, Saliha; Huyck, Christian; Mitchell, B.; Cunningham, Hamish; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {University Of Sheffield: Description Of The LaSIE-II System As Used For MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1008}
author = {Huyck, Christian}
title = {American University In Cairo: Description Of The American University In Cairo's System Used For MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1009}
author = {Miller, Scott; Crystal, Michael; Fox, Heidi J.; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Schwartz, Richard M.; Stone, Rebecca; Weischedel, Ralph M.; , The Annotation Group}
title = {Algorithms That Learn To Extract Information - BBN: Description Of The SIFT System As Used For MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1010}
author = {Brady, Deborah; Childs, Lois C.; Cassel, David; Magee, Bob; Heintzelman, Norris; Weir, Carl}
title = {Description Of Lockheed Martin's NLToolset As Applied To MUC-7 (AATM7)}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1011}
author = {Yangarber, Roman; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {NYU: Description Of The Proteus/PET System As Used For MUC-7 ST}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1012}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Halverson, Lauren; Hampton, Tom; Ramos-Santacruz, Mila}
title = {SRA: Description Of The IE2 System Used For MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1013}
author = {Patten, Terry; Hoffman, Beryl; Thurn, Martin}
title = {TASC: Description Of The TASC System Used For MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1014}
author = {Black, William J.; Rinaldi, Fabio; Mowatt, David}
title = {FACILE: Description Of The NE System Used For MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1015}
author = {Krupka, George R.; Hausman, Kevin}
title = {IsoQuest Inc.: Description Of The NetOwl (TM) Extractor System As Used For MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1016}
author = {Yu, Shihong; Bai, Shuanhu; Wu, Paul}
title = {Description Of The Kent Ridge Digital Labs System Used For MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1017}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Ding, Yung-Wei; Tsai, Shih-Chung; Bian, Guo-Wei}
title = {Description Of The NTU System Used For MET-2}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1018}
author = {Borthwick, Andrew; Sterling, John; Agichtein, Eugene; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {NYU: Description Of The MENE Named Entity System As Used In MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1019}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Description Of The Japanese NE System Used For MET-2}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1020}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Shimohata, Mitsuo; Masui, Fumito; Sasaki, Minoru}
title = {Oki Electric Industry: Description Of The Oki System As Used For MET-2}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1021}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei; Grover, Claire; Moens, Marc}
title = {Description Of The LTG System Used For MUC-7}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1022}
author = {Baldwin, Breck; Morton, Thomas S.; Bagga, Amit; Baldridge, Jason; Chandrasekar, Raman; Dimitriadis, Alexis; Snyder, Kieran; Wolska, Magdalena}
title = {Description Of The UPENN CAMP System As Used For Coreference}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1027}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {MUC-7 Information Extraction Task Definition (Version 5.1)}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1028}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {MUC-7 Named Entity Task Definition (Version 3.5)}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1029}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {MUC-7 Coreference Task Definition (Version 3.0)}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {M98-1030}
author = {Douthat, A.}
title = {The Message Understanding Conference Scoring Software User's Manual}
venue = {MUC}
year = {1998}
id = {W05-1601}
author = {Belz, Anja}
title = {Statistical Generation: Three Methods Compared And Evaluated}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1602}
author = {Biller, Ofer; Elhadad, Michael; Netzer, Yael Dahan}
title = {Interactive Authoring Of Logical Forms For Multilingual Generation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1603}
author = {Busemann, Stephan}
title = {Ten Years After: An Update On TG/2 (And Friends)}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1604}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael}
title = {Real-Time Stochastic Language Generation For Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1605}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Kow, Eric}
title = {Generating And Selecting Grammatical Paraphrases}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1606}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {Generating Referential Descriptions Under Conditions Of Uncertainty}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1607}
author = {Kelleher, John D.; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {A Context-Dependent Algorithm For Generating Locative Expressions In Physically Situated Environments}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1608}
author = {Kranstedt, Alfred; Wachsmuth, Ipke}
title = {Incremental Generation Of Multimodal Deixis Referring To Objects}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1609}
author = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {Context-Sensitive Utterance Planning For CCG}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1610}
author = {Lönneker-Rodman, Birte}
title = {Narratological Knowledge For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1611}
author = {Marciniak, Tomasz; Strube, Michael}
title = {Discrete Optimization As An Alternative To Sequential Processing In NLG}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1612}
author = {Marsi, Erwin; Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Explorations In Sentence Fusion}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1613}
author = {Mellish, Chris S.; Sun, Xiantang}
title = {Natural Language Directed Inference In The Presentation Of Ontologies}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1614}
author = {Ritchie, Graeme D.}
title = {Computational Mechanisms For Pun Generation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1615}
author = {Sripada, Somayajulu G.; Reiter, Ehud; Hawizy, Lezan}
title = {Evaluation Of An NLG System Using Post-Edit Data: Lessons Learnt}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1616}
author = {Williams, Sandra; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Generating Readable Texts For Readers With Low Basic Skills}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1617}
author = {Androutsopoulos, Ion; Kallonis, Spyros; Karkaletsis, Vangelis}
title = {Exploiting OWL Ontologies In The Multilingual Generation Of Object Descriptions}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1618}
author = {Aouladomar, Farida; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Towards Generating Procedural Texts: An Exploration Of Their Rhetorical And Argumentative Structure}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1619}
author = {Callaway, Charles B.}
title = {The Types And Distributions Of Errors In A Wide Coverage Surface Realizer Evaluation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1620}
author = {Hervás, Raquel; Gervás, Pablo}
title = {An Evolutionary Approach To Referring Expression Generation And Aggregation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1621}
author = {Karamanis, Nikiforos; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Using A Corpus Of Sentence Orderings Defined By Many Experts To Evaluate Metrics Of Coherence For Text Structuring}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1622}
author = {Klabunde, Ralf}
title = {When Must Should Be Chosen}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1623}
author = {Klarner, Martin}
title = {Reversibility And Re-Usability Of Resources In NLG And Natural Language Dialog Systems}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1624}
author = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Blaylock, Nate; Gerstenberger, Ciprian; Rieser, Verena; Becker, Tilman; Kaisser, Michael; Poller, Peter; Schehl, Jan}
title = {An Experiment Setup For Collecting Data For Adaptive Output Planning In A Multimodal Dialogue System}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1625}
author = {Moriceau, Veronique}
title = {Answer Generation With Temporal Data Integration}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1626}
author = {Varges, Sebastian}
title = {Chart Generation Using Production Systems}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1627}
author = {Varges, Sebastian}
title = {Spatial Descriptions As Referring Expressions In The MapTask Domain}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1628}
author = {Wan, Stephen; Dale, Robert; Dras, Mark}
title = {Searching For Grammaticality: Propagating Dependencies In The Viterbi Algorithm}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2005}
id = {W11-0101}
author = {Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {The Semantics of Dialogue Acts}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0102}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A New Semantics: Merging Propositional and Distributional Information}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0103}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Chang, Pi-Chuan; Ringgaard, Michael}
title = {Deterministic Statistical Mapping of Sentences to Underspecified Semantics}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0104}
author = {Banea, Carmen; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation with Multilingual Features}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0105}
author = {Baral, Chitta; Dzifcak, Juraj; Gonzalez, Marcos Alvarez; Zhou, Jiayu}
title = {Using Inverse lambda and Generalization to Translate English to Formal Languages}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0106}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {A Model for Composing Semantic Relations}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0107}
author = {Blythe, James; Hobbs, Jerry R.; Domingos, Pedro; Kate, Rohit J.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Implementing Weighted Abduction in Markov Logic}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0108}
author = {Bonfante, Guillaume; Guillaume, Bruno; Morey, Mathieu; Perrier, Guy}
title = {Modular Graph Rewriting to Compute Semantics}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0109}
author = {Bott, Oliver; Schlotterbeck, Fabian; Szymanik, Jakub}
title = {Interpreting tractable versus intractable reciprocal sentences}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0110}
author = {Brown, Susan Windisch; Dligach, Dmitriy; Palmer, Martha}
title = {VerbNet Class Assignment as a WSD Task}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0111}
author = {Faruqui, Manaal; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {Acquiring entailment pairs across languages and domains: A Data Analysis}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0112}
author = {Garrette, Dan; Erk, Katrin; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Integrating Logical Representations with Probabilistic Information using Markov Logic}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0113}
author = {Gotsoulia, Voula}
title = {An Abstract Schema for Representing Semantic Roles and Modelling the Syntax-Semantics Interface}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0114}
author = {Grefenstette, Edward; Sadrzadeh, Mehrnoosh; Clark, Stephen; Coecke, Bob; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Concrete Sentence Spaces for Compositional Distributional Models of Meaning}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0115}
author = {Guevara, Emiliano Raul}
title = {Computing Semantic Compositionality in Distributional Semantics}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0116}
author = {Gusev, Andrey; Chambers, Nathanael; Khilnani, Divye Raj; Khaitan, Pranav; Bethard, Steven; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Using Query Patterns to Learn the Duration of Events}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0117}
author = {Hayashi, Yoshihiko}
title = {A Representation Framework for Cross-lingual/Interlingual Lexical Semantic Correspondences}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0118}
author = {Herbelot, Aurélie; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Formalising and specifying underquantification}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0119}
author = {Howald, Blake Stephen; Katz, Graham}
title = {The Exploitation of Spatial Information in Narrative Discourse}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0120}
author = {Leong, Chee Wee; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Measuring the semantic relatedness between words and images}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0121}
author = {Montazeri, Niloofar; Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Elaborating a Knowledge Base for Deep Lexical Semantics}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0122}
author = {Niemann, Elisabeth; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {The People's Web meets Linguistic Knowledge: Automatic Sense Alignment of Wikipedia and WordNet}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0123}
author = {Ohki, Megumi; Nichols, Eric; Matsuyoshi, Suguru; Murakami, Koji; Mizuno, Junta; Masuda, Shouko; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Recognizing Confinement in Web Texts}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0124}
author = {Ovchinnikova, Ekaterina; Montazeri, Niloofar; Alexandrov, Theodore; Hobbs, Jerry R.; McCord, Michael C.; Mulkar, Rutu}
title = {Abductive Reasoning with a Large Knowledge Base for Discourse Processing}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0125}
author = {Petukhova, Volha; Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {Incremental dialogue act understanding}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0126}
author = {Reckman, Hilke; Orkin, Jeff; Roy, Deb}
title = {Extracting aspects of determiner meaning from dialogue in a virtual world environment}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0127}
author = {Robaldo, Livio}
title = {On the Maximalization of the witness sets in Independent Set readings}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0128}
author = {Utt, Jason; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {Ontology-based Distinction between Polysemy and Homonymy}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0129}
author = {Verdezoto, Nervo; Vieu, Laure}
title = {Towards semi-automatic methods for improving WordNet}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0130}
author = {Washtell, Justin}
title = {Compositional Expectation: A Purely Distributional Model of Compositional Semantics}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0131}
author = {Wu, Stephen; Schuler, William}
title = {Structured Composition of Semantic Vectors}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0132}
author = {Ahmed, Tafseer; Butt, Miriam}
title = {Discovering Semantic Classes for Urdu N-V Complex Predicates}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0133}
author = {Becker, Lee; Ward, Wayne H.; Van Vuuren, Sarel; Palmer, Martha}
title = {DISCUSS: A dialogue move taxonomy layered over semantic representations}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0134}
author = {Boussidan, Armelle; Ploux, Sabine}
title = {Using Topic Salience and Connotational Drifts to Detect Candidates to Semantic Change}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0135}
author = {Cabrio, Elena; Magnini, Bernardo}
title = {Towards Component-Based Textual Entailment}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0136}
author = {Clarke, Daoud; Weir, David; Lutz, Rudi}
title = {Algebraic Approaches to Compositional Distributional Semantics}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0137}
author = {Cotterill, Rachel}
title = {Question Classification for Email}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0138}
author = {Gruzitis, Normunds; Barzdins, Guntis}
title = {Towards a More Natural Multilingual Controlled Language Interface to OWL}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0139}
author = {Keshet, Ezra; Szymanski, Terrence; Tyndall, Stephen}
title = {BALLGAME: A Corpus for Computational Semantics}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0140}
author = {Lesmo, Leonardo; Mazzei, Alessandro; Radicioni, Daniele P.}
title = {An Ontology Based Architecture for Translation}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0141}
author = {Morante, Roser; Schrauwen, Sarah; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Corpus-based approaches to processing the scope of negation cues: an evaluation of the state of the art}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0142}
author = {Mousser, Jaouad}
title = {Classifying Arabic Verbs Using Sibling Classes}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0143}
author = {Mulkar, Rutu; Hobbs, Jerry R.; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Granularity in Natural Language Discourse}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0144}
author = {Purver, Matthew; Eshghi, Arash; Hough, Julian}
title = {Incremental Semantic Construction in a Dialogue System}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0145}
author = {Reschke, Kevin; Anand, Pranav}
title = {Extracting Contextual Evaluativity}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0146}
author = {Rojas, Lina; Bazillon, Thierry; Quignard, Matthieu; Lefèvre, Fabrice}
title = {Using MMIL for the High Level Semantic Annotation of the French MEDIA Dialogue Corpus}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0147}
author = {Rouhizadeh, Masoud; Bowler, Margit; Sproat, Richard W.; Coyne, Bob}
title = {Collecting Semantic Data from Mechanical Turk for a Lexical Knowledge Resource in a Text to Picture Generating System}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0148}
author = {Spagnola, Steve; Lagoze, Carl}
title = {Edge dependent pathway scoring for calculating semantic similarity in ConceptNet}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0149}
author = {Wojtinnek, Pia-Ramona; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Semantic Relatedness from Automatically Generated Semantic Networks}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0150}
author = {Zhou, Deyu; He, Yulan}
title = {Semantic Parsing for Biomedical Event Extraction}
venue = {IWCS}
year = {2011}
id = {W10-4101}
author = {Dong, Zhendong; Dong, Qiang; Hao, Changling}
title = {Word Segmentation needs change- From a linguist's view}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4102}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Chen, Ying; Lee, Sophia Yat Mei}
title = {Textual Emotion Processing From Event Analysis}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4103}
author = {Huang, Hen-Hsen; Sun, Chuen-Tsai; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Classical Chinese Sentence Segmentation}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4104}
author = {Song, Rou; Jiang, Yuru; Wang, Jingyi}
title = {On Generalized-Topic-Based Chinese Discourse Structure}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4105}
author = {Wang, Lei; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {Semantic Computing and Language Knowledge Bases}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4106}
author = {Li, Yali; Xu, Weiqun; Yan, Yonghong}
title = {Semantic class induction and its application for a Chinese voice search system}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4107}
author = {Wu, Shih-Hung; Chen, Yong-Zhi; Yang, Ping-che; Ku, Tsun; Liu, Chao-Lin}
title = {Reducing the False Alarm Rate of Chinese Character Error Detection and Correction}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4108}
author = {Chen, Liou; Zhou, Qiang}
title = {Automatic Identification of Chinese Event Descriptive Clause}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4109}
author = {Zhang, Lidan; Chan, Kwok-Ping; Kitt, Chunyu; Cai, Dongfeng}
title = {Bigram HMM with Context Distribution Clustering for Unsupervised Chinese Part-of-Speech tagging}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4110}
author = {Lu, Bin; T'sou, Benjamin K.; Jiang, Tao; Kwong, Oi Yee; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {Mining Large-scale Parallel Corpora from Multilingual Patents: An English-Chinese example and its application to SMT}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4111}
author = {Zan, Hongying; Zhang, Junhui; Zhu, Xuefeng; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {Studies on Automatic Recognition of Common Chinese Adverb's usages Based on Statistics Methods}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4112}
author = {Ren, Xiaona; Zhou, Qiaoli; Kitt, Chunyu; Cai, Dongfeng}
title = {Automatic Identification of Predicate Heads in Chinese Sentences}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4113}
author = {Xu, Xingjun; Sun, Guanglu; Guan, Yi; Dong, Xishuang; Li, Sheng}
title = {Selecting Optimal Feature Template Subset for CRFs}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4114}
author = {Hai, Zhen; Chang, Kuiyu; Song, Qinbao; Kim, Jung-Jae}
title = {A Statistical NLP Approach for Feature and Sentiment Identification from Chinese Reviews}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4115}
author = {Chen, Yu; Li, Wenjie; Liu, Yan; Zheng, Dequan; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Exploring Deep Belief Network for Chinese Relation Extraction}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4116}
author = {He, Yulan; Alani, Harith; Zhou, Deyu}
title = {Exploring English Lexicon Knowledge for Chinese Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4117}
author = {Wu, Youzheng; Kawai, Hisashi}
title = {Exploiting Social Q&A Collection in Answering Complex Questions}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4118}
author = {Wu, Andi}
title = {Treebank of Chinese Bible Translations}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4119}
author = {Yang, Jiang; Hou, Min}
title = {Using Topic Sentiment Sentences to Recognize Sentiment Polarity in Chinese Reviews}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4120}
author = {Chan, Shan-Bin; Yamana, Hayato}
title = {The Method of Improving the Specific Language Focused Crawler}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4121}
author = {Song, Hongyan; Yao, Tianfang; Kitt, Chunyu; Cai, Dongfeng}
title = {Active Learning Based Corpus Annotation}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4122}
author = {Zhang, Chongyang; Chen, Zhigang; Hu, Guoping}
title = {Improving Chinese Word Segmentation by Adopting Self-Organized Maps of Character N-gram}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4123}
author = {Hou, Min; Zou, Yu; Teng, Yonglin; He, Wei; Wang, Yan; Liu, Jun; Wu, Jiyuan}
title = {CMDMC: A Diachronic Digital Museum of Chinese Mandarin}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4124}
author = {Gulila, Altenbek; Wang, xiao-long}
title = {Kazakh Segmentation System of Inflectional Affixes}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4125}
author = {Shen, Rongzhou; Grover, Claire; Klein, Ewan}
title = {Space characters in Chinese semi-structured texts}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4126}
author = {Zhao, Hongmei; Liu, Qiu}
title = {The CIPS-SIGHAN CLP2010 Chinese Word Segmentation Backoff}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4127}
author = {Gao, Qin; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {A Multi-layer Chinese Word Segmentation System Optimized for Out-of-domain Tasks}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4128}
author = {Huang, Degen; Tong, Deqin; Luo, Yanyan}
title = {HMM Revises Low Marginal Probability by CRF for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4129}
author = {Zhang, Chongyang; Chen, Zhigang; Hu, Guoping}
title = {A Chinese Word Segmentation System Based on Structured Support Vector Machine Utilization of Unlabeled Text Corpus}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4130}
author = {Wu, Yu-Chieh; Yang, Jie-Chi; Lee, Yue-Shi}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation with Conditional Support Vector Inspired Markov Models}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4131}
author = {Tang, Ling-Xiang; Geva, Shlomo; Trotman, Andrew; Xu, Yue}
title = {A Boundary-Oriented Chinese Segmentation Method Using N-Gram Mutual Information}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4132}
author = {Gao, Wenjun; Qiu, Xipeng; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Adaptive Chinese Word Segmentation with Online Passive-Aggressive Algorithm}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4133}
author = {Wang, Kun; Zong, Chengqing; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {A Character-Based Joint Model for CIPS-SIGHAN Word Segmentation Bakeoff 2010}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4134}
author = {Zhang, Hua-Ping; Gao, Jian; Mo, Qian; Huang, He-Yan}
title = {Incorporating New Words Detection with Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4135}
author = {Xu, Xiaoming; Zhu, Muhua; Fei, Xiaoxu; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {High OOV-Recall Chinese Word Segmenter}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4136}
author = {Chang, Baobao; Mairgup, Mansur}
title = {Chinese word segmentation model using bootstrapping}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4137}
author = {Qin, Xiao; Zong, Liang; Wu, Yuqian; Wan, Xiaojun; Yang, Jianwu}
title = {CRF-based Experiments for Cross-Domain Chinese Word Segmentation at CIPS-SIGHAN-2010}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4138}
author = {Jiang, Tian-Jian; Liu, Shih-Hung; Sung, Cheng-Lung; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {Term Contributed Boundary Tagging by Conditional Random Fields for SIGHAN 2010 Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4139}
author = {Shen, Jianping; Wang, Xuanhui; zhao, hainan; Zhang, Wenxiao}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation based on Mixing Multiple Preprocessor and CRF}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4140}
author = {Guo, Jiang; Su, Wenjie; Zhang, Yangsen}
title = {A domain adaption Word Segmenter For Sighan Backoff 2010}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4141}
author = {Jiang, Huixing; Dong, Zhe}
title = {An Double Hidden HMM and an CRF for Segmentation Tasks with Pinyin's Finals}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4142}
author = {Yu, Jiangde; Gu, Chuan; Ge, Wenying}
title = {Combining Character-Based and Subsequence-Based Tagging for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4143}
author = {Zhou, Qiang; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {Chinese Syntactic Parsing Evaluation}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4144}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Wang, Rui; Zhang, Yi}
title = {Discriminative Parse Reranking for Chinese with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Annotations}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4145}
author = {Zhou, Qiaoli; Lang, Wenjing; Wang, Yingying; Wang, Yan; Cai, Dongfeng}
title = {The SAU Report for the 1st CIPS-SIGHAN-ParsEval-2010}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4146}
author = {Ma, Xuezhe; Zhang, Xiaotian; Zhao, Hai; Lu, Bao-Liang}
title = {Dependency Parser for Chinese Constituent Parsing}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4147}
author = {Sun, Guangfan}
title = {Technical Report of the CCID System for the 2th Evaluation on Chinese Parsing}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4148}
author = {Cheng, Yong; Sun, Chengjie; Liu, Bingquan; Lin, Lei}
title = {CRF tagging for head recognition based on Stanford parser}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4149}
author = {Wang, Zhiguo; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Treebank Conversion based Self-training Strategy for Parsing}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4150}
author = {Xu, Wenzhi; Sun, Chaobo; Yuan, Caixia}
title = {A Chinese LPCFG Parser with Hybrid Character Information}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4151}
author = {Jiang, Zhipeng; Zhao, Yu; Guan, Yi; Li, Chao; Li, Sheng}
title = {Complete Syntactic Analysis Bases on Multi-level Chunking}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4152}
author = {Chen, Ying; Jin, Peng; Li, Wenjie; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {The Chinese Persons Name Diambiguation Evaluation: Exploration of Personal Name Disambiguation in Chinese News}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4153}
author = {Wang, Huizhen; Ding, Haibo; Shi, Yingchao; Ma, Ji; Zhou, Xiao; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {A Multi-stage Clustering Framework for Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4154}
author = {Xu, Ruifeng; Xu, Jun; Dai, Xiangying; Kitt, Chunyu}
title = {Combine Person Name and Person Identity Recognition and Document Clustering for Chinese Person Name Disambiguation}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4155}
author = {Song, Yang; He, Zhengyan; Chen, Chen; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {A Pipeline Approach to Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4156}
author = {Zhu, Xiang; Shi, Xiaodong; Liu, Ningfeng; Guo, YingMei; Chen, Yidong}
title = {Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation: Technical Report of Natural Language Processing Lab of Xiamen University}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4157}
author = {Zhang, Hua-Ping; Liu, Zhi-Hua; Mo, Qian; Huang, He-Yan}
title = {Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation Based on Person Modeling}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4158}
author = {Hong, Yu; Pei, Fei; Yang, Yue-hui; Yao, Jianmin; Zhu, Qiao-ming}
title = {Jumping Distance based Chinese Person Name Disambiguation}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4159}
author = {Ma, Erlei; Liu, Yuanchao}
title = {Research of People Disambiguation by Combining Multiple knowledges}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4160}
author = {Wang, Dongliang; Huang, Degen}
title = {DLUT: Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation with Rich Features}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4161}
author = {Sun, Jiashen; Wang, Tianmin; Li, Li; Wu, Xing}
title = {Person Name Disambiguation based on Topic Model}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4162}
author = {Zhang, Jiayue; Cai, Yichao; Li, Si; Xu, Weiran; Guo, Jun}
title = {PRIS at Chinese Language Processing}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4163}
author = {Sun, Le; Zhang, Zhenzhong; Dong, Qiang}
title = {Overview of the Chinese Word Sense Induction Task at CLP2010}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4164}
author = {Jia, Yuxiang; Yu, Shiwen; Chen, Zhengyan}
title = {Chinese Word Sense Induction with Basic Clustering Algorithms}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4165}
author = {Liu, Zhao; Qiu, Xipeng; Huang, Xuanjing}
title = {Triplet-Based Chinese Word Sense Induction}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4166}
author = {Zhang, Bichuan; Sun, Jiashen}
title = {Word Sense Induction using Cluster Ensemble}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4167}
author = {Jin, Peng; Zhang, Yihao; Sun, Rui}
title = {LSTC System for Chinese Word Sense Induction}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4168}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Xiao, Tong; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {NEUNLPLab Chinese Word Sense Induction System for SIGHAN Bakeoff 2010}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4169}
author = {Cai, Ke; Shi, Xiaodong; Chen, Yidong; Huang, Zhehuang; Gao, Yan}
title = {Chinese Word Sense Induction based on Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4170}
author = {Zhang, Zhenzhong; Sun, Le; Li, Wenbo}
title = {ISCAS: A System for Chinese Word Sense Induction Based on K-means Algorithm}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4171}
author = {Xu, Hua; Liu, Bing; Qian, Longhua; Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Soochow University: Description and Analysis of the Chinese Word Sense Induction System for CLP2010}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4172}
author = {Wang, Lisha; Dou, Yanzhao; Sun, Xiaoling; Lin, Hongfei}
title = {K-means and Graph-based Approaches for Chinese Word Sense Induction Task}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4173}
author = {He, Zhengyan; Song, Yang; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Applying Spectral Clustering for Chinese Word Sense Induction}
venue = {CLP}
year = {2010}
id = {J80-1001}
author = {Woods, William A.}
title = {Cascaded ATN Grammars}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1980}
id = {J80-1002}
author = {Schank, Roger C.; Lebowitz, Michael; Birnbaum, Lawrence}
title = {An Integrated Understander}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1980}
id = {J80-1003}
author = {McCord, Michael C.}
title = {Slot Grammars}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1980}
id = {J80-2001}
author = {Biermann, Alan W.; Ballard, Bruce W.}
title = {Toward Natural Language Computation I}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1980}
id = {J80-2002}
author = {Chester, Daniel}
title = {A Parsing Algorithm That Extends Phrases}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1980}
id = {J80-2003}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Black, John E.}
title = {Responding Intelligently To Unparsable Inputs}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1980}
id = {J80-3001}
author = {Correira, Alfred}
title = {Computing Story Trees}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1980}
id = {J80-3002}
author = {Brown, Gretchen P.}
title = {Characterizing Indirect Speech Acts}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1980}
id = {J80-3003}
author = {Perrault, Raymond C.; Allen, James F.}
title = {A Plan-Based Analysis Of Indirect Speech Act}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1980}
id = {J81-1001}
author = {Robinson, Ann E.}
title = {Determining Verb Phrase Referents In Dialogs}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-1002}
author = {Mann, William C.; Moore, James A.}
title = {Computer Generation Of Multiparagraph English Text}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-1003}
author = {Damerau, Fred J.}
title = {Operating Statistics For The Transformational Question Answering System}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-1004}
author = {Damerau, Fred J.; Joshi, Aravind K.; Kaplan, S. Jerrold}
title = {Technical Correspondance - A Note On The Utility Of Computing Inferences In A Real Data Base Query Environment}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-1005}
author = {Damerau, Fred J.}
title = {Technical Correspondance - On The Utility Of Computing Inferences In Data Base Query Systems Reply To Joshi And Kaplan}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-2001}
author = {Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Discourse-Oriented Anaphora Resolution In Natural Language Understanding: A Review}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-2002}
author = {Kwasny, Stan C.}
title = {Relaxation Techniques For Parsing Grammatically Ill-Formed Input In Natural Language Understanding Systems}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-2003}
author = {Zoeppritz, Magdalena}
title = {The Meaning Of OF And HAVE In The USL System}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-3001}
author = {Martin, Willy}
title = {Formal Roles Co-Descriptors And The Representation Of Quantified English Expressions}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-3002}
author = {Dahl, Veronica}
title = {Translating Spanish Into Logic Through Logic}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-3003}
author = {Weber, David J.}
title = {Prospects For Computer-Assisted Dialect Adaptation}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-4001}
author = {Sidner, Candace L.}
title = {Focusing For Interpretation Of Pronouns}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-4002}
author = {Hayes, Philip J.; Mouradian, George V.}
title = {Flexible Parsing}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-4003}
author = {Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Extraposition Grammars}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J81-4004}
author = {Eastman, C. M.; McLean, D. S.}
title = {Technical Correspondance - On The Need For Parsing Ill-Formed Input}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1981}
id = {J82-1001}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Phrase Structure Trees Bear More Fruit Than You Would Have Thought}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-1002}
author = {Shapiro, Stuart C.}
title = {Generalized Augmented Transition Network Grammars For Generation From Semantic Networks}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-1003}
author = {Schubert, Lenhart K.; Pelletier, Francis Jeffry}
title = {From English To Logic: Context-Free Computation Of Conventional Logical Translation}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-2001}
author = {Johnson, Carroll; Bachenko, Joan}
title = {Applied Computational Linguistics In Perspective: Proceedings Of The Workshop}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-2002}
author = {Hendrix, Gary G.; Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Hill, Jeff; Joshi, Aravind K.; Kaplan, S. Jerrold; Sacerdoti, Earl; Waltz, David L.; Petrick, Stanley R.}
title = {Natural-Language Interface}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-2003}
author = {Mann, William C.; Bates, Madeleine; Grosz, Barbara J.; McDonald, David D.; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Swartout, William}
title = {Text Generation}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-2004}
author = {Montgomery, Christine A.; Moore, Robert C.; Simmons, Robert F.; Sondheimer, Norman K.; Wilensky, Robert; Woods, William A.}
title = {Concept Extraction}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-2005}
author = {Kay, Martin; King, Margaret; Lehrberger, Jack; Melby, Alan K.; Slocum, Jonathan}
title = {Machine Translation}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-2006}
author = {Kittredge, Richard; Bachenko, Joan; Grishman, Ralph; Walker, Donald E.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Sublanguages}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-3001}
author = {Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {Computational Complexity And Lexical-Functional Grammar}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-3002}
author = {Warren, David H. D.; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {An Efficient Easily Adaptable System For Interpreting Natural Language Queries}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-3003}
author = {Warren, David Scott}
title = {Using Semantics In Non-Context-Free Of Montague Grammar}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J82-3004}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Patil, Ramesh}
title = {Coping With Syntactic Ambiguity Or How To Put The Block In The Box On The Table}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1982}
id = {J83-1001}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Paraphrasing Questions Using Given And New Information}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {J83-1002}
author = {Main, Michael G.; Benson, David B.}
title = {Denotational Semantics For Natural Language Question-Answering Programs}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {J83-1003}
author = {Fineman, Linda}
title = {Questioning The Need For Parsing Ill-Formed Inputs}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {J83-2001}
author = {Davidson, James; Kaplan, S. Jerrold}
title = {Natural Language Access To Data Bases: Interpreting Update Requests}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {J83-2002}
author = {Dahl, Veronica; McCord, Michael C.}
title = {Treating Coordination In Logic Grammars}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {J83-3001}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Hayes, Philip J.}
title = {Recovery Strategies For Parsing Extragrammatical Language}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {J83-3002}
author = {Jensen, Karen; Heidorn, George E.; Miller, Lance A.; Ravin, Yael}
title = {Parse Fitting And Prose Fixing: Getting A Hold On Ill-Formedness}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {J83-3003}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Sondheimer, Norman K.}
title = {Meta-Rules As A Basis For Processing Ill-Formed Input}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {J83-3004}
author = {Fass, Dan; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Preference Semantics Ill-Formedness And Metaphor}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {J83-3005}
author = {Granger, Richard H.}
title = {The NOMAD System: Expectation-Based Detection And Correction Of Errors During Understanding Of Syntactically And Semantically Ill-Formed Text}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {J83-3007}
author = {Johnson, Rod L.; Krauwer, Steven; Rosner, Mike A.; Varile, Giovanni Battista}
title = {Site Report - Controlling Complex Systems Of Linguistic Rules}
venue = {AJCL}
year = {1983}
id = {W08-2201}
author = {Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {A New Life for Semantic Annotations?}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2202}
author = {Basile, Pierpaolo; de Gemmis, Marco; Lops, Pasquale; Semeraro, Giovanni}
title = {Combining Knowledge-based Methods and Supervised Learning for Effective Italian Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2203}
author = {Bender, Emily M.; Goss-Grubbs, David}
title = {Semantic Representations of Syntactically Marked Discourse Status in Crosslinguistic Perspective}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2204}
author = {Branco, António H.; Costa, Francisco}
title = {High Precision Analysis of NPs with a Deep Processing Grammar}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2205}
author = {Clark, Peter; Fellbaum, Christiane; Hobbs, Jerry R.; Harrison, Philip; Murray, William R.; Thompson, John}
title = {Augmenting WordNet for Deep Understanding of Text}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2206}
author = {Cramer, Irene}
title = {How Well Do Semantic Relatedness Measures Perform? A Meta-Study}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2207}
author = {Cuadros, Montse; Rigau, German}
title = {KnowNet: A Proposal for Building Highly Connected and Dense Knowledge Bases from the Web}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2208}
author = {de Cao, Diego; Croce, Danilo; Pennacchiotti, Marco; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Combining Word Sense and Usage for Modeling Frame Semantics}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2209}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {Answering Why-Questions in Closed Domains from a Discourse Model}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2210}
author = {Fontan, Lionel; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Analyzing the Explanation Structure of Procedural Texts: Dealing with Advice and Warnings}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2211}
author = {Koeling, Rob; McCarthy, Diana}
title = {From Predicting Predominant Senses to Local Context for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2212}
author = {Liakata, Maria; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Automatic Fine-Grained Semantic Classification for Domain Adaptation}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2213}
author = {Malaia, Evguenia; Borneman, John; Wilbur, Ronnie B.}
title = {Analysis of ASL Motion Capture Data towards Identification of Verb Type}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2214}
author = {McShane, Marjorie; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {The Idiom-Reference Connection}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2215}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; McShane, Marjorie; Beale, Stephen}
title = {Resolving Paraphrases to Support Modeling Language Perception in an Intelligent Agent}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2216}
author = {Ramsay, Allan; Field, Debora}
title = {Everyday Language is Highly Intensional}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2217}
author = {Robaldo, Livio; Miltsakaki, Eleni; Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Refining the Meaning of Sense Labels in PDTB: ``Concession''}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2218}
author = {Stede, Manfred}
title = {Connective-based Local Coherence Analysis: A Lexicon for Recognizing Causal Relationships}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2219}
author = {van Durme, Benjamin; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Open Knowledge Extraction through Compositional Language Processing}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2220}
author = {Bos, Johan}
title = {Introduction to the Shared Task on Comparing Semantic Representations}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2221}
author = {Clark, Peter; Harrison, Philip}
title = {Boeing's NLP System and the Challenges of Semantic Representation}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2222}
author = {Bos, Johan}
title = {Wide-Coverage Semantic Analysis with Boxer}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2223}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo}
title = {Semantic and Pragmatic Computing with GETARUNS}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2224}
author = {Branco, António H.; Costa, Francisco}
title = {LXGram in the Shared Task ``Comparing Semantic Representations'' of STEP 2008}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2225}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Beale, Stephen; McShane, Marjorie}
title = {Baseline Evaluation of WSD and Semantic Dependency in OntoSem}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2226}
author = {Callaway, Charles B.}
title = {The TextCap Semantic Interpreter}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2227}
author = {Allen, James F.; Swift, Mary; Beaumont, Will de}
title = {Deep Semantic Analysis of Text}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2228}
author = {Agerri, Rodrigo; Barnden, John A.; Lee, Mark; Wallington, Alan M.}
title = {Textual Entailment as an Evaluation Framework for Metaphor Resolution: A Proposal}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2229}
author = {Battistelli, Delphine; Couto, Javier; Minel, Jean-Luc; Schwer, Sylviane R.}
title = {Representing and Visualizing Calendar Expressions in Texts}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2230}
author = {Chamberlain, Jon; Poesio, Massimo; Kruschwitz, Udo}
title = {Addressing the Resource Bottleneck to Create Large-Scale Annotated Texts}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2231}
author = {Reiter, Nils; Hartung, Matthias; Frank, Anette}
title = {A Resource-Poor Approach for Linking Ontology Classes to Wikipedia Articles}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2232}
author = {Tatar, Doina; Mihis, Andreea Diana; Serban, Gabriela}
title = {Top-Down Cohesion Segmentation in Summarization}
venue = {STEP}
year = {2008}
id = {W09-3701}
author = {Dagan, Ido}
title = {It’s time for a semantic inference engine}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3702}
author = {Palmer, Martha}
title = {Knowing a word (sense) by its company}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3703}
author = {Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Play your way to an annotated corpus: Games with a purpose and anaphoric annotation}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3704}
author = {Benotti, Luciana; Traum, David R.}
title = {A computational account of comparative implicatures for a spoken dialogue agent}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3705}
author = {Bos, Johan}
title = {Computing Genitive Superlatives}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3706}
author = {Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {Semantic annotations as complimentary to underspecified semantic representations}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3707}
author = {Celli, Fabio; Nissim, Malvina}
title = {Automatic identification of semantic relations in Italian complex nominals}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3708}
author = {Chen, Wei}
title = {Understanding Mental States in Natural Language}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3709}
author = {Dautriche, Isabelle; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {A Formal Model for Procedural Texts and its Use in Textual Integration}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3710}
author = {Dinu, Georgiana; Wang, Rui}
title = {Inference Rules for Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3711}
author = {Erk, Katrin}
title = {Supporting inferences in semantic space: representing words as regions}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3712}
author = {Garrette, Dan; Klein, Ewan}
title = {An Extensible Toolkit for Computational Semantics}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3713}
author = {Gregoromichelaki, Eleni; Sato, Yo; Kempson, Ruth; Gargett, Andrew; Howes, Christine}
title = {Dialogue Modelling and the Remit of Core Grammar}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3714}
author = {MacCartney, Bill; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {An extended model of natural logic}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3715}
author = {Petukhova, Volha; Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {Towards a Multidimensional Semantics of Discourse Markers in Spoken Dialogue}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3716}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Moszkowicz, Jessica L.; Batiukova, Olga; Rumshisky, Anna}
title = {GLML: Annotating Argument Selection and Coercion}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3717}
author = {Ramsay, Allan; Field, Debora}
title = {Using English for commonsense knowledge}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3718}
author = {Robaldo, Livio; Di Carlo, Jurij}
title = {Disambiguating quantifier scope in DTS}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3719}
author = {Spenader, Jennifer; Lobanova, Anna}
title = {Reliable Discourse Markers for Contrast Relations}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3720}
author = {Martin, Fabienne; Spohr, Dennis; Stein, Achim}
title = {Disambiguation of Polysemous Verbs for Rule-based Inferencing}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3721}
author = {Wittek, Peter; Darányi, Sándor; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {An Ordering of Terms Based on Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3722}
author = {Zelaia, Ana; Arregi, Olatz; Sierra, Basilio}
title = {A Multiclassifier based Approach for Word Sense Disambiguation using Singular Value Decomposition}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3723}
author = {Bal, Bal Krishna}
title = {Towards an Analysis of Opinions in News Editorials: How positive was the year? (project abstract)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3724}
author = {Balvet, Antonio; Haas, Pauline; Huyghe, Richard; Jugnet, Anne; Marín, Rafael}
title = {The NOMAGE Project Annotating the semantic features of French nominalizations (project abstract)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3725}
author = {Bunt, Harry C.; Overbeeke, Chwhynny}
title = {A methodological note on the definition of semantic annotation languages (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3726}
author = {Cimiano, Philipp}
title = {Flexible Semantic Composition with DUDES (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3727}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {Computing Implicit Entities and Events with Getaruns (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3728}
author = {van Erp, Marieke; Lendvai, Piroska; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Comparing Alternative Data-Driven Ontological Vistas of Natural History (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3729}
author = {Geertzen, Jeroen}
title = {Semantic interpretation of Dutch spoken dialogue (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3730}
author = {Lendvai, Piroska}
title = {Towards Acquisition of Taxonomic Inference (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3731}
author = {Loukanova, Roussanka}
title = {Formalisation of Intensionality as Algorithms (project abstract)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3732}
author = {Martínez-Hinarejos, Carlos D.}
title = {A Study of a Segmentation Technique for Dialogue Act Assignation (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3733}
author = {Ni, Wei; Gao, Helena Hong; Ouyang, Shixiao}
title = {Application of Cognitive Strategies to Chinese Noun Classifier E-learning (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3734}
author = {Nishiguchi, Sumiyo}
title = {Qualia Based Lexical Knowledge for the Disambiguation of the Japanese Postposition ‘No’ (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3735}
author = {Ouyang, Shixiao; Gao, Helena Hong; Koh, Soo Ngee}
title = {Developing a Computer-facilitated Tool for Acquiring Near-synonyms in Chinese and English (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3736}
author = {Schulz, Christian; Alexandersson, Jan; Becker, Tilman}
title = {Well-formed Default Unification in Non-deterministic Multiple Inheritance Hierarchies (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3737}
author = {Snyder, Jaime; D'Eredita, Michael A.; Yilmazel, Ozgur; Liddy, Elizabeth D.}
title = {Towards a Cognitive Approach for the Automated Detection of Connotative Meaning}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3738}
author = {Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Semantic Argument Structure in DiscoursE: The SEASIDE project (project abstract)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3739}
author = {Suktarachan, Mukda; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {An Application of Lexical Semantics Annotation to Question-Answering in e-Farming}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3740}
author = {Tonelli, Sara; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {A novel approach to mapping FrameNet lexical units to WordNet synsets (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3741}
author = {Vela, Mihaela; Declerck, Thierry}
title = {Concept and Relation Extraction in the Finance Domain}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3742}
author = {Waard, Anita de; Buitelaar, Paul; Eigner, Thomas}
title = {Identifying the Epistemic Value of Discourse Segments in Biology Texts (project abstract)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3743}
author = {Wubben, Sander; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {A semantic relatedness metric based on free link structure (short paper)}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3744}
author = {Bedaride, Paul; Gardent, Claire}
title = {Semantic Normalisation : a Framework and an Experiment}
venue = {ICCS}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-2201}
author = {Mailhot, Fred}
title = {Instance-Based Acquisition of Vowel Harmony}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2202}
author = {Finley, Sara}
title = {Verifying Vowel Harmony Typologies}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2203}
author = {Magri, Giorgio}
title = {Complexity of the Acquisition of Phonotactics in Optimality Theory}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2204}
author = {Heinz, Jeffrey; Koirala, Cesar}
title = {Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Feature-Based Distributions}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2205}
author = {Koskenniemi, Kimmo; Silfverberg, Miikka}
title = {A Method for Compiling Two-Level Rules with Multiple Contexts}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2206}
author = {Prokić, Jelena; Van de Cruys, Tim}
title = {Exploring Dialect Phonetic Variation Using PARAFAC}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2207}
author = {Shaw, Jason A.; Gafos, Adamantios I.}
title = {Quantitative Evaluation of Competing Syllable Parses}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2208}
author = {Mayer, Thomas}
title = {Toward a Totally Unsupervised Language-Independent Method for the Syllabification of Written Texts}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2209}
author = {Jurish, Bryan}
title = {Comparing Canonicalizations of Historical German Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2210}
author = {Kohonen, Oskar; Virpioja, Sami; Lagus, Krista}
title = {Semi-Supervised Learning of Concatenative Morphology}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2211}
author = {Kurimo, Mikko; Virpioja, Sami; Turunen, Ville; Lagus, Krista}
title = {Morpho Challenge 2005-2010: Evaluations and Results}
venue = {Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2010}
id = {W08-0501}
author = {Heinze, Terry; Light, Marc}
title = {Increasing Maintainability of NLP Evaluation Modules Through Declarative Implementations}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0502}
author = {Crouch, Dick; King, Tracy Holloway}
title = {Type-checking in Formally Non-typed Systems}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0503}
author = {Breck, Eric}
title = {zymake: A Computational Workflow System for Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0504}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Miyao, Yusuke; Sætre, Rune; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Evaluating the Effects of Treebank Size in a Practical Application for Parsing}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0505}
author = {Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Adapting Naturally Occurring Test Suites for Evaluation of Clinical Question Answering}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0506}
author = {Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Baumgartner Jr., William A.; Hunter, Lawrence}
title = {Software Testing and the Naturally Occurring Data Assumption in Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0507}
author = {Poprat, Michael; Beisswanger, Elena; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Building a BioWordNet Using WordNet Data Structures and WordNet’s Software Infrastructure–A Failure Story}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0508}
author = {Hardcastle, David; Power, Richard}
title = {Fast Scalable and Reliable Generation of Controlled Natural Language}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0509}
author = {Gao, Qin; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Parallel Implementations of Word Alignment Tool}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0510}
author = {Hoang, Hieu; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Design of the Moses Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0511}
author = {Micher, Jeffrey; Voss, Clare R.}
title = {Buckwalter-based Lookup Tool as Language Resource for Arabic Language Learners}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0512}
author = {Martins, Filipe M.; Mendes, Ana Cristina; Viveiros, Mácio Freitas; Pardal, Joana Paulo; Arez, Pedro; Mamede, Nuno; Neto, João Paulo}
title = {Reengineering a Domain-Independent Framework for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W07-2201}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Using Self-Trained Bilexical Preferences to Improve Disambiguation Accuracy}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2202}
author = {Hara, Tadayoshi; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Evaluating Impact of Re-training a Lexical Disambiguation Model on Domain Adaptation of an HPSG Parser}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2203}
author = {Watson, Rebecca; Briscoe, Ted; Carroll, John}
title = {Semi-supervised Training of a Statistical Parser from Unlabeled Partially-bracketed Data}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2204}
author = {Foster, Jennifer; Wagner, Joachim; Seddah, Djamé; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Adapting WSJ-Trained Parsers to the British National Corpus using In-Domain Self-Training}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2205}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Dras, Mark; Hockenmaier, Julia; King, Tracy Holloway; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {The Impact of Deep Linguistic Processing on Parsing Technology}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2206}
author = {Djordjevic, Bojan; Curran, James R.; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Improving the Efficiency of a Wide-Coverage CCG Parser}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2207}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Oepen, Stephan; Carroll, John}
title = {Efficiency in Unification-Based N-Best Parsing}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2208}
author = {Ninomiya, Takashi; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A log-linear model with an n-gram reference distribution for accurate HPSG parsing}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2209}
author = {Sofkova Hashemi, Sylvana}
title = {Ambiguity Resolution by Reordering Rules in Text Containing Errors}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2210}
author = {Shi, Xiaodong}
title = {Nbest Dependency Parsing with linguistically rich models}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2211}
author = {Newman, P. S.}
title = {Symbolic Preference Using Simple Scoring}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2212}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Synchronous Grammars and Transducers: Good News and Bad News}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2213}
author = {Boullier, Pierre; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {Are Very Large Context-Free Grammars Tractable?}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2214}
author = {Pan, Michael J.}
title = {Pomset mcfgs}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2215}
author = {Frost, Richard; Hafiz, Rahmatullah; Callaghan, Paul}
title = {Modular and Efficient Top-Down Parsing for Ambiguous Left-Recursive Grammars}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2216}
author = {McDonald, Ryan; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {On the Complexity of Non-Projective Data-Driven Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2217}
author = {Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Attardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Dependency Parsing with Second-Order Feature Maps and Annotated Semantic Information}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2218}
author = {Titov, Ivan; Henderson, James B.}
title = {A Latent Variable Model for Generative Dependency Parsing}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2219}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Three-Dimensional Parametrization for Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2220}
author = {Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Data-Driven Dependency Parsing across Languages and Domains: Perspectives from the CoNLL-2007 Shared task}
venue = {ICPT}
year = {2007}
id = {I05-7001}
author = {Chen, Keh-Jiann; Huang, Shu-Ling; Shih, Yueh-Yin; Chen, Yi-Jun}
title = {Extended-HowNet: A Representational Framework for Concepts}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7002}
author = {Chou, Ya-Min; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {Hantology: An Ontology based on Conventionalized Conceptualization}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7003}
author = {Chang, Ru-Yng; Huang, Chu-Ren; Lo, Feng-Ju; Chang, Sueming}
title = {From General Ontology to Specialized Ontology: A study based on a single author historical corpus}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7004}
author = {Gavrila, Monica; Vertan, Cristina}
title = {MANAGELEX and the Semantic Web}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7005}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Niederlich, Hendrik}
title = {Computing Semantic Relatedness in German with Revised Information Content Metrics}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7006}
author = {Kwak, JunWon; Kim, UngMo}
title = {Interaction of Context Descriptor and Ontology for Semantic Service Discovery in Ubiquitous environment}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7007}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; McShane, Marjorie; Beale, Stephen}
title = {Increasing Understanding: Interpreting Events of Change}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7008}
author = {Aramaki, Eiji; Imai, Takeshi; Kashiwagi, Masayo; Kajino, Masayuki; Miyo, Kengo; Ohe, Kazuhiko}
title = {Toward Medical Ontology using Natural Language Processing}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7009}
author = {Philpot, Andrew; Hovy, Eduard; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {The Omega Ontology}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7010}
author = {Li, Sujian; Lu, Qin; Li, Wenjie}
title = {Experiments of Ontology Construction with Formal Concept Analysis}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7011}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Bouma, Gosse}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Lexico-semantic Knowledge for QA}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7012}
author = {Barbu, Eduard; Mititelu, Verginica Barbu}
title = {A Case Study in Automatic Building of Wordnets}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-7013}
author = {Prévot, Laurent; Borgo, Stefano; Oltramari, Alessandro}
title = {Interfacing Ontologies and Lexical Resources}
venue = {OntoLex}
year = {2005}
id = {W04-2601}
author = {McShane, Marjorie; Beale, Stephen; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {OntoSem Methods For Processing Semantic Ellipsis}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2602}
author = {Rohwer, Richard; Freitag, Dayne}
title = {Towards Full Automation Of Lexicon Construction}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2603}
author = {Means, Robert W.; Nemat-Nasser, Syrus C.; Fan, Adrian T.; Hecht-Nielsen, Robert}
title = {A Powerful And General Approach To Context Exploitation In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2604}
author = {Kipper, Karin Christine; Snyder, Benjamin; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Using Prepositions To Extend A Verb Lexicon}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2605}
author = {Tsang, Vivian; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Using Selectional Profile Distance To Detect Verb Alternations}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2606}
author = {Korhonen, Anna; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Extended Lexical-Semantic Classification Of English Verbs}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2607}
author = {Morris, Jane; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Non-Classical Lexical Semantic Relations}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2608}
author = {Sasaki Alam, Yukiko}
title = {Decision Trees For Sense Disambiguation Of Prepositions: Case Of 'Over'}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2609}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Badulescu, Adriana; Tatu, Marta; Antohe, Daniel; Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {Models For The Semantic Classification Of Noun Phrases}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2610}
author = {Gîrju, Roxana; Giuglea, Ana-Maria; Olteanu, Marian; Fortu, Ovidiu; Bolohan, Orest; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Support Vector Machines Applied To The Classification Of Semantic Relations In Nominalized Noun Phrases}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2611}
author = {Fiszman, Marcelo; Rindflesch, Thomas C.; Kilicoglu, Halil}
title = {Abstraction Summarization For Managing The Biomedical Research Literature}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2612}
author = {Iwanska, Lucja M.}
title = {Comparing Integrating Lexical Definitional Knowledge From Multiple Sources}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2613}
author = {Hornsby, Kathleen; Hall, Suzannah}
title = {Generating Linear Orders Of Text-Based Events}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2614}
author = {Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Fine-Grained Lexical Semantic Representations And Compositionally-Derived Events In Mandarin Chinese}
venue = {Computational Lexical Semantics Workshop}
year = {2004}
id = {W01-1301}
author = {Dupuy, Sylvain; Egges, Arjan; Legendre, Vincent; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Generating A 3D Simulation Of A Car Accident From A Written Description In Natural Language: The CarSim System}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1302}
author = {Pekar, Viktor}
title = {Specification In Terms Of Interactional Properties As A Way To Optimize Semantic Representation Of Spatial Expressions}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1303}
author = {Descles, Jean Pierre; Gwiazdecka, Ewa; Montes-Rendon, Azucena}
title = {Towards Invariant Meanings Of Spatial Prepositions And Preverbs}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1304}
author = {Maillat, Didier}
title = {Directional PPs And Reference Frames In DRT}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1305}
author = {Li, Wenjie; Wong, Kam-Fai; Yuan, Chunfa}
title = {A Model For Processing Temporal References In Chinese}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1306}
author = {Moia, Telmo}
title = {Telling Temporal Locating Adverbials And Time-Denoting Expressions Apart}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1307}
author = {Bras, Myriam; Le Draoulec, Anne; Vieu, Laure}
title = {Temporal Information And Discourse Relations In Narratives: The Role Of French Connectives 'Puis' And 'Un Peu Plus Tard'}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1308}
author = {Zelinsky-Wibbelt, Cornelia}
title = {Unifying Tense Aspect And Modality Across Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1309}
author = {Schilder, Frank; Habel, Christopher U.}
title = {From Temporal Expressions To Temporal Information: Semantic Tagging Of News Messages}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1310}
author = {Pianesi, Fabio}
title = {Some Facts About Times Events And Subjectsping}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1311}
author = {Setzer, Andrea; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {A Pilot Study On Annotating Temporal Relations In Text}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1312}
author = {Wilson, George; Mani, Inderjeet; Sundheim, Beth M.; Ferro, Lisa}
title = {A Multilingual Approach To Annotating And Extracting Temporal Information}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1313}
author = {Filatova, Elena; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Assigning Time-Stamps To Event-Clauses}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1314}
author = {Vazov, Nikolai}
title = {A System For Extraction Of Temporal Expressions From French Texts Based On Syntactic And Semantic Constraints}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1315}
author = {Katz, Graham; Arosio, Fabrizio}
title = {The Annotation Of Temporal Information In Natural Language Sentences}
venue = {Workshop On Temporal And Spatial Information Processing}
year = {2001}
id = {W04-1901}
author = {Bond, Francis; Fujita, Sanae; Hashimoto, Chikara; Kasahara, Kaname; Nariyama, Shigeko; Nichols, Eric; Ohtani, Akira; Tanaka, Takaaki; Amano, Shigeaki}
title = {The Hinoki Treebank: Working Toward Text Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1902}
author = {Brown, Dunstan; Tiberius, Carole; Corbett, Greville G.}
title = {Inflectional Syncretism And Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1903}
author = {Csendes, Dora; Csirik, János; Gyimothy, Tibor}
title = {The Szeged Corpus: A POS Tagged And Syntactically Annotated Hungarian Natural Language Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1904}
author = {Dipper, Stefanie; Götze, Michael; Skopeteas, Stavros}
title = {Towards User-Adaptive Annotation Guidelines}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1905}
author = {Forst, Martin; Bertomeu, Nuria; Crysmann, Berthold; Fouvry, Frederik; Hansen-Schirra, Silvia; Kordoni, Valia}
title = {Towards A Dependency-Based Gold Standard For German Parsers: The TIGER Dependency Bank}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1906}
author = {Frank, Anette; Semecky, Jiri}
title = {Corpus-Based Induction Of An LFG Syntax-Semantics Interface For Frame Semantic Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1907}
author = {Grover, Claire; Hachey, Ben; Hughson, Ian}
title = {The HOLJ Corpus: Supporting Summarisation Of Legal Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1908}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Hanks, Patrick; Rumshisky, Anna}
title = {Automated Induction Of Sense In Context}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1909}
author = {Da Silva, Cassiana Fagundes; Vieira, Renata; Osorio, Fernando Santos; Quaresma, Paulo}
title = {Mining Linguistically Interpreted Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1910}
author = {Volk, Martin; Samuelsson, Yvonne}
title = {Bootstrapping Parallel Treebanks}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1911}
author = {Weber, Andrea; Muller, Karin}
title = {Word Order Variation In German Main Clauses. A Corpus Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistically Interpreted Corpora}
year = {2004}
id = {W09-3301}
author = {Zhang, Ziqi; Iria, José}
title = {A Novel Approach to Automatic Gazetteer Generation using Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3302}
author = {Balasuriya, Dominic; Ringland, Nicky; Nothman, Joel; Murphy, Tara; Curran, James R.}
title = {Named Entity Recognition in Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3303}
author = {Navarro, Emmanuel; Sajous, Franck; Gaume, Bruno; Prévot, Laurent; Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Kuo, Ivy; Magistry, Pierre; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {Wiktionary for Natural Language Processing: Methodology and Limitations}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3304}
author = {Weale, Timothy; Brew, Chris; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Using the Wiktionary Graph Structure for Synonym Detection}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3305}
author = {Gantner, Zeno; Schmidt-Thieme, Lars}
title = {Automatic Content-Based Categorization of Wikipedia Articles}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3306}
author = {Honnibal, Matthew; Nothman, Joel; Curran, James R.}
title = {Evaluating a Statistical CCG Parser on Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3307}
author = {Tomuro, Noriko; Shepitsen, Andriy}
title = {Construction of Disambiguated Folksonomy Ontologies Using Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3308}
author = {Feng, Donghui; Besana, Sveva; Zajac, Remi}
title = {Acquiring High Quality Non-Expert Knowledge from On-Demand Workforce}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3309}
author = {Chamberlain, Jon; Kruschwitz, Udo; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Constructing an Anaphorically Annotated Corpus with Non-Experts: Assessing the Quality of Collaborative Annotations}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-3501}
author = {Shibaki, Yumi; Nagata, Masaaki; Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Constructing Large-Scale Person Ontology from Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3502}
author = {Pateman, Benjamin Mark; Johnson, Colin}
title = {Using the Wikipedia Link Structure to Correct the Wikipedia Link Structure}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3503}
author = {Bentivogli, Luisa; Forner, Pamela; Giuliano, Claudio; Marchetti, Alessandro; Pianta, Emanuele; Tymoshenko, Kateryna}
title = {Extending English ACE 2005 Corpus Annotation with Ground-truth Links to Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3504}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Pennacchiotti, Marco}
title = {Expanding textual entailment corpora fromWikipedia using co-training}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3505}
author = {Fang, Ji; Price, Bob; Price, Lotti}
title = {Pruning Non-Informative Text Through Non-Expert Annotations to Improve Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3506}
author = {Gouws, Stephan; Rooyen, G-J van; Engelbrecht, Herman A.}
title = {Measuring Conceptual Similarity by Spreading Activation over Wikipedia’s Hyperlink Structure}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3507}
author = {Qureshi, M. Atif; Younus, Arjumand; Saeed, Muhammad; Touheed, Nasir; Pianta, Emanuele; Tymoshenko, Kateryna}
title = {Identifying and Ranking Topic Clusters in the Blogosphere}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3508}
author = {Utiyama, Masao; Abekawa, Takeshi; Sumita, Eiichiro; Kageura, Kyo}
title = {Helping Volunteer Translators Fostering Language Resources}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2010}
id = {W12-4001}
author = {Musat, Claudiu Cristian; Ghasemi, Alireza; Faltings, Boi}
title = {Sentiment Analysis Using a Novel Human Computation Game}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4002}
author = {Mangeot-Lerebours, Mathieu; Ramisch, Carlos}
title = {A Serious Game for Building a Portuguese Lexical-Semantic Network}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4003}
author = {Exton, Chris; Schaler, Reinhard; Wasala, Asanka; Weerasinghe, Ruvan}
title = {Collaboratively Building Language Resources while Localising the Web}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4004}
author = {Yang, Hui}
title = {Resolving Task Specification and Path Inconsistency in Taxonomy Construction}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4005}
author = {Gunes, Omer Farukhan; Furche, Tim; Schallhart, Christian; Lehmann, Jens; Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille}
title = {EAGER: Extending Automatically Gazetteers for Entity Recognition}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4006}
author = {Ivanova, Angelina; Cabrio, Elena; Magnini, Bernardo}
title = {Extracting Context-Rich Entailment Rules from Wikipedia Revision History}
venue = {Workshop on The People’s Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources (People's Web)}
year = {2012}
id = {W91-0219}
author = {Matsukawa, Tomoyoshi; Yokota, Eiji}
title = {Development Of The Concept Dictionary Implementation Of Lexical Knowledge}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0301}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Church, Kenneth Ward; Gale, William A.}
title = {Robust Bilingual Word Alignment For Machine Aided Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0302}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Robust Text Processing In Automated Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0303}
author = {Liddy, Elizabeth D.; Paik, Woojin}
title = {Document Filtering Using Semantic Information From A Machine Readable Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0304}
author = {Cloeren, Jan}
title = {Toward A Cross-Linguistic Tagset}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0305}
author = {Chang, Chao-Huang; Chen, Cheng-Der}
title = {HMM-Based Part-Of-Speech Tagging For Chinese Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0306}
author = {Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {NPtool A Detector Of English Noun Phrases}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0307}
author = {Resnik, Philip; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Structural Ambiguity And Conceptual Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0308}
author = {Rose, Tony G.; Evett, Lindsay J.}
title = {Text Recognition And Collocations And Domain Codes}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0309}
author = {Breidt, Elisabeth}
title = {Extraction Of V-N-Collocations From Text Corpora: A Feasibility Study For German}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0310}
author = {Wettler, Manfred; Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {Computation Of Word Associations Based On Co-Occurrences Of Words In Large Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0311}
author = {Chang, Chao-Huang}
title = {Corpus-Based Adaptation Mechanisms For Chinese Homophone Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0312}
author = {Tong, Xiang; Huang, Changning; Guo, Cheng-Ming}
title = {Example-Based Sense Tagging Of Running Chinese Text}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0313}
author = {Umemura, Kyoji; Umemura, Akihiro; Suzuki, Etsuko}
title = {Experience About Compound Dictionary On Computer Networks}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora: Academic And Industrial Perspectives}
year = {1993}
id = {W97-0801}
author = {Vossen, Piek; Diez-Orzas, Pedro; Peters, Wim}
title = {Multilingual Design Of EuroWordNet}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0802}
author = {Hamp, Birgit; Feldweg, Helmut}
title = {GermaNet - A Lexical-Semantic Net For German}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0803}
author = {Tokunaga, Takenobu; Fujii, Atsushi; Naoyuki, Sakurai; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {Extending A Thesaurus By Classifying Words}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0804}
author = {Fischer, Dietrich H.}
title = {Formal Redundancy And Consistency Checking Rules For The Lexicai Database WordNet 1.5}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0805}
author = {Artale, Alessandro; Magnini, Bernardo; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Lexical Discrimination With The Italian Version Of WordNet}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0806}
author = {Gomez-Hidalgo, Jose Maria; De Buenaga Rodriguez, Manuel}
title = {Integrating A Lexical Database And A Training Collection For Text Categorization}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0807}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Hasegawa, Toshihiro; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Integration Of Hand-Crafted And Statistical Resources In Measuring Word Similarity}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0808}
author = {McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation For Acquisition Of Selectional Preferences}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0809}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Biermann, Alan W.}
title = {The Use Of Lexical Semantics In Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0810}
author = {Ait-Mokhtar, Salah; Chanod, Jean-Pierre}
title = {Subject And Object Dependency Extraction Using Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0811}
author = {Segond, Frederique; Schiller, Anne; Grefenstette, Gregory; Chanod, Jean-Pierre}
title = {An Experiment In Semantic Tagging Using Hidden Markov Model Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0812}
author = {Sanfilippo, Antonio}
title = {Using Semantic Similarity To Acquire Cooccurrence Restrictions From Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0813}
author = {Federici, Stefano; Montemagni, Simonetta; Pirrelli, Vito}
title = {Inferring Semantic Similarity From Distributional Evidence: An Analogy-Based Approach To Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Information Extraction And Building Of Lexical Semantic Resources For NLP Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W96-0101}
author = {Tzoukermann, Evelyne; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Using Word Class For Part-Of-Speech Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0102}
author = {Daelemans, Walter; Zavrel, Jakub; Berck, Peter; Gillis, Steven}
title = {MBT: A Memory-Based Part Of Speech Tagger-Generator}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0103}
author = {Ushioda, Akira}
title = {Hierarchical Clustering Of Words And Application To NLP Tasks}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0104}
author = {Karov, Yael; Edelman, Shimon}
title = {Learning Similarity-Based Word Sense Disambiguation From Sparse Data}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0105}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Inui, Kentaro; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {Selective Sampling Of Effective Example Sentence Sets For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0106}
author = {Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {Relating Turing's Formula And Zipf's Law}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0107}
author = {Kitamura, Mihoko; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Word Sequence Correspondences In Parallel Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0108}
author = {Tong, Xiang; Evans, David A.}
title = {A Statistical Approach To Automatic OCR Error Correction In Context}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0109}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Exploiting Text Structure For Topic Identification}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0110}
author = {Chiang, Tung-Hui; Su, Keh-Yih}
title = {Statistical Models For Deep-Structure Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0111}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {Two Questions About Data-Oriented Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0112}
author = {Li, Hang}
title = {A Probabilistic Disambiguation Method Based On Psycholinguistic Principles}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0113}
author = {Yamamoto, Mikio}
title = {A Re-Estimation Method For Stochastic Language Modeling From Ambiguous Observations}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0114}
author = {Theeramunkong, Thanaruk; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Towards Automatic Grammar Acquisition From A Bracketed Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1996}
id = {W97-0101}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Summary Of Invited Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0102}
author = {Rausch, John}
title = {Commercial Implementation Of Text Recognition Tools For VLC}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0103}
author = {Turtle, Howard}
title = {Commercial Impact Of VLC Research}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0104}
author = {Zhou, Qiang}
title = {A Statistics-Based Chinese Parser}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0105}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Eubank, Stephen; Kashioka, Hideki; Magerman, David M.}
title = {Probabilistic Parsing Of Unrestricted English Text With A Highly-Detailed Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0106}
author = {Theeramunkong, Thanaruk; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Grammar Acquisition Based On Clustering Analysis And Its Application To Statistical Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0107}
author = {Lee, Seungmi; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Reestimation And Best-First Parsing Algorithm For Probabilistic Dependency Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0108}
author = {Peh, Li Shiuan; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Domain-Specific Semantic Class Disambiguation Using WordNet}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0109}
author = {Stetina, Jiri; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Corpus Based PP Attachment Ambiguity Resolution With A Semantic Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0110}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Biermann, Alan W.}
title = {Corpus Based Statistical Generalization Tree In Rule Optimization}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0111}
author = {Tanaka-Ishii, Kumiko}
title = {Clustering Co-Occurrence Graph Based On Transitivity}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0112}
author = {Sta, Jean-David}
title = {Knowledge Acquisition: Classification Of Terms In A Thesaurus From A Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0113}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Data Reliability And Its Effects On Automatic Abstracting}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0114}
author = {Nakaiwa, Hiromi}
title = {Automatic Identification Of Zero Pronouns And Their Antecedents Within Aligned Sentence Pairs}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0115}
author = {Xuan-Jing, Huang; Li-De, Wu; Wen-Xin, Wang}
title = {Statistical Acquisition Of Terminology Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0116}
author = {De Lima, Erika F.}
title = {Acquiring German Prepositional Subcategorization Frames From Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0117}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Brandow, Ronald}
title = {A Natural Language Correction Model For Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0118}
author = {Rose, Tony G.}
title = {The Effects Of Corpus Size And Homogeneity On Language Model Quality}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0119}
author = {Fung, Pascale; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Finding Terminology Translations From Non-Parallel Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0120}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {A Self-Organizing Japanese Word Segmenter Using Heuristic Word Identification And Re-Estimation}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0121}
author = {Mikheev, Andrei}
title = {Collocation Lattices And Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0122}
author = {Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {Using Word Frequency Lists To Measure Corpus Homogeneity And Similarity Between Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0123}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Miyata, Takashi}
title = {Maximum Entropy Model Learning Of Subcategorization Preference}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0124}
author = {Thede, Scott M.; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {Analysis Of Unknown Lexical Items Using Morphological And Syntactic Information With The TIMIT Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0125}
author = {Nam, Jee-Sun; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {A Local Grammar-Based Approach To Recognizing Of Proper Names In Korean Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0126}
author = {Kawtrakul, Asanee; Chalatip, Thumkanon}
title = {A Statistical Approach To Thai Morphological Analyzer}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0127}
author = {Gao, Jun; Chen, XiXian}
title = {Probabilistic Word Classification Based On Context-Sensitive Binary Tree Method}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1997}
id = {W98-1101}
author = {Hochberg, Judith; Scovel, Clint; Thomas, Timothy; Hall, Sam}
title = {Bayesian Stratified Sampling To Assess Corpus Utility}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1102}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {Encoding Linguistic Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1103}
author = {Nie, Jian-Yun; Isabelle, Pierre; Foster, George}
title = {Using A Probabilistic Translation Model For Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1104}
author = {Yamamoto, Mikio; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Using Suffix Arrays To Compute Term Frequency And Document Frequency For All Substrings In A Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1105}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Miller, Scott}
title = {Semantic Tagging Using A Probabilistic Context Free Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1106}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Schmelzenbach, Mark}
title = {An Empirical Approach To Conceptual Case Frame Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1107}
author = {Thompson, Cynthia A.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Semantic Lexicon Acquisition For Learning Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1108}
author = {D'Alessio, Stephen; Murray, Keith; Schiaffino, Robert; Kershenbaum, Aaron}
title = {The Effect Of Topological Structure On Hierarchical Text Categorization}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1109}
author = {Collier, Alex; Pacey, Mike; Renouf, Antoinette}
title = {Refining The Automatic Identification Of Conceptual Relations In Large-Scale Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1110}
author = {Cha, Jeongwon; Lee, Gary Geunbae; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Generalized Unknown Morpheme Guessing For Hybrid POS Tagging Of Korean}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1111}
author = {Elworthy, David}
title = {Language Identification With Confidence Limits}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1112}
author = {Martínez, Raquel; Abaitua, Joseba; Casillas, Arantza}
title = {Aligning Tagged Bitexts}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1113}
author = {Parkes, Cornelia H.; Malek, Alexander M.; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Towards Unsupervised Extraction Of Verb Paradigms From Large Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1114}
author = {Carroll, John; Minnen, Guido; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Can Subcategorisation Probabilities Help A Statistical Parser}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1115}
author = {Charniak, Eugene; Goldwater, Sharon; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Edge-Based Best-First Chart Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1116}
author = {Merlo, Paola; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {What Grammars Tell Us About Corpora: The Case Of Reduced Relative Clauses}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1117}
author = {Skut, Wojciech; Brants, Thorsten}
title = {A Maximum-Entropy Partial Parser For Unrestricted Text}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1118}
author = {Borthwick, Andrew; Sterling, John; Agichtein, Eugene; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Exploiting Diverse Knowledge Sources Via Maximum Entropy In Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1119}
author = {Ge, Niyu; Hale, John; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {A Statistical Approach To Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1120}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi; Grishman, Ralph; Shinnou, Hiroyuki}
title = {A Decision Tree Method For Finding And Classifying Names In Japanese Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1121}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {POS Tagging Versus Classes In Language Modeling}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1122}
author = {Riccardi, Giuseppe; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Phrase Grammars For Stochastic Language Modeling}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1123}
author = {Kan, Min-Yen; Klavans, Judith L.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Linear Segmentation And Segment Significance}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1124}
author = {Marc, Daniel}
title = {Improving Summarization Through Rhetorical Parsing Tuning}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1125}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Discourse Parsing: A Decision Tree Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1126}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; McKeever, Kenneth J.; Bruce, Rebecca F.}
title = {Mapping Collocational Properties Into Machine Learning Features}
venue = {Workshop On Very Large Corpora}
year = {1998}
id = {W00-1201}
author = {Bikel, Daniel M.; Chiang, David}
title = {Two Statistical Parsing Models Applied To The Chinese Treebank}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1202}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Lin, Chi-Ching}
title = {Sense-Tagging Chinese Corpus}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1203}
author = {Chen, Keh-Jiann; Chen, Chao-Jan}
title = {Knowledge Extraction For Identification Of Chinese Organization Names}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1204}
author = {Drabek, Elliott Franco; Zhou, Qiang}
title = {Using Co-Occurrence Statistics As An Information Source For Partial Parsing Of Chinese}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1205}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Chen, Feng-Yi; Chen, Keh-Jiann; Gao, Zhao-Ming; Chen, Kuang-Yu}
title = {Sinica Treebank: Design Criteria Annotation Guidelines And On-Line Interface}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1206}
author = {T'sou, Benjamin K.; Lai, Tom Bong-Yeung; Chan, Samuel W. K.; Gao, Weijun; Zhan, Xuegang}
title = {Enhancement Of A Chinese Discourse Marker Tagger With C4.5}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1207}
author = {Wu, Andi; Jiang, Zixin}
title = {Statistically-Enhanced New Word Identification In A Rule-Based Chinese System}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1208}
author = {Xia, Fei; Han, Chunghye; Palmer, Martha; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Comparing Lexicalized Treebank Grammars Extracted From Chinese Korean And English Corpora}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1209}
author = {Yang, Erhong; Zhang, Guoqing; Zhang, Yongkui}
title = {The Research Of Word Sense Disambiguation Method Based On Co-Occurrence Frequency Of Hownet}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1210}
author = {Zhang, Yimin; Zhou, Joe F.}
title = {A Trainable Method For Extracting Chinese Entity Names And Their Relations}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1211}
author = {Zhao, Tiejun; Yang, Muyun; Liu, Fang; Yao, Jianmin; Yu, Hao}
title = {Statistics Based Hybrid Approach To Chinese Base Phrase Identification}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1212}
author = {Zhou, Ming}
title = {A Block-Based Robust Dependency Parser For Unrestricted Chinese Text}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1213}
author = {Gan, Kok Wee; Wong, Percy Ping-Wai}
title = {Annotating Information Structures In Chinese Texts Using HowNet}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1214}
author = {He, Ji; Tan, Ah-Hwee; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Machine Learning Methods For Chinese Web Page Categorization}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1215}
author = {Donghong, Ji}
title = {Semantic Annotation Of Chinese Phrases Using Recursive Graph}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1216}
author = {Jin, Wanying}
title = {Text Meaning Representation For Chinese}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1217}
author = {Kovarik, John J.}
title = {How Should A Large Corpus Be Built? - A Comparative Study Of Closure In Annotated Newspaper Corpora From Two Chinese Sources Towards Building A Larger Representative Corpus Merged From Representative Sublanguage Collections}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1218}
author = {Wen, Yang; Yuan, Chunfa; Huang, Changning}
title = {A Clustering Algorithm For Chinese Adjectives And Nouns}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1219}
author = {Zhang, Jian; Gao, Jianfeng; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Extraction Of Chinese Compound Words - An Experimental Study On A Very Large Corpus}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1220}
author = {Zhu, Xiaodan; Yuan, Chunfa; Wong, Kim-Fai; Li, Wenjie}
title = {An Algorithm For Situation Classification Of Chinese Verbs}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1221}
author = {Cheng, Chin-Chuan}
title = {Zero Anaphors In Chinese Discourse Processing}
venue = {Workshop: Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2000}
id = {W02-0501}
author = {Macks, Aaron}
title = {Parsing Akkadian Verbs With Prolog}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0502}
author = {Finkel, Raphael; Stump, Gregory}
title = {Generating Hebrew Verb Morphology By Default Inheritance Hierarchies}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0503}
author = {Abuleil, Saleem; Alsamara, Khalid; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {Acquisition System For Arabic Noun Morphology}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0504}
author = {Gal, Ya'akov}
title = {An HMM Approach To Vowel Restoration In Arabic And Hebrew}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0505}
author = {Al-Onaizan, Yaser; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Machine Transliteration Of Names In Arabic Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0506}
author = {Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Building A Shallow Arabic Morphological Analyser In One Day}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0507}
author = {Hammo, Bassam; Abu-Salem, Hani; Lytinen, Steven L.; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {QARAB: A: Question Answering System To Support The Arabic Language}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0508}
author = {Ornan, Uzzi}
title = {A MorphologicalSyntacticand Semantic Search Engine For Hebrew Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0509}
author = {Kamir, Dror; Soreq, Naama; Neeman, Yoni}
title = {A Comprehensive NLP System For Modern Standard Arabic And Modern Hebrew}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2002}
id = {W05-0701}
author = {Marsi, Erwin; van den Bosch, Antal; Soudi, Abdelhadi}
title = {Memory-Based Morphological Analysis Generation And Part-Of-Speech Tagging Of Arabic}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0702}
author = {Yona, Shlomo; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {A Finite-State Morphological Grammar Of Hebrew}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0703}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen; Kiraz, George Anton}
title = {Morphological Analysis And Generation For Arabic Dialects}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0704}
author = {Darwish, Kareem; Hassan, Hany; Emam, Ossama}
title = {Examining The Effect Of Improved Context Sensitive Morphology On Arabic Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0705}
author = {Grefenstette, Gregory; Semmar, Nasredine; Elkateb-Gara, Faiza}
title = {Modifying A Natural Language Processing System For European Languages To Treat Arabic In Information Processing And Information Retrieval Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0706}
author = {Bar-Haim, Roy; Sima'an, Khalil; Winter, Yoad}
title = {Choosing An Optimal Architecture For Segmentation And POS-Tagging Of Modern Hebrew}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0707}
author = {Fissaha Adafre, Sisay}
title = {Part Of Speech Tagging For Amharic Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0708}
author = {Duh, Kevin; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {POS Tagging Of Dialectal Arabic: A Minimally Supervised Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0709}
author = {Zitouni, Imed; Sorensen, Jeffrey S.; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Florian, Radu}
title = {The Impact Of Morphological Stemming On Arabic Mention Detection And Coreference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0710}
author = {Eyassu, Samuel; Gambäck, Björn}
title = {Classifying Amharic News Text Using Self-Organizing Maps}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0711}
author = {Nelken, Rani; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Arabic Diacritization Using Weighted Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0712}
author = {Hassan, Hany; Sorensen, Jeffrey S.}
title = {An Integrated Approach For Arabic-English Named Entity Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {2005}
id = {W98-1001}
author = {Abuleil, Saleem; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {Discovering Lexical Information By Tagging Arabic Newspaper Text}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1002}
author = {Maloney, John; Niv, Michael}
title = {TAGARAB: A Fast Accurate Arabic Name Recognizer Using High-Precision Morphological Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1003}
author = {Debili, Fathi; Soussi, Emna}
title = {Etiquetage Grammatical De L'arabe Voyelle Ou Non}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1004}
author = {Fanton, Michel}
title = {Finite State Automata And Arabic Writing}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1005}
author = {Glover Stalls, Bonnie; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Translating Names And Technical Terms In Arabic Text}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1006}
author = {Debili, Fathi; Achour, Hadhemi}
title = {Voyellation Automatique De L'arabe}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1007}
author = {Beesley, Kenneth R.}
title = {Arabic Morphology Using Only Finite-State Operations}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1008}
author = {Smets, Martine}
title = {Paradigmatic Treatment Of Arabic Morphology}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1009}
author = {Al-Shalabi, Riyad; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {A Computational Morphology System For Arabic}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1010}
author = {Barthélemy, François}
title = {A Morphological Analyzer For Akkadian Verbal Forms With A Model Of Phonetic Transformations}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1011}
author = {Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Towards A Linguistically Motivated Computational Grammar For Hebrew}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1012}
author = {Netzer, Yael Dahan; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Generating Determiners And Quantifiers In Hebrew}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1013}
author = {Rosner, Mike A.; Caruana, Joe; Fabri, Ray}
title = {Maltilex: A Computational Lexicon For Maltese}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1014}
author = {Micallef, Paul}
title = {Rule Based Lexical Analysis Of MALTESE}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1015}
author = {Obaid, Ali M.}
title = {A New Pattern Matching Approach To The Recognition Of Printed Arabic}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Semitic Languages}
year = {1998}
id = {W04-1201}
author = {Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Recognizing Names In Biomedical Texts Using Hidden Markov Model And SVM Plus Sigmoid}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1202}
author = {Tbahriti, Imad; Chichester, Christine; Lisacek, Frederique; Ruch, Patrick}
title = {Using Argumentation To Retrieve Articles With Similar Citations From MEDLINE}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1203}
author = {Pyysalo, Sampo; Ginter, Filip; Pahikkala, Tapio; Boberg, Jorma; Jarvinen, Jouni; Salakoski, Tapio; Koivula, Jeppe}
title = {Analysis Of Link Grammar On Biomedical Dependency Corpus Targeted At Protein-Protein Interactions}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1204}
author = {Huang, Minlie; Zhu, Xiaoyan; Payan, Donald G.; Qu, Kunbin; Li, Ming}
title = {Discovering Patterns To Extract Protein-Protein Interactions From Full Biomedical Texts}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1205}
author = {Mizuta, Yoko; Collier, Nigel}
title = {Zone Identification In Biology Articles As A Basis For Information Extraction}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1206}
author = {Krallinger, Martin; Padron, M.; Blaschke, C.; Valencia, A.}
title = {Assessing The Correlation Between Contextual Patterns And Biological Entity Tagging}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1207}
author = {Alphonse, Erick; Aubin, Sophie; Bessières, Philippe; Bisson, Gilles; Hamon, Thierry; Lagarrigue, Sandrine; Nazarenko, Adeline; Manine, Alain-Pierre; Nédellec, Claire; Ould Abdel Vetah, Mohamed; Poibeau, Thierry; Weissenbacher, Davy}
title = {Event-Based Information Extraction For The Biomedical Domain: The Caderige Project}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1208}
author = {Kirsch, Harald; Rebholz-Schuhmann, Dietrich}
title = {Distributed Modules For Text Annotation And IE Applied To The Biomedical Domain}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1209}
author = {Lee, Chih; Hou, Wen-Juan; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Support Vector Machine Approach To Extracting Gene References Into Function From Biological Documents}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1210}
author = {Clemente Litran, Jose Carlos; Satoh, Kenji; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Improving The Identification Of Non-Anaphoric It Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1211}
author = {Pakhomov, Serguei V.; Coden, Anni; Chute, Christopher G.}
title = {Creating A Test Corpus Of Clinical Notes Manually Tagged For Part-Of-Speech Information}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1212}
author = {Sinclair, Gail; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Classification From Full Text: A Comparison Of Canonical Sections Of Scientific Papers}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1213}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Kim, Jin-Dong}
title = {Introduction To The Bio-Entity Recognition Task At JNLPBA}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1214}
author = {Park, Kyung-Mi; Kim, Seonho; Lee, Ki-Joong; Lee, Do-Gil; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Incorporating Lexical Knowledge Into Biomedical NE Recognition}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1215}
author = {Lee, Chih; Hou, Wen-Juan; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Annotating Multiple Types Of Biomedical Entities: A Single Word Classification Approach}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1216}
author = {Zhao, Shaojun}
title = {Named Entity Recognition In Biomedical Texts Using An HMM Model}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1217}
author = {Finkel, Jenny Rose; Dingare, Shipra; Nguyen, Huy; Nissim, Malvina; Manning, Christopher D.; Sinclair, Gail}
title = {Exploiting Context For Biomedical Entity Recognition: From Syntax To The Web}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1218}
author = {Rossler, Marc}
title = {Adapting An NER-System For German To The Biomedical Domain}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1219}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian}
title = {Exploring Deep Knowledge Resources In Biomedical Name Recognition}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1220}
author = {Song, Yu; Kim, Eunju; Lee, Gary Geunbae; Yi, Byoung-Kee}
title = {POSBIOTM-NER In The Shared Task Of BioNLP/NLPBA 2004}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1221}
author = {Settles, Burr}
title = {Biomedical Named Entity Recognition Using Conditional Random Fields And Rich Feature Sets}
venue = {International Joint Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine And Its Applications NLPBA BioNLP}
year = {2004}
id = {W09-2401}
author = {McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Invited Talk: Alternative Annotations of Word Usage}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2402}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Salleb-Aouissi, Ansaf; Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {Making Sense of Word Sense Variation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2403}
author = {Preiss, Judita; Dehdari, Jon; King, Josh; Mehay, Dennis}
title = {Refining the most frequent sense baseline}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2404}
author = {Carpuat, Marine}
title = {One Translation Per Discourse}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2405}
author = {Schwartz, Hansen A.; Gomez, Fernando}
title = {Using Web Selectors for the Disambiguation of All Words}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2406}
author = {Novák, Václav; Hartrumpf, Sven; Hall, Keith}
title = {Large-scale Semantic Networks: Annotation and Evaluation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2407}
author = {Heider, Paul M.; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {Making Semantic Topicality Robust Through Term Abstraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2408}
author = {Kolomiyets, Oleksandr; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Meeting TempEval-2: Shallow Approach for Temporal Tagger}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2409}
author = {Nulty, Paul; Costello, Fintan J.}
title = {Using Lexical Patterns in the Google Web 1T Corpus to Deduce Semantic Relations Between Nouns}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2410}
author = {Guo, Weiwei; Diab, Mona}
title = {Improvements To Monolingual English Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2411}
author = {Recasens, Marta; Martí, Toni; Taulé, Mariona; Màrquez, Lluís; Sapena, Emili}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 1: Coreference Resolution in Multiple Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2412}
author = {Sinha, Ravi; McCarthy, Diana; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 2: Cross-Lingual Lexical Substitution}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2413}
author = {Lefever, Els; Hoste, Véronique}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 3: Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2414}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Rumshisky, Anna}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 7: Argument Selection and Coercion}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2415}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; Kim, Su Nam; Kozareva, Zornitsa; Nakov, Preslav; Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Pennacchiotti, Marco; Romano, Lorenza; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 8: Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations Between Pairs of Nominals}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2416}
author = {Butnariu, Cristina; Kim, Su Nam; Nakov, Preslav; Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Szpakowicz, Stan; Veale, Tony}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 9: The Interpretation of Noun Compounds Using Paraphrasing Verbs and Prepositions}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2417}
author = {Ruppenhofer, Josef; Sporleder, Caroline; Morante, Roser; Baker, Collin F.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 10: Linking Events and Their Participants in Discourse}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2418}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Verhagen, Marc}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 13: Evaluating Events Time Expressions and Temporal Relations (TempEval-2)}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2419}
author = {Manandhar, Suresh; Klapaftis, Ioannis P.}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 14: Evaluation Setting for Word Sense Induction & Disambiguation Systems}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2420}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; López de Lacalle, Oier; Fellbaum, Christiane; Marchetti, Andrea; Toral, Antonio; Vossen, Piek}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 17: All-words Word Sense Disambiguation on a Specific Domain}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2421}
author = {Freitas, Cláudia; Santos, Diana; Mota, Cristina; Gonçalo Oliveira, Hugo; Carvalho, Paula}
title = {Relation detection between named entities: report of a shared task}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2422}
author = {Lee, Chong Min; Katz, Graham}
title = {Error Analysis of the TempEval Temporal Relation Identification Task}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2423}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Kosaka, Michiko; Xue, Nianwen; Ji, Heng; Sun, Ang; Liao, Shasha; Xu, Wei}
title = {Automatic Recognition of Logical Relations for English Chinese and Japanese in the GLARF Framework}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {S10-1001}
author = {Recasens, Marta; Màrquez, Lluís; Sapena, Emili; Martí, M. Antònia; Taulé, Mariona; Hoste, Véronique; Poesio, Massimo; Versley, Yannick}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 1: Coreference Resolution in Multiple Languages}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1002}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Sinha, Ravi; McCarthy, Diana}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 2: Cross-Lingual Lexical Substitution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1003}
author = {Lefever, Els; Hoste, Véronique}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 3: Cross-Lingual Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1004}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Medelyan, Olena; Kan, Min-Yen; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 5 : Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Scientific Articles}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1005}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Rumshisky, Anna; Plotnick, Alex; Jezek, Elisabetta; Batiukova, Olga; Quochi, Valeria}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 7: Argument Selection and Coercion}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1006}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; Kim, Su Nam; Kozareva, Zornitsa; Nakov, Preslav; Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Padó, Sebastian; Pennacchiotti, Marco; Romano, Lorenza; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 8: Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations between Pairs of Nominals}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1007}
author = {Butnariu, Cristina; Kim, Su Nam; Nakov, Preslav; Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Szpakowicz, Stan; Veale, Tony}
title = {SemEval-2 Task 9: The Interpretation of Noun Compounds Using Paraphrasing Verbs and Prepositions}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1008}
author = {Ruppenhofer, Josef; Sporleder, Caroline; Morante, Roser; Baker, Collin F.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 10: Linking Events and Their Participants in Discourse}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1009}
author = {Yuret, Deniz; Han, Aydin; Turgut, Zehra}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 12: Parser Evaluation Using Textual Entailments}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1010}
author = {Verhagen, Marc; Sauri, Roser; Caselli, Tommaso; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 13: TempEval-2}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1011}
author = {Manandhar, Suresh; Klapaftis, Ioannis P.; Dligach, Dmitriy; Pradhan, Sameer S.}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 14: Word Sense Induction &Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1012}
author = {Okumura, Manabu; Shirai, Kiyoaki; Komiya, Kanako; Yokono, Hikaru}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task: Japanese WSD}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1013}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; López de Lacalle, Oier; Fellbaum, Christiane; Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Tesconi, Maurizio; Monachini, Monica; Vossen, Piek; Segers, Roxanne}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 17: All-Words Word Sense Disambiguation on a Specific Domain}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1014}
author = {Wu, Yunfang; Jin, Peng}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 18: Disambiguating Sentiment Ambiguous Adjectives}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1015}
author = {Zhou, Qiang}
title = {SemEval-2010 Task 11: Event Detection in Chinese News Sentences}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1016}
author = {Jin, Peng; Wu, Yunfang}
title = {SemEval-2 Task 15: Infrequent Sense Identification for Mandarin Text to Speech Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1017}
author = {Sapena, Emili; Padró, Lluís; Turmo, Jordi}
title = {RelaxCor: A Global Relaxation Labeling Approach to Coreference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1018}
author = {Kobdani, Hamidreza; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {SUCRE: A Modular System for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1019}
author = {Zhekova, Desislava; Kübler, Sandra}
title = {UBIU: A Language-Independent System for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1020}
author = {Uryupina, Olga}
title = {Corry: A System for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1021}
author = {Broscheit, Samuel; Poesio, Massimo; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo; Rodriguez, Kepa Joseba; Romano, Lorenza; Uryupina, Olga; Versley, Yannick; Zanoli, Roberto}
title = {BART: A Multilingual Anaphora Resolution System}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1022}
author = {Attardi, Giuseppe; Simi, Maria; Dei Rossi, Stefano}
title = {TANL-1: Coreference Resolution by Parse Analysis and Similarity Clustering}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1023}
author = {Vilariño Ayala, Darnes; Balderas Posada, Carlos; Pinto, David; Rodríguez Hernández, Miguel; León Silverio, Saul}
title = {FCC: Modeling Probabilities with GIZA++ for Task 2 and 3 of SemEval-2}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1024}
author = {Aziz, Wilker; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Combining Dictionaries and Contextual Information for Cross-Lingual Lexical Substitution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1025}
author = {Wicentowski, Richard; Kelly, Maria; Lee, Rachel}
title = {SWAT: Cross-Lingual Lexical Substitution using Local Context Matching Bilingual Dictionaries and Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1026}
author = {Guo, Weiwei; Diab, Mona}
title = {COLEPL and COLSLM: An Unsupervised WSD Approach to Multilingual Lexical Substitution Tasks 2 and 3 SemEval 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1027}
author = {Silberer, Carina; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo}
title = {UHD: Cross-Lingual Word Sense Disambiguation Using Multilingual Co-Occurrence Graphs}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1028}
author = {Mahapatra, Lipta; Mohan, Meera; Khapra, Mitesh M.; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {OWNS: Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation Using Weighted Overlap Counts and Wordnet Based Similarity Measures}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1029}
author = {Ouyang, You; Li, Wenjie; Zhang, Renxian}
title = {273. Task 5. Keyphrase Extraction Based on Core Word Identification and Word Expansion}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1030}
author = {Bordea, Georgeta; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {DERIUNLP: A Context Based Approach to Automatic Keyphrase Extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1031}
author = {Eichler, Kathrin; Neumann, Günter}
title = {DFKI KeyWE: Ranking Keyphrases Extracted from Scientific Articles}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1032}
author = {Pasquier, Claude}
title = {Single Document Keyphrase Extraction Using Sentence Clustering and Latent Dirichlet Allocation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1033}
author = {Wang, Letian; Li, Fang}
title = {SJTULTLAB: Chunk Based Method for Keyphrase Extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1034}
author = {Paukkeri, Mari-Sanna; Honkela, Timo}
title = {Likey: Unsupervised Language-Independent Keyphrase Extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1035}
author = {Nguyen, Thuy Dung; Luong, Minh-Thang}
title = {WINGNUS: Keyphrase Extraction Utilizing Document Logical Structure}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1036}
author = {Pianta, Emanuele; Tonelli, Sara}
title = {KX: A Flexible System for Keyphrase eXtraction}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1037}
author = {Ortiz, Roberto; Pinto, David; Tovar, Mireya; Jiménez-Salazar, Héctor}
title = {BUAP: An Unsupervised Approach to Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Scientific Articles}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1038}
author = {Park, Jungyeul; Lee, Jong Gun; Daille, Béatrice}
title = {UNPMC: Naive Approach to Extract Keyphrases from Scientific Articles}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1039}
author = {Treeratpituk, Pucktada; Teregowda, Pradeep; Huang, Jian; Giles, C. Lee}
title = {SEERLAB: A System for Extracting Keyphrases from Scholarly Documents}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1040}
author = {Berend, Gábor; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {SZTERGAK : Feature Engineering for Keyphrase Extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1041}
author = {El-Beltagy, Samhaa R.; Rafea, Ahmed}
title = {KP-Miner: Participation in SemEval-2}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1042}
author = {Zervanou, Kalliopi}
title = {UvT: The UvT Term Extraction System in the Keyphrase Extraction Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1043}
author = {Celli, Fabio}
title = {UNITN: Part-Of-Speech Counting in Relation Extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1044}
author = {Negri, Matteo; Kouylekov, Milen}
title = {FBK_NK: A WordNet-Based System for Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1045}
author = {Pal, Santanu; Pakray, Partha; Das, Dipankar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {JU: A Supervised Approach to Identify Semantic Relations from Paired Nominals}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1046}
author = {Szarvas, György; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {TUD: Semantic Relatedness for Relation Classification}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1047}
author = {Tymoshenko, Kateryna; Giuliano, Claudio}
title = {FBK-IRST: Semantic Relation Extraction Using Cyc}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1048}
author = {Esuli, Andrea; Marcheggiani, Diego; Sebastiani, Fabrizio}
title = {ISTI@SemEval-2 Task 8: Boosting-Based Multiway Relation Classification}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1049}
author = {Tratz, Stephen; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {ISI: Automatic Classification of Relations Between Nominals Using a Maximum Entropy Classifier}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1050}
author = {Chen, Yuan; Lan, Man; Su, Jian; Zhou, Zhi-Min; Xu, Yu}
title = {ECNU: Effective Semantic Relations Classification without Complicated Features or Multiple External Corpora}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1051}
author = {Li, Guofu; Lopez-Fernandez, Alejandra; Veale, Tony}
title = {UCD-Goggle: A Hybrid System for Noun Compound Paraphrasing}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1052}
author = {Nulty, Paul; Costello, Fintan J.}
title = {UCD-PN: Selecting General Paraphrases Using Conditional Probability}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1053}
author = {Gompel, Maarten van}
title = {UvT-WSD1: A Cross-Lingual Word Sense Disambiguation System}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1054}
author = {Basile, Pierpaolo; Semeraro, Giovanni}
title = {UBA: Using Automatic Translation and Wikipedia for Cross-Lingual Lexical Substitution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1055}
author = {Lopez, Patrice; Romary, Laurent}
title = {HUMB: Automatic Key Term Extraction from Scientific Articles in GROBID}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1056}
author = {Roberts, Kirk; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {UTDMet: Combining WordNet and Corpus Data for Argument Coercion Detection}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1057}
author = {Rink, Bryan; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {UTD: Classifying Semantic Relations by Combining Lexical and Semantic Resources}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1058}
author = {Wubben, Sander}
title = {UvT: Memory-Based Pairwise Ranking of Paraphrasing Verbs}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1059}
author = {Chen, Desai; Schneider, Nathan; Das, Dipanjan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {SEMAFOR: Frame Argument Resolution with Log-Linear Models}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1060}
author = {Rimell, Laura; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Cambridge: Parser Evaluation Using Textual Entailment by Grammatical Relation Comparison}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1061}
author = {Wang, Rui; Zhang, Yi}
title = {MARS: A Specialized RTE System for Parser Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1062}
author = {UzZaman, Naushad; Allen, James F.}
title = {TRIPS and TRIOS System for TempEval-2: Extracting Temporal Information from Text}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1063}
author = {Llorens, Hector; Saquete, Estela; Navarro, Borja}
title = {TIPSem (English and Spanish): Evaluating CRFs and Semantic Roles in TempEval-2}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1064}
author = {Lu, Bin; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {CityU-DAC: Disambiguating Sentiment-Ambiguous Adjectives within Context}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1065}
author = {Tonelli, Sara; Delmonte, Rodolfo}
title = {VENSES++: Adapting a deep semantic processing system to the identification of null instantiations}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1066}
author = {Litkowski, Ken}
title = {CLR: Linking Events and Their Participants in Discourse Using a Comprehensive FrameNet Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1067}
author = {Li, Shiqi; Liu, Pengyuan; Zhao, Tiejun; Lu, Qin; Li, Hanjing}
title = {PKU_HIT: An Event Detection System Based on Instances Expansion and Rich Syntactic Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1068}
author = {Volokh, Alexander; Neumann, Günter}
title = {372:Comparing the Benefit of Different Dependency Parsers for Textual Entailment Using Syntactic Constraints Only}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1069}
author = {Ng, Dominick; Constable, James W. D.; Honnibal, Matthew; Curran, James R.}
title = {SCHWA: PETE Using CCG Dependencies with the C&C Parser}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1070}
author = {Saquete, Estela}
title = {ID 392:TERSEO + T2T3 Transducer. A systems for Recognizing and Normalizing TIMEX3}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1071}
author = {Strötgen, Jannik; Gertz, Michael}
title = {HeidelTime: High Quality Rule-Based Extraction and Normalization of Temporal Expressions}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1072}
author = {Kolomiyets, Oleksandr; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {KUL: Recognition and Normalization of Temporal Expressions}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1073}
author = {Vicente-Díez, María Teresa; Moreno-Schneider, Julián; Martínez, Paloma}
title = {UC3M System: Determining the Extent Type and Value of Time Expressions in TempEval-2}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1074}
author = {Grover, Claire; Tobin, Richard; Alex, Beatrice; Byrne, Kate}
title = {Edinburgh-LTG: TempEval-2 System Description}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1075}
author = {Derczynski, Leon; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {USFD2: Annotating Temporal Expresions and TLINKs for TempEval-2}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1076}
author = {Ha, Eun Y.; Baikadi, Alok; Licata, Carlyle; Lester, James C.}
title = {NCSU: Modeling Temporal Relations with Markov Logic and Lexical Ontology}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1077}
author = {Kolya, Anup Kumar; Ekbal, Asif; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {JU_CSE_TEMP: A First Step towards Evaluating Events Time Expressions and Temporal Relations}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1078}
author = {Kern, Roman; Muhr, Markus; Granitzer, Michael}
title = {KCDC: Word Sense Induction by Using Grammatical Dependencies and Sentence Phrase Structure}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1079}
author = {Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {UoY: Graphs of Unambiguous Vertices for Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1080}
author = {Jurgens, David; Stevens, Keith}
title = {HERMIT: Flexible Clustering for the SemEval-2 WSI Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1081}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Duluth-WSI: SenseClusters Applied to the Sense Induction Task of SemEval-2}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1082}
author = {Elshamy, Wesam; Caragea, Doina; Hsu, William}
title = {KSU KDD: Word Sense Induction by Clustering in Topic Space}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1083}
author = {Liu, Pengyuan; Yu, Shiwen; Liu, Shui; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {PengYuan@PKU: Extracting Infrequent Sense Instance with the Same N-Gram Pattern for the SemEval-2010 Task 15}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1084}
author = {Brosseau-Villeneuve, Bernard; Kando, Noriko; Nie, Jian-Yun}
title = {RALI: Automatic Weighting of Text Window Distances}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1085}
author = {Shirai, Kiyoaki; Nakamura, Makoto}
title = {JAIST: Clustering and Classification Based Approaches for Japanese WSD}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1086}
author = {Fujita, Sanae; Duh, Kevin; Fujino, Akinori; Taira, Hirotoshi; Shindo, Hiroyuki}
title = {MSS: Investigating the Effectiveness of Domain Combinations and Topic Features for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1087}
author = {Reddy, Siva; Inumella, Abhilash; McCarthy, Diana; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {IIITH: Domain Specific Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1088}
author = {Schwartz, Hansen A.; Gomez, Fernando}
title = {UCF-WS: Domain Word Sense Disambiguation Using Web Selectors}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1089}
author = {Tran, Andrew; Bowes, Chris; Brown, David; Chen, Ping; Choly, Max; Ding, Wei}
title = {TreeMatch: A Fully Unsupervised WSD System Using Dependency Knowledge on a Specific Domain}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1090}
author = {Izquierdo, Rubén; Suárez, Armando; Rigau, German}
title = {GPLSI-IXA: Using Semantic Classes to Acquire Monosemous Training Examples from Domain Texts}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1091}
author = {Guo, Yuhang; Che, Wanxiang; He, Wei; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {HIT-CIR: An Unsupervised WSD System Based on Domain Most Frequent Sense Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1092}
author = {Ion, Radu; Ştefănescu, Dan}
title = {RACAI: Unsupervised WSD Experiments @ SemEval-2 Task 17}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1093}
author = {Soroa, Aitor; Agirre, Eneko; López de Lacalle, Oier; Bosma, Wauter; Vossen, Piek; Monachini, Monica; Lo, Jessie; Hsieh, Shu-Kai}
title = {Kyoto: An Integrated System for Specific Domain WSD}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1094}
author = {Kulkarni, Anup; Khapra, Mitesh M.; Sohoney, Saurabh; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {CFILT: Resource Conscious Approaches for All-Words Domain Specific WSD}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1095}
author = {Gutiérrez, Yoan; Fernandez Orquín, Antonio; Montoyo, Andrés; Vázquez, Sonia}
title = {UMCC-DLSI: Integrative Resource for Disambiguation Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1096}
author = {Shih, Meng-Hsien}
title = {HR-WSD: System Description for All-Words Word Sense Disambiguation on a Specific Domain at SemEval-2010}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1097}
author = {Pak, Alexander; Paroubek, Patrick}
title = {Twitter Based System: Using Twitter for Disambiguating Sentiment Ambiguous Adjectives}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1098}
author = {Yang, Shi-Cai; Liu, Mei-Juan}
title = {YSC-DSAA: An Approach to Disambiguate Sentiment Ambiguous Adjectives Based on SAAOL}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1099}
author = {Balahur, Alexandra; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {OpAL: Applying Opinion Mining Techniques for the Disambiguation of Sentiment Ambiguous Adjectives in SemEval-2 Task 18}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S10-1100}
author = {Xu, Ruifeng; Xu, Jun; Kitt, Chunyu}
title = {HITSZ_CITYU: Combine Collocation Context Words and Neighboring Sentence Sentiment in Sentiment Adjectives Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2010}
id = {S12-1001}
author = {Silberer, Carina; Frank, Anette}
title = {Casting Implicit Role Linking as an Anaphora Resolution Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1002}
author = {Bunescu, Razvan C.}
title = {Adaptive Clustering for Coreference Resolution with Deterministic Rules and Web-Based Language Models}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1003}
author = {Hassan, Samer; Banea, Carmen; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Measuring Semantic Relatedness using Multilingual Representations}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1004}
author = {Dandala, Bharath; Bunescu, Razvan C.; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Towards Building a Multilingual Semantic Network: Identifying Interlingual Links in Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1005}
author = {Gorodetsky, Maya; Daya, Ezra; Kotlerman, Lili; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Sentence Clustering via Projection over Term Clusters}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1006}
author = {Abramson, Martha; Howald, Blake Stephen}
title = {The Use of Granularity in Rhetorical Relation Prediction}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1007}
author = {Katrenko, Sophia}
title = {Could you make me a favour and do coffee, please?: Implications for Automatic Error Correction in English and Dutch}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1008}
author = {Nawab, Rao Muhammad Adeel; Clough, Paul D.; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Detecting Text Reuse with Modified and Weighted N-grams}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1009}
author = {Liebeskind, Chaya; Schler, Jonathan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Statistical Thesaurus Construction for a Morphologically Rich Language}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1010}
author = {Tu, Yuancheng; Roth, Dan}
title = {Sorting out the Most Confusing English Phrasal Verbs}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1011}
author = {Hermann, Karl Moritz; Blunsom, Philip; Pulman, Stephen G.; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Learning Semantics and Selectional Preference of Adjective-Noun Pairs}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1012}
author = {Benotto, Giulia; Lenci, Alessandro}
title = {Identifying hypernyms in distributional semantic spaces}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1013}
author = {Baumgaertner, Bert; Fernandez, Raquel; Stone, Matthew}
title = {Towards a Flexible Semantics: Colour Terms in Collaborative Reference Tasks}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1014}
author = {May, Wesley; Fidler, Sanja; Fazly, Afsaneh; Dickinson, Sven; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Unsupervised Disambiguation of Image Captions}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1015}
author = {Eger, Steffen}
title = {Lexical semantic typologies from bilingual corpora — A framework}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1016}
author = {Johansson, Richard}
title = {Non-atomic Classification to Improve a Semantic Role Labeler for a Low-resource Language}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1017}
author = {Fothergill, Richard; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Combining resources for MWE-token classification}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1018}
author = {Cadilhac, Anais; Asher, Nicholas; Benamara, Farah}
title = {Annotating Preferences in Negotiation Dialogues}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1019}
author = {Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Murphy, Brian; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Selecting Corpus-Semantic Models for Neurolinguistic Decoding}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1020}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Simple and Phrasal Implicatives}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1021}
author = {Hermann, Karl Moritz; Blunsom, Philip; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {An Unsupervised Ranking Model for Noun-Noun Compositionality}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1022}
author = {Allen, James F.; Manshadi, Mehdi}
title = {Expanding the Range of Tractable Scope-Underspecified Semantic Representations}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1023}
author = {Boleda, Gemma; Padó, Sebastian; Utt, Jason}
title = {Regular polysemy: A distributional model}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1024}
author = {Seppälä, Selja; Barque, Lucie; Nasr, Alexis}
title = {Extracting a Semantic Lexicon of French Adjectives from a Large Lexicographic Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1025}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Modelling selectional preferences in a lexical hierarchy}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1026}
author = {Fürstenau, Hagen; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Unsupervised Induction of a Syntax-Semantics Lexicon Using Iterative Refinement}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1027}
author = {Jurgens, David}
title = {An Evaluation of Graded Sense Disambiguation using Word Sense Induction}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1028}
author = {Qadir, Ashequl; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Ensemble-based Semantic Lexicon Induction for Semantic Tagging}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1029}
author = {Martins, Andrè F. T.; Smith, Noah A.; Das, Dipanjan}
title = {An Exact Dual Decomposition Algorithm for Shallow Semantic Parsing with Constraints}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1030}
author = {Roth, Michael; Frank, Anette}
title = {Aligning Predicate Argument Structures in Monolingual Comparable Texts: A New Corpus for a New Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1031}
author = {MacKinlay, Andrew; Dridan, Rebecca; McCarthy, Diana; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {The Effects of Semantic Annotations on Precision Parse Ranking}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1032}
author = {Shnarch, Eyal; Dagan, Ido; Goldberger, Jacob}
title = {A Probabilistic Lexical Model for Ranking Textual Inferences}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1033}
author = {Mohammad, Saif}
title = {#Emotional Tweets}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1034}
author = {Ganitkevitch, Juri; Van Durme, Benjamin; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Monolingual Distributional Similarity for Text-to-Text Generation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1035}
author = {Morante, Roser; Blanco, Eduardo}
title = {*SEM 2012 Shared Task: Resolving the Scope and Focus of Negation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1036}
author = {Gyawali, Binod; Solorio, Thamar}
title = {UABCoRAL: A Preliminary study for Resolving the Scope of Negation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1037}
author = {Díaz, Alberto; Ballesteros, Miguel; Carrillo de Albornoz, Jorge; Plaza, Laura}
title = {UCM-I: A Rule-based Syntactic Approach for Resolving the Scope of Negation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1038}
author = {Díaz, Alberto; Ballesteros, Miguel; Francisco, Virginia; Gervas, Pablo; Carrillo de Albornoz, Jorge; Plaza, Laura}
title = {UCM-2: a Rule-Based Approach to Infer the Scope of Negation via Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1039}
author = {Rosenberg, Sabine; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {UConcordia: CLaC Negation Focus Detection at *Sem 2012}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1040}
author = {Venhuizen, Noortje; Basile, Valerio; Bos, Johan; Evang, Kilian}
title = {UGroningen: Negation detection with Discourse Representation Structures}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1041}
author = {Øvrelid, Lilja; Oepen, Stephan; Read, Jonathon; Velldal, Erik}
title = {UiO1: Constituent-Based Discriminative Ranking for Negation Resolution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1042}
author = {Øvrelid, Lilja; Lapponi, Emanuele; Read, Jonathon; Velldal, Erik}
title = {UiO 2: Sequence-labeling Negation Using Dependency Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1043}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Abu-Jbara, Amjad}
title = {UMichigan: A Conditional Random Field Model for Resolving the Scope of Negation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1044}
author = {White, James P.}
title = {UWashington: Negation Resolution using Machine Learning Methods}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1045}
author = {Chowdhury, Md. Faisal Mahbub}
title = {FBK: Exploiting Phrasal and Contextual Clues for Negation Scope Detection}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1046}
author = {Jauhar, Sujay Kumar; Mihalcea, Rada; Specia, Lucia}
title = {SemEval-2012 Task 1: English Lexical Simplification}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1047}
author = {Holyoak, Keith; Turney, Peter D.; Jurgens, David; Mohammad, Saif}
title = {SemEval-2012 Task 2: Measuring Degrees of Relational Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1048}
author = {kordjamshidi, parisa; Bethard, Steven; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {SemEval-2012 Task 3: Spatial Role Labeling}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1049}
author = {Jin, Peng; Wu, Yunfang}
title = {SemEval-2012 Task 4: Evaluating Chinese Word Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1050}
author = {Shao, Yanqiu; Zhang, Meishan; Che, Wanxiang; Liu, Ting}
title = {SemEval-2012 Task 5: Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1051}
author = {Gonzalez-Agirre, Aitor; Agirre, Eneko; Cer, Daniel; Diab, Mona}
title = {SemEval-2012 Task 6: A Pilot on Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1052}
author = {Roemmele, Melissa; Gordon, Andrew S.; Kozareva, Zornitsa}
title = {SemEval-2012 Task 7: Choice of Plausible Alternatives: An Evaluation of Commonsense Causal Reasoning}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1053}
author = {Negri, Matteo; Marchetti, Alessandro; Mehdad, Yashar; Bentivogli, Luisa; Giampiccolo, Danilo}
title = {Semeval-2012 Task 8: Cross-lingual Textual Entailment for Content Synchronization}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1054}
author = {Nygaard, Anders; Martinez, Hector; Klerke, Sigrid; Johannsen, Anders}
title = {EMNLP@CPH: Is frequency all there is to simplicity?}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1055}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Rink, Bryan}
title = {UTD: Determining Relational Similarity Using Lexical Patterns}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1056}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Roberts, Kirk}
title = {UTD-SpRL: A Joint Approach to Spatial Role Labeling}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1057}
author = {Zhang, Yingjie; Li, Bin; Dai, Xinyu; Chen, Jiajun}
title = {MIXCD: System Description for Evaluating Chinese Word Similarity at SemEval-2012}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1058}
author = {Wu, Zhijun; Wang, Xuan; Li, Xinxin}
title = {Zhijun Wu: Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing with Third-Order Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1059}
author = {Bär, Daniel; Biemann, Christian; Gurevych, Iryna; Zesch, Torsten}
title = {UKP: Computing Semantic Textual Similarity by Combining Multiple Content Similarity Measures}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1060}
author = {Å ariÄ, Frane; GlavaÅ¡, Goran; Karan, Mladen; Šnajder, Jan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana}
title = {TakeLab: Systems for Measuring Semantic Text Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1061}
author = {Jimenez, Sergio; Becerra, Claudia; Gelbukh, Alexander F.}
title = {Soft Cardinality: A Parameterized Similarity Function for Text Comparison}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1062}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Gimenez, Jesus; Verdejo, M. Felisa; Gonzalo, Julio}
title = {UNED: Improving Text Similarity Measures without Human Assessments}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1063}
author = {Goodwin, Travis; Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Rink, Bryan; Roberts, Kirk}
title = {UTDHLT: COPACETIC System for Choosing Plausible Alternatives}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1064}
author = {Wäschle, Katharina; Fendrich, Sascha}
title = {HDU: Cross-lingual Textual Entailment with SMT Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1065}
author = {Esplà -Gomis, Miquel; Sánchez-Martìnez, Felipe; Forcada, Mikel L.}
title = {UAlacant: Using Online Machine Translation for Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1066}
author = {Jauhar, Sujay Kumar; Specia, Lucia}
title = {UOW-SHEF: SimpLex – Lexical Simplicity Ranking based on Contextual and Psycholinguistic Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1067}
author = {Amoia, Marilisa; Romanelli, Massimo}
title = {SB: mmSystem - Using Decompositional Semantics for Lexical Simplification}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1068}
author = {Garcia-Fernandez, Anne; Bernhard, Delphine; Ligozat, Anne-Laure; Grouin, Cyril}
title = {ANNLOR: A Naïve Notation-system for Lexical Outputs Ranking}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1069}
author = {Sinha, Ravi}
title = {UNT-SimpRank: Systems for Lexical Simplification Ranking}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1070}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Duluth : Measuring Degrees of Relational Similarity with the Gloss Vector Measure of Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1071}
author = {Reyes, J. Alejandro; León, Saul; Vilariño, Darnes; Montes-Rendon, Azucena; Pinto, David; Tovar, Mireya}
title = {BUAP: A First Approximation to Relational Similarity Measuring}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1072}
author = {guiping, zhang; Cai, Dongfeng; Liu, Fei; ling, zhang; Zhou, Qiaoli}
title = {Zhou qiaoli: A divide-and-conquer strategy for semantic dependency parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1073}
author = {Xiong, Hao; Liu, Qun}
title = {ICT:A System Combination for Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1074}
author = {Xu, Shuaishuai; Dai, Xinyu; Tang, Guangchao; Chen, Jiajun; Li, Bin}
title = {NJU-Parser: Achievements on Semantic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1075}
author = {Liu, Zhengzhong; Xu, Jian; Lu, Qin}
title = {PolyUCOMP: Combining Semantic Vectors with Skip bigrams for Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1076}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Madnani, Nitin}
title = {ETS: Discriminative Edit Models for Paraphrase Scoring}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1077}
author = {AbdelRahman, Samir; Blake, Catherine}
title = {Sbdlrhmn: A Rule-based Human Interpretation System for Semantic Textual Similarity Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1078}
author = {Sokolov, Artem}
title = {LIMSI: Learning Semantic Similarity by Selecting Random Word Subsets}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1079}
author = {Glinos, Demetrios}
title = {ATA-Sem: Chunk-based Determination of Semantic Text Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1080}
author = {Tournier, Ronan; Mothe, Josiane; Buscaldi, Davide; Aussenac-Gilles, Nathalie}
title = {IRIT: Textual Similarity Combining Conceptual Similarity with an N-Gram Comparison Method}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1081}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Gella, Spandana; Reddy, Siva}
title = {DSS: Text Similarity Using Lexical Alignments of Form, Distributional Semantics and Grammatical Relations}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1082}
author = {Malandrakis, NIkos; Iosif, Elias; Potamianos, Alexandros}
title = {DeepPurple: Estimating Sentence Semantic Similarity using N-gram Regression Models and Web Snippets}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1083}
author = {Neogi, Snehasis; Gelbukh, Alexander F.; Pakray, Partha; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {JU_CSE_NLP: Multi-grade Classification of Semantic Similarity between Text Pairs}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1084}
author = {Tiantian, Zhu; Lan, Man}
title = {Tiantianzhu7:System Description of Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) in the SemEval-2012 (Task 6)}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1085}
author = {Bhagwani, Sumit; Satapathy, Shrutiranjan; Karnick, Harish}
title = {sranjans : Semantic Textual Similarity using Maximal Weighted Bipartite Graph Matching}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1086}
author = {Guo, Weiwei; Diab, Mona}
title = {Weiwei: A Simple Unsupervised Latent Semantics based Approach for Sentence Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1087}
author = {Caputo, Annalina; Basile, Pierpaolo; Semeraro, Giovanni}
title = {UNIBA: Distributional Semantics for Textual Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1088}
author = {Storch, Valerio; Basili, Roberto; Croce, Danilo; Annesi, Paolo}
title = {UNITOR: Combining Semantic Text Similarity functions through SV Regression}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1089}
author = {Dinu, Georgiana; Thater, Stefan}
title = {Saarland: Vector-based models of semantic textual similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1090}
author = {Montoyo, Andrés; Muñoz, Rafael; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Dávila, Hèctor; Chávez, Alexander; González, Andy; Castañeda, Yenier; Estrada, Rainel; Vazquez, Sonia; Fernandez Orquín, Antonio}
title = {UMCC_DLSI: Multidimensional Lexical-Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1091}
author = {Yeh, Eric; Agirre, Eneko}
title = {SRIUBC: Simple Similarity Features for Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1092}
author = {Camargo de Souza, Josè Guilherme; Negri, Matteo; Mehdad, Yashar}
title = {FBK: Machine Translation Evaluation and Word Similarity metrics for Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1093}
author = {León, Saul; Carrillo, Maya; Vilariño, Darnes; Castillo, Esteban; Pinto, David; Tovar, Mireya}
title = {FCC: Three Approaches for Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1094}
author = {Banea, Carmen; Hassan, Samer; Mohler, Michael; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {UNT: A Supervised Synergistic Approach to Semantic Text Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1095}
author = {Asooja, Kartik; Aggarwal, Nitish; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {DERI&UPM: Pushing Corpus Based Relatedness to Similarity: Shared Task System Description}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1096}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Cer, Daniel}
title = {Stanford: Probabilistic Edit Distance Metrics for STS}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1097}
author = {Biggins, Sam; Mohammed, Shaabi; Oakley, Sam; Stringer, Luke; Stevenson, Mark; Preiss, Judita}
title = {University_Of_Sheffield: Two Approaches to Semantic Text Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1098}
author = {Singh, Janardhan; Bhattacharya, Arindam; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {janardhan: Semantic Textual Similarity using Universal Networking Language graph matching}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1099}
author = {Castillo, Julio; Estrella, Paula}
title = {SAGAN: An approach to Semantic Textual Similarity based on Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1100}
author = {Rios, Miguel; Aziz, Wilker; Specia, Lucia}
title = {UOW: Semantically Informed Text Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1101}
author = {Jha, Sneha; Schwartz, Hansen A.; Ungar, Lyle}
title = {Penn: Using Word Similarities to better Estimate Sentence Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1102}
author = {Jimenez, Sergio; Becerra, Claudia; Gelbukh, Alexander F.}
title = {Soft Cardinality + ML: Learning Adaptive Similarity Functions for Cross-lingual Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1103}
author = {Neogi, Snehasis; Gelbukh, Alexander F.; Pakray, Partha; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {JU_CSE_NLP: Language Independent Cross-lingual Textual Entailment System}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1104}
author = {Bosca, Alessio; Trevisan, Marco; Kouylekov, Milen; Dini, Luca}
title = {CELI: An Experiment with Cross Language Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1105}
author = {Souza, Jose; Mehdad, Yashar; Negri, Matteo}
title = {FBK: Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment Without Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1106}
author = {León, Saul; Vilariño, Darnes; Castillo, Esteban; Pinto, David; Tovar, Mireya}
title = {BUAP: Lexical and Semantic Similarity for Cross-lingual Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1107}
author = {Perini, Alpar}
title = {DirRelCond3: Detecting Textual Entailment Across Languages With Conditions On Directional Text Relatedness Scores}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1108}
author = {Meng, Fandong; Xiong, Hao; Liu, Qun}
title = {ICT: A Translation based Method for Cross-lingual Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {S12-1109}
author = {Cardenas, Marina; Castillo, Julio}
title = {SAGAN: A Machine Translation Approach for Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2012}
id = {W07-2001}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Magnini, Bernardo; López de Lacalle, Oier; Otegi, Arantxa; Rigau, German; Vossen, Piek}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 01: Evaluating WSD on Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2002}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 02: Evaluating Word Sense Induction and Discrimination Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2003}
author = {Gîrju, Roxana; Nakov, Preslav; Nastase, Vivi; Szpakowicz, Stan; Turney, Peter D.; Yuret, Deniz}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 04: Classification of Semantic Relations between Nominals}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2004}
author = {Jin, Peng; Wu, Yunfang; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 05: Multilingual Chinese-English Lexical Sample}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2005}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.; Hargraves, Orin}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 06: Word-Sense Disambiguation of Prepositions}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2006}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Litkowski, Kenneth C.; Hargraves, Orin}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 07: Coarse-Grained English All-Words Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2007}
author = {Markert, Katja; Nissim, Malvina}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 08: Metonymy Resolution at SemEval-2007}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2008}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Villarejo, Luis; Martí, M. Antònia; Taulé, Mariona}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 09: Multilevel Semantic Annotation of Catalan and Spanish}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2009}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 10: English Lexical Substitution Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2010}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou; Chan, Yee Seng}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 11: English Lexical Sample Task via English-Chinese Parallel Text}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2011}
author = {Orhan, Zeynep; Celik, Emine; Neslihan, Demirguc}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 12: Turkish Lexical Sample Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2012}
author = {Artiles, Javier; Gonzalo, Julio; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {The SemEval-2007 WePS Evaluation: Establishing a benchmark for the Web People Search Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2013}
author = {Strapparava, Carlo; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 14: Affective Text}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2014}
author = {Verhagen, Marc; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Schilder, Frank; Hepple, Mark; Katz, Graham; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 15: TempEval Temporal Relation Identification}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2015}
author = {Cuadros, Montse; Rigau, German}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 16: Evaluation of Wide Coverage Knowledge Resources}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2016}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Loper, Edward; Dligach, Dmitriy; Palmer, Martha}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task-17: English Lexical Sample SRL and All Words}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2017}
author = {Diab, Mona; Alkhalifa, Musa; ElKateb, Sabry; Fellbaum, Christiane; Mansouri, Aous; Palmer, Martha}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 18: Arabic Semantic Labeling}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2018}
author = {Baker, Collin F.; Ellsworth, Michael; Erk, Katrin}
title = {SemEval-2007 Task 19: Frame Semantic Structure Extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2019}
author = {Lefever, Els; Hoste, Véronique; Fayruzov, Timur}
title = {AUG: A combined classification and clustering approach for web people disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2020}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee}
title = {CITYU-HIF: WSD with Human-Informed Feature Preference}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2021}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {CLR: Integration of FrameNet in a Text Representation System}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2022}
author = {Andreevskaia, Alina; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {CLaC and CLaC-NB: Knowledge-based and corpus-based approaches to sentiment tagging}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2023}
author = {Tribble, Alicia; Fahlman, Scott E.}
title = {CMU-AT: Semantic Distance and Background Knowledge for Identifying Semantic Relations}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2024}
author = {Chen, Ying; Martin, James H.}
title = {CU-COMSEM: Exploring Rich Features for Unsupervised Web Personal Name Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2025}
author = {Bethard, Steven; Martin, James H.}
title = {CU-TMP: Temporal Relation Classification Using Syntactic and Semantic Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2026}
author = {Diab, Mona; Moschitti, Alessandro; Pighin, Daniele}
title = {CUNIT: A Semantic Role Labeling System for Modern Standard Arabic}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2027}
author = {Heyl, Andrea; Neumann, Günter}
title = {DFKI2: An Information Extraction Based Approach to People Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2028}
author = {Giuliano, Claudio; Lavelli, Alberto; Pighin, Daniele; Romano, Lorenza}
title = {FBK-IRST: Kernel Methods for Semantic Relation Extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2029}
author = {Giuliano, Claudio; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {FBK-irst: Lexical Substitution Task Exploiting Domain and Syntagmatic Coherence}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2030}
author = {Kalmar, Paul; Blume, Matthias}
title = {FICO: Web Person Disambiguation Via Weighted Similarity of Entity Contexts}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2031}
author = {Leveling, Johannes}
title = {FUH (FernUniversit\at in Hagen): Metonymy Recognition Using Different Kinds of Context for a Memory-Based Learner}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2032}
author = {Izquierdo, Rubén; Suárez, Armando; Rigau, German}
title = {GPLSI: Word Coarse-grained Disambiguation aided by Basic Level Concepts}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2033}
author = {Farkas, Richárd; Simon, Eszter; Szarvas, György; Varga, Dániel}
title = {GYDER: Maxent Metonymy Resolution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2034}
author = {Guo, Yuhang; Che, Wanxiang; Hu, Yuxuan; Zhang, Wei; Liu, Ting}
title = {HIT-IR-WSD: A WSD System for English Lexical Sample Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2035}
author = {Liu, Pengyuan; Zhao, Tiejun; Yang, Muyun}
title = {HIT-WSD: Using Search Engine for Multilingual Chinese-English Lexical Sample Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2036}
author = {Zhao, Shiqi; Zhao, Lin; Zhang, Yu; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {HIT: Web based Scoring Method for English Lexical Substitution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2037}
author = {Niu, Zhengyu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {I2R: Three Systems for Word Sense Discrimination Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation and English Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2038}
author = {Morante, Roser; Busser, Bertjan}
title = {ILK2: Semantic Role Labeling of Catalan and Spanish using TiMBL}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2039}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; Morante, Roser; Sporleder, Caroline; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {ILK: Machine learning of semantic relations with shallow features and almost no data}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2040}
author = {Popescu, Octavian; Tonelli, Sara; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {IRST-BP: Preposition Disambiguation based on Chain Clarifying Relationships Contexts}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2041}
author = {Popescu, Octavian; Magnini, Bernardo}
title = {IRST-BP: Web People Search Using Name Entities}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2042}
author = {Rao, Delip; Garera, Nikesh; Yarowsky, David}
title = {JHU1 : An Unsupervised Approach to Person Name Disambiguation using Web Snippets}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2043}
author = {Naskar, Sudip Kumar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {JU-SKNSB: Extended WordNet Based WSD on the English All-Words Task at SemEval-1}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2044}
author = {Yuret, Deniz}
title = {KU: Word Sense Disambiguation by Substitution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2045}
author = {Badulescu, Adriana; Srikanth, Munirathnam}
title = {LCC-SRN: LCC's SRN System for SemEval 2007 Task 4}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2046}
author = {Min, Congmin; Srikanth, Munirathnam; Fowler, Abraham}
title = {LCC-TE: A Hybrid Approach to Temporal Relation Identification in News Text}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2047}
author = {Novischi, Adrian; Srikanth, Munirathnam; Bennett, Andrew}
title = {LCC-WSD: System Description for English Coarse Grained All Words Task at SemEval 2007}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2048}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {LTH: Semantic Structure Extraction using Nonprojective Dependency Trees}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2049}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {MELB-KB: Nominal Classification as Noun Compound Interpretation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2050}
author = {Martinez, David; Kim, Su Nam; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {MELB-MKB: Lexical Substitution system based on Relatives in Context}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2051}
author = {Ye, Patrick; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {MELB-YB: Preposition Sense Disambiguation Using Rich Semantic Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2052}
author = {Cheng, Yuchang; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {NAIST.Japan: Temporal Relation Identification Using Dependency Parsed Tree}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2053}
author = {Cai, Junfu; Lee, Wee Sun; Teh, Yee Whye}
title = {NUS-ML:Improving Word Sense Disambiguation Using Topic Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2054}
author = {Chan, Yee Seng; Ng, Hwee Tou; Zhong, Zhi}
title = {NUS-PT: Exploiting Parallel Texts for Word Sense Disambiguation in the English All-Words Tasks}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2055}
author = {Saarikoski, Harri M. T.}
title = {OE: WSD Using Optimal Ensembling (OE) Method}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2056}
author = {Jin, Peng; Zhu, Danqing; Li, Fuxin; Wu, Yunfang}
title = {PKU: Combining Supervised Classifiers with Features Selection}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2057}
author = {Tratz, Stephen; Sanfilippo, Antonio; Gregory, Michelle L.; Chappell, Alan; Posse, Christian; Whitney, Paul}
title = {PNNL: A Supervised Maximum Entropy Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2058}
author = {Elmacioglu, Ergin; Tan, Yee Fan; Yan, Su; Kan, Min-Yen; Lee, Dongwon}
title = {PSNUS: Web People Name Disambiguation by Simple Clustering with Rich Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2059}
author = {Chang, Jonathan; Dudik, Miroslav; Blei, David M.}
title = {PU-BCD: Exponential Family Models for the Coarse- and Fine-Grained All-Words Tasks}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2060}
author = {Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Blei, David M.}
title = {PUTOP: Turning Predominant Senses into a Topic Model for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2061}
author = {Ion, Radu; Tufiš, Dan}
title = {RACAI: Meaning Affinity Models}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2062}
author = {Pighin, Daniele; Moschitti, Alessandro; Basili, Roberto}
title = {RTV: Tree Kernels for Thematic Role Classification}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2063}
author = {Saggion, Horacio}
title = {SHEF: Semantic Tagging and Summarization Techniques Applied to Cross-document Coreference}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2064}
author = {Sahlgren, Magnus; Karlgren, Jussi; Eriksson, Gunnar}
title = {SICS: Valence annotation based on seeds in word space}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2065}
author = {Xing, Yun}
title = {SRCB-WSD: Supervised Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation with Key Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2066}
author = {Dahl, George; Frassica, Anne-Marie; Wicentowski, Richard}
title = {SW-AG: Local Context Matching for English Lexical Substitution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2067}
author = {Katz, Phil; Singleton, Matt; Wicentowski, Richard}
title = {SWAT-MP:The SemEval-2007 Systems for Task 5 and Task 14}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2068}
author = {Koeling, Rob; McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Sussx: WSD using Automatically Acquired Predominant Senses}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2069}
author = {Sugiyama, Kazunari; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {TITPI: Web People Search Task Using Semi-Supervised Clustering Approach}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2070}
author = {Anaya-Sanchez, Henry; Pons-Porrata, Aurora; Berlanga-Llavori, Rafael}
title = {TKB-UO: Using Sense Clustering for WSD}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2071}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Hirst, Graeme; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Tor TorMd: Distributional Profiles of Concepts for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2072}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Navarro, Borja; Vázquez, Sonia; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {UA-ZBSA: A Headline Emotion Classification through Web Information}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2073}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Vázquez, Sonia; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {UA-ZSA: Web Page Clustering on the basis of Name Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2074}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; López de Lacalle, Oier}
title = {UBC-ALM: Combining k-NN with SVD for WSD}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2075}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {UBC-AS: A Graph Based Unsupervised System for Induction and Classification}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2076}
author = {Martinez, David; Baldwin, Timothy; Agirre, Eneko; López de Lacalle, Oier}
title = {UBC-UMB: Combining unsupervised and supervised systems for all-words WSD}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2077}
author = {Zapirain, Beñat; Agirre, Eneko; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {UBC-UPC: Sequential SRL Using Selectional Preferences. An approach with Maximum Entropy Markov Models}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2078}
author = {Zelaia, Ana; Arregi, Olatz; Sierra, Basilio}
title = {UBC-ZAS: A k-NN based Multiclassifier System to perform WSD in a Reduced Dimensional Vector Space}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2079}
author = {del Valle-Agudo, David; de Pablo-Sanchez, Cesar; Vicente-Díez, María Teresa}
title = {UC3M\_13: Disambiguation of Person Names Based on the Composition of Simple Bags of Typed Terms}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2080}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {UCB: System Description for SemEval Task \#4}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2081}
author = {Costello, Fintan J.}
title = {UCD-FC: Deducing semantic relations using WordNet senses that occur frequently in a database of noun-noun compounds}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2082}
author = {Nulty, Paul}
title = {UCD-PN: Classification of Semantic Relations Between Nominals using WordNet and Web Counts}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2083}
author = {Butnariu, Cristina; Veale, Tony}
title = {UCD-S1: A hybrid model for detecting semantic relations between noun pairs in text}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2084}
author = {Segura-Bedmar, Isabel; Samy, Doaa; Martinez, Jose L.}
title = {UCM3: Classification of Semantic Relations between Nominals using Sequential Minimal Optimization}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2085}
author = {Beamer, Brandon; Bhat, Suma; Chee, Brant; Fister, Andrew; Rozovskaya, Alla; Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {UIUC: A Knowledge-rich Approach to Identifying Semantic Relations between Nominals}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2086}
author = {Patwardhan, Siddharth; Banerjee, Satanjeev; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {UMND1: Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Using Contextual Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2087}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {UMND2 : SenseClusters Applied to the Sense Induction Task of Senseval-4}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2088}
author = {Basile, Pierpaolo; de Gemmis, Marco; Gentile, Anna Lisa; Lops, Pasquale; Semeraro, Giovanni}
title = {UNIBA: JIGSAW algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2089}
author = {Ellman, Jeremy; Emery, Gary}
title = {UNN-WePS: Web Person Search using co-Present Names and Lexical Chains}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2090}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Csomai, Andras; Ciaramita, Massimiliano}
title = {UNT-Yahoo: SuperSenseLearner: Combining SenseLearner with SuperSense and other Coarse Semantic Features}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2091}
author = {Hassan, Samer; Csomai, Andras; Banea, Carmen; Sinha, Ravi; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {UNT: SubFinder: Combining Knowledge Sources for Automatic Lexical Substitution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2092}
author = {Klapaftis, Ioannis P.; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {UOY: A Hypergraph Model For Word Sense Induction \& Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2093}
author = {Poibeau, Thierry}
title = {UP13: Knowledge-poor Methods (Sometimes) Perform Poorly}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2094}
author = {Chaumartin, Francois-Regis}
title = {UPAR7: A knowledge-based system for headline sentiment tagging}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2095}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Padró, Lluís; Surdeanu, Mihai; Villarejo, Luis}
title = {UPC: Experiments with Joint Learning within SemEval Task 9}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2096}
author = {Pinto, David; Rosso, Paolo; Jiménez-Salazar, Héctor}
title = {UPV-SI: Word Sense Induction using Self Term Expansion}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2097}
author = {Buscaldi, Davide; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {UPV-WSD : Combining different WSD Methods by means of Fuzzy Borda Voting}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2098}
author = {Hepple, Mark; Setzer, Andrea; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {USFD: Preliminary Exploration of Features and Classifiers for the TempEval-2007 Task}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2099}
author = {Specia, Lucia; Das Gracas Volpe Nunes, Maria; Srinivasan, Ashwin; Ramakrishnan, Ganesh}
title = {USP-IBM-1 and USP-IBM-2: The ILP-based Systems for Lexical Sample WSD in SemEval-2007}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2100}
author = {Hawker, Tobias}
title = {USYD: WSD and Lexical Substitution using the Web1T corpus}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2101}
author = {Nicolae, Cristina; Nicolae, Gabriel; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {UTD-HLT-CG: Semantic Architecture for Metonymy Resolution and Classification of Nominal Relations}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2102}
author = {Bejan, Cosmin Adrian; Hathaway, Chris}
title = {UTD-SRL: A Pipeline Architecture for Extracting Frame Semantic Structures}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2103}
author = {Aramaki, Eiji; Imai, Takeshi; Miyo, Kengo; Ohe, Kazuhiko}
title = {UTH: SVM-based Semantic Relation Classification using Physical Sizes}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2104}
author = {Balog, Krisztian; Azzopardi, Leif; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {UVA: Language Modeling Techniques for Web People Search}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2105}
author = {Van Hage, Willem Robert; Katrenko, Sophia}
title = {UVAVU: WordNet Similarity and Lexical Patterns for Semantic Relation Classification}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2106}
author = {Chali, Yllias; Joty, Shafiq R.}
title = {UofL: Word Sense Disambiguation Using Lexical Cohesion}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2107}
author = {Iria, José; Xia, Lei; Zhang, Ziqi}
title = {WIT: Web People Search Disambiguation using Random Walks}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2108}
author = {Puscasu, Georgiana}
title = {WVALI: Temporal Relation Identification by Syntactico-Semantic Analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2109}
author = {Brun, Caroline; Ehrmann, Maud; Jacquet, Guillaume}
title = {XRCE-M: A Hybrid System for Named Entity Metonymy Resolution}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-2110}
author = {Hagege, Caroline; Tannier, Xavier}
title = {XRCE-T: XIP Temporal Module for TempEval campaign.}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval)}
year = {2007}
id = {W06-3101}
author = {Popović, Maja; Gispert, Adrià de; Gupta, Deepa; Lambert, Patrik; Ney, Hermann; Mariño, Josée B.; Federico, Marcello; Banches, Rafael E.}
title = {Morpho-Syntactic Information For Automatic Error Analysis Of Statistical Machine Translation Output}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3102}
author = {Durgar El-Kahlout, Ilknur; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Initial Explorations In English To Turkish Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3103}
author = {El Isbihani, Anas; Khadivi, Shahram; Bender, Oliver; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Morpho-Syntactic Arabic Preprocessing For Arabic To English Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3104}
author = {Smith, David A.; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {Quasi-Synchronous Grammars: Alignment By Soft Projection Of Syntactic Dependencies}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3105}
author = {DeNero, John; Gillick, Dan; Zhang, James; Klein, Dan}
title = {Why Generative Phrase Models Underperform Surface Heuristics}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3106}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Gotti, Fabrizio}
title = {Phrase-Based SMT With Shallow Tree-Phrases}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3107}
author = {Rodriguez, Luis; García-Varea, Ismael; Gamez, Jose A.}
title = {Searching For Alignments In SMT: A Novel Approach Based On An Estimation Of Distribution Algorithm}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3108}
author = {Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Discriminative Reordering Models For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3109}
author = {Ortiz-Martínez, Daniel; García-Varea, Ismael; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Generalized Stack Decoding Algorithms For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3110}
author = {Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {N-Gram Posterior Probabilities For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3111}
author = {Xu, Jia; Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Partitioning Parallel Documents Using Binary Segmentation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3112}
author = {Owczarzak, Karolina; Groves, Declan; van Genabith, Josef; Way, Andy}
title = {Contextual Bitext-Derived Paraphrases In Automatic MT Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3113}
author = {Federico, Marcello; Bertoldi, Nicola}
title = {How Many Bits Are Needed To Store Probabilities For Phrase-Based Translation?}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3114}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Monz, Christof}
title = {Manual And Automatic Evaluation Of Machine Translation Between European Languages}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3115}
author = {Watanabe, Taro; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {NTT System Description For The WMT2006 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3116}
author = {Patry, Alexandre; Gotti, Fabrizio; Langlais, Philippe}
title = {Mood At Work: Ramses Versus Pharaoh}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3117}
author = {Sanchez Peiro, Joan Andreu; Benedí, José-Miguel}
title = {Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars For Obtaining Word Phrases For Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3118}
author = {Johnson, Howard; Sadat, Fatiha; Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland; Simard, Michel; Joanis, Eric; Larkin, Samuel}
title = {PORTAGE: With Smoothed Phrase Tables And Segment Choice Models}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3119}
author = {Zollmann, Andreas; Venugopal, Ashish}
title = {Syntax Augmented Machine Translation Via Chart Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3120}
author = {Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Crego, Josep M.; Gispert, Adrià de; Lambert, Patrik; Khalilov, Maxim; Banches, Rafael E.; Mariño, Josée B.; Fonollosa, José A. R.}
title = {TALP Phrase-Based Statistical Translation System For European Language Pairs}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3121}
author = {Olteanu, Marian; Davis, Chris; Volosen, Ionut; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Phramer - An Open Source Statistical Phrase-Based Translator}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3122}
author = {Olteanu, Marian; Suriyentrakorn, Pasin; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Language Models And Reranking For Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3123}
author = {Birch, Alexandra; Callison-Burch, Chris; Osborne, Miles; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Constraining The Phrase-Based Joint Probability Statistical Translation Model}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3124}
author = {Menezes, Arul; Toutanova, Kristina; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Microsoft Research Treelet Translation System: Meeting Of The North American Association For Computational Linguistics 2006 Europarl Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3125}
author = {Crego, Josep M.; Gispert, Adrià de; Lambert, Patrik; Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Khalilov, Maxim; Banches, Rafael E.; Mariño, Josée B.; Fonollosa, José A. R.}
title = {N-Gram-Based SMT System Enhanced With Reordering Patterns}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3126}
author = {Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {The LDV-COMBO System For SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W07-0701}
author = {Menezes, Arul; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Using Dependency Order Templates to Improve Generality in Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0702}
author = {Birch, Alexandra; Osborne, Miles; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {CCG Supertags in Factored Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0703}
author = {Kashani, Mehdi M.; Joanis, Eric; Kuhn, Roland; Foster, George; Popowich, Fred}
title = {Integration of an Arabic Transliteration Module into a Statistical Machine Translation System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0704}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Durgar El-Kahlout, Ilknur}
title = {Exploring Different Representational Units in English-to-Turkish Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0705}
author = {Vilar, David; Peter, Jan-Thorsten; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Can We Translate Letters?}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0706}
author = {Xiong, Deyi; Liu, Qun; Lin, Shouxun}
title = {A Dependency Treelet String Correspondence Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0707}
author = {Popović, Maja; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Word Error Rates: Decomposition over POS classes and Applications for Error Analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0708}
author = {Perez, Alicia; Gonzalez, M. Teresa; Torres, M. Ines; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Speech-Input Multi-Target Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0709}
author = {Sun, Jiadong; Zhao, Tiejun; Liang, Huashen}
title = {Meta-Structure Transformation Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0710}
author = {Nguyen, Patrick; Mahajan, Milind; He, Xiaodong}
title = {Training Non-Parametric Features for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0711}
author = {He, Xiaodong}
title = {Using Word-Dependent Transition Models in HMM-Based Word Alignment for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0712}
author = {Federico, Marcello; Cettolo, Mauro}
title = {Efficient Handling of N-gram Language Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0713}
author = {Vilar, David; Leusch, Gregor; Ney, Hermann; Banches, Rafael E.}
title = {Human Evaluation of Machine Translation Through Binary System Comparisons}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0714}
author = {Owczarzak, Karolina; van Genabith, Josef; Way, Andy}
title = {Labelled Dependencies in Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0715}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Quirk, Chris}
title = {An Iteratively-Trained Segmentation-Free Phrase Translation Model for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0716}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Ayan, Necip Fazil; Resnik, Philip; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Using Paraphrases for Parameter Tuning in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0717}
author = {Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Mixture-Model Adaptation for SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0718}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Fordyce, Cameron; Koehn, Philipp; Monz, Christof; Schroeder, Josh}
title = {(Meta-) Evaluation of Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0719}
author = {Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Context-aware Discriminative Phrase Selection for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0720}
author = {Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Crego, Josep M.; Lambert, Patrik; Khalilov, Maxim; Fonollosa, José A. R.; Mariño, Josée B.; Banches, Rafael E.}
title = {Ngram-Based Statistical Machine Translation Enhanced with Multiple Weighted Reordering Hypotheses}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0721}
author = {Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Fonollosa, José A. R.}
title = {Analysis of Statistical and Morphological Classes to Generate Weigthed Reordering Hypotheses on a Statistical Machine Translation System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0722}
author = {Civera, Jorge; Juan, Alfons}
title = {Domain Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation with Mixture Modelling}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0723}
author = {Holmqvist, Maria; Stymne, Sara; Ahrenberg, Lars}
title = {Getting to Know Moses: Initial Experiments on German-English Factored Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0724}
author = {Ueffing, Nicola; Simard, Michel; Larkin, Samuel; Johnson, Howard}
title = {NRC's PORTAGE System for WMT 2007}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0725}
author = {Schwenk, Holger}
title = {Building a Statistical Machine Translation System for French Using the Europarl Corpus}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0726}
author = {Chen, Yu; Eisele, Andreas; Federmann, Christian; Hasler, Eva; Jellinghaus, Michael; Theison, Silke}
title = {Multi-Engine Machine Translation with an Open-Source SMT Decoder}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0727}
author = {Paulik, Matthias; Rottmann, Kay; Niehues, Jan; Hildebrand, Almut Silja; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {The ISL Phrase-Based MT System for the 2007 ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0728}
author = {Simard, Michel; Ueffing, Nicola; Isabelle, Pierre; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Rule-Based Translation with Statistical Phrase-Based Post-Editing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0729}
author = {Dyer, Chris}
title = {The Noisier Channel: Translation from Morphologically Complex Languages}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0730}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {UCB System Description for the WMT 2007 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0731}
author = {Zollmann, Andreas; Venugopal, Ashish; Paulik, Matthias; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {The Syntax Augmented MT (SAMT) System at the Shared Task for the 2007 ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0732}
author = {Dugast, Loïc; Senellart, Jean; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Statistical Post-Editing on SYSTRAN's Rule-Based Translation System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0733}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Schroeder, Josh}
title = {Experiments in Domain Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0734}
author = {Lavie, Alon; Agarwal, Abhaya}
title = {METEOR: An Automatic Metric for MT Evaluation with High Levels of Correlation with Human Judgments}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0735}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej}
title = {English-to-Czech Factored Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0736}
author = {Ye, Yang; Zhou, Ming; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Sentence Level Machine Translation Evaluation as a Ranking}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0737}
author = {Mohit, Behrang; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Localization of Difficult-to-Translate Phrases}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0738}
author = {Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Linguistic Features for Automatic Evaluation of Heterogenous MT Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2007}
id = {W08-0301}
author = {Li, Chi-Ho; Zhang, Hailei; Zhang, Dongdong; Li, Mu; Zhou, Ming}
title = {An Empirical Study in Source Word Deletion for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0302}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Rich Source-Side Context for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0303}
author = {Niehues, Jan; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Discriminative Word Alignment via Alignment Matrix Modeling}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0304}
author = {Cer, Daniel; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Regularization and Search for Minimum Error Rate Training}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0305}
author = {Turchi, Marco; De Bie, Tijl; Cristianini, Nello}
title = {Learning Performance of a Machine Translation System: a Statistical and Computational Analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0306}
author = {Fossum, Victoria Li; Knight, Kevin; Abney, Steven}
title = {Using Syntax to Improve Word Alignment Precision for Syntax-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0307}
author = {Crego, Josep M.; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Using Shallow Syntax Information to Improve Word Alignment and Reordering for SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0308}
author = {Liu, Ding; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Improved Tree-to-String Transducer for Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0309}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Fordyce, Cameron; Koehn, Philipp; Monz, Christof; Schroeder, Josh}
title = {Further Meta-Evaluation of Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0310}
author = {Déchelotte, Daniel; Adda, Gilles; Allauzen, Alexandre; Bonneau-Maynard, Hélène; Galibert, Olivier; Gauvain, Jean-Luc; Langlais, Philippe; Yvon, François}
title = {Limsi’s Statistical Translation Systems for WMT’08}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0311}
author = {Novák, Attila; Tihanyi, László; Prószéky, Gábor}
title = {The MetaMorpho Translation System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0312}
author = {Agarwal, Abhaya; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Meteor M-BLEU and M-TER: Evaluation Metrics for High-Correlation with Human Rankings of Machine Translation Output}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0313}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Fouet, Jean-Baptiste; Senellart, Jean}
title = {First Steps towards a General Purpose French/English Statistical Machine Translation System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0314}
author = {Axelrod, Amittai; Yang, Mei; Duh, Kevin; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {The University of Washington Machine Translation System for ACL WMT 2008}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0315}
author = {Khalilov, Maxim; Hernández H., Adolfo; Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Crego, Josep M.; Henríquez Q., Carlos A.; Lambert, Patrik; Fonollosa, José A. R.; Mariño, Josée B.; Banches, Rafael E.}
title = {The TALP-UPC Ngram-Based Statistical Machine Translation System for ACL-WMT 2008}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0316}
author = {Blackwood, Graeme; Gispert, Adrià de; Brunning, Jamie; Byrne, William}
title = {European Language Translation with Weighted Finite State Transducers: The CUED MT System for the 2008 ACL Workshop on SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0317}
author = {Stymne, Sara; Holmqvist, Maria; Ahrenberg, Lars}
title = {Effects of Morphological Analysis in Translation between German and English}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0318}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Arun, Abhishek; Hoang, Hieu}
title = {Towards better Machine Translation Quality for the German-English Language Pairs}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0319}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Hajič, Jan}
title = {Phrase-Based and Deep Syntactic English-to-Czech Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0320}
author = {Nakov, Preslav}
title = {Improving English-Spanish Statistical Machine Translation: Experiments in Domain Adaptation Sentence Paraphrasing Tokenization and Recasing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0321}
author = {Bach, Nguyen; Gao, Qin; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Improving Word Alignment with Language Model Based Confidence Scores}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0322}
author = {Wang, Zhuoran; Shawe-Taylor, John}
title = {Kernel Regression Framework for Machine Translation: UCL System Description for WMT 2008 Shared Translation Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0323}
author = {Nikoulina, Vassilina; Dymetman, Marc}
title = {Using Syntactic Coupling Features for Discriminating Phrase-Based Translations (WMT-08 Shared Translation Task)}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0324}
author = {Hanneman, Greg; Huber, Edmund; Agarwal, Abhaya; Ambati, Vamshi; Parlikar, Alok; Peterson, Erik; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Statistical Transfer Systems for French-English and German-English Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0325}
author = {Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Ptáček, Jan; Pajas, Petr}
title = {TectoMT: Highly Modular MT System with Tectogrammatics Used as Transfer Layer}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0326}
author = {Tinsley, John; Ma, Yanjun; Ozdowska, Sylwia; Way, Andy}
title = {MaTrEx: The DCU MT System for WMT 2008}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0327}
author = {Dugast, Loïc; Senellart, Jean; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Can we Relearn an RBMT System?}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0328}
author = {Eisele, Andreas; Federmann, Christian; Saint-Amand, Hervé; Jellinghaus, Michael; Herrmann, Teresa; Chen, Yu}
title = {Using Moses to Integrate Multiple Rule-Based Machine Translation Engines into a Hybrid System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0329}
author = {Rosti, Antti-Veikko I.; Zhang, Bing; Matsoukas, Spyros; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Incremental Hypothesis Alignment for Building Confusion Networks with Application to Machine Translation System Combination}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0330}
author = {Albrecht, Joshua; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {The Role of Pseudo References in MT Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0331}
author = {Duh, Kevin}
title = {Ranking vs. Regression in Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0332}
author = {Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {A Smorgasbord of Features for Automatic MT Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0333}
author = {Dyer, Chris; Cordova, Aaron; Mont, Alex; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Fast Easy and Cheap: Construction of Statistical Machine Translation Models with MapReduce}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0334}
author = {Finch, Andrew; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Dynamic Model Interpolation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0335}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Yasuda, Keiji; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Improved Statistical Machine Translation by Multiple Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0336}
author = {Chang, Pi-Chuan; Galley, Michel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Optimizing Chinese Word Segmentation for Machine Translation Performance}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2008}
id = {W09-0401}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Koehn, Philipp; Monz, Christof; Schroeder, Josh}
title = {Findings of the 2009 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0402}
author = {Popović, Maja; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Syntax-Oriented Evaluation Measures for Machine Translation Output}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0403}
author = {Homola, Petr; Kuboň, Vladislav; Pecina, Pavel}
title = {A Simple Automatic MT Evaluation Metric}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0404}
author = {Padó, Sebastian; Galley, Michel; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Machine Translation Evaluation with Textual Entailment Features}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0405}
author = {Chen, Yu; Jellinghaus, Michael; Eisele, Andreas; Zhang, Yi; Hunsicker, Sabine; Theison, Silke; Federmann, Christian; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Combining Multi-Engine Translations with Moses}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0406}
author = {Hildebrand, Almut Silja; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {CMU System Combination for WMT'09}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0407}
author = {Leusch, Gregor; Matusov, Evgeny; Ney, Hermann}
title = {The RWTH System Combination System for WMT 2009}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0408}
author = {Heafield, Kenneth; Hanneman, Greg; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Machine Translation System Combination with Flexible Word Ordering}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0409}
author = {Rosti, Antti-Veikko I.; Zhang, Bing; Matsoukas, Spyros; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Incremental Hypothesis Alignment with Flexible Matching for Building Confusion Networks: BBN System Description for WMT09 System Combination Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0410}
author = {Popović, Maja; Vilar, David; Stein, Daniel; Matusov, Evgeny; Ney, Hermann}
title = {The RWTH Machine Translation System for WMT 2009}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0411}
author = {Federmann, Christian; Theison, Silke; Eisele, Andreas; Uszkoreit, Hans; Chen, Yu; Jellinghaus, Michael; Hunsicker, Sabine}
title = {Translation Combination using Factored Word Substitution}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0412}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {NUS at WMT09: Domain Adaptation Experiments for English-Spanish Machine Translation of News Commentary Text}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0413}
author = {Niehues, Jan; Herrmann, Teresa; Kolss, Muntsin; Waibel, Alex}
title = {The Universität Karlsruhe Translation System for the EACL-WMT 2009}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0414}
author = {Fonollosa, José A. R.; Khalilov, Maxim; Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Mariño, Josée B.; Henríquez Q., Carlos A.; Hernández H., Adolfo; Banches, Rafael E.}
title = {The TALP-UPC Phrase-Based Translation System for EACL-WMT 2009}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0415}
author = {Wehrli, Eric; Nerima, Luka; Scherrer, Yves}
title = {Deep Linguistic Multilingual Translation and Bilingual Dictionaries}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0416}
author = {Du, Jinhua; He, Yifan; Penkale, Sergio; Way, Andy}
title = {MATREX: The DCU MT System for WMT 2009}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0417}
author = {Allauzen, Alexandre; Crego, Josep M.; Max, Aurélien; Yvon, François}
title = {LIMSI's Statistical Translation Systems for WMT'09}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0418}
author = {Paul, Michael; Finch, Andrew; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {NICT@WMT09: Model Adaptation and Transliteration for Spanish-English SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0419}
author = {Dugast, Loïc; Senellart, Jean; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Statistical Post Editing and Dictionary Extraction: Systran/Edinburgh Submissions for ACL-WMT2009}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0420}
author = {Fraser, Alexander}
title = {Experiments in Morphosyntactic Processing for Translating to and from German}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0421}
author = {Holmqvist, Maria; Stymne, Sara; Foo, Jody; Ahrenberg, Lars}
title = {Improving Alignment for SMT by Reordering and Augmenting the Training Corpus}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0422}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Mareček, David; Novák, Václav; Popel, Martin; Ptáček, Jan; Rouš, Jan; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {English-Czech MT in 2008}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0423}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Abdul-Rauf, Sadaf; Barrault, Loïc; Senellart, Jean}
title = {SMT and SPE Machine Translation Systems for WMT'09}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0424}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Callison-Burch, Chris; Dyer, Chris; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Schwartz, Lane; Thornton, Wren N. G.; Weese, Jonathan; Zaidan, Omar F.}
title = {Joshua: An Open Source Toolkit for Parsing-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0425}
author = {Hanneman, Greg; Ambati, Vamshi; Clark, Jonathan H.; Parlikar, Alok; Lavie, Alon}
title = {An Improved Statistical Transfer System for French-English Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0426}
author = {Dyer, Chris; Setiawan, Hendra; Marton, Yuval; Resnik, Philip}
title = {The University of Maryland Statistical Machine Translation System for the Fourth Workshop on Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0427}
author = {Carpuat, Marine}
title = {Toward Using Morphology in French-English Phrase-Based SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0428}
author = {Novák, Attila}
title = {MorphoLogic's Submission for the WMT 2009 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0429}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Haddow, Barry}
title = {Edinburgh's Submission to all Tracks of the WMT 2009 Shared Task with Reordering and Speed Improvements to Moses}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0430}
author = {Do, Thi Ngoc Diep; Le, Viet Bac; Bigi, Brigitte; Besacier, Laurent; Castelli, Eric}
title = {Mining a Comparable Text Corpus for a Vietnamese-French Statistical Machine Translation System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0431}
author = {Habash, Nizar; Hu, Jun}
title = {Improving Arabic-Chinese Statistical Machine Translation using English as Pivot Language}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0432}
author = {Bertoldi, Nicola; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Domain Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation with Monolingual Resources}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0433}
author = {Li, Jinji; Kim, Jungi; Kim, Dong-Il; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Chinese Syntactic Reordering for Adequate Generation of Korean Verbal Phrases in Chinese-to-Korean SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0434}
author = {Birch, Alexandra; Blunsom, Philip; Osborne, Miles}
title = {A Quantitative Analysis of Reordering Phenomena}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0435}
author = {Niehues, Jan; Kolss, Muntsin}
title = {A POS-Based Model for Long-Range Reorderings in SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0436}
author = {Chang, Pi-Chuan; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Disambiguating DE for Chinese-English Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0437}
author = {Auli, Michael; Lopez, Adam; Hoang, Hieu; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {A Systematic Analysis of Translation Model Search Spaces}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0438}
author = {Deselaers, Thomas; Hasan, Saša; Bender, Oliver; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Deep Learning Approach to Machine Transliteration}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0439}
author = {Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Stabilizing Minimum Error Rate Training}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0440}
author = {Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {On the Robustness of Syntactic and Semantic Features for Automatic MT Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0441}
author = {Snover, Matthew; Madnani, Nitin; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Fluency Adequacy or HTER? Exploring Different Human Judgments with a Tunable MT Metric}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-1701}
author = {Gao, Qin; Bach, Nguyen; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {A Semi-Supervised Word Alignment Algorithm with Partial Manual Alignments}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1702}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Fast Consensus Hypothesis Regeneration for Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1703}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Koehn, Philipp; Monz, Christof; Peterson, Kay; Przybocki, Mark A.; Zaidan, Omar F.}
title = {Findings of the 2010 Joint Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and Metrics for Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1704}
author = {Allauzen, Alexandre; Crego, Josep M.; Durgar El-Kahlout, Ilknur; Yvon, François}
title = {LIMSI’s Statistical Translation Systems for WMT’10}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1705}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Kos, Kamil}
title = {2010 Failures in English-Czech Phrase-Based MT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1706}
author = {Hui, Cong; Zhao, Hai; Lu, Bao-Liang; Song, Yan}
title = {An Empirical Study on Development Set Selection Strategy for Machine Translation Learning}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1707}
author = {Eidelman, Vladimir; Dyer, Chris; Resnik, Philip}
title = {The University of Maryland Statistical Machine Translation System for the Fifth Workshop on Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1708}
author = {Federmann, Christian; Eisele, Andreas; Chen, Yu; Hunsicker, Sabine; Xu, Jia; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Further Experiments with Shallow Hybrid MT Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1709}
author = {Hanneman, Greg; Clark, Jonathan H.; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Improved Features and Grammar Selection for Syntax-Based MT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1710}
author = {Hardmeier, Christian; Bisazza, Arianna; Federico, Marcello}
title = {FBK at WMT 2010: Word Lattices for Morphological Reduction and Chunk-Based Reordering}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1711}
author = {Heger, Carmen; Wuebker, Joern; Huck, Matthias; Leusch, Gregor; Mansour, Saab; Stein, Daniel; Ney, Hermann}
title = {The RWTH Aachen Machine Translation System for WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1712}
author = {Henríquez Q., Carlos A.; Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Daudaravicius, Vidas; Banches, Rafael E.; Mariño, Josée B.}
title = {Using Collocation Segmentation to Augment the Phrase Table}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1713}
author = {Huet, Stéphane; Bourdaillet, Julien; Patry, Alexandre; Langlais, Philippe}
title = {The RALI Machine Translation System for WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1714}
author = {Jellinghaus, Michael; Poulis, Alexandros; Kolovratník, David}
title = {Exodus - Exploring SMT for EU Institutions}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1715}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Haddow, Barry; Williams, Philip; Hoang, Hieu}
title = {More Linguistic Annotation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1716}
author = {Lambert, Patrik; Abdul-Rauf, Sadaf; Schwenk, Holger}
title = {LIUM SMT Machine Translation System for WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1717}
author = {Larkin, Samuel; Chen, Boxing; Foster, George; Germann, Ulrich; Joanis, Eric; Johnson, Howard; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Lessons from NRC’s Portage System at WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1718}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Callison-Burch, Chris; Dyer, Chris; Ganitkevitch, Juri; Irvine, Ann; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Schwartz, Lane; Thornton, Wren N. G.; Wang, Ziyuan; Weese, Jonathan; Zaidan, Omar F.}
title = {Joshua 2.0: A Toolkit for Parsing-Based Machine Translation with Syntax Semirings Discriminative Training and Other Goodies}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1719}
author = {Niehues, Jan; Herrmann, Teresa; Mediani, Mohammed; Waibel, Alex}
title = {The Karlsruhe Institute for Technology Translation System for the ACL-WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1720}
author = {Penkale, Sergio; Haque, Rejwanul; Dandapat, Sandipan; Banerjee, Pratyush; Srivastava, Ankit Kumar; Du, Jinhua; Pecina, Pavel; Naskar, Sudip Kumar; Forcada, Mikel L.; Way, Andy}
title = {MATREX: The DCU MT System for WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1721}
author = {Phillips, Aaron}
title = {The Cunei Machine Translation Platform for WMT ’10}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1722}
author = {Pino, Juan; Iglesias, Gonzalo; Gispert, Adrià de; Blackwood, Graeme; Brunning, Jamie; Byrne, William}
title = {The CUED HiFST System for the WMT10 Translation Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1723}
author = {Potet, Marion; Besacier, Laurent; Blanchon, Hervé}
title = {The LIG Machine Translation System for WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1724}
author = {Saers, Markus; Nivre, Joakim; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Linear Inversion Transduction Grammar Alignments as a Second Translation Path}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1725}
author = {Sanchis, Germán; Andrés-Ferrer, Jesús; Gascó, Guillem; González-Rubio, Jesús; Martínez-Gómez, Pascual; Rocha, Martha-Alicia; Sánchez, Joan-Andreu; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {UPV-PRHLT English–Spanish System for WMT10}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1726}
author = {Schwartz, Lane}
title = {Reproducible Results in Parsing-Based Machine Translation: The JHU Shared Task Submission}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1727}
author = {Stymne, Sara; Holmqvist, Maria; Ahrenberg, Lars}
title = {Vs and OOVs: Two Problems for Translation between German and English}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1728}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {To Cache or Not To Cache? Experiments with Adaptive Models in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1729}
author = {Virpioja, Sami; Väyrynen, Jaakko; Mansikkaniemi, Andre; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Applying Morphological Decompositions to Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1730}
author = {Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Popel, Martin; Mareček, David}
title = {Maximum Entropy Translation Model in Dependency-Based MT Framework}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1731}
author = {Zamora-Martinez, Francisco; Sanchis, Germán}
title = {UCH-UPV English–Spanish System for WMT10}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1732}
author = {Zeman, Daniel}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-Based MT at the Charles University for the WMT 2010 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1733}
author = {Sankaran, Baskaran; Grewal, Ajeet; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Incremental Decoding for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1734}
author = {Fritzinger, Fabienne; Fraser, Alexander}
title = {How to Avoid Burning Ducks: Combining Linguistic Analysis and Corpus Statistics for German Compound Processing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1735}
author = {Bisazza, Arianna; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Chunk-Based Verb Reordering in VSO Sentences for Arabic-English Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1736}
author = {Isozaki, Hideki; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Tsukada, Hajime; Duh, Kevin}
title = {Head Finalization: A Simple Reordering Rule for SOV Languages}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1737}
author = {Le Nagard, Ronan; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Aiding Pronoun Translation with Co-Reference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1738}
author = {Vilar, David; Stein, Daniel; Huck, Matthias; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Jane: Open Source Hierarchical Translation Extended with Reordering and Lexicon Models}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1739}
author = {Barrault, Loïc}
title = {MANY: Open Source MT System Combination at WMT’10}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1740}
author = {Bicici, Ergun; Kozat, S. Serdar}
title = {Adaptive Model Weighting and Transductive Regression for Predicting Best System Combinations}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1741}
author = {Bicici, Ergun; Yuret, Deniz}
title = {L1 Regularized Regression for Reranking and System Combination in Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1742}
author = {Du, Jinhua; Pecina, Pavel; Way, Andy}
title = {An Augmented Three-Pass System Combination Framework: DCU Combination System for WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1743}
author = {González-Rubio, Jesús; Sanchis, Germán; Sánchez, Joan-Andreu; Andrés-Ferrer, Jesús; Gascó, Guillem; Martínez-Gómez, Pascual; Rocha, Martha-Alicia; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {The UPV-PRHLT Combination System for WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1744}
author = {Heafield, Kenneth; Lavie, Alon}
title = {CMU Multi-Engine Machine Translation for WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1745}
author = {Hildebrand, Almut Silja; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {CMU System Combination via Hypothesis Selection for WMT’10}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1746}
author = {Narsale, Sushant}
title = {JHU System Combination Scheme for WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1747}
author = {Leusch, Gregor; Ney, Hermann}
title = {The RWTH System Combination System for WMT 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1748}
author = {Rosti, Antti-Veikko I.; Zhang, Bing; Matsoukas, Spyros; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {BBN System Description for WMT10 System Combination Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1749}
author = {Birch, Alexandra; Osborne, Miles}
title = {LRscore for Evaluating Lexical and Reordering Quality in MT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1750}
author = {Comelles, Elisabet; Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís; Castellón, Irene; Arranz, Victoria}
title = {Document-Level Automatic MT Evaluation based on Discourse Representations}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1751}
author = {Denkowski, Michael; Lavie, Alon}
title = {METEOR-NEXT and the METEOR Paraphrase Tables: Improved Evaluation Support for Five Target Languages}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1752}
author = {Dobrinkat, Marcus; Tapiovaara, Tero; Väyrynen, Jaakko; Kettunen, Kimmo}
title = {Normalized Compression Distance Based Measures for MetricsMATR 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1753}
author = {He, Yifan; Du, Jinhua; Way, Andy; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {The DCU Dependency-Based Metric in WMT-MetricsMATR 2010}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1754}
author = {Liu, Chang; Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {TESLA: Translation Evaluation of Sentences with Linear-Programming-Based Analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1755}
author = {Wong, Billy; Kitt, Chunyu}
title = {The Parameter-Optimized ATEC Metric for MT Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1756}
author = {Arun, Abhishek; Haddow, Barry; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {A Unified Approach to Minimum Risk Training and Decoding}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1757}
author = {Duh, Kevin; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Tsukada, Hajime; Isozaki, Hideki; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {N-Best Reranking by Multitask Learning}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1758}
author = {Brown, Ralf D.}
title = {Taming Structured Perceptrons on Wild Feature Vectors}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1759}
author = {Shah, Kashif; Barrault, Loïc; Schwenk, Holger}
title = {Translation Model Adaptation by Resampling}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1760}
author = {Paul, Michael; Finch, Andrew; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Integration of Multiple Bilingually-Learned Segmentation Schemes into Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1761}
author = {Hoang, Hieu; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Improved Translation with Source Syntax Labels}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1762}
author = {Sudoh, Katsuhito; Duh, Kevin; Tsukada, Hajime; Hirao, Tsutomu; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Divide and Translate: Improving Long Distance Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1763}
author = {Zbib, Rabih; Matsoukas, Spyros; Schwartz, Richard M.; Makhoul, John}
title = {Decision Trees for Lexical Smoothing in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-2101}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Ercegovčević, Miloš; Popel, Martin; Zaidan, Omar F.}
title = {A Grain of Salt for the WMT Manual Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2102}
author = {Talbot, David; Kazawa, Hideto; Ichikawa, Hiroshi; Katz-Brown, Jason; Seno, Masakazu; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {A Lightweight Evaluation Framework for Machine Translation Reordering}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2103}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Koehn, Philipp; Monz, Christof; Zaidan, Omar F.}
title = {Findings of the 2011 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2104}
author = {Avramidis, Eleftherios; Popović, Maja; Vilar, David; Burchardt, Aljoscha}
title = {Evaluate with Confidence Estimation: Machine ranking of translation outputs using grammatical features}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2105}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {AMBER: A Modified BLEU Enhanced Ranking Metric}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2106}
author = {Dahlmeier, Daniel; Liu, Chang; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {TESLA at WMT 2011: Translation Evaluation and Tunable Metric}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2107}
author = {Denkowski, Michael; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Meteor 1.3: Automatic Metric for Reliable Optimization and Evaluation of Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2108}
author = {Macháček, Matouš; Bojar, Ondřej}
title = {Approximating a Deep-Syntactic Metric for MT Evaluation and Tuning}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2109}
author = {Popović, Maja; Vilar, David; Avramidis, Eleftherios; Burchardt, Aljoscha}
title = {Evaluation without references: IBM1 scores as evaluation metrics}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2110}
author = {Popović, Maja}
title = {Morphemes and POS tags for n-gram based evaluation metrics}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2111}
author = {Parton, Kristen; Tetreault, Joel R.; Madnani, Nitin; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {E-rating Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2112}
author = {Rios, Miguel; Aziz, Wilker; Specia, Lucia}
title = {TINE: A Metric to Assess MT Adequacy}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2113}
author = {Song, Xin; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Regression and Ranking based Optimisation for Sentence Level MT Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2114}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.}
title = {MAISE: A Flexible Configurable Extensible Open Source Package for Mass AI System Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2115}
author = {Barrault, Loïc}
title = {MANY improvements for WMT'11}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2116}
author = {González-Rubio, Jesús; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {The UPV-PRHLT combination system for WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2117}
author = {Heafield, Kenneth; Lavie, Alon}
title = {CMU System Combination in WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2118}
author = {Leusch, Gregor; Freitag, Markus; Ney, Hermann}
title = {The RWTH System Combination System for WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2119}
author = {Rosti, Antti-Veikko I.; Zhang, Bing; Matsoukas, Spyros; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Expected BLEU Training for Graphs: BBN System Description for WMT11 System Combination Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2120}
author = {Sennrich, Rico}
title = {The UZH System Combination System for WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2121}
author = {Xu, Daguang; Cao, Yuan; Karakos, Damianos}
title = {Description of the JHU System Combination Scheme for WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2122}
author = {Levenberg, Abby; Osborne, Miles; Matthews, David}
title = {Multiple-stream Language Models for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2123}
author = {Heafield, Kenneth}
title = {KenLM: Faster and Smaller Language Model Queries}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2124}
author = {Niehues, Jan; Herrmann, Teresa; Vogel, Stephan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Wider Context by Using Bilingual Language Models in Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2125}
author = {Krstovski, Kriste; Smith, David A.}
title = {A Minimally Supervised Approach for Detecting and Ranking Document Translation Pairs}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2126}
author = {Williams, Philip; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Agreement Constraints for Statistical Machine Translation into German}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2127}
author = {Andreas, Jacob; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Fuzzy Syntactic Reordering for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2128}
author = {Marton, Yuval; El Kholy, Ahmed; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Filtering Antonymous Trend-Contrasting and Polarity-Dissimilar Distributional Paraphrases for Improving Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2129}
author = {Stymne, Sara; Cancedda, Nicola}
title = {Productive Generation of Compound Words in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2130}
author = {Haddow, Barry; Arun, Abhishek; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {SampleRank Training for Phrase-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2131}
author = {Bicici, Ergun; Yuret, Deniz}
title = {Instance Selection for Machine Translation using Feature Decay Algorithms}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2132}
author = {Lambert, Patrik; Schwenk, Holger; Servan, Christophe; Abdul-Rauf, Sadaf}
title = {Investigations on Translation Model Adaptation Using Monolingual Data}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2133}
author = {Ruiz, Nick; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Topic Adaptation for Lecture Translation through Bilingual Latent Semantic Models}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2134}
author = {Aleksic, Vera; Thurmair, Gregor}
title = {Personal Translator at WMT2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2135}
author = {Allauzen, Alexandre; Bonneau-Maynard, Hélène; Le, Hai-Son; Max, Aurélien; Wisniewski, Guillaume; Yvon, François; Adda, Gilles; Crego, Josep Maria; Lardilleux, Adrien; Lavergne, Thomas; Sokolov, Artem}
title = {LIMSI @ WMT11}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2136}
author = {Aziz, Wilker; Rios, Miguel; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Shallow Semantic Trees for SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2137}
author = {Bicici, Ergun; Yuret, Deniz}
title = {RegMT System for Machine Translation System Combination and Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2138}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Tamchyna, Aleš}
title = {Improving Translation Model by Monolingual Data}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2139}
author = {Dyer, Chris; Gimpel, Kevin; Clark, Jonathan H.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {The CMU-ARK German-English Translation System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2140}
author = {Eidelman, Vladimir; Hollingshead, Kristy; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Noisy SMS Machine Translation in Low-Density Languages}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2141}
author = {Federmann, Christian; Hunsicker, Sabine}
title = {Stochastic Parse Tree Selection for an Existing RBMT System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2142}
author = {Freitag, Markus; Leusch, Gregor; Wuebker, Joern; Peitz, Stephan; Ney, Hermann; Herrmann, Teresa; Niehues, Jan; Waibel, Alex; Allauzen, Alexandre; Adda, Gilles; Crego, Josep Maria; Buschbeck-Wolf, Bianka; Wandmacher, Tonio; Senellart, Jean}
title = {Joint WMT Submission of the QUAERO Project}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2143}
author = {Hanneman, Greg; Lavie, Alon}
title = {CMU Syntax-Based Machine Translation at WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2144}
author = {Hardmeier, Christian; Tiedemann, Jörg; Saers, Markus; Federico, Marcello; Mathur, Prashant}
title = {The Uppsala-FBK systems at WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2145}
author = {Herrmann, Teresa; Mediani, Mohammed; Niehues, Jan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Translation Systems for the WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2146}
author = {Hewavitharana, Sanjika; Bach, Nguyen; Gao, Qin; Ambati, Vamshi; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {CMU Haitian Creole-English Translation System for WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2147}
author = {Holmqvist, Maria; Stymne, Sara; Ahrenberg, Lars}
title = {Experiments with word alignment normalization and clause reordering for SMT between English and German}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2148}
author = {Hu, Changjian; Resnik, Philip; Kronrod, Yakov; Eidelman, Vladimir; Buzek, Olivia; Bederson, Benjamin B.}
title = {The Value of Monolingual Crowdsourcing in a Real-World Translation Scenario: Simulation using Haitian Creole Emergency SMS Messages}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2149}
author = {Huck, Matthias; Wuebker, Joern; Schmidt, Christoph; Freitag, Markus; Peitz, Stephan; Stein, Daniel; Dagnelies, Arnaud; Mansour, Saab; Leusch, Gregor; Ney, Hermann}
title = {The RWTH Aachen Machine Translation System for WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2150}
author = {Khalilov, Maxim; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {ILLC-UvA translation system for EMNLP-WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2151}
author = {López-Ludeña, Verónica; San-Segundo, Rubén}
title = {UPM system for the translation task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2152}
author = {Mareček, David; Rosa, Rudolf; Galuščáková, Petra; Bojar, Ondřej}
title = {Two-step translation with grammatical post-processing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2153}
author = {Popel, Martin; Mareček, David; Green, Nathan; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {Influence of Parser Choice on Dependency-Based MT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2154}
author = {Potet, Marion; Rubino, Raphaël; Lecouteux, Benjamin; Huet, Stéphane; Besacier, Laurent; Blanchon, Hervé; Lefèvre, Fabrice}
title = {The LIGA (LIG/LIA) Machine Translation System for WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2155}
author = {Rishj, Christian; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Factored Translation with Unsupervised Word Clusters}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2156}
author = {Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Banches, Rafael E.}
title = {The BM-I2R Haitian-Créole-to-English translation system description for the WMT 2011 evaluation campaign}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2157}
author = {Sánchez-Cartagena, Víctor M.; Sánchez-Martínez, Felipe; Pérez-Ortiz, Juan Antonio}
title = {The Universitat d'Alacant hybrid machine translation system for WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2158}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Lambert, Patrik; Barrault, Loïc; Servan, Christophe; Abdul-Rauf, Sadaf; Afli, Haithem; Shah, Kashif}
title = {LIUM’s SMT Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2011}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2159}
author = {Stymne, Sara}
title = {Spell Checking Techniques for Replacement of Unknown Words and Data Cleaning for Haitian Creole SMS Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2160}
author = {Weese, Jonathan; Ganitkevitch, Juri; Callison-Burch, Chris; Post, Matt; Lopez, Adam}
title = {Joshua 3.0: Syntax-based Machine Translation with the Thrax Grammar Extractor}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2161}
author = {Xu, Jia; Uszkoreit, Hans; Kennington, Casey; Vilar, David; Zhang, Xiaojun}
title = {DFKI Hybrid Machine Translation System for WMT 2011 - On the Integration of SMT and RBMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2162}
author = {Zamora-Martinez, Francisco; Castro-Bleda, Maria Jose}
title = {CEU-UPV English-Spanish system for WMT11}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2163}
author = {Zeman, Daniel}
title = {Hierarchical Phrase-Based MT at the Charles University for the WMT 2011 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2164}
author = {Lewis, William H.; Munro, Robert; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Crisis MT: Developing A Cookbook for MT in Crisis Situations}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2165}
author = {Gimpel, Kevin; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Generative Models of Monolingual and Bilingual Gappy Patterns}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2166}
author = {Hopkins, Mark; Langmead, Greg; Vo, Tai}
title = {Extraction Programs: A Unified Approach to Translation Rule Extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2167}
author = {Sankaran, Baskaran; Haffari, Gholamreza; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Bayesian Extraction of Minimal SCFG Rules for Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2168}
author = {Lavergne, Thomas; Allauzen, Alexandre; Crego, Josep Maria; Yvon, François}
title = {From n-gram-based to CRF-based Translation Models}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2011}
id = {W12-3101}
author = {Lopez, Adam}
title = {Putting Human Assessments of Machine Translation Systems in Order}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3102}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Koehn, Philipp; Monz, Christof; Post, Matt; Soricut, Radu; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Findings of the 2012 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3103}
author = {Castillo, Julio; Estrella, Paula}
title = {Semantic Textual Similarity for MT evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3104}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Kuhn, Roland; Foster, George}
title = {Improving AMBER, an MT Evaluation Metric}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3105}
author = {Popović, Maja; Fishel, Mark; Bojar, Ondřej; Sennrich, Rico}
title = {TerrorCat: a Translation Error Categorization-based MT Quality Metric}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3106}
author = {Popovic, Maja}
title = {Class error rates for evaluation of machine translation output}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3107}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.; Wang, Mengqiu}
title = {SPEDE: Probabilistic Edit Distance Metrics for MT Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3108}
author = {Avramidis, Eleftherios}
title = {Quality estimation for Machine Translation output using linguistic analysis and decoding features}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3109}
author = {Buck, Christian}
title = {Black Box Features for the WMT 2012 Quality Estimation Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3110}
author = {Felice, Mariano; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Linguistic Features for Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3111}
author = {Sanchis, Alberto; González-Rubio, Jesús; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {PRHLT Submission to the WMT12 Quality Estimation Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3112}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg; Hardmeier, Christian; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Tree Kernels for Machine Translation Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3113}
author = {Smaïli, Kamel; Raybaud, Sylvain; Langlois, David}
title = {LORIA System for the WMT12 Quality Estimation Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3114}
author = {Moreau, Erwan; Vogel, Carl}
title = {Quality Estimation: an experimental study using unsupervised similarity measures}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3115}
author = {González, Meritxell; Pighin, Daniele; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {The UPC Submission to the WMT 2012 Shared Task on Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3116}
author = {Popovic, Maja}
title = {Morpheme- and POS-based IBM1 and language model scores for translation quality estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3117}
author = {Samad Zadeh Kaljahi, Rasul; Rubino, Raphael; Hollowood, Fred; Roturier, Johann; Foster, Jennifer; Wagner, Joachim}
title = {DCU-Symantec Submission for the WMT 2012 Quality Estimation Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3118}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Bach, Nguyen; Wang, Ziyuan}
title = {The SDL Language Weaver Systems in the WMT12 Quality Estimation Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3119}
author = {Wu, Chunyang; Zhao, Hai}
title = {Regression with Phrase Indicators for Estimating MT Quality}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3120}
author = {Yvon, François; Zhuang, Yong; Wisniewski, Guillaume}
title = {Non-Linear Models for Confidence Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3121}
author = {Soricut, Radu; Narsale, Sushant}
title = {Combining Quality Prediction and System Selection for Improved Automatic Translation Output}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3122}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar; Negri, Matteo; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Match without a Referee: Evaluating MT Adequacy without Reference Translations}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3123}
author = {Koponen, Maarit}
title = {Comparing human perceptions of post-editing effort with post-editing operations}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3124}
author = {Rosti, Antti-Veikko; He, Xiaodong; Karakos, Damianos; Leusch, Gregor; Cao, Yuan; Freitag, Markus; Matsoukas, Spyros; Ney, Hermann; Smith, Jason; Zhang, Bing}
title = {Review of Hypothesis Alignment Algorithms for MT System Combination via Confusion Network Decoding}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3125}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Moore, Robert C.; Quirk, Chris}
title = {On Hierarchical Re-ordering and Permutation Parsing for Phrase-based Decoding}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3126}
author = {Brew, Chris; Mehay, Dennis}
title = {CCG Syntactic Reordering Models for Phrase-based Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3127}
author = {Weese, Jonathan; Callison-Burch, Chris; Lopez, Adam}
title = {Using Categorial Grammar to Label Translation Rules}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3128}
author = {Li, Junhui; Tu, Zhaopeng; Zhou, Guodong; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Using Syntactic Head Information in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3129}
author = {Tumuluru, Anand Karthik; Wu, Dekai; Lo, Chi-kiu}
title = {Fully Automatic Semantic MT Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3130}
author = {Kamran, Amir; Jawaid, Bushra; Bojar, Ondřej}
title = {Probes in a Taxonomy of Factored Phrase-Based Models}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3131}
author = {Denkowski, Michael; Hanneman, Greg; Lavie, Alon}
title = {The CMU-Avenue French-English Translation System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3132}
author = {Mareček, David; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; MajliÅ¡, Martin; Novák, Michal; DuÅ¡ek, OndÅej; Popel, Martin}
title = {Formemes in English-Czech Deep Syntactic MT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3133}
author = {Fonollosa, José A. R.; Henríquez Q., Carlos A.; Mariño, Josée B.; Formiga, Lluis; Monte, Enric; Hernández H., Adolfo}
title = {The TALP-UPC phrase-based translation systems for WMT12: Morphology simplification and domain adaptation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3134}
author = {Ganitkevitch, Juri; Cao, Yuan; Weese, Jonathan; Post, Matt; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Joshua 4.0: Packing, PRO, and Paraphrases}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3135}
author = {Germann, Ulrich}
title = {Syntax-aware Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation: System Description}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3136}
author = {Thabet, Ahmed; Vogel, Stephan; Guzman, Francisco; Nakov, Preslav}
title = {QCRI at WMT12: Experiments in Spanish-English and German-English Machine Translation of News Text}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3137}
author = {Nuhn, Malte; Ney, Hermann; Huck, Matthias; Peitz, Stephan; Freitag, Markus}
title = {The RWTH Aachen Machine Translation System for WMT 2012}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3138}
author = {Hunsicker, Sabine; Yu, Chen; Federmann, Christian}
title = {Machine Learning for Hybrid Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3139}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Haddow, Barry}
title = {Towards Effective Use of Training Data in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3140}
author = {Allauzen, Alexandre; Buschbeck-Wolf, Bianka; Niehues, Jan; Senellart, Jean; Waibel, Alex; Herrmann, Teresa; Lavergne, Thomas; Huck, Matthias; Freitag, Markus; Le, Hai-Son; Peitz, Stephan; Crego, Josep M.; Ney, H.}
title = {Joint WMT 2012 Submission of the QUAERO Project}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3141}
author = {Max, Aurélien; Yvon, François; Gong, Li; Le, Hai-Son; Sokolov, Artem; Lavergne, Thomas; Wisniewski, Guillaume; Allauzen, Alexandre; Apidianaki, Marianna}
title = {LIMSI @ WMT12}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3142}
author = {San-Segundo, Ruben; López-Ludeña, Verónica; Montero Martinez, Juan Manuel}
title = {UPM system for WMT 2012}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3143}
author = {Molchanov, Alexander}
title = {PROMT DeepHybrid system for WMT12 shared translation task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3144}
author = {Cho, Eunah; Niehues, Jan; Waibel, Alex; Zhang, Yuqi; Mediani, Mohammed; Herrmann, Teresa}
title = {The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Translation Systems for the WMT 2012}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3145}
author = {Razmara, Majid; Sankaran, Baskaran; Clifton, Ann; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Kriya - The SFU System for Translation Task at WMT-12}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3146}
author = {Mareček, David; DuÅ¡ek, OndÅej; Rosa, Rudolf}
title = {DEPFIX: A System for Automatic Correction of Czech MT Outputs}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3147}
author = {Barrault, Loïc; Rousseau, Anthony; Schwenk, Holger; Servan, Christophe; Lambert, Patrik}
title = {LIUM’s SMT Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2012}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3148}
author = {Galuščáková, Petra; Kamran, Amir; Stanojević, Miloš; Bojar, Ondřej; Tamchyna, Aleš}
title = {Selecting Data for English-to-Czech Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3149}
author = {Vilar, David}
title = {DFKI's SMT System for WMT 2012}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3150}
author = {Williams, Philip; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {GHKM Rule Extraction and Scope-3 Parsing in Moses}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3151}
author = {Zeman, Daniel}
title = {Data Issues of the Multilingual Translation Matrix}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3152}
author = {Post, Matt; Callison-Burch, Chris; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Constructing Parallel Corpora for Six Indian Languages via Crowdsourcing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3153}
author = {Hieber, Felix; Jehl, Laura; Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Twitter Translation using Translation-Based Cross-Lingual Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3154}
author = {Haddow, Barry; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Analysing the Effect of Out-of-Domain Data on SMT Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3155}
author = {Buck, Christian; Bertoldi, Nicola; Cettolo, Mauro; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Evaluating the Learning Curve of Domain Adaptive Statistical Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3156}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Simard, Michel}
title = {The Trouble with SMT Consistency}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3157}
author = {Wuebker, Joern; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Phrase Model Training for Statistical Machine Translation with Word Lattices of Preprocessing Alternatives}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3158}
author = {Wuebker, Joern; Hwang, Mei-Yuh; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Leave-One-Out Phrase Model Training for Large-Scale Deployment}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3159}
author = {Chung, Tagyoung; Galley, Michel}
title = {Direct Error Rate Minimization for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3160}
author = {Eidelman, Vladimir}
title = {Optimization Strategies for Online Large-Margin Learning in Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2012}
id = {W13-2201}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Buck, Christian; Callison-Burch, Chris; Federmann, Christian; Haddow, Barry; Koehn, Philipp; Monz, Christof; Post, Matt; Soricut, Radu; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Findings of the 2013 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2202}
author = {Macháček, Matouš; Bojar, Ondřej}
title = {Results of the WMT13 Metrics Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2203}
author = {Birch, Alexandra; Haddow, Barry; Germann, Ulrich; Nadejde, Maria; Buck, Christian; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {The Feasibility of HMEANT as a Human MT Evaluation Metric}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2204}
author = {Allauzen, Alexander; Pécheux, Nicolas; Do, Quoc Khanh; Dinarelli, Marco; Lavergne, Thomas; Max, Aurélien; Le, Hai-Son; Yvon, François}
title = {LIMSI @ WMT13}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2205}
author = {Ammar, Waleed; Chahuneau, Victor; Denkowski, Michael; Hanneman, Greg; Ling, Wang; Matthews, Austin; Murray, Kenton; Segall, Nicola; Lavie, Alon; Dyer, Chris}
title = {The CMU Machine Translation Systems at WMT 2013: Syntax, Synthetic Translation Options, and Pseudo-References}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2206}
author = {Bicici, Ergun}
title = {Feature Decay Algorithms for Fast Deployment of Accurate Statistical Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2207}
author = {Bílek, Karel; Zeman, Daniel}
title = {CUni Multilingual Matrix in the WMT 2013 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2208}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Rosa, Rudolf; Tamchyna, Aleš}
title = {Chimera – Three Heads for English-to-Czech Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2209}
author = {Borisov, Alexey; Dlougach, Jacob; Galinskaya, Irina}
title = {Yandex School of Data Analysis Machine Translation Systems for WMT13}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2210}
author = {Cho, Eunah; Ha, Thanh-Le; Mediani, Mohammed; Niehues, Jan; Herrmann, Teresa; Slawik, Isabel; Waibel, Alex}
title = {The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Translation Systems for the WMT 2013}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2211}
author = {Durgar El-Kahlout, Ilknur; Mermer, Coşkun}
title = {TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM German-English Machine Translation Systems for W13}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2212}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Haddow, Barry; Heafield, Kenneth; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Edinburgh’s Machine Translation Systems for European Language Pairs}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2213}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Fraser, Alexander; Schmid, Helmut; Sajjad, Hassan; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {Munich-Edinburgh-Stuttgart Submissions of OSM Systems at WMT13}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2214}
author = {Eidelman, Vladimir; Wu, Ke; Ture, Ferhan; Resnik, Philip; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Towards Efficient Large-Scale Feature-Rich Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2215}
author = {Formiga, Lluís; Mariño, Josée B.; Fonollosa, José A. R.; Barrón-Cedeño, Alberto; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {The TALP-UPC Phrase-Based Translation Systems for WMT13: System Combination with Morphology Generation, Domain Adaptation and Corpus Filtering}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2216}
author = {Galuščáková, Petra; Popel, Martin; Bojar, Ondřej}
title = {PhraseFix: Statistical Post-Editing of TectoMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2217}
author = {Green, Spence; Cer, Daniel; Reschke, Kevin; Voigt, Rob; Bauer, John; Wang, Sida; Silveira, Natalia; Neidert, Julia; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Feature-Rich Phrase-based Translation: Stanford University’s Submission to the WMT 2013 Translation Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2218}
author = {Huet, Stéphane; Manishina, Elena; Lefèvre, Fabrice}
title = {Factored Machine Translation Systems for Russian-English}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2219}
author = {Matusov, Evgeny; Leusch, Gregor}
title = {Omnifluent English-to-French and Russian-to-English Systems for the 2013 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2220}
author = {Miceli Barone, Antonio Valerio; Attardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Pre-Reordering for Machine Translation Using Transition-Based Walks on Dependency Parse Trees}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2221}
author = {Nadejde, Maria; Williams, Philip; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Edinburgh’s Syntax-Based Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2222}
author = {Okita, Tsuyoshi; Liu, Qun; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Shallow Semantically-Informed PBSMT and HPBSMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2223}
author = {Peitz, Stephan; Mansour, Saab; Huck, Matthias; Freitag, Markus; Ney, Hermann; Cho, Eunah; Herrmann, Teresa; Mediani, Mohammed; Niehues, Jan; Waibel, Alex; Allauzen, Alexander; Khanh Do, Quoc; Buschbeck-Wolf, Bianka; Wandmacher, Tonio}
title = {Joint WMT 2013 Submission of the QUAERO Project}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2224}
author = {Peitz, Stephan; Mansour, Saab; Peter, Jan-Thorsten; Schmidt, Christoph; Wuebker, Joern; Huck, Matthias; Freitag, Markus; Ney, Hermann}
title = {The RWTH Aachen Machine Translation System for WMT 2013}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2225}
author = {Pino, Juan; Waite, Aurelien; Xiao, Tong; Gispert, Adri; Flego, Federico; Byrne, William}
title = {The University of Cambridge Russian-English System at WMT13}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2226}
author = {Post, Matt; Ganitkevitch, Juri; Orland, Luke; Weese, Jonathan; Cao, Yuan; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Joshua 5.0: Sparser, Better, Faster, Server}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2227}
author = {Rubino, Raphael; Toral, Antonio; Cortés Vaíllo, Santiago; Xie, Jun; Wu, Xiaofeng; Doherty, Stephen; Liu, Qun}
title = {The CNGL-DCU-Prompsit Translation Systems for WMT13}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2228}
author = {Sajjad, Hassan; Smekalova, Svetlana; Durrani, Nadir; Fraser, Alexander; Schmid, Helmut}
title = {QCRI-MES Submission at WMT13: Using Transliteration Mining to Improve Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2229}
author = {Stymne, Sara; Hardmeier, Christian; Tiedemann, Jörg; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Tunable Distortion Limits and Corpus Cleaning for SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2230}
author = {Weller, Marion; Kisselew, Max; Smekalova, Svetlana; Fraser, Alexander; Schmid, Helmut; Durrani, Nadir; Sajjad, Hassan; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {Munich-Edinburgh-Stuttgart Submissions at WMT13: Morphological and Syntactic Processing for SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2231}
author = {Turchi, Marco; Negri, Matteo; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Coping with the Subjectivity of Human Judgements in MT Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2232}
author = {Krstovski, Kriste; Smith, David A.}
title = {Online Polylingual Topic Models for Fast Document Translation Detection}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2233}
author = {Irvine, Ann; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Combining Bilingual and Comparable Corpora for Low Resource Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2234}
author = {Tsvetkov, Yulia; Dyer, Chris; Levin, Lori S.; Bhatia, Archna}
title = {Generating English Determiners in Phrase-Based Translation with Synthetic Translation Options}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2235}
author = {Lewis, William H.; Eetemadi, Sauleh}
title = {Dramatically Reducing Training Data Size Through Vocabulary Saturation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2236}
author = {Simianer, Patrick; Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Multi-Task Learning for Improved Discriminative Training in SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2237}
author = {Mathur, Prashant; Cettolo, Mauro; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Online Learning Approaches in Computer Assisted Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2238}
author = {Wuebker, Joern; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Length-Incremental Phrase Training for SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2239}
author = {Cer, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Positive Diversity Tuning for Machine Translation System Combination}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2240}
author = {Avramidis, Eleftherios; Popović, Maja}
title = {Selecting Feature Sets for Comparative and Time-Oriented Quality Estimation of Machine Translation Output}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2241}
author = {Beck, Daniel Emilio; Shah, Kashif; Cohn, Trevor; Specia, Lucia}
title = {SHEF-Lite: When Less is More for Translation Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2242}
author = {Bicici, Ergun}
title = {Referential Translation Machines for Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2243}
author = {Camargo de Souza, José Guilherme; Buck, Christian; Turchi, Marco; Negri, Matteo}
title = {FBK-UEdin Participation to the WMT13 Quality Estimation Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2244}
author = {Formiga, Lluís; González, Meritxell; Barrón-Cedeño, Alberto; Fonollosa, José A. R.; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {The TALP-UPC Approach to System Selection: Asiya Features and Pairwise Classification Using Random Forests}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2245}
author = {Han, Aaron Li-Feng; Lu, Yi; Wong, Derek F.; Chao, Lidia S.; He, Liangye; Xing, Junwen}
title = {Quality Estimation for Machine Translation Using the Joint Method of Evaluation Criteria and Statistical Modeling}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2246}
author = {Hildebrand, Almut Silja; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {MT Quality Estimation: The CMU System for WMT’13}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2247}
author = {Langlois, David; Smaïli, Kamel}
title = {LORIA System for the WMT13 Quality Estimation Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2248}
author = {Luong, Ngoc Quang; Lecouteux, Benjamin; Besacier, Laurent}
title = {LIG System for WMT13 QE Task: Investigating the Usefulness of Features in Word Confidence Estimation for MT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2249}
author = {Rubino, Raphael; Wagner, Joachim; Foster, Jennifer; Roturier, Johann; Samad Zadeh Kaljahi, Rasoul; Hollowood, Fred}
title = {DCU-Symantec at the WMT 2013 Quality Estimation Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2250}
author = {Singh, Anil Kumar; Wisniewski, Guillaume; Yvon, François}
title = {LIMSI Submission for the WMT’13 Quality Estimation Task: an Experiment with N-Gram Posteriors}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2251}
author = {Fishel, Mark}
title = {Ranking Translations using Error Analysis and Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2252}
author = {Hajlaoui, Najeh}
title = {Are ACT’s Scores Increasing with Better Translation Quality?}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2253}
author = {Han, Aaron Li-Feng; Wong, Derek F.; Chao, Lidia S.; Lu, Yi; He, Liangye; Wang, Yiming; Zhou, Jiaji}
title = {A Description of Tunable Machine Translation Evaluation Systems in WMT13 Metrics Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2254}
author = {Lo, Chi-kiu; Wu, Dekai}
title = {MEANT at WMT 2013: A Tunable, Accurate yet Inexpensive Semantic Frame Based MT Evaluation Metric}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2255}
author = {Moreau, Erwan; Rubino, Raphael}
title = {An Approach Using Style Classification Features for Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2256}
author = {Wu, Xiaofeng; Yu, Hui; Liu, Qun}
title = {DCU Participation in WMT2013 Metrics Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2257}
author = {Bisazza, Arianna; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Efficient Solutions for Word Reordering in German-English Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2258}
author = {Huck, Matthias; Wuebker, Joern; Rietig, Felix; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Phrase Orientation Model for Hierarchical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2259}
author = {Graham, Yvette}
title = {A Dependency-Constrained Hierarchical Model with Moses}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2260}
author = {Aziz, Wilker; Dymetman, Marc; Venkatapathy, Sriram}
title = {Investigations in Exact Inference for Hierarchical Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2261}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Chowdhary, Vishal}
title = {Evaluating (and Improving) Sentence Alignment under Noisy Conditions}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2262}
author = {Eyigöz, Elif; Gildea, Daniel; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Multi-Rate HMMs for Word Alignment}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2263}
author = {Kondo, Shuhei; Duh, Kevin; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Hidden Markov Tree Model for Word Alignment}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2264}
author = {Niehues, Jan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {An MT Error-Driven Discriminative Word Lexicon using Sentence Structure Features}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-3301}
author = {Sakaguchi, Keisuke; Post, Matt; Van Durme, Benjamin; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Efficient Elicitation of Annotations for Human Evaluation of Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3302}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Buck, Christian; Federmann, Christian; Haddow, Barry; Koehn, Philipp; Leveling, Johannes; Monz, Christof; Pecina, Pavel; Post, Matt; Saint-Amand, Hervé; Soricut, Radu; Specia, Lucia; Tamchyna, Aleš}
title = {Findings of the 2014 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3303}
author = {Bicici, Ergun; Liu, Qun; Way, Andy}
title = {Parallel FDA5 for Fast Deployment of Accurate Statistical Machine Translation Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3304}
author = {Borisov, Alexey; Galinskaya, Irina}
title = {Yandex School of Data Analysis Russian-English Machine Translation System for WMT14}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3305}
author = {Cap, Fabienne; Weller, Marion; Ramm, Anita; Fraser, Alexander}
title = {CimS – The CIS and IMS joint submission to WMT 2014 translating from English into German}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3306}
author = {Costa-juss, Marta R.; Gupta, Parth; Rosso, Paolo; Banchs, Rafael E.}
title = {English-to-Hindi system description for WMT 2014: Deep Source-Context Features for Moses}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3307}
author = {Do, Quoc Khanh; Herrmann, Teresa; Niehues, Jan; Allauzen, Alexander; Yvon, François; Waibel, Alex}
title = {The KIT-LIMSI Translation System for WMT 2014}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3308}
author = {Dungarwal, Piyush; Chatterjee, Rajen; Mishra, Abhijit; Kunchukuttan, Anoop; Shah, Ritesh M.; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {The IIT Bombay Hindi-English Translation System at WMT 2014}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3309}
author = {Durrani, Nadir; Haddow, Barry; Koehn, Philipp; Heafield, Kenneth}
title = {Edinburgh’s Phrase-based Machine Translation Systems for WMT-14}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3310}
author = {Freitag, Markus; Peitz, Stephan; Wuebker, Joern; Ney, Hermann; Huck, Matthias; Sennrich, Rico; Durrani, Nadir; Nadejde, Maria; Williams, Philip; Koehn, Philipp; Herrmann, Teresa; Cho, Eunah; Waibel, Alex}
title = {EU-BRIDGE MT: Combined Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3311}
author = {Green, Spence; Cer, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Phrasal: A Toolkit for New Directions in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3312}
author = {Hardmeier, Christian; Stymne, Sara; Tiedemann, Jörg; Smith, Aaron; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Anaphora Models and Reordering for Phrase-Based SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3313}
author = {Herrmann, Teresa; Mediani, Mohammed; Cho, Eunah; Ha, Thanh-Le; Niehues, Jan; Slawik, Isabel; Zhang, Yuqi; Waibel, Alex}
title = {The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Translation Systems for the WMT 2014}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3314}
author = {Li, Liangyou; Wu, Xiaofeng; Vaillo, Santiago Cortes; Xie, Jun; Way, Andy; Liu, Qun}
title = {The DCU-ICTCAS MT system at WMT 2014 on German-English Translation Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3315}
author = {Matthews, Austin; Ammar, Waleed; Bhatia, Archna; Feely, Weston; Hanneman, Greg; Schlinger, Eva; Swayamdipta, Swabha; Tsvetkov, Yulia; Lavie, Alon; Dyer, Chris}
title = {The CMU Machine Translation Systems at WMT 2014}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3316}
author = {Neidert, Julia; Schuster, Sebastian; Green, Spence; Heafield, Kenneth; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Stanford University’s Submissions to the WMT 2014 Translation Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3317}
author = {Peitz, Stephan; Wuebker, Joern; Freitag, Markus; Ney, Hermann}
title = {The RWTH Aachen German-English Machine Translation System for WMT 2014}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3318}
author = {Quernheim, Daniel; Cap, Fabienne}
title = {Large-scale Exact Decoding: The IMS-TTT submission to WMT14}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3319}
author = {Rubino, Raphael; Toral, Antonio; Sánchez-Cartagena, Víctor M.; Ferrández-Tordera, Jorge; Ortiz Rojas, Sergio; Ramírez-Sánchez, Gema; Sánchez-Martínez, Felipe; Way, Andy}
title = {Abu-MaTran at WMT 2014 Translation Task: Two-step Data Selection and RBMT-Style Synthetic Rules}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3320}
author = {Sánchez-Cartagena, Víctor M.; Pérez-Ortiz, Juan Antonio; Sánchez-Martínez, Felipe}
title = {The UA-Prompsit hybrid machine translation system for the 2014 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3321}
author = {Schwartz, Lane; Anderson, Timothy; Gwinnup, Jeremy; Young, Katherine}
title = {Machine Translation and Monolingual Postediting: The AFRL WMT-14 System}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3322}
author = {Tamchyna, Aleš; Popel, Martin; Rosa, Rudolf; Bojar, Ondřej}
title = {CUNI in WMT14: Chimera Still Awaits Bellerophon}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3323}
author = {Tan, Liling; Pal, Santanu}
title = {Manawi: Using Multi-Word Expressions and Named Entities to Improve Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3324}
author = {Williams, Philip; Sennrich, Rico; Nadejde, Maria; Huck, Matthias; Hasler, Eva; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Edinburgh’s Syntax-Based Systems at WMT 2014}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3325}
author = {Wu, Xiaofeng; Haque, Rejwanul; Okita, Tsuyoshi; Arora, Piyush; Way, Andy; Liu, Qun}
title = {DCU-Lingo24 Participation in WMT 2014 Hindi-English Translation task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3326}
author = {Dušek, Ondřej; Dušek, Ondřej; Hajič, Jan; Hlaváčová, Jaroslava; Novák, Michal; Pecina, Pavel; Rosa, Rudolf; Tamchyna, Aleš; Urešová, Zdeňka; Zeman, Daniel}
title = {Machine Translation of Medical Texts in the Khresmoi Project}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3327}
author = {Li, Jianri; Kim, Se-Jong; Na, Hwidong; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Postech's System Description for Medical Text Translation Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3328}
author = {Lu, Yi; Wang, Longyue; Wong, Derek F.; Chao, Lidia S.; Wang, Yiming}
title = {Domain Adaptation for Medical Text Translation using Web Resources}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3329}
author = {Okita, Tsuyoshi; Vahid, Ali; Way, Andy; Liu, Qun}
title = {DCU Terminology Translation System for Medical Query Subtask at WMT14}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3330}
author = {Pécheux, Nicolas; Pécheux, Nicolas; Gong, Li; Do, Quoc Khanh; Marie, Benjamin; Ivanishcheva, Yulia; Allauzen, Alexander; Lavergne, Thomas; Niehues, Jan; Max, Aurélien; Yvon, François}
title = {LIMSI $ WMT’14 Medical Translation Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3331}
author = {Wang, Longyue; Lu, Yi; Wong, Derek F.; Chao, Lidia S.; Wang, Yiming; Oliveira, Francisco}
title = {Combining Domain Adaptation Approaches for Medical Text Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3332}
author = {Zhang, Jian}
title = {Experiments in Medical Translation Shared Task at WMT 2014}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3333}
author = {Graham, Yvette; Mathur, Nitika; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Randomized Significance Tests in Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3334}
author = {Stymne, Sara; Tiedemann, Jörg; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Estimating Word Alignment Quality for SMT Reordering Tasks}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3335}
author = {Isozaki, Hideki; Kouchi, Natsume; Hirao, Tsutomu}
title = {Dependency-based Automatic Enumeration of Semantically Equivalent Word Orders for Evaluating Japanese Translations}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3336}
author = {Machacek, Matous; Bojar, Ondřej}
title = {Results of the WMT14 Metrics Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3337}
author = {Avramidis, Eleftherios}
title = {Efforts on Machine Learning over Human-mediated Translation Edit Rate}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3338}
author = {Beck, Daniel Emilio; Shah, Kashif; Specia, Lucia}
title = {SHEF-Lite 2.0: Sparse Multi-task Gaussian Processes for Translation Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3339}
author = {Bicici, Ergun; Way, Andy}
title = {Referential Translation Machines for Predicting Translation Quality}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3340}
author = {Camargo de Souza, José Guilherme; Camargo de Souza, José Guilherme; González-Rubio, Jesús; Buck, Christian; Turchi, Marco; Negri, Matteo}
title = {FBK-UPV-UEdin participation in the WMT14 Quality Estimation shared-task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3341}
author = {Hokamp, Chris; Calixto, Iacer; Wagner, Joachim; Zhang, Jian}
title = {Target-Centric Features for Translation Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3342}
author = {Luong, Ngoc Quang; Besacier, Laurent; Lecouteux, Benjamin}
title = {LIG System for Word Level QE task at WMT14}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3343}
author = {Scarton, Carolina; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Exploring Consensus in Machine Translation for Quality Estimation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3344}
author = {Wisniewski, Guillaume; Pécheux, Nicolas; Pécheux, Nicolas; Allauzen, Alexander; Yvon, François}
title = {LIMSI Submission for WMT'14 QE Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3345}
author = {Barancikova, Petra}
title = {Parmesan: Meteor without Paraphrases with Paraphrased References}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3346}
author = {Chen, Boxing; Cherry, Colin}
title = {A Systematic Comparison of Smoothing Techniques for Sentence-Level BLEU}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3347}
author = {Comelles, Elisabet; Atserias, Jordi}
title = {VERTa participation in the WMT14 Metrics Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3348}
author = {Denkowski, Michael; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Meteor Universal: Language Specific Translation Evaluation for Any Target Language}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3349}
author = {Echizen'ya, Hiroshi; Araki, Kenji; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Application of Prize based on Sentence Length in Chunk-based Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3350}
author = {Gautam, Shubham; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {LAYERED: Metric for Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3351}
author = {Gonzàlez, Meritxell; Barrón-Cedeño, Alberto; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {IPA and STOUT: Leveraging Linguistic and Source-based Features for Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3352}
author = {Joty, Shafiq R.; Guzmán, Francisco; Màrquez, Lluís; Nakov, Preslav}
title = {DiscoTK: Using Discourse Structure for Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3353}
author = {Libovický, Jindřich; Pecina, Pavel}
title = {Tolerant BLEU: a Submission to the WMT14 Metrics Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3354}
author = {Stanojevic, Milos; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {BEER: BEtter Evaluation as Ranking}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3355}
author = {Wu, Xiaofeng; Yu, Hui; Liu, Qun}
title = {RED, The DCU-CASICT Submission of Metrics Tasks}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3356}
author = {Ling, Wang; Marujo, Luis; Dyer, Chris; Black, Alan W.; Trancoso, Isabel}
title = {Crowdsourcing High-Quality Parallel Data Extraction from Twitter}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3357}
author = {Irvine, Ann; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Using Comparable Corpora to Adapt MT Models to New Domains}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3358}
author = {Hasler, Eva; Haddow, Barry; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Dynamic Topic Adaptation for SMT using Distributional Profiles}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3359}
author = {Mansour, Saab; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Unsupervised Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3360}
author = {Green, Spence; Cer, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {An Empirical Comparison of Features and Tuning for Phrase-based Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3361}
author = {Alrajeh, Abdullah; Niranjan, Mahesan}
title = {Bayesian Reordering Model with Feature Selection}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3362}
author = {Huck, Matthias; Hoang, Hieu; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Augmenting String-to-Tree and Tree-to-String Translation with Non-Syntactic Phrases}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3363}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Goutte, Cyril; Foster, George}
title = {Linear Mixture Models for Robust Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation}
year = {2014}
id = {W98-0301}
author = {Marcu, Daniel}
title = {A Surface-Based Approach To Identifying Discourse Markers And Elementary Textual Units In Unrestricted Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0302}
author = {Corston-Oliver, Simon H.}
title = {Identifying The Linguistic Correlates Of Rhetorical Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0303}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Kukich, Karen; Wolff, Susanne; Lu, Chi; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Enriching Automated Essay Scoring Using Discourse Marking}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0304}
author = {Grote, Brigitte}
title = {Representing Temporal Discourse Markers For Generation Purposes}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0305}
author = {Degand, Liesbeth}
title = {On Classifying Connectives And Coherence Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0306}
author = {Soria, Claudia; Ferrari, Giacomo}
title = {Lexical Marking Of Discourse Relations - Some Experimental Findings}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0307}
author = {Teufel, Simone}
title = {Meta-Discourse Markers And Problem-Structuring In Scientific Articles}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0308}
author = {Danlos, Laurence}
title = {Linguistic Ways For Expressing A Discourse Relation In A Lexicalized Text Generation System}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0309}
author = {Knott, Alistair}
title = {Similarity And Contrast Relations And Inductive Rules}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0310}
author = {Schilder, Frank}
title = {Temporal Discourse Markers And The Flow Of Events}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0311}
author = {Ward, Nigel}
title = {Some Exotic Discourse Markers Of Spoken Dialog}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0312}
author = {Dahlgren, Kathleen}
title = {Lexical Marking And The Recovery Of Discourse Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0313}
author = {Jayez, Jacques; Rossari, Corinne}
title = {Discourse Relations Versus Discourse Marker Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0314}
author = {Pery-Woodley, Marie-Paule}
title = {Signalling In Written Text: A Corpus-Based Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0315}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Anchoring A Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar For Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0316}
author = {Kawamori, Masahito; Kawabata, Takeshi; Shimazu, Akira}
title = {Discourse Markers In Spontaneous Dialogue: A Corpus Based Study Of Japanese And English}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0317}
author = {Nakano, Yukiko I.; Kato, Tsuneaki}
title = {Cue Phrase Selection In Instruction Dialogue Using Machine Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0318}
author = {Fischer, Kerstin; Brandt-Pook, Hans}
title = {Automatic Disambiguation Of Discourse Particles}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0319}
author = {Jurafsky, Daniel; Shriberg, Elizabeth; Fox, Barbara; Curl, Traci}
title = {Lexical Prosodic And Syntactic Cues For Dialog Acts}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Relations And Discourse Markers}
year = {1998}
id = {W09-0101}
author = {Piperidis, Stelios}
title = {Machine Translation and its Philosophical Accounts}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous Vicious or Vacuous?}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0102}
author = {Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {The Annotation Conundrum}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous Vicious or Vacuous?}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0103}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {How the Statistical Revolution Changes (Computational) Linguistics}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous Vicious or Vacuous?}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0104}
author = {Pullum, Geoffrey K.}
title = {Computational Linguistics and Generative Linguistics: The Triumph of Hope over Experience}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous Vicious or Vacuous?}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0105}
author = {Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Linguistics in Computational Linguistics: Observations and Predictions}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous Vicious or Vacuous?}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0106}
author = {Bender, Emily M.}
title = {Linguistically Naïve != Language Independent: Why NLP Needs Linguistic Typology}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous Vicious or Vacuous?}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0107}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan; Bouma, Gosse}
title = {Parsed Corpora for Linguistics}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous Vicious or Vacuous?}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0108}
author = {Erbach, Gregor}
title = {Computational Linguistics and Linguistics: What Keeps Them together What Sets Them apart?}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous Vicious or Vacuous?}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0109}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {What Do Computational Linguists Need to Know about Linguistics?}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous Vicious or Vacuous?}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0110}
author = {Keller, Frank}
title = {The Interaction of Syntactic Theory and Computational Psycholinguistics}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on the Interaction between Linguistics and Computational Linguistics: Virtuous Vicious or Vacuous?}
year = {2009}
id = {W04-1701}
author = {Smrz, Pavel}
title = {Integrating Natural Language Processing Into E-Learning - A Case Of Czech}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1702}
author = {Segond, Frederique; Parmentier, Thibault}
title = {NLP Serving The Cause Of Language Learning}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1703}
author = {Antoniadis, G.; Echinard, S.; Kraif, Olivier; Lebarbe, T.; Loiseau, M.; Ponton, C.}
title = {NLP-Based Scripting For CALL Activities}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1704}
author = {Levison, Michael; Lessard, Greg}
title = {Generated Narratives For Computer-Aided Language Teaching}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1705}
author = {Burek, Gaston G.; Vargas-Vera, Maria; Moreale, Emanuela}
title = {Indexing Student Essays Paragraphs Using LSA Over An Integrated Ontological Space}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1706}
author = {Thomas, Pete; Haley, Debra; De Roeck, Anne N.; Petre, Marian}
title = {E-Assessment Using Latent Semantic Analysis In The Computer Science Domain: A Pilot Study}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1707}
author = {Angelova, Galia; Strupchanska, Albena; Kalaydijev, Ognyan; Yankova, Milena; Boytcheva, Svetla; Vitanova, Irena; Nakov, Preslav}
title = {Towards Deeper Understanding And Personalisation In CALL}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1708}
author = {Yasuda, Keiji; Sugaya, Fumiaki; Sumita, Eiichiro; Takezawa, Toshiyuki; Kikui, Genichiro; Yamamoto, Seiichi}
title = {Automatic Measuring Of English Language Proficiency Using MT Evaluation Technology}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1709}
author = {Mahlow, Cerstin; Hess, Michael}
title = {Sentence Completion Tests For Training And Assessment In A Computational Linguistics Curriculum}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1710}
author = {Max, Aurélien}
title = {The Syntax Student's Companion: An ELearning Tool Designed For (Computational) Linguistics Students}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1711}
author = {Keogh, Katrina; Koller, Thomas; Ward, Monica; Ui Dhonnchadha, Elaine; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {CL For CALL In The Primary School}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1712}
author = {Saito, Hiroaki; Ohara, Kyoko; Sato, Kengo; Ito, Kazunari; Okamoto, Hiroyuki}
title = {A New E-Learning Paradigm Through Annotating Operations}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1713}
author = {Mei, Qiaozhu; Hu, Junfeng}
title = {From Text To Exhibitions: A New Approach For E-Learning On Language And Literature Based On Text Mining}
venue = {Workshop On ELearning For Computational Linguistics And Computational Linguistics For ELearning}
year = {2004}
id = {H89-1001}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Overview Of The DARPA Speech And Natural Language Workshop}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1005}
author = {Levinson, S. E.; Liberman, Mark Y.; Ljolje, Andrej; Miller, L. G.}
title = {Speaker Independent Phonetic Transcription Of Fluent Speech For Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1006}
author = {Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Research In Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1007}
author = {Roukos, Salim}
title = {Integrating Speech And Natural Language}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1008}
author = {Bates, Madeleine}
title = {Rapid Porting Of The PARLANCE (tm) Natural Language Interface}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1009}
author = {Crowther, William}
title = {A Common Facts Data Base}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1010}
author = {Schwartz, Richard M.; Barry, Chris; Chow, Yen-Lu; Derr, Alan; Feng, Ming-Whei; Kimball, Owen; Kubala, Francis; Makhoul, John; Vandegrift, Jeffrey}
title = {The BBN BYBLOS Continuous Speech Recognition System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1011}
author = {Kubala, Francis; Feng, Ming-Whei; Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Speaker Adaptation From Limited Training In The BBN BYBLOS Speech Recognition System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1012}
author = {Boisen, Sean; Chow, Yen-Lu; Haas, Andrew R.; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Roukos, Salim; Stallard, David G.}
title = {The BBN Spoken Language System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1013}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Bobrow, Robert J.; Ayuso, Damaris M.; Ramshaw, Lance A.}
title = {Portability In The JANUS Natural Language Interface}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1014}
author = {Reddy, Raj}
title = {Speech Research At Carnegie Mellon}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1015}
author = {Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {The Design Of Voice-Driven Interfaces}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1016}
author = {Lee, Kai-Fu; Hon, Hsiao-Wuen; Hwang, Mei-Yuh}
title = {Recent Progress In The SPHINX Speech Recognition System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1017}
author = {Young, Sheryl R.}
title = {The MINDS System: Using Context And Dialog To Enhance Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1018}
author = {Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {Understanding Spontaneous Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1019}
author = {Baker, Janet M.; Baker, James K.}
title = {Dragon}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1020}
author = {Danis, Catalina M.}
title = {Goats To Sheep: Can Recognition Rate BE Improved For Poor TANGORA Speakers?}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1021}
author = {Mann, William C.; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {The PENMAN Language Generation Project}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1022}
author = {Kasper, Robert T.}
title = {A Flexible Interface For Linking Applications To Penman's Sentence Generator}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1023}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.}
title = {Robust Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1024}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {The LINCOLN Continuous Speech Recognition System: Recent Developments And Results}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1025}
author = {Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Acoustic-Phonetics Based Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1026}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {TINA: A Probabilistic Syntactic Parser For Speech Understanding Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1027}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Glass, James R.; Phillips, Michael; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {The MIT Summit Speech Recognition System: A Progress Report}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1028}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {National Institute Of Standards And Technology (NIST) (Formerly National Bureau Of Standards)}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1029}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Farwell, David; Ballim, Afzal; Hartley, Roger}
title = {New Mexico State University Computing Research Laboratory}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1030}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Naval Ocean Systems Center}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1031}
author = {Nunn, Steve; Hupp, Nancy}
title = {Naval Ocean Systems Center (NOSC) User Interface Technology Code 441}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1032}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Plans For A Task-Oriented Evaluation Of Natural Language Understanding Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1033}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1034}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sterling, John}
title = {Analyzing Telegraphic Messages}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1035}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Steedman, Mark; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Natural Language Research}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1036}
author = {Abeille, Anne; Bishop, Kathleen; Cote, Sharon; Joshi, Aravind K.; Schabes, Yves}
title = {Lexicalized TAGs Parsing And Lexicons}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1037}
author = {Cheikes, Brant A.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Elements Of A Computational Model Of Cooperative Response Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1038}
author = {Steedman, Mark}
title = {Intonation And Syntax In Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1039}
author = {Zweig, George}
title = {A Preprocessor For Speech Recognition Systems Operating In Noisy Environments}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1040}
author = {Zweig, George}
title = {Auditory Speech Preprocessors}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1041}
author = {Bernstein, Jared; Murveit, Hy}
title = {SRI International's Speech Recognition Program}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1042}
author = {Murveit, Hy; Cohen, Michael; Price, Patti J.; Baldwin, Gay; Weintraub, Mitchel; Bernstein, Jared}
title = {SRI's DECIPHER System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1043}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Pereira, Fernando; Murveit, Hy}
title = {Integrating Speech And Natural-Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1044}
author = {Godfrey, John J.; Rajasekaran, Raja}
title = {Speech Data Base}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1045}
author = {Hemphill, Charles T.; Picone, Joseph}
title = {Chart Parsing Of Stochastic Spoken Language Models}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1046}
author = {Doddington, George R.}
title = {Initial Draft Guidelines For The Development Of The Next-Generation Spoken Language Systems Speech Research Database}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1047}
author = {Wilensky, Robert}
title = {UCB}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1048}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Natural Language Understanding: Integrating Syntaz Semantics And Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1049}
author = {Ball, Catherine N.}
title = {Analyzing Explicitly-Structured Discourse In A Limited Domain: Trouble And Failure Reports}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1050}
author = {Dowding, John}
title = {Reducing Search By Partitioning The Word Network}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1051}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Lang, Francois-Michel; Dowding, John; Weir, Carl}
title = {Porting PUNDIT To The Resource Management Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1052}
author = {Withgott, M. Margaret; Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {Analysis And Symbolic Processing Of Unrestricted Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1053}
author = {Chen, Francine R.; Shrager, Jeff}
title = {Automatic Discovery Of Contextual Factors Describing Phonological Variation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-1054}
author = {Kupiec, Julian}
title = {Probabilistic Models Of Short And Long Distance Word Dependencies In Running Text}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2001}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Report On Session I: Prosodic Aids To Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2002}
author = {Price, Patti J.; Ostendorf, Mari; Wightman, Colin}
title = {Prosody And Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2003}
author = {Beckman, Mary E.}
title = {Timing Models For Prosody And Cross-Word Coarticulation In Connected Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2004}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Distinguishing Questions By Contour Speech Recognition Tasks}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2005}
author = {Price, Patti J.}
title = {Summary Of Session 2: Spoken Language Systems I}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2006}
author = {Stallard, David G.}
title = {Unification-Based Semantic Interpretation In The BBN Spoken Language System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2007}
author = {Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {Modelling Non-Verbal Sounds For Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2008}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Glass, James R.; Goodine, David; Leung, Hong C.; Phillips, Michael; Polifroni, Joseph H.; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {The VOYAGER Speech Understanding System: A Progress Report}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2009}
author = {Ball, Catherine N.; Dahl, Deborah A.; Norton, Lewis M.; Hirschman, Lynette; Weir, Carl; Linebarger, Marcia C.}
title = {Answers And Questions: Processing Messages And Queries}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2010}
author = {Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Natural Language I}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2011}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sterling, John}
title = {Preference Semantics For Message Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2012}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Gale, William A.; Hanks, Patrick; Hindle, Donald}
title = {Parsing Word Associations And Typical Predicate-Argument Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2013}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward; Gale, William A.}
title = {Enhanced Good-Turing And Cat.Cal: Two New Methods For Estimating Probabilities Of English Bigrams (Abbreviated Version)}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2014}
author = {Kupiec, Julian}
title = {Augmenting A Hidden Markov Model For Phrase-Dependent Word Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2015}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {New Possibilities In Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2016}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {Data Collection And Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2017}
author = {Kowtko, Jacqueline C.; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Data Collection And Analysis In The Air Travel Planning Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2018}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Daly, Nancy; Glass, James R.; Goodine, David; Leung, Hong C.; Phillips, Michael; Polifroni, Joseph H.; Seneff, Stephanie; Soclof, Michal}
title = {The Collection And Preliminary Analysis Of A Spontaneous Speech Database}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2019}
author = {Boisen, Sean; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Ayuso, Damaris M.; Bates, Madeleine}
title = {A Proposal For SLS Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2020}
author = {Derr, Alan; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {A Simple Statistical Class Grammar For Measuring Speech Recognition Performance}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2021}
author = {Rudnicky, Alexander I.; Sakamoto, Michelle; Polifroni, Joseph H.}
title = {Evaluating Spoken Language Interaction}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2022}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Glass, James R.; Goodine, David; Leung, Hong C.; Phillips, Michael; Polifroni, Joseph H.; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Preliminary Evaluation Of The VOYAGER Spoken Language System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2023}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Data Collection And Evaluation II}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2024}
author = {Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {Text On Tap: The ACL/DCI}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2025}
author = {Stern, Richard M.}
title = {Spoken Language Systems II}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2026}
author = {Sturtevant, Dean G.}
title = {A Stack Decoder For Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2027}
author = {Chow, Yen-Lu; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {The N-Best Algorithm: Efficient Procedure For Finding Top N Sentence Hypotheses}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2028}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {A CSR-NL Interface Specification Version 1.51}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2029}
author = {Bates, Madeleine}
title = {Summary Of Session 7 - Natural Language (Part 2)}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2030}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Hartley, Roger}
title = {Belief Ascription And Model Generative Reasoning: Joining Two Paradigms To A Robust Parser Of Messages}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2031}
author = {Ingria, Robert J. P.; Ramshaw, Lance A.}
title = {Porting To New Domains Using The Learner}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2032}
author = {Baker, Janet M.}
title = {Overview: Continuous Speech Recognition I}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2033}
author = {Austin, Steve; Barry, Chris; Chow, Yen-Lu; Derr, Alan; Kimball, Owen; Kubala, Francis; Makhoul, John; Placeway, Paul; Russell, William; Schwartz, Richard M.; Yu, George}
title = {Improved HMM Models For High Performance Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2034}
author = {Kubala, Francis; Schwartz, Richard M.; Barry, Chris}
title = {Speaker Adaptation Using Multiple Reference Speakers}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2035}
author = {Asadi, Ayman; Schwartz, Richard M.; Makhoul, John}
title = {Automatic Detection Of New Words In A Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2036}
author = {Alleva, Fileno A.; Lee, Kai-Fu}
title = {Automatic New Word Acquisition: Spelling From Acoustics}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2037}
author = {Hon, Hsiao-Wuen; Lee, Kai-Fu; Weide, Robert}
title = {Towards Speech Recognition Without Vocabulary-Specific Training}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2038}
author = {Huang, Xuedong; Hon, Hsiao-Wuen; Lee, Kai-Fu}
title = {Large-Vocabulary Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition With Semi-Continuous Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2039}
author = {Lee, Chin-Hui; Rabiner, Lawrence R.; Pieraccini, Roberto; Wilpon, Jay G.}
title = {Acoustic Modeling Of Subword Units For Large Vocabulary Speaker Independent Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2040}
author = {Levinson, S. E.; Ljolje, Andrej}
title = {Continuous Speech Recognition From Phonetic Transcription}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2041}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {Tied Mixtures In The LINCOLN Robust CSR}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2042}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.}
title = {Summary Of Session 9 - Future Plans}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2043}
author = {Doddington, George R.}
title = {Summary Of Session 10 - Continous Speech Recognition II}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2044}
author = {Stern, Richard M.; Acero, Alex}
title = {Acoustical Pre-Processing For Robust Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2045}
author = {Erell, Adoram; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Spectral Estimation For Noise Robust Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2046}
author = {Byrne, William; Robinson, John; Shamma, Shihab}
title = {The Auditory Processing And Recognition Of Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2047}
author = {Digalakis, Vassilios; Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Improvements In The Stochastic Segment Model For Phoneme Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2048}
author = {Riley, Michael D.}
title = {Some Applications Of Tree-Based Modelling To Speech And Language}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2049}
author = {Stolfo, Salvatore J.; Galil, Zvi; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Mills, Russell}
title = {Speech Recognition In Parallel}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2050}
author = {Chen, Francine R.}
title = {Contextually-Based Data-Derived Pronunciation Networks For Automatic Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2051}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Session 11 Natural Language III}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2052}
author = {Allen, James F.; Hinkelman, Elizabeth A.}
title = {Using Structural Constraints For Speech Act Interpretation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2053}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Schabes, Yves}
title = {An Evaluation Of Lexicalization In Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2054}
author = {Neal, Jeannette G.; Thielman, C. Y.; Dobes, Z.; Haller, Susan M.; Shapiro, Stuart C.}
title = {Natural Language With Integrated Deictic And Graphic Gestures}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2055}
author = {Feiner, Steven K.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Coordinating Text And Graphics In Explanation Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2056}
author = {Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Summary Of Session On Hardware For Spoken Language Demonstrations}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2057}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Research And Development In Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2058}
author = {Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Research In Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2059}
author = {Makhoul, John}
title = {Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2060}
author = {Wilensky, Robert}
title = {Generalized Consultation Systems And Knowledge Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2061}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Evaluating The Use Of Prosodic Information In Speech Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2062}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Segment-Based Acoustic Models With Multi-Level Search Algorithms For Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2063}
author = {Silverman, Harvey F.}
title = {A Microphone Array System For Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2064}
author = {Reddy, Raj}
title = {Speech Research At Carnegie Mellon}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2065}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {The Current Status Of The PENMAN Language Generation System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2066}
author = {Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Research And Development For Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2067}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.; Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {Robust Speech Recognition Technology Program Summary}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2068}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Establishing Performance Baselines For Text Understanding Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2069}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Robust Natural Language Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2070}
author = {Josephson, J.; Beckman, Mary E.; Fox, R.; Krishnamurthy, A.; Patten, Terry; Feth, L.; Chandrasekaran, B.}
title = {Pilot Project On Speech Recognition Using Layered Abduction And Multiple Knowledge Types}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2071}
author = {Allen, James F.; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Natural Language Knowledge Representation And Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2072}
author = {Zweig, George}
title = {Preprocessors For Noisy Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2073}
author = {Price, Patti J.}
title = {Integration Of Speech And Natural Language Understanding For Spoken Language Systems (SLS)}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2074}
author = {Murveit, Hy}
title = {Real-Time Speech Recognition Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2075}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John; Stickel, Mark; Tyson, Mabry}
title = {TACITUS: A Message Understanding System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2076}
author = {Withgott, M. Margaret; Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {Analysis And Symbolic Processing Of Unrestricted Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2077}
author = {Makhoul, John; Jelinek, Frederick; Rabiner, Lawrence R.; Weinstein, Clifford J.; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {White Paper On Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H89-2078}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Grosz, Barbara J.; Lehnert, Wendy G.; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Perrault, Raymond C.; Wilensky, Robert}
title = {White Paper On Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1989}
id = {H90-1001}
author = {Stern, Richard M.}
title = {Overview Of The Third DARPA Speech And Natural Language Workshop}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1002}
author = {Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {Session 1: Spoken Language Systems I}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1003}
author = {Schwartz, Richard M.; Austin, Steve}
title = {Efficient High-Performance Algorithms For N-Best Search}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1004}
author = {Soong, Frank K.; Huang, Eng-Fong}
title = {A Tree Trellis Based Fast Search For Finding The N-Best Sentence Hypotheses In Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1005}
author = {Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Finite-State Approximations Of Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1006}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Price, Patti J.; Bear, John; Wightman, Colin}
title = {The Use Of Relative Duration In Syntactic Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1007}
author = {Ayuso, Damaris M.}
title = {Session 2: Natural Language I}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1008}
author = {Schubert, Lenhart K.; Hwang, Chung Hee}
title = {Picking Reference Events From Tense Trees: A Formal Implementable Theory Of English Tense-Aspect Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1009}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Feiner, Steven K.}
title = {Interactive Multimedia Explanation For Equipment Maintenance And Repair}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1010}
author = {Schabes, Yves; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Two Recent Developments In Tree Adjoining Grammars: Semantics And Efficient Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1011}
author = {Kasper, Robert T.; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Performing Integrated Syntactic And Semantic Parsing Using Classification}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1012}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.; Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Making Abduction More Efficient}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1013}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Session 3: Natural Language Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1014}
author = {McCardell, Rita}
title = {Evaluating Natural Language Generated Database Records}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1015}
author = {Bisiani, Roberto}
title = {Session 4: System Implementation Strategies}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1016}
author = {Austin, Steve; Peterson, Pat; Placeway, Paul; Schwartz, Richard M.; Vandegrift, Jeffrey}
title = {Toward A Real-Time Spoken Language System Using Commercial Hardware}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1017}
author = {Bamberg, Paul; Chow, Yen-Lu; Gillick, Laurence S.; Roth, Robert; Sturtevant, Dean G.}
title = {The Dragon Continuous Speech Recognition System: A Real-Time Implementation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1018}
author = {Weintraub, Mitchel; Chen, G.; Mankoski, J.; Murveit, Hy; Stolzle, A.; Narayanaswamy, S.; Schrupp, P.; Richards, B.; Rabgay, Jurmey; Brodersen, R.}
title = {Hardware For Hidden Markov-Model-Based Large-Vocabulary Real-Time Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1019}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {Session 5: Overview Of The ATIS System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1020}
author = {Price, Patti J.}
title = {Evaluation Of Spoken Language Systems: The ATIS Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1021}
author = {Hemphill, Charles T.; Godfrey, John J.; Doddington, George R.}
title = {The ATIS Spoken Language Systems Pilot Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1022}
author = {Bates, Madeleine; Boisen, Sean; Makhoul, John}
title = {Developing An Evaluation Methodology For Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1023}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Dahl, Deborah A.; McKay, Donald P.; Norton, Lewis M.; Linebarger, Marcia C.}
title = {Beyond Class A: A Proposal For Automatic Evaluation Of Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1024}
author = {Pallett, David S.; Fisher, William M.; Fiscus, Jonathan G.; Garofolo, John S.}
title = {DARPA ATIS Test Results June 1990}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1025}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {Session 6: ATIS Site Reports And General Discussion}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1026}
author = {Bates, Madeleine; Bobrow, Robert J.; Boisen, Sean; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Stallard, David G.}
title = {BBN ATIS System Progress Report - June 1990}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1027}
author = {Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {The CMU Air Travel Information Service: Understanding Spontaneous Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1028}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Glass, James R.; Goodine, David; Leung, Hong C.; Phillips, Michael; Polifroni, Joseph H.; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Preliminary ATIS Development At MIT}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1029}
author = {Bly, B.; Price, Patti J.; Park, S.; Tepper, S.; Jackson, Eric; Abrash, Victor}
title = {Designing The Human Machine Interface In The ATIS Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1030}
author = {Norton, Lewis M.; Dahl, Deborah A.; McKay, Donald P.; Hirschman, Lynette; Linebarger, Marcia C.; Magerman, David M.; Ball, Catherine N.}
title = {Management And Evaluation Of Interactive Dialog In The Air Travel Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1031}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John; Dalrymple, Mary; Moran, Douglas B.}
title = {SRI's Experience With The ATIS Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1032}
author = {Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Session 7: Speech Recognition I}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1033}
author = {Silverman, Harvey F.}
title = {An Algorithm For Determining Talker Location Using A Linear Microphone Array And Optimal Hyperbolic Fit}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1034}
author = {Acero, Alex; Stern, Richard M.}
title = {Towards Environment-Independent Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1035}
author = {Bamberg, Paul; Gillick, Laurence S.}
title = {Phoneme-In-Context Modeling For Dragon's Continuous Speech Recognizer}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1036}
author = {Gillick, Laurence S.; Roth, Robert}
title = {A Rapid Match Algorithm For Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1037}
author = {Digalakis, Vassilios; Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Fast Search Algorithms For Connected Phone Recognition Using The Stochastic Segment Model}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1038}
author = {Bahl, L. R.; Das, Sujatha; DeSouza, Peter V.; Epstein, Mark; Mercer, Robert L.; Merialdo, Bernard; Nahamoo, David; Picheny, Michael A.; Powell, J.}
title = {Automatic Phonetic Baseform Determination}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1039}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.; Baker, James K.; Baker, Janet M.}
title = {On The Interaction Between True Source Training And Testing Language Models}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1040}
author = {Levinson, S. E.; Ljolje, Andrej; Miller, L. G.}
title = {Continuous Speech Recognition From A Phonetic Transcription}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1041}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {Algorithms For An Optimal A Search And Linearizing The Search In The Stack Decoder}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1042}
author = {Hemphill, Charles T.}
title = {Session 8: Spoken Language Systems II}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1043}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Glass, James R.; Goodine, David; Leung, Hong C.; McCandless, Michael; Phillips, Michael; Polifroni, Joseph H.; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Recent Progress On The VOYAGER System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1044}
author = {Dahl, Deborah A.; Hirschman, Lynette; Norton, Lewis M.; Linebarger, Marcia C.; Magerman, David M.; Nguyen, Nghi; Ball, Catherine N.}
title = {Training And Evaluation Of A Spoken Language Understanding System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1045}
author = {Hauptmann, Alexander G.; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {A Comparison Of Speech And Typed Input}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1046}
author = {Lunati, Jean-Michel; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {The Design Of A Spoken Language Interface}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1047}
author = {Bobrow, Robert J.; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Stallard, David G.}
title = {Syntactic And Semantic Knowledge In The DELPHI Unification Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1048}
author = {Bobrow, Robert J.; Ramshaw, Lance A.}
title = {On Deftly Introducing Procedural Elements Into Unification Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1049}
author = {White, George M.; Nagel, David}
title = {Spoken Language Understanding For Personal Computers}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1050}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Session 9: Automatic Acquisition Of Linguistic Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1051}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {Using Explanation-Based Learning To Increase Performance In A Large-Scale NL Query System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1052}
author = {Hindle, Donald; Rooth, Mats}
title = {Structural Ambiguity And Lexical Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1053}
author = {Chitrao, Mahesh V.; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Statistical Parsing Of Messages}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1054}
author = {Sharman, R. A.; Jelinek, Frederick; Mercer, Robert L.}
title = {Generating A Grammar For Statistical Training}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1055}
author = {Brill, Eric; Magerman, David M.; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Santorini, Beatrice}
title = {Deducing Linguistic Structure From The Statistics Of Large Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1056}
author = {Gale, William A.; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Poor Estimates Of Context Are Worse Than None}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1057}
author = {Lewis, David D.}
title = {Representation Quality In Text Classification: An Introduction And Experiment}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1058}
author = {Doddington, George R.}
title = {Session 10: Evaluation Of Systems On The Resource Management Database}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1059}
author = {Pallett, David S.; Fiscus, Jonathan G.; Garofolo, John S.}
title = {DARPA Resource Management Benchmark Test Results June 1990}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1060}
author = {Kubala, Francis; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {A New Paradigm For Speaker-Independent Training And Speaker Adaptation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1061}
author = {Pieraccini, Roberto; Lee, Chin-Hui; Giachin, Egidio; Rabiner, Lawrence R.}
title = {Implementation Aspects Of Large Vocabulary Recognition Based On Intraword And Interword Phonetic Units}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1062}
author = {Lee, Chin-Hui; Giachin, Egidio; Rabiner, Lawrence R.; Pieraccini, Roberto; Rosenberg, Aaron}
title = {Improved Acoustic Modeling For Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1063}
author = {Huang, Xuedong; Alleva, Fileno A.; Hayamizu, Satoru; Hon, Hsiao-Wuen; Hwang, Mei-Yuh; Lee, Kai-Fu}
title = {Improved Hidden Markov Modeling For Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1064}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {The Lincoln Continuous Tied-Mixture HMM Speech Recognizer*}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1065}
author = {Murveit, Hy; Weintraub, Mitchel; Cohen, Michael}
title = {Training Set Issues In SRI's DECIPHER Speech Recognition System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1066}
author = {Erell, Adoram; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Recognition Of Noisy Speech: Using Minimum-Mean Log-Spectral Distance Estimation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1067}
author = {Anikst, Mark T.; Meisel, William S.; Soares, Matthew C.; Lee, Kai-Fu}
title = {Experiments With Tree-Structured MMI Encoders On The RM Task}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1068}
author = {Dahl, Deborah A.}
title = {Session 11: Natural Language II}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1069}
author = {Ayuso, Damaris M.; Bobrow, Robert J.; MacLaughlin, Dawn; Meteer, Marie W.; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Schwartz, Richard M.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Towards Understanding Text With A Very Large Vocabulary}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1070}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.; Krupka, George R.; McRoy, Susan W.; Rau, Lisa F.; Sondheimer, Norman K.; Zernik, Uri}
title = {Generic Text Processing: A Progress Report}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1071}
author = {Wilensky, Robert}
title = {Extending The Lexicon By Exploiting Subregularitles*}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1072}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Farwell, David; Hovy, Eduard; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Machine Translation Again?}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1073}
author = {Cohen, Jordan R.}
title = {Session 12: Speech Recognition II}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1074}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Glass, James R.; Goodine, David; Leung, Hong C.; Phillips, Michael; Polifroni, Joseph H.; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Recent Progress On The SUMMIT System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1075}
author = {Cole, Ronald A.; Fanty, Mark}
title = {Spoken Letter Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1076}
author = {Lennig, Matthew; Gupta, Vineet; Kenny, Patrick; Mermelstein, P.; O'Shaughnessy, Douglas D.}
title = {An 86000-Word Recognizer Based On Phonemic Models}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1077}
author = {Russell, Martin; Ponting, Keith}
title = {Recent Results From The ARM Continuous Speech Recognition Project}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1078}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Adaptive Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1079}
author = {Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Research In Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1080}
author = {Makhoul, John}
title = {Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1081}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Evaluating The Use Of Prosodic Information In Speech Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1082}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Segment-Based Acoustic Models With Multi-Level Search Algorithms For Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1083}
author = {Silverman, Harvey F.}
title = {A Microphone-Array System For Speech Recognition Input}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1084}
author = {Reddy, Raj}
title = {Speech Research At Carnegie Mellon}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1085}
author = {Bisiani, Roberto}
title = {The PLUS Accelerator}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1086}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Feiner, Steven K.}
title = {Interactive Multimedia Explanation For Equipment Maintenance And Repair}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1087}
author = {Baker, Janet M.}
title = {Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition Prototype}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1088}
author = {Shore, John}
title = {Portable Software Modules For Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1089}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.; Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {Robust Speech Recognition Technology Program Summary}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1090}
author = {Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Research And Development For Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1091}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {NIST-DARPA Interagency Agreement: SLS Program}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1092}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Extending The Scope Of Text Understanding Systems Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1093}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Progress Report: Active Knowledge Structures In Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1094}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Research In Text Processing: Creating Robust And Portable Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1095}
author = {Meisel, William S.}
title = {Speech Representation And Speech Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1096}
author = {Price, Patti J.; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {A Real-Time Spoken-Language System Interactive Problem-Solving}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1097}
author = {Murveit, Hy; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Real-Time Speech Recognition Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1098}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Dahl, Deborah A.}
title = {Project Summary: Linguistic Knowledge Sources For Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1099}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Steedman, Mark; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Natural Language Research}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1100}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Very Large Annotated Database Of American English}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1101}
author = {Allen, James F.; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Natural Language Knowledge Representation And Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H90-1103}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.}
title = {Opportunities For Advanced Speech Processing In Military Computer-Based Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1990}
id = {H91-1001}
author = {Price, Patti J.}
title = {Overview Of The Fourth DARPA Speech And Natural Language Workshop}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1002}
author = {Liberman, Mark Y.; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Session 1: Speech And Natural Language Efforts In The U. S. And Abroad}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1003}
author = {Boves, Louis}
title = {The ESPRIT Project POLYGLOT}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1004}
author = {Carlson, Rolf}
title = {Some Notes About Research And Development At KTH}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1005}
author = {Peckham, Jeremy}
title = {Speech Understanding And Dialogue Over The Telephone: An Overview Of The ESPRIT SUNDIAL Project}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1006}
author = {Armstrong, Susan}
title = {Machine Translation In Europe}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1008}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {Session 2: DARPA Resource Management And ATIS Benchmark Test Poster Session}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1009}
author = {Baker, James K.; Baker, Janet M.; Bamberg, Paul; Gillick, Laurence S.; Lamel, Lori F.; Roth, Robert; Scattone, Francesco; Sturtevant, Dean G.; Ba, Ousmane; Benedict, Richard}
title = {DRAGON Systems Resource Management Benchmark Results February 1991}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1010}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {New Results With The Lincoln Tied-Mixture HMM CSR System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1011}
author = {Phillips, Michael; Glass, James R.; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Modelling Context Dependency In Acoustic-Phonetic And Lexical Representations}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1012}
author = {Kubala, Francis; Austin, Steve; Barry, Chris; Makhoul, John; Placeway, Paul; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {BYBLOS Speech Recognition Benchmark Results}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1013}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Kannan, Ashvin; Austin, Steve; Kimball, Owen; Schwartz, Richard M.; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Integration Of Diverse Recognition Methodologies Through Reevaluation Of N-Best Sentence Hypotheses}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1014}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie; Glass, James R.; Goddeau, David; Goodine, David; Hirschman, Lynette; Leung, Hong C.; Phillips, Michael; Polifroni, Joseph H.; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Development And Preliminary Evaluation Of The MIT ATIS System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1015}
author = {Murveit, Hy; Butzberger, John; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Speech Recognition In SRI'S Resource Management And ATIS Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1016}
author = {Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {Evaluation Of The CMU ATIS System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1017}
author = {Young, Sheryl R.}
title = {Using Semantics To Correct Parser Output For ATIS Utterances}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1018}
author = {Austin, Steve; Ayuso, Damaris M.; Bates, Madeleine; Bobrow, Robert J.; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Makhoul, John; Placeway, Paul; Schwartz, Richard M.; Stallard, David G.}
title = {BBN HARC And DELPHI Results On The ATIS Benchmarks - February 1991}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1019}
author = {O'Shaughnessy, Douglas D.}
title = {A Textual Processor To Handle ATIS Queries}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1020}
author = {Pieraccini, Roberto; Levin, Esther; Lee, Chin-Hui}
title = {Stochastic Representation Of Conceptual Structure In The ATIS Task}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1021}
author = {Norton, Lewis M.; Linebarger, Marcia C.; Dahl, Deborah A.; Nguyen, Nghi}
title = {Augmented Role Filling Capabilities For Semantic Interpretation Of Spoken Language}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1022}
author = {Tzoukermann, Evelyne}
title = {The Use Of A Commercial Natural Language Interface In The ATIS Task}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1023}
author = {Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Session 3: Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1024}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Kameyama, Megumi}
title = {Machine Translation Using Abductive Inference}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1025}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Mercer, Robert L.}
title = {A Statistical Approach To Sense Disambiguation In Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1026}
author = {Gale, William A.; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Identifying Word Correspondences In Parallel Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1027}
author = {Lyon, Richard F.}
title = {Session 4: Speech I}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1028}
author = {Gagnoulet, Christian; Sorin, Christel}
title = {Field Test Evaluations And Optimization Of Speaker Independent Speech Recognition For Telephone Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1029}
author = {Spitz, Judith}
title = {Collection And Analysis Of Data From Real Users: Implications For Speech Recognition/Understanding Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1030}
author = {Flanagan, J. L.; Mammone, R.; Elko, G. W.}
title = {Autodirective Microphone Systems For Natural Communication With Speech Recognizers}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1031}
author = {Meng, Helen M.; Zue, Victor W.; Leung, Hong C.}
title = {Signal Representation Attribute Extraction And The Use Distinctive Features For Phonetic Classification}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1032}
author = {Allen, James F.}
title = {Session 5: Natural Language I}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1033}
author = {Bobrow, Robert J.; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Stallard, David G.}
title = {The Mapping Unit Approach To Subcategorization}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1034}
author = {Jackson, Eric; Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John; Moore, Robert C.; Podlozny, Ann}
title = {A Template Matcher For Robust NL Interpretation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1035}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Schabes, Yves}
title = {Fixed And Flexible Phrase Structure: Coordination In Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1036}
author = {Moore, Robert C.; Dowding, John}
title = {Efficient Bottom-Up Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1037}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Ayuso, Damaris M.; Bobrow, Robert J.; Boisen, Sean; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Palmucci, Jeff}
title = {Partial Parsing: A Report On Work In Progress}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1038}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Session 6: Demonstrations And Videotapes Of Speech And Natural Language Technologies}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1039}
author = {Lyon, Richard F.}
title = {Analog Implementations Of Auditory Models}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1040}
author = {Bates, Madeleine; Ellard, Dan; Peterson, Pat; Shaked, Varda}
title = {Using Spoken Language To Facilitate Military Transportation Planning}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1041}
author = {Roukos, Salim}
title = {Session 7: Natural Language II}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1042}
author = {Bobrow, Robert J.}
title = {Statistical Agenda Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1043}
author = {de Mori, Renato; Kuhn, Roland}
title = {Some Results On Stochastic Language Modelling}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1044}
author = {Magerman, David M.; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Parsing The Voyager Domain Using Pearl}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1045}
author = {Kochman, Fred; Kupin, Joseph}
title = {Calculating The Probability Of A Partial Parse Of A Sentence}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1046}
author = {Kupiec, Julian}
title = {A Trellis-Based Algorithm For Estimating The Parameters Of Hidden Stochastic Context-Free Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1047}
author = {Lee, Kai-Fu}
title = {Session 8: Speech II}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1048}
author = {Austin, Steve; Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.; Zavaliagkos, George}
title = {Continuous Speech Recognition Using Segmental Neural Nets}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1049}
author = {Digalakis, Vassilios; Rohlicek, J. Robin; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {A Dynamical System Approach To Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1050}
author = {Hon, Hsiao-Wuen; Lee, Kai-Fu}
title = {Recent Progress In Robust Vocabulary-Independent Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1051}
author = {Bahl, L. R.; DeSouza, Peter V.; Gopalakrishnan, P. S.; Nahamoo, David; Picheny, Michael A.}
title = {Context Dependent Modeling Of Phones In Continuous Speech Using Decision Trees}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1052}
author = {Kubala, Francis}
title = {Session 9: Speech III}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1053}
author = {Gauvain, Jean-Luc; Lee, Chin-Hui}
title = {Bayesian Learning Of Gaussian Mixture Densities For Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1054}
author = {Huang, Xuedong}
title = {A Study On Speaker-Adaptive Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1055}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {Experience With A Stack Decoder-Based HMM CSR And Back-Off N-Gram Language Models}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1056}
author = {Riley, Michael D.; Ljolje, Andrej}
title = {Lexical Access With A Statistically-Derived Phonetic Network}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1057}
author = {Jelinek, Frederick; Merialdo, Bernard; Roukos, Salim; Strauss, M.}
title = {A Dynamic Language Model For Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1058}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.}
title = {Session 10: Corpora And Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1059}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Third Message Understanding Evaluation And Conference (MUC-3): Phase 1 Status Report}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1060}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Abney, Steven; Flickinger, Daniel P.; Gdaniec, Claudia; Grishman, Ralph; Harrison, Philip; Hindle, Donald; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Jelinek, Frederick; Klavans, Judith L.; Liberman, Mark Y.; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Roukos, Salim; Santorini, Beatrice; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {A Procedure For Quantitatively Comparing The Syntactic Coverage Of English Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1061}
author = {Lewis, David D.}
title = {Evaluating Text Categorization I}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1062}
author = {Bates, Madeleine; Ayuso, Damaris M.}
title = {A Proposal For Incremental Dialogue Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1063}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Session 11 - Natural Language III}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1064}
author = {Allen, James F.}
title = {Discourse Structure In The TRAINS Project}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1065}
author = {Meteer, Marie W.; Schwartz, Richard M.; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Studies In Part Of Speech Labelling}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1066}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.; Krupka, George R.; Rau, Lisa F.}
title = {Lexico-Semantic Pattern Matching As A Companion To Parsing In Text Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1067}
author = {Brent, Michael R.; Berwick, Robert C.}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Subcategorization Frames From Tagged Text}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1068}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Vauthey, Barbara}
title = {Fast Text Processing For Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1069}
author = {Neuburg, Edward P.}
title = {Session 12: SLS And Prosody}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1070}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie; Hirschman, Lynette; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Interactive Problem Solving And Dialogue In The ATIS Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1071}
author = {Polifroni, Joseph H.; Seneff, Stephanie; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Collection Of Spontaneous Speech For The ATIS Domain And Comparative Analyses Of Data Collected At MIT And TI}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1072}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Seneff, Stephanie; Goodine, David; Phillips, Michael}
title = {Integrating Syntax And Semantics Into Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1073}
author = {Price, Patti J.; Ostendorf, Mari; Shattuck-Hufnagel, Stefanie; Fong, Cynthia}
title = {The Use Of Prosody In Syntactic Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1074}
author = {Wang, Michelle Q.; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Predicting Intonational Boundaries Automatically From Text: The ATIS Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1075}
author = {Wightman, Colin; Veilleux, Nanette M.; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Use Of Prosody In Syntactic Disambiguation: An Analysis-By-Synthesis Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1077}
author = {Miller, George A.; Teibel, Daniel A.}
title = {A Proposal For Lexical Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1078}
author = {Wayne, Charles L.}
title = {A Snapshot Of Two DARPA Speech And Natural Language Programs}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1079}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Adaptive Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1080}
author = {Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Research In Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1081}
author = {Makhoul, John}
title = {Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1082}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Evaluating The Use Of Prosodic Information In Speech Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1083}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Segment-Based Acoustic Models With Multi-Level Search Algorithms For Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1084}
author = {Silverman, Harvey F.}
title = {Microphone-Array Systems For Speech Recognition Input}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1085}
author = {Reddy, Raj}
title = {Spoken-Language Research At Carnegie Mellon}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1086}
author = {Bisiani, Roberto}
title = {The PLUS Accelerator}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1087}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Feiner, Steven K.}
title = {Interactive Multimedia Explanation For Equipment Maintenance And Repair}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1088}
author = {Baker, Janet M.; Gillick, Laurence S.}
title = {Progress Report For DARPA SLS Program At DRAGON Systems Inc.}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1089}
author = {Shore, John}
title = {Portable Software Modules For Speech Recognition (Phase I SBIR Grant From DARPA)}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1090}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Spoken Language Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1091}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.; Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {Robust Speech Recognition Technology Program Summary}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1092}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {NIST-DARPA Interagency Agreement: SLS Program}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1093}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Evaluating Text Understanding Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1094}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Active Knowledge Structures In Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1095}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Robust And Portable Text Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1096}
author = {Zweig, George}
title = {A Robust Preprocessor For Speech-Recognition Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1097}
author = {Bernstein, Jared}
title = {Corpus Collection For ATIS}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1098}
author = {Murveit, Hy; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Real-Time Speech Recognition System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1099}
author = {Price, Patti J.; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {SRI'S Real-Time Spoken Language System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1100}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {TACITUS: The Abductive Commonsense Inference-Based Text Understanding System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1101}
author = {Dahl, Deborah A.}
title = {Linguistic Knowledge Sources For Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1102}
author = {Wilensky, Robert}
title = {Language Processing And Commonsense Reasoning}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1103}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Steedman, Mark; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Natural Language Research}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1104}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Very Large Annotated Database Of American English}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1105}
author = {Allen, James F.; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Natural Language Knowledge Representation And Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H91-1106}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {The Penman Natural Language Project Systemics-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1991}
id = {H92-1001}
author = {Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Overview Of The Fifth DARPA Speech And Natural Language Workshop}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1002}
author = {Allen, James F.}
title = {Session I: Evaluating Spoken Language}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1003}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Bates, Madeleine; Dahl, Deborah A.; Fisher, W.; Garofolo, John S.; Hunicke-Smith, Kate; Pallett, David S.; Pao, Christine; Price, P.; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Multi-Site Data Collection For A Spoken Language Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1004}
author = {Pallett, David S.; Dahlgren, Nancy L.; Fiscus, Jonathan G.; Fisher, William M.; Garofolo, John S.; Tjaden, Brett C.}
title = {DARPA February 1992 ATIS Benchmark Test Results}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1005}
author = {Polifroni, Joseph H.; Hirschman, Lynette; Seneff, Stephanie; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Experiments In Evaluating Interactive Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1006}
author = {Price, Patti J.; Hirschman, Lynette; Shriberg, Elizabeth; Wade, Elizabeth}
title = {Subject-Based Evaluation Measures For Interactive Spoken Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1007}
author = {Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {Session 2: Spoken Language Systems II}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1008}
author = {Pao, Christine; Wilpon, Jay G.}
title = {Spontaneous Speech Collection For The ATIS Domain With An Aural User Feedback Paradigm}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1009}
author = {Shriberg, Elizabeth; Wade, Elizabeth; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Human-Machine Problem Solving Using Spoken Language Systems (SLS): Factors Affecting Performance And User Satisfaction}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1010}
author = {Mariani, Joseph}
title = {Spoken Language Processing In The Framework Of Human-Machine Communication At LIMSI}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1011}
author = {Moore, Roger K.; Morris, Angela}
title = {Experiences Collecting Genuine Spoken Enquiries Using WOZ Techniques}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1012}
author = {Makhoul, John}
title = {Session 3: Spoken Language Systems III}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1013}
author = {Pieraccini, Roberto; Tzoukermann, Evelyne; Gorelov, Zakhar; Levin, Esther; Lee, Chin-Hui; Gauvain, Jean-Luc}
title = {Progress Report On The Chronus System: ATIS Benchmark Results}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1014}
author = {Kubala, Francis; Barry, Chris; Bates, Madeleine; Bobrow, Robert J.; Fung, Pascale; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Makhoul, John; Nguyen, Long; Schwartz, Richard M.; Stallard, David G.}
title = {BBN BYBLOS And HARC February 1992 ATIS Benchmark Results}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1015}
author = {Ward, Wayne H.; Issar, Sunil; Huang, Xuedong; Hon, Hsiao-Wuen; Hwang, Mei-Yuh; Young, Sheryl R.; Matessa, Mike; Liu, Fu-Hua; Stern, Richard M.}
title = {Speech Understanding In Open Tasks}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1016}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Glass, James R.; Goddeau, David; Goodine, David; Hirschman, Lynette; Phillips, Michael; Polifroni, Joseph H.; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {The MIT ATIS System: February 1992 Progress Report}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1017}
author = {Norton, Lewis M.; Dahl, Deborah A.; Linebarger, Marcia C.}
title = {Recent Improvements And Benchmark Results For Paramax ATIS System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1018}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.; Jackson, Eric}
title = {SRI International Results February 1992 ATIS Benchmark Test}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1019}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Session 4: Statistical Language Modeling}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1020}
author = {Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Mercer, Robert L.; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Adaptive Language Modeling Using Minimum Discriminant Estimation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1021}
author = {Rosenfeld, Roni; Huang, Xuedong}
title = {Improvements In Stochastic Language Modeling}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1022}
author = {Brill, Eric}
title = {A Simple Rule-Based Part Of Speech Tagger}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1023}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Jelinek, Frederick; Lafferty, John D.; Mercer, Robert L.; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Decision Tree Models Applied To The Labeling Of Text With Parts-Of-Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1024}
author = {Pereira, Fernando; Schabes, Yves}
title = {Inside-Outside Reestimation From Partially Bracketed Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1025}
author = {Magerman, David M.; Weir, Carl}
title = {Probabilistic Prediction And Picky Chart Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1026}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Jelinek, Frederick; Lafferty, John D.; Magerman, David M.; Mercer, Robert L.; Roukos, Salim}
title = {Towards History-Based Grammars: Using Richer Models For Probabilistic Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1027}
author = {Schabes, Yves}
title = {Stochastic Tree-Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1028}
author = {Mark, Kevin; Miller, Michael; Grenander, Ulf; Abney, Steven}
title = {Parameter Estimation For Constrained Context-Free Language Models}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1029}
author = {Hindle, Donald}
title = {An Analogical Parser For Restricted Domains}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1030}
author = {Brill, Eric; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Automatically Acquiring Phrase Structure Using Distributional Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1031}
author = {Murveit, Hy}
title = {Session 5a: Acoustic Modeling}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1032}
author = {Furui, Sadaoki; Shikano, Kiyohiro; Matsunaga, Shoichi; Matsuoka, Tatsuo; Takahashi, Satoshi; Yamada, Tomokazu}
title = {Recent Topics In Speech Recognition Research At NTT Laboratories}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1033}
author = {Hon, Hsiao-Wuen; Lee, Kai-Fu}
title = {Vocabulary And Environment Adaptation In Vocabulary-Independent Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1034}
author = {Hwang, Mei-Yuh; Huang, Xuedong}
title = {Subphonetic Modeling For Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1035}
author = {Austin, Steve; Zavaliagkos, George; Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Improving State-Of-The-Art Continuous Speech Recognition Systems Using The N-Best Paradigm With Neural Networks}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1036}
author = {Gauvain, Jean-Luc; Lee, Chin-Hui}
title = {Map Estimation Of Continuous Density HMM : Theory And Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1037}
author = {Huang, Xuedong}
title = {Minimizing Speaker Variation Effects For Speaker-Independent Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1038}
author = {Kimball, Owen; Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Recognition Using Classification And Segmentation Scoring}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1039}
author = {Harman, Donna}
title = {Session 5b. Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1040}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Information Retrieval Using Robust Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1041}
author = {Lewis, David D.}
title = {Feature Selection And Feature Extract Ion For Text Categorization}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1042}
author = {McCray, Alexa T.}
title = {Inferencing In Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1043}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Lehnert, Wendy G.}
title = {Classifying Texts Using Relevancy Signatures}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1044}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.}
title = {Session 6: Lexicon And Lexical Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1045}
author = {Gale, William A.; Church, Kenneth Ward; Yarowsky, David}
title = {One Sense Per Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1046}
author = {Cowie, James R.; Guthrie, Joe A.; Guthrie, Louise}
title = {Lexical Disambiguation Using Simulated Annealing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1047}
author = {Pustejovsky, James}
title = {The Acquisition Of Lexical Semantic Knowledge From Large Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1048}
author = {Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Session 7: Demonstrations And Videos}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1049}
author = {Austin, Steve; Bobrow, Robert J.; Ellard, Dan; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Makhoul, John; Nguyen, Long; Peterson, Pat; Placeway, Paul; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {BBN Real-Time Speech Recognition Demonstrations}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1050}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Session 8A: Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1051}
author = {Kinoshita, Satoshi; Phillips, John; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Interaction Between Structural Changes In Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1052}
author = {Hovy, Eduard; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Approximating An Interlingua In A Principled Way}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1053}
author = {Brown, Peter F.; Della Pietra, Stephen A.; Della Pietra, Vincent J.; Mercer, Robert L.; Mohanty, Surya}
title = {Dividing And Conquering Long Sentences In A Translation System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1054}
author = {Cohen, Jordan R.}
title = {Session 8B: Robust Speech Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1055}
author = {Stern, Richard M.; Liu, Fu-Hua; Ohshima, Yoshiaki; Sullivan, Thomas M.; Acero, Alex}
title = {Multiple Approaches To Robust Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1056}
author = {Murveit, Hy; Butzberger, John; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Reduced Channel Dependence For Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1057}
author = {Silverman, Harvey F.; Kirtman, Smart E.; Adcock, John E.; Meuse, Paul C.}
title = {Experimental Results For Baseline Speech Recognition Performance Using Input Acquired From A Linear Microphone Array}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1058}
author = {Chigier, Benjamin}
title = {Phonetic Classification On Wide-Band And Telephone Quality Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1059}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Session 9: Natural Language Processings}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1060}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {A Relaxation Method For Understanding Speech Utterances}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1061}
author = {Stallard, David G.; Bobrow, Robert J.}
title = {Fragment Processing In The DELPHI System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1062}
author = {Bobrow, Robert J.; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Stallard, David G.}
title = {Syntactic/Semantic Coupling In The BBN DELPHI System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1063}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Ayuso, Damaris M.; Boisen, Sean; Fox, Heidi J.; Ingria, Robert J. P.}
title = {A New Approach To Text Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1064}
author = {Walter, Sharon M.}
title = {NEAL-MONTGOMERY NLP System Evaluation Methodology}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1065}
author = {Doddington, George R.}
title = {Session 10: Large Vocabulary CSR}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1066}
author = {Gillick, Laurence S.; Peskin, Barbara; Roth, Robert}
title = {Rapid Match Training For Large Vocabularies}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1067}
author = {Kenny, Patrick; Hollan, R.; Boulianne, Gilles; Garudadri, H.; Lennig, Matthew; O'Shaughnessy, Douglas D.}
title = {An A* Algorithm For Very Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1068}
author = {Butzberger, John; Murveit, Hy; Shriberg, Elizabeth; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Spontaneous Speech Effects In Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1069}
author = {Gauvain, Jean-Luc; Lamel, Lori F.}
title = {Speaker-Independent Phone Recognition Using BREF}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1070}
author = {Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {Session 10b: Core NL Lexicon And Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1071}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {A National Resource Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1072}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.}
title = {Session 11: Continuous Speech Recognition And Evaluation I}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1073}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.; Baker, Janet M.}
title = {The Design For The Wall Street Journal-Based CSR Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1074}
author = {Doddington, George R.}
title = {CSR Corpus Development}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1075}
author = {Phillips, Michael; Glass, James R.; Polifroni, Joseph H.; Zue, Victor W.}
title = {Collection And Analyses Of WSJ-CSR Data At MIT}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1076}
author = {Bernstein, Jared; Danielson, Denise}
title = {Spontaneous Speech Collection For The CSR Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1077}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.}
title = {Session 12: Continuous Speech Recognition And Evaluation II}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1078}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {DARPA February 1992 Pilot Corpus CSR Dry Run Benchmark Test Results}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1079}
author = {Baker, James K.; Baker, Janet M.; Bamberg, Paul; Bishop, Kathleen; Gillick, Laurence S.; Helman, Vera; Huang, Zezhen; Ito, Yoshiko; Lowe, Stephen; Peskin, Barbara; Roth, Robert; Scattone, Francesco}
title = {Large Vocabulary Recognition Of Wall Street Journal Sentences At Dragon Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1080}
author = {Alleva, Fileno A.; Hon, Hsiao-Wuen; Huang, Xuedong; Hwang, Mei-Yuh; Rosenfeld, Roni; Weide, Robert}
title = {Applying SPHINX-II To The DARPA Wall Street Journal CSR Task}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1081}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {The Lincoln Large-Vocabulary HMM CSR}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1082}
author = {Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {An Efficient A* Stack Decoder Algorithm For Continuous Speech Recognition With A Stochastic Language Model}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1083}
author = {Murveit, Hy; Butzberger, John; Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Performance Of SRI'S DECIPHER (TM) Speech Recognition System On DARPA'S CSR Task}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1084}
author = {Price, Patti J.; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Session 13: Prosody}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1085}
author = {Shriberg, Elizabeth; Bear, John; Dowding, John}
title = {Automatic Detection And Correction Of Repairs In Human-Computer Dialog}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1086}
author = {Abney, Steven}
title = {Prosodic Structure Performance Structure And Phrase Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1087}
author = {Veilleuz, N. M.; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Probabilistic Parse Scoring Based On Prosodic Phrasing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1088}
author = {Silverman, Kim E. A.; Blaauw, Eleonora; Spitz, Judith; Pitrelli, John F.}
title = {Towards Using Prosody In Speech Recognition/Understanding Systems: Differences Between Read And Spontaneous Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1089}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia; Grosz, Barbara J.}
title = {Intonational Features Of Local And Global Discourse Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1090}
author = {Wayne, Charles L.}
title = {Session 14: Government Panel}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1091}
author = {Chien, Y. T.}
title = {Language And Speech Meets The HPCC Grand Challenge}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1092}
author = {Jankowski Jr., Charles R.; Lippmann, Richard P.}
title = {Comparison Of Auditory Models For Robust Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1093}
author = {Kannan, Ashvin; Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Weight Estimation For N-Best Rescoring}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1094}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Lehnert, Wendy G.}
title = {Augmenting With Slot Filler Relevancy Signatures Data}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1095}
author = {Dahl, Deborah A.; Weir, Carl; Liebowitz Taylor, Suzanne; Norton, Lewis M.; Linebarger, Marcia C.; Lipshutz, Mark}
title = {Language Understanding Research At Paramax}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1096}
author = {Makhoul, John; Bates, Madeleine}
title = {Development Of A Spoken Language System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1097}
author = {Makhoul, John; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Robust Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1098}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Robustness Portability And Scalability Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1099}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Price, Patti J.}
title = {Evaluating The Use Of Prosodic Information In Speech Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1100}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Rohlicek, J. Robin}
title = {Segment-Based Acoustic Models With Multi-Level Search Algorithms For Continuous Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1101}
author = {Silverman, Harvey F.}
title = {Microphone-Array Systems For Speech Recognition Input}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1102}
author = {Reddy, Raj}
title = {Spoken-Language Research At Carnegie Mellon}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1103}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Litman, Diane J.; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Extracting Constraints On Word Usage From Large Text Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1104}
author = {Baker, Janet M.; Gillick, Laurence S.; Roth, Robert}
title = {Research In Continuous Speech Recognition At Dragon Systems Under The DARPA SLS Program}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1105}
author = {Shore, John}
title = {Portable Software Modules For Speech Recognition (DARPA Phase II SBIR Contract DAAH01-91-C-R297)}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1106}
author = {Talkin, David}
title = {Software Technology Transfer From SLS}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1107}
author = {Zue, Victor W.; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {Spoken Language Recognition And Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1108}
author = {Lippmann, Richard P.}
title = {Evaluation And Analysis Of Auditory Model Front Ends For Robust Speech Recognition Program Summary}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1109}
author = {Weinstein, Clifford J.; Paul, Douglas B.}
title = {Robust Continuous Speech Recognition Technology Program Summary}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1110}
author = {Pallett, David S.}
title = {NIST-DARPA Interagency Agreement: Spoken Language Program}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1111}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Evaluating Text Understanding Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1112}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Pustejovsky, James; Cowie, James R.}
title = {Diderot: TIPSTER Program Automatic Data Extraction From Text Utilizing Semantic Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1113}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Pangloss: A Knowledge-Based Machine Assisted Translation Research Project - Site}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1114}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {The Consortium For Lexical Research}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1115}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Research In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1116}
author = {Miller, George A.}
title = {WORDNET: A Lexical Database For English}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1117}
author = {Hunicke-Smith, Kate; Bernstein, Jared}
title = {Annotation Of ATIS Data}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1118}
author = {Danielson, Denise; Bernstein, Jared}
title = {CSR Data Collection Pilot}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1119}
author = {Weintraub, Mitchel}
title = {Real-Time Speech Recognition System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1120}
author = {Price, Patti J.; Moore, Robert C.}
title = {A Real-Time Spoken-Language System For Interactive Problem Solving}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1121}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {TACITUS: Research In Text Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1122}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.}
title = {NLP And Text Analysis At The University Of Massachusetts}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1123}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Steedman, Mark; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Natural Language Research}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {H92-1124}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {In-Depth Knowledge-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech And Natural Language}
year = {1992}
id = {W01-0801}
author = {Rambow, Owen}
title = {Corpus-Based Methods In Natural Language Generation: Friends Or Foe? (Invited Talk)}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0802}
author = {Sripada, Somayajulu G.; Reiter, Ehud; Hunter, Jim; Yu, Jin}
title = {A Two-Staged Model For Content Determination}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0803}
author = {Danlos, Laurence; Gaiffe, Bertrand; Roussarie, Laurent}
title = {Document Structuring A La SDRT}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0804}
author = {van Deemter, Kees; Halldorsson, Magnus M.}
title = {Logical Form Equivalence: The Case Of Referring Expressions Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0805}
author = {Krahmer, Emiel; Van Erk, Sebastiaan; Verleg, Andre}
title = {A Meta-Algorithm For The Generation Of Referring Expressions}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0806}
author = {Eddy, Bruce; Bental, Diana; Cawsey, Alison}
title = {An Algorithm For Efficiently Generating Summary Paragraphs Using Tree-Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0807}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd; Wanner, Leo}
title = {On Using A Parallel Graph Rewriting Formalism In Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0808}
author = {Aikawa, Takako; Melero, Maite; Schwartz, Lee; Wu, Andi}
title = {Multilingual Sentence Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0809}
author = {Doan-Nguyen, Hai}
title = {Generation Of Vietnamese For French-Vietnamese And English-Vietnamese Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0810}
author = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Bateman, John A.; Teich, Elke}
title = {Linear Order As Higher-Level Decision: Information Structure In Strategic And Tactical Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0811}
author = {Zock, Michael}
title = {Learn To Speak And To Write Learn To Use Your Mind The Relevance Of The Work Of Natural Language Generation (Invited Talk)}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0812}
author = {Humphreys, Kevin; Calcagno, Mike; Weise, David}
title = {Reusing A Statistical Language Model For Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0813}
author = {Kan, Min-Yen; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Klavans, Judith L.}
title = {Applying Natural Language Generation To Indicative Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0814}
author = {Inui, Kentaro; Nogami, Masaru}
title = {A Paraphrase-Based Exploration Of Cohesiveness Criteria}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0815}
author = {Hartley, Anthony; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {Evaluating Text Quality: Judging Output Texts Without A Clear Source}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {2001}
id = {W98-1401}
author = {Lester, James C.; Bares, William H.; Callaway, Charles B.; Towns, Stuart G.}
title = {Natural Language Generation Journeys To Interactive 3D Worlds Invited Talk Extended Abstract}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1402}
author = {Bateman, John A.; Kamps, Thomas; Kleinz, Jorg; Reichenberger, Klaus}
title = {Communicative Goal-Driven NL Generation And Data-Driven Graphics Generation: An Architectural Synthesis For Multimedia Page Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1403}
author = {Green, Nancy L.; Carenini, Giuseppe; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {A Principled Representation Of Attributive Descriptions For Generating Integrated Text And Information Graphics Presentations}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1404}
author = {Mellish, Chris S.; O'Donnell, Michael; Oberlander, Jon; Knott, Alistair}
title = {An Architecture For Opportunistic Text Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1405}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {Controlled Realization Of Complex Objects}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1406}
author = {Beale, Stephen; Nirenburg, Sergei; Viegas, Evelyne; Wanner, Leo}
title = {De-Constraining Text Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1407}
author = {Fraczak, Lidia; Lapalme, Guy; Zock, Michael}
title = {Automatic Generation Of Subway Directions: Salience Gradation As A Factor For Determining Message And Form}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1408}
author = {Marsi, Erwin}
title = {Introducing Maximal Variation In Text Planning For Small Domains}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1409}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; McCullough, Daryl; Rambow, Owen; DeCristofaro, Jonathan D.; Korelsky, Tanya; Lavoie, Benoit}
title = {A New Approach To Expert System Explanations}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1410}
author = {Fiedler, Armin}
title = {Macroplanning With A Cognitive Architecture For The Adaptive Explanation Of Proofs}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1411}
author = {Mellish, Chris S.; Knott, Alistair; Oberlander, Jon; O'Donnell, Michael}
title = {Experiments Using Stochastic Search For Text Planning}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1412}
author = {Klabunde, Ralf; Jansche, Martin}
title = {Abductive Reasoning For Syntactic Realization}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1413}
author = {Ansari, Daniel; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Generating Warning Instructions By Planning Accidents And Injuries}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1414}
author = {Grote, Brigitte; Stede, Manfred}
title = {Discourse Marker Choice In Sentence Planning}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1415}
author = {Shaw, James}
title = {Clause Aggregation Using Linguistic Knowledge}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1416}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; McConachy, Richard; Korb, Kevin B.}
title = {Attention During Argument Generation And Presentation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1417}
author = {Jokinen, Kristiina; Tanaka, Hideki; Yokoo, Akio}
title = {Planning Dialogue Contributions With New Information}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1418}
author = {Netzer, Yael Dahan; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Generation Of Noun Compounds In Hebrew: Can Syntactic Knowledge Be Fully Encapsulated?}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1419}
author = {Stone, Matthew; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Textual Economy Through Close Coupling Of Syntax And Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1420}
author = {Temizsoy, Murat; Cicekli, Ilyas}
title = {A Language-Independent System For Generating Feature Structures From Interlingua Representations}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1421}
author = {Alexandersson, Jan; Poller, Peter}
title = {Towards Multilingual Protocol Generation For Spontaneous Speech Dialogues}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1422}
author = {Becker, Tilman}
title = {Fully Lexicalized Head-Driven Syntactic Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1423}
author = {Wilcock, Graham}
title = {Approaches To Surface Realization With HPSG}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1424}
author = {Matthiessen, Christian M. I. M.; Licheng, Zeng; Cross, Marilyn; Kobayashi, Ichiro; Teruya, Kazuhiro; Canzhong, Wu}
title = {The Multex Generator And Its Environment: Application And Development}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1425}
author = {Busemann, Stephan; Horacek, Helmut}
title = {A Flexible Shallow Approach To Text Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1426}
author = {Langkilde-Geary, Irene; Knight, Kevin}
title = {The Practical Value Of N-Grams Is In Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1427}
author = {Scott, Donia R.; Power, Richard; Evans, Roger}
title = {Generation As A Solution To Its Own Problem}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1428}
author = {White, Michael; Caldwell, Ted}
title = {EXEMPLARS: A Practical Extensible Framework For Dynamic Text Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1429}
author = {Gabrilovich, Evgeniy; Francez, Nissim; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Natural Language Generation With Abstract Machine}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1430}
author = {Freedman, Reva; Brandle, Stefan; Glass, Michael; Kim, Jung Hee; Zhou, Yujian; Evens, Martha W.}
title = {Content Planning As The Basis For An Intelligent Tutoring System}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1431}
author = {Meunier, Frederic; Danlos, Laurence}
title = {FLAUBERT: An User Friendly System For Multilingual Text Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1432}
author = {Etchegoyhen, Thierry; Wehrle, Thomas}
title = {Overview Of GBGEN}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1433}
author = {Theune, Mariët; Klabbers, Esther}
title = {GOALGETTER: Generation Of Spoken Soccer Reports}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1434}
author = {Yao, Tianfang; Zhang, Dongmo; Wang, Qian}
title = {Multilingual Weather Forecast Generation System}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1435}
author = {Coch, Jose}
title = {Interactive Generation And Knowledge Administration In Multimeteo}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1436}
author = {Ferencz, Attila; Ratiu, Teodora; Ferencz, Maria; Kovacs, Tonde-Csilla; Nagy, István; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {ROMVOX Experiments Regarding Unrestricted Text To Speech Synthesis For The Romanian Language}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1437}
author = {Power, Richard; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {WYSIWYM: Knowledge Editing With Natural Language Feedback}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation EWNLG}
year = {1998}
id = {W04-3101}
author = {Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Tanabe, Lorraine; Kinoshita, Shuhei; Hunter, Lawrence}
title = {A Resource For Constructing Customized Test Suites For Molecular Biology Entity Identification Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3102}
author = {Koike, Asako; Takagi, Toshihisa}
title = {Gene/Protein/Family Name Recognition In Biomedical Literature}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3103}
author = {Light, Marc; Qiu, Xin Ying; Srinivasan, Padmini}
title = {The Language Of Bioscience: Facts Speculations And Statements In Between}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3104}
author = {Liu, Hongfang; Wu, Cathy}
title = {A Study Of Text Categorization For Model Organism Databases}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3105}
author = {Srinivasan, Padmini; Libbus, Bisharah; Sehgal, Aditya Kumar}
title = {Mining MEDLINE: Postulating A Beneficial Role For Curcumin Longa In Retinal Diseases}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3106}
author = {Struble, Craig A.; Dharmanolla, Chitti}
title = {Clustering MeSH Representations Of Biomedical Literature}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3107}
author = {Hayes, William S.}
title = {Text Mining - Next Steps For Drug Discovery}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3108}
author = {Donaldson, Ian}
title = {Text-Mining Needs And Solutions For The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND)}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3109}
author = {Hayes, William S.}
title = {Publisher Perspective On Broad Full-Text Literature Access For Text Mining In Academic And Corporate Endeavors}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3110}
author = {Harkema, Henk; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Hepple, Mark; Roberts, Angus; Roberts, Ian; Davis, Neil; Guo, Yikun}
title = {A Large Scale Terminology Resource For Biomedical Text Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3111}
author = {Kulick, Seth; Bies, Ann; Liberman, Mark Y.; Mandel, Mark; McDonald, Ryan; Palmer, Martha; Schein, Andrew; Ungar, Lyle H.; Winters, Scott; White, Peter}
title = {Integrated Annotation For Biomedical Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3112}
author = {Libbus, Bisharah; Kilicoglu, Halil; Rindflesch, Thomas C.; Mork, James G.; Aronson, Alan R.}
title = {Using Natural Language Processing LocusLink And The Gene Ontology To Compare OMIM To MEDLINE}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3113}
author = {Mercer, Robert E.; DiMarco, Chrysanne}
title = {A Design Methodology For A Biomedical Literature Indexing Tool Using The Rhetoric Of Science}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases}
year = {2004}
id = {W98-0501}
author = {Jarvinen, Timo; Tapanainen, Pasi}
title = {Towards An Implementable Dependency Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0502}
author = {Lombardo, Vincenzo; Lesmo, Leonardo}
title = {Unit Coordination And Gapping In Dependency Theory}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0503}
author = {Holan, Tomas; Kuboň, Vladislav; Oliva, Karel; Platek, Martin}
title = {Two Useful Measures Of Word Order Complexity}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0504}
author = {Broker, Norbert}
title = {How To Define A Context-Free Backbone For DGs: Implementing A DG In The LFG Formalism}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0505}
author = {Teich, Elke}
title = {Types Of Syntagmatic Grammatical Relations And Their Representation}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0506}
author = {Hajicová, Eva}
title = {Movement Rules Revisited}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0507}
author = {Barbero, Cristina; Lesmo, Leonardo; Lombardo, Vincenzo}
title = {Integration Of Syntactic And Lexical Information In A Hierarchical Dependency Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0508}
author = {Arnola, Harri}
title = {On Parsing Binary Dependency Structures Deterministically In Linear Time}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0509}
author = {Menzel, Wolfgang; Schroder, Ingo}
title = {Decision Procedures For Dependency Parsing Using Graded Constraints}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0510}
author = {Bourdon, Marie; Da Sylva, Lyne; Gagnon, Michel; Kharrat, Alma; Knoll, Sonja; Maclachlan, Anna}
title = {A Case Study In Implementing Dependency-Based Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0511}
author = {Courtin, Jacques; Genthial, Damien}
title = {Parsing With Dependency Relations And Robust Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0512}
author = {Lai, Tom Bong-Yeung; Huang, Changning}
title = {Complements And Adjuncts In Dependency Grammar Parsing Emulated By A Constrained Context-Free Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0513}
author = {Lepage, Yves; Ando, Shinichi; Akamine, Susumu; Iida, Hitoshi}
title = {An Annotated Corpus In Japanese Using Tesniere's Structural Syntax}
venue = {Workshop On Processing Of Dependency-Based Grammars}
year = {1998}
id = {W05-1501}
author = {Boullier, Pierre; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {Efficient And Robust LFG Parsing: SxLFG}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1502}
author = {Burden, Hakan; Ljunglöf, Peter}
title = {Parsing Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1503}
author = {Carpenter, Bob; Morrill, Glyn}
title = {Switch Graphs For Parsing Type Logical Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1504}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Parsing With Soft And Hard Constraints On Dependency Length}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1505}
author = {Hall, Keith; Novák, Václav}
title = {Corrective Modeling For Non-Projective Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1506}
author = {Huang, Liang; Chiang, David}
title = {Better K-Best Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1507}
author = {Huang, Liang; Zhang, Hao; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Machine Translation As Lexicalized Parsing With Hooks}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1508}
author = {Jansche, Martin}
title = {Treebank Transfer}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1509}
author = {Musillo, Gabriele; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Lexical And Structural Biases For Function Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1510}
author = {Nakanishi, Hiroko; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Probabilistic Models For Disambiguation Of An HPSG-Based Chart Generator}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1511}
author = {Ninomiya, Takashi; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Efficacy Of Beam Thresholding Unification Filtering And Hybrid Parsing In Probabilistic HPSG Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1512}
author = {Prescher, Detlef}
title = {Head-Driven PCFGs With Latent-Head Statistics}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1513}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Lavie, Alon}
title = {A Classifier-Based Parser With Linear Run-Time Complexity}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1514}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Chunk Parsing Revisited}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1515}
author = {Turian, Joseph P.; Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Constituent Parsing By Classification}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1516}
author = {Wang, Qin Iris; Schuurmans, Dale; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Strictly Lexical Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1517}
author = {Watson, Rebecca; Carroll, John; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Efficient Extraction Of Grammatical Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1518}
author = {Zeman, Daniel; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {Improving Parsing Accuracy By Combining Diverse Dependency Parsers}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1519}
author = {Zhang, Qi; Weng, Fuliang}
title = {Exploring Features For Identifying Edited Regions In Disfluent Sentences}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1520}
author = {Bhagat, Rahul; Leuski, Anton; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Statistical Shallow Semantic Parsing Despite Little Training Data}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1521}
author = {Ciortuz, Liviu}
title = {The Quick Check Pre-Unification Filter For Typed Grammars: Extensions}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1522}
author = {De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {From Metagrammars To Factorized TAG/TIG Parsers}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1523}
author = {Daniels, Michael W.}
title = {Parsing Generalized ID/LP Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1524}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {TFLEX: Speeding Up Deep Parsing With Strategic Pruning}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1525}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Swift, Mary; Allen, James F.; de Beaumont, William}
title = {Generic Parsing For Multi-Domain Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1526}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Swift, Mary; Allen, James F.; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Online Statistics For A Unification-Based Dialogue Parser}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1527}
author = {Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Hepple, Mark; Saggion, Horacio; Greenwood, Mark A.; Humphreys, Kevin}
title = {SUPPLE: A Practical Parser For Natural Language Engineering Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1528}
author = {Hogan, Deirdre}
title = {k-NN For Local Probability Estimation In Generative Parsing Models}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1529}
author = {Li, Jianguo; Brew, Chris; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Robust Extraction Of Subcategorization Data From Spoken Language}
venue = {Workshop On Parsing Technology}
year = {2005}
id = {W08-0201}
author = {Baldridge, Jason; Erk, Katrin}
title = {Teaching Computational Linguistics to a Large Diverse Student Body: Courses Tools and Interdepartmental Interaction}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0202}
author = {Bender, Emily M.; Xia, Fei; Bansleben, Erik}
title = {Building a Flexible Collaborative Intensive Master’s Program in Computational Linguistics}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0203}
author = {Zinsmeister, Heike}
title = {Freshmen’s CL Curriculum: The Benefits of Redundancy}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0204}
author = {Bird, Steven}
title = {Defining a Core Body of Knowledge for the Introductory Computational Linguistics Curriculum}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0205}
author = {Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Strategies for Teaching “Mixed” Computational Linguistics Classes}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0206}
author = {Xia, Fei}
title = {The Evolution of a Statistical NLP Course}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0207}
author = {Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Exploring Large-Data Issues in the Curriculum: A Case Study with MapReduce}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0208}
author = {Bird, Steven; Klein, Ewan; Loper, Edward; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Multidisciplinary Instruction with the Natural Language Toolkit}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0209}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Combining Open-Source with Research to Re-engineer a Hands-on Introductory NLP Course}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0210}
author = {Hockey, Beth Ann; Christian, Gwen}
title = {Zero to Spoken Dialogue System in One Quarter: Teaching Computational Linguistics to Linguists Using Regulus}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0211}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Levin, Lori S.; Payne, Thomas E.}
title = {The North American Computational Linguistics Olympiad (NACLO)}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0212}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Competitive Grammar Writing}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0213}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Studying Discourse and Dialogue with SIDGrid}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0214}
author = {Freedman, Reva}
title = {Teaching NLP to Computer Science Majors via Applications and Experiments}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0215}
author = {Sakas, William Gregory}
title = {Psychocomputational Linguistics: A Gateway to the Computational Linguistics Curriculum}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0216}
author = {Stone, Matthew}
title = {Support Collaboration by Teaching Fundamentals}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W00-0301}
author = {Sidner, Candace L.; Boettner, Carolyn; Rich, Charles}
title = {Lessons Learned In Building Spoken Language Collaborative Interface Agents}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0302}
author = {Larsson, Staffan; Ljunglöf, Peter; Cooper, Robin; Engdahl, Elisabet; Ericsson, Stina}
title = {GoDiS - An Accommodating Dialogue System}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0303}
author = {Seneff, Stephanie; Polifroni, Joseph H.}
title = {Dialogue Management In The Mercury Flight Reservation System}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0304}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Singh, Satinder; Kearns, Michael S.; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {NJFun - A Reinforcement Learning Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0305}
author = {Axelrod, Scott}
title = {Natural Language Generation In The IBM Flight Information System}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0306}
author = {Oh, Alice H.; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Stochastic Language Generation For Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0307}
author = {Allen, James F.; Byron, Donna K.; Costello, Dave; Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Ferguson, George; Galescu, Lucian; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {TRIPS - 911 System Demonstration}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0308}
author = {Gavalda, Marsal}
title = {Epiphenomenal Grammar Acquisition With GSG}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0309}
author = {Xu, Wei; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Task-Based Dialog Management Using An Agenda}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0310}
author = {Nakatani, Christine H.; Chu-Carroll, Jennifer}
title = {Using Dialogue Representations For Concept-To-Speech Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0311}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Hockey, Beth Ann; James, Frankie}
title = {A Compact Architecture For Dialogue Management Based On Scripts And Meta-Outputs}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0312}
author = {Goldwater, Sharon; Bratt, Elizabeth Owen; Gawron, Jean Mark; Dowding, John}
title = {Building A Robust Dialogue System With Limited Data}
venue = {Workshop On Conversational Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W98-1201}
author = {Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Abstraction Is Harmful In Language Learning}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1202}
author = {Towsey, Michael; Diederich, Joachim; Schellhammer, Ingo; Chalup, Stephan; Brugman, Claudia}
title = {Natural Language Learning By Recurrent Neural Networks: A Comparison With Probabilistic Approaches}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1203}
author = {Kübler, Sandra}
title = {Learning A Lexicalized Grammar For German}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1204}
author = {Schneider, Rene}
title = {A Lexically-Intensive Algorithm For Domain-Specific Knowlegde Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1205}
author = {Kempe, Andre}
title = {Look-Back And Look-Ahead In The Conversion Of Hidden Markov Models Into Finite State Transducers}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1206}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {The Effect Of Alternative Tree Representations On Tree Bank Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1207}
author = {Brants, Thorsten; Skut, Wojciech}
title = {Automation Of Treebank Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1208}
author = {Cunningham, Hamish; Stevenson, Mark; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Implementing A Sense Tagger In A General Architecture For Text Engineering}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1209}
author = {Schellhammer, Ingo; Diederich, Joachim; Towsey, Michael; Brugman, Claudia}
title = {Knowledge Extraction And Recurrent Neural Networks: An Analysis Of An Elman Network Trained On A Natural Language Learning Task}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1210}
author = {Hutchens, Jason L.; Alder, Michael D.}
title = {Finding Structure Via Compression}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1211}
author = {Samuelsson, Christer}
title = {Linguistic Theory In Statistical Language Learning}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1212}
author = {McConachy, Richard; Korb, Kevin B.; Zukerman, Ingrid}
title = {A Bayesian Approach To Automating Argumentation}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1213}
author = {Green, Stephen J.}
title = {Automatically Generating Hypertext In Newspaper Articles By Computing Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1214}
author = {Korkmaz, Emin Erkan; Ucoluk, Gokturk}
title = {Choosing A Distance Metric For Automatic Word Categorization}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1215}
author = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Sense Variation And Lexical Semantics Generative Operations}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1216}
author = {Somers, Harold L.}
title = {An Attempt To Use Weighted Cusums To Identify Sublanguages}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1217}
author = {Juola, Patrick}
title = {Cross-Entropy And Linguistic Typology}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1218}
author = {Powers, David M. W.}
title = {Applications And Explanations Of Zipf's Law}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1219}
author = {Yuen, Edmund; Chase, Greg}
title = {Proper Name Classification In An Information Extraction Toolset}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1220}
author = {Steele, Robert; Powers, David M. W.}
title = {Evolution And Evaluation Of Document Retrieval Queries}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1221}
author = {Cicekli, Ilyas; Korkmaz, Turgay}
title = {Generation Of Simple Turkish Sentences With Systemic-Functional Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1222}
author = {Thomas, Ian; Zukerman, Ingrid; Raskutti, Bhavani}
title = {Extracting Phoneme Pronunciation Information From Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1223}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Weijters, Ton; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Modularity In Inductively-Learned Word Pronunciation Systems}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1224}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Do Not Forget: Full Memory In Memory-Based Learning Of Word Pronunciation}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1225}
author = {Kamphuis, Vera; Sarbo, Janos}
title = {Natural Language Concept Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1226}
author = {Entwisle, J.; Powers, David M. W.}
title = {The Present Use Of Statistics In The Evaluation Of NLP Parsers}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1227}
author = {Imai, Hiroki; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {A Method Of Incorporating Bigram Constraints Into An LR Table And Its Effectiveness In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1228}
author = {Hogan, James M.; Diederich, Joachim; Finn, Gerard D.}
title = {Selective Attention And The Acquisition Of Spatial Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1229}
author = {Kozima, Hideki; Ito, Akira}
title = {Towards Language Acquisition By An Attention-Sharing Robot}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1230}
author = {Carl, Michael}
title = {A Constructivist Approach To Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1231}
author = {Carl, Michael; Schmidt-Wigger, Antje}
title = {Shallow Post Morphological Processing With KURD}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1232}
author = {De Lima, Erika F.}
title = {Induction Of A Stem Lexicon For Two-Level Morphological Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1233}
author = {Hutchens, Jason L.; Alder, Michael D.}
title = {Introducing MegaHAL}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1234}
author = {Bastin, V.; Cordier, D.}
title = {Methods And Tricks Used In An Attempt To Pass The Turing Test}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1235}
author = {Powers, David M. W.}
title = {The Total Turing Test And The Loebner Prize}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1236}
author = {Kawasaki, Zenshiro; Takida, Keiji; Tajima, Masato}
title = {Language Model And Sentence Structure Manipulations For Natural Language Application Systems}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1237}
author = {Custer, Bradley B.}
title = {Position Paper On Appropriate Audio/Visual Turing Test}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1238}
author = {Smith, Tony C.}
title = {Learning Feature-Value Grammars From Plain Text}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1239}
author = {Dejean, Herve}
title = {Morphemes As Necessary Concept For Structures Discovery From Untagged Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1240}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {The Segmentation Problem In Morphology Learning}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1241}
author = {Powers, David M. W.}
title = {Reconciliation Of Unsupervised Clustering Segmentation And Cohesion}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1242}
author = {Tellier, Isabelle}
title = {Syntactico-Semantic Learning Of Categorial Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On New Methods In Language Processing And Computational Natural Language Learning}
year = {1998}
id = {W00-1101}
author = {Turcato, Davide; Popowich, Fred; Toole, Janine; Fass, Dan; Nicholson, Devlan; Tisher, Gordon}
title = {Adapting A Synonym Database To Specific Domains}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1102}
author = {Magnini, Bernardo; Prevete, Roberto}
title = {Exploiting Lexical Expansions And Boolean Compositions For Web Querying}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1103}
author = {Holub, Martin; Bohmova, Alena}
title = {Use Of Dependency Tree Structures For The Microcontext Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1104}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Semantic Indexing Using WordNet Senses}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1105}
author = {Fujita, Sumio}
title = {Discriminative Power And Retrieval Effectiveness Of Phrasal Indexing Terms}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1106}
author = {Kwak, Byung-Kwan; Kim, Jee-Hyub; Lee, Gary Geunbae; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {Corpus-Based Learning Of Compound Noun Indexing}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1107}
author = {Katz, Boris; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {REXTOR: A System For Generating Relations From Natural Language}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1108}
author = {Ker, Sur-Jin; Chen, Jen Nan}
title = {A Text Categorization Based On A Summarization Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1109}
author = {Milward, David; Thomas, James}
title = {From Information Retrieval To Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1110}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Fan, Weiguo}
title = {Automatic Summarization Of Search Engine Hit Lists}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Natural Language Processing And Information Retrieval}
year = {2000}
id = {W90-0101}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.; Vijay-Shanker, K.; Yang, Gijoo}
title = {Using Tree Adjoining Grammars Systemic Framework In The}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0102}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.; Schabes, Yves}
title = {Generation And Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0103}
author = {Ward, Nigel}
title = {A Connectionist Treatment Of Grammar For Generation: Relying On Emergents}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0104}
author = {Reiter, Ehud}
title = {A New Model For Lexical Choice For Open-Class Words}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0105}
author = {Wanner, Leo; Bateman, John A.}
title = {A Collocational Based Approach To Salience-Sensitive Lexical Selection}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0106}
author = {Cumming, Susanna}
title = {Natural Discourse Hypothesis Engine}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0107}
author = {Barnett, James; Mani, Inderjeet}
title = {Using Bidirectional Semantic Rules For Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0108}
author = {Bateman, John A.}
title = {Upper Modeling: Organizing Knowledge For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0109}
author = {Meteer, Marie W.}
title = {Abstract Linguistic Resources For Text Planning}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0110}
author = {Maybury, Mark T.}
title = {Using Discourse Focus Temporal Focus And Spatial Focus To Generate Multisentential Text}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0111}
author = {Pattabhiraman, T.; Cercone, Nick}
title = {Selection: Salience Relevance And The Coupling Between Domain-Level Tasks And Text Planning}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0112}
author = {Rambow, Owen}
title = {Domain Communication Knowledge}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0113}
author = {Wolz, Ursula}
title = {An Object Oriented Approach To Content Planning For Text Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0114}
author = {Granville, Robert Alan}
title = {The Role Of Underlying Structure In Text Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0115}
author = {Mooney, David J.; Carberry, Sandra; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {The Basic Block Model Of Extended Explanations}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0116}
author = {Sibun, Penelope}
title = {The Local Organization Of Text}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0117}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Parsimonious And Profligate Approaches To The Question Of Discourse Structure Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0118}
author = {Suthers, Daniel D.}
title = {Reassessing Rhetorical Abstractions And Planning Mechanisms}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0119}
author = {van Beek, Peter; Cohen, Robin}
title = {Resolving Plan Ambiguity For Response Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0120}
author = {Defrise, Christine; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Speaker Attitudes In Text Planning}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0121}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid}
title = {Generating Peripheral Rhetorical Devices By Consulting A User Model}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0122}
author = {Fawcett, Robin P.}
title = {The Computer Generation Of Speech With Discoursally And Semantically Motivated Intonation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0123}
author = {Johnson, David E.; Watanabe, Hideo}
title = {Relational-Grammar-Based Generation In The JETS Japanese-English Machine Translation System}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0124}
author = {Patten, Terry; Stoops, Daniel S.}
title = {Real-Time Generation From Systemic Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W90-0125}
author = {Badler, Norman; Steedman, Mark; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Narrated Animation: A Case For Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1990}
id = {W94-0301}
author = {Seligman, Mark}
title = {Discovery And Format Of Input Structures For Tactical Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0302}
author = {Young, R. Michael; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {DPOCL: A Principled Approach To Discourse Planning}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0303}
author = {Granville, Robert Alan}
title = {Building Underlying Structures For Multiparagraph Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0304}
author = {Suthers, Daniel D.}
title = {Sequencing As A Planning Task}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0305}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; McConachy, Richard}
title = {Discourse Planning As An Optimization Process}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0306}
author = {Paris, Cécile L.; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {Intentions Structure And Expression In Multi-Lingual Instructions}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0307}
author = {Kosseim, Leila; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Content And Rhetorical Status Selection In Instructional Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0308}
author = {Delin, Judy L.; Hartley, Anthony; Paris, Cécile L.; Scott, Donia R.; Vander Linden, Keith}
title = {Expressing Procedural Relationships In Multilingual Instructions}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0309}
author = {Fawcett, Robin P.}
title = {On Moving On On Ontologies}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0310}
author = {McDonald, David D.; Busa, Federica}
title = {On The Creative Use Of Language: The Form Of Lexical Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0311}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne; Bouillon, Pierrette}
title = {Semantic Lexicons: The Cornerstone For Lexical Choice In Natural Language Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0312}
author = {Meteer, Marie W.}
title = {Generating Event Descriptions With Sage: A Simulation And Generation Environment}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0313}
author = {Degand, Liesbeth}
title = {Towards An Account Of Causation In A Multilingual Text Generation System}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0314}
author = {Hoffman, Beryl}
title = {Generating Context Appropriate Word Orders In Turkish}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0315}
author = {Panaget, Franck}
title = {Using A Textual Representation Level Component In The Context Of Discourse And Dialogue Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0316}
author = {Wanner, Leo}
title = {Building Another Bridge Over The Generation Gap}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0317}
author = {Huang, Xiaorong}
title = {Planning Reference Choices For Argumentative Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0318}
author = {Teich, Elke; Bateman, John A.}
title = {Towards The Application Of Text Generation In An Integrated Publication System}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0319}
author = {Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Has A Consensus NL Generation Architecture Appeared And Is It Psycholinguistically Plausible?}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0320}
author = {Rambow, Owen; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {The Role Of Cognitive Modeling In Communicative Intentions}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0321}
author = {Haller, Susan M.}
title = {Recognizing Digressive Questions Using A Model For Interactive Generation For Interactive Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0322}
author = {Green, Nancy L.; Carberry, Sandra}
title = {Generating Indirect Answers To Yes-No Questions}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0323}
author = {Rubinoff, Robert; Lehman, Jill Fain}
title = {Real-Time Natural Language Generation In NL-SOAR}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0324}
author = {Fischer, Markus; Maier, Elisabeth; Stein, Adelheit}
title = {Generating Cooperative System Responses In Information Retrieval Dialogues}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0325}
author = {Hamburger, Henry; Tufiš, Dan}
title = {Situation Viewpoints For Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0326}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {Content Selection And Organization As A Process Involving Compromises}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0327}
author = {Lager, Torbjorn; Black, William J.}
title = {Bidirectional Incremental Generation And Analysis With Categorial Grammar And Indexed Quasi-Logical Form}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0328}
author = {Lavid, Julia; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Toward A Multidimensional Framework To Guide The Automated Generation Of Text Types}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0329}
author = {Levine, John; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {CORECT: Combining CSCW With Natural Language Generation For Collaborative Requirement Capture}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0330}
author = {Seuren, Pieter A. M.; Schotel, Henk P.}
title = {Semanitic Syntax At Work}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0331}
author = {Smith, Mark H.; Garigliano, Roberto; Morgan, Richard G.}
title = {Generation In The LOLITA System: An Engineering Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0332}
author = {Svenberg, Stefan}
title = {Representing Conceptual And Linguistic Knowledge For Multi-Lingual Generation In A Technical Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0333}
author = {Veale, Tony; Conway, Alan}
title = {Sign-Language Generation In ZARDOZ: An English To Sign-Language Translation System}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Generation}
year = {1994}
id = {W03-2001}
author = {Chen, Liang; Tokuda, Naoyuki; Adachi, Hisahiro}
title = {A Patent Document Retrieval System Addressing Both Semantic And Syntactic Properties}
venue = {Workshop On Patent Corpus Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2002}
author = {Lamirel, Jean-Charles; Al Shehabi, Shadi; Hoffmann, Martial; Francois, Claire}
title = {Intelligent Patent Analysis Through The Use Of A Neural Network: Experiment Of Multi-Viewpoint Analysis With The MultiSOM Model}
venue = {Workshop On Patent Corpus Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2003}
author = {Iwayama, Makoto; Fujii, Atsushi; Kando, Noriko; Takano, Akihiko}
title = {Overview Of Patent Retrieval Task At NTCIR-3}
venue = {Workshop On Patent Corpus Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2004}
author = {Kishida, Kazuaki}
title = {Pseudo Relevance Feedback Method Based On Taylor Expansion Of Retrieval Function In NTCIR-3 Patent Retrieval Task}
venue = {Workshop On Patent Corpus Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2005}
author = {Itoh, Hideo; Mano, Hiroko; Ogawa, Yasushi}
title = {Term Distillation In Patent Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Patent Corpus Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2006}
author = {Ahmad, Khurshid; Al-Thubaity, AbdulMohsen}
title = {Can Text Analysis Tell Us Something About Technology Progress?}
venue = {Workshop On Patent Corpus Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2007}
author = {Shinmori, Akihiro; Okumura, Manabu; Marukawa, Yuzo; Iwayama, Makoto}
title = {Patent Claim Processing For Readability - Structure Analysis And Term Explanation}
venue = {Workshop On Patent Corpus Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2008}
author = {Sheremetyeva, Svetlana}
title = {Natural Language Analysis Of Patent Claims}
venue = {Workshop On Patent Corpus Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W97-0601}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.; Litman, Diane J.; Kamm, Candace A.; Abella, Alicia}
title = {Evaluating Interactive Dialogue Systems: Extending Component Evaluation To Integrated System Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0602}
author = {Churcher, Gavin E.; Atwell, Eric Steven; Souter, Clive}
title = {A Generic Template To Evaluate Integrated Components In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0603}
author = {Dybkjaer, Laila; Bernsen, Niels Ole; Dybkjaer, Hans}
title = {Generality And Objectivity: Central Issues In Putting A Dialogue Evaluation Tool Into Practical Use}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0604}
author = {O'Neill, Ian M.; McTear, Michael F.}
title = {An Object-Oriented Model For The Design Of Cross-Domain Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0605}
author = {Bechet, Frédéric; Spriet, Thierry; El-Bèze, Marc}
title = {Automatic Lexicon Enhancement By Means Of Corpus Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0606}
author = {Maier, Elisabeth; Reithinger, Norbert; Alexandersson, Jan}
title = {Clarification Dialogues As Measure To Increase Robustness In A Spoken Dialogue System}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0607}
author = {Smith, Ronnie W.}
title = {Performance Measures For The Next Generation Of Spoken Natural Language Dialog Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0608}
author = {Spyns, Peter; Deprez, F.; Van Tichelen, L.; Van Coile, B.}
title = {A Practical Message-To-Speech Strategy For Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0609}
author = {Lieske, Christian}
title = {Turn Off The Radio And Call Again: How Acoustic Clues Can Improve Dialogue Management}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0610}
author = {van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Context Modeling For Language And Speech Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0611}
author = {Hagen, Eli}
title = {Planning Efficient Mixed Initiative Dialogue}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0612}
author = {Itoh, Toshihiko; Denda, Akihiro; Kogure, Satoru; Nakagawa, Seiichi}
title = {A Robust Dialogue System With Spontaneous Speech Understanding And Cooperative Response}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0613}
author = {Martin, Paul}
title = {The Casual Cashmere Diaper Bag: Constraining Speech Recognition Using Examples}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0614}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan; Bouma, Gosse; Koeling, Rob; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Grammatical Analysis In The OVIS Spoken-Dialogue System}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0615}
author = {Roussel, David; Halbert, Ariane}
title = {Filtering Errors And Repairing Linguistic Anomalies For Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0616}
author = {Krahmer, Emiel; Landsbergen, S. P. J.; Pouteau, Xavier}
title = {How To Obey The 7 Commandments For Spoken Dialogue?}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0617}
author = {Agarwal, Rajeev}
title = {Towards A PURE Spoken Dialogue System For Information Access}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0618}
author = {Denecke, Matthias}
title = {A Programmable Multi-Blackboard Architecture For Dialogue Processing Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0619}
author = {Rats, M. M. M.; Van Vark, R. J.; De Vreught, J. P. M.}
title = {Corpus-Based Information Presentation For A Spoken Public Transport Information System}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0620}
author = {Danieli, Morena; Gerbino, Elisabetta; Moisa, Loreta M.}
title = {Dialogue Strategies For Improving The Usability Of Telephone Human-Machine Communication}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0621}
author = {Biermann, Alan W.; Fulkerson, Michael S.; Keim, Greg A.}
title = {Speech-Graphics Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bringing Speech And NLP Together In Real Applications}
year = {1997}
id = {W10-0201}
author = {Bellegarda, Jerome}
title = {Emotion Analysis Using Latent Affective Folding and Embedding}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0202}
author = {Gupta, Narendra; Gilbert, Mazin; Di Fabbrizio, Giuseppe}
title = {Emotion Detection in Email Customer Care}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0203}
author = {Goyal, Amit; Riloff, Ellen; Daumé III, Hal; Gilbert, Nathan}
title = {Toward Plot Units: Automatic Affect State Analysis}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0204}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Turney, Peter D.}
title = {Emotions Evoked by Common Words and Phrases: Using Mechanical Turk to Create an Emotion Lexicon}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0205}
author = {Keshtkar, Fazel; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {A Corpus-based Method for Extracting Paraphrases of Emotion Terms}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0206}
author = {Lee, Sophia Yat Mei; Chen, Ying; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {A Text-driven Rule-based System for Emotion Cause Detection}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0207}
author = {Ramanand, J; Bhavsar, Krishna; Pedanekar, Niranjan}
title = {Wishful Thinking - Finding suggestions and ’buy’ wishes from product reviews}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0208}
author = {Kim, Sunghwan Mac; Valitutti, Alessandro; Calvo, Rafael A.}
title = {Evaluation of Unsupervised Emotion Models to Textual Affect Recognition}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0209}
author = {Pearl, Lisa; Steyvers, Mark}
title = {Identifying Emotions Intentions and Attitudes in Text Using a Game with a Purpose}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0210}
author = {Neviarouskaya, Alena; Prendinger, Helmut; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {@AM: Textual Attitude Analysis Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0211}
author = {Whitehead, Simon; Cavedon, Lawrence}
title = {Generating Shifting Sentiment for a Conversational Agent}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0212}
author = {Volkova, Ekaterina P.; Mohler, Betty; Meurers, Detmar; Gerdemann, Dale}
title = {Emotional Perception of Fairy Tales: Achieving Agreement in Emotion Annotation of Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0213}
author = {Lloret, Elena; Saggion, Horacio; Palomar, Manuel}
title = {Experiments on Summary-based Opinion Classification}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0214}
author = {Somasundaran, Swapna; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Recognizing Stances in Ideological On-Line Debates}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0215}
author = {Hanser, Eva; Mc Kevitt, Paul; Lunney, Tom; Condell, Joan}
title = {NewsViz: Emotional Visualization of News Stories}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0216}
author = {Arora, Shilpa; Mayfield, Elijah; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Sentiment Classification using Automatically Extracted Subgraph Features}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0217}
author = {Ghazi, Diman; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Hierarchical versus Flat Classification of Emotions in Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in Text}
year = {2010}
id = {W09-3501}
author = {Li, Haizhou; Kumaran, A.; Pervouchine, Vladimir; Zhang, Min}
title = {Report of NEWS 2009 Machine Transliteration Shared Task}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3502}
author = {Li, Haizhou; Kumaran, A.; Zhang, Min; Pervouchine, Vladimir}
title = {Whitepaper of NEWS 2009 Machine Transliteration Shared Task}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3503}
author = {Knight, Kevin}
title = {Automata for Transliteration and Machine Translation}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3504}
author = {Jiampojamarn, Sittichai; Bhargava, Aditya; Dou, Qing; Dwyer, Kenneth; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {DirecTL: a Language Independent Approach to Transliteration}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3505}
author = {Jansche, Martin; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Named Entity Transcription with Pair n-Gram Models}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3506}
author = {Oh, Jong-Hoon; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {Machine Transliteration using Target-Language Grapheme and Phoneme: Multi-engine Transliteration Approach}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3507}
author = {Shishtla, Praneeth M.; V., Surya Ganesh; Subramaniam, Sethuramalingam; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {A Language-Independent Transliteration Schema Using Character Aligned Models at NEWS 2009}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3508}
author = {Chinnakotla, Manoj Kumar; Damani, Om P.}
title = {Experiences with English-Hindi English-Tamil and English-Kannada Transliteration Tasks at NEWS 2009}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3509}
author = {Vijayanand, Kommaluri}
title = {Testing and Performance Evaluation of Machine Transliteration System for Tamil Language}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3510}
author = {Finch, Andrew; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Transliteration by Bidirectional Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3511}
author = {Song, Yan; Kitt, Chunyu; Chen, Xiao}
title = {Transliteration of Name Entity via Improved Statistical Translation on Character Sequences}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3512}
author = {Bose, Dipankar; Sarkar, Sudeshna}
title = {Learning Multi Character Alignment Rules and Classification of Training Data for Transliteration}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3513}
author = {Aramaki, Eiji; Abekawa, Takeshi}
title = {Fast Decoding and Easy Implementation: Transliteration as Sequential Labeling}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3514}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {NEWS 2009 Machine Transliteration Shared Task System Description: Transliteration with Letter-to-Phoneme Technology}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3515}
author = {Yang, Dong; Dixon, Paul; Pan, Yi-Cheng; Oonishi, Tasuku; Nakamura, Masanobu; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Combining a Two-step Conditional Random Field Model and a Joint Source Channel Model for Machine Transliteration}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3516}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee}
title = {Phonological Context Approximation and Homophone Treatment for NEWS 2009 English-Chinese Transliteration Shared Task}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3517}
author = {Das, Amitava; Ekbal, Asif; Mondal, Tapabrata; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {English to Hindi Machine Transliteration System at NEWS 2009}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3518}
author = {Khapra, Mitesh M.; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Improving Transliteration Accuracy Using Word-Origin Detection and Lexicon Lookup}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3519}
author = {Jia, Yuxiang; Danqing, Zhu; Shiwen, Yu}
title = {A Noisy Channel Model for Grapheme-based Machine Transliteration}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3520}
author = {Reddy, Sravana; Waxmonsky, Sonjia}
title = {Substring-based Transliteration with Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3521}
author = {Jiang, Xue; Sun, Le; Zhang, Dakun}
title = {A Syllable-based Name Transliteration System}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3522}
author = {Nabende, Peter}
title = {Transliteration System Using Pair HMM with Weighted FSTs}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3523}
author = {Haque, Rejwanul; Dandapat, Sandipan; Srivastava, Ankit Kumar; Naskar, Sudip Kumar; Way, Andy}
title = {English-Hindi Transliteration Using Context-Informed PB-SMT: the DCU System for NEWS 2009}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3524}
author = {Hong, Gumwon; Kim, Min-Jeong; Lee, Do-Gil; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to English-Korean Name Transliteration}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3525}
author = {Noeman, Sara}
title = {Language Independent Transliteration System Using Phrase-based SMT Approach on Substrings}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3526}
author = {Zelenko, Dmitry}
title = {Combining MDL Transliteration Training with Discriminative Modeling}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3527}
author = {Varadarajan, Balakrishnan; Rao, Delip}
title = {$$-extension Hidden Markov Models and Weighted Transducers for Machine Transliteration}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3528}
author = {Rama, Taraka; Gali, Karthik}
title = {Modeling Machine Transliteration as a Phrase Based Statistical Machine Translation Problem}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3529}
author = {Zhou, Yilu}
title = {Maximum n-Gram HMM-based Name Transliteration: Experiment in NEWS 2009 on English-Chinese Corpus}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3530}
author = {Freitag, Dayne; Wang, Zhiqiang}
title = {Name Transliteration with Bidirectional Perceptron Edit Models}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3531}
author = {Picca, Davide; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Campora, Simone}
title = {Bridging Languages by SuperSense Entity Tagging}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3532}
author = {Ren, Feiliang; Zhu, Muhua; Wang, Huizhen; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {Chinese-English Organization Name Translation Based on Correlative Expansion}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3533}
author = {Samuel, Kenneth; Rubenstein, Alan; Condon, Sherri L.; Yeh, Alexander S.}
title = {Name Matching between Roman and Chinese Scripts: Machine Complements Human}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3534}
author = {Tsuchiya, Masatoshi; Endo, Shoko; Nakagawa, Seiichi}
title = {Analysis and Robust Extraction of Changing Named Entities}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3535}
author = {Saito, Kuniko; Imamura, Kenji}
title = {Tag Confidence Measure for Semi-Automatically Updating Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3536}
author = {Malik, M. G. Abbas; Besacier, Laurent; Boitet, Christian; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {A Hybrid Model for Urdu Hindi Transliteration}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3537}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee}
title = {Graphemic Approximation of Phonological Context for English-Chinese Transliteration}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3538}
author = {Kravalova, Jana; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {Czech Named Entity Corpus and SVM-based Recognizer}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3539}
author = {Ekbal, Asif; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Voted NER System using Appropriate Unlabeled Data}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2009}
id = {W12-4401}
author = {Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou; Kumaran, A; Liu, Ming}
title = {Whitepaper of NEWS 2012 Shared Task on Machine Transliteration}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4402}
author = {Zhang, Min; Li, Haizhou; Kumaran, A; Liu, Ming}
title = {Report of NEWS 2012 Machine Transliteration Shared Task}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4403}
author = {Munro, Robert; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Accurate Unsupervised Joint Named-Entity Extraction from Unaligned Parallel Text}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4404}
author = {Hagiwara, Masato; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Latent Semantic Transliteration using Dirichlet Mixture}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4405}
author = {Nemeskey, Dávid Márk; Simon, Eszter}
title = {Automatically generated NE tagged corpora for English and Hungarian}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4406}
author = {Finch, Andrew; Dixon, Paul; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Rescoring a Phrase-based Machine Transliteration System with Recurrent Neural Network Language Models}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4407}
author = {Li, Tingting; Zhang, Chunyue; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Syllable-based Machine Transliteration with Extra Phrase Features}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4408}
author = {Wu, Chun-Kai; Wang, Yu-Chun; Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han}
title = {English-Korean Named Entity Transliteration Using Substring Alignment and Re-ranking Methods}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4409}
author = {Okuno, Yoh}
title = {Applying mpaligner to Machine Transliteration with Japanese-Specific Heuristics}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4410}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Ammar, Waleed; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Transliteration by Sequence Labeling with Lattice Encodings and Reranking}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4411}
author = {Salameh, Mohammad; Kondrak, Grzegorz; Li, Xin}
title = {Transliteration Experiments on Chinese and Arabic}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4412}
author = {Kuo, Chan-Hung; Lee, Cheng-Wei; Hsu, Wen-Lian; Jiang, Tian-Jian; Liu, Shih-Hung}
title = {Cost-benefit Analysis of Two-Stage Conditional Random Fields based English-to-Chinese Machine Transliteration}
venue = {Named Entities Workshop (NEWS)}
year = {2012}
id = {W06-3601}
author = {Huang, Liang; Knight, Kevin; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {A Syntax-Directed Translator With Extended Domain Of Locality}
venue = {Workshop On Computationally Hard Problems And Joint Inference In Speech And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3602}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {Efficient Dynamic Programming Search Algorithms For Phrase-Based SMT}
venue = {Workshop On Computationally Hard Problems And Joint Inference In Speech And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3603}
author = {Turian, Joseph P.; Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Computational Challenges In Parsing By Classification}
venue = {Workshop On Computationally Hard Problems And Joint Inference In Speech And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3604}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {All-Word Prediction As The Ultimate Confusible Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Computationally Hard Problems And Joint Inference In Speech And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3605}
author = {Ginter, Filip; Myllari, Aleksandr; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {A Probabilistic Search For The Best Solution Among Partially Completed Candidates}
venue = {Workshop On Computationally Hard Problems And Joint Inference In Speech And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3606}
author = {Culotta, Aron; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Practical Markov Logic Containing First-Order Quantifiers With Application To Identity Uncertainty}
venue = {Workshop On Computationally Hard Problems And Joint Inference In Speech And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3607}
author = {Ji, Heng; Rudin, Cynthia; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Re-Ranking Algorithms For Name Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On Computationally Hard Problems And Joint Inference In Speech And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W09-3401}
author = {Bond, Francis; Isahara, Hitoshi; Fujita, Sanae; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Kuribayashi, Takayuki; Kanzaki, Kyoko}
title = {Enhancing the Japanese WordNet}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3402}
author = {Nguyen, Minh Le; Nguyen, Huong Thao; Nguyen, Thai Phuong; Ho, Tu Bao; Shimazu, Akira}
title = {An Empirical Study of Vietnamese Noun Phrase Chunking with Discriminative Sequence Models}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3403}
author = {Weerasinghe, Ruvan; Herath, Dulip; Welgama, Viraj}
title = {Corpus-based Sinhala Lexicon}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3404}
author = {Muaz, Ahmed; Ali, Aasim; Hussain, Sarmad}
title = {Analysis and Development of Urdu POS Tagged Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3405}
author = {Ohtake, Kiyonori; Misu, Teruhisa; Hori, Chiori; Kashioka, Hideki; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Annotating Dialogue Acts to Construct Dialogue Systems for Consulting}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3406}
author = {Akram, Qurat-ul-Ain; Naseer, Asma; Hussain, Sarmad}
title = {Assas-band an Affix-Exception-List Based Urdu Stemmer}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3407}
author = {Sinha, R. Mahesh K.}
title = {Automated Mining Of Names Using Parallel Hindi-English Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3408}
author = {Simpson, Heather; Maeda, Kazuaki; Cieri, Christopher}
title = {Basic Language Resources for Diverse Asian Languages: A Streamlined Approach for Resource Creation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3409}
author = {Phương, Lê Hồng; Thi Minh Huyền, Nguyễn; Azim, Roussanaly}
title = {Finite-State Description of Vietnamese Reduplication}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3410}
author = {Hu, Xinhui; Isotani, Ryosuke; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Construction of Chinese Segmented and POS-tagged Conversational Corpora and Their Evaluations on Spontaneous Speech Recognitions}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3411}
author = {Banerjee, Somnath; Das, Dipankar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Bengali Verb Subcategorization Frame Acquisition - A Baseline Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3412}
author = {Liu, Chao-Lin; Tien, Kan-Wen; Lai, Min-Hua; Chuang, Yi-Hsuan; Wu, Shih-Hung}
title = {Phonological and Logographic Influences on Errors in Written Chinese Words}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3413}
author = {, Budiono; Hakim, Chairil}
title = {Resource Report: Building Parallel Text Corpora for Multi-Domain Translation System}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3414}
author = {Ruangrajitpakorn, Taneth; Trakultaweekoon, Kanokorn; Supnithi, Thepchai}
title = {A Syntactic Resource for Thai: CG Treebank}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3415}
author = {Jaimai, Purev; Chimeddorj, Odbayar}
title = {Part of Speech Tagging for Mongolian Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3416}
author = {Ghayoomi, Masood; Guillaume, Bruno}
title = {Interaction Grammar for the Persian Language: Noun and Adjectival Phrases}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3417}
author = {Im, Seohyun; You, Hyunjo; Jang, Hayun; Nam, Seungho; Shin, Hyopil}
title = {KTimeML: Specification of Temporal and Event Expressions in Korean Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3418}
author = {Lee, Lung-Hao; Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {CWN-LMF: Chinese WordNet in the Lexical Markup Framework}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3419}
author = {Roxas, Rachel Edita O.; Cheng, Charibeth; Lim, Nathalie Rose}
title = {Philippine Language Resources: Trends and Directions}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3420}
author = {Thoongsup, Sareewan; Charoenporn, Thatsanee; Robkop, Kergrit; Sinthurahat, Tan; Mokarat, Chumpol; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Thai WordNet Construction}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3421}
author = {Tokunaga, Takenobu; Kaplan, Dain; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Monachini, Monica; Soria, Claudia; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Charoenporn, Thatsanee; Xia, Yingju; Huang, Chu-Ren; Hsieh, Shu-Kai; Shirai, Kiyoaki}
title = {Query Expansion using LMF-Compliant Lexical Resources}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3422}
author = {Aroonmanakun, Wirote; Tansiri, Kachen; Nittayanuparp, Pairit}
title = {Thai National Corpus: A Progress Report}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3423}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta; Soria, Claudia}
title = {The FLaReNet Thematic Network: A Global Forum for Cooperation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3424}
author = {Bal, Bal Krishna}
title = {Towards Building Advanced Natural Language Applications - An Overview of the Existing Primary Resources and Applications in Nepali}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3425}
author = {Nguyen, Doan}
title = {Using Search Engine to Construct a Scalable Corpus for Vietnamese Lexical Development for Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3426}
author = {Choi, Key-Sun; Isahara, Hitoshi; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Kim, Hansaem; Pak, Seok Mun; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Word Segmentation Standard in Chinese Japanese and Korean}
venue = {Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR7)}
year = {2009}
id = {W03-1301}
author = {Morgan, Alexander A.; Hirschman, Lynette; Yeh, Alexander S.; Colosimo, Marc}
title = {Gene Name Extraction Using FlyBase Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1302}
author = {Widdows, Dominic; Peters, Stanley; Cederberg, Scott; Chan, Chiu-Ki; Steffen, Diana; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {Unsupervised Monolingual And Bilingual Word-Sense Disambiguation Of Medical Documents Using UMLS}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1303}
author = {Spasić, Irena; Nenadić, Goran; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Using Domain-Specific Verbs For Term Classification}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1304}
author = {Hou, Wen-Juan; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Enhancing Performance Of Protein Name Recognizers Using Collocation}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1305}
author = {Lee, Ki-Joong; Hwang, Young-Sook; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Two-Phase Biomedical NE Recognition Based On SVMs}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1306}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Boosting Precision And Recall Of Dictionary-Based Protein Name Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1307}
author = {Shen, Dan; Zhang, Jie; Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Effective Adaptation Of Hidden Markov Model-Based Named Entity Recognizer For Biomedical Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1308}
author = {Takeuchi, Koichi; Collier, Nigel}
title = {Bio-Medical Entity Extraction Using Support Vector Machines}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1309}
author = {Yamamoto, Kaoru; Kudo, Taku; Konagaya, Akihiko; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Protein Name Tagging For Biomedical Annotation In Text}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1310}
author = {Niu, Yun; Hirst, Graeme; McArthur, Gregory; Rodriguez-Gianolli, Patricia}
title = {Answering Clinical Questions With Role Identification}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1311}
author = {Mendonca, Eneida A.; Haas, Janet; Shagina, Lyudmila; Larson, Elaine; Friedman, Carol}
title = {Extracting Information On Pneumonia In Infants Using Natural Language Processing Of Radiology Reports}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1312}
author = {Pakhomov, Serguei V.; Buntrock, James; Chute, Christopher G.}
title = {Identification Of Patients With Congestive Heart Failure Using A Binary Classifier: A Case Study}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1313}
author = {Erjavec, Tomaž; Kim, Jin-Dong; Ohta, Tomoko; Tateisi, Yuka; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Encoding Biomedical Resources In TEI: The Case Of The GENIA Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1314}
author = {Bodenreider, Olivier; Pakhomov, Serguei V.}
title = {Exploring Adjectival Modification In Biomedical Discourse Across Two Genres}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1315}
author = {Torii, Manabu; Kamboj, Sachin; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {An Investigation Of Various Information Sources For Classifying Biological Names}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1316}
author = {Nenadić, Goran; Rice, Simon; Spasić, Irena; Ananiadou, Sophia; Stapley, Benjamin}
title = {Selecting Text Features For Gene Name Classification: From Documents To Terms}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In Biomedicine}
year = {2003}
id = {W00-0501}
author = {Voss, Clare R.; Van Ess-Dykema, Carol J.}
title = {When Is An Embedded MT System Good Enough For Filtering?}
venue = {Workshop On Embedded Machine Translation Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0502}
author = {White, John S.; Doyon, Jennifer B.; Talbott, Susan W.}
title = {Task Tolerance Of MT Output In Integrated Text Processes}
venue = {Workshop On Embedded Machine Translation Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0503}
author = {Reeder, Florence M.}
title = {At Your Service: Embedded MT As A Service}
venue = {Workshop On Embedded Machine Translation Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0504}
author = {Meng, Helen M.; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Levow, Gina-Anne; Oard, Douglas W.; Wang, Hsin-Min}
title = {Mandarin-English Information (MEI): Investigating Translingual Speech Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Embedded Machine Translation Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0505}
author = {White, Michael; Cardie, Claire; Han, Chunghye; Kim, Nari; Lavoie, Benoit; Palmer, Martha; Rambow, Owen; Yoon, Juntae}
title = {Towards Translingual Information Access Using Portable Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Embedded Machine Translation Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0506}
author = {Turcato, Davide; Popowich, Fred; McFetridge, Paul; Nicholson, Devlan; Toole, Janine}
title = {Pre-Processing Closed Captions For Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Embedded Machine Translation Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0507}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Foster, George; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {TransType: A Computer-Aided Translation Typing System}
venue = {Workshop On Embedded Machine Translation Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0508}
author = {Bangalore, Srinivas; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Stochastic Finite-State Models For Spoken Language Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Embedded Machine Translation Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W04-1401}
author = {Yuste, Elia}
title = {Corporate Language Resources In Multilingual Content Creation Maintenance And Leverage}
venue = {Workshop On Language Resources For Translation Work Research And Training}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1402}
author = {El Hadi, Widad Mustafa; Dabbadie, Marianne; Timimi, Ismail; Rajman, Martin; Langlais, Philippe; Hartley, Anthony; Popescu-Belis, Andrei}
title = {Work-In-Progress Project Report: CESTA - Machine Translation Evaluation Campaign}
venue = {Workshop On Language Resources For Translation Work Research And Training}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1403}
author = {Schäler, Reinhard}
title = {Language Resources And Localisation}
venue = {Workshop On Language Resources For Translation Work Research And Training}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1404}
author = {Vertan, Cristina}
title = {Language Resources For The Semantic Web: Perspectives For Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Language Resources For Translation Work Research And Training}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1405}
author = {Fictumova, Jarmila}
title = {Technology-Enhanced Translator Training}
venue = {Workshop On Language Resources For Translation Work Research And Training}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1406}
author = {Fulford, Heather; Granell Zafra, Joaquin}
title = {The Uptake Of Online Tools And Web-Based Language Resources By Freelance Translators: Implications For Translator Training Professional Development And Research}
venue = {Workshop On Language Resources For Translation Work Research And Training}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1407}
author = {Zerfass, Angelika}
title = {Teaching Translation Tools Over The Web}
venue = {Workshop On Language Resources For Translation Work Research And Training}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1408}
author = {Bowker, Lynne; Barlow, Michael}
title = {Bilingual Concordancers And Translation Memories: A Comparative Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Language Resources For Translation Work Research And Training}
year = {2004}
id = {W10-0901}
author = {Clark, Peter; Harrison, Philip}
title = {Machine Reading as a Process of Partial Question-Answering}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0902}
author = {Kim, Doo Soon; Barker, Ken; Porter, Bruce W.}
title = {Building an end-to-end text reading system based on a packed representation}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0903}
author = {Peñas, Anselmo; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Semantic Enrichment of Text with Background Knowledge}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0904}
author = {Welty, Chris; Fan, James; Gondek, David; Schlaikjer, Andrew}
title = {Large Scale Relation Detection}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0905}
author = {Kasch, Niels; Oates, Tim}
title = {Mining Script-Like Structures from the Web}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0906}
author = {Gerber, Matthew; Gordon, Andrew S.; Sagae, Kenji}
title = {Open-domain Commonsense Reasoning Using Discourse Relations from a Corpus of Weblog Stories}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0907}
author = {Christensen, Janara; , Mausam; Soderland, Stephen; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling for Open Information Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0908}
author = {Freedman, Marjorie; Loper, Edward; Boschee, Elizabeth; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Empirical Studies in Learning to Read}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0909}
author = {Doppa, Janardhan Rao; NasrEsfahani, Mohammad; Sorower, Mohammad; Dietterich, Thomas G.; Fern, Xiaoli; Tadepalli, Prasad}
title = {Learning Rules from Incomplete Examples: A Pragmatic Approach}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0910}
author = {Syed, Zareen; Finin, Tim}
title = {Unsupervised techniques for discovering ontology elements from Wikipedia article links}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0911}
author = {Poon, Hoifung; Christensen, Janara; Domingos, Pedro; Etzioni, Oren; Hoffmann, Raphael; Kiddon, Chloe; Lin, Thomas; Ling, Xiao; , Mausam; Ritter, Alan; Schoenmackers, Stefan; Soderland, Stephen; Weld, Daniel S.?; Wu, Fei; Zhang, Congle}
title = {Machine Reading at the University of Washington}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0912}
author = {Barbella, David; Forbus, Kenneth}
title = {Analogical Dialogue Acts: Supporting Learning by Reading Analogies}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0913}
author = {Syed, Zareen; Viegas, Evelyne}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to Unsupervised Relation Discovery Based on Linguistic Analysis and Semantic Typing}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0914}
author = {Zaenen, Annie; Condoravdi, Cleo; Bobrow, Daniel G.; Hoffmann, Raphael}
title = {Supporting rule-based representations with corpus-derived lexical information.}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0915}
author = {Fan, James; Ferrucci, David; Gondek, David; Kalyanpur, Aditya}
title = {PRISMATIC: Inducing Knowledge from a Large Scale Lexicalized Relation Resource}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading}
year = {2010}
id = {I08-7001}
author = {Ekbal, Asif; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Development of Bengali Named Entity Tagged Corpus and its Use in NER Systems}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7002}
author = {Saha, Sujan Kumar; Sarkar, Sudeshna; Mitra, Pabitra}
title = {Gazetteer Preparation for Named Entity Recognition in Indian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7003}
author = {Cui, Gaoying; Lu, Qin; Li, Wenjie}
title = {Preliminary Chinese Term Classification for Ontology Construction}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7004}
author = {Matsuda, Makiko; Takahashi, Tomoe; Goto, Hiroki; Hayase, Yoshikazu; Nagano, Robin Lee; Mikami, Yoshiki}
title = {Technical Terminology in Asian Languages: Different Approaches to Adopting Engineering Terms}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7005}
author = {Ko, Wunna Ko; Phyo, Thin Zar}
title = {Selection of XML tag set for Myanmar National Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7006}
author = {Htay, Hla Hla; Murthy, Kavi Narayana}
title = {Myanmar Word Segmentation using Syllable level Longest Matching}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7007}
author = {Caminero, Rizza; Mikami, Yoshiki}
title = {The Link Structure of Language Communities and its Implication for Language-specific Crawling}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7008}
author = {Dasgupta, Tirthankar; Shukla, Sambit; Kumar, Sandeep; Diwakar, Synny; Basu, Anupam}
title = {A Multilingual Multimedia Indian Sign Language Dictionary Tool}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7009}
author = {Zeyrek, Deniz; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {A Discourse Resource for Turkish: Annotating Discourse Connectives in the METU Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7010}
author = {Prasad, Rashmi; Husain, Samar; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Towards an Annotated Corpus of Discourse Relations in Hindi}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7011}
author = {Tai, Yin-Sheng; Rau, D. Victoria; Yang, Meng-Chien}
title = {A Semantic Study on Yami Ontology in Traditional Songs}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7012}
author = {R. J., Rama Sree; Rao, Uma Maheswara G.; K. V., Madhu Murthy}
title = {Assessment and Development of POS Tag Set for Telugu}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7013}
author = {Sankaran, Baskaran; Bali, Kalika; Bhattacharya, Tanmoy; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; Jha, Girish Nath; S., Rajendran; K., Saravanan; Sobha, L.; K. V., Subbarao}
title = {Designing a Common POS-Tagset Framework for Indian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7014}
author = {Riza, Hammam}
title = {Resources Report on Languages of Indonesia}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7015}
author = {Nishimura, Ryo; Watanabe, Yasuhiko; Okada, Yoshihiro}
title = {Confirmed Language Resource for Answering How Type Questions Developed by Using Mails Posted to a Mailing List}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7016}
author = {Jaimai, Purev; Chimeddorj, Odbayar}
title = {Corpus building for Mongolian language}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7017}
author = {Hussain, Sarmad}
title = {Resources for Urdu Language Processing}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7018}
author = {Maekawa, Kikuo}
title = {Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7019}
author = {Hoang-Anh, Viet; Dinh-Thi-Phuong, Thu; Huynh-Quyet, Thang}
title = {A Basic Framework to Build a Test Collection for the Vietnamese Text Catergorization}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7020}
author = {Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Charoenporn, Thatsanee; Thayaboon, Suphanut; Mokarat, Chumpol; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Enhanced Tools for Online Collaborative Language Resource Development}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-7021}
author = {Itahashi, Shuichi; Hasida, Koiti}
title = {Japanese Effort Toward Sharing Text and Speech Corpora}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Asian Language Resources}
year = {2008}
id = {W06-3900}
author = {Bos, Johan; Koller, Alexander}
title = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3901}
author = {Cohen, Ariel}
title = {Anaphora resolution and minimal models}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3902}
author = {Dinesh, Nikhil; Joshi, Aravind K.; Lee, Insup}
title = {Extracting formal specifications from natural language regulatory documents}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3903}
author = {Field, Debora; Ramsay, Allan}
title = {How to change a person's mind: Understanding the difference between the effects and consequences of speech acts}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3904}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Thater, Stefan}
title = {Towards a redundancy elimination algorithm for underspecified descriptions}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3905}
author = {Lesmo, Leonardo; Robaldo, Livio; Gerbrandy, Jelle}
title = {Towards a redundancy elimination algorithm for underspecified descriptions}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3906}
author = {Mador-Haim, Sela; Winter, Yoad; Braun, Anthony}
title = {Controlled Language for Geographical Information System Queries}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3907}
author = {Nairn, Rowan; Condoravdi, Cleo; Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {Computing relative polarity for textual inference}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3908}
author = {Nouioua, Farid; Nicolas, Pascal}
title = {Using Answer Set Programming in an inference-based approach to Natural Language Semantics}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3909}
author = {Pennacchiotti, Marco; Pantel, Patrick}
title = {A Bootstrapping Algorithm for Automatically Harvesting Semantic Relations}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3910}
author = {Reckman, Hilke; Cremers, Crit}
title = {Concepts across categories}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3911}
author = {Tojo, Satoshi}
title = {Multi-dimensional Temporal Logic for Events and States}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3912}
author = {Wallington, Alan M.; Agerri, Rodrigo; Barnden, John A.; Glasbey, Sheila R.; Lee, M. G.}
title = {Considerations on the nature of metaphorical meaning arising from a computational treatment of metaphor interpretation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3913}
author = {Ahn, David; Schockaert, Steven; de Cock, Martine; Kerre, Etienne}
title = {Supporting temporal question answering: strategies for offline data collection}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3914}
author = {Boyko, Igor}
title = {Formal semantics of verbs for knowledge inference}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3915}
author = {Cimiano, Philipp}
title = {Ingredients of a first-order account of bridging}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3916}
author = {Goldfain, Albert}
title = {A Computational Theory of Inference for Arithmetic Explanation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3917}
author = {Helbig, Hermann; Glöckner, Ingo}
title = {Towards a Logical Foundation of Semantic Networks - A Typology of Descriptive Means for Semantic Inference}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3918}
author = {Piwek, Paul}
title = {The Alligator theorem prover for dependent type systems: Description and proof samples}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Inference in Computational Semantics}
year = {2006}
id = {W05-0501}
author = {Pearl, Lisa}
title = {The Input For Syntactic Acquisition: Solutions From Language Change Modeling}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0502}
author = {Mitchener, W. Garrett}
title = {Simulating Language Change In The Presence Of Non-Idealized Syntax}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0503}
author = {Hu, Yu; Matveeva, Irina; Goldsmith, John; Sprague, Colin}
title = {Using Morphology And Syntax Together In Unsupervised Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0504}
author = {Hu, Yu; Matveeva, Irina; Goldsmith, John; Sprague, Colin}
title = {Refining The SED Heuristic For Morpheme Discovery: Another Look At Swahili}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0505}
author = {Mayberry, Marshall R.; Crocker, Matthew W.; Knoeferle, Pia}
title = {A Connectionist Model Of Language-Scene Interaction}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0506}
author = {Rappoport, Ari; Sheinman, Vera}
title = {A Second Language Acquisition Model Using Example Generalization And Concept Categories}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0507}
author = {MacWhinney, Brian}
title = {Item Based Constructions And The Logical Problem}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0508}
author = {Kam, Xuan-Nga Cao; Stoyneshka, Iglika; Tornyova, Lidiya; Sakas, William Gregory; Fodor, Janet Dean}
title = {Statistics Vs. UG In Language Acquisition: Does A Bigram Analysis Predict Auxiliary Inversion?}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0509}
author = {Dell'Orletta, Felice; Lenci, Alessandro; Montemagni, Simonetta; Pirrelli, Vito}
title = {Climbing The Path To Grammar: A Maximum Entropy Model Of Subject/Object Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0510}
author = {Alishahi, Afra; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {The Acquisition And Use Of Argument Structure Constructions: A Bayesian Model}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0511}
author = {Niyogi, Sourabh}
title = {Steps Toward Deep Lexical Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop On Psychocomputational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W10-3201}
author = {Takeuchi, Koichi; Inui, Kentaro; Takeuchi, Nao; Fujita, Atsushi}
title = {A Thesaurus of Predicate-Argument Structure for Japanese Verbs to Deal with Granularity of Verb Meanings}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3202}
author = {Hakim, Chairil; , Budiono; Riza, Hammam}
title = {Collaborative Work on Indonesian WordNet through Asian WordNet (AWN)}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3203}
author = {Park, Heum; Yoon, Ae sun; Park, Woo Chul; Kwon, Hyuk-Chul}
title = {Considerations on Automatic Mapping Large-Scale Heterogeneous Language Resources: Sejong Semantic Classes and KorLex}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3204}
author = {Li, Jihong; Wang, Ruibo; Gao, Yahui}
title = {Sequential Tagging of Semantic Roles on Chinese FrameNet}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3205}
author = {Tsunakawa, Takashi; Kaji, Hiroyuki}
title = {Augmenting a Bilingual Lexicon with Information for Word Translation Disambiguation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3206}
author = {Tokunaga, Takenobu; Iida, Ryu; Yasuhara, Masaaki; Terai, Asuka; Morris, David; Belz, Anja}
title = {Construction of bilingual multimodal corpora of referring expressions in collaborative problem solving}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3207}
author = {Das, Dipankar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Labeling Emotion in Bengali Blog Corpus – A Fine Grained Tagging at Sentence Level}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3208}
author = {Das, Amitava; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {SentiWordNet for Indian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3209}
author = {Haruechaiyasak, Choochart; Kongthon, Alisa; Palingoon, Pornpimon; Sangkeettrakarn, Chatchawal}
title = {Constructing Thai Opinion Mining Resource: A Case Study on Hotel Reviews}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3210}
author = {Zou, Hongjian; Yang, Erhong; Gao, Yan; Zeng, Qingqing}
title = {The Annotation of Event Schema in Chinese}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3211}
author = {Van, Channa; Kameyama, Wataru}
title = {Query Expansion for Khmer Information Retrieval}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3212}
author = {Akram, Misbah; Hussain, Sarmad}
title = {Word Segmentation for Urdu OCR System}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3213}
author = {Norbu, Sithar; Choejey, Pema; Dendup, Tenzin; Hussain, Sarmad; Muaz, Ahmed}
title = {Dzongkha Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3214}
author = {Chungku, Chungku; Rabgay, Jurmey; Faaß, Gertrud}
title = {Building NLP resources for Dzongkha: A Tagset and A Tagged Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3215}
author = {Acarturk, Cengiz; Zeyrek, Deniz}
title = {Unaccusative/Unergative Distinction in Turkish: A Connectionist Approach}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3216}
author = {Begum, Rafiya; Sharma, Dipti Misra}
title = {A Preliminary Work on Hindi Causatives}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3217}
author = {Supnithi, Thepchai; Onman, Chanon; Porkaew, Peerachet; Ruangrajitpakorn, Taneth; Trakultaweekoon, Kanokorn; Kawtrakul, Asanee}
title = {A Supervised Learning based Chunking in Thai using Categorial Grammar}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3218}
author = {Ali, Wajid; Hussain, Sarmad}
title = {A hybrid approach to Urdu verb phrase chunking}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3219}
author = {Song, Sanghoun; Kim, Jong-Bok; Bond, Francis; Yang, Jaehyung}
title = {Development of the Korean Resource Grammar: Towards Grammar Customization}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3220}
author = {Virk, Shafqat Mumtaz; Humayoun, Muhammad; Ranta, Aarne}
title = {An Open Source Urdu Resource Grammar}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3221}
author = {Ruangrajitpakorn, Taneth; Supnithi, Thepchai}
title = {A Current Status of Thai Categorial Grammars and Their Applications}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3222}
author = {Wen, Li; Lei, Chen; Wudabala, Han; Miao, Li}
title = {Chained Machine Translation Using Morphemes as Pivot Language}
venue = {Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Asian Language Resouces}
year = {2010}
id = {X93-1001}
author = {Merchant, Roberta H.}
title = {TIPSTER Program Overview}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1002}
author = {Crystal, Thomas H.}
title = {TIPSTER Program History}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1003}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {The Message Understanding Conferences}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1004}
author = {Harman, Donna}
title = {The Text Retrieval Conferences}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1005}
author = {Harman, Donna}
title = {Document Detection Overview}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1006}
author = {Harman, Donna}
title = {Document Detection Data Preparation}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1007}
author = {Harman, Donna}
title = {Document Detection Summary Of Results}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1008}
author = {Broglio, John; Callan, James, P.; Croft, W. Bruce}
title = {Inquery System Overview}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1009}
author = {Caid, William R.; Gallant, Stephen L.; Carleton, Joel; Sudbeck, David}
title = {TIPSTER Phase I Final Report}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1010}
author = {Liddy, Elizabeth D.; Myaeng, Sung-Hyon}
title = {DR-LINK System: Phase I Summary}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1011}
author = {Mettler, Matt}
title = {TRW Japanese Fast Data Finder}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1012}
author = {Okurowski, Mary Ellen}
title = {Information Extraction Overview}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1013}
author = {Onyshkevych, Boyan A.; Okurowski, Mary Ellen; Carlson, Lynn}
title = {Tasks Domains And Languages For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1014}
author = {Carlson, Lynn; Onyshkevych, Boyan A.; Okurowski, Mary Ellen}
title = {Corpora And Data Preparation For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1015}
author = {Onyshkevych, Boyan A.}
title = {Template Design For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1016}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {TIPSTER/MUC-5 Information Extraction System Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1017}
author = {Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {An Analysis Of The Joint Venture Japanese Text Prototype And Its Effect On System Performance}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1018}
author = {Will, Craig A.}
title = {Comparing Human And Machine Performance For Natural Language Information Extraction: Results From The Tipster Text Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1019}
author = {, The PLUM Research Group}
title = {BBN's PLUM Probabilistic Language Understanding System}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1020}
author = {Jacobs, Paul S.; Krupka, George R.; Rau, Lisa F.; Mauldin, Michael L.; Mitamura, Teruko; Kitani, Tsuyoshi; Sider, Ira; Childs, Lois C.}
title = {The TIPSTER SHOGUN Project}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1021}
author = {Cowie, James R.; Guthrie, Louise; Wang, Jin; Ogden, William C.; Pustejovsky, James; Wang, Rong; Wakao, Takahiro; Waterman, Scott; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {CRL/BRANDEIS: The DIDEROT System}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1022}
author = {Lehnert, Wendy G.; McCarthy, Joseph; Soderland, Stephen; Riloff, Ellen; Cardie, Claire; Peterson, Jill; Feng, Fangfang}
title = {UMASS/HUGHES: Description Of The CIRCUS System Used For TIPSTER Text}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X93-1023}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Lehnert, Wendy G.}
title = {Dictionary Construction By Domain Experts}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1993}
id = {X96-1002}
author = {Altomari, Patrick J.; Currier, Patricia A.}
title = {Focus Of TIPSTER Phases I And II}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1003}
author = {Prange, John D.}
title = {Evaluation Driven Research: The Foundation Of The TIPSTER Text Program}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1004}
author = {Taylor, Sarah M.}
title = {Technology Transfer: Observations From The TIPSTER Text Program}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1005}
author = {, TIPSTER SE/CM}
title = {Architecture Overview}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1006}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {The Message Understanding Conferences}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1007}
author = {Harman, Donna}
title = {The Text REtrieval Conferences (TRECs) - Summary}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1008}
author = {Gee, F. Ruth}
title = {TIPSTER Phase III Goals}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1009}
author = {Ilgen, Marc R.; Rushall, David A.}
title = {TIPSTER II Activities At HNC}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1010}
author = {Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {The Lockheed Martin TIPSTER II Project}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1011}
author = {Cowie, James R.}
title = {CERVANTES - A System Supporting Text Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1012}
author = {Taylor, Sarah M.}
title = {The NYU TIPSTER II Project}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1013}
author = {Rau, Lisa F.}
title = {SRA Participation In TIPSTER Phase II}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1014}
author = {Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {The SRI TIPSTER II Project}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1015}
author = {Otsubo, Peggy}
title = {SPOT: TRW'S Multi-Lingual Text Search Tool}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1016}
author = {Kielty, John; Sider, Ira}
title = {Advanced Data Extraction And Preparation Via TIPSTER (ADEPT)}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1017}
author = {Sider, Ira; Baker, Jeffrey; Brady, Deborah; Higbie, Lynne; Howard, Tom}
title = {Cable Abstracting And Indexing System (CANIS) Prototype}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1018}
author = {Pruett, Nancy J.; Kinsella, Thomas}
title = {Management Of Free Text For NDIC: An Overview Of The FTM Project}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1019}
author = {Barclay, Chris; Boisen, Sean; Hyde, Clinton; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {The HOOKAH Information Extraction System}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1020}
author = {Flank, Steven}
title = {Message Handler}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1021}
author = {Ogden, William C.; Bernick, Philip}
title = {Oleada: User-Centered TIPSTER Technology For Language Instruction}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1022}
author = {Cevasco, Virginia}
title = {An Overview Of The Prototype Information Dissemination System (PRIDES)}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1023}
author = {Otsubo, Peggy}
title = {SPOT: TRW'S Multi-Lingual Text Search Tool}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1024}
author = {Vanni, Michelle; Zajac, Remi}
title = {The Temple Translator's Workstation Project}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1025}
author = {Oppenheimer, David}
title = {SRA Project For ARPA / USACOM}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1026}
author = {Boisen, Sean; Crystal, Michael; Peterson, Erik; Weischedel, Ralph M.; Broglio, John; Callan, James, P.; Croft, W. Bruce; Firmin Hand, Therese; Keenan, Thomas A.; Okurowski, Mary Ellen}
title = {Chinese Information Extraction And Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1027}
author = {Cunningham, Hamish; Humphreys, Kevin; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {TIPSTER-Compatible Projects At Sheffield}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1028}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Boisen, Sean; Bikel, Daniel M.; Bobrow, Robert J.; Crystal, Michael; Ferguson, William; Wechsler, Allan; , The PLUM Research Group}
title = {Progress In Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1029}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {The Role Of Syntax In Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1030}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {Natural Language Information Retrieval: TIPSTER-2 Final Report}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1031}
author = {Ilgen, Marc R.; Rushall, David A.}
title = {Recent Advances In HNC'S Context Vector Information Retrieval Technology}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1032}
author = {Rushall, David A.; Ilgen, Marc R.}
title = {A Context Vector-Based Self Organizing Map For Information Visualization}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1033}
author = {Guthrie, Louise; Leistensnider, James}
title = {A Simple Probabilistic Approach To Classification And Routing}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1034}
author = {Childs, Lois C.}
title = {An Evaluation Of Coreference Resolution Strategies For Acquiring Associated Information}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1035}
author = {Davis, Mark W.}
title = {Advances In Multilingual Text Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1036}
author = {Guthrie, Louise; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Wang, Jin; Lin, Fang}
title = {Integration Of Document Detection And Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1037}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John; Israel, David J.; Kameyama, Megumi; Kehler, Andrew; Stickel, Mark; Tyson, Mabry}
title = {SRI's Tipster II Project}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1038}
author = {, TIPSTER SE/CM}
title = {Overview And Accomplishments The SE/CM Perspective}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1039}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Building An Architecture: A CAWG Saga}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1040}
author = {, TIPSTER SE/CM}
title = {The Architecture Demonstration System}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1041}
author = {Ogden, William C.}
title = {TUIT: A Toolkit For Constructing Multilingual TIPSTER User Interfaces}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1043}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {TIPSTER Text Phase II Architecture Design Version 2.1p 19 June 1996}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1046}
author = {Harman, Donna}
title = {The Text REtrieval Conferences (TRECs) - Summary Results Of TREC-3 And TREC-4}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1047}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Design Of The MUC-6 Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1048}
author = {Sundheim, Beth M.}
title = {Overview Of Results Of The MUC-6 Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1049}
author = {Merchant, Roberta H.; Okurowski, Mary Ellen; Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {The Multilingual Entity Task (MET) Overview}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1050}
author = {Maiorano, Steven J.; Wilson, Terry}
title = {Multilingual Entity Task (MET): Japanese Results}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1051}
author = {Keenan, Thomas A.}
title = {An Interpretative Data Analysis Of Chinese Named Entity Subtypes}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1052}
author = {Anderson, Don D.}
title = {The Multilingual Entity Task A Descriptive Analysis Of ENAMEX In Spanish}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1053}
author = {Aberdeen, John; Burger, John D.; Day, David S.; Hirschman, Lynette; Palmer, David D.; Robinson, Patricia; Vilain, Marc B.}
title = {MITRE: Description Of The ALEMBIC System As Used In MET}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1054}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu}
title = {NameTag(TM) Japanese And Spanish Systems As Used For MET}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1055}
author = {Ayuso, Damaris M.; Bikel, Daniel M.; Hall, Tasha; Peterson, Erik; Weischedel, Ralph M.; Jost, Patrick}
title = {Approaches In MET (Multi-Lingual Entity Task)}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1056}
author = {Cowie, James R.}
title = {CRL's Approach To MET}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1057}
author = {Eriguchi, Yoshio; Kitani, Tsuyoshi}
title = {NTT Data: Description Of The ERIE System Used For MUC-6}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1058}
author = {Kameyama, Megumi}
title = {MET Name Recognition With Japanese FASTUS}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1059}
author = {Takemoto, Yoshikazu; Wakao, Takahiro; Yamada, Hiroshi; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {NEC Corporation And University Of Sheffield: Description Of NEC/Sheffleld System Used For MET Japanese}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1060}
author = {, TIPSTER SE/CM}
title = {How To Get Information About TIPSTER}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X96-1061}
author = {, TIPSTER SE/CM}
title = {List Of Available Documents}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1996}
id = {X98-1001}
author = {Gee, F. Ruth}
title = {The TIPSTER Text Program Overview}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1002}
author = {Gee, F. Ruth}
title = {TIPSTER Phase III Accomplishments}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1003}
author = {Corbin, Harold; Temin, Aaron}
title = {TIPSTER Lessons Learned: The SE/CM Perspective}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1004}
author = {Appelt, Douglas E.; Onyshkevych, Boyan A.}
title = {The Common Pattern Specification Language}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1005}
author = {Chrzanowski, Michael J.}
title = {Project Penlight - A Government Perspective}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1006}
author = {Chrzanowski, Michael J.}
title = {Project Underline - A Government Perspective}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1007}
author = {Gee, F. Ruth}
title = {The Cornell TIPSTER Phase III Project}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1008}
author = {Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {The SRI TIPSTER III Project}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1009}
author = {Viscuso, Susan R.}
title = {Reflections Of Accomplishments In Natural Language Based Detection And Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1010}
author = {Childs, Lois C.; Dadd, David; Heintzelman, Norris}
title = {Coreference Resolution Strategies From An Application Perspective}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1011}
author = {Childs, Lois C.; Cassel, David}
title = {Extracting And Normalizing Temporal Expressions}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1012}
author = {Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Research In Information Extraction: 1996-98}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1013}
author = {Kehler, Andrew; Hobbs, Jerry R.; Appelt, Douglas E.; Bear, John; Caywood, Matthew; Israel, David J.; Kameyama, Megumi; Martin, David; Monteleoni, Claire}
title = {Information Extraction Research And Applications: Current Progress And Future Directions}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1014}
author = {Miller, Scott; Crystal, Michael; Fox, Heidi J.; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Schwartz, Richard M.; Stone, Rebecca; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Algorithms That Learn To Extract Information BBN: TIPSTER Phase III}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1015}
author = {Nobata, Chikashi; Sekine, Satoshi; Yangarber, Roman}
title = {Japanese IE System And Customization Tool}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1016}
author = {Yangarber, Roman; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Transforming Examples Into Patterns For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1017}
author = {Buckley, Chris; Walz, Janet; Cardie, Claire; Mardis, Scott; Mitra, Mandar; Pierce, David R.; Wagstaff, Kiri}
title = {The Smart/Empire TIPSTER IR System}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1018}
author = {Diamond, Ted; Liddy, Elizabeth D.}
title = {Dynamic Data Fusion}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1019}
author = {Kwok, Kui Lam}
title = {Improving English And Chinese Ad-Hoc Retrieval: TIPSTER Text Phase 3 Final Report}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1020}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Stein, Gees C.; Wise, G. Bowden}
title = {Enhancing Detection Through Linguistic Indexing And Topic Expansion}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1021}
author = {Baldwin, Breck; Morton, Thomas S.; Bagga, Amit}
title = {Overview Of The University Of Pennsylvania's TIPSTER Project}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1022}
author = {Chen, Kuang-Hua; Huang, Sheng-Jie; Lin, Wen-Cheng; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {An NTU-Approach To Automatic Sentence Extraction For Summary Generation}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1023}
author = {Cowie, James R.; Ludovik, Eugene; Molina-Salgado, Hugo}
title = {Improving Robust Domain Independent Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1024}
author = {Firmin Hand, Therese; Mani, Inderjeet}
title = {Automatic Text Summarization In TIPSTER}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1025}
author = {Goldstein-Stewart, Jade; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Summarization: (1) Using MMR For Diversity-Based Reranking And (2) Evaluating Summaries}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1026}
author = {Hovy, Eduard; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Automated Text Summarization And The Summarist System}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1027}
author = {McKenna, Mary; Liddy, Elizabeth D.}
title = {Multiple And Single Document Summarization Using DR-LINK}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1028}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Stein, Gees C.; Wise, G. Bowden}
title = {A Text-Extraction Based Summarizer}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1029}
author = {Marsh, Elaine}
title = {TIPSTER Information Extraction Evaluation: The MUC-7 Workshop}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1030}
author = {Chinchor, Nancy A.}
title = {MUC/MET Evaluation Trends}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {X98-1031}
author = {Voorhees, Ellen M.; Harman, Donna}
title = {The Text REtrieval Conferences (TRECS)}
venue = {Workshop On TIPSTER Text Program}
year = {1998}
id = {W02-1301}
author = {Bernsen, Niels Ole}
title = {Speech-Related Technologies - Where Will The Field Go In 10 Years?}
venue = {Workshop On A Roadmap For Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1302}
author = {Eisele, Andreas; Ziegler-Eisele, Dorothea}
title = {Towards A Road Map On Human Language Technology: Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On A Roadmap For Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1303}
author = {Raskin, Victor; Nirenburg, Sergei; Atallah, Mikhail J.; Hempelmann, Christian F.; Triezenberg, Katrina E.}
title = {Why NLP Should Move Into IAS}
venue = {Workshop On A Roadmap For Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1304}
author = {Rigau, German; Magnini, Bernardo; Agirre, Eneko; Vossen, Piek; Carroll, John}
title = {MEANING: A Roadmap To Knowledge Technologies}
venue = {Workshop On A Roadmap For Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W11-2501}
author = {Baroni, Marco; Lenci, Alessandro}
title = {How we BLESSed distributional semantic evaluation}
venue = {Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2502}
author = {Panchenko, Alexander}
title = {Comparison of the Baseline Knowledge- Corpus- and Web-based Similarity Measures for Semantic Relations Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2503}
author = {Bruni, Elia; Tran, Giang Binh; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Distributional semantics from text and images}
venue = {Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2504}
author = {Chan, Tsz Ping; Callison-Burch, Chris; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Reranking Bilingually Extracted Paraphrases Using Monolingual Distributional Similarity}
venue = {Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2505}
author = {Basile, Pierpaolo; Caputo, Annalina; Semeraro, Giovanni}
title = {Encoding syntactic dependencies by vector permutation}
venue = {Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2506}
author = {Hartung, Matthias; Frank, Anette}
title = {Assessing Interpretable Attribute-related Meaning Representations for Adjective-Noun Phrases in a Similarity Prediction Task}
venue = {Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2507}
author = {Grefenstette, Edward; Sadrzadeh, Mehrnoosh}
title = {Experimenting with transitive verbs in a DisCoCat}
venue = {Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2508}
author = {Gulordava, Kristina; Baroni, Marco}
title = {A distributional similarity approach to the detection of semantic change in the Google Books Ngram corpus.}
venue = {Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W01-1501}
author = {Rosner, Mike A.}
title = {Preface}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1502}
author = {Declerck, Thierry}
title = {Introduction: Extending NLP Tools Repositories For The Interaction With Language Data Resource Repositories}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1503}
author = {Erjavec, Tomaž; Váradi, Tamás}
title = {The TELRI Tool Catalogue: Structure And Prospects}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1504}
author = {Wynne, Martin}
title = {An Archive For All Of Europe}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1505}
author = {Lavelli, Alberto; Pianesi, Fabio; Maci, E.; Prodanof, Irina; Dini, Luca; Mazzini, Giampaolo}
title = {SiSSA - An Infrastructure For NLP Application Development}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1506}
author = {Bird, Steven; Simons, Gary}
title = {The OLAC Metadata Set And Controlled Vocabularies}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1507}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta; Lenci, Alessandro; Zampolli, Antonio}
title = {International Standards For Multilingual Resource Sharing: The ISLE Computational Lexicon Working Group}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1508}
author = {Broeder, Daan; Wittenburg, Peter}
title = {Interaction Of Tools And Metadata-Descriptions For Multimedia Language Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1509}
author = {Barthélemy, François; Boullier, Pierre; Deschamp, Philippe; Kaouane, Linda; Khajour, Abdelaziz; De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {Tools And Resources For Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1510}
author = {Yoshinaga, Naoki; Miyao, Yusuke; Torisawa, Kentaro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Resource Sharing Amongst HPSG And LTAG Communities By A Method Of Grammar Conversion Between FB-LTAG And HPSG}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1511}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Grishman, Ralph; Kosaka, Michiko; Zhao, Shubin}
title = {Covering Treebanks With GLARF}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1512}
author = {Copestake, Ann; Carroll, John; Flickinger, Daniel P.; Malouf, Robert; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {Using An Open-Source Unification-Based System For CL/NLP Teaching}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1513}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo; Chiran, Luminita; Bacalu, Ciprian}
title = {How To Integrate Linguistic Information In FILES And Generate Feedback For Grammar Errors}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1514}
author = {Cieri, Christopher; Bird, Steven}
title = {Annotation Graphs And Servers And Multi-Modal Resources: Infrastructure For Interdisciplinary Education Research And Development}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1515}
author = {Bird, Steven; Maeda, Kazuaki; Ma, Xiaoyi; Lee, Haejoong}
title = {Annotation Tools Based On The Annotation Graph API}
venue = {Workshop On Sharing Tools And Resources}
year = {2001}
id = {W02-1801}
author = {Chang, Baobao; Danielsson, Pernilla; Teubert, Wolfgang}
title = {Extraction Of Translation Unit From Chinese-English Parallel Corpora}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1802}
author = {Cheung, Lawrence Y. L.; Lai, Tom Bong-Yeung; Luk, Robert Wing Pong; Kwong, Oi Yee; Sin, KingKui; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Some Considerations On Guidelines For Bilingual Alignment And Terminology Extraction}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1803}
author = {Converse, Susan P.}
title = {Developing Guidelines For The Annotation Of Anaphors In The Chinese Treebank}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1804}
author = {He, Hongzhao; Gao, Jianfeng; He, Pilian; Huang, Changning}
title = {Finding The Better Indexing Units For Chinese Information Retrieval}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1805}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Chang, Ru-Yng}
title = {Categorical Ambiguity And Information Content: A Corpus-Based Study Of Chinese}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1806}
author = {Huang, Liang; Peng, Yinan; Wang, Huan; Wu, Zhenyu}
title = {PCFG Parsing For Restricted Classical Chinese Texts}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1807}
author = {Kim, Dong-Il; Cui, Zheng; Li, Jinji; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {A Knowledge Based Approach To Identification Of Serial Verb Construction In Chinese-To-Korean Machine Translation System}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1808}
author = {Kitt, Chunyu; Pan, Haihua; Chen, Hongbiao}
title = {Learning Case-Based Knowledge For Disambiguating Chinese Word Segmentation: A Preliminary Study}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1809}
author = {Kwok, Kui Lam; Deng, Peter}
title = {Corpus-Based Pinyin Name Resolution}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1810}
author = {Li, Li; Yuan, Chunfa; Wong, Kim-Fai; Li, Wenjie}
title = {An Indexing Method Based On Sentences}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1811}
author = {Tseng, Huihsin; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {Design Of Chinese Morphological Analyzer}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1812}
author = {Wang, Zhongjian; Araki, Kenji; Tochinai, Koji}
title = {A Word Segmentation Method With Dynamic Adapting To Text Using Inductive Learning}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1813}
author = {Wong, Wai Yi Peggy; Brew, Chris; Beckman, Mary E.; Chan, Shui-Duen}
title = {Using The Segmentation Corpus To Define An Inventory Of Concatenative Units For Cantonese Speech Synthesis}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1814}
author = {Xiao, Jing; Liu, Jimin; Chua, Tat-Seng}
title = {Extracting Pronunciation-Translated Names From Chinese Texts Using Bootstrapping Approach}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1815}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Converse, Susan P.}
title = {Combining Classifiers For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1816}
author = {Yu, Jiangsheng}
title = {WSD And Closed Semantic Constraint}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1817}
author = {Zhang, Kevin; Liu, Qun; Zhang, Hao; Cheng, Xueqi}
title = {Automatic Recognition Of Chinese Unknown Words Based On Roles Tagging}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1818}
author = {Zhang, Yuqi; Zhou, Qiang}
title = {Chinese Base-Phrases Chunking}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1819}
author = {Zhao, Sheng; Tao, Jianhua; Cai, Lianhong}
title = {Learning Rules For Chinese Prosodic Phrase Prediction}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1820}
author = {Zhu, Jingbo; Yao, Tianshun}
title = {A Knowledge-Based Approach To Text Classification}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2002}
id = {W03-1701}
author = {Li, Mu; Gao, Jianfeng; Huang, Changning; Li, Jianfeng}
title = {Unsupervised Training For Overlapping Ambiguity Resolution In Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1702}
author = {Lin, Tracy; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Class Based Sense Definition Model For Word Sense Tagging And Disambiguation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1703}
author = {Liu, Ding; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Utterance Segmentation Using Combined Approach Based On Bi-Directional N-Gram And Maximum Entropy}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1704}
author = {Luo, Shengfen; Sun, Maosong}
title = {Two-Character Chinese Word Extraction Based On Hybrid Of Internal And Contextual Measures}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1705}
author = {Ma, Wei-Yun; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {A Bottom-Up Merging Algorithm For Chinese Unknown Word Extraction}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1706}
author = {Sun, Honglin; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {The Effect Of Rhythm On Structural Disambiguation In Chinese}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1707}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Annotating The Propositions In The Penn Chinese Treebank}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1708}
author = {Yao, Tianfang; Ding, Wei; Erbach, Gregor}
title = {CHINERS: A Chinese Named Entity Recognition System For The Sports Domain}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1709}
author = {Zhang, Hua-Ping; Liu, Qun; Cheng, Xueqi; Zhang, Hao; Yu, Hong-Kui}
title = {Chinese Lexical Analysis Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1710}
author = {Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Modeling Of Long Distance Context Dependency In Chinese}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1711}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian}
title = {A Chinese Efficient Analyser Integrating Word Segmentation Part-Of-Speech Tagging Partial Parsing And Full Parsing}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1712}
author = {Li, Mingqin; Li, Juanzi; Dong, Zhendong; Wang, Zuoying; Lu, Dajin}
title = {Building A Large Chinese Corpus Annotated With Semantic Dependency}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1713}
author = {Li, Sujian; Wang, Houfeng; Yu, Shiwen; Xin, Chengsheng}
title = {News-Oriented Automatic Chinese Keyword Indexing}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1714}
author = {Ma, Qing; Zhang, Yujie; Murata, Masaki; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Semantic Maps For Word Alignment In Bilingual Parallel Corpora}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1715}
author = {Streiter, Oliver}
title = {Abductive Explanation-Based Learning Improves Parsing Accuracy And Efficiency}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1716}
author = {Wang, Hui; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {The Semantic Knowledge-Base Of Contemporary Chinese And Its Applications In WSD}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1717}
author = {Wu, Andi}
title = {Learning Verb-Noun Relations To Improve Parsing}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1718}
author = {Zhu, Xiaodan; Li, Mu; Gao, Jianfeng; Huang, Changning}
title = {Single Character Chinese Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1719}
author = {Sproat, Richard W.; Emerson, Thomas}
title = {The First International Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1720}
author = {Asahara, Masayuki; Goh, Chooi-Ling; Wang, Xiaojie; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Combining Segmenter And Chunker For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1721}
author = {Chen, Aitao}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation Using Minimal Linguistic Knowledge}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1722}
author = {Huiming, Duan; Xiaojing, Bai; Chang, Baobao; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation At Peking University}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1723}
author = {Fu, Guohong; Luke, Kang-Kwong}
title = {A Two-Stage Statistical Word Segmentation System For Chinese}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1724}
author = {Kitt, Chunyu; Xu, Zhiming; Webster, Jonathan J.}
title = {Integrating Ngram Model And Case-Based Learning For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1725}
author = {Lu, Qin; Chan, Shiu Tong; Xu, Ruifeng; Chiu, T. S.; Li, Baoli; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {A Unicode Based Adaptive Segmentor}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1726}
author = {Ma, Wei-Yun; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {Introduction To CKIP Chinese Word Segmentation System For The First International Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1727}
author = {Wu, Andi}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation In MSR-NLP}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1728}
author = {Xue, Nianwen; Shen, Libin}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation As LMR Tagging}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1729}
author = {Yang, Jin; Senellart, Jean; Zajac, Remi}
title = {SYSTRAN's Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1730}
author = {Zhang, Hua-Ping; Yu, Hong-Kui; Xiong, Deyi; Liu, Qun}
title = {HHMM-Based Chinese Lexical Analyzer ICTCLAS}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1731}
author = {Zhou, Guodong}
title = {Chunking-Based Chinese Word Tokenization}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W04-1101}
author = {Jin, Meixun; Kim, Mi-Young; Kim, Dong-Il; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Segmentation Of Chinese Long Sentences Using Commas}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1102}
author = {Chang, Jing-Shin; Lai, Yu-Tso}
title = {A Preliminary Study On Probabilistic Models For Chinese Abbreviations}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1103}
author = {Yang, Lingpeng; Donghong, Ji; Tang, Li}
title = {Document Re-Ranking Based On Global And Local Terms}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1104}
author = {Huang, JinHu; Powers, David M. W.}
title = {Adaptive Compression-Based Approach For Chinese Pinyin Input}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1105}
author = {Jiang, Feng; Liu, Hui; Chen, Yu-Quan; Lu, Ruzhan}
title = {An Enhanced Model For Chinese Word Segmentation And Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1106}
author = {Chen, Chao-Jan}
title = {Character-Sense Association And Compounding Template Similarity: Automatic Semantic Classification Of Chinese Compounds}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1107}
author = {Li, Hongqiao; Huang, Changning; Gao, Jianfeng; Fan, Xiaozhong}
title = {Chinese Chunking With Another Type Of Spec}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1108}
author = {Lu, Zhimao; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {Combining Neural Networks And Statistics For Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1109}
author = {Goh, Chooi-Ling; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation By Classification Of Characters}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1110}
author = {Yeh, Jui-Feng; Wu, Chung-Hsien; Chen, Ming-Jun; Yu, Liang-Chih}
title = {Automated Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W06-0101}
author = {You, Jia-Ming; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {Improving Context Vector Models By Feature Clustering For Automatic Thesaurus Construction}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0102}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Regional Variation Of Domain-Specific Lexical Items: Toward A Pan-Chinese Lexical Resource}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0103}
author = {Chang, Jing-Shin; Teng, Wei-Lun}
title = {Mining Atomic Chinese Abbreviation Pairs: A Probabilistic Model For Single Character Word Recovery}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0104}
author = {Xia, Fei; Cheung, Lawrence Y. L.}
title = {Features Bagging And System Combination For The Chinese POS Tagging Task}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0105}
author = {Jin, Yaohong}
title = {Semantic Analysis Of Chinese Garden-Path Sentences}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0106}
author = {Wang, Chi-Shing; Ngai, Grace}
title = {A Clustering Approach For Unsupervised Chinese Coreference Resolution}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0107}
author = {Ye, Yang; Fossum, Victoria Li; Abney, Steven}
title = {Latent Features In Automatic Tense Translation Between Chinese And English}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0108}
author = {Wu, Youzheng; Jun, Zhao; Xu, Bo}
title = {Cluster-Based Language Model For Sentence Retrieval In Chinese Question Answering}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0109}
author = {Halpern, Jack}
title = {The Role Of Lexical Resources In CJK Natural Language Processing}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0110}
author = {Li, Lishuang; Mao, Tingting; Huang, Degen; Yang, Yuansheng}
title = {Hybrid Models For Chinese Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0111}
author = {Wu, Xihong; Cardey, Sylviane; Greenfield, Peter}
title = {Realization Of The Chinese BA-Construction In An English-Chinese Machine Translation System}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0112}
author = {Xu, Fang; Zong, Chengqing; Jun, Zhao}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To Chinese Base Noun Phrase Chunking}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0113}
author = {Zhao, Yingze; Zhou, Qiang}
title = {A SVM-Based Model For Chinese Functional Chunk Parsing}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0114}
author = {Zou, Yu; Hou, Min; Chen, Yudong; Hu, Fengguo; Fu, Li}
title = {Broadcast Audio And Video Bimodal Corpus Exploitation And Application}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0115}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {The Third International Chinese Language Processing Bakeoff: Word Segmentation And Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0116}
author = {Chen, Wenliang; Zhang, Yujie; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Chinese Named Entity Recognition With Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0117}
author = {Liu, Wu; Li, Heng; Dong, Yuan; He, Nan; Luo, Haitao; Wang, Haila}
title = {France Telecom R&D Beijing Word Segmenter For Sighan Bakeoff 2006}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0118}
author = {Song, Dong; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Voting Between Dictionary-Based And Subword Tagging Models For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0119}
author = {Tsai, Jia-Lin}
title = {BMM-Based Chinese Word Segmentor With Word Support Model For The SIGHAN Bakeoff 2006}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0120}
author = {Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Hung, Hsieh-Chuan; Sung, Cheng-Lung; Dai, Hong-Jie; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {On Closed Task Of Chinese Word Segmentation: An Improved CRF Model Coupled With Character Clustering And Automatically Generated Template Matching}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0121}
author = {Wang, Xinhao; Lin, Xiaojun; Yu, Dianhai; Tian, Hao; Wu, Xihong}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation With Maximum Entropy And N-Gram Language Model}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0122}
author = {Wu, Chia-Wei; Jan, Shyh-Yi; Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {On Using Ensemble Methods For Chinese Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0123}
author = {Yu, Kun; Kurohashi, Sadao; Liu, Hao; Nakazawa, Toshiaki}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation And Named Entity Recognition By Character Tagging}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0124}
author = {Yu, Xiaofeng; Carpuat, Marine; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Boosting For Chinese Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0125}
author = {Zhang, Min; Zhou, Guodong; Yang, Lingpeng; Donghong, Ji}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation And Named Entity Recognition Based On A Context-Dependent Mutual Information Independence Model}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0126}
author = {Zhang, Suxiang; Qin, Ying; Wen, Juan; Wang, Xiaojie}
title = {Word Segmentation And Named Entity Recognition For SIGHAN Bakeoff3}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0127}
author = {Zhao, Hai; Huang, Changning; Li, Mu}
title = {An Improved Chinese Word Segmentation System With Conditional Random Field}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0128}
author = {Bian, Guo-Wei}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation Using Various Dictionaries}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0129}
author = {Carpenter, Bob}
title = {Character Language Models For Chinese Word Segmentation And Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0130}
author = {Chen, Aitao; Peng, Fuchun; Shan, Roy; Sun, Gordon}
title = {Chinese Named Entity Recognition With Conditional Probabilistic Models}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0131}
author = {Chen, Bo; Xu, Weiran; Peng, Tao; Guo, Jun}
title = {POC-NLW Template For Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0132}
author = {Feng, Yuanyong; Sun, Le; Lv, Yuanhua}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation And Named Entity Recognition Based On Conditional Random Fields Models}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0133}
author = {Jacobs, Aaron J.; Wong, Yuk Wah}
title = {Maximum Entropy Word Segmentation Of Chinese Text}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0134}
author = {Jiang, Wei; Guan, Yi; XiaoLong, Wang}
title = {A Pragmatic Chinese Word Segmentation System}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0135}
author = {Li, Xin; Dai, Shuaixiang}
title = {NetEase Automatic Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0136}
author = {Lim, Dong-Hee; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Kang, Seung Shik}
title = {N-Gram Based Two-Step Algorithm For Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0137}
author = {Song, Yan; Guo, Jiaqing; Cai, Dongfeng}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation Based On An Approach Of Maximum Entropy Modeling}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0138}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Shi, Yanxin}
title = {Using Part-Of-Speech Reranking To Improve Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0139}
author = {Wu, Yu-Chieh; Yang, Jie-Chi; Lin, Qian-Xiang}
title = {Description Of The NCU Chinese Word Segmentation And Named Entity Recognition System For SIGHAN Bakeoff 2006}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0140}
author = {Zhou, Junsheng; He, Liang; Dai, Xinyu; Chen, Jiajun}
title = {Chinese Named Entity Recognition With A Multi-Phase Model}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0141}
author = {Zhu, Muhua; Wang, Yilin; Wang, Zhenxing; Wang, Huizhen; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {Designing Special Post-Processing Rules For SVM-Based Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {SIGHAN Workshop On Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W05-0801}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Association-Based Bilingual Word Alignment}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0802}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Cross Language Text Categorization By Acquiring Multilingual Domain Models From Comparable Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0803}
author = {Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Parsing Word-Aligned Parallel Corpora In A Grammar Induction Context}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0804}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Xing, Eric P.; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Bilingual Word Spectral Clustering For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0805}
author = {Muller, Karin}
title = {Revealing Phonological Similarities Between Related Languages From Automatically Generated Parallel Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0806}
author = {Popović, Maja; Vilar, David; Ney, Hermann; Jovicic, Slobodan; Saric, Zoran}
title = {Augmenting A Small Parallel Text With Morpho-Syntactic Language}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0807}
author = {Drabek, Elliott Franco; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Induction Of Fine-Grained Part-Of-Speech Taggers Via Classifier Combination And Crosslingual Projection}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0808}
author = {Aswani, Niraj; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {A Hybrid Approach To Align Sentences And Words In English-Hindi Parallel Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0809}
author = {Martin, Joel; Mihalcea, Rada; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Word Alignment For Languages With Scarce Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0810}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Gotti, Fabrizio; Cao, Guihong}
title = {NUKTI: English-Inuktitut Word Alignment System Description}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0811}
author = {Schafer, Charles; Drabek, Elliott Franco}
title = {Models For Inuktitut-English Word Alignment}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0812}
author = {Lopez, Adam; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Improved HMM Alignment Models For Languages With Scarce Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0813}
author = {Brown, Ralf D.; Kim, Jae Dong; Jansen, Peter J.; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Symmetric Probabilistic Alignment}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0814}
author = {Fraser, Alexander; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {ISI's Participation In The Romanian-English Alignment Task}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0815}
author = {Vilar, Juan-Miguel}
title = {Experiments Using MAR For Aligning Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0816}
author = {Singh, Anil Kumar; Husain, Samar}
title = {Comparison Selection And Use Of Sentence Alignment Algorithms For New Language Pairs}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0817}
author = {Tufiš, Dan; Ion, Radu; Ceauşu, Alexandru; Ştefănescu, Dan}
title = {Combined Word Alignments}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0818}
author = {Caseli, Helena M.; Das Gracas Volpe Nunes, Maria; Forcada, Mikel L.}
title = {LIHLA: Shared Task System Description}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0819}
author = {Aswani, Niraj; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Aligning Words In English-Hindi Parallel Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0820}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Monz, Christof}
title = {Shared Task: Statistical Machine Translation Between European Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0821}
author = {Kirchhoff, Katrin; Yang, Mei}
title = {Improved Language Modeling For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0822}
author = {Sadat, Fatiha; Johnson, Howard; Agbago, Akakpo; Foster, George; Kuhn, Roland; Martin, Joel; Tikuisis, Aaron}
title = {PORTAGE: A Phrase-Based Machine Translation System}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0823}
author = {Banches, Rafael E.; Crego, Josep M.; Gispert, Adrià de; Lambert, Patrik; Mariño, Josée B.}
title = {Statistical Machine Translation Of Euparl Data By Using Bilingual N-Grams}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0824}
author = {Langlais, Philippe; Cao, Guihong; Gotti, Fabrizio}
title = {RALI: SMT Shared Task System Description}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0825}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {A Generalized Alignment-Free Phrase Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0826}
author = {Giménez, Jesús; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Combining Linguistic Data Views For Phrase-Based SMT}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0827}
author = {Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Fonollosa, José A. R.}
title = {Improving Phrase-Based Statistical Translation By Modifying Phrase Extraction And Including Several Features}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0828}
author = {Eisele, Andreas}
title = {First Steps Towards Multi-Engine Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0829}
author = {Zhang, Ying; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Competitive Grouping In Integrated Phrase Segmentation And Alignment Model}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0830}
author = {Lioma, Christina; Ounis, Iadh}
title = {Deploying Part-Of-Speech Patterns To Enhance Statistical Phrase-Based Machine Translation Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0831}
author = {Kanthak, Stephan; Vilar, David; Matusov, Evgeny; Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Novel Reordering Approaches In Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0832}
author = {Henderson, John C.; Morgan, William T.}
title = {Gaming Fluency: Evaluating The Bounds And Expectations Of Segment-Based Translation Memory}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0833}
author = {Groves, Declan; Way, Andy}
title = {Hybrid Example-Based SMT: The Best Of Both Worlds?}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0834}
author = {Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Word Graphs For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0835}
author = {Vilar, Juan-Miguel; Vidal, Enrique}
title = {A Recursive Statistical Translation Model}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0836}
author = {Venugopal, Ashish; Zollmann, Andreas; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Training And Evaluating Error Minimization Decision Rules For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts}
year = {2005}
id = {W10-0401}
author = {Rösener, Christoph}
title = {Computational Linguistics in the Translator’s Workflow—Combining Authoring Tools and Translation Memory Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0402}
author = {Schäfer, Ulrich; Kasterka, Uwe}
title = {Scientific Authoring Support: A Tool to Navigate in Typed Citation Graphs}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0403}
author = {Renaud, Alfred; Shein, Fraser; Tsang, Vivian}
title = {Grammaticality Judgement in a Word Completion Task}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0404}
author = {Mudge, Raphael}
title = {The Design of a Proofreading Software Service}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0405}
author = {Milton, John; Cheng, Vivying S. Y.}
title = {A Toolkit to Assist L2 Learners Become Independent Writers}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0406}
author = {Napoles, Courtney; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Learning Simple Wikipedia: A Cogitation in Ascertaining Abecedarian Language}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0407}
author = {Gere, Anne Ruggles; Aull, Laura}
title = {Questions Worth Asking: Intersections between Writing Research and Computational Linguistics}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0408}
author = {Goth, Julius; Baikadi, Alok; Ha, Eun Young; Rowe, Jonathan; Mott, Bradford; Lester, James C.}
title = {Exploring Individual Differences in Student Writing with a Narrative Composition Support Environment}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0409}
author = {Newbold, Neil; Gillam, Lee}
title = {The Linguistics of Readability: The Next Step for Word Processing}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2010}
id = {W12-0301}
author = {Leijten, Mariëlle; Van Horenbeeck, Eric; Van Waes, Luuk; Macken, Lieve; Hoste, Veronique}
title = {From Character to Word Level: Enabling the Linguistic Analyses of Inputlog Process Data}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0302}
author = {Müller, Stefan; Sugisaki, Kyoko}
title = {From Drafting Guideline to Error Detection: Automating Style Checking for Legislative Texts}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0303}
author = {Moxley, Joe}
title = {Aggregated Assessment and “Objectivity 2.0”}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0304}
author = {Renau, Irene; Nazar, Rogelio}
title = {Google Books N-gram Corpus used as a Grammar Checker}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0305}
author = {Barcellini, Flore; Grosse, Corinne; Saint-Dizier, Patrick; Albert, Camille}
title = {LELIE: A Tool Dedicated to Procedure and Requirement Authoring}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0306}
author = {Goulet, Marie-Josee; Duplessis, Annie}
title = {Focus Group on Computer Tools Used for Professional Writing and Preliminary Evaluation of LinguisTech}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Writing}
year = {2012}
id = {W05-1101}
author = {Newman, S. Paula}
title = {TextTree Construction for Parser and Treebank Development}
venue = {Proceedings of ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Software}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1102}
author = {Clegg, B. Andrew; Shepherd, J. Adrian}
title = {Evaluating and Integrating Treebank Parsers on a Biomedical Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Software}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1103}
author = {Foster, Mary Ellen}
title = {Interleaved Preparation and Output in the COMIC Fission Module}
venue = {Proceedings of ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Software}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1104}
author = {White, Michael}
title = {Designing an Extensible API for Integrating Language Modeling and Realization}
venue = {Proceedings of ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Software}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1105}
author = {Koller, Alexander; Thater, Stefan}
title = {The Evolution of Dominance Constraint Solvers}
venue = {Proceedings of ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Software}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1106}
author = {Tron, Viktór; Gyepesi, Gyögy; Halácsy, Péter; Kornai, András; Németh, Laszlo; Varga, Dániel}
title = {Hunmorph: Open Source Word Analysis}
venue = {Proceedings of ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Software}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1107}
author = {Carpenter, Bob}
title = {Scaling High-Order Character Language Models to Gigabytes}
venue = {Proceedings of ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Software}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1108}
author = {Cohen-Sygal, Yael; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {XFST2FSA: Comparing Two Finite-State Toolboxes}
venue = {Proceedings of ACL SIGLEX Workshop on Software}
year = {2005}
id = {W02-0101}
author = {van Halteren, Hans}
title = {Teaching NLP/CL Through Games: The Case Of Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0102}
author = {Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {An Interactive Spreadsheet For Teaching The Forward-Backward Algorithm}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0103}
author = {Meurers, Detmar; Penn, Gerald; Richter, Frank}
title = {A Web-Based Instructional Platform For Contraint-Based Grammar Formalisms And Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0104}
author = {Dale, Robert; Molla Aliod, Diego; Schwitter, Rolf}
title = {Evangelising Language Technology: A Practically-Focussed Undergraduate Program}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0105}
author = {Lee, Lillian}
title = {A Non-Programming Introduction To Computer Science Via NLP IR And AI}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0106}
author = {Frederking, Robert E.; Nyberg, Eric H.; Mitamura, Teruko; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Design And Evolution Of A Language Technologies Curriculum}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0107}
author = {Lonsdale, Deryle}
title = {A Niche At The Nexus: Situating An NLP Curriculum Interdisciplinarily}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0108}
author = {Bontcheva, Kalina; Cunningham, Hamish; Tablan, Valentin; Maynard, Diana; Hamza, Oana}
title = {Using GATE As An Environment For Teaching NLP}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0109}
author = {Loper, Edward; Bird, Steven}
title = {NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0110}
author = {Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Formal Language Theory For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0111}
author = {Stone, Matthew}
title = {Lexicalized Grammar 101}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0112}
author = {Koit, Mare; Roosmaa, Tiit; Õim, Haldur}
title = {Teaching Computational Linguistics At The University Of Tartu: Experience Perspectives And Challenges}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2002}
id = {W05-0101}
author = {Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Teaching Applied Natural Language Processing: Triumphs And Tribulations}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0102}
author = {Cassell, Justine; Stone, Matthew}
title = {Teaching Dialogue To Interdisciplinary Teams Through Toolkits}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0103}
author = {Brew, Chris; Dickinson, Markus; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Language And Computers: Creating An Introduction For A General Undergraduate Audience}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0104}
author = {Klein, Dan}
title = {A Core-Tools Statistical NLP Course}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0105}
author = {Light, Marc; Arens, Robert; Lu, Xin}
title = {Web-Based Interfaces For Natural Language Processing Tools}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0106}
author = {Lincoln, Nashira; Light, Marc}
title = {Making Hidden Markov Models More Transparent}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0107}
author = {Freedman, Reva}
title = {Concrete Assignments For Teaching NLP In An M.S. Program}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0108}
author = {Uszkoreit, Hans; Kordoni, Valia; Kuboň, Vladislav; Rosner, Mike A.; Kirchmeier-Andersen, Sabine}
title = {Language Technology From A European Perspective}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0109}
author = {Gambäck, Björn; Eriksson, Gunnar; Fourla, Athanassia}
title = {Natural Language Processing At The School Of Information Studies For Africa}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0110}
author = {Pilon, Sulene; van Huyssteen, Gerhard B.; Van Rooy, Bertus}
title = {Teaching Language Technology At The North-West University}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0111}
author = {Liddy, Elizabeth D.; McCracken, Nancy J.}
title = {Hands-On NLP For An Interdisciplinary Audience}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2005}
id = {W13-3401}
author = {Bozhanov, Bozhidar; Derzhanski, Ivan}
title = {Rosetta Stone Linguistic Problems}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3402}
author = {Iomdin, Boris; Piperski, Alexander; Somin, Anton}
title = {Linguistic Problems Based on Text Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3403}
author = {Littell, Patrick; Levin, Lori S.; Eisner, Jason M.; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Introducing Computational Concepts in a Linguistics Olympiad}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3404}
author = {Derzhanski, Ivan}
title = {Multilingual Editing of Linguistic Problems}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3405}
author = {Estival, Dominique; Henderson, John C.; Laughren, Mary; Mollá, Diego; Bow, Cathy; Nordlinger, Rachel; Rieschild, Verna; Schalley, Andrea C.; Stanley, Alexander W.; Mrowa-Hopkins, Colette}
title = {Learning from OzCLO, the Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3406}
author = {Roos, Patrik; Skirgard, Hedvig}
title = {The Swedish Model of Public Outreach of Linguistics to secondary school Students through Olympiads}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3407}
author = {Korvas, Matěj; Diatka, Vojtěch}
title = {Correspondence Seminar: Bringing Linguistics to High Schools}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3408}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv; Trainor, Caitlin}
title = {Artificial IntelliDance: Teaching Machine Learning through a Choreography}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3409}
author = {Lee, John; Hui, Ying Cheuk; Kong, Yin Hei}
title = {Treebanking for Data-driven Research in the Classroom}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3410}
author = {Bonch-Osmolovskaya, Anastasia; Toldova, Svetlana; Lyashevskaya, Olga}
title = {Learning Computational Linguistics through NLP Evaluation Events: the experience of Russian evaluation initiative}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3411}
author = {Ferraro, Francis; Eisner, Jason M.}
title = {A Virtual Manipulative for Learning Log-Linear Models}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3412}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv}
title = {Teaching the Basics of NLP and ML in an Introductory Course to Information Science}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3413}
author = {Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Biran, Or; Patwardhan, Siddharth; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Semantic Technologies in IBM Watson}
venue = {Workshop On Effective Tools And Methodologies For Teaching Natural Language Processing And Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W98-0601}
author = {Naumann, Ralf}
title = {The Representation Of Syntactically Unexpressed Complements To Nouns}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0602}
author = {Naumann, Ralf}
title = {A Dynamic Temporal Logic Of Events Intervals And States For Nominalization In Natural Language}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0603}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne; Jin, Wanying; Dolan, Ron; Beale, Stephen}
title = {Representation And Processing Of Chinese Nominals And Compounds}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0604}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Macleod, Catherine; Yangarber, Roman; Grishman, Ralph; Barrett, Leslie; Reeves, Ruth}
title = {Using NOMLEX To Produce Nominalization Patterns For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0605}
author = {Kurohashi, Sadao; Murata, Masaki; Yata, Yasunori; Shimada, Mitsunobu; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Construction Of Japanese Nominal Semantic Dictionary Using A NOT B Phrases In Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0606}
author = {Klein, Alexandra; Matiasek, Johannes; Trost, Harald}
title = {The Treatment Of Noun Phrase Queries In A Natural Language Database Access System}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0607}
author = {O'Donnell, Michael; Cheng, Hua; Hitzeman, Janet}
title = {Integrating Referring And Informing In NP Planning}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0608}
author = {van Deemter, Kees; Power, Richard}
title = {Coreference In Knowledge Editing}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0609}
author = {Goldsmith, John; Reutter, Tom}
title = {Automatic Collection And Analysis Of GermanCompounds}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0610}
author = {Wacholder, Nina}
title = {SIMPLEX NPS Clustered By Head: A Method For Identifying Significant Topics Within A Document}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0611}
author = {Senellart, Jean}
title = {Tools For Locating Noun Phrases With Finite State Transducers}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0612}
author = {Rais-Ghasem, Mohsen; Corriveau, Jean-Pierre}
title = {Exemplar-Based Sense Modulation}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0613}
author = {Onyshkevych, Boyan A.}
title = {Nominal Metonymy Processing}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0614}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {The Role Of Cardinality In Metonymic Extensions To Nouns}
venue = {Workshop On The Computational Treatment Of Nominals}
year = {1998}
id = {W07-1401}
author = {Giampiccolo, Danilo; Magnini, Bernardo; Dagan, Ido; Dolan, William B.}
title = {The Third PASCAL Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1402}
author = {Burchardt, Aljoscha; Reiter, Nils; Thater, Stefan; Frank, Anette}
title = {A Semantic Approach To Textual Entailment: System Evaluation and Task Analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1403}
author = {Bobrow, Daniel G.; Crouch, Richard; King, Tracy Holloway; Condoravdi, Cleo; Karttunen, Lauri; Nairn, Rowan; De Paiva, Valeria; Zaenen, Annie}
title = {Precision-focused Textual Inference}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1404}
author = {Tatu, Marta; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {COGEX at RTE 3}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1405}
author = {Nielsen, Rodney D.; Ward, Wayne H.}
title = {A Corpus of Fine-Grained Entailment Relations}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1406}
author = {Wang, Rui; Neumann, Günter}
title = {Recognizing Textual Entailment Using Sentence Similarity based on Dependency Tree Skeletons}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1407}
author = {Malakasiotis, Prodromos; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {Learning Textual Entailment using SVMs and String Similarity Measures}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1408}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo; Bristot, Antonella; Piccolino Boniforti, Marco Aldo; Tonelli, Sara}
title = {Entailment and Anaphora Resolution in RTE3}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1409}
author = {Clark, Peter; Harrison, Philip; Thompson, John; Murray, William R.; Hobbs, Jerry R.; Fellbaum, Christiane}
title = {On the Role of Lexical and World Knowledge in RTE3}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1410}
author = {Ferres, Daniel; Rodríquez, Horacio}
title = {Machine Learning with Semantic-Based Distances Between Sentences for Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1411}
author = {Ferrandez, Oscar; Micol, Daniel; Muñoz, Rafael; Palomar, Manuel}
title = {A Perspective-Based Approach for Solving Textual Entailment Recognition}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1412}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Pennacchiotti, Marco; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Shallow Semantic in Fast Textual Entailment Rule Learners}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1413}
author = {Montejo-Raez, Arturo; Perea, Jose Manuel; Martinez Santiago, Fernando; Garcia Cumbreras, Miguel Angel; Martin-Valdivia, Maria Teresa; Urena-Lopez, L. Alfonso}
title = {Combining Lexical-Syntactic Information with Machine Learning for Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1414}
author = {Marsi, Erwin; Krahmer, Emiel; Bosma, Wauter}
title = {Dependency-based paraphrasing for recognizing textual entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1415}
author = {Rodrigo, Alvaro; Peñas, Anselmo; Herrera, Jesus; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {Experiments of UNED at the Third Recognising Textual Entailment Challenge}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1416}
author = {Settembre, Scott}
title = {Textual Entailment Using Univariate Density Model and Maximizing Discriminant Function}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1417}
author = {Blake, Catherine}
title = {The Role of Sentence Structure in Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1418}
author = {Roth, Dan; Sammons, Mark}
title = {Semantic and Logical Inference Model for Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1419}
author = {Burek, Gaston G.; Pietsch, Christian; De Roeck, Anne N.}
title = {SVO triple based Latent Semantic Analysis for recognising textual entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1420}
author = {Adams, Rod; Nicolae, Gabriel; Nicolae, Cristina; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Textual Entailment Through Extended Lexical Overlap and Lexico-Semantic Matching}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1421}
author = {Iftene, Adrian; Balahur, Alexandra}
title = {Hypothesis Transformation and Semantic Variability Rules Used in Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1422}
author = {Bar-Haim, Roy; Dagan, Ido; Greental, Iddo; Szpektor, Idan; Friedman, Moshe}
title = {Semantic Inference at the Lexical-Syntactic Level for Textual Entailment Recognition}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1423}
author = {Harmeling, Stefan}
title = {An Extensible Probabilistic Transformation-based Approach to the Third Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1424}
author = {Ellsworth, Michael; Janin, Adam}
title = {Mutaphrase: Paraphrasing with FrameNet}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1425}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Kato, Shuhei; Kato, Naoki; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {A Compositional Approach toward Dynamic Phrasal Thesaurus}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1426}
author = {Li, Baoli; Irwin, Joseph; Garcia, Ernest V.; Ram, Ashwin}
title = {Machine Learning Based Semantic Inference: Experiments and Observations at RTE-3}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1427}
author = {Chambers, Nathanael; Cer, Daniel; Grenager, Trond; Hall, David; Kiddon, Chloe; MacCartney, Bill; de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Ramage, Daniel; Yeh, Eric; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Learning Alignments and Leveraging Natural Logic}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1428}
author = {Hickl, Andrew; Bensley, Jeremy}
title = {A Discourse Commitment-Based Framework for Recognizing Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1429}
author = {Cordeiro, Joao; Dias, Gaël; Cleuziou, Guillaume}
title = {Biology Based Alignments of Paraphrases for Sentence Compression}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1430}
author = {Amoia, Marilisa; Gardent, Claire}
title = {A first order semantic approach to adjectival inference}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1431}
author = {MacCartney, Bill; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Natural Logic for Textual Inference}
venue = {Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing}
year = {2007}
id = {W04-2201}
author = {Boguslavsky, Igor; Iomdin, Leonid; Sizov, Victor}
title = {Multilinguality In ETAP-3: Reuse Of Lexical Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2202}
author = {Cyrus, Lea; Feddes, Hendrik}
title = {A Model For Fine-Grained Alignment Of Multilingual Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2203}
author = {Teeraparbseree, Aree}
title = {Qualitative Evaluation Of Automatically Calculated Acception Based MLDB}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2204}
author = {Paik, Kyonghee; Shirai, Satoshi; Nakaiwa, Hiromi}
title = {Automatic Construction Of A Transfer Dictionary Considering Directionality}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2205}
author = {Fafiotte, Georges}
title = {Building And Sharing Multilingual Speech Resources Using ERIM Generic Platforms}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2206}
author = {Fujita, Sanae; Bond, Francis}
title = {A Method Of Creating New Bilingual Valency Entries Using Alternations}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2207}
author = {Ozdowska, Sylwia}
title = {Identifying Correspondences Between Words: An Approach Based On A Bilingual Syntactic Analysis Of French/English Parallel Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2208}
author = {Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Zhang, Yujie; Sudo, Kiyoshi; Murata, Masaki; Sekine, Satoshi; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Multilingual Aligned Parallel Treebank Corpus Reflecting Contextual Information And Its Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2209}
author = {Breen, Jim}
title = {JMdict: A Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2210}
author = {Serasset, Gilles}
title = {A Generic Collaborative Platform For Multilingual Lexical Database Development}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2211}
author = {Hong, Munpyo; Kim, Young-Kil; Park, Sangkyu; Lee, Young-Jik}
title = {Semi-Automatic Construction Of Korean-Chinese Verb Patterns Based On Translation Equivalency}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2212}
author = {Suzuki, Emiko; Horikoshi, Mariko; Kakihana, Kyoko}
title = {Bilingual Sign Language Dictionary To Learn The Second Sign Language Without Learning A Target Spoken Language}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2213}
author = {Gavrilidou, M.; Labropoulou, P.; Desipri, E.; Giouli, Voula; Antonopoulos, V.; Piperidis, Stelios}
title = {Building Parallel Corpora For EContent Professionals}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2214}
author = {Bentivogli, Luisa; Forner, Pamela; Magnini, Bernardo; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {Revising The Wordnet Domains Hierarchy: Semantics Coverage And Balancing}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2215}
author = {Hajlaoui, Najeh; Boitet, Christian}
title = {PolyphraZ: A Tool For The Management Of Parallel Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2216}
author = {Reynaert, Martin}
title = {Multilingual Text Induced Spelling Correction}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Linguistic Resources}
year = {2004}
id = {W07-0301}
author = {Williams, Jason}
title = {Applying POMDPs to Dialog Systems in the Troubleshooting Domain}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0302}
author = {Thomson, Blaise; Schatzmann, Jost; Weilhammer, Karl; Ye, Hui; Young, Steve}
title = {Training a real-world POMDP-based Dialog System}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0303}
author = {Johnston, Michael; Ehlen, Patrick; Gibbon, David; Liu, Zhu}
title = {The Multimodal Presentation Dashboard}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0304}
author = {Acomb, Kate; Bloom, Jonathan; Dayanidhi, Krishna; Hunter, Phillip; Krogh, Peter; Levin, Esther; Pieraccini, Roberto}
title = {Technical Support Dialog Systems:Issues Problems and Solutions}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0305}
author = {Bohus, Dan; Raux, Antoine; Harris, Thomas; Eskenazi, Maxine; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Olympus: an open-source framework for conversational spoken language interface research}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0306}
author = {Paek, Tim}
title = {Toward Evaluation that Leads to Best Practices: Reconciling Dialog Evaluation in Research and Industry}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0307}
author = {Damnati, Géraldine; Bechet, Frédéric; de Mori, Renato}
title = {Experiments on the France Telecom 3000 Voice Agency corpus: academic research on an industrial spoken dialog system}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0308}
author = {Wiren, Mats; Eklund, Robert}
title = {Experiences of an In-Service Wizard-of-Oz Data Collection for the Deployment of a Call-Routing Application}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0309}
author = {Rojas, Lina; Giorgino, Toni}
title = {AdaRTE: An Extensible and Adaptable Architecture for Dialog Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0310}
author = {Boye, Johan; Wiren, Mats}
title = {Multi-slot semantics for natural-language call routing systems}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0311}
author = {Matthieu, Hebert}
title = {Enhancing commercial grammar-based applications using robust approaches to speech understanding}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0312}
author = {Hastie, Helen; Craven, Patrick; Orr, Michael}
title = {WIRE: A Wearable Spoken Language Understanding System for the Military}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0313}
author = {abu Shawar, Bayan; Atwell, Eric Steven}
title = {Different measurement metrics to evaluate a chatbot system}
venue = {Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Academic and Industrial Research in Dialog Technologies}
year = {2007}
id = {W91-0201}
author = {Thomason, Richmond H.}
title = {Knowledge Representation And Knowledge Of Words}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0202}
author = {Dale, Robert}
title = {Rhetoric And Intentions In Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0203}
author = {Meyer, Ingrid}
title = {Knowledge Management For Terminology-Intensive Applications: Needs And Tools}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0204}
author = {Helmreich, Stephen}
title = {Interpretation Without Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0205}
author = {Sowa, John F.}
title = {Logical Structures In The Lexicon}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0206}
author = {Martin, James H.}
title = {Conventional Metaphor And The Lexicon}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0207}
author = {Burkert, Gerrit; Forster, Peter}
title = {Representation Of Semantic Knowledge With Term Subsumption Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0208}
author = {Ostler, Nicholas; Atkins, B. T. S.}
title = {Predictable Meaning Shift: Some Linguistic Properties Of Lexical Implication Rules}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0209}
author = {Copestake, Ann; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Lexical Operations In A Unification-Based Framework}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0210}
author = {Anick, Peter G.; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {Lexical Structures For Linguistic Inference}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0211}
author = {Meijs, Willem; Vossen, Piek}
title = {In So Many Words Knowledge As A Lexical Phenomenon}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0212}
author = {Macpherson, Melissa}
title = {Redefining The Level Of The Word}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0213}
author = {White, John S.}
title = {Lexical And World Knowledge: Theoretical And Applied Viewpoints}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0214}
author = {Herweg, Michael}
title = {Aspectual Requirements Of Temporal Connectives: Evidence For A Two-Level Approach To Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0215}
author = {Gerstl, Peter}
title = {A Model For The Interaction Of Lexical And Non-Lexical Knowledge In The Determination Of Word Meaning}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0216}
author = {Evens, Martha W.; Dardaine, Joanne; Huang, Yu-Fen; Li, Sun M.; Markowitz, Judith A.; Rinaldo, Frank; Rinaldo, Margi; Strutz, Robert}
title = {For The Lexicon That Has Everything}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0217}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {Acquiring And Representing Semantic Information In A Lexical Knowledge Base}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0218}
author = {Palmer, Martha}
title = {General Lexical Representation For An Effect Predicate}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0220}
author = {Mercer, Robert E.}
title = {Presuppositions And Default Reasoning: A Study In Lexical Pragmatics}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0221}
author = {Onyshkevych, Boyan A.}
title = {Lexicon Ontology And Text Meaning}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0222}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {A Two-Level Knowledge Representation For Machine Translation: Lexical Semantics And Tense/Aspect}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0223}
author = {Dahlgren, Kathleen}
title = {The Autonomy Of Shallow Lexical Knowledge}
venue = {Workshop On Lexical Semantics And Knowledge Representation}
year = {1991}
id = {W06-0601}
author = {Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter; Loeff, Nicolas; Forsyth, David A.}
title = {Challenges For Annotating Images For Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0602}
author = {Chou, Wen-Chi; Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Su, Ying-Shan; Ku, Wei; Sung, Ting-Yi; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {A Semi-Automatic Method For Annotating A Biomedical Proposition Bank}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0603}
author = {Ye, Yang; Abney, Steven}
title = {How And Where Do People Fail With Time: Temporal Reference Mapping Annotation By Chinese And English Bilinguals}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0604}
author = {Dell'Orletta, Felice; Lenci, Alessandro; Montemagni, Simonetta; Pirrelli, Vito}
title = {Probing The Space Of Grammatical Variation: Induction Of Cross-Lingual Grammatical Constraints From Treebanks}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0605}
author = {Maxwell, Michael; Hughes, Baden}
title = {Frontiers In Linguistic Annotation For Lower-Density Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0606}
author = {Meyers, Adam}
title = {Annotation Compatibility Working Group Report}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0607}
author = {Somasundaran, Swapna; Wiebe, Janyce; Hoffmann, Paul; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Manual Annotation Of Opinion Categories In Meetings}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0608}
author = {Tanaka, Takaaki; Bond, Francis; Fujita, Sanae}
title = {The Hinoki Sensebank - A Large-Scale Word Sense Tagged Corpus Of Japanese}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0609}
author = {Babko-Malaya, Olga; Bies, Ann; Taylor, Ann; Yi, Szuting; Palmer, Martha; Marcus, Mitchell P.; Kulick, Seth; Shen, Libin}
title = {Issues In Synchronizing The English Treebank And PropBank}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0610}
author = {Novák, Václav}
title = {On Distance Between Deep Syntax And Semantic Representation}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0611}
author = {Teich, Elke; Bateman, John A.; Eckart, Richard}
title = {Corpus Annotation By Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0612}
author = {Semecky, Jiri; Cinková, Silvie}
title = {Constructing An English Valency Lexicon}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Linguistically Annotated Corpora}
year = {2006}
id = {W10-2401}
author = {Li, Haizhou; Kumaran, A.; Zhang, Min; Pervouchine, Vladimir}
title = {Report of NEWS 2010 Transliteration Generation Shared Task}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2402}
author = {Li, Haizhou; Kumaran, A.; Zhang, Min; Pervouchine, Vladimir}
title = {Whitepaper of NEWS 2010 Shared Task on Transliteration Generation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2403}
author = {Kumaran, A.; Khapra, Mitesh M.; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Report of NEWS 2010 Transliteration Mining Shared Task}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2404}
author = {Kumaran, A.; Khapra, Mitesh M.; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Whitepaper of NEWS 2010 Shared Task on Transliteration Mining}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2405}
author = {Jiampojamarn, Sittichai; Dwyer, Kenneth; Bergsma, Shane; Bhargava, Aditya; Dou, Qing; Kim, Mi-Young; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Transliteration Generation and Mining with Limited Training Resources}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2406}
author = {Finch, Andrew; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Transliteration Using a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation System to Re-Score the Output of a Joint Multigram Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2407}
author = {Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Transliteration Mining with Phonetic Conflation and Iterative Training}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2408}
author = {Noeman, Sara; Madkour, Amgad}
title = {Language Independent Transliteration Mining System Using Finite State Automata Framework}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2409}
author = {Song, Yan; Kitt, Chunyu; Zhao, Hai}
title = {Reranking with Multiple Features for Better Transliteration}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2410}
author = {Wutiwiwatchai, Chai; Thangthai, Ausdang}
title = {Syllable-Based Thai-English Machine Transliteration}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2411}
author = {Das, Amitava; Saikh, Tanik; Mondal, Tapabrata; Ekbal, Asif; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {English to Indian Languages Machine Transliteration System at NEWS 2010}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2412}
author = {Nabende, Peter}
title = {Mining Transliterations from Wikipedia Using Pair HMMs}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2413}
author = {P. V. S., Avinesh; Parikh, Ankur}
title = {Phrase-Based Transliteration with Simple Heuristics}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2414}
author = {Saleh, Iman; Darwish, Kareem; Fahmy, Aly}
title = {Classifying Wikipedia Articles into NE’s Using SVM’s with Threshold Adjustment}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2415}
author = {Ekbal, Asif; Sourjikova, Eva; Frank, Anette; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo}
title = {Assessing the Challenge of Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition and Classification}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2416}
author = {Chen, Yu; Ouyang, You; Li, Wenjie; Zheng, Dequan; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Using Deep Belief Nets for Chinese Named Entity Categorization}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2417}
author = {Abdul Hamid, Ahmed; Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Simplified Feature Set for Arabic Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2418}
author = {Gupta, Shalini; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Think Globally Apply Locally: Using Distributional Characteristics for Hindi Named Entity Identification}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2419}
author = {Riaz, Kashif}
title = {Rule-Based Named Entity Recognition in Urdu}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2420}
author = {Lin, Bo; Shah, Rushin; Frederking, Robert E.; Gershman, Anatole}
title = {CONE: Metrics for Automatic Evaluation of Named Entity Co-Reference Resolution}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W97-0701}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen}
title = {Summarising: Where Are We Now? Where Should We Go?}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0702}
author = {Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {Salience-Based Content Characterisation Of Text Documents}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0703}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Using Lexical Chains For Text Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0704}
author = {Hovy, Eduard; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Automated Text Summarization In SUMMARIST}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0705}
author = {Minel, Jean-Luc; Nugier, Sylvaine; Piat, Gerald}
title = {How To Appreciate The Quality Of Automatic Text Summarization? Examples Of FAN And MLUCE Protocols And Their Results On SERAPHIN}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0706}
author = {Firmin Hand, Therese}
title = {A Proposal For Task-Based Evaluation Of Text Summarization Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0707}
author = {Mitra, Mandar; Singhal, Amit; Buckley, Chris}
title = {Automatic Text Summarization By Paragraph Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0708}
author = {Ochitani, Ryo; Nakao, Yoshio; Nishino, Fumihito}
title = {Goal-Directed Approach For Text Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0709}
author = {Abracos, Jose; Lopes, Gabriel}
title = {Statistical Methods For Retrieving Most Significant Paragraphs In Newspaper Articles}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0710}
author = {Teufel, Simone}
title = {Sentence Extraction As A Classification Task}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0711}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Okurowski, Mary Ellen; Gorlinsky, James; Larsen, Bjornar}
title = {A Scalable Summarization System Using Robust NLP}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0712}
author = {Aretoulaki, Maria}
title = {COSY-MATS: An Intelligent And Scalable Summarisation Shell}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0713}
author = {Marcu, Daniel}
title = {From Discourse Structures To Text Summaries}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0714}
author = {Endres-Niggemeyer, Brigitte}
title = {SimSum: Simulation Of Summarizing}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0715}
author = {Reimer, Ulrich; Hahn, Udo}
title = {A Formal Model Of Text Summarization Based On Condensation Operators Of A Terminological Logic}
venue = {Workshop On Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization}
year = {1997}
id = {W09-2501}
author = {de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Padó, Sebastian; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Multi-word expressions in textual inference: Much ado about nothing?}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2502}
author = {Bergmair, Richard}
title = {A Proposal on Evaluation Measures for RTE}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2503}
author = {Max, Aurélien}
title = {Sub-sentencial Paraphrasing by Contextual Pivot Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2504}
author = {Szpektor, Idan; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Augmenting WordNet-based Inference with Argument Mapping}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2505}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar; Magnini, Bernardo}
title = {Optimizing Textual Entailment Recognition Using Particle Swarm Optimization}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2506}
author = {Thater, Stefan; Dinu, Georgiana; Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {Ranking Paraphrases in Context}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2507}
author = {Roberts, Kirk}
title = {Building an Annotated Textual Inference Corpus for Motion and Space}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2508}
author = {Akhmatova, Elena; Dras, Mark}
title = {Using Hypernymy Acquisition to Tackle (Part of) Textual Entailment}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2509}
author = {Sukkarieh, Jana Z.; Stoyanchev, Svetlana}
title = {Automating Model Building in c-rater}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2510}
author = {Clausen, David; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Presupposed Content and Entailments in Natural Language Inference}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer)}
year = {2009}
id = {W01-0701}
author = {Florian, Radu; Ngai, Grace}
title = {Multidimensional Transformation-Based Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0702}
author = {Hammerton, James; Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Combining A Self-Organising Map With Memory-Based Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0703}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Martinez, David}
title = {Learning Class-To-Class Selectional Preferences}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0704}
author = {Saiz-Noeda, Maximiliano; Suárez, Armando; Palomar, Manuel}
title = {Semantic Pattern Learning Through Maximum Entropy-Based WSD Technique}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0705}
author = {Tsang, Vivian; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Automatic Verb Classification Using Multilingual Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0706}
author = {Li, Xin; Roth, Dan}
title = {Exploring Evidence For Shallow Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0707}
author = {Gaussier, Eric; Cancedda, Nicola}
title = {Probabilistic Models For PP-Attachment Resolution And NP Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0708}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.; Dejean, Herve}
title = {Introduction To The CoNLL-2001 Shared Task: Clause Identification}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0709}
author = {Estabrooks, Andrew; Japkowicz, Nathalie}
title = {A Mixture-Of-Experts Framework For Text Classification}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0710}
author = {Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {On Minimizing Training Corpus For Parser Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0711}
author = {Zajac, Remi}
title = {Morpholog: Constrained And Supervised Learning Of Morphology}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0712}
author = {Nerbonne, John; Belz, Anja; Cancedda, Nicola; Dejean, Herve; Hammerton, James; Koeling, Rob; Konstantopoulos, Stasinos; Osborne, Miles; Thollard, Franck; Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Learning Computational Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0713}
author = {Clark, Alexander}
title = {Unsupervised Induction Of Stochastic Context-Free Grammars Using Distributional Clustering}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0714}
author = {Klein, Dan; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Distributional Phrase Structure Induction}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0715}
author = {Merlo, Paola; Leybold, Matthias}
title = {Automatic Distinction Of Arguments And Modifiers: The Case Of Prepositional Phrases}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0716}
author = {Orăsan, Constantin; Evans, Richard}
title = {Learning To Identify Animate References}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0717}
author = {Hartrumpf, Sven}
title = {Coreference Resolution With Syntactico-Semantic Rules And Corpus Statistics}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0718}
author = {Carl, Michael}
title = {Inducing Probabilistic Invertible Translation Grammars From Aligned Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0719}
author = {Muresan, Smaranda; Tzoukermann, Evelyne; Klavans, Judith L.}
title = {Combining Linguistic And Machine Learning Techniques For Email Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0720}
author = {Watkinson, Stephen; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {A Psychologically Plausible And Computationally Effective Approach To Learning Syntax}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0721}
author = {Patrick, Jon David; Goyal, Ishaan}
title = {Boosted Decision Graphs For NLP Learning Tasks}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0722}
author = {Hammerton, James}
title = {Clause Identification With Long Short-Term Memory}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0723}
author = {Dejean, Herve}
title = {Using ALLiS For Clausing}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0724}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.}
title = {Memory-Based Clause Identification}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0725}
author = {Molina, Antonio; Pla, Ferran}
title = {Clause Detection Using HMM}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0726}
author = {Carreras, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Boosting Trees For Clause Splitting}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {2001}
id = {W97-1001}
author = {Bagga, Amit; Chai, Joyce}
title = {A Trainable Message Understanding System}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1002}
author = {Califf, Mary Elaine; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Relational Learning Of Pattern-Match Rules For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1003}
author = {Hogenhout, Wide R.; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {A Preliminary Study Of Word Clustering Based On Syntactic Behavior}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1004}
author = {Donghong, Ji; Jun, He; Huang, Changning}
title = {Learning New Compositions From Given Ones}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1005}
author = {Kayaalp, Mehmet; Pedersen, Ted; Bruce, Rebecca F.}
title = {A Statistical Decision Making Method: A Case Study On Prepositional Phrase Attachment}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1006}
author = {Korkmaz, Emin Erkan; Ucoluk, Gokturk}
title = {Method For Improving Automatic Word Categorization}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1007}
author = {Maritxalar, Montse; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Oronoz, Maite}
title = {From Psycholinguistic Modelling Of Interlanguage In Second Language Acquisition To A Computational Model}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1008}
author = {Mayfield Tomokiyo, Laura; Ries, Klaus}
title = {What Makes A Word: Learning Base Units In Japanese For Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1009}
author = {Nakisa, Ramin Charles; Plunkett, Kim}
title = {Evolution Of A Rapidly Learned Representation For Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1010}
author = {Osborne, Miles; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Learning Stochastic Categorial Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1011}
author = {Powers, David M. W.}
title = {Learning And Application Of Differential Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1012}
author = {Rodd, Jennifer}
title = {Recurrent Neural-Network Learning Of Phonological Regularities In Turkish}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1013}
author = {Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Explanation-Based Learning Of Data-Oriented Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1014}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Word Triggers And The EM Algorithm}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1015}
author = {Winiwarter, Werner; Kambayashi, Yahiko}
title = {A Comparative Study Of The Application Of Different Learning Techniques To Natural Language Interfaces}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1016}
author = {Zavrel, Jakub; Daelemans, Walter; Veenstra, Jorn}
title = {Resolving PP Attachment Ambiguities With Memory-Based Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1997}
id = {W99-0701}
author = {Kitt, Chunyu; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Word Boundary With Description Length Gain}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0702}
author = {Kempe, Andre}
title = {Experiments In Unsupervised Entropy-Based Corpus Segmentation}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0703}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Practical Bootstrapping Of Morphological Analyzers}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0704}
author = {Raaijmakers, Stephan}
title = {Finding Representations For Memory-Based Language Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0705}
author = {Lager, Torbjorn}
title = {The U-TBL System: Logic Programming Tools For Transformation-Based Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0706}
author = {Ferro, Lisa; Vilain, Marc B.; Yeh, Alexander S.}
title = {Learning Transformation Rules To Find Grammatical Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0707}
author = {Daelemans, Walter; Buchholz, Sabine; Veenstra, Jorn}
title = {Memory-Based Shallow Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0708}
author = {Osborne, Miles}
title = {MDL-Based DCG Induction For NP Identification}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Natural Language Learning CoNLL}
year = {1999}
id = {W02-0301}
author = {Kazama, Jun'ichi; Makino, Takaki; Ohta, Yoshihiro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Tuning Support Vector Machines For Biomedical Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0302}
author = {Tanabe, Lorraine; Wilbur, W. John}
title = {Tagging Gene And Protein Names In Full Text Articles}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0303}
author = {Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Dolbey, Andrew; Acquaah-Mensah, George; Hunter, Lawrence}
title = {Contrast And Variability In Gene Names}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0304}
author = {Zweigenbaum, Pierre; Grabar, Natalia}
title = {Accenting Unknown Words In A Specialized Language}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0305}
author = {Christensen, Lee; Haug, Peter; Fiszman, Marcelo}
title = {MPLUS: A Probabilistic Medical Language Understanding System}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0306}
author = {Campbell, David; Johnson, Stephen B.}
title = {A Transformational-Based Learner For Dependency Grammars In Discharge Summaries}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0307}
author = {Sinclair, Gail; Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Davidson, Duncan}
title = {Enhanced Natural Language Access To Anatomically-Indexed Data}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0308}
author = {Bodenreider, Olivier; Rindflesch, Thomas C.; Burgun, Anita}
title = {Unsupervised Corpus-Based Method For Extending A Biomedical Terminology}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0309}
author = {Schulz, Stefan; Honeck, Martin; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Biomedical Text Retrieval In Languages With A Complex Morphology}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0310}
author = {Mendonca, Eneida A.; Johnson, Stephen B.; Seol, Yoon-Ho; Cimino, James}
title = {Analyzing The Semantics Of Patient Data To Rank Records Of Literature Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0311}
author = {Demetriou, George C.; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Utilizing Text Mining Results: The Pasta Web System}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0312}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Castano, Jose M.; Sauri, Roser; Zhang, Jason; Luo, Wei}
title = {Medstract: Creating Large-Scale Information Servers From Biomedical Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing In The Biomedical Domain}
year = {2002}
id = {W04-0501}
author = {Marcu, Daniel}
title = {The Perils And Rewards Of Developing Restricted Domain Applications (Invited Presentation)}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Question Answering In Restricted Domains}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0502}
author = {Diekema, Anne R.; Yilmazel, Ozgur; Liddy, Elizabeth D.}
title = {Evaluation Of Restricted Domain Question-Answering Systems}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Question Answering In Restricted Domains}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0503}
author = {Doan-Nguyen, Hai; Kosseim, Leila}
title = {The Problem Of Precision In Restricted-Domain Question Answering. Some Proposed Methods Of Improvement}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Question Answering In Restricted Domains}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0504}
author = {Gabbay, Igal; Sutcliffe, Richard F. E.}
title = {A Qualitative Comparison Of Scientific And Journalistic Texts From The Perspective Of Extracting Definitions}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Question Answering In Restricted Domains}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0505}
author = {Tsur, Oren; de Rijke, Maarten; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {BioGrapher: Biography Questions As A Restricted Domain Question Answering Task}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Question Answering In Restricted Domains}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0506}
author = {Benamara, Farah}
title = {Cooperative Question Answering In Restricted Domains: The WEBCOOP Experiment}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Question Answering In Restricted Domains}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0507}
author = {Chung, Hoojung; Song, Young-In; Han, Kyoung-Soo; Yoon, Do-Sang; Lee, Joo-Young; Rim, Hae-Chang; Kim, Soo-Hong}
title = {A Practical QA System In Restricted Domains}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Question Answering In Restricted Domains}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0508}
author = {Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, James; Schneider, Gerold; Persidis, Andreas}
title = {Answering Questions In The Genomics Domain}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Question Answering In Restricted Domains}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0509}
author = {Niu, Yun; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Analysis Of Semantic Classes In Medical Text For Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Question Answering In Restricted Domains}
year = {2004}
id = {W03-0301}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {An Evaluation Exercise For Word Alignment}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0302}
author = {Lin, Dekang; Cherry, Colin}
title = {ProAlign: Shared Task System Description}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0303}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Word Alignment Based On Bilingual Bracketing}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0304}
author = {Simard, Michel; Langlais, Philippe}
title = {Statistical Translation Alignment With Compositionality Constraints}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0305}
author = {Dejean, Herve; Gaussier, Eric; Goutte, Cyril; Yamada, Kenji}
title = {Reducing Parameter Space For Word Alignment}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0306}
author = {Henderson, John C.}
title = {Word Alignment Baselines}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0307}
author = {Carl, Michael; Fissaha Adafre, Sisay}
title = {Phrase-Based Evaluation Of Word-To-Word Alignments}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0308}
author = {Tufiš, Dan; Barbu, Ana-Maria; Ion, Radu}
title = {TREQ-AL: A Word Alignment System With Limited Language Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0309}
author = {McInnes, Bridget T.; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {The Duluth Word Alignment System}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0310}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Bootstrapping Parallel Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0311}
author = {Shimohata, Mitsuo; Sumita, Eiichiro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Retrieving Meaning-Equivalent Sentences For Example-Based Rough Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0312}
author = {Aramaki, Eiji; Kurohashi, Sadao; Kashioka, Hideki; Tanaka, Hideki}
title = {Word Selection For EBMT Based On Monolingual Similarity And Translation Confidence}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0313}
author = {Simard, Michel}
title = {Translation Spotting For Translation Memories}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0314}
author = {Yamamoto, Kaoru; Kudo, Taku; Tsuboi, Yuta; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Learning Sequence-To-Sequence Correspondences From Parallel Corpora Via Sequential Pattern Mining}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0315}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Zechner, Klaus; Vogel, Stephan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Efficient Optimization For Bilingual Sentence Alignment Based On Linear Regression}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0316}
author = {Dien, Dinh; Kiem, Hoang}
title = {POS-Tagger For English-Vietnamese Bilingual Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0317}
author = {Lee, Chun-Jen; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Acquisition Of English-Chinese Transliterated Word Pairs From Parallel-Aligned Texts Using A Statistical Machine Transliteration Model}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0318}
author = {Doi, Takao; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Input Sentence Splitting And Translating}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0319}
author = {Clodfelder, Katri A.}
title = {An LSA Implementation Against Parallel Texts In French And English}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0320}
author = {Martin, Joel; Johnson, Howard; Farley, Benoit; Maclachlan, Anna}
title = {Aligning And Using An English-Inuktitut Parallel Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0321}
author = {Nightingale, Stephen; Tanaka, Hideki}
title = {Comparing The Sentence Alignment Yield From Two News Corpora Using A Dictionary-Based Alignment System}
venue = {Workshop On Building And Using Parallel Texts: Data Driven Machine Translation And Beyond}
year = {2003}
id = {W06-1101}
author = {Nerbonne, John; Hinrichs, Erhard W.}
title = {Linguistic Distances}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1102}
author = {Dagan, Ido}
title = {Semantic Similarity: What For?}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1103}
author = {St-Jacques, Claude; Barriere, Caroline}
title = {Similarity Judgments: Philosophical Psychological And Mathematical Investigations}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1104}
author = {Zesch, Torsten; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Automatically Creating Datasets For Measures Of Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1105}
author = {Hachey, Ben}
title = {Comparison Of Similarity Models For The Relation Discovery Task}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1106}
author = {Dridan, Rebecca; Bond, Francis}
title = {Sentence Comparison Using Robust Minimal Recursion Semantics And An Ontology}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1107}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz; Sherif, Tarek}
title = {Evaluation Of Several Phonetic Similarity Algorithms On The Task Of Cognate Identification}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1108}
author = {Heeringa, Wilbert; Kleiweg, Peter; Gooskens, Charlotte; Nerbonne, John}
title = {Evaluation Of String Distance Algorithms For Dialectology}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1109}
author = {Singh, Anil Kumar}
title = {Study Of Some Distance Measures For Language And Encoding Identification}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1110}
author = {Kübler, Sandra}
title = {Towards Case-Based Parsing: Are Chunks Reliable Indicators For Syntax Trees?}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1111}
author = {Nerbonne, John; Wiersma, Wybo}
title = {A Measure Of Aggregate Syntactic Distance}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1112}
author = {Homola, Petr; Kuboň, Vladislav}
title = {A Structural Similarity Measure}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1113}
author = {Emms, Martin}
title = {Variants Of Tree Similarity In A Question Answering Task}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1114}
author = {Dinu, Anca; Dinu, Liviu P.}
title = {Total Rank Distance And Scaled Total Rank Distance: Two Alternative Metrics In Computational Linguistics}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Distances}
year = {2006}
id = {W03-1401}
author = {Peters, Wim}
title = {Metonymy As A Cross-Lingual Phenomenon}
venue = {Workshop On The Lexicon And Figurative Language}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1402}
author = {Alonge, Antonietta; Castelli, Margherita}
title = {Encoding Information On Metaphoric Expressions In WordNet-Like Resources}
venue = {Workshop On The Lexicon And Figurative Language}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1403}
author = {Lönneker-Rodman, Birte}
title = {Is There A Way To Represent Metaphors In WordNets? Insights From The Hamburg Metaphor Database}
venue = {Workshop On The Lexicon And Figurative Language}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1404}
author = {Veale, Tony}
title = {Systematicity And The Lexicon In Creative Metaphor}
venue = {Workshop On The Lexicon And Figurative Language}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1405}
author = {Ahrens, Kathleen; Chung, Siaw Fong; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {Conceptual Metaphors: Ontology-Based Representation And Corpora Driven Mapping Principles}
venue = {Workshop On The Lexicon And Figurative Language}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1406}
author = {Glasbey, Sheila R.}
title = {Let's Paint The Town Red For A Few Hours: Composition Of Aspect In Idioms}
venue = {Workshop On The Lexicon And Figurative Language}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1407}
author = {Sasaki Alam, Yukiko}
title = {The Organization Of The Lexicon: The Polysemy Of Grow And Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On The Lexicon And Figurative Language}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1408}
author = {Ohkura, Chiaki}
title = {The Semantics Of Metaphor In The Game Theoretic Semantics With At Least Two Coordination Equilibria}
venue = {Workshop On The Lexicon And Figurative Language}
year = {2003}
id = {W06-1501}
author = {Chiang, David; Rambow, Owen}
title = {The Hidden TAG Model: Synchronous Grammars For Parsing Resource-Poor Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1502}
author = {Le Roux, Joseph; Crabbé, Benoît; Parmentier, Yannick}
title = {A Constraint Driven Metagrammar}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1503}
author = {Kinyon, Alexandra; Rambow, Owen; Scheffler, Tatjana; Yoon, SinWon; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {The Metagrammar Goes Multilingual: A Cross-Linguistic Look At The V2-Phenomenon}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1504}
author = {Chiang, David}
title = {The Weak Generative Capacity Of Linear Tree-Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1505}
author = {Han, Chunghye; Hedberg, Nancy}
title = {A Tree Adjoining Grammar Analysis Of The Syntax And Semantics Of It-Clefts}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1506}
author = {Han, Chunghye}
title = {Pied-Piping In Relative Clauses: Syntax And Compositional Semantics Based On Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1507}
author = {Hoyt, Frederick M.}
title = {Negative Concord And Restructuring In Palestinian Arabic: A Comparison Of TAG And CCG Analyses}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1508}
author = {Kato, Yuki; Seki, Hiroyuki; Kasami, Tadao}
title = {Stochastic Multiple Context-Free Grammar For RNA Pseudoknot Modeling}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1509}
author = {Ryant, Neville; Scheffler, Tatjana}
title = {Binding Of Anaphors In LTAG}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1510}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Romero, Maribel}
title = {Quantifier Scope In German: An MCTAG Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1511}
author = {Lichte, Timm; Kallmeyer, Laura}
title = {Licensing German Negative Polarity Items In LTAG}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1512}
author = {Babko-Malaya, Olga}
title = {Semantic Interpretation Of Unrealized Syntactic Material In LTAG}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1513}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Kow, Eric}
title = {Three Reasons To Adopt TAG-Based Surface Realisation}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1514}
author = {Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Alonso, Miguel A.; Vilares, Manuel}
title = {Generating XTAG Parsers From Algebraic Specifications}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1515}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Richter, Frank}
title = {Constraint-Based Computational Semantics: A Comparison Between LTAG And LRS}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1516}
author = {Kow, Eric; Parmentier, Yannick; Gardent, Claire}
title = {SemTAG The LORIA Toolbox For TAG-Based Parsing And Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1517}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco; Mohl, Mathias}
title = {Extended Cross-Serial Dependencies In Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1518}
author = {Liu, Yudong; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Using LTAG-Based Features For Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1519}
author = {Park, Jungyeul}
title = {Extracting Syntactic Features From A Korean Treebank}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1520}
author = {Prolo, Carlos A.}
title = {Handling Unlike Coordinated Phrases In TAG By Mixing Syntactic Category And Grammatical Function}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1521}
author = {Salvati, Sylvain}
title = {Parsing TAG With Abstract Categorial Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1522}
author = {Seddah, Djamé; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {Modeling And Analysis Of Elliptic Coordination By Dynamic Exploitation Of Derivation Forests In LTAG Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1523}
author = {Stepanov, Arthur}
title = {'Single Cycle' Languages: Empirical Evidence For TAG-Adjoining}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1524}
author = {Storoshenko, Dennis Ryan}
title = {Reconsidering Raising And Experiencers In English}
venue = {Workshop On Tree Adjoining Grammar And Related Formalisms}
year = {2006}
id = {W00-0801}
author = {Diab, Mona}
title = {An Unsupervised Method For Multilingual Word Sense Tagging Using Parallel Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Word Senses And Multi-Linguality}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0802}
author = {Gonzalo, Julio; Chugur, Irina; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {Sense Clusters For Information Retrieval: Evidence From Semcor And The EuroWordNet InterLingual Index}
venue = {Workshop On Word Senses And Multi-Linguality}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0803}
author = {Hasan, Maruf; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Chinese-Japanese Cross Language Information Retrieval: A Han Character Based Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Word Senses And Multi-Linguality}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0804}
author = {Magnini, Bernardo; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Experiments In Word Domain Disambiguation For Parallel Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Word Senses And Multi-Linguality}
year = {2000}
id = {W02-1401}
author = {Buckeridge, Alan M.; Sutcliffe, Richard F. E.}
title = {Disambiguating Noun Compounds With Latent Semantic Indexing}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1402}
author = {Carl, Michael; Langlais, Philippe}
title = {An Intelligent Terminology Database As A Pre-Processor For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1403}
author = {Grabar, Natalia; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Lexically-Based Terminology Structuring: Some Inherent Limits}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1404}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee; T'sou, Benjamin K.; Lai, Tom Bong-Yeung; Luk, Robert Wing Pong; Cheung, Lawrence Y. L.; Chik, Francis C. Y.}
title = {Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Legal Terminology From Context Profiles}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1405}
author = {Langlais, Philippe}
title = {Improving A General-Purpose Statistical Translation Engine By Terminological Lexicons}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1406}
author = {Lin, Yi-Chung; Hung, Peng-Hsiang}
title = {Probabilistic Named Entity Verification}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1407}
author = {Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Mori, Tatsunori}
title = {A Simple But Powerful Automatic Term Extraction Method}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1408}
author = {Nenadić, Goran; Spasić, Irena; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Automatic Discovery Of Term Similarities Using Pattern Mining}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1409}
author = {Takeuchi, Koichi; Kageura, Kyo; Koyama, Teruo}
title = {An LCS-Based Approach For Analyzing Japanese Compound Nouns With Deverbal Heads}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1410}
author = {Tomuro, Noriko}
title = {Question Terminology And Representation For Question Type Classification}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1411}
author = {Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Acquisition Of Lexical Paraphrases From Texts}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2002}
id = {W04-1801}
author = {L'Homme, Marie-Claude}
title = {A Lexico-Semantic Approach To The Structuring Of Terminology}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1802}
author = {Rodriguez Penagos, Carlos}
title = {Metalinguistic Information Extraction For Terminology}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1803}
author = {Tsuji, Keita; Kageura, Kyo}
title = {Extracting Low-Frequency Translation Pairs From Japanese-English Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1804}
author = {Kumar, Anand; Smith, Barry; Borgelt, Christian}
title = {Dependence Relationships Between Gene Ontology Terms Based On TIGR Gene Product Annotations}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1805}
author = {Claveau, Vincent; L'Homme, Marie-Claude}
title = {Discovering Specific Semantic Relationships Between Nouns And Verbs In A Specialized French Corpus}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1806}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Samuel, Kenneth; Concepcion, Kristian; Vogel, David}
title = {Automatically Inducing Ontologies From Corpora}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1807}
author = {Malaisé, Véronique; Zweigenbaum, Pierre; Bachimont, Bruno}
title = {Detecting Semantic Relations Between Terms In Definitions}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1808}
author = {Linden, Krister; Piitulainen, Jussi}
title = {Discovering Synonyms And Other Related Words}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1809}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Term Extraction From Korean Corpora Via Japanese}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1810}
author = {Kageura, Kyo}
title = {Quantitative Portraits Of Lexical Elements}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1811}
author = {Koyama, Teruo; Kageura, Kyo}
title = {Term Extraction Using Verb Co-Occurrence}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1812}
author = {Mima, Hideki; Ananiadou, Sophia; Matsushima, Katsumori}
title = {Design And Implementation Of A Terminology-Based Literature Mining And Knowledge Structuring System}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1813}
author = {Ryu, Pum-Mo; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Determining The Specificity Of Terms Based On Information Theoretic Measures}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1814}
author = {Takeuchi, Koichi; Kageura, Kyo; Daille, Béatrice; Romary, Laurent}
title = {Construction Of Grammar Based Term Extraction Model For Japanese}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2004}
id = {W14-4801}
author = {Périnet, Amandine; Hamon, Thierry}
title = {Generalising and Normalising Distributional Contexts to Reduce Data Sparsity: Application to Medical Corpora}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4802}
author = {Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Barker, Emma; Paramita, Monica Lestari; Aker, Ahmet}
title = {Assigning Terms to Domains by Document Classification}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4803}
author = {Arcan, Mihael; Giuliano, Claudio; Turchi, Marco; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {Identification of Bilingual Terms from Monolingual Documents for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4804}
author = {Elhadad, Noémie}
title = {Terminology Questions in Texts Authored by Patients}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4805}
author = {Marciniak, Malgorzata; Mykowiecka, Agnieszka}
title = {NPMI Driven Recognition of Nested Terms}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4806}
author = {Haque, Rejwanul; Penkale, Sergio; Way, Andy}
title = {Bilingual Termbank Creation via Log-Likelihood Comparison and Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4807}
author = {Q. Zadeh, Behrang; Handschuh, Siegfried}
title = {The ACL RD-TEC: A Dataset for Benchmarking Terminology Extraction and Classification in Computational Linguistics}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4808}
author = {Torres-del-Rey, Jesús; Maroto, Nava}
title = {Building the Interface between Experts and Linguists in the Detection and characterisation of Neology in the Field of Neurosciences}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4809}
author = {Costa, Hernani; Corpas, Gloria; Durán Muñoz, Isabel}
title = {A comparative User Evaluation of Terminology Management Tools for Interpreters}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4810}
author = {M. Dieb, Thaer; Yoshioka, Masaharu; Hara, Shinjiroh; C. Newton, Marcus}
title = {Automatic Annotation of Parameters from Nanodevice Development Research Papers}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4811}
author = {Xu, Ran; Sharoff, Serge}
title = {Evaluating Term Extraction Methods for Interpreters}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4812}
author = {Grabar, Natalia; Hamon, Thierry}
title = {Unsupervised Method for the Acquisition of General Language Paraphrases for Medical Compounds}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4813}
author = {Fonseca, Alexsandro; Sadat, Fatiha; Blondin Massé, Alexandre}
title = {Identifying Portuguese Multiword Expressions using Different Classification Algorithms - A Comparative Analysis}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4814}
author = {Wandji Tchami, Ornella; Grabar, Natalia}
title = {Towards Automatic Distinction between Specialized and Non-Specialized Occurrences of Verbs in Medical Corpora}
venue = {CompuTerm International Workshop On Computational Terminology}
year = {2014}
id = {W94-0101}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan}
title = {Qualitative And Quantitative Designs For Speech Translation (Invited Talk)}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0102}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Velardi, Paola}
title = {The Noisy Channel And The Braying Donkey}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0103}
author = {Atwell, Eric Steven; Hughes, John; Souter, Clive}
title = {AMALGAM: Automatic Mapping Among Lexico-Grammatical Annotation Models}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0104}
author = {Daille, Béatrice}
title = {Study And Implementation Of Combined Techniques For Automatic Extraction Of Terminology}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0105}
author = {Fordham, Andrew; Crocker, Matthew W.}
title = {Parsing With Principles And Probabilities}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0106}
author = {Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios}
title = {Do We Need Linguistics When We Have Statistics? A Comparative Analysis Of The Contributions Of Linguistic Cues To A Statistical Word Grouping System}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0107}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Complexity Of Description Of Primitives: Relevance To Local Statistical Computations}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0108}
author = {Kapur, Shyam; Clark, Robin}
title = {The Automatic Construction Of A Symbolic Parser Via Statistical Techniques}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0109}
author = {Meteer, Marie W.; Gish, Herbert}
title = {Integrating Symbolic And Statistical Approches In Speech And Natural Language Applications}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0110}
author = {Price, Patti J.}
title = {Combining Linguistic With Statistical Methods In Automatic Speech Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0111}
author = {Ramshaw, Lance A.; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Exploring The Statistical Derivation Of Transformational Rule Sequences For Part-Of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0112}
author = {Richardson, Stephen D.}
title = {Bootstrapping Statistical Processing Into A Rule-Based Natural Language Parser}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0113}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Recovering From Parser Failures: A Hybrid Statistical/Symbolic Approach}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0114}
author = {Rowe, Neil C.}
title = {Statistical Versus Symbolic Parsing For Captioned-Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0115}
author = {Soloman, Danny; Wood, Mary McGee}
title = {Learning A Radically Lexical Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic And Statistical Approaches To Language}
year = {1994}
id = {I05-3001}
author = {Sun, Chengjie; Huang, Changning; XiaoLong, Wang; Li, Mu}
title = {Detecting Segmentation Errors in Chinese Annotated Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3002}
author = {Tsai, Jia-Lin}
title = {Using Word-Pair Identifier to Improve Chinese Input System}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3003}
author = {Cheng, Yuchang; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Chinese Deterministic Dependency Analyzer: Examining Effects of Global Features and Root Node Finder}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3004}
author = {Guo, Hui; Zhong, Huayan}
title = {Chinese Classifier Assignment Using SVMs}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3005}
author = {Tseng, Huihsin; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Morphological features help POS tagging of unknown words across language varieties}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3006}
author = {Liu, Feifan; Jun, Zhao; Lv, Bibo; Xu, Bo; Yu, Hao}
title = {Product Named Entity Recognition Based on Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3007}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Kilgarriff, Adam; Wu, Yiching; Chiu, Chih-Ming; Smith, Simon; Rychlý, Pavel; Bai, Ming-Hong; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {Chinese Sketch Engine and the Extraction of Grammatical Collocations}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3008}
author = {Hsieh, Shu-Kai}
title = {Word Meaning Inducing via Character Ontology: A Survey on the Semantic Prediction of Chinese Two-Character Words}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3009}
author = {Chang, Jing-Shin}
title = {Domain Specific Word Extraction from Hierarchical Web Documents: A First Step Toward Building Lexicon Trees from Web Corpora}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3010}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Turn-taking in Mandarin Dialogue: Interactions of Tone and Intonation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3011}
author = {Zhao, Bing; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Learning a Log-Linear Model with Bilingual Phrase-Pair Features for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3012}
author = {Li, Wanyin; Lu, Qin; Li, Wenjie}
title = {Integrating Collocation Features in Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3013}
author = {Xia, Yunqing; Wong, Kam-Fai; Gao, Wei}
title = {NIL Is Not Nothing: Recognition of Chinese Network Informal Language Expressions}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3014}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Li, Xiang-Bing; Hong, Jia-Fei}
title = {The Robustness of Domain Lexico-Taxonomy: Expanding Domain Lexicon with CiLin}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3015}
author = {Zhu, Jingbo; Chen, Wenliang}
title = {Some Studies on Chinese Domain Knowledge Dictionary and Its Application to Text Classification}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3016}
author = {Converse, Susan P.}
title = {Resolving Pronominal References in Chinese with the Hobbs Algorithm}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3017}
author = {Emerson, Thomas}
title = {The Second International Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3018}
author = {Asahara, Masayuki; Fukuoka, Kenta; Azuma, Ai; Goh, Chooi-Ling; Watanabe, Yotaro; Matsumoto, Yuji; Tsuzuki, Takashi}
title = {Combination of Machine Learning Methods for Optimum Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3019}
author = {Chen, Aitao; Zhou, Yiping; Zhang, Anne; Sun, Gordon}
title = {Unigram Language Model for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3020}
author = {Tsai, Jia-Lin}
title = {Report to BMM-based Chinese Word Segmentor with Context-based Unknown Word Identifier for the Second International Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3021}
author = {Kitt, Chunyu; Liu, Xiaoyue}
title = {An Example-Based Chinese Word Segmentation System for CWSB-2}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3022}
author = {Li, Heng; Dong, Yuan; Mao, Xinnian; Wang, Haila; Liu, Wu}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation in FTRD Beijing}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3023}
author = {Li, Yaoyong; Miao, Chuanjiang; Bontcheva, Kalina; Cunningham, Hamish}
title = {Perceptron Learning for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3024}
author = {Lim, Dong-Hee; Kang, Seung Shik}
title = {Data-driven Language Independent Word Segmentation Using Character-Level Information}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3025}
author = {Low, Jin Kiat; Ng, Hwee Tou; Guo, Wenyuan}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Approach to Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3026}
author = {Fu, Guohong; Luke, Kang-Kwong; Wong, Percy Ping-Wai}
title = {Description of the HKU Chinese Word Segmentation System for Sighan Bakeoff 2005}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3027}
author = {Tseng, Huihsin; Chang, Pi-Chuan; Andrew, Galen; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {A Conditional Random Field Word Segmenter for Sighan Bakeoff 2005}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3028}
author = {Zhang, Huipeng; Liu, Ting; Ma, Jinshan; Liao, Xiantao}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation with Multiple Postprocessors in HIT-IRLab}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3029}
author = {Chow, Ka-Po; Chin, Andy C.; Tsoi, Wing Fu}
title = {Maximal Match Chinese Segmentation Augmented by Resources Generated from a Very Large Dictionary for Post-Processing}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3030}
author = {Jiang, Wei; Zhao, Jian; Guan, Yi; Xu, Zhiming}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation based on Mixing Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3031}
author = {Lau, Tak Pang; King, Irwin}
title = {Two-Phase LMR-RC Tagging for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3032}
author = {Li, ShuangLong}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation in ICT-NLP}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3033}
author = {Lu, Xiaofei}
title = {Towards a Hybrid Model for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3034}
author = {Shi, Wu-Guang}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation Based On Direct Maximum Entropy Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-3035}
author = {Jun-Sheng, Zhou; Xin-Yu, Dai; Rui-Yu, Ni; Jia-Jun, Chen}
title = {A Hybrid Approach to Chinese Word Segmentation around CRFs}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {W04-1601}
author = {Farghaly, Ali}
title = {Computer Processing Of Arabic Script-Based Languages. Current State And Future Directions}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1602}
author = {Maamouri, Mohamed; Bies, Ann}
title = {Developing An Arabic Treebank: Methods Guidelines Procedures And Tools}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1603}
author = {Diekema, Anne R.}
title = {Preliminary Lexical Framework For English-Arabic Semantic Resource Construction}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1604}
author = {Abbes, Ramzi; Dichy, Joseph; Hassoun, Mohamed}
title = {The Architecture Of A Standard Arabic Lexical Database: Some Figures Ratios And Categories From The DIINAR.1 Source Program}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1605}
author = {Yaghi, Jim; Yagi, Sane}
title = {Systematic Verb Stem Generation For Arabic}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1606}
author = {Buckwalter, Tim}
title = {Issues In Arabic Orthography And Morphology Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1607}
author = {Megerdoomian, Karine}
title = {Finite-State Morphological Analysis Of Persian}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1608}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Arabic Script-Based Languages Deserve To Be Studied Linguistically}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1609}
author = {Diab, Mona}
title = {An Unsupervised Approach For Bootstrapping Arabic Sense Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1610}
author = {El Kourdi, Mohamed; Bensaid, Amine; Rachidi, Tajje-Eddine}
title = {Automatic Arabic Document Categorization Based On The Naive Bayes Algorithm}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1611}
author = {Ganjavi, Shadi; Georgiou, Panayiotis G.; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {A Transcription Scheme For Languages Employing The Arabic Script Motivated By Speech Processing Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1612}
author = {Vergyri, Dimitra; Kirchhoff, Katrin}
title = {Automatic Diacritization Of Arabic For Acoustic Modeling In Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1613}
author = {Hussain, Sarmad}
title = {Letter-To-Sound Conversion For Urdu Text-To-Speech System}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1614}
author = {Hussain, Sarmad}
title = {Urdu Localization Project}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1615}
author = {Hassel, Martin; Mazdak, Nima}
title = {FarsiSum - A Persian Text Summarizer}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1616}
author = {Thabet, Naglaa}
title = {Stemming The Qur'an}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1617}
author = {Marcu, Daniel; Fraser, Alexander; Wong, William; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Language Weaver Arabic->English MT}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Approaches To Arabic Script-Based Languages}
year = {2004}
id = {N10-3001}
author = {Ogren, Philip V.}
title = {Improving Syntactic Coordination Resolution using Language Modeling}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-3002}
author = {Vadlapudi, Ravikiran; Katragadda, Rahul}
title = {On Automated Evaluation of Readability of Summaries: Capturing Grammaticality Focus Structure and Coherence}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-3003}
author = {Bysani, Praveen}
title = {Detecting Novelty in the context of Progressive Summarization}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-3004}
author = {Goss-Grubbs, David}
title = {Extrinsic Parse Selection}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-3005}
author = {Giesbrecht, Eugenie}
title = {Towards a Matrix-based Distributional Model of Meaning}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-3006}
author = {Wilson, Shomir}
title = {Distinguishing Use and Mention in Natural Language}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-3007}
author = {Juneja, Vishal; Germesin, Sebastian; Kleinbauer, Thomas}
title = {A Learning-based Sampling Approach to Extractive Summarization}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-3008}
author = {Lee, Chong Min}
title = {Temporal Relation Identification with Endpoints}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-3009}
author = {Lu, Bin}
title = {Identifying Opinion Holders and Targets with Dependency Parser in Chinese News Texts}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-3010}
author = {P. V. S., Avinesh}
title = {A Data Mining Approach to Learn Reorder Rules for SMT}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {N10-3011}
author = {Silva, Lucia}
title = {Fine-Tuning in Brazilian Portuguese-English Statistical Transfer Machine Translation: Verbal Tenses}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1301}
author = {Black, Rolf; Reddington, Joseph; Reiter, Ehud; Tintarev, Nava; Waller, Annalu}
title = {Using NLG and Sensors to Support Personal Narrative for Children with Complex Communication Needs}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1302}
author = {Dempster, Martin; Alm, Norman; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Automatic generation of conversational utterances and narrative for Augmentative and Alternative Communication: a prototype system}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1303}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.; Bedrosian, Jan; Hoag, Linda}
title = {Implications of Pragmatic and Cognitive Theories on the Design of Utterance-Based AAC Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1304}
author = {Roark, Brian; Villiers, Jacques de; Gibbons, Christopher; Fried-Oken, Melanie}
title = {Scanning methods and language modeling for binary switch typing}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1305}
author = {Boyce, Suzanne; Fell, Harriet; MacAuslan, Joel; Wilde, Lorin}
title = {A Platform for Automated Acoustic Analysis for Assistive Technology}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1306}
author = {Dawkins, Shanee; Gilbert, Juan}
title = {An Approach for Anonymous Spelling for Voter Write-Ins Using Speech Interaction}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1307}
author = {Lunsford, Rebecca; Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {Using Reinforcement Learning to Create Communication Channel Management Strategies for Diverse Users}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1308}
author = {Ma, Xiaojuan; Fellbaum, Christiane; Cook, Perry}
title = {A Multimodal Vocabulary for Augmentative and Alternative Communication from Sound/Image Label Datasets}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1309}
author = {Roark, Brian}
title = {Demo Session Abstracts}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1310}
author = {Sharma, Harsh Vardhan; Hasegawa-Johnson, Mark}
title = {State-Transition Interpolation and MAP Adaptation for HMM-based Dysarthric Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1311}
author = {Rudzicz, Frank}
title = {Towards a noisy-channel model of dysarthria in speech recognition}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1312}
author = {Lu, Pengfei; Huenerfauth, Matt}
title = {Collecting a Motion-Capture Corpus of American Sign Language for Data-Driven Generation Research}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1313}
author = {Yarrington, Debra; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Automated Skimming System in Response to Questions for NonVisual Readers}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-2301}
author = {Pompili, Anna; Abad, Alberto; Trancoso, Isabel; Fonseca, José; Pavão Martins, Isabel; Leal, Gabriela; Farrajota, Luisa}
title = {An on-line system for remote treatment of aphasia}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2302}
author = {Rudzicz, Frank}
title = {Acoustic transformations to improve the intelligibility of dysarthric speech}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2303}
author = {Roark, Brian; Fowler, Andrew; Sproat, Richard W.; Gibbons, Christopher; Fried-Oken, Melanie}
title = {Towards technology-assisted co-construction with communication partners}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2304}
author = {Reddington, Joseph; Coles-Kemp, Lizzie}
title = {Trap Hunting: Finding Personal Data Management Issues in Next Generation AAC Devices}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2305}
author = {Beckley, Russ; Roark, Brian}
title = {Asynchronous fixed-grid scanning with dynamic codes}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2306}
author = {Greenbacker, Charles; Wu, Peng; Carberry, Sandra; McCoy, Kathleen F.; Elzer, Stephanie; McDonald, David D.; Chester, Daniel; Demir, Seniz}
title = {Improving the Accessibility of Line Graphs in Multimodal Documents}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2307}
author = {Kurian, Anila Susan; Narayan, Badri; Madasamy, Nagarajan; Bellur, Ashwin; Krishnan, Raghava; G., Kasthuri; Vishwanath, Vinodh M.; Prahallad, Kishore; Murthy, Hema A.}
title = {Indian Language Screen Readers and Syllable Based Festival Text-to-Speech Synthesis System}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2308}
author = {Dell'Orletta, Felice; Montemagni, Simonetta; Venturi, Giulia}
title = {READ–IT: Assessing Readability of Italian Texts with a View to Text Simplification}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2309}
author = {López-Ludeña, Verónica; San-Segundo, Rubén; Lufti, Syaheerah; Lucas, Juan Manuel; Eschevarry, Julián David; Martínez-González, Beatriz}
title = {Source Language Categorization for improving a Speech into Sign Language Translation System}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2310}
author = {Wülfing, Jan-Oliver; Hoffmann, Lisa}
title = {What does it mean to communicate (not) emotionally?}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2311}
author = {Almohimeed, Abdulaziz; Wald, Mike; Damper, Robert I.}
title = {Arabic Text to Arabic Sign Language Translation System for the Deaf and Hearing-Impaired Community}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2312}
author = {Ljunglöf, Peter; Claesson, Britt; Mattsson Müller, Ingrid; Ericsson, Stina; Ottesjö, Cajsa; Berman, Alexander; Kronlid, Fredrik}
title = {Lekbot: A talking and playing robot for children with disabilities}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2313}
author = {Heimann Mühlenbock, Katarina; Lundälv, Mats}
title = {Using lexical and corpus resources for augmenting the AAC-lexicon}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2314}
author = {Bautista, Susana; Hervás, Raquel; Gervás, Pablo; Power, Richard; Williams, Sandra}
title = {Experimental Identification of the Use of Hedges in the Simplification of Numerical Expressions}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2315}
author = {Candido Jr., Arnaldo; Copestake, Ann; Specia, Lucia; Aluísio, Sandra}
title = {Towards an on-demand Simple Portuguese Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2316}
author = {Waller, Annalu}
title = {SLPAT Demo Session}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2011}
id = {W12-2901}
author = {Ljunglof, Peter; Derbring, Sandra; Olsson, Maria}
title = {A free and open-source tool that reads movie subtitles aloud}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2902}
author = {Szekely, Eva; Ahmed, Zeeshan; Cabral, Joao P.; Carson-Berndsen, Julie}
title = {WinkTalk: a demonstration of a multimodal speech synthesis platform linking facial expressions to expressive synthetic voices}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2903}
author = {Mitchell, Margaret; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Discourse-Based Modeling for AAC}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2904}
author = {Trinh, Ha; Hanson, Vicki L.; Waller, Annalu; Vertanen, Keith; Kristensson, Per Ola}
title = {Applying Prediction Techniques to Phoneme-based AAC Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2905}
author = {Wiegand, Karl; Patel, Rupal}
title = {Non-Syntactic Word Prediction for AAC}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2906}
author = {Green, Nancy L.; Guinn, Curry I.; Smith, Ronnie W.}
title = {Assisting Social Conversation between Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and their Conversational Partners}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2907}
author = {Wilson, Rozanne; Rochon, Elizabeth; Leonard, Carol; Mihailidis, Alex; Rudzicz, Frank}
title = {Communication strategies for a computerized caregiver for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2908}
author = {Lohmann, Kris; Eichhorn, Ole; Baumann, Timo}
title = {Generating Situated Assisting Utterances to Facilitate Tactile-Map Understanding: A Prototype System}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2909}
author = {Lu, Pengfei; Huenerfauth, Matt}
title = {Learning a Vector-Based Model of American Sign Language Inflecting Verbs from Motion-Capture Data}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2910}
author = {Figueroa, David; Bott, Stefan; Saggion, Horacio}
title = {A Hybrid System for Spanish Text Simplification}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2012}
id = {W14-1901}
author = {Reddington, Joseph}
title = {Standing on the shoulders of giants: attacking the meta-problems of technical AAC research}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1902}
author = {Pařilová, Tereza}
title = {Graphical Modification of Text. An Approach To Dyslexic Users.}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1903}
author = {Chinaei, Hamidreza; Chaib-draa, Brahim}
title = {Dialogue Strategy Learning in Healthcare: A Systematic Approach for Learning Dialogue Models from Data}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1904}
author = {Rudzicz, Frank; Wang, Rosalie; Begum, Momotaz; Mihailidis, Alex}
title = {Speech recognition in Alzheimer's disease with personal assistive robots}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1905}
author = {Aihara, Ryo; Takiguchi, Tetsuya; Ariki, Yasuo}
title = {Individuality-preserving Voice Conversion for Articulation Disorders Using Dictionary Selective Non-negative Matrix Factorization}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1906}
author = {Wang, Jun; Samal, Ashok; Green, Jordan}
title = {Preliminary Test of a Real-Time, Interactive Silent Speech Interface Based on Electromagnetic Articulograph}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies}
year = {2014}
id = {I08-3001}
author = {David, Anne; Maxwell, Michael}
title = {Invited Talk: Building Language Resources: Ways to move forward}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3002}
author = {Sornlertlamvanich, Virach}
title = {Invited Talk: Cross Language Resource Sharing}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3003}
author = {Choudhury, Monojit}
title = {Invited Talk: Breaking the Zipfian Barrier of NLP}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3004}
author = {Singh, Anil Kumar}
title = {Natural Language Processing for Less Privileged Languages: Where do we come from? Where are we going?}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3005}
author = {Charoenporn, Thatsanee; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Isahara, Hitoshi; Robkop, Kergrit}
title = {KUI: an ubiquitous tool for collective intelligence development}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3006}
author = {Dasgupta, Tirthankar; Dandapat, Sandipan; Basu, Anupam}
title = {Prototype Machine Translation System From Text-To-Indian Sign Language}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3007}
author = {Maxwell, Michael; David, Anne}
title = {Joint Grammar Development by Linguists and Computer Scientists}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3008}
author = {Zeman, Daniel; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Cross-Language Parser Adaptation between Related Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3009}
author = {Goonetilleke, Sandeva; Hayashi, Yoshihiko; Itoh, Yuichi; Kishino, Fumio}
title = {SriShell Primo: A Predictive Sinhala Text Input System}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3010}
author = {Maung, Zin Maung; Mikami, Yoshiki}
title = {A Rule-based Syllable Segmentation of Myanmar Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3011}
author = {Alegria, Iñaki; Arregi, Xabier; Artola, Xabier; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Labaka, G.; Lersundi, Mikel; Mayor, Aingeru; Sarasola, Kepa}
title = {Strategies for sustainable MT for Basque: incremental design reusability standardization and open-source}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3012}
author = {Sarkar, Sandipan; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Design of a Rule-based Stemmer for Natural Language Text in Bengali}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3013}
author = {Muhirwe, Jackson; Trosterud, Trond}
title = {Finite State Solutions For Reduplication In Kinyarwanda Language}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3014}
author = {Ali, Mohammad Naveed; Khan, Muhammad Aamir}
title = {An Optimal Order of Factors for the Computational Treatment of Personal Anaphoric Devices in Urdu Discourse}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3015}
author = {Singh, Thoudam Doren; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Morphology Driven Manipuri POS Tagger}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3016}
author = {V., Krishnakumar; Roy, Indrani}
title = {Acharya - A Text Editor and Framework for working with Indic Scripts}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3017}
author = {Aggarwal, R. K.; Dave, M.}
title = {Implementing a Speech Recognition System Interface for Indian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3018}
author = {Riza, Hammam}
title = {Indigenous Languages of Indonesia: Creating Language Resources for Language Preservation}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3019}
author = {Patel, Chirag; Gali, Karthik}
title = {Part-Of-Speech Tagging for Gujarati Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-3020}
author = {Ellis, David; Creutz, Mathias; Honkela, Timo; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Speech to speech machine translation: Biblical chatter from Finnish to English}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on NLP for Less Privileged Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {W98-0701}
author = {Stetina, Jiri; Kurohashi, Sadao; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {General Word Sense Disambiguation Method Based On A Full Sentential Context}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0702}
author = {Siegel, Eric V.}
title = {Disambiguating Verbs With The WordNet Category Of The Direct Object}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0703}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Based On Semantic Density}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0704}
author = {Mandala, Rila; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {The Use Of WordNet In Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0705}
author = {Gonzalo, Julio; Verdejo, M. Felisa; Chugur, Irina; Cigarran, Juan}
title = {Indexing With WordNet Synsets Can Improve Text Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0706}
author = {Scott, Sam; Matwin, Stan}
title = {Text Classification Using WordNet Hypernyms}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0707}
author = {Fellbaum, Christiane}
title = {Towards A Representation Of Idioms In WordNet}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0708}
author = {Gomez, Fernando}
title = {Linking WordNet Verb Classes To Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0709}
author = {Farreres, Xavier; Rigau, German; Rodríquez, Horacio}
title = {Using WordNet For Building WordNets}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0710}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee}
title = {Aligning WordNet With Additional Lexical Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0711}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Cucchiarelli, Alessandro; Consoli, Carlo; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Automatic Adaptation Of WordNet To Sublanguages And To Computational Tasks}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0712}
author = {Montemagni, Simonetta; Pirrelli, Vito}
title = {Augmenting WordNet-Like Lexical Resources With Distributional Evidence: An Application-Oriented Perspective}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0713}
author = {O'Hara, Thomas P.; Mahesh, Kavi; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Lexical Acquisition With WordNet And The Mikrokosmos Ontology}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0714}
author = {Campbell, Alistair E.; Shapiro, Stuart C.}
title = {Algorithms For Ontological Mediation}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0715}
author = {Tomuro, Noriko}
title = {Semi-Automatic Induction Of Systematic Polysemy From WordNet}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0716}
author = {McHale, Michael L.}
title = {A Comparison Of WordNet And Roget's Taxonomy For Measuring Semantic Similarity}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0717}
author = {Krymolowski, Yuval; Roth, Dan}
title = {Incorporating Knowledge In Natural Language Learning: A Case Study}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0718}
author = {Jing, Hongyan}
title = {Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0719}
author = {Beeferman, Doug}
title = {Lexical Discovery With An Enriched Semantic Network}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0720}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Deriving Metonymic Coercions From WordNet}
venue = {Workshop On Usage Of WordNet In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {1998}
id = {W11-2201}
author = {Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Unsupervised NLP and Human Language Acquisition: Making Connections to Make Progress}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2202}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob; Yano, Tae; Cohen, William W.; Smith, Noah A.; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Structured Databases of Named Entities from Bayesian Nonparametrics}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2203}
author = {Apidianaki, Marianna}
title = {Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Lexical Substitution}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2204}
author = {Teichmann, Christoph}
title = {Reducing the Size of the Representation for the uDOP-Estimate}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2205}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas}
title = {Evaluating unsupervised learning for natural language processing tasks}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2206}
author = {Lin, Wen-Pin; Snover, Matthew; Ji, Heng}
title = {Unsupervised Language-Independent Name Translation Mining from Wikipedia Infoboxes}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2207}
author = {Speriosu, Michael; Sudan, Nikita; Upadhyay, Sid; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Twitter Polarity Classification with Label Propagation over Lexical Links and the Follower Graph}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2208}
author = {Chen, Desai; Dyer, Chris; Cohen, Shay B.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Unsupervised Bilingual POS Tagging with Markov Random Fields}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2209}
author = {Camelin, Nathalie; Detienne, Boris; Huet, Stéphane; Quadri, Dominique; Lefèvre, Fabrice}
title = {Unsupervised Concept Annotation using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Segmental Methods}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2210}
author = {Gouws, Stephan; Hovy, Dirk; Metzler, Donald}
title = {Unsupervised Mining of Lexical Variants from Noisy Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2211}
author = {Huck, Matthias; Vilar, David; Stein, Daniel; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Lightly-Supervised Training for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2212}
author = {Huet, Stéphane; Lefèvre, Fabrice}
title = {Unsupervised Alignment for Segmental-based Language Understanding}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2213}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Ravi, Sujith}
title = {Unsupervised Name Ambiguity Resolution Using A Generative Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2214}
author = {Jurgens, David; Stevens, Keith}
title = {Measuring the Impact of Sense Similarity on Word Sense Induction}
venue = {Proceedings of the First workshop on Unsupervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2011}
id = {W10-3901}
author = {Li, Hang}
title = {Query Understanding in Web Search - by Large Scale Log Data Mining and Statistical Learning}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3902}
author = {Shinzato, Keiji; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Exploiting Term Importance Categories and Dependency Relations for Natural Language Search}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3903}
author = {Harashima, Jun; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Summarizing Search Results using PLSI}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3904}
author = {Murakami, Koji; Nichols, Eric; Mizuno, Junta; Watanabe, Yotaro; Goto, Hayato; Ohki, Megumi; Matsuyoshi, Suguru; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Automatic Classification of Semantic Relations between Facts and Opinions}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3905}
author = {Poon, Hoifung}
title = {Statistical Relational Learning for Knowledge Extraction from the Web}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3906}
author = {Yamamoto, Kazuhide; Asakura, Takeshi}
title = {Even Unassociated Features Can Improve Lexical Distributional Similarity}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3907}
author = {Kuroda, Kow; Kazama, Jun'ichi; Torisawa, Kentaro}
title = {A Look inside the Distributionally Similar Terms}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3908}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard; Zock, Michael}
title = {Utilizing Citations of Foreign Words in Corpus-Based Dictionary Generation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3909}
author = {Liao, Shasha; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Large Corpus-based Semantic Feature Extraction for Pronoun Coreference}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3910}
author = {Nghiem Quoc, Minh; Yokoi, Keisuke; Matsubayashi, Yuichiroh; Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {Mining Coreference Relations between Formulas and Text using Wikipedia}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3911}
author = {Miura, Yasuhide; Aramaki, Eiji; Ohkuma, Tomoko; Tonoike, Masatsugu; Sugihara, Daigo; Masuichi, Hiroshi; Ohe, Kazuhiko}
title = {Adverse-Effect Relations Extraction from Massive Clinical Records}
venue = {Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Challenges in the Information Explosion Era (NLPIX 2010)}
year = {2010}
id = {W04-2001}
author = {Pallotta, Vincenzo; Todirascu, Amalia}
title = {Introduction To ROMAND 2004}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2002}
author = {Keller, Frank}
title = {Robust Models Of Human Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2003}
author = {Schneider, Gerold; Dowdall, James; Rinaldi, Fabio}
title = {A Robust And Hybrid Deep-Linguistic Theory Applied To Large-Scale Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2004}
author = {Brunet-Manquat, Francis}
title = {Syntactic Parser Combination For Improved Dependency Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2005}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo}
title = {Evaluating GETARUNS Parser With GREVAL Test Suite}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2006}
author = {Coheur, Luísa; Mamede, Nuno; Bes, Gabriel G.}
title = {A Step Towards Incremental Generation Of Logical Forms}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2007}
author = {Gala, Nuria}
title = {Using An Incremental Robust Parser To Automatically Generate Semantic UNL Graphs}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2008}
author = {Shi, Lei; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {An Algorithm For Open Text Semantic Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2009}
author = {Bryant, John}
title = {Recovering Coherent Interpretations Using Semantic Integration Of Partial Parses}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2010}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Paskaleva, Elena}
title = {Robust Ending Guessing Rules With Application To Slavonic Languages}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2011}
author = {Dragoni, Aldo; Tascini, Guido; Lella, Luigi; Giordano, William}
title = {Knowledge Extraction Using Dynamical Updating Of Representation}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2012}
author = {Tonoike, Masatsugu; Utsuro, Takehito; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {Answer Validation By Keyword Association}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2013}
author = {Sedding, Julian; Kazakov, Dimitar}
title = {WordNet-Based Text Document Clustering}
venue = {Workshop On RObust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data ROMAND}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1501}
author = {Bosco, Cristina; Lombardo, Vincenzo}
title = {Dependency And Relational Structure In Treebank Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1502}
author = {Pedersen, Mark; Eades, Domenyk; Amin, Samir K.; Prakash, Lakshmi}
title = {Relative Clauses In Hindi And Arabic: A Paninian Dependency Grammar Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1503}
author = {Nasr, Alexis; Rambow, Owen}
title = {A Simple String-Rewriting Formalism For Dependency Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1504}
author = {Yli-Jyra, Anssi}
title = {Axiomatization Of Restricted Non-Projective Dependency Trees Through Finite-State Constraints That Analyse Crossing Bracketings}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1505}
author = {Schneider, Gerold; Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, James}
title = {Fast Deep-Linguistic Statistical Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1506}
author = {Aranzabe, Maxux J.; Arriola, Jose Maria; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza}
title = {Towards A Dependency Parser For Basque}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1507}
author = {Bernardi, Raffaella; Bolognesi, A.; Tamburini, Fabio; Moortgat, M.}
title = {Categorial Type Logic Meets Dependency Grammar To Annotate An Italian Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1508}
author = {Obrebski, Tomasz; Gralinski, Filip}
title = {Some Notes On Generative Capacity Of Dependency Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1509}
author = {By, Tomas}
title = {English Dependency Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1510}
author = {Debusmann, Ralph; Duchier, Denys; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {Extensible Dependency Grammar: A New Methodology}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1511}
author = {Coheur, Luísa; Mamede, Nuno; Bes, Gabriel G.}
title = {From A Surface Analysis To A Dependency Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1512}
author = {Dikovsky, Alexander}
title = {Dependencies As Categories}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1513}
author = {Ding, Yuan; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Synchronous Dependency Insertion Grammars: A Grammar Formalism For Syntax Based Statistical MT}
venue = {Workshop On Recent Advances In Dependency Grammar}
year = {2004}
id = {W06-1901}
author = {Laurent, Dominique; Seguela, Patrick; Negre, Sophie}
title = {QA Better Than IR ?}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Question Answering MLQA}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1902}
author = {Al-Maskari, Azzah; Sanderson, Mark}
title = {The Effect Of Machine Translation On The Performance Of Arabic-EnglishQA System}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Question Answering MLQA}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1903}
author = {Sacaleanu, Bogdan; Neumann, Günter}
title = {Cross-Cutting Aspects Of Cross-Language Question Answering Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Question Answering MLQA}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1904}
author = {Ligozat, Anne-Laure; Grau, Brigitte; Robba, Isabelle; Vilnat, Anne}
title = {Evaluation And Improvement Of Cross-Lingual Question AnsweringStrategies}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Question Answering MLQA}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1905}
author = {Mitamura, Teruko; Wang, Mengqiu; Shima, Hideki; Lin, Frank}
title = {Keyword Translation Accuracy And Cross-Lingual Question Answering InChinese And Japanese}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Question Answering MLQA}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1906}
author = {Garcia Cumbreras, Miguel Angel; Urena-Lopez, L. Alfonso; Martinez Santiago, Fernando}
title = {BRUJA: Question Classification For Spanish. Using Machine Translationand An English Classifier}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Question Answering MLQA}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1907}
author = {Whittaker, Edward; Hamonic, J.; Yang, D.; Klingberg, Tor; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Monolingual Web-Based Factoid Question Answering In ChineseSwedish English And Japanese}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Question Answering MLQA}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1908}
author = {Reddy, Rami; Reddy, Nandi; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Dialogue Based Question Answering System In Telugu}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Question Answering MLQA}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1909}
author = {Hartrumpf, Sven}
title = {Adapting A Semantic Question Answering System To The Web}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Question Answering MLQA}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1910}
author = {Ferres, Daniel; Rodríquez, Horacio}
title = {Experiments Adapting An Open-Domain Question Answering System Tothe Geographical Domain Using Scope-Based Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Question Answering MLQA}
year = {2006}
id = {W04-0701}
author = {Fleischman, Michael; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Multi-Document Person Name Resolution}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0702}
author = {Dozier, Christopher C.; Zielund, Thomas}
title = {Cross Document Co-Reference Resolution Applications For People In The Legal Domain}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0703}
author = {Kuo, June-Jei; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Event Clustering On Streaming News Using Co-Reference Chains And Event Words}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0704}
author = {Zelenko, Dmitry; Aone, Chinatsu; Tibbetts, Jason}
title = {Coreference Resolution For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0705}
author = {Ji, Heng; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Applying Coreference To Improve Name Recognition}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0706}
author = {Gasperin, Caroline; Vieira, Renata}
title = {Using Word Similarity Lists For Resolving Indirect Anaphora}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0707}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Uryupina, Olga; Vieira, Renata; Alexandrov-Kabadjov, Mijail; Goulart, Rodrigo}
title = {Discourse-New Detectors For Definite Description Resolution: A Survey And A Preliminary Proposal}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0708}
author = {Hardt, Daniel}
title = {Dynamic Centering}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0709}
author = {Nariyama, Shigeko}
title = {Ellipsis Resolution For Disguised Agent}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0710}
author = {Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Lalanne, Denis}
title = {Reference Resolution Over A Restricted Domain: References To Documents}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0711}
author = {Kim, Jung-Jae; Park, Jong C.}
title = {BioAR: Anaphora Resolution For Relating Protein Names To Proteome Database Entries}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0712}
author = {Streit, Michael; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich}
title = {Ellipsis Resolution By Controlled Default Unification For Multi-Modal And Speech Dialog Systems}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0713}
author = {Navarretta, Costanza}
title = {An Algorithm For Resolving Individual And Abstract Anaphora In Danish Texts And Dialogues}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0714}
author = {Yeh, Ching-Long; Chen, Yi-Chun}
title = {Topic Identification In Chinese Based On Centering Model}
venue = {Workshop: Conference On Reference Resolution And Its Applications}
year = {2004}
id = {W03-0901}
author = {Clark, Peter; Harrison, Philip; Thompson, John}
title = {A Knowledge-Driven Approach To Text Meaning Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0902}
author = {Schubert, Lenhart K.; Tong, Matthew}
title = {Extracting And Evaluating General World Knowledge From The Brown Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0903}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Porzel, Robert; Slinko, Elena; Pfleger, Norbert; Alexandersson, Jan; Merten, Stefan}
title = {Less Is More: Using A Single Knowledge Representation In Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0904}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; McShane, Marjorie; Beale, Stephen}
title = {Operative Strategies In Ontological Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0905}
author = {Raskin, Victor; Nirenburg, Sergei; Hempelmann, Christian F.; Nirenburg, Inna; Triezenberg, Katrina E.}
title = {The Genesis Of A Script For Bankruptcy In Ontological Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0906}
author = {Condoravdi, Cleo; Crouch, Richard; De Paiva, Valeria; Stolle, Reinhard; Bobrow, Daniel G.}
title = {Entailment Intensionality And Text Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0907}
author = {Mueller, Erik T.}
title = {Story Understanding Through Multi-Representation Model Construction}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0908}
author = {van Durme, Benjamin; Huang, Yifen; Kupsc, Anna; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Towards Light Semantic Processing For Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0909}
author = {Stede, Manfred}
title = {Surfaces And Depths In Text Understanding: The Case Of Newspaper Commentary}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0910}
author = {Kingsbury, Paul; Kipper, Karin Christine}
title = {Deriving Verb-Meaning Clusters From Syntactic Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning}
year = {2003}
id = {W02-0801}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Lersundi, Mikel; Martinez, David}
title = {A Multilingual Approach To Disambiguate Prepositions And Case Suffixes}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0802}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {Digraph Analysis Of Dictionary Preposition Definitions}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0803}
author = {Mari, Alda}
title = {Under-Specification And Contextual Variability Of Abstract}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0804}
author = {Cannesson, Emmanuelle; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Defining And Representing Preposition Senses: A Preliminary Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0805}
author = {Chugur, Irina; Gonzalo, Julio; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {A Study Of Polysemy And Sense Proximity In The Senseval-2 Test Suite}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0806}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Assessing System Agreement And Instance Difficulty In The Lexical}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0807}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {Sense Information For Disambiguation: Confluence Of Supervised And Unsupervised Methods}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0808}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Erjavec, Tomaž; Tufiš, Dan}
title = {Sense Discrimination With Parallel Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0809}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Hendrickx, Iris; Hoste, Véronique; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Dutch Word Sense Disambiguation: Optimizing The Localness Of Context}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0810}
author = {Florian, Radu; Wicentowski, Richard}
title = {Unsupervised Italian Word Sense Disambiguation Using WordNets And Unlabeled Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0811}
author = {Klein, Dan; Toutanova, Kristina; Ilhan, H. Tolga; Kamvar, Sepandar D.; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Combining Heterogeneous Classifiers For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0812}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Ensembles Of Decision Trees}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0813}
author = {Dang, Hoa Trang; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Combining Contextual Features For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0814}
author = {Hoste, Véronique; Daelemans, Walter; Hendrickx, Iris; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Evaluating The Results Of A Memory-Based Word-Expert Approach To Unrestricted Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0815}
author = {Preiss, Judita; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Improving Subcategorization Acquisition With WSD}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0816}
author = {McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Lexical Substitution As A Task For WSD Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0817}
author = {Chklovski, Timothy; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Building A Sense Tagged Corpus With Open Mind Word Expert}
venue = {Workshop On Word Sense Disambiguation: Recent Successes And Future Directions}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0901}
author = {Park, Youngja}
title = {Identification Of Probable Real Words: An Entropy-Based Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0902}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Learning A Translation Lexicon From Monolingual Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0903}
author = {Ciaramita, Massimiliano}
title = {Boosting Automatic Lexical Acquisition With Morphological Information}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0904}
author = {Rydin, Sara}
title = {Building A Hyponymy Lexicon With Hierarchical Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0905}
author = {Gamallo, Pablo; Agustini, Alexandre; Lopes, Gabriel}
title = {Using Co-Composition For Acquiring Syntactic And Semantic Subcategorisation}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0906}
author = {Aldezabal, Izaskun; Aranzabe, Maxux J.; Gojenola, Koldo; Sarasola, Kepa; Atutxa, Aitziber}
title = {Learning Argument/Adjunct Dictinction For Basque}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0907}
author = {Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Semantically Motivated Subcategorization Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0908}
author = {Curran, James R.; Moens, Marc}
title = {Improvements In Automatic Thesaurus Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0909}
author = {Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Acquiring Collocations For Lexical Choice Between Near-Synonyms}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2002}
id = {W04-1111}
author = {Huang, Jin-Xia; Bae, Sun-Mee; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {A Statistical Model For Hangeul-Hanja Conversion In Terminology Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1112}
author = {Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Kojima, Hiroyuki; Maeda, Akira}
title = {Chinese Term Extraction From Web Pages Based On Compound Term Productivity}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1113}
author = {Li, Wanyin; Lu, Qin; Xu, Ruifeng}
title = {Using Synonym Relations In Chinese Collocation Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1114}
author = {Xu, Ruifeng; Lu, Qin; Li, Yin; Li, Wanyin}
title = {The Construction Of A Chinese Shallow Treebank}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1115}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Combining Prosodic And Text Features For Segmentation Of Mandarin Broadcast News}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1116}
author = {You, Jia-Ming; Chen, Keh-Jiann}
title = {Automatic Semantic Role Assignment For A Tree Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1117}
author = {Tang, Li; Donghong, Ji; Yang, Lingpeng}
title = {A Large-Scale Semantic Structure For Chinese Sentences}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1118}
author = {Xu, Jia; Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Do We Need Chinese Word Segmentation For Statistical Machine Translation?}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1119}
author = {Fang, Xiaoshan; Gao, Jianfeng; Sheng, Huanye}
title = {A Semi-Supervised Approach To Build Annotated Corpus For Chinese Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1120}
author = {Che, Wanxiang; Liu, Ting; Li, Sheng}
title = {A New Chinese Natural Language Understanding Architecture Based On Multilayer Search Mechanism}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1121}
author = {Li, Weigang; Liu, Ting; Wang, Zhen; Li, Sheng}
title = {Aligning Bilingual Corpora Using Sentences Location Information}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1122}
author = {Luo, Zhiyong; Song, Rou}
title = {An Integrated Method For Chinese Unknown Word Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Alignment And Extraction Of Bilingual Domain Ontology For Medical Domain Web Search}
year = {2004}
id = {W05-0901}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Monz, Christof; President, Stacy; Schwartz, Richard M.; Zajic, David}
title = {A Methodology For Extrinsic Evaluation Of Text Summarization: Does ROUGE Correlate?}
venue = {Workshop On Intrinsic And Extrinsic Evaluation Measures For Machine Translation And/or Summarization}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0902}
author = {Kolluru, BalaKrishna; Gotoh, Yoshihiko}
title = {On The Subjectivity Of Human Authored Summaries}
venue = {Workshop On Intrinsic And Extrinsic Evaluation Measures For Machine Translation And/or Summarization}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0903}
author = {Leusch, Gregor; Ueffing, Nicola; Vilar, David; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Preprocessing And Normalization For Automatic Evaluation Of Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Intrinsic And Extrinsic Evaluation Measures For Machine Translation And/or Summarization}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0904}
author = {Liu, Ding; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Syntactic Features For Evaluation Of Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Intrinsic And Extrinsic Evaluation Measures For Machine Translation And/or Summarization}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0905}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Renals, Steve; Carletta, Jean; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Evaluating Automatic Summaries Of Meeting Recordings}
venue = {Workshop On Intrinsic And Extrinsic Evaluation Measures For Machine Translation And/or Summarization}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0906}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Evaluating Summaries And Answers: Two Sides Of The Same Coin?}
venue = {Workshop On Intrinsic And Extrinsic Evaluation Measures For Machine Translation And/or Summarization}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0907}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Gonzalo, Julio; Peñas, Anselmo; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {Evaluating DUC 2004 Tasks With The QARLA Framework}
venue = {Workshop On Intrinsic And Extrinsic Evaluation Measures For Machine Translation And/or Summarization}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0908}
author = {Riezler, Stefan; Maxwell III, John T.}
title = {On Some Pitfalls In Automatic Evaluation And Significance Testing For MT}
venue = {Workshop On Intrinsic And Extrinsic Evaluation Measures For Machine Translation And/or Summarization}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0909}
author = {Banerjee, Satanjeev; Lavie, Alon}
title = {METEOR: An Automatic Metric For MT Evaluation With Improved Correlation With Human Judgments}
venue = {Workshop On Intrinsic And Extrinsic Evaluation Measures For Machine Translation And/or Summarization}
year = {2005}
id = {W01-1001}
author = {Staab, Steffen}
title = {Knowledge Portals (Invited Talk)}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1002}
author = {Maybury, Mark T.}
title = {Human Language Technologies For Knowledge Management}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1003}
author = {Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Crosslingual Language Technologies For Knowledge Creation And Knowledge Sharing (Invited Talk)}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1004}
author = {Bontcheva, Kalina; Brewster, Christopher; Ciravegna, Fabio; Cunningham, Hamish; Guthrie, Louise; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Using HLT For Acquiring Retrieving And Publishing Knowledge In AKT}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1005}
author = {Velardi, Paola; Missikoff, Michele; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Identification Of Relevant Terms To Support The Construction Of Domain Ontologies}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1006}
author = {Kang, Sin-Jae; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Semi-Automatic Practical Ontology Construction By Using A Thesaurus Computational Dictionaries And Large Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1007}
author = {Dewdney, Niegel; Van Ess-Dykema, Carol J.; MacMillan, Richard}
title = {The Form Is The Substance: Classification Of Genres In Text}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1008}
author = {Monz, Christof}
title = {Document Fusion For Comprehensive Event Description}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1009}
author = {Katz, Boris; Lin, Jimmy; Felshin, Sue}
title = {Gathering Knowledge For A Question Answering System From Heterogeneous Information Sources}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1010}
author = {Domingue, J. B.}
title = {Invited Speaker - Supporting Organisational Learning Through The Enrichment Of Documents}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1011}
author = {Tzoukermann, Evelyne; Muresan, Smaranda; Klavans, Judith L.}
title = {GIST-IT: Combining Linguistic And Machine Learning Techniques For Email Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1012}
author = {Delannoy, Jean-Francois}
title = {What Are The Points? What Are The Stances? Decanting For Question-Driven Retrieval And Executive Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1013}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Catizone, Roberta; Padró, Lluís; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Rigau, German; Setzer, Andrea; Webb, Nick; Wilks, Yorick; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {Multilingual Authoring: The NAMIC Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1014}
author = {Lee, Hodong; Park, Jong C.}
title = {Automatic Augmentation Of Translation Dictionary With Database Terminologies In Multilingual Query Interpretation}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1015}
author = {Garcia-Serrano, Ana; Martínez, Paloma; Rodrigo, Luis}
title = {Adapting And Extending Lexical Resources In A Dialogue System}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1016}
author = {Niklfeld, Georg}
title = {Component-Based Multimodal Dialog Interfaces For Mobile Knowledge Creation}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1017}
author = {Declerck, Thierry; Wittenburg, Peter; Cunningham, Hamish}
title = {The Automatic Generation Of Formal Annotations In A Multimedia Indexing And Searching Environment}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1018}
author = {Bernsen, Niels Ole}
title = {Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management - Final Roadmap Session}
venue = {Workshop On Human Language Technology And Knowledge Management}
year = {2001}
id = {W12-6201}
author = {Pirinen, Tommi A.; Hardwick, Sam}
title = {Effect of Language and Error Models on Efficiency of Finite-State Spell-Checking and Correction}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6202}
author = {Gerdemann, Dale; Hulden, Mans}
title = {Practical Finite State Optimality Theory}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6203}
author = {Shaalan, Khaled; Attia, Mohammed}
title = {Handling Unknown Words in Arabic FST Morphology}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6204}
author = {Bögel, Tina}
title = {Urdu - Roman Transliteration via Finite State Transducers}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6205}
author = {Bontcheva, Katina}
title = {Integrating Aspectually Relevant Properties of Verbs into a Morphological Analyzer for English}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6206}
author = {Alegria, Iñaki; Agirrezabal, Manex; Arrieta, Bertol; Hulden, Mans}
title = {Finite-State Technology in a Verse-Making Tool}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6207}
author = {Quernheim, Daniel; Knight, Kevin}
title = {DAGGER: A Toolkit for Automata on Directed Acyclic Graphs}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6208}
author = {Novak, Josef R.; Minematsu, Nobuaki; Hirose, Keikichi}
title = {WFST-Based Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion: Open Source tools for Alignment, Model-Building and Decoding}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6209}
author = {Beesley, Kenneth R.}
title = {Kleene, a Free and Open-Source Language for Finite-State Programming}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6210}
author = {Drobac, Senka; Yli-Jyra, Anssi; Silfverberg, Miikka}
title = {Implementation of Replace Rules Using Preference Operator}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6211}
author = {Perez, Alicia; DÃaz de Ilarraza, A.; Casillas, Arantza; Gojenola, Koldo; Oronoz, Maite}
title = {First Approaches on Spanish Medical Record Classification Using Diagnostic Term to Class Transduction}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6212}
author = {Mayor, Aingeru; Hulden, Mans; Labaka, Gorka}
title = {Developing an Open-Source FST Grammar for Verb Chain Transfer in a Spanish-Basque MT System}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6213}
author = {Samih, Younes; Hulden, Mans}
title = {Conversion of Procedural Morphologies to Finite-State Morphologies: A Case Study of Arabic}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6214}
author = {Hurtado, Lluís F.; Calvo, Marcos; Gómez, Jon Ander; Sanchis, Emilio}
title = {A Methodology for Obtaining Concept Graphs from Word Graphs}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6215}
author = {Fernando, Tim}
title = {A Finite-State Temporal Ontology and Event-Intervals}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6216}
author = {Gonzalez, Jorge}
title = {A Finite-State Approach to Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6217}
author = {Perez, Alicia; Torres, M. Ines; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {Finite-State Acoustic and Translation Model Composition in Statistical Speech Translation: Empirical Assessment}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6218}
author = {Yli-Jyra, Anssi; Piitulainen, Jussi; Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {Refining the Design of a Contracting Finite-State Dependency Parser}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-6219}
author = {Waite, Aurelien; Blackwood, Graeme; Byrne, William}
title = {Lattice-Based Minimum Error Rate Training Using Weighted Finite-State Transducers with Tropical Polynomial Weights}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W98-1301}
author = {Karttunen, Lauri}
title = {The Proper Treatment Of Optimality In Computational Phonology}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1302}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {Context-Free Parsing Through Regular Approximation}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1303}
author = {Voutilainen, Atro}
title = {Does Tagging Help Parsing? A Case Study On Finite State Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1304}
author = {Hogenhout, Wide R.; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Robust Parsing Using A Hidden Markov Model}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1305}
author = {Daciuk, Jan; Watson, Bruce W.; Watson, Richard E.}
title = {Incremental Construction Of Minimal Acyclic Finite State Automata And Transducers}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1306}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Treatment Of E-Moves In Subset Construction}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1307}
author = {Pico, David; Vidal, Enrique}
title = {Learning Finite-State Models For Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1308}
author = {Ranta, Aarne}
title = {A Multilingual Natural-Language Interface To Regular Expressions}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1309}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Tur, Gokhan}
title = {Implementing Voting Constraints With Finite State Transducers}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1310}
author = {Zajac, Remi}
title = {Feature Structures Unification And Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1311}
author = {Pedrazzini, Sandro; Hoffmann, Marcus}
title = {Using Genericity To Create Cutomizable Finite-State Tools}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-1312}
author = {Beesley, Kenneth R.}
title = {Constraining Separated Morphotactic Dependencies In Finite-State Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Finite State Methods In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1998}
id = {W99-0201}
author = {Bagga, Amit; Baldwin, Breck}
title = {Cross-Document Event Coreference: Annotations Experiments And Observations}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0202}
author = {Ravin, Yael; Kazi, Zunaid}
title = {Is Hillary Rodham Clinton The President? Disambiguating Names Across Documents}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0203}
author = {Yamada, Koichi; Sugiyama, Kazunari; Yonamine, Yasunori; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Identification Of Coreference Between Names And Faces}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0204}
author = {Utiyama, Masao; Hasida, Koiti}
title = {Automatic Slide Presentation From Semantically Annotated Documents}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0205}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Isahara, Hitoshi; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Resolution Of Indirect Anaphora In Japanese Sentences Using Examples}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0206}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Isahara, Hitoshi; Nagao, Makoto}
title = {Pronoun Resolution In Japanese Sentences Using Surface Expressions And Examples}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0207}
author = {Paul, Michael; Yamamoto, Kazuhide; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Corpus-Based Anaphora Resolution Towards Antecedent Preference}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0208}
author = {Rocha, Marco}
title = {Coreference Resolution In Dialogues In English And Portuguese}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0209}
author = {Amo, Pedro; Ferreras, Francisco L.; Cruz, Fernando; Maldonado, Satumino}
title = {Orthographic Co-Reference Resolution Between Proper Nouns Through The Calculation Of The Relation Of Replicancia}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0210}
author = {Peral, Jesus; Palomar, Manuel; Ferrandez, Antonio}
title = {Coreference-Oriented Interlingual Slot Structure And Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0211}
author = {Azzam, Saliha; Humphreys, Kevin; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Using Coreference Chains For Text Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0212}
author = {Morton, Thomas S.}
title = {Using Coreference For Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0213}
author = {van Deemter, Kees; Kibble, Rodger}
title = {What Is Coreference And What Should Coreference Annotation Be?}
venue = {Workshop On Coreference And Its Applications}
year = {1999}
id = {W09-2802}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Query-focused Summarization Using Text-to-Text Generation: When Information Comes from Multilingual Sources}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2804}
author = {Cheung, Jackie Chi Kit; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond T.}
title = {Optimization-based Content Selection for Opinion Summarization}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2805}
author = {Cordeiro, Joao; Dias, Gaël; Brazdil, Pavel}
title = {Unsupervised Induction of Sentence Compression Rules}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2806}
author = {Owczarzak, Karolina; Dang, Hoa Trang}
title = {Evaluation of Automatic Summaries: Metrics under Varying Data Conditions}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2807}
author = {Saggion, Horacio}
title = {A Classification Algorithm for Predicting the Structure of Summaries}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2808}
author = {Tanaka, Hideki; Kinoshita, Akinori; Kobayakawa, Takeshi; Kumano, Tadashi; Katoh, Naoto}
title = {Syntax-Driven Sentence Revision for Broadcast News Summarization}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2809}
author = {Xu, Wei; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {A Parse-and-Trim Approach with Information Significance for Chinese Sentence Compression}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2811}
author = {Caropreso, Maria Fernanda; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Khan, Shahzad; Keshtkar, Fazel}
title = {Visual Development Process for Automatic Generation of Digital Games Narrative Content}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2812}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; Daelemans, Walter; Marsi, Erwin; Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Reducing Redundancy in Multi-document Summarization Using Lexical Semantic Similarity}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2813}
author = {Kumar, Mohit; Das, Dipanjan; Agarwal, Sachin; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Non-textual Event Summarization by Applying Machine Learning to Template-based Language Generation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2814}
author = {Schuldes, Stephanie; Roth, Michael; Frank, Anette; Strube, Michael}
title = {Creating an Annotated Corpus for Generating Walking Directions}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2816}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric; Viethen, Jette; Gatt, Albert}
title = {The GREC Main Subject Reference Generation Challenge 2009: Overview and Evaluation Results}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2817}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric; Viethen, Jette}
title = {The GREC Named Entity Generation Challenge 2009: Overview and Evaluation Results}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2818}
author = {Favre, Benoit; Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {ICSI-CRF: The Generation of References to the Main Subject and Named Entities Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2819}
author = {Greenbacker, Charles; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {UDel: Generating Referring Expressions Guided by Psycholinguistc Findings}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2820}
author = {Gupta, Samir; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {JUNLG-MSR: A Machine Learning Approach of Main Subject Reference Selection with Rule Based Improvement}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2821}
author = {Greenbacker, Charles; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {UDel: Extending Reference Generation to Multiple Entities}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2822}
author = {Orăsan, Constantin; Dornescu, Iustin}
title = {WLV: A Confidence-based Machine Learning Method for the GREC-NEG’09 Task}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Language Generation and Summarisation (UCNLG+Sum 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W07-1001}
author = {Roark, Brian; Mitchell, Margaret; Hollingshead, Kristy}
title = {Syntactic complexity measures for detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1002}
author = {McInnes, Bridget T.; Pedersen, Ted; Pakhomov, Serguei V.}
title = {Determining the Syntactic Structure of Medical Terms in Clinical Notes}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1003}
author = {Doan, Son; Kawazoe, Ai; Collier, Nigel}
title = {The Role of Roles in Classifying Annotated Biomedical Text}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1004}
author = {Pyysalo, Sampo; Ginter, Filip; Laippala, Veronika; Haverinen, Katri; Heimonen, Juho; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {On the unification of syntactic annotations under the Stanford dependency scheme: A case study on BioInfer and GENIA}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1005}
author = {Liu, Haibin; Blouin, Christian; Keselj, Vlado}
title = {An Unsupervised Method for Extracting Domain-specific Affixes in Biological Literature}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1006}
author = {Xu, Hua; Fan, Jung-Wei; Friedman, Carol}
title = {Combining multiple evidence for gene symbol disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1007}
author = {Elhadad, Noémie; Sutaria, Komal}
title = {Mining a Lexicon of Technical Terms and Lay Equivalents}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1008}
author = {Corbett, Peter T.; Batchelor, Colin R.; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Annotation of Chemical Named Entities}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1009}
author = {Alex, Beatrice; Haddow, Barry; Grover, Claire}
title = {Recognising Nested Named Entities in Biomedical Text}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1010}
author = {Hearst, Marti A.; Divoli, Anna; Jerry, Ye; Wooldridge, Michael}
title = {Exploring the Efficacy of Caption Search for Bioscience Journal Search Interfaces}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1011}
author = {Chapman, Wendy; Dowling, John; Chu, David}
title = {ConText: An Algorithm for Identifying Contextual Features from Clinical Text}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1012}
author = {Madkour, Amgad; Darwish, Kareem; Hassan, Hany; Hassan, Ahmed; Emam, Ossama}
title = {BioNoculars: Extracting Protein-Protein Interactions from Biomedical Text}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1013}
author = {Pestian, John P.; Brew, Chris; Matykiewicz, Pawel; Hovermale, D. J.; Johnson, Neil; Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Duch, Wlodzislaw}
title = {A shared task involving multi-label classification of clinical free text}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1014}
author = {Aronson, Alan R.; Bodenreider, Olivier; Demner-Fushman, Dina; Fung, Kin Wah; Lee, Vivian K.; Mork, James G.; Neveol, Aurelie; Peters, Lee; Rogers, Willie J.}
title = {From indexing the biomedical literature to coding clinical text: experience with MTI and machine learning approaches}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1015}
author = {Bouffier, Amanda; Poibeau, Thierry}
title = {Automatically Restructuring Practice Guidelines using the GEM DTD}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1016}
author = {Chung, Grace Y; Coiera, Enrico}
title = {A Study of Structured Clinical Abstracts and the Semantic Classification of Sentences}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1017}
author = {Crammer, Koby; Dredze, Mark; Ganchev, Kuzman; Talukdar, Partha Pratim; Carroll, Steven}
title = {Automatic Code Assignment to Medical Text}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1018}
author = {Fiszman, Marcelo; Demner-Fushman, Dina; Lang, Francois-Michel; Goetz, Philip; Rindflesch, Thomas C.}
title = {Interpreting comparative constructions in biomedical text}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1019}
author = {Haddow, Barry; Matthews, Michael}
title = {The Extraction of Enriched Protein-Protein Interactions from Biomedical Text}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1020}
author = {Hakenberg, Jörg}
title = {What's in a gene name? Automated refinement of gene name dictionaries}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1021}
author = {Hardcastle, David; Hallett, Catalina}
title = {Exploring the Use of NLP in the Disclosure of Electronic Patient Records}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1022}
author = {Lewin, Ian}
title = {BaseNPs that contain gene names: domain specificity and genericity}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1023}
author = {McIntosh, Tara; Curran, James R.}
title = {Challenges for extracting biomedical knowledge from full text}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1024}
author = {Miller, John E.; Torii, Manabu; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Adaptation of POS Tagging for Multiple BioMedical Domains}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1025}
author = {Mykowiecka, Agnieszka; Marciniak, Malgorzata}
title = {Information Extraction from Patients' Free Form Documentation}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1026}
author = {Neveol, Aurelie; Mork, James G.; Aronson, Alan R.}
title = {Automatic Indexing of Specialized Documents: Using Generic vs. Domain-Specific Document Representations}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1027}
author = {Patrick, Jon David; Zhang, Yitao; Wang, Yefeng}
title = {Developing Feature Types for Classifying Clinical Notes}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1028}
author = {Poprat, Michael; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Quantitative Data on Referring Expressions in Biomedical Abstracts}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1029}
author = {Sanchez-Graillet, Olivia; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Discovering contradicting protein-protein interactions in text}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1030}
author = {Sinclair, Gail; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Marking time in developmental biology}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1031}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas}
title = {Evaluating and combining and biomedical named entity recognition systems}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1032}
author = {Wilbur, W. John}
title = {Unsupervised Learning of the Morpho-Semantic Relationship in MEDLINE}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1033}
author = {Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Reranking for Biomedical Named-Entity Recognition}
venue = {Workshop: Biological translational and clinical language processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W02-1201}
author = {Becker, Dara; Riaz, Kashif}
title = {A Study In Urdu Corpus Construction}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1202}
author = {Bharati, Akshar; Sangal, Rajeev; Chaitanya, Vineet; Kulkarni, Amba; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Ramakrishnamacharyulu, K. V.}
title = {AnnCorra: Building Tree-Banks In Indian Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1203}
author = {Butt, Miriam; King, Tracy Holloway}
title = {Urdu And The Parallel Grammar Project}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1204}
author = {Calzolari, Nicoletta; Lenci, Alessandro; Bertagna, Francesca; Zampolli, Antonio}
title = {Broadening The Scope Of The EAGLES/ISLE Lexical Standardization Initiative}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1205}
author = {Chang, Ru-Yng; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {OLACMS: Comparisons And Applications In Chinese And Formosan Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1206}
author = {Halpern, Jack}
title = {Lexicon-Based Orthographic Disambiguation In CJK Intelligent Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1207}
author = {Kawtrakul, Asanee; Suktarachan, Mukda; Varasai, Patcharee; Chanlekha, Hutchatai}
title = {A State Of The Art Of Thai Language Resources And Thai Language Behavior Analysis And Modeling}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1208}
author = {Lee, Do-Gil; Lee, Sang-Zoo; Rim, Hae-Chang; Lim, Heui-Seok}
title = {Automatic Word Spacing Using Hidden Markov Model For Refining Korean Text Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1209}
author = {Lu, Qin; Chan, Shiu Tong; Li, Yin; Li, Ngai Ling}
title = {Decomposition For ISO/IEC 10646 Ideographic Characters}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1210}
author = {Siegel, Melanie; Bender, Emily M.}
title = {Efficient Deep Processing Of Japanese}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1211}
author = {Sun, Le; Xue, Song; Qu, Weimin; Wang, Xiaofeng; Sun, Yufang}
title = {Constructing Of A Large-Scale Chinese-English Parallel Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Asian Language Resources And International Standardization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0701}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Corpus-Centered Computation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0702}
author = {Nakata, Takayuki; Ikeda, Takahiro; Ando, Shinichi; Okumura, Akitoshi}
title = {Topic Detection Based On Dialogue History}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0703}
author = {Langley, Chad; Lavie, Alon; Levin, Lori S.; Wallace, Dorcas; Gates, Donna M.; Peterson, Kay}
title = {Spoken Language Parsing Using Phrase-Level Grammars And Trainable Classifiers}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0704}
author = {Kikui, Genichiro; Yamamoto, Hirohumi}
title = {Finding Translation Pairs From English-Japanese Untokenized Aligned Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0705}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan; Douglas, Shona}
title = {Speech Translation Performance Of Statistical Dependency Transduction And Semantic Similarity Transduction}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0706}
author = {Casacuberta, Francisco; Vidal, Enrique; Vilar, Juan-Miguel}
title = {Architectures For Speech-To-Speech Translation Using Finite-State Models}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0707}
author = {Murakami, Koji; Hiroshige, Makoto; Araki, Kenji; Tochinai, Koji}
title = {Evaluation Of Direct Speech Translation Method Using Inductive Learning For Conversations In The Travel Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0708}
author = {Levin, Lori S.; Gates, Donna M.; Pianta, Dorcas; Cattoni, Roldano; Mana, Nadia; Peterson, Kay; Lavie, Alon; Pianesi, Fabio}
title = {Balancing Expressiveness And Simplicity In An Interlingua For Task Based Dialogue}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0709}
author = {Zong, Chengqing; Xu, Bo; Huang, Taiyi}
title = {Interactive Chinese-To-English Speech Translation Based On Dialogue Management}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0710}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Bouillon, Pierrette}
title = {A Flexible Speech To Speech Phrasebook Translator}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0711}
author = {Frederking, Robert E.; Black, Alan W.; Brown, Ralf D.; Rudnicky, Alexander I.; Moody, John; Steinbrecher, Eric}
title = {Speech Translation On A Tight Budget Without Enough Data}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0712}
author = {Ikeda, Takahiro; Ando, Shinichi; Satoh, Kenji; Okumura, Akitoshi}
title = {Automatic Interpretation System Integrating Free-Style Sentence Translation And Parallel Text Based Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0713}
author = {Condon, Sherri L.; Miller, Keith}
title = {Sharing Problems And Solutions For Machine Translation Of Spoken And Written Interaction}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0714}
author = {Schultz, Tanja; Jin, Qin; Laskowski, Kornel; Tribble, Alicia; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Improvements In Non-Verbal Cue Identification Using Multilingual Phone Strings}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0715}
author = {Sugaya, Fumiaki; Yasuda, Keiji; Takezawa, Toshiyuki; Yamamoto, Seiichi}
title = {Quality-Sensitive Test Set Selection For A Speech Translation System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0716}
author = {Godden, Kurt}
title = {Towards A Speech-To-Speech Machine Translation Quality Metric}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0717}
author = {Lavie, Alon; Metze, Florian; Cattoni, Roldano; Costantini, Erica}
title = {A Multi-Perspective Evaluation Of The NESPOLE! Speech-To-Speech Translation System}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0718}
author = {Lazzari, Gianni}
title = {The VI Framework Program In Europe: Some Thoughts About Speech To Speech Translation Research}
venue = {Workshop On Speech-To-Speech Translation: Algorithms And Systems}
year = {2002}
id = {W08-0601}
author = {Airola, Antti; Pyysalo, Sampo; Björne, Jari; Pahikkala, Tapio; Ginter, Filip; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {A Graph Kernel for Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0602}
author = {Roberts, Angus; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Hepple, Mark}
title = {Extracting Clinical Relationships from Patient Narratives}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0603}
author = {Haddow, Barry}
title = {Using Automated Feature Optimisation to Create an Adaptable Relation Extraction System}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0604}
author = {Tudor, Catalina O; Vijay-Shanker, K.; Schmidt, Carl J}
title = {Mining the Biomedical Literature for Genic Information}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0605}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Accelerating the Annotation of Sparse Named Entities by Dynamic Sentence Selection}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0606}
author = {Szarvas, György; Vincze, Veronika; Farkas, Richárd; Csirik, János}
title = {The BioScope corpus: annotation for negation uncertainty and their scope in biomedical texts}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0607}
author = {Kilicoglu, Halil; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {Recognizing Speculative Language in Biomedical Research Articles: A Linguistically Motivated Perspective}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0608}
author = {Corbett, Peter T.; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Cascaded Classifiers for Confidence-Based Chemical Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0609}
author = {Sasaki, Yutaka; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; McNaught, John; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {How to Make the Most of NE Dictionaries in Statistical NER}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0610}
author = {Wang, Xinglong; Matthews, Michael}
title = {Species Disambiguation for Biomedical Term Identification}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0611}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Guo, Yikun; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Martinez, David}
title = {Knowledge Sources for Word Sense Disambiguation of Biomedical Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0612}
author = {Neveol, Aurelie; Shooshan, Sonya; Claveau, Vincent}
title = {Automatic inference of indexing rules for MEDLINE}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0613}
author = {Chun, Hong-Woo; Yamasaki, Chisato; Saichi, Naomi; Tanaka, Masayuki; Hishiki, Teruyoshi; Imanishi, Tadashi; Gojobori, Takashi; Kim, Jin-Dong; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Takagi, Toshihisa}
title = {Prediction of Protein Sub-cellular Localization using Information from Texts and Sequences.}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0614}
author = {Yu, Hong; Frid, Nadezhda; McRoy, Susan W.; Prasad, Rashmi; Lee, Alan; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {A Pilot Annotation to Investigate Discourse Connectivity in Biomedical Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0615}
author = {Li, Dingcheng; Savova, Guergana; Kipper-Schuler, Karin}
title = {Conditional Random Fields and Support Vector Machines for Disorder Named Entity Recognition in Clinical Texts}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0616}
author = {Pestian, John P.; Matykiewicz, Pawel; Grupp-Phelan, Jacqueline; Arszman Lavanier, Sarah; Combs, Jennifer; Kowatch, Robert}
title = {Using Natural Language Processing to Classify Suicide Notes}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0617}
author = {Zhou, Deyu; He, Yulan}
title = {Extracting Protein-Protein Interaction based on Discriminative Training of the Hidden Vector State Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0618}
author = {Segura-Bedmar, Isabel; Martínez, Paloma; Samy, Doaa}
title = {A preliminary approach to extract drugs by combining UMLS resources and USAN naming conventions}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0619}
author = {Wang, Yefeng; Patrick, Jon David}
title = {Mapping Clinical Notes to Medical Terminologies at Point of Care}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0620}
author = {Bloodgood, Michael; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {An Approach to Reducing Annotation Costs for BioNLP}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0621}
author = {Mowery, Danielle; Harkema, Henk; Chapman, Wendy}
title = {Temporal Annotation of Clinical Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0622}
author = {Neves, Mariana; Chagoyen, Monica; Carazo, José María; Pascual-Montano, Alberto}
title = {CBR-Tagger: a case-based reasoning approach to the gene/protein mention problem}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0623}
author = {Frunza, Oana; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {Textual Information for Predicting Functional Properties of the Genes}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0624}
author = {Horn, Pieter; Bakker, Bart; Geleijnse, Gijs; Korst, Jan; Kurkin, Sergei}
title = {Determining causal and non-causal relationships in biomedical text by classifying verbs using a Naive Bayesian Classifier}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0625}
author = {Buitelaar, Paul; Oezden Wennerberg, Pinar; Zillner, Sonja}
title = {Statistical Term Profiling for Query Pattern Mining}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0626}
author = {Solorio, Thamar; Liu, Yang}
title = {Using Language Models to Identify Language Impairment in Spanish-English Bilingual Children}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0627}
author = {Wang, Yue; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Kim, Jin-Dong; Sætre, Rune; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Raising the Compatibility of Heterogeneous Annotations: A Case Study on}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0628}
author = {Feng, Donghui; Burns, Gully; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Adaptive Information Extraction for Complex Biomedical Tasks}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Trends in Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W98-0201}
author = {Gouraros, Nickolas; Hall, Wendy}
title = {The Pausanian Notation: A Method For Representing The Structure And The Content Of A Hyperdocument}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0202}
author = {Isahara, Hitoshi; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Ozaku, Hiromi Itoh}
title = {Intelligent Network News Reader With Visual User Interface}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0203}
author = {Baldwin, Breck}
title = {Coreference As The Foundations For Link Analysis Over Free Text Databases}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0204}
author = {Yaari, Yaakov}
title = {Texplore - Exploring Expository Texts Via Hierarchical Representation}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0205}
author = {Himmel, Dave}
title = {Visualization For Large Collections Of Multimedia Information}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0206}
author = {Hirschberg, Julia; Choi, John; Nakatani, Christine H.; Whittaker, Steve}
title = {I Just Played That A Minute Ago! - Designing User Interfaces For Audio Navigation}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0207}
author = {Nadin, Mihai; Lango, Clemens}
title = {Interactive Multimedia Navigation}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0208}
author = {Chase, Penny; D'Amore, Ray; Gershon, Nahum; Holland, Rod; Hyland, Rob; Mani, Inderjeet; Maybury, Mark T.; Merlino, Andrew; Rayson, Jim}
title = {Semantic Visualization}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0209}
author = {Corio, Marc; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Integrated Generation Of Graphics And Text - A Corpus Study}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0210}
author = {Green, Nancy L.; Carenini, Giuseppe; Kerpedjiev, Stephan M.; Roth, Steven F.; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {A Media-Independent Content Language For Integrated Text And Graphics Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0211}
author = {Calder, Jonathan}
title = {How To Build A (Quite General) Linguistic Diagram Editor}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0212}
author = {Germann, Ulrich}
title = {Visualization Of Protocols Of The Parsing And Semantic Interpretation Steps In A Machine Translation System}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0213}
author = {Bellynck, Valerie}
title = {Multimodal Visualization Of Geometrical Constructions}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0214}
author = {Jacobson, R. Dan}
title = {Navigating Maps With Little Or No Sight: An Audio-Tactile Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0215}
author = {Bulatov, Vladimir; Gardner, John}
title = {Visualization By People Without Vision}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0216}
author = {Estival, Dominique}
title = {Integration Of Speech And Vision In A Small Mobile Robot}
venue = {Workshop On Content Visualization And Intermedia Representations}
year = {1998}
id = {W07-1901}
author = {Foster, Mary Ellen}
title = {Comparing Rule-Based and Data-Driven Selection of Facial Displays}
venue = {Workshop on Embodied Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1902}
author = {Katagiri, Yasuhiro}
title = {Aiduti in Japanese Multi-Party Design Conversations}
venue = {Workshop on Embodied Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1903}
author = {Heylen, Dirk; op den Akker, Rieks}
title = {Computing Backchannel Distributions in Multi-Party Conversations}
venue = {Workshop on Embodied Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1904}
author = {Evers, Mark; Theune, Mariët; Karreman, Joyce}
title = {Which Way to Turn? Guide Orientation in Virtual Way Finding}
venue = {Workshop on Embodied Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1905}
author = {Hernandez, Alvaro; Lopez, Beatriz; Daz, David; Hernández Gomez, Luis A.; Caminero, Javier}
title = {A Person in the Interface: Effects on User Perceptions of Multibiometrics}
venue = {Workshop on Embodied Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1906}
author = {Cassell, Justine; Gill, Alastair; Tepper, Paul}
title = {Coordination in Conversation and Rapport}
venue = {Workshop on Embodied Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1907}
author = {Huenerfauth, Matt; Zhou, Liming; Gu, Erdan; Allbeck, Jan}
title = {Design and Evaluation of an American Sign Language Generator}
venue = {Workshop on Embodied Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1908}
author = {Jan, Dusan; Traum, David R.}
title = {Dynamic Movement and Positioning of Embodied Agents in Multiparty Conversations}
venue = {Workshop on Embodied Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1909}
author = {Lopez, Beatriz; Hernandez, Alvaro; Daz, David; Hernández Gomez, Luis A.; Torre, Doroteo}
title = {Design and Validation of ECA Gestures to Improve Dialogue System Robustness}
venue = {Workshop on Embodied Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W10-0801}
author = {Hwang, Jena D.; Nielsen, Rodney D.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Towards a Domain Independent Semantics: Enhancing Semantic Representation with Construction Grammar}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0802}
author = {O'Donnell, Matthew; Ellis, Nick}
title = {Towards an Inventory of English Verb Argument Constructions}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0803}
author = {Duffield, Cecily Jill; Hwang, Jena D.; Michaelis, Laura A.}
title = {Identifying Assertions in Text and Discourse: The Presentational Relative Clause Construction}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0804}
author = {Wible, David; Tsao, Nai-Lung}
title = {StringNet as a Computational Resource for Discovering and Investigating Linguistic Constructions}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0805}
author = {Paul, Soma; Mathur, Prashant; Kishore, Sushant}
title = {Syntactic Construct : An Aid for translating English Nominal Compound into Hindi}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0806}
author = {van Huyssteen, Gerhard B.; Davel, Marelie}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Constructional Schemas}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT Workshop on Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W08-1201}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Brown, Susan Windisch}
title = {Invited Talk: The Relevance of a Cognitive Model of the Mental Lexicon to Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Information Retrieval for Question Answering}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1202}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Beigman, Eyal; Diermeier, Daniel}
title = {Analyzing Disagreements}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Information Retrieval for Question Answering}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1203}
author = {Reidsma, Dennis; op den Akker, Rieks}
title = {Exploiting ‘Subjective' Annotations}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Information Retrieval for Question Answering}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1204}
author = {Berthelin, Jean-Baptiste; Grouin, Cyril; Hurault-Plantet, Martine; Paroubek, Patrick}
title = {Human Judgement as a Parameter in Evaluation Campaigns}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Information Retrieval for Question Answering}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1205}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Native Judgments of Non-Native Usage: Experiments in Preposition Error Detection}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Information Retrieval for Question Answering}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1206}
author = {Rumshisky, Anna; Batiukova, Olga}
title = {Polysemy in Verbs: Systematic Relations between Senses and their Effect on Annotation}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Information Retrieval for Question Answering}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1207}
author = {Su, Fangzhong; Markert, Katja}
title = {Eliciting Subjectivity and Polarity Judgements on Word Senses}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Information Retrieval for Question Answering}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1208}
author = {Volk, Martin; Marek, Torsten; Samuelsson, Yvonne}
title = {Human Judgements in Parallel Treebank Alignment}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Information Retrieval for Question Answering}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1209}
author = {Bhowmick, Plaban Kumar; Basu, Anupam; Mitra, Pabitra}
title = {An Agreement Measure for Determining Inter-Annotator Reliability of Human Judgements on Affective Text}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Information Retrieval for Question Answering}
year = {2008}
id = {W04-0301}
author = {Lombardo, Vincenzo; Mazzei, Alessandro; Sturt, Patrick}
title = {Competence And Performance Grammar In Incremental Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0302}
author = {Kato, Yoshihide; Matsubara, Shigeki; Inagaki, Yasuyoshi}
title = {Stochastically Evaluating The Validity Of Partial Parse Trees In Incremental Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0303}
author = {Roark, Brian}
title = {Efficient Incremental Beam-Search Parsing With Generative And Discriminative Models}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0304}
author = {Stoness, Scott C.; Tetreault, Joel R.; Allen, James F.}
title = {Incremental Parsing With Reference Interaction}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0305}
author = {Henderson, James B.}
title = {Lookahead In Deterministic Left-Corner Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0306}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Shen, Yihai}
title = {An Efficient Algorithm To Induce Minimum Average Lookahead Grammars For Incremental LR Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0307}
author = {Wang, Wen; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {A Statistical Constraint Dependency Grammar (CDG) Parser}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0308}
author = {Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Incrementality In Deterministic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0309}
author = {Hale, John}
title = {The Information-Processing Difficulty Of Incremental Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0310}
author = {Sturt, Patrick}
title = {Incrementality In Syntactic Processing: Computational Models And Experimental Evidence}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0311}
author = {Daum, Michael}
title = {Dynamic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0312}
author = {Purver, Matthew; Kempson, Ruth}
title = {Incremental Parsing Or Incremental Grammar?}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0313}
author = {Vasishth, Shravan; Lewis, Richard L.}
title = {Modeling Sentence Processing In Act-R}
venue = {Workshop On Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering And Cognition Together}
year = {2004}
id = {W00-0601}
author = {Charniak, Eugene; Altun, Yasemin; De Salvo Braz, Rodrigo; Garrett, Benjamin; Kosmala, Margaret; Moscovich, Tomer; Pang, Lixin; Pyo, Changhee; Sun, Ye; Wy, Wei; Yang, Zhongfa; Zeiler, Shawn; Zorn, Lisa}
title = {Reading Comprehension Programs In A Statistical-Language-Processing Class}
venue = {Workshop On Reading Comprehension Tests As Evaluation For Computer-Based Language Understanding Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0602}
author = {Palmer, David D.}
title = {Some Challenges Of Developing Fully-Automated Systems For Taking Audio Comprehension Exams}
venue = {Workshop On Reading Comprehension Tests As Evaluation For Computer-Based Language Understanding Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0603}
author = {Riloff, Ellen; Thelen, Michael}
title = {A Rule-Based Question Answering System For Reading Comprehension Tests}
venue = {Workshop On Reading Comprehension Tests As Evaluation For Computer-Based Language Understanding Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0604}
author = {Schwitter, Rolf; Molla Aliod, Diego; Fournier, Rachel; Hess, Michael}
title = {Answer Extraction Towards Better Evaluations Of NLP Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Reading Comprehension Tests As Evaluation For Computer-Based Language Understanding Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0605}
author = {Wang, Wen; Auer, John; Parasuraman, Ram; Zubarev, Irine; Brandyberry, David; Harper, Mary P.}
title = {A Question Answering System Developed As A Project In A Natural Language Processing Course}
venue = {Workshop On Reading Comprehension Tests As Evaluation For Computer-Based Language Understanding Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W09-2601}
author = {Liu, Yudong; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Exploration of the LTAG-Spinal Formalism and Treebank for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2602}
author = {Zarrieß, Sina}
title = {Developing German Semantics on the basis of Parallel LFG Grammars}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2603}
author = {Gurevich, Olga; Waterman, Scott}
title = {Mining of Parsed Data to Derive Deverbal Argument Structure}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2604}
author = {Crysmann, Berthold}
title = {Autosegmental representations in an HPSG of Hausa}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2605}
author = {Cramer, Bart; Zhang, Yi}
title = {Construction of a German HPSG grammar from a detailed treebank}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2606}
author = {Banik, Eva}
title = {Parenthetical Constructions - an Argument against Modularity}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2607}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Estrella, Paula; Bouillon, Pierrette; Hockey, Beth Ann; Nakao, Yukie}
title = {Using Artificially Generated Data to Evaluate Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2608}
author = {Dost, Ascander; King, Tracy Holloway}
title = {Using Large-scale Parser Output to Guide Grammar Development}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2609}
author = {de Kok, Daniël; Ma, Jianqiang; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {A generalized method for iterative error mining in parsing results}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1501}
author = {Ogren, Philip V.; Bethard, Steven}
title = {Building Test Suites for UIMA Components}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1502}
author = {Farrow, Elaine; Dzikovska, Myroslava O.}
title = {Context-Dependent Regression Testing for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1503}
author = {Hockey, Beth Ann; Rayner, Manny}
title = {Using Paraphrases of Deep Semantic Representions to Support Regression Testing in Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1504}
author = {Kano, Yoshinobu; McCrohon, Luke; Ananiadou, Sophia; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Integrated NLP Evaluation System for Pluggable Evaluation Metrics with Extensive Interoperable Toolkit}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1505}
author = {Germann, Ulrich; Joanis, Eric; Larkin, Samuel}
title = {Tightly Packed Tries: How to Fit Large Models into Memory and Make them Load Fast Too}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1506}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo; Bristot, Antonella; Voltolina, Gloria; Pallotta, Vincenzo}
title = {Scaling up a NLU system from text to dialogue understanding}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1507}
author = {Sukkarieh, Jana Z.; Kamal, Jyoti}
title = {Towards Agile and Test-Driven Development in NLP Applications}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1508}
author = {Martin, Scott; Rajkumar, Rajakrishnan; White, Michael}
title = {Grammar Engineering for CCG using Ant and XSLT}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1509}
author = {Lewis, David D.; Curran, Stephen; Feeney, Kevin; Etzioni, Zohar; Keeney, John; Way, Andy; Schäler, Reinhard}
title = {Web Service Integration for Next Generation Localisation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1510}
author = {Waterman, Scott}
title = {Distributed Parse Mining}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1511}
author = {Chalendar, Gaël de; Nouvel, Damien}
title = {Modular resource development and diagnostic evaluation framework for fast NLP system improvement}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1512}
author = {Liao, Wenhui; Light, Marc; Veeramachaneni, Sriharsha}
title = {Integrating High Precision Rules with Statistical Sequence Classifiers for Accuracy and Speed}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance for Natural Language Processing (SETQA-NLP 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W04-0801}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Aldabe, Itziar; Lersundi, Mikel; Martinez, David; Pociello, Eli; Uria, Larraitz}
title = {The Basque Lexical-Sample Task}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0802}
author = {Chklovski, Timothy; Mihalcea, Rada; Pedersen, Ted; Purandare, Amruta}
title = {The Senseval-3 Multilingual EnglishHindi Lexical Sample Task}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0803}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {Senseval-3 Task: Automatic Labeling Of Semantic Roles}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0804}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {Senseval-3 Task: Word Sense Disambiguation Of WordNet Glosses}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0805}
author = {Magnini, Bernardo; Giampiccolo, Danilo; Vallin, Alessandro}
title = {The Italian Lexical Sample Task At Senseval-3}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0806}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Taulé, Mariona; Martí, M. Antònia; Artigas, Nuria; Garcia-Vega, Manuel; Real, Francis; Ferres, Daniel}
title = {Senseval-3: The Spanish Lexical Sample Task}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0807}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Chklovski, Timothy; Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {The Senseval-3 English Lexical Sample Task}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0808}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Nastase, Vivi; Chklovski, Timothy; Tatar, Doina; Tufiš, Dan; Hristea, Florentina}
title = {An Evaluation Exercise For Romanian Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0809}
author = {Preiss, Judita; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {WSD For Subcategorization Acquisition Task Description}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0810}
author = {Rus, Vasile}
title = {A First Evaluation Of Logic Form Identification Systems}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0811}
author = {Snyder, Benjamin; Palmer, Martha}
title = {The English All-Words Task}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0812}
author = {Ulivieri, Marisa; Guazzini, Elisabetta; Bertagna, Francesca; Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {Senseval-3: The Italian All-Words Task}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0813}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Martinez, David}
title = {The Basque Country University System: English And Basque Tasks}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0814}
author = {Ahn, David; Fissaha Adafre, Sisay; Jijkoun, Valentin; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {The University Of Amsterdam At Senseval-3: Semantic Roles And Logic Forms}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0815}
author = {Anthony, Stephen; Patrick, Jon David}
title = {Dependency Based Logical Form Transformations}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0816}
author = {Artiles, Javier; Peñas, Anselmo; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Based On Term To Term Similarity In A Context Space}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0817}
author = {Baldewein, Ulrike; Erk, Katrin; Padó, Sebastian; Prescher, Detlef}
title = {Semantic Role Labelling With Similarity-Based Generalization Using EM-Based Clustering}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0818}
author = {Bayer, Samuel; Burger, John D.; Greiff, John; Wellner, Benjamin}
title = {The MITRE Logical Form Generation System}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0819}
author = {Bejan, Cosmin Adrian; Moschitti, Alessandro; Morarescu, Paul; Nicolae, Gabriel; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Semantic Parsing Based On FrameNet}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0820}
author = {Buscaldi, Davide; Rosso, Paolo; Masulli, Francesco}
title = {The Upv-Unige-CIAOSENSO WSD System}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0821}
author = {Cabezas, Clara; Bhattacharya, Indrajit; Resnik, Philip}
title = {The University Of Maryland Senseval-3 System Descriptions}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0822}
author = {Carpuat, Marine; Su, Weifeng; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Augmenting Ensemble Classification For Word Sense Disambiguation With A Kernel PCA Model}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0823}
author = {Castillo, Mauro; Real, Francis; Atserias, Jordi; Rigau, German}
title = {The TALP Systems For Disambiguating WordNet Glosses}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0824}
author = {Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Multi-Component Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0825}
author = {Crestan, Eric}
title = {Contextual Semantics For WSD}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0826}
author = {Csomai, Andras}
title = {UBBNBC WSD System Description}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0827}
author = {Decadt, Bart; Hoste, Véronique; Daelemans, Walter; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {GAMBL Genetic Algorithm Optimization Of Memory-Based WSD}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0828}
author = {Escudero, Gerard; Màrquez, Lluís; Rigau, German}
title = {TALP System For The English Lexical Sample Task}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0829}
author = {Fernandez-Amoros, David}
title = {WSD Based On Mutual Information And Syntactic Patterns}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0830}
author = {Garcia-Vega, Manuel; Garcia Cumbreras, Miguel Angel; Martin-Valdivia, Maria Teresa; Urena-Lopez, L. Alfonso}
title = {The University Of Jaen Word Sense Disambiguation System}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0831}
author = {Grozea, Cristian}
title = {Finding Optimal Parameter Settings For High Performance Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0832}
author = {Kwon, Namhee; Fleischman, Michael; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Senseval Automatic Labeling Of Semantic Roles Using Maximum Entropy Models}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0833}
author = {Lamjiri, Abolfazl; El Demerdash, Osama; Kosseim, Leila}
title = {Simple Features For Statistical Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0834}
author = {Lee, Yoong Keok; Ng, Hwee Tou; Chia, Tee Kiah}
title = {Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation With Support Vector Machines And Multiple Knowledge Sources}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0835}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {Explorations In Disambiguation Using XML Text Representation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0836}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Taulé, Mariona; Martí, M. Antònia; Garcia-Vega, Manuel; Real, Francis; Ferres, Daniel}
title = {Senseval-3: The Catalan Lexical Sample Task}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0837}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Koeling, Rob; Weeds, Julie; Carroll, John}
title = {Using Automatically Acquired Predominant Senses For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0838}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Faruque, Ehsanul}
title = {SenseLearner: Minimally Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation For All Words In Open Text}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0839}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Complementarity Of Lexical And Simple Syntactic Features: The SyntaLex Approach To Senseval-3}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0840}
author = {Mohammed, Altaf; Moldovan, Dan; Parker, Paul}
title = {Senseval-3 Logic Forms: A System And Possible Improvements}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0841}
author = {Moldovan, Dan; Gîrju, Roxana; Olteanu, Marian; Fortu, Ovidiu}
title = {SVM Classification Of FrameNet Semantic Roles}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0842}
author = {Molina, Antonio; Pla, Ferran; Segarra, Encarna}
title = {WSD System Based On Specialized Hidden Markov Model (Upv-Shmm-Eaw)}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0843}
author = {De Montcheuil, Gregoire Moreau; El-Bèze, Marc; Chen, Boxing; Kraif, Olivier}
title = {Using A Word Sense Disambiguation System For Translation Disambiguation: The LIA-LIDILEM Team Experiment}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0844}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Structural Semantic Interconnection: A Knowledge-Based Approach To Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0845}
author = {Ngai, Grace; Wu, Dekai; Carpuat, Marine; Wang, Chi-Shing; Wang, Chi-Yung}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling With Boosting SVMs Maximum Entropy SNOW And Decision Lists}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0846}
author = {Niu, Cheng; Li, Wei; Srihari, Rohini K.; Li, Huifeng; Crist, L.}
title = {Context Clustering For Word Sense Disambiguation Based On Modeling Pairwise Context Similarities}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0847}
author = {Niu, Zhengyu; Donghong, Ji; Tan, Chew Lim}
title = {Optimizing Feature Set For Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0848}
author = {Novischi, Adrian; Moldovan, Dan; Parker, Paul; Badulescu, Adriana; Hauser, Bob}
title = {LCC's WSD Systems For Senseval-3}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0849}
author = {O'Hara, Thomas P.; Bruce, Rebecca F.; Donner, Jeff; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Class-Based Collocations For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0850}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {The Duluth Lexical Sample Systems In Senseval-3}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0851}
author = {Popescu, Marius}
title = {Regularized Least-Squares Classification For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0852}
author = {Preiss, Judita}
title = {Probabilistic WSD In Senseval-3}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0853}
author = {Ramakrishnan, Ganesh; Prithviraj, B.; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {A Gloss-Centered Algorithm For Disambiguation}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0854}
author = {Seo, Hee-Cheol; Rim, Hae-Chang; Kim, Soo-Hong}
title = {KUNLP System In Senseval-3}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0855}
author = {Serban, Gabriela; Tatar, Doina}
title = {UBB System At Senseval-3}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0856}
author = {Strapparava, Carlo; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Giuliano, Claudio}
title = {Pattern Abstraction And Term Similarity For Word Sense Disambiguation: IRST At Senseval-3}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0857}
author = {Thompson, Cynthia A.; Patwardhan, Siddharth; Arnold, Carolin}
title = {Generative Models For Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0858}
author = {Turney, Peter D.}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation By Web Mining For Word Co-Occurrence Probabilities}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0859}
author = {Vázquez, Sonia; Romero, Rafael; Suárez, Armando; Montoyo, Andrés; Nica, Iulia; Martí, M. Antònia}
title = {The University Of Alicante Systems At Senseval-3}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0860}
author = {Vázquez, Sonia; Romero, Rafael; Suárez, Armando; Montoyo, Andrés; Garcia-Vega, Manuel; Martin-Valdivia, Maria Teresa; Garcia, M. Angel; Urena-Lopez, L. Alfonso}
title = {The R2D2 Team At Senseval-3}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0861}
author = {Villarejo, Luis; Màrquez, Lluís; Agirre, Eneko; Martinez, David; Magnini, Bernardo; Strapparava, Carlo; McCarthy, Diana; Montoyo, Andrés; Suárez, Armando}
title = {The Meaning System On The English All-Words Task}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0862}
author = {Wicentowski, Richard; Thomforde, Emily; Packel, Adrian}
title = {The Swarthmore College Senseval-3 System}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0863}
author = {Wicentowski, Richard; Ngai, Grace; Wu, Dekai; Carpuat, Marine; Thomforde, Emily; Packel, Adrian}
title = {Joining Forces To Resolve Lexical Ambiguity: East Meets West In Barcelona}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0864}
author = {Yuret, Deniz}
title = {Some Experiments With A Naive Bayes WSD System}
venue = {SENSEVAL International Workshop On The Evaluation Of Systems For The Semantic Analysis Of Text}
year = {2004}
id = {W06-2701}
author = {Alink, Wouter; Jijkoun, Valentin; Ahn, David; de Rijke, Maarten; Boncz, Peter; De Vries, Arjen}
title = {Representing And Querying Multi-Dimensional Markup For Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2702}
author = {Rebholz-Schuhmann, Dietrich; Kirsch, Harald; Gaudan, Sylvain; Arregui, Miguel; Nenadić, Goran}
title = {Annotation And Disambiguation Of Semantic Types In Biomedical Text: A Cascaded Approach To Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2703}
author = {Grover, Claire; Matthews, Michael; Tobin, Richard}
title = {Tools To Address The Interdependence Between Tokenisation And Standoff Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2704}
author = {Mayo, Neil; Kilgour, Jonathan; Carletta, Jean}
title = {Towards An Alternative Implementation Of NXTs Query Language Via XQuery}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2705}
author = {Hansen-Schirra, Silvia; Neumann, Stella; Vela, Mihaela}
title = {Multi-Dimensional Annotation And Alignment In An English-German Translation Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2706}
author = {Siniakov, Peter}
title = {Querying XML Documents With Multi-Dimensional Markup}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2707}
author = {Declerck, Thierry; Busemann, Stephan; Rehatschek, Herwig; Kienast, Gert}
title = {Annotating Text Using The Linguistic Description Scheme Of MPEG-7: The Direct-INFO Scenario}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2708}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Callaway, Charles B.; Farrow, Elaine}
title = {Tools For Hierarchical Annotation Of Typed Dialogue}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2709}
author = {Götze, Michael; Dipper, Stefanie}
title = {ANNIS: Complex Multilevel Annotations In A Linguistic Database}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2710}
author = {Kilgour, Jonathan; Carletta, Jean}
title = {The NITE XML Toolkit: Demonstration From Five Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2711}
author = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Rieser, Verena; Gerstenberger, Ciprian; Schehl, Jan; Becker, Tilman}
title = {The SAMMIE Multimodal Dialogue Corpus Meets The Nite XML Toolkit}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2712}
author = {Müller, Christof E.}
title = {Representing And Accessing Multi-Level Annotations In MMAX2}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2713}
author = {Pianta, Emanuele; Bentivogli, Luisa; Girardi, Christian; Magnini, Bernardo}
title = {Representing And Accessing Multilevel Linguistic Annotation Using The MEANING Format}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2714}
author = {Schäfer, Ulrich}
title = {Middleware For Creating And Combining Multi-Dimensional NLP Markup}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2715}
author = {Stührenberg, Maik; Witt, Andreas; Goecke, Daniela; Metzing, Dieter; Schonefeld, Oliver}
title = {Multidimensional Markup And Heterogeneous Linguistic Resources}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2716}
author = {Suderman, Keith; Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {Layering And Merging Linguistic Annotations}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2717}
author = {Volk, Martin; Gustafson-Capkova, Sofia; Lundborg, Joakim; Marek, Torsten; Samuelsson, Yvonne; Tidstrom, Frida}
title = {XML-Based Phrase Alignment In Parallel Treebanks}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2718}
author = {Waldron, Benjamin; Copestake, Ann}
title = {A Standoff Annotation Interface Between DELPH-In Components}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML Multi-Dimensional Markup}
year = {2006}
id = {W97-0901}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; Maloney, John}
title = {Reuse Of A Proper Noun Recognition System In Commercial And Operational NLP Applications}
venue = {Workshop On From Research To Commercial Applications: Making NLP Work In Practice}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0902}
author = {Tschichold, Cornelia; Bodmer, Franck; Cornu, Etienne; Grosjean, Francois; Grosjean, Lysiane; Kubler, Natalie; Lewy, Nicolas; Tschumi, Corinne}
title = {Developing A New Grammar Checker For English As A Second Language}
venue = {Workshop On From Research To Commercial Applications: Making NLP Work In Practice}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0903}
author = {Kukich, Karen; Passonneau, Rebecca J.; McKeown, Kathleen R.; Radev, Dragomir R.; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; Jing, Hongyan}
title = {Software Re-Use And Evolution In Text Generation Applications}
venue = {Workshop On From Research To Commercial Applications: Making NLP Work In Practice}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0904}
author = {Nolan, James R.}
title = {Estimating The True Performance Of Classification-Based NLP Technology}
venue = {Workshop On From Research To Commercial Applications: Making NLP Work In Practice}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0905}
author = {Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Tailored Patient Information: Some Issues And Questions}
venue = {Workshop On From Research To Commercial Applications: Making NLP Work In Practice}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0906}
author = {Tait, John Irving}
title = {Practical Considerations In Building A Multi-Lingual Authoring System For Business Letters}
venue = {Workshop On From Research To Commercial Applications: Making NLP Work In Practice}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0907}
author = {Adams, Gary; Resnik, Philip}
title = {A Language Identification Application Built On The Java Client / Server Platform}
venue = {Workshop On From Research To Commercial Applications: Making NLP Work In Practice}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0908}
author = {Gamon, Michael; Lozano, Carmen; Pinkham, Jessie; Reutter, Tom}
title = {Practical Experience With Grammar Sharing In Multilingual NLP}
venue = {Workshop On From Research To Commercial Applications: Making NLP Work In Practice}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0909}
author = {Obrst, Leo; Jha, Krishna Nanda}
title = {NLP And Industry: Transfer And Reuse Of Technologies}
venue = {Workshop On From Research To Commercial Applications: Making NLP Work In Practice}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0910}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Carter, David M.; Bretan, Ivan; Eklund, Robert; Wiren, Mats; Hansen, Steffen Leo; Kirchmeier-Andersen, Sabine; Philp, Christina; Sorensen, Finn; Thomsen, Hanne Erdman}
title = {Recycling Lingware In A Multilingual MT System}
venue = {Workshop On From Research To Commercial Applications: Making NLP Work In Practice}
year = {1997}
id = {W07-1501}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Suderman, Keith}
title = {GrAF: A Graph-based Format for Linguistic Annotations}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1502}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Wermter, Joachim; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Efficient Annotation with the Jena ANnotation Environment (JANE)}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1503}
author = {Bouma, Gosse; Kloosterman, Geert}
title = {Mining Syntactically Annotated Corpora with XQuery}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1504}
author = {Foster, Mary Ellen}
title = {Assocating Facial Displays with Syntactic Constituents for Generation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1505}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Buyko, Ekaterina; Tomanek, Katrin; Piao, Scott S. L.; McNaught, John; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {An Annotation Type System for a Data-Driven NLP Pipeline}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1506}
author = {Boyd, Adriane}
title = {Discontinuity Revisited: An Improved Conversion to Context-Free Representations}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1507}
author = {Huhmarniemi, Saara; Moshagen, Sjur Norstebo; Trosterud, Trond}
title = {Usage of XSL Stylesheets for the Annotation of the S\'ami Language Corpora.}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1508}
author = {Duffield, Cecily Jill; Hwang, Jena D.; Brown, Susan Windisch; Dligach, Dmitriy; Vieweg, Sarah E.; Davis, Jenny; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Criteria for the Manual Grouping of Verb Senses}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1509}
author = {Ganchev, Kuzman; Pereira, Fernando; Mandel, Mark; Carroll, Steven; White, Peter}
title = {Semi-Automated Named Entity Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1510}
author = {Thomas, Martin}
title = {Querying Multimodal Annotation: A Concordancer for GeM}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1511}
author = {Xu, Ruifeng; Lu, Qin; Wong, Kam-Fai; Li, Wenjie}
title = {Annotating Chinese Collocations with Multi Information}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1512}
author = {Buch-Kromann, Matthias}
title = {Computing Translation Units and Quantifying Parallelism in Parallel Dependency Treebanks}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1513}
author = {Monachesi, Paola; Stevens, Gerwert; Trapman, Jantine}
title = {Adding Semantic Role Annotation to a Corpus of Written Dutch}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1514}
author = {Volk, Martin; Lundborg, Joakim; Mettler, Mael}
title = {A Search Tool for Parallel Treebanks}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1515}
author = {Read, Jonathon; Hope, David; Carroll, John}
title = {Annotating Expressions of Appraisal in English}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1516}
author = {Ringger, Eric K.; McClanahan, Peter; Haertel, Robbie; Busby, George; Carmen, Marc; Carroll, James; Seppi, Kevin; Lonsdale, Deryle}
title = {Active Learning for Part-of-Speech Tagging: Accelerating Corpus Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1517}
author = {Verhagen, Marc; Stubbs, Amber; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Combining Independent Syntactic and Semantic Annotation Schemes}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1518}
author = {Stevens, Gerwert}
title = {XARA: An XML- and Rule-based Semantic Role Labeler}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1519}
author = {Eryiğit, Gülşen}
title = {ITU Treebank Annotation Tool}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1520}
author = {Germann, Ulrich}
title = {Two Tools for Creating and Visualizing Sub-sentential Alignments of Parallel Text}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1521}
author = {Wu, Yunfang; Jin, Peng; Guo, Tao; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {Building Chinese Sense Annotated Corpus with the Help of Software Tools}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1522}
author = {Iida, Ryu; Komachi, Mamoru; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Annotating a Japanese Text Corpus with Predicate-Argument and Coreference Relations}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1523}
author = {Stührenberg, Maik; Goecke, Daniela; Diewald, Nils; Mehler, Alexander; Cramer, Irene}
title = {Web-based Annotation of Anaphoric Relations and Lexical Chains}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1524}
author = {Rodriguez, Kepa Joseba; Dipper, Stefanie; Götze, Michael; Poesio, Massimo; Riccardi, Giuseppe; Raymond, Christian; Rabiega-Wisniewska, Joanna}
title = {Standoff Coordination for Multi-Tool Annotation in a Dialogue Corpus}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1525}
author = {Krasavina, Olga; Chiarcos, Christian}
title = {PoCoS - Potsdam Coreference Scheme}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1526}
author = {Bosco, Cristina}
title = {Multiple-step Treebank Conversion: From Dependency to Penn Format}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1527}
author = {Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {Experiments with an Annotation Scheme for a Knowledge-rich Noun Phrase Interpretation System}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1528}
author = {Palmer, Alexis; Erk, Katrin}
title = {IGT-XML: An XML Format for Interlinearized Glossed Text}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1529}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Ide, Nancy M.; Denoyer, Ludovic; Shinyama, Yusuke}
title = {Shared Corpora Working Group Report}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1530}
author = {Stede, Manfred; Wiebe, Janyce; Hajicová, Eva; Reese, Brian; Teufel, Simone; Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Wilson, Theresa}
title = {Discourse Annotation Working Group Report}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2007}
id = {W09-3001}
author = {Chen, Ying; Lee, Sophia Yat Mei; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {A Cognitive-based Annotation System for Emotion Computing}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3002}
author = {Dandapat, Sandipan; Biswas, Priyanka; Choudhury, Monojit; Bali, Kalika}
title = {Complex Linguistic Annotation – No Easy Way Out! A Case from Bangla and Hindi POS Labeling Tasks}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3003}
author = {Rehbein, Ines; Ruppenhofer, Josef; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Assessing the benefits of partial automatic pre-labeling for frame-semantic annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3004}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Suderman, Keith}
title = {Bridging the Gaps: Interoperability for GrAF GATE and UIMA}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3005}
author = {Chiarcos, Christian; Ritz, Julia; Stede, Manfred}
title = {By all these lovely tokens... Merging Conflicting Tokenizations}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3006}
author = {Zeyrek, Deniz; Turan, Ümit Deniz; Bozsahin, H. Cem; Cakici, Ruken; Sevdik-Çalli, Ayişigi B.; Demirşahin, Işin; Aktaş, Berfin; Yalçinkaya, Ihsan; Ogel, Hale}
title = {Annotating Subordinators in the Turkish Discourse Bank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3007}
author = {Bittar, André}
title = {Annotation of Events and Temporal Expressions in French Texts}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3008}
author = {Hladká, Barbora; Mírovský, Jiří; Schlesinger, Pavel}
title = {Designing a Language Game for Collecting Coreference Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3009}
author = {Leong, Chee Wee; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Explorations in Automatic Image Annotation using Textual Features}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3010}
author = {Lee, John; Tetreault, Joel R.; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Human Evaluation of Article and Noun Number Usage: Influences of Context and Construction Variability}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3011}
author = {Bański, Piotr; Przepiórkowski, Adam}
title = {Stand-off TEI Annotation: the Case of the National Corpus of Polish}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3012}
author = {Diab, Mona; Levin, Lori S.; Mitamura, Teruko; Rambow, Owen; Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar; Guo, Weiwei}
title = {Committed Belief Annotation and Tagging}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3013}
author = {Lopatkova, Marketa; Klyueva, Natalia; Homola, Petr}
title = {Annotation of Sentence Structure; Capturing the Relationship among Clauses in Czech Sentences}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3014}
author = {Schneiker, Christian; Seipel, Dietmar; Wegstein, Werner}
title = {Schema and Variation: Digitizing Printed Dictionaries}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3015}
author = {Hladká, Barbora; Urešová, Zdeňka}
title = {Syntactic annotation of spoken utterances: A case study on the Czech Academic Corpus}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3016}
author = {Luís, Tiago; Martins de Matos, David}
title = {High-Performance High-Volume Layered Corpora Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3017}
author = {Nedoluzhko, Anna; Mírovský, Jiří; Pajas, Petr}
title = {The Coding Scheme for Annotating Extended Nominal Coreference and Bridging Anaphora in the Prague Dependency Treebank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3018}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Timed Annotations — Enhancing MUC7 Metadata by the Time It Takes to Annotate Named Entities}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3019}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Kosaka, Michiko; Ji, Heng; Xue, Nianwen; Harper, Mary P.; Sun, Ang; Xu, Wei; Liao, Shasha}
title = {Transducing Logical Relations from Automatic and Manual GLARF}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3020}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.; Palmer, Martha; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Using Parallel Propbanks to enhance Word-alignments}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3021}
author = {Baker, Collin F.; Fellbaum, Christiane}
title = {WordNet and FrameNet as Complementary Resources for Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3022}
author = {Albert, Camille; Buscail, Laurie; Garnier, Marie; Rykner, Arnaud; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Annotating language errors in texts: investigating argumentation and decision schemas}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3023}
author = {Podlasov, Alexey; O'Halloran, Kay; Tan, Sabine; Smith, Bradley; Nagarajan, Arun}
title = {Developing Novel Multimodal and Linguistic Annotation Software}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3024}
author = {Novák, Václav; Razímová, Magda}
title = {Unsupervised Detection of Annotation Inconsistencies Using Apriori Algorithm}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3025}
author = {Fort, Karën; Ehrmann, Maud; Nazarenko, Adeline}
title = {Towards a Methodology for Named Entities Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3026}
author = {Song, Sanghoun; Bond, Francis}
title = {Online Search Interface for the Sejong Korean-Japanese Bilingual Corpus and Auto-interpolation of Phrase Alignment}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3027}
author = {Murakami, Koji; Masuda, Shouko; Matsuyoshi, Suguru; Nichols, Eric; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Annotating Semantic Relations Combining Facts and Opinions}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3028}
author = {Cassidy, Steve; Johnston, Trevor}
title = {Ingesting the Auslan Corpus into the DADA Annotation Store}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3029}
author = {Oza, Umangi; Prasad, Rashmi; Kolachina, Sudheer; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {The Hindi Discourse Relation Bank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3030}
author = {Bharati, Akshar; Gupta, Mridul; Yadav, Vineet; Gali, Karthik; Sharma, Dipti Misra}
title = {Simple Parser for Indian Languages in a Dependency Framework}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3031}
author = {Dipper, Stefanie; Zinsmeister, Heike}
title = {Annotating Discourse Anaphora}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3032}
author = {Kordoni, Valia; Zhang, Yi}
title = {Annotating Wall Street Journal Texts Using a Hand-Crafted Deep Linguistic Grammar}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3033}
author = {Blache, Philippe}
title = {A general scheme for broad-coverage multimodal annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3034}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Pustejovsky, James; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Soria, Claudia}
title = {The SILT and FlaReNet International Collaboration for Interoperability}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3035}
author = {Nguyen, Thai Phuong; , Xuẩn Lương Vũ; Thi Minh Huyền, Nguyễn; Nguyen, Van Hiep; Phương, Lê Hồng}
title = {Building a Large Syntactically-Annotated Corpus of Vietnamese}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3036}
author = {Bhatt, Rajesh; Narasimhan, Bhuvana; Palmer, Martha; Rambow, Owen; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Xia, Fei}
title = {A Multi-Representational and Multi-Layered Treebank for Hindi/Urdu}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-1801}
author = {Boldrini, Ester; Balahur, Alexandra; Martínez-Barco, Patricio; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {EmotiBlog: A Finer-Grained and More Precise Learning of Subjectivity Expression Models}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1802}
author = {Hana, Jirka; Rosen, Alexandr; Škodová, Svatava; Štindlová, Barbora}
title = {Error-Tagged Learner Corpus of Czech}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1803}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv; Rambow, Owen; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Annotation Scheme for Social Network Extraction from Text}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1804}
author = {Alex, Bea; Grover, Claire; Shen, Rongzhou; Alexandrov-Kabadjov, Mijail}
title = {Agile Corpus Annotation in Practice: An Overview of Manual and Automatic Annotation of CVs}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1805}
author = {Dickinson, Markus; Samuelsson, Yvonne}
title = {Consistency Checking for Treebank Alignment}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1806}
author = {Bhardwaj, Vikas; Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Salleb-Aouissi, Ansaf; Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {Anveshan: A Framework for Analysis of Multiple Annotators’ Labeling Behavior}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1807}
author = {Fort, Karën; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {Influence of Pre-Annotation on POS-Tagged Corpus Development}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1808}
author = {Dligach, Dmitriy; Nielsen, Rodney D.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {To Annotate More Accurately or to Annotate More}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1809}
author = {Herbelot, Aurélie; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Annotating Underquantification}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1810}
author = {Hwang, Jena D.; Bhatia, Archna; Bonial, Claire; Mansouri, Aous; Vaidya, Ashwini; Xue, Nianwen; Palmer, Martha}
title = {PropBank Annotation of Multilingual Light Verb Constructions}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1811}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Retrieving Correct Semantic Boundaries in Dependency Structure}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1812}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; Mendes, Amália; Pereira, Sílvia; Gonçalves, Anabela; Duarte, Inês}
title = {Complex Predicates Annotation in a Corpus of Portuguese}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1813}
author = {Ogie, Ota}
title = {Using an Online Tool for the Documentation of Edo Language}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1814}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Samardić, Tanja; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Cross-Lingual Validity of PropBank in the Manual Annotation of French}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1815}
author = {Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter}
title = {Characteristics of High Agreement Affect Annotation in Text}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1816}
author = {Yu, Kun; Wang, Xiangli; Miyao, Yusuke; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {The Deep Re-Annotation in a Chinese Scientific Treebank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1817}
author = {Buch-Kromann, Matthias; Korzen, Iørn}
title = {The Unified Annotation of Syntax and Discourse in the Copenhagen Dependency Treebanks}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1818}
author = {White, Barbara}
title = {Identifying Sources of Inter-Annotator Variation: Evaluating Two Models of Argument Analysis}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1819}
author = {Haverinen, Katri; Ginter, Filip; Viljanen, Timo; Laippala, Veronika; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {Dependency-Based PropBanking of Clinical Finnish}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1820}
author = {Mazziotta, Nicolas}
title = {Building the Syntactic Reference Corpus of Medieval French Using NotaBene RDF Annotation Tool}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1821}
author = {Kübler, Sandra; Beck, Kathrin; Hinrichs, Erhard W.; Telljohann, Heike}
title = {Chunking German: An Unsolved Problem}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1822}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; Mendes, Amália; Antunes, Sandra}
title = {Proposal for MWE Annotation in Running Text}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1823}
author = {Lebani, Gianluca E.; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {A Feature Type Classification for Therapeutic Purposes: A Preliminary Evaluation with Non-Expert Speakers}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1824}
author = {Lee, Sun-Hee; Song, Jae-young}
title = {Annotating Korean Demonstratives}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1825}
author = {Chiarcos, Christian; Eckart, Kerstin; Ritz, Julia}
title = {Creating and Exploiting a Resource of Parallel Parses}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1826}
author = {Hellan, Lars}
title = {From Descriptive Annotation to Grammar Specification}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1827}
author = {Müller, Antje; Hülscher, Olaf; Roch, Claudia; Keßelmeier, Katja; Stadtfeld, Tobias; Strunk, Jan; Kiss, Tibor}
title = {An Annotation Schema for Preposition Senses in German}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1828}
author = {Dipper, Stefanie; Kresse, Lara; Schnurrenberger, Martin; Cho, Seong-Eun}
title = {OTTO: A Transcription and Management Tool for Historical Texts}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1829}
author = {Blache, Philippe; Bertrand, Roxane; Bruno, Emmanuel; Bigi, Brigitte; Espesser, Robert; Ferré, Gaëlle; Guardiola, Mathilde; Hirst, Daniel; Tan, Ning; Cela, Edlira; Martin, Jean-Claude; Rauzy, Stéphane; Morel, Mary-Annick; Murisasco, Elisabeth; Nesterenko, Irina}
title = {Multimodal Annotation of Conversational Data}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1830}
author = {Volk, Martin; Goehring, Anne; Marek, Torsten}
title = {Combining Parallel Treebanks and Geo-Tagging}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1831}
author = {Hana, Jirka; Feldman, Anna}
title = {Challenges of Cheap Resource Creation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1832}
author = {Aktaş, Berfin; Bozsahin, H. Cem; Zeyrek, Deniz}
title = {Discourse Relation Configurations in Turkish and an Annotation Environment}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1833}
author = {Bada, Michael; Eckert, Miriam; Palmer, Martha; Hunter, Lawrence}
title = {An Overview of the CRAFT Concept Annotation Guidelines}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1834}
author = {Bouma, Gerlof}
title = {Syntactic Tree Queries in Prolog}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1835}
author = {Faria, Pablo Picasso Feliciano de; Kepler, Fabio Natanael; Paixão de Sousa, Maria Clara}
title = {An Integrated Tool for Annotating Historical Corpora}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1836}
author = {Zaghouani, Wajdi; Diab, Mona; Mansouri, Aous; Pradhan, Sameer S.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {The Revised Arabic PropBank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1837}
author = {Green, Nathan; Breimyer, Paul; Kumar, Vinay; Samatova, Nagiza}
title = {PackPlay: Mining Semantic Data in Collaborative Games}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1838}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Tomanek, Katrin; Beisswanger, Elena; Faessler, Erik}
title = {A Proposal for a Configurable Silver Standard}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1839}
author = {Voyer, Robert; Nygaard, Valerie; Fitzgerald, Will; Copperman, Hannah}
title = {A Hybrid Model for Annotating Named Entity Training Corpora}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1840}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Bunt, Harry C.}
title = {Anatomy of Annotation Schemes: Mapping to GrAF}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1841}
author = {Niekrasz, John; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Annotating Participant Reference in English Spoken Conversation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1842}
author = {Lacheret-Dujour, Anne; Obin, Nicolas; Avanzi, Mathieu}
title = {Design and Evaluation of Shared Prosodic Annotation for Spontaneous French Speech: From Expert Knowledge to Non-Expert Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1843}
author = {Deulofeu, José; Duffort, Lucie; Gerdes, Kim; Kahane, Sylvain; Pietrandrea, Paola}
title = {Depends on What the French Say - Spoken Corpus Annotation with and beyond Syntactic Functions}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1844}
author = {Zeyrek, Deniz; Demirşahin, Işin; Sevdik-Çalli, Ayişigi B.; Ögel Balaban, Hale; Yalçinkaya, Ihsan; Turan, Ümit Deniz}
title = {The Annotation Scheme of the Turkish Discourse Bank and an Evaluation of Inconsistent Annotations}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-0401}
author = {da Cunha, Iria; Torres-Moreno, Juan-Manuel; Sierra, Gerardo}
title = {On the Development of the RST Spanish Treebank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0402}
author = {Chiarcos, Christian; Erjavec, Tomaž}
title = {OWL/DL formalization of the MULTEXT-East morphosyntactic specifications}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0403}
author = {Vaidya, Ashwini; Choi, Jinho D.; Palmer, Martha; Narasimhan, Bhuvana}
title = {Analysis of the Hindi Proposition Bank using Dependency Structure}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0404}
author = {Hong, Jisup; Baker, Collin F.}
title = {How Good is the Crowd at real WSD?}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0405}
author = {Jung, Youngim; Kwon, Hyuk-Chul}
title = {Consistency Maintenance in Prosodic Labeling for Reliable Prediction of Prosodic Breaks}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0406}
author = {Herzig, Livnat; Nunes, Alex; Snir, Batia}
title = {An Annotation Scheme for Automated Bias Detection in Wikipedia}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0407}
author = {Iwasawa, Shun'ya; Hanaoka, Hiroki; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Collaborative Annotation between Human Annotators and a Statistical Parser}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0408}
author = {Dligach, Dmitriy; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Reducing the Need for Double Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0409}
author = {Rumshisky, Anna}
title = {Crowdsourcing Word Sense Definition}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0410}
author = {Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Hunter, Lawrence; Palmer, Martha}
title = {A scaleable automated quality assurance technique for semantic representations and proposition banks}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0411}
author = {Grouin, Cyril; Rosset, Sophie; Zweigenbaum, Pierre; Fort, Karën; Galibert, Olivier; Quintard, Ludovic}
title = {Proposal for an Extension of Traditional Named Entities: From Guidelines to Evaluation an Overview}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0412}
author = {Chowdhury, Md. Faisal Mahbub; Lavelli, Alberto}
title = {Assessing the practical usability of an automatically annotated corpus}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0413}
author = {Abdul-Mageed, Muhammad; Diab, Mona}
title = {Subjectivity and Sentiment Annotation of Modern Standard Arabic Newswire}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0414}
author = {Rachakonda, Ravi Teja; Sharma, Dipti Misra}
title = {Creating an Annotated Tamil Corpus as a Discourse Resource}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0415}
author = {Scheible, Silke; Whitt, Richard J.; Durrell, Martin; Bennett, Paul N.}
title = {A Gold Standard Corpus of Early Modern German}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0416}
author = {Stubbs, Amber}
title = {MAE and MAI: Lightweight Annotation and Adjudication Tools}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0417}
author = {G. S. K., Chaitanya; Husain, Samar; Mannem, Prashanth}
title = {Empty Categories in Hindi Dependency Treebank: Analysis and Recovery}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0418}
author = {Caselli, Tommaso; Lenzi, Valentina Bartalesi; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Pianta, Emanuele; Prodanof, Irina}
title = {Annotating Events Temporal Expressions and Relations in Italian: the It-Timeml Experience for the Ita-TimeBank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0419}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Stubbs, Amber}
title = {Increasing Informativeness in Temporal Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0420}
author = {Zhou, Yuping; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Discourse-constrained Temporal Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W13-2301}
author = {Eskander, Ramy; Habash, Nizar; Bies, Ann; Kulick, Seth; Maamouri, Mohamed}
title = {Automatic Correction and Extension of Morphological Annotations}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2302}
author = {Bollmann, Marcel}
title = {POS Tagging for Historical Texts with Sparse Training Data}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2303}
author = {Nguyen, Quy; Nguyen, Ngan; Miyao, Yusuke}
title = {Utilizing State-of-the-art Parsers to Diagnose Problems in Treebank Annotation for a Less Resourced Language}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2304}
author = {Skjærholt, Arne}
title = {Influence of preprocessing on dependency syntax annotation: speed and agreement}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2305}
author = {Graham, Yvette; Baldwin, Timothy; Moffat, Alistair; Zobel, Justin}
title = {Continuous Measurement Scales in Human Evaluation of Machine Translation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2306}
author = {Ramanath, Rohan; Choudhury, Monojit; Bali, Kalika}
title = {Entailment: An Effective Metric for Comparing and Evaluating Hierarchical and Non-hierarchical Annotation Schemes}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2307}
author = {Schneider, Nathan; O'Connor, Brendan; Saphra, Naomi; Bamman, David; Faruqui, Manaal; Smith, Noah A.; Dyer, Chris; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {A Framework for (Under)specifying Dependency Syntax without Overloading Annotators}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2308}
author = {Bosco, Cristina; Montemagni, Simonetta; Simi, Maria}
title = {Converting Italian Treebanks: Towards an Italian Stanford Dependency Treebank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2309}
author = {Huang, Hen-Hsen; Yu, Chi-Hsin; Chang, Tai-Wei; Lin, Cong-Kai; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Analyses of the Association between Discourse Relation and Sentiment Polarity with a Chinese Human-Annotated Corpus}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2310}
author = {Mihăilă, Claudiu; Kontonatsios, Georgios; Batista-Navarro, Riza Theresa; Thompson, Paul; Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Towards a Better Understanding of Discourse: Integrating Multiple Discourse Annotation Perspectives Using UIMA}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2311}
author = {Rak, Rafal; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Making UIMA Truly Interoperable with SPARQL}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2312}
author = {Neumann, Arne; Ide, Nancy M.; Stede, Manfred}
title = {Importing MASC into the ANNIS linguistic database: A case study of mapping GrAF}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2313}
author = {Nedoluzhko, Anna}
title = {Generic noun phrases and annotation of coreference and bridging relations in the Prague Dependency Treebank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2314}
author = {Kolhatkar, Varada; Zinsmeister, Heike; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Annotating Anaphoric Shell Nouns with their Antecedents}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2315}
author = {Demirşahin, Işin; Ozturel, Adnan; Bozsahin, H. Cem; Zeyrek, Deniz}
title = {Applicative Structures and Immediate Discourse in the Turkish Discourse Bank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2316}
author = {Eryiğit, Gülşen; Çetin, Fatih Samet; Yanık, Meltem; Temel, Tanel; Çiçekli, İlyas}
title = {TURKSENT: A Sentiment Annotation Tool for Social Media}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2317}
author = {Tratz, Stephen; Briesch, Douglas; Laoudi, Jamal; Voss, Clare R.}
title = {Tweet Conversation Annotation Tool with a Focus on an Arabic Dialect, Moroccan Darija}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2318}
author = {Tateisi, Yuka; Shidahara, Yo; Miyao, Yusuke; Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {Relation Annotation for Understanding Research Papers}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2319}
author = {Bond, Francis; Wang, Shan; Gao, Eshley Huini; Mok, Hazel Shuwen; Tan, Jeanette Yiwen}
title = {Developing Parallel Sense-tagged Corpora with Wordnets}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2320}
author = {Jena, Itisree; Bhat, Riyaz Ahmad; Jain, Sambhav; Sharma, Dipti Misra}
title = {Animacy Annotation in the Hindi Treebank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2321}
author = {Rosset, Sophie; Grouin, Cyril; Lavergne, Thomas; Ben Jannet, Mohamed; Leixa, Jérémy; Galibert, Olivier; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Automatic Named Entity Pre-annotation for Out-of-domain Human Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2322}
author = {Banarescu, Laura; Bonial, Claire; Cai, Shu; Georgescu, Madalina; Griffitt, Kira; Hermjakob, Ulf; Knight, Kevin; Koehn, Philipp; Palmer, Martha; Schneider, Nathan}
title = {Abstract Meaning Representation for Sembanking}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2323}
author = {Passonneau, Rebecca J.; Carpenter, Bob}
title = {The Benefits of a Model of Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2324}
author = {Peldszus, Andreas; Stede, Manfred}
title = {Ranking the annotators: An agreement study on argumentation structure}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2325}
author = {Tschirsich, Martin; Hintz, Gerold}
title = {Leveraging Crowdsourcing for Paraphrase Recognition}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2326}
author = {Iida, Ryu; Mitsuda, Koh; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Investigation of annotator’s behaviour using eye-tracking data}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2327}
author = {Damiani, Marine; Battistelli, Delphine}
title = {Enunciative and modal variations in newswire texts in French: From guideline to automatic annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2328}
author = {Mendes, Amália; Hendrickx, Iris; Salgueiro, Agostinho; Ávila, Luciana}
title = {Annotating the Interaction between Focus and Modality: the case of exclusive particles}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-4901}
author = {Westpfahl, Swantje}
title = {STTS 2.0? Improving the Tagset for the Part-of-Speech-Tagging of German Spoken Data}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4902}
author = {Rysova, Magdalena; Mírovský, Jiří}
title = {Use of Coreference in Automatic Searching for Multiword Discourse Markers in the Prague Dependency Treebank}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4903}
author = {Rehbein, Ines}
title = {POS error detection in automatically annotated corpora}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4904}
author = {Deng, Dun; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Aligning Chinese-English Parallel Parse Trees: Is it Feasible?}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4905}
author = {Hana, Jirka; Hladka, Barbora; Hladká, Barbora; Luksova, Ivana}
title = {Sentence diagrams: their evaluation and combination}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4906}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Somasundaran, Swapna; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Finding your “Inner-Annotator”: An Experiment in Annotator Independence for Rating Discourse Coherence Quality in Essays}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4907}
author = {Grouin, Cyril; Lavergne, Thomas; Neveol, Aurelie}
title = {Optimizing annotation efforts to build reliable annotated corpora for training statistical models}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4908}
author = {Alex, Beatrice; Byrne, Kate; Grover, Claire; Tobin, Richard}
title = {A Web-based Geo-resolution Annotation and Evaluation Tool}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4909}
author = {Vincze, Veronika; Simkó, Katalin Ilona; Varga, Viktor}
title = {Annotating Uncertainty in Hungarian Webtext}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4910}
author = {Reisert, Paul; Mizuno, Junta; Kanno, Miwa; Okazaki, Naoaki; Inui, Kentaro}
title = {A Corpus Study for Identifying Evidence on Microblogs}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4911}
author = {Abbas, Qaiser}
title = {Semi-Semantic Part of Speech Annotation and Evaluation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4912}
author = {Di Bari, Marilena; Sharoff, Serge; Thomas, Martin}
title = {Multiple views as aid to linguistic annotation error analysis}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4913}
author = {Choudhary, Narayan; Pathak, Parth; Patel, Pinal; Panchal, Vishal}
title = {Annotating a Large Representative Corpus of Clinical Notes for Parts of Speech}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4914}
author = {Onyenwe, Ikechukwu; Uchechukwu, Chinedu; Hepple, Mark}
title = {Part-of-speech Tagset and Corpus Development for Igbo, an African Language}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4915}
author = {Barteld, Fabian; Ihden, Sarah; Schröder, Ingrid; Zinsmeister, Heike}
title = {Annotating descriptively incomplete language phenomena}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4916}
author = {Demirşahin, Işin; Demirsahin, Isin; Zeyrek, Deniz}
title = {Annotating Discourse Connectives in Spoken Turkish}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4917}
author = {Hernandez, Nicolas; Salim, Soufian}
title = {Exploiting the Human Computational Effort Dedicated to Message Reply Formatting for Training Discursive Email Segmenters}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4918}
author = {Wacholder, Nina; Muresan, Smaranda; Ghosh, Debanjan; Aakhus, Mark}
title = {Annotating Multiparty Discourse: Challenges for Agreement Metrics}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4919}
author = {Hochberg, Limor; Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter; Rantanen, Esa M.; Yu, Qi; DeLong, Caroline M.; Haake, Anne}
title = {Towards Automatic Annotation of Clinical Decision-Making Style}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4920}
author = {Girju, Roxana; Al-Sabbagh, Rania; Gîrju, Roxana; Diesner, Jana}
title = {Interactive Annotation for Event Modality in Modern Standard and Egyptian Arabic Tweets}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4921}
author = {Friedrich, Annemarie; Palmer, Alexis}
title = {Situation Entity Annotation}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4922}
author = {Ziai, Ramon; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Focus Annotation in Reading Comprehension Data}
venue = {Linguistic Annotation Workshop}
year = {2014}
id = {W06-3801}
author = {Minkov, Einat; Cohen, William W.; Ng, Andrew Y.}
title = {A Graphical Framework For Contextual Search And Name Disambiguation In Email}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3802}
author = {Hassan, Hany; Hassan, Ahmed; Noeman, Sara}
title = {Graph Based Semi-Supervised Approach For Information Extraction}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3803}
author = {Gamon, Michael}
title = {Graph-Based Text Representation For Novelty Detection}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3804}
author = {Moens, Marie-Francine; Jeuniaux, Patrick; Angheluta, Roxana; Mitra, Rudradeb}
title = {Measuring Aboutness Of An Entity In A Text}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3805}
author = {Nastase, Vivi; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {A Study Of Two Graph Algorithms In Topic-Driven Summarization}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3806}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Similarity Between Pairs Of Co-Indexed Trees For Textual Entailment Recognition}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3807}
author = {Molla Aliod, Diego}
title = {Learning Of Graph-Based Question Answering Rules}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3808}
author = {Goldberg, Andrew B.; Zhu, Xiaojin}
title = {Seeing Stars When There Arent Many Stars: Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning For Sentiment Categorization}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3809}
author = {Hassan, Samer; Banea, Carmen}
title = {Random-Walk Term Weighting For Improved Text Classification}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3810}
author = {Matveeva, Irina; Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Graph-Based Generalized Latent Semantic Analysis For Document Representation}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3811}
author = {Muller, Philippe; Hathout, Nabil; Gaume, Bruno}
title = {Synonym Extraction Using A Semantic Distance On A Dictionary}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3812}
author = {Biemann, Christian}
title = {Chinese Whispers - An Efficient Graph Clustering Algorithm And Its Application To Natural Language Processing Problems}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3813}
author = {Nastase, Vivi; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Matching Syntactic-Semantic Graphs For Semantic Relation Assignment}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3814}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Martinez, David; López de Lacalle, Oier; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {Evaluating And Optimizing The Parameters Of An Unsupervised Graph-Based WSD Algorithm}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3815}
author = {Tsang, Vivian; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Context Comparison As A Minimum Cost Flow Problem}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W07-0201}
author = {Zesch, Torsten; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Analysis of the Wikipedia Category Graph for NLP Applications}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0202}
author = {Witschel, Hans Friedrich}
title = {Multi-level Association Graphs - A New Graph-Based Model for Information Retrieval}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0203}
author = {Leite, Daniel S.; Machado Rino, Lucia Helena; Pardo, Thiago A. S.; Das Gracas Volpe Nunes, Maria}
title = {Extractive Automatic Summarization: Does more Linguistic Knowledge Make a Difference?}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0204}
author = {Lin, Ziheng; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Timestamped Graphs: Evolutionary Models of Text for Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0205}
author = {Jedynak, Bruno; Karakos, Damianos}
title = {Unigram Language Models using Diffusion Smoothing over Graphs}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0206}
author = {Ganchev, Kuzman; Pereira, Fernando}
title = {Transductive Structured Classification through Constrained Min-Cuts}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0207}
author = {Olney, Andrew}
title = {Latent Semantic Grammar Induction: Context Projectivity and Prior Distributions}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0208}
author = {Jijkoun, Valentin; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {Learning to Transform Linguistic Graphs}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0209}
author = {Montero, Calkin S.; Araki, Kenji}
title = {Semi-supervised Algorithm for Human-Computer Dialogue Mining}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0210}
author = {Ferrer i Cancho, Ramon; Mehler, Alexander; Pustylnikov, Olga; Diaz-Guilera, Albert}
title = {Correlations in the Organization of Large-Scale Syntactic Dependency Networks}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0211}
author = {Micol, Daniel; Ferrandez, Oscar; Muñoz, Rafael; Palomar, Manuel}
title = {DLSITE-2: Semantic Similarity Based on Syntactic Dependency Trees Applied to Textual Entailment}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0212}
author = {Choudhury, Monojit; Thomas, Markose; Mukherjee, Animesh; Basu, Anupam; Ganguly, Niloy}
title = {How Difficult is it to Develop a Perfect Spell-checker? A Cross-Linguistic Analysis through Complex Network Approach}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0213}
author = {Kapustin, Victor; Jamsen, Anna}
title = {Vertex Degree Distribution for the Graph of Word Co-Occurrences in Russian}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W08-1301}
author = {de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {The Stanford Typed Dependencies Representation}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1302}
author = {Plank, Barbara; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Exploring an Auxiliary Distribution Based Approach to Domain Adaptation of a Syntactic Disambiguation Model}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1303}
author = {Tateisi, Yuka}
title = {Toward an Underspecifiable Corpus Annotation Scheme}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1304}
author = {Flickinger, Daniel P.}
title = {Toward a Cross-Framework Parser Annotation Standard}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1305}
author = {Tam, Wai Lok; Sato, Yo; Miyao, Yusuke; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Parser Evaluation Across Frameworks without Format Conversion}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1306}
author = {Vilnat, Anne; Francopoulo, Gil; Hamon, Olivier; Loiseau, Sylvain; Paroubek, Patrick; De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {Large Scale Production of Syntactic Annotations to Move Forward}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1307}
author = {Rimell, Laura; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Constructing a Parser Evaluation Scheme}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1308}
author = {McConville, Mark; Dzikovska, Myroslava O.}
title = {‘Deep' Grammatical Relations for Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W09-3201}
author = {Ellis, David}
title = {Social (distributed) language modeling clustering and dialectometry}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3202}
author = {Sinha, Sitabhra; Pan, Raj Kumar; Yadav, Nisha; Vahia, Mayank; Mahadevan, Iravatham}
title = {Network analysis reveals structure indicative of syntax in the corpus of undeciphered Indus civilization inscriptions}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3203}
author = {Wieling, Martijn; Nerbonne, John}
title = {Bipartite spectral graph partitioning to co-cluster varieties and sound correspondences in dialectology}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3204}
author = {Ramage, Daniel; Rafferty, Anna N.; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Random Walks for Text Semantic Similarity}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3205}
author = {Suzuki, Yoshimi; Fukumoto, Fumiyo}
title = {Classifying Japanese Polysemous Verbs based on Fuzzy C-means Clustering}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3206}
author = {Yeh, Eric; Ramage, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.; Agirre, Eneko; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {WikiWalk: Random walks on Wikipedia for Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3207}
author = {Herdağdelen, Amaç; Erk, Katrin; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Measuring semantic relatedness with vector space models and random walks}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3208}
author = {Chen, Zheng; Ji, Heng}
title = {Graph-based Event Coreference Resolution}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3209}
author = {Rao, Delip; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Ranking and Semi-supervised Classification on Large Scale Graphs Using Map-Reduce}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3210}
author = {Somasundaran, Swapna; Namata, Galileo; Getoor, Lise; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Opinion Graphs for Polarity and Discourse Classification}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3211}
author = {Li, Linlin; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {A Cohesion Graph Based Approach for Unsupervised Recognition of Literal and Non-literal Use of Multiword Expressions}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3212}
author = {Martens, Scott}
title = {Quantitative analysis of treebanks using frequent subtree mining methods}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-2301}
author = {Chen, Zheng; Ji, Heng}
title = {Graph-Based Clustering for Computational Linguistics: A Survey}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2302}
author = {Gonçalo Oliveira, Hugo; Gomes, Paulo}
title = {Towards the Automatic Creation of a Wordnet from a Term-Based Lexical Network}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2303}
author = {Germann, Daniel; Villavicencio, Aline; Siqueira, Maity}
title = {An Investigation on the Influence of Frequency on the Lexical Organization of Verbs}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2304}
author = {de Cao, Diego; Basili, Roberto; Luciani, Matteo; Mesiano, Francesco; Rossi, Riccardo}
title = {Robust and Efficient Page Rank for Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2305}
author = {Wieling, Martijn; Nerbonne, John}
title = {Hierarchical Spectral Partitioning of Bipartite Graphs to Cluster Dialects and Identify Distinguishing Features}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2306}
author = {Enright, Jessica}
title = {A Character-Based Intersection Graph Approach to Linguistic Phylogeny}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2307}
author = {Hancock, Edwin}
title = {Spectral Approaches to Learning in the Graph Domain}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2308}
author = {Görnerup, Olof; Karlgren, Jussi}
title = {Cross-Lingual Comparison between Distributionally Determined Word Similarity Networks}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2309}
author = {Biemann, Christian}
title = {Co-Occurrence Cluster Features for Lexical Substitutions in Context}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2310}
author = {Ambwani, Geetu; Davis, Anthony}
title = {Contextually-Mediated Semantic Similarity Graphs for Topic Segmentation}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2311}
author = {Archer, Vincent}
title = {MuLLinG: MultiLevel Linguistic Graphs for Knowledge Extraction}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2312}
author = {Castro Jorge, Maria Lucia; Pardo, Thiago A. S.}
title = {Experiments with CST-Based Multidocument Summarization}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2313}
author = {Amancio, Diego Raphael; Fabbri, Renato; De Oliveira, Osvaldo Novais; Nunes, Maria das Graças Volpe; Costa, Luciano da Fontoura}
title = {Distinguishing between Positive and Negative Opinions with Complex Network Features}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2314}
author = {Zontone, Pamela; Boato, Giulia; Hare, Jonathon; Lewis, Paul; Siersdorfer, Stefan; Minack, Enrico}
title = {Image and Collateral Text in Support of Auto-Annotation and Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2315}
author = {Tatzl, Gabriele; Waldhauser, Christoph}
title = {Aggregating Opinions: Explorations into Graphs and Media Content Analysis}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2316}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Sakai, Akina; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Eliminating Redundancy by Spectral Relaxation for Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2317}
author = {Fagerlund, Martin; Merkel, Magnus; Eldén, Lars; Ahrenberg, Lars}
title = {Computing Word Senses by Semantic Mirroring and Spectral Graph Partitioning}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-1101}
author = {Li, Dingcheng; Somasundaran, Swapna; Chakraborty, Amit}
title = {A Combination of Topic Models with Max-margin Learning for Relation Detection}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1102}
author = {Yao, Xuchen; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Nonparametric Bayesian Word Sense Induction}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1103}
author = {Gaillard, Benoit; Gaume, Bruno; Navarro, Emmanuel}
title = {Invariants and Variability of Synonymy Networks: Self Mediated Agreement by Confluence}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1104}
author = {Jurgens, David}
title = {Word Sense Induction by Community Detection}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1105}
author = {Yazdani, Majid; Popescu-Belis, Andrei}
title = {Using a Wikipedia-based Semantic Relatedness Measure for Document Clustering}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1106}
author = {Tannier, Xavier; Couto, Javier; de Groc, Clément}
title = {GrawlTCQ: Terminology and Corpora Building by Ranking Simultaneously Terms Queries and Documents using Graph Random Walks}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1107}
author = {Muthukrishnan, Pradeep; Radev, Dragomir R.; Mei, Qiaozhu}
title = {Simultaneous Similarity Learning and Feature-Weight Learning for Document Clustering}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1108}
author = {Manshadi, Mehdi; Allen, James F.}
title = {Unrestricted Quantifier Scope Disambiguation}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1109}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {From ranked words to dependency trees: two-stage unsupervised non-projective dependency parsing}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2011}
id = {W12-4101}
author = {Ebrahimi, Javid; Saniee Abadeh, Mohammad}
title = {A New Parametric Estimation Method for Graph-based Clustering}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4102}
author = {Hassan, Ahmed; Radev, Dragomir R.; Abu-Jbara, Amjad}
title = {Extracting Signed Social Networks from Text}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4103}
author = {Yang, Min-Chul; Lee, Jung-Tae; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Using Link Analysis to Discover Interesting Messages Spread Across Twitter}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4104}
author = {Cohen, William W.; Minkov, Einat}
title = {Graph Based Similarity Measures for Synonym Extraction from Parsed Text}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4105}
author = {Ock, Cheol-Young; Nguyen, Hieu}
title = {Semantic Relatedness for Biomedical Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4106}
author = {Melli, Gabor}
title = {Identifying Untyped Relation Mentions in a Corpus given an Ontology}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4107}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa}
title = {Cause-Effect Relation Learning}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4108}
author = {Xiao, Yingnan; Fan, Miao; Zhou, Qiang}
title = {Bringing the Associative Ability to Social Tag Recommendation}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W13-5001}
author = {Glavaš, Goran; Šnajder, Jan}
title = {Event-Centered Information Retrieval Using Kernels on Event Graphs}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-5002}
author = {Biemann, Christian; Coppola, Bonaventura; Glass, Michael; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Hatem, Matthew; Riedl, Martin}
title = {JoBimText Visualizer: A Graph-based Approach to Contextualizing Distributional Similarity}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-5003}
author = {Bhagwani, Sumit; Satapathy, Shrutiranjan; Karnick, Harish}
title = {Merging Word Senses}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-5004}
author = {He, Ai; Sharma, Shefali; Hsu, Chun-Nan}
title = {Reconstructing Big Semantic Similarity Networks}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-5005}
author = {Saluja, Avneesh; Navratil, Jiri}
title = {Graph-Based Unsupervised Learning of Word Similarities Using Heterogeneous Feature Types}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-5006}
author = {Riedl, Martin; Biemann, Christian}
title = {From Global to Local Similarities: A Graph-Based Contextualization Method using Distributional Thesauri}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-5007}
author = {Ehara, Yo; Sato, Issei; Oiwa, Hidekazu; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Understanding seed selection in bootstrapping}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-5008}
author = {Ramachandran, Lakshmi; Gehringer, Edward}
title = {Graph-Structures Matching for Review Relevance Identification}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-5009}
author = {Sizov, Gleb; Öztürk, Pinar}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Reasoning Chains from Textual Reports}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-5010}
author = {Kardes, Hakan; Konidena, Deepak; Agrawal, Siddharth; Huff, Micah; Sun, Ang}
title = {Graph-based Approaches for Organization Entity Resolution in MapReduce}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-5011}
author = {Kivimäki, Ilkka; Panchenko, Alexander; Dessy, Adrien; Verdegem, Dries; Francq, Pascal; Bersini, Hugues; Saerens, Marco}
title = {A Graph-Based Approach to Skill Extraction from Text}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-3701}
author = {Mesgar, Mohsen; Strube, Michael}
title = {Normalized Entity Graph for Computing Local Coherence}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3702}
author = {Laokulrat, Natsuda; Miwa, Makoto; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa}
title = {Exploiting Timegraphs in Temporal Relation Classification}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3703}
author = {Parveen, Daraksha; Strube, Michael}
title = {Multi-document Summarization Using Bipartite Graphs}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3704}
author = {Rajkumar, Pujari; Desai, Swara; Ganguly, Niloy; Goyal, Pawan}
title = {A Novel Two-stage Framework for Extracting Opinionated Sentences from News Articles}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3705}
author = {Glavaš, Goran; Glavaš, Goran; Šnajder, Jan}
title = {Constructing Coherent Event Hierarchies from News Stories}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3706}
author = {Rezapour Asheghi, Noushin; Markert, Katja; Sharoff, Serge}
title = {Semi-supervised Graph-based Genre Classification for Web Pages}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3707}
author = {Gerow, Aaron; Evans, James}
title = {The Modular Community Structure of Linguistic Predication Networks}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3708}
author = {Malmasi, Shervin; Dras, Mark}
title = {From Visualisation to Hypothesis Construction for Second Language Acquisition}
venue = {TextGraphs Workshop On Graph Based Methods For Natural Language Processing}
year = {2014}
id = {I05-4001}
author = {Sui, Zhifang; Cui, Gaoying; Wansong, Ding; Qinlong, Zhang}
title = {Domain Knowledge Engineering Based on Encyclopedias and the Web Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR-05) and First Symposium on Asian Language Resources Network (ALRN)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-4002}
author = {Noro, Tomoya; Koike, Chimato; Hashimoto, Taiichi; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {Evaluation of a Japanese CFG Derived from a Syntactically Annotated Corpus with Respect to Dependency Measures}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR-05) and First Symposium on Asian Language Resources Network (ALRN)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-4003}
author = {Zhang, Yan; Kashioka, Hideki}
title = {Corpus-oriented Acquisition of Chinese Grammar}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR-05) and First Symposium on Asian Language Resources Network (ALRN)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-4004}
author = {He, Tingting; Xiaoqi, Xu}
title = {The Standard of Chinese Corpus Metadata}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR-05) and First Symposium on Asian Language Resources Network (ALRN)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-4005}
author = {Yang, Meng-Chien; Rau, D. Victoria}
title = {An Integrated Framework for Archiving Processing and Developing Learning Materials for an Endangered Aboriginal Language in Taiwan}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR-05) and First Symposium on Asian Language Resources Network (ALRN)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-4006}
author = {Kato, Shingo; Matsubara, Shigeki; Yamaguchi, Yukiko; Kawaguchi, Nobuo}
title = {Construction of Structurally Annotated Spoken Dialogue Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR-05) and First Symposium on Asian Language Resources Network (ALRN)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-4007}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Su, I-Li; Hong, Jia-Fei; Li, Xiang-Bing}
title = {Cross-lingual Conversion of Lexical Semantic Relations: Building Parallel Wordnets}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR-05) and First Symposium on Asian Language Resources Network (ALRN)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-4008}
author = {Tsay, Jane S.}
title = {Taiwan Child Language Corpus: Data Collection and Annotation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR-05) and First Symposium on Asian Language Resources Network (ALRN)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-4009}
author = {Li, Xin; Xuan-Jing, Huang; Li-De, Wu}
title = {Question Classification using Multiple Classifiers}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR-05) and First Symposium on Asian Language Resources Network (ALRN)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-4010}
author = {Kitt, Chunyu; Liu, Xiaoyue; Sin, KingKui; Webster, Jonathan J.}
title = {Harvesting the Bitexts of the Laws of Hong Kong From the Web}
venue = {Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR-05) and First Symposium on Asian Language Resources Network (ALRN)}
year = {2005}
id = {W04-1301}
author = {Buttery, Paula}
title = {A Quantitative Evaluation Of Naturalistic Models Of Language Acquisition; The Efficiency Of The Triggering Learning Algorithm Compared To A Categorial Grammar Learner}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1302}
author = {Ćavar, Damir; Herring, Joshua; Ikuta, Toshikazu; Rodrigues, Paul; Schrementi, Giancarlo}
title = {On Statistical Parameter Setting}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1303}
author = {Chang, Nancy}
title = {Putting Meaning Into Grammar Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1304}
author = {Clark, Alexander}
title = {Grammatical Inference And First Language Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1305}
author = {Dominey, Peter Ford; Inui, Toshio}
title = {A Developmental Model Of Syntax Acquisition In The Construction Grammar Framework With Cross-Linguistic Validation In English And Japanese}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1306}
author = {Dresher, Elan B.}
title = {On The Acquisition Of Phonological Representations}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1307}
author = {Gambell, Timothy; Yang, Charles D.}
title = {Statistics Learning And Universal Grammar: Modeling Word Segmentation}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1308}
author = {Gobet, Fernand; Freudenthal, Daniel; Pine, Julian M.}
title = {Modelling Syntactic Development In A Cross-Linguistic Context}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1309}
author = {Jack, Kris; Reed, Chris; Waller, Annalu}
title = {A Computational Model Of Emergent Simple Syntax: Supporting The Natural Transition From The One-Word Stage To The Two-Word Stage}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1310}
author = {Laakso, Aarre; Smith, Linda}
title = {On A Possible Role For Pronouns In The Acquisition Of Verbs}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1311}
author = {Pedersen, Bo; Edelman, Shimon; Solan, Zach; Horn, David}
title = {Some Tests Of An Unsupervised Model Of Language Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1312}
author = {Thomas, Michael S. C.; Redington, Martin}
title = {Modelling Atypical Syntax Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1313}
author = {Xanthos, Aris}
title = {Combining Utterance-Boundary And Predictability Approaches To Speech Segmentation}
venue = {Workshop On Psycho-Computational Models Of Human Language Acquisition}
year = {2004}
id = {W03-0601}
author = {Barnard, Kobus; Johnson, Matthew; Forsyth, David A.}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation With Pictures}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0602}
author = {Edwards, Jaety; White, Ryan; Forsyth, David A.}
title = {Words And Pictures In The News}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0603}
author = {Gorniak, Peter; Roy, Deb}
title = {Understanding Complex Visually Referring Utterances}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0604}
author = {Wachsmuth, Sven; Stevenson, Suzanne; Dickinson, Sven}
title = {Towards A Framework For Learning Structured Shape Models From Text-Annotated Images}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0605}
author = {Bonawitz, Keith; Kim, Anthony; Tardiff, Seth}
title = {An Architecture For Word Learning Using Bidirectional Multimodal Structural Alignment}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0606}
author = {Dominey, Peter Ford; Voegtlin, Thomas}
title = {Learning Word Meaning And Grammatical Constructions From Narrated Video Events}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0607}
author = {Pangburn, Brian E.; Iyengar, S. Sitharama; Mathews, Robert C.; Ayo, Jonathan P.}
title = {EBLA: A Perceptually Grounded Model Of Language Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0608}
author = {Carbonetto, Peter; De Freitas, Nando}
title = {Why Can't Jose Read? The Problem Of Learning Semantic Associations In A Robot Environment}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0609}
author = {Oates, Tim}
title = {Grounding Word Meanings In Sensor Data: Dealing With Referential Uncertainty}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0610}
author = {Roy, Deb; Hsiao, Kai-Yuh; Mavridis, Nikolaos}
title = {Conversational Robots: Building Blocks For Grounding Word Meaning}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0611}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Sripada, Somayajulu G.}
title = {Learning The Meaning And Usage Of Time Phrases From A Parallel Text-Data Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0612}
author = {Vanhatalo, Ulla; Chan, Hilary}
title = {Population Testing: Extracting Semantic Information On Near-Synonymy From Native Speakers}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0613}
author = {Whitman, Brian; Roy, Deb; Vercoe, Barry}
title = {Learning Word Meanings And Descriptive Parameter Spaces From Music}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Word Meaning From Non-Linguistic Data}
year = {2003}
id = {E09-3001}
author = {Aimetti, Guillaume}
title = {Modelling Early Language Acquisition Skills: Towards a General Statistical Learning Mechanism}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-3002}
author = {Boonkwan, Prachya}
title = {A Memory-Based Approach to the Treatment of Serial Verb Construction in Combinatory Categorial Grammar}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-3003}
author = {François, Thomas}
title = {Combining a Statistical Language Model with Logistic Regression to Predict the Lexical and Syntactic Difficulty of Texts for FFL}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-3004}
author = {Herbelot, Aurélie}
title = {Finding Word Substitutions Using a Distributional Similarity Baseline and Immediate Context Overlap}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-3005}
author = {Plank, Barbara}
title = {Structural Correspondence Learning for Parse Disambiguation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-3006}
author = {Recasens, Marta}
title = {A Chain-starting Classifier of Definite NPs in Spanish}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-3007}
author = {Sidorova, Julia}
title = {Speech Emotion Recognition With TGI+.2 Classifier}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-3008}
author = {Stymne, Sara}
title = {A Comparison of Merging Strategies for Translation of German Compounds}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-3009}
author = {Tsatsaronis, George; Panagiotopoulou, Vicky}
title = {A Generalized Vector Space Model for Text Retrieval Based on Semantic Relatedness}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-3010}
author = {Wennerberg, Pinar}
title = {Aligning Medical Domain Ontologies for Clinical Query Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {E09-3011}
author = {Westerhout, Eline}
title = {Extraction of Definitions Using Grammar-Enhanced Machine Learning}
venue = {Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at EACL 2009}
year = {2009}
id = {W91-0101}
author = {Kay, Martin}
title = {Monotonicity Headedness And Reversible Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0102}
author = {Marrafa, Palmira; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Reversibility In A Constraint And Type Based Logic Grammar: Application To Secondary Predication}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0103}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Towards Uniform Processing Of Constraint-Based Categorial Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0104}
author = {Dymetman, Marc}
title = {Inherently Reversible Grammars Logic Programming And Computability}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0105}
author = {Neumann, Günter}
title = {Reversibility And Modularity In Natural Language Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0106}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {Reversible NLP By Deriving The Grammars From The Knowledge Base}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0107}
author = {Fedder, Lee}
title = {Syntactic Choice In Language Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0108}
author = {Thompson, Henry S.}
title = {Generation And Translation Towards A Formalism-Independent Characterisation}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0109}
author = {Barnett, James; Mani, Inderjeet; Martin, Paul; Rich, Elaine A.}
title = {Reversible Machine Translation: What To Do When The Languages Don't Line Up}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0110}
author = {Zajac, Remi}
title = {A Uniform Architecture For Parsing Generation And Transfer}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0111}
author = {Hasida, Koiti}
title = {Common Heuristics For Parsing Generation And Whatever...}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0112}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {A General Computational Method For Grammar Inversion}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0113}
author = {Block, Hans Ulrich}
title = {Compiling Trace And Unification Grammar For Parsing And Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0114}
author = {Barnett, James; Mani, Inderjeet}
title = {Shared Preferences}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0115}
author = {Ishizaki, Masato}
title = {Handling Pragmatic Information With A Reversible Architecture}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W91-0116}
author = {O'Donoghue, Tim F.}
title = {A Semantic Interpreter For Systemic Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Reversible Grammar In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1991}
id = {W09-1401}
author = {Kim, Jin-Dong; Ohta, Tomoko; Pyysalo, Sampo; Kano, Yoshinobu; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Overview of BioNLP’09 Shared Task on Event Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1402}
author = {Björne, Jari; Heimonen, Juho; Ginter, Filip; Airola, Antti; Pahikkala, Tapio; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {Extracting Complex Biological Events with Rich Graph-Based Feature Sets}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1403}
author = {Buyko, Ekaterina; Faessler, Erik; Wermter, Joachim; Hahn, Udo}
title = {Event Extraction from Trimmed Dependency Graphs}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1404}
author = {Kaljurand, Kaarel; Schneider, Gerold; Rinaldi, Fabio}
title = {UZurich in the BioNLP 2009 Shared Task}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1405}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas; Buttery, Paula; Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Biomedical Event Extraction without Training Data}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1406}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; Chun, Hong-Woo; Takagi, Toshihisa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Markov Logic Approach to Bio-Molecular Event Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1407}
author = {Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Verspoor, Karin; Johnson, Helen L.; Roeder, Chris; Ogren, Philip V.; Baumgartner Jr., William A.; White, Elizabeth; Hunter, Lawrence}
title = {High-precision biological event extraction with a concept recognizer}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1408}
author = {Morante, Roser; Van Asch, Vincent; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {A memory-based learning approach to event extraction in biomedical texts}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1409}
author = {Neves, Mariana; Carazo, José María; Pascual-Montano, Alberto}
title = {Extraction of biomedical events using case-based reasoning}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1410}
author = {MacKinlay, Andrew; Martinez, David; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Biomedical Event Annotation with CRFs and Precision Grammars}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1411}
author = {Hakenberg, Jörg; Solt, Illés; Tikk, Domonkos; Tari, Luis; Rheinländer, Astrid; Quang Long, Nguyen; Gonzalez, Graciela; Leser, Ulf}
title = {Molecular event extraction from Link Grammar parse trees}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1412}
author = {Georgiev, Georgi; Ganchev, Kuzman; Momchev, Vassil; Peychev, Deyan; Nakov, Preslav; Roberts, Angus}
title = {Tunable Domain-Independent Event Extraction in the MIRA Framework}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1413}
author = {Ahmed, Syed Toufeeq; Nair, Radhika; Patel, Chintan; Davulcu, Hasan}
title = {BioEve: Bio-Molecular Event Extraction from Text Using Semantic Classification and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1414}
author = {Sætre, Rune; Miwa, Makoto; Yoshida, Kazuhiro; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {From Protein-Protein Interaction to Molecular Event Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1415}
author = {Lee, Hyoung-Gyu; Cho, Han-Cheol; Kim, Min-Jeong; Lee, Joo-Young; Hong, Gumwon; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {A Multi-Phase Approach to Biomedical Event Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1416}
author = {Özgür, Arzucan; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Supervised Classification for Extracting Biomedical Events}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1417}
author = {Sarafraz, Farzaneh; Eales, James; Mohammadi, Reza; Dickerson, Jonathan; Robertson, David; Nenadić, Goran}
title = {Biomedical Event Detection using Rules Conditional Random Fields and Parse Tree Distances}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1418}
author = {Kilicoglu, Halil; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {Syntactic Dependency Based Heuristics for Biological Event Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1419}
author = {Van Landeghem, Sofie; Saeys, Yvan; De Baets, Bernard; Van de Peer, Yves}
title = {Analyzing text in search of bio-molecular events: a high-precision machine learning framework}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1420}
author = {Móra, György; Farkas, Richárd; Szarvas, György; Molnár, Zsolt}
title = {Exploring ways beyond the simple supervised learning approach for biological event extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task}
year = {2009}
id = {W03-1601}
author = {Kozlowski, Raymond; McCoy, Kathleen F.; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Generation Of Single-Sentence Paraphrases From Predicate/Argument Structure Using Lexico-Grammatical Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1602}
author = {Inui, Kentaro; Fujita, Atsushi; Takahashi, Tetsuro; Iida, Ryu; Iwakura, Tomoya}
title = {Text Simplification For Reading Assistance: A Project Note}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1603}
author = {Okamoto, Hiroyuki; Sato, Kengo; Saito, Hiroaki}
title = {Preferential Presentation Of Japanese Near-Synonyms Using Definition Statements}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1604}
author = {Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, James; Kaljurand, Kaarel; Hess, Michael; Molla Aliod, Diego}
title = {Exploiting Paraphrases In A Question Answering System}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1605}
author = {Tomuro, Noriko}
title = {Interrogative Reformulation Patterns And Acquisition Of Question Paraphrases}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1606}
author = {Brun, Caroline; Hagege, Caroline}
title = {Normalization And Paraphrasing Using Symbolic Methods}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1607}
author = {Inui, Hiroko; Utiyama, Masao; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Criterion For Judging Request Intention In Response Texts Of Open-Ended Questionnaires}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1608}
author = {Ibrahim, Ali; Katz, Boris; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Extracting Structural Paraphrases From Aligned Monolingual Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1609}
author = {Shinyama, Yusuke; Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Paraphrase Acquisition For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1610}
author = {Wu, Hua; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Optimizing Synonym Extraction Using Monolingual And Bilingual Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1611}
author = {Tokunaga, Takenobu; Tanaka, Hozumi; Kimura, Kenji}
title = {Paraphrasing Japanese Noun Phrases Using Character-Based Indexing}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1612}
author = {Kanayama, Hiroshi}
title = {Paraphrasing Rules For Automatic Evaluation Of Translation Into Japanese}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1613}
author = {Zukerman, Ingrid; George, Sarah; Wen, Yingying}
title = {Lexical Paraphrasing For Document Retrieval And Node Identification}
venue = {Workshop On Paraphrasing}
year = {2003}
id = {W99-0901}
author = {Abney, Steven; Light, Marc}
title = {Hiding A Semantic Hierarchy In A Markov Model}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0902}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {The Applications Of Unsupervised Learning To Japanese Grapheme-Phoneme Alignment}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0903}
author = {Cho, Jeong-Mi; Seo, Jungyun; Kim, Gilchang}
title = {Dual Distributional Verb Sense Disambiguation With Small Corpora And Machine Readable Dictionaries}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0904}
author = {Gaussier, Eric}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Derivational Morphology From Inflectional Lexicons}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0905}
author = {Kikui, Genichiro}
title = {Resolving Translation Ambiguity Using Non-Parallel Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0906}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Yamada, Kenji}
title = {A Computational Approach To Deciphering Unknown Scripts}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0907}
author = {Marx, Zvika; Dagan, Ido; Shamir, Eli}
title = {Detecting Sub-Topic Correspondence Through Bipartite Term Clustering}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0908}
author = {McCallum, Andrew; Nigam, Kamal}
title = {Text Classification By Bootstrapping With Keywords EM And Shrinkage}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0909}
author = {Watkinson, Stephen; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Unsupervised Lexical Learning With Categorial Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Unsupervised Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W97-1201}
author = {Veilleux, Nanette M.}
title = {Probabilistic Model Of Acoustic/Prosody/Concept Relationships For Speech Synthesis}
venue = {Workshop On Concept To Speech Generation Systems}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1202}
author = {Spyns, Peter; Deprez, F.; Van Tichelen, L.; Van Coile, B.}
title = {Message-To-Speech: High Quality Speech Generation For Messaging And Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Concept To Speech Generation Systems}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1203}
author = {Poller, Peter}
title = {A Compact Representation Of Prosodically Relevant Knowledge In A Speech Dialogue System}
venue = {Workshop On Concept To Speech Generation Systems}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1204}
author = {Pan, Shimei; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Integrating Language Generation With Speech Synthesis In A Concept To Speech System}
venue = {Workshop On Concept To Speech Generation Systems}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1205}
author = {Grice, Martine; Savinot, Michelina}
title = {Can Pitch Accent Type Convey Information Status In Yes-No Questions?}
venue = {Workshop On Concept To Speech Generation Systems}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1206}
author = {Theune, Mariët; Klabbers, Esther; Odijk, Jan; De Pijper, Jan Roelof}
title = {Computing Prosodic Properties In A Data-To-Speech System}
venue = {Workshop On Concept To Speech Generation Systems}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1207}
author = {Hiyakumoto, Laurie; Prevost, Scott; Cassell, Justine}
title = {Semantic And Discourse Information For Text-To-Speech Intonation}
venue = {Workshop On Concept To Speech Generation Systems}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1208}
author = {Sonntag, Gerit P.; Portele, Thomas}
title = {Looking For The Presence Of Linguistic Concepts In The Prosody Of Spoken Utterances}
venue = {Workshop On Concept To Speech Generation Systems}
year = {1997}
id = {W02-0601}
author = {Sharma, Utpal; Kalita, Jugal K.; Das, Rajib}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Morphology For Building Lexicon For A Highly Inflectional Language}
venue = {Workshop On Morphological And Phonological Learning}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0602}
author = {Snover, Matthew; Jarosz, Gaja E.; Brent, Michael R.}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Morphology Using A Novel Directed Search Algorithm: Taking The First Step}
venue = {Workshop On Morphological And Phonological Learning}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0603}
author = {Creutz, Mathias; Lagus, Krista}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery Of Morphemes}
venue = {Workshop On Morphological And Phonological Learning}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0604}
author = {Neuvel, Sylvain; Fulop, Sean A.}
title = {Unsupervised Learning Of Morphology Without Morphemes}
venue = {Workshop On Morphological And Phonological Learning}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0605}
author = {Belkin, Mikhail; Goldsmith, John}
title = {Using Eigenvectors Of The Bigram Graph To Infer Morpheme Identity}
venue = {Workshop On Morphological And Phonological Learning}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0606}
author = {Baroni, Marco; Matiasek, Johannes; Trost, Harald}
title = {Unsupervised Discovery Of Morphologically Related Words Based On Orthographic And Semantic Similarity}
venue = {Workshop On Morphological And Phonological Learning}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0607}
author = {Albright, Adam; Hayes, Bruce}
title = {Modeling English Past Tense Intuitions With Minimal Generalization}
venue = {Workshop On Morphological And Phonological Learning}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0608}
author = {Muller, Karin}
title = {Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars For Phonology}
venue = {Workshop On Morphological And Phonological Learning}
year = {2002}
id = {W96-0301}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne}
title = {Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons - Notes On The Workshop}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0302}
author = {Talmy, Leonard}
title = {How Language Structures Concepts - An Outline}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0303}
author = {Briscoe, Ted; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Controlling The Application Of Lexical Rules}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0304}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Kaplan, Randy M.; Wolff, Susanne; Lu, Chi}
title = {Using Lexical Semantic Techniques To Classify Free-Responses}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0305}
author = {Chang, Jason S.; Chen, J. N.}
title = {Acquisition Of Computational-Semantic Lexicons From Machine Readable Lexical Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0306}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Jones, Douglas A.}
title = {Acquisition Of Semantic Lexicons: Using Word Sense Disambiguation To Improve Precision}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0307}
author = {Gillon, Brendan S.}
title = {The Lexical Semantics Of English Count And Mass Nouns}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0308}
author = {Helmreich, Stephen; Farwell, David}
title = {Lexical Rules Is Italicized}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0309}
author = {Johnston, Michael; Busa, Federica}
title = {Qualia Structure And The Compositional Interpretation Of Compounds}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0310}
author = {Raskin, Victor; Nirenburg, Sergei}
title = {Lexical Rules For Deverbal Adjectives}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W96-0311}
author = {Sehitoglu, Onur T.; Bozsahin, H. Cem}
title = {Morphological Productivity In The Lexicon}
venue = {Workshop On Breadth And Depth Of Semantic Lexicons}
year = {1996}
id = {W99-0501}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Miller, George A.; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {WordNet 2 - A Morphologically And Semantically Enhanced Resource}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0502}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou; Lim, Daniel Chung Yong; Foo, Shou King}
title = {A Case Study On Inter-Annotator Agreement For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0503}
author = {Stevenson, Suzanne; Merlo, Paola; Kariaeva, Natalia; Whitehouse, Kamin}
title = {Supervised Learning Of Lexical Semantic Verb Classes Using Frequency Distributions}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0504}
author = {Fernandez, Ana; Martí, M. Antònia; Vazquez, Gloria; Castellón, Irene}
title = {On The Concept Of Diathesis Alternations As Semantic Oppositions}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0505}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {Towards A Meaning-Full Comparison Of Lexical Resources}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0506}
author = {Zajac, Remi}
title = {On Some Aspects Of Lexical Standardization}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0507}
author = {Pedersen, Bolette Sandford; Keson, Britt}
title = {Simple - Semantic Information For Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexica: Some Examples Of Danish Concrete Nouns}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0508}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {Parallel Translations As Sense Discriminators}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0509}
author = {Viegas, Evelyne}
title = {An Overt Semantics With A Machine-Guided Approach For Robust LKBs}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0510}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi; Sudo, Kiyoshi; Ogino, Takano}
title = {Statistical Matching Of Two Ontologies}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0511}
author = {Ranchhod, Elisabete; Mota, Cristina; Baptista, Jorge}
title = {A Computational Lexicon Of Portuguese For Automatic Text Parsing}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0512}
author = {Vossen, Piek; Peters, Wim; Gonzalo, Julio}
title = {Towards A Universal Index Of Meaning}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0513}
author = {Vietri, Simonetta; Elia, Annibale}
title = {Electronic Dictionaries And Linguistic Analysis Of Italian Large Corpora}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Standardizing Lexical Resources}
year = {1999}
id = {I08-4001}
author = {Li, Zhoujun; Chao, Wen-Han; Chen, Yue-Xin}
title = {An Example-based Decoder for Spoken Language Machine Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4002}
author = {Jin, Chengguo; Na, Seung-Hoon; Kim, Dong-Il; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Automatic Extraction of English-Chinese Transliteration Pairs using Dynamic Window and Tokenizer}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4003}
author = {Kuo, Jin-Shea; Li, Haizhou; Lin, Chih-Lung}
title = {Mining Transliterations from Web Query Results: An Incremental Approach}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4004}
author = {Ren, Feiliang; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {An Effective Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4005}
author = {Cheng, Yuchang; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Use of Event Types for Temporal Relation Identification in Chinese Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4006}
author = {Wang, Jinghua; Liu, Jianyi; Zhang, Hua-Ping}
title = {Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation with PageRank and HowNet}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4007}
author = {Lin, Bor-shen}
title = {Stochastic Dependency Parsing Based on A* Admissible Search}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4008}
author = {Lu, Jia; Asahara, Masayuki; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Analyzing Chinese Synthetic Words with Tree-based Information and a Survey on Chinese Morphologically Derived Words}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4009}
author = {Wang, Zhenxing; Huang, Changning; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {Which Performs Better on In-Vocabulary Word Segmentation: Based on Word or Character?}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4010}
author = {Jin, Guangjin; Chen, Xiao}
title = {The Fourth International Chinese Language Processing Bakeoff: Chinese Word Segmentation Named Entity Recognition and Chinese POS Tagging}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4011}
author = {Chen, Aitao; Zhang, Ya; Sun, Gordon}
title = {A Two-Stage Approach to Chinese Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4012}
author = {Li, Jiang; Hu, Rile; Zhang, Guohua; Tang, Yuezhong; Song, Zhanjiang; Wang, Xia}
title = {NOKIA Research Center Beijing Chinese Word Segmentation System for the SIGHAN Bakeoff 2007}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4013}
author = {Mao, Xinnian; Dong, Yuan; He, Saike; Bao, Sencheng; Wang, Haila}
title = {Chinese Word Segmentation and Named Entity Recognition Based on Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4014}
author = {Qin, Ying; Yuan, Caixia; Sun, Jiashen; Wang, Xiaojie}
title = {BUPT Systems in the SIGHAN Bakeoff 2007}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4015}
author = {Wang, Zhenxing; Huang, Changning; Zhu, Jingbo}
title = {The Character-based CRF Segmenter of MSRA&NEU for the 4th Bakeoff}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4016}
author = {Yu, Xiaofeng; Lam, Wai; Chan, Shing-Kit; Wu, Yiu Kei; Chen, Bo}
title = {Chinese NER Using CRFs and Logic for the Fourth SIGHAN Bakeoff}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4017}
author = {Zhao, Hai; Kitt, Chunyu}
title = {Unsupervised Segmentation Helps Supervised Learning of Character Tagging for Word Segmentation and Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4018}
author = {Chan, Samuel W. K.; Chong, Mickey W. C.}
title = {An Agent-Based Approach to Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4019}
author = {Chen, Xiaohe; Li, Bin; Lu, Junzhi; Nian, Hongdong; Tang, Xuri}
title = {Nanjing Normal University Segmenter for the Fourth SIGHAN Bakeoff}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4020}
author = {Feng, Yuanyong; Huang, Ruihong; Sun, Le}
title = {Two Step Chinese Named Entity Recognition Based on Conditional Random Fields Models}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4021}
author = {Fu, Guohong; Webster, Jonathan J.}
title = {A Morpheme-based Part-of-Speech Tagger for Chinese}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4022}
author = {He, Jingzhou; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Chinese Named Entity Recognition and Word Segmentation Based on Character}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4023}
author = {Huang, Degen; Sun, Xiao; Jiao, Shidou; Li, Lishuang; Ding, Zhuoye; Wan, Ru}
title = {HMM and CRF Based Hybrid Model for Chinese Lexical Analysis}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4024}
author = {Leong, Ka Seng; Wong, Fai; Li, Yi-Ping; Dong, Ming-Chui}
title = {Chinese Tagging Based on Maximum Entropy Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4025}
author = {Song, Dong; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Training a Perceptron with Global and Local Features for Chinese Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4026}
author = {Sun, Guanglu; Sun, Chengjie; Sun, Ke; XiaoLong, Wang}
title = {A Study of Chinese Lexical Analysis Based on Discriminative Models}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4027}
author = {Tsai, Jia-Lin}
title = {Word Boundary Token Model for the SIGHAN Bakeoff 2007}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4028}
author = {Wu, Xihong; Lin, Xiaojun; Wang, Xinhao; Wu, Chunyao; Zhang, Yaozhong; Yu, Dianhai}
title = {An Improved CRF based Chinese Language Processing System for SIGHAN Bakeoff 2007}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4029}
author = {Wu, Yu-Chieh; Yang, Jie-Chi; Lee, Yue-Shi}
title = {Description of the NCU Chinese Word Segmentation and Part-of-Speech Tagging for SIGHAN Bakeoff 2007}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4030}
author = {Xu, Zhiting; Qian, Xian; Zhang, Yuejie; Zhou, Yaqian}
title = {CRF-based Hybrid Model for Word Segmentation NER and even POS Tagging}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4031}
author = {Yang, Fan; Jun, Zhao; Zou, Bo}
title = {CRFs-Based Named Entity Recognition Incorporated with Heuristic Entity List Searching}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4032}
author = {Zhang, Jianfeng; Zheng, Jiaheng; Zhang, Hu; Tan, Hongye}
title = {A Chinese Word Segmentation System Based on Cascade Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-4033}
author = {Zhang, Ruiqiang; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Achilles: NiCT/ATR Chinese Morphological Analyzer for the Fourth Sighan Bakeoff}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W02-1701}
author = {Aguado de Cea, Guadalupe; Alvarez-De-Mon, Inmaculada; Pareja-Lora, Antonio; Plaza-Arteche, Rosario}
title = {RDF(S)/XML Linguistic Annotation Of Semantic Web Pages}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1702}
author = {Barrutieta, Guillermo; Abaitua, Joseba; Diaz, JosuKa}
title = {Cascading XSL Filters For Content Selection In Multilingual Document Generation}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1703}
author = {Bateman, John A.; Henschel, Renate; Delin, Judy L.}
title = {A Brief Introduction To The GeM Annotation Schema For Complex Document Layout}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1704}
author = {Berger, Daniela; Reitter, David; Stede, Manfred}
title = {XML/XSL In The Dictionary: The Case Of Discourse Markers}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1705}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Mangeot-Lerebours, Mathieu; Serasset, Gilles}
title = {The PAPILLON Project: Cooperatively Building A Multilingual Lexical Data-Base To Derive Open Source Dictionaries And Lexicons}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1706}
author = {Grover, Claire; Klein, Ewan; Lapata, Mirella; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {XML-Based NLP Tools For Analysing And Annotating Medical Language}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1707}
author = {Karlstrom, Petter; Cooper, Robin}
title = {Towards A Web-Based Centre On Swedish Language Technology}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1708}
author = {Katz, Boris; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Annotating The Semantic Web Using Natural Language}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1709}
author = {Koontz, Eugene}
title = {XML In A Web-Based Grammar Development Environment}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1710}
author = {Milde, Jan-Torsten}
title = {The TASX-Environment: An XML-Based Toolset For The Creation Of Multimodal Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1711}
author = {Nakabasami, Chieko; Nomura, Naoyuki}
title = {A Proposal For Screening Inconsistencies In Ontologies Based On Query Languages Using WSD}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1712}
author = {Simov, Kiril; Kouylekov, Milen; Simov, Alexander}
title = {Cascaded Regular Grammars Over XML Documents}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1713}
author = {Stenzhorn, Holger}
title = {XtraGen - A Natural Language Generation System Using XML- And Java-Technologies}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1714}
author = {Walsh, Michael; Wilson, Stephen; Carson-Berndsen, Julie}
title = {XiSTS - XML In Speech Technology Systems}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1715}
author = {Wang, Kuansan}
title = {SALT: An XML Application For Web-Based Multimodal Dialog Management}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML}
year = {2002}
id = {W97-1301}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Vieira, Renata; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Resolving Bridging References In Unrestricted Text}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1302}
author = {Mori, Tatsunori; Matsuo, Mamoru; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {Constraints And Defaults Of Zero Pronouns In Japanese Instruction Manuals}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1303}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {Factors In Anaphora Resolution: They Are Not The Only Things That Matter - A Case Study Based On Two Different Approaches}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1304}
author = {Nakaiwa, Hiromi}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Rules For Anaphora Resolution Of Japanese Zero Pronouns From Aligned Sentence Pairs}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1305}
author = {Stuckardt, Roland}
title = {Resolving Anaphoric References On Deficient Syntactic Descriptions}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1306}
author = {Baldwin, Breck}
title = {CogNIAC: High Precision Coreference With Limited Knowledge And Linguistic Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1307}
author = {Kameyama, Megumi}
title = {Recognizing Referential Links: An Information Extraction Perspective}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1308}
author = {Rocha, Marco}
title = {Supporting Anaphor Resolution In Dialogues With A Corpus-Based Probabilistic Model}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1309}
author = {Bergler, Sabine}
title = {Towards Reliable Partial Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1310}
author = {McEnery, Tony; Tanaka, Izumi; Botley, Simon}
title = {Corpus Annotation And Reference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1311}
author = {Humphreys, Kevin; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Azzam, Saliha}
title = {Event Coreference For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1312}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {How Far Are We From (Semi-)Automatic Of Anaphoric Links In Corpora?}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1313}
author = {Borthen, Kaja; Fretheim, Thorstein}
title = {What Brings A Higher-Order Entity Into Focus Of Attention? Sentential Pronouns In English And Norwegian}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1314}
author = {Popescu-Belis, Andrei; Robba, Isabelle}
title = {Cooperation Between Pronoun And Reference Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Operational Factors In Practical Robust Anaphora Resolution For Unrestricted Texts}
year = {1997}
id = {W00-0901}
author = {Rayson, Paul; Garside, Roger}
title = {Comparing Corpora Using Frequency Profiling}
venue = {Workshop On Comparing Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0902}
author = {Berber Sardinha, Tony}
title = {Comparing Corpora With WordSmith Tools: How Large Must The Reference Corpus Be?}
venue = {Workshop On Comparing Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0903}
author = {Ruch, Patrick; Gaudinat, Arnaud}
title = {Comparing Corpora And Lexical Ambiguity}
venue = {Workshop On Comparing Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0904}
author = {Nobata, Chikashi; Collier, Nigel; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Comparison Between Tagged Corpora For The Named Entity Task}
venue = {Workshop On Comparing Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0905}
author = {Roland, Douglas; Jurafsky, Daniel; Menn, Lise; Gahl, Susanne; Elder, Elizabeth; Riddoch, Chris}
title = {Verb Subcategorization Frequency Differences Between Business-News And Balanced Corpora: The Role Of Verb Sense}
venue = {Workshop On Comparing Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0906}
author = {Tambouratzis, George; Markantonatou, Stella; Hairetakis, Nikolaos; Vassiliou, Marina; Tambouratzis, Dimitrios; Carayannis, George}
title = {Discriminating The Registers And Styles In The Modern Greek Language}
venue = {Workshop On Comparing Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W99-0301}
author = {Bird, Steven; Liberman, Mark Y.}
title = {Annotation Graphs As A Framework For Multidimensional Linguistic Data Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0302}
author = {Carletta, Jean; Isard, Amy}
title = {The MATE Annotation Workbench: User Requirements}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0303}
author = {Delannoy, Jean-Francois}
title = {Argumentation Mark-Up: A Proposal}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0304}
author = {Ichikawa, A.; Araki, Masahiro; Horiuchi, Y.; Ishizaki, Masato; Itabashi, S.; Itoh, W.; Kashioka, Hideki; Kato, K.; Kikuchi, H.; Koiso, H.; Kumagai, T.; Kurematsu, A.; Maekawa, Kikuo; Nakazato, Shu; Tamoto, M.; Tutiya, S.; Yamashita, Yoichi; Yoshimura, W.}
title = {Evaluation Of Annotation Schemes For Japanese Discourse Japanese Discourse Tagging Working Group}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0305}
author = {Klein, Marion}
title = {Standardisation Efforts On The Level Of Dialogue Act In The MATE Project}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0306}
author = {Levin, Lori S.; Ries, Klaus; Thyme-Gobbel, Ann; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Tagging Of Speech Acts And Dialogue Games In Spanish Call Home}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0307}
author = {Marcu, Daniel; Amorrortu, Estibaliz; Romera, Magdalena}
title = {Experiments In Constructing A Corpus Of Discourse Trees}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0308}
author = {Patrick, Jon David}
title = {Tagging Psychotherapeutic Interviews For Linguistic Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0309}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Bruneseaux, F.; Romary, Laurent}
title = {The MATE Meta-Scheme For Coreference In Dialogues In Multiple Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0310}
author = {Soria, Claudia; Pirrelli, Vito}
title = {A Recognition-Based Meta-Scheme For Dialogue Acts Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0311}
author = {Teufel, Simone; Moens, Marc}
title = {Discourse-Level Argumentation In Scientific Articles: Human And Automatic Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0312}
author = {Tonfoni, Graziella}
title = {A Mark Up Language For Tagging Discourse And Annotating Documents In Context Sensitive Interpretation Environments}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0313}
author = {Traum, David R.; Nakatani, Christine H.}
title = {A Two-Level Approach To Coding Dialogue For Discourse Structure: Activities Of The 1998 DRI Working Group On Higher-Level Structures}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0314}
author = {Zollo, Teresa; Core, Mark G.}
title = {Automatically Extracting Grounding Tags From BF Tags}
venue = {Workshop On Towards Standards And Tools For Discourse Tagging}
year = {1999}
id = {W06-3301}
author = {Yu, Hong; Wei, Ying}
title = {The Semantics Of A Definiendum Constrains Both The Lexical Semantics And The Lexicosyntactic Patterns In The Definiens}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3302}
author = {Liang, Jisheng; Nguyen, Thien; Koperski, Krzysztof; Marchisio, Giovanni}
title = {Ontology-Based Natural Language Query Processing For The Biological Domain}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3303}
author = {Fyshe, Alona; Szafron, Duane}
title = {Term Generalization And Synonym Resolution For Biological Abstracts: Using The Gene Ontology For Subcellular Localization Prediction}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3304}
author = {Sanfilippo, Antonio; Posse, Christian; Gopalan, Banu; Tratz, Stephen; Gregory, Michelle L.}
title = {Integrating Ontological Knowledge And Textual Evidence In Estimating Gene And Gene Product Similarity}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3305}
author = {Tanabe, Lorraine; Wilbur, W. John}
title = {A Priority Model For Named Entities}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3306}
author = {Fang, Haw-Ren; Murphy, Kevin; Yang, Jin; Kim, Jessica; White, Peter}
title = {Human Gene Name Normalization Using Text Matching With Automatically Extracted Synonym Dictionaries}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3307}
author = {Bunescu, Razvan C.; Mooney, Raymond J.; Ramani, Arun; Marcotte, Edward}
title = {Integrating Co-Occurrence Statistics With Information Extraction For Robust Retrieval Of Protein Interactions From Medline}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3308}
author = {Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Chou, Wen-Chi; Lin, Yu-Chun; Sung, Cheng-Lung; Ku, Wei; Su, Ying-Shan; Sung, Ting-Yi; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {BIOSMILE: Adapting Semantic Role Labeling For Biomedical Verbs:}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3309}
author = {Lin, Jimmy; Karakos, Damianos; Demner-Fushman, Dina; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Generative Content Models For Structural Analysis Of Medical Abstracts}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3310}
author = {Rafkind, Barry; Lee, Minsuk; Chang, Shih-Fu; Yu, Hong}
title = {Exploring Text And Image Features To Classify Images In Bioscience Literature}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3311}
author = {Rzhetsky, Andrey}
title = {Mining Biomedical Texts For Disease-Related Pathways}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3312}
author = {Schuman, Jonathan; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {Postnominal Prepositional Phrase Attachment In Proteomics}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3314}
author = {Bergler, Sabine; Schuman, Jonathan; Dubuc, Julien; Lebedev, Alexandr}
title = {BioKI:Enzymes - An Adaptable System To Locate Low-Frequency Information In Full-Text Proteomics Articles}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3315}
author = {Cohen, William W.}
title = {A Graph-Search Framework For GeneId Ranking}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3316}
author = {Gasperin, Caroline}
title = {Semi-Supervised Anaphora Resolution In Biomedical Texts}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3317}
author = {Goertzel, Ben; Pinto, Hugo; Heljakka, Ari; Ross, Michael; Pennachin, Cassio; Goertzel, Izabela}
title = {Using Dependency Parsing And Probabilistic Inference To Extract Relationships Between Genes Proteins And Malignancies Implicit Among Multiple Biomedical Research Abstracts}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3318}
author = {Gu, Baohua}
title = {Recognizing Nested Named Entities In GENIA Corpus}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3319}
author = {Jiampojamarn, Sittichai; Kondrak, Grzegorz; Cherry, Colin}
title = {Biomedical Term Recognition With The Perceptron HMM Algorithm}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3320}
author = {Johnson, Helen L.; Baumgartner Jr., William A.; Krallinger, Martin; Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Hunter, Lawrence}
title = {Refactoring Corpora}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3321}
author = {Miller, John E.; Bloodgood, Michael; Torii, Manabu; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {Rapid Adaptation Of POS Tagging For Domain Specific Uses}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3322}
author = {Nielsen, Leif Arda}
title = {Extracting Protein-Protein Interactions Using Simple Contextual Features}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3323}
author = {Oberoi, Meeta; Struble, Craig A.; Sugg, Sonia L.}
title = {Identifying Experimental Techniques In Biomedical Literature}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3324}
author = {Rosemblat, Graciela; Graham, Laurel}
title = {A Pragmatic Approach To Summary Extraction In Clinical Trials}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3325}
author = {Sautter, Guido; Bohm, Klemens}
title = {The Difficulties Of Taxonomic Name Extraction And A Solution}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3326}
author = {Schwartz, Ariel S.; Hearst, Marti A.}
title = {Summarizing Key Concepts Using Citation Sentences}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3327}
author = {Tateisi, Yuka; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Subdomain Adaptation Of A POS Tagger With A Small Corpus}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3328}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas; Gasperin, Caroline}
title = {Bootstrapping And Evaluating Named Entity Recognition In The Biomedical Domain}
venue = {Workshop: BioNLP Workshop On Linking Natural Language And Biology}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2501}
author = {Patwardhan, Siddharth; Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Using WordNet-Based Context Vectors To Estimate The Semantic Relatedness Of Concepts}
venue = {Workshop On Making Sense Of Sense: Bringing Psycholinguistics And Computational Linguistics Together}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2502}
author = {Savova, Guergana; Therneau, Terry; Chute, Christopher G.}
title = {Cluster Stopping Rules For Word Sense Discrimination}
venue = {Workshop On Making Sense Of Sense: Bringing Psycholinguistics And Computational Linguistics Together}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2503}
author = {McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Relating WordNet Senses For Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Making Sense Of Sense: Bringing Psycholinguistics And Computational Linguistics Together}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2504}
author = {Peirsman, Yves}
title = {Whats In A Name? The Automatic Recognition Of Metonymical Location Names}
venue = {Workshop On Making Sense Of Sense: Bringing Psycholinguistics And Computational Linguistics Together}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2505}
author = {Specia, Lucia; Das Gracas Volpe Nunes, Maria; Stevenson, Mark; Branco Ribeiro, Gabriela Castelo}
title = {Multilingual Versus Monolingual WSD}
venue = {Workshop On Making Sense Of Sense: Bringing Psycholinguistics And Computational Linguistics Together}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2506}
author = {Melinger, Alissa; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Weber, Andrea}
title = {Characterizing Response Types And Revealing Noun Ambiguity In German Association Norms}
venue = {Workshop On Making Sense Of Sense: Bringing Psycholinguistics And Computational Linguistics Together}
year = {2006}
id = {W10-0701}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Creating Speech and Language Data With Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0702}
author = {Jha, Mukund; Andreas, Jacob; Thadani, Kapil; Rosenthal, Sara; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Corpus Creation for New Genres: A Crowdsourced Approach to PP Attachment}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0703}
author = {Parent, Gabriel; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Clustering dictionary definitions using Amazon Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0704}
author = {Gao, Qin; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Semi-supervised Word Alignment with Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0705}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Rating Computer-Generated Questions with Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0706}
author = {Novotney, Scott; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Crowdsourced Accessibility: Elicitation of Wikipedia Articles}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0707}
author = {Le, Audrey; Ajot, Jerome; Przybocki, Mark A.; Strassel, Stephanie}
title = {Document Image Collection Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0708}
author = {Evanini, Keelan; Higgins, Derrick; Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Using Amazon Mechanical Turk for Transcription of Non-Native Speech}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0709}
author = {Denkowski, Michael; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Exploring Normalization Techniques for Human Judgments of Machine Translation Adequacy Collected Using Amazon Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0710}
author = {Ambati, Vamshi; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Can Crowds Build parallel corpora for Machine Translation Systems?}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0711}
author = {Denkowski, Michael; Al-Haj, Hassan; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Turker-Assisted Paraphrasing for English-Arabic Machine Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0712}
author = {Lawson, Nolan; Eustice, Kevin; Perkowitz, Mike; Yetisgen-Yildiz, Meliha}
title = {Annotating Large Email Datasets for Named Entity Recognition with Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0713}
author = {Finin, Tim; Murnane, William; Karandikar, Anand; Keller, Nicholas; Martineau, Justin; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Annotating Named Entities in Twitter Data with Crowdsourcing}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0714}
author = {Higgins, Chiara; McGrath, Elizabeth; Moretto, Laila}
title = {MTurk Crowdsourcing: A Viable Method for Rapid Discovery of Arabic Nicknames?}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0715}
author = {Zaidan, Omar F.; Ganitkevitch, Juri}
title = {An Enriched MT Grammar for Under $100}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0716}
author = {Marge, Matthew; Banerjee, Satanjeev; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Using the Amazon Mechanical Turk to Transcribe and Annotate Meeting Speech for Extractive Summarization}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0717}
author = {Irvine, Ann; Klementiev, Alexandre}
title = {Using Mechanical Turk to Annotate Lexicons for Less Commonly Used Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0718}
author = {Mellebeek, Bart; Benavent, Francesc; Grivolla, Jens; Codina, Joan; Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz; Banches, Rafael E.}
title = {Opinion Mining of Spanish Customer Comments with Non-Expert Annotations on Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0719}
author = {Munro, Robert; Bethard, Steven; Kuperman, Victor; Lai, Vicky Tzuyin; Melnick, Robin; Potts, Christopher; Schnoebelen, Tyler; Tily, Harry}
title = {Crowdsourcing and language studies: the new generation of linguistic data}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0720}
author = {Chang, Jonathan}
title = {Not-So-Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Collapsed Gibbs Sampling Using Human Judgments}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0721}
author = {Rashtchian, Cyrus; Young, Peter; Hodosh, Micah; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Collecting Image Annotations Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0722}
author = {Gillick, Dan; Liu, Yang}
title = {Non-Expert Evaluation of Summarization Systems is Risky}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0723}
author = {Yano, Tae; Resnik, Philip; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Shedding (a Thousand Points of) Light on Biased Language}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0724}
author = {Gordon, Jonathan; van Durme, Benjamin; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Evaluation of Commonsense Knowledge with Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0725}
author = {Wang, Rui; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Cheap Facts and Counter-Facts}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0726}
author = {Kunath, Stephen A.; Weinberger, Steven H.}
title = {The Wisdom of the Crowdâs Ear: Speech Accent Rating and Annotation with Amazon Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0727}
author = {Grady, Catherine; Lease, Matthew}
title = {Crowdsourcing Document Relevance Assessment with Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0728}
author = {Yetisgen-Yildiz, Meliha; Solti, Imre; Xia, Fei; Halgrim, Scott}
title = {Preliminary Experiments with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk for Annotating Medical Named Entities}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0729}
author = {Lane, Ian; Eck, Matthias; Rottmann, Kay; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Tools for Collecting Speech Corpora via Mechanical-Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0730}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Resnik, Philip}
title = {Measuring Transitivity Using Untrained Annotators}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0731}
author = {Akkaya, Cem; Conrad, Alexander; Wiebe, Janyce; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Amazon Mechanical Turk for Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0732}
author = {Gormley, Matthew R.; Gerber, Adam; Harper, Mary P.; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Non-Expert Correction of Automatically Generated Relation Annotations}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0733}
author = {Bloodgood, Michael; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Using Mechanical Turk to Build Machine Translation Evaluation Sets}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0734}
author = {Negri, Matteo; Mehdad, Yashar}
title = {Creating a Bi-lingual Entailment Corpus through Translations with Mechanical Turk: $100 for a 10-day Rush}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0735}
author = {Buzek, Olivia; Resnik, Philip; Bederson, Benjamin B.}
title = {Error Driven Paraphrase Annotation using Mechanical Turk}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk}
year = {2010}
id = {W09-1701}
author = {Schwartz, Hansen A.; Gomez, Fernando}
title = {Acquiring Applicable Common Sense Knowledge from the Web}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Unsupervised and Minimally Supervised Learning of Lexical Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1702}
author = {Ismail, Azniah; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Utilizing Contextually Relevant Terms in Bilingual Lexicon Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Unsupervised and Minimally Supervised Learning of Lexical Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1703}
author = {Igo, Sean; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Corpus-based Semantic Lexicon Induction with Web-based Corroboration}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Unsupervised and Minimally Supervised Learning of Lexical Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1704}
author = {Ji, Heng}
title = {Cross-lingual Predicate Cluster Acquisition to Improve Bilingual Event Extraction by Inductive Learning}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Unsupervised and Minimally Supervised Learning of Lexical Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1705}
author = {Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Klapaftis, Ioannis P.; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Graph Connectivity Measures for Unsupervised Parameter Tuning of Graph-Based Sense Induction Systems.}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Unsupervised and Minimally Supervised Learning of Lexical Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1706}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke}
title = {Combining Syntactic Co-occurrences and Nearest Neighbours in Distributional Methods to Remedy Data Sparseness.}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Unsupervised and Minimally Supervised Learning of Lexical Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1707}
author = {Chew, Peter A.; Bader, Brett W.; Rozovskaya, Alla}
title = {Using DEDICOM for Completely Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Unsupervised and Minimally Supervised Learning of Lexical Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W11-0701}
author = {Herring, Susan}
title = {Automating Analysis of Social Media Communication: Insights from CMDA}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0702}
author = {Abbott, Rob; Walker, Marilyn A.; Anand, Pranav; Fox Tree, Jean E.; Bowmani, Robeson; King, Joseph}
title = {How can you say such things?!?: Recognizing Disagreement in Informal Political Argument}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0703}
author = {Balasubramanyan, Ramnath; Cohen, William W.; Pierce, Doug; Redlawsk, David P.}
title = {What pushes their buttons? Predicting comment polarity from the content of political blog posts}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0704}
author = {Gouws, Stephan; Metzler, Donald; Cai, Congxing; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Contextual Bearing on Linguistic Variation in Social Media}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0705}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv; Xie, Boyi; Vovsha, Ilia; Rambow, Owen; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0706}
author = {Marin, Alex; Zhang, Bin; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Detecting Forum Authority Claims in Online Discussions}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0707}
author = {Bender, Emily M.; Morgan, Jonathan T.; Oxley, Meghan; Zachry, Mark; Hutchinson, Brian; Marin, Alex; Zhang, Bin; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Annotating Social Acts: Authority Claims and Alignment Moves in Wikipedia Talk Pages}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0708}
author = {Cunha, Evandro; Magno, Gabriel; Comarela, Giovanni; Almeida, Virgilio; Gonçalves, Marcos André; Benevenuto, Fabricio}
title = {Analyzing the Dynamic Evolution of Hashtags on Twitter: a Language-Based Approach}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0709}
author = {Liu, Fei; Liu, Yang; Weng, Fuliang}
title = {Why is SXSW trending? Exploring Multiple Text Sources for Twitter Topic Summarization}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0710}
author = {Nguyen, Dong; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Language use as a reflection of socialization in online communities}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0711}
author = {Peterson, Kelly; Hohensee, Matt; Xia, Fei}
title = {Email Formality in the Workplace: A Case Study on the Enron Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2011}
id = {W12-2101}
author = {Srihari, Rohini K.; Mukund, Smruthi}
title = {Analyzing Urdu Social Media for Sentiments using Transfer Learning with Controlled Translations}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2102}
author = {Thaul Lehrman, Michael; Proano, Ruben A.; Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter}
title = {Detecting Distressed and Non-distressed Affect States in Short Forum Texts}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2103}
author = {Warner, William; Hirschberg, Julia}
title = {Detecting Hate Speech on the World Wide Web}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2104}
author = {Mandel, Benjamin; Boulahanis, John; Stark, Danielle; Lewis, Bonnie; Rodrigue, Jeremy; Culotta, Aron}
title = {A Demographic Analysis of Online Sentiment during Hurricane Irene}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2105}
author = {McKeown, Kathleen R.; Biran, Or; Rambow, Owen; Rosenthal, Sara; Andreas, Jacob}
title = {Detecting Influencers in Written Online Conversations}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2106}
author = {Chen, Tao; Wang, Aobo; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Re-tweeting from a linguistic perspective}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2107}
author = {Bedrick, Steven; Sproat, Richard W.; Beckley, Russ; Roark, Brian}
title = {Robust kaomoji detection in Twitter}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2108}
author = {Bagdouri, Mossaab; Fink, Clayton; Bergsma, Shane; Wilson, Theresa; McNamee, Paul}
title = {Language Identification for Creating Language-Specific Twitter Collections}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2109}
author = {Irvine, Ann; Weese, Jonathan; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Processing Informal, Romanized Pakistani Text Messages}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2011)}
year = {2012}
id = {W06-2801}
author = {Mehler, Alexander}
title = {Text Linkage In The Wiki Medium - A Comparative Study}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2802}
author = {Copestake, Ann}
title = {Errors In Wikis}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2803}
author = {Tavosanis, Mirko}
title = {Linguistic Features Of Italian Blogs: Literary Language}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2804}
author = {Elia, Antonella}
title = {An Analysis Of Wikipedia Digital Writing}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2805}
author = {Elgersma, Erik; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {Learning To Recognize Blogs: A Preliminary Exploration}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2806}
author = {Santini, Marina}
title = {Interpreting Genre Evolution On The Web}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2807}
author = {Gobbo, Federico; Chinosi, Michele; Pepe, Massimiliano}
title = {Novelle A Collaborative Open Source Writing Tool Software}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2808}
author = {Xia, Yunqing; Wong, Kam-Fai}
title = {Anomaly Detecting Within Dynamic Chinese Chat Text}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2809}
author = {Toral, Antonio; Muñoz, Rafael}
title = {A Proposal To Automatically Build And Maintain Gazetteers For Named Entity Recognition By Using Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2810}
author = {Fissaha Adafre, Sisay; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {Finding Similar Sentences Across Multiple Languages In Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2811}
author = {Clough, Paul D.; Gonzales, Julio; Karlgren, Jussi}
title = {Multilingual Interactive Experiments With Flickr}
venue = {Workshop On New Text Wikis And Blogs And Other Dynamic Text Sources}
year = {2006}
id = {W09-3601}
author = {Nagy, István; Farkas, Richárd; Jelasity, Márk}
title = {Researcher affiliation extraction from homepages}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3602}
author = {Shi, Shuming; Xing, Fei; Zhu, Mingjie; Nie, Zaiqing; Wen, Ji-Rong}
title = {Anchor Text Extraction for Academic Search}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3603}
author = {Merity, Stephen; Murphy, Tara; Curran, James R.}
title = {Accurate Argumentative Zoning with Maximum Entropy models}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3604}
author = {Nanba, Hidetsugu; Takezawa, Toshiyuki}
title = {Classification of Research Papers into a Patent Classification System Using Two Translation Models}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3605}
author = {Sándor, Ágnes; Vorndran, Angela}
title = {Detecting key sentences for automatic assistance in peer reviewing research articles in educational sciences}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3606}
author = {Wan, Stephen; Paris, Cécile L.; Muthukrishna, Michael; Dale, Robert}
title = {Designing a Citation-Sensitive Research Tool: An Initial Study of Browsing-Specific Information Needs}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3607}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Muthukrishnan, Pradeep; Qazvinian, Vahed}
title = {The ACL Anthology Network}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3608}
author = {Hearst, Marti A.; Stoica, Emilia}
title = {NLP Support for Faceted Navigation in Scholarly Collection}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3609}
author = {Hong, Ching Hoi Andy; Gozali, Jesse Prabawa; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {FireCite: Lightweight real-time reference string extraction from webpages}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3610}
author = {Romanello, Matteo; Boschetti, Federico; Crane, Gregory}
title = {Citations in the Digital Library of Classics: Extracting Canonical References by Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3611}
author = {Kaplan, Dain; Iida, Ryu; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Citation Contexts for Research Paper Summarization: A Coreference-chain based Approach}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Text and Citation Analysis for Scholarly Digital Libraries (NLPIR4DL)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1901}
author = {Gasperin, Caroline}
title = {Active Learning for Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1902}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Laws, Florian; Hahn, Udo; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {On Proper Unit Selection in Active Learning: Co-Selection Effects for Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1903}
author = {Arora, Shilpa; Nyberg, Eric H.; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Estimating Annotation Cost for Active Learning in a Multi-Annotator Environment}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1904}
author = {Hsueh, Pei-Yun; Melville, Prem; Sindhwani, Vikas}
title = {Data Quality from Crowdsourcing: A Study of Annotation Selection Criteria}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1905}
author = {Palmer, Alexis; Moon, Taesun; Baldridge, Jason}
title = {Evaluating Automation Strategies in Language Documentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1906}
author = {Tomanek, Katrin; Olsson, Fredrik}
title = {A Web Survey on the Use of Active Learning to Support Annotation of Text Data}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1907}
author = {Melville, Prem; Sindhwani, Vikas}
title = {Active Dual Supervision: Reducing the Cost of Annotating Examples and Features}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1908}
author = {Ambati, Vamshi; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Proactive Learning for Building Machine Translation Systems for Minority Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W06-3701}
author = {Seligman, Mark; Dillinger, Mike}
title = {Usability Issues In An Interactive Speech-To-Speech Translation System For Healthcare}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3702}
author = {Chatzichrisafis, Nikos; Bouillon, Pierrette; Rayner, Manny; Santaholma, Marianne; Starlander, Marianne; Hockey, Beth Ann}
title = {Evaluating Task Performance For A Unidirectional Controlled Language Medical Speech Translation System}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3703}
author = {Ehsani, Farzad; Kinzey, Jim; Master, Demitrios; Lesea, Karen; Park, Hunil}
title = {Speech To Speech Translation For Medical Triage In Korean}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3704}
author = {Heinze, Daniel T.; Turchin, Alexander; Jagannathan, V.}
title = {Automated Interpretation Of Clinical Encounters With Cultural Cues And Electronic Health Record Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3705}
author = {Somers, Harold L.}
title = {Language Engineering And The Pathway To Healthcare: A User-Oriented View}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3706}
author = {Dillinger, Mike; Seligman, Mark}
title = {Converser (TM): Highly Interactive Speech-To-Speech Translation For Healthcare}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3707}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Bouillon, Pierrette; Chatzichrisafis, Nikos; Santaholma, Marianne; Starlander, Marianne; Hockey, Beth Ann; Nakao, Yukie; Isahara, Hitoshi; Kanzaki, Kyoko}
title = {MedSLT: A Limited-Domain Unidirectional Grammar-Based Medical Speech Translator}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3708}
author = {Ehsani, Farzad; Kinzey, Jim; Master, Demitrios; Sudre, Karen; Domingo, David; Park, Hunil}
title = {S-MINDS 2-Way Speech-To-Speech Translation System}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3709}
author = {Heinze, Daniel T.; Turchin, Alexander; Jagannathan, V.}
title = {Accultran: Automated Interpretation Of Clinical Encounters With Cultural Cues And Electronic Health Record Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3710}
author = {Dinh, David; Chan, Dennis; Chen, Jack}
title = {A Multi-Lingual Decision Support Prototype For The Medical Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3711}
author = {Gao, Yuqing; Zhou, Bowen; Sarikaya, Ruhi; Afify, Mohamed; Kuo, Hong-Kwang; Zhu, Wei-Zhong; Deng, Yonggang; Prosser, Charles; Zhang, Wei; Besacier, Laurent}
title = {IBM MASTOR System: Multilingual Automatic Speech-To-Speech Translator}
venue = {Workshop On Medical Speech Translation}
year = {2006}
id = {H86-1001}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Scha, Remko J. H.; Walker, Edward; Ayuso, Damaris M.; Haas, Andrew R.; Hinrichs, Erhard W.; Ingria, Robert J. P.; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Shaked, Varda; Stallard, David G.}
title = {Research And Development In Natural Language Processing At BBN Laboratories In The Strategic Computing Program}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1002}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Hirschman, Lynette}
title = {PROTEUS And PUNDIT: Research In Text Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1003}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Overview Of The TACITUS Project}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1004}
author = {McDonald, David D.; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {The Counselor Project At The Un/versity Of Massachusetts}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1005}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Finin, Timothy W.; Miller, Dale A.; Shastri, Lokendra; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Research In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1006}
author = {Mann, William C.; Sondheimer, Norman K.}
title = {Text Generation For Strategic Computing}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1007}
author = {Weischedel, Ralph M.; Walker, Edward; Ayuso, Damaris M.; De Bruin, Jos; Koile, Kimberle; Ramshaw, Lance A.; Shaked, Varda}
title = {Out Of The Laboratory: A Case Study With The IRUS Natural Language Interface}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1008}
author = {Stallard, David G.}
title = {A Terminological Simplification Transformation For Natural Language Question-Answering Systems 1}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1009}
author = {Grishman, Ralph; Ksiezyk, Tomasz; Nhan, Ngo Thanh}
title = {Model-Based Analysis Of Messages About Equipment}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1010}
author = {Ksiezyk, Tomasz; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {An Equipment Model And Its Role In The Interpretation Of Nominal Compounds}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1011}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Dahl, Deborah A.; Schiffman, Rebecca J.; Hirschman, Lynette; Linebarger, Marcia C.; Dowding, John}
title = {Recovering Implicit Information}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1012}
author = {Dahl, Deborah A.}
title = {Focusing And Reference Resolution In PUNDIT}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1013}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.; Croft, W. Bruce; Davies, Todd; Edwards, Douglas; Laws, Kenneth}
title = {Commonsense Metaphysics And Lexical Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1014}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {Multi-Level Description Directed Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1015}
author = {McDonald, David D.; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {TAG's As A Grammatical Formalism For Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1016}
author = {Rissland, Edwina L.; Ashley, Kevin D.}
title = {Hypotheticals As Heuristic Device}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1017}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Living Up To Expectations: Computing Expert Responses}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1018}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {The Role Of Perspective In Responding To Property Misconceptions}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1019}
author = {Rubinoff, Robert}
title = {Adapting MUMBLE: Experience With Natural Language Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1020}
author = {Vijay-Shanker, K.; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Some Computational Properties Of Tree Adjoining Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1021}
author = {Finin, Timothy W.; Drager, David}
title = {GUMS 1: A General User Modeling System}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1022}
author = {Sondheimer, Norman K.; Nebel, Bernhard}
title = {A Logical-Form And Knowledge-Base Design For Natural Language Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1023}
author = {Cumming, Susanna}
title = {The Lexicon In Text Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {H86-1024}
author = {Mann, William C.; Thompson, Sandra A.}
title = {Assertions From Discourse Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Strategic Computing - Natural Language}
year = {1986}
id = {W10-0301}
author = {Rello, Luz; Basterrechea, Eduardo}
title = {Automatic conjugation and identification of regular and irregular verb neologisms in Spanish}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0302}
author = {Megerdoomian, Karine; Hadjarian, Ali}
title = {Mining and Classification of Neologisms in Persian Blogs}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0303}
author = {Baumer, Eric P. S.; White, James P.; Tomlinson, Bill}
title = {Comparing Semantic Role Labeling with Typed Dependency Parsing in Computational Metaphor Identification}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0304}
author = {Gervás, Pablo}
title = {Engineering Linguistic Creativity: Bird Flight and Jet Planes}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0305}
author = {Ramakrishnan A., Ananth; Lalitha Devi, Sobha}
title = {An alternate approach towards meaningful lyric generation in Tamil}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0306}
author = {Cua, Jeffrey; Manurung, Ruli; Ong, Ethel; Pease, Adam}
title = {Representing Story Plans in SUMO}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0307}
author = {Settles, Burr}
title = {Computational Creativity Tools for Songwriters}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Second Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2010}
id = {W97-0201}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Getting Serious About Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0202}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; Maples, Julie; Duan, Lei; Bruce, Rebecca F.}
title = {Experience In WordNet Sense Tagging In The Wall Street Journal}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0203}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.}
title = {Desiderata For Tagging With WordNet Synsets Or MCCA Categories}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0204}
author = {Lowe, John B.; Baker, Collin F.; Fillmore, Charles J.}
title = {A Frame-Semantic Approach To Semantic Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0205}
author = {Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {A Lexicon For Underspecified Semantic Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0206}
author = {Fellbaum, Christiane; Grabowski, Joachim; Landes, Shari}
title = {Analysis Of A Hand-Tagging Task}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0207}
author = {Melamed, I. Dan}
title = {Measuring Semantic Entropy}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0208}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Sense Tagging: Semantic Tagging With A Lexicon}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0209}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {Selectional Preference And Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0210}
author = {Jing, Hongyan; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; Passonneau, Rebecca J.; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Investigating Complementary Methods For Verb Sense Pruning}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0211}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Della Rocca, Michelangelo; Pazienza, Maria Teresa}
title = {Towards A Bootstrapping Framework For Corpus Semantic Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0212}
author = {Harley, Andrew; Glennon, Dominic}
title = {Sense Tagging In Action Combining Different Tests With Additive Weighangs}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0213}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {A Perspective On Word Sense Disambiguation Methods And Their Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0214}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Writing Annotation Instructions}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0215}
author = {Jones, Douglas A.; Onyshkevych, Boyan A.}
title = {Combining Knowledge Sources For Automatic Semantic Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0216}
author = {Declerck, Thierry; Klein, Judith}
title = {Semantic Tagging And NLP Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0217}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {Evaluating Automatic Semantic Taggers}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0218}
author = {Polguere, Alain}
title = {Constructing Semantic Tagsets}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0219}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Olsen, Mari Broman}
title = {Structured Lexicons And Semantic Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On Tagging Text With Lexical Semantics: Why What And How?}
year = {1997}
id = {W10-3101}
author = {Liakata, Maria}
title = {Zones of conceptualisation in scientific papers: a window to negative and speculative statements}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3102}
author = {Dalianis, Hercules; Skeppstedt, Maria}
title = {Creating and evaluating a consensus for negated and speculative words in a Swedish clinical corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3103}
author = {Velupillai, Sumithra}
title = {Towards a better understanding of uncertainties and speculations in Swedish clinical text – Analysis of an initial annotation trial}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3104}
author = {Goldstein, Ira; Uzuner, Özlem}
title = {Does negation really matter?}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3105}
author = {Vincze, Veronika}
title = {Speculation and negation annotation in natural language texts: what the case of BioScope might (not) reveal}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3106}
author = {Desclés, Julien; Makkaoui, Olfa; Hacène, Taouise}
title = {Automatic annotation of speculation in biomedical texts: new perspectives and large-scale evaluation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3107}
author = {Henriksson, Aron; Velupillai, Sumithra}
title = {Levels of certainty in knowledge-intensive corpora: an initial annotation study}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3108}
author = {Krallinger, Martin}
title = {Importance of negations and experimental qualifiers in biomedical literature}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3109}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Negation and modality in distributional semantics}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3110}
author = {Councill, Isaac; McDonald, Ryan; Velikovich, Leonid}
title = {What’s great and what’s not: learning to classify the scope of negation for improved sentiment analysis}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3111}
author = {Wiegand, Michael; Balahur, Alexandra; Roth, Benjamin; Klakow, Dietrich; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {A survey on the role of negation in sentiment analysis}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3112}
author = {Nawaz, Raheel; Thompson, Paul; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Evaluating a meta-knowledge annotation scheme for bio-events}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3113}
author = {Sarafraz, Farzaneh; Nenadić, Goran}
title = {Using SVMs with the Command Relation features to identify negated events in biomedical literature}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3114}
author = {Magnini, Bernardo; Cabrio, Elena}
title = {Contradiction-focused qualitative evaluation of textual entailment}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Negation and Speculation in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-0501}
author = {Uthus, David C.; Aha, David W.}
title = {Plans Toward Automated Chat Summarization}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Different Genres Media and Languages}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0502}
author = {Agarwal, Nitin; Reddy, Ravi Shankar; G. V. R., Kiran; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Towards Multi-Document Summarization of Scientific Articles:Making Interesting Comparisons with SciSumm}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Different Genres Media and Languages}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0503}
author = {Wang, Lu; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Summarizing Decisions in Spoken Meetings}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Different Genres Media and Languages}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0504}
author = {Owczarzak, Karolina; Dang, Hoa Trang}
title = {Who wrote What Where: Analyzing the content of human and automatic summaries}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Different Genres Media and Languages}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0505}
author = {Ahn, Byung-Gyu; van Durme, Benjamin; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {WikiTopics: What is Popular on Wikipedia and Why}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Different Genres Media and Languages}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0506}
author = {Greenbacker, Charles; Wu, Peng; Carberry, Sandra; McCoy, Kathleen F.; Elzer, Stephanie}
title = {Abstractive Summarization of Line Graphs from Popular Media}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Different Genres Media and Languages}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0507}
author = {Mason, Rebecca; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Extractive Multi-Document Summaries Should Explicitly Not Contain Document Specific Content}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Different Genres Media and Languages}
year = {2011}
id = {W97-1501}
author = {Bateman, John A.}
title = {Some Apparently Disjoint Aims And Requirements For Grammar Development Environments The Case Of Natural Language Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1502}
author = {Carter, David M.}
title = {The TreeBanker: A Tool For Supervised Training Of Parsed Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1503}
author = {Ciravegna, Fabio; Lavelli, Alberto; Petrelli, Daniela; Pianesi, Fabio}
title = {Participatory Design For Linguistic Engineering: The Case Of The GEPPETTO Development Environment}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1504}
author = {Dini, Luca; Mazzini, Giampaolo}
title = {Hypertextual Grammar Development}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1505}
author = {Doran, Christine; Hockey, Beth Ann; Hopely, Philip; Rosenzweig, Joseph; Sarkar, Anoop; Bangalore, Srinivas; Xia, Fei}
title = {Maintaining The Forest And Burning Out The Underbrush In XTAG}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1506}
author = {Gotz, Thilo; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {The ConTroll System As Large Grammar Development Platform}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1507}
author = {Henschel, Renate}
title = {Application-Driven Automatic Subgrammar Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1508}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.}
title = {Lexical Resource Reconciliation In The Xerox Linguistic Environment}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1509}
author = {Penn, Gerald}
title = {Head-Driven Generation And Indexing In ALE}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1510}
author = {Strömbäck, Lena}
title = {EFLUF - An Implementation Of A FLexible Unification Formalism}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1511}
author = {Theeramunkong, Thanaruk; Kawaguchi, Yasunobu; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Exploiting Contextual Information In Hypothesis Selection For Grammar Refinement}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1512}
author = {Theofilidis, Axel}
title = {ALEP-Based Distributed Grammar Engineering}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1513}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan; Bouma, Gosse}
title = {Hdrug: A Flexible And Extendible Development Environment For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1514}
author = {Vapillon, Jerome; Briffault, Xavier; Sabah, Gerard; Chibout, Karim}
title = {An Object-Oriented Linguistic Engineering Environment Using LFG (Lexical Functional Grammar) And CG (Conceptual Graphs)}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1515}
author = {Volk, Martin}
title = {Experiences With The GTU Grammar Development Environment}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering}
year = {1997}
id = {W10-2001}
author = {Frank, Stella; Goldwater, Sharon; Keller, Frank}
title = {Using Sentence Type Information for Syntactic Category Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2002}
author = {Reitter, David; Lebiere, Christian}
title = {Did Social Networks Shape Language Evolution? A Multi-Agent Cognitive Simulation}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2003}
author = {Fine, Alex; Qian, Ting; Jaeger, T. Florian; Jacobs, Robert}
title = {Syntactic Adaptation in Language Comprehension}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2004}
author = {Miller, Tim; Schuler, William}
title = {HHMM Parsing with Limited Parallelism}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2005}
author = {Boston, Marisa Ferrara}
title = {The Role of Memory in Superiority Violation Gradience}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2006}
author = {Qian, Ting; Jaeger, T. Florian}
title = {Close = Relevant? The Role of Context in Efficient Language Production}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2007}
author = {Kremer, Gerhard; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Predicting Cognitively Salient Modifiers of the Constitutive Parts of Concepts}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2008}
author = {Nilsson, Mattias; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Towards a Data-Driven Model of Eye Movement Control in Reading}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2009}
author = {Brouwer, Harm; Fitz, Hartmut; Hoeks, John}
title = {Modeling the Noun Phrase versus Sentence Coordination Ambiguity in Dutch: Evidence from Surprisal Theory}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2010}
author = {Frank, Stefan}
title = {Uncertainty Reduction as a Measure of Cognitive Processing Effort}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-0601}
author = {Boruta, Luc; Peperkamp, Sharon; Crabbé, Benoît; Dupoux, Emmanuel}
title = {Testing the Robustness of Online Word Segmentation: Effects of Linguistic Diversity and Phonetic Variation}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0602}
author = {Kleinschmidt, Dave; Jaeger, T. Florian}
title = {A {Bayesian Belief Updating Model of Phonetic Recalibration and Selective Adaptation}}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0603}
author = {Pate, John; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Unsupervised Syntactic Chunking with Acoustic Cues: Computational Models for Prosodic Bootstrapping}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0604}
author = {Yang, Charles D.}
title = {A Statistical Test for Grammar}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0605}
author = {Stabler, Edward P.}
title = {Top-Down Recognizers for {MCFGs and {MGs}}}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0606}
author = {Rafferty, Anna N.; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Ettlinger, Marc}
title = {Exploring the Relationship Between Learnability and Linguistic Universals}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0607}
author = {Lenci, Alessandro}
title = {Composing and Updating Verb Argument Expectations: A Distributional Semantic Model}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0608}
author = {van Rij, Jacolien; van Rijn, Hedderik; Hendriks, Petra}
title = {{WM Load Influences the Interpretation of Referring Expressions}}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0609}
author = {Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian; Lee, Lillian}
title = {Chameleons in Imagined Conversations: A New Approach to Understanding Coordination of Linguistic Style in Dialogs}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0610}
author = {Prud'hommeaux, Emily T.; Roark, Brian; Black, Lois; van Santen, Jan}
title = {Classification of Atypical Language in Autism}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0611}
author = {Mohammad, Saif}
title = {Colourful Language: Measuring Word-Colour Associations}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0612}
author = {Nilsson, Mattias; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {A Survival Analysis of Fixation Times in Reading}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2011}
id = {W12-1701}
author = {Barak, Libby; Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Modeling the Acquisition of Mental State Verbs}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1702}
author = {Kelly, Colin; Devereux, Barry; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Semi-supervised learning for automatic conceptual property extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1703}
author = {Bicknell, Klinton; Levy, Roger}
title = {Why long words take longer to read: the role of uncertainty about word length}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1704}
author = {Tabor, Whitney; Cho, Pyeong Whan; Szkudlarek, Emily}
title = {Fractal Unfolding: A Metamorphic Approach to Learning to Parse Recursive Structure}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1705}
author = {Exley, Andy; van Schijndel, Marten; Schuler, William}
title = {Connectionist-Inspired Incremental PCFG Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1706}
author = {Fossum, Victoria Li; Levy, Roger}
title = {Sequential vs. Hierarchical Syntactic Models of Human Incremental Sentence Processing}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1707}
author = {Zarcone, Alessandra; Utt, Jason; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {Modeling covert event retrieval in logical metonymy: probabilistic and distributional accounts}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1708}
author = {Nematzadeh, Aida; Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {A Computational Model of Memory, Attention, and Word Learning}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W13-2601}
author = {Fourtassi, Abdellah; Börschinger, Benjamin; Johnson, Mark; Dupoux, Emmanuel}
title = {Why is English so easy to segment?}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2602}
author = {Pajak, Bozena; Bicknell, Klinton; Levy, Roger}
title = {A model of generalization in distributional learning of phonetic categories}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2603}
author = {Fullwood, Michelle; O'Donnell, Tim}
title = {Learning non-concatenative morphology}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2604}
author = {Clark, Alexander; Giorgolo, Gianluca; Lappin, Shalom}
title = {Statistical Representation of Grammaticality Judgements: the Limits of N-Gram Models}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2605}
author = {van Schijndel, Marten; Nguyen, Luan; Schuler, William}
title = {An Analysis of Memory-based Processing Costs using Incremental Deep Syntactic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2606}
author = {Matusevych, Yevgen; Alishahi, Afra; Backus, Ad}
title = {Computational simulations of second language construction learning}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2607}
author = {Sayeed, Asad B.; Demberg, Vera}
title = {The semantic augmentation of a psycholinguistically-motivated syntactic formalism}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2608}
author = {Lapesa, Gabriella; Evert, Stefan}
title = {Evaluating Neighbor Rank and Distance Measures as Predictors of Semantic Priming}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2609}
author = {Hill, Felix; Kiela, Douwe; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Concreteness and Corpora: A Theoretical and Practical Study}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2610}
author = {Torabi Asr, Fatemeh; Demberg, Vera}
title = {On the Information Conveyed by Discourse Markers}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2611}
author = {Eshghi, Arash; Hough, Julian; Purver, Matthew}
title = {Incremental Grammar Induction from Child-Directed Dialogue Utterances}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-2001}
author = {Shvartsman, Michael; Lewis, Richard L.; Singh, Satinder}
title = {Computationally Rational Saccadic Control: An Explanation of Spillover Effects Based on Sampling from Noisy Perception and Memory}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2002}
author = {Linzen, Tal; Jaeger, T. Florian}
title = {Investigating the role of entropy in sentence processing}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2003}
author = {Schuler, William}
title = {Sentence Processing in a Vectorial Model of Working Memory}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2004}
author = {Graf, Thomas; Marcinek, Bradley}
title = {Evaluating Evaluation Metrics for Minimalist Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2005}
author = {Barak, Libby; Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Learning Verb Classes in an Incremental Model}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2006}
author = {Beekhuizen, Barend; Bod, Rens; Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne; Verhagen, Arie}
title = {A Usage-Based Model of Early Grammatical Development}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2007}
author = {Wang, Yafei; Reitter, David; Yen, John}
title = {A Model to Qualify the Linguistic Adaptation Phenomenon in Online Conversation Threads: Analyzing Priming Effect in Online Health Community}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2008}
author = {Orita, Naho; Feldman, Naomi; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Vornov, Eliana}
title = {Quantifying the role of discourse topicality in speakers’ choices of referring expressions}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics}
year = {2014}
id = {W03-1101}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Improving Summarization Performance By Sentence Compression - A Pilot Study}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1102}
author = {Jaruskulchai, Chuleerat; Kruengkrai, Canasai}
title = {A Practical Text Summarizer By Paragraph Extraction For Thai}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1103}
author = {Li, Qing; Kim, Byeong Man}
title = {An Approach For Combining Content-Based And Collaborative Filters}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1104}
author = {Chen, Liang; Tokuda, Naoyuki; Nagai, Akira}
title = {A Differential LSI Method For Document Classification}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1105}
author = {Kim, Sang-Bum; Seo, Hee-Cheol; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Poisson Naive Bayes For Text Classification With Feature Weighting}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1106}
author = {Peng, Fuchun; Huang, Xiangji; Schuurmans, Dale; Wang, Shaojun}
title = {Text Classification In Asian Languages Without Word Segmentation}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1107}
author = {Takechi, Mineki; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Matsumoto, Yuji; Tanaka, Hozumi}
title = {Feature Selection In Categorizing Procedural Expressions}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1108}
author = {Sadat, Fatiha; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi; Uemura, Shunsuke}
title = {Learning Bilingual Translations From Comparable Corpora To Cross-Language Information Retrieval: Hybrid Statistics-Based And Linguistics-Based Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1109}
author = {Sakai, Tetsuya; Koyama, Makoto; Suzuki, Masaru; Kumano, Akira; Manabe, Toshihiko}
title = {BRIDJE Over A Language Barrier: Cross-Language Information Access By Integrating Translation And Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1110}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Issues In Pre- And Post-Translation Document Expansion: Untranslatable Cognates And Missegmented Words}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1111}
author = {Xu, Yinghui; Umemura, Kyoji}
title = {Very Low Dimensional Latent Semantic Indexing For Local Query Regions}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1112}
author = {Oh, Hyo-Jung; Jang, Myung-Gil; Chang, Moon-Soo}
title = {AnyQ: Answer Set Based Information Retrieval System}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1113}
author = {Yamamoto, Eiko; Kishida, Masahiro; Takenami, Yoshinori; Takeda, Yoshiyuki; Umemura, Kyoji}
title = {Dynamic Programming Matching For Large Scale Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1114}
author = {Wong, Kam-Fai; Chan, Nam-Kiu; Wong, Kam-Lai}
title = {Improving Document Clustering By Utilizing Meta-Data}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1115}
author = {Sato, Nobuyoshi; Uehara, Minoru; Sakai, Yoshifumi}
title = {Temporal Ranking For Fresh Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1116}
author = {Kim, Byeong Man; Li, Qing; Kim, Jong Wan}
title = {Extraction Of User Preferences From A Few Positive Documents}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1117}
author = {Kang, Seung Shik}
title = {Keyword-Based Document Clustering}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1118}
author = {Wu, Shih-Hung; Tsai, Richard Tzong-Han; Hsu, Wen-Lian}
title = {Text Categorization Using Automatically Acquired Domain Ontology}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1119}
author = {Nguyen, Minh Le; Horiguchi, Susumu}
title = {A Sentence Reduction Using Syntax Control}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1120}
author = {Kimura, Fuminori; Maeda, Akira; Yoshikawa, Masatoshi; Uemura, Shunsuke}
title = {Cross-Language Information Retrieval Based On Category Matching Between Language Versions Of A Web Directory}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1121}
author = {Chung, Euisok; Hwang, Yi-Gyu; Jang, Myung-Gil}
title = {Korean Named Entity Recognition Using HMM And CoTraining Model}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1122}
author = {Choi, Key-Sun; Kim, Jae-Ho; Miyazaki, Masaru; Goto, Jun; Kim, Yeun-Bae}
title = {Question-Answering Based On Virtually Integrated Lexical Knowledge Base}
venue = {Workshop On Information Retrieval With Asian Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W06-0801}
author = {Purwarianti, Ayu; Tsuchiya, Masatoshi; Nakagawa, Seiichi}
title = {Indonesian-Japanese CLIR Using Only Limited Resource}
venue = {Workshop On How Can Computational Linguistics Improve Information Retrieval?}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0802}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo}
title = {Hybrid Systems For Information Extraction And Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On How Can Computational Linguistics Improve Information Retrieval?}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0803}
author = {Bollegala, Danushka; Matsuo, Yutaka; Ishizuka, Mitsuru}
title = {Extracting Key Phrases To Disambiguate Personal Name Queries In Web Search}
venue = {Workshop On How Can Computational Linguistics Improve Information Retrieval?}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0804}
author = {Ritchie, Anna; Teufel, Simone; Robertson, Stephen}
title = {How To Find Better Index Terms Through Citations}
venue = {Workshop On How Can Computational Linguistics Improve Information Retrieval?}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0805}
author = {Cheng, Hua; Qu, Yan; Montgomery, Jesse; Evans, David A.}
title = {Exploring Semantic Constraints For Document Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On How Can Computational Linguistics Improve Information Retrieval?}
year = {2006}
id = {W00-0401}
author = {Saggion, Horacio; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Concept Identification And Presentation In The Context Of Technical Text Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0402}
author = {Chan, Samuel W. K.; Lai, Tom Bong-Yeung; Gao, Weijun; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Mining Discourse Markers For Chinese Textual Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0403}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Jing, Hongyan; Stys-Budzikowska, Margo}
title = {Centroid-Based Summarization Of Multiple Documents: Sentence Extraction Utility-Based Evaluation And User Studies}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0404}
author = {Fukumoto, Fumiyo; Suzuki, Yoshimi}
title = {Extracting Key Paragraph Based On Topic And Event Detection Towards Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0405}
author = {Goldstein-Stewart, Jade; Mittal, Vibhu O.; Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Kantrowitz, Mark}
title = {Multi-Document Summarization By Sentence Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0406}
author = {Okurowski, Mary Ellen; Wilson, Harold; Urbina, Joaquin; Taylor, Tony; Colvin Clark, Ruth; Krapcho, Frank}
title = {Text Summarizer In Use: Lessons Learned From Real World Deployment And Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0407}
author = {Oka, Mamiko; Ueda, Yoshihiro}
title = {Evaluation Of Phrase-Representation Summarization Based On Information Retrieval Task}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0408}
author = {Donaway, Robert L.; Drummey, Kevin W.; Mather, Laura A.}
title = {A Comparison Of Rankings Produced By Summarization Evaluation Measures}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0409}
author = {Ando, Rie Kubota; Boguraev, Branimir K.; Byrd, Roy J.; Neff, Mary S.}
title = {Multi-Document Summarization By Visualizing Topical Content}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0410}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Concepcion, Kristian; Van Guilder, Linda}
title = {Using Summarization For Automatic Briefing Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2000}
id = {W02-0401}
author = {Osborne, Miles}
title = {Using Maximum Entropy For Sentence Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0402}
author = {White, Michael; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Selecting Sentences For Multidocument Summaries Using Randomized Local Search}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0403}
author = {Maynard, Diana; Bontcheva, Kalina; Saggion, Horacio; Cunningham, Hamish; Hamza, Oana}
title = {Using A Text Engineering Framework To Build An Extendable And Portable IE-Based Summarisation System}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0404}
author = {Otterbacher, Jahna C.; Radev, Dragomir R.; Luo, Airong}
title = {Revisions That Improve Cohesion In Multi-Document Summaries: A Preliminary Study}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0405}
author = {Wasson, Mark}
title = {Using Summaries In Document Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-0406}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Manual And Automatic Evaluation Of Summaries}
venue = {Workshop On Automatic Summarization}
year = {2002}
id = {W11-1801}
author = {Kim, Jin-Dong; Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Bossy, Robert; Nguyen, Ngan; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Overview of BioNLP Shared Task 2011}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1802}
author = {Kim, Jin-Dong; Wang, Yue; Takagi, Toshihisa; Yonezawa, Akinori}
title = {Overview of Genia Event Task in BioNLP Shared Task 2011}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1803}
author = {Ohta, Tomoko; Pyysalo, Sampo; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Overview of the Epigenetics and Post-translational Modifications (EPI) task of BioNLP Shared Task 2011}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1804}
author = {Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Rak, Rafal; Sullivan, Dan; Mao, Chunhong; Wang, Chunxia; Sobral, Bruno; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Overview of the Infectious Diseases (ID) task of BioNLP Shared Task 2011}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1805}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas; Craven, Mark}
title = {Biomedical Event Extraction from Abstracts and Full Papers using Search-based Structured Prediction}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1806}
author = {McClosky, David; Surdeanu, Mihai; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Event Extraction as Dependency Parsing for BioNLP 2011}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1807}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; McCallum, Andrew}
title = {Robust Biomedical Event Extraction with Dual Decomposition and Minimal Domain Adaptation}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1808}
author = {Riedel, Sebastian; McClosky, David; Surdeanu, Mihai; McCallum, Andrew; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Model Combination for Event Extraction in BioNLP 2011}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1809}
author = {Bossy, Robert; Jourde, Julien; Bessières, Philippe; van de Guchte, Maarten; Nédellec, Claire}
title = {BioNLP Shared Task 2011 - Bacteria Biotope}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1810}
author = {Jourde, Julien; Manine, Alain-Pierre; Veber, Philippe; Fort, Karën; Bossy, Robert; Alphonse, Erick; Bessières, Philippe}
title = {BioNLP Shared Task 2011 – Bacteria Gene Interactions and Renaming}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1811}
author = {Nguyen, Ngan; Kim, Jin-Dong; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Overview of BioNLP 2011 Protein Coreference Shared Task}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1812}
author = {Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Overview of the Entity Relations (REL) supporting task of BioNLP Shared Task 2011}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1813}
author = {Kim, Youngjun; Riloff, Ellen; Gilbert, Nathan}
title = {The Taming of Reconcile as a Biomedical Coreference Resolver}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1814}
author = {Nguyen, Nhung T. H.; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa}
title = {Extracting Bacteria Biotopes with Semi-supervised Named Entity Recognition and Coreference Resolution}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1815}
author = {Ratkovic, Zorana; Golik, Wiktoria; Warnier, Pierre; Veber, Philippe; Nédellec, Claire}
title = {BioNLP 2011 Task Bacteria Biotope – The Alvis system}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1816}
author = {Stenetorp, Pontus; Topić, Goran; Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Kim, Jin-Dong; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {BioNLP Shared Task 2011: Supporting Resources}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1817}
author = {Warnier, Pierre; Nédellec, Claire}
title = {Sentence Filtering for BioNLP: Searching for Renaming Acts}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1818}
author = {R. McGrath, Liam; Domico, Kelly; Corley, Courtney D.; Webb-Robertson, Bobbie-Jo}
title = {Complex Biological Event Extraction from Full Text using Signatures of Linguistic and Semantic Features}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1819}
author = {Casillas, Arantza; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Gojenola, Koldo; Oronoz, Maite; Rigau, German}
title = {Using Kybots for Extracting Events in Biomedical Texts}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1820}
author = {Bui, Quoc-Chinh; Sloot, Peter M. A.}
title = {Extracting Biological Events from Text Using Simple Syntactic Patterns}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1821}
author = {Van Landeghem, Sofie; Abeel, Thomas; De Baets, Bernard; Van de Peer, Yves}
title = {Detecting Entity Relations as a Supporting Task for Bio-Molecular Event Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1822}
author = {Le Minh, Quang; Nguyen Truong, Son; Ho Bao, Quoc}
title = {A Pattern Approach for Biomedical Event Annotation}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1823}
author = {Tuggener, Don; Klenner, Manfred; Schneider, Gerold; Clematide, Simon; Rinaldi, Fabio}
title = {An Incremental Model for the Coreference Resolution Task of BioNLP 2011}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1824}
author = {Emadzadeh, Ehsan; Nikfarjam, Azadeh; Gonzalez, Graciela}
title = {Double Layered Learning for Biological Event Extraction from Text}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1825}
author = {Quirk, Chris; Choudhury, Pallavi; Gamon, Michael; Vanderwende, Lucy}
title = {MSR-NLP Entry in BioNLP Shared Task 2011}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1826}
author = {Liu, Haibin; Komandur, Ravikumar; Verspoor, Karin}
title = {From Graphs to Events: A Subgraph Matching Approach for Information Extraction from Biomedical Text}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1827}
author = {Kilicoglu, Halil; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {Adapting a General Semantic Interpretation Approach to Biological Event Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1828}
author = {Björne, Jari; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {Generalizing Biomedical Event Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W04-1001}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet}
title = {Invited Lecture: Narrative Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1002}
author = {Carberry, Sandra; Elzer, Stephanie; Green, Nancy L.; McCoy, Kathleen F.; Chester, Daniel}
title = {Extending Document Summarization To Information Graphics}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1003}
author = {Harman, Donna; Over, Paul}
title = {The Effects Of Human Variation In DUC Summarization Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1004}
author = {Wolf, Florian; Gibson, Edward}
title = {Paragraph- Word- And Coherence-Based Approaches To Sentence Ranking: A Comparison Of Algorithm And Human Performance}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1005}
author = {Copeck, Terry; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Vocabulary Usage In Newswire Summaries}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1006}
author = {Farzindar, Atefeh; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Legal Text Summarization By Exploration Of The Thematic Structure And Argumentative Roles}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1007}
author = {Hachey, Ben; Grover, Claire}
title = {A Rhetorical Status Classifier For Legal Text Summarisation}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1008}
author = {Corston-Oliver, Simon H.; Ringger, Eric K.; Gamon, Michael; Campbell, Richard}
title = {Task-Focused Summarization Of Email}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1009}
author = {Thione, Gian Lorenzo; Van Den Berg, Martin; Polanyi, Livia; Culy, Christopher}
title = {Hybrid Text Summarization: Combining External Relevance Measures With Structural Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1010}
author = {Zhou, Liang; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Template-Filtered Headline Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1011}
author = {Futrelle, Robert P.}
title = {Handling Figures In Document Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1012}
author = {Santos Jr., Eugene; Mohamed, Ahmed A.; Zhao, Qunhua}
title = {Automatic Evaluation Of Summaries Using Document Graphs}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1013}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {ROUGE: A Package For Automatic Evaluation Of Summaries}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1014}
author = {Hori, Chiori; Hirao, Tsutomu; Isozaki, Hideki}
title = {Evaluation Measures Considering Sentence Concatenation For Automatic Summarization By Sentence Or Word Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1015}
author = {Vandeghinste, Vincent; Pan, Yi}
title = {Sentence Compression For Automated Subtitling: A Hybrid Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1016}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Marcu, Daniel}
title = {Generic Sentence Fusion Is An Ill-Defined Summarization Task}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1017}
author = {Filatova, Elena; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios}
title = {Event-Based Extractive Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-1018}
author = {Hu, Po; He, Tingting; Donghong, Ji}
title = {Chinese Text Summarization Based On Thematic Area Detection}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization Branches Out}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2101}
author = {Breen, Jim}
title = {Multiple Indexing In An Electronic Kanji Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2102}
author = {Huet, Gerard}
title = {Design Of A Lexical Database For Sanskrit}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2103}
author = {Pekar, Viktor}
title = {Linguistic Preprocessing For Distributional Classification Of Words}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2104}
author = {Romary, Laurent; Salmon-Alt, Susanne; Francopoulo, Gil}
title = {Standards Going Concrete : From LMF To Morphalou}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2105}
author = {Zock, Michael; Bilac, Slaven}
title = {Word Lookup On The Basis Of Associations : From An Idea To A Roadmap}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2106}
author = {Apel, Ulrich; Quint, Julien}
title = {Building A Graphetic Dictionary For Japanese Kanji - Character Look-Up Based On Brush Strokes Or Stroke Groups And The Display Of Kanji As Path Data}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2107}
author = {Bernard, Pascale; Dendien, Jacques; Pierrel, Jean-Marie}
title = {A Computerized Dictionary : Le Tresor De La Langue Francaise Informatise (TLFi)}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2108}
author = {Jacquemin, Bernard}
title = {Dictionaries Merger For Text Expansion In Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2109}
author = {Neumann, Gerald; Fellbaum, Christiane; Geyken, Alexander; Herold, Axel; Hummer, Christiane; Korner, Fabian; Kramer, Undine; Krell, Kerstin; Sokirko, Alexey; Stantcheva, Diana; Stathi, Ekatherini}
title = {A Corpus-Based Lexical Resource Of German Idioms}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2110}
author = {Bolshakov, Igor A.; Gelbukh, Alexander F.}
title = {A Very Large Dictionary With Paradigmatic Syntagmatic And Paronymic}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2111}
author = {Dura, Elzbieta}
title = {Concordance Of Snippet}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2112}
author = {Keselj, Vlado; Keselj, Tanja; Zlatic, Larisa}
title = {R{ English - Serbo-Croatian Electronic Dictionary}}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2113}
author = {Maxwell, Michael; Poser, William}
title = {Morphological Interfaces To Dictionaries}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2114}
author = {McCracken, James}
title = {Rebuilding The Oxford Dictionary Of English As A Semantic Network}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2115}
author = {Mota, Cristina; Carvalho, Paula; Ranchhod, Elisabete}
title = {Multiword Lexical Acquisition And Dictionary Formalization}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2116}
author = {O'Hara, Thomas P.; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Empirical Acquisition Of Differentiating Relations From Definitions}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2117}
author = {Reuer, Veit}
title = {Language Resources For A Network-Based Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2118}
author = {Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Identification Quantitative Description And Preliminary Distributional Analysis Of German Particle Verbs}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2119}
author = {Sheremetyeva, Svetlana}
title = {Application Adaptive Electronic Dictionary With Intelligent Interface}
venue = {Workshop On Enhancing And Using Electronic Dictionaries}
year = {2004}
id = {W09-0501}
author = {Christodoulidou, Maria}
title = {Extreme-Case Formulations in Cypriot Greek}
venue = {Proceedings of SRSL 2009 the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0502}
author = {Alvarez-Pereyre, Michael}
title = {On the Segmentation of Requests in Spoken Language}
venue = {Proceedings of SRSL 2009 the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0503}
author = {Matiasek, Johannes; Jancsary, Jeremy; Klein, Alexandra; Trost, Harald}
title = {Identifying Segment Topics in Medical Dictations}
venue = {Proceedings of SRSL 2009 the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0504}
author = {Cinková, Silvie}
title = {Semantic Representation of Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialog}
venue = {Proceedings of SRSL 2009 the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0505}
author = {Dinarelli, Marco; Quarteroni, Silvia; Tonelli, Sara; Moschitti, Alessandro; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Annotating Spoken Dialogs: From Speech Segments to Dialog Acts and Frame Semantics}
venue = {Proceedings of SRSL 2009 the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0506}
author = {Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {Predicting Concept Types in User Corrections in Dialog}
venue = {Proceedings of SRSL 2009 the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0507}
author = {Villaneau, Jeanne; Antoine, Jean-Yves}
title = {Deeper Spoken Language Understanding for Man-Machine Dialogue on Broader Application Domains: A Logical Alternative to Concept Spotting}
venue = {Proceedings of SRSL 2009 the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0508}
author = {Lison, Pierre; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {An Integrated Approach to Robust Processing of Situated Spoken Dialogue}
venue = {Proceedings of SRSL 2009 the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0509}
author = {Atterer, Michaela; Schlangen, David}
title = {RUBISC - a Robust Unification-Based Incremental Semantic Chunker}
venue = {Proceedings of SRSL 2009 the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0510}
author = {Kempson, Ruth; Gregoromichelaki, Eleni; Sato, Yo}
title = {Incrementality Speaker-Hearer Switching and the Disambiguation Challenge}
venue = {Proceedings of SRSL 2009 the 2nd Workshop on Semantic Representation of Spoken Language}
year = {2009}
id = {W97-0400}
author = {Krauwer, Steven; Arnold, Doug J.; Kasper, Walter; Rayner, Manny; Somers, Harold L.}
title = {Spoken Language Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0401}
author = {Stede, Manfred; Schmitz, Birte}
title = {Discourse Particles And Routine Formulas In Spoken Language Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0402}
author = {Lee, Jae-Won; Kim, Gilchang; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {A Dialogue Analysis Model With Statistical Speech Act Processing For Dialogue Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0403}
author = {Horiguchi, Keiko}
title = {Towards Translating Spoken Language Pragmatics In An Analogical Framework}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0404}
author = {Wakita, Yumi; Kawai, Jun}
title = {Correct Parts Extraction From Speech Recognition Results Using Semantic Distance Calculation And Its Application To Speech Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0405}
author = {Horiguchi, Keiko}
title = {A Formal Basis For Spoken Language Translation By Analogy}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0406}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Shi, Bertram; Wu, Dekai; Lam, Wai; Wong, Shuen Kong}
title = {Dealing With Multilinguality In A Spoken Language Query Translator}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0407}
author = {Amengual, J. C.; Benedí, José-Miguel; Castellanos, A.; Llorens, D.; Vidal, Enrique}
title = {Using Categories In The EUTRANS System}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0408}
author = {Alshawi, Hiyan}
title = {English-To-Mandarin Speech Translation With Head Transducers}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0409}
author = {Frederking, Robert E.; Rudnicky, Alexander I.; Hogan, Christopher}
title = {Interactive Speech Translation In The DIPLOMAT Project}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0410}
author = {Lavie, Alon; Levin, Lori S.; Zhan, Puming; Taboada, Maite; Gates, Donna M.; Lapata, Mirella; Clark, Cortis; Broadhead, Matthew; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Expanding The Domain Of A Multi-Lingual Speech-To-Speech Translation System}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0411}
author = {Carter, David M.; Becket, Ralph; Rayner, Manny; Eklund, Robert; MacDermid, Catriona; Wiren, Mats; Kirchmeier-Andersen, Sabine; Philp, Christina}
title = {Translation Methodology In The Spoken Language Translator: An Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0412}
author = {Seligman, Mark}
title = {Six Issues In Speech Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0413}
author = {Fujinami, Tsutomu}
title = {Combining Situated Reasoning With Semantic Transfer Minimally}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0414}
author = {Jassem, Krzysztof}
title = {A Polish-To-English Text-To-Text Translation System Based On An Electronic Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0415}
author = {Wehrli, Eric; Cochard, Jean-Luc}
title = {Spoken Language Translation With The ITSVox System}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Translation}
year = {1997}
id = {W05-1201}
author = {Marsi, Erwin; Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Classification Of Semantic Relations By Humans And Machines}
venue = {Workshop On Empirical Modeling Of Semantic Equivalence And Entailment}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1202}
author = {Weeds, Julie; Weir, David; Keller, Bill}
title = {The Distributional Similarity Of Sub-Parses}
venue = {Workshop On Empirical Modeling Of Semantic Equivalence And Entailment}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1203}
author = {Corley, Courtney D.; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Measuring The Semantic Similarity Of Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Empirical Modeling Of Semantic Equivalence And Entailment}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1204}
author = {Kashioka, Hideki}
title = {Training Data Modification For SMT Considering Groups Of Synonymous Sentences}
venue = {Workshop On Empirical Modeling Of Semantic Equivalence And Entailment}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1205}
author = {Wu, Dekai}
title = {Recognizing Paraphrases And Textual Entailment Using Inversion Transduction Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Empirical Modeling Of Semantic Equivalence And Entailment}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1206}
author = {Zaenen, Annie; Karttunen, Lauri; Crouch, Richard}
title = {Local Textual Inference: Can It Be Defined Or Circumscribed?}
venue = {Workshop On Empirical Modeling Of Semantic Equivalence And Entailment}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1207}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Pennacchiotti, Marco}
title = {Discovering Entailment Relations Using Textual Entailment Patterns}
venue = {Workshop On Empirical Modeling Of Semantic Equivalence And Entailment}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1208}
author = {Glickman, Oren; Dagan, Ido}
title = {A Probabilistic Setting And Lexical Coocurrence Model For Textual Entailment}
venue = {Workshop On Empirical Modeling Of Semantic Equivalence And Entailment}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1209}
author = {Burger, John D.; Ferro, Lisa}
title = {Generating An Entailment Corpus From News Headlines}
venue = {Workshop On Empirical Modeling Of Semantic Equivalence And Entailment}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1210}
author = {Bar-Haim, Roy; Szpektor, Idan; Glickman, Oren}
title = {Definition And Analysis Of Intermediate Entailment Levels}
venue = {Workshop On Empirical Modeling Of Semantic Equivalence And Entailment}
year = {2005}
id = {W06-2201}
author = {Geleijnse, Gijs; Korst, Jan}
title = {Learning Effective Surface Text Patterns For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Adaptive Text Extraction And Mining ATEM}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2202}
author = {Giuliano, Claudio; Lavelli, Alberto; Romano, Lorenza}
title = {Simple Information Extraction (SIE): A Portable And Effective IE System}
venue = {Workshop On Adaptive Text Extraction And Mining ATEM}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2203}
author = {Iria, José; Ireson, Neil; Ciravegna, Fabio}
title = {An Experimental Study On Boundary Classification Algorithms For Information Extraction Using SVM}
venue = {Workshop On Adaptive Text Extraction And Mining ATEM}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2204}
author = {McLernon, Brian; Kushmerick, Nicholas}
title = {Transductive Pattern Learning For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Adaptive Text Extraction And Mining ATEM}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2205}
author = {Siniakov, Peter}
title = {Recognition Of Synonyms By A Lexical Graph}
venue = {Workshop On Adaptive Text Extraction And Mining ATEM}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2206}
author = {Sporleder, Caroline; van Erp, Marieke; Porcelijn, Tijn; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Spotting The 'Odd-One-Out': Data-Driven Error Detection And Correction In Textual Databases}
venue = {Workshop On Adaptive Text Extraction And Mining ATEM}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2207}
author = {Surdeanu, Mihai; Turmo, Jordi; Ageno, Alicia}
title = {A Hybrid Approach For The Acquisition Of Information Extraction Patterns}
venue = {Workshop On Adaptive Text Extraction And Mining ATEM}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2208}
author = {Tomita, Junji; Soderland, Stephen; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {Expanding The Recall Of Relation Extraction By Bootstrapping}
venue = {Workshop On Adaptive Text Extraction And Mining ATEM}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2209}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas}
title = {Active Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Adaptive Text Extraction And Mining ATEM}
year = {2006}
id = {I05-6001}
author = {Spreyer, Kathrin; Frank, Anette}
title = {The TIGER 700 RMRS Bank: RMRS Construction from Dependencies}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-6002}
author = {Kanamaru, Toshiyuki; Murata, Masaki; Kuroda, Kow; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Obtaining Japanese Lexical Units for Semantic Frames from Berkeley FrameNet Using a Bilingual Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-6003}
author = {Tsai, Jia-Lin}
title = {A Study of Applying BTM Model on the Chinese Chunk Bracketing}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-6004}
author = {Hashimoto, Chikara; Bond, Francis; Tanaka, Takaaki; Siegel, Melanie}
title = {Integration of a Lexical Type Database with a Linguistically Interpreted Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-6005}
author = {Ozaku, Hiromi Itoh; Abe, Akinori; Kuwahara, Noriaki; Naya, Futoshi; Kogure, Kiyoshi; Sagara, Kaoru}
title = {Building Dialogue Corpora for Nursing Activity Analysis}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-6006}
author = {Fang, Alex Chengyu}
title = {The Syntactically Annotated ICE Corpus and the Automatic Induction of a Formal Grammar}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-6007}
author = {Skadhauge, Peter Rossen; Hardt, Daniel}
title = {Syntactic Identification of Attribution in the RST Treebank}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-6008}
author = {Moirón, Begoña Villada}
title = {Linguistically enriched corpora for establishing variation in support verb constructions}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-6009}
author = {Izumi, Emi; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Error Annotation for Corpus of Japanese Learner English}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-6010}
author = {Spranger, Kristina}
title = {Some remarks on the Annotation of Quantifying Noun Groups in Treebanks}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-6011}
author = {Nariyama, Shigeko; Nakaiwa, Hiromi; Siegel, Melanie}
title = {Annotating Honorifics Denoting Social Ranking of Referents}
venue = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {W07-0801}
author = {Smrž, Otakar}
title = {ElixirFM -- Implementation of Functional Arabic Morphology}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0802}
author = {Dada, Ali}
title = {Implementation of the Arabic Numerals and their Syntax in GF}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0803}
author = {Shaalan, Khaled; Raza, Hafsa}
title = {Person Name Entity Recognition for Arabic}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0804}
author = {Magdy, Walid; Darwish, Kareem; Emam, Ossama; Hassan, Hany}
title = {Arabic Cross-Document Person Name Normalization}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0805}
author = {Abate, Solomon Teferra; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Syllable-Based Speech Recognition for Amharic}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0806}
author = {Bouillon, Pierrette; Halimi, Sonia; Rayner, Manny; Hockey, Beth Ann}
title = {Adapting a Medical speech to speech translation system (MedSLT) to Arabic}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0807}
author = {Nwesri, Abdusalam F. A.; Tahaghoghi, S. M. M.; Scholer, Falk}
title = {Finding Variants of Out-of-Vocabulary Words in Arabic}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0808}
author = {Netzer, Yael Dahan; Adler, Meni; Gabay, David; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Can You Tag the Modal? You Should.}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0809}
author = {Attia, Mohammed}
title = {Arabic Tokenization System}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0810}
author = {Semmar, Nasredine; Fluhr, Christian}
title = {Arabic to French Sentence Alignment: Exploration of A Cross-language Information Retrieval Approach}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0811}
author = {McCord, Michael C.; Cavalli-Sforza, Violetta}
title = {An Arabic Slot Grammar Parser}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0812}
author = {Diab, Mona}
title = {Improved Arabic Base Phrase Chunking with a new enriched POS tag set}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0813}
author = {Mansour, Saib; Sima'an, Khalil; Winter, Yoad}
title = {Smoothing a Lexicon-based POS Tagger for Arabic and Hebrew}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0814}
author = {Alemu Argaw, Atelach; Asker, Lars}
title = {An Amharic Stemmer : Reducing Words to their Citation Forms}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: Common Issues and Resources}
year = {2007}
id = {W11-0901}
author = {Palmer, Martha}
title = {Going Beyond Shallow Semantics}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0902}
author = {Surdeanu, Mihai; McClosky, David; Smith, Mason; Gusev, Andrey; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Customizing an Information Extraction System to a New Domain}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0903}
author = {Ayşe, Şerbetçi; Orhan, Zeynep; İlknur, Pehlivan}
title = {Extraction of Semantic Word Relations in Turkish from Dictionary Definitions}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0904}
author = {Kolya, Anup Kumar; Das, Dipankar; Ekbal, Asif; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Identifying Event-Sentiment Association using Lexical Equivalence and Co-reference Approaches}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0905}
author = {Coyne, Bob; Bauer, Daniel; Rambow, Owen}
title = {VigNet: Grounding Language in Graphics using Frame Semantics}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0906}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Transition-based Semantic Role Labeling Using Predicate Argument Clustering}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0907}
author = {Jamison, Emily}
title = {Using Grammar Rule Clusters for Semantic Relation Classification}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0908}
author = {Tonelli, Sara; Delmonte, Rodolfo}
title = {Desperately Seeking Implicit Arguments in Text}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0909}
author = {Gerber, Matthew; Chai, Joyce; Bart, Robert}
title = {A Joint Model of Implicit Arguments for Nominal Predicates}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0910}
author = {Bonial, Claire; Brown, Susan Windisch; Hwang, Jena D.; Parisien, Christopher; Palmer, Martha; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Incorporating Coercive Constructions into a Verb Lexicon}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics}
year = {2011}
id = {W04-2801}
author = {Core, Mark G.; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Robustness Versus Fidelity In Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding (ScaNaLU)}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2802}
author = {Porzel, Robert; Malaka, Rainer}
title = {Towards Measuring Scalability In Natural Language Understanding Tasks}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding (ScaNaLU)}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2803}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Hall, Brian S.}
title = {A Little Goes A Long Way: Quick Authoring Of Semantic Knowledge Sources For Interpretation}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding (ScaNaLU)}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2804}
author = {Alexandersson, Jan; Becker, Tilman; Engel, Ralf; Lockelt, Markus; Pecourt, Elsa; Poller, Peter; Pfleger, Norbert; Reithinger, Norbert}
title = {Ends-Based Dialogue Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding (ScaNaLU)}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2805}
author = {Bryant, John}
title = {Scalable Construction-Based Parsing And Semantic Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding (ScaNaLU)}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2806}
author = {Mok, Eva; Bryant, John; Feldman, Jerome A.}
title = {Scaling Understanding Up To Mental Spaces}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding (ScaNaLU)}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2807}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Babko-Malaya, Olga; Dang, Hoa Trang}
title = {Different Sense Granularities For Different Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding (ScaNaLU)}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2808}
author = {Porzel, Robert; Loos, Berenike; Micelli, Vanessa}
title = {Making Relative Sense: From Word-Graphs To Semantic Frames}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding (ScaNaLU)}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2809}
author = {Klarner, Martin}
title = {HYPERBUG: A Scalable Natural Language Generation Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding (ScaNaLU)}
year = {2004}
id = {I08-6001}
author = {Chew, Peter A.; Abdelali, Ahmed}
title = {The Effects of Language Relatedness on Multilingual Information Retrieval: A Case Study With Indo-European and Semitic Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6002}
author = {T, Pattabhi R K Rao; Sobha, L.}
title = {Identifying Similar and Co-referring Documents Across Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6003}
author = {Ruopp, Achim; Xia, Fei}
title = {Finding parallel texts on the web using cross-language information retrieval}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6004}
author = {K., Saravanan; Kumaran, A.}
title = {Some Experiments in Mining Named Entity Transliteration Pairs from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6005}
author = {Jones, Gareth; Fantino, Fabio; Newman, Eamonn; Zhang, Ying}
title = {Domain-Specific Query Translation for Multilingual Information Access using Machine Translation Augmented With Dictionaries Mined from Wikipedia}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6006}
author = {Pingali, Prasad; , Suryaganesh; Yella, Sreeharsha; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Statistical Transliteration for Cross Language Information Retrieval using HMM alignment model and CRF}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6007}
author = {Bhardwaj, Anurag; Jose, Damien; Govindaraju, Venu}
title = {Script Independent Word Spotting in Multilingual Documents}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6008}
author = {Paladhi, Sibabrata; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {A Document Graph Based Query Focused Multi-Document Summarizer}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6009}
author = {Chinnakotla, Manoj Kumar; Ranadive, Sagar; Damani, Om P.; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Hindi and Marathi to English Cross Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6010}
author = {Mandal, Debasis; Dandapat, Sandipan; Gupta, Mayank; Banerjee, Pratyush; Sarkar, Sudeshna}
title = {Bengali and Hindi to English CLIR Evaluation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6011}
author = {Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji; Mondal, Tapabrata; Naskar, Sudip Kumar; Ekbal, Asif; Haque, Rejwanul; Godavarthy, Srinivasa Rao}
title = {Bengali Hindi and Telugu to English Ad-hoc Bilingual Task}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6012}
author = {Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh; Kumaran, A.}
title = {Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval System for Indian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6013}
author = {Pingali, Prasad; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Hindi and Telugu to English CLIR using Query Expansion}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-6014}
author = {Mitra, Mandar; Majumdar, Prosenjit}
title = {FIRE: Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies}
year = {2008}
id = {W98-0901}
author = {Kim, Hyouk-Keun}
title = {Generating Interlanguage Syllabification In Optimality Theory}
venue = {SIGPHON Workshop On The Computation Of Phonological Constraints}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0902}
author = {Walther, Markus}
title = {Computing Declarative Prosodic Morphology}
venue = {SIGPHON Workshop On The Computation Of Phonological Constraints}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0903}
author = {Albro, Daniel M.}
title = {Three Formal Extensions To Primitive Optimality Theory}
venue = {SIGPHON Workshop On The Computation Of Phonological Constraints}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0904}
author = {Trommer, Jochen}
title = {Optimal Morphology}
venue = {SIGPHON Workshop On The Computation Of Phonological Constraints}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0905}
author = {Belz, Anja}
title = {An Approach To The Automatic Acquisition Of Phonotactic Constraints}
venue = {SIGPHON Workshop On The Computation Of Phonological Constraints}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0906}
author = {Blair, Alan D.; Ingram, John}
title = {Loanword Formation: A Neural Network Approach}
venue = {SIGPHON Workshop On The Computation Of Phonological Constraints}
year = {1998}
id = {W11-2701}
author = {Galanis, Dimitrios; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {A New Sentence Compression Dataset and Its Use in an Abstractive Generate-and-Rank Sentence Compressor}
venue = {Proceedings of the UCNLG+Eval: Language Generation and Evaluation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2702}
author = {Viethen, Jette; Dale, Robert}
title = {GRE3D7: A Corpus of Distinguishing Descriptions for Objects in Visual Scenes}
venue = {Proceedings of the UCNLG+Eval: Language Generation and Evaluation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2703}
author = {Greenbacker, Charles; Carberry, Sandra; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {A Corpus of Human-written Summaries of Line Graphs}
venue = {Proceedings of the UCNLG+Eval: Language Generation and Evaluation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2704}
author = {Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Task-Based Evaluation of NLG Systems: Control vs Real-World Context}
venue = {Proceedings of the UCNLG+Eval: Language Generation and Evaluation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2705}
author = {Curto, Sérgio; Mendes, Ana Cristina; Coheur, Luísa}
title = {Exploring linguistically-rich patterns for question generation}
venue = {Proceedings of the UCNLG+Eval: Language Generation and Evaluation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2706}
author = {Rajkumar, Rajakrishnan; White, Michael}
title = {Linguistically Motivated Complementizer Choice in Surface Realization}
venue = {Proceedings of the UCNLG+Eval: Language Generation and Evaluation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2707}
author = {Copestake, Ann; Herbelot, Aurélie}
title = {Exciting and interesting: issues in the generation of binomials}
venue = {Proceedings of the UCNLG+Eval: Language Generation and Evaluation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2708}
author = {de Kok, Daniël}
title = {Discriminative features in reversible stochastic attribute-value grammars}
venue = {Proceedings of the UCNLG+Eval: Language Generation and Evaluation Workshop}
year = {2011}
id = {W08-1801}
author = {Bilotti, Matthew; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Improving Text Retrieval Precision and Answer Accuracy in Question Answering Systems}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1802}
author = {Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Song, Young Chol; Lahti, William}
title = {Exact Phrases in Information Retrieval for Question Answering}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1803}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg; Mur, Jori}
title = {Simple is Best: Experiments with Different Document Segmentation Strategies for Passage Retrieval}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1804}
author = {Khalid, Mahboob; Verberne, Suzan}
title = {Passage Retrieval for Question Answering using Sliding Windows}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1805}
author = {Derczynski, Leon; Wang, Jun; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Greenwood, Mark A.}
title = {A Data Driven Approach to Query Expansion in Question Answering}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1806}
author = {Li, Fangtao; Zhang, Xian; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Answer Validation by Information Distance Calculation}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1807}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Using Lexico-Semantic Information for Query Expansion in Passage Retrieval for Question Answering}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1808}
author = {Shaw, Richard; Solway, Ben; Gaizauskas, Robert J.; Greenwood, Mark A.}
title = {Evaluation of Automatically Reformulated Questions in Question Series}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1809}
author = {Ahn, Kisuh; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Topic Indexing and Retrieval for Factoid QA}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1810}
author = {Pizzato, Luiz Augusto; Molla Aliod, Diego}
title = {Indexing on Semantic Roles for Question Answering}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2008}
id = {W10-2601}
author = {Ciaramita, Massimiliano; Chapelle, Olivier}
title = {Adaptive Parameters for Entity Recognition with Perceptron HMMs}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Domain Adaptation for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2602}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Context Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation Using Models with Exponentially Decaying Cache}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Domain Adaptation for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2603}
author = {Sandu, Oana; Carenini, Giuseppe; Murray, Gabriel; Ng, Raymond T.}
title = {Domain Adaptation to Summarize Human Conversations}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Domain Adaptation for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2604}
author = {Huang, Fei; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Exploring Representation-Learning Approaches to Domain Adaptation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Domain Adaptation for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2605}
author = {Van Asch, Vincent; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Using Domain Similarity for Performance Estimation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Domain Adaptation for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2606}
author = {Sagae, Kenji}
title = {Self-Training without Reranking for Parser Domain Adaptation and Its Impact on Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Domain Adaptation for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2607}
author = {Margolis, Anna; Livescu, Karen; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Domain Adaptation with Unlabeled Data for Dialog Act Tagging}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Domain Adaptation for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2608}
author = {Daumé III, Hal; Kumar, Abhishek; Saha, Avishek}
title = {Frustratingly Easy Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Domain Adaptation for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {P09-3001}
author = {Shutova, Ekaterina}
title = {Sense-based Interpretation of Logical Metonymy Using a Statistical Method}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3002}
author = {Mannem, Prashanth; Chaudhry, Himani; Bharati, Akshar}
title = {Insights into Non-projectivity in Hindi}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3003}
author = {Wang, Yefeng}
title = {Annotating and Recognising Named Entities in Clinical Notes}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3004}
author = {Malakasiotis, Prodromos}
title = {Paraphrase Recognition Using Machine Learning to Combine Similarity Measures}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3005}
author = {Engelken, Henriette}
title = {A System for Semantic Analysis of Chemical Compound Names}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3006}
author = {Mayfield, Elijah}
title = {Sentence diagram generation using dependency parsing}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3007}
author = {Yuan, Caixia; Ren, Fuji; Wang, Xiaojie}
title = {Accurate Learning for Chinese Function Tags from Minimal Features}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3008}
author = {Chiu, Justin Liang-Te; Huang, Jyun-Wei}
title = {Optimizing Language Model Information Retrieval System with Expectation Maximization Algorithm}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3009}
author = {Okita, Tsuyoshi}
title = {Data Cleaning for Word Alignment}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3010}
author = {Cavicchio, Federica}
title = {The Modulation of Cooperation and Emotion in Dialogue: The REC Corpus}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3011}
author = {Chen, Chen; Hu, Junfeng; Wang, Houfeng}
title = {Clustering Technique in Multi-Document Personal Name Disambiguation}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {P09-3012}
author = {Geiss, Johanna}
title = {Creating a Gold Standard for Sentence Clustering in Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ACL-IJCNLP: Student Research Workshop papers}
year = {2009}
id = {W04-0201}
author = {Alonso Alemany, Laura; Hinojosa, Ezequiel Andujar; Salvatierra, Robert Sola}
title = {A Framework For Feature Based Description Of Low Level Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0202}
author = {Benamara, Farah; Moriceau, Veronique; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {COOPML: Towards Annotating Cooperative Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0203}
author = {Creswell, Cassandre}
title = {Using A Probabilistic Model Of Discourse Relations To Investigate Word Order Variation}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0204}
author = {Degand, Liesbeth; Spooren, Wilbert; Bestgen, Yves}
title = {On The Use Of Automatic Tools For Large-Scale Semantic Analyses Of Causal Connectives}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0205}
author = {Han, Na-Rae}
title = {Korean Null Pronouns: Classification And Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0206}
author = {Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.}
title = {Discourse-Level Annotation For Investigating Information Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0207}
author = {Langer, Hagen; Lungen, Harald; Bayerl, Petra Saskia}
title = {Text Type Structure And Logical Document Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0208}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Temporal Discourse Models For Narrative Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0209}
author = {Navarro, Borja; Izquierdo, Rubén; Saiz-Noeda, Maximiliano}
title = {Exploiting Semantic Information For Manual Anaphoric Annotation In Cast3LB Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0210}
author = {Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Discourse Annotation And Semantic Annotation In The GNOME Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0211}
author = {Polanyi, Livia; Culy, Christopher; Van Den Berg, Martin; Thione, Gian Lorenzo; Ahn, David}
title = {Sentential Structure And Discourse Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0212}
author = {Prasad, Rashmi; Miltsakaki, Eleni; Joshi, Aravind K.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Annotation And Data Mining Of The Penn Discourse TreeBank}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0213}
author = {Stede, Manfred}
title = {The Potsdam Commentary Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0214}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Swift, Mary; Prithviraj, Preethum; Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Allen, James F.}
title = {Discourse Annotation In The Monroe Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0215}
author = {Thione, Gian Lorenzo; Van Den Berg, Martin; Culy, Christopher; Polanyi, Livia}
title = {LiveTree: An Integrated Workbench For Discourse Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0216}
author = {Zaenen, Annie; Carletta, Jean; Garretson, Gregory; Bresnan, Joan; Koontz-Garboden, Andrew; Nikitina, Tatiana; O'Connor, M. Catherine; Wasow, Thomas}
title = {Animacy Encoding In English: Why And How}
venue = {Workshop On Discourse Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W01-1401}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Example-Based Machine Translation Using DP-Matching Between Work Sequences}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1402}
author = {Richardson, Stephen D.; Dolan, William B.; Menezes, Arul; Corston-Oliver, Monica}
title = {Overcoming The Customization Bottleneck Using Example-Based MT}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1403}
author = {Lavoie, Benoit; White, Michael; Korelsky, Tanya}
title = {Inducing Lexico-Structural Transfer Rules From Parsed Bi-Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1404}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {Approximating Context-Free By Rational Transduction For Example-Based MT}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1405}
author = {Ney, Hermann}
title = {Stochastic Modelling: From Pattern Classification To Language Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1406}
author = {Menezes, Arul; Richardson, Stephen D.}
title = {A Best-First Alignment Algorithm For Automatic Extraction Of Transfer Mappings From Bilingual Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1407}
author = {Niessen, Sonja; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Toward Hierarchical Models For Statistical Machine Translation Of Inflected Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1408}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Ueffing, Nicola; Ney, Hermann}
title = {An Efficient A* Search Algorithm For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1409}
author = {Germann, Ulrich}
title = {Building A Statistical Machine Translation System From Scratch: How Much Bang For The Buck Can We Expect?}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1410}
author = {Prat, Federico}
title = {Machine Translation With Grammar Association: Some Improvements And The Loco_C Model}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1411}
author = {Moore, Robert C.}
title = {Towards A Simple And Accurate Statistical Approach To Learning Translation Relationships Among Words}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1412}
author = {Yamamoto, Kaoru; Matsumoto, Yuji; Kitamura, Mihoko}
title = {A Comparative Study On Translation Units For Bilingual Lexicon Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1413}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki; Saito, Teruka; Suzuki, Kenji}
title = {Using The Web As A Bilingual Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1414}
author = {Pinkham, Jessie; Corston-Oliver, Monica}
title = {Adding Domain Specificity To An MT System}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1415}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Ma, Qing; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Using A Support-Vector Machine For Japanese-To-English Translation Of Tense Aspect And Modality}
venue = {Workshop On Data-Driven Methods In Machine Translation}
year = {2001}
id = {W02-1601}
author = {Al-Adhaileh, Mosleh Hmoud; Tang, Enya Kong; Yusoff, Zaharin}
title = {A Synchronization Structure Of SSTC And Its Applications In Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1602}
author = {Boitet, Christian; Tsai, Wang-Ju}
title = {Coedition To Share Text Revision Across Languages And Improve MT A Posteriori}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1603}
author = {Boonkwan, Prachya; Kawtrakul, Asanee}
title = {Plaesarn: Machine-Aided Translation Tool For English-To-Thai}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1604}
author = {Brockett, Chris; Aikawa, Takako; Aue, Anthony; Menezes, Arul; Quirk, Chris; Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {English-Japanese Example-Based Machine Translation Using Abstract Linguistic Representations}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1605}
author = {Charoenpornsawat, Paisarn; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Charoenporn, Thatsanee}
title = {Improving Translation Quality Of Rule-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1606}
author = {Chung, You-Jin; Kang, Sin-Jae; Moon, Kyonghi; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation In A Korean-To-Japanese MT System Using Neural Networks}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1607}
author = {Dien, Dinh}
title = {Building A Training Corpus For Word Sense Disambiguation In English-To-Vietnamese Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1608}
author = {Fujita, Sanae; Bond, Francis}
title = {Extending The Coverage Of A Valency Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1609}
author = {Hui, Bowen}
title = {Measuring User Acceptability Of Machine Translations To Diagnose System Errors: An Experience Report}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1610}
author = {Lavoie, Benoit; White, Michael; Korelsky, Tanya}
title = {Learning Domain-Specific Transfer Rules: An Experiment With Korean To English Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1611}
author = {Shimohata, Mitsuo; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Identifying Synonymous Expressions From A Bilingual Corpus For Example-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1612}
author = {Supnithi, Thepchai; Sornlertlamvanich, Virach; Charoenporn, Thatsanee}
title = {A Cross System Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1613}
author = {Yao, Jianmin; Yu, Hao; Zhao, Tiejun; Li, Xiaolong}
title = {Automatic Information Transfer Between English And Chinese}
venue = {Workshop On Machine Translation In Asia}
year = {2002}
id = {W93-0201}
author = {Carberry, Sandra; Chu-Carroll, Jennifer; Green, Nancy L.; Lambert, Lynn}
title = {Rhetorical Relations: Necessary But Not Sufficient}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0202}
author = {Dale, Robert}
title = {Rhetoric And Intentions In Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0203}
author = {Delin, Judy L.; Scott, Donia R.; Hartley, Anthony}
title = {Knowledge Intention Rhetoric: Levels Of Variation In Multilingual Instructions}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0204}
author = {Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {Speaker's Intentions And Beliefs In Negative Imperatives}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0205}
author = {DiMarco, Chrysanne; Hirst, Graeme; Makuta-Giluk, Marzena}
title = {A Goal-Based Grammar Of Rhetoric}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0206}
author = {Granville, Robert Alan}
title = {An Algorithm For High-Level Organization Of Multi-Paragraph Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0207}
author = {Haller, Susan M.}
title = {Planning For Intentions With Rhetorical Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0208}
author = {Hamburger, Henry; Tufiš, Dan; Hashim, Raza}
title = {Structuring Two-Medium Dialog For Learning Language And Other Things}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0209}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {From Planning To Actions: Realizing Intentions By Rhetorical Means}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0210}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {In Defense Of Syntax: Informational Intentional And Rhetorical Structures In Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0211}
author = {Hughes, John; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Observations And Directions In Text Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0212}
author = {Hundleby, Margaret}
title = {Act Promptly Make Your God Happy: Representation And Rhetorical Relations In Natural Language Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0213}
author = {Knott, Alistair}
title = {Using Cue Phrases To Determine Rhetorical Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0214}
author = {Korelsky, Tanya; Kittredge, Richard}
title = {Towards Stratification Of RST}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0215}
author = {Lim, Jong-Gyun}
title = {Domain-Dependent And Domain-Independent Rhetorical Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0216}
author = {Litman, Diane J.; Passonneau, Rebecca J.}
title = {Empirical Evidence For Intention-Based Discourse Segmentation}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0217}
author = {Lochbaum, Karen E.}
title = {The Need For Intentionally-Based Approaches To Language}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0218}
author = {LuperFoy, Susann}
title = {Intentions In Bilingual Dialogue Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0219}
author = {Maier, Elisabeth}
title = {The Representation Of Interdependencies Between Communicative Goals And Rhetorical Relations In The Framework Of Multimedia Document Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0220}
author = {Maybury, Mark T.}
title = {On Structure And Intention}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0221}
author = {Maier, Elisabeth}
title = {Textual Constraints Rhetorical Relations And Communicative Goals And Rhetorical Relations In The Framework Of Multimedia Document Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0222}
author = {Meteer, Marie W.}
title = {Assumption Underlying Discourse Relations: Which Ones Are Really There And Where Are They?}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0223}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan}
title = {How Could Rhetorical Relations Be Used In Machine Translation?}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0224}
author = {Mittal, Vibhu O.; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {On The Necessity Of Intentions And The Usefulness Of Rhetorical Relations: A Position Paper}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0225}
author = {Moser, Megan; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Investigating Discourse Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0226}
author = {Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Intentions Information And Inference: Two Rhetorical Questions}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0227}
author = {Rambow, Owen}
title = {Rhetoric As Knowledge}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0228}
author = {Rösner, Dietmar}
title = {Intentions Rhetoric Or Discourse Relations? A Case From Multilingual Document Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0229}
author = {Rousseau, Daniel; Lapalme, Guy; Moulin, Bernard}
title = {A Model Of Speech Act Planner Adapted To Multiagent Universes}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0230}
author = {Sanders, Ted}
title = {On The Cognitive And Text-Analytic Status Of Coherence Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0231}
author = {Sibun, Penelope}
title = {Domain Structure Rhetorical Structure And Text Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0232}
author = {Sidner, Candace L.}
title = {On Discourse Relations Rhetorical Relations And Rhetoric}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0233}
author = {Sparck Jones, Karen}
title = {Summarising As A Lever For Studying Large-Scale Discourse Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0234}
author = {Suthers, Daniel D.}
title = {The Multifaceted Organization Of Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0235}
author = {Traum, David R.}
title = {Rhetorical Relations Action And Intentionality In Conversation}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0236}
author = {Van Kuppevelt, Jan}
title = {Intentionality In A Topical Approach Of Discourse Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0237}
author = {Vander Linden, Keith}
title = {Rhetorical Relations In Instructional Text Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0238}
author = {Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Information And Deliberation In Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0239}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Issues In Linguistic Segmentation}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0240}
author = {Wu, Horng Jyh Paul}
title = {Closing The Gap Between Discourse Structure And Communicative Intention}
venue = {Workshop On Intentionality And Structure In Discource Relations}
year = {1993}
id = {W06-2101}
author = {Costello, Fintan J.; Kelleher, John D.}
title = {Spatial Prepositions In Context: The Semantics Of 'near' In The Presence Of Distractor Objects}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2102}
author = {Knas, Iwona}
title = {Polish Equivalents Of Spatial 'at'}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2103}
author = {Trawinski, Beata}
title = {A Quantitative Approach To Preposition-Pronoun Contraction In Polish}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2104}
author = {Lestrade, Sander}
title = {Marked Adpositions}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2105}
author = {Hartrumpf, Sven; Helbig, Hermann; Osswald, Rainer}
title = {Semantic Interpretation Of Prepositions For NLP Applications}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2106}
author = {Litkowski, Kenneth C.; Hargraves, Orin}
title = {Coverage And Inheritance In The Preposition Project}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2107}
author = {Lassen, Tine}
title = {An Ontology-Based View On Prepositional Senses}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2108}
author = {Kawtrakul, Asanee; Suktarachan, Mukda; Ranaivo-Malancon, Bali; Kuan, Pek; Raina, Achla M.; Sarkar, Sudeshna; Mari, Alda; Zarrieß, Sina; Murguia, Elixabete; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {A Conceptual Analysis Of The Notion Of Instrumentality Via A Multilingual Analysis}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2109}
author = {Rehbein, Ines; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {German Particle Verbs And Pleonastic Prepositions}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2110}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Automatic Identification Of English Verb Particle Constructions Using Linguistic Features}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2111}
author = {Van Eynde, Frank}
title = {On The Prepositions Which Introduce An Adjunct Of Duration}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2112}
author = {Volk, Martin}
title = {How Bad Is The Problem Of PP-Attachment? A Comparison Of English German And Swedish}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2113}
author = {Naskar, Sudip Kumar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Handling Of Prepositions In English To Bengali Machine Translation}
venue = {SIGSEM Workshop On Prepositions}
year = {2006}
id = {I05-5001}
author = {Brockett, Chris; Dolan, William B.}
title = {Support Vector Machines for Paraphrase Identification and Corpus Construction}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5002}
author = {Dolan, William B.; Brockett, Chris}
title = {Automatically Constructing a Corpus of Sentential Paraphrases}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5003}
author = {Finch, Andrew; Hwang, Young-Sook; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Using Machine Translation Evaluation Techniques to Determine Sentence-level Semantic Equivalence}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5004}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Inui, Kentaro}
title = {A Class-oriented Approach to Building a Paraphrase Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5005}
author = {Hallett, Catalina; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {Structural variation in generated health reports}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5006}
author = {Ikeda, Satoshi; Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Transforming a Sentence End into News Headline Style}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5007}
author = {Li, Weigang; Liu, Ting; Zhang, Yu; Li, Sheng; He, Wei}
title = {Automated Generalization of Phrasal Paraphrases from the Web}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5008}
author = {Lepage, Yves; Denoual, Etienne}
title = {Automatic generation of paraphrases to be used as translation references in objective evaluation measures of machine translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5009}
author = {Ohtake, Kiyonori}
title = {Evaluating Contextual Dependency of Paraphrases using a Latent Variable Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5010}
author = {Power, Richard; Scott, Donia R.}
title = {Automatic generation of large-scale paraphrases}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5011}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi}
title = {Automatic Paraphrase Discovery based on Context and Keywords between NE Pairs}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I05-5012}
author = {Wan, Stephen; Dras, Mark; Dale, Robert; Paris, Cécile L.}
title = {Towards Statistical Paraphrase Generation: Preliminary Evaluations of Grammaticality}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Paraphrasing (IWP2005)}
year = {2005}
id = {I08-5001}
author = {Sobha, L.}
title = {Invited Talk: Named Entity Recognition: Different Approaches}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5002}
author = {Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Invited Talk: Multilingual Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5003}
author = {Singh, Anil Kumar}
title = {Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages: Taking Stock}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5004}
author = {Saha, Sujan Kumar; Chatterji, Sanjay; Dandapat, Sandipan; Sarkar, Sudeshna; Mitra, Pabitra}
title = {A Hybrid Named Entity Recognition System for South and South East Asian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5005}
author = {Gali, Karthik; Surana, Harshit; Vaidya, Ashwini; Shishtla, Praneeth M.; Sharma, Dipti Misra}
title = {Aggregating Machine Learning and Rule Based Heuristics for Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5006}
author = {Ekbal, Asif; Haque, Rejwanul; Das, Amitava; Poka, Venkateswarlu; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Language Independent Named Entity Recognition in Indian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5007}
author = {Srikanth, P; Murthy, Kavi Narayana}
title = {Named Entity Recognition for Telugu}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5008}
author = {Ekbal, Asif; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Bengali Named Entity Recognition Using Support Vector Machine}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5009}
author = {R., Vijayakrishna; Sobha, L.}
title = {Domain Focused Named Entity Recognizer for Tamil Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5010}
author = {Shishtla, Praneeth M.; Pingali, Prasad; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {A Character n-gram Based Approach for Improved Recall in Indian Language NER}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5011}
author = {Chaudhuri, Bidyut Baran; Bhattacharya, Suvankar}
title = {An Experiment on Automatic Detection of Named Entities in Bangla}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5012}
author = {P., Praveen; V., Ravi Kiran}
title = {Hybrid Named Entity Recognition System for South and South East Asian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5013}
author = {Goyal, Amit}
title = {Named Entity Recognition for South Asian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5014}
author = {Nayan, Animesh; Rao, B. Ravi Kiran; Singh, Pawandeep; Sanyal, Sudip; Sanyal, Ratna}
title = {Named Entity Recognition for Indian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-5015}
author = {Shishtla, Praneeth M.; Gali, Karthik; Pingali, Prasad; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Experiments in Telugu NER: A Conditional Random Field Approach}
venue = {Proceedings of the IJCNLP-08 Workshop on Named Entity Recognition for South and South East Asian Languages}
year = {2008}
id = {W07-0101}
author = {Kreuz, Roger; Caucci, Gina}
title = {Lexical Influences on the Perception of Sarcasm}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Figurative Language}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0102}
author = {Reining, Astrid; Lönneker-Rodman, Birte}
title = {Corpus-driven Metaphor Harvesting}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Figurative Language}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0103}
author = {Krishnakumaran, Saisuresh; Zhu, Xiaojin}
title = {Hunting Elusive Metaphors Using Lexical Resources}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Figurative Language}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0104}
author = {Birke, Julia; Sarkar, Anoop}
title = {Active Learning for the Identification of Nonliteral Language}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Figurative Language}
year = {2007}
id = {W09-1001}
author = {van Zaanen, Menno; de la Higuera, Colin}
title = {Grammatical Inference and Computational Linguistics}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1002}
author = {Ćavar, Damir}
title = {On Bootstrapping of Linguistic Features for Bootstrapping Grammars}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1003}
author = {Geertzen, Jeroen}
title = {Dialogue Act Prediction Using Stochastic Context-Free Grammar Induction}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1004}
author = {Angluin, Dana; Becerra-Bonache, Leonor}
title = {Experiments Using OSTIA for a Language Production Task}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1005}
author = {González, Jorge; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {GREAT: A Finite-State Machine Translation Toolkit Implementing a Grammatical Inference Approach for Transducer Inference (GIATI)}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1006}
author = {Clark, Alexander; Eyraud, Remi; Habrard, Amaury}
title = {A Note on Contextual Binary Feature Grammars}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1007}
author = {Stehouwer, Herman; van Zaanen, Menno}
title = {Language Models for Contextual Error Detection and Correction}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1008}
author = {Candito, Marieluísio, Sandra; Crabbé, Benoît; Seddah, Djamé}
title = {On Statistical Parsing of French with Supervised and Semi-Supervised Strategies}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1009}
author = {Luque, Franco M.; Infante-Lopez, Gabriel}
title = {Upper Bounds for Unsupervised Parsing with Unambiguous Non-Terminally Separated Grammars}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1010}
author = {Pertsova, Katya}
title = {Comparing Learners for Boolean partitions: Implications for Morphological Paradigms}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference}
year = {2009}
id = {W06-3401}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Taboada, Maite; Renals, Steve}
title = {Prosodic Correlates Of Rhetorical Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Analyzing Conversations In Text And Speech}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3402}
author = {Stewart, Robin; Danyluk, Andrea; Liu, Yang}
title = {Off-Topic Detection In Conversational Telephone Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Analyzing Conversations In Text And Speech}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3403}
author = {Huffaker, David; Jorgensen, Joseph; Iacobelli, Francisco; Tepper, Paul; Cassell, Justine}
title = {Computational Measures For Language Similarity Across Time In Online Communities}
venue = {Workshop On Analyzing Conversations In Text And Speech}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3404}
author = {Banerjee, Satanjeev; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {You Are What You Say: Using Meeting Participants' Speech To Detect Their Roles And Expertise}
venue = {Workshop On Analyzing Conversations In Text And Speech}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3405}
author = {Purver, Matthew; Ehlen, Patrick; Niekrasz, John}
title = {Shallow Discourse Structure For Action Item Detection}
venue = {Workshop On Analyzing Conversations In Text And Speech}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3406}
author = {Carvalho, Vitor R.; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Improving Email Speech Acts Analysis Via N-Gram Selection}
venue = {Workshop On Analyzing Conversations In Text And Speech}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3407}
author = {Arguello, Jaime; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Topic-Segmentation Of Dialogue}
venue = {Workshop On Analyzing Conversations In Text And Speech}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3408}
author = {Gregory, Michelle L.; Love, Douglas; Rose, Stuart; Schur, Anne}
title = {ChAT: A Time-Linked System For Conversational Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Analyzing Conversations In Text And Speech}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3409}
author = {Al-Raheb, Yafa}
title = {Pragmatic Discourse Representation Theory}
venue = {Workshop On Analyzing Conversations In Text And Speech}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3410}
author = {Cowell, Andrew; Haack, Jereme; Andrew, Adrienne}
title = {Retrospective Analysis Of Communication Events - Understanding The Dynamics Of Collaborative Multi-Party Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Analyzing Conversations In Text And Speech}
year = {2006}
id = {W08-1001}
author = {Sato, Yo}
title = {Lexicalised Parsing of German V2}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Parsing German}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1002}
author = {Crysmann, Berthold}
title = {Parse Selection with a German HPSG Grammar}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Parsing German}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1003}
author = {Scherrer, Yves}
title = {Part-of-Speech Tagging with a Symbolic Full Parser: Using the TIGER Treebank to Evaluate Fips}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Parsing German}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1004}
author = {Boyd, Adriane; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Revisiting the Impact of Different Annotation Schemes on PCFG Parsing: A Grammatical Dependency Evaluation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Parsing German}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1005}
author = {Petrov, Slav; Klein, Dan}
title = {Parsing German with Latent Variable Grammars}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Parsing German}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1006}
author = {Rafferty, Anna N.; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Parsing Three German Treebanks: Lexicalized and Unlexicalized Baselines}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Parsing German}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1007}
author = {Hall, Johan; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {A Dependency-Driven Parser for German Dependency and Constituency Representations}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Parsing German}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1008}
author = {Kübler, Sandra}
title = {The PaGe 2008 Shared Task on Parsing German}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Parsing German}
year = {2008}
id = {W04-0101}
author = {Wedel, Andrew}
title = {Category Competition Drives Contrast Maintenance Within An Exemplar-Based Production/perception Loop}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0102}
author = {Pirrelli, Vito; Calderone, Basilio; Herreros, Ivan; Virgilio, Michele}
title = {Non-Locality All The Way Through: Emergent Global Constraints In The Italian Morphological Lexicon}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0103}
author = {Choudhury, Monojit; Basu, Anupam; Sarkar, Sudeshna}
title = {A Diachronic Approach For Schwa Deletion In Indo Aryan Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0104}
author = {Carson-Berndsen, Julie; Kelly, Robert; Neugebauer, Moritz}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Feature-Based Phonotactic Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0105}
author = {Goldwater, Sharon; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Priors In Bayesian Learning Of Phonological Rules}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0106}
author = {Creutz, Mathias; Lugas, Krista}
title = {Induction Of A Simple Morphology For Highly-Inflecting Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0107}
author = {Monson, Christian; Lavie, Alon; Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {Unsupervised Induction Of Natural Language Morphology Inflection Classes}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0108}
author = {De Pauw, Guy; Laureys, Tom; Daelemans, Walter; van Hamme, Hugo}
title = {A Comparison Of Two Different Approaches To Morphological Analysis Of Dutch}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0109}
author = {Wicentowski, Richard}
title = {Multilingual Noise-Robust Supervised Morphological Analysis Using The WordFrame Model}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0110}
author = {Rytting, C. Anton}
title = {Segment Predictability As A Cue In Word Segmentation: Application To Modern Greek}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0111}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Yilmaz, Yasin}
title = {Vi-Xfst: A Visual Regular Expression Development Environment For Xerox Finite State Tool}
venue = {Workshop On Current Themes In Computational Phonology And Morphology}
year = {2004}
id = {W02-1101}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Catizone, Roberta; Padró, Lluís; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Rigau, German; Setzer, Andrea; Webb, Nick; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {Knowledge-Based Multilingual Document Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1102}
author = {Chang, Echa; Huang, Chu-Ren; Ker, Sur-Jin; Yang, Changhua}
title = {Induction Of Classification From Lexicon Expansion: Assigning Domain Tags To WordNet Entries}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1103}
author = {Farreres, Xavier; Rodríquez, Horacio; Gibert, Karina}
title = {Semiautomatic Creation Of Taxonomies}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1104}
author = {Fung, Pascale}
title = {Semantic Networks: The Path To Profitability}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1105}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Building Semantic/Ontological Knowledge By Text Mining}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1106}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Tseng, I-Ju E.; Tsai, Dylan B. S.}
title = {Translating Lexical Semantic Relations: The First Step Towards Multilingual Wordnets}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1107}
author = {Kanzaki, Kyoko; Ma, Qing; Murata, Masaki; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Classification Of Adjectival And Non-Adjectival Nouns Based On Their Semantic Behavior By Using A Self-Organizing Semantic Map}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1108}
author = {Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Assigning Verbs To Semantic Classes Via WordNet}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1109}
author = {Magnini, Bernardo; Negri, Matteo; Prevete, Roberto; Tanev, Hristo}
title = {A WordNet-Based Approach To Named Entites Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1110}
author = {Mangeot-Lerebours, Mathieu; Serasset, Gilles; Andres, Frederic}
title = {Frameworks Implementation And Open Problems For The Collaborative Building Of A Multilingual Lexical Database}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1111}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.}
title = {Fine-Grained Proper Noun Ontologies For Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1112}
author = {Meyer, Josef; Dale, Robert}
title = {Using The WordNet Hierarchy For Associative Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1113}
author = {Poibeau, Thierry; Dutoit, Dominique}
title = {Generating Extraction Patterns From A Large Semantic Network And An Untagged Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1114}
author = {Sakaguchi, Takuya; Ishizaki, Shun}
title = {A Japanese Semantic Network Built On A Pulsed Neural Network With Encoding Associative Concept Dictionaries}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1115}
author = {Umemura, Kyoji}
title = {Selecting The Most Highly Correlated Pairs Within A Large Vocabulary}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1116}
author = {Wong, Percy Ping-Wai; Yang, Yongsheng}
title = {A Maximum Entropy Approach To HowNet-Based Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1117}
author = {Zhou, Lixin; Liu, Qun}
title = {A Character-Net Based Chinese Text Segmentation Method}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1118}
author = {Zock, Michael}
title = {Sorry What Was Your Name Again Or How To Overcome The Tip-Of-The Tongue Problem With The Help Of A Computer?}
venue = {Workshop On SEMANET: Building And Using Semantic Networks}
year = {2002}
id = {W08-1401}
author = {Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Generating Image Captions using Topic Focused Multi-document Summarization}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1402}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Yeh, Alexander S.; Condon, Sherri L.}
title = {Learning to Match Names Across Languages}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1403}
author = {Velupillai, Sumithra; Dalianis, Hercules}
title = {Automatic Construction of Domain-specific Dictionaries on Sparse Parallel Corpora in the Nordic languages}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1404}
author = {Litvak, Marina; Last, Mark}
title = {Graph-Based Keyword Extraction for Single-Document Summarization}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1405}
author = {Rosner, Mike A.; Camilleri, Carl}
title = {MultiSum: Query-Based Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1406}
author = {Ribeiro, Ricardo; Martins de Matos, David}
title = {Mixed-Source Multi-Document Speech-to-Text Summarization}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1407}
author = {Aker, Ahmet; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Evaluating automatically generated user-focused multi-document summaries for geo-referenced images}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1408}
author = {Pouliquen, Bruno; Steinberger, Ralf; Deguernel, Olivier}
title = {Story tracking: linking similar news over time and across languages}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1409}
author = {Hammarström, Harald}
title = {Automatic Annotation of Bibliographical References with target Language}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop Multi-source Multilingual Information Extraction and Summarization}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-8001}
author = {Lee, Jonghoon; Lee, Donghyeon; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Transformation-based Sentence Splitting method for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies and Corpora for Asia-Pacific Speech Translation (TCAST)}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-8002}
author = {Wutiwiwatchai, Chai; Supnithi, Thepchai; Kosawat, Krit}
title = {Speech-to-Speech Translation Activities in Thailand}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies and Corpora for Asia-Pacific Speech Translation (TCAST)}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-8003}
author = {Finch, Andrew; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Phrase-based Machine Transliteration}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies and Corpora for Asia-Pacific Speech Translation (TCAST)}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-8004}
author = {Sakti, Sakriani; Kelana, Eka; Riza, Hammam; Sakai, Shinsuke; Markov, Konstantin; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Development of Indonesian Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition System within A-STAR Project}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies and Corpora for Asia-Pacific Speech Translation (TCAST)}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-8005}
author = {Jeon, Hyungbae; Hwang, Kyuwoong; Chung, Hoon; Kim, Seunghi; Park, Jun; Lee, Yunkeun}
title = {Using Confidence Vector in Multi-Stage Speech Recognition}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies and Corpora for Asia-Pacific Speech Translation (TCAST)}
year = {2008}
id = {I08-8006}
author = {Riza, Hammam; Riandi, Oskar}
title = {Toward Asian Speech Translation System: Developing Speech Recognition and Machine Translation for Indonesian Language}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Technologies and Corpora for Asia-Pacific Speech Translation (TCAST)}
year = {2008}
id = {W99-0402}
author = {Mayfield Tomokiyo, Laura; Burger, Susanne}
title = {Eliciting Natural Speech From Non-Native Users: Collecting Speech Data For LVCSR}
venue = {Workshop On Computer Mediated Language Assessment And Evaluation In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0403}
author = {Fairfield, John}
title = {Speech Comparison In The Rosetta Stone TM}
venue = {Workshop On Computer Mediated Language Assessment And Evaluation In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0404}
author = {Malabonga, Valerie A.; Kenyon, Dorry M.}
title = {Multimedia Computer Technology And Performance-Based Language Testing: A Demonstration Of The Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument (COPI)}
venue = {Workshop On Computer Mediated Language Assessment And Evaluation In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0405}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne; Olsen, Mari Broman}
title = {Modeling The Language Assessment Process And Result: Proposed Architecture For Automatic Oral Proficiency Assessment}
venue = {Workshop On Computer Mediated Language Assessment And Evaluation In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0406}
author = {Decrozant, Lisa; Voss, Clare R.}
title = {Dual Use Of Linguistic Resources: Evaluation Of MT Systems And Language Learners}
venue = {Workshop On Computer Mediated Language Assessment And Evaluation In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0407}
author = {Lenci, Alessandro; Montemagni, Simonetta; Pirrelli, Vito; Soria, Claudia}
title = {FAME: A Functional Annotation Meta-Scheme For Multi-Modal And Multi-Lingual Parsing Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Computer Mediated Language Assessment And Evaluation In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0408}
author = {Michaud, Lisa N.; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Modeling User Language Proficiency In A Writing Tutor For Deaf Learners Of English}
venue = {Workshop On Computer Mediated Language Assessment And Evaluation In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0409}
author = {Heift, Trude; McFetridge, Paul}
title = {Exploiting The Student Model To Emphasize Language Pedagogy In Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Computer Mediated Language Assessment And Evaluation In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0410}
author = {Fairon, Cédrick}
title = {A Web-Based System For Automatic Language Skill Assessment: EVALING}
venue = {Workshop On Computer Mediated Language Assessment And Evaluation In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0411}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Automated Essay Scoring For Nonnative English Speakers}
venue = {Workshop On Computer Mediated Language Assessment And Evaluation In Natural Language Processing}
year = {1999}
id = {W07-0601}
author = {Bod, Rens}
title = {A Linguistic Investigation into Unsupervised DOP}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0602}
author = {Tsur, Oren; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Using Classifier Features for Studying the Effect of Native Language on the Choice of Written Second Language Words}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0603}
author = {Rose, Yvan; Hedlund, Gregory; Byrne, Rod; Wareham, Todd; MacWhinney, Brian}
title = {Phon 1.2: A Computational Basis for Phonological Database Elaboration and Model Testing}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0604}
author = {Sagae, Kenji; Davis, Eric; Lavie, Alon; MacWhinney, Brian; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {High-accuracy Annotation and Parsing of CHILDES Transcripts}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0605}
author = {Buttery, Paula; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {I will shoot your shopping down and you can shoot all my tins---Automatic Lexical Acquisition from the CHILDES Database}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0606}
author = {Alishahi, Afra; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {A Cognitive Model for the Representation and Acquisition of Verb Selectional Preferences}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0607}
author = {Baroni, Marco; Lenci, Alessandro; Onnis, Luca}
title = {ISA meets Lara: An incremental word space model for cognitively plausible simulations of semantic learning}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0608}
author = {Plebe, Alessio; De La Cruz, Vivian; Mazzone, Marco}
title = {Simulating the acquisition of object names}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0609}
author = {Parisse, Christophe}
title = {Rethinking the syntactic burst in young children}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0610}
author = {Gorman, James; Curran, James R.}
title = {The Topology of Synonymy and Homonymy Networks}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0611}
author = {Biro, Tamas}
title = {The Benefits of Errors: Learning an OT Grammar with a Structured Candidate Set}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0612}
author = {Devereux, Barry; Costello, Fintan J.}
title = {Learning to interpret novel noun-noun compounds: evidence from a category learning experiment}
venue = {Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2007}
id = {W09-2201}
author = {Carlson, Andrew; Betteridge, Justin; Hruschka Junior, Estevam Rafael; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Coupling Semi-Supervised Learning of Categories and Relations}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2202}
author = {Veeramachaneni, Sriharsha; Kondadadi, Ravikumar}
title = {Surrogate Learning - From Feature Independence to Semi-Supervised Classification}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2203}
author = {Goldberg, Andrew B.; Zhu, Xiaojin}
title = {Keepin’ It Real: Semi-Supervised Learning with Realistic Tuning}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2204}
author = {Zubiaga, Arkaitz; Fresno, Víctor; Martínez, Raquel}
title = {Is Unlabeled Data Suitable for Multiclass SVM-based Web Page Classification?}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2205}
author = {Plank, Barbara}
title = {A Comparison of Structural Correspondence Learning and Self-training for Discriminative Parse Selection}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2206}
author = {Andrzejewski, David; Zhu, Xiaojin}
title = {Latent Dirichlet Allocation with Topic-in-Set Knowledge}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2207}
author = {Poveda, Jordi; Surdeanu, Mihai; Turmo, Jordi}
title = {An Analysis of Bootstrapping for the Recognition of Temporal Expressions}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2208}
author = {Liao, Wenhui; Veeramachaneni, Sriharsha}
title = {A Simple Semi-supervised Algorithm For Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2209}
author = {Chen, Zheng; Ji, Heng}
title = {Can One Language Bootstrap the Other: A Case Study on Event Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2210}
author = {Huang, Jui-Ting; Hasegawa-Johnson, Mark}
title = {On Semi-Supervised Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models for Phonetic Classification}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2211}
author = {Dasgupta, Sajib; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Discriminative Models for Semi-Supervised Natural Language Learning}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W94-0201}
author = {Bird, Steven}
title = {Automated Tone Transcription}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0202}
author = {Mastroianni, Michael; Carpenter, Bob}
title = {Constraint-Based Morpho-Phonology}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0203}
author = {Ellison, T. Mark}
title = {Constraints Exceptions And Representations}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0204}
author = {Penn, Gerald; Thomason, Richmond H.}
title = {Default Finite State Machines And Finite State Phonology}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0205}
author = {Williams, Sheila M.}
title = {Lexical Phonology And Speech Style: Using A Model To Test A Theory}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0206}
author = {Maxwell, Michael}
title = {Parsing Using Linearly Ordered Phonological Rules}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0207}
author = {Bourgeois, Thomas C.; Oehrle, Richard T.}
title = {Qualitative And Quantitative Dynamics Of Vowels}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1994}
id = {W94-0208}
author = {Cartwright, Timothy A.; Brent, Michael R.}
title = {Segmenting Speech Without A Lexicon: The Roles Of Phonotactics And Speech Source}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1994}
id = {W97-1101}
author = {Raman, Anand; Newman, John; Patrick, Jon David}
title = {A Complexity Measure For Diachronic Chinese Phonology}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1102}
author = {Nerbonne, John; Heeringa, Wilbert}
title = {Measuring Dialect Distance Phonetically}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1103}
author = {De Boer, Bart}
title = {Self Organisation In Vowel Systems Through Imitation}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1104}
author = {Carre, Rene; Mody, Maria}
title = {Prediction Of Vowel And Consonant Place Of Articulation}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1105}
author = {Bird, Steven}
title = {A Lexical Database Tool For Quantitative Phonological Research}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1106}
author = {Skoumalova, Hana}
title = {A Czech Morphological Lexicon}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1107}
author = {Coleman, John; Pierrehumbert, Janet B.}
title = {Stochastic Phonological Grammars And Acceptability}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1108}
author = {Kiraz, George Anton}
title = {Linearization Of Nonlinear Lexical Representations}
venue = {Workshop On Computational Phonology}
year = {1997}
id = {P10-3001}
author = {Plüss, Brian}
title = {Non-Cooperation in Dialogue}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3002}
author = {Lison, Pierre}
title = {Towards Relational POMDPs for Adaptive Dialogue Management}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3003}
author = {Reddy, Siva; Inumella, Abhilash}
title = {WSD as a Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3004}
author = {Sangati, Federico}
title = {A Probabilistic Generative Model for an Intermediate Constituency-Dependency Representation}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3005}
author = {Scheible, Christian}
title = {Sentiment Translation through Lexicon Induction}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3006}
author = {Mermer, Coşkun; Akın, Ahmet Afşın}
title = {Unsupervised Search for the Optimal Segmentation for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3007}
author = {Umanski, Daniil; Sangati, Federico}
title = {How Spoken Language Corpora Can Refine Current Speech Motor Training Methodologies}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3008}
author = {Nguyen, Thin}
title = {Mood Patterns and Affective Lexicon Access in Weblogs}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3009}
author = {Zheng, Yabin; Liu, Zhiyuan; Xie, Lixing}
title = {Growing Related Words from Seed via User Behaviors: A Re-Ranking Based Approach}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3010}
author = {Haulrich, Martin}
title = {Transition-Based Parsing with Confidence-Weighted Classification}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3011}
author = {McFate, Clifton}
title = {Expanding Verb Coverage in Cyc with VerbNet}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3012}
author = {Bogdanova, Daria}
title = {A Framework for Figurative Language Detection Based on Sense Differentiation}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3013}
author = {McGillivray, Barbara}
title = {Automatic Selectional Preference Acquisition for Latin Verbs}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3014}
author = {Franco-Penya, Hector-Hugo}
title = {Edit Tree Distance Alignments for Semantic Role Labelling}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3015}
author = {Mittal, Vipul}
title = {Automatic Sanskrit Segmentizer Using Finite State Transducers}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3016}
author = {Samad Zadeh Kaljahi, Rasoul}
title = {Adapting Self-Training for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3017}
author = {Tremper, Galina}
title = {Weakly Supervised Learning of Presupposition Relations between Verbs}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3018}
author = {Ambati, Bharat Ram}
title = {Importance of Linguistic Constraints in Statistical Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {P10-3019}
author = {Porta, Andres Osvaldo}
title = {The Use of Formal Language Models in the Typology of the Morphology of Amerindian Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Student Research Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0601}
author = {Pereira, Francisco; Botvinick, Matthew; Detre, Greg}
title = {Learning semantic features for fMRI data from definitional text}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0602}
author = {Gerven, Marcel van; Simanova, Irina}
title = {Concept Classification with Bayesian Multi-task Learning}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0603}
author = {Babaeian Jelodar, Ahmad; Alizadeh, Mehrdad; Khadivi, Shahram}
title = {WordNet Based Features for Predicting Brain Activity associated with meanings of nouns}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0604}
author = {Jung, Jaeyoung; Li, Na; Akama, Hiroyuki}
title = {Network Analysis of Korean Word Associations}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0605}
author = {Murphy, Brian; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Detecting Semantic Category in Simultaneous EEG/MEG Recordings}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0606}
author = {Huang, Chih-Ying; Lee, Chia-Ying}
title = {Hemispheric processing of Chinese polysemy in the disyllabic verb/ noun compounds: an event-related potential study}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0607}
author = {Germann, Daniel; Villavicencio, Aline; Siqueira, Maity}
title = {An Investigation on Polysemy and Lexical Organization of Verbs}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0608}
author = {Kelly, Colin; Devereux, Barry; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Acquiring Human-like Feature-Based Conceptual Representations from Corpora}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0609}
author = {Devereux, Barry; Kelly, Colin; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Using fMRI activation to conceptual stimuli to evaluate methods for extracting conceptual representations from corpora}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Computational Neurolinguistics}
year = {2010}
id = {W07-1601}
author = {Hying, Christian}
title = {A Corpus-Based Analysis of Geometric Constraints on Projective Prepositions}
venue = {Workshop on Prepositions}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1602}
author = {Furlan, Aidan; Baldwin, Timothy; Klippel, Alex}
title = {Landmark Classification for Route Directions}
venue = {Workshop on Prepositions}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1603}
author = {Fort, Karën; Guillaume, Bruno}
title = {PrepLex: A Lexicon of French Prepositions for Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Prepositions}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1604}
author = {Chodorow, Martin; Tetreault, Joel R.; Han, Na-Rae}
title = {Detection of Grammatical Errors Involving Prepositions}
venue = {Workshop on Prepositions}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1605}
author = {Domges, Florian; Kiss, Tibor; Müller, Antje; Roch, Claudia}
title = {Measuring the Productivity of Determinerless PPs}
venue = {Workshop on Prepositions}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1606}
author = {Caselli, Tommaso; Quochi, Valeria}
title = {Inferring the Semantics of Temporal Prepositions in Italian}
venue = {Workshop on Prepositions}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1607}
author = {De Felice, Rachele; Pulman, Stephen G.}
title = {Automatically Acquiring Models of Preposition Use}
venue = {Workshop on Prepositions}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1608}
author = {Husain, Samar; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Reddy, Manohar}
title = {Simple Preposition Correspondence: A Problem in English to Indian Language Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Prepositions}
year = {2007}
id = {W10-3301}
author = {Vossen, Piek; Rigau, German; Agirre, Eneko; Soroa, Aitor; Monachini, Monica; Bartolini, Roberto}
title = {KYOTO: an open platform for mining facts}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3302}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki; Shibaki, Yumi; Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Using Goi-Taikei as an Upper Ontology to Build a Large-Scale Japanese Ontology from Wikipedia}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3303}
author = {Daoud, Hans-Mohammad; Kageura, Kyo; Boitet, Christian; Kitamoto, Asanobu; Mangeot-Lerebours, Mathieu}
title = {Multilingual Lexical Network from the Archives of the Digital Silk Road}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3304}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke; Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Finding Medical Term Variations using Parallel Corpora and Distributional Similarity}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3305}
author = {Bruck, Tim vor der}
title = {Learning Semantic Network Patterns for Hypernymy Extraction}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3306}
author = {Choi, DongHyun; Kim, Eun-Kyung; Shim, Sang-Ah; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Intrinsic Property-based Taxonomic Relation Extraction from Category Structure}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3307}
author = {Conway, Mike; Dowling, John; Chapman, Wendy}
title = {Developing a Biosurveillance Application Ontology for Influenza-Like-Illness}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3308}
author = {Boguslavsky, Igor; Iomdin, Leonid; Sizov, Victor; Timoshenko, Svetlana}
title = {Interfacing the Lexicon and the Ontology in a Semantic Analyzer}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3309}
author = {Cadilhac, Anais; Benamara, Farah; Aussenac-Gilles, Nathalie}
title = {Ontolexical resources for feature-based opinion mining: a case-study}
venue = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources }
year = {2010}
id = {W07-1801}
author = {Bringert, Björn}
title = {Speech Recognition Grammar Compilation in Grammatical Framework}
venue = {Workshop on Grammar-Based Approaches to Spoken Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1802}
author = {Ljunglöf, Peter}
title = {Converting Grammatical Framework to Regulus}
venue = {Workshop on Grammar-Based Approaches to Spoken Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1803}
author = {Perera, Nadine; Ranta, Aarne}
title = {Dialogue System Localization with the GF Resource Grammar Library}
venue = {Workshop on Grammar-Based Approaches to Spoken Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1804}
author = {Jonson, Rebecca}
title = {Grammar-based context-specific statistical language modelling}
venue = {Workshop on Grammar-Based Approaches to Spoken Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1805}
author = {Paek, Tim; Gandhe, Sudeep; Chickering, Max; Ju, Yun-Cheng}
title = {Handling Out-of-Grammar Commands in Mobile Speech Interaction Using Backoff Filler Models}
venue = {Workshop on Grammar-Based Approaches to Spoken Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1806}
author = {Bouillon, Pierrette; Flores, Glenn; Starlander, Marianne; Chatzichrisafis, Nikos; Santaholma, Marianne; Tsourakis, Nikos; Rayner, Manny; Hockey, Beth Ann}
title = {A Bidirectional Grammar-Based Medical Speech Translator}
venue = {Workshop on Grammar-Based Approaches to Spoken Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1807}
author = {Kron, Elisabeth; Rayner, Manny; Santaholma, Marianne; Bouillon, Pierrette}
title = {A Development Environment for Building Grammar-Based Speech-Enabled Applications}
venue = {Workshop on Grammar-Based Approaches to Spoken Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W00-0201}
author = {Farwell, David}
title = {An Interlingual-Based Approach To Reference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On Applied Interlinguas: Practical Applications Of Interlingual Approaches To NLP}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0202}
author = {Kipper, Karin Christine; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Representations Of Actions As An Interlingua}
venue = {Workshop On Applied Interlinguas: Practical Applications Of Interlingual Approaches To NLP}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0203}
author = {Levin, Lori S.; Gates, Donna M.; Lavie, Alon; Pianesi, Fabio; Wallace, Dorcas; Watanabe, Taro}
title = {Evaluation Of A Practical Interlingua For Task-Oriented Dialogue}
venue = {Workshop On Applied Interlinguas: Practical Applications Of Interlingual Approaches To NLP}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0204}
author = {Martins, Ronaldo Teixeira; Machado Rino, Lucia Helena; Das Gracas Volpe Nunes, Maria; Montilha, Gisele; De Oliveira, Osvaldo Novais}
title = {An Interlingua Aiming At Communication On The Web: How Language-Independent Can It Be?}
venue = {Workshop On Applied Interlinguas: Practical Applications Of Interlingual Approaches To NLP}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0205}
author = {Olsen, Mari Broman; Traum, David R.; Van Ess-Dykema, Carol J.; Weinberg, Amy; Dolan, Ron}
title = {Telicity As A Cue To Temporaland Discourse Structure In Chinese-English Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Applied Interlinguas: Practical Applications Of Interlingual Approaches To NLP}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0206}
author = {Peral, Jesus; Ferrandez, Antonio}
title = {An Application Of The Interlingua System ISS For Spanish-English Pronominal Anaphora Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Applied Interlinguas: Practical Applications Of Interlingual Approaches To NLP}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0207}
author = {Traum, David R.; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Generation From Lexical Conceptual Structures}
venue = {Workshop On Applied Interlinguas: Practical Applications Of Interlingual Approaches To NLP}
year = {2000}
id = {W06-1700}
author = {Kilgarriff, Adam; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Preface To Workshop On The Web As A Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1701}
author = {Kornai, András; Halácsy, Péter; Nagy, Viktor; Oravecz, Csaba; Tron, Viktór; Varga, Dániel}
title = {Web-Based Frequency Dictionaries For Medium Density Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1702}
author = {Cafarella, Michael J.; Etzioni, Oren}
title = {BE: A Search Engine For NLP Research}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1703}
author = {Tonoike, Masatsugu; Kida, Mitsuhiro; Takagi, Toshihiro; Sasaki, Yasuhiro; Utsuro, Takehito; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {A Comparative Study On Compositional Translation Estimation Using A Domain/topic-Specific Corpus Collected From The Web}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1704}
author = {Boleda, Gemma; Bott, Stefan; Meza, Rodrigo; Castillo, Carlos; Badia, Toni; Lopez, Vicente}
title = {CUCWeb: A Catalan Corpus Built From The Web}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1705}
author = {Rayson, Paul; Walkerdine, James; Fletcher, William H.; Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {Annotated Web As Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1706}
author = {Scharl, Arno; Weichselbraun, Albert}
title = {Web Coverage Of The 2004 US Presidential Election}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1707}
author = {Fairon, Cédrick}
title = {Corporator: A Tool For Creating RSS-Based Specialized Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1708}
author = {Fossati, Davide; Ghidoni, Gabriele; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Cruz, Isabel; Xiao, Huiyong; Subba, Rajen}
title = {The Problem Of Ontology Alignment On The Web: A First Report}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1709}
author = {Zuraw, Kie}
title = {Using The Web As A Phonological Corpus: A Case Study From Tagalog}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1710}
author = {Gleim, Rüdiger; Mehler, Alexander; Dehmer, Matthias}
title = {Web Corpus Mining By Instance Of Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2006}
id = {W14-0401}
author = {Barbaresi, Adrien}
title = {Finding Viable Seed URLs for Web Corpora: A Scouting Approach and Comparative Study of Available Sources}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0402}
author = {Schäfer, Roland; Barbaresi, Adrien; Bildhauer, Felix}
title = {Focused Web Corpus Crawling}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0403}
author = {Stührenberg, Maik}
title = {Less Destructive Cleaning of Web Documents by Using Standoff Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0404}
author = {Sanches Duran, Magali; Avanço, Lucas; Aluísio, Sandra; Pardo, Thiago A. S.; Volpe Nunes, Maria da Graça}
title = {Some Issues on the Normalization of a Corpus of Products Reviews in Portuguese}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0405}
author = {Ljubešić, Nikola; Klubička, Filip}
title = {{bs,hr,sr}WaC - Web Corpora of Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0406}
author = {Lyding, Verena; Stemle, Egon; Borghetti, Claudia; Brunello, Marco; Castagnoli, Sara; Dell'Orletta, Felice; Dittmann, Henrik; Lenci, Alessandro; Pirrelli, Vito}
title = {The PAISÀ Corpus of Italian Web Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Web As Corpus}
year = {2014}
id = {W10-2701}
author = {Sieber, Gregor; Krenn, Brigitte}
title = {Episodic Memory for Companion Dialogue}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Companionable Dialogue Systems}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2702}
author = {Powers, David M. W.; Luerssen, Martin H; Lewis, Trent W; Leibbrandt, Richard E; Milne, Marissa; Pashalis, John; Treharne, Kenneth}
title = {MANA for the Ageing}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Companionable Dialogue Systems}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2703}
author = {Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Is a Companion a Distinctive Kind of Relationship with a Machine?}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Companionable Dialogue Systems}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2704}
author = {Adam, Carole; Cavedon, Lawrence; Padgham, Lin}
title = {“Hello Emily How Are You Today?” - Personalised Dialogue in a Toy to Engage Children.}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Companionable Dialogue Systems}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2705}
author = {Wallis, Peter}
title = {A Robot in the Kitchen}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Companionable Dialogue Systems}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2706}
author = {Konstantopoulos, Stasinos}
title = {An Embodied Dialogue System with Personality and Emotions}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Companionable Dialogue Systems}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2707}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.; Boye, Johan; Cavazza, Marc; Smith, Cameron; Santos de la Cámara, Raúl}
title = {How Was Your Day?}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Companionable Dialogue Systems}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2708}
author = {Shaikh, Samira; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Taylor, Sarah M.; Webb, Nick}
title = {VCA: An Experiment with a Multiparty Virtual Chat Agent}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Companionable Dialogue Systems}
year = {2010}
id = {W07-1201}
author = {Chen-Main, Joan; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Multi-Component Tree Adjoining Grammars Dependency Graph Models and Linguistic Analyses}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1202}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Curran, James R.}
title = {Perceptron Training for a Wide-Coverage Lexicalized-Grammar Parser}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1203}
author = {Forst, Martin}
title = {Filling Statistics with Linguistics -- Property Design for the Disambiguation of German LFG Parses}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1204}
author = {Fujita, Sanae; Bond, Francis; Oepen, Stephan; Tanaka, Takaaki}
title = {Exploiting Semantic Information for HPSG Parse Selection}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1205}
author = {Hopkins, Mark; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Deep Grammars in a Tree Labeling Approach to Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1206}
author = {Kaisser, Michael; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Question Answering based on Semantic Roles}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1207}
author = {Allen, James F.; Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Manshadi, Mehdi; Swift, Mary}
title = {Deep Linguistic Processing for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1208}
author = {Branco, António H.; Costa, Francisco}
title = {Self- or Pre-Tuning? Deep Linguistic Processing of Language Variants}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1209}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; King, Tracy Holloway; Maxwell III, John T.}
title = {Pruning the Search Space of a Hand-Crafted Parsing System with a Probabilistic Parser}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1210}
author = {Copestake, Ann}
title = {Semantic Composition with (Robust) Minimal Recursion Semantics}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1211}
author = {Greenwood, Mark A.; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {A Task-based Comparison of Information Extraction Pattern Models}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1212}
author = {Honnibal, Matthew; Curran, James R.}
title = {Creating a Systemic Functional Grammar Corpus from the Penn Treebank}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1213}
author = {Horak, Ales; Pala, Karel; Duzi, Marie; Materna, Pavel}
title = {Verb Valency Semantic Representation for Deep Linguistic Processing}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1214}
author = {Marimon, Montserrat; Bel, Núria; Espeja, Sergio; Seghezzi, Natalia}
title = {The Spanish Resource Grammar: Pre-processing Strategy and Lexical Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1215}
author = {McConville, Mark; Dzikovska, Myroslava O.}
title = {Extracting a Verb Lexicon for Deep Parsing from FrameNet}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1216}
author = {Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Fips A ``Deep'' Linguistic Multilingual Parser}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1217}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Kordoni, Valia; Fitzgerald, Erin}
title = {Partial Parse Selection for Robust Deep Processing}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1218}
author = {Bender, Emily M.; Poulson, Laurie; Drellishak, Scott; Evans, Chris}
title = {Validation and Regression Testing for a Cross-linguistic Grammar Resource}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1219}
author = {Crysmann, Berthold}
title = {Local Ambiguity Packing and Discontinuity in German}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1220}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Baldwin, Timothy; Kordoni, Valia}
title = {The Corpus and the Lexicon: Standardising Deep Lexical Acquisition Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W08-0801}
author = {Gruenstein, Alexander; Hsu, Bo-June (Paul); Glass, James R.; Seneff, Stephanie; Hetherington, Lee; Cyphers, D. Scott; Badr, Ibrahim; Wang, Chao; Liu, Sean}
title = {A Multimodal Home Entertainment Interface via a Mobile Device}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Workshop on Mobile Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0802}
author = {Krstovski, Kriste; Decerbo, Michael; Prasad, Rohit; Stallard, David G.; Saleem, Shirin; Natarajan, Premkumar}
title = {A Wearable Headset Speech-to-Speech Translation System}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Workshop on Mobile Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0803}
author = {Seon, Choong-Nyoung; Kim, Harksoo; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {Information extraction using finite state automata and syllable n-grams in a mobile environment}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Workshop on Mobile Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0804}
author = {Ganchev, Kuzman; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Small Statistical Models by Random Feature Mixing}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Workshop on Mobile Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0805}
author = {Huggins-Daines, David; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Mixture Pruning and Roughening for Scalable Acoustic Models}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Workshop on Mobile Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0806}
author = {Nikolova, Sonya; Ma, Xiaojuan}
title = {Assistive Mobile Communication Support}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Workshop on Mobile Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0807}
author = {Homola, Petr}
title = {A Distributed Database for Mobile NLP Applications}
venue = {Proceedings of the ACL-08: HLT Workshop on Mobile Language Processing}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1601}
author = {Fan, Shixi; Zhang, Yaoyun; Ng, Wing W. Y.; Wang, Xuan; XiaoLong, Wang}
title = {Semantic Chunk Annotation for complex questions using Conditional Random Field}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1602}
author = {Price, Charlotte; Paiva, Valeria; King, Tracy Holloway}
title = {Context Inducing Nouns}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1603}
author = {Pechsiri, Chaveevan; Sroison, Phunthara; Janviriyasopak, J.}
title = {Know-Why Extraction from Textual Data for Supporting What Questions}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1604}
author = {Bernardi, Raffaella; Kirschner, Manuel}
title = {Context Modelling for IQA: the Role of Tasks and Entities}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1605}
author = {Quarteroni, Silvia}
title = {Personalized Interactive Question Answering on the Web}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1606}
author = {Fontan, Lionel; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Creating and Querying a Domain dependent Know-How Knowledge Base of Advices and Warnings}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation}
year = {2008}
id = {W04-2501}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Lacatusu, Finley}
title = {Strategies For Advanced Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Pragmatics Of Question Answering}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2502}
author = {Narayanan, Srinivas; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Answering Questions Using Advanced Semantics And Probabilistic Inference}
venue = {Workshop On Pragmatics Of Question Answering}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2503}
author = {Baral, Chitta; Gelfond, Michael; Scherl, Richard}
title = {Using Answer Set Programming To Answer Complex Queries}
venue = {Workshop On Pragmatics Of Question Answering}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2504}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Jin, Rong}
title = {Discourse Structure For Context Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Pragmatics Of Question Answering}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2505}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Maiorano, Steven J.; Moschitti, Alessandro; Bejan, Cosmin Adrian}
title = {Intentions Implicatures And Processing Of Complex Questions}
venue = {Workshop On Pragmatics Of Question Answering}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2506}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {A Novel Approach To Focus Identification In Question/Answering Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Pragmatics Of Question Answering}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2507}
author = {Small, Sharon; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Liu, Ting; Ryan, Sean; Salkin, Robert; Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Kantor, Paul B.; Kelly, Diane; Rittman, Robert; Wacholder, Nina; Yamrom, Boris}
title = {HITIQA: Scenario Based Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Pragmatics Of Question Answering}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2508}
author = {Hickl, Andrew; Lehmann, John; Williams, John; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Experiments With Interactive Question Answering In Complex Scenarios}
venue = {Workshop On Pragmatics Of Question Answering}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2509}
author = {Kato, Tsuneaki; Fukumoto, Jun'ichi; Masui, Fumito; Kando, Noriko}
title = {Handling Information Access Dialogue Through QA Technologies - A Novel Challenge For Open-Domain Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Pragmatics Of Question Answering}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2510}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Hansen, Dorte H.; Paggio, Patrizia; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {Ontological Resources And Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Pragmatics Of Question Answering}
year = {2004}
id = {W03-2901}
author = {Pala, Karel; Sedláček, Radek; Veber, Marek}
title = {Relations between Inflectional and Derivation Patterns}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2902}
author = {Evans, Roger; Tiberius, Carole; Brown, Dunstan; Corbett, Greville G.}
title = {A Large-scale Inheritance-based Morphological Lexicon for Russian}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2903}
author = {Oliver, Antoni; Castellón, Irene; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Automatic Lexical Acquisition from Raw Corpora: An Application to Russian}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2904}
author = {Erjavec, Tomaž; Krstev, Cvetana; Petkevič, Vladimír; Simov, Kiril; Tadić, Marko; Vitas, Duško}
title = {The MULTEXT-East Morphosyntactic Specification for Slavic Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2905}
author = {Przepiórkowski, Adam; Woliński, Marcin}
title = {A Flexemic Tagset for Polish}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2906}
author = {Tadić, Marko; Fulgosi, Sanja}
title = {Building the Croatian Morphological Lexicon}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2907}
author = {Higgins, Derrick}
title = {Unsupervised Learning of Bulgarian POS Tags}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2908}
author = {Vitas, Duško; Krstev, Cvetana}
title = {Composite Tense Recognition and Tagging in Serbian}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2909}
author = {Débowski, Łukasz}
title = {A Reconfigurable Stochastic Tagger for Languages with Complex Tag Structure}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2910}
author = {Slavcheva, Milena}
title = {Some Aspects of the Morphological Processing of Bulgarian}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2911}
author = {Nenadić, Goran; Spasić, Irena; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Morpho-syntactic Clues for Terminological Processing in Serbian}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2912}
author = {Yablonsky, Serge A.}
title = {Russian Morphology: Ressources and Java Software Application}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on Morphological Processing of Slavic Languages}
year = {2003}
id = {W02-1501}
author = {Bartolini, Roberto; Lenci, Alessandro; Montemagni, Simonetta; Pirrelli, Vito}
title = {Grammar And Lexicon In The Robust Parsing Of Italian Towards A Non-Nave Interplay}
venue = {Workshop On Grammar Engineering And Evaluation}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1502}
author = {Bender, Emily M.; Flickinger, Daniel P.; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {The Grammar Matrix: An Open-Source Starter-Kit For The Rapid Development Of Cross-Linguistically Consistent Broad-Coverage Precision Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Grammar Engineering And Evaluation}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1503}
author = {Butt, Miriam; Dyvik, Helge; King, Tracy Holloway; Mashuichi, Hiroshi; Rohrer, Christian}
title = {The Parallel Grammar Project}
venue = {Workshop On Grammar Engineering And Evaluation}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1504}
author = {Campbell, Richard; Lozano, Carmen; Pinkham, Jessie; Smets, Martine}
title = {Machine Translation As A Testbed For Multilingual Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Grammar Engineering And Evaluation}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1505}
author = {Hagege, Caroline; Bes, Gabriel G.}
title = {Encoding And Reusing Linguistic Information Expressed By Linguistic Properties}
venue = {Workshop On Grammar Engineering And Evaluation}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1506}
author = {Kaplan, Ronald M.; King, Tracy Holloway; Maxwell III, John T.}
title = {Adapting Existing Grammars: The XLE Experience}
venue = {Workshop On Grammar Engineering And Evaluation}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1507}
author = {Kinyon, Alexandra; Prolo, Carlos A.}
title = {A Classification Of Grammar Development Strategies}
venue = {Workshop On Grammar Engineering And Evaluation}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1508}
author = {Oepen, Stephan; Bender, Emily M.; Callmeier, Ulrich; Flickinger, Daniel P.; Siegel, Melanie}
title = {Parallel Distributed Grammar Engineering For Practical Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Grammar Engineering And Evaluation}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1509}
author = {Prolo, Carlos A.}
title = {Coping With Problems In Grammars Automatically Extracted From Treebanks}
venue = {Workshop On Grammar Engineering And Evaluation}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1510}
author = {Suzuki, Hisami}
title = {A Development Environment For Large-Scale Multi-Lingual Parsing Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Grammar Engineering And Evaluation}
year = {2002}
id = {W10-1101}
author = {Friberg Heppin, Karin}
title = {MedEval- A Swedish Medical Test Collection with Doctors and Patients User Groups}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1102}
author = {Bhatia, Ramanjot Singh; Graystone, Amber; Davies, Ross A; McClinton, Susan; Morin, Jason; Davies, Richard F}
title = {Extracting Information for Generating A Diabetes Report Card from Free Text in Physicians Notes}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1103}
author = {Skeppstedt, Maria}
title = {Negation Detection in Swedish Clinical Text}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1104}
author = {Schreitter, Stephanie; Klein, Alexandra; Matiasek, Johannes; Trost, Harald}
title = {Using Domain Knowledge about Medications to Correct Recognition Errors in Medical Report Creation}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1105}
author = {Etter, Peter von; Huttunen, Silja; Vihavainen, Arto; Vuorinen, Matti; Yangarber, Roman}
title = {Assessment of Utility in Web Mining for the Domain of Public Health}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1106}
author = {Martin, Melanie J.}
title = {Reliability and Type of Consumer Health Documents on the World Wide Web: an Annotation Study}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1107}
author = {Melton, Genevieve B.; Moon, SungRim; McInnes, Bridget T.; Pakhomov, Serguei V.}
title = {Automated Identification of Synonyms in Biomedical Acronym Sense Inventories}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1108}
author = {Allvin, Helen; Carlsson, Elin; Dalianis, Hercules; Danielsson-Ojala, Riitta; Daudaravicius, Vidas; Hassel, Martin; Kokkinakis, Dimitrios; Lundgren-Laine, Heljä; Nilsson, Gunnar; Nytrø, Øystein; Salanterä, Sanna; Skeppstedt, Maria; Suominen, Hanna; Velupillai, Sumithra}
title = {Characteristics and Analysis of Finnish and Swedish Clinical Intensive Care Nursing Narratives}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1109}
author = {Halgrim, Scott; Xia, Fei; Solti, Imre; Cadag, Eithon; Uzuner, Özlem}
title = {Extracting Medication Information from Discharge Summaries}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1110}
author = {Kokkinakis, Dimitrios; Toporowska Gronostaj, Maria}
title = {Linking SweFN++ with Medical Resources towards a MedFrameNet for Swedish}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1111}
author = {Hirschman, Lynette; Aberdeen, John}
title = {Measuring Risk and Information Preservation: Toward New Metrics for De-identification of Clinical Texts}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1112}
author = {Roque, Francisco; Slaughter, Laura; Tkatšenko, Aleksandr}
title = {A Comparison of Several Key Information Visualization Systems for Secondary Use of Electronic Health Record Content}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1113}
author = {Medori, Julia; Fairon, Cédrick}
title = {Machine learning and features selection for semi-automatic ICD-9-CM encoding}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1114}
author = {Lin, Sein; Ng, Jun-Ping; Pradhan, Shreyasee; Shah, Jatin; Pietrobon, Ricardo; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Extracting Formulaic and Free Text Clinical Research Articles Metadata using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2010}
id = {W14-1101}
author = {Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Keynote: Supporting evidence-based medicine using text mining}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1102}
author = {Moradi, Farnaz; Eklund, Ann-Marie; Kokkinakis, Dimitrios; Olovsson, Tomas; Tsigas, Philippas}
title = {A Graph-Based Analysis of Medical Queries of a Swedish Health Care Portal}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1103}
author = {Collier, Nigel; Tran, Mai-vu; Paster, Ferdinand}
title = {The impact of near domain transfer on biomedical named entity recognition}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1104}
author = {Zhao, Shanheng; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Domain Adaptation with Active Learning for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1105}
author = {Stepanov, Evgeny; Riccardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Towards Cross-Domain PDTB-Style Discourse Parsing}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1106}
author = {Perez-de-Viñaspre, Olatz; Oronoz, Maite}
title = {Translating SNOMED CT Terminology into a Minor Language}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1107}
author = {Tan, He}
title = {A System for Building FrameNet-like Corpus for the Biomedical Domain}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1108}
author = {Quan, Changqin; Ren, Fuji}
title = {Gene–disease association extraction by text mining and network analysis}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1109}
author = {Engel Thomas, Cecilia; Bjødstrup Jensen, Peter; Werge, Thomas; Brunak, Søren}
title = {Negation scope and spelling variation for text-mining of Danish electronic patient records}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1110}
author = {Alnazzawi, Noha; Thompson, Paul; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Building a semantically annotated corpus for congestive heart and renal failure from clinical records and the literature}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1111}
author = {Shivade, Chaitanya; Cormack, James; Milward, David}
title = {Precise Medication Extraction using Agile Text Mining}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1112}
author = {Roller, Roland; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Applying UMLS for Distantly Supervised Relation Detection}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1113}
author = {Santiso, Sara; Casillas, Arantza; Perez, Alicia; Oronoz, Maite; Gojenola, Koldo}
title = {Adverse Drug Event prediction combining shallow analysis and machine learning}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1114}
author = {Périnet, Amandine; Hamon, Thierry}
title = {Reducing VSM data sparseness by generalizing contexts: application to health text mining}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1115}
author = {Kreuzthaler, Markus; Schulz, Stefan}
title = {Disambiguation of Period Characters in Clinical Narratives}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1116}
author = {Hamon, Thierry; Grabar, Natalia}
title = {Tuning HeidelTime for identifying time expressions in clinical texts in English and French}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1117}
author = {Segura-Bedmar, Isabel; Revert, Ricardo; Martínez, Paloma}
title = {Detecting drugs and adverse events from Spanish social media streams}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1118}
author = {Moen, Hans; Marsi, Erwin; Ginter, Filip; Murtola, Laura-Maria; Salakoski, Tapio; Salanterä, Sanna}
title = {Care Episode Retrieval}
venue = {Louhi}
year = {2014}
id = {W11-1301}
author = {Vecchi, Eva Maria; Baroni, Marco; Zamparelli, Roberto}
title = {(Linear) Maps of the Impossible: Capturing Semantic Anomalies in Distributional Space}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1302}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Dell'Arciprete, Lorenzo}
title = {Distributed Structures and Distributional Meaning}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1303}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim}
title = {Two Multivariate Generalizations of Pointwise Mutual Information}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1304}
author = {Biemann, Christian; Giesbrecht, Eugenie}
title = {Distributional Semantics and Compositionality 2011: Shared Task Description and Results}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1305}
author = {Johannsen, Anders; Martinez, Hector; Rishøj, Christian; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Shared Task System Description: Frustratingly Hard Compositionality Prediction}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1306}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Identifying Collocations to Measure Compositionality: Shared Task System Description}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1307}
author = {Chakraborty, Tanmoy; Pal, Santanu; Mondal, Tapabrata; Saikh, Tanik; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Shared Task System Description: Measuring the Compositionality of Bigrams using Statistical Methodologies}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1308}
author = {Garrido, Guillermo; Peñas, Anselmo}
title = {Detecting Compositionality Using Semantic Vector Space Models Based on Syntactic Context. Shared Task System Description}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1309}
author = {Maldonado Guerra, Alfredo; Emms, Martin}
title = {Measuring the Compositionality of Collocations via Word Co-occurrence Vectors: Shared Task System Description}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1310}
author = {Reddy, Siva; McCarthy, Diana; Manandhar, Suresh; Gella, Spandana}
title = {Exemplar-Based Word-Space Model for Compositionality Detection: Shared Task System Description}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Compositionality}
year = {2011}
id = {W03-1901}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Romary, Laurent}
title = {Outline Of The International Standard Linguistic Annotation Framework}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Annotation: Getting The Model Right}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1902}
author = {Vieira, Renata; Gasperin, Caroline; Goulart, Rodrigo; Salmon-Alt, Susanne}
title = {From Concrete To Virtual Annotation Mark-Up Language: The Case Of COMMOn-REFs}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Annotation: Getting The Model Right}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1903}
author = {Cimiano, Philipp; Handschuh, Siegfried}
title = {Ontology-Based Linguistic Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Annotation: Getting The Model Right}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1904}
author = {Narayanan, Srinivas; Petruck, Miriam R. L.; Baker, Collin F.; Fillmore, Charles J.}
title = {Putting FrameNet Data Into The ISO Linguistic Annotation Framework}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Annotation: Getting The Model Right}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1905}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Lenci, Alessandro; Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {RDF Instantiation Of ISLE/MILE Lexical Entries}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Annotation: Getting The Model Right}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1906}
author = {Rinaldi, Fabio; Dowdall, James; Hess, Michael; Kaljurand, Kaarel; Persidis, Andreas}
title = {Parmenides: An Opportunity For ISO TC37 SC4?}
venue = {Workshop On Linguistic Annotation: Getting The Model Right}
year = {2003}
id = {W11-2401}
author = {Meurers, Detmar; Ziai, Ramon; Ott, Niels; Kopp, Janina}
title = {Evaluating Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions in Context: Results for German and the Role of Information Structure}
venue = {Proceedings of the TextInfer 2011 Workshop on Textual Entailment}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2402}
author = {Shnarch, Eyal; Goldberger, Jacob; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Towards a Probabilistic Model for Lexical Entailment}
venue = {Proceedings of the TextInfer 2011 Workshop on Textual Entailment}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2403}
author = {Mirkin, Shachar; Dagan, Ido; Kotlerman, Lili; Szpektor, Idan}
title = {Classification-based Contextual Preferences}
venue = {Proceedings of the TextInfer 2011 Workshop on Textual Entailment}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2404}
author = {Kouylekov, Milen; Mehdad, Yashar; Negri, Matteo}
title = {Is it Worth Submitting this Run? Assess your RTE System with a Good Sparring Partner}
venue = {Proceedings of the TextInfer 2011 Workshop on Textual Entailment}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2405}
author = {Shima, Hideki; Mitamura, Teruko}
title = {Diversity-aware Evaluation for Paraphrase Patterns}
venue = {Proceedings of the TextInfer 2011 Workshop on Textual Entailment}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2406}
author = {Unger, Christina; Cimiano, Philipp}
title = {Representing and resolving ambiguities in ontology-based question answering}
venue = {Proceedings of the TextInfer 2011 Workshop on Textual Entailment}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2407}
author = {Fernando, Tim}
title = {Strings over intervals}
venue = {Proceedings of the TextInfer 2011 Workshop on Textual Entailment}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2408}
author = {Gordon, Jonathan; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Discovering Commonsense Entailment Rules Implicit in Sentences}
venue = {Proceedings of the TextInfer 2011 Workshop on Textual Entailment}
year = {2011}
id = {W03-0101}
author = {Manov, Dimitar; Kiryakov, Atanas; Popov, Borislav; Bontcheva, Kalina; Maynard, Diana; Cunningham, Hamish}
title = {Experiments With Geographic Knowledge For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0102}
author = {Waldinger, Richard; Jarvis, Peter; Dungan, Jennifer}
title = {Pointing To Places In A Deductive Geospatial Theory}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0103}
author = {Uryupina, Olga}
title = {Semi-Supervised Learning Of Geographical Gazetteer From The Internet}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0104}
author = {Kwok, Kui Lam; Deng, Qiang}
title = {GeoName: A System For Back-Transliterating Pinyin Place Names}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0105}
author = {Leidner, Jochen L.; Sinclair, Gail; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Grounding Spatial Named Entities For Information Extraction And Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0106}
author = {Li, Huifeng; Srihari, Rohini K.; Niu, Cheng; Li, Wei}
title = {InfoXtract Location Normalization: A Hybrid Approach To Geographic References In Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0107}
author = {Smith, David A.; Mann, Gideon S.}
title = {Bootstrapping Toponym Classifiers}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0108}
author = {Rauch, Erik; Bukatin, Michael; Baker, Kenneth}
title = {A Confidence-Based Framework For Disambiguating Geographic Terms}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0109}
author = {Bilhaut, Frederik; Charnois, Thierry; Enjalbert, Patrice; Mathet, Yann}
title = {Geographic Reference Analysis For Geographic Document Querying}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0110}
author = {Axelrod, Amittai}
title = {On Building A High Performance Gazetteer Database}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0111}
author = {Southall, Humphrey}
title = {Defining And Identifying The Roles Of Geographic References Within Text}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0112}
author = {Densham, Ian; Reid, James}
title = {System Demo: A Geo-Coding Service Encompassing A Geo-Parsing Tool And Integrated Digital Gazetteer Service}
venue = {Workshop On Analysis Of Geographic References}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2801}
author = {Bontcheva, Kalina}
title = {Reuse and Challenges in Evaluating Language Generation Systems: Position Paper}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2003 Workshop on Evaluation Initiatives in Natural Language Processing: are evaluation methods metrics and resources reusable?}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2802}
author = {Devillers, Laurence; Maynard, Hélène; Paroubek, Patrick; Rosset, Sophie}
title = {The PEACE SLDS understanding evaluation paradigm of the French MEDIA campaign}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2003 Workshop on Evaluation Initiatives in Natural Language Processing: are evaluation methods metrics and resources reusable?}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2803}
author = {Lowe, Will; King, Gary}
title = {Some statistical methods for evaluating information extraction systems}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2003 Workshop on Evaluation Initiatives in Natural Language Processing: are evaluation methods metrics and resources reusable?}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2804}
author = {Tomás, Jesús; Mas, Josep Àngel; Casacuberta, Francisco}
title = {A Quantitative Method for Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2003 Workshop on Evaluation Initiatives in Natural Language Processing: are evaluation methods metrics and resources reusable?}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2805}
author = {Pastra, Katerina; Saggion, Horacio}
title = {Colouring Summaries BLEU}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2003 Workshop on Evaluation Initiatives in Natural Language Processing: are evaluation methods metrics and resources reusable?}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2806}
author = {Molla Aliod, Diego; Hutchinson, Ben}
title = {Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Evaluations of Parsing Systems}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2003 Workshop on Evaluation Initiatives in Natural Language Processing: are evaluation methods metrics and resources reusable?}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2807}
author = {Dalli, Angelo}
title = {Adaptation of the F-measure to Cluster Based Lexicon Quality Evaluation}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2003 Workshop on Evaluation Initiatives in Natural Language Processing: are evaluation methods metrics and resources reusable?}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2808}
author = {Kilgarriff, Adam}
title = {No-bureaucracy evaluation}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2003 Workshop on Evaluation Initiatives in Natural Language Processing: are evaluation methods metrics and resources reusable?}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2809}
author = {King, Maghi}
title = {Living up to standards}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2003 Workshop on Evaluation Initiatives in Natural Language Processing: are evaluation methods metrics and resources reusable?}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-2810}
author = {McTait, Kevin; Choukri, Khalid}
title = {Setting up an Evaluation Infrastructure for Human Language Technologies in Europe}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2003 Workshop on Evaluation Initiatives in Natural Language Processing: are evaluation methods metrics and resources reusable?}
year = {2003}
id = {W09-0201}
author = {Baroni, Marco; Lenci, Alessandro}
title = {One Distributional Memory Many Semantic Spaces}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0202}
author = {Peirsman, Yves; Speelman, Dirk}
title = {Word Space Models of Lexical Variation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0203}
author = {Rothenhäusler, Klaus; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Unsupervised Classification with Dependency Based Word Spaces}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0204}
author = {Zhang, Lidan; Chan, Kwok-Ping}
title = {A Study of Convolution Tree Kernel with Local Alignment}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0205}
author = {Herdağdelen, Amaç; Baroni, Marco}
title = {BagPack: A General Framework to Represent Semantic Relations}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0206}
author = {Wild, Fridolin; Hoisl, Bernhard; Burek, Gaston G.}
title = {Positioning for Conceptual Development using Latent Semantic Analysis}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0207}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan; Ha, Le An; Varga, Andrea; Rello, Luz}
title = {Semantic Similarity of Distractors in Multiple-Choice Tests: Extrinsic Evaluation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0208}
author = {Erk, Katrin; Padó, Sebastian}
title = {Paraphrase Assessment in Structured Vector Space: Exploring Parameters and Datasets}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0209}
author = {Fallucchi, Francesca; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {SVD Feature Selection for Probabilistic Taxonomy Learning}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0210}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas; Korhonen, Anna; Ghahramani, Zoubin}
title = {Unsupervised and Constrained Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Verb Clustering}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0211}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim}
title = {A Non-negative Tensor Factorization Model for Selectional Preference Induction}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0212}
author = {Dorow, Beate; Laws, Florian; Michelbacher, Lukas; Scheible, Christian; Utt, Jason}
title = {A Graph-Theoretic Algorithm for Automatic Extension of Translation Lexicons}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0213}
author = {Diab, Mona; Krishna, Madhav}
title = {Handling Sparsity for Verb Noun MWE Token Classification}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0214}
author = {Sagi, Eyal; Kaufmann, Stefan; Clark, Brady}
title = {Semantic Density Analysis: Comparing Word Meaning across Time and Phonetic Space}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0215}
author = {Clarke, Daoud}
title = {Context-theoretic Semantics for Natural Language: an Overview}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Geometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-1401}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Seddah, Djamé; Goldberg, Yoav; Kübler, Sandra; Versley, Yannick; Candito, Marie; Foster, Jennifer; Rehbein, Ines; Tounsi, Lamia}
title = {Statistical Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages (SPMRL) What How and Whither}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1402}
author = {Marton, Yuval; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Improving Arabic Dependency Parsing with Lexical and Inflectional Morphological Features}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1403}
author = {Ambati, Bharat Ram; Husain, Samar; Jain, Sambhav; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Sangal, Rajeev}
title = {Two Methods to Incorporate ’Local Morphosyntactic’ Features in Hindi Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1404}
author = {Bengoetxea, Kepa; Gojenola, Koldo}
title = {Application of Different Techniques to Dependency Parsing of Basque}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1405}
author = {Tsarfaty, Reut; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Modeling Morphosyntactic Agreement in Constituency-Based Parsing of Modern Hebrew}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1406}
author = {Chung, Tagyoung; Post, Matt; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Korean Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1407}
author = {Maier, Wolfgang}
title = {Direct Parsing of Discontinuous Constituents in German}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1408}
author = {Attia, Mohammed; Foster, Jennifer; Hogan, Deirdre; Le Roux, Joseph; Tounsi, Lamia; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Handling Unknown Words in Statistical Latent-Variable Parsing Models for Arabic English and French}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1409}
author = {Candito, Marie; Seddah, Djamé}
title = {Parsing Word Clusters}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1410}
author = {Seddah, Djamé; Chrupała, Grzegorz; Cetinoglu, Ozlem; van Genabith, Josef; Candito, Marie}
title = {Lemmatization and Lexicalized Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages: the Case of French}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1411}
author = {Ambati, Bharat Ram; Husain, Samar; Nivre, Joakim; Sangal, Rajeev}
title = {On the Role of Morphosyntactic Features in Hindi Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1412}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Easy-First Dependency Parsing of Modern Hebrew}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2010}
id = {W13-4901}
author = {Lynn, Teresa; Foster, Jennifer; Dras, Mark}
title = {Working with a small dataset - semi-supervised dependency parsing for Irish}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4902}
author = {Kapociute-Dzikiene, Jurgita; Nivre, Joakim; Krupavicius, Algis}
title = {Lithuanian Dependency Parsing with Rich Morphological Features}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4903}
author = {Agić, Željko; Merkler, Danijela; Berović, Daša}
title = {Parsing Croatian and Serbian by Using Croatian Dependency Treebanks}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4904}
author = {Tratz, Stephen}
title = {A Cross-Task Flexible Transition Model for Arabic Tokenization, Affix Detection, Affix Labeling, POS Tagging, and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4905}
author = {Constant, Matthieu; Candito, Marie; Seddah, Djamé}
title = {The LIGM-Alpage architecture for the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: Multiword Expression Analysis and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4906}
author = {De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {Exploring beam-based shift-reduce dependency parsing with DyALog: Results from the SPMRL 2013 shared task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4907}
author = {Ballesteros, Miguel}
title = {Effective Morphological Feature Selection with MaltOptimizer at the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4908}
author = {Goenaga, Iakes; Gojenola, Koldo; Ezeiza, Nerea}
title = {Exploiting the Contribution of Morphological Information to Parsing: the BASQUE TEAM system in the SPRML'2013 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4909}
author = {Cirik, Volkan; Sensoy, Hüsnü}
title = {The AI-KU System at the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task : Unsupervised Features for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4910}
author = {Marton, Yuval; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen; Alkhulani, Sarah}
title = {SPMRL'13 Shared Task System: The CADIM Arabic Dependency Parser}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4911}
author = {Kukkadapu, Puneeth; Mannem, Prashanth}
title = {A Statistical Approach to Prediction of Empty Categories in Hindi Dependency Treebank}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4912}
author = {Khallash, Mojtaba; Hadian, Ali; Minaei-Bidgoli, Behrouz}
title = {An Empirical Study on the Effect of Morphological and Lexical Features in Persian Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4913}
author = {Tanaka, Takaaki; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Constructing a Practical Constituent Parser from a Japanese Treebank with Function Labels}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4914}
author = {Malladi, Deepak Kumar; Mannem, Prashanth}
title = {Context Based Statistical Morphological Analyzer and its Effect on Hindi Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4915}
author = {Sulubacak, Umut; Eryiğit, Gülşen}
title = {Representation of Morphosyntactic Units and Coordination Structures in the Turkish Dependency Treebank}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4916}
author = {Björkelund, Anders; Cetinoglu, Ozlem; Farkas, Richárd; Mueller, Thomas; Seeker, Wolfgang}
title = {(Re)ranking Meets Morphosyntax: State-of-the-art Results from the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-4917}
author = {Seddah, Djamé; Tsarfaty, Reut; Kübler, Sandra; Candito, Marie; Choi, Jinho D.; Farkas, Richárd; Foster, Jennifer; Goenaga, Iakes; Gojenola, Koldo; Goldberg, Yoav; Green, Spence; Habash, Nizar; Kuhlmann, Marco; Maier, Wolfgang; Marton, Yuval; Nivre, Joakim; Przepiórkowski, Adam; Roth, Ryan; Seeker, Wolfgang; Versley, Yannick; Vincze, Veronika; Woliński, Marcin; Wróblewska, Alina}
title = {Overview of the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: A Cross-Framework Evaluation of Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages}
venue = {Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically-Rich Languages}
year = {2013}
id = {W03-0801}
author = {Neff, Mary S.; Byrd, Roy J.; Boguraev, Branimir K.}
title = {The Talent System: TEXTRACT Architecture And Data Model}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0802}
author = {Schäfer, Ulrich}
title = {WHAT: An XSLT-Based Infrastructure For The Integration Of Natural Language Processing Components}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0803}
author = {Tablan, Valentin; Bontcheva, Kalina; Maynard, Diana; Cunningham, Hamish}
title = {OLLIE: On-Line Learning For Information Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0804}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Romary, Laurent; De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte}
title = {International Standard For A Linguistic Annotation Framework}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0805}
author = {Hughes, Baden; Bird, Steven}
title = {Grid-Enabling Natural Language Engineering By Stealth}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0806}
author = {Curran, James R.}
title = {Blueprint For A High Performance NLP Infrastructure}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0807}
author = {Leidner, Jochen L.}
title = {Current Issues In Software Engineering For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0808}
author = {Srihari, Rohini K.; Li, Wei; Niu, Cheng; Cornell, Thomas L.}
title = {InfoXtract: A Customizable Intermediate Level Information Extraction Engine}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0809}
author = {Gurevych, Iryna; Merten, Stefan; Porzel, Robert}
title = {Automatic Creation Of Interface Specifications From Ontologies}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0810}
author = {Ferrucci, David; Lally, Adam}
title = {Accelerating Corporate Research In The Development Application And Deployment Of Human Language Technologies}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0811}
author = {Herzog, Gerd; Kirchmann, Heinz; Merten, Stefan; Ndiaye, Alassane; Poller, Peter}
title = {MULTIPLATFORM Testbed: An Integration Platform For Multimodal Dialog Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0812}
author = {Krieger, Hans-Ulrich}
title = {SDL - A Description Language For Building NLP Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Software Engineering And Architecture Of Language Technology Systems SEALTS}
year = {2003}
id = {W05-0401}
author = {Yao, Tianfang; Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {A Novel Machine Learning Approach For The Identification Of Named Entity Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Feature Engineering For Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0402}
author = {Fissaha Adafre, Sisay; de Rijke, Maarten}
title = {Feature Engineering And Post-Processing For Temporal Expression Recognition Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Workshop On Feature Engineering For Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0403}
author = {Liebscher, Robert; Belew, Richard K.}
title = {Temporal Feature Modification For Retrospective Categorization}
venue = {Workshop On Feature Engineering For Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0404}
author = {Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Tur, Gokhan; Chotimongkol, Ananlada}
title = {Using Semantic And Syntactic Graphs For Call Classification}
venue = {Workshop On Feature Engineering For Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0405}
author = {Kauchak, David; Chen, Francine R.}
title = {Feature-Based Segmentation Of Narrative Documents}
venue = {Workshop On Feature Engineering For Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0406}
author = {Boyd, Adriane; Gegg-Harrison, Whitney; Byron, Donna K.}
title = {Identifying Non-Referential It: A Machine Learning Approach Incorporating Linguistically Motivated Patterns}
venue = {Workshop On Feature Engineering For Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0407}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Coppola, Bonaventura; Pighin, Daniele; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Engineering Of Syntactic Features For Shallow Semantic Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Feature Engineering For Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0408}
author = {Gamon, Michael; Aue, Anthony}
title = {Automatic Identification Of Sentiment Vocabulary: Exploiting Low Association With Known Sentiment Terms}
venue = {Workshop On Feature Engineering For Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0409}
author = {Shen, Dan; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Studying Feature Generation From Various Data Representations For Answer Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Feature Engineering For Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing}
year = {2005}
id = {W08-2001}
author = {Hathout, Nabil}
title = {Acquistion of the Morphological Structure of the Lexicon Based on Lexical Similarity and Formal Analogy}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2002}
author = {Muresan, Smaranda}
title = {Learning to Map Text to Graph-Based Meaning Representations via Grammar Induction}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2003}
author = {Blondin Massé, Alexandre; Chicoisne, Guillaume; Gargouri, Yassine; Harnad, Stevan; Marcotte, Odile; Picard, Olivier}
title = {How is Meaning Grounded in Dictionary Definitions?}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2004}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {Encoding Tree Pair-Based Graphs in Learning Algorithms: The Textual Entailment Recognition Case}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2005}
author = {Ichioka, Kenichi; Fukumoto, Fumiyo}
title = {Graph-Based Clustering for Semantic Classification of Onomatopoetic Words}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2006}
author = {Rao, Delip; Yarowsky, David; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Affinity Measures Based on the Graph Laplacian}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2007}
author = {McGillivray, Barbara; Johansson, Christer; Apollon, Daniel}
title = {Semantic Structure from Correspondence Analysis}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2008}
author = {Plaza, Laura; Díaz, Alberto; Gervás, Pablo}
title = {Concept-Graph Based Biomedical Automatic Summarization Using Ontologies}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-2009}
author = {Akama, Hiroyuki; Jung, Jaeyoung; Joyce, Terry; Miyake, Maki}
title = {Random Graph Model Simulations of Semantic Networks for Associative Concept Dictionaries}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications}
year = {2008}
id = {W06-2401}
author = {Alegria, Iñaki; Ezeiza, Nerea; Fernandez, Izaskun}
title = {Named Entities Translation Based On Comparable Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Multi-Word-Expressions In A Multilingual Context}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2402}
author = {Lambert, Patrik; Banches, Rafael E.}
title = {Grouping Multi-Word Expressions According To Part-Of-Speech In Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Multi-Word-Expressions In A Multilingual Context}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2403}
author = {Piao, Scott S. L.; Sun, Guangfan; Rayson, Paul; Yuan, Qi}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Chinese Multiword Expressions With A Statistical Tool}
venue = {Workshop On Multi-Word-Expressions In A Multilingual Context}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2404}
author = {Tsuchiya, Masatoshi; Shime, Takao; Takagi, Toshihiro; Utsuro, Takehito; Uchimoto, Kiyotaka; Matsuyoshi, Suguru; Sato, Satoshi; Nakagawa, Seiichi}
title = {Chunking Japanese Compound Functional Expressions By Machine Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Multi-Word-Expressions In A Multilingual Context}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2405}
author = {Moirón, Begoña Villada; Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Identifying Idiomatic Expressions Using Automatic Word-Alignment}
venue = {Workshop On Multi-Word-Expressions In A Multilingual Context}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2406}
author = {Ritz, Julia}
title = {Collocation Extraction: Needs Feeds And Results Of An Extraction System For German}
venue = {Workshop On Multi-Word-Expressions In A Multilingual Context}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2407}
author = {Tan, Yee Fan; Kan, Min-Yen; Cui, Hang}
title = {Extending Corpus-Based Identification Of Light Verb Constructions Using A Supervised Learning Framework}
venue = {Workshop On Multi-Word-Expressions In A Multilingual Context}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2408}
author = {Kaalep, Heiki-Jaan; Muischnek, Kadri}
title = {Multi-Word Verbs In A Flective Language: The Case Of Estonian}
venue = {Workshop On Multi-Word-Expressions In A Multilingual Context}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2409}
author = {Spohr, Dennis; Heid, Ulrich}
title = {Modeling Monolingual And Bilingual Collocation Dictionaries In Description Logics}
venue = {Workshop On Multi-Word-Expressions In A Multilingual Context}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2410}
author = {Váradi, Tamás}
title = {Multiword Units In An MT Lexicon}
venue = {Workshop On Multi-Word-Expressions In A Multilingual Context}
year = {2006}
id = {W00-0101}
author = {Flank, Sharon}
title = {Sentences Vs. Phrases: Syntactic Complexity In Multimedia Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Syntactic And Semantic Complexity In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0102}
author = {Shin, Hyopil; Stach, Jerrold F.}
title = {Using Long Runs As Predictors Of Semantic Coherence In A Partial Document Retrieval System}
venue = {Workshop On Syntactic And Semantic Complexity In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0103}
author = {Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {Reducing Lexical Semantic Complexity With Systematic Polysemous Classes And Underspecification}
venue = {Workshop On Syntactic And Semantic Complexity In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0104}
author = {Tomuro, Noriko}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Systematic Polysemy Using Tree-Cut}
venue = {Workshop On Syntactic And Semantic Complexity In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0105}
author = {Velardi, Paola; Velardi, Roma}
title = {Dependency Of Context-Based Word Sense Disambiguation From Representation And Domain Complexity}
venue = {Workshop On Syntactic And Semantic Complexity In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0106}
author = {Bagga, Amit}
title = {Analyzing The Reading Comprehension Task}
venue = {Workshop On Syntactic And Semantic Complexity In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0107}
author = {Pollard, Shannon; Biermann, Alan W.}
title = {A Measure Of Semantic Complexity For Natural Language Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Syntactic And Semantic Complexity In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0108}
author = {Freeman, Robert John}
title = {Example-Based Complexity - Syntax And Semantics As The Production Of Ad-Hoc Arrangements Of Examples}
venue = {Workshop On Syntactic And Semantic Complexity In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0109}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {Partially Saturated Referents As A Source Of Complexity In Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {Workshop On Syntactic And Semantic Complexity In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-0110}
author = {Kanzaki, Kyoko; Ma, Qing; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Similarities And Differences Among Semantic Behaviors Of Japanese Adnominal Constituents}
venue = {Workshop On Syntactic And Semantic Complexity In Natural Language Processing Systems}
year = {2000}
id = {W03-0501}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Zajic, David; Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Hedge Trimmer: A Parse-And-Trim Approach To Headline Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0502}
author = {Daniel, Naomi; Radev, Dragomir R.; Allison, Timothy}
title = {Sub-Event Based Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0503}
author = {Grewal, Amardeep; Allison, Timothy; Dimitrov, Stanko; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Multi-Document Summarization Using Off The Shelf Compression Software}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0504}
author = {Jing, Hongyan; Lopresti, Daniel; Shih, Chilin}
title = {Summarization Of Noisy Documents: A Pilot Study}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0505}
author = {Grover, Claire; Hachey, Ben; Korycinski, Chris}
title = {Summarising Legal Texts: Sentential Tense And Argumentative Roles}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0506}
author = {Zhang, Haiqin; Chen, Zheng; Ma, Wei-Ying; Cai, Qingsheng}
title = {A Study For Document Summarization Based On Personal Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0507}
author = {Okumura, Manabu; Fukusima, Takahiro; Nanba, Hidetsugu}
title = {Text Summarization Challenge 2 - Text Summarization Evaluation At NTCIR Workshop 3}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0508}
author = {van Halteren, Hans; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Examining The Consensus Between Human Summaries: Initial Experiments With Factoid Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0509}
author = {Sekine, Satoshi; Nobata, Chikashi}
title = {A Survey For Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0510}
author = {Lin, Chin-Yew; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {The Potential And Limitations Of Automatic Sentence Extraction For Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Text Summarization}
year = {2003}
id = {W06-1001}
author = {Francopoulo, Gil; Bel, Núria; George, Monte; Calzolari, Nicoletta; Monachini, Monica; Pet, Mandy; Soria, Claudia}
title = {Lexical Markup Framework (LMF) For NLP Multilingual Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Language Resources And Interoperability}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1002}
author = {Halpern, Jack}
title = {The Role Of Lexical Resources In CJK Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Language Resources And Interoperability}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1003}
author = {Soria, Claudia; Tesconi, Maurizio; Marchetti, Andrea; Bertagna, Francesca; Monachini, Monica; Huang, Chu-Ren; Calzolari, Nicoletta}
title = {Towards Agent-Based Cross-Lingual Interoperability Of Distributed Lexical Resources}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Language Resources And Interoperability}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1004}
author = {Lyding, Verena; Chiocchetti, Elena; Serasset, Gilles; Brunet-Manquat, Francis}
title = {The LexALP Information System: Term Bank And Corpus For Multilingual Legal Terminology Consolidated}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Language Resources And Interoperability}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1005}
author = {Cardey, Sylviane; Chan, Rosita; Greenfield, Peter}
title = {The Development Of A Multilingual Collocation Dictionary}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Language Resources And Interoperability}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1006}
author = {Seretan, Violeta; Wehrli, Eric}
title = {Multilingual Collocation Extraction: Issues And Solutions}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Language Resources And Interoperability}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1007}
author = {Polguere, Alain}
title = {Structural Properties Of Lexical Systems: Monolingual And Multilingual Perspectives}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Language Resources And Interoperability}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1008}
author = {Fukushima, Ken'ichi; Taura, Kenjiro; Chikayama, Takashi}
title = {A Fast And Accurate Method For Detecting English-Japanese Parallel Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Language Resources And Interoperability}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1009}
author = {Chew, Peter A.; Verzi, Steve J.; Bauer, Travis L.; McClain, Jonathan T.}
title = {Evaluation Of The Bible As A Resource For Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Language Resources And Interoperability}
year = {2006}
id = {W04-0901}
author = {Paredes-Frigolett, Harold}
title = {Interpretation In A Cognitive Architecture}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0902}
author = {Lev, Iddo; MacCartney, Bill; Manning, Christopher D.; Levy, Roger}
title = {Solving Logic Puzzles: From Robust Processing To Precise Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0903}
author = {Winnemoller, Ronald}
title = {Constructing Text Sense Representations}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0904}
author = {McShane, Marjorie; Zabludowski, Margalit; Nirenburg, Sergei; Beale, Stephen}
title = {OntoSem And Simple: Two Multi-Lingual World Views}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0905}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Beale, Stephen; McShane, Marjorie}
title = {Evaluating The Performance Of The OntoSem Semantic Analyzer}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0906}
author = {Beale, Stephen; Lavoie, Benoit; McShane, Marjorie; Nirenburg, Sergei; Korelsky, Tanya}
title = {Question Answering Using Ontological Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0907}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Making Sense Of Japanese Relative Clause Constructions}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0908}
author = {Johansson, Richard; Williams, David; Berglund, Anders; Nugues, Pierre}
title = {Carsim: A System To Visualize Written Road Accident Reports As Animated 3D Scenes}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0909}
author = {Green, Rebecca; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Inducing A Semantic Frame Lexicon From WordNet Data}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0910}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Amoia, Marilisa; Jacquey, Evelyne}
title = {Paraphrastic Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0911}
author = {Wolska, Magdalena; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Horacek, Helmut}
title = {Lexical-Semantic Interpretation Of Language Input In Mathematical Dialogs}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0912}
author = {Sonnenhauser, Barbara}
title = {Underspecification Of 'Meaning': The Case Of Russian Imperfective Aspect}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0913}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo}
title = {Text Understanding With GETARUNS For Q/A And Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0914}
author = {Raskin, Victor; Hempelmann, Christian F.; Triezenberg, Katrina E.}
title = {Semantic Forensics: An Application Of Ontological Semantics To Information Assurance}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0915}
author = {Max, Aurélien}
title = {Interpreting Communicative Goals In Constrained Domains Using Generation And Interactive Negotiation}
venue = {Workshop On Text Meaning And Interpretation}
year = {2004}
id = {W10-0501}
author = {Aji, Ablimit; Agichtein, Eugene}
title = {The “Nays” Have It: Exploring Effects of Sentiment in Collaborative Knowledge Sharing}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0502}
author = {Schumaker, Robert}
title = {An Analysis of Verbs in Financial News Articles and their Impact on Stock Price}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0503}
author = {Liu, Wei}
title = {Detecting Word Misuse in Chinese}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0504}
author = {Huerta, Juan}
title = {An Information-Retrieval Approach to Language Modeling: Applications to Social Data}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0505}
author = {Hao, Tianyong; Liu, Wenyin; Agichtein, Eugene}
title = {Towards Automatic Question Answering over Social Media by Learning Question Equivalence Patterns}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0506}
author = {Kang, Jeonhyung; Kim, Jihie}
title = {Modeling Message Roles and Influence in Q&A Forums}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0507}
author = {Kim, Jihie; Galstyan, Aram}
title = {Towards Modeling Social and Content Dynamics in Discussion Forums}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0508}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Martinez, David; Penman, Richard; Kim, Su Nam; Lui, Marco; Wang, Li; MacKinlay, Andrew}
title = {Intelligent Linux Information Access by Data Mining: the ILIAD Project}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0509}
author = {Jijkoun, Valentin; Weerkamp, Wouter; de Rijke, Maarten; Ackermans, Paul; Geleijnse, Gijs}
title = {Mining User Experiences from Online Forums: An Exploration}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0510}
author = {Puniyani, Kriti; Eisenstein, Jacob; Cohen, Shay B.; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Social Links from Latent Topics in Microblogs}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0511}
author = {Hassanali, Khairun-nisa; Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios}
title = {Automatic Detection of Tags for Political Blogs}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0512}
author = {Corvey, William J.; Vieweg, Sarah E.; Rood, Travis; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Twitter in Mass Emergency: What NLP Can Contribute}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0513}
author = {Petrović, Saša; Osborne, Miles; Lavrenko, Victor}
title = {The Edinburgh Twitter Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0514}
author = {Alex, Bea; Grover, Claire}
title = {Labelling and Spatio-Temporal Grounding of News Events}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0515}
author = {Radford, Will; Hachey, Ben; Curran, James R.; Milosavljevic, Maria}
title = {Tracking Information Flow between Primary and Secondary News Sources}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0516}
author = {Pennacchiotti, Marco; Popescu, Ana-Maria}
title = {Detecting controversies in Twitter: a first study}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1601}
author = {Pardo, Thiago A. S.; Gasperin, Caroline; Caseli, Helena M.; Nunes, Maria das Graças Volpe}
title = {Computational Linguistics in Brazil: An Overview}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1602}
author = {Alonso Alemany, Laura; Infante-Lopez, Gabriel}
title = {Data-driven computational linguistics at FaMAF-UNC Argentina}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1603}
author = {Kepler, Fabio Natanael; Finger, Marcelo}
title = {Variable-Length Markov Models and Ambiguous Words in Portuguese}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1604}
author = {Caseli, Helena M.; Sugiyama, Bruno Akio; Anacleto, Junia Coutinho}
title = {Using Common Sense to generate culturally contextualized Machine Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1605}
author = {Saggion, Horacio; Stein-Sparvieri, Elena; Maldavsky, David; Szasz, Sandra}
title = {Human Language Technology for Text-based Analysis of Psychotherapy Sessions in the Spanish Language}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1606}
author = {Leoni de León, Jorge Antonio}
title = {Computational Linguistics in Costa Rica: an overview}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1607}
author = {Aluísio, Sandra; Gasperin, Caroline}
title = {Fostering Digital Inclusion and Accessibility: The PorSimples project for Simplification of Portuguese Texts}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1608}
author = {Rosá, Aiala; Wonsever, Dina; Minel, Jean-Luc}
title = {Opinion Identification in Spanish Texts}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1609}
author = {Castillo, Julio}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach for Recognizing Textual Entailment in Spanish}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1610}
author = {Raskovsky, Iván; Fernández Slezak, Diego; Diuk, Carlos; Cecchi, Guillermo A.}
title = {The emergence of the modern concept of introspection: a quantitative linguistic analysis}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1611}
author = {Burgos, Diego}
title = {Combining CBIR and NLP for Multilingual Terminology Alignment and Cross-Language Image Indexing}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1612}
author = {Altamirano, Ivana Romina; Alonso Alemany, Laura}
title = {IRASubcat a highly parametrizable language independent tool for the acquisition of verbal subcategorization information from corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1613}
author = {Felippo, Ariani Di}
title = {The TermiNet Project: an Overview}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1614}
author = {Berrocal Rojas, Allan; Barrantes Sliesarieva, Elena Gabriela}
title = {Automated Detection of Language Issues Affecting Accuracy Ambiguity and Verifiability in Software Requirements Written in Natural Language}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1615}
author = {Aguilar, Cesar; Acosta, Olga; Sierra, Gerardo}
title = {Recognition and extraction of definitional contexts in Spanish for sketching a lexical network}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1616}
author = {Zapata Jaramillo, Carlos Mario}
title = {Computational Linguistics for helping Requirements Elicitation: a dream about Automated Software Development}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1617}
author = {Novais, Eder; Tadeu, Thiago; Paraboni, Ivandré}
title = {Text Generation for Brazilian Portuguese: the Surface Realization Task}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1618}
author = {Benotti, Luciana; Estrella, Paula; Areces, Carlos}
title = {Dialogue Systems for Virtual Environments}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas}
year = {2010}
id = {W04-3001}
author = {de Mori, Renato}
title = {Invited Talk: Sentence Interpretation Using Stochastic Finite State Transducers}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3002}
author = {Wutiwiwatchai, Chai; Furui, Sadaoki}
title = {Hybrid Statistical And Structural Semantic Modeling For Thai Multi-Stage Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3003}
author = {Begeja, Lee; Renger, Bernard; Gibbon, David; Liu, Zhu; Shahraray, Behzad}
title = {Interactive Machine Learning Techniques For Improving SLU Models}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3004}
author = {Boda, Peter Pal; Filisko, Edward}
title = {Virtual Modality: A Framework For Testing And Building Multimodal Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3005}
author = {Huang, Qiang; Cox, Stephen}
title = {Automatic Call Routing With Multiple Language Models}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3006}
author = {Filisko, Edward; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Error Detection And Recovery In Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3007}
author = {He, Yulan; Young, Steve}
title = {Robustness Issues In A Data-Driven Spoken Language Understanding System}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3008}
author = {Pieraccini, Roberto}
title = {Invited Talk: Spoken Language Understanding: The Research/Industry Chasm}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3009}
author = {Jeong, Minwoo; Kim, Byeongchang; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Using Higher-Level Linguistic Knowledge For Speech Recognition Error Correction In A Spoken Q/a Dialog}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3010}
author = {Hasegawa-Johnson, Mark; Cole, Jennifer; Shih, Chilin; Chen, Ken; Cohen, Aaron; Chavarria, Sandra; Kim, Heejin; Yoon, Taejin; Borys, Sarah; Choi, Jeung-Yoon}
title = {Speech Recognition Models Of The Interdependence Among Syntax Prosody And Segmental Acoustics}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3011}
author = {Ruggenmann, Klaus; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Assigning Domains To Speech Recognition Hypotheses}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3012}
author = {Eagle, Nathan; Singh, Push}
title = {Context Sensing Using Speech And Common Sense}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-3013}
author = {Eagle, Nathan; Singh, Push}
title = {Context Sensing Using Speech And Common Sense}
venue = {Workshop On Spoken Language Understanding For Conversational Systems And Higher Level Linguistic Information For Speech Processing}
year = {2004}
id = {W05-0201}
author = {Liu, Chao-Lin; Wang, Chun-Hung; Gao, Zhao-Ming; Huang, Shang-Ming}
title = {Applications Of Lexical Information For Algorithmically Composing Multiple-Choice Cloze Items}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0202}
author = {Pulman, Stephen G.; Sukkarieh, Jana Z.}
title = {Automatic Short Answer Marking}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0203}
author = {Hoshino, Ayako; Nakagawa, Hiroshi}
title = {A Real-Time Multiple-Choice Question Generation For Language Testing: A Preliminary Study}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0204}
author = {Ward, Arthur; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Predicting Learning In Tutoring With The Landscape Model Of Memory}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0205}
author = {Xuan, Weijian; Zhang, Meilan}
title = {Towards Intelligent Search Assistance For Inquiry-Based Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0206}
author = {Kakkonen, Tuomo; Myller, Niko; Timonen, Jari; Sutinen, Erkki}
title = {Automatic Essay Grading With Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0207}
author = {Uzuner, Özlem; Katz, Boris; Nahnsen, Thade}
title = {Using Syntactic Information To Identify Plagiarism}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0208}
author = {Gweon, Gahgene; Arguello, Jaime; Pai, Carol; Carey, Regan; Zaiss, Zachary; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Towards A Prototyping Tool For Behavior Oriented Authoring Of Conversational Agents For Educational Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0209}
author = {Granfeldt, Jonas; Nugues, Pierre; Persson, Emil; Persson, Lisa; Kostadinov, Fabian; Agren, Malin; Schlyter, Suzanne}
title = {Direkt Profil: A System For Evaluating Texts Of Second Language Learners Of French Based On Developmental Sequences}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0210}
author = {Sumita, Eiichiro; Sugaya, Fumiaki; Yamamoto, Seiichi}
title = {Measuring Non-Native Speakers' Proficiency Of English By Using A Test With Automatically-Generated Fill-In-The-Blank Questions}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0211}
author = {Hempelmann, Christian F.; Rus, Vasile; Graesser, Arthur C.; McNamara, Danielle S.}
title = {Evaluating State-Of-The-Art Treebank-Style Parsers For Coh-Metrix And Other Learning Technology Environments}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0212}
author = {Macchi, Marian; Kahn, Dan}
title = {A Software Tool For Teaching Reading Based On Text-To-Speech Letter-To-Phoneme Rules}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0213}
author = {Segond, Frederique; Parmentier, Thibault; Stock, Roberta; Rosner, Ran; Usteran Muela, Mariola}
title = {Situational Language Training For Hotel Receptionists}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2005}
id = {W12-2001}
author = {Van Vuuren, Sarel; Ward, Wayne H.; Becker, Lee; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Question Ranking and Selection in Tutorial Dialogues}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2002}
author = {Okoye, Ifeyinwa; Sultan, Md. Arafat; Hang, Haojie; Bethard, Steven; Martin, James H.; Sumner, Tamara}
title = {Identifying science concepts and student misconceptions in an interactive essay writing tutor}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2003}
author = {Sil, Avirup; Shelton, Angela; Ketelhut, Diane Jass; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Automatic Grading of Scientific Inquiry}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2004}
author = {Yannakoudakis, Helen; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Modeling coherence in ESOL learner texts}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2005}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Tetreault, Joel R.; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Exploring Grammatical Error Correction with Not-So-Crummy Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2006}
author = {Anisimoff, Ilya; Narroway, George; Dale, Robert}
title = {HOO 2012: A Report on the Preposition and Determiner Error Correction Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2007}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Higgins, Derrick}
title = {Measuring the Use of Factual Information in Test-Taker Essays}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2008}
author = {Chen, Lei}
title = {Utilizing Cumulative Logit Model and Human Computation on Automated Speech Assessment}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2009}
author = {Huang, Shi-Ting; Chen, Mei-hua; Huang, Chung-chi; Liou, Hsien-Chin; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {PREFER: Using a Graph-Based Approach to Generate Paraphrases for Language Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2010}
author = {Chen, Miao; Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Using an Ontology for Improved Automated Content Scoring of Spontaneous Non-Native Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2011}
author = {Kübler, Sandra; Meyer, Anthony; Dickinson, Markus}
title = {Predicting Learner Levels for Online Exercises of Hebrew}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2012}
author = {Futagi, Yoko; Flor, Michael}
title = {On using context for automatic correction of non-word misspellings in student essays}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2013}
author = {Ferraro, Francis; Post, Matt; Van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Judging Grammaticality with Count-Induced Tree Substitution Grammars}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2014}
author = {Huang, Fei; Sukkarieh, Jana Z.; Chen, Lei}
title = {Scoring Spoken Responses Based on Content Accuracy}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2015}
author = {Maamouri, Mohammed; Graff, Dave; Ciul, Mike; Zaghouani, Wajdi; Cavalli-Sforza, Violetta}
title = {Developing ARET: An NLP-based Educational Tool Set for Arabic Reading Enhancement}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2016}
author = {Jang, Hyeju; Mostow, Jack}
title = {Generating Diagnostic Multiple Choice Comprehension Cloze Questions}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2017}
author = {Kruszewski, German; Perez-Beltrachini, Laura; Gardent, Claire}
title = {Generating Grammar Exercises}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2018}
author = {Rus, Vasile; Lintean, Mihai}
title = {A Comparison of Greedy and Optimal Assessment of Natural Language Student Input Using Word-to-Word Similarity Metrics}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2019}
author = {Vajjala, Sowmya; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {On Improving the Accuracy of Readability Classification using Insights from Second Language Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2020}
author = {Schunn, Christian; Litman, Diane J.; Xiong, Wenting; Wang, Jingtao}
title = {An Interactive Analytic Tool for Peer-Review Exploration}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2021}
author = {Yoon, Su-Youn; Bhat, Suma; Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Vocabulary Profile as a Measure of Vocabulary Sophistication}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2022}
author = {Ziai, Ramon; Ott, Niels; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Short Answer Assessment: Establishing Links Between Research Strands}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2023}
author = {Bhaskar, Pinaki; Ghosh, Aniruddha; Pal, Santanu; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Detection and Correction of Preposition and Determiner Errors in English: HOO 2012}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2024}
author = {Zepf, Marion; Boyd, Adriane; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Informing Determiner and Preposition Error Correction with Hierarchical Word Clustering}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2025}
author = {Ng, Eric Jun Feng; Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {NUS at the HOO 2012 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2026}
author = {Daudaravicius, Vidas}
title = {VTEX Determiner and Preposition Correction System for the HOO 2012 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2027}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Tetreault, Joel R.; Cahill, Aoife}
title = {Precision Isn't Everything: A Hybrid Approach to Grammatical Error Detection}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2028}
author = {Kochmar, Ekaterina; Andersen, Øistein E.; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {HOO 2012 Error Recognition and Correction Shared Task: Cambridge University Submission Report}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2029}
author = {Lee, Jieun; Lee, Jung-Tae; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {Korea University System in the HOO 2012 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2030}
author = {Lynch, Gerard; Moreau, Erwan; Vogel, Carl}
title = {A Naive Bayes classifier for automatic correction of preposition and determiner errors in ESL text}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2031}
author = {Quan, Li; Kolomiyets, Oleksandr; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {KU Leuven at HOO-2012: A Hybrid Approach to Detection and Correction of Determiner and Preposition Errors in Non-native English Text}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2032}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Sammons, Mark; Roth, Dan}
title = {The UI System in the HOO 2012 Shared Task on Error Correction}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2033}
author = {Kanashiro, Lis; Kondo, Shuhei; Sakaguchi, Keisuke; Mizumoto, Tomoya; Hayashibe, Yuta; Komachi, Mamoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {NAIST at the HOO 2012 Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2034}
author = {van den Bosch, Antal; Berck, Peter}
title = {Memory-based text correction for preposition and determiner errors}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2035}
author = {Chang, Joseph; Chen, Yi-Chun; Wu, Jian-Cheng; Chen, Mei-hua; Huang, Shih-ting; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {Helping Our Own: NTHU NLPLAB System Description}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2036}
author = {Haase, Jens; Zesch, Torsten}
title = {HOO 2012 Shared Task: UKP Lab System Description}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2037}
author = {Cohen, William W.; Talukdar, Partha Pratim}
title = {Crowdsourced Comprehension: Predicting Prerequisite Structure in Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2038}
author = {Eom, Soojeong; Sachs, Rebecca; Dickinson, Markus}
title = {Sense-Specific Lexical Information for Reading Assistance}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2039}
author = {Hahn, Michael; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Evaluating the Meaning of Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions: A Semantics-Based Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W09-0801}
author = {Peursen, Wido van}
title = {How to Establish a Verbal Paradigm on the Basis of Ancient Syriac Manuscripts}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0802}
author = {Barthélemy, François}
title = {The Karamel System and Semitic Languages: Structured Multi-Tiered Morphology}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0803}
author = {Hulden, Mans}
title = {Revisiting Multi-Tape Automata for Semitic Morphological Analysis and Generation}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0804}
author = {Shaalan, Khaled; M. Abo Bakr, Hitham; Ziedan, Ibrahim}
title = {A Hybrid Approach for Building Arabic Diacritizer}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0805}
author = {Dinur, Elad; Davidov, Dmitry; Rappoport, Ari}
title = {Unsupervised Concept Discovery In Hebrew Using Simple Unsupervised Word Prefix Segmentation for Hebrew and Arabic}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0806}
author = {Tounsi, Lamia; Attia, Mohammed; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Automatic Treebank-Based Acquisition of Arabic LFG Dependency Structures}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0807}
author = {Biadsy, Fadi; Hirschberg, Julia; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Spoken Arabic Dialect Identification Using Phonotactic Modeling}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0808}
author = {Abouenour, Lahsen; Bouzoubaa, Karim; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {Structure-Based Evaluation of an Arabic Semantic Query Expansion Using the JIRS Passage Retrieval System}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0809}
author = {Elming, Jakob; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Syntactic Reordering for English-Arabic Phrase-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W97-1401}
author = {Oviatt, Sharon L.; De Angeli, Antonella; Kuhn, Karen}
title = {Integration And Synchronization Of Input Modes During Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1402}
author = {Petrelli, Daniela; De Angeli, Antonella; Gerbino, Walter; Cassano, Giulia}
title = {Referring In Multimodal Systems: The Importance Of User Expertise And System Features}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1403}
author = {Kato, Tsuneaki; Nakano, Yukiko I.}
title = {Towards Generation Of Fluent Referring Action In Multimodal Situations}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1404}
author = {Loehr, Dan}
title = {Hypertext And Deixis}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1405}
author = {Siroux, Jacques; Guyomard, Marc; Multon, Franck; Remondeau, Christophe}
title = {Multimodal References In GEORAL TACTILE}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1406}
author = {Streit, Michael}
title = {Active And Passive Gestures - Problems With The Resolution Of Deictic And Elliptic Expressions In A Multimodal System}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1407}
author = {Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Yaginuma, Yoshitomo; Sakauchi, Masao}
title = {Scene Direction Based Reference In Drama Scenes}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1408}
author = {Horacek, Helmut}
title = {Generating Referential Descriptions In Multimedia Environments}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1409}
author = {Andre, Elisabeth; Rist, Thomas}
title = {Planning Referential Acts For Animated Presentation Agents}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1410}
author = {Hartmann, Knut; Schopp, Jochen}
title = {Exploiting Image Descriptions For The Generation Of Referring Expressions}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1411}
author = {He, Daqing; Ritchie, Graeme D.; Lee, John}
title = {Referring To Displays In Multimodal Interfaces}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1412}
author = {Faconti, Giorgio P.; Massink, Mieke}
title = {A Syndetic Approach To Referring Phenomena In Multimodal Interaction}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1413}
author = {Gaiffe, Bertrand; Romary, Laurent}
title = {Constraints On The Use Of Language Gesture And Speech For Multimodal Dialogues}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1414}
author = {Pineda, Luis A.; Garza, E. Gabriela}
title = {A Model For Multimodal Reference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1415}
author = {Martin, J. C.; Briffault, Xavier; Goncalves, M. R.; Vapillon, Jerome}
title = {The CARTOON Project: Towards Integration Of Multimodal And Linguistic Analysis For Cartographic Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-1416}
author = {Jorgensen, Stig W.}
title = {Recognition Of Referring Expressions}
venue = {Workshop On Referring Phenomena In A Multimedia Context And Their Computational Treatment}
year = {1997}
id = {W01-0901}
author = {Paroubek, Patrick}
title = {Introduction To Workshop On Evaluation Methodologies For Language And Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Evaluation Methodologies For Language And Dialogue Systems}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0902}
author = {Paek, Tim}
title = {Empirical Methods For Evaluating Dialog Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Evaluation Methodologies For Language And Dialogue Systems}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0903}
author = {Dybkjaer, Laila; Bernsen, Niels Ole}
title = {Usability Evaluation In Spoken Language Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Evaluation Methodologies For Language And Dialogue Systems}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0904}
author = {Watkinson, Stephen; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Translating Treebank Annotation For Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On Evaluation Methodologies For Language And Dialogue Systems}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0905}
author = {Berthelin, Jean-Baptiste; Grau, Brigitte; Hurault-Plantet, Martine}
title = {Two Levels Of Valuation In A Complex NL System}
venue = {Workshop On Evaluation Methodologies For Language And Dialogue Systems}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0906}
author = {Barr, Valerie; Klavans, Judith L.}
title = {Verification And Validation Of Language Processing Systems: Is It Evaluation?}
venue = {Workshop On Evaluation Methodologies For Language And Dialogue Systems}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0907}
author = {El Hadi, Widad Mustafa; Timimi, Ismail; Beguin, Annette; De Brito, Marcilio}
title = {The ARC A3 Project: Terminology Acquisition Tools: Evaluation Method And Task}
venue = {Workshop On Evaluation Methodologies For Language And Dialogue Systems}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0908}
author = {Krymolowski, Yuval}
title = {Using The Distribution Of Performance For Studying Statistical NLP Systems And Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Evaluation Methodologies For Language And Dialogue Systems}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-0909}
author = {Jardino, Michele; Grau, Brigitte; Ferret, Olivier}
title = {A Cross-Comparison Of Two Clustering Methods}
venue = {Workshop On Evaluation Methodologies For Language And Dialogue Systems}
year = {2001}
id = {W10-1201}
author = {Celikyilmaz, Asli; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek; Tur, Gokhan}
title = {LDA Based Similarity Modeling for Question Answering}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Semantic Search}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1202}
author = {Johri, Nikhil; Roth, Dan; Tu, Yuancheng}
title = {Experts’ Retrieval with Multiword-Enhanced Author Topic Model}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Semantic Search}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1203}
author = {Chin, Si-Chi; DeCook, Rhonda; Street, W. Nick; Eichmann, David}
title = {Query-based Text Normalization Selection Models for Enhanced Retrieval Accuracy}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Semantic Search}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1204}
author = {Celikyilmaz, Asli; Hakkani-Tür, Dilek}
title = {A Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Question Semantic Labeling}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Semantic Search}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1205}
author = {Gupta, Narendra; Di Fabbrizio, Giuseppe; Haffner, Patrick}
title = {Capturing the Stars: Predicting Ratings for Service and Product Reviews}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Semantic Search}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1206}
author = {Pham, Kim; Rizzolo, Nicholas; Small, Kevin; Chang, Kevin Chen-Chuan; Roth, Dan}
title = {Object Search: Supporting Structured Queries in Web Search Engines}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Semantic Search}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-1601}
author = {Coster, William; Kauchak, David}
title = {Learning to Simplify Sentences Using Wikipedia}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1602}
author = {Bouamor, Houda; Max, Aurélien; Illouz, Gabriel; Vilnat, Anne}
title = {Web-based Validation for Contextual Targeted Paraphrasing}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1603}
author = {Bott, Stefan; Saggion, Horacio}
title = {An Unsupervised Alignment Algorithm for Text Simplification Corpus Construction}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1604}
author = {Wubben, Sander; Marsi, Erwin; van den Bosch, Antal; Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Comparing Phrase-based and Syntax-based Paraphrase Generation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1605}
author = {Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Text Specificity and Impact on Quality of News Summaries}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1606}
author = {Thadani, Kapil; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Towards Strict Sentence Intersection: Decoding and Evaluation Strategies}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1607}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Santhanam, Deepak}
title = {Learning to Fuse Disparate Sentences}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1608}
author = {Genest, Pierre-Etienne; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Framework for Abstractive Summarization using Text-to-Text Generation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1609}
author = {Martin, Scott; White, Michael}
title = {Creating Disjunctive Logical Forms from Aligned Sentences for Grammar-Based Paraphrase Generation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1610}
author = {Napoles, Courtney; Callison-Burch, Chris; Ganitkevitch, Juri; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Paraphrastic Sentence Compression with a Character-based Metric: Tightening without Deletion}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1611}
author = {Napoles, Courtney; van Durme, Benjamin; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Evaluating Sentence Compression: Pitfalls and Suggested Remedies}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation}
year = {2011}
id = {W06-2001}
author = {Saquete, Estela; Martínez-Barco, Patricio; Muoz, R.; Negri, Matteo; Speranza, Manuela; Sprugnoli, Rachele}
title = {Multilingual Extension Of A Temporal Expression Normalizer Using Annotated Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2002}
author = {Hopkins, Mark; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {A Framework For Incorporating Alignment Information In Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2003}
author = {Rappoport, Ari; Levent-Levi, Tsahi}
title = {Induction Of Cross-Language Affix And Letter Sequence Correspondence}
venue = {Workshop On Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2004}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Kulkarni, Anagha; Angheluta, Roxana; Kozareva, Zornitsa; Solorio, Thamar}
title = {Improving Name Discrimination: A Language Salad Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2005}
author = {Hana, Jirka; Feldman, Anna; Amaral, Luiz; Brew, Chris}
title = {Tagging Portuguese With A Spanish Tagger}
venue = {Workshop On Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2006}
author = {Ahn, Kisuh; Frampton, Matthew}
title = {Automatic Generation Of Translation Dictionaries Using Intermediary Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2007}
author = {Wang, Xinglong; Martinez, David}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation Using Automatically Translated Sense Examples}
venue = {Workshop On Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2008}
author = {Ozdowska, Sylwia}
title = {Projecting POS Tags And Syntactic Dependencies From English And French To Polish In Aligned Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Cross-Language Knowledge Induction Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W10-2101}
author = {Poornima, Shakthi; Good, Jeff}
title = {Modeling and Encoding Traditional Wordlists for Machine Applications}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2102}
author = {Su, Qi; Huang, Chu-Ren; Chen, Kaiyun}
title = {Evidentiality for Text Trustworthiness Detection}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2103}
author = {Sharma, Dipti Misra}
title = {On the Role of NLP in Linguistics}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2104}
author = {Dimitriadis, Alexis}
title = {Matching Needs and Resources: How NLP Can Help Theoretical Linguistics}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2105}
author = {Plank, Barbara; van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Grammar-Driven versus Data-Driven: Which Parsing System Is More Affected by Domain Shifts?}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2106}
author = {Zarrieß, Sina; Cahill, Aoife; Kuhn, Jonas; Rohrer, Christian}
title = {A Cross-Lingual Induction Technique for German Adverbial Participles}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2107}
author = {Caines, Andrew; Buttery, Paula}
title = {You Talking to Me? A Predictive Model for Zero Auxiliary Constructions}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2108}
author = {Samardić, Tanja; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Cross-Lingual Variation of Light Verb Constructions: Using Parallel Corpora and Automatic Alignment for Linguistic Research}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2109}
author = {Cook, Paul; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {No Sentence Is Too Confusing To Ignore}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2110}
author = {Mayer, Thomas; Rohrdantz, Christian; Plank, Frans; Bak, Peter; Butt, Miriam; Keim, Daniel A.}
title = {Consonant Co-Occurrence in Stems across Languages: Automatic Analysis and Visualization of a Phonotactic Constraint}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2111}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Injecting Linguistics into NLP through Annotation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on NLP and Linguistics: Finding the Common Ground}
year = {2010}
id = {W03-1501}
author = {Chen, Hsin-Hsi; Yang, Changhua; Lin, Ying}
title = {Learning Formulation And Transformation Rules For Multilingual Named Entities}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual And Mixed-Language Named Entity Recognition}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1502}
author = {Huang, Fei; Vogel, Stephan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Named Entity Translingual Equivalence Based On Multi-Feature Cost Minimization}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual And Mixed-Language Named Entity Recognition}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1503}
author = {Kumano, Tadashi; Kashioka, Hideki; Tanaka, Hideki; Fukusima, Takahiro}
title = {Construction And Analysis Of Japanese-English Broadcast News Corpus With Named Entity Tags}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual And Mixed-Language Named Entity Recognition}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1504}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Gispert, Adrià de; Carreras, Xavier; Padró, Lluís}
title = {Low-Cost Named Entity Classification For Catalan: Exploiting Multilingual Resources And Unlabeled Data}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual And Mixed-Language Named Entity Recognition}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1505}
author = {Maynard, Diana; Tablan, Valentin; Cunningham, Hamish}
title = {NE Recognition Without Training Data On A Language You Don't Speak}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual And Mixed-Language Named Entity Recognition}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1506}
author = {Saito, Kuniko; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Multi-Language Named-Entity Recognition System Based On HMM}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual And Mixed-Language Named Entity Recognition}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1507}
author = {Strassel, Stephanie; Mitchell, Alexis}
title = {Multilingual Resources For Entity Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual And Mixed-Language Named Entity Recognition}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1508}
author = {Virga, Paola; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Transliteration Of Proper Names In Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual And Mixed-Language Named Entity Recognition}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1509}
author = {Wu, Youzheng; Jun, Zhao; Xu, Bo}
title = {Chinese Named Entity Recognition Combining Statistical Model Wih Human Knowledge}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual And Mixed-Language Named Entity Recognition}
year = {2003}
id = {W93-0101}
author = {Ahlswede, Thomas E.; Lorand, David}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation By Human Subjects: Computational And Psycholinguistic Applications}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0102}
author = {Leacock, Claudia; Towell, Geoffrey; Voorhees, Ellen M.}
title = {Towards Building Contextual Representations Of Word Senses Using Statistical Models}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0103}
author = {Han, Young S.; Han, Young Kyoon; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Lexical Concept Acquisition From Collocation Map}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0104}
author = {McDonald, David D.}
title = {Internal And External Evidence In The Identification And Semantic Categorization Of Proper Names}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0105}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; MacMillan, Richard; LuperFoy, Susann; Lusher, Elaine; Laskowski, Sharon}
title = {Identifying Unknown Proper Names In Newswire Text}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0106}
author = {Hearst, Marti A.; Schütze, Hinrich}
title = {Customizing A Lexicon To Better Suit A Computational Task}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0107}
author = {Basili, Roberto; Pazienza, Maria Teresa; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Hierarchical Clustering Of Verbs}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0108}
author = {Poznanski, Victor; Sanfilippo, Antonio}
title = {Detecting Dependencies Between Semantic Verb Subclasses And Subcategorization Frames In Text Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0109}
author = {Ushioda, Akira; Evans, David A.; Gibson, Edward; Waibel, Alex}
title = {The Automatic Acquisition Of Frequencies Of Verb Subcategorization Frames From Tagged Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0110}
author = {Aone, Chinatsu; McKee, Douglas}
title = {Acquiring Predicate-Argument Mapping Information From Multilingual Texts}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0111}
author = {Futrelle, Robert P.; Gauch, Susan}
title = {Experiments In Syntactic And Semantic Classification And Disambiguation Using Bootstrapping}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0112}
author = {Waterman, Scott}
title = {Structural Methods For Lexical/Semantic Patterns}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0113}
author = {Grefenstette, Gregory}
title = {Evaluation Techniques For Automatic Semantic Extraction: Comparing Syntactic And Window Based Approaches}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0114}
author = {Paik, Woojin; Liddy, Elizabeth D.; Yu, Edmund S.; McKenna, Mary}
title = {Categorization And Standardizing Proper Nouns For Efficient Information Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W93-0115}
author = {Paskaleva, Elena; Simov, Kiril; Damova, Mariana; Slavcheva, Milena}
title = {The Long Journey From The Core To The Real Size Of Large LDBs}
venue = {Workshop On The Acquisition Of Lexical Knowledge From Text}
year = {1993}
id = {W11-2601}
author = {Paul, Michael; Finch, Andrew; Dixon, Paul; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Dialect Translation: Integrating Bayesian Co-segmentation Models with Pivot-based SMT}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2602}
author = {Salloum, Wael; Habash, Nizar}
title = {Dialectal to Standard Arabic Paraphrasing to Improve Arabic-English Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2603}
author = {Murphy, Brian; Stemle, Egon}
title = {PaddyWaC: A Minimally-Supervised Web-Corpus of Hiberno-English}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2604}
author = {Scherrer, Yves}
title = {Syntactic transformations for Swiss German dialects}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2605}
author = {Hulden, Mans; Alegria, Iñaki; Etxeberria, Izaskun; Maritxalar, Montse}
title = {Learning word-level dialectal variation as phonological replacement rules using a limited parallel corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2606}
author = {Gianfortoni, Philip; Adamson, David; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Modeling of Stylistic Variation in Social Media with Stretchy Patterns}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2607}
author = {Beňuš, Štefan; Cerňak, Miloš; Darjaa, Sakhia; Rusko, Milan; Trnka, Marián}
title = {Adapting Slovak ASR for native Germans speaking Slovak}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2608}
author = {Pucher, Michael; Kerschhofer-Puhalo, Nadja; Schabus, Dietmar}
title = {Phone set selection for HMM-based dialect speech synthesis}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-2609}
author = {Marrafa, Palmira; Amaro, Raquel; Mendes, Sara}
title = {WordNet.PT global – Extending WordNet.PT to Portuguese varieties}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling of Dialects and Language Varieties}
year = {2011}
id = {W06-0901}
author = {Ahn, David}
title = {The Stages Of Event Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Annotating And Reasoning About Time And Events}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0902}
author = {Dale, Robert; Mazur, Pawel}
title = {Local Semantics In The Interpretation Of Temporal Expressions}
venue = {Workshop On Annotating And Reasoning About Time And Events}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0903}
author = {Dalli, Angelo; Wilks, Yorick}
title = {Automatic Dating Of Documents And Temporal Text Classification}
venue = {Workshop On Annotating And Reasoning About Time And Events}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0904}
author = {Mani, Inderjeet; Wellner, Benjamin}
title = {A Pilot Study On Acquiring Metric Temporal Constraints For Events}
venue = {Workshop On Annotating And Reasoning About Time And Events}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0905}
author = {Negri, Matteo; Saquete, Estela; Martínez-Barco, Patricio; Muñoz, Rafael}
title = {Evaluating Knowledge-Based Approaches To The Multilingual Extension Of A Temporal Expression Normalizer}
venue = {Workshop On Annotating And Reasoning About Time And Events}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0906}
author = {Pan, Feng; Mulkar, Rutu; Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Extending TimeML With Typical Durations Of Events}
venue = {Workshop On Annotating And Reasoning About Time And Events}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0907}
author = {Sinclair, Gail; Webber, Bonnie Lynn; Davidson, Duncan}
title = {Marking Time In Developmental Biology: Annotating Developmental Events And Their Links With Molecular Events}
venue = {Workshop On Annotating And Reasoning About Time And Events}
year = {2006}
id = {W04-2701}
author = {Meyers, Adam}
title = {Introduction To Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2702}
author = {Alcantara, Manuel; Moreno-Sandoval, Antonio}
title = {Syntax To Semantics Transformation: Application To Treebanking}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2703}
author = {Miltsakaki, Eleni; Joshi, Aravind K.; Prasad, Rashmi; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Annotating Discourse Connectives And Their Arguments}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2704}
author = {Babko-Malaya, Olga; Palmer, Martha; Xue, Nianwen; Joshi, Aravind K.; Kulick, Seth}
title = {Proposition Bank II: Delving Deeper}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2705}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Reeves, Ruth; Macleod, Catherine; Szekely, Rachel; Zielinska, Veronika; Young, Brian; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {The NomBank Project: An Interim Report}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2706}
author = {Sgall, Petr; Panevova, Jarmila; Hajicová, Eva}
title = {Deep Syntactic Annotation: Tectogrammatical Representation And Beyond}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2707}
author = {Baumann, Stefan; Brinckmann, Caren; Hansen-Schirra, Silvia; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana; Neumann, Stella; Teich, Elke}
title = {Multi-Dimensional Annotation Of Linguistic Corpora For Investigating Information Structure}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2708}
author = {Cmejrek, Martin; Curin, Jan; Havelka, Jiri}
title = {Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank: Any Hopes For A Common Annotation Scheme?}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2709}
author = {Helmreich, Stephen; Farwell, David; Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Habash, Nizar; Levin, Lori S.; Mitamura, Teruko; Reeder, Florence M.; Miller, Keith; Hovy, Eduard; Rambow, Owen; Siddharthan, Advaith}
title = {Interlingual Annotation Of Multilingual Text Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2710}
author = {Langone, Helen; Haskell, Benjamin R.; Miller, George A.}
title = {Annotating WordNet}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2711}
author = {Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Lopatkova, Marketa}
title = {Valency Frames Of Czech Verbs In VALLEX 1.0}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotation}
year = {2004}
id = {W05-1301}
author = {Wellner, Benjamin}
title = {Weakly Supervised Learning Methods For Improving The Quality Of Gene Name Normalization Data}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1302}
author = {Wellner, Benjamin; Castano, Jose M.; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Adaptive String Similarity Metrics For Biomedical Reference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1303}
author = {Cohen, Aaron}
title = {Unsupervised Gene/Protein Named Entity Normalization Using Automatically Extracted Dictionaries}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1304}
author = {Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Ananiadou, Sophia; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach To Acronym Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1305}
author = {Smith, Lawrence H.; Tanabe, Lorraine; Rindflesch, Thomas C.; Wilbur, W. John}
title = {MedTag: A Collection Of Biomedical Annotations}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1306}
author = {Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Fox, Lynne; Ogren, Philip V.; Hunter, Lawrence}
title = {Corpus Design For Biomedical Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1307}
author = {Ramani, Arun; Bunescu, Razvan C.; Mooney, Raymond J.; Marcotte, Edward}
title = {Using Biomedical Literature Mining To Consolidate The Set Of Known Human Protein-Protein Interactions}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1308}
author = {Ahmed, Syed Toufeeq; Chidambaram, Deepthi; Davulcu, Hasan; Baral, Chitta}
title = {INTEX: A Syntactic Role Driven Protein-Protein Interaction Extractor For Bio-Medical Text}
venue = {Workshop On Linking Biological Literature Ontologies And Databases: Mining Biological Semantics}
year = {2005}
id = {W09-0701}
author = {Badenhorst, Jaco; Van Heerden, Charl; Davel, Marelie; Barnard, Etienne}
title = {Collecting and Evaluating Speech Recognition Corpora for Nine Southern Bantu Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0702}
author = {De Pauw, Guy; Wagacha, Peter Waiganjo; Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de}
title = {The SAWA Corpus: A Parallel Corpus English - Swahili}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0703}
author = {Chiarcos, Christian; Fiedler, Ines; Grubic, Mira; Haida, Andreas; Hartmann, Katharina; Ritz, Julia; Schwarz, Anne; Zeldes, Amir; Zimmermann, Malte}
title = {Information Structure in African Languages: Corpora and Tools}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0704}
author = {Finkel, Raphael; Odejobi, Odetunji Ajadi}
title = {A Computational Approach to Yorùbá Morphology}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0705}
author = {Groenewald, Hendrik Johannes}
title = {Using Technology Transfer to Advance Automatic Lemmatisation for Setswana}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0706}
author = {Faaß, Gertrud; Heid, Ulrich; Taljard, Elsabé; Prinsloo, Danie}
title = {Part-of-Speech Tagging of Northern Sotho: Disambiguating Polysemous Function Words}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0707}
author = {Anberbir, Tadesse; Takara, Tomio}
title = {Development of an Amharic Text-to-Speech System Using Cepstral Method}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0708}
author = {Adegbola, Tunde}
title = {Building Capacities in Human Language Technology for African Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0709}
author = {Gumede, Tebogo; Plauché, Madelaine}
title = {Initial Fieldwork for LWAZI: A Telephone-Based Spoken Dialog System for Rural South Africa}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0710}
author = {Pretorius, Rigardt; Berg, Ansu; Pretorius, Laurette; Viljoen, Biffie}
title = {Setswana Tokenisation and Computational Verb Morphology: Facing the Challenge of a Disjunctive Orthography}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0711}
author = {Beermann, Dorothee; Mihaylov, Pavel}
title = {Interlinear Glossing and its Role in Theoretical and Descriptive Studies of African and other Lesser–Documented Languages}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0712}
author = {Enguehard, Chantal; Modi, Issouf}
title = {Towards an Electronic Dictionary of Tamajaq Language in Niger}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0713}
author = {Bański, Piotr; Wójtowicz, Beata}
title = {A Repository of Free Lexical Resources for African Languages: The Project and the Method}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0714}
author = {Pretorius, Laurette; Bosch, Sonja}
title = {Exploiting Cross-Linguistic Similarities in Zulu and Xhosa Computational Morphology}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0715}
author = {Gambäck, Björn; Olsson, Fredrik; Alemu Argaw, Atelach; Asker, Lars}
title = {Methods for Amharic Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0716}
author = {Moran, Steven}
title = {An Ontology for Accessing Transcription Systems (OATS)}
venue = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Technologies for African Languages}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3001}
author = {Vemulapalli, Smita; Luo, Xiaoqiang; Pitrelli, John F.; Zitouni, Imed}
title = {Classifier Combination Techniques Applied to Coreference Resolution}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3002}
author = {Huang, Jian; Taylor, Sarah M.; Smith, Jonathan L.; Fotiadis, Konstantinos A.; Giles, C. Lee}
title = {Solving the “Who’s Mark Johnson Puzzle”: Information Extraction Based Cross Document Coreference}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3003}
author = {Kirschner, Manuel; Bernardi, Raffaella}
title = {Exploring Topic Continuation Follow-up Questions using Machine Learning}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3004}
author = {Gali, Karthik; Venkatapathy, Sriram}
title = {Sentence Realisation from Bag of Words with Dependency Constraints}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3005}
author = {Dligach, Dmitriy; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Using Language Modeling to Select Useful Annotation Data}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3006}
author = {Boyd, Adriane}
title = {Pronunciation Modeling in Spelling Correction for Writers of English as a Foreign Language}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3007}
author = {Qian, Ting; van Durme, Benjamin; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Building a Semantic Lexicon of English Nouns via Bootstrapping}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3008}
author = {Bhargava, Aditya; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Multiple Word Alignment with Profile Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3009}
author = {Acosta, Jaime}
title = {Using Emotion to Gain Rapport in a Spoken Dialog System}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3010}
author = {Arora, Shilpa; Nyberg, Eric H.}
title = {Interactive Annotation Learning with Indirect Feature Voting}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3011}
author = {Bellare, Kedar; Crammer, Koby; Freitag, Dayne}
title = {Loss-Sensitive Discriminative Training of Machine Transliteration Models}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3012}
author = {Khayyamian, Mahdy; Mirroshandel, Seyed Abolghasem; Abolhassani, Hassan}
title = {Syntactic Tree-based Relation Extraction Using a Generalization of Collins and Duffy Convolution Tree Kernel}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3013}
author = {Lloret, Elena; Balahur, Alexandra; Palomar, Manuel; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {Towards Building a Competitive Opinion Summarization System: Challenges and Keys}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3014}
author = {Nahnsen, Thade}
title = {Domain-Independent Shallow Sentence Ordering}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3015}
author = {Novielli, Nicole; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Towards Unsupervised Recognition of Dialogue Acts}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3016}
author = {Rama, Taraka; Singh, Anil Kumar; Kolachina, Sudheer}
title = {Modeling Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion as a Phrase Based Statistical Machine Translation Problem with Minimum Error Rate Training}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {N09-3017}
author = {Tratz, Stephen; Hovy, Dirk}
title = {Disambiguation of Preposition Sense Using Linguistically Motivated Features}
venue = {HLT-NAACL Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium}
year = {2009}
id = {W08-1901}
author = {Joyce, Terry; Srdanović, Irena}
title = {Comparing Lexical Relationships Observed within Japanese Collocation Data and Japanese Word Association Norms}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1902}
author = {Zock, Michael; Schwab, Didier}
title = {Lexical access based on underspecified input}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1903}
author = {Moerdijk, Fons; Tiberius, Carole; Niestadt, Jan}
title = {Accessing the ANW Dictionary}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1904}
author = {Brierley, Claire; Atwell, Eric Steven}
title = {ProPOSEL: a human-oriented prosody and PoS English lexicon for machine-learning and NLP}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1905}
author = {Sierra, Gerardo}
title = {Natural Language Searching in Onomasiological Dictionaries}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1906}
author = {Möller-Spitzer, Carolin; Möhrs, Christine}
title = {First ideas of user-adapted views of lexicographic data exemplified on OWID and elexiko}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1907}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Chou, Ya-Min; Hotani, Chiyo; Chen, Sheng-Yi; Lin, Wan-Ying}
title = {Multilingual Conceptual Access to Lexicon based on Shared Orthography: An ontology-driven study of Chinese and Japanese}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1908}
author = {Curteanu, Neculai; Moruz, Alex; Trandabat, Diana}
title = {Extracting Sense Trees from the Romanian Thesaurus by Sense Segmentation & Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1909}
author = {Sasha, Andreyeva}
title = {Lexical-Functional Correspondences and Their Use in the System of Machine Translation ETAP-3}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1910}
author = {Kanzaki, Kyoko; Tomuro, Noriko; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {The Close-Distant Relation of Adjectival Concepts Based on Self-Organizing Map}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1911}
author = {Max, Aurélien; Zock, Michael}
title = {Looking up phrase rephrasings via a pivot language}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1912}
author = {Gaume, Bruno; Duvignau, Karine; Prévot, Laurent; Desalle, Yann}
title = {Toward a cognitive organization for electronic dictionaries the case for semantic proxemy}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1913}
author = {Kremer, Gerhard; Abel, Andrea; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Cognitively Salient Relations for Multilingual Lexicography}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1914}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard}
title = {The Computation of Associative Responses to Multiword Stimuli}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions}
year = {2008}
id = {W10-0101}
author = {Ghayoomi, Masood}
title = {Using Variance as a Stopping Criterion for Active Learning of Frame Assignment}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0102}
author = {Ambati, Vamshi; Vogel, Stephan; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Active Semi-Supervised Learning for Improving Word Alignment}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0103}
author = {Escudeiro, Nuno; Jorge, Alipio}
title = {D-Confidence: An Active Learning Strategy which Efficiently Identifies Small Classes}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0104}
author = {Rai, Piyush; Saha, Avishek; Daumé III, Hal; Venkatasubramanian, Suresh}
title = {Domain Adaptation meets Active Learning}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-0105}
author = {Haertel, Robbie; Felt, Paul; Ringger, Eric K.; Seppi, Kevin}
title = {Parallel Active Learning: Eliminating Wait Time with Minimal Staleness}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Active Learning for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W07-1701}
author = {Przepiórkowski, Adam}
title = {Slavic Information Extraction and Partial Parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1702}
author = {Bekavac, Bozo; Tadić, Marko}
title = {Implementation of Croatian NERC System}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1703}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa; Vázquez, Sonia; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {A Language Independent Approach for Name Categorization and Discrimination}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1704}
author = {Piskorski, Jakub; Sydow, Marcin; Kupsc, Anna}
title = {Lemmatization of Polish Person Names}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1705}
author = {Marciniak, Malgorzata; Mykowiecka, Agnieszka}
title = {Automatic Processing of Diabetic Patients' Hospital Documentation}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1706}
author = {Przepiórkowski, Adam; Débowski, Łukasz; Spousta, Miroslav; Simov, Kiril; Osenova, Petya; Lemnitzer, Lothar; Kuboň, Vladislav; Wójtowicz, Beata}
title = {Towards the Automatic Extraction of Definitions in Slavic}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1707}
author = {Flejter, Dominik; Wieloch, Karol; Abramowicz, Witold}
title = {Unsupervised Methods of Topical Text Segmentation for Polish}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1708}
author = {Koeva, Svetla}
title = {Multi-word Term Extraction for Bulgarian}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1709}
author = {Spoustová, Drahomíra Johanka; Hajič, Jan; Votrubec, Jan; Krbec, Pavel; Kveton, Pavel}
title = {The Best of Two Worlds: Cooperation of Statistical and Rule-Based Taggers for Czech}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1710}
author = {Pala, Karel; Hlavackova, Dana}
title = {Derivational Relations in Czech WordNet}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1711}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Multilingual Word Sense Discrimination: A Comparative Cross-Linguistic Study}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1712}
author = {Katrenko, Sophia; Adriaans, Pieter}
title = {Named Entity Recognition for Ukrainian: A Resource-Light Approach}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1713}
author = {Rimkute, Erika; Daudaravicius, Vidas; Utka, Andrius}
title = {Morphological Annotation of the Lithuanian Corpus}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2007}
id = {W13-2401}
author = {Simov, Kiril}
title = {Invited Talk: Ontologies and Linked Open Data for Acquisition and Exploitation of Language Resources}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2402}
author = {Kapočiut.e-Dzikien.e, Jurgita; Krupavičius, Algis; Krilavičius, Tomas}
title = {A Comparison of Approaches for Sentiment Classification on Lithuanian Internet Comments}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2403}
author = {Chetviorkin, Ilia; Loukachevitch, Natalia}
title = {Evaluating Sentiment Analysis Systems in Russian}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2404}
author = {Glavaš, Goran; Korenčić, Damir; Šnajder, Jan}
title = {Aspect-Oriented Opinion Mining from User Reviews in Croatian}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2405}
author = {Karan, Mladen; Žmak, Lovro; Šnajder, Jan}
title = {Frequently Asked Questions Retrieval for Croatian Based on Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2406}
author = {Skatov, Dan; Liverko, Sergey; Okatiev, Vladimir; Strebkov, Dmitry}
title = {Parsing Russian: a hybrid approach}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2407}
author = {Bekavac, Marko; Šnajder, Jan}
title = {GPKEX: Genetically Programmed Keyphrase Extraction from Croatian Texts}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2408}
author = {Agić, Željko; Ljubešić, Nikola; Merkler, Danijela}
title = {Lemmatization and Morphosyntactic Tagging of Croatian and Serbian}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2409}
author = {Scherrer, Yves; Erjavec, Tomaž}
title = {Modernizing historical Slovene words with character-based SMT}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2410}
author = {Kutuzov, Andrey}
title = {Improving English-Russian sentence alignment through POS tagging and Damerau-Levenshtein distance}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2411}
author = {Ljubešić, Nikola; Fišer, Darja}
title = {Identifying false friends between closely related languages}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2412}
author = {Tkachenko, Alexander; Petmanson, Timo; Laur, Sven}
title = {Named Entity Recognition in Estonian}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2413}
author = {Piskorski, Jakub; Ehrmann, Maud}
title = {On Named Entity Recognition in Targeted Twitter Streams in Polish.}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2414}
author = {Marcińczuk, Michał; Kocoń, Jan}
title = {Recognition of Named Entities Boundaries in Polish Texts}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2415}
author = {Pivovarova, Lidia; Du, Mian; Yangarber, Roman}
title = {Adapting the PULS event extraction framework to analyze Russian text}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2416}
author = {Tanev, Hristo; Steinberger, Josef}
title = {Semi-automatic Acquisition of Lexical Resources and Grammars for Event Extraction in Bulgarian and Czech}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2417}
author = {Stoyanova, Ivelina; Koeva, Svetla; Leseva, Svetlozara}
title = {Wordnet-Based Cross-Language Identification of Semantic Relations}
venue = {Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing}
year = {2013}
id = {W03-0701}
author = {Chai, Joyce; Hong, Pengyu; Zhou, Michelle X.}
title = {Combining Semantic And Temporal Constraints For Multimodal Integration In Conversation Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Research Directions In Dialogue Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0702}
author = {de Mori, Renato; Bechet, Frédéric}
title = {Conceptual Language Models For Dialog Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Research Directions In Dialogue Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0703}
author = {Kirchhoff, Katrin; Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Directions For Multi-Party Human-Computer Interaction Research}
venue = {Workshop On Research Directions In Dialogue Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0704}
author = {Hardy, Hilda; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Wu, Min}
title = {Dialogue Management For An Automated Multilingual Call Center}
venue = {Workshop On Research Directions In Dialogue Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0705}
author = {Burke, Carl; Doran, Christine; Gertner, Abigail S.; Gregorowicz, Andy; Harper, Lisa; Korb, Joel; Loehr, Dan}
title = {Dialogue Complexity With Portability? Research Directions For The Information State Approach}
venue = {Workshop On Research Directions In Dialogue Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0706}
author = {Daniels, Jody J.; Hastie, Helen}
title = {The Pragmatics Of Taking A Spoken Language System Out Of The Laboratory}
venue = {Workshop On Research Directions In Dialogue Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0707}
author = {Glass, James R.; Seneff, Stephanie}
title = {Flexible And Personalizable Mixed-Initiative Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Research Directions In Dialogue Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W99-0101}
author = {Kasper, Robert T.; Davis, Paul C.; Roberts, Craige}
title = {An Integrated Approach To Reference And Presupposition Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0102}
author = {Matsui, Tomoko}
title = {Approaches To Japanese Zero Pronouns: Centering And Relevance}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0103}
author = {Kim, Harksoo; Cho, Jeong-Mi; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {Anaphora Resolution Using Extended Centering Algorithm In A Multi-Modal Dialogue System}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0104}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Maiorano, Steven J.}
title = {Knowledge-Lean Coreference Resolution And Its Relation To Textual Cohesion And Coherence}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0105}
author = {Not, Elena; Tovena, Lucia M.; Zancanaro, Massimo}
title = {Positing And Resolving Bridging Anaphora In Deverba! NPs}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0106}
author = {Cristea, Dan; Ide, Nancy M.; Marcu, Daniel; Tablan, Valentin}
title = {Discourse Structure And Co-Reference: An Empirical Study}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0107}
author = {DeCristofaro, Jonathan D.; Strube, Michael; McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Building A Tool For Annotating Reference In Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0108}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.; Strube, Michael}
title = {Generating Anaphoric Expressions: Pronoun Or Definite Description?}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0109}
author = {Kibble, Rodger}
title = {Cb Or Not Cb? Centering Theory Applied To NLG}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0110}
author = {Gordon, Peter C.; Hendrick, Randall}
title = {Comprehension Of Coreferentiai Expressions}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0111}
author = {Seville, Helen; Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Reference-Based Discourse Structure For Reference Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0112}
author = {Schilder, Frank}
title = {Reference Hashed}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0113}
author = {Polanyi, Livia; Van Den Berg, Martin}
title = {Logical Structure And Discourse Anaphora Resolution}
venue = {Workshop On The Relation Of Discourse/Dialogue Structure And Reference}
year = {1999}
id = {W02-1901}
author = {Becher, Margit; Endres-Niggemeyer, Brigitte; Fichtner, Gerrit}
title = {Scenario Forms For Web Information Seeking And Summarizing In Bone Marrow Transplantation}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1902}
author = {Jung, Hanmin; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {Multilingual Question Answering With High Portability On Relational Databases}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1903}
author = {Kim, Harksoo; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {A Reliable Indexing Method For A Practical QA System}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1904}
author = {Lai, Yu-Sheng; Fung, Kuao-Ann; Wu, Chung-Hsien}
title = {FAQ Mining Via List Detection}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1905}
author = {Li, Wei; Srihari, Rohini K.; Li, Xiaoge; Srikanth, Munirathnam; Zhang, Xiuhong; Niu, Cheng}
title = {Extracting Exact Answers To Questions Based On Structural Links}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1906}
author = {Llopis, Fernando; Vicedo, Jose Luis; Ferrandez, Antonio}
title = {Passage Selection To Improve Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2002}
id = {W02-1907}
author = {Sakai, Hiroyuki; Masuyama, Shigeru}
title = {Unsupervised Knowledge Acquisition About The Deletion Possibility Of Adnominal Verb Phrases}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2002}
id = {W03-1201}
author = {Ramakrishnan, Ganesh; Jadhav, Apurva; Joshi, Ashutosh; Chakrabarti, Soumen; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Question Answering Via Bayesian Inference On Lexical Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1202}
author = {Wan, Stephen; Dras, Mark; Paris, Cécile L.; Dale, Robert}
title = {Using Thematic Information In Statistical Headline Generation}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1203}
author = {Fung, Pascale; Ngai, Grace; Cheung, Chi-Shun}
title = {Combining Optimal Clustering And Hidden Markov Models For Extractive Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1204}
author = {Nobata, Chikashi; Sekine, Satoshi; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Evaluation Of Features For Sentence Extraction On Different Types Of Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1205}
author = {Orăsan, Constantin}
title = {An Evolutionary Approach For Improving The Quality Of Automatic Summaries}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1206}
author = {Small, Sharon; Liu, Ting; Shimizu, Nobuyuki; Strzalkowski, Tomek}
title = {HITIQA: An Interactive Question Answering System: A Preliminary Report}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1207}
author = {Gîrju, Roxana; Putcha, Manju; Moldovan, Dan}
title = {Discovery Of Manner Relations And Their Applicability To Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1208}
author = {Suzuki, Jun; Taira, Hirotoshi; Sasaki, Yutaka; Maeda, Eisaku}
title = {Question Classification Using HDAG Kernel}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1209}
author = {Ravichandran, Deepak; Hovy, Eduard; Och, Franz Josef}
title = {Statistical QA - Classifier Vs. Re-Ranker: What's The Difference?}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1210}
author = {Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {Automatic Detection Of Causal Relations For Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1211}
author = {Li, Wei; Srihari, Rohini K.; Niu, Cheng; Li, Xiaoge}
title = {Question Answering On A Case Insensitive Corpus}
venue = {Workshop On Multilingual Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2003}
id = {W08-1701}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Lichte, Timm; Maier, Wolfgang; Parmentier, Yannick; Dellert, Johannes; Evang, Kilian}
title = {TuLiPA: Towards a Multi-Formalism Parsing Environment for Grammar Engineering}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1702}
author = {Kron, Elisabeth; Rayner, Manny; Santaholma, Marianne; Bouillon, Pierrette; Lisowska, Agnes}
title = {Making Speech Look Like Text in the Regulus Development Environment}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1703}
author = {White, Michael; Rajkumar, Rajakrishnan}
title = {A More Precise Analysis of Punctuation for Broad-Coverage Surface Realization with CCG}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1704}
author = {Santaholma, Marianne}
title = {Multilingual Grammar Resources in Multilingual Application Development}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1705}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; Maxwell III, John T.; Meurer, Paul; Rohrer, Christian; Rosén, Victoria}
title = {Speeding up LFG Parsing Using C-Structure Pruning}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1706}
author = {Hellan, Lars}
title = {From Grammar-Independent Construction Enumeration to Lexical Types in Computational Grammars}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1707}
author = {Paiva, Valeria; King, Tracy Holloway}
title = {Designing Testsuites for Grammar-based Systems in Applications}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1708}
author = {Cholakov, Kostadin; Kordoni, Valia; Zhang, Yi}
title = {Towards Domain-Independent Deep Linguistic Processing: Ensuring Portability and Re-Usability of Lexicalised Grammars}
venue = {Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks}
year = {2008}
id = {W98-0801}
author = {Stubley, Peter}
title = {Recognition Of Spontaneous Speech}
venue = {Workshop On Partially Automated Techniques For Transcribing Naturally Occurring Continuous Speech}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0802}
author = {Nivre, Joakim; Allwood, Jens; Holm, Jenny; Lopez-Kasten, Dario}
title = {Towards Multimodal Spoken Language Corpora: TransTool And SyncTool}
venue = {Workshop On Partially Automated Techniques For Transcribing Naturally Occurring Continuous Speech}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0803}
author = {Luk, Robert Wing Pong}
title = {Speech Annotation By Multi-Sensory Recording}
venue = {Workshop On Partially Automated Techniques For Transcribing Naturally Occurring Continuous Speech}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0804}
author = {Bonaventura, Patrizia; Giuliani, Fabio; Garrido, Juan Maria; Ortin, Isabel}
title = {Grapheme-To-Phoneme Transcription Rules For Spanish With Application To Automatic Speech Recognition And Synthesis}
venue = {Workshop On Partially Automated Techniques For Transcribing Naturally Occurring Continuous Speech}
year = {1998}
id = {W98-0805}
author = {Lyon, Caroline; Hewitt, Jill}
title = {The Value Of Minimal Prosodic Information In Spoken Language Corpora}
venue = {Workshop On Partially Automated Techniques For Transcribing Naturally Occurring Continuous Speech}
year = {1998}
id = {W06-3501}
author = {Nariyama, Shigeko}
title = {Pragmatic Information Extraction From Subject Ellipsis In Informal English}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3502}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Backbone Extraction And Pruning For Speeding Up A Deep Parser For Dialogue Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3503}
author = {Jordan, Pamela W.; Makatchev, Maxim; Pappuswamy, Umarani}
title = {Understanding Complex Natural Language Explanations In Tutorial Applications}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3504}
author = {Crabbé, Benoît; Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; de Beaumont, William; Swift, Mary}
title = {Increasing The Coverage Of A Domain Independent Dialogue Lexicon With VERBNET}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3505}
author = {Loos, Berenike}
title = {Scaling Natural Language Understanding Via User-Driven Ontology Learning}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3506}
author = {Gedigian, Matt; Bryant, John; Narayanan, Srinivas; Ciric, Branimir}
title = {Catching Metaphors}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3507}
author = {Pitel, Guillaume}
title = {Scaling Construction Grammar Up To Production Systems: The Situated Constructional Interpretation Model}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3508}
author = {Micelli, Vanessa}
title = {Searching For Grammar Right}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3509}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {Embodied Construction Grammar As Layered Modal Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3510}
author = {Steels, Luc; De Beule, Joachim}
title = {A (Very) Brief Introduction To Fluid Construction Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Scalable Natural Language Understanding}
year = {2006}
id = {W10-2501}
author = {Fülöp, Zoltán; Maletti, Andreas; Vogler, Heiko}
title = {Preservation of Recognizability for Synchronous Tree Substitution Grammars}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2502}
author = {DeNeefe, Steve; Knight, Kevin; Vogler, Heiko}
title = {A Decoder for Probabilistic Synchronous Tree Insertion Grammars}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2503}
author = {Maletti, Andreas; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {Parsing and Translation Algorithms Based on Weighted Extended Tree Transducers}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2504}
author = {Bensch, Suna; Drewes, Frank}
title = {Millstream Systems – a Formal Model for Linking Language Modules by Interfaces}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2505}
author = {Nederhof, Mark-Jan}
title = {Transforming Lexica as Trees}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2506}
author = {Büchse, Matthias; Geisler, Daniel; Stüber, Torsten; Vogler, Heiko}
title = {n-Best Parsing Revisited}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2010}
id = {W06-0701}
author = {Hachey, Ben; Murray, Gabriel; Reitter, David}
title = {Dimensionality Reduction Aids Term Co-Occurrence Based Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {Workshop On Task-Focused Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0702}
author = {Kazantseva, Anna; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Challenges In Evaluating Summaries Of Short Stories}
venue = {Workshop On Task-Focused Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0703}
author = {Lin, Chuan-Jie; Cho, Chun-Hung}
title = {Question Pre-Processing In A QA System On Internet Discussion Groups}
venue = {Workshop On Task-Focused Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0704}
author = {Demner-Fushman, Dina; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Situated Question Answering In The Clinical Domain: Selecting The Best Drug Treatment For Diseases}
venue = {Workshop On Task-Focused Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0705}
author = {Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Hickl, Andrew}
title = {Using Scenario Knowledge In Automatic Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Task-Focused Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0706}
author = {Marom, Yuval; Zukerman, Ingrid}
title = {Automating Help-Desk Responses: A Comparative Study Of Information-Gathering Approaches}
venue = {Workshop On Task-Focused Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0707}
author = {Dang, Hoa Trang}
title = {DUC 2005: Evaluation Of Question-Focused Summarization Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Task-Focused Summarization And Question Answering}
year = {2006}
id = {W05-1001}
author = {Kwong, Oi Yee; T'sou, Benjamin K.}
title = {Data Homogeneity And Semantic Role Tagging In Chinese}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1002}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Verb Subcategorization Kernels For Automatic Semantic Labeling}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1003}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Almuhareb, Abdulrahman}
title = {Identifying Concept Attributes Using A Classifier}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1004}
author = {Cimiano, Philipp; Wenderoth, Johanna}
title = {Automatically Learning Qualia Structures From The Web}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1005}
author = {Fazly, Afsaneh; North, Ryan; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Automatically Distinguishing Literal And Figurative Usages Of Highly Polysemous Verbs}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1006}
author = {Widdows, Dominic; Dorow, Beate}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Idioms Using Graph Analysis And Asymmetric Lexicosyntactic Patterns}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1007}
author = {Green, Rebecca; Dorr, Bonnie Jean}
title = {Frame Semantic Enhancement Of Lexical-Semantic Resources}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1008}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Bootstrapping Deep Lexical Resources: Resources For Courses}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1009}
author = {Boleda, Gemma; Badia, Toni; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Morphology Vs. Syntax In Adjective Class Acquisition}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1010}
author = {Echizen-ya, Hiroshi; Araki, Kenji; Momouchi, Yoshio}
title = {Automatic Acquisition Of Bilingual Rules For Extraction Of Bilingual Word Pairs From Parallel Corpora}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-1011}
author = {Gorman, James; Curran, James R.}
title = {Approximate Searching For Distributional Similarity}
venue = {SIGLEX Workshop On Deep Lexical Acquisition}
year = {2005}
id = {W99-0801}
author = {Calder, Jonathan}
title = {Diamonds On My Windshield: The Use Of Computer-Based Instruction In Computational Linguistics}
venue = {Workshop On Computer And Internet Supported Education In Language And Speech Technology}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0802}
author = {Bouma, Gosse}
title = {A Modern Computational Linguistics Course Using Dutch}
venue = {Workshop On Computer And Internet Supported Education In Language And Speech Technology}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0803}
author = {Gibbon, Dafydd; Carson-Berndsen, Julie}
title = {Web Tools For Introductory Computational Linguistics}
venue = {Workshop On Computer And Internet Supported Education In Language And Speech Technology}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0804}
author = {Black, William J.; Hill, Simon; Kassaei, Mahmoud}
title = {Intranet Learning Tools For NLP}
venue = {Workshop On Computer And Internet Supported Education In Language And Speech Technology}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0805}
author = {Cook, Martin}
title = {Interactive Auditory Demonstrations}
venue = {Workshop On Computer And Internet Supported Education In Language And Speech Technology}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0806}
author = {Arnold, Doug J.}
title = {Web Access To Corpora: The W3Corpora Project}
venue = {Workshop On Computer And Internet Supported Education In Language And Speech Technology}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0807}
author = {Borin, Lars; Dahllof, Mats}
title = {A Corpus-Based Grammar Tutor For Education In Language And Speech Technology}
venue = {Workshop On Computer And Internet Supported Education In Language And Speech Technology}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0808}
author = {Verdejo, M. Felisa; Gonzalo, Julio; Peñas, Anselmo}
title = {An Open Distance Learning Web-Course For NLP In IR}
venue = {Workshop On Computer And Internet Supported Education In Language And Speech Technology}
year = {1999}
id = {W03-0201}
author = {Olney, Andrew; Louwerse, Max; Matthews, Eric; Marineau, Johanna; Hite-Mitchell, Heather; Graesser, Arthur C.}
title = {Utterance Classification In AutoTutor}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0202}
author = {Carlson, Adam; Tanimoto, Steven L.}
title = {Learning To Identify Student Preconceptions From Text}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0203}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan; Ha, Le An}
title = {Computer-Aided Generation Of Multiple-Choice Tests}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0204}
author = {Mak, Brian; Siu, Manhung; Ng, Mimi; Tam, Yik-Cheung; Chan, Yu-Chung; Chan, Kin-Wah; Leung, Ka-Yee; Ho, Simon; Wong, Jimmy; Lo, Jacqueline}
title = {PLASER: Pronunciation Learning Via Automatic Speech Recognition}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0205}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Litman, Diane J.; Bhembe, Dumisizwe; Forbes-Riley, Kate; Silliman, Scott; Srivastava, Ramesh; VanLehn, Kurt}
title = {A Comparison Of Tutor And Student Behavior In Speech Versus Text Based Tutoring}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0206}
author = {Knutsson, Ola; Cerrato Pargman, Teresa; Severinson Eklundh, Kerstin}
title = {Transforming Grammar Checking Technology Into A Learning Environment For Second Language Writing}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0207}
author = {Landauer, Thomas K.}
title = {Pasteur's Quadrant: Computational Linguistics LSA And Education}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0208}
author = {Kanejiya, Dharmendra; Kumar, Arun; Prasad, Surendra}
title = {Automatic Evaluation Of Students' Answers Using Syntactically Enhanced LSA}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0209}
author = {Lonsdale, Deryle; Strong-Krause, Diane}
title = {Automated Rating Of ESL Essays}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-0210}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Roque, Antonio; Bhembe, Dumisizwe; VanLehn, Kurt}
title = {A Hybrid Text Classification Approach For Analysis Of Student Essays}
venue = {Workshop On Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing}
year = {2003}
id = {W10-3601}
author = {Abate, Solomon Teferra; Besacier, Laurent; Seng, Sopheap}
title = {Boosting N-gram Coverage for Unsegmented Languages Using Multiple Text Segmentation Approach}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3602}
author = {Slayden, Glenn; Hwang, Mei-Yuh; Schwartz, Lee}
title = {Thai Sentence-Breaking for Large-Scale SMT}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3603}
author = {Ghosh, Aniruddha; Das, Amitava; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Clause Identification and Classification in Bengali}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3604}
author = {Bapat, Mugdha; Gune, Harshada; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {A Paradigm-Based Finite State Morphological Analyzer for Marathi}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3605}
author = {Singh, Thoudam Doren; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Web Based Manipuri Corpus for Multiword NER and Reduplicated MWEs Identification using SVM}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3606}
author = {Singh Lehal, Gurpreet}
title = {A Word Segmentation System for Handling Space Omission Problem in Urdu Script}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3607}
author = {Patel, Pratikkumar; Popat, Kashyap; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Hybrid Stemmer for Gujarati}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2010}
id = {W14-5501}
author = {Sulger, Sebastian; Vaidya, Ashwini}
title = {Towards Identifying Hindi/Urdu Noun Templates in Support of a Large-Scale LFG Grammar}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5502}
author = {Rajan, Vinodh}
title = {Konkanverter - A Finite State Transducer based Statistical Machine Transliteration Engine for Konkani Language}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5503}
author = {Kyaw Thu, Ye; Finch, Andrew; SUMITA, Eichiro; Sagisaka, Yoshinori}
title = {Integrating Dictionaries into an Unsupervised Model for Myanmar Word Segmentation}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5504}
author = {Desai, Shilpa; Pawar, Jyoti; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {A Framework for Learning Morphology using Suffix Association Matrix}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5505}
author = {Jawaid, Bushra; Kamran, Amir; Bojar, Ondřej}
title = {English to Urdu Statistical Machine Translation: Establishing a Baseline}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5506}
author = {Sharma, Rahul; Paul, Soma}
title = {A hybrid approach for automatic clause boundary identification in Hindi}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5507}
author = {de Malézieux, Guillaume; Bosc, Amélie; Berment, Vincent}
title = {RBMT as an alternative to SMT for under-resourced languages}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5508}
author = {Virk, Shafqat Mumtaz; Prasad, K.V.S; Ranta, Aarne; Angelov, Krasimir}
title = {Developing an interlingual translation lexicon using WordNets and Grammatical Framework}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5509}
author = {Knauth, Jürgen; Alfter, David}
title = {A Dictionary Data Processing Environment and Its Application in Algorithmic Processing of Pali Dictionary Data for Future NLP Tasks}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5511}
author = {Sun, Xiao; Ye, Jiaqi; Ren, Fuji}
title = {Real Time Early-stage Influenza Detection with Emotion Factors from Sina Microblog}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5512}
author = {Ngo, Quoc Hung; Dien, Dinh; Winiwarter, Werner}
title = {Building English-Vietnamese Named Entity Corpus with Aligned Bilingual News Articles}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5513}
author = {Sutantayawalee, Vipas; Porkeaw, Peerachet; Supnithi, Thepchai; Boonkwan, Prachya; Phaholphinyo, Sitthaa}
title = {Character-Cluster-Based Segmentation using Monolingual and Bilingual Information for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5514}
author = {Sharma, Rahul}
title = {A rule based approach for automatic clause boundary detection and classification in Hindi}
venue = {WSSANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W04-2901}
author = {Begeja, Lee; Renger, Bernard; Saraçlar, Murat; Gibbon, David; Liu, Zhu; Shahraray, Behzad}
title = {A System For Searching And Browsing Spoken Communications}
venue = {Workshop On Interdisciplinary Approaches To Speech Indexing And Retrieval}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2902}
author = {Glass, James R.; Hazen, Timothy J.; Hetherington, Lee; Wang, Chao}
title = {Analysis And Processing Of Lecture Audio Data: Preliminary Investigations}
venue = {Workshop On Interdisciplinary Approaches To Speech Indexing And Retrieval}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2903}
author = {Hu, Qian; Goodman, Fred; Boykin, Stanley; Fish, Randall; Greiff, Warren R.}
title = {Audio Hot Spotting And Retrieval Using Multiple Features}
venue = {Workshop On Interdisciplinary Approaches To Speech Indexing And Retrieval}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2904}
author = {Morris, Robert W.; Arrowood, Jon A.; Cardillo, Peter S.; Clements, Mark A.}
title = {Scoring Algorithms For Wordspotting Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Interdisciplinary Approaches To Speech Indexing And Retrieval}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2905}
author = {Raghavan, Hema; Allan, James}
title = {Using Soundex Codes For Indexing Names In ASR Documents}
venue = {Workshop On Interdisciplinary Approaches To Speech Indexing And Retrieval}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2906}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Assessing Prosodic And Text Features For Segmentation Of Mandarin Broadcast News}
venue = {Workshop On Interdisciplinary Approaches To Speech Indexing And Retrieval}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-2907}
author = {Allauzen, Cyril; Mohri, Mehryar; Saraçlar, Murat}
title = {General Indexation Of Weighted Automata - Application To Spoken Utterance Retrieval}
venue = {Workshop On Interdisciplinary Approaches To Speech Indexing And Retrieval}
year = {2004}
id = {W09-1601}
author = {Oard, Douglas W.}
title = {Cross-Language Information Access: Looking Backward Looking Forward}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies (CLIAWS3)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1602}
author = {Zhuang, Xiaodan; Huang, Jui-Ting; Hasegawa-Johnson, Mark}
title = {Speech Retrieval in Unknown Languages: a Pilot Study}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies (CLIAWS3)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1603}
author = {Raj, Anand Arokia; Maganti, Harikrishna}
title = {Transliteration based Search Engine for Multilingual Information Access}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies (CLIAWS3)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1604}
author = {Bouma, Gosse; Duarte, Sergio; Islam, Zahurul}
title = {Cross-lingual Alignment and Completion of Wikipedia Templates}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies (CLIAWS3)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1605}
author = {Filatova, Elena}
title = {Directions for Exploiting Asymmetries in Multilingual Wikipedia}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies (CLIAWS3)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1606}
author = {Zubaryeva, Olena; Savoy, Jacques}
title = {Investigation in Statistical Language-Independent Approaches for Opinion Detection in English Chinese and Japanese}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies (CLIAWS3)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1607}
author = {Katragadda, Rahul; Pingali, Prasad; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Sentence Position revisited: A robust light-weight Update Summarization baseline Algorithm}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies (CLIAWS3)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1608}
author = {K., Sankar; Sobha, L.}
title = {An Approach to Text Summarization.}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies (CLIAWS3)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1609}
author = {Mukund, Smruthi; Srihari, Rohini K.}
title = {NE Tagging for Urdu based on Bootstrap POS Learning}
venue = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access: Addressing the Information Need of Multilingual Societies (CLIAWS3)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0901}
author = {Larsson, Staffan; Cooper, Robin}
title = {Towards a Formal View of Corrective Feedback}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0902}
author = {Jack, Kris}
title = {A Collaborative Tool for the Computational Modelling of Child Language Acquisition}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0903}
author = {Afantenos, Stergos; Hernandez, Nicolas}
title = {What's in a Message?}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0904}
author = {Clark, Alexander; Lappin, Shalom}
title = {Another Look at Indirect Negative Evidence}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0905}
author = {Dickinson, Markus; Jochim, Charles}
title = {Categorizing Local Contexts as a Step in Grammatical Category Induction}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0906}
author = {Cochran, Dave}
title = {Darwinised Data-Oriented Parsing - Statistical NLP with Added Sex and Death}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0907}
author = {Choudhury, Monojit; Mukherjee, Animesh; Basu, Anupam; Ganguly, Niloy; Garg, Ashish; Jalan, Vaibhav}
title = {Language Diversity across the Consonant Inventories: A Study in the Framework of Complex Networks}
venue = {Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition}
year = {2009}
id = {W05-0301}
author = {Meyers, Adam}
title = {Introduction To Frontiers In Corpus Annotation II: Pie In The Sky}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0302}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Meyers, Adam; Palmer, Martha; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {Merging PropBank NomBank TimeBank Penn Discourse Treebank And Coreference}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0303}
author = {Hinrichs, Erhard W.; Kübler, Sandra; Naumann, Karin}
title = {A Unified Representation For Morphological Syntactic Semantic And Referential Annotations}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0304}
author = {Bies, Ann; Kulick, Seth; Mandel, Mark}
title = {Parallel Entity And Treebank Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0305}
author = {Dinesh, Nikhil; Lee, Alan; Miltsakaki, Eleni; Prasad, Rashmi; Joshi, Aravind K.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Attribution And The (Non-)Alignment Of Syntactic And Discourse Arguments Of Connectives}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0306}
author = {Inui, Takashi; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Investigating The Characteristics Of Causal Relations In Japanese Text}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0307}
author = {Calhoun, Sasha; Nissim, Malvina; Steedman, Mark; Brenier, Jason M.}
title = {A Framework For Annotating Information Structure In Discourse}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0308}
author = {Wilson, Theresa; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Annotating Attributions And Private States}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0309}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Xue, Nianwen; Babko-Malaya, Olga; Chen, Jinying; Snyder, Benjamin}
title = {A Parallel Proposition Bank II For Chinese And English}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0310}
author = {McShane, Marjorie; Nirenburg, Sergei; Beale, Stephen; O'Hara, Thomas P.}
title = {Semantically Rich Human-Aided Machine Annotation}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0311}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Artstein, Ron}
title = {The Reliability Of Anaphoric Annotation Reconsidered: Taking Ambiguity Into Account}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W05-0312}
author = {Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Annotating Discourse Connectives In The Chinese Treebank}
venue = {Workshop On Frontiers In Corpus Annotations II: Pie In The Sky}
year = {2005}
id = {W06-2601}
author = {Sandrini, Vanessa; Federico, Marcello; Cettolo, Mauro}
title = {Maximum Entropy Tagging With Binary And Real-Valued Features}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2602}
author = {Canisius, Sander; van den Bosch, Antal; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Constraint Satisfaction Inference: Non-Probabilistic Global Inference For Sequence Labelling}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2603}
author = {Costa, Fabrizio; Menchetti, Sauro; Ceroni, Alessio; Passerini, Andrea; Frasconi, Paolo}
title = {Decomposition Kernels For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2604}
author = {Zelaia, Ana; Alegria, Iñaki; Arregi, Olatz; Sierra, Basilio}
title = {A Multiclassifier Based Document Categorization System: Profiting From The Singular Value Decomposition Dimensionality Reduction Technique}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2605}
author = {Subba, Rajen; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Kim, Su Nam}
title = {Discourse Parsing: Learning FOL Rules Based On Rich Verb Semantic Representations To Automatically Label Rhetorical Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2606}
author = {Hasan, Saša; Bender, Oliver; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Reranking Translation Hypotheses Using Structural Properties}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2607}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Pighin, Daniele; Basili, Roberto}
title = {Tree Kernel Engineering In Semantic Role Labeling Systems}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2608}
author = {Giuliano, Claudio; Gliozzo, Alfio Massimiliano; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {Syntagmatic Kernels: A Word Sense Disambiguation Case Study}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2609}
author = {Fahmi, Ismail; Bouma, Gosse}
title = {Learning To Identify Definitions Using Syntactic Features}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2610}
author = {Lassen, Tine; Terney, Thomas Vestskov}
title = {An Ontology-Based Approach To Disambiguation Of Semantic Relations}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2611}
author = {Giuglea, Ana-Maria; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {Towards Free-Text Semantic Parsing: A Unified Framework Based On FrameNet VerbNet And PropBank}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2612}
author = {Snae, Chakkrit}
title = {Constructing A Rule Based Naming System For Thai Names Using The Concept Of Ontologies}
venue = {Workshop On Learning Structured Information In Natural Language Applications}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0201}
author = {Murata, Masaki; Ichii, Koji; Ma, Qing; Shirado, Tamotsu; Kanamaru, Toshiyuki; Tsukawaki, Sachiyo; Isahara, Hitoshi}
title = {Development Of An Automatic Trend Exploration System Using The MuST Data Collection}
venue = {Workshop On Information Extraction Beyond The Document}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0202}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Greenwood, Mark A.}
title = {Comparing Information Extraction Pattern Models}
venue = {Workshop On Information Extraction Beyond The Document}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0203}
author = {Walter, Stephan; Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {Automatic Extraction Of Definitions From German Court Decisions}
venue = {Workshop On Information Extraction Beyond The Document}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0204}
author = {Greenwood, Mark A.; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Improving Semi-Supervised Acquisition Of Relation Extraction Patterns}
venue = {Workshop On Information Extraction Beyond The Document}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0205}
author = {Dias, Gaël; Santos, Claudia; Cleuziou, Guillaume}
title = {Automatic Knowledge Representation Using A Graph-Based Algorithm For Language-Independent Lexical Chaining}
venue = {Workshop On Information Extraction Beyond The Document}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0206}
author = {Ji, Heng; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Data Selection In Semi-Supervised Learning For Name Tagging}
venue = {Workshop On Information Extraction Beyond The Document}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0207}
author = {Almas, Yousif; Ahmad, Khurshid}
title = {LoLo: A System Based On Terminology For Multilingual Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Information Extraction Beyond The Document}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0208}
author = {Patwardhan, Siddharth; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Learning Domain-Specific Information Extraction Patterns From The Web}
venue = {Workshop On Information Extraction Beyond The Document}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3001}
author = {Bertomeu, Nuria; Uszkoreit, Hans; Frank, Anette; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich; Jorg, Brigitte}
title = {Contextual Phenomena And Thematic Relations In Database QA Dialogues: Results From A Wizard-Of-Oz Experiment}
venue = {Interactive Question Answering Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3002}
author = {Kato, Tsuneaki; Fukumoto, Jun'ichi; Masui, Fumito; Kando, Noriko}
title = {WoZ Simulation Of Interactive Question Answering}
venue = {Interactive Question Answering Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3003}
author = {McCracken, Nancy J.; Diekema, Anne R.; Ingersoll, Grant; Harwell, Sarah C.; Allen, Eileen E.; Yilmazel, Ozgur; Liddy, Elizabeth D.}
title = {Modeling Reference Interviews As A Basis For Improving Automatic QA Systems}
venue = {Interactive Question Answering Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3004}
author = {Hickl, Andrew; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Enhanced Interactive Question-Answering With Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Interactive Question Answering Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3005}
author = {Yang, Fan; Feng, Junlan; Di Fabbrizio, Giuseppe}
title = {A Data Driven Approach To Relevancy Recognition For Contextual Question Answering}
venue = {Interactive Question Answering Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3006}
author = {Fukumoto, Jun'ichi}
title = {Answering Questions Of Information Access Dialogue (IAD) Task Using Ellipsis Handling Of Follow-Up Questions}
venue = {Interactive Question Answering Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-3007}
author = {Kelly, Diane; Kantor, Paul B.; Morse, Emile; Scholtz, Jean; Sun, Ying}
title = {User-Centered Evaluation Of Interactive Question Answering Systems}
venue = {Interactive Question Answering Workshop}
year = {2006}
id = {W09-2001}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Beigman, Eyal; Diermeier, Daniel}
title = {Discourse Topics and Metaphors}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2002}
author = {Bethard, Steven; Lai, Vicky Tzuyin; Martin, James H.}
title = {Topic Model Analysis of Metaphor Frequency for Psycholinguistic Stimuli}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2003}
author = {Reddy, Sravana}
title = {Understanding Eggcorns}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2004}
author = {Hong, Bryan Anthony; Ong, Ethel}
title = {Automatically Extracting Word Relationships as Templates for Pun Generation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2005}
author = {Netzer, Yael Dahan; Gabay, David; Goldberg, Yoav; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Gaiku : Generating Haiku with Word Associations Norms}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2006}
author = {Ramakrishnan A., Ananth; Kuppan, Sankar; Lalitha Devi, Sobha}
title = {Automatic Generation of Tamil Lyrics for Melodies}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2007}
author = {Zeldes, Amir}
title = {Quantifying Constructional Productivity with Unseen Slot Members}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2008}
author = {Montfort, Nick}
title = {Curveship: An Interactive Fiction System for Interactive Narrating}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2009}
author = {Solis, Candice; Siy, Joan Tiffany; Tabirao, Emerald; Ong, Ethel}
title = {Planning Author and Character Goals for Story Generation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2010}
author = {Cook, Paul; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {An Unsupervised Model for Text Message Normalization}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2011}
author = {Vegnaduzzo, Stefano}
title = {Morphological Productivity Rankings of Complex Adjectives}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2012}
author = {Zhu, Xiaojin; Xu, Zhiting; Khot, Tushar}
title = {How Creative is Your Writing?}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2013}
author = {Ramsay, Allan; Field, Debora}
title = {’Sorry’ is the hardest word}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2701}
author = {Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Knowledge and Reasoning for Medical Question-Answering}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions (KRAQ 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2702}
author = {Suktarachan, Mukda; Rattanamanee, Patthrawan; Kawtrakul, Asanee}
title = {The Development of a Question-Answering Services System for the Farmer through SMS: Query Analysis}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions (KRAQ 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2703}
author = {Jitkrittum, Wittawat; Haruechaiyasak, Choochart; Theeramunkong, Thanaruk}
title = {QAST: Question Answering System for ThaiWikipedia}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions (KRAQ 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2704}
author = {Lim, Nathalie Rose; Saint-Dizier, Patrick; Roxas, Rachel Edita O.}
title = {Some Challenges in the Design of Comparative and Evaluative Question Answering Systems}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions (KRAQ 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2705}
author = {Quarteroni, Silvia; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Addressing How-to Questions using a Spoken Dialogue System: a Viable Approach?}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning for Answering Questions (KRAQ 2009)}
year = {2009}
id = {W01-1201}
author = {Breck, Eric; Light, Marc; Mann, Gideon S.; Riloff, Ellen; Brown, Brianne; Anand, Pranav}
title = {Looking Under The Hood: Tools For Diagnosing Your Question Answering Engine}
venue = {Workshop On Open-Domain Question Answering}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1202}
author = {Kim, Harksoo; Kim, Kyungsun; Lee, Gary Geunbae; Seo, Jungyun}
title = {MAYA: A Fast Question-Answering System Based On A Predictive Answer Indexer}
venue = {Workshop On Open-Domain Question Answering}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1203}
author = {Hermjakob, Ulf}
title = {Parsing And Question Classification For Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Open-Domain Question Answering}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1204}
author = {Mann, Gideon S.}
title = {A Statistical Method For Short Answer Extraction}
venue = {Workshop On Open-Domain Question Answering}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1205}
author = {Zajac, Remi}
title = {Towards Ontological Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On Open-Domain Question Answering}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1206}
author = {Paşca, Marius; Harabagiu, Sanda M.}
title = {Answer Mining From On-Line Documents}
venue = {Workshop On Open-Domain Question Answering}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1207}
author = {Ferret, Olivier; Grau, Brigitte; Hurault-Plantet, Martine; Illouz, Gabriel; Jacquemin, Christian}
title = {Terminological Variants For Document Selection And Question/Answer Matching}
venue = {Workshop On Open-Domain Question Answering}
year = {2001}
id = {W01-1208}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Question Answering Using Encyclopedic Knowledge Generated From The Web}
venue = {Workshop On Open-Domain Question Answering}
year = {2001}
id = {W06-0501}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Velardi, Paola}
title = {Enriching A Formal Ontology With A Thesaurus: An Application In The Cultural Heritage Domain}
venue = {Workshop On Ontology Learning And Population: Bridging The Gap Between Text And Knowledge}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0502}
author = {Nichols, Eric; Bond, Francis; Tanaka, Takaaki; Fujita, Sanae; Flickinger, Daniel P.}
title = {Multilingual Ontology Acquisition From Multiple MRDs}
venue = {Workshop On Ontology Learning And Population: Bridging The Gap Between Text And Knowledge}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0503}
author = {Suchanek, Fabian M.; Ifrim, Georgiana; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {LEILA: Learning To Extract Information By Linguistic Analysis}
venue = {Workshop On Ontology Learning And Population: Bridging The Gap Between Text And Knowledge}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0504}
author = {Magnini, Bernardo; Pianta, Emanuele; Popescu, Octavian; Speranza, Manuela}
title = {Ontology Population From Textual Mentions: Task Definition And Benchmark}
venue = {Workshop On Ontology Learning And Population: Bridging The Gap Between Text And Knowledge}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0505}
author = {Deschacht, Koen; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Efficient Hierarchical Entity Classifier Using Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {Workshop On Ontology Learning And Population: Bridging The Gap Between Text And Knowledge}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0506}
author = {Ryu, Pum-Mo; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Taxonomy Learning Using Term Specificity And Similarity}
venue = {Workshop On Ontology Learning And Population: Bridging The Gap Between Text And Knowledge}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0507}
author = {Alfonseca, Enrique; Ruiz-Casado, Maria; Okumura, Manabu; Castells, Pablo}
title = {Towards Large-Scale Non-Taxonomic Relation Extraction: Estimating The Precision Of Rote Extractors}
venue = {Workshop On Ontology Learning And Population: Bridging The Gap Between Text And Knowledge}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0508}
author = {Specia, Lucia; Motta, Enrico}
title = {A Hybrid Approach For Extracting Semantic Relations From Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Ontology Learning And Population: Bridging The Gap Between Text And Knowledge}
year = {2006}
id = {W97-0501}
author = {Todman, John; Alm, Norman}
title = {Pragmatics And AAC Approaches To Conversational Goals}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing For Communication Aids}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0502}
author = {Langer, Stefan; Hickey, Marianne}
title = {Automatic Message Indexing And Full Text Retrieval For A Communication Aid}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing For Communication Aids}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0503}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.}
title = {Simple NLP Techniques For Expanding Telegraphic Sentences}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing For Communication Aids}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0504}
author = {Carlberger, Alice; Carlberger, Johan; Magnuson, Tina; Hunnicutt, M. Sharon; Palazuelos-Cagigas, Sira E.; Aguilera Navarro, Santiago}
title = {Profet A New Generation Of Word Prediction: An Evaluation Study}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing For Communication Aids}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0505}
author = {Garay-Vitoria, Nestor; Abascal, Julio G.}
title = {Word Prediction For Inflected Languages: Application To Basque Language}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing For Communication Aids}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0506}
author = {Copestake, Ann}
title = {Augmented And Alternative NLP Techniques For Augmentative And Alternative Communication}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing For Communication Aids}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0507}
author = {File, Portia; Elder, Leona}
title = {Using NLP In The Design Of A Conversation Aid For Non-Speaking Children}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing For Communication Aids}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0508}
author = {McCoy, Kathleen F.; Masterman, Lisa N.}
title = {A Tutor For Teaching English As A Second Language For Deaf Users Of American Sign Language}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing For Communication Aids}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0509}
author = {Wakao, Takahiro; Ehara, Terumasa; Sawamura, Eiji; Abe, Yoshiharu; Shirai, Katsuhiko}
title = {Application Of NLP Technology To Production Of Closed-Caption TV. Programs In Japanese For The Hearing Impaired}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing For Communication Aids}
year = {1997}
id = {W97-0510}
author = {Godbert, Elisabeth; Mouret, Pascal; Pasero, Robert; Rolbert, Monique}
title = {A Software For Language Education And Rehabilitation Of Autistic-Like Children}
venue = {Workshop On Natural Language Processing For Communication Aids}
year = {1997}
id = {W06-0401}
author = {Van Der Feen, Marieke; Hendriks, Petra; Hoeks, John}
title = {Constraints In Language Processing: Do Grammars Count?}
venue = {Workshop On Constraints And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0402}
author = {Penn, Gerald; Banjevic, Stefan; Demko, Michael}
title = {Control Strategies For Parsing With Freer Word-Order Languages}
venue = {Workshop On Constraints And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0403}
author = {Prost, Jean-Philippe}
title = {Numbat: Abolishing Privileges When Licensing New Constituents In Constraint-Oriented Parsing}
venue = {Workshop On Constraints And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0404}
author = {Al-Raheb, Yafa}
title = {Pragmatic Constraints On Semantic Presupposition}
venue = {Workshop On Constraints And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0405}
author = {Roux, Claude}
title = {Coupling A Linguistic Formalism And A Script Language}
venue = {Workshop On Constraints And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0406}
author = {Marques Pelizzoni, Jorge; Das Gracas Volpe Nunes, Maria}
title = {Capturing Disjunction In Lexicalization With Extensible Dependency Grammar}
venue = {Workshop On Constraints And Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W10-4001}
author = {Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Word Sense Disambiguation and IR}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4002}
author = {Sakai, Tetsuya}
title = {Multiliguality at NTCIR and moving on ...}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4003}
author = {Lejeune, Gael; Doucet, Antoine; Yangarber, Roman; Lucas, Nadine}
title = {Filtering news for epidemic surveillance: towards processing more languages with fewer resources}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4004}
author = {T, Pattabhi R K Rao; Lalitha Devi, Sobha}
title = {How to Get the Same News from Different Language News Papers}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4005}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard; Zock, Michael; Trotman, Andrew; Xu, Yue}
title = {The Noisier the Better: Identifying Multilingual Word Translations Using a Single Monolingual Corpus}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4006}
author = {Okita, Tsuyoshi; Maldonado Guerra, Alfredo; Graham, Yvette; Way, Andy}
title = {Multi-Word Expression-Sensitive Word Alignment}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4007}
author = {Chatterjee, Diptesh; Sarkar, Sudeshna; Mishra, Arpit}
title = {Co-occurrence Graph Based Iterative Bilingual Lexicon Extraction From Comparable Corpora}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4008}
author = {Tang, Ling-Xiang; Geva, Shlomo; Trotman, Andrew; Xu, Yue}
title = {A Voting Mechanism for Named Entity Translation in English – Chinese Question Answering}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4009}
author = {Falaise, Achille; Rouquet, David; Schwab, Didier; Blanchon, Hervé; Boitet, Christian}
title = {Ontology driven content extraction using interlingual annotation of texts in the OMNIA project}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4010}
author = {Litvak, Marina; Last, Mark; Kisilevich, Slava; Keim, Daniel A.; Lipman, Hagay; Ben Gur, Assaf}
title = {Towards multi-lingual summarization: A comparative analysis of sentence extraction methods on English and Hebrew corpora}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4011}
author = {Vachhani, Vishal; Chinnakotla, Manoj Kumar; Khapra, Mitesh M.; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {More Languages More MAP?: A Study of Multiple Assisting Languages in Multilingual PRF}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-4012}
author = {Hajlaoui, Najeh; Boitet, Christian}
title = {Multilinguization and Personalization of NL-based Systems}
venue = {Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access}
year = {2010}
id = {W06-1801}
author = {Benamara, Farah}
title = {Language And Reasoning For Question Answering: State Of The Artand Future Directions}
venue = {Workshop On KRAQ Knowledge And Reasoning For Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1802}
author = {Bouma, Gosse}
title = {Linguistic Knowledge And Question Answering}
venue = {Workshop On KRAQ Knowledge And Reasoning For Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1803}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Callaway, Charles B.; Farrow, Elaine}
title = {Interpretation And Generation In A Knowledge-Based TutorialSystem}
venue = {Workshop On KRAQ Knowledge And Reasoning For Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1804}
author = {Gatius, Marta; González, Meritxell}
title = {Using Application-Specific Ontologies To Improve Performancein A Bottom-Up Parser}
venue = {Workshop On KRAQ Knowledge And Reasoning For Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1805}
author = {Amoia, Marilisa; Gardent, Claire}
title = {Adjective Based Inference}
venue = {Workshop On KRAQ Knowledge And Reasoning For Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1806}
author = {Magnusson, Martin}
title = {Natural Language Understanding Using Temporal Action Logic}
venue = {Workshop On KRAQ Knowledge And Reasoning For Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1807}
author = {McNeill, Fiona; Halpin, Harry; Klein, Ewan; Bundy, Alan}
title = {Merging Stories With Shallow Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On KRAQ Knowledge And Reasoning For Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1808}
author = {Moriceau, Veronique}
title = {Numerical Data Integration For Cooperative Question-Answering}
venue = {Workshop On KRAQ Knowledge And Reasoning For Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1809}
author = {Quarteroni, Silvia; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {Incorporating User Models In Question Answering To ImproveReadability}
venue = {Workshop On KRAQ Knowledge And Reasoning For Language Processing}
year = {2006}
id = {W10-2801}
author = {Jurgens, David; Stevens, Keith}
title = {Capturing Nonlinear Structure in Word Spaces through Dimensionality Reduction}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2802}
author = {Croce, Danilo; Previtali, Daniele}
title = {Manifold Learning for the Semi-Supervised Induction of FrameNet Predicates: An Empirical Investigation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2803}
author = {Erk, Katrin}
title = {What Is Word Meaning Really? (And How Can Distributional Models Help Us Describe It?)}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2804}
author = {Dinu, Georgiana; Chrupała, Grzegorz}
title = {Relatedness Curves for Acquiring Paraphrases}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2805}
author = {Guevara, Emiliano Raul}
title = {A Regression Model of Adjective-Noun Compositionality in Distributional Semantics}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2806}
author = {Clarke, Daoud; Lutz, Rudi; Weir, David}
title = {Semantic Composition with Quotient Algebras}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2807}
author = {Washtell, Justin}
title = {Expectation Vectors: A Semiotics Inspired Approach to Geometric Lexical-Semantic Representation}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2808}
author = {Goyal, Amit; Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh; Daumé III, Hal; Venkatasubramanian, Suresh}
title = {Sketch Techniques for Scaling Distributional Similarity to the Web}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-2809}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas; Ghahramani, Zoubin; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Active Learning for Constrained Dirichlet Process Mixture Models}
venue = {Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics}
year = {2010}
id = {W06-0301}
author = {Kim, Soo-Min; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Extracting Opinions Opinion Holders And Topics Expressed In Online News Media Text}
venue = {Workshop On Sentiment And Subjectivity In Text}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0302}
author = {Stoyanov, Veselin; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Toward Opinion Summarization: Linking The Sources}
venue = {Workshop On Sentiment And Subjectivity In Text}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0303}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {A System For Summarizing And Visualizing Arguments In Subjective Documents: Toward Supporting Decision Making}
venue = {Workshop On Sentiment And Subjectivity In Text}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0304}
author = {Gregory, Michelle L.; Chinchor, Nancy A.; Whitney, Paul; Carter, Richard; Hetzler, Elizabeth; Turner, Alan}
title = {User-Directed Sentiment Analysis: Visualizing The Affective Content Of Documents}
venue = {Workshop On Sentiment And Subjectivity In Text}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0305}
author = {Prasad, Rashmi; Dinesh, Nikhil; Lee, Alan; Joshi, Aravind K.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Annotating Attribution In The Penn Discourse TreeBank}
venue = {Workshop On Sentiment And Subjectivity In Text}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0306}
author = {Hiroshima, Nobuaki; Yamada, Setsuo; Furuse, Osamu; Kataoka, Ryoji}
title = {Searching For Sentences Expressing Opinions By Using Declaratively Subjective Clues}
venue = {Workshop On Sentiment And Subjectivity In Text}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0307}
author = {Zhang, Li; Barnden, John A.; Hendley, Robert J.; Wallington, Alan M.}
title = {Exploitation In Affect Detection In Open-Ended Improvisational Text}
venue = {Workshop On Sentiment And Subjectivity In Text}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-0308}
author = {Généreux, Michel; Evans, Roger}
title = {Towards A Validated Model For Affective Classification Of Texts}
venue = {Workshop On Sentiment And Subjectivity In Text}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2301}
author = {van Noord, Gertjan}
title = {Robust Parsing Error Mining Automated Lexical Acquisition And Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop On ROMAND Robust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2302}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo; Bristot, Antonella; Piccolino Boniforti, Marco Aldo; Tonelli, Sara}
title = {Another Evaluation Of Anaphora Resolution Algorithms And A Comparison With GETARUNS Knowledge Rich Approach}
venue = {Workshop On ROMAND Robust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2303}
author = {Musillo, Gabriele; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Robust Parsing Of The Proposition Bank}
venue = {Workshop On ROMAND Robust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2304}
author = {Blache, Philippe}
title = {A Robust And Efficient Parser For Non-Canonical Inputs}
venue = {Workshop On ROMAND Robust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-2305}
author = {Foth, Kilian A.; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Robust Parsing: More With Less}
venue = {Workshop On ROMAND Robust Methods In Analysis Of Natural Language Data}
year = {2006}
id = {W04-0601}
author = {Foster, Mary Ellen; White, Michael}
title = {Techniques For Text Planning With XSLT}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML RDF/RDFS And OWL In Language Technology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0602}
author = {Wittenburg, Peter; Broeder, Daan; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {Towards Metadata Interoperability}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML RDF/RDFS And OWL In Language Technology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0603}
author = {Guo, Xi S.; Chaudhary, Mark; Dozier, Christopher C.; Arumainayagam, Yogi; Subramanian, Venkatesan}
title = {A Web Application Using RDF/RDFS For Metadata Navigation}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML RDF/RDFS And OWL In Language Technology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0604}
author = {Simons, Gary; Lewis, William H.; Farrar, Scott; Langendoen, D. Terence; Fitzsimons, Brian; Gonzalez, Hector}
title = {The Semantics Of Markup: Mapping Legacy Markup Schemas To A Common Semantics}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML RDF/RDFS And OWL In Language Technology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0605}
author = {Froumentin, Max}
title = {Extensible MultiModal Annotation (EMMA)}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML RDF/RDFS And OWL In Language Technology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0606}
author = {Beltran-Ferruz, Pablo; Gonzalez-Calero, P.; Gervás, Pablo}
title = {Converting Mikrokosmos Frames Into Description Logics}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML RDF/RDFS And OWL In Language Technology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0607}
author = {Schlangen, David; Stede, Manfred; Bontas, Elena Paslaru}
title = {Feeding OWL: Extracting And Representing The Content Of Pathology Reports}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML RDF/RDFS And OWL In Language Technology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0608}
author = {Meena, Erica; Kumar, Ashwani; Romary, Laurent}
title = {An Extensible Framework For Efficient Document Management Using RDF And OWL}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML RDF/RDFS And OWL In Language Technology}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0609}
author = {Estival, Dominique; Nowak, Chris; Zschorn, Andrew}
title = {Towards Ontology-Based Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop On NLP And XML NLPXML RDF/RDFS And OWL In Language Technology}
year = {2004}
id = {W10-1501}
author = {Guevara, Emiliano Raul}
title = {NoWaC: a large web-based corpus for Norwegian}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Sixth Web as Corpus Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1502}
author = {Dickinson, Markus; Israel, Ross; Lee, Sun-Hee}
title = {Building a Korean Web Corpus for Analyzing Learner Language}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Sixth Web as Corpus Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1503}
author = {Goyal, Amit; Jagarlamudi, Jagadeesh; Daumé III, Hal; Venkatasubramanian, Suresh}
title = {Sketching Techniques for Large Scale NLP}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Sixth Web as Corpus Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1504}
author = {Dillon, George}
title = {Building Webcorpora of Academic Prose with BootCaT}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Sixth Web as Corpus Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1505}
author = {Evert, Stefan}
title = {Google Web 1T 5-Grams Made Easy (but not for the computer)}
venue = {Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Sixth Web as Corpus Workshop}
year = {2010}
id = {W09-1801}
author = {Martins, Andre; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Summarization with a Joint Model for Sentence Extraction and Compression}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Integer Linear Programming for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1802}
author = {Gillick, Dan; Favre, Benoit}
title = {A Scalable Global Model for Summarization}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Integer Linear Programming for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1803}
author = {Elsner, Micha; Schudy, Warren}
title = {Bounding and Comparing Methods for Correlation Clustering Beyond ILP}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Integer Linear Programming for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1804}
author = {Bodrumlu, Tugba; Knight, Kevin; Ravi, Sujith}
title = {A New Objective Function for Word Alignment}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Integer Linear Programming for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1805}
author = {Langkilde-Geary, Irene}
title = {A Constraint Programming Approach to Probabilistic Syntactic Processing}
venue = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Integer Linear Programming for Natural Language Processing}
year = {2009}
id = {W00-1301}
author = {Brill, Eric}
title = {Pattern-Based Disambiguation For Natural Language Processing}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1302}
author = {Teufel, Simone; Moens, Marc}
title = {What's Yours And What's Mine: Determining Intellectual Attribution In Scientific Text}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1303}
author = {Kudo, Taku; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Japanese Dependency Structure Analysis Based On Support Vector Machines}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1304}
author = {Florian, Radu; Henderson, John C.; Ngai, Grace}
title = {Coaxing Confidences From An Old Freind: Probabilistic Classifications From Transformation Rule Lists}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1305}
author = {Li, Hang; Yamanishi, Kenji}
title = {Topic Analysis Using A Finite Mixture Model}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1306}
author = {Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Sample Selection For Statistical Grammar Induction}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1307}
author = {Xia, Fei; Palmer, Martha; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {A Uniform Method Of Grammar Extraction And Its Applications}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1308}
author = {Toutanova, Kristina; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Enriching The Knowledge Sources Used In A Maximum Entropy Part-Of-Speech Tagger}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1309}
author = {Zhou, Guodong; Su, Jian}
title = {Error-Driven HMM-Based Chunk Tagger With Context-Dependent Lexicon}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1310}
author = {Kurohashi, Sadao; Ori, Manabu}
title = {Nonlocal Language Modeling Based On Context Co-Occurrence Vectors}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1311}
author = {Hung, K. Y.; Luk, Robert Wing Pong; Yeung, D.; Chung, K. F. L.; Shu, W.}
title = {Detection Of Language (Model) Errors}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1312}
author = {Xu, Jinxi; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Using Hidden Markov Models}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1313}
author = {Zhang, Yibo; Sun, Le; Du, Lin; Sun, Yufang}
title = {Query Translation In Chinese-English Cross-Language Information Retrieval}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1314}
author = {Sun, Le; Jin, Youbing; Du, Lin; Sun, Yufang}
title = {Word Alignment Of English-Chinese Bilingual Corpus Based On Chucks}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1315}
author = {Umemura, Kyoji; Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Empirical Term Weighting And Expansion Frequency}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1316}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou; Teo, Leong Hwee; Kwan, Jennifer Lai Pheng}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach To Answering Questions For Reading Comprehension Tests}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1317}
author = {Tang, Lappoon R.; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Automated Construction Of Database Interfaces: Intergrating Statistical And Relational Learning For Semantic Parsing}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1318}
author = {Bikel, Daniel M.}
title = {Automatic WordNet Mapping Using Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1319}
author = {Zhou, Joe F.; Liu, Weiquan}
title = {A Real-Time Integration Of Concept-Based Search And Summarization Of Chinese Websites}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1320}
author = {Bikel, Daniel M.}
title = {A Statistical Model For Parsing And Word-Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1321}
author = {Kim, Sung Dong; Zhang, Byoung-Tak; Kim, Yung Taek}
title = {Reducing Parsing Complexity By Intra-Sentence Segmentation Based On Maximum Entropy Model}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1322}
author = {Escudero, Gerard; Màrquez, Lluís; Rigau, German}
title = {An Empirical Study Of The Domain Dependence Of Supervised Word Disambiguation Systems}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1323}
author = {Jacquemin, Christian; Bush, Caroline}
title = {Combining Lexical And Formatting Cues For Named Entity Acquisition From The Web}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1324}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura}
title = {A Query Tool For Syntactically Frame Acquisition}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1325}
author = {Korhonen, Anna; Gorrell, Genevieve; McCarthy, Diana}
title = {Statistical Filtering And Subcategorization Frame Acquisition}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1326}
author = {Martinez, David; Agirre, Eneko}
title = {One Sense Per Collocation And Genre/Topic Variations}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W00-1327}
author = {Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Using Semantically Motivated Estimates To Help Subcategorization Acquisition}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {2000}
id = {W99-0601}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {What's Happened Since The First SIGDAT Meeting?}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0602}
author = {Simard, Michel}
title = {Text-Translation Alignment: Three Languages Are Better Than Two}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0603}
author = {Daude, J.; Padró, Lluís; Rigau, German}
title = {Mapping Multilingual Hierarchies Using Relaxation Labeling}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0604}
author = {Och, Franz Josef; Tillmann, Christoph; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Improved Alignment Models For Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0605}
author = {Fujii, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Tetsuya}
title = {Cross-Language Information Retrieval For Technical Documents}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0606}
author = {Abney, Steven; Schapire, Robert E.; Singer, Yoram}
title = {Boosting Applied To Tagging And PP Attachment}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0607}
author = {Black, Ezra W.; Finch, Andrew; Zhang, Ruiqiang}
title = {Applying Extrasentential Context To Maximum Entropy Based Tagging With A Large Semantic And Syntactic Tagset}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0608}
author = {Màrquez, Lluís; Rodríquez, Horacio; Carmona, Josep; Montolio, Josep}
title = {Improving POS Tagging Using Machine-Learning Techniques}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0609}
author = {Caraballo, Sharon A.; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Determining The Specificity Of Nouns From Text}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0610}
author = {Kim, Seonho; Yang, Zooil; Song, Mansuk; Ahn, Jung-Ho}
title = {Retrieving Collocations From Korean Text}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0611}
author = {Cardie, Claire; Wagstaff, Kiri}
title = {Noun Phrase Coreference As Clustering}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0612}
author = {Cucerzan, Silviu; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Language Independent Named Entity Recognition Combining Morphological And Contextual Evidence}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0613}
author = {Collins, Michael John; Singer, Yoram}
title = {Unsupervised Models For Named Entity Classification}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0614}
author = {Hartrumpf, Sven}
title = {Hybrid Disambiguation Of Prepositional Phrase Attachment And Interpretation}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0615}
author = {Kim, Jin-Dong; Lee, Sang-Zoo; Rim, Hae-Chang}
title = {HMM Specialization With Selective Lexicalization}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0616}
author = {Schwartz, Richard M.}
title = {Why Doesn't Natural Language Come Naturally?}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0617}
author = {Heeman, Peter A.}
title = {POS Tags And Decision Trees For Language Modeling}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0618}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Jun, Zhao; Sui, Zhifang}
title = {An Information-Theoretic Empirical Analysis Of Dependency-Based Feature Types For Word Prediction Models}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0619}
author = {Pan, Shimei; McKeown, Kathleen R.}
title = {Word Informativeness And Automatic Pitch Accent Modeling}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0620}
author = {Nomoto, Tadashi; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Learning Discourse Relations With Active Data Selection}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0621}
author = {Munoz, Marcia; Punyakanok, Vasin; Roth, Dan; Zimak, Dav}
title = {A Learning Approach To Shallow Parsing}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0622}
author = {Seagull, Amon; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {Guiding A Well-Founded Parser With Corpus Statistics}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0623}
author = {Henderson, John C.; Brill, Eric}
title = {Exploiting Diversity In Natural Language Processing: Combining Parsers}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0624}
author = {Gonzalo, Julio; Peñas, Anselmo; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {Lexical Ambiguity And Information Retrieval Revisited}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0625}
author = {Hatzivassiloglou, Vasileios; Klavans, Judith L.; Eskin, Eleazar}
title = {Detecting Text Similarity Over Short Passages: Exploring Linguistic Feature Combinations Via Machine Learning}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0626}
author = {Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {Automatic Construction Of Weighted String Similarity Measures}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0627}
author = {Yarowsky, David; Florian, Radu}
title = {Taking The Load Off The Conference Chairs - Towards A Digital Paper-Routing Assistant}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0628}
author = {Alegre, Martha A.; Sopena, Josep M.; Lloberas, Agusti}
title = {PP-Attachment: A Committee Machine Approach}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0629}
author = {Buchholz, Sabine; Veenstra, Jorn; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Cascaded Grammatical Relation Assignment}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0630}
author = {Chan, Daniel Ka-Leung; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Automatically Merging Lexicons That Have Incompatible Part-Of-Speech Categories}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0631}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Weir, David}
title = {An Iterative Approach To Estimating Frequencies Over A Semantic Hierarchy}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0632}
author = {Lapata, Mirella; Brew, Chris}
title = {Using Subcategorization To Resolve Verb Class Ambiguity}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0633}
author = {Megyesi, Beáta}
title = {Improving Brill's POS Tagger For An Agglutinative Language}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0634}
author = {Soon, Wee Meng; Ng, Hwee Tou; Lim, Daniel Chung Yong}
title = {Corpus-Based Learning For Noun Phrase Coreference Resolution}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W99-0635}
author = {Yoon, Juntae; Choi, Key-Sun; Song, Mansuk}
title = {Corpus-Based Approach For Nominal Compound Analysis For Korean Based On Linguistic And Statistical Information}
venue = {2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora}
year = {1999}
id = {W08-0701}
author = {Livescu, Karen}
title = {Invited talk: Phonological Models in Automatic Speech Recognition}
venue = {Proceedings of the Tenth Meeting of ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0702}
author = {Morley, Rebecca}
title = {Bayesian Learning over Conflicting Data: Predictions for Language Change}
venue = {Proceedings of the Tenth Meeting of ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0703}
author = {Ellis, David}
title = {A Bayesian Model of Natural Language Phonology: Generating Alternations from Underlying Forms}
venue = {Proceedings of the Tenth Meeting of ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0704}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Unsupervised Word Segmentation for Sesotho Using Adaptor Grammars}
venue = {Proceedings of the Tenth Meeting of ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0705}
author = {Riggle, Jason}
title = {Invited talk: Counting Rankings}
venue = {Proceedings of the Tenth Meeting of ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0706}
author = {Bane, Max; Riggle, Jason}
title = {Three Correlates of the Typological Frequency of Quantity-Insensitive Stress Systems}
venue = {Proceedings of the Tenth Meeting of ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0707}
author = {Parker Jones, 'ōiwi}
title = {Phonotactic Probability and the Maori Passive: A Computational Approach}
venue = {Proceedings of the Tenth Meeting of ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0708}
author = {Monson, Christian; Lavie, Alon; Carbonnell, Jaime G.; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {Evaluating an Agglutinative Segmentation Model for ParaMor}
venue = {Proceedings of the Tenth Meeting of ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2008}
id = {W12-4301}
author = {Park, Dae Hoon; Blake, Catherine}
title = {Identifying Comparative Claim Sentences in Full-Text Scientific Articles}
venue = {Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4302}
author = {Sándor, Ágnes; Waard, Anita de}
title = {Identifying Claimed Knowledge Updates in Biomedical Research Articles}
venue = {Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4303}
author = {Athar, Awais; Teufel, Simone}
title = {Detection of Implicit Citations for Sentiment Detection}
venue = {Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4304}
author = {Ohta, Tomoko; Pyysalo, Sampo; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Open-domain Anatomical Entity Mention Detection}
venue = {Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4305}
author = {Pander Maat, Henk; Ananiadou, Sophia; Liakata, Maria; Waard, Anita de; Thompson, Paul; Nawaz, Raheel}
title = {A three-way perspective on scientific discourse annotation for knowledge extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4306}
author = {Pander Maat, Henk; Waard, Anita de}
title = {Epistemic Modality and Knowledge Attribution in Scientific Discourse: A Taxonomy of Types and Overview of Features}
venue = {Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3901}
author = {Sofianopoulos, Sokratis; Vassiliou, Marina; Tambouratzis, George}
title = {Implementing a Language-Independent MT Methodology}
venue = {Workshop on Multilingual Modeling}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3902}
author = {Bhagavatula, Mahathi; GSK, Santosh; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Language Independent Named Entity Identification using Wikipedia}
venue = {Workshop on Multilingual Modeling}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3903}
author = {Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Ramasamy, Loganathan; Vajjala, Sowmya}
title = {The Study of Effect of Length in Morphological Segmentation of Agglutinative Languages}
venue = {Workshop on Multilingual Modeling}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3904}
author = {Granada, Roger; Lopes, Lucelene; Ramisch, Carlos; Trojahn, Cássia; Vieira, Renata; Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {A Comparable Corpus Based on Aligned Multilingual Ontologies}
venue = {Workshop on Multilingual Modeling}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3801}
author = {Womack, Kathryn; McCoy, Wilson; Calvelli, Cara; Pelz, Jeff B.; Shi, Pengcheng; Haake, Anne; Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter}
title = {Disfluencies as Extra-Propositional Indicators of Cognitive Processing}
venue = {Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3802}
author = {Chardon, Baptiste; Mathieu, Yannick; Popescu, Vladimir; Asher, Nicholas; Benamara, Farah}
title = {How do Negation and Modality Impact on Opinions?}
venue = {Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3803}
author = {McCoy, Wilson; Calvelli, Cara; Pelz, Jeff B.; Shi, Pengcheng; Haake, Anne; Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter}
title = {Linking Uncertainty in Physicians' Narratives to Diagnostic Correctness}
venue = {Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3804}
author = {Velldal, Erik; Read, Jonathon}
title = {Factuality Detection on the Cheap: Inferring Factuality for Increased Precision in Detecting Negated Events}
venue = {Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3805}
author = {Moncecchi, Guillermo; Minel, Jean-Luc; Wonsever, Dina}
title = {Improving Speculative Language Detection using Linguistic Knowledge}
venue = {Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3806}
author = {Stenetorp, Pontus; Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Ananiadou, Sophia; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Bridging the Gap Between Scope-based and Event-based Negation/Speculation Annotations: A Bridge Not Too Far}
venue = {Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3807}
author = {Dorr, Bonnie Jean; Levin, Lori S.; Piatko, Christine; Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar; Bloodgood, Michael; Rambow, Owen; Van Durme, Benjamin; Diab, Mona}
title = {Statistical Modality Tagging from Rule-based Annotations and Crowdsourcing}
venue = {Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3808}
author = {Martell, Craig; Anand, Pranav}
title = {Annotating the Focus of Negation in terms of Questions Under Discussion}
venue = {Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3809}
author = {Choi, Eunsol; Spindel, Jennifer; Tan, Chenhao; Lee, Lillian; Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Cristian}
title = {Hedge Detection as a Lens on Framing in the GMO Debates: A Position Paper}
venue = {Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3810}
author = {Conrad, Alexander; Wiebe, Janyce; Hwa, Rebecca}
title = {Recognizing Arguing Subjectivity and Argument Tags}
venue = {Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3501}
author = {Goetze, Stefan; Fischer, Sven; Moritz, Niko; Appell, Jens-E.; Wallhoff, Frank}
title = {Multimodal Human-Machine Interaction for Service Robots in Home-Care Environments}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Multimodal Interaction in Assistive Environments}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3502}
author = {Naresh, Ram; Ganagshetty, Suryakanth V; Joshi, Sachindra; Pala, Kiran}
title = {Integration of Multimodal Interaction as Assistance in Virtual Environments}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Multimodal Interaction in Assistive Environments}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3503}
author = {Yaghoubzadeh, Ramin; Kopp, Stefan}
title = {Toward a Virtual Assistant for Vulnerable Users: Designing Careful Interaction}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Multimodal Interaction in Assistive Environments}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3504}
author = {Anastasiou, Dimitra; Jian, Cui; Zhekova, Desislava}
title = {Speech and Gesture Interaction in an Ambient Assisted Living Lab}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Multimodal Interaction in Assistive Environments}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3505}
author = {Goetze, Stefan; Cauchi, Benjamin; Doclo, Simon}
title = {Reduction of Non-stationary Noise for a Robotic Living Assistant using Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Multimodal Interaction in Assistive Environments}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3506}
author = {van de Loo, Janneke; Gemmeke, Jort F.; De Pauw, Guy; Driesen, Joris; Van Hamme, Hugo; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Towards a Self-Learning Assistive Vocal Interface: Vocabulary and Grammar Learning}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Multimodal Interaction in Assistive Environments}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3507}
author = {Mukherjee, Sankar; Das Mandal, Shyamal Kumar}
title = {A Bengali Speech Synthesizer on Android OS}
venue = {Workshop on Speech and Multimodal Interaction in Assistive Environments}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3401}
author = {Henestroza Anguiano, Enrique; Candito, Marie}
title = {Probabilistic Lexical Generalization for French Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3402}
author = {Versley, Yannick}
title = {Supervised Learning of German Qualia Relations}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3403}
author = {Hawwari, Abdelati; Bar, Kfir; Diab, Mona}
title = {Building an Arabic Multiword Expressions Repository}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3404}
author = {Lorenzo, Alejandra; Cerisara, Christophe}
title = {Unsupervised frame based Semantic Role Induction: application to French and English}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3405}
author = {Versley, Yannick; Henrich, Verena}
title = {Using Synthetic Compounds for Word Sense Discrimination}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3406}
author = {Acedański, Szymon; Slaski, Adam; Przepiórkowski, Adam}
title = {Machine Learning of Syntactic Attachment from Morphosyntactic and Semantic Co-occurrence Statistics}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3407}
author = {Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza; Aranzabe, Marìa Jesús; Goenaga, Iakes; Gojenola, Koldo; Bengoetxea, Kepa}
title = {Combining Rule-Based and Statistical Syntactic Analyzers}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3408}
author = {Seddah, Djamé; Le Roux, Joseph; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {Statistical Parsing of Spanish and Data Driven Lemmatization}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3409}
author = {Branco, António; Silva, João}
title = {Assigning Deep Lexical Types Using Structured Classifier Features for Grammatical Dependencies}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3410}
author = {Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Ramasamy, Loganathan; Green, Nathan}
title = {Using an SVM Ensemble System for Improved Tamil Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3411}
author = {Choi, DongHyun; Park, Jungyeul; Choi, Key-Sun}
title = {Korean Treebank Transformation for Parser Training}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3412}
author = {Le Roux, Joseph; Favre, Benoit; Nasr, Alexis; Mirroshandel, Seyed Abolghasem}
title = {Generative Constituent Parsing and Discriminative Dependency Reranking: Experiments on English and French}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2012}
id = {W14-6101}
author = {Maier, Wolfgang; Kübler, Sandra; Dakota, Daniel; Whyatt, Daniel}
title = {Parsing German: How Much Morphology Do We Need?}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6102}
author = {Simova, Iliana; Vasilev, Dimitar; Popov, Alexander; Simov, Kiril; Osenova, Petya}
title = {Joint Ensemble Model for POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6103}
author = {Urieli, Assaf}
title = {Improving the parsing of French coordination through annotation standards and targeted features}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6104}
author = {Versley, Yannick}
title = {Experiments with Easy-first nonprojective constituent parsing}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6105}
author = {Pekar, Viktor; Yu, Juntao; El-karef, Mohab; Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {Exploring Options for Fast Domain Adaptation of Dependency Parsers}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6106}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; Gyawali, Binod; Bruno, James}
title = {Self-Training for Parsing Learner Text}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6107}
author = {Caines, Andrew; Buttery, Paula}
title = {The effect of disfluencies and learner errors on the parsing of spoken learner language}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6108}
author = {Durgar El-Kahlout, İlknur; Akın, Ahmet Afşın; Yılmaz, Ertugrul}
title = {Initial Explorations in Two-phase Turkish Dependency Parsing by Incorporating Constituents}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6109}
author = {Prokopidis, Prokopis; Papageorgiou, Haris}
title = {Experiments for Dependency Parsing of Greek}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6110}
author = {Björkelund, Anders; Çetinoğlu, Özlem; Faleńska, Agnieszka; Farkas, Richárd; Mueller, Thomas; Seeker, Wolfgang; Szántó, Zsolt}
title = {Introducing the IMS-Wrocław-Szeged-CIS entry at the SPMRL 2014 Shared Task: Reranking and Morpho-syntax meet Unlabeled Data}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6111}
author = {Seddah, Djamé; Kübler, Sandra; Tsarfaty, Reut}
title = {Introducing the SPMRL 2014 Shared Task on Parsing Morphologically-rich Languages}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically Rich Languages}
year = {2014}
id = {W12-3201}
author = {Radev, Dragomir R.; Abu-Jbara, Amjad}
title = {Rediscovering ACL Discoveries Through the Lens of ACL Anthology Network Citing Sentences}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3202}
author = {Anderson, Ashton; Jurafsky, Daniel; McFarland, Daniel A.}
title = {Towards a Computational History of the ACL: 1980-2008}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3203}
author = {Sim, Yanchuan; Smith, Noah A.; Smith, David A.}
title = {Discovering Factions in the Computational Linguistics Community}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3204}
author = {Jurafsky, Daniel; Vogel, Adam}
title = {He Said, She Said: Gender in the ACL Anthology}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3205}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Discourse Structure and Computation: Past, Present and Future}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3206}
author = {Reiplinger, Melanie; Schäfer, Ulrich; Wolska, Magdalena}
title = {Extracting glossary sentences from scholarly articles: A comparative evaluation of pattern bootstrapping and deep analysis}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3207}
author = {Daudaravicius, Vidas}
title = {Applying Collocation Segmentation to the ACL Anthology Reference Corpus}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3208}
author = {Gupta, Parth; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {Text Reuse with ACL: (Upward) Trends}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3209}
author = {Bysani, Praveen; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Integrating User-Generated Content in the ACL Anthology}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3210}
author = {Schäfer, Ulrich; Read, Jonathon; Oepen, Stephan}
title = {Towards an ACL Anthology Corpus with Logical Document Structure. An Overview of the ACL 2012 Contributed Task}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3211}
author = {Berg, Ãyvind Raddum; Oepen, Stephan; Read, Jonathon}
title = {Towards High-Quality Text Stream Extraction from PDF. Technical Background to the ACL 2012 Contributed Task}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3212}
author = {Weitz, Benjamin; Schäfer, Ulrich}
title = {Combining OCR Outputs for Logical Document Structure Markup. Technical Background to the ACL 2012 Contributed Task}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3213}
author = {Hoang Nhat, Huy Do; Bysani, Praveen}
title = {Linking Citations to their Bibliographic references}
venue = {ACL-2012 Special Workshop on Rediscovering 50 Years of Discoveries}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2801}
author = {Babes-Vroman, Monica; MacGlashan, James; Gao, Ruoyuan; Winner, Kevin; Adjogah, Richard; desJardins, Marie; Littman, Michael; Muresan, Smaranda}
title = {Learning to Interpret Natural Language Instructions}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Interpretation in an Actionable Context}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2802}
author = {Tellex, Stefanie; Thaker, Pratiksha; Joseph, Josh; Roy, Nicholas}
title = {Toward Learning Perceptually Grounded Word Meanings from Unaligned Parallel Data}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Interpretation in an Actionable Context}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2701}
author = {Yvon, François; Le, Hai-Son; Allauzen, Alexandre}
title = {Measuring the Influence of Long Range Dependencies with Neural Network Language Models}
venue = {Workshop: Will We Ever Really Replace the N-gram Model? On the Future of Language Modeling for HLT}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2702}
author = {Attik, Mohammed; Rousseau, Anthony; Schwenk, Holger}
title = {Large, Pruned or Continuous Space Language Models on a GPU for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Workshop: Will We Ever Really Replace the N-gram Model? On the Future of Language Modeling for HLT}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2703}
author = {Sainath, Tara N.; Arisoy, Ebru; Kingsbury, Brian; Ramabhadran, Bhuvana}
title = {Deep Neural Network Language Models}
venue = {Workshop: Will We Ever Really Replace the N-gram Model? On the Future of Language Modeling for HLT}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2704}
author = {Burges, Chris J.C.; Zweig, Geoffrey}
title = {A Challenge Set for Advancing Language Modeling}
venue = {Workshop: Will We Ever Really Replace the N-gram Model? On the Future of Language Modeling for HLT}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2705}
author = {Mansikkaniemi, Andre; Kurimo, Mikko}
title = {Unsupervised Vocabulary Adaptation for Morph-based Language Models}
venue = {Workshop: Will We Ever Really Replace the N-gram Model? On the Future of Language Modeling for HLT}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2706}
author = {Johnson, Leif; Strope, Brian; Chelba, Ciprian; Jyothi, Preethi}
title = {Large-scale discriminative language model reranking for voice-search}
venue = {Workshop: Will We Ever Really Replace the N-gram Model? On the Future of Language Modeling for HLT}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2707}
author = {Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.; Rastrow, Ariya; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Revisiting the Case for Explicit Syntactic Information in Language Models}
venue = {Workshop: Will We Ever Really Replace the N-gram Model? On the Future of Language Modeling for HLT}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2601}
author = {Owczarzak, Karolina; Conroy, John M.; Dang, Hoa Trang; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {An Assessment of the Accuracy of Automatic Evaluation in Summarization}
venue = {Workshop on Evaluation Metrics and System Comparison for Automatic Summarization}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2602}
author = {Murray, Gabriel; Carenini, Giuseppe; Ng, Raymond}
title = {Using the Omega Index for Evaluating Abstractive Community Detection}
venue = {Workshop on Evaluation Metrics and System Comparison for Automatic Summarization}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2603}
author = {Steinberger, Josef; Turchi, Marco}
title = {Machine Translation for Multilingual Summary Content Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Evaluation Metrics and System Comparison for Automatic Summarization}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2604}
author = {McCallum, Anthony; Munteanu, Cosmin; Penn, Gerald; Zhu, Xiaodan}
title = {Ecological Validity and the Evaluation of Speech Summarization Quality}
venue = {Workshop on Evaluation Metrics and System Comparison for Automatic Summarization}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2605}
author = {Amigó, Enrique; Gonzalo, Julio; Verdejo, M. Felisa}
title = {The Heterogeneity Principle in Evaluation Measures for Automatic Summarization}
venue = {Workshop on Evaluation Metrics and System Comparison for Automatic Summarization}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2606}
author = {Mithun, Shamima; Perera, Prasad; Kosseim, Leila}
title = {Discrepancy Between Automatic and Manual Evaluation of Summaries}
venue = {Workshop on Evaluation Metrics and System Comparison for Automatic Summarization}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2501}
author = {Lee, Choonkyu; Stromswold, Karin; Muresan, Smaranda}
title = {Computational Analysis of Referring Expressions in Narratives of Picture Books}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2502}
author = {Kao, Justine; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {A Computational Analysis of Style, Affect, and Imagery in Contemporary Poetry}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2503}
author = {Voigt, Rob; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Towards a Literary Machine Translation: The Role of Referential Cohesion}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2504}
author = {Hammond, Adam; Hirst, Graeme; Brooke, Julian}
title = {Unsupervised Stylistic Segmentation of Poetry with Change Curves and Extrinsic Features}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2505}
author = {Max, Aurélien; Yvon, François; Yu, Qian}
title = {Aligning Bilingual Literary Works: a Pilot Study}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2506}
author = {Yu, Bei}
title = {Function Words for Chinese Authorship Attribution}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2507}
author = {Nygaard, Anders}
title = {Mining wisdom}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2508}
author = {van Cranenburgh, Andreas}
title = {Literary authorship attribution with phrase-structure fragments}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2509}
author = {Marcellesi, Laure; Zomorodian, Afra; Irvine, Ann}
title = {Digitizing 18th-Century French Literature: Comparing transcription methods for a critical edition text}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2510}
author = {Smith, David A.; Bendersky, Michael}
title = {A Dictionary of Wisdom and Wit: Learning to Extract Quotable Phrases}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2511}
author = {Hawwari, Abdelati; Zaghouani, Wajdi; Diab, Mona}
title = {A Pilot PropBank Annotation for Quranic Arabic}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2512}
author = {Kushkuley, Sophie}
title = {Trend Analysis in Harper's Bazaar}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2513}
author = {Corvalan, Augusto; Jensen, Jacob; Rambow, Owen; Agarwal, Apoorv}
title = {Social Network Analysis of Alice in Wonderland}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2514}
author = {Roque, Antonio}
title = {Towards a computational approach to literary text analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2012}
id = {W13-1401}
author = {Hammond, Adam; Brooke, Julian; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {A Tale of Two Cultures: Bringing Literary Analysis and Computational Linguistics Together}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1402}
author = {Almuhareb, Abdulrahman; Alkharashi, Ibrahim; AL Saud, Lama; Altuwaijri, Haya}
title = {Recognition of Classical Arabic Poems}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1403}
author = {Voigt, Rob; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Tradition and Modernity in 20th Century Chinese Poetry}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1404}
author = {Asgari, Ehsaneddin; Chappelier, Jean-Cedric}
title = {Linguistic Resources and Topic Models for the Analysis of Persian Poems}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1405}
author = {Boot, Peter}
title = {The desirability of a corpus of online book responses}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1406}
author = {Brooke, Julian; Hirst, Graeme; Hammond, Adam}
title = {Clustering Voices in The Waste Land}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1407}
author = {Fournier, Chris}
title = {An initial study of topical poetry segmentation}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1408}
author = {Lessard, Greg; Levison, Michael}
title = {Groundhog DAG: Representing Semantic Repetition in Literary Narratives}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1409}
author = {Rauscher, Janneke; Swiezinski, Leonard; Riedl, Martin; Biemann, Christian}
title = {Exploring Cities in Crime: Significant Concordance and Co-occurrence in Quantitative Literary Analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1410}
author = {Jautze, Kim; Koolen, Corina; van Cranenburgh, Andreas; de Jong, Hayco}
title = {From high heels to weed attics: a syntactic investigation of chick lit and literature}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-0901}
author = {Davis, Hannah; Mohammad, Saif}
title = {Generating Music from Literature}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0902}
author = {Bullard, Joseph; Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter}
title = {Computational analysis to explore authors' depiction of characters}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0903}
author = {Zemánek, Petr; Milička, Jiří}
title = {Quotations, Relevance and Time Depth: Medieval Arabic Literature in Grids and Networks}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0904}
author = {Levison, Michael; Lessard, Greg}
title = {Time after Time: Representing Time in Literary Texts}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0905}
author = {Coll Ardanuy, Mariona; Sporleder, Caroline}
title = {Structure-based Clustering of Novels}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0906}
author = {Iosif, Elias; Mishra, Taniya}
title = {From Speaker Identification to Affective Analysis: A Multi-Step System for Analyzing Children's Stories}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0907}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv; Balasubramanian, Sriramkumar; Zheng, Jiehan; Dash, Sarthak}
title = {Parsing Screenplays for Extracting Social Networks from Movies}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0908}
author = {Kestemont, Mike}
title = {Function Words in Authorship Attribution. From Black Magic to Theory?}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature}
year = {2014}
id = {W12-2301}
author = {Hawwari, Abdelati; Eskander, Ramy; Habash, Nizar}
title = {A Morphological Analyzer for Egyptian Arabic}
venue = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2302}
author = {Kanuparthi, Nikhil; Inumella, Abhilash; Misra Sharma, Dipti}
title = {Hindi Derivational Morphological Analyzer}
venue = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2303}
author = {Ma, Jianqiang; Gerdemann, Dale}
title = {Phrase-Based Approach for Adaptive Tokenization}
venue = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2304}
author = {Tsai, Chiung-Min; Hsiang, Jieh; Chen, Ruey-Cheng}
title = {A Regularized Compression Method to Unsupervised Word Segmentation}
venue = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2305}
author = {Cahill, Lynne J.}
title = {A rule-based approach to unknown word recognition in Arabic}
venue = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2306}
author = {Chandlee, Jane; Heinz, Jeffrey}
title = {Bounded copying is subsequential: Implications for metathesis and reduplication}
venue = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2307}
author = {Magri, Giorgio}
title = {An approximation approach to the problem of the acquisition of phonotactics in Optimality Theory}
venue = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2308}
author = {Pater, Joe; Staubs, Robert; Jesney, Karen; Cantwell Smith, Brian}
title = {Learning probabilities over underlying representations}
venue = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2309}
author = {Pertsova, Katya}
title = {Linguistic categorization and complexity}
venue = {Proceedings of the Twelfth Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2201}
author = {Maney, Tucker; Sibert, Linda; Gupta, Kalyan; Schmidt-Nielsen, Astrid; Perzanowski, Dennis}
title = {Toward Determining the Comprehensibility of Machine Translations}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2202}
author = {Drndarevic, Biljana; Saggion, Horacio}
title = {Towards Automatic Lexical Simplification in Spanish: An Empirical Study}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2203}
author = {Siddharthan, Advaith; Katsos, Napoleon}
title = {Offline Sentence Processing Measures for testing Readability with Users}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2204}
author = {Baeza-Yates, Ricardo; Graells, Eduardo; Rello, Luz; Saggion, Horacio}
title = {Graphical Schemes May Improve Readability but Not Understandability for People with Dyslexia}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2205}
author = {Jacob, David; Brooke, Julian; Shein, Fraser; Hirst, Graeme; Tsang, Vivian}
title = {Building Readability Lexicons with Unannotated Corpora}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2206}
author = {Tran Manh, Ke; Pianta, Emanuele; Tonelli, Sara}
title = {Making Readability Indices Readable}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2207}
author = {François, Thomas; Miltsakaki, Eleni}
title = {Do NLP and machine learning improve traditional readability formulas?}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2208}
author = {Ma, Yi; Lofthus, Robert; Singh, Ritu; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Comparing human versus automatic feature extraction for fine-grained elementary readability assessment}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2012}
id = {W13-2901}
author = {Feblowitz, Dan; Kauchak, David}
title = {Sentence Simplification as Tree Transduction}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2902}
author = {Klaper, David; Ebling, Sarah; Volk, Martin}
title = {Building a German/Simple German Parallel Corpus for Automatic Text Simplification}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2903}
author = {Temnikova, Irina; Maneva, Galina}
title = {The C-Score – Proposing a Reading Comprehension Metrics as a Common Evaluation Measure for Text Simplification}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2904}
author = {Shen, Wade; Williams, Jennifer; Marius, Tamas; Salesky, Elizabeth}
title = {A Language-Independent Approach to Automatic Text Difficulty Assessment for Second-Language Learners}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2905}
author = {Lozanova, Slavina; Stoyanova, Ivelina; Leseva, Svetlozara; Koeva, Svetla; Savtchev, Boian}
title = {Text Modification for Bulgarian Sign Language Users}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2906}
author = {Hara, Tadayoshi; Chen, Chen; Kano, Yoshinobu; Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {Modeling Comma Placement in Chinese Text for Better Readability using Linguistic Features and Gaze Information}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2907}
author = {Vajjala, Sowmya; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {On The Applicability of Readability Models to Web Texts}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2908}
author = {Shardlow, Matthew}
title = {The CW Corpus: A New Resource for Evaluating the Identification of Complex Words}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2909}
author = {Nishikawa, Hitoshi; MAKINO, Toshiro; Matsuo, Yoshihiro}
title = {A Pilot Study of Readability Prediction with Reading Time}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-1201}
author = {Štajner, Sanja; Mitkov, Ruslan; Saggion, Horacio}
title = {One Step Closer to Automatic Evaluation of Text Simplification Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1202}
author = {Grabar, Natalia; Hamon, Thierry; Amiot, Dany}
title = {Automatic diagnosis of understanding of medical words}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1203}
author = {Vajjala, Sowmya; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Exploring Measures of Readability for Spoken Language: Analyzing linguistic features of subtitles to identify age-specific TV programs}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1204}
author = {Rello, Luz; Saggion, Horacio; Baeza-Yates, Ricardo}
title = {Keyword Highlighting Improves Comprehension for People with Dyslexia}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1205}
author = {Green, Matthew J.}
title = {An eye-tracking evaluation of some parser complexity metrics}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1206}
author = {Brouwers, Laetitia; Bernhard, Delphine; Ligozat, Anne-Laure; François, Thomas}
title = {Syntactic Sentence Simplification for French}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1207}
author = {Abrahamsson, Emil; Forni, Timothy; Skeppstedt, Maria; Kvist, Maria}
title = {Medical text simplification using synonym replacement: Adapting assessment of word difficulty to a compounding language}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1208}
author = {Ferraro, Gabriela; Suominen, Hanna; Nualart, Jaume}
title = {Segmentation of patent claims for improving their readability}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1209}
author = {Grigonytè, Gintarè; Kvist, Maria; Velupillai, Sumithra; Wirén, Mats}
title = {Improving Readability of Swedish Electronic Health Records through Lexical Simplification: First Results}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1210}
author = {Pellow, David; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {An Open Corpus of Everyday Documents for Simplification Tasks}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1211}
author = {Tengstrand, Lisa; Megyesi, Beáta; Henriksson, Aron; Duneld, Martin; Kvist, Maria}
title = {EACL - Expansion of Abbreviations in CLinical text}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1212}
author = {Ciobanu, Alina Maria; Dinu, Liviu P.}
title = {A Quantitative Insight into the Impact of Translation on Readability}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1213}
author = {Jonsson, Arne; Falkenjack, Johan; Jönsson, Arne}
title = {Classifying easy-to-read texts without parsing}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1214}
author = {Amancio, Marcelo; Specia, Lucia}
title = {An Analysis of Crowdsourced Text Simplifications}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1215}
author = {Evans, Richard; Orăsan, Constantin; Dornescu, Iustin}
title = {An evaluation of syntactic simplification rules for people with autism}
venue = {Workshop on Predicting and Improving Text Readability for target reader populations}
year = {2014}
id = {W12-1901}
author = {Modi, Ashutosh; Titov, Ivan; Klementiev, Alexandre}
title = {Unsupervised Induction of Frame-Semantic Representations}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1902}
author = {Forsberg, Markus; Muhonen, Kristiina; Purtonen, Tanja; Voionmaa, Kaarlo; Borin, Lars; Johansson, Richard}
title = {Transferring Frames: Utilization of Linked Lexical Resources}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1903}
author = {Spitkovsky, Valentin I.; Alshawi, Hiyan; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {Capitalization Cues Improve Dependency Grammar Induction}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1904}
author = {Ferraro, Francis; Van Durme, Benjamin; Post, Matt}
title = {Toward Tree Substitution Grammars with Latent Annotations}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1905}
author = {Hovy, Dirk; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Exploiting Partial Annotations with EM Training}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1906}
author = {Gelling, Douwe; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Using Senses in HMM Word Alignment}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1907}
author = {Blunsom, Philip; Dubbin, Gregory}
title = {Unsupervised Part of Speech Inference with Particle Filters}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1908}
author = {Täckström, Oscar}
title = {Nudging the Envelope of Direct Transfer Methods for Multilingual Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1909}
author = {Gelling, Douwe; Blunsom, Philip; Cohn, Trevor; Graca, Joao}
title = {The PASCAL Challenge on Grammar Induction}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1910}
author = {Nygaard, Anders}
title = {Two baselines for unsupervised dependency parsing}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1911}
author = {Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Marecek, David}
title = {Unsupervised Dependency Parsing using Reducibility and Fertility features}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1912}
author = {Bisk, Yonatan; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Induction of Linguistic Structure with Combinatory Categorial Grammars}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1913}
author = {Christodoulopoulos, Christos; Goldwater, Sharon; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Turning the pipeline into a loop: Iterated unsupervised dependency parsing and PoS induction}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1914}
author = {Chrupa{l}a, Grzegorz}
title = {Hierarchical clustering of word class distributions}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1915}
author = {Tu, Kewei}
title = {Combining the Sparsity and Unambiguity Biases for Grammar Induction}
venue = {Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1801}
author = {Potamianos, Alexandros; Riccardi, Giuseppe; Unger, Christina; Cimiano, Philipp}
title = {Up from Limited Dialog Systems!}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1802}
author = {Ward, Nigel}
title = {Directions for Research on Spoken Dialog Systems, Broadly Defined}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1803}
author = {Möller, Sebastian; Kretzschmar, Florian; Schmidt, Stefan; Weiss, Benjamin; Engelbrecht, Klaus-Peter}
title = {Position Paper: Towards Standardized Metrics and Tools for Spoken and Multimodal Dialog System Evaluation}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1804}
author = {Cuayáhuitl, Heriberto; Dethlefs, Nina}
title = {Dialogue Systems Using Online Learning: Beyond Empirical Methods}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1805}
author = {Pietquin, Olivier}
title = {Statistical User Simulation for Spoken Dialogue Systems: What for, Which Data, Which Future?}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1806}
author = {Schlangen, David}
title = {The Future of Spoken Dialogue Systems is in their Past: Long-Term Adaptive, Conversational Assistants}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1807}
author = {Kamar, Ece; Bohus, Dan; Horvitz, Eric}
title = {Towards Situated Collaboration}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1808}
author = {Hastie, Helen; Lemon, Oliver; Dethlefs, Nina}
title = {Incremental Spoken Dialogue Systems: Tools and Data}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1809}
author = {Stent, Amanda}
title = {After Dialog Went Pervasive: Separating Dialog Behavior Modeling and Task Modeling}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1810}
author = {Black, Alan W.; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Future Directions in Spoken Dialog Systems: A Community of Possibilities}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1811}
author = {Levow, Gina-Anne}
title = {Bridging Gaps for Spoken Dialog System Frameworks in Instructional Settings}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1812}
author = {Williams, Jason}
title = {A belief tracking challenge task for spoken dialog systems}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1813}
author = {Takegoshi, Daisuke; Araki, Masahiro}
title = {Framework for the Development of Spoken Dialogue System based on Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1814}
author = {Baumann, Timo; Schlangen, David}
title = {The InproTK 2012 release}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1815}
author = {Cohen, David; Lane, Ian}
title = {A Simulation-based Framework for Spoken Language Understanding and Action Selection in Situated Interaction}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1816}
author = {Hakkani-Tur, Dilek Zeynep; Tur, Gokhan; Celikyilmaz, Asli}
title = {Mining Search Query Logs for Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1817}
author = {Prasad, Vinay; Sinha, Gaurav; Umuhoza, Arlette; Luo, Shangyu; Chandrashekaran, Akshay; Lane, Ian; Raux, Antoine}
title = {HRItk: The Human-Robot Interaction ToolKit Rapid Development of Speech-Centric Interactive Systems in ROS}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1818}
author = {Suendermann, David; Pieraccini, Roberto}
title = {One Year of Contender: What Have We Learned about Assessing and Tuning Industrial Spoken Dialog Systems?}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1819}
author = {Ultes, Stefan; Schmitt, Alexander; Minker, Wolfgang}
title = {Towards Quality-Adaptive Spoken Dialogue Management}
venue = {Workshop on Future directions and needs in the Spoken Dialog Community: Tools and Data (SDCTD 2012)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1405}
author = {Vanpé, Anne; Provost, Hervé; Vuillerme, Nicolas}
title = {Voix HD : un nouvel enjeu pour le traitement de la parole chez les personnes âgées (HD Voice : a new issue for voice processing in elderly) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop ILADI 2012: Interactions Langagières pour personnes Agées Dans les habitats Intelligents (ILADI 2012: Language Interaction for Elderly in Smart Homes)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1301}
author = {Rialland, Annie; Embanga Aborobongui, Martial; Adda-Decker, Martine; Lamel, Lori F.}
title = {Mbochi : corpus oral, traitement automatique et exploration phonologique (Mboshi: oral corpus, automatic processing & phonological mining) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop TALAf 2012: Traitement Automatique des Langues Africaines (TALAf 2012: African Language Processing)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1305}
author = {Gelas, Hadrien; Pellegrino, François; Abate, Solomon Teferra; Besacier, Laurent}
title = {Analyse des performances de modèles de langage sub-lexicale pour des langues peu-dotées à morphologie riche (Performance analysis of sub-word language modeling for under-resourced languages with rich morphology: case study on Swahili and Amharic) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop TALAf 2012: Traitement Automatique des Langues Africaines (TALAf 2012: African Language Processing)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1306}
author = {Mijinguini, Abdou; Naroua, Harouna}
title = {Règles de formation des noms en hausa (Formation rules of names in Hausa) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop TALAf 2012: Traitement Automatique des Langues Africaines (TALAf 2012: African Language Processing)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1310}
author = {Sellami, Rahma; Hadrich Belguith, Lamia; Sadat, Fatiha}
title = {Extraction de lexiques bilingues à partir de Wikipédia (Bilingual lexicon extraction from Wikipedia) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop TALAf 2012: Traitement Automatique des Langues Africaines (TALAf 2012: African Language Processing)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1202}
author = {Ferré, Gaëlle}
title = {Critères de segmentation de la gestualité co-verbale (Segmentation criteria for the annotation of co-speech gestures) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEGELS 2012: Défi GEste Langue des Signes (DEGELS 2012: Gestures and Sign Language Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1203}
author = {Boutet, Dominique; Martel, Karine; Blondel, Marion}
title = {Par où couper pour aller à la plage ? (Where do you switch to get the band ?) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEGELS 2012: Défi GEste Langue des Signes (DEGELS 2012: Gestures and Sign Language Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1204}
author = {Tellier, Marion; Azaoui, Brahim; Saubesty, Jorane}
title = {Segmentation et annotation du geste : Méthodologie pour travailler en équipe (Gesture segmentation and coding: a methodology for team working) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEGELS 2012: Défi GEste Langue des Signes (DEGELS 2012: Gestures and Sign Language Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1206}
author = {Segouat, Jérémie; Lefebvre-Albaret, François}
title = {Influence de la segmentation temporelle sur la caractérisation de signes (Influence of the temporal segmentation on the sign characterization) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEGELS 2012: Défi GEste Langue des Signes (DEGELS 2012: Gestures and Sign Language Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1207}
author = {Bigi, Brigitte}
title = {SPPAS : un outil << user-friendly >> pour l'alignement texte/son (SPPAS : a tool to perform text/speech alignement) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEGELS 2012: Défi GEste Langue des Signes (DEGELS 2012: Gestures and Sign Language Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1208}
author = {Gonzales Preciado, Matilde}
title = {Un système de segmentation automatique de gestes appliqué à la Langue des Signes (An automatic gesture segmentation system applied to Sign Language) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEGELS 2012: Défi GEste Langue des Signes (DEGELS 2012: Gestures and Sign Language Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1102}
author = {Tonelli, Sara; Cabrio, Elena; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {Key-concept extraction from French articles with KX}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEFT 2012: DÉfi Fouille de Textes (DEFT 2012 Workshop: Text Mining Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1104}
author = {Amri, Amine; Mbarek, Maroua; Bechikh, Chedi; Latiri, Chiraz; Haddad, Hatem}
title = {Indexation à base des syntagmes nominaux (Nominal-chunk based indexing) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEFT 2012: DÉfi Fouille de Textes (DEFT 2012 Workshop: Text Mining Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1105}
author = {Dias, Gaël; Lejeune, Gael; Doualan, Gaëlle; Boucher, Mathieu; Brixtel, Romain}
title = {Détection de mots-clés par approches au grain caractère et au grain mot (Keywords extraction by repeated string analysis) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEFT 2012: DÉfi Fouille de Textes (DEFT 2012 Workshop: Text Mining Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1107}
author = {Shrestha, Prajol; Boudin, Florian; Hazem, Amir; Hernandez, Nicolas}
title = {Participation du LINA à DEFT2012 (LINA at DEFT2012) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEFT 2012: DÉfi Fouille de Textes (DEFT 2012 Workshop: Text Mining Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1108}
author = {Ahat, Murat; Petermann, Coralie; Hoareau, Yann Vigile; Ben Amor, Soufian; Bui, Marc}
title = {Algorithme automatique non supervisé pour le Deft 2012 (Automatic unsupervised algorithm for Deft 2012) [in French]}
venue = {JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, Workshop DEFT 2012: DÉfi Fouille de Textes (DEFT 2012 Workshop: Text Mining Challenge)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0901}
author = {Miceli, Luisa; Ellison, T. Mark}
title = {Distinguishing Contact-Induced Change from Language Drift in Genetically Related Languages}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0902}
author = {Smets, Margaux; Bod, Rens}
title = {Empiricist Solutions to Nativist Puzzles by means of Unsupervised TSG}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0903}
author = {Steedman, Mark}
title = {Probabilistic Models of Grammar Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0904}
author = {Albert, Aviad; Nir, Bracha; MacWhinney, Brian; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {A Morphologically Annotated Hebrew CHILDES Corpus}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0905}
author = {Yankama, Beracah; Berwick, Robert C.; Villavicencio, Aline; Wilkens, Rodrigo; Idiart, Marco}
title = {An annotated English child language database}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0906}
author = {Wilkens, Rodrigo}
title = {Searching the Annotated Portuguese Childes Corpora}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0907}
author = {Bel, Núria; Padró, Muntsa}
title = {Webservices for Bayesian Learning}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0908}
author = {Marotta, Giovanna; Lenci, Alessandro; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Unseen features. Collecting semantic data from congenital blind subjects}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0909}
author = {Celata, Chiara; Calderone, Basilio}
title = {PHACTS about activation-based word similarity effects}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0910}
author = {Wilkens, Rodrigo; Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {I say have you say tem: profiling verbs in children data in English and Portuguese}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0911}
author = {Yankama, Beracah; Araújo, VÃtor; Berwick, Robert C.; Villavicencio, Aline; Idiart, Marco; Ramisch, Carlos}
title = {Get out but don’t fall down: verb-particle constructions in child language}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0912}
author = {Vasilévski, Vera}
title = {Phonologic Patterns of Brazilian Portuguese: a grapheme to phoneme converter based study}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Models of Language Acquisition and Loss}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0801}
author = {Quernheim, Daniel; Seemann, Nina; Braune, Fabienne; Maletti, Andreas}
title = {Preservation of Recognizability for Weighted Linear Extended Top-Down Tree Transducers}
venue = {Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata Techniques in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0802}
author = {Büchse, Matthias; Fischer, Anja}
title = {Deciding the Twins Property for Weighted Tree Automata over Extremal Semifields}
venue = {Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata Techniques in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0803}
author = {Purtee, Adam; Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {TTT: A Tree Transduction Language for Syntactic and Semantic Processing}
venue = {Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata Techniques in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0804}
author = {Ashton, Neil}
title = {Second Position Clitics and Monadic Second-Order Transduction}
venue = {Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata Techniques in Natural Language Processing}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0701}
author = {Faili, Heshaam; Rasooli, Mohammad Sadegh}
title = {Fast Unsupervised Dependency Parsing with Arc-Standard Transitions}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0702}
author = {Fernández-Lanza, Santiago; Garcia, Marcos; Gamallo, Pablo}
title = {Dependency-Based Open Information Extraction}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0703}
author = {Riedl, Martin; Biemann, Christian}
title = {Sweeping through the Topic Space: Bad luck? Roll again!}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0704}
author = {Stymne, Sara}
title = {Clustered Word Classes for Preordering in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0705}
author = {Bobic, Tamara; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Klinger, Roman; Thomas, Philippe}
title = {Improving Distantly Supervised Extraction of Drug-Drug and Protein-Protein Interactions}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0706}
author = {Powers, David MW; Leibbrandt, Richard E}
title = {Robust Induction of Parts-of-Speech in Child-Directed Language by Co-Clustering of Words and Contexts}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0707}
author = {Miceli Barone, Antonio Valerio; Attardi, Giuseppe}
title = {Dependency Parsing Domain Adaptation using Transductive SVM}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning in NLP}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0601}
author = {Paul, Michael; Darling, William M.; Song, Fei}
title = {Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging in Noisy and Esoteric Domains With a Syntactic-Semantic Bayesian HMM}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Analysis in Social Media}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0602}
author = {Rossi, Luca; Celli, Fabio}
title = {The Role of Emotional Stability in Twitter Conversations}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Analysis in Social Media}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0603}
author = {Gao, Dehong; Li, Wenjie; Zhang, Renxian}
title = {Towards Scalable Speech Act Recognition in Twitter: Tackling Insufficient Training Data}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Analysis in Social Media}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0604}
author = {Husby, Stephanie; Barbosa, Denilson}
title = {Topic Classification of Blog Posts Using Distant Supervision}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Analysis in Social Media}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0605}
author = {El-Hachem, Jinan; Haarslev, Volker}
title = {A User and NLP-Assisted Strategic Workflow for a Social Semantic OWL 2-Based Knowledge Platform}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Analysis in Social Media}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0606}
author = {Rodriguez Penagos, Carlos; Codina, Joan; Grivolla, Jens}
title = {A Hybrid Framework for Scalable Opinion Mining in Social Media: Detecting Polarities and Attitude Targets}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Analysis in Social Media}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0607}
author = {Tjong Kim Sang, Erik F.; Bos, Johan}
title = {Predicting the 2011 Dutch Senate Election Results with Twitter}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Analysis in Social Media}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0608}
author = {Stavrianou, Anna; Brun, Caroline}
title = {Opinion and Suggestion Analysis for Expert Recommendations}
venue = {Workshop on Semantic Analysis in Social Media}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0501}
author = {GlavaÅ¡, Goran; Šnajder, Jan; Dalbelo Bašić, Bojana}
title = {Experiments on Hybrid Corpus-Based Sentiment Lexicon Acquisition}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0502}
author = {Morozova, Olga; Panchenko, Alexander}
title = {A Study of Hybrid Similarity Measures for Semantic Relation Extraction}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0503}
author = {Žabokrtský, Zdeněk; Green, Nathan}
title = {Hybrid Combination of Constituency and Dependency Trees into an Ensemble Dependency Parser}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0504}
author = {Khan, Muhammad Usman Ghani; Gotoh, Yoshihiko}
title = {Describing Video Contents in Natural Language}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0505}
author = {Aw, Ai Ti; Hoang, Cong Duy Vu}
title = {An Unsupervised and Data-Driven Approach for Spell Checking in Vietnamese OCR-scanned Texts}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0506}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Multilingual Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0507}
author = {Généreux, Michel; Martinez, William}
title = {Contrasting Objective and Subjective Portuguese Texts from Heterogeneous Sources}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0508}
author = {Bechet, Frédéric; Sagot, Benoît; Stern, Rosa}
title = {A Joint Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking System}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0509}
author = {Cao, Jing; Bunt, Harry C.; Fang, Alex Chengyu; Liu, Xiaoyue}
title = {Collaborative Annotation of Dialogue Acts: Application of a New ISO Standard to the Switchboard Corpus}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0510}
author = {Soulet, Arnaud; Nouvel, Damien; Antoine, Jean-Yves; Friburger, Nathalie}
title = {Coupling Knowledge-Based and Data-Driven Systems for Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0511}
author = {Ye, Peng; Bloodgood, Michael; Rodrigues, Paul; Zajic, David; Doermann, David}
title = {A Random Forest System Combination Approach for Error Detection in Digital Dictionaries}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0512}
author = {Grappy, Arnaud; Grau, Brigitte; Rosset, Sophie}
title = {Methods Combination and ML-based Re-ranking of Multiple Hypothesis for Question-Answering Systems}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0513}
author = {De Roeck, Anne N.; Willis, Alistair; Yang, Hui}
title = {A Generalised Hybrid Architecture for NLP}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0514}
author = {Shilon, Reshef; Fadida, Hanna; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Incorporating Linguistic Knowledge in Statistical Machine Translation: Translating Prepositions}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0515}
author = {Galgani, Filippo; Compton, Paul; Hoffmann, Achim}
title = {Combining Different Summarization Techniques for Legal Text}
venue = {Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0401}
author = {Hauch, Valerie; Blandón-Gitlin, Iris; Masip, Jaume; Sporer, Siegfried Ludwig}
title = {Linguistic Cues to Deception Assessed by Computer Programs: A Meta-Analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0402}
author = {Vartapetiance, Anna; Gillam, Lee}
title = {“I Don’t Know Where He is Not”: Does Deception Research yet Offer a Basis for Deception Detectives?}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0403}
author = {Almela, Ãngela; Valencia-GarcÃa, Rafael; Cantos, Pascual}
title = {Seeing through Deception: A Computational Approach to Deceit Detection in Written Communication}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0404}
author = {Gokhman, Stephanie; Prabhu, Poornima; Hancock, Jeffrey T.; Ott, Myle; Cardie, Claire}
title = {In Search of a Gold Standard in Studies of Deception}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0405}
author = {Fitzpatrick, Eileen; Bachenko, Joan}
title = {Building a Data Collection for Deception Research}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0406}
author = {Fornaciari, Tommaso; Poesio, Massimo}
title = {On the Use of Homogenous Sets of Subjects in Deceptive Language Analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0408}
author = {Elkins, Aaron; Derrick, Douglas; Gariup, Monica}
title = {The Voice and Eye Gaze Behavior of an Imposter: Automated Interviewing and Detection for Rapid Screening at the Border}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0409}
author = {Swerts, Marc}
title = {Let’s Lie Together: Co-Presence Effects on Children’s Deceptive Skills}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0410}
author = {Li, Deqing; Santos Jr., Eugene}
title = {Argument Formation in the Reasoning Process: Toward a Generic Model of Deception Detection}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0411}
author = {Niculae, Vlad; Sulea, Maria-Octavia; Dinu, Liviu P.}
title = {Pastiche Detection Based on Stopword Rankings. Exposing Impersonators of a Romanian Writer}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0412}
author = {Sporer, Siegfried Ludwig}
title = {Making the Subjective Objective? Computer-Assisted Quantification of Qualitative Content Cues to Deception}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0413}
author = {Bogdanova, Dasha; Rosso, Paolo; Solorio, Thamar}
title = {Modelling Fixated Discourse in Chats with Cyberpedophiles}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0414}
author = {Juola, Patrick}
title = {Detecting Stylistic Deception}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0415}
author = {Vashchilko, Tatiana; Rubin, Victoria L.}
title = {Identification of Truth and Deception in Text: Application of Vector Space Model to Rhetorical Structure Theory}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Deception Detection}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0201}
author = {Prokić, Jelena; Butt, Miriam; Mayer, Thomas; Cysouw, Michael}
title = {Introduction}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0202}
author = {Niekler, Andreas; Rohrdantz, Christian; Hautli, Annette; Butt, Miriam; Keim, Daniel A.}
title = {Lexical Semantics and Distribution of Suffixes - A Visual Analysis}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0203}
author = {Heylen, Kris; Speelman, Dirk; Geeraerts, Dirk}
title = {Looking at word meaning. An interactive visualization of Semantic Vector Spaces for Dutch synsets}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0204}
author = {Lohk, Ahti; Vare, Kadri; Võhandu, Leo}
title = {First steps in checking and comparing Princeton WordNet and Estonian Wordnet}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0205}
author = {Littauer, Richard; Turnbull, Rory; Palmer, Alexis}
title = {Visualising Typological Relationships: Plotting WALS with Heat Maps}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0206}
author = {Alexopoulou, Theodora; Yannakoudakis, Helen; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Automating Second Language Acquisition Research: Integrating Information Visualisation and Machine Learning}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0207}
author = {Degaetano-Ortlieb, Stefania; Dittmann, Henrik; Culy, Christopher; Lyding, Verena; Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina}
title = {Visualising Linguistic Evolution in Academic Discourse}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0208}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Similarity Patterns in Words (Invited talk)}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0209}
author = {Mayer, Thomas; Cysouw, Michael}
title = {Language comparison through sparse multilingual word alignment}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0210}
author = {Scherrer, Yves}
title = {Recovering dialect geography from an unaligned comparable corpus}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0211}
author = {Prokić, Jelena; Ãöltekin, ÃaÄrı; Nerbonne, John}
title = {Detecting Shibboleths}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0212}
author = {Jäger, Gerhard}
title = {Estimating and visualizing language similarities using weighted alignment and force-directed graph layout}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0214}
author = {McConvell, Patrick; Dousset, Laurent}
title = {Tracking the dynamics of kinship and social category terms with AustKin II}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0215}
author = {Wettig, Hannes; Reshetnikov, Kirill; Yangarber, Roman}
title = {Using context and phonetic features in models of etymological sound change}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0216}
author = {List, Johann-Mattis}
title = {LexStat: Automatic Detection of Cognates in Multilingual Wordlists}
venue = {Joint Workshop of LINGVIS & UNCLH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0101}
author = {Harriehausen-Mühlbauer, Bettina; Heuss, Timm}
title = {Semantic Web based Machine Translation}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0102}
author = {Su, Fangzhong; Babych, Bogdan}
title = {Measuring Comparability of Documents in Non-Parallel Corpora for Efficient Extraction of (Semi-)Parallel Translation Equivalents}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0103}
author = {España-Bonet, Cristina; Comas, Pere}
title = {Full Machine Translation for Factoid Question Answering}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0104}
author = {Chong, Tze Yuang; Banchs, Rafael E.; Chng, Eng Siong}
title = {An Empirical Evaluation of Stop Word Removal in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0105}
author = {Khan, Muhammad Usman Ghani; Nawab, Rao Muhammad Adeel; Gotoh, Yoshihiko}
title = {Natural Language Descriptions of Visual Scenes Corpus Generation and Analysis}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0106}
author = {Dandapat, Sandipan; Van Genabith, Josef; Morrissey, Sara; Way, Andy}
title = {Combining EBMT, SMT, TM and IR Technologies for Quality and Scale}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0107}
author = {Vertan, Cristina}
title = {Two approaches for integrating translation and retrieval in real applications}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0108}
author = {Tambouratzis, George; Vassiliou, Marina; Sofianopoulos, Sokratis}
title = {PRESEMT: Pattern Recognition-based Statistically Enhanced MT}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0109}
author = {Ceausu, Alexandru; Zhang, Jian; Tinsley, John}
title = {PLUTO: Automated Solutions for Patent Translation}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0110}
author = {Koeva, Svetla}
title = {ATLAS - Human Language Technologies integrated within a Multilingual Web Content Management System}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0111}
author = {Kirkedal, Andreas Søeborg}
title = {Tree-based Hybrid Machine Translation}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0112}
author = {VrÅ¡Äaj, AljoÅ¡a; Vintar, Špela; Fišer, Darja}
title = {Were the clocks striking or surprising? Using WSD to improve MT performance}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0113}
author = {Pal, Santanu; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Bootstrapping Method for Chunk Alignment in Phrase Based SMT}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0114}
author = {Geiss, Johanna; GinestÃ-Rosell, Mireia; Babych, Bogdan; Hartley, Anthony; Eberle, Kurt; Rapp, Reinhard; Sharoff, Serge; Thomas, Martin}
title = {Design of a hybrid high quality machine translation system}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0115}
author = {Federmann, Christian}
title = {Can Machine Learning Algorithms Improve Phrase Selection in Hybrid Machine Translation?}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0116}
author = {Wang, Rui; Osenova, Petya; Simov, Kiril}
title = {Linguistically-Augmented Bulgarian-to-English Statistical Machine Translation Model}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-0117}
author = {Meyer, Thomas; Popescu-Belis, Andrei}
title = {Using Sense-labeled Discourse Connectives for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra)}
year = {2012}
id = {Q13-1001}
author = {Täckström, Oscar; Das, Dipanjan; Petrov, Slav; McDonald, Ryan; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Token and Type Constraints for Cross-Lingual Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1002}
author = {Pitler, Emily; Kannan, Sampath; Marcus, Mitchell P.}
title = {Finding Optimal 1-Endpoint-Crossing Trees}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1003}
author = {Regneri, Michaela; Rohrbach, Marcus; Wetzel, Dominikus; Thater, Stefan; Schiele, Bernt; Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {Grounding Action Descriptions in Videos}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1004}
author = {Qian, Xian; Liu, Yang}
title = {Branch and Bound Algorithm for Dependency Parsing with Non-local Features}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1005}
author = {Artzi, Yoav; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {Weakly Supervised Learning of Semantic Parsers for Mapping Instructions to Actions}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1006}
author = {Pate, John; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Unsupervised Dependency Parsing with Acoustic Cues}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1007}
author = {Bisk, Yonatan; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {An HDP Model for Inducing Combinatory Categorial Grammars}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1008}
author = {Li, Jiwei; Li, Sujian}
title = {A Novel Feature-based Bayesian Model for Query Focused Multi-document Summarization}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1009}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Madnani, Nitin; Burstein, Jill}
title = {Using Pivot-Based Paraphrasing and Sentiment Profiles to Improve a Subjectivity Lexicon for Essay Data}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1010}
author = {Sangati, Federico; Keller, Frank}
title = {Incremental Tree Substitution Grammar for Parsing and Sentence Prediction}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1011}
author = {Sahakian, Sam; Snyder, Benjamin}
title = {Modeling Child Divergences from Adult Grammar}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1012}
author = {Hayashi, Katsuhiko; Kondo, Shuhei; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Efficient Stacked Dependency Parsing by Forest Reranking}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1013}
author = {Matuschek, Michael; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Dijkstra-WSA: A Graph-Based Approach to Word Sense Alignment}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1014}
author = {Lopez, Adam; Post, Matt; Callison-Burch, Chris; Weese, Jonathan; Ganitkevitch, Juri; Ahmidi, Narges; Buzek, Olivia; Hanson, Leah; Jamil, Beaniesh; Lee, Matthias; Lin, Ya-Ting; Pao, Henry; Rivera, Fatima; Shahriyari, Leili; Sinha, Debu; Teichert, Adam; Wampler, Stephen; Weinberger, Michael; Xu, Daguang; Yang, Lin; Zhao, Shang}
title = {Learning to translate with products of novices: a suite of open-ended challenge problems for teaching MT}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1015}
author = {Lewis, Mike; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Combined Distributional and Logical Semantics}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1016}
author = {Krishnamurthy, Jayant; Kollar, Thomas}
title = {Jointly Learning to Parse and Perceive: Connecting Natural Language to the Physical World}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1017}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei; Yih, Scott Wen-Tau}
title = {Dual Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Efficient Large Margin Structured Prediction}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1018}
author = {Lluís, Xavier; Carreras, Xavier; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Joint Arc-factored Parsing of Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1019}
author = {Srikumar, Vivek; Roth, Dan}
title = {Modeling Semantic Relations Expressed by Prepositions}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1020}
author = {Zhai, Feifei; Zhang, Jiajun; Zhou, Yu; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Unsupervised Tree Induction for Tree-based Translation}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1021}
author = {Sirts, Kairit; Goldwater, Sharon}
title = {Minimally-Supervised Morphological Segmentation using Adaptor Grammars}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1022}
author = {Satta, Giorgio; Kuhlmann, Marco}
title = {Efficient Parsing for Head-Split Dependency Trees}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1023}
author = {Melo, Gerard de; Bansal, Mohit}
title = {Good, Great, Excellent: Global Inference of Semantic Intensities}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1024}
author = {Wang, Zhiguo; Zong, Chengqing}
title = {Large-scale Word Alignment Using Soft Dependency Cohesion Constraints}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1025}
author = {Sun, Weiwei; Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Data-driven, PCFG-based and Pseudo-PCFG-based Models for Chinese Dependency Parsing}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1026}
author = {Luong, Minh-Thang; Frank, Michael C.; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Parsing entire discourses as very long strings: Capturing topic continuity in grounded language learning}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1027}
author = {Bisazza, Arianna; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Dynamically Shaping the Reordering Search Space of Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q13-1028}
author = {Louis, Annie; Nenkova, Ani}
title = {What Makes Writing Great? First Experiments on Article Quality Prediction in the Science Journalism Domain}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2013}
id = {Q14-1001}
author = {King, Ben; Jha, Rahul; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Heterogeneous Networks and Their Applications: Scientometrics, Name Disambiguation, and Topic Modeling}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1002}
author = {Schnabel, Tobias; SchÜtze, Hinrich}
title = {FLORS: Fast and Simple Domain Adaptation for Part-of-Speech Tagging}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1003}
author = {Lui, Marco; Lau, Jey Han; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Automatic Detection and Language Identification of Multilingual Documents}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1004}
author = {Pitler, Emily}
title = {A Crossing-Sensitive Third-Order Factorization for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1005}
author = {Wang, Mengqiu; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Cross-lingual Projected Expectation Regularization for Weakly Supervised Learning}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1006}
author = {Young, Peter; Lai, Alice; Hodosh, Micah; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {From image descriptions to visual denotations}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1007}
author = {Pavlick, Ellie; Post, Matt; Irvine, Ann; Kachaev, Dmitry; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {The Language Demographics of Amazon Mechanical Turk}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1008}
author = {BÖrschinger, Benjamin; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Exploring the Role of Stress in Bayesian Word Segmentation using Adaptor Grammars}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1009}
author = {Ravi, Sujith; Vassilivitskii, Sergei; Rastogi., Vibhor}
title = {Parallel Algorithms for Unsupervised Tagging}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1010}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Sartorio, Francesco; Satta, Giorgio}
title = {A Tabular Method for Dynamic Oracles in Transition-Based Parsing}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1011}
author = {Honnibal, Matthew; Johnson, Mark}
title = {Joint Incremental Disfluency Detection and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1012}
author = {IV, William F. Styler; Bethard, Steven; Finan, Sean; Palmer, Martha; Pradhan, Sameer S.; Groen, Piet C de; Erickson, Brad; Miller, Tim; Lin, Chen; Savova, Guergana; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Temporal Annotation in the Clinical Domain}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1013}
author = {Qu, Lizhen; Zhang, Yi; Wang, Rui; Jiang, Lili; Gemulla, Rainer; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {Senti-LSSVM: Sentiment-Oriented Multi-Relation Extraction with Latent Structural SVM}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1014}
author = {Sperber, Matthias; Simantzik, Mirjam; Neubig, Graham; Nakamura, Satoshi; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Segmentation for Efficient Supervised Language Annotation with an Explicit Cost-Utility Tradeoff}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1015}
author = {Yogatama, Dani; Wang, Chong; Routledge, Bryan R.; Smith, Noah A.; Xing, Eric P.}
title = {Dynamic Language Models for Streaming Text}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1016}
author = {Schneider, Nathan; Danchik, Emily; Dyer, Chris; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Discriminative Lexical Semantic Segmentation with Gaps: Running the MWE Gamut}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1017}
author = {Socher, Richard; Karpathy, Andrej; Le, Quoc V.; Manning, Christopher D.; Ng, Andrew Y.}
title = {Grounded Compositional Semantics for Finding and Describing Images with Sentences}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1018}
author = {Sultan, Md Arafat; Bethard, Steven; Sumner, Tamara}
title = {Back to Basics for Monolingual Alignment: Exploiting Word Similarity and Contextual Evidence}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q14-1019}
author = {Moro, Andrea; Raganato, Alessandro; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {Entity Linking meets Word Sense Disambiguation: a Unified Approach}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2014}
id = {Q15-1001}
author = {}
title = {Reasoning about Quantities in Natural Language}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1002}
author = {Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {Cross-Document Co-Reference Resolution using Sample-Based Clustering with Knowledge Enrichment}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1003}
author = {Ganchev, Kuzman; Das, Dipanjan}
title = {Efficient Inference and Structured Learning for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1004}
author = {Paul, Michael; Dredze, Mark}
title = {SPRITE: Generalizing Topic Models with Structured Priors}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1005}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Gimpel, Kevin}
title = {A Sense-Topic Model for Word Sense Induction with Unsupervised Data Enrichment}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1006}
author = {Louis, Annie; Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Which Step Do I Take First? Troubleshooting with Bayesian Models}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1007}
author = {He, Hua; Lin, Jimmy; Lopez, Adam}
title = {Gappy Pattern Matching on GPUs for On-Demand Extraction of Hierarchical Translation Grammars}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1008}
author = {McMahan, Brian; Stone, Matthew}
title = {A Bayesian Model of Grounded Color Semantics}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1009}
author = {Zhang, Congle; Soderland, Stephen}
title = {Exploiting Parallel News Streams for Unsupervised Event Extraction}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1010}
author = {Guo, Yufan; Reichart, Roi; Korhonen, Anna}
title = {Unsupervised Declarative Knowledge Induction for Constraint-Based Learning of Information Structure in Scientific Documents}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1011}
author = {Hachey, Ben}
title = {Entity Disambiguation with Web Links}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1012}
author = {Barzilay, Regina}
title = {An Unsupervised Method for Uncovering Morphological Chains}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1013}
author = {Sennrich, Rico}
title = {Modelling and Optimizing on Syntactic N-Grams for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {Q15-1014}
author = {Lazaridou, Angeliki; Dinu, Georgiana; Liska, Adam; Baroni, Marco}
title = {From Visual Attributes to Adjectives through Decompositional Distributional Semantics}
venue = {TACL}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1001}
author = {Titov, Ivan}
title = {Unsupervised Induction of Semantic Roles within a Reconstruction-Error Minimization Framework}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1002}
author = {Wolfe, Travis; Dredze, Mark; Van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Predicate Argument Alignment using a Global Coherence Model}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1003}
author = {Demberg, Vera}
title = {Improving unsupervised vector-space thematic fit evaluation via role-filler prototype clustering}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1004}
author = {Fyshe, Alona; Murphy, Brian; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {A Compositional and Interpretable Semantic Space}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1005}
author = {Barzilay, Regina; Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Randomized Greedy Inference for Joint Segmentation, POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1006}
author = {Ambati, Bharat Ram; Deoskar, Tejaswini; Johnson, Mark; Steedman, Mark}
title = {An Incremental Algorithm for Transition-based CCG Parsing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1007}
author = {}
title = {Because Syntax Does Matter: Improving Predicate-Argument Structures Parsing with Syntactic Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1008}
author = {Charniak, Eugene}
title = {A Hybrid Generative/Discriminative Approach To Citation Prediction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1009}
author = {Kim, Young-Bum; Jeong, Minwoo; Sarikaya, Ruhi}
title = {Weakly Supervised Slot Tagging with Partially Labeled Sequences from Web Search Click Logs}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1010}
author = {Bethard, Steven; Solorio, Thamar}
title = {Not All Character N-grams Are Created Equal: A Study in Authorship Attribution}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1011}
author = {Zhang, Tong}
title = {Effective Use of Word Order for Text Categorization with Convolutional Neural Networks}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1012}
author = {Zhang, Yue; Che, Wanxiang; Qin, Bing}
title = {Transition-Based Syntactic Linearization}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1013}
author = {}
title = {Extractive Summarisation Based on Keyword Profile and Language Model}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1014}
author = {Litvak, Marina}
title = {HEADS: Headline Generation as Sequence Prediction Using an Abstract Feature-Rich Space}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1015}
author = {}
title = {What’s Cookin’? Interpreting Cooking Videos using Text, Speech and Vision}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1016}
author = {Lazaridou, Angeliki; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Combining Language and Vision with a Multimodal Skip-gram Model}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1017}
author = {Gildea, Daniel; Huang, Liang}
title = {Discriminative Unsupervised Alignment of Natural Language Instructions with Corresponding Video Segments}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1018}
author = {Stewart, Brandon M.}
title = {TopicCheck: Interactive Alignment for Assessing Topic Model Stability}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1019}
author = {Culotta, Aron}
title = {Inferring latent attributes of Twitter users with label regularization}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1020}
author = {Galley, Michel; Auli, Michael; Brockett, Chris; Mitchell, Margaret; Nie, Jian-Yun; Gao, Jianfeng; Dolan, Bill}
title = {A Neural Network Approach to Context-Sensitive Generation of Conversational Responses}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1021}
author = {Knight, Kevin}
title = {How to Make a Frenemy: Multitape FSTs for Portmanteau Generation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1022}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari; Wu, Wei}
title = {Aligning Sentences from Standard Wikipedia to Simple Wikipedia}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1023}
author = {Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Inducing Lexical Style Properties for Paraphrase and Genre Differentiation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1024}
author = {Dredze, Mark}
title = {Entity Linking for Spoken Language}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1025}
author = {Surdeanu, Mihai; Clark, Peter}
title = {Spinning Straw into Gold: Using Free Text to Train Monolingual Alignment Models for Non-factoid Question Answering}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1026}
author = {He, Yifan; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Personalized Page Rank for Named Entity Disambiguation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1027}
author = {Andreas, Jacob; Klein, Dan}
title = {When and why are log-linear models self-normalizing?}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1028}
author = {Bansal, Mohit; Gimpel, Kevin; Livescu, Karen}
title = {Deep Multilingual Correlation for Improved Word Embeddings}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1029}
author = {Durrett, Greg; Klein, Dan}
title = {Disfluency Detection with a Semi-Markov Model and Prosodic Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1030}
author = {Sudoh, Katsuhito; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Empty Category Detection With Joint Context-Label Embeddings}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1031}
author = {Kennington, Casey; Iida, Ryu; Tokunaga, Takenobu; Schlangen, David}
title = {Incrementally Tracking Reference in Human/Human Dialogue Using Linguistic and Extra-Linguistic Information}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1032}
author = {Apostolova, Emilia}
title = {Digital Leafleting: Extracting Structured Data from Multimedia Online Flyers}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1033}
author = {Duh, Kevin}
title = {Multi-Target Machine Translation with Multi-Synchronous Context-free Grammars}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1034}
author = {Johnson, Mark; Pater, Joe; Staubs, Robert}
title = {Sign constraints on feature weights improve a joint model of word segmentation and phonology}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1035}
author = {Ng, Hwee Tou}
title = {Semi-Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation Using Word Embeddings in General and Specific Domains}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1036}
author = {Murawaki, Yugo}
title = {Continuous Space Representations of Linguistic Typology and their Application to Phylogenetic Inference}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1037}
author = {}
title = {Interpreting Compound Noun Phrases Using Web Search Queries}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1038}
author = {}
title = {Lexicon-Free Conversational Speech Recognition with Neural Networks}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1039}
author = {Wang, William Yang}
title = {I Can Has Cheezburger? A Nonparanormal Approach to Combining Textual and Visual Information for Predicting and Generating Popular Meme Descriptions}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1040}
author = {Xue, Nianwen}
title = {A Transition-based Algorithm for AMR Parsing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1041}
author = {}
title = {The Geometry of Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1042}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd; Mille, Simon; Wanner, Leo}
title = {Data-driven sentence generation with non-isomorphic trees}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1043}
author = {Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Latent Domain Word Alignment for Heterogeneous Corpora}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1044}
author = {Seligman, Martin; Ungar, Lyle}
title = {Extracting Human Temporal Orientation from Facebook Language}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1045}
author = {Baldwin, Tyler; Li, Yunyao}
title = {An In-depth Analysis of the Effect of Text Normalization in Social Media}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1046}
author = {Misra, Amita; Anand, Pranav; Fox Tree, Jean E.}
title = {Using Summarization to Discover Argument Facets in Online Idealogical Dialog}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1047}
author = {}
title = {Active Learning with Rationales for Text Classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1048}
author = {Blanco, Eduardo}
title = {Inferring Temporally-Anchored Spatial Knowledge from Semantic Roles}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1049}
author = {Nagata, Masaaki; Nishino, Masaaki; Yasuda, Norihito; Hirao, Tsutomu}
title = {A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Tree Trimming-based Text Summarization}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1050}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Goldberger, Jacob}
title = {Modeling Word Meaning in Context with Substitute Vectors}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1051}
author = {de Marneffe, Marie-Catherine; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Corpus-based discovery of semantic intensity scales}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1052}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {Dialogue focus tracking for zero pronoun resolution}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1053}
author = {Choi, Yejin; Chen, Jianfu; Kuznetsova, Polina}
title = {Déjà Image-Captions: A Corpus of Expressive Descriptions in Repetition}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1054}
author = {Chang, Ming-Wei}
title = {Inferring Missing Entity Type Instances for Knowledge Base Completion: New Dataset and Methods}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1055}
author = {Schuetze, Hinrich}
title = {Robust Morphological Tagging with Word Representations}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1056}
author = {Nicolai, Garrett; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {English orthography is not close to optimal}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1057}
author = {}
title = {LCCT: A Semi-supervised Model for Sentiment Classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1058}
author = {Van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Multiview LSA: Representation Learning via Generalized CCA}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1059}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {NASARI: a Novel Approach to a Semantically-Aware Representation of Items}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1060}
author = {Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Towards a standard evaluation method for grammatical error detection and correction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1061}
author = {Jansen, Aren; White, Jerome}
title = {Using Zero-Resource Spoken Term Discovery for Ranked Retrieval}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1062}
author = {Tsvetkov, Yulia; Ammar, Waleed; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Constraint-Based Models of Lexical Borrowing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1063}
author = {Vaswani, Ashish; Chiang, David}
title = {Model Invertibility Regularization: Sequence Alignment With or Without Parallel Data}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1064}
author = {Chen, Yun-Nung; Wang, William Yang}
title = {Jointly Modeling Inter-Slot Relations by Random Walk on Knowledge Graphs for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1065}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Isabelle, Pierre}
title = {Expanding Paraphrase Lexicons by Exploiting Lexical Variants}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1066}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Lopez de Lacalle, Oier; Surdeanu, Mihai}
title = {Diamonds in the Rough: Event Extraction from Imperfect Microblog Data}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1067}
author = {Zuidema, Willem}
title = {Unsupervised Dependency Parsing: Let's Use Supervised Parsers}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1068}
author = {Pitler, Emily; McDonald, Ryan}
title = {A Linear-Time Transition System for Crossing Interval Trees}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1069}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Unsupervised Multi-Domain Adaptation with Feature Embeddings}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1070}
author = {Jauhar, Sujay Kumar; Dyer, Chris; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Ontologically Grounded Multi-sense Representation Learning for Semantic Vector Space Models}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1071}
author = {Versley, Yannick}
title = {Subsentential Sentiment on a Shoestring: A Crosslingual Analysis of Compositional Classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1072}
author = {Xu, Wei; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Cost Optimization in Crowdsourcing Translation: Low cost translations made even cheaper}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1073}
author = {Negri, Matteo; Turchi, Marco}
title = {Multitask Learning for Adaptive Quality Estimation of Automatically Transcribed Utterances}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1074}
author = {}
title = {Incorporating Word Correlation Knowledge into Topic Modeling}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1075}
author = {Cherry, Colin}
title = {The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Word Representations for Twitter Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1076}
author = {Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Seppi, Kevin}
title = {Is Your Anchor Going Up or Down? Fast and Accurate Supervised Topic Models}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1077}
author = {Poon, Hoifung; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Grounded Semantic Parsing for Complex Knowledge Extraction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1078}
author = {Salameh, Mohammad; Mohammad, Saif}
title = {Sentiment after Translation: A Case-Study on Arabic Social Media Posts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1079}
author = {Li, Chen; Liu, Yang}
title = {Using External Resources and Joint Learning for Bigram Weighting in ILP-Based Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1080}
author = {Rush, Alexander M.; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Transforming Dependencies into Phrase Structures}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1081}
author = {Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Improving the Inference of Implicit Discourse Relations via Classifying Explicit Discourse Connectives}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1082}
author = {Roth, Dan}
title = {Solving Hard Coreference Problems}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1083}
author = {}
title = {Pragmatic Neural Language Modelling in Machine Translation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1084}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv}
title = {Key Female Characters in Film Have More to Talk About Besides Men: Automating the Bechdel Test}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1085}
author = {Li, Xiaolong; Boyer, Kristy}
title = {Semantic Grounding in Dialogue for Complex Problem Solving}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1086}
author = {Hixon, Ben; Clark, Peter}
title = {Learning Knowledge Graphs for Question Answering through Conversational Dialog}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1087}
author = {Hirst, Graeme; Rochon, Elizabeth}
title = {Sentence segmentation of aphasic speech}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1088}
author = {Cimiano, Philipp; Wrede, Britta}
title = {Semantic parsing of speech using grammars learned with weak supervision}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1089}
author = {Seppi, Kevin; Felt, Paul; Haertel, Robbie}
title = {Early Gains Matter: A Case for Preferring Generative over Discriminative Crowdsourcing Models}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1090}
author = {Haffari, Gholamreza; Nagesh, Ajay; Ramakrishnan, Ganesh}
title = {Optimizing Multivariate Performance Measures for Learning Relation Extraction Models}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1091}
author = {}
title = {Convolutional Neural Network for Paraphrase Identification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1092}
author = {Liu, Xiaodong; Gao, Jianfeng; He, Xiaodong; Duh, Kevin; Wang, Ye-Yi}
title = {Representation Learning Using Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks for Semantic Classification and Information Retrieval}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1093}
author = {Nicolai, Garrett; Cherry, Colin; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Inflection Generation as Discriminative String Transduction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1094}
author = {}
title = {Penalized Expectation Propagation for Graphical Models over Strings}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1095}
author = {Yao, Lei; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Joint Generation of Transliterations from Multiple Representations}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1096}
author = {}
title = {Prosodic boundary information helps unsupervised word segmentation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1097}
author = {Baroni, Marco}
title = {So similar and yet incompatible: Toward the automated identification of semantically compatible words}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1098}
author = {Dagan, Ido; Remus, Steffen}
title = {Do Supervised Distributional Methods Really Learn Lexical Inference Relations?}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1099}
author = {Salehi, Bahar; Cook, Paul; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {A Word Embedding Approach to Predicting the Compositionality of Multiword Expressions}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1100}
author = {Miwa, Makoto; Sasaki, Yutaka}
title = {Word Embedding-based Antonym Detection using Thesauri and Distributional Information}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1101}
author = {Schuler, William}
title = {A Comparison of Word Similarity Performance Using Explanatory and Non-explanatory Texts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1102}
author = {Kirchhoff, Katrin; Tam, Yik-Cheung; Richey, Colleen; Wang, Wen}
title = {Morphological Modeling for Machine Translation of English-Iraqi Arabic Spoken Dialogs}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1103}
author = {Schwenk, Holger; Hazem, Amir}
title = {Continuous Adaptation to User Feedback for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1104}
author = {Wang, Dong}
title = {Normalized Word Embedding and Orthogonal Transform for Bilingual Word Translation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1105}
author = {Iglesias, Gonzalo}
title = {Fast and Accurate Preordering for SMT using Neural Networks}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1106}
author = {Dreyer, Markus}
title = {APRO: All-Pairs Ranking Optimization for MT Tuning}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1107}
author = {Forsberg, Markus; Hulden, Mans}
title = {Paradigm classification in supervised learning of morphology}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1108}
author = {Mi, Haitao; Huang, Liang}
title = {Shift-Reduce Constituency Parsing with Dynamic Programming and POS Tag Lattice}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1109}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Garrette, Dan; Klein, Dan}
title = {Unsupervised Code-Switching for Multilingual Historical Document Transcription}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1110}
author = {}
title = {Matching Citation Text and Cited Spans in Biomedical Literature: a Search-Oriented Approach}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1111}
author = {Sakaguchi, Keisuke; Heilman, Michael; Madnani, Nitin}
title = {Effective Feature Integration for Automated Short Answer Scoring}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1112}
author = {Wang, Lu; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Socially-Informed Timeline Generation for Complex Events}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1113}
author = {Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Movie Script Summarization as Graph-based Scene Extraction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1114}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Liu, Fei}
title = {Toward Abstractive Summarization Using Semantic Representations}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1115}
author = {Zhang, Muyu; Feng, Vanessa Wei; Qin, Bing; Hirst, Graeme; Liu, Ting}
title = {Encoding World Knowledge in the Evaluation of Local Coherence}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1116}
author = {Chen, Chen; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Chinese Event Coreference Resolution: An Unsupervised Probabilistic Model Rivaling Supervised Resolvers}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1117}
author = {Boyd-Graber, Jordan}
title = {Removing the Training Wheels: A Coreference Dataset that Entertains Humans and Challenges Computers}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1118}
author = {Rocktäschel, Tim; Singh, Sameer; Riedel, Sebastian}
title = {Injecting Logical Background Knowledge into Embeddings for Relation Extraction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1119}
author = {Hermjakob, Ulf; Ji, Heng; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Unsupervised Entity Linking with Abstract Meaning Representation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1120}
author = {Krause, Sebastian; Alfonseca, Enrique; Filippova, Katja; Pighin, Daniele}
title = {Idest: Learning a Distributed Representation for Event Patterns}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1121}
author = {Moschitti, Alessandro; Barzilay, Regina}
title = {High-Order Low-Rank Tensors for Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1122}
author = {Abend, Omri; Cohen, Shay B.; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Lexical Event Ordering with an Edge-Factored Model}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1123}
author = {Hieber, Felix; Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Bag-of-Words Forced Decoding for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1124}
author = {Graham, Yvette; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Accurate Evaluation of Segment-level Machine Translation Metrics}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1125}
author = {Cromieres, Fabien; Kurohashi, Sadao; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Leveraging Small Multilingual Corpora for SMT Using Many Pivot Languages}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1126}
author = {Ji, Heng; Li, Sujian; Lin, Chin-Yew}
title = {Why Read if You Can Scan? Trigger Scoping Strategy for Biographical Fact Extraction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1127}
author = {}
title = {Lachmannian Archetype Reconstruction for Ancient Manuscript Corpora}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1128}
author = {Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Distributed Representations of Words to Guide Bootstrapped Entity Classifiers}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1129}
author = {Chiang, David}
title = {Multi-Task Word Alignment Triangulation for Low-Resource Languages}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1130}
author = {Rama, Taraka}
title = {Automatic cognate identification with gap-weighted string subsequences.}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1131}
author = {}
title = {Short Text Understanding by Leveraging Knowledge into Topic Model}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1132}
author = {Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; Bhingardive, Sudha}
title = {Unsupervised Most Frequent Sense Detection using Word Embeddings}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1133}
author = {Ebrahimi, Javid}
title = {Chain Based RNN for Relation Classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1134}
author = {Kallmeyer, Laura; Maier, Wolfgang}
title = {LR Parsing for LCFRS}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1135}
author = {Hovy, Dirk; Martínez Alonso, Héctor}
title = {Mining for unambiguous instances to adapt part-of-speech taggers to new domains}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1136}
author = {Zhang, Yang; Xia, Yunqing; Liu, Yi}
title = {Clustering Sentences with Density Peaks for Multi-document Summarization}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1137}
author = {Rayson, Paul}
title = {Development of the Multilingual Semantic Annotation System}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1138}
author = {Roth, Dan}
title = {Unsupervised Sparse Vector Densification for Short Text Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1139}
author = {}
title = {#WhyIStayed, #WhyILeft: Microblogging to Make Sense of Domestic Abuse}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1140}
author = {}
title = {Morphological Word-Embeddings}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1141}
author = {Baral, Chitta; Scherl, Richard}
title = {Recognizing Social Constructs from Textual Conversation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1142}
author = {Trancoso, Isabel; Ling, Wang; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Two/Too Simple Adaptations of Word2Vec for Syntax Problems}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1143}
author = {Takamura, Hiroya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Estimating Numerical Attributes by Bringing Together Fragmentary Clues}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1144}
author = {Ammar, Waleed; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Unsupervised POS Induction with Word Embeddings}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1145}
author = {Li, Chen; Liu, Yang}
title = {Improving Update Summarization via Supervised ILP and Sentence Reranking}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1146}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {MPQA 3.0: An Entity/Event-Level Sentiment Corpus}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1147}
author = {Kozareva, Zornitsa}
title = {Everyone Likes Shopping! Multi-class Product Categorization for e-Commerce}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1148}
author = {Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor; Klein, Dan}
title = {GPU-Friendly Local Regression for Voice Conversion}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1149}
author = {Riezler, Stefan}
title = {Response-based Learning for Machine Translation of Open-domain Database Queries}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1150}
author = {Sasano, Ryohei; Takamura, Hiroya; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Context-Dependent Automatic Response Generation Using Statistical Machine Translation Techniques}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1151}
author = {Faruqui, Manaal; Kumar, Shankar}
title = {Multilingual Open Relation Extraction Using Cross-lingual Projection}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1152}
author = {Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Skjærholt, Arne}
title = {Learning to parse with IAA-weighted loss}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1153}
author = {Cohn, Trevor; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Exploiting Text and Network Context for Geolocation of Social Media Users}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1154}
author = {}
title = {Discriminative Phrase Embedding for Paraphrase Identification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1155}
author = {Yu, Mo; Gormley, Matthew R.; Dredze, Mark}
title = {Combining Word Embeddings and Feature Embeddings for Fine-grained Relation Extraction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1156}
author = {Baeza-Yates, Ricardo; Rello, Luz}
title = {CASSA: A Context-Aware Synonym Simplification Algorithm}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1157}
author = {Gouws, Stephan}
title = {Simple task-specific bilingual word embeddings}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1158}
author = {Lavrenko, Victor; Osborne, Miles}
title = {Sampling Techniques for Streaming Cross Document Coreference Resolution}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1159}
author = {Severyn, Aliaksei; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {On the Automatic Learning of Sentiment Lexicons}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1160}
author = {Dras, Mark}
title = {Large-Scale Native Language Identification with Cross-Corpus Evaluation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1161}
author = {Ostendorf, Mari}
title = {Unediting: Detecting Disfluencies Without Careful Transcripts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1162}
author = {Zhao, Kai; Huang, Liang}
title = {Type-Driven Incremental Semantic Parsing with Polymorphism}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1163}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Globerson, Amir}
title = {Template Kernels for Dependency Parsing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1164}
author = {Johansson, Richard}
title = {Embedding a Semantic Network in a Word Space}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1165}
author = {Soroa, Aitor; Agirre, Eneko}
title = {Random Walks and Neural Network Language Models on Knowledge Bases}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1166}
author = {Nenkova, Ani}
title = {Identification and Characterization of Newsworthy Verbs in World News}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1167}
author = {Liu, Yudong}
title = {Enhancing Sumerian Lemmatization by Unsupervised Named-Entity Recognition}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1168}
author = {Ding, Haibo; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Extracting Information about Medication Use from Veterinary Discussions}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1169}
author = {Jurgens, David}
title = {Reserating the awesometastic: An automatic extension of the WordNet taxonomy for novel terms}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1170}
author = {Tamura, Akihiro; Andrade, Daniel; Tsuchida, Masaaki}
title = {Cross-lingual Text Classification Using Topic-Dependent Word Probabilities}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1171}
author = {Qin, Ying}
title = {Testing and Comparing Computational Approaches for Identifying the Language of Framing in Political News}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1172}
author = {Strapparava, Carlo; Guerini, Marco}
title = {Echoes of Persuasion: The Effect of Euphony in Persuasive Communication}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1173}
author = {Rohrbach, Marcus; Saenko, Kate}
title = {Translating Videos to Natural Language Using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1174}
author = {Lapata, Mirella}
title = {Learning to Interpret and Describe Abstract Scenes}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1175}
author = {Lehnen, Patrick; Wuebker, Joern; Peitz, Stephan; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Comparison of Update Strategies for Large-Scale Maximum Expected BLEU Training}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1176}
author = {Zhao, Kai; Hassan, Hany; Auli, Michael}
title = {Learning Translation Models from Monolingual Continuous Representations}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1177}
author = {Schneider, Nathan; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {A Corpus and Model Integrating Multiword Expressions and Supersenses}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1178}
author = {}
title = {Good News or Bad News: Using Affect Control Theory to Analyze Readers' Reaction Towards News Articles}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1179}
author = {Shin, Hyopil}
title = {Do We Really Need Lexical Information? Towards a Top-down Approach to Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1180}
author = {Knight, Kevin}
title = {How to Memorize a Random 60-Bit String}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1181}
author = {Lapata, Mirella}
title = {A Bayesian Model for Joint Learning of Categories and their Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1182}
author = {}
title = {Shared common ground influences information density in microblog texts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1183}
author = {van Schijndel, Marten; Schuler, William}
title = {Hierarchic syntax improves reading time prediction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1184}
author = {Faruqui, Manaal; Dodge, Jesse; Jauhar, Sujay Kumar; Dyer, Chris; Hovy, Eduard; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1185}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {You’re Mr. Lebowski, I’m the Dude: Inducing Address Term Formality in Signed Social Networks}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-1186}
author = {Soricut, Radu}
title = {Unsupervised Morphology Induction Using Word Embeddings}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2001}
author = {}
title = {Cache-Augmented Latent Topic Language Models for Speech Retrieval}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2002}
author = {}
title = {Reliable Lexical Simplification for Non-Native Speakers}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2003}
author = {}
title = {Analyzing Newspaper Crime Reports for Identification of Safe Transit Paths}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2004}
author = {}
title = {Relation extraction pattern ranking using word similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2005}
author = {van der Plas, Lonneke}
title = {Towards a Better Semantic Role Labeling of Complex Predicates}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2006}
author = {Nagesh, Ajay}
title = {Exploring Relational Features and Learning under Distant Supervision for Information Extraction Tasks}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2007}
author = {}
title = {Entity/Event-Level Sentiment Detection and Inference}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2008}
author = {}
title = {Initial Steps for Building a Lexicon of Adjectives with Scalemates}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2009}
author = {Popescu, Octavian}
title = {A Preliminary Evaluation of the Impact of Syntactic Structure in Semantic Textual Similarity and Semantic Relatedness Tasks}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2010}
author = {Rieser, Verena}
title = {Benchmarking Machine Translated Sentiment Analysis for Arabic Tweets}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2011}
author = {}
title = {Learning Kernels for Semantic Clustering: A Deep Approach}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2012}
author = {Yimam, Seid Muhie}
title = {Narrowing the Loop: Integration of Resources and Linguistic Dataset Development with Interactive Machine Learning}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2013}
author = {Agichtein, Eugene}
title = {Relation Extraction from Community Generated Question-Answer Pairs}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2014}
author = {Eetemadi, Sauleh; Toutanova, Kristina}
title = {Detecting Translation Direction: A Cross-Domain Study}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2015}
author = {}
title = {Improving the Translation of Discourse Markers for Chinese into English}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2016}
author = {Scarton, Carolina}
title = {Discourse and Document-level Information for Evaluating Language Output Tasks}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2017}
author = {Boyd-Graber, Jordan}
title = {Speeding Document Annotation with Topic Models}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2018}
author = {}
title = {Lifelong Machine Learning for Topic Modeling and Beyond}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2019}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.}
title = {Semantics-based Graph Approach to Complex Question-Answering}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2020}
author = {}
title = {Recognizing Textual Entailment using Dependency Analysis and Machine Learning}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2021}
author = {}
title = {Bilingual lexicon extraction for a distant language pair using a small parallel corpus}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2022}
author = {}
title = {Morphological Paradigms: Computational Structure and Unsupervised Learning}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-2023}
author = {Choi, Jinho D.}
title = {Computational Exploration to Linguistic Structures of Future: Classification and Categorization}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3001}
author = {Surdeanu, Mihai}
title = {Two Practical Rhetorical Structure Theory Parsers}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3002}
author = {Strube, Michael}
title = {Analyzing and Visualizing Coreference Resolution Errors}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3003}
author = {Dreyer, Markus; Graehl, Jonathan}
title = {hyp: A Toolkit for Representing, Manipulating, and Optimizing Hypergraphs}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3004}
author = {Wang, Jingtao; Luo, Wencan}
title = {Enhancing Instructor-Student and Student-Student Interactions with Mobile Interfaces and Summarization}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3005}
author = {Hladka, Barbora}
title = {RExtractor: a Robust Information Extractor}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3006}
author = {Vanderwende, Lucy; Menezes, Arul; Quirk, Chris}
title = {An AMR parser for English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese and a new AMR-annotated corpus}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3007}
author = {He, Yifan; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {ICE: Rapid Information Extraction Customization for NLP Novices}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3008}
author = {Saphra, Naomi; Lopez, Adam}
title = {AMRICA: an AMR Inspector for Cross-language Alignments}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3009}
author = {Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Ckylark: A More Robust PCFG-LA Parser}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3010}
author = {Poibeau, Thierry}
title = {ELCO3: Entity Linking with Corpus Coherence Combining Open Source Annotators}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3011}
author = {Pyysalo, Sampo; Ginter, Filip}
title = {SETS: Scalable and Efficient Tree Search in Dependency Graphs}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3012}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd; Mille, Simon; Wanner, Leo}
title = {Visualizing Deep-Syntactic Parser Output}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3013}
author = {Naradowsky, Jason; Singh, Sameer; Riedel, Sebastian; Rocktäschel, Tim}
title = {WOLFE: An NLP-friendly Declarative Machine Learning Stack}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3014}
author = {Yao, Xuchen}
title = {Lean Question Answering over Freebase from Scratch}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3015}
author = {Reddy, Sravana}
title = {A Web Application for Automated Dialect Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3016}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {An Open-source Framework for Multi-level Semantic Similarity Measurement}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3017}
author = {Bhattacharyya, Pushpak; Kunchukuttan, Anoop}
title = {Brahmi-Net: A transliteration and script conversion system for languages of the Indian subcontinent}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3018}
author = {Van Durme, Benjamin; Gormley, Matthew R.; Peng, Nanyun; Dredze, Mark; Wolfe, Travis; Yu, Mo; Andrews, Nicholas; DeYoung, Jay}
title = {A Concrete Chinese NLP Pipeline}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3019}
author = {Stenetorp, Pontus; Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {CroVeWA: Crosslingual Vector-Based Writing Assistance}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3020}
author = {Napolitano, Diane}
title = {Online Readability and Text Complexity Analysis with TextEvaluator}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3021}
author = {Brew, Chris; Schilder, Frank}
title = {Natural Language Question Answering and Analytics for Diverse and Interlinked Datasets}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3022}
author = {}
title = {WriteAhead2: Mining Lexical Grammar Patterns for Assisted Writing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3023}
author = {Lee, Gary Geunbae; Han, Sangdo}
title = {Question Answering System using Multiple Information Source and Open Type Answer Merge}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-3024}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada; Azab, Mahmoud}
title = {Using Word Semantics To Assist English as a Second Language Learners}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-4001}
author = {Chang, Kai-Wei}
title = {Hands-on Learning to Search for Structured Prediction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-4002}
author = {Callison-Burch, Chris; Ungar, Lyle}
title = {Crowdsourcing for NLP}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-4003}
author = {Schneider, Nathan}
title = {The Logic of AMR: Practical, Unified, Graph-Based Sentence Semantics for NLP}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-4004}
author = {He, Xiaodong; Gao, Jianfeng}
title = {Deep Learning and Continuous Representations for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-4005}
author = {Volkova, Svitlana; Van Durme, Benjamin; Yarowsky, David}
title = {Social Media Predictive Analytics}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {N15-4006}
author = {Ellsworth, Michael; Schneider, Nathan}
title = {Getting the Roles Right: Using FrameNet in NLP}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2015}
id = {S13-1001}
author = {Grefenstette, Edward}
title = {Towards a Formal Distributional Semantics: Simulating Logical Calculi with Tensors}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1002}
author = {Beltagy, Islam; Chau, Cuong; Boleda, Gemma; Garrette, Dan; Erk, Katrin; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Montague Meets Markov: Deep Semantics with Probabilistic Logical Form}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1003}
author = {Shen, Hui; Bunescu, Razvan C.; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Coarse to Fine Grained Sense Disambiguation in Wikipedia}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1004}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Cer, Daniel; Diab, Mona; Gonzalez-Agirre, Aitor; Guo, Weiwei}
title = {*SEM 2013 shared task: Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1005}
author = {Han, Lushan; L. Kashyap, Abhay; Finin, Tim; Mayfield, James; Weese, Jonathan}
title = {UMBC_EBIQUITY-CORE: Semantic Textual Similarity Systems}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1006}
author = {Severyn, Aliaksei; Nicosia, Massimo; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {iKernels-Core: Tree Kernel Learning for Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1007}
author = {Croce, Danilo; Storch, Valerio; Basili, Roberto}
title = {UNITOR-CORE_TYPED: Combining Text Similarity and Semantic Filters through SV Regression}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1008}
author = {Marsi, Erwin; Moen, Hans; Bungum, Lars; Sizov, Gleb; Gambäck, Björn; Lynum, André}
title = {NTNU-CORE: Combining strong features for semantic similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1009}
author = {Wang, Sai; Li, Ru; Wang, Ruibo; Wang, Zhiqiang; Zhang, Xia}
title = {SXUCFN-Core: STS Models Integrating FrameNet Parsing Information}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1010}
author = {Preiss, Judita; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Distinguishing Common and Proper Nouns}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1011}
author = {Polajnar, Tamara; Rimell, Laura; Kiela, Douwe}
title = {UCAM-CORE: Incorporating structured distributional similarity into STS}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1012}
author = {Xu, Jian; Lu, Qin}
title = {PolyUCOMP-CORE_TYPED: Computing Semantic Textual Similarity using Overlapped Senses}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1013}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Madnani, Nitin}
title = {HENRY-CORE: Domain Adaptation and Stacking for Text Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1014}
author = {Malandrakis, Nikolaos; Iosif, Elias; Prokopi, Vassiliki; Potamianos, Alexandros; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {DeepPurple: Lexical, String and Affective Feature Fusion for Sentence-Level Semantic Similarity Estimation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1015}
author = {Chávez, Alexander; Dávila, Héctor; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Collazo, Armando; Abreu, José I.; Fernandez Orquín, Antonio; Montoyo, Andrés; Muñoz, Rafael}
title = {UMCC_DLSI: Textual Similarity based on Lexical-Semantic features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1016}
author = {Otrusina, Lubomir; Smrz, Pavel}
title = {BUT-TYPED: Using domain knowledge for computing typed similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1017}
author = {Tiantian, Zhu; Lan, Man}
title = {ECNUCS: Measuring Short Text Semantic Equivalence Using Multiple Similarity Measurements}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1018}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Aletras, Nikolaos; Gonzalez-Agirre, Aitor; Rigau, German; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {UBC_UOS-TYPED: Regression for typed-similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1019}
author = {Ziak, Hermann; Kern, Roman}
title = {KnCe2013-CORE:Semantic Text Similarity by use of Knowledge Bases}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1020}
author = {Barrón-Cedeño, Alberto; Màrquez, Lluís; Fuentes Fort, Maria; Rodriguez, Horacio; Turmo, Jordi}
title = {UPC-CORE: What Can Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics and Wikipedia Do for Estimating Semantic Textual Similarity?}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1021}
author = {Wu, Stephen; Zhu, Dongqing; Carterette, Ben; Liu, Hongfang}
title = {MayoClinicNLP–CORE: Semantic representations for textual similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1022}
author = {Yeh, Eric}
title = {SRIUBC-Core: Multiword Soft Similarity Models for Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1023}
author = {Buscaldi, Davide; Le Roux, Joseph; Garcia Flores, Jorge J.; Popescu, Adrian}
title = {LIPN-CORE: Semantic Text Similarity using n-grams, WordNet, Syntactic Analysis, ESA and Information Retrieval based Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1024}
author = {Caputo, Annalina; Basile, Pierpaolo; Semeraro, Giovanni}
title = {UNIBA-CORE: Combining Strategies for Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1025}
author = {Sultan, Md.; Bethard, Steven; Sumner, Tamara}
title = {DLS-CORE: A Simple Machine Learning Model of Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1026}
author = {Greiner, Paul; Proisl, Thomas; Evert, Stefan; Kabashi, Besim}
title = {KLUE-CORE: A regression model of semantic textual similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1027}
author = {Noeman, Sara}
title = {IBM_EG-CORE: Comparing multiple Lexical and NE matching features in measuring Semantic Textual similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1028}
author = {Jimenez, Sergio; Becerra, Claudia; Gelbukh, Alexander F.}
title = {SOFTCARDINALITY-CORE: Improving Text Overlap with Distributional Measures for Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1029}
author = {Shareghi, Ehsan; Bergler, Sabine}
title = {CLaC-CORE: Exhaustive Feature Combination for Measuring Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1030}
author = {Gella, Spandana; Salehi, Bahar; Lui, Marco; Grieser, Karl; Cook, Paul; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {UniMelb_NLP-CORE: Integrating predictions from multiple domains and feature sets for estimating semantic textual similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1031}
author = {Dan, Avishek; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {CFILT-CORE: Semantic Textual Similarity using Universal Networking Language}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1032}
author = {Banea, Carmen; Choi, Yoonjung; Deng, Lingjia; Hassan, Samer; Mohler, Michael; Yang, Bishan; Cardie, Claire; Mihalcea, Rada; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {CPN-CORE: A Text Semantic Similarity System Infused with Opinion Knowledge}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1033}
author = {Sánchez-Vega, Fernando; Montes-y-Gomez, Manuel; Rosso, Paolo; Villasenor-Pineda, Luis}
title = {INAOE_UPV-CORE: Extracting Word Associations from Document Corpora to estimate Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1034}
author = {Bicici, Ergun; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {CNGL-CORE: Referential Translation Machines for Measuring Semantic Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1035}
author = {Goldberg, Yoav; Orwant, Jon}
title = {A Dataset of Syntactic-Ngrams over Time from a Very Large Corpus of English Books}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1036}
author = {Gella, Spandana; Cook, Paul; Han, Bo}
title = {Unsupervised Word Usage Similarity in Social Media Texts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1037}
author = {Forsyth, David A.}
title = {More Words and Bigger Pictures}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1038}
author = {Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Müller, Stefan; Roller, Stefan}
title = {Exploring Vector Space Models to Predict the Compositionality of German Noun-Noun Compounds}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1039}
author = {Salehi, Bahar; Cook, Paul}
title = {Predicting the Compositionality of Multiword Expressions Using Translations in Multiple Languages}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1040}
author = {Shutova, Ekaterina}
title = {Metaphor Identification as Interpretation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1041}
author = {Horbach, Andrea; Palmer, Alexis; Pinkal, Manfred}
title = {Using the text to evaluate short answers for reading comprehension exercises}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1042}
author = {Schwartz, Hansen A.; Eichstaedt, Johannes; Blanco, Eduardo; Dziurzyński, Lukasz; Kern, Margaret L.; Ramones, Stephanie; Seligman, Martin; Ungar, Lyle H.}
title = {Choosing the Right Words: Characterizing and Reducing Error of the Word Count Approach}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1043}
author = {Roth, Michael; Frank, Anette}
title = {Automatically Identifying Implicit Arguments to Improve Argument Linking and Coherence Modeling}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1044}
author = {Kozhevnikov, Mikhail; Titov, Ivan}
title = {Bootstrapping Semantic Role Labelers from Parallel Data}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-1045}
author = {Cai, Qingqing; Yates, Alexander}
title = {Semantic Parsing Freebase: Towards Open-domain Semantic Parsing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2001}
author = {UzZaman, Naushad; Llorens, Hector; Derczynski, Leon; Allen, James F.; Verhagen, Marc; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 1: TempEval-3: Evaluating Time Expressions, Events, and Temporal Relations}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2002}
author = {Bethard, Steven}
title = {ClearTK-TimeML: A minimalist approach to TempEval 2013}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2003}
author = {Strötgen, Jannik; Zell, Julian; Gertz, Michael}
title = {HeidelTime: Tuning English and Developing Spanish Resources for TempEval-3}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2004}
author = {Jung, Hyuckchul; Stent, Amanda J.}
title = {ATT1: Temporal Annotation Using Big Windows and Rich Syntactic and Semantic Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2005}
author = {Negri, Matteo; Marchetti, Alessandro; Mehdad, Yashar; Bentivogli, Luisa; Giampiccolo, Danilo}
title = {Semeval-2013 Task 8: Cross-lingual Textual Entailment for Content Synchronization}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2006}
author = {Jimenez, Sergio; Becerra, Claudia; Gelbukh, Alexander F.}
title = {SOFTCARDINALITY: Learning to Identify Directional Cross-Lingual Entailment from Cardinalities and SMT}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2007}
author = {Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Zesch, Torsten; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Biemann, Christian}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 5: Evaluating Phrasal Semantics}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2008}
author = {Wartena, Christian}
title = {HsH: Estimating Semantic Similarity of Words and Short Phrases with Frequency Normalized Distance Measures}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2009}
author = {Filannino, Michele; Brown, Gavin; Nenadić, Goran}
title = {ManTIME: Temporal expression identification and normalization in the TempEval-3 challenge}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2010}
author = {Zavarella, Vanni; Tanev, Hristo}
title = {FSS-TimEx for TempEval-3: Extracting Temporal Information from Text}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2011}
author = {Kolya, Anup Kumar; Kundu, Amitava; Gupta, Rajdeep; Ekbal, Asif; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {JU_CSE: A CRF Based Approach to Annotation of Temporal Expression, Event and Temporal Relations}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2012}
author = {Chambers, Nate}
title = {NavyTime: Event and Time Ordering from Raw Text}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2013}
author = {Chang, Angel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {SUTime: Evaluation in TempEval-3}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2014}
author = {Kolomiyets, Oleksandr; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {KUL: Data-driven Approach to Temporal Parsing of Newswire Articles}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2015}
author = {Laokulrat, Natsuda; Miwa, Makoto; Tsuruoka, Yoshimasa; Chikayama, Takashi}
title = {UTTime: Temporal Relation Classification using Deep Syntactic Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2016}
author = {Dávila, Héctor; Fernandez Orquín, Antonio; Chávez, Alexander; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Collazo, Armando; Abreu, José I.; Montoyo, Andrés; Muñoz, Rafael}
title = {UMCC_DLSI-(EPS): Paraphrases Detection Based on Semantic Distance}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2017}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim; Afantenos, Stergos; Muller, Philippe}
title = {MELODI: Semantic Similarity of Words and Compositional Phrases using Latent Vector Weighting}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2018}
author = {Byrne, Lorna; Fenlon, Caroline; Dunnion, John}
title = {IIRG: A Naive Approach to Evaluating Phrasal Semantics}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2019}
author = {Siblini, Reda; Kosseim, Leila}
title = {ClaC: Semantic Relatedness of Words and Phrases}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2020}
author = {Jimenez, Sergio; Becerra, Claudia; Gelbukh, Alexander F.}
title = {UNAL: Discriminating between Literal and Figurative Phrasal Usage Using Distributional Statistics and POS tags}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2021}
author = {Zhao, Jiang; Lan, Man; Niu, Zheng-Yu}
title = {ECNUCS: Recognizing Cross-lingual Textual Entailment Using Multiple Text Similarity and Text Difference Measures}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2022}
author = {Vilariño, Darnes; Pinto, David; León, Saul; Aleman, Yuridiana; Gómez, Helena}
title = {BUAP: N-gram based Feature Evaluation for the Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment Task}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2023}
author = {Turchi, Marco; Negri, Matteo}
title = {ALTN: Word Alignment Features for Cross-lingual Textual Entailment}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2024}
author = {Graham, Yvette; Salehi, Bahar; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Umelb: Cross-lingual Textual Entailment with Word Alignment and String Similarity Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2025}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; Kozareva, Zornitsa; Nakov, Preslav; Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Szpakowicz, Stan; Veale, Tony}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 4: Free Paraphrases of Noun Compounds}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2026}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim; Afantenos, Stergos; Muller, Philippe}
title = {MELODI: A Supervised Distributional Approach for Free Paraphrasing of Noun Compounds}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2027}
author = {Versley, Yannick}
title = {SFS-TUE: Compound Paraphrasing with a Language Model and Discriminative Reranking}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2028}
author = {Surtani, Nitesh; Batra, Arpita; Ghosh, Urmi; Paul, Soma}
title = {IIIT-H: A Corpus-Driven Co-occurrence Based Probabilistic Model for Noun Compound Paraphrasing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2029}
author = {Lefever, Els; Hoste, Véronique}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 10: Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2030}
author = {Tan, Liling; Bond, Francis}
title = {XLING: Matching Query Sentences to a Parallel Corpus using Topic Models for WSD}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2031}
author = {Rudnick, Alex; Liu, Can; Gasser, Michael}
title = {HLTDI: CL-WSD Using Markov Random Fields for SemEval-2013 Task 10}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2032}
author = {Apidianaki, Marianna}
title = {LIMSI : Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation using Translation Sense Clustering}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2033}
author = {van Gompel, Maarten; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {WSD2: Parameter optimisation for Memory-based Cross-Lingual Word-Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2034}
author = {Carpuat, Marine}
title = {NRC: A Machine Translation Approach to Cross-Lingual Word Sense Disambiguation (SemEval-2013 Task 10)}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2035}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Vannella, Daniele}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 11: Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation within an End-User Application}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2036}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Duluth : Word Sense Induction Applied to Web Page Clustering}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2037}
author = {Behera, Satyabrata; Gaikwad, Upasana; Bairi, Ramakrishna; Ramakrishnan, Ganesh}
title = {SATTY : Word Sense Induction Application in Web Search Clustering}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2038}
author = {Zorn, Hans-Peter; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {UKP-WSI: UKP Lab Semeval-2013 Task 11 System Description}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2039}
author = {Lau, Jey Han; Cook, Paul; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {unimelb: Topic Modelling-based Word Sense Induction for Web Snippet Clustering}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2040}
author = {Navigli, Roberto; Jurgens, David; Vannella, Daniele}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 12: Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2041}
author = {Schwab, Didier; Tchechmedjiev, Andon; Goulian, Jérôme; Nasiruddin, Mohammad; Serasset, Gilles; Blanchon, Hervé}
title = {GETALP System : Propagation of a Lesk Measure through an Ant Colony Algorithm}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2042}
author = {Gutiérrez, Yoan; Castañeda, Yenier; González, Andy; Estrada, Rainel; Piug, Dennys D.; Abreu, Jose I.; Kreuz, Roger; Fernandez Orquín, Antonio; Montoyo, Andrés; Muñoz, Rafael; Camara, Franc}
title = {UMCC_DLSI: Reinforcing a Ranking Algorithm with Sense Frequencies and Multidimensional Semantic Resources to solve Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2043}
author = {Manion, Steve L.; Sainudiin, Raazesh}
title = {DAEBAK!: Peripheral Diversity for Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2044}
author = {Kolomiyets, Oleksandr; Kordjamshidi, Parisa; Moens, Marie-Francine; Bethard, Steven}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 3: Spatial Role Labeling}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2045}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Nielsen, Rodney D.; Brew, Chris; Leacock, Claudia; Giampiccolo, Danilo; Bentivogli, Luisa; Clark, Peter; Dagan, Ido; Dang, Hoa Trang}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 7: The Joint Student Response Analysis and 8th Recognizing Textual Entailment Challenge}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2046}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Madnani, Nitin}
title = {ETS: Domain Adaptation and Stacking for Short Answer Scoring}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2047}
author = {Jimenez, Sergio; Becerra, Claudia; Gelbukh, Alexander F.}
title = {SOFTCARDINALITY: Hierarchical Text Overlap for Student Response Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2048}
author = {Levy, Omer; Zesch, Torsten; Dagan, Ido; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {UKP-BIU: Similarity and Entailment Metrics for Student Response Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2049}
author = {Jurgens, David; Klapaftis, Ioannis P.}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 13: Word Sense Induction for Graded and Non-Graded Senses}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2050}
author = {Baskaya, Osman; Sert, Enis; Cirik, Volkan; Yuret, Deniz}
title = {AI-KU: Using Substitute Vectors and Co-Occurrence Modeling For Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2051}
author = {Lau, Jey Han; Cook, Paul; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {unimelb: Topic Modelling-based Word Sense Induction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2052}
author = {Nakov, Preslav; Rosenthal, Sara; Kozareva, Zornitsa; Stoyanov, Veselin; Ritter, Alan; Wilson, Theresa}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 2: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2053}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Kiritchenko, Svetlana; Zhu, Xiaodan}
title = {NRC-Canada: Building the State-of-the-Art in Sentiment Analysis of Tweets}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2054}
author = {Günther, Tobias; Furrer, Lenz}
title = {GU-MLT-LT: Sentiment Analysis of Short Messages using Linguistic Features and Stochastic Gradient Descent}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2055}
author = {Becker, Lee; Erhart, George; Skiba, David; Matula, Valentine}
title = {AVAYA: Sentiment Analysis on Twitter with Self-Training and Polarity Lexicon Expansion}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2056}
author = {Segura-Bedmar, Isabel; Martínez, Paloma; Herrero Zazo, María}
title = {SemEval-2013 Task 9 : Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Texts (DDIExtraction 2013)}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2057}
author = {Chowdhury, Md. Faisal Mahbub; Lavelli, Alberto}
title = {FBK-irst : A Multi-Phase Kernel Based Approach for Drug-Drug Interaction Detection and Classification that Exploits Linguistic Information}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2058}
author = {Rocktäschel, Tim; Huber, Torsten; Weidlich, Michael; Leser, Ulf}
title = {WBI-NER: The impact of domain-specific features on the performance of identifying and classifying mentions of drugs}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2059}
author = {Dermouche, Mohamed; Khouas, Leila; Velcin, Julien; Loudcher, Sabine}
title = {AMI&ERIC: How to Learn with Naive Bayes and Prior Knowledge: an Application to Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2060}
author = {Castellucci, Giuseppe; Filice, Simone; Croce, Danilo; Basili, Roberto}
title = {UNITOR: Combining Syntactic and Semantic Kernels for Twitter Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2061}
author = {Chalothorn, Tawunrat; Ellman, Jeremy}
title = {TJP: Using Twitter to Analyze the Polarity of Contexts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2062}
author = {Poursepanj, Hamid; Weissbock, Josh; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {uOttawa: System description for SemEval 2013 Task 2 Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2063}
author = {Zhu, Zhemin; Hiemstra, Djoerd; Apers, Peter; Wombacher, Andreas}
title = {UT-DB: An Experimental Study on Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2064}
author = {Harihara, Ganesh; Yang, Eugene; Chambers, Nate}
title = {USNA: A Dual-Classifier Approach to Contextual Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2065}
author = {Proisl, Thomas; Greiner, Paul; Evert, Stefan; Kabashi, Besim}
title = {KLUE: Simple and robust methods for polarity classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2066}
author = {Martínez-Cámara, Eugenio; Montejo-Raez, Arturo; Martín-Valdivia, M. Teresa; Urena-Lopez, L. Alfonso}
title = {SINAI: Machine Learning and Emotion of the Crowd for Sentiment Analysis in Microblogs}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2067}
author = {Tiantian, Zhu; Fangxi, Zhang; Lan, Man}
title = {ECNUCS: A Surface Information Based System Description of Sentiment Analysis in Twitter in the SemEval-2013 (Task 2)}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2068}
author = {Levallois, Clement}
title = {Umigon: sentiment analysis for tweets based on terms lists and heuristics}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2069}
author = {Marchand, Morgane; Ginsca, Alexandru-Lucian; Besançon, Romaric; Mesnard, Olivier}
title = {[LVIC-LIMSI]: Using Syntactic Features and Multi-polarity Words for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2070}
author = {Clark, Sam; Wicentwoski, Rich}
title = {SwatCS: Combining simple classifiers with estimated accuracy}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2071}
author = {Selmer, Øyvind; Brevik, Mikael; Gambäck, Björn; Bungum, Lars}
title = {NTNU: Domain Semi-Independent Short Message Sentiment Classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2072}
author = {Malandrakis, Nikolaos; Kazemzadeh, Abe; Potamianos, Alexandros; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {SAIL: A hybrid approach to sentiment analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2073}
author = {Gutiérrez, Yoan; González, Andy; Kreuz, Roger; Abreu, José I.; Fernandez Orquín, Antonio; Mosquera, Alejandro; Montoyo, Andrés; Muñoz, Rafael; Camara, Franc}
title = {UMCC_DLSI-(SA): Using a ranking algorithm and informal features to solve Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2074}
author = {Remus, Robert}
title = {ASVUniOfLeipzig: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter using Data-driven Machine Learning Techniques}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2075}
author = {Hamdan, Hussam; Béchet, Frederic; Bellot, Patrice}
title = {Experiments with DBpedia, WordNet and SentiWordNet as resources for sentiment analysis in micro-blogging}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2076}
author = {Balahur, Alexandra}
title = {OPTWIMA: Comparing Knowledge-rich and Knowledge-poor Approaches for Sentiment Analysis in Short Informal Texts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2077}
author = {Chowdhury, Md. Faisal Mahbub; Guerini, Marco; Tonelli, Sara; Lavelli, Alberto}
title = {FBK: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter with Tweetsted}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2078}
author = {Gezici, Gizem; Dehkharghani, Rahim; Yanikoglu, Berrin; Tapucu, Dilek; Saygin, Yucel}
title = {SU-Sentilab : A Classification System for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2079}
author = {Rosenthal, Sara; McKeown, Kathy}
title = {Columbia NLP: Sentiment Detection of Subjective Phrases in Social Media}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2080}
author = {Rodriguez Penagos, Carlos; Atserias, Jordi; Codina-Filb, Joan; García-Narbona, David; Grivolla, Jens; Lambert, Patrik; Sauri, Roser}
title = {FBM: Combining lexicon-based ML and heuristics for Social Media Polarities}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2081}
author = {Moreira, Silvio; Filgueiras, João; Martins, Bruno; Couto, Francisco; Silva, Mário J.}
title = {REACTION: A naive machine learning approach for sentiment classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2082}
author = {Chawla, Karan; Ramteke, Ankit; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {IITB-Sentiment-Analysts: Participation in Sentiment Analysis in Twitter SemEval 2013 Task}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2083}
author = {Ortega Bueno, Reynier; Fonseca Bruzón, Adrian; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {SSA-UO: Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2084}
author = {Saias, José; Fernandes, Hilário}
title = {senti.ue-en: an approach for informally written short texts in SemEval-2013 Sentiment Analysis task}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2085}
author = {Reckman, Hilke; Baird, Cheyanne; Crawford, Jean; Crowell, Richard; Micciulla, Linnea; Sethi, Saratendu; Veress, Fruzsina}
title = {teragram: Rule-based detection of sentiment phrases using SAS Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2086}
author = {Han, Qi; Guo, Junfei; Schuetze, Hinrich}
title = {CodeX: Combining an SVM Classifier and Character N-gram Language Models for Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Text}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2087}
author = {Jain, Harshit; Mogadala, Aditya; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {sielers : Feature Analysis and Polarity Classification of Expressions from Twitter and SMS Data}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2088}
author = {Agrawal, Ameeta; An, Aijun}
title = {Kea: Expression-level Sentiment Analysis from Twitter Data}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2089}
author = {Negi, Sapna; Rosner, Michael}
title = {UoM: Using Explicit Semantic Analysis for Classifying Sentiments}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2090}
author = {Baugh, Wesley}
title = {bwbaugh : Hierarchical sentiment analysis with partial self-training}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2091}
author = {palanisamy, Prabu; Yadav, Vineet; Elchuri, Harsha}
title = {Serendio: Simple and Practical lexicon based approach to Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2092}
author = {Hangya, Viktor; Berend, Gábor; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {SZTE-NLP: Sentiment Detection on Twitter Messages}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2093}
author = {Kökciyan, Nadin; Celebi, Arda; Özgür, Arzucan; Üsküdarlı, Suzan}
title = {BOUNCE: Sentiment Classification in Twitter using Rich Feature Sets}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2094}
author = {Malakasiotis, Prodromos; Karampatsis, Rafael Michael; Makrynioti, Konstantina; Pavlopoulos, John}
title = { Two Stage Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2095}
author = {Balage Filho, Pedro; Pardo, Thiago A. S.}
title = {NILC_USP: A Hybrid System for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Messages}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2096}
author = {Bastianelli, Emanuele; Croce, Danilo; Basili, Roberto; Nardi, Daniele}
title = {UNITOR-HMM-TK: Structured Kernel-based learning for Spatial Role Labeling}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2097}
author = {Aldabe, Itziar; Maritxalar, Montse; López de Lacalle, Oier}
title = {EHU-ALM: Similarity-Feature Based Approach for Student Response Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2098}
author = {Bicici, Ergun; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {CNGL: Grading Student Answers by Acts of Translation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2099}
author = {Kouylekov, Milen; Dini, Luca; Bosca, Alessio; Trevisan, Marco}
title = {Celi: EDITS and Generic Text Pair Classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2100}
author = {Gleize, Martin; Grau, Brigitte}
title = {LIMSIILES: Basic English Substitution for Student Answer Assessment at SemEval 2013}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2101}
author = {OKOYE, IFEYINWA; Bethard, Steven; Sumner, Tamara}
title = {CU : Computational Assessment of Short Free Text Answers - A Tool for Evaluating Students' Understanding}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2102}
author = {Ott, Niels; Ziai, Ramon; Hahn, Michael; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {CoMeT: Integrating different levels of linguistic modeling for meaning assessment}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2103}
author = {Sanchez-Cisneros, Daniel}
title = {UC3M: A kernel-based approach to identify and classify DDIs in bio-medical texts.}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2104}
author = {Sanchez-Cisneros, Daniel; Aparicio Gali, Fernando}
title = {UEM-UC3M: An Ontology-based named entity recognition system for biomedical texts.}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2105}
author = {Thomas, Philippe; Neves, Mariana; Rocktäschel, Tim; Leser, Ulf}
title = {WBI-DDI: Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction using Majority Voting}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2106}
author = {Collazo, Armando; Ceballo, Alberto; Puig, Dennys D.; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Abreu, José I.; Kreuz, Roger; Fernandez Orquín, Antonio; Montoyo, Andrés; Muñoz, Rafael; Camara, Franc}
title = {UMCC_DLSI: Semantic and Lexical features for detection and classification Drugs in biomedical texts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2107}
author = {Bokharaeian, Behrouz; Díaz, Alberto}
title = {NIL_UCM: Extracting Drug-Drug interactions from text through combination of sequence and tree kernels}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2108}
author = {Björne, Jari; Kaewphan, Suwisa; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {UTurku: Drug Named Entity Recognition and Drug-Drug Interaction Extraction Using SVM Classification and Domain Knowledge}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2109}
author = {Grego, Tiago; Pinto, Francisco; Couto, Francisco M}
title = {LASIGE: using Conditional Random Fields and ChEBI ontology}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2110}
author = {Rastegar-Mojarad, Majid; Boyce, Richard D.; Prasad, Rashmi}
title = {UWM-TRIADS: Classifying Drug-Drug Interactions with Two-Stage SVM and Post-Processing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2111}
author = {Bobic, Tamara; Fluck, Juliane; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin}
title = {SCAI: Extracting drug-drug interactions using a rich feature vector}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2112}
author = {Hailu, Negacy; Hunter, Lawrence; Cohen, K. Bretonnel}
title = {UColorado_SOM: Extraction of Drug-Drug Interactions from Biomedical Text using Knowledge-rich and Knowledge-poor Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S13-2113}
author = {Hope, David; Keller, Bill}
title = {UoS: A Graph-Based System for Graded Word Sense Induction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2013}
id = {S14-1001}
author = {Johannsen, Anders; Hovy, Dirk; Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Plank, Barbara; Søgaard, Anders}
title = {More or less supervised supersense tagging of Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1002}
author = {Bandhakavi, Anil; Wiratunga, Nirmalie; P, Deepak; Massie, Stewart}
title = {Generating a Word-Emotion Lexicon from #Emotional Tweets}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1003}
author = {Kramer, Jared; Gordon, Clara}
title = {Improvement of a Naive Bayes Sentiment Classifier Using MRS-Based Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1004}
author = {Erbs, Nicolai; Gurevych, Iryna; Zesch, Torsten}
title = {Sense and Similarity: A Study of Sense-level Similarity Measures}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1005}
author = {Gispert, Adri; Manion, Steve; Sainudiin, Raazesh}
title = {An Iterative 'Sudoku Style' Approach to Subgraph-based Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1006}
author = {Aggarwal, Nitish; Asooja, Kartik; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {Exploring ESA to Improve Word Relatedness}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1007}
author = {Bernier-Colborne, Gabriel}
title = {Identifying semantic relations in a specialized corpus through distributional analysis of a cooccurrence tensor}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1008}
author = {Dahlmeier, Daniel}
title = {Learning the Peculiar Value of Actions}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1009}
author = {Eichler, Kathrin; Gabryszak, Aleksandra; Neumann, Günter}
title = {An analysis of textual inference in German customer emails}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1010}
author = {Gupta, Anand; Kaur, Manpreet; Mirkin, Shachar; Singh, Adarsh; Goyal, Aseem}
title = {Text Summarization through Entailment-based Minimum Vertex Cover}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1011}
author = {Jaworski, Wojciech; Przepiórkowski, Adam}
title = {Semantic Roles in Grammar Engineering}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1012}
author = {Samad Zadeh Kaljahi, Rasoul; Foster, Jennifer; Roturier, Johann}
title = {Semantic Role Labelling with minimal resources: Experiments with French}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1013}
author = {Pham, Nghia The; Ferrone, Lorenzo; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {Compositional Distributional Semantics Models in Chunk-based Smoothed Tree Kernels}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1014}
author = {Pustejovsky, James; Krishnaswamy, Nikhil}
title = {Generating Simulations of Motion Events from Verbal Descriptions}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1015}
author = {Yatskar, Mark; Galley, Michel; Vanderwende, Lucy; Zettlemoyer, Luke}
title = {See No Evil, Say No Evil: Description Generation from Densely Labeled Images}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1016}
author = {Tran, Anh; Surdeanu, Mihai; Cohen, Paul}
title = {Extracting Latent Attributes from Video Scenes Using Text as Background Knowledge}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1017}
author = {Özmen, Can; Streicher, Alexander; Zielinski, Andrea}
title = {Using Text Segmentation Algorithms for the Automatic Generation of E-Learning Courses}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1018}
author = {Schuler, William; Wheeler, Adam}
title = {Cognitive Compositional Semantics using Continuation Dependencies}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1019}
author = {Fernandez, Raquel; Fernández, Raquel; Larsson, Staffan}
title = {Vagueness and Learning: A Type-Theoretic Approach}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1020}
author = {Lapesa, Gabriella; Evert, Stefan; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Contrasting Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations: Insights from Distributional Semantic Models}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1021}
author = {Kruszewski, Germán; Baroni, Marco}
title = {Dead parrots make bad pets: Exploring modifier effects in noun phrases}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-1022}
author = {Bott, Stefan; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Syntactic Transfer Patterns of German Particle Verbs and their Impact on Lexical Semantics}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2001}
author = {Marelli, Marco; Bentivogli, Luisa; Baroni, Marco; Bernardi, Raffaella; Menini, Stefano; Zamparelli, Roberto}
title = {SemEval-2014 Task 1: Evaluation of Compositional Distributional Semantic Models on Full Sentences through Semantic Relatedness and Textual Entailment}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2002}
author = {Klasinas, Ioannis; Iosif, Elias; Louka, Katerina; Potamianos, Alexandros}
title = {SemEval-2014 Task 2: Grammar Induction for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2003}
author = {Jurgens, David; Pilehvar, Mohammad Taher; Navigli, Roberto}
title = {SemEval-2014 Task 3: Cross-Level Semantic Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2004}
author = {Pontiki, Maria; Galanis, Dimitris; Pavlopoulos, John; Papageorgiou, Harris; Androutsopoulos, Ion; Manandhar, Suresh}
title = {SemEval-2014 Task 4: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2005}
author = {van Gompel, Maarten; Gompel, Maarten van; Hendrickx, Iris; van den Bosch, Antal; Lefever, Els; Hoste, Veronique; Hoste, Véronique}
title = {SemEval 2014 Task 5 - L2 Writing Assistant}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2006}
author = {Dukes, Kais}
title = {SemEval-2014 Task 6: Supervised Semantic Parsing of Robotic Spatial Commands}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2007}
author = {Pradhan, Sameer S.; Elhadad, Noémie; Chapman, Wendy; Manandhar, Suresh; Savova, Guergana}
title = {SemEval-2014 Task 7: Analysis of Clinical Text}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2008}
author = {Hajic, Jan; Oepen, Stephan; Kuhlmann, Marco; Miyao, Yusuke; Zeman, Daniel; Flickinger, Daniel P.; Hajič, Jan; Ivanova, Angelina; Zhang, Yi}
title = {SemEval 2014 Task 8: Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2009}
author = {Rosenthal, Sara; Ritter, Alan; Nakov, Preslav; Stoyanov, Veselin}
title = {SemEval-2014 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2010}
author = {Agirre, Eneko; Banea, Carmen; Cardie, Claire; Cer, Daniel; Diab, Mona; Gonzalez-Agirre, Aitor; Guo, Weiwei; Mihalcea, Rada; Rigau, German; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {SemEval-2014 Task 10: Multilingual Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2011}
author = {Baskaya, Osman}
title = {AI-KU: Using Co-Occurrence Modeling for Semantic Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2012}
author = {Ribeyre, Corentin; De La Clergerie, Eric Villemonte; Seddah, Djamé}
title = {Alpage: Transition-based Semantic Graph Parsing with Syntactic Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2013}
author = {Alves, Ana; Ferrugento, Adriana; Lourenço, Mariana; Rodrigues, Filipe}
title = {ASAP: Automatic Semantic Alignment for Phrases}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2014}
author = {Stoyanchev, Svetlana; Jung, Hyuckchul; Chen, John; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {AT&T: The Tag&Parse Approach to Semantic Parsing of Robot Spatial Commands}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2015}
author = {Karampatsis, Rafael - Michael; Pavlopoulos, John; Malakasiotis, Prodromos}
title = {AUEB: Two Stage Sentiment Analysis of Social Network Messages}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2016}
author = {McCrae, John; Cimiano, Philipp}
title = {Bielefeld SC: Orthonormal Topic Modelling for Grammar Induction}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2017}
author = {Silva, Nádia; Hruschka Junior, Estevam Rafael; Hruschka, Eduardo}
title = {Biocom Usp: Tweet Sentiment Analysis with Adaptive Boosting Ensemble}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2018}
author = {Silva, Nádia; Hruschka Junior, Estevam Rafael; Hruschka, Eduardo}
title = {Biocom Usp: Tweet Sentiment Analysis with Adaptive Boosting Ensemble}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2019}
author = {Matos, Sérgio; Nunes, Tiago; Oliveira, José Luís}
title = {BioinformaticsUA: Concept Recognition in Clinical Narratives Using a Modular and Highly Efficient Text Processing Framework}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2020}
author = {Blinov, Pavel; Kotelnikov, Eugeny}
title = {Blinov: Distributed Representations of Words for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis at SemEval 2014}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2021}
author = {Vilariño, Darnes; León Silverio, Saul; Vilariño, Darnes; Pinto, David; Tovar, Mireya; Beltrán, Beatriz}
title = {BUAP: Evaluating Compositional Distributional Semantic Models on Full Sentences through Semantic Relatedness and Textual Entailment}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2022}
author = {Vilariño, Darnes; Vilariño, Darnes; Pinto, David; León Silverio, Saul; Tovar, Mireya; Beltrán, Beatriz}
title = {BUAP: Evaluating Features for Multilingual and Cross-Level Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2023}
author = {Pinto, David; Vilariño, Darnes; Vilariño, Darnes; León Silverio, Saul; Jasso, Miguel; Lucero, Cupertino}
title = {BUAP: Polarity Classification of Short Texts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2024}
author = {Bestgen, Yves}
title = {CECL: a New Baseline and a Non-Compositional Approach for the Sick Benchmark}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2025}
author = {Leal, João; Pinto, Sara; Bento, Ana; Gonçalo Oliveira, Hugo; Gomes, Paulo}
title = {CISUC-KIS: Tackling Message Polarity Classification with a Large and Diverse Set of Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2026}
author = {Gamallo, Pablo; Garcia, Marcos}
title = {Citius: A Naive-Bayes Strategy for Sentiment Analysis on English Tweets}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2027}
author = {Thomson, Sam; O'Connor, Brendan; Flanigan, Jeffrey; Bamman, David; Dodge, Jesse; Swayamdipta, Swabha; Schneider, Nathan; Dyer, Chris; Smith, Noah A.}
title = {CMU: Arc-Factored, Discriminative Semantic Dependency Parsing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2028}
author = {Al-Mannai, Kamla; Alshikhabobakr, Hanan; Bin Wasi, Sabih; Neyaz, Rukhsar; Bouamor, Houda; Mohit, Behrang}
title = {CMUQ-Hybrid: Sentiment Classification By Feature Engineering and Parameter Tuning}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2029}
author = {Bin Wasi, Sabih; Neyaz, Rukhsar; Bouamor, Houda; Mohit, Behrang}
title = {CMUQ:Using Rich Lexical Features for Sentiment Analysis on Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2030}
author = {Goutte, Cyril; Simard, Michel; Carpuat, Marine}
title = {CNRC-TMT: Second Language Writing Assistant System Description}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2031}
author = {Rosenthal, Sara; McKeown, Kathy; Agarwal, Apoorv}
title = {Columbia NLP: Sentiment Detection of Sentences and Subjective Phrases in Social Media}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2032}
author = {Schouten, Kim; Frasincar, Flavius; Jong, Franciska de}
title = {COMMIT-P1WP3: A Co-occurrence Based Approach to Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2033}
author = {Tang, Duyu; Wei, Furu; Qin, Bing; Liu, Ting; Zhou, Ming}
title = {Coooolll: A Deep Learning System for Twitter Sentiment Classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2034}
author = {Schluter, Natalie; Søgaard, Anders; Elming, Jakob; Hovy, Dirk; Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Plank, Barbara; Martínez Alonso, Héctor; Johanssen, Anders; Klerke, Sigrid}
title = {Copenhagen-Malmö: Tree Approximations of Semantic Parsing Problems}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2035}
author = {Villena-Román, Julio; García-Morera, Janine; González-Cristóbal, José Carlos}
title = {DAEDALUS at SemEval-2014 Task 9: Comparing Approaches for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2036}
author = {Wagner, Joachim; Arora, Piyush; Cortes, Santiago; Barman, Utsab; Bogdanova, Dasha; Foster, Jennifer; Tounsi, Lamia}
title = {DCU: Aspect-based Polarity Classification for SemEval Task 4}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2037}
author = {Kacmajor, Magdalena; Kelleher, John D.}
title = {DIT: Summarisation and Semantic Expansion in Evaluating Semantic Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2038}
author = {Toh, Zhiqiang; Wang, Wenting}
title = {DLIREC: Aspect Term Extraction and Term Polarity Classification System}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2039}
author = {Sultan, Md Arafat; Bethard, Steven; Sumner, Tamara}
title = {DLS: Sentence Similarity from Word Alignment}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2040}
author = {Pedersen, Ted}
title = {Duluth : Measuring Cross-Level Semantic Similarity with First and Second Order Dictionary Overlaps}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2041}
author = {Zhang, Fangxi; Zhang, Zhihua; Lan, Man}
title = {ECNU: A Combination Method and Multiple Features for Aspect Extraction and Sentiment Polarity Classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2042}
author = {Zhao, Jiang; Lan, Man; Zhu, Tiantian}
title = {ECNU: Expression- and Message-level Sentiment Orientation Classification in Twitter Using Multiple Effective Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2043}
author = {Zhu, Tiantian; Lan, Man}
title = {ECNU: Leveraging on Ensemble of Heterogeneous Features and Information Enrichment for Cross Level Semantic Similarity Estimation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2044}
author = {Zhao, Jiang; Zhu, Tiantian; Lan, Man}
title = {ECNU: One Stone Two Birds: Ensemble of Heterogenous Measures for Semantic Relatedness and Textual Entailment}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2045}
author = {Pathak, Parth; Patel, Pinal; Panchal, Vishal; Choudhary, Narayan; Patel, Amrish; Joshi, Gautam}
title = {ezDI: A Hybrid CRF and SVM based Model for Detecting and Encoding Disorder Mentions in Clinical Notes}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2046}
author = {Vo, Ngoc Phuoc An; Caselli, Tommaso; Popescu, Octavian}
title = {FBK-TR: Applying SVM with Multiple Linguistic Features for Cross-Level Semantic Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2047}
author = {Vo, Ngoc Phuoc An; Popescu, Octavian; Caselli, Tommaso}
title = {FBK-TR: SVM for Semantic Relatedeness and Corpus Patterns for RTE}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2048}
author = {Martinez-Barco, Patricio; Fernández, Javi; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Gómez, Jose Manuel; Martínez-Barco, Patricio}
title = {GPLSI: Supervised Sentiment Analysis in Twitter using Skipgrams}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2049}
author = {Ferrone, Lorenzo; Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo}
title = {haLF: Comparing a Pure CDSM Approach with a Standard Machine Learning System for RTE}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2050}
author = {Moreno, Jose G.; Moraliyski, Rumen; Berrezoug, Asma; Dias, Gaël}
title = {HulTech: A General Purpose System for Cross-Level Semantic Similarity based on Anchor Web Counts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2051}
author = {Chernyshevich, Maryna}
title = {IHS R&D Belarus: Cross-domain extraction of product features using CRF}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2052}
author = {Sikdar, Utpal Kumar; Ekbal, Asif; Saha, Sriparna}
title = {IITP: A Supervised Approach for Disorder Mention Detection and Disambiguation}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2053}
author = {Gupta, Deepa; Ekbal, Asif}
title = {IITP: Supervised Machine Learning for Aspect based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2054}
author = {Selvarajan, Raja; Ekbal, Asif}
title = {IITPatna: Supervised Approach for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2055}
author = {Lai, Alice; Hockenmaier, Julia}
title = {Illinois-LH: A Denotational and Distributional Approach to Semantics}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2056}
author = {Miyao, Yusuke; Oepen, Stephan; Zeman, Daniel}
title = {In-House: An Ensemble of Pre-Existing Off-the-Shelf Parsers}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2057}
author = {SINGH, VIKRAM; Khan, Arif Md.; Ekbal, Asif}
title = {Indian Institute of Technology-Patna: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2058}
author = {Negi, Sapna; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {INSIGHT Galway: Syntactic and Lexical Features for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2059}
author = {Bornebusch, Fritjof; Cancino, Glaucia; Diepenbeck, Melanie; Drechsler, Rolf; Djomkam, Smith; Nzeungang Fanseu, Alvine; Jalali, Maryam; Michael, Marc; Mohsen, Jamal; Nitze, Max; Plump, Christina; Soeken, Mathias; Tchambo, Fred; Toni, ; Ziegler, Henning}
title = {iTac: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using Sentiment Trees and Dictionaries}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2060}
author = {Rudnick, Alex; King, Levi; Liu, Can; Dickinson, Markus; Kübler, Sandra}
title = {IUCL: Combining Information Sources for SemEval Task 5}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2061}
author = {Gojenola, Koldo; Oronoz, Maite; Perez, Alicia; Casillas, Arantza}
title = {IxaMed: Applying Freeling and a Perceptron Sequential Tagger at the Shared Task on Analyzing Clinical Texts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2062}
author = {Dürr, Oliver; Uzdilli, Fatih; Cieliebak, Mark}
title = {JOINT_FORCES: Unite Competing Sentiment Classifiers with Random Forest}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2063}
author = {Patra, Braja Gopal; Mandal, Soumik; Das, Dipankar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {JU_CSE: A Conditional Random Field (CRF) Based Approach to Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2064}
author = {Ghosh, Swarnendu; Das, Nibaran; Gonçalves, Teresa; Quaresma, Paulo}
title = {JU-Evora: A Graph Based Cross-Level Semantic Similarity Analysis using Discourse Information}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2065}
author = {Agrawal, Ameeta; An, Aijun}
title = {Kea: Sentiment Analysis of Phrases Within Short Texts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2066}
author = {Mattelaer, Willem; Verbeke, Mathias; Nitti, Davide}
title = {KUL-Eval: A Combinatory Categorial Grammar Approach for Improving Semantic Parsing of Robot Commands using Spatial Context}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2067}
author = {Assefa, Beakal Gizachew}
title = {KUNLPLab:Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2068}
author = {Kuhlmann, Marco}
title = {Linköping: Cubic-Time Graph Parsing with a Simple Scoring Scheme}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2069}
author = {Buscaldi, Davide; García Flores, Jorge; Le Roux, Joseph; Tomeh, Nadi; Priego Sanchez, Belém}
title = {LIPN: Introducing a new Geographical Context Similarity Measure and a Statistical Similarity Measure based on the Bhattacharyya coefficient}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2070}
author = {Van Hee, Cynthia; Hoste, Veronique; Van de Kauter, Marjan; De Clercq, Orphee; Lefever, Els; Hoste, Véronique}
title = {LT3: Sentiment Classification in User-Generated Content Using a Rich Feature Set}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2071}
author = {Vilares, David; Hermo, Miguel; Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Doval, Yerai}
title = {LyS: Porting a Twitter Sentiment Analysis Approach from Spanish to English}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2072}
author = {Kashyap, Abhay; Han, Lushan; Yus, Roberto; Sleeman, Jennifer; Satyapanich, Taneeya; Gandhi, Sunil; Finin, Tim}
title = {Meerkat Mafia: Multilingual and Cross-Level Semantic Textual Similarity Systems}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2073}
author = {Riveros, Alejandro; De Arteaga, Maria; González, Fabio; Jimenez, Sergio; Müller, Henning}
title = {MindLab-UNAL: Comparing Metamap and T-mapper for Medical Concept Extraction in SemEval 2014 Task 7}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2074}
author = {Balage Filho, Pedro; Avanço, Lucas; Pardo, Thiago A. S.; Volpe Nunes, Maria das Graças}
title = {NILC_USP: An Improved Hybrid System for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Messages}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2075}
author = {Balage Filho, Pedro; Pardo, Thiago A. S.}
title = {NILC_USP: Aspect Extraction using Semantic Labels}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2076}
author = {Kiritchenko, Svetlana; Zhu, Xiaodan; Cherry, Colin; Mohammad, Saif}
title = {NRC-Canada-2014: Detecting Aspects and Sentiment in Customer Reviews}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2077}
author = {Zhu, Xiaodan; Kiritchenko, Svetlana; Mohammad, Saif}
title = {NRC-Canada-2014: Recent Improvements in the Sentiment Analysis of Tweets}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2078}
author = {Lynum, André; Lynum, André; Pakray, Partha; Gambäck, Björn; Jimenez, Sergio}
title = {NTNU: Measuring Semantic Similarity with Sublexical Feature Representations and Soft Cardinality}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2079}
author = {Kozlowski, Marek}
title = {OPI: Semeval-2014 Task 3 System Description}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2080}
author = {Du, Yantao; Zhang, Fan; Sun, Weiwei; Wan, Xiaojun}
title = {Peking: Profiling Syntactic Tree Parsing Techniques for Semantic Graph Parsing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2081}
author = {Agić, Željko; Agić, Željko; Koller, Alexander}
title = {Potsdam: Semantic Dependency Parsing by Bidirectional Graph-Tree Transformations and Syntactic Parsing}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2082}
author = {Martins, André F. T.; Almeida, Mariana S. C.}
title = {Priberam: A Turbo Semantic Parser with Second Order Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2083}
author = {Ramanan, SV; Nathan, Senthil}
title = {RelAgent: Entity Detection and Normalization for Diseases in Clinical Records: a Linguistically Driven Approach}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2084}
author = {Evang, Kilian; Bos, Johan}
title = {RoBox: CCG with Structured Perceptron for Supervised Semantic Parsing of Robotic Spatial Commands}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2085}
author = {Bicici, Ergun; Way, Andy}
title = {RTM-DCU: Referential Translation Machines for Semantic Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2086}
author = {Günther, Tobias; Günther, Tobias; Vancoppenolle, Jean; Johansson, Richard}
title = {RTRGO: Enhancing the GU-MLT-LT System for Sentiment Analysis of Short Messages}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2087}
author = {Hollenstein, Nora; Amsler, Michael; Bachmann, Martina; Klenner, Manfred}
title = {SA-UZH: Verb-based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2088}
author = {Zervanou, Kalliopi; Malandrakis, Nikolaos; Narayanan, Shrikanth; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {SAIL-GRS: Grammar Induction for Spoken Dialogue Systems using CF-IRF Rule Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2089}
author = {Malandrakis, Nikolaos; Narayanan, Shrikanth; Falcone, Michael; Vaz, Colin; Bisogni, Jesse James; Potamianos, Alexandros; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {SAIL: Sentiment Analysis using Semantic Similarity and Contrast Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2090}
author = {Nandan, Naveen; Dahlmeier, Daniel; Vij, Akriti; Malhotra, Nishtha}
title = {SAP-RI: A Constrained and Supervised Approach for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2091}
author = {Vij, Akriti; Malhotra, Nishta; Nandan, Naveen; Dahlmeier, Daniel}
title = {SAP-RI: Twitter Sentiment Analysis in Two Days}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2092}
author = {Liu, Pengfei; Meng, Helen M.}
title = {SeemGo: Conditional Random Fields Labeling and Maximum Entropy Classification for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2093}
author = {Proisl, Thomas; Evert, Stefan; Greiner, Paul; Kabashi, Besim}
title = {SemantiKLUE: Robust Semantic Similarity at Multiple Levels Using Maximum Weight Matching}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2094}
author = {Tan, Liling; Schumann, Anne; Martinez, Jose L.; Bond, Francis}
title = {Sensible: L2 Translation Assistance by Emulating the Manual Post-Editing Process}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2095}
author = {Saias, José; Saias, José}
title = {Senti.ue: Tweet Overall Sentiment Classification Approach for SemEval-2014 Task 9}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2096}
author = {Evert, Stefan; Proisl, Thomas; Greiner, Paul; Kabashi, Besim}
title = {SentiKLUE: Updating a Polarity Classifier in 48 Hours}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2097}
author = {Ljunglöf, Peter}
title = {ShrdLite: Semantic Parsing Using a Handmade Grammar}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2098}
author = {Banea, Carmen; Chen, Di; Mihalcea, Rada; Cardie, Claire; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {SimCompass: Using Deep Learning Word Embeddings to Assess Cross-level Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2099}
author = {Martínez-Cámara, Eugenio; Jiménez-Zafra, Salud María; Martínez-Cámara, Eugenio; Martin, Maite; Urena-Lopez, L. Alfonso}
title = {SINAI: Voting System for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2100}
author = {Martínez-Cámara, Eugenio; Martínez-Cámara, Eugenio; Jiménez-Zafra, Salud María; Martin, Maite; Urena-Lopez, L. Alfonso}
title = {SINAI: Voting System for Twitter Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2101}
author = {Schulze Wettendorf, Clemens; Jegan, Robin; Körner, Allan; Zerche, Julia; Plotnikova, Nataliia; Moreth, Julian; Schertl, Tamara; Obermeyer, Verena; Streil, Susanne; Willacker, Tamara; Evert, Stefan}
title = {SNAP: A Multi-Stage XML-Pipeline for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2102}
author = {Huang, Pingping; Chang, Baobao}
title = {SSMT:A Machine Translation Evaluation View To Paragraph-to-Sentence Semantic Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2103}
author = {Velichkov, Boris; Kapukaranov, Borislav; Grozev, Ivan; Karanesheva, Jeni; Mihaylov, Todor; Kiprov, Yasen; Nakov, Preslav; Koychev, Ivan; Georgiev, Georgi}
title = {SU-FMI: System Description for SemEval-2014 Task 9 on Sentiment Analysis in Twitter}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2104}
author = {Hamdan, Hussam; Bellot, Patrice; Bechet, Frederic; Bechet, Frédéric}
title = {Supervised Methods for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2105}
author = {Jaggi, Martin; Uzdilli, Fatih; Cieliebak, Mark}
title = {Swiss-Chocolate: Sentiment Detection using Sparse SVMs and Part-Of-Speech n-Grams}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2106}
author = {Denis, Alexandre; Cruz-Lara, Samuel; Bellalem, Nadia; Bellalem, Lotfi}
title = {Synalp-Empathic: A Valence Shifting Hybrid System for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2107}
author = {Hangya, Viktor; Berend, Gábor; Varga, István; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {SZTE-NLP: Aspect level opinion mining exploiting syntactic cues}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2108}
author = {Katona, Melinda; Farkas, Richárd}
title = {SZTE-NLP: Clinical Text Analysis with Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2109}
author = {Kumar, Arun; Emms, Martin; Kelleher, John D.}
title = {TCDSCSS: Dimensionality Reduction to Evaluate Texts of Varying Lengths - an IR Approach}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2110}
author = {Gupta, Anubhav}
title = {Team Z: Wiktionary as a L2 Writing Assistant}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2111}
author = {Miura, Yasuhide; Sakaki, Shigeyuki; Hattori, Keigo; Ohkuma, Tomoko}
title = {TeamX: A Sentiment Analyzer with Enhanced Lexicon Mapping and Weighting Scheme for Unbalanced Data}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2112}
author = {Gupta, Anubhav}
title = {TeamZ: Measuring Semantic Textual Similarity for Spanish Using an Overlap-Based Approach}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2113}
author = {Hamdan, Hussam; Bellot, Patrice; Bechet, Frederic; Bechet, Frédéric}
title = {The Impact of Z_score on Twitter Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2114}
author = {Bjerva, Johannes; Bos, Johan; van der Goot, Rob; Nissim, Malvina}
title = {The Meaning Factory: Formal Semantics for Recognizing Textual Entailment and Determining Semantic Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2115}
author = {dos Santos, Cicero}
title = {Think Positive: Towards Twitter Sentiment Analysis from Scratch}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2116}
author = {Parikh, Ankur; PVS, Avinesh; Mustafi, Joy; Agarwalla, Lalit; Mungi, Ashish}
title = {ThinkMiners: Disorder Recognition using Conditional Random Fields and Distributional Semantics}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2117}
author = {Chalothorn, Tawunrat; Ellman, Jeremy}
title = {TJP: Identifying the Polarity of Tweets from Contexts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2118}
author = {Jonnagaddala, Jitendra; Kumar, Manish; Dai, Hong-Jie; Rachmani, Enny; Hsu, Chien-Yeh}
title = {TMUNSW: Disorder Concept Recognition and Normalization in Clinical Notes for SemEval-2014 Task 7}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2119}
author = {Chorianopoulou, Arodami; Athanasopoulou, Georgia; Iosif, Elias; Klasinas, Ioannis; Potamianos, Alexandros}
title = {tucSage: Grammar Rule Induction for Spoken Dialogue Systems via Probabilistic Candidate Selection}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2120}
author = {Amir, Silvio; Filgueiras, João; Almeida, Miguel B.; Martins, Bruno; Filgueiras, João; J. Silva, Mário}
title = {TUGAS: Exploiting unlabelled data for Twitter sentiment analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2121}
author = {Kanerva, Jenna; Luotolahti, Juhani; Ginter, Filip}
title = {Turku: Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsing with Rich Features}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2122}
author = {Pekar, Viktor; Afzal, Naveed; Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {UBham: Lexical Resources and Dependency Parsing for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2123}
author = {Hasler, Eva}
title = {UEdin: Translating L1 Phrases in L2 Context using Context-Sensitive SMT}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2124}
author = {Veselovská, Kateřina; Tamchyna, Aleš}
title = {ÚFAL: Using Hand-crafted Rules in Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis on Parsed Data}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2125}
author = {Lien, Elisabeth; Kouylekov, Milen}
title = {UIO-Lien: Entailment Recognition using Minimal Recursion Semantics}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2126}
author = {Flekova, Lucie; Ferschke, Oliver; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {UKPDIPF: Lexical Semantic Approach to Sentiment Polarity Prediction in Twitter Data}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2127}
author = {Leal, André; Gonçalves, Diogo; Martins, Bruno; Couto, Francisco M}
title = {ULisboa: Identification and Classification of Medical Concepts}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2128}
author = {Dávila, Héctor; Chavez, Alexander; Dávila, Héctor; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Fernández-Orquín, Antonio; Montoyo, Andrés; Muñoz, Rafael}
title = {UMCC_DLSI_SemSim: Multilingual System for Measuring Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2129}
author = {Castañeda, Yenier; Castañeda, Yenier; Collazo, Armando; Crego, Elvis; Garcia, Jorge L.; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Tomás, David; Montoyo, Andrés; Muñoz, Rafael}
title = {UMCC_DLSI: A Probabilistic Automata for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2130}
author = {Sánchez-Mirabal, Pedro Aniel; Ruano Torres, Yarelis; Hernández Alvarado, Suilen; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Montoyo, Andrés; Muñoz, Rafael}
title = {UMCC_DLSI: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter using Polirity Lexicons and Tweet Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2131}
author = {Jimenez, Sergio; Dueñas, George; Baquero, Julia; Gelbukh, Alexander F.}
title = {UNAL-NLP: Combining Soft Cardinality Features for Semantic Textual Similarity, Relatedness and Entailment}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2132}
author = {Silva-Schlenker, Emilio; Jimenez, Sergio; Baquero, Julia}
title = {UNAL-NLP: Cross-Lingual Phrase Sense Disambiguation with Syntactic Dependency Trees}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2133}
author = {Basile, Pierpaolo; Caputo, Annalina; Semeraro, Giovanni}
title = {UNIBA: Combining Distributional Semantic Models and Word Sense Disambiguation for Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2134}
author = {Attardi, Giuseppe; Cozza, Vittoria; Sartiano, Daniele}
title = {UniPi: Recognition of Mentions of Disorders in Clinical Text}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2135}
author = {Castellucci, Giuseppe; Filice, Simone; Croce, Danilo; Basili, Roberto}
title = {UNITOR: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis with Structured Learning}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2136}
author = {Townsend, Richard; Kalair, Aaron; Kulkarni, Ojas; Procter, Rob; Liakata, Maria}
title = {University_of_Warwick: SENTIADAPTRON - A Domain Adaptable Sentiment Analyser for Tweets - Meets SemEval}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2137}
author = {Montoyo, Andres; Ortega Bueno, Reynier; Fonseca Bruzón, Adrian; Fonseca Bruzón, Adrian; Muñiz Cuza, Carlos; Gutiérrez, Yoan; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {UO_UA: Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Build a Domain-Dependent Sentiment Resource}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2138}
author = {Rios, Miguel}
title = {UoW: Multi-task Learning Gaussian Process for Semantic Textual Similarity}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2139}
author = {Gupta, Rohit; Bechara, Hanna; El Maarouf, Ismail; Orăsan, Constantin}
title = {UoW: NLP techniques developed at the University of Wolverhampton for Semantic Similarity and Textual Entailment}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2140}
author = {Thompson, Cindi}
title = {USF: Chunking for Aspect-term Identification & Polarity Classification}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2141}
author = {Beltagy, Islam; Roller, Stephen; Boleda, Gemma; Erk, Katrin; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {UTexas: Natural Language Semantics using Distributional Semantics and Probabilistic Logic}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2142}
author = {Zhang, Yaoyun; Wang, Jingqi; Tang, Buzhou; Wu, Yonghui; Jiang, Min; Chen, Yukun; Xu, Hua}
title = {UTH_CCB: A report for SemEval 2014 – Task 7 Analysis of Clinical Text}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2143}
author = {Kaewphan, Suwisa; Hakala, Kai; Ginter, Filip}
title = {UTU: Disease Mention Recognition and Normalization with CRFs and Vector Space Representations}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2144}
author = {Packard, Woodley}
title = {UW-MRS: Leveraging a Deep Grammar for Robotic Spatial Commands}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2145}
author = {Brychcín, Tomáš; Konkol, Michal; Steinberger, Josef}
title = {UWB: Machine Learning Approach to Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2146}
author = {Kate, Rohit J.}
title = {UWM: Applying an Existing Trainable Semantic Parser to Parse Robotic Spatial Commands}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2147}
author = {Ghiasvand, Omid; Kate, Rohit J.}
title = {UWM: Disorder Mention Extraction from Clinical Text Using CRFs and Normalization Using Learned Edit Distance Patterns}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2148}
author = {García Pablos, Aitor; Cuadros, Montse; Rigau, German}
title = {V3: Unsupervised Generation of Domain Aspect Terms for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {S14-2149}
author = {Brun, Caroline; Popa, Diana Nicoleta; Roux, Claude}
title = {XRCE: Hybrid Classification for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0101}
author = {}
title = {Towards Building KurdNet, the Kurdish WordNet}
venue = {*SEM}
year = {2014}
id = {W13-2001}
author = {Nédellec, Claire; Bossy, Robert; Kim, Jin-Dong; Kim, Jung-Jae; Ohta, Tomoko; Pyysalo, Sampo; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Overview of BioNLP Shared Task 2013}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2002}
author = {Kim, Jin-Dong; Wang, Yue; Yasunori, Yamamoto}
title = {The Genia Event Extraction Shared Task, 2013 Edition - Overview}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2003}
author = {Björne, Jari; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {TEES 2.1: Automated Annotation Scheme Learning in the BioNLP 2013 Shared Task}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2004}
author = {Hakala, Kai; Van Landeghem, Sofie; Salakoski, Tapio; Van de Peer, Yves; Ginter, Filip}
title = {EVEX in ST'13: Application of a large-scale text mining resource to event extraction and network construction}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2005}
author = {MacKinlay, Andrew; Martinez, David; Jimeno Yepes, Antonio; Liu, Haibin; Wilbur, W. John; Verspoor, Karin}
title = {Extracting Biomedical Events and Modifications Using Subgraph Matching with Noisy Training Data}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2006}
author = {Liu, Xiao; Bordes, Antoine; Grandvalet, Yves}
title = {Biomedical Event Extraction by Multi-class Classification of Pairs of Text Entities}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2007}
author = {Kim, Jung-Jae; Han, Xu; Lee, Vivian K.; Rebholz-Schuhmann, Dietrich}
title = {GRO Task: Populating the Gene Regulation Ontology with events and relations}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2008}
author = {Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Overview of the Cancer Genetics (CG) task of BioNLP Shared Task 2013}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2009}
author = {Ohta, Tomoko; Pyysalo, Sampo; Rak, Rafal; Rowley, Andrew; Chun, Hong-Woo; Jung, Sung-Jae; Choi, Sung-Pil; Ananiadou, Sophia; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Overview of the Pathway Curation (PC) task of BioNLP Shared Task 2013}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2010}
author = {Liu, Haibin; Verspoor, Karin; Comeau, Donald C.; MacKinlay, Andrew; Wilbur, W. John}
title = {Generalizing an Approximate Subgraph Matching-based System to Extract Events in Molecular Biology and Cancer Genetics}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2011}
author = {Ramanan, SV; Senthil Nathan, P.}
title = {Performance and limitations of the linguistically motivated Cocoa/Peaberry system in a broad biological domain.}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2012}
author = {Miwa, Makoto; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {NaCTeM EventMine for BioNLP 2013 CG and PC tasks}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2013}
author = {Stenetorp, Pontus; Golik, Wiktoria; Hamon, Thierry; Comeau, Donald C.; Islamaj Dogan, Rezarta; Liu, Haibin; Wilbur, W. John}
title = {BioNLP Shared Task 2013: Supporting Resources}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2014}
author = {Bui, Quoc-Chinh; Campos, David; van Mulligen, Erik; Kors, Jan}
title = {A fast rule-based approach for biomedical event extraction}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2015}
author = {Li, Lishuang; Wang, Yiwen; Huang, Degen}
title = {Improving Feature-Based Biomedical Event Extraction System by Integrating Argument Information}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2016}
author = {Schneider, Gerold; Clematide, Simon; Ellendorff, Tilia; Tuggener, Don; Rinaldi, Fabio; Grigonytè, Gintarè}
title = {UZH in BioNLP 2013}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2017}
author = {Pham, Xuan Quang; Le, Minh Quang; Ho, Bao Quoc}
title = {A Hybrid approach for biomedical event extraction}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2018}
author = {Roller, Roland; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Identification of Genia Events using Multiple Classifiers}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2019}
author = {Tran, Mai-Vu; Collier, Nigel; Le, Hoang-Quynh; Phi, Van-Thuy; Pham, Thanh-Binh}
title = {Exploring a Probabilistic Earley Parser for Event Composition in Biomedical Texts}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2020}
author = {Provoost, Thomas; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Detecting Relations in the Gene Regulation Network}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2021}
author = {Bannour, Sondes; Audibert, Laurent; Soldano, Henry}
title = {Ontology-based semantic annotation: an automatic hybrid rule-based method}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2022}
author = {Grouin, Cyril}
title = {Building A Contrasting Taxa Extractor for Relation Identification from Assertions: BIOlogical Taxonomy & Ontology Phrase Extraction System}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2023}
author = {Bossy, Robert; Bessières, Philippe; Nédellec, Claire}
title = {BioNLP Shared Task 2013 – An overview of the Genic Regulation Network Task}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2024}
author = {Bossy, Robert; Golik, Wiktoria; Ratkovic, Zorana; Bessières, Philippe; Nédellec, Claire}
title = {BioNLP shared Task 2013 – An Overview of the Bacteria Biotope Task}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2025}
author = {Karadeniz, İlknur; Özgür, Arzucan}
title = {Bacteria Biotope Detection, Ontology-based Normalization, and Relation Extraction using Syntactic Rules}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2026}
author = {Zitnik, Slavko; Žitnik, Marinka; Zupan, Blaž; Bajec, Marko}
title = {Extracting Gene Regulation Networks Using Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields and Rules}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2027}
author = {Claveau, Vincent}
title = {IRISA participation to BioNLP-ST13: lazy-learning and information retrieval for information extraction tasks}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W14-3401}
author = {Tahsin, Tasnia; Rivera, Robert; Beard, Rachel; Lauder, Rob; Weissenbacher, Davy; Scotch, Matthew; Wallstrom, Garrick; Gonzalez, Graciela}
title = {Natural Language Processing Methods for Enhancing Geographic Metadata for Phylogeography of Zoonotic Viruses}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3402}
author = {Hailu, Negacy; Panteleyeva, Natalya; Cohen, Kevin}
title = {Temporal Expression Recognition for Cell Cycle Phase Concepts in Biomedical Literature}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3403}
author = {Yu, Bei; Fanelli, Daniele}
title = {Classifying Negative Findings in Biomedical Publications}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3404}
author = {Leaman, Robert; Lu, Zhiyong}
title = {Automated Disease Normalization with Low Rank Approximations}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3405}
author = {Roberts, Kirk; Kilicoglu, Halil; Fiszman, Marcelo; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Decomposing Consumer Health Questions}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3406}
author = {Sheikhshab, Golnar; Shafran, Izhak; Kaye, Jeffrey}
title = {Detecting Health Related Discussions in Everyday Telephone Conversations for Studying Medical Events in the Lives of Older Adults}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3407}
author = {Kilicoglu, Halil; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Coreference Resolution for Structured Drug Product Labels}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3408}
author = {Mowery, Danielle; Meystre, Stephane; Ross, Mindy; Velupillai, Sumithra; Meystre, Stéphane; Wiebe, Janyce; Chapman, Wendy}
title = {Generating Patient Problem Lists from the ShARe Corpus using SNOMED CT/SNOMED CT CORE Problem List}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3409}
author = {Subotin, Michael; Davis, Anthony}
title = {A System for Predicting ICD-10-PCS Codes from Electronic Health Records}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3410}
author = {Roberts, Kirk; Harabagiu, Sanda M.; Skinner, Michael}
title = {Structuring Operative Notes using Active Learning}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3411}
author = {Savkov, Aleksandar; Carroll, John; Cassell, Jackie}
title = {Chunking Clinical Text Containing Non-Canonical Language}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3412}
author = {Hochberg, Limor; Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter; Rantanen, Esa M.; DeLong, Caroline M.; Haake, Anne}
title = {Decision Style in a Clinical Reasoning Corpus}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3413}
author = {Velupillai, Sumithra}
title = {Temporal Expressions in Swedish Medical Text – A Pilot Study}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3414}
author = {Osborne, Richard; Aronson, Alan R.; Cohen, Kevin}
title = {A repository of semantic types in the MIMIC II database clinical notes}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3415}
author = {Segura-Bedmar, Isabel; de la Peña González, Santiago; Martínez, Paloma}
title = {Extracting drug indications and adverse drug reactions from Spanish health social media}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3416}
author = {Martin, Laure; Battistelli, Delphine; Charnois, Thierry}
title = {Symptom extraction issue}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3417}
author = {Preiss, Judita}
title = {Seeking Informativeness in Literature Based Discovery}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3418}
author = {Hartung, Matthias; Klinger, Roman; Zwick, Matthias; Cimiano, Philipp}
title = {Towards Gene Recognition from Rare and Ambiguous Abbreviations using a Filtering Approach}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3419}
author = {Karami, Amir; Gangopadhyay, Aryya}
title = {FFTM: A Fuzzy Feature Transformation Method for Medical Documents}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3420}
author = {Fraser, Kathleen C.; Hirst, Graeme; Meltzer, Jed A.; Mack, Jennifer E.; Thompson, Cynthia K.}
title = {Using statistical parsing to detect agrammatic aphasia}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2014}
id = {W09-1301}
author = {Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Kim, Jin-Dong; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Static Relations: a Piece in the Biomedical Information Extraction Puzzle}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1302}
author = {Mowery, Danielle; Harkema, Henk; Dowling, John; Lustgarten, Jonathan; Chapman, Wendy}
title = {Distinguishing Historical from Current Problems in Clinical Reports – Which Textual Features Help?}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1303}
author = {Christensen, Lee; Harkema, Henk; Haug, Peter; Irwin, Jeannie; Chapman, Wendy}
title = {ONYX: A System for the Semantic Analysis of Clinical Text}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1304}
author = {Morante, Roser; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Learning the Scope of Hedge Cues in Biomedical Texts}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1305}
author = {Hahn, Udo; Tomanek, Katrin; Buyko, Ekaterina; Kim, Jung-Jae; Rebholz-Schuhmann, Dietrich}
title = {How Feasible and Robust is the Automatic Extraction of Gene Regulation Events? A Cross-Method Evaluation under Lab and Real-Life Conditions}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1306}
author = {Wong, Wern; Martinez, David; Cavedon, Lawrence}
title = {Extraction of Named Entities from Tables in Gene Mutation Literature}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1307}
author = {Tan, He; Lambrix, Patrick}
title = {Selecting an Ontology for Biomedical Text Mining}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1308}
author = {Xu, Rong; Morgan, Alexander A.; Das, Amar; Garber, Alan}
title = {Investigation of Unsupervised Pattern Learning Techniques for Bootstrap Construction of a Medical Treatment Lexicon}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1309}
author = {Stevenson, Mark; Guo, Yikun; Alamri, Abdulaziz; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {Disambiguation of Biomedical Abbreviations}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1310}
author = {Kappeler, Thomas; Kaljurand, Kaarel; Rinaldi, Fabio}
title = {TX Task: Automatic Detection of Focus Organisms in Biomedical Publications}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1311}
author = {Hamon, Thierry; Grabar, Natalia}
title = {Exploring Graph Structure for Detection of Reliability Zones within Synonym Resources: Experiment with the Gene Ontology}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1312}
author = {Jin, Feng; Huang, Minlie; Lu, Zhiyong; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Towards Automatic Generation of Gene Summary}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1313}
author = {Ohta, Tomoko; Kim, Jin-Dong; Pyysalo, Sampo; Wang, Yue; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Incorporating GENETAG-style annotation to GENIA corpus}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1314}
author = {Sun, Lin; Korhonen, Anna; Silins, Ilona; Stenius, Ulla}
title = {User-Driven Development of Text Mining Resources for Cancer Risk Assessment}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1315}
author = {Erdem, Esra; Yeniterzi, Reyyan}
title = {Transforming Controlled Natural Language Biomedical Queries into Answer Set Programs}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1316}
author = {Bashyam, Vijayaraghavan; Taira, Ricky K}
title = {Incorporating Syntactic Dependency Information towards Improved Coding of Lengthy Medical Concepts in Clinical Reports}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1317}
author = {Liu, Haibin; Blouin, Christian; Keselj, Vlado}
title = {Identifying Interaction Sentences from Biological Literature Using Automatically Extracted Patterns}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1318}
author = {Conway, Mike; Doan, Son; Collier, Nigel}
title = {Using Hedges to Enhance a Disease Outbreak Report Text Mining System}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1319}
author = {Neveol, Aurelie; Kim, Won; Wilbur, W. John; Lu, Zhiyong}
title = {Exploring Two Biomedical Text Genres for Disease Recognition}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1320}
author = {Leonhard, Annette}
title = {Towards Retrieving Relevant Information for Answering Clinical Comparison Questions}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1321}
author = {Uematsu, Sumire; Kim, Jin-Dong; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Bridging the Gap between Domain-Oriented and Linguistically-Oriented Semantics}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1322}
author = {Cao, Yong-Gang; Ely, John; Antieau, Lamont; Yu, Hong}
title = {Evaluation of the Clinical Question Answering Presentation}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1323}
author = {Matykiewicz, Pawel; Duch, Wlodzislaw; Pestian, John P.}
title = {Clustering Semantic Spaces of Suicide Notes and Newsgroups Articles.}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1324}
author = {Aramaki, Eiji; Miura, Yasuhide; Tonoike, Masatsugu; Ohkuma, Tomoko; Mashuichi, Hiroshi; Ohe, Kazuhiko}
title = {TEXT2TABLE: Medical Text Summarization System Based on Named Entity Recognition and Modality Identification}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W09-1325}
author = {Liakata, Maria; Q., Claire; Soldatova, Larisa N.}
title = {Semantic Annotation of Papers: Interface & Enrichment Tool (SAPIENT)}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2009}
id = {W10-1901}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas}
title = {Two Strong Baselines for the BioNLP 2009 Event Extraction Task}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1902}
author = {Liu, Jingchen; Huang, Minlie; Zhu, Xiaoyan}
title = {Recognizing Biomedical Named Entities Using Skip-Chain Conditional Random Fields}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1903}
author = {Ohta, Tomoko; Pyysalo, Sampo; Miwa, Makoto; Kim, Jin-Dong; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Event Extraction for Post-Translational Modifications}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1904}
author = {Björne, Jari; Ginter, Filip; Pyysalo, Sampo; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {Scaling up Biomedical Event Extraction to the Entire PubMed}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1905}
author = {Miwa, Makoto; Pyysalo, Sampo; Hara, Tadayoshi; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {A Comparative Study of Syntactic Parsers for Event Extraction}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1906}
author = {Kilicoglu, Halil; Fiszman, Marcelo; Rosemblat, Graciela; Marimpietri, Sean; Rindflesch, Thomas C.}
title = {Arguments of Nominals in Semantic Interpretation of Biomedical Text}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1907}
author = {Plaza, Laura; Stevenson, Mark; Díaz, Alberto}
title = {Improving Summarization of Biomedical Documents Using Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1908}
author = {Jha, Mukund; Elhadad, Noémie}
title = {Cancer Stage Prediction Based on Patient Online Discourse}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1909}
author = {Gerner, Martin; Nenadić, Goran; Bergman, Casey M.}
title = {An Exploration of Mining Gene Expression Mentions and Their Anatomical Locations from Biomedical Text}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1910}
author = {Apostolova, Emilia; Tomuro, Noriko}
title = {Exploring Surface-Level Heuristics for Negation and Speculation Discovery in Clinical Texts}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1911}
author = {Chowdhury, Md. Faisal Mahbub; Lavelli, Alberto}
title = {Disease Mention Recognition with Specific Features}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1912}
author = {Frunza, Oana; Inkpen, Diana Zaiu}
title = {Extraction of Disease-Treatment Semantic Relations from Biomedical Sentences}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1913}
author = {Guo, Yufan; Korhonen, Anna; Liakata, Maria; Silins, Ilona; Sun, Lin; Stenius, Ulla}
title = {Identifying the Information Structure of Scientific Abstracts: An Investigation of Three Different Schemes}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1914}
author = {Heimonen, Juho; Björne, Jari; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {Reconstruction of Semantic Relationships from Their Projections in Biomolecular Domain}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1915}
author = {Leaman, Robert; Wojtulewicz, Laura; Sullivan, Ryan; Skariah, Annie; Yang, Jian; Gonzalez, Graciela}
title = {Towards Internet-Age Pharmacovigilance: Extracting Adverse Drug Reactions from User Posts in Health-Related Social Networks}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1916}
author = {Morante, Roser}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling of Gene Regulation Events: Preliminary Results}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1917}
author = {Naderi, Nona; Witte, René}
title = {Ontology-Based Extraction and Summarization of Protein Mutation Impact Information}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1918}
author = {Park, Heekyong; Choi, Jinwook}
title = {Extracting Distinctive Features of Swine (H1N1) Flu through Data Mining Clinical Documents}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1919}
author = {Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Cho, Han-Cheol; Sullivan, Dan; Mao, Chunhong; Sobral, Bruno; Tsujii, Jun'ichi; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Towards Event Extraction from Full Texts on Infectious Diseases}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1920}
author = {Stubbs, Amber; Harshfield, Benjamin}
title = {Applying the TARSQI Toolkit to Augment Text Mining of EHRs}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1921}
author = {Van Landeghem, Sofie; Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Van de Peer, Yves}
title = {Integration of Static Relations to Enhance Event Extraction from Text}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2010}
id = {W11-0201}
author = {Thomas, Philippe; Pietschmann, Stefan; Solt, Illés; Tikk, Domonkos; Leser, Ulf}
title = {Not all links are equal: Exploiting Dependency Types for the Extraction of Protein-Protein Interactions from Text}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0202}
author = {Rei, Marek; Briscoe, Ted}
title = {Unsupervised Entailment Detection between Dependency Graph Fragments}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0203}
author = {Hsu, Chun-Nan; Kuo, Cheng-Ju; Cai, Congxing; Pendergrass, Sarah; Ritchie, Marylyn; Ambite, Jose Luis}
title = {Learning Phenotype Mapping for Integrating Large Genetic Data}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0204}
author = {Van Landeghem, Sofie; Ginter, Filip; Van de Peer, Yves; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {EVEX: A PubMed-Scale Resource for Homology-Based Generalization of Text Mining Predictions}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0205}
author = {Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Christiansen, Thomas; Baumgartner Jr., William A.; Verspoor, Karin; Hunter, Lawrence}
title = {Fast and simple semantic class assignment for biomedical text}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0206}
author = {Pokkunuri, Sandeep; Ramakrishnan, Cartic; Riloff, Ellen; Hovy, Eduard; Burns, Gully}
title = {The Role of Information Extraction in the Design of a Document Triage Application for Biocuration}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0207}
author = {Ben Abacha, Asma; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Medical Entity Recognition: A Comparaison of Semantic and Statistical Methods}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0208}
author = {Usami, Yu; Cho, Han-Cheol; Okazaki, Naoaki; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Automatic Acquisition of Huge Training Data for Bio-Medical Named Entity Recognition}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0209}
author = {Tan, He; Kaliyaperumal, Rajaram; Benis, Nirupama}
title = {Building frame-based corpus on the basis of ontological domain knowledge}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0210}
author = {Batista-Navarro, Riza Theresa; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Building a Coreference-Annotated Corpus from the Domain of Biochemistry}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0211}
author = {Marciniak, Malgorzata; Mykowiecka, Agnieszka}
title = {Towards Morphologically Annotated Corpus of Hospital Discharge Reports in Polish}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0212}
author = {Blake, Catherine; Zheng, Wu}
title = {In Search of Protein Locations}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0213}
author = {Neveol, Aurelie; Wilbur, W. John; Lu, Zhiyong}
title = {Automatic extraction of data deposition statements: where do the research results go?}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0214}
author = {Ohta, Tomoko; Pyysalo, Sampo; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {From Pathways to Biomolecular Events: Opportunities and Challenges}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0215}
author = {Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Miwa, Makoto; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Towards Exhaustive Event Extraction for Protein Modifications}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0216}
author = {Chowdhury, Md. Faisal Mahbub; Lavelli, Alberto; Moschitti, Alessandro}
title = {A Study on Dependency Tree Kernels for Automatic Extraction of Protein-Protein Interaction}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0217}
author = {White, Elizabeth; Cohen, K. Bretonnel; Hunter, Larry}
title = {Hypothesis and Evidence Extraction from Full-Text Scientific Journal Articles}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0218}
author = {Stenetorp, Pontus; Pyysalo, Sampo; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {SimSem: Fast Approximate String Matching in Relation to Semantic Category Disambiguation}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0219}
author = {Jung, Hyuckchul; Allen, James F.; Blaylock, Nate; de Beaumont, William; Galescu, Lucian; Swift, Mary}
title = {Building Timelines from Narrative Clinical Records: Initial Results Based-on Deep Natural Language Understanding}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0220}
author = {Yeganova, Lana; Comeau, Donald C.; Kim, Won; Wilbur, W. John}
title = {Text Mining Techniques for Leveraging Positively Labeled Data}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0221}
author = {Hara, Tadayoshi; Tateisi, Yuka; Kim, Jin-Dong; Miyao, Yusuke}
title = {Parsing Natural Language Queries for Life Science Knowledge}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0222}
author = {Liang, Shao Fen; Scott, Donia R.; Stevens, Robert; Rector, Alan}
title = {Unlocking Medical Ontologies for Non-Ontology Experts}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0223}
author = {Jimeno Yepes, Antonio; Aronson, Alan R.}
title = {Self-training and co-training in biomedical word sense disambiguation}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0224}
author = {Verhagen, Marc; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Medstract - The Next Generation}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0225}
author = {Haruechaiyasak, Choochart; Pailai, Jaruwat; Viratyosin, Wasna; Kongkachandra, Rachada}
title = {ThaiHerbMiner: A Thai Herbal Medicine Mining and Visualizing Tool}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2011}
id = {W12-2401}
author = {Prud'hommeaux, Emily T.; Roark, Brian}
title = {Graph-based alignment of narratives for automated neurological assessment}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2402}
author = {Movshovitz-Attias, Dana; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Bootstrapping Biomedical Ontologies for Scientific Text using NELL}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2403}
author = {Dupuch, Marie; Dupuch, Laëtitia; Hamon, Thierry; Grabar, Natalia}
title = {Semantic distance and terminology structuring methods for the detection of semantically close terms}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2404}
author = {Raghavan, Preethi; Lai, Albert; Fosler-Lussier, Eric}
title = {Temporal Classification of Medical Events}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2405}
author = {Cogley, James; Stokes, Nicola; Carthy, Joe; Dunnion, John}
title = {Analyzing Patient Records to Establish If and When a Patient Suffered from a Medical Condition}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2406}
author = {Movshovitz-Attias, Dana; Cohen, William W.}
title = {Alignment-HMM-based Extraction of Abbreviations from Biomedical Text}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2407}
author = {Chapman, Wendy; Mowery, Danielle; Velupillai, Sumithra}
title = {Medical diagnosis lost in translation – Analysis of uncertainty and negation expressions in English and Swedish clinical texts}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2408}
author = {South, Brett; Meystre, Stephane; Shen, Shuying; Ferrandez, Oscar}
title = {A Hybrid Stepwise Approach for De-identifying Person Names in Clinical Documents}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2409}
author = {Miller, Tim; Dligach, Dmitriy; Savova, Guergana}
title = {Active Learning for Coreference Resolution}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2410}
author = {Björne, Jari; Van Landeghem, Sofie; Pyysalo, Sampo; Ohta, Tomoko; Ginter, Filip; Van de Peer, Yves; Ananiadou, Sophia; Salakoski, Tapio}
title = {PubMed-Scale Event Extraction for Post-Translational Modifications, Epigenetics and Protein Structural Relations}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2411}
author = {Islamaj Dogan, Rezarta; Lu, Zhiyong}
title = {An improved corpus of disease mentions in PubMed citations}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2412}
author = {Pyysalo, Sampo; Stenetorp, Pontus; Ohta, Tomoko; Kim, Jin-Dong; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {New Resources and Perspectives for Biomedical Event Extraction}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2413}
author = {Engström, Christopher; Manser, Mounira; Badji, Zina; Silvestrov, Sergei; Grabar, Natalia; Hamon, Thierry}
title = {Combining Compositionality and Pagerank for the Identification of Semantic Relations between Biomedical Words}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2414}
author = {Mongkolwat, Pattanasak; Demner-Fushman, Dina; Apostolova, Emilia; Tomuro, Noriko}
title = {Domain Adaptation of Coreference Resolution for Radiology Reports}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2415}
author = {Thamrongrattanarit, Attapol; Shafir, Michael; Crivaro, Michael; Borukhov, Bensiin; Meteer, Marie W.}
title = {What can NLP tell us about BioNLP?}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2416}
author = {South, Brett; Shen, Shuying; Leng, Jianwei; Forbush, Tyler; DuVall, Scott; Chapman, Wendy}
title = {A Prototype Tool Set to Support Machine-Assisted Annotation}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2417}
author = {Thamrongrattanarit, Attapol; Shafir, Michael; Bensiin, Borukhov; Crivaro, Mike; Meteer, Marie W.}
title = {MedLingMap: A growing resource mapping the Bio-Medical NLP field}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2418}
author = {Lange, Leslie; Sharma, Shefali; Ambite, Jose Luis; Arens, Yigal; Hsu, Chun-Nan}
title = {Exploring Label Dependency in Active Learning for Phenotype Mapping}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2419}
author = {Rivard, Kathryn; Jakovljevic, Jelena; Woolford, John L.; Cohen, William W.; Balasubramanyan, Ramnath}
title = {Evaluating Joint Modeling of Yeast Biology Literature and Protein-Protein Interaction Networks}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2420}
author = {Tudor, Catalina O; Vijay-Shanker, K.}
title = {RankPref: Ranking Sentences Describing Relations between Biomedical Entities with an Application}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2421}
author = {Yan, Ying; Croset, Samuel; Kim, Jee-Hyub; Rebholz-Schuhmann, Dietrich}
title = {Finding small molecule and protein pairs in scientific literature using a bootstrapping method}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2422}
author = {Gyawali, Binod; Solorio, Thamar; Benajiba, Yassine}
title = {Grading the Quality of Medical Evidence}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2423}
author = {Comeau, Donald C.; Wilbur, W. John; Kim, Sun; Kim, Won}
title = {Classifying Gene Sentences in Biomedical Literature by Combining High-Precision Gene Identifiers}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2424}
author = {Matykiewicz, Pawel; Pestian, John P.}
title = {Effect of small sample size on text categorization with support vector machines}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2425}
author = {Kim, Jin-Dong; Wang, Yue}
title = {PubAnnotation - a persistent and sharable corpus and annotation repository}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2426}
author = {Boyce, Richard; Gardner, Gregory; Harkema, Henk}
title = {Using Natural Language Processing to Extract Drug-Drug Interaction Information from Package Inserts}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2427}
author = {Sutton, Nate; Mehta, Neel; Gonzalez, Graciela; Wojtulewicz, Laura}
title = {Automatic Approaches for Gene-Drug Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Text: Corpus and Comparative Evaluation}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2428}
author = {Wang, Yaqiang; Yu, Zhonghua; Jiang, Yongguang; Liu, Yiguang; Chen, Li}
title = {A Preliminary Work on Symptom Name Recognition from Free-Text Clinical Records of Traditional Chinese Medicine using Conditional Random Fields and Reasonable Features}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2429}
author = {Cheng, Weiwei; Preiss, Judita; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Scaling up WSD with Automatically Generated Examples}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W12-2430}
author = {Wang, Yue; Kim, Jin-Dong}
title = {Boosting the protein name recognition performance by bootstrapping on selected text}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2012}
id = {W13-1901}
author = {Matykiewicz, Pawel; Cohen, Kevin; Holland, Katherine D.; Glauser, Tracy A.; Standridge, Shannon M.; Verspoor, Karen M.; Pestian, John P.}
title = {Earlier Identification of Epilepsy Surgery Candidates Using Natural Language Processing}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1902}
author = {Yetisgen-Yildiz, Meliha; Bejan, Cosmin Adrian; Wurfel, Mark}
title = {Identification of Patients with Acute Lung Injury from Free-Text Chest X-Ray Reports}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1903}
author = {Miller, Tim; Bethard, Steven; Dligach, Dmitriy; Pradhan, Sameer S.; Lin, Chen; Savova, Guergana}
title = {Discovering Temporal Narrative Containers in Clinical Text}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1904}
author = {Bretschneider, Claudia; Zillner, Sonja; Hammon, Matthias}
title = {Identifying Pathological Findings in German Radiology Reports Using a Syntacto-semantic Parsing Approach}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1905}
author = {Henriksson, Aron; Skeppstedt, Maria; Kvist, Maria; Duneld, Martin; Conway, Mike}
title = {Corpus-Driven Terminology Development: Populating Swedish SNOMED CT with Synonyms Extracted from Electronic Health Records}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1906}
author = {Dell'Orletta, Felice; Venturi, Giulia; Montemagni, Simonetta}
title = {Unsupervised Linguistically-Driven Reliable Dependency Parses Detection and Self-Training for Adaptation to the Biomedical Domain}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1907}
author = {Kilicoglu, Halil; Fiszman, Marcelo; Demner-Fushman, Dina}
title = {Interpreting Consumer Health Questions: The Role of Anaphora and Ellipsis}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1908}
author = {Van Landeghem, Sofie; Kaewphan, Suwisa; Ginter, Filip; Van de Peer, Yves}
title = {Evaluating Large-scale Text Mining Applications Beyond the Traditional Numeric Performance Measures}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1909}
author = {Temnikova, Irina; Cohen, Kevin}
title = {Recognizing Sublanguages in Scientific Journal Articles through Closure Properties}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1910}
author = {Fluck, Juliane; Klenner, Alexander; Madan, Sumit; Ansari, Sam; Bobic, Tamara; Hoeng, Julia; Hofmann-Apitius, Martin; Peitsch, Manuel}
title = {BEL Networks Derived from Qualitative Translations of BioNLP Shared Task Annotations}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1911}
author = {Ramirez-de-la-Rosa, Gabriela; Solorio, Thamar; Montes-y-Gomez, Manuel; Liu, Yang; Bedore, Lisa; Peña, Elizabeth; Iglesias, Aquiles}
title = {Exploring Word Class N-grams to Measure Language Development in Children}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1912}
author = {Skeppstedt, Maria}
title = {Adapting a Parser to Clinical Text by Simple Pre-processing Rules}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1913}
author = {Jimeno Yepes, Antonio; Mork, James G.; Aronson, Alan R.}
title = {Using the Argumentative Structure of Scientific Literature to Improve Information Access}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1914}
author = {Hassanali, Khairun-nisa; Liu, Yang; Solorio, Thamar}
title = {Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Child Narrative Analysis}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1915}
author = {Cohen, Raphael; Elhadad, Michael}
title = {Effect of Out Of Vocabulary Terms on Inferring Eligibility Criteria for a Retrospective Study in Hebrew EHR}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1916}
author = {Chakraborti, Sutanu; Tendulkar, Ashish}
title = {Parallels between Linguistics and Biology}
venue = {BioNLP }
year = {2013}
id = {W09-0601}
author = {Reiter, Ehud; Turner, Ross; Alm, Norman; Black, Rolf; Dempster, Martin; Waller, Annalu}
title = {Using NLG to Help Language-Impaired Users Tell Stories and Participate in Social Dialogues}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0602}
author = {Power, Richard}
title = {Towards a Generation-Based Semantic Web Authoring Tool}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0603}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric}
title = {System Building Cost vs. Output Quality in Data-to-Text Generation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0604}
author = {Marsi, Erwin; Krahmer, Emiel; Hendrickx, Iris; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Is Sentence Compression an NLG task?}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0605}
author = {Barzilay, Regina}
title = {Probabilistic Approaches for Modeling Text Structure and their Application to Text-to-Text Generation (Invited Talk)}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0606}
author = {Rolbert, Monique; Préa, Pascal}
title = {Distinguishable Entities: Definitions and Properties}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0607}
author = {Turner, Ross; Sripada, Yaji; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {Generating Approximate Geographic Descriptions}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0608}
author = {Mitchell, Margaret}
title = {Class-Based Ordering of Prenominal Modifiers}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0609}
author = {Dale, Robert; Viethen, Jette}
title = {Referring Expression Generation through Attribute-Based Heuristics}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0610}
author = {Dionne, Daniel; Puente, Salvador de la; León, Carlos; Gervás, Pablo; Hervás, Raquel}
title = {A Model for Human Readable Instruction Generation Using Level-Based Discourse Planning and Dynamic Inference of Attributes}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0611}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Learning Lexical Alignment Policies for Generating Referring Expressions for Spoken Dialogue Systems}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0612}
author = {Buschmeier, Hendrik; Bergmann, Kirsten; Kopp, Stefan}
title = {An Alignment-Capable Microplanner for Natural Language Generation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0613}
author = {Gatt, Albert; Reiter, Ehud}
title = {SimpleNLG: A Realisation Engine for Practical Applications}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0614}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {A Wizard-of-Oz Environment to Study Referring Expression Generation in a Situated Spoken Dialogue Task}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0615}
author = {Khan, Imtiaz Hussain; van Deemter, Kees; Ritchie, Graeme D.; Gatt, Albert; Cleland, Alexandra A.}
title = {A Hearer-Oriented Evaluation of Referring Expression Generation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0616}
author = {Klabunde, Ralf}
title = {Towards a Game-Theoretic Approach to Content Determination}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0617}
author = {Schütte, Niels}
title = {Generating Natural Language Descriptions of Ontology Concepts}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0618}
author = {Spanger, Philipp; Yasuhara, Masaaki; Iida, Ryu; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {A Japanese Corpus of Referring Expressions Used in a Situated Collaboration Task}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0619}
author = {Tietze, Martin I.; Winterboer, Andi; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {The Effect of Linguistic Devices in Information Presentation Messages on Recall and Comprehension}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0620}
author = {Williams, Sandra; Power, Richard}
title = {Precision and Mathematical Form in First and Subsequent Mentions of Numerical Facts and their Relation to Document Structure}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0621}
author = {Wubben, Sander; van den Bosch, Antal; Krahmer, Emiel; Marsi, Erwin}
title = {Clustering and Matching Headlines for Automatic Paraphrase Acquisition}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0622}
author = {Zender, Hendrik; Kruijff, Geert-Jan M.; Kruijff-Korbayova, Ivana}
title = {A Situated Context Model for Resolution and Generation of Referring Expressions}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0623}
author = {Kelly, Colin; Copestake, Ann; Karamanis, Nikiforos}
title = {Investigating Content Selection for Language Generation using Machine Learning}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0624}
author = {Harbusch, Karin; Kempen, Gerard}
title = {Generating Clausal Coordinate Ellipsis Multilingually: A Uniform Approach Based on Postediting}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0625}
author = {Van Der Sluis, Ielka; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Towards Empirical Evaluation of Affective Tactical NLG}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0626}
author = {van Deemter, Kees}
title = {What Game Theory Can Do for NLG: The Case of Vague Language (Invited Talk)}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0627}
author = {Belz, Anja; Gatt, Albert}
title = {Generation Challenges 2009: Preface}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0628}
author = {Byron, Donna K.; Koller, Alexander; Striegnitz, Kristina; Cassell, Justine; Dale, Robert; Moore, Johanna D.; Oberlander, Jon}
title = {Report on the First NLG Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments (GIVE)}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0629}
author = {Gatt, Albert; Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric}
title = {The TUNA-REG Challenge 2009: Overview and Evaluation Results}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0630}
author = {Brugman, Ivo; Theune, Mariët; Krahmer, Emiel; Viethen, Jette}
title = {Realizing the Costs: Template-Based Surface Realisation in the GRAPH Approach to Referring Expression Generation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0631}
author = {Bohnet, Bernd}
title = {Generation of Referring Expression with an Individual Imprint}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0632}
author = {Hervás, Raquel; Gervás, Pablo}
title = {Evolutionary and Case-Based Approaches to REG: NIL-UCM-EvoTAP NIL-UCM-ValuesCBR and NIL-UCM-EvoCBR}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0633}
author = {de Lucena, Diego Jesus; Paraboni, Ivandré}
title = {USP-EACH: Improved Frequency-based Greedy Attribute Selection}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0634}
author = {Funakoshi, Kotaro; Spanger, Philipp; Nakano, Mikio; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {A Probabilistic Model of Referring Expressions for Complex Objects}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2009}
id = {W13-2101}
author = {Basile, Valerio; Bos, Johan}
title = {Aligning Formal Meaning Representations with Surface Strings for Wide-Coverage Text Generation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2102}
author = {Cimiano, Philipp; Lüker, Janna; Nagel, David; Unger, Christina}
title = {Exploiting Ontology Lexica for Generating Natural Language Texts from RDF Data}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2103}
author = {Banik, Eva; Kow, Eric; Chaudhri, Vinay}
title = {User-Controlled, Robust Natural Language Generation from an Evolving Knowledge Base}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2104}
author = {Howcroft, David; Nakatsu, Crystal; White, Michael}
title = {Enhancing the Expression of Contrast in the SPaRKy Restaurant Corpus}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2105}
author = {Gardent, Claire; Narayan, Shashi}
title = {Generating Elliptic Coordination}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2106}
author = {Lampouras, Gerasimos; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {Using Integer Linear Programming for Content Selection, Lexicalization, and Aggregation to Produce Compact Texts from OWL Ontologies}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2107}
author = {Smith, Dustin; Lieberman, Henry}
title = {Generating and Interpreting Referring Expressions as Belief State Planning and Plan Recognition}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2108}
author = {Viethen, Jette; Mitchell, Margaret; Krahmer, Emiel}
title = {Graphs and Spatial Relations in the Generation of Referring Expressions}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2109}
author = {Gatt, Albert; Paggio, Patrizia}
title = {What and Where: An Empirical Investigation of Pointing Gestures and Descriptions in Multimodal Referring Actions}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2110}
author = {Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Natural Language Generation and Summarization at RALI}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2111}
author = {Banik, Eva; Gardent, Claire; Kow, Eric}
title = {The KBGen Challenge}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2112}
author = {Bouayad-Agha, Nadjet; Casamayor, Gerard; Wanner, Leo; Mellish, Chris S.}
title = {Overview of the First Content Selection Challenge from Open Semantic Web Data}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2113}
author = {Gervás, Pablo}
title = {Narrative Composition: Achieving the Perceived Linearity of Narrative}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2114}
author = {Lindberg, David; Popowich, Fred; Nesbit, John; Winne, Phil}
title = {Generating Natural Language Questions to Support Learning On-Line}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2115}
author = {Gkatzia, Dimitra; Hastie, Helen; Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Generating Student Feedback from Time-Series Data Using Reinforcement Learning}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2116}
author = {Jaidka, Kokil; Khoo, Christopher S. G.; Na, Jin-Cheon}
title = {Deconstructing Human Literature Reviews – A Framework for Multi-Document Summarization}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2117}
author = {Mehdad, Yashar; Carenini, Giuseppe; Tompa, Frank; Ng, Raymond T.}
title = {Abstractive Meeting Summarization with Entailment and Fusion}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2118}
author = {Iida, Ryu; Tokunaga, Takenobu}
title = {Automatic Voice Selection in Japanese based on Various Linguistic Information}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2119}
author = {Schneider, Anne; Mort, Alasdair; Mellish, Chris S.; Reiter, Ehud; Wilson, Phil; Vaudry, Pierre-Luc}
title = {MIME - NLG in Pre-Hospital Care}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2120}
author = {Barr, Dale; van Deemter, Kees; Fernández, Raquel}
title = {Generation of Quantified Referring Expressions: Evidence from Experimental Data}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2121}
author = {Agirrezabal, Manex; Arrieta, Bertol; Astigarraga, Aitzol; Hulden, Mans}
title = {POS-Tag Based Poetry Generation with WordNet}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2122}
author = {Schlünder, Björn; Klabunde, Ralf}
title = {Greetings Generation in Video Role Playing Games}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2123}
author = {Duboue, Pablo Ariel}
title = {On the Feasibility of Automatically Describing n-dimensional Objects}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2124}
author = {Schilder, Frank; Howald, Blake Stephen; Kondadadi, Ravikumar}
title = {GenNext: A Consolidated Domain Adaptable NLG System}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2125}
author = {Vaudry, Pierre-Luc; Lapalme, Guy}
title = {Adapting SimpleNLG for Bilingual English-French Realisation}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2126}
author = {Demir, Seniz; Durgar El-Kahlout, Ilknur; Unal, Erdem}
title = {A Case Study Towards Turkish Paraphrase Alignment}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2127}
author = {Banaee, Hadi; Ahmed, Mobyen Uddin; Loutfi, Amy}
title = {Towards NLG for Physiological Data Monitoring with Body Area Networks}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2128}
author = {Schneider, Anne; Mort, Alasdair; Mellish, Chris S.; Reiter, Ehud; Wilson, Phil; Vaudry, Pierre-Luc}
title = {MIME- NLG Support for Complex and Unstable Pre-hospital Emergencies}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2129}
author = {Duboue, Pablo Ariel}
title = {Thoughtland: Natural Language Descriptions for Machine Learning n-dimensional Error Functions}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2130}
author = {Zarriess, Sina; Richardson, Kyle}
title = {An Automatic Method for Building a Data-to-Text Generator}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2131}
author = {Gyawali, Bikash; Gardent, Claire}
title = {LOR-KBGEN, A Hybrid Approach To Generating from the KBGen Knowledge-Base}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2132}
author = {Butler, Keith; Moraes, Priscilla; Tabolt, Ian; McCoy, Kathy}
title = {Team UDEL KBGen 2013 Challenge}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2133}
author = {Kutlak, Roman; Mellish, Chris S.; van Deemter, Kees}
title = {Content Selection Challenge - University of Aberdeen Entry}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2134}
author = {Venigalla, Hareen; Eugenio, Barbara Di}
title = {UIC-CSC: The Content Selection Challenge Entry from the University of Illinois at Chicago}
venue = {ENLG}
year = {2013}
id = {W09-3101}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {Repetition and Language Models and Comparable Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3102}
author = {Deléger, Louise; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Extracting Lay Paraphrases of Specialized Expressions from Monolingual Comparable Medical Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3103}
author = {Kirchner, Jesse; Nuger, Justin; Zhang, Yi}
title = {An Extensible Crosslinguistic Readability Framework}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3104}
author = {Garnier, Marie; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {An Analysis of the Calque Phenomena Based on Comparable Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3105}
author = {Zhang, Jian; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Active Learning of Extractive Reference Summaries for Lecture Speech Summarization}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3106}
author = {Han, Xiwu; Li, Hanzhang; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {Train the Machine with What It Can Learn—Corpus Selection for SMT}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3107}
author = {Ji, Heng}
title = {Mining Name Translations from Comparable Corpora by Creating Bilingual Information Networks}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3108}
author = {Mamitimin, Samat; Hou, Min}
title = {Chinese-Uyghur Sentence Alignment: An Approach Based on Anchor Sentences}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3109}
author = {Abdul-Rauf, Sadaf; Schwenk, Holger}
title = {Exploiting Comparable Corpora with TER and TERp}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3110}
author = {Goeuriot, Lorraine; Morin, Emmanuel; Daille, Béatrice}
title = {Compilation of Specialized Comparable Corpora in French and Japanese}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-3111}
author = {Segouat, Jérémie; Braffort, Annelies}
title = {Toward Categorization of Sign Language Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2009}
id = {W11-1201}
author = {Knight, Kevin}
title = {Putting a Value on Comparable Data}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1202}
author = {Knight, Kevin; Megyesi, Beáta; Schaefer, Christiane}
title = {The Copiale Cipher}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1203}
author = {Andrade, Daniel; Matsuzaki, Takuya; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Learning the Optimal Use of Dependency-parsing Information for Finding Translations with Comparable Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1204}
author = {Fišer, Darja; Ljubešić, Nikola; Vintar, Špela; Pollak, Senja}
title = {Building and Using Comparable Corpora for Domain-Specific Bilingual Lexicon Extraction}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1205}
author = {Morin, Emmanuel; Prochasson, Emmanuel}
title = {Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora Enhanced with Parallel Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1206}
author = {Hazem, Amir; Morin, Emmanuel; Peña Saldarriaga, Sebastian}
title = {Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora as Metasearch}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1207}
author = {Gahbiche-Braham, Souhir; Bonneau-Maynard, Hélène; Yvon, François}
title = {Two Ways to Use a Noisy Parallel News Corpus for Improving Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1208}
author = {Wang, Rui; Callison-Burch, Chris}
title = {Paraphrase Fragment Extraction from Monolingual Comparable Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1209}
author = {Hewavitharana, Sanjika; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Extracting Parallel Phrases from Comparable Data}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1210}
author = {Ambati, Vamshi; Hewavitharana, Sanjika; Vogel, Stephan; Carbonnell, Jaime G.}
title = {Active Learning with Multiple Annotations for Comparable Data Classification Task}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1211}
author = {Cartoni, Bruno; Zufferey, Sandrine; Meyer, Thomas; Popescu-Belis, Andrei}
title = {How Comparable are Parallel Corpora? Measuring the Distribution of General Vocabulary and Connectives}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1212}
author = {Patry, Alexandre; Langlais, Philippe}
title = {Identifying Parallel Documents from a Large Bilingual Collection of Texts: Application to Parallel Article Extraction in Wikipedia.}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1213}
author = {Spoustová, Drahomíra Johanka; Spousta, Miroslav}
title = {Comparable Fora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1214}
author = {Belz, Anja; Kow, Eric}
title = {Unsupervised Alignment of Comparable Data and Text Resources}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1215}
author = {Snover, Matthew; Li, Xiang; Lin, Wen-Pin; Chen, Zheng; Tamang, Suzanne; Ge, Mingmin; Lee, Adam; Li, Qi; Li, Hao; Anzaroot, Sam; Ji, Heng}
title = {Cross-lingual Slot Filling from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1216}
author = {Abney, Steven; Bird, Steven}
title = {Towards a Data Model for the Universal Corpus}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1217}
author = {Ion, Radu; Ceauşu, Alexandru; Irimia, Elena}
title = {An Expectation Maximization Algorithm for Textual Unit Alignment}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1218}
author = {Antonova, Alexandra; Misyurev, Alexey}
title = {Building a Web-Based Parallel Corpus and Filtering Out Machine-Translated Text}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1219}
author = {Bharadwaj G, Rohit; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Language-Independent Context Aware Query Translation using Wikipedia}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2011}
id = {W13-2501}
author = {Apidianaki, Marianna; Ljubešić, Nikola; Fišer, Darja}
title = {Cross-lingual WSD for Translation Extraction from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2502}
author = {Kwon, Hong-seok; Seo, Hyeong-won; Kim, Jae-hoon}
title = {Bilingual Lexicon Extraction via Pivot Language and Word Alignment Tool}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2503}
author = {Bouamor, Dhouha; Semmar, Nasredine; Zweigenbaum, Pierre}
title = {Using WordNet and Semantic Similarity for Bilingual Terminology Mining from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2504}
author = {Hazem, Amir; Morin, Emmanuel}
title = {A Comparison of Smoothing Techniques for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2505}
author = {Chu, Chenhui; Nakazawa, Toshiaki; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Chinese–Japanese Parallel Sentence Extraction from Quasi–Comparable Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2506}
author = {Papavassiliou, Vassilis; Prokopidis, Prokopis; Thurmair, Gregor}
title = {A modular open-source focused crawler for mining monolingual and bilingual corpora from the web}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2507}
author = {Acs, Judit; Pajkossy, Katalin; Kornai, András}
title = {Building basic vocabulary across 40 languages}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2508}
author = {Teich, Elke; Degaetano-Ortlieb, Stefania; Kermes, Hannah; Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina}
title = {Scientific registers and disciplinary diversification: a comparable corpus approach}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2509}
author = {Gupta, Rajdeep; Pal, Santanu; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Improving MT System Using Extracted Parallel Fragments of Text from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2510}
author = {Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina}
title = {VARTRA: A Comparable Corpus for Analysis of Translation Variation}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2511}
author = {Genc, Yegin; Lennon, Elizabeth; Mason, Winter; Nickerson, Jeffrey}
title = {Building Ontologies from Collaborative Knowledge Bases to Search and Interpret Multilingual Corpora}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2512}
author = {Kontonatsios, Georgios; Korkontzelos, Ioannis; Ananiadou, Sophia; Tsujii, Jun'ichi}
title = {Using a Random Forest Classifier to recognise translations of biomedical terms across languages}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2513}
author = {Saad, Motaz; Langlois, David; Smaïli, Kamel}
title = {Comparing Multilingual Comparable Articles Based On Opinions}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2514}
author = {Plamada, Magdalena; Volk, Martin}
title = {Mining for Domain-specific Parallel Text from Wikipedia}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2515}
author = {Xu, Wei; Ritter, Alan; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Gathering and Generating Paraphrases from Twitter with Application to Normalization}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2516}
author = {Stambolieva, Ekaterina}
title = {Learning Comparable Corpora from Latent Semantic Analysis Simplified Document Space}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2517}
author = {Zhang, Chengzhi; Yao, Xuchen; Kit, Chunyu}
title = {Finding More Bilingual Webpages with High Credibility via Link Analysis}
venue = {BUCC}
year = {2013}
id = {W07-0901}
author = {Borin, Lars; Kokkinakis, Dimitrios; Olsson, Leif-Joran}
title = {Naming the Past: Named Entity and Animacy Recognition in 19th Century Swedish Literature}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0902}
author = {Toselli, Alejandro H.; Romero, Veronica; Vidal, Enrique}
title = {Viterbi Based Alignment between Text Images and their Transcripts}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0903}
author = {van Erp, Marieke}
title = {Retrieving Lost Information from Textual Databases: Rediscovering Expeditions from an Animal Specimen Database}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0904}
author = {Sidhu, Tandeep; Klavans, Judith L.; Lin, Jimmy}
title = {Concept Disambiguation for Improved Subject Access Using Multiple Knowledge Sources}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0905}
author = {Bamman, David; Crane, Gregory}
title = {The Latin Dependency Treebank in a Cultural Heritage Digital Library}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0906}
author = {Généreux, Michel}
title = {Cultural Heritage Digital Resources: From Extraction to Querying}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0907}
author = {Grieser, Karl; Baldwin, Timothy; Bird, Steven}
title = {Dynamic Path Prediction and Recommendation in a Museum Environment}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0908}
author = {Malaisé, Véronique; Isaac, Antoine; Gazendam, Luit; Brugman, Hennie}
title = {Anchoring Dutch Cultural Heritage Thesauri to WordNet: Two Case Studies}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0909}
author = {Szpektor, Idan; Dagan, Ido; Lavie, Alon; Shacham, Danny; Wintner, Shuly}
title = {Cross Lingual and Semantic Retrieval for Cultural Heritage Appreciation}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0910}
author = {Arampatzis, Avi; Kamps, Jaap; Koolen, Marijn; Nussbaum, Nir}
title = {Deriving a Domain Specific Test Collection from a Query Log}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0911}
author = {Jones, Gareth; Zhang, Ying; Newman, Eamonn; Fantino, Fabio; Debole, Franca}
title = {Multilingual Search for Cultural Heritage Archives via Combining Multiple Translation Resources}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2007}
id = {W09-0301}
author = {Goerz, Guenther; Scholz, Martin}
title = {Content Analysis of Museum Documentation in a Transdisciplinary Perspective}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0302}
author = {Konstantopoulos, Stasinos; Karkaletsis, Vangelis; Bilidas, Dimitris}
title = {An Intelligent Authoring Environment for Abstract Semantic Representations of Cultural Object Descriptions}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0303}
author = {Prokić, Jelena; Wieling, Martijn; Nerbonne, John}
title = {Multiple Sequence Alignments in Linguistics}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0304}
author = {Wieling, Martijn; Prokić, Jelena; Nerbonne, John}
title = {Evaluating the Pairwise String Alignment of Pronunciations}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0305}
author = {Giouli, Voula; Glaros, Nikos; Simov, Kiril; Osenova, Petya}
title = {A Web-Enabled and Speech-Enhanced Parallel Corpus of Greek-Bulgarian Cultural Texts}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0306}
author = {McGillivray, Barbara; Passarotti, Marco}
title = {The Development of the “Index Thomisticus” Treebank Valency Lexicon}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0307}
author = {Xia, Fei; Lewis, William H.}
title = {Applying NLP Technologies to the Collection and Enrichment of Language Data on the Web to Aid Linguistic Research}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0308}
author = {van Erp, Marieke; van den Bosch, Antal; Wubben, Sander; Hunt, Steve}
title = {Instance-Driven Discovery of Ontological Relation Labels}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-0309}
author = {Dobreva, Milena; Ikonomov, Nikola}
title = {The Role of Metadata in the Longevity of Cultural Heritage Resources}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2009}
id = {W11-1501}
author = {Sánchez-Marco, Cristina; Boleda, Gemma; Padró, Lluís}
title = {Extending the tool or how to annotate historical language varieties}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1502}
author = {Hana, Jirka; Feldman, Anna; Aharodnik, Katsiaryna}
title = {A low-budget tagger for Old Czech}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1503}
author = {Scheible, Silke; Whitt, Richard J.; Durrell, Martin; Bennett, Paul N.}
title = {Evaluating an 'off-the-shelf' POS-tagger on Early Modern German text}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1504}
author = {Beermann, Dorothee; Mihaylov, Pavel}
title = {e-Research for Linguists}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1505}
author = {Erjavec, Tomaž}
title = {Automatic linguistic annotation of historical language: ToTrTaLe and XIX century Slovene}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1506}
author = {Cybulska, Agata Katarzyna; Vossen, Piek}
title = {Historical Event Extraction from Text}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1507}
author = {Zervanou, Kalliopi; Korkontzelos, Ioannis; van den Bosch, Antal; Ananiadou, Sophia}
title = {Enrichment and Structuring of Archival Description Metadata}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1508}
author = {Poesio, Massimo; Barbu, Eduard; Stemle, Egon; Girardi, Christian}
title = {Structure-Preserving Pipelines for Digital Libraries}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1509}
author = {Hollingsworth, Charles; Van Liefferinge, Stefaan; Smith, Rebecca A.; Covington, Michael A.; Potter, Walter D.}
title = {The ARC Project: Creating logical models of Gothic cathedrals using natural language processing}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1510}
author = {Sayeed, Asad B.; Rusk, Bryan; Petrov, Martin; Nguyen, Hieu; Meyer, Timothy J.; Weinberg, Amy}
title = {Crowdsourcing syntactic relatedness judgements for opinion mining in the study of information technology adoption}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1511}
author = {Reddy, Sravana; Knight, Kevin}
title = {What We Know About The Voynich Manuscript}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1512}
author = {Pettersson, Eva; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Automatic Verb Extraction from Historical Swedish Texts}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1513}
author = {Yang, Tze-I; Torget, Andrew; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Topic Modeling on Historical Newspapers}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1514}
author = {Mohammad, Saif}
title = {From Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever After: Tracking Emotions in Novels and Fairy Tales}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1515}
author = {Nguyen, Dong; Smith, Noah A.; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Author Age Prediction from Text using Linear Regression}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1516}
author = {Johri, Nikhil; Ramage, Daniel; McFarland, Daniel A.; Jurafsky, Daniel}
title = {A Study of Academic Collaborations in Computational Linguistics using a Latent Mixture of Authors Model}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2011}
id = {W12-1001}
author = {Kenter, Tom; Žorga Dulmin, Maja; Fiser, Darja; Erjavec, Tomaž}
title = {Lexicon Construction and Corpus Annotation of Historical Language with the CoBaLT Editor}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1002}
author = {Dingemanse, Mark; Hammond, Jeremy; Somasundaram, Aarthy; Drude, Sebastian; Stehouwer, Herman}
title = {A high speed transcription interface for annotating primary linguistic data}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1003}
author = {Alegria, Iñaki; Agirrezabal, Manex; Arrieta, Bertol; Hulden, Mans}
title = {BAD: An Assistant tool for making verses in Basque}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1004}
author = {Dannells, Dana; Borin, Lars}
title = {Toward Language Independent Methodology for Generating Artwork Descriptions – Exploring FrameNet Information}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1005}
author = {Piotrowski, Michael; Senn, Cathrin}
title = {Harvesting Indices to Grow a Controlled Vocabulary: Towards Improved Access to Historical Legal Texts}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1006}
author = {Koleva, Nikolina; Declerck, Thierry; Krieger, Hans-Ulrich}
title = {Ontology-Based Incremental Annotation of Characters in Folktales}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1007}
author = {Oelke, Daniela; Malm, Mats; Kokkinakis, Dimitrios}
title = {Advanced Visual Analytics Methods for Literature Analysis}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1008}
author = {Herbelot, Aurélie; Redecker, Eva; Müller, Johanna}
title = {Distributional techniques for philosophical enquiry}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1009}
author = {Lagos, Nikolaos; Brun, Caroline; Nikoulina, Vassilina}
title = {Linguistically-Adapted Structural Query Annotation for Digital Libraries in the Social Sciences}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1010}
author = {Pettersson, Eva; Megyesi, Beáta; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Parsing the Past - Identification of Verb Constructions in Historical Text}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1011}
author = {Lee, John}
title = {A Classical Chinese Corpus with Nested Part-of-Speech Tags}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1012}
author = {Aletras, Nikolaos; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Computing Similarity between Cultural Heritage Items using Multimodal Features}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1013}
author = {Hall, Mark Michael; Clough, Paul D.; Soroa, Aitor; Lopez de Lacalle, Oier; Agirre, Eneko}
title = {Enabling the Discovery of Digital Cultural Heritage Objects through Wikipedia}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1014}
author = {Fernando, Samuel; Stevenson, Mark}
title = {Adapting Wikification to Cultural Heritage}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1015}
author = {Bosch, Vicente; Toselli, Alejandro H.; Vidal, Enrique}
title = {Natural Language Inspired Approach for Handwritten Text Line Detection in Legacy Documents}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-1016}
author = {Zhicharevich, Alex; Dershowitz, Nachum}
title = {Language Classification and Segmentation of Noisy Documents in Hebrew Scripts}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2012}
id = {W13-2701}
author = {Fernando, Samuel; Goodale, Paula; Clough, Paul D.; Stevenson, Mark; Hall, Mark; Agirre, Eneko}
title = {Generating Paths through Cultural Heritage Collections}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2702}
author = {Wubben, Sander; Krahmer, Emiel; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Using character overlap to improve language transformation}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2703}
author = {Schraagen, Marijn; Huijsmans, Dionysius}
title = {Comparison between historical population archives and decentralized databases}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2704}
author = {Liebeskind, Chaya; Dagan, Ido; Schler, Jonathan}
title = {Semi-automatic Construction of Cross-period Thesaurus}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2705}
author = {Wibberley, Simon; Weir, David; Reffin, Jeremy}
title = {Language Technology for Agile Social Media Science}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2706}
author = {Novák, Attila; Orosz, György; Wenszky, Nóra}
title = {Morphological annotation of Old and Middle Hungarian corpora}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2707}
author = {Florou, Eirini; Konstantopoulos, Stasinos; Koukourikos, Antonis; Karampiperis, Pythagoras}
title = {Argument extraction for supporting public policy formulation}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2708}
author = {Blessing, Andre; Sonntag, Jonathan; Kliche, Fritz; Heid, Ulrich; Kuhn, Jonas; Stede, Manfred}
title = {Towards a Tool for Interactive Concept Building for Large Scale Analysis in the Humanities}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2709}
author = {Trieschnigg, Dolf; Nguyen, Dong; Theune, Mariët}
title = {Learning to Extract Folktale Keywords}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2710}
author = {Bender, Emily M.; Goodman, Michael Wayne; Crowgey, Joshua; Xia, Fei}
title = {Towards Creating Precision Grammars from Interlinear Glossed Text: Inferring Large-Scale Typological Properties}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2711}
author = {Amoia, Marilisa; Martínez, José Manuel}
title = {Using Comparable Collections of Historical Texts for Building a Diachronic Dictionary for Spelling Normalization}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2712}
author = {Declerck, Thierry}
title = {Integration of the Thesaurus for the Social Sciences (TheSoz) in an Information Extraction System}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2713}
author = {Jones, Ruth; Irvine, Ann}
title = {The (Un)faithful Machine Translator}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2714}
author = {Ciobanu, Alina Maria; Dinu, Anca; Dinu, Liviu P.; Niculae, Vlad; Şulea, Octavia-Maria}
title = {Temporal classification for historical Romanian texts}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2715}
author = {Dannells, Dana; Ranta, Aarne; Enache, Ramona; Damova, Mariana; Mateva, Maria}
title = {Multilingual access to cultural heritage content on the Semantic Web}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-0601}
author = {Tiepmar, Jochen; Teichmann, Christoph; Heyer, Gerhard; Berti, Monica; Crane, Gregory}
title = {A New Implementation for Canonical Text Services}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0602}
author = {Declerck, Thierry; Wandl-Vogt, Eveline}
title = {How to semantically relate dialectal Dictionaries in the Linked Data Framework}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0603}
author = {Klein, Ewan; Alex, Beatrice; Clifford, Jim}
title = {Bootstrapping a historical commodities lexicon with SKOS and DBpedia}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0604}
author = {Chiarcos, Christian; Sukhareva, Maria; Mittmann, Roland; Price, Timothy; Detmold, Gaye; Chobotsky, Jan}
title = {New Technologies for Old Germanic. Resources and Research on Parallel Bibles in Older Continental Western Germanic}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0605}
author = {Pettersson, Eva; Megyesi, Beáta; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {A Multilingual Evaluation of Three Spelling Normalisation Methods for Historical Text}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0606}
author = {Poelitz, Christian; Bartz, Thomas}
title = {Enhancing the possibilities of corpus-based investigations: Word sense disambiguation on query results of large text corpora}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0607}
author = {Efremova, Julia; Ranjbar-Sahraei, Bijan; Calders, Toon}
title = {A Hybrid Disambiguation Measure for Inaccurate Cultural Heritage Data}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0608}
author = {Gábor, Kata; Sagot, Benoît}
title = {Automated Error Detection in Digitized Cultural Heritage Documents}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0609}
author = {Kestemont, Mike; Karsdorp, Folgert; Düring, Marten}
title = {Mining the Twentieth Century’s History from the Time Magazine Corpus}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0610}
author = {Poibeau, Thierry; Omodei, Elisa; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Guo, Yufan}
title = {Social and Semantic Diversity: Socio-semantic Representation of a Scientific Corpus}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0611}
author = {Benner, Drayton}
title = {A Tool for a High-Carat Gold-Standard Word Alignment}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0612}
author = {Bollmann, Marcel; Petran, Florian; Dipper, Stefanie; Krasselt, Julia}
title = {CorA: A web-based annotation tool for historical and other non-standard language data}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0613}
author = {Andrei, Amanda; Dingwall, Alison; Dillon, Theresa; Mathieu, Jennifer}
title = {Developing a Tagalog Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) ‘Disaster’ Dictionary for Understanding Mixed Language Social Media: A Work-in-Progress Paper}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0614}
author = {Wyner, Adam; Armstrong, Jackson; Mackillop, Andrew; Astley, Philip}
title = {Text Analysis of Aberdeen Burgh Records 1530-1531}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0615}
author = {Passarotti, Marco}
title = {From Syntax to Semantics. First Steps Towards Tectogrammatical Annotation of Latin}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0616}
author = {Nisioi, Sergiu}
title = {On the syllabic structures of Aromanian}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0617}
author = {Grover, Claire; Tobin, Richard}
title = {A Gazetteer and Georeferencing for Historical English Documents}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0618}
author = {Sanabila, Hadaiq; Manurung, Ruli}
title = {Automatic Wayang Ontology Construction using Relation Extraction from Free Text}
venue = {LaTeCH}
year = {2014}
id = {W13-2801}
author = {Banchs, Rafael; Rapp, Reinhard; Lambert, Patrik; Eberle, Kurt; Babych, Bogdan}
title = {Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation: Overview and Developments}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2802}
author = {Ney, Hermann}
title = {Statistical MT Systems Revisited: How much Hybridity do they have?}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2803}
author = {Toral, Antonio}
title = {Hybrid Selection of Language Model Training Data Using Linguistic Information and Perplexity}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2804}
author = {Rios Gonzales, Annette; Goehring, Anne}
title = {Machine Learning Disambiguation of Quechua Verb Morphology}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2805}
author = {Green, Nathan; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {Improvements to Syntax-based Machine Translation using Ensemble Dependency Parsers}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2806}
author = {Han, Dan; Martínez-Gómez, Pascual; Miyao, Yusuke; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Using unlabeled dependency parsing for pre-reordering for Chinese-to-Japanese statistical machine translation}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2807}
author = {Patel, Raj Nath; Gupta, Rohit; Pimpale, Prakash B.; M, Sasikumar}
title = {Reordering rules for English-Hindi SMT}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2808}
author = {Laki, László; Novák, Attila; Siklósi, Borbála}
title = {English to Hungarian Morpheme-based Statistical Machine Translation System with Reordering Rules}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2809}
author = {Lewis, William H.; Quirk, Chris}
title = {Controlled Ascent: Imbuing Statistical MT with Linguistic Knowledge}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2810}
author = {Saers, Markus; Addanki, Karteek; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Unsupervised Transduction Grammar Induction via Minimum Description Length}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2811}
author = {Turki Khemakhem, Ines; Jamoussi, Salma; Ben Hamadou, Abdelmajid}
title = {Integrating morpho-syntactic features in English-Arabic statistical machine translation}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2812}
author = {Li, Shuo; Wong, Derek F.; Chao, Lidia S.}
title = {Experiments with POS-based restructuring and alignment-based reordering for statistical machine translation}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2813}
author = {Boujelbane, Rahma; Ellouze Khemekhem, Mariem; BenAyed, Siwar; Hadrich Belguith, Lamia}
title = {Building bilingual lexicon to create Dialect Tunisian corpora and adapt language model}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2814}
author = {Pal, Santanu; Naskar, Sudip Kumar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {A Hybrid Word Alignment Model for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2815}
author = {Rudnick, Alex; Gasser, Michael}
title = {Lexical Selection for Hybrid MT with Sequence Labeling}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2816}
author = {Bouillon, Pierrette; Gerlach, Johanna; Germann, Ulrich; Haddow, Barry; Rayner, Manny}
title = {Two Approaches to Correcting Homophone Confusions in a Hybrid Machine Translation System}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2817}
author = {Hsieh, An-Chang; Huang, Hen-Hsen; Chen, Hsin-Hsi}
title = {Uses of Monolingual In-Domain Corpora for Cross-Domain Adaptation with Hybrid MT Approaches}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-2818}
author = {Tambouratzis, George; Sofianopoulos, Sokratis; Vassiliou, Marina}
title = {Language-independent hybrid MT with PRESEMT}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-1001}
author = {Uszkoreit, Hans}
title = {Analytical Approaches to Combining MT Technologies}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1002}
author = {Ghannay, Sahar; Barrault, Loïc}
title = {Using Hypothesis Selection Based Features for Confusion Network MT System Combination}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1003}
author = {Tambouratzis, George}
title = {Comparing CRF and template-matching in phrasing tasks within a Hybrid MT system}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1004}
author = {Sheremetyeva, Svetlana}
title = {Controlled Authoring In A Hybrid Russian-English Machine Translation System}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1005}
author = {Williams, Philip; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Using Feature Structures to Improve Verb Translation in English-to-German Statistical MT}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1006}
author = {Göhring, Anne}
title = {Building a Spanish-German Dictionary for Hybrid MT}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1007}
author = {Salton, Giancarlo; Ross, Robert; Kelleher, John D.}
title = {An Empirical Study of the Impact of Idioms on Phrase Based Statistical Machine Translation of English to Brazilian-Portuguese}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1008}
author = {Tratz, Stephen; Voss, Clare R.; Laoudi, Jamal}
title = {Resumptive Pronoun Detection for Modern Standard Arabic to English MT}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1009}
author = {Pal, Santanu; Pakray, Partha; Naskar, Sudip Kumar}
title = {Automatic Building and Using Parallel Resources for SMT from Comparable Corpora}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1010}
author = {Antonova, Alexandra; Misyurev, Alexey}
title = {Improving the precision of automatically constructed human-oriented translation dictionaries}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1011}
author = {Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Adventures in Multilingual Parsing}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1012}
author = {Khalilov, Maxim}
title = {Machine translation for LSPs: strategy and implementation}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1013}
author = {Banchs, Rafael E.}
title = {A Principled Approach to Context-Aware Machine Translation}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1014}
author = {Babych, Bogdan; Geiger, Jonathan; Ginestí Rosell, Mireia; Eberle, Kurt}
title = {Deriving de/het gender classification for Dutch nouns for rule-based MT generation tasks}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1015}
author = {Centelles, Jordi; Costa-juss, Marta R.}
title = {Chinese-to-Spanish rule-based machine translation system}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1016}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard; Sharoff, Serge}
title = {Extracting Multiword Translations from Aligned Comparable Documents}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1017}
author = {Vasiljevs, Andrejs}
title = {How to overtake Google in MT quality - the Baltic case}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1018}
author = {Eberle, Kurt}
title = {Hybrid Strategies for better products and shorter time-to-market}
venue = {HyTra}
year = {2014}
id = {W13-3001}
author = {Hunter, Tim; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Distributions on Minimalist Grammar Derivations}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3002}
author = {Fowlie, Meaghan}
title = {Order and Optionality: Minimalist Grammars with Adjunction}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3003}
author = {Berglund, Martin; Björklund, Henrik; Drewes, Frank}
title = {On the Parameterized Complexity of Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3004}
author = {Fernando, Tim}
title = {Segmenting Temporal Intervals for Tense and Aspect}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3005}
author = {Clark, Stephen; Coecke, Bob; Sadrzadeh, Mehrnoosh}
title = {The Frobenius Anatomy of Relative Pronouns}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3006}
author = {Heinz, Jeffrey; Lai, Regine}
title = {Vowel Harmony and Subsequentiality}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3007}
author = {Heinz, Jeffrey; Rogers, Jim}
title = {Learning Subregular Classes of Languages with Factored Deterministic Automata}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3008}
author = {Kornai, András; Zséder, Attila; Recski, Gábor}
title = {Structure Learning in Weighted Languages}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3009}
author = {Corlett, Eric; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Why Letter Substitution Puzzles are Not Hard to Solve: A Case Study in Entropy and Probabilistic Search-Complexity}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3010}
author = {Martzoukos, Spyros; Costa Florencio, Christophe; Monz, Christof}
title = {Investigating Connectivity and Consistency Criteria for Phrase Pair Extraction in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3011}
author = {Johnson, Mark}
title = {Grammars and Topic Models}
venue = {MoL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3101}
author = {Li, Lei; Forăscu, Corina; El-Haj, Mahmoud; Giannakopoulos, George}
title = {Multi-document multilingual summarization corpus preparation, Part 1: Arabic, English, Greek, Chinese, Romanian}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3102}
author = {Elhadad, Michael; Miranda-Jiménez, Sabino; Steinberger, Josef; Giannakopoulos, George}
title = {Multi-document multilingual summarization corpus preparation, Part 2: Czech, Hebrew and Spanish}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3103}
author = {Giannakopoulos, George}
title = {Multi-document multilingual summarization and evaluation tracks in ACL 2013 MultiLing Workshop}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3104}
author = {Kubina, Jeff; Conroy, John M.; Schlesinger, Judith D.}
title = {ACL 2013 MultiLing Pilot Overview}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3105}
author = {Li, Lei; Heng, Wei; Yu, Jia; Liu, Yu; Wan, Shuhong}
title = {CIST System Report for ACL MultiLing 2013 – Track 1: Multilingual Multi-document Summarization}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3106}
author = {Litvak, Marina; Vanetik, Natalia}
title = {Multilingual Multi-Document Summarization with POLY2}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3107}
author = {Steinberger, Josef}
title = {The UWB Summariser at Multiling-2013}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3108}
author = {Conroy, John M.; Davis, Sashka T.; Kubina, Jeff; Liu, Yi-Kai; O'Leary, Dianne P.; Schlesinger, Judith D.}
title = {Multilingual Summarization: Dimensionality Reduction and a Step Towards Optimal Term Coverage}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3109}
author = {El-Haj, Mahmoud; Rayson, Paul}
title = {Using a Keyness Metric for Single and Multi Document Summarisation}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3110}
author = {Anechitei, Daniel; Ignat, Eugen}
title = {Multilingual summarization system based on analyzing the discourse structure at MultiLing 2013}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3111}
author = {Litvak, Marina; Last, Mark}
title = {Multilingual Single-Document Summarization with MUSE}
venue = {MultiLing}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3201}
author = {Krishnamurthy, Jayant; Mitchell, Tom M.}
title = {Vector Space Semantic Parsing: A Framework for Compositional Vector Space Models}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3202}
author = {Le, Phong; Zuidema, Willem; Scha, Remko J. H.}
title = {Learning from errors: Using vector-based compositional semantics for parse reranking}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3203}
author = {Goyal, Kartik; Jauhar, Sujay Kumar; Li, Huiying; Sachan, Mrinmaya; Srivastava, Shashank; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {A Structured Distributional Semantic Model : Integrating Structure with Semantics}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3204}
author = {Sperr, Henning; Niehues, Jan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Letter N-Gram-based Input Encoding for Continuous Space Language Models}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3205}
author = {Zanzotto, Fabio Massimo; Dell'Arciprete, Lorenzo}
title = {Transducing Sentences to Syntactic Feature Vectors: an Alternative Way to Parse?}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3206}
author = {Dinu, Georgiana; Pham, Nghia The; Baroni, Marco}
title = {General estimation and evaluation of compositional distributional semantic models}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3207}
author = {Makrai, Marton; Nemeskey, David Mark; Kornai, András}
title = {Applicative structure in vector space models}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3208}
author = {Krčmář, Lubomír; Jeek, Karel; Pecina, Pavel}
title = {Determining Compositionality of Expresssions Using Various Word Space Models and Methods}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3209}
author = {Hermann, Karl Moritz; Grefenstette, Edward; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {“Not not bad” is not “bad”: A distributional account of negation}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3210}
author = {Moen, Hans; Marsi, Erwin; Gambäck, Björn}
title = {Towards Dynamic Word Sense Discrimination with Random Indexing}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3211}
author = {Andreas, Jacob; Ghahramani, Zoubin}
title = {A Generative Model of Vector Space Semantics}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3212}
author = {Clinchant, Stephane; Perronnin, Florent}
title = {Aggregating Continuous Word Embeddings for Information Retrieval}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3213}
author = {Malon, Christopher; Bai, Bing}
title = {Answer Extraction by Recursive Parse Tree Descent}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3214}
author = {Kalchbrenner, Nal; Blunsom, Philip}
title = {Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Discourse Compositionality}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-1501}
author = {Kanerva, Jenna; Ginter, Filip}
title = {Post-hoc Manipulations of Vector Space Models with Application to Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1502}
author = {Weeds, Julie; Weir, David; Reffin, Jeremy}
title = {Distributional Composition using Higher-Order Dependency Vectors}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1503}
author = {Kiela, Douwe; Clark, Stephen}
title = {A Systematic Study of Semantic Vector Space Model Parameters}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1504}
author = {Kågebäck, Mikael; Mogren, Olof; Tahmasebi, Nina; Dubhashi, Devdatt}
title = {Extractive Summarization using Continuous Vector Space Models}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1505}
author = {Milajevs, Dmitrijs; Purver, Matthew}
title = {Investigating the Contribution of Distributional Semantic Information for Dialogue Act Classification}
venue = {CVSC}
year = {2014}
id = {W13-3301}
author = {Williams, Jennifer; Banchs, Rafael; Li, Haizhou}
title = {Meaning Unit Segmentation in English and Chinese: a New Approach to Discourse Phenomena}
venue = {DiscoMT}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3302}
author = {Guillou, Liane}
title = {Analysing Lexical Consistency in Translation}
venue = {DiscoMT}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3303}
author = {Meyer, Thomas; Webber, Bonnie Lynn}
title = {Implicitation of Discourse Connectives in (Machine) Translation}
venue = {DiscoMT}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3304}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Flor, Michael}
title = {Associative Texture Is Lost In Translation}
venue = {DiscoMT}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3305}
author = {Meyer, Thomas; Grisot, Cristina; Popescu-Belis, Andrei}
title = {Detecting Narrativity to Improve English to French Translation of Simple Past Verbs}
venue = {DiscoMT}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3306}
author = {Meyer, Thomas; Poláková, Lucie}
title = {Machine Translation with Many Manually Labeled Discourse Connectives}
venue = {DiscoMT}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3307}
author = {Novak, Michal; Nedoluzhko, Anna; Žabokrtský, Zdeněk}
title = {Translation of It in a Deep Syntax Framework}
venue = {DiscoMT}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-3308}
author = {Stymne, Sara; Hardmeier, Christian; Tiedemann, Jörg; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Feature Weight Optimization for Discourse-Level SMT}
venue = {DiscoMT}
year = {2013}
id = {W08-0901}
author = {Dickinson, Markus; Herring, Joshua}
title = {Developing Online ICALL Resources for Russian}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0902}
author = {Nielsen, Rodney D.; Ward, Wayne H.; Martin, James H.}
title = {Classification Errors in a Domain-Independent Assessment System}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0903}
author = {Michaud, Lisa N.}
title = {King Alfred: A Translation Environment for Learners of Anglo-Saxon English}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0904}
author = {Nagata, Ryo; Kakegawa, Jun-ichi; Sugimoto, Hiromi; Yabuta, Yukiko}
title = {Recognizing Noisy Romanized Japanese Words in Learner English}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0905}
author = {Hladká, Barbora; Kucera, Ondrej}
title = {An Annotated Corpus Outside Its Original Context: A Corpus-Based Exercise Book}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0906}
author = {Bernhard, Delphine; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {Answering Learners’ Questions by Retrieving Question Paraphrases from Social Q&A Sites}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0907}
author = {Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Phillips, Robert; Wallis, Michael; Vouk, Mladen; Lester, James C.}
title = {Learner Characteristics and Feedback in Tutorial Dialogue}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0908}
author = {Pendar, Nick; Cotos, Elena}
title = {Automatic Identification of Discourse Moves in Scientific Article Introductions}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0909}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Collins-Thompson, Kevyn; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {An Analysis of Statistical Models and Features for Reading Difficulty Prediction}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0910}
author = {Heilman, Michael; Zhao, Le; Pino, Juan; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Retrieval of Reading Materials for Vocabulary and Reading Practice}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0911}
author = {Miltsakaki, Eleni; Troutt, Audrey}
title = {Real Time Web Text Classification and Analysis of Reading Difficulty}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0912}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Xi, Xiaoming}
title = {Towards Automatic Scoring of a Test of Spoken Language with Heterogeneous Task Types}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0913}
author = {Bailey, Stacey; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Diagnosing Meaning Errors in Short Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2008}
id = {W09-2101}
author = {Cheng, Jian; Bernstein, Jared; Pado, Ulrike; Suzuki, Masanori}
title = {Automated Assessment of Spoken Modern Standard Arabic}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2102}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Sabatini, John; Chen, Lei}
title = {Automatic Scoring of Children’s Read-Aloud Text Passages and Word Lists}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2103}
author = {Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Ha, Eun Young; Phillips, Robert; Wallis, Michael; Vouk, Mladen; Lester, James C.}
title = {Inferring Tutorial Dialogue Structure with Hidden Markov Modeling}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2104}
author = {Landauer, Thomas K.; Kireyev, Kirill; Panaccione, Charles}
title = {A New Yardstick and Tool for Personalized Vocabulary Building}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2105}
author = {Candido Jr., Arnaldo; Maziero, Erick; Specia, Lucia; Gasperin, Caroline; Pardo, Thiago A. S.; Aluísio, Sandra}
title = {Supporting the Adaptation of Texts for Poor Literacy Readers: a Text Simplification Editor for Brazilian Portuguese}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2106}
author = {Pino, Juan; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {An Application of Latent Semantic Analysis to Word Sense Discrimination for Words with Related and Unrelated Meanings}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2107}
author = {Liu, Anne Li-E; Wible, David; Tsao, Nai-Lung}
title = {Automated Suggestions for Miscollocations}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2108}
author = {Tsao, Nai-Lung; Wible, David}
title = {A Method for Unsupervised Broad-Coverage Lexical Error Detection and Correction}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2109}
author = {Kersey, Cynthia; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Jordan, Pamela W.; Katz, Sandra}
title = {KSC-PaL: A Peer Learning Agent that Encourages Students to take the Initiative}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2110}
author = {Hermet, Matthieu; Désilets, Alain}
title = {Using First and Second Language Models to Correct Preposition Errors in Second Language Authoring}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2111}
author = {Leacock, Claudia; Gamon, Michael; Brockett, Chris}
title = {User Input and Interactions on Microsoft Research ESL Assistant}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2112}
author = {Foster, Jennifer; Andersen, Øistein E.}
title = {GenERRate: Generating Errors for Use in Grammatical Error Detection}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-1001}
author = {Aluísio, Sandra; Specia, Lucia; Gasperin, Caroline; Scarton, Carolina}
title = {Readability Assessment for Text Simplification}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1002}
author = {Meurers, Detmar; Ziai, Ramon; Amaral, Luiz; Boyd, Adriane; Dimitrov, Aleksandar; Metcalf, Vanessa; Ott, Niels}
title = {Enhancing Authentic Web Pages for Language Learners}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1003}
author = {Quixal, Martí; Preuß, Susanne; García-Narbona, David; Boullosa, Beto}
title = {AutoLearn’s authoring tool: a piece of cake for teachers}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1004}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Roth, Dan}
title = {Annotating ESL Errors: Challenges and Rewards}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1005}
author = {Gamon, Michael; Leacock, Claudia}
title = {Search right and thou shalt find ... Using Web Queries for Learner Error Detection}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1006}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Filatova, Elena; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Rethinking Grammatical Error Annotation and Evaluation with the Amazon Mechanical Turk}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1007}
author = {Skory, Adam; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Predicting Cloze Task Quality for Vocabulary Training}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1008}
author = {Perry, Jason; Shan, Chung-chieh}
title = {Generating Quantifiers and Negation to Explain Homework Testing}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1009}
author = {Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth; Phillips, Robert; Ha, Eun Young; Wallis, Michael; Vouk, Mladen; Lester, James C.}
title = {Leveraging Hidden Dialogue State to Select Tutorial Moves}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1010}
author = {Chen, Lei; Tetreault, Joel R.; Xi, Xiaoming}
title = {Towards Using Structural Events To Assess Non-native Speech}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1011}
author = {Kim, Jee Eun; Lee, Kong Joo}
title = {A Human-Computer Collaboration Approach to Improve Accuracy of an Automated English Scoring System}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1012}
author = {Kim, Jihie; Li, Jia; Kim, Taehwan}
title = {Towards Identifying Unresolved Discussions in Student Online Forums}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-1013}
author = {Louis, Annie; Higgins, Derrick}
title = {Off-topic essay detection using short prompt texts}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-1401}
author = {Agarwal, Manish; Shah, Rakshit; Mannem, Prashanth}
title = {Automatic Question Generation using Discourse Cues}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1402}
author = {Xiong, Wenting; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Understanding Differences in Perceived Peer-Review Helpfulness using Natural Language Processing}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1403}
author = {Theune, Mariët; Boer Rookhuiszen, Roan; op den Akker, Rieks; Geerlings, Hanneke}
title = {Generating Varied Narrative Probability Exercises}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1404}
author = {Cook, Kevin; McGhee, Jeremiah; Lonsdale, Deryle}
title = {Elicited Imitation for Prediction of OPI Test Scores}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1405}
author = {Chen, Lei; Yoon, Su-Youn}
title = {Detecting Structural Events for Assessing Non-Native Speech}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1406}
author = {Downey, Ryan; Rubin, David; Cheng, Jian; Bernstein, Jared}
title = {Performance of Automated Scoring for Children’s Oral Reading}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1407}
author = {Agarwal, Manish; Mannem, Prashanth}
title = {Automatic Gap-fill Question Generation from Text Books}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1408}
author = {Chen, Lin; Eugenio, Barbara Di; Fossati, Davide; Ohlsson, Stellan; Cosejo, David}
title = {Exploring Effective Dialogue Act Sequences in One-on-one Computer Science Tutoring Dialogues}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1409}
author = {Dela Rosa, Kevin; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Effect of Word Complexity on L2 Vocabulary Learning}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1410}
author = {Dickinson, Markus; Israel, Ross; Lee, Sun-Hee}
title = {Developing Methodology for Korean Particle Error Detection}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1411}
author = {Hassanali, Khairun-nisa; Liu, Yang}
title = {Measuring Language Development in Early Childhood Education: A Case Study of Grammar Checking in Child Language Transcripts}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1412}
author = {Huang, Chung-chi; Chen, Mei-hua; Huang, Shih-ting; Liou, Hsien-Chin; Chang, Jason S.}
title = {GRASP: Grammar- and Syntax-based Pattern-Finder in CALL}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1413}
author = {Mostow, Jack; Duan, Weisi}
title = {Generating Example Contexts to Illustrate a Target Word Sense}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1414}
author = {Olney, Andrew; Cade, Whitney L.; Williams, Claire}
title = {Generating Concept Map Exercises from Textbooks}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1415}
author = {van Oosten, Philip; Hoste, Véronique}
title = {Readability Annotation: Replacing the Expert by the Crowd}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1416}
author = {Ward, Arthur; Crowley, Rebecca}
title = {Story Assembly in a Dyslexia Fluency Tutor}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1417}
author = {Ward, Arthur; Litman, Diane J.; Eskenazi, Maxine}
title = {Predicting Change in Student Motivation by Measuring Cohesion between Tutor and Student}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1418}
author = {Yang, Beibei; Heines, Jesse M.}
title = {Using Semantic Distance to Automatically Suggest Transfer Course Equivalencies}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1419}
author = {Yoon, Su-Youn; Evanini, Keelan; Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Non-scorable Response Detection for Automated Speaking Proficiency Assessment}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1420}
author = {Yoon, Su-Youn; Higgins, Derrick}
title = {Non-English Response Detection Method for Automated Proficiency Scoring System}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1421}
author = {West, Randy; Park, Y. Albert; Levy, Roger}
title = {Bilingual Random Walk Models for Automated Grammar Correction of ESL Author-Produced Text}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1422}
author = {Gamon, Michael}
title = {High-Order Sequence Modeling for Language Learner Error Detection}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2011}
id = {W13-1701}
author = {Morley, Eric; Roark, Brian; van Santen, Jan}
title = {The Utility of Manual and Automatic Linguistic Error Codes for Identifying Neurodevelopmental Disorders}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1702}
author = {King, Levi; Dickinson, Markus}
title = {Shallow Semantic Analysis of Interactive Learner Sentences}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1703}
author = {Dahlmeier, Daniel; Ng, Hwee Tou; Wu, Siew Mei}
title = {Building a Large Annotated Corpus of Learner English: The NUS Corpus of Learner English}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1704}
author = {Andersen, Øistein E.; Yannakoudakis, Helen; Barker, Fiona; Parish, Tim}
title = {Developing and testing a self-assessment and tutoring system}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1705}
author = {Östling, Robert; Smolentzov, André; Tyrefors Hinnerich, Björn; Höglin, Erik}
title = {Automated Essay Scoring for Swedish}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1706}
author = {Tetreault, Joel R.; Blanchard, Daniel; Cahill, Aoife}
title = {A Report on the First Native Language Identification Shared Task}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1707}
author = {Chen, Lei}
title = {Applying Unsupervised Learning To Support Vector Space Model Based Speaking Assessment}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1708}
author = {Vajjala, Sowmya; Loo, Kaidi}
title = {Role of Morpho-Syntactic Features in Estonian Proficiency Classification}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1709}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Wang, Xinhao}
title = {Automated Content Scoring of Spoken Responses in an Assessment for Teachers of English}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1710}
author = {Abu-Jbara, Amjad; Jha, Rahul; Morley, Eric; Radev, Dragomir R.}
title = {Experimental Results on the Native Language Identification Shared Task}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1711}
author = {Daudaravicius, Vidas}
title = {VTEX System Description for the NLI 2013 Shared Task}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1712}
author = {Goutte, Cyril; Léger, Serge; Carpuat, Marine}
title = {Feature Space Selection and Combination for Native Language Identification}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1713}
author = {Henderson, John C.; Zarrella, Guido; Pfeifer, Craig; Burger, John D.}
title = {Discriminating Non-Native English with 350 Words}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1714}
author = {Jarvis, Scott; Bestgen, Yves; Pepper, Steve}
title = {Maximizing Classification Accuracy in Native Language Identification}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1715}
author = {Li, Baoli}
title = {Recognizing English Learners’ Native Language from Their Writings}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1716}
author = {Malmasi, Shervin; Wong, Sze-Meng Jojo; Dras, Mark}
title = {NLI Shared Task 2013: MQ Submission}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1717}
author = {Mizumoto, Tomoya; Hayashibe, Yuta; Sakaguchi, Keisuke; Komachi, Mamoru; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {NAIST at the NLI 2013 Shared Task}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1718}
author = {Nicolai, Garrett; Hauer, Bradley; Salameh, Mohammad; Yao, Lei; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Cognate and Misspelling Features for Natural Language Identification}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1719}
author = {Swanson, Ben}
title = {Exploring Syntactic Representations for Native Language Identification}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1720}
author = {Wu, Ching-Yi; Lai, Po-Hsiang; Liu, Yang; Ng, Vincent}
title = {Simple Yet Powerful Native Language Identification on TOEFL11}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1721}
author = {Evanini, Keelan; Xie, Shasha; Zechner, Klaus}
title = {Prompt-based Content Scoring for Automated Spoken Language Assessment}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1722}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Burstein, Jill; Sabatini, John; O'Reilly, Tenaha}
title = {Automated Scoring of a Summary-Writing Task Designed to Measure Reading Comprehension}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1723}
author = {Ragheb, Marwa; Dickinson, Markus}
title = {Inter-annotator Agreement for Dependency Annotation of Learner Language}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1724}
author = {Bobicev, Victoria}
title = {Native Language Identification with PPM}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1725}
author = {Brooke, Julian; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Using Other Learner Corpora in the 2013 NLI Shared Task}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1726}
author = {Bykh, Serhiy; Vajjala, Sowmya; Krivanek, Julia; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Combining Shallow and Linguistically Motivated Features in Native Language Identification}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1727}
author = {Cimino, Andrea; Dell'Orletta, Felice; Venturi, Giulia; Montemagni, Simonetta}
title = {Linguistic Profiling based on General–purpose Features and Native Language Identification}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1728}
author = {Gebre, Binyam Gebrekidan; Zampieri, Marcos; Wittenburg, Peter; Heskes, Tom}
title = {Improving Native Language Identification with TF-IDF Weighting}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1729}
author = {Gyawali, Binod; Ramirez, Gabriela; Solorio, Thamar}
title = {Native Language Identification: a Simple n-gram Based Approach}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1730}
author = {Hladká, Barbora; Holub, Martin; Kriz, Vincent}
title = {Feature Engineering in the NLI Shared Task 2013: Charles University Submission Report}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1731}
author = {Kyle, Kristopher; Crossley, Scott; Dai, Jianmin; McNamara, Danielle S.}
title = {Native Language Identification: A Key N-gram Category Approach}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1732}
author = {Lahiri, Shibamouli; Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Using N-gram and Word Network Features for Native Language Identification}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1733}
author = {Lavergne, Thomas; Illouz, Gabriel; Max, Aurélien; Nagata, Ryo}
title = {LIMSI’s participation to the 2013 shared task on Native Language Identification}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1734}
author = {Lynum, André}
title = {Native Language Identification using large scale lexical features}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1735}
author = {Popescu, Marius; Ionescu, Radu Tudor}
title = {The Story of the Characters, the DNA and the Native Language}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1736}
author = {Tsvetkov, Yulia; Twitto, Naama; Schneider, Nathan; Ordan, Noam; Faruqui, Manaal; Chahuneau, Victor; Wintner, Shuly; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Identifying the L1 of non-native writers: the CMU-Haifa system}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1737}
author = {Xie, Shasha; Chen, Lei}
title = {Evaluating Unsupervised Language Model Adaptation Methods for Speaking Assessment}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1738}
author = {Dzikovska, Myroslava O.; Farrow, Elaine; Moore, Johanna D.}
title = {Improving interpretation robustness in a tutorial dialogue system}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1739}
author = {Cahill, Aoife; Chodorow, Martin; Wolff, Susanne; Madnani, Nitin}
title = {Detecting Missing Hyphens in Learner Text}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1740}
author = {Michaud, Lisa N.; McCoy, Patricia Ann}
title = {Applying Machine Translation Metrics to Student-Written Translations}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-1801}
author = {Somasundaran, Swapna; Chodorow, Martin}
title = {Automated Measures of Specific Vocabulary Knowledge from Constructed Responses ('Use These Words to Write a Sentence Based on this Picture')}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1802}
author = {Cheng, Jian; Zhao D'Antilio, Yuan; Chen, Xin; Bernstein, Jared}
title = {Automatic Assessment of the Speech of Young English Learners}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1803}
author = {Evanini, Keelan; Wang, Xinhao}
title = {Automatic detection of plagiarized spoken responses}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1804}
author = {Ramesh, Arti; Goldwasser, Dan; Huang, Bert; Daumé III, Hal; Getoor, Lise}
title = {Understanding MOOC Discussion Forums using Seeded LDA}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1805}
author = {Ahrenberg, Lars; Tarvi, Ljuba}
title = {Translation Class Instruction as Collaboration in the Act of Translation}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1806}
author = {Field, Debora; Pulman, Stephen G.; Whitelock, Denise}
title = {The pragmatics of margin comments: An empirical study}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1807}
author = {Kharkwal, Gaurav; Muresan, Smaranda}
title = {Surprisal as a Predictor of Essay Quality}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1808}
author = {Leeman-Munk, Samuel; Shelton, Angela; Wiebe, Eric; Lester, James C.}
title = {Towards Domain-Independent Assessment of Elementary Students’ Science Competency using Soft Cardinality}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1809}
author = {Loukina, Anastassia; Zechner, Klaus; Chen, Lei}
title = {Automatic evaluation of spoken summaries: the case of language assessment}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1810}
author = {Madnani, Nitin; Cahill, Aoife}
title = {An Explicit Feedback System for Preposition Errors based on Wikipedia Revisions}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1811}
author = {Metallinou, Angeliki; Cheng, Jian}
title = {Syllable and language model based features for detecting non-scorable tests in spoken language proficiency assessment applications}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1812}
author = {Nguyen, Huy; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Improving Peer Feedback Prediction: The Sentence Level is Right}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1813}
author = {Rytting, C. Anton; Rodrigues, Paul; Buckwalter, Tim; Novak, Valerie; Bills, Aric; Silbert, Noah H.; Madgavkar, Mohini}
title = {ArCADE: An Arabic Corpus of Auditory Dictation Errors}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1814}
author = {Yoon, Su-Youn; Xie, Shasha}
title = {Similarity-Based Non-Scorable Response Detection for Automated Speech Scoring}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1815}
author = {Swanson, Ben; Yamangil, Elif; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Natural Language Generation with Vocabulary Constraints}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1816}
author = {Zechner, Klaus; Evanini, Keelan; Yoon, Su-Youn; Davis, Lawrence; Wang, Xinhao; Chen, Lei; Lee, Chong Min; Leong, Chee Wee}
title = {Automated scoring of speaking items in an assessment for teachers of English as a Foreign Language}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1817}
author = {Zesch, Torsten; Melamud, Oren}
title = {Automatic Generation of Challenging Distractors Using Context-Sensitive Inference Rules}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1818}
author = {Zhang, Fan; Litman, Diane J.}
title = {Sentence-level Rewriting Detection}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1819}
author = {Salesky, Elizabeth; Shen, Wade}
title = {Exploiting Morphological, Grammatical, and Semantic Correlates for Improved Text Difficulty Assessment}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1820}
author = {Dell'Orletta, Felice; Wieling, Martijn; Venturi, Giulia; Cimino, Andrea; Montemagni, Simonetta}
title = {Assessing the Readability of Sentences: Which Corpora and Features?}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1821}
author = {Pilán, Ildikó; Volodina, Elena; Johansson, Richard}
title = {Rule-based and machine learning approaches for second language sentence-level readability}
venue = {BEA}
year = {2014}
id = {W07-0401}
author = {Zhang, Yuqi; Zens, Richard; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Chunk-Level Reordering of Source Language Sentences with Automatically Learned Rules for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0402}
author = {Nesson, Rebecca; Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Extraction Phenomena in Synchronous TAG Syntax and Semantics}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0403}
author = {Cherry, Colin; Lin, Dekang}
title = {Inversion Transduction Grammar for Joint Phrasal Translation Modeling}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0404}
author = {Zhang, Hao; Gildea, Daniel}
title = {Factorization of Synchronous Context-Free Grammars in Linear Time}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0405}
author = {Huang, Liang}
title = {Binarization Synchronous Binarization and Target-side Binarization}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0406}
author = {Hopkins, Mark; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Machine Translation as Tree Labeling}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0407}
author = {Venkatapathy, Sriram; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Discriminative word alignment by learning the alignment structure and syntactic divergence between a language pair}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0408}
author = {Hall, Keith; Nemec, Petr}
title = {Generation in Machine Translation from Deep Syntactic Trees}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0409}
author = {Bonneau-Maynard, Hélène; Allauzen, Alexandre; Déchelotte, Daniel; Schwenk, Holger}
title = {Combining Morphosyntactic Enriched Representation with n-best Reranking in Statistical Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0410}
author = {Font Llitjos, Ariadna; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {A Walk on the Other Side: Using SMT Components in a Transfer-Based Translation System}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0411}
author = {Owczarzak, Karolina; van Genabith, Josef; Way, Andy}
title = {Dependency-Based Automatic Evaluation for Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0412}
author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}
title = {Probabilistic Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars for Machine Translation: The Argument from Bilingual Dictionaries}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0413}
author = {Venkatapathy, Sriram; Bangalore, Srinivas}
title = {Three models for discriminative machine translation using Global Lexical Selection and Sentence Reconstruction}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-0414}
author = {Dreyer, Markus; Hall, Keith; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {Comparing Reordering Constraints for SMT Using Efficient BLEU Oracle Computation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2007}
id = {W08-0401}
author = {Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Okuma, Hideo; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Imposing Constraints from the Source Tree on ITG Constraints for SMT}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0402}
author = {Li, Zhifei; Khudanpur, Sanjeev P.}
title = {A Scalable Decoder for Parsing-Based Machine Translation with Equivalent Language Model State Maintenance}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0403}
author = {Zhou, Bowen; Xiang, Bing; Zhu, Xiaodan; Gao, Yuqing}
title = {Prior Derivation Models For Formally Syntax-Based Translation Using Linguistically Syntactic Parsing and Tree Kernels}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0404}
author = {Subotin, Michael}
title = {Generalizing Local Translation Models}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0405}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph}
title = {A Rule-Driven Dynamic Programming Decoder for Statistical MT}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0406}
author = {Elming, Jakob}
title = {Syntactic Reordering Integrated with Phrase-Based SMT}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0407}
author = {Nikoulina, Vassilina; Dymetman, Marc}
title = {Experiments in Discriminating Phrase-Based Translations on the Basis of Syntactic Coupling Features}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0408}
author = {Ge, Niyu; Ittycheriah, Abraham; Papineni, Kishore}
title = {Multiple Reorderings in Phrase-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0409}
author = {Ma, Yanjun; Ozdowska, Sylwia; Sun, Yanli; Way, Andy}
title = {Improving Word Alignment Using Syntactic Dependencies}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0410}
author = {Clark, Jonathan H.; Frederking, Robert E.; Levin, Lori S.}
title = {Inductive Detection of Language Features via Clustering Minimal Pairs: Toward Feature-Rich Grammars in Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-0411}
author = {Lavie, Alon; Parlikar, Alok; Ambati, Vamshi}
title = {Syntax-Driven Learning of Sub-Sentential Translation Equivalents and Translation Rules from Parsed Parallel Corpora}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2008}
id = {W09-2301}
author = {Hanneman, Greg; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Decoding with Syntactic and Non-Syntactic Phrases in a Syntax-Based Machine Translation System}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2302}
author = {Nakazawa, Toshiaki; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Statistical Phrase Alignment Model Using Dependency Relation Probability}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2303}
author = {Søgaard, Anders; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Empirical Lower Bounds on Aligment Error Rates in Syntax-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2304}
author = {Saers, Markus; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Improving Phrase-Based Translation via Word Alignments from Stochastic Inversion Transduction Grammars}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2305}
author = {Wang, Bo; Zhao, Tiejun; Yang, Muyun; Li, Sheng}
title = {References Extension for the Automatic Evaluation of MT by Syntactic Hybridization}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2306}
author = {Jiang, Hongfei; Li, Sheng; Yang, Muyun; Zhao, Tiejun}
title = {A Study of Translation Rule Classification for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2307}
author = {Chang, Pi-Chuan; Tseng, Huihsin; Jurafsky, Daniel; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Discriminative Reordering with Chinese Grammatical Relations Features}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2308}
author = {Søgaard, Anders}
title = {On the Complexity of Alignment Problems in Two Synchronous Grammar Formalisms}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2309}
author = {Hashimoto, Kei; Yamamoto, Hirohumi; Okuma, Hideo; Sumita, Eiichiro; Tokuda, Keiichi}
title = {Reordering Model Using Syntactic Information of a Source Tree for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2310}
author = {Khalilov, Maxim; Fonollosa, José A. R.; Dras, Mark}
title = {Coupling Hierarchical Word Reordering and Decoding in Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-3801}
author = {Dymetman, Marc; Cancedda, Nicola}
title = {Intersecting Hierarchical and Phrase-Based Models of Translation: Formal Aspects and Algorithms}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3802}
author = {Saers, Markus; Nivre, Joakim; Wu, Dekai}
title = {A Systematic Comparison between Inversion Transduction Grammar and Linear Transduction Grammar for Word Alignment}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3803}
author = {Jiang, Jie; Du, Jinhua; Way, Andy}
title = {Source-side Syntactic Reordering Patterns with Functional Words for Improved Phrase-based SMT}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3804}
author = {Cao, Hailong; Finch, Andrew; Sumita, Eiichiro}
title = {Syntactic Constraints on Phrase Extraction for Phrase-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3805}
author = {Kolachina, Prasanth; Venkatapathy, Sriram; Bangalore, Srinivas; Kolachina, Sudheer; P. V. S., Avinesh}
title = {Phrase Based Decoding using a Discriminative Model}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3806}
author = {Zhechev, Ventsislav; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Seeding Statistical Machine Translation with Translation Memory Output through Tree-Based Structural Alignment}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3807}
author = {Lo, Chi-kiu; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Semantic vs. Syntactic vs. N-gram Structure for Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3808}
author = {Turki Khemakhem, Ines; Jamoussi, Salma; Hamadou, Abdelmajid Ben}
title = {Arabic morpho-syntactic feature disambiguation in a translation context}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3809}
author = {Venkatapathy, Sriram; Sangal, Rajeev; Joshi, Aravind K.; Gali, Karthik}
title = {A Discriminative Approach for Dependency Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3810}
author = {Mohaghegh, Mahsa; Sarrafzadeh, Abdolhossein; Moir, Tom}
title = {Improved Language Modeling for English-Persian Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3811}
author = {Singh, Thoudam Doren; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Manipuri-English Bidirectional Statistical Machine Translation Systems using Morphology and Dependency Relations}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3812}
author = {Khalilov, Maxim; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {A Discriminative Syntactic Model for Source Permutation via Tree Transduction}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3813}
author = {Ma, Yanjun; Way, Andy}
title = {HMM Word-to-Phrase Alignment with Dependency Constraints}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3814}
author = {Zollmann, Andreas; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {New Parameterizations and Features for PSCFG-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3815}
author = {Graham, Yvette; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Deep Syntax Language Models and Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-1001}
author = {Pighin, Daniele; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Automatic Projection of Semantic Structures: an Application to Pairwise Translation Ranking}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1002}
author = {Lo, Chi-kiu; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Structured vs. Flat Semantic Role Representations for Machine Translation Evaluation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1003}
author = {Wu, Shumin; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Semantic Mapping Using Automatic Word Alignment and Semantic Role Labeling}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1004}
author = {Jiang, Jie; Du, Jinhua; Way, Andy}
title = {Incorporating Source-Language Paraphrases into Phrase-Based SMT with Confusion Networks}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1005}
author = {Na, Hwidong; Lee, Jong-Hyeok}
title = {Multi-Word Unit Dependency Forest-based Translation Rule Extraction}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1006}
author = {Lefever, Els; Hoste, Véronique}
title = {An Evaluation and Possible Improvement Path for Current SMT Behavior on Ambiguous Nouns}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1007}
author = {Xiang, Bing; Ge, Niyu; Ittycheriah, Abraham}
title = {Improving Reordering for Statistical Machine Translation with Smoothed Priors and Syntactic Features}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1008}
author = {Saers, Markus; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Reestimation of Reified Rules in Semiring Parsing and Biparsing}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1009}
author = {Attardi, Giuseppe; Chanev, Atanas; Miceli Barone, Antonio Valerio}
title = {A Dependency Based Statistical Translation Model}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1010}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Kosaka, Michiko; Liao, Shasha; Xue, Nianwen}
title = {Improving MT Word Alignment Using Aligned Multi-Stage Parses}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1011}
author = {Hanneman, Greg; Lavie, Alon}
title = {Automatic Category Label Coarsening for Syntax-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1012}
author = {Gao, Qin; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Utilizing Target-Side Semantic Role Labels to Assist Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1013}
author = {McCrae, John; Espinoza, Mauricio; Montiel-Ponsoda, Elena; Aguado de Cea, Guadalupe; Cimiano, Philipp}
title = {Combining statistical and semantic approaches to the translation of ontologies and taxonomies}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1014}
author = {Banches, Rafael E.; Costa-Jussà, Marta Ruiz}
title = {A Semantic Feature for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1015}
author = {Hanneman, Greg; Burroughs, Michelle; Lavie, Alon}
title = {A General-Purpose Rule Extractor for SCFG-Based Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2011}
id = {W12-4201}
author = {Max, Aurélien; Yvon, François; Apidianaki, Marianna; Wisniewski, Guillaume; Sokolov, Artem}
title = {WSD for n-best reranking and local language modeling in SMT}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4202}
author = {Wang, Rui; Osenova, Petya; Simov, Kiril}
title = {Linguistically-Enriched Models for Bulgarian-to-English Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4203}
author = {Wetzel, Dominikus; Bond, Francis}
title = {Enriching Parallel Corpora for Statistical Machine Translation with Semantic Negation Rephrasing}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4204}
author = {Bojar, Ondřej; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Towards a Predicate-Argument Evaluation for MT}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4205}
author = {Mareček, David; DuÅ¡ek, OndÅej; Popel, Martin; Rosa, Rudolf}
title = {Using Parallel Features in Parsing of Machine-Translated Sentences for Correction of Grammatical Errors}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4206}
author = {Lo, Chi-kiu; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Unsupervised vs. supervised weight estimation for semantic MT evaluation metrics}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4207}
author = {Han, Dan; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Wu, Xianchao; Duh, Kevin; Tsukada, Hajime; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Head Finalization Reordering for Chinese-to-Japanese Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4208}
author = {Haugereid, Petter; Bond, Francis}
title = {Extracting Semantic Transfer Rules from Parallel Corpora with SMT Phrase Aligners}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4209}
author = {Quernheim, Daniel; Knight, Kevin}
title = {Towards Probabilistic Acceptors and Transducers for Feature Structures}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4210}
author = {Arcan, Mihael; Federmann, Christian; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {Using Domain-specific and Collaborative Resources for Term Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4211}
author = {Arora, Karunesh Kumar; Sinha, R. Mahesh K.}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation through co-joining parts of verbal constructs in English-Hindi translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4212}
author = {Dekova, Rositsa; Genov, Angel; Dimitrova, Tsvetana; Tarpomanova, Ekaterina; Kukova, Hristina; Stoyanova, Ivelina; Koeva, Svetla; Rizov, Borislav; Leseva, Svetlozara}
title = {Application of Clause Alignment for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-4213}
author = {Taira, Hirotoshi; Sudoh, Katsuhito; Nagata, Masaaki}
title = {Zero Pronoun Resolution can Improve the Quality of J-E Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2012}
id = {W13-0801}
author = {Carpuat, Marine}
title = {A Semantic Evaluation of Machine Translation Lexical Choice}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0802}
author = {Singh, Thoudam Doren}
title = {Taste of Two Different Flavours: Which Manipuri Script works better for English-Manipuri Language pair SMT Systems?}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0803}
author = {Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Gideon; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Hierarchical Alignment Decomposition Labels for Hiero Grammar Rules}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0804}
author = {Huck, Matthias; Vilar, David; Freitag, Markus; Ney, Hermann}
title = {A Performance Study of Cube Pruning for Large-Scale Hierarchical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0805}
author = {Herrmann, Teresa; Niehues, Jan; Waibel, Alex}
title = {Combining Word Reordering Methods on different Linguistic Abstraction Levels for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0806}
author = {Saers, Markus; Addanki, Karteek; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Search for Unsupervised Induction of Transduction Grammars}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0807}
author = {Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Gideon; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {A Formal Characterization of Parsing Word Alignments by Synchronous Grammars with Empirical Evidence to the ITG Hypothesis.}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0808}
author = {Kaeshammer, Miriam}
title = {Synchronous Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems for Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-4001}
author = {Alkhouli, Tamer; Guta, Andreas; Ney, Hermann}
title = {Vector Space Models for Phrase-based Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4002}
author = {Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Gideon; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Bilingual Markov Reordering Labels for Hierarchical SMT}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4003}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Lo, Chi-kiu; Beloucif, Meriem; Saers, Markus}
title = {Better Semantic Frame Based MT Evaluation via Inversion Transduction Grammars}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4004}
author = {Hatakoshi, Yuto; Neubig, Graham; Sakti, Sakriani; Toda, Tomoki; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Rule-based Syntactic Preprocessing for Syntax-based Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4005}
author = {Chuchunkov, Alexander; Tarelkin, Alexander; Galinskaya, Irina}
title = {Applying HMEANT to English-Russian Translations}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4006}
author = {Singla, Karan; Sachdeva, Kunal; Bangalore, Srinivas; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Yadav, Diksha}
title = {Reducing the Impact of Data Sparsity in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4007}
author = {Tambouratzis, George; Sofianopoulos, Sokratis; Vassiliou, Marina}
title = {Expanding the Language model in a low-resource hybrid MT system}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4008}
author = {Samad Zadeh Kaljahi, Rasoul; Foster, Jennifer; Roturier, Johann}
title = {Syntax and Semantics in Quality Estimation of Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4009}
author = {Pouget-Abadie, Jean; Bahdanau, Dzmitry; van Merrienboer, Bart; Cho, Kyunghyun; Bengio, Yoshua}
title = {Overcoming the Curse of Sentence Length for Neural Machine Translation using Automatic Segmentation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4010}
author = {Saers, Markus; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Ternary Segmentation for Improving Search in Top-down Induction of Segmental ITGs}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4011}
author = {Sennrich, Rico}
title = {A CYK+ Variant for SCFG Decoding Without a Dot Chart}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4012}
author = {Cho, Kyunghyun; van Merrienboer, Bart; Bahdanau, Dzmitry; Bengio, Yoshua}
title = {On the Properties of Neural Machine Translation: Encoder–Decoder Approaches}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4013}
author = {Addanki, Karteek; Wu, Dekai}
title = {Transduction Recursive Auto-Associative Memory: Learning Bilingual Compositional Distributed Vector Representations of Inversion Transduction Grammars}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4014}
author = {Li, Liangyou; Xie, Jun; Way, Andy; Liu, Qun}
title = {Transformation and Decomposition for Efficiently Implementing and Improving Dependency-to-String Model In Moses}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4015}
author = {Martinez Garcia, Eva; Tiedemann, Jörg; España-Bonet, Cristina; Màrquez, Lluís}
title = {Word's Vector Representations meet Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4016}
author = {Casteleiro, João; Lopes, Gabriel; Silva, Joaquim}
title = {Context Sense Clustering for Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4017}
author = {Stanojević, Miloš; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {Evaluating Word Order Recursively over Permutation-Forests}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4018}
author = {Huck, Matthias; Hoang, Hieu; Koehn, Philipp}
title = {Preference Grammars and Soft Syntactic Constraints for GHKM Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4019}
author = {Arnoult, Sophie; Sima'an, Khalil}
title = {How Synchronous are Adjuncts in Translation Data?}
venue = {SSST}
year = {2014}
id = {W13-0901}
author = {Dunn, Jonathan}
title = {What metaphor identification systems can tell us about metaphor-in-language}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0902}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Flor, Michael}
title = {Argumentation-Relevant Metaphors in Test-Taker Essays}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0903}
author = {Jamrozik, Anja; Sagi, Eyal; Goldwater, Micah; Gentner, Dedre}
title = {Relational words have high metaphoric potential}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0904}
author = {Mohler, Michael; Bracewell, David; Tomlinson, Marc; Hinote, David}
title = {Semantic Signatures for Example-Based Linguistic Metaphor Detection}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0905}
author = {Wilks, Yorick; Dalton, Adam; Allen, James F.; Galescu, Lucian}
title = {Automatic Metaphor Detection using Large-Scale Lexical Resources and Conventional Metaphor Extraction}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0906}
author = {Tsvetkov, Yulia; Mukomel, Elena; Gershman, Anatole}
title = {Cross-Lingual Metaphor Detection Using Common Semantic Features}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0907}
author = {Hovy, Dirk; Shrivastava, Shashank; Jauhar, Sujay Kumar; Sachan, Mrinmaya; Goyal, Kartik; Li, Huying; Sanders, Whitney; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Identifying Metaphorical Word Use with Tree Kernels}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0908}
author = {Heintz, Ilana; Gabbard, Ryan; Srivastava, Mahesh; Barner, Dave; Black, Donald; Friedman, Majorie; Weischedel, Ralph M.}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Linguistic Metaphors with LDA Topic Modeling}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0909}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Broadwell, George Aaron; Taylor, Sarah M.; Feldman, Laurie; Shaikh, Samira; Liu, Ting; Yamrom, Boris; Cho, Kit; Boz, Umit; Cases, Ignacio; Elliot, Kyle}
title = {Robust Extraction of Metaphor from Novel Data}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-0910}
author = {Badryzlova, Yulia; Shekhtman, Natalia; Isaeva, Yekaterina; Kerimov, Ruslan}
title = {Annotating a Russian corpus of conceptual metaphor: a bottom-up approach}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-2301}
author = {Jang, Hyeju; Piergallini, Mario; Wen, Miaomiao; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Conversational Metaphors in Use: Exploring the Contrast between Technical and Everyday Notions of Metaphor}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2302}
author = {Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Leong, Ben; Heilman, Michael; Flor, Michael}
title = {Different Texts, Same Metaphors: Unigrams and Beyond}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2303}
author = {Schulder, Marc; Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Metaphor Detection through Term Relevance}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2304}
author = {Dunn, Jonathan}
title = {Multi-dimensional abstractness in cross-domain mappings}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2305}
author = {Ovchinnikova, Ekaterina; Israel, Ross; Wertheim, Suzanne; Zaytsev, Vladimir; Montazeri, Niloofar; Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Abductive Inference for Interpretation of Metaphors}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2306}
author = {Strzalkowski, Tomek; Shaikh, Samira; Cho, Kit; Broadwell, George Aaron; Feldman, Laurie; Taylor, Sarah M.; Yamrom, Boris; Liu, Ting; Cases, Ignacio; Peshkova, Yuliya; Elliot, Kyle}
title = {Computing Affect in Metaphors}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2307}
author = {Veale, Tony}
title = {A Service-Oriented Architecture for Metaphor Processing}
venue = {metaphor in NLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W03-1801}
author = {Dowdall, James; Rinaldi, Fabio; Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia; SanJuan, Eric}
title = {Complex Structuring Of Term Variants For Question Answering}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1802}
author = {Daille, Béatrice}
title = {Conceptual Structuring Through Term Variations}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1803}
author = {Tanaka, Takaaki; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Noun-Noun Compound Machine Translation A Feasibility Study On Shallow Processing}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1804}
author = {Gil, Alexandre; Dias, Gaël}
title = {Using Masks Suffix Array-Based Data Structures And Multidimensional Arrays To Compute Positional Ngram Statistics From Corpora}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1805}
author = {Tomokiyo, Takashi; Hurst, Matthew}
title = {A Language Model Approach To Keyphrase Extraction}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1806}
author = {Dias, Gaël}
title = {Multiword Unit Hybrid Extraction}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1807}
author = {Piao, Scott S. L.; Rayson, Paul; Archer, Dawn; Wilson, Andrew T.; McEnery, Tony}
title = {Extracting Multiword Expressions With A Semantic Tagger}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1808}
author = {Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {Verb-Particle Constructions And Lexical Resources}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1809}
author = {Bannard, Colin; Baldwin, Timothy; Lascarides, Alex}
title = {A Statistical Approach To The Semantics Of Verb-Particles}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1810}
author = {McCarthy, Diana; Keller, Bill; Carroll, John}
title = {Detecting A Continuum Of Compositionality In Phrasal Verbs}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1811}
author = {Uchiyama, Kiyoko; Ishizaki, Shun}
title = {A Disambiguation Method For Japanese Compound Verbs}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1812}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Bannard, Colin; Tanaka, Takaaki; Widdows, Dominic}
title = {An Empirical Model Of Multiword Expression Decomposability}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W03-1813}
author = {Trawinski, Beata}
title = {Licensing Complex Prepositions Via Lexical Constraints}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2003}
id = {W04-0401}
author = {Stevenson, Suzanne; Fazly, Afsaneh; North, Ryan}
title = {Statistical Measures Of The Semi-Productivity Of Light Verb Constructions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0402}
author = {Fujita, Atsushi; Furihata, Kentaro; Inui, Kentaro; Matsumoto, Yuji; Takeuchi, Koichi}
title = {Paraphrasing Of Japanese Light-Verb Constructions Based On Lexical Conceptual Structure}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0403}
author = {Sharoff, Serge}
title = {What Is At Stake: A Case Study Of Russian Expressions Starting With A Preposition}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0404}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy; Tanaka, Takaaki}
title = {Translation By Machine Of Complex Nominals: Getting It Right}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0405}
author = {Shudo, Kosho; Tanabe, Toshifumi; Takahashi, Masahito; Yoshimura, Kenji}
title = {MWEs As Non-Propositional Content Indicators}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0406}
author = {Venkatsubramanyan, Shailaja; Perez-Carballo, Jose}
title = {Multiword Expression Filtering For Building Knowledge}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0407}
author = {Alegria, Iñaki; Ansa, Olatz; Artola, Xabier; Ezeiza, Nerea; Gojenola, Koldo; Urizar, Ruben}
title = {Representation And Treatment Of Multiword Expressions In Basque}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0408}
author = {Debusmann, Ralph}
title = {Multiword Expressions As Dependency Subgraphs}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0409}
author = {Oflazer, Kemal; Cetinoglu, Ozlem; Say, Bilge}
title = {Integrating Morphology With Multi-Word Expression Processing In Turkish}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0410}
author = {Baptista, Jorge; Correia, Anabela; Fernandes, Graca}
title = {Frozen Sentences Of Portuguese: Formal Descriptions For NLP}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0411}
author = {Villavicencio, Aline; Copestake, Ann; Waldron, Benjamin; Lambeau, Fabre}
title = {Lexical Encoding Of MWEs}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0412}
author = {Doucet, Antoine; Ahonen-Myka, Helana}
title = {Non-Contiguous Word Sequences For Information Retrieval}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W04-0413}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Reeves, Ruth; Macleod, Catherine}
title = {NP-External Arguments: A Study Of Argument Sharing In English}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2004}
id = {W06-1201}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Compositionality And Multiword Expressions: Six Of One Half A Dozen Of The Other?}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1202}
author = {Piao, Scott S. L.; Rayson, Paul; Mudraya, Olga; Wilson, Andrew T.; Garside, Roger}
title = {Measuring MWE Compositionality Using Semantic Annotation}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1203}
author = {Katz, Graham; Giesbrecht, Eugenie}
title = {Automatic Identification Of Non-Compositional Multi-Word Expressions Using Latent Semantic Analysis}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1204}
author = {Venkatapathy, Sriram; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Using Information About Multi-Word Expressions For The Word-Alignment Task}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1205}
author = {Mukerjee, Amitabha; Soni, Ankit; Raina, Achla M.}
title = {Detecting Complex Predicates In Hindi Using POS Projection Across Parallel Corpora}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1206}
author = {Zhang, Yi; Kordoni, Valia; Villavicencio, Aline; Idiart, Marco}
title = {Automated Multiword Expression Prediction For Grammar Engineering}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1207}
author = {Cook, Paul; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Classifying Particle Semantics In English Verb-Particle Constructions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2006}
id = {W06-1208}
author = {Nicholson, Jeremy; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Interpretation Of Compound Nominalisations Using Corpus And Web Statistics}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2006}
id = {W07-1101}
author = {Bannard, Colin}
title = {A Measure of Syntactic Flexibility for Automatically Identifying Multiword Expressions in Corpora}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1102}
author = {Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Distinguishing Subtypes of Multiword Expressions Using Linguistically-Motivated Statistical Measures}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1103}
author = {Gregoire, Nicole}
title = {Design and Implementation of a Lexicon of Dutch Multiword Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1104}
author = {Van de Cruys, Tim; Moirón, Begoña Villada}
title = {Semantics-based Multiword Expression Extraction}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1105}
author = {Catala, Dolors; Baptista, Jorge}
title = {Spanish Adverbial Frozen Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1106}
author = {Cook, Paul; Fazly, Afsaneh; Stevenson, Suzanne}
title = {Pulling their Weight: Exploiting Syntactic Forms for the Automatic Identification of Idiomatic Expressions in Context}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1107}
author = {Dahlmann, Irina; Adolphs, Svenja}
title = {Pauses as an Indicator of Psycholinguistically Valid Multi-Word Expressions (MWEs)?}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1108}
author = {Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid; Copestake, Ann}
title = {Co-occurrence Contexts for Noun Compound Interpretation}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1109}
author = {Utsuro, Takehito; Shime, Takao; Tsuchiya, Masatoshi; Matsuyoshi, Suguru; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {Learning Dependency Relations of Japanese Compound Functional Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2007}
id = {W07-1110}
author = {Zhao, Jinglei; Liu, Hui; Lu, Ruzhan}
title = {Semantic Labeling of Compound Nominalization in Chinese}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2007}
id = {W09-2901}
author = {Caseli, Helena M.; Villavicencio, Aline; Machado, André; Finatto, Maria José}
title = {Statistically-Driven Alignment-Based Multiword Expression Identification for Technical Domains}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2902}
author = {Kim, Su Nam; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {Re-examining Automatic Keyphrase Extraction Approaches in Scientific Articles}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2903}
author = {Diab, Mona; Bhutada, Pravin}
title = {Verb Noun Construction MWE Token Classification}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2904}
author = {Zarrieß, Sina; Kuhn, Jonas}
title = {Exploiting Translational Correspondences for Pattern-Independent MWE Identification}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2905}
author = {Hoang, Hung Huu; Kim, Su Nam; Kan, Min-Yen}
title = {A re-examination of lexical association measures}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2906}
author = {Sinha, R. Mahesh K.}
title = {Mining Complex Predicates In Hindi Using A Parallel Hindi-English Corpus}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2907}
author = {Ren, Zhixiang; Lü, Yajuan; Cao, Jie; Liu, Qun; Huang, Yun}
title = {Improving Statistical Machine Translation Using Domain Bilingual Multiword Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2908}
author = {Funayama, Hirotaka; Shibata, Tomohide; Kurohashi, Sadao}
title = {Bottom-up Named Entity Recognition using Two-stage Machine Learning Method}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2009}
id = {W09-2909}
author = {Wakaki, Hiromi; Fujii, Hiroko; Suzuki, Masaru; Fukui, Mika; Sumita, Kazuo}
title = {Abbreviation Generation for Japanese Multi-Word Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2009}
id = {W10-3701}
author = {Kageura, Kyo}
title = {Being Theoretical is Being Practical: Multiword Units and Terminological Structure Revitalised}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3702}
author = {Gralinski, Filip; Savary, Agata; Czerepowicka, Monika; Makowiecki, Filip}
title = {Computational Lexicography of Multi-Word Units. How Efficient Can It Be?}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3703}
author = {Wang, Lei; Yu, Shiwen}
title = {Construction of Chinese Idiom Knowledge-base and Its Applications}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3704}
author = {Attia, Mohammed; Toral, Antonio; Tounsi, Lamia; Pecina, Pavel; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Arabic Multiword Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3705}
author = {Wehrli, Eric; Seretan, Violeta; Nerima, Luka}
title = {Sentence Analysis and Collocation Identification}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3706}
author = {Das, Dipankar; Pal, Santanu; Mondal, Tapabrata; Chakraborty, Tanmoy; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Automatic Extraction of Complex Predicates in Bengali}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3707}
author = {Pal, Santanu; Naskar, Sudip Kumar; Pecina, Pavel; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji; Way, Andy}
title = {Handling Named Entities and Compound Verbs in Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3708}
author = {Xu, Ying; Goebel, Randy; Ringlstetter, Christoph; Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {Application of the Tightness Continuum Measure to Chinese Information Retrieval}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3709}
author = {Izumi, Tomoko; Imamura, Kenji; Kikui, Genichiro; Sato, Satoshi}
title = {Standardizing Complex Functional Expressions in Japanese Predicates: Applying Theoretically-Based Paraphrasing Rules}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3710}
author = {Chakraborty, Tanmoy; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Identification of Reduplication in Bengali Corpus and their Semantic Analysis: A Rule Based Approach}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3711}
author = {Bonin, Francesca; Dell'Orletta, Felice; Venturi, Giulia; Montemagni, Simonetta}
title = {Contrastive Filtering of Domain-Specific Multi-Word Terms from Different Types of Corpora}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3712}
author = {Hazelbeck, Gregory; Saito, Hiroaki}
title = {A Hybrid Approach for Functional Expression Identification in a Japanese Reading Assistant}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3713}
author = {Martens, Scott; Vandeghinste, Vincent}
title = {An Efficient Generic Approach to Extracting Multi-Word Expressions from Dependency Trees}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3714}
author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Multiword Expressions as Discourse Relation Markers (DRMs)}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2010}
id = {W11-0801}
author = {Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {MWEs and Topic Modelling: Enhancing Machine Learning with Linguistics}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0802}
author = {Gurrutxaga, Antton; Alegria, Iñaki}
title = {Automatic Extraction of NV Expressions in Basque: Basic Issues on Cooccurrence Techniques}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0803}
author = {Chakraborty, Tanmoy; Das, Dipankar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {Semantic Clustering: an Attempt to Identify Multiword Expressions in Bengali}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0804}
author = {Hogan, Deirdre; Foster, Jennifer; van Genabith, Josef}
title = {Decreasing Lexical Data Sparsity in Statistical Syntactic Parsing - Experiments with Named Entities}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0805}
author = {Finlayson, Mark; Kulkarni, Nidhi}
title = {Detecting Multi-Word Expressions Improves Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0806}
author = {Schuler, William; Joshi, Aravind K.}
title = {Tree-Rewriting Models of Multi-Word Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0807}
author = {Tu, Yuancheng; Roth, Dan}
title = {Learning English Light Verb Constructions: Contextual or Statistical}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0808}
author = {Lee, Juwon}
title = {Two Types of Korean Light Verb Constructions in a Typed Feature Structure Grammar}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0809}
author = {Constant, Matthieu; Sigogne, Anthony}
title = {MWU-Aware Part-of-Speech Tagging with a CRF Model and Lexical Resources}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0810}
author = {Krovetz, Robert; Deane, Paul; Madnani, Nitin}
title = {The Web is not a PERSON Berners-Lee is not an ORGANIZATION and African-Americans are not LOCATIONS: An Analysis of the Performance of Named-Entity Recognition}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0811}
author = {Crysmann, Berthold}
title = {A Machine Learning Approach to Relational Noun Mining in German}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0812}
author = {Sanches Duran, Magali; Ramisch, Carlos; Aluísio, Sandra; Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {Identifying and Analyzing Brazilian Portuguese Complex Predicates}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0813}
author = {Watrin, Patrick; François, Thomas}
title = {An N-gram Frequency Database Reference to Handle MWE Extraction in NLP Applications}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0814}
author = {Haugereid, Petter; Bond, Francis}
title = {Extracting Transfer Rules for Multiword Expressions from Parallel Corpora}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0815}
author = {Acosta, Otavio; Villavicencio, Aline; Moreira, Viviane}
title = {Identification and Treatment of Multiword Expressions Applied to Information Retrieval}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0816}
author = {Sinha, Rai Mahesh}
title = {Stepwise Mining of Multi-Word Expressions in Hindi}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0817}
author = {Vincze, Veronika; Nagy, István; Berend, Gábor}
title = {Detecting Noun Compounds and Light Verb Constructions: a Contrastive Study}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0818}
author = {Kulkarni, Nidhi; Finlayson, Mark}
title = {jMWE: A Java Toolkit for Detecting Multi-Word Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0819}
author = {Seretan, Violeta; Wehrli, Eric}
title = {FipsCoView: On-line Visualisation of Collocations Extracted from Multilingual Parallel Corpora}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0820}
author = {Wible, David; Tsao, Nai-Lung}
title = {The StringNet Lexico-Grammatical Knowledgebase and its Applications}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0821}
author = {Pedersen, Ted; Banerjee, Satanjeev; McInnes, Bridget T.; Kohli, Saiyam; Joshi, Mahesh; Liu, Ying}
title = {The Ngram Statistics Package (Text::NSP) : A Flexible Tool for Identifying Ngrams Collocations and Word Associations}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0822}
author = {De Araujo, Vitor; Ramisch, Carlos; Villavicencio, Aline}
title = {Fast and Flexible MWE Candidate Generation with the mwetoolkit}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-0823}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {How Many Multiword Expressions do People Know?}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2011}
id = {W13-1001}
author = {Moreno-Ortiz, Antonio; Perez-Hernandez, Chantal; Del-Olmo, Maria}
title = {Managing Multiword Expressions in a Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis System for Spanish}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1002}
author = {Samvelian, Pollet; Faghiri, Pegah}
title = {Introducing PersPred, a Syntactic and Semantic Database for Persian Complex Predicates}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1003}
author = {Bungum, Lars; Gambäck, Björn; Lynum, André; Marsi, Erwin}
title = {Improving Word Translation Disambiguation by Capturing Multiword Expressions with Dictionaries}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1004}
author = {Palmer, Martha}
title = {Complex Predicates are Multi-Word Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1005}
author = {Roller, Stephen; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Scheible, Silke}
title = {The (Un)expected Effects of Applying Standard Cleansing Models to Human Ratings on Compositionality}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1006}
author = {Krčmář, Lubomír; Ježek, Karel; Pecina, Pavel}
title = {Determining Compositionality of Word Expressions Using Word Space Models}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1007}
author = {Nissim, Malvina}
title = {Modelling the Internal Variability of MWEs}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1008}
author = {Cook, Paul; Hirst, Graeme}
title = {Automatically Assessing Whether a Text Is Cliched, with Applications to Literary Analysis}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1009}
author = {Urešová, Zdeňka; Hajič, Jan; Fucikova, Eva; Sindlerova, Jana}
title = {An Analysis of Annotation of Verb-Noun Idiomatic Combinations in a Parallel Dependency Corpus}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1010}
author = {Gayen, Vivekananda; Sarkar, Kamal}
title = {Automatic Identification of Bengali Noun-Noun Compounds Using Random Forest}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1011}
author = {Kopotev, Mikhail; Pivovarova, Lidia; Kochetkova, Natalia; Yangarber, Roman}
title = {Automatic Detection of Stable Grammatical Features in N-Grams}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1012}
author = {Manrique-Losada, Bell; Zapata-Jaramillo, Carlos M.; Burgos, Diego}
title = {Exploring MWEs for Knowledge Acquisition from Corporate Technical Documents}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1013}
author = {Antunes, Sandra; Mendes, Amália}
title = {MWE in Portuguese: Proposal for a Typology for Annotation in Running Text}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1014}
author = {Sanches Duran, Magali; Scarton, Carolina; Aluísio, Sandra Maria; Ramisch, Carlos}
title = {Identifying Pronominal Verbs: Towards Automatic Disambiguation of the Clitic 'se' in Portuguese}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1015}
author = {Nissim, Malvina; Zaninello, Andrea}
title = {A Repository of Variation Patterns for Multiword Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1016}
author = {BejÄek, Eduard; Strañák, Pavel; Pecina, Pavel}
title = {Syntactic Identification of Occurrences of Multiword Expressions in Text using a Lexicon with Dependency Structures}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1017}
author = {Gurrutxaga, Antton; Alegria, Iñaki}
title = {Combining Different Features of Idiomaticity for the Automatic Classification of Noun+Verb Expressions in Basque}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1018}
author = {Vaidya, Ashwini; Palmer, Martha; Narasimhan, Bhuvana}
title = {Semantic Roles for Nominal Predicates: Building a Lexical Resource}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1019}
author = {Berlanda, Sara}
title = {Constructional Intensifying Adjectives in Italian}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1020}
author = {Burstein, Jill}
title = {The Far Reach of Multiword Expressions in Educational Technology}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1021}
author = {Shigeto, Yutaro; Azuma, Ai; Hisamoto, Sorami; Kondo, Shuhei; Kouse, Tomoya; Sakaguchi, Keisuke; Yoshimoto, Akifumi; Yung, Frances; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Construction of English MWE Dictionary and its Application to POS Tagging}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-0801}
author = {Smith, Aaron}
title = {Breaking Bad: Extraction of Verb-Particle Constructions from a Parallel Subtitles Corpus}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0802}
author = {Farahmand, Meghdad; Martins, Ronaldo Teixeira}
title = {A Supervised Model for Extraction of Multiword Expressions, Based on Statistical Context Features}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0803}
author = {Nagy T., István; Nagy T., István; Vincze, Veronika}
title = {VPCTagger: Detecting Verb-Particle Constructions With Syntax-Based Methods}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0804}
author = {Wehrli, Eric}
title = {The Relevance of Collocations for Parsing}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0805}
author = {Samaridi, Niki; Markantonatou, Stella}
title = {Parsing Modern Greek verb MWEs with LFG/XLE grammars}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0806}
author = {Salton, Giancarlo; Ross, Robert; Kelleher, John D.}
title = {Evaluation of a Substitution Method for Idiom Transformation in Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0807}
author = {Fotopoulou, Aggeliki; Markantonatou, Stella; Giouli, Voula}
title = {Encoding MWEs in a conceptual lexicon}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0808}
author = {Parra Escartín, Carla; Peitz, Stephan; Ney, Hermann}
title = {German Compounds and Statistical Machine Translation. Can they get along?}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0809}
author = {Castagnoli, Sara}
title = {Extracting MWEs from Italian corpora: A case study for refining the POS-pattern methodology}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0810}
author = {Senthil Kumar, Prathyusha; Salaka, Vamsi; King, Tracy Holloway; Johnson, Brian}
title = {Mickey Mouse is not a Phrase: Improving Relevance in E-Commerce with Multiword Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0811}
author = {Friberg Heppin, Karin; Petruck, Miriam R. L.}
title = {Encoding of Compounds in Swedish FrameNet}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0812}
author = {Dubremetz, Marie; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Extraction of Nominal Multiword Expressions in French}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0813}
author = {Squillante, Luigi}
title = {Towards an Empirical Subcategorization of Multiword Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0814}
author = {Steyer, Kathrin; Brunner, Annelen}
title = {Contexts, Patterns, Interrelations - New Ways of Presenting Multi-word Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0815}
author = {Emms, Martin; Jayapal, Arun}
title = {Detecting change and emergence for multiword expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0816}
author = {Bonial, Claire; Green, Meredith; Preciado, Jenette; Palmer, Martha}
title = {An Approach to Take Multi-Word Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0817}
author = {Ullman, Edvin; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Paraphrasing Swedish Compound Nouns in Machine Translation}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0818}
author = {Roller, Stephen; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Feature Norms of German Noun Compounds}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0819}
author = {Pereira, Lis; Strafella, Elga; Duh, Kevin; Matsumoto, Yuji}
title = {Identifying collocations using cross-lingual association measures}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0820}
author = {Girju, Roxana; Al-Sabbagh, Rania; Gîrju, Roxana; Diesner, Jana}
title = {Unsupervised Construction of a Lexicon and a Repository of Variation Patterns for Arabic Modal Multiword Expressions}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0821}
author = {Schottmüller, Nina; Nivre, Joakim}
title = {Issues in Translating Verb-Particle Constructions from German to English}
venue = {MWE}
year = {2014}
id = {W13-1101}
author = {Khan, Mohammad; Dickinson, Markus; Kuebler, Sandra}
title = {Does Size Matter? Text and Grammar Revision for Parsing Social Media Data}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1102}
author = {Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Phonological Factors in Social Media Writing}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1103}
author = {Xu, Wei; Grishman, Ralph; Meyers, Adam; Ritter, Alan}
title = {A Preliminary Study of Tweet Summarization using Information Extraction}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1104}
author = {Lukin, Stephanie; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Really? Well. Apparently Bootstrapping Improves the Performance of Sarcasm and Nastiness Classifiers for Online Dialogue}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1105}
author = {Lin, Ching-Sheng; Shaikh, Samira; Stromer-Galley, Jennifer; Crowley, Jennifer; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Ravishankar, Veena}
title = {Topical Positioning: A New Method for Predicting Opinion Changes in Conversation}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1106}
author = {Bakliwal, Akshat; Foster, Jennifer; van der Puil, Jennifer; O'Brien, Ron; Tounsi, Lamia; Hughes, Mark}
title = {Sentiment Analysis of Political Tweets: Towards an Accurate Classifier}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1107}
author = {Solorio, Thamar; Hasan, Ragib; Mizan, Mainul}
title = {A Case Study of Sockpuppet Detection in Wikipedia}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1108}
author = {Wiegand, Michael; Klakow, Dietrich}
title = {Towards the Detection of Reliable Food-Health Relationships}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1109}
author = {Gotti, Fabrizio; Langlais, Philippe; Farzindar, Atefeh}
title = {Translating Government Agencies’ Tweet Feeds: Specificities, Problems and (a few) Solutions}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-1301}
author = {Mosquera, Alejandro; Moreda Pozo, Paloma}
title = {Mining Lexical Variants from Microblogs: An Unsupervised Multilingual Approach}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1302}
author = {Hürriyetoğlu, Ali; Oostdijk, Nelleke; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {Estimating Time to Event from Tweets Using Temporal Expressions}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1303}
author = {Lui, Marco; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Accurate Language Identification of Twitter Messages}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1304}
author = {Kunneman, Florian; Liebrecht, Christine; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {The (Un)Predictability of Emotional Hashtags in Twitter}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1305}
author = {Trabelsi, Amine; Zaiane, Osmar R.}
title = {Finding Arguing Expressions of Divergent Viewpoints in Online Debates}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1306}
author = {Pavlopoulos, John; Androutsopoulos, Ion}
title = {Aspect Term Extraction for Sentiment Analysis: New Datasets, New Evaluation Measures and an Improved Unsupervised Method}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1307}
author = {Adali, Kübra; Eryiğit, Gülsen}
title = {Vowel and Diacritic Restoration for Social Media Texts}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1308}
author = {Torunoğlu, Dilara; Eryiğit, Gülsen}
title = {A Cascaded Approach for Social Media Text Normalization of Turkish}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1309}
author = {Kucuk, Dilek; Steinberger, Ralf}
title = {Experiments to Improve Named Entity Recognition on Turkish Tweets}
venue = {LASM}
year = {2014}
id = {W13-1201}
author = {Delmonte, Rodolfo}
title = {Coping With Implicit Arguments And Events Coreference}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1202}
author = {Fokkens, Antske; van Erp, Marieke; Vossen, Piek; Tonelli, Sara; Van Hage, Willem Robert; Serafini, Luciano; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Hoeksema, Jesper}
title = {GAF: A Grounded Annotation Framework for Events}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1203}
author = {Hovy, Eduard; Mitamura, Teruko; Verdejo, M. Felisa; Araki, Jun; Philpot, Andrew}
title = {Events are Not Simple: Identity, Non-Identity, and Quasi-Identity}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1204}
author = {Pivovarova, Lidia; Huttunen, Silja; Yangarber, Roman}
title = {Event representation across genre}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1205}
author = {Shaw, Ryan}
title = {A Semantic Tool for Historical Events}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1206}
author = {Vanderwende, Lucy; Xia, Fei; Yetisgen-Yildiz, Meliha}
title = {Annotating Change of State for Clinical Events}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-2901}
author = {Van Durme, Benjamin; Rastogi, Pushpendre; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Augmenting FrameNet Via PPDB}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2902}
author = {Dušek, Ondřej; Dušek, Ondřej; Hajic, Jan; Hajič, Jan; Urešová, Zdeňka}
title = {Verbal Valency Frame Detection and Selection in Czech and English}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2903}
author = {Ikuta, Rei; Styler, Will; Hamang, Mariah; O'Gorman, Tim; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Challenges of Adding Causation to Richer Event Descriptions}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2904}
author = {Kulick, Seth; Bies, Ann; Mott, Justin}
title = {Inter-annotator Agreement for ERE annotation}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2905}
author = {Rusu, Delia; Hodson, James; Kimball, Anthony}
title = {Unsupervised Techniques for Extracting and Clustering Complex Events in News}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2906}
author = {Torabi Asr, Fatemeh; Sonntag, Jonathan; Grishina, Yulia; Stede, Manfred}
title = {Conceptual and Practical Steps in Event Coreference Analysis of Large-scale Data}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2907}
author = {Aguilar, Jacqueline; Beller, Charley; McNamee, Paul; Van Durme, Benjamin; van Durme, Benjamin; Strassel, Stephanie; Song, Zhiyi; Ellis, Joe}
title = {A Comparison of the Events and Relations Across ACE, ERE, TAC-KBP, and FrameNet Annotation Standards}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2908}
author = {Rudinger, Rachel; Van Durme, Benjamin; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Is the Stanford Dependency Representation Semantic?}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2909}
author = {Monahan, Sean; Brunson, Mary}
title = {Qualities of Eventiveness}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2910}
author = {Araki, Jun; Hovy, Eduard; Mitamura, Teruko}
title = {Evaluation for Partial Event Coreference}
venue = {Events: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation}
year = {2014}
id = {W13-1301}
author = {Mason, Rebecca; Charniak, Eugene}
title = {Annotation of Online Shopping Images without Labeled Training Examples}
venue = {WVL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1302}
author = {Krishnamoorthy, Niveda; Malkarnenkar, Girish; Mooney, Raymond J.; Saenko, Kate; Guadarrama, Sergio}
title = {Generating Natural-Language Video Descriptions Using Text-Mined Knowledge}
venue = {WVL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1303}
author = {Mittelman, Roni; Sun, Min; Kuipers, Benjamin; Savarese, Silvio}
title = {Learning Hierarchical Linguistic Descriptions of Visual Datasets}
venue = {WVL}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1501}
author = {Burstein, Jill; Sabatini, John; Shore, Jane; Moulder, Brad; Lentini, Jennifer}
title = {A User Study: Technology to Increase Teachers' Linguistic Awareness to Improve Instructional Language Support for English Language Learners}
venue = {NLP4ITA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1502}
author = {Barbu, Eduard; Martin-Valdivia, Maria Teresa; Ureña-López, Luis Alfonso}
title = {Open Book: a tool for helping ASD users' semantic comprehension}
venue = {NLP4ITA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1503}
author = {Eskenazi, Maxine; Lin, Yibin; Saz, Oscar}
title = {Tools for non-native readers: the case for translation and simplification}
venue = {NLP4ITA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1504}
author = {Flor, Michael; Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Sheehan, Kathleen M.}
title = {Lexical Tightness and Text Complexity}
venue = {NLP4ITA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1505}
author = {Bautista, Susana; Hervás, Raquel; Gervás, Pablo; Power, Richard; Williams, Sandra}
title = {A System for the Simplification of Numerical Expressions at Different Levels of Understandability}
venue = {NLP4ITA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1506}
author = {Sheehan, Kathleen M.; Flor, Michael; Napolitano, Diane}
title = {A Two-Stage Approach for Generating Unbiased Estimates of Text Complexity}
venue = {NLP4ITA}
year = {2013}
id = {W11-1701}
author = {Anand, Pranav; Walker, Marilyn A.; Abbott, Rob; Fox Tree, Jean E.; Bowmani, Robeson; Minor, Michael}
title = {Cats Rule and Dogs Drool!: Classifying Stance in Online Debate}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1702}
author = {Maks, Isa; Vossen, Piek}
title = {A verb lexicon model for deep sentiment analysis and opinion mining applications}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1703}
author = {Tufiš, Dan; Ştefănescu, Dan}
title = {Experiments with a Differential Semantics Annotation for WordNet 3.0}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1704}
author = {Steinberger, Josef; Lenkova, Polina; Ebrahim, Mohamed; Ehrmann, Maud; Hurriyetoglu, Ali; Alexandrov-Kabadjov, Mijail; Steinberger, Ralf; Tanev, Hristo; Zavarella, Vanni; Vazquez, Silvia}
title = {Creating Sentiment Dictionaries via Triangulation}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1705}
author = {Goyal, Amit; Daumé III, Hal}
title = {Generating Semantic Orientation Lexicon using Large Data and Thesaurus}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1706}
author = {Clarke, Daoud; Lane, Peter; Hender, Paul}
title = {Developing Robust Models for Favourability Analysis}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1707}
author = {Balahur, Alexandra; Hermida, Jesús M.; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {Detecting Implicit Expressions of Sentiment in Text Based on Commonsense Knowledge}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1708}
author = {van de Camp, Matje; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {A Link to the Past: Constructing Historical Social Networks}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1709}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Yang, Tony}
title = {Tracking Sentiment in Mail: How Genders Differ on Emotional Axes}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1710}
author = {Torii, Yoshimitsu; Das, Dipankar; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji; Okumura, Manabu}
title = {Developing Japanese WordNet Affect for Analyzing Emotions}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1711}
author = {Kumamoto, Tadahiko; Kawai, Yukiko; Tanaka, Katsumi}
title = {Improving a Method for Quantifying Readers' Impressions of News Articles with a Regression Equation}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1712}
author = {Duric, Adnan; Song, Fei}
title = {Feature Selection for Sentiment Analysis Based on Content and Syntax Models}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1713}
author = {Vaassen, Frederik; Daelemans, Walter}
title = {Automatic Emotion Classification for Interpersonal Communication}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1714}
author = {Tchalakova, Maria; Gerdemann, Dale; Meurers, Detmar}
title = {Automatic Sentiment Classification of Product Reviews Using Maximal Phrases Based Analysis}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1715}
author = {Reyes, Antonio; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {Mining Subjective Knowledge from Customer Reviews: A Specific Case of Irony Detection}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1716}
author = {Cruz, Fermín L.; Troyano, Josè A.; Ortega, F. Javier; Enríquez, Fernando}
title = {Automatic Expansion of Feature-Level Opinion Lexicons}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1717}
author = {A. R., Balamurali; Joshi, Aditya; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Robust Sense-based Sentiment Classification}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1718}
author = {Gutiérrez, Yoan; Vázquez, Sonia; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {Sentiment Classification Using Semantic Features Extracted from WordNet-based Resources}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1719}
author = {Perez-Tellez, Fernando; Pinto, David; Cardiff, John; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {On the Difficulty of Clustering Microblog Texts for Online Reputation Management}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1720}
author = {Russo, Irene; Caselli, Tommaso; Rubino, Francesco; Boldrini, Ester; Martínez-Barco, Patricio}
title = {EMOCause: An Easy-adaptable Approach to Extract Emotion Cause Contexts}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1721}
author = {Wang, Dong; Liu, Yang}
title = {A Cross-corpus Study of Unsupervised Subjectivity Identification based on Calibrated EM}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1722}
author = {Lloret, Elena; Balahur, Alexandra; Palomar, Manuel; Montoyo, Andrés}
title = {Towards a Unified Approach for Opinion Question Answering and Summarization}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1723}
author = {Haider, Syed Aqueel; Mehrotra, Rishabh}
title = {Corporate News Classification and Valence Prediction: A Supervised Approach}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1724}
author = {Xu, Ruifeng; Xu, Jun; XiaoLong, Wang}
title = {Instance Level Transfer Learning for Cross Lingual Opinion Analysis}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W11-1725}
author = {Ginsca, Alexandru-Lucian; Boros, Emanuela; Iftene, Adrian; Trandabat, Diana; Toader, Mihai; Corici, Marius; Perez, Cenel-Augusto; Cristea, Dan}
title = {Sentimatrix – Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Service}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2011}
id = {W12-3701}
author = {Mihalcea, Rada}
title = {Multimodal Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3702}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3703}
author = {Urena-Lopez, L. Alfonso; Martìnez-Cámara, Eugenio; Martìn-Valdivia, M. Teresa; Montejo-Raez, Arturo}
title = {Random Walk Weighting over SentiWordNet for Sentiment Polarity Detection on Twitter}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3704}
author = {Bakliwal, Akshat; Madhappan, Senthil; Kapre, Nikhil; Singh, Mukesh; Arora, Piyush; Varma, Vasudeva}
title = {Mining Sentiments from Tweets}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3705}
author = {Abdul-Mageed, Muhammad; Kuebler, Sandra; Diab, Mona}
title = {SAMAR: A System for Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis of Arabic Social Media}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3706}
author = {Bonev, Boyan; Ramìrez Sánchez, Gema; Ortiz Rojas, Sergio}
title = {Opinum: statistical sentiment analysis for opinion classification}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3707}
author = {Björn, Gambäck; Das, Amitava}
title = {Sentimantics: Conceptual Spaces for Lexical Sentiment Polarity Representation with Contextuality}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3708}
author = {Ando, Maya; Ishizaki, Shun}
title = {Analysis of Travel Review Data from Reader’s Point of View}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3709}
author = {Balahur, Alexandra; Turchi, Marco}
title = {Multilingual Sentiment Analysis using Machine Translation?}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3710}
author = {Yin, Jie; Narang, Nalin; Thomas, Paul; Paris, Cecile}
title = {Unifying Local and Global Agreement and Disagreement Classification in Online Debates}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3711}
author = {Inkpen, Diana Zaiu; Ghazi, Diman; Szpakowicz, Stan}
title = {Prior versus Contextual Emotion of a Word in a Sentence}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3712}
author = {Smith, Phillip; Lee, Mark}
title = {Cross-discourse Development of Supervised Sentiment Analysis in the Clinical Domain}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3713}
author = {Reschke, Kevin; Anand, Pranav}
title = {POLITICAL-ADS: An annotated corpus for modeling event-level evaluativity}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3714}
author = {Ptaszynski, Michal; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, Kenji; Momouchi, Yoshio}
title = {Automatically Annotating A Five-Billion-Word Corpus of Japanese Blogs for Affect and Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3715}
author = {Berend, Gábor; Vincze, Veronika}
title = {How to Evaluate Opinionated Keyphrase Extraction?}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3716}
author = {Ruppenhofer, Josef; Rehbein, Ines}
title = {Semantic frames as an anchor representation for sentiment analysis}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W12-3717}
author = {Bogdanova, Dasha; Rosso, Paolo; Solorio, Thamar}
title = {On the Impact of Sentiment and Emotion Based Features in Detecting Online Sexual Predators}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2012}
id = {W13-1601}
author = {Picard, Rosalind}
title = {Recent adventures with emotion-reading technology}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1602}
author = {Qadir, Ashequl; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {Bootstrapped Learning of Emotion Hashtags #hashtags4you}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1603}
author = {Sintsova, Valentina; Musat, Claudiu; Pu, Pearl}
title = {Fine-Grained Emotion Recognition in Olympic Tweets Based on Human Computation}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1604}
author = {Dell' Amerlina Ríos, Matías; Gravano, Agustín}
title = {Spanish DAL: A Spanish Dictionary of Affect in Language}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1605}
author = {Liebrecht, Christine; Kunneman, Florian; van den Bosch, Antal}
title = {The perfect solution for detecting sarcasm in tweets #not}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1606}
author = {Hernández, Donato; Guzmán, Rafael; Móntes y Gomez, Manuel; Rosso, Paolo}
title = {Using PU-Learning to Detect Deceptive Opinion Spam}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1607}
author = {Escalante, Hugo Jair; Villatoro-Tello, Esaú; Juárez, Antonio; Montes-y-Gomez, Manuel; Villaseñor, Luis}
title = {Sexual predator detection in chats with chained classifiers}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1608}
author = {Mourad, Ahmed; Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis of Modern Standard Arabic and Arabic Microblogs}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1609}
author = {Habernal, Ivan; Ptáček, Tomáš; Steinberger, Josef}
title = {Sentiment Analysis in Czech Social Media Using Supervised Machine Learning}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1610}
author = {Gupta, Narendra}
title = {Tagging Opinion Phrases and their Targets in User Generated Textual Reviews}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1611}
author = {Sidorenko, Wladimir; Sonntag, Jonathan; Krüger, Nina; Stieglitz, Stefan; Stede, Manfred}
title = {From newspaper to microblogging: What does it take to find opinions?}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1612}
author = {Martínez-Cámara, Eugenio; Martín-Valdivia, M. Teresa; Molina-González, M. Dolores; Urena-Lopez, L. Alfonso}
title = {Bilingual Experiments on an Opinion Comparable Corpus}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1613}
author = {Gutiérrez, Yoan; González, Andy; Ferrandez, Antonio; Montoyo, Andrés; Muñoz, Rafael}
title = {RA-SR: Using a ranking algorithm to automatically building resources for subjectivity analysis over annotated corpora}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1614}
author = {Basile, Valerio; Nissim, Malvina}
title = {Sentiment analysis on Italian tweets}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1615}
author = {Rustamov, Samir; Mustafayev, Elshan; Clements, Mark A.}
title = {Sentence-Level Subjectivity Detection Using Neuro-Fuzzy Models}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1616}
author = {Agarwal, Basant; Mittal, Namita}
title = {Sentiment Classification using Rough Set based Hybrid Feature Selection}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W13-1617}
author = {Balahur, Alexandra}
title = {Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2013}
id = {W14-2601}
author = {Mohammad, Saif}
title = {Words: Evaluative, Emotional, Colourful, Musical!}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2602}
author = {Elming, Jakob; Plank, Barbara; Hovy, Dirk}
title = {Robust Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis for Low-Resource Languages}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2603}
author = {Deng, Lingjia; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {An Investigation for Implicatures in Chinese : Implicatures in Chinese and in English are similar !}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2604}
author = {Klenner, Manfred; Amsler, Michael; Hollenstein, Nora}
title = {Inducing Domain-specific Noun Polarity Guided by Domain-independent Polarity Preferences of Adjectives}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2605}
author = {Steinberger, Josef; Brychcín, Tomáš; Konkol, Michal}
title = {Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis in Czech}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2606}
author = {Ott, Myle}
title = {Linguistic Models of Deceptive Opinion Spam}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2607}
author = {Mohammad, Saif; Zhu, Xiaodan; Martin, Joel}
title = {Semantic Role Labeling of Emotions in Tweets}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2608}
author = {Buschmeier, Konstantin; Cimiano, Philipp; Klinger, Roman}
title = {An Impact Analysis of Features in a Classification Approach to Irony Detection in Product Reviews}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2609}
author = {Barbieri, Francesco; Saggion, Horacio; Ronzano, Francesco}
title = {Modelling Sarcasm in Twitter, a Novel Approach}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2610}
author = {Ptaszynski, Michal; Masui, Fumito; Rzepka, Rafal; Araki, Kenji}
title = {Emotive or Non-emotive: That is The Question}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2611}
author = {Balahur, Alexandra; Tanev, Hristo; van der Goot, Erik}
title = {Challenges in Creating a Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Application for Social Media Mining}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2612}
author = {Chetviorkin, Ilia; Loukachevitch, Natalia}
title = {Two-Step Model for Sentiment Lexicon Extraction from Twitter Streams}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2613}
author = {Lynch, Gerard; Cunningham, Pádraig}
title = {Linguistically Informed Tweet Categorization for Online Reputation Management}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2614}
author = {Kim, Yoon; Zhang, Owen}
title = {Credibility Adjusted Term Frequency: A Supervised Term Weighting Scheme for Sentiment Analysis and Text Classification}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2615}
author = {Gasanova, Tatiana; Sergienko, Roman; Akhmedova, Shakhnaz; Semenkin, Eugene; Minker, Wolfgang}
title = {Opinion Mining and Topic Categorization with Novel Term Weighting}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2616}
author = {Hammer, Hugo Lewi; Solberg, Per Erik; Øvrelid, Lilja}
title = {Sentiment classification of online political discussions: a comparison of a word-based and dependency-based method}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2617}
author = {Wang, Lu; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Improving Agreement and Disagreement Identification in Online Discussions with A Socially-Tuned Sentiment Lexicon}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2618}
author = {Choi, Yoonjung; Deng, Lingjia; Wiebe, Janyce}
title = {Lexical Acquisition for Opinion Inference: A Sense-Level Lexicon of Benefactive and Malefactive Events}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2619}
author = {Jadhav, Nikhilkumar; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {Dive deeper: Deep Semantics for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2620}
author = {Kazemian, Siavash; Zhao, Shunan; Penn, Gerald}
title = {Evaluating Sentiment Analysis Evaluation: A Case Study in Securities Trading}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2621}
author = {Nguyen, Dai Quoc; Nguyen, Dat Quoc; Vu, Thanh; Pham, Son Bao}
title = {Sentiment Classification on Polarity Reviews: An Empirical Study Using Rating-based Features}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2622}
author = {Onal, Itir; Ertugrul, Ali Mert; Cakici, Ruken}
title = {Effect of Using Regression on Class Confidence Scores in Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2623}
author = {Mishra, Abhijit; Joshi, Aditya; Bhattacharyya, Pushpak}
title = {A cognitive study of subjectivity extraction in sentiment annotation}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2624}
author = {Mao, Wanting; Xiao, Lu; Mercer, Robert E.}
title = {The Use of Text Similarity and Sentiment Analysis to Examine Rationales in the Large-Scale Online Deliberations}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2625}
author = {Wiebe, Janyce; Deng, Lingjia}
title = {A Conceptual Framework for Inferring Implicatures}
venue = {WASSA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0201}
author = {Reichel, Sven; Ehrlich, Ute; Berton, André; Berton, André; Weber, Michael}
title = {In-Car Multi-Domain Spoken Dialogs: A Wizard of Oz Study}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0202}
author = {Kadlec, Rudolf; Libovicky, Jindrich; Macek, Jan; Kleindienst, Jan}
title = {IBM's Belief Tracker: Results On Dialog State Tracking Challenge Datasets}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0203}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Hill, Robin; Dickinson, Anna; Fredriksson, Morgan}
title = {Click or Type: An Analysis of Wizard’s Interaction for Future Wizard Interface Design}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0204}
author = {Labsky, Martin; Kunc, Ladislav; Macek, Tomas; Kleindienst, Jan; Vystrcil, Jan}
title = {Recipes for building voice search UIs for automotive}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0205}
author = {Avalos, Santiago; Benotti, Luciana}
title = {A Natural Language Instructor for pedestrian navigation based in generation by selection}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0206}
author = {Luna, Andrés; Benotti, Luciana}
title = {Mining human interactions to construct a virtual guide for a virtual fair}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0207}
author = {Voss, Clare R.; Cassidy, Taylor; Summer-Stay, Douglas}
title = {Collaborative Exploration in Human-Robot Teams: What's in their Corpora of Dialog, Video, & LIDAR Messages?}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0208}
author = {Janarthanam, Srinivasan; Lemon, Oliver}
title = {Multi-threaded Interaction Management for Dynamic Spatial Applications}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0209}
author = {Vystrcil, Jan; Macek, Tomas; Luksch, David; Labsky, Martin; Ladislav, Kunc; Kleindienst, Jan; Kasparova, Tereza}
title = {Mostly Passive Information Delivery – a Prototype}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0210}
author = {Vystrcil, Jan; Maly, Ivo; Balata, Jan; Mikovec, Zdenek}
title = {Navigation Dialog of Blind People: Recovery from Getting Lost}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0211}
author = {Pappu, Aasish; Sun, Ming; Sridharan, Seshadri; Rudnicky, Alexander I.}
title = {Conversational Strategies for Robustly Managing Dialog in Public Spaces}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0212}
author = {Kousidis, Spyros; Kennington, Casey; Baumann, Timo; Buschmeier, Hendrik; Kopp, Stefan; Schlangen, David}
title = {Situationally Aware In-Car Information Presentation Using Incremental Speech Generation: Safer, and More Effective}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0213}
author = {Edlund, Jens; Edelstam, Fredrik; Gustafson, Joakim}
title = {Human pause and resume behaviours for unobtrusive humanlike in-car spoken dialogue systems}
venue = {Dialogue in Motion}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0301}
author = {Luong, Ngoc Quang; Besacier, Laurent; Lecouteux, Benjamin}
title = {Word Confidence Estimation for SMT N-best List Re-ranking}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0302}
author = {Alabau, Vicent; Leiva, Luis A.}
title = {Proofreading Human Translations with an E-pen}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0303}
author = {Kirk, Nicholas H.; Zhang, Guchun; Groh, Georg}
title = {Estimating Grammar Correctness for a Priori Estimation of Machine Translation Post-Editing Effort}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0304}
author = {Sheremetyeva, Svetlana}
title = {On-The-Fly Translator Assistant (Readability and Terminology Handling)}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0305}
author = {Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen}
title = {Translators in the Loop: Understanding How they Work with CAT Tools}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0306}
author = {Schaeffer, Moritz; Carl, Michael}
title = {Measuring the Cognitive Effort of Literal Translation Processes}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0307}
author = {Koehn, Philipp; Germann, Ulrich}
title = {The Impact of Machine Translation Quality on Human Post-Editing}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0308}
author = {Vela, Mihaela; Schumann, Anne-Kathrin; Wurm, Andrea}
title = {Beyond Linguistic Equivalence. An Empirical Study of Translation Evaluation in a Translation Learner Corpus}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0309}
author = {Pérez-Ortiz, Juan Antonio; Torregrosa, Daniel; Forcada, Mikel L.}
title = {Black-box integration of heterogeneous bilingual resources into an interactive translation system}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0310}
author = {Seretan, Violeta; Roturier, Johann; Silva, David; Bouillon, Pierrette}
title = {The ACCEPT Portal: An Online Framework for the Pre-editing and Post-editing of User-Generated Content}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0311}
author = {Denkowski, Michael; Lavie, Alon; Lacruz, Isabel; Dyer, Chris}
title = {Real Time Adaptive Machine Translation for Post-Editing with cdec and TransCenter}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0312}
author = {Logacheva, Varvara; Specia, Lucia}
title = {Confidence-based Active Learning Methods for Machine Translation}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0313}
author = {Farajian, M. Amin; Bertoldi, Nicola; Federico, Marcello}
title = {Online Word Alignment for Online Adaptive Machine Translation}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0314}
author = {Zampieri, Marcos; Vela, Mihaela}
title = {Quantifying the Influence of MT Output in the Translators' Performance: A Case Study in Technical Translation}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0315}
author = {Mesa-Lao, Bartolomé}
title = {Speech-Enabled Computer-Aided Translation: A Satisfaction Survey with Post-Editor Trainees}
venue = {HaCat}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0501}
author = {Blache, Philippe}
title = {Challenging incrementality in human language processing: two operations for a cognitive architecture}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0502}
author = {Vasilévski, Vera; Araujo, Márcio José; Blasi, Helena Ferro}
title = {A Brazilian Portuguese Phonological-prosodic Algorithm Applied to Language Acquisition: A Case Study}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0503}
author = {Phillips, Lawrence; Pearl, Lisa}
title = {Bayesian inference as a cross-linguistic word segmentation strategy: Always learning useful things}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0504}
author = {Frank, Stella}
title = {Learning the hyperparameters to learn morphology}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0505}
author = {Çöltekin, Çağrı; Nerbonne, John}
title = {An explicit statistical model of learning lexical segmentation using multiple cues}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0506}
author = {Clark, Alexander}
title = {Distributional Learning as a Theory of Language Acquisition}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0507}
author = {Gaspers, Judith; Panzner, Maximilian; Lemme, Andre; Cimiano, Philipp; Rohlfing, Katharina J.; Wrede, Sebastian}
title = {A multimodal corpus for the evaluation of computational models for (grounded) language acquisition}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0508}
author = {Bentz, Christian; Buttery, Paula}
title = {Towards a computational model of grammaticalization and lexical diversity}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0509}
author = {Bel Enguix, Gemma; Rapp, Reinhard; Zock, Michael}
title = {How well can a corpus-derived co-occurrence network simulate human associative behavior?}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0510}
author = {Lekvam, Torvald; Gambäck, Björn; Bungum, Lars}
title = {Agent-based modeling of language evolution}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0511}
author = {Wiechmann, Daniel; Kerz, Elma}
title = {Missing Generalizations: A Supervised Machine Learning Approach to L2 Written Production}
venue = {CogACLL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0701}
author = {Hunter, Julie; Danlos, Laurence}
title = {Because We Say So}
venue = {CAtoCL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0702}
author = {Mirza, Paramita; Sprugnoli, Rachele; Tonelli, Sara; Speranza, Manuela}
title = {Annotating Causality in the TempEval-3 Corpus}
venue = {CAtoCL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0703}
author = {Bögel, Tina; Bögel, Tina; Hautli, Annette; Sulger, Sebastian; Butt, Miriam}
title = {Automatic Detection of Causal Relations in German Multilogs}
venue = {CAtoCL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0704}
author = {Hendrickx, Iris; Spooren, Wilbert}
title = {Studying the Semantic Context of two Dutch Causal Connectives}
venue = {CAtoCL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0705}
author = {Kaneko, Kimi; Bekki, Daisuke}
title = {Building a Japanese Corpus of Temporal-Causal-Discourse Structures Based on SDRT for Extracting Causal Relations}
venue = {CAtoCL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0706}
author = {Samardzic, Tanja; Samardić, Tanja; Merlo, Paola}
title = {Likelihood of External Causation in the Structure of Events}
venue = {CAtoCL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-0707}
author = {Riaz, Mehwish; Girju, Roxana; Gîrju, Roxana}
title = {Recognizing Causality in Verb-Noun Pairs via Noun and Verb Semantics}
venue = {CAtoCL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1401}
author = {Ranta, Aarne}
title = {Types and Records for Predication}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1402}
author = {Grudzinska, Justyna; Zawadowski, Marek}
title = {System with Generalized Quantifiers on Dependent Types for Anaphora}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1403}
author = {Giorgolo, Gianluca; Asudeh, Ash}
title = {Monads as a Solution for Generalized Opacity}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1404}
author = {Worth, Chris}
title = {The Phenogrammar of Coordination}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1405}
author = {Chatzikyriakidis, Stergios; Luo, Zhaohui}
title = {Natural Language Reasoning Using Proof-Assistant Technology: Rich Typing and Beyond}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1406}
author = {Maillard, Jean; Clark, Stephen; Grefenstette, Edward}
title = {A Type-Driven Tensor-Based Semantics for CCG}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1407}
author = {Delpeuch, Antonin; Preller, Anne}
title = {From Natural Language to RDF Graphs with Pregroups}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1408}
author = {Fernando, Tim}
title = {Incremental semantic scales by strings}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1409}
author = {Cooper, Robin; Dobnik, Simon; Lappin, Shalom; Larsson, Staffan}
title = {A Probabilistic Rich Type Theory for Semantic Interpretation}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1410}
author = {Hough, Julian; Purver, Matthew}
title = {Probabilistic Type Theory for Incremental Dialogue Processing}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-1411}
author = {Ginzburg, Jonathan; Cooper, Robin; Fernando, Tim}
title = {Propositions, Questions, and Adjectives: a rich type theoretic approach}
venue = {TTNLS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2101}
author = {Walker, Vern; Vazirova, Karina; Sanford, Cass}
title = {Annotating Patterns of Reasoning about Medical Theories of Causation in Vaccine Cases: Toward a Type System for Arguments}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2102}
author = {Green, Nancy L.}
title = {Towards Creation of a Corpus for Argumentation Mining the Biomedical Genetics Research Literature}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2103}
author = {Houngbo, Hospice; Mercer, Robert E.}
title = {An automated method to build a corpus of rhetorically-classified sentences in biomedical texts}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2104}
author = {Ong, Nathan; Litman, Diane J.; Brusilovsky, Alexandra}
title = {Ontology-Based Argument Mining and Automatic Essay Scoring}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2105}
author = {Park, Joonsuk; Cardie, Claire}
title = {Identifying Appropriate Support for Propositions in Online User Comments}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2106}
author = {Ghosh, Debanjan; Muresan, Smaranda; Wacholder, Nina; Aakhus, Mark; Mitsui, Matthew}
title = {Analyzing Argumentative Discourse Units in Online Interactions}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2107}
author = {Boltužić, Filip; Šnajder, Jan}
title = {Back up your Stance: Recognizing Arguments in Online Discussions}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2108}
author = {Schneider, Jodi}
title = {Automated argumentation mining to the rescue? Envisioning argumentation and decision-making support for debates in open online collaboration communities}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2109}
author = {Aharoni, Ehud; Polnarov, Anatoly; Lavee, Tamar; Hershcovich, Daniel; Levy, Ran; Rinott, Ruty; Gutfreund, Dan; Slonim, Noam}
title = {A Benchmark Dataset for Automatic Detection of Claims and Evidence in the Context of Controversial Topics}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2110}
author = {Song, Yi; Heilman, Michael; Beigman Klebanov, Beata; Deane, Paul}
title = {Applying Argumentation Schemes for Essay Scoring}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2111}
author = {Lawrence, John; Reed, Chris; Allen, Colin; McAlister, Simon; Ravenscroft, Andrew}
title = {Mining Arguments From 19th Century Philosophical Texts Using Topic Based Modelling}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2112}
author = {Peldszus, Andreas}
title = {Towards segment-based recognition of argumentation structure in short texts}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2113}
author = {Graves, Heather; Graves, Roger; Mercer, Robert E.; Akter, Mahzereen}
title = {Titles That Announce Argumentative Claims in Biomedical Research Articles}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2114}
author = {Ibn Faiz, Syeed; Mercer, Robert E.}
title = {Extracting Higher Order Relations From Biomedical Text}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2115}
author = {Hernández A., Myriam; Gómez, José M.}
title = {Survey in sentiment, polarity and function analysis of citation}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2116}
author = {Trevisan, Bianka; Dickmeis, Eva; Jakobs, Eva-Maria; Niehr, Thomas}
title = {Indicators of Argument-conclusion Relationships. An Approach for Argumentation Mining in German Discourses}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2117}
author = {Mao, Fiona; Mercer, Robert E.; Xiao, Lu}
title = {Extracting Imperatives from Wikipedia Article for Deletion Discussions}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2118}
author = {Kang, Juyeon; Saint-Dizier, Patrick}
title = {Requirement Mining in Technical Documents}
venue = {Workshop on Argumentation Mining}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2201}
author = {Bird, Steven; Hanke, Florian R.; Adams, Oliver; Lee, Haejoong}
title = {Aikuma: A Mobile App for Collaborative Language Documentation}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2202}
author = {Ulinski, Morgan; Balakrishnan, Anusha; Bauer, Daniel; Coyne, Bob; Hirschberg, Julia; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Documenting Endangered Languages with the WordsEye Linguistics Tool}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2203}
author = {Benjamin, Martin; Radetzky, Paula}
title = {Small Languages, Big Data: Multilingual Computational Tools and Techniques for the Lexicography of Endangered Languages}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2204}
author = {Dunham, Joel; Cook, Gina; Horner, Joshua}
title = {LingSync & the Online Linguistic Database: New Models for the Collection and Management of Data for Language Communities, Linguists and Language Learners}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2205}
author = {Snoek, Conor; Thunder, Dorothy; Lõo, Kaidi; Arppe, Antti; Lachler, Jordan; Moshagen, Sjur Norstebo; Trosterud, Trond}
title = {Modeling the Noun Morphology of Plains Cree}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2206}
author = {Bender, Emily M.; Crowgey, Joshua; Goodman, Michael Wayne; Xia, Fei}
title = {Learning Grammar Specifications from IGT: A Case Study of Chintang}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2207}
author = {Lam, Khang Nhut; Al Tarouti, Feras; Kalita, Jugal K.}
title = {Creating Lexical Resources for Endangered Languages}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2208}
author = {Arkhangelskiy, Timofey}
title = {Estimating Native Vocabulary Size in an Endangered Language}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2209}
author = {Ombui, Edward; Wagacha, Peter Waiganjo; Ng'ang'a, Wanjiku}
title = {InterlinguaPlus Machine Translation Approach for Local Languages: Ekegusii & Swahili}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2210}
author = {Nimaan, Abdillahi}
title = {Building and Evaluating Somali Language Corpora}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2211}
author = {Emerson, Guy; Tan, Liling; Fertmann, Susanne; Palmer, Alexis; Regneri, Michaela}
title = {SeedLing: Building and Using a Seed corpus for the Human Language Project}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2212}
author = {Palmer, Alexis; Regneri, Michaela}
title = {Short-Term Projects, Long-Term Benefits: Four Student NLP Projects for Low-Resource Languages}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2213}
author = {Cooper, Doug}
title = {Data Warehouse, Bronze, Gold, STEC, Software}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2214}
author = {Beale, Stephen}
title = {Time to Change the D in DEL}
venue = {ComputEL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2401}
author = {Allen, James F.}
title = {Learning a Lexicon for Broad-coverage Semantic Parsing}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2402}
author = {Beltagy, Islam; Erk, Katrin; Mooney, Raymond J.}
title = {Semantic Parsing using Distributional Semantics and Probabilistic Logic}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2403}
author = {Beschke, Sebastian; Liu, Yang; Menzel, Wolfgang}
title = {Large-scale CCG Induction from the Groningen Meaning Bank}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2404}
author = {Chang, Angel; Savva, Manolis; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Semantic Parsing for Text to 3D Scene Generation}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2405}
author = {Grefenstette, Edward; Blunsom, Philip; De Freitas, Nando; Hermann, Karl Moritz}
title = {A Deep Architecture for Semantic Parsing}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2406}
author = {Lewis, Mike; Steedman, Mark}
title = {Combining Formal and Distributional Models of Temporal and Intensional Semantics}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2407}
author = {Malmaud, Jonathan; Wagner, Earl; Chang, Nancy; Murphy, Kevin}
title = {Cooking with Semantics}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2408}
author = {Dodge, Ellen K; Petruck, Miriam R. L.}
title = {Representing Caused Motion in Embodied Construction Grammar}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2409}
author = {Rocktäschel, Tim; Rocktäschel, Tim; Bošnjak, Matko; Singh, Sameer; Riedel, Sebastian}
title = {Low-Dimensional Embeddings of Logic}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2410}
author = {Roth, Michael; Diamantopoulos, Themistoklis; Klein, Ewan; Symeonidis, Andreas}
title = {Software Requirements: A new Domain for Semantic Parsers}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2411}
author = {Schubert, Lenhart K.}
title = {From Treebank Parses to Episodic Logic and Commonsense Inference}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2412}
author = {Schluter, Natalie}
title = {On maximum spanning DAG algorithms for semantic DAG parsing}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2413}
author = {Stanovsky, Gabriel; Ficler, Jessica; Dagan, Ido; Goldberg, Yoav}
title = {Intermediary Semantic Representation through Proposition Structures}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2414}
author = {Tian, Ran; Miyao, Yusuke; Matsuzaki, Takuya}
title = {Efficient Logical Inference for Semantic Processing}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2415}
author = {White, James P.}
title = {Towards README-EVAL : Interpreting README File Instructions}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2416}
author = {Yao, Xuchen; Berant, Jonathan; Van Durme, Benjamin; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Freebase QA: Information Extraction or Semantic Parsing?}
venue = {SP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2501}
author = {Lee, Lillian}
title = {Is It All in the Phrasing? Computational Explorations in How We Say What We Say, and Why It Matters}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2502}
author = {Grimmer, Justin}
title = {Creating and Destroying Party Brands}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2503}
author = {Tagliamonte, Sali}
title = {Sociolinguistics for Computational Social Science}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2504}
author = {Chi, Ed}
title = {Location and Language Use in Social Media}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2505}
author = {Smith, Noah A.; Cardie, Claire; Washington, Anne; Wilkerson, John}
title = {Overview of the 2014 NLP Unshared Task in PoliInformatics}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2506}
author = {Chen, Wei}
title = {Context-based Natural Language Processing for GIS-based Vague Region Visualization}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2507}
author = {Lampos, Vasileios; Preoţiuc-Pietro, Daniel; Samangooei, Sina; Gelling, Douwe; Cohn, Trevor}
title = {Extracting Socioeconomic Patterns from the News: Modelling Text and Outlet Importance Jointly}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2508}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas; Riedel, Sebastian}
title = {Fact Checking: Task definition and dataset construction}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2509}
author = {Morstatter, Fred; Lubold, Nichola; Pon-Barry, Heather; Pfeffer, Jürgen; Liu, Huan}
title = {Finding Eyewitness Tweets During Crises}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2510}
author = {Salway, Andrew; Touileb, Samia; Tvinnereim, Endre}
title = {Inducing Information Structures for Data-driven Text Analysis}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2511}
author = {Boon, Miriam}
title = {Information density, Heaps’ Law, and perception of factiness in news}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2512}
author = {Wueest, Bruno; Schneider, Gerold; Amsler, Michael}
title = {Measuring the Public Accountability of New Modes of Governance}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2513}
author = {Liew, Jasy Suet Yan; McCracken, Nancy J.; Zhou, Shichun; Crowston, Kevin}
title = {Optimizing Features in Active Machine Learning for Complex Qualitative Content Analysis}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2514}
author = {Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar; Arora, Ashima; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Power of Confidence: How Poll Scores Impact Topic Dynamics in Political Debates}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2515}
author = {Van Durme, Benjamin; Beller, Charley; Harman, Craig; van Durme, Benjamin}
title = {Predicting Fine-grained Social Roles with Selectional Preferences}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2516}
author = {Høyland, Bjørn; Godbout, Jean-François; Lapponi, Emanuele; Velldal, Erik}
title = {Predicting Party Affiliations from European Parliament Debates}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2517}
author = {Kim, Yoon; Chiu, Yi-I; Hanaki, Kentaro; Hegde, Darshan; Petrov, Slav}
title = {Temporal Analysis of Language through Neural Language Models}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2518}
author = {AlTantawy, Mohamed; Rule, Alix; Rambow, Owen; Wang, Zhongyu; Basu, Rupayan}
title = {Using Simple NLP Tools to Trace the Globalization of the Art World}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2519}
author = {Boydstun, Amber}
title = {Issue Framing as a Generalizable Phenomenon}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2520}
author = {Resnik, Philip}
title = {I Want to Talk About, Again, My Record On Energy ...'': Modeling Agendas and Framing in Political Debates and Other Conversations}
venue = {LTCSS}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2701}
author = {Riordan, Brian; Wade, Heather; Upal, Afzal}
title = {Detecting Sociostructural Beliefs about Group Status Differences in Online Discussions}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2702}
author = {Mohammady, Ehsan; Culotta, Aron}
title = {Using County Demographics to Infer Attributes of Twitter Users}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2703}
author = {Puranam, Dinesh; Cardie, Claire}
title = {The Enrollment Effect: A Study of Amazon's Vine Program}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2704}
author = {Manikonda, Lydia; Pon-Barry, Heather; Kambhampati, Subbarao; Hekler, Eric; McDonald, David W.}
title = {Discourse Analysis of User Forums in an Online Weight Loss Application}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2705}
author = {Ding, Ying; Jiang, Jing; Diao, Qiming}
title = {A Unified Topic-Style Model for Online Discussions}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2706}
author = {Bak, JinYeong; Lin, Chin-Yew; Oh, Alice H.}
title = {Self-disclosure topic model for Twitter conversations}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2707}
author = {Xu, Shaobin; Smith, David A.; Mullen, Abigail; Cordell, Ryan}
title = {Detecting and Evaluating Local Text Reuse in Social Networks}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2708}
author = {Cagan, Tomer; Frank, Stefan; Tsarfaty, Reut}
title = {Generating Subjective Responses to Opinionated Articles in Social Media: An Agenda-Driven Architecture and a Turing-Like Test}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2709}
author = {Hunter, Starling}
title = {A Semi-Automated Method of Network Text Analysis Applied to 150 Original Screenplays}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2710}
author = {Prabhakaran, Vinodkumar; Arora, Ashima; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Power of Confidence: How Poll Scores Impact Topic Dynamics in Political Debates}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2711}
author = {Tsur, Oren; Calacci, Dan; Lazer, David}
title = {As Long as You Name My Name Right: Social Circles and Social Sentiment in the Hollywood Hearings}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2712}
author = {Wang, Yu; Clark, Tom; Staton, Jeffrey; Agichtein, Eugene}
title = {Towards Tracking Political Sentiment through Microblog Data}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2713}
author = {Ornan, Uzzi}
title = {Innovation of Verbs in Hebrew}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2714}
author = {De Silva, Lalindra; Riloff, Ellen}
title = {User Type Classification of Tweets with Implications for Event Recognition}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2715}
author = {Sridhar, Dhanya; Getoor, Lise; Walker, Marilyn A.}
title = {Collective Stance Classification of Posts in Online Debate Forums}
venue = {Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2801}
author = {Jyothi, Preethi; Livescu, Karen}
title = {Revisiting Word Neighborhoods for Speech Recognition}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2802}
author = {Magri, Giorgio}
title = {The Error-driven Ranking Model of the Acquisition of Phonotactics: How to Keep the Faithfulness Constraints at Bay}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2803}
author = {Schrimpf, Natalie; Jarosz, Gaja E.}
title = {Comparing Models of Phonotactics for Word Segmentation}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2804}
author = {Hulden, Mans}
title = {Generalizing Inflection Tables into Paradigms with Finite State Operations}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2805}
author = {K, Marimuthu; Lalitha Devi, Sobha}
title = {Automatic Conversion of Dialectal Tamil Text to Standard Written Tamil Text using FSTs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2806}
author = {Kessikbayeva, Gulshat; Cicekli, Ilyas}
title = {Rule Based Morphological Analyzer of Kazakh Language}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2807}
author = {Racz, Peter; Beckner, Clayton; Hay, Jennifer B.; Pierrehumbert, Janet B.}
title = {Rules, Analogy, and Social Factors Codetermine Past-tense Formation Patterns in English}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-2808}
author = {Kondrak, Grzegorz}
title = {10 Open Questions in Computational Morphonology}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3001}
author = {Baker, Collin F.}
title = {FrameNet: A Knowledge Base for Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014)}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3002}
author = {Church, Kenneth Ward}
title = {The Case for Empiricism (With and Without Statistics)}
venue = {Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014)}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3003}
author = {Hobbs, Jerry R.}
title = {Case, Constructions, FrameNet, and the Deep Lexicon}
venue = {Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014)}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3004}
author = {Palmer, Martha; Bonial, Claire; McCarthy, Diana}
title = {SemLink+: FrameNet, VerbNet and Event Ontologies}
venue = {Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014)}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3005}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.}
title = {FrameNet and Linked Data}
venue = {Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014)}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3006}
author = {Narayanan, Srinivas}
title = {Bridging Text and Knowledge with Frames}
venue = {Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014)}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3007}
author = {Das, Dipanjan}
title = {Statistical Models for Frame-Semantic Parsing}
venue = {Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014)}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3008}
author = {Agarwal, Apoorv; Bauer, Daniel; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Using Frame Semantics in Natural Language Processing}
venue = {Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014)}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3009}
author = {Erk, Katrin}
title = {Who Evoked that Frame? Some Thoughts on Context Effects and Event Types}
venue = {Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014)}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3010}
author = {Dragut, Eduard; Fellbaum, Christiane}
title = {The Role of Adverbs in Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {Frame Semantics in NLP: A Workshop in Honor of Chuck Fillmore (1929-2014)}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3101}
author = {O'Connor, Brendan}
title = {MiTextExplorer: Linked brushing and mutual information for exploratory text data analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3102}
author = {Chang, Angel; Savva, Manolis; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {Interactive Learning of Spatial Knowledge for Text to 3D Scene Generation}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3103}
author = {Coppersmith, Glen; Kelly, Erin}
title = {Dynamic Wordclouds and Vennclouds for Exploratory Data Analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3104}
author = {Yang, Yi; Pan, Shimei; Downey, Doug; Zhang, Kunpeng}
title = {Active Learning with Constrained Topic Model}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3105}
author = {Chen, MeiHua; Huang, Shih-ting; Kao, Ting-Hui; Chiu, Hsun-wen; Yen, Tzu-Hsi}
title = {GLANCE Visualizes Lexical Phenomena for Language Learning}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3106}
author = {Gupta, Sonal; Manning, Christopher D.}
title = {SPIED: Stanford Pattern based Information Extraction and Diagnostics}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3107}
author = {Hoque, Enamul; Carenini, Giuseppe; Joty, Shafiq R.}
title = {Interactive Exploration of Asynchronous Conversations: Applying a User-centered Approach to Design a Visual Text Analytic System}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3108}
author = {Weiss, Rebecca}
title = {MUCK: A toolkit for extracting and visualizing semantic dimensions of large text collections}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3109}
author = {McCracken, Nancy J.; Liew, Jasy Suet Yan; Crowston, Kevin}
title = {Design of an Active Learning System with Human Correction for Content Analysis}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3110}
author = {Sievert, Carson; Shirley, Kenneth}
title = {LDAvis: A method for visualizing and interpreting topics}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3111}
author = {Smith, Alison; Hawes, Timothy; Myers, Meredith}
title = {Hiearchie: Visualization for Hierarchical Topic Models}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3112}
author = {Smith, Alison; Chuang, Jason; Hu, Yuening; Boyd-Graber, Jordan; Findlater, Leah}
title = {Concurrent Visualization of Relationships between Words and Topics in Topic Models}
venue = {Workshop on Interactive Language Learning, Visualization, and Interfaces}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3201}
author = {Thompson, Paul; Bryan, Craig; Poulin, Chris}
title = {Predicting military and veteran suicide risk: Cultural aspects}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3202}
author = {Howes, Christine; Purver, Matthew; McCabe, Rose}
title = {Linguistic Indicators of Severity and Progress in Online Text-based Therapy for Depression}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3203}
author = {Fraser, Kathleen C.; Hirst, Graeme; Graham, Naida L.; Meltzer, Jed A.; Black, Sandra E.; Rochon, Elizabeth}
title = {Comparison of different feature sets for identification of variants in progressive aphasia}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3204}
author = {Jarrold, William; Peintner, Bart; Wilkins, David; Vergryi, Dimitra; Richey, Colleen; Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa; Ogar, Jennifer}
title = {Aided diagnosis of dementia type through computer-based analysis of spontaneous speech}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3205}
author = {Glasgow, Kimberly; Schouten, Ronald}
title = {Assessing Violence Risk in Threatening Communications}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3206}
author = {Rouhizadeh, Masoud; Prud'hommeaux, Emily T.; van Santen, Jan; Sproat, Richard W.}
title = {Detecting linguistic idiosyncratic interests in autism using distributional semantic models}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3207}
author = {Coppersmith, Glen; Dredze, Mark; Harman, Craig}
title = {Quantifying Mental Health Signals in Twitter}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3208}
author = {Lamers, Sanne M.A.; Truong, Khiet; Steunenberg, Bas; Jong, Franciska de; Westerhof, Gerben J.}
title = {Applying prosodic speech features in mental health care: An exploratory study in a life-review intervention for depression}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3209}
author = {Morley, Eric; Hallin, Anna Eva; Roark, Brian}
title = {Challenges in Automating Maze Detection}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3210}
author = {Orimaye, Sylvester Olubolu; Wong, Jojo Sze-Meng; Golden, Karen Jennifer}
title = {Learning Predictive Linguistic Features for Alzheimer’s Disease and related Dementias using Verbal Utterances}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3211}
author = {Tanaka, Hiroki; Sakti, Sakriani; Neubig, Graham; Toda, Tomoki; Nakamura, Satoshi}
title = {Linguistic and Acoustic Features for Automatic Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children's Narrative}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3212}
author = {Ji, Yangfeng; Hong, Hwajung; Arriaga, Rosa; Rozga, Agata; Abowd, Gregory; Eisenstein, Jacob}
title = {Mining Themes and Interests in the Asperger's and Autism Community}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3213}
author = {Homan, Christopher; Johar, Ravdeep; Liu, Tong; Lytle, Megan; Silenzio, Vincent; Alm, Cecilia Ovesdotter}
title = {Toward Macro-Insights for Suicide Prevention: Analyzing Fine-Grained Distress at Scale}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3214}
author = {Ungar, Lyle; Schwartz, H. Andrew; Eichstaedt, Johannes; Kern, Margaret L.; Park, Gregory; Sap, Maarten; Stillwell, David; Kosinski, Michal; Ungar, Lyle H.}
title = {Towards Assessing Changes in Degree of Depression through Facebook}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4501}
author = {Vlachos, Andreas; Clark, Stephen}
title = {Application-Driven Relation Extraction with Limited Distant Supervision}
venue = {AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4502}
author = {Filannino, Michele; Nenadic, Goran; Nenadić, Goran}
title = {Mining temporal footprints from Wikipedia}
venue = {AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4503}
author = {Julinda, Silvia; Boden, Christoph; Akbik, Alan}
title = {Extracting a Repository of Events and Event References from News Clusters}
venue = {AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4504}
author = {Stanovsky, Gabriel; Levy, Omer; Dagan, Ido}
title = {Proposition Knowledge Graphs}
venue = {AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4505}
author = {Liang, Jiguang; Zhou, Xiaofei; Hu, Yue; Guo, Li; Bai, Shuo}
title = {Word Clustering Based on Un-LP Algorithm}
venue = {AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4506}
author = {Hazure, Daiki; Murata, Masaki; Tokuhisa, Masato}
title = {Automatic Detection and Analysis of Impressive Japanese Sentences Using Supervised Machine Learning}
venue = {AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4507}
author = {Mohamed, Muhidin; Oussalah, Mourad}
title = {A Comparative Study of Conversion Aided Methods for WordNet Sentence Textual Similarity}
venue = {AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4508}
author = {Aggarwal, Nitish; Tonra, Justin; Buitelaar, Paul}
title = {Using Distributional Semantics to Trace Influence and Imitation in Romantic Orientalist Poetry}
venue = {AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4509}
author = {Tutubalina, Elena; Ivanov, Vladimir}
title = {Unsupervised Approach to Extracting Problem Phrases from User Reviews of Products}
venue = {AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4510}
author = {Khare, Prashant; Heravi, Bahareh}
title = {Towards Social Event Detection and Contextualisation for Journalists}
venue = {AHA!-Workshop on Information Discovery in Text}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4601}
author = {Lamb, William; Danso, Samuel}
title = {Developing an Automatic Part-of-Speech Tagger for Scottish Gaelic}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4602}
author = {Ward, Monica}
title = {Using Irish NLP resources in Primary School Education}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4603}
author = {O Donnaile, Caoimhin}
title = {Tools facilitating better use of online dictionaries: Technical aspects of Multidict, Wordlink and Clilstore}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4604}
author = {Poibeau, Thierry}
title = {Processing Mutations in Breton with Finite-State Transducers}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4605}
author = {Scannell, Kevin}
title = {Statistical models for text normalization and machine translation}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4606}
author = {Lynn, Teresa; Foster, Jennifer; Dras, Mark; Tounsi, Lamia}
title = {Cross-lingual Transfer Parsing for Low-Resourced Languages: An Irish Case Study}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4607}
author = {Mĕchura, Michal Boleslav}
title = {Irish National Morphology Database: a high-accuracy open-source dataset of Irish words}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4608}
author = {Cooper, Sarah; Jones, Dewi; Prys, Delyth}
title = {Developing further speech recognition resources for Welsh}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4609}
author = {Batchelor, Colin R.}
title = {gdbank: The beginnings of a corpus of dependency structures and type-logical grammar in Scottish Gaelic}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4610}
author = {Ó Raghallaigh, Brian; Mĕchura, Michal Boleslav}
title = {Developing high-end reusable tools and resources for Irish-language terminology, lexicography, onomastics (toponymy), folkloristics, and more, using modern web and database technologies}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4611}
author = {Prys, Delyth; Jones, Dewi; Roberts, Mared}
title = {DECHE and the Welsh National Corpus Portal}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4612}
author = {Minocha, Akshay; Tyers, Francis}
title = {Subsegmental language detection in Celtic language text}
venue = {CLTW}
year = {2014}
id = {W08-1501}
author = {Ettelaie, Emil; Georgiou, Panayiotis G.; Narayanan, Shrikanth S.}
title = {Mitigation of Data Sparsity in Classifier-Based Translation}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1502}
author = {Bringert, Björn}
title = {Speech Translation with Grammatical Framework}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1503}
author = {Jung, Sangkeun; Lee, Cheongjae; Kim, Kyungduk; Lee, Gary Geunbae}
title = {An Integrated Dialog Simulation Technique for Evaluating Spoken Dialog Systems}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1504}
author = {Singh, Kulwinder; Park, Dong-Won}
title = {Economical Global Access to a VoiceXML Gateway Using Open Source Technologies}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1505}
author = {Hakulinen, Jaakko; Turunen, Markku}
title = {Interoperability and Knowledge Representation in Distributed Health and Fitness Companion Dialogue System}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1506}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Bouillon, Pierrette; Brotanek, Jane; Flores, Glenn; Halimi, Sonia; Hockey, Beth Ann; Isahara, Hitoshi; Kanzaki, Kyoko; Kron, Elisabeth; Nakao, Yukie; Santaholma, Marianne; Starlander, Marianne; Tsourakis, Nikos}
title = {The 2008 MedSLT System}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1507}
author = {Nirenburg, Sergei; Beale, Stephen; McShane, Marjorie; Jarrell, Bruce; Fantry, George}
title = {Language Understanding in Maryland Virtual Patient}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1508}
author = {Seligman, Mark; Dillinger, Mike}
title = {Rapid Portability among Domains in an Interactive Spoken Language Translation System}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1509}
author = {Nallasamy, Udhyakumar; Black, Alan W.; Schultz, Tanja; Frederking, Robert E.; Weltman, Jerry}
title = {Speech Translation for Triage of Emergency Phonecalls in Minority Languages}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1510}
author = {Ehsani, Farzad; Kimzey, Jim; Zuber, Elaine; Master, Demitrios; Sudre, Karen}
title = {Speech to Speech Translation for Nurse Patient Interaction}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W08-1511}
author = {Rayner, Manny; Bouillon, Pierrette; Flores, Glenn; Ehsani, Farzad; Starlander, Marianne; Hockey, Beth Ann; Brotanek, Jane; Biewald, Lukas}
title = {A Small-Vocabulary Shared Task for Medical Speech Translation}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2008}
id = {W10-3401}
author = {Hovy, Eduard}
title = {Distributional Semantics and the Lexicon}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3402}
author = {Das, Amitava; Bandyopadhyay, Sivaji}
title = {SemanticNet-Perception of Human Pragmatics}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3403}
author = {Lebani, Gianluca E.; Pianta, Emanuele}
title = {Exploiting Lexical Resources for Therapeutic Purposes: the Case of WordNet and STaRS.sys}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3404}
author = {Muramatsu, Yuki; Uduka, Kunihiro; Yamamoto, Kazuhide}
title = {Textual Entailmaint Recognition using Word Overlap Mutual Information and Subpath Set}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3405}
author = {Strapparava, Carlo; Ozbal, Gozde}
title = {The Color of Emotions in Texts}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3406}
author = {Béchet, Nicolas; Roche, Mathieu}
title = {How to Expand Dictionaries by Web-Mining Techniques}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3407}
author = {Curteanu, Neculai; Moruz, Alex; Trandabat, Diana}
title = {An Optimal and Portable Parsing Method for Romanian French and German Large Dictionaries}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3408}
author = {Lavagnino, Elisa; Park, Jungyeul}
title = {Conceptual Structure of Automatically Extracted Multi-Word Terms from Domain Specific Corpora: a Case Study for Italian}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3409}
author = {Gao, Helena Hong}
title = {Computational Lexicography: A Feature-based Approach in Designing an E-dictionary of Chinese Classifiers}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3410}
author = {Markantonatou, Stella; Fotopoulou, Aggeliki; Alexopoulou, Maria; Mini, Marianna}
title = {In Search of the ’Right’ Word}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W10-3411}
author = {Zock, Michael; Schwab, Didier; Rakotonanahary, Nirina}
title = {Lexical Access a Search-Problem}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2010}
id = {W14-4701}
author = {Rapp, Reinhard; Zock, Michael}
title = {The CogALex-IV Shared Task on the Lexical Access Problem}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4702}
author = {Ghosh, Urmi; Jain, Sambhav; Paul, Soma}
title = {A Two-Stage Approach for Computing Associative Responses to a Set of Stimulus Words}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4703}
author = {Smrz, Pavel; Otrusina, Lubomir}
title = {Deep Learning from Web-Scale Corpora for Better Dictionary Interfaces}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4704}
author = {Goikoetxea, Josu; Agirre, Eneko; Soroa, Aitor}
title = {Exploring the use of word embeddings and random walks on Wikipedia for the CogAlex shared task}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4705}
author = {Flor, Michael; Beigman Klebanov, Beata}
title = {ETS Lexical Associations System for the COGALEX-4 Shared Task}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4706}
author = {Feist, Rico; Gerighausen, Daniel; Konrad, Manuel; Richter, Georg; Eckart, Thomas; Goldhahn, Dirk; Quasthoff, Uwe}
title = {Using Significant Word Co-occurences for the Lexical Access Problem}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4707}
author = {Lapesa, Gabriella; Evert, Stefan}
title = {NaDiR: Naive Distributional Response Generation}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4708}
author = {Bel Enguix, Gemma}
title = {Retrieving Word Associations with a Simple Neighborhood Algorithm in a Graph-based Resource}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4709}
author = {Sitbon, Laurianne; De Vine, Lance}
title = {Predicting sense convergence with distributional semantics: an application to the CogaLex 2014 shared task}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4710}
author = {Mititelu, Catalin; Mititelu, Verginica Barbu}
title = {WordFinder}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4711}
author = {Navigli, Roberto}
title = {(Digital) Goodies from the ERC Wishing Well: BabelNet, Babelfy, Video Games with a Purpose and the Wikipedia Bitaxonomy}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4712}
author = {Matsuoka, Jin; Lepage, Yves}
title = {Measuring Similarity from Word Pair Matrices with Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Associations}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4713}
author = {Zhang, Ying; Mangeot-Lerebours, Mathieu; Bellynck, Valérie; Boitet, Christian}
title = {Jibiki-LINKS: a tool between traditional dictionaries and lexical networks for modelling lexical resources}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4714}
author = {Hsu, Chan-Chia}
title = {When Frequency Data Meet Dispersion Data in the Extraction of Multi-word Units from a Corpus: A Study of Trigrams in Chinese}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4715}
author = {Wang, Shichang; Huang, Chu-Ren; Yao, Yao; Chan, Angel}
title = {Exploring Mental Lexicon in an Efficient and Economic Way: Crowdsourcing Method for Linguistic Experiments}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4716}
author = {Tekiroglu, Serra Sinem; Özbal, Gözde; Strapparava, Carlo}
title = {A Computational Approach to Generate a Sensorial Lexicon}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4717}
author = {Gao, Helena}
title = {Database Design of an Online E-Learning Tool of Chinese Classifiers}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4718}
author = {Quattri, Francesca; Pease, Adam; McCrae, John}
title = {Default Physical Measurements in SUMO}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4719}
author = {Wu, Dekai; Lo, Chi-kiu; Saers, Markus}
title = {Lexical Access Preference and Constraint Strategies for Improving Multiword Expression Association within Semantic MT Evaluation}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4720}
author = {Gader, Nabil; Koehl, Aurore; Polguère, Alain}
title = {A Lexical Network with a Morphological Model in It}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4721}
author = {Gargett, Andrew; Ruppenhofer, Josef; Barnden, John A.}
title = {Dimensions of Metaphorical Meaning}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4722}
author = {Joyce, Terry; Hodošček, Bor}
title = {Constructing an Ontology of Japanese Lexical Properties: Specifying its Property Structures and Lexical Entries}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4723}
author = {L' Homme, Marie-Claude; Robichaud, Benoît}
title = {Frames and terminology: representing predicative terms in the field of the environment}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4724}
author = {McCrae, John; Quattri, Francesca; Unger, Christina; Cimiano, Philipp}
title = {Modelling the Semantics of Adjectives in the Ontology-Lexicon Interface}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4725}
author = {Shaikh, Samira; Strzalkowski, Tomek; Cho, Kit; Liu, Ting; Broadwell, George Aaron; Feldman, Laurie; Taylor, Sarah M.; Yamrom, Boris; Lin, Ching-Sheng; Sa, Ning; Cases, Ignacio; Peshkova, Yuliya; Elliot, Kyle}
title = {Discovering Conceptual Metaphors using Source Domain Spaces}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4726}
author = {Zock, Michael}
title = {Wordfinding Problems and How to Overcome them Ultimately With the Help of a Computer}
venue = {CogALex}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5001}
author = {Briggs, Gordon; Scheutz, Matthias}
title = {Modeling Blame to Avoid Positive Face Threats in Natural Language Generation}
venue = {INLG and SIGDIAL 2014 Joint Session}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5002}
author = {Engonopoulos, Nikolaos; Koller, Alexander}
title = {Generating effective referring expressions using charts}
venue = {INLG and SIGDIAL 2014 Joint Session}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5003}
author = {Mitchell, Margaret; Bohus, Dan; Kamar, Ece}
title = {Crowdsourcing Language Generation Templates for Dialogue Systems}
venue = {INLG and SIGDIAL 2014 Joint Session}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5201}
author = {Eckart, Richard; Gurevych, Iryna}
title = {A broad-coverage collection of portable NLP components for building shareable analysis pipelines}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5202}
author = {Estival, Dominique; Cassidy, Steve; Verspoor, Karin; MacKinlay, Andrew; Burnham, Denis}
title = {Integrating UIMA with Alveo, a human communication science virtual laboratory}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5203}
author = {di Bari, Alessandro; Vetere, Guido; Tymoshenko, Kateryna}
title = {Towards Model Driven Architectures for Human Language Technologies}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5204}
author = {Ide, Nancy M.; Pustejovsky, James; Suderman, Keith; Verhagen, Marc}
title = {The Language Application Grid Web Service Exchange Vocabulary}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5205}
author = {Hara, Tadayoshi; Topić, Goran; Miyao, Yusuke; Aizawa, Akiko}
title = {Significance of Bridging Real-world Documents and NLP Technologies}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5206}
author = {Shi, Chunqi; Pustejovsky, James; Verhagen, Marc}
title = {A Conceptual Framework of Online Natural Language Processing Pipeline Application}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5207}
author = {Nothman, Joel; Dawborn, Tim; Curran, James R.}
title = {Command-line utilities for managing and exploring annotated corpora}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5208}
author = {Bharati, Akshar; Sangal, Rajeev; Misra Sharma, Dipti; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Singh, Anil Kumar}
title = {SSF: A Common Representation Scheme for Language Analysis for Language Technology Infrastructure Development}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5209}
author = {Götz, Thilo; Kottmann, Jörn; Lang, Alexander}
title = {Quo Vadis UIMA?}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5210}
author = {Toepfer, Martin; Fette, Georg; Beck, Philip-Daniel; Kluegl, Peter; Puppe, Frank}
title = {Integrated Tools for Query-driven Development of Light-weight Ontologies and Information Extraction Components}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5211}
author = {Cieri, Christopher; DiPersio, Denise}
title = {Intellectual Property Rights Management with Web Service Grids}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5212}
author = {Grivolla, Jens; Melero, Maite; Badia, Toni; Cabulea, Cosmin; Estève, Yannick; Herder, Eelco; Odobez, Jean-Marc; Preuß, Susanne; Marín, Raúl}
title = {EUMSSI: a Platform for Multimodal Analysis and Recommendation using UIMA}
venue = {OIAF4HLT}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5301}
author = {Huang, Chu-Ren; Lin, Jingxia; JIANG, Menghan; Xu, Hongzhi}
title = {Corpus-based Study and Identification of Mandarin Chinese Light Verb Variations}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5302}
author = {Sukhareva, Maria; Chiarcos, Christian}
title = {Diachronic proximity vs. data sparsity in cross-lingual parser projection. A case study on Germanic}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5303}
author = {Vergez-Couret, Marianne; Urieli, Assaf}
title = {Pos-tagging different varieties of Occitan with single-dialect resources}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5304}
author = {Scherrer, Yves}
title = {Unsupervised adaptation of supervised part-of-speech taggers for closely related languages}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5305}
author = {Rios Gonzales, Annette; Castro Mamani, Richard Alexander}
title = {Morphological Disambiguation and Text Normalization for Southern Quechua Varieties}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5306}
author = {Diwersy, Sascha}
title = {The Varitext platform and the Corpus des variétés nationales du français (CoVaNa-FR) as resources for the study of French from a pluricentric perspective}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5307}
author = {Zampieri, Marcos; Tan, Liling; Ljubešić, Nikola; Tiedemann, Jörg}
title = {A Report on the DSL Shared Task 2014}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5308}
author = {Miller, Corey; Strong, Rachel; Jones, Evan; Vinson, Mark}
title = {Employing Phonetic Speech Recognition for Language and Dialect Specific Search}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5309}
author = {Aepli, Noëmi; von Waldenfels, Ruprecht; Samardžić, Tanja}
title = {Part-of-Speech Tag Disambiguation by Cross-Linguistic Majority Vote}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5310}
author = {Hollenstein, Nora; Aepli, Noëmi}
title = {Compilation of a Swiss German Dialect Corpus and its Application to PoS Tagging}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5311}
author = {Hamdi, Ahmed; Gala, Nuria; Nasr, Alexis}
title = {Automatically building a Tunisian Lexicon for Deverbal Nouns}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5312}
author = {Srirampur, Saikrishna; Chandibhamar, Ravi; Mamidi, Radhika}
title = {Statistical Morph Analyzer (SMA++) for Indian Languages}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5313}
author = {Tillmann, Christoph; Mansour, Saab; Al-Onaizan, Yaser}
title = {Improved Sentence-Level Arabic Dialect Classification}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5314}
author = {Porta, Jordi; Sancho, José-Luis}
title = {Using Maximum Entropy Models to Discriminate between Similar Languages and Varieties}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5315}
author = {Lui, Marco; Letcher, Ned; Adams, Oliver; Duong, Long; Cook, Paul; Baldwin, Timothy}
title = {Exploring Methods and Resources for Discriminating Similar Languages}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5316}
author = {Goutte, Cyril; Léger, Serge; Léger, Serge; Carpuat, Marine}
title = {The NRC System for Discriminating Similar Languages}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5317}
author = {King, Ben; Radev, Dragomir R.; Abney, Steven}
title = {Experiments in Sentence Language Identification with Groups of Similar Languages}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5318}
author = {Purver, Matthew}
title = {A Simple Baseline for Discriminating Similar Languages}
venue = {VarDial}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5401}
author = {Schütte, Niels; Kelleher, John D.; Mac Namee, Brian}
title = {The Effect of Sensor Errors in Situated Human-Computer Dialogue}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5402}
author = {Summers-Stay, Douglas; Cassidy, Taylor; Voss, Clare R.}
title = {Joint Navigation in Commander/Robot Teams: Dialog & Task Performance When Vision is Bandwidth-Limited}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5403}
author = {Le, Dieu-Thu; Uijlings, Jasper; Bernardi, Raffaella}
title = {TUHOI: Trento Universal Human Object Interaction Dataset}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5404}
author = {Liparas, Dimitris; Moumtzidou, Anastasia; Vrochidis, Stefanos; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis}
title = {Concept-oriented labelling of patent images based on Random Forests and proximity-driven generation of synthetic data}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5405}
author = {Dobnik, Simon; Kelleher, John D.}
title = {Exploration of functional semantics of prepositions from corpora of descriptions of visual scenes}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5406}
author = {Wang, Josiah; Yan, Fei; Aker, Ahmet; Gaizauskas, Robert J.}
title = {A Poodle or a Dog? Evaluating Automatic Image Annotation Using Human Descriptions at Different Levels of Granularity}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5407}
author = {Shrestha, Niraj; Venkitasubramanian, Aparna N.; Moens, Marie-Francine}
title = {Key Event Detection in Video using ASR and Visual Data}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5408}
author = {Sakaki, Shigeyuki; Miura, Yasuhide; Ma, Xiaojun; Hattori, Keigo; Ohkuma, Tomoko}
title = {Twitter User Gender Inference Using Combined Analysis of Text and Image Processing}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5409}
author = {Jones, Chris; Rosin, Paul; Slade, Jonathan}
title = {Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo-spatial models with captioned photos and labelled illustrations}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5410}
author = {Weiland, Lydia; Effelsberg, Wolfgang; Ponzetto, Simone Paolo}
title = {Weakly supervised construction of a repository of iconic images}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5411}
author = {Zhang, Tongtao; Li, Haibo; Huang, Hongzhao; Ji, Heng; Tsai, Min-Hsuan; Tsai, Shen-Fu; Huang, Thomas}
title = {Cross-media Cross-genre Information Ranking based on Multi-media Information Networks}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5412}
author = {Nikolaeva, Yulia}
title = {Speech-accompanying gestures in Russian: functions and verbal context}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5413}
author = {Bhat, Mohammad; Olszewska, Joanna Isabelle}
title = {DALES: Automated Tool for Detection, Annotation, Labelling, and Segmentation of Multiple Objects in Multi-Camera Video Streams}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5414}
author = {SAFI, Waseem; Maurel, Fabrice; Routoure, Jean-Marc; Beust, Pierre; Dias, Gaël}
title = {A Hybrid Segmentation of Web Pages for Vibro-Tactile Access on Touch-Screen Devices}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5415}
author = {Anbarjafari, Gholamreza; Aabloo, Alvo}
title = {Expression Recognition by Using Facial and Vocal Expressions}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5416}
author = {McGuinness, Kevin; Hu, Feiyan; Albatal, Rami; Smeaton, Alan}
title = {Formulating Queries for Collecting Training Examples in Visual Concept Classification}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5417}
author = {Elliott, Desmond}
title = {Towards Succinct and Relevant Image Descriptions}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5418}
author = {Tien Nguyen, Dat; Lazaridou, Angeliki; Bernardi, Raffaella}
title = {Coloring Objects: Adjective-Noun Visual Semantic Compositionality}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5419}
author = {Ivasic-Kos, Marina; Pobar, Miran; Ipsic, Ivo}
title = {Multi-layered Image Representation for Image Interpretation}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5420}
author = {Belz, Anja; Bharath, Anil}
title = {The Last 10 Metres: Using Visual Analysis and Verbal Communication in Guiding Visually Impaired Smartphone Users to Entrances}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5421}
author = {HaCohen-Kerner, Yaakov; Vrochidis, Stefanos; Liparas, Dimitris; Moumtzidou, Anastasia; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis}
title = {Keyphrase Extraction using Textual and Visual Features}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5422}
author = {Jokinen, Kristiina; Wilcock, Graham}
title = {Towards automatic annotation of communicative gesturing}
venue = {VL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5601}
author = {Dornescu, Iustin; Evans, Richard; Orăsan, Constantin}
title = {Relative clause extraction for syntactic simplification}
venue = {ATS-MA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5602}
author = {Gonzalez-Dios, Itziar; Aranzabe, María Jesús; Díaz de Ilarraza, Arantza}
title = {Making Biographical Data in Wikipedia Readable: A Pattern-based Multilingual Approach}
venue = {ATS-MA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5603}
author = {Mishra, Kshitij; Soni, Ankush; Sharma, Rahul; Sharma, Dipti Misra}
title = {Exploring the effects of Sentence Simplification on Hindi to English Machine Translation System}
venue = {ATS-MA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5604}
author = {Mitkov, Ruslan; Štajner, Sanja}
title = {The Fewer, the Better? A Contrastive Study about Ways to Simplify}
venue = {ATS-MA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5605}
author = {Sheremetyeva, Svetlana}
title = {Automatic Text Simplification For Handling Intellectual Property (The Case of Multiple Patent Claims)}
venue = {ATS-MA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5606}
author = {Štajner, Sanja; Evans, Richard; Dornescu, Iustin}
title = {Assessing Conformance of Manually Simplified Corpora with User Requirements: the Case of Autistic Readers}
venue = {ATS-MA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5607}
author = {Vertan, Cristina; Hahn, Walther V.}
title = {Making historical texts accessible to everybody}
venue = {ATS-MA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5701}
author = {Bott, Stefan; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {Modelling Regular Subcategorization Changes in German Particle Verbs}
venue = {ComAComA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5702}
author = {Clouet, Elizaveta; Daille, Béatrice}
title = {Splitting of Compound Terms in non-Prototypical Compounding Languages}
venue = {ComAComA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5703}
author = {Verhoeven, Ben; van Zaanen, Menno; Daelemans, Walter; van Huyssteen, Gerhard B.}
title = {Automatic Compound Processing: Compound Splitting and Semantic Analysis for Afrikaans and Dutch}
venue = {ComAComA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5704}
author = {van Huyssteen, Gerhard B.; Verhoeven, Ben}
title = {A Taxonomy for Afrikaans and Dutch Compounds}
venue = {ComAComA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5705}
author = {DeCat, Cecile; Baayen, R. Harald; Klepousniotou, Ekaterini}
title = {Electrophysiological correlates of noun-noun compound processing by non-native speakers of English}
venue = {ComAComA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5706}
author = {Fonseca, Alexsandro; Sadat, Fatiha}
title = {A Comparative Study of Different Classification Methods for the Identification of Brazilian Portuguese Multiword Expressions}
venue = {ComAComA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5707}
author = {Owczarzak, Karolina; de Haan, Ferdinand; Krupka, George R.; Hindle, Donald}
title = {Wordsyoudontknow: Evaluation of lexicon-based decompounding with unknown handling}
venue = {ComAComA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5708}
author = {Barriere, Caroline; Ménard, Pierre André}
title = {Multiword noun compound bracketing using Wikipedia}
venue = {ComAComA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5709}
author = {Weller, Marion; Cap, Fabienne; Müller, Stefan; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine; Fraser, Alexander}
title = {Distinguishing Degrees of Compositionality in Compound Splitting for Statistical Machine Translation}
venue = {ComAComA}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5801}
author = {Chatzitheodorou, Konstantinos}
title = {Paraphrasing of Italian Support Verb Constructions based on Lexical and Grammatical Resources}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5802}
author = {Dannells, Dana; Friberg Heppin, Karin; Ehrlemark, Anna}
title = {Using language technology resources and tools to construct Swedish FrameNet}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5803}
author = {Declerck, Thierry}
title = {Harmonizing Lexical Data for their Linking to Knowledge Objects in the Linked Data Framework}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5804}
author = {di Buono, Maria Pia; Monteleone, Mario; Elia, Annibale}
title = {Terminology and Knowledge Representation. Italian Linguistic Resources for the Archaeological Domain}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5805}
author = {Emerson, Guy; Declerck, Thierry}
title = {SentiMerge: Combining Sentiment Lexicons in a Bayesian Framework}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5806}
author = {Giouli, Voula; Fotopoulou, Aggeliki}
title = {Linguistically motivated Language Resources for Sentiment Analysis}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5807}
author = {İşgüder, Gözde Gül; Adalı, Eşref}
title = {Using Morphosemantic Information in Construction of a Pilot Lexical Semantic Resource for Turkish}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5808}
author = {Hajic, Jan; Hajič, Jan; Bojar, Ondřej; Urešová, Zdeňka}
title = {Comparing Czech and English AMRs}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5809}
author = {Hathout, Nabil; Sajous, Franck; Calderone, Basilio}
title = {Acquisition and enrichment of morphological and morphosemantic knowledge from the French Wiktionary}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5810}
author = {Lin, Jingxia; Xu, Hongzhi; JIANG, Menghan; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {Annotation and Classification of Light Verbs and Light Verb Variations in Mandarin Chinese}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5811}
author = {Przepiórkowski, Adam; Hajnicz, Elżbieta; Patejuk, Agnieszka; Woliński, Marcin}
title = {Extended phraseological information in a valence dictionary for NLP applications}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5812}
author = {Rassi, Amanda; Santos-Turati, Cristina; Baptista, Jorge; Mamede, Nuno; Vale, Oto}
title = {The fuzzy boundaries of operator verb and support verb constructions with dar “give” and ter “have” in Brazilian Portuguese}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5813}
author = {Sadat, Fatiha; Mallek, Fatma; Boudabous, Mohamed; Sellami, Rahma; Farzindar, Atefeh}
title = {Collaboratively Constructed Linguistic Resources for Language Variants and their Exploitation in NLP Application – the case of Tunisian Arabic and the Social Media}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5814}
author = {Scheible, Silke; Schulte Im Walde, Sabine}
title = {A Database of Paradigmatic Semantic Relation Pairs for German Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5815}
author = {Sevens, Leen; Vandeghinste, Vincent; Van Eynde, Frank}
title = {Improving the Precision of Synset Links Between Cornetto and Princeton WordNet}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5816}
author = {Vaidya, Ashwini; Rambow, Owen; Palmer, Martha}
title = {Light verb constructions with be' in Hindi: A TAG analysis}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5817}
author = {Vietri, Simonetta}
title = {The Lexicon-Grammar of Italian Idioms}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5818}
author = {Wang, Shichang; Huang, Chu-Ren; Yao, Yao; Chan, Angel}
title = {Building a Semantic Transparency Dataset of Chinese Nominal Compounds: A Practice of Crowdsourcing Methodology}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5819}
author = {Xu, Hongzhi; Huang, Chu-Ren}
title = {Annotate and Identify Modalities, Speech Acts and Finer-Grained Event Types in Chinese Text}
venue = {LG-LP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5901}
author = {Rosso, Paolo}
title = {SocialIrony}
venue = {SocialNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5902}
author = {Liu, Can; Kübler, Sandra; Yu, Ning}
title = {Feature Selection for Highly Skewed Sentiment Analysis Tasks}
venue = {SocialNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5903}
author = {Liu, Can; Guo, Chun; Dakota, Daniel; Rajagopalan, Sridhar; Li, Wen; Kübler, Sandra; Yu, Ning}
title = {My Curiosity was Satisfied, but not in a Good Way: Predicting User Ratings for Online Recipes}
venue = {SocialNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5904}
author = {Sadat, Fatiha; Kazemi, Farzindar; Farzindar, Atefeh}
title = {Automatic Identification of Arabic Language Varieties and Dialects in Social Media}
venue = {SocialNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5905}
author = {Poria, Soujanya; Cambria, Erik; Ku, Lun-Wei; Gui, Chen; Gelbukh, Alexander F.}
title = {A Rule-Based Approach to Aspect Extraction from Product Reviews}
venue = {SocialNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5906}
author = {Argueta, Carlos; Chen, Yi-Shin}
title = {Multi-Lingual Sentiment Analysis of Social Data Based on Emotion-Bearing Patterns}
venue = {SocialNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5907}
author = {Bobicev, Victoria; Sokolova, Marina; Oakes, Michael}
title = {Recognition of Sentiment Sequences in Online Discussions}
venue = {SocialNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5908}
author = {Chatterjee, Moitreya; Park, Sunghyun; Shim, Han Suk; Sagae, Kenji; Morency, Louis-Philippe}
title = {Verbal Behaviors and Persuasiveness in Online Multimedia Content}
venue = {SocialNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-5909}
author = {Campbell, William; Baseman, Elisabeth; Greenfield, Kara}
title = {Content+Context=Classification: Examining the Roles of Social Interactions and Linguist Content in Twitter User Classification}
venue = {SocialNLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6001}
author = {Zadeh, Behrang Q.; Handschuh, Siegfried}
title = {Investigating Context Parameters in Technology Term Recognition}
venue = {SADAATL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6002}
author = {Meyers, Adam; Glass, Zachary; Grieve-Smith, Angus; He, Yifan; Liao, Shasha; Grishman, Ralph}
title = {Jargon-Term Extraction by Chunking}
venue = {SADAATL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6003}
author = {Lévy, François; Tomeh, Nadi; Ma, Yue}
title = {Ontology-based Technical Text Annotation}
venue = {SADAATL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6004}
author = {Anick, Peter G.; Verhagen, Marc; Pustejovsky, James}
title = {Extracting Aspects and Polarity from Patents}
venue = {SADAATL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6005}
author = {Hu, Renfen; Liu, Zhiying; Yang, Lijiao; Jin, Yaohong}
title = {Pre-reordering Model of Chinese Special Sentences for Patent Machine Translation}
venue = {SADAATL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6006}
author = {Kröll, Mark; Schulze, Gunnar; Kern, Roman}
title = {A Study of Scientific Writing: Comparing Theoretical Guidelines with Practical Implementation}
venue = {SADAATL}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6201}
author = {Bretschneider, Claudia; Oberkampf, Heiner; Zillner, Sonja; Bauer, Bernhard; Hammon, Matthias}
title = {Corpus-based Translation of Ontologies for Improved Multilingual Semantic Annotation}
venue = {SWAIE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6202}
author = {Badieh Habib Morgan, Mena; van Keulen, Maurice}
title = {Information Extraction for Social Media}
venue = {SWAIE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6203}
author = {Augenstein, Isabelle}
title = {Seed Selection for Distantly Supervised Web-Based Relation Extraction}
venue = {SWAIE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6204}
author = {Paassen, Benjamin; Stöckel, Andreas; Dickfelder, Raphael; Göpfert, Jan Philip; Brazda, Nicole; Kirchhoffer, Tarek; Müller, Hans Werner; Klinger, Roman; Hartung, Matthias; Cimiano, Philipp}
title = {Ontology-based Extraction of Structured Information from Publications on Preclinical Experiments for Spinal Cord Injury Treatments}
venue = {SWAIE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6205}
author = {Chou, Chien-Lung; Chang, Chia-Hui; Wu, Shin-Yi}
title = {Semi-supervised Sequence Labeling for Named Entity Extraction based on Tri-Training: Case Study on Chinese Person Name Extraction}
venue = {SWAIE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-6206}
author = {Isemann, Daniel; Lynch, Gerard; Lanino, Raffaella}
title = {Towards a robust framework for the semantic representation of temporal expressions in cultural legacy data}
venue = {SWAIE}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3601}
author = {Mubarak, Hamdy; Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Using Twitter to Collect a Multi-Dialectal Corpus of Arabic}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3602}
author = {Alansary, Sameh; Nagi, Magdy}
title = {The International Corpus of Arabic: Compilation, Analysis and Evaluation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3603}
author = {Jarrar, Mustafa; Habash, Nizar; Akra, Diyam; Zalmout, Nasser}
title = {Building a Corpus for Palestinian Arabic: a Preliminary Study}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3604}
author = {Abdulrahim, Dana}
title = {Annotating corpus data for a quantitative, constructional analysis of motion verbs in Modern Standard Arabic}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3605}
author = {Mohit, Behrang; Rozovskaya, Alla; Habash, Nizar; Zaghouani, Wajdi; Obeid, Ossama}
title = {The First QALB Shared Task on Automatic Text Correction for Arabic}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3606}
author = {Hawwari, Abdelati; Attia, Mohammed; Diab, Mona}
title = {A Framework for the Classification and Annotation of Multiword Expressions in Dialectal Arabic}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3607}
author = {Abdelnasser, Heba; Ragab, Maha; Mohamed, Reham; Mohamed, Alaa; Farouk, Bassant; El-Makky, Nagwa; Torki, Marwan}
title = {Al-Bayan: An Arabic Question Answering System for the Holy Quran}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3608}
author = {Al Sallab, Ahmad; Rashwan, Mohsen; M. Raafat, Hazem; Rafea, Ahmed}
title = {Automatic Arabic diacritics restoration based on deep nets}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3609}
author = {Alabbas, Maytham; Ramsay, Allan}
title = {Combining strategies for tagging and parsing Arabic}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3610}
author = {Zirikly, Ayah; Diab, Mona}
title = {Named Entity Recognition System for Dialectal Arabic}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3611}
author = {Mahgoub, Ashraf; Rashwan, Mohsen; Raafat, Hazem; Zahran, Mohamed; Fayek, Magda}
title = {Semantic Query Expansion for Arabic Information Retrieval}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3612}
author = {Bies, Ann; Song, Zhiyi; Maamouri, Mohamed; Grimes, Stephen; Lee, Haejoong; Wright, Jonathan; Strassel, Stephanie; Habash, Nizar; Eskander, Ramy; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Transliteration of Arabizi into Arabic Orthography: Developing a Parallel Annotated Arabizi-Arabic Script SMS/Chat Corpus}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3613}
author = {Bouchlaghem, Rihab; Elkhlifi, Aymen; Faiz, Rim}
title = {Tunisian dialect Wordnet creation and enrichment using web resources and other Wordnets}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3614}
author = {Tomeh, Nadi; Habash, Nizar; Eskander, Ramy; Le Roux, Joseph}
title = {A Pipeline Approach to Supervised Error Correction for the QALB-2014 Shared Task}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3615}
author = {Hassan, Youssef; Aly, Mohamed; Atiya, Amir}
title = {Arabic Spelling Correction using Supervised Learning}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3616}
author = {Zerrouki, Taha; Alhawiti, Khaled; Balla, Amar}
title = {Autocorrection of arabic common errors for large text corpus}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3617}
author = {Mubarak, Hamdy; Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Automatic Correction of Arabic Text: a Cascaded Approach}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3618}
author = {Jeblee, Serena; Bouamor, Houda; Zaghouani, Wajdi; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {CMUQ-2014: An SMT-based System for Automatic Arabic Error Correction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3619}
author = {Nawar, Michael; Ragheb, Moheb}
title = {Fast and Robust Arabic Error Correction System}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3620}
author = {Attia, Mohammed; Al-Badrashiny, Mohamed; Diab, Mona}
title = {GWU-HASP: Hybrid Arabic Spelling and Punctuation Corrector}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3621}
author = {Mostefa, Djamel; ASBAYOU, Omar; Abbes, Ramzi}
title = {TECHLIMED system description for the Shared Task on Automatic Arabic Error Correction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3622}
author = {Rozovskaya, Alla; Habash, Nizar; Eskander, Ramy; Farra, Noura; Salloum, Wael}
title = {The Columbia System in the QALB-2014 Shared Task on Arabic Error Correction}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3623}
author = {Badaro, Gilbert; Baly, Ramy; Hajj, Hazem; Habash, Nizar; El-Hajj, Wassim}
title = {A Large Scale Arabic Sentiment Lexicon for Arabic Opinion Mining}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3624}
author = {Refaee, Eshrag; Rieser, Verena}
title = {Evaluating Distant Supervision for Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis on Arabic Twitter Feeds}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3625}
author = {Malmasi, Shervin; Dras, Mark}
title = {Arabic Native Language Identification}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3626}
author = {Yosef, Mohamed Amir; Spaniol, Marc; Weikum, Gerhard}
title = {AIDArabic A Named-Entity Disambiguation Framework for Arabic Text}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3627}
author = {Jeblee, Serena; Feely, Weston; Bouamor, Houda; Lavie, Alon; Habash, Nizar; Oflazer, Kemal}
title = {Domain and Dialect Adaptation for Machine Translation into Egyptian Arabic}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3628}
author = {Al-Mannai, Kamla; Sajjad, Hassan; Khader, Alaa; Al Obaidli, Fahad; Nakov, Preslav; Vogel, Stephan}
title = {Unsupervised Word Segmentation Improves Dialectal Arabic to English Machine Translation}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3629}
author = {Darwish, Kareem}
title = {Arabizi Detection and Conversion to Arabic}
venue = {ANLP}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3901}
author = {Eskander, Ramy; Al-Badrashiny, Mohamed; Habash, Nizar; Rambow, Owen}
title = {Foreign Words and the Automatic Processing of Arabic Social Media Text Written in Roman Script}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3902}
author = {Barman, Utsab; Das, Amitava; Wagner, Joachim; Foster, Jennifer}
title = {Code Mixing: A Challenge for Language Identification in the Language of Social Media}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3903}
author = {Volk, Martin; Clematide, Simon}
title = {Detecting Code-Switching in a Multilingual Alpine Heritage Corpus}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3904}
author = {Vu, Ngoc Thang; Schultz, Tanja}
title = {Exploration of the Impact of Maximum Entropy in Recurrent Neural Network Language Models for Code-Switching Speech}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3905}
author = {Papalexakis, Evangelos; Nguyen, Dong; Doğruöz, A. Seza}
title = {Predicting Code-switching in Multilingual Communication for Immigrant Communities}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3906}
author = {Jurgens, David; Dimitrov, Stefan; Ruths, Derek}
title = {Twitter Users #CodeSwitch Hashtags! #MoltoImportante #wow}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3907}
author = {Solorio, Thamar; Blair, Elizabeth; Maharjan, Suraj; Bethard, Steven; Diab, Mona; Ghoneim, Mahmoud; Hawwari, Abdelati; AlGhamdi, Fahad; Hirschberg, Julia; Chang, Alison; Fung, Pascale}
title = {Overview for the First Shared Task on Language Identification in Code-Switched Data}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3908}
author = {Chittaranjan, Gokul; Vyas, Yogarshi; Bali, Kalika; Choudhury, Monojit}
title = {Word-level Language Identification using CRF: Code-switching Shared Task Report of MSR India System}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3909}
author = {Lin, Chu-Cheng; Ammar, Waleed; Levin, Lori S.; Dyer, Chris}
title = {The CMU Submission for the Shared Task on Language Identification in Code-Switched Data}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3910}
author = {Jain, Naman; Bhat, Riyaz Ahmad}
title = {Language Identification in Code-Switching Scenario}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3911}
author = {Elfardy, Heba; Al-Badrashiny, Mohamed; Diab, Mona}
title = {AIDA: Identifying Code Switching in Informal Arabic Text}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3912}
author = {King, Levi; Baucom, Eric; Gilmanov, Timur; Kübler, Sandra; Whyatt, Dan; Maier, Wolfgang; Rodrigues, Paul}
title = {The IUCL+ System: Word-Level Language Identification via Extended Markov Models}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3913}
author = {Carpuat, Marine}
title = {Mixed Language and Code-Switching in the Canadian Hansard}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3914}
author = {Bali, Kalika; Sharma, Jatin; Choudhury, Monojit; Vyas, Yogarshi}
title = {I am borrowing ya mixing ? An Analysis of English-Hindi Code Mixing in Facebook}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3915}
author = {Barman, Utsab; Wagner, Joachim; Chrupała, Grzegorz; Foster, Jennifer}
title = {DCU-UVT: Word-Level Language Classification with Code-Mixed Data}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3916}
author = {Shrestha, Prajwol}
title = {Incremental N-gram Approach for Language Identification in Code-Switched Text}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-3917}
author = {Bar, Kfir; Dershowitz, Nachum}
title = {The Tel Aviv University System for the Code-Switching Workshop Shared Task}
venue = {Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4101}
author = {Wise, Alyssa}
title = {Keynote: Data Archeology: A theory informed approach to analyzing data traces of social interaction in large scale learning environments}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4102}
author = {Sinha, Tanmay; Jermann, Patrick; Li, Nan; Dillenbourg, Pierre}
title = {Your click decides your fate: Inferring Information Processing and Attrition Behavior from MOOC Video Clickstream Interactions}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4103}
author = {Moon, Seungwhan; Potdar, Saloni; Martin, Lara}
title = {Identifying Student Leaders from MOOC Discussion Forums through Language Influence}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4104}
author = {Yang, Diyi; Wen, Miaomiao; Rosé, Carolyn Penstein}
title = {Towards Identifying the Resolvability of Threads in MOOCs}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4105}
author = {Elouazizi, Noureddine}
title = {Point-of-View Mining and Cognitive Presence in MOOCs: A (Computational) Linguistics Perspective}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4106}
author = {Jermann, Patrick}
title = {Keynote Talk: Analytics: climbing up the ladder of behavior control}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4107}
author = {Rosé, Carolyn Penstein; Siemens, George}
title = {Shared Task on Prediction of Dropout Over Time in Massively Open Online Courses}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4108}
author = {Sinha, Tanmay; Li, Nan; Jermann, Patrick; Dillenbourg, Pierre}
title = {Capturing attrition intensifying structural traits from didactic interaction sequences of MOOC learners}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4109}
author = {Sharkey, Mike; Sanders, Robert}
title = {A Process for Predicting MOOC Attrition}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4110}
author = {Amnueypornsakul, Bussaba; Bhat, Suma; Chinprutthiwong, Phakpoom}
title = {Predicting Attrition Along the Way: The UIUC Model}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4111}
author = {Kloft, Marius; Stiehler, Felix; Zheng, Zhilin; Pinkwart, Niels}
title = {Predicting MOOC Dropout over Weeks Using Machine Learning Methods}
venue = {Workshop on Analysis of Large Scale Social Interaction in MOOCs}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4201}
author = {Habash, Nizar}
title = {INVITED TALK 1: Computational Processing of Arabic Dialects}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4202}
author = {Kanayama, Hiroshi; Park, Youngja; Tsuboi, Yuta; Yi, Dongmook}
title = {Learning from a Neighbor: Adapting a Japanese Parser for Korean Through Feature Transfer Learning}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4203}
author = {Agić, Željko; Agić, Željko; Tiedemann, Jörg; Merkler, Danijela; Krek, Simon; Dobrovoljc, Kaja; Moze, Sara}
title = {Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing of Related Languages with Rich Morphosyntactic Tagsets}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4204}
author = {Maier, Wolfgang; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos}
title = {Language variety identification in Spanish tweets}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4205}
author = {Abbas, Qaiser}
title = {Exploiting Language Variants Via Grammar Parsing Having Morphologically Rich Information}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4206}
author = {Bhat, Riyaz Ahmad; Jain, Naman; Vaidya, Ashwini; Palmer, Martha; Khan, Tafseer Ahmed; Sharma, Dipti Misra; Babani, James}
title = {Adapting Predicate Frames for Urdu PropBanking}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4207}
author = {Nouri, Javad; Yangarber, Roman}
title = {Measuring Language Closeness by Modeling Regularity}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4208}
author = {Petrov, Slav}
title = {INVITED TALK 2: Towards Universal Syntactic Processing of Natural Language}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4209}
author = {Miyazaki, Taro; Kato, Naoto; Inoue, Seiki; Umeda, Shuichi; Azuma, Makiko; Hiruma, Nobuyuki; Nagashima, Yuji}
title = {Proper Name Machine Translation from Japanese to Japanese Sign Language}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4210}
author = {Popović, Maja; Ljubešić, Nikola}
title = {Exploring cross-language statistical machine translation for closely related South Slavic languages}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4211}
author = {Singla, Karan; Singh, Anupam; Shastri, Nishkarsh; Jhunjhunwala, Megha; Bangalore, Srinivas; Sharma, Dipti Misra}
title = {Exploring System Combination approaches for Indo-Aryan MT Systems}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4212}
author = {Kubon, Vladislav; Kuboň, Vladislav; Vicic, Jernej}
title = {A Comparison of MT Methods for Closely Related Languages: a Case Study on Czech - Slovak Language Pair}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}
id = {W14-4213}
author = {Aminian, Maryam; Ghoneim, Mahmoud; Diab, Mona}
title = {Handling OOV Words in Dialectal Arabic to English Machine Translation}
venue = {LT4CloseLang}
year = {2014}